#every simple fun interaction i have with another human
nat-20s · 1 year
Sorry I have a deep unshakeable and unabashed love of humanity 🙄 as of it's my fault the vast majority of humans are decent people trying to live good lives
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femsolid · 1 month
Video games recommendation for women part 2
The same criteria as before: has to have a female lead and little to no misogyny
1. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
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The seemingly invincible and endlessly talented Lara Croft goes on yet another adventure, this time exploring the Amazon jungle and South American ruins looking for a magical artifact hoping to prevent her enemies, an evil organisation called Trinity, from using it.
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Tomb Raider is a franchise that has changed quite a bit over the years. Ever since the reboot, Lara has become a fully fledge character and she doesn't do rock climbing in a skimpy outfit anymore (which made the boys mad, boohoo).
But sadly she still suffers from her reputation of sexy girly indiana jones which I suspect is why women don't seem that interested in her. Shame!
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It's not usually the type of games I like (very over the top "blockbustery") but I got hooked the minute I set foot (or rather crashed) in the Peruvian jungle. The game is visually stunning, I loved exploring all the ancient temples, the crypts, the jungle and seeing all the animals. The puzzles were challenging, the fights were fun, it was entertaining, well made, with lots of female characters and it takes place in Peru which is just the cherry on top for me.
The only thing I didn't like was Jonah but then I never liked him. He's Lara's best friend and is pretty much there to be kidnapped and rescued in every game, which is kind of a nice reversed damsel in distress trope I suppose, but still, you're useless Jonah I kept telling my screen.
2. Alien Isolation
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In this game you play as Ellen Ripley's daughter who ends up trapped in a gigantic spaceship with a lethal enemy, of course, the infamous alien: the xenomorph.
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This game is perfect if you are currently suffering from constipation. It doesn't rely on cheap jumpscares and gore to scare you no, it's all about the ~ambiance~. If you are found, you are dead, simple as. And you will die... A LOT. I got an achievement for dying 50 times. I was laughing hysterically whenever the alien caught me by that point and I think the alien was too.
They say "in space no one can hear you scream" but this alien can hear your footsteps so this makes for some tense gameplay, especially as the alien's AI is very good and you are extremely vulnerable. To survive you will have to be very mindful of the noises you make and the noises the alien makes. Oh yeah, you both crawl through the same ventilation system by the way. This could make for some awkward encounter... On top of having to deal with the alien you will meet androids and humans who aren't exactly friendly either. The goal is, of course, to escape from the ship alive.
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I have to give the developpers props for really making us feel like we are in an Alien movie. The music, the ship's design, the alien itself, are all very faithfull to the movies and this game is rightly considered a classic.
3. Spiritfarer
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In Spiritfarer you play as Stella (and her cat) who has become the captain of a boat on which she welcomes the spirits of different people who have died. She will accompany them for a while until it's time to cross the bridge and say farewell.
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It's worth mentionning, given how rare it is, that the main character is a black girl. Your job is to manage the boat (make improvements to it) and become self-sustainable: you will grow your own food, build houses for each spirit and decorate it, grow trees, collect wood, fish, feed your guests. You can make a mill, a weaving workshop, a sawmill, a kitchen, a garden, etc and arrange it as you please.
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Most importantly, you will travel the sea to meet new spirits, learn about their lives and fullfill their last wishes before they are ready to leave us. And then you will cry and cry and cry as the music rises and you give them one last hug.
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It's a cosy game, slow paced, lots of dialogues, cute mini-games within it, and at times really funny interactions because it all looks so cute yet the characters act and talk like normal people (they told me to fuck off quite a lot) and they will often get into unprompted anti-capitalist rants. It reminded me of Spirited Away a lot, very strange and comfy at the same time.
It's a story about death, about how each person handles it, what they look back on, and yet it's a very pleasant game.
As usual I will add more to the list as I reblog it and, of course, if you want to recommend a game too, you're more than welcome. I've been focusing on games with female leads lately so I'll have a lot more to add.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
I Miss The Case Study of Vanitas Because Sex
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Okay, please forgive me for the clickbait-y title, but I just had to take it. The whiplash is too fun to me. Anyways, yes, I miss The Case Study of Vanitas (both as an anime and manga, since we've not gotten vol 10 in English yet) because of sex. Not the act in and of itself, but the appeal, the tension, the experience. Animanga isn't nearly as sexless as North American media, but it presents its own unique challenges and issues. So, if you don't mind, please humor my little foray into an attempt to explain the decoupling of fan service and sex appeal, with The Case Study of Vanitas as a medium.
⚠️Warning: I've done my best to keep it spoiler free, but by nature there is mild spoilers in regards to characters and certain interactions.⚠️
Is The Case Study of Vanitas about sex? Well, obviously not, no, it's about vampires. But as much as it's about vampires, it's also about despair, hope, penance and revenge, and the intricacies of the human condition. It just happens to feature vampires as the selling point. And I believe therein lies the best explanation of Vanitas: it's not about sex, but rather contains those aspects as a part of the people that exist in its world.
Fanservice has become a rather perverted term. Rather than appealing to a broad range of applications, fanservice tends to exclusively apply to displays that are sexual in nature (most typically in regards to catering to male audiences). In that way it's not particularly awful in how the term itself has shifted, but the use of fanservice is borderline pathetic in most series. A gaudy display of body parts, it hangs on excessive scale and movement to catch the eyes of touch starved individuals. I don't need a ballooned bosom besetting my vision before bobbing about in a baroque display for all too long. That's not the point.
But what is the point? Well, I've prattled on long enough so here's an example.
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A look in the eyes, the right lighting. Even simple posing. Sex appeal is not limited to explicit displays of sexuality, but is rather the personification of both the character's intent as well as their external perception.
There are so many moments in this series that are in no way explicitly sexual, but can easily be perceived to have sex appeal or sexual tension.
But then, how would that appeal not feel weakened? It's a good question, honestly, and an important one to ask. When you display the chest of an underaged girl enough times, it won't elate the audience enough to be perceived as "good". It's a universal issue with storytelling, so how does Vanitas get around it?
My answer (and perhaps not the only answer) is how this appeal and tension is derived. I had sort of said it earlier, but didn't really explain. Its source is the very nature of the characters and world. It is not an external force exposing these facets, but the machinations of the plot and its pieces themselves.
Have a look at this example here. Vampires are hot, right? Their power, broody nature, and the concept of the unknown have played into their eroticism and appeal since time immemorial (seriously, look up Carmilla). Vanitas pounces on that concept and immediately plays into it. We don't get blood sucking every episode and every second, no. But we get it enough to provide variation, it appears at the right time to provide another layer to the nature of the story and characters.
Anyways, the example. Lord Ruthven and Noe. Two vampires, engaging in something strictly non-sexual. He is simply biting Noe. But the posing, the nature of the layout. It presents tension. It presents Ruthven's ownership and commanding nature of Noe in this moment. Domination and subjugation.
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Even more is this sequence. The commanding nature that presents a clear power dynamic. The phrasing. It absolutely exudes sexual tension. But nothing of the sort is apparent in the actual interaction.
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So what's the deal here. I know I had spoken on how characters themselves can convey tension and appeal without explicit intent to do so, but how can circumstance and interaction play into it as well?
Another lovely question. What comprises the act of sex? What are the pieces that elate, entice, and encourage someone? Well, aside from the answer that it's down to the individual, there's a few core pieces. The "top and bottom" dynamic is certainly the one that appears the most when dealing with pairs. Another, while a bit unseemly and slightly (?) taboo is the concept of fear and violence. Of course, I don't mean in any serious context, but the concept is how those things make you feel, and that they stem from that similar power dynamic. Perhaps that's the best word to describe it with: power dynamic. It's all about how two characters interact with each other, where they stand in relation to one another. The above image is the perfect example of that, and the following is how to build on it.
Vanitas and Jeanne, an incredible combination born not out of a mutual desire for the other, but the sheer interest of one and the needs of another. It's a one sided love spurred on by the actions of one that encourages the other to let loose. It creates the interesting dynamic of a power bottom that remains refreshing alongside the other relationships that exist in the story.
So here's a clip of that dynamic.
The way the camera and characters hang on each moment, the way the layouts aim to both obstruct but also apply razor focus. The voice acting. All of it, every single moments provides for that tension and appeal, and it extends past the act of sucking blood and into the souls of the characters themselves. A terrible plead that spills from blood stained lips, a promise that comes from the origin of that crimson.
This "sex appeal" and "sexual tension" is not something manufactured, but the absolute core of these characters. The act of domination, the incredible an undesired need of a substance, the mental fractures eroding at the ego of a person. All of these moments stem from the very souls of the characters and bubble up to the surface in these forms of expression. Where words will not do, actions speak in their place.
Also, Vanitas moaning. Yes please. The greatest benefit to this series is the fact that it's willing to lean into the men as well. This is not "just" for the guys (and lesbians), no. This is for everyone, but especially those that enjoy a side of insanity and toxicity to their romance.
So that brings us to the end. Vanitas is not "about" sex, Vanitas is sex and is the purest way to deliver on fan service while providing sexual tension and appeal. It's subtle, subdued, infrequent and benign. It does not bend to the desires of the viewer, but rather stems from those of the characters. And so many series need to take note. "Lucky Lecher" and perversely excessive displays have no home in my heart when there are far more artistic and desirable sequences that can be produced.
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starsomens · 1 year
Hi! Happy your requests are open!!! Very excited haha
This literally might just sound so simple and basic but like, I neeeeed it lmao a mix of fluff and NSFW!
Him being just TALL and a big human(I’m 5’7 so him being 6’3 and big is *chefs kiss* but also makes me very nervous haha)
tshirts so big it’s basically a dress
sweet interactions/compliments
anything with straddling/sitting in his lap, being tossed over a shoulder, being tossed around
100% creative freedom of course haha just those details pleaseeee 🥵 🖤
thank you thank you!!!! I can come off anon and DM you if you want with any questions!
Note:I HAD FUN WITH THIS ONE AAAH- If I like accidentally make it seem almost like you're way shorter than you say, I'm sorry !! And for visual reference Noah will have his long hair in here! Also very sorry this is SUPER late!
Warnings: I made this like a domestic soft smut so, soft dom Noah, penetration, dirty talk, some love bombs in there, honestly just cute whole some sex with i love yous
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Your alarm blares through the quiet room where your limbs were tangled with Noah's. Your hair was in every direction, Noah's shirt that was more of a dress on you rode up to just over your bellybutton. Noah's long arm reach for the bed side and dismissed your alarm. The same hand came back to your body and brought you into a bone crushing hug.
"Mmmm" you groan with a stretch " 'm sorry..." you apologize for the interruption of your alarm. It was one of the rare days you both had off and with nothing to do but be home with one another. So of course, you both made plans for the night before but never got to them when you fell asleep so fast.
"sorry for what baby" he half yawns
"the alarm" you answer turning your body in his hold so you can face him "how did you sleep?" you asked
"Good. Didn't have you leave you early" he smiles "Come on let's get up sunshine" he pecks your forehead.
"mmmmm laattterrrrr" he comes around to your side and drags you up by the hands with a groan
"Come on princess" he kisses your nose "We can make pancakes, your favorite"
"...with strawberries?" you ask with a smile
"All the strawberries you want"
He watched as you padded your way to the bathroom with him close by. You were wearing one of his baggier shirts and he loves when you wear them. Falling just below your ass. Perfection. There was visuals when you walked, sat down and especially when you bent over. It was perfect for a spank or grab. You both brushed you teeth and took a couple of morning mirror selfies. A lil ritual Noah loved to keep alive, and afterwards it was into the shower together.
On other days this shower may have been a bit steamier. However, he wanted to soak in the slow morning with you. You get out and dress into a pair of his boxers and one of your shirts this time and off to the kitchen you went. Noah grabbed the pancake mix and you got the strawberries to cut. One of Noah's favorite things to do with you was cook. For one making a great meal and doing it together. He loved getting a mix right and seeing the spark in your eye light up from the flavor. He loved coming behind you and holding your hand in his while his head rested on your shoulder and helped you cut ingredients. His long hair picked up in a messy bun while he coaches you
"that's it baby you got it!"
"My favorite little helper" were his go to lines when you're in the kitchen together. Soon your home smelled like sweet pancakes and fresh fruits. After a nice breakfast you sat on the counter and continued your conversation from earlier
"It's like...weird that we're both here on a day. For the whole day!" you smile popping another strawberry slice into your mouth. The sweet and slight tang of the fruit flooding your mouth. While you ate away at the berries you took a look over your boyfriend. He was leaning back against the counter opposite to the one you were sat on. His tall, slender figure, his tattoos, his soft hair, and that smile. Oh how that smile did things to you. You just thought to yourself, how utterly head over heels you were for him. The sound of his laughter, his passion, his love for you, everything made your stomach do flips. You were pulled out of your thoughts when he called for you.
"Huh? What was that?" you ask
"What you thinking about huh?" he smiles coming over to slot himself between your legs and lean his hands on the counter. His face coming closer to yours. The loos strands of his bun falling to gently frame his face. You lean forward and nudge your nose against his own
"Nothing...just looking at my man" you smile as your eyes drift into his own dark brown eyes
"Your man? Well I'm looking at my woman" he answers with a peck to your lips
"My moonlight" you say with a reciprocated kiss
"My sunshine" a deep kiss, his hands coming up to rest on your hips
"My baby" you whisper as your hands land on his to run up his arm and rest behind his neck
"my princess" his whispers back against your lips. He brings your closer to the edge, holding your body to his. You could feel his heartbeat against your own, nearly becoming one as your lips lock in a passionate dance. His hand glides up your back while the other holds you close by the small of your back. His other hand cradles the back of your head to deepen the kiss, you let your head fall limp in his hold. His lips leave yours painfully slow, leaving you wanting more from him. His eyes look into your love drunken ones, not a word was said as his lips gently ghosted over your skin, gliding down to the corner of your jaw where he began to peck at your skin. You bite down on your lower lip as he stops in a particular spot that he knows you love. Your hips give a subconscious roll against his own. He lets out a muffled groan against your skin, as his hips move against yours.
"Fuck baby..." he growls "So, fucking perfect for me." he picks you up from the counter and throws you over his shoulder bringing out a squeak from you.
"Do you have to carry me like this every time we decide to have sex?" you ask. The next thing you knew a hard spank came to one of your cheeks
"Yess I do. Keep that up and you'll get mor spanks" he threatened as he made his way to the stairs. Harper watching as Noah carried you up the stairs "You see what your daddy us doing to mama Harper?" she simply just tilts her head at you
"Harper, you hold down the fort like a good girl" Noah smiles as he disappears down the hall to your shared room. He drops you down on to the bed and you bounce with a giggle. He climbs over you and faces kiss from your collarbone up to your lips. Smiling into the kiss, his hand trace down your body and to the band of the boxers you were wearing. His slender fingers fiddle their way into your bottoms. His fingers coming in touch with just skin he breaks the kiss and says
"No panties? Awh was my pretty girl expecting to get fucked?" he smiles into the kiss
"maybeee" you sang an answer. He tosses the boxers over his shoulder, falling in to the floor with the rest of your clothes. Long forgotten as your bodies tangle with one another. His lips leaving mark in their wake along your skin, like a brush upon a canvas. His fingers curled within your squirming form. The sounds of your wet pussy like music to his ears. His slender fingers were the perfect length and width to find that magic spot.
“Yea Princess you like it there?” He asks into your ear as he pumped his digits just a bit faster with more force. Your legs begin to shake as your back arches off of the mattress. As he continues to pumps his fingers he positions himself between your legs.
He removed his digits, a stringy trail of your juices connect you both. A whine leaves your lips from him stopping
“Don’t worry princess” he said rubbing the head of his dick along your slit, using your juices as lubricant “I’m gonna fuck you just the way you like” he smirks as he finally pushes into you, bottoming out in one swift motion. Your wetness making it more than easy for him to glide right in. You sigh and be groans from the feeling.
His dick filled you perfectly, molded just for you. The thickness gave you a strange full feeling, you could cum just from him putting it in. He could feel you pulse around him, trying to milk his cock without any action
“Fuck baby….who’s pussy is this? Fucking right and wet…so fucking good” he growls as his hands come to the back of your knees, spreading your legs wider for his view
“Your Noah…please noah I need it..” you whine rocking your hips, getting only an inch of what you really want. Aligning himself he pushes the head in and slowly eases in, agonizingly slow. He finally bottoms out, he stayed there for just a moment. Taking in the feeling of your walls wrapped around him, the way your chest rose and fell. His hands trail up from your hips to your rib cage to your breasts, leaving goosebumps behind. His thumb rub over your nipples, making them erect. His hands gave them a squeeze as he brings himself out nearly all the way and thrusts back in.
"god baby...feel so good." he whispers as he steadily thrusts in and out of you. "does it feel good princess?" he asked
"So good! Please Noah harder !" you nearly beg him. He comes down close to you and engulfs your body with his own. You arms wrap about his shoulders as his thrusts grow faster and harder
"Yes Noah! R-right there! Mmm please!" you pant, your nails clawing at his back, grasping for something as the pit of your stomach burned with your approaching orgasm. The build up from before becoming greater
"Fuck Y/N! I love you!" he growls bucking into you in shorter harder thrusts reaching his end as your clamp around him
"I-I love you! Ah!" you moan feeling your core tighten and tighten until it finally snaps. You clamp and pulse around him as you finally cum
"Mmm yes baby Yes! shit...cum on my dick fuck!" he groans as he pumps himself faster, your cum mixing together as he fucks his cum deeply into you "Damn it, I fucking love you..." he pants as he litters kisses all over your skin "i love you, i love you....fuck I love you so much" he whispers as he rests his forehead on yours.
His tired eyes staring into your own. Both half lidded, dazed and full of love. Your skin hot and sweaty against one another, but it was the best feeling in the world.
You arms link around his neck and you bring your lips to his. In a slow, deep kiss. It wasn't just the sex talking you truly love him so much
"I love you Noah" you kiss his head as he lays on your chest, cuddling in close for a post sex nap. He laid and listen to your heart beat, and your breathing lulled him sleep instantly. This was absolute, bliss.
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual @tdopomymind @concretenoah @misspygmypie @noah-seb-omens
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devourable · 1 year
So, I love all of your OCs so far! I’ve been wondering: how would the yanderes feel about a darling with a young kid? (To make it simple, other parent isn’t in the picture, aside from maybe sending money.) Please, thank you, and have good day!
i decided to answer this for all of my yandere ocs bc im a sucker for found family/single parent tropes 🫶 cw! spoilers for future ocs + mentions of child neglect
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🚼 the yanderes x single parent darling
⛪️ | abraham would be a bit surprised, to say the least. but he comes from a community where people get married and have kids the moment they’re out of high school (if not the moment they become adults) so while he would be sort of caught off guard, he’d adapt pretty quickly. he’d definitely fantasize about becoming a little family unit, probably even subtly propose the idea of expanding every so often. he wouldn’t exactly love your child — at least, definitely not the way he loves you — but you wouldn’t be able to tell with how well he treats them.
🚬 | the delinquents would be more like four older brothers more than anything. theyre all a bit too young to take on a proper parental role, nor would any of them have a real desire to, but they’d definitely have fun sharing their singular shared braincell with your kid. your child would probably grow up to be a massive little troublemaker thanks to their influence, but that’s why you love them, right? if the other parent is still involved one way or another though, they’d immediately put a stop to that. no reason to be involved with your ex now that they’re in the picture.
🌲 | mykolas would be curious of your child. he’s never seen such a young human up close before (considering he was always accused of eating them) so having a chance to actually be around one would be a new experience for him. he’d quickly start to refer to your child as his own, calling them his cub more than their name and carry them around on his shoulders or head whenever they go out together. it wouldn’t be uncommon to see him protectively curled up around them while they’re taking a nap.
🪸 | similarly to mykolas, the mermaids would be sort of curious about your child, though arguably less so as they have seen human children before. they have a very vague understanding of how to care for your child and would constantly search the sea for things that could come in handy for caring for them — you can expect to have a constant supply of eroded toys and suspiciously good quality clothes for them. they’d also try to teach them things that they’d teach the fry of their pods, though obviously they can only do so much teaching something that isn’t meant to live in the sea lol.
💪 | valentina grew up as a parentified older sibling, so while she wouldn’t particularly enthused about taking the role again so soon after getting out of it, she’d be capable of adapting to the role. she knows how to take care of a child and would ensure your kid’s cared for when they’re being watched by her, but she probably wouldn’t be able to establish much of an emotional connection to them without making an active effort to. but she does love children, so she’d learn to love yours too.
👑 | althea would hate your child. plain and simple. she’d view them as the living embodiment of you not keeping your promise to her, of you giving your love to someone else before she had the chance to have you to herself. while she’d never overtly mistreat your child, she’d be incredibly cold toward them and try to find reasons to avoid interacting with them. they’d be spoiled relentlessly with the hopes that if she gave them everything they’d need to live, neither you or her would have to deal with them.
🥩 | rhodes wouldn’t think much of your kid for the most part, but they’d express a gentle fondness for them the few times they do meet them. they’d affectionately greet them, offer them a treat, and hold a little conversation with them to keep them busy for a bit while you run errands or eat or whatever you need to do. they’re kind of awkward with children given they have nothing in common with them and have little experience with them, but surprisingly they’re a natural with yours.
🫀 | melchior has no interest in human kids. therefore they wouldn’t care much for yours, seeing your child more like a pet or something along those lines rather than a sapient being. their treatment of them would reflect that; they wouldn’t be necessarily mean or anything, but they’d be a bit patronizing and talk at them more than they’d talk to them. it isn’t out of malice, they’d genuinely think that that’s how you interact with children and any attempts to correct them would be met with confusion and frowns.
🕷️ | the alt kids would be wonderful parents to your kid. they’d more or less be sort of a mix of abe and the delinquents, but with the added bonus that they’d care deeply for your child as they’d see them as an extension of you rather than a mix of you with someone else. they’d come up with a system to help your child have a good upbringing and stick with it — faust would take up helping them study, anton would teach them manners and etiquette, and delta would help them with their social life. they’re so good for you and your child, see? they live for the idea that them treating your child well and loving them will make you love them all more in turn.
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Hi! i’d like to ask for Wukong and Macaque (separate) with a short, chubby, gardener reader if you haven’t done that already! Like maybe reader could be growing a peach or plum tree and the boys come by for some!
Hi anon! I love this idea and I hope you like it!!
Wukong and Macaque (separate) with a short, chubby, gardener reader
Sun Wukong
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The moment he hears that not only is his crush a gardener and very in tune with nature but loves growing peach trees and is a close friend of MKs…yeah he’s already on his way over there. He tries his best not to overwhelm you with his energy and politely asks for a peach, unable to hide the way his tail excitedly wagged and the genuine grin that crept up on his face when you said for him to take his pick.
You weren’t that far from the harbor or the city so it wasn’t out of his way and found himself visiting you every day, getting more familiar with you and eventually getting the invite from you to come and go as he pleased (as long as he didn’t do anything stupid which you did further clarify when he asked you to be specific due to past….events). Assuring him that he’d have to screw up pretty bad you to ban him from your life and offering to have lunch with him which he happily accepted, talking about your daily life and how different his was on Flower Fruit Mountain.
One day you woke up late to knocking on your door as thunder roared outside your house, thinking nothing of it as you covered your head with the comforter before hearing your front door open as rain pelted on your wood floors and shot up with a bat you always kept beside you in your hands. In front of you, you saw the Great Sage Equal to Heaven dripping wet from the storm holding an armful of peaches with a concerned expression quickly replaced with one of relief and humor.
Wukong explained that on his way over here it started thundering quite badly and swept up some of the peaches that had fallen on the ground (still edible but just shaken off from the wind), concerned about how you were holding up since the weather was more equivalent to a hurricane than a storm and figured he’d spend the time at your place until the storm was over. You of course were now concerned for his family back on the mountain to which his reply was they were all safely in Water Curtain Cave and that he figured spending some time baking with the peaches he’d gathered would be fun, secretly very touched when you’d expressed concern for his brothers and sisters and also how adorable you looked shocked awake with your hair scattered everywhere.
Six-Eared Macaque
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He was just walking around one day and smelled something good, stumbling upon your orchard and seeing a variety of fruit trees; his eye spotted a couple of plum and mango trees in the corner of the field. As he was making his way over, he saw you in another row of trees picking fruit to put in your basket and paid you no mind, you were just some simple human.
He jumped onto a branch upon seeing a ripe-looking plum and going to take a bite after rubbing it on his sleeve when he heard you yell at him, looking down to see you looking both confused and annoyed at him. Hearing you reasonably get mad at him for eating the stuff you use to make a living and he sassily responds that one plum missing won’t ruin your life to which you flip him and yell at him to fuck himself…To which he could go away but where’s the fun in that when he found someone so interesting?
You see him every. single. day. after that first interaction and every time you interact, it’s the same old song and dance with him giving you a sassy remark and you telling him to fuck off. But each time you both get closer and become more friends than the tolerable asshole I interact with, eventually you both get to look forward to your meetings and ask how the other’s day was (learning the actual names of one another). One day though is different from the rest.
It was nearing sunset and you were at the back of your orchard, picking ripened fruit for the market tomorrow and putting broken or torn fruit in a bin for compost (definitely not picking some savory fruits for the shadow demon basically living with you) when you heard a branch snap in the thick forest nearby with growling not shortly after.
You nearly dropped the basket you were holding and backed away from the mother bear with her cubs moving closer to you, the small furred cubs eating scarred apples and mangos that had already gone to insects, and nearly jumped at you before someone got in front of you. Macaque now stood in front of you with a pointed bo staff made of a swirling black shadow-like material and eyes glowing violet as he bared his teeth, a low growl building in the back of his throat and poison dripping from his words. “Go.”
That was all it took for them to run, scurrying back into the forest and leaving the two of you alone with adrenaline still coursing through you. Both of you made it back to your house with some fruit, the shadow demon lightly joked about how he might as well just start living with you if these things keep happening, and you said he was more than welcome to.
Yeah, that was all it took for both of you to become roommates with more mornings filled with tangled limbs (Macaque seeking you out for both warmth and comfort) and you both playfully flirt with each other, baking and keeping each other company at the marker when you have to leave.
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qfzeeph · 8 months
felt like gushing about the silly blue man today so here's a rare "you get zeeph writing" moment!!
♡Kaito (Vocaloid) x Reader/Master HCs♡
♡this be fluffy, with a teeny tiny bit of spicy jokes towards as a treat. that's about it♡
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♡ So, what is he exactly? You have no idea. Some sort of weird ambiguous cross between an android and just a regular ordinary human it seems? But that air of mystery is part of what makes him so charming. You wouldn't have even known he had mechanical parts somewhere within him if he hadn't spoken to you. You can definitely hear it in his voice (though sometimes when he sings it's very easy to forget!) and through some of his mannerisms, but he just seems to be a regular human guy otherwise. Don't try to ask him about it either, because he's not even quite sure himself. All he knows is he woke up one morning with the mission to make people around the world happy and that he's got some sort of internal machinery and coding within him. ♡Absolute cuddlebug. His favorite time of day is when you're snuggled together under a warm blanket. Need I say more? They don't call him "Cozy Kaito" for nothing. He's warm like a space heater, but not uncomfortably warm. ♡Cut the fancy date crap, he'd rather go out for ice cream or a romantic walk in the park. It's the little things for him, and ice cream of course. Taking him out to get ice cream means the world to him. ♡However, he isn't afraid to spoil you silly with little things either. Flowers, candies, various treats, you come home to them all the time. Any of those little things that make your day a little brighter he's gonna do for you. Your smile is incredibly important to him, and he wants to make sure you're feeling loved whenever possible. ♡He's your biggest cheerleader. He wants to see you succeed and will relentlessly hype you up for whatever you're doing. If you are to fail, he'll be there to soften the blow and get you back on your feet to try again. ♡Sometimes, you have to remind him that ice cream and cuddles isn't going to solve every problem. Since he's programmed with the task of making others happy, sometimes he forgets that and may push a little too far when you're stressed. He tries his best to catch himself, and while he is learning to combat that initial urge to cheer you up sometimes he still slips up. Just a simple "I need a little space right now" is more than enough to remind him though. It was hard for him to hear at first but he quickly understood. ♡Another "programming quirk" he has is calling you "Master." If you like that, he won't stop! But if you're like me and would rather him just call you by your name, he'll happily oblige the best he can. However, in moments of passion, he might let a "Master" or two slip out, or combine your name with the word. I'm sure it'll make for some cute pet names. ♡On the topic of pet names, he loves them. Thinks all the little nicknames you give him are super cute. He'll definitely try and find some for you too on the "cutesy-romantic" end. ♡Even Kaito gets sad. He struggles with the idea that he's a failure occasionally and that he's not doing enough. A little love from you is a quick fix, and over time with your care he may even overcome that mindset.
♡He loves to go out places with you, whether it be for errands, work, or fun. If he's not sure about where you took him though, don't be surprised if he clings to you like a lost puppy for a bit until he figures out what's going on. ♡Speaking of cling, he's a clinger. Loves to hold your hand, walk with an arm around you, carry you around the house, sit with his head on your shoulder (or your head on his shoulder!) ♡Kaito plays a lot of different roles when he performs. If there's a specific one you like, he'd be more than happy to add bits and pieces of that role to your interactions. Of course, his usual goofy self will always shine through. Though he's also willing to apply playing the role to other scenerios if you so desire (wink wink) ♡Loves to sing to you. There's songs he sings to you that'll never leave your room, both in a spicy sense and in a "I don't want anyone else to hear this because I wrote it for you and you alone" sense. He also likes to learn the words to your favorites (mainly non vocaloid, or vocaloid songs that don't feature him if applicable) and sing them to you! Expect a lot of sappy, cute song outbursts during your time at home, and occasionally when you're out too but not quite as often. Though you may catch him humming the melody to one of your favorite songs while you're out and about! He'd be incredibly happy if you sang along with him too. Even if you think you can't sing, he'll tell you you've got the voice of an angel. Author's Note: For me personally, I like to imagine he'd sing the chorus to "You Are My Sunshine" every night before bed. But that's just me :) (please click on that. I'm begging you. I have no idea why that video only has like 100 views on it as of me writing this because it's literally so good and heartwarming and it's also like the full song which is honestly pretty sad in terms of lyrics in retrospect but the chorus gets me real good real good reeeallll goooooood.) ♡Last, but not least... The scarf stays on. no exceptions. If you catch my drift ;) (okay. one exception, to throw it in the washer when it gets dirty.)
fhsdlfjsdlkfjsd hope you enjoyed me drooling all over the place with this. I'm starting to become shameless when it comes to sharing this kind of stuff in the best possible way. it's the lord's year of 2024 imma do what I want and write about all my favorite fictional men
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paper-mario-wiki · 1 year
Your Trollsona is such a damn cool concept! I love the sheer insanity that the RPS unfolds into and I gotta ask, how does their Captchalogue and Fetch Modi work? Those are always another fun bonus way characters quirks are shown
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Not quite!
The Sylladex object recovery and creation system is COMPLETELY separate from the RPS system.
Total mastery of the RPS fractal would be DESTRUCTIVELY OVERPOWERED, considering if you knew exactly how each object interacts with the other, you'd be able to instantly resolve any conflict with a single action no matter what. But this is near impossible because the RPS catalogue accounts for all possible concepts, not all possible objects. This is why a double-sided barcode is used instead of the typical hole punch system. You can't captchalogue a kick in the nose, after all.
Each line in the barcode represents a single binary digit. With each digit added, the amount of possible values goes up exponentially. Within only 10 lines in the barcode, 1024 values are possible. But what's even MORE exponentially gigantic is having it be double sided, because then it squares itself instead of just doubling itself. So a two-sided ticker tape with 10 bars on each side would be 1024^2, or 1,048,576 different values. And that's with a code that fits within the circumference of a nickel.
However, if you refer back to the gif with the ticker in it:
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That's WAY more than a nickel's length.
And that’s an absolute necessity, because every possible concept must be accounted for. The system is pretty fucking wildly, multiversally, insanely gigantic. Hence the need for extremely dense data to get anywhere.
And even then, the bar code doesn’t actually grant you access to the item that its value represents. The only thing it does get you is access to all relative values, or everything that interacts with that object in a meaningful way. The RPS Chart acts as a gigantic excel spreadsheet which catalogs and calculates how one thing could reasonably negate, counteract, subvert, or otherwise destroy another thing, and vice versa.
You can't just KNOW where something is on a fractal, you have to find it. Like how theoretically you could find every single number combination within the digits of pi, but you'd still have to go looking for it.
Imagine it like playing the Wikipedia game, where you can only get from one place to another by clicking through links on pages, except instead of words with context on a screen, it’s dozens to thousands of arbitrary binary digits. The longer the code, the more quantumly hyper-specific the item.
You're going to have a lot easier of a time finding "cup of water" than you are "Betty McLaughlin's Red Diary From 1997".
This is why Kippyr has to spend as much time studying it as they do, because navigating through the chart with any amount of grace would take several human lifetimes to accomplish. However, with the Seer of Mind classpect, as well as their countless hours of diligent observation and experimentation with the chart, Kippyr is able to gracefully navigate through the fractals with the instinctual finesse of a sea turtle in an underwater slipstream.
NOW. Onto the topic of a Fetch Modus.
Kippyr is a slow adopter of it. Fetch modi are not a necessary element in the Homestuck world’s set of natural laws. For the majority of their life, Kippyr'd prefer to just use their satchel and pockets to carry all their stuff around. But as they progress further into Sgrub, and their session becomes more demanding and complex, they’d eventually develop one that works seamlessly with the RPS system:
The RPS Modi. The way it works is simple: Just throw the shape of the object which would beat the object you’re looking for. If you wanted Rock, you’d throw Paper, if you wanted Paper you’d throw Scissors, and if you wanted Scissors you’d throw Rock.
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Simple! Just don't forget the hand shapes :^]
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
scaramouche argument fic but "make up? more like make out"
Wanderer x lessor lord reader.
Scara masterlist lessor lord masterlist
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Where it last left off your once eternal enemy, Shouki no kami. Has erased himself from irminsul. After running into you 'by chance'. You treat him out for tea at your house because of the "mysterious" aura he had. Mild teasing leads to you two building a "intimate" connection and you remembering who he truly was, Kunikuzushi.
It was the middle of a cloudy afternoon in sumeru city by the time you got back from the "date" you and Kuni went on. You knew you had many other things to attend to but that wasn't important. You wanted to make it up too him once you two got back. "Kuni... please talk to me." You sped up to him and caught his hand. He looked down on you with a look of disgust while flicking his hat up. "I thought today was going to be about you and me Y/n. But.. Unfortunately, your too busy playing as the 'god of wisdom' right now to care...about..me." he sighed. "It's not like that! I'm sorry, I just had to figure this out. The talking hydro fungus, apep and the forbidden knowledge and many more things that happened today.. I didn't expect nor want all of this. I know we we're supposed to go on our date but-" he cut you off "But what? You told me you had time and didn't care about the circumstances. Yet here I find you in the same fucking spot we are now. At the gates, walking around into the forest with some stupid creature. Simple as that. I dont expect much from you over my sins y/n but if you cant take out time for me that isnt 'doing errands' and being more a 'human' then why are you even here? Why did you even save me?" He jerked your hand away and continued walking away. "Kuni! Don't you get it though? If this was left unchecked and apep stayed this ill. All of sumeru could've been in danger. My people.. and even life all across teyvat. Of course, i love you, more then anything. But..Im still an archon." You ran Infront of him once again, stopping him in the middle of his steps while he now had a completely irritated look on his face. "That's all it's about 'god of wisdom'. Your 'people', this self-righteousness you have. Don't you hear yourself? 'life all across teyvat' more then half of it is not your concern. Who cares about the rest of fake world. Your trying to hard y/n, Just move out of my way." It was humiliating, others around the city turned their heads. Watching as their god pathetically tried to chase for forgiveness. At this point, you truly wondered if you had to pick between him or sumeru, your nation of wisdom.
Kuni... That's all you could think about while sitting behind your desk in your bedroom. 'Your too busy to care about me.' those words echo'd through your mind. Making your heart sink with every breath you took as you picked up another inform. 'acting grand sage alhaitham has filed to resign immediately. States: 'it is not the future he wants to entirely devote his life too' you folded up the inform and placed it in a folder. "if only I could do the same." You leaned your head against the desk. Watching as the rain poured down your window, coating the now blurry view of sumeru city. remembering the countless times kuni would sit by your side reading those forms as well, proposing more "suitable" ways to punish scholars. You smiled, Remembering all of the fun moments you and kuni had, Even though in some ways you two we're complete opposites it was a blessing to have him around. A tear streamed down your cheek as you closed your eyes. Falling asleep to the sounds of the rain.
Hours later you awoke to the sound of thunder, scratching your eyes you got up from your desk and headed to the kitchen. Setting up the first bag of tea you saw glimpse your eye. Leaning against the counter you sat in silence. 'That pain in my chest is still around... maybe the tea will help me relax.' You took your cup and poured the tea, blowing on it to cool it down. Taking a sip realizing a unfamiliar taste. "Bleh- what is this? So bitter.." Shifting your vision back to the tea bag, you frowned at what it was. 'Bitter black tea.' Kuni's favorite. "..maybe I should call him over so we can talk." you said while looking back down at the cup, witnessing your reflection. However, your zone out was cut short by a knock at the door.
"Hmm?" You put the cup down and walked towards the front door, scratching your eyes. Opening it to be greeted by Kuni standing in the rain. "Oh. So your here." he said casually. "K-kuni?! Why are you out in the rain?? Your going to get sick." You grabbed his hand and gestured him into your house. Already running to fetch him something new to put on. "Y/n. About earlier." You ran around your kitchen. Brewing more tea and handing him clothes. "This is the largest size I have.. i think it'll fit you right? We are the same age after all." handing the close to him, you turned your attention back to the tea. "Y/n... Cut it out." You tilted your head at his words. "What do you mean Kuni? I dont even know how long you've been out their! what if your sick" He chuckled, sat on the couch then took off his hat. "Im a puppet. You expect me to get sick? or is that what you want?" You followed him to the couch while rolling your eyes at his remark, Placing his tea on the table. "Earlier. What happened with our date. I wanted to say sor-" Kuni stuttered while speaking. "Hmm? Say what Kuni?" "Sorr-eee" you gave a dumfounded look.
'is he struggling to say sorry?' it was a little cute but sad how he isn't familiar with being apologetic. Or showing remorse "fuck. this human emotions stuff is so aggravating. Look. 'He took a deep breath' Im..sorry alright. I know I have to own up to things and your trying to help me and...I guess I shouldn't have brought up sumeru like that, it kinda was amusing going around the desert, seeing some old dragon and killing some hilichurls. Its just that..You've been the only one in my life to really care... Even after how I touched you in my past life. I Just wanted some alone time with you. Not just being your prisoner and running errands now." "Kuni..." Your eyes started to water. "Ugh. Why are you crying... I thought that was the right thing to say" He grew closer to you, cupping your cheek with his hand while wiping away your tears with a cloth. You then held onto his wrist, Sinking into his touch. "It was Kuni, just haven't heard you ever say something that nice." he chuckled. "Well I'm sure theirs a more. Suiting way for you."
Kuni pressed his lips onto yours, you moaned into the kiss while wrapping your hands around him "K-kuni~your so rough" "Mmm...but you like it that way don't you? Who ever thought the god of wisdom was such a slut for my touch" your tongues intertwined as you both exchanged each other's tastes. "Hah..fuck y/n.. cmere.. mmm sit on my lap." You sat on Kuni's lap. Slowly beginning to grind on his cock as his hands shifted down to your ass "Yeah baby, just like that. Grind on daddy's cock~" "Kuni I love you~ I..I want you.. please" you felt his hard on through his pants. "Yeah? what does my little slut want." The way his cock pressed against you would make your body shivers at how erect it was getting. You pulled him into another kiss. The both of you gasping for air. "Kuni...Kuni.. please~ cum in my mouth. I want it~" "shit keep saying my name like that y/n.. get on your fucking knees and open that slut mouth of yours" you climbed off of Kuni and onto the floor. Tugging off your shirt. "Fuck yes. Gonna take your shirt off for daddy too? Want me to cum all over your chest?" He took his cock out, pumping it more then pushing the tip into your mouth. "Hah..your mouth is so fucking warm." Kuni roughly pushed his cock down your throat, making you choke and let out a squeal. "Oh fuck~ yes. Take daddy's cock." You never heard Kuni moan so passionately before like that. The way he'd praise your mouth and chase his high "Fuck~ Ah..yes..m' so close.. daddy's gonna cum." he thrusted hard into your throat. Practically fucking you. "Hah..hah...Yes..OH FUCK M GONNA CUM~" ropes of his warm cum shot down your throat. "Open that fucking mouth of yours." He Pushed your head back and stared at you intently. Making sure you swallowed all of his cum. You did, tongue hanging out as you gasped for air.
"Fuck..Your so addicting y/n. I love you."
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redheadspark · 7 days
hey girl!! i feel like it’s been years since we’ve interacted lol. i would love to see your take on druig with either #2 or #19 for your september prompt session! i feel like both of those prompts go well with druig since he’s all about telepathy and mind related stuff. i hope you have fun writing <3 xx
A/N- Hello! It's good to hear from you again, I hope all is well! I hope you like this, I enjoy writing this for you! Thanks for requesting!
Summary - Even apart, you and Druig found each other
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Warning - Fluff with a hint of angst
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“Why are you working this late, darlin’?”
You poked your head up, seeing your soulmate in front of you and smiling with a cock of his head.  Shaking your head very slightly, looking back at the tablet you were working on.
“Thena is asking for the numbers of our current position,” You explained, your fingers still flying over every piece on the tablet, not wishing to slow down in your work since it was already late and you were wishing to sleep.  Druig chuckled, the sound alone made you grin from ear to ear since you’d missed it so much.
Being away from him was torture at times, but still seeing him in your mind was worth it.
You and Druig were connected, mentally connected so to speak.  There was no real explanation for it, not even Ajak knew the real reason why you two were connected through your minds.  But in the end, you and Druig decided to embrace your contention with one another.
That simple decision led to you two being head over heels in love with one another for the rest of your time on Earth. 
Even when you were apart physically, you could “see” one another, almost like a two-way connection and communication.  It was strange in the beginning to see him in your mind, almost like he was really beside you or talking to you.  His voice sounded real, and his smile seemed real, but he wasn’t fully there.  It was the same for him, you two talking about it in the very beginning.
“Perhaps it means that we were never meant to be alone with each other,” Druig suggested, the two of you on The Domo in the Meeting Room while everyone else was already asleep, “But if I’m honest, I don’t mind it at all,”
“You don’t?” You asked sheepishly, seeing him softly grin and shake his head.  You both were cordial with one another up to that point, trying to navigate your friendship and mental “connection” with one another while still being Eternals and protecting the human race.  It was hard work, but it wasn’t so bad with Druig at your side.  Fighting together, eating together during meals, and sharing walks at the end of the day, you two were growing closer and closer.  Trusting another person, another being, seemed scary.  However, with Druig, it was never a question.
“I don’t mind it either,” You hummed in agreement, seeing a rare look of beauty on Druig’s face as he stared lovingly at you.  
Now with centuries behind you, a near Emergence that nearly ripped you two apart, the pair of you were separated. You went on The Domo with Thena and Makkari in hopes of finding other Eternals throughout the galaxy and bringing them news of what happened to Tiamut.  Druig stayed behind on earth with the rest, wishing to keep an eye on the village you two grew together and explore more of the world that he had never seen in 500 years.  Although you wished to stay with him, you both realized deep down that your intelligence was needed in space more than on Earth.  It was hard saying goodbye to your soulmate, the first few days in your old bed in your chambers were unbearable.
But he was there, waiting for you as you lay in the bed in tears.  Through your connection, he embraced you and comforted you with his soothing voice.
“I’m right here, m’darlin’.  We’re meant to be connected always, remember?  This is temporary, and we’ll be together soon, I promise,” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be asleep by now?” You asked him back in a teasing tone, seeing Druig roll his eyes.  
“I’m staying with Phastos at his home and I can’t fall asleep. It’s nice though, his house,” He explained, you looked up again.  This time, through your connection, you were in Phastos’s home in Chicago in the guest room.  You could see small flickers of Phastos in the room: dark but soothing colors on the walls, a massive bed with a dark purple comforter that was already turned on, all decor that dated back centuries.  Inviting, soothing, and everything Phastos.  Druig was perched on the bed of the room, his jacket hung on the back of the chair near the desk and he was sporting his black pajamas and a tired look on his face.  But he looked happy to see you.  
Through your connection, you walked over to sit next to him on the bed, and smiled gently at him, “How’s his family.”
“Ben and Jack are great, you’d like them,” He explained, gesturing to the door that led out of the guest room, “Jack wants to hang out with me a lot,”
“Maybe he thinks you’re cool. If that’s what the cool kids say these days,” You teased as he laughed.
“He’s a great kid.  You should meet him someday,” He explained, you nudging his shoulder softly.
“Someday,” You hummed, the both of you going quiet and watching each other.  It’s been a few weeks not being together, you remembering that heartfelt night before you left.  The two of you fall together into bed, taking your time undressing one another and enjoying your moment two with a rising feeling of pleasure and fulfilled love.  Falling asleep in others' arms, bare and yet content as the right went on, you never wanted to forget that feeling ever again.
“We’ll be together again,” He promised you as he saw your hesitance, reaching over to touch your hand in this.  You felt it, through your connection, his hand that was always hardened from centuries of building and working in the jungle, yet it was soft in gesture.  You knew that touch so well, even with your eyes closed.  The tough along your arm to help guide you through a crowded street, against your lower back as he brought you pleasure, near your neck to bring you peace.  
“I know,” You resounded, seeing him tilt his head to you before leaning forward to touch your forehead to his.  You missed him, being with him for centuries and not apart seemed unfair.  Yet you both knew deep down that this was not the end of the pair of you.  It was a blessing that you two could be “together” through this convention you had, knowing where the other was and how they were fairing.  It made it easier, no longer guessing or wondering.  
Yet it was not the same.
“I love you,” You whispered with your eyes closed, feeling him press his head against you a bit more.  It felt like it was just the two of you, no one else existed or mattered.  You wanted it that way, being in peace and solace with your soulmate in such a complicated world.  You both held onto each other through the harder times, through the time when you both were breaking.
It was you two against the world, and that’s how you both liked it.
“I love you more,” He replied, reaching up to press a cool yet loving kiss to your brow, ”Soon, m’darlin, we’ll be together again,”
“I’ll count the days,” You answered.  You both held onto that connection for another second or two before you knew you had to let go.  Life was still going on, tasks were meant to be tackled the others relied on you.  With one last breath, you opened your eyes again.
You were back on The Domo, and Druig was gone.  
Taking in a long breath, you blinked and looked back at the tablet.  Having his face still etched in your mind, you went to work again, knowing that what you said to Druig was true: you two would be together again soon.  
This was not the end of you both, just a pause.
The End.
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ravennaortiz · 4 months
Juices Sex Shop Adventures Story 1
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Summary: This will be our nervous, flushing red with embarrassment Juice.
This is angsty fluff no smut. As always my stories are 18+
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Juice closed his eyes and swallowed hard as he got off his bike. Dread washed over him as he opened his eyes and saw the neon sign reading Sex Shop and regretted that they were in fact officially open. Resigning himself to the fact that he would have to finally go in he moved towards the door. He shook his head, glancing both ways to make sure no one was watching and turned to the door. Well here goes nothing.
A loud ding rang out as he pushed in the door and he can already feel the heat blooming up his neck and across his cheeks. The store is well lit out front and from where he is standing the place gets dimmer the further back you go. The walls are painted purple and black and every shelf and table is covered in boxes. Some more mysterious about their contents than others. The front seems to be mostly simple basic things like condoms, lube, and lingerie and gag gifts. While further back more advanced items he guess like sex dolls, vibrators and dildos were on display.
He slowly walked around the tables mostly staring at the floor. Unable to make eye contact with the naked bodies and images of body parts on them. Why is this so hard, you’ve been watching porn for years he berated himself mentally. Pull yourself together man. He told himself as he took a deep breath. Why was he so worked up about this? He had been having sex for years, been to strip clubs and had used sex toys with past partners. So why the hell had your simple request for him to pop into the new shop in town to get something for the two of you turned him into an embarrassed teenager?
Lost in thought he ran into a table, quickly grabbing at the falling items. “Need help finding anything sweetheart?” inquired an older woman her nametag reading Pam as she slipped into the aisle with him. “N—No no no. I’m….umm… just looking” stammered Juice as he shook his head and started laughing wildly .His left hand whipping up showing off one of the items he had caught. “Thinking might try something new. Got a little too excited” he added trying to give off a confident vibe, last thing he needed was an old lady realizing he was scared shitless at being in a sex shop, but internally kicking himself for the last part. Maybe he should have asked Tig and Chibs to come with him he thought to himself briefly as he shot a smile to the worker. Even if all they did was tease him they probably would have been helpful.
The woman sent him a kind smile before letting him know to let her know if he changed his mind. Once she had disappeared he sighed heavily and looked down at his hand. His brow furrowed as he turned the metal stem with a soft fox tail on the end of it over in his hand. “Butt plug” he all but yelled before tossing the item onto the shelf like it was a hot potato. Great now the woman probably thought he was some kind of wierdo.
Juice spent another ten minutes pacing and wondering if he should just call you and tell you that he couldn’t do this. He didn’t want to disappoint you though or let you know how panicked he was. Maybe you would be okay if he got you a simple lingerie item he thought as he moved back to the front of the store sighing heavily. Running his fingers over the lace he felt his body relax slightly. This was something he could do but your words echoed from earlier about him getting something fun and new for the both of you. He frowned to himself as he debated on if you would consider this for the both of you. Letting the fabric go he shook his head and started to turn catching sight of Pam in the next aisle.
Resigning himself for another human interaction he made his way towards her. He hoped she would be able to end this torture for him quickly. “Need some help? Inquired Pam as she looked up at his approach. “Ummm could I ask you for a recommendation actually” started Juice as he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck avoiding eye contact. “Of course sweetheart. First time?” she inquired though she already knew the answer. “Oh, no I have had sex before” chuckled Juice wondering why the hell that mattered.
Pam couldn’t help the small chuckle that came out at his response. “Oh no hunny I meant first time in a sex shop” she replied. “That obvious huh” laughed Juice as he looked up finally making eye contact. “Just a bit. Looking for anything in particular?” asked Pam. “My Old Lady told me to find something for the both of us to enjoy. Pretty open to anything” replied Juice as he followed her as she moved towards the back. “Alright, that helps. I know you were looking at anal items earlier. Any reservation to being penetrated yourself?” she inquired glancing over her shoulder at him. Juice paused for a moment as he thought it over. You had broached the subject of wanting to peg him a couple times and he hadn’t minded your fingers upon occasion. “Not at all” he stated thinking why the hell not.
Twenty minutes later he was texting you he was on his way home as he put his purchases in the storage area on his bike.
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
waiiit hear me out, chris with a yandere reader headcanons
(also i just realized im just spamming your entire inbox full, my bad actually😭🙏)
Now that’s a rare concept! 😳 You always give fun requests so please don’t worry! Thank you, and enjoy! :)
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Chris can’t help being rich, hot and successful.
So it’s only normal that he’d have a fair, if not, larger share than most people of dealing with fan behaviour, especially of those who made it their life’s purpose to know everything there was to him; fantasies of marriage also being very popular among these goals.
Hence why when you in particular acted up in such way, he didn’t think much about it for he’d already seen it many times in the past.
Besides, he loved the attention. To have someone devote their entire lives to him and see it in action...
“Ohhh Chris! Your body is the sculpture of angels!” 
“Yes it is! Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I want to crush it into a jar and use a bit of your flavour every day as a bar of soap!”
You are not at all like his past interactions- you’re worse.
From the position of his assistant, which is more sucky on his part, since you were employed by the network itself, so he can’t get you fired easily.
No biggie! He’ll use your maddening devotion to him to carry out his biddings, from something as simple as getting him coffee(never needing to tell you his order) to something as vile as murder.
Yknow with his interns? Yeah. If anyone gets in trouble, it won’t be added to his record.
Somehow, every time he tried convincing himself there was nothing to be alarmed about, you would stray further away from your humanity.
“I can’t wait for you to die so I can take your skin and turn it into my one of a kind Chris McLean duvet! That way, I’ll always feel your warm embrace.”
“Haha yeah... I’ll always feel yours too...”
He nicknamed you “Sierra 2.0”- not to your face.
You understood how loveable your darling was and how he was a necessity to the world than you were to him.
Buuuut you would appreciate something in return if you were going to do all this for him in such a close proximity.
“I’ll give you a suuuuper big peck on the cheek if you do this right. You know how happy it’ll make me.” he winked.
Well, besides from that.
It was like he died already!
“Oh Chris... Why are you holding out on me? Is there something new about you that I have yet to learn? Why do you hesitate to love me? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”
“Kinda. Stalkers aren’t really my type, but please, don’t stop the attention.”
“Stalker?! No no Chris. I’m not a stalker! I’m your true love! I’ve torn myself apart to serve you as the noble thing you are! I worship you morning and night, I lick your dirty laundry clean, I give you the organs of everyone you ask of in heart shaped boxes, I even had one of your interns carve your figure into my back!” You take your shirt off and turn around, revealing the bloodied outline of his perfect body burning in your skin.
Okay, he loved his face being on anything possible.
But what the hell.
“You...love me a lot, huh?” What would happen if he took his sight off you to blink?
You turn back around, with that smile still drooling on your own face,“And it wasn’t just any blade he used... It was the blade you keep on you. So after he was done...I took it and...did things with it... You’re the most beautiful thing on this earth Chris, I can’t imagine how dull it would be if you were never born... I had to have you in me one way or another...”
You know what...
Having a second look, it was actually appealing. Of course it’d be! It’s him. Wait...why was he even freaking out? He doesn’t care about what happens to you! You chose to do this to yourself, in his image, in his honour and he didn’t even need to lift a finger. Exactly! This is just what was expected of a person like you to resort to when they’re constantly around someone as good looking as h-
“Should I have him carve me into you now?” You suggest, face as hot as a Bunsen burner.
“N-No, please! I’m good.” He raised his hands up in front of his chest.
You pause.
“Of course... How selfish of me. I shouldn’t be asking you, my love, to do anything that’s not from your free will. I don’t have the right to trap you or force you to do anything, I can’t do that to someone I love... You’d be selling yourself short if I won you over that easily anyway...” you drop your face into his chest,“Oh Chris McLean... You’re too aristocratic for anybody in this world. No one could ever be remarkable as you. I’m so lucky...I got to be from the same generation as you.”
...He pushes you away,“Yeah...sooo...personal space. Please.”
How ironic it was, a time when you were actually sane kicked in his adrenaline.
Ring ring.
“Yoooo Cody. Codemeister. How you been, buddy? Good? Greaaaat. How’s that therapist? Any good? Cuz I might need you to reference me...”
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fipindustries · 4 months
okay this has been nagging at me for a while: John Egbert. I feel like you could do it but idk how.
there are ways.
off the top of my head, we know john has anger issues, we see him start to loose his cool in the battleship during his three years in the yellow yard, we see him snap with caliborn, and we also see hints of it during the epilogues. he can be nasty if the mood strikes him and i could imagine him taking pranks just a little too far.
so with that in mind. i could see a john who finally loses his shit during the epilogues (honestly it could be either meat or candy, it doesnt really matter) and being like "fuck all y'all, this is bullshit, you are all horrible and acting super OOC, im retconing all this bullshit away".
and so he does.
but it fails, the results are not perfect, in the long term everything gets ruined away, drama starts to leak back in. time for another do-over. retcons again. and again, because his friends are people, because they are humans that are more complex than the simple colored text he interacted with his entire life, things get complicated and filled with drama *again*
so he keeps trying. again and again.
ultimate calliope tries to warn him about the futility of it all. he doesnt listen. he keeps trying.
eventually he ends up as this sort of reverse lord english. whereas lord english is inevitable because his rise is predetermined by the very laws of time and space, john is trying to constantly forever subvert these irrevocable constants, playing with the lives of his friends over and over and over. like that one edgy fan animation making fun of the most recent velma show where scooby doo is this eldritch abomination that keeps cloning the gang every time they realize he can talk.
eventually either dave or aradia or rose or someone realizes what is happening, that their lives are no longer their own and they have to work together and find the way to outsmart someone with infinite power to rewrite the past.
eventually terezi manages to slip two estrogen pills on his apple juice and june finally chills the fuck out
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torturedblue · 1 year
All my thoughts and theories of this adorable clip:
Guys the soundtrack in the background sounds so good and epic, and I’m so loving the use of hip hop and rap in every trailer. You forget how effective black music is for action movies too considering how little it’s used comparatively. And it’s another thing about this movie that gives off Spider-verse vibes 👏🏽
Oml guys MM Leo is just like 2012 he’s such a dork and he gets all pouty all the time and the way Raph trolls him about it is just like the 2012 duo 🥹
I’m sorry the way Leo smiles so much while reciting that horrible speech??? 😂 like it doesn’t matter what Splinter tells them it is gold that he will gobble up even if it is objectively prejudice
Speaking of which, “I know that’s objectively prejudice but it’s what Dad taught us” line is so relatable to most kids today like yikes what a motto of the 21st century
But it really makes me wonder what Splinter’s backstory is going to be in this iteration considering no other version has hated or had a gripe with the human race as far as I’ve seen. I assumed he was going to be formerly human too, although this clip makes it seem that might not be the case, but if he still is I think that makes his speech to the kids much more interesting and honestly hilarious because if any of us were in his position would we tell them much differently? I mean come on that “they lust to murder that which is different from them” is so spot on. And honestly we already teach kids everything else he said too when it comes to strangers 😂 humans are bad, don’t say hi, humans are everything wrong with this planet, do not interact or you will die 👍🏽
“We wouldn’t have K-Pop without humans!” Wtf he’s so pure ugh
“I’d love to have a champagne brunch with Tom Brady” OMG GUYS HE’S JUST SO PROPER AND DORKY AGH
“Drake! That guy is the GOAT of all time.” I’m sorry did I hear that right 😂 sweet simple Raph ya gotta know what the terms mean if you’re gonna use modern slang
“Guy Fieri seems like a fun hang” ooooh continuing with the Mikey is the cook character trope maybe?
I really think this whole bit here is an interesting way of setting up the mutants vs human premise of the movie with the turtles in the middle of it all. Especially the way Leo recites that anti-human speech so whole-heartedly but also still acknowledges that they all disagree with Splinter about how cool humans are. Especially since they likely keep their own beliefs about it from their Dad, which again, so relatable to kids of old-fashioned parents today
“oOh i’M tHe lEaDeR. You sound like you have bronchitis!” They way they mock and roast him is just too much and too accurate 😂 also I just love their overlapping conversational moments
Other thoughts:
Also I gotta say in these released clips Leo is pouting or anxious half of the time while his bros are always having fun and I just gotta see how much that’s amplified in the entirety of the movie… Like it makes it seems like he must feel some kind of rift between him and his brothers sometimes and I want to see if that’s true
These kids are truly on their own… They at least start off keeping their fondness of humans from Splinter, they still can’t interact with humans either way, they find a group of mutants like them and seem to hit it off at first but then it just turns a whole fiasco where they have to defend humans from them, and at some later point we know when they do interact with/are exposed to humans it does not go well. I’m so excited to see how they tackle that post-climactic depressive section of the movie where the boys are really feeling the weight of all of it. Like, not too many clips have been released and there’s already so much isolation on their end. I’m glad April will at least be one positive outlet for them
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justkending · 1 year
Found Memories. Chapter 2.
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Finding Memories Sequel: (I advise you to read the 1st series for context).
Series Summary: Following the aftermath of Finding Memories, Bucky tries to complete goals he feels she would have discovered for herself as a way to let her memory live on. However, he never expected to find someone very close to who he believed she would have been if given the chance of normalcy. A journey of mourning someone he lost turned into a journey of discovering someone new happens upon the soldier. Maybe this whole normal thing isn’t as bad as he had pictured it in his mind. Maybe he had a better shot at it than he ever tried to imagine.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x (Teacher) Reader 
Word Count: 4700+
Playlist Song: Magdalene by: The 502's
A/N: I know I said I wouldn't post another chapter until I finish writing the entire series, but I checked the follower count for the first time in a while and realized we passed 3000 followers recently!!! So I'm posting this in celebration of the 3155 people that have been kind enough to follow my writing journey and interact with stories that I put a lot of my time and effort into :) I can not explain how thankful I am for each and every one of your support!! XO
Chapter Notes: This chapter is written from the perspective of the reader. Each chapter will (for the most part) switch back and forth from Bucky and Y/N Clark's 1st person. I've read some books recently that did it in this format, and it was fun to read that way and see all points of view ;) Plus, I thought it was only fair that we saw Y/N's perspective from the last chapter, and you can get an idea of the character she will play. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it because this REALLY IS THE LAST chapter I'm posting until the series is complete. As always, please feel free to comment, even if just emojis or a few words. They all mean the world to a writer!!
Chapter 2:
I hadn't planned on going to the compound anytime soon, but Tony Stark had proved to be a sneaky man when it came to getting his way. 
When I saw Morgan Stark on my enrollment sheet, my principal made a special visit to my room during the last week of summer when we reported before the kids. I was nervous about the kind of parent relationship that was to come after how serious she made the endeavor.
My principal, who is also one of the reasons I'm not staying at this school for another year, made it a big deal and practically scared me shitless that if anything was not to Mr. Stark's liking when it came to his daughter's education, it was on me to fix or else I'd be screwed.
It was a lot of pressure, considering this was a man who had saved humanity more than once and was likely to continue to rack up that number. 
But the pressure was quickly taken away when he showed up to meet the teacher, and he and his wife, Pepper, were nothing short of kind and supportive parents every teacher hopes to work alongside of. 
Now was he a little forward and slightly egotistical? Yes. But I was prepared, considering his reputation. Pepper balanced him perfectly and quickly put him in his place if he started getting a little too brash. 
And it was quickly shown during any minor and major holiday that they were big-time gift-givers and loved to shower those that worked with them with random treats and thoughtful, yet overpriced, 'appreciations' as they called them.
I remember getting a card during Thanksgiving break that seemed simple and like any other card a parent sends as a thank you, but inside was a gift certificate for a spa day. 
And no, not just a mani and pedi or a massage. It was an entire spa day treatment including; mudbaths, facials, full body massage, hot rock therapy, mani-pedi, acupuncture, and a list of other things I had never even heard of or knew as options. They had already paid for and scheduled it for me, and they had handed it to me like a Mcdonald's gift card. 
I didn't feel right taking something like that from a parent even if I knew they were billionaires and it was equivalent to a Mcdonald's gift card to them. So I attempted to give it back and handed it back to Happy, who usually picked up Morgan and told him it was a kind offer, but I couldn't accept it. 
The next day I had a bouquet of flowers waiting for me in the front office and a card that said;
"Sorry for leaving Tony in charge of your holiday gift. He doesn't realize how intense he gets in that department… But please do treat yourself to a spa day! I changed the package so that you and your sister can enjoy it together, and it's not nearly as overwhelming as the things he added to it. We appreciate all you do for our family. You deserve the pampering!"
It was a sweet gesture, and it felt rude to not take it after they had sent it back to me. I asked my assistant principal about it, who had Tony as a parent for the last 5 years, and she also said to take it. I wasn't used to the private school demographic as much, and she assured me that though it was nicer than what most parents gift, she's seen him gift more outrageous things that Pepper had to fix in the past. 
"I had to talk him down from donating a hot air balloon ride for our field day last year. A spa gift certificate is nothing compared to what I've seen that man do…" she had said. 
So though it still felt weird, I took advantage of it and took my younger sister to the spa, and we enjoyed the massages, mani-pedi, and facials we were kindly given.
All that to say, I've learned this semester that Tony was an ornery man. He reminded me of my father when it came to how he joked in conversations and how blunt he could be about his thoughts and ideas. 
I had thrown something back to him during our first parent-teacher conference by the complete mistake of not filtering my thoughts. And when I thought I was going to get fired, he let out a loud laugh and told Pepper, "Finally, someone who can dish it back and not get butt hurt," he had laughed with a giant grin. 
I apologized quickly and rambled about how he has remarks like my dad, and it was just a reflex to say what I countered with, and Pepper laughed too. 
"It's ok, Ms. Clark. Tony needs the sass to keep him in line as often as possible."
"Yeah, it gets boring when people walk on eggshells around you. Where's the fun in etiquette?" 
That got a quick eye-roll from his wife and a slap to the arm, which he laughed at, and we continued our meeting.
Since then, I have kept a professional demeanor around him, but I also don't hold back when he needs a quick sarcastic remark to put him in his place. 
Now his sliding a resume into Morgan's homework folder was also on the list of things I was not expecting. Right next to the custom-made Stark iPad he gifted me for Labor Day. (Which who gives gifts for Labor Day?)
The resume was an offer to be a personal tutor for Morgan once she got to middle school. She was in 5th grade right now, and she was a bright girl. I don't know why he was worried about her having the extra help, but nonetheless, he offered me a job to be her full-time one-on-one tutor for next year. 
He was willing to pay me enough that I wouldn't need a second job as a teacher. I would solely be Morgan's tutor, and the benefits and pay would be enough for me to work little hours for a salary that a top surgeon in New York would make. 
A part of me struggled with the offer. I knew money-wise it would take care of everything I struggled with; rent, medical bills, helping my sister through college, and the list went on. 
I should have jumped at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work under one of the wealthiest and most admired men alive, but my heart could never accept something like that merely because it was such an outrageous opportunity to fall in my lap. 
I kept saying in the back of my head that I hadn't joined this career for the money. It was never about the money.
The only reason I took a private school job this last year (which a friend was kind enough to get my foot in the door for) was that money was tight, and I needed the slight boost that public school funding couldn't give me. But I wasn't giving up teaching; I was just moving to a different group of kids to teach. A lot more privileged and supported demographic, but I was still influencing kids' lives.
Though after the last few months, I realized it wasn't a fit for me. As much as I wanted to make it be that and push my morals aside to continue so I could keep paying for things without going into debt, deep down, it wasn't what I signed up for. 
I was meant to help the underprivileged and poverty-level kids. I was that kid that grew up with one parent working more than one minimum-wage job to make ends meet and the other being underpaid as a school teacher themselves for most of my life. The educators who aided and encouraged me to be where I am now made me passionate about the same efforts. 
With all that to be said, I was moving back to the public school in New York after this year, and Tony had found out. 
It wasn't that I didn't care for the kids at this school. I loved them. My group of 5th graders had become 18 of my own personal children. I wanted the world for them and everything in between. The difference was they could have the world and everything in between. They had access to those resources. 
The kids I was going back to had lived in a world I knew far better than the one I was in. I wasn't of major aid to my upper-class students as much as I was to the lower class. And at the end of the day, my job wasn't about the money; I continued to remind myself. It was about the next generation getting the support they needed and deserved. 
So when I saw that Morgan had left her sweater in the classroom before the break and I had the resume in my hand, I called and asked if I could come to talk with him about it. 
I hadn't been to the compound, and the size and security of it all was nerve-racking. The number of guards, levels of clearance, and private entrances I had to go through just to meet him in the lobby was intense. 
I couldn't help but marvel at the architect and the sufficiency the place ran on while walking up the steps outside into the building. 
People were walking around in grey and neutral-colored attire, and I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb with my bright red and checkered winter coat. Though I like neutral colors, I was never one to keep strictly to that. It was near impossible for me to pass up an accessory or statement piece that popped with color. Hence why I always got the comment, "Oh, you're an elementary teacher? You definitely have the wardrobe for it." 
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Thank God I spotted Tony only a few seconds after entering the foyer because there were three different reception desks, which I'm sure went to all kinds of departments of the massive establishment, but I wasn't sure which one to approach. 
He approached me with open arms and gave me a hubristic smile as I gave him a keen one in return. 
"The homework folder is meant to hold Morgan's work. Not your side hustles," I said with a raised eyebrow as I handed him a new folder with just the resume in it.
"It's work from a Stark; does that not count?" he said back, his grin never leaving. 
"Yeah, but the work I'm supposed to review is usually based on story elements and division facts. I don't think Morgan is worried about salary levels and insurance benefits at her age."
"With a work ethic like her mother and a brain like her mother… She'll be managing a place like this in no time," he placed his hands in his pockets, not taking the folder just yet. 
I handed off the sweater instead and held onto the folder, knowing I wouldn't be leaving with it either way. 
"That I can't argue. But she may want to get her math down before she starts something like that up," I held onto my tote bag with one hand and dropped the other with the folder. 
"Which is why I had that in her folder, so math and whatever else she needs help in, she can have you to h-." 
He was cut off when a tall, dark-skinned man approached abruptly. I recognized him as one of the Avengers but didn't want to seem shocked or freaked out, considering I was in their home, basically. 
"Hi," he said. 
Running to his side was a second Avenger I somewhat recognized, but he seemed more hesitant and nervous compared to the man with a sweet gap-toothed smile in front of me. 
Tony's light and teasing mood seemed to disappear with his interruption, and he took a breath before saying, "I told you I would help you after I talked with-." He was cut off as the man patted him on the arm and went to introduce himself. 
"Sam Wilson," he smiled kindly, offering his hand, which I smiled back and took. 
"Y/N Clark. Nice to meet you." 
Sam seemed to give his friend a silent look that communicated something else, and the blue-eyed man extended his hand as well. 
"James Barnes," he gave a tight-lipped smile like he was being forced to converse, but I returned a firm handshake and responded. 
"Mr. Barnes. Nice to meet you." 
I realized then I had seen this man earlier today at the coffee shop I stopped at before my errand here. I didn't have my head on straight at the time cause my sister had called saying that the repair man who was supposed to fix our balcony door had once again canceled and rescheduled. This was the fourth time now, and it felt like our apartment was crumbling beneath us with the 20 other things my landlord had kept pushing off. 
I thought I saw him staring then too, but like most strangers, I see in public, I just gave a brief smile and moved on with my day. Though in New York, I'm still learning that isn't a regular thing here. Many native New Yorkers could go the whole day not making eye contact with a single soul on the overpopulated streets. 
I brushed past the fact he was studying me like I was him, as if we were both looking for an answer to a question we didn't even know.
Tony turned all of our attention back to him as he introduced me to them briefly and promptly gave them death glares. Clearly, they were waiting on something from him, and he wasn't showing patience for what I assume were usual antics between the two with how they talked to each other. 
"Cyborge and Birdman, this is Ms. Clark. She's Morgan's teacher. Ms. Clark, these are two of my most impatient co-workers. Who I asked to give me a second before I talked with them…" 
"Thank this one for the interruption," James said while childishly shoving his friend to the point he teetered on his feet. 
"Just seemed rude to not introduce your colleagues," Sam gritted. 
"It's fine," I spoke up, attempting to break some of the tension building. And instantly, Mr. Barnes's eyes were back on me like they had been in the coffee shop. But I acted like I didn't notice and turned to Mr. Stark. "I was here to just drop off these two things anyway." 
I handed the folder off successfully this time since his attention was turned to the other two, and he took it while staring at them still. 
"Yeah, well, I had a few things I wanted to discuss without… This interruption." If looks could kill, his co-workers would be in a casket 6 feet under right where they stood. 
"I appreciate what you're offering, but I've already told you I have a job set with another district after this year."
James Barnes was grinning like a child who just got revenge, but why, I wasn't sure. 
"Yeah, but… Money." Tony said the last word like it was a magic word that would make me reconsider everything instantly and fold. 
"Money is great and all, but it's not what this is about, Mr. Stark." I couldn't help but laugh even if deep down I knew the risk I was taking not accepting his proposal. I went to readjust my tote on my shoulder as a nervous tic. "Maybe after winter break and I get some paperwork back from the new school I'll be at, we will better understand what I'll have on my plate."
"That sounds like a well-worded way to put this conversation off," Tony smirked. 
He wasn't wrong. I had worded it specifically as a way to keep it on the table for him knowing he'd never relent, but also to be able to walk away from the conversation and not get convinced out of my already made-up mind.
"It's Christmas break, Mr. Stark. Have a great vacation with your family, and happy holidays," I nodded, starting to turn out to walk, but before I was completely turned back, I looked at the other two men. "You two as well. I hope the world is kind enough to give you all a break as you deserve during this time." 
It was true. Crime and bad guys never ended, from what the news showed, and I couldn't imagine what big holidays looked like around here. 
"If I know anything about teaching, I know you'll need a break just as much," Sam shouted towards me after I was a few feet away, making me laugh.
"Happy Holidays," I said a final time before moving for the exit, thankful that the two men were there to distract Tony from trying to convince me to join his payroll. 
"Oh sweet loving sister of mine, I'm home," I shouted in a sing-song voice but was abruptly cut off when I shut the door, and she stood on the other side like a damn statue. "Mother Fu-! Hallie!" I shouted after a scream let out of me first. "Why the hell are you acting like a Victorian ghost-child and standing there like that?" 
"Why didn't you tell me where you were going?" she said, quickly bypassing how she made my heart practically stop beating for 5 seconds too long. 
"I told you I was going to run errands," I answered vaguely, already knowing where she was going with this but not wanting to give her the advantage. 
"Yeah, errands don't normally involve going to the Avenger's Compound!" she shouted with her arms up as she watched me walk into the kitchen and follow me. 
"Jesus, lower your voice. We have neighbors," I grumbled, throwing my bag on the hooks on the wall and taking my coat off as well. 
"Answers, please," she crossed her arms like a mother who had just caught her daughter sneaking out to a party. 
"I had to drop off something that Morgan left at the school. I figured she'd want her coat for winter break," I answered honestly, just leaving out a few other details. 
"Like she wouldn't have a whole room for winter coats alone. Why did you really go?" Hallie continued to interrogate. 
I looked at her, and she was unwavering. I let out a huff of air, going to the fridge to grab a Dr. Pepper and the sweet cream to make my favorite drink after an eventful day. 
"I'm not lying when I said I went to drop that off," I said, pouring the soda into a glass and waiting for the foaming bubbles to go down. "And you know exactly why I didn't tell you I was going there." 
"You act like I'd go insane if I stepped a single foot on that estate," she groaned, pulling a stool out at our island/ kitchen table in the tiny New York City apartment we shared. "Even if Captain Roger's has walked on those tiles and maybe breathed in the same air and all…" 
"Here we go…" I mumbled, shaking the creamer bottle as I waited for what I knew was to come. 
"And so what if Natasha Romanoff has probably sat in the chairs or road the elevator that leads to what I assume are suites and apartments they have to themselves on the top levels?" she paused for effect as if waiting for me to confirm or deny as if I would know. But I just stared at her, and she continued without hesitation. "It's no big deal that Sam Wilson has probably flown the EX0-7 Falcon wingsuit in the field that surrounds the compound. Or maybe even hearing Steve playing an old jazz record. I know that cause there was a girl who used to live on his street when he stayed in the city, and she said there were a few nights that he would play all kinds of old songs with beautiful trumpet solos. Oh, and!" 
I absentmindedly poured the practiced amount of sweet cream into the Dr. Pepper, grabbed a straw to stir it, and took sips of it as I patiently waited for her to finish her fantasies. 
She went on about Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, and any other Avenger that came to mind until she noticed me stop sipping my drink and start to slow-blink at her. 
"Stop. I know that look," she pointed, stopping in her rant abruptly. 
"What the you-just proved-my-point look?" I fluttered my eyelashes at her and took another sip. 
"Shut up," she sneered, even though she knew I was right. 
As if he had just realized people were home, her small senior brown-haired and deaf dog came hobbling around the corner and yipped when he looked at me. 
"Hey, Chuck Norris," I sighed, and he came up to me, barking at my leg like I was an intruder in my own home. "I still don't think he's used to me."
"You say that like you didn't live with him for 10 years," Hallie laughed, walking over and picking him up with one hand and cradling him in her arm. 
"Three of those years were just visits back home. I figured after a month of you being moved in here, his memory would catch up to realize I'm still the same person when we first rescued him." 
Chuck Norris was a tiny little mutt my sister had found behind a dumpster in the parking lot of a Cracker Barrel close to where we lived when we were younger. 
The vet had said he was already about four or five when we brought him in, but he had no microchips or anything showing he belonged to someone. He was also malnourished from only eating scraps that fell out of the dumpster since he wasn't big enough to scrounge through it himself. So he came with a laundry list of things he needed fixing with his tiny weak body. 
We only ever had one cat growing up, so it was a responsibility my parents weren't too sure about taking on. But my sister being who she is, made a presentation the next night and was able to persuade them to let her keep him for at least a month to show she could handle it. 
After a month, they saw how special of a dog he was to her and how she was practically the only one he trusted, and they couldn't just send him to the pound after that. 
The laundry list of illnesses and help he was going to need to get him back on his feet led to a lot of medical bills in his future. But luckily, an old friend of mine I had gone to high school with went into Veterinary school and helped my family out a few times since we were still close. 
Now Chuck Norris lived here, and he didn't care that I, even if I was paying most of the bills, lived here along with him. He only trusted one person wholeheartedly in his life, and that was my sister. 
Now being 14, possibly 15 years old, his eyes weren't great, and he was almost a hundred percent deaf besides sharp noises he happened to hear every once in a while. I'm almost positive he had some form of dementia, too, cause he treated me like a stranger most of the time.
He must have been sleeping when I came in cause a lot of times, if he sees my walk in, he's at my feet barking and acting like he's going to be the one to bring an end to the big monster that teases and picks at his mom. 
As for the name… Don't ask. My sister's an anomaly, and that's the only answer I have to give for that.
"Back to the question at hand," my sister continued, and I groaned overdramatically before walking to the couch with my drink and turning the TV on. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to see the Tony Stark?!"
"First off, I think you answered that question when you went on your little tangent of extremely specific details. You've for sure daydreamed about the Avengers, you nerd," I started, looking up at her where she stood by the coffee table with the glossy-eyed brown mutt in her hand, who I couldn't tell was looking at me or the window that was behind me. "And second, who's to say I even saw Mr. Stark? I was just dropping off a sweater, and I could have very well just left it at reception and carried on with my day." 
"It's the fact you're saying it all as a 'could have' scenario instead of just saying you did," she deadpanned. 
She had me there, and that one was on me. 
"It's not like it's the first time I've ever met him. He is the parent of one of my students, so it's not a big deal to me anymore," I brushed it off and looked to the TV, and started mindlessly scrolling through the evening shows. 
 She immediately cut off my view by standing right in front of it.
"Move," I said, peeking my head around her body, which she quickly blocked again. 
"Once, I'm asking once, that I get to meet him," she bargained. 
"Eventually. Just not before the break. We're all tired and have been busy, him, I'm sure more than anyone, and I don't think the compound is where he wants to worry about crazy obsessed fans bombarding him," I looked at her with a big-sister stare. "Now, the whole thing is already over and done. Can I please just drink this and watch an episode of this documentary I've been waiting to decompress to all day?" 
As if I was asking too much and the universe needed to humble me, the coat rack I had hung my coat and tote bag earlier fell to the floor with a harsh crash. 
I didn't even look in the direction of the latest home improvement added to the list, but instead closed my eyes and sat up some. 
"Classic," I mumbled and started to move to the closet we kept our toolbag in, but before I could stand up, Hallie stopped me. 
"Don't. I bargained with the building repair man to come tomorrow instead of making us wait another week," she said, looking back at the damage. "He can do that as an extra fix for being an ass."
"How'd you manage that?" 
I looked at her, impressed, considering the guy was a nuisance and very much a man's man. In other words, "How could two girls on their own ever manage without a big strong man to come and save them when things fell apart?" I think he got off on being able to make us wait for him when it came to things we couldn't actually fix. Talk about a savior complex.
"I said I had to bake some cookies for one of my classes and said I would bake some extra if he came sooner," she shrugged. 
"You're a musical theater major. What class is having you bake cookies?" I gave her a weird look. 
"None. I just didn't want him to think I was baking them just for him," she said with a witty smile. 
"Attagirl," I chuckled, patting the couch next to me. "Just for that, I'll let you pick which documentary we binge tonight." 
"Why is it always with the documentaries?" she huffed, sitting next to me despite acting like she was upset with the option. 
"Don't lie and act like you don't get sucked in." I stood up and put the now half-empty drink down. "I'm going to change, but look through the ones we've already started and pick from those."
"Does Unsolved Supernatural with Shane and Ryan count?" I heard her shout as I turned into my room. 
Normally the answer was no, but I could go for something fun and not so serious. 
"Sure, but pick a good episode!" I shouted back. "Let Christmas break commence…" 
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Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
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froody · 2 years
People often make fun of the “my pet is a rescue animal but who rescued who?” phrase. And I get it. It is trite and overused by millennial. Yet, the therapeutic power of having a pet when you’re at a low point in your life cannot be overstated. Especially for conditions like depression and anxiety that whittle away at your self worth and make you distance yourself from others. The companionship is fantastic but also the ritual of taking care of the animal, the knowledge that they need you, that you may feel like a burden in life but to this little critter you are a provider and a protector and a nurturer. Even if the pet is something like a fish, hermit crab, snail or spider and you both live your parallel lives without interacting with each other, the knowledge that they need you is enough to keep you going. Concentrating on the upkeep of a freshwater fish tank at the very least keeps you from thinking about killing yourself all the time because you’re stressing about water parameters 24/7. Getting a dog if you have agoraphobia or anxiety is fantastic because it encourages you to interact with the outside world in a limited ritualistic capacity, an excuse to make yourself go outside. I joke that I can’t kill myself because my cat would miss me too much but it’s not a complete joke. When she paws at my bedroom door at night or throws herself down at my feet begging for me to pick her up in the morning, I know she would miss me too much if I died, I have to get home safe for her every time I leave the house. She could never be happy with another owner because she’s a huge bitch and she hates most other people.
Anyway, what I’m saying is to consider getting a pet if you don’t have one but have the money and time for one. Get a pet if you’re lonely. Research which one would fit your life, be it a creature with simple upkeep like a tarantula or a more involved pet like a goldfish or dog. Humans are social creatures meant for companionship. Maybe you’re not ready to be venerable around other people but animals can provide that companionship, it’s part of the reason we domesticated them.
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