#everyone say thank you byakuya
kona-boba · 10 months
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The Gift of Platinum.
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tojiscumdumpster · 4 months
⠀ ⠀⠀ "unwanted" MATRIMONY
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⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀byakuya kuchiki.
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✧ summary to preserve the existence of y/n's clan, she is forced to wed the twenty-eighth head of the kuchiki clan—byakuya kuchiki.
✧ content warnings reader is described as a black woman who uses she/her pronouns. clanhead!reader x captain!byakuya. bleach verse au (no manga spoilers) byakuya is a noble, so they'll both be speaking as such. lowkey giving royalty au vibes. told in first POV — reader's. tropes included: arranged marriage, childhood rivals to lovers. usage of c*nt, missionary position, fingering, nipple play, praise and breeding kink, primal play, terms of endearment — blossom, my love, etc. plot with smut, fluff, and a touch of angst if you squint hard enough. lengthy, but the build up is worth it and necessary!
✧ author's note i don't have much to say, but here's to adding more bleach men to my roster. i knew i wanted to write for byakuya because that's my baby daddy, and now i finally have this idea i hope you guys enjoy. support me by reblogging, liking, and commenting your thoughts. i would greatly appreciate it. ♡ MINORS AND BLANK/AGELESS BLOGS - DO NOT INTERACT.
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 I must make my days do, lazing around in my private chambers as I am bound to a marriage I wanted no parts of. Especially not with Byakuya Kuchiki. 
 Lord Byakuya, as he prefers me to call him.
 Because I am the current and possibly the final head of the L /N Clan, I am forced to complete my duties as such. Those duties entailed me following through with my grandparents final wish: get married and keep our family name alive. 
 Which I have no issue with fulfilling. 
 My dreams are filled with having children with a man that loves me. To extend our family and grow old together where our souls will find each other in another life. 
 However, I hadn’t planned my marriage to be an arrangement that I wasn’t aware of because of an agreement our grandfathers had prior to me being born. 
 It’s shocking, honestly. More so, ludicrous for them to think this was okay. But I just couldn’t deny my grandfather. Not when his palm was in mine, lacking its warmth that’s usually there due to his near passing. 
 I remember tears staining my cheeks and a smile gracing his when he made his final request for me. 
 That was two years ago. Now, I am married. Have been for almost a year and every day I dread my decision. 
 How could I possibly wed a man as cold as Byakuya Kuchiki? We barely speak. We sleep in separate chambers. The most we see each other is during dinner because it would be ridiculous to have the servants prepare us food at different times. But even so, the silence and tension always remains deafening.
 And to make matters worse, we have yet to consummate our marriage. 
 This is something I cannot possibly do on my own. He may or may not be attracted to me, and I am convinced to assume the latter because he never utters a look in my direction. 
 It’s shameful how he treats me. The words he spoke to me the night of our ceremony is a constant memory I do my best to forget but cannot. 
 I’m officially married. Not the way I expected to be, but what other choice do I have? Grandfather has died and I made a promise to him to marry and bear children to keep the L /N Clan everlasting. Even if that meant being forced into marriage with my childhood rival. 
 As we sit side-by-side next to each other, bowing and thanking all of our guests for their blessings, I feel the coldness radiating off Byakuya. Of course, one of us has to be graceful and fake smiles while greeting everyone, so I am left to the task. 
 Byakuya? He doesn’t hide how dissatisfied he is with how this night is going. 
 To an extent, I understand. Forcing to wed after the loss of his wife, Hisana, is not ideal. Despite it being centuries since her soul has passed, I’m almost positive the heartbreak is still present. 
 Maybe tonight reminds him of her? 
 “Byakuya—what is the matter? Is everything alright?” I inquired. I turn to face him and await a response. 
 The squareness of his jawline catches my attention and I think how it was carved by the gods themselves. I’ve known Byakuya since we were both children, and seeing the fine man he has grown into today never ceases to amaze me. 
 His profile is… beautiful. I’m mesmerized by the softness of his pale complexion and how it contrasts with the darkness of his raven colored locks. 
 The further I stare at him, the more heat floods underneath my cheeks and my mouth watering at the sight of his beauty. 
 But when he finally speaks, all of the emotions I’ve felt have completely diminished. 
 “Do you feel no shame being forced into a marriage where your partner feels nothing for you?”
 Since then, I’ve kept my distance from him. I remember the pain that pinged my chest when processing the words that left his mouth. I remember rushing to my chambers after the ceremony and crying until it felt like a million shards of glass were piercing them. 
 Yes, I feel ashamed. But I never expected Byakuya to be so direct with me. He’s certainly not the young boy I remember growing up with. Where we would make everything into a competition. 
 Our swordsmanship. Our knowledge. Our abilities. Whatever can be turned into a challenge for us, Byakuya and I competed. 
 That led him to be a captain of the Gotei Thirteen and twenty-eighth head of the Kuchiki Clan. And me, the twenty-third head of my family. I initially wanted to enter the Shin’ō Academy along with Byakuya, but I chose to stay with my family and oversee our medicine and agriculture. 
 However, even when he entered the academy, he always made time to see me because we were friends before any juvenile competition we made. 
 So why can he not see his wrongdoings in our marriage? Could he at least try for the sake of me fulfilling my duties? 
 All that keeps me company are movements of the servants coming in and out of my chambers, along with the river that flows past my view. 
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 As always, dinner is silent. 
 Byakuya has returned to the manor after attending his captain duties, and this is the only time of day where I see him. He is stripped from his formal wear and has been dressed in a simple dark blue yukata that has specks of cherry blossoms scattered across the garment. 
 If I didn’t loathe him so much, I could take my time appreciating how handsome he looks while being in the comfort of his manor. His locks are released from the kenseikan he wears that symbolizes his nobility as the head of the Kuchiki Clan. 
 I occasionally steal glances at him while he eats, and yes, while I do despise being in this forced marriage just as he does, I can’t help but be captivated by him.
 My lady parts wouldn’t allow me to deny the attraction. 
 As I watch my beloved husband, I think of all the sexual acts I would like for him to do to me. Please me in ways I could only imagine he can do. Make love to me and whisper in my ear how breathtaking I am.
 When I look at Byakuya, I think of all the times I’ve spent time with Lady Kyōraku and she tells me how madly in love she is with Captain Kyōraku. How well he treats her, and even with his demands in his new position, they spend much quality time together. 
 She even graced my ears with a few details about a picnic session they recently had where it led to activities that typically aren't done out in public.
 I wonder if my husband will ever be reckless enough to do an act as obscene as that. 
 Not likely. 
 I hate quiet, especially while we eat together. What is the purpose if no words will be spoken amongst each other? No eye contact. No going to bed together after we have finished. Why? 
 Why am I not able to be served dinner in my private chambers? Surely, I can make a request for this going forward. 
 Or… perhaps there is a different way for me to get him to speak. 
 I take a sip of my cremè sake before clearing my throat. “How did your day treat you, my lord?”
 “It was fine,” he responds, flatly. Should I be shocked that he didn’t lift his chin when speaking to me? 
 “There is something I would like to discuss with you.”
 “It can wait. I’m not up for discussion at the moment.” His dismissive tone has annoyance leaching onto my flesh, and I feel like I am on the verge of exploding.
 “Perhaps it cannot. I would like to discuss something with you, my husband.” The authority in my voice grabs his attention and finally, he looks up at me and catches my hardened gaze. 
 He deeply sighs, sitting down his bowl of rice and chopsticks. “What is it?”
 “Maybe we should… begin the process of annulment.”
 His face remains calm. Expressionless, like I always remembered. Does he care enough to show a reaction to me asking for a cancellation of our marriage? 
 This shouldn’t be a difficult decision for him, so why is he taking his time to respond? 
 The longer I wait, the more his lack of response bothers me. It’s not similar to before, where the quiet was filled by the sounds of us eating and the servants coming in to check on us.
 No, it’s the silence where if he does not speak, I will make the decision for him and walk out and permanently leave the manor.
 I think of all the conversations I’ve had with Lady Rukia, his younger sister. And Renji, his lieutenant, about how I should be patient with Byaykuya. That, eventually, he will come around and warm up to me being his wife. 
 But how long?
 How long would it take for us to share a chamber? For us to act like we’re in this agreement together? For him to look at me with the same attraction I have for him?
 How long? 
 It possibly couldn’t be more than a year. 
 This is not the Byakuya Kuchiki I grew up with. No, I wasn’t in his life those five years he was wedded to Hisana due to my own family issues. Maybe I could’ve been there for him and witnessed his change that caused him to be so apathetic. 
 However, this cold man that sits before me… I don’t know who he is.
 “Is there someone else you’re interested in?” He finally speaks, breaking me from my musings. 
 I draw my brows together, confused at his accusation. “Are you… insinuating that I am having an affair?”
 “We’ve been wedded for a year. No acts of intimacy have been done between us. Now suddenly you—”
 “Because of you!” My voice roars, interrupting whatever nonsense that he was about to spew. 
 I refuse to allow him to put the blame on me for the stillness in our marriage. I have tried, time after time, and all I am met with is a man that constantly rejects any type of advances I attempt to provide him.
 So, I continue. 
 “I have given you a year, Byakuya,” I begin, standing over him. He looks up at me and again, his expression remains undetectable. “The day of our ceremony, I have accepted that I will be your lady, and on that night, I was prepared for consummation. But what did you do instead? Humiliate me in front of all our guests with your trivial question!”
 My chest heaves an adrenaline I haven’t felt in a while. Maybe even never, however, leave it to Byakuya to rile me up this way. 
 “If you or anyone thinks I will bear children with a man that looks at me with utter disgust, then you all are sadly mistaken.” Are my last words to him before I rush out the supper room, tears threatening to fall, reminding me of the night we wedded. 
 I feel like such a fool. Disgrace descends upon me and my mind quickly goes to my grandfather and the words he spoke to me on his deathbed. Be strong, child, and fulfill your duties as the current head of the L /N Clan. Bear beautiful children with Young Byakuya and fall effortlessly in love. 
 Oh, grandfather. What am I to do? I can no longer stand to be in this marriage. Not like this. 
 Not with Byakuya. 
 By this time already, I had returned to my chambers and began preparing for bed. I allowed my emotions to get the best of me tonight, so some sleep will do me good. 
 But my suggestion of annulment will continue in the morning. 
 Just as I was moisturizing my body, a knock at the door interrupts my nightly routine and I immediately grow annoyed. 
 I know it isn’t one of the servants checking on me. They know when I don’t want to be bothered with. So that leaves the man that’s responsible for my current state of mind. 
 Ignore him, I say to myself. He’ll think I’m asleep and eventually leave. But no. He barges into my chambers, unannounced, and shuts the door behind him. 
 “Excuse me. I don’t recall giving you permission to en—”
 “Do you think this is easy for me?” He asks, paying no mind to my protests. “Being… married to you.”
 I turned my back to him and continued with the task I was doing before he interrupted. “Save me the boredom and keep it to yourself. No need to further remind—”
 “For a year… I have been… fighting these emotions. These… feelings that have been forming in my chest at the thought of you being my lady.” His admission shocks me… but I remain quiet and stare at him intently through my mirror and allow him to finish. “Do you wish to know how I feel about you, Lady Y/N?”
 My chest slowly heaves up and down and I hold eye contact with him. “How?” I breathed. 
 “You interfere with my routine. Daily… weekly… monthly. Just the thought of you has my mind spiraling.” He moves closer to me with every word he speaks. “A noble. A clan head such as myself, loses all sense of control with just a whiff of your scent. Your jasmine scent that drives me utterly insane. I simply cannot act with honor when I’m around you, so I purposely choose to ignore you.”
 “But… why?” I questioned. 
 “Because you are you, my lady. You may think I don’t keep my eyes on you, but I do. All day… every day. I… watch you sit by the river and simply smile at the sight of nature. From a distance, I hear how kind you are when you speak to others. It’s… enchanting.”
 I slowly release a breath and swallow a thick gulp. “So why is that you don’t speak to me? If I’m, as you stated, enchanting?”
 “Speaking is not what I wish to do with you when we are alone,” he admits. Arousal rushed between my legs at the true meaning of his statement. 
 “It is hard for me to believe that you have an attraction toward me, Lord Byakuya.” As if my words triggered him, he takes long strides to close the distance between us. 
 “Perhaps it’s because you do not look at me the way you look at others. I, too, should be questioning your attraction toward me.”
 I stand to meet with him, but fail miserably due his tall frame towering me. Still, I stand firm with my gaze. “Others such as who?”
 “Shūhei Hisagi,” he deadpans. 
 “You’re being ridicu—”
 “That smile… Your eyes… The look you give him… you have never looked at me that way before. He personally delivers the newsletter to our manor, which he doesn’t have to, but he does for you.”
 “Are you… jealous? Of the small interactions I have with Hisagi a few times throughout the week?”
 It is hard for me to believe that the honorable Byakuya Kuchiki himself is getting flared up over a platonic friendship between Hisagi and I. 
 Sure, there may be a chance he feels more for me than I know, judging by how his cheeks stain a light pink color when he delivers the newsletter. 
 But in no shape or form do I feel the same way, and I would never stoop as low as stepping out in my marriage. Even if my husband treats me like I am a fly on the wall. 
 Though, now, as he stands before me, slightly flustered, nostrils flaring, and a pinched expression—Byakuya is in fact—jealous. 
 I do not know how to feel about this, but I do know it is better than the distance I was getting before. 
 “Does this,” he grabs my hand to slip between us so I can feel his hardened erection, causing me to suck in a breath, “feel like I hold no attraction to you?”
 “Byakuya,” I barely said above a hushed tone. 
 He presses his forward against mine, whispering, “Everyday… I curse myself for these feelings I have for you, to the point where I attempt to avoid you yet fail horribly because I can’t help but watch you from afar.” His hand gently runs up and down my arm, and this bit of contact burns warmth to my flesh. 
 “I feel wrong. Felt, wrong for having such feelings for you, knowing my late Hisana has passed away. I thought my heart went along with her illness, however, you returned to my life unexpectedly.”
 I lick my lips before asking, “Are you saying you… love me, my lord?”
 “I desire you, my lady. Crave you in ways that make me want to act animalistic.” His lips ghost over mine before he falls to my neck and inhales heavily. “I’ve always wanted to know what it is like to have you on my tongue. To hear you beg for me to give you more than what I am giving.”
 “My lord… please.” 
 He shushes me. “Your beauty is beyond words. I have… never seen a rich, deep, golden brown complexion such as yours. You hold yourself with grace, but I know you’re a minx underneath these silk garments.”
 He begins trailing faint kisses along my flesh until meeting with my face once more. I stare at him and take advantage of his ash-colored hues that resemble the sky on a cloudy day. 
 I don’t recall ever being this close in proximity to Byakuya. I’m enthralled by the smoothness of his skin and the color of his lips that reminds me of a thousand cherry blossoms. 
 I want to kiss him. I, too, also want to know what it feels like to have the taste of him on my tongue. Just—
 “May I kiss you, Y/N?” The octave of his voice, slightly lower than usual, breathy with a touch of desperation… it does something to my core. 
 His cheeks flush red and my eyes widen at the sight of him. It feels like this is a fantasy, a moment I thought I would only see in my dreams. He is completely vulnerable, stipped down to where he forgets the formalities and calls my name. He is like this for me because of me. 
 When he is like this–I do not loathe him.
 “You may.”
 Byakuya gently presses his mouth against mine, our lips merely touching as if he is skeptical about what he is doing. He pulls back to look at me and I know desperation is shown on my face. And I know he feels the same.
 How he engulfs my arm with his hand, applying immense pressure to show his desire for me tells me so. 
 My breaths are staggered. I’m thinking, what will he do next? Will he turn around and return to his chambers, regretting this moment ever happened? No. He does not. 
 He caresses my nose with his, breathing me in before meeting with my lips once more. 
 This time, he cuffs my face and deepens our kiss. My hands latched  onto his wrist to hold him in place because I will not allow him to show any skepticism once again. 
 Byakuya takes his time exploring my mouth, but a touch of eagerness is shown when his tongue slips inside of me to get more. Heat hums throughout my body and I feel wetness pooling between my thighs due to the lack of under garments I am not wearing. 
 Is this what it feels like to kiss him? Is it normal for my limbs to grow weak? As if he read my thoughts, he sweeps me off the ground and wraps my legs around his waist. Our heads move side-to-side in unison while we devour each other’s grunts and moans. 
 We head in the direction to my futon and ever so lightly, he lays me down and pulls away from me. 
 “Strip for me.” His order is soft but filled with dominance I can’t be anything but submissive to. 
 I untie my silk robe, slowly until it falls off my shoulders and bares my body. His eyes… where I know Byakuya to be calm and collective during battle, right now a beast rages through him, and I am his prey that he is ready to feast on. 
 My legs spread, revealing my sex that is moist beyond measure. A growl forms in the pit of Byakuya’s stomach and it spreads chills down my spine.
 He palms my breasts while gazing at me and I shudder from his touch. I could believe that this is in fact a dream, but it is not. 
 No longer than a second later, and he pinches my nipple between his fingers. 
 “My lord,” I softly cried, arching my back. 
 “You are art, Y/N.”
 “Address me as your lady,” I demanded. 
 “Apologies, Lady Y/N.” He leans forward to press a quick kiss to my lips. “Is there anything else you would like for me to do?”
 “Strip for me as well,” I instructed, teasingly. 
 His yukata drapes low on his hips and I am met with his slender build. Squared shoulders. A trimmed waist. And an abdomen where I would enjoy rubbing my wetness along that leads to what will bring me pleasure tonight. 
 He stands to completely remove his garments and my mouth floods at the sight of him. His groin, hard and veiny, drips liquid that I’m yearning to taste. 
 Byakuya, as expected, is well trimmed, but leaves just enough hair, perfect to my liking. 
 He’s much larger than I imagined. A size I need time adjusting to, that’s for certain. 
 “Am I up to your liking?” He quips. 
 I hum, tugging my bottom lip between my teeth. “Perhaps.”
 The smallest chuckle, almost faint, escapes his mouth. “Perhaps…” He mocks, catching onto the lie that I uttered. 
  He kneels down before me and sucks my lower lip into his mouth while he widens my legs even further to bring pleasure to my cunt. Those slender fingers, so long and delicate, slip inside of me and I mewl at the slight intrusion. He massages my walls as if he is exploring, attempting to familiarize himself with how I pulsate around his fingers. 
 I break our kiss to moan his name, and my lord takes advantage of the opening to plunge his tongue in the back of my throat and sink deeper into my cunt. 
 I never expected Byakuya to be well equipped with his fingers this way. Those same fingers that are used for battle are currently being used to bring me to my release. 
 Soon, his lips find the valley of my breasts where he leaves bruises on my flesh with teeth. I whimper so pathetically, shocking myself at the sound that leaks from me. 
 He sucks on my nipples greedily, like a starved man that’s hungry for his lover, and this time, I let out a moan of his name. 
 He looks at me through his lashes and firmly grips my breast. “Remember, my lady. Address me as your lord.”
 “I am sorry, my lord. Please… I can no longer wait. I want to come.”
 “Where is that fire that was present earlier? Begging?” I clench around his fingers at the sound of him taunting me. 
 He flickers his digits quicker inside of me, pulling such obscene noises from my cunt that mingles with my moans and his praises in my chambers. 
 Byakuya, this time, does not kiss me. No, instead, he ogles me and gently holds my chin in place where I am forced to watch him deliver me a release I’ve been waiting a year for. 
 There was a time where I thought he didn’t have an ounce of attraction to me, and now here he is, pleasing me in a way I haven’t been before. 
 “Oh, Lord Byakuya… I… I’m about to come. I feel a release coming,” I purred. 
  “But I have barely touched you, blossom.”
 I latched onto his wrist and rolled my hips to meet his fingers thrusting inside of my cunt. “I—I know. I’ve been waiting for this… for so long.”
 “You’ve fantasized about me bringing you pleasure?” I nod, causing a small smirk to form on his lips. “Tell me more, Lady Y/N. What else do you want? Would you like my shaft inside your tight cunt?”
 “Tell you how breathtaking you look while being filled with me?”
 “Oh, yes. Yes, Lord Byakuya.”  
 The faintest, most gentle kiss is placed on the side of my mouth and I feel the tension at the bottom of my stomach unraveling.
 “Are you prepared to bear my children? To have my come flooding your cunt until it drips out?” He ghosts over my ear. “Will you take me?”
 “Bya… kuya…” My orgasm suddenly crept onto me and I’ve created a mess on his hand. 
 I throw my head back and moan to the gods above. I can’t stop shaking and he continues to pump his fingers inside of me. 
 For a year I thought this man loathed me, but tonight I am proved otherwise. 
 Lord Byakuya has described himself as a madman when he is around me, and it is shown when he doesn’t permit me the time to come down from my release before guiding his cock to my entrance. 
 I look between us, anticipating the moment he enters my body and wondering how I will take him. 
 He attempts to push himself inside, but is met with interference and clicks his tongue. Frustrated at the constriction of my cunt because his cock is aching to feel my walls. 
 “I see she is as stubborn as you are,” he taunts. 
 I slyly smirk at him. “Giving up—Ohh…”
 Byakuya does not allow me to finish my retort before giving me one long thrust between my folds to completely stuff me. My brows knits together at the slight intrusion and hint of pain that’s mended by my wetness. 
 I’m… stretched. How could he fit? He’s so… big. Large. I feel his veins pleasurably grazing me when he slowly begins to pull in and out. My cunt molds around his cock like he’s all she knows and I gasp with every movement. 
 My thighs are pushed back so he could see all of me, to see how I’m swallowing him whole. He swears underneath his breath and seeing Byakuya so vulnerable like this has me pulsating. 
 “You… are amazing, my lady. This cunt of yours… It's perfect,” he declares. “For a year you have been keeping this from me?”
 “More, my lord. Give me a bit more.”
 “So desperate for my come, are you?”
 I eagerly nod and grip his forearms to take his pounding. He wastes no time acquiescing to my request, increasing his thrusts to pull such lewd noises from me.
  I’m almost embarrassed by the loudness of my dripping sex. I’m practically making a mess on my futon and I’m mortified that the servants will need to replace my sheets. 
 Again, his mouth and hands are back on my breast, sucking and circling my nipples until they ache. Byakuya alternates between the two to show equal amounts of love and I have never felt so overwhelmed.
 He drives into me with so much passion while marking me with his teeth and alleviating the pain with his tongue. 
 “When I breed you, you will be completely mine, my love. You will be full of me, carrying my child,” he rasps, rutting into me with more force. “How many will you give me?”
 I gasped. “As many as you want, Lord Byakuya. Just please… make me come again. I feel it approaching.”
 “So come for me, blossom.”
 His thrusts are harsher than before. The head of his cock repeatedly presses my sweet spot and I feel the spark of electricity tingling in my lower back. My breasts are still occupied by his mouth, but they move obnoxiously with the rhythm of his poundings. 
 I cry his name, scream to my lord how wonderful this feels and tears prick the corner of my eyes. His free hand that was on my breast moves to thumb my clit to aid with my near release. 
 Byakuya moans soon joins mine to tell me how my cunt squeezes his cock, nearly strangling. And if it were to lose circulation, I would be the cause. But does he not feel how he throbs inside of me? 
 How he hopes to breed me so we will be bound for life? 
 “You asked me earlier… if I love you. Would you still like to know?”
 “Yes, Byakuya. Tell me… do you?”
 “I do,” he simply answers. “Since the day I saw you staring at the river and smiling at the water flowing. How could I not love you?” He brushes his lips across mine and lowers his voice. “How could I not love you after having you like this? Having your beautiful body, every dip and curve bare underneath me?”
 “Lord Byakuya… I’m coming.”
 “And you sound beautiful when my name drips from your lips. Continue calling me your lord until I have filled you with my come.”
 Over and over, he rocks into me at a frenzied pace, causing my orgasm to burst out of me. Tears stain my cheeks and arousal prickles my flesh from my overwhelming release. However, Byakuya does not let up until his thrusts are uncoordinated, indicating his own climax.
 Coming together as lovers for the first time after our ceremony has me seeing stars in my chambers. His load… it’s heavy. Hot and sticky. It mingles with my own come and creates a mess between us.
 Lord Byakuya, too, is a vocal lover. He comes down from his own release and whispers how ethereal I am. How he would never grow tired of pleasing me and filling my cunt. 
 But it’s the delicacy of him brushing my coils away from my face and placing soft kisses on my cheeks that causes my heart to skip a beat. 
 An hour has already passed, and we have been basking in each other’s presence. His embrace is comforting. It provides me with a warmth that was well needed to fill the coldness beside me when I slept alone at night for the past year. 
 “I’m sorry,” he says, breaking the silence. 
 I know the reason for his apology, but ask anyway. “For what, my lord?”
 “For the discomfort I have provided you since our engagement. You didn’t deserve that… Before anything, you were a dear childhood companion of mine and I treated you horribly.”
 His kind words move me. I place my palm against his cheek and look up at him. “We can discuss it some more later on. For now, I would like to enjoy your company. Is that okay?”
 He kisses the top of my head and pulls me further into his arms. “Of course, my lady… Of course.”
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thank you for reading. reblogs, comments, and likes are well appreciated. if you enjoy my work, please be sure to check our my masterlist for more. ෆ
856 notes · View notes
ok ok lily hear me out~ byakuya, grimmjow, Ulquiorra getting a suprise cheek kiss ~(。◕‿‿◕。)
Gasp! What a fantastic idea! Much needed fluff as of right now.
It's not easy to do anything sneaky when Byakuya is involved but that makes the end result all the sweeter
He's such a guarded man, he never lets people get too close without him knowing they're there and you aren't an exception
This is definitely something that took many many tries to get done but each failure comes with a reward
It's not like he doesn't know what you're trying to do and he fines it so endearing
This small act, these constant attempts make his heart beat faster and his affection grow
The day you succeed in this surprise attack would also be the day he confessed his love to you
It truly is the sweetest reward and he's never been happier that you managed to get one over on him, even if it was just a simple kiss on the cheek
What started as a small but fun game now becomes a secret routine, if Byakuya is having a bad day you would sneak around and plant a soft kiss on his cheek before running off and he's never been happier
It's not even a hard thing to do but know he won't let you escape once you commit to it
He always lets his guard down around you, you're trustable and he knows even if you tried to kill he'd win the fight
That also makes him the most prone to surprises as he doesn't expect you do anything weird
It would be such a simple thing, just a small thought that pops up when you're lounging around together
He's likely napping basking in the artificial sun and warmth while you gaze up at the clouds and enjoy this quite time you share
It's then that it happens, you lean over and just peck his cheek
Simple and straightforward, there was nothing special about it yet it set Grimmjow's heart ablaze
He rolls over and wraps his arms tightly together with some grumbling under his breath he presses heaps of kisses all over your face as payback and there you both stay, happy and silently in love
The nice and weird middle ground, he's not hard to surprise but it takes longer to understand for him
As is any kind of close relationship with this man is hard to form it would take a while for you to even think this was a safe thing to do
Once you get there though its smooth sailing and mostly easy to work around
He lets you just do what you want but know it will always end in questioning, he wants to learn more then anything
With that in mind actually surprising him is easy, you just need to run up and kiss his cheek before scampering away, he's left in a slight daze from the sudden affection
There will be a few beats of nothing before he simply walks off to go back to work or whatever he was doing before that
It won't get mentioned for days potentially and this might seem bad but that's just how this man is, he spends days mulling things over before asking about it
Once he's past the waiting faze you both have a big conversation about why you did it and what it means and after learning it's just another way you say you like him Ulquiorra will begin to do the same thing
Walking up to you just to peck your cheek and walk away again is just a part of his life now, it's easier, he finds, then saying how he feels
We did it! It took me a while but here we have yet another post! Thank you all so much for sticking around still, it means the world to know that people like my writing still. I hope everyone's been staying safe and I hope you enjoyed reading this. Have a good day or night~ Lilly
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tsukasalvr · 8 months
My I request headcanons for Fuyuhiko, Gundham, and another character of your choice protecting/saving a gender neutral reader? I'm kinda a sucker for those kinda things 👉👈
AN: I’m so in love rn and dw me too anon!!!! I’m gonna choose Hajime cus I don’t think I’ve write for him yet but I literally haven’t written for a lot of the danganronpa characters yet sooo
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protecting/saving reader
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Anime/Fandom: Danganronpa
Characters: Fuyuhiko’s Kuzuryo, Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: my stomach can’t stop making noise help
Danganronpa masterlist | Main masterlist
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Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
He knew you and Mahiru were out together taking a stroll around the island and were planning to go for a swim
He should’ve been more aware about Peko and how she would react, he knew Peko would never hurt you, and he was lucky enough to make it in time to the small house
Mahiru was waiting outside for you as you went in to grab a water bottle from the small fridge, Peko thought it would be Mahiru who went in first but was able to stop just in time when Fuyuhiko’s ran all the way to the house and pull you towards him so Peko would miss
Peko apologized and made it clear that she wasn’t going to kill you and had Fuyuhiko’s help clear it up as well
Seeing how it could’ve been you instead of Mahiru who died, and by accident form Peko of all people, made him even be more worried about your wellbeing and had you close to him at all times even if it was just you going to the bathroom
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Gundham Tanaka
He never had you stray too far away from him ever, he would always say that he would protect you from all evil with the help of his dark devas
You were never seen apart from each other even from when you both woke up on the island, especially since you two were dating for a while and even before the island
It was just a coincidence he saved you, Hiyoko sucked up and went to ask you for help on tying her kimono and you told her that you remembered there was a large mirror over at the live house and you told her you would gladly carry it over to her cabin so she can keep it
The only reason you didn’t was because Gundham had reminded you about a small dinner you were supposed to have later that day with him, Sonia and Hajime
So Hiyoko had to go alone and when it turns out that her going there alone, like you were going to, was how she ended up getting killed, Gundham was shocked
He didn’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if you had went instead. He has since then pledged to go everywhere with you so you wouldn’t be alone and to calm his nerves
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Hajime Hinata
Hes been on edge since he woke up on the island and even more worried when he saw you were unfortunately here as well on this hell island
Everything was going smoothly, there had been no murders so far and the little party they were having had been going well as everyone was having a great time talking and eating
You on the other hand, had been worried especially since you thought it was such a coincidence that only one pick had gone missing but Byakuya’s and Hajime brushed it off and Hajime comforted you with saying that nobody will kill someone in broad daylight and it probably just went missing
You weren’t believing it and when the lights went out, you noticed a small liquid neon dots that were leading under a table and crouched down to lift up the cover when Hajime who was next to you before the lights went out, accidentally tripped and you had both fallen on top of each other
And it was thanks to him tripping over you that you hadn’t died and crawled under the table
He’s since then taken this island more serious especially since you’re hear with him
Knowing that could’ve been you bleeding out under the table, haunts him
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nyimasu · 1 year
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— CHARACTERS : Kuchiki Byakuya, Aizen Sosuke, Szayel Aporro Granz (+ small bonus at the end)
— CONTENT WARNING : implied size kink, wall sex, oral (m receiving), degradation kink, power play, cowgirl position, aftercare with byakuya, bdsm content (flogging, master/slave dynamics, use of a monoglove/armbinder, brat taming), cum eating, an*l, quirofilia, orgasm denial
ANYA'S CORNER : my gorgeous friend loni aka @nagumoan helped me immensely with the bonus part at the end and I can't thank her enough for it. I love you dearly, my beloved. thank you 🤍. you can find the first part here ! also stay tuned for the women version, it'll be out soon aw hope you enjoy this!
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Both these men are used to be hold in high regard from everyone, whether they like it or not. But the fact is, Aizen and Szayel can put up with your attitude to a certain extent. And for that, they have different aces up their sleeves.
The ex-Captain prefers to have you between his legs, with your sinful lips wrapped around his cock. He might require your "services" at any time, even during his daily meetings with the Espada.
It isn't unusual for them to see the back of your head bob up and down on his girth from under the table, or to hear the obscene squelches bouncing back off the walls to them when Aizen shoves his hand among your locks to push your face flat against the neat bush of pubic hair, making you gag on him while the man talk with either Ulqiuorra or Tosen.
He only does so when you've been particularly infuriating. That'one of the ways he uses to shut you up and convince you to take what he mercifully gives you without complaining.
And when it happens, he doesn't even let you touch yourself as you pleasure him, oh no.
He rather prefers to have you choke on his cum when it paints your mouth white, with your arms restrained in a leather armbinder behind your back. The Espada would look at you, unfazed, when you tilt your head up and press it against his thigh when their boss simply says,
"Open your mouth. Let me see."
You oblige, sticking out your tongue to show him how much of a good girl you can be if he can be reasoned with. Then you swallow with a smirk he reciprocates.
"Now, what do you have to do next? Don't make me repeat myself."
As Aizen proceeds to take off the restraint device, you immediately sit on his lap, waiting for him to wrap up the meeting and continue your business elsewhere.
All while you're covered in nothing but a flimsy replica of his white jacket, of course, so that everyone can see how your nipples push against the fabric and the arousal gushing down your legs soak your partner's trousers.
The one who enjoys the view the most is Aizen himself, of course, even if Ulquiorra doesn't disdain it so much, either.
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The same sort of minimum decency can't be assumed of Szayel, however. If you push his buttons, he will strike back twice as hard. You can be unnerving if you put your head to it, and that the Espada can't stand.
So, whenever you're within reach, he'll push you against a wall face first. Do you think he cares if someone sees you? You've been down that road with him countless times. No one is safe with him around, especially you.
"Still want to run your mouth like that, slut?" a sudden sting of pain has you grasping for air, and you turn to see the pink-haired Espada holding the black cat o' nine tails whip he just hit you with.
Maybe it's the voice, his eyes sparkling with sadism or the fact that you're so exposed to others. Either way, a moan crawls past your lips before you can catch it.
And that pushes Szayel to press his body against yours while the flail ravages your skin one, two, three times. The Arrancar thinks he's finally found the instrument which will keep you in place for good.
Jokes on him. You're enjoying your punishment a bit too much. "Oh, Szayel," you coo at him, ass pushed against his growing erection as you grab him by the wrist and raise the whip until it brushes your cheek. "Do you really think such a tiny thing will scare me? Try again, oh perfect being."
Needless to say, after that he's quick to shred your dress to pieces and bare his cock oozing in precum, just to then coat it in your wetness and enter you altogether.
His height consumes the space behind you as he bends over to bite your ear lobe, hand around your throat when he growls,
"And you really think that I'll let you off the hook with just a whip? I'm just getting started with you."
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Just to stare at him in awe while he takes your hands in his in the intimacy of your bedroom feels like a dream. He has a scorching obsession for your hands, so tiny compared to his.
But to have one of his thumbs stroke soothing circles on the back of your nape while your fingers grab the base of his girth to guide it deep inside you? To moan softly with him when your chest collides with his, thighs pressed on either side of his, at the feeling of it caressing your walls?
You're so tight around him that to accommodate every inch of his draws a breathless string of whimpers out of both.
Everyone is well accustomed with Byakuya's calm manners, with his gray eyes analysing every fraction of their surroundings. And what about the fact he has no desire to be physical with no one but his loved ones?
His true colors escape many souls, except yours.
His resolve to be as collected and serene as possible with you is always wiped out by your touch on him. One brush, and the Captain crumbles, his love scattering and flying around you like a cherry blossoms' storm.
"Easy, my petal. Take your time. I'm in no rush today." a little smile tugs at his lips, but it's nothing compared to what he's truly feeling. To seethe with affection, to be kissed by the intense kiss of adoration... all because of you.
What Byakuya is unaware of yet, however, is that you're also deeply enamoured of his strong grip on you. The moment your ass finally meets the warmth of his thighs, you let out a sated giggle and look at the man under you while you push his hands upward to rest on your butt. Stars dance in the corner of your eyes.
"Y-yes." you stutter, so focused on gaping at his gorgeous face that you almost forget what you're doing.
Byakuya makes sure to remind you that, and his taut muscles under you tense when he shifts position to straighten his back. Now with his shoulders flush against the headboard, the Captain starts to push his hips upward to meet yours in earnest. A whimper even escapes him as you crush your forehead against his, kissing him to steady yourself as he picks up the rhythm.
He's losing his decorum. Again.
Kuchiki Byakuya has you chanting his name pretty soon as he keeps fucking you from under, and you come undone around him just as quick. He lets you make a mess of the sheets — he cares little about such trivial things — and helps you ride out your high with heart-shaped eyes. So, so pretty.
He's a goner, and it doesn't take long for him to join you in the bliss of the moment.
Half an hour later, you are both in the bathtub. You love to have a nice bath before bedtime (the innocent one) and the head of the Kuchiki clan loves to indulge every little habit of yours.
You carry the scent of cherry blossoms in your hair when you lean forward Byakuya, eyes sparkling with love when you tuck a strand of his long, wet hair behind the ear.
Your touch sends electricity down his spine, and before you know it he has scooped you in his arms, giggles filling the air as he places you on the bed to kiss you gently.
Being his lover is the greatest gift you could ever receive, and for you to give yourself completely to Byakuya speaks of unconditional love he treasures as his most most beloved treasure.
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Little reminder: these men love, love being physical with you and sometimes, a few of them will push you over the edge. To almost destroy your every bit out of lust and love, including your ass.
It's theirs to worship, and some of them includes the likes of: Kenpachi Zaraki, who'd take you from behind while his big, strong palms of his hands impact against your ass, spanking you until the skin cracks open and you're nothing but a mess of trembling limbs, sweat and incoherent moans under him. His cock fills you to the brim every single time he's inside you, but to be so full that you beg for him to spread your ass cheeks further for him to ram himself into you deeper is new. And Zaraki enjoys every second of it.
And what about Bazz-B? This troublemaker is always pointing his fingers at others. Man, he does it for a living.
So imagine his surprise when you bring up the wet dream you had about him and that specific scenario. As you talk, you can literally see the gears in his brain spin and bang against his skull.
The Quincy has you on all fours in a second, and his first finger is already prodding your other entrance when he adds the second one. Years of training and use of his abilities left a trail of calluses on them and they press against you as you try to turn, but his other hand grab a fistful of your hair to push your face flat against the mattress.
"You gotta be a good girl and take the heat for me, hm? Come on, I know you can", he whispers and a string of spit trails down his lips and onto his fingertips.
Occasionally, Muguruma Kensei would enjoy it, but only if he's in the mood. You'd have to talk him into it through and through, since he gets annoyed easily by situations he hasn't complete control over. But a few strokes of your fingers around the '69' tattoo on his chest do the trick, and the man flips you over to slip his tongue in the tight ring of muscles above your pussy. It's gushing, your arousal dripping onto the sheets as your whimpers caress Kensei's ears. Oh, and if he feels like going the extra mile, he'd also press a thumb on your clit as he eases himself in you. Overwhelmed by the new angle, you both look at each other. It's hunger, what you see in his gaze, and he groans in your neck just as hungrily as you swallow his dick deep into you with every deep thrust he gives you, ready to stop at the first sign of distress.
But once you relax and he gets the gist of it all, he'll be the happiest man ever.
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tags! — @aiztoru @burnishedcrown @stygianoir @romiyaro
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© azanthys — do not copy, translate, repost and modify my works.
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homuradefender · 24 days
Misogyny is so commonized in fandoms now a days and it's a big problem. A female can do something wrong and she'll be hated on, or called a pick me if she's outgoing or shy. Meanwhile, a man, who's committed several crimes, has done many wrong things, is seen as the innocent boy, he could do no wrong, he was just feeling silly.
Let me provide examples.
Danganronpa, Sayaka, a character from the first game/anime, is commonly hated for what she did. People often calling her a snake, a pick me, etc. Meanwhile, male characters who have done significantly worse things, Byakuya, Kokichi, Nagito are worshipped.
Hazbin Hotel, many people overlook the canon sapphic ship, for the not yet canon (yes I know husker dust will be canon later, I'm really excited to see their relationship progress) gay ships. Sexualizing a canon asexual character, shipping a lesbian character with a man, calling chaggie boring in comparisons to Husker dust, Radioapple or Vox and Alastor. As a lesbian, who is tired of all the Sapphic erasure, I can say wholeheartedly Chaggie is far from boring. I'm happy we got some representation that is not overly sexualized or watered down to just gal pals being gal pals.
Honkai Star Rail, I'm comparing 2 characters who have done something wrong for this. Sparkle, the mask that is controlling the body of a girl, once said racist remarks to Adventurine, causing people to hate on her. Meanwhile the girl, the body, the puppet, had no control, what the mask did was wrong, yes. But here's where the problem comes in. Dr Ratio, a male, who is loved by the fandom, also said racist things to Adventurine. If you want proof I recommend looking it up on tik tok, I can't remember the creators name but they made an amazing slide show about it. What I'm saying is it's wild how they hate on a girl who has no control over herself, but worships the ground that a male walks on, who has control over what he does and chose to say racist things.
Other examples are hating a female villain, but worshipping the male one. Everyone is all for women's rights until it comes to media, you're allowed to like characters but don't do incoherently sexist things like bringing the men up and bringing the women down for the simplest of things.
That is all thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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violetarks · 7 months
catch the rain, even on a sunny day!
game: danganronpa 1: trigger happy havoc/dangganronpa 2: goodbye despair
characters: togami byakuya, hinata hajime, komaeda nagito
summary: you two share these moments that feel oh so close to being in a relationship, so close yet so far.
warnings: g/n! reader, second person pov
↣ togami byakuya
what you don't expect at 11:30pm, obviously after the set nighttime where walking about the school was prohibited, is a knock at your door. you were awake, reading through a novel that you found in the library that you found interesting. when you hear the knocking, you're suspicious that it's someone attempting to take your life to escape this hell, so you take the bat set beside your door (taken from the sports equipment) and hold it at your side.
you open the door slightly, only enough to peek out and see the one and only byakuya standing at your door, in what looks like his pyjamas. you raise your brows, not seeing any murder weapon and opening the door fully.
"byakuya. it's really late, y'know..." you sigh, putting the bat away.
he notices, raised brow. "i know that. i've been unable to sleep due to our... argument earlier."
you squint your eyes at him. "what? have some insults to spray at me that you didn't think of in the cafeteria?" you scoff, crossing your arms, "i don't want to continue this shit when we should be sleeping."
"please." he grunts, rolling his eyes. you want to slam the door in his face. why is he the one giving you attitude? "i'm unable to rest due to our problem. let me in and we can speak about this properly."
you're a bit suspicious of him, but if he did try to attack you, you would be able to hold him off long enough to get help. he may be tall, but... he doesn't look like much of a fighter.
however, the look in his eyes makes you rethink. he looks... seriously irritated, or upset. you let him in, closing the door behind him. when you turn around, he's awkwardly standing there, hands in his pockets. he doesn't know where to sit.
"on the bed." you huff, walking over and taking your spot at the head. he slowly follows, sitting at the foot end of the bed and facing you. "what do you wanna' say?"
he finds it hard to talk to you now, since you're sitting right in front of him. and in your pyjamas, no less. something he hasn't seen on you before. byakuya fixes his glasses, hands on the bed as he leaned back.
"i... apologise for the things i said."
the statement makes you widen your eyes. did... you hear him right? he apologises? there's no way!
"they were uncalled for and i did not think of the consequences." he admits to you, unable to meet your eye. you are too busy staring at his red, embarrassed face to ask him about it. "i shouldn't have belittled you to the point of tears."
"shut up... i wasn't crying." you mutter out, looking at the bed sheets. "my hayfever..."
"sure." he huffs, looking back at you. he notices your troubled expression again and wipes off his smug look. "either way, i apologise. i will think about what i say before i speak, especially... to you."
you look back at him, feeling his hand rest against yours. he hums out, "i will do better."
you almost can't believe he is even saying these things. if it weren't for how hard your heart was beating, you would've guessed you were dreaming. but here he was, nearly holding your hand as he says he's sorry.
"thank you, byakuya. i appreciate your apology." you retort, brushing a thumb over his knuckles. he begins to glow pink, you notice. "it... it really means a lot that you're here right now."
your smile makes his stomach jump. he doesn't know what it is, but it's scaring him a little.
"yes, thats, um... that's good." he says, clearing his throat, "i won't speak like that to you ever again."
you chuckle, tilting your head at him. "but you talk to everyone else that way." you state.
he huffs, looking away, shoulder slightly touching yours, "i... i frankly don't care about the others. you're much more... tolerable."
you can't help but grin at his disguised compliment. you laugh a little, patting his arm, "thank you, good to know you've taken a liking to me, byakuya."
he chokes on his words, unable to find a response. after you've finished your laughter, he fixes his glasses and looks to your pillows. "shall i let you rest?"
"oh, right." you say, standing up and walking to the door. he follows behind, hand still brushing against yours. you open the door, watching him now stand in the hallway, looking at you. "goodnight, byakuya."
he goes silent, staring at you. his eyes dart from eye to eye, and you go to ask what he's thinking before he leans forward, brushing a soft kiss against your forehead.
when he pulls away, he sees your wide-eyed expression. you look shocked, as anyone would be in this situation. byakuya only smiles at the reaction, as if he wasn't blushing the brightest red in the world.
"goodnight. sleep well." he tells you, walking off to his room. you could never tell what he was thinking, that guy.
↣ hinata hajime
it was cold when you began walking around the island, heading towards the restaurant to eat lunch with everyone else. however, on the way there, you notice a certain somebody sitting on a nearby bench, scribbling in his notebook.
it wasn't really like him to be out on this side of the island alone, with no reason to be. that's what concerns you, making you stop your mission to get some food before akane does, and to instead see what's going on with him.
"hajime!" you call out, making your way towards him. when he looks up to see you, he almost panics, closing his notebook and hiding it under his leg. you decide not to press about it. not yet, at least. "what're you doing here? it's lunch time, and akane won't wait for us."
"i—i'm just collecting my thoughts..." he claims, watching you sit beside him. the wind blows, making his face cold as he is made highly aware of his notebook. "i didn't think anyone would be here at this time."
"well luckily i caught you." you say, smiling at him, "it's so cold out. aren't you freezing?"
"ah, well... you know, it's usually so warm, i don't bother bringing jackets out." he admits, a reasonable response. you nod your head, suddenly tugging off your thick jacket and standing up. "what're you doing, y/n?"
"hold on." you say, in front of him and tossing the jacket around his shoulders. his face is mere inches away from your chest as you heave your jacket comfortably around him. once you're finished, you clutch the front together, grinning. "are you warm now?"
his pink face says it all. you were so kind to him, but why? what did it earn you?
"what? no, no, i don't... i don't want it." he says, furrowing his brows and placing his hand over yours to push it away. you blink at his actions, keeping the jacket around him. he always seemed to be like this when you would offer something, anything to him. did he not like that? "y/n... is this really okay?"
"yes, hajime." you chuckle, feeling him gently hold your hand now. he still looked unconvinced, his frown and pointed look showing that off already. you only rolls your eyes and make sure the jacket is on properly and wouldn't slide off his shoulders.
"are you not cold?" he questions, watching you sit back down, "this jacket is a big. doesn't fit either of us."
"i'll be okay, hajime." you respond, crossing your arms, "and nekomaru gave me his spare jacket after i lost mine at the beach. so it's gigantic, but it's warm."
when you feel a heavy weight on your shoulder, you look to your side to see hajime's arm around you. he's trying to put the jacket over you as well, since there's more than enough room. his cheeks darken in colour when you stare at him.
"why're you looking at me like that? i—i don't want you to freeze." he tells you, shuffling closer to your spot. the heat he radiates is like a fireplace. with him this close, you can easily tell that he's blushing like crazy. the guy just couldn't keep a straight face. you smile. "is this okay?"
you glance at his expression once more, embarrassed. once you nod your head, hajime rests his arm around your shoulder and rubs gently, trying to warm you up. he seems a little nervous, as if you were feeling uncomfortable from his actions, but when he feels you lean in, he relaxes.
"you're nice, hajime." you say, looking at the view of the gardens in front of you, "i'm glad i met a guy like you."
"thank you..." he says, faulting when he feels your thigh touch his. you simply grin at him, making him relax further against you. you were so enticing, it made his head spin sometimes. "i'm grateful to have met you too."
"when we get outta' here, you and i should go out for dinner." you offer, seeing how he widens his eyes at the request. he definitely did not expect that, but nevertheless he nods his head. "great. i look forward to it."
hajime was the kinda' guy who didn't want to make the first move, but once you start, he gets it rolling. when you lean against him, he feels as if it's his signal to go forward. if it wasn't that, then maybe you just outright asking him out was the sign. either way, he squeezes your shoulder, pulling you taut against him.
"what were you writing about?" you question, breaking him out of his daydreaming state.
"nothing." he says, avoiding the question. you look to him, seeing the way he glances to the side to avert your eyes. "it's nothing, really."
you weren't stupid; it probably had something to do with you, right? if not you exclusively, then at least relating to you. and you would be correct, he was indeed writing about you. how you made him feel, the things you would do for him that made his heart flutter. he would never admit to it though, in fear of someone stealing the book to find out his secrets.
and he couldn't tell you, not yet. so for now, he sits beside you, holding you close and letting you talk about whatever you wanted to. as long as he was with you.
↣ komaeda nagito
"i knew you'd be here." his voice cuts through the soft waves on the shore. you turn your head, seeing the one and only weirdo himself. "you do know that dinner is coming up, right?"
you huff back, legs spread onto the sand, "i know, nagito. surely you're hungry, right?" you look over your shoulder, seeing him walk closer and set himself beside you. he copies your position, making you tilt your head at him. "how'd you know i was here?"
he gives a shrug. "i am the ultimate lucky student." he jokes, watching the waves with you, "just kidding. chiaki said she saw you walking this way."
he let it quiet down between the both of you as you don't do anything to speak up either. but the few seconds are ruined when he clears his throat.
"is there something you wanted to say to me?" you question him. although you shouldn't, you feel comfortable around nagito as much as you are with the rest of the group. while the others found the guy scary or peculiar, he was always somewhat kind to you. even though his actions were very questionable, you gave him the benefit of the doubt. luckily he hadn't attacked you yet. "why are you here, nagito?"
he gives you his usual smile. somewhat softer, if you could comment. his usual one had malice behind it, but this one? genuine, maybe. you could never tell what he was actually thinking.
"here." he says, holding out a familiar box to you. you widen your eyes, lips parting in shock. "the, uh... i found those snacks you like in the store. i thought i should bring them to you, knowing how much you miss these things."
it's true, the snack you had once mentioned in passing. how had he remembered it? did... he didn't go out looking for them, right? just for you?
"i—i..." you stutter, taking the box from his hands. he smiles a bit wider, noticing the way you perked up and stared at the box. "how did you find this? i went looking in the store when we first got here and i couldn't see these!"
a smile dawns on your own lips, looking at the cute mascot on the front of the box. nagito exhales slowly, looking to the waves now. "just snooped around, y'know? i've got pretty keen eyes." he tells you, tapping the side of his head, "and i saw that you left the group activity pretty dejected earlier. what's up with that?"
your smile falters before you sigh out, "nothing... i just can't stop thinking about this island." nagito glances to you, tilting his head. you lean your head on your arms, propped up on your knees. "i feel like we're all gonna' go crazy trying to escape. and if what monokuma said is true... what's waiting for us? in the cities and countryside?"
"don't be silly." he says, waving his hand with a smile. you look to him. "you won't go crazy. in fact, you'll all grow closer together. the ultimates have too, don't they?"
you exhale through your nose, shrugging your shoulders. "i mean, i guess so. i'm thankful for ibuki and kazuichi. their personalities always light up the room." you hum out, leaning back now. nagito copied. "but when peko started talking about her surveillance results, how there's no plausible escape, i just... it just made it set in more."
he watches as you close your eyes and bury your head into your arms. you felt so hopeless here. what were you able to do now? even with your ultimate talent, how could that help? what good did that do?
"you can't think that way, y/n." nagito claims, resting a hand on your shoulder. you lift your head up enough to see him offer a generous grin. "you are all so talented. coming together and working to solve each murder is what will help you to escape this place, right? so there's only one thing to do."
his somewhat positive attitude make you lift yourself up. he's right and you know it. you just need to work hard and make sure you keep yourself and all your friends safe. even if that can't happen... as long as some people escape, it is worth it for you.
"i guess we just need to persevere." you huff.
"that's right." he says, leaning closer to your side. your shoulders bump gently. when you don't move away, he takes that as his invitation to stay. "i'll be here to make sure you don't go crazy, 'kay? you can rely on me."
"thanks, nagito." you say, smiling at him. he feels his chest tighten. you look to the ground for a second before back at him, smiling a bit more. "i'm glad you're by my side."
your words sound sweet to him, he can't believe you've said that to him. something like him... worthy of your words? he didn't know. but he can't deny that the way you stare at him makes his heart beat faster.
"you're... you're welcome." he says, voice shaky. he places a hand on his chest, trying to calm himself. "i, um, we should probably get going, huh? to—to eat?"
you chuckle, standing up and brushing the sand off of yourself, "you're right. we should get going."
nagito stands up after you, doing the same thing. once done, you lock eyes once again. you hold the box close to yourself, excited to taste them. out of pure impulse, you lean forward, brushing a kiss against his cheek. he stiffens up, hands frozen at his sides as he feels it. you were so warm, he could feel it radiating off your face as you closed in.
when pulling away, nagito notes the smile on your face.
"let's go." you hum, nodding towards the restaurant.
once you walk off, nagito hastily follows closely behind.
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monstas1ut · 1 year
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Characters Having Sex w/ black!s/o
__ +18 black coded reader, female reader, Squirting, the word slut, impreg, size diff, reader is claimed to have hairbeads in one of the Headcannons, heel kissing, teasing, pussy eating
___ Thanks again for all of the support, I’d love comments as well! And everyone is welcome to give me their suggestions, I don’t mind one bit!
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Byakuya Kuchiki is the most erotic, passionate man that you’ve ever come across. His voice changes when around you. His face turns from a blank scowl to a gentle expression. How could he not? His wife was absolutely ethereal, gorgeous, and down right doll-like. There was something about you that he couldn’t shake loose from. Your finger was wrapped with Byakuya’s whole being.
There’s no doubt that Byakuya treats you like his Queen.
Byakuya would lay you down with care, he’ll admire your soft body and he’ll vocally pick out your insecurities. He will firmly say just how much he loves them, how much he loves you as a person. Your sweet hearted husband treats you as if you’re the only woman in the world. However, if you think about it, you are. You are the only woman in his world.
“You’re ravishing. I’m quite glad you chose this color, it enhances your skin color.”
“I do wish for you to keep this on, I’ll try not to ruin it.”
Byakuya is a man who’s quite fond of clothed sex. Lingerie, dresses, and heels. Specifically heels that strap up your legs. The gold color of them would completely wreck him. They look so good on your brown skin. He always thought you looked expensive. He can’t help but imagine them by his face. And a small secret is that he will kiss each of the strings and the heel itself before sinking his cock inside of you.
“My beautiful Queen, Mrs. Kuchiki”
“You’ve gotten me so worked up… I deeply apologize for what I am about to do.”
“Don’t be bratty with me, I will give you money to fix the damage..” Byakuya will simply be referring to your lace, your acrylics, and your makeup. Because really, he can’t help but pin your wrists above your head. His cock was above average, it was so pretty and elegant just like his aura. He bared no hair below, and it was clean. It didn’t curve, but it had a clean, straightened form. It dug inside you with soft, slow strokes, and it found your g-spot every time.
Byakuya seems like a gentle, sweet, loving man, and he is. However, one thing that can push him over the edge is that pretty brown pussy squirting on his cock. He doesn’t expect it all the time, no, but he can’t help but make you feel like you’ve reached heaven. His overstimulation would include fingering you the rest of the way, or softly sucking at your clit with passion. He’d completely forget about his own pleasure… but it’s because of you.
“What such beauty…” he may sound as if he’s alright.. but he’s fought against cumming at least five times.
Ichigo Kurosaki is such a shocker and a goofball. Being in an established relationship with him is a ride in itself. He would be completely invisible most of the time, but he still thinks about you. Whether you are a human or a soul reaper, you still barely see him. He is the strongest among most, there’s no way he can’t be on the front lines. But, best believe he’s thinking about you. He’s thinking about how you laugh, your overly glossy lips, your beads and how they make so much noise.
Lord knows he’s craving your touch. He can’t even function sometimes when he’s gone for too long. He misses your touch, how you cook, and your mushroom hat(he knows it’s a bonnet, he just loves to piss you off). Ichigo gets agitated so quickly, he usually runs to you when it’s beginning to be too much for him. All of it builds up because he’s unable to see you, but damn does he give it to you the second he sees you.
Ichigo is very caring, he’s more of a gentleman in bed.. but he won’t hesitate to slut you out if you ask for more. He legit doesn’t care if you have your bonnet on, or if some of your acrylics have broken off. Ichigo doesn’t even care if you’re wearing a plain, big tee. He’s pushing that shit up and he’s using his cock to make you cum.
Big boy Ichigo has a cock that tilts to the side. It’s very thick and long. He hits the best spots inside of you, and it’s absolutely perfect the way your insides caress it. He prefers gripping your ass cheeks with a tightness, and making you go slow while you’re bouncing on him or if you’re in the doggy style position. He especially loves it if the sun is beaming from the window, shining right on your brown skin. He likes the glow, he loves the softness of your brown pussy lips around his cock. The way you showed yourself to him.
“Just… like… that… fuck”
“Ass looks so pretty like this..” Ichigo will immediately burst if you shake your ass. He really can’t deal with it. He’s the type to cum in his jeans if you dance on him, what makes you think he can survive your wet pussy and your huge ass bouncing to him. And at the same time? No. He will get his revenge that’s for sure.
All that will be heard is your loud moans and whimpers as Ichigo pounds your kitty. The backshots would sound like bombs.. and your eyes will not only roll back, but your brain would go blank.
“You’ve lost it huh? Poor thing.”
“Don’t run yet… I’m not finished y/n… Baby cmon…”
Kenpachi Zaraki had a thing about himself. The male was too large for anyone to even consider him soft. However, behind closed doors, Kenpachi is a big bear to you. Not only does he fall into your little acts, but he will come to your rescue everytime. Much to his dismay, his obvious care for you has slipped in public a few times. If you’re visibly in danger, he’s literally going to go insane, more than he already is. You’re his everything.
Kenpachi has lost a lot, he can’t let you leave him too. That is why he is as careful as possible. He may jeer some rude comments at you, he may push you once or twice.. and he may even press your buttons, but he won’t do it harshly. Just like in the bedroom. It wouldn’t be all extravagant, hell, it may not even be in the bedroom. Unlike other men, Kenpachi doesn’t plan shit. If he gazes upon you fighting like a complete maniac, yet still being a sexy slut, he’s gonna get hard.
The captain is easy to please and turn on. You could stick your tongue out at him and he’s immediately hard. A fairly huge thing is the way you’re shaped, though. Kenpachi cared nothing for women in his earlier days, hell, he still doesn’t. But, you were just that one exception. Your height was so low, yet your power level was as a lieutenant(he’ll brag about you all the time).
But the thing is that Kenpachi watches you intensely while you take his cock. He was beyond average, as so was his height. There wasn’t really a huge shock when his cock thumped on your pussy the first time you two had sex. Overtime, it’s become easier for you, and it’s made Kenpachi revel in the soft feel of heaven.
“Damn this pussy is tight.”
“Stop squeezin’ me like that… before I fuck you to sleep.”
Kenpachi also loves when you talk to him like YOU own HIM. When in reality , it’s the other way around. If you dare to act bratty around him, that just makes him have a certain excuse for pulling at your braids, or whatever hairstyle you have in your head that day. He loves ruining it.. hey, he believes if you act that bratty, you don’t deserve it.. but it’s not like he won’t go to the human world and steal what you need… he’ll do it. Besides, like Byakuya, he’s wrapped around your finger.
“How can you take all of me… shit!”
“You gotta be shittin me if you think I’m pulling out. Go ahead an’ pass out, I’m just gonna keep goin’..”
Madara Uchiha is a man of substance. One may think he doesn’t take pleasure in sex often, but wow are they incorrect. Once a black woman falls into his arms, he’s completely blind to everything and everyone else. You sparked life into his eyes. His dullness had lightened the second you came around. His secret was being touch starved, and the second you came around him, bold as ever, he melted almost.
This man was scary, everyone knows this, but you weren’t afraid one bit. You even called him ‘sugar’, ‘baby’, and ‘love’. He scowled the first time he even heard it, he practically threatened you as well. However this didn’t deter you from him, it made you try to get closer. Madara started noticing himself fall when you’d bring him meals, speak to him, and even take up for him. He couldn’t help but pair you as his own.
And once you were his, there was no backing out.
Madara specifically took a liking to the opposites of you both. The only thing in common was that you both came from strong clans. Your brown skin, your hair, it was all different. Even the way you spoke was different, and he couldn’t help but listen to it in more ways than one.
“Open. Don’t hide your voice from me.”
“I suppose you rather I stop? No..? Then act as if you mean it.”
Madara can’t help it when he’s alone, he has to cum to your sweet words. He doesn’t even mind if they were slurred or babbles. He will overstimulate you until he turns you dumb. He will tie you up just to hear your whines, and he will make you say his name over and over again until he’s satisfied.
Madara’s cock was so damn big, so it wasn’t hard for him to get that outcome. He always has you creaming on his cock, and so much. The tears coming from your eyes never fails to make him even more rough.. although, he does try to be romantic. He can be very romantic and sweet, but sometimes he loses himself. His eyes turn that familiar red, his senses are higher, and all he can think about is catching that high while you’ve come on his cock more than four times.
The room would be potent with your delightful smells, and the Uchiha mark that was on that shirt you wore would be covered in sweat.
“It’s so damn hard to be gentle with you, my love. Especially when I think about how precious you’d appear with a large belly..”
“I wonder how many times I can place a baby inside of you… you’d love that right?”
Please say yes, because he’ll cum instantly…
Levi Ackerman was a virgin before you, please understand that. He didn’t have time for such matters. So, when coming across you, he’s absolutely appalled with how you act. You’re blunt, you have the same energy as him, and you’re beautiful. You were much different from the others. Not only was the island filled with fair skinned people, but they didn’t even know people could come out such a color.
There were some who thought you were weird, but just about every man there thought that you were beautiful. The sun would wrap around your skin, and Levi would stare so damn hard that Hange would completely destroy him verbally. Levi started to become so enchanted by you that he began thinking lewd. So, when he finally got his hands on you… he absolutely went berserk.
Levi runs on pure instinct. If it’s been a bad day, he’s pounding you harder than he looked like he could. He’s short, you’re taller than him, and thicker.. but you would be lying if you said he didn’t have you cumming every three minutes. His short height didn’t compare to his cock, that’s for sure. You kind of wonder how he gets to conceal that thing while wearing his uniform.
Levi is fifty percent gentle, the other fifty being a complete maniac. There’s no knowing what you’ll get this day, or the next. One day, he could be completely on board with you slamming your ass down on him, but the next? He’ll be making sure you know that you have no authority. He loves watching you try to catch your breath, it’s funny when you also try to keep quiet. You don’t want anyone hearing you, and Levi has also felt this way.. but overtime he’s become a bit of a smut.
“You can scream louder than that, y/n…”
“You make such a mess… Your pussy makes more noise than your mouth.”
Teasing is a huge thing for him. Levi can’t have sex with you without teasing you at least once. Seeing you begging for his cock is all he needs to get him going. That, or when you try to get into your uniform. He just knew your ass was huge, everyone could attest to knowing this. It was an inside joke for the scouts. Everyone would joke solely about how you struggled to put your pants on today. Levi would silently agree when he wasn’t in a relationship with you.. but now, most people have stopped saying it.. Levi gets jealous easily, and Jean and Connie have been the two to really get scolded and hurt by Levi.
Only Levi can talk about how huge your ass is. Hell, he’s the one making it bounce at night. He’s the one that has absolutely made you a pool of water. One of Levi’s favorite things would be watching you fuck yourself on his cock.. really. He loves when you’re bouncing on it, shaking ass on it, grinding on it. He won’t admit it, but he’ll cum fast… yet he’ll still be hard. And please don’t try to leave him before he's cum, he’ll grab your curls and will not let go until you finish your duty… he doesn’t care how much you cry and whine about it.
Rarely, Levi will give pity. He’ll see how weak you are by the end of the day, and he’ll suck up his problems to tend to yours. He likes to be clean and sterile, and he knows you are too, but eating pussy was a thing he had to ease into. He couldn’t even understand how you suck him off.. but if you could do it, he could do the same to you. So, he usually eats you out when you’re very tired or annoyed. He goes so slow. He makes sure to touch every crevice. That man’s lips have been absolutely everywhere… and I mean everywhere.. he doesn’t talk about it afterwards, but he’s definitely harder than a rock.
Levi may not say it, but there was something about getting dirty with you…
“Filthy little slut…”
“Might as well get you to squirt. You’re begging me to do it anyway.”
He just wants to drink it…
Portgas D. Ace is head over heels for you, so much so that he is whipped. You’ve sparked this sudden love for women, but he couldn’t look at another woman like this. He’s like a little boy finding out he can imagine things. His brain is absolutely destroyed the second he meets you. Your energy was just too sexy. The way you look at him, the way you lick your lips, the way you rub his arm. Ace can’t help but imagine just how proactive you could be in bed.
Eventually, he doesn’t have to imagine.. but his brain still sabotages him. He constantly thinks about how you’d look in certain things, certain hairstyles. He especially loves braids and he has a huge thing for them. They seem so perfect, just like you. Your hair defines you, and it’s the most important thing on your body, Ace would understand that fully. He knows it’s your crown.. that’s why he doesn’t touch it during sex.
Poor baby. Ace can’t help when you're sucking him off. He’s all over the place because he doesn’t want to touch your crown. However, if you tell him you can, he’ll be so gentle. He won’t even grip it, he’ll run his fingers through it and inspect the feel. He won’t even yank it when you’re deepthroating him. He’ll just pant and growl.
Ace will slap your ass though, let’s get that straight. He’s not all innocent. He will do whatever you tell him to do. Hell, he’ll even sit there handsomely and watch you tease him with a lap dance. Or, he’ll watch you use your fingers for pleasure. This man is a flip flop, he can dom you into the night, but will sub for you any second. He’s a sweetie pie, he will cherish every part of your body without hesitation.
All he asks is that you make it known that he pleasures you greatly. And he does. His cock is always so warm. It makes your whole body feel comforted, but sometimes it’s so hot that you two are sweating from all of the sexual energy. Ace can barely control himself when you’re draining him.. It could result in some accidental burns, but he will apologize so quickly.. but a secret is that he nuts pretty fast if you still keep going after the slight burn.. especially if you moan from it…
“You’re-… so beautiful, y/n…”
“I love you so much… Damn. I love this pussy too… I hope it loves me back…”
Ace is such a joker when you two are in bed. He can’t help but crack a few because that’s just how he is. He will laugh when you make a cute sound, and it’s contagious.. so you end up laughing and moaning at the same time. It’s actually quite hot to Ace.. and he manages to hold his orgasm, but that’s because he tries not to focus too much on it.
“Damn it-… y/n I can’t-…”
“Sorry! It was too tight, I couldn’t pull out because you were gripping me too hard!… it’s too tight…”
“It felt so good though…”
ⓒ Monstas1ut (do not copy)
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kyokutsu-sama · 2 months
Helloooo, had a request I’m sure could be interesting: How would the captains (current or prior) react to having a tiny S/O who can out drink most people? I’m talking like, keeping up with Rangiku and Ikkaku but still pretty lucid?
I’m mostly curious about Shunsui, Byakuya, Kenpachi, and Jushiro may handle it. Though I’m also curious how some former captains may react if you feel up to it!
Also love your work by the way!
A/n: Hi @bluandtherestlesshands!! I hope you're well. I'm glad to know that you're enjoying my work here, thank you❤️
I saw your request and it's very interesting and writing these four's reactions was fun. I hope you like it😊
Tw: Mention of alcohol
Shunsui :
He immediately fell in love right away. He's very resistant to alcohol but to a certain extent unlike his s/o.
He will question them about the "secret" that makes them handle so much alcohol without getting drunk. His partner just tell him that there is no secret and that it is something "natural", let's say.
He will love going out with them to drink every night or even during the day. They become his drinking buddy.
Nanao will probably forbid him from hanging out with them so that he doesn't get distracted from his duties as captain by trying to see if he can outdo them in drinking.
He would probably have to be carried by his partner after a long night of drinking.
Byakuya :
He's not someone who likes to indulge in alcohol like Shunsui, but seeing that his s/o can keep up with him is something to admire.
This nobleman is someone who drinks only on occasions and when the occasion demands it, he will have less resistance than his partner who one day tries to challenge him to drink.
Byakuya (to honor the surname Kuchiki) will accept the challenge.Bad ideia...
It will be funny and unique to see his partner carrying you home while he can't take a step without tripping. He's weak and his legs are shaking, he knew his pride had gone too far this time.
Everyone will comment on what happened since it's not every day that you see a classy nobleman come home completely drunk.
Kenpachi :
A big man like him certainly doesn't get drunk with so little alcohol. His partner, although tiny, manages to surpass this man and still stay sober.
Of course this man loves a good challenge on the battlefield but don't let that fool you, he's competitive in everything. Drinking will be no exception.
He will tell his s/o to sit in front of him while the division members bring the drinks for both of you.
He warns at the beginning that he won't stop until he defeats them, but the truth is that his partner will drink enough to make him regret starting that challenge.
Yes, he regrets it, but he doesn't admit it.
Result: He ends up with a hangover so bad he can't get out of bed. He probably doesn't even remember the person he was competing with.
Jushiro :
Regarding Jushiro, I always had the idea that he doesn't get drunk easily either. I'm sure he's the one who takes care of Shunsui when he gets drunk.(Like that one friend who always takes care of everyone at parties)
Seeing that he has a s/o who has a high tolerance for alcohol makes him praise them for it, especially when he sees that Rangiku looks like an amateur around them.
When his s/o invites him to drink, he even finds himself shaking in his boots because he already knows he won't be able to join them in drinking.
Shunsui will laugh at his friend because he is completely red from the drink and almost falling into weakness. Please someone help this man, he is a sick man.
He will often pretend he is feeling ill so he doesn't drink because he knows he can't handle it (Even though he regrets having lied)
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brittscafe · 7 months
may I request Byakuya x F! Reader that is jealous? NSFW pls
Yes, of course <3
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You hated it. You hated how damn attractive Byakuya Kuchiki is. You hate the way his long, raven hair flows in the wind and how his eyes can catch anyone's attention that isn't yours.
But, they don't get to see the Byakuya you know. The naked, vulnerable Byakuya. For not having a large build, Byakuya is muscular and his cock is long, almost too long.
Those women don't get to see or feel his cock hitting you in all the right places that make you scream his name. So, why are you so jealous?
You're fiddling with your hands on the bar counter, distracted by all the distance chatter and music playing in the background. Not even hearing Byakuya calling out your name.
"Is something wrong, love?" Byakuya's soft voice pulls you out of your mind. You glance over at him and shoot him a weak smile, your eyes crinkling at the sides.
"No. Nothing," you shake your head with a dismissive tone. His eyes rake over your face and he knits his eyebrows together.
Byakuya can tell when something is bothering you. You get a knot in between your eyebrows. He slides his hand across the bar and grabs onto yours, squeezing it gently.
"Y/n, please don't lie to me. If you don't to talk about it, that's fine. I understand," he reassures you with a tender voice.
"The way those women look at you, it makes me so jealous," you sigh out with frustration. The corners of Byakuya's lips dare to curl up into a tiny smirk.
"I only have eyes for you, my darling," Byakuya reassures you with a ginger voice. You scoff quietly and roll your eyes with annoyance.
"I know that, but they don't. I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I can't help it. I just want everyone to know that you're mine and mine only," you huff out, leaning back in the chair and pouting.
Byakuya smiles to himself and stifles a chuckle. It finds you to be so cute when you pout.
"Come here. Follow me," Byakuya stands up, offering you his hand.
You take ahold his hand and stand up, following him through the crowds of the bar. Byakuya's eyes dart around before entering the female restroom.
Your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat. Thank the Soul Society that nobody else is in here, but you two.
"Byakuya! We can't be in here, especially you," you call out as Byakuya pulls you into an empty stall. He shuts the door and locks it.
Your back pressing up against the cold tile wall and Byakuya wraps his arms around your waist.
"Then, you've got to be quiet," he explains, dipping his head down and pressing his warm lips on your neck. His hand reaches down and he tugs off his captain's cloak.
It hits the ground and you moan softly as Byakuya's lips suck on your sensitive skin. His hands grab onto your black kosode and he tears it off your skin.
Byakuya tosses it on the ground and he pulls away from your neck.
He moves his face near yours, lips hovering above yours. You can breathe in the smell of the strong sake. It makes you dizzy for a moment before returning back to reality.
Byakuya roughly presses his lips to yours, like he needs your lips to breathe or even live. He rolls his hips into yours and groans heavily.
His hands fiddle around with your black hakama and he pulls them down. They pool around your ankles and you step out of them.
"You should know that I only have eyes for you, my love," Byakuya speaks gently, pulling away from your lips.
"Hm, is that what you say to all the girls?" you hum out and Byakuya scoffs quietly, his eyes darkening and glancing down at you.
"No, only to the girl I'm in love with," he comments tenderly, his knuckles grazing over your cheek. Your eyes widen and a warm smile tugs on your lips.
"Oh yeah? Who's that?" you ask and Byakuya bites back a chuckle, taking off his black kosode. His muscles flex and your mouth waters at his biceps.
"I'm looking at her. The woman whom I love dearly and I'm about to make love to," Byakuya speaks honestly and your heart skips a beat.
His pants and boxers pool down around his ankles. Your body shudders at the sight of his long length, springing out. Byakuya strokes his cock, lining it up with your entrance.
You both moan in unison as Byakuya thrusts inside of you. You lean your forehead against his and let out a deep breathe.
"Byakuya, please move," you beg him, clamping your walls around his cock.
"As you wish, my love," Byakuya speaks softly, pulling his hips back and then snapping them back. You cry out with pleasure, his cock fitting perfectly inside of you.
His hand clamps over your mouth, muffling your sinful moans that fill the bathroom. Byakuya's hips roll into yours, cock sinking back into your aching pussy.
The stall door starts to rattle from Byakuya's frequent, rough thrusting. He reaches and grabs onto your hand, interlacing your fingers.
He pins his hand above your head and you whimper, filling his cock thrust deep inside of you. His cock pushes against that sweet spot of yours, bringing you closer and closer to your release.
"F-fuck, you feel so good," Byakuya groans out, your walls clenching around his twitching cock.
"Byakuya," you moan out, feeling your release come closer. The hotness pooling in between your legs makes your thighs tremble as your body is pressed into wall.
You let out a scream of pleasure as your orgasm rips through your body, trembling and jolting. Your cum spills out onto Byakuya's cock and he clenches his jaw, trying to hold himself together.
A few more sloppy thrusts and Byakuya releases thick, hot slicks of cum inside of your pussy. The two of you pant heavily and Byakuya leans his head into the curve of your shoulder.
He releases his tight grip on your mouth and you let out a tiny whimper as he pulls out from your insides.
"Are you still jealous?" Byakuya asks, picking up your clothes and handing them to you. You chuckle and let out a deep breathe.
"No, after all you did just make love to me in the women's bathroom, Byakuya. But, if I catch another woman staring at you...I can't help what I might do next," you explain, shrugging your shoulders.
Byakuya chuckles and cups your cheek, pulling you closer. "I love you," he presses his lips to yours.
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theamityelf · 4 months
Undead AU where a virus spreads through Hope's Peak turning all the Ultimates into undead, meaning they eat flesh, can turn people by biting them, lose their self-control, etc.
Only the lucky students are immune. For the sake of the city, the Hope's Peak faculty lock everyone on campus. The reserve course students are left to fend for themselves against the hungry Ultimates, and the lucksters try to take care of their respective classes. They get bitten copiously in the same way cat owners get bitten a lot, but they're immune, so it's fine.
(The first time he's bitten, Nagito is like, "Aw, it looks like it won't spread to me. That's a shame.")
Nagito pretty quickly resigns himself to trapping reserve course students for his class to eat. He doesn't just let them run loose eating people; he keeps control over their portions, so they don't just kill with reckless abandon.
"Akane, you can't eat both of them by yourself," he chides mildly. "There has to be enough for everyone." (The words "enough for everyone" seem to click even in her undead brain, because she immediately switches gears, making sure everyone gets to eat some.) "Hiyoko...Yeah, it's okay to bite me. Just leave all my limbs intact, if you can. AH! That...really hurt, Ibuki."
Meanwhile, Makoto is unwilling to let his class eat reserve course students at all. He brings them raw meat from the kitchen and works himself up to trapping animals. Maybe he lures a crane to Sayaka to eat, because parallels.
He and Nagito compare notes on their strategies of caring for their classmates; they run into each other in the hallway a lot, and sometimes Makoto catches one of Nagito's classmates sneaking out of their classroom or vice versa.
"Looking for this?" Nagito says, interrupting Makoto's sprint through the hallway. He's walking hand-in-hand with Hina, who is contentedly munching on someone's detached arm.
"Whose arm is that?!" Makoto exclaims. (Chihiro is on his back. She didn't sneak out or anything; she just clings to his back sometimes. She's gnawing at his ear, but he ignores it.) "Did she kill someone?"
"Nope. It was like that when we found it," Nagito lies. "Probably one of the upperclassmen's handiwork." Really, he used the arm of one of the reserve course students he trapped earlier to lure Hina back. And he's letting her keep it, as a treat.
Makoto sighs dejectedly. "They said this is just until they find a cure, right? That's what the headmaster said. The best scientists in the world are looking for a cure. Then everyone will be back to normal."
"Of course. I'm sure it won't be long now."
"...But it's terrible we haven't been able to keep the reserve course safe from them."
"Hey, chin up. It's a small price to pay to keep our classmates healthy."
"I don't think it's a small price at all. They-"
"Ah, I think another one of your charges is loose."
Makoto glances back. "Taka. Thanks for trying to help, but I've really got it covered out here. Why don't you take Chihiro back inside?"
Taka, one of the few undead who still consistently stands upright (though his posture isn't as straight as it once was) takes Chihiro off Makoto's back, and she immediately crawls onto his, resting her head on top of Taka's as he walks back toward their classroom.
"Hina, you want to go share that with Sakura? Yeah, go ahead. Don't let Byakuya see it, okay?"
Hina goes back to the classroom, too.
"I should head back," Nagito says. "If I'm away much longer, half of them will be gone by the time I return. And it's hard enough to wrangle Fuyuhiko; Akane and Gundham will take all day."
"You're bleeding," Makoto observes, with an alarmed frown. "Do you want me to look at that? I have bandages, back at-"
"No thanks. I'm alright."
"Maybe we should switch classes every now and then. Most of my classmates don't really bite all that hard...except Junko. But with her, you just have to be quick."
"Switch classes? That could be interesting..."
One day they do try to switch, but Nagito still gets bitten a lot (He suspects the 78th class think he's hiding Makoto from them; it would explain why a lot of them are hostile.), and Makoto is still mostly unscatched (Though Ibuki does tackle him and drag him to a, for lack of a better word, "nest" that the Ultimate Impostor has built, and he has to kind of just lie there and let them both lightly gnaw at his flesh for a while.). Nagito lets Makoto bandage him up, trying not to blush at the attention.
(Masterlist for this AU.)
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t0yac1d · 10 months
mondo, byakuya and kazuichi x fem (or gn) s/o who’s like mikan? (ex. clumsy, low self esteem, stuttery, shy, etc :D) thanks so much! i love your writing btw <3
Danganronpa Boys x Shy!F!Reader
Characters: Mondo Owada, Byakuya Togami & Kazuichi Souda
Word Count: 656
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☆Mondo Owada would always stay close to you incase you trip, and when you do he catches you before you hit the floor, holding you close to him and making sure you're okay. With your low self-esteem he makes sure to tell you that you're beautiful, gorgeous, smart, incredible and all of the above. He makes sure that you know that he wants and loves you for you and not your looks and that he really does love you and all of your flaws.
He also doesn't mind your stuttering, he tells you that it's okay and to take your time, he doesn't mind waiting for you to tell him what's on your mind. He's also fairly patient and thinks your shyness is adorable, how you blush when you're nervous and how you turn your head away from him when you get slightly embarrassed. He loves it all and loves all of you.
☆Byakuya Togami doesn't really stay as close to you like Mondo. He stays in his space, but when you trip and fall into a revealing pose he's immediately by your side and covering you up with his jacket. He'd glare at any person laughing or looking at you. He'd deal with your low self-esteem by also giving reassurance. If you think a certain outfit would make you feel more confident in the way you look then he'd buy it for you, he feels as though if something makes you feel better about yourself or if a certain clothing brand would make you feel confident in your skin then he'd buy it immediately just for you.
But that doesn't mean he'd do it all of the time. He'd sit you down and have a heart to heart with you, he'd ask you why you think so badly about yourself and help you overcome that feeling and he'd keep doing it until you can look in the mirror and whole heartedly appreciate yourself. Now, with your stuttering. He's not a patient person, but he'd try to be and he's trying really hard to be patient. It's a work in progress but he's progressing really well, overtime he became extremely patient and would much rather wait for you to speak before speaking himself. Let's be honest, your shyness is what drew him close to you. I don't make the rules, he absolutely loves your shyness and the habits you do. Would he actually say this out loud? Hell no. But everyone with eyes can tell that he's absolutely smitten about you.
☆Kazuichi Souda is like Mondo, always around you and by your side. If you trip he'd catch you, but he's also pretty clumsy himself so he'd fall on top of you. But his body is covering you so anyone that passes by just thinks he stumbled onto you, which embarrasses you both even more. But as long as you're covered and not in any revealing pose, he's fine with getting teased about falling on you. If I'm being honest I think he'd absolutely suck at helping you with your low self-esteem only because he has the same problem. He'd try to help but he's scared that he'd accidentally make it worse. So your best bet is for the both of you to help each other and grow together.
When you stutter he finds it adorable and mentions it when you do which causes you to stutter even more. Same goes for your shyness, he loves it and it's what made him fall for you. He never saw anyone so cute in his life and so he immediately fell head over heels for you, even though he never actually spoke to you. But when he did he almost passed away because just looking at your already pinkish cheeks and how you slightly turn away when speaking just made his heart speed up. He's literally so in love with you, no one can even fathom the amount.
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thelaughtercafe · 3 months
Reader finding out Byakuya and Peko are ticklish
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: F! Reader/Byakuya, F! Reader/Peko
Length: 503
Summary: N/A
Byakuya Togami:
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You’ve gotta be real close with him to even get anywhere close. The thing about these two is they’re constantly aware of their surroundings. 
Aoi tried to tickle him in the library once and was smacked on the head with a book for her attempt. 
So he’d need to be off his game- sleep-deprived or just overthinking a particular issue. 
When your hands slip around his waist he assumes you’re being typical and wanting affection but nope- by the time he realizes; he’s already snorting and jerking in your grip. 
He rushes to cover his mouth between gasps of mirth, boyish giggles and snickers that are totally foreign when not in derision of someone making you giggle too. 
“You're…aha! Gonna wish I killed you fast!”
He’s a threatener when he’s ler’d. Total brat. 
Never admits it but honestly? Think he’d like the loss of control. 
His only hard no is telling Toki/Genocider. He doesn’t think he’d be able to handle it. 
Most comfy with you but also finds he doesn’t mind the future foundation members wrecking him a little, especially Makoto, and Kyoko since he feels they’re “on his level”.
He’s a fighter but he also never wants to hurt who’s getting him a lot of times so he’ll flail out wildly at empty space.
Only one I think he wouldn’t mind hitting is Yasuhiro just because he finds it funny honestly. 
He regrets it after Hiro redoubled his efforts and forces him to squeal out an apology. 
Hates his laugh.
His siblings made fun of him for it, so he’s incredibly sensitive about it but he gradually learns everyone has weird laughs through you and Future Foundation. 
Peko Pekoyama:
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Peko is a smidgen like Togami in that you need to be close to her first. 
She’ll flip your ass if you catch her off guard and then gasp and rush to make sure you’re okay.
She doesn’t mean to, but she’s trained that way to protect Fuyuhiko and the whole family. 
But you’ll likely find out while unwinding with her- offering her a massage is a great way to initiate touch. She doesn’t see it coming and you feel a little bad for tricking her as she beams in excitement. 
You start massaging her back and shoulders normally for a few minutes and then suddenly brush your fingertips over her sides. 
Poor thing yelps and you both freeze, blushing. 
She’s exceedingly adorable you decide, when she turns and mumbles shyly. 
“I…didn’t say you had to stop.”
She’s curious honestly. Here is a sensation she’s never experienced before. She wants to experience it to its fullest. 
She’s seen her Young Master and his sister of course but she was never included in such things. It wasn’t something thought about. 
Fuyuhiko finds out firsthand when Peko doesn’t disappear during one of said tickle fights and takes full advantage of it. 
He gets you an extravagant gift to say thank you, and Peko will seek you out when she needs a massage again. 
It’s very sweet. 
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writerswhy · 18 days
Self-care for the Soul: Hinamori's Edition
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(Or, my 2am rambles on Hinamori that briefly touch on nonviolence while I lightly express some fandom guilt ft. one mention of Frankenstein and some Tobiume hc 🫠 Thank you @bleachbleachbleach for your encouraging words on this post! <33)
TL;DR: Much of Hinamori’s external life has been chosen for her. She thrives at exercising a form of internal non-violence of the spirit, where despite the lack of tools (as a Rukongai ghost) and later in spite of the master’s tools (the Seireitei), she asserts her power through choice - choosing to love, defend, create - through which she fights back against the institution that created and enabled the violence inflicted upon her. This is in her nature, always has been since she befriended Hitsugaya to rescuing Hisagi.
"Be like the bird that, passing on her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings." -Victor Hugo
Sometimes I feel like such a fake Hinamori fan because I worry that my interpretations discredit her character, which isn't what I want at all! With regards to Aizen and forgiveness, I get a sense that the popular belief is that it is in Hinamori's nature or best interest to come to reject everything about their relationship, that she would even hate him, want to enact some form of violence on him. And that's all fine! I mean, anything is believable if you come at characterization from the lens of “what would make a character do XYZ?"….but I just can't help but feel like this is us (or at least me) moving on without her - which is how Hinamori canonically felt post-Winter War (and I would go so far as to say she's been feeling like this for a long time, since before leaving for the academy).
Like, would it help Hinamori to hate everything about him? To reject all of him? What is she, someone who deeply values her relationships and what she gets from them as much as she gives, choosing to leave behind by doing so? So much of her (external) life happens to her: she has to enter the academy because her powers awakened, she was pre-selected to join the 5th division for a plan that started decades before her and would be put into motion a few decades later, and of course both stabbings.
Given this, I think Hinamori is someone who appreciates making a choice of what she's given, often internal, often against the status quo, and gains exactly what she needs. She chooses to befriend Hitsugaya despite the village's rejection of him (and finds herself a lifetime partner); she stays behind to give Hitsugaya a proper goodbye even though it'll make her late to the academy on her first day (to keep Rukongai close which feels especially important given Seireitei wants to neglect, forget what's outside their walls); she chooses to save Hisagi against his orders (and years later she can look back and know she's brave); she chooses to defend Renji despite Byakuya's authority and Kira's acquiescence (and realizes that to stand up for what she believes in she may be the only one in the room left). And if she chooses to hold close the fond memories she created with Aizen and the lessons she learned from him, she'll know that under all his power laid her power too.
These choices she made are all born from her internal character and I think that's something she tries to hold onto (even when it feels like everyone is moving on without her, that the narrative is moving on without her, that fandom sometimes moves on without her).
And it's not because of the naivety or delusion that's so often attributed to her. It's this instinct to create, to save, to love, despite the lack of tools (and then in spite of the tools). I don't think it's far-fetched to believe that she, an artist who spends her free time reading (about history and fantasy, about the past and the future) would try to create what she needs, imperfect as it is. Hinamori has always been a "be the change you want to see" type of person.
Unlike Hisagi who fears his power in his own hands, Hinamori fears her power in the hands of others. In a way, it's a rejection of the Seireitei. In a way, it's a rejection of the institution that created and enabled the violence inflicted upon her.
(Another reason why I feel like a fake Hinamori fan is because I don't think she needs bankai to tie up her arc or to prove/reclaim her power. Like I mentioned above, I think Hinamori does a pretty solid job of reclaiming her power outside of Seireitei's tools. Bankai feels almost like a resignation to me. It's hard to explain without needing 2000+ words and referencing Frankenstein, the internal/spiritual nature of nonviolence of a solider, and elaborating on Hisagi and Kaname because these two are very much part of the same conversation.
But anyways! My Tobiume hc plays into all of this. It's pretty much the same as the rest of the fandom's - some iteration of a phoenix + forest (I love the seagull cry when Tobiume releases and this imagery of being rooted deep in the earth with an expansive sky to soar above this middle space where the man-made sits), but I hc that she's never really been able to see Tobiume. That Tobiume always wants to keep just out of sight, perched high in the trees or a shadow over the sun to keep her wondering because Hinamori is an artist (who once had no brushes), a life-long learner (who once had no books), and I think it’d be neat if her inner world was something she created out of imagination and hunger for somewhere beyond her body and something beyond the constraints of their society. Another poem I associate with her is "Cherry Blossoms" by Toi Derricote:))
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thesongmachine · 2 months
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tysm for the support pls feel free to request one they open back up!!!
Byakuya Togami x Motherly! Reader
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It was currently morning. You had gotten up and went to the cafeteria area, where you and everyone else participating in this fucked up game would meet. To insure no one was injured.
You found it reasonable. You didn't blame anyone, it was scary to go to bed wondering if you'd wake up the next morning. It was just hard getting up so early. You just couldn't help but feel worried every time you would enter, wondering if anyone wouldn't show up. But you know you shouldn't think like that, so you try your best to shake the negative thoughts from your mind.
As you enter, you realize that you were slightly early.It was a habit of yours but it still felt a little awkward with only a few people in the room. You give a small wave and a smile as you enter the cafeteria and walk back to the kitchen. You were given the role to cook for everyone which was a job but you managed nonetheless.After an hour, you finished. It was nothing big but it was something. (You can choose what it is lmao) You set it out on plates and leave it. Knowing it was only a bit before everyone else entered. You call out to the others and let them come and get their plates before everyone else.
These were the more quiet and reserved people who weren't much of a bother. Of course not including Aoi, she just went wherever Sakura went. It was a very sweet sight though.After everyone gets their plates you grab one for yourself.
You find somewhere to sit, and sit beside Celestia. You liked her, you both got along well so you didn't mind.You make small talk with her, talking about your night, how you slept, and such. After a while your conversation died down due to more and more people entering the cafeteria, which caused the room to become much louder when just a handful of people were there.
As everyone enters you give them small waves and “Good mornings” here and there. Not wanting to be rude. You had genuinely taken a liking to everyone there. You cared about everyone, even if you hadn't known them long. It sort of felt like your job, that you had to look out for them. You didn't mind, it was in your nature.
As everyone starts coming in one by one, you notice that someone is missing. You look around before noticing that Bykuya wasn't there. Your heart sinks as your initial thought was something bad happened to him. You shake the thought from your head, as you didn't want to assume the worst. You were beginning to feel worried so you decided to go and search for him. You lean over to Celestia and speak. “Hey i'm going to go find Byakua, if they ask tell them I left something in my room.” You say to her, she looks at you and nods with a slight smile on her face. You smile back, “Thank you..” You say softly. Before you go, you grab a few rolls as you leave, deciding that if you did find him, it would be after breakfast so you didn't want him to miss it.You manage to make your way out of the cafeteria and begin searching for him.
You begin by going to his dorm and knocking on the door, calling out his name but no reply. You pretty much search everywhere, but still can't find him.You begin feeling worried before you walk by the library and hear someone in there. You go up to the door and gently knock, calling out his name. “Byakuya.. Are you in there?” You ask. You hear someone sigh loudly before footsteps approach the door. It swings open and your met with Byakuya. You were slightly startled and you managed to give a small smile, and a wave. He looks down and scoffs. “What do you need?” He says sternly, glaring at you. “Well…” You say, trailing off. “I just wanted to give you this. I know you missed it this morning so I just wanted to bring it to you.” You manage to stutter out.As you do so, he looks at you. Confusion slightly displayed on his face. Nobody really liked him and everyone here would rather die than help him, so it obviously struck him as odd. He looked at you and his gaze softened ever so slightly.He takes it and motions for you to come inside.
You catch on and step inside, and watch as he goes back to the desk he was sitting at. He places the plate on said desk and sits down, going back to reading his book. You stand near the door. And before you leave he speaks up. “Thank you… Please tell the others I'll be there in a bit.” He says, before taking a bite of his food.You turn your head and look at him. You were surprised, you had never heard Byakuya be so kind..? You smile softly at his words and nod. “Of course, please don't take too long though.” I say.
He gently smiles and nods at your words and continues his reading. You decided to go back before the others thought something was wrong. You leave but give one last look before walking away with a smile on your face.As you leave he can't help but smile either. Even if it was very out of character for him, he couldn't help it. He didn't like having people worry about him act like his mother, but he was growing to appreciate it. And he was also growing to appreciate you.
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Sending them nudes in public Bleach Edition N/SFW part 1
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Feat: Byakuya, Shunsui, Bazz-B, Kenpachi WC:800+ TW: suggestive content and language A/N: A One Piece was done already! It you would like to read it the link is right here! MDNI 18+
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Your lover was sitting at one side of the room chatting it up with his friends and family. You were sitting down scrolling on your phone. You happen to look at some of the photos you took earlier together with the family. Scrolling more up the photo album you happen to notice some explicit photos you had taken a few days earlier. Of course, you enjoy seeing him spending time with people he grew up with but wondering what would happen if you sent him one of the photos above.  He always had his phone on him, when opening your messages you type his name and send the photo to his phone. He felt the vibration in his pocket. Opening the message thank god he didn't let anyone else see the message. 
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With the straightest face ever deep down he was burning but he didn’t want to bring suspension to himself on what he just witnessed on his phone. Taking a deep breath he was trying to focus on the conversation he was a part of but he couldn’t help steal a glance over your way. He could see the smirk on your face. A few minutes would have passed when he took a seat next to you. “You think it was appropriate to send those types of things right now?” 
“Yesssss but did you like it?” you asked him
He closed his eyes for a moment before responding “I will let you know when we are home. We will also go over you for this cheeky behavior.” 
“Ooooo kink are we now?” you tease. 
Gawking at the photo for a long time. At this time you thought it was bad because anyone could lean over and see the photo now. Tapping your foot anxiously waiting for him to put his phone away. Taking another drink of his saki he was savoring the photo. He had to be a bit careful because he felt himself becoming a bit stiff down below.  Tucking his phone in his breast pocket. He chugged the rest of the drink. His head turned towards you, nodding for you to come towards him. Getting off the couch you walked towards the tall captain. His hand tucked around your waist. Leaning in your ear you could smell the sake on his breath “you know it’s dangerous to send risky photos to me in public.” he lightly chuckled “You know me, I love a bit of danger,” you spoke in a low tone having the hair stand on the back of his neck. “Is that so? Well now you wouldn’t mind if we step into the next room so we both can take photos together, maybe even a video.”  Shunsui smirked, licking your earlobe.
Bazz- B
‘Fucken god dammit’ he thought to himself. He cannot leave your side one minute without you wanting his attention. He was gnawing on his inner cheek when he took another glimpse at his phone he noticed the marks left on your breast that were caused by him. He remembered exactly the day he gave you all those marks. The more thought about it, the more he could hear you screaming his name at that time.  He wondered if the marks had cleared up yet. He began to reply to the text
Did those marks clear up? You: Some of them have but not all. why?
Bazz- b:
I will need to remark on you. Start saying goodbye to everyone because it's going to be a long night for you.
After reading the text you felt your cheeks becoming hot. Looking up you could see him looking at you. He looked at you up and down before keeping eye contact with you for a moment. 
‘Fuck that was a bad idea’ you just realized. The man who had no fucks given looked at the photo his tongue sliding against his teeth with a grin on his face. “I'm one lucky son of a bitch to get explicit photos right now.” he spoke 
“Come again Captain?” Yumichikia spoke
“He said he is the lucky son of a bitch for getting ----wait.” ikkaku spoke then looking t his captain who was looking at his phone
You quickly got up walking towards him. “Can you not be so loud about it???” you said.
“You obviously wanted me too when you sent it.” He still had his phone unlocked.
“Who would have thought ______ was such a perv. We thought you were the innocent one... I guess not.” Yumichikia spoke
“Well, boys I think I ______ needs to get rid of those thoughts so I might just take her home now.” You felt him throw you over his shoulder
“Put me down!!!!” you protested
You felt a spank on your butt “shit I have to remember you like being spanked too.” 
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