#evenings are the most sad lately and it drives me crazy
alexturner · 2 years
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houpss · 3 months
𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
soft and fluff, will be about all members (!), there may be hints of smut
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Chan, who sees the meaning of life in you and wants to see you always in front of him all his life.
What do they say? People who truly love will die one day.
Chan, who promised to love you until the day death finds him, and even after that. He doesn't want to leave you.
The most tender dates, the most tender times. He will give you all his love and attention.
Chan, who tells the members so much about you, you are their “9th member”
Chan, who you're talking to video call with his family! and btw with yours too.
Chan, who, regardless of how busy the day is, will spend the evenings with you. Whether it's cooking or watching a movie/serials/k drama
Chan, who remembers every little thing about you and does what you don’t even ask for, but are clearly thinking about.
Meeting Chan was fate, maybe you were given each other by fate?
Oh..he looks at you like an angel, his eyes shine so brightly when he sees you!
Chan, who gives you a large bouquet of your favorite flowers every Friday.
He writes you songs, from the sad to the most vulgar... oh, the boy is simply overwhelmed with emotions for you.
Chan, who takes you on all his world tours because he finds it difficult without you.
He is the most gentle and sweetest with you! your heart literally breaks with love for him, you want to love and kiss this man.
Chan, who sits you on his lap while he works and holds your waist with one hand...babe, he has hot and big hands
Chan, who pays for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING for you. seriously, even if you argue with him.
I wrote this situation, but...
"Channie, make me some coffee please"
"Ugh...I'm late, little mouse"
"So you won't do it? :("
"That means I’ll be late” and goes to make coffee for his beloved woman/man
His favorite terms of endearment for you are subtle but classic: “sweetheart” and “baby,” but on special occasions he will call you “sweetheart” with a matching saccharine expression. Or “little mouse”, which is also very cute
Chan, sometimes he can get angry and yell at you, but that's because he puts too much pressure on himself at work.
Oh..during your quarrels even plates and insults fly. After one quarrel, there were broken plates and you cut yourself, he noticed this and took you to the bathroom, where he treated the wound and apologized to you almost a hundred times. And the plates...buy new ones.
Chan, who practices flirting with you like you're in high school, but he learned it from STAY
Chan, who gives you all his hoodies and absolutely everything... for some reason you love to steal his shorts and walk around the house in them. Ooh, he thinks they fit really sexy on your hips.
He'll give you a bear hug when you sleep, he's a big spoon
He also always kisses your forehead when he leaves for work, because you are still sleeping, and he is already leaving.
but keep in mind, Chan makes sweet sex to you, but his stroking game is so crazy, even when he takes his time with you, he's so deep inside you that it drives you crazy, you're literally pray
Chan is an experienced and mature man, he is completely confident in himself and in you. He takes the leading position in the relationship, he is the one who leads.
Do I need to tell you that all his things smell like your perfume? What if all your things are in his perfume?
You sometimes help him with lyrics or with song arrangements when he gets stuck and doesn’t understand what’s best to add.
You, who pulls the vat out of the studio.
You, who always checks how he ate or how much he slept. You absolutely monitor his regime and make sure he doesn’t overwork.
You are flying to Australia together to visit his family! they will bless your couple.
Hannah will definitely say funny things about Chris, and Lucas is so shy around you.
Oh...Berry, baby Berry 🥹🥹🥹
How about date nights?
You really raised Chan's self-esteem, with you...he fell in love with himself, just as you love him.
He's just grateful that you exist.
First love is always last love.
“Home” is not a place, it is sometimes only a man, the man whom you consider your home.
When you come, all Chan’s problems and wounds heal, he wants to live next to you.
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jgracie · 2 months
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↳ part two!
ferrari driver!percy jackson x fem!reader
masterlist | rules
warnings one swear word!
on the radio . . . speed drive (charlie xcx)
percy knew it was a bad idea leaving his house without at least a pair of sunglasses to conceal his identity. he was craving cookie dough ice cream, the grocery store wasn’t too far away and it was the middle of the night - who would possibly recognise him at a time like this?
the answer is many people. while percy did love his loyal fans, both tifosi and others, even he had to admit they were a little crazy. all it took was for one to snap a photo and post it on twitter and the rest seemed to immediately spawn all around him
“percy, is it true that luke might lose his seat next year?” he heard one voice say as he attempted to weave through the thick crowd of people. why couldn’t he have one second of peace? unfortunately, percy had made another awful decision that night - walking to the grocery store
this left ferrari’s golden boy with two options: either tough out the wall home with fans and paparazzi alike swarming him, or find someone who was willing to drive him home. with cars on the street in front of him were stationery thanks to the red light, percy made his decision
he bolted for the first one that caught his eye, a car that was small, (ironically) bright red and most importantly had an open roof. percy also had to admit the driver was kind of pretty, at least from what he could see from that far away
the light turned yellow and you prepared yourself to continue driving. you’d only recently gotten your drivers license and this was your first time driving without someone more experienced with you in the car, so you were just praying to end up at your apartment in one piece
just as the light became green and you began to drive, some random guy jumped into the passenger seat of your car, causing your heart rate to increase dramatically and your foot to immediately press on the brakes - out of shock or fear (or both), you weren’t sure
“drive!” he nearly yelled at you. you just stared at him, your mouth agape. it was way too late at night for this. at your state, percy huffed and leaned over to the wheel, beginning to steer for you
this snapped you out of the daze you were in and you slapped his hands away, your brows furrowing in anger as you drove, “who the fuck are you and what do you think you’re doing in my car? i’m pulling over right now, you need to get out.”
“no, please, i promise i didn’t mean any harm! can you just drop me off at my house?” he asked. you didn’t need to look at him to know he was incredibly desperate. who was this guy? as you recalled his face from when he first got into your car, you realised he did look a little familiar, but you still couldn’t figure out his identity
at your silence, percy continued, “i’ll do anything, do you like car racing? i can get you tickets for that!”
okay, so he was rich rich. you didn’t know the first thing about racing, but one of your friends was obsessed with formula one. specifically, a driver called peter jameson (or something along those lines). still, you rolled your eyes at his offer, disliking the way he attempted to bribe you
“no, it’s fine, you don’t have to do anything. where do you live?”
after percy told you his address, the car ride was silent. neither of you knew what to say to the other. you were still shaken by his sudden appearance, and percy was trying to conceal the blush that coated his cheeks. he was right, you were beautiful. the moon made your skin glow and your eyes brighter. from the death grip you had on the wheel, percy could tell you were new at driving. cute
“thanks a lot, you have absolutely no idea how much you helped me tonight,” percy said as he got out of your car. part of you was a little sad to see him go. sure, he freaked you out, but something about him was magnetic - maybe it was those sea green eyes that put all of poseidon’s oceans to shame, or the light dusting of freckles you hadn’t noticed until now
giving him a small smile, you said, “you’re welcome. have a good night.” you stayed for a little and watched as he entered his home, a bittersweet feeling tugging at your heart
once you’d gotten home, you noticed he’d left something on the passenger seat. a strip of paper with a line of messily scrawled numbers lay on the leather
call me. (917) 173-1839 — PJ
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spookydrreid · 6 months
Let’s Start the New Year Right
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Spencer Reid x fem!reader
18+ minors DNI
desc: Spencer and reader get invited to a chill, casual NYE party. But things heat up right at the stroke of midnight.
cw: food mention, Spencer is a little awkward in the beginning, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, semi-public sex (in a bathroom)... Let me know if I missed anything
wc: 1667
“I can’t go dressed like this? People will laugh at me.” 
Spencer looks himself over in the mirror for the tenth time, running a hand down his sweatshirt. It was New Years Eve and you two weren’t doing anything too crazy, just spending time at your friend Andies house with a few others. She’d just bought said house and was desperate for you and the rest of your friends to see it. And what better time than New Year's Eve?
“They will not laugh at you. Andie said she wanted everyone to be casual and casual means jeans and sweatshirts,” you called from inside your closet. “And we’ll be out by the fire. You’ll be more comfortable like this. Trust me.” 
You peak around the corner to his portion of the closet, a small smile tugging at your lips. He looks cute, more dressed down than you usually see him. In fact, this is the most you’ve seen him in the past three weeks. Serial killers don’t take breaks, even during the holidays. So off he and the team went to bum-fuck-nowhere Alabama and missed Christmas.
It was disappointing to say the least. 
But it was his job, something he warned you of previously. However, it didn’t mean him missing important days didn’t hurt. But you sucked it up and smiled through it. Plus, it didn’t matter. He was home and he was safe. 
“I do trust you. But I don’t want to be underdressed.” He sighs moving to grab his tennis shoes, sitting on the little poof seat you insisted on buying. (And that he secretly loved. Not that he’d admit it.) 
You pull your hair out of the back of your sweatshirt, smoothing it down and grabbing a warm hat. “You won’t be. This isn’t like Rossi’s where we dress to the nines and get drunk on champagne.” 
You see him grin as he ties his shoes, a small blush rising on his ears. 
“Yeah he was sad we were coming this year. I, however, am excited we aren’t going. I have spent more than enough time with all of them. They’ll survive without me for a night.” 
You giggle, walking towards him and hugging him from behind. “Yes, baby, your friends will survive without you. You’re all mine tonight.” You kiss his cheek before straightening and checking your phone, “we should head out, sweetheart. Andie will be pissed if we’re late.” 
The drive to Andies was short, filled with Spencer's long winded explanation about why you and he bought your house at the ‘most perfect time’. You loved listening to him ramble, even if half the time he spoke gibberish. You were thankful you could google some of the super big words he used. 
The second you’re parked outside the house, big, beautiful and full of holiday cheer, you see Spencer tense. You’d think after six years together, he’d be more calm around your friends. They helped him with the proposal after all and he still has the group chat. The group chat where they send him memes he doesn’t understand. However, no matter the time, he isn’t the most comfortable with anyone but you. And more so in your bedroom. 
You find it… endearing to say the least. 
You reach over and grab his hand, squeezing it three times i am here. “Ready?” 
He squeezes back and nods, “I am… I think.” 
It’s all you need before getting out and never once letting go of Spencer’s hand. 
Andie stands at the door, smile on her face, two glasses of punch in her hands. “There is my best friend and her hot as fuck fiance!”
Spencer practically cringes at her words, never being one who could handle a compliment. Even if he was the most beautiful human you’ve ever seen. 
“Hi! Sorry we’re late. We had a late night. You know how it is, serial killers killing during the holidays. Dr. Reid forever having to save the day.” You pat his chest, looking up at him fondly. 
He loves when you look at him like that, eyes so wide, filled to the brim with love. He kisses your head and 
Andie fake gags, handing you the drinks in her hand. “Yes, yes. Get inside before we let the kitten out and before the cold air comes in.” 
You sip it, the vodka making your chest feel warm. Spencer looks down at the cup before looking back at you, “I can’t drink. Want this?” You nod, taking it and pouring it into your cup. “A-andie do you have water? Bottled? I don’t like sink water and fridge water tastes funny so bottled is better. Even though it’s not good for the environment.
“But it’s not really us that needs to worry. It’s the famous people who really pollute the envi-” 
Andie cuts him off, “Spencie baby, you don’t have to explain this to me. I have plenty of bottled water. Want a cold one or a room temp one?” 
Spencer curls his lips over his teeth, a small blush creeping up his neck, “cold is fine. Thank you, Andie.” 
“You’re welcome sweet thing.” She digs in her fridge and finds the bottle, handing it to him. “Now, time for a tour.” 
It takes a good few minutes for her to show you both around the house, making sure she explains every single detail even down to the persian rug her current boyfriend bought her when he went to visit his mother. 
Spencer, of course, went on and on about this, that and the third. It was cute. 
But soon you were in Spencer's lap, staying warm by a fire and roasting a marshmallow while Spencer got the chocolate and graham crackers ready. You were two drinks and three shots in, happily buzzed but not even close to drunk. 
“You are so hot when you open chocolate. S’anyone ever told you that?” You say it quietly, not wanting to embarrass him in front of anyone. 
He smirks, using the top graham cracker to slide the toasted marshmallow off of the stick and smoosh it between the other cracker and chocolate. “No one has ever told me that. But there is a first for everything.” 
He takes the first bite before handing you the rest. You pout a little and he laughs. “You ate my smore! Not fair.” 
He kisses you, lips brushing over yours gently, “I will make you another when you finish that one.” “What happened to my shy boy? Getting bossy out here.” You smirk, knowing you’re pushing his buttons.
“I didn’t hear you complaining last night when I fucked you into the mattress.” He says right in your ear, nipping at it slightly. 
You shiver, squirming in his lap. “You-you can’t do this to me. We can’t fuck here.” 
He kisses your temple, “there are four bathrooms here. We totally could. They all lock, I made sure.” 
Andie claps her hands, “ten minutes till midnight!” 
Spencer grips your thigh, “what a way to ring in the new year? Me buried inside you.” 
You cross your legs, trying anything to get some friction. 
“They’ll notice, Spence.” You look around, no one is paying attention to you, most of them sucking face with their dates.
“Oh baby, they won’t notice.” 
Before you know it, your pants and underwear are on the bathroom floor, and Spencer's face buried in your cunt. You bite your fist to quiet the moan. For some reason, it was extremely hot getting eaten out with the possibility of someone hearing you. But that didn’t mean you wanted to get caught. 
“So pretty bunny.” He purrs from below you. He pushes two fingers inside you, easily opening you up. He knows your body better than you do, making mental notes of every little moan, gasp, and sigh that leaves your lips. Because of this it isn’t long before he has you falling over the edge, somehow keeping your moans quiet.
“Time,” He asks as he stands, towering over you.
You check your phone with shaky fingers, “11… 11:50” 
Spencer pulls at his belt with fervor, pushing his pants down till they pool at his ankles. “Gotta keep you quiet for another ten minutes.” 
His lips are on yours, swallowing your moans as he pushes all the way inside you. He doesn’t waste time, his hips snapping against yours. His lips travel from your lips and down your neck, moving your sweatshirt to the side to suck hickies where no one can see them. 
‘Just for me,’ he’d always say. ‘Only for me.’ 
“Spencer, please.” How you manage to whisper it is beyond you. But it doesn’t matter with the way he’s moving. 
“Shh… I’ve got you, bunny.” He snaps his hips faster. 
Your second orgasm comes right at 11:58. And it isn’t long before you can hear your friends counting down. 
“Fuck bunny. Feel so good.” 
His hand covers your mouth, muffling your growing moans. 
“I know you don’t want to get caught.” 
“‘Specially not so close to midnight. Right?” 
You shake your head no. Eyes staying locked with his.
A wicked smirk crosses his lips, his confidence growing. 
“S’what I thought.” 
His thrust grow more and more sloppy and before long his head falls into your shoulder and his orgasm rips through him, spilling inside you. 
His kiss is hard, hands on the sides of your face while he makes out with you, riding out the rest of his orgasm. He’s panting as he pulls back, Spencer's forehead resting on yours. 
“Happy New Years, sweet angel.”
I hope you enjoyed! This is my first fic in almost a year. Im nervous to say the least lmao. I love you all ❤️
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dmercer91 · 11 months
hooked, jh86
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in which jack is quite literally sleeping with the enemy.
most of the rangers give me egregious vibes so there are hardly any in here and i used their ig handles for twitter i didn't feel like finding the correct ones - set in 2023-24 season
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liked by yourusername, nicohischier and 147,122 others
jackhughes: drives me mad
view 1,239 comments..
yourusername: in ny we hard launch like grownups
→ jackhughes: oh yeah?
→ yourusername: once you fuck this one up i’ll swoop in and prove it to u hughesy ;)
trevorzegras: admitting that you’re easily rizzed is crazy
→ jackhughes: easily 🤨
→ trevorzegras: ‘the hit could’ve been harder maybe she likes me 🤭’
→ user: did she hit him with her car or????
user: hit? as in like hockey hit? y/n??????
→ user: she just threatened to mr steal your girl him tho so idk
yourusername: jhugh big foot guy eh?
→ jackhughes: what the fuck y/n
_quinnhughes: luke?
→ lhughes_06: i can’t even explain without giving myself a migraine
dawson1417: i’m telling nico
→ jackhughes: there’s nothing to tell nico 🤨
→ nicohischier: nico uses context clues to deduce things
elblue6: ❤️
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes and 129,483 others
yourusername: van @ nyr except i adopted the sad one
jack was there too, unfortunately
load 1,612 comments..
jackhughes: now what is this
→ yourusername: i’m already planning on adding z to my collection when the ducks are up here
→ trevorzegras: did u just say collection
→ jackhughes: so you wanna be friends with all my friends but i try and be friends w u and i’m gross? ouch
→ yourusername: have u ever considered that you’re my teams rival
→ jackhughes: i’ve considered it and also decided it won’t stop me
→ yourusername: have you considered that you’re icky
→ jackhughes: wtf
_quinnhughes: ankle biter
→ yourusername: it was his shoulder and i can bite him whenever i want
nyrangers: traitor :(
→ yourusername: no admin it’s ok it’s the good hughesy
→ lhughes_06: i’ve done nothing to you
→ yourusername: you get in my way a lot
shesterkinigor: funny
→ yourusername: i try
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liked by yourusername, dougieham and 17,444 others
njdevils: we guess this one’s not so bad 😉 @yourusername
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user: this is.. unsettling
user: him patting her after every connection was top tier i need her in a devs jersey
yourusername: don’t let this fool you i still like quinn better
→ jackhughes: will you let me have this one
→ yourusername: you’re lucky i didn’t throw the game just so you’d lose
→ lhughes_06: there’s always next year
nyrangers: we can admit that this one (1) thing is cute
→ yourusername: enemies to lovers??????
→ nyrangers: no, y/n.
→ yourusername: ok attitude
jackhughes: thanks for the passes or whatever @yourusername
→ yourusername: shut up
user: they’re sleeping in the same hotel room??
→ yourusername: no j just commits some light b&e in his free time
→ jackhughes: did you just call me j
→ yourusername: i also called you a felon
→ trevorzegras: i think he’s just gonna look right past that
user: loving the full blown conversations happening in comment sections lately
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liked by elblue6, dougieham and 179,537 others
yourusername: ⛽️
view 2,029 comments..
jackhughes: i thought nyers hard launched 🤨
→ yourusername: do you have my notifs on??
→ jackhughes: no comment
user: those are jacks hands
→ user: why do you… know that, even?
user: this is why the nhl is all men lmao they aren’t focused on fucking their opponents
→ yourusername: oh babe.. i have some news for you
→ user: ITS A PLAYER?????????
dougieham: gross
→ yourusername: behave douglas
lhughes_06: what pro hockey player has another man tie her skates for her
→ yourusername: the kind that knows your address and will take your ligaments away
nyrangers: our girl
→ user: can i have your girl
→ njdevils: ^
→ nyrangers: no
_quinnhughes: you hurt my brain
→ yourusername: ok
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y/n y/ln has allegedly requested a trade out of new york 👀
722 ❤ 312 ↳ 147 💬
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dawson1417: you know @/yourusername i’ve heard jerseys pretty nice
→ dawson1417: you wouldn’t even have to move!
→ yourusername: oh boy
trevorzegras: y/n/n y/ln YOU are an anaheim duck
→ _quinnhughes: step back off my teammate
→ yourusername: you’re both delusional
user: awh the guys wanting her on their teams 🥹
colecaufield: i’ll teach you french @/yourusername
→ yourusername: i only want to know the bad words
→ colecaufield: that’s doable
→ yourusername: sold
user: quinn and the honorary hughes’ is cute but WHERE IS JACK??
→ user: right like he hasn’t even liked it
→ user: he took down his soft launch?
edwards.73: you will eventually get to play with me if you go to jersey @/yourusername
→ yourusername: it's really cute that you though this would help build your case ed
→ edwards.73: can't blame a guy for trying
jackhughes: does this mean we can be friends now?
→ yourusername: oh lol sure
→ user: oh this was painful to read
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to, j 💥: is everything ok?? read, 6:33pm
to, j 💥: jack what the hell read, 7:12pm
to, j 💥: you can't really be moody cause i requested a trade from a team you don't even play for lmao
from, j 💥: i'm at practice. talk later
to, j 💥: i'm literally with daws and luke right now dude
to, j 💥: wtf did i do?? read, 7:44pm
to, j 💥: since when am i the one begging to make this work????
to, j 💥: you've been telling me for fucking months you didn't care what it meant as long as we could try us out
to, j 💥: you can't tell me how much you want me around one day and work so hard to make me believe you and then completely flip my world around the next that's not fair read, 8:19pm
to, j 💥: i at least deserve an explanation
from, jack: maybe i'm sick of people telling me i'm fucking up my whole life for you and that you're just gonna dump me before the playoffs so i lose focus
to, jack: hello?? lose focus against the team i'm requesting to leave?
to, jack: and who is people? all i've done is prove that i wouldn't fucking do that
to, jack: i'm literally with two of your teammates right now read, 8:25pm
to, jack: whatever, j. i asked for a trade for you lmao
from, jack: how is that for me? you're gonna be in a completely different fucking state and we'll never see each other
to, jack: that's what this is abt?? you could've just said something, j
from, jack: i don't think you can just unrequest the trade, y/n.
from, jack: what's done is done
to, jack: what would've happened if they just traded me regardless of if i asked?? would you have shut me out cause you don't like the distance when it wasn't my fault?
from, jack: that's different and u know it
to, jack: whatever jack
to, jack: see you wednesday
from jack: against the avs?? you got traded to fucking colorado?
to, jack: no. i got traded to the devils.
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ranger devil 😈 @/yourusername
2922 ❤ 456 ↳ 78 💬
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yourusername: i've always looked good in red
→ njdevils: our girl
dawson1417: FUCK YEAHHHH
→ yourusername: LEFT LOCKER NEIGHBOUR!!
→ dawson1417: RIGHT LOCKER NEIGHBOUR !!!!!!
lhughes_06: i'm gonna get bullied so much more often
→ yourusername: amen to that moosey
→ lhughes_06: no, not amen to that y/n/n
user: again i ask WHERE IS JACK
nicohischier: another one that won't listen to me
→ yourusername: not reporting for duty, cap 🫡
→ nicohischier: i'm not endeared
→ yourusername: fuck yeah you are
trevorzegras: i know i'm not meant to take personal offence to this but i am
→ yourusername: quinn is GROUCHY
→ _quinnhughes: why does jack get all the cool people i want to have a lake house adoptee on the canucks
→ yoursername: just bring petey
→ eliaspettersson_: do not volunteer me for that chaos
user: i'm kinda concerned at the lack of jack and y/n lately like what happened
jackhughes: new liney?
→ yourusername: new liney :)
→ lhughes_06: 🤨
→ user: luke don't expose your brother's weird cryptic comments as being weird and cryptic challenge
→ lhughes_06: hmm no
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes and 34,899 others
njdevils: we think we've seen this film before and we loved the ending (bratter - jack - y/n/n line supremacy)
view 583 comments..
jackhughes: start building the statue
→ yourusername: fucking right
user: the way that she just screamed in his face on her first assist to his goal i could SOB
→ user: and his fucking SMILE BACK AT HER
→ user: and her third goal!! the jump into his arms
user: in love w them actually
→ njdevils: us too
lhughes_06: they should've smooched on centre ice with the hats falling down
→ lhughes_06: what lol who said that
→ yourusername: i couldn't have done wonderwall with out your harmonizing merc
→ dawson1417: i do have the voice of an angel
trevorzegras: i love how it feels to be a hater
→ _quinnhughes: ^
→ yourusername: wonderwall concert, 5pts, and i got quinn hughes to agree with trevor zegras. i am her.
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liked by jackhughes, nicohischier and 289,111 others
yourusername: j <3
view 677 comments..
jackhughes: favourite liney?
→ yourusername: forever liney
lhughes_06: open your messages you demonic being
→ yourusername: do u know how much EFFORT that is
→ lhughes_06: i could imagine it's not a lot??
dawson1417: yucky
→ yourusername: we facetime like teenaged girls n you and ryleigh screeched in excitement when you recognized his room this morning
→ dawson1417: ok???? i screeched cause of the yuckiness
_quinnhughes: i guess you not being a canuck is tolerable if this is the outcome
→ trevorzegras: speak for yourself quintin i want her to be my liney forever 😾
→ yourusername: sorry z <3
→ jackhughes: she's not sorry
→ yourusername: i'm sort of sorry
→ trevorzegras: good enough!
user: mom n dad
dougieham: this is terrefying
→ yourusername: ok
john.marino97: new reality tv show live in the locker room except theres no drama it's just hughesy being whipped
→ yourusername: your favourite!
→ john.marino97: i hate every second
njdevils: it's not like we saw this coming or anything
→ yourusername: ADMIN
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slut4sugu · 11 months
𝐃𝐎𝐍’𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 — (Hobie Brown x Fem!Black Reader)
❀ including: thick!reader, reader being unsure about getting a piercing , body worship (Make sure to love what you see in the mirror guys, your all beautiful!), hobie being a sweetheart, mirror sex, fingering, use of names like: Pretty thing, doll, slut. Aftercare, tooth rotting fluff ❀ Genre: fluff to smut ❀ Summary: hobie starts to notice that reader isn’t as confident in her looks as of late and quickly reassures her.
♬ :You got it- Vedo . Back to masterlist
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HOBIE HAD ALWAYS COMPLIMENTED YOU NO MATTER THE TIME OF DAY; always singing your praises and telling you how effortlessly pretty you could be. Even with drool trickling down the side of your lip in the mornings, however when you were slowly starting to make a decision about getting a pericing your thoughts turned. ‘Would it even look good on me?’ ‘Isn’t that kind of thing bold?’ ‘Wouldn’t it hurt?’ ‘I doubt it‘ll look as good on me as it does on hobie.’ As you sat on your bed you started to wonder about other things, that you long have forgotten that used to bother you. Insecurities slowly started to flood your brain as you stared off into space on your bed. As you fiddled with your shorts that always rode up because of your thighs you started to wonder what hobie saw in you when you first met.
Though your thoughts were quickly silenced as you saw him walk in your shared bedroom, now leaning on the doorframe “Whats wrong doll, you got that puppy dog look on your face.” You gave him a small sad smile before your eyes fell to your lap, “Do you think that a lip piercing would look good on me?” You asked hesitantly, your gaze not leaving your lap causing hobie to let out a sigh. “Anything would look good on you pretty, shit you could wear a bag and I’d still think you were beautiful.” He stated, walking over to hs side of the bed, which dipped down under his weight. “Honestly, you would look hot with one. ‘Make your lips even more kissable.” As he came closer he noticed your sad expression and your eyes that avoided his, “Though this isn’t about just the pericing is it?” You silently shook your head no before finally looking up at him, “What do you see in me hobie? I mean I know you call me pretty and everything but I just.. don’t.” It pained hobie to hear those words fall off your tongue, his pretty girl. Not being able to see the absolute goddess he sees in you, pulling you into his side he kissed your forehead before cupping your cheek and planting a sweet kiss on your slightly pouted lips.
“I’ll show you.”
Which brings you here, sitting on hobies lap who sat near the edge of your bed. Your thighs spread out ontop of his, only thing left on your body was his black band tee. Your nipples hard under his touch and your core dripping a surprising amount from seeing yourself in a mirror. You almost looked away when you saw hobies low eyes looking into yours in the large mirror, but a pinch to your side redirected you. “This is what I see, a pretty girl who has the prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen,” His slightly deepened voice doing a lot more than it should as he whispered into your ear, without breaking eye contact from your gaze in the reflection. “-Who also, has the most beautiful body and mind I’ve had the pleasure of learnin.” You let a small gasp as you felt one of his large cold hands creep up under your shirt and play with your boobs, which elicited a moan from you to hobies delight. “Now I want you to look at yourself in the mirror while I show you how fuckin precious you are to me.”You weren’t even able to get a word out before hobie started playing with your cunt, his fingers wasting no time as they invaded your hole. You almost blushed at the sight of seeing your own face contort in pleasure, hobies sudden attack of kisses and bites on your neck not helping as you let out a whiney moan. The feeling of hobies fingers slowly scissor inside of you and his lips suck at your neck was driving you crazy, you wanted him to do more, you needed him to.
“Hobes please ‘wan you to go faster.” You pleaded, attempting to grind yourself on his fingers as you threw your head back on his shoulder. Which caused hobies movement to cease all together, “Keep your eyes on the mirror love or I’ll stop again.” You quickly did as you were told, as your gaze went back to your reflection you saw hobies unwavering eyes still locked onto you. Who almost looked away again because of how embarrassing the positioning was, but as you felt hobies fingers slowly start to move again you chose to be obedient and not look away. “See was that so hard? Now,” His fingers purposely curled against your g-spot teasingly causing you to moan in surprise. “Say your a pretty girl who deserves to feel good.” You noticed how serious he was as you glanced at him in the mirror, not wanting the pleasure to stop quietly you say, “I’m a pretty girl and i deserve to feel good.” A curse quickly fell off your tongue as you felt his fingers speed up slightly and hit your g-spot once more as a small reward, “Say it louder f’me hun.”
An econguraging kiss was pressed to your cheek, followed by a rub to your clit. This time looking at your lewd expression you swallow the creeping embarrassment of seeing your pussy practically suck your boyfriends fingers deeper inside and say it once more. “I’m a pretty girl and I deserve to- shit!” You curse as you feel. Hobies fingers squeeze your nipple between them, the added pleasure of feeling your g-spit being pressed so deliciously mixed the pain and pleasure and drove you up the wall. Hobie smirked at your obedience, and the mess of hickeys and bites he left on your brown skin. Though his bulge grew uncomfortably in hs pants but he ignored it, this was all about you. How you needed to see you pretty you are inside and out. How you are his perfect girl, and how society can go fuck themselves with their unrealistic beauty standards, making you feel like you somehow aren’t the most stunning person alive. Hearing your moans and whines made hobie want to just let you cum all over his fingers and maybe again on his face (and 7 times on his dick lets be real <3), but he wanted to hear your pretty voice say it one last time. “Look at me and say it, and maybe I’ll let you cum pretty.” You whined in frustration but were too drunk on the feeling of having your pussy stretched by his fingers to care. You looked at him with needy eyes and desperation, yet love as you babbled, “I’m a pretty girl and- fuck I deserve to feel good! So please ah-don’t stop anymore hobes.” If he had’t held back in that moment, your pretty voice and chocolate eyes wouldv’e made him cum through his sweats at that moment. “Alright pretty, just empty that brain of yours and feel good f’me.”
Your thighs began to shake and your voice grew louder as wet sopping noises filled the room as hobies fingers quickened in your cunt, who had not cared that you had long forgotten about the mirror and was now eager to see your pretty face contort in pleasure as you finally got that sweet release you desperately wanted. Your vision slowly started to blur and fade to white as you felt circles being rubbed on to your clit and your g-spot being abused, gripping his forearm tightly your mouth formed in an ‘o’ as you clenched around his digits. “Please, hobes, please please please!” Your sounds were music to Hobies ears, who had delivered the final blow to your sensitive state. “Be a good pretty slut then and cum for me.” His words tipped you over the edge, your vision blurred white as you came hard on his fingers. Eyes rolled into the back of your head, the smell of your pheromones, your pretty pretty pornstar worthy face made hobie loose his mind. Soft kisses were pressed to your neck as you came down from your high, the feeling of hobie removing his fingers leaving your cunt made you feel empty again, but the fact that he loved you so much filled your heart with happiness and confidence.
🌸 Kams note: thank you for reading and thank you @dema-heart for requesting this! Anyone who feels as though their body isn’t pretty enough or slim enough or big enough, you are enough! You are so much more than subjective words or titles, you are beautiful inside and out and you should always be proud of the beauty you have <;33
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harus-simp · 9 months
Wearing their clothes (maknae line)
Shen Ricky, Kim Gyuvin, Park Gunwook, Han Yujin
Genre: fluffy fluff
Warning: none
Word count: 1.1 K
Author's note: Here's part 2 hope you enjoy it <3
Hyung line
How would your amazing boyfriend possibly react when he sees their partner wearing his clothes?
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Another day with ricky another day were you were being spoiled by your boyfriend. He specially loved to invite you to dinner dates, seeing you all dressed up for him made his heart race, you looked like a beautiful doll, and he couldn't believe you were his.
You were coming back from a new restaurant near your house so you went there walking and you were returning like that as well. However, it was now much colder than it was before, so you were fighting against the freezing wind.
Luckily for you, ricky noticed this and offered you his jacket, saying that he is felt hot (he was obviously lying).
As you got home you plopped yourself on the sofa still with the jacket on and without the intention of taking it off at all.
"I see you like my jacket babe"
"Yeah, it's really comfy"
He laughed at your slightly tipsy tone, the champagne you had drank making a little bit of effect.
"I'll get you one so we can match"
You looked at him panicking.
"Noooo, I want yours"
"Why?"he asked smirking curiously
"Cause it smells like youuuu"
That made his smirk disappear completely and be replaced with a shy little smile, his cheeks turning red as well.
The way you literally had his heart and whole being at your mercy was driving him completely crazy. He wrapped his arms around your waist and carried you to your shared room.
"You don't know how much I love you babe"
"Mhmm love you too"you said after kissing his cheek
"Alright, let's get you to bed"
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After lots of bickering from your tall ass and lazy baby you finally got him to go out with you to the cinema as a movie you had been waiting for had came out recently, and there was no way you weren't going.
So you decided to bring gyuvin with you to watch it together.
You got to the venue were the cinema was located at and now was waiting for him to not be late or else you would kill him because you really wanted to see that film.
You had picked your outfit really blindly without paying that much attention, so you grabbed a hoodie that was laying on your chair.
You recognised it as one of gyuvin's hoodies, actually one of his most used ones. But that wouldn't stop you from using. On the contrary, that impulsed you to wear it even more.
Ten minutes before the movie started you finally watched him running towards you at full speed because he obviously was late.
"I'm so sorry baby I lost track of time, let's get going"
You nodded and grabbed his hand pulling him inside the place.
The movie finished and you got out quite happy with the end of the plot and so did gyu.
But suddenly your boyfriend looked at you with a shocked expression.
"Hey, that's my hoodie, give it back!"
"But I'm your partner gyu, you should give it to me"
"No it's mine, you hoodie stealer"he said tickling playfully your side to make you break
"Nooooo"you started bickering back
But all jokes aside (we know how playful he can be) he actually lived for that sight before him, he felt enchanted by you and wanted to keep this beautiful memory forever.
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It had been a long and hard week of school and the least you wanted to do at the moment was to go outside. But you had already made the promise to gunwook to have a stroll at the park and you didn't want to make your pookie sad.
So that's were you were right now, resting a bit on a little bench to see families with their children and people with their beloved pets.
"The weather's nice huh?"he said
"I wouldn't talk too early pookie, it can change at any moment"
And just as you predicted the air suddenly became colder making you shiver from its spontaneity, hugging yourself in the process.
"See I told you to watch your words wookie!"you playfully hit him
You kept hugging yourself not expecting gunwook to notice, so it came as a surprise when he suddenly stopped walking and asked you about it.
"Are you cold baby?"
"Oh, yeah a little bit"you responded giggling at his shocked face
"And where's your jacket?"
"I might have left it in class"
At this he instantly took off his own jacket and helped you put it on, folding the sleeves so it didn't cover you entirely.
"Thanks wookie"you said smiling at him
His immediate response was to grab your cheeks and squish them lovingly looking at you with heart eyes.
"Are you always this cute?"
"No, only for you"
That was it, he couldn't stand how cute you were, how everyone could see this side of you and only him.
"I'm tired let's head to your house and cuddle"
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On a random and boring day of summer you and yujin were lazily laying on his bed without anything to do other than show each other memes that were on your phones. But nothing that interesting to be honest.
And you were starting to get quite irritated from not doing anything productive in itself, it was such a waste of your time and your holidays.
However, you just got the best idea ever, you'd be trying some clothes from yujin knowing damn well that, despite his soft and delicate looks was a tough and muscular figure.
At last, curiosity got the best of you,so while he was distracted enough you went through his closet in search of something to try on, and as you got back with something good you picked his interest turning all his attention on you.
"What are you doing y/nnie?"
"Got bored so I'm trying your clothes, do I look like you?"you asked posing like you were on a runway show
"Pffff, not at all, you look tiny. You are so small"he said laughing
"Not my problem you are an early developed teen!"you shot back sticking your tongue out.
You knew he was teasing you, of course you knew it. But looking at how red his ears had turned you figured out he thought the opposite of what he actually said.
And you were right, the way he blushed as he saw how his hoodie was draping down to your knees made his mind go crazy.
But what can we say? Young kids in love <3
Taglist: @zumblrnet
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starscabaret · 1 month
Military Yandere! Aaron Deployment
pairing : yandere! aaron x fem reader 
summary : aaron is getting deployed and he’s very upset to leave you, established relationship, fluff
authors note : just a short drabble
warnings: some angst, huge daddy kink, angst a little 
It was a late night. A night before Aaron was required to be on base for his next deployment. He had gotten the orders only a week prior. Since then he has been anxious, upset, and moody. Aaron didn’t want to leave his darling. It was the one thing he couldn’t do. You were the one he couldn’t live without. When he first got the news he tried everything in his power to get out of it or postpone it so that he could spend more time with you. When that didn’t work he tried to make arrangements for you to join him. But it was impossible. 
Once he had accepted his awful fate he decided to make the most of the last week he would spend with you for nine months. You tried to focus on the good and shower him with love. Coddling him like the crybaby he was. Throughout the week he had multiple panic attacks, and you often caught him crying in your bedroom when you were in another room. But tonight’s fit was the worst of them all. He knew his time with you was dwindling. 
“Aaron baby, please calm down. I know.” You coo as you sit in his lap at the edge of your bed holding his teary-eyed face to your chest.
This did nothing to soothe his pain his body was racked by violent sobs as he holds you closer. 
“Please y/n, I don’t want to leave you. I can’t, not for this long.” He cries as he untucks his face from your breast.
“You can, and you will. I promise to keep my phone charged, my location on, and answer every single call. I’ll be  a good girl.” You say, normally you weren’t so compliant with all of his crazy antics but you could see it was driving him mad. The prospect of not knowing and seeing your every move for nine months scared him. He wouldnt be there to protect and care for you and that drove him mad.
“You promise? You have to promise y/n! I’ll go insane if I don’t know that you’re ok. I swear I will desert and come home if you miss even a single call.” He says while stroking and admiring your pretty face, committing every feature to memory. Not like he hadn’t already. 
“Yes I will, I promise.” You reply. Glad that he has stopped crying and raking his hands through his hair while pulling it out of anxiety. 
He continues to stare into your eyes while the tears dry from his. He moves to bring your hand to his mouth for a kiss whilst he grabs your chin and turns your face to look at him.
“Remember what daddy asked for pretty?” He asks.
“Yes sir, at least one picture every day, one picture a month sent with your letters, let you know when I’m in the house for the evening, and don’t take your necklace off.” You list off just as he said it. 
“Good girl, what would I do without you?” He questions as he smiles at you. 
“I dunno.” You blush as you return his smile.
“Don’t forget always lock the doors, and set the alarm. If you need anything you have my card, or call me I will get it sent for you.” He reminds with a stern look on his face, as he grips your thigh. 
“Yes, I know Aaron.” You reply rolling your eyes as this was the thousandth time he has reminded you.
“I saw that, let me put you to bed.” He says while standing up and putting you on the ground next to him. 
“Daddy, I love you. I promise to be good while you’re away.” You start to tear up for the first time this week. Finally, let your emotions show. This week you had held back any tears or sadness, as you didn’t want to make it any harder on Aaron.
“You better, I love you too brat.” He replies.
Aaron spends the rest of the night savoring every moment with you. He has you sit between his strong legs in the bathtub as he bathes you. Drying you off and dressing you in your favorite pajamas which happen to be his clothes. When in bed he massages and kisses your feet. He rubbed and worshipped every part of you making sure nowhere went unloved as he wouldn’t be able to feel you for 9 grueling months. When it got very late, and he had to be on base in just a few hours at the early hours of the morning he finally grew tired and held you in his arm while he slept.
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creedslove · 4 months
I'm thinking about you often and wish you peace and quiet ♥️ even if we don't talk much, I consider you as a friend and I care about you.
What about Joel and his wife not talking, they have some quiet days. Wife is not happy, because Joel is not helping around the house and being busy at work, Joel forgot about her birthday. After he got home from work, his wife was like... gone.
He was going crazy, because she was not answering the phone, and it was late already. When she finally returned home, he was asking where she was, and it turned out, she was spending time with her friends, because they celebrated her birthday that Joel forgot about.
"Joel, do you even love me? I'm not angry, I'm just little tipsy and sad. Do you want divorce? Because I see we are not doing so well nowadays. I love you, but you are not loving me back, don't you?"
Joel is shocked and little angry. How his wife, most important person on earth for him, can think stuff like that. He loves her, he loves her so deeply, but he is not willing to admit that.
"you say dumb things, you are drunk, go to bed." Results in weeping and sniffles.
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: thank you thank you thank you honey, I love you so much you have no idea how much better your ask made me feel, your words are so sweet. I consider you my friend too, you're incredible honey 💕😘 love you 💋🫂
Also, this ask being so close to my bday (2 weeks from now) hit differently, so I'll change it just slightly to fit an idea I'd been working on, if it's okay? Love you 💕
INSPIRED BY THE SONG: I hate this part - Pussycat Dolls
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• Joel grinded his teeth as he focused on the road; it was dark, raining and hard to see and he couldn't be angrier to be out so late at night having to pick you up from a night out with your friends; you knew he had work the next morning, so why did you do that to him? Not to mention the ugly stare you were giving him, which caused him to groan again
• you on the other hand, couldn't believe his nerve to give you shit like that, what was he even thinking about? You didn't know if Joel was acting up to punish you or if he had literally forgotten about it, it annoyed you to death, but annoyed wasn't really the right word, it angered you, because you never dreamed your husband could be that insensitive towards you
• Joel was driving faster than usual, he gripped the steering wheel and you could tell his knuckles were white, you sighed and looked out the window, disbelief growing as Joel wasn't going to say anything at. all. it was just so unfair of his reaction, considering he was the one acting up like a major asshole and not the other way around
• it hurt and angered you, he had no right to treat you like that, especially not after he was doing, he had no right to do so and when he ignored you a couple of times you called his name, you had enough
"stop the car, Joel!"
"what? No, I'm not gonna stop it"
"stop the car right now Joel, do it or I'll open this door!!!"
• you raised your voice at him, something you had never done it, but at that moment, it didn't matter, he'd pushed your buttons and you didn't want to be around him at all
• you yelled again, and he finally pulled over, there were still a few blocks until you got home, but you didn't care, you got out of the car slamming the door behind you and didn't look back, it baffled you what a jerk Joel was really being, it didn't make any sense to you
• Joel on the other hand was so angry, he couldn't even word how pissed off you made him feel at that moment, he parked the car and went after you, groaning at how stubborn you were being
• it didn't take very long for him to reach you and grab your arm, pulling you closer
"what the fuck are you doing?!"
"it's my birthday you asshole! My fucking birthday and you forgot about it! Or you simply don't care about me to the point of not saying anything... Does it make any sense now that I was out celebrating? Because my fucking boyfriend couldn't remember"
• you said just as angrily, you were tired of Joel acting up as if he was the right one and not you; you broke free from his grip and walked away, you didn't want anything to do with that man at that moment
• Joel was shocked, his heart shattered at his own insensitivity and shook his head; he'd indeed forgotten about it, he'd just been so absorbed and stressed about work it simply slipped away from his mind
• but it didn't matter, he knew how bad it was and how deeply he'd hurt you and Joel wasn't going to forgive himself just as he knew you wouldn't forgive him either
• he asked you to wait, he needed to apologize and see what he could do to make things better: perhaps there was still time to take you out for dinner? Maybe the malls were still open and you could pick a present for yourself?
• but it wasn't as simple as he thought, when he asked you what he could do to redeem himself, all you did was shake your head and sigh
"there's nothing to be done, Joel... About this or about us... I think we should break up"
• you said and began walking away from him, at that moment, you and Joel couldn't be together anymore, it broke your heart but it was what you had to do
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devilishchaos · 1 year
Rings | Rúben Dias Imagine
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Rating / genre: pure fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Y/N is pregnant and her rings don't fit anymore.
Warnings: just fluff that made me cry; use of pet names "babe", "baby"; mentions of struggling during pregnancy; soft Rúben (I had to)
Word Count: 1 319 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
“Babe, what are you doing?” you hear Rúben’s voice, mixed with curiosity and amusement, as he walks into your shared bedroom and finds you in a position that’s more than questionable. Lying on the bed with your legs up in the air, feet against the wall and one single sock miserably hanging off your left foot. 
“What does it look like I’m doing Dias?” you manage to mumble, totally out of breath. Your full-time job as a watermelon, aka a pregnant woman, is kicking in now at only six months pregnant, and being this huge now makes the easiest thing seem like rocket science. 
“Are you doing some kind of yoga?” he guesses walking over to you as you keep trying to get your way around with that damn sock. He sits beside you, watching you completely amused by your stunt as you struggle to see anything from your belly. 
“I’ve been trying to put on this fucking sock for about twenty minutes now, but I can’t!” you cry out, feeling the frustration bursting out of you, tears dwelling in your eyes. Both of you are aware that it’s just the hormones messing with your head, but it still makes you feel like a loser, not able to put on your own socks. 
“Hey, hey, no!” Rúben softly coos as he gently grabs your ankles and places your legs on his lap. Grabbing the sock that’s hanging from your foot and he easily rolls it all the way up your foot before reaching for the other one on the nightstand and putting it on as well. 
“Talk to me baby, what’s wrong exactly?” he murmurs, his magical fingers working on your feet, massaging the swollen limbs with ease. 
“You won’t get it..” you sob, throwing your arms to the side, staring up at the ceiling. 
“I want to try. Please, talk to me.” he pleads and you can’t hold a soft moan back when he hits a spot on your sole that’s been in pain for days. 
“I just..” You let out a shaky breath blinking the tears away, not wanting to cry again in front of Rúben. “..I don’t feel like myself and I feel huge, like, humongous..bending is not an option for me anymore. It’s really hard, I keep reminding myself of the blessing that’s gonna happen once this pregnancy is over, but it still doesn’t change the fact that I’ve been feeling miserable in my own skin for months.”
You can’t stop yourself from talking, the most absurd thoughts have been stirring in your mind lately and even though it’s for sure because of the baby, you still found yourself judging your own thoughts. 
“I don’t feel comfortable in anything, I am itchy all over and that drives me crazy. My feet and hands are so swollen, it’s almost scary..” you continue holding your hands up as you take a look at your sausage-like fingers. “..and today I’m afraid I reached the point where my rings aren’t ringing anymore. I couldn’t put them on, they just would not go on my finger. And it made me really sad, because I love wearing my wedding stack so much and it means so much to me..I feel like I’m the worst pregnant woman on Earth.” you moan covering your eyes with your hands. 
“Babe, look at me.” he pleads, gently squeezing your feet, but you shake your head 'no'. Your eyes are probably red already. “Baby, please look at me.” he tries again and this time you peek at him. 
A warm, kind smile sits on his soft lips and his eyes shine so bright like the most expensive diamonds on the planet. Your heart is flooded with love just by one look from him and you could cry over how much you love this man.
“You’re not big, you’re pregnant. There is another human inside you which is just mind-blowing and your body is amazing for doing what it’s been doing for these past months. I know pregnancy has been hard and I can only imagine what you're going through. It’s okay to be sad, I know you can’t help it. And as for the rings - Meu amor, It’s okay, you will wear them again after the baby is born, just because you can’t wear your rings, doesn’t mean we love each other any less.” 
“But I wanna wear them.” you said with a pout.
“Here..let’s try this.” he took your hand in his and tried to put his wedding band as a replacement of yours, but his one was too big for your fingers so it didn’t stay on. 
A heavy sigh blows through your lips as you close your eyes for a few seconds. 
“It’s okay. I will be fine..I’m just emotional, I wasn’t prepared for this day to come - where my rings no longer fit..” you gave him your best smile and suggested that you go through your guy’s day, because you knew he will have a tough training and had to leave soon. 
It was now close to 7 p.m. and Rúben had returned not long ago. You two were chilling on the couch in the living room after having a quick dinner, a random movie playing on the TV. 
“So how did training go?” you asked, glancing over at him. 
“It went well. Better than I thought it would.” he responded “How was your day?” 
“It was okay. Not different from yesterday or the day before..same as always.” you mumble with a grimace as he starts massaging your legs again. 
“I have something for you.” your husband stated, a mischievous look on his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box that he handed to you. 
“What is it?” you curiously asked, as you took the box from him. 
As you opened it your eyes started tearing up. Inside was placed a plain gold band. 
“Baby..” you looked up at Rúben, he leaned over to kiss you softly. 
“You were pretty devastated this morning about your rings, so I went to the jeweler after training and got you this as a substitute. He said that he could re-size yours but I thought it would take longer, so I just bought you this one. And it is just temporary so it should be good. Do you like it?” 
“Oh, I love it, Rúbes. Thank you. I love you.” you said, wiping a few tears that had fallen down your face, before leaning in to kiss him again. 
“I love you. Both of you, so much.” Rúben replied after breaking the kiss. “Put it on. Let’s see if it fits.”
��You put it on me, please.” 
He took the gold band out of the box, took your left hand and placed the band on your ring finger. 
“How does that feel? Is it okay, did I get the right size?” he wanted to make sure. 
“It’s perfect. Thank you.” you wrapped your arms around him so you could give him a hug. 
“Ouch!” you gasp and Rúben immediately launches closer, worry placed all over his face.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, frantically checking your body, looking for something that might be wrong with it. 
“Nothing, just..baby Dias is playing football again.” you groan as you grab Rúben’s hand and place it to the spot where you felt the movement. The baby kicks again and Rúben gasps in awe, eyes glued to your huge belly. He has received all kinds of movements from the baby with so much amusement and adoration, you just know he will dedicate his whole existence to this child. 
“I’m so sure this kid is going to be a football player like his daddy.” you sigh as you feel more movements. 
He shifts, brings his head closer to your bump and presses a soft kiss to the spot where your baby kicked last.
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lloromanic0 · 6 months
hiiii! i love ur writing and i saw you wanted more bill girlssss so here i am! do u think you could write a bill smut in his dread era (so underrated omg) ? thx🩷🩷🩷
Love all my Bill girls.
(Thank you so much for the request & for liking my writing!! I actually really liked writing this one.)
Lil summary: needy Bill has been craving you for days.
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He’s so majestic omfg
You sat on the bed with your laptop on top of you, you had a long essay to hand in till the end of the week. Since you needed total concentration for it you told your boyfriend, Bill, you needed some alone time.You had been working on it for the past 5 hours, your sweet boyfriend would sometimes come inside the room quietly to hand you another water or bring you some snacks and you couldn’t be more grateful for him.
With all your university work, and his life as a lead singer you hadn’t been having much time for each other and that was really messing with Bill, he didn’t want to make you mad or bother you but all these nights he had to spend with a aching boner for you were driving him crazy.
After 20 minutes your boyfriend came inside the room but this time he just sat on the edge of the bed looking at you. At first you thought he just wanted to be close to you even if you weren’t doing anything together, but the way he kept looking at you felt like it was something else.
“Bill? What is it mein Fürst?“ you asked.
He looked down has he played with his fingers on his lap.
“I just…really miss you..” he replied with a sad voice, you thought he was so cute like that.
“I can take a break if you want.”
His eyes lit up, those beautiful brown eyes you adored so much.
“Come sit next to me.” He crawled on the bed and sat down. You placed your hand on his thigh.
“Tell me about what you’ve been doing lately, I’m very sorry we’re not spending a lot of time together my love.”
Bill talked about the plans he was making with the band, how the practice they he had yesterday went, how he wanted to take you to this new cafe he saw, you just loved hearing him talk about anything.
“But at night…it’s when I miss you the most Y/N…”
“Why is that Bill?” You knew exactly what he meant, you heard him at night trying to get off quietly next to you, but his little moans betrayed him.
“I miss your touch and your body on mine..” oh god how cute was he so needy for you. You rubbed his thigh moving to the inner part. His already hard cock begging for you but a hand job wouldn’t be enough to satisfy him he needed more.
“Baby…let me fuck you please..” he never asks for it you usually just take the lead and he does whatever you want, he must be really desperate.
You just smile at him and lay on the bed.
“I’m all yours Billy.”
He gets on top of you, you could see his hard cock poke through his sweatpants as he lowers them to free his aching erection. He takes your shorts off along with your panties, he felt like your pussy was calling for him, he needed to be buried deep inside of you.
Using his hands he spread your folds rubbing the tip of his cock on your clit, his whimpers filling the room as you admired your beautiful boyfriend pleasuring you.
Just the rubbing of his cock on your pussy was enough to drive him crazy but he craved the feeling of being inside your warm hole.
He slowly and gently insert himself in you, making you get used to his cock, no matter how many times you had sex with him getting used to his huge length always took a little bit of time. After rocking his hips slowly for a few minutes, he picked up his pace in desperation, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep kiss, you hugged him tight making him feel safe in your embrace, as he kept fucking you passionately. This moment being what he had wished for the most this past weeks, being inside you having your touch for him, you paying full attention to him was all he needed.
“Am I- making you feel good Y/N?” He questioned, he loved hearing you reassure him.
“So good~ you’re being so good for me Bill…mhhm keep going just like that-“ You praised him.
Your kind words were all he needed to get sent over the edge, now slapping his hips deep into you in a way to reach the orgasm he so desperately needed, his thumb now rubbing your clit to help you reach your orgasm with him.
“Cum with me mhhmn- please Y/N.”
“I’ll cum with you baby~ aahh just- keep going for me.”
His hips now getting week and his legs trembling as he kept getting closer to his release, your moans now louder and more frequent,in a few seconds you came all over his dick, coating it in your wet juices, the erotic sight made Bill cum with a few more strokes, his thick seed coating your insides as he kept slowly moving his hips riding his orgasm and also making you enjoy yours a little longer.
As he slowly pulled out,his huge load he had been keeping inside him all these days, slightly dripped out of your hole,with his finger he pushed his cum back into you making you exhale sharply.
“Thank you for this meine Liebling.“ he kissed you once more “I really missed you…”
“I missed you to meine Schatz. Ich liebe dich.“ you replied smiling at him.
“Ich liebe dich mehr…“ he shyly replied.
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ninmnoi · 7 months
— Stop, you’re losing me.
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mingyu x reader || angst.
summary ; trying to save an already failing relationship is a lot harder when he forgets your birthday.
(not proof read lol)
Its your birthday, you’ve never made a big deal about it tell you met him. You still remember his shocked face and loud “WHAT” when you told him you dont found your birthday a big deal, its just another day. Ever since then, he always celebrated your birthday in fun surprises and dinners. He made it so important and meaningful for you, and the big part of that is because you know he’ll be there.
So your nothing short of despair when its past 5pm and he hasnt once messaged you. It’d be another thing if he just didnt message happy birthday, you wouldve been okay with goodmoring.
You sigh putting your phone down, bitting your lip as your eyes water. It shouldnt be this serious, you’ve never even cared about your birthday before, so why dose it hurt so bad now?
That god damn Mingyu.
He used to be such a soft spoken soul, aiding to your needs as you do with him, those first few years of your relationship. He confessed to you in your own backward, he put his effort and time into it. You can even smell the flowers that lead to Mingyu, see the lights that brightened his soft smile, that swift hair and tall figure standing nervously fiddling with the bouquet in his hands. And who could forget the blush that tainted his face and ears, tears threatening to jump out after you said “yes.”
Now, your even lucky if he stays with you a whole day. Its always this or that driving him away. When he left your sisters engagement dinner because a friend of his needed help moving in, or when he canceled a date because he forgot a “really super duper important project” as he said. The nights he wouldnt call, the empty king bed. The second toothbrush that hasnt been moved in 2 weeks.
It drove you insane, but you still gave him the benefit of the doubt.
“Maybe he’s busy”
“Hes probably sleeping”
“God his phone must’ve died”
Your friends would yell at you over text, spamming you with the reality check you needed, but never could deposit. After pacing around the kitchen trying to ignore the cute cake you bought with a sad candle slowly sinking into it. You pick up your phone and call him.
Did he just hang up on you..?
No, he would have to be crazy.
You call again.
Same fucking thing, even quicker just 2 rings in.
You open his contact info, trying to see where his location would put him.
“No Location Found.” You curse, what is he hiding? Your mind leads to the one scenario you’ve been dreading, infidelity. The thought of him cheating makes you wanna throw up, but sadly its a most common event. You’re just so done with everything, putting the cake away into the fridge and changing clothes. Its now 6:42pm and with the major headache you have, you simply decided to sleep it off. Hugging the build-a-bear Mingyu bought you a year back, it muffles your sobs, soaking in the tears.
It’s cold and dark when your awaken by an extra weight adjusting it’s self onto the right side of the bed. You recognize it all to well. Mingyu pulls the covers over himself, giving you a small peck on the tip of your ear.
“You’re home” you say, your drowsy and hurt voice clear.
“Yeah- im sorry im so late” he whispers to you
“There's cake in the fridge”
“Cake? For what”
You sigh, “My birthday”
You can hear his breathe hitch.
“Fuck- Baby im so sorry. I didnt mean to forget. I was just so bus-.”
You sit up.
“Busy,? from what? So busy you couldnt even text? Because clearly it wouldnt have taken as much time as hanging up on me and turning off your location did. So if ‘busy’ is some new slang for ignoring then that makes way more sense.”
“I didnt even know you called, i swear. My location should be on babe.. I” He mumbles on
“Then whos hanging up on me? Making sure i dont know where your at? Is she fun?”
Mingyu’s eyes widen
“What are you talking about?”
“Her, you know.. Is she attractive? What is it huh? Skinner than me? Or maybe blonder? Or is because you dont need to be responsible for her?
“Baby no, its none of that.” He grabs your shoulders.
“I love you, calm down”
“How can i?” You exclaim, jumping off the bed.
“You missed my birthday! I waited for you like some stupid dog! I felt so stupid.”
“I dont understand, birthdays were never that big of a deal for you”
“They werent until you made it a problem! Now look at me” you say, the tear stained face and puffy cheeks evident.
Mingyu gets up, walking over to you.
“I know ive been distant, let me make it up to you”
“Where were you tonight?”
He stays quiet for a moment, taking a deep breathe
“My friend he uh… invited me to a club” he quietly says.
“Oh. Okay.”
“Mingyu, get out”
“What?” His heart drops.
“Get out! Did the club music deafen you?? I want you gone” You yell, tears streaming down your face as you push him out. Though you have little to no affect of moving his body, it makes it all the more depressing.
“Okay…Okay..” He quietly says, grabbing his phone off the dresser. Looking down at you with remorseful eyes. His heart aching at the messed up state your in. And its because of him, god.
You slam the door behind him, locking it. You sigh before faintly walking back to your bed.
And theres your build-a-bear, ready to be hugged and to soak all your tears again.
Atleast, that comforts you.
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multifandomfanficss · 9 months
Stuck With You
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: When the team sticks their newest member with Vigilante, everyone feels bad for you, but you’re grateful to have him around when you run into something from your past and lose your cool.
Warnings: panic attacks, human experimentation, referenced child abuse
A/N: I found a couple lines of dialogue in my drafts that I never did anything with and I had the writing bug today so I decided to finally make something with it! I’ll crosspost it on my AO3 adriansglasses as well. Hope you enjoy!
“(L/N), you’re with Vigilante.” Harcourt says, at the beginning of the meeting.
“You’re really gonna stick the newest person with that psycho?” John asks.
“You don’t need to be mean to Adrian just because he’s not here.” Leota starts.
“I would say it to his face too. He’d probably just laugh and call me his 4th best friend.” John retorts.
You hadn’t been with the team for long. This was your first mission with them. After a mission gone too out of control, Waller sent you to the middle of nowhere Evergreen, Washington. You thought she’d sent you here because the environment would be less hectic, but the longer you’re there, the more you realize she probably sent you here because everyone on this team is either highly traumatized or in need of more experience. She was trying to put the training wheels back on. From what you’d been told by the team’s top conspiracy theorist, Christopher Smith, this team was originally supposed to be an expendable scapegoat, but they ended up saving the world. You had no idea what to believe at this point.
“What’s up with Vigilante?” You ask, wondering why this was all such a hot topic. You hadn’t known him for long. He seemed a little odd, but overall fine. If you were being honest you actually kind of liked him. He was sweet and funny, often without trying. There was this comforting air about him and you didn’t really know why. He was a good fighter and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think he was at least a little bit cute.
“He’s a little…” Chris started moving his finger in a circular motion, trying to insinuate that Adrian was crazy.
“He can’t be that bad.” You smile.
Suddenly Adrian comes running into the old video store tripping over one of his shin guards that wasn’t on properly. He sits down and fastens it.
“Sorry I’m late, guys. They kept me late at the restaurant and then when I was trying to put on my suit in the car I accidentally ran a red light and usually I would kill somebody for that, but I mean I think the more important thing is that I didn’t run over the old lady crossing the street! She was totally fine and I know she’s alive because she screamed at me…I’ve never seen an old lady use to many swear words. It was kind of awesome! Anyway what did I miss?”
“You put on your suit while driving?” Leota asks.
“Yup.” He gives a straight face nod. Adrian often had a way about him, as if what he was thinking should be obvious to other people, when in fact, it was not obvious to most people most of the time.
“You amaze me.” Harcourt says, sarcastically.
“Thank you.” Adrian smiles, not catching her sarcasm.
She rolls her eyes, sighing.
Later on that night you and Adrian found yourselves walking through a series of tunnels.
“John, I think we might be lost.” You spoke into your coms, hoping he can help you from the van.
“I can’t even hear you in my earpiece and I’m right next to you. I think we lost the signal.” Adrian walks in silence for a few seconds before adding, “I’m sorry you got stuck with me.” He looks at the ground, sad.
“What are you talking about?”
“I know they stuck you with me. Nobody ever really chooses to be my partner.” He lightly kicks a rock, pretending not to be bothered.
“They did pair us up, but that doesn’t mean I was disappointed.” You smile.
“Really? Why would you want me?”
“Well first of all, you’re a great fighter. You were also the first person to attempt to be my friend. I’d trust you in the field over anyone.”
“Really?” You can hear the surprise in his voice.
“Yeah.” You let out a soft giggle. “Why are you so surprised that I like you?”
“Usually everyone just tells me to shut up or fuck off.”
“Well I’m not everyone.” You nudge him playfully as you walk.
Soon you come upon a door. It’s a little rusted, but Adrian shoots the lock off and you’re able to break in.
“What is this place?” He asks.
As soon as you walk inside you see the tubes, the files, the devices, the tables, the symbols. You know exactly what this is. This is an old facility for the for the group that made you leave your old job, the mission that ruined your life. You see files on the table, files no doubt full of details on the children they were experimenting on. The group would take orphaned children or children who were abandoned and unwanted, kids who had no one to protect them, and they would experiment on them. They were human trials to try to find new ways of making superheroes. This must have been one of their old abandoned facilities. Despite the lab being inactive, just the sight of it was still enough to send you into a spiral.
Your heart starts beating rapidly as you grow dizzy. You look down at your shaking hands. You’re starting to lose control of your breathing.
“I- I can’t-“ You walk backwards out of the room, starting to hyperventilate.
“Woah. Hey, what’s going on? Are you having a panic attack?” Adrian slowly puts his hands out towards you. He’s a little unsure of what to do.
“I’ve seen this before!” Your entire world is spinning as your start to cry. You can’t stop thinking about the awful things you saw when you snuck into their active facility earlier this year. Those poor children. Part of you was starting to wonder if Waller put you on this team for a reason. You should have known better than to think she was giving you a break. Waller always had some sort of fucked up motive that only worked for herself hidden up her sleeve. “I can’t fucking breathe!” You sob, sucking in air.
“Tender nice touching.” Adrian slowly approached you, patting your shoulder. You needed pressure on your body. You felt like you were slipping away from earth and you needed to be held down.
“Can I have a hug?” You asked, quietly.
“You want a hug?” He asked, his voice just as quiet. He was speaking softly to not startle you further.
“I think I can do that.“ He smiles, slowly bringing you into his arms. A little loose at first, he tightened the hug as you melted into him.
“I’m sorry- I- I just…I know what the did here and- and-“ Adrian shushes you as you begin to stutter, your mind moving much faster than your mouth is able to.
“You’re okay. You’re safe. I’ve got you. Just breathe with me. Don’t focus on anything else, but your breathing okay? Can you feel me breathing?” He rubs your back as you cry into his arms. You nod. “Okay, good. Just…just follow that.” He sighs and then focuses on making his own breathing something you can follow.
“Sometimes it’s hard for me to know what people on the team want because I know Chris doesn’t wanna look weak and Harcourt would kill me if I touched her, so I try to be careful. I just don’t wanna upset you guys more, but if you want me hold you I can keep doing that. Just let me know what you need and I’ll do it.” He says, softly.
“Can you just keep talking?” You ask. The sound of his voice is soothing and grounding.
“You want me to keep talking?” He smiles. “You’re in luck. I’m actually really good at talking. So good, in fact, that people are constantly asking me to shut up. So uh… What can I talk about? Oh! I know. So I have this friend at work. His name is Taylor. Well, he says we’re not friends, but he texts me all time time asking me to help cover his shifts and I would only trust a friend enough to ask them for that, so I think we’re friends. Anyway, so Taylor walked in this morning and…”
The longer Adrian rambles on the better you feel. The pressure of his body on yours and his voice slowly bring you back to earth. Eventually you find yourselves walking back through the tunnels, hand in hand, retracing your steps as he guides you back to the van to regroup. He keeps you distracted with silly stories the entire walk back.
You don’t know what the rest of your team was talking about. Adrian was the best partner you could have had.
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kazumist · 1 year
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✩ — in which you're their muse in their respective specialties in art.
✩ — includes: kazuha, albedo, xiao x gn!reader. fluff i think,, it's nothing sad dw dw. no cws. wc: 594. writer!kazuha, painter!albedo (this is canon i know i js wanted 2 tag), photographer!xiao. reblogs and feedback are very much appreciated!
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kazuha — !
anyone would be astonished at the way kazuha makes literature. there’s just something about his writing style that makes you go crazy in his works. the way he describes things and makes people envision it makes your head spin in a good and addicting way. there’s one thing that’s very noticeable in his works, it’s the way it would always be dedicated to someone.
you were the greatest thing to ever happen to him. it wasn’t like his life before he met you was dark (in fact, it was decent). it’s just that when he met you— when he fell in love with you, his life became brighter than ever. 
small dates in the park with you laying on his lap while he comes up with random haikus that’d describe you. you honestly wonder how he can never run out of those flowery words that spill from his lips every time he writes.
kazuha wishes for this to never end. but if he were to lose you then he’d never fall in love again after that. it will always be you.
albedo — !
from small doodles from afar, to sketches of you on a restaurant’s tissue, and now to a canvas where colors would show how they can express the way albedo views you. enchanting.
if the two of you had free time together you’d often hang out in an art studio. always bringing coffee together while you giggle quietly to each other on the way there. flowers in hand (that was picked up before you went to the studio, albedo said he had an idea for a painting).
“‘bedo?” you call him and he answers with a hum. “don’t you ever get tired of painting me?” you asked him. albedo put the paintbrush in hand down and walked towards you who’s sitting on a stool not far from him. he said your name softly while stroking your face and tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“i’ll never get tired of painting you. even if my hands were to be bruised and tired, i’ll never stop painting you.” 
xiao — !
late night walks around the city hand in hand, driving to visit views that no one has dared to see at night, that’s how you and xiao spend time.
polaroid pictures were your favorite. so xiao would always bring a polaroid camera with him. taking stolen shots of you, some shots with you posing in a silly way, and shots where you just looked… peaceful and pretty.
a polaroid love is what you have. making notes on polaroid pictures while hanging them around at your place, making cute little doodles on them which eventually turns into you and xiao running around trying to draw on each other.
he loves your smile, it makes him smile too. if you’d ask him “why are you smiling?” he would reply with “since i got to see you. you put a smile on my face.” although it was cheesy, for him, there’s just something about the way you smile. it’s comforting.
xiao was scared at first, because he realized that he loves you more than he thinks. he falls in love with you over and over again, as much as it’s a bit exaggerating to hear. the more he gets clingy, touchy, and affectionate, xiao knows he’s falling even deeper.
he scooted closer to you, arms on your waist and face on the crook of your neck. “i love you so much.” he murmured against your skin. “i love you more, xiao.”
“i love you most.”
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yuna542 · 10 months
💫Drabble Challenge💫
By @marked-unknown
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Pairing: Han x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Fluff, Comfort, Angst, Sexualising, Mentions of Sex, Swearing
Word Count: 5.8k
Note: I know it’s cheesy and cliché but I couldn’t help myself. Would love to be forced into a long bus drive with Han. ^^
Join my <Challenge>
„He reminds me of this annoying (but very charming) kid in a bus that tries to make you laugh when all you want to do is listen to your sad, depressing emo songs, pretend like you are in a sad music video and read your book (like Picture of Dorian Gray or some french poetry). You are stuck in that bus for couple of hours and there he is - making jokes, giving you snacks, making stupid faces, asking you to read the book out loud for him and so on, until he succeeds and you laugh and talk to him.“
"This seat is taken!" you snapped at the young man with the light hazelnut hair and unnaturally cute face who was about to push aside your bag on the seat next to you. Almost in a panic, you had your arm pressed down on the pile and were glaring at him in warning.
"Really? I don't see anyone here..." he replied dryly, sliding the headphones off his ears so they were around his neck.
You were getting angry again just looking at him. Han Jisung was the most annoying person on the planet, and after a day like this, exactly the last thing you needed.
"Just sit somewhere else!" you hissed at him and he just snorted and dropped onto the pair of seats in front of you where he put his backpack down, only to turn back to you and continue to annoy you, even though all you wanted was your peace and a quiet bus ride to feel sorry for yourself.
The day was already shitty enough, you didn't need his help to make things worse. In fact he did already enough.
"Are you mad about the suitcase? I didn't do it on purpose," he started a conversation with you again, while you pointedly pulled out your airpods and put one in your ear to finally block out his voice.
„It is your own fault. You should have just let me help but you're always so stubborn..."
You sighed in annoyance and put the other headphone in your ear as well. Then you picked a song on your phone. Han finally turned back to the front, apparently having finally realized that you weren't in the mood to talk to him. You looked out of the bus window and watched the other passengers who loaded their suitcases into the bus and also looked for seats. It was already noon, although the bus should start early at 10. Everything was running late and you could only hope to arrive at the hotel in time to try on your dress and prepare for the bachelor party. Otherwise you wouldn't get much sleep tonight. Your best friend was getting married tomorrow and you were the main bridesmaid in charge of planning the party. However, it all took place at a resort by the sea and the bus ride there took several hours. She didn't tell you until the last second that Jisung, her annoying big brother, would also be traveling with you. She knew exactly that you didn't get along very well. When he stood on the platform and waved to you, you would have liked to throw your suitcase right onto the road and yourself right after. Your nerves were already strained and a bus ride of several hours with Jisung sounded like hell. However, this was for your best friend and so you had swallowed your frustration and had been silently putting your suitcase away when he suddenly grabbed it. You ripped it back and had looked at him uncomprehendingly.
"For God's sake let go of the suitcase Jisung!"
"Let me help you," he said, and what should have been a friendly gesture, today made you go full crazy.
"I can do this by myself! Hands off!"
You tried to snatch the suitcase out of his hands again, but he was just as stubborn as you and always trying to tease you to the edge of bursting. Another reason why you probably had friction again and again. He continued to hold the suitcase, trying to pry it out of your hands.
"Just give it to me! Don't be like that!"
By now you were being eyed by the other passengers and the conversations around you died down as you fought like wild dogs over the suitcase, like the last bit of meat.
"Fucking let go you idiot!" you shouted, shoving the suitcase at him with a jerk so that it slammed against his chest. You're face was already glowing with embarrassment.
"I'm just trying to be nice, you ungrateful crumb!" he grumbled back, and as you both ripped at the suitcase at the same time, the clasp snapped and the zipper ripped open with a loud rattling sound. In a whirl of chaos and colorful fabric, the entire contents of your suitcase spilled out onto the dirty floor and you froze, stunned and on the verge of screaming out loud. Jisung's eyes were as big as plates, stammering something akin to an apology, while the other people around you began to murmur and whisper. You wanted to sink to the ground in shame, scream at Jisung or punch him in the face, but instead you just knelt down in a panic and tried to stuff your things back into the suitcase with your head buzzing. Because of the stress, you only noticed after a few seconds that Jisung was also kneeling next to you and collecting your things.
He didn't dare to say anything, until he held a red lace bra in his hands and actually pulled out the matching panties.
"Holy shit... What are you up to with these?" he asked with the more than erotic thong in his hand, which was basically all lace. He opened his mouth to say something stupid again, looking at you incredulously, but by then you were already ripping your underwear out of his hands and throwing them into the suitcase with the last pair of pants, and slammed it shut emphatically.
Without looking at him again, you had boarded the bus until he finally stood next to you again to get on your nerves.
As the bus began to move, you breathed a quiet sigh of relief and leaned your head against the window. While Lana Del Ray sang the sad melodies through your headphones and you watched the landscape go by, you tried to sink deeper and deeper into your melancholic mood. Because that's exactly what you needed right now. You had every right to gaze dreamily out the windows like in a movie and mourn over the crappy day.
"What are you listening to?"
Annoyed, you groaned as Jisung pushed his head between his two seats before you and eyed you curiously with his sparkling eyes. When you didn't answer, but stubbornly continued to look out the window so you wouldn't have to keep looking at that cute face, you felt his penetrating gaze continue on you.
"Aren't you going to talk to me? I asked you a question. Babe don't ignore me. You know that's useless..."
You tried to just tune him out, but this became more difficult with every second he stared through the seats with puffy cheeks and pouted lips, making you blush whyever. So you couldn't concentrate on the song, or your gloomy mood.
"Are you bored, Ji? Don't you have something better to do than annoy me?" you sighed, and the fact that you were finally talking to him he was clearly chalking up as a win.
"Actually, the battery in my headphones died... So I wanted to make a little conversation. And I'm bored."
You should have guessed.
Jisung has never been able to sit still except when he was asleep or listening to music. He always had to do something. Singing, dancing, or just talking nonsense. He had always been like that. Full of energy and charm. Never to be stopped and always with his head through the wall.
"Sounds like a personal problem. Then find someone else to annoy," you said, and he just grinned wryly.
"I only know you here though and you're always so cute when you're angry. Yes! Exactly like that, when you scrunch your nose like that!"
Quickly you averted your eyes, swallowed and tried to get rid of the rising heat from your cheeks. He was driving you increasingly insane. How you could endure five more hours with him was a mystery to you. Only an hour later, you were engrossed in your book. Jisung had fallen asleep. Thank God. Although the book was really good and you enjoyed the quiet moments, you kept catching yourself peeking between the seats and when you smiled at the sight of the dozing idiot, you quickly shook your head and averted your eyes again. He looked really cute when he was this quiet. His long eyelashes cast dark crescents on his cheeks and his plush lips were slightly pouted in sleep.
You tried to focus on the book again. It was a really sensual book. Full of romance, betrayal and a whole lot of eroticism. You were in your own world, the letters blurred into pictures before your eyes and you were completely absorbed in the story. Just as things were getting heated, you flinched violently as Jisung's voice suddenly tore through the film in your mind like a bolt of lightning and threw you back into reality. Suddenly you were back on the rattling bus full of strangers and your annoying companion.
"What are you reading?"
"A book. I know you probably don't know what that is," you replied a little meaner than you really wanted to. You didn't know yourself why you were projecting your anger and disappointment of the last days onto him, but he didn't really make it easy for you either.
Jisung tilted his head to read the title and the back of the book.
"You can read it to me..."
Suddenly he got wide-eyed and you already rolled your eyes, because you knew exactly what was coming now.
"Is this an erotic novel?" he exclaimed louder than necessary. The old couple in the seats next to you looked at you disturbed and the moment you embarrassedly looked around he used and snatched the book out of your hand. Much too late you jumped up and grabbed just the air. He stretched so that you couldn't reach him over the seats and read the page you had just been on.
"Give me that!" you hissed in panic, knowing exactly what he was reading. The scene was hot, violent, and in fact filthy porn.
"What the hell! This kind of things exist in books?", it escaped Jisung and he couldn't take his eyes off the page.
"Jisung! Please!" you pleaded, and by now you were bent over the back of the seat.
He looked at you, grinning at the desperation on your face. You were embarrassed and never wanted to look him in the eye again.
"Is that what you're into? With bondage and spanking?" he asked a little more softly, one eyebrow raised provocatively but he sounded genuinely interested.
"Shit, that's not funny..." you mumbled, and that's when he finally let you take the book out of his hands. As fast as you could you stowed it away in your bag. By now he was sitting turned around again in his seat right in front of you and had his arms crossed over the backrest.
"I remember when my sister and you were secretly watching 50 Shades of Grey and got caught. Your face was just as red then," he smirked, poking your cheek with his finger.
"Shut up!" you whispered, dejected by the shame. Quickly, you crossed your arms and looked out the window again. It was afternoon by now. In a few hours you would finally arrive and then you could avoid him. The rumbling in your stomach, while he continued to look at you with glittering eyes and without averting his gaze, became worse and worse. That's when he held out a bag of chips to you, but you declined, shaking your head.
"What's wrong?" he finally asked, causing you to look up. Seeing the genuine concern in his eyes, you frowned in confusion.
"Huh?" was the only thing you could get out. His face was so close to yours that you could see the golden speckles in the chocolate brown of his eyes. Even up close, he was unnervingly attractive.
"Why have you been in such a bad mood all day? You never turn down snacks. What happened?"
"I'm not," you replied quickly. Too quickly. You've always been lousy at lying and Jisung knew you too long to fall for it.
"Oh yeah, so you're always this mean?" he asked, resting his cheek on the back of his hand that was laying on the backrest.
His open curiosity without any condemnation, made you sigh. Why would you lie? You could tell him. Maybe he would laugh at you, but then at least you would have gotten it off your chest.
"I got stood up. I had a date yesterday and he didn't show up."
Han tapped his finger thoughtfully on the blue cushion.
"Maybe he had a good reason," he considered, and that he was trying to cheer you up made you smile.
"It was the third time..."
Directly he got big eyes and pulled his eyebrows together.
"Oh," he mumbled, not knowing what to say to that. Just like you. It was humiliating to wait a whole hour in that cafe just to get a curt message without a explanation. Again.
You looked down at your hands kneading them in your lap, lost in thought.
"I really thought this time it would work out... He was really nice and attentive at first. Turned out he just wanted to sleep with me. I'm so sick of men."
Jisung looked at you concerned and pressed his lips together.
"Yeah... Unfortunately, many men are really too stupid to realize what they're missing. Even if it's right in front of them."
When you looked at him, a bit confused, he averted his eyes and quickly looked out the window. There was a strange tension in the air that you found hard to describe. Like the smell that hung in the air after a thunderstorm.
It sounded like there was more to the words than Jisung wanted to admit, but you were probably just imagining it. Silently, you looked out the window as well, trying not to look in his direction too often, which was becoming increasingly difficult. You had never noticed how handsome he actually was. Friends of yours and his sister's had often said it, raved about Jisung and his charm, but you had always been immune to it. Probably because you grew up so close and he got on your nerves most of the time. But right now you felt this attraction that everyone always described.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you stopped at the next stop and some people got off and others got on. An old lady stopped next to Jisung and pointed to the empty seat besides him and you. Her husband was right behind her.
"Excuse me, are the seats free?"
Jisung smiled his brightest smile directly and before you understood what he was about to do, he said:
"Of course. You can sit here together. I can just sit with my friend."
He gathered his things and came to you, but you just stared at him in bewilderment. Only when the lady and her husband took a seat and said:
"Thank you very much."
You reluctantly pulled your bag from the seat so he could sit down. Now he had made it after all and ignoring him was much harder when he was sitting right next to you.
"You're unbelievable..." you mumbled and he crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back and getting comfortable so his legs pressed against yours.
"I know. I'm amazing," he said with his eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his lips.
"That wasn't a compliment...", you replied, but he pretended not to hear it. Shaking your head, you had to force back a smile with all your might. Why did he make you laugh when you really wanted to be angry? So you put your headphones back in your ears and turned the volume up really loud. After a few minutes, he pressed his leg against yours, but you ignored it, trying to ignore the flattering in your chest, but he didn't stop and put a hand on your thigh to squeeze it. Since you were only wearing a skirt, you got goosebumps directly when you felt his warm hand closed directly around your bare skin. Questioningly you looked at him.
"Can I listen too?"
Directly you tried to look unimpressed, even though your heart was beating harder and harder against your ribs. From the moment he sat next to you, you smelled his scent, which had clouded your mind. He smelled like fresh soap, pungent aftershave, and even a bit of lavender. It wasn't fair that he was so perfect.
"No!" you said quickly. You didn't want him to make fun of your taste in music. Just as he was about to answer something, a message lit up on your display. You couldn't stop him from reading it, and your stomach hurt again when you saw the name of the asshole you thought had liked you.
„Sorry I couldn't make it. Want to come over tonight?“
Angrily you threw your head against the back of your seat and took a deep breath to keep from bursting into tears again.
"That asshole... I'm good enough to fuck," you said in agony, and Han looked at you silently for a few seconds before holding out his hand in demand.
"Give me that."
"Just trust me."
A little suspiciously, you frowned but then handed him your unlocked phone. What else did you have to lose?
That's when he opened the camera and set it to selfie mode. Then he held it up so you could both be seen. Directly he put an arm around you, pulled you to his chest until you were nestled against him. Completely perplexed you looked up at him and there he pressed the shutter. His touch made everything inside of you go muddled. You didn't even manage to form a sentence, especially when he didn't take his arm off you, but scrolled through the pictures he had taken with a smile. His fingers left a trail of heat on your ribs.
"What are you doing?" you asked meekly, completely confused by the fluttering feeling in your stomach. You looked cute in the pictures.... In fact, like a... Couple.
"That's not enough," he mused aloud, holding up his phone again to snap a selfie. Then he looked into your eyes so intensely it made your throat choke. He smelled so impossibly good that you almost buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"If we're going to get back at him, we are going to do it right, yea?"
His body was so warm and close and his lips just centimeters away from yours. Suddenly it was like there was no one but you on the bus. Perplexed, you looked up at him and his smile before he pulled your chin closer with his fingers, bridging the last distance, made your heart explode. It took you an eternity to realize his lips were on yours. He kissed you gently, carefully, but so lovingly that your entire body began to tingle. His lips were soft, tasting like chocolate. No better than chocolate. Before you could return the kiss, it was already over. Completely surprised, you could only stare. As if nothing had happened and it was the most normal thing in the world to kiss your sister's best friend, he scrolled through the pictures he had taken during the kiss and showed them to you.
"The picture is a bit blurry we should do it again..." he said with a teasing grin and finally you found your voice again. His eyes were glued to your lips and you gasped as he ran his thumb over your chin and you felt his breath bounce against your lips again, as he leaned forward again.
"Ji!" it escaped you and you pushed him back a little your hand against his chest to get some distance between you. You desperately needed your mind back and with him so close to you, that was impossible. So all you could think about was kissing him again. He made a funny face and dropped back into the seat, chuckling as he typed a message. Then he handed you the phone again and waited for your reaction when you saw the picture and read the message he sent in addition. The pic was hot... He seemed to be all over you, touching you greedy and heated. When you read the message und smiled softly.
„Sorry bro she's already busy. Should have treated her better...“
It was perfect. Thus the ass would realize that you didn't need him and didn't care about him at all. That you weren't a toy he could exploit for his pleasure whenever he wanted. Besides, Jisung also looked insanely hot in the picture holding you, his hair a mess and the tank top showing a bit of his trained figure.
"Thanks..." you said then, unable to suppress a grin of satisfaction. He smiled too and nudged you with his shoulder against yours.
"You're welcome. You shouldn't be hanging out with guys like that. They don't deserve you..." he said and took out his chips bag again, from which you took a whole handful and shoved it into your mouth. Suddenly everything didn't matter and your bad mood fizzled out. All thanks to Jisung.
"But with you or what?" you asked chewing and he watched you with raised eyebrows.
"Well, sure. I'm great! I can sing, play guitar, rap, and I'm gold at League of Legends. What more could you ask for?"
This time, you actually laughed. It was an honest, chuckling laugh, and Jisung beamed even more when he finally heard it again. Then you took the other earpiece of your headphones and silently held it out to him. His leg brushed yours and he pressed it firmly against yours as he took the earpiecee smiling and put it in his ear. You played some songs that he liked and so you ate snacks together, nodded to the music and he even put in a mini dance routine in between where you choked on a crumb from laughing so much, so he patted you on the back for minutes until the old couple even gave you a bottle of water. He told you about the bachelor party that was planned for the groom, his best friend, and you told him the plans for his sister's. Because your best friend was going to marry Jisung's best friend, he was the best man.
"Probably everyone expects us to sleep with each other..."
"What?" you asked a little too loudly.
Jisung just shrugged his shoulders.
"Isn't that a cliché? That groomsmen and bridesmaids sneak away to fuck at a wedding?"
"Even if that's the case... Then why would I... sleep with you?"
His smile was adorable and you were already staring at his lips again.
"Well... The other groomsmen are the groom's 50 year old uncle and his brother who is gay and married."
"Maybe I'm into older men," you said, putting on a serious face as you licked the remaining crumbs from your fingers and looking at him.
For a moment all color drained from his face, until you snorted and he understood that you had made a joke.
"Admit it already, you actually find me irresistible," he said and nudged you in the side with his elbow.
"In your dreams!" you said, and he pouted, playfully offended.
Amused, you looked at him and had to quickly avert your gaze, afraid he might read your traitorous thoughts in your eyes. He finally persuaded you to read along in your book, and he commented on every scene like a sports presenter, meanwhile trying again and again to figure out, confused, how everything described was even possible.
"In which position does all this happen? That's not possible!" he said, and you laughed so much that your stomach started to hurt.
It wasn't long before you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder and when he noticed that, he smiled warmly, took your headphones and cell phone from you to put them aside. Then he put his jacket around you so you wouldn't get cold and your dress wouldn't somehow ride up in your sleep. Unconsciously you snuggled up to him, as he leaned forward to put his jacket around your waist. Astonished, he froze for a moment, looking at you as you dozed off peacefully with your cheek against his chest, enjoying your touch and warmth. When he watched you like this, your body nestled close to his, he noticed how beautiful you were and how much he had enjoyed the last few hours. You're body just felt perfect against his und he had to force everything in him not to touch you. He had laughed more than in the last few months and right now he wanted to kiss you and hold you forever, but he didn't dare. Actually he had never dared to do that before today.
But he could look at you a little longer, enjoy your presence, until everything returned to normal. He didn't know how long he had been watching you and daydreaming, but when your eyelids fluttered and you seemed to slowly wake up, he panicked. He quickly closed his eyes, pretending he had been asleep the whole time.
Sighing, you rubbed your eyes and only when you yawned did you pause. With your heart pounding, you slowly glanced up to see how close you were nestled against Jisung. Fortunately, he was also asleep and didn't seem to notice. Carefully, your face burning with shame, you straightened up a bit. There you felt his arm around your body as it lay limp at your thigh. You tried to calm your breath. How had it come about that you had kissed Jisung and now you were sleeping cuddled together like a couple. As carefully as you could, you released your cheek from his chest, brushed a strand of hair from your face, and noticed the jacket on your legs. It was heavy, smelled pleasantly of him, and you had not put it there. Thoughtfully, you looked again at Jisung, who was sleeping peacefully. Then a thought occurred to you. It was brainless, naive and stupid, and yet everything in you wanted to cuddle up to him again.
After all, he had tucked you in and not woken you up to push you away from him. If you just lay back down, he would dismiss it as an accident, which it originally was. So you moved in slow motion so as not to wake him, as you nestled back into his arm, leaning your head against his chest and wrapping an arm around his stomach. He didn't wake up. Relieved, you relaxed and enjoyed his warmth. It was strange and completely surreal. Then why did you like it so much?
You listened to his heartbeat and breathing, and after a while you realized, confused, that it was faster than usual for a sleeping person. You looked up at him questioningly and when the corners of his mouth lifted, your heart stopped. With his hand wrapped around your body, he suddenly pulled you closer, ran his thumb over your hipbone, and smiled mischievously without opening his eyes. You almost choked on yourself. You felt caught, but he had also only pretended to be asleep. You decided you would have plenty of time to deal with it after, so you snuggled closer to him, closed your eyes, and couldn't help but grin.
When the bus finally reached its destination it was already afternoon, you startled up from your stupor and felt warm and cozy. You rubbed your eyes and broke away from Jisung with a furtive glance at him, who was yawning. The hotels lined the street and to the right and left was a green park with large trees leading towards the entrances of the hotels.
"We're here...", you mumbled and were almost even a little disappointed that the ride was actually over now and with it what had happened between you and Jisung. Whatever that was. You packed up your things and got off the bus. As you did so, you didn't dare look in his direction. The strange feeling in your stomach wouldn't go away and you just didn't understand what was going on with you.
When your suitcases were cleared out, Jisung got his backpack first.
"Do you want me to take your suitcase?" he asked as you heaved it onto the sidewalk.
"Don't you touch it!" you panicked, both of you laughing at the same time as your eyes met. Then you made your way through the park.
"Why did you only bring a backpack?" you finally asked to break the strange silence. The air was heated, smelled like flowers and warm asphalt. Your hotel and that of the bride and other bridesmaids were already looming in front of you at the end of the park. Jisung's was across the street so the bride and groom couldn't meet before the wedding.
"I don't need that much. Clothes I have on, food is there and I have my laptop with me," he said, smiling broadly at you.
"That's insane," you smirked and the closer you got to the hotel, the more restless you became.
"No practically," he replied and as you came to a stop in front of the hotel entrance, you looked at each other silently. Neither of you knew what to say. It was strange but not awkward. Everyone would go to their hotel and then everything was forgotten. Everything you felt, all the chaos and heart palpitations. He ran his fingers through his hair and stepped from one leg to the other.
"Well then see you at the wedding!"
You nodded quickly and your fingers tightened around the handle of your suitcase.
"See you then..." you mumbled. It felt wrong, unfinished and incomplete just to leave. Like you were missing something you'd never realized before. Like you ended the movie right beforehand the big finale. Still, you turned around after looking at his twinkling eyes one last time and he too started walking in the opposite direction. The tension in your chest made you barely breathe. You put one foot in front of the other, smoothed out your dress and tried to convince yourself that you had imagined everything. But that's when you heard behind you:
Questioning, you turned around and saw him drop his backpack on the floor and run towards you. You were about to ask if he had forgotten something when he reached you, cupped your face with both hands and almost swept you off your feet as he pressed his lips firmly to yours. Surprised, you staggered, but he held you tight and this time something exploded in your head, but you were too shocked to return the kiss. Instead, you had a thousand question marks in your head. Was this the right thing to do? And if not, why did it feel so incredibly good? Before you could find an answer to the thousand questions, he broke away from you and looked questioningly into your eyes. You could see how nervous he was and he waited excitedly for your reaction.
"I would have regretted it if I hadn't done that. I'm sorry," he murmured, looking at your face in his hands as if trying to memorize every detail one last time. You still tasted him on your lips and gradually you began to understand. Just as he was about to pull away, you grabbed his chest with both hands and clawed your fingers into his shirt. Roughly, you pulled him to you before you could change your mind and listened to your heart for the first time. You kissed him so passionately that both of your breaths stopped, but he didn't hesitate for a second to pull you to him, his hands firmly on your hips. The kiss was full of passion and the built up tension discharged into electrified energy between you. Your hands found their way into his hair, pulling lightly until he hummed softly and your lips met again and again until you felt dizzy. As he pulled you closer to his body, until barely a piece of paper could fit between you and you almost lost your footing, the kiss became more sensual, slower. He let his tongue slide over your lower lip until you opened your mouth a little more and your tongues met. It was a heady feeling and you couldn't believe how long you had been blind for your own feelings. That what you wanted all along, someone attentive, loving and kind, was all the time right in front of you.
When you finally broke away from each other breathing heavily, tightly embraced under the canopy of a large oak tree, your eyes just bubbled over with energy. You both began to grin and giggle. You couldn't believe what was happening to you.
"What are we going to do now?" you asked, smiling and pressing your forehead to his. His hands stroked your back, leaving a comforting tingle and your body melted into his as you clasped your hands in his neck.
"I have no idea... Just want to do this forever."
Again you laughed in disbelief and you shook your head barely noticeably.
"You really are unbelievable, Han Jisung," you murmured, and he tilted his head slightly and winked at you.
"Told you."
Directly you rolled your eyes, but couldn't resist pressing another kiss to his lips. For a moment he broke away from your lips to say:
"Let me take your suitcase to your room... I'll be careful this time, I promise."
You snorted softly and stroked your hands over his chest. You felt more comfortable than you had in ages. He looked at you as if you had hung the sun and moon in the sky yourself, and he made you feel like you were beaming with pure joy from the inside out. Wordlessly, you pressed your suitcase into his hand and whispered, your lips just a finger's width from his:
"Just for once."
Spellbound, he waited to feel your lips again, to taste you and never let go, but you took a few steps back and smiled cheekily over your shoulder as you ran up the stairs to the entrance. Somewhat clumsily, he collected his backpack and followed you into the lobby with your suitcase and the widest grin you had ever seen.
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pinkthrone445 · 5 months
-Your new neighbor- Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, love, hurt
Warnings: manipulation, mention of accidents, mention of blood and medical procedures
Summary:Upon hearing the tragic news, Mel decides never to leave your side again
Fuck fuck fuck At what point had this happened, hours ago Mel was sad and angry not knowing whether to talk to you again or not, and now that she was driving to the hospital like crazy, she would give everything in her life to see you and hear your voice once again...What if she never saw you again? Guilt would eat away at her all her life for fighting the last time you were together. The guilt would swallow her for not having listened to you, for not having given you the opportunity to explain things, for not opening the door for you every time you went to see her, for not going to your exhibition... Maybe if she had gone to the exhibit you would have gone out to eat together or talk and this wouldn't have happened, maybe she would have driven home and taken a different route or you two would have gone out earlier to celebrate somehow and you would never have crossed paths with that drunk driver. If she hadn't revived the idea of the gallery art, you wouldn't have ended up driving late at night and this accident wouldn't have happened...What if... What if... What if she lost the best thing that ever happened to her...
A thousand things went through the redhead's head while she was trying to find out where they had you hospitalized, when she finally found the hospital, the whole world fell apart when she finally realized everything that was happening, she couldn't believe it was real, no one at the front desk wanted to tell her anything about you, they wouldn't let her pass or answer her questions fearing that she was just another reporter of the many who had gone. She tried to explain a thousand times, begging to be let her in or to ask your sister to confirm that they knew her, but no one listened to her. She didn't even know if you were alive or not, she needed to see you, touch you, listen to you, beg you to forgive her stupidity, she needed something, she needed you.
Melissa sat in the waiting room thinking of some plan so they let her through, she thought about breaking in but surely she would be caught and taken to jail or something and that would only make it difficult to see you, she also thought about calling one of her guys, but no one had enough power to accomplish this, she thought of begging, of crying, of somehow going up to the terrace and going in that way, of searching room by room in the thousands of stretchers that were there, she was thinking the impossible, everything was worth thinking but nothing would work, nothing would take her to you, she was desperate to see you.
Not knowing what else to do, she took out her cell phone and unlocked your number, all the messages you had sent her in this time apart, began to arrive and that only made her feel worse and cry more.
-"I miss you" "I need you" "My life it's not the same without you" "Im sorry if I hurt you, can we talk?" - and the last one, minutes away from the accident-"The art gallery was a success, and I owe most of it to you... Thanks for giving me the courage to do what I love... I really wish you were here..."-She was the last person you texted before the accident, she was probably your last thought before everything happened and she was so stubborn that she might never see you again. All the chances she missed, all the wasted time being mad for nothing... When she could have been with you... Melissa was freaking out, she needed to hear from you, to see you...
And then... Like a gift from heaven, like a ray of hope. Your sister came out of the elevator, Melissa jumped out of her seat like a spring and tried to run with your sister but was stopped by doctors
-"Please! I beg you! Let me in, I need to see her"-Melissa pleaded with her teary eyes, her screams caught the attention of your sister
-"Let her in, she's coming with me"-Your little sister whispered hoarsely for crying so much, Mel sighed in relief when she saw that she was let in, as she approached your sister, Mel hugged her tightly and your sister barely reciprocated with almost no strength to even breathe
-"How is she? Can I see her?"-Mel asked and your sister just sighed looking at the older one
-"She is in intensive care, intubated without reacting... She had broken bones and internal bleeding, she barely made it out alive, the next few hours are critical and we have to see how she reacts... If you want I can get them to let you in, but she doesn't look good, she's so beaten up..."-Your sister whispered, still hugging the redhead and about to cry again
-"I need to see her, please" - Mel pleaded and your sister nodded, after lying at the front desk and saying that Melissa was your wife, they gave her a pass so she could come into your room and see you.
You were only in a few floors above, but the wait un the elevator took forever. When the elevator beeped and the doors opened, your sister guided her to your room, it was a very controlled private room. When she entered, she could see on one of the tables the teddy bear that you used to have on your bed along with some flowers. When her eyes fell on your body, her heart almost stopped. There you were, so fragile, so pale, so hurt. Lots of machines hooked up to you, your face full of cuts and bruises, a part of your head bandaged, your leg in a cast and held high, the serum attached to your arm and a tube went down your throat so you could breathe. Mel turned to look at your sister, who avoided looking at you because of how bad you were. Carefully the redhead approached your bed and took your motionless hand, caressing it gently with her thumb while tears fell down her cheeks unable to help it
-"Hey... It's me, Melissa... I... I..."-Mel sighed, trying to find the strength to talk to you-"I need you to listen to me carefully hon, I know I was an idiot for not giving you a chance and listening to you and maybe you don't even want to see me right now, but I need you to keep fighting, to wake up even if it's just to yell at me how stupid I am. I need you to get better, I know how much you love your sister and I know you don't want to leave her alone. We need to see you well, you still have a lot to live for, a lot to paint and a thousand things to do... We need you to live, to fight, please..."-The redhead began to cry as she squeezed your hand tighter-"I need you please, I can't lose you again... You can't win a fight this way... Wake up please, fight me, fight dead, you're the strongest and smarter person I know, fight for your life, if isn't for yourself do it for me or your sister, if you are gone, we lost our happiness, our whiling to live, please. I need you, I... I love you..."-Her own sobs wouldn't let her continue, it was the first time she had ever said I love you to you, the first and she wished it wasn't the last... She had waited too long to say it, the words were choking her... Why she had to wait that long?...
-"Melissa... You have to go"-Your sister whispered, breaking the moment
-"What? Please don't, I just got here... I need to stay by her side, please..."-Mel pleaded and your sister sighed-"She needs me, I need her"-Melissa's voice was wobbling, she had just arrived, she needed to be by your side until you woke up and got better, she needed to take care of you
-"My father is coming and it's better of he doesn't see you here... Wait for me at the lobby, I need to tell you a few things..."-Your sister begged for Melissa not to insist anymore, the redhead nodded and kissed your hand gently before letting you go.
A few minutes later, while Melissa was drinking coffee, your sister sat down next to her
-"I'll tell you a few things and I need you to listen without interruption" - Your sister commented and the redhead nodded giving her the space to speak-"My sister... She loved you, she still does... I've never seen her so in love with someone as with you, the only one who knows the place where her paintings are besides you is me... She would never hurt you... My father, he is a man who always gets what he wants, he wanted my sister in the company and he got it, he got her to leave her dreams to work with him. He doesn't like you at all, you revived her dreams, you revived her, her happiness... My father threatened her for countless times, if she continued with you, with the paintings, with this life, he would take away her inheritance, she didn't care, she would rather be with you than have the money or the company... Then, he paid her ex to make a "business diner" with her, he also paid her to kiss my sister in front of some paparazzi so it would be in the news for you to see, so you would have a reason to stay away from her... His plan worked... She wanted to run away from him and back to you, but my father told her that if she did that, he would take me away from her... So she stopped trying to convince you to talk, she just gave up because of me, but that didn't mean that she was guilty of this or that she didn't loved you..."-Your sister finished speaking and Melissa sighed, she felt so stupid for ignoring you for so long, for not listening to you, the tears began to fall again, she was angry for so long by something stupid and now she didn't know if she would ever see your beautiful smile again, how she missed your smile... - "You can't be here, he will ruin your life too and if my sister wakes up, she won't forget herself if something happens to you... I will keep you posted, I will tell you when you can come here, but you can't stay right now, do you understand?" - Your sister asked, and Melissa nodded sadly.
The days began to pass, Mel came to visit you and take advantage of the minutes she could when your father was away, she talked to you about school things, about paintings, about your favorite restaurant, making future promises and begging every day that you would wake up.
One night, a call almost shattered her, your leg had become infected and you were in surgery, your leg was cut off below the knee before the infection could spread. Mel went to the hospital even though your father was there, a big fight started there between your father and her, but nothing made the redhead leave your side.
A week later, you began to show signs of improvement, as you no longer had an infection, your body began to improve greatly and quickly, you began to breathe on your own and the intubation was removed, now there were fewer machines and more space in the room, the redhead took it upon herself to decorate the room with things you liked.
One of the nights when the redhead was taking care of you, thanks to your sister convincing your father to leave her be there, Melissa fell asleep in a chair next to you clutching your hand as if her life depended on it
-"Mel...I'm thirsty and my leg itches"-The redhead heard your voice in her dreams as she had done so many times, but now you felt closer, more real-"Melissa... Please... I'm thirsty" - You insisted and the redhead opened her eyes waking up and smiling to see that it wasn't a dream, you had woken up
-"Hon! You're awake! Oh thank God and the doctors" -The redhead started kissing your face with a lot of emotion while you closed your eyes laughing almost powerlessly-"I'll call the doctors, wait for me please"-Mel ran excitedly and screaming through the hospital even though it was 3 in the morning, she also called your sister to let her know what was happening. The redhead had never felt happier in her life.
The doctors monitored you from top to bottom, they also informed you of the current situation and what had happened to your leg
-"I still can feel it, It itches" - It was the only thing you whispered trying to understand what had happened, the doctors explained that it was phantom syndrome and it was normal with people who had lost limbs. Mel held your hand the entire time as you talked.
Your life took a complete turn after all this, when you were discharged you couldn't be alone at home and for almost everything you depended on someone's help, you felt uncomfortable and worthless, and like a burden to others.
When your leg finally healed, witch it was hard to look at it by yourself, they started working on your prosthetics and starting to walk, which was another difficult reality to accept, the prosthetics and exercises hurt, everything they put was uncomfortable, you still felt your leg there, some days hurt more than others and cost more than others. You fell many times before you could take your first steps, and it took you a lot more work to be able to walk without crutches or without holding on to some things.
It took you even longer to be able to touch your scar and see yourself in front of the mirror without clothes and without prosthetics. Melissa stayed every part of the process by your side, cooking food for you, helping you clean, cleaning your scar, helping you bathe, in your therapies, in everything, she was there in every step. You were grateful for that, but you also felt like a complete burden to the redhead.
-"Mel... Can we talk please?"-You whispered as the redhead cooked, carefully stopped what she was doing, and came back with you sitting down in front of your wheelchair, giving you her full attention-"I really appreciate what you have done for me, I know I was not the easiest person to handle in this process, I appreciate your meals, your care, your help, your patience ,I really appreciate you... But now I've started walking on my own and maybe you should go back to your old life... I don't want to keep bothering you, I don't want to take up space in your life that maybe you could be taking up to do other things or meet more people..."-You whispered without looking at her, the hatred with which she had looked at you when she saw the news of your kiss with your ex was still in your head and you honestly didn't understand what she was doing there, why she came back to you. You didn't understand why she was with you or why she treated you so affectionately, it couldn't be because of attraction, maybe she was attracted to you before, but as you were now it was very difficult for the redhead to find you cute or enough
-"So, are you saying you want me to leave? Are you sure you don't need my meals anymore?"-The redhead joked and you sighed trying to show her you were serious
-"I'm saying that I'm letting you go... You don't need to do this anymore, you don't own me anything, you deserve a life, you don't need be stuck with me just because we makeout a couple of times, you can get someone better, someone whole..."-You whispered and the redhead understood, you were insecure about your new condition
-"But I don't want anyone else, there's no one better, I want you, I'm happy to be here... I almost lose you one time, I won't let you go again. I don't care if I have to help you go to the bathroom or help you get in the car, I'll do everything you need, I'll be by your side all the time. I know you are a little insecure about yourself right now, but believe, you look gorgeous, stronger, more perfect than ever, and I'll be by your side always to remind you... I love you so much that I can't be away from you, I won't go, no matter what or who comes between us, I won't walk away this time..."-Melissa whispered, taking your face in her hands, looking into your eyes
-"You love me?"- You whispered in disbelief
-"I've loved you since the first time I saw you smile at that party you threw... Neighbor" - She whispered smiling and kissed your forehead making you smile- "I love you since that time and I'll love you until my last breath"
-"I love you too neighbor... I came back for you, thank you for staying by my side all this time" - You whispered caressing her cheek-"Thanks for coming back for me"
-"Thanks for not giving up on life... Thanks for not giving up on me" - Melissa whispered and leaned her forehead against yours appreciating the quiet moment
-One Year Later-
A lot had happened in a year, since your sister was already 18 years old, she was no longer dependent on your father and thanks to a lawsuit in which you helped, she managed to inherit the company halfway with you. While you still helped a little with some things at the company, you decided to do what you loved the most and applied it to teach art, you quickly got a job at the school where Melissa was.
-"Well kids, please give a welcome to the new art teacher, (Y/N) Bright! - Melissa said excitedly presenting you at the kids, the children smiled a lot when they saw you enter, one of the little ones approached you curiously noticing your leg
-"Hi miss Bright, are you part robot?"-He asked, and Melissa looked at him nervously, fearing he would make you feel bad or embarrassed
-"I'm! I'm a cyborg teacher, I'm super smart and strong" - You responded by smiling at the redhead and the child, Mel heaved a sigh of relief and kissed your cheek
-"I will let you to it, you call me if you need anything" - she murmured before leaving the classroom listening to how the children asked you questions and said things
-"Cool! I've always wanted a robot teacher!" - A girl commented
-"Yeah! Tell us how you got your superpowers!"-Another little one added
Melissa smiled as she felt like you made up a story to entertain them, maybe you weren't a robot, but without doubt, you were the strongest person she knew.
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