#eventually more will be posted about quinn
gilverrwrites · 2 months
Bat Feeder
AN: I keep seeing those rich people social media posts where people fill Dollie’s up with snacks and leave them outside for delivery drivers, and imagining doing something similar for the bats. Bat-Fam/Reader, 1K words (Batman, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Red Hood, Robin, Signal, and Spoiler) CWs: None, just a silly little fluff fic. GN! Reader
It starts small, just a tray with some water bottles, packs of gum, maybe some protein bars and a multi-pack of chips you bought but didn’t like. You write ‘For Batman, Robin, and other vigilantes; Thanks for what you do :)‘ in Sharpie on the front of the tray and leave it on your balcony, not really expecting much, it was just a silly thought after too much doom scrolling.
It goes untouched for weeks, you’ve almost forgotten about it until one night, at like 2 AM you hear the sound of heavy boots walking on metal grate, so faint you would have missed it if you’d been asleep. Curious, you peek through your curtain and there’s Red Hood!
He stands there for a long time, motionless as he seems to stare at it, helmet hiding any real emotion until he pockets a pack of gum and water before leaving, dropping down into the street.
News must spread amongst the other heroes cause within a few days the basket is nearly empty. Enthused, the next time you go to the store you pick up some new items, just a few extra bits that are within your budget; chips that don’t taste like cardboard, candy, and energy drinks.
Your efforts are clearly appreciated as you wind up having to restock every couple of days. The energy drinks are the biggest takers, and you worry you might be supplying the younger ones with high amounts of caffeine that they shouldn’t be having.
One day you’re scrolling through insta during your work break and see Spoiler has posted a masked selfie of herself holding up a chocolatey protein bar with the caption ‘Perks of the job! 💜⭐️ #thankyoukindcivilian’ or something like that. In the back of the photo you see your basket and you’re elated.
Another day you wake up to a note wedged halfway through your window, it’s from Robin, stating that he’s a vegan and if it’s not too much trouble could you cater to that. The same day you dump a bunch of fruit that you were never gonna eat anyway into the basket and hope it will hold over until your next trip to the store where you spend ages examining the dietary information of everything you pick up, eventually finding a couple of items you hope he’ll like.
Your efforts are appreciated because the next day you find another note from him offering his gratitude.
After the novelty has worn off it dies down, you fall into a routine; they never take too much, so you only have to top it up every few weeks. Until one morning you wake up to find it completely ransacked, your sign has been scribbled out, replaced by the words: ‘THX 4 THE SNACKS’, and a bunch of doodles. You suspect Harley Quinn since one of the drawings is her trademark 3 of diamonds.
Unsure how to proceed, you clean up the mess and bring it inside. You don’t want to attract danger, but you did enjoy doing it. The graffitied tray sits by the door for a long time while you consider what to do, more and more forgotten with each day.
That’s until there’s a knock on your balcony door in the middle of the night. Seems ominous, risky in a city like Gotham, especially after what happened with Harley, but just like that night with Red Hood, you can’t help but investigate.
When you poke your head around the curtain you find Nightwing staring back at you. He smiles and waves to you like you’re long-time friends and it does a lot to ease your shock.
“Um, hi. Can I help you?” You ask as you open the door.
“Uh, maybe, see, I came all the way from Blüdhaven cause I was told there would be snacks.” He replies, dramatically looking around your balcony as he speaks. “But there’s no snacks.”
“Yeah. I stopped after Harley Quinn vandalised it.” You gesture to the now discarded red and black tray. “But I have some chocolate, if you want some. Or do you like Cheez-Its?”
“You don’t have to do that.” He sounds disappointed.
“No it’s fine, it’s no trouble, wait here!”
You raid your kitchen before returning with a handful of snacks and drinks from your own supply and offer them Nightwing.
“Oh wow, Thanks!”
You didn’t have to, but you’re glad you did. He has such a genuinely giddy look on his face.
“Really though, we don’t do it for the free stuff, we appreciate it a lot.” He speaks between mouthfuls of M&Ms. “If you ever wanted to do it again, I wouldn’t worry about Harley. She's mostly harmless to civilians these days.”
He thanks you a few more times before leaving to finish his patrol, but not before warning; “Hey, don’t open your door for any more strangers in the middle of the night, yeah? Well, unless they’re as handsome as me.”
Harley being mostly harmless doesn’t fill you with confidence, but you figure if those guys are brave enough to risk their lives fighting crime, you can be brave enough to put a box of treats outside. This time with a new sign that reads “For Bats, birds, other vigilantes, and Harley Quinn ♥️”
You hope including her might make her less likely to lash out.
From there everything falls back into normality for a while, you even start adding seasonal treats for special occasions, until eventually, they seem to stop by less and less, perhaps they grew bored or maybe you’re not a convenient stop on their latest patrol route, you don’t really mind, you persist.
Every now and again on your days off you’ll spot signal stopping by, he always gives you a smile and a thumbs up when he sees you watching him.
After months and months, maybe a year or so it happens. The big one. You’re struggling to sleep one night, the flat just feels too hot, too claustrophobic. Overwhelmed by it you storm outside, needing the night sky and its cold air but when you get there you’re greeted by an imposing shadow of a man, Batman. He’s holding a half-drunk bottle of water and his entire body is so stock still, you’re not even sure if he’s real or a statue. After a solid minute of silent staring you quietly step back inside, count to 30, and re-emerge. He’s gone, completely dissolved into the darkness of the night with half a bottle of water and a snack pack of mint Oreos.
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ilythena · 6 months
Request: Jack and Luke go to an animal shelter to adopt a pet (cat or dog, which ever is your favorite) and Jack falls for the adoption counselor that helps them pick out the perfect pet
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★SUM after Luke begs Jack to get a dog, he ends up lucky in more ways then one.
Fem!reader, straight fluff, no warnings! Kinda short tho, tbh I got too interested in Luke begging Jack for a dog 😭 req are open so don’t be shy to send in some, almost done w a lot of them just gotta find time to post em <3
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“Can you just hear me out-“ “no.” “Please! Just one!”
Sitting on the bed in Jacks room of their shared apartment, Jack throws his head back with an irritated groan. “Luke, I’m not going to keep arguing with you about this shit. We can’t have a dog. Who’s going to watch it? And clean up after it? We’re both professional hockey players and have zero time for an animal.”
With a pout, Luke hesitates before speaking again. “I’ll clean up after them! And I’ll spend all the time with them!” “Luke no. We have a game tomorrow. Go to bed.”
“Why am I even asking! I’m a grown man. I’ll just get one and bring it home.” “I wish you fucking would.”
Luke storms out of Jacks room and heads to his own. Immediately getting on his phone and ranting to Quinn about his problems, Jack turns his body and sighs.
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“…what’s going on with the Hughes’?” “Apparently Jack said no to a dog. Luke’s not taking the rejection well.”
The two brothers glare at each other from across the locker room, Luke tightening his laces and Jack grabbing his stick. He mouths an ‘I’m not changing my mind. No dog.’ And Luke huffs before walking out.
“…..well, he’ll get over it soon.” Nico says, patting Jack on the back and he just frowns. “Why is he so insistent on a pet all of a sudden? I mean, you understand why I’m saying no right?”
“Yes, I understand. But I can also see his side. You two will come to a compromise eventually. Let’s not worry about this stuff and just focus on trying to win the game tonight, okay?” Nico says and with a nod, both boys walk out of the room and onto the ice.
Everything was going well at first, Jack had even scored a goal! But it’s like this week just wasn’t on his side. The opposing team began crushing them after the first quarter, swiftly taking out their team with a score of 3-1.
On top of the crushing loss, it was pouring rain outside. And his umbrella broke, which meant he had to walk in the rain, with his brother who’s mad at him, after he loses a game. Great.
Both boys get to the car cold and covered in water—not a word spoken between the two. Luke closes his door shortly after Jack does and it’s pure silence between the two. Jack starts the car and turns the heat up to the max before driving off and making his way home.
“Hey luke?” “…yeah?” “I’m sorry. I’ve been really stressed out and honestly I don’t think it’s good for us to be arguing over something so stupid. Maybe we should get something to eat-” bark! Jack’s eyes snap over to Luke and suddenly it feels like the car is at 100 degrees.
“What was that.” “What was what…?” Bark! Comes from Luke’s side of the car once again, this time Jack can faintly see something moving inside of his jacket.
“Luke.” “….listen! Do you see how hard and cold it it outside? Poor thing would have freezed to death out there!” “I told you no dogs!” “Look at her!”
Luke pulls the small puppy out from his jacket and you can see her shaking. Wet, cold, and obviously very lost.
“…what do we do now?” Jack whispers and Luke doesn’t answer, pulling the animal closer to his chest. After a moment of discussing what to do, the boys decide to just go home and sleep for the night.
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“Hi, welcome in… how can I help you?” “We wanna adopt this dog-“ “no we don’t.”
Jack pushes Luke behind him and gently snatches the puppy from his hands, a sharp gasp cutting through the air when Luke feels the shove.
“Oh! Where did you find them?” “On the street, my brother couldn’t help but pick them up.” You gently take the animal out of Jack’s hands and inspect them for a second before looking him in the eyes. “I’ll have to do a cleaning and a check up for them, since they’re very dirty and I want to make sure the dog is healthy before I give them to you.”
Jack glances at you and when you two make eye contact all the anger he had directed towards Luke died down immediately in his throat. He quietly nodded and in less than a second, you were gone and in the back.
Another one of your coworkers came and got their information, and Jack had sat next to Luke in the small waiting area.
“…can we please keep the dog-“ “maybe.”
After what seemed like hours, you walk out with the dog put in a small kennel, handing it to your coworker. “Good news, puppy is very healthy! Bad news, you can’t keep her because she’s microchipped, which means she does have an owner.” Luke groans in disappointment, but his eyes flicker over to another dog playing through the window in a designated play area.
Jack notices this, and after standing there for a while, he speaks. “….are any of the dogs over there up for adoption?” “Yes sir! All the animals on the right side of the building are up for adoption. Are you interested in adopting today?”
“Um, yes.” Luke’s head snaps over into Jack’s direction. “That’s great! I’ll let you two look at the animals, and let me know if you decide to adopt.”
As you walk away, Jack looks at Luke and glares. “Don’t get too happy. I’m picking the dog.”
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“Hello Mr. Hughes, how may I help you today?” “Hey. I know this is really sudden, but I think he’s sick! He’s been throwing up a lot.”
Jack drags in a golden retriever, who his brother named ‘Jett’ and he doesn’t look to well. Slouching and obviously very tired.
“Oh no! Here, follow me. I’ll get him onto the inspection table and I’ll check what’s wrong with him.” He follows you down the hallway with the puppy in his arms and sets him down gently onto the cold metal table.
Watching you take a stethoscope and check up his heartbeat and trying to listen into his stomach, his heart briefly stops when you call in your coworker to do an x-ray on the animal.
After getting sent to the waiting room and waiting an hour, his worried face shifts to confusion when Jett quickly runs out the door and in between Jack’s legs.
“So, I thought he had an infection in his stomach from some sort of food, but as soon as I officially set up the x-ray and tried to put him under it, he refused and went from looking sick to looking completely fine. My diagnosis is that he was trying to get your attention by being dramatic.”
Jack scoffs in disbelief and looks down at the golden ball of fur in between his feet, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
“Wow. So I brought him here for nothing?” “Pretty much.” You try to hold back a laugh but fail miserably, smiling at the animal and preparing the register for his bill.
“Well, at least he’s okay! That’s all that matters.” You say and Jack lets out a brief chuckle before looking down at the machine.
“150 dollars?!” “Unfortunately, He did waste the supplies used to prep the x-ray machine…”
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“Back again, Mr. Hughes?” “He was eating grass, I’m concerned he’s sick.” “You said that the last time you came in.”
It’s been about 4 months since Jack officially adopted Jett, and coincidentally his owners been coming into your clinic non stop for those past 4 months.
“I’m just looking out for him, what kind of owner would I be if I just let everything slide under the rug?” He grins and you scoff with a smile before leading him and his dog into a private room so you can “investigate” the problem with Jett.
The happy dog jumps up onto the table and rolls over, making a happy sort of huffing noise when you rub his stomach. After doing regular check up procedures, you can determine that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Jett.
“As usual, there’s nothing wrong with your dog. Why do you keep coming in here when you know he’s fine?” Jett jumps on you and you can’t hold back a laugh when he jumps down onto the floor and stands in a playing position. You open the door to the dog play area and let him out to go socialize with the other dogs that stay in the clinic.
“Maybe I just wanna see the cute girl who works here.” “Well maybe there’s an easier way for you to do that instead of dragging him along with you and wasting your money.” Jack bites his lip into a smile and slowly walks closer to you with his hands into his pocket.
“Does that mean that maybe I can take you out on a date this weekend?” “Maybe it does.” You lean against the counter that holds all the paperwork and files in the clinic and take out a small slip of paper, writing something down on it before shoving it into his hands and walking back into a ‘staff only’ facility.
“ xxx-xxx-xxxx. I’ll see you this weekend, Hughes. ;)”
I would have added my pink banner BUT I ran out of picture space….. sorry this ended so suddenly, I was struggling w how to end it!
© copyright of ilythena. Do not repost or translate onto any other websites.
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brainddeadd · 16 days
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About damn time
Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
Jack Hughes x fem!reader (platonic), Luke Hughes x fem!reader (platonic)
Warnings: fluff, angst, fan hate, pining, jack calls reader "bub", Jack's a menace, Nico shows up cause he's the loml
You grew up with the Hughes brothers
At two months younger than Jack, you blended in with their tight-knit group
You met the Hughes brothers when you and Jack were 7. He shoved a kid in the playground for being mean to you, even though you were going to let it go, and the rest was history.
Jack became more like a twin than a friend. You two were inseparable. You were the calm to his storm.
Luke worshipped the ground you walked on. Followed you around like a lost puppy, and often, when he was having an off day, you were the only person who could calm him down. His own personal sanctuary from the world.
Quinn was the older, quiet brother who was always polite and friendly, but to anyone on the outside looking in, you guys just didn't work together well. However, they couldn't be more wrong. You quickly became each others solace in the chaos of their lives.
You went to every game you could, wearing the number of whichever brother was playing that time. Always in the stands, you were their biggest supporter, so it wasn't a surprise when you were invited to Quinn's draft.
Politely clapping and cheering with their families, fans started to be critical of your appearance and your actions. Rumours started to spread that you weren't interested in hockey, only wanted the money and fame that came along with being close to the Hughes brothers. They assume you're a bitch, instead of shy.
Jack shuts that shit down.
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jackhughes: it has come to my attention that people are being little bitches towards my twin. that stops now.
liked by _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, and others
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The other brothers repost the pictures to their own instagrams, and the hate dies down slightly. You make a new private, personal instagram.
Jack's draft comes and goes, and you're accepted into the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Quinn is over the moon but hides it. Jack mopes for 3 days.
Quinn asks you to move in with him while you get settled into Vancouver. He says it's to help you, but Jack and Luke know better.
Fans start to photograph you at Quinn's games, a blank look on your face, and the rumours start up again. You ignore it until they say you're a puck bunny who's fucked your way through the brothers and will move on to other players eventually.
Quinn finds you crying. He can feel his heart break in his chest at the tears streaming down your face and the way your mascara is smudged around your eyes.
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_quinnhughes: my best friend. my favourite supporter.
liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, and others
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Fans change their tune after Quinn's post, suddenly deciding that they love the idea of you two together. They think his use of "my" was a declaration.
The thought of being Quinn's makes your heart flutter, but you keep quiet.
Little do you know, Quinn feels the same.
Luke gets drafted and goes to New Jersey with Jack, where they're left alone to scheme and form a plan to get their big brother to finally get the girl.
"You sure about this?" Luke asked, his finger overing over the call button on your contact.
"Dude I'm telling you, they just need a lil push in the right direction."
"Uhh, this is more of a check into the boards." Nico's voice chimes from his places on the younger boys' couch.
"Just call her!" Jack ushers Luke away, firing off a text when he hears your voice through the phone.
Jack: yo quinn, is bub ok?
Quinn: yes ? I think ?
Quinn: I'm at practice
Quinn: wait
Quinn: whys she not answering her phone
Jack: idk man
Jack: I can't get through to her
Jack: neither can Luke
Quinn: she's supposed to be at home
Quinn: wait
Jack's phone remains silent for ages until he hears a commotion on the other end of the line from Luke's phone. Quinn's yelling, and Jack winces at the panicked edge to his voice.
"I'm here, Quinny," your voice is soft and gentle, confusion lacing your tone, and Jack can hear the sigh his brother heaves, picture the way his shoulders must fall in relief. "What's wrong?"
Luke chooses that moment to hang up.
"I don't wanna hear that!"
It's two hours later when Jack receives a text from Quinn. It's a photo of your legs resting on Quinn's, hands entwined. The caption reads:
We've been dating for months dumbass
Jack's offended that neither of you told him and takes it upon himself to get revenge.
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jackhughes: you're welcome for shoving the kid when we were 7. without me, you'd never have met.
congrats losers
tagged: yourusername, _quinnhughes
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hughes86-43 · 7 months
Post Game | Q.Hughes
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warnings - none! maybe some spelling errors! this was a draft that I had and just now finished. hope you like it!
The buzzing energy of the crowd after a harrowing Canucks win has you out of your seat cheering along with them as the buzzer goes off signaling the end of the game. The Canucks came out with a 5-2 win and you couldn’t be happier for Quinn and the team. You talk to the rest of the wags while waiting on Quinn to text you back about where to meet him after he is done with media.
Glancing at your phone, you see he sent you a text.
quinn: I’ll be only about 10 more minutes if you want to go wait by the car?
you: okay I’ll be there
Saying goodbye to the other wags, and even some fans that recognized you as Quinn’s girlfriend, you make your way to his car. You didn’t have the key, so you just leaned against the car.
Eventually you see more players making their way to their own cars, so you know Quinn should be on his way.
Petey is one of those who is making his way towards his car, spotting you he teases you by saying, “Goodness he’s making you wait out here? Man what a boyfriend he is!”
“I know? Gosh making me wait forever on him!” You say back to him laughing.
“Gosh not my best friend and my girlfriend teaming up on me!” Quinn says as he spots you two standing by his car. “It was only like 10 minutes that she had to wait,” he says walking up to you and wrapping you in a hug.
“10 minutes is way too long for her to be waiting!” Petey says shaking his head at Quinn.
Quinn just laughs, “Oh be quiet! We’re heading home now, good game tonight. See you tomorrow, wait, we do have morning skate tomorrow right?”
Petey laughs, “Aren’t you supposed to be the captain and know all these things? Yes, at like 10? Anyway, have a good night you two.”
Waving back to him, you say, “Have a good night, drive safe!”
Quinn unlocks the car, opens the door for you and says, “Let’s head home, love.”
You climb into the passenger seat and buckle up while Quinn goes to his side of the car and climbs in. You give him a quick peck on the cheek, saying, “Good game tonight baby, the crowd was buzzing at the end, it was crazy!”
“I’m glad you were here for it. I play ten times better when you’re here.” He says as he turns the heat on in the car since he knows you get cold easily. Yawning he says, “What do you want to eat? Do you want to stop for something or do we have anything at home?”
Thinking on it, you suggest, “I think we should just stop and get something since it’s late and I don’t want to cook and I know you don’t want to.”
He shrugs, “That’s fine with me. I can see you’re already getting tired so I don’t want you to cook. How about grabbing some Chinese food from that one place by our apartment?”
Nodding your head you agree with him, “Go ahead and head there and I’ll place the order to go.”
Quinn backs out the parking space and exits the garage. You place the order for the Chinese restaurant which is only 5 minutes down the road. Once he pulls into a parking spot, you guys just wait there until the food is ready. Quinn is the first to speak up, with a chuckle, he says, “Did you see me completely fall out there during warm ups, over some pucks?”
Not expecting him to ask that, you bark out a laugh, “Ha, yes I did! Don’t worry, I made sure you made it back up and skated again before I laughed…,” You say back to him shyly.
“Hmmm, I’m sure you did wait! As soon as someone falls, you can’t help but to burst out laughing, no matter if you wait on them getting up or not!” He says, as he just throws his head back against his headrest, chuckling to himself. Sometimes you just can’t help laughing at someone who falls, you’ve been trying to work on it.
“I know, but I did really wait on you to get up!” You say, checking your phone to see if you had gotten a message on whether the food was ready… no message yet.
Quinn looks over at you, he takes his hand to move some hair out of your face that is illuminating from the street lights, he says, “I know I already said it, but I’m glad you came tonight, love when you’re at the games.” Due to work, and traveling of your own, you make it to his games a third of the time, but if you can’t make it, you always make sure to have it on to watch at home or wherever you are. If you can’t watch it, you make sure to keep live updates on.
“I know, wish I could make it to more,” You say smiling at him. A ping from your phone indicates the order is ready. “Looks like our food is done, do you want to go in and get it or me?”
Moving his hand away from your face, he reaches for the door handle, “Don’t worry, I can get it, whats the name under?”
“I think I put it under Hughes, if not then it’s under my name.” He gives you a nod before opening the car door and heading into the place. You see him through the restaurant’s window, he is chatting with one of the owners (that you both have gotten to know since you both always get food from here). He grabs the bag of food, waves goodbye to the staff, and then heads out of the restaurant towards the car. Unlocking the door for him, you grab the bag of food out of his hand.
He says, “The owner says hello, and he made sure to give you extra fortune cookies since he knows love them. He also hooked us up with some extra Rangoon’s since the team won.”
“Well for that, I hope you tipped him well!”
“Of course, yes.”
Looking back over at him, you say, “Let’s head home, so we can eat all of this lovely food and sit on the couch and watch our show!”
Quinn puts the car in reverse and makes his way to the main road. He grabs your hand and thinks that there is no one else he rather spend time with after a game.
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puckinghischier · 1 month
just a random post with a string of nonsense thoughts about the hughes brothers and how bad i want to be a part of that family
like, not even having to marry into it kinda way, but maybe being best friends with one of the boys and just assimilating into their routines?
i mean, imagine being jack’s bestie and always being over at their house or driving him to hockey practice or tagging along to games and it’s always just assumed you’re staying for dinner after giving him a ride home from practice. Or it’s always assumed when they go to the lake on weekends you’re going to be there too
and don’t even get me started on how luke and quinn basically treat you like a sister since you’re attached to jack’s hip and act just like him. the arguments you’d have with luke about who gets to choose what’s on tv, then quinn eventually vetos any kind of compromise between the two of you because he’s the oldest so his choice “means more than both of yours combined”
also thinking about when the guys want to go play golf but you show up at their house to hang out with them, so they have you tag along and drive the golf cart, resulting in everyone getting kicked off of the golf course because you were caught by the cart girl for having two grown men hanging off of the back of your golf cart re-enacting king of the world from titanic as you make your way to the green.
or when you go on a date with a guy your friend set you up with, all three of them sneak around and tag along in ridiculous “disguises” with fake wigs and mustaches to make sure he’s not a dick or a serial killer. and when you catch them, seeing a glimpse of luke’s curly hair from a few booths down, you walk over to confront them and threaten to call ellen because you know that’s the only threat that scares them, watching them scurry off with glares on their faces, mumbling how they just wanted to make sure he wasn’t a dick.
then weeks later, when the same guy ghosts you and you see him with another girl, the only place you want to go is the hughes house, so you show up unannounced, quinn watching you walk into the kitchen (you have a key so you just let yourself in) with tear stained cheeks and he immediately goes angry big brother mode, insisting you tell him where the asshole lives so he can go rough him up a bit. jack comes downstairs to see what all the commotion is, and once he hears what happened he takes over quinn’s role as shoulder to cry on, quinn already setting everything up for a movie night and telling luke he needs to go out and get your favorite snacks.
when ellen and jim come home that night to a dark house and a blanket mound in the middle of their living room floor, they see you asleep cuddled in-between jack and quinn, with luke laying at everyone’s feet, and they smile and turn the tv off, happy that all of their kiddos are safe under one roof tonight.
and the next morning, when you all wake up to ellen cooking a huge breakfast, knowing her boys wake up like starved animals, she pulls you aside to make sure you’re okay, her heart swelling when you look over at the three heathen’s absolutely demolishing their plates of breakfast, and tell her you’ve never been better.
don’t even get me started on holidays. you have to split time between your own family and the hughes residence like you’re a child of divorce because you’ve been involved in all of their holiday traditions since you could remember. you help them decorate their tree, you help ellen wrap presents, you help jim set up all of their yard decorations, you have annual ginger bread house decorating competitions with each of the boys, and your favorite, helping the boys surprise ellen with a huge gift each year.
or when you attend all of their big games, from their team usa juniors games, to quinn and luke’s games at michigan, to each brother’s first pro game. you and ellen always have matching, personalized jersey’s for the occasion, wanting every to know who you’re there to support.
also thinking about flying out and being there for each of them when they go through their first big struggle with homesickness and missing their family, wanting to be there for them like they’ve been there for you over the years. and sending them each care packages each month with goodies from home and handmade gifts from whatever craft you’ve taken up that month (the crochet phase produced some very oddly shaped socks)
and when you decide you can’t stand not living near your favorite set of brothers, you move be closer to the youngest two, hating that you likely won’t be able to live in a place close to all three of them again. but quinn petitioned for partial custody (his exact words to jack) so the spare bedroom at his apartment in vancouver is now yours and he insists on paying for you to fly out to his place every other month, no matter how much you protest that you can buy your own plane tickets.
you know they all have countdowns to lake time each summer on their phones, too. quinn sending updates in the groupchat every day, then starting over the day everyone returns home from the summer festivities.
but overall, i’m just thinking about how fun i know it would be, and how anyone in that family will be surrounded by so much kindness and love.
anyways there’s my nonsense, random, run-on string of thoughts for the day.
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
Things I Can’t Say
Description: Aaron Hotchner has a lot of things on his mind. Most of which he can never bring himself to say. Until one slip unravels everything. (originally posted on ao3)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader
Warnings: usual criminal minds-level mentions of cases, hotch being dumb
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: it’s me. hi. i’m back
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The case was turning out to be a rough one. Each lead was turning up as a dead end, and every member of the team was just about over the chase after a couple of days.
Y/N sat in the office the local precinct had set aside for the team, on the phone with Penelope as she rattled off a million ideas. They eventually came to a possible suspect, Y/N putting the phone on speaker for Hotch and Reid to listen to as she listed her points.
“He could be a good starting point. He knew Quinn, and hung out in the same circles as the other three,” Garcia offered.
“Okay, we’ll check him out. Thanks, sugar,” Y/N said with a smile.
“Anything for you, my sweet.”
She hung up, looking to Hotch to find him already looking at her.
“She already sent the address,” he said, holding up his phone.
“You’ll come with me to check out the first suspect. Reid, I want you to stay here and complete the geographical profile.”
“Sounds good. I feel like I’m getting somewhere,” Reid said, nearly mindlessly.
Hotch nodded, starting towards the exit of the precinct with Y/N on his heels.
They pulled up to the house after a long drive, already getting the feeling this wouldn’t be their guy. Hotch pulled the key from the ignition, and they walked up to the front door.
A man opened the door after a firm knock, burly and a bit unkempt. Y/N spoke up first, hoping to soften him up to questioning.
“I’m supervisory special agent Y/L/N, this is Agent Hotchner. Can we ask you a few questions?”
He raised his brows. “Anything you say.”
“We’re inquiring about a man named Quinn. We hear you were good friends,” Hotch stated.
“Is there a question in there, agent?”
Hotch sighed. “Do you know the last time you saw him?”
“Week ago. Maybe two.”
Y/N crossed her arms, whispering to Hotch. “He’s not our guy. We’re looking for someone highly organized.”
Hotch nodded, dropping his arms.
“Well,” Y/N started, handing the man a business card. “Thank you for your time, sir. If you have any information, please give us a call.”
He looked at the card briefly. Then, “One question.”
“Yes?” she asked.
“Pretty girl like you: what are you doing working with the FBI?” the man asked, a sly smile on his face. “Don’t you think you’d be happier someplace else? Maybe around here?”
“She is a federal agent,” Hotch said, moving to stand in front of her. “Try practicing a little more respect.”
“Oh, and I’m supposed to be afraid of you, G-man?”
“You may be too incompetent to be the unsub we’re looking for, but I promise you this: one more slip-up and we will nail you to the wall for the illegal guns, and the drugs. I’m too busy to deal with scum like you currently, but you can believe I’ll have local law enforcement coming back with a warrant and subsequent 20-year sentence.”
The man stopped in his tracks, color draining from his face and confidence waning completely.
“Hotch,” she said, a hand on his arm. “Let it go. It’s fine.”
“It isn’t fine,” he huffed, turning towards her. The man shut his door in the meantime. “We’re federal agents on a job. There’s no reason for anyone to think it appropriate to treat you like that. Especially in a situation like this.”
“He’s put in his place now, though. I think you put the fear of God in him.”
She laughed, taking half a step back. He didn’t falter, though.
“I just—“ he started and stopped just as quickly.
“I know you’ve been a little on edge with this case. It’s okay. Just… Don’t worry about the little things like that. I could’ve taken care of it.”
He nodded. “I know.”
“Come on,” she said, starting to walk back towards the car. “I’ll let you have your pick of the music on the way back.”
He hid a smirk, following after her. The ride back to the precinct was quiet. Too quiet.
She turned to look at Hotch as he drove, uncharacteristically silent. It took a few seconds before he realized she was watching him, and he shot a sideways glance in her direction.
“You have something on your mind,” he stated, not even bothering to ask a question.
“Yeah. You’re being really quiet. Much more so than normal.”
He sighed, not giving a response.
“What is it, Hotch?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Are you still mad about that guy flirting with me?” she asked with half a smile.
“No,” he said shortly.
She scoffed. “Right. That was real convincing.”
He side eyed her. “I’m not.”
“You know, it’s okay if you are. I get it,” she started, a smile breaking out. “I really don’t mind if you’re all jealous.”
His face flushed, embarrassment taking hold.
“That’s not— It’s not what that is,” he muttered.
She raised a brow, the smile fading from her face as she took in his flustered state. She sat up straight in her seat, looking at him.
“Hey, I was just joking…” she trailed off. “Wait, are you actually jealous?”
“You’re flushed and acting really flustered. It doesn’t take a profiler, Hotch.”
“I— No. I couldn’t be.”
“You shouldn’t be.”
“You think I don’t know that?” he said with a raised voice. He then took a moment, taking in a breath. “I can’t be. I have Beth, I can’t.”
Her heart stopped in that moment, she was sure. She didn’t know what to say, settling back in her seat and watching the road in front of her as they continued on towards the station. He was just as quiet, though internally panicking over letting it slip. He couldn’t help but think back to when he first realized she would become a problem for him.
They sat at the table in the restaurant, exchanging the most embarrassing stories they could think of. Everyone was busting up with laughter through the night.
“No!” she exclaimed, looking at Reid with wild eyes. “You took down an old woman?”
Reid groaned. “Not on purpose! I tripped!”
“You’re lucky she didn’t break a hip,” Derek said with a laugh, slapping a hand against his back.
“At least it isn’t Y/N, here, getting thrown up on by a suspect,” Hotch said, smirking at her as he let something she’d been trying to keep secret slip.
“You asshole,” she laughed, lightly smacking his arm. “I was hoping to take that to my grave.”
“Oh, that is so gross,” Kate said, laughing.
“She had to change her pants in the car. It was lucky she had a change, because I did not want to ride back with her covered in… that,” Hotch laughed.
She groaned, pressing her face against his arm and away from the group. He laughed it off, his hand reaching down to rest on her knee as she waited out the laughter of the others. Though, this small gesture started feeling like too much for him. He could tell his face was reddening, and he took his hand away quickly to not alert anyone else to his condition.
He swallowed, trying to calm his nerves. He took in a breath, smiling slightly as she finally pulled away from his arm, though he felt his heart still pounding wildly. He couldn’t feel anything for her. He was her boss. She deserved better.
She sat in her seat, unsure what her next move would be. Unsure what it should be in a circumstance like this. Did he really just admit he was jealous?
“We can just pretend this didn’t happen, you know? I— I don’t want you to feel guilty or freaked out about this,” she offered, still not looking at him.
“I’m sorry,” he said, barely above a whisper. “I didn’t mean to…”
“No, I know. I know you didn’t,” she said, nodding. “You— You have Beth. You have a lot going on right now, frankly. I don’t want you to feel like this is adding on, or…”
“I understand. I really appreciate that.”
He swallowed. “I just… I didn’t mean for that to slip out.”
“I know. You really don’t have to explain anything, it’s okay.”
He nodded quietly, both parties turning back to their own worlds as the pavement flew by them.
The rest of the case was a welcome relieve to the conversation they didn’t want to remember any longer. While they never wished for a difficult case, neither of them could say the mental gymnastics weren’t a great way to forget everything else around them.
Before long, though, the case was over. And, unfortunately, they were surrounded by profilers.
“Everything okay?” Derek asked as he sat next to Y/N. “You’re spaced out, sweet stuff.”
She smirked. “I’m alright. Just a lot on my mind.”
“Anything you want to talk about?”
“Not particularly. It’ll pass, so no worries here.”
He nodded, not convinced. “If you need to…”
“You’ll be there,” she said, finishing his sentence. “I appreciate you, Derek Morgan.”
“Right back at you, mama,” he said, nudging her side with a smile. “And if you need me to kick ass…”
“Won’t be necessary.”
“Just an offer,” he said, hands raised in surrender.
She smiled. “I know.”
The next couple of weeks were excruciating. She kept up a happy face, but she couldn’t stop thinking about his pseudo-confession. She wished she had the guts to say something back, but she knew it would have been pointless. He had someone, and had too much on his plate to deal with a younger subordinate confessing feelings for him. It wasn’t unwelcome when Garcia scurried through the bullpen with talk of a new case.
“Meet Maria Gonzales, thirty-four, and Cameron March, twenty-nine. Both women were reported missing within the past month, and just turned up in the past two weeks, bound in plastic with ligature marks on their wrists and ankles. They were each taken from a different healthcare facility in the San Antonio area last month. Now, a Miss Bryar Johnson has been abducted from yet another facility.”
Y/N sighed. “Yikes. So, we should have about a two-week period to find Bryar?”
“Yes,” Garcia started. “The first two women were killed right before they were dumped. Bryar was reported missing three days ago.”
“Plastic could be a sign of remorse,” Spencer piped up.
“What was the cause of death?” Rossi asked.
“Strangulation,” Hotch said, not looking up from the files. “Wheels up in 20.”
The San Antonio case was going surprisingly well, though Y/N felt that it could be going better on a personal level. Usually she’d pair up with Hotch for most of the case, especially since their similar skill sets matched with their different personal presentations was always helpful in getting answers whenever they needed them. This time around, he hardly looked in her direction.
“I know you said you’d tell me if something was wrong, but you’re still not saying a damn thing,” Derek said, walking up to her at the table she sat at.
She looked up at him, then went right back to searching through the files that sat before her. She could tell Derek was staring a hole into the back of her head, but couldn’t justify telling him what was happening in her life at the moment.
He sat down next to her, dragging the files away from her line of site.
“Mama, I know when something is up with you. You can’t hide that from me.”
“I know. That’s why I’m not saying anything.”
He sighed. “You’re being awfully difficult.”
“What’s new?” she questioned with a smile, finally looking at him.
He chuckled. “Touché. You’re talking to me now, at least.”
“I always talk to you, Morgan.”
“Most of the time. Except when you’re trying to hide something.”
She glared at him. “Have you considered I’m not talking for a reason?”
“Oh, I’ve considered it. I just know that when you hold stuff in you get all solemn and grumpy. I don’t want you to get to that point,” he said, turning her chair towards him. “Talk.”
“I can’t, Derek.”
“Why not?” he asked, voice quieter.
She sighed. “It’s… It’s hard to explain. It’s really personal.”
He reached for her hand, quietly taking it and not saying another words for a few moments. She looked to where their hands connected, letting out a shaky breath as she did.
“It’s Hotch,” she whispered, not looking at him.
“What? Is he okay?”
She nodded. “He’s fine. I’m just— I don’t know what to do.”
“What’s wrong? I haven’t seen you like this,” he noted, brow furrowing in concern.
She shook her head. “Yeah. It’s… I don’t know. Have you ever felt something so strongly, but just knew there was nothing you could do about it?”
He paused, studying her for a moment. He scooted forward slightly, eyes still trained on her face as he spoke quietly.
“Do you have feelings for Hotch?”
She nodded after a beat. “And I think he confessed the same to me but— There’s just nothing to be done about it. The worst part of all of it is that he can’t even look at me now. We haven’t really spoken since then. That was a few weeks ago.”
Morgan sighed, looking down. “Damn.”
“Damn, indeed,” she said with half a smirk.
He chuckled slightly. “I’m sorry, mama. I— I can’t imagine what that’s like.”
“Of course you can’t. You’re a smoke show. Who could resist?”
He laughed out loud. “You know me so well.”
She laughed along. “What can I say?”
He stood up, taking her hands as he did. She stood with him, accepting a long hug from him.
“You deserve to be happy,” he whispered. “Let this one go. You’ll find the right person.”
“I get it. It just really sucks right now.”
“I know.”
“We have a break in the case,” Hotch’s voice rang out in the small room, breaking the two of them up.
“Yeah?” she asked, pulling away from Derek. “What do you need from us?”
Hotch looked between them for a moment, then continued on.
“Garcia should have just sent an address. We need to leave now, though. A massive storm is rolling in and roads are getting bad.”
“Gotcha,” she said, nodding curtly. “Are we all riding together?”
“Why wouldn’t we?”
She paused for a moment before responding. “Right.”
“We’ll be out in a minute,” Morgan said with finality. As soon as Hotch left, he turned back to her, “You okay?”
“Yeah. Let’s finish this and get home.”
The storm turned out worse than they all had expected. The take-down ended up slightly more difficult due to power outages across the state, and the more difficult part was the fact that they would be forced to stay for the night when Y/N wanted nothing more than to go home to her own bed.
She sat inside the SUV with Hotch and Rossi on the way back to the hotel for the night, staring out the window at the pouring rain. Their voices became a type of white noise to her as they conversed quietly, though her silence didn’t go unnoticed.
Hotch glanced back at her every couple of minutes, feeling a sense of dread at the coming conversation she currently knew nothing about. His heart felt like it might burst, and putting up a front was getting harder and harder by the minute. He had a million thoughts running through his head, and it certainly didn’t help that she was completely spaced out in the backseat.
“You’re awfully quiet back there,” Rossi noted, finally breaking the two out of their own heads.
“Just tired,” she said. “The rain doesn’t help. I always get sleepy during storms.”
“You sure?”
She hummed. “Yeah. No worries here, Rossi.”
They pulled into the parking lot after a few minutes, and prepared to run inside of the building and away from the downpour. They all got in with minimal damage done, though not without some wet hair.
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh as she looked at the two men, her own head safe after using a jacket as a shield.
“Good look, you guys. The drowned rat thing really suits you,” she said with a smile, looking between them.
“Hey, watch it. Maybe next time you won’t be so lucky,” Rossi said, laughing lightly as he shook his hair out.
Hotch smiled, scrunching his nose as he brushed his fingers through his hair. Y/N watched him with intent, though not without missing the fact that Rossi knew that look on her.
He cleared his throat. “I’m gonna head off.”
She looked to Rossi as he gave them one last knowing look. A look that was a bit too smug for her liking.
“He’s acting weird,” she said out loud.
Hotch nodded. “That’s Dave.”
“Only when he knows something,” she said, looking back to him expectantly.
“What would he know?” Hotch questioned.
She watched him for a moment. “You tell me.”
He cleared his throat, glancing away. She was silent, hoping it’d prompt him to say something.
“Can we talk privately?”
“You said you wanted to know.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Hotch, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
He sighed. “I’m not going to do anything stupid.”
“I’m not saying you would.”
She crossed her arms. “We haven’t talked in weeks. I don’t know how to act around you right now.”
“I never should have said anything. Not like that, I know,” he said with a sigh. “I would really appreciate if we could talk about it now, though. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“It didn’t make me uncomfortable.”
“Please. Can we go someplace else? The others are going to be here any minute.”
She glanced around the hotel lobby, then back to the man in front of her. He sure looked less intimidating with soaking wet hair and puppy dog eyes.
Eventually, she nodded. “Okay.”
They stepped into the hotel elevator, unsure what to say in the silence. She looked up at him, receiving a small smile. The elevator dinged on the floor they were all staying on, and she led him to her room.
He followed after quietly, standing awkwardly by the door after she closed and locked it. She turned to look at him once she sat on the bed.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m still wet.”
She couldn’t help by laugh. She then got up, making a quick stop in the bathroom to grab a towel. She came back, standing in front of him to hand it over.
“Here,” she said, arms extended with the towel in hand.
He smiled. “Thanks.”
She watched as he scrubbed at his head, his hair flying in all directions by the time he was done.
“You look ridiculous,” she said with a smirk.
He dropped his arms, towel still in hand. His brow quirked up.
“That bad?”
“Not bad. Just ridiculous.”
He failed to hide a smile at that, looking around for a place to set down the towel. She took it from him, instructing him to take off his shoes as she went to throw it in the bathroom once again. She came back to see him settling down on the edge of the bed.
“So,” she started, trailing off as she sat next to him. “What’s up?”
He snorted a laugh. “A lot. I think, first, I need to apologize to you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do,” he said with a nod, turning to look at her more fully. “I shouldn’t have let on that I had any kind of feeling for you other than professional ones. That’s… It was really unfair to you, and puts you in a bad position. I want you to feel safe and respected at work, and I feel like I’ve put that at risk.”
“Hotch,” she said, stopping him. “You didn’t. I know you respect me, and I do feel safe. As safe as an agent can get, anyways.”
She laughed, drawing a small smile from him.
She continued, “I made a joke, and it turned out to be true. You didn’t just up and tell me. I’m just like… Really good at my job.”
He fully laughed this time, head dropping into his hands.
“You’re making it really hard to feel bad about this,” he mumbled.
“Good. You shouldn’t feel bad.”
He sighed, looking back up. “I still will. You don’t deserve to be worried that your boss is going to— make a move.”
She quirked a brow. “Make a move?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I’m not worried about that and never have been. You care way too much about this team and people in general to make advances at someone who didn’t want them,” she said, scooting an inch closer. “Besides, you made our boundaries clear. You have someone you love, and I know you’re not the cheating type.”
He paused, then let out a heavy sigh, looking anywhere but at her.
“Uh oh,” she said, looking at him curiously. “What nerve did I just hit?”
“I, uh… We broke things off. Beth and I.”
She deflated. “Oh. I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to—“
“No, no,” he waved her off. “It’s okay. It was mutual. Distance has been wearing on us for a while, and honestly neither of us were really feeling it anymore.”
“When did this happen?”
“Last week.”
“I’m sorry.”
He nodded. “It’s not been as difficult as I thought it would be. Jack has been handling it very well. He told me the other day on the phone that I’m going to find the perfect person one day.”
Hotch smiled at that, finally looking back at her. She smiled back, nodding.
“I’d have to agree with him. He’s got that big old brain from his dad, you know?” she said, nudging him in the arm.
He laughed softly again. “He’s a great kid.”
“The best, arguably.”
He hummed in agreement.
“Can I ask you something?” she said after a beat of silence.
“Anything,” he replied with a brief nod.
“Do you ever say or do the things you want to?”
He furrowed his brow. “What do you mean by that?”
“You just keep so much bottled up. Do you ever let yourself dump it all out?”
He cleared his throat. “On occasion, I suppose.”
She nodded thoughtfully. He watched her, knowing something was stirring in her head.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked quietly.
“Can I slip a secret?”
She swallowed. “I really, truly wasn’t uncomfortable when you let it slip. The whole jealousy thing.”
Hotch’s heart started up again, unsure where she was going with this, but really hoping it went in one direction.
“I know what you were feeling. Like, every time we show up to a new town and half the ladies in the place are staring you down. I get it.”
He let out a breath. “I don’t—“
“If this is like, way too inappropriate for me to say, I’d really appreciate if you didn’t fire me. But, I’ve had a thing for you since my first day on the job. Frankly, these past few weeks have been hell.”
“Again I ask that you don’t fire me.”
He chuckled. “I won’t. I— Since your first day?”
“Remember when I couldn’t remember my own name for a minute there at the beginning?”
He hummed. “You were nervous for the interview.”
She rolled her eyes playfully. “I’ve never been more prepared for an interview. I was nervous that my possible new boss was a smoke show, and it freaked me out even more that he was staring me down the second I walked in the door like I was an unsub.”
He smirked. “A smoke show? Really?”
“As if you don’t know,” she laughed, pushing his shoulder lightly. “I just… I guess I kind of freaked out seeing you. And hearing you talk so passionately about work for the first time. Not to mention the way your voice sounds…”
“Alright, let’s not get carried away,” he said, color rushing into his cheeks.
“It’s also super cute when you blush like that,” she said, squeezing in the last phrase before he could stop her again.
He sat quietly, just taking her in for a moment. She hid a smile, unsure what her next move should be. He cleared his throat.
“So, are you really all that sorry that things with Beth ended?”
“Sorry that it might have hurt you? Yes. Sorry that it’s done? Not really.”
“I see.”
“I also don’t know how excited I should be, considering you could totally blow me off right now and see if sleeping around is your new lifestyle. That might make things worse for me, honestly.”
He laughed. “Oh, yes. Leaving the person who gave me the courage to finally end a serious relationship is at the top of my list.”
Her face dropped. “What?”
He took in a breath, now realizing what he’d just said. A nervous laughter bubbled out of him, his eyes wide.
“I shouldn’t have said that.”
“You broke things off because of me?”
He groaned. “Not fully.”
“Hotch, what the hell,” she said, laughing fully. “What if I was, like, not on board?”
“I didn’t think you were until now. I guess I still thought it was worth it. Plus, like I said, we’ve both been wanting to for a while.”
She laughed, scooting even closer to him. She took his hands in her own, a wild smile on her face as she looked at his bewildered one staring back.
“Are you fully insane?”
He stumbled over words for a moment. “I— I might be.”
She stared at him a moment longer, then decided all of the thinking and overthinking they’d both done was getting ridiculous. If he could act impulsively, so could she.
She leaned forward, pressing a hard kiss to his lips. He stayed still for a moment in shock before responding eagerly. His arms found her waist, and he tugged her into his lap as soon as he could.
(EDIT: starting taglists now! let me know if you want to be on any!)
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indianamgc11 · 6 months
Ethan x Reader with the prompt “I like my shirt on you” it could be where Tara asked the group to meet at the apartment and reader arrives in Ethan’s clothes
better in my eyes
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summary: the group needs to discuss the recent events, and you want more comfortable clothed to wear.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: f!reader, scream vi spoilers, mentions of murder and blood, murder of friends, cussing, mentions of death of loved ones, lmk if I missed any :)
a/n: surprise I’m alive :) I kinda hate this tbh but still wanted to post it, also working on multiple other pieces that I’m excited for. Requests are open :)
did not proofread!!
You had changed out of your costume from the Halloween party, not wanting to look like a walking discoball with all the glitter everywhere. Tara had gone back to the apartment, still furious at Sam’s interference at the party. You had gone back with Ethan to his and Chad’s apartment, wanting to give Tara a bit of space.
You both walk in and go to his room, Ethan taking off his cardboard costume and tossing to the corner for the trash later. Ethan’s room was fairly simplistic, mainly consisting of textbooks on his desk and a few posters on the walls.
You stood on the rug by his bed, playing with your fingernails and looking around the room you’ve been in many times before. You notice how the bed is neatly made, nearly no creases in the sheets, how the nightstand doesn’t have much dust on it.
He looks back at you, standing by his closet. He raises an eyebrow.
“You alright?” He smiles, turning to face you.
“Yeah, just don’t wanna make it look like a glitter bomb went off in here, well, even more than it already does.” You say and glance down at the now shiny rug below your feet,
You hear him laugh across the room and the sound of the closet door opening, looking up to see him scanning through his clothes. He eventually grabs a shirt and looks over at you, waiting for a silent look of approval.
“I do have clothes here that I can just wear, Eth” you say pointing to the second drawer in his dresser.
He begins to intercept, but you beat him to it.
“But I won’t say no to wearing your clothes.”
You tilt your head a bit and smile, and he grins back. He laughs, coming closer to you and you notice how close his face is.
“I’m glad you enjoy wearing them.”
He says with a smirk. You glance at his shirt you have on and back to him. The goofy grin across his face is infectious, your smile mirroring his as he holds up a light blue oversized t-shirt, offering it to you.
"Think this will be alright?" he asks.
“Perfect.” You reply.
"Good." He slips the shirt over your head, and it falls down your body perfectly, the fabric hugging your petite frame.
“I like my shirt on you, looks cute.” He said as he smirked.
The blue fabric is in stark contrast to your golden-tanned skin, and you look absolutely stunning when the shirt falls just below your waist. Not to mention that it brought out the gorgeous curves of your body.
“Hey, my eyes are up here.” You say as you snap next to his ear and laugh.
"Not my fault you look pretty in it." He chuckles and looks down at you, raising an eyebrow playfully. You grin at Ethan, and he gives you a knowing look, his arms wrapping around your tiny frame, pulling you into a tight hug.
“Come on, we’ve gotta head to Tara’s or she’s gonna freak thinking we’ve been killed.” You laugh and look up at him.
“Fine, fine." He reluctantly lets you go. He grins and then walks over to the door, gesturing for you to follow, his hand outstretched towards you.
You two arrive at Tara’s apartment, knocking a few times before walking in. You see Mindy accompanied by Anika laying on the couch, Quinn on the other end of the sofa, and Chad leaning against the wall, facing the group, also hearing Sam and Tara arguing in the kitchen about the event of the party and their opposing opinions. Ethan sits in the armchair across from the couch, and you sit on the arm of it. He gives you a look, questioning why you’re not sitting with him. You glance back at Ethan, who is giving you a confused look, curious as to why you chose to sit on the arm instead.
"You want to come here?" Ethan whispers. He gestures to the spot next to him, and you take a seat, Ethan gently wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him.
“Settle down, love birds,” Mindy says as she notices your new location.
“Don’t you have your own clothes, kid?”
She also adds, noticing the larger shirt you’re wearing.
“I'll have you know, I do." You respond jokingly, "I just thought that this looked a bit better on me." Ethan chuckles softly at your response as Sam responds to Tara.
Your eyes flick towards the kitchen briefly, the argument getting louder from the kitchen, the tension between the two of them palpable even from the other room. Sam yells something, and then Tara responds, her voice dripping with vitriol.
As soon as Tara and Sam walk into the living room, Sam notices that you two are watching the news about Ghostface's victims, recognizing the names said by the reporter. Then Sam’s phone rang.
“Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang?” Ethan says giving you a confused look.
“It’s a whole thing” you say with a slight sigh.
"It's a whole thing?" Ethan asks, his confusion increasing with each word that you say.
"Can you...explain it to me later?" He adds, wondering what type of whole thing the phone call had caused.
You nod, accompanied with another sigh as one of your hands goes through his hair. Quinn had called her dad, the head sheriff of the NYPD, who now wanted to talk to Sam. You looked down at your fingernails, drifting off in your own mind about another possible ghostface arising. The last one left you pretty scarred, both physically and mentally, losing some people you’ve known for years, like Wes, Amber, Dewey.
As you look back up at Ethan, noticing his eyes wandering, you can't help but smirk.
“Looking at something?" You say playfully, and Ethan is caught off guard, turning away and clearing the nervous look off his face.
“Hm?" Ethan grins sheepishly, turning back to face you, his eyes once again falling to your smooth curves that were accentuated with his shirt. That look on his face makes you smile, knowing that he loves when you wears his clothes, one of the many ways you two express your feelings for one another.
“Eyes up, buddy” You tease, and he lets out a quiet laugh.
Sam and Tara end up leaving, Detective Bailey needing them down at the police station. The rest of the group looks around, all secretly having a slight worry for what this case is going to bring. Chad takes on the situation, attempting to lighten the mood.
“How about a movie, huh? A nice comedy?”
He says reaching for the remote. You all silently agree, turning your attention to the screen. As you watch the opening scene, you feel Ethan’s hand creep up your abdomen. You look to his hand and then his face, seeing a playful smirk evident. You put your hand over his, lightly squeezing it, which was your silent way of saying “I love you.” You kissed his cheek before putting your attention back on the film. You both have a smile on your face, enjoying the moment with your friends without worrying about a ghostface to watch for at that moment.
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jedi-luca · 1 year
Avenger Lane Chapter 10: Bad Romance
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader(slow burn)
Warnings: Reader has a Penis, mentions of drug use
Previous Chapter. Next chapter
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You were sound asleep when the door busted open. You gasped, jolting awake still half asleep.
“Oh my gosh!” Quinn gasped, falling out of bed thankful you both had clothes on.
“Happy boythday papa!” Finley beamed holding a cup cake and Beth holding breakfast.
“Aw thanks sugar booger.” You say sleepily as your daughters climb up in bed.
“Mom, can you light it please?” Beth urged her mom handing her the lighter.
“Hmhm.” Quinn blinked awake taking the cup cake and setting it on Beth’s table. 
Finley climbed up on the bed with a huge smile on her face. “Papa, it’s your boythday! Yayyyyy!” She clapped.
“Hmhm.” You yawned, smiling.
Quinn smiled sleepily as she and the girls began singing happy birthday.
“And many more on channel 4, and scooby do on channel 2, and a big fat lady on channel 80, and all the rest on CBS!” Beth giggled, finishing along with a great attempt from her little sister.
“Aw thank you sweets.” You smiled, kissing all of your girls on the cheek. 
You lift the cinnamon waffle and give your daughters a piece as well as your wife before eating yours.
“Hmmm tasty!” Finley hummed.
“I’m still hungry… I think I need a little girl to eat!” You began tickling Finley and Beth’s laughter filling the house. 
Quinn recorded all of it on her phone and posted it on social media. Where your neighbor Natasha just watched. You looked so happy and so did the girls. The secret Tony gave her is eating her up inside.
Nat turned her head seeing you snuggling with your family as you all watched a movie.
‘Ugh how am I supposed to tell Y/N?’ she thought to herself.
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So far your birthday was going great. You spoke to your parents for a while, leaving out the tidbit of Quinn getting pregnant. You were coming back from dinner after dropping off your daughters with their aunt when you opened the front door.
You jolted in place, placing a hand over your heart with a grin. “Aww guys!” They’re were streamers everywhere and a large banner that read ‘Happy Birthday’
“Surprise motha fucka!” Santana and Brittany jumped you.
“Oof!” You felt the air leave your lungs feeling Santana give you a hug.
“Happy birthday best friend.” Mike smiled, taking the next hug.
“Thanks man.” You grinned.
Soon the gleeks all hugged you at once finally allowing your new found friends to get in on the love.
First Tony, the Barton’s, Steve, Peggy, and Bucky of course. Thor lifts you up along with Val and Carol. The Stranges nodding towards you. You completely forgot about them. They’re the only ones your wife truly liked. Truthfully you found Steven Strange a bit of an ass thankfully his wife keeps him in check.
Wanda and Vis, May and Happy. The Quills, Scott and Hope, Shaun and Kate, Marc and Layla, but the best was for last.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.” Natasha smiled softly, hugging you close.
“Thanks Nat.” You squeezed her back.
Quinn loudly clapped her hands, startling you. “Alright drinks and karaoke time!”
You let go of Natasha and all of you made your way to the back.
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“Hey I was wondering where you went off too.” Natasha smiled seeing you in the kitchen.”
“Just needed a breather.” You muttered vaping your weed pen.
“Sure it wasn’t because Rachel is singing with Quinn?” The redhead kinked her brow.
“…No.” You muttered drinking the rest of your drink. You were crossfaded and ready to get shit faced.
“Hmhm.” The redhead chuckled sitting on the counter where you were leaning.
You grinned looking down at her jean covered legs.
“I got you something.” She said softly, taking it out of her pocket.
“Whhhat? You shouldn’t have.” You chuckled, taking the small box in your hand. You unwrapped it, opened the box and took out a necklace with the initials of your daughters on it.
“If you look through the top you’ll see them.” She smiled watching your jaw drop. You could see a picture of you and your little girls from the time you were in Natasha’s pool.
“Nat this is… thank you. I love it.” You chuckled, hugging her tightly against you. “It’s a really thoughtful and sweet gift. I love it.” You hand her the necklace to place it on you. She leaned in, unclasping the hook before placing it on you and leaning back again. 
“You’re welcome.” She said softly, you were both close and you don’t know if it’s her scent or being crossfaded but you have an urge to take her like a caveman. God, you get so horny when you drink. Her arms are still loosely hanging around your neck. You’re so close between her legs she can feel your bulge growing she leans in lightly kissing your cheek. “Happy birthday.” 
“Thank you…Where is Bruce?” You ask softly, stepping closer feeling her legs nudge you closer.
Natasha shrugs, she doesn’t have the energy to lie, not when she’s buzzed and can smell your scent.
“He doesn’t deserve you Nat.” You say boldly caressing her cheek.
She’s just going to tell you. Tell you her marriage is a sham, tell you that Quinn is the one that doesn’t deserve you. The words are on the edge of her lips when you start leaning closer “Y/N-” She husks arching her back ever so lightly to lighten the ache between her legs.
“You deserve so much better.” 
“The same could be said for you.” She whispers her hands now cupping our cheeks. She can feel how hard you are and God she just wants you to take her right there on the counter with your bitchy wife right outside. She arches once more so she can rub herself against you ever so slightly. You both hold eye contact as your hands hook beneath her legs. You’re both so close to pouncing one another when the back door opens. You both feel like the bubble has been burst. You both clear your throats as she pats your chest gently pushing you back a bit so she can get down. You turn slightly to rearrange your package discreetly.
“Hey Y/N.” Rachel cleared her throat, eyeing Natasha. “Quinn is looking for you.”
“Right.” You sigh softly remembering who you are married to. You feel a little sick thinking of the way you almost just ruined it due to a buzz. You walk away without giving Natasha another look afraid Rachel will sniff out what just transpired.
“So Quinn is right, you do want Y/N. It’s funny how they’re onto us yet they haven’t done anything about it.” Rachel says softly looking around the kitchen.
“Truly do not know what you’re talking about. I’m sorry, who are you?” Natasha furrowed her brow.
“I’m Rachel Berry.” The small brunette looked almost offended; everyone who had watched a musical or walked down Broadway knew her. “I started the glee club. Went to school with Quinn and Y/N. Tony award winning actress?”
“Ahh I see.”
“You know…” Rachel walks closer standing next to the Russian redhead. For once she met someone who was her height. “Maybe we could work together?” The starlet shrugged.
Natasha’s eyes widened realizing what she was implying.
“I can admit they would be better off divorced. Don’t you think?” Rachel furrowed her brow. “They’re both obviously unhappy.”
“I think you may be a little crazy.” Natasha chuckled, starting to walk past Rachel.
“Call me crazy but I see the way you look at Y/N, and I saw the way Y/N looked at you. You were seconds away from christening this countertop. You almost had Y/N. Almost. Your demise was doing it here in the kitchen. You’d have to do it somewhere no one would barge in and catch you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Y/N and I are friends. I am married.”
“Hmm. Hmhm. If it helps I’ve never seen Y/N look at any woman like that before. Not even Quinn. If we work together we could have them ya know… it wouldn’t take much. Their marriage has been threatening to crumble for a year now.”
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about, but if you’re implying breaking up a marriage it’s sickening.”  Natasha gripped the handle when Rachel stopped her.
“I know you want Y/N. I’m not afraid to tell you I want Quinn. I’ve wanted her since high school. Y/N treats Quinn great no doubt but Quinn? The same can’t be said for her and everyone knows it. Just think about it huh? This little convo stays between us.” With that Rachel slips out of the back door like a snake as Natasha stands there in shock.
Natasha steadied her breathing a lot just happened and she needs to go back outside and act like it didn’t. God she has so much to tell you now and no idea how to do it.
The door opens again this time revealing Wanda. 
“Hey, there you are! Come on Y/N is about to play us a song Quinn got them a new guitar… are you okay?” Wanda quickly notices that her best friend was absolutely not okay. 
“I have so much to tell you.” Natasha sighed.
“Do you wanna get out of here and talk about it at my place?”
“No, no, I want to watch Y/N play. We’ll talk about it in the morning.”
“Okay.” Wanda hugs her best friend tightly, helping her relax a bit. “Come on, I'll make you a drink.”
They both make their way back to the party when you are getting ready to play. Tina is back on bass, Blaine is on the keyboard, and although you’re missing Finn on drums Carol takes up the mantle claiming to be a drum God.
“Hey dude you okay?” Mike asked as you took a bump of coke. “How’d you even get that?”
“Santana.” You mutter taking a shot.
“Hey I haven’t seen you this way since Finn died. What happened?” He asks, taking you aside making you put the joint down.
“I think I almost just fucked up my marriage.” You hissed.
“With who?” Mike’s eyes widened. This was not you whatsoever. You lived for your family, you would never be the type to cheat.
“Nat.” You whisper.
“Oh wow. What happened?”
“She gave me a gift and I… Mike I got bricked up and we almost… We almost kissed and if we had I would have-” You inhale deeply about to have a panic attack.
“Heyyy whoa… Breathe.” He said holding your shoulders. “In.” He inhaled with you. “Now out.” He exhaled, nodding. “That’s it. Listen bud you didn’t cheat. Did you almost… yeah probably but you didn’t. You’re high and buzzed. I know Brittany gave you a mushroom you microdosed with her, vaping from your pen, drinking, and I don’t even know how much coke you’ve been doing. The thing is you’re out of it right now. It meant nothing.”
“I don’t know Mike.” You shook your head. “I was so close to ruining everything.”
“Hey stop it. It’s your birthday. You got carried away. You both probably won’t even remember this tomorrow. Now take a deep breath and go play your heart out.”
“Mike… Do you think Quinn doesn’t deserve me?”
Mike’s eyes widened a bit in a state of shock.
“Do you think I made a mistake marrying her? My parents did… Finn did…Sersi and now Nat-”
“Hey come on you’re spiraling.”
“You’re spiraling.” Mike shook his head. 
“Hey there you are!” Quinn smiled.
“Come on, everyone wants to hear you play!”
Quinn ushers you on the patio platform in front of the mic.
“I just want to thank all of you for coming out tonight. Thank you to my wife for setting this all up. Thank you all for the gifts and the drinks-”
“The drugs!” Santana cackled Quinn glaring at her.
The neighbors all chuckled. “I’ll take some!” Tony laughed as Pepper smacked his arm. “Ow honey I’m kidding.”
“Anyway thanks for letting me jam out with my old band. This one goes out to Finn I really fucking miss you man.” 
“Here here!” Mike clapped with the rest of the gleeks.
You pour one out for your old best friend before downing another shot.
You turn around counting with your band. Carol nodded and began drumming the first few beats before you and Tina joined in shredding it up.
“All her signals are getting lost in the ether
(That's what she wanted) 
She's a landslide with a city beneath her
(That's what she wanted)
So take a good look so you'll never forget it
(That's what she wanted)
Take a deep breath, I know I'm gonna regret it
(That's what she wanted)
Holly's lookin' dry, lookin' for an easy target
Let her slit my throat, give her ammo if she'll use it
Caution on the road, lies, lies and hidden danger
Southern Ohio’s breeding mommy's little monster
She's got a mission, and I'm collateral damage
(That's what she wanted)
She's the flower that you place on my casket
(That's what she wanted)
Savor the moment 'cause the memory's fleeting
Take a photograph as the last train is leaving”
Quinn always hated this song; she just knew you were singing about her. How could you not? 
“Holly's lookin' dry, lookin' for an easy target
Let her slit my throat, give her ammo if she'll use it
Caution on the road, lies, lies and hidden danger
Southern Ohio’s breeding mommy's little monster
“Think she’s singing about Quinn?” Tony asked leaning up to speak to Natasha. The redhead nodded, not saying a word. Truthfully she’s still thinking about what almost happened.
“(Better run, run, run, run, run) Holly, let me out
(Better run, run, run, run, run) Holly, let me out
(Better run, run, run, run, run) Holly, let me out
(Better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run) Holly, let me ouuuut!”
“Yeahh!” Tony cheered loudly, clapping his hands.
“Damn I didn’t know Y/N could jam like a rockstar!” Sam chuckled.
“Kind of sexy.” Bucky muttered.
“Really?” Steve huffed.
“Okay but they’re super gay right?” Kurt whispered to his husband eyeing Steve and Bucky. 
“You can see it from space.” Blaine nodded.
“Poor Peggy.” They cringed seeing her sit next to her husband.
“Alright I'm gonna need my wife, Kurt, Mercedes, and Santana to come up here.”
You turn around briefly whispering to your band mates before turning around and strumming your guitar.
“Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance”
“Ahhh this is my song bitch!” Santana laughed as the rest of the women and Kurt stand around the mic.
Everyone began to cheer before singing along. It was always a hit. Thankfully the gleeks remember whose part is whose.
“Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance!” Kurt sang.
“Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance” everyone sang next.
“I want your ugly, I want your disease I want your everything as long as it's free I want your love” Tina sang before moving so Mercedes could sing next.
“Love, love, love, I want your love (hey) I want your drama, the touch of your hand (hey) I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand I want your love
“Love, love, love, I want your love (love, love, love) (I want your love)”
Quinn stood next to you and began singing the part that always drove you crazy.
 “You know that I want you And you know that I need youI want it bad, your bad romance.” She bit your ear before you sang next looking right at Natasha.
“I want your love, and I want your revenge You and me could write a bad romance (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) I want your love and all your lover's revenge You and me could write a bad romance Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance”
Natasha gulped, were you sending her a message or was this just ironic? 
“Oh my god what happened in that house Y/N was totally singing to you!” Wanda hissed near her ear.
“Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance”
“I’ll tell you tomorrow.” Nat muttered.
“Ugh, the suspense is killing me.” Wanda whined.
“Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance”
“I want your horror, I want your design 'Cause you're a criminal as long as you're mine I want your love” Mercedes sang. “Love, love, love, I want your love”
“I want your psycho, your vertigo shtick (hey) Want you in my rear window, baby, you're sick I want your love” Santana sang.
“Love, love, love, I want your love (love, love, love) (I want your love)”
“You know that I want you And you know that I need you ('cause I'm a free bitch, baby) I want it bad, your bad romance”
You desperately wanted to know what Natasha sounds like if she sang that part. You shake your head before singing your part.
“I want your love, and I want your revenge You and me could write a bad romance (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) I want your love and all your lover's revenge You and me could write a bad romance Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance”
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance
Walk, walk, fashion baby Work it, move that bitch crazy Walk, walk, fashion baby Work it, move that bitch crazy Walk, walk, fashion baby Work it, move that bitch crazy Walk, walk, passion baby Work it, I'm a free bitch, baby
“I want your love, and I want your revenge
I want your love, I don't wanna be friends 
J'veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche
J'veux ton amour, I don't wanna be friends (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) No, I don't wanna be friends (oh-oh-oh, caught in a bad romance) I don't wanna be friends (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) Want your bad romance! (oh-oh-oh)” 
Damn Santana still has it.
“Caught in a bad romance Want your bad romance I want your love, and I want your revenge You and me could write a bad romance (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) I want your love and all your lover's revenge You and me could write a bad romance Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh (Want your bad romance) Caught in a bad romance (Want your bad romance) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh (Want your bad romance) Caught in a bad romance Rah, rah-ah-ah-ahRoma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance”
Everyone cheered and clapped.
“How often do you think they play this song?” Pepper glared at her husband. “I’m just saying they all had a part.” Tony shrugged.
“How many times must I remind you. They were in glee club together in high school.” Pepper grit.
“Good times!” You chuckled as the gleeks hugged and walked off the makeshift stage. “This next one was Finn’s favorite song so it’s a must. Feel free to sing along and pour one out for my boy.”
“Bet.” Sam Wilson nodded, pouring some into the grass.
“Sam it got on my boots.” Bucky gruffed.
“It’s for a fellow fallen soldier Buck, show some respect.” Sam Wilson glared.
As soon as the band began playing the intro Steve stood jumping up and down. “This is one of my favorites too!”
“Oh my.” Bucky muttered, clearly judging his booyfriend.
“Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo”
“I'm packed and I'm holding
I'm smiling, she's living, she's golden
She lives for me, says she lives for me
Ovation, her own motivation
She comes round and she goes down on me
And I make you smile, like a drug for you
Do ever what you wanna do, coming over you
Keep on smiling, what we go through
One stop to the rhythm that divides you
And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse
Chop another line like a coda with a curse
Come on like a freak show takes the stage
We give them the games we play, she said-“
“I want something else to get me through this
Semi-charmed kinda life, baby, baby
I want something else, I'm not listening when you say good-bye
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo
The sky was gold, it was rose
I was taking sips of it through my nose
And I wish I could get back there, someplace back there
Smiling in the pictures you would take
Doing crystal meth, will lift you up until you break
It won't stop, I won't come down
I keep stock with a tick-tock rhythm, a bump for the drop
And then I bumped up, I took the hit that I was given
Then I bumped again, then I bumped again
I said
How do I get back there to the place where I fell asleep inside you
How do I get myself back to the place where you said
I want something else to get me through this
Semi-charmed kinda life, baby, baby
I want something else, I'm not listening when you say good-bye
I believe in the sand beneath my toes
The beach gives a feeling, an earthy feeling
I believe in the faith that grows
And that four right chords can make me cry
When I'm with you I feel like I could die
And that would be alright, alright
And when the plane came in, she said she was crashing
The velvet it rips in the city, we tripped on the urge to feel alive
Now I'm struggling to survive
Those days you were wearing that velvet dress
You're the priestess, I must confess
Those little red panties they pass the test
Slides up around the belly, face down on the mattress
And you hold me, and we are broken
Still it's all that I wanna do, just a little now
Feel myself, heading off the ground
I'm scared, I'm not coming down
No, no
And I won't run for my life
She's got her jaws now locked down in a smile
But nothing is alright, alright
And I want something else to get me through this life
Baby, I want something else
Not listening when you say
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
The sky was gold, it was rose 
I was taking sips of it through my nose 
And I wish I could get back there 
Someplace back there, in the place we used to start
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
I want something else
Steve clapped and whistled loudly. “Fuck yeah!” 
“He said a bad word.” Tony snorted.
You walked over to the Natasha with a grin.
“Sing a song for me?” You asked the redhead.
“Oh I don’t know-”
“Please? It’s my birthday. You can pick the song.”
Natasha sighed and nodded, taking your hand. You gave a lopsided grin and kissed the top of her hand.
You lead her up the patio. “What do you wanna sing?” 
“I think you know.” She kinks her brow and you know exactly what to play.
You take up your acoustic guitar and begin picking the strings before looking over at her.
“Boy, tell me, can you take my breath away?
Cruisin' down a heart-shaped highway
Got you swervin' lane-to-lane, don't hit the brakes
'Cause I'm feelin' so safe
I'll be your baby, on a Sunday
Oh, why don't we get out of town?
Call me your baby, on the same wave
Oh, no, no, there's no slowin' down!”
You grin at her, your eyes never having left hers and join her in the chorus.
“You and I, I
Ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
I'm on the back, I'm holdin' tight, I
Want you to take me for a ri-ide, ride
When I hula-hula, hula
So good, you'll take me to the jeweler-jeweler, jeweler
There's pink and purple in the sky-y-y
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i”
Quinn is bristling at this exchange especially when the redhead stands up and threads her fingers in your hair.
“Let me run my fingers through your salty hair
Go ahead, explore the island
Vibes so real that you can feel it in the air
I'm revvin' up your engine”
Natasha taps your chin and continues the song.
“I'll be your baby, on a Sunday
Oh, why don't we get out of town? (Why don't we get out of town?)
Call me your baby, catch the same wave
Oh, no, no, there's no slowin' down (let's go)”
“Quinn is going to kill Y/N.” Kurt muttered
“Okay but I’m loving this, their chemistry is through the roof!” Blaine smiled.
“You and I, I
Ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
I'm on the back, I'm holdin' tight, I
Want you to take me for a ri-ide, ride
When I hula-hula, hula
So good, you'll take me to the jeweler-jeweler, jeweler
There's pink and purple in the sky-y-y
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
No, no
You and I (you and I, I)
Ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
I'm on the back, I'm holdin' tight, I
Want you to take me for a ri-ide, ride
When I hula-hula, hula
So good, you'll take me to the jeweler-jeweler, jeweler
There's pink and purple in the sky-y-y
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
I'll be your baby, on a Sunday
Oh, whoa
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i
Call me your baby, catch the same wave
Oh, whoa
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i"
You quickly placed the guitar down and clapped whistling to cheer her on. You looked towards the crowd but didn’t see Quinn. Low and behold you couldn’t find Rachel either. You save that for later and focus on Natasha.
“That was beautiful Nat.” You chuckled and hugged her.
“Damn she’s sexy, Russian, and can sing?” Santana gawked with her wife Brittany.
“I know! No wonder Quinn is so jealous of her.” Brittany muttered.
“Where is that bitch anyway?” Santana squinted her eyes as she scanned the crowd.
“She went inside and so did Berry.” Brittany looked at her wife.
“Fuck Quinn.” Santana groaned.
Steve walked over to Bucky. “Buck.” He hissed. 
“What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost, or worse a naked woman.” He chuckled.
“Well.” Steve inhaled looking at you and Natasha.
“Oh shit you did.” Bucky chuckled. “Who?”
“Quinn and Rachel.” He whispered.
“What!?” Bucky exclaimed, making some people look over.
“Keep your voice down. It’s Y/N’s birthday.” He grit.
“I knew Quinn was no good.” Bucky muttered.
“Well we aren’t either. We are doing the exact same thing.”
“Hey take it easy, you said you were going to tell Peggy before she leaves again.”
Steve nodded watching Quinn and Rachel trickle out of the house.
“Do they know?” Bucky asked, looking away from them.
“No but they know someone knows. I broke a vase; I was in such shock.” He muttered.
“You’re going to have to tell Y/N.”
“Fuck.” Steve sighed he hated cursing but he knew this situation called for it. You and Quinn seemed so happy but then again he and Peggy did too. He knew he had to tell her and fast.
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“Okay spill.” Wanda said, placing a steaming hot cup of coffee in front of Natasha.
“Ughhhhh Wands!” Natasha whined banging her head on the table.
“Stop! Start from the beginning.” Wanda placed a plate of pancakes down.
“Remember how we had a football match back in August?”
“Yeaaaah.” Wanda nodded. “I had major FOMO that day.”
“Well Tony dropped a bombshell on me. Apparently someone close to Y/N turned down their full ride to MIT.”
“Oh my gosh!!! Shut up no!” Wanda gasped, her hand going over her mouth.
“My money's on Quinn. She probably got scared Y/N would leave her and Beth or something.”
“I think it’s her too but Tony said we can’t just assume we need to talk to Y/N, but-“
“Neither of you want to break their family apart.” Wanda nodded. “That’s understandable.”
“So now I have this bigger secret than my fake relationship with Bruce, and now on top of that I have another that I don’t even know what to do with!”
“Oh my gosh what?! You’re killing me!” Wanda whined.
“Y/N and I had a moment in the kitchen last night.” Natasha sighed.
“Nat.” Wanda sighed. “Y/N is married-”
“I know!”
“I told you that gift was too personal-”
“But no Nat. Listen. I love you but this is wrong.”
“I know.” Nat sighed. “I think it was just the alcohol… the only reason I brought that up is because of Rachel Berry.”
“The short one that kept singing broadway songs?”
“Yes! Anyway she cornered me right after and suggested we break them up.”
“What the hell? Hasn’t she been their friend since highschool?!”
“What did she say?”
“She said she knows I like Y/N and she likes Quinn and thinks they should divorce that they aren’t truly happy together.”
“What a weirdo.” Wanda gasped.
“She told me to think about it. Now I have to tell Y/N that their career was stolen from them, and their old friend is a snake.” Natasha sighed. “Wands what do I do?” 
“Honestly, I would like to know if it happened to me.”
“But how do I even begin to tell Y/N? This is going to break Y/N’s heart, and worse, what if they don’t believe me?”
“You’ll have to treat it like a band aid.” Wanda sighed, taking a sip of her coffee. 
“This could ruin their relationship.”
“Or it could strengthen it.” Wanda raised her brow.
It was quiet for a beat when Vis walked in.
“I think the real question is Nat do you have feelings for Y/N?”
“Vis what the hell?” Wanda grit.
“I’m sorry I was hungry and didn’t want to interrupt!” He said, grabbing a plate.
“What do my feelings have to do with what happened?” Natasha asked.
“Because if you have feelings and you are both married granted yours is a sham-”
“Vis!” Wanda smacked his arm.
“I just mean if you have feelings for a married person you need to distance yourself.”
“Oh don’t worry after I speak with Y/N I’m sure they’ll stop talking to me.” Natasha smiled sarcastically. She was stuck between a rock in a hard place. One she's falling for you, two she needs to tell you her marriage is a sham, three someone stole your chance at MIT. How does someone even begin to unload all of that information?
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callalillywrites · 7 days
His Scarred Omega Part 4
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Part 3 / Series Masterlist
Relationship: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Word Count: ~1900
Summary: Bucky celebrates his first Halloween with his daughter and Omega.
Warnings: insecure Omega, flirty Bucky, flirty Jake, sappy-happy Bucky
A/N: I wrote this story really fast as I mentioned above. It’s proofread but all mistakes are my own.
I also do not give permission for my work to be copied or posted on other sites or fed into an AI machine.
With Halloween growing ever closer, Bucky invites Omega and Gracie to a friend’s place for a family-friendly party. Jake’s assured Bucky his niece would be there, someone Gracie’s own age as well as some others to keep them from being too bored. Steve also promises there will be plenty of homes they can trick-or-treat from, giving Gracie something else to look forward to.
Bucky can’t help taking several pictures of Gracie in her costume. (Omega managed to divert her away from the Harley Quinn costume and into something a bit more kid appropriate.)
He also snaps a couple of Omega when she isn’t looking to save on his phone.
Gracie’s now going as cute little witch. Her blue eyes are sparkling with a bit of help from her mischievous nature, so like his own, and some eyeshadow that Omega helps her put on. The costume’s light-up abilities really sold themselves when Omega presented it to Gracie as did Bucky’s endorsement of the costume.
“You look beautiful, sweet girl,” he assures her when she does a final spin for him.
“What about Auntie? She looks nice, too, doesn’t she?”
Bucky glances at Omega and nods. His lips quirk into a small grin as he takes in the Greek goddess dress she’s put on. She’s added a few golden adornments she’s made to complete her look along with some golden accent makeup that makes her face glow.
“No, I think nice isn’t the right word, sweet girl. I think the word we need for this moment is beautiful or maybe breathtaking. What do you think?”
Omega’s cheeks are heating at his praise though she’s shaking her head at him even as a smile makes her that much more stunning in his eyes.
Gracie eventually breaks through the spell casting around them as she agrees with Bucky.
Omega is doing her best not to let Bucky’s flirting get to her. There’s no way in the world he can ever be interested in her, not after everything with Dot. Besides, she knows he’s just being nice to keep himself in her good graces where Gracie is concerned.
She can tell he’s gearing up to ask for a weekend with Gracie that includes an overnight at his place. As much as Omega isn’t sure she’s ready for that, she also knows that Bucky and Gracie are growing closer to one another. It’s only natural he wants more time with his daughter, especially with so much time he’s already lost with her.
To get them back on safer ground, Omega steers the conversation back on track by saying, “I think Bucky looks quite the pirate, don’t you, Gracie? Looks like he could take over a ship in the harbor and sail away any moment.”
Bucky grins at that. “I’d never sail anywhere without my best girls at my side. Gonna need someone to make sure I don’t get seasick, you know.”
“Somehow, I doubt you get seasick. Those legs of yours look sturdy enough to handle even the roughest seas.”
It hits Omega a second later what she’s said, her cheeks heating further with the tips of her ears and neck joining in, too.
Bucky, thankfully, doesn’t comment further on her obvious embarrassment, but then, the weird connection they share between them tells her he’s quite flattered at her appreciation of his legs. Neither of them still have a clue why this connection exists between them, but they have slowly come to accept it over the last couple of weeks.
Soon enough, they’re heading towards Jake’s home with Steve and Angel.
Gracie doesn’t stop asking questions about his friends and Jake’s niece. Her hope of gaining a new friend is quite palpable as she’s been struggling in school to accomplish the same. Then again, it’s harder to make friends when you’re dumped in a new school after the start of the year.
Bucky’s certain she’ll find her footing soon enough as she’s only been in the school a couple of weeks.
He’s been checking in with her teacher about how she’s doing, something he’s been able to do since Omega added him to Gracie’s file. Sure, he’s only added as an emergency contact, but he’s hoping that will change to full guardianship soon enough alongside Omega’s name.
According to her teacher, she’s settling in well enough though she’s still a bit on the quieter side. She’s quite helpful though she does tend to stick to herself rather than branch out, but her teacher is seeing some signs that Gracie is adjusting and reaching out to her classmates, giving Bucky the assurance she’ll be fine.
When Jake’s home comes into view, Bucky can’t help the small smile curling the corners of his lips as he glances at both Gracie and Omega. He can’t wait to show off his daughter to his friends and her sweet Omega aunt.
Angel meets him at the door and immediately smiles at Omega and Gracie.
“Oh, there’s our guests of honor. It’s so nice to see you both again. Come in. Come in. Jake is so eager to meet you both. Plus, his niece just got here and is already bored with us grownups. Would you like to meet her, Gracie?”
Gracie grins at Angel and takes her hand without hesitation.
Bucky motions Omega in after him and manages to lean in to say softly, “You really are breathtaking, Precious.”
Omega doesn’t get the chance to say anything as Steve and Jake converge on them.
Jake earns a deep growl from Bucky when he dares to awkwardly flirt with Omega after their introductions. Rather than be scared though, Jake just shoots Bucky a cheeky grin while holding his hands up in a surrendering gesture.
“Only fair since you flirted with mine when you first met her.”
Omega arches a brow at Bucky then. “So, you have flirted with Angel then?”
“Only to mess with this dork. Angel will never have eyes for another alpha but him.”
Before Omega can get away, he wraps an arm around her waist and tugs her close enough so he can whisper, “Besides, there’s only one omega that has my undivided attention these days.”
“You don’t have to say things you don’t mean, Bucky. Gracie’s already half in love with you as her dad. You don’t have to keep flattering me to win her over.”
The guarded look in Omega’s eyes has Bucky pulling her closer. His free hand cups her cheek, his thumb running over her cheekbone.
“What if I’m trying to win you over, too? What do I need to say or do for you to realize I think you’re the most wonderful, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, Precious?”  
Omega doesn’t know what to say to that. As much as she wants to believe Bucky, she also can’t help wondering if he’s done this with Dot or any number of other omegas in the years they’ve lost touch.
Besides that, she knows she’s not like other omegas. She’s definitely no Dot. She’s never pretended to be. Maybe that’s why it’d been so easy for her future alpha to claim Dot while she’d been working hard for their future and Gracie’s. Doesn’t mean the betrayal doesn’t hurt any less though.
Can she trust another alpha to not hurt her again? Can she trust Bucky?
She’s still waiting for him to decide he’s done enough to claim Gracie through the courts and sever any connections she has with Gracie. It’s something she’s seen happen before, and she can’t handle the thought of losing the last member of her family.
It takes her a moment longer than it should’ve to feel and recognize the deep rumble pouring out of Bucky and into her. His hold on her tightens as he does his best to soothe the dark thoughts swirling within her.
This darn connection between them is proving quite maddening. It’s giving her hope where she shouldn’t have any. Bucky, for all intents and purposes, will forever belong to Dot because of Gracie. It’s a futile hope for Omega to think that she can ever compete with Dot’s memory or believe she can wriggle into his heart where she wouldn’t mind being.
It’s all his fault, too.
The constant flowers every weekend he spends with her and Gracie. Doing his best to spoil her as much as he does Gracie on their outings. He’s never failed to buy her something wherever they go, especially something she eyes while they’re there. He never fails to defer to her judgment where Gracie is concerned, too, wanting to make sure he never oversteps.
And hundreds of other tiny things he’s done for her and Gracie since they bumped into him that day.
In just these few short weeks, he’s managed to turn her crush into something so much deeper, and she’s not sure she can or wants to be mad about it.
“Will you and Gracie come back to my place tonight? I have something I want to show you.”
“All our stuff is back home,” she whispers, the only excuse she can latch onto to deny him.
He simply smiles against her skin. She can feel it as he presses the softest kiss to her hair that she’s ever experienced in her life. It’s enough to weaken her resolve and her knees.
“I’ve been preparing for this, Precious. You and Gracie will have everything you need for a single night away.”
“I’ll consider it,” she says before Steve comes to check on them at Angel’s behest.
The rest of the evening, Omega manages to keep Bucky at arm’s length for her sanity. She spends as much time as she can helping Angel out between serving up food and keeping the few kiddos out of trouble.
Gracie and Jake’s niece end up hitting it off so well that both are already begging for sleepovers and other playdates together.
True to Steve’s word, the neighborhood ends up being one of the best trick-or-treating locations with almost all the houses offering candy to the kids traveling between the houses. Some even go so far as to offer up some small but creative haunted houses for the kids to shriek and laugh their way through.
It’s in one of these that Bucky finally gets the chance to have Omega at his side once again. His hand remains firmly interlaced with hers as they see all the spooky sights, tightening in the few instances where a jump scare lands successfully. Hearing Omega’s small yelps and her other hand wrapping around his arm puffs him up in ways he never thought to feel again. It’s definitely intoxicating and something he wants to experience over and over again.
When they finally return to Jake’s home, Gracie can barely keep her eyes open.
Bucky’s carrying her while Omega has her sack of candy.
“You have fun, sweet girl?”
Gracie nods against his neck, a huge yawn escaping. “Do we have to go home?”
“Yeah, we do, but I promise you’ll see your new friend again soon. Auntie and I’ll make sure of it.”
“I love you, Daddy,” she says as sleep claims her.
Bucky’s knees nearly buckle as tears of pure joy blur his vision. He brings his hand up to rub at her back as he whispers back, “I love you, too, my sweet girl. Always and forever.”
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sweetprfct · 4 months
Permanent December
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Sara have been best friends for a while now and when Sara had started dating Wes, you realized he also had a best friend. Joe. But somehow, you and Joe tend not to get along all the time.
Author's Note: This was my very first Joe series I ever wrote in my old blog, and I know many of you had requested for me to re-publish it, so here it is! A note, this series was written when I was inspired by @icallhimjoey's To Have and To Scold fic series. She and I have also talked about a scene here that would be coming in the future parts, so I don't want any drama nor controversy over this again. It's old and had been resolved. Thanks and enjoy! :)
Wordcount: 3.4K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
It wasn’t the first time you have visited Germany. It was actually a few times now that you have visited the country, and you were so excited because you were able to see your best friend, Sara, again. You two met online and ever since then, you two were inseparable. It was hard at the beginning because you lived in California, and she lived all the way across the ocean. The time difference was a bitch too, but you two tend to always give each other time to message each other every day. 
The friendship started off slow. You two realized that you both shared the same interests in movies and then the friendship started blossoming when you two started getting to know each other more. Especially on the day when you were struggling trying to break off your toxic relationship with your ex. You had texted Sara that night, bawling your eyes out while laying on your bed. It was around midnight already in Germany, but she was always there for you. She stayed up to listen to you venting about how your ex had emotionally abused you for two years now. Sara had listened, and she had encouraged you to break it off already, but you were scared. Terrified of the reaction with what your ex might give off if you had decided to break it off. 
Eventually, you gathered up all your courage and finally cut off ties with the asshole. 
And Sara? 
She was there when you went through the post-breakup phase and started healing yourself after the toxic relationship. After a year, you even flew to Germany for the first time to finally meet her and it was so fun. Both of you went to the Christmas market that December and got tipsy with all the Glühwein that you both drank that night. Those two weeks went by so fast that you wished you could have stayed longer but unfortunately, you also had a job to attend to. So, this vacation in Germany has become a yearly thing for the last three years around your birthday. You’d fly there around December and you two would visit the Christmas market and get drunk with all the Glühwein and eat crêpes.
But Sara was just a human. 
A woman. 
She told you one night that she wanted to go out there and meet someone, but she really didn’t know how to start a conversation with someone in real life, didn’t she? Sure, she was okay having conversations on the internet but in real life? She was shy. So shy, but she could feel the loneliness creeping up on her. So, you encouraged her. The same way she was always encouraging you. The same way she wanted good things for you. Sara, after all, deserved amazing things. She deserves someone that would love her and take care of her. So you encouraged her at the beginning to maybe meet some mutual friends but that didn’t work out too well. They were all arrogant men that didn’t deserve her. So then, you encouraged her to try online dating. Initially, it wasn’t great either until she went on vacation in London. 
She hadn’t thought much about it when she was there. She didn’t realize that her location in the app had changed. She would swipe left and right and didn’t even recognize that the location had changed. She had texted you one night that a notification appeared on her screen. 
A match! 
She got another match and guess what? He lived in London. And just like from all her matches, Sara had freaked out. She didn’t know what to do, so you told her that she should go for it. A little conversation wasn’t going to hurt and so, she decided to listen to your advice. Looking back at it, you thought maybe you should have shut your mouth in the first place because the conversation went well. 
Oh, they got along really well. 
They talked for a couple days while she was in London and decided to meet up. Sara didn’t even expect the first meeting to go well.
“He was really sweet and a gentleman.” She had told you through the phone. “He understood me well, and I told him I wasn’t from London, but he said that he didn’t mind and that he wanted to get to know me better.” 
She mentioned Wesley was his name or Wes as she calls him, and you were so happy for her because she had found someone, and you only wanted nothing but love and happiness that your best friend deserved. That was until you had flown that December for your annual vacation to visit Sara, and Wes was there. You had finally met the one man that was making her joyful for a year now, and you were so ecstatic to finally meet him. 
Sara was right. He was nice and understanding, but he was also goofy and funny at the same time. It was like they both had balanced each other’s personalities out. Everything was going great until three days later when you and Sara were hanging out in her apartment, and you found Wes out on the balcony talking to his phone. 
“So, how is everything going on with you two?” You asked Sara, your eyes shifting towards Wes on the balcony and then back at her. 
“Great!” Sara smiled, her eyes were full of love and you could see it. “He visits me here a lot and sometimes, I fly to London too.”
“That’s good that the distance doesn’t come between you two.” 
“No, not really. We both understand each other, and we also have jobs to focus on anyway. I think we just learned how to balance everything out.”
Before you could continue the conversation, both of your attentions were caught to the sound of the door sliding open. You both turned around and saw Wes entered with a huge enthusiastic smile plastered on his face. He had been on that balcony for over ten minutes, and you had wondered how he wasn’t cold from the freezing winter air outside but it seemed like that phone call was important. From the way his expression was at the moment, it looked like good news came out of it. 
“Guess what?” Wes said excitedly, sitting next to Sara and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 
Both of you stared at him, waiting for him to continue with whatever good news he was about to announce. 
“My best friend, Joe,” Wes glanced at Sara. “I convinced him to come here and join us since he was in Paris anyway for his work.” Wes then shifted his eyes towards you and smiled, “And so he could also finally meet you too.”
You heard about Joe. Sara had mentioned him. She also had mentioned that he wasn’t just any ordinary Joe because he was Joseph Quinn, the actor from Stranger Things. The Eddie Munson character that you heard everyone had been obsessing about.
As someone that worked as a production assistant in LA, you heard many things in the Hollywood industry. You sure have heard about Joe, and you really haven’t paid much attention to him. You never watched the show either and so when Joe had come to Germany to join the three of you, you didn’t expect yourself to treat him differently. 
After all, he was just another human being too. Wes had picked him up from the airport late afternoon and brought him to Sara’s apartment. As you have expected, from the pictures you have seen, he looked the same in real life. The same curly hair, big chocolate button eyes and a small shy smile that tugged on his face. He looked a bit exhausted but you figured that was from the plane ride. He wasn’t too casual either. He was wearing some nice gray trousers and a blue button up with a big fancy coat that you swore his whole outfit were designer brands along with his black shiny chelsea boots that looked a bit expensive too. 
You were nice. You were understanding at the beginning because you knew that Joe was important to Wes and Wes was important to Sara, and Sara was important to you. So you were nice. 
You were understanding. 
You were understanding when he had walked into that door and Wes had introduced him to you and all he did was give you a small smile and didn’t really say anything else. Sara had talked about him to you and how he was kind and funny. Though, that didn’t seem to be the same man that was standing in front of you that she described through texts and phone calls. 
Joe had probably stood in the doorway of her living room for about an hour without saying one word. He would chuckle or talk to Wes or Sara, but he never looked at you. But you were understanding, remember? You understood that he just came from work all the way from Paris. 
“Why don’t we all go to the Christmas market tonight?” Sara suggested that afternoon.
The Christmas market? But that was yours and Sara’s thing. 
Sure, you didn’t mind Wes being here during the only time you were able to see Sara. You didn’t mind Joe tagging along even if he seemed to be so quiet all day. But the Christmas market was a girls’ night, and you wished it had stayed that way but just like the way life was, things changed. So, you went along with it. You didn’t want to be selfish, especially if Sara was happy. You didn’t want to ruin that. You didn’t want to be the one who ruined this vacation.
The night was freezing and the market was buzzing with crowds of people. You had kept yourself next to Sara the whole time, while Joe did the same with Wes on the other side. You tried your best to have a conversation with everyone, but Joe just seemed so disinterested with you and as the night went on, it started bothering you. 
You two only just met but why did he look like he hated you already? It only bothered you even more when the four of you were walking around the market, enjoying the evening, and eating crêpes, but Joe had his eyes laser focused on his phone. His brows were all furrowed, and he looked tense. He looked like he didn’t want to be here right now, and you wondered if your presence was the reason why. 
Be nice. You reminded yourself. 
So, you offered to take the glass of Glühwein that Wes and Sara ordered to hand it to Joe, who was busy standing in the corner. His eyes were still glued to his phone and you wondered maybe if you had broken the ice, it would help him feel a bit more comfortable around you. 
“Glühwein?” You asked, handing the glass of hot wine in front of him. 
Wes and Sara were right behind you, and Joe had finally gazed up from his phone and just stared at you for a moment and then his eyes shifted to the hot glass that you were still holding in front of him. 
“Oh,” he said, his eyes looking disappointed. “I could have paid for one myself.”
“Sara paid for it.” You said, feeling a bit offended. 
Joe stared at Wes and Sara, who were standing behind you and then back at the glass before taking it and muttering a small thank you to you. 
That stung.
That hit you a little bit right on the chest. So, he only took the glass because Sara paid for it? So, if you had paid for it, he wouldn’t have taken it? That bothered you to the core. That insulted you. You didn’t know what you did for him to act like that, but you were understanding and so you tried to let it go.
You really did.
So, when Wes and Joe had distanced themselves for a moment that night because Wes was looking at some Christmas decorations that he knew his mum would love, you were occupied with Sara looking at different colorful Christmas lights. With the alcohol running in your system already, you couldn’t help but blurt out the words that you have been hiding all night to your best friend.
“Is he always like that? Joe?” You asked, looking over your shoulder where Wes and Joe were. “You know… seems disinterested with the surroundings around him?”
Sara shrugged, chuckling softly. “I think he’s just tired from work. Wes said he had been busy, but I swear. He really is nice.”
You let out a soft hum and nodded your head, believing what Sara had said because she was your best friend and you trusted her. 
But that wasn’t the case, was it? 
Because for the next three years, that behavior never stopped radiating off of him. You tried your best to really understand him and be nice, but you were starting to hold a bit of frustration inside with the way he acted around you. 
The annual Germany vacation that you took had changed for the next three years. It became a thing where Wes and Joe would also fly over and the four of you would hang out. You would all go to the city and drink. Of course, not to forget the usual Christmas market that the four of you would visit. 
There was that time where you worked on the set of a show in LA, and Joe had shown up as a guest star. You weren’t surprised at all to see him since both of you worked in the same industry. The one thing that surprised you was when he showed up on set and directly stared into your eyes and then walked away as if he didn’t know you. 
God, that pissed you off. 
Thank god, you only saw him that one day and never again until you would fly to Germany during the holiday season. 
You never told Sara nor Wes how you felt about Joe because you didn’t want to be the one who created the drama in the group. You wanted everyone to get along and so, when you had visited Germany again, you would let yourself drown in conversations with Wes and Sara. Your eyes would shift from time to time with Joe, and you would hear him chuckle or reply to Wes in a conversation. You tried your hardest to not let it bother you and let the conversation flow normally. 
That was easier. 
It was easier when Sara and Wes were around because then, you could just focus your attention on them. It was harder when Sara and Wes would go galloping to some stand at the Christmas market and check out the things that they were selling. It left you and Joe behind in an awkward silence. You didn’t blame them though. They deserved to spend time with each other but you spending time with Joe? 
Absolutely not. 
So, you busied yourself and went to check out the other stands and what they were selling. You tried your best to focus on what was in front of you, but you couldn’t help but notice how Joe had followed behind you. You understood that he didn’t want to interrupt what Wes and Sara were doing but couldn’t he just go somewhere else? Leave you alone? You studied the Christmas dolls that one of the stands were selling and saw from the corner of your eye how Joe just stood next to you. He didn’t say anything, so you just continued to check out the dolls and picked one up. 
“You like dolls?” 
You were taken aback from his sudden voice. Did Joe really just talk to you? Did he have too much Glühwein that he was probably drunk enough that he just started talking? 
You hesitated for a moment and thought maybe he was finally being nice, so you gave him a chance.
“No, my grandmother used to collect them.” You answered, setting the doll back on the table. 
“Ah,” He nodded his head and picked one up that was a little boy, wearing a Christmas outfit. It was a porcelain doll, and it almost looked too fragile to hold on to. “They look a bit creepy, don’t they?” 
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, agreeing with him. “Yes, they do. I have told my grandmother the same thing.” 
“I don’t blame you. I would say the same thing.” Joe grimaced at the doll before setting it back on the table.
Were you two really having a normal conversation right now? Almost too good to be true. 
From the last three years of knowing Joe, you both never had a conversation like this. Maybe he really was drunk. Who knows… but you were just going to go along with it. If it was going to make hanging out with your friends easier this way, you were going to go along with it.
You picked up another doll that was in front of you and realized this one looked a bit more raggedy. Very old. It had a red Christmas dress, but it looked like the hair wasn’t as great as the other ones.
“That looked a bit like you.” Joe commented. 
Well, that good conversation lasted only a minute. Was he kidding? Did he really just call you old and raggedy? You certainly had enough of him. Sara and Wes might like Joe, but you were tired of his behavior. You were tired of being nice, and you definitely were tired of trying to understand him. Your expression turned bitter as you set the doll back on the table and made your way around Joe, walking away from him.
“Hey! Wait.” He called out, touching a part of your arm with his fingertips. Almost like he was scared to touch you. “I’m sorry. I was just joking.”
He was sorry? He was sorry that he called you ugly? Was he also sorry that he has hated you ever since you two met three years ago? You’ve had enough of him, and you were ready to give him a piece of your mind. You couldn’t let him keep treating you like this.
“Hey guys!” 
You were interrupted by Sara, waving at you two to come over to where they were. Your lips parted, ready to yell at him but decided to shut your mouth. You dropped a glare at him before walking over to where Sara and Wes were. You heard Joe exhale sharply before following behind you and a fake smile tugged on your face as soon as you saw how excited Sara and Wes were.
“So, Wes and I were thinking…” Sara gazed up to Wes before they both exchanged looks and turned their attention back to you and Joe. “Maybe next December, we could spend the month in London?”
In London? 
Your eyes widened at the sudden suggestion that Sara had made. She wanted to spend a month in London? The holidays? The cold winter? Well, it wasn’t like Germany wasn’t cold but still… She wanted the four of you in London? 
You pursed your lips, thinking how you were sort of hesitant about this idea. That meant coming over to where Wes was from. Where Joe was from. He was already an ass in a foreign land, how was he going to act in his own city?
“You haven’t been there yet! We could show you around.” Sara added, pulling you into a hug. “It will be so much fun.”
Maybe she had too much alcohol. Maybe she will change her mind by tomorrow. You watched as Sara started pouting her lips and gave you her puppy dog eyes. Your eyes shifted to Wes, who was just chuckling at his girlfriend. He was no help at all. 
Of course, he was enjoying this. 
You turned to glance over at Joe from behind you. He didn’t say anything, but he had a big frown on his face. You could already see how he didn’t want you to be there but the petty and revengeful part of yourself wanted to torture him more. Plus, Sara was still standing in front of you with her puppy dog eyes, begging for you to agree. 
He was going to be an asshole? Then, you will torture him more with your presence. 
“Fine.” You agreed as Sara squealed in excitement and hugged you tightly.
“Oh, this is going to be fun! You will love London.” Sara exclaimed. 
This was going to be fun, alright. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf @mvnsonlover
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bbrissonn · 1 year
𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 - 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
in which your relationship with quinn was never what you though it was, secrets being keep, one of those being you
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction, this does NOT reflect how these boys act in real life, and it isn't how i imagine them acting
warnings: angst, swearing, asshole quinn, not proofread
pairing: quinn hughes x gn!reader (im pretty sure)
wc: 4.5k (including lyrics)
a/n: the ending is kinda shit because i really wanted to post this before the rest of the album came out sooo yeah
GUTS series
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Hate to give the satisfaction asking how you’re doing now
How’s the castle built off people you pretend to care about?
Just what you wanted
Look at you, cool guy, you got it
I see the parties and diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes
Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise
I love you truly
You gotta laugh at the stupidity
If someone would’ve asked you how to describe yourself a year ago, the words confident, independent and strong would’ve been some you used, but using them now if someone would ask you the same question wouldn't be right. You were no longer that person, the one who always had a smile on her face, one who was always kind and considerate of other’s in the room. No, that you was dead, and it was all his fault. 
When you had met Quinn almost a year ago now, he was the sweetest boy you had ever meet, his personality almost the same as yours. So it was no surprise to you that the two of you ended up hanging out as friends multiple before eventually asked you out on a date. You hesitated at first, scared to ruin your friendship, but the hockey boy was everything you dreamed of in a man, and you knew denying him would be a mistake, so you agreed. 
The two of you then started dating in January, and everything between the two of you was amazing. Sure, you guys didn’t see each other as often as you’d like, with him having practices in the morning and you working until late at night, mainly around the time his games would start. But you made it work, you saw each other at least twice a week, and when time wasn’t in your favour, facetimes were your go-to night time activities. 
But all that changed when summer started approaching, Quinn had let you know months in advance that he’s be heading home for pretty much the whole summer, excited to spend time with his family. Of course, he invited you, but you had the decline the offer, your job would never allow you to take the whole summer off. Thankfully though, you were able to switch your two weeks vacation you had taken in September, and move them to the begin of July.
When you informed your boyfriend you’d be able to join in a month after he left, a weird look creeped up on his face, making your brows furr. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked him, your head looking away from the TV and over to him. 
“Nothing. It’s just… we’re already a full house. You said you couldn’t come so Jack invited another friend. There’s no more bedroom.” 
“Oh, well, I though we’d just share, you know, I mean we already do.” You explained confused, it seemed pretty obvious to you that you’d be sleeping in the same bed. He was your boyfriend after all, why wouldn’t you sleep in the same bed?
“Right.” His answer was short and quick before his attention was back on the TV. “You’d have to meet my parents, and all my brothers and their friends. It’s a lot of people.” He said, almost as if he was trying to discourage you to go. You shrugged it off, thinking nothing too much of it. Quinn was a shy person, you told yourself he was probably just nervous for his two lives to meet together. 
“That’s okay, I’ll be fine.” You assured him. You didn’t worry much about meeting his brothers and their friends, especially considering the fact that you were the same age as Jack and his friends. You hoped that being the same age as them would make the whole meeting easier, something you had mentioned to your boyfriend everytime he’d talk about you having to meet his brothers, but each time, your statement never seemed to make him change his mind, always acting weird whenever you’d bring it up. 
When the older boy didn’t answer you, you grew anxious. Did he not want you to meet them? Was he too ashamed to bring you home with him? Doubt and self conscious thoughts being to fill your head and you couldn’t help but ask him about it. 
“Do you not want me to come?” You questioned him, your voice shaky and low as your eyes focused on your lap, while his shifted over to your figure. As seconds ticked by, regret overcame you, maybe you should’ve just dropped the subject instead of asking questions. 
“Of course I want you to come.” He lied, he couldn’t tell you the truth, you’d leave him if he did, and that was the last thing he needed. Well, it wasn’t a full lie, Quinn wanted you there, but not as his girlfriend, only had his friend. 
“Then why do you act so weirdly every time we talk about me meeting your family?” You pushed, you were desprated for an answer, you needed to know. 
“‘M not.” 
“But you are, Quinn! You always try and find reasons for me not to meet them. Are you ashamed of me?” You continued. The boy could feel the anger rising in him, he hadn’t signed up for this. An argument was not what he wanted when he walked into your apartment earlier that night, no he expected a silent movie night and sex, that’s the only reason he had even agreed to come over in the first place. 
“God, Y/N, you’re so delusion.” Quinn groaned, pushing himself off the couch, walking towards the front door of the apartment. You were quick on his trail, walking only feets behind him. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Home.” He mumbled, slipping his shoes on, only to find you standing in front of your door with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“Y/N, move.” 
“No. Answer my question, Quinn.” You told him, your voice stern. The boy only rolled his eyes before gently pushing you the side and leaving you all alone in your apartment. This was not how either of you planned this night to go. 
Looking back at it now, that night was the first sign that things were going sour in your newly formed relationship. You knew it at the time, but you refused to acknowledge it, your feelings for the boy overshadowing the red flags being waved in front of you. 
The second sign was not even a week later, the Canucks winning a big game in overtime, and obviously they all wanted to go celebrate with each other and their significant others. Of course, that meant you were invited, you always were. So to say you were confused when Quinn didn’t open the driver door of your car like he always did when you arrived at the bar was an understatement. 
“Get back in the car, Y/N.” He told you as he walked towards the entrance of the bar, only to stop when you yelled out his name. 
“What’s going on with you?” 
“Go home, I’ll find a ride home.” He said hrashly before walking in and joining his teammates at a booth, while you stayed in the freezing cold outside for a solid five minutes, confused as to what had just happened. 
The two of you hadn’t exactly cleared the air after your little argument at your place the previous week, so you just convinced yourself that he was probably still a little angry and just wanted a night alone. But deep down you knew that wasn’t the case, he had called you the next morning acting like nothing happened, and he had been acting that way ever since. 
You should’ve called it quits after that night, go back to his place and pack all your things before going home and packing all of his. But you didn’t, instead you waited until the next morning when he’d called you and act like it didn’t happen, that became his go-to thing after that, acting like you two had no problems. 
The third sign hit you like a truck. The season had ended a little while ago, the Canucks missing the playoffs, meaning Quinn was going to head home soon. He didn’t tell you when, you guess he’d probably stay a month, enjoy some time together before he left for the month and you’d join him in July. 
Only when it was almost one in the afternoon and you still hadn’t heard anything from him, you started getting worried. You went to his place after work, only to find his apartment empty, barely anything left in it. You called him, five times, three voicemails, not answer. Part of you started freaking out a little, deciding to call Pettey to see if he knew anything. You wished more than anything you hadn’t. 
The foreward informed you that the boy had left for New Jersey early in the morning, confused as to why you had asked him. You didn’t answer him, instead hanging up and trying to call Quinn once again, only to be met with the sound of his voicemail. 
It wasn’t until the next morning that your boyfriend answered you, telling you he was staying with his brothers to cheer them on during their playoff run and that he’d be heading to Michigan right after. You had never cried over a boy so much before, having to call in sick to work because of how unwell you felt. He left, no warning, no note, nothing, he just left. Little did you know, the next time you’d see him would end up becoming the worst day of your life. 
‘Cause I’ve made some real big mistakes
But you make the worst one look fine
I should’ve known it was strange
You only come out at night
I used to think I was smart
But you made me look so naive
The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh
Bloodsucker, fame fucker
Bleedin’ me dry like a goddamn vampire
A wide smile was plastered on your face as your taxi pulled up in the driveway of Quinn and Jack’s shared summer house, the July sun hitting your skin as you stepped out. After getting all your bags out of the car and paying the driver, you made your way to the front door, choosing to knock on it instead of just barging in. 
The door opened a couple of seconds later, the loud noise of music playing through the house as boy who looked your age opened the door, a confused look on his face. 
“Can I help you?” 
“Is Quinn here?” Your question made a slight chuckle come from the boy, making you a little confused. An awkward smile formed on your face as you realized maybe you had the wrong house. 
“You’re not his type, sweetheart.” The boy chuckle as he leaned against the door frame, making your brows furr. Not his type? What was this guy talking about. 
“Not his type?” 
“Yeah, he’s usually more of a skinny blond guy, at least the one last night was.” The boy explained, making your heart drop. 
“Last night?” You mumbled, hoping that he wasn’t talking about Quinn sleeping with someone else, someone who wasn’t you, who didn’t even look like you. 
“Look, I don’t how you get this address and all, but please leave.” He said before trying to close the door, only you pushed it, keeping it open. 
“I am his girlfriend.” You told him, holding up your phone in his face. Your lock screen being a photo of the two of you in bed, the side of his face pressed against yours as wide smile were present on both your faces. The smirk that was once on the boy’s face dropped, before looking back into the house. 
“I’ll got get him.” He mumbled before closing the door. A minute later, the door opened again, Quinn standing in front of you as a couple of guys were standing behind him, all of them looking at you. Just as the boy from before was about to say something, Quinn stepped outside, slamming the door behind him. 
“What’re you doing here?” He asked, his tone harsh and mean as tears started to form in your eyes. 
“Did you sleep with another girl last night?” You asked him, your voice small and shaky as your eyes stared into his. 
“Go home, Y/N.” 
“Did you?” You asked again, your voice a little louder this time, frustration building up in you as he avoided your question. 
“You’re not supposed to be here.” He said, his tone the same as before. 
“You invited me here, Quinn, you said you wanted me to be here!” 
“Well, I don’t anymore! I don’t want you here, Y/N, so go the fuck home!” He yelled, making your jaw drop slightly at his words. 
“You don’t want me here?” You asked after almost a minute of silence, your voice back to being small and shaky. Meanwhile, Quinn was staring at you with anger, rage almost. 
“Yeah. I don’t why in you’re right mind you’d still show up here when I’ve haven’t mentioned you coming here at all in a long fucking time.” He responded, his words slowly cutting your heart in half. He didn’t want you here, he didn’t want you. 
“Oh.” Was all you could say, you’re eyes now staring at the ground beneath you as tears slowly started falling from your eyes. 
“Go home, and leave me the fuck alone, Y//N.” He finished, his tone not changing. Before you even had time to say anything he had disappeared back inside the house, leaving you all alone again. 
You were sat on the steps of the front proch, waiting for a taxi to come pick you and bring you back to the airport. Where were you gonna go? You had no clue. All you knew was that you had the next two weeks off and you weren’t about to spend them in Vancouver. 
Suddenly, the boy who opened the door was sitting next to you, a small awkward smile on his face as you wiped as many tears away as you could. 
“I’m Alex.” The boy said softly, making you look over at him, trying your hardest to smile at him. 
“‘M sorry, about before, what I said.” 
“You got nothing to be sorry about. But, the blond girl you were talking about…” You trailed off, the though of saying the words out loud making you go quiet. 
“He slept with her. She wasn’t the only one this summer.” He told you, making your heart break a little more the more he talked. In all honesty, you didn’t even know who the boy next to you was, Quinn had never mentioned an Alex, but then again you knew they probably had a weird nickname for him like they do for everyone else. The only thing you knew was that he was Jack’s friend, knowing none of Quinn’s friend were here yet. Yet this stranger you’ve known for a couple of minutes has been more open and honest about your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend you weren’t sure at this point, had been during your whole relationship. 
“Save me the pain of knowing how many, would you?” You asked, more tears falling from your eyes. But they weren’t falling because of Quinn, no, tears were rolling down your cheeks because of yourself. How stupid you felt for no noticing how weird he had been acting, well more for just ignoring it, how you should’ve ran away from the moment he was avoiding the subject of you meeting his family and friends. You should’ve ran the moment a girl requested to dm you, warning you about Quinn’s playboy past when she saw the two of you at a bar. You should’ve ran and never look back multiple times, but you never did, your love for the boy too strong for your head to do what was right. You let your heart and emotions control your life, and it’s came back to bit you in the ass. 
“So, I am guessing you don’t wanna know that he never told us he had a girlfriend?” He knew he shouldn’t, your heart was already broken enough, but he needed too. You had travelled all the way from Vancouver for Quinn, only for your relationship to fall apart because of him. He needed you to know the truth. 
“Should I even be surprised at this point? He’s always avoided talking about me meeting any of you.” You scoffed, at the same moment, a taxi pulled up into the driveway. Thankfully, it wasn’t the same one as before, saving you the embarrassment of leaving the taxi the happiness women on earth, only to go back in the most heartbroken one. Alex helped you load your bag in the trunk of the car, silence sitting over the two of you. 
“Take care of yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over that idiot.” 
“I will.”
And every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news
You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called ‘em crazy too
You’re so convincing
How do you lie without flinching?
(How do you lie? How do you lie? How do you lie?)
Oh, what mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked up little thrill
Can’t figure out just how you do it and God knows I never will
Went for me and not her
‘Cause girls your age know better
You had decided to spend your two weeks off of work visiting your best friend in Calgary, being with her seemed like the only way Quinn wouldn’t be on your mind 24/7, and you were right. During your time there, you barely thought of the boy, your best friend being a light in your dark world, making you forget all your issues. 
Of course, that all changed the second your plane landed in Vancouver, all your memories of coming here to see Quinn after a road trip coming back to you. And it only got worst once you got to your apartment, one of Quinn’s hoodie before thing you saw when you walked in, tears immediately forming in your eyes. You couldn’t, you had already cried way too many tears over him during your relationship, you couldn’t let yourself cry some more now that he was gone. 
He made clear the state of your relationship when he sent you a simple two word text. We’re done. That was it. No sorries, or any signs that he felt bad, just we’re done. Luckily, you were already in Calgary when he texted you, meaning your best friend was there to make you feel better. But she wasn’t when he came by unannounced to pick up his things. 
It had been two months since your relationship ended, and you were doing horribly. Everything reminded you of him, and of how stupid you were for sticking around, every where you went, he was there, not physically, but in your memories. You had just came back from work when he arrived, knocking loudly on your door scaring you a little. 
When you opened the door, he just walked in, didn’t even look at you or say hi, instead heading straight for your room. He looked the same that he did in July, only his hair was a little longer now. When you joined him in your bedroom, half of his bag was already full, your drawers all opened with your clothes everywhere. 
“Are you at least gonna clean up the mess you’re making in my room?” You asked him, your voice full of anger. There was no way you were gonna let him barge in here with no warnings, then make a mess in your room, not say a single word to you, and then just leave, and if he thought so, he was dead wrong. 
“I am talking to you, Quintin!” You said louder this time, walking towards him and grabbing his bag just as he was about to put some sweatpants in it. His head flew up, giving you a death glare before finally speaking to you. 
“Give it.” 
“Y/N, give me my fucking bag.” He mumbled harshly, reaching out for it only for you to step back. You had the upper hand now, or at least you thought so. 
“You want your bag back? Then clean the fucking mess you made in my room, in which you came in without asking permission.” You said firmly, only making the boy scoff, his glare still present. 
“You’re fucking crazy.” 
“I could call the cops on you right now.” 
“Really? You’d call the cops on me?” 
“Yeah. Clean up, or it’s the cops you’re gonna have the deal with.” 
“You’re seriously fucking insane, Y/N.” Quinn mumbled before ripping his half packed bag out of your hands and storming out of your apartment, leaving you all alone again. Tears of anger started rolling down your face, part of you wanting to chase after him and yell, while the other wanted to just scream into your pillow and cry. You decided on neither, taking in the fact that half his belongings were still in your room. 
The next day, you quickly go into action, cleaning the mess Quinn had made the previous night, all while putting his things aside. When you were done, a pill of clothes was splattered on the floor just outside your room, and you soon joined it with a pair of scissors in your hands. One by one, you started destroying his clothes, letting out all your anger and rage on the pieces of clothing. 
He deserved it, after everything he had put you through in the last year or so, he deserved it, all of it. You showed no mercy, going crazy on the clothes you wore more often than the others, or the ones you knew held a special place in his heart, like his NTDP and Michigan hoodies. 
Next were all the gifts he had given you. It pained you, chopping off the heads of so many adorable teddy bears, but it needed to be done. Those gift were given in a way of saying ‘I love you’ but it didn’t mean anything to him. You didn’t mean anything to him. Everything single thing he had given you was destroyed, but the one that hurt the most was the ring he had gotten you for your birthday, both your initials engraved on the inside of it. Scissors weren’t enough for this, so you made your way to your kitchen, grabbing one of your big knife, doing anything and everything to bend the ring to the point where he couldn’t return it. 
Tears were falling down your cheeks as you placed the ring at the top of the box, above all the other gifts and his clothes, making sure it’d be the first he saw. It felt weird, like you were truly saying goodbye to your relationship. It was the end, after today you’d never see him again. Your boss telling you you could transfer to the compagnies office in Calgary as soon as next week, something your best friend was over the moon about. You’d never have to face the boy who completely broke and changed you, you’d never have to be in the same city as him. 
You didn’t even bother knocking on his door when you dropped off his things, instead just walking in, knowing he barely ever kept his door locked. He was sitting on his couch, a random TV show on the playing when you walked in. You heard him curse under his breath, but you didn’t pay any attention to him, instead dropping the box in the middle of his apartment. 
“I hope you rot in hell, Quintin.” You said harshly before turning around and making your way back out his home. 
“You’re a psycho you know that.” He called out, making you stop right before his door. You turned around, only to see he wasn’t on his couch anymore, now standing about five feet away from you. 
“Yeah? Then what does that make you? I hope one day you’ll feel that you’ve made me feel. That your self esteem is so low that you don’t ever want to leave your apartment. Karma’s a bitch.” You told him before opening his door and walking out. Part of you hope he’d follow you, tell you it was all a big mistake and that he still loved you, that way you’d be able to crush him, making him feel what he made you feel. But you weren’t okay with the fact that he didn’t knowing karma would eventually come back to him. 
And it did.
You said it was true love, but wouldn’t that be hard?
You can’t love anyone ‘cause that you would mean you had a heart
I tried to help you out, now I know that I can’t
‘Cause how you think’s the kind of thing I’ll never understand
A year later, you were sitting in the living room of your shared apartment with your best friend, mindlessly scrolling on your phone when an article caught your eye. Karma had done it’s thing. Barely a month after you left Vancouver, Quinn had found himself a model girlfriend, she was the complete opposite of you, but you didn’t spend any time analyzing everything difference between the two of you like you would’ve done when you first broke up. No, now you just wished nothing more than for her to break his heart. 
And she did. Barely a year into their relationship she cheated on him, publicly, meaning everyone knew about it. Quinn had grown a little famous because of his relationship, meaning almost every city he went in, people would stare at him, teenagers would giggle at him, while adults gave him looks of pity. 
You had ran into Alex during the last season, when the Kings were in town to play against Calgary, and a friendship was born. The two of you talked quite a lot, almost every single day, getting to know each other pretty quickly. The boy soon became like an older brother to you, and you became a little sister to him. 
This new friendship of yours meant if you ever wanted to, you could get updates of Quinn. Hearing that the defenseman was heartbroken over his girlfriend cheating on him brough you the most amount of join you had ever felt in the last two years. You slept amazingly that night, knowing Quinn was in his bed, his heart aching, just like yours was last summer. 
She had done to him, what he had done to you. Only, his was way worst because of the whole affair being public. To you, it felt like you had won. For months, it was him who wasn’t hurting, but now the table had turns. While you slept peacefully each night, Quinn struggled to find sleep, his mind asking himself so many questions. Did she even love him? How many other guys were there? 
One night, your words replayed in his head. Karma was a bitch.
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lvthkllr · 1 month
Okay, so I am now willing to relent that the writers were hinting at Francesca’s queer identity from the beginning (though I will say that if the majority of your fandom didn’t notice it until it was in front of their faces, then maybe you were choosing the wrong way to hint at it and queer representation shouldn’t be reserved as shocking writing twists), HOWEVER, I am still peeved about they way they are choosing to play out this Francesca/Michaela storyline because FRANCESCA IS SUPPOSED TO BE IN LOVE WITH JOHN AND THEN FALL IN LOVE WITH MICHAEL/A.
Now before you all start with me in the comments, I could not care less about Francesca being queer or them gender bending Michael into Michaela, I actually think it’s a super fun way to shake up the pre-destined couples without fully changing who the Bridgerton siblings end up with. I just have a serious problem with the writers are choosing to play out this queer storyline. Based on the content that we’ve already seen in S3, it feels like trying to reduce the love and companionship between John and Francesca to comphet, because I don’t care WHAT Y’ALL SAY, THAT WOMAN IS A LESBIAN.
In the book, Francesca’s connection with John is soooooo important to her character because their love allows Franny to feel seen after years of being the quiet middle child in a sea of loud Bridgerton siblings, and it also gives a lot of nuance to her eventual relationship with Michael because it echos—what I feel is—the core theme of Bridgerton, to love someone is to choose them.
But removing all of that nuance to insert a comphet storyline feels a little …. cheap because Francesca’s love story was never about her finding “real” love with someone else after John dies, it was her finding love after the loss of her life. I do want to point out comphet is still very real and it is essential to queer storytelling and the queer experience, but as viewers we don’t watch Bridgerton (or romance media) to see people in unhappy relationships, we watch to see people find love and happiness, to overcome their own failings to love someone, to discover the unbelievable joy of an exceptional marriage. And don’t get me wrong, I could have gotten on board with the writers doing a comphet storyline with Francesca, I just do not agree with this need to make John someone that she is not in love with. By placing Francesca in a relationship where she seems to feel very little for her husband, the writers turn John—a character that Julia Quinn had to fight to keep in the book—into an agent of misery for Francesca, someone who is keeping her from pursuing a fulfilling relationship with the person she loves. THAT is the main reason that this book to show change leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth.
And on a separate—but related—note, after the way the that the writers absolutely butchered Benedict’s queer storyline, I do not trust them to write a whole season’s worth of queer story well, because it honestly feels like they’re writing characters as queer to please the fanbase and not to create representation and nuanced storytelling on-screen (a good example of this would be the race bending on the show), which is really the only reason any writers room should be writing queer characters.
Please note that I am writing this post based off of my opinions about the content we have been given and making predictions for future seasons off of that, I am completely aware that we will not know what anyone in the Fran/John/Michaela trio is feeling until we get more content with them. My only desire is for the writers to handle these queer characters and the storyline with compassion and tact and instead of that, the writers seem to be relying on old and tired queer writing tropes that are more reductive than they are helpful to queer representation on screen.
If you want to disagree with my post please do so civilly, I’m here to engage in discourse not bullying.
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wintfleur · 5 months
i’m sure these are things that you’ll write about/touch on eventually but i’ll just send in my initial thoughts regardless-
how do they get together?
does the public ever find out about it themselves? (even though juliette is private abt relationships)
what’re the dynamics like between them?
how do they tell their families they’re all a thing?
au masterlist - everything for the AU is under #🍂 ͡ ꒱ Juliette Leclerc
a/n ﹒ Hi nonnie and yes I will be talking about most of these in the future, strictly because I’m honestly not too sure on how I’m going to have everything play out because I’m still planning things !! So like I said, I am still working on this, so the answers may change in the future !
also omg i totally misread ‘how did they get together’ to ‘how did they meet’ . . . besides I wanna keep that as a surprise for now x
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𐙚 Auston introduced Juliette and Mat at a party in 2021 and there was obviously some sexual tension between them but nothing happened . . . okay maybe a small kiss on a balcony was shared but that was it . . . Juliette met Quinn when she went to a Canucks game in 2021, they met before the game when her manager and the Canucks Pr agent wanted her and Quinn to meet up and film a small video (meeting, Quinn giving her his signed jersey) In my au, Mat and Quinn are best friends, they have known each other for years.
𐙚 I do want the public to find out about them! I’m just not sure how that’s going to happen yet. I do know that the fans do have suspicions from the soft launches, like the faceless pictures she posts for the boys and the faceless pictures of her that they post. the public already knows that Quinn and Mat are best friends so it’s not strange to see them posting each other . . . Some fans think Juliette is with Mat and some think she’s with Quinn, some fans think Mat and Quinn are together . . . it will be a shocker when they find out there all together! . . . Julie has gotten a big amount of hate throughout the soft launch era because some fans can tell that there are two different boys in her pictures.
𐙚 I will be saying more of their dynamics in there couple profile. But I see Mat as being the more dominant one in the relationship, and Quinn being a switch while Julie is more of a sub leaning switch. Mat and Quinn are both talkers, while Julie listens. They are all big spoons and little spoons, it’s always changing. Mat’s love language is physical touch, Quinn’s love language is words of affirmation, and Juliette’s is gift giving. Two tall bf’s and a shorter gf.
𐙚 I feel like Mat and Quinn’s family already knew about them before they told them, and when they did, they were very supportive and happy for them. Julie’s family were shocked at first because they didn’t expect it, but they were also very supportive. I think k they would tell there family’s on there own, it’s something new and they aren’t so sure on what there family’s reactions would be, so they wanted to do it themselves just in case.
°. — taglist ( @lovings4turn @toasttt11 @cixrosie @ru-kru @alwaysclassyeagle @theopenlocker )
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socialfakes · 8 months
the devils in the details- luke hughes
chapter 1; part 2: hard launching
nhl players x platonic!fem!reader
eventual luke hughes x fem!reader
nico hischier x fem!reader
the masterlist
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Liked by bboeser, nicohischier, _quinnhughes and 4,209 others
yourinstagram | the sands of time will never wash away the love that i have for you ❤
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user06 this isn’t luke and now i am very sad 😔
elblue6 love seeing you happy, my dear ❤
user08 the dark hair kinda looks like quinn 🤔  | user13 no! not her being with the wrong brother 😭  | yourinstagram it’s not the wrong brother. in fact it’s not any of the hughes brothers 🤷🏻‍♀️
jackhughes you posted a snowy cabin landscape last week and now you’re posting about the beach? where the hell are you?  | yourinstagram right next to you, dumbass 😂 these pictures aren’t recent  | jackhughes right. i should’ve known 🤦🏻‍♂️
_quinnhughes why does everyone think it’s me when you post someone with dark hair? 😂  | user01 honestly thought it was actually vince or jamie
colecaufield was not expecting this pairing at all but glad you’re happy. it's all i could’ve hoped for 😃  | yourinstagram love you beyond words, my sweet sweet cole 🥰
trevorzegras happy 😊
user07 this is such a cute soft launch. can't wait for the hard launch ❤
nicohischier my favorite couple 😊
lhughes_06 this is the cutest thing i've ever seen 😊❤  | yourinstagram ❤❤
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Liked by nicohischier, lhughes_06, _quinnhughes and 6,427 others
yourinstagram | over a year together and he still sends this stuff ❤ ladies, find yourself a man like this and you’ll live the rest of your life extremely happy 😃👍🏻
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user13 this is so quinn 😲
user04 I’m dying to know who this is 🤔
jackhughes ❤
trevorzegras ❤
jamie.drysdale ❤
_quinnhughes ❤❤
nicohischier ❤
lhughes_06 ❤
colecaufield ❤
edwards.73 ❤
user15 love how all the boys just commented a heart as if it would throw us off 😂
user03 anyone else thinking it’s quinn because of the double hearts? or is it just me?  | user07 guarantee it was to throw us off the trail even more
user06 I think I know who it is 😲  | user04 enlighten us 😃  | yourinstagram I love you guys and I promise you’ll know very soon 😊 if his team wins, we agreed to hard launch the relationship as a celebration 😊🥳
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Liked by jamie.drysdale, trevorzegras, nicohischier and 1,715 others
yourinstagram | love you lovin’ me the right way ❤⛸ forever thankful to you for opening your heart up to me 😘    tagged: nicohischier
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lhughes_06 he better treat you how you deserve to be treated  | yourinstagram of course he is. wouldn’t be with him if he didn’t know how to treat a lady 🥰  | lhughes_06 well i'm glad you’re happy ❤
user05 but this isn’t luke 🥺
_quinnhughes happy that you’re happy, munchkin 😊
trevorzegras well this was unexpected 👀
nicohischier ❤
jamie.drysdale and my ship sailed away 😉  | yourinstagram to the middle of the ocean 😊
user06 was holding out hope for you and luke but if nico makes you happy, then congrats 😊
edwards.73 thought you and luke were together when we were all at school. guess i was wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
rutgermcgroarty i freaking knew it! especially when you called me at 2 am and told me once that you were crushing hard on nico 😂  | yourinstagram what?!?! that never happened 🤫 | rutgermcgroarty you may have been drunk 🤔
colecaufield so this is why you wouldn’t date me? 😏😂  | yourinstagram no 😊
jackhughes my two best friends?!? i’m not sure how to feel about this 🤔  | lhughes_06 as long as she’s happy, we should be too ☺  | yourinstagram thank you lukey ❤
user07 was hoping hard for y/nhughes but that ship is gone  | yourinstagram sank before its maiden voyage 👍🏻
njdevils cap is happy!!!
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @diorsluv
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 21
Hello! We're back with more Royal Pain. For the person(s) that thought the kiss meant the nearing of the end of the story: NOPE! We still have a bit to get through plot wise. Plus I don't usually go through past them getting together, and wanted to explore that a little before the end.
Also, where have my commenters gone? I used to get 10 or so comments a post and the last part of "Well Met By Moonlight" only had one. My usual commenters just didn't. If I have suggested in anyway that I don't like comments or don't appreciate them, know that I really, really do! And I miss it when people who used comment don't anymore. I'm not going to name names because this isn't a callout post, just a concern, I guess.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Today we have a replay reaction to the kiss by the Royal Pain crew, Wayne being wise (and mention of a ring that has always been a thing in the story, I just forgot to put it in before this oops!) and Chrissy getting some advice.
To say that Steve was practically squealing from joy when he got to his car would be an understatement. He put his bluetooth earpiece in his right ear and immediately called Robin.
“Are you okay?” she asked as soon as she picked up.
“Eddie kissed me!” he giggled excitedly.
“No fucking way!” she gasped.
“Not yet anyway,” he said slyly, pulling into traffic.
“Steven Joseph Harrington!” Robin squeaked. “You don’t get to make dirty puns like that unless I’m in hitting distance.”
Steve laughed. “Joseph isn’t my middle name.”
He could hear her snap her fingers. “I’ll guess it eventually.”
“It’s been nearly a decade and you still haven’t guessed it,” he reminded her. “I can make it harder though...”
“Don’t you dare!” she hissed. There was silence for a moment. “You can’t make it harder, can you?”
He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “I can actually, but you told me not to.”
He could feel her narrow her eyes from across town as she weighed her options.
“Go ahead,” she said haughtily. “I don’t think you can.”
Steve grinned. “I have two middle names and you’ve never guessed either one.”
“You do not!” Robin hissed. “There is no way!”
“My parents were super traditional,” he told her. “My middle names come from each of my grandfathers.”
“Oh my god,” she said, “that makes so much sense.”
Steve licked his lips and waited. Five, four, three, two–
“Don’t you change the subject, Steven!” Robin came back. “Eddie kissed you.”
“He did indeed,” Steve said, “and I will tell you all about it when I get back to the shop. I’m like three minutes away.”
“I want to know everything!”
“I promise.”
Steve got to the shop and everyone was standing around the front counter, chins propped up on their hands, blinking at him expectantly.
He shook his head. “Menaces, the lot of you.”
Erica batted her eyelashes. “Yeah, but you like menaces.”
Steve tilted his head to the side and then nodded. “Yeah, yeah. But first I have to tell about my lunch with Wayne.”
Erica and Chrissy groaned, pushing off the counter and rolling their eyes. Robin and Argyle stayed in position though.
“Trust me,” Steve said holding his hands up, “it’s relevant to the story.”
“This better be good, Harrington,” Chrissy snarked.
“Oh it will be,” he said with a smile, “I promise.”
He started telling them everything. Wayne’s approval, the confrontation with Quinn, Eddie coming to the rescue, the kiss.
“Lunch was definitely relevant, dude,” Argyle said. “Getting parental approval is super important in a relationship. Especially if they’re close.”
Steve nodded. “So does the story live up the hype?” he asked the girls.
Robin rolled her eyes. “I suppose.”
Chrissy giggled. “It was so cute, Stevie. I’m happy for you!”
Steve waited for Erica, who sat there tapping her lips for a moment. She cocked her head. “Ehhh...it was all right.”
Everyone protested, talking over each other.
She burst out laughing. “God, you guys so easy. Of course it was awesome. Super sweet, too.”
Steve opened his mouth to say something when the bell over the door sounded, announcing the arrival of his next client.
He turned to greet them as everyone but Robin scattered. As much as he would love to gossip about his newly minted love life, he had clients that wanted tattoos.
Eddie kept licking his lips the whole way to his apartment.
“What made you change your mind?” Wayne asked. “About dating Steve? Him saying ‘I love you’?”
Eddie bit his lip and shook his head. “I had made the decision before that. It was just with Seth stalking me, I didn’t want to get Steve hurt if Seth thought we were together.”
Wayne nodded. “If Seth would threaten Steve over being your friend and tattoo artist, I shudder to think what he would have done if your relationship was more serious.”
“In fact I was going to tell him before Seth threatened him,” Eddie said with a sigh. “We had plans to have dinner at his place and I was going to tell him then.”
“But then Seth showed up?” Wayne asked.
Eddie nodded. “And then that night, I was going to at least let him know that after the whole thing with Seth got resolved, I was going to kiss the hell out him, but that didn’t work out either.”
Wayne tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“That was the night he ran into an ex,” Eddie explained. “The ex. The one that broke his heart. Found out a whole bunch of other shit that night, too. I spent most of the night trying to console him.”
“So the stars finally aligned today, then?” Wayne asked.
“About god damned time, too,” Eddie agreed fiercely.
Wayne hummed. “He’s good for ya, Ed. I don’t think I’ve seen you this happy in a long time. Even when Seth was breathing down your neck, you were more solid. You had your friends, but with Steve standing beside you, you looked like you could handle whatever the world threw at you as long as you had him.”
Eddie blushed, annoyed that driving kept him from ducking his head or shoving hair in his mouth to cover the flush on his cheeks. “He makes me feel brave, because he’s been through shit too and he’s still standing. Still moving forward each day. I love that about him.”
They drove the rest of the trip in silence. When they got back to the apartment they chatted as Eddie helped Wayne pack for his journey back to Hawkins.
“I want to see you both come Labor Day,” Wayne growled. “No excuses, you hear?”
Eddie nodded. “Yes, sir.” He gave him a jaunty salute.
It looked absolutely ridiculous coming from a long haired metalhead and Wayne’s snort cinched it.
Eddie grinned but gave him a gentle shove. “Steve wasn’t lying when he said that was the plan, by the way. We had been talking about taking him down to meet you since the first week of us becoming friends.”
Wayne nodded sagely. “I understand that he’s not close with his parents.”
“It was big ole mess,” Eddie said softly. “His parents are very recently divorced, like it was finalized last month, recent.”
Wayne hummed. “I remember you saying something about that,” he said. “At least you had an uncle who cared when your parents decided to be shit, it doesn’t seem like Steve had that option.”
“He was close to his grandpa though,” Eddie murmured. “On his mom’s side. He was really broken up when the man died.”
Wayne zipped up his suitcase. “How old was Steve?”
Eddie shrugged. “Young. Eight or nine. His grandfather got cancer before his mom met his dad. His grandpa had struggled with the disease before it finally took him. Steve said that it had ravaged so much of his body that his death certificate was like a laundry list of possible causes of death. Heart failure, kidney failure, cancer...you name it, it was probably on the damn thing.”
“That ring he wears all the time,” Wayne asked, “that his grandfather’s?”
Eddie nodded. “His dad tried to take it for years, saying it inappropriate to leave to a little boy.”
“Only he wasn’t going to stay a little boy forever,” Wayne said. “I guessing that since he still has it, his mom interfered?”
“Maureen Harrington wasn’t going to be winning any best mom awards at any point in Steve’s life,” Eddie scoffed, “but she did do some shit and hiding that ring was one of them.”
“I’m glad he had someone looking out for him,” Wayne said. “I’m sorry it wasn’t all the time. But he at least had something some of the time.”
“He’s not jealous of me or Robin,” Eddie said, “Or anyone of his friends that have a good home life. He’s happy with his found family. He loves them as though they are blood.”
Wayne smiled. “I’m happy for you, Ed. You’ve got something real special with Steve.”
Eddie blushed. “I love him.”
“I think the whole world knows it’s mutual at this point,” Wayne said with a small shake of his head.
Eddie just grinned.
Steve grinned as Chrissy wandered out of her room for the third time today. The first time was that she forgot her purse in her car. The second time it was because she had a question for Robin (completely made up and not something that was essential at all to her job). The third time it was because she wanted to ask Robin if she wanted anything from the deli on the corner for lunch.
Could you tell that Vickie was being trained by Robin today?
Vickie put her hand on Robin’s arm to get her to slow down in her nervous and very rapid fire explanation of the phone system and Steve thought Chrissy was going to explode.
Chrissy was wearing a pink blouse with spaghetti straps and white lacy cardigan over the tightest jeans Steve had ever seen and he’s been to a lot of Corroded Coffin shows. Her hair was up in an artfully messy ponytail and her makeup was tasteful and very pink.
Steve was just grateful she hadn’t paired the outfit with anything high heeled and instead chose white ballet flats. He was always worried someone was going to sprain their ankles in high heels walking on their hardwood floors.
He winced as Chrissy’s poor attempt at flirting fell flat.
“Oh,” Robin said, “Steve already ordered him and me Chinese, sorry.”
“I’d love something though,” Vickie said brightly. “Do they have a turkey club?”
Chrissy sputtered for a moment before she nodded meekly. “Yeah.”
“Great!” Vickie continued. “Just let me know how much and I’ll wire you the funds.”
Chrissy nodded again and with a squeak, dashed back into her room. Steve watched as Vickie’s smile turned knowing.
He shook his head and went to go talk to his apprentice.
“Someone’s got a crush,” he said, leaning against the door frame, with his arms folded.
Chrissy threw her arms in the air. “At least you noticed. I don’t think she has.”
Steve chuckled and made his way over to her, swinging the door shut behind him.
“I love her,” he said sitting down on her client lounger, “but she absolutely loses her head when a pretty girl is around. Gay, straight, bi. Doesn’t matter she becomes an absolute mess.”
“I’ve noticed,” Chrissy said bitterly. She thought about Vickie and Mandy and how Robin was just goo around them.
He hummed, knowing exactly what she was thinking. “Here’s the thing though, you are one hundred percent ahead of the game compared to the other two girls.”
Chrissy scoffed. “What makes you think that?”
Steve grinned. “Mandy has a boyfriend, soon to be fiance and Vickie could be bisexual. But she could also be straight. Robin knows you’re a lesbian. You have the advantage of her knowing where she stands with you.”
Chrissy blinked. “Oh.”
“You want to get the girl?” Steve asked. She nodded. “Then you’ve got to step up your game. Time to woo her and not just flirt with her.”
Chrissy chewed on her lip. “But how do I do that?”
Steve shook his head. “Well for starters, paying attention. Robin and I always get Chinese on Fridays.”
She blinked for a moment, pulled out her phone and then the light bulb went off above her head. “Oops.”
She took a deep breath. “Do you think I have a chance?”
“She thinks the cheerleading thing is scary hot, so...”
Chrissy grinned. “It’s short skirt, isn’t it?”
Steve shrugged. “And the cute little socks.”
Chrissy laughed. “Can’t forget those.”
He turned to walk away, but she stopped him. “Thanks for this, Steve. I know you didn’t have to.”
Steve just smiled softly and then walked out of the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Thoughts on how to get the girl of her dreams.
Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella
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n0vabug · 1 year
So the readers mom gets like sick and put into the hospital and the reader finds out, but doesn't tell sam because she didn't want sam to worry, so she snuck off everyday to the hospital to visit her, She developed depression and really bad anxiety and insomnia and sam finds out. Sorry if it's not good, I forgot about this and then came back to it and rushed the end so yeah 👍.
This contains: mentions of depression, anxiety, insomnia, angst, a little fluff (I would've wrote more but I needed to post smth 😭😭), and other stuff like this. If this or anything else makes you uncomfortable, I recommend that you do NOT read this. Words: 1757
Sam, Y/n, Mindy, Chad, and Tara, have all moved to NY six months ago after the ghostface attacks. Y/n's mom lived in New York and Y/n was always close with her mom, her mom made her feel loved and always put her first, when Y/n first told her mom about dating sam, her mom was very supportive and loved sam like she loved Y/n. When Y/n told her mom that they were moving to NY, her mom was very happy. Her mom lived in Brooklyn while Y/n and Sam lived in the city so they lived about 30 minutes away from each other. After 2 months of living in NY, Y/n's mom got really sick and put into the hospital, she eventually fell into a coma. Y/n's dad left her and her mom when she was 2 so they had no contact with him, so Y/n was the only person the hospital called when she got put there, since they had no other family, her mom's parents died and her sister lived in another country and has no contact with them. Y/n snuck off to the hospital every day to visit her mom, she hasn't slept in 4 months and hasn't been the same. Anika quickly became best friends with Y/n, so when she wasn't with Mindy, she was with Y/n. Sam and Anika have noticed but Y/n just lies and says she is fine.
It was 1pm, which was the usual time that I went to visit my mother in the hospital, I told sam that I had to go to my job, praying she wouldn't find any of this out. The insomnia, the depression, the anxiety, the pills, everything else, all of it, if she found out, she would be pissed that I've been lying to her.
"Bye sam, I have to go to work."
"Yep, I know, bye." She came over to me and tried to hug me before I left, but I flinched when she put her arms out, causing her to not hug me.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm great, love you, bye."
"Love you too..." was the last thing I heard before walking out the door and to my car.
Y/n has been acting really weird lately, she usually loves physical touch but she flinches every time I try to hug her, she hates only saying "love you" because she says "it has less meaning if you don't put the I in front of it" but she hasn't said "I love you" in who knows how long, she stares off into space all the time, and her eyes, they look exhausted. She goes to her job everyday at 12:30 pm, she doesn't tell me where she works and she shows up very late every night. Anika was the only one to seem who noticed. Anika was thankfully at our dorm so I could tell her what happened this time, Chad, Ethan, Tara, Anika, and Quinn all had a small hangout. I walked up to Anika to pull her aside for a second.
"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" I asked
"Yeah, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, it's just something important I have to talk to you about." I said before walking into my room with her following behind.
"She's being weird again." I told her
"What happened this time?" She asked me, we always told each other if she was acting weird, we asked her if she was okay, but she always said yes, we both doubted it though.
"She said 'love you' again and flinched when I tried to hu g her."
"Ask her about it Sam, and this time don't just ask if she's okay, because she obviously isn't, tell her that she can trust you, and she can tell you anything, but if she doesn't say anything just give her time, she'll open up about it soon."
"I can try, if I see her tonight, thanks Anika, you can go back to Mindy now."
One secret I knew about Y/n was that even though she was 25, she still kept a notebook that she wrote in like a diary, like a 13 year old. I knew I shouldn't have, but I wanted to figure out what was going on, so I looked in the place she hid it, and grabbed it, I opened it and started reading.
June 2022
One of my mom's friends went over to her house today, they found her passed out on the floor, she called an ambulance and they took her in, she was put in a coma, I don't know how to feel, but I told sam I got a job, and left today to visit her at the hospital, she was cold, lifeless, seeing her like this hurt me, I couldn't tell sam, I didn't want her to worry about me, plus it'll ll probably be fine soon.
September 2022
It's been 3 months, she's not awake, I've had little to no sleep during this time, I developed depression and worse anxiety problems, I sneak to the hospital everyday at 1pm still claiming I'm going to work. I think Sam and Anika have started to notice, they ask me a lot if I'm okay. Every time Sam touches me, I think of my mom when I was little, I know it's a weird comparison but idk it's just how I feel, I miss it, but I just don't want a reminder of what's been going on.
October 2022 I've suffered from insomnia for 4 months now, all because in my restless dreams, I see her face, her pale lifeless body, laying there. It's all getting worse, I still haven't told sam, I don't want her to worry.
I walked into the room my mom was in, again, like I have for the last four months. I'm staring at her cold lifeless body, every time I see her my heart just shatters, seeing her like this everyday, asking myself if it will ever just get better.
Before all of this happened, I loved physical touch, when sam's warm soft hands would intertwine with my fingers, or wrap around my waist. I loved it. I miss it, but every time she touches me, I think of my mom. When sam puts her hands on my shoulders it makes me think of a game me and my mom played where I would hide and when she found me she would be secretive and put her hands on my shoulders to scare me. When sam hugs me I think of how I would run into my mom's arms everyday she picked me up from school. When sam kisses me on the forehead or cheek, I think of my mom kissing my forehead or cheek when saying goodnight. It is a weird comparison but of course my mom did it out of love, but family type of love, while sam does it out of romantic love, but her touch just reminds me of my mom when I was a kid. I understand it sounds weird, but idk.
I get back to the apartment, thinking it would be a normal day, but the second I saw sam, I was interrogated with many questions. 
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Is she okay?"
"Are you okay, well I know the answer to that, but you should've told me, I worry more now that you didn't tell me about this."
I looked at her confused, why would she know any of this, I couldn't think why she would know, until she held up the diary, I know I'm 25 and it's stupid but it's a nice way to get my feelings out.
"I uh, I don't know, I'm sorry, I should've told you sooner." Tears brimmed at my eyelids, I tried to hold them back but I couldn't, I stared at sam for a moment until the warm tears trickled down my cheeks and wouldn't stop. She gave me a concerning look, but didn't hug me because she knew about the touch thing. I walked up to her, wrapped my arms around her, and tightly gripped onto her shirt. She wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back, she put her other hand on my head until she picked me up, my legs wrapped around her waist and face buried in the crook of her neck.
We sat there for a few minutes until I calmed down.
"Listen, you know you can tell me anything right? It hurts me to see you in this state, I can see you have barely slept, I've noticed the anxiety and everything else. You can talk to me whenever, if you want to talk to me about this, I'm willing to listen whenever you're ready and whenever you want to talk. I love you." Is what she said before kissing my forehead.
"Thank you, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before, I just couldn't, but you know now so I'll tell you more about it later, I'm still not exactly ready. I love you sam."
She looked at me and smiled, she then passionately kissed me, and ofc not being able to resist, I kissed her back. I love her.
A/N Sorry about the end, I kind of forgot about this and needed to quickly finish it 😭😭😭, anyways it's almost summer and i'm really excited, except for the fact that I have to leave my friends which makes me very sad, I wished for it to be summer and now it almost is and I regret it because I might not see some of my best friends ever again ☹️☹️. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter.
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