#everyone knows important information and didn't tell the ppl they needed to
tuxxydo · 1 year
robin and the revolutionary army is so funny to me cus it’s like; robin knows both luffy AND his dad. but she doesn’t say anything to either of them about each other, cus they mostly don’t care. then dragon knows that SAUL IS ALIVE and doesn’t tell robin cus he’s not aware of their relationship, despite him being at ohara and robin getting her bounty happened RIGHT after ohara was obliterated. then ivankov apparently NEVER showed up to the revolutionary homebase despite having sanji on ver island. and then robin KNOWS WHO KOALA IS and will never tell jinbe cus she isn’t aware of that relationship either and that’s just so fucking funny. like, this is the opposite of a misunderstanding plotline. you feel me?
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gildeddlily · 1 year
I need more content about Chuuya. like, Soukoku is the bsd couple with more works on Ao3, the most loved of the whole fandom, there are over 20 thousand fanfictions. there are tons of edits and AMV about him on tiktok and youtube, tons of x reader and fanarts. but it's (almost) always the sweet and a little dumb Chuuya.
Chuuya who's in love with Dazai and is begging him not to leave, who's mad at him for leaving the fricking mafia and "abandoning him", who's crying about being the second choice for everyone (fuck that, especially the "kouyou chose kyouka over chuuya"- you're telling me she chose to protect a 14ys girl over a 22ys man who's a mafia executive? oh sorry she should have left the child alone my bad), who is constantly manipulated by Dazai and betrayed (and content like this is made by people who love Dazai but don't understand him one bit- like yeah he manipulated the Sheep into betraying Chuuya but the Sheep were fucking assholes who didn't deserve Chuuya, and Dazai treated him fucking better than them- don't let me get started ab them or I'll never stop), feminized Chuuya, short and skinny Chuuya who likes to be the little spoon cause Dazai is the big strong man, lonely Chuuya who doesn't have anyone and basically dumb Chuuya who doesn't understand Dazai and cries to his sleep ab him.
fuck no, and I've been reposting every post that talks ab this. we want more Stormbringer Chuuya, and we don't have him 'cause not everyone has access to the novel or wants to read it. but Stormbringer is my Bible and should be everyone's.
We want more 15 years old Chuuya who carried on his shoulder a whole organization, the same organization that treated him like a damned dog, who got betrayed by the people he was sacrificing himself for the moment he tried to do something for himself, who was tricked into joining the Port Mafia (an organization he hated), who's easily read and manipulated and is aware of it, who never gave up on his humanity and worked hard and became important and strong for his new organization in a year as a teenager, who was able to made Dazai survive, giving him some sort of will to live, after like days of knowing him.
We want constantly dehumanized 16 Chuuya that got tortured for hours, that found out about his terrible origins and past, who sacrificed fondamental information about himself to save Yokohama, that almost got himself killed protecting the same person who betrayed him and fought his "brother" in order to do so, that lose the friends he called family and the only chance he had to have a life outside the mafia. Desperate because of his family's death Chuuya, in his painful corrupted form Chuuya, putting his life in Dazai's hands Chuuya, the one who beated the King of Assassins Chuuya, the one who was able to destroy an entire organization with his partner Chuuya. Port Mafia Executive Chuuya, who became who he was because of himself and with Dazai's help, who was able to become stronger even without him. Chuuya who suffered because of Dazai's deflection but understood it.
22 Chuuya who met his ex-partner after four years, stronger than how Dazai remembered him and still able to surprise (Dazai's "how fast!" when Chuuya punched him was hilarious and empowering, especially after his "I know all your moves" talk- and no, we "heard" his thoughts, so it wasn't an act stop saying that he had predicted that too when chuuya's like one of the only ppl able to surprise him) one of the smartest people in their country, who made sure things didn't change between them and made said smart and manipulative man cry from laughing over his damned rich girl impression. Chuuya who is the best martial artist and probably strongest ability user (Q is a child, and his "fight" with Steinbeck said a lot about his strength- crazy yes, but Chuuya could still beat almost everyone even without his ability) in the mafia, who could probably smash a wall with and without For The Tainted Sorrow. The Chuuya who's able to survive in a world surrounded by geniuses who constantly try to manipulate him (Dazai's manipulation is different than Fyodor's shut up), and able to be one of the most influential man in Yokohama without being a freaking genius.
Chuuya who has one of the best character developments I've ever read. Chuuya who has about him a lot of information (more than anyone else, we know you love him Asagiri) (please don't love him the way you loved Odasaku) and still gets mischaracterized again and again. this is an infodump ab what Chuuya means to me.
send ao3 links ty
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Hot take: Ozpin isn't even morally gray. I guess he is if you count past lives (slaughtering potentially thousands of ppl to end a war), but otherwise?? I really don't think he is.
Imo, Qrow is more morally gray, Ironwood pre-villain arc was morally gray, etc. I really don't think any of Oz's actions could count as 'morally gray', even when considering that he kept important information to keep his circle and by extension RWBY and Co hopeful, regardless of if you think it's manipulative or not (technically yes, but there was good intentions behind it so imo it's fundamentally different).
Oz really isn't the bad guy the entire fndm tries making him out to be. If he was I think the show would show him in that light, which it doesn't. It TRIED showing him as morally gray, but generally his actions aren't that bad. The FNDM loves saying Oz is an awful manipulative compulsive liar who's intentions are weird and muddy. But honestly I think if he was like that, he wouldn't be portrayed as good. Most of Salems own opinions on Oz is her projecting and being a hypocrite. I don't think the characters narration is reliable when it comes to Oz. The show itself tried making him seem like that in v6, but ultimately failed.
An example people use to say he's morally gray is pointing out that he made the Academies. Which, I won't lie, is a pretty stupid take. The Academies train older teenagers (17-21, possibly older if they allow older ppl to join) who have already been learning how to fight presumably since they were young. Ruby had presumably already had Crescent Rose for a few years by the time she was 15, and there's several combat schools to teach kids how to fight. Remnantians count as a warrior race! They HAVE to fight to survive. Even if you haven't been to an academy, it's normal to know how to fight to defend against Grimm. Controlled by Salem or not, Grimm are a constant that you NEED to fight against. The Academies just give widespread access to tools and education to learn in a safe environment filled with other hunters. They just so happen to fight off Salems Grimm forces, and unknowingly defend the Relics inside. It's a win-win-win on everyone's side. Yes, people are going to die. But they'd be MORE likely to die if a) they can't defend themselves properly b) don't have proper tools to do so or c) don't know how to fight at ALL. Thanks to the Academies, militaries don't need to be used (except Atlas). The possibility of war goes WAY down, and it's harder for the kingdoms to be actively corrupt (not impossible just less easier to be enforced). Objectively? The Academies are a GOOD thing.
Another example is people saying Oz brought RWBY and Co unwillingly into the shadow war. Which... is objectively incorrect. Qrow was the one who told Ruby about the information Cinder and Co were going to attack Haven, and Yang eventually went after her after she left. Ruby brought RNJR with her, because they all experienced trauma and reasonably wanted justice, thinking it was just Cinder behind everything. Then Qrow was the one who told RNJR roughly the truth. He didn't particularly want to, bit he relented anyways, and even then he held back information like Oz being immortal. He didn't even tell them about Salem, just that some nasty people wanted the Relics and Maiden powers and that one of them was named Salem. I guess you could count Ruby being brought into Beacon early, but even then that was the SAFEST option. If Cinder or Roman noticed her silver eyes in ep 1 and that got back to Salem, Ruby would be FUCKED. She was already involved in fighting Roman at that point, and thus would likely get targeted again, silver eyes or not. So Oz brought her in, citing her skill as the reason, while the others likely knew the truth. Qrow OR tai wouldn't have been fine with it if Oz only brought her in to put her into the circle. They would've torn him a new one. Not only that, but obviously he DIDN'T KNOW about the upcoming fall of Beacon. He genuinely thought Ruby and her team was going to be fine for the next 4 years, and when he was starting to suspect something was up, he STILL had no idea the Academy was going to be attacked during the festival. Why would he?? A direct attack isn't typical of Salem, iirc he or someone else said it themselves, especially since it had been 80 or so years since the Great War, which is implied that Salem started. Even IF he wanted to bring her in, he would've waited until after she graduated, which is what happened with STRQ and was going to happen with CVFY. Oz places an emphasis on letting them be kids for as long as possible. He only had to involve them when Qrow already told them everything. And even then, Oz repeatedly gave RWBY and JNR an out. He DID NOT WANT them involved, not yet at least. And with Pyrrha, he didn't exactly have a choice. He gave her time they didn't have, and required her to wait n think, and then needed her verbal consent WHILE BEACON WAS BEING ATTACKED. Yes telling her stressed her out, but I think if she knew the same thing could be offered to anyone else, she'd prefer to take on that burden. It wasn't fair, but it visibly pained Oz to have to give her the choice. He didn't want to, but war is never fair. He would've had to go to SOMEONE regardless.
As for Oz keeping the truth that Salem can't be killed a secret, imo, that is a very VERY hard call for anyone to make. For him it was the option of: tell them immediately and not have any allies (something he values heavily) or have them join Salem out of fear, wait first and tell them later and have them possibly freak out like Ironwood/betray him/lose hope and thus not have any allies, or never tell them so he has important allies and they possibly don't betray him or lose hope. Obviously, he chose the last option, and it's entirely possible he wanted to, eventually, tell them the truth, but we just don't know that. Of course I agree that Oz should've told his circle anyways, but for someone as traumatized and paranoid as Oz who's had to make this decision countless times, you can't exactly fault him for keeping the truth hidden. He's likely told the entire truth before and it bit him in the ass several times before he finally decided to keep it hidden. He said it himself, Leo was NOT the first nor was the last to betray him. As for not telling RWBY and Co? They're CHILDREN he's barely known for, what, a year?? And all of that he was their teacher/Headmaster who didn't often interact with them, or their mentor. He barely knew them and as far as we know, didn't get the chance to actually know and get close to them. They already knew just how dangerous Salem was from the fall of Beacon and battle of haven, plus the fact that she controls Grimm. They could've easily assumed Salem was hard to kill at LEAST since she's immortal and been around for countless thousands of years, and there's no way they thought no one tried to kill her. Oz barely knew them and they almost proved him right by nearly giving up. Plus, he was FRESHLY betrayed at that point. I'm sure yall noticed he was immediately pretty closed off due to the revelation of Leo's betrayal. He genuinely considered Leo a friend, so Oz's trauma response is to hold everyone else at arms length.
Another thing is the fact that he hid the truth from Salem as well early on in their relationship. Thing is, Jinn (a presumably reliable narrator) stated that they BOTH hid things from the other. Salem likely didn't tell him that she lied and manipulated kingdoms into turning against the gods, just that she wanted him back and the gods didn't like that bc that ABSOLUTELY would've upset Oz. Oz, knowing Salem didn't like the gods from her story, likely decided right then to keep the full truth from her, worried she wouldn't react well to it, something anyone would do. Not only that, but right after, Salem convinced, possibly manipulated, Oz into acting as a god-king with her, something he clearly didn't want to do. Jinn herself said "the hearts of men are easily swayed" as Salem convinced him to become a God-king with her. So yes, it's very possible that Salem manipulated him into doing that. "But Salem was fine with the truth later when he told her!" Yes, she was, but Oz couldn't have known that. And the whole reason he tried to leave her was because Salem was turning into a dictator tyrant, something Oz didn't want and something Salem was set on. He did overreact a little bit by bringing the kids instead of communicating with her, but it wasn't his fault that Salem immediately attacked him instead of trying to talk to him, or at least waiting until the kids were in a safe place before attacking him. Most of this wasn't Oz's fault, if any of it. Salem overreacted heavily by attacking him with the kids being react there. Had Oz and the kids lived and escaped her, they would've been TERRIFIED of Salem afterwards, traumatized by the ordeal. And it's never shown that Salem actually cared that they died, just that they "could've had freedom", blaming Oz instead. Meanwhile Oz, afterwards, spent whole LIVES drowning his sorrow and regret and trauma in alcohol, and he's clearly STILL affected by it if Salem using the silhouettes of their children is any indication, since she was likely taunting him (but also reminiscing, regardless of her feelings on the matter) and never brought up their children in any matter.
Overall I really don't think Oz is as bad as the fandom says he is. People like to think he and Salem are the same (something i might make a post on later), when they're very, very different. Oz really isn't bad, he's just traumatized and is basing current events off of past experiences. He's far from manipulative, uncaring, or really any negative adjective I've seen people describe him as. I've probably missed some things, but my point has been made I think. The fndm really likes to misinterpret Oz's character, saying he's exactly like Dumbledore, but in reality he's a subversion of characters like Dumbledore. He's a seriously good guy, and I think people miss that.
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artificialmoth · 20 days
Descends like Jesus in your inbox
Ascends away
Alpha/Omega/Delta, okay. Right? We got it? Hadjf LETS GO
They are SOO in love. Definitely like the old retired husbands of the Abbey(even if Delta's the only retired one).
They're like THE pinnacle of romance for a lot of ppl. The type where you go 'if they EVER break up, romance is dead.'
Out of the three of them, Omega's the only one with another partner that isn't a ghoul, it being Terzo. Alpha lovingly teases him about his human side piece, but if asked seriously, will insist that Terzo is just as important to their dynamic.
alpha also has a MAJORRR crush on terzo that he REFUSES to talk about.
Delta's quintessence, because for Me it manifests in premonitions, tends to be rlly finicky. He can either give accurate dates of events, or vague descriptions of them. It's usually near-future.
You already know this Aru BUT, he doesn't remember what he talks about when his quint is acting up, so usually he only recalls when he's informed of it. A few ghouls(Alpha, Omega, Aether, Ifrit, Dew and Mist) are given permission to record him during it.
The only premonition he remembers, is when he accurately predicted when the three older Emeritus brothers were going to be killed. He was alone, and he didn't tell anyone about it, to save the preemptive mourning. He also, years in advance, had a premonition of Copia!
Specifically his ascension to Papa. Delta was very confused, at the time Copia hadn't even come to the Abbey as Cardinal yet, so Delta hadn't met him or heard of him
Omega's the head of the hospital at the abbey. He takes his job EXTREMELY seriously, though Aether helps with it. Delta would've also been working there if his quint was viable for it. He still visits regularly, to bring Omega his lunch or try and coax him out for dinner.
Alpha does a bunch of odd-jobs around the abbey, though primarily he does a lot of handy-man repairs, on top of any guitar tech that needs done. Through winter he helps keep the abbey warm, alongside all the other fire ghouls. They can sustain going out in the cold temps for more firewood, and he keeps the main hearth in the chapel lit.
he also is the official un-official guard dog of the siblings. He sometimes disappears for a few hrs and shows back up saying there was "a small issue". That usually brings an unknown hiker corpse found later, dead to a presumed animal attack. It's never just a hiker. In my hc, Cowbell helps out, as the local woods cryptid, they inform Alpha if they catch an intruder scent.
Delta generally does a lot of little things around the abbey! Lots of helping out where he can, small busywork like replacing candles in the chapel, helping with laundry, dusting, etc. He enjoys it well enough. In the summer months, he's usually out in the lake diving, though. When his quint is forgiving, he spends a lot of time there. Some siblings will play fetch with him, too :D
ALSOOO In terms of timeline for them, Alpha and Omega were summoned first. They were all together in the pits, all three in some way having left or been kicked out of their previous packs.
They hadn't made it official, back then, but Delta had begun courting the two of them. Alpha and Omega were summoned together, an accidental mixup opened the summoning for quintessence and fire, and they got nabbed together.
Delta continued to add to the two piles of courting gifts for them, in hopes that if they ever returned, they'd accept his courting.
Topside, Alpha and Omega were initially furious. Every summoning, they watched and hoped their Delta would be the one to crawl through. Every time, they left with a different ghoul.
In the time it took for a new water ghoul to be summoned and for Delta to be the one nabbed, Alpha and Omega were silently accepted as a mated couple. Despite not being official, they were rarely seen apart for long, so everyone assumed.
The day Delta was summoned, they'd both felt ODD. Kinda like the feeling before a big storm, they knew something was going on, but assumed it was their hopes for Delta getting to them. After so many tries, they were starting to lose hope of ever seeing him.
So, when Alpha scented Delta, even though he was still slumped in the middle of the summoning circle, covered in muck and ash from the pits, he KNEW.
He broke from formation with the others, bolted for it the moment the circle was broken and he could enter. Omega followed shortly.
Everyone knew when they reacted like that, that whoever was just pulled from the pits, was IMPORTANT.
Delta clung to them, after. All three were crying, holding onto each other and trying to confirm it was real. That they were finally, FINALLY together again.
of course in a short while, Delta would undergo the experimental ritual to become quintessence. It would partially fail, permanently changing him, temporarily damaging his relationship with Alpha and Omega, and changing their lives as a whole.
But at that moment, none of them knew what the clergy would do to Delta, and just held each other.
The upside is, Delta is given favor from the clergy. They have hearts, kinda, and feel bad that it didn't kill him. To them, death was a blessing for this ghoul, neither quintessence nor water, plagued by visions of the future and with quint too powerful for his body.
Delta's made peace with himself, now. He doesn't trust the clergy, neither does Alpha, but he's also allowed to ask for anything he wants and it's usually given to him!
Delta did, however, almost take out half the abbey when he heard about Dew's transition. Several days were spent where his quint and water acted up. Violently. Severe flooding, and the abbey was completely cut off from the outside world. Power and flooding meant the roads leading away were flooded too bad to drive or navigate on, it was a complete blackout. The ground floors had a few inches of water for days, the oldest parts of the abbey had roofs caving in from the weight of the water.
No one could get close enough to try to calm him, until Omega did. Had Delta kept going, had Omega listened to the clergy's appeals to let him keep going and it'll stop, Delta would've burned out. A complete collapse of a star, he would've taken out the abbey with him. Omega managed to get close enough to spike him with enough quint to knock him out, which unfortunately meant both of them ended up unconscious.
Alpha was the second to go for Delta, refusing to wait while HIS mates were possibly in danger. He was the one to bring them back, practically burning with anger.
Delta was in a coma for a while. Omega woke up after a few days asleep, but Delta took longer. The amnt of quint his body burned through should've been catastrophic on him, no one's sure HOW he survived, but Omega and Alpha are relieved he did.
They love each other so much they'd die for one another.
Alpha and Delta had a rough go at it for a while, a period of time where Delta felt isolated not just from his pack but his own mates, while Alpha struggled with feeling like he couldn't protect Delta, not from the clergy. Omega, similarly, blamed himself, Delta's transition was directly linked to Omega over-doing it and being unable to use his quint or perform as a result, had he not pushed himself, Delta wouldn't have had to go thru with the ritual.
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ice-and-starlight · 1 year
”Because motherhood is the epitome of womanhood. How could she not?”
The irony aside, what did you expect her to do? Leave Harry by himself? Get a baby sitter? We have no idea if abortion was an option. And we also know nothing about James working and Lily not after Harry was born.
Of course they’re bad ppl. Also good ppl. Like everyone. And Harry realizes that and that’s part of him growing up. He also knows very little of them as do we.
I’m sorry but that post is really reaching. Harry is the focalisator in the series. We regard his parents through him and that’s part of the narration. He’s a kid, even in the seventh book and he idealizes his parents AND he realizes some of their flaws, especially James’ and the other Marauders. But he’s still a kid and he needs to idealize them in order to not fall apart. There’s a reason he brings them back with the stone and not Dumbledore.
Let people write their fanfics and move on with your life kfkkdkdk
I mean, I was absolutely thinking of an abortion, if it got to the point of needing one. Also just using protection (don't tell me wizards don't have magic condoms; they have charms for making magic protective bubbles around their heads, someone absolutely adapted that for putting one around their dicks), until their situation is less 'we might die at any moment'. I know it happens, I'm not saying it's unrealisic, but I do think it was careless of them to bring a baby into that situation.
And my scathing opinion on that point was less for Lily and her choices, and more for the hand behind the curtain, specifically in relation to her TERF sentiments that make such choices about a character feel significantly more sketchy.
I know we know nothing about what Lily did or didn't do for work. If that's your way of saying that James being or wanting to be an Auror is fanon, then that could've been made clearer. As I said, it's been long enough since I read the books that I'm not sure on that point. Perhaps it's more commentary on the fandom than on JKR, but it's still commentary on the ship that there is a pervaisive sense of 'we know what James was doing, professionally' that goes hand in hand with 'we don't know what Lily was doing, professionally' that does imply that Lily's professional life is less important than James's, which is a very stereotypically heteronormative perspective in our culture, and one I don't like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Any in-depth look at Lily and James is going to involve a lot of extrapolation. We, as you say, get very little information about them from the book, because Harry is the point of view character. We also never actually see them and their actions without another character's interpretation in the way. Even when Harry summons them with the stone, there's enough ambiguity about how the stone works that we can't be sure if that's actually their spirits, or if the stone uses Harry's memories/needs/feelings to create them. Even pensieve memories are, of course, someone else's memories, and therefore potentially tainted with that bias.
Yes, of course Harry idealises them. Especially because of how the Dursleys treated him, they became a symbol of a happy loving family to him. That doesn't mean he was right. He's also not the only one. Sirius, Hagrid, and Dumbledore all do it too, to name a few. Severus also idealises Lily, and does the complete opposite to James. There are rose-tinted glasses everywhere when it comes to Lily and James. It makes every single bit of information we get about them unreliable, which means, again, that nearly everything is subject to interpretation.
In my original post, I managed to outline the facts that we know about them and their relationship with one paragraph. That's not a lot of detail to build an in-depth opinion on. If I was reaching with my opinions, then I've gotta say, so is everyone else (who has an opinion on Jily, anyway).
...And, Anon, I never said anying about people not being allowed to write whatever the hell they like. In fact, I've written some things about how much I abhor censorship. If you took my answer to a question about my personal opinion on a ship as a judgement on whether you should enjoy reading or writing that ship or not, I think you need to reflect on why you feel so defensive about it. (Genuinely; I have been there, and I get it.)
Let people write their meta and move on with your life.
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Okay so! Explanation of who the fuck Kodiak even is!
(Alden's human backstory for context)
He used to be Alden's second-in-command and closest friend. Also one of the few ppl in the rebel group who never went on missions themselves, bc he was not built for it neither in mind nor in body (considering the limp). Instead he tinkered together anything he could that would help the rest during operations, kept the spirits up in-between, and helped patch up anyone who came back worse for wear (they had medics, but they could always use the help. Alden himself was a trained field medic but he usually came back too tired and beat-up to be of much use until Kodiak took care of him)
The two of them were inseparable, a fact of life, affectionately referred to as being married or the two dads of the whole group. The jackrabbit and his bear
And then Alden was gone
In the throes of grief, Kodiak struggled to hold everyone together. He knew he wasn't the leader they needed. But still he kept his ear to the ground, and noticed that the operation that had taken Alden from them got more attention from some orokin channels than warranted, even for the death of a wanted criminal
So he started digging, prying for information. Making sure to leave the rebels in more capable hands. And eventually his search led him to a guarded orokin archive
Sneaking in wasn't as hard as it seemed to someone who had never taken part in missions before. He had the know-how to hack and lie his way past most defenses, and looked unassuming enough to not raise any suspicion. What could possibly be threataning about some random gentleman with his smile lines and grey streaks and limp?
Quite a lot, as it turns out
He found out what had happened to Alden, his best friend, the unrequited love of his life. That he had survived and was turned into a monster for it
Kodiak was not a hero or a warrior. He didn't have a plan beyond this. Maybe if he had been better, he still tells himself, he would've deleted or scrambled the databases or blown up the whole archive with himself in it or found Alden and figured out a way to free him from the orokin mind control they had named "transference." But he wasn't a hero. He was just looking for someone who had been taken from him
It broke him
He was found right there in the archives and apprehended. He was recognised as a rebel, and his skill in getting this far was deemed valuable, and they likely connected him to Alden and found it fit for him to suffer a similar fate. And so he was brought aboard the warframe program, with the project name Vauban
He wasn't conscious for any of it, but he and his tenno excelled at defending disgusting orokin secrets during the war and eventually earned the honour of the Prime Vanguard for it. And then the orokin empire fell, and the tenno and their warframes sank into millenia of slumber, and then they were back, waking in waves, emerging from a crumbling moon, and-
Not all tenno were lucky
Kodiak was out on a mission when it happened, when the transference was just gone, no trace of it left, and the shock of it was enough to thrust him into consciousness. Confused and alone, he fled. And the transference signal never returned
Eventually he unlocked memories of orokin archives being important, and started seeking them out, getting what he could from them, unsure what he was looking for, just knowing that he needed to find it. Eventually he did. The archives of the warframe project. The files on what the orokin had named their Volt Prime
He didn't know what to do after that, lost alone in the origin system and unsure how to find a single grain of sand he had no proof had woken back up at all. So he did the only thing he could still remember with so much certainty how to do: he settled in to guard disgusting, horrible secrets
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x14 dressed to kill
the fashion designer episode liveblog
dumpster diving my beloved Canon gay characters "I had it first" No you literally didn't
Wedding stuff. Inviting my older bro to watch this w me bc he likes wedding stuff. Something a little less... intense. KB: They are all very girly, with a lot of gauzy photos of love-struck brides looking off into the distance. Love set design btw. RC: Perhaps they’re contemplating the fifty percent divorce rate? MR: Of course it was the 70s so I can't be sure... Those two r so cute & martha is great <3
Hey we've recorded this location before KB: Matilda King JE: ... Ok. .??
LP: a scarf a sash or something. RC: Blue hairs. So she was killed by a little old lady. Or Katy Perry. Or a dr seuss character
speaking of, where IS ryan?
Nice apartment!!! Ryan's outfit. I also liked Esposito's but I didn't like it. Is it legal to be on call 24/7???
Isn't this already their statement?
Ryan tech stuff
u already need to be a hottie? Stare all you want! Actually no. Ew only hiring ppl who.. i'll shut up.
Big bro: oh no it's his mom? his mom is secretly matilda king?
Like Sifu
Recognizes her!?
About 15 minutes lol that's when she did modeling!
Wow bright pink fashion man. So many canon gay characters even tho... I think they ARE canonly gay but they are intended to be gay obv
& she has a business to run!
ella's dead? how? "we're trying to find out" u KNOW how: strangled
Poor serge.
episode title: dressed to kill.
If you're fired by matilda that's a rite of passage.
bro says the fibres could have gotten on her neck & THEN she was strangled
Pretty normal looking guy
btw love the background artists
RC: Oh! I just came up with a new title. “Murder is the New Black”. KB: Does that even make sense? KR, showing up: No it doesn't
is it REALLY bigger than fashion?
bro: i think it's the big lady (matilda) liking ella's design & someone else taking credit so they can make it big Me: I'll write that down. *not telling him he's right*
Yay cordova! house!
Usually exterminators get RID of bugs
Black coral?
"yes that's him but his hair was more like this" Knows what he wore
RC: After a tough negotiation that involved my Knicks tickets and naming a character in my next book after his Nana, my friend came up with a name. Marcus Conway.
the captions <3 "couture chick" "that's "chic"
My man looks young but with grey hair Ooh she's hot, rly tall, I love her
Corporate espionage & that's why she was killed
Bro: her cell doesnt work from home!
probs just an online zine bro
Wow art. Wow wedding dress.
Ryan pretty.
The boys watching caskett be mushy KB: can you go with martha?
U could be a regular ex-military, u don't need to make everyone ex special forces babes
Ella called Marcus on the landline oh dear!
love the murder timeline
WOuld she do it herself? Bro: maybe she was pressed for time, didn't know who she could trust
Bro: I think it's the pink guy who heard the call as she was leaving & went after her to protect matilda or he needs to secure his position or he needs to prove his loyalty or he needs to frame matilda to get her job
She's on a call? Ask her to hang up politely? idk.
Wow she be yelling.
"it;s the clothing that stitches it all together, we are their fantasy!
It...IS temper babe
Matilda king is good at this capitalist evilhood.
Yeah illegal illegal gross illegal technically legal but shitty crappy
"What information? Don't say u don't know, say you cannot share. "the weekEnd" oOOohhhhhh so it's fine if hte COPS listen!
We need more beckett+ryan
That's a lot of audio footage. THey're probably rly good at seeing what is important while listening at 2(to 3)x speed. Bro & I were arguinng if it was audio recording or direct recording. Inane to YOU esposito, probs super interesting to sm1 who know what they're talking abt. KB: This directory lists over a hundred people who work there. JE: (wistfully) Yeah. (pause) Lucky I have crazy good hearing. (I'd like to learn more abt that. The man is p musical after all.) KR: *nods* it's true (when did he learn that?) Ah, take me out to the ballgame money atm from that one movie
He's supposed to be working at a fashion place???
She cryin I don't like this gal at all lol At least she says "excuse me" The model didn't show up :(
fall 2015 not 14 babe Nice wood on the walls
MR: Then don’t. I’m sure there’s another venue out there that the two of you will just fall in love with. Bro: the station
Beckett wedding dress Bro: it's gonna be HER dress? Bro: No it's not. It's so ugly. Bro: that's the worst way to do an overskirt, and the overskirt doesn't even match the rest of the outfit it looks sooooo tacked on after the fact. doesn't meet in the front, same length all the way around no taper, nothing to hide or blend the seam/joining point especially with how bulky it is especially at the top. t looks like they misread the instructions and put the petticoats over the dress instead of under it. it's not even white-white it's a warm offwhite which doesn't go with the silver at all. I am a huge fan of overskirts so believe me when I say it would be 100000x better without the overskirt.
Me: austrian crystal, I had earrings with that. What is is tho? Wiki: A rhinestone, paste or diamante is a diamond simulant originally made from rock crystal but … In the US, these are sometimes called "Austrian crystal".
while she's gone for 5 mins send a pic to castle Bro: I like the top of the dress at least, but it looks like they assembled it wrong
She's gonna say no. At least Castle didn' t put down the stuff before he called her. Oh she just claims she didn't want to rush it. Or maybe you could plan for fall 2015!
JE: Just Yumi. It – I guess if you don’t have a last name you can charge more. (not clipping but good face.) JE: And in addition to the fact that this model is hot – (he studies the photo) – she’s wearing black coral. Bro out of the blue: two ugly guys & a dog JE: I’m probably going to have to call her in for an interrogation. (just so he can look at a pretty girl acab lol)
Yumi: Models. Lack of food makes them so very fraught.
Bro: It's only been ONE day!?!?!? Me: that's what I said!
Bro: that sash looks like the TYPE of thing she'd have, but I didn't see it specifically.
Love his fashion scarf still lol.
Maybe they were both subconsciously getting the ideas from the air. You come up with the same ideas all on your own. Like music.
Ew copaganda.
bro: it's the guy! the assistant guy! who I was suspicious of before!
Love all these people & looking weird.
Turns out mobsters are more ethical. Love the music bwang.
Love her jacket btw. & so this entire thing happened in one day but then at the very end it was boom morning new day get julian skip the facts getting the dumpster stuff, then boom take down the murder board & do paperwork & go home?
Ooh fire on in the background Like how she's talking with her hands KB: I wish my mom knew you Me: Maybe she was the one who first bought kate a richard castle book Bro: "actually I DID bang your mom." Me: !? Bro: "So you don't have to worry, she liked me a lot"
gtg cook supper bai
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justapayneaway · 2 years
feel free to ignore or delete- but what keeps you interested in liam/his career? i used to be a big fan but dipped because I didn’t like his music at all and felt he could do wayyy better not only lyrical wise but in general with how things turned out. i feel like his lack of genre direction and whatever background interferences really screwed him over. he put out collabs that weren’t interesting or that good. he would hype up a song, put it out then weeks later put out the MV when ppl were slowly losing interest and still expected his fans to do the heavy lifting with streaming/requesting because his interviews sucked and never focused on the right thing. i know his team is ultimately to blame but it was really frustrating because in a way he just seemed over the whole thing and who could blame him? I always wanted him to take a long break (from social media too) and use that time to find his sound, or an idea on what kind of music he wanted to put out and really put effort into it..but alas that never happened. do you think whenever he puts out new music it’ll be better this time or will it be alll the same?
I thought about not answering your ask, but I decided to go for it and developed a few points you made that aren't 100% correct.
It's normal people lose interest in an artist especially if said artist doesn't do songs that make them feel connected or not in the genre they like. That's completely valid! I go through that a lot and I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't understand it because I feel disconnected from everything Harry does so I don't engage with it.
But also I have to kindly and respectfully disagree with a few things you said in your ask and maybe correct the information because it's not right.
Even though a few of his collabs weren't interesting others really helped boost him solo career and even know are hits (For You and Polaroid, for example). These collaborations especially were hits because the promo rounds were heavy and there were a lot of performances in multiple media outlets (shows, radios, awards shows, etc.)
Liam or dare I say his team basically always released the music videos of the songs one week or two weeks after releasing the song. And now that isn't even the case since they always release the video at the same time as the song or on that same day (his latest singles and even during the LP1 promo with Stack It Up and Live Forever). I think in 2017/2018 was the year a lot of artists still waited a few weeks to put the music videos out due to being a strategy to get more people hyped for the songs and it was connected to promo phases. All the boys did this at that time! In the last two years, I believe artists and labels understood that the moment passes so it's better to release everything on the same day for major attention!
Liam's interviews haven't sucked a lot... in the last year, I'll tell you that the most part of them sucked because it's always the same themes and the same things being said over and over again. But Liam has had so many interesting interviews in the past... him being silly and having fun, talking about important issues (like mental health and the bad sides of the industry!!!!) and music. The problem is that those interviews aren't getting the attention they deserve! The attention falls on interviews about 1D or even his personal life and that's what the tabloids spread. His interviews with Capital aren't groundbreaking but that's what his team does in the last few years!
Now this isn't me defending everything he has ever done because a lot of things weren't good. But what motivates me still is the fact that this is one of the most talented artists in the world! It's being wasted by him and everyone around him, but that doesn't change the fact that he is a brilliant performer with the voice of an angel.
He has the potential for a lot of achievements. He just needs to focus on the genre he likes and on the message he wants to send. He has to do his work and present it ! Fuck everybody around him. He needs a new direction! The right one.
So my answer to your last question is no, I don't think things will be different soon or when he releases something next. Not if he stays with this team!
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madfantasy · 4 years
Dear Blogging
How are you, dears? Been awhile. A bit happen I like to ramble about, a mix of good and the bad as life can be~
Starting with the good news first, I GOT ME A PC AT LAST!!
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And how I got— OH, it was a peice of Slytherin scheming, I gotta tell you.
•SO. I was saving up for it for almost a year, right. And when we moved things just went downhill fast from every direction, I had to give everything I have for groceries and bills and all.
But my current pc was coughing up much worse slowly, it was basically running on prayers, I have nothing on it but my files and drawing program, backing up everything was painfully slow. I had to buy something reliable soon, or I won't be drawing.
I was going to get me a normal desk computer, I had it in my wish list for ages, the minute I gathered the full price- it was sold out. I was considably mmfff-ed. Each time I get enough for a good deal pc with the qualities I need- it gets sold out, cuz ya know, everybody's quarantine now and need pcs to be occupied, I suppose.
So, I had to ask for my money back or at least part of it, which I was promised that it would be given back to me, let me clarify. Denied.
I didn't care 'bout groceries, I was miffed— I rather eat dirt for a while than not draw. And so, I begged and pleaded, pleaded and begged. Each time I find a new deal it gets sold out, I'm being ignored further, and it was getting harder to find local deals, and buying aboard wasn't possible these days, even if its cheaper.
Eventually, I asked for only 1/4 of my money back, careful not to say how much it cost or how much I have (cuz I learnt my lesson, it would be taken from me again), so I was given.
I bought it thunder-quick, and it arrived to the next towns delivery office. And FER SOME REASON they sent us a message saying come get your parcel before a week- give or take, and didn't bother to deliver or call.
I was like WHY?!? I knew why anyway, cuz we live in an unmarked town or maybe a village, no traffic or services to pass us.
Since I'm not allowed to step foot outside, and was denied my wishes to learn how to drive (CONSTANTLY), and them bravely taking the responsibility of tending to my needs, I had to beg and plead again. I'm told to forget it, they'll call us and get it here.
For three days, nobody did. I texted, email, messaged all the company's support centers, no response from anyone.
I got the location of their office and phone number and begged them to check it. NOPE.
I was fuming at this point, I was planning ways to go on foot and get it myself, but it was silly- it was 15 minutes drive away, according to Google maps.
So I thought so hard in a way to forced them to go. And remembered something I didn't tell them because I was handling it myself. I deal with the gov documents and do all the paperwork. So I informed them that they need to update their phone number in the ministry office (around the delivering company)
cuz I can't do it online. And they're like damn, and hey I'll go look for your parcel, those ppl are useless in delivering it.
So they went and got it to me, but too bad, the ministry offices are closed. 🤖
With all this, I'm grateful tho for the delay it took (months) and thankful that my older pc kept stable enough to be able to do commissions still (thank you my dearest friends). Because I got a nice deal, and equally important to me— it was red and black, made heavenly matching my red & black palette obsession, hehe
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I settled it on my desk and finished installing everything.
A scarce endless rain started to pour on us one day after. And the renovations to this house that costs us our souls and starving us really showed their worth. All the house was leaking. And it was dripping on my table, on my devices, and more worryingly near the cables in my room. It rained hailstones too on our fake metal ceiling— with ear piercing noise.
So it was a week of frustratingly listening to panicking and asking us to run around with buckets under each invisible leak, and do as little electric- required work as possible. (Because of horrifying previous happenings)
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Contractors came and whatever, asked for the same amount of money to fix our ceiling as they originally did before.
I'm just thankful that it doesn't rain here much anyway.
•And while all that happening:
This person was sending me things.
I already made my point clear to them (and alot of you did more than that, bless your souls)
I don't like listening to people insulting others for their interests, beliefs or basically anything that's doing no one harm to anybody ( I have my fill from home, honestly).
And I suppose they are merely trolling or not good with listening. But then they started spamming me, and I had to break my Homan right policy and block them.
I don't care what others ship as long as they enjoy it, gives them this heart fluttering thrill of excitement and joy, give them meaning, help them grow, understand, have compassion to things they don't get, harmonious with them, have reasonable discussions, influencing goodness on one another. This means alot to me; to be able to do something that can bring happiness and warmth if it was cold and lonely in times. I mean I love how happy everyone was actually enjoying the snermoine I did, while the spammer was too focused on 'canceling' other ships but it. (Eee so glad u liked it💛🔥)
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It's not realistic or fair to me that people gets shamed for liking fictional characters— whatever they are. And equally unfair to force some character concept on someone else that doesn't enjoy that concept, no matter how canon or not it was, they are real people to get hurt by such things, while fictional characters can't and never will get hurt anyway. I'm mortified that I have to say it and don't even know how to explain it more plainly! It is troubling that it's a real thing to happen, ppl annoying others for their favourite ships. Anyway, enough said.
And yeah... the fasting month is coming, and you all know what that means!!
Well you don't.. neither do I, yet, hehe but hopefully it would be easy on us.
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Bless your days with goodness and fortune, my dears 💛
21.4.2020 pm
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internet-content · 7 years
Ok I'm actually really excited to hear that you didn't like Jurassic world because I didn't either and I want to have a more articulate and informed way to tell ppl why I don't like it other than the "unnecessary and forced romance" point and "it just lost the magic" I was just super disappointed w it and I want to hear more abt your opinion on it. Sorry if this is kind of rambling btw
no worries! for those of you who did not read the tags on this post a couple nights ago, I said:  #I did my capstone on this!!#jp is so explicitly and awesomely feminist#(even though it only has 1 human female character)#the other part of my capstone was that jurassic world is shit garbage its shit it sucks and I fucking hate it
first off I want to correct myself, I said that sattler was the only human female but HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT LEX
these are the bullet points of my 14-page senior project (you asked for it):
jurassic park subverts the male gaze (the dinos do basically all of their murdering when they’re unseen or partially obscured, esp. in the “clever girl” scene; this could be down to spielberg’s famous “less is more” approach to monsters to enhance their effect but still)
this one’s a little more of a stretch but isla nublar, the dinosaurs, and nature in general are all coded as female in the context of the film, and humanity as a whole is coded as male. humanity (who is attempting to impose restrictions on the island and life itself by putting up cages and commercializing everything) is inarguably completely and utterly defeated by the dinosaurs and the island, the protagonists barely get away with their lives and hammond is the only jurassic park employee to see the end of the movie. (female-coded) life finds a way. asshole
also the female characters (ellie and of course LEX) are hugely expanded from the novel (where lex was a whiny younger sister stereotype with no redeeming traits) and ellie probably takes more direct action towards saving the humans than any other character. not to mention that most of the heroic male characters are killed, injured, or too old to contribute anything of value (looking @ you hammond, whose masculine god-playing was the cause of this whole shitstorm in the first place; “dinosaur eats man, woman inherits the earth”). also the book ends with the island getting firebombed and all the dinosaurs fucking dead but spielberg wasn’t having it
jurassic world is on the other hand a rampaging sexist dumpster fire which specifically subverts most of jp’s feminist ideas. owen is in charge of the raptors, when they defy him they are killed (this is the movie where a velociraptor is unceremoniously blown the fuck up for daring to violate her master’s control, in a moment that is an echo and inversion of the “clever girl” scene, i’m pretty sure that prior to this the only thing capable of killing raptors was the t-rex)
claire fucking dearing. hhhh. I won’t go into detail about everything (you can go through my sources at the bottom if you want) but this character is constantly belittled for…basically everything she does, no matter what (even when she saves the kids’ lives they want to chill with chris pratt like fuck no he’s a dick in this movie) but ESPECIALLY egregious is how much everybody (her sister, owen, the kids) wants her to be a fucking mom, she’s “defrosting ice queen” personified but it’s like the movie wants her to be defrosted through sheer brute force (alan grant was forced into a paternal role in jp but that was due to circumstance, not so much his brother on the phone weeping and begging him to quit his dumb job and focus on the important things like babies) she’s basically on the verge of tears this whole movie and it’s not hard to see why, it’s really uncomfortable to watch it while paying attention to how the other characters treat her. the 3.5 inch heels aren’t even worth mentioning tbh. oh also there’s also a moment where owen is pressuring her to prove that she’s worthwhile in a survival situation (my paper was called “sexism in survival situations” after the scene in jp) and she does so by…removing her top. hhhhhh I could go on but there’s more than just this one fucking character wrong with this movie
remember zara, the assistant who’s forced to do the mothering while claire goes and TRIES TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE DOESN’T FUCKING DIE thus leaving her nephews to hang out for 4 HOURS AT MOST? (this unforgivable transgression is what prompts judy greer to call her up WEEPING) well you might remember that she lets one of these asshole kids out of her sight and they go on a……..guided tour in a bulletproof glass dome. and then endanger themselves by straying off the path into an area clearly marked as not for access. so I’m pretty sure zara weeps too as a result of this and then later on she is torn apart by like 20 different dinosaurs over the course of a full minute. and a lot of people already know this but it’s just so worth mentioning: this was the first time a woman had been killed onscreen, EVER, in a jurassic park movie. it lasted 60 goddamn seconds, twice as long as it took the main villain of jp (wayne newman’s character) to be killed. i mean. you can just imagine the filmmakers going “you know what? it’s time for a woman to die onscreen, i think that’s what the franchise needs” like
owen grady (chris pratt) really is a pervy piece of shit in this movie, constantly hitting on claire, esp bad since at the end they fucking make out for no goddamn reason. chris revealed in an interview that the first kiss with her after they fight the pterodactyls was unscripted, and a total surprise for bryce dallas howard (colin treverrow, the director, was also there and he confirmed this). I think there’s another interview where she addresses it and she didn’t seem to mind really so ymmv but that’s at least a little icky idk
this movie has more characters overall but the amount of female characters who contribute anything goes down from 2 to 1. it’s been over 20 years but we can’t have 2 women who push the plot forward, okay, whatever (the characters I’m not counting are the lady in the control room who literally friendzones nick miller and zara, who did nothing wrong and died too soon. i liked merlin. she should fire her agent)
god and there’s so much more wrong just with the structure of jurassic world, the characters, the cgi, the themes, everything about it just falls apart under even the smallest bit of scrutiny, I could turn this into a generic shitting-on-jurassic-world post but it’s already long enough
I might’ve gotten a little carried away but like… jurassic park honestly isn’t even in my top 10 favorite movies but I’m so angry about jurassic world. I really hope the person who sent me this anon actually follows me and I didn’t just write this for nothing lol. jurassic world is so bad. its so bad.
“sources” (these are mostly subjective movie reviews that I used to help me form my arguements, this whole post is basically subjective so who gives a shit): Chris Pratt/Colin Treverrow interview, Jurassic World’s Mother of a Problem, ‘Life Finds a Way’: Monstrous Maternities andthe Quantum Gaze in Jurassic Park and The Thirteenth Warrior (it’s ch. 1 in this doc), The Perma-Pump: Jurassic World’s SilliestCharacter, The Death of Zara Young, or: How I Learned toStop Worrying and Hate Jurassic World, Jurassic World Has A Serious Woman Problem
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