#everyone in the team going to threathen him one by one
bugnoirelahiffe · 11 months
felix joining the team at the end of s5 has the same energy as loki with the avengers before he died
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ratcash-wasgud · 8 months
Desperately need more of that loser!Mizu content pookie,,,, 😔 have rebel!reader take her out to a party and Mizu being the most socially awkward dumbfuck
But watching reader get along so well with everyone else and dancing,,, need more girlfailure Mizu
・❥・Loser!Mizu Headcanons II・❥・
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part 1
Heyyyy lovelies!! I got so many positive feedback over the last one I cried a whole ass river. Which I'm really happy about since I lovelovelove this concept. This turned out to be less than a headcanons post, and leans more towards a fanfic territory, but whatervs.
Nsfw, minors dni plspls.
Okay, enjoy ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Mizu was never really a party-animal, which was weird to everyone since most people in basketball team were.
She listened to Taigen's stories about the ones he's been though, but it never really got her interested.
The music is always shit at parties too. She'd rather listen to her own playlists at home...or the playlists she made you and stare at the ceiling. Such fun.
She names them corny stuff like Sighs and Whispers.
Currently though, she is listening with wide eyes and lips pushed together as Taigen tells him about this new party he's planning on going. Why is it different than the other parties he brags about? This time, he heard you'll be there too.
She freaks out.
Still, Akemi encourages her to go, and when she says "Maybe you'll be lucky and get to dance with her" is when Mizu's head explodes.
Yeah, she's going to that party.
She need something to wear though. Something cool, something that screams "I can lift 165 pounds, I'd pay on all the dates and your mom would love me".
In the end though she settles on a graphic shirt, cargo shorts and her big ass shoes. Plus her usual shades as the finishing touch. It screams "I'm afraid to touch tits and I play minecraft unironically" instead of her goal, but whatever.
She needs to threathen herself in the mirror, have about three and a half breakdowns, throw her bag against the wall and scream into a pillow before she finally gets going with Taigen and Akemi, plus Ringo as the driver.
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The party is loud, the air smells like sweat, smoke and alcohol and the people here are annoying. Mizu has lost her friends like fifty minutes ago since she came back from the bathroom, and since then she has been lingering in a corner, sipping her beer awkwardly.
Why is it so damn hard to enjoy a party anyways? Better question, what is there to enjoy? The lights make her head ache, the alcohol is shitty, people keep throwing joint and cigarette buds on the floor and it's the third time the DJ's playing-
"Glow!!" She hears a familiar voice scream as the song by Snow Wife starts playing, and she finally notices you.
Her breathing stops alltogether, as she almost crushes the beer in her hand. There you are. The first thing she sees are heart shaped sunglasses covering your pretty, pretty eyes. You have a black cropped tube top on with a leather jacket covering your shoulders.
"Fuck me..." Mizu breathes out, and feels her insides tingle. She means it too. She can't tear her eyes away from you, and the way you chug your drink while dancing. There are people around you, mostly other women in revealing outfits, and one or two guys in slutty tanktops. She wants to sooo badly go over there, but her legs won't move. So instead she does the next best thing. She just watches you dance around, and move yourself to the beat. Your body bounces. Jesus, it fucking bounces. Mizu almost throws up. She agressivley chugs down the rest of her drink and heads to the bathroom.
She stands before the mirror for a couple minutes after washing her face with ice cold tap water. "Fucking pussy." She murmurs as she looks at herself in the reflecting surface. "Why can't I just talk to her?" She says, putting her palms on her face, pulling the skin down. "Why was it so fucking easy to talk to her when we first met? 'Bout fucking bugs and shit... And why is to so damn scary now? It's just her! Her and her...fuckin' tits bouncing, and her collarbones, and she's probably sweaty and..." She starts murmuring to herself, feeling the familiar feeling of arousal hit her system. She splashes her face with water again, and marches out of the bathroom.
When she returns to the main area, she doesn't see you anywhere. Fuck! Is it over? Just like that? Did you leave with someone? Ugh.
Suddenly, Akemi appears next to Mizu, and starts dragging her to somehwere. "Mizu! Come, come! I was like, literally looking around for you for the last likkke...two songs. Totally! I was like "woah, she must've gotten lost" or like something." She says, clearly under the infulence of something plus alcohol. Mizu just groans in an annoyed way as she gets dragged into a room that definetly smells like weed.
Mizu starts grumbling until she spots you. You're sitting there, on the couch, laughing with Taigen and one of his asshole friends. "Mizu!" Taigen grins when she spots her. It's his usual shiteating, smug grin. "I though you went home or something." Akemi sits down on the couch too, dragging her along.
"Shut up." Mizu rolls her eyes as she flops down, being the most grateful woman ever, since her shades hide that she is literally staring at your lips as you put a blunt between them. She then makes eyecontact with you (or she assumes, since you're both wearing sunglasses), and you offer her the blunt with a small, rapsy chuckle.
She never tried weed before...but the aftertaste of you lips are on that thing, so she takes it withouth hesitation. It burns her throat as she inhales, but she keeps a straight face in order to stay nonchalant. But it's so, so hard. She almost squirms around on the couch when your fingers brush against hers as she passes you back the blunt.
"Soooo Mizu," You send a grin her way as you sit down on the armrest, right next to her. You ass is almost touching her arm. "I've never seen you at a party before. I'm glad you're here now though." You giggle.
She desperately wants to say "I only came now because of you!" but she restrains herself. "Uhhh, by the waaay, Mizu!" Akemi starts again, excitedly bouncing next to her. "D'ya know who I saw? Mikio! He's here too." She says with a tone that is supposed to be teasing, but to Mizu it's fucking annoying.
Mikio?! Mikio. Is she fucking serious? The one ex Mizu has, and never wants to fucking see again, is here?
"Whaaa? You guys know Mikio?" You join in, leaning over the back of the couch, arching on the arm rest. "Yah." Akemi responds casually. Don't say it. Don't you fucking say it. "He's Mizu's ex." Fuck.
Mizu sees you process the information, then you let out a deep, throathy laugh. "Are you fucking serious? Haa!" Akemi joins in the giggling too. "Yep. Mizu dated him when she was like...a senior in highschool I think. They were kinda cute though~"
Mizu wants the ground to swallow her whole. Here she is, with the woman she loves and her annyoing ass high friend, talking about her ex, who basically ruined her when they dated. She didn't even like him, it was all comphet, but when he broke up with her, she turned into a beast for weeks, snapping at anyone who she saw.
"Damn. I didn't know Mizu was into guys." You say, and it makes Mizu's blood stop flowing in her veins. Shit shit shit! Do you think she's straight now? Is she losing her already non existent chance?
"Uh, no, I-" Mizu starts but Akemi cuts her off. "Oh, she was very different back then! She was all girly, look, I think I have a picture." Akemi says and digs out her phone. "Wait, n-no-" Mizu beginst to protest but gets cut off by Akemi again. "Here, look! This was at one of their cute lil' picnics under some apple tree or some shit." Akemi shoves her phone in your face, and you lift your heart shaped sunglasses to see it better.
"Holy shit..." You say, as if in shock. "Mizu, is that really you?" You say, eyes wide in surprise and your eyebrows lifted as high as they can go.
"I uh..." Mizu's cheeks burn in shame. She knows that picture. It was taken a couple days before the brutal breakup. She really was different back then. She wore her hair in a high pony, and loved off the shoulder shirts. She hated herself so much back then. She teared up a little, but she was, again, the world's most grateful woman that she decied to wear her shades.
But you weren't stupid. "Akemi, here." You tossed her your phone as you stood up, knowing the girl's first insticnt will be to start taking goofy pictures at a 90 degree angle. She loves leaving those around in other people's phones. You then look at her, and quickly slide down her shades, discovering her tears. "H-hey, give that-" Mizu starts protesting, but it was too late. You were looking into her teary eyes. Before she could react, you place your own heart shaped ones on her face, and put hers on yours. Then with that, you lift the now barely lit blunt and start walking out. "Mizu's coming with me to check on the other's." You say casually, as if to Akemi and the other's who aren't paying attention, but really, it's to her. Mizu follows you outside, and you lead her to a small balcony. The cold air hits her, making her nose turn red right away. You chuckle and inhale a hit from the blunt.
"Needed some fresh air." You murmur and hold the blunt out for her. Mizu feels her heart throb. Did you really just notice her discomfort and pull her out of there? Oh God. It's just like back then...you're acting like you guys known eachother since forever, and she loves it. She slowly takes the blunt, but just looks at it first.
You chuckle. "You don't have to." You say with a grin but Mizu just shrugs and takes a hit. "Thanks." She whispers and you shoot her a smile. Not a grin, or a smirk. A smile.
"If you don't like places like this, why are you here?" You ask. "Because it's obvious you don't. Did Akemi drag you along?" Is Mizu that transparent? Or can you just read people? Well, whatever it is, Mizu feels oddly vulnerable.
A long silence.
"I wanted to see you." She murmurs, letting the ash fall from the blunt. Your eyebrows lift up, and you cock your head to the side.
"Yeah." Mizu takes another hit, feeling her insides getting slowly relaxed and passes you back the blunt.
"Hm." You hum. "Why me?" You ask, your tone calm. It still has that usual raspy edge to it, but it's so...soothing. Mizu can't help but wish you'd wisper in her ear.
"I..." Mizu needs to take a deep breath. Fhuuuck it's hard to talk about feelings. "Re...remember when we met at the aquarium?"
"Yep...it was cool. Nobody listens to me ramble about bugs that much." You chuckle, trying to ease the vibes.
"I fell in love with you that day. I..I think, at least." Mizu blurts out, imidiately feeling her whole face burn up. "B-Before you say anything though, I don't expect you to like me back. I don't expect anything. I-I just wanted you to know, beca-" She starts rambling, her voice all shaky, but she suddenly gets caught off by you laughing out loud.
"Jesus, that's such a fucking cute thing to say." You say, slowly pushing her shades up your head, into your hair. "Color me wooed." You say, putting on an amused grin.
Mizu just blinks rapidly, her cheeks turning all the shades of red and crimson. Did...did that really work? How? "I...really?" She manages to croak out.
"Yup." You say, slowly stepping closer. "So what's next, hm? Now that you can expect stuff?"
Mizu can feel her insides shaking. Oh my God. You...you are flirting with her. You. The one who had her in a chokehold for months, the one who was the only one who Mizu could think about while touching herself, the one, single coolest woman ever...
"C-Can I...uh...kiss you?" Mizu asks carefully, and you, instead of an answer, slowly wrap her arms around her slender neck, pulling her down to your level, making her bend over.
"Guess." Fuck. You're so goddamn hot. Mizu decides to don't give a shit about her nerves, and just kisses you. It's an urgent, sloppy and akward kiss, with your teeth clanking sometimes, and she feeling out of rhythm. But it's okay. You still enjoy it. Why? Because she's so cute. Endearing even. The way her lips cling to you, as if you're her salvation, the way her hands depserately grasp at your hips...you feel like getting lost in it. Slowly, she pushed you down, hiding the both of you behind the railing.
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"L-Let me...please let me..." Mizu muttered in a breahty, depserate whisper, her long fingers slowly curling around your right breast. Oh, it was so soft, You put a hand on her cheek, caressing it with a smile, and her eyes shined with the now given green light. She yanked down your tupe top, revealing your strapless bra which she got rid of too.
She got mesmerized by the sight of your bare boobs, perky nipples staning proud, as she ran her finger's along it's curve. She imagined them so many times, but they're somehow so much better in reality. Her lips latched around one of the nipples, almost moaning at the feeling of the hard bud agaist her tongue. She started swirling her tongue around it like her life depended on it. Her head was reeling, taking a pause to take your sunglasses off her face, and putting it on the gorund, then getting right back to work. Your soft little sighs, the way your fingers toyed with the loose strands of hair falling out from her bun...it made her soaked already.
"Hah...that's a good girl." You murmur and Mizu can physically feel her slick drip out of her. She can't take it anymore. She let's her hands grip your belt, and they start to unbuckle it.
When she finally manages to slide down your pants, she's met with...cute little panties. Such a contrast to your outfit, but she loves it. She's the only one who knows what kind of panties you're wearing tonight. She starts sliding her fingers up and down your folds through the clotch, as if teasing you, but in reality, Mizu's teasing herself. She can feel the material get more and more wet the more she rubs it. You're body is responding to her...it's aware she's there, and it's aware that she's trying to turn you on.
She lifts her head, fingers hooking the band of your panties. "Please...c-can I just...you know..." Mizu murmurs, but you stop her, putting a hand on her wrist.
"Say it clearly, and I'll let you." You say, her voice low and raspy. It makes Mizu's clit throb. "Otherwise no."
She gulps and licks drool from her lips. "Can I...please, just...taste you? To...eat you out." She croacks out, not even believeing she said that to you, but you just give her a smile in return. You slowly push her down, so that she's laying on the floor, her back hitting the tiles of the balcony. You straddle her chest, and Mizu watches with wide eyes and a baited breath as you slide your panties to the side, revealing your folds and their...their beautiful color, scent and let your slick drip down to her neck.
"Here you go...all for you." You whisper as you lower yourself onto her lips. Her lips lock on your flesh, her hands wrapping around thighs depserately. She quietly moans into your heat, having the time of her life. Oh, you taste so good...and she can feel your juices drip down her throat. The way you keep slowly grinding into her makes her hips buck againts nothing. You notice that though, and lean back onto your hands, and put one of them on her crotch.
You're touching her. You're actually touching her. Mizu feels like she could cum just from this. She keeps lapping at you like a starved woman, legs spreading as if on command as you hand snakes inside her pants. She starts whimpering into your entrance, her tongue pushing inside as you play directly with her clit. It throbs for you, and only for you as your soft fingers circle around, and on it.
"tastes 'sgoood...please fuck me...fuck 'm, please." Mizu keeps mumbling and whimpering against your pussy, pushing her whole face into it, as she pulls you lower, as if she wants to burry and hide in it. You grin, as you slip one gentle finger inside her. You're actually inside her. Fuck, the love of her life is inside her, as her juices drip down her throat, deep into her system.
"Yeah, mhm...good girl." You say breathlessly, slowly pumping two fingers inside her, as you approach her climax. Even if she never done this before, she's very good at eating pussy it seems. You move your fingers faster, curling your fingers, and as Mizu's moans get louder, you push harder against her, muffling her, since there are people on the other side of the door. "Sh...ssh, come on...cum for me." You say, as you feel yourself tipping over the edge.
You don't have to ask twice though, because just from the way you whisper to her, orgasm crashes over Mizu's whole nervous system. She squirms under you, until you slowly pull your finegr out of her.
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After going back to the rest of the group, Mizu needs to pretend like she didn't just fuck the girl of her dreams, since that would've made it akward. So she sits down on the couch once again, and keeps quiet, watching you interact with the people around, like you're some magical creature, mesmerizing her.
After Ringo calls her up, tellig her that he's there to pick them up, Mizu collects Akemi and Taigen, and stuffs them inside Ringo's car. You walk her out though, and cheekily press a kiss on her neck before you wave goodbye.
Moments after Mizu gets home, she locks the door behind herself, and lets out the loudest scream ever. A victory scream, if you will.
Right before she gets into the shower, her phone buzzes with a notification. It's from you.
"hey. i had a good time."
"i'm gonna be at the aquarium tomorrow btw."
Mizu blinks at the texts. Did she just get invited to a date? Uh, fuck yeah!
"can't wait."
She texts back, and later that night, she can't help but play the image of what you did with her on that balcony. Her heat aches again, and she can't help but touch herself. But something changed.
It doesn't feel as good anymore...she wants your touch again. She got a small taste of Heaven, and she needs more. She can't wait until the date.
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rjschoicesstuff · 2 months
Ripley used to get bullied at her old school, like she had friends and also people she knew from her sports team that she got along with well. And due to that she definitely wouldn't say she had a bad time there or that she was happy to leave, like the bullies were more like 'shit stains on a nice wall'. She wishes her school had done more about it though, because she wasn't the only person who was targeted by the same group of people who'd just pick on anyone that stood out to them due to being different, basically.
She's like both excited and terrified of going to a new school, mostly terrified because she's like 'okay it's your senior year, everyone has their groups and you're gonna have to try real hard if you want to be included because it's not like anyone will notice you and think 'wow I wanna get to know the new girl'.
She's so happy when Gabriela just right away takes her under her wing and immediately just feels very confident like okay this is gonna be fine actually nvm. 😎👍 Thank u @ whatever higher power sent this angel.
Due to her experiences with being bullied she definitely has a tendency to angrily lash out when she feels like someone is threathening her + quickly feels like people are out to get her anyway. She threathens Cas with a silver cross multiple times and even threathens to kill him. Though he just thinks it's funny because she can't do shit, because she'd get in trouble with the covens again if she hurt him. Or if they found out at all that she's looking into ways to kill vampires. But that's also one of the things that intrigue him a lot about her, I imagine.
One specific instance where things escalated regarding the bullying was when one girl was messing with her, and at some point gave her a push because she got annoyed with Ripley ignoring her. Something inside her snapped due to being touched and a second later she's fighting her. Ripley got out of this unharmed, she's stronger than she looks lol. But after school the whole group waited for her on her route home to 'put her in her place'. Ripley is pretty open about her past but this instance she'd have a harder time talking about because she's embarassed about it, even if one person can't do much against a group of five, with two people holding you back. I think the whole situation with the vampires also jsut really brings back those feelings of being powerless, once she's been turned she also needs a while to forget about that, though she realises it's mostly just those in power that treated her that way.
I do think after the first time she really fought back most of her bullies would at least leave her alone whenever they didn't have friends with them. In a way it comforted her to know they were scared to be alone with her.
Artwork of the latter situation, I modeled the bully after my worst bully from highschool LOL
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At first I ws gonna make one of the bullies be someone she used to be friends with, because projection + kinda healing to write about I guess, but then Cas' backstory was revealed and I was like nvm that's too similar.
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otame · 2 years
Ina11Go Headcanons(trauma edition)
(Trigger Warning, proceed with caution)
(For my Ina11Go Eldritch Raimon Chronicles AU)
•Everyone in Raimon(Go) suffers from PTSD, due to their traumas.
>Tenma walked home to see his mother's dead body, a shot gun in her chest, and his father holding a pistol. Later, he was fortunately arrested, and Tenma ended up in an orphanage that he escaped from.
>Shindou's parents always force him to be this perfect boy, you know what I mean. And they always tell him to stop being a crybaby, it does him no good.
>Tsurugi was raped three times by his aunt, while his parents were abroad for Yuuichi's surgery. After his aunt was arrested, two years later, his parents manipulated and gaslighted him to join Fifth Sector, because of his selflessness to help his brother.
>Shinsuke's parents died in a car accident on his 4th birthday, and he barely managed to make it out alive. His extended family couldn't accept that he lived and his parents didn't, so they always ridiculed him, called him a demon, and always pester him with "I wish you died instead!" or "I wish you're not born!" And it exhausts him.
>Kirino's mother forces her to be a boy, because her mother wanted one, but Kirino was born female. The 2nd year didn't want to, but was threathened by being sold off to some old man if she didn't comply. Kirino secretly wears dresses to comfort herself.
>Aoi was handed over and over to different families, causing her to lose hope in finding a family who'll keep her out of sheer love. So whenever she finds a new friend, she'll be possessive over them, and this typically ends in her friend leaving her because they think she's creepy, when actually she's just scared that they'll get tired of her, so she tries to force this good girl look as much as possible so that her friends won't leave her.
>Hikaru has a lot of issues about himself, mainly because of his last name, or people making him his uncle in their eyes. Even his parents were mad, and they almost killed Hikaru, when they saw him play with a soccer ball. Fortunately, they were arrested, and he ends up in Sun Garden. This was before he moved into Raimon College(my AU's replacement for Raimon Junior High).
>We all know how Kariya ended up being the doubtful, sly prankster he is, but like Aoi, he has his own possessive edge as well. He won't let anybody ruin his family, or take them away from him, by pulling major pranks. Its one of the few times where they can't suspect it's him, because they 'knew' he can't bring his pranks that far.
>Kurama's parents divorced in his first year, mainly because of financial issues, and his father being a drunkard and a womanizer. He stayed in his mother's custody, who wasn't any better; she neglects him, and he often ends up having to cook and feed for himself. He didn't take the whole thing well, and he's actually scared that his friends will leave him if they learn that about him. So, like Aoi and Kariya, he has a possessive edge on his team. He's actually the only one who knows about Kariya's possessive edge, which is why they help each other in shooing or scaring away anyone they deem as a threat to their family.
>Hamano, despite being cheerful and optimistic, is actually nearing suicidal, because of his parents constant fighting and arguing, ending in him being neglected, not cared for, and like Kurama, couln't admit it to his friends, because he didn't want them to treat him any different from how they treat him. He almost suceeded, if it wasn't for another voice nagging him to stay because of Hayami, the one person he's in love with.
>Who, by the way, has anxiety issues, and self esteem issues. Mainly because of his grandparents treating him like a mistake, eversince his parents died due to cancer, and no one would work for money anymore. He was also raped by his cousin, but no one would belive him.
>Midori has anger issues, but that's because of her going into fight or flight mode back then, due to her mother using almost all of the money their father sent from abroad, who died two years ago due to a plane crash, on his way back home. Her mother uses the money on gambling, drinking, and the likes. This causes her to constantly try to knock some sense into her mother, which end up in fist fights, and Midori always wins. Eversince then, her mother ignores her, but does stop the addiction. But Midori knows otherwise;her mother didn't stop.
>Akane's parents always gaslight and ridicule her, saying that she's nothing, she's a mistake, and that she'll never be anything. Well, it's the mother's fault, since she cheated on her husband, and gained unconsented custody of Akane, and moved in with her new boyfriend, who didn't treat her any better. Eversince then, she'd hide her troubles under the gist of her staring, or air-headedness, when it's her actually trying to think of ways to run away, or ask for help.
>Ichino and Aoyama are both staying at Sun Garden, mainly because both of them have abusive parents who use them as punching bags. Aoyama, to be exact, almost commited suicide too, but Ichino caught him in time, and begged him to not go. He didn't let go of Aoyama the whole night, because he had enough of people he loved in his life dying, after his older sister died in a kidnapping, and his younger brother dying of stillbirth.
>Sangoku would always defend his mother from his abusive father, and this ends up in him getting bruises and cuts all over him from being thrown by beer bottles. His father fortunately got arrested, and his mother got a fair salary job, but he sometimes still gets nightmares abour his father's abuse.
>Kurumada's father was widowed, due to his wife dying of tuberculosis. It was Kurumada's breaking point, because he lost his little sister Chichi just two weeks ago before his mother's death. Eversince then, he too, has developed a possessive edge to the team, though not as worse as Aoi's or Kurama's.
>Amagi has been abandoned by his birth parents, so he ends up in his uncle's care, who treated him like a slave, but was saved by his secretly wealthy aunt, who was like his actual mother to him. His birth parents try to convince him to come home or steal money from his aunt, but he declined and shut them off from his life. However, there was a time where he was almost kidnapped by human traffickers, but fortunately, he was saved by his aunt and the police. Turns out, his parents sold him to some shady guy, and was now getting killed for not meeting their end of the deal. He could care less now about then though. However, when Mahoro stopped being his friend, he was still getting over his aunt's death, due to saving him from getting kidnapped again. Right now, he's still planning on trying to get into Sun Garden.
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theomnicode · 2 years
My crazy OPM predictions Masterlist mostly past WC timeline:
Genos core will fuse with his old core/Genos ditches his old core in favour of the one Saitama brings back later
Genos helps Saitama locate his cactus and saitama fishes it out of the sea
Genos won't get multiple cores, he will use the one shiny new core to go Megaman mode
Genos core is imbued with divine energy
Genos and Kuseno get weird readings out of the core
Saitama dreams about what happened
Saitama's dream might be abstract and not a complete rendition of what happened; drowning, throwing away genos core in his hand and killing garou
Core is now a gateway to flow of all energies of the universe
Saitama gets emotional counsel from King
Genos does not like how Saitama keeps monsters as pets
Sonic finds some proof about Divine powers existing in Saitama
Genos at some point goes insane from the influence of divine energy the more he uses his new core and Kuseno dying is one of the catalysts
They accidentally travel back in time because of Saitama's emotional upsurge
Boris gets retconned out of the existence again by this time travel
Genos is revealed to be Mad cyborg and he razes everything to the ground
Saitama vs Mad Cyborg Genos
Saitama has to stop him by plunging his hand in and take out Genos core ala Garou to stop the divine power influencing him
The emotional upsurge of empathy and grief from Saitama is enough to resurrect everyone (if they died)
Kuseno sees everything that happens and as guilty as it makes him, he takes care of young Genos, for better or for the worse, to avoid a time paradox
We get to see Genos' family and young human Genos and maybe even learn his original name
Genos earrings are a memory bank in case Kuseno died to explain everything
Genos wants to self-destruct, but finds he cannot. The core is too strong to self-destruct. Saitama takes care of Genos as Kuseno has requested him to do.
Saitama and Genos patch up and Saitama asks Genos to move back to his apartment
Saitama gets fired from HA because of Blast's interjection that he's too dangerous/keeping monsters as pets
Blast and his Team arrive at some point and clash with Saitama & Team because Saitama is dangerous now.
Saitama's team consists of Genos, Fubuki, Garou and Flash. To symbolize azure dragon, vermillion bird, black tortoise and white tiger and yellow dragon in the middle.
Blast and team delve further into the concept of divine powers in the series. Saitama has solar power, Blast has gravity.
Breaking the limiter means knowing the flow of all energies in the universe because the person's inner universe is now THE universe
Blast has also broken his limiter and wears armor as artificial limiter.
Blasts teammates include ZombieMan and Saitama from the botched alternate timeline
He removes the limiter and becomes embodiment of Black hole, fights Saitama and is either immune to his divine powers or counters it in ways, just like how light cannot escape irl black holes, not even Saitama can escape the effects.
Blast at full strenght can manipulate reality, he's actually fucking strong holy shit. Because he can distort space and time itself. Einstein's theory of gravity and stuff.
Saitama is shackled or restrained somehow and his divine power nullified. He's suddenly powerless.
Blast and team attempt to remove Saitama from Earth, forcibly if he resists.
Saitama's feels cornered and shuts down when threathened with isolation and incapability of protecting his closest people, so he has a panic attack and the super-ego takes over and attempts to smite Blast and his team. Mob psycho 100 Saitama moment vr.2
Saitama displays the powers of his psyche further and shit gets really crazy
Out of body experience
Genos tries to sacrifice himself for Saitama
Genos pulls Saitama back to his senses
Genos dies to Saitama's uncontrollable divine energy
Saitama weeps and resurrects him with his divine powers
Blast and his team opinion about Saitama changes and Blast offers training to get his emotional control over his powers to actual acceptable levels
Saitama learns new Killer move
Blast recruits Saitama to fight God
Sun blade, Moon blade, God's cubes and Mirror (Yata no Kagami reference) are all revealed to have divine imbuements and represent different aspects of god's powers
Shit hits the fan and it's realised that God has been feeding on divine energy this entire time to break out. 6 months is up
Monsters are attracted to Saitama and King because of divine power
Saitama inadverently helps/helped god break out of his dimensional seal.
Either King or Genos or both perform Serious Punch legitimately at some point and Saitama's jaw drops
Saitama realises King can legitimately channel his powers
Saitama uses his new Killer move against God
God answers by getting exponentially stronger and pulls uno reverse card
God One Punches Saitama out of existence
Saitama wills himself back into existence as he has found the meaning for his existence
Saitama self-actualizes his true calling as protector of Earth
A lot of large scale fighting montage
Saitama bodily protects everyone else like he protected Fubuki from Genos and Sonic skirmish
God attempts to take control of Saitama's psyche
Mindscape stuff happens and Saitama is naked again
How Saitama's limiter got broken originally is revealed
God's true motives and identity is revealed
Saitama transcends and saves himself and God from it's empty existence and they lose their powers and Saitama gets his hair back
Happy domesticity
Genos confesses his feelings to Saitama, Saitama is shocked
Ambiguous ending
Misc: Saitama gets comically hurt by a cute thing in omake again
Edit: Divine energy confirmed yasss
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angelbytz · 3 years
Dream SMP AU pt.3
Dream SMP Miraculous crossover pt.3. Read pt.1 for Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, Ranboo, Techno and Philza. Read pt.2 for Fundy, Niki, Quackity, Karl, Sapnap, Badboyhalo and Skeppy.
Dream: Listen, we’ve all seen the villain Dream fanfics but I don’t want it. I just want all the Dream SMP members fighting against one big bad. But if you want you can give Dream the butterfly miraculous instead, but in my version Dream is the dragon hero Tuatara. He is very nonchalant and laid-back but likes to tease the other heroes, especial Maine Coon or Qinling. Besides that, he is usually quiet and takes orders very well and calmly has his own inputs. Very non-confrontational and steps in during arguments to mediate the situation. He makes a lot of jokes but never actually laughs (his wheeze is too recognizable) and is known for having a very calming smile. He never actually panics in a life or death situation unless it’s someone else in danger. And If you want he can be very flirty with...
George: After receiving a miraculous, George decides to fit the role and become more confident, assertive and amicable. The holder of the cow miraculous and the hero Rathi (you can change these names, they really suck). Rarely makes an appearance but when he does he’s with Tuatara. Rathi and Tuatara are a great duo and are very popular among fans and at every interview they get asked about their relationship status. Rathi is a very confident and extroverted hero and one of the most serious out of the bunch. Gets along very well with other heroes, civilians and the media. He is a very easy person to work with and a nice person in general. At times he doesn’t think things though and makes stupid decisions. He can also pretty lazy and when he’s tired he gets grumpy and only Tuatara can talk to him. And he’d be pissed at...
Schlatt: Finally, we have our villain. This one is pretty much up to you as regards motivation and story. He can be a threathening villain like Dream Smp or not like every other SMP. The only thing that is definate is that Schlatt is Tubbo’s brother. Schlatt is the butterfly villain Hawkmoth who uses peoples negative emotions to turn them into supervillains. I would love a redemption arc where Schlatt gives up the butterfly miraculous but a new villain wielding the peacock miraculous steals it. Badboyhalo feels that he has been redeemed and gives him the goat miraculous. The redeemed villain now called Kiko acts the same as when he was a villain minus the immoral stuff. I like Schlatt and Tubbo superhero brotherly duo (can you tell I prefer Brother Schlatt over Dad Schlatt?) and this duo and the main duo would make a really good team. But if you want you can keep him as the big bad. Morally questionable like...
Jack: The holder of the dog miraculous (idk man, you can change the animal). This hero is the most conflicted. On one hand, he could be a cool and calm hero or a rebelious anti-hero. In the end, he chooses both. The hero Jack Russell (I really like this name because it’s so stupid) is an easy-going, relaxed and carefree anarchist. He always has a casual and unconcerned demeanor and at the opportunity he will absolutely will set something on fire. The most morally grey out of all the characters. If he sees something that will make everyone elses lives more difficult he will do it. He is also really smart and is always scheming against the villain with elaborate, non-sensical and overly-complicated plans. Somehow, no one sees past his dumb, lazy and obvious name because everyone is stupid with bits like ‘I’m not talking about Jack, I’m talking about Jack’. Chaotic besties with Chimera in costume and Niki out of costume. The bane of the next hero’s existence...
Sam: He sees a bunch of child superheroes and vows to fight anyone who threathens them. Razorback the hero of the turtle miraculous and is the defender of the young heroes. Badass father figure number two. While Rook is more passive, Razorback is very clear that anyone fucks with the young heroes will have to get through him. Some of the older teens gave him the nickname ‘The Warden’ because of this. He gets along very well with Rook and are two thirds of the co-parenting group. Very protective of Maine Coon and Bumble both of whom hate how he always worries about them. Basically, Sam is the onlty sane person and the only one concerned about the discovery that most of the heroes are children.
Ponk: Kinda want to go the angsty route and have Ponk lose an arm to a villain attack (post Schlatt), recover and despite everything, earn the rooster miraculous. A determained hero who is a strong believer in justice and not seeks revenge. Probably the most honourable and admirable hero. Ponk wanted a chance to fight for the right thing and was given the chance. Selkie in the most inspirationally hero, commonly appearing on interviews and going to events for motivational speechs. Because everyone is stupid, no one connects Ponk and Selkie even though they experienced the exact same thing.
Next post will feature:
Punz & Purpled
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ceradenja · 3 years
Magolor backstory
Heads up I'm very much pulling stuff out of my hat, it's just how I've filled the gaps and put the pieces together. Also contains Taranzolor a little at the end.
Halcandra starts off as a mostly volcanic area. The largest civilization are knowns as Halcandrans, a highly magical species. The biggest cities reside in Egg Engines, which isn't nearly as highly-mechanized as it is nowdays. A lot of the mechanics work off of Magic.
Magolor is born around 15 years before the events of RTDL. He's a feisty little kid, with a competitive attitude and a love for pranks. He's not a bad kid, though he is a bit of a compulsive liar in order to protect himself.
Some time after, Haltmann Works Company begin the Mechanizing Occupation Project. They work slow at first, due to the extreme heat of Halcandra, so they make false promises and keep on the good side of the Halcandrans. The project divides the people in two groups; those who welcome the mechanizing and those who do not. Magolor grows up to be very interested in science and mechanics, hence gaining knowledge of ancient mechanical artifacts and how to work them. One day he meets a traveler from afar. The jester introduces himself as Marx, and Magolor is very intriqued by his stories about Dreamland, and Kirby. He decides he wants to meet Kirby someday. Marx departs, hoping that they could meet again some day.
Eventually as HWC adapts their hardware to the climate, they ramp up the mechanization. Now threathening the dwindling amount of defiant Halcandrans to comply with their wishes or be mechanized themselves. Magolor, thrown into his studies learns to distrust the company and wants them to stop what they're doing to his planet. He is frustrated that their "so called Guardian" Landia isn't doing anything to stop the invaders, so he conjures up his own plan.
He steals the ancient warship Lor Starcutter he'd always admired, and readies it against Landia to obtain the Master Crown for himself. He hopes that with it's power, he can drive away HWC from his planet and return things to how they used to be. Things don't turn out how he'd like them to, and Landia swiftly shoots down the ship. Magolor makes his escape into Dreamland, and quickly spins Kirby a story about the "evil dragon". He had a plan to escape into Dreamland if things turned south, but hadn't prepared to recruit the help of Kirby and his friends. His words surprise even himself. He doesn't know it yet, but the Master Crown has imprinted it's call onto him. Driving him towards itself, and slowly corrupting his drive.
Meanwhile on Halcandra Landia, now awake and furious, drives not only the invading HWC from the planet but also the Halcandrans due to one of them daring to defy her authority. After her rampage, Halcandra is left in it's current state. Halfway between mechanized and natural and mostly deserted.
Once Magolor returns to Halcandra with Kirby and co. in tow, he is faced with a far more quiet planet than before. He stays back in in the Starcutter, not only for fear of Landia, but also to reflect. Coming so much closer to the Crown makes it wrap it's hold tighter onto him. He wants revenge. Landia has destroyed his home, and evicted his people. This wouldn't have happened if he had the Crown. He could have saved Halcandra. If he was in power nothing like this would have happened here. So he urges Kirby to continue on. Defeat Landia, get the Crown.
Landia is beat and Magolor obtains the crown, which further twists his intentions. Fueled by his loss of his people and his home, he claims ownership over everything. The Master Crown's explosive power transforms his body to resemble what an old, powerful and awakened Halcandran would look like.
After failing to take Kirby down with the Starcutter, he fights Kirby himself. After one final blow, he falls unconcious. The Master Crown finally takes full control. It digs it's claws further into his head and transforms him into it's own twisted image. Kirby fights once more, and the crown's power is neutralized, for now. Magolor is shifted back into his usual self, before the crown seemingly breaks.
He is teleported into the Lor Starcutter, who has taken control of herself, and is saved from the collapsing dimension. He remains unconsious for days, the Crown having drained all magic from his body. Once he wakes, he can do nothing more than speak. Even moving his hands uses magical energy, so he rests, shifting between unnerving sleep and wakefulness. Lor lectures him over his terrible desicions, but also offers sympathy. She knows about the Crown's terrible power and knows that while Magolor made the initial reach for it, allowing it to corrupt his mind, he was powerless to stop himself once the Crown's seed was implanted. Magolor realizes that it's his actions that drove his people off Halcandra, and expresses remorse. Lor explains that she's had sentience since the beginning, but hasn't spoken to him previously because she was watching his actions. She decided that while taking matters into his own hands was foolish and selfish, his original intentions were not evil. Thus, she decided to save him and see whether he'd learned his lesson.
Magolor took time to recover, both physically and mentally. He is left with distinct scars on his head from where the crown dug into him. He is also plagued by nightmares of the crown's vision of him and what he's caused. During this time, he also builds his bond with Lor Starcutter and gains her trust.
Once Lor Starcutter deems him ready, she pushes him to go and apologize to everyone his actions had affected. Starting with Landia herself. Magolor is anxious to do so, but Lor lets him know that Landia knows they're coming. Magolor makes it to her lair, and offers his apology. While she accepts it, she cannot yet forgive him and urges him to find a new place to call home. Magolor tells her this stopped being his home once he'd taken flight. He departs Halcandra, and makes his way to Dreamland.
Magolor feels too anxious to just walk up to Kirby and apologise, knowing his power, so he adapts a disguise and builds him a theme park. He hopes that this gift warms him up enough to accept his apology, or at least distract him enough for him to get his explanation in. Once construction is complete, he sends Kirby and his friends an invitation and waits. To his surprise, Kirby forgives him near instantly and is very happy about the park. The three other friends are more wary. They keep watch on the mage, and while he adapts a chipper attitude and plays a little dirty during races with Kirby he doesn't seem to cause real trouble. Eventually Bandee and King Dedede warm up to him too, and while Meta Knight seems to have put the events behind he still keeps a secret eye out on Magolor just to make sure he keeps in line.
Magolor adapts a semi-nomadic lifestyle for the following years. He travels dimensions to explore, see new things and hone his craft as he's decided building theme parks was quite fun actually. He returns to Dreamland pretty often though, since Kirby made him promise to come back and he cant help but to be drawn to the usually peaceful planet.
When Hyness and his priestesses arrive on Pop Star, he's once more called in by Kirby. Now given the title of Dream Friend, which is something he's extremely moved to recieve. He meets up with the rest of his "team", being Susie and Taranza. He is pretty shocked to find out Susie's connection with Haltmann, and though it first causes friction between them, they are able to work it out with some help from both Kirby and Taranza. Magolor learns truths about HWC, and how things went down when they invaded Dreamland. He wants to say they deserved it, but manages to keep his tongue to himself. He learns to appreciate Susie for what she is, and leave the past behind. While they aren't best friends, or good friends really, they can tolerate eachother.
After Void has been defeated, Magolor stays more and more in Dreamland. He still travels, but his travels grow shorter and more infrequent. In little time he stays back most of the time and learns to call Dreamland his new home.
Magolor and Taranza grow closer, as the peaceful years continue. They bond over the fact they don't feel welcome with their original home, and how they were both put in their place by Kirby. Eventually they both find themselves falling for one another. Taranza having finally gotten over the loss of Sectonia with the help of Kirby and his dream friends.
They end up dating, and as the years roll by go on to marry eachother and live happily. They adopt a stray Sphere Doomer at some point too.
And if you read this far I honestly applaud you. Thank you very much and I hope you didn't find it terrible!
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lifeinpurplestars · 4 years
Post Killing Red John.  The end of the world had come, how will Jane and Lisbon survive? A new time had arrived, their lives in danger as a force threathens to kill the whole humankind.
Chapter 1. Death is waiting at your doorstep.
Patrick Jane had always believed in coincidences, but he never considered the idea that his fate was planned by an ulterior force. His mind worked in a different way, he didn’t need religion to continue living, he didn’t like the idea of a God out there controlling his life as if he was a mere marionette.
So when the end of the world crashed into their lives, he wasn’t surprised at all and he didn’t start thinking that God or Hell may exist.
His two main convictions were the same.
1.  The last time he has been lucky in his miserable life was the day he met Teresa Lisbon.
2.  He needed to keep her alive, because his existence was connected to hers.
For that, he had one plan.
He would go to her house, convince her that he was a better catch than Marcus Pike and managed to keep her alive while the rest of the world crumbled around them.
That’s why he was driving as if the death itself was chasing him towards Lisbon’s house. There was a clock in his head tickling, each second away from her was stealing life from his heart. He couldn’t breath, he needed to see her, he needed to be with her. He had to keep her safe and alive, he needed her to be with him.  He needed to keep her away from Pike, who was the perfect man,  not like him. He had always made her miserable, sad, frustrated. But God, he does love her, he cannot let her go. He’s so in love with her and she doesn’t even know. She needed to know it.
And he was a fucking idiot for having waited until all hell broke loose.
He continued driving, not caring about anything apart from her. He ignored the people screaming in despair, the cars crashing into each other. He ignored the small fires surrounding the city and that horrific sound which was coming closer and closer to the city each minute it passed by.
He called her again but it didn’t work, the telephone lines were saturated. He cursed his luck once more thinking about why the hell he had let her go home last night when her eyes kept begging him to make a move on her, she was waiting for him and he was such a fucking idiot.
After an eternity, he arrived to his destiny just in time to see her arguing with Pike who was grabbing her arm, almost screaming at her.
‘Teresa, for fuck’s sake, we need to go now!!!’, screamed Pike in despair as the brunette woman continued stopping him, imploring him to let her go.
‘No, I can’t Marcus! God! I can’t…’, she begged him.
‘Why are you waiting?? Phones are not working, there’s no way to know if your team had already escaped without you, maybe Abbot and Cho had already left the city without you, maybe Jane had l….’
The man stopped rumbling as soon as he saw him leaving his car, running towards them. Lisbon turned fast as soon as she saw the shocked and resigned expression on her boyfriend’s face. Her face lightened as soon as she saw his face, looking happy and also, embarrassed by her relief.  How was she going to explain this to her boyfriend?
Jane, on the other side, wasn’t thinking at all.
He ran to them, catching her in his arms, lifting her in the air for a second, whispering into her ear.
‘God, thank you. God, Lisbon… I thought I had lost you when I saw the news, when I heard those ships on the sky….’, he whispered into her ear as she shivered in his arms.
She broke their hug then, looking ashamed at Pike. Her boyfriend looked at both of them, shaking his head.
‘Such a fool….just friends, right?’, asked the agent with sadness, not anger at all.
‘Marcus… I promise you, that’s the truth but I couldn’t leave without knowing if he was safe and I knew he.. ‘, she stopped her sentence.
Jane caressed her back with his hand, anxiously looking at the pair. They needed to move now, they needed to go now.
‘You knew he would come for you’, stated Pike, the man looked away. Then, he looked at Jane, ‘ You have supplies? A car full of gas?
He nodded at the man.
He maybe didn’t know how to take care of her before, but he was sure as hell that he was going to do anything in his power to keep her safe, healthy and alright as they escape for their lives.
Pike looked at Lisbon who was trembling but was unable to move away from Jane, she was trying to speak but couldn’t form any word.
‘I’d have died for her, killed for her. Do you feel the same, Jane? I won’t let her go with you if you don’t, I’ll drag her if I need to. It’s the end of the fucking world as we know it’, growled Pike moving closer to them.
‘Marcus, please..’, begged Teresa.
‘I have killed for her before, Pike. And I would do the same without hesitation. I would die for her a thousand times because if she dies, my heart will die with her’, he confessed. He noticed her gasp of air and the defeat in Marcus Pike’s eyes.
‘Teresa, be safe… I doubt I will ever see you again, but I will think of you everyday’, and then he left for his car without looking back, leaving both of them paralyzed as statues, not daring to look at each other faces.
Then, a loud noise echoed not too far away from them.
‘They’re coming’, she whispered terrified as the colour of the sky changed its colour from blue to redish, as if the air itself was turning into blood in front of their eyes.
‘Jane…’, she whispered looking at him with her emerald eyes, he has never seen so much fear in those eyes of her.
‘I’ll be okay, alright?’, he told her as he caressed her hair, he looked away, observing their surroundings.
Everyone had already moved or have gone into hiding in their homes, the air around them was already stinking of smoke and death and the feeling of despair had already taken hold of both of their hearts.
Then, she laughed. An hysterical laugh.
She looked at him, her eyes filled with unshed tears, her breathing fastening.
‘So typical of you, for fuck’s sake, Jane!’, she growled at him, hitting his shoulder with force, ‘Why did you wait so much?? Why? Now, what? We will die and we will die without ever… having a chance’
She stopped herself and she broke into tears, falling into the ground. He managed to catch her just before she touched the grass beneath their feet. She howled in his arms, he knew she was thinking about her family, her team and Grace and Rigsby. He held her in his arms, rocking her softly.
‘We will survive this, Teresa. Together’, he answered her kissing her neck lovingly
‘Why?’, she repeated crying.
‘You know why, I’m an idiot. I’ve been one for the last twelve years’, he told her.
‘You stupid…’
They were interrupted once more, an earthquake shook the ground, making them fall to the floor. Then, a light crossed the sky. They stood on the ground, frozen, awaiting for something else to happen. But only stillness happened.
He took her hand without a word, running to his car, he opened the door to let her in, buckling her seat belt as if she was a child. Then, he moved to the other side, go into the car and started the car. They both looked at her home and the city at their back.
And started driving.
He took hold of her left hand as he drove, caressing it softly as she prayed.
‘I managed to talk to Cho, we are going to meet him outside the city, a point of reunion… 20 km from here’, he said then.
She looked at him in shock, happiness in her eyes, then she looked away again.
‘The next move is on you… California or Chicago’, he told her then.
But both of them knew the answer already.
They would never reached the other side of the country, too far away.
California, on the other hand, was a safer choice.
‘Grace’, she whispered as a response, he nodded at her as he continued driving, hoping to find Cho in their safe point, praying for their car to arrive there in one piece.
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paintedvelaris · 4 years
City of Blossoms - an introduction
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I just wanna talk about this so here we go :)
At the Diritey Academy of Magic, it’s tradition for first-year students to sign up for pagirs, magical missions where they travel through the country to help people out. When four friends are put in a pagir team with the crown prince and a second-year who is forced to be their captain, they worry if this assignment will be any fun at all. But with spies, secrets and a mysterious danger looming over their school, they’re sure to have an interesting year...
The Characters
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Lora Natas - Also known as sunshine personified. The nicest person you’ll ever meet. Wants to be everyone’s friend and will do everything to keep her friends safe. Functional Bi most of the time. Emphasis on most. Her powers are plant-related and she specialises in growing them. Fun fact: in the very first version of this story, I wrote exclusively from her POV (it’s mulit-POV for all of these peeps now)
“How to do some good.” Lora said. “I like the sound of that.”
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Hylee Dorroval - Pulls all the pranks and makes all the jokes. Super observant and a lot smarter than people think. Questions everything including authority and doesn’t follow orders they don’t deem useful. They/them pronouns. Their powers are like levitation and they love it. Grew up with Lora, they’ve been friends forever.
“I used to steal the eggs and swap them for tiny, egg-shaped confetti bombs. I thought it was hilarious, teachers and other players did not. After the third time, all teams decided unanimously not to let me play anymore. It was worth it.” 
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Pendel Irileit - Still very much trying to figure out  how people work. Kind of shy and awkward but a master at faking things. Lora’s roommate and brought into the group by association. Her powers are manipulative and she hates them. The headmaster wants her to use them for him and is threathening her, but her refusal to tell anyone about this leads to some major misunderstandings.
Pendel exited the stairwell and adjusted her skirt. She reached down and hiked one of her knee-high socks up, stood up again and smoothed out her hair. With her head held high and her emotions carefully hidden, she walked back through her dorm, the headmaster’s words running through her head with every step she took.
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Shileus Roloven - Your typical jock type sports captain except he’s actually really nice. Mom friend of the group. Definitely too trusting but always has good intentions. Hylee’s roommate and best bro, they’re super tight. Has way too much faith in his friends sometimes and rarely questions what they do. His power is energy transfer related, which means that he can use them to give other people’s magic a boost. It’s pretty useful.
That sounded like a weak excuse for a ditch roughly the size of himself, but Shileus figured Kay wasn’t going to do anything too dangerous and let it slide. 
“Okay,” he called over his shoulder, already making his way to the bungalow, “let me know if you need any help filling that hole!”
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Kay Soulton - The captain. Unlike the others, she’s a second-year student and very much does not want to be here. Doesn’t listen very well and has a habit of getting into places she shouldn’t be. Her parents died in an ‘accident’ when she was young and she’s spent her whole life searching for who’s responsible. She does it all reluctantly, though; she’d much rather be normal. Her power is fire, which seems to suit her.
“Or maybe you won’t believe me till I show you. The royal gift - I bet you bastards don’t even have it, do you? I bet that’s why you weren’t allowed to join us on pagirs, isn’t it, Your Highness?” Kay said mockingly. “But how about I show you just what it is and just set your fucking house on fire and kill everyone inside, just like your uncle did to me?” 
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Ados Zithan - Also known as Prince Gyadoslan Solturo-Zithan. He’s the crown prince and the reason the queen cares so much about the trans community, and a lot of things have changed for the better since he came out. Lives a pretty lonely life, his bodyguard doesn’t allow him to go out much, but whenever he feels sad (which is often)  he reminds himself of the throne and how soon it’ll be his. Doesn’t feel quite ready for that tho. Would like to make a friend. As per royal tradition, he doesn’t use his powers in public.
But what good would a king be, if he did not know his citizens? His country? If he did not know his own capabilities? There was only so much books could tell him, and as much as Ados prided himself on being a stellar student and avid reader, he felt as if there was still a lot he had to learn when it came to the reality of ruling.
Also featuring the most useless sport to ever exist, crazy politics, two married teachers as the only valid straight couple and a whole lotta nonsense. I came up with this over a year ago because I wanted to write something fun and silly and at it’s core, that’s still very much what this is. Anyway kudos to you if you’ve read this far!! I hope you like it and feel free to ask me questions about these characters/the plot/the world I made for this or whatever. To finish with, here’s the team again, this time in picrew:
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everlastingdreams · 6 years
Ben Poindexter x Reader : Into My Bloodstream Chapter 26
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Notes: Thank you everyone for the messages and reblogs ! And I love the questions I get from you guys.
Summary:  no lol
Chapter: 26/?
Word count: 1474 words
You were cleaning yourself up a bit at the sink, washing off the blood on your face and hands, you reckon this sink has seen a lot of blood since Matt had been staying here.
“How did you actually get Evans to agree to testifying?” asking Matt as you dried your face of with the towel.
He reached for his suit jacket that was on the bed “I told him if he did, I would let him run someplace Fisk would never find him.”
You scoffed at that “And he agreed to that?”
Matt let out a chuckle “..and Karen may have threathened him a bit.”
You shook your head, Karen could be a force to behold at times. That's why she was a good reporter. Always after the truth that one.
Sister Maggie walked in carrying some clothes “Here. I'm guessing you could use some of these. Unless you think that red is more trendy these days.” she was talking about your bloodstained shirt and coat.
“One of us does.” you discreetly tilted your head in Matt's direction and she smiled at you.
“Very funny, (y/n).” he said as he put his jacket on.
Sister Maggie Looked at him “Hallelujah. So you can dress like a human being. Clean socks.” she told him as she threw a pair of socks at him.
He catched them with ease “Thank you.”
“Well, it warms my heart. To see you going out to do something other than beat someone up.”
He walked past her to sit down “ How do you know ? Could just be adding style to my beatings.”
You snorted as you heard Matt say it. Sister Maggie spun around as she heard it.
“Did you... did you just make a joke?” disbelieve on her face. “You look ready to smile, which i'm sure in your case means..well, I don't know what that could mean, as i've never actually seen one.”
You couldn't help but smile as you heard their banter.
“Guess someone here is rubbing off on you..” she said a little quieter.
And you saw her tilt her head in your direction out of the corner of your eye. You ignored it.
“She knows you're Daredevil and she stuck around ?” you heard her say to him.
“Barely.” you blurted out.
She ignored you as she continued “She's a keeper.”.
Sister Maggie seemed to think you and Matt were still a thing.
“We're just friends.” Matt quickly corrected her but you heard the reluctance in his voice as he said it.
She looked between you and Matt for a moment “Well, it's nice to hear you use the F-word.”
You chuckled softly at that, Sister Maggie was pretty laid back for a nun.
“And to see you reconnecting.” she was helping him with the collar of his shirt.
You had chosen some clothes that you usually wouldn't wear, taking in consideration that Fisk wants you dead so you had to make sure no one would recognize you easily.
“Anyway, Where are you off to ?” Sister Maggie asked Matt.
He took a deep breath “Gotta turn myself in to the FBI.”
She looked at him in shock “You need a suit for that ?”
“He needs a suit for everything, Sister.” You quickly said.
He ignored your remark “I've been falsely accused. Gotta clear my name. My life is complicated enough without being a wanted fugitive.” he put on his glasses “And there are...other people involved.” he nodded in your direction.
“Other people? You mean your friends?” Sister Maggie remarked as she turned and left, leaving Matt with his thoughts.
A silence fell in the room when Sister Maggie left. It wasn't one of those nice silent moments, no, this was...uncomfortable?
Matt cleared his throat before he spoke “I uhm.. I send Foggy to tell Agent Nadeem he is going to represent me as his attorney and that I am ready to submit to questioning after Agent Nadeem has heard the statement of Jasper Evans.”
“You did a good thing, sending Foggy to Nadeem. He may have fallen for Fisk's trick but he is anything but stupid. I believe he has been having doubts about the things Fisk has told him.”
“That's good to hear.” Matt was putting his tie on and once again silence fell.
There were so many things left unspoken between Matt and you, both of you knew it. You had avoided meeting him because of it until now. You had felt sad, angry, betrayed. But now it was as if all of that was gone. And you knew why that was, it was because you had moved on.
Once he finished tying his tie he turned around to face you “How do I look?”
He was looking at you smugly and you rolled your eyes “You know, I was going to compliment you but then I realised you would know I was lying.”
He dropped his head and let out a small chuckle “Thanks, (y/n).”
“You're welcome.” you answered him shortly as you stood up to walk past him to grab the jacket you had chosen.
You had chosen a jacket with a hood so you could cover your face if it was necessary.
Matt rubbed his chin for a moment “Uhm.. (y/n)?”
“Yeah?” you putted on the jacket.
“Do you think we will ever be able to talk about what happened... between us?” his voice was wary as he was chosing his words carefully.
You shrugged while you were standing with your back to him “Do you think we should ?”
“Yeah. I think we should.” he said and you turned around “Listen, (y/n), what happened between me and Elektr-”
“You don't need to explain it to me, Matt.” you didn't want to have this conversation.
He took a step closer to you “You see, I do. I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for what I did to you. You didn't deserve that and there hasn't been a day that I didn't regret it."
You gave a short nod “You're right. I didn't.” you walked past him to the sink.
He scratched his head before he exhaled “(y/n)...” his voice was quiet “ I know I can't ask this from you..”
You closed your eyes hoping he wouldn't ask what you thought he was going to ask “Matt... don't.”
“I'm asking you to give me another chance. To give us another chance. I-”
“Matt.” your voice was louder as you interupted him. You had to tell him, even if it meant hurting his feelings “I know that you wished we hadn't broken up. But that doesn't change how I feel. Sorry is about how you feel. I don't feel sorry.. not anymore.”
Matt fell silent. You hated doing this, Matt was your friend and he saved your life more then once. The only thing you had for Matt was your friendship, gratitude and loyalty.
A silence sharp as nails was cutting between the both of you, neither knowing what more to say.
Matt finally nodded as he processed it “I understand.” you heard the heaviness in his voice.
“I'm sorry, Matt.” was all you could say to him.
He gave you a small smile which probably took a lot from him to do.
He seemed like he wanted to say something else but decided otherwise.
His phone rang and he picked up “Foggy.”
He listened to what Foggy had to say. “Alright. Good work. Me and (y/n) will be there soon.”
“Foggy has spoken to Agent Nadeem. We're all set.” he told you.
You put the hood of your jacket over your head.
“Are you seeing someone ?” Matt suddenly asked you and you were suprised at his question.
“Yeah, I am.” there was no point at hiding the fact from Matt.
He nervously brushed his hand over his jacket “Anyone I know ?”
You shook your head “No, they teamed us up together in the FBI.”
“So you're happy?” he looked over at you.
“I am. But..” you sighed.
“But what?” Matt sounded worried by your answer.
“I have lied to him, Matt. He was there with me when we raided your apartment. I had to hide the fact that I even knew you.” your stomach turned when you thought back to the moment.
“I'm sorry you had to do that.” he was genuine as he spoke.
“I just hope he can forgive me when I tell him the truth.” you rubbed your neck and swallowed trying to hide your emotions.
“Once we get Fisk back where he belongs, you can tell him everything. Everything's gonna be fine. Alright?”
You nodded “Alright. Then, let's get this show on the road. I really hope your plan works.”
“So, do I. Are you ready to go?”
You zipped up your jacket “Ready as i'll ever be.”
Taglist ( I hope I am doing this right.) :
Let me know if you want me to tag you on this list for the Ben Poindexter x Reader: Into My Bloodstream series.
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mariemarvelbear · 5 years
Time to get you back
Avengers x Reader
Warning: Angst.So much Angst.Slow burn angst.Abuse.Mention of rape.Brainwashed.ANGST.Blood.Torture.Swearing.Kidnapping.
Part 23
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“So, how did it happen? How come we were wrong?” Clint jumped in, dropping the drumsticks from his grasp, quickly sitting beside of Pietro and Sam, Bucky besides the latter- bullying Peter. “Wasn’t its Thor and his father that reported about spotting Eviana at Nornheim?” Thor’s gaze dropped at the guy in front of him “Yes. But it appears that it was also Korvac’s undertaking for our satellite to pick up the incorrect signal-“
 “Satellite?”  Peter innocently asked, popping a goldfish into his mouth. “You have a dirt on your face.” Tony sheepishly said, handing the kid with a napkin. “Th-Thanks Mr. Stark.”
 “No. Thank you, kid.” From a far, Steve watched as Tony interact with Peter. A blush creeping onto the kid’s face, a wide grin plastered on his face as Tony wiped the crumbs of his biscuit. Steve might not be there to witness the suffering Tony experienced, but it was when he was informed that Peter also left the guy- that made him worry terribly. Along with Eviana, It was Peter that Tony got his strength from. He treated the boy as if he was his own, and Peter treated the old guy as his dad. And in the chaos their team-or rather family went through- It was the love of Peter and Tony that made all of them hope too.
 “So where do you think Korvac took Eviana?”
 “I’m not sure how you call it. But it’s near Saturn. Only three jumps from Ego’s planet.” Banner muttered, his hand quickly typing onto the abused keyboard- wanting to have their questions answered as quickly as possible. “It’s blurred.I can’t see it.”
 “It’s Chandillar.” The team looked back, and there they saw a familiar face. Steve and Tony quickly greeting the guy. “Hello, Avengers.”
 “It’s quite a surprise for you to visit us,Doctor.”
 “Steven. Anthony.” Charles addressed, as he rolled himself into the center.  “It warms my heart to see you altogether.” The doctor smiled, his eyes searching for a familiar eyes- spotting it in an instant. His smile growing wider, “Hello, Charles” Wanda mumbled, quickly giving the doctor a hug.
 “Maximoff.” As Bruce handed the tablet to the doctor, Charles did nothing but ignore him-quickly placing his two forefingers into the side of his tempolar. “You should all get rid of your worries. Eviana-she needs you.”
 “Do you think; we’re doing the right thing?” Steve asked, his eyes hopeful. “Can you reach to her, doctor?” Charles frowned, letting the team what he was truly feeling-a profound distress beneath a projecting mass of rock. His hands hung limply over his knees, his eyes were red and staring before Stere, his eyes glazed with threathening tears.
 “I saw her.” Charles murmured, the rest of the team gasping-“Her eyes have frozen over like the surface of a winter puddle, robbing them of their usual warmth. She's in there, I know it, but it's like she just took a huge step back from life. I want to reach in and tell her it isn't hopeless, but I can’t.”
 “W-Why?You’ve always done it Professor. You’ve done that with us!With her, when she was younger.” Tony asked, gritting his teeth as the memory of you screaming in pain replayed in his mind.
 “I have no idea either.” Charles muttered, trying to think why his vision and connection with Eviana was interrupted “It was interrupted, as I was about to talk to her- She shut down. As if her mind was wiped over….”
 “Wiped over? Like it was rebooted?” Sam wondered, Wanda quickly jumping- “Yes!I’ve felt that too!She-Uhm, Eviana-She recognized me,And as I was about to talk to her further-She was already gone. It was as if she was taken again.Away.” Wanda jested, her eyes beaming like a child’s. “It was so sudden.”
 “I think it might have to do with Korvac.” Charles exclaimed, his eyes expecting the reaction of the team.
 “What do you mean? What did that monster do?” Bucky scoffed, his knuckles pale as he clenched his fist.
 “I’ve been scheming around, Erik and the team have been helping me, we tried to come up with any calculation on how come everything that your team and our family has done-it still failed us to save her.”
 “And?” Natasha exclaimed, impatient.
 “We think that Korvac took Eviana, at Chandillar.” Thor quickly took the tablet from Bruce, typing away as Charles continued. “It’s near Nornheim-and Saturn,it’s a small place, compared to Nornheim-But many creatures stay there. Along with my late wife, Lilandra Neramani.”
  “It’s where the Shi-Ar empire resides. Along with some kronans, and their late master-Korvus.” Thor grunted, as Bruce quickly played the animation of the Chandillar- on the holograms- as Tony and the team, checked it.
 “It looks significantly different from Nornheim. So, how come we were directed there?”
 “It must’ve been Korvac. The technology in Chandillar is compelling, they might’ve hacked your system.”
 “That’s impossible.” Tony argued, Bruce backing him up. “STARK Tech. is horrifyingly impossible to override.”
 “I agree with these two.” T’challa grunts, “Along with the technology we have back home, it’s only Stark’s technology that can meet our standards. Also, Shuri- she helped with the upgrade. And no one dares to question a princess’ capabilities.”
 “I meant no offense, your highness. But I’m just pointing out what we think happened” Charles exclaimed. “Lilandra, My ex-wife. She was great with technology, knew everything about it. Along with this, She-She had a friend, who was a chemist-a scientist. He was also human, but he acquired physical characteristics through exposure to a few mutagenic agents such as chemicals, and radiation. It was his experiment to his own self, unfortunately- it was successful, and now he’s a mutate.I think, he worked with Korvac, alongside Lilandra-“
 “Victor? You mean, Doctor Victor von Doom?” Wanda gasped “I met a few decades ago. He was one of my…. suitors.” Vision automatically looking at her “ It was a thing back then, because of our unions.But if it’s really Victor, then what you’re saying-it must be true.”Wanda blabbered.
  “How come?”
 “When I met him, He was always talking about his friend. I’ve never met him though, but he would always talk about how this guy had a vision about the world and that how he would change it….”
 “And how does Eviana fits into that?” Tony queried.  “I even doubt that Eviana was born by that time. So, how?” He continued, calculating the timelines.
 “She doesn’t.” Pietro stepped up, a look of horror etched on his face “It was when his late wife, Carina-died.”
 “Carina!” Wanda gasped, her eyes shifted to the side again and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As she blinked, they dripped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks. “When I-I connected with her…That’s what she said, that it was her name. That she was a Queen, I wasn’t able to hear what place but when I called her, she spat at me. Telling me Eviana wasn’t her name.”
 “Do you remember when we met her? Lady Carina, she was such a delight. Even though Korvac was evil, Carina never changed. She was such a sunshine, a pleasure to talk to and be with.” Pietro exclaimed. “Carina, she died the same year Eviana joined us.”
 The team quickly took their own holograms, trying to calculate everything as they search for any connections. Tony commanded FRIDAY to show every data they have ever since your disappearance as Clint and Natasha looked for files regarding the mentioned former Queen. As the team work,Steve could only watch from a far as doubt suddenly shoots through him like a piercing arrow destroying resistance- asking himself if he was ready; ready for another heartbreak, or another trip down to the loneliness road.He was too busy faling into the pit of darkness, when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. “We’ll find her Steve.” Wanda whispered, smiling genuinely at the captain. “I promise you; this will be the last time that we’d go through this pain looking for Eviana.” If she had ever known failure in his life, it didn't show. Everything from the way she held herself, to the way she spoke, to that look of unassailable confidence in her eyes said they could do it. That they can finally bring you back home. It was as if on cue, that Bruce stood, shakingly removing his eyeglasses, his mouth-agape. Steve’s hand shot up over his mouth, trying to keep control of his nerves as he felt his  heart begin to race and pound inside his chest.  “Eve…” With a quick glance around the room, everyone’s eyes were on the doctor, Tony furiously dashing towards the latter’s computer. Everyone sought out Wanda, seeing her leaning against Vision with her hands anxiously clasped in front of her face. “I found her.It’s her.”
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sunjaesol · 7 years
Thoughts whilst watching 6x12
- I actually feel sorry for Theo. He has no one. He came back from the dead, was forced to help the pack, bonded with Liam, but then got neglected again. He does have a really fancy Jeep so idk how that worked out but okay.  - It’s the spiders again. Rats, bugs in wolves, spiders. Odd.  - Can someone try out Scott’s number and see what happens?  - Hunters?  - Oh, come on why you gotta shoot him? he just pulled a spider out of his back. - I wonder why Scott hallucinated. It has, as far as I remember, never happened before. Was it the shock that the bullet was Argent’s, thinking he’s killing the supernatural again with stronger, more dangerous weapons? Perhaps. Or it has something to do with the aftermath of the Wild Hunt. Liam can’t control himself sometimes, and Scott wolfed out in front of an entire squad of police officers.  - The Sheriff is just not impressed anymore lol. Like “wop, there I go again, attacked by something I don’t know the name of.”  - Also why is Malia running behind him? For Lydia, it’s logical, but Malia is a were-coyote. Use that super speed girl.  - Ugh, why are they all so pretty?  - Pack feels in the car ayyye.  - Liam and Mason are so cute, it’s all just parallels of Stiles and Scott.  - Those kids are so cute. I remember being hopeful in Freshmen Year that highschool would be awesome and full of dreams. (Spoiler Alert: it is filled with homework and tears) - “Go lacrosse!” “yay sports” I CAN’T XD - Bitch if he doesn’t make an appointment than you can’t force him.  - “Opportunities Multiply as They Are Seized.” True.  - lol and then Mason happily walking in nearly fangirling over his favourite peot or something.  - that knife though. threat from the argent’s?  - aw come on, why do the black people always get hurt here. First the black orderly, now him. He’s just fourteen, leave him alone.  - Thank the Gods that Parrish is finally useful. You were shit in season five and 6A. Thank the Gods for making him go and not Lydia.  - I want Lydia’s top.  - Please, Scott should’ve known from the beginning the passport was Allison. His own passport for everything in sophomore year was Allison.  - Oh and thank you Teen Wolf for not forgetting one of your greatest characters. Allison Argent will be forever missed. I really, fucking miss her.  - Malia’s humour is on point btw.  - So the name of the dead hellhound is Halwyn. Halwyn Hellhound, nice to meet you.  - So the white haired dude is a doctor ohhhhh. - bitch even if you do lock him up Parrish can still burn down the gate he’s literal fire.  - BRETT - Wait since when does Corey play lacrosse? And do girls still play in the team? Because you had Kira and then later on Gwen in 6A. Now it seems like there are none. CONSISTENCY, TEEN WOLF! - Liam hold your wolf in, please.  - Aye it’s that relative of Brett that I always forget the name of. No hard feelings, girlie.  - Keep it in, Liam.  - “That’s the IED I remember.” dude. not cool. wait, doesn’t Brett know that Liam is a werewolf? Isn’t Brett one himself? Or did I just read that in fanfiction? I’m so confused.  - oh yeah he knows nevermind.  - fuck he’s hot - well hello Samarah from The Ring.  - oh wait fuck is everyone dead?  - ah, a doctor is evil. what a surprise.  - Come on, Liam. Don’t lose it. Also, where is the black freshman?  - ayyyye Argent please don’t be the bad guy, thank you.  - he’s so not impressed I love him. Him and Melissa are also, clealry, not together, so why did they kiss in 6A if it had no meaning?  - Oh, Malia.  - “Bitch you think im getting out there? hell no.” MALIA I LOVE HER THIS SEASON SHELLEY IS DOING A WONDERFUL JOB.  - For a man like Argent, it’s odd he even used “Allison”, as hackers often opt first for things that are familiar to the ones they are wanting to hack. Like family names, pets, dates, et cetera.  - Fuck, man, he’s also part human. You’re a murderer. Well, he’s a hunter, actually. Now it’s just not an organised party, everyone is just killing. It’s basically season 4 only without the money.  - wop, guess Jordan will go in hibernation then.  - This woman fucking stayed at school for hours just to give him back that ball and threathen him or something. Jesus get a life.  - oh fuck you. using wolfsbane is a dick move. - Lydia fucking register for MIT odwn throw that away please. You have a little less than two hours so do something.  - I love her ring. Very minimalistic. (gets sudden thoughts of married stydia and starts crying. trash ophelia has arrived) - oh my God, Lydia, how much has Stiles influenced you. Like “Woopsie she caught me just pretend you’re really interested in this pack of post its yep totally not suspicious yep perfect perfect plan amazing awesome.” - Also her banshee powers are on point.  - Bitch he has never even terrified anyone. You have nothing to him personally but you’re acting like he did.  - oh sure just stick a pole in his body.  - “That’s incredible”, oh so now she’s a sadist, great.  - oh cry cry you bitch be fucking afraid. what a dumb bitch.  - no no no don’t go to the counsellor - How did Liam not smell blood? Or just the stench of a body? Anyway, good job Mason.  - Holy fucking shit. I get why the call it the most gory season yet. I’m fascinated though.  - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LYDIA STAY AWAY sTILES WOULD MURDER EVERYONE IF HE KNEW lYDIA WENT I ALONE;  - Her booties... I want them.  - nononononono don’t lock Lydia up, please let her go she doesn’t deserve this.  - great she’s probabaly having some sort of PTSD attack. great great great. -_- - LYDIA - Even though I’m still against Lydia being there, her having her warrior “overcoming fears” Mulan-esque moment is so badass and inspiring. I’m here for it.  - But you can’t just kill a hellhound. It should be a special kind of bullet. So, if the doctor puts a bullet against Parrish’ head, it shouldn’t kill him. Something’s off.  - YESSS LYDIA - Even though I don’t ship Parrish and Lydia, it’s like now they’re even. he saved her in Eichen, now she saved him. It’s cool :) - “I’m worried about you”, and in that moment, the whole scolia fandom died.  - Scott’s look though, I’m even shipping it. He’s probably thinking of kissing her and then snaps out of it.  - “cutesy looking down afraid of admitting feelings that have been developing since 3B” trope. - Scott’s smile - Yep. This is exactly how Stydia has been built up and I like it. I like Scolia. I’m here for it. -  awww, bonding over almost being killed many times. cute. -  cockblock!Argent - okay even I fangirled over that “Scott is looking while she isn’t”-look. That’s a parallel to this right here motherfuckers
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- oh no they found the boy - wait, what was the flesh thing then?  - Wait but Liam hasn’t done anything to the pupils. Or have I forgotten something?  - oh fucking hell Gerard.  - ah, so Gerard is going to recruit a new batch of hunters, as the Argent’s basically stopped. 
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glopratchet · 4 years
Plot points : You decide to go with the plan of killing all the guards and taking their weapons You know you can take them, but it is going to be a lot harder than you thought The next day, as usual when you wake up, your mother asks if everything was alright "Yeah, " you reply, before remembering that she isn't here right now Iona: clever, kind, hateful, endless, bound less, and most importantly the only one who actually cares about you You walk out of your room in the middle of the night, feeling very anxious The town has been in an uproar for days over this matter; people are talking about how they should kill Iona or something similar It's like everyone wants her dead so badly that nothing else matters anymore Bound : enter zarpentine manuscript You open up Iona's door slowly; she is sound asleep You look at her, at her peaceful face illuminated by the moonlight coming in through her window; so fragile, so vulnerable It would be so easy to just kill her now, bring this whole nightmare to an end Iona opens her eyes and looks at you, staring into your own This lasts for several seconds, before Iona breaks eye contact and gives a weak smile "Hi, Enter zarpentine manuscript: order alcholic drink, order fruit juice order plain water I say nothing, I just stare at her like some kind of psychopath as she awkwardly smiles back Eventually, when it becomes quite clear that I have no intentions of saying anything, she slowly asks "so did you want to try our experiment right now? Yes : Her eyes widen as you open your mouth and a booming voice comes out; this shocks the both of you enough that she backs away a little bit order fruit juice, Order fruit juice: take glass, drink, order more "Tekeli-li! " you declare in your horrible attempt at the language She gives a look of approval, and sits down at the table with her notebook and a pen She happily begins sketching out plans for her next major experiment After having something to drink and eat, you join her at the table and await your orders from command Order alcholic drink: strong spirit world lager, goblin market ale dark fyne mead, old sotkey sour (Sigh) Though I would rather drink milk that tastes like wine, " I mutter to myself The innkeeper seemed like he was trying a bit too hard when this stuff was placed in front of me After looking through the bottles, it would appear there was more of a focus on the bottle than what was inside, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth goblin market ale, unrealistic goal - if ; (alcohalic drink) repeated This was unrealistic for a teenager in the early 1800s Something in my stomach tells me even if I wanted to, I couldn't stand this swill Suddenly I feel very dizzy and begin to fall backward and lose consciousness You awaken in your bedroom at around noon the next day unrealistic goal - if ; Strong spirit world lager: check for critical liver injury As you move your arms around you're glad to find that the alcohol hasn't damaged any internal organs You get up, feeling a bit dizzy as you walk to the bathroom After checking to make sure you didn't somehow kill yourself while blacked out, you ask Iona if anything out of the ordinary happened last night "Not really, " She replies Check for critical liver injury : Your drinking hand-crafted alcohol from fictional worlds doesn't seem to have had any long lasting negative effects You thank Iona and ask her if she wants to continue working on whatever it is you guys are supposed to be working on she says she needs more time before she can get back to it, so now might be a good time to make some headway on your Zarpentine submission Stop at bar : notice stranger, hot pockets As you sit down at the bar and order a drink a man in a strange blue uniform takes a seat next to you You get the impression he might be of some importance as he sports colorful, wide pants "You wouldn't happen to have any hot pockets, would you? " he asks His simple words send off warning signals in my head but my tummy grumbles in protest to this doubt and I tell him my favorite take away is just down the street Notice stranger : converse with stranger, flirt with stranger, ignore stranger Of all the things you can do in your free time, going to get this stranger a hot pocket seems the least harmful You hop into your car and drive down to Super Spicy Joker Hot Pocket Express, where the take-out lady smiles at you in recognition and hands you a steaming, fresh hot pocket She even gives you a warning that your exhaust seems to be leaking "Will do, " you tell her as you turn towards the door Flirt with stranger: follow stranger outside, refuse stranger You've had more than enough weirdness for one day and tell the man all you want to do is go home He gets back into his car without another word and speeds off Not sure what that was all about but I'm home free! Not much challenge on main road, even if a spooky tree does cause you to slip off the road just a bit Oh? Already crashed? Follow stranger outside: confrontation with stranger You park your car at an angle to block the man in as you approach him "Listen, friend, " you begin, "You've been following me all day and that makes me uncomfortable So if you don't get out of here right now I'll haaaaaave to blow yooooooooooou awa-! It transpires that he is actually a rather large tortoise who was bored and wanted someone new to follow around for a bit of fun Confrontation with stranger: shoot stranger, let him walk away You don't want to waste expensive ammo on a tortoise or let himself walk away and then continue to stalk you Unless you figure out an even less violent solution Drive away : You hop into your car and drive slowly past the man, lowering your windows as you go Just as you had hoped, he follows the movement and heads towards your vehicle in an effort to continue the pursuit Shoot stranger: kill stranger, wound stranger, miss stranger It would seem that you hit your target directly in his left eye He lets out an unbearable scream as a geyser of blood shoots up from the wound and sprinkles down upon his shell You turn your vehicle around in order to collect him but by the time you have done this, there are dozens of tiny tortoises surrounding the wounded, large one A painful fate has definitely befallen him "That's one down, Kill stranger : flee scene, murder arrest "Yes! You've killed him! He and all of his brothers have been taken care of, all thanks to you and your team! " You're given a status shaped like a star for your effort Wound stranger: assualt arrest You shoot for just his eye and succeed Not only does the man yelp in pain as blood trickles down from his face, but there is a definite lack of urgency in his steps He's not quite dead yet but that definitely won't be the stranglers problem Unless you or someone else laters him to death, that is "Not good enough With these injuries he'll need medical attention fast Miss stranger : threathen by the autorities "Your aim is suspect and so is your state of mind The exact details of his death are unclear at this moment but my gut tells me you aren't just incompetent but dangerous as well I hope our machine doesn't fail, it'll have the opposite effect end of line Thanks for reading through that! Please comment and vote on which program you would like to see make the cut! 0 live : camp indians 00 live : dan dachshund 000 live : tortoise torturing 000, 001 live : explosive tortoise 003 live : illegal immigrant tortoise 042 live : purebred pet turtle 999, 567 live : the real ghostbusters 993, 426 live : "a homeless man once robbed us" 0000000000000000000000 stretched supporting cannonade training mannequins the gang problem of london 064 live : force diversity hire 289 live : acting 7 deadly sins 363 live : starting over from nothing 003, 548 live : mouse made advances, broken harpoon gun "what on earth is this? Camp indians : camp, 00 live, aesthetic of lixie ant fort, nameless aesthetic of lixie ant fort, Camp live : camp delivery men, camp rests for recreation and business uses Large buildings house workers that process lumber for furniture while smaller cabins store it In the 'indian' camp you spot a large bronze statue standing guard over one of the camps two entrances Though magnificent in stature and its workmanship, you immediately find something off about it It depicts a crucified man and as you get closer to it you realize this 'statue' breathes and speaks to you camp deliverymen, Feathered delivery theater : camp delivery, feathered delivery theater of camp indians Your walk leads you through something that resembles an 80s glam rock music video, with the entirety of the camp being dragged along by a giant gecko that basks in the moonlight just beyond the horizon You're suddenly shoved off to the side as you stumble into a crowd of lumber mill workers eagerly taking bet on which louse will win tonight's fight "A thousand marks on GrayZone! Dan dachshund : dan, unwavering male canine pattern You watch in awe as a large army of lice marches on a small battalion of men, wheeling out giants of metal with massive guns set atop The louse soldiers look far more menacing than the mill workers you've seen so far, but nowhere near as hostile as the mutants you've grown accustomed too It's comical watching them try to goose step while keeping pace Truly this army had to go through basic training before being let out on its own Dan live : dan support live deliverymen, comical marching , wheeling out giants of metal and pest control measures against the likes of you In front of one of the camp's administrative buildings the pigs line up It is a literal row of men and woman in uniform, some old and some young Something about them just seems unnatural, though after witnessing so much you are able to let it go without even blinking an eye An old general stands at attention in front dan support, Stretched supporting cannonade : stretched supporting cannonade of dan dachshund You see a chaotic room overflowing with people running around and yelling at each other "FIRE! " someone yells off to the side "You idiots! What are you waiting for? Fire! Off in the distance far away from the fire there is one man stationed at a desk trying to direct everything The men at this attention just watch everyone run around in confusion The men at that attention just watch everyone run around and chaos in confusion The man at the attention desk tries to get one of them to help put out the fire, but he turns back to his paperwork instead You see him taking orders from a general stationed high above in a fancy office who barks down every order Before you continues along your journey, you watch him slitting the throats of everyone he can get his hands on Mansion : camp indians, mansion remains, torture mansion As you enter through the front door You enter what seems to be some sort of thriving community center People of diverse sorts mingle about what used to be lavish rooms with perhaps a bit too much gold for a humble settler's town You submit to an old wise man who begins chanting before a large copper spoon "Approach " you hear a familiar voice whisper in your ear as the door coldly swings open "THAT DOOR IS NEVER LOCKED! You are met by a small gathering whom seem oblivious to anything out of the ordinary happening A man in a fancy gray suit and red tie approaches you "So, you'd like to fault my fine establishment? " he says handing you several pieces of paper on a clipboard, his face twisted in a wide smile You would be one of the many filling out legal forms while arguing for your freedom Marble stairs ascend tile into what seems to be an auditorium, rows of ivory seats starched and ready for the show You, and everyone else are entranced by theatrics taking place not on the stage, but in the rafters A brilliant magician is bent over, his head in the body of a woman while his feet dance and skip around shining cups Incapa bob's and weaves from one spot to another, whirling about with hands down at his sides, smiling at the crowd before raising a shimmering hand just above his brow finger Then he winks directly at you The entire audience throwing their heads back instantly caught up in hysterical laughter as the magician twirls with maddening speed, sending his cloak out flipping and leaping into the air like an acrobat sending his feet clapping together above his head Incapa sits before you before suddenly disappearing: and re-appearing behind you "Concelo! " comes a howl from the crowd Calming, Incapa looks over at the old man in a black tweed suit wearing spectacles and raises an eyebrow "Connect me" the professor repeats showing Incapa his open palm The magician turns towards you grinning, lowering his palm he pauses just to look up and over your shoulder while making small clutching motions at the air "Don't look now, " he says, "but I think that you are on my list Grasping your shoulders he turns you around and to face the back of an obese woman shamelessly eating noodles from a large aluminum pan spilled over with cold water "No matter, I could never forget your sweet little face, blowing you a kiss His hand grasps a woman in black by the wrist, cuttinig her screams off mid air as her body twists and pops in his strong grip Perhaps you are being dramatic, but it seems he slugs her hard in the stomach; twisting her head unnaturally while holding her to his chest while upon her feet she does a little dance Her thick legs stretching out of proportion with thin stilts of bone And with a twirl he sets her down, gently himself, and winks once again Bu you can see the blood now, staining the satin of her dress from underneath the corners of her mouth She exits with the audience clapping, as despite it all, they are entranced by this bizarre sickness of personality "Not the act you were expecting? " he says chidingly Raising the same hand he caught you with once again, he runs his other slowly over your body before coming to a rest curled in a claw at the nape of your neck You swallow hard, so does he and leaning ever closer he runs his thumb over your lips "Cat got your tongue? " is all he asks ever so softly Each new sentence soft like a feather and tickling or scratching at various places on your body Like your thigh Or your armpit And not precisely in the places you'd expect "I think, " Incapa says, "that you would look lovely Nude of course, " He smiles, oh yes, definitely A large audience appreciating your form You wish it was you up there " he says smirking as he moves around in front of you to whisper "Not her Then quickly back behind you "Look at my lovely assistant, " he hisses, "What a sight right? You eyes fixated upon her limp frame floating upwards towards the ceiling of the narrow corridor Now hanging still like cut velvet "She is just gorgeous, " you say Small and pale, her creamy skin shining in the lights 'Your face would look so much nicer draped over my thigh " He says Thinking nothing of it you suppose you should have an open mind about Incapa being into women It seems unbelievable but, for the first time, you might actually have found someone with a sicker mind than yours
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