iknaenmal · 1 year
have you discovered any of The Creatures today?
ummm ez dut uste ? laguntza zer esan nahi du honek
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ionmarkelargazkiak · 2 years
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Gaur ama hizkuntzaren eguna denez, hona hemen testu txiki bat gureaz, euskaraz. Hizkuntza guztiak - bereziki minorizatuak - zaindu behar ditugu eta galdu ezin ditugun altxor kulturalak direla ulertzea nahitaezkoa da.
Since today is mother tongue's day, here's a little text in ours, in Basque. We must protect all the languages - specially minoritized ones - and it's necessary to understand they're cultural treasures we cannot lose.
Pictured: the unearthing of the Hand of Irulegi
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guillemelgat · 3 months
Gaurko abestia: "Zapalduen olerkia" - Ken Zazpi
Erronka hau pixka bat aldatu nahi dut: egunero, abesti bat aukeratuko dut eta hitzak idazten saiatuko naiz. Gero, hemen ez dudan ezagutu hitzak ipiniko ditut. Eta euskaraz idatziko dut, oso gaizki baina egin ahal dut, ba egingo dut!
Gaur egun Ken Zazpi-ren "Zapalduen olerkia" aukeratu dut, oso abesti polita da eta asko gustatzen zait. Bertsio hau Euskadiko Orkestra Sinfonikoa-rekin eta nire gustokoena da, baina jatorrizkoa ere atsegin dut.
Hiztegia berria:
ezintasun - inability, incapacity
zapaldu - to oppress
estali - to cover
samin - sorrow, grief (also adj. bitter)
bizigabe - lifeless
istripu - accident
Eta galdera pare bat: (1) "hurbilao" eta "hurbil" berdina da edo zer da desberdintasuna? (2) zer esan nahi du "estalita dute"? (ezin dut ulertu zein denbora den)
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egunekoak · 8 months
Egun onnn
Nire burua aurkeztuko dut :
Lapurtarra naiz, unibertsitateko lehen urtean naiz japoniera ikasten Bordelen
Euskaraz, frantsesez, españolez eta ingelesez dakit.
Disleksikoa naiz, beraz akatsak ikusi ezkero ez duda eta zuzendu arazorik gabe
Musika, anime eta mangak, artea, hizkuntzak...
Edozer gauza igoko dut hemen, gehiengoa euskaraz. Lagunak egiteko ere irekia naiz😊
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hummingbird-hunter · 1 year
Hau ez da mezu kodetua, euskaraz idatzia baizik. (Bide batez, noiz izan zen kolibria ehizatu zenuen azken aldia?)
Yeah figured ran it through gogol translate first and foremost. And well you can assume that hunter hunts hummingbirds hourly, heralding them to hummingbird hell
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tratadista · 7 months
Oskorri - Euskal Herrian Euskaraz
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runaeveena · 8 months
Your dashboard if you were in a d&d fantasy world still involved in fictional erotica discourse
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🦄feywildwildwild Follow
is anyone else tired of humans being the default race to pair up with monstrous races in smut? like no wonder Tinker & Claw didn't get any traction outside of TomePlane
🪶 eagledust4ever Follow
tinker and claw was mid and written by a gnome sexologist and are we still calling non humanoids "monstrous"? in 186PD no less?
🕰️ gnomepologist
so now the eagledust shipper (and fake auran language scholar) is going to preach to us 🙄 some of us dont want to read about humans laying eggs every third month
🪶 eagledust4ever Follow
way to avoid the issue and maintain your humanoidcentric elitism but sure lets argue about kinks on tomeblr
🍆 troll-schlong
all of you shut up humans are sluts and im a motherfucking m-m-m-monster
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🌧️ hau-iratxoa-besterik-ez-da-euskaraz Follow
just saw someone on TomePlane argue that a dragonborn and a dragon having sex would be considered incest AND beastiality
🗝️ crypt-princess Follow
💀💀💀 not every dragon was part of the Great Hatching and most dragonborn know who our lineage derives from
and since when are dragons BEASTS!?
☘️ celest-ial Follow
you should see what else people on TomePlane call beastiality
🦨 ancientskeleton
we are not bringing back the druid debate sylvanus help me
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🩵 faerieee-imagines2 Follow
imagine you've been capture by an evil sorcerer and he puts you in a glass jar that's filled with firemoss which is so comfy but its making you so warm so you have to undress and as you remove each item you realize the sorcerer has been watching you and now you're blushing and its maki g you even warmer and soon youll be completely naked and vulnerable to whatever the sorcerer wants you for
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🌠 crownofstars
cant believe i got called a freak for hooking up with a Slaad at the Unicorn's Underhorn
🕯️andersfirelight Follow
they're literally abominations??
🌠 crownofstars
and? ribbit ribbit bitch 🐸 you write Age of Light rpf
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🦹mage-ocracy Follow
wow this farmer nobody has become such a handsome paladin with a chiseled chest after i threw his family into a lava pit years ago
🦹mage-ocracy Follow
waaahahaha you have fallen for my trap *casts spell of get horny* *spell hits the mirror which reflects back onto me* *my throbbing boner slices through the ropes holding the paladin* waaaahaa
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🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
honestly im glad humans are the main target for erotica because elves have been sexualized for far too long
part of the halfling sexual liberation movement was to embrace sexualizsation because we were treated as undesirables under the Valief'taur Period that now its weird to see elves suddenly turn face and claim that sexualizing anyone is bad
🪡 scç-writer
ugh honestly and especially now that elves are using Glindeloomstalk's talking points as if theyre here to "uplift" us from eroticism when halflings have known for years how he was a purity kinkster
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🌠 crownofstars
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this is now a slaad fucker blog
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⚔️ rangerdick
oooo "humans are too sexualized" ooo "elf pussy is boring now" once again everyone forgets about orcs being treated like the walking cock with hands in books and irl
⚓riilée Follow
isnt orcish religion about fucking and sucking to take over the world
⚔️ rangerdick
you wish you could suck me off
🧜🏼‍♀️ tritonitistitties Follow
ranger dick don't you post daily dick pics
⚔️ rangerdick
i also post hole but no one seems to notice those wonder why that is
🐓the-walking-cock-with-hands Follow
i noticed
⚔️ rangerdick
hold me and fuck me would you
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🦁king-killa Follow
Everyone you have to read this new book! It's total trope subversion where the dwarf is pansexual and the orc is asexual!
🍺 i-fuck-hags
wow someone should write a play about this
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Ez ditut nire mezu guztiak euskaraz birblogatuko, luzeegia izango litzateke eta batzuk itzulezinak dira. Euskarari dagokion zerbait baldin badago, hemen jarriko dut, baina ordura arte ingelesez hitz egingo dut.
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asuncasasolaipuinak · 2 years
VIII. edizioko ipuin irabazleak / Relatos ganadores de la VIIIª edición
🖋️ Helduen kategoria euskaraz / Categoría de adultos en euskera: 
JOSERRA LOPEZ ROZAS (Hendaia, Euskal Herria).
🖋️ Helduen kategoria gazteleraz / Categoría de adultos en castellano: 
🖋️ Gazteen kategoria euskaraz / Categoría joven en euskera: 
JULENE BERNAL IRASTORZA (Errenteria, Euskal Herria).
🖋️ Gazteen kategoria gazteleraz / Categoría joven en castellano:
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juankarh · 2 years
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#Fototeka_Bizileku #grisa euskaraz #urdina zen #koloreak #Donostia #EuskalHerria https://www.instagram.com/p/CjaWRUKjp2Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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/post/170347058937/how-beautiful-is-hearing-you-speak-in-euskara hi guys I'm a bit confused: zu shouldn't be written zuk here since entzun is transitive?
Kaixo anon!
The pic anon talks about is this:
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Which means: How beautiful it is to hear you speaking Euskara.
The sentence is a bit complex but it's perfectly written, anon. Let's break it down:
Zein - how ederra - beautiful da+-en = den - is (+ relative mark) zu - you euskara+z = in Basque entzun+tea = entzutea - to hear (+ nominalization mark)
Verb entzun is indeed transitive but doesn't affect zu in this sentence since the subject of it is the verb itself and zu is just the object: hearing you is beautiful not hearing you are beautiful. Zu does not the action of listening, right? The one that hears make the action, not zu.
However, in this case:
(Nik) Zuk euskaraz hitz egitea nahiago dut - I prefer you speak Euskara
Zuk is active here, zuk does the action of speaking, and since it's a transitive verb, it must wear the -k. And yes, two pronouns with -k can perfectly exist in a sentence as you can see: we've put nik in parenthesis because it's understood by the verb (dut) but if we wanted to be redundant, it also should wear -k since to prefer is transitive and nik is who makes that action.
We don't know if we made it clearer or made it all worse! 😅
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longwriting · 2 years
Black hole sun
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#Black hole sun plus
#Black hole sun tv
Utwór został wydany w 1994 jako trzeci singel promujący album. Jest to siódmy utwór z wydanego 8 marca 1994 roku albumu Superunknown, którego producentem był Michael Beinhorn.
Black Hole Sun – psychodeliczna ballada rockowa amerykańskiej grupy Soundgarden.
In 1995 won de groep met het nummer de Grammy Award voor 'Best Hard Rock Performance'. Het was een van de laatste grote grunge-hits die ook bij een breed publiek succes kenden. Het is het populairste en bekendste nummer van de groep en het populairste grunge-nummer uit 1994. Het nummer verscheen enkele jaren later ook op het greatest hits-album A-Sides. Het verscheen oorspronkelijk op hun album Superunknown uit 1994 en was het derde nummer van het album dat als single werd uitgebracht.
"Black Hole Sun" is een nummer van de Amerikaanse grungeband Soundgarden.
Después de los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001, (una empresa estadounidense que posee numerosas emisoras de radio a través de todo el país) la puso en una lista de canciones posiblemente inapropiadas. De cualquier manera, el video tuvo una buena acogida en la MTV. Otros aseguran que algunas escenas hacen referencia a las películas de David Lynch.
#Black hole sun tv
El video musical que acompañaba a la canción contenía escenas que posiblemente hacen referencia a la serie británica de TV Doctor Who. En 1995 ganó el Premio Grammy por "Mejor Interpretación de Hard Rock". En muchos aspectos es la canción más reconocible de la banda, y fue la canción más popular de estilo grunge en 1994. Aparecería más tarde en el álbum de la banda de Grandes Éxitos, A-Sides. Originalmente apareció en su álbum de 1994 Superunknown y fue el segundo sencillo extraído de él (el primero fue "Spoonman").
«Black Hole Sun» (en español: «Sol de Agujero Negro» en referencia a un agujero negro que cumple el rol del Sol en un sistema planetario ficticio) es una canción del grupo grunge Soundgarden.
Après les attaques du 11 septembre 2001, Clear Channel ajouta la chanson dans la liste des chansons inappropriées pour la diffusion à la radio. En 1995, elle remporta le Grammy Award de la meilleure performance hard rock.
#Black hole sun plus
Encore souvent diffusée à la radio, elle est certainement la chanson la plus reconnaissable et la plus connue du groupe, et figure parmi les plus grands tubes rock des années 1990. Son single fut vendu à plus de 3 millions d'exemplaires la même année. C'est la septième piste de l'album Superunknown, paru en 1994. Black Hole Sun est une chanson du groupe de rock américain Soundgarden.urtean Soundgarden grunge musika taldeak diskoaren barnean kaleratu zuen abesti bat da. Black Hole Sun (euskaraz Eguzki Zulo Beltza) 1994.August 1994 als offizielle dritte Single des Albums ausgekoppelt wurde. Zunächst erschien das Stück als Promo-Single im Mai 1994, ehe es am 8. Das Stück erschien als Teil von Soundgardens viertem Studioalbum Superunknown am 8. Black Hole Sun ist ein Song der US-amerikanischen Rockband Soundgarden."Black Hole Sun" was included on Soundgarden's 1997 greatest hits album A-Sides and also appeared on the 2010 compilation album Telephantasm. Worldwide, the single reached the top 10 in Australia, Canada, France and Ireland, while in Iceland, it reached number one. Despite peaking at number two on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart, "Black Hole Sun" finished as the number-one track of 1994 for that listing. The song topped the Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, where it spent a total of seven weeks at number one. It is one of the band's most popular and recognizable songs. Written by frontman Chris Cornell, the song was released in 1994 as the third single from the band's fourth studio album Superunknown (1994). "Black Hole Sun" is a song by the American rock band Soundgarden.
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egunekoak · 7 months
Avatar azken aire maisuaren adaptazioa ikusi berri dut Netflixen eta 5.kapitulu erdian konturatu naiz euskaraz bikoiztua eta azpititulatua dela
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euskalgifak · 4 years
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Samuel L Jackson: Zoaz popatik hartzera via @protoeuskaldun
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betiberdintaberna · 4 years
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