#every time I make shitty memes like this I have to put up with the absolute hell of PhotoJoiner
vergess · 2 years
Buddy, when racist cunts illegally prevented me from registering to vote by just refusing to accept my papers, I PROMISE YOU shitty guilt trip memes about my inability to vote made everything worse.
You know what ACTUALLY helped?
More than every passive aggressive shit for brains on this website telling me I deserve to me racially harassed for not giving Democrats my soul?
A fucking email from a fucking HERBS AND SPICES STORE that unlike you wretched cunts ACTUALLY HAD VOTER REGISTRATION HELPLINES IN IT.
Every time one of you godforsaken freaks tells me to 'get out and vote' like its cutely trivial and didn't take months of desperate phone calls just to register (IF my registration even WORKED THIS TIME).
If you, like me, are struggling with registration or poll access, try contacting your STATE board of elections.
Request that they send you TWO copies of their registration guidelines. Collect any documents listed in them.
Then, contact your LOCAL board. Tell them you would like to register IN PERSON IF POSSIBLE.
Bring your documents and the two copies of the guideline AND a working cell phone.
If you get ANY trouble AT ALL tell the local person you will call the state board to confirm their registration requirements. Be polite, but do not leave. Put the phone on speaker.
Most of the time, the local person who is doing Actual Serious Federal And State Crimes will give up at that point. If not, the person at the state board will generally outrank and overrule the local one.
Make a note of the names of both the local and state official.
Then, and this is the most important part:
It may take a day or two for your registration to appear.
Unfortunately, if it's been a week, you're going to have to repeat the process.
Take the names you noted previously, and contact the state board again. Report that these people denied you registration on this day, in spite of you providing these documents, then list all the required papers you collected.
The person at the state SHOULD be able to direct you from there, but the process varies hugely by state.
Good luck to you all.
ETA: I was able to vote eventually, BTW. It took far more work than it should have. Physical injuries were sustained. But I did get to vote!!
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avocado-writing · 1 month
Hi dear! I would like to appreciate your works. I really enjoy everything you wrote, Wish you have a great day! 💗
Since you're taking requests, could you please write Wade with a polite, sweet and delicate partners. He's with a person who's the definition of "Too pure for this world and MUST be PROTECTED at all cost" His partner showers him with love and validation, and always love to listen to him! Thanks! 💓
possibly based on real life events.
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Wade Wilson is so in love, it must be sickening to everyone around him. 
In fact he knows it is and he does not care. He’ll say “look at this meme the love of my life sent me!” and the person who he shows will roll their eyes, as if you don’t have incredible taste in cat pictures. He’ll monologue constantly about how cute you are and how much he loves that scrunchy thing you do with your nose. He’s recited committed-to-memory facts about you so many times that his friends can parrot them too. 
“Yes, I know what their favourite film is, I know you took them to a special viewing of it for their birthday. It’s cute, Wade,” says Laura, patting him on the arm condescendingly. Well, it’s not his fault you’re so wonderful! There isn’t a single thing about you that’s not perfect. He’s constantly bowled over about just how much affection he can fit in his body for you. The other night he was going on about something stupid - he can’t even remember what now, maybe it was about the new Taco Bell menu? - and then realised you hadn’t interrupted him once to shut him up like most people would.
You’d looked over the top of your magazine at him when he’d pointed this out, brow cocked.
“Why would I want you to shut up? I like listening to you talk, Wade.”
Marry you. He’s going to marry you. Every day, then divorce you every day too so he can marry you again. 
You are probably too good for him. Most of his social circle thinks so. You’re patient and kind, when you’re not at your job - where you work at a charity adopting out senior animals, as if you could be any more of a fucking angel - you like to spend your time in his shitty little kitchen, baking desserts for him to get home to. He’ll find you getting Al to taste test for you and his apartment full of laughter and joy. 
Man, he’s definitely put on like, six pounds since the two of you started dating. He needs to be stronger in the face of your cupcakes. 
They are really fucking good though. 
He walks in that night with a plushie under his arm. It’s a cow. He remembers you mentioning offhand how cute you thought cows were, so he decided to grab the biggest one the toy store one the way home had just because he knows it’ll make you smile. You don’t need any more stuffed toys; you sleep with them all in the bed and they’re pushing him off the side at this point because of their sheer number but, well, he likes seeing you happy. 
And then he hears sobbing. 
“Sweetheart?” he asks, immediately panicked. Are you injured? Has someone come to hurt you - has he painted a target on your back because of his job? Bile fills his throat as he stumbles forward…
…and there you are, sitting in front of the TV, PlayStation controller in your lap as tears run down your face while the end of the game plays out. Wade has never felt such relief in his life, laughing as the ache of it is taken from his chest. You turn to him with wide, watery eyes. 
“Don’t you laugh at me, Wade Wilson!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But babe… are you crying at the end of Kingdom Hearts?”
“No!” you lie, trying to mop your face off with your sleeve. Then the music hits its crescendo from the crappy speakers and you start wailing all over again. 
He loves you. He’d kill a million billion people for you. It would take a hell of a long time but hey, one word and he’d do it. If anyone even lifted a finger to hurt you he’d execute them so thoroughly that every generation of their family would be wiped out of existence too. 
To put it in terms you’d approve of, he’d do anything for you. But he also knows you’d never ask him to. You’re just that wonderful. 
“… would it help if I got us take-out and you started playing the second one?”
“Uh-huh,” you manage to confirm. 
“I could be in this fucking game, beat Donald Duck’s little feathery ass. Disney, make it happen.”
“Don’t worry about it. Pizza or Chinese?”
Taglist: @falsewordz @malfoys-demigod @belilwen @mildly-salted @tvwebs @childeslegstrap @getmeoutofhell @s1eep-o @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @yrthr @momopad @sugarplumz100 @captainjinkx @madspads @acrosstheunivcrse @yeethaw13 @na-is-salty @florduarte @hunterispunk
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hellenhighwater · 7 months
You mentioned emotional stability, which I get, but it made me think of the meme about ‘how do you not cry when people yell at you’ and I’m wondering both: whether there’s as much yelling in law as in tv, and whether you’ve ever cried while doing law
Nowhere near as much yelling as TV!
The only people I've ever had yell at me are non-attorneys who are representing themselves and who do not understand how this whole system works, and generally speaking...they're not in a position where their yelling is hurtful? Every time it's happened it's been more like a person throwing a tantrum, and I just...can't take that seriously. No one I actually work with (or opposing counsel) has ever managed to yell at me. I have cut off a couple people who were working themselves in that direction and redirected things back to being civil.
Frankly: I will not put up with that shit.
The list of people who are allowed to yell at you in a professional setting is very, very short, and the circumstances where that is appropriate are few and far between. It does happen in some workplaces but that's a question of office culture and individual shitty temper. My boss would never yell at me--it's unprofessional--and if he did he'd have my resignation on his desk by the end of the day. Opposing counsel is not entitled to yell at me; I am their professional peer and I don't have to put up with it outside the courtroom, and if it's inside a courtroom, the judge is likely to shut that down.
We're lawyers. In this profession, it's widely seen that losing your temper is a sign that you have lost your professional regulation and it discredits your argument. That's true in and out of the courtroom.
I have come near tears in court, but mostly because if I hit a certain point of rage I will tear up. Twice, I've had a judge hand down a ruling so wildly unjust and unexpected that it threw me off balance and into immediate fury, but I've always been able to keep it together and carry on without actually crying.
Mostly the practice of law is just not that personal. Even if someone is yelling, it's not at me as an individual. I don't make the laws, I don't decide the facts, I just take these things and lay them out. If someone's mad, it's not usually a personal attack. And you learn to deal with and understand that kind of anger--often frustration--as you go.
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lovingksuki · 11 months
— highschoolers bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: an anonymous love letter appears in your locker on valentine's day. surprised, you and your best friend start an investigation to uncover who was that person observing you from afar. meanwhile, a flushed bakugo tries to ruin your plans on the undercover alongside his shitty-haired buddy
cw: sfw; mostly fluff; lil angst; very insecure bakugo; romantic comedy; puberty; silly jokes; little swearing.
a/n: this is part one of three. let me know if you want this mini series to be continued :) and pls be patient since english is not my first language hehe ;;
word count: 1k
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"oh c'mon! what if there's a heart shaped letter in your locker? you never know..."
"there's not."
"you can't be so certain about it. my girl is never looking her surroundings, who knows if someone got their heart pierced by an arrow?" mina pointed.
"shut up, every year the same thing..." you rushed and right after turning the corridor you captured by distance. "ok. maybe you were right." you said finding the metal compartment half closed.
then you grabbed the red paper in her hands, paying attention to the almost dry daisy taped lazily on the front; glanced around not spotting anything or anyone suspicious about it, then turned to your best friend.
"i got a feeling you're part of this." spurred.
"whoa, i was joking just now! even i am chocked. who's the sender?" the pink colored girl held her hands up in protest.
"i don't know, there's only my name." you stated carefully sticking the little flower out.
"let me search for a hint." mina took the letter from your hands suddenly, mumbling while quickly skimming through the words looking for something useful. she gasped before smirking at the content and then continued mumbling.
"enjoying yourself!?" you sighed waiting.
"mkay, done." handed the letter. "nothing between the lines. who wrote this sure is smart enough to not leak their identity."
"that's for me to decide. you ain't the smartest kind." you chuckled.
"more like the pretty girl type."
"you sly thing! you received a love letter, who's the pretty girl again?" both laughed at the statement and headed out to the cafeteria. "not reading it?"
"can't think when i am this hungry. we should hurry."
at the lunchtime the subject was the same. you two were discussing with your mouths full, sitting by yourselves on a table far enough from eavesdropping.
"hear me out. there's this line that seems to be rewritten over and over, it's a bit tattered." you mentioned. "it says: 'i'm still hesitant about what you think about me' and thanks to the pressure they put on paper seems to be 'afraid of who i am' underneath."
"adds a lot of nothing to our investigation. that's what everybody would say in a confession, i mean, nobody likes being dumped." pinky pointed out unfazed.
"yeah but, i don't think it's meaningless, what if this person is truly insecure about themselves." you pondered.
"or they're just ugly." mina chewed on her meal.
"i don't think that's the case... remember when you told me that thing you read about pretty boys' handwriting?" you brought up.
"did you actually believe that!? was just a discussion in a girl's meme forum." the pink one remarked.
"but there's some truth behind it. if you consider that people with a smaller hand can grip on a pen better when writing, also means the ones with big hands tend to have a sloppier handwriting!" you stated confident about your theory.
"girl, you're tripping... does this mean we're going across the school measuring boys' hands?" mina smirked unconvinced.
"what a fucking waste of time..." said raging.
"dude, calm down. at least you poured your feelings out..." eijiro reassured his bestfriend trying to point out the bright side of things.
but while he's the bright side, katsuki was the dark side. they say a good relationship is based in balance, in this case it makes total sense.
"you even checked if she read it?" asked the red haired.
"when she and mina walked by me at the corridor they were whispering and giggling like little lambs. probably laughing at that letter though." pouted.
"you're being paranoid, they're always like that."
"they're up to something..." bakugo murmured.
whilst the two struggled to put up with the 'plan cupid', the other two were constructing the 'plan pretty boy's handwriting'.
"as i was saying, a pencil has six inches approximately, we're looking for a hand as big at least. if we measure our hands we can compare with theirs without them noticing." stated grabbing a pen off her case.
"you're truly a genius. i refuse to accept you failed strategic test last week." mina complimented.
"i was in a really bad mood that day... anyway!" justified while traced her own hand in a empty page of mina's notebook. "fifteen centimeters. do yours and we're good to go!" demanded agitated.
when looking for friends of theirs, the girls pretended to just have a walk around the school.
"what if it was a girl?" mina asked suddenly.
"i doubt. how many girls with large hands do we know?" claimed.
"mmm... asui-san?"
"you've got to be kidding...!" pulled her phone and dialed quickly a number. "hey!" you smiled. "no, nothing really urgent, i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?" questioned without any filter.
"girl you gone mad?" mina whispered holding back a laughter.
"uh, ok. anyways, thank you. we talk later, kisses!" you hung up. "see? that's not her."
"woah you're so straightforward! it scares me sometimes..."
the boys exited the restroom still discussing, but when the blondie heard a certain voice he stepped back. pulled eijiro's tie to hide behind a pillar with him. "shut it!" mouthed.
"i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?"
"uh, ok."
his face started to burn as he became more anxious. could only hear a few words, enough to bring the boy into complete state of panic.
after the girls left he released his breath.
"stop overthinking! she just received a love letter, of course she's curious!" kirishima said.
"i didn't say anything, shitty-hair!"
"your face shows!" sighed. "seriously, how can she be so oblivious? just look at you! you're terrible at hiding."
"i- i... she doesn't even talk to me that often..." katsuki pitied.
"bro, you're not the friendliest around here. but she doesn't seem to be afraid of you." kiri pondered. "have you ever tried to smile?"
he looked at the red spiked guy and opened a shy smile.
"a bit more."
every time bakugo tried to put on smiling face it looked creepy. "be more genuine." said eijiro.
trying his best, but even with so much effort... his buddy analyzed. "ok. it looks absolutely terrifying."
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panvani · 1 month
Tokyo districts we've visited RANKED:
14. Akibahara: inhospitable for human life. only place in Tokyo where they not only spelled out why they specifically had 24hr surveillance on escalators but they felt the need to put signs reminding you on every available surface. so many signs telling you to Speak Up if you think someone has been molested. genuinely felt like an insane person there but at least my girlfriend found a Transformer there (we did discover that Akibahara is vastly more approachable when you get off the main roads)
13. Harajuku: this one also felt inhospitable for human life but in like an extreme gentrification way instead of like Literally Not Made For Humans way. very weird walking through THe Clothes District and finding no clothes I wanted. almost all of the food vendors were selling extreme overpriced meme foods but we did find a surprisingly good katsudon place
12. Shibuya: the Scramble ! nowhere else in Tokyo played as much Western music. clothes were either Y4k for some shit that looked like it would disintegrate in 5 days or Y20k for like. some canvas with stains on it. a robot served me a mid as fuck highball
11: Asakusa: It was insanely fucking hot the day we happened to be in Asakusa so maybe I'm not judging it entirely on its own merits but kind of an insane area in which to exist. Very touristy (largely towards people natively from Japan/Tokyo) ergo very expensive. Maybe if we had spent longer there I would have liked it more but for now my most vivid memory is of the rickshaws which my girlfriend pointed out were almost exclusively used by Japanese people
10. Ginza: This was not unexpected in any capacity but everything is so expensive here. Ginza was the only location we visited in urban Japan where we could walk for an hour and not encounter either a vending machine or a convenience store. "Do rich people not need to drink" - my girlfriend
9. Kichijoji: We bought Blue Ham Ham here and then ate at one of those restaurants that lets you pick from a selection of raw eggs to eat with rice which was good as fuck
8. Akasaka: kind of nothing here but bars, office buildings, and an entire block dedicated to Harry Potter so we didn't do anything of note here. Yu Gi Oh Curry !
7. Nagano: Pretty unremarkable except for having a mall full of old stuff but we went to some shitty hole in the wall where we were served by someone my girlfriend described as "definitely transgender" the moment we left the restaurant
6. Shimokitazawa: We saw some cool clothes here and like 15 seconds of an indie band playing in a building. Kind of the most insanely hipstery area in Tokyo by a huge margin like astonishingly so. Only time I saw anything be specifically marketed as vegan in Japan
5. Shinjuku: Shinjuku, or at least my personal experience with Shinjuku, is sort of hard to describe. It was the first district in Tokyo that I'd seen after leaving the airport and it imposes this vision of a city that is incomprehensibly vast and dense. I don't think other districts dispelled this image but Shinjuku is by far the most successful at affirming it
4. Ikebukuro: Kinda like Akibahara lite which makes it a lot more tolerable. I could not stop saying "are you inspired with lust for Irish women yet" any time we encountered a location that was even slightly notable. I don't think either myself or my girlfriend ended up buying anything here but we went to a nice restaurant so it all worked out. There's something charming about the police outposts that seem to be present on every 2 blocks and the number of cameras randomly scattered about
3. Ueno: We rly only saw the zoo here (it was mid) but upon stepping out into Ueno park we discovered a Pakistan-Japan Friendship Festival where we watched some women dance and bought some good as fuck sweets
2. Sumida: Quite cutes :) we spent a lot of time wandering around residential areas which always make me feel way more amiable towards an area. Skytree was cool though I probably wouldn't pay for it again. Katsushika Hokusai museum was very cool.
1. Jimbocho/Ochanomizu: We went to the Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo and walked around for 1 million years looking at books and posters and various other items and got some lovely coffee. Wonderful place
SPECIAL MENTION: Chiba: I got a really bad sunburn here
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
💖 Imagine Perez Reader showing up to comfort Maddy when she calls him upset
Maddy Perez x Sibling!reader
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● Maddy tried her best to pretend like Nate and Cassie getting together didn't utterly hurt her
● her best friend dating her shitty ex? Of course that would sting
● you were at college three hours away when Kat had texted you telling you what happened between Maddy and Cassie
● Maddy goes radio silent for a couple days which is odd because you guys talk every single day even if it's just sending each other dumb memes
● you send her a few texts letting her know you're here for her if she needs someone to talk to
● it's Sunday afternoon and your phone buzzes with Maddy's name popping up on the screen
● you immediately pick up and Maddy is sniffling and her voice cracks
● "Y/N I need you"
● "I'm on my way"
● it didn't matter that you had classes in the morning, your sister was hurting
● when you get back to town you make a stop at the liquor store before heading to your childhood home
● once home Maddy opens the door and she's in a fluffy robe, hair in a messy bun with smudged makeup you only assumed was days old
● "I got booze, junk food and whatever these pills are"
● it's the first time she smiles in days
● your parents don't even question why you're home
● "good to see mom and dad are as attentive as always"
● you spend the next few hours drinking, snacking and talking shit (Maddy opted out on taking the mystery pills you got from Fez but is saving them for a rainy day)
● "I can't believe that fucking bitch like seriously dating Nate after everything he did to me!"
● "Maddy look at me, you are way too good for Nate fucking Jacobs and if Cassie is going to ignore all the bullshit he put you through then that's her problem"
● "but she's supposed to be my best fucking friend"
● "trust me, when you go to college you are going to make way better friends than the fucked up people in this town"
● "God I miss you why did you have to go to school so far away"
● "Mads I'm always going to show up when you need me no matter how far away I am"
● you get absolutely wasted and pass out in Maddy's bed
● when she wakes up you're holding her and she actually feels like everything is going to be okay
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spotsspeciall · 1 year
Just a small crush pt.4
This is the final chapter! but i can’t believe the response i have gotten on the other chapters! thank you guys so much for reading!
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PART 1           PART 2         PART 3
Pairing: Jschlatt x Fem!reader
Word count: 3.3K
Warnings: 18+
Smut, P in V, NSFW
Summary: Going back home was no fun. You hoped you would get to meet Schlatt again ;)
Looking out the window, you saw the ground below you from your seat on the plane. You were already halfway home, but you wish you weren't. You would love to stay. Stay with Schlatt. You had fallen hard for him in that short amount of time together. You had at least exchanged numbers and followed each other on every social media you had. 
After that night you spent together in his hotel room. You had grown close, you spent some more time together during your stay in LA. And you knew you were both interested in each other. His obvious tell was that he kept being his grumpy self to everyone around him, except you. To you, he was an absolute sweetheart, and everyone could see it. 
You had gone out to eat together one night. A lot of people were there, Hasan, Austin and Will Neff. All the yard boys, and QTCinderella. Ted and Shae had been there. Amongst a few other people. Schlatt was already there when you arrived with QT and the yard boys, you were the last people to arrive. You spotted a free seat beside Schlatt and you felt your stomach flutter like some teenage girl in love. But you were a little too slow as you saw Lud going for the seat, so you looked for the nearest available seat. But when Ludwig went to sit down you heard Schlatt speak up.
“Fuck off Lud, go sit somewhere else” he had a slight smirk on his face when you looked up at him when you heard him speak.
Lud started to smirk back, understanding why Schlatt said that. "Oh.. So this seat is saved for someone else?” 
Schlatt turned a little red and muttered out a small “yeah”. 
You were still just standing there with your hand on a chair, ready to sit down. But when Lud went to sit somewhere else you saw that your chair was the only available one. So he smiled at you as he walked over and grabbed the chair from you, and sat down. You were a little lost as you just stood there and looked over at Schlatt. He smiled back at you and pulled out the chair beside him to signal for you to sit there. 
The puzzle pieces finally clicked and you cracked a smile as you walked over to Schlatt. When you sat down you leaned over to him and whispered in his ear as he was looking down at the menu. 
“So you only wanted me to sit here?” 
As he looked over at you, you had a slight smirk on your mouth as you looked back at him with your eyes narrowed. You could see him starting to turn red again and just nodded back at you, looking cute as all hell. 
He turned to look away from you and back at his menu. so you leaned back over to him. 
“That's pretty cute of you” You smiled at him as you scooted a little closer to him, as you also looked down at your menu. 
You thought back on the memory, and it made you smile to yourself and it made your heart strings pull at you, knowing you were on your way back home with no Schlatt. 
You decided not to dwell on the thought too much, so you put on some calm music and closed your eyes to try and get some sleep for the rest of the flight. 
You had been back home for two months already, back in your normal routine of streaming and making content for youtube. You missed Schlatt a lot, which kind of scared you. You felt like you didn’t spend that much time together, so why did you miss him?
You had talked to him a few times, had some contact over social media. You loved sending him shitty memes just to get him annoyed. 
You were sitting in front of your pc like usual, you had a day off streaming and you were just watching some videos on youtube when you heard a ping from Discord. Opening it, you saw that Schlatt had sent you a message. 
“Hey!! I am filming a video for the Sleep deprived pod, we are playing geoguessr and was wondering if you want to join if you have time?”
You felt your stomach doing the wildest backflips and quickly sent back a reply.
He quickly sent you a link for the game and dragged you to a server on discord they were all at.
You said hi to everyone while trying to keep your composure. They all said hi back and you introduced yourself knowing that this would be uploaded on the sleep deprived channel.
“Yeah i wanted to see if i could beat the geoguessr champion herself.” You heard Schlatt say through your headset. You could hear him smirking.
“I am not a champion! I am not nearly as good as the pros, I just really enjoy the game” You laughed back.
You heard one of the other guys reply back
“Okay, so that probably means you suck.” 
You all erupted into laughter.
“But since you’re our guest, you get to choose the map.” 
“World” you replied back with a smirk on your face. 
Starting the round, you looked around for the clues you had memorized. where was the sun, road markers, and architecture, so you could get a better picture of where you were. 
After looking around for a bit, you felt pretty confident in your choice, and clicked guess. After they had all guessed, you got the answer for who was closest. 
You and Schlatt had almost guessed the same spot just a little off where it was. 
The round kept going and you were doing pretty good, but sometimes they would guess better than you. But when the round was over you were just a thousand points away from Schlatt, you getting first place and him getting second. 
You celebrated your victory as Schlatt was starting to get angry at you, and saying that you cheated. You all just laughed it off as Schlatt went to find the next map. 
“Oh yeah, you’re not gonna win this one” You heard Schlatt say as you looked at the map he chose. United States.
You just rolled your eyes. 
“As the only one not from the US, that is just rude.” You said back. 
“HEYY! don’t just go around assuming everyone here is from the US. I am in fact from Canada.” You heard the guy you learned was Mikasacus. 
“Same thing” you replied back, trying to hold in your laughter. 
You heard them all start to laugh as Mika was arguing that it was not the same thing. 
You had so much fun with them, you didn’t win every time, but you still felt like you held your reputation of being pretty decent at geoguessr.
When you were done playing and recording, you were all still just hanging around in discord. Talking and having fun, but they all had other things to do, so as you said goodbye to them, you saw a private message pop up from Schlatt.
“Just hang around and we can talk on a different server.”
So you just stuck around and said goodbye and watched them leave until you were pulled into a server with only you and Schlatt. 
You suddenly felt your nerves creeping up on you, and you felt your throat go dry as you quietly said hi. 
“Hey” he said back.
He laughed a little and said,
“Is it weird to say that I miss you?”
"What?" "No!" You were kind of shocked that he said that.
“I.. I miss you too” You said back as you felt your cheeks heat up.
You felt relief knowing he felt the same. 
You talked for hours, about anything and everything. It was really nice, but it was starting to get really late, and you were exhausted . 
“I think it's time to head to bed” You told him with a sad tone. 
“Yeah, I guess” He trailed off, sounding a little sad, it broke your heart.
“But before you go I actually wanted to ask you something” 
“What?” You asked, curious as to what he was going to ask.
“I know this might be a bit too much to ask. But I was wondering if you wanted to take a trip over here?” He sounded nervous and unsure, you felt your stomach do flips. 
“I don’t really have anything to do in LA” You told him. You didn’t have any reason to go back, nothing was really happening there any time soon.
“No, I-I mean, you want to come to Austin?”
You were frozen, not sure if you heard him right. 
“Hello?” He asked, not hearing a sound from you.
“Sorry, I'm just. A little shocked really.” “But I would really love to!”
“Yes!” you heard him whisper under his breath. “I was hoping you would want to stay for a bit, I have a spare bedroom that we could build a temporary setup in. So that you can stream and stuff when you’re here” You could hear the smile on his face, making you smile back.
“omg that would be great!” “Holy shit! I can’t wait!” You almost yelled into the mic.
It had now been three months since you saw Schlatt, and you felt your nerves rise as the plane was landing in Austin. You couldn't believe you were nervous to see Schlatt, you felt like a teenager in love again.
Walking off, you caught his eyes as soon as you entered the airport. You couldn’t help the smile that spread on your face as you walked towards him. 
When you finally reached him, you dropped your hold on your bags and wrapped your arms around his torso, God, you almost forgot how tall he was. He had to bend down to hold his arms behind your back and pull you into the hug. You also almost forgot how good he smelled. 
Your eyes were closed as you lived in the moment right now, until you felt him starting to chuckle. You realized how long you had actually stayed like that. Snapping out of it, you pulled away from him and picked your bags back up. But not before he managed to snatch your heaviest bag.
“Let’s go” He said as he turned to walk towards the car park.
Walking into his apartment, you were a little shocked, it was really nicely decorated. But Schlatt just kept walking with your bag still in his hand, so you had to almost run to catch up with him. He stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway, and opened it. 
It was a nice bedroom, with fresh sheets on the bed. But when the door fully opened you saw a desk with a computer already set up.
“You did not need to do all of this!” You told him, almost in shock.
“But I wanted to” He smiled back at you, and stepped into the room to drop your bag on the floor. 
After thanking him a million times, he left the room and let you pack out some of your stuff. That's when an orange cat walked in, with a black one in tow. Smiling, you sat down on the floor to greet the two cats. The orange one, who you knew was Jambo, came right up and loved the attention you gave him. But the black one just sat there and stared at you, making you chuckle a little to yourself.
Making your way out to the living room after packing out, you saw Schlatt on his phone, sitting on the couch. You plopped down next to him and rested your head on his shoulder while you closed your eyes, and took a deep breath, unintentionally (Intentionally) breathing in his scent. 
After a few seconds, you opened your eyes and looked up at Schlatt, he was already staring right back at you. And you caught him quickly looking down at your lips, before he slowly bent his head down and captured your lips in a kiss. You hadn’t kissed yet, and you didn’t really know if you were going to. You hadn’t talked about your relationship yet, so you were a little unsure. But this kiss made you realize a little more of what you were, and why he invited you here.
It was a painfully slow kiss, but it was so passionate, and it made your whole body tingle. Your lips kept moving slowly against each other, until you slithered your hand up his neck to grab onto the hair at the back of his neck. You felt him moan against your lips, and you took the opportunity to shove your tongue into his mouth. 
Your body took over and you lifted your leg over Schlatt, so you were straddling him. Using both of your hands, you were grabbing and pulling on his hair. His hands grabbed onto your ass, and used his hands to shove your hips into his, making you feel how hard you made him. 
Feeling him twitch against your clothed pussy, you couldn’t take it anymore. So you disconnected your lips and leaned back to rip your sweater off, and quickly rip your bra off. Looking at him, he looked almost hungry, like you were a nice piece of steak for him to devour, and he did just that. Bending his head down to your chest, he latched his lips around a nipple. He was sucking and biting, while his thumb was flicking over the other nipple. 
You were a moaning mess, as you were grinding your hips into his, trying to find some friction. He was moaning too at this point, by the way your hips were moving against him, it was driving him crazy. 
But soon he realized he needed to feel all of you. So his head left your chest and he pulled his hoodie over his head. Looking at each other, you didn’t say anything. His hands just reached around to grab at your ass, so he could hold you close as he stood up. He was walking really fast towards his bedroom door at the other end of the hallway. Entering, you noticed how nice his room looked, it really matched the rest of the house. But your thoughts were cut short when he threw you onto his bed. 
Landing on your back, you looked up at him as he was standing by your feet. “Take your pants off.” He sounded serious, as he went to pull his own off. So you scrambled to hurry and rip them off. You got them off about the same time. So when you looked back up at Schlatt, he bent down to hook his fingers into the waistline of your panties, and pulled them down with so much force. And pulled his own down, a little too slowly for your taste. 
He put his knee up onto the edge of the bed, as you crawled a little further up the bed. As you did, he crawled with you until his knees were resting between your legs, spreading you open. His hands were resting on each side of your head, holding him over you. 
His head leaned down to capture your lips again, as his hips lowered just a bit, but enough for you to feel him poke against your dripping core. You needed him right now, so you lifted your legs to wrap them around his hips, so his cock was resting between your folds. He let out a low growl, and knew he couldn’t wait any longer. 
So he lifted his head back up to look down at where your hips met. And pulled away from you just enough for him to line himself up, and slowly pushed himself all the way inside of you, making you gasp. God, you missed the feeling of him inside you. 
He threw his head back and closed his eyes as he let out a quiet hum, at the feeling of finally having you around him again. He started to move slowly, as you grabbed onto his shoulder to pull him closer to you. 
When his face was above yours again, you kept steady eye contact as you just looked at each other. You felt your eyes close, as you could feel him hitting that perfect spot inside of you. The sounds you were making were pure filth, as he was making you feel so fucking good. 
But soon after you closed your eyes, you felt his hand slide its way up your neck to grab onto your jaw. His thumb on one side of your jaw, and the rest of his fingers on the other side. Holding you, it forced you to open your eyes to look at him. “Don’t take your eyes off me”
His voice, sounding so dark and demanding, was sending extra pleasure down your core. And he sped up when you kept looking at him, following his order. He was pounding into you with such force that you could hear it in your moans when his hips met yours, as he bottomed out everytime he slammed into you. 
You couldn’t handle much more of this before your orgasm would hit you like a brick wall. And you tried to tell him that you were close, but the force he was using, and the pleasure you were feeling, was making it difficult to formulate any words. But somehow, he understood what you were trying to say. 
“You close sweetheart?” He asked with a smug smile. You almost lost it at the nickname he gave you, you tried to nod your head to tell him “yes”. When you responded, he let go of your face to grab onto your waist as he was holding you still as he kept pounding into you. He sat back onto his knees, giving him a nice view, but also giving him the opportunity to slide a finger down to circle around your clit. Looking up at you, you were squeezing your eyes closed in pleasure, as you felt unimaginably close to your climax. Schlatt found himself smirking at what he was doing to you, and kept his pace steady. 
When you orgasm finally hit, you swear you were seeing stars as you let out the loudest and neediest moan you had ever released. Feeling you clench around him was pulling him to the edge of his own orgasm. And after a few more pumps, you felt him fill you up, as he was letting out the most sexy whimper you had ever heard. 
Collapsing on top of you, you pulled your hands up to pull your fingers through his soft hair. After a few nice minutes of just catching your breaths, he pulled out of you, and rolled over to lay beside you. You turned your head to look at him as he did the same. You smiled at him as he opened his mouth and asked you, 
“You hungry?”
“Yeah. Actually, I am.” You responded.
He sat up and reached over to his pants to dig his phone out of the pocket. And plopped down beside you again, but scooted himself a little closer, so his head was resting a little on your shoulder. He didn’t even ask you what you wanted, but he didn’t really have to either. He just went to order a pizza on his phone. While he was ordering, you kept thinking about how the rest of this trip would be. Having high hopes, since you only had just arrived and you were already laying naked together, fucked out of your mind, and ordering a pizza. 
You thought this might’ve been a little bit more than just a small crush.
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symphonic-scream · 5 months
I'm still gonna do proper au posts for all my AU's eventually but I'm in a certain mood and I follow that dopamine like a starving street dog
So. Here's every Makoto from every Arcana Swap I have.
It will be a long post, but I'm putting the bulk of the content under the cut, I know I clog tags sometimes and I apologize
Anyways. Feel free to talk to me about each of these, ask about the swaps as a whole, and offer suggestions! I enjoy interaction a lot
So. Every Makoto. Under the cut
0 - Fool Makoto (Learning to be Young) {P4}
This Makoto was raised strictly by an aunt after the death of her parents, and has since been kicked out of her home. So, she's reuniting with her older sister, who was kicked out for the same reason many years before. Makoto, during her time in Inaba, experiences what being a teenager is all about. She's only got that final year, but even mysterious murders won't keep her from truly living
Ft no rizz Makoto showing up and having every girl just. Fall for her. Epitome of autism swag meme thing. Has a polyquad in it
0 - Fool Makoto (Doomed Toxic Yuri Swap)
After being arrested for something she didn't do, Makoto is sent to live with her older sister in Tokyo while on parole. She intends to keep her head down so she can get into a good school still, but she can't douse the flames of righteous rage in her heart when she encounters injustice. That anger of hers is what landed her in Tokyo, and it'll be the spark that begins a rebellion in those around her
This one has Justice Haru. And they're in a doomed toxic Yuri. For those who need more than fluff in their lives
3 - Empress Makoto (ACAB swap)
Daughter of the police commissioner, Makoto has her whole future pre-determined for her. Her father has been changing, and won't listen to her about not wanting to follow in his footsteps. She wants to be a mechanic, but... If only she had a way to return home to the man she once knew...
In her confidant, she'd be dealing with grief, but also, reuniting with Devil Sae, and trying to fix her future, get out of the school her father set her up for, and into the courses she wants herself
4 - Emperor Makoto (Gender Thieves)
Second palace is Kobayakawa in this. Makoto is his perfect attack dog, kept under his thumb by promise of scholarships and recommendations. The others make Makoto see that she's being strung along, and she breaks free. And, mega rebels. Rebels so hard they throw out their gender. They/he Makoto. Grunge Makoto
Ft trans boy Haru, and MakoHaru are together from the start in this. A soft prep boyfriend who's scary with a bat and his grunge gruff partner who's scared of the dark
6 - Lovers Makoto (Morg Swap)
She graduated early, finished teachers college, and is doing her one year placement at a middle school. The principal is using blackmail to keep her complicit and silent, making her forget the reason she was so passionate about teaching in the first place
Ft Fool Morgana! It also has a Hermit Haru and Magician Joker, this one I'm real proud of
7 - Chariot Makoto (Chaos Swap)
A classic. In an attempt to stand up against Kamoshida and his abuse, Makoto got beat up, and framed for using physical force to get better grades. An outcast and feared by her peers, this is a punk Makoto all the way. If given the chance, she'd risk it all to save the other students, even after all they've done to her.
This one was my first one it's my favourite. It's also mostly silly goofy so
8 - Justice Makoto (Blood Moon Swap)
The darkest of these. Young, Makoto's mother dies. Her father, never in her life before, appears and informs her it was her fault, and demands she make up for it, following his orders, his little psychic assassin. She's filled with anger; at herself, her actions, her father, at those she's told to dispose of. She shakes with rage, a need to tear down everything around her, make everyone else feel how shitty her life was. Her public appearances as a junior detective are firm, and serious. Proper.
Plot includes the discovery that the Fool, Goro, and Makoto were twins. Separated after the death of their mother. A "what if", since in Makoto's arc they were sort of parallels almost?
9 - Hermit Makoto (Polygirls Swap)
This Makoto watched her parents die. A Good cop, an EMT, trying to help someone, when suddenly they, changed, and walked off of a bridge. She's believed it had something to do with her for a long time, but after she's saved from her own distorted heart, she comes to the conclusion that the "Black Mask" had them killed for planning to report a superior for taking bribes from Shido
This is the Fool Ann and Emperor Haru au where the three are gay and together and gay.
12 - Hanged Man Makoto (Age Swap Au)
Makoto, a former soldier, runs a seedy shop in Shibuya to afford her younger sister Sae's hockey fees. She's still carrying the mental and physical scars from her time in service, but will do anything for her younger sister, even if it means letting the cops do whatever to her so she won't get arrested again
This is adult confidant Thieves, so the main cast of this au are the adults, like Sojiro and Sae and Iwai. The Niijima sisters get along a bit better here
19 - Sun Makoto (Yaoi Swap) {I hate that name}
This. This is just an au where literally they're all guys and theys. Whether it's trans guys, NB, CIS, or demi, they're. All guys. So this is a guy Makoto, captain of the debate team at Shujin, who offers the fool speech lessons in exchange for understanding people better. Makoto wants people to stop being scared of him, and wants to stop fearing people at the same time
Ft Yaoi MakoHaru. It's. Man idk this is a crack au
- Faith Makoto (Uh. I don't have a name for this one)
Trans guy Makoto. Parents died the night he came out, complete accident. So, he's been living as a girl and denying it happened ever since. Only, Makoto is his chosen name. Whoever the Councilor is in this au will mess up and use his dead name and. Big moment
Most of my Makoto's aren't like. Goody. This one is. He'd totally want to be a lawyer. Sweater vest and ties. He's a little gentleman, though he does Aikido, and is gym buddies with Ryuji. Layers
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polyamorouspunk · 5 months
Omg fav metal bands???
(I’m trying to get into metal, so plzzz give me good recommendations!)
I’m assuming you like pop music since you mentioned Beyonce before, and are okay with NSFW topics based on your blog, which is what I’m going to be working with. There’s a lot that goes into metal music, but I think the main thing that everyone thinks of when they imagine metal music is the vocals, which is why I’m going to be splitting up songs by color based on color to dictate fully/mostly clean vocals, 50/50ish vocals, and heavy vocals. All of these songs still have elements of what makes them metal in the instrumentals though. Not only that, but I’ll be focusing mainly on metalcore, as it’s one of the more accessible and popular metal genres, especially on tumblr and people in my demographic (gender, sexuality, age range, country, etc.)
What Scene Queen might lack in lyrical prose she makes up for in topic. I swear every song is either about lesbian sex or misogyny. Come get you some girl metal to go with your girl dinner and girl math.
Pink Panther
Pink Rover
Pink Push-up Bra
Electic Callboy, originally known by a different name, rose to popularity after the introduction of their new clean vocalist Nico and dropping some songs with really fun and quirky videos over the past few years.
Hypa Hypa
We Got The Moves
Pump It
Every Time We Touch (TEKNO Version)
Bring Me The Horizon was a staple in every emo kid’s playlist. If any band in the genre has not only stood the test of time but come out better than ever, it’s Bring Me. While they went through an experimental phase a few years ago that wasn’t really a lot of fan’s things, including mine, I think taking what was going on in that era and mixing it with their older sounds have produced an updated version of the band’s music that is reflective of the times, and honestly the best stuff they’ve ever put out.
Dance Gavin Dance has literally been a meme for years due to their alarming history of kicking shitty vocalists out of their bands only to let them back in only to kick them out again… the only era of DGD I listened to was the Tillian era, which has come to an end officially this time. While DGD isn’t going to be for everyone not just because of their strangish music but also because there’s debate about separating the art (the weird music) from the artist (the numerous shitty vocalists) at one point they were my favorite band, and I still stand by them musically, and at least they have kicked out their shitty band members, unlike a lot of other bands in the scene.
Summertime Gladness
Blood Wolf
Young Robot
Death of the Robot with Human Hair
Feels Bad Man
Something New
Pop Off!
It is impossible to capture DGD’s vibe in only 4 songs
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arkiwii · 1 year
well, since i can't really draw or write Arknights stuff because I'm really charged this month, but the brainrot is still very strong, i decided to do a tierlist of my favorite operators!
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explanations below the cut
i don't count alters on this tierlist, when I put a character I consider it's them + their alter version; the choice of if I picked the alter or not for the vignette is only based on aesthetic choices, really. also for comprehensive reasons, i tried to put all the related characters next to each other (like how the abyssal hunters are all next to each other)
My most beloved precious blorbos: this one speaks for itself, honestly. operators i absolutely love, that i think about almost on a daily basis, no minded doodles every so often, writing ideas poping up in my mind, big wall of text about how much i like them, autistic thoughts, you know the kind. i just love them very much, simply. originally, saria and ifrit were in the tier just below, since i considered that since i have silence as my favorite character, i did not need to also put them, but i learnt to love them individually rather than for what they represent to silence
Big smooch on their forehead: characters that i know very well the story of, and that I'm really attached! not to the point of being my all times favorites, but who spoke to me to a personal level, or that i used a lot in early game/still use today. i love to read about them and would love to draw or write more about them! justice knight is here as a honorary member
I think they're neat!: i don't know them that well, but i followed them in events, or did a bit of research about them for a reason or another, or simply one of my friends like them! and i do think they're neat, pretty interesting, not the kind i'd be absolutely attached to but i enjoy seeing them regardless :]
I would like to know more about them: feat Abyssal Hunters, the Nearls and Gavial's crew. they are characters i know a little bit about them or they are related to a character i love, but i got too lazy to read their event and files because it's too complicated, or too long, or whatever. but they are characters i know enough about to know i'll appreciate them! so im interested in knowing more about them
Here goes all the other operators, aka "I don't care or I forgot you exist": well, the tier's name once again speaks for itself. theres a ton of characters in that game, and I can't focus on every of them, especially when i started not that long ago. there's a lot that i genuinely just forget about, some that i know the story but i dont care that much to know more, and a few that i do wish to know more about! but not as much interesting as the tier above, so not my priority
I hate you /pos: (i ran out of colors) annoying ass characters with a shitty personalities but they're fun for the memes and i use them regardless (except tequila cause mlynar exists). not like actual hate, mostly affectionate hate, you know, like how you call your cat "stinky", but you still love your cat regardless. fact, at first i was genuinely uncomfortable with lappland, but then with il siracusano i started to feel better with her
I hate you /neg: characters i despise either for game reason or because their smug aura mocks me. phantom is because fuck him in is2 and his story is ehhh to me. gravel is because this character is seriously uncomfortable, for the love of god can you act normal, and i wouldn't mind her if she wasn't guaranteed with every fast redeploy tag. harmonie and ho'olheyak are just smug bitches. and ethan i just have a hate experience because i dont like using him and his voice + the music playing when he appears makes me so anger
Brother you can just die: Silverash tier. fuck you silverash. i don't like his face, i dont like using him, and i did not followed break the ice but i heard enough bullshit about him to know he's a terrible person. i hope i never roll him
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tagedeszorns · 1 year
Are you getting bombarded with shitty asks or something? :(
FWIW, I really appreciated your write-up explaining why you love the EC so much. Despite my soft spot for Magnus, I've never really gotten the appeal of Chaos. So it was really good to get your perspective.
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It's more a building sense of alienation from fandom than individual big events. Sure, there are weird asks and such - but basically I just have the feeling of being tired. Not really belonging and not grasping some big inside joke. It doesn't really help that neither my images nor my favoured characters (or at least how I see them) seem to be particularly crowd-pleasing. And it does make me a little helpless and sad that a silly meme I made in five minutes gets ten times as much interaction as a post I've thought about for a long time or an image I've put a lot of heart and soul into.
Eidolon's t-shirt is definitely something I actually want to take to heart. But that's easier said than done. There's always that nagging self-doubt somewhere.
Yes, there are quite a few reasons why Emperor's Children are my favourite legion. Damn, I can just relate to them so completely in every dark emotion!
What helps me right now is that the Ahriman stories, of all things, give me back the Sense of Wonder. So far at least, it feels like the Warhammer universe is actually as interesting and compelling to me as it used to be.
Just getting some distance again and watching that horrible sorcerer make everything worse and worse!
Yes, that sounds good. I like that. The best laid plans ... collapsing in the most horrible fashion and some guy at the centre of the horror. That's peak Warhammer.
But, to end on a positive note, I am very pleased that I was able to get across my view of the fascination that chaos exerts. Of course, this was only briefly touched upon and there is much more to it - but in principle I would like to talk about the fact that Chaos is much more than the fandom (and unfortunately at least 80% of GW) allow it to be.
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microwave-core · 2 years
The Lengths of Love
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Penny x Fem! Reader
Penny loves spending time with her girlfriend. Unfortunately for her, though, you decide to interrupt her perfect evening by suggesting the impossible: going outside. Extra unfortunate for her, she lacks the mental fortitude to say no to your pleading eyes.
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Life can often be confusing, stuck in a predicament where you're not exactly sure what to do. At this moment, you are lost. You're not sure who you should be paying more attention to. The Sylveon in your lap, the Flareon at your feet, or the girlfriend at your side. 
Sure, it’s not the worst position to be in. You're incredibly warm and comfortable, surrounded by fluff and warmth and love. It’s just unfortunate that the love was being provided by the two eeveelutions, since Penny was completely glued to her phone screen.
She had been talking your ear off about some niche manga she had stumbled across, desperately trying to get you to read it. Despite her continuously binging it in her off time, she still seems to have more to catch up, but it’s to be expected. You're not familiar with the details of Operation Starfall, but you know it got her roped into working with the Pokemon League. That along with classes means she doesn’t have as much free time as before, meaning she’s reading during your time together.
It’s not unexpected, though, it’s how most of your hangout date things end up going. Although she has been getting more social since returning to the academy, her social battery drains quickly. She can only hang out with her former Team Star buddies in person for so long  before crashing. With you, she finds it most enjoyable to just sit in your presence, sending you videos and shitty memes despite being nuzzled into your side.
It’s wonderful, really. Your girl makes herself at home next to your body. Your hands are full of soft fur. Your feet are warmed by a living pile of fluff. The room is taken over by loving warmth. The peaceful silence is only interrupted by the purring of Sylveon (and the rustling of boxes coming from the kitchen) .…You could do without all of the pokemon hair clinging to your clothes, though.
“You know, you should probably get your other eevees away from the kitchen before they break into the trash.” “What can I do about it?” She keeps her eyes glued to her phone.
“...You could put them back in their balls?” “Why would I do that?” You just give her a look, one strong enough that she could feel it even without looking at you.
“What? I love being surrounded by my eevees.” She meets your gaze this time. “And they like it when you're around, too. You're, like, their second favorite person.” You can’t help the smile creeping up your face, but the sweetness of the moment is lost because the trash is going to be broken into.
“Penny… Maybe if you like to keep your pokemon out of their balls, you should try spending some more time with them outside.” She looks at you as if you had just grown a second head. “...Outside? But outside sucks.” “I know it does, but you should probably consider taking a break every now and then.”
“School and Geeta already keep me out of my room, isn’t that enough?” Penny is pleading for her life. She truly is the embodiment of how the older generations view the younger ones: terminally online and inside. 
“We could do something fun! Like go on a picnic, or explore, or go shopping…” “But we do fun things here! We don’t need to go out!” She suddenly removes herself from your side, passing an apologetic look to Sylveon, who she disturbed with her abrupt movements. 
“Like… like… I just got my hands on some good manga! Or, uh, I’ve got some Studio Ghibli movies we could rewatch! And I’ve got some shitty shovelware games we could make fun of!” She’s shuffling through the mess on the ground, searching for the coveted items she hoped would erase the idea of going outside from your pretty little head.
“Come on, we can do that whenever we want! Why don’t we just change things up a little bit, just this once?” If she didn’t love you, she wouldn’t have folded so easily.
“Fine, I’ll do it, but you owe me!” A part of her is upset, but the other part of her is just glad to make you happy. Love makes people do crazy things, or something like that.
“Aww, thanks babe!” She plops back into the couch. “Well, if I’m making you go out, I think it’s only fair that you pick where we go first.” Her phone is in her hands in seconds. “I will say, though, there’s a good sandwich joint right here in Mesagoza.” She mutters something under her breath (something about an Arven), but she doesn’t complain.
You try to look at her phone screen as she goes to pull up a map, but she seems to purposefully turn it away from you. Unfortunately from her, you catch a glimpse of what she was hiding through the reflection in her glasses.
“...Am I your lock screen?” “...No.” Her poor denial is complimented wonderfully by the burning red overcoming her cheeks.  
“Aww, aren’t you just the sweetest!” “Don’t tease me!” “I’m not, I’m being serious!” You desperately want to tease her over it, but you know that any more comments could make her change her mind about this whole “outdoors” business. 
“Whatever! Let’s just go get these sandwiches.” She stuffs her phone into the pocket of her hoodie as she gets back up to find her shoes. Oh, how adorable she is when she’s embarrassed, acting as if she’s all huffy and mad. You know better, though. She lives for your attention and praise, even if it does fluster her. 
Penny puts her beloved eevees back to their balls, except for Sylveon who she allows to trot beside you both as you walk through the dorm hallway. It’s only now that you realize how late it has gotten. It’s hard to tell in her room given how dark she keeps it, but it does give you another idea.
“There’s a really good clear spot just outside the city, actually. Maybe we could make our way out there and do some stargazing afterwards?” “Can’t babe. I’ve gotta be back by 10 to play Minecraft with the boys.” Her tone is dead serious.
“What?” “You heard me. Team Star plays Minecraft every Friday night.”  “So you’re gonna tell all your friends that I’m your ‘gamer girlfriend’, but you aren’t even going to invite me to Minecraft night?” “It’s for the boys, babe.”
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genericpuff · 2 years
same anon as last ask. I also have to note: i dont think there are any good reasons for domestic abuse. there are none. you said hades didnt deserve to get slapped but then had previously said "as if the victim of the slap wasn’t a guy who was just as if not more abusive than she was in that relationship in his own fucked up way". reading that it does feel like you are saying he deserved to be slap or trying to justify it. maybe you arent tho? btw i dont give a shit about that man lmao
No, and you're right! But that's always the assumption people make whenever defenses for Minthe are made - that by empathizing with Minthe, or by pointing out that Hades was just as shitty in the relationship as she was, you're excusing domestic violence and abuse - and they're very... strawmen assumptions, IMO.
(TW: abuse)
The issue with the Minthe debate is that a lot of people fail to hold every other abusive character in the comic to the same standards they hold Minthe, and they fail to recognize everything that led up to the slap.
Like, when Hecate slapped the shit out of Hades for being into Persephone, where were people then? It was played off for laughs.
But then Minthe slaps Hades once during an emotional breakdown and all of a sudden she's an irredeemable villain.
No one deserves to be physically or verbally assaulted whether or not mental health is involved. But when mental health is a factor in cases like Minthe - which it is because she was initially designed with BPD until Rachel retconned it on Discord - it's one of those "it's a reason, not an excuse" sort of deals. If LO Minthe was being written by someone who actually cared about mental health representation, she would have been given the same opportunity to grow and learn from her mistakes and past transgressions just as Hades and Persephone have been given.
Instead, Minthe is a villain for having a moment of cruelty during a breakdown, and Hades and Persephone never seem to have to own up to the shit they do. Abuse is never okay, but LO is essentially saying "abuse is okay if you're cute and rich and if you make funny meme faces while you do it."
Characters like Minthe are WAY more interesting than Hades and Persephone BECAUSE of their flaws, she isn't peddled as perfect, she's real. Minthe and characters like her are raw and genuine, they don't feel like they're putting on some act of "niceness", they feel like people, people who make mistakes and fuck up and suffer consequences for their decisions and their action. I've seen a lot of people empathize with and enjoy Minthe's character simply because they do see themselves in her, they see her vulnerabilities and her flaws and her fears and recognize that she's not perfect. Some people truly are irredeemable beyond repair, but Minthe... Minthe still had a fighting chance. We had that chance when she first dumped Thetis, it was so cathartic to see her take control of her own situation and healing... but then RS backtracked on it immediately because she accidentally made the character who she knew she wanted Persephone to turn into a plant way too empathetic. So instead she opted to dial up Minthe's shittiness to 1584923108 in order to get her audience to hate her - and to ensure anyone who did still empathize with her look abusive by extension.
She didn't need or deserve 'another chance' from Hades, or Hecate, or the other people who she had already hurt countless times. But she does deserve to give herself the chance to grow and learn and move forward to something better. We all do. It's why forgiveness is one of the most essential first steps in growth.
I'm tired of reading about H x P "forgiving" themselves for what they do with false platitudes of TherapySpeak. Because they never learn, they keep acting like shitheads and much of their behavior comes across as fake and disingenuous, like they're just putting on a show. And that's when they actually acknowledge their behavior, more often than not their bullshit is celebrated.
I don't want to celebrate abuse. I want to see character development. You can't develop or grow if you're deluded into thinking you're not doing anything wrong. Persephone and Hades have nowhere to go. Minthe had an entire life ahead of her away from Hades and Thetis... and we were robbed of the chance to witness it.
But that's just my two cents.
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gentlebeard · 1 year
hi lets show some love for our mutuals. tag your favorite mutuals and tell them why you love them
thank you, dear anon. time to spread lots of love:
@blakbonnet - what would i do without meow? she’s so smart & kind & funny & so fucking talented. writing, painting, making gifs, clowning - there’s nothing she can’t do. we have one and the same brain and often send each other almost identical messages at the same time. she’s my biggest fan and greatest supporter. team beard brought us together and now i never want to be without her!
@sherlockig - my soulmate, my sunshine, my rock. not only is she incredibly sweet and one of my best friends in the world, she’s also the backbone of the ofmd fandom. she graces our screens with fantastically edited screen caps of our beloved blorbos. we’d be lost if alexz didn’t put so much love and energy into picking the perfect frames! i’m so grateful for her presence in the fandom and in my life.
@saltpepperbeard - jodi. my wifey. my one true love. nothing brings me more joy than seeing her gifs or reading her insane tags on posts. they’re better and more entertaining than any newspaper or novel. every time she has an insanely brilliant (or angsty) thought, i wanna propose to her all over again. her writing makes my brain tingle in the best possible way. btw all of you are invited to our next wedding 🥰
@bizarrelittlemew - one day i saw one of ida’s gif sets and was like: hell yeah, i wanna see more of that. i came for the gifs but stayed for her love of rhys darby, her kindness, her writing, her amazing vibe, her creativity, and her lovely self.
@not-nervous-jester - jams is the hottest person on this hellsite. they’re just so effortlessly funny and amazing. their brain has the most wrinkles because they’re so fantastic and intelligent. i invite jams to make out with me regularly because i’m secretly (or not so secretly, i guess) obsessed with them. anyway, i’m smooching you and your brain, jams!
@skysofrey - kaitlin is the sweetest human ever. sunshine in a bottle. kindness personified. seeing her yellow hearts in the tags improves my mood instantly. she deserves to have a perfect day every single day.
@stedebonnets - another 10/10 human being. how anyone can be so sweet and supportive is almost unbelievable to me. ara will make you feel like the most special person on this planet with just a few words and sweet emojis. i bet ara’s hugs feel like coming home after being gone for years.
@dickfuckk - i once called josh the bts king because he’ll know or find anything that is just slightly adjacent to ofmd. his dedication to @ourflagmeansbts is insane to me. on top of that: nice & funny dude, hilarious videos, my dj archive 😌
@rainbowcrowley - after just casually communicating over tags we have finally moved our relationship to the next stage (dms & laughing about shitty memes about politicians, apparently). addi will tell you they make “mediocre gifs” but that’s just a blatant lie. their gifs always look fantastic. a very sweet bean.
@darkinerry - marlena will come out of nowhere and throw spectacular taika gifs into your inbox or just make a straight up insane gif set of that man with clips they probably had to kill someone for. idk how else they do it or where they get them, it’s a mystery to me. excited puppy energy 24/7.
honorable mention goes to olivia aka @snake-snack-stede who is, hands down, the most hilarious person in the ofmd fandom. i’m looking forward to your s2 shenanigans as much as the episodes!!!
if i didn’t mention you, know i still love you. and you’re amazing. 💕
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boinin · 1 year
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One last rambly post before I go be productive. This one is less shitposty... though it's also about Kunigami so, you know. Expect copium from a stan.
He features in four panels during this week's chapter, which is a development. He features once in each of the preceding chapters (230 & 231), minor appearances in either case. Squint or you'll miss him altogether.
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That said, the mangaka and writer continually remind us of his presence, much as they have with Hiori in the run up to and during the Ubers match. Although he hasn't had a proper line of dialogue since chapter 218, and he hasn't done anything particularly meaningful since chapter 219.
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But that's to be expected.
What happened in chapter 219? It's the build up to Kaiser's goal in the following chapter (220). As a reminder, Kunigami initiated that attack himself, and cleared many of the defenders single-handedly. But without support, his attack chances were goosed. So Isagi intercepted the ball, and through a series of plays, Kaiser ended up scoring.
What's happening now (in chapter 232)? Another Bastard Munchen goal attempt, this time spearheaded by Kaiser from the start.
Kunigami has fallen into operating as a goal poacher. Where he positions himself in chapter 232 is reminiscent of his positioning in chapter 185, where he scores against Manshine using Isagi's shot attempt. You can understand why he continues to use this method. Compare his placement here with where he positions himself beside Aryu, in the leak panels above.
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It doesn't work out for him this time though, because Lorenzo deflects the ball away from him... and he doesn't have metavision like Isagi, allowing him to foresee that chain of events. He waits around for the opportunity like a scavenger, unable to use his mind to play the potential scenarios out. It's less efficient, and he also has no one to support his plays. Respectfully, Isagi would be a lot less efficient too if he didn't have Kurona, Hiori or even Yukimiya for assists.
Kunigami himself isn't playing up and down the pitch because he's a forward, and in part because he has no metavision. Tellingly, he barely featured during the Star Change system, when Ubers were the dominant attackers. But is he still an effective player overall?
Certainly. Had Lorenzo been sloppier about that deflection and sent it the other direction, it'd have been on Aryu to keep that ball out of Kunigami's reach within a split second. Kunigami's a difficult player to contain, even two on one. Ubers would have been in danger there, had the ball gone his way rather than Isagi's. While the deflection could be random, I wonder whether that's something Lorenzo considered. If the choice was Aryu V Kunigami, or Aiku V Isagi... well, I'd put my money on Aiku every time. No shade, glam king, you're still an icon ✨
The point I'm making is, Kunigami is always present when Bastard Munchen are attacking. If he's not driving the attack himself (as he was in chapter 218/219), then he's hanging around to see if he can steal a goal opportunity from another forward (Isagi, and now Kaiser too).
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As much as I enjoy the jokes about Kunigami being absent in this match due to his shinigami side hustle, it is tiresome to read through people slandering his ability to play overall. He can, and he continues to pose a danger to the goal whenever the ball is in play in that area. We can dump on him for being inflexible, for not having metavision, or for his shitty personality change. But I wanted to highlight as per the latest chapter, how he's shown to be engaged and present within this match.
Further reading: I did a deep dive on what Kunigami's role is in the Neo-Egoist league here.
I take the piss out of him here and here, if memes are more your speed.
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adviserbylove · 7 hours
Why I love Toma
A few days ago, my Toma novel came in the mail. I'm currently trying to do translations scans, but...it's my first time + my app sucks ass. However...I need to come clean. Rather, I want to start from the beginning. I've always been a Toma lover. He was the first LI I picked when I first played Amnesia Memories back when I was 18. While I was a little edglordy teenage girl back then, who was barely an adult, I thought "Ooooooo, so hot. I love a yandere that is so obsessed with me 🥵". Now, I'm in my mid twenties. A cage meme (idk, apparently it was 'cage day' a while back :P) brought me back to my Toma simping era. He was forgotten after 2 years-ish, and until I saw that one meme, I got nostalgic and watched a play through of his route again. I don't own a switch, so I also watched a play through of his Later x Crowd route, along with the Drama CD's....
Oh man....
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A little about me to understand this. I grew up with an abusive older brother. I won't go into detail about what happened between us since it'll get dark really fast. He was never there for me nor my younger brothers. I was the second oldest after him, so I was considered a 'big sister' throughout my whole life. I have a special someones among my tumblr circle here that calls me "Big sis/Mama Sadie". The big sister label never left me, and even though I enjoy making my loved ones feel special and taking care of them, I look back to my dysfunctional older brother + shitty parents. And I just wish someone would've taken care of me in return
Being an older sibling is fucking draining at times. I absolutely adore my younger brothers irl + the people here that call me big sister. Sometimes, I feel like cracking cause it gets too much. I absolutely hate being comforted in return. I hate talking about my feelings if they go down a negative light. Eventually, I snap and it's not pretty. A side of me is seen that I do not others to see. You never just bottle up all your feelings like a bottle of champagne, and everyday it's being shaken? And when something forcefully pops open that cork, everything just sprays out? That's me
I initially thought Toma had a cool jacket, so I picked him first, lol. I started to get obsessed with how possessive he was over the MC and how 'wanted' I felt. It doesn't make it any easier seeing how he was so sweet to her, but that was swept aside by my horny 18 year old ass. Replaying his route, I started to see his caring nature shine more. He was so sweet, too sweet. And yet...I felt myself getting sucked in. He got me, I admit. Taking her shopping, buying her a new phone, letting her have his bed....it was so wonderful (at first). When he lied about being the MC's boyfriend, I was starting to think it was obvious that he lied. Saying he 'only saw her as a younger sister' and 'you should say this to another man' was off putting, especially considering he said we are a couple. So it was obvious he was a liar. And, while I was skeptical, I still went along because I thought he was very complex and was intrigued by his motives
The slow descent into madness is what sold me. Seeing him snap was looking into a mirror. Looking at another me lose their mind every time they fail to keep their loved ones blissfully unaware of the danger around them and failing to protect them from it. Seeing Toma looking through the cage bars at a locked up MC was almost seeing an extreme version of the worst of me. But yet...I felt so much security with Toma. No, I'm not saying I want to be locked in a cage. But seeing the lengths he went to to make sure her safety was first, how he was pushed into a stressful mindset, which caused him to lose himself...he was so real into his madness. It's understandable it was bone chilling, but I was more afraid of not having a happy ending with him. He pushed himself to the bone, seeing MC go outside alone when three attempts were made to kill her. I have yet to translate the novel, but I do know it beautifully displays his own anxiety + paranoia. How the build up to the cage happened and how Toma ate away at himself in the making. Ukyo even said he rarely sees Toma get happy endings. He never got to be selfish all his life when he was practically raising Shin and MC since birth basically. I almost felt bad for him ya know...if he didn't freaking lock me in a cage and not bother to even give me the damn tv remote
Another Amnesia Memories blog made a post about how they saw themselves in Toma when they were going through a hard time in their life. When I was 18, things got rocky for me since I just moved away from a toxic family life. Seeing Toma and how he was never left me. Because I understood his fall into madness. I wanted to reach out through the cage bars screen and just reassure him that it's okay. He'd most likely just say "I don't deserve hopes + dreams" like he did in that one CG, but I would just break into tears if I had to hear that again. Most people will disagree...but I want him to be happy. It's why his Amnesia Crowd end scene makes me so happy, I'm close to overwhelmed tears. He's finally happy....he's not pushed to the brink of insanity where his anxiety takes over and he fears even himself...he can relax while still being the naturally protective older brother he was meant to be....he can have his happy ending with his beloved heroine
It doesn't make what he did right, but seeing him crack and fall into desperate times was sickening to me. It was disgusting to see someone so caring and kind towards the MC struggle all by himself. Shin is right...don't carry this burden alone, Toma....I, oh so, desperately wanted to be there for him. Ik I was the one getting harassed in your route, but still. I absolutely adored how you tried, and even when it lead to some very questionable methods...you still cared. Beneath all the insanity...you still cared. You still loved the MC, and you loved her to the point where you couldn't see clearly. I never want to see him break pass the point of losing himself, that he loses control. Someone being madly obsessed with keeping me safe is both comforting and unsettling. I adore Toma, but....was this my inner most thoughts? Wanting to be relied on that I would break like this? Wanting to be the one doted on for once? Of course I don't lock ppl in cages + drug them, but I resonate with wanting to be relied on + keeping loved ones safe, sometimes to a scary degree if something drastic happens to them. And sometimes...I wish someone would just take care of me too. Seeing this laid out in front of me was scary, but not because Toma's route is more seen as horror than an actually romantic route. More so that I related to him. The villain the both Shin's and his own story
While Toma should be in jail irl, in fiction, I can handle the consequences he faces in the sequels. Having Shin beat him up + MC locking him in the cage and handcuffing him (canon masochistic!Toma???/j). He knows he did a terrible thing and wanted to repent for him. He loves the MC to such, his head hurts and he loses all sense of control. There isn't anything he won't for her, but he learns that he cannot do anything against her will ever again like that. He's resentful and hates himself for it, and that speaks volumes to me
No wonder after years of forgetting Toma, I never actually....'forgot' him, you know? I want to spend the rest of my life seeing him happy, being happy with him. He means so much to me, I honestly forget what my life was like before I played his route. I mean, I would honestly love to forget everything that happened before 18 in my life, but still. Even if I didn't notice after that 'Toma hiatus', he always had a special place in my heart. Heck, he was always on my kin list for the last 5 years! I didn't know what selfshipping was until I was around 23-24(?). Toma was a f/o before I even knew what a f/o was
I don't think you'll ever find even a Toma fan admitting Toma is a good person. Amnesia Memories is not about creating 'prince charming' like green flags (in fact, you'll see fans admitting all of these guys are red flags :P). But Toma is still someone that was there for me...that actually felt went through a lot with me. He looked after me when I was trying to get my life back together when I was living away from family. It was a foreign feeling, but I welcomed it despite the glaring warning signs that his route put up. I never hated Toma, even before the sequels shed more light on him
Later x Crowd is honestly just a fluffy bonus for my selfship with him. I'll continue to be happy with Toma, because I want to see this bastard be happy. I don't think I can ever go back to how my life was before I met him. I'm thanking a very old friend of mine that has drifted apart from me. Because if she never recommended Amnesia to me, I would have never met Toma. Thank you, Laura. And thank you, Toma. For being my comfort character...for being there for me....for seeing at my worst and still loving me....for accepting me...
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