#every day my grave gets a little deeper and every day i will it to just cave in on me
little-diable · 2 months
Unspoken nicknames and lost loves – Dean Winchester (smut)
I crave Dean Winchester as if he's a drug. How insane. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader walked out on Dean and his lifestyle years ago, and yet she has never managed to let go of her love for him. Perhaps a nest of vampires in her town is exactly what needed to happen to bring them back together. Honestly, just pwp.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, mentions some heartbreak and talks about leaving, fluff tho
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader (3k words)
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Darkness wrapped itself around (y/n), it crawled up her tired body like a snake slithering through Eden, knowing that chaos would unfold soon enough. The stone bench she was sitting on did little to shield her body from the cold night, leaving her trembling as she waited for his arrival. And yet she didn’t even know if he would show, if he had listened to the panicked voice message she had left hours ago.
Her eyes wandered over the rows of endless graves, trying to decipher the unfamiliar names to keep herself distracted. A part of her wondered why she was so sure that he’d show, after years of silence on her end – years of his calls she had ignored, of sober and drunk messages she had deleted. And yet a small part knew that he’d always come when she called, keeping the promise he had made years ago.
Dean Winchester had always been her enigma, the one she found herself clinging to for years, tied to him from her teenage years on, all until the day where she had packed her bag to leave the brothers and their lifestyle behind. A day that had flipped her life completely, luring her away from the places she had called her home for years on end, ripping it all out of her hands because her anxious overthinking mind had gotten the best of her.
And yet she didn’t regret running, at least not from the unstable lifestyle she had never managed to adjust to. But no matter how many years had passed since that day, she couldn’t shake her longing for the man she had once wanted to marry, the man she had hurt more than words could express, the man she expected to find her in moments of desperation.
“A cemetery, how fitting.” Dean Winchester’s raspy voice rang in her ears, forcing (y/n)’s glassy eyes towards his frame. He towered over her, letting his green eyes dance over her features while hers did the same, taking in every inch of the handsome face she’d never forget, no matter what may happen to her.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d come, but I thought this spot was far away enough for you to at least consider meeting me.” Dean sat down next to her on the bench, letting one arm rest behind her back. It wasn’t the first time she was seeing him again after leaving him, they had run into one another every now and then, and yet it was the first time they were all alone, without Sam or any of her friends near.
“You know I’ll always come whenever you need me, (y/n).” The use of her name cut deeper than she thought it would, instantly missing the nickname he had once used, a familiar sound she craved like a starving woman in need of food. She had to avert her gaze for a moment, no longer able to get lost in the eyes she’d always find, no matter how big a crowd may be, lured towards Dean Winchester like two magnets made to fit.
“So, vampires, huh?” She was glad for the change of topic, all too aware of the doubts that began to grow louder, leaving her to wonder if this had been a mistake.
“You know I don’t want anything to do with this, but I knew I had to call you. I’m sure you picked up on the series of missing people around here, the second I saw them killing that woman, I knew you could help.” Her mouth felt dry, struggling to speak about the things she had sworn she‘d keep away from. But no matter where she was, no matter what she was doing, it seemed as if there was no way out of this mess she had once lived through.
“I will call Sam, we will take care of this.“ Dean‘s hand found her knee, softly squeezing it before he dropped it once again, instantly making her miss the soft touch. (Y/n) couldn’t stop herself from smiling at him, allowing her a handful of seconds to properly look at the man her heart was still aching for.
“You can stay at mine for the few days you two will be around, if you want.“ The offer had rolled off her tongue before (y/n) could even have tried to stop it. For a moment, Dean kept quiet, not speaking up while she silently cursed herself for making this even harder for her. But before (y/n) could try to pull the offer back, Dean let go of a soft hum.
“That would be nice, thank you.” A soft smile was shot her way before he rose to his feet, letting his hands disappear in the pockets of his trousers. Both allowed one another to have one last look, giving the moment an almost melancholic touch before Dean parted his lips once again. “Sam will call you once we’re on the way. Be careful, (y/n).”
And all she could do was watch Dean Winchester leave her side once again, taking another piece of her heart with him.
“Thank you for letting us stay, (y/n). I’m sure this isn’t easy for you.” Sam had his hand placed on her shoulder, holding her close while Dean was taking a quick shower. She had missed having Sam around, the one she had kept in touch with over the past years, desperate for updates on the man she still longed for.
“I’m happy to see you, both of you.” She didn’t manage to speak another word, didn’t want to dwell on the feeling of regret and anxiety simmering inside of her. All she could do was turn from Sam, focusing on the bottles of beer she had bought, very well knowing that some things won’t ever change when it comes to the Winchester brothers.
“Shower’s free.” Dean’s raspy voice lured Sam from her side, forcing (y/n)’s eyes to Dean who leaned against the door frame with wet hair and clothes that hugged his frame a tad bit too well. With heat clinging to her, (y/n) tried to busy herself with preparing some snack, anything she could do to keep her eyes from wandering back to Dean.
“It’s a nice place you’ve got here.” He plopped down in one of the chairs, shooting her a grateful smile as she reached a beer out for him to take. (Y/n) was grateful that he hadn’t commented on the pictures she had hung up around her place, old memories of her and the two brothers, of shared friends and long lost loved ones. She was grateful that he didn’t tease her about any of them, well aware of the way she had struggled without them close, even though she had been the one who had decided to run.
“It’s enough for now.” His hum rumbled through him, echoing through the kitchen like a cry she struggled to keep bottled in. “So, no boyfriend or roommate you share this place with?”
“Oh come on, Dean.” (Y/n) scoffed at his words while shaking her head. She knew that he couldn’t be this oblivious, unaware of the heartache she had caused them both and still hadn’t managed to overcome. Even back then, when she had left him, (y/n) had known that no other man would ever come after him, after the one she had loved more than life itself, the brightness to her darkest days, the air she needed to breathe. She was choking without him, dying a slow death she was to blame for.
“What? Don’t tell me you haven’t been with anyone, it’s been years, (y/n).” Dean’s words cut deep, dripping with spite. She couldn’t stop her body from turning towards him, from staring at him with glassy eyes that were filled with unshed tears. She wasn’t stupid, was well aware that Dean had been with many women, spending nights or even weeks with them, at least until another hunt called him and Sam away. And yet she didn’t manage to swallow her jealousy, the biting sensation that left a bitter taste on her tongue.
“I haven’t, and I doubt I ever will.” With her back turned towards him, (y/n) kept her eyes focused on the kitchen island she was leaning against, palms pressed flat against the cold material. She had to blink away her tears, unable to stop a few from rolling down her warm cheeks. The sound of his chair screeching rang in her ears, followed by the sounds of his feet softly meeting the ground, telling her that Dean was moving closer.
“Look at me, (y/n).” His hands found her waist, turning her front back towards him. His green eyes were filled with pain, a sensation so strong, it forced a sob right out of (y/n). Wordlessly he wiped her falling tears away while a soft smile played on the lips she had last kissed years ago. “Talk to me, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“It’s so pathtic, god, fuck.” Her eyes fluttered close, she didn’t endure looking at him any longer, needing a few moments to deeply inhale some new air. Dean kept his hand placed on her cheek, holding onto her while silence wrapped itself around the two ex-lovers who clung to one another as if it was their final moment together.
“I know it’s my fault. I walked away, I couldn’t cope with this life. But I left my heart with you, I knew that I won’t ever get to love another person the same way I love you. And for a while I thought I could live with that, away from you and that unstable life. But now,” a shaky breath left her as her eyes flickered back to his. “Now I am no longer so sure about that.”
Dean pulled her into his chest, letting his chin rest on her head while another sob clawed through (y/n). With every passing moment, it felt as if Dean was tightening his grip on her, scared that she’d run before he found the strength to reply.
“You know, I was angry at you for leaving, probably for years. But the older I get, the more I understand it. It wasn’t fair of us to drag you into this, to force you to move around and live without any perspectives while we were both so young. You deserve better and I’ve accepted that. But I also always knew that you were it for me, no other person will ever manage to make me feel that love we shared.” His words felt like another punch to her gut, forcing her through these memories she had tried to drown with the love she had once felt – unsuccessfully.
“I don’t want to let go of you, Dean. I know I have to, but I don’t know how much longer I can live with this pain.” With his hand finding the back of her neck, he pulled her tear-stained face away from his broad chest. She was high on his scent, the comfortable scent she had craved to smell for years. His thumb rang along her lower lip, feeling the bite marks her teeth had left behind while trying to stop herself from speaking up.
He didn’t have to ask for permission as he dipped his head down to kiss her, to press his lips against hers like he had once done numerous times each day. Instantly, she felt hurled back in time, letting herself fall back into a familiar routine as her arms found their way around his neck and his tongue met hers.
Only as the sound of Sam nearing managed to reach them did they pull away from one another. Breathlessly, they looked at one another for a handful of seconds before she turned back towards the snacks and Dean moved towards the chair he had been sitting on.
“So, how’s life around here, (y/n)? Is it as quiet as you wanted it to be?”
“Dean?” She mumbled his name as she woke to the feeling of someone slinging their arms around her frame to pull her against a broad chest. (Y/n) could instantly tell that it was Dean, wrapping her in his comfortable embrace as she shuffled around, needing to look up at him.
“I can’t stop thinking about what you said to me earlier.” His confession filled her bedroom, weighing heavy on both their souls. Slowly, she moved her hand up his shirt, letting it rest on his chest while her fingers traced his exposed collar bones.
“I meant it, every part of it.” The heavy exhale that followed her words interrupted their silence, drawing their eyes back to one another. It felt like a deja-vu, happening just like hours ago where he had finally kissed her again after all these years. Their lips melted together, hearts and souls intertwined while he pulled (y/n) on top of him.
“Do you want this? I need you to be sure, sweetheart.” Her heart skipped a beat at the use of his old nickname for her, leaving her dazed while a soft “Yes” managed to leave her slightly swollen lips. Without letting go of her, Dean flipped them around, hovering over her while he got rid of his shirt. He took his time, teasing her for a few moments before he exposed his upper body to her wandering eyes.
Dean allowed her to trace his marks, to explore the skin she had once been all too familiar with, needing a few seconds to adjust once again. But he grew impatient all too quickly, letting his hands disappear beneath her shirt to pull it from her frame. Within seconds his mouth found her chest, kissing their way to her naked breasts.
(Y/n)’s quiet moans were like fuel to the fire, begging him to suck on her hardening nubs while she bucked her hips, feeling his hardening cock press against her covered heat. Nothing could happen now to pull them away from one another, to stop them from what was about to unfold, they were too far gone, set on moulding a perfect mess they never wanted to get rid of again.
“It’s been too long, I need you, need to feel you inside of me, Dean.” She was proud of herself for even finding her words while he kept rubbing himself against her, leaving her bundle of nerves pulsing. His eyes flickered up to hers, filled with a teasing anticipation that shook right through her like lightning striking her body. All while she laid still, with her hands resting next to her as if she was scared to touch him, to mess something up.
“You’re still such a needy girl for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?” With her breath hitched in her chest it felt as if she was drowning, drowning in everything Dean Winchester emanated. He rose back to a sitting position, chasing the distance between them to pull her panties down her legs before he stepped out of his boxers. (Y/n)’s greedy eyes wandered up and down his naked body, thanking whoever was listening for giving her a second chance.
“I want you bare, let me feel you.” She trusted him, knew that Dean would never risk harming her in any way, and yet she didn’t dare look at him while speaking the words that drew a gritty moan from Dean. He found his way back to her, hovering over (y/n) while he dipped his head down to kiss her. The kiss seemed to wake her from her state, letting her hands find their way up his neck to his hair, tugging on the soft roots to wordlessly beg him for more.
Dean brushed the tip of his cock through her slit, spreading her arousal on her skin before he finally sank into her. A loud moan left the both of them in unison, a sound he tried to swallow with another kiss pressed to her parted lips. He gave them a few seconds before he started to fuck her with slow thrusts, enjoying every second of their all too intimate reunion.
It felt like a dream, a surreal experience she was only dreaming about but would never experience in real life. Having Dean oh so close, being buried beneath him while he fucked her with calculated thrusts that made black dots appear in her vision – a dreamy state she never wanted to escape from.
“Look at me, pretty girl. Let me see how good I’m making you feel.” Dean’s teasing words dripped with confidence, leaving her buzzing in heat as her eyes snapped towards his. They held eye contact while his thrusts grew faster, knowing that they couldn’t drag this out even if they wanted to. Too many years had passed, years they had been forced to spend without the other near, years they were now trying to make up for.
“I love you, Dean.” She wouldn’t have managed to stop the words from leaving her even if she had tried to. Words that left him chuckling in delight before he repeated them, making her heart flutter in her chest. A blissful state that only grew more prominent as she sneaked her hand between her bodies to rub her pulsing bundle.
“I want you to cum with me, don’t let go yet, sweetheart.” (Y/n) could only let go of a choked sound while she clawed her fingernails into his shoulders, trying to stop herself from letting go. They kept looking at one another until Dean finally nodded his head, allowing her to let go as his ferocious thrusts pushed them over the edge.
Both moaned in unison as they came together, breathless sounds they couldn’t care about. The blinding sensation felt as if they were burning alive, robbing them of their breath while they were certain that it had never felt this good before.
“I’m sorry for leaving, Dean.” (Y/n) mumbled the words into the darkness of her room. She clung to him as he slowly pulled out of her, only to plop down on the mattress right next to (y/n).
“I’m sorry for just letting you go. I will never be this blind again, sweetheart.”
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happiest-hotch · 3 months
The Brink of Collapse
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Summary: Aaron and reader have been on the brink of divorce for a long time. And then suddenly he's there, and feelings come to a head.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: very angsty, talk of divorce, mentions of strippers
It's been an odd month.
Surreal, in some ways.
You and Aaron have been on the brink of divorce for a while, but once you finally said the word, everything changed. It opened up a new world of feelings and even more hurt.
It didn't seem possible to feel more hurt, but here you are, sitting on the couch, feet tucked beside you, and a glass of wine on the coffee table. You need it for your nighttime reading, the first draft of a separation agreement, your and Aaron's full names on the top.
It feels like physical proof that you and Aaron have failed. Every sacrifice that was made in the decade you had been together wasn't enough. All the love in the world wasn't enough.
It hits you in a deeper place in your chest than you knew existed, and it makes breathing difficult.
Those papers are a taunt you've been putting off confronting, but it's time. It's something you have to do.
Your eyes gloss over the words, but you catch yourself slipping into a defense strategy where your name is removed from you, and it's a draft divorce settlement of detached clients.
"Late-night reading?" His voice makes you jump, startled by his appearance in front of you.
You had spaced out, thought he escaped through the front door to avoid whatever this awkward situation could be categorized as. You find yourself wishing that he did as he looks at you, trying to profile your thoughts. Dick.
You're both trying to keep life somewhat normal for the children, not wanting them to be caught up in your mess which means when he's in DC, he picks them up for the day and drops them back home. You just thought he'd leave out the front door rather than come across the house to talk to you.
"It's not that late." You reply. "Do you actually want to do this?" You're not sure why you ask, not when it's going to hurt.
"Do what, Ms. L/n?" Aaron asks, but he knows. He walks behind the couch and into the kitchen, taking the open bottle of wine and pouring himself a glass without invitation.
"Get divorced." You answer before adding something you probably shouldn't since there's no need. "I'm still technically Mrs. Hotchner."
He doesn't chuckle at your quip, but he looks close. "You wouldn't be holding that if we didn't." Carefully chosen words, as expected. "I've always loved that part of your name."
You scoff, shaking your head. "That's a conflicting message."
Aaron shrugs, sitting down on the couch next to you. You kind of wish he hadn't. He could have just gone back to wherever he's staying and you wouldn't have to do this metaphorical dance.
"They're not mutually exclusive." He explains. You try to keep a neutral expression, but it's hard to hear that your soon-to-be ex-husband likes that you have the same surname. "I love the name, doesn't mean we can't get divorced."
"I won't be Mrs. Hotchner then." You remind him, but you keep it lighthearted in tone.
The air is getting too grave and when things get too grave, you both say too much. It's painful conversation, of late. No more 'I love you's and bleeding heart promises of fixing it. You both know you're beyond repair so you talk about that, and it's getting depressing.
He shrugs. "Not necessarily. Plenty of women keep the name after divorce."
That dirty word that's become your reality.
"I've not considered it." You confess. It seems easier to be honest about something little. "Would it bother you? If I kept it?"
He waits a beat, staring into the semi-opaque wine. "No. Not in the slightest."
"I feel it could get real awkward." You admit and he frowns, not understanding what you mean. "When someone says, 'Oh, are you related to Aaron Hotchner' and I have to say, 'Yeah, he's my ex-husband.' I mean, you know half this town."
Aaron considers it for a second, that thoughtful frown on his brows. "I hadn't considered it." Obviously. "You have my blessing if you keep it."
You chuckle humorlessly. "Thanks."
"This whole thing doesn't have to be adversarial." He reminds you, but it's not condescending. He's almost smiling, lips tugging up at the corners.
Your eyes narrow at him. "Have I done something to make this feel adversarial?"
It's snider than it needs to be, but he comes back professionally. "No. But I've seen couples in our situation start arguing, even yelling, at every step."
You snort out a laugh. "The life of divorce attorneys, right?" He's telling it like you don't know like you're not still in the job he left for the FBI. You bite your bottom lip, considering whether to drive the conversation in a different direction, and come to the conclusion that it might make the conversation lighter and with it, stop the clenching feeling of your heart. "Do you still remember the Beamounts?"
He laughs louder than you've heard in a while. That does the trick and gives you a quick breath of relief, but it's gone as soon as it's there. "I couldn't forget it." He assures you. "Do you still have her little card? The one you kept in your wallet?"
You're almost giddy listening to him laugh, and it makes you giggle as you recall it. "Yes! She ran those exotic dance clubs, I remember. I'm still not sure if I'm offended she gave me the card… like, I can't work out if she thought I might be interested and would want to come watch, or if she thought I'd like to leave seven years of school and a law career behind to strip."
"Do you want me to take care of that card? It's been in there for what? Twelve years?"
His offer throws you a little, but your reaction comes out as teasing. "Oh, do you need her card? Now that we're about to be divorced?"
"I certainly don't." Unsurprising, he has no trouble with women. "But I do want to preserve your wallet's purity."
"I think she gave me the non-explicit version." You explain to him. "I'm sure there are some racy ones out there for guys that are into that stuff..." Something prompts you to push it further. "Like you."
Aaron laughs again, and you get another breath. "Very occasionally." He assures you.
"There's photographic evidence, Aaron." You remind him, smiling softly at the photos Morgan showed you of some BAU boys' nights out. Aaron looked so uncomfortable, and you're sure he spent the entire evening refusing to look at any woman's assets. It makes your stomach churn knowing that, if the situation arises again, he won't act the same way. "Unfortunately, good old Mrs. Beamount is spoken for these days, so I guess the card has no use to you."
He hits you with something you don't expect, although maybe you should have since it's in line with your mutual reminiscing. "That was the first time we met. Just baby lawyers thrown into the craziest case."
"I remember laughing with you about how ridiculous it was." The first time you laughed together about that, you breathed deeper than you ever have before. "Do you remember the thing with the dog?"
He snorts with laughter. It's probably not meant to be as attractive a sound as it is. "That damn chihuahua he insisted was possessed? I remember being so annoyed because I knew the dog couldn't be possessed. I kept asking myself what I'd done so wrong in my life that I had a client expecting me to argue it." Hearing his thoughts now is different than just laughing about back then. "Then when we got there, the damn animal was barking and growling in a demonic way. That was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life. It was possessed."
The passion with how he talks about a damn dog makes you smile. "Now imagine everyone seeing that and having to argue it wasn't demonic." You remind him of what your position was as his opposing counsel. "I felt so ridiculous arguing it. And she wanted the divorce settlement to include him taking it to the groomer." You shake your head disapprovingly at the memory. "It creeped me out that she kept it in her purse. That was the ugliest dog I'd ever seen."
It's odd to be laughing with him, considering your precarious relationship circumstances, and even odder that it's about the first case. Surely it should be about what Eden said today, bonding over your kids seems less intimate than talking about when you met.
"I remember she even tried to make herself look more motherly and nurturing in court, by taking care of it during the proceedings." He continues.
It's like you're watching the whole thing again, but you know how it ends. "I was just praying she wouldn't start breastfeeding it." You say. "Her boobs were so plastic that I think if she put that rabid dog near them, he'd chew them."
Aaron loses it laughing, clearly seeing the mental image that worried you 12 years ago. "Okay, okay, that's enough." He finally manages to get out.
You finish off the laughter, letting it die down rather than continuing the conversation.
"What did you think of me?" He asks, a surprising tangent. "When we first met?"
You know he knows since it had been discussed it a few times between dating and marriage, wanting to reminisce. Why he's asking now, you're not sure, and why you're answering, you're even less sure.
"I thought you were a jerk." You admit.
He laughs, but he's thinking about whether you think that again now. "Yeah?" He prompts you to go on.
"That's what happens when you arrive at a mediation meeting five minutes late with Ferrari keys." You remind him with the same disapproving frown.
You can still remember when he walked into the big boardroom, dressed in a perfectly fitted dark blue suit with his hair longer than it is now and parted down the middle. Compared to now, he looked so young, just 25 and straight out of law school, not having seen the most awful parts of the world. He's different now. His shoulder bag switched out for a briefcase being the most minor change.
When he walked into the room that first day, you were equally as pissed off by and attracted to him. It's full circle that you feel that way again.
"I had to find parking." He reasons.
You scoff, shaking your head in disbelief. "You didn't valet your car?"
"After the Ferrari, things were tight," Aaron says, but it's a joke. You both know he has money, the separation agreement dividing your assets wouldn't be so long if neither of you had money. "What about after that?" He asks. Sadistic or masochistic, you're not sure. It hurts you to relieve it in your memory, but is it hurting him?
"I was leaving that meeting. As fast as I could, of course." You pause for his laughter. "And you were already in the elevator." It hurts to recall, just like you expected. "I wondered if I should join you."
You still wonder now, if you made the right decision that day. On one hand, you'd have none of the good memories, but on the other, you wouldn't feel like your chest was clenching and your heart was threatening to shatter with each breath.
You decide to keep telling the story. "And I did. And you made me laugh, right off the bat, both of us giggling about the ridiculousness of our clients."
"Not very professional." He notes with a smirk. "Opposing counsel gossiping about their clients."
Your eyebrows pull together in a frown. "Why'd you make the first joke then?"
He wants to tell you it's because he needed to make you laugh, just to hear it and see you smile. His fear takes over and he settles for a quip. "I mean, you looked uptight, but I could tell you weren't."
Your scoff is accompanied by you hitting his shoulder, both of you laughing and it suddenly hits you that you're flirting with him.
It must hit him too because what he says is out of left field. "Part of me wonders if the reason you're only just looking at that is because, on some level, you're hoping we'll fix things and get back together." Fuck! Aaron has always been a straight shooter, but that was far too much honesty.
You gulp, the saliva in your mouth drying up. "Hey, let's just not go there, okay?" You offer. It's not a conversation you want to be having. Your mixed emotions coupled with his ability to push you, it's not a good combination.
"Sure." He admits, but his tone suggests he's unhappy, and so does his sigh. You're begging him with your eyes not to push it, to leave the house and the conversation, and not make it awkward and hurtful. "I never wanted this to be an argument. Do you know that? I know I've never been great at communicating and all this, but I've always tried to do the best for you, always tried to... I mean, I've never gotten divorced before, so I'm still feeling out the right way to do it."
You're not impressed he's lying through his teeth. Both of you know he didn't "always" do his best at communicating. Those last few months, he barely spoke to you. In fact, this conversation might contain more words than an entire few months.
And is there a "right way" to get divorced? You don't know, but you wish you could stop picking apart everything he's saying, overanalyzing.
You're caught on the first statement. "This isn't an argument, is it?"
"I guess not, but there's a vibe." He points out. "Maybe I'm being hypersensitive. Listen, I know this is hard. I think we both knew this probably wasn't going to be the easiest thing, right?"
You avert your gaze from him, a few tears welling in your eyes. "Yeah, we knew that."
"Hey, look at me." He implores.
You tilt your head to the ceiling, trying to stop crying before you start.
"If you're not ready to do this, then please just talk to me." He says- begs. "Please talk to me."
It's ironic really, him sitting there begging you to talk to him when formerly, it's been you doing the begging for him to share his feelings with you. An embarrassing amount of begging, really.
"Please don't do this." You beg back. "I'm not interested in the idea of being vulnerable in front of you, okay?"
He sighs a bit, hands falling to his side. The look on his face you can read. He's upset about not being able to comfort you, and he's begging himself not to show it. What the fuck does that mean?
"Fine." He agrees. "It's... I don't think I ever fully realized how much this whole thing would hurt, but I'm seeing it now."
You don't thank him sarcastically for being obvious. It's twisted that he's spilling his emotions now, and it's hard not to be resentful about it. If he had just fucking talked to you when you begged him to every night in your last month together, you wouldn't be here. It's too little, too late.
"I guess." You agree. "We'll just get it over with."
It stings his heart, so he stings you back. Whether it's intentional or on reaction, you can't tell. "Maybe you're right and we should get it drafted and signed so we can be finished as soon as possible." But, most surprisingly, he flip-flops. "I miss you, Y/n."
It's the same rollercoaster of emotions that your brain is riding in your head, but at least you're not saying it out loud and confusing the shit out of him. "Don't say that, Aaron." You warn him.
He has the nerve to be surprised by your harsh tone. "...what? It's just a fact. I miss you. Why is that bad to say?"
"Because I missed you for four months while you had one foot out the door of this marriage." You finally snap.
Aaron looks stunned and it only makes you angrier and more upset. "I know," He tells you.
He knows, but he'd never do anything about it. You try to act casual, taking a deep breath. "Okay." You attempt to leave it at that.
He won't let the conversation go. "I should have fought for us."
"You still can." You're not sure why you say it, but you do. Maybe you give him one last chance because you'll regret it forever if you don't.
"I am more in love with you than I have ever been." He bursts out, unable to help himself given the chance.
It makes your heart soar and your eyes water. You sit there silently, wrapping your arms around yourself tightly like it might protect you.
"I never should have put you in a position where you felt like something was wrong with us." Aaron looks at you so sincerely that you can't help the tears running down your cheeks. "It got to a point where I felt like I couldn't fix it so I didn't try, and I'm aware that was the wrong choice every day."
"I don't know what to say." You tell him. "Why bother coming to this conclusion, and telling me about it, when it's too late?" Maybe you're protecting yourself more than you need to be.
Aaron shakes his head. "Because it isn't."
"Aaron." You shake your head, holding up the literal divorce papers that exist to remind him. "So much has happened in the last four months."
"Not too much, though." He emphasizes.
He's pushing a button that makes your emotions boil over. "I don't even know where you're sleeping." You remind him firmly.
"Holy shit, Y/n!" Aaron's quick to assure you of what might have been going on in your head. "No." He pauses. "I'm sleeping at my office." You can't say that doesn't relieve you. "You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on. Since the day I met you, I've never looked at anyone the same."
His strong assurances make you cry more. "I don't know if we can fix this." You admit, disappointed in yourself.
"We absolutely can." He pleads to you. "You said we should get a divorce because love isn't enough to make this better, but there is more than love here. I am committed to you and I want to fix this."
You continue your tears and he reaches out to touch your cheek, wiping away your tears with the pad of his thumb. You lean into his soft touch. "I do too." You admit, the realization alleviating some of the aching in your chest.
"You mean the world to me," Aaron tells you firmly. "I will do anything to get us back on track. I wasn't before and I know I was stupid for it, but I'm listening, Y/n. To everything you need and want."
"I think we need help." You confess. "Like professional help."
He can't nod fast enough. "I agree. We can get that."
You stop him before he can pull out his phone. "Tomorrow." You request. "I just want a hug."
He hasn't had you in his arms in far too long, and he reaches out for you. You lay on his chest, letting him wrap his arms around you.
"Wow, I've missed you." He hums, breathing out a deep sigh of relief.
You sniffle your tears, nodding in agreement. "Me too."
"Y/n, I will never let it get this far again," Aaron assures you. "I was stupid and I can't lose you. I love you."
You're sure you feel the same way. Everything definitely wasn't fixed and there was a lot to do, but one thing you're sure about is being married to Aaron Hotchner. "I love you too."
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glitchfiles · 1 year
get smart. [ljn]
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pairing ⋆ bf!jeno x reader
word count ⋆ 1.8k+
warnings ⋆ SMUT MINORS DNI!, soft -> hard dom!jeno, desk sex, degradation, begging, nipple play, hair-pulling, spanking, finger-sucking, facial, …
note ⋆ i got new glasses and thought of this... nothing else to say...
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“god, why did i get these?” you sigh, pushing your new glasses up your nose bridge as you scrutinise your appearance in the mirror. 
“what’s the matter, baby?” jeno interrupts your little pity party by lacing his arms around your waist.
“what do you think?” he takes a moment to evaluate your new look.
“they look… okay.” is all he says, with a shrug. 
“just okay?” you raise an eyebrow, unsatisfied by his lukewarm answer. he may as well have told you that you look like shit. “they make me look like a secretary.”
“i guess…” he starts but soon realises that he’s made a very grave mistake.
“you’re not supposed to agree!” you try to nudge his arms off, but he tightens his hold.
“but like in a good way, though!” he rushes to calm you down, the struggle quickly stops when he drops his head closer to your ear, “like a sexy, hot one?”
“nice save.” you roll your eyes, sulking with your crossing your arms.
“c’mon, if you were my secretary, i wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you.” his voice drops an octave as he squeezes you closer. the warmth of his embrace and his breath against your neck has heat creeping over you, but you still attempt to act cold with him.
“i’d bend you over my desk every fucking day.” his lips ghost your earlobe before laying a kiss on your jaw. he looks up into your eyes through the mirror, eyes dark with lust, and coos into your ear, “should i show you how pretty i think they look on you?” 
you nod your head, fighting back a smile; he starts laying soft kisses along your neck, hands coming up to grope over your body. they slither under your oversized shirt, cupping your bare tits.
“take it off for me,” he removes your glasses, holding them as you tug your shirt over your head, leaving you in just your panties until he carefully places them back on your face. “so sexy,” he groans. the sight of you has his tongue swiping across his lower lip, hands trailing up from your curves to wrap around your body again. 
he begins to knead at your breasts, thumbs brushing over your nipples teasingly, making you mewl. your head lolls back against him, and he takes the opportunity to graze his teeth against your neck, drawing more sounds out of you. the feeling of him nipping at your neck combined with him playing with your chest has you reeling.
“turn around for me, baby.” you turn to face him, your eyes lock for a second, and then his lips smash against yours. instinctively, your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him in deeper as his tongue slides over yours. 
his hips cant forward as he lets out a moan into your mouth, growing bulge grinding against you. he pulls away, biting at your lower lip. the hazy expression on your face makes him smirk, dazed and waiting for what he does next. 
“feel what you do to me,” his fingers slip under the waistband of your panties, digging into your hip as he presses his centre further into you. he presses his lips against yours again but only briefly, criminally so, but you can’t complain as he brings a hand between your thighs. a finger glides over your core, jeno lets out a chuckle as your hips jerk forward impatiently. 
“baby, please.” you huff as he withdraws his hand.
“isn’t it ‘sir’ to you?” jeno teases, while pushing your glasses up your nose mockingly.
“i’m not letting you roleplay being my boss, jeno.” you scoff at your ridiculous boyfriend. “just shut up and fuck me, you perv.” you whine, rushing to take matters into your own hands, haphazardly working at the drawstring of his sweats. 
“since when did you tell me what to do?” he tuts, swatting your hands away, “you want it? then go ahead, bend over and beg for it.” he nods his head in the direction of his desk to the left of him.
“thought you said you’d bend me over it.” you challenge him, butterflies fill your stomach as his eyes narrow, making you feel small as they bore into you. 
jeno could be the sweetest man on earth if you behaved, but you weren’t quite in the mood for that today; if you wanted to get nasty, he was more than happy to do so.
your breath catches in your throat as his hand approaches it, delicately wrapping around.
the sight of his jaw clenching almost makes your heart beat out of your chest. you feel yourself become light-headed as the web of veins on his upper body becomes more prominent as he tries to hold himself back a little longer; the menacing aura emanating from his makes your knees grow weak. your teeth sink into your lower lip, and you can’t stop your thighs from pressing together.
“and here i was trying to be nice, got some new glasses and you think you’re clever now.” he chuckles, but his expression hardens as his hand slips to the back of your head and firmly seizes hold of your hair. a whimper slips out of your lips as he cranes your head back. 
"don't get smart with me, slut." he spits out before dragging you to the other side of the room with ease.
he no-so-gently guides you to stand in front of his desk; he forces you to arch for him by digging his thumbs into your lower back. your forearms come up to support your weight as he lays himself over you, caging you between his body and the table.
“if i tell you to bend over, you fucking do it. understand?” his nose brushes against your cheek as he snarls into your ear, leaving it there as he waits for a response that doesn’t come. “i asked if you understand, slut.” he punctuates the sentence with a slap against your ass. 
“fuck! yes!” your head droops as you yelp.
“wasn’t so hard, was it?” he stands up straight.
“no,” you reply instantly this time, hoping your obedience will grant you mercy; you think maybe you’re in the clear as he rips your panties down your legs, leaving them to hang at your knees - not caring whether you kick them off or not, which you do. but it doesn’t; he slaps you again, making you gasp out. his hand smooths over the stinging skin, then moves between your legs, fingers spreading your lips open.
“like it when i boss you around, huh? dirty girl…” digits ghost along your slit to be pleasantly greeted by sticky arousal - his roughness evidently having had quite the effect on you; this wasn’t even the half of it, you knew that well.
he replaces his fingers with the tip of his cock, thrusting up to brush it against your clit. your hips keen back in need.
“tell me how bad you want it.” jeno groans, pushing his hips forward as your own comeback, coating his cock with your wetness. 
“please, i’ll be so good for you.” your mouth runs on its own. the feeling of him between your folds drives you towards the verge of insanity. “need it so bad, please fill me all the way up.”
there’s no hiding the way he twitches at the sound of your pleas; as much as he wanted to torment you further as punishment for your bratty behaviour, he needed you just as much. he quickly pushes into you, burrowing himself deep despite how tightly your walls tense around the thick intrusion.
“thank you,” you whine as you feel his balls press against the backs of your thighs.
nails dig into your hips as he rears back and jerks into you; your eyes screw shut as you struggle to adjust to his size. 
“sucking me in so deep, baby.” he muses, spreading your ass cheeks apart to watch the way your cunt grips around him with each drag intently. “love getting split open by this big dick, yeah?”
“god, i love it! i love your cock so fucking much, please don’t stop.” you start meeting his thrusts, reaching a hand back, desperately trying to pull him in harder. he catches your wrist, pinning it behind your back. 
“such a greedy slut,” he slows down, grinding his cock into you even deeper and making your mouth fall wide open as he brushes against a spot that makes you see stars. you have no time to recover before he starts hammering into you; the room fills with the sound of choked moans, skin against skin and the slick sound of him stretching your cunt. 
his free hand skims over your cheek before he inserts his middle and index fingers into your mouth. you can’t help but swirl your tongue around them, he grunts at the feeling of it, strengthening his grasp on your wrist.
“yes, yes, oh shit! right there, baby!” your voice comes out garbled as you drool over his fingers, wet strings dripping off your chin and landing on the wood below. 
“gripping me so tight, gonna cum? fuck- feels so good.” he bounces you on his on and off of his cock like you’re a toy, using your arm as leverage. you can only ball your hands into fists, nails cutting into your palms, as he pummels you closer and closer to release.
“‘s too much, i-i-” your eyes roll to the back of your head as you cry out, back arching painfully as your legs tremble beneath you as you gush all over his cock. he can only manage a few more thrusts, your warm, convulsing walls doing their best to coax his load out of him, but he has other plans. 
just as you feel yourself about to crumble flat onto the desk, jeno sharply takes ahold of your hair once again, bringing you to kneel on the floor. long, spit-covered fingers wrap around his cum-soaked cock, tugging swiftly at it in front of your face. his grip on your locks tightens as his head falls forward.
“oh f-uck,” he shudders, desperately chasing release. “look at me, that’s it.” 
you lock eyes with him, batting your eyelashes up at him expectantly. his rising moans become contagious - you can’t help but mirror them. the moment your mouth falls open, tongue poking out, and you begin to bounce on your knees in anticipation is when he loses it. 
“gonna cum, gonna-” he can’t look anywhere but your face as thick ropes of cum land on it. most of the fluid lands on your brand-new spectacles, just as he wanted.
“look even prettier with my cum all over your glasses.” he breathes heavily while wringing the last few drops of cum out of his cock, before slapping it against your cheek, smearing the gooey strings over your lips. 
“i hope you know how to clean cum off glasses well.” the realisation of how gross what you had just let him do was hit you like a ton of bricks. 
“don’t worry baby, i’m an expert.” he wiggles his eyebrows at you. reminding you that he too wore glasses at one point in his life…
“of course, you are… freak.” you shudder thinking about the experiences that brought about such expertise.
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★ thanks for reading! i have another fic done and coming soon!! in the mean time, feedback and requests in my inbox would be greatly appreciated <;3
© glitchfiles
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dyeher · 9 months
Still thinking about your Osamu drabble where reader called him crying bc her pants wouldn't fit, and he was trying to pay attention to her and not how her thighs looked 🫣 (I think about it daily)
“Samu,” you sniffle through the phone. “They don’t fit.”
Osamu’s locked himself in his back office, a reflexive action whenever you call while he’s at work because you never call while he’s at work.
“Sweetheart?” he props his phone on the stand you got him for Christmas and sits back in his chair. “What doesn’t fit?”
“My jeans, ‘Samu,” there’s shuffling as you position the phone in a way that gives him full view of your top half. He frowns at the puffiness of your eyes, obviously you’re genuinely upset about this. He’s determined to figure out what’s got his princess so upset and fix it.
That’s what he tells himself before you make a cute little hop backward and it gives him a full view of the jeans that won’t fit and why. Your thighs are too big. The waist is stuck half way up the delicious fatty area that he spends afternoons with his face buried in, prohibited from going further by the fact that the fat is spilling over the top.
Osamu forgets for one horrible second that this is something you’re apparently not okay with as he groans. He almost asks you to turn around so he can see the back. You misinterpret this sound of distress as something negative. After he scrambles to explain to you that you should just get new jeans he realizes he’s only digging himself a deeper grave. Osamu decides he can’t console you from his tiny office at the back room of Onigiri Miya so he goes home.
He kisses every inch of your body, whispers reassurance and affirmation, fucks the soft, plush thighs that he loves. That he sponsors with every new dish he tries out on you. That he is entirely responsible for with the way he constantly feeds you, dotes on you. His life revolves around food, and it makes him feel a little guilty that he’s dragged you into orbit with him.
He burns the jeans, dramatically douses the offending material in gasoline and sets it on fire in his backyard and then makes you your favorite dessert from scratch. He ends the day like he always does? With his face buried in your thighs and your fingers carding through his hair.
sending you kisses baby!
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1hot-mess-express1 · 1 month
I just read your Toge not saying I love you out of fear of making reader a curse should they die and I wanna 1 up you, what if he said it while they were dying? Or like on their death bed when they're like old and grey because the guilt of not actually saying momentarily like, eats him up and he says it without thinking? Or he goes to and reader stops him and just has that look that says they know and instead reader says this sappy stuff about how they've always felt loved by him and that they always noticed His efforts to show how much he loved them.
Feel free to ignore this btw, it was just something thats been jumping around my head as of late. I hope you have a lovely week!!
Any Last Words?
Toge X reader
Angst w/comfort
W.C: 1567
Synopsis: Toge is left gravely injured after the Shibuya incident and he finds himself reflecting
A/N: So sorry lovely Anon I have no idea how long this has just been chilling in my inbox but I saw this and fell in love w/ the concept immediately, this is a little rushed but I really wanted to get this done before life got too busy again
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As a sorcerer, death is a constant companion—always lurking, always watching, waiting patiently to swoop in and remind you that no matter how powerful you are, she’s the one holding all the cards. Toge was no exception. He could vividly recall clinging to his father's pant leg, peeking around at the men in suits whose large frames cast menacing shadows over them. They were hunting down the alleged cursed speech user, warning his father that this child was dangerous, a threat to society—this child needed to be eliminated. If his father were a good man, they said, he would cooperate.
“A child who has inherited cursed speech can manipulate the world around them. If a child with this technique were to yell ‘no’ at you, you would have no choice but to comply; your body would freeze up, and you wouldn’t be able to move. They likely aren’t strong enough yet to cause real harm, but you see why we need to eliminate this threat early.” The man in front of them adjusts his glasses, peering straight through a trembling Toge.
“Of course, sir, I’d love to help you with this, but as you may have guessed, I don’t see many children other than my own, and unfortunately, this little guy is mute. He hasn’t spoken a word since the day he was born.” Toge’s father ruffles his hair lightly as Toge buries his face deeper into his sweater.
The man stares through Toge one last time before his gaze flickers up, and he breaks into a tight, uncomfortable smile. “Right then, we’ll be on our way. If you hear anything, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We wouldn’t want anything unfortunate to happen.” He hands over his business card and walks away.
That night, Toge meets Gojo sensei for the first time. His father told him this man would take him somewhere safe, that he wouldn’t have to be afraid, and that he could help others with his gift. That reassurance did little to quell the tears welling up in his eyes. He wanted to stay, to keep pretending just a little longer, but it was time to grow up. The world lost some of its wonder that night as he clutched the hand of a stranger, fighting back tears as his father waved him off with a smile that never quite reached his eyes.
From that day on, his life became a constant reminder of the cruelty of his new world. Corpses littered the scenes of curse sightings, and teachers, supervisors, and even students sometimes wouldn’t make it home from missions. He watched from the sidelines as their loved ones mourned and then returned to school as if nothing had happened. It was hard not to become detached from your own life when it could be lost in an instant.
Then there was you. A second-grade at best, from a line of non-sorcerers. The horrors of this world never seemed to touch you. You always smiled and laughed, enjoying the life you were given. For a moment, Toge thought you were naive. He was sure you didn’t realize the horrors lurking around every corner, ready to pounce and tear everything from you.
When you received word that Yuji had died, you wept, embarrassingly so, for someone you had never met. You cried openly, tears streaming, snot running down your nose as you wailed like a child. He stood there, stunned by the raw display of grief, and you left him little time to process it before you wrapped your arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder. You spoke of how young Yuji was, how much he had ahead of him; you wept for his friends, his family, all the lives he was meant to touch. Toge doesn’t remember when he started crying, but his face burns as tears roll down onto the top of your head. He doesn’t know why, but he clutches you tightly and cries freely for possibly the first time in his life.
A breathy laugh escapes him as he recalls the memory of you sniffling into his shoulder, much like you are now. He winces in pain as the gentle laugh wreaks havoc on his injured body. He tries to wrap an arm around your head, to run his fingers through your hair, to comfort you and reassure you he’s okay, but nothing happens. Right, he lost that arm just hours ago. At this realization, another laugh roils through his stomach, and he can’t hold it back this time, choking on the pain as his body shakes in your arms.
It was never supposed to be like this. He was supposed to come home in one piece, ready to cook dinner with you and the others in the dorm. You would scold him for being reckless and dote on him as you haphazardly administered medicine. He was supposed to lie with you on the couch, eyes heavy, his hand tracing through your hair while a movie flickered around them, lighting the otherwise empty room.
This time, he allows himself to cry freely, clutching you impossibly closer as he wails like a child, mourning everything that should have been, all the things that could have been. You lean back slightly at his sudden outburst, cradling his face in your hands, brushing his bloodied hair out of his eyes. He doesn’t expect the soft smile gracing your features as you stare back into his eyes. How could you smile at a time like this? He had let you down, he could have died, and he was moments from abandoning you here, whether he wanted to or not.
You place a chaste kiss on his forehead, the warmth of your lips lingering against his cold, clammy skin. The gesture is so gentle, so filled with affection, that it catches him off guard. For a moment, the world around him fades—no pain, no fear, just the softness of your touch grounding him in the present. You pull his head into yours, your foreheads pressed together, and he can feel your breath mixing with his, shallow and uneven. It’s too much. He can’t breathe, his chest tightening as the weight of his emotions threatens to suffocate him.
He closes his eyes, squeezing them shut as if that could block out the reality of the situation, as if it could shield him from the intensity of your gaze. He knows if he looks at you, really looks at you, he’ll see the depth of your love and concern etched into your features, and he doesn’t know if he can bear it. How can you look at him like that, with such unwavering trust and devotion, after everything that’s happened? After all he’s lost, after all he’s failed to protect? The guilt gnaws at him, sharp and unrelenting.
“I-I…,” he starts, but the words catch in his throat, choked by the guilt knotting there, making it harder to breathe with each passing moment. He closes his mouth, trying to steady his nerves, but instead, he feels your lips on his, warm and gentle.
You kiss him with no urgency, as if your life is guaranteed, as if you aren’t in a hospital room. No, you kiss him, and he’s transported back to his dorm, the breeze carrying the gentle glow of the afternoon sun through the room, and he can smell the remnants of your shampoo as you tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. He’s home, he’s safe, and he’s loved unconditionally.
When you break away, you reach up to hold his face in your hands, running your thumb over his curse marks. Those marks, once symbols of his power and burden, now seem almost fragile under your tender caress.
You lean in, your voice barely above a whisper, the words carrying a weight that transcends the simplicity of their meaning: “I love you too.” The sincerity in your voice cuts through the layers of doubt and fear that have wrapped themselves around his heart. He feels a surge of emotions—relief, gratitude, love—all mingling together, overwhelming in their intensity.
He can’t help it—the boyish smile that breaks across his face is instinctive, almost involuntary. It’s the kind of smile that reaches his eyes, lighting them up with a glimmer of hope buried under the weight of his doubt. In that moment, everything else falls away. The wounds, the battles, the relentless weight of his responsibilities—they all seem distant, insignificant compared to the simple truth of your words.
His resolve solidifies, a quiet determination burning within him. He might not be able to express his feelings in words, but he vowed to spend the rest of his life showing you, in every way possible, just how deeply he loved you. He would make it his mission to always come home to you—to listen to you animatedly recount your day, your eyes sparkling with excitement over the smallest details. He would continue to bring your favorite snacks, the ones that always made you smile, and remember the little things, like moving the sheets into the dryer on Saturdays.
As long as he lived, he would fight to return to you, day after day, because each time he walked through that door and saw you waiting for him, it was a victory—a promise kept. And maybe, just maybe, one day, when the time was right, he would…
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toruro · 1 year
maybe like hate sex and they're really going at it and jihoon is kind of (really) a dick but the reader loves it and they're both possessive okay bye
or a/b/o
side by side
pairing. jihoon x reader tags. smut (18+ / minors dni), implied enemies & fwb au, bulge kink, creampie w/c. 1.4k (what the heck this wasn't supposed to be more than 500 words) a/n. ur targeting me bc i love mean men and this is only encouraging me
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"say it again," he grunts from behind you, the words rumbling from deep in his throat. his voice is low and gravely, and the harshness of his tone has your stomach churning in a way that you don't want to unpack.
"missed this—" you choke out, body throttling as you brace yourself against the armrest of the sofa, shoving your face into the cushions. "missed it so-o-o much," you whine as jihoon's grip hardens on you. you're sure his knuckles are white, and you're even more sure that you'll have bruises all over in the morning.
"bet you did," he grunts, punctuating the words with a sharp thrust at the end, the skin on your ass burning at the contact. "missed my cock so much you had to hang off of soonyoung like a fucking pet to get my attention, huh?"
"'m sorry," you hiccup as jihoon's powerful snapping of his hips sends you deeper into the cushions. faced pressed into the sofa, your drool and tears staining the cloth. "'m so sorry," you try to repeat when he doesn't relent with his face, seemingly fucking into you harder as you gasp out the words.
there's something that burns behind his eyes when jihoon sees you like this; knowing that you can run your mouth all you want around your friends, being all coy with your deceivingly shy smiles and batting eyelashes, but at the end of the day he's the one who gets to see you like this.
this being the way your body seems to bend to jihoon's very touch (when he brushed a thumb against your bottom lip the first time and you swallowed him right in, swirling your thumb all over the finger), the way the only words you seem to know are a string of curses and his name ("ji-jihoon—ah, fuck ..."), the way you take everything he gives you.
who would've guessed that the person who couldn't seem to dislike jihoon enough was the same person crying under him every night. it enthralls him, how much power over you jihoon has.
(he ignores how every time you whine his name, he get's pushed closer and closer to his relief. he ignores how his heart melts just a little when you pull him down into a ravaging kiss. jihoon ignores the hold you've got over him too.)
"are you? are you sorry? seemed like you were having fun with 'soonie'," jihoon recalls when he slips out of your hot cunt, a series of incoherent whines and complains slipping from your lips at the feeling of being empty.
"jihoon," you drawl out, wiggling your ass back as you dumbly try to chase any sort of friction you can get, but jihoon's not having any of it as he pins you down with his hand. "fuck, i'm sorry ... i really really am," you choke out, as jihoon yanks you down the length of the couch and flips you over so you're laying on your back.
"really?" jihoon asks, and you can finally see his face—the way his eyebrows furrow together and sweat beads down his forehead. the way his lips are flush and mouth slightly open as he pants for air. it's beautiful, and for a second you realize you feel too much, and focus back on the feeling of his fat cock prodding slipping through your folds. "or would you rather be with 'soonie,' right now?"
"no!" you protest immediately, wrapping your legs around his torso as an attempt to ground jihoon in place. "only you, only want you," you pant, lifting your hips to meet his cock halfway as he finally pushed into you. "please jihoonie?" you coo, letting your eyes well up with tears once more, but this time out of pure frustration and desperation.
jihoon's got his arms on either side of your head, sharp gaze boring into yours as you blink rapidly, and something flashes in his expression before he furrows his eyebrows and pulls his hips back.
the feeling of being so full suddenly going to painfully empty is dizzying, and as your vision begins to grow foggy, jihoon scoffs, "you think you can just bat your eyelashes and cry a lil and i'll fuck you?"
when you don't respond, merely lolling your head to the side as you look up at him with pleading eyes and a pouty lip, jihoon slips away from all self control and jams his cock into you. "jihoon!" you mewl, thighs spread up higher against your chest as his weight presses into you, cock so deep in your cunt you think you might feel him in your tummy. "jus' like tha—oh, yea-ah jus' like that ..."
"feels good?" jihoon grunts, but doesn't give you the chance to respond so he can smash his lips into yours, tongues mingling in a hot mess of love and anger and lust all at once. jihoon's left hand runs over your waist as kisses you, cock fucking in and out of you with long and powerful deep thrusts. his paws at your tits occasionally, flicking over the nipples and kneading into the soft flesh while he swallows up your moans with his tongue. it's only when his fingers finally smooth over your stomach when jihoon freezes as he's balls-deep inside of you.
"n-no," you cry out, fruitlessly trying to squirm beneath his weight, but jihoon's still on top of you. "please," you choke out, "please don't stop jihoonie—"
"fuck," jihoon finally groans, cutting you off with a shallow but fulfilling thrust, eyes trained on watching your stomach as he does so. you're about to whine and tell him to fuck you harder, but for a moment you watch his face flush and muscles twitch, and you curiously follow his gaze.
you don't expect find is the imprint of jihoon's cock against your stomach.
"oh," you breath out, watching as jihoon takes your hand gingerly and presses it agains the bump at the base of your tummy. gently, he throws in an experimental thrust, and for a moment the bulge disappears before you feel it reappear. "oh—jihoonie, fuck ... s'deep," you moan as his thrusts begin to regain their original vigor.
you feel something different with the way jihoon fucks you. it's difficult to articulate into words because he's fucking your brains out at this point, but there's a fire behind each thrust that has you moaning at the top of your lungs.
jihoon's fucking into you with harsh and calculated snaps of his hips, watching the way his cock bulges against your tummy, groaning under his breath. "needed me so much, huh? had to make room for me and my cock, didn't you?"
the way you struggle to responds spurs jihoon on. he's drunk on you; he'd hate to admit it but you've grown on him. it'd be a problem, he vaguely thinks, but when you begin to babble about how you "love his cock, love him," jihoon realizes that it's not really a problem at all. fuck. he can unpack his feelings later, but right now, he needs to lose himself to you.
"good baby," he coos finally, bringing down a hand to rub against your clit. "g'na cum soon, right?"
"yeah," you nod your head vigorously, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him back down for a messy set of kisses. "cum w'me, jihoonie," you mutter against him.
"fuck," and the way jihoon whines the curse has you writhing against the sofa. "fuck yeah, you'll let me cum in you, right baby? g'na let me make you mine, yeah?"
"yea-ah, please," you grunt against him as your body lurches back and forth and the increasing force of his thrusts. "'m so close," you continue as your vision starts to blur and your ears begin to rush.
"shit, me too just—fuckin' perfect pussy every," he groans, and with one final, sharp thrust jihoon's spilling inside of you. the feeling of his hot cum painting your walls white in thick, heavy spurts has your own orgasm crushing down on you, spasming around jihoon as he shallowing continues to thrust and ride out your highs.
you chant a mantra of his name as your vision blurs white and you pant for air, him flopping down onto your chest as he stills inside of you. jihoon can think about his feelings later, but for now, he revels in the feeling of you murmuring his name as you doze off under him.
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The First Step
carmen berzatto x fem!reader
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summary - The first thing you do when you get back to your hometown of Chicago is pay Carmen, your oldest friend and maybe more than that, a visit at The Beef. When you land yourself a job there, the more he sees of you, the more he seems to push you away for reasons he isn't yet brave enough to tell you, even if all he wants is to be with you. But if he'd ever known you, he'd know that you weren't going to back down without a fight.
type - one shot (its a long one)
word count [16.6k]
tags: Carmy Berzatto x f!reader, friends to lovers, pining, slight miscommunication, a little angst, "stop pushing me away", hurt/comfort, and new promises.
warnings: swearing, mentions of grief/death, panic attack
a/n: check this out also on my ao3! <33
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Carmen was tired, to say the least. He'd been working himself to the bone every damn day for the past few months, trying to get The Beef to a good, stable place. Somehow, as time went by, he'd only managed to dig himself a deeper grave. With the money they owed to Cicero, he knew, deep down, that the restaurant was, for lack of a better word, fucked.
But he kept holding on. He couldn't let go of it. He'd wonder, in the depths of night, why he was fighting so hard for this place when he could easily sell it to Cicero. If, maybe, he was holding onto someone. He didn't amuse the thought. He physically couldn't.
So he threw himself deeper into his work. Deeper into making The Beef a reputable place, with a professional working staff and high-quality food. It didn't matter that the others looked at him like he'd lost his mind. Maybe he had. He didn't have the time to worry about that. He didn't have time for much of anything, which is why Sydney had been pushing for new hires. She'd said that they needed more hands in the kitchen, more workers up front, more of everything. They should be desperate.
That's why she'd spent hours putting up posters for new hires on what felt like practically every block of Chicago within a mile radius from the restaurant. And that's why you'd happened to stumble upon one of them while walking to a favorite pizza place of yours that you'd loved as a kid. It was one of the first things you'd planned on doing ever since you'd gotten back into the city. That and meeting up with some old friends who you'd missed with an ache in your chest. So, seeing the poster clinging to the utility pole saying that The Beef was hiring had your heart skip a little beat at the prospect of not only getting a job but seeing the people who had basically been your family growing up again.
It was a Friday morning when you'd stopped by The Beef, the rusted white sign sticking out like a sore thumb. A rush of aromas wafted against your nose when you walked in, and the front door made a jingling sound that was almost nostalgic.
No one was at the front register. In fact, you couldn't see anyone at all, only hear some muffled voices coming from the kitchen in the back. The voices grew louder as seconds went by, and you could tell they were shouts. The kitchen door then flew open, finally revealing the argument going on between two people, one being an unfamiliar woman in an apron, and the other being none other than Richie Jerimovich.
"Richie, I swear to God-"
"I already told you," came the booming voice of Richie, neither of them noticing your presence at the door. "Your foo foo plans for this place are not gonna fly, Sweetheart!"
With the way Richie was talking to her, you could see the woman's patience wearing thin as she rested a hand on her temple with shut eyes as he carried on. It was only when she reopened her eyes a few moments later that she noticed your presence.
"Hi," you said, making your way over to her. "I saw your poster, the one about looking for new hires-"
"Right, right." She offered a strained smile, stress seeming to stay with her. "I'm Sydney, you must be one of the job applicants?"
"Yeah, I'm-"
"A job applicant?" Richie's voice boomed through the room, his voice always projecting ten times louder than need be. You had to admit, you missed it. "F that bullshit, that's fucking Mars Bar!"
Sydney's eyebrows lowered at the shouted nickname, the one that the Berzattos had gifted you years ago after your favorite candy as a kid. You granted Richie a smile, him finally noticing you. "Nice to see you too, Richie."
He marched around the counter to engulf you in a bear-like hug that had you letting out a chuckled gasp from the impact, arms wrapping tightly around your back. He let go in a beat and slammed his hands down on the counter in excitement, always loud.
"Just wait till Carmy hears about his favorite girl being back, I swear to God."
Something fluttered through you at the mention of that name. Carmen's name. With a whirlwind of thoughts sifting through your mind, you almost missed the other name that Richie had called you, aside from Mars Bar. Carmy's favorite girl.
Richie had barged into the kitchen with full vigor, slamming open the swinging door dangerously close to a nearby Tina.
"Cousin!" He moved through the different chefs' stations until he got to Carmen's, who was wrapped up in prepping and quite frankly had learned to tune out the sound of Richie's yelling for his own health. "Yo, Cousin!"
Richie boisterously grabbed a hold of Carmen's shoulders, rocking him a little and moving his hand that wielded a knife, cutting diagonally into beef he'd been pre-slicing.
"Shit," Carmen cursed, irritation forming. "What the hell is it, Cousin?"
Richie just laughed, a mind never paid to Carmen's annoyance. "Yea, you're pissed at me now, Carmy, but you're gonna think I'm pulling your dick when I tell you who's at the fucking register right now."
With a forever-present dull headache, Carmen sighed and shifted his focus to him, putting down his knife on the counter. He gestured a hand out to him. "Who's at the register, Rich-"
"The fucking love of your life, that's who!"
Richie gave Carmen a playful punch in the arm, but he remained unphased, a frown etched on his features. "See, what the fuck are you talking about? I don't have a love of my-"
"Two words, Cousin. Mars Bar."
Richie was right. Those two words really did do something to him.
"She- ... she's here?"
He rubbed his jaw, brain short-circuiting for a second as he tried to make sense of Richie's words. His eyes bore into Richie's never-serious ones, trying to grasp onto whether or not he was, just this one time. If he was messing with him, he didn't think he'd be able to take it.
"Yes, bro!" Yelled Richie, patting him on the back. "I swear to you. She's here, and hot as balls, too."
He squinted his eyes at him with a twinge of disgust, slightly shoving him to the side to get towards the door. He still didn't know if he believed it. You'd been traveling abroad on some grant that he, to be honest, didn't know much about. But you were doing great things. He couldn't guess why you'd come back to The Beef, of all places.
When he saw you through the window, he was lucky he was hidden behind the safety of the kitchen door because he couldn't control the way his body and mind froze at the sight of you. He took in the way your smile beamed out into the room as you spoke with Sydney, warm and unignorable, and he could've sworn something changed in the chemical makeup of his brain. Something that had his eyes widening and his feet planted in their place.
"What'd I tell you?" Richie's voice from behind him knocked him out of his trance. There was a smug, amused edge to his voice. "Now go and talk to her."
Carmen put a hand out, shooing him away. "I will. I just," he stopped, trailing off as he took in the way you truly seemed to glow after all the time spent away. He liked how it looked on you.
"Aww, don't tell me you're nervous now, Carm." Richie put his arms on Carmen's shoulders.
"Shut the fuck up." He shoved Richie off of him with a grimace, but his eyes never left you, jaw clenching as he followed your movements. "I'm not."
The pit in his stomach told him otherwise. He ignored the feeling, determined, and took in a breath before opening the kitchen door to the front of the restaurant, to where you stood.
At the sound of the door swinging open you finally turned your attention to him, lips coming to part with a subtle inhale that somehow left you feeling breathless.
"Carmen." You said his name with a grin, eyes lighting up, heart picking up its pace in your chest. You ran over for a quick, thoughtless hug that left his body partly on fire when you pulled away just as fast.
"Mars Bar." He uttered the old nickname endearingly, his voice cracking at the end of his words for some reason. He cleared his throat. "You're uh- you're here. In Chicago."
"Woah," Richie interrupted, coming in from behind, boisterous. "We've got a genius in The Beef, everybody!"
Sydney snorted from somewhere in the distance, but you couldn't even laugh because you'd been too busy staring at the way Carmen ran his hand through his golden hair that had been unruly since you were practically kids and still was.
"Yeah," you breathed, cringing at how awkward your voice sounded to your own ears. "I'm here."
The two of you held onto each other's gazes for a beat too long, scanning over the other wordlessly, taking in the changes that the years apart had brought.
"Well, uh," Carmen started, licking his lip to find strings of coherent words. "Do you wanna come into the office? Catch up?"
You nodded with a pleased tug of your lips. "Yeah, sure Carmen."
He nodded too and led the way, arm delicately resting on your upper back for a second in a way that left his fingertips buzzing, alive.
You entered the room after he did, the desk and walls littered with papers and sticky notes of different colors, an overload to the senses. It was stuffy, even with the door left open.
Before he turned to face you, he clumsily sorted some papers that'd been sitting on a wooden chair into stacks and pushed them onto the highest shelf above his desk so you could sit down, his white t-shirt slightly tugging upwards as he reached. Your eyes subtly followed the movement, eyes glancing steadily over a part of his lower abdomen that you felt alarmed at even sneaking a peak. That and the muscles that showed clearly from the short sleeves of his shirt.
God, you'd only been back in Chicago for a few days and your mind was already doing that thing it always did when you were around Carmen, like it didn't have the ability to think straight or act rationally when he was around.
"So, uh," Carmen started, turning his focus back to being one hundred percent on you. It became hard to concentrate when he did that, because he had the most piercing blue eyes you'd ever seen and you found over the years that they'd always had more than just one emotion swimming around in them. As you looked into them now, you still came up short in identifying them.
"What are you doing back in Chicago?" He looked at you like you were a puzzle, one he couldn't give up on solving. "Did the studies abroad finally start to bore you?"
"Yeah, they did," you joked, looking down at your lap. "Not really much to do in Europe compared to this place, you know?"
Carmen let out a wisp of a laugh, nodding, while also noting somewhere in the back of his mind that this was the first time he'd laughed in at least a few days. Your presence could always do that to him; Put him at ease when nothing else truly could.
"And, of course, I could only go so long being separated from the Berzattos."
He laughed again. That made twice. "Oh yeah?"
You nodded, playful in your words.
"I mean it." You did.
You let a comfortable silence nestle between the two of you, feeling the upward tug of your lips that you could only blame on Carmen. The thought left something alighted in your chest
"Seriously though." You say up a little straighter in your seat. "I guess the real reason I stopped by was because I was wondering if I could help out around here for a little while, now that I'm back home."
At this, the smile that had been resting on Carmen's face began to weaken.
"What?" His forehead creased, eyes dancing across your face with curiosity and disguised panic of his own.
Sensing his change in mood, you hurriedly continued. "I'll be home for a while and, you know, I just figured me getting a job here would be convenient and-"
You stopped mid-sentence, zeroing in on the man before you. "No?"
He had one hand leaning against the desk, the other's fingertips pressed to his forehead, head cast down, eyes evading yours.
"No, I- I'm sorry, Mars. We're ... we're not hiring right now. We don't need any new workers." At that, you frowned, taking in the tension in Carmen's stance and the tightness in his voice.
"I know The Beef is hiring right now, Carm." You gave him a disbelieving look. "In fact, I got the idea to work here from the flyers Sydney put up everywhere, so don't try and tell me you're not looking for new job applicants." You took a step closer to him, sensing something wrong and confused as to why he would lie, but he only seemed to be growing more agitated, shifting his posture upwards and no longer leaning on the table.
"That was a mistake, alright? I didn't ask her to do that. The Beef is doing perfectly fine, we don't need any extra help." Something sour was rotting in the undertones of his voice, the way he said the word help as if the thought of it was repellent.
"I didn't mean anything by asking. I ... I know you guys are doing fine, probably great even, I was just thinking that maybe I could-"
"We don't need any new fucking hires, Mars." He slammed his hand down on the desk, his tone raising so abruptly that it had you taking a step back in surprise.
When you looked up at him with alarm in your eyes, immediately his eyes began to soften, regret flooding through them. You held his gaze until those same eyes became taken over with this sudden guilt, almost sadness, flickering downwards towards his hands that moved to rest on his office desk, away from you.
You took a second to scan over the desk that was littered with papers and unsigned documents. It wasn't like Carmen to be unorganized, you knew that much. He had to be in a bad place to have his office look like this. Or, rather, Mikey's old office.
The room was a sensory overload, every inch of it a reminder of Mikey. Anyone would go crazy spending their days in here. Especially if that someone had been his little brother.
Carmen rubbed his hands over his face. You took a step next to him, resting a hand on his shoulder that lit aflame from the heat he gave off.
"For what it's worth," you started softly, and Carmen had to fight a shiver at how close your voice was to him. "I miss Mikey too."
He didn't make any movement to turn towards you, his jaw clenched and eyes still staring downwards. He didn't know what made you feel like you had to say that to him. He didn't need to look at you, though, to know you truly meant it.
"You can't work here," he said, his voice sounding defeated and a little far away. "I'm sorry."
Something restless in your heart was determined to make you fight back, figure out why Carmen was refusing you without a good reason. But something else inside of you softened at the way Carmen wouldn't meet your eyes, seeming guilt-stricken, and decided to back down. The hand that had been resting on his shoulder gave him a final squeeze.
You took your leave for the office door without Carmen moving an inch.
"Bye, Carm." Your voice was unfairly soft towards him, even if he felt like he didn't deserve the kindness that thrummed from your heart. "It was nice seeing you." You paused. "I've missed you."
Before he could turn to say goodbye, somehow communicate the 'I've missed you too' that he'd been meaning to express since he'd seen you, you had already turned down the hallway, out of sight. He knew for sure, then, that you didn't deserve that response from him. But he just didn't know how to tell you. How to explain without sounding ridiculous why alarms sounded in his brain at the thought of you working at The Beef.
He'd always known that you were destined for more than just the life you'd shared with him as kids, where you scored straight A's and were one of the top in your class. When you'd left for college while he stayed put, he didn't even let himself miss you, because he'd just wanted what was best for you. And when you furthered your studies even after college, traveling abroad, he knew that was the life you were meant for. To see you stopping all of that to work at The Beef, the place where his brother's dreams had become nothing but dead ends as time went on, wouldn't settle right inside of him.
Worst of all, he had visions of you working in the kitchen, behind the scenes where tensions were constantly overwhelming, of him losing his cool in front of you and you seeing a side of him he tried to keep you far away from. You'd always known the youngest brother Carmy, the world-class chef Carmy, the one who was at his best around you. He couldn't imagine what he would do if suddenly he revealed the Carmy he tried to hide; the Carmy who worked at The Beef, a bundle of unstable frustration who was barely hanging on, the Carmy who still didn't know how to live life without Mikey but who melted from your touch, who wanted more from the girl who'd been at his side for so many years as nothing but a friend, and a great one. He couldn't risk losing that.
Especially not with the condition of The Beef at the moment, which needed his full focus. Having you around would definitely not allow for that. So he convinced himself that this was for your own good. For his own good.
When you rounded the corner back out into the front of the restaurant, Richie was still there behind the counter, holding a phone to his ear.
You smiled at him a little tiredly and silently waved goodbye, walking towards the door.
Richie frowned, removing his focus from the phone call. "Where the hell are you leaving to so fast?" You spun around. "Don't tell me Carmy scared you off already."
You laughed awkwardly and thought of what to say, but must have taken too long to answer because Richie's face was already contorting with an over-the-top grimace.
"What'd that moron say to you, huh?"
You put a hand out, trying to calm him. "Richie, it's nothing, really-"
He was already stalking off towards the office, muttering something about 'killing Carmen'. You shook your head to yourself, because you knew how headstrong both of them were, and turned towards the exit. And, as you finally opened the glass door to leave, you could hear yelling and shouted vulgar words coming from the office. You didn't stay long enough to listen.
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You didn't know what to think when it happened. You'd been sitting at home all weekend, alone, and honestly truly bored and wondering if coming back home was the right choice when your phone started ringing. You checked the screen and it was an unknown caller, but boredom had you picking it up anyway.
Mars Bar!
"Hello? Who is this?"
It's me.
"Ohh ... right. How did you get my number again?"
I asked around. Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm supposed to be telling you that you're gonna start work tomorrow.
"What? Start work? Where?"
At The Beef. C'mon Mars catch up with me here.
"Sorry, I'm just ... confused. Carmen told me you guys weren't hiring and that he couldn't give me a job?"
Oh, that. Don't worry about Carmy. I set that moron straight.
"What are you saying?"
I'm saying, you got the job kid!
"Richie, are you fucking with me right now?"
No! Why does everyone always think I'm fucking with them? I'm fucking serious hon.
"Okay, okay! I ... I believe you. I think."
You better! Carmy is really fucking stoked to have you work here, I mean it.
"He ... he is?"
Sure! So I better see your ass Monday morning, capeesh?
"Y-yea I guess so."
Your heart really should not have fluttered the way it did when Richie told you that Carmen was supposedly excited to see you. He hadn't sounded like it when you'd brought it up to him. In fact, he seemed strangely opposed to the idea, like you'd hit a sensitive area.
You weren't sure if you could really believe Richie. Like you'd always known, Carmen was stubborn as hell. The change of heart was unexpected, to say the least. You didn't know what to think. You still didn't know, as you walked through the front entrance of The Beef the next day, ready to start work. The only person to greet you at the front was Richie, standing behind the counter, per usual.
"Cousin!" He gestured you over. You greeted him back and rounded the corner to stand behind the counter next to him, unused to the feeling after spending years on the other side of it.
Richie spent at most two minutes giving you a rundown of what you'd be doing at The Beef, merely distracted by some yelling in the kitchen. The brief directions consisted mostly of taking orders and ringing a bell. A real challenge.
"Yeah, so that's basically it." He gave you a pat on the back and your front almost hit the counter at the impact.
"No paperwork or formalities or anything?" You were almost suspicious of the fast speed at which this had all happened. Richie whipped his head around like you'd stated something crazy.
"Formalities? C'mon, what are we, the fucking White House? This is a family business, Cousin."
He patted you on the shoulder roughly. "Thanks, Richie," you said, both slightly amused and slightly unnerved. You tapped your fingers on the marble countertop, trying to seem casual. "Where's um ... where's Carmy?"
Richie scratched his head. "He's, uh, he's busy. He'll be out soon. Don't you worry, shortcake." He gave you a wink that you didn't know what to do with and turned back towards the kitchen. You were gonna have to talk to him about those nicknames in the workplace sooner or later.
You called out to him before he left into the kitchen, hesitant. "You're sure Carmen said he wants me to work here, right?"
Your eyes bore into Richie's for a moment, and it was almost like you could see the thoughts in his head visibly swarming about. His shoulder raised. "Well, he didn't exactly say he wanted you to, but anyone with fucking eyes can see that he wants you-"
"Richie!" Your jaw hung open in utter annoyance and bafflement. He frowned at you.
You almost scoffed. "Did Carmen really not say it was okay for me to work here?" You looked around, bewildered. "Does he even know I'm here?"
Richie gestured his hands out to you. "Sure he does!"
You could tell just from his tone what your answer was. You put a hand on your hip, shaking your head to yourself. "I'm going in there to talk to him."
"No!" Richie's eyes widened. "No. Just calm down, and I'll talk to him."
You stared at him disbelievingly. He stared back at you challengingly with the confidence only Richie could have. "I'll be back in no time. I know what I'm doing, trust me."
Richie didn't know what he was planning on doing when he opened the door to the kitchen in search of Carmen. He just hoped he wasn't using a knife when he found him.
He turned a few corners before Carmen was in his line of view, hunched over the counter as he worked busily on something Richie couldn't see. He leaned against the counter next to him, watching Carmen as his focus didn't even falter.
He didn't get a reply, just the back of Carmen's head as he focused on reading the piece of paper in front of him, hand braced against the shining surface it lay on.
The man in question slowly shifted his focus to the man next to him, whose distracting presence had become impossible to ignore. "What? What is it?"
Richie peered down at him. "Promise that you won't get mad."
Carmen's eyes narrowed. "What the hell did you do?"
"Just promise me you won't fucking blow up at me like you always do."
"Why would I promise that if I don't even know what the hell you did?"
Richie tipped his head back exasperatedly. "Just say you promise!"
"I fucking promise! Okay?" Carmen ran a hand through his hair, moving it again to cross his arms. "Now, what is it?"
Richie paused, kicking out his foot and casually peering down at it with feigned interest. "Mars Bar is outside right now. Again."
Carmen's forehead creased and he looked over at Richie with sudden alarm. "What? Why? Is she okay?"
Richie gave him a knowing look, smug for a moment. "Yeah, she's fine." He shrugged. "I just, um, might have given her a job here up at the register."
Carmen's face was unmoving, his tone raising with poorly hidden anger. "You what?"
"And I might've also told her you really wanted her to work here."
Carmen's eyes scanned Richie's sporadically like he couldn't process his words fast enough. "Wh- Why the fuck would you do that? I already told her no-"
"Yeah, and I told her yes. Because you're an idiot and I'm saving your ass. You're welcome!"
Carmen ran a hand through his hair exasperatedly. "For what? Fucking me over?"
"I did not fuck you over, Carm, I'm doing this for you!"
Carmen shook his head, anger bleeding its way through his mind. "What the hell are you talking about? I told you, Richie, I don't want her anywhere near this place. I- I thought that was understood."
"No, it was not fucking understood because it was a stupid idea." Carmen let out a scoff as Richie put his hands out to Carmen in a calming gesture. "This is a good thing, trust me."
Carmen sputtered. "How the fuck is it-"
"Shut the fuck up and listen to me, Carm!" Richie shouted, bravely putting a hand up in front of Carmen's face. He pointed his finger at him which Carmen regarded with annoyance. "You need to stop being a moron and pushing away every single fucking female that tries to come within ten feet of you, alright?"
Carmen's brows furrowed even further, confusion building alongside anger. "I really have no goddamn idea what your point is here, Richie, but this has nothing to do with-"
"Oh spare me, Cousin!" He shouted. "We all know you've had the hots for Mars Bar over there since you were kids, alright?"
Carmen's mouth clamped shut immediately at this, his breathing coming out in fumes. He shook his head back and forth.
"Is this what this whole fucking thing is about, you jagoff?"
"Woah woah woah!" Richie cut in. "I am not the jagoff here, Cousin. I'm helping you out!"
"Richie's right, Carm," cut in Fak from behind, appearing suddenly out of nowhere like he always seemed to.
"Shut the fuck up, Fak!" Carmen held his head in his hand, trying to grab hold of his temper that he could feel slipping out of control. He needed to breathe.
"She can't work here."
Richie raised his arms in a shrug. "Well, you're gonna have to go tell her that yourself."
"I fucking will."
Carmen stormed off towards the kitchen door, ready to tell you yet again that you had to leave, a daunting thought overlooked thanks to adrenaline. Richie chuckled from behind him. "Yeah right, like you're gonna fire her."
Carmen didn't let himself listen to Richie any longer. Fists clenched at his sides, he opened the door and there you were, standing there, looking confused and a little surprised with parted lips.
Richie came up from behind and patted him on the back. "Go on, Carm. Tell her."  You watched as Carmen's jaw clenched.
Carmen really wanted to tell you that you couldn't work here. That you had to go home. That you had to run far away from this place and go back to studying abroad and being more successful than any of them and all of that bullshit. Maybe it was because your eyes were shining a little too bright in the restaurant lighting, or that they looked a little too hopeful as they stared back at him with raised brows, waiting. But he didn't say anything of those things.
"You..." he started. Your eyebrows raised further. His palms suddenly became sweatier. He took a breath in.
"You, um," a beat passed. He licked his lip. "You're gonna need an apron."
Your eyes lit up even more if possible, and he thought his heart would give out. Then, you ran up and threw your arms around his neck in a tight hug, and he genuinely questioned if his brain had short-circuited because, by the time he came back to reality, you'd already pulled away and were practically jittering with excitement from in front of him.
"Thank you so much, Carm." Every time you smiled at him in that way he felt himself lose a bit of control. He didn't like the feeling. "You won't regret it."
He smiled back at you because he couldn't not. He wasn't so sure.
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Carmen had given you your apron. When he'd handed it to you, you'd brushed fingers and your heart skipped a little beat at the contact. That had been the most eventful thing to occur within the next four days.
You'd done practically nothing at The Beef all week. There'd been a noticeable lack of customers coming into the restaurant to take orders, and those who did oftentimes came in just to see Richie, which had you leaning against the counter waiting and listening to their loud conversations with the man.
It felt like there was some sort of prank being played on you. Surely they wouldn't pay you money for doing absolutely nothing. All the waiting around doing close to nothing made you antsy, frustrated, and confused.
You'd been meaning to address this to Carmen, to ask what you were doing wrong, but getting a hold of him was near impossible. You'd seen so little of Carmen that you couldn't even be sure he came into work most days, the only confirmation being his shouts coming from the kitchen at the others. As embarrassing as it was to admit, you became jealous of them. You'd take Carmen shouting orders at you in the kitchen any day over him saying nothing to you at all. It almost felt like he was avoiding you.
It was a Thursday night, and the antsy feeling inside of you had you staying late at work that night, wiping down tables with an intense amount of fervor.
You'd thought you were the last one in The Beef. It'd been dark for hours, but you had nobody and nothing exciting waiting for you at home, so working a little extra couldn't hurt. And, if it made Carmen notice your position at The Beef at least a little bit, it would be worth it.
As your thoughts drifted to the man, something made a noise from the kitchen, and it became apparent to you that maybe you weren't the only one working late that night.
"Hello?" You'd said aloud, your voice slightly echoing in the vacant restaurant. No response was returned. You slowly went back to scrubbing down a table against the far wall from the kitchen door when it swung open, and there stood Carmen Berzatto in his patchwork wool jacket, looking like seeing you was the last thing he'd expected.
The sight was jarring to you for a number of reasons. You jumped up speedily and tucked the rag you'd been using to clean tables slightly behind you as if he hadn't already seen you using it.
"Mars Bar?" He said, the nickname falling easily from his lips like it was the only one he'd ever known you by. He eyed your tense stance.
"Hey, Carmen." Your smile was just as unnatural. His eyebrows pulled downward at you, eyes squinting and blinking confusedly in the dim lighting like he was fighting sleep.
"What are you doing here so late?" You nibbled at your own lip. Carmen, even from across the room, made sure to follow the movement. You noticed him eye the rag in your hands.
"I was just cleaning off some of the umm ... some of the tables." You didn't know why you sounded so embarrassed. You also didn't know what was going through Carmen's mind as he looked over you, and then over the spotless tables behind you.
"Wow," he began, running a hand through his hair. "You really didn't have to do all this. It's not ... it's not part of your job, you know?" A feeling bitter and stale simmered inside of you.
"I know." You stood up straighter. "Maybe I just wanted to.
You wanted to say more in the moment, tell him all of your frustrations, but you didn't. You just stared back at him and watched as he walked towards where you stood by the tables. You didn't move an inch.
His eyes surveyed the tops of the tables and he marveled at how clean they were. Not just clean, but almost sparkling, even in the low lighting that came from a single overhead lamp and the streetlights from outside.
"You did a great job, Chef."
Your eyebrows raised unintentionally. He'd never called you that before, though you'd heard the name from his lips aimed at others countless times. He noticed your reaction.
"What?" He asked, eyeing you curiously. He leaned back against the table next to you, his beautiful stare almost becoming a little too much for you after a long day. You shrugged.
"Nothing. It's just," you paused, "you've never called me that before."
His expression was slightly confused, slightly amused. "Well," he began, gaze shifting from the ground to you. "Now I do. You work here, don't you?"
The question settled uncomfortably in your chest, and you let out a laugh that sounded just as strained. "Hardly."
Carmen's eyebrows flashed downwards in a quick frown. "What do you mean 'hardly'?" You felt his eyes scanning your face, scanning you. "What's up?"
You went back to rubbing at the corner of a nearby table with your rag if only to distract yourself from Carmen's gaze and the petty way your words sounded coming from your lips.
"I mean," you began. "It feels like I haven't really done much of anything around here, you know?" When he didn't say anything back, you continued. "I've only taken a handful of customer's orders in the past couple of days. And, I know I'm not the best cook in the world but I could definitely help out in the kitchen with something. Maybe I could cut up some stuff, or prep it, or whatever you guys call it. Anything, really."
He didn't say anything right away, and you became horrified that you'd pushed his buttons too many times in the last week with your rants and that he'd finally send you on your way once and for all. Then, you heard something like a laugh come from him. You reeled back.
"Is something funny?" You asked, your tone uncharacteristically sour. He silenced his amusement and looked at you intently.
"You've always been such an overachiever, Mars."
You paused, then shook your head. "Oh please, we all know you're the ambitious one."
"No, not when we were kids," Carmen argued. "I was never great in school. You, on the other hand," he chuckled under his breath. "My mom would have me go check in on you whenever we hadn't heard from you on a night before a test. Make sure you weren't overdosing on coffee and pop."
You swore you could feel your heart beating in your chest at Carmen's revelation and the fondness in his voice.
"You know," Carmen began again, getting lost in memories. "I think my mom used to have this theory I'd marry you one day or something. Said you were the only girl who'd put up with my stubbornness."
Oh my God. Your head was spinning. Why was he saying this? He didn't know what the hell he was doing to you. Or your heartbeat, which was concerningly gaining speed. He never did.
All you could say was, "Oh?"
He laughed some more like this was something casual, something funny. You couldn't help but notice that forever present weight present in his eyes, though. Something he could never seem to shed.
"Yeah, well," Carmen began again, "my mother has also been mentally unstable for years, so." He jokingly trailed off, his voice dying in the silence, along with any butterflies you'd felt. You laughed quietly, even if laughing was the last thing you wanted to do when hearing that.
You felt like you were being suffocated. By him and his blue eyes and his dry, self-deprecating jokes and the small quirk of his lips. You were also getting restless because you'd started off trying to talk with Carmen about your job, and now were getting lost in the haze of your feelings for him which you decided were useless and would get you nowhere. You cast them aside the best you could and looked him directly in the eyes.
"Carmen," you said. His attention focused directly on you. "Did you listen to any of the things I said about working here?"
He nodded. "Yeah," he assured you. "Of course."
"So, will you take them into consideration? Let me do more, Carmen. I can do more."
There was a beat of silence. He fidgeted, like he did when he was a boy and couldn't focus in class, or when he was nervous around a girl he'd liked. Nervous around you.
He wanted to say yes. Hell, he would've given you anything you'd asked for just to see you happy. But he didn't know what the consequences of giving you a more important role at The Beef would achieve. What it might stop you from achieving. What it might do to him. So, he didn't say anything. Not anything direct.
"I know you can, Mars." He exhaled and then put his hands in his pockets, eyes cast down. He glanced at his watch. "It's almost midnight. We can talk about this more in the morning. Okay?"
His response was like a smack in the face. A sharp pain that left a dull ache. You let a breath out and tried to keep your face from revealing your stubborn frustration. You slowly nodded. "Okay."
Even if you tried to contain your emotions, Carmen could see it. He noticed it in the quick flare of your nostrils as you breathed, in the slight clench of your jaw. Stupidly, he asked, "Is that okay?"
You weren't looking at him. You were looking at your feet. You tapped your foot once. "Yes."
Even more stupidly, he asked, "Are you sure?"
You finally shifted your focus to him and he felt his own jaw clench at the way it sent a rush down his spine.
"Yeah, Carmen." That was the first time he didn't like the way you said his name.
"Alright," he said, nodding slowly, lifting his bag higher on his shoulder.
You lifted the rag from the table, stood there for a second, and walked towards the counter, where you wrung it out and slapped it down into a bucket full of other dirty rags, and left it there. You didn't feel much like putting it away.
Carmen hadn't moved and just stood there by the tables, watching as you collected your coat from behind the counter and turned off the lights as you walked past.
When he saw you walking towards the door, he rushed to get there first, to open it for you. You beat him to it, opening it yourself. He closed it and locked the door behind him. You both were engulfed by the dull chill of the air right away, and you couldn't help but shiver.
Carmen turned to you. "Let me drive you home." He didn't dare offer you a lighthearted smile or anything of that sort. He didn't think he had it in himself to be lighthearted, anyways.
You gifted him a polite one with a short tug of your lips. "I have a car. Thanks."
Carmen could've smacked himself right there. "Right." He didn't know what was wrong with him. "Sorry." The apology was for more than just his assumption, but he couldn't bring himself to clarify.
"I'll walk you to your car then?" He asked, though you knew no matter what you said he'd make sure you'd get to your car safely either way.
"Okay, yeah."
You both turned to walk to your car, Carmen letting you take the lead for a moment before catching up to walk side by side with you. You were hit with the reality that Carmen Berzatto was walking you to your car, alone with you, at midnight. A small gesture that had your mind buzzing from the contrast between your love for him and your frustration with him. Nobody had come close to making you feel the emotions Carmen made you feel, even if no words were shared between both of you on that short walk. It felt completely silent. Somehow, even if the streets of Chicago were anything but, it felt silent.
Carmen thought about how his life was full of silent moments, never saying what he truly wanted to, to the people he wanted to speak to the most. When he noticed you were cold, even through your jacket, he walked a little closer to you. Whether you noticed it or not, he didn't know, but at least it soothed a small part of his mind that was blaring that night, telling him that he'd fucked up with you. That you deserved better. He couldn't help but think that same thing when he was around you, all the time.
You'd both crossed the street to reach your car in not even a full minute, but the walk had felt eternal to you. When you turned to Carmen to tell him goodnight, he was already looking at you intently. You wanted to ask what he was thinking, but you didn't, and unlocked your car.
"See you in the morning, Carmen," you said, tone unrevealing. He gave you his best neutral smile.
"Yeah. See you, Mars."
You went to open your car door, but this time he beat you to it. Even if he made you angry, he was still Carmen.
You watched as he rounded the front of your car back to the sidewalk, hands in his pockets, soft breathing visible in the cold from the white puffs it made in the air as he breathed.
You gave him one last wave as a goodbye, but by that time he was pretty much out of vision, and then drove away.
He watched your car drive down the street, stop at the light, turn the corner, and then glide out of view.
Immediately, he knew he should've said more on the walk to your car. He should've at least apologized. He didn't tell you that he was sorry for being so shitty. He didn't tell you he appreciated everything you did. He also didn't tell you his car was parked on the opposite end of the street.
And as he walked back to it, crossing The Beef again with its spotless tables, he thought about nothing except you.
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The next morning had you waking up with a headache that only worsened when you stepped foot into The Beef. Your coworkers were shouting and blurting out orders in typical kitchen lingo that you honestly didn't fully understand.
There seemed to be an underlying tension simmering in the air that morning that had everyone's voices raised just a little bit more than usual, echoing through to you from your designated spot behind the front counter.
You figured out soon that that tension came from the review of The Beef that had been put in the paper the night before. It was the same topic that had Sydney and Richie arguing back and forth for minutes on end next to you.
"So this is a war on poor people?" You heard Richie ask as you finally tuned back into their yelling. "I see you."
"No," Sydney yelled back. "This is a war on you shutting the fuck up and learning how to use the tablet! The end dude."
"What is the end?"
You turned to your left to see Carmen stride out of the kitchen, looking every bit intense, shoulders hunched and rigid. He glanced at you in some form of a greeting for only a second before putting himself between Richie and Sydney and somewhat settling their argument.
"Are we ready?" He asked them with a rushed tone.
"No!" Sydney snapped, but headed back into the kitchen with Richie, even if you could see she wanted to punch the man in the face.
You turned back around to watch Carmen as he hurriedly ran a hand through his hair and started to rush back into the kitchen. You tried to catch his eyes, but he didn't meet your gaze.
"Um, Chef?" You tried to call, reaching out an arm to get his attention just a hair too late, him brushing past you without taking notice of you.
"Carmen?" This time he turned around, head flipping around to focus on you with eyes shot wide in the rush.
"What's up?" He asked, eyes quickly assessing your face. For a second you forgot what you were supposed to be asking.
"Did you, um, think about what I said last night?" He blinked back at you. "You said we'd talk about it in the morning, so, could we maybe talk about it?"
With the way he stared back at you, for a second you could've sworn he'd forgotten what you were talking about. Then, it had clearly dawned on him and he squeezed his eyes shut for a second, holding out a hand to his head.
"No, yeah, right." He thought for a second, and then looked around, peeking into the kitchen, attention clearly spread elsewhere.
"Sorry," he said quickly. "Can we just ... talk about this another time?"
You tried not to show your frustration. "Like when?"
"Uh," Carmen started, but he was already backing into the kitchen. A loud clanging noise of pots and pans rang through to the front, and his focus was completely lost. "Who the fuck keeps denting my pans, Chefs?!" He shouted. He threw the kitchen door open and moved to go inside, but not before calling out "We'll talk later, Chef!" and disappearing into the kitchen.
You groaned. "Later," could mean any time between that day and Easter. You didn't want to blame Carmen. You knew he was extremely busy and tended to overwork himself. But something in the back of your mind told you he was avoiding you. You didn't like the feeling.
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It'd only been maybe an hour into the day when all hell started to break loose in the kitchen. At least from what you could hear. There was three times as much yelling as usual and people were weaving through the station by the front counter and the kitchen, shouting sandwich orders. Meanwhile, you felt lost and unhelpful, with no direct answer as to what was going on.
You'd spent your time filling up the napkin dispenser and cutting green tape, feeling your uselessness in your bones. Maybe Carmen was right. Maybe you were overly ambitious. That didn't change the fact that now it seemed like not just Carmen, but everyone else had gone out of their way to keep you away from the kitchen.
You'd thought about going in there anyway, but thought better of it when listening to the commotion. That was, until you saw Marcus with his bags taking his leave towards the exit, a look of both anger and defeat on his face.
"Woah, Marcus," you called out with furrowed brows. "What's wrong? Where are you going?"
He let out a quick breath from his nose that sounded like it was supposed to be a wry laugh. He pointed towards the back. "Anywhere but in that kitchen." You frowned and he shook his head. "He's losing his shit, man."
You were confused and looked to him for more of an explanation, but he was already walking out the door and it didn't seem like he had any plans of coming back. You wanted to ask him "who?", but you had a sinking feeling in your gut telling you that you already knew just who he meant.
That and the loud "Fuck!" that came from the other side of the wall was the last push you needed to finally storm into the litchen. As soon as you walked in, it was a complete overload to your senses. The sounds and smells of sizzling food, the clunky buzzing of timers, and an argument at practically every corner. What had you reeling to a stop, though, was the sight of Carmen shouting truly throat-tearing orders, face turning red with exertion, hair damp from sweat, skin gleaming in the sight.
"Can somebody get me a Sharpie that fucking works?!" he screamed while whipping a Sharpie out of his hand and onto the ground. Your eyes widened at the sight.
"Woah," you said aloud, not even meaning to say the word but being unable to stop yourself. When you did, Carmen's focus switched onto you in a second and you could see the pure chaos held behind his eyes.
"Wh- what the fuck are you doing in here?"
You frowned at his abruptness. "I just wanted to know what the hell is going on in here-"
"Nothing is going on in here."
Someone laughed from around the corner and about three more timers began to buzz and beep.
"Oh please, I've been hearing screaming for hours and then I see Marcus storming out of here with his things saying you've lost it."
At that, Carmen paused, eyes searching yours intently. "Marcus left?"
"Yeah," you answered steadily, unsure of how exactly he'd react. "It looked like he was quitting."
For a second, it looked like Carmen felt guilty, sad, but then he was fuming and slamming his hands down on the counter.
"Fuck!" He shook his head back and forth like he was rummaging through a thousand thoughts swirling around his head. He shouted again. "Fuck!"
You didn't like the sight before you, or the way Carmen seemed to be losing control of himself, and quickly. "Now can you tell me what the problem is?" You almost pleaded. "I could help."
Carmen hardly bothered to look you in the eyes and strode past you to reach the oven you'd been standing by, lifting the lid of a pot and adjusting the heat at lightning speed.
"You're not seriously ignoring me right now when I'm offering to help-"
He put up a hand. "I told you I'd talk with you later, Mars. Go back to the register."
You scoffed. "What the hell are you talking about? That's-" you shook your head. "I'm not leaving until I at least know what the fuck is going on."
"You wanna know what the fuck is going on?" Richie shouted out, laughing to himself loudly as he appeared from behind the corner. "Some moron left the pre-order option open on her beloved tablet overnight and now we're 250-something beefs behind schedule!"
Your head was spinning from the news and from the lack of air in the kitchen, but the yelling kept coming.
"Okay, well, the 'moron' is right here and she has a name, thank you," cut in Sydney, livid. "And there is no fucking way you are putting all the blame on me right now, Richie-"
"Who else's fucking fault is it sweetheart?"
"Richie, I swear to God if you call me that one more time-"
"Shut the fuck up!" Carmen's booming voice split the two of them apart. "Shut the fuck up and get back to work!"
They listened and went back to their stations angrily mumbling to themselves. That didn't change the fact that you knew the kitchen was in deep shit and Carmen was one wrong move away from losing his mind. You watched as he stormed around the kitchen to different stations. You'd be an idiot if you just stood at the register waiting for more nonexistent orders.
"Sydney," you called out as she passed by. "What can I do to help?"
She raised the corners of her lips in a slightly surprised smile and thought for a second.
"You can probably start by helping me with peeling these potatoes for now." She handed you a basket filled with potatoes and pointed towards a metal peeler on the counter. You quickly nodded.
"Okay, on it, Chef."
"Great. Oh, and-"
"Sydney, what the fuck are you doing?" yelled Carmen as he rounded the corner behind Sydney. He glanced angrily back and forth between you and the potatoes in your hands.
Sydney rolled her eyes. "What does it look like I'm doing, Chef? I'm getting us some very much necessary extra help."
"We don't need any fucking extra help right now!"
Sydney turned fully to face him. "Carmy what the fuck is your problem right now? Just let her fucking peel some potatoes!"
Carmen was breathing heavily, a vein in his neck visibly contracting."I told you guys she stays out front. I told everyone she's not supposed to-"
"Excuse me?" You asked, cutting in. He was talking about you like you weren't standing right behind Sydney, hearing his every shouted word. "Sydney's right. You need to stop getting so worked up about this!"
Carmen looked like he wanted to scream. To break out into shouts even louder than even those from this morning. You'd only seen Carmen worked up like this a few times before and even then he knew when he was taking things too far.
He didn't say anything back to you and just turned away.
"Someone just get her out of here!" He hollered, to anyone who'd listen. Anyone but you. Somehow, that was even more angering than his yelling.
"Hey!" You yelled, shoving his shoulder back to turn him to face you. He glanced down towards the same shoulder before looking back towards you. You saw something haughty flash behind his eyes as they stared back at you. "Whatever you need to say about me, you can say it to me, Carmen."
He was definitely speaking to you now.
"I need you to stay the fuck out!" He pointed a finger down at you. "You never fucking listen to me! I gave you this job because you fucking asked me to, because Richie fucking asked me to. So how about you finally listen to me and stay the fuck out?!"
You knew everyone had stopped to watch. It was quieter in the kitchen than it had been all morning.
You both stood standing there with heavy breathing. Your mind couldn't think of what to say back in that moment, but a thousand different responses played through your mind. Things you wanted to ask, to shout, to make sure he understood.
Your stare bore into Carmen's own for a few seconds, noticing the anger in them, but also something fragile threatening to shatter and reveal itself. He looked away from you quickly, bracing a hand on the counter.
"Leave, Chef." He said. You didn't need to be asked twice. Not that he was asking.
"Yeah," you laughed under your breath. You untied your apron and left it on the counter. "I definitely will."
He could call you Chef, but he wouldn't even let you enter the kitchen. He could yell at you, but he couldn't even look you in the eyes as you finally left the kitchen.
Another timer went off in the background as Carmen stood there, mulling over what he'd just done in his head; the one thing, most of all, he didn't want to happen.
Sydney shook her head, brushing past him. "Carmen Berzatto, you are a fucking idiot."
He didn't have anything to say, nothing to argue back with. He knew she was right. And as he heard the front door jingle as a sign of you leaving, he also knew just how badly he'd fucked up.
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You didn't come to work the next day, or the day after that. Carmen never got to listen for the jingle of the doorbell as you came into work. He didn't get a single glimpse of you, those glimpses that were like caffeine shots, keeping him going every day. He didn't see your warm, familiar eyes that reminded him why he kept going in the first place. This was what he got for trying to keep you at arm's length. For being an asshole. The regret knawed at him painstakingly.
When the first hour went by and you didn't show up, he didn't need anyone to tell him that you wouldn't come into work that day. He had Richie cover the register in your place, an order shouted quickly as he was forced to think about things other than you. And as the day went on, the fact that he didn't know when he'd see you again was a heavy weight that lay in his chest, waiting to be addressed.
You awoke that morning in your apartment, phone lighting up beside you on your bedside table to four missed calls all from the same person. A person you didn't really feel like talking to much.
You checked the time and saw it was almost noon. It wasn't like you to sleep in. And, you hadn't called in sick to work. Not that it mattered.
The next day went the same. You hadn't called in sick that morning either, but you didn't have it in you to care. You didn't even know if you wanted to come back, but there was a twisting feeling inside of you that you knew wouldn't feel release until you settled things with Carmen. The hard part would lay in being upfront with him, not letting him make any excuses, and not letting yourself soften all because he was Carmen Berzatto. A battle between your pride and whatever you felt for him.
Carmen had called you two more times, but soon, the calls stopped coming. Carmen may have been an asshole at times, but he wasn't an idiot. In fact, he was extremely smart. And definitely smart enough to know that calling you repeatedly would get him nowhere, not when he'd been as awful as he had.
You'd spent the day driving around running errands that left you tired with boredom. The sun was setting as you walked back to your own front door, the air crisp and clear from the cold while your mind felt anything but. You reached your front doorstep and unlocked the entrance to your apartment, only to step forward and feel something crunch and mash underneath the heel of your shoe. You lifted your foot and glanced downward.
A candy bar. You peered down further. A Mars Bar.
Something inside of you paused. Maybe your heartbeat, maybe your thoughts. You weren't sure but you could feel it. The now half-smushed candy bar lay on the floor like a bittersweet memory.
You blinked. There was a note. It looked like it had been torn from the corner of something messily. More importantly, there was writing on it, in pencil, words pressed hard into paper.
I'm an asshole. You don't deserve that.
No name, but you knew who it was from. Not a "sorry" in sight, but you knew he was trying. You could almost feel the intent behind the words etched into the paper as you held it. You wanted to be furious still. And you definitely were mad. But maybe not as much. Because you knew Carmen.
You knew he had the temper of someone who'd just lost a brother, of someone who'd grown up in a screaming Berzatto household in the heart of Chicago. You'd never taken his outbursts to heart and you didn't want to now. Besides. You knew, eventually, you'd miss him too much to ignore him.
So much for not giving in to Carmen Berzatto.
You didn't really know what plan you had when you walked back towards your car, sat down, placed the chocolate bar and note in your bag, and drove. You didn't think you had one. You just were aware that your days away from The Beef had been extremely boring and that you wanted to see Carmen. To hear what he had to say to you. Even if it didn't end the way you wanted.
The familiar path to The Beef stretched before you now as an uncertain one. When you got there, you tossed your bag over your shoulder and got out of your car to the sight of the lights off in the front of the restaurant. But, if you knew anything about Carmen, you knew he'd stay late. Your assumption was proven right when you entered through the unlocked door—a slightly concerning fact—and saw the harsh white light of the kitchen flooding through to the rest of the place.
You hesitated to enter, not sure if you really knew what you were doing, but ignored the thoughts plaguing you and walked carefully into the kitchen, waiting at the door when you saw him.
He faced mostly away from the door, from you, hunched over the counter doing something that had his full focus, enough of it that he didn't notice you at first. You saw he had a toothbrush in hand and that he was determinedly scrubbing at the silver countertop surface that already sparkled spotlessly. Clearly, he didn't notice or care.
It felt like you were holding your breath as you watched him, saw how focused he was, how the muscles in his back flexed and churned with each precise movement he made as he scrubbed at a nonexistent stain. Like he held a desire to erase more than just grime.
He did that for what felt like another minute without pause, and you watched the whole time wordlessly, not wanting to break the focus he had and not knowing what to say regardless. Part of you just wanted to watch him, to see how long he could keep at it without noticing you. It wasn't for too long.
He lifted his posture upright and ran a hand through his hair, inhaling deeply with little exhale as if something weighty was plaguing him. Then, he finally sensed your presence at the doorway, eyes flicking towards you as his moments came to a halt. You watched him part his lips as he thought about what to say.
He shakenly said your name, a fragile plea. The word was soft coming from his lips like he knew it well, but nestled in your brain with surprise as he called you by your real name, not just a nickname. You didn't know what to say, so you didn't say anything at all.
As he looked at you standing in the doorway, he felt exposed, like you could see through any walls he'd tried to build around himself. Words faltered from his brain. His lips parted again as if he was going to say something more, but they shut just as quickly and he ran a hand over his chin. He gestured that hand out to you.
"You uhm- did you get my note?"
You stared back at him for a beat before nodding and reaching into your bag. You held the note out in front of you, the side of your mouth quirking upwards. "Was this Carmen language for 'I'm sorry' ?"
You were half kidding and half serious, a test hidden in your words. The fact weighed on Carmen's brain, his demeanor more nervous than usual, more anxious.
"Yeah, uhm," he scrunched his eyes closed for a half second before walking towards you, taking the note from your hand and reading it to himself again, feeling the warm haze of shame creeping up on him. "Let me translate."
He read it once more. "Well, the 'I'm an asshole,' is pretty verbatim. I'm an asshole, and an idiot, and a bunch of other bad things." He glanced up at you from the paper and was relieved to see that you seemed at least a little amused. He continued. "And the 'You don't deserve that', you see, that's the good part, it translates directly to 'I'm sorry for yelling at you ' and 'it doesn't matter how stressed I was, I shouldn't have taken it out on you. That was wrong of me. And ... you're great.' "
Your eyebrows raised. "That's quite the translation."
Carmen laughed to himself breathily, but it held little amusement. "Yeah, I've been told communicating with me is like trying to tame a wild animal."
You smiled. "Who told you that?"
Your laugh was warm and sounded like home. It was a feeling that left as fast as it came because soon the air between the two of you seemed to thicken with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. The heavy silence lay bare and neither of you decided to fill it right away.
The way you said his name sent shivers down his spine, a sensation that never ceased to affect him. He nodded at you, eyes studying your face showing that you had his sole attention.
"I know you don't like the idea of me being here. You don't have to try and hide it." His eyes widened as you spoke."But, could you at least tell me why?"
He stared back at you, brows furrowed like he was confused. It was like you could see the gears turning in his brain as he fought to find the right wording, revealed by the stiffening mass of his shoulders that never seemed to relax.
"I don't not like you being here, Mars Bar." He spoke slowly. "I think it's great that you're back in Chicago. I ... We've missed you."
A subtle warmth lay in his gaze, but you couldn't help but feel it was dimmed by whatever emotion he'd been suppressing, the battle evident in flickers in the blue of his eyes.
"I want to believe that, but with the way you've been avoiding me, how can I?"
"Avoiding you- that's," he shook his head, almost seeming incredulous, and you watched as he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing as he did. "I haven't been trying to avoid you."
You didn't know how he could sound surprised, how you could've interpreted the way he's acted all week as anything else. "Well that's definitely what it's felt like when I tried talking to you all week, and you're just ... I don't know, dismissive."
He rubbed a hand at the nape of his neck, focus pitched somewhere that wasn't at you, jaw tightening slightly. "I just ... it's busy around here trying to bring in enough money, and there have been a lot of different things that have my focus right now," he started, as if he hadn't, time and time again, had to remind himself to stop thinking about you.
"Carmen, I know you're busy but that-," you tried to keep your emotions from showing through your voice, but you were aware of the tinge of frustration that was slipping through. "I know that's only part of it. I just need you to be more transparent with me. I can't read your mind."
He nodded, silently thanking God that you couldn't. He swallowed again and you noticed a tremor in the way he held the note he'd written, a sign of unease that he quickly hid in the pocket of his jeans.
"I'll tell you anything you want to know." His blue eyes stared into yours, though you could sense the reluctance in his voice. "But I'm not gonna lie and say that I think it's a good idea for you to stay here."
You felt yourself frown, brows tugging downwards in frustration and confusion. "Why?"
His gaze faltered for just a moment, seeming torn, but he was quick to regain his momentum. "This place is ... it's not meant for someone like you."
You squinted at him, feeling a mix of disbelief and irritation. "Someone like me?"
"Yeah, I just mean," he hesitated, hearing the way you repeated his words, like they were meant to insult. "You were supposed to leave here and finish your studies abroad and achieve great things. Things bigger and better than this shit hole. You were gonna-"
"Carmen, stop." You almost scoffed to yourself. "My plans were always to stay close to home. A few months abroad weren't gonna change that." The air in the room seemed to thicken with the weight of the words you both shared, the thoughts never said allowed before. You noticed your breathing was becoming labored as you failed to understand the way Carmen's mind worked, the way he tried to communicate so much by doing so little.
"This whole time you were worried about me supposedly being meant to achieve great things, but what about you?" You let out a stunned laugh. "You're the one who studied with the best of the best, traveled all over, became a world-class chef and everything else, and now you're overworking yourself at this place and refusing help."
"Yeah, well, that part of my life stopped when Mikey gave this place to me as a final fuck you, so."
Your heart twinged not only at the name, but at the way Carmen's eyes flashed with hurt while his words could've cut stone.
"Mikey gave this place to you because he trusted you," you reasoned. You tried to make him come down from wherever he was, to detach himself from the hurt and open up. The hard plane of his shoulders lifted once in a shrug, with a small shake of his head as he stared at the ground.
"Yeah well, he just ended up fucking screwing me over."
Carmen's frustration seeped into his voice, the way he emphasized each word like he wanted to release whatever was simmering under the surface. You wanted to reach out, tell him that he could, but you held yourself back and stood up taller.
"That doesn't mean you should push people away from this place. Push me away. I could help out here. I saw how hectic it was the last time I was here and-"
"That day was a fluke," Carmen cut you off. "It's not usually like that..." his jaw worked. "I'm not usually like that." His words were laced with exasperation and a little bit of shame. You could tell he was struggling to keep his emotions in check.
"Carmen, I understand. But-"
"I already blew up at you." His voice cut into the air harshly. He looked away, his chest rising as he tried to control rising frustration. "I didn't mean to do that, I don't... I'm not gonna let that happen again." His words were starting to come out in a rush, escaping his control, something you knew never sat well with him.
"Well, that's my choice to make, Carmen, not one that you can make for me."
"Mars, The Beef isn't- you don't want to settle for this place, just trust me."
"How can I trust you when you've done nothing but push me away since I got here?" You heard the tremble that was growing in your own voice, a mix of hurt and anger. "You've told me a million times what I want and don't want. Have you ever stopped to ask me what I wanted? Seen my point of view?"
Carmen's breathing was picking up too, the crystals that were his eyes looking at you with a mixture of defiance and desperation. He ran a hand over his face.
"I've tried to see your point of view."
"Have you?" you snapped back.
"I gave you the job even though I knew it was a bad idea, I went against what I knew just because it was you and I let Richie convince me it was a good idea, and I am fucking done listening to Richie's ideas-" his breathing was becoming uneven as his emotions threatened to overwhelm him.
"Hey, Richie's done a lot more to help me since I've gotten back than you have, and a lot more listening!" Now you were yelling, and he was yelling and you didn't like the direction this was going.
"Yeah, well did Richie tell you this place was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt when Mikey gave it to me? Did he tell you we probably couldn't even afford to pay you a decent fucking salary?"
You opened your mouth, expecting to be equipped with a response as fast as the ones that came before, but that didn't happen and you didn't say anything. You let your eyes scan Carmen, searching for a hint that he wasn't serious, but he looked wholeheartedly sincere and angered. In fact, he looked like he was fighting to even breathe steadily.
You looked at him concernedly, taking a step closer, but he just continued, laughing to himself without joy. "He didn't fucking tell you. Of course not."
His breaths were harsh, coming from his nose and lifting his chest repeatedly. His arms slapped down at his sides, hands trembling. "See, that's why I fucking told him I didn't want you anywhere near this crap hole, I fucking told him-"
His yelling stopped. He recoiled, backing up into the counter recklessly, a pot falling behind him with a clang that had you flinching. His vision was pointed downwards towards the ground, but he was frowning so hard you were sure he couldn't see anything at all, hand to his chest, gripping.
"Carmen?" You asked, alarm suddenly overtaking you and washing away whatever anger had been bubbling inside of you. "Wh- are you okay?"
It took him a second to even process what you'd said, another to respond. "I'm fine, I-" you put a hand on his shoulder to brace him, feeling how tense it was, feeling it trying to move with the effort of his shallow breaths. Panic, shame, embarrassment, everything, seemed to claw at his chest, constricting his breathing even more. "I just- fuck, I can't- I can't-"
"You can't breathe," you said, understanding what was going on now with another flash of alarm that you hid, trying to stay calm. He nodded shakily.
"Carmen," you said steadily. To him, the sound of your voice was distant, overshadowed by the sound of his heart pounding loudly in his ears, muffled the way voices sounded when from underwater. Carmen knew he wasn't underwater. You called his name again, and he did his best to hear it. "You're having a panic attack."
He managed to shake his head again. "I'm fine. I just- shit." His legs practically gave out from underneath him and he braced one hand on the table behind him, one on your shoulder.
The sight of Carmen collapsing to the ground had you wanting to release a sob, but instead, you threw Carmen's arm around you and somehow managed to take two steps towards a bucket that was on the floor against a near wall and got him to sit down on it unsteadily.
You took both of his hands in yours, noticing how his shoulders shook, how the bottom of his neck tinted red from the straining effort to breathe.
"Carmen," you called, kneeling down to his level and giving his hands a squeeze. His vision was blurred, staring downwards, but the hazy sight of his hands wrapped up in yours gave his mind a moment's peace before he was struggling to focus again.
You took a deep breath in, feeling selfish that you even could. "Carm, do your best to look at me." You purposefully slowed your words, spoke softly and clearly, and Carmen heard. You took one hand and rested it by his cheek, hair pooling into your fingers. You brushed it back, and ran your thumb across the rise of his cheekbone, lifting his face to look upwards at you. Even when his mind could hardly form coherent thoughts, your touch still affected him like no one else's.
Once his eyes were on you, you took the hand that was still holding his and placed both on your own chest, covering the area of warm skin close enough to feel your heartbeat. A tremor rolled through him, at your hand, at the way you felt, at your touch.
You. You were here, he thought, and that was a comfort to him in itself.
"Here," you said, pressing down gently but firmly on his hand. "Can you feel my heartbeat?"
Carmen tried, really tried, but his head wasn't focusing no matter what he did. You noticed his struggle right away, like he didn't even have to form words for you to know.
Hurriedly, you took off your jacket and threw it to the ground beside you. Carmen heard the sound of a zipper before his hand was taken in yours again and placed on your chest. This time, the underside of his hand felt warmer, closer to you, to skin.
"How about now?" you asked. His eyes were shut, and he really did his best to focus this time, tune into you, into the way your chest moved up and down beneath his hand, and with it, he heard the soft and steadying rhythm of your heartbeat.
"Yeah, I- I feel it."
You let yourself smile slightly, trying to take slow and deliberate breaths. "Carmen, I need you to do your best to match your breathing with mine." You looked at him and the way his features were scrunching with the effort of trying to listen to you. "Can you do that for me?"
He nodded. He'd do anything for you.
He focused on only his hand, yours, and you. Your chest underneath his palm, warm, and steadying, and alive. He felt it rise once, and fall, all in the time that he let out multiple staggering breaths.
The next time yours rose, he didn't let himself exhale until you did, taking in air from his parted lips and releasing it through his nose, feeling how the air spread thin throughout his body, a good feeling. He did that again, focused on the way his fingertips grazed bare skin, on the sound of your heart beating, in time with his now.
Behind the blank nothingness of his eyelids, scenes played out before him. Visions of his past, echos of familiar voices, spurts of color and light overtaking him.
Then, he thought of you, of the warmth of your gaze, even if he didn't deserve it. The shine of your skin, the way it looked soft even in the harsh light of the kitchen. Thoughts of you, you with him, years ago, months ago, and days, how he'd seen you for the first time in months, standing behind the counter with a smile sweet like the chocolate bars you'd always liked, the one he'd left at your doorstep, a weak attempt at salvaging one of the best relationships he'd ever known. He'd buy a million more if it meant you'd stay with him, by his side, like you'd been for years. Like you were now.
He didn't know how much time had gone by, but he opened his eyes and you were still there, still holding onto him, face looking calm but eyes swirling with emotion. With concern.
He felt fine now, his body having enough strength to support him, but he leaned into you regardless, head sunk down, resting in the place beneath your chin, on your chest. He wanted to get as close to your heartbeat as possible, not just feel it with his hand but surround himself with it.
You brought your hands up to envelop him, one resting on the white cotton covering the hard muscles of his back, rubbing it soothingly, the other coming up to rest in his hair again, gently brushing through the strands closest to the root as if to say I'm here, I have you.
You leaned your own head down to slightly rest on the back of his, mouth brushing against the crown of his head in a way so delicate he wasn't even sure he felt it. But you saw the way he melted into your touch, felt the way the muscles in his back slowly seemed to release tension at each caress. He needed to be held. But he was him, he'd never ask for it. But, you were you, and you'd always know.
You stayed like that for minutes more, though you would've held him all night if he needed it. When he sat back up, the whites of his eyes were tinted pink, and one of his cheeks was gleaming in the light, damp. You didn't comment on it. You didn't say anything at all but stood up from where you knelt and walked towards the counters, peeking underneath them until you found what you needed. You stopped at the sink and returned to your spot in front of Carmen with a plastic deli container filled with water in hand. You offered it to him wordlessly.
"Thank you," he said, taking it from you gingerly, but his voice was hoarse and he felt the red heat of embarrassment as he took large sips of the water, draining it halfway at once. A water droplet escaped from the side of the cup, dripping down his chin, and your eyes followed the movement until you felt guilty about it and stared down at your own hands. The two of you let the silence rest as it was, peaceful and healing, until you felt ready to break it.
"I'm sorry," you said, slightly a surprise for yourself to hear the words from your mouth, but you meant them. Carmen sat back up. "For pushing you to this point. I didn't mean to-"
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Carmen spoke quietly, voice somehow steady. "It- ... that wasn't your fault. It's happened before, when you weren't here."
You let your eyes scan over his face concernedly because he wasn't looking straight at you and you always felt the need to look after him, even if he wouldn't let you.
"This has happened before?" Carmen gave a weak shrug, like this wasn't something he thought about on his own, something he ever let occupy his focus.
"Something like it."
You made a breathy sound of disbelief. "Shit, Carmen."
So many thoughts were demanding your attention, too many. You wanted to tell him how this wasn't supposed to be a normal occurrence, how not okay it was to ignore his mental well-being. Shake him silly for never caring about the right things, for never caring about himself enough. To give him yet another lecture on letting you help him, on letting anyone help him.
"It wasn't as bad this time." His voice paused all your thoughts. "I think it was because you were here."
You didn't know how to respond, but he finally looked into your eyes and saw how much they spoke for you, how they widened, and then blinked once or twice, shying away. Almost like you were guilty, like you were sad. Something inside of him reminded him that he was probably part of the reason for that, and that ate away at him more deeply than any of his, like you said, panic attacks, ever had.
"I'm sorry, Mars."
Your eyes flicked up to his immediately, intention behind them. "You never need to apologize for having a panic attack, Carmen."
"No, for- for not just that." He paused. "For being an ass. For yelling at you. For not listening to you."
You looked at him wordlessly. You didn't want to say it was okay, because you'd be lying if you said that, if you didn't acknowledge how his words still rang sharply in your head. But you'd be lying to yourself if you didn't admit that Carmen certainly made things feel okay when he was calm like this, understanding. Peaceful.
"And I'm sorry for all the shit I gave you about not listening to me."
You let out a quick breath, almost a laugh. "To be fair, I ... didn't."
His heart seemed to swell at even just the hint of laughter that coated your voice.
"Yeah. You don't listen to me." He let the side of his mouth quirk up to match yours. "That's the thing I love about you." Internally he thought, just one of many.
You stared up at him. At the way his eyes seemed to look over your face in adoration. It did something to your heart, pulled on the strings of it, and left it panging in your chest. He noticed right away.
"You alright?" His concern and furrowed brows almost made you want to laugh.
"Yes I'm-," you exhaled. "I'm fine. The real question is, are you alright?" He watched as your eyes flitted all around his face. "To be honest, you don't seem it."
He self-deprecatingly chuckled. "Wow, thanks, Mars."
You shook his arm a little bit, expression disbelieving. "I'm serious."
You thought about how tense he'd been underneath your touch, how tense he'd seemed for the many days that you'd been back home. How that couldn't be healthy for anyone.
"You need to start taking better care of yourself, Carmen." You made sure he was hearing your every word. "Your mental health is important. More important than any job. You have to stop worrying so much about The Beef and start worrying more about you."
He ran a tired hand over his eyes, immediately feeling the urge to look away. "If I didn't put as much as I did into this place, I don't even think it'd still be up and running."
You let the words hang between the both of you for a moment, knowing how important this was to him. It was important to you too.
"I know how much you've done for this place, Carm." You took his hand in yours again. "You care about it a lot, always have. I have too. But you know the toll it's taking on you. That's not good for anyone, and it'll only last so long. And ... that's why I think you should take any help you can get, for now."
As soon as the topic left your lips again, you felt his hand stiffen in your hand, mouth opening to argue, but you held up a hand.
"And before you say anything, I don't care about the full salary, I don't I care about traveling, or 'wasting my potential' or any of that. I care about helping this place, making sure it lasts, for Mikey." You breathed. "And for you. I care about you."
He could feel his own heart start to race in his chest, flustered like he hadn't known you for years, like you weren't one of his oldest friends.
"I care about you too," he said, and the words felt shamefully foreign on his tongue, thinking about how little he'd ever actually said the words. "That's part of why it's hard for me to think about you working here. You mean a shit ton to me. More than anyone else in this damn place."
"You don't mean that." You couldn't stop the way your brows pushed together, looking down at your hand that was holding Carmen's rough and callused ones. "What about Richie, or Fak, or Sydney-"
"They mean a shit ton to me too, but it's ... not the same. You're you."
He looked into your eyes, trying to see if you'd recognized his hints, but he picked up emotions other than the realization. On a frown, on reluctance, on a guarded, shy look.
"I'll always be me, Carmen." You bit at the inside of your cheek, putting off the topic like you weren't important. That was a foreign idea to him. "That doesn't matter. What matters is you not accepting help."
You saw the way his demeanor shifted at your words, a sense of uncomfortableness settling in his bones, revealing itself in the way he sat up straighter. Your grip on his hands was still firm, unwavering, like all you wanted was to make him understand.
"Carmen," you called, but he was already staring at you. "Promise me that you'll let other people take care of you, help you get by. Let me help you."
He was grateful for the way he was positioned, elbows leaning on knees, hands held by yours, because it was stabilizing him, grounding him when he felt like running. He knew that if he wanted to keep you around, keep you by him, he couldn't do that. That didn't change the fact that this was new to him.
"I, um,"
"It doesn't have to all at once." You gave him a smile, a real one, because you knew he was trying. Breaking out of old habits, for you. "One step at a time."
You were back home. Him pushing you away in his head, running, but only in his mind, didn't change that. He didn't want it to. Despite the pull of his mind telling him to hold you at a distance, the push of his heart wanted you. It was drawn to the cradle of your hands, the warmth of your smile.
"I promise."
Your smile grew to a grin that tugged at the sides of your glowing eyes, eyes that sparkled with affection like they held a hidden invitation, a plea for him to let you in. He finally did, and he knew so fully that he would've made that promise to you time and time again if it meant he could have you and see that smile as much as he wanted.
Your fingers brushed the back of his hands as you stood up from where you were kneeling, letting out an exhale that he noticed sounded almost weightless, a change from the burdened way it sounded to him before. The thought put him at ease.
He stood up too, watching you as you retrieved your jacket and put it on, him feeling the urge to help you with even just that. When you focused back on him, the etches of a smile still lingering on your face, it was magnetic. He couldn't look away. You couldn't either.
You stared at the way a hundred different colors danced in the blue of his eyes, a miraculous feat that you'd loved from the start. As you looked at each other, eyes saying more than your mouths had the courage to, your smile grew slowly, heartbeat picking up in your chest.
"Let me walk you to your car," you coaxed, gesturing towards the door. He laughed at the random idea, breaths escaping through his nose.
"What? Why?"
You shrugged, smile and features and everything, warm. "Call it the first step to you fulfilling your promise to me."
Knowing how he'd iced you out, he embraced that warmth. Made it his new home. "Yeah," he nodded. "Okay."
You gestured for him to follow you, he did, and that was all he had to do. You turned off the lights behind the both of you, locked the door, and didn't ask him to do a thing, just to see the amused look on his face when you smiled at him, his eyes staring back at yours like you were a wonder, something rare to be loved and kept safe.
As you walked back to his car, that was all he could think about. How he'd come across this ray of light in his life that was you, and how you'd stayed by his side, a miraculous idea but he didn't even want to dwell on that too much because it took him away from this moment being shared between the two of you, alone, the cold nipping at your skin but it not mattering because too much had happened that night to care.
The moment seemed to come to an end all too quickly. Carmen had stopped once you'd both reached his car, and you did too. He became aware of the feeling of you next to him, savoring it because he knew it'd end the moment he got into his car.
"Carmy," you said, extending the moment just a little longer. He hummed in response, watching as you stuffed your hands in your coat pockets.
"Can you promise me one more thing?"
He nodded, not missing a beat. " Yeah, anything." Something inside of you fluttered. You cast it aside to hold his gaze.
"Promise me you'll always try and tell me what's going on in your head. No more hiding."
His eyes bore into yours like he was contemplating something, a flicker of conflict in them, a vulnerability that you didn't know what to think of. Then, it was gone and you weren't even sure you'd seen it.
"Yeah, I- um," his jaw tightened for a second. "I promise, Mars."
You patted him on the shoulder, a friendly gesture that felt phony even to you. "Great ... that's great."
He flashed a closed-mouthed smile and you both stood there on the sidewalk for a moment, not saying a word.
"Goodnight," you told him, because it was what you would've said to anyone else at that moment, ignoring the whispers in your mind telling you something was missing, that Carmen wasn't just anyone else.
Something tugged at him too, nagging him, insisting that he had more to tell you, more to say before the night was really over, before he had to go to work the next day and somehow navigate his day with the new promises he'd made you. But all he said was "Goodnight, Mars," before getting in his car with just a wave goodbye that felt bare and wrong.
You left him one more of your smiles through the passenger window of his car before walking off to wherever you'd parked your own. He was sure he'd felt butterflies. Butterflies.
Only you could do this to him. He'd felt numb, overwhelmed and unsatisfied all the same time for however long, and then you come back to Chicago and suddenly he felt everything, all the time. It was getting to him, clearly, because he found himself opening his car door and stepping out of it, losing control of his body, loosening his grip of rationality all because of you. Because he wanted to see you, needed to. He needed you.
You were a good distance away from his car by the time he'd gotten out of his, but you turned around at the sound of the car door practically slamming. You frowned, noticing Carmen walking towards you.
"Carmen?" you called into the night, confused. He caught up with you, something behind his gaze that had his eyes shimmering. You swore you could feel the delicate movement of his eyes across your face as soon as he was near enough to truly take it in.
He took hold of your hand, fingers interlocking with yours delicately, an electrifying feeling buzzing through you. You let out a small gasp at the contact, vision shooting down at the point at which you both touched, just a hand hold but the contact took your full focus.
"Hey," he said, something like a smile creeping onto his features and you'd never seen him like this, so exhilarated and full of delicate determination. You looked back up into his eyes, and he took a step closer, finally letting himself be pulled by that magnetic force calling him to you that he couldn't resist. He wouldn't, anyway.
"Wh-," you started, meaning to question him but the thought was brushed aside when he leaned inwards, his forehead falling against yours. His curls brushed against the top of your head, and you secretly loved the feeling, becoming breathless.
"You can tell me to stop, Mars." He murmured it so close to you, breath fanning onto your cheek in a distracting but addictive way, and suddenly you were forgetting how to talk. It didn't matter, because you didn't want him to stop. You looked back up at him, and he saw that in your eyes, so he didn't.
His lips brushed against yours, a taste of what he'd been wanting for longer than he could even remember. The feeling it sent throughout him was immobilizing, and he stayed like that, eyes shut, reveling in it.
It was you who closed the distance, pressing your lips to his and letting the dizzying wave from it spread all over you, to the tips of your fingers that immediately reached up to hold his firm shoulders, and to your brain that buzzed in joy and excitement and a bit of something else.
He froze up for a second when he felt your lips crashing into his. Your lips on his felt like the answers to all his problems, and he needed them in a burning, unignorable way. His brows furrowed and his hands reached up to cradle your neck delicately, holding you like you were more valuable than anything he could've bought, anything he could've wished for, could've imagined he could possibly have.
His lips tugged on yours and yours tugged back, a rhythm that felt easy to follow, like the deep thrum of a heartbeat. And when you both finally pulled apart for air, it was like you could still feel that rhythm, because your heartbeats were beating so loudly and in time with each other's that it felt like the moment was never meant to come to an end.
Your foreheads were still connected, and you knew neither of you had it in you to pull away. You felt somehow even more breathless.
"What was that for?" Your voice was soft, hoarse. You swore you saw Carmen's lip quirk upwards.
"I promised to not hide what was going on in my head." Your hands came up to delicately wrap around his biceps, impossibly solid underneath your fingertips. He didn't suppress the shudder that traveled through him. "Call that the first step."
You smiled, this time against his lips, and somehow that beat every single smile you'd ever given him before. It felt like a promise of your own, to share your warmth with him from now on. He liked the idea, a lot. He'd let you do it whenever you wanted, he liked it that much.
He'd let you take care of him whenever you wanted, too. Again and again, until you got sick of him. But he was Carmen Berzatto. You knew you never would.
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Salt N' Peppa
Older boyfriend Toji headcanons... MDNI
I can't stop thinking about him y'all, I'm ill. I need him soooo bad. Tojjjiiiiii ☹️😫
First, let's get physical.
Toji's previously dusky locks are outshined by the thin streaks of silver and gray that plague his scalp. His hair falls right atop his eyebrow, still thick and strong.
Lifting weights and resistance training has become too strenuous on his muscles and joints. He's found that going to the gym is no longer one of his top priorities, but when he does occasionally break out his (practically decaying) gym membership, he can only walk on the treadmill. Even running is too much impact on his aging knees.
Because of this, Toji's body has slowly but surely lost muscle definition. His previously defined abs are now sheltered by a thin layer of fat. His shoulders stay broad and proud, however his biceps are becoming softer as the days pass. He's gained a fair amount of weight, his strong frame become more and more huggable.
Toji's facial features are still sharp, stern. He doesn't shave as often as he used to, a black and gray stuble decorating his face every few days. His looks are just as striking as they were when he was young. Maybe even more now, with a strong distinction of a life wildly lived.
His voice has become slightly gravely and deeper as a result of the cigarettes he used to smoke like they were good for him.
Now let's get into it, shall we?
Older Toji... Much, much older than you. He's definitely matured in his later years... after wasting his twenties, thirties, and early forties, with random hook-ups and throw-away relationships, he's finally looking to settle down. And that's where you come in.
A cute, young, pretty little thing like you would never go for Toji, he was sure of it.
The second you walked into the dingy bar Toji frequented every Friday night, his heart began to beat a little faster. You settled in the stool next to him and offered him a brazen smile before turning your attention to the bartender.
What could he possibly have in common with some twenty-something year old living it up on a Friday night?
However, Toji never lost his charm. And if there's one thing he's mastered in his forty-five years on earth, it's talking sweet.
Conversation came natural. Your sarcastic, sour, but sweet demeanor pulled him into you more.
He was honestly a bit taken a back when you began flirting with him, leading him to ask you how old you were.
"Jesus Christ, sweets, I'm old enough to be your dad." Toji barks out a laugh, lifting his glass of whiskey up to meet his scarred lips.
"Perfect." You smirked back
And before you knew it, the evening was fading into the witching hours of the night.
"I had a great time talking to you. How 'bout I take you home... W'dya say, pretty girl?"
"No. But you can take my number."
Toji has DEFINITELY grown into old man habits. At 9:30 at night, he's already rubbing his tired eyes, stretching out his stiff back, and dropping his jaw to let out a silent yawn. Whenever he sneezes, he sneezes with a goddamn purpose. Every joint in his body cracks upon sudden movement.
Toji sleeps like a log too. It's almost impossible to get him up in the morning, and even more challenging when his heavy arm is pining your chest to the orthopedic mattress. He snores like someone is plugging his nose, deep, heavy vibrations singing from his chest.
Toji has served time in his past. The years he spent in prison are rarely spoken about, but they undoubtedly did a heavy number on him, the effect visible in his first and final mugshots. Ever since he's gotten out, deep bags hang from eyes, sometimes darker, sometimes imperceptible, but forever present.
But he's stable now. As stable as ever. He's found peace in his relationship with you and stability in his (legal) job. To his surprise, he enjoys the aspects of a quiet life. He relishes in the comfort of being tied down to the pretty girl that has his heart wrapped around her finger.
Toji loves to make dinner for you. Every evening, without a hitch, he's standing above the stove, stirring a pot or sautéing some unions.
One day, you catch him reading a 'Parents' magazine, cover to cover.
"I just don't remember subscribing for it, s'all. Wanted to see if the mailman made a mistake. Don't get any ideas, sweetheart. 'M too old for that shit."
" I'm not, though."
Really, Toji thinks he wouldn't be a good dad. His perception of himself is stuck on the reckless young man he used to be. But, he would love to have a little nugget to care for, and he knows you'd make the perfect little mommy.
Toji was quick to make you his. After the third date he took you on, he bought an engagement ring. A year later, you had him down on one (very sore) knee. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he wanted you.
Sex with Toji is incredible, too... especially when his calf isn't cramping up and you two have to pause for a breather.
Toji has never really had an emotional connection with any of the women he slept with in his past. But you are so special. He can feel the burning passion every time he bullies his thick cock into your little cunt, pushing through your tight walls until your lower half is flush against his thick happy trail and dark bush of pubic hair.
Toji always holds you close to his less-defined chest after sex, mumbling sweet nothings to you while he rubs the soft skin of your back, a stark contrast to his rough, calloused and aged hands.
"I'm so lucky to have you. My pretty girl... Luckiest bastard in the whole world."
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
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faetima · 5 months
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𝐚𝐦𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚 . .
. . judging by how many times you fell for him, you probably had amnesia.
// tws ; blood !! slight swearing ; gn reader ; modern & high school au, hanahaki au 
a/n: amnesia by boynextdoor is so good i love it sm i want to inject it into my veins
he was so ethereal, whether he was happy, sad, or pissed as fuck.
even as his face curled up into an ugly scowl or fell in despair or suddenly brightened with a subtle and soft smile, you couldn’t but find him absolutely gorgeous.
maybe that was why you were laying here on the ground now, pitifully hacking up pungent and bitter blue hydrangeas.
it was almost funny how the color of them were almost the same as sunday’s hair, just a little more blue than it.
it was also almost amusing how accurately they symbolized his response if you were to tell him your feelings; rejection.
your feelings were concealed within the hydrangeas too — regret and despair.
you sobbed as you heaved up the stupid blue flowers. they flopped onto the once clean floor ungracefully, leaving a trail of blood and mucus, of heartbreak and hopelessness.
maybe it would’ve been better if you had never laid your eyes on sunday in the first place.
as you saw sunday in school the next day, you felt yourself toppling head over heels for him all over again.
at this point you might as well have amnesia with how many times you’ve felt yourself falling in love with him again.
every time you saw his stupidly perfect face, his pretty wings, his fluffy grey-blue hair, you dug your grave deeper than it already was.
why did sunday have to be so fucking perfect, so fucking pretty, and so, so sweet?
it was dumb falling for someone you had barley talked to.
maybe if you pushed your shyness and anxiety aside you could’ve talked to him.
maybe you could’ve been acquaintances.
maybe even lovers.
but, alas, that was never going to happen.
you hated yourself so much — why couldn’t you just fucking talk to him? what the hell was wrong with you?
you sobbed, coughing out more of those wretched blue hydrangeas.
you were going to get the surgery.
it was useless dying over someone who didn’t even know you.
you could live without knowing him.
now you would get amnesia for real.
you woke up blearily, blinded by the extremely bright fluorescent lights of the hospital.
you did it.
you finally got the surgery.
you couldn’t remember what you got it done for, though.
after recovering, your parents saw fit for you to go back to school again.
you sat in your english class, waiting for your peers to fill up the empty room.
you watched people file in, chatter filling the room, bouncing off the walls.
and then you saw a face.
an extremely pretty face, paired with almost piercing yellow eyes and hair that reminded you of blue hydrangeas.
suddenly you started coughing. you brought your elbow to your mouth, muffling your coughs.
pulling away your face, a single blue petal drifted down to the ground, a little bit in front of you.
and then it was crushed by none other than sunday.
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honkytonk-hangman · 2 years
In Sickness...
Jake Seresin x Aviator!Reader
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Summary: Jake feels his pulse jump and his stomach fly when he talks to or about you. Obviously, this must mean he's gravely ill.
Notes: mentions of a cheating boyfriend, jake convinced he's sick when really he is in loooveeee
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“Hey, Hangman, can I talk to you for a minute?”
Jake, despite his usual goal of doing everything in his power to get on Phoenix’s nerves, finds himself ignoring the need to be quite annoying. His antics aside, he knew his fellow aviator well enough by now to recognise when she was up for his shit, and when she absolutely wasn’t.
That doesn’t mean he’s not going to be a little bit of a douchebag, though.
“Give me a second, Trace, I’ll need to start my timer.” he makes a show of observing his watch and starting a countdown from sixty seconds. Phoenix ignores him, and in place of possibly giving him a dead arm, she instead comes to a stop in front of him, her arms crossing over her chest in a way that was just a Natasha Thing, and not actually a sign of closed body language-thing
“You’re going to be at Mav and Penny’s later, right?” she asks, even though he knows he’s never given the impression of having any other plans, and she knows it. Jake simply nods, still pretending to count down.
“Right. Well… maybe take it easy on Cricket tonight, okay?” Phoenix asks him, her voice soft and quiet in a manner that makes Jake mess up his countdown, and subsequently drop his wrist and the bit entirely.
“I’m under the impression that I always take it easy on my favourite member of the orthopteran insect family,” he poses, and it's not untrue. He didn’t snipe with Cricket like he did with the others, mostly because she never sniped back, so trying to maintain a faux adversarial relationship would just be boring. No, Cricket was far sweeter and more wholesome than literally anyone he’d ever met, like Elle Woods had a lovechild with Barbie, and instead of banter, he’d found it irresistible and perpetually rewarding to tease her about her Certified Disney Princess status.
(Jake will never let her forget the time a small child at the beach approached her to ask if she was a mermaid, and that wasn’t even the only instance he’d witnessed something like that happening.)
 Phoenix shifts uncomfortably in front of him and purses her lips.
“Look, just… give her a break tonight,” she pushes. Jake frowns even deeper, his own mood becoming solemn now.
“What's wrong? Is she alright?” the questions leave his mouth before he can really consider perhaps only asking one, to keep some semblance of cool. Phoenix dances from foot to foot again and nods, but then quickly makes the universal noise, gesture and expression of ‘well, no, actually’.
“She, uh, broke up with her boyfriend a few days ago.” Nat reveals, and oddly, it's the last thing Jake was expecting to hear, and the last thing he’d expect her to divulge to him.
“Oh.” he says, a little unsure of what else to say. Blinking rapidly, Phoenix starts nodding again, this time in a sort of commiserating manner, as if they often gossiped.
“Yeah, she came home to find the prick was fucking one of his colleagues…” She all but spits the words. Her hands form fists where they’re still tucking into her folded arms.
“She's actually really torn up about it, but you know Cricket. She’s not very good at not being positive, you know? So she’s just bottling it up, and I figured, maybe your usual game with her might not be so lighthearted right now. You know she would never tell you if you actually hurt her feelings, so…” Phoenix manages to catch herself before she descends into a full on ramble.
In all the years he’d known her, Jake had only ever witnessed Phoenix fully ramble once, several years ago back in Lemoore, when she and Halo had downed eight shots in ten minutes, and she then proceeded to give him a thirty minute TEDTalk about how cockroaches were basically just incredibly simple AI machines, interrupted every so often when she dozed off against his shoulder, only to pick right back up like nothing had happened.
Pushing the memory aside, Jake takes in her words slowly before at last he releases a deep breath.
He actually finds himself a little taken aback by the sheer depth of anger that lances through him at the thought of Cricket being treated like that. Nobody deserves to be cheated on, but Cricket was simply someone that Jake doesn’t believe anything bad should ever happen to. Around the same time he comes to this conclusion, Jake also becomes aware that as his anger simmers down, he’s struck with the need to seek out his squadmate, and comfort her, something which, if Jake is honest with himself, is not something he has much experience with. He was much more likely to offer space to someone in need, so this sudden urge causes his brow to furrow.
Jake chooses to compartmentalise this oddness for now, but makes a mental note for later to figure out when exactly he’d developed such a strong fondness for Cricket, and more importantly, how exactly that had happened without him knowing.
For now, Jake just gives Pheonix a level nod, and what he hopes is an expression she takes to mean he understands. He then tries to get a hold of his rogue fondness and leashes it with what he thinks is a brotherly, friendly reaction, a more normal reaction for him to have towards his squadmate.
“Does she want him punched or something?” he asks, feeling as though anything more would reveal too much of his scattered, fond thoughts. Jake purses his lips when he realises that ‘fondness’ was quickly becoming an understatement he’ll have to address at some point.
Phoenix's lips curve into a genuine smile, and she chortles softly, shaking her head.
“Well, you’ll have to get in line if she does. I’ve got first dibs.” she states, cracking her knuckles and then her neck, making Jake snort, and shrug, glad to know that perhaps he wasn't the only one suddenly feeling protective.
“I’m sure we could come up with a wrestlemania-worthy finishing move, a la The Hardy Boys to sort him out.” Jake chortles, imagining he and Nat in matching championship belts, and ignoring her raised eyebrow. He knows from that one movement alone that she is filing this information about him away to whip out like a trap card, but compared to the other information she might have gleaned from his reaction to the situation, he doesn’t care so much.
(Besides, Jake felt no shame about his love for Attitude-Era WWE, and if he ever gets the chance to repay her for the thirty minutes of cockroach facts he could have lived his whole life without needing to know, well, now he knew exactly what his topic of choice would be.)
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Four hours later, Jake, for some reason, cannot stop thinking about his conversation with Phoenix. He tried chalking it up to the fact that it was an unusual request she’d made of him, but he knows that is bull. Jake is far too invested all of a sudden in your personal life, in your feelings, in a way that honestly, he never has been before. Or at least, has never realised before, because the more Jake lingers on the idea that you were cheated on, he has to confront the fact that these feelings might just have been there all along, and that actually, your happiness and wellbeing are extremely important to him.
He keeps his distance when you arrive with Halo at Penny and Mav’s, but he eyes you hawkishly anyway, uncaring if he’s obvious about it or not. He wants to believe that if he hadn’t known, he’d have spotted your much more reserved demeanour immediately, but honestly, he's not really sure of anything now when it comes to you. Jake isn’t sure if Phoenix spoke to the others, if he was just the last to know, but there is an air of tenderness in the way the others greet you, which wasn't entirely unusual in itself, yet the softness is palpable even from where he sits on the other side of the yard.
He watches you put on a good show, smiling sweetly at Penny as she rushes over to say hello, but the moment you dont think others are paying attention, your features fall and Jake decides that it is basically unacceptable for you to look that sad ever again.
When you disappear through the backdoor, to put the share platter you’ve bought into the fridge he assumes, Jake doesn’t even excuse himself from the conversation he’s supposedly in before he’s beelining for the house. Behind him, he can vaguely hear Javy and Payback protest, but he doesn’t pay them any mind.
Jake steps through the sliding back doors quietly, closing the door behind him and shutting out the rest of the barbeque, if only for a few minutes. He moves softly through the small back room and towards the kitchen, once more surprised to find out just how pleased he is when you turn to look at him right away. That was new… or was it? Jake thinks perhaps he should stop trying to figure things out.
“Hey! Jake!” you greet cheerfully, and he’s comforted a little that your smile reaches your eyes.
“I didn’t catch you this afternoon, so I didn't get to find out your fruit platter preference, but Javy told me anything but pineapple–” you launch right away into friendly conversation, and oddly, this small normality brings him comfort too, after his afternoon of quiet worry. Jake nods at your words as you continue explaining your fruit platter, and if he hadn't other things on his mind, he would have voiced his amusement at the fact you’d somehow managed to cut or arrange all the fruits into the shape of jets.
Anger bubbles in him once again, at the idea that anybody would do anything to cause you to be upset. You, who cuts fruit into themed shapes, and who makes sure to ask every member of the team their food preferences, and who, he’s almost certain, has made the yoghurt dip you're currently unwrapping completely from scratch just for this casual get together.
How could any sane person know you, know how sweet and caring and fundamentally, altogether good you are, and still choose to do something that would hurt you?
More importantly, how could a man be with you and want anyone else?
Jake takes a step forward and fixes you with what he hopes is not an expression that reflects his inner anger, but gives off something more like softness. He’s not sure he’s ever really had a serious conversation with you before, especially not one that wasn't about work, so he’s surprised how natural it feels to show you something more genuine than his usual playful amusement.
“Are you alright?” he hears himself ask you, almost regretting it when your expression drops immediately, and you look away from him, back to your fruit platter which you now seem to be pointless rearranging just so you don't have to look at him. You attempt to wave him off after a few moments, plastering a smile on and scrunching your nose as you continue to not look at him.
“I’m okay. Really. Things weren’t right for a while, so it’s sort of a relief, really.”
Jake thinks that maybe in a few months time, those words might actually be believable, but Phoenix was right. You were such a naturally happy and uplifting person, it’s clear to Jake that you were struggling to let yourself be sad or angry about it all.
You seem to be expecting him to speak, because you glance back at him several times before you seem to really get a look at his face, at which point you stop messing with your platter and turn to face him properly.
“Thank you for asking, though, I… I really appreciate that,” you murmur, wringing your hands together, before realising what you’re doing and smoothing them out over your sundress instead. Jake feels his pulse speed up. Or maybe it slows, he’s not sure, he just knows that his heart beat becomes irregular, and before he knows what he's doing, he’s stepping even closer towards you.
“Cricket,” he begins, a frown beginning to crease his brow, which your eyes flicker to consciously, as if you were concerned about his feelings. “Just say the word, and his nose will be irreparably broken. For the rest of his life he’ll be telling people it's an old football injury. Maybe he’ll even need surgery to fix it enough that it’s even remotely normal again,” Jake watches your eyes widen and blink as he speaks, but he makes sure to keep any trace of humour from his voice, so you properly understand just how serious he’s being. “Hell, it doesn't even need to be his nose. I’ll break his collarbone, I've heard that's the most painful in the long run…”
When you let out a soft sound halfway between a laugh and a sigh, Jake almost thinks he needs to rephrase his offer, but your soft smile and the almost shy look you shoot at him before you drop your gaze for a moment assures him you understood that he wasn’t joking, even a little.
“Sometimes…” you purse your lips and frown, struggling to find the right words, but you begin wringing your hands slowly again and the movement seems to lend you some confidence. “Sometimes I really wish I could be more like Phoenix… or, more like anybody else, really–” Jake has to physically clamp his mouth shut to stop himself protesting that point and let you talk.
“Sometimes, I wish I was someone who would take you up on that offer. I… I feel like I should want to want that… but I don’t…” you trail off and sigh again, but this time, the exhale seems to take a weight off your chest, like simply admitting these feelings out loud was what you really needed.
You look back up at him properly, and smile again. Jake thinks his pulse has stopped altogether now, and begins to seriously consider reporting to medical first thing Monday morning.
“But, I promise that if I ever change my mind about the severe breaking of certain bones, I’ll know exactly who to talk to.” Your smile widens just slightly, a little mischievous almost, like even just joking about it was very cheeky of you. Jake on the other hand, just believes it to be the only correct course of action.
He opens his mouth to respond, but you begin talking again, dropping your fidgeting hands to hang more relaxed at your sides.
“A lot of my life I haven’t really been surrounded by people who’ve looked out for me, or folks who I can really trust… and I know we’re not really friends, more like work friends, but–” you suddenly cut yourself off and shake your head with a little chortle.
“It doesn’t matter, ignore me–”
“–We’re friends.” Jake can’t stop himself from protesting this time. You blink at him like this is surprising to you. “We are friends, Cricket… I know I–” Jake cuts himself off like you had just done and grinds his teeth a little. This was not a conversation he went around having very often, if ever, at all. “You know I wouldn’t poke fun at you if I didn’t care. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think we were friends,” he says, hoping his words didn’t give away exactly how much he cared. You seem to search his face, but you’re nodding, as if he was the one who needed assuring in this situation.
Jake starts to wonder then if he was actually becoming seriously ill, and all of his reaction to this afternoon has just been one big fugue episode. That idea is genuinely more believable to him at this moment, that Jake is really, actually currently unconscious in the on base hospital, with a skyrocketing fever and some other terrible things, than all of this sudden personal change and inner realisation happening so naturally and smoothly and without him having a say in it.
But then you’re smiling at him again, bright and genuine and all thoughts of climbing fevers and sudden illness evaporate. As sad as it sounds, Jake would never dream of you smiling at him like that, the sight so affecting and sweet that he could never come up with on his own. However, he does conclude he’ll probably be seeing it a lot in his dreams from now on. He thinks this should cause panic in him, he should not be planning to dream about one of his squad mates smiling at him, but unsurprisingly to him now, panic is the furthest thing he feels about it.
“Well, I just know that I’m not always good at asserting myself, but I know that you guys… you guys will do it for me.” You give a little shrug. Jake feels a little shame then, that he’s worked with you for several months now and has not once picked up on the fact that you were completely aware of your own tendency to be a bit of a pushover.
It dawns on him that every time he teased you for being ‘too nice’, and every time you laughed or shook your head in amusement, the real joke was on him. It’s a joke that Jake doesn't find particularly funny right now. He’s not sure he ever will.
“Sorry, I’m being so dramatic and grim!” you say suddenly, and this time your mood change isn’t fake or put on. Jake shakes his head at you, and at last feels some of his regular programming begin to seep back in. He chooses to make a show of leaning back against the counter and carefully crosses his arms over his broad chest in a way that he knows looks incredibly sexy (Javy has assured him), a small smirk slowly spreading over his features.
“Cricket,” he drawls out slowly, somewhat relieved that he feels more himself again. You double take as you look back up at him from where you’ve started fiddling with your fruit platter again, your eyes blinking rapidly as you now quickly try to avoid his whole side of the room. Jake’s grin grows ever so slightly when he has your attention, even if you seem too nervous to look at him now.
Unlike most of the women Jake had worked with, you didn't seem to try to, or perhaps you simply were unable to, hide the effect Jake had on you, how he could so easily make you flustered. It's not something he’s totally unfamiliar with, after all, plenty of women around the Hard Deck were the exact same, but the fact that you aren't some civilian looking to get laid, and are in fact one of the best aviators he knows, makes it all the sweeter.
(Jake had once tried to reconcile the way you handled yourself in the air, with the way you were at all other times, but he could never quite do the maths on it, so it was better for his brain if he didn't think about it at all.)
Honestly, Jake knows his getting a reaction out of you is an act of self ego-stroking, but he loved making a spectacle of himself, just to watch how you would sputter and go all mushy, and if he’s even more honest, a big part of his enjoyment lay in the thought that perhaps, he was doing you a favour, giving you something to think about, boyfriend be damned. He supposes he doesn’t need to worry about that being a problem anymore.
Jake then pauses then, and wonders when exactly you having a boyfriend had become a ‘problem’, a threat to him specifically, because the more he thinks about the idea now (hypothetical as it is), the more his skin starts to itch under his shirt.
Perhaps he was getting sick after all.
“Yes, Jake?” you ask, still avoiding looking his way, and trying to use a tone of voice that was either exasperated or ignorant, but your slightly higher pitch gives you away.
“You didn’t say that I was your friend, too,” he faux complains, watches you shake your head a little, but fail completely at keeping the smile off of your face.
With your platter now deemed ready, you pick it up and turn toward him, holding it out for him to take. Jake, without thought, does so.
“You are my friend, too, Jake,” you tell him, far more sincerely this time, and Jake feels his pulse do that odd thing again. He swallows thickly, and nods, before you direct him out the back door.
For the rest of the afternoon, Jake can’t help but hover, never moving too far away from where you are, and when he doesn’t have an excuse to linger close to you, he always keeps one eye directed your way.
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arch3ontumbl · 6 months
World Bearer Part 1
Bearing his child as he was fighting in Shibuya
It wasn't intended neither it was accident, the child you caress in your womb, it was the result of love. A couple of days earlier barely even recalling the dates, news came unto you as Shoko informed you of Gojo captured, impossible..
He promised
He always promises y/n, you thought to yourself having filled with worry and doubt this time the result would be different, this time he wouldn't be able to be by your side, the last smile he gave you, the last kiss, it floods all to your every bit of sanity left.
You wept unsure of what to do, this is bad for your child. It's stressing you out knowing you can't do anything and you can't ask anyone about it. It pains you that you cannot be beside him nor come to his rescue, you carry the world inside you and you can't risk to lose any of which.
Your whole relationship with him was hidden deeper than 6 feet graves could even speak, only Shoko were informed and were supposed to be the only person besides him to assist you on giving birth.
'missed a call from Shoko'
You missed her first call as you were to focused on picking up some shards of glass, you dropped the mug you and Gojo share for every morning coffee.
Broken. You struggle to bend down as your belly bump is clearly on the way, you stood up and checked your phone to your surprise
Is it finally good news
You called back as she picked up in a hurry, she seemed to hesitate to tell, she hesitated to cause anymore stress than to bear the very weight of the next possibly most powerful sorcerer to mankind in the next generation. Even the weight of the child causes a wave of imbalance in the world between curses and the burden of being expected to be the sword and shield for the most dangerous circumstances awaits your child if his birth were to be exposed and known to the world.
It's what Gojo went through afterall
"y/n listen, Gojo is out now and currently facing curses and possibly Sakuna. I am called for support for the sorcerers in Shibuya—" she paused for what seemed eternity, fueling my anxiety and worry.
"y/n I just wanted to tell you to worry a bit less, he told me to relay you his message: I'd win, I'd be there when our son is born. I'm the strongest afterall" Shoko whispered to the phone as I let out a little chuckle still with a hint of nervous yet comfort. Atleast feel a little ease for the child you bear, for the child you birth with Gojo beside you.
"Thank you Shoko" I whispered back, your voice crack and break devours the silence of the room.
2 hours pass, and shit you feel building up contractions, painfully telling you your world is about to arrive. You rush to get some lukewarm water, a damp towel, quickly sterilize some scissors and a warm blanket
Yet he is not here, he's in battle, fighting
Unable to contact anyone else you try to reach for Shoko again. Afraid, you're just straight up afraid. Your timing your contractions yourself as you lay down your soft bed sheets, slowly painting it with blood. Gojo is in his battlefield and so are you, you combat the pain as you try to push harder and harder not trying to pass out on the way.
You push, again
You push, you can't stop here. Your child needs to get out now
You gave another hard push screaming your lungs out, cursing, fist balled in the sheets as the other scratched the bed board.
Finally, a cry
Don't faint, don't faint
You pick yourself up, positioning yourself to sit back at the bed frame for support. Picking up your child and expertly cutting his umbilical cord before you could finally fix your eyes on your child you made sure to hear his heart beat, your scared you did a step wrong.
But his heart beat as loud as he cried, you admire your child clearly reassembling your husband. His hair and the same goes for his eye lashes, white as snow, his eyes with a hint of you a hue of purple and mainly the blue skies, high and mighty, adding the captivating and deep capture of the ocean you admire from Gojo.
You cried, as your child slept in your arms. A call notifies your phone enough for you to immediately answer before it wakes up your son.
"He's here" you said as Shoko could picture your smile from the phone call before she could even speak a word, her seconds of silence sends you a break of her heart like she's about to break another bad news for you.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
I Need You To
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Casey Novak x autistic!fem!reader Warnings: pure fluffy fluff, established relationship, injury, hospital, coming to terms with a disability, insinuations of sex Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: After a serious injury, you're diagnosed with a disability that inhibits your day-to-day life. There are accessibility tools you can use, but you're self-conscious about using them out and about. Your girlfriend, Casey, is there for you every step of the way.
"Hey, Case, can you grab my glove?" you called, double-knotting the laces of your cleats. You were jittery with excitement. It was your first softball game since last October, when you'd broken your ankle running to first. And then played through it. And then fallen again and slammed your head into the ground and passed out. You'd woken up in an ambulance with a teary and terrified Casey grasping your hand so hard she almost cut off circulation. She was livid when she found out later that you'd been hurt and kept playing.
But you were better now. Well... mostly better. At the emergency room after the game, the doctor had examined your x-ray, MRI, and EEG results.
"It looks like you've broken this bone in your ankle before?" he said, frowning.
"I have."
Casey whipped her head around to look at you, her eyebrows a question mark. The doctor stared at you pointedly.
"How many times exactly?" he asked.
You felt yourself shrinking under Casey's hard gaze. "Uh... this ankle? Three times."
"In how long?"
"The, uh... the last five years."
Casey's jaw dropped and you winced. You were gonna get an earful on the way home.
"What about the other ankle?"
You felt like you were digging yourself a deeper and deeper grave.
"Any other broken bones? In the last five years?"
You listed them off, trying to avoid Casey's eyes.
"My thumb, my wrist, a toe or two."
"Any falls with seemingly no cause?"
"How many?"
You glanced furtively at Casey. "More than I can count."
The doctor nodded and asked you a few more questions. Casey sat beside you, fuming, as you answered.
At the end of the visit, you had two crutches, a boot cast, some heavy-duty pain meds for your concussion, and a referral to a genetics clinic.
"I think you might have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome," the doctor had said.
Casey googled the condition all the way home.
"Y/N, this is serious," she said earnestly, supporting you as you hobbled through the door of your apartment.
"I don't know. None of that stuff you said about it sounded too bad. I'm just super flexible, basically."
Casey rolled her eyes at you. "Yeah, and apparently break every bone in your goddamn body on a regular basis."
When you were scared, you froze. You always froze. Casey did not. Casey made sure you scheduled your genetics appointment. She made sure you went. And when the geneticist confirmed the Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis, she was the one who asked what things you could do to help the condition, while you stayed silent, anxious and overwhelmed.
You just wanted everything to go back to normal. So what if you broke a bone more frequently than everyone else? It was no big deal.
"It is a big deal if it keeps you from doing things you love," Casey argued on the way home. "And if there are things you can to do to get better, you should do them."
"I guess so," you conceded, staring out the window of the cab.
"Y/N," she said, gently grabbing your face and turning it towards her when you didn't answer.
"Why can't you just let it be, Casey?" you whispered.
"Because you deserve to live the best life." She looked at you so intensely you had to look away. "You deserve to live without fucking breaking a bone every year. You deserve to play softball if you want to and run if you want to and not look at the fucking ground the whole time when we're on a hike because you're so scared you're gonna fall and break something."
You glanced at her, surprised and a little ashamed. "I didn't know you noticed that..."
"You love being outside. I'm gonna notice if you're looking at tree roots instead of a mountain vista. I just didn't know why."
You looked away, anxious about the Ehlers-Danlos. Anxious about what you'd have to do to make it better. Anxious that all those things wouldn't make it better in the end, would all be for nothing.
"Hey," she said wrapping an around you and planting a kiss on the side of your head. "We're gonna figure this out, okay?"
You nodded and exhaled quietly. "Okay."
Now, after months of healing and then more months of physical therapy, you were finally cleared to get back out on the field. You couldn't play catcher anymore—unnecessary strain on your ankle and knee joints, the physical therapist said. But you'd been practicing playing third base with Casey, and you'd grown to enjoy it almost as much as playing catcher.
"Casey, come on!" you yelled, tapping your foot on the floor. "We're gonna be late!"
Casey sauntered in, team uniform on, softball bag slung over her shoulder.
"I put your glove in the bag," she said, then dropped a pair of AFOs in front of you. "Put 'em on."
You hated them. You hated the way they looked, like some kind of plastic, kiddie Forrest Gump contraption. You hated that they altered the way you walked, the ease with which you could run and twist and reach.
You shook your head. "You know, I don't think I need them. I've been doing the exercises and stuff. My joints are stronger now."
"Y/N." Her voice was forceful as she squatted down in front of you. "Put. On. The AFOs."
"No," you said, trying and failing to sound nonchalant. "I'm telling you, I don't need them." You stood, making a move toward the door.
The pure, physical fact of the matter was that Casey was bigger and stronger than you. She didn't manhandle you often, but she did now. She grabbed your shoulders and shoved you back down onto the chair, huffing as she pulled off one cleat and then the other.
Now you were both mad.
"Casey, it's my fucking decision," you argued, trying to wrench your foot from her grip as she slipped the AFO over your softball sock. "I don't want to wear them! I hate wearing them!"
"I need you to!" she yelled, her face flushed, looking at the ground.
You watched her, your anger dissipating as you saw the worry in her eyes.
"I need you to," she repeated, softer this time. "I don't want to carry your body off the fucking field again."
You were both silent and still for a moment, Casey's hand resting on your leg, yours running gently through her hair.
Casey resumed her work on the AFOs, gently pulling on one and then the other, tightening the Velcro straps, forcing your cleats over them. You let her.
"There," she said, looking up at you. "Was that so bad?"
You hadn't worn the AFOs out yet, not where people could see them. You always had on sweatpants or joggers or jeans, something that covered them up. But with your softball shorts on, everyone would be able to see.
You avoided Casey's eyes, your hands shaking at your sides.
"Y/N," she sang, taking your hands gently in hers and flattening them, massaging the stress out.
"I look stupid," you whispered, trying not to cry. "Everyone's gonna make fun of me."
She cupped your face in her hands, looking earnestly into your eyes. "No one's gonna make fun of you, sweetheart." She brushed her thumb along your cheekbone. "And if they do, I'll kick their asses."
You nodded, still slumped in the chair.
"I think you look hot," Casey added, grinning slightly.
You rolled your eyes at her. "Yeah. Sure you do."
"I do," she nodded, moving her hands to your hips and planting kisses from your collarbone up to your neck. "In like a... cyborg, Inspector Gadget kind of way."
"What?!" you said, laughing. "That's so dumb."
She finally made her way to your lips, and the warmth of them took your breath away, made your stomach flutter.
"You know what's really hot about them, though?"
"What?" you replied, following her out the door.
She kissed you one more time for good measure. "It's one more thing I get to take off of you afterward."
You smiled, blushing. Maybe the AFOs weren't so bad after all.
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cod-dump · 8 months
With Graves finding out about Simon's history what would he think about Soap trying to join at 16 and how he only really hears about Soap and Bar Mactavish and no one else in the family?
Graves wasn’t surprised when he learned about Soap’s history. His multiple attempts of trying to join before the acceptable age just made him laugh because it sounded exactly what Soap would do.
“Damn, someone was eager to get himself shot at,” Graves had joked when Bar told him about Soap’s antics.
Often enough Bar would join Graves for a drink… if the drink was a couple thousand dollars worth of whisky and Graves was providing such. He was much more willing to talk when he had something to drink, the man was normally locked tight like a safety deposit box. And sometimes liquor was the key to get him to open up.
“Ma sent me a good bit of detail of Johnny’s bullshit.”
Graves watched Bar take a sip of his drink, staring at him for a moment before he set his own glass down.
“You don’t talk much about your family.”
Bar looked at Graves from the corner of his eye mid sip, the angle making it seem like the man was staring directly into his soul. He savored his drink, taking his time before he set his glass down. Maybe, just maybe, this would be the night Graves got Bar to open up.
“What’s there to talk about? Got a bug family, we could sit here all night just talking about my gran.”
“‘Course we could… if you were willing.”
Here was where Bar and Soap had their differences. It didn’t take much to get Soap talking, especially if he was friendly with someone. He’d joke, tell stories, ask questions — He was a talker. But Bar? He was quiet mostly. If he was calm and happy, he could go the entire day without a word leaving his lips.
“Now that I think of it, haven’t heard a word from you or your cuz about your family.”
Bar cracks a smirk, a rarity from him, “That’s because he doesn’t like your ass.”
“And what about you?”
“C’mon, Dean. How’d you feel about little ol’ me?”
“You’re a piece of work, for one.”
Graves snorts, this was progress. Bar wasn’t being guarded as usual, the way he was sitting was even open and lax. Graves made sure to think about every move he made from this point, not wanting to give the man any reason to put his walls back up.
“You’re a real cunt when you want to be… but-“ Graves felt his breath caught in his throat, “-you can be a good man. A good leader.”
More silence, Bar taking a deeper swig before sighing, “I like you.”
“Well well, at least one MacTavish likes me. And it looks like I got the good one!”
Bar restrains a laugh, “Don’t let Johnny hear that. He’ll get moody.”
Graves takes a sip of his drink, watching Bar closely. The man seemingly processes his moment of vulnerability and immediately regrets it. He stands, awkwardly shuffling away from his seat in a slow, hesitant manner.
“Well, that’s enough of drinking for me.”
“Nah, you could handle so much more.”
“More than Soap,” Graves grins, his whisky glass touching his lips.
Bar offers a small smirk, “Definitely. But… anymore and I might say something rather dumb. So, good night, Commander.”
Bar finishes his glass in one smooth drink, sighing before he sets the glass on Graves’ desk. He leaves quietly, something that was rather un-Bar-like. Man was loud (especially when angry). Even in his calm, happy days he was just as loud when moving around and handling equipment or whatever he got his hands on.
But right now… he was quiet.
And Graves considers that progress.
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pandorasfavorite · 9 months
Hii this is my first time requesting I was wondering if you could wright a fluff to smut and basically dom was attached to the r all day and when she tried to leave he didn’t let her and acted like a brat and when the r comes back he gets a punishment
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AN: ^^ Him breathless but taking it 😍
“Honey let go a minute, let me breathe”, you manage to peel Dominik off you for just a moment. His hands slipped away from your waist and now he is just standing behind you, flexing his hands not knowing what to do with them. Normally he isn't this clingy, by that you mean he isn't following your every movement. You stretch and crack your knuckles shaking off the feeling of being held for hours. For a short moment, you let yourself breathe, but only for a second. You turn around to face Dominik completely, you cup his face with your hands and as if it was a cue Dominik slips his arms right back around your waist. He leans into the warmth of your hand and he closes his eyes with an adorable smile, inhaling deeply.
You smile back at him in the same manner but a small part of you is worried, He is extra touchy barely even talking. You tap his cheek, willing Dominik to open his eyes to look at you, “Everything okay babe?”, you say in a small whisper, too close to each other to bother talking in a normal voice. Without any warning, Dominik pushes his face out of your grasp and he tightens his arms around you further, shoving his face into the side of your neck. You feel the small presses of his lips against your neck and you can only slide your hands into his hair. Letting him enjoy your embrace for a few more minutes before you had to leave. While raking your hands through his hair you whisper to him again, “You’re worrying me, Dom”.
He doesn't move only muttering back to you for the first time in 15 minutes, “Just missed you”. At that you laughed a little, trying to think of a time today he hasn't been beside you, but in truth, Dominik has been connected to your side since 8am. You crane your neck to kiss the top of his head beginning the hard task of removing yourself from his grasp. “I have to go”, you say dropping your hand down to his arm, lightly pushing it away from your waist.
Dominik grunts and drapes his arm right back around you, making it nearly impossible to move off of him. You exhale quickly, trying not to get frustrated and you kiss the side of his head one more time for good measure. Your hand moves to push and pull him back one more time but again Dominik just pushes closer to you. He feels cemented to your body and you feel the same way, the start of irritation building inside of you. “Dom I’m not gonna ask you again”, you say in a mildly assertive voice, you rub up and down his arms attempting to coax him off of you.
“No”, his voice is muffled and you almost thought you imagined it. “What?”, you question him, no longer rubbing his arms, your body goes stiff from under him. He doesn't answer, most likely holding onto you with his eyes wide realizing what he had said. His arms finally slouch off of you but one of his hands slipped into yours. He lifted his head up only to be met with your icy look. “ What did you just say?”, you ask him to repeat himself but he only looks away avoiding your gaze.
You tug roughly on his hand, pulling his attention back to you, his arms flexing. His eyes are looking everywhere but towards you, but when he does meet your eyes he can't find it in him to look away. The simple tense look you give him makes him crumble, “I- I’m sorry baby”. He slipped the pet name in there to try and get back into your good graces but your hand tightens against him and he knows he dug his grave deeper.
You tug on his hand one more time, this time pulling him closer to you for a chaste kiss against his lips, “I’ll see you at the hotel”, you say before giving him one more parting kiss. Even when you were upset you could never leave Dominik without a sweet kiss to show that you love him. Without saying another word you leave, shutting the door behind you Dominik sighs instantly. To be dramatic being around you was like a breath of fresh air for him, your leaving was similar to taking his air supply.
So impatiently after work, Dominik was waiting for you at the hotel in a tank top and only his boxers, hoping for you to come back soon. And soon you walked into the room, dropping your bags by the door not bothering to put your stuff away. You walk toward Dominik on the bed, tying your hair up except for two strands of hair framing your face, “You know what to do”, are the first words you say to Dominik. Instantly he was pulling his clothes off, his dick already half hard from the 5 words that he knew so well.
Once you discarded all your clothes you climbed on the bed and then into his lap, skin on the skin making Dominik shudder from beneath you, his eyes gleaming in excitement. You straddle his waist and you lean down, one inch away from his face, your breath cascading against his lips, so close he could practically feel the plush of your soft lips against his. You can't help but grin and let one of your hands run down his smooth chest, feeling the quick rise and fall, “You really didn't think it would be that easy did you?”. Dominiks once excited breathes now shakes and his hands are itching to push your head down, but he doesn’t want to face those consequences.
You don't know the real reason why he was being so clingy but after tonight…You let yourself sink down onto his cock, that familiar small stretch and full feeling washing over you instantly. Dominik felt his hips jolt up at the warm wet feeling around his cock and his mouth dropped open with a small groan. Every inch that you sunk down on Dominik saw stars, “F-fuck”, he sinks into the pillow, his adams apple bobbing as he swallows his short moans.
You let yourself imagine rocking back and forth on his cock, your clit dragging across his pelvis but you again know that it would be too easy. You sit fully on his cock, your walls clenching around him. Dominik’s eyes widen and his small moans constrict to a halt at the realization, that this was his punishment. For you this was too easy, sitting on top of him feeling full and relaxed, so much so you could lull off to sleep. But for Dominik, it was equivalent to torture, not being able to thrust up inside of you, your body naturally bouncing.
He shakes his head at first, his nails almost digging into the side of your waist, “No no, anything but this. Mami please not this-”, he rambles on only to be cut off by his own strangled groan from a small shift of your hips. Even a small movement drives him fucking crazy. Minutes pass by without another word from you, you decide to cozy up against Dominik, chest to chest and you let your eyes close fully relaxing. If he wanted to be clingy now he can endure you being the same way to different extents.
His shuttering breaths are hitting your naked shoulder and you wouldn't have it any other way, laying with him inside of you waiting for him to break. And finally, “I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry I can’t take it anymore mami - it hurts baby”, he whispers the last of his sentence, his hands just barely sliding down your back apprehensively.
You sit up with a bounce with a smirk and in an instant, Dom groans louder than before, his hips pushing up into you as his warm cum fills inside of you. “Oh fuck-”, he tosses his head back in embarrassment but also worries for what's to come now. One of your hands is pressed on his stomach holding you up. You can't help but let your eyes flutter closed, enjoying that familiar feeling invading your senses.
When you open your eyes you are met with the sight of Dominik below you are worried, “Just couldn’t help yourself hm?”, you tease embarrassing him further. Dominik flushes a light red already panting heavily. “Guess we will keep going till you can’t anymore”, you say with a glint in your eye making Dominik hard again, and by that, he knew he was in for a long night all over again.
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braidlottie · 6 months
chase you down until you love me.
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pairing: nat scatorccio x pervert!transmasc!reader
summary: when you catch your friend relapsing, the only thing you could do is drive to his motel to talk him out of it. hopefully he won’t mind that you’ve been spying him with a hidden camera.
tags: smut, nsfw, 18+ (minors dni), dom!nat, age gap, fwb?,,, you're basically misty in this scenario lmao, humiliation, dirty talk, fingering, nat slaps you!!, crying, handjob, no aftercare
wc: 628 >:( this is so bad forgive me (the ending especially)
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"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" you exclaimed, chest heaving from running into nat's motel room and throwing the cocaine out of his hands. nat was leaning against the kitchen counter, staring blankly at the wall.
"you just wasted $300 worth of blow." he stared at you now, making you sigh and look at the white powder scattered across the carpet. "look, i'll pay you back. but i couldn't just sit there and watch you destroy your life."
nat's eyebrows furrowed, watching you look back and forth between him and the owl. "watch me?"
he takes the statue in his hands and throws it down, smashing it on the ground and startling you. he picks up the wireless camera among the debris, holding it up to his face with an agonizing look.
"you were spying on me?" he tilted his head to the side.
"is that what you were doing, you little pervert?"
"i was just trying to protect you!" you lied terribly, digging yourself a deeper grave.
"stop it. how do i- how can i trust you? you're so full of shit!"
nat took a breath, gripping the roots of his hair. "knowing how fucking weird you are, you're probably getting off on this right now."
you didn't even try to protest. nat scoffed, a playful smirk playing on his face.
"you nasty little shit. c'mere." you didn't want to, but you knew nat would make you. you were walking a little too slow for his liking, making him push you up against the counter, your head almost hitting the cabinet behind you.
"you watched me all day, didn't you? i was your own little source of entertainment. watching me and kevyn fuck? i bet you liked that. i know you did." he hissed. "i want you to admit it."
when he got no answer, you weren't expecting a giant slap across the face. "answer me."
"mm- i did like it. seeing you fuck him. i- i wanted it to be me."
there was silence between the two of you before nat spoke again. "you sick little freak."
his words filled with venom and humiliation seemed to get to you, a tear making its way down your cheek. "oh, don't cry now. i thought you wanted this." he got even closer, your noses were almost touching. his hand reached your belt, the buckle as he loosened it, his green eyes staring you down like a hawk.
he felt you squirm, making him hold you firmer in place. once your pants were unbuttoned, he was met with your boner forming a tent in your boxers.
the waistband snapped back before he pulled down, you gasping from the cold air that hit your cock. "natty…"
"god, you're so fucking pathetic." he watched your tdick twitch up every so often from his words. he spit on his hand, coating your dick in it before stroking you.
"yeah… finally getting what you've always wanted. your little cock in my hand." your moans whiny and cracky at his words, trying to rock your hips into him. you sniffed, eyes still teary as the pressure in your stomach blew up like a balloon. "natty, 'm close.."
"aww, you gonna cum for me? gonna make a big mess?" he was so condescending, smiling at the tears streaming down your face. you just nodded, looking up at him with big, glossy eyes. "poor little boy, keeping this in for so long." he pinched your nipple, kissing around the bud. he stopped all of his movements when he heard your final cry, ruining your orgasm.
"what a fucking mess you are." nat looked at your cum stain that dripped onto your boxers. "now get out. and take your fucking camera with you."
taglist:@t4tnat @jaywritessometimes @girltwinklater @kessellluvr @lotties-ashwagandha @shipmanisms
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
🗑️ tentacle octopus monster/God Simon and scuba diver Johnny.
Johnny is down on his luck decides to visit the beach. Every weekend, he goes out there and searches under the waves for any kind of treasure, something he can sell for a quick buck or two, but the entire place is riddled with garbage: plastic bags, soda cans, he'll he even found toothbrushes.
So Johnny sets up a plan: clean up the beach. Sure, it's less profitable, but he's going to have to take out the trash before finding anything worthwhile underneath, he'll, he might even have his name on a local newspaper if he did a good job (I imagine Johnny craving praise like crazy, even if it's an obscure source like the newspaper or a headline that most people won't even read)
So he starts on the far side of the beach and slowly cleans up the sand, then he goes further under the water and cleans there too.
He notices that whenever he rescues animals caught in plastic, or picks up the metals lying on the local reef, the fish will sometimes crowd a few meters away to watch him. It's the cutest thing Johnny's ever seen, and it drives him to keep going.
Eventually, months have passed and it's gotten to the point where Johnny's having trouble finding anymore trash lying around. The fish are comfortable around him, and don't hesitate to swim towards him when they see him.
One day though, as he's lazily drifting on top of the small waves in the afternoon, he sees something approaching. He quickly ducks underwater to see what it is, and nearly sighs in relief at seeing the tiny seal swimming towards him.
It's fin is caught on a bag, with thin shoe strings tied around its neck. The poor thing. Johnny tries to get closer, but everytime he makes to approach, the seal moves away.
It gets to the point that Johnny has to grab his diving flippers from the sand and race back into the water to make sure the seal isn't gone.
It's there, watching him and as much as Johnny tries catching it, it dances away from his fingers every time.
He's so focused, that he fails to notices the change in scenery, the growing distance between the waves above and the earth below the water.
It's only when he catches the seal that he notices he doesn't know where he is. Worse yet, they're both swimming in fnt of a terrifyingly large cave, the mouth wide and gaping, only darkness within.
He quickly helps the seal, before letting it go. It swims away, but Johnny is too busy curiously heading towards the cave.
The inside of it is worn smooth by the waves, and it's completely submerged. Johnny decides to check it out for a bit, and once he's sure he's going to run out of air soon, he turns around and heads for the entrance, but tentacles grasp his ankles and drag him deeper within the depths. He struggles, but it's no use.
"Would you look at that." A deep voice resonates from the depths. "Are you the little human cleaning up my domain?"
Johnny hurriedly nods, not sure where this is going.
"Then I suppose my thanks are in order. I am Ghost, and you?"
Johnny can't respond, until the creature laughs at him. "Oh, I forgot." Suddenly, warmth burst onto Johnny's neck, and as he struggled in the creatures hold, suddenly able to breathe, though not by his mouth but through his... Gills?
And the darkness that swallowed his vision is gone, suddenly he can see clearly who is before him: a man from the hips up, and tentacles occupying the space below.
"Poor thing," it (he?) coos in a gravely voice. "You must have worked hard. As thanks, I will graciously allow you to bear my-
(I have no idea if oviposition is too much for you so just imagine Ghost says he's going to let Johnny get his cock which he does and promptly rocks his shit till Johnny passes out)
I have nothing to add to this but you should read Where Moonlight Meets the Sea for merman ghost x soap (not dark) and swimming with sharks for shark ghost x soap (quite dark)
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