#every time i play the guessing game of which of my jewellery is okay to wear when going through tsa
the fact that i can't go through airport security with all my jewellery on is homophobic actually
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Liam & Edie
Liam: [a picture of Rio with her eyes crossed out like 1. Miss you and 2. Guess who I just talked to]
Edie: ofc she did 😑
Edie: what’s the damage
Liam: 0 to us I deflected the - to Lexie
Liam: do you want her framed for jumpscaring herself or is there anyone else
Edie: That’s all she cared about?
Edie: Bitch
Liam: it just didn’t take no time to convince her we’re perfect for each other
Liam: bc we are
Edie: yeah we are 🥰
Edie: surprised she copped to anything of the sort though
Edie: clearly can’t resist being nice to you
Edie: Lexie needs to calm down
Edie: 🤔 I mean, be kinda fucking hilarious if everyone reckoned she was doing it to herself
Edie: but maybe I’ve been too mean already 🥺
Edie: what do you think?
Liam: I think it’s pretty close to showing everyone her true colours if we do, Lex has gotta have been talking to your sister about me, I could tell, she thought I was a dick before I talked her round
Edie: She wouldn’t be happy for me unless you were a total 🤓 with no dick
Edie: that’s just what she’s like, crazy
Edie: but also not a stretch to see Lexie being a gossipy cow, I’ve heard her on other people before so
Edie: why would I give a fuck if her life is ruined
Liam: she basically accused me of wanting to hit you up for one reason and then wanting to immediately dip, if she thinks that’s what I’m like that’s only coming from one person
Edie: She’s pathetic
Edie: it’s clearly her saying it because you didn’t sleep with her
Edie: it wouldn’t be hard to spoof some shit, make it look like her
Edie: and she has nothing to say it was me, or you like she thought, and it weren’t no one else so she’s fucked, basically
Liam: [send her some shit that you’ve already started to work on because you knew she’d agree with this plan and the bits of the Rio convo where you said you’d try and find out and made it sound like you thought it was her but obvs it couldn’t possibly be hehe]
Edie: You’re so smart
Edie: She deserves this, she was definitely bitching about you, you can tell from how hard Rih said she weren’t
Liam: don’t be upset with me, but I was thinking about how Lexie also deserves to see us together and you happy and I invited them both to your show
Liam: you did say you want your family to take your music seriously
Edie: I’m not mad
Edie: You invited Rih too so she isn’t going to think you’re trying to get back with her
Edie: and I get to rub that and the fact I’m talented in her face?
Edie: It’s a good idea, baby
Liam: still, if you wanna create me in game and spend your time testing out different murder options, I won’t be mad, I should’ve asked you if it was a good idea before saying yeah to having us all there
Edie: [an 8-bit Liam but obvs we’re making an 8-bit us to smooch him not murder him, a lil gif moment of this or whatever it would be]
Liam: you only want a play through where we 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻
Edie: that might make the thread 🤮 but idk if they’d be 😱
Liam: we’ll keep it off thread
Liam: [send her the floor plan to where your dad lives/holiday cottages so she can build it in sims like my boo would, live your dreams kids]
Edie: don’t need to make 50k nerds jealous, I get you
Edie: [just nerd out with that]
Edie: I’ll show you how generic the 👶 is
Edie: very rude
Liam: if the mods and cc don’t fix it, I’ll pretend I don’t 👀
Edie: the 👀 are already insane colours
Liam: no match for yours in real life
Edie: [pics forever]
Edie: [obviously also make your enemies to actually kill and send that]
Liam: if you sent it to Lexie nobody’d believe she created herself looking that accurate
Edie: harsh reality of a sim
Edie: the alpha CC does look like her facetune attempts, tbf
Liam: at least you can make her try to seduce the grim reaper instead of me
Edie: she’ll have ample opportunity to meet him
Edie: [all the dramatic deaths cut with her sim when they get hysterical]
Edie: I’m still mad at her
Edie: Rih blatantly thinking it was me too, not surprising but still 🖕
Edie: how’s it been today
Liam: only bc she knows how smart you are and most people who Lex hangs out with ain’t, I barely had to cover for you so she don’t really wanna think it
Edie: story of her life
Liam: how 😡 are you
Edie: it’s exhausting being mad at her, there’s nothing to do
Edie: people like Lexie, you can fuck with, or care even less than that
Liam: would it make you feel better to fuck with Lexie more
Edie: I wanna make you feel better more
Edie: you must be feeling as bored and crazy as me, if not more
Liam: if I could feel anything it’d be 💔 you’re not happy or here
Edie: is it worse
Edie: nothing
Edie: maybe that’s stupid
Edie: nothing seems preferable sometimes but only sometimes, which is maybe what takes it over feeling too much
Liam: it’s isolating, everyone expects me to feel too much, that’s acceptable, even years after
Edie: acceptance would be easier
Edie: you have me
Edie: no matter what
Edie: idc if no one else gets me, you do
Liam: I dunno what it says about people that they’d be happy if I was going round punching holes in walls but I know my ma would
Liam: she looks at me like she’s waiting for it, watching for a massive crack or something
Edie: they’ve got their reason, they want the reaction
Edie: then they can link a and b and ???
Edie: problem solved, not really
Edie: but they understand it and can wash their hands of you
Edie: that’s what they give a shit about
Liam: yeah
Edie: enough sympathy and hot meals dropped off and you’ll be ‘fixed’
Edie: you weren’t even the sick one
Liam: get enough hobbies, a part-time job, a girlfriend, move the fuck on
Edie: right
Edie: it’s so
Edie: I can’t think of the word
Liam: “she’d want you to be happy/have a life” no she fucking wouldn’t, she wanted it for herself
Edie: dead people get sainted
Edie: no room for who they actually were, better and worse
Liam: she’d hate me having any of those things just to rub in her face
Edie: what was she like, between being sick
Liam: I’ll show you
Edie: do you reckon she’d want you to remember what she’d want for you then, instead of how she was at the end
Edie: not to be like every other cunt about it
Edie: not that simple, or at all
Liam: she was a teenage girl, she’d probably want me to do more fitting in too until I’ve completed the coming of age shite milestones everyone else is, instead of telling other teenage girls from the internet how fucked up I am 😏
Edie: I think that might be a milestone so 👏
Edie: the bullshit of your sister not having her own life to live dealt with then, in this scenario
Edie: we have to find what you want
Edie: even if that’s not 🤵👧🐶🧒👰 with me
Edie: not gonna be Lexie about it, you know
Edie: I’ll still help you find it
Liam: I want you, not to be gay about it
Liam: to see where this is gonna go, how far I can take it before it ends
Edie: then let’s do it
Edie: what can I do today
Liam: what would you be doing if you could do anything
Edie: that’s the problem
Edie: I wanna be with you
Edie: but I don’t know what we’d do yet
Liam: I said I’d show you what my sister was like, the quickest way to do it is to act like nothing matters, your behaviour has no consequences
Liam: it’s not about me at all, only what you want, what’s gonna happen
Edie: and I can’t hurt you
Edie: because you don’t feel anything yet, yeah?
Liam: you can’t hurt me
Edie: you promise
Edie: do that and then we can do what I want
Liam: how do you want me to promise
Edie: 🤏🩸
Edie: mine is 📫
Liam: [brb father he’s gotta go draw some blood and put it into something she can wear as jewellery like Angelina Jolie and record the endeavour to send to the bae]
Edie: [that’s exactly what we gonna send, I know you can legit buy them so I’ll find a cool pic tah, his poor father so confusion]
Liam: [great minds boo]
Edie: kiss it better for me
Liam: [send her another video boy we’re in this deep]
Edie: god
Edie: okay, what do you do to relieve stress, let go and let off steam
Edie: do that
Liam: what do I do or what should you, bc I have an idea that I think would make you feel better about your sister
Edie: you can start by telling me what I should do because I’m intrigued
Liam: she said she’d lose it at Lexie if she did anything to you, if you lower your IQ by at least 100 you could have fun trashing her room but making it look like she did it herself to frame you, you’d have to wait til she was forced out with her family and bc there’s no check in or selfie proof everyone would just think they’re covering for her, but that’d be the only boring bit
Liam: your sister would feel bad for falling for it and believing you might be involved at all
Edie: I definitely don’t want to see her at mine ever again
Edie: I’ll do it
Edie: Bet she has a shrine to you
Liam: a curse would explain me being dead inside
Edie: she has no ✨
Edie: so whilst I’m ripping the heads off all her 🧸s
Edie: you’ve gotta do…
Liam: 🏊 the only thing there is to do
Edie: your da didn’t come prepared? 🔥🪓
Liam: he’d be prepared with a 🧯 more like but I don’t need his help 🔥🪓
Edie: you should see if anyone is around, like anywhere
Edie: see how easy it is to 👀 them without getting caught
Liam: it’s like you know me inside out
Edie: I do
Edie: I’ve got X-Ray 👀s
Liam: next time you miss me you can do an artistic rendering
Edie: of all your vital organs
Edie: not to kill the mystery and show myself up as a fake fan on the forums
Edie: but I think the outside view of you is a lot prettier 😳🥰
Liam: ok I’ll not send you any in the 📫
Edie: only the non-vitals, tah 😏
Liam: what’s left Alexis hasn’t got in her shrine
Edie: she 🥺 so hard you gave her your gallbladder
Liam: 10% risk of shitting myself side effects after it’s gone, 100% chance of that putting her off wanting to jump me, I’d do it
Edie: no need to do that now I’m here
Edie: no one is gonna wanna jump her when she’s outed as 😵🥴🤡
Liam: I’ll keep the scalpel sharp for lads who wanna get with you when they realise you’re 🤩🤓😎😇😈
Edie: I’m not complaining
Edie: I only want you around, ever
Liam: I’ll be going nowhere without you ever when I get back
Edie: Good
Edie: because I feel like
Edie: it’s like I’m doing so much to fill my time but I still just think about and miss you constantly
Liam: I’ll climb a tree and call you from the top
Edie: Describe your view the best you can
Edie: like I’m there too
Liam: facetime’ll make you feel like you are
Edie: not quite VR but I’ll take it
Edie: talking to you feels like our own 🪐 anyway
Liam: [do climb a tree and call her because what a mood just like you’re Elizabeth Allen]
Edie: [save that tree henny]
Liam: [do we wanna skip to his bday now or is there anything else you can think of that you wanna do while he’s still away?]
Edie: [hmm, we probably know the vibe, she’s busy with all the things they’re gonna continue when he’s back, also finding the first house they can break into and stay in, fucking with Lexie loads more]
Liam: [yeah and if we do think of anything specific later we can skip back it’s chill]
Edie: [let’s do it]
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ratedbangtann · 5 years
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𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 | 𝙔𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙞 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝙸𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚜𝚔𝚢 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝...
                            Pairing: Yoongi/Reader Word count: 3.3k Warnings: friends to lovers, confession, oral sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex
a/n: a short little smut/fluff drabble. enjoy.
                          The world was wrong about Yoongi. They all thought he was so miserable, so quiet, so "angsty". Sure, he could be. Everybody could be. But you knew him better. You knew how sweet he was, how much he cared about people, how passionate he was. You'd known him for most of your life seeing as you grew up on the same street.
You'd noticed him when you were both 6 years old, sat on the curb watching the other kids in the street playing without him. You had gone over to him, thinking he looked lonely. You couldn't stand to see people being left out. He was sweet even then. Kind of quiet at first, but something about you brought him out of his shell.
As the two of you grew, you noticed him growing into an incredibly selfless, intelligent young man. Not to mention talented... Musically, he was a genius. He'd been writing music since the two of you started high school, and never stopped.
Throughout the years, he was like a big brother; overprotective with bullies, boyfriends, creeps in the street. And you loved him like a brother. You supported him as if he was family. Particularly, when he auditioned for a new group BigHit were creating. You didn't want him to leave you, but you knew his dreams were far more important than you.
Five years on, and they were about to set off on their biggest tour yet. Asia, Europe, USA... The Love Yourself tour was almost upon him.
Yoongi had invited you to spend the week with him and the rest of BTS before they left, which of course, you couldn't turn down. Any opportunity to spend time with them, to get out of Daegu, to enjoy Yoongi's company.
Your train pulled into the station, and you hopped off. There was no sign of Yoongi, but there was a man you recognised holding up a piece of card with your name on just down the platform a little.
"Sejin!" you called, skipping over to him with your bag in tow. He opened his arms to hug you, welcoming you back to the city.
"Hey Y/N. Feels like I haven't seen you in years! Come on, the car is waiting. And so are the boys!" He took hold of your bag and led the way out fo the station to a car that was waiting for you. As you were driven to the boy's dorms, you filled Sejin in on your recent antics.
You'd been working on opening up a jewellery boutique, which was going well. You liked unusual jewellery, but in Korea, you rarely saw it, so you had created your own line. You'd always been artistic, and now, business savvy. Sejin was impressed, and very proud of you. He'd known you since he'd started working with BTS, and he knew exactly how hard you had worked to build your business.
The car pulled up outside the boys' building, and Yoongi was stood just inside the front door waiting impatiently. As soon as you stepped in, he attacked you with a hug.
"Y/N! Ugh I missed you," he coos as he squeezes you. You hug him back, unable to stop the big grin spreading across your face. Neither of you let go for a while. You buried your face in his shoulder, inhaling the sweet scent of his cologne; the same cologne he'd worn since he was 15 years old.
"I missed you too, Yoongi." He let you go, looking straight into your eyes for a moment. His gummy smile lit up his face.
"Everyone's waiting," he picked up your bag from where Sejin had left it on the floor and headed into the living room where everyone was.
Hoseok was the first to run at you, like an overexcited little puppy. But all the boys stood to greet you and welcome you back to their home. The rest of the evening passed by quite nicely; Jin had cooked for everyone, you played video games, watched a movie... It was just nice to be in their presence again.
Eventually, a few of the boys got up to go back to their rooms for the night. It was late, and you thought it would probably be best to go and set up your sleeping arrangements. Yoongi went with you, of course, seeing as it was his room you would be sleeping in. That was the norm, anyway. A nice, comfy, blow up mattress on his floor, just like the sleepovers you used to have when you were little.
You sat on the end of Yoongi's bed whilst he unboxed the the blow up mattress and set the pump up. But it wouldn't inflate.
"Damnit," Yoongi sighed aloud. "Jimin and Hoseok were using it to slide down the stairs a few months back, they must have punctured it." He groaned in frustration, but you had to giggle at the thought of the boys sliding down the stairs together.
"It's fine, we can get another one tomorrow!" you said, stifling a laugh.
"Yeah but where are you gonna sleep tonight?"
"You're bed's big enough for two, Yoongi. It's only one night. Wouldn't be the first time we've bunked together. Remember that summer we went camping?" Yoongi's mind floated back to that summer...
You were both 14, and your families - having grown close since the two of you were such good friends - decided to camp together. But that summer was the one that changed how Yoongi looked at you.
You had never noticed, but that trip made him realise how much he really liked you... He wasn't sure if it was the waking up in the morning to see you combing your hair with no make up on, or watching your skin glow in the light from the bonfire, or seeing you smile and laugh when he fell into the reservoir; but it changed after that, and continued to grow...
"Yeah I guess we could do that..." he rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort. You didn't notice, only picked up your bag to go and change into your night clothes. When you came back, Yoongi was flipping through Netflix trying to find something for you both to watch and fall asleep to. He looked up, his eyes falling on your oversized t-shirt just barely showing that you were wearing cotton shorts underneath. He almost dropped the remote at the sight. You didn't notice and sat down next to him, tucking your legs under the blankets.
Yoongi shook his head to rid himself of any impure thoughts and went back to scrolling through netflix.
"OOH, can we watch that?" you got excited as he hovered over a documentary about alien encounters. He laughed.
"Same old Y/N."
"Shut up, you love it too." He pressed play and lay back, getting himself comfortable under the sheets. You lay down next to him, instinctively resting your head on his shoulder. It was just as natural to him as it was to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, hugging you towards him.
Yoongi couldn't pay attention to the TV; not with you so close to him. He wanted nothing more than to kiss your forehead, to kiss your lips, your neck... But he held back. He would never do anything to jeopardise your friendship.
Or would he...?
The documentary was creepy. You loved every second of it. But it was supposed to be something to fall asleep to, and yet, here you were; wide awake. You turned your head to look at Yoongi, who was also wide awake, but lying very still.
"Are you okay?" you asked. His head snapped down to meet your gaze, like you'd just broken him out of a hypnotic trance.
"Yeah, fine. Sorry, was just thinking... Y'know... about the aliens and stuff." He didn't sound too convincing, so you sat up to look at him properly.
"Yoongi what's wrong?" He looked at you like a deer in headlights. What could he say?
That he hadn't watched any of the doc? That he was thinking of you the whole time? That he was getting nostalgic over your ears of friendship? That he kept contemplating leaning over and kissing you?
That he was in love with you?
No, he couldn't...
"Just can't sleep, it's frustrating."
"Ugh me too, I'm wide awake," you flopped down next to him again, this time cuddling closer to him, your leg resting gently over his. Yoongi didn't know what to do.
"Y/N, do you ever think back to when we were young?" He mentally cursed himself for starting this conversation.
"Yeah, I guess I do. We had some real good times," you chuckled to yourself.
"Yeah...." there was an awkward silence for a moment, and Yoongi couldn't stop his mouth from running away with him... "Y/n I miss you." You looked at him. He looked so sad. "I wish you were here all the time. You're the reason I auditioned for all this. It feels weird that you're not a part of it." His words knocked you back a little. You missed him too, so much.
But you had watched him and the boys enjoying the time of their life in BTS. Honestly, you thought his life had moved on a little, and you'd never really made your peace with that. You were so glad he missed you like you missed him.
"Yoongi, I miss you too. But I'm still here. I'm still part of it if you want me to be."
"Of course I do. I want you to be part of every aspect of my life," he mumbled, sadness tinting his voice. What exactly was he trying to get at? Was he trying to tell you something?
You sat up again, and he sat up with you, his face merely inches from your own.
"I want you back. Don't go away again... I want you." The poor boy looked so helpless, completely different from how the rest of the world saw him. He'd just poured his heart out to you, but he could find the emotional strength to tell you the 3 words he wanted to most.
"Yoongi, I..." you didn't know what to say. How long had he wanted you? You thought over your memories together. So many puzzle pieces fit together, and finally you saw so clearly what he was saying to you. You wanted to say it back, but actions speak louder than words...
You closed the distance between you, placing your lips on his so delicately, just in case you had misinterpreted and he needed to push you away. But he didn't, and you hadn't.
His eyes closed immediately, the gentle sensation of your lips on his was something he had craved for years. His hand pushed a lock of hair back and over your shoulder, his fingers skimming down your arm to your fingers, interlocking them between his own. His lips pushed onto yours a little more, and your heart raced and pounded against your chest. It was like his confession had flipped an emotional switch. The more you thought about it, the more you kissed him, the more you realised just how much this man meant to you. He was your whole world, and he always had been.
You crept onto your knees, your lips still attached to his, and sat over his hips. He wrapped his arms around your waist, your bodies pressing against each other. His lips moved with such caution, but so much grace. You broke the kiss, looking into his eyes with your hands looped around his neck.
"If you want me, you can have me," you said. His eyes lit up, a smile creeping onto his face. You kissed him again, this time a little more hungrily, pulling him to you by the collar of his t-shirt. Not only did you want him, but you wanted him; right there and then.
Your hands fell to the hem of his t-shirt, gripping onto it and lifting it up and over his head. He reattached his lips to yours as soon as he could, biting down on your bottom lip earning a small whimper from you. Your little noise ignited something within him, a small spark the flared into a fire and raged through him.
He flipped you over onto your back, straddling you and lifting your oversized t-shirt off your body. You hadn't been wearing a bra, simply for sleeping comfort, but he marvelled at the sight. He'd never seen you like this, bare chested beneath him. It drove him wild.
His head bowed down to your neck, leaving sloppy, wet kisses in a trail down your collarbone and between your breasts. He used his hands to knead your breasts as he kissed your body, his hands working some kind of black magic. You moaned aloud again, this time far more audible. His lips found their way to your nipple, taking the sensitive little bud in his mouth and sucking, still massaging the other with his hand. Yoongi knew how to please a woman, but it meant more to him to be able to please you.
He resumed his trail of kisses down your abdomen, until your shorts obstructed him. He pulled them down along with your underwear, stripping them off your legs completely, leaving you bare. He took a moment to look at you, and smiled.
"You're so beautiful, y/n," he swooned. A blush crept over your face. His smile grew wider and he dipped down again, his lips making contact with your skin just above where you needed him most.
"Yoongi..." you whined. You couldn't wait for his touch any longer.
"Patience, princess..." he mumbled against your skin, before he finally made contact with your heat. His tongue licked a strip along your slit, already glistening with your own juices. His hands pushed your thighs apart further, his tongue pushing against your clit and swirling circles over it. No man had ever made you feel like this before. Everything he did with his tongue elicited a new moan from you, the feeling pushing you further and further towards a climax.
When he inserted one of his fingers inside you, you knew it was over... your walls clenched around him, his tongue still working it's magic. The sensation of both together was euphoric. He added another finger, and a few more thrusts had you coming undone completely, moaning expletives and writhing under him. He slid his fingers out of you and sucked your juices off slowly, keeping his eyes locked on yours.
"I always knew you'd taste so sweet," he growled. He crawled back up to you, locking his lips to yours again, making you taste yourself. Your hands tangled up into his hair, pulling at the strands.
"Yoongi, I want more. I want all of you," you moaned against his lips. You could feel his length growing in his basketball shorts. It pressed up against your bare leg, and you just wanted to rip his shorts off so you could have him all to yourself. He sat up, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I'm going to give you some instructions, is that okay, princess?" You nodded, instantly agreeing to whatever he had planned. He climbed off you and sat with his back against the headboard of his bed.
"Come here," he beckoned. You sat up and crawled over to him.
"The shorts; get rid." You pulled his shorts down, leaving his boxers in tact. He hadn't told you to remove those yet, and you wanted to be a good girl for him...
"The boxers too, princess." Now you pulled them down too. His length sprang to life, hitting his stomach. His size was not something you were used to, but it wasn't something you were going to turn down.
"Now, come here," he smirked. You swung your leg over him, straddling him. You could feel your core so close to his length. You wanted to feel him inside you, to complete you. "When you're ready, princess." He wanted you to put him inside of you. You could only oblige.
As soon as your fingers made contact with his cock, he inhaled sharply. You positioned him at your entrance, and sunk your hips down onto him. You both groaned aloud at the same time, harmonising like you'd planned it. He filled you up nicely.
"Ride me, princess. Move your hips on me." You did as you were told, rocking back and forth and bouncing on him, the feeling sending shockwaves through your body. Yoongi's head fell back, his eyes closing and mouth agape. You felt so good around him. It was all too perfect. Exactly what you wanted, exactly what he wanted. He couldn't keep his composure, his hands gripping onto your waist, leaving white imprints on your skin as he pressed into you.
His dominance was taking over, creeping up on him. His grip became a way of moving you the way he wanted you to, until he couldn't be control himself anymore. His primal self took over, flipping you onto your back and hovering over you, pounding into you with as much force as he could. He had to grip onto the headboard to keep himself steady, his hips slapping against your own. All the years of pent up lust for you exploded.
With such violent thrusts, the headboard was hitting the wall with a thud each time. Neither of you cared who could hear. Neither of you gave a second thought to anyone else. You dug your nails into his back as your climax grew nearer, leaving red marks all over his skin. He loved the pain though; it only spurred him on.
"Fuck y/n... you f-feel so... UGH," he could barely speak, his senses overwhelmed by he pleasure he felt.You could feel a warmth pooling in your stomach, a knot tightening. Your second climax was coming.
Yoongi bowed his head to suckle at your breasts again, leaving little hickeys on your skin. He paid particular attention to your nipples again, the new sensation adding to the building pressure.
"Yoongi, I'm... so close. Fuck," you whined.
"Me too, princess. Cum for me. I want you to cum again." He didn't have to tell you twice.
Your orgasm hit you like a freight train. Your back arched, your legs shook, your hands gripped onto his skin tighter.
"Yoongi-ah..." you cried. He slowed his thrusts down, but he didn't stop, riding out your orgasm. The feeling of you clenching around him brought him to his high. He lost his grip on the headboard and collapsed on you, his seed spilling inside you. You could feel his cock pulsing.
He moaned, sweaty and out of breath, into your shoulder. You wrapped your arms around him, the both of you coming back down from your high.
"Fuck, y/n... that was..." he couldn't finish. It was all too much. He nuzzled into your neck, lying comfortably with you. "You're so fucking perfect. I've always known it," he whispered.
"You should've said, Yoongi." He rolled onto his side and looked up at you.
"I was scared. There was so much riding on this..." you stifled a laugh, hearing the double entendres. "NO! No, I didn't mean it like that," he flustered.
"I know, Yoongi. But I've always been yours. I've always sort of known it. But I needed to hear it." He lifted his palm to hold onto your cheek.
"I love you, y/n," he stated, like a fact. There was no question. "I love you so much, always have." You kissed his nose, and smiled.
"I love you too." The two of you shared a romantic, beautiful kiss together, and snuggled down into a cuddle between the sheets.
As you both lay together, slowly tiring and drifting into sleep, you giggled to yourself again.
"What?" asked Yoongi, curious as to why you ruined the moment with your adorable little laugh.
"Looks like we won't be needing a new blow up mattress anymore." Yoongi laughed, and kissed your forehead.
"No, we definitely won't."
111 notes · View notes
shipmistress9 · 5 years
HW2020 -- 5: Buying Flowers For Each Other
Part 5 of my Hiccstrid Week Project.
t-rated; RTTE-canon-verse
This one, I had a lot of fun with! 😁 Partially because of the scenes and conversations themselves, but also because of a certain headcanon that wormed its way into this prompt/one-shot which affects how I feel about many things.
I hope you’ll enjoy it! :)
(Also, linking back to the master post for all the wonderful additions 😊)
. o O o .
“So, any ideas what you’re getting for her this year?”
Hiccup grimaced at Snotlout's question. “What do you mean?” he asked, aiming for nonchalance. He knew exactly what Snot meant, but he didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of playing his game. 
“Uh, Astrid’s birthday, I guess,” Fishlegs helpfully threw in. “It’s in two weeks.”
Hiccup sighed. “Is that so?” As if he would ever forget that. 
“I wonder why I ever bothered thinking about you as competition,” Snot muttered under his breath, then said in a louder voice. “Well, I know what I’ll get her as a gift. All women love flowers. And jewellery. So that’s what I’ll get for her. The biggest bouquet of flowers you can imagine and the most special bracelet you’ve ever seen. She’ll fall in love with me right away, you’ll see.” And with a last sneer in Hiccup’s direction, he left the clubhouse. 
“‘The most special bracelet we’ve ever seen’?” Hiccup repeated, his eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement. “And flowers?”
Fishlegs nodded, eager to share what he knew. "Oh, yes. Snot's been talking about little else lately. Apparently, he asked Johann to get him the most ostentatious bracelet he can find. I wonder what it'll be. Can you imagine the wonders foreign cultures may produce? I can't wait to see it!"
Bemused, Hiccup blinked at his friend but then decided not to say anything. Maybe Snot should give that bracelet to Fishlegs instead, he certainly would appreciate it more than Astrid. 
Or so Hiccup hoped at least.
Because even though he'd been aware of her upcoming birthday for weeks already, he still had no idea what to give her for this occasion. He wanted it to be something special, something she'd truly appreciate, something unique. But no matter how much he thought about it, nothing would come to his mind that felt right. 
The only thing he knew was that Snot's ideas sucked. Because Astrid wasn't like all women. She was special and unique in her own ways, so strong and independent, a warrior. The only worth flowers had to her were when they had any practical healing effects or the petals could be used as a dye. And jewellery? That wasn't her thing at all. Any elaborate adornments would only get in the way during fighting. Sure, she owned a few pieces, a pretty comb for her hair and a brooch to go with it. But those were family heirlooms, pieces she valued because of their meaning and not because they were 'pretty'.
No, there really was no need to worry about how Astrid would receive Snot's gifts, not about any meaningless jewellery and certainly not about some flowers either. But that didn't change that Hiccup still had no idea what to get for her…
. o O o .
Hiccup was still scouring his mind for a suitable gift for Astrid when they all flew back to Berk a few days later. He thought about looking through Trader Johann's goods himself but directly ruled that idea out again. True, sometimes he brought interesting things… but somehow, Hiccup felt like that wouldn't do. The friendship between him and Astrid had evolved and grown since they were living on Dragon's Edge, so she deserved something more personal.
As soon as they'd landed and greetings were dealt with, he headed over to Gobber's forge – or, more precisely, toward his old workshop. 
"Okay, let's see what we have here," he muttered to himself as he pulled out a stack of papers and let them drop onto the desk. There were so many things he'd invented during the rather lonely years before he'd met Toothless, so many ideas he'd come up with but hadn't pursued further beyond making simple sketches. There just had to be something sensible, something he could refine during the next days, something more personal and useful than a big bouquet of flowers. The thought alone made Hiccup roll his eyes. 
Humming to himself, he sifted through the papers, getting out a second and eventually a third stack. It was a fun walk down memory lane that often made him smile fondly or laugh at his younger self. Some of these ideas were absurd. However, once he’d looked through all three stacks and had hunted out every other loose sheet of paper he could find, he had to admit to himself… that he still had nothing. 
Astrid had no need of a splintered twig that could hold a piece of coal. He'd designed that one for his dad once, to keep his hands from getting too messy when he took notes for his chiefing duties. But Stoick had never used it; the twig had broken between his meaty fingers almost instantly. And she also didn't need that utterly ridiculous sword-axe-mace-thing he'd designed when he was thirteen and thought all he would need to get her attention was a cool weapon.
No, none of these sometimes bizarre inventions would work as a gift for Astrid.
Sighing, he let his head drop down onto the table with a dull thump. “What am I supposed to do?” 
The knock on the door made him jump up with a surprised cry. “Wha-what? Who’s there?” he asked as he hastily pushed his old notes aside. 
To his relief, the door opened to reveal only Gobber, a strange grin on his face. “Is just me, laddy,” the blacksmith announced cheerfully. “I just wanted tae check if yer okay. Heard ye laughin' an' cursin' in here all day.”
Hiccup, who’d gotten up to join his old mentor in the main workshop, blinked at the light falling through the window in surprise. Gobber was right, the sun was already setting.
“I… well, I was just going through my old notes. I hoped to find something... Ah, never mind. I’ll just have to think of something else.” 
Gobber frowned. “Yer sure? Is there a problem ye need help with?”
For a short moment, Hiccup actually considered asking Gobber for help. But he sincerely doubted that the older man would come up with an idea for a sensible gift either. Astrid also didn’t need a hand prosthetic that could be used as a cooking spoon, after all. 
“No, I’ve got this. But thanks,” he said politely. Gobber didn’t seem convinced though, so he quickly changed the subject. “Anyway, how are you? Any news to share? How’s the forge going?”
Gobber gave him a confused look, but then shrugged. “Ah, just the same as ever. Lots of work an' too wee time. Just today, I got five old swords tae recycle intae somethin' useful.”
Out of reflex, Hiccup’s eyes shifted to the pile of metal in a corner. “Do you need my help with anything?” Maybe working with his hands would help unstick his mind. 
“Nae, nothing urgent. But yer always welcome tae work here if ye want.” 
Hiccup nodded. “Alright. I’ll stop by tomorrow as long as nothing else comes up.” Casually, he sifted through the mangled and broken weapons, feeling nostalgic when he recognised a blade or a handle he’d made himself. Then he paused, frowning as his hand lingered over one particular sword. “Is this…?” He threw Gobber a surprised look.
“Huh?” Gobber glanced over and then shrugged. “Aye, that’s Gronkle Iron. Grandpa Larson retired an' young Gustav doesnae want it. ‘Too short’, he said.” He rolled his eyes. “A shame. But aam sure I can fin' a new purpose for that metal.”
Hiccup eyed the sword again, an idea forming in his mind in rapid speed. Grinning broadly, he took the sword and turned toward Gobber again. “Would you mind if I used this metal? I already have an idea.”
. o O o .
“Here, these are for you. Happy birthday, beautiful.”
Astrid looked flabbergasted, and Hiccup really couldn’t blame her. After all, Snot had all but thrown an entire armful of flowers at her the very moment she’d appeared at the clubhouse. 
“What the–” she cursed, dumping the flowers onto the nearest table. “Snotlout, are you out of your mind? What am I supposed to do with these?”
“Ah, don’t be like that,” Snot drawled. "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady, that's what these are for.”
Astrid’s hands balled into fists. “Are you serious?” she snarled.”Odin, when the Gods handed out intelligence, you really were hiding in a cave and screamed 'I don't want any!', didn't you?"
Hiccup chocked on his laughter, both at Astrid's comment and Snot's puzzled expression. The twins weren't as considered, bursting out laughing and wiping tears off their faces.
However, Snot wouldn't give up that quickly it seemed.  “Well, no,” he hastily backpaddled. “I mean, of course, no stupid plant will ever outshine you, Astrid. They can only ever compliments your beauty and–"
"Okay, stop right there before I'm getting sick," she interrupted him, visibly shuddering in disgust.
"But it's your birthday, baby!" Snot apparently wasn't done yet.
Hiccup was beginning to enjoy the show, and certainly not least because of how little Astrid obviously cared for Snot's attention. It helped kindle the tentative hope that lately had started blooming in his heart. Maybe, just maybe she felt the same…
"Yes, it's my birthday," Astrid snapped back. "So what? Does that mean I'm obliged to suffer even more of your stupidity?"
Snot gaped at her for a second but then seemed to pull himself together again. "Ah, I know why you're upset. You thought those flowers were your only gift and were disappointed, right? But don't worry, the Snotman is your saviour in every situation.” He snatched the box with the bracelet off the table and held it out to her. “Here, this one’s your true present. Come on, look inside. You’ll love it.”
Astrid took a moment to take a deep calming breath. She rolled her eyes but otherwise stayed clam which, given that Hiccup could see the tension in her jaw, was impressive. “All right, what is it this time, Snot? Let’s get this over with so that I can tell you to shut up and leave me in peace.” She inspected the box and the intricate bow that was bound around it, certainly not by Snow himself but rather by Johann or maybe even the one he’d bought it from. She tugged it open and–
“What, in Loki’s name...” She lifted a note and a simple braided leather cord out of the box, staring at them in disbelief. From where Hiccup stood, he couldn’t make out what exactly was tied into it, only that it was about half a dozen charms, all white and of a rather… phallic form. There was a moment of silence, then... 
“Are you kidding me?” Astrid screeched, turning furious eyes on Snotlout. 
Snot had turned an interesting shade of white, backing away with his hands raised in defence and his eyes switching from Astrid to the bracelet she’d dropped onto the ground and back again. “I… I’m sorry! I didn’t know what– It was Johann’s fault! He–” He seemed to realise that no excuse would save him, stumbling back a step or three before he turned to make a run for it – Astrid hard on his heels. 
“That really is the most special bracelet I’ve ever seen,” Ruff snickered. She’d picked it up and inspected it. “I think those are carved dragon teeth. I never would have thought of giving them this form though.” She held it up for everyone else to see which led to Tuff covering Chicken’s eyes while Fishlegs picked up the note that had fallen to the ground next to the bracelet. 
“Uh, no wonder she was so mad,” he muttered after reading the note. “According to Johann, this is a special talisman from somewhere far in the south. Traditionally, it’s meant as a betrothal or wedding gift and is meant to bless the donor and the receiver with...” he paused, blushing a little, “with fertility and never-ending passion. Johan even added a personal note, wishing Snot good luck and happiness with his bride-to-be.”
Tuff looked up, bewildered. “Wait, what? Snot’s getting married? When? And to who?”
Ruff just burst out laughing. “Oh, Snot is so dead!”
Bemused, Hiccup watched in silence from his place in the back of the room. He wasn’t quite sure what Snot had been thinking, whether he’d been thinking at all, or whether it really had just been Johann’s exaggerated enthusiasm. How could he get her something like this and think she’d like it, how could he misread her signs so thoroughly? 
Or, could it be that…? 
No, he didn’t want to think about the other option; that, maybe, it was Hiccup who was misreading her. Surely, there was something between him and Astrid, something that had developed over the past years, right? He wasn’t as stupid sn Snot for getting his hopes up… right?
He was still brooding, a little worriedly, when Astrid came back. Her body was tense with repressed anger. “Get that thing out of my sight, Ruff, or I swear I’ll shove it somewhere nobody will ever find it again,” she growled.
Still giggling, Ruff pouched the bracelet. “So, did you kill Snot?” she asked, mirth clear on her face. Apparently, she was enjoying herself greatly.  
Astrid shot her a glare, then let out a defeated sigh as she slumped down on a nearby chair. “No, I didn’t. He flew off before I could reach him, all the while yelling how sorry he was. I just wish… why can’t he leave me in peace, for Odin’s sake?”
“Same reason Legs would never leave Meatlug and my brother takes Chicken with him wherever he goes,” Ruff prompted, grinning. Both boys looked at her in clear confusion.
Astrid growled at her but then paused when her eyes fell on another box lying on the table in front of her. It was only adorned with a rather simple bow, but it was enough to identify it as another present. Hiccup wished he could rush forward and snatch it away, not wanting to annoy her further, but it was too late.
“And what’s this?” she asked, her voice saturated with annoyance. “If that moron got me even more, then...” She let the threat trail off and grabbed the box.
“No, that’s from–” Fishlegs began but got cut off by Hiccup frantically shaking his head. If she got this angry and annoyed by getting gifts, he rather didn’t want her to know he’d gotten her something, too.
However, Astrid didn’t pay them any mind, eyes fixed on the box’s content. Without a word, she reached inside and lifted one of the two objects out, inspecting it. It was a dagger, sleek and sharp, perfectly balanced, the handle wrapped in practical leather. It was elegant in its simplicity – if Hiccup was allowed to think so himself. What Astrid thought, however, he had no idea.
Mutely, she stood up and walked over to where he stood, her eyes not leaving the sharp blade until she stood right in front of him. “You made this.” It wasn’t a question. She knew his handiwork to well not to recognise it. 
Gulping, Hiccup nodded. “Both of them,” he mumbled, hoping she wasn’t about to gut him. The old sword had been big enough to turn it into two daggers, and while he’d worked away in Gobber’s forge, making them had felt like a fantastic idea. Now, he wasn’t so sure anymore. 
Astrid shook her head, gaze dropping back to the dagger in her hand and face twitching. “A Gronkle Iron dagger,” she murmured. “Two even.” 
“You… you once said you’d want one…” he mumbled, feeling more stupid with every passing moment. That had been ages ago, he should have known better.
Again, she shook her head, but when she looked up again, there was surprise in her eyes, even something like a smile on her face. “You remembered?” she asked. “I… I didn’t think…” She trailed off, her face softening into a grateful smile. “Thank you!” 
There was true gratitude in her voice, but Hiccup barely noticed anything anymore as she stretched to press a quick kiss to his cheek; Not Ruff’s snickering, not Fishlegs’ happy smile, and not even the blush on Astrid’s cheeks as she quickly turned away and left. All he knew was that he was grinning like an idiot, his hand rising to brush over where her lips had touched him. 
So, he’d been right after all. Astrid wasn’t the romantic type and getting her flowers of all things would never do.
. o O o .
Aah, I really liked this one! 😊 I hope some of you did, too.
* - . - * - . o O o . - * - . - *
If you want to support me you can buy me a coffee. I love coffee 😊 (Ko-Fi)
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spine-buster · 5 years
Alone, Together | Chapter 11 | Morgan Rielly
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A/N:  If you’d like to see a face claim for Briony, send me a message and I will send you a pic.   
Another thing people have started doing is asking questions about Morgan and Bee’s relationship - the stuff you don’t see in the chapters.  If you have questions about canon, please send me an ask and I’ll answer it.  There’s a tag for this: morgan and briony canon
Line breaks also mysteriously disappeared because Tumblr is Tumblr so I guess the stars will have to do to denote a change in scene.
For the first time in a while, Briony was happy.  
It wasn’t that she was ever depressed.  Most of the time, she was too busy and too driven to feel any other emotion besides determination.  The need to get shit done without giving it much thought.  She just didn’t have the luxury to feel anything else.  Classes still stressed her out, she still hated marking first year undergraduate essays, and she was still poor as fuck.  But she was happy.  Unapologetically happy.
It was a combination of things.  Morgan, obviously, played a pretty big role in it all.  She didn’t think she could be this happy in a relationship, judging by her past ones, but it was possible with Morgan.  She was doing well in her courses and maintaining a high GPA – she even aced that behavioural economics assignment – and her professors had agreed to be her references and put in a good word for her job applications to the “Big Five” banks.  Mason’s various funding grants had been accepted, which meant his PhD was going to continue to be fully funded.  Angie had gotten a promotion at Indigo head office, which meant she was pushing less paper and directing others to push the paper she was no longer pushing.  Angie also moved up a pay grade, which was always nice.  She’d finished watching Schitt’s Creek with Morgan and they had moved on to Kim’s Convenience.  The Leafs were playing really well.  Morgan had even set a new record for the best five game start by a defenseman in the modern era, passing Bobby Orr, and he was set to shatter all expectations this season.  They had celebrated accordingly.
Everything just seemed to be working out.  
Even tonight.  It was a Wednesday but Bee had done enough schoolwork to be able to attend the Leafs game against the San Jose Sharks.  She was glad she did, because the boys ended up winning 5-3, with John and Auston getting two goals each.  The team had played really well, and although at some points it looked like the Sharks were going to catch up, Fred put up his wall.  
After the final buzzer rang and the stars of the night were announced, fans began to file out of the arena.  It became a routine for Bee to file out with the wives and wait in the employee area, near the locker room, where they boys would meet them.  She followed Aryne and Christina as the continued to discuss her exam schedule, Christina making sure the Christmas party the Marleau family were hosting didn’t interfere with her schedule.  
As Morgan drove through the streets of Toronto, on his now familiar route to Briony’s apartment before he’d turn around and go back to his, he kept her hand clasped in his and in his lap.  He would look over to her at red lights, and she’d catch him and smile and laugh, embarrassed, but he’d just do it again at the next light.  The Leafs were going on a roadtrip for a week, to Minnesota and Buffalo, so he wanted to make sure he got a good look at her before he left.  Not that he didn’t look at her enough.
“Can you drop me off at the Metro at Spadina, actually?” she said as they passed College Street.  “I need to pick up some groceries I ran out of.”
“Can’t wait till tomorrow?” he asked.
She shook her head.  “I need milk for my coffee.  You know how I think coffee is too bitter without milk.”
He smiled.  He learned that early.  She made fun of him for how much sugar he put in his, whereas she had weaned off it in the past year.  “Okay, fine.  I can wait for you.”
“No no no, you go home and you go to bed,” she said.  “You need your rest.  Metro is like a three minute walk from my apartment.  I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll be okay,” she repeated, squeezing his hand.  
When Morgan finally got to Metro, he pulled up to the curb and put his car in park.  Briony gathered her bag and made sure nothing fell out before looking at him.  He leaned over the centre console, giving her light kisses.  There were many, and only stopped when Briony began to giggle from all of them.  
“I’m gonna see you tomorrow right?  Before I leave for the road trip?”
“Of course,” she nodded her head, and Morgan leaned in for another kiss.  And another.  And another.
“I’m gonna go now,” Briony whispered in between one.
She laughed, pulling away.  “Bye Morgan.”
“One more.”
She digressed.  She leaned in one more time and he kissed her, making sure his tongue grazed her bottom lip to leave her wanting more.  When she pulled away, she slapped his forearm playfully.  “Tease.”
“You’re one to talk.”
She gave him a look, opening the door before climbing out.  “Drive safe,” she called before slamming it shut.  He watched as she walked in, and watched until he couldn’t see her in the store anymore.  Licking his lips, he put his car in drive.
As Morgan settled into his bedroom, he rushed to take off his suit and change into an old t-shirt he was using as his pajamas.  He felt so lazy that he didn’t even hang his suit or fold his pants properly – he just left them flat on the chair before walking into his ensuite to brush his teeth lazily before bed.  Eventually, he plugged in his phone, climbed into bed, and wrapped the covers around him.
He checked his phone one more time.  His lock screen, a picture of Briony sitting on his lap as they both smiled at the camera, opened up to his background: a picture of him and Briony from the fall.  They had gone for a walk in Trinity Bellwoods and had stopped under a tree to lay down for a bit.  Her head was on his chest, her hair spread out on it, and his arm was around her tightly.  It was their sleeping position almost every time they were in the same bed together (besides the traditional spooning), so it was no wonder that they ended up taking a quick nap under the tree.  Sometimes he would catch himself staring at his phone just to look at the pictures.  
After clearing all his notifications, he set his phone down on his bedside table and closed his eyes.  With the hockey schedule in full swing, it didn’t take him long to fall asleep.  His mind was just as tired as his body these days, and he found his eyes falling heavier and heavier with each passing second.
Until his phone rang.  
He almost didn’t hear it; he almost thought it was a dream, but he eventually regained enough consciousness to realize it was blasting loudly.  He grumbled, turning over to his side and grabbing to answer it.  He didn’t bother looking at the caller ID because he knew the brightness of the screen would hurt his eyes.  If it were Auston or any of the guys, he’d murder them.
“Hello?” he grumbled into the phone.
“M-M-M-Mo…” he heard Briony’s voice shake on the other end.
His eyes immediately went wide at the sound of her voice.  Why was she calling so late at night?  “Briony?”
“Briony, what’s wrong?”
She sounded like she was hyperventilating but trying to hide it.  “Mo, s-somebody broke into my ap-partment,” she hiccupped.  “Somebody b-b-broke in and took all my st-stuff-f.”
Morgan shot up from his bed and threw the covers off his body.  “Have you called the police?”
“M-M-Mo, they took my laptop.  They took my j-j-jewellery box.  T-T-They t-t-took --”
“Briony, did you call the police?” he asked more firmly.  His heart was running a mile a minute now.
“Y-Yes,” her voice continued to shake.  “M-Mo…they took everything.  Even my clothes.”
Holy shit.  Holy shit.  He rushed to throw on a hoodie he left on his chair and struggled to put on a pair of track pants without falling over.  “I’m on my way,” he said quickly.  “Are the cops coming?”
He heard her breath hitch in her throat a few times.  “M-Mo…”
“Did the cops say they were on their way?”
“Y-Y-Yeah, they’ve sent s-someone and he’s j-j-just out-tside now.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in five,” he said, grabbing his keys and slamming the door behind him.  “Do you want to stay on the phone with me?”
“M-M-Mo, what am I gonna do?” she cried.  “Th-They stole everything.  My front window is b-broken a-a-and I d-d-don’t know --”
“Briony it’s going to be okay,” he assured her.
“N-No it’s-s-s n-not.”
“Yes it is.  I’m on my way.”
Morgan was sure he sped through the streets, probably even ran a couple of red lights, because he made it up to the Annex in record time.  By the time he got to her apartment, there was already a cop car with its lights flashing outside.  He didn’t even attempt to park his car; he practically left it in the middle of street, behind the cop car, and rushed towards the front door.  He noticed the front bay window completely smashed, glass all over the front lawn.
 When he opened the door to her apartment, like he had so many times before, he saw her standing with the police officer.  She immediately turned her head the second she heard the door open and when she realized it was him, ran towards him.  “Morgan!”
She clung on to him for dear life.  She began crying again as she buried her head in his chest.  It was only then when he noticed the state of the apartment – broken glass near the window; all drawers open or literally taken out of the slot and thrown half way across the room; mud all over the floor from muddy boots; her kitchen cabinets open and her food thrown everywhere.  It looked like a tornado passed through.  There were two other people in the apartment that looked like they were dusting for prints.  “Are you hurt?” he asked.  She shook her head.  “Did you see them?”  Another head shake.  
He noticed the police officer approach him.  “My guess is you are the boyfriend.”
“Yes sir.”
“Ms. McTavish mentioned you stay over sometimes.  Do you keep any valuables at the apartment?”
Morgan shook his head.  “No sir.  I…what happened?”  Briony had pulled away and was wiping the tears on her cheeks with the back of her hand.  “What happened?” he asked her directly.
“W-When I c-c-came back from the g-grocery store I noticed the w-w-window, and I ran inside and I s-saw th-th-this,” she stuttered out.  “I d-d-don’t…I d-don’t know…”
“We are assuming it happened during the period she was absent from the residence,” the police officer said.  “I’ll just need to finish writing Ms. McTavish’s statement and record a list of all her belongings that were stolen.”
“Yeah, of course,” Morgan said, grabbing at Briony’s hand.  He looked around again to see more mess.  Her covers thrown off her bed, even the mattress protector gone – clearly whoever did this was banking on the old ‘keep your money under the bed’ trick; her fridge door wide open, contents again spewed all over the floor.  He was feeling more and more sick the more he took in.  He couldn’t imagine how violated Briony must be feeling.
“My l-l-laptop is the b-biggest thing,” she began.  “A-And they t-t-took my c-clothes.  Almost all my c-clothes.”
“Were there any items of significant value?”
She shook her head vehemently.  “And then my j-jewellery box.”
“Again, any items of significant value?  Family heirlooms?”
Morgan knew Briony didn’t have much, and he knew she didn’t spend much, but his heart broke when she had to give the officer an itemized list of all the clothes and pieces of jewellery that were stolen and how much she had paid for them.  He had $200 dollar shirts and custom suits hanging in his closet, and he didn’t think he’d ever heard Briony go above $30 for how much she spent on something.  The fact that she could even give the officer an itemized list of every piece of clothing and every little piece of jewellery she had meant something.  It meant she knew exactly what she owned – however little it was – and she kept tabs on it all.  He wasn’t even sure about that.  He didn’t really keep tabs on things like he should.  If the same thing ever happened to him, he wouldn’t be able to give an accurate number or descriptions.  He could remember some prices of significance, like his $8000 watch or the general ballpark he paid for all his pairs of Jordan shoes, but he could never be specific like she was doing.  
“Okay Ms. McTavish.  I’ve already made the call for the crew to come to board up the front window and I’m going to be putting a heavy padlock on your apartment door.  Do you have a place you can stay tonight?”
“Yes, absolutely,” Morgan answered for her quickly.
“Okay.  Once the boards are up I’ll file your report and statement.  I’m also going to ask your neighbours if they saw or heard any suspicious activity.  I suggest you take whatever belongings you can for now, anything of value or significance that perhaps the intruder didn’t take, and I will call you tomorrow to discuss your options,” the officer informed her.  
“W-What about my stuff?”
“Pardon me?”
“M-My belongings.  What’s gonna happen with finding my s-stuff?”
The officer gave her a concerned look.  He looked at Morgan briefly too before taking a deep breath.  “Ms. McTavish, there’s really nothing further we can do unless we find the culprit.  Usually in these situations the culprit keeps the items or sells them for any value, if they are even of any value.  We can look at local pawn businesses in the area, but…”
“So my stuff is just gone again.”
The officer nodded his head once, his face still concerned.  “I will try my hardest.  Maybe I’ll look in some of the electronic shops for your laptop, but I really can’t guarantee anything.”
The only things left to salvage were Briony’s books.  Because of course the thief didn’t take the fucking books.  The officer waited for them as she moved in a complete daze around her apartment – no more tears, but her face still stained with them, and with an aura of fear about her.  Morgan could see her hands trembling as she grabbed at her textbooks, the ones she was using this semester in particular, and handed them to Morgan.  She then looked at her small half bookshelf of only two rows, with all the fiction books she had accumulated from various book sales – the book sales she told Morgan about in one of their first conversations – and looked at him.  “Will this fit in your car?” her voice trembling as much as her hands.
“Of course.  What else do you want to grab?”
“That’s it.”
“Briony --”
“I want to go now.”
“Please, Morgan.  I don’t want to be here anymore.  Please.”
“Come here.  Come here,” he outstretched his arms to her, and she began crying again as she nestled into his hug and buried her face in his chest.  “It’s gonna be okay baby.”
“Can we p-p-please just g-grab my b-b-books and g-go,” she mumbled into his chest.  “There’s nothing else, M-Morgan.  N-N-Nothing else is-s-s mine.  It all came with the apartment.”
He nodded his head, moving to give her the textbooks she had handed to him.  He bent at the knees and picked up the bookshelf easily, all the books still in it.  He looked at the officer.  “We’re done.  You can lock it up.”
The officer nodded his head.  “Alright then.  You stay safe.  I will call you tomorrow for further information.”  He locked up the door with a padlock as they left, and waited for the crew to arrive to put up the wood boards on the broken windows.
Morgan carried the bookshelf and placed it into the trunk of his car.  Briony, still clutching her textbooks, climbed into the front seat.  When he climbed in and started the car, he looked over at her.  Her cheeks were fresh with tears, her winter jacket haphazardly put on.  He reached over the centre console and grabbed her hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it.  “It’s going to be okay, Briony.”
She tucked her knees into chest as he drove away from her apartment, her textbooks where her feet were supposed to be.  She looked out the window, tears still streaming down her face occasionally.  As the city streets passed by her, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of emptiness within her; an emptiness that felt all too familiar.  An emptiness that seemed to follow her for her entire life.  She came from nothing, and now she had nothing.  She could accumulate, she could amass, but she would always end up empty.  The emptiness was not a new feeling, but it didn’t hurt any less just because she had felt it before.  It hurt more now because she knew how it felt to be full.
Everything was a blur until she climbed into bed.  She knew at some point they arrived at his apartment, and they got out of the car and took the elevator to his place, but she didn’t remember.  She didn’t remember anything until she got into bed and practically wrapped her body around Morgan’s to feel any semblance of safety.  Despite the cold outside and the cold in her body, he felt so warm and so full, and she wanted desperately to feel that too.  She knew she wouldn’t – not anytime soon – but it was worth a try.  If she couldn’t have it, she could at least feel it.  
“Briony…” Morgan’s voice was soft as he wrapped his arms around her, placing light kisses on her forehead and the crown of her head.  “Briony, look at me.  Please.”  She pulled away only slightly, enough to get a look at his face.  Her eyes were red and puffy still from all the tears.  “I need to know what happened in your childhood now,” he said.  
She shook her head.  “No.”
“You said ‘So my stuff is just gone again’ to the police officer.”
“Briony, please.  Please.”
Tears welled up in her eyes again.  “I th-thought I was finally safe,” she hiccupped again, still shaking slightly as Morgan held on to her.
“What do you mean?”
“Th-Th-This happened all the time as a k-kid.  All the t-t-time,” she revealed finally, wiping a stray tear away.  “Esp-p-pecially when we were between places.  Or at the homeless sh-shelt-t-ters.  And they’d t-take all my mom’s s-s-stuff.  They’d take m-my st-stuff too.  Anything they thought was of value.  Th-That’s why I always ended up w-with n-n-nothing.  And that’s w-why we’d always end up with n-nothing.  I was always s-so s-s-scared.  We’d always have to st-start from s-s-scratch.”
In-between places.  Homeless shelters.  They’d take my stuff.  Starting from scratch.  Morgan felt sick to his stomach.  This had happened to her before.  Often.  As a fucking child.  As a child with an alcoholic mother who had no will to protect her.  With a mother who had no will to attempt to make their situation better.  How somebody could create that environment for a child; how someone could be complacent in making a child that scared; how someone could not care about their child to that degree, Morgan would never be able to understand.  
“You don’t have to be scared anymore,” Morgan said.  “You’re safe with me.  You don’t have to worry.”
“She’d never t-tell me everything was going to be okay because sh-she knew it was never going to be ok-kay,” Briony continued, and Morgan knew she was talking about her mother.  “And when I finally l-left I thought everything was going to be okay.”
“I’ve got you now.  I’m here for you now.  It’s going to be okay.”
“N-No it’s n-n-not,” she shook her head, unable to believe him.  “M-My laptop’s gone, I have no c-clothes, I didn’t even have m-m-much to begin with and now I have n-nothing again and-d- I --”
“Briony, no, no,” Morgan repeated, squeezing her tighter.  “You have me.  You have me.  You don’t have nothing, you have me.  I don’t want you going through this alone.  You can’t go through this alone.  Because you’re not alone anymore.”
She buried her face in his chest again, unable to cope with his words as tears streamed down her face.  There was too much emptiness, too much pain.  She could only cry herself to sleep, and Morgan, heartbroken, could only listen, his heart breaking with each passing sob, each passing tear he felt wash his skin, each passing tremble of her body.
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magnuslightwoodbane · 5 years
read on ao3
For most of her life, Catarina has been able to say that there were two people she’d drop everything for.
Oh, it would fluctuate through the centuries as she found and lost love, sure, but for so long her family was herself, Magnus, and Ragnor, and she wouldn’t have had it any other way. Magnus and Ragnor were her brothers, different in every way to untrained eyes (especially those that watched the pair bicker) but she knew that they were alike in all the ways that mattered. They loved each other and loved her as she loved them.
Then there came a time where there was, inconceivably, only one.
She and Magnus hadn’t really had a chance to really sit down and comprehend their loss, aside from the vigil they held at his home. Everything was happening so fast, too fast these days, and she watched as Magnus became embroiled in it more and more because he just never could turn a blind eye to those in need – and, though at the time she didn’t think Magnus himself had realised yet, he was falling in love again.
The whole Shadowhunter mess did bring her family back up to two, however.
She’d only ever voiced her dream for a child of her own on quiet nights, drinking wine with Magnus, knowing that he shared it just as strongly as she did. And now, she had Madzie, sweet and polite and kind, endlessly creative and eager for knowledge. Magnus had been amazing, allowing her to spend her days in the loft while Cat worked, and in between clients he’d been teaching Madzie how to control her powers and how to glamor her mark for when she started mundane school – as well as that she should never be ashamed of it. Magnus was undoubtably as thrilled as Cat was to have a child in their lives, and he was as wonderful an uncle as Catarina knew he would be as a dad. What she wasn’t prepared for, was for the Shadowhunter to be just as good.
Alec Lightwood, a mere boy of just 24, newly promoted Head of the Institute and Nephilim soldier that her oldest friend, her brother, had fallen head over heels for. She’d never seen Magnus quite as in love as this.
But Alec won her over in a remarkably short time with a combination of being himself, being good with Madzie, and most importantly, loving Magnus like he damn well deserved. She had her two, her daughter and her brother, and he finally had a lover to treat him right for at least as long as Alec lived.
She dropped everything when Magnus called in tears, running to see him cradling Alec’s limp, shallowly-breathing form, because she couldn’t let Magnus lose him so soon, because she would always drop everything for him.
She dropped everything once more when Alec’s sister called her; surprise becoming shock becoming fear becoming cool and practiced medical professional calm at just two words: “Magnus collapsed.”
She’s still in her scrubs as she runs the diagnostics through the Institute’s system – Isabelle having walked her through it, and despite the worry gripping her mind she fondly notes that the Lightwood siblings are as similar as they seem to be close. Results in hand, she makes her way to where Magnus lies in an infirmary cot, clad in a hospital gown with all makeup and jewellery gently and carefully removed by Alec – she would have offered to do it magically, but she thinks that Alec needed to do something to feel useful, and the gentleness with which he handled Magnus warmed her heart. Something gives her pause though, and she waits with hand resting on the door to the ward.
She can’t hear much, but she can hear Alec talking, and she wonders who else could possibly be in there – she knows that all the other youngsters Magnus has become acquainted with are waiting outside.
“…maybe we could… grow old together.”
Oh. He’s talking to Magnus. Catarina hears Alec say something else, but she can’t quite comprehend the words over the sheer amount of emotion weighing on her chest in this moment. This love that Alec holds is everything Magnus deserves, wants, needs, and the fact he’s found it in a Shadowhunter, a Lightwood, it’s-
“Magnus, I love you. More than anyone in the world, and I’m sorry…”
She swallows her feelings down, and walks through into the ward.
Cat doesn’t mean to eavesdrop again, truly, but she’s heading by to check on Magnus now he’s awake when she stops at the sound of raised voices.
“Can you honestly say you like this?!” she hears Magnus say, nearly yell, despair and self-hatred dripping from his words the way it has far too often before. Alec’s instant yes is absolutely what she would expect from him at this point, but it’s no less validating, because of course we still love you Magnus! she thinks.
She nods from outside the room as she only just barely hears Alec describe him as wise, and generous and brave and incredible, and she wishes she could stay longer to go in there and back up every single one of Alec’s points – but Alec’s still going as she sees Lorenzo enter the room from the other side and knows she’s missed her chance, this time.
She’s not had a chance to speak to Magnus properly yet – he’s been telling her he’s fine, because of course he is, and seems more avoidant than usual, which is why when Alec asks if they can meet for coffee, she jumps at the chance. There’s one café she likes that has a children’s play area, and she asks if they can meet there, since she can’t leave Madzie on her own, and Alec agrees instantly.
Taking a seat at one of the parents table next to the corner of the café that’s awash with colour, at odds with the rest of the buildings décor, she’s not waiting long before Alec strides up holding two flat whites and a hot chocolate. Madzie jumps for a hug, before scampering off and leaving her drink in favour of showing a girl a little younger than her how to play some make-believe game she’s invented. Alec takes the seat opposite Catarina, as she sips her coffee.
“You’re fidgety,” she comments.
“I- am I?” he sighs. “Sorry. I just- I slipped away from work, and. And Magnus doesn’t know I’m here either."
She raises an eyebrow. “If you’re not telling him something, it better be good or I’ll tell him myself.”
For all the threat her voice contains, Alec huffs out a laugh, and Catarina is more confused than anything. “Yeah, I think I’ve got a good reason. I- after everything that happened yesterday, it made me realise that I’d… I’d been thinking about something without really realising I’d been thinking about it, you know? And I- gods, Cat, I can’t live without him. I really can’t. Whenever I think of my future, well. It used to be I wouldn’t have one at all, but now, it’s Magnus, every way I can possibly imagine. There is no future for me without him in it, and I… wanted to make it… official?”
He breathes out and looks at her then, and she knows she must look as stunned as she feels.
“I want.. I want to propose, is- it’s not a bad idea, is it?” he asks, hurriedly.
“No! No, Alec, I’m just… you really love him, don’t you?”
“More than anything.”
She smiles at him. “It’s what he deserves. I don’t think anyone’s ever considered marrying him before.”
“Then they were idiots.”
She smiles at his words, at how hard he believes them. “When do you think you’ll do it?”
“Um. Tonight?”
Oh wow, she thinks. “He might not be in the best state for it right now,” she warns. “But I trust you to know the right moment for him, okay?” Alec nods. “Do you have a ring?”
“Actually, yeah, I think so. It’s uh… it’s a tradition for my people for the eldest child to give their betrothed a ring bearing the family insignia. And I thought, maybe he might not want it, because I know Shadowhunter traditions are usually, uh… terrible for Downworlders-“ Catarina laughs a little humourlessly at the truth in his words “-but also I know he’s worried sometimes that I’dmiss out on things as a result of being with him, and I wanna prove that that’s not true? I want to share my traditions with him and share in his, and it’s- the whole thing is a gesture, right, last names are important in our culture and to give that to someone-“
“-to give that to a Downworlder is revolutionary among your kind.” Catarina finishes for him, near breathless as Alec nods.
“I need to actually talk with him, after- IF he accepts, but uh,” Alec laughs. “I’m actually thinking Lightwood-Bane? Something that belongs to both of us and only us and, maybe-“
“And?” Cat raises an eyebrow in amusement as Alec swallows.
“And our children, hopefully.”
Any doubt Catarina had hidden in the recesses of her mind was obliterated with that one statement. Children. One of the things Magnus has always wanted above all else, that he could never have – that he can have now, now that Alec is in his life and wants to give that to him. “Well, if you’re looking for my approval, you have it.”
“Thank you,” he leans back and drinks from his mug, relief etched over his handsome face. “You’re his family, so it- it means a lot. And I guess, this would make us family in a way, so if that’s…something you’re okay with too, I-”
It’s in that moment that Catarina herself realises – she has dropped everything for Alec, too, just as much as she always comes for Magnus. Her family has become three, now, and she never even noticed it happening.
She reaches out and rests her hand on Alec’s forearm to stop him speaking. “I guess we are.”
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
Domestic Life with Hwang Hyunjin
Aaaaaaaaand I'm back!!!! I just got a new keyboard for my iPad so expect me to be writing a whole lot more bc I can write on it so much easier!! It's only a few days until I fly out to Korea so if you notice me going awol for a few days you know why!! 
-Now this boy
-He’s literally perfect, in all senses of the word; talent, visuals, dancing, modelling you name it hyunjin can do it
-It also means he is the perfect boyfriend
-Would 10/10 be the one to just lean his head in his hand whilst you’re at a coffee shop or eating dinner and just smile at you like you’re the most important person in the world
-(Which, in Hyunjin’s eyes, you most certainly are)
-Honestly,,, every time you’d catch him staring you’d expect him to get embarrassed but this boy,,,, never does he just smiles even wider and looks you deeply in the eyes
-Well guess who’s the flustered one now
-Hint: it’s you
-But lbr who wouldn’t be flustered if Hyunjin smiled at you
-He’s so beautiful and his smile is to DIE for so you’d most certainly be extremely flustered
-Hyunjin also happens to be a bit of a tease so he KNOWS you get flustered all the time so ofc he plays this to his advantage
-Literally just out of nowhere he’d call you over and you’d like be like sure babe what’s up and he’d just grab your hands and smile at you 
-“Nothing I just wanted to see you” OKAY BOY CALM DOWN
-Well that gets you extremely flustered and Hyunjin would think it’s the most adorable thing in the world bc you’d try to pull your hands from his so you could bury your face in them but he keeps a grip on them and refuses to let go
-He just keeps smiling at you and ur like BOY STOP MY POOR HEART CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH
-He definitely pulls you into a hug which flusters you even more by he’s so warm and his arms feel so protective and ur chin rests on his shoulder n honestly it’s the cutest thing
-All the boys wonder how you fall for this trick every damn time bc Hyunjin is about as subtle as brick wall
-Like,,, they know his game plan yet you somehow keep falling for it and keep getting flustered and they swear he pulls this trick on you at least once a day yet,,,, you still FALL FOR IT
-It’s bc ur whipped for him
-There’s no other explanation 
-And whipped for him you are, and he is for you
-You’re so in love with each other and it’s unrea;
-Definitely the type of couple to have couple outfits and matching jewellery
-Hyunjin definitely picks you up a bracelet or ring whenever he goes to another country and it’s your new couple thing
-You’ve seen this boys’ selcas right??
-Would 100000000% take aesthetic photos of the two of you and set them as his phone background
-(Yes he does smile every time he sees it and yes changbin hyung I do love them what are you going to do about it)
-Can we take a moment to appreciate you wearing his clothes when you stay over the night because if there’s one thing that can make him flustered is you wearing his oversized shirts 
-The first time this happened it was late be you n Hyunjin were having a movie night and it ended way later so he was like hey you can stay the night and naturally so, you didn’t have any clothes to change into and Hyunjin was like it’s fine!!! You can wear some of my stuff
-Hyunjin was, in fact, not fine
-He definitely stopped working for a hot minute by he was extremely FLUSTERED at how cute you looked in his oversized tee and a pair of his shorts
-Ever since that day, Hyunjin is OBSESSED with how you look in his clothes and definitely invites you over to stay the night just so he can see you in his shirts
-Honestly it’s adorable be gets so flustered every time
-Also,,, he doesn’t keep his hands off you when you’re in his clothes like there is a constant hand around your waist or gripping your hip and he’s SO affectionate
-Sneaking in a few kisses and constantly pulling you in for hugs and stuff
-Speaking of hugs, he acts so manly n stuff around you but this boy LOVES to be the smaller one
-He ADORES it when you stand between his legs when he’s sat down and he can wrap his arms around your middle and ur running ur fingers through his hair he LOVES LOVES LOVES THIS
-Can we take a second to imagine this ???? You’re welcome
-This boy is also extremely giggly whenever you kiss him like ??? He’s a pretty giggly boy anyway but there’s just something about kisses that make him giggle ESP cheek kisses
-God you kiss his cheek and he will not stop giggling for about an hour
-Not to be that person, but he most definitely pinned you against a wall once and then got too flustered to kiss you and just giggled instead and you end up rolling your eyes bc what the heck Hyunjin where is my kiss ??? 
-And he’s too busy giggling to kiss you that you try and escape but he’s like NO LET ME KISS YOU FOR REAL THIS TIME and he finally does but dissolves into another giggling fit
-Someone protect this precious boy thanks
-Staying the night with Hyunjin means a lot of cuddles, soft kisses and something so inherently Hyunjin that you can’t put your finger on it
-Maybe it’s the way his hair falls after you’ve ran your fingers through it for the 100th time or the way he eyes still have traces of makeup under them that you wipe away softly, but whatever it is you LOVE it
-Like it just feels like home to you, especially when you’re snuggled up against his chest when your watching a film or just laying in bed for the night
-His arms fit around you perfectly and honestly there’s no place you’d rather be as he’s stroking the back of your hand, telling you about how dance practice went or how chan really liked the lyrics he wrote for one of their songs
-Hyunjin doesn’t believe in his skills and that he’s really as talented as the other members and you have to shut him up when he gets a bit self depreciating bc you honestly don’t understand how he can be so negative about himself esp when it comes to his talents
-Bc to you, this group wouldn’t be the same if he wasn’t in it
-Like no matter how much people love his visuals, you really loved when you saw comments about how talented he was or how much his rap has improved and you couldn’t be prouder of him 
-Even if he wasn’t so confident in himself
-It would take a lot of reassurance from you to remind him he was more than his visuals but, you were fine with that
-Anything to make him appreciate himself a bit more
-Which usually ended up in you peppering him in kisses and literally tackling him and throwing words of affection at him until he began to smile and laugh bc how he could not love you when you’re giving him so much love and support that he pulls you in a for a massive hug and tickles you until you’re both gasping for breath from laughing too much
-Hyunjin is towering over you, pinning you to the bed and as he’s staring down at you he’s overwhelmed at just how perfect you are to him and he’s a bit breathless as he sees your eyes crinkling up in a smile that he can’t help but lean down and kiss you
-O K A Y
-You’re honestly so in love with him as he is with you that you couldn’t imagine a time without him
-It’s just so precious and beautiful and pure a love i’m in love with ur love
-Honestly,,, this boy is so adorable and talented how could you not want to give him all the love in the world 
Can you tell I really wanna run my fingers through his hair??? Maybe i self projected a bit but his hair just looks so smooth and soft and fluffy how could you not want to touch it?? Anyway i really love Hyunjin and he's improved so much i love that so much esp his rapping?? God what a talented boy 
I hope you're all happy, healthy and hydrated and you're doing amazing!! The world is your oyster and you can do anything you put ur mind to! 
Love Leigh x
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Hatching - Newt Scamander Oneshot
A/N: hah, I bet you thought you`d seen the last of me. guess what, I`m still alive! And I`m SO SORRY I HAVE BEEN PRACTICALLY GHOSTING MY OWN BLOG oh god it has been ages since I have written something but inspiration finally! struck! lucky for me it did in Hungary where I spend a short holiday with lots of time and no WiFi. I know Easter was like, a month ago, okay but I wrote this as a script/ idea over that time and simply didn`t get around to writing it into a story until now, Monday, 16 minutes past midnight my time. lol. well done, Kate. AnYwAYs I hope you enjoy this little thing I put into words, there`s lots more I want to do but I`ll give myself time and hope it works out. fingers crossed you guys :)
ah and this is dedicated to @gabriels-wings , my cosplay partner in crime, friend and fellow wizarding world enthusiast. I hope this makes you smile :) (we`ll need it after Infinty War I`m certain)
let`s get to it now, shall we - love you guys!! xx
word count: 2.664
characters: Newt Scamander/ Jacob Kowalski/ Queenie Goldstein and you ^^
rating: K as in fluff, creature chaos and some cute dialogue with a five year old
Newt was awoken in the middle of the night by a strange sound close to his ear. It sounded like someone excessively yawning mixed with a high-pitched whine. Then someone tugged on his hair. He blinked into the darkness of his room, the only light coming from the streetlight right outside his small flat`s window filtering in through the thin curtains. It was barely enough to let him see the rug on the floor next to his bed, but he immediately recognized the shape standing in front of him. His white fur was almost glowing on its own and the big, round eyes reflected Newts pale face back to him. "Hello Frank", he coaxed out, voice heavy with sleep, "what`s up?". The Demiguise just motioned for him to follow, so Newt got out of the bed, slid into his slippers, threw on a sweater and grabbed his wand before following Frank through to the study. It was a small room, the walls covered in pale yellow wallpaper and it held nothing but a small desk with a chair and lamp in a corner and a circular rug – on which Newt`s case was standing, lid wide open. He had been leaving it behind like this after the last feeding of a day for a couple days now, because it was early into the mating season and some animals could potentially cause a little stir, so he wanted to be able to notice and get to them as quickly as possible. Apparently Frank must`ve come to the conclusion something was happening, because Newt could just spot the last strands of his fur disappearing over the edge of the worn leather before lowering himself into its confines. Frank waited at the door to the "dorms" as Newt liked to call them sometimes, the small compartments that fit every creature`s needs. Frank usually kept an eye on the Occamy families especially and Newt`s gut feeling was right when he found Frank in front of one of the younger nests, slightly shivering. Newt rubbed his eyes before cautiously peering through the oval opening of the woven orb. And there they were – seven shimmering Occamy eggs, looking like they had just been laid. And he could clearly see what the issue was… The one Occamy that was protectively curled around them, most likely the mother, was hissing at the other two in the nest which seemed to be all too curious about the new things in their home. Newt thought for a second, then looked at Frank: "I need you to keep an eye on them for a minute, I`ll be right back". He then went back into the storeroom, rummaged a few cabinets and came back with the grey-ish material he had used to make the nesting spaces before. A few flicks of his wand created a new habitat for the creature which easily glided into their circle and was then quickly filled with moss to be comfy for the new arrival. Frank helped Newt transfer the young Occamy mother to her new living space, he took care of the eggs while Newt gently stroked the creature`s colourful scales, making soothing sounds in order to calm her down. Eventually, all of them settled and Newt was convinced he could leave them alone. On his way back, he threw a fistful of snacks over to the Mooncalves which always got excited upon seeing them and then went to climb up the ladder back into his flat again. He turned around before exiting completely, looking down at Frank once more. "You did a good job, buddy. Please keep an eye on them for me, yes? I`ll be back to bed, the upcoming week is going to be hectic." Frank just stared back at him, but Newt knew that he knew what to do, so he climbed up the remaining steps. With one or the other heavy yawn, he was able to slide back under the covers and fell into a dreamless, deep slumber shortly after…
A few days later –
It was the Saturday before Easter and Queenie and Jacob were over at Newt`s for tea. Jacob, who`s bakery business was running smoothly, quite frankly pretty successfully actually, was planning to expand, wanting to open up a store in London because `it`s your home country, man, so it feels kind of like the right thing and, what British person doesn`t like a good pastry with their tea?´, as he always told Newt. They had been talking about this and that, Jacob`s new recipe idea for a Fwooper desert treat, Queenie`s magical boutique for `things a modern witch doesn`t know she needs´, Tina´s top secret mission for the ministry – her and Newt had been writing letters back and forth, but he hadn`t heard from her in a while – which involved lots of travelling, the weather and Newt`s work on the book. Jacob was in the middle of a rather interesting story at the moment, telling them how for the past days there had been flocks of young children in front of his shop windows, staring at the baked goods on display with rather hungry eyes, they looked so small and starved that he felt guilty for ignoring them… until his helping hand behind the counter, Terrence, suggested giving them some of the bread they hadn´t been able to sell and that would most likely go stale the next day anyways. "You can`t imagine the joy on their faces! The lit up when I gave them the loafs and they couldn`t stop thanking me for a solid five minutes! They ran off to their families and you know, buddy, I haven`t felt that good in a while, I felt like I had truly done something good, you know, especially with Easter around the corner." The whole thing got Newt thinking. There had been a lot of shortenings in the factories in his neighbour district and many of the families depended on that income, most likely struggling to provide food now. He felt awful thinking of the people having to starve especially on a holiday and an idea formed in his head. "I had a lot of Occamy eggs lately, there must have been about thirty new hatchlings. There were so many I had to give them away and send them to a reservoir a friend of mine opened up in the Scottish forests. I didn`t have the time to get rid of the shells yet, so I just kept them in a box in my storeroom. What do you think, there are lots of families with low income in my district and the surrounding ones, maybe we can do something good with them." – "Oh yes, let`s paint them like Easter eggs and hide them as presents for the kids to find!", Queenie chirped in, grinning excitedly. Newt smiled at her, "that`s a fantastic idea. I am sure I kept some of the paint tubes I used to do the illustrations for the book, those should do the job."
They got to work almost immediately and it all went well for the most part, until Queenie decided to join Newt in checking the nests for any leftover shells. Niffler was rummaging around nearby, the Bowtruckles were playing a game of `catch the stick´ and Frank sat by the young phoenix Newt had recently adopted. She cleared her throat and Newt looked up at her, wand between his teeth and an egg in hand he had just been examining. "We almost forgot to tell you, but…", she kept fidgeting with her hands and Newt saw the ring as soon as she said the words, "Jacob and I are going to get married." He had to take the wand out of his mouth, but his joy was genuine when he looked at her: "That`s great news! Congratulations you two." Queenie beamed at him, then looked at her ring. "I almost can`t believe it, you know? And we couldn`t tell my parents, they`re very strict when it comes to the laws about magic… but I`m happy, you know? And I think that`s what matters the most. Of course, I knew when he asked me, he just couldn`t keep it out of his head for long, and I really tried not to, but he was so nervous that evening and I just couldn`t help it! But, anyways, that`s the news on that." She twirled around to go back to Jacob, who was still painting egg shells and in that moment, several things happened at once. A beam of light caught Queenie`s ring and made it glimmer, Frank squeaked in warning and then the Niffler jumped at the witches` hand, trying to catch the jewellery he had just spotted. Queenie gasped in surprise, the Niffler somehow managed to slide the engagement ring down her finger and off he went – in the direction of the exit, because Newt had blocked his hoard in a moment of anticipation. Then him and Queenie immediately took off after the creature. "Don`t let him get out, Jacob!", Newt called out to his friend, who was wearing a paint-splattered apron and a brush behind every ear. He turned around quickly, trying to snatch the furry culprit, and almost managed to do so until the little rascal wiggled so much Jacob had to drop him – but Newt was there, in a haste but determined he quickly placed the egg he had still been holding on the desk, pointing his wand at the Niffler which was just about to climb up the ladder – a stunning spell later it got frozen in place and Newt could catch the quick thief, handing Queenie back what belonged to her. "Alright", he said to the creature that, once secured in his grip, was allowed to move again, "we need to talk about your manners, little one", walking back into the dorms to return him to his nest. When he came back out, Jacob and Queenie had finished all the eggs, which were now neatly sitting on a bed of wood shavings in a big cardboard box. "They look fantastic", he prompted, "let`s go and hide them." All three of them climbed out of the suitcase, Newt getting the box out with a levitation spell and put on their coats and hats before exiting the brick building Newt was living in. The twilight was just settling over the city and the sky was shaded in all kinds of colours. With a flicker, the street lamps came on just as they turned a corner, feeling giddy and excited, remembering their childhoods and how they had celebrated Easter when they were young. Jacob in the middle with the box in hand, smiling at Queenie who was skipping rather than walking and Newt with his wand raised protectively but a smile on his face.
They had just hidden the last eggs, it was beginning to dawn, when Newt discovered something odd. One of the two leftover eggs he had in his coat pocket seemed to be completely intact. He thought back to the events of the afternoon, internally scolding himself the next second. He had placed the egg he had been examining when Niffler started wreaking havoc on Jacob`s desk before completely forgetting about it due to chasing the black-coated troublemaker! Jacob must`ve painted it absentmindedly, not realizing it was an egg that hadn`t been hatched yet. He took it into his other hand while taking out another one of the reworked shells that was empty except for the small chocolate bar and paper bunny garland Queenie had made and was about to put it onto the grass next to the house`s door he was kneeling in front of, when – "what are you doing Mister?" He looked up and there was a young girl, maybe five or six, leaning out of the kitchen window he didn`t realize had been open the whole time due to the glass simply missing. He was caught off guard, but knew he had to get her attention away from the shells. "Hello there. What`s your name?" – "I`m Cecily. What are you doing in our front yard?" – "Uhm, I was about to…" In that second, he felt the egg twitching in his hand. Out of all possible moments, the Occamy seemed to have picked this one to hatch. Oh well. "I was actually just about to leave, but it has been nice to meet you, Cecily." Newt smiled at the girl and she smiled back, displaying a huge gap where one of her front teeth was missing. Somehow she hadn`t been convinced by him though, and scrunched up her nose in confusion next. "Nice to meet you too, Mister, but what ARE you doing in our front yard? My sister tells me to be careful, there have been strangers going around trying to talk families into sending their children away to work. Are you trying to set up a trap for me to steal me away? Because if so, it`s not going to work. I spotted you first, you`re really not that good at the whole trap thing, Mister, you know…" The little girl trailed on, but Newt was more focused on the cracking sounds that came from the egg still in his hand, he was desperate to get away now so as not to breach the law by letting the child see a magical creature. Then, another troubling thing came to his mind -  new-born Occamies often didn`t have control over their choranaptyxic nature and had to be kept under control by their mothers or else they would grow into about five metres large snakes on some occasions. His mind was racing, but he didn`t see a different choice. "Cecily", he addressed the child that was still curiously leaning on the windowsill, "would you be so kind to look for a box for me, or a teapot, basically something small that has a lid?" The young girl looked even more confused, but shrugged her shoulders and disappeared back into the house. She came back a minute later with a small metal box that had engravings on the lid and could be held closed by a metal clasp. It looked handmade and Newt felt guilty to accept it from her, but he really didn’t have a choice. He had been holding the egg together tightly in his fist, the creature making squeaky sounds of protest for being held in such tight confines. "Please open it for me", and as soon as the lid gaped open, Newt let the Occamy baby slide into the box before taking the thing from Cecily and clasping it shut. It disappeared into one of his many coat pockets and when he looked up again, the hazel eyes of the girl looked at him in awe and shock: "Mister, what was that?!" Newt didn`t answer – for this exact moment, you came into the kitchen, sleepy and confused. When you spotted the tall, ginger guy in the wool coat, your eyes too widened, making you look perplexed, but before you could say anything, Newt just winked at Cecily and then handed her the freshly emptied shells, before turning around and simply disappearing into thin air – which your younger sister missed, because she was looking at the pure silver in her hands. You on the other hand rubbed your temples, not sure if you had just hallucinated after a bad night´s sleep or if the whole thing had been real…
You weren`t able to find out, but the `blessing of Easter´, as some of your neighbours called it when they discovered the gifts next to their front doors, made you believe that maybe, it had really happened. That and the fact that your lunchbox was missing. Meanwhile, Newt smiled to himself while looking at the metal container. He was exhausted, but happy. This year, Easter had truly been something else. He was looking forward to some sleep now, almost certain you would roam his thoughts for a little while longer.
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babylon-bitch · 7 years
Just Friends ~ It's Hard To Stop (part 66)
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Harper White is best friends with Luke Hemmings, they always have been. Not only is she  friends with the rockstar, but with the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer, as well as a really nice girl named Erika.
Harper has a few secrets, she can play all the instruments the boys play and many more. It’s a talent she has kept hidden, only very few people know.
What will happen to the six teens, wondering around the world together?
Luke’s p.o.v.
The sunlight streaming through the window and onto my face wakes me up, and I take in my surroundings – a familiar room I used to wake up a lot in.
Good times.
An even more familiar person my arms are wrapped around and is pressed up against my body. Her hair a little messy that’s going to be a bitch to brush out the knots, her hand holding mine, and her eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks.
I push some hair out of her face, and trace some random shapes on the part of skin that her shirt had ridden up.
Originally we went to bed on opposite sides of the bed, facing each other, but apparently at some point during the night we managed to find each other and cuddle up together, and I’m not complaining.
Harper shifts a little and rolls onto her back, letting out a groan then drifts back to sleep again. I remove my hand from her waist, and pick my phone up, checking the time: 8:45. I trace random shapes on her collarbone area, as I scroll through my phone.
It’s moments like this I miss from our relationship.
Those insignificant ones that you don’t talk about, but once it’s over you miss them and they’re taken for granted. You never know the significance of a moment once it’s over. I’ve found myself thinking that a lot this past year.
I miss her, I do, but I’m not going to risk losing her just so I can love her without it being a secret. I’ve just gotten her back and I’ll do anything to not lose her, I don’t think I can handle going through that again. She’s knows I still love her romantically, and I know that she still loves me, but we agreed to just be friends. I’m more than okay with that, I’d rather have her than not, so I’ll take what I can get, and try my best to not fuck up again.
Key word try.
There have been multiple situations where I have to physically stop myself from kissing her. It sounds fairly simple but let me tell you, that shit is fucking hard. Half the time it looks like she wants me to too, or she’ll look at me, almost asking for it. Maybe she’s testing me or something, but I find it at times hard to keep away from her in that sense. I’m almost glad she’s going back tomorrow because then I’m safe. I can control what I say, and there’s no chance of me kissing her or anything. Even though I’ll miss her, it’ll be easier for me.
It’s not like every moment I’m with her all I want to do is kiss her, there’s just little moments every now and then that I have the urge to just kiss her until I can’t breathe.
She’ll be scrolling through her phone, leaning against the wall or sitting down, and she’ll be oblivious to everything going on around her, and I’ll just have this urge to kiss her.
I’d never force myself on her, if it does happen, I’ll only keep it up if she’s as into it as me. That’s how our relationship works, it’s both of us, not just one of us, it’s either us or nothing, no half ass relationship.
We always said that, it’s either all or nothing.
Harper begins to wake up and she stretches, some bones cracking in the process, then she turns over on her side to face me.
“Morning.” She mumbles.
“Morning.” I echo and continue to scroll through my phone.
“Did you see any demons last night?” Harper asks after some silence.
“Um, I don’t think so.” I answer.
“They might be friendly ghosts, and you just upset them and now they’re coming to get you at night.” I tease.
“No! What if they travel with me back to England?” Harper panics.
“I’m pretty sure they don’t exist.�� I reassure.
“That’s not what you said last night.” She tells me.
“Okay, I doubt they will follow you, Harper.” I rephrase. “But I can’t guarantee there aren’t any ghosts, demons, spirits, or creepy little girls at your place, as I’ve never been.” I smirk.
“Luke!” She whines and sits up, poking back at me.
I look at her, seeing her messy hair, annoyed smile adorning her features, slightly sleepy eyes, and part of the sun shining onto her face.
“I hate you.” She mumbles laying back down.
“Do you?” I raise an eyebrow at her, knowing the answer.
“Well kinda, your hair gets weird, your voice is annoying, then you look strange sometimes, and I guess all of you is annoying, so take that how you want.” She shrugs and I laugh, rolling my eyes.
“Now I hate you.”
“Good we have something in common.”
“What hating each other?” I question.
“Yeah.” I nod.
“Mate, I think we should find something else we have in common.” I tell her.
We both go on our phone’s for a little while, showing each other pictures every now and then.
“Do you think you’ll come visit me when I’m at home?” Harper asks after a while and rests her chin on my chest, looking up at me.
“Do you want me to?” I question, putting my phone down, and giving her tickles on her shoulder blade.
“Yeah.” She nods.
“Then maybe I’ll go and visit you.” I suggest. “But I don’t know, we’re gonna be really busy soon, moving to L.A. and then recording the album, so I’m not sure how much free time I’ll have for flying out to places.”
“Fair enough, me either to be honest, but we’ll see each after Christmas, I’m pretty sure.” She replies. “Will you still be here after Christmas?”
“We go at some point during January, I think mid January.” I answer.
“I go back on the 19th I think.” Harper tells me.
“We’ll have some time together, don’t worry.” I reassure her and push some hair behind her ear.
She nods and lays back down on her stomach, picking up her phone, beginning to scroll through.
“Do you think you could come visit me/us out in L.A.?” I ask her, running my hand down her back, resting it on the small of her back.
“The next break I have is in February.” She responds.
“How long is that for?”
“A few weeks, I’m not entirely sure.” She shrugs.
“Do you think you could fly out?” I ask.
“Maybe, I’m not sure.” She answers. “I’ll tell you when it gets closer.”
Silence creeps over us, but it’s the comfortable silence, there aren’t any words that need to be spoken.
Haven’t had any of this type of silence in a while, usually it’s awkward silence, which if you have ever been in, it’s unbearable and you want to stab yourself in the eye.
“Do you want some breakfast.” Harper asks after a while.
“Uh, I think my family is going out for brunch or something, so I’m alright.” I say.
Harper sits up, rubbing her face and begins to stand up, walking over to her wardrobe. I watch as she searches through the hangers for an outfit, already knowing she’ll pick out a pair skinny jeans then a shirt of some sort then a hoodie.
“Hey, I’ve still got a couple of your shirts, do you want them back?” Harper questions.
“Which ones are they?” I question.
She pulls out a hanger of some shirts, some I’d just bought and she’d stolen them prior to the break up, and some I haven’t worn in ages, a few even having holes in them.
But the reason I gave the ones with holes to her was because when we would be cuddled up in bed at night, I could feel her through the holes and it gave me another level of closeness.
“Can I have the black one with the skull on it back? I was looking for it for months.” I ask.
“Sure, even if it is my favourite.” She sighs and throws it towards me.
“Do you have any other stuff of mine here?”
“I have a pair of shoes, some jewellery, your hairbrush, and a hoodie.” She explains.
“I’ve got some of your stuff at my house, life some make up, jewellery, headphones, a couple of your CDs, and hair bands, also I’m forever find bobby pins all over my room and bathroom by the way.” I reply.
“Sorry about that.” She chuckles and pulling out some items of clothing out of her wardrobe.
“Do you want them back? I started a pile.” I joke.
“You know, I think I’m alright.” She tells me. “Now, turn around, I need to get dressed.”
“Why? It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” I tease.
“Yeah well now we’re just friends so it’s weird for you to see me naked.”
“Is it though?” I raise an eyebrow with a smirk.
“Yes! I’m not getting changed in front of you, Luke. So close your eyes or turn around.”
“I don’t see the big deal, I’ve seen it before, so it’s nothing new.”
She rolls her eyes and walks out the door, and I laugh.
As she’s in the bathroom, I may as well get dressed too, so I put on the shirt I’ve just gotten back and put on some jeans, then using my phone as a mirror as I do my hair.
By the time I’m all finished, Harper still isn’t back, so I go on her laptop to play some games she has on here, still remembering her password.
“What are you doing?” She asks as she walks in, her hair curled – that’s what she was doing.
“Playing Sims.” I answer as I design a sim.
“Okay.” She nods a little confused but shrugs it off and goes over to her vanity. “I got some custom content a couple weeks ago, so there should be some good clothes.” Harper informs me as she sits next to me with her make up bag.
“Yeah it’s all girl’s clothes, I don’t want to put a dress on a guy.” I remind her.
“Luke get with the times, you can do whatever you want.” She slaps my arm.
“I mean if you say so.” I shrug and put the dress on him. “Do you want me to add ‘typical’ girly things?”
“If you want, it’s your sim.”
I continue to make my sims whilst Harper does her make up, sometimes putting her input in.
“What’s it like putting on make up everyday?” I ask her as I’m building my house. “A pain in the ass.” She mumbles as she does stuff to her eyebrows.
“And you’ve been doing it since you were like 13?”
“12 or 13.” Harper confirms.
“I remember when you used to do some emo shit to your eyes.” I chuckle.
“My eyeliner went all the way to my temples.” She smiles.
“You looked kinda hot though.” I laugh.
“You think?” She raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, then you used to wear all these chokers, and these bracelets.”
“I still wear the bracelets.” She states and lifts her arm up revealing multiple bracelets.
“Remember when you begged your mum to get all these piercings?”
“I did get some of those, just not all of them. Like I got multiple ones in my ears, then an eyebrow piercings, one in my nose, but then I wanted my lip pierced and she drew the line there.” Harper reminisces.
“The eyebrow piercing was a good look, I liked it, added a bit of spicyess.” I click my fingers in a z shape.
“Will you ever get any more piercings?” She questions.
“Probably not.”
“Whatever you do, do not take the lip piercing out, because I really like it.” She tells me.
“Do you?” I wiggle my eyebrows at her.
“Tattoos?” Harper ignores my response.
“Not as long as my mum’s alive.” I joke.
“How on earth did you get her to agree to the lip piercing?” She questions.
“I didn’t, then when I showed her she didn’t speak to me for 2 days.” I confess.
“Shit, I don’t remember that.” She mutters as she puts some mascara on.
“Remember when you used to dye your hair all the time?” I question.
“Yeah, my hair is only just recovering from that.” She chuckles.
“I really liked when you had blue hair.” I inform.
“What about my hair now?” She looks up from doing more things to her eyes, with an eyebrow raised.
“Your hair looks great now…” I trail off and she gives me a playful glare.
“You don’t like it as much do you?” She asks.
“It was a different time, things have changed, hair has changed.” I try to save myself.
“Whatever, I know how you feel.” She mumbles and I just roll my eyes with a smile.
“Can I do your make up?” Harper asks after a little while.
“What the fuck? No.” I decline.
“Why?” She asks.
“Because I don’t want you to.” I simply put it.
“Please.” She drags out.
“I’m not into that kind of stuff.”
“So I don’t want to.” I sigh.
“But you said my hair looked bad!” She claims and lays in my lap, looking up at me with a pout.
“I didn’t say that.” I laugh and run my fingers through her hair.
“Yes you did, so let me do your make up as an apology.” She tells me.
“Babe, I didn’t say your hair looked bad, I just said that I liked your blue hair, and I said your hair looks great now.” I inform.
“Just let me so your make up!” She whines.
“No!” I imitate her.
“I’ll make you look really good.”
“What about my face now? You don’t like it do you? Just because you said that, you can’t do my make up.”
Harper looks up at me with face I can only describe as wanting to kill me or burst out laughing.
“Just please let me do your make up, you get it done fairly regularly, it won’t be any different. I’ll let you do whatever you want after.”
“But it’s hot and I don’t want to be hot.” I pathetically excuse.
“We’re doing this whether you like it or not.” She declares and gets up, walking over to her desk and picks up her make up bag. “So do you want a dramatic look or a natural look?” She questions as she stands in front of me.
“No look.”
“Let’s go for natural.” She mumbles to herself.
“Harper.” I whine and touch her thigh briefly.
“I don’t want to do this.” I pout.
“Well deal with it, it was always going to happen.” She shrugs and picks up a brush and a bottle of what looks like a melted body.
“What’s that?” I question.
“Oh.” I nod and watch as she pumps stuff on her hand.
“It doesn’t quite match your skin tone, you’re more tanned than me, but it’s not far off.” She says.
“It’s cold.” I cringe as she starts putting the stuff on my face.
“You get used to it.”
“Now what’s that?”
“Concealer.” Harper answers.
“What does it do?”
“Covers up blemishes and stuff but I’m mainly using it to cover up your stubble.”
“What? I shaved yesterday.”
“Clearly you’re a fast grower or not very well.”
“All of this is a bit much don’t you think? Like you do most of this everyday when you don’t even need it, maybe I’m just lazy.” I furrow my eyebrows.
After a while of her doing my make up, she’s getting into the intricate parts, and is concentrating.
“Luke stop moving.” She says.
“I can’t help it!” I exclaim and she just rolls her eyes and sits on my lap to stop me moving, my hand instantly going to her waist. “Geez, moving fast are we?”
“Now, don’t be alarmed.” Harper ignores my teasing and grabs some weird tube.
“Masaray?” I question.
“No, mascara.” She corrects. “You always say that.”
“Is it actually better than sex?” I question as I read the label.
“Sometimes.” She shrugs.
“Depends on the person.”
“What about when we were together?”
“No comment.” She says and I chuckle.
“Have you been with anyone since we broke up?
“Um, no comment.” Harper repeats.
“Come on.” I squeeze her waist.
“I’ve been with a few people, but nothing else.” She mumbles and I bite my lip. “You?”
“A few.” I confess. “When do you think you’re going to meet someone else?”
“I have no idea.” She shrugs. “I’m not sure if I’m looking for someone new.” Harper sighs as she holds the back of my neck to keep me steady.
“Blink.” She requests and I blink feeling the brush go through my lashes, and she tells me to blink a couple more times. “Again.” She orders when she does the other eye.
I look up at her as she’s concentrating on putting the lid back on. Her concentrating face has always been cute, her eyebrows furrow slightly, and her mouth opens a little, and her tongue goes to the roof of her mouth.
She’s always looked stunning, but right now I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the way the sun is shining, maybe it’s the angle, maybe it’s just her facial expression or something, but right in this moment, she looks even more stunning than ever. I’ve always been attracted her, but right now I’m so drawn to her it’s almost alarming.
I squeeze her waist gently and she takes her attention away from whatever she was doing and looks down at me, a small smile on her lips. We kinda stare at each other for a while, and then I must be imagining this, but I swear I can see her leaning in, all I can do is stay frozen.
“We shouldn’t.” She whispers as our lips nearly touch.
“No.” I agree.
“But it’s hard to stop.”
“I know.”
“We can’t.”
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pharaohsparklefists · 7 years
Episode 93, part 2 (part 1 is here), and Kaiba’s coping well with human interactions!
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Okay, he’s coping so-so. Try not to get too tired, babe, we HAVEN’T EVEN STARTED THE DUEL YET.
It comes out, in Kaiba and Isis’s surprisingly drawn-out pre-duel chit-chat, that Isis was the one to suggest the tournament to Kaiba, and Jounouchi is...
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... characteristically bafflingly over-enraged. I think he’s under too much stress, he keeps fReAkInG oUt over things that really aren’t worth screaming at people over. 
(Yami is fucking gorgeous just what the fuck idk kill me)
Isis coldly tells Kaiba that she’s going to straight-up wreck him in this card game and he goes:
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... I think he’s actually aroused by the concept of being beaten in a card game? Is that a thing? Like a really really specific graysexual humiliation kink?
Isis isn’t fucking around, though, she intends to beat Kaiba...
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She straight up intends to jump on the grenade masquerading as a mental illness masquerading as a person that is Yami Malik. She has seen the future and she intends to die facing Yami Malik. Does she know she wins against him?? Does she know her sacrifice works??? Or does she just have the vision as far as her death????
Anyway, Kaiba has remembered that he’s not supposed to let on that he’s aroused by the idea of losing a card game and defaults to...
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... aggressive disdain!
“Use you”, sweetie, it was like
Isis: So I thought maybe if you ran a t--
In any case, he’s not worried about her magic jewellery.
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That’s literally what you always say. (Is it just me or does his smile here look like an awkward Disney Prince kinda smile?)
But his boyfriend is more wary, being less dismissive of the awesome power of haunted necklaces...
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Isis says she already knows every card Kaiba will play, which sounds familiar to the Nerd Herd, but Yami sets them straight
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Yami points out that it’s much too windy up here to rely on scented cards, which seems like a odd angle to take, since she explicitly pointed to her great-big-fuck-off gold necklace with a honking great eye on it as the source of her future-vision, and they really should know by now that gold things with massive eyes on them are imbued with Plot.
Isis quickly proves her ability to “see” Kaiba’s cards by playing a “your opponent chooses two cards to be discarded from your hand” card, which Kaiba HAAAAAATES
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like WAY more than I expected him to
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how aroused is he right now?
She doesn’t even have to look to choose his cards.
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In fact, she even keeps her eyes closed, which seems unnecessary since he’s across the fuckin blimp from her, but whatever. It’s part of the ~Drama~ I guess. She is an Ishtar after all!
Yami Malik recognises her tactics from Malik’s memories
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Surfaced? That sounds like he’s a road with nice tarmac on him.
Also HOW did they have fucking DUEL MONSTERS CARDS in their fucking ISOLATIONIST CULT DUNGEON seriously what even is this show.
Yami Malik has gotten sick of Slightly Less Murderous Malik’s repeated exclamations of “Sister!” (in his defense, it was kind of annoying) and locked him in the Glass Case Of Emotion
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and I’ve just noticed that Yami Malik ALSO changed his trousers when he went to change out of the lilac crop top?? surely he should have preferred the black trousers? did he not want to overdo the goth vibe?? so many questions...
Back in the duel, Kaiba has a plan....
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And Isis has a vision of the future....
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She does feel bad about it though.
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okay well (a) how do you turn it off? do you just not wear the necklace? or does she have to Ask the necklace stuff? and (b) does predicting the future actually Help? like, surely, if it’s the unavoidable future (which it isn’t, but she thinks it is), it doesn’t really matter if you Know or not?
Regardless of this philosophical quandary, Kaiba has unleashed his Virus combo which is SUPER BROKEN
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I’m pretty sure it’s only Monsters of 1500 ATK or higher, but I’m also pretty sure Seto Kaiba thinks that monsters with fewer than 1500 ATK are just silly children’s stories like the tooth bunny, so as far as he’s concerned, the Virus does destroy all Actual Real Monsters.
Isis stops him in his tracks with Oh Fuck These Yokes!
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that’s what they ALL say.
But Kaiba isn’t rattled. In fact, he’s positively poetical.
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Um ... by which he means, he’ll play a card that will force her to discard all the Magic Cards in her deck. Magic Cards, of course, commonly referred to as a woman’s feathers.
Also wow, what a brokenly overpowered card! Why doesn’t he use this card every duel?? It would really fuck up Yami’s deck!
And Mokuba isn’t worried either!
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He is a little gremlin, but he’s not worried!
Kaiba’s faith (not that he would ever call it that) is rewarded, he can feel...
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good lord you are just so fucking much all the fucking time can you just maybe take one deep breath and phrase something in a normal, card game appropriate, calmly understated kinda way, please?
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... no of course not.
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serpensthesia · 7 years
The first rule of the ever-evolving 11-question meme is that you must always post the rules! The second rule is you must answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. The third rule is you must then write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people (or however many, you do you, bb) to answer them!
(If it is your first time at the ever-evolving 11-question meme, you do not have to fight though.)
I was tagged by @silveredglass and @devinesis, who are both amazing like whoa. Please go check them out right this instant, you will not regret it! (Very long) Answers below the cut! My questions at the very, very bottom... just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling...
Answers to @silveredglass's questions:
1. Have you ever had something happen to yourself (not as a baby) that you didn’t remember until someone else told you about it?
Oh my goodness, all the time? I could truly be a living, breathing version of that psychology experiment given how often people remind me of things I have done but have no memory of them. A good example is that I do not remember reading Hamlet in high school, but bestfran, who was in the same class as me, swears up and down that we did. And not only that we did, but that it was like... a thing. Like parts were given out. People got into it. It's possible that costumes were worn? And I had no memory of this until she started talking about it. I very seriously thought she was lying to me, that's how much I had forgotten this happened. It was only after she started talking about it and telling me that it definitely happened that I was like "oh shit, you are right... you are so right." (Or she has some weird thing about wanting to implant false memories about Hamlet, which I guess I would also be okay with.)
2. Best food combination that shouldn’t work but does that you have ‘invented’?
This is actually really tough. I have made some pretty odd cupcakes in my day, but the one that is most often requested is my pear, feta and hefeweizen cupcake, which I am told is a pretty strange combination? But I guess not that strange because people want them all the time?
3. Do you like live theatre? Art exhibits? If so tell me about something you’ve seen that made an impact.
Very much so! We have a free museum here that houses many of my most favorite surrealist paintings, but it is also associated with the Rothko chapel, which is one of the most peaceful places I think I have ever been? The picture does not do those monolithic paintings justice, either... they are easily 3 or 4 times my height and truly overpowering to see up close. They look just all black, but they are filled with so much movement. Rothko is certainly a difficult painter to capture in photography. I could (and have) stared at them, lost in the shades and hidden colors, for moments that seemed very long. It's just silent in a loud way. 10/10, do recommend.
4. Do you have an accessory or jewellery or makeup that you wear almost always?
I have a silver ring with a little cross on it that my mother gave me, I think right before I started college? I wear it on my left ring finger, but it is neither a ~*purity ring*~ (because I am not religious and also purity rings are creepy) nor is it meant to signal any sort of message... it's just the most comfortable finger. Fun story. Not long after HGD and I started dating, he had my ring in his mouth (I don't know?) and bit (yes, with his teeth) it out of shape. He didn't think it was real silver? I don't know what he was thinking. But I was so angry. We took it to the place where it is from and they were not sure they would be able to reshape it because it looked like HGD had fucking bitten a stress fracture into my ring?! But it was fine (HGD got so lucky). So now it has little tiny teeth indents, which is dumb but also kind of wonderful. HGD isn't allowed to touch the ring anymore, though.
5. What is your strongest olfactory memory?
Any time I smell Chrome (the terrible, cheap cologne that every teenage boy seems to own?), I am transported back to being 16 years old in the early evening heat of August, and a boy is handing me his Pink Floyd shirt that is many sizes too big and saying "I heard a rumor that you liked me?" and kissing me on the cheek.
6. What album that has been released in the past two years should I go buy?
Okay. If I had to pick just one album, and it doesn't even matter if you like rap, it would be DAMN. by Kendrick Lamar. It is undeniable how good it is. But I am bad at picking one, so I might also recommend World Eater by Blanck Mass, Humanz by Gorillaz, or Dirty Projectors by (you guessed it) Dirty Projectors!
7. When you were a kid did you have a favourite make believe game you’d play? Or dress up you’d wear?
When I was a little girl, my cousins and I all very much liked to play with my grandfather's wife's square dancing skirts. We would just twirl around in them for hours, pretending that we were all beautiful dancers!
8. Tell me something that made you feel proper chuffed with yourself. In a nice quietly contented way.
Oh, any time I corral my team into agreement, or really even any time I get them to go *a* direction, I feel very quietly content with myself! Or! And god, this is so dumb, but any time that I put a lot of things in my queue for this blog so that it doesn't seem like I'm dead for days on end!
9. IS MISSING. Is this one of those things where I am supposed to notice? I will take this chance to tell you all that you should go read Silv's first lines meme answer, then.
10. Have you ever had a scary or very odd animal encounter?
Well... this is more about an animal encounter that I didn't have, but when I was a kid, my family stayed the night in Yosemite National Park in a canvas tent (which was surprisingly nice... or 10-year-old me had lower standards than current me, maybe). When you park, you watch this TERRIFYING video of bears just RIPPING CARS APART if they smell food in your car so you have to throw away EVERYTHING that might attract bears. And I mean everything, even gum wrappers. So you can imagine what they would do if they smelled food inside your tent, right? I slept surprisingly well that night for being terrified that I might be mauled to death in my sleep by a hungry bear, though.
11. Share a link to a fic or fan art that you love?
Oh... oh, so tough. Wildfire by abbycadabra makes me feel things everytime I read it. And I really, really love atalienart's "Spell Series"!
Answers to @devinesis's questions:
1. What’s something in this world that you just don’t understand and wish you could?
I very sincerely wish that I could understand the conservative mindset of putting businesses or profits or churches before actual human lives. I mean I wish I could understand it in the way that they must feel it, because I jokingly say that Ted Cruz is obviously the Zodiac Killer in a Lizard Person's body (*cough* he is *cough*), but I can also (begrudingly) admit that he is maybe also a human bean (even if a v bad one)... and how does he, or any person that voted for him, or any person that votes along beside him in Congress... well, how do they justify their own seeming lack of humanity? It's a mystery to me.
2. What show or movie does everyone love and tell you to watch but you just hate no matter how many times you try?
I'm probably about to lose so many followers but THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES?!?! Like I disagree with nearly all of the casting, I will never forgive them for not making Harry's eyes fucking green, and even the movies that I watched... it felt like they glossed over all of the most magical parts? 
They are irredeemable trash in my opinion and even though we got some cool actors out of it, I have no interest in even trying to love them. AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON SIRIUS BLACK, OKAY.
3. The first book you ever really loved? (If it’s HP, cool, but you have to say something else, too. LOL)
Oh. Anything by Francesca lia Block... I devoured her books when I was younger. I wanted so desperately to be one of those manic pixie shangri-la fairy girls that she wrote about. Or To Kill A Mockingbird because... well, Atticus.
4. If you were going to be in a relationship (platonic or sexual) for the rest of your life with a character from the Harry Potter universe, who would you choose?
Sorry, Draco, but I'm going with Hermione Granger. Helpful for studying? Check. Sometimes problematic but woke af? Check (better than most other characters in the book). Will be down to sometimes do girly things? Check. Is good at keeses because most girls are? Check. Likes to know things? Check. Is a badass? Check. Knows muggle AND magical shit? Check. Is def a ride or die, and down for adventuring without being a baby (looking at you, Ron)? CHECK.
5. Your most hated book you were ever assigned to read in school?
Tess of the D'Ubervilles. *rolls eyes* She should have just killed everyone and rolled out of there with two middle fingers up in the air instead of complaining about everything for the whole book (I realize this is not a very nuanced look at this novel, but lord, did I hate this when I had to read it in school... we also had some nightmare-level assignments related to this book, which is probably part of the reason I hated it so much).
6. If you had a personal uniform like a cartoon character, what would it be?
All black everything (which is not far off from what I usually wear now), except, like a cartoon character, everything would fit perfectly and never fade and always look cool and I would also never have to actually put on eyeliner, I would just rock the perfect cat-eye all the time.
7. Where is your “happy place”?
Any place where I can get a (good) vanilla latte or listen to music very loud and just dance around like an idiot.
8. Favorite form of exercise?
I really enjoy yoga, but I certainly don't do it often enough. I also kind of like the monotony of elliptical machines?
9. If you had a crush when you were, like, 12–14—looking back, is it embarrassing, or do you nod at your younger self in approval?
Mostly I am embarrassed but I did crush hard for a few hours on a total stranger at a battle of the bands when I was probably 14. He had long black hair and weird tall shoes and was defintely wearing eyeliner and looked like the closest thing I might ever see to Davey Havok in person and I just wanted to talk to him because he was so pretty (but also clearly much older than me). I still approve of that one, 4-hour crush on a dreamy goth stranger. Other than that, 12-14 year old me definitely had trash taste.
10. What, for you, are the most hated and most enjoyable tasks of adulthood?
Most hated? Having to ever wake up early and be somewhere on time while knowing that if I'm late I have no one to blame but myself? Most enjoyable: Being able to decide when I want to do things, if at all (within reason).
11. What small-talk question do you most hate answering from strangers at a party?
In high school it was, "where do you want to go to college" because I did not know where I wanted to go to college, or even if I wanted to go to college. In college it was "what's your major?" as if there are not a million other things you could say to a perfect stranger that would be more interesting. In grad school it was "oh, so why did you want to study this"... we all have the same answer, guys. We aren't here for the money. We're all here because we want to help. Come on. Currently, it's "oh, what do you do?" because my job is sort of difficult to explain and I always get "the look" of like "oh, that sounds like it must be really sad" and I know it's not necessarily what I should be doing, but it's what I'm doing right now, damn it. Also because we could talk about literally anything else, why does it always have to be work?
Okay... so I'm just going to do 22 questions and you can pick your favorite 11 to answer (if you decide you want to do this).
1. What are some of your favorite song lyrics and why do you love them so much? 2. If you could live in a fictional reality from a novel (or show, or whatever), where would you live? (Hard mode: you can't choose Hogwarts, or anything from the HP universe... womp womp) 3. What will you FIGHT a person about (in the internet sense of the word)(or also in the literal sense of the word)? 4. What was your first fandom and how did you find yourself there? 5. Not a question but post a picture of whatever you want. 6. What is something not enough people understand and you want to explain to me right now? 7. What is your favorite thing that you have ever studied (doesn't have to be in school, or even studied formally)? 8. You are suddenly allowed to keep one real, wild animal as a pet and it's not going to kill you or hurt you, it's just going to be sweet and awesome... what animal do you choose? 9. Least favorite activity that you have grown to bedrudingly accept as necessary (and maybe even a little fun)? 10. Give past-you a cryptic message - no context, just the message: 11. Who is your problematic fave and why do you love them so much? 12. What is the last thing that someone radically changed your mind about? How did they do it? 13. You are trapped on a desert island. There is no escape. No one is coming to save you. You are going to die. What 3 things do you bring with you so that you can die happy? 14. What 3 dumb as hell things make you stupidly, infectiously happy? 15. What do you create? 16. You've gone down the YouTube k-hole and have been binge watching nonsense for the past 2 hours. Where did you start? 17. If you could have a magical tattoo a la moving tattoos in HP fanon, that would appear when you wanted it and disappear when you didn't, what would it be of? 18. What stereotype actually pretty accurately describes you? 19. You have a kid in your possession, that does not belong to you, that you get return at the end of the day. What do you teach that child that is going to make their parents hate you? 20. What is the last fic you read that you would recommend everyone read? 21. What do you love about yourself? 22. Send a message using only emojis. Let your readers guess what it means!
Okay, tagging (only if you want to!): @deadsdemona, @sprout2012, @fleetofshippyships, @oceaxereturns, @ourloveislegendrarry, @o0o-chibaken-o0o, @fizzingwhizweezes, @goldentruth813, @phd-mama, @acciotomriddle, @synonym-for-life (and @silveredglass and @devinesis, if you guys want to answer more questions, lol!) Or if I didn’t tag you and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! 
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doyleanddickens · 5 years
EXCERPT [chapter 2 scene 5]
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So this is an excerpt of my current wip. I just edited it and I thought I’d show you. 
Vincent Hastings is a creative genius and spends his time mostly by reading books and remembering everything he ever knew. He is arrogant, he is selfish but he is the mastermind which the Secret Service is clearly in need of after a suicide bombing at JFK airport.
[English is not my native language. I translated my German into English using my brain and online translators. So there may be huge ass typos and mistakes, I am sorry for that]
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It turned out that my father understood "Café" not only a very upscale establishment but an actual gourmet restaurant.
The "Café Carlyle" was set in a secluded street in the Upper East Side and was filled with men of pompous faces and women with pompous jewellery. So my dad fit in perfectly and it took me a long time to find him at a table for two.
I could not really say what I expected. I could barely remember what he looked like five years ago, but he was the kind of guy who looked five years younger than five years ago. He himself would probably blame it on a "healthier lifestyle," but he actually could not deceive me as easily as the media. I recognized Botox and a supposedly professionally coloured approach. I recognized pedicured fingernails and accurately plucked eyebrows as if I were the stereotype of a fashion-conscious woman. But I was not. I was just not blind to obvious things.
The man, whom I was reluctant to call my father, had neatly patted his nearly perfected hair into a side vertex and, judging by the smell, poured at least a pint of hairspray, which he unsuccessfully tried to cover up with expensive perfume. I could not say exactly if his three-day beard was an aesthetic remedy or if he simply hadn’t resorted to a razor because there was too much going on in the last few days. Judging from his tired eyes and the deep dark circles, it was the latter, since I could not imagine that a man who obviously made every effort to look young, intentionally had relatively unkempt facial hair. His suit was probably tailor-made, and under the dark grey jacket, he wore a classic white shirt and a dark brown tie. I could not remember exactly how old he was but if I had to guess ... I would probably still be right because I was in the knowledge of the details just mentioned. But I was sure that an average lady sharing her limited mind with the rest of the world probably had to think that this handsome man was not even in his early 40s.
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"Vincent," something lit up in the man's eyes when he saw me. I almost gagged when I realized that it could actually be joy.
He had got up and now held out his hand to me. Manicured, as I could already imagine. I saw an expensive watch peeking out from under his sleeve. He did not wear a ring. Of course not. If you had been married to the best woman on this planet, it was difficult to find a suitable replacement.
"Hello," I said coolly, ignoring his outstretched hand and sitting down in the square opposite him.
"I'm so happy you could take you time," James Scott began.
"Of course," I said, looking up. "The actual meaning of time is very distorted, is not it?"
A small amount of confusion crossed his face but only so briefly that I could not fully enjoy the moment.
"Thanks anyway," he finally said.
"Not too early," I countered quickly in a calm voice. "You would regret it"
"I know what you're all about," he sighed. I saw the age in his eyes. It was as if he was visually ageing every second. This case really seemed to gnaw at him.
"Oh yes?" I asked ironically.
"Yes," he said. "You want answers and explanations and justifications, I'm so sorry I left you, that I did not contact you and reappear out of the blue ..."
"No," I said, holding back a small laugh.
"What?", God, the man was not used to being interrupted.
"No," I repeated. "You are well on the way to take the completely wrong move"
"Excuse me?" Came from him.
"You do not always have to apologize if you do not understand something," I said instead. "You are not the only one with limited brain function"
I heard him take a deep breath.
"I'll have a coffee, black, no sugar," I said to the expressionless operator as she came within earshot of our table.
"Me too"
"The only reason I'm here, James Michael Scott is the assassination and the fact that my help is needed," I told him patiently.
He nodded slowly.
I could really see how difficult it was for him not to get out of his skin. He was James Scott, people did not talk to James Scott like that. Why? Because they cannot venture it, because he was always superior. But now it was not like that. I was far superior to him, I was holding the upper hand and he knew that. And he did not like it.
And that's why I liked it even more.
"Tell me about the case," I demanded, folding my hands under my chin and looking at him knowingly. "Why do you need me?"
He breathed in a moment and then straightened up.
"It's a suicide bombing," he said slowly.
I breathed and looked up at the ceiling.
" Of course," I said emphatically. "You're fucking James Scott, Boss of the Secret Service, I was hoping for information that I cannot find on any news page"
He cocked his head in annoyance.
"We do not know any more," came from him and I burst into loud laughter.
I put a hand over my mouth and tried to suppress the urge to point my finger at him and keep laughing.
"No," I finally said in disbelief, staring at him.
He said nothing, just pressed his lips together.
I became serious.
He was not joking. He did not play. He said the truth.
"Are you serious?" I asked, leaning forward. "And you call yourself agent?"
"It could have been an attack on the president," he said softly. "Donald Trump was supposed to be flying back to Washington at the time, from the JFK."
I looked around, looked at my father, and leaned forward.
" No", I said playing surprised. "You don’t say"
I leaned back.
"I admire your willpower to speak out loud about any obviousness," I sighed, silently accepting my coffee. "I wonder how you came to do your job. Did you just throw all the most obvious facts into the room during the interview?"
I smirked.
"That's not funny, Vincent," he said softly.
"I think it's a little bit, especially considering that in reality you just let your son solve your case"
I looked around me, down at me and up to him.
"Oh wait, that will happen again"
I laughed at the pain that flashed in James's eyes. He did not deserve it otherwise.
"Are you helping me now or not?" He finally forced out.
"Why?" I asked. "Are you going to get a promotion at my expense? I'll tell you something: You cannot go any further, you're already the boss."
"Because we need you", he answered emphatically. "Because I need you"
I smiled at my coffee.
"But it took a long time for you to admit that to yourself, right?" I asked.
He snorted.
"Are you helping me?" He asked again.
I moved my chair back slightly, put my coffee on my side, and lifted my lightweight leather briefcase onto the table. James looked up in confusion and I knowingly opened the lid. Inside was a single, small envelope made of heavy paper, sealed with wax.
I lifted it almost reverently out, let the case snap shut again and put the case back next to my chair on the floor.
"What's that?" James asked, looking spellbound at the cream-coloured paper.
"My demands," I said soberly as I handed him the envelope.
He looked at me with a mixture of incomprehension, anger, and relief.
Yes, I had planned from the beginning to help him. I knew he would crawl on his knees in front of me and still I wanted to see him beg. Just because I was the son of the biggest asshole in the world.
James still did not take his eyes off the envelope finally leaned back and opened the seal.
He silently read my demands and his face became more serious from line to line. I saw his eyes flitting across the sheet, reading through the dots several times, sometimes getting stuck at one point and then moving on. Otherwise, his face was almost annoyingly meaningless and I waited patiently until he spoke.
"You were very thorough," he cleared his throat and laid the sheet of paper on the table in front of him.
"Either you conscientiously fulfil all these points or I will not help you," I said and nodded.
"That's blackmail," he said, narrowing his eyes.
"No," I clarified. "That's called a contract"
I nodded to him knowingly.
"This is about giving and taking, James"
"This is about you getting your will," he growled wickedly.
"And about you getting yours," I said. "That's the point of the whole thing"
He said nothing more.
"I mean," I put my hand to my chin. "You may like to think about that. Maybe a few days, weeks, months. I don’t care"
I leaned forward.
"Just be aware: these demands will not change, no matter how long you wait," I pointed to the piece of paper between us. "And the murder case is a game against time"
He sighed and rested his head on his hands.
"Okay," he finally said softly.
"Excuse me?", I bowed my head.
"I agree, I will fulfil your demands," he said louder and looked up.
"Nice that we were able to agree so quickly," I nodded approvingly, conjured a filler from the inside pocket of my jacket and handed it to him.
"Please sign below right"
Then I pulled out my smartphone, finished the voice recording that recorded our conversation and the verbal acceptance of the demands, and sent out a short message.
"What was that?" James asked after putting the capsule back on the filler and returning it to me.
"Oh, I just want to make sure you cannot find a legal loophole," I said, and at that moment a young man in a suit appeared next to us. A waiter put a chair to our table and he sat down on it.
"Lorcan," whispered James Hastings as he recognized the brown eyes under the thick curls. As he recognized my twin brother. His son.
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"My witness," I said, stretching my hand across the table.
"I will comply with the request of James Michael Scott to fulfil the given demands and be available to the Secret Service in the suicide bombing investigation at JFK Airport," I said soberly and had to hold back, not too amused by the perplexed look on his face.
James cleared his throat and took my hand.
"I will comply with the demands of Vincent Michelangelo Hastings on the condition that he is available to the Secret Service in the investigation into suicide bombing at JFK Airport and any related investigations," he said, looking at me with his cold eyes.
Lorcan nodded and as if on command, we rose at the same time and left the Café Carlyle.
0 notes
onlyonewoman · 7 years
Worst Da Ever
Another ficlet I may use later in my ace lowbones verse. In this one, Ned is dealing with the couples fifteen-year-old girl, Roisin, who wants to get on a date Ned has some unusual - and usual - objections to. ***                   ”Da…” ”Yes, Rose? ”Can I ask you something?” ”If it’s ’bout the tattoo t’is still a no and if ye do it anyways ye’re grounded until ye turn eighteen.” ”Jesus… No, it’s not the tattoo. Unless you’ve change…?” ”Fat chance, kiddo-no-kid. What is it?” ”Well…” Roisin leaned in the doorway and Ned put his calculations down. His daughter had the ”I really want this and you have to say yes or I’ll die” expression in her face. Which meant it was probably not very serious. ”There’s this guy, Tom Dawson...” ”The lad with the hockey trunk ye’re walking home with?” ”I… How did you know?” ”Ye’re passing me job on yer way home, Rose.” ”Oh…” Roisin bit her lip and Ned smiled. ”Ye’ve planned on asking him out, or what? Or he asked ye?” ”Look, it’s just this game on Saturday and I was thinking about going.” ”The hockey rink isn’t exactly a club, Rose. Of course ye can go.” ”Yeah, but…” ”But what?” ”It’s in… uhm, London.” ”London? Ye’re goin’ to a hockey game in London for a Saturday night?” Ned had to make an effort not to roll his eyes. Fifteen and in love meant one did a lot of silly things and it was very obvious why Roisin had chosen to ask him instead of Billy, thinking her da would be easier to convince. Not on this one. Ned folded his arms. ”Since when did ye start liking hockey, by the way? Thought ye were a football and dance girl.” ”Da…” ”No.” ”No?” ”No as in ye can’t go.” ”Why?” ”Cause ye’re fifteen, he’s sixteen and yer daddies will not let ye spend a Saturday night in London on yer own.” ”But it’s just hockey!” ”Even worse. Ye don’t even like hockey.” ”I do!” ”Oh, yeah? And what does that bloke like that ye do, huh? He’s asked to come with ye to a dance show?” ”He doesn’t like dancing.” ”Football?” ”No.” ”What about concerts?” ”He only listens to radio stuff.” Ned shook his head in disappointment. ”God have mercy… Books?” ”Doesn’t read.” ”Goat sacrifices?” ”Da, ye’re such a dork.” ”And ye’re not going to a hockey game in London with a lad who wont give any of yer hobbies a chance, Rose. At least not until ye’re older. Then ye may throw away yer money and time on stuff ye don’t like to be around a boy who’s boring the hell out of ye, but not now.” ”You’re so unfair!” Roisin turned around and went to her room. ”You don’t let me do anything! You suck!” Ned just rolled his eyes and scratched Gwin’s head. They both jumped a little as the door upstairs slammed and Ned sighed. ”Never seem to get used to that fucking door slamming, boy. Ye’re lucky, not having to be the worst da ever at least three times a week.” Roisin was difficult and although Ned knew being fifteen was a rough age, he freely admitted there were times when he had no idea how to handle her – and times when he could’ve been more strict. And if he’d allowed Roisin to go to that game, Billy would’ve been furious. Ned looked at his dog on the floor. ”I’m fiftytwo, Gwin, and I feel damn useless. Ye have any advice?” Gwin just yawned and Ned shook his head. ”Sleep on it, ye say? Don’t think that’ll help with this one.” He spent the rest of the afternoon with his calculations and foregone asking Roisin to help out with dinner, since having a grumpy teen walking around like a raincloud didn’t make a very good company. Around half past five, when Ned was putting the salmon stew aside to cool off while enjoying Celtic Frost’s To Mega Therion, Billy came home from work, as always greeting his husband with a kiss in the hallway. Billy smelled from autumn and rain, fabric softener and weak cologne. ”How was your day, hon?” ”Good. Yers?” ”Some whiny customers and a cranky boss, otherwise fine. Close your eyes.” ”What are ye up to?” ”Just close your eyes.” Ned sighed but did as asked and heard the sound of wrapping tissue and something that probably was a small box falling to the floor. ”Oh, crap…” ”Can I look now?” ”Not yet.” His husband’s hands were gently removing his earring, tucking his long hair away and Ned smiled as a new jewellery took its place. He opened his eyes and turned to the old mirror above the dresser. The earring was in silver, just a little thicker than his old, with a black stripe in the middle. ”You like it?” ”Very much.” Ned turned around and gave his husband a long, soft kiss before looking at him with a slightly teasing eye. ”What’s the occasion?” ”Nothing, really. Just that I saw this downtown and came to think of you and since I love you so much… well I couldn’t resist buying it.” Billy blushed a little and Ned smiled, the feeling of being a useless da temporarily forgotten. ”Ye’re so sweet I’ll get cavities. Thanks, Billy, I love it.” A loud thump could be heard from upstairs and Ned rolled his eyes. ”And there’s one who doesn’t love me very much right now.” ”What did you do? Ask her to take the trash out or something else equal to slave labour?” Ned chuckled. ”Worse. I told her she couldn’t go to a late hockey game in London on Saturday, so apparently I suck.” ”She actually thought you’d agree with that? And she hates hockey.” ”But not one of the bucks who’re playing.” Billy snorted. ”Even better reason for her not to go. Wasting a whole night watching a game she hates just to look at a guy who probably can’t put three interesting sentences together without help.” ”Glad we’re on the same side, hon. Damn, I forgot the fish!” Ned hurried back to the kitchen, saving the stew from being burned. Billy lowered the volume on the stereo at the table and Ned stirred in the food. ”Don’t gimme me that look, Billy.” ”What look?” ”The one I know ye’re giving me back now. Celtic Frost is pure fucking quality.” ”It’s a bunch of depressed blokes in need of cough drops and hugs.” ”This is a groundbreaking Swiss classic, thank ye very much.” ”You’d let Rose go if this crap was playing, right?” Ned turned around, ladle risen and pointed at his husband. ”If this was playing in London, then I’d become fucking religious and camp outside their hotel, ’cause they quit in 2008 and I’ll always regret I never went to see them. Could ye be an angel and tell our daughter dinner’s ready?” Two minutes later, as Ned and Billy already sat down and Gwin had gotten a small piece of salmon as a treat, a very grumpy Roisin came down, sighing as she sat on her place. Billy rose his eyebrows. ”Hello, daddy. Hello, Roisin. How was school? It was good, I got a really good result on that history test.” Roisin suddenly looked nervous and bit her lip. Ned served her rice. ”Yeah, I forgot to ask ’bout that, sweetheart. But I assume, just as yer daddy, that ye studied hard as ye promised.” ”Yeah…” ”And? How did it go?” ”Uhm…” Roisin picked at her salmon, not meeting her daddies eyes and Billy cleared his throat. ”You’re not going to that hockey game no matter how that test went, just to make it clear.” ”You’re always agreeing with da.” Billy exchanged a look with his husband and Ned shrugged. ”Not on everything. For example, he doesn’t like Celtic Frost’s masterpiece from -85.” ”True. But you’re still not going to London on your own, Rose, and that’s final.” ”I’m not gonna be on my own!” Ned cleared his throat. ”How did that history test go?” ”Alright.” ”B plus, then?” ”Uhm…C…” ”C?” ”Minus…” Billy and Ned looked at each other and Ned sighed. ”Roisin Nour Haley, exactly how stupid do ye think yer parents are?” Billy poured himself more water. ”I’d say you’re grounded for at least two weeks.” ”Two weeks?! Da?” Ned just shook his head. ”Don’t look to me for support, kiddo. One more complain and I’ll make it three. Eat yer dinner and then ye’re getting started with homeworks. If ye want to go anywhere except school before Christmas, I suggest ye make some improvement in history class. Okay?” Roisin sighed, defeated. When Ned used that voice it was final and she knew it. ”Okay, da.” ”Good. Now, eat. I wanna have a look at that test later. And ye could just as well gimme yer phone right away.” Their daughter reluctantly handed over the phone and Ned locked it inside the medicine cupboard and put the key in his pocket. Roisin picked at her food, only to get a look from her da saying this was a really bad time to keep being rude and she finished quickly, asking to leave the table and Ned happily let her. Once she’d disappeared to her room, Ned shut his eyes and leaned back. ”Why does it feel like ye just sentenced us to two weeks of hell?” ”Because I did, and you agreed.” ”I did. And how are we to control that when we’re working?” Billy shrugged. ”I guess she has to come to your work.” ”Are ye fucking kidding me?” ”It’s a library. Can’t think of any other place better suited for studies.” ”So I’m gonna babysit our fifteen-year-old at work, take her home and then spend the whole evening watching her as well? Sorry, hon, but this seems like a punishment for me.” ”Not if I take the evening shift.” Ned folded his arms. ”Go on.” His husband scraped his plate clean and refilled his water glass. ”I’ll be at home every evening too, so you can have some time on your own. You’ve not been out much lately, hon, and you should take the opportunity to go to the cinemas or something. See friends.” Ned’s one seeing eye suddenly became very soft and he smiled. ”Ye’re willing to stay at home, forcing Roisin to learn years, wars and rulers every evening for two weeks and hear her complain so I can get an out of jail card?” Billy shrugged, suddenly blushing a little and he rose from the table to put his plate in the dishwasher. ”If anyone deserves it, it’s you. And if our daughter is smart, she realises sleeping in history class isn’t worth the trouble in the future. Besides, I really think you deserve some time on your own.” He folded his big arms around his husband, nuzzling the still sore neck and the earlobe where the new earring was attached. Ned leaned into the touch, suddenly realising how tired he was. After the assault, his body had never really learned to reckognize it’s signals like before and the collected pain and weariness usually struck when he relaxed enough to truly feel his body. It happened with irregular intervals so it was tricky to foresee it, which was one of the reasons he still needed a service dog. Billy nibbled for the earring once again and Ned smiled. ”No occasion, really? Ye just happened to see it?” ”Only reason I need to bring you a gift, is that I love you and you’re making me so happy by simply being you. You’re the best husband ever.” Ned hummed, the day’s tension bleeding off a little as he rested his head against Billy’s frame and he chuckled as Gwin came to nudge his calf. ”Best husband and worst da ever… Thank God, Gwin doesn’t speak English.”
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acoolguyscoollife · 5 years
Chapter 23: Tiki Trouble
Cool Guy
I watched as Rose jumped from tree to tree, practising her magic/energy stuff as she did so, happy to see how quickly she caught on. I’m sure a few hours ago she probably didn’t even know this was a possibility, and now here she was, skilled enough to catch herself if she came close to falling. It wasn’t much, sure, but it was definitely more than I could do. Her movements were shaky, but stable, where mine would just be shaky, and result in falling. It felt good to have another person I cared about so much be part of this new experience I had found, even if it now meant another person at risk of… whatever could happen, giant killer bugs or wild animals, or something. She jumped down in front of me, straightening herself up as she used a hand to wipe the sweat off her brow and brush her now-slightly untidy hair back behind her ears.
“Pretty good, huh?” Rose asked me, one side of her mouth turned upwards. “Turns out I remember more stuff I learned in PE than I thought.” She looked down at her hands, red palms from gripping the vines of the trees. It looked fairly painful, though if it was, she didn’t care. “So, what are we gonna do now? Hunt wildlife? Build a shack?” She raised an eyebrow suggestively. “A love shack, baby?” I outwardly groaned, remembering where I’d gotten my habit of making jokes involving song lyrics from.
“You need to be stopped from making jokes.” I said, staying on the rock I was sat on. We weren’t far from the clearing that we’d entered upon travelling to this world, and considering everyone ran off without even thinking about how we’d meet up, I had the feeling staying here would be a smart choice. This did however come with the caveat of having absolutely nothing to do. “You know, we could just relax for a bit. The group’s been on our feet for like… the better part of a few days, save for sleeping and eating. It’s really cool, but man, it’s tiring.” I admitted, and Rose sat down next to me, resting herself against me and putting her head on my shoulder.
“Yeah, I guess you didn’t really get a break when everyone else did, what with the whole… exercise thing.” She said playfully, causing me to forcefully exhale through my nose.
“Well, you’ve successfully managed to make me jealous of people who haven’t had sex, and I’m not sure whether that’s an achievement or not.” Rose hopped to her feet, holding my hand and attempting to pull me to my feet after I finished speaking, which I resisted.
“You can’t tell me you’re not excited though, can you?” She spun around, taking in everything around her. “I mean, come on, I’m full of energy just being here! Imagine all the cool shit we could find!” She came up close again, almost as if she was trying to use her mind to will me to my feet.
“I gotta say, I missed your particular brand of manic pixie dream girl, Rose.” I said, slowly standing up as she flipped me off.
“Hey, I’ve got depth like you wouldn’t believe. Any writer would be lucky to have me as their protagonist.” Rose said, in an alarming display of self-awareness. “In fact, you should write about me. Rose Kenton, the Slayer of Worlds.”
And now I see where the inspiration to write a chronicle of our lives came from.
Cool Guy
Hey, it was a fun idea.
“Okay maybe it would need some work to not feel dumb.” Rose admitted, and I just sighed, leading her back to the clearing. “Maybe something like Rose Kenton, the… I dunno, what would my descriptor be?” She asked me as I sat back down on another rock, meaning that overall nothing was achieved except for a change of scenery.
“How about Rose Kenton, the girl with a world-weary boyfriend?” I offered, but she was already lost in her own mind thinking of other things and didn’t acknowledge me, which gave me ample time to look around the area without worrying about her. The area was perfectly rounded, with two rocks parallel to each other and directly in the middle, which was definitely out of place in terms of what would have normally been found in a jungle. It looked more like an arena rather than a random clearing, but it was where we showed up. Despite knowing that the worlds we travelled to weren’t video games anymore, I still wondered what the context of an area like this would have been in a video game. An arena? A meeting point? Surely the others, who’d played the game, would have known more than I did, yet if it was anything noteworthy to them, they didn’t feel it was worth sharing with the less-knowledgeable people. God damn it, I was getting so bored out of my mind that I was seriously contemplating the purpose of a clear area and rocks. I was almost positive that I would have bashed my brains in with the exact rock that I was staring at, had Rose not let out a yell from my left. I immediately jumped up, almost relishing the chance to get to do something as I drew my sword, and quickly stopped as I realised what she was looking at. It was hard to say for certain what they were, but they were definitely small creatures, with wooden masks and spears. The stereotypical tiki people, I gathered from their looks, but then, they were definitely… odd. Some of them had spears, sure, but others wielded other weapons, like rocks, sticks, and a gun. That gun was definitely the one that stuck out like a sore thumb, as much dangerous as it was an anachronism. One of the tikis looked at another, babbling something in a language that I was unable to understand.
“Uhh… CG, I don’t really know how to function in a situation like this.” Rose said, mirroring my exact thoughts. “What are they?” She asked, glancing sideways towards me, not wanting to take her eyes off of them.
“I mean, they look like tiki people, right? Maybe that’s what they are.” I said, unsure of myself. One of the tikis looked at me and wiggled his head rapidly, causing jewellery on his mask to clink together.
“Yeah, okay, but you know that tiki culture isn’t really a jungle thing, right?” Rose said, still not taking her eyes off of them. “It’s a completely different thing… that I’ve forgotten entirely, but I know it’s not a jungle thing.”
“Right, well, don’t tell them that, because they look a little bit temperamental and I think the last thing we need is to be stabbed by pointy sticks.” I said, causing Rose to glance back at me again, as if she was about to say something, which was cut off by another yell from the tiki. This time, however, it was different, because I was actually able to understand it.
“Destroyer!” The main tiki said, pointing at me with a gnarled finger. “Destroyer enemy! Onbalow friend!” I went to say something, but then the words they used actually sunk in, and it hit me how odd it was.
“Well… shit me.” I said, more to myself than to anyone else. If nothing else, this race of creatures with strange weapons knowing about a fictional being from another dimension entirely was definitely weird. The tikis began to advance towards me, except for the gun one, who just aimed at me. “Wait, wait! I’m not the Destroyer! I’m friends with the Onbalow!” I yelled quickly, knowing that it was pretty much in vain. They definitely didn’t understand that much.
“Onbalow friend! Destroyer enemy!” The tikis yelled almost in unison, and I knew that if I didn’t do something soon, I’d be screwed.
“CG, what did you do to piss these guys off?” Rose asked, having stepped to the side as they continued to advance towards me, forcing me to begin taking steps backwards.
“For once in my life, I don’t know how I’ve made someone this angry!” I replied, still unsure whether or not I should try attacking or just continue to back away. “What do I do?” I asked desperately, even though if I continued to run, the only issue there would be that I was running away, not anything else.
“Uhh… put away your sword! Maybe that’s what they’re calling you the destroyer for!” Rose offered, and I listened to her, sheathing it and looking between the tikis in the hope that they would see it and react in some way. And react, they did.
“Haha! Scared Destroyer!” One of them yelled, clueing me in that it was definitely not the sword, and also hurting my dignity a little.
“What if they hate your leather jacket?” Rose said from the sidelines, and I sighed deeply, giving her a sideways glance as I took it off exasperatedly. Of all the things it wasn’t going to be, I had a feeling my jacket was high on the list.
“Alright then, I’ll just take everything off, maybe then they’ll piss off!” I said, before taking off my sunglasses, throwing them to the side, and beginning to take off my t-shirt. When I managed to pull my head through, throwing it behind me as I did so, I saw that the tikis had stopped advancing. Either I had confused them a lot by basically stripping half-naked, or Rose had been right somehow. The weapons began to lower, as one advanced a few steps further as if to take a look at me. There was a long, awkward silence, as I realised exactly how cold this jungle had been. The tiki at the front shook his head in the same way his friend had, causing all of them to do the same, making it sound as if I was in a very large man’s pocket with some loose change. Rose took this time to jog over to me, looking me up and down and then glancing at them.
“What’d you do?” She asked after a moment, looking at me again, as if I would magically have knowledge of what was going on in these little guys’ heads.
“Again, I have no idea. In fact, I’m starting to question a lot of stuff.” The tikis were still making noise, whooping and hollering as they seemed to inexplicably start partying in a show of very confusing happiness. “Why did they know about stuff from another game? And what were the chances that it’d be from a game that we’d already visited?” I made a mental note to ask Tabitha if there was some way that there could have been overlap from when we travelled here, flinching every so often as the tiki with the gun fired it into the air in celebration a few times.
“Do we really have the time to question that? You’re alive, so we should probably focus on that.” Rose bent over, grabbing my clothes and chucking them at me. “I have a feeling you’re probably safe to at least put a shirt on. As much as I like you, the glass cutters don’t really need to be on display right now.” I could feel myself blushing as I pulled my jacket back on, finishing with a flourish of my hand as I put my sunglasses back on.
“You saviour!” One of the tikis said to me, finally acknowledging me. “You come!” I glanced over to Rose, unsure if I should listen to the small man telling me to follow him.
“Well actually, I used to be, but-” I was able to get halfway through my dirty joke before Rose smacked me on the back of my head. “Okay, yeah, I’m coming.” A few moments passed as we begun walking, before I heard Rose giggle from behind me.
“Not the first time I’ve heard that today.”
While those two were flirting and having fun, I had set a jungle on fire.
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meagansometimes · 8 years
Questions and More Questions
84 Questions
Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs...1. 
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you? Right now I’ll say Tokyo and I’m not sure who I would take.
What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) Just a pen that’s write really smoothly.
Favourite month and why? I don’t have one.
Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them. I guess but not gonna write them out.
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. phone. pillow. blanket.
What brand logo is closest to you currently? don’t see any. maybe the HP on my laptop.
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites? not very often.
A musical artist you love that isn’t well known...so many. today I’m in love with Big Surr.
A musical artist you love that is well known. U2.
What is your desktop background currently? a picture of the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board building on a snowy day.
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them Indi. about her night last night and who knows what else.
First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow black.
What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in? no clocks...just my phone and laptop.
What kind of headphones do you use? pink ones.
What musical artists have you seen perform live? hundreds and hundreds.
Does virginity matter to you? not really?
What gaming consoles do you or your family own? none. well, I think I have super nintendo at my mom’s or grandparents’.
What pets do you have? What are their names? gypsy and jagger. both cats.
What’s the best job you’ve ever had? ugh. I don’t know. what I’m doing currently.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? verizon on the phones or dog walking.
What magazines do you read, if any? local ones.
Inspiration behind your URL? what you’re wearing in a dream state.
Inspiration behind your blog title? see above.
Favourite item of clothing? varies. right now my red, black, and white fuzzy jacket.
Are you friends with any exes? yes.
Name at least one book you loved as a child. the cay.
What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English) us english
What email service do you use? hotmail
Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in? paintings
What’s your favourite number, and why? 11. cause you make a wish a 11:11.
Earliest moment in your life you can remember? falling backwards off the porch swing at meme and doug’s house.
What did you have for dinner yesterday? a salad.
How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day.
What’s your favourite candy/chocolate? varies.
Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Do you have any other blogs currently? not on tumblr.
If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat? maybe a salad.
What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? none?
If you could study anything, what would it be? maybe folk studies or something.
Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) babylips 
How would you describe your sense of humour? okay?
What things annoy you more than anything else? this dog whining. 
What kind of position are you in at the moment? the bed is propped up and my legs are crossed.
Do you wear much jewellery? yes.
Who is the leader of your country, currently? Any other levels of government with leaders? (State, region, province, county, district, municipality, etc) stupid ass trump.
Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own not sure.
What do you carry your money in? my wallet.
Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not? sure.
Longest drive you have ever been on? 8-9 hours I guess.
Furthest away from home you have ever been? LA
How many times have you moved house?11, if you count all the times I moved to and from my dorm in college and moving as a kid that I don’t even remember.
What is on the floor of the room you’re currently in, not including furniture? nothing. can’t leave things on the floor here because Maybelle will steal them.
How many devices do you own which can access the internet? three.
Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? rainy days.
Is there anything that always makes you sad? sure.
What programs do you currently have open?spotify, google chrome.
What do you associate the colour red with? fire.
Last strong smell you can remember smelling? the homeless man in the gas station when i went in to get indi’s 5 hour energy
Last healthy thing you ate? chocolate chips
Do you drink tea or coffee, and how much per day? coffee. too much to tell anyone.
What do you associate the colour blue with? sky.
How long is the closest ruler you can find? don’t know of any rulers here.
What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing? multi-colored.
When was the last time you drank water? about 30 minutes ago.
How often do you clear your browser history? every few days
Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic? eh. kinda.
Ever written fanfiction for anything? when I was about 12.
Last formal event you attended. prom themed release party in january?
If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why? I’m not sure. November 11th maybe.
Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside? beach?
Roughly how many people live in your town? a lot.
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? just Cordelle from the Goodwill Outlet.
Favourite place to shop? Can be a certain store or a place where there are multiple stores the goodwill outlet or any thrift store.
Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one? yes. iphone 6 plus.
What is your least favourite colour, and why? I don’t know.
How do you spell grey/gray? gray.
Go to your dashboard and describe the image shown in the radar section (below the “Find blogs” link)no.
What difference is there between how many followers you have, and the number of blogs you follow? a lot.
How many posts do you have? 150 pages worth.
How many posts have you liked? I don’t know.
Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content? my own content.
Do you track any tags?no.
What time is it currently? 10:23 PM
Is there anything you should be doing right now? no.
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