twogayswithautism · 2 years
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When two autistics try to play My Rummy lmao
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
THIS HEAT IS DREADFUL!! how am I suppose to do anything. winter is the best season no one can convince me otherwise, istg my autism is not built for this!
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
I cannot believe so many of you also love this idea! Both of us are still in school but are very passionate about this project, we are thinking of potentially getting some outsider help as my coding skills are meh, this will require money so I have set up a patreon, you do not have to give us anything, however having financial support will make this idea a reality sooner rather than later. We appreciate just spreading this post around and getting more suggestions and interest in this app. If you would like to support our patreon you can visit it here: https://www.patreon.com/twogayswithautism, you will get behind the scene content of the creation and be able to vote on features. Feel free to follow us to see posts about the app's features!
I want to make an app which would have bars (think sims 4) that decrease and reminds you that you need to eat, sleep, drink, socialise etc. I might also include a more adult version for non-verbal speaking. Would any of you be interested in this idea?
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
I want to make an app which would have bars (think sims 4) that decrease and reminds you that you need to eat, sleep, drink, socialise etc. I might also include a more adult version for non-verbal speaking. Would any of you be interested in this idea?
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
What’s stopping me from hyperventilating myself to sleep?
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
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Welcome to my art dump! My friend suggested that I make stickers that we can put on anything that is incorrect about autism, or is just blatant ableism. Feeling a lot more confident with digital art after my poster! Feel free to use :)
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
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In April (ASD month) I made this poster. It has been hanging in my school for months, but now I will see if anyone else wants to use it!
First poster I have made with Adobe and tbh not too disappointed in myself
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
It's hay fever season! Means permeant discomfort and only this year am I finding out sniffling is considered rude by neurotypicals? I AM JUST TRYING TO BREATH!
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
do you ever just sit feeling ill and then realise that you have not eaten or drank today?
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
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twogayswithautism · 2 years
daily experience
rando: "you're one of the 'high functioning' autistics, right?"
me: "we tend not to use functioning labels anymore, because they are-"
rando: "no but like in my language you are 'high functioning' right."
rando: *leaves mid conversation*
me: "wtf"
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