#every newsie has started a fire
Race: Remember when you told me not to burn down the lodgehouse?
Jack: You burned down the lodgehouse?
Race: No, I had the fire out almost immediately
Race: This is a success story
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Some Newsies Headcanons
This man 100% pretends to be all brave an tough and then proceeds to cry himself to sleep
Probably afraid of thunderstorms but hides it
Had a horse phase when he was younger (So did Race but not as bad)
Sometimes forgets words for things and decides to make them up (couldn't remember the word for cigar so he yelled at Racetrack not to let Les use his "fire leaf stick")
Still has nightmares about the refuge
That Santa Fe pamphlet is more important to him than most of the people he knows (with the exception of Davey, Les, Crutchie, and Race)
Has threatened to use a lasso to tie Racetrack to the wall at least once, and no, it didn't work
Talks to himself when he's doing things
Can see right through Jack's bullshit/knows when he's pretending to be okay vs when he actually is
Cannot dance but tries
Fidgets with literally anything he can get his hands on
A modern David would cry after watching Dear Evan Hansen
Genuinely doesn't know how to smoke and legit inhaled the smoke and started dying the first time Jack offered a cigar to him
Dresses very formally literally no matter where he's going
Talks about Jack to Sarah because he is very gay and doesn't want advice from his parents
Sometimes questions his gender identity but always forces himself not to think about it because of what his family might think
I will die on the hill that Crutchie is probably an age regressor, but keeps it a secret because this is Newsies and nobody tells anyone anything
Will beat you with his crutch if you insult his friends
Will apologize after hitting someone in a fight
Claims to hate being carried but does kinda like it
Will go to work even if he's dying of an unknown deadly sickness because he feels bad about others helping him
This is pretty much canon at this point I believe but Race is transmasc
Spot is the only one allowed to call him "Racer", he will protest if anyone else calls him that
Always has a cigar purely for the sake of having something in his mouth, not because he smokes it
Got his harmonica taken away by Jack after playing it nonstop at all hours of the night
Spot has offered to let him live in Brooklyn and he just kinda said no because he's fine making the walk every day
Acts like an idiot but is actually really smart
Probably hates basically everything about himself but acts like he's the best to hide it because this is Newsies and nobody tells anyone anything
Seriously all of these characters just need to sit down and have a heart to heart
"I can't wait for anything! The doctors call it ADHD- I call it RDHD, because my name is Racetrack!" (Bonus points if yall get that reference)
A modern Racetrack would show Spot that one song from Raggedy Ann, "It's hard to be king when you're short" and get yelled at
Gets teased constantly for being short
Constantly looks like he wants to unalive the next person he sees
Steals Racetrack's hat to annoy him
Racetrack compared him to one of those small yappy dogs once and Spot now thinks about it constantly
Aggressively kind to the people he cares about ("DRINK WATER AND GET SOME FUCKING SLEEP, I FUCKING LOVE YOU")
Refuses to explain why he ran away from his family
Despises his real name because "it sounds like an old man name"
Anyways that's all :)
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baura-bear · 1 year
I just want to write out all the little details I noticed about newsies because they played a big part in what made the show amazing. I tried not to mention stuff I’ve seen in other posts and focus on more specific moments and interactions I liked but also I liked it all so there are a lot. Enter at your own risk I suppose? also this is a conglomerate of the three shows I saw (I sat in Manhattan, Flushing, and Brooklyn)
Act One!
These boys genuinely appear OUT OF NOWHERE?? I was sitting in Manhattan watching Race and suddenly SPECS IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME SINGING IN MY FACE
HENRY SWINGING IN?? people have called it a zipline but it’s more like he’s doing a Tarzan swing in
throughout the entire show there are boys sleeping every where between numbers
Santa Fe (Prologue)
Jack has drawings pinned up all over the penthouse!! a few of them were close ups of faces or full body portraits (I couldn’t see them all)
Crutchies “No I wanna go down” line is so much sassier (let’s be honest Matthew Duckett’s Crutchie is 10x more chaotic than any I’ve ever seen) instead of rushing through it it’s more like “No. I want to go down” *points at ladder to emphasize*
“Hop a palomino you’re ridin’ in style!” :DD
Crutchie whistles to wake up the newsies and it was so loud 
Things I noticed in Carrying the Banner (and there is a lot)
when it’s first starting and a few of the boys are still up in Brooklyn Jojo dropped his hat so Mike picked it up and put it on top of his hat then shared a laugh with me and saluted before Jojo ran by and stole his hat back
“ Hey look! It’s bath time at the zoo!” *cue Henry really aggressively scratching his crotch then cleaning his face with same towel* 
“Who asked you!?” Someone slingshots a newspaper at Albert and it’s supposed to hit him but one night it flew into the audience so Albert turned around and said something like “I’m so sorry about him”
“Any banker bum or barber!” I couldn’t tell who but one newsies goes behind Specs and accidentally chokes him with a towel (pretending to be  a barber)
When they’re all just being boys!!! Henry and a few other newsies play cards, Tommy Boy plays soccer with a wad of newspapers as a ball and Jojo, Splasher and one other newsie play jump rope (Splasher does a backflip while doing so, Ross Dorrington supremacy)
At one point Tommy Boy sits on the front of the stage and lights a match just to watch it burn? he was very entranced by the fire I will say
“waitin’ makes me antsy” line is actually directed at the nuns which I never realized until watching this
“Though you wander lost and afraid” idk if Jamie D-C’s newsie has a name but he nods and says “I am always wandering” while Tommy Boy very proudly shows his cross to the nuns 
“All I can catch is fleas” then proceeds to pick one off say “Ooo!! A juicy one!” and throw it at another newsie
While Crutchie is handing out papers he is an absolute menace “PAPER PAPER WHO WANTS ONE?!!!!” then proceeds to throw it on people in Brooklyn who aren’t even looking at him (they were very confused, by the time they looked back to see where it had come from he was gone) He threw his paper at everyone and then saw me (in Crutchie cosplay) and very politely handed it to me “here you go! :)” LMAO
While Jack’s running from the Delancey’s Crutchie yells “Run Jackie!!”
wheeee slide
Ryan Kopel his embodiment of Davey is *chefs kiss* very fidgety: tapping thumbs together, wringing hands, rubbing fingers together, wiping hands on pants/balling the fabric of his pants up in his hands. His hands are always either tensed or moving no matter where they are. has a habit of putting his hands behind his back (and looking collected) but that boy is still fidgeting
Crutchie death stares Davey which makes him look back (to make sure Crutchie isn’t looking at someone else) and then awkwardly shuffle around him (keeping eye contact at all times) as he and Les try to get into line
Morris takes Davey’s 20th pape and hides it behind his back before handing it back to Oscar
Race blows smoke into Davey’s face and I wish I had a video of Davey’s reaction cause oh my god
As everyone is trying to convince Davey to sell with Jack Davey is hugging his newspapers to his chest like his life depends on keeping them safe 
the way Davey says “that’s dizz-guhsting”
After Specs and Splasher get their papes they run off stage to the stairs between Woodside and Flushing “Hiya Splasher! anything good?” “Hey Specs!” then they read the paper together and it’s very sweet
Bottom Line
Pulitzer is scary I will build on this for act two but that man can yell
also his office is held up by newspapers and I really loved that detail (also newsies push it onto the stage very  ✨symbolic ✨)
“Football. VIOLENT?!”
Bottom Line has never been one of my top songs (and still isn’t) but I really liked it in this production Cameron Blakely has an amazing voice (they all do) and I just really loved the way this song sounded 
Also Bobbie’s Hannah is very much anti-Pulitzer and it makes the character very funny. like she realizes he’s a man with power and is intimidated by him but she definitely sides with the newsies more it’s very funny
Davey tries selling papes to the audience “buy a paper? anyone want a paper? oh- no not for you.” sir you can’t be picky with your customers
“Buy a pape from a poor orphan boy?” Davey rushes forward saying “Oh, no! he’s not a-” and Jack runs up and turns Davey around and walks him away from Les
Les and Davey interactions overall are so pure and sweet. Davey constantly has his himself wrapped around Les from behind, hugging him or holding onto his shoulders. He also looks absolutely astounded by Les, 200% of the time it’s just Davey watching Les like :O
“Come home with us? Uh- I mean- for dinner!” Davey. Why else would Jack have gone home with you  🤔🤔🤔🤔
Medda’s theater
When Davey notice’s Les looking at the Bowery beauties he’s so embarrassed good lord. He’s so jumpy and he gives the beauties a very quick apologetic look (very hesitant to look at them) and says “thatstheircostume!!” turning Les around away from them. 
The beauties put a feather in Les’ hat. 
Specs is helping set up the theater and completely drops the backdrop on Medda’s theater worker 
“Take it easy it’s a bunch of trees” Davey jumps in very quickly and eagerly “NO you’re really!!... I mean- uh... you’re really good” Ryan Kopel was successful in making Davey the gayest boy on this planet
While Les and Davey watch the show Ryan did not even try to sit like a straight person. First show he was sitting side-saddle with his hands laying on top of one another on his thigh like a freaking disney princess, second show he was crisscross with his hands clasped together, last show he was on his knees with his palms together like praying hands in between his knees 
boys at the front of the stage fight over which one Medda’s referring to (”she was talking to me!!” “no she was talking to me!!”) Tommy Boy then turns around and high fives another newsie
I never planned on you Jack literally crawls over Katherine’s lap, basically sitting on her for a brief moment to get to the other side of the box
“they got a mother? I was gonna get me one of those” the way Race says it is much more resentful rather than playful and he actually glares at Davey
during the formation of the strike Davey tries to hold back Les from joining the other boys when Les runs of Davey tries to grab him but obviously doesn’t succeed and instead he takes a few steps back, turning away from the strike and is very tense/fidgety as he hears them talk about what to do
when Jack asks Davey who tells Pulitzer there’s a really long pause and he clearly doesn’t want to give in to the strike “I- I guess... you do... Mr. President” almost annoyed that he’s letting himself give in
“Who wants Brooklyn?” Crutchie hides in his hat and holds his cross up towards Jack to ward him off
when Katherine enters and her and Jack have their little back-and-forth all the newsies are jeering and oohing and awing but Davey doesn’t have reactions like that he’s really carefully watching Katherine like he’s trying to figure her out (or maybe he’s just jealous about Jack ._.)
“me thinks the lady needs to be handled by a” snaps suspenders “real man”
When Davey says “I’d say we save any exclusive for a real reporter” it’s actually off to the side with Jack and he’s clearly trying to make it so that Katherine can’t hear (he looks at Katherine then back to Jack and kind of whispers ‘real reporter’)
End of Act One
unfortunately Crutchie does not say fuck he says folks 
Newsies zoom in on Katherine’s swivel chair and she thanks them :)
while Jack is tryng to persuade the scabs one of the is fully crying with tears running down his cheeks and you can’t tell because he’s staring at the ground hiding under his hat until the last second he looks up to the sky and then decides to throw his paper down(I couldn’t tell who it was but it wasn’t Splasher and it wasn’t Tommy Boy so if anyone knows who the third scab is, it was them... It might’ve been Buttons??)
Crutchie also starts tearing up a this point and pulls out his rosary to say a prayer
I haven’t really seen anyone talk about this but there’s a part in Seize the Day (I think.... it might’ve been in the world will know I forget) where all the newsies run up and form a triangle and yell out their names. It starts with Jack and Davey, Jack is very sure of himself and yells out his name at center stage then Davey looks around, runs up to join Jack, looks at Jack to see what to do then takes off his hat, does a little straightening tie motion and sheepishly says “Davey”
Les ascends
Matthew Duckett really loves ripping your heart out. Coughing as he’s dragged off. He calls out to Finch and another newsie to help but when he realizes it’s futile and hears Jack call his name he yells for Jack to run instead of save him
SANTA FE GOOD LORD the windows behind Jack light up yellow to make the moon of Santa Fe and it has an amazing effect especially if you’re in the middle aisle of the theater.
Act Two!!
before act two even began when I was in Flushing I could hear them tapping backstage and it made me very happy
King Of New York
The energy of KoNY is so insane that every single time I saw it by then end I was grinning and giggling so much so that I completely forgot letter to the refuge until Crutchie is sat on stage and I went from :D to o_o in a split second
“In the pape and you ain’t even dead!”
I’m sure everyone knows by now that they swing on the lamps and pretend the tables are cars but I don’t know if you’ve been told how terrifying it is to be front row during KoNY because one wrong move and you will get a tap foot in the face. Where I was sat for two performances I had Damon and Matt swinging over me and it is exhilarating but all I could think is if I stand up rn I would get knocked out. 
Race goes over to Davey and turns his hat sideways
when everyone’s clearing the chairs and tables at the end Race yelled “‘Ey Specs!” and pointed to a chair and Specs replied “The numbers over I can do what I want!” and I just thought that fourth wall break was funny 
Letter From the Refuge
“Cause so far they ain’t brung us no food” there was particularly loud laughter from Woodside so Crutchie turned towards them and said “heh, thanks,” then wrote down “ha. ha.”
Mike sleeping with his head in Jojo’s lap
Specs comes to take the letter from Crutchie and then Mike helps Crutchie off stage (he falls on his way off and has a coughing fit why does Matthew insist on destroying me)
Watch What happens (Reprise)
Davey is so bouncy and so much looser and just like you can really tell he has been fully accepted into the newsies inner circle it’s so cute I love it so much oh my god
“there’s no escaping us pal! we. are.” punches air “inevitable!”
when Davey tells everyone that Jack’s painting is of Santa Fe Jack looks like he doesn’t want Davey to tell anyone which I think is really interesting. Like Jack has almost reserved this dream of Santa Fe to those closest and he doesn’t want anyone else getting too close?? idk it was just a really interesting look 
Bottom Line (Reprise)
Pulitzer’s ���Sit” isn’t directed towards Katherine and instead is directed towards Snyder, Katherine actually runs off behind the scaffolding and watches the scene unfold while she’s hidden away
*sing songy* “He’s asked to see you” with funky lil’ finger pointing
Jack dusting off Pulitzers steps to sit down
“And if they know me. THEY KNOW I DON’T CARE!!!! MARK MY WORDS BOY” like I said,,,,, Pulitzer is very scary.
Brooklyn’s Here/Strike Rally
I love them so much
when Davey goes up to speak after everyone’s chanting for Jack he gulps and looks around and says “ohmygod” quietly to himself and lets out a little nervous laugh as he realizes how many boys are staring at him
As Jack tries to persuade the newsies to disband the union Davey tries to stop him multiple times “Jack please- Jack. Stop-” and while everyone gets mad at Jack, Davey is almost trying to defend him and talk him out of it. that is until Jack pushes Les to the floor and Davey grabs him, turning Jack around by the shoulder “What are you doing Jack??” and points at Les on the ground before helping him up and running off away from Jack
Mack holds Spot back from probably killing Jack
The rest of the show because I don’t have enough notes to separate by song at this point
Jack and Katherine’s hug during something to believe in enough to make me start shipping Jatherine
During once and for all Katherine and Jack hold hands and Jack puts a hand on Davey’s shoulder while they sing the first little part and at one point Jack grabs Davey’s arm and pulls him in but on the last performance Michael missed Ryan’s arm completely and instead succeeded in pulling him in by the waist (the Javey shipper in me was screaming)
when they’re throwing the banners to each other Romeo fumbled and almost dropped a stack and when I tell you I nearly had a heart attack watching him try to keep it going 
“These kids put out a pretty good paper!” Hannah goes over to Pulitzer and see’s he’s not impressed so quickly changes route to hide by Bunsen 
“Guys like Joe don’t talk to nobodies like us” they’re sitting on the desk together very close to each other jack has an arm around Davey and Davey tilts his head and gives Pulitzer the sweetest smile
When jack shakes hands with Roosevelt Davey’s eyes go wide and he puffs up his cheeks, restraining himself from rushing over but when Jack turns around he runs up and Jack has to push him back a little as they both try to act normal 
“Oh please your highness!” small group of newsies at the front of the stage giggle to each other
“What’s Santa Fe got that New York Ain’t? Sandstorms?”
a small interaction I loved was at the end while Katherine and Jack are talking about Jack’s next plans: Crutchie, Davey and Les are all reading a newspaper together and they all look so confused, pointing at a certain article and talking amongst themselves trying to figure out what it means. Crutchie’s holding the paper too high so Les stands on his tip toes to see it which prompts Crutchie to tilt it down for him
Katherine gets a newsies cap!
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auspicious-manner · 2 years
ngl I keep coming back each day to read your stories, they are really good! can you do another story on newsies era mike faist and the reader? thank you :)
thank you so much, it means a lot :) even though i don’t update daily anymore, lol. although, i was better about it this week, and it only took me 6 days to update instead of 7, go me! small improvement!
female reader x mike faist
warnings: none
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I’m So Tired
“dude, open the door!” a voice sounded from the outside of Y/N’s apartment door.
“gosh, give me like five seconds!” she yelled back as she finished packing her backpack to head to the theater.
there was a long pause. “it’s been longer than five seconds!”
she grabbed her bag and flung the door open to find an impatient mike looking down at her disheveled state.
“my goodness, you are insufferable.”
mike raised an eyebrow. “i’m insufferable? you’re the one who has made us behind today. we’re going to be late because of you.”
Y/N walked out of her apartment and turned to lock the door. “we’re going to be just fine, stop being so dramatic.”
Y/N and mike had a very close bond. after being cast in newsies together, with mike as morris and the understudy of jack kelly and Y/N as hannah and a bowery beauty, they became best friends due to constantly being together. every day, they would commute to the nederlander theatre together. mike lived further into the city, so he would drive his car to Y/N’s apartment building, park it in the street, and together they would take the subway.
with mike being a year older than Y/N, a lot of their debates resulted in mike trying to act as an older figure to her, with her firing back and saying something snarky like, “you’re not my dad”. given the fact that both of them had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, their personalities fit together like two puzzle pieces. not only that, but their relationship was full of constant play-flirting that both of them though was based strictly off of friendship.
“i’m going on as jack today,” mike told her as they walked down the busy streets of new york.
Y/N yawned. “no kidding? that’s cool.”
mike sighed. “you could have just told me you didn’t care.”
Y/N quickly looked at him, realizing her yawn came off the wrong way. “i didn’t mean that sarcastically, really. i didn’t have time to make coffee today and i barely got any sleep because my neighbors dog was screeching all night,” she stopped walking, resulting in mike also coming to a stop. he stared at her sunken eyes. “i’m so unbelievably tired.”
mike nodded and continued walking. “i get it. if it makes you feel any better, we’ll share at least a little bit of stage time today since i’m going on as jack,” he said with a hopeful grin.
“ugh, that does not help my mood.”
the pair continued to the station, safely got on the subway, and headed off. on the subway, Y/N’s eyes began to flutter as if she was fighting off sleep. she’s pretty sure at some point she actually did manage to fall asleep on the short ride to their stop.
“are you… sleeping?” mike asked when he saw her head slumped to the side. he pushed her arm gently and she shot up.
“are you okay? i don’t think i’ve ever seen you this tired,” he asked her with real concern.
“i’m fine, i promise. i just didn’t get a lot of sleep, that’s all.”
mike stared back at her, not fully believing it. he put his hand to her forehead. “you feel a little warm. do you have a fever?”
“who knows, i might,” she started, being interrupted by a yawn. “i’ll just take a nap in my dressing room before i have to get ready, then i’ll be brand new.”
mike sighed. “Y/N, you are one tough cookie.”
they got off at their stop and walked into the beautiful nederlander theatre. sometimes they still couldn’t believe they did this for a living. the feeling of walking into the empty theater never changed, even after performing hundreds of shows.
they signed in and separated to their dressing rooms to prepare. she got to her shared dressing room early and was able to squeeze in a short hour of sleep before being awoken by her cast mates.
“Y/N, if you don’t get ready now you’ll never be ready in time for the show,” kara lindsay said, leaning over the girl sleeping on the small couch. she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up.
“this is going to be a long night,” she murmured before getting up and sitting in front of the mirror. she began to pin strands of hair tight against her head in order to prepare for her wig to be placed.
“what’s wrong with you today? you seem off,” kara asked as she did the same thing as Y/N.
“is it really that noticeable?” she asked, resulting in a nod from kara.
“i slept horribly last night, and i think i’m coming down with a cold. i’m just so tired.”
“just think about how rewarding your sleep is going to be when you finish the show tonight. you just have to get through two hours, and you’re free to sleep,” she consoled.
Y/N nodded and yawned. “i guess you’re right.”
she continued getting ready with kara and the other girls who played the nuns and the second bowery beauty by her side. she was friends with kara and merely acquaintances with the girls, but her only close friend out of the entire cast was mike. she hated to admit it, but she almost thought there was something more seriously flirty between the two of them. something beyond the nonchalant play flirting.
as if kara was reading Y/N’s mind, kara cleared her voice and began to speak. “you and mike are together a lot. do you like him?”
Y/N froze. was she going to admit her feelings for mike to kara?
“what? no. we’re just friends, nothing more,” she said, clearly not believing her own words.
kara smiled. “the way you guys look at each other and blush as if on cue isn’t something friends just do. when you guys finally realize there’s something more, give me credit,” she stated confidently before going to the wig room to get her wig placed.
Y/N sat contemplating what kara said, and looked at the three other girls to her side that were too engrossed in their own conversations to really listen to hers. she sat back in her seat and continued her hair, the conversation never leaving her mind.
after completing the process of pinning her hair back and doing her makeup, she got her first wig placed and her hannah costume on. after she was completely ready and waiting for her first call, she laid back down on the couch and closed her eyes.
there was a knock outside the dressing room door. she heard it in her sleep, but didn’t have the energy to answer it.
the knock sounded again, but instead of stopping afterwards, whoever it was came in.
“i-Y/N, are you sleeping again?”
Y/N sat up and saw mike in his jack kelly costume, standing over her.
“yeah, i was sleeping,” she replied, dazed.
“you’re not okay to do the show tonight, you never sleep before we go on like this. you should have called off,” mike said, sitting down next to her.
“i can do it. it sucks, but i’ll be fine. it’s just one show, and then i’m free to sleep in as long as i please tomorrow. i promise i’m just fine, pinky swear,” she said playfully, holding out her pinky.
mike glared at her before rolling his eyes and interlocking his pinky with hers. “i’m trusting you on this one.”
everyone was called to the wings, and mike stood by Y/N. she felt his glance lay on her, but she ignored it and looked onstage where the final props were being set up. she could hear the bustling audience beyond the stage.
mike placed an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, causing her to lean in and rest her head on mike’s shoulder. she could have easily fallen asleep right there.
it was mike’s turn to go on. “good luck buddy, you’ll be great,” she said, patting his back.
“you too, Y/N. don’t fall asleep out there!” he whispered before running to his place.
the show actually went smoothly, to Y/N’s surprise. the roar of the audience gave Y/N a boost of energy, and she was mostly able to get through the show. however, she noticed that any time she sat down in one of pulitzer’s chairs onstage, sleep threatened her again. along side the sleep issue, she felt her cold symptoms beginning to worsen, and her throat became scratchy and her nose was beginning to get stuffed up.
while being one of the bowery beauties, mike and Y/N got at least a few minutes of indirect stage time together. when the show allowed, they made eye contact and Y/N would look back at him, dazed with both tiredness and admiration for her friend.
towards the end of the show, Y/N watched mike perform onstage, and he was magical. he was captivating, and talented, and she wanted nothing more than to watch mike perform for hours. he ran off stage, catching her eyes staring directly at him.
“you okay?” he whispered, leaning close to her ear.
she yawned in response. “all good.”
he laughed before running off. she smiled to herself, feeling oddly giddy. mike was her best friend, why was she feeling excited at mike recognizing her?
finally, after a tiring two hours, it was time for curtain call. Y/N felt like at any time, her body would collapse under the weight of her heavy eyelids coercing her to sleep. she took her bow, and grinned when mike came out on stage as jack kelly. every time he went on as jack, Y/N’s heart fluttered with pride. she wasn’t exactly sure if it was normal for her to feel this strongly about a friend.
she retired to her dressing room, undoing her costume, hair, and makeup as quickly as possible. it took her longer than expected, though, due to her drowsy and slow movements.
all of the other girls finished before her, and she was left alone in her room. she was on her last task: unclipping her head of hair.
“oh gosh, i can’t do this,” she mumbled, resting her head on the table in front of her. luckily, before she could fall asleep at her table, mike barged in the door.
“hey Y/N- oh do not tell me you’re sleeping again,” mike said, standing behind her.
“not this time. i was close,” she lifted her head up and looked at mike through the mirror in front of her. “i just want to go home. i don’t even have the energy to take my hair out of the clips.”
mike thought about it, hesitated, and spoke up. “if you want me to, i can unclip it for you. you can rest your head for a little bit and i’ll get your hair done, okay?”
Y/N blushed. “would you?”
mike smiled back. “anytime. now, head down.”
she rested her head on her arms in front of her, and dozed off into a very light sleep. she knew mike was still talking to her, but she couldn’t decipher it or reply.
mike patted the back of her head. “all done,” mike exclaimed. “now, if you don’t hurry, we’ll miss our ride and i don’t think you want that.”
Y/N stood up slowly, finding it hard to walk due to her exhaustion. they made it outside of the theater, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to walk the few blocks to the station.
“mike?” she asked softly. matching her energy, he turned around and gave her a gentle look.
“what’s up?” he asked.
“c-can you carry me?”
mike tried to hide his red cheeks. “yeah, of course, but just this once. you’re crazy if you think i’ll be doing this for you every day.”
Y/N laughed and jumped on his back. “don’t worry about it, i won’t ask again.”
she got herself situated in a piggyback position on mike, and he carried her to their station. she rested her head comfortably on his back, and the sound of his breathing quickly lulled her to sleep. the only time she was awake was when mike set her down at the station and when they arrived at their destination. on the subway, she rested her head on mike’s shoulder and took a power nap.
Y/N instinctively got onto mike’s back again after they got out of the station, and he carried her all the way to her apartment door.
“i’ll get you settled inside, and then i’m going to head out,” mike said as Y/N unlocked her door.
“you can stay. your shoulder and back was comfy to sleep on,” she said, surprising herself with how bold she was being.
“are you sure? i don’t want to interrupt your sleep.”
Y/N stopped in the middle of her bedroom as mike told her this. “dude, i literally fell asleep on you multiple times tonight. you help me sleep,” she replied.
“if you say so,” he said, smiling lightly.
they got into bed, and unbeknownst to the other, they were smiling at the thought of sharing a bed together.
Y/N laid her head on mike’s chest, and he placed his arm around her.
“is this okay?” she asked, not wanting to overstep her boundaries.
he grazed her shoulder with his fingertips. “it’s perfect.”
“goodnight mike,” she said, already half asleep in his arms.
“goodnight Y/N,” he whispered back. she swore she heard a small “i love you” from mike, but before she could decide if she did or not, she was passed out cold.
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bythenarrative · 8 days
You said your asks were open if they still are New Mexico headcanons please lol
This is in no way forcing you to do it if you can’t so please don’t feel forced or rushed!
YEEES!!! yea of course!! i adore NM i think about him sm... i dunno if i have many hcs, but i will share mine ^_^
New Mexico HCs!
He's only of the only states that can genuinely handle spice. The vast majority of the statehouse is absolutely awful at handling spice, but New Mexico can just..eat raw peppers with no reaction.
He absolutely hates when the theater loving states sing Santa Fe from Newsies. It makes him want to start swinging. When New York sings it? God he's plugging his ears, and grabbing a bat to smack him.
Smokey The Bear is actually from New Mexico! So I think this guy has Smoke The Bear merch for DAYS! He's a huge fan dude. Only you can prevent forest fires .
He's one of the youngest states! Seeing as New Mexico is one of the "newest" states, he's super young.
It surprises a lot of people, but New Mexico is actually extremely artistic! He's constantly found painting and sketching. He typically paints / draws landscapes and flowers. He absolutely adores how nature looks, and wants to preserve it in paper.
He switches between English and Spanish often. It's a bilingual struggle. Often when he's upset, he'll begin shouting in English, and then it turns into a jumbled mix of Spanish and English.
He believes in UFOs, and aliens! A UFO crashed in Roswell in 1947, and he's been extremely passionate about it ever since! He talks about it all the time.
He's got a large scar on his back, a circular explosion scar! This is from when the first atomic bomb was created, and then detonated as a test in New Mexico.
He has a love / hate relationship with Breaking Bad. He absolutely hates that it's currently what he's known for. Every time that he hears where Walter White lives he goes fucking insane. Oh that boy just goes crazy.
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fell-outta-my-chair · 29 days
another newsies-related-song-analysis cause these are seriously so much fun!! If you have any suggestions, pls let me know. Lyrics are in red :)
Repeat Until Death by Novo Amor as Crutchie
Low, a part of me now/A palm to my mouth/I said it, almost Crutchie is a firey, menace to society. The newsies seem to be the only people who know that, but even they had a hard time figuring it out. Because of his disability, people assumed that he always needed help with things, and Crutchie hated it. So he worked extra hard to show them that he could do it on his own and prove that he was just as disrespectful, just as rowdy, just as Newises-like as the rest of them, maybe worse. There were many times where his mouth and mind started fights his body couldn’t finish, making the other newsie, mostly Jack, step in and pull him away.
Snow, brother, I'll bet it all gold/Shudder with blood in my nose/I had it, almost Durning the Seize the Day fight, he gets beaten by the Delanceys (I’m sure you guys know the scene), but before calling out for help, he gets a few hits on them. Obviously, it’s not good enough and they’re basically fine. He already has the voices of hundreds of people telling him he’s not strong enough, so going into the refuge with the though that he’s not strong enough to make it out is already on his mind.
Don't go, you're half of me now/But I'm hardly stood proud/I said it, almost Crutchie’s only hope in the refuge is that someone rescues him. When he first arrives, he had fire in him. Yes, he’s just been beaten up;(did I use that right? I don’t thinks so, not the point) he’s tired, hurt and scared behind belief, but he had faith that his brothers will win. He believes that they are going to come and break him out. That belief in them is enough to keep him going, enough to fuel a defiance within him, which only leads to his body being broken more. Even so, his body is broken, but not his mind.
Oh, I've been low/But dammit, I bet it don't show/It was heaven a moment ago/Oh, I had it almost/We had it almost As time goes on in the refuge, the same mind that couldn’t be broken begins to crack. He begins to lose faith in the newsies, that they’re coming back for him. Instead, he begins to pray that an angle kills him in the night, that he’ll chock on the little water he’s given, that he’ll make it to the roof top where he can jump… the fire inside him that wouldn’t stop burning days before goes out almost completely.
Oh, I can't seem to let myself leave you/But I can't breathe anymore/Oh, I can't seem to not need to need you/And I can't breathe anymore Even with that, every time he tries to escape the refuge in one of the ways I said before, he can’t seem to do it. There’s something stopping him from crawling to the window and jumping out: the newsies. Despite not believing that they’re coming for him, every time he tries, the thinks of the boys he’s leaving behind and everything they’ve been through together. So instead of escaping, he cries until he can’t breathe or someone tells his to shut up.
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leading-manhattan · 10 days
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Chapter One | Chapter Two
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Actually stepping over the bridge into Brooklyn immediately puts a damper on the jovial atmosphere the boys crafted during their walk over. Nothing changes, not really, but slipping into someone else's territory makes the streets feel much more sinister. His boys were never eager to step foot in Brooklyn on a good day so it doesn't help that any and all alliances Manhattan may have had were certainly on unsettled ground at best. Even Racetrack quiets down, wary eyes flicking this way and that as he tries to keep an eye out for anything that may try to get the drop of them. Jack feels like he's walking to his execution for the third time in the past week and it's a feeling he's really starting to resent. He can't help it, he knows he's not safe here. It would've been nice to feel less like prey. "Keep your heads up, boys," Jack sniffs, eyes scanning every alley they pass. Part of the problem with trying to get to the Brooklyn lodge while it's empty is knowing that in turn all the Brooklyn boys had to still be out on the streets. They could get cornered at any second but Jack would be damned if they came all the way here only to never make it to Spot at all.  
"Are you really that scared of Brooklyn?" Davey glances around at each of them curiously. He'd been to Brooklyn, he'd watched Spot Conlon command a room filled with well over a hundred boys with little more than a way of his hands, but Jack understands that he'd never seen a boy beat by Brooklyn before. There was a healthy intimidation that kept Dave subdued as they walked through the streets but he couldn't understand the spark of fear planted in the rest of their chests. Manhattan and Brooklyn had never been on such poor terms before and Jack really hoped to remedy the relationship between the boroughs before any of his boys got jumped just for being associated with a rat like him.
"It ain't a good idea to be on Brooklyn's bad side." Sniper grumbles. The seasoned newsies pointedly leave it at that. Davey looks like he wants to push, his need to know never sated, but luckily he keeps his trap shut.
They make it to the boarding house without any issue and while that should be a relief it only succeeds in feeding the anxiety curdling in Jack's stomach. His chest constricts and it has nothing to do with his healing ribs. It's unusual how empty the streets are. Regular passersby were still bustling about but there wasn't a newsie in sight as they made their way deeper and deeper into enemy territory. That alone puts Jack even more on edge. Spotting just a handful of newsies here and there, sure, but not a single one? It left a bitter taste in Jack's mouth that screamed at him trap. He shoots a quick look back at Racer as they stop a block or so away from the Brooklyn lodging house and the wariness in Racetrack's eyes and the furrow between his brows confirms that he's just as suspicious as Jack is.
"Theys waitin' for us," Sniper breaks the heavy silence, not tearing his eyes away from the boarding house standing tall and mighty in front of them. Sniper rolls his shoulders back and cracks his knuckles as if he'd have any chance at taking a whole building full of Brooklyn boys. The protective fire burning in his eyes is like a soothing balm over Jack's fraying nerves regardless. He realizes in the safety of his own mind that he hadn't been too sure whether or not they'd find him worthy to defend if things went to shit. It's unfair and illogical and a bunch of other things Davey would say if he shared that thought out loud. He knows they forgave him for what he did but he also knew that despite that plenty of his boys were still harboring some bitterness spawned from his intentional sabotage. Just because they forgave him doesn't mean they wouldn't get some satisfaction out of seeing him knocked around a bit. That was only fair if you asked Jack.
"Must've had a lookout." Albert fidgets, his uncertainty plastered clear across his face alongside his determination.
"If they let us get this far they must want to talk though, right?" Dave interjects hopefully, swallowing thickly as the understanding that they could be in serious danger starts to settle into his bones. Davey wasn't a fighter, not really. He'd throw a punch if he had to but he'd throw it wrong and land it worse. Once they finish this damn strike Jack's gonna have to teach the beanpole how to fight if he's gonna keep handing around a trouble magnet like Manhattan.
"Maybe." Racetrack offers distractedly, eyes narrowed as he stares daggers at the boarding house. "Or theys just wanted us to be in too deep to run." Dave's face pales significantly and Jack reaches over to smack Race on the shoulder. Racetrack shrugs helplessly and Jack sighs. It's not like he's wrong, it's a possibility, but it'd do them no good to psych Dave out before they even stepped through the doors.
"You ain't gotta come with us," Jack turns soft eyes to Davey. Davey who's rushed to Jack's side time and time again to pull him out of the dark. Jack didn't want to see him get hurt again because of something Jack dragged him into and he certainly didn't want Dave to think it was expected of him. Jack didn't want anything between them to feel like an obligation.
Davey looks outright offended at the implication and his hand shoots out to tenderly brush against Jack's, "I'm not going anywhere." He swears, steadfast. Jack melts, a small smile pulling at his lips despite the looming sense of doom that lingers over them.
"Alright sweethearts, let's get this movin'," Racetrack teases earning a snicker from Albert and a smirk from Sniper. The mood lightens for a brief moment and they all share a fond laugh even as Jack reaches over again to gently smack Race upside the head. Jack spots the moment Racetrack realizes he's overstepping, eyes widening and mouth popping open to form a small 'o' when he remembers how Jack had shut down Albert earlier. Still, Dave cracks a smile, hesitant but real.
Dread flares through Jack as he turns back to the boarding house and he hates the genuine fear that bleeds into him the longer he stares. His mind flashes involuntarily to the World and then, worse, that horrible cellar. He suddenly feels so trapped, cornered by predators, even surrounded by the open air out on the streets of New York. His breath hitches and he squeezes his eyes shut against the memories clawing for his attention. God, what's wrong with him, he hasn't even gone inside and he's already losing it. Warmth touches his hand and panic floods through him— who was touching him? Don't, please— until nimble fingers intertwine so softly with his own. Jack's head snaps down and he gapes at the hand holding his own so boldly out in the open like this. His eyes trail up the arm attached until he meets Davey's worried gaze and Dave squeezes his hand reassuringly. It's astonishingly grounding and like magic the haunting memories of the cellar are brushed to the back of his mind. They still writhe, desperate to be acknowledged, but it's so much easier to root himself in the present with Davey's hand clasped in his own. Jack nods curtly and sets his jaw. He slips his hand hesitantly from Davey's before dragging himself forward through sheer force of will. His instincts beg him to get out while he still can but he forces one foot after the other.
There's no resistance as they slip in through the front doors but the second they walk in they're surrounded. The lobby of the Brooklyn lodging is different than the one in Manhattan. First and foremost it's bigger. Not by too much but they house a lot more bodies here and the building was built to accommodate the size of the borough. Aside from that it's furnished with ratty, broken couches clearly taken off the streets scattered around and pressed against the walls. There are dozens upon dozens of boys packed tightly onto the cushions and standing around the room, all dressed in splashes of red with arms crossed to display their muscles. It's a clear threat of what's to come if any of them so much as breathe wrong and Jack is frighteningly aware of how little pull he has here. The best he'd be able to do if things went south was tell his boys to run and even then he doesn't think a single damn one of them would listen to him.
"You gotta lot of nerve showin' up 'round here," Spot's familiar voice cuts through the crowd and Jack easily finds him lounging in the back of the room. Spot's sat on the back of one of the couches, raising him up, and he looks down at Jack with a dark expression, feigning disinterest but painted with licks of flame. Jack expected Spot to be pissed, he had every right to be, but he hadn't expected to be greeted with such a show of hostility and strength. Spot tilts his head, obviously sizing Jack up, and for the first time since his quality time with Snyder and the Delanceys Jack wishes his injuries were more visible. "Clear out," Spot commands. For a second no one moves and Jack thinks that maybe the rest of the Brooklyn boys are just as shocked as Jack himself. Who was he kidding, they had probably just been looking forward to getting their shot in. "Did yous not hear me? Out." Spot growls and promptly sends the room into chaos. Jack forces himself not to flinch as some Brooklyn boys slide past them to head out onto the streets while the rest climb the stairs to relax up in the boarding rooms. Two boys don't move from Spot's side but Spot doesn't even acknowledge them as he watches the rest of his boys flood out of the room. Jack's stomach twists and he swallows back a wave of nausea. It seems that whatever was happening Spot had it planned out from the beginning. What could possibly follow up such a show of power?
It doesn't take long for the room to empty out and the further they get into this mess the more antsy Jack gets. He resists the urge to fidget, keeping his shoulders back and his head high, and latches on to the presence of his boys fanning out behind him. He wasn't alone and he needed to remember that. When it came down to it Jack really didn't think Spot actually wanted to hurt them anyway. He hopes, at least, that the camaraderie they shared before the rally wasn't completely destroyed. Jack's gaze locks with Spot's and the tension in the room steadily increases as the two leaders stare at each other in silence. Jack can see a guarded curiosity in Spot's eyes shrouded by a sheen of anger and betrayal and he allows a tentative hope to take root. He clutches to the idea that he has a chance to turn things back around and undo the damage he's done.
Jack knows that there's no good way for him to start this conversation, whether he apologizes first or once again requests Brooklyn's help he's sure it will set Spot off. Jack steels himself and speaks, "We still need you." He says like it matters, like he has any right to expect Spot to care, and just as Jack suspected Spot's face twists into a sneer.
Spot barks a laugh, "You got some audacity, Kelly, I'll give you that," he snaps as he gracefully slides off the back of the couch and onto his feet. "What's it? See your fight's still goin' without you and now you want back in, huh?" Spot stalks across the floor and despite the height advantage Jack knew that he didn't stand a chance. Immediately, without so much as a warning, a hand lands on Jack's shoulder and yanks him back. Jack can't stop the shocked yelp that slips out but he doesn't have much time to be ashamed about it before Sniper is stepping between him and Spot. Racetrack and Albert swiftly slide up to Jack's sides and Jack's almost positive that if he craned his neck to look Dave would be right at his back. They were boxing him in; shielding him. Spot stops his advance, raising a disbelieving eyebrow and giving a condescending snort, "Usin' your boys as a meat shield now? Fittin'." Jack cringes, shrinking slightly into the safety of the bubble his boys hastily made.
Spot isn't interested in being denied, however, and he's already made it clear that he's thought ahead. They were outplayed from the start and Jack never should have let any of them come with him. Spot clicks his tongue and the two other Brooklyn boys surge forward like trained attack dogs. They cross the room in the blink of an eye and Jack barely has time to scream in protest before Race and Albert are torn away from him. Spot reaches out and yanks Sniper to the side like he weighs nothing and Jack instinctively steps forward to try and catch him when he predictably stumbles. Jack doesn't get the chance, watching helplessly as Sniper tumbles to the floor as two sets of arms circle around his arms and hold him firmly in place. It's a painfully familiar sensation and panic bursts in his chest. The arms holding him are stronger and the boys taller but the hold itself is agonizingly similar to how the Delanceys caught him when he tried to flee Pulitzer's office. Frantically Jack jerks against the restraining grip but they don't so much as budge and he's forced to realize that he was trapped. Again. No.
"Stop! What're you doing!" Davey.
"Don't!" Jack snaps and he doesn't know if he's talking to Spot or Dave. The panic grows and wraps painfully around his chest, tightening until Jack wasn't sure he could breathe. He turns terrified eyes to Spot and he's haunted by the cold detachment that he sees there, "Leave 'em alone, they didn't do nothin', alright?" Jack pleads, pulling against the grip that keeps him from running like the coward he was. It hurts, his bruised shoulder and busted ribs whining at the harsh strain. Spot knew he had fast feet and had quickly eliminated the possibility that he'd flee. It was smart and it was calculated and Jack was scared.
"They're your boys, ain't they?" Spot disagrees, closing the gap between them and crossing his arms. Spot is acting like this is just another one of their casual chats and not the threat that it was. Just one more thing on the growing list of things reminding Jack of his time in Pulitzer's office.
"They didn't know," Jack stressed through gritted teeth, gathering his strength and glaring daggers down at Spot. He has half a mind to try and kick the bastard over but then Spot would beat on his boys just to teach Jack a lesson. This wasn't the Brooklyn leader Jack shared a bond stronger than blood with, this was the Brooklyn leader that earned a reputation of unbeatable violence.
"Ain't a good look for Manhattan," Spot tisks, watching Jack try to wrench himself free with practiced disinterest. Jack growls and tries in vain to get his captors to loosen their grip even just a little. With his arms wrenched up and back like this his shoulder has started to throb with sharp pains and the welts on his back are stretching uncomfortably. When he left, if he left, Jack's sure that all the healing he's been able to do will have been undone. "A good man leads by example. Who's to say all of your boys ain't rats?'
No. Jack gives one final tug, jerking with all his strength against the powerhouses holding him, but it's just as pointless as it was before. Jack sags, panting pathetically from the exertion and the hurt bubbling up like blood across his aching body. Jack throws a quick glance to Sniper frozen partially off the floor. Davey is at his side, holding him up, and they both stare at Jack with worried eyes; Davey's blown wide and Sniper's narrowed darkly. A quick look in the other direction reveals Racetrack and Albert looking for all intents and purposes like they're about to do something stupid.
"Just leave 'em alone, Sean," Jack begs, letting his head fall to his chest in defeat. "Do whatever you want to me but leave them outta it, alright?" Jack swallows convulsively, powerless to keep back the fear that coils up his spine and digs sharp thorns into his skin. He's done this dance before and he still bears the wounds from the beating it earned him. But he'd take a knife for his boys without so much as a thought, what's another round of fists? "Just," Jack gasps, his shoulder is screaming, "Just don't give up on everyone else. This strike is more than me, you knows that. Please." He hates how pitiful he sounds and shame rushes through him to blend with the defeat and terror. It's a vile, curdling concoction that only succeeds in making Jack feel less than human. Humiliated and subdued. Broken.
Jack hears shoes scuff the floor and his head snaps up in time to see Racetrack and Albert rush in. Racetrack lands a solid blow to the cheek of one of the boys holding Jack and Albert tackles the other roughly around the middle. Instinctively the Brooklyn boys release Jack and in turn Jack very nearly collapses. He stumbles and barely manages to catch himself last minute on shaking legs. His shoulder burns and Jack snaps a hand up to cradle it with a pained whine that's drowned out by the scuffle behind him. "Don't—" Jack tries to warn. They couldn't afford to be on worse terms with Brooklyn, they couldn't handle a damn war on top of the strike and Pulitzer and Snyder—
Sniper leaps off the floor and socks Spot right in the face.
The room freezes. One of the Brooklyn boys has Racetrack by the collar of his shirt, fist reeled back and ready to throw a punch while the other is still stuck beneath Albert on the floor. Dave, standing awkwardly to the side, looks like he doesn't know whether to be confused or share in the shock that's turned everyone to stone. Sniper just looks smug, flexing his fingers to try and shake the pain that comes from a well-placed hit. They all stare, transfixed on Spot as he stumbles back and stretches his jaw to test whether or not Sniper fucking dislocate it. Dread burrows itself deep into Jack's very soul. Shit. 
Spot shoots Sniper an appraising look and Sniper only shrinks back a little under his harsh gaze. It's impressive, actually, and under different circumstances Jack would be proud. Spot turns back to the room, still comically paused, and jerks his chin towards the stairs, "Let 'em go. Get outta here." A blatant command for his boys. They only hesitate for a moment but ultimately follow Spot's orders without question. Race fixes his shirt with a scowl the second he's released and Albert is shoved aside easily so the boy beneath him can get up. The leave without a word and Jack can only stare dumbfounded after them as they're left alone in the lobby with Spot.
"What just happened?" Racetrack murmurs, voice impossibly loud in the sudden silence.
Spot snorts, rolls his eyes, and faces Jack. Jack flinches, tightening his hold on his shoulder, and tries to stand tall. He fails, not necessarily unexpectedly but disappointingly, immediately stumbling on uncoordinated limbs. Thankfully Davey appears to have been watching him carefully and rushes to his side to hold him steady. So much for standing strong. "What happened." Spot presses. It's not a question.
"We couldn't have skipped the scare tactics?" Davey hisses bitterly and Jack can feel his hands shaking where they're braced on Jack's arms. It takes Jack a second to decipher what Davey means. Dave's always been the brain between the two of them and Jack's still reeling from the promise of a beating and the plethora of memories it dug up. Scare tactics, Jack thinks dully, feeling so disconnected from himself.
"Yous tryin' to tell me that was a fuckin' test?" Racetrack snaps, all rage in a way that's so jarring coming from an energetic ball of chaos like him.
Spot shrugs, "Not all of it," He admits without remorse, recrossing his arms. Jack's starting to resent his casual air, regardless of whether or not it's projected or genuine, and if he wasn't still trying to catch up with everything happening right now he thinks he'd be furious. "Jackie-boy just doesn't seem like he's doin' too hot and he's a lil' too desperate to be a traitor. Besides, he clearly won you lot over. Last I heard yous was all pissed with 'im too." Spot reasons and this time when Jack forces himself to meet his eyes there's a blatant concern there that Jack didn't realize he needed to see. Spot frowns but offers a soft nod in quiet reassurance. Things weren't fixed but Spot was willing to give him a chance. Jack melts with relief and nearly sends Davey to the floor as he scrambles to accommodate more of Jack's weight. "Sit down, you moron. You's gonna fall." Spot snaps, reaching out to grab him. Jack flinches, eyes wide as he curls closer to Dave. Sniper takes an aborted step forward, fist clenched. Spot pulls back instantly and instead gestures to the nearest couch.
Jack is grateful that Davey helps him stumble over. He's fine, really, but the pains scattered around his torso combined with the beginning of an adrenaline crash have made him a bit weak in the knees. He was already humiliated enough, he didn't need to go tripping over himself. He collapses into the cushions, wincing when the irritated wounds on his back press against the worn back of the couch. Davey waits until he's settled before carefully lowering himself down next to Jack. He's wary of jostling Jack and if it wasn't such a relief after what just happened Jack would've snapped at him to cut it out. He wasn't some fragile creature but he can admit to himself that he'd like a break from all the hurts. Spot is watching him with calculating eyes, not bothering to hide how he's taking in every detail and tucking them away. Spot wasn't dumb. He was a hard ass and an asshole but he was good at what he did. In the background Racetrack helps Albert off the floor and they both scramble over to Jack's side. Sniper lingers back a little longer before ultimately following their lead so they can all form a protective wall between Jack and Spot. Spot raises an eyebrow but doesn't comment.
"The hell happened to you, Kelly?" Spot huffs, clearly not happy at having to repeat himself. At least it sounds like he's asking this time.
Jack sighs, melting into the couch and fighting off the sudden wave of exhaustion that crashes into him. He really wasn't looking forward to this conversation, he never is, but on the other hand he was so glad that the threat of violence wasn't hanging over his head anymore. He was so tired of hurting. "Spyder," He confesses before Spot starts getting irritated. Spot was pretty good at not treating newsies from other boroughs like they were under his leadership but he was still used to a certain brand of respect that got him answers when he wanted them. Usually Jack would be happy to push those buttons but right now he just feels meek and shaken. He doesn't want trouble and he doesn't think he'd survive it if Spot actually hit him right now, emotionally or physically.
Surprise flashes across Spot's face and it's a testament to how raw the shock was by how unfiltered his expression is. Jack can see that it hadn't ever crossed Spot's mind that Snyder could've been involved and that was the genius of it. Pulitzer was a bastard but he was a bastard who knew what he was doing. Spot was well acquainted with Snyder's affinity for Jack and just what that could mean for the young borough leader. "I'ma need you to give me more than that if yous gonna ask for my help again."
"I know." Jack murmurs bitterly, glaring up at the ceiling. There are water stains and odd dips and he counts them to give himself some more time to compose himself. He hates how often he's felt the need to pick up the pieces recently. He started this strike bright-eyed and self-assured, leading a crowd of boys with the spirit of a fighter. They haven't even won and it feels like the life has been pried forcefully out of him. He's a husk of what he was marching on not for himself but for the people that look to him for guidance. Jack lets his eyes drift closed and he focuses intently on the warmth of Davey's body beside him. He starts the same way he always does, "I was stupid. Got cocky before the rally, guess I was ridin' that high." He scoffs a laugh lacking of any humor. He can only look back on his actions with resentment now. He was so stupid. "Stormed into the World to rub the strike right into Pulitzer's face. I wanted him to feel as trapped as he made us. I wanted the bastard to know we was comin' for 'im and that he couldn't do a damn thing about it." Jack snarls, old fury coming back with a vengeance. He had been so smug in his righteousness and Pulitzer struck him down with the ease of a man truly powerful. Jack was just a poor imitation, nothing in comparison. "I was wrong. Old man had Snyder in his pocket and the Delanceys on his payroll. I couldn't get out and he said if I didn't call off the strike then he'd round up as many newsies as he could and cart 'em off to the Refuge."
Spot wasn't stupid. "And theys beat the shit outta you." It's a statement, not a question.
"And theys beat the shit outta me." Jack agrees miserably. He fucking hurts and Spot's warm welcome made the dull aches turn to angry throbs. He really had been healing up pretty well after being kept up on the roof for a few days and while he knows it's not true it feels like all that progress has been stripped away in the past twenty minutes. "Fuck," He breathes, leaning pitifully into Davey. Dave tenses immediately, his whole body winding up tight, and Jack grunts to make his displeasure known.
"You can relax, Mouth," Spot chuckles and Jack imagines he's smirking.
Davey's still coiled with tension beneath him and Jack reaches over to poke him in the side. "He knows, he's cool." Jack huffs, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. Brooklyn was a rough place but they had no room to judge when it came to boys kissing boys. It was hard to have this many kids under one roof and not have some queers mixed in with the rest of the lot.
Racetrack and Albert are snickering again at Davey's expense and when Jack cracks an eye open to kick out at them he spots a small grin on Sniper's face too. Dave sharply exhales, some of the unease bleeding out of him and ultimately making him a much better pillow, "That would've been nice to know beforehand, you know." He bites but it lacks any real hostility as he raises an arm to curl comfortingly around Jack's shoulders. He avoids putting any pressure on Jack's bruised shoulder with practiced ease, days of forcing Jack to let himself be cared for giving Dave all the experience he needs to avoid pressing on any especially painful injuries.
Jack snorts, tilting his head to shoot Dave a shit-eating grin, "Sorry, didn't really expect it to come up." He really hadn't. Regardless of how this confrontation went Jack fully expected it to be all business. He definitely hadn't been planning for leaning so heavily on Davey out in the open at the Brooklyn lodgings. A part of Jack assumed that after something as big as what he'd done that his connection with Spot would be severed for good. He was immensely grateful that it seemed he was wrong. If nothing else Spot was willing to listen and Jack could work with that.
"Alright, you pests, move." Spot slinks forward and tries to wave Jack's boys away.
"What, Spotty, ain't happy to see me?" Racetrack teases, stepping closer to Sniper and making their human barricade even tighter.
"Can it, Higgins," Spot snaps and Jack can hear the annoyance starting to trickle into his tone.
"Stop. It's fine, we's good." Jack interjects before someone tries to hit Spot again. Spot could respect a good punch but Jack sincerely doubts he'd be willing to just take another blow. Jack would prefer if they all headed back to Manhattan in relatively one piece.
Reluctantly Albert grips Sniper's arm and pulls him to the side and Racetrack retreats to the opposite end of the couch. Jack's touched by their desire to stay close, unwilling to abandon Jack to an unknown fate with someone who had mere moments ago been so willing to tear him apart. Spot doesn't look like he cares that they're still here and instead just erases the distance between them. Slowly Spot reaches out and takes Jack by the chin, tilting his face this way and that, brows furrowed. "You alright?" He asks, tilting Jack's head back like he expects to find something on his throat or hidden just beneath his collar.
Jack grunts, pulling his face away and batting at Spot's probing hands, "Fine." He insists, disgruntled.
"He's full of shit," Race chirps without missing a beat.
"Theys got 'im good," Albert agrees, much more reserved, "Couldn't even get up the fire escape."
"Hey!" Jack cries. He wants to refute that but he'd only gotten down the fire escape just fine. He had been well aware that going up wouldn't go over well for him, even just the ladder up to the roof had been too much for him during those first couple of days. "That was then, this is now. I'm alright, honest. Just sore." He meant it. His definition of alright might not align with theirs but he could breathe easier and had almost a full range of motion back in his shoulder, that was pretty damn good if you asked him.
"He's better," Davey concedes, "Not in top shape yet but we've been taking care of him." It was an honest answer and Dave confidently meets Spot's eyes when Spot turns to look at him. Spot nods, satisfied, and leans back.
"So, what crazy plan you got this time?" Spot hums. Warmth floods through Jack in response and he pushes away from Davey with a low groan. His ribs weren't happy with the roughhousing and the strain there only added to the ever-present agony resonating from his back and shoulder. Christ, what Jack wouldn't give for a hot bath right now.
"Katherine wrote up an article. A call to action, not just for the newsies, but for every workin' kid bein' overworked and underpaid by this damn city. 'Course Pulitzer gots a ban on printin' anything about the strike." Jack leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees to keep himself from falling over. Spot's eyes sharpen and Jack knows that he has his full attention. "Thing is, when Pulitzer had Snyder and them work me over theys brought me down to the basement of the World, right?" Spot's eyes narrow and Jack knows this time that the fury isn't directed towards him but rather the bastards that dared to drag him around like a piece of property and lay their hands on him like they had a right. That's one of the great things about having Spot in your corner. A lot of people would think Jack insane if he dared say it out loud but Spot Conlon cared even if he had a very peculiar way of showing it. A sharp grin cuts across Jack's features and with it a spark of his old mischief comes to life inside of him, "Well, you see, he's got an ol' printin' press down there he ain't using."
"Oh, you got balls, Kelly," Spot barks a laugh but the smile that settles onto his face is deadly. "Usin' Pulitzer's own press to bring 'im down? How could I say no to that?"
"You in?" Jack blinks, hope tentatively spawning beneath his ribs. He needs to confirm. He needs to know for certain before he starts getting excited but the idea that they still had a chance is too intoxicating to just cast aside. Dave's hand slides into his own and Jack latches onto it as tightly as he could. It feels like Jack and his boys are waiting with bated breath. They just might be but Jack doesn't dare check.
Spot's eyes soften and Jack knows the answer before it even leaves his mouth, "I'm in."
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roseofsherwood · 9 months
Noticing Trauma Prompt: “You Were Crying in Your Sleep”
CW: violence, trauma, ptsd
“Hey Crutchie...” Jack shook his friend’s trembling body awake. “Crutchie,” he whispered with more intensity.
Startled out of his sleep, Crutchie sat straight up, hitting his head on the bunk above him. His hand went right to the top of his head before realizing that tears were dripping down his cheeks and Jack was crouched on the floor beside his bunk. Crutchie drew his sleeve across his face, before responding, “Hey Cowboy, what’s wrong?”
“I was comin’ over to ask you the same thing...”
“Oh, nothin’s wrong with me!” He fibbed, cheerfully.
“Crutchie, c’mon. You was crying in your sleep again. It’s been a long time since ya did that, what happened?”
Crutchie went silent, turning away from his friend and fiddling with his single, threadbare blanket.
“Hey...” Jack said softly. “Wanna go out to the fire escape?”
Crutchie didn’t look up, but simply nodded, prompting Jack to climb to his feet and pull a crutch out from under the bunk. Handing over the crutch, both boys slowly made their way to the window, careful to avoid the particularly squeaky boards in the crowded boarding house. The window was already open, mixing stale summer air with the smell of sweaty teenage boys. Jack climbed out of the window first, reaching back inside for his friend’s crutch, then offering him a hand. Once they had both clambered onto the fire escape, both boys stood in silence for a few moments. The only sound they could hear was Specs’ snoring mixed with distant shouting in the dark below them.
“Wanna tell me what that was?” Jack eventually asked. His voice was gentle, but unrelenting.
Crutchie glanced at the window behind him, then back down to the city streets. “I had that nightmare again” he practically whispered.
“It’s been months. Did something happen?”
Crutchie shifted slightly, letting his weight rest on the metal railing in front of them and Jack caught a glimpse of tears once again slipping down his friend’s face. Even in the low light, the tears caught a little bit of light from a window across the alley.
“It was just...the Delanceys...”
Jack’s heart quickened.
“Calm down,” Crutchie said, “It wasn’t a big deal.”
“And that’s why you were having nightmares about the Refuge, huh?” Jack blurted it out before he even thought about what he was saying. He grimaced. “Sorry, Crutchie.” “No, you’re right. I let ‘em get to me.”
It was dusk, the time of day all the newsboys started their way back to the lodging house. The boys would always walk past Crutchie, greeting his smiling face with a quick hello. Some would walk with him for a bit to talk about their day, and some walked quickly past the cheerful newsie. But something every newsie knew was that Crutchie always had a kind word when you needed one. On this particular day, Racetrack had a particularly rough day at the track and as he walked toward home for the night, he slowed his pace to walk alongside Crutchie and vent about his day.
“Well you know what Jack always says,” Crutchie replied with a smile, “ya can’t let it get you down!”
“I hate when he says that” mumbled Racetrack as he rolled a cigar between his fingers absentmindedly.
“You’ll get ‘em tomorrow, Race.” Crutchie said in a softer tone, patting his friend’s shoulder. Race shrugged in response.
Suddenly the boys heard shouting, & running up behind them came JoJo and Mush. “Hey c’mon, Jo!” Mush shouted, pushing his way between Racetrack & Crutchie. “Hey! Watch it, why dontcha?” Race yelled, shoving Mush away.
“What’s the matter, fellas?” Crutchie asked.
“Mush agreed that whoever sold less papes taday has to try and swipe a drink at Jacobi’s without getting caught.” Jojo stopped with Crutchie & Race between him & Mush, panting a little. “But now he’s backin’ out, cause he’s afraid - like a little girl!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
Both boys jumped at each other, quite literally putting Race and Crutchie in the middle of their fight.
“Hey, knock it off, ya loosa’s.” Race put his arms out to separate the boys. “Nobody’s backin’ outta no deal, right Mush?”
“But no one is stealing from Jacobi’s, right Race?” Crutchie inserted.
“Yeah, sure Crutchie” Race mumbled, clearly meaning every word. Crutchie sighed.
“Okay, well I gotta new idea, Jo,” Mush started slowly. “If I gotta swipe somethin’...you’s gotta catch me first!” Then he took off down the street, Jojo following not far behind.
“Race, go make sure they don’t beat each other black and blue, please?” Crutchie asked in the tone that one would usually hear from their exhausted mother.
Race sighed, “Crutch-” but simply groaned when he looked into Crutchie’s eyes and saw he truly meant it. “Fine...butcha owe me!” he laughed as he took off down the street, then disappeared down an ally. Crutchie smiled to himself as he hobbled down the familiar stone streets he walked everyday.
“Hey Crutchie!” yelled Skittery as he ran past, presumably on his way to find some dinner. Crutchie waved.
The streets were getting dark now. Lamps were being lit, people were going inside their homes, and the friendly voices and faces of his friends were becoming fewer and farther between. But this was normal. Crutchie was only a few more blocks from the boarding house when all of a sudden he felt his crutch slip out from under him and he fell roughly onto the cobblestone street. His chin cracked down hard on the stone.
“Well, well, well...” mocked a familiar voice from above. “If it ain’t Jack Kelly’s favorite little crip.”
Crutchie flipped onto his back as soon as possible to face his attackers. Morris and Oscar Delancy stood jeering above him. Morris tossing the stolen crutch back and forth in his hands carelessly.
Crutchie began to instinctively slide backwards on the ground, but Oscar grabbed a hold of his good leg, scraping him across the stones back toward the terrifying pair of brothers.
“You in a hurry, crutch?” Morris quipped like they were old friends. Oscar leaned over Crutchie, grabbing hold of his shirt collar and lifting the small boy to his feet.
“Where’s Jack, huh? He’s not protectin’ you taday?”
“I- I don’t need Jack to protect me.” Crutchie managed to squeak out. “Oh-ho! The crutch is gettin’ brave, Morris!” Oscar let go of Crutchie’s collar, letting him fall to the ground in a small heap. Crutchie groaned as pain shot through every part of his body.
“Why doncha tell us where Jack is, huh? We just wanna chat wit’ him.” Morris practically hissed.
“I dunno where he is,” Crutchie stammered. Morris wasn’t satisfied with this answer however and began to beat down on Crutchie with his own crutch. In a break from the blows, Oscar stepped over top of Crutchie and leaned close to his face. The smell of tobacco & sweat on Oscar’s body mixed with the pain in his stomach made him choke back vomit. “Where’s Jack, gimp?” he spat, grabbing hold of Crutchie’s collar once again, lifting his head off the ground. “Synder just has a gift for ‘im.”
“You know I won’t tell you.”
Oscar dropped his grip on Crutchie’s shirt, and his head snapped back onto the pavement, causing the boy to shout out in pain and clutch both hands to his head. Tears stung at his eyes and black spots formed in his vision.
“Well maybe, Synder can just ask you ‘imself...Whatyda say ta that, huh?” Morris sneered, clearly enjoying himself. “Wanna come spend the night in the Refuge?”
“No, no, please” Crutchie whimpered, barely audible.
“Grab ‘im, Morris.” The older boy demanded. Morris hurled the crutch he held into a pile of trash before grabbing hold of one of Crutchie’s arms. Oscar grabbed the other, and they began to drag him down the street toward the dreaded refuge.
A cough sounded off in the bunk room behind the boys, snapping Crutchie back to the current moment.
“You was thinking about the first time again, weren't you?” Jack asked quietly. Crutchie stood frozen, eyes clouded over. “Crutchie?” Jack set his hand on his friend’s shoulder and Crutchie jumped back.
“Hey, hey, I’m sorry. It’s just me.” Jack said quickly, drawing back his hand as if he was surrendering. “It’s just me.”
“Sorry Jack. I guess I’m just outta sorts.” Crutchie paused before saying softly, “I just thought I heard ‘em come up behind me tonight...but there was no one there, Jack. I feel so stupid, I panicked for nothin’. And I try to stay positive for the boys, but it just got ta me taday...” After a few moments, he shook his head and forced a smile. “But ya can’t let it getcha down, right Jack?”
“Hey. That doesn’t mean you ignore this, Crutchie. It just means you know that you can get past it...eventually.”
Crutchie looked Jack in the eyes for the first time that night and smiled, it was tinted with sadness and hurt, but it was a real smile. Jack returned the smile before he became serious again.
“I’m sorry I didn’t have your back that day.”
“Hey, hey! Don’t be!” Crutchie protested. “I’m okay. I got outta there, thanks ta you.” “Yeah...” Now it was Jack’s turn to stare out into the dirty streets below them. But he quickly turned his eyes to the sparkling stars above.
“You really think the stars are bigger in Santa Fe?” Crutchie asked after a moment, leaning forward onto the railing, mirroring Jack.
“I know they are.” He replied without hesitation. “I just gotta get outta New York.” “Hey! Maybe I’ll get you outta New York like you got me outta the Refuge!” laughed Crutchie. Jack grinned.
“Don’t worry, Jack. You’ll get there...eventually.” Crutchie smiled and Jack tossed his arm around his friend’s shoulder. Then they stood in silence, leaning on each other, and watched the stars fade into morning light.
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frogmanfae · 9 months
Newsies as shit I've heard at Band Camp part 2
Albert: *about carrying his drum* If this is what sex feels like I don't want it
Davey: I... I'm pretty sure those are completely different experiences
Albert: I mean they both break your back so
Romeo: *squinting* Does that say foot together? Oh FOO FIGHTERS
Race: Who is the foo fighting?
Henry: You have to flip over so he can wrap it up and smash it off the back. Go ahead, touch him in places he's never felt before
Race: Albie your water bottle made me wet!!
Albert: *suggestively* what were you doing with it?
Race: I mean it is a long cylindrical-
Race: Excuse me I'm going to need to see a license for the amount of ass you're trucking around
Finch: *whines of terror from his place underneath a chair*
Finch: That trombone belongs to the school it probably has black mold-
Race: *gets asked to homecoming with a big sign*
Everyone: awwww!
Albert: ewww!! boooooo!!!
Buttons: I just pissed for so long I feel dizzy, should I be concerned?
Tommy Boy: Listen I'm dyslexic I don't fuckin know
Race: What if I call Medda?
Race: *starts messaging her on Facebook*
Race: *suggestively* Don't worry he lets me sit on him
Davey: aren't you a freshman??
Blink: Oh my god the Weiner!!!
Crutchie: I took off my knee brace because I'm getting weird tan lines
Buttons: holy shit you're striped
Spot: I don't care about the setup of the fire truck on water day I just wanna know if we have the thing to make the fucking slip n slide
Denton: I never said you couldn't breathe, I said you can't breathe during these specific measures
Denton: Let's go Break My Heart (one of the halftime songs) *pause* please don't, I'm fragile
Katherine: Okay everybody in the pool
Sarah: sexxy
Katherine: *lovingly, in her own way* shut up
Elmer: *to Katherine* What's the high F?
Katherine: I don't know the fingering for high F
Elmer: *to Specs* What's the high F??
Specs: *shrugs*
Elmer: *attempts it and plays the worst sound that's ever graced your ears*
Jojo: Just got put on the official Hamilton Roblox simulator and I'm obsessed *plays it during every single break*
Finch, Albert, and Race: *20 minute heated conversion about pizza*
Davey: He's jumpin! Man is pressed!
Denton: Yas queen! You guys ate that up! What other one could I throw in there? Slay? Yeah that slayed. You guys slayed that. Fax no printer
Crutchie: please stop.
Denton: alright, wrap it up and smash it off the back!
Everyone: *cheering*
(Breaking the 4th wall)
Jack and Davey: *singing the world will know*
Jack: who is Hearsh?
Davey: I'm sorry what?
Jack: It says Pulitzer and Hearsh. who is Hearsh?
Davey: HearST?? as in William Randolph Hearst??
Jack: Okay, still who is that?
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ratfreecog · 6 months
How was newsies vibrates excitedly
This school has such a big budget drama program it’s insane good on them for actually valuing the arts. The theater was huge it felt like walking into a professional venue in my city not a high school. I wish my old school cared that much our drama teacher got fired for embezzling our club’s funds. Jack, Davey, Katherine, and Crutchie were all so good it was insane. Also, girl Crutchie!! Hell yeah!!
Predictably, a vast majority of the newsies were girls, but instead of trying to hide it and making them dress and act like boys, they just made them girl newsies and used some of the names from Newsies Jr and the Brooklyn girlsies instead. The only exception to this was Albert, who was played by a very femme person with long hair and a skirt, but was still called Albert, which I think is hilarious and I’m hoping that was the actor’s choice.
They also actually had adults play the adult characters which was interesting?? For a highschool production but good for them ig
My favorite moment was in the last Pulitzer’s office scene when Davey goes “since the strike, your circulation’s been down 70%” and Jack, who was currently laying down across the arms of two chairs, did a sit up and whispered “70%” and then laid back down
Also during the Snyder chase scene at the start they had Jack run up one of these scaffolding buildings that were part of the set, realize it was a dead end at the top, turn around and be cornered by Snyder, and then dived between his legs and ran back down to the floor again. Wonderful choreography 10/10.
Speaking of choreography, they actually tap dance during KONY! Holy shit! Was not expecting that! And it was good! Like really good! Hell yeah. All the dancing was really good actually very similar to the Broadway production but like they did a great job at it.
Crutchie also broke my fucking heart during LFTR she actually started crying on the “your sister, Crutchie” line and so did I in the audience
Jack fucking killed Santa Fe he was awesome. Just always he was awesome but Santa Fe was really fucking good
For the seize the day reprise where they’re singing it while Jack Davey and Spot are going to Pultizer’s office, for some reason (I’m guessing running out of time in rehearsal) instead of having the kids sing they played an audio clip from the proshot and it caught me so offguard and im definitely the only person who noticed because I know every single line in this show and have performed the entire thing by myself in box at my haunt to keep myself entertained in between customers.
Overall it was awesome! I do know this show so well that it haunts me and literally every other line an alarm would go off in my brain for whatever they did and how it compared to other versions of the show and what it might mean for their characters so I could probably go a lot more in depth but these were my main thoughts coming out of it. They did a fantastic job!
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Slightly updated version of a one-shot found in my Spot-centric anthology thing I have going on AO3. The little one-shots like this will be posted separate from the actual Sparah fic I'm working on as they are technically from different universes. Some notable changes for the sake of plot and story things.
Feel free to leave constructive criticism or to just share in the brainrot of these characters with me.
Hope ya enjoy!
Pidge is a term of endearment of the time period usually used between close friends or sweethearts. Rós is pronounced (ro-ous) or alternatively (ro-ou-sh) Roíse is pronounced (ro-sha)
He figured there wasn't much he could do when she started talking about the boy who sold near the shop she worked at. He figured there wasn't anything he could really say that wouldn't give him away when she asked if he knew the boy with the cowboy hat and red bandana. But he figured he could stretch the truth a little, she knew he wasn't Manhattan, she knew he wasn't supposed to be seen on this side of the Bridge. That he broke the few rules the Newsies could all agree on just to see her. He figured he could get away with a little white lie.
"His name's Jack Kelly. Us newsies calls him Cowboy."
"Do your nicknames really follow you to every borough?"
"Some of us they'se the only names we'se gots. Most of us don't keep the names our parents gives us."
"Is Rós your real name then, or just one you've given yourself?"
"Is real enough I suppose."
"I don't think I like that answer."
"That's life, pidge."
He knows his days are numbered when she shows up to their usual spot with bright eyes and a smile he's never seen before lighting up her face. He knows this is probably the last time he'll be able to see her like this once Jackie and his boys make good on their promise of a strike. He knows it's probably time he told her the truth.
"And he's taller than I expected. I thought he wasn't much older than you, Rós."
"I'se always been kinda short fer me age. And most of us don't keep much track o' age past when we'se can't swing it in a lodge no more."
"How old are you then?"
"Maybe sixteen? I was real little when I wound up at the lodge. Lots o' times it all jus' blurs together."
"Are there no records of you coming to the lodge?"
"I suppose, under a diff'rent name pro'lly. The one Blue gave me afore he aged out fer good."
"And when he aged out, Spot Conlon took over?"
"You'se don't gots to say 'is full name. None of us do."
"I've only heard the boys around here say his full name, and even then they're real quiet like it'll make him appear."
"Well you knows what they says about speakin' o' devil's."
"Oh you're terrible."
"So'se I'se heard."
There's no getting out of it now as he makes his way through Lower Manhattan. There's a roiling in his gut as he walks head held high and cane gripped tight in his fist as some of his boys tail him. There's newsies from every Borough and working kids alike openly watching him and plenty of adults being a little more subtle about it. There's maybe half of the older Manhattan newsies watching from the shadows as he makes his way through the midday crowd like he belongs here. There's not a sign of Cowboy or The Mouth as he settles down next to an already sitting Sarah. She hands him half a light buttery pastry and he bites back the comment that their usual spot on the fire escape in the alley behind them had better shade.
"So, from what Jack says, Spot Conlon has done a world of good for the working kids of Brooklyn. And newsies through the boroughs."
"I suppose so."
"I wouldn't mind formally meeting him. Davey said he reminded him of an avenging angel."
"Your brudda said what?"
"Oh he made some long-winded comparisons between the boy who earned the loyalty of an entire Borough -and then some- and came to the rescue of the Manhattan newsies and the angels in the Bible. Beautiful to look at and fierce to behold. Warriors of God meant to protect Heaven and Man."
"Your brudda thinks Conlon is an angel o' da Lord?"
"With everything people say about him, is it so hard to believe?"
"You Jacobs are crazy."
"Why thank you."
"Sarah, I-"
"I get why you did it. Once Jack and Davey found out about Rós it was rough. Davey had concerns for my virtue. I'm sure you can guess how Jack felt about his girl spending time with another fella."
"Jacky boy never was good at sharing."
"Then the picture came out. Jack was larger than life before but now, now he was practically walking legend. And Davey was right up there with him. Davey, Les, Racetrack, Blink and Boots and- and all those boys, they were all part of somethin bigger now. But you, you were somethin' else, Spot."
"Me name, me real one, not a nickname or somethin' I chose to make a new life, it's Roíse."
"Huh, I think I like that."
"Figures you would, pidge."
"This changes everything doesn't it?"
"A bit. I'se Spot Conlon and you'se Jack Kelly's girl. We've got a Strike ta run and I think there's more than just a factory or tha docks waitin for us when we'se age out now."
"You boys are changing the world."
"We're gonna try at least."
Francis Sullivan. Spot knew most of the newsies had fake surnames or used nicknames instead of their Christian ones but he could see why Cowboy had changed everything about his. He had been the one to break the news to Sarah when she met them outside of the courthouse sans her beau. He was glad to see she had managed to make it out safe and unharmed, glad that both 'hattan and Brooklyn had listened when he barked out the order to get her to safety above all else.
She doesn't cry when he tells her about Francis Sullivan and his real folks and his sentence to the Refuge. She doesn't cry when he tells her the cause that Cowboy had gotten himself what might as well be a life sentence to kids like them for was practically ground to a halt since Denton couldn't -wouldn't- publish another article about their strike. She doesn't cry when he finds her not two days later and tells her that the one person he had thought he could stand losing a girl like her to Legendary Strike Leader, Jack Kelly had shown up in a fancy new suit and a whole stack of crisp newspapers, denouncing the very war he started. She doesn't cry when she reaches out to pull him in close and rest her head on his shoulder while they both catch their breath like they used to on that fire escape down the block from her family's apartment but he takes a small step back, more a shifting of his weight to his back foot really, enough to keep the space between them. She doesn't cry when he takes his hat off and calls her Miss Jacobs, wishing her a good day with a bow like those fancy gents give the fancy ladies they will never be.
He doesn't say anything when he hears word that Jack 'Cowboy' Kelly is back with a plan. He doesn't say anything when he hears that Mouth is sporting a shiner from one of the Delanceys, that he got it defending his sister's honour. He doesn't say anything when he and his boys make sure Denton makes it to Roosevelt without any of Pulitzer's goons getting to him. He doesn't say a word when he sees Jack Kelly standing tall and proud and bigger than life in front of thousands of young kids who had never had a voice before now, a Jacobs on each side. He holds Les close between him and Racetrack so he doesn't get swept away in the crowd.
He doesn't look for her when Jack Kelly rides away in Teddy Roosevelt's fancy carriage. He bites his tongue when the damned fool comes back, sweeping up his girl and kissing her for all the world to see. He shrugs Racetrack off when the other boy asks him if he's okay. He pretends not to see the way the other 'hattan teenagers watch him, daring him to give them a reason. He turns away when he sees her searching for him in the crowd.
They had won the day, now he had a borough to run.
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noxexistant · 1 year
more on the fight club au ? 👀👀
i would love nothing more <3
the first time jack goes down there, he swears to himself it’s with the sole intention of shutting the place down. he doesn’t know how long it’s been running, but he knows it’s been a while - a few weeks, at least - and the simple fact that nobody told him is proof that they were keeping it secret from him, which is never a good sign. but the murmurs inevitably reach him eventually, as all murmurs do. ain’t nothing that goes on in mahattan that he don’t know about, or find out about, and he listens for a while to the whispers between his boys before he moves.
he finds out quick that the delanceys are running it, and that’s right when he makes his decision to ax it. he tells himself that anything the delanceys are involved with is bad news, especially anything that has his boys bearing black eyes and sore ribs and split knuckles, so he goes down there - despite the fact that, when he’d been hearing his boys talking about it, it’s always with grins and sparks in their eyes, voices low and chests puffed. the same fire in them as when they talk about soaking some other newsie for territory, or squealing some lie to a bull for their own gain, or stringing some skirt along with a heart-wrenching tale that didn’t contain a single true word. picking a pocket, picking a fight, the sort of stuff newsies just do because they love it. because it scratches an itch they all got.
it’s an old warehouse building - the ring that the boys have been talking about. jack follows the flow there after selling all day, after dark, and keeps his head down to blend in as best he can. morris delancey’s on the door, attention split between the people coming in and the crowd of newsies inside, and it’s a deafening wall of sound as soon as jack gets through. a throng of older kids shouting and jeering and cursing, and at the centre of it all there’s a ring marked out like the boxing rings on the streets. but there’s no rope, no cage, just lines on the floor and a gap in the crowd that’s moving with the violence of the two figures inside it, dodging back and getting louder every time one fighter gets tossed too close. when they get especially close, those on the edge’ll shove the fighter right back.
jack can’t see who it is in the ring, but he raises his fist and hollers for it all to stop anyway, just in case it’s one - or two - of his own boys being beat into the concrete for the crowd right now. the crowd quiets and the fight stops, but not one person looks happy about it - least of all oscar, who steps out of the shadows where he was watching the throng and steps up to jack with a dark look in his eyes.
jack explains what he wants - to stop this, all this, before someone gets hurt bad, and half the crowd starts stepping down the way all jack’s boys do when their leader tells them to, while the other half starts booing, vicious. that side is more kids jack doesn’t recognise, boys and girls from other boroughs, further afield. jack sees spot conlon step out of the ring and shove roughly through the crowd, their nose and mouth a mess of blood, and they’re booing too.
“you wanna shut us down?” oscar says, shoving jack hard in the chest, squaring up to him so they’re almost nose-to-nose. “how ‘bouts you earn it, huh? you crawl in here and clim’ up those ranks, same as anyone, an’ when you’re at the top, you can call it. but you gotta earn it. ain’t no use walkin’ in here tryin’ to be the famous jack kelly. you ain’t nobody here.”
“who’s at the top?” jack demands. oscar points, and spot bares their teeth.
so, jack steps into the ring with them. spot’s got their hair tied back, knuckles wrapped, their girls jumping and hollering and telling them exactly what to do to jack. jack’s got oscar, watching with a grin on his face and morris leaned against his shoulder.
and jack gets his ass kicked.
spot stomps him, and the roar of the crowd is echoing in his ears for hours afterwards, his head spinning. morris has to haul him up off the floor, and hold him half steady so he can hear oscar speak.
“maybe next time we’ll sort you out wit’ a more even match, huh?”
jack tells him to fuck off - spits a mouthful of blood at him, which only makes oscar laugh harder - but he does come back, when murmurs reach him that oscar’s sorted him out another opponent to go up against, start working his way up the ranks. he tells himself, again, that it’s just to shut the place down, to make it to the top and cut the head off.
but, by his second or third fight - and second or third win - jack’s forgotten all about that.
(he tells himself it’s just so he doesn’t have to fight spot again. refuses to admit it’s just so he can keep fighting everybody else.)
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 10 months
Please may I hear more about Fox? Always enticed to hear abt people's OCs👀👉👈
fox fox fox fox!!!!
I am so here for ocs who aren’t newsies and think there should be more of them so that’s why he exists :]
in basic terms he’s a pickpocket/fist for hire, though he makes most of his living off the former. he’s pretty friendly with oscar and morris, having spent some time in the refuge with them when he was ten (originally he was shipped with oscar but I much prefer aroace oscar so now he’s just the annoying friend who hangs around the tills when you’re trying to work at spar or smthn, and shipped with a friends oc)
canon era fox uses just he/him, modern it/he, in both simply identifies as queer and is nineteen. he’s a relatively laid back kind of person, usually more quick to poke fun, goad and be infuriating than start physical altercations when he doesn’t have to, but he’ll do anything if he’s paid, but very selfish. he only looks out for himself. he likes to hang around the circulation gates every morning to piss of the newsies by stealing from them (before usually getting chased away) and morris and oscar basically tolerate him half of the time, though they have a sort of deal going: they involve him in their side jobs and he splits some of what he makes thieving (they’re closer in modern tho, having spent longer together in care than the short refuge spell)
he pretends the the name fox comes from his personality (which fits him to a t, so no one questions it), but in reality it was a misunderstanding. when he was in the refuge, he got beat pretty bad by the cop that arrested him and it left his mouth very swollen, so he couldn’t really speak properly. when asked his name, he tried to say felix but it was misheard as fox and he was too tired to correct anyone. by the time he go out fox had stuck, and he prefers people not knowing his real name because it’s all he has left of his folks and he likes that being private
he had a father, mother and older sister who were all killed in a fire that went through his building when he was seven. he misses them immensely but one talk about it to anyone (even bullseye, his partner) and has spent the rest of his life on the street. for a while between seven and ten he was with my group of other ocs who set him on a track he could have avoided (a gang of sorts, led by kingfisher) and learned a lot of little survival tricks from them, but left sharpish because he realised how twisted it was, encouraged by soap. the rest of his pickpocket skills he taught to himself because the damage kingfisher and his lot had done was permanent
I love talking about him sm he’s my fav oc my horrible little guy aah
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little update for you guys:
so i’ve had literally no time for shifting recently 💀 I haven’t even attempted in a month or so.
and i know everyone’s like “make time!” or “shifting is easy just do ___!” girl i’m telling you i’m up at 6 in the morning and my day isn’t over until 11, then i need to go to sleep and do it all again the next day. having responsibilities sucks ass.
BUT- in the meantime, I’ve been exploring potential DRs and making pinterest boards and cute little spotify playlists and basically it’s the main way i’m attached to shifting right now. My living situation has changed (positive) but that’s a whole other mess and basically Ophelia has NO time ❌
So updates might be slow until i move into my dorm in August, but anyway here’s a new list of some of my drs in case anyone is looking for a new place to shift:
So, I have my Hogwarts DR right? But honestly, it’s not really my main focus at the moment. i’m really just trying to get to my waiting room before i decide where the hell i’m going. this dr is cute and adorable and feels very homey to me. i’ve actually considered permashifting there tbh. it’s the world i’ve scripted the most for and what ignited my shifting journey.
Then, I have a Fame dr. kind of obligatory at first but the more i was getting into it, the more shit i’ve added and i actually love it now. it’s a mid-2010s and onward fame dr, so it’s like 2015 where i’m shifting. i’ve scripted to start out on broadway (OBC for katherine pulitzer in newsies), eventually working my way to the acting industry and then the music industry. i’ve got at least three albums planned and I even have an idea for a directorial debut limited series. I’ve also scripted myself into movies and shows that don’t exist in my cr so i’m excited to see how that goes!
I have some ideas for a marvel/Avengers dr. I’m a Greek demi-goddess with questionable parentage, but I insert myself into Tony’s life right around the first Iron Man. With weird time mechanics and whatever I just want to be besties with peter parker and train with strange and bucky tbh. extended found family is what i live for
I’m working on an Avatar: The Last Airbender dr lmao. i wanna be a fire bender so bad it’s unreal. I’m also adding separate countries under the same nation. like yes, there’s the earth kingdom and fire kingdom, but they have separate designations sort of like the southern and northern water tribes.
I’m thinking of a pjo/camp-half-blood dr because that would be cool as hell. going on quests with the gang and having powers?? i’d probably script some stuff in or out but the idea is really cool to me and i was always a percy jackson kid
lost in space dr !!! if you don’t know what i’m talking about there’s an original series from years ago or there’s a netflix reboot but basically this is a found family dr that takes place in space/alien planets and there’s a robot. maureen and john robinson are so mother and father coded it’s unreal.
hawkins, indiana dr but not “really” a stranger things dr because i don’t want to traumatize these kids or be traumatized myself lmao i’m basically just living in hawkins but all the friend groups are the same. also i’m dustin’s older sister because he’s adorable.
youtuber dr where i’m in weird/conspiracy core youtube and make those sorts of videos. i wanna make content with some of my more niche weird faves like wendigoon, nexpo, etc. this is really niche for a dr but i think it’s gonna be fun as hell.
bridgerton dr, y’all fr need to get in on this. new pretty dresses every day, men competing for my hand in marriage, elitist politics, orchestral music, flowers everywhere- it’s just going to be a good time i know it.
The 100 but specifically seasons 1-2 (MAYBE 3). Less death and more fun but with some scripting i think the idea of a society run by delinquent teenagers from space who are also fighting barbaric remnants of a destroyed civilization sounds cool as HELL bro. But i finished the show and the plot after the time jump isn’t what I want so i’m gonna script the hell out of the actual plot to make it fit what i want.
Trap House dr ! (another youtuber dr, shockingly) with the trap house circa the late 2010s. ghost hunting with sam and colby, talking shit with jake and corey, doing stupid shit and partying and just having a good time bro. i’m also scripting out Elton 🙈
narnia dr but specifically from LWW through the golden era of narnia. ruling over a mythological land with the pevensies, exploring the lands as far as they go, learning the lore with the other places in the world narnia exists in (where the telmarines come from and the other nations), i just think it’d be cool as hell.
and i want to figure out how to make like a zombie (potentially TWD or TLOU) dr without it being traumatizing 😭😭 stay tuned for how that works out lmaooo
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night-heron-writes · 1 year
Fic Masterpost
Atla/Zutara fics:
The Complicated Way to Escape an Arranged Marriage [WIP] [ongoing] [Zutara]
Rating: Teen  
Warnings: none
Katara is kidnapped from her wedding to Hahn after an ancient ritual designed to summon a dragon unexpectedly worked. Brought to a mysterious island, her only hope of escape is the other prisoner, Zuko, but there might be more to his story than he's telling her...
Quiet [oneshot] [completed] [Zutara]
Rating: Mature (for violence)
Warnings: none
The eerie silence of the Last Agni Kai battle unnerves both Zuko and Katara, and they start to realize how important they are to each other.
But Azula doesn’t aim for Zuko. Before Katara can yell, Azula aims over Zuko’s shoulder.
Right at her.
Katara wants to scream, to cry, to do something, but she cannot move. She is frozen, watching the lightning arc towards her.
The Witches of Lake Laogai [oneshot] [completed] [Zutara]
Rating: Mature (for violence)
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Mentions of Rape/Non-con
The Blue Spirit has his orders. He's supposed to retrieve a prisoner from the depths of Lake Laogai Maximum Security Prison. It should be simple: in and out in under an hour. But of course it's not that simple. It never is. He might know who he's here to collect, but nobody ever told him about the rest of the prisoners...
Series: Part 2 of ZK MC Week 2022
It Only Took A Kiss [oneshot] [completed] [Zutara]
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
Zuko knew that having his fortune told was a bad idea. He's been turned into a Fire Salamander and missed several very important diplomatic events. He just needs to figure out a way to get back to normal. Unfortunately for him, the only idea he can come up with involves the very ambassador he was supposed to meet with earlier...
Series: Part 1 of ZK MC Week 2022
A Humble Prayer [oneshot] [completed] [no pairing]
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
the day before his Agni Kai, Zuko pays a visit to the palace temple. The air was thick with insence and desperate prayers. Tomorrow would be his Agni Kai against the old general, and he had some things he wanted to say to the spirits first, on the off chance that he didn’t win. He walked slowly to the shrine in the front, keeping his focus straight ahead and trying to ignore the whispers he was sure surrounded him. By now everyone would know how he had shamed himself in the war room. He knew how it looked, the weak crown prince come crawling to the temple to beg Agni for a victory he wasn’t strong enough to earn on his own.
Fire Lilies and Friendly Interventions [oneshot] [completed] [Zutara]
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
Toph, Suki, and Ty Lee decide it's time to have a little chat with Katara about her feelings for one Fire Lord...
just like the ocean (under the moon) [WIP] [on hold] [Zutara]
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
Zuko Rokura and Katara Nataok did not get along. The two seniors at Ba Sing Se University’s world-renowned dance program had hated each other’s guts for years. Zuko couldn’t stand Katara because when it came to ballet, she was everything he was not. She was graceful, with fluid motions that belied years of practice. Ballet seemed as easy to her as breathing, but the thing that ticked him off most about her was not her formidable technical skill. Her artistry infuriated him, the way she knew exactly how to tilt her head or place her hands to convey the proper characterization for every piece. Of course, the death stares she sent his way didn’t help. Nor did the time he bowled her over during a particularly difficult across-the-floor combination. Who knew grand jetes could be so dangerous? The Ballet!Katara and Tap!Zuko AU that literally nobody asked for.
Series: Part 2 of Lea’s AUs
Never Planned On (someone like you) [WIP] [on hold] [Zutara]
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
In the slums of Caldera City, Katara is a newsie struggling to survive. Zuko is an up and coming reporter just getting started with his career. When the owner of the paper Katara sells for decides to exploit the Newsies for profit, will they take a stand? Or will they let Ozai stuff this crock of garbage down their throats? Formerly titled Absolute Power
Series: Part 1 of Lea’s AUs
Spy x Family fics:
So We Meet Again My Heartache [WIP] [ongoing] [TwiYor]
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
In an instant, Yor's life came crashing down around her. Her husband, dead. The life they had built together, shattered. For the second time in her life, she is left to pick up the pieces after a devastating loss and raise a young child alone.
A study on grief and mourning, especially when things get complicated. What happens if you're mourning someone who isn't actually dead?
Series: Part 2 of Smile (though your heart is breaking)
Running through these promises to you (that i made & could not keep) [oneshot] [completed] [TwiYor]
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
With Operation Strix over, Loid Forger faked his death. He is once again Twilight only. Spies don't get to say goodbye, and everyone he came to love believes he is dead. (Except Frankie, and he's pissed.) But, nobody ever told him that his own funeral was a bad time to start having second thoughts. 
Series: Part 1 of Smile (though your heart is breaking)
Through Anya’s Eyes [oneshot] [completed] [TwiYor]
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
There are many benefits to being a telepath, but it also has its downsides. Anya is going crazy listening to her parents freak out about each other in their thoughts, so she decides to give them a push in the right direction.
Series:  Part 7 of TwiYor Week 2022
Peanut Butter and Jellyfish Sandwiches [oneshot] [completed] [TwiYor]
Warnings: None
The Forger Family takes a trip to the aquarium OR Anya doesn't know much about fish at all, which leads to a very entertaining afternoon featuring Loid and Yor flirting via fish facts and getting flustered over nothing.
Series: Part 6 of TwiYor Week 2022
When You Put Your Arms Around Me (I Get A Fever That’s So Hard To Bear) [oneshot] [completed] [TwiYor]
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
Loid kisses Yor on the cheek on his way out the door. She's almost entirely certain that it was an accident. What happens next is most assuredly not. OR Yor decides to turn the tables on her husband.
Series: Part 5 of TwiYor Week 2022
To Kill A Spy...Or Not [oneshot] [completed] [TwiYor]
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
Twilight runs into the Thorn Princess on a mission. Each of them feels a strange sort of familiarity. But those feelings are unfounded, right? It's not like the closest people in their lives have secrets. Surely not...
Series: Part 4 of TwiYor Week 2022
Our Scars Do Not Define Us, My Dear [oneshot] [completed] [TwiYor]
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
Yor wonders about many things she suspects she'll never know the answers to. Loid bears burdens she doesn't understand, but that doesn't mean she won't be there for him anyway. Or, Everyone in the Forger family is traumatized. Yor knows this.
Series: Part 3 of TwiYor Week 2022
Floral Misunderstandings [oneshot] [completed] [TwiYor]
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
Yor brings home a bouquet of flowers for Anya's birthday, just like Loid asked her to. Only, there seems to have been a miscommunication.
Series: Part 2 of TwiYor Week 2022
You’d Be So Nice To Come Home To [oneshot] [completed] [TwiYor]
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
With Anya spending the night at Becky's, Yor and Loid enjoy a quiet night in.
Series: Part 1 of TwiYor Week 2022 
I’ll Be Seeing You [oneshot] [completed] [TwiYor]
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
And Yor Briar, well, Loid thought she was pretty much perfect. She was full of contradictions, poised and confident one moment and shy and somewhat awkward the next. Her piercing red gaze always seemed to bore right through him, and if he was a little less in control of himself he might dare to say he had a bit of a crush on her. Unfortunately, that rendered him almost completely useless when it came to talking to her, much less flirting with her.
Yor currently had 7 Stella Stars and 7 Tonitrus Bolts, which was a constant source of stress for Loid. The next award or demerit would decide her fate at Eden: Imperial Scholar or expulsion. The two of them were working very hard to ensure the former and prohibit the latter, hence the daily study sessions in the library. Midterms were coming up, and both Stellas and Tonitruses were on the line.
Serafina Series
Stay Bold, Ember [oneshot] [completed] [no pairing]
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
In the calm after the battle, Serafina takes a moment to mourn the loss of her little apprentice, Ember. 
Buddy Daddies
Temporary [oneshot] [completed] [qpr KazuRei]
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
This partnership was supposed to be temporary, just like any other. But years of "temporary" slowly melts into forever and Rei can't bring himself to mind it. Not even when a child shows up in the middle of a job, and not even when he knows Kazuki well enough to be certain this little girl will end up more involved than she should be. Maybe things don't have to be so temporary after all...
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heliads · 1 year
In the Future
Based on this request: "A oneshot for Jojo with a marriage pact, like if we're both single by the time we're (age) we'll get married"
Tumblr media
It is late by the time you finally manage to make it to the fire escape. Third floor of the Manhattan newsies’ lodging house, on the side facing the west, two windows down. Same one as always. Same boy as always waiting for you there, too.
You have enough time to flash him an apologetic smile as you slide into a seat next to him. Jojo has been many things at many different times– insufferable, quick to a temper, prone to flights of fancy– but forever your best friend. That’s why you know enough to expect forgiveness for your tardy arrival even before he opens his mouth to speak.
Jojo’s still going to give you a hard time, at least for a minute or two. That’s just what he does. That’s what the two of you do, what you have done since the moment you met in this very same lodging house and what you’ll probably keep doing until one of you gets stuck in the Refuge for good or manages to move out of this city.
He arches a brow. “Y/N, do you know what time it is?” He asks it casually enough, but you can tell from the sarcastic glint in his eyes that Jojo isn’t just posing this question for fun.
“Half past six,” you admit begrudgingly.
Jojo’s eyes widen comically. “Is that so? Crazy. I thought we agreed to meet at half past five. You know, like we do every single day.”
You groan. “Oh, lay off already. I was busy.”
Usually, you’re as carefree as could be after work lets out, just like any other newsie worth his coin. Today, however, your tone is a little strained, your face a little exhausted. You try to hide it, but you should have known that you wouldn’t have that much luck.
Jojo leans forward. “What’s wrong?”
Straight to the point, just like always. You do your best to push off the inevitable for the time being, even if you have a feeling this tactic of distraction won’t work out. “Nothing. I’m great. Say, did you see Race? I think he said he stole a fresh box of cigars, maybe we should investigate–”
Jojo cuts you off with a sharp look. “You’se hiding something. Don’t think I don’t see it. Can you cut to the chase and tell me already?”
You shrug, the picture of innocence. “Nothing is wrong. I’m just a normal person behaving normally.”
Jojo sighs exasperatedly. “Y/N.”
“Jojo,” you repeat back, just as deadpan, “okay, fine. It’s just the job, that’s all. A pair of newlyweds had the brilliant idea to use newspapers as confetti for their wedding today, seeing as it’s a cheap source of paper. I was delivering the papes to them this afternoon.”
“That doesn’t seem too bad,” Jojo says cautiously.
You nod. “Yeah, and it shouldn’t have been bad, but something about seeing everyone together at the chapel, so happy, it reminds me that I’m never going to get something like that. I’m not stupid, Jojo. I know my prospects or whatever aren’t the brightest. I don’t have a dowry, I don’t have parents who are going to pay me through a nice ceremony. It just sucked watching those people be so successful when I know that’s never going to be me.”
Jojo frowns. “I know what you mean. We doesn’t have enough money to be that carefree.”
The two of you sit in saddened silence for a while before Jojo’s eyes light up again. “Wait a minute,” he declares, “I have an idea. A really good one, in fact.”
You grin. “What kind of good idea?”
Jojo stands, starting to pace back and forth across the narrow fire escape. You tuck your legs up to your chest so you’re out of his way.
“Hear me out,” he says slowly, “what if we get married? Not now, of course. Just, you know, if nothing happens. We can get tax benefits and all that stuff Katherine keeps talking about in her articles. If we’se both on our lonesome by the time we’re older, we get married. Easy as that.”
You think you might be hallucinating. “Jojo,” you murmur faintly, “you can’t actually be serious about this. Us. Getting married.”
“Yeah,” he answers, “And? It would work out. Just as a last ditch answer, obviously. I’m not, uh, doing it for any other reason. And it wouldn’t be for a very long time. Maybe you’d be on your deathbed or something.”
You snort. “I’m not getting married if I’m minutes from death.”
Jojo shrugs. “Then we do it earlier. What do you say?”
You stare at him in vague bewilderment until it dawns on you that this isn’t the worst idea, all things considered. You can only be a newsie so long, you can’t only live in the lodging house forever. At least renting some shoddy place in ‘Hattan would be easier if you had a lawfully wedded husband and all that nonsense.
At last, you swallow back your laughter and reach out your hand in mock solemnity. “Alright, then. We’re getting married at some point in the future.”
Jojo’s grin is as bright as any you’ve ever seen, and he shakes your hand with equal gravity. “Sounds like a deal to me.”
You’re not sure what to expect in the aftermath of that particular conversation. Jojo asserted that the wedding would only happen in the distant future, but it would still definitely be happening, and that’s really more than you expected in the first place. Would he act as if nothing changed, or either better or worse, like everything had changed?
At first, it seemed as if life would be normal. You go to work, you sell your papes, you talk with Jojo late into the evening just like any other day. It takes about a week or so before you start noticing the small differences in Jojo’s usual character, changes that most certainly only began to occur after that agreement happened.
The first sign comes on a Tuesday morning. You’re in line to get your papers to start the day, idly chatting to a few of your friends, when you realize that something is off.
Albert has his arm around your shoulder, complaining about how Race nearly decked him for no reason the other day just because he tried to sell at Sheepshead. When the redhead takes a breath, you whisper something to him, careful to ensure that no one else can overhear you.
“Is it just me, or is Jojo staring at us?”
Albert takes a surreptitious glance around, then nods. “No, you’re definitely right.”
Across the square, Jojo has his arms folded across his chest. He’s glaring at you and Albert, practically radiating fury. The only problem is that you have absolutely no idea why your friend is upset.
“Neither of us did anything to upset him, right?” You ask cautiously.
Albert shakes his head. “Last I checked, yeah. Maybe someone’s framed us.”
You chuckle at that. “Makes enough sense to me.”
The two of you have reached the front of the line, and Albert disengages his arm so you can go ahead and pay for your papers. You wave goodbye to Jojo when you pass him on your way out, and, funnily enough, the other boy looks far happier the second Albert is no longer within your line of sight.
A similar thing happened two days later. This time, you’re out selling papers in the streets of Manhattan, hawking your best (often false) headlines in the hopes of turning a profit. Buttons is right by your side, your selling partner since the very beginning.
This time, Buttons is the one to notice first. He taps you on the shoulder as you come back from selling a pape. “Why is Jojo looking at me like he wishes I was dead?”
You turn around, following the boy’s line of sight around a neighboring street corner. Jojo had been lingering by a streetlight, and although he quickly ducks into a shop to avoid detection, you’ve already seen him. More specifically, you saw the cold stare he was directing towards Buttons, the exact same look he’d been giving Albert the other day.
You shrug. “I have absolutely no idea. Let me guess, you haven’t done anything to upset him?”
“Yeah,” says Buttons, “he was talking to me like nothing happened this morning. Weird.”
“Weird indeed,” you agree.
By the third instance of this different attitude, you’re starting to get annoyed. It's been a week since the first time you noticed Jojo acting oddly. You’re in the lodging house after managing to sell all of your papers. Jojo walks in while you’re laughing over the day’s exploits with a group of friends. Usually, he’d stop to talk to you, but this time he walks straight by as if he doesn’t see anyone there. He gives you a polite wave, but nothing else.
Had it happened any earlier, you probably would have just brushed it off as the result of a hard day, but this time you’re mad. Jojo is treating you weirdly and you’re sick of it. You bid a quick goodbye to your friends and walk quickly after him.
Jojo looks surprised when you follow him into an empty hallway, but you’re not letting anything come in between you and some answers.
“What is this about?” You ask pointedly.
Jojo does his best to look innocent. “What are you talking about?”
You fold your arms across your chest. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You’ve been acting oddly for days now. Did you know that some of our friends have started asking if they did something wrong? You’re treating them like they’re monsters and they have no idea why. Neither do I, for that matter.”
Jojo flushes and looks away. “That’s not– I’m not mad at them.”
“Then why are you behaving like this?” You question him.
His gaze snaps back to you. “Because they’re getting too close to you. I mean, you saw Albert that day, he had his arm around you and everything. Maybe I just don’t like that.”
You scoff. “I’m allowed to talk to my friends, Jojo. Last time I checked, we’re not getting married for another decade or two.”
“Don’t bring up that agreement,” he says heatedly, “that was for me. A last resort if I couldn’t tell you how I felt. If all else failed, that would work. I don’t know why I bothered, though, because you clearly seem way more interested in every other boy here.”
You stare at him. “Wait, you were going to tell me how you felt?”
Jojo looks unhappy, but it’s not as if he can get out of this now. “I like you,” he says simply, “I thought you already knew, but there. I do. Problem is, you don’t feel the same way.”
“Well,” you reply slowly, “who ever said anything about that?”
Now it’s his turn to be in shock. “What?”
You lift a shoulder. “Don’t be that surprised. I mean, come on, I spend way more time with you than anyone else. Surely you noticed that.”
“I’m noticing it now,” Jojo excuses himself.
You laugh. He’s certainly got all the time in the world to think about it now. You’re happy, he’s happy, and nothing could possibly be better.
newsies tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @misguidedswagger, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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