#everything in his life seems to go fine: he gets along great with his classmates. he works hard to improve as an idol in school
0rchidm4ntis · 5 months
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hey lol *pmmms your 2wink*
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persephoneyss · 3 years
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x f! Reader. Ft. Bts.
Genre: Yandere, dark themes, anguish, suspense.
Summary: ❝We are doomeds, wandering in eternal suffering.❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, stalking / stalking on cameras, humiliation, unspecified forced marriage, n*n-c*n explicit sexual relations (on the reader), abuse of power, implicit murder, drug use, kidnapping, hitting, manipulation, dating previous trauma, alcoholism and depression (in Yoongi), accusations of infidelity, dub-con (in Yoongi's case), the reader is in school but is of legal age, death threats, really strange facts. Possibly this would qualify as dark fantasy since everything is so unrealistic.
Number of words: 10,000+
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︙Author's note: *sighs* This is the longest fic I've ever written, and I honestly don't know how it turned out because I didn't read it twice like I always do before publishing it. But my beautiful baby helped me correct, I hope you enjoy it and please read the warnings well, I do not want lawsuits. Thanks for being here!
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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If they ever had to ask the reality of events it would be ... Unbelievable. Thinking of how just a simple action changes everything in an already established and perfect environment.
A life.
Your minutes, hours and days were the same under your criteria and eyesight, you study in the mornings, you work in the afternoons and you attend to your homework at night. It was a good routine that used to be repetitive at times, it was fun to follow, even more so in your part-time job.
You could meet many people working in one of the best cafes in the city, your classmate insisted too many times that you work with her saying that could recommend you and you should not even pass a test, they would only accept you for her.
It was a good opportunity and you accepted it with a smile, although she was long gone from work, you were still grateful for the good salary and health insurance that they gave you every month.
"An American coffee with a spoon of sugar and a green tea cake with cream on top." Your mouth and hand move in sync, the client nods silently. You smile, pointing out other details before asking what name you would give the order.
With a sigh, he name came out like a gust of light wind. "Min... Min Yoongi."
You write his name on the screen, the little receipt paper comes out of the machine. You hand it to him by brushing his hand with yours, strangely cold and pale. A chill runs through you but you ignore it, continuing with your work.
"Good Morning _____!" One of the employees greets you kindly, you correspond still concentrated on serving the mysterious stranger's coffee. "Do you have a request for me?"
"Oh, uh... Yeah, this is for table four."
Yun smiles taking the tray with Yoongi's coffee and cake, arriving at his table. The man's expression can be dazzled even under his black mask that covers half of his face, his eyes look for you before colliding with you. YYou refuse to play along, continuing with your work, you had a lot to do and wasting time flirting wouldn't really help you make money.
However, it became pointless trying to ignore him when he kept coming back day after day. Week after week. Tormenting your head, Yoongi was not the first nor the last handsome man you would see coming often, your work establishment was literally in a strategic area and not cheap, you knew that many men and women with money frequented them to drink a coffee or eat some delicacy, even sometimes they only came in to sit for a few hours attending to their affairs over the phone.
It was fine, it was comfortable. You weren't expecting too much, sitting behind a counter, always having to fake a smile despite being tired.
Perhaps it was the constant visits that led you to start a conversation with him. You had about an hour of rest, you prefer to spend those few moments sitting in front of the window of the premises eating any cake that was a few days before expiring to avoid paying for consumption, you felt comfortable in that place that seemed so far from all the other clients.
Until his voice interrupted once, he seemed as calm as ever. His gaze lost from you elsewhere avoiding making contact with you, nervous apparently. His rough and austere tone was changed to a bolder and lower one, asking if he could sit next to you for a few minutes.
"Sure, sit down... he's not busy." It was your answer without having any problem in sharing your place so secret, so comfortable. It was still just as safe even with him present.
And in much the same way, everything became a silent routine. You heeded his order, you took your rest next to him and then you both left at one point. The talks became more common, he being the first to ask about such insignificant things as the rise in the market in the country and how prices should start to rise in coffee as well.
You laughed, you really did it by getting his attention and sharing your reaction.
They both started laughing at how strange it all started, and it was always the perfect anecdote to tell their friends about how they met.
Everything was perfect, like a painting by a great artist, what you would see would be beautiful and cheerful colors, adorning both of you possibly holding hands with a smile and a loving expression from the man who was now your partner. Her pale skin and angelic face represented on beautiful thin paper, presented to the world as a painting that reflected a symbol of love between two souls met in a casual cafe and who wanted each other so much. Too much.
Yoongi was the clear representation of an ethereal person, casual and elegant, polite and kind, protective but not possessive. Simply to the target.
Your routine didn't change much after starting your relationship, you kept walking to your school in the mornings, you attended the cafeteria in the afternoons and you rested at night. Perhaps the only significant thing that you would get out of your boring schedule was your boyfriend's proposal about moving with him to the house of his best friend, almost a brother as he described it, and avoiding paying for your little apartment. You had made one and a thousand excuses, making Yoongi shut them all up.
"Jin is my brother, he would never take advantage of us. I already mentioned the proposal, about you... I have been living there for a few weeks, I assure you that you will be like family."
Your face relaxed for a few seconds, you had abandoned that feeling and sensation long ago since you moved from your home in your native country. Your mother used to call you every night but little by little that habit was lost, she also had her own problems and being aware of you as if you were a child was ridiculous.
"It's fine." It was your final decision, nervously you moved your hands in the air explaining what you would not accept.
Do not invade your privacy.
You had spent days thinking about how to introduce yourself to them, because apparently there would be more than just Jin, Yoongi and you in that house. Your things were scattered in boxes, you stood in the middle of the almost empty room still nervous about meeting new people and friends of your boyfriend.
That they were now family. Literally family.
The moving truck was parked in front of a large house, it had two stories and an incredibly large garden. More like a forest than an ordinary garden, you got out of the car trying to clean your clothes as much as possible and look presentable. Although it was difficult when your whole body was covered in dust after lifting the boxes.
"I'm not ready, Yoon." You say, containing your anxiety that vibrates to the surface of the skin within you.
Her hand gently brushed your cheek, giving you a bit of reassurance. "You look beautiful, they will accept you anyway." Her lips came up to yours, giving you a quick and soft kiss. "I just remember that I love you, and I know all my brothers will too because you are perfect."
You thanked the little compliment in a whisper, the door of the house opened just after the two of them left, you automatically showed a friendly smile approaching the first person to leave. He was a tall and rather handsome man, he seemed very well dressed to be indoors on a Sunday, more like he was going out to an important business meeting. He looked flawless and elegant.
"The suit was not necessary, Nam!" Shouted your boyfriend behind you mocking, the man laughed showing all the charm of him to your eyes.
"I'm Namjoon, Yoongi's friend. Nice to meet you... _____, right?"
"Yes, it's me. Sorry to see me so disastrous, it was a tiring day with the move."
Namjoon seemed like a very nice and incredibly understanding guy, his presence made you want to meet your boyfriend's other friends. You opened the door entering the house after Yoongi asked you to find your room to start carrying the other things, Namjoon stayed behind to help him, leaving you alone on your unknown route. You walk all over the place and you are surprised that you only walked through the living room, your eyes straying to a noise in the kitchen.
You ignore it, continuing your way up, you read every name on the doors. Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. All written brilliantly on each different door, you walk a few steps to one that says your name and you thank it with a sigh.
You weren't surprised by how big it was, everything inside that place seemed to be exorbitant and out of the ordinary.
"Oh, it must be you." You are surprised to hear a voice behind you, you turn around in fear before remaining calm. You recognized her face from a photo Yoongi had on her phone.
"Jimin?" You ask with fear of being wrong.
"It's me, it's nice to finally meet you. Jin-hyung said you're moving in a few days, I didn't think it would be so soon." His voice seemed to be calm but there was a hidden question. Why? Why were you there?
You take a few uncomfortable steps back. "It really was, but ... I thought it would be better to do it today that I don't have classes, plus Yoongi doesn't work this day and it seemed like the right thing to do. I'm sorry if bother you."
"No you don't. it's okay, Welcome." With that one simple word he left.
You thought you would have a longer talk with him but you weren't expecting too much, they didn't even know each other and you plan to chat with him like they were old acquaintances. Well, naive.
It seemed strange to you that no one else showed up in the whole house, even when you were uploading the last boxes of the move no one seemed to be a little curious to meet you. Aside from the already friendly Namjoon and the reserved Jimin.
"Yoon" You get his attention, he smiles at you taking the sheets out of your suitcase and making your makeshift bed ready for the night. "Do your friends work today?"
"I guess so, they really don't spend a lot of time together or at home." Explain without noticing your downcast face. You nod, putting the issue aside and concentrating your eyes on arranging your clothes. "Hey... Okay, you can meet them all at dinner today."
Your chest clenches in anguish, "Dinner?!"
"Yes, darling. It's the only time they meet all day, when Jin-hyung cooks for us especially on days like these where we have pleasant surprises."
You purse your lips annoyed, Yoongi smiles kissing your forehead so carefully and lovingly that it melts your senses. The mere presence of him made you want to continue with him forever, you relax for a few seconds hugging his body in silence. They both stay like this, with nothing to say but telling each other everything at the same time.
The thought of ever letting go scares you.
You wait several hours, still sitting in the same place where Yoongi left you. You should be presentable for dinner, you take a quick shower before running to change into a nice comfortable dress, you try not to overdo it but also not show disinterest. From the stairs you hear everyone's mixed voices, chatting animatedly.
"Honey, come here." Yoongi watches you, being the only one to notice that you were peeking in the shadows still unsure of interrupting.
You say hello by walking a few steps until you reach your boyfriend's side, you present yourself the best you can. Everyone falls silent, Namjoon smiles at you just like he did before. Jin interrupts the moment where no one seemed to have anything to say about you, or if he wants to want to introduce himself.
"Today we have a special guest, the dear girlfriend of our brother. I introduce myself, I am Jin the official cook of this family." His body bends down with an exaggeratedly long bow, proud of his words. Jimin rolls his eyes, while his other siblings just choose to tease. "On Yoongi's orders we made her favorite dish, so I don't want any complaints of any kind about the food. I'm looking at you Jungkook."
You are surprised how well everything is going, you feel praised when your favorite food is in front of you. She looked just as elegant, as if you were eating in a five-star restaurant and at a luxurious table with silk tablecloths.
Jungkook still stayed away from the talks, preferring to eat quietly and fiddle with his phone. Hoseok was more animated, asking about you and exaggerating anecdotes that happened with his childhood friends. He moved you that he will still remember all that after years. Namjoon vaguely drew your attention with book recommendations when you commented on your love of reading, Jin quietly continued eating in complete tranquility, Jimin thanked the food and just left.
Taehyung... He seemed interesting to you, he was looking at you all the time with narrowed eyes and when Jimin got up and walked away, he followed closely with a small and almost hidden smile.
You had a strange feeling inside what they called home.
"I-I... I need to use the bathroom." You say goodbye by wiping your lips with a napkin before quickly walking behind them both. Something attracted you to want to know more, as if they were leaving clues knowing that curiosity killed the cat and that you wanted to be the one.
Your steps were quiet, even more so when you tried not to be noticed . You went upstairs listening to their voices whispering and then... An obscene moan was clearly heard, Jimin seemed to laugh in the air.
Your hands shook thinking of opening the door and seeing what was happening. And without knowing it, you had fallen into the same network of attraction as them.
You curse yourself biting your tongue and cheek until they bleed, sure that you were going to make a big and heavy mistake. Minutes later you are going down the stairs back to the table but no one is waiting for you anymore, the table was just as spotless and clean. You are pleasantly surprised to learn that they don't treat you like a guest and that they don't wait too long for you. Maybe they had things to do, however you feel a chill when silence comes.
Where were?
You look around the yard, but no one is outside. Neither in the kitchen and less in the room where you had already walked twice. You catch the sound of drums in your ears rumbling loudly, you close your eyes in a daze for a few seconds until in an instant it goes away, and then everything comes back to itself. You hear their voices upstairs, chatting animatedly for the second time.
"Where were you sweetie? Are you okay?"
You nod still confused. How did they... When was that... You were really fine? You refuse to fall into paranoia and lie down next to Yoongi, as they continue their conversation with each other. Your head keeps spinning with the fresh memories you have, but they seem to disappear second by second and it scares you, you open your eyes without wanting to fall asleep yet but it is as difficult as breathing.
You fall into the dark abyss of sleep, feeling the same chill.
Your gaze is lost in the gray sky, you are cold and your body is swaying. Your eyes move restlessly observing that you are under the snow and a person holds you in his arms through the forest, walking at a slow and safe pace.
It's fine. Are you okay.
Wake up. Yoongi greets you from the door of your now room, you try to regulate your breathing thinking that he would notice your overwhelmed state and he would worry, but no. He is as calm as ever, relaxed even.
"Good morning beautiful, it's time for breakfast. Jin-hyung made your favorite." And with that last sentence she is shifting away, closing the door behind he.
You go down the stairs ready to go, your backpack resting on your shoulder. The table is just as full as at dinner, Jimin seemed very tired trying not to fall asleep, you watch him for a few seconds before looking at Taehyung who ignores you taking his cup of ... Coffee. You approach making him recoil alarmed and disgusted, you check the cup realizing that it is the same recipe that you use in the cafeteria.
Like them?
You look up noticing that, you were uncomfortable, Taehyung takes a few steps away from your body almost leaning against his, still sitting in his chair. You apologize to him making me sigh irritated, still ashamed you apologize again without eating or serving anything, just leaving through the front door.
Your journey is reflective. You forget, dream and recognize, that was the pattern you were following, everything seemed so strange and deep down gloomy, you feel the already casual chill running through your entire body almost like a warning.
Your seat in class was empty waiting, ready for you. Ari greets you, being your table companion and friend.
"Hey, intense night?" She jokes, you look shaking his head. She laughs pointing your neck. "You have... something there."
She frowns even more confused, her face leaves her smile aside and she starts looking at her things until she takes out a small mirror and she hands it to you. You look with horror at a large red bruise painting on your skin, it seemed painful but you had not even noticed or felt it. You touch it still scared and nothing, it doesn't hurt or it seems real.
You take a deep breath before lying with silly chatter, "I had an accident, but I'm fine. I had forgotten I was there, it was nothing serious."
Ari seems worried but in the end she forgets it by returning to the same kind and joking attitude of her, but her gaze drops from second by second to your neck making you cover yourself uncomfortable. Who? It can't be Yoongi, he was always very calm in that regard. You think terrified, your hand goes up to touch it and this time you manage to feel a sharp pain.
You have to cover it with the collar of your shirt so that no customer will notice it and avoid staining the reputation of the cafeteria, you smile nervously taking orders as fast as you can and avoiding looks. Yun greets you like every day, arriving at his work time. You spend hours begging for the clock to advance faster, the night sky appears and the doors close, you clear the last counter before you can finally show your neck again and breathe.
"That's a big problem." Yun whispers looking at the horrible mark, you nod with a sigh giving the same stupid excuse you told Ari. "You should use a little makeup to cover it up, I think it will help you a lot."
You think about it for a few seconds before deciding what you would do. You bow to him with a bow after he offered to close in your place and finish the remaining work for you.
You come home with a smile, you greet Namjoon who is reclining on the couch in the living room watching something on TV. You wait a few seconds but you do not receive a small or accidental look, you approach a few steps to repeat it again but you only get him to get up and go upstairs closing the door of his room apparently with a door slam. What the hell? You think covering your face with your hands looking for some comfort.
Everything was happening inside you, it was like a whirlpool sweeping away your sanity. Were you going crazy? Or you were just thinking a lot about nothing.
You try to draw a picture of your situation, but the only thing that repeats is the constant painting of Yoongi and you together.
"Yoongi!" You say to yourself with a smile, you drop your backpack running towards his room, wanting to see him after such a day.
Your hopes fade like air, everything within the space him screams 'he', but he is not there. You check the safe time that he should be home at that moment. You hear Jin's voice screaming from below about dinner ready, you sigh losing your appetite at those moments.
You lie on your bed checking your cell phone in case there was a message from Yoongi warning about he delay but nothing. You feel empty for some strange reason, but there was nothing different about it now.
If I had been more attentive and conscientious, you would have noticed that two more people other than Yoongi and you were missing from the table. Jin smiles sitting in his same place leaving your plate not caring without you being there with them, his smile never fades even when all his brothers are sitting silently eating and looking at your empty place so intensely that it was terrifying, he squeezes the cutlery in his hand without wanting to break the tradition in his family.
Dinners are sacred and no one should be missing. There will be no discussions or complaints, that's what the rest of the time is for.
That was what her mother said, sitting at the table in her old home containing her anger at seeing her husband so calm after having been unfaithful once more. Not on the table, not on the table.
Not on the table, honey.
Jimin opened the last bottle with a little satisfaction, poured another glass before handing it to his friend who was only glaring at the ground.
"She's not like that... I know her." Repeating the same stupid prayer for hours, Taehyung rolled his eyes trying to calm his annoyance, looking at his other friend insisting that he help him.
"Yoongi-hyung you saw it yourself, she had that... That mark. you didn't do it, maybe Tae is right and she-..."
"Not!" I scream interrupting what to him were lies. "_____ she's my girlfriend, she's not like that. I know her ... she loves me! She loves me! Do you understand?" Says exalted, holding the shirt of his friend who closed his mouth immediately, Jimin noticed that same reflection of anger in him and knew it was better to leave it for now.
Taehyung pushed the drunk Yoongi away from his side, making him release him and repeat the same phrase as in his state, he tried to believe himself.
The door to your room was opened and the smell of alcohol invaded you, making you look disgusted. You closed your eyes without wanting to see him, his body fell to the side of your bed approaching your body so slowly that the anxiety inside you doubled.
"I'm sorry..." He whispered.
His hands rested around you, giving you that warmth so familiar and comfortable in your gray days. A sob was heard while you lost yourself in your own thought, you watch it melt into your arms crying and without wanting to tell you why.
"It hurts." It's the only thing it says. But... Why?
You wake up. Just like a week ago, days had passed and it seemed like your skin kept accumulating horrible marks all over the place. You even went to consult a doctor but he only insisted that something... Or someone did them with such fury that it was incredible that a piece of skin will not be torn off by the force of his suction.
You touched the last mark that came, it was dangerously close to your crotch, you try to hide the others with makeup but they were still visible at a short distance.
You went down the stairs to see them all again, you greet with regret taking the first thing you find. Your mug had your name written on it, it was a rather curious gift from Jin after your melancholic night with Yoongi days ago, he apologized explaining that he felt bad after hearing all the sobs and apologies. For a moment you thought it was something exaggerated but he kept insisting that he felt bad about himself, not with Yoongi who was almost his brother or with you, with him.
You accepted it without wanting to show your dislike for his selfishness and narcissism, thanking him so softly that he hardly heard you.
The special drink that morning was coffee... Americano. You felt insecure to drink it, and you just put it aside.
Same recipe.
Yoongi looked at you for a few seconds before smiling fondly, and you just looked away, leaving him with a confused face as you walk out the door so quickly that he can hardly feel you.
He sighed before being drawn to Jimin's grin-adorned face, he shrugged, hinting at his silent opinion. She is not faithful to you Yoongi, why do you keep waiting for something good? Only looks at her body, her attitude and who she surrounds herself with, it is a classic of womens. You will know that she is a fox hidden under her sheepsuit, just observing her more and you never leave her.
The marks on your body, your cold attitude made him more and more suspicious and fall for Taehyung's profound words. She bit his lip, refusing to spy on your life away from him... Out of his sight.
But he really wasn't doing anything wrong, just observing. In his now dirty head, everything was valid if he could know the truth.
You did the same thing you always told him on his nights where they stayed up talking about his heavy days. You went to school, to work, and then home. Nothing changed your version.
I try to focus on your friends, there was only one girl you spent more time with in your classes and after them. He researched everything about his life, but he had nothing to worry about after learning that he had a boyfriend. He passed your work, standing outside for hours waiting to see you do something dirty or guilty, but you never seemed to move.
You just served the orders and then kindly said goodbye to the customers. He felt guilty for doing something so low to you, until he saw you.
To you.
Your smile grew when one of the workers who was your partner approached your place in the box to whisper something in your ear, you left your place following him towards the warehouse.
Anger consumed him quickly, refusing to continue standing there observing the obvious, possibly he was being irrational and he knew it but the constant insinuations of Jimin. The conversations with Taehyung, his words, his suspicions, the pleased looks from they when he fell back at his feet asking them to tell him what to do with you.
With his damn relationship.
Where were you and him. Not them. You and he.
He opened the door to your room and started going through your things like a degenerate, something must have made him sure that you were cheating on him. Something, a letter, a note, a gift from him, or a simple cheap jewel.
This was your Yoongi? You were clearly looking at another subject.
"Yoon..." You started, his eyes coldly piercing you. He looked different, he was looking at you but you didn't feel safe being so close. "What are you doing?"
"What do you think I do?" He asked how else he will not point to the obvious, for a moment you thought that even if it was, out of respect or dignity, he would try to deny it or find another explanation for his actions so offensive to you. "Where is?"
"Where is what?" You claim, starting to get angry, his eyes leave you again as he continues searching through your drawers, dropping everything to the floor with thudding noises. You get closer trying to push it away but you only get rejection. "Stop it, Yoongi."
"Not until you say so."
You freeze without knowing what he meant by the latter, you take his arm to stop him but you only receive a push that makes you back away this time scared by the force of his attack. "Enough!" You claim this time by making him look at you with his cold eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about and why you're doing this, but enough."
"Then say it..." You shout again that you don't know what he wants you to say, you even curse furiously making him come closer to support your shoulders with his hands bringing you closer to his face. "Say it damn it! Say you're cheating on me with that bastard son of a bitch!"
You feel the pain of his grip, you sob, begging him to release you but are ignored as he continues to ask you to say so. You refuse to lie, especially with something so degrading.
Jin hears the screams as he continues serving the dinner desserts, Jungkook strangely puts aside his phone for a few minutes to thank him with a small toast and a smile that was rarely seen on him.
"The dessert tonight is sweeter than usual."
Jimin raises his glass with a bright smile, Namjoon adjusts his tie tied perfectly around his neck as he sips from his glass, Hoseok laughs eating the delicious cake with enthusiasm.
Curious, a green tea cake with cream on top.
"It's a shame Yoongi-hyung misses out on dessert." Taehyung speaks pretending a pout on his lips, playing with his spoon with the cream on her plate. "It is especially exquisite today."
"Stop playing already, when will you do it? I'm looking forward to getting started." Jin snaps angrily, pushing the cake out of her sight as he drinks from her wine glass.
Jungkook laughs, turning his phone back on to continue playing as usual. "So impatient, hyung." He says he with a click of annoyance.
Jin rolls his eyes, following her gaze to Jimin who is innocently cowering in her chair. Ignoring how completely obsessed Jungkook is with his games, it really was not his business,for something his youngest friend had his parents, who were too busy with their work, they ran the largest electronics factory in the country, leaving his son in the background just giving him everything he asked for without objection. Always showing a smile when little Jungkook came before them demanding a new console or the best phone.
"It only remains to wait..." Whispering, he released a patient Hoseok. His smile as charming as ever. "For her to decide what to do and then... Plot! She fell into the wrong well."
"I hate when you describe and talk like that, but I can't expect much from a Jung... like you."
However, Hoseok never stops smiling even when anger is consuming his mind causing him to clench his fists under the table and bite his tongue inside his mouth, hidden by his gleaming and visible teeth. Namjoon smiles at her, knowing that she managed to provoke him but that she won't do anything to shut him up.
Jin breaks the tense silence, shushing everyone with a snap. That silence. Nobody hears anything from you or Yoongi, for a moment they feel the anguish that something bad has happened or that his friend has lost a bit ... The hand. But just seconds later you're rushing down, wearing the same clothes and your face covered in tears. You don't even look at them when you run to the door, leaving a trail of emptiness behind you.
"Hm, intense." This is Jungkook speaking, his eyes still lost on the phone screen of him playing a silly online championship. "She will be fine after hours."
"Jungkook is right, now we must move with Yoongi."
Namjoon gets up walking to your room, surprised that everything seems almost the same as it was before their fight.
He smiles when he manages to see his friend laying on the floor sobbing, and like that children's book called Pinocchio, he feels good being that cricket-shaped voice of reason. Only this time that sweet and serene voice, released one and a thousand blasphemies that would contaminate even the most devout by his beliefs.
He managed to convince Yoongi's easy to manipulate mind, blurting out words almost like a song. Playing with the naive self of hes that still lived and breathes inside him.
You had come home after days of spending with Ari and her boyfriend away from him. You really didn't want to set foot in that house again in years, a small irrational part of you believed that it was all his fault, your real problems started when you set foot in that damn place.
You open the door observing the room in the same way, empty. You try not to make yourself feel ready to go to sleep, without having been able to do it in days, but now you doubted that it would be different here.
You remain static in view of everyone, you had forgotten that at that time they were having dinner together. They only met once a day and it had to be right there.
"Good evening, sorry to interrupt." You ignoring Yoongi's gaze that, he's trying not to get too excited about your return, even though she causes he to euphoric whirl. "Carry on, I'll just go to my room."
"Please no, sit with us."
"I'm not well."
"I insist, sit with us. They were difficult days but I know they can fix it." Jin puts a plate in front of one of the empty chairs, you refuse to sit down but you do it out of compromise.
Everyone seems to be exclusively quiet, dinner was gray, like a black and white painting. Remember the first dinner, where everyone seemed to have so much to say and now that was left behind, Jungkook continues to play with his phone sometimes moving his plate by accident, without touching a single silverware with the intention of eating. Jin eats in peace, so slowly that he is strange. Namjoon reads a book in his hand, eating so cleanly that it's amazing.
Hoseok looks at you playfully from time to time, with a smile that almost makes you smile the same. Jimin and Taehyung seem to communicate silently, they both look at each other with slight grimaces and smiles.
"We can talk?" Yoongi whispers, you feel her breath next to you and instinctively you walk away scared. Still hurt by her actions and attitude, you give your vow of silence by standing up and without saying goodbye, you walk up the stairs.
"How rude." Jungkook interrupts, keeping an eye on his screen lighting up his beautiful face. "He didn't even taste the food."
Yoongi looks at Jin, her oldest friend and the one she trusted the most, seeking some advice. But just gets the same treatment as always, a look insisting that go with you and try to fix her mistake.
However, it was late. You had packed a makeshift suitcase by going down as quietly as you could, exiting through the back door like a thief or a fugitive.
You spent days thinking about your cowardly way of running away, but in the same way you felt better and even more so when you did not receive any message from him. Maybe it wasn't that important to him, it hurt but it also relieved you.
You knew it would be awkward to see him in the face again, but you should go back and get your things over with as soon as possible. You naively thought of forming a friendship, a very distant one, but in the end it would be the healthiest thing for both of you.
"______?" Asked the person who opened the door after you barely managed to ring the bell due to nerves, he was clearly confused.
"W-good morning ... Jin." You greet by taking a few steps back to get a better look at it, you had forgotten how tall it was. "Sorry to bother I just wanted to -..."
"Talk to Yoongi? I'm sorry but he's already better without you, he even met someone new." You were surprised by his austere, sour tone and trying to intimidate you. "And you better go, you are not welcome here."
"No ... No, I-I came for my things but I'm glad to know that it's better now, and that ..." The words stayed in your mouth, almost as if it hurt to admit it. "I was able to find someone, I hope we can be friends. Also with you, I'm sorry I left without explaining or saying goodbye properly."
You waited what seemed like ages for her response, and you expected more than a simple nod of the head, letting you pass without a hitch. You searched your room quickly, trying not to have any contact with any of them for now. You opened the door that had your name on it but you were scared by what you found inside, the whole room had been painted blood red, a very dark color that managed to give you such familiar chills.
"What is this? Where are my things?!" You turned around ready to go and claim but the door closed behind you with a stormy noise. You ran to try to open it but it did not move an inch, you searched the whole room for something useful to help you but it was completely empty, and alone.
You sobbed in fear, not understanding what was happening and why it seemed that the walls were getting narrower every second. You fell to the ground, trying to stay calm and without losing your goal, hours and even days passed for you, you waited to hear at least one noise but everything was so quiet that you had to avoid going crazy, you played with your hands trying to distract yourself and think positive things, you had read many books about stressful situations to know that thinking a lot about those things caused even more stress, you lie on the floor sure that a nap will calm everything down, if it was a nightmare you wanted to wake up and if not , you wanted to dream that it was.
A lock, you hear that particular noise and you wake up. You open your eyes as fast as you can lifting your body, the door was slightly open as if someone was exiting. You scream for help but it closes, you fall back into sadness and despair screaming even more for your freedom.
You didn't deserve this.
You look with regret at the delicious food they left for you, for a moment you think about going on a hunger strike but your stomach demands you not to be so stupid. The same would not change anything. Regardless of manners, you eat as fast as you can, dropping quite a bit of food on the ground in your rush.
It had an exquisite taste, and you could recognize it everywhere. It was one of your favorite dishes, you felt disgusted to compare it to your mother's food, but as magnificent as it was, it reminded you so much of her.
You wait for something to happen, but minutes go by in which you just look at nothing, letting your head fly. Thinking of a thousand things, playing with the spoon and singing in a low voice.
You feel hot from one moment to the next, your vision becomes cloudy and the door opens again. You just stay in the same place, you don't care about anything, not even how they hold you by helping you walk into another room.
"You were right, she is very calm now."
You look at him, their faces so familiar and you try to place them, but your head is flying away at that moment. You close your eyes laughing, and drifting into unconsciousness.
You wake up. You open your eyes and you are tied, you struggle with the ropes that hold your arms while the bed below you makes your body bounce. You touch the sheets realizing that they are extremely soft, you are in an unfamiliar room surrounded by scarlet red, with elegant and shimmering decorations. You try to stand up but your legs, like your hands, are tied.
And you're still quiet because of the rag in your mouth.
You fight the bindings furiously, screaming into the cloth as much as you can get sick of being locked up again.
You think of Yoongi, although at that moment it was irrelevant you wonder where she is and if she knew that she was being kidnapped in such a way, would she help you at least? Resignation covers you completely, fighting the bonds again with such force that you feel like they burn your skin every time you move.
You sob, just as he did one fall day.
Yoongi watches you from the monitor in another room, Jin is talking to Namjoon to the side while Jungkook is still sitting in a corner entertaining on her phone. Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok seem reluctant to look at each other despite facing each other.
Remember the day, the one in the past, when he met them. Jimin and Taehyung were already friends playing in one of the children's castles, with their hands pretending to be weapons as they ran around. Hoseok was sitting next to his mother, talking and apparently they had a lot to say. Namjoon did not detach from the side of his father who urged him to go up to the games, while Jin was busy collecting Flowers in a basket that his grandmother was holding.
They were all strangers and even more so he, felt out of place surrounded by so many games and away from home. His parents had freed up a whole day to spend together in a decent park, it was several hours of travel from Daegu to Seoul only for his son to play in a beautiful park surrounded by luxurious buildings.
He dropped down next to her mother, hugging her without wanting to let her go.
"Min Yoongi, we didn't take this trip just for you to sit there all day, son."
"I'm scared..." he whispered, biting her lip and hiding her face in the neck of his beloved mother.
"I see... but the games look so much fun. Run and try them, love."
He nodded still uneasy, walking over to one of the swings where he sat rocking so slowly that he seemed still. He felt hands pushing his body from behind, scared he looked at the boy behind him, he had a smile on his face and waved him with a hand.
"Sorry, I thought you needed to be pushed." He spoke and did not seem at all nervous.
"I'm fine, but thank you..." There was a momentary silence before he interrupted again. "I am Yoongi."
"Hoseok, although my mommy calls me Hobi."
He smiled, offering himself this time to push the swing, they spent minutes like this just helping each other take a walk pleasantly. He didn't even think about it when Hoseok offered to talk to Jimin and Taehyung about how they'll all play together in teams.
Now in the present, he smiled again remembering how he met Jin that same day, he had collided with him when he was running so as not to be caught by Jimin. His older friend was flushed with anger, screaming for her flowers and his dirty clothes. His grandmother teased him a bit making him deny even more, he followed Yoongi for several minutes until the chase because of her desire to hit him became a game.
They both fell to the ground tired, laughing before Hoseok introduced himself to Jin. Namjoon arrived shortly after, curious about the commotion and why he had gotten bored of sitting for so long, as he explained later. Besides that his father didn't have the best conversation starters.
He cried so much that very day when he had to go home again, promising to return soon.
"We have everything ready, are you ready?" Jin stood next to him, his eyes looked at him but he couldn't recognize his childhood friend. The same one that he offered to organize his birthday parties when his parents could not afford them, the same one that he never took advantage of his money to lower it. The one who hugged him as many times as he could when he came out of his therapies after his parents died.
Who was this man?
"Y-yes." He murmured still stunned. He got up, following in his footsteps with his head lowered.
They opened the door showing him, you were distracted biting the cloth in your mouth and trying to move your hands to free them.
Your body felt the same repetitive chill making you look at them feeling their presences so... uncomfortable.
"Enough." Jin ordered as you continued your insistent useless movement, trying to free yourself. "I'm not playing around, stop."
Me neither, idiot. You clench your teeth as much as you can at not being able to say it out loud, you stubbornly keep moving even faster than before. Your hair falls on your face from your busy tossing and you stare at him, challenging his patience and judgment.
You try not to tremble when he approaches you with intentions that deep down manage to scare you. But you continue, the bed moves as fast as you do until his hand falls against your cheek causing a gasp to come out of your gagged mouth.
"Hyung!" Yoongi claims holding her hand to prevent her from trying to hit you again, you feel the particular burning on your right cheek and the tears growing back in your eyes. "Please, no blows. That was not what we agreed on."
Jimin cleared his throat, a satisfied smile on his face, "We never specified anything, actually... Yoongi-hyung."
"Jimin is right, you never specified any kind of restriction for her and us." Namjoon clarified making you look at them confused, it was as if they were talking in terms of employment or contract.
But you had never signed anything.
"B-but they can't do that, they'll never accomplish anything if they force her." He tried to persuade him but Jungkook sighed, dropping his phone to the ground and then stepping on it like it was worthless. "She will just hate them."
"She will do it anyway, if we let her off her or try to convince her to stick with sweet words she won't think twice and she will run away ready to report us for kidnapping."
"In addition to the damages that she suffered here." Namjoon continued to condemn Jungkook, uplifting her surname and her family's status.
"You are in this with us or against us, there is still a free place in the basement for you with chains just as heavy."
Again, the same chill ran through you causing you to cringe in your place. These men were insane, they were capable of betraying each other, and worse, they could possibly also consider shooting themselves in the back when they weren't looking at each other. All for you, as if you were some kind of prize for winning and owning.
After moments that seemed eternal, Taehyung was releasing your mouth as you began to complain about what they were doing, how they dared and demanding freedom.
Really a classic, so much so that it was witty and hilarious that you said it literally.
They forced you to kneel on the ground with your hands on your legs still perfectly tied. More questions filled your mouth not knowing what they were planning, all you could do was look at them so scared it was adorable.
"Uh... Well... I guess one should go first." Jin says, taking a few steps away from your crouched figure.
Jimin stepped forward, standing in front of you causing you to look up from your spot below him.
"What are you doing?" You ask weakly, you try to drag yourself away when his hand struggles with his pants to remove it but Jin holds you in place. Getting on his knees to speak into your ear softly.
"You better take a breath instead of trying to run away, honey. I thought you were smarter... hm?" He laughs mocking your scared face, you refuse to open your eyes and mouth making him stop laughing in annoyance.
Jimin sighs taking your face in his hands so roughly that they will surely leave a purple mark on your skin. He was still dressed, I was hoping I could humiliate you more and then fuck your mouth until you suffocate while his hyung explains everything to you. How it all started, his obsession, his plan, they had planned everything so perfect that it was terrifying, everything monopolized on one board.
Soon as soon as possible you will just be a cute housewife and you will forget your life before that day. Not for nothing did they have a closet full of cheerful and homely outfits ready for you, they wanted to destroy you and then put you back together just to serve them.
You would be his wife, of everyone.
"Come on, little bitch..." Jimin started, reaching over to kiss you on the lips even though you refused to do so. You really no longer had a vote or a word of objection in his plans. "Open your eyes darling, you don't want a stray bullet to land in your mother's skull, do you?" He threatened making you obey even more scared than before.
"P-please don't hurt my mother!" You sob, clasping your tied hands in supplication.
"Oh, we won't.... yet." He whispered kissing your lips one last time before imposing himself on your kneeling body. Her cock came out of her pants, stroked a few times before guiding it to your lips. Your stomach contracted, and you pulled your face away as far as you could before Hoseok held you by the hair tightly pulling you close again. "Take it, baby. Everything will be fine if you just obey."
"I hate them, they disgust me" You whisper before Jin forced you to open your mouth making you take it, you fight for a few seconds but her hips are already moving making you choke and gasp. His moans are so loud they make you squirm but his hands hold your head close to him.
"I told you you'll take a breath, but you're a dumb whore." His breath is hitting your neck directly, your skin crawling trying to distract you from anything other than Jimin's cock in your throat causing you to gag and vomit. "I bet you're wondering why, what did you do, and nothing really. Or if Yoongi!"
You do not look at your boyfriend before, you only focus on Jin who smiles, caressing your body with his hands, almost exceeding your limits. However, what did it matter if he did it, there was nothing you could do for yourself.
"You were only here, I think we all loved you from the first moment we saw you. We spent many nights wondering what was special about you, many of us had dated women before but you... You were so different, you had something that attracted us and it made us go crazy. " His hands squeezed your breasts causing you to gasp on Jimin's cock who moaned with pleasure, continuing his steady and hard rhythm. "Taehyung got involved in the matter. "
Jimin smirked when your eyes went up to him, your eyes showing how angry and helpless you felt. And it was exquisite.
"I bet you didn't know about your beloved boyfriend's background,locked up in a rehab center for alcoholics for two years. Three years taking therapy for his depression after the tragic death of his parents, quite strong actually." His words had such a strong past but from his mouth they came out as if it were not so important. Something common for him. "I'm surprised he loved you so much and didn't tell you."
You cried unable to turn your face to look at him, deep down you wanted to put Yoongi aside and not hate him for this. But it seemed almost impossible when he was there, doing nothing, so calm that it was unreal that he had ever looked at you directly and declared his love to you over and over again. For months.
"He really was fine for a while until we decided to make him fall again, one drink after another... First trust him, then question their relationship and finally make them argue." A laugh left his lips, it was almost uncomfortable that he was the only one doing it. Everyone else was so quiet just watching. "But I can't give myself all the credit, let me introduce ourselves well, my dear."
Jimin walked away from you letting you breathe again, you had almost forgotten that he had been doing that act against you. Your tied hands help you hold off the ground by not being able to breathe properly, you feel so weak that you are about to pass out but you refuse to look weak in front of them.
"Kim Seokjin, son of the best chefs in the country and heir owner of thousands of five-star restaurants, inside and outside the country." His body crouched down, making an extremely long bow. Namjoon stood next to him, with the same smile from the day he met you. "Kim Namjoon, the only and adored son of the best lawyers and mayoral candidates, future presidents if occasion permits." There was a strange tone behind his voice, with a knowing wink. "I thought you can guess what Hoseok's parents do, but I'll tell you just in case. Great psychiatrists recognized for their countless achievements outside and within the country, having a tradition from generation to generation, capable of manipulating even the cleverest mind like yours."
Hosoek smiled at you, but this time his smile showed malice and pride. All that time you were surrounded by people who wielded a certain power and influence, oblivious to the fact that they could ever use it against you.
"Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung... Maybe you heard about their surnames on the news two years ago? Families specialized in medicine, their knowledge dazzles science and biology. Before allies and now both surnames are enemies competing for the market, but who would say that their children would meet secretly and use their same knowledge to retain a precise treasure." His hand stroked your hair causing you to recoil angrily, with a grimace of disgust and resignation. "Well... Finally Jungkook, son of the best technology creators in the country. Capable of creating anything, millionaires obviously, like everyone. Faithful lovers and devoted to he son, giving him everything he wants. " He stopped for a moment and then brought his hand to your ear taking out one of your earrings, you looked at him confused before he opened it showing a tiny device that lit up. "Even creating a more than wonderful device, a tracker of the smallest size."
You opened your mouth completely petrified, looking at each and every one of them. Most of them had a firm and conceited posture, but your eyes only looked at him.
"Were you in on this?" You ask by moving your body slightly, Yoongi only remains silent, avoiding looking at you at all costs, even if it is out of mercy you demand a simple word. "Speak! Tell me! Tell me!" You scream completely out of control, letting out all your frustration and anger with him, just him. It's all his fault. "Tell me now! To finally be able to completely hate them all... Please tell me, I just want to stop inventing and fooling my head trying to justify why you are standing there doing nothing for me" You sob almost exhausted, " Without helping me, when before you said you love me."
His eyes meet yours a few seconds before Jungkook chimed in, completely certain that you were trying to play your manipulation cards to get rid of them. Funny, they had done the same to catch you, their hyung could sometimes be so... credulous. That it was ironic that she was older than him.
"Good enough talk for today." He demanded, causing you to hide your head again in fear. You were so scared, even with the pain in your cheek and jaw from being forced by Jimin, you would never give up on them.
Your mouth felt dry, you couldn't remember the last time you drank water alone. As if they could read your thoughts, Taehyung appeared with a tray with a glass of water and a purple pill.
"Take that away from me." You scream when he tries to put the pill in your mouth, backing up as far as your bound legs will allow.
He sighs bored, as if he doesn't have the patience to deal with it, "If you want water you'll have to do this."
"What is it?" You ask almost breathless from the lack of water in your body, he smiles before bringing the pill to his face to look at it rolling it on his finger.
"Hm... Vitamins." Respond after hesitating. "Everything you need in one compact little pill. It was an invention by Jimin and me, we were hoping you would be the first to try it."
A few seconds ago you remember hearing about the reputations of both families, they were specialists who probably passed that knowledge on to their children. If they knew what they were doing with them, they would be shocked. Your reasoning tells you no, to throw it away and try to run away but your head and body can't take it anymore, they demand water and a rest.
"I-it's okay." You accept, removing the pill and the glass of water from the tray angrily. You put the pill in first, then the water so hard your mouth hurts from the force.
You return the glass silently, eyeing him suspiciously before sitting back down and walking a few inches away. You wait for everyone to do something, but they stay so still as dolls that it scares you, everything about them and their attitudes was creepy.
I wish you had noticed earlier.
And now you feel it, it was not pain, nor anxiety. I was just calm, the noises seem to decrease and your vision does not blur but you feel so relaxed that you do not seem to be affected by any drugs. You could feel it all, but you didn't care.
It was relaxing but you weren't far this time, you remember the previous scenes. When you ate the food they gave you, it was similar but as if it had been modified so that you can remain docile and obedient, but at the same time you know what they are doing.
Your body falls on the bed, you don't even try to get up. Your brain isn't thinking about that, it just gets distracted by the decorations around it, but it clearly perceives one of them nearby. Namjoon is behind your body lying face down, half is on the bed and your legs are still kneeling on the floor. You feel his kisses so desperate on your neck, his hands touching your breasts and stomach trying to lower himself further, anxious not to wait to fuck you as he always wanted and should have been.
You do not fight when his legs open yours with force and speed, you just stand still, thinking with your head glued to the soft sheets of the bed, deep down you can slightly feel your desire to push him and push him away furiously, you want to do it but not you do. You feel so confused that you sob into the sheets in released frustration.
"I thought I heard from you, that her wouldn't refuse anything with his stupid pill." Jin whispers, disgusted seeing you struggle with yourself in search of reason.
"I don't see her deny it." Jimin retorts, crossing his arms with a small victorious smile.
Yoongi stands aside, not wanting to accept this but likewise, like you, does nothing to avoid it while Namjoon sinks deep inside you causing you to writhe overwhelmed and let out a groan of pain, your mouth opens to complain and probably ask him to stop, but he instantly closes again only releasing more gasps and squeals.
They spend minutes with all eyes on you, taking the cock of her friend who abuses your sore pussy from overstimulation, this time you are crying and begging for mercy to stop. Even in your unconsciousness you continue to feel all the pain and also the pleasure that is now almost non-existent.
"S-stop!" You cry between gasps of exhaustion, your hands had been released by Jungkook seconds ago so that you can hold on properly. However, you only use them to try to ward off Namjoon who is holding you against the bed by slamming his body against yours with obscene noises. The bed squirms like you, colliding with the wall in sync.
"A little more baby... Just a little more... And I'll fill you with my cum, so fucking tight. You like that, hm?" Her breath very close to your cheek makes you react, you squeeze your eyes almost suffering from your next inevitable orgasm. You scream making everyone watch you fascinated by how your face contracts with pleasure and pain, you try to walk away when the moment of ecstasy recedes, but he continues to fuck you bareback hard, selfishly chasing the release of him against you.
You spent hours repeating the same routine, sometimes sometimes even more hours than you can remember or count.. Your body was completely covered with bruises and marks not only made by them manually, you had discovered in the worst way that Hoseok had a great fetish to make small cuts to any animal or person that had skin and that glistening blood came out of those wounds, red as hell and as sweet as ambrosia.
A delicacy, truly a true delicacy blessed by God.
Jin could not stop laughing at your overwhelmed face, sometimes he would sit next to you while your body was fucked uncontrollably, watching your face move on the sheets with the constant and hard movements of his friends.
"Do you enjoy it, you dirty bitch?" You knew he was making fun of it, not only because it denigrated your dignity, but also because you couldn't answer correctly and the only thing that moved was your head up and down from the thrusts. As if you were affirming his disgusting words. "You like it right?" And again. "I bet you will enjoy it every day from now on, do you want to marry us, little bitch? Be ours forever, that we fuck you every damn day like that, that we also fill you up that you would get pregnant, you would have our children , and you would gladly. Do you accept _______?"
You did not want to know where he managed to get your last name, nor your full name and less because he thought that after the effect of whatever they had given you, you would really accept being his damned wife.
But he just stands there, watching Jungkook abuse his new power against you and taunt him.
I just wanted to wait for everyone to leave, so I could hug you, heal you, and ask for forgiveness.
He couldn't save you if he was chained to the basement like they threatened to do. He was afraid of his own friends, who looked at him madly when hours before he thought of withdrawing from the plan, Hoseok as charismatic as he always claimed to be able to cut his neck so easily if I took you away from them.
Now, they were doomeds.
The painting lost its color once more.
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thezestyone · 2 years
That perception game seems so so fun!!! Okay! Okay!
Hmm... You've said one can mention personality details... Let's go by 5s!
>>Positive traits: Creative, Diligent, Hard-working, Responsible, Forgiving >> Negative traits: Overthinker, Somewhat socially clueless, Anxious, Overprotective, Complainer >> A wild card: In my country, we have a thing called matura exams. People are admitted into university based on results of those. They happen annually, so even though you can re-take them, they are a bit of a big deal. I've spent all my time in high school making sure those would go well -- to the point of studying during New Year's Eve, summer holidays, etc. The thing is, 10 days before the exams I found a pregnant cat. She went into labour as I was taking my first exam... So, naturally, I forgot to be nervous about the exam, and handed it back around the time half the available time passed. I was so afraid she would die if nobody was there to make sure that labour and post-labour recovery goes well, that I did that on all of my exams (... sometimes handing them back even sooner). All my classmates were stressed out of their mind and expected similar out of me -- instead, when they approached me, I'd say something along the lines of 'Fuck the exams, I can take them next year, IF MY CAT DIES I CAN'T RESURRECT HER, LET'S GET DONE WITH THIS'. (All my exams went well, and the cat ended up birthing two healthy kittens).
OKAY, THIS WAS LONGER THAN EXPECTED. (I hope it was at least funny, I must have looked like a total maniac then lol).
Soo... For the warlords... Could I ask for Masamune, Mitsuhide & Nobunaga?
It’s fine, ha ha. Thank you for sharing this with me, what a cute story! I am glad to hear mama cat and her kitties are doing well! Makes it so ironic that Masamune is your favorite, ha ha. The kitten who saves other kittens!
What they think about you upon first sight:
As soon as he set his one blue eye on you, he had cooked up all sorts of plans he had in mind with you. Yes, days full of adventure when he was not fulfilling his duty as a warlord. Hop on his horse, this was going to be one long, thrilling ride. Is he going too fast? He thinks he is not going fast enough! He found you to be the cutest lass he ever had the pleasure of seeing, even when you complained of the more than crazy ride to Azuchi. He was a whirlwind of fun, but there was more to him than that. There was a perceptiveness and emotional intelligence that was a beauty to behold. He found you would work a bit too hard for the castle, and invite you to have lunch with him to take a load off. Any anxieties you had about the wars he would do away with by putting a smile on your face, telling you how he would protect you and how you had nothing to worry about. He made it no secret that he was hooked on you, and that he wanted so much more with you. Would you indulge him? He is okay with whatever you desire. Though, hearing of the tale of you saving cats would only firm his resolve to make you his own kitten.
Upon first sight, the silver Kitsune was able to tell he was going to have a lot of fun with you. You seemed so anxious adjusting to your new life, and he took great pleasure teasing you every chance he got. However, being a big tease was not the only thing he liked to be. Behind the scenes, he liked to send some maids to help you out with your workload. He would spare a word to the rest of the Oda Forces that you were overthinking the work you had to do, knowing full well they would rush to your aid to help you get better adjusted. The fact you so quickly forgave him for his teasing ways would catch him off-guard. Usually his teasing got fun, annoyed reactions out of people. The way you would not pry to his schemes would also catch him off guard, since everyone always wanted to know everything he was doing, finding him suspicious. He would find himself wanting to be close to you, if only to hear your voice. Maybe he did want something more, maybe he did care a lot about you. Unless you pried, he would never tell, even when some of his friends would be catching on to his clear infatuation for you. Would you catch on? If you did, he would have no qualms being yours.
You were the unusual woman who saved his life. That fact alone made him intrigued by you. You surely brought him good fortune, and he was keen to keep you by his side, wanting you to be his completely. He was fast, but he was a man who knew what he wanted. He could tell by looking at you that you had a good heart, perhaps a heart too good for this world. He would cherish such a rare kindness, giving you whatever you desired. When he would find out about your hard work ethic, he would find himself desiring you even more. He was not innocent by any means, what with his position and streak of being a bit of a prankster at the worst of times. He was a noble warlord, giving you all sorts of amenities so you would feel at home at Azuchi castle, doing away with your anxieties and complaints. He wanted to be there for you, his oh so precious lucky charm. Would you allow yourself to be taken by him, him who was such an intense lover? Or would you be his prankster in crime, indulging him in his childish games? He felt he could be everything he was with you, and he hoped that you would reciprocate that as well.
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daenqyu · 4 years
promise me | bakugou katsuki
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @birds-have-teeth )
pairing: bakugou x fem!reader
genre: angsty fluff
summary: you’re used to dealing with your problems all on your own, but sometimes the weight becomes too heavy. and just when you feel like you’re about to fall, bakugou is always there to steady you back on your feet.
warnings: suicidal thoughts, descriptions of a panic attack, dark thoughts in general
word count: 3.2k
a/n: at first i wasn’t gonna post this because it was more of a comfort fic for me since i’ve been struggling a lot recently and bakugou is my comfort character, but i thought this could make other people feel better too so yeah :)
small disclaimer: this is completely based on my OWN, PERSONAL experience !!!!! if you ever experience suicidal thoughts, please seek help; you’re not alone. and you’re loved. you’re worth it.
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IT was too much. you couldn’t handle it. you thought you could and that’s why you decided to not tell anyone, especially not bakugou. he knew about your struggles and burdens; at some point in your relationship you decided you felt comfortable enough to share that part of yourself with him and even tho he couldn’t really understand all of your emotions, he was still very supportive. but of course that didn’t mean you told him everything. sure, you trusted him with your life and you knew he would never judge you, but that wasn’t enough to make the voices in your head go away.
for a while everything seemed to be fine, you had managed to keep yourself distracted enough to not have to be alone with your thoughts. whether it was hanging out with friends, going on dates with bakugou, or watching tv shows, you were always busy with something. but there’s only so much one can do to stop themselves from thinking, or in your case, overthinking.
the nights were the worst. normally you’d watch random videos until your eyes started hurting from the brightness of you phone and then go to bed, but there were times when even that wasn’t enough. when not even heavy metal songs could be as loud as your dark thoughts, and they only seemed to intensify the more you tried to push them away. you tossed and turned on bed in hopes of eventually tiring yourself out, yet you ended up sitting on the mattress with hot tears streaming down your cheeks as you tried your best to catch your breathing.
all the emotions you suppressed for months now suddenly came crashing down on you, forcing you to face your inner demons and making you realize just how not okay you were. you couldn’t quite pinpoint what was bothering you so much; it was everything, yet nothing at the same time. it was about you, but also everyone else in your life. it was about not knowing who you were, about losing yourself and not really knowing what you were doing with your life. it was about thinking you were a failure, yet better than most people. it was confusing. and it was eating you alive.
your hands tugged at your hair so tight a part of you was afraid you were gonna rip it off and your chin rested on your knees as you brought them up to your chest in a feeble attempt to hug yourself.
this always happens. stop making such a big deal about it. why are you even crying? you’re so ungrateful. such an attention seeker. completely pathetic. why is bakugou even dating you? he might as well leave you for someone better. prettier. smarter.
loud sobs left your mouth as your thoughts mentally destroyed you, your insecurities getting the best of you. but it was more than that. this wasn’t just about not feeling good enough or thinking you didn’t deserve your boyfriend. it was about thinking you would be better off. after all you were just a bother, right? you would be doing everyone a favor if you just fucking did it, but you couldn’t. you wouldn’t. because you were scared. because you were a coward.
at some point it became too much, you could barely even breathe and your chest was hurting, or maybe it was your heart, along with your head, which’s pounding had become almost unbearable. your eyes burned from all the crying and you could feel the puffiness beginning to form around them. with trembling hands and blurry vision, you took your phone in your hands and dialed the only person you knew was capable of helping you in a situation like this.
the blonde haired boy groaned when he heard his phone ringing from the nightstand next to his bed. he rubbed his eyes before mentally insulting whoever was calling him so fucking late at night, but just as he was about to start screaming onto the phone’s speaker, he saw your name flash across the screen and his whole expression changed in less that a second. because you were his exception to everything. 
“y/n? do you know what fucking time it is? this better be-” he didn’t get to finish his sentence when a sob coming from your end interrupted him. suddenly he was up and about, his eyes widening as he sat on his bed, all the sleepiness he felt moments ago disappearing at the heartbreaking sound. “are you- are you crying?”
“k-katsuki,” he cringed, hating the way your voice sounded so broken and not like your usual self. and while he didn’t know what was going on exactly, he had a pretty good idea.
“i’m here,” he tried to assure you, but he hated how your sobs only got louder after that. “what happened? are you okay?”
“no. it’s bad,” you couldn’t bring yourself to lie to him, not when you needed him the most. “i’m s-sorry for calling you so late, i-”
“you don’t have to apologize. i wasn’t that tired anyways,” he bit his lower lip, debating on what he should do next. “do you want me to come over?”
“yes,” you didn’t even hesitate; it almost sounded like you were begging and bakugou could feel his breath hitching in his throat for a moment. “please, i need you.” that was all he needed to hear before he hung up, throwing the phone on his desk as he hurriedly put on whatever shirt he had laying around, not bothering to put shoes on. he didn’t have time to think about some stupid footwear. he stumbled while running towards your dorm room, not giving a fuck about how loud his steps were or if he could wake up his classmates.
much to his luck, your room wasn’t that far away from his so he got there in less than two minutes. he could feel his heart hammering against his chest as his hand gripped the door’s knob, but he didn’t waste any time before turning it around and letting himself inside. the sight before his eyes made something inside bakugou break. you were sitting down on the floor with your knees up to your chest, hands clutching your head tightly as choked sobs kept leaving your mouth. and he hated it. he hated it because he knew exactly how you felt; the same way he felt every night when he was alone in the confines of his room and his thoughts were the only thing keeping him company.
you hadn’t noticed him, too focused on trying not to pass out, so he made his way over to you slowly in order to not startle you. he kneeled down in front of you, quickly recalling the website he had read a few days ago that talked about what to do when a person was having a panic attack. his hand gently touched your shoulder, careful not to scare you, and while you still flinched at the sudden touch, your expression somewhat softened after seeing it was none other than your boyfriend.
“hey beautiful,” he smiled softly at you, or at least tried his best since all he wanted to do was scream and fight someone. because you didn’t deserve this. someone as kind as you didn’t deserve to go through all this shit. “can you hear me?” you nodded, tears still running down your cheeks and your whole body trembling. “good, now let’s take a few deep breaths,” he inhaled deeply before exhaling, wanting you to repeat his actions and you tried. your hands stopped gripping your scalp, instead opting for bakugou’s arms, which were at each side of you as they held onto your shoulders. “you’re doing great, just focus on me okay? only me.” you nodded once again, still trying to ease your breathing pattern as you stared into his beautiful vermilion eyes, the ones that always managed to intimidate you (in a good way of course).
after a few more minutes of breathing exercises, you managed to stop the pants that came out of your mouth, but tears still ran down your cheeks as the thoughts never ceased, perhaps getting louder and louder with every passing second. you wanted nothing more than to close your eyes and curl yourself into a ball, but you knew that wasn’t gonna solve anything. so you kept holding on to your boyfriend’s arms, as if he was the only thing holding you down to earth.
this better fucking work, bakugou thought to himself before he spoke up again, “y/n, can you tell me five things you can see?”
“you,” talking was still hard, yet you forced yourself to look around the room and answer his question correctly. “my p-phone, the desk, d-dirty laundry, and,” all this thinking made the pounding in your head worse, but at least you weren’t focusing on the voices. “my stuffed t-teddy bear.”
“hm, four things you can touch?” one of his hands tenderly gripped your shoulder, his eyes never leaving yours.
“y-you, your shirt, the c-carpet, and m-my pj’s.” the dizziness in your head started to come to a halt and you sniffled, thankful that bakugou was able to make things better. like always.
“that’s it, you’re doing so well. now three things you can hear?” his head turned around to leave an innocent kiss on the skin of your forearm, his gaze still focused on your face.
“your voice, t-the rain, and the air conditioner.” the feeling of bakugou’s lips made you come back to your senses slowly but surely. now your hands were the only thing trembling, not your whole body.
“you’re almost there baby, two things you can smell?”
“my diffuser and your perfume,” a small smile made its way to your lips as you breathed in his scent, letting out a pleasant sigh as the smell filled your nostrils. “caramel.”
bakugou scoffed, a soft blush splashed across his cheeks as he looked away from you for a moment.
“one thing you can taste?”
you took in a deep breath, not really knowing what to answer until you licked your lips and tasted the familiar sweetness of your chapstick, “cherry.” your grip on bakugou’s arm loosened, but still lingered there. he let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in, feeling a big weight off his shoulders knowing you could breathe properly again, but he was still bothered by the situation.
“dumbass, don’t ever scare me like that again.” his words were rather rough yet you knew he meant no harm, you knew he was genuinely scared for your well being and that was just his way of voicing out his concern.
“i’m sorry.”
“what did i tell you about apologizing all the damn time?” he groaned, letting his arms fall to his sides as your hands came up to wipe your remaining tears away. you sent him an apologetic smile before sighing, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to wrap your head around everything that happened.
meanwhile, bakugou stared intently at you, wondering whether or nor he should ask what caused the sudden outburst. he didn’t want to make you feel worse, but if he knew you like he thought he did (which he does), you’d probably end up bottling everything inside until you had another breakdown. and he’ll be damned if he ever let’s that happen again.
silently, he crawled towards you. and once he was close enough, he positioned himself behind you so you could sit on his lap and you happily complied. you cuddled your face against his warm chest, enjoying the comfort it provided, and bakugou placed his chin on top of your head, keeping you close to him. you stayed like that for a few minutes, just basking in each other’s presence, but in reality bakugou was just giving you some more time to calm down before pestering you with questions that could possibly overwhelm you.
“you want to talk about it?” he was still keeping his tone low and gentle; anyone who heard him would’ve been extremely confused by his sudden change in demeanor. because he could be a lot of things, but gentle was not one of them. then again, you were his exception. you were different.
“i...don’t know,” your hands played with the hem of his black tank top, eyebrows furrowed together as you tried to find the right words to describe your internal turmoil. “it’s just...everything piling up and never knowing what to do,” bakugou leaned down to place a kiss on your temple, quietly letting you know that he wasn’t going anywhere, and somehow, that made you want to cry all over again. “you know when you get really tired of yourself and your life?” he hesitantly nodded, not knowing where you were going with this. “well i feel like that everyday. a-and sometimes i think it would all be better if i disappeared.”
it took him approximately 5 seconds to get what you exactly meant by disappearing, but when he did boy was he mad. his eyebrows furrowed and his grip on you tightened, an annoyed, yet concerned expression evident on his face. how could you say that? you were his everything, the only one who could calm him down, the one who made him smile by just breathing; his light. he wouldn’t know what to do without you, hell he didn’t even want to imagine it.
“you’re such an idiot,” a smile tugged your lips at his harsh choice of words, the complete opposite of the hold he had on you. “you listen to me because you know how much i hate repeating myself,” one of his hands grabbed your chin softly, yet firmly as he tilted your head to make you look at him directly. “feeling like this is not your fault. i know that it’s easier to blame yourself for everything that goes wrong in your life, trust me, i know. but there are things in life that we just can’t control and most definitely aren’t responsible for.”
you scoffed, “well you’re one to talk.”
“tch, such a smartass, aren’t you?” bakugou rolled his eyes at your remark. “that’s exactly why i’m telling you all this, dumbass. because i don’t want you to go through what i did, especially when you have me by your side to help you.” your eyes widened at his sweet confession, gaze softening at the boy in front of you. he avoided it, looking to the side with rosy cheeks.
“katsuki…” you lowered your voice, lifting your hand to place it on bakugou’s cheek and your heart jumped when he looked at you. his eyes reflected nothing but pure love and adoration, and you were sure yours were the exact same. without saying another word, you kissed him softly, fingers caressing his soft skin. the kiss was short and innocent, but it made bakugou smile ever so slightly.
“let me finish,” he said once you pulled away and the determination in his voice made you nod, knowing he needed to say whatever was on his mind. “i know there’s nothing i can do to make your pain disappear or for you to change your mindset because that’s not how it works. but i am and will always be here for you. i don’t give a shit if you think you’re gonna bother me or if it’s late or if you think it’s something stupid, you just tell me. and if the thoughts continue then maybe we can even get a professional to help you, but please don’t give up on me.” the crack in his voice at the end of his sentence made your heart stutter.
both of your hands cradled bakugou’s face, your eyes desperately looking for his once again. when he finally looked at you, you saw the tears threatening to fall from his eyes and how hard he was trying to hold himself back from breaking down. he needed to be strong. he couldn’t be weak in front of you. you were the one who needed to be comforted, not him. so with those thoughts in mind, bakugou sniffled and roughly wiped the unshed tears away. but you didn’t move from your place.
“so promise me,” he pulled you impossibly close, your faces barely inches apart. “promise me you won’t give up, that you’ll fight and be stronger than your demons because you fucking are. you’re so much stronger than you think, shit you’re probably stronger than me!” your eyes widened, surprised he even said something like that, but knowing he 100% meant it. because bakugou didn’t lie. “promise me.”
you nodded multiple times, taking out your pinky to show him you were serious about this. and while bakugou thought you couldn’t be any more childish, he still grinned and interlaced his own pinky with yours, “i promise.”
“good, now let’s sleep because i’m tired as fuck.” you rolled your eyes at the sudden change in attitude.
“knew it was too good to be true.” he raised an eyebrow at your comment, standing up to lay down on your bed, the soft sheets welcoming him with your scent. 
“the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“nothing, let’s just sleep.” you sent him a smile before laying down next to him, his arms quickly wrapping themselves around your waist to pull you even closer.
you turned around in his hold to properly look at him. his head rested comfortably against the pillow, his hair messy and sticking up in all different directions, while his eyes lazily looked over at you. he looked angelic, ethereal even. without thinking it twice, you ran one of your hands through his hair, giggling when he let out a happy hum and gripped your hips, as if telling you to keep going. he looked so pretty, lips slightly pouty as he forced himself to stay awake for a little longer. at least until you fell asleep. 
“wanna know something really cheesy?” he sounded tired and you felt bad for keeping him awake so late when he probably had a long day. nevertheless, you hummed and continued to comb your fingers through his hair. “you’re fucking amazing. absolutely mesmerizing,” bakugou opened his eyes to look at you better, a small smile tugging his lips upwards as he saw your flushed expression, trying to look away from him, but he didn’t let you. “i love you, y/n.”
he’s said it before, and you should be used to it by now, but it never fails to make you heat up and feel all fuzzy inside. bakugou looks so serious, because he wants you to know he truly means it, yet so soft at the same time and you know this isn’t easy for him. he doesn’t like showing his vulnerable side to people, thinking it makes him weak, so to have him open up to you and declare his love for you so openly makes you feel special. because you’re the only one who knows this side of him. 
“i love you more, katsuki.” another genuine smile grazes bakugou’s lips after hearing you call him by his first name, your voice sweet like honey.
he presses a kiss on your forehead as he lets you snuggle up against him, “go to sleep, i’ll be here when you wake up.” 
that night, you slept peacefully, knowing you’re safe in bakugou’s arms. you don’t know what tomorrow or any other day holds for you, but if you have him by your side, you know you can overcome anything. 
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aiiwa · 4 years
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— iwaizumi hajime.
⤷ genre: college au - fluff / smut
⤷ warnings: cursing, mature content and themes, smut, oral (receiving and giving), unprotected sex
⤷ word count: 6.2k
— a/n: this was an anon request for a reader trying to sneak off away from iwa the morning after and he ain’t having none of that 😈
i had no intention of this being so long, but iwa just gets me going aight!!
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freshman year of college had given you many things.
an unrivalled expertise in procrastination - avoiding the overwhelming influx of assignments from your professors was second-nature at this point; party now, cry later, right? carpe fucking diem, no? either way, it had also given you a liver which begged for a glass of water, a drop even, anything but the wretched burn of vodka and the copious amounts of iced lattes at three in the morning. and deities forbid your mother ever finding out her daughter lived off of spicy instant ramen that somehow was always on sale at the campus convenience store. you even considered the discounted prices stemmed from the store owners taking pity on you each time you stood before them counting loose change.
yet freshman year of college had also given you a best friend in the form of matsukawa issei. and hanamaki takahiro, since they were a package deal of course. but mattsun had been presented to you on a silver platter.
butt ass naked, just like the day he was brought into this world.
arriving on campus a week before the start of the first semester, the last thing you expected to see was a hunched over figure, bare ass mooning right in front of you, banging on the fragile door of your dorm. shaking out of your stupor, you had all but cussed him out in the corridor, earning more unnecessary attention from other nosy students, before you dragged him by his arm into your room. in the flurry of your attempted rescue, he’d dropped the hand that was holding whatever sliver of dignity he had left. you had even failed to realise how this strange boy was almost a foot taller than you, and rather being eye-to-eye, it was rather eye-to-waist - and you had made the mistake of glancing lower.
“yeah lil’ big mattsun is a looker, right?” you prayed everyday to forget his first words to you. the prayers had yet to be answered, though your initial reaction had made it somewhat alright to think back on.
you had screamed bloody murder, sending mattsun into a frenzied panic, his own screams harmonising yours. then you had cried, furiously rubbing at your eyes, and sobbing about how your eyes would never be the same again. when he had reached out to comfort you, that’s when you turned on him, jumping upwards to swat at his bony shoulders. after he tumbled over your rug, the two of you halted, eyeing each other before laughing like maniacs.
he left your dorm that day, running off in your pink fluffy robe with plans to meet up later for dinner. when he introduced you to the pink-haired makki - the reason behind mattsun’s nudity at your door, though the specifics were lost - the three of you hit it off like a bunch of crazies.
most days were spent between your dorm and their shared apartment; stress eating over forgotten assignments, binging shitty reality tv shows - the bachelor was just hitting different this season - and pre-gaming a bit too hard before nights out.
it had confused you at first on how, as much as you were over at their apartment, you had yet to meet their other roommate. makki had told you he was a close friend from back home in miyagi, the serious type who spent most of his time training, studying or working; and it was mattsun who had said he was a total mom, “he’s our mommy,” were his exact words, adding to the list of things you wish you could forget.
it was probably around two months into the semester, when you’d finally met their elusive third roommate.
that night mattsun, makki and you were in a rare state of focus, working diligently on your own respective papers, when they’d nominated you to heat up some frozen pizza to snack on. which is how you found yourself, grumbling, bent at the waist to place the pizza in the oven; ignorant to the jingling of keys, and heavyset footsteps entering the kitchen.
“well this is something new to come home to.”
you jolted at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, whacking the side of your skull on the edge of the counter in a haste to stand up to your full height. you cursed loudly, hand pressed against the throbbing pain in your head as you turned to glare at the culprit. though that was cut short, alongside your breathing, by the sexiest man alive you had ever laid your eyes on, entering your personal space.
he towered over you, not in the same way as mattsun or makki, but what he lacked in height, he made up for in brawn. your eyes greedily traced his body; the steel gray gym shirt clung to him like a second skin, eight slight dips outlining his abs and his wide chest. broad shoulders blocked your view from everything irrelevant behind him, and you watched, almost in slow motion, as his biceps flexed under the tight confines of his shirt sleeves, to reach out and place his much larger hand over yours. you felt every fibre in your being going into overdrive under his unexpected touch, and all he was doing was checking over the swelled up island on your forehead.
“are you alright, y/n?” your ovaries were quaking at the deep rasp of his voice- and wait, he knows your name? “you are y/n, right?” he asked, reading the confusion on your face. you nodded absentmindedly, raising your gaze to meet his own.
you groaned inwardly - who gave this man the right to a sexy body and to look this fucking good? taking in the handsome features of his face; wild crop of dark chocolate hair, smooth tanned skin, highlighting the sharp cut of his jaw, and the attractive straight of his nose. his lips were pouty, eyes slanted under shaped brows, olive hues peeking past his long dark lashes to stare at you.
he moved his hand away from the top of yours, the added warmth missed already; and took your lack of reply as a sign to introduce himself and apologise.
“i’m mattsun and makki’s roommate, iwaizumi hajime. sorry for scaring you.”
you were ready to drag mattsun and makki to hell and back for hiding this fine man- no, greek fucking god, from you all this time. in an attempt to compose yourself and avoid anymore embarrassment, you smiled, dopily, releasing an airy laugh while waving off the apology.
“i’m l/n y/n.”
amusement shifted over his features, a smirk painting over his lips as his eyes creased on the sides. you had to hold on tightly to the reigns forbidding you from openly swooning.
“i know.” he chucked lowly.
you had never wanted the ground to swallow you whole as much as then. the heat you could feel radiating off your cheeks was a clear sign of how embarrassed you were, making a complete fool of yourself in front of the man you were borderline prepared to request to be your future baby daddy. so when mattsun strolled in, casually greeting iwa and poking at the bump on your forehead, you hadn’t been more grateful for your best friend.
too bad it wasn’t enough to avoid the wrath you unleashed on him and makki later on; a series of kicks to their sides, and their own personal hell of listening to how badly you wanted to be split open on his dick.
thinking you had scared away the gorgeous iwaizumi, you were ready to be avoided at all costs. yet surprisingly, after that night, he was suddenly everywhere.
he joined in on your hangouts with the boys. group study sessions where you usually did more foolery than studying? iwa was there to knock all of you into gear. late night fast food runs to satisfy your cravings? iwa was driving, kicking mattsun and makki to the back of his jeep when they’d try to steal your designated seat next to him. and the parties he used to avoid? there he was stuck in the chaos of it all, holding your drink and glaring at anyone who dared to approach the two of you.
of course, iwa’s sudden involvement in your life hadn’t gone unnoticed by mattsun and makki - the two of you becoming their favourite victims to tease. and when his threats and your fists were no longer able to get them off your backs, iwa had taken to spending time with you, without them.
you liked to call them not-dates, even though it was just to parry the feelings rapidly developing for him.
going to the coffee shop you two often frequented so he could buy your favourite drink while you ranted about your shitty group presentation, was a not-date. taking him to the drive-in godzilla screenings every friday for five weeks, because you knew they were his favourite movies, was a not-date. him making you dinner every other night because your mom found out about your insane intake of instant ramen and blasted you during a video call while he was over, was a not-date.
as expected after months of this going on, your two best friends constantly called you out for your not-dates being actual dates. even one of your classmates took to informing you each time your ‘body builder boyfriend’ was waiting outside for you. but ignorance was bliss, and you were sure iwa didn’t feel that way towards you. at least that was until the day you had met oikawa tooru.
you noticed that iwa had been more than a bit apprehensive, as each day passed bringing his best friend’s return to japan closer and closer, though he wouldn’t explain why. yet it seemed it was over nothing, since you and oikawa got along great, even if he did comment every other second on you and iwa’s closeness. meeting the pretty setter had been like placing the missing puzzle piece in the dynamic with your favourite boys.
after a loud lunch with the four boys, oikawa had pulled you in for a tight hug as iwa was about to drop you off to your afternoon class for that day.
“iwa-chan talks about you all the time, y/n-chan, but he’s a dum-dum so forgive him for being slow, alright!” he had whispered in your ear, before pulling away with a mischievous glint in his mocha coloured eyes. “iwa-chan you sly dog! keeping y/n all to yourself, hmm? maybe i should just take her back with me to argentina- wait, iwa-chan, i’m sorry! don’t chase me! gah!”
after that, you started to accept the fact that maybe what was once simply physical attraction, had turned into a deep affection for iwaizumi. the only issue was that, like oikawa said, iwa was a dum-dum, and he didn’t mention anything from what oikawa said that day or his extreme reaction to oikawa’s teasing. hell, you didn’t even know if he even realised that the way he treated you, which was very much a stark contrast to how he treated others, was him subconsciously wooing you.
so the not-dates continued, and you inevitably fell deeper and deeper for sweet, oblivious iwa.
the semesters flew by, it was finally the end of freshman year; exams completed, life instantly renewed, and you were ready to attend the shit show of an end-of-year finisher tonight. the plans were for you to drive over to the boys’ apartment, pre-game like never before, and then head off to the party. so you were surprised when your phone pinged with a string of messages from the group chat.
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stepping out of the elevator, the click clack of your laced-up stilettos echoed in the tiled corridor, as you made your way towards the boys’ apartment. the better part of you was suspicious of mattsun and makki’s sudden change of plans; though it was shot to the back of your mind as you raised a manicured hand to tap against their door.
shifting around a bit, you didn’t have to wait long before the door was yanked open.
“y/n.” iwa greeted you with a lopsided grin.
you couldn’t prevent the gasp that escaped your glossy lips at the sight of him.
an arm was held above his head, bicep flexing as his hand rested on top of the door frame, the other scratching the back of his thick neck. the rich scent of his cinnamon cologne, mixed with the musk of his aftershave wafted around you; as your eyes followed the droplet from his damp hair, sliding down the side of his jaw on to his bare shoulders. now, shirt-wearing iwa was incredible, with his collection of monotone coloured shirts that always seemed a size too small; but shirtless iwa? had you frothing at the mouth.
you dared your eyes to move lower, skirting over the delicious sight of his bare chest, and willing yourself to commit every stretch of him to memory. the taut muscles of his stomach tightened as you drank them in, the deep v indents cut around his hips, and your eyes followed over the fuzzy trail of dark hair that disappeared underneath the waistband of his jeans that sat dangerously low.
and while your mouth ran dry, you couldn’t say the same thing about the situation between your legs; pressing your thighs together to alleviate some of the pressure.
“iwa, uh...the boys...said to come over, change of plans.” was all you were able to choke out. physically you were standing before him, but mentally you were writhing under him.
“i know, they left a while ago.” he replied, the corner of his pretty mouth tugged upwards. “i’m almost ready to go, come inside.”
he already took up the entire space of the door frame, and when he only moved a bit to the side, you were forced to slip through the tiniest of gaps; shivering as your shoulder grazed against his own. standing in the middle of the hallway, you heard the soft click of the door closing, before iwa turned to face you.
you could feel the intoxicating heat radiating off his body spread across your own. the two of your were so close in each other’s space, chest to chest, and even in heels, you still only reached just under his jaw. when you glanced up to look at him, you swore you had caught his olive eyes lingering on the exposed skin of your breasts, before they moved to meet yours.
something different swirled in the depths of iwa’s eyes, something you had never witnessed before. something kin to a wolf staring at its lamb; a hunger so strong, so...fuck...
“you look beautiful, y/n.”
the compliment strikes you in surprise, feeling the flush rise up in your face, and the fluttering in your stomach. you could feel the pounding of your heart beat, drumming in your ears; watching his adam’s apple bob slowly, as he moved his hand to brush away the hair covering your neck. naturally you leaned into his touch.
“iwa…?” you whispered out to him in slight confusion.
“this dress on you...driving me crazy,” he starts, before cutting himself off with a groan. “sorry, y/n, i-i think i overstepped.” he tries to move his hand away from your neck, but you wrap your fingers around his wrist.
oikawa’s voice ran through your mind in a fleeting memory- ‘...forgive him for being slow, alright!’
“are you drunk, iwa?”
“what? no...i haven’t...i’m sober.”
“that’s good then.”
“y/n? good for what?”
“it’s good because then you can show me.” your fingers reach out to flitter over the ridges of his stomach. “won’t you show me how my dress drives you crazy, iwa?”
the surge of courage coursing through your veins, to be able to call him out like you had wanted to for months and seasons, was all it took for iwa to lose the composure he always kept up around you.
without hesitation, the big hand on your neck tugs you right into him; tits pushed together against his chest, as he dips his head to press his lips against yours.
the kiss is far from simple; there’s no room for it, months of pining won’t allow sweet and slow. your hand slides over his broad shoulder, to pull at the dark tufts at the nape of his neck; mouth slanting over his, tongues brushing against each other sensually. you explore his mouth, tasting him, while his hands squeeze over the curves of your body, eliciting a moan once he grabs at the fullness of your ass. you push up against him further, the hard tent in his pants straining against your belly.
“more, iwa, please...need more.” you pant against his lips.
“i got you baby, don’t worry.” he kisses you again, slower, with just as much passion. bending at the knees, and hiking the end of your dress up under your ass, he grabs at the silky underside of your thighs to lift you up into him - ankles locked at the bottom of his spine. he’s carrying you like nothing, and the amusing thought of his arms not only being for show flies through your head before you’re gasping.
the feeling of being pulled flush against him, the damp heat of your clothed pussy grinding against his bare stomach, has you keening for more. he groans loudly at the feeling of your slick coating his skin, and you jostle about as he begins walking through the hallway and towards his bedroom. as your sucking gently on his tongue, he carries you into his room, kicking the door closed behind him.
once his knees hit the edge of his mattress, he gently lowers you to lay down before him on your back. he hovers over you, the lewd swirling of your tongues has your head spinning before he moves from your mouth to latch onto your neck.
“ah, iwa- fuck,” you moan as his teeth grazed your sweet spot. he rolls his hips into you, spreading your legs to accommodate him more, while tugging at the ribbons of your heels. “what about...the party?”
sitting up from you, he grips your legs, sliding you right into him. through heavy lidded eyes, you watch as he takes in your disheveled appearance, a smirk taking over his features.
“fuck the party.” his large palms work the straps of your dress down, exposing your perfect tits; he groans at the sight, leaning down to take a pebbled nipple into his hot mouth. “this night is for me and you, baby.”
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you weren’t necessarily a morning person, so living in the dorms, had been a relatively easy decision to make. you had a room to yourself, away from trees allowing a nice view of the campus grounds, and subsequently circumventing the annoying chirping of nested birds. you even added blackout curtains to block out the morning sun.
so when you were woken up by the itching burn of the sunrise on your stomach and your ears ringing with incessant twittering, you groaned loudly.
burying your face deeper into the fluffy pillow under your head, you were squirming under the heavy weight resting over half your body; irritation growing with your inability to get comfortable. peeking an eye open, blinking away the sleep clouding your vision, you took in the sight of a sleeping iwaizumi snuggled between the valley of your breasts. as you became more aware of your body and its surroundings, you felt the panic settling in.
as if he could sense your consciousness, the arm wrapped around your waist gave you a squeeze as he mumbled incoherently. “mmm, baby...y/n...feels good…” his hand slid down the side of your thigh, goosebumps following his fingertips, before it rested on your inner thigh; and he was drifting back to sleep.
you had to shove your fist against your mouth to stop yourself from screaming.
part of you was in denial that last night had actually happened. you, l/n y/n, had spent the night with the iwaizumi hajime - man of your literal dreams, who you had fallen so deeply for. and you had spent it having sex.
raw. nasty. passionate. earth-shattering. sex.
“fuck.” you whispered to yourself. “how could i be so stupid?” you were cursing yourself internally, certain you had fucked up everything you had built in your friendship with iwa - there was honestly no coming back from what transpired between you two.
and with your fight-or-flight response triggered, there was only one thing for you to do right now - get the fuck out of there.
maneuvering your body from underneath iwa’s big arm, without waking him up was a feat in itself. doing so with the way your muscles ached with each motion was on another level. sliding one foot after the other out from under his charcoal bed sheets, you pushed yourself up to sit.
looking behind you at iwa’s sleeping figure, you felt yourself swooning. half lying on his side, with his cotton sheets draped over his waist, you couldn’t help but admire him. his mouth was slightly open, his big arms cuddling the pillow you were laying on, and the smooth skin of his tanned back were tainted with red, angry marks. gulping audibly, your eyes dragged down to the prominent outline of his half-hard cock.
pushing himself up by his forearms, the desperation swimming in his eyes was begging for your touch. you grazed your teeth across his chest, biting at his hardened nipples teasingly, before moving further down from his lap while your tongue drew circles around the dips of his taut abdomen.
“y/n, don’t tease me.”
you smirked at his order, sucking on his skin and pressing wet kisses on his hip bones, before leaning back. he watched you eagerly as your dainty fingers tugged at his belt buckle clumsily, lifting himself up he could slip out of his jeans.
“can’t wait to have your cock in my mouth.” you cooed, eyes starstruck at the tent in his boxer briefs, wet patch dampening at its peak. hooking your finger under the waistband, you hastily yanked the briefs down to free him, his hard cock slapping against his stomach. “fuck you’re so big, haji.”
he was easily the biggest you’ve seen, ever had the chance of pleasuring - so thick, so long, and so fucking beautiful.
you didn’t bother to dwell on the taste of his name on your lips, when you were too busy tasting the essence leaking from his angry, swollen tip. you could barely wrap your hands around the base of his cock, as you pressed a sweet kiss on the head, pre cum coating your lips, before taking it in your hot mouth, suckling gently.
the groan he releases is animalistic, and his hips buck upwards to shove his cock deeper in your mouth. pressing your hand at his navel to keep him steady, you continue sucking harshly, almost painfully, before lowering your head down. his cock slides down your throat, inch by inch, as tears prick at your eyes and you can feel your drool drop on the thumb massaging his balls. he blocked your airways, but fuck breathing when the look on his face when you take all of him in your mouth like a good girl is so, so perfect.
steadily bobbing your head, you feel every inch of him down your throat; tongue swirling around his length, and he twitches every time you trace the thick vein on the underside of his cock. you suck faster and harder as iwa reaches a hand out to feel around your throat.
“fuck, baby, i can feel me in your throat. so fucking good, just like that.” he hisses out, choking up when you begin to hum. “mmm fuck- ah, shit! gonna cum baby! fuck!”
yanking away your hand you hadn’t realised was brushing around your neck as the vision of him disappeared from your thoughts, you stood up, a bit unsteady on your feet at first. you could still taste him, as you ran your tongue over the hood of your mouth.
knowing you were getting distracted, you shook your head gently, pushing your hair away from your face. you needed your clothes, so glancing around, taking note of the strips of clothing scrambled in his room - your eyes caught the baby pink of your lace panties hanging from his bedside lamp.
one second you were swallowing his cock down your throat, and the next he had torn the rest of your dress off and had you laid out in front of him.
iwa made fast work in manhandling you the way he wanted. stretching his legs straight beside you, he pulled you right into him; you gasped as he lifted you up by your waist, practically folding you with the underside of your thighs tucked under the bulk of his arms, knees by your shoulders, and your lower back pressed right against his heaving chest. he was hunched over you, wrapping you fully in his embrace, while you were spread out right in his face.
“you soaked right through your pretty panties, baby.” leaning down, he presses his nose right into your clothed heat, making you squirm, as he breathes you in. “fuck, you smell so sweet, i wanna eat you up real good.”
“i-iwa.” you whined, staring at him through heavy-lidded eyes as you pressed the side of your face into the mattress.
“no, no baby. when we’re like this…” he starts, reaching a hand to tear the thin, and expensive, material right off of you. before you have a chance to complain, his hot breath blows on your drooling pussy, tight hole clenching around nothing in anticipation. “...you’ll say my name.”
“h-hajime, please, haji.” you beg, feeling embarrassed at how exposed you were. he could see everything, do anything to you as he pleased, and you would just let him. so when he presses his heavy tongue flat against your slit, licking all the way up to your throbbing clit; you can’t help but dig your finger nails into his toned calves beside you. “ah- yes! mmm...haji, oh-!”
sucking on your clit, he digs his fingers into your thighs, deeper and deeper in response to your whiny moans for more. he hums against you, mumbling about how sweet you taste, how much he can’t get enough of your flavour, and you can feel him getting hard again - grinding against your back. he slides his tongue between your folds, slurping you up so good, that it’s no surprise you’re teetered over the edge.
“haji! oh, oh fuck! ah yes!” the waves of you cumming hits hard as your pussy gushes all over the lower half of his face. “daddy! s-so good, f-fuck!”
still up in the clouds from your high, calling him daddy flies over your head, but isn’t missed by iwa. you watch, dazed, as he moves away from your pussy, a lewd string of silver connects his mouth to you, his chin glistening with your juices. reaching around your trembling thighs, his thumbs spread your lips so he can get an ever better view of your sopping cunt.
“i knew you’d be my good baby and say my name.” he grins, before leaning back down to you and delving his tongue right in your pussy, tongue-fucking you slowly and massaging your slick walls, his nose nudging your sensitive clit. “now come again in daddy’s mouth.”
heat pooled between your legs as you stretched, ignoring the iwa-sized hand prints painted purple across your thighs, while you thought about him and the magic his mouth performed. waddling to his side table - you examined the remnants of your panties; the pretty pink lace was all but shredded, and you hopelessly threw the material in the trash.
“fucking hell, iwa.” the glare you aimed his way, softened drastically as you took in his sleeping figure. sighing, you turn and spot what may be your dress halfway under his bed.
shuffling over, you crouch, the burn in your thighs making itself even more known and forcing your eyes to shut in a grimace.
the way iwa’s cock filled your little cunt felt while you rode him was incredible. nothing could ever compare to the way he was ruining you from the inside out, and you were sure nothing would ever come close. his big hands palmed your ass while you were bouncing up and down on his length, your belly jutting out every time he was sheathed inside you, your thighs tremored each time they slapped against his.
“fuck, daddy! feels...mmm…wanna cum, please!” your tongue was lolling out of your mouth, as fucked yourself on his cock, digging crescent moon shapes into his shoulder blades. one of his hands remained firmly on your ass, while fingers of the other reached around to pinch your clit.
with a scream you came undone, creaming all over his still-hard cock, and collapsing forward onto his sweaty chest. you whimpered, while he continued to fuck up into your used pussy. despite the tears threatening to fall down your flushed cheeks; you mewled for more.
“shh, baby,” iwa hummed into your neck, you could feel his grin against your skin, peppering kisses as you leaned into him. “daddy’s gonna make you feel even better.”
his thick arms wrapped almost painfully in a death grip around your exhausted body, as he locked his legs and angled himself into your pussy; fucking deep inside you, and hitting your cervix with each stroke. you came again, harder, legs quivering as your insides spasmed; this time joined by his orgasm, as the mixture of his cum was stuffed inside you.
your eyes shot open, breathing slightly laboured. it hadn’t even been a day, only mere hours, and the way iwa had taken over your mind was slowly driving you insane. dropping to your knees, you reached out to grab at your dress, having to slide the top half of your body under the bed.
that sound of iwa’s big hand slapping your ass while he pounded into you from behind, rung in your ears, but the sting and the pleasure was all your fucked out brain could comprehend. he was absolutely relentless with his too-big cock, tearing into you.
on all fours, you arched your back more to accommodate him. each thrust had him bottoming out in your already leaking pussy.
“fuck baby, just like that, mmm- push back into me.”
everything just felt too fucking good. the harsh pace of his strokes had you blabbering, moaning about how good he felt into the mattress.
“don’t stop! oh fuck, please don’t stop haji!”
but you felt his pace begin to slow just as you were about to climax, and when you tried to move back on him his grip on your waist tightened. with ease, he flipped you on your back, almost skewering you on his cock still inside you. hooking the backs of your knees over his elbows as he leaned over you, his full weight folding your body underneath him, as he wove his fingers with yours into the mattress above your head.
“look at my fat cock sliding into that sweet cunt, baby.” iwa grunts. his arms strained, holding his weight up from crushing you, as he teased your sloppy hole. “fuck, you take me so good, baby.”
you whimpered, looking at the connection between the two of you. with a roll of his hips, you watched as his cock slid into your silky walls, the lewd sound of you squelching with every stroke had you arching up, wanting him deeper in your tummy as you gushed around him.
unlike before when his thrusts were rough, filled with raw feral passion; it was now slow, sensual and so fucking sexy. and when you met his gaze, as he continued to grind into you, gripping your fingers tightly between his; it felt as though he was trying to tell you something.
that intense emotion swirling deep in his olive gaze was searing, burning through you from the inside out. everything unsaid between the two of you. but soon enough your orgasm hit you harder than ever, pleasure electric under your heated skin.
“haji, haji, haji- oh, fuck yes!” you chanted his name like a prayer.
“y/n, baby, fuck i love you-“ he moans out, strokes becoming sloppy. “wanted this...for so long- shit, i’m cumming baby!”
snatching your dress from under the bed, you sat on your knees at the foot of his bed, thinking over everything you just wanted to ignore for the time being. you almost wish you could forget he had told you he loved you. how could you possible believe those three words while he was at the pinnacle of his pleasure?
suddenly the shrill ringtone of iwa’s phone blasted next to him. scrambling to your feet, you snatched the phone; fingers mashing the screen to cut off the sound before he woke up.
“what?” you hissed, holding the phone to your ear as you glanced at iwa. you thanked whichever gods were watching over you that he was still fast asleep.
“oho? y/n-chan? is that you~?” nevermind, the gods were out for you.
“the one and only!” you winced at the smug teasing in his tone. “i was hoping to speak to iwa-chan, but i heard he was a naughty boy last night!”
“as in i literally heard him, and you, last night when i came back to the apartment!” oikawa recalls in a sing-song voice, rambling on about how he was here to surprise the two of you. “i always knew our dear iwa-chan had a daddy kink!”
placing the phone between your ear and your shoulder, you attempted to fit your dress over you, while oikawa continued on his spiel of how it took way too fucking long for the two of you to do something about the sexual tension. you had no chance to even peep a word in.
“damn baby, now this view i could definitely get used to.”
you almost shrieked, bumping into iwa’s naked body, and tripping over the dress  dropped around your ankles. you had no idea he’d woken up, sneaking right up behind you in all his naked fucking glory; forcing you to try your hardest not to eye his cock standing at full attention.
“is that iwa-chan?!” oikawa all but screams into the phone. iwa raises a questioning brow, hearing his best friend on the other line. “tell him to be good and wrap it up! no glove, no love!”
you had no business feeling embarrassed at the brat king’s words, while iwa snatched his phone away from you.
“too late for that, shittykawa.” oikawa’s screeches are the last thing you hear before iwa ends the call.
you almost dare to chuckle at the thought of oikawa’s reaction; but falter under iwa’s stare. it’s the same look he gives mattsun or makki when they’re in trouble, but it’s mixed in with the same scorching look from last night, and you shift on your feet nervously, wrapping your arms across your chest.
“going somewhere?” iwa gruffs out, the raspiness of his morning voice had you tugging your bottom lip between your teeth.
“um, home…?” the uncertainty was clear in your voice, especially as he scowled when you mentioned leaving. “iwa, i-”
“oh so it’s iwa now?” he cuts you off, taking a step closer into your space. “i liked it when you called me haji, though daddy follows closely after that.”
you gasp when a thick arm snakes around your waist, pulling you up against him. his other hand caresses your cheek so sweetly, before he grabs your jaw to tilt your face up to his, taking your lips with his own. the kiss is gentle, soft lips moving against your own as his tongue brushes yours sweetly. you’ve fully melted in his hold, eyes still closed when he breaks the kiss.
“i meant what i said last night, y/n.” he whispers against your mouth. “i love you.” your eyes shoot open, and you can feel your heart trying to beat itself out of your chest.
“i-i love you too.” you murmur back, and the smile he gives you has you ready to combust right before him. after all this time, a party had been the reason you finally admitted your feelings for him.
“now come back to bed.” you squeal as he lifts you up and over his shoulder, the grip he takes on your inner thigh is ticklish making you squirm about. “i’m gonna cuddle you back to sleep, and then when we wake up i’m gonna take you out on a date, okay baby?”
you giggle as he tosses you back on his fluffy mattress, dropping himself right on top of you and nuzzling his face into the dip between your neck and shoulder. running your hands softly over the muscled panes of his back, one reaches out to thread your fingers in the tufts of dark hair at his nape.
“okay, haji.”
freshman year had given you a lot of things, but iwaizumi hajime was the best thing yet. you couldn’t wait to see what sophomore year had in store for you.
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© 2020 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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smallrainclouds · 3 years
It's not easy having yourself a good time
we're on a double-date with other people... why are we kissing? you're not my date
Credit for prompt to
Hypnos x reader (modern!College!au)
Word count: 2.7
Warning: some dating violence on OC's side. Wrist grabbing, slurs and controlling behavior.
Summary: this was the worst date of your life. Thankfully it's also Hypnos' worst date ever.
A/N: here have this fic. I had yandere! Hypnos I was working on but it's giving me issues (it was supposed be under 1k but it keeps growing).
Also, I am open to requests but will rejected any I don't feel comfortable doing.
No beta.
Thank and I hope you enjoy.
You regret everything.
You stared at the plate of food you didn't order, some sad little salad that somehow smelled greasy.
Why did you let yourself get talked into a group date? You know why, you thought your friend was going to try to set up with your lab partner, Hypnos.
You looked at the bubbles in your sparkling water, another thing you didn't order and wondered if the person you were with would ever stop talking.
You glanced up at the group at the table. Across from you with his own date next to him, was Hypnos who was frowning at your date.
At least you had one sane classmate with you. Hypnos had been your lab partner since the first day in senior year and honestly you had thought at first your friend was setting you up with Hypnos. If you had known it was with someone else, you would have bail.
Charlie was a nice person you told yourself and your friends thought they would be great for you. Charlie was just… maybe they didn't know you don't order people's food for them.
"Look what I'm saying, Hypnos, is that maybe that YouTuber guy shouldn't be called out as much. Not his fault people can't take jokes anymore." Your date, Charlie, said loudly across the table to Hypnos who just raised a brow.
You rolled your eyes, You weren't going to let your friends pick a date for you ever again.
"Alright buddy. Whatever you say." Hypnos shrugged.
Hypnos' date and fellow classmate leaned across Hypnos, her breasts pressed against his arm. You looked away, poking at your food. You certainly were not jealous, you told yourself.
"Come on, guys. Let's talk about something else." she whined. The other two couples that came along echoed their agreement.
Hypnos grimaced and sat up taller, making the girl sit up as well. You felt kinda bad for both you and Hypnos. Clearly neither one of you guys were getting on with your dates.
You looked toward your friend, hoping she would notice how poorly everything was going. You rolled your eyes when she was clearly lost in her own world, feeding her partner french fries.
Too bad your date wasn't with Hypnos. You thought he was actually cute back when You first saw him, if not a little odd looking with white curls and heavy lidded eyes. Now, you couldn't imagine a more handsome person.
You found your eyes kept going back to him throughout dinner. Especially when he pushed his hoodie sleeves up, showing off his forearms.
The table moved on to some marvel movie or something but you were drifting in and out. You kept checking your watch in hopes that you could end the night soon without being rude.
You could feel someone was watching you and you looked up to Hypnos' golden eyes looking at you. He glanced at the group, back at you and rolled his eyes. You smiled in agreement but quickly covered it up with your hand.
Hypnos pointed toward your plate with the uneaten food, eyebrows rised in a questioning way.
You tilted your head toward your date who was loudly having another argument over some tv show with one of the guys there.
Hypnos looked at your date for a second before he sneaked you his untouched plate of pancakes.
You mouthed, 'Are you sure?' and he nodded, pointing at a plate of mostly eaten omelet.
You mouthed a quick thank you and dug in. You were half though the plate of pancakes when your date noticed.
"Wait, where did you get the pancakes?" Charlie asked, "You know how fattening all that carbs and sugar are? I like my dates to be healthy."
"What?" You asked flatly. Did you really hear what you just did? Hypnos and his date were both staring at Charlie. Hypnos looked furious and You saw the girl send you a pitying look.
"Oh. come on, you know I don't mean it like that."
You suddenly lost any appetite you had and pushed the plate of food away. You looked toward your friend who remained blissfully unaware of your pain.
Your date swung an arm on your shoulders, you sighed annoyed at the causal possiveness. You only knew them for like two hours but they were already acting like you were going steady.
"Ready to hit the club, Y/N?" Your date asked.
You almost groaned, you had forgotten about the stupid club.
"Uh, sure. Yeah." You tried to wiggle your date's arm off but no dice. You thought you saw Hypnos send a disapproving look at your date but you weren't sure. No point getting your hopes up.
As you exited the diner, Hypnos tripped; knocking into your date and their arms off your shoulders.
Grateful for the excuse, you took a few steps out of their reach.
"Oops, my bad." Hypnos smiled widely, and gave a shoulder pat to your date who glared at him. "Just watch it alright?" Your date snapped as they made it to the carpool.
In the car, you peeked at Hypnos who just winked at you. You didn't hide your smile this time.
The club did nothing to improve your date or your mood. The loud bassy music was almost too loud to hear anyone and your date kept trying to get you to stay on the dance floor.
You were able to duck out of their hold and pointed to the table. They tried to tell you something but You didn't stick around.
You almost fell into the booth, your feet were throbbing and you just wanted to go home. You could just see your homework growing by the hour.
"Need water?" Hypnos asked. You looked up, "Oh I didn't know you were at the table. Yes please."
He handed you an icy cold bottle and you moaned at how good it tasted. He laughed and you blushed, feeling foolish.
"Sorry, thank you." You took a slip, without moaning this time thankfully.
Hypnos went back to his phone, fingers moving quickly. "No problem."
"Where is… um what was her name?" You asked, trying not to look at Hypnos too much. How dare he look this good in the club' dim lighting.
"Oh I forgot her name. But she is doing fine. Told me she was going home with her ex." He pointed to the dance floor where the girl was dancing against another guy, their mouths glued together.
You looked back at him, but he already was back to texting on his phone. He didn't seem upset at all.
"I'm sorry, Hypnos." You said awkwardly, not sure of what to make of this whole night.
"Don't be. I'm not." He shrugged. You couldn't help but notice how nicely the red hoodie fit him.
"I will admit though I don't think I will be trusting our friend's matchmaking skills after tonight." Hypnos looked at you, his amused smile made you smile in return.
"You and I both." You murmured your agreement.
You finished off your drink, eyeing him.
After a few more minutes, your willpower broke.
"Okay I gotta know. It has been months since I met you and it is bugging the crap out of me." You leaned forward to him.
He looked up from his phone, a white eyebrow raised.
"Is Hypnos your real name?" You asked him, not quite able to look away from him. You were being a silly school girl and you knew it.
He laughed, "Yeah, it is." He moved closer, his eyes bright. "Wanna know why?"
At your nod, he spoke. "When my mom was pregnant with me and my brother. She got kinda crunchy, got into healing crystals and tarot cards, stuff like that."
Hypnos waved a hand. "So when she couldn't pick names for us, she went to a psychic, who told her that she was a reincarnation of the goddess Nyx. And apparently she was pregnant again with the reincarnated gods of sleep and death."
You couldn't help the small laugh and Hypnos chuckled as he took a sip of his beer.
"Mom believed the guy." He pointed to himself, " So ta-da I got named Hypnos. And my brother is Thanatos."
"Your mom sounds like a fun lady." You played with your hair, enjoying the warmth in your stomach. You couldn't remember the last time someone made you feel such things.
"Oh definitely. I never know what I'm going to get when I see her." Hypnos said fondly.
When You shifted your seat, your leg brushed against his. You almost pulled away but Hypnos pressed his leg against yours. You could feel the heat of his body and it just made you want more.
His golden eyes searched yours, silently asking if he could do this. You returned the gentle pressure and flushed at his soft smile.
"How does your brother handle the whole Thanos name thing?" You asked, desperately trying to calm your racing heart.
A devious glint lit Hypnos' eyes, "Oh he hates it so much. He already hated the whole super hero thing. Last year for his birthday, I got him a cardboard cutout of the big guy. I thought he was going to shove it down my throat. I got his boyfriend Zagreus and their girlfriend Meg in on it this year, we going to -"
"Hey Y/N. Are you coming back to the floor?" Charlie's eyes narrowed, "Hypnos, I think your actual date is looking for you."
You pulled away, you had forgotten about Charlie and you couldn't help but feel some guilt, even if you didn't like them that much or at all.
Hypnos stayed in place, amusement on his face. You saw Charlie's fists clenched and knew they were about to start a fight and stood up.
You were definitely going to block Charlie's number after tonight was over.
"Come on, let's get some drinks for everyone. They should be coming back soon." You motioned for Charlie to follow you. They glared at Hypnos before following you.
You couldn't resist a quick glance back to Hypnos, who raised his beer at you in a 'cheers' motion.
Charlie was sullen and quiet as you ordered more drinks for the group. You couldn't blame them really, anyone would be put out when their dates are clearly having a better time with someone else.
Well, not Hypnos but Hypnos wasn't exactly normal, you thought fondly.
You tapped the bar, guilt gnawed at your guts as your thoughts went back to Hypnos.
"So what were you guys talking about?" Charlie slurred, his tone icy.
You took a breath, just a few more hours you reminded yourself. "Nothing much. Just about his brothers and stuff."
Charlie crowded into your space. You can smell the booze and sweat on them.
"You guys seemed like you were sitting pretty close considering you were talking about 'brothers'." They did a finger quote.
You rolled your eyes, unable to stand being near them any longer. You stepped away to head back to let your friends you were bailing for the night.
"Tell me what he said to you." Charlie demanded as they grabbed your wrist harshly.
"Ow, let go of me! You are hurting me, Charlie." You hissed, trying not to draw any attention.
"Tell me." They hisses back.
"I did. Buy your own drink, I'm going home." You tried to yank your hand away but they didn't let go.
"Look I've been nothing but nice to you and you're cuddling up to another guy on our date like some slut." They changed their tone, trying to sound more upset than controlling but it just made your stomach twisted in disgust.
You opened your mouth to defend yourself but after a moment you shut it, "You're right. Clearly this isn't going to work out so let me go."
"No, you own me something, Y/N." Charlie leaned toward you. "And I'm not leaving empty handed."
"Fuck off." You snapped, fear rising in your chest.
"Hey, man." Hypnos grabbed Charlie's wrist and squeezed tightly enough that they were forced to let go of your wrist. His normal light-hearted tone was hard. "I think Y/N had enough of your company tonight."
You took some steps back, shaking a little. Without looking at you, Hypnos asked. "Y/N, do you need to go get anything?"
"N-no. I have everything. I want to leave." You hated how weak you sounded and you wished that you never came out at all.
Hypnos held on to Charlie's wrist and yanked them toward him. You heard Hypnos murmur something to them.
Fear flashed over Charlie's face and they stumbled backward. "Fine. Whatever asshole."
Hypnos turned to you, his eyes darkened by his anger. "Come on, I can get you a ride home."
You just nodded, feeling very exhausted and close to tears.
The cold wind felt like heaven after the heat of the overflowing club. At least for the first two minutes.
You just walked, not quite sure where to go. Hypnos walked next to you, easily keeping up with your pace.
Neither one of you said anything as you tried to process the horrible night.
After walking for ten more minutes, Hypnos spoke up. "There is a park nearby, we should be able to find a park bench."
You just nodded, Hypnos offered an arm and after a moment you took it. You pressed your cheek against his shoulder, soaking in his body heat.
The park was empty, lit by warm path lights.
"Thank you." You said. "You didn't have to do anything for me."
"It's all good. How about the wrist?" Hypnos asked softly.
"It doesn't hurt. Thank you since you stepped in." You patted his forearm.
Hypnos sighed, "No. Not thanks to me actually. Its kinda my fault, I've been pushing their buttons for most of the night."
You looked up at Hypnos, your brow furrowed. "What? No, they have been pretty rude since the start of the date. I mean, you heard the salad thing. They ordered it for me!"
Hypnos shook his head. His breath coming out in white puffs. "Yeah and because I was jealous, I made a bad date into a nightmare. I knew I was making them feel all threatened, it wasn't hard honestly. I didn't think they would grab you like that. I just thought they would be a bad date you could laugh about later."
It took you a moment to process his words. You stopped on the park path, staring off at the lake.
"You were jealous?" You asked, not quite believing what you were hearing.
"Very." Hypnos chuckled bitterly.
"Hypnos, you are an idiot." You said blankly.
He opened his mouth to say something but you pulled him down by his collar to kiss him.
At first, Hypnos doesn't return your kiss and you pull away, an apology already on your lips.
But he cupped your face and met you again in a sweet, slow kiss. He kept pulling away to press chaste kisses against your lips and cheeks.
"Damnit, I was planning on asking out you after our last class assignment. I had a plan for everything. I was going to take you to your favorite coffee shop and buy you that dumb drink you like. Take you the park by our dorms and ask you by the duck pond." Hypnos said between kisses and pressing one last long kiss against your lips.
You hummed, unable to think straight. "Our friend ruined that, huh." You laughed when you could feel him growled against your lips. "You have no idea, I had a speech and everything."
After another long and soft kiss, both of you pulled away only to met again in a forehead press. Your white puffs of breath mingled together and your heart felt so full.
"You could still do the coffee and the speech. And the ducks." You whispered.
"Yeah?" Hypnos asked softly, his thumb caressed your cheek.
"I have to do a lab with a very cute classmate tomorrow but I'm free after that." You flushed, pleased at the fond smile Hypnos had.
"That's funny, so am I." Hypnos replied.
Unable to hold off any longer, you pulled him into another kiss, one of the many yet to come.
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stressy-enby · 3 years
Some Scars aren’t Physical: PART 1
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Iida x GN! Reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Past abusive relationship (gaslighting, possessiveness, yelling), slight panic attack, swearing
Summery: (Y/N) had a terrible boyfriend in middle school. He was possessive, manipulative, and just plain awful. Since breaking up with Him, (Y/N)’s had pretty bad relationship anxiety. It’s so bad, that it makes them afraid to pursue their new crush: the kind, earnest class rep, Tenya Iida.
Link to Part 2 
. . .
It only takes one bad experience to ruin something forever.
Take dating, for instance.
You hadn’t had many friends in middle school. You had Izuku, your friend since elementary school, and the people who sat next to you in class who occasionally talked to you. That was about it, but it never mattered. You were still happy.
Then there was Him.
He had been kind. Flattering. He laughed at your jokes and told you His own. You had been happier than you had ever been when you started dating. You spent long nights on the phone with Him, trying to smother your giddy laughter so not to wake the rest of your house. Then you spent hours recounting every moment of the conversation to Izuku, who always rolled his eyes playfully, remarking “As long as you’re happy, (Y/N).”
Then He changed.
It was a gradual shift. You didn’t even realize that something wasn’t right until a month or so into the relationship. It started with Izuku, funnily enough. He didn’t like how close you were with him. You had tried to calmly explain to Him that you were just friends, and had been friends for several years. He wouldn’t have it, though. He never outright asked you to stop spending time with Izuku, but He made it very clear that He didn’t approve of your friendship. 
You didn’t want Him to be angry with you. You didn’t cut Izuku out completely, you couldn’t bear to. You did start to avoid him, though.
It didn’t end with Izuku, though. Next it was the classmates you occasionally hung out with. Next it was anyone He didn’t personally know. Next it was anyone if He wasn’t there.
Then there were the arguments. You were frustrated. You told Him that he couldn’t control you like this. But you couldn’t bring yourself to leave Him. Not when His counterarguments where oh so persuasive.
“Listen, these people don’t really care about you. They’re just going to hurt you. I just want to keep you safe. You trust me, right?”
The hurt look on His face was enough for you to assure Him that yes, of course you trusted Him. You weren’t sure how honest you were being, though.
Four months.
It took four months of loneliness, and anxiety for you to finally end it. It took four months of Izuku pleading with you to leave Him before you actually did it. 
He wouldn’t go down without a fight, unfortunately. He went down in the end, albeit kicking and screaming. He had raised his voice at our before, but never like this. He had never screamed directly in your face. You’d never cried in front of Him before. You’d been good at hiding it, but the all the pent up anxiety and frustrations you were feeling spilt out when He shrieked at you like that.
He’d been suspended for two weeks. They were over all too fast.
He hardly talked to you when He got back, but you always felt His eyes. They seemed to follow you wherever you went.
Izuku stuck to you like glue. He was a nervous kid, and he never said anything directly to Him, but he was always there, offering you his silent support.
“Do you think you’ll want to date anyone else?” Izuku asked one day.
“No one from our class,” You rolled your eyes, surveying the middle school classroom.
“What about when we get to high school?” 
“I don’t know,” You answered after a moment. “I’d like to be in a good relationship, but…”
Izuku frowned. “But?”
You averted your eyes, feeling His gaze burning a hole in the back of your head. “I thought He seemed good at first. Look how well that went.”
. . . 
High school felt like heaven. It might’ve been grueling, and sure, villains showed up every other week, but He wasn’t there. Izuku was, though, plus you both managed to make a few other friends. 
Iida was one such friend. The first thing you had noticed about him was that he was loud. You had never liked loud people, especially after what had happened with Him, but Iida was never loud to you directly. He was just loud in general.
A few weeks into your friendship with him, and you realized that he was incredibly earnest. He was dependable, and seemed to be one of the kindest, if also intense people you’d ever met.
He was also handsome.
You spent lunch periods staring at Iida’s large hands, wondering what they’d feel like in your own. You laid awake at night, hugging your pillow and pretending it was him. 
One night, as you pictured him holding you, his gentle arms suddenly became tight and constrictive. Suddenly, it wasn’t Iida.
It was Him.
Your breathing became sporadic you threw your pillow onto the floor. You folded in on yourself, rubbing your arms to try to rid yourself of His lingering touch.
“I can’t,” You whimpered. “I can’t,”
You wanted to be with Iida, you really did. But He was still poisoning your mind.
. . .
“(L/N), are you doing anything this weekend?” 
You hummed noncommittally at Iida, who was standing at your desk, waiting for you to pack up to go home.
“I don’t think so.” You shrugged. “What about you?”
“Well, a cafe recently opened near my home, I’m thinking of checking it out.” He said casually, eyes darting away. “Perhaps you’d like to come with me?”
“Oh!” You exclaimed, looking up at the boy. “Uh, yeah! That sounds fun. It’d be nice to spend some time with you outside of school.”
“Yes, I-I thought the same thing.” Iida readjusted his glasses, a pink dusting forming on his cheeks. “Is Saturday alright with you?”
About twenty minutes later, when you and Izuku were walking home from the train station, he asked if you wanted to do anything over the weekend.
“On Sunday, maybe.” You kicked an acorn along the sidewalk. “Iida and I are going out on Saturday.”
“Woah, really? Like on a date?”
“I- I don’t- what?” You froze. You replayed the conversation with Iida in your head. “Is it a date? Shit. I can’t go on a date.”
“Why not?” Izuku furrowed his brows in concern. “Iida’s really nice, I think you’d be happy with him. You’d have a good time.”
“Yeah, well we thought I’d be happy with Him too,”
Izuku flinched, understanding flashing in his eyes. “Okay. (Y/N), Iida is lightyears better than Him. Iida’s a super serious guy, but that makes him transparent. If he had ulterior motives, or even if he just seemed like he’d be a dick, you’d know it. Iida isn’t Him. At least go out with him this one time.”
“But I-”
“It’s one date, not marriage.” Izuku reasoned, placing a hand on your shoulder. “There are no obligations. Go out with him. If it goes well, then great! You can do it again, or, don’t. If it goes poorly, then end it there. You don’t have to tie yourself to Iida just because he’s showing interest in you.”
You raised a pointed eyebrow. “What if I’m not interested in him?”
“(Y/N).” Izuku deadpanned. “You and I both know that you are.”
You snickered a little, the sound coming out breathy and broken. “Ok. One date. We’ll see where it goes from there.”
. . .
Izuku knew you and Iida had it bad for each other. The staring longingly when the other wasn’t looking, the flustered laughing, all the goddamn blushing, there was a lot. It was torture watching you both dance around each other, but he knew it wasn’t easy for you. He had left his mark on you, even if it wasn’t a physical one. 
Izuku wasn’t exactly thrilled to push you right back into dating when you obviously were uncomfortable, despite knowing that Iida could be a healing presence in your life if you let him. 
So you were going on a date with him. 
“It’s one date, not marriage.” He had said, trying to convince himself as well as you. “There are no obligations.”
Izuku knew Iida. He trusted him with his life, he just wasn’t sure if he trusted him with you. You, the closest thing to a sibling Izuku had ever had. You, who had stayed his friend even after you had manifested your quirk and he’d been left quirkless. You, who stayed by his side and defended him against Kacchan and his other middle school bullies. 
You, who had been hurt before by someone you had liked.
Izuku groaned, flopping onto his bed. “Iida isn’t Him. Iida isn’t Him. He’s not going to hurt (Y/N). They’re going to be fine.”
It still didn’t stop him from constantly checking his phone, to see if you’d messaged him. Today was your date. He check the time again. 3:21. You should be home by now, or at least on the way. He’d told you to text him when you were home and tell him all about the date, but you might’ve forgotten. Maybe he should text your parents?
No. He was your best friend, not your father. He’d wait to see if you contacted him. If you didn’t, no big deal. He’d see you on Monday at school. Izuku very deliberately placed his phone face down on his bedside table. Deciding to go for a jog to get his mind off it, he began to change into his workout clothes.
Not two minutes later, his phone buzzed. Halfway into his gym shorts, Izuku scrambled back to the table, tripping over his own feet and hitting his head squarely on the bed frame. 
“Shit!” He hissed, rubbing his forehead.
“Izuku?” His mother called. “Is everything all right in there?”
“Yeah, I just tripped. I’m okay.” He replied, feeling around for his phone with the hand not cradling his head. Much to Izuku’s disappointment, the text wasn’t from you.
Much to his surprise though, it was from Iida.
Iida: Is (L/N) afraid of me?
“Uh oh,” He murmured, fingers already flying across the keypad.
Izuku: wdym? Did something happen during your date?
Iida: Kind of? It went well, but (L/N) seemed really nervous.
Izuku: And you weren’t? Lol, it’s your first date
Iida: Well, yes of course I was nervous. (L/N) seems more nervous then would be ordinary in that situation, though.
Izuku: What exactly did they do?
Iida: They were very overly jittery. They looked apprehensive and guilty whenever we talked. At one point I put my hand on their arm and they flinched. 
“Oh shit,” Izuku whispered. Iida wasn’t done, though.
Iida: The night ended well enough, I suppose. They seemed to have a good time, it just looked like they were too frightened to enjoy it to the full extent, though.
Izuku: You didn’t do anything weird, did you?
Iida: Weird how? All I did was talk to them. I offered to pay for their food, but they declined. I touched their arm, but once they flinched away I didn’t try again. We walked back to the train station together, and I offered to accompany them home, but they shot me down again.
Izuku sighed, rubbing his throbbing temples. It was a delicate situation. It wasn’t really Izuku’s place to tell Iida your business. So how was he going to tell Iida that you had relationship trauma without actually telling him?
Izuku: Ok, I don’t think you did anything wrong. (Y/N) gets nervous at the idea of dating, but I promise it’s not you. They’ve had bad experiences with dating, but they seem to really like you and want to try again.
Izuku: (Y/N)’s story isn’t mine to tell. If they feel comfortable giving you all the details, then they will. All you need to know for now is that their anxiety isn’t your fault. It also doesn’t mean that they don’t like you because I don’t think I’ve ever seen them as happy with someone as they are with you  
Iida: I see. Their behavior makes a little more sense now. Thank you for telling me, Midoriya. I’d like to have a relationship with them, so on Monday I’ll talk to them and see if there’s anything I can do or stop doing to make them more comfortable. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than I am when I’m with them either, in all honesty. I would hate to loose them over a misunderstanding.
Izuku chuckled, smiling warmly at his device. “What was I ever worried about?”
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fairestwriting · 3 years
slams open your door/ one angst request for a childhood g/n reader with deuce, ace, jack, ruggie and vil coming right up! "if we're still single by 30, let's get married! (for housing benefits lol)" it was a childish promise made in jest, but the boy never forgot. in the end, it ends with unrequited/pining feelings from one/both sides that cant be returned due to bad timing/prior engagements/etc when they reach of age (go hogwild with the scenarios lis!!)
(slams my hands on the table) yes yes yes yes YES i love this trope
+ if you like my writing, you can buy me a ko-fi to support me!
Deuce Spade
You make the promise to him after you confessed to your crush sometime in 7th grade and got rejected, left to cry by yourself behind the school. Out of all your friends, only Deuce came to comfort you -- And so you, in your dramatic childish glory, feeling like you’d never find anyone to love, tell him the two of you should get married if you’re single by 30.
Deuce remembers every detail of that event down to how your eyes gleamed with the tears, how the light of the sunset casted that golden glow on your hair -- It was when he knew he loved you. It took him a while to find the right words to describe the feeling, but he’d been feeling it for a long time.
He doesn’t pursue you because he feels like he’ll grow out of it. You go to NRC together, the two of you against the world, and it’s like everyday he falls in love a little more. You support him through his attempts of being a honors student, and on the day of your graduation, the first thing you do is hug each other tight, cheering about how you made it, you finally made it.
You don’t lose contact with each other even after school. Deuce and you are basically attached to the hip, meeting up every other week to talk about college and then your jobs. Through all of this time you’re friends, both of you go through a handful of relationships each, but none of them are really serious. As you approach 30, Deuce remembers that promise from back then.
When your birthday comes up, you’re sort of gloomy over recent breakup, and Deuce, naturally, is the first one to be there for you. He shows up in the morning with a gift and makes you breakfast, your dear best friend warming your heart once more. You rant about your latest partner and exchange anecdotes about how last week went before everything goes silent, and suddenly his hand is hesitantly on yours.
“D-Do you remember, um.” He begins, face flushed. “That promise we made in middle school? That if we were single until 30...”
You blink. Really, that? It felt like so long ago -- It was hard to remember even. You can barely catch what he was going to try to say before you laugh your middle school self off, snickering at how naive you were -- Something in Deuce seems to shatter, then, and his hand retracts. It’s so fast you can barely tell what’s happening.
And he stays with you through the birthday regardless, of course he does. He’s your dearest friend, isn’t he?
the rest is under the cut cause... its long
Ace Trappola
You hated Ace, initially. You met in kindergarten and he was the worst, literally. Always pulling pranks on everyone and acting just so infuriatingly cheeky, your 5 year old self learned real rage through that little redhead boy who always hid your things just to get a rise out of you.
One day you decided to prank him back, causing massive trouble in the classroom that ends with the two of you getting intensely scolded, and that’s how, somehow, a beautiful friendship blooms. Ace gets this sparkle in his eyes when you’re done getting yelled at, and says that the two of you should be friends and work together on doing this to other people.
Since then you two became inseparable. You’d never stop bickering, but you also never left each other’s side. The two of you were a menace, an absolute terror to your teachers -- Whether you were a good kid before meeting him or not didn’t matter, Ace is great at being a bad influence.
Near the end of 4th grade, you begin hearing about how one of your classmate’s single parent was getting married again. This sparked a big conversation between your class, somehow, with everyone declaring who they wanted to marry. It was a silly childish thing. When your turn comes, you proudly announce that when you grew up, you’d marry Ace if you hadn’t married anyone else by 30, ‘cause no one else would choose him but me! You snicker after making the comment, amused at how mean you were being, but somehow your snarkiness seems to fly over Ace’s head.
It’s a thing that happens that you two never really talk about again, but it ticks in the back of his mind for his whole life as you two grow up. Even entering middle and then high school, he always remembers it when he goes through some sort of romantic disappointment. You really were the only one who always stuck around, after all...
Years go by and somehow you’re still by each other’s side. Every birthday that passes Ace thinks about it a little more, he wonders if that promise from ages ago was true. When your 30th birthday comes up the promise is constantly in his mind, he’s driving himself up the wall with expectation. And he doesn’t even know why he’s feeling like that, really, you two are just childhood friends, right? There’s no reason for him to be feeling so... like this.
Eventually, he just blurts it out, a couple days after said birthday. You two are probably just hanging out and ranting about work when he goes “Hey, you remember that stuff you said in 4th grade? About, uh, us getting married?” And you go silent for a beat. His heart races as he wonders what the hell he’s doing, even.
But you laugh it all off. What, that stuff about marrying you? Yeah, I was such a dumb kid. I was right, though, look how you’re still single, you joke, and it feels like a punch to the gut to Ace. He laughs awkwardly with you. Yeah, sure, how foolish the two of your were for thinking of something like... you two... being together like that...
Jack Howl
Jack was, before everything, the scary boy in your 2nd grade class. Beastmen weren’t exactly common at school, especially wolves like him, so he ended up sticking out quite a lot. Most kids, your friends included, thought he was far too scary to approach. And Jack himself seemed to be fine with that, not really interacting much with anyone.
That was all he was for you until, one day, an older kid gets mad at you during lunch for bumping into them and staining their shirt with juice. They’re about two or three years ahead and so much taller than you, you’re genuinely scared -- And who would know that in a moment like this, the one kid in your class you weren’t very fond of would stand up for you, convincing the bully to go away.
Afterwards, Jack asks if you’re okay, you two end up eating together, and the rest is history. You find out he was actually really sweet, despite seeming so tough, and you get comfortable with it. Jack was always a reliable, loyal friend, someone you knew you could count on.
This included when your friends started being weirded out by you for getting close to the scary boy in class. They get it in their heads that you have a crush on him and tease you for it, which makes you upset, but Jack stands up for you again. This was enough for you to be pretty starry eyed at the age of 7, so you declared that, hey, who cares about what these mean kids are saying! Maybe you and Jack should be together anyway. Actually, if you two got to 30 and you were still single, you should get married! Jack gets just as starry eyed as you, and you seal a pinky promise that day.
What you never knew, though, was that he wouldn’t grow out of it -- Because as time goes by and you two grow up alongside each other, it ends up slipping your mind. You meet new people and learn new things, getting into some relationships here and there, and though you’d taken the promise seriously for a bit when you were a kid, it was just something you laughed about now.
You don’t even remember it on Jack’s 30th birthday. You’re one of the first people to show up to the small gathering, naturally, you had known each other since forever. You’re teasing him about how he was so perpetually single even now, that you were reaching “marriage age”, and this seems to fluster him a bit.
“Well...” He starts, his ears going slightly limp. “I wanted... to keep that promise, you know. From when we were kids.” His voice is quiet, uncertain. It’s different from how you usually hear him talk, and you have no idea what he’s talking about. You question him about it, and he’s wide eyed when he realizes that you actually forgot.
He questions you about it. How could you forget? You two actually made a pinky promise about it -- But you’re just confused as to why he’s bringing this up, saying that of course it wasn’t a big deal, you two were just kids when it happened! Was he really expecting something from that? And when you ask him that, he’s silent.
Needless to say, the birthday is soured. Jack asks for you to leave, it’s a mess. You don’t know what you did wrong, exactly, just like you’re not sure how you could possibly fix this.
Ruggie Bucchi
“Partners in crime” was the only possible way to describe what sort of relationship you had with Ruggie. It starts in elementary school, you’re walking around in a farmer’s market near the slums and you catch him taking a handful of apples from a stand, without paying. Your eyes are wide as you remember who that boy was, a classmate of yours, and despite what your family had taught you about stealing, you walk up to the person taking care of the stand, and start chatting with them to distract them.
You’re not sure what really made you want to help this boy you barely knew, but it turned out to be the one thing in your life you’re the most grateful for, because the next day, when he sees you again in class, he runs up to you to thank you so many times in a row. And since then, you two started spending time together.
And you got along so well! Ruggie got along with most of the other kids and you had some friends of your own, but nothing was compared to how close the two of you were. You two scheme your way in and out of trouble through your school days, and at one point you can barely imagine your life without him.
Sometime mid 6th grade, your classmates start talking of crushes and dating and such, which gives you a lot to think about. You’re a bit upset that you seem to be the only one who isn’t in on the new fun, so one day, when you’re hanging out with Ruggie, you complain about feeling like you’d be single forever. Ruggie laughs and says that if no one wanted to be with you, then no one would want to be with him either. You still wonder what that meant.
In a fit of childishness, you say decisively that if you two were single until you were 30, you’d get married. Looking back on it, you can’t tell if you were kidding or not, but Ruggie and you shake hands mid-laughs, like you’re sealing a deal.
So time goes by. You don’t think too hard about that promise and Ruggie... doesn’t seem to, either, you actually wonder what’s going through his head often, because he rarely tells you what he’s thinking. You end up going to NRC together, to both of your families’ joy, and that just ends up making you closer, as two kids from the less-privileged side of the Afterglow Savannah in such a prestigious academy...
Your bond ends up really fire-forged after those four years, so it’s no surprise to anyone that you’d still be close even after you graduate, even as adults. Nothing could break a friendship like this.
You think about it on the day of your 30th birthday, when you’re out for drinks with Ruggie to celebrate. Really, how the hell did you stick to each other’s side for so long? You ask him as you loop an arm around his neck, and he grins. “Well, maybe we should get married like you promised then, y’know... when we were brats.” He says, a little quieter than your previous conversation. There’s a hint of some kind of different feeling there that you don’t catch at the time, scoffing at him and going, yeah, in your dreams.
The rest of the night goes normally, though you don’t hear from him for a couple days afterward... and when you do, he barely looks you in the eye. You wonder if anything bad happened, if you did anything wrong.
Vil Schoenheit
When Vil Schoenheit moved into your town, everybody was talking about him before he even really set foot into the classroom. Everyone had seen him somewhere -- The poster boy of villainy in all your favorite movies, a kid with a pretty face and a haughty aura.
You’re as curious as everyone else to meet him, though you don’t really share that strange vindictiveness the other kids seemed to have, angered at Vil himself for what his characters put others through. It’s so stupid, you thought, isn’t he just the actor? He might actually be nice.
When he arrives into the classroom, people are about as annoying towards him as you expected. Their disdain towards Vil bothered you, he’d barely said anything to others and yet they were already pegging him as a mean, arrogant person. So stupid, you repeat to yourself, and you decide to talk to him normally, and that’s how your ages-long friendship came to life.
Vil wasn’t like anyone you’d ever met. You come to find that he’s rather haughty, yes, and very strict with pretty much everything, but he was also very kind deep down, and willing to help you with anything you needed. He was a good friend. He was also, as you came to find out as you grew a little more, astoundingly pretty. With people disliking his “villainy” or not, by the time you’re starting middle school, he already consistently gets confessed to.
You’re a bit jealous. Not because you wanted Vil for yourself, no, he was just a good friend, but you wished people would find you as attractive as they found him, sometimes. You express that to him when you’re walking home together one day, and he laughs it off, saying it wasn’t as good as you thought it’d be. Still, you make him promise that if you were single by 30, he’d have to marry you, because if he just let you die alone, he’d be a bad friend. Vil seems strangely mesmerized by that, but he agrees.
Time goes by, you get to watch each other grow. Even with all the people going in and out of Vil’s life, he seems to keep you closer to his heart than everyone, and you never really lose contact with each other. Even when he’s busy, with movies or modeling or school, he still makes time to check up on you, and you see each other often.
When you’re actually nearing 30, Vil has reached a sort of stardom that burned your eyes just looking at, and you were so goddamn proud of him it was real. Somehow, he still makes time to show up for your birthday, after about a month of not really seeing each other -- And he spoils you to death on that day, the two of you spending all of it together and talking until it was late at night.
As the sun is about to rise, though, Vil’s chattiness subsides. About as sleep deprived as you, he says, softly “So since we’ve gotten there, and we’re both still single... maybe we should fulfill that promise from years ago, shouldn’t we?” You take a moment to process it, it’s tough remembering exactly when you made such a promise, but eventually you do. You feel like that should’ve been a joke, but the way Vil looks at you isn’t saying joke at all.
You sort of laugh it off either way, though. What, that silly promise? You ask, are you rubbing it in that you’re prettier than me? I can still find a partner looking like this, y’know. You think it’s funny, but Vil suddenly falls completely silent.
He then sighs, almost wistful, and says “Sure you can” before the conversation progresses... you’re not sure what happened, but life goes on after that like nothing happened. Deep down, Vil is feeling stupid for having taken the promise to heart, like he should have known better... but if you never really meant it, then what could he do but give it up? Even though it was the thing he wanted to do the least... he valued your friendship too much to do something that could possibly ruin it.
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cactiem · 3 years
coming back to you // m.b
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Pairing: Marcus Baker x OC
Requested: Nope
Summary: How does Victoria Lexington know Marcus Baker?
GIF Not Mine
Everyone knows everything about everyone in Welsbury. That’s what is part of the charm. Deep in the roots of the picture-perfect town are secrets and lies, feeding its residents. Maybe that’s what brought Georgia to this quaint town. She was intrigued by the flawless front the town presented, a place where nothing could go wrong. It did go wrong though. One fateful summer afternoon, Caroline Lexington was found dead in her home leaving a giant hole in the Lexington home and one in the town she put all her a time and effort in to.
No one had heard from Victoria Lexington after her mom’s funeral. She just disappeared off the face of the planet without telling anyone. Her classmates just thought that she moved away or something after the traumatic year she had but the stares and whispers said otherwise. Her hair was straight, and lips painted a deep red, hips swinging as she walked down the hallway with everyone’s eyes on her. Nothing had changed. It was like the whole summer didn’t exist.
“Who’s that?” Ginny asked, intrigued by the presence Victoria had.
“That is Victoria Lexington.” Abby said as if it was obvious.
Seeing Ginny’s puzzled look, Max couldn’t help but laugh a little. “You’re so cute.” Ginny just gave her a deadpanned look before she continued. “Her family like owns this town and her mom died at the start of the summer so we’re all waiting for a breakdown to happen.”
Ginny looked at the brunette taking in her appearance as the rest of MANG fell into conversation. She didn’t look like she just lost her mom. Her red lips were pursed as she rummaged through her locker, aware of all the attention that was on her and loving every bit of it. Victoria was well put together. Ginny knew everyone handled loss in their own way, but something didn’t sit well with her, she just couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
There was one thing that was getting on Victoria’s nerves as she went through her first day back at school and that was everyone asking her if she was okay. Was she okay? She didn’t know. Nothing was ever black and white. There were many levels to being okay and right now Victoria was okay enough. That didn’t stop her from plastering on a fake smile and thanking everyone for their forced condolences as if they cared. They didn’t. The only person who really cared about her was Marcus and she fucked that up. He saw at her lowest and Victoria couldn’t allow that. After all Lexington’s don’t cry in front of people.
She heard her mom’s voice clear as day, feel her claws digging into her jaw as she gripped it forcing Victoria to look up at her mom. “If you cry at any inconvenience then you’ll never stop crying. Crying is a weakness and Lexington’s aren’t weak.” Deep breath in. “You’ve gotten fat. Please don’t make me alter this dress so close to the gala.” Deep breath out. “This is all your fault. He’s dead because of you.” Deep breath in. “You stupid ungrateful bitch!” Deep breath out.
“Hey, its okay.” Victoria heard Marcus’s familiar voice and felt his hands clasp hers to stop her from hurting herself any further. She opened her eyes to a concerned brown pair looking back at her. He cupped her cheek, wiping away the tears she didn’t even know fell. Victoria quickly brushed him off, stepping away from him and wiping away her own tears.
“I’m fine.” She said, her smile forced.
“Tori, you don’t have to lie to me. I won’t judge.” Marcus slowly walked back over to her, making sure it was okay.
“I know I should feel sad today but I-I don’t. Does that make me a bad person?”
“There’s no wrong or right way on how you should be feeling.” Marcus said and Victoria such collapsed into his arms, gripping his lapels of his jacket as she cried, letting everything out.
At least when she got home, Victoria could count on some sense of normalcy. Her dad in his office doing work leaving the house to herself. That’s at least what she was hoping when she walked through the big oak front doors. Instead, a woman’s laugh could be heard from the kitchen along with her dad’s. Victoria slowly walked into the room, observing what was happening. “Hey, sweetie.” Her dad greeted, happier than he has been in a while. “This is Georgia from the mayor’s office. She’s helping with the business.”
“You must be Ginny’s mom, right?” Victoria said after a moment, looking the blonde women over.
“I am. Are you two friends?” She asked, her smile growing even bigger and her southern drawl thick.
“Great friends.” The brunette returned the smile, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the island before going upstairs, a plan hatching in her head.
Looking in the mirror, Victoria finished touching up her hair, her hand knocking over her drink all over Ginny who had just come over to wash her hands. “I am so sorry!” She gasped, feigning shock. “Here let me help you.” She quickly grabbed paper towels to try and help Ginny even though her efforts were pointless knowing the top will stain.
“Thanks.” She mumbled taking the towels to try and salvage her top.
Victoria leaned against the side, looking over Ginny with a sly grin. “If I was you I’d keep my hands to yourself.” Ginny gave the girl an incredulous look as she made her way to the door. “Same goes for your mom.”
Ginny was speechless, standing alone in the bathroom. She couldn’t believe what had happened, well she could but still. Her friends told her not to retaliate knowing that Victoria will make her life a living hell. What they didn’t know though was that Ginny also had a mean sting in her and never pulls her punches. She was a woman on a mission and made a beeline for Victoria after the final bell rang. That was why her friends followed her and Marcus hung around to see what was going to go.
“Can I help you?” She asked, already bored of the conversation that hadn’t started yet.
“You owe me a new top.” Ginny simply said, her arms crossed to help seem more intimidating.
“I told you it was an accident.” Victoria said innocently.
“Oh, please, you and I both know you did this on purpose.” She scoffed. “Why did you this?”
“Because, as classy as ever your mom has already got her claws into a new man, a recently widowed one at that.”
“You mean your dad, right?” Ginny asked before continuing not waiting for an answer because she already knew. “Because let’s not forget why he is a widow in the first place. You killed her, right? Your mom?”
“Ginny.” Victoria heard Marcus warn her, but she held her hand up.
“No, I wanna hear what she has to say.” She clenched her jaw trying to hide the tears that were threatening to fall.
“You killed your mom because you had enough of all the shit she put you through since your brother’s death which, was also your fault.” The silence that had fallen onto the group was suffocating. Everyone was waiting to see Victoria’s reaction, expecting her to breakdown or something. She didn’t though, the many years of hiding her emotions coming handy.
“You’ve what, been here five minutes and you think you know everything? Well, you don’t so how about you keep that pretty mouth of yours shut and run along unless you want me to destroy you and everything your mom built.” Victoria warned, walking away from the stunned crowd.
Her chest rose and her eyes burned from the tears she was holding back. Victoria ended up in the nearest bathroom, not caring if it was the boy’s or not. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the sink hard, trying to calm herself down. “What Ginny said isn’t true, you know that, right?” Victoria should’ve known that Marcus would have followed her. She continued to ignore him, staring down at the floor. “Hey, look at me.” He said, gently lift her chin up so she could see him.
“Why are you being nice to me? I pushed you away, remember? I treated you like shit.” Victoria said.
“Because even though you did that I still find my way back to you just like you find your way back to me.” Marcus leaned down, his lips ghosting hers. The same electric feeling coming back from their first kiss.
A/N: if you have any requests for Marcus please send them in
Tag List: @mayaslifeinabox @princess-of-the-fandoms @live--aloud @les-bio-lie @ivvitm1109 @seninjakitey @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @genius2050 @tiannawashere
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jaysbestie · 3 years
ahshshdhsh this is my first time using the ask function in this app and i might as well take this as an opportunity. can you please write about jakey being a hopeless romantic (kinda like f2l thing) wherein they're also classmates and y/n is oblivious af? it would be very much appreciated, thank you~
hi this is a vERY late, I don't know if this is similarto what you wanted, I'm so sorry, but I hope you like it!!
Hoops and Love Letters
pairing ; f2l! basketball player! jake x gn reader
genre ; fluff
warnings ; food
summary ; jake, your best friend since you were children has started making your heart beat fast, little do you know, his is beating just as fast...
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"yo jake!"
you were sitting on one of the park's benches with your best friend while eating strawberry flavored ice cream he got for you, when you heard someone call your best friend's name.
it was louder this time, meaning the person calling him was coming closer. Suddenly one of jake's friends, sunghoon, came into view trying to catch his breath while he sat down on the bench between you.
well now that was awkward.
he looked between you two, clueless to the situation you were in and asked,
"did I interrupt anything?"
he asked and to that question, your cheeks reddened as you turned to look at jake, noticing how his cheeks were also light crimson as he opened his mouth to answer his friend's question
"n-no you sure didn't" jake stammered. but jake never stammers?? and you just stood there, a little sad that jake answered sunghoon's question negatively and you just stood there, taken aback by jake's answer and by his stammering.
"it doesn't seem like it tho, anyways, heesung needs you in practice, jay was late and he almost got yelled at" sunghoon started talking without getting a breath, almost as if he was rapping.
you searched jake's face for a reaction and he didn't even look surprised by ths situation going on at the school's gym.
"well, y/n, I'll have to go, sadly, however, ill try to return you your book on saturday on our picnic!" he told you while he got his school bag, from the bench you sat on every day after school, and started walking behind sunghoon to the gym.
"I'll be waiting for my book!" you yelled and screamed, happy that he remembered the poetry book he borrowed from you, two weeks ago. you see, your and jake's bond was something unbreakable, being friends and classmates from a very young age and being lucky enough to be able to continue this friendship till now. you started packing your bag and put the cup from the ice cream in the park's trashcan while going to your house. there really wasn't anyone at home however you prepared your table fully and made yourself lunch. you sat down trying to find a boring enough movie so that you'll be motivated to stop watching it and study or catch a nap.
it was now 7pm on a friday afternoon and you were currently doing your homework so that you didn't have to do them during the weekend, when your computer started alarming you that there was an incoming skype call by jake. it made you instantly smile and you answered his call watching his face brighten once he saw you had picked up.
"are you doing homework on a friday night?" he asked, while he looked at me as if I was a weird creature.
"yeah, I don't understand your opposition on me doing my homework on a friday night" you said, the fake offended look on your face made jake laugh and that moment it was like you heard an angel laugh.
"have you prepared anything for our picnic tomorrow?"
oh shIT
you panicked
"I swear to god, y/n y/l/n, did you forget about one of the most important days of the month?" it was his turn to act offended now taking a dramatic pose acting as if he was crying.
you were about to start crying because, hoW. COULD. YOU. FORGET. YOUR PICNIC?!?!
"oH HELL NOH, how could I forget our picnic?!" you stated nervously hoping that he didn't notice the panic on your face when he mentioned the picnic.
"great, I was hoping you remembered about it because, well,,, tomorrow's picnic will be extra special, than just a day on the calendar" he said, he seemed nervous and by his sentence you became nervous too, hoping that something joyful will be behind this "extra special picnic"
"YO Y/N YOU THERE?" he yelled and then proceeded to slap his laptop's screen, just to make sure his computer wasn't the problematical one.
"yeah sorry, my laptop started glitching, see you tomorrow at the park!" you yelled at him and ended the call in a hurry.
you sat up from your desk's chair and walked in front of your mirror
"I now have to go down and prepare for tomorrow's picnic" you said to try and convince yourself to go down and prepare however your plan was interrupted when your phone rang, the name of your other best friend lighting up the screen.
"YANG JUNGWON YOU LITTLE MONSTER" you screamed as you picked up the phone.
" yo y/n what is your proBLEM?!"
"what did I do this time bestie, explain to me please"
"well I was about to go prepare for my monthly picnic with jake but you decided that it was a good idea to call me".
"oooh, jake, the guy that likes you but doesn't know how to tell you"
"plEASE, he doesn't like me, we've been friends for a couple years and he sees me as a good friend"
"ok but like, since yOU like him, why don't you speak to him about it?"
at this point you are heading to the kitchen in order to get ready for tomorrow, since hanging up on jungwon wouldn't happen soon.
"if I tell him I might ruin our friendship, won"
"he likes you too tho, even sunghoon noticed!"
"since when do you hang out with sunghoon?"
"since you were too busy going on dates with jake"
"please, we had study meetings"
"yeah call it whatever you want love"
you tried to respond to jungwon but nothing came out of your mouth so jungwon continued,
"anyways, I'm hanging up so you can prepare for your picnic, by the way, wear those brown corduroy pants I got you for your birthday!!"
"yeah fine, I'll make sure to fill you in on what happened won, good night!"
"night y/n!"
with that you went to prepare some quick snacks for tomorrow and also got some of your favorite jellies from a seven eleven nearby, all because they were also jake's favorite jellies.
———————♡timeskip #2♡———————
you woke up by the sudden sound of your alarm, you didn't even remember setting an alarm but you find have time to worry about stuff like this as you wanted to get up and get ready quickly for the picnic.
your phone rang and jake's number lit up your phone's screen.
"yo jake, bro, homie, fella, how you doin" that was the weirdest thing you've ever, like eVER, said in your life.
"of course no jakey, it's 11:29 am, the picnic is in two hours "
" uh uh uh- special picnic" jake emphasized special once again.
" oh well, guess I'll take more time to get ready since its spEcial" you said, mimicking the way he said special.
" I swear to our friendship, y/n, if you're not ready by the time I come to pick you up, consider yourself not my friend" he said sarcastically, adding a laugh at the middle of his sentence.
"oh well, it's your lucky day because I have just started getting ready!" you lied, you walked to your dresser and started searching for that one pair of brown corduroy pants jungwon suggested you wear.
"I'm hanging up jake, gotta go get ready, see you at 1 outside my house!" you hung up without giving him a chance to reply.
you finally found the pants, searching for a shirt now. you found a white blouse you had got last Halloween for a pirate costume but never wore it. It didn't look like a costume shirt anyway, you shrugged and got into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready afterwards.
You were done with your shower now, the time was 12 pm and you had an hour left before jake got to your place to pick you up.
You put on your clothes and matched a pearl necklace (which was, indeed, a gift by jake) with your outfit, you opted for some classic black converse high tops as for the shoe choice, and with that, your outfit was complete.
You headed downstairs to prepare your basket, full with snacks and fizzy drinks, also getting a light blanket with you, just in case.
You heard a car honk from outside and checked the time, it was 12 : 40, twenty minutes before jake should be here to pick you up. The same honking sound was heard again and you headed to the door to see if it was jake by any chance. It was jake indeed, you got your basket, your keys, sprayed some perfume on and left the house, not forgetting to lock the door behind you.
"well hello there, y/n"
you were ready to tell general kenobi literally at his face, the pun must've been intended as you had a star wars movie marathon some days ago.
"hello to you too, jakey"
You both got in the car and jake turned the music up, a song unknown to you playing on the radio. Jake seemed different today, he seemed nervous, something unusual to him.
"is everything okay jake?"
"yeah why?" he responded while he let out a small laugh.
"oh, nothing!"
The drive went by quickly, however jake had taken you to a place you thought you'd never see again, it was the place where you and jake had first met. A park filled with bushes and sunflowers, huge trees and benches along with wooden tables. You were on the verge of tears, left speechless, you opened the car's door, taking your basket and started running around the park laughing loudly. You were feeling truly happy.
Jake was watching from inside the car, deciding to open his door too, taking his own basket, locking the car and started running towards you.
After running around for some good minutes, you sat on bench and left your baskets on a wooden table, starting to set your food in order for your picnic to start.
You had started eating your second sandwich when jake interrupted you, making you put your sandwich down and turning your attention to him.
"yo y/n, do you remember those love letters you kept on receiving last year?"
"of course I do! I've been searching till this day! but what does that have to with our special picnic?"
"well, I'm the one who sent those letters" jake said, lowering his head and starting to fiddle with his hands.
"well, that was a good one!" you started laughing. Noticing the situation jake was in right now, it only meant one thing, "WAit, you're not joking?"
"not really" he said giggling sadly, lifting his stare and watching into your eyes. You extended your arms and reached out to hug him.
"why didn't you tell me?"
"wait, you really didn't know I liked you? The boys kept on telling that my crush on you was too obvious!" he said, looking annoyed by his friends that moment.
"I mean, you did throw a basket ball at me once that had, "let me take you out" all over it but I didn't think you meant thAT TAKING OUT" you said, laughing at the old memory you had remembered.
well, y/n, would you officially allow me to take you out?" he asked, a glowing happy slice on his face when he noticed your emotionless face, "on A DATE, I mean, not with a basket ball!" he added. With that, you burst into laughter and looked at him, showing him your brightest smile.
"of course I'll let you take me out, on a date, jake"
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cloudcovenkite · 3 years
Hi. Could i request what it would be like to have a crush on maki and nobara and them having a crush on you(both separate scenarios, fem reader) but you're also gojo's younger sister so i feel like he'd be a little shit abt it whenever he catches reader staring or sum shit. And basically how the whole realizing its a crush and how to whole confession goes down, who confesses, and everyones reaction esp gojo bc he's gojo yk.
I hope this wasnt to much or too specific for you and have a good day. Cant wait to read😍
This is really cute and I had a lot of fun writing this one. Sorry it took so long but its finally ready.
What it Would Be Like to Have a Crush on Nobara and Maki as Gojo's Little Sister:
WC: 2.3k
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Nobara Kugisaki
Being the younger sister to 'The Strongest Sorcerer' was not an easy task. Yeah sure you loved him and everything but he just needs to shut his mouth sometimes. You guys were pretty close growing up despite your large age gap, he was the best big brother you could have asked for......sometimes. The current situation had arisen after you joined your brother's class in the first year at Jujutsu Tech. You got along with the other students instantly. Going on missions with each other, spending nights watching movies, and eating as much pizza as you could fit in your mouth. You loved and cared for all of them but one, in particular, held a special place in your heart. Nobara Kugisaki was the most beautiful girl you had ever laid eyes on. Her short red hair and deep brown eyes you could get lost in. Her confident attitude and tendencies to take charge in intense situations drew her to you. As much as you tried to hide your feelings for the sake of your friendship, it was very obvious to someone else. The day was moving very slowly as you sat in class, not paying attention to what was happening. Your eyes started to drift to the redhead, sitting diagonally in front of you. From this angle, she wouldn't be able to see you admiring her delicate facial features or the way she would smile whenever Yuji confidently got an answer wrong.
"Y/N, have anything to share with the class? It looks like your zoning out there."
You snap your head forward at the call of your name. Your older brother has a smug look on his face, he knew what he was doing. You apologize for your lack of focus and the lesson continues. Asshole.
After class Gojo calls you to stay back a bit. You knew what he wanted to talk about so you reluctantly stayed behind.
"So, what did you wanna talk about?" You ask, pretending to have no idea what he's talking about.
"You seemed awful distracted during class today. Wanna tell me why." He had his stupid smile plastered over his face.
"I didn't sleep well last night. I was just thinking about stuff." You tried to ignore the blush slowly creeping up your neck.
"Yeah, think about Kugisaki." He laughed. At this point, your face was feeling hot with embarrassment.
"That's not-NO I-" You couldn't think of the right words to say after your brother exposing you like that, covering your face in your hands out of embarrassment.
"Awwwwwww, look at that. My little sister has a crush." He swayed back and forth on the balls of his feet as he teased you.
"I don't." You said with a serious look on your face in hopes of throwing him off your trail.
"Yeah right. I can smell a lie from miles away." You couldn't outsmart him. Guess all that was left to do was come clean.
"Fine, I do. Can I go now?" You were already tired from your long day at school and now you had to put up with his antics.
"That's cute. You know, I think she likes you two." You looked back at him almost offended. Did he think he could trick you into believing that?
"Yeah right. I get that your power is great but your six eyes can't read people's minds."
"Not their minds but any normal person can read body language. She's always so entranced by the way you speak or how she laughs at your horrible jokes." As you listened to your brother he started to make sense. You always assumed that she was only being a good friend, that you were the one captivated by her.
"Whatever, now can I go?" You asked annoyed.
"Maybe I should tell her about your little feelings." He smirked as you started to walk away.
"Tell her anything and I swear I will pull those pretty little eyes out of your head." You threatened but all he did was laugh.
"Fine, fine. I won't say anything but you should tell her. Life is short Y/N." He patted your shoulder and he left the room. You quickly chased after your brother.
"What should I say to her? I don't know how to do this," you asked, feeling defeated by your own emotions. You expected a smart-ass response from him but he only stood quietly, thinking over what to say.
"Just tell her how you feel, oh, and what you like about her." You didn't expect him to take your question seriously. Looking at him, he pulled his blindfold down. You saw the sincerity in his eyes as he gave you his advice.
"Be honest, don't shy away from what you want or else you'll end up regretting it." You smiled. You never really had a moment like this between the two of you before since Gojo was usually all fun and games but it felt nice to open up to him.
"You know, you give good advice when you're not being an asshole." You poke his side.
"That's why I'm the best big brother." He slung an arm over your shoulder (Why does this man need to be so damn tall) and you two walked back to the dorms.
The next day quickly arrived. You had spent all night planning what you were going to say to Nobara when the two of you had a moment alone. As if he was playing cupid, Gojo separated the class so that you and Nobara had time alone to work while Megumi and Yuji trained in a different area. The two of you had all your books laid out messily over the picnic table outside. She needs a little bit of help before the next big test so you offered to help.
"I'm so glad you hear to help me. I suck at this." You brushed it off and continued working through some questions. Now or Never you thought.
"Hey Nobara, random question. I was thinking of telling my crush I like them, any idea's on what I should do?" The question was open-ended enough. She looked up a bit confused and slightly hurt.
"Oh, umm. I don't know. I've never really done anything like that." She looked back down as if you never asked the question and continued to work.
"I was only wondering cause I like this person and I wanted to finally tell them. I was thinking of just being upfront about it but maybe you know a better way?"
"I think being upfront about it is good." She stopped working and looked up at you. You found yourself staring into her eyes, not able to look away.
"I...I really, really like you Nobara." You said out loud. After looking at her you knew that you couldn't hold back anymore. The way her hair perfectly framed her rosy cheeks made you feel warm inside. Her eyes opened in shock at your confession. She sat there not saying anything as her face began to turn red.
"I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry, just pretend like i-"
"I like you too." She blurted out, cutting your sentence short. Gojo was right (which wasn't a common occurrence).
"Wait?" You were in complete shock. She slowly nodded her head as she tried to hide the flustered look on her face. You started to laugh causing her to smile at you.
"I don't know what to say." Your face felt hot after your confession.
"Don't say anything." You looked to her, confused by her words. Making eye contact, she leaned in and your lips met finally. It was a slow and tender kiss, one of happiness and bliss. Her lips were plump and soft on yours. You reached and cupped her face in your hand as you deepened the kiss. You pulled away out of shock and need for air. Her eyes were full of love as her face was tinted a light shade of pink. You didn't know how to respond to the situation.
"I knew it!" You both looked to the side where Gojo was standing with Megumi and Yuji behind him. The basted had the biggest smile on his face. Megumi had a subtle shocked look while Yuji's jaw hit the floor. You both looked away after getting caught. Gojo came up behind you and started talking about how he was right and pestering you while your two other classmates just watched their teacher harass the two of you.
"look at my little sister all grown up." He grabbed your chin and smushed your cheeks in his large hand.
"Stop it Satoru." You waved him off of you.
"Say I'm the best big brother and I'll leave you alone."
"Not happening." He slouched over your shoulder. His tall and lanky frame doubling over you.
"Okay fine, you the best big brother."
"Ever." He stood up tall and congratulated the two of you. Nobara still reeling from embarrassment.
"Usually I would give you two a long speech about you getting pregnant but I don't think I need to worry about that."
"Satoru!" You shouted as he ran away.
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Maki Zenin
Being a second year at Jujutsu tech meant you didn't have to put up with your older brother as your teacher anymore. The freedom you felt was overwhelming. You got to know your fellow second years quite well during your time. You and panda like to brawl with each other now and then. You can understand Toge quite well now. The person you were the closest with by far was Maki Zenin. As the only two girls in your year, you guys spend a lot of time together. Where spending hours talking when you should be sleeping or trying to outdo each other at Mario cart (Currently you are in the lead) you guys were inseparable, practically joined at the hip. Because you guys were so close you started to catch feelings for her very quickly while in your first year but you brushed it off as a sisterly like love. After growing and realizing just how much you truly cared for her you started to confide in your older brother, Gojo. You two became quite close while you attended Jujutsu Tech so much so that you started to have proper grown-up conversations (Or as grown-up as Gojo can be). He would make fun of you for your feeling but you could make just as much fun of him when it came to him not knowing how to be a real adult. Make fun of how skinny he is and he will fold like a lawn chair.
It was just another day after class. It was boiling outside and the school didn't have good air conditioning in their classes so you decided to go bother your brother in the staff lounge.
"You know your not supposed to be in here," Gojo said while on his phone. You plopped down on the long couch, dying of heatstroke.
"What are you gonna do? Kick me out. I'd like to see you try." You guys sat in silence for a minute while you recovered your strength to talk to him.
"It is so hot outside." You mutter.
"I think that's what happens during the summer." He responds with a smirk. You just grumble at him.
"You talk to Maki yet?" He quickly changed the subject. He's been on your ass about it ever since you told you were going to tell her your feeling...2 months ago.
"I'll do it when I want to. What do you know about feeling." You said rhetorically.
"I am an expert on love. I have had my fair share of it."
"Sleeping with anybody who takes the slightest interest in you isn't love, it's called being a man whore."
"Hey, take that back!" He pointed at you all dramatic-like. He knew it was true but hearing it come out of his little sister's mouth had a different impact.
"No. Your a man child who never considers other people's feelings so that makes you a man whore." You smile at him. He started at you with a competitive grin.
"I think I need to go have a little conversation with Maki." Gojo then teleported out of the room before you could grab a hold of him. Before thinking about it, you sprinted out of the room to find him. Running up and down the halls, you found the two of them talking in the main corridor. You run-up to the two of them out of breath from sprinting in the heat.
"So Maki-san. What do you have to say about this." You look to Gojo horrified. Did he tell her about your true feelings? Looking to Maki who had a relatively calm look on her face.
"I mean I feel the same way, I don't know why you had to make such a big deal of it Gojo-sensei." You were startled by her words. Did she like you? Gojo backed up a bit to give you some space but he stayed close enough to hear you two.
"Wait really, you do?"
"Yeah of course." She seemed so calm it was almost scary.
"Maki I, I really like you. Like a lot. I was scared to say anything cause I didn't want to ruin our friendship." You blushed after finally coming clean.
"Wait, what?" She looked shocked and confused. You looked horrified.
"What did he say to you?"
"Umm, he said that you were happy to have me as a best friend." That asshole. He tricked you into confessing.
"I'm sorry I sh-"
"No, I...kinda like you too." Maki looked down a bit. Her golden eyes portray strong emotions. After all the confusion you didn't know how to react. You brought her into a tight hug and snuggled your face into her neck to which she reciprocated. You pulled back and pecked her check causing her to get flustered.
"Haha, I'm the best." Gojo stood next to the two of you feeling accomplished in himself. You ran and tackled him to the floor.
"I am going to hurt you so bad."
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give-seconds · 3 years
I Love You
This is part two of my Jisung fic for A Vibe collab! If you haven’t read part one, here it is!
Paring: Jisung x genderneutral reader
Warnings: Death of a parent
Summary: In which you’ve been obsessed with the idea of meeting your soulmate since you were born, but your soulmate doesn’t think the same.
Word count: 19.9k
It’s been a month and a half since you found out Jisung was your soulmate. It took a week of Chenle’s magic counseling (his words, not yours) until you were able to stop avoiding him and Jaemin. Chenle made you realize that even if they had something now, Jisung was your soulmate. The more you got to know each other, the easier it would be for you two in the future. No matter how far away that future is.
After that week, you had to slowly condition yourself to be around them. It wasn’t easy at first, and it took you a few days to be able to look Jaemin in the eyes. Even though it took a month for you to be semi-normal with them again, they never pushed you to spend time with them. Of course, they still made offers for you to join for certain activities, and Jaemin made sure to let you know you didn’t have to do anything you weren’t comfortable doing.
In short, you quickly realized what Jisung saw in him. If you didn’t know who your soulmate was, you might have wished he were your soulmate.
“If you were to give someone an ‘I’m sorry I’ve been so weird lately, but thanks for being so understanding’ gift, what would you give them?” you ask into the phone.
“I don’t know, man. If you ask me, you don’t even need to get them anything,” Chenle answers.
“But you don’t understand,” you sigh, picking up a bar of chocolate and flipping it over to look at the back, “I’ve been so distant from them. They’re my only friends here, and I’m thankful they didn’t drop me after I left during that first lunch. I mean, I ghosted them for like a week or two. If I were them, I would’ve dropped me.”
“Okay, okay, I get your point. Get them a flower or just a card. Oh, offer to buy them lunch.”
“I already got them lunch, but I want to give them something more. So maybe a plant or something?”
“Unless you don’t like plants.”
“Why would you say that?” you laugh, stepping to the side of the aisle to try and stand more out of the way.
“I don’t know! Just buy them a fake one. That way, if they like plants, they can have one that looks like one. If they don’t like them, then they don’t have to worry about keeping it alive.”
“Have I ever told you how useless you are in these situations?”
“What can I say? I’ve never been in this situation before. So you have fun, and I’m going to enjoy sitting at home with my ice cream.”
“Completely, utterly useless.”
“If you’re done hurting my feelings,” he says, and you hear the sound of clinking as he picks a spoon from the drawer, “I have ice cream to get back to.”
You scoff, shaking your head. “Fine. Abandon me, like you always do.”
He chuckles. “Finally, I can’t wait to be rid of you.”
You smile to yourself, rolling your eyes at his words. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Was that your soulmate?”
You jump, spinning around to meet the person behind you, hand held against your chest. “Why did you do that?”
Jisung smiles. “I had to let you know I was here somehow.”
“And just saying ‘hi’ was too hard?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “There’s no spark in that.”
You scoff, shaking your head. “There’s a reason Jaemin and you get along so well, and I think that’s a big part of it. But uh—” you look away from him, turning your body to look at the same bar you looked at earlier “—no, that wasn’t my soulmate. Just my best friend.”
He nods, his eyes wandering around the aisle. “You two seem close. And before you worry too much, my English isn’t good enough to follow the rest of the conversation I heard, which wasn’t much to begin with.”
You smile softly, not taking your eyes away from the chocolate. “We are. We grew up together. He’s in China now, so I don’t see him that much,” you place the bar back on the self, turning to smile at him, “but I make sure to call him often so he can’t forget me.”
It shocked you for a second, Jisung asking you if someone else was your soulmate. You forgot for a second that you are the only one between you two who knows of the connection between you two.
“Sounds about right. If Jaemin moved to another country, I think I’d do about the same thing.”
“I’m glad you understand.”
“So what are you doing here?” he asks, changing the subject.
“Oh, I’m looking for a gift to give my classmate. It’s his birthday coming up, but I don’t know him that well, so I was thinking of a plant? Do you like plants?”
He tilts his head from side to side. “Eh, kind of. I like how they make a room look though; they definitely spice things up.”
“Well, how about, if you’re not busy, you come and help me pick one out? His personality kind of reminds me of a mixture of you and Jaemin.”
“Sure. I was just here looking because I’m bored, so it’s not like I’m in a rush.”
“Weird, but okay.”
“Says you!" he exclaims, following you as you leave the aisle and walk towards the plant section. "You’re here buying a plant for a guy you barely know.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Hey y/n, on Friday, Jaemin and I are going camping to celebrate the end of summer. Would you like to come with us?”
After you gave them the apology plants, Jaemin and Jisung had, of course, accepted your apology. It had turned more emotional than you thought it would, with Jisung telling you he didn’t have a lot of friends outside of you and Jaemin, and he was thankful you still wanted to stay friends. Jaemin agreed, saying he was worried they had pushed you away. He further went on to call you stupid and say you had nothing to apologize for.
“For how long are you thinking?” you ask, not looking up from the table you are wiping down.
“Just for the weekend,” Jisung answers, spinning himself on one of the stools that sat at the counter. “We’d be back Sunday night.”
You nod your head, dropping the rag back into the bucket and grabbing the spray that sat next to it. “Yeah, that sounds fun. How far out are we going?”
“It’s about three hours away. But Jaemin is going to borrow his friend’s car, so we don’t have to take a bus or anything. He’ll be our personal driver.”
You snort, shaking your head slightly as you walk into the backroom to put the cleaning supplies away. “Sounds good,” you yell.
“It’ll be fun,” he yells back so you can hear him. “We’ll all share one tent, and I'll be sure to put you in the middle so you feel safe and sound."  
“Tell me why that makes me feel more unsafe?” you ask, leaning on the counter next to him.
He shrugs, smiling innocently. “Because you have an active imagination and a low opinion of us.”
You pretend to think for a second before nodding your head in agreement. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“You guys will never guess what just happened,” Jaemin exclaims, drawing your attention away from the card game in front of you.
“Sounds like the walk to the main office was more exciting than I thought it would be,” you joke, placing your cards face down on the metal table.
“Yeah,” Jisung answers, placing his cards on the table opposite yours. “I thought Y/n teaching me how to play spoons would be the most eventful thing, given it is the most stressful card game I have—”
“You’re just weak. Spoons is the best game—”
“You’re a psycho.”
“I’m hijacking this conversation to bring the attention back to me,” Jaemin interrupts, taking a seat next to Jisung. “Are you ready to hear the best thing to ever happen to me?”
You smile, happy to see your friend practically vibrating from happiness. “Yes, Jaemin, don’t keep us waiting any longer.”
“Are you ready Jisung?” he asks, hugging his arm excitedly.
“Yes, yes I am,” he laughs, trying to pull his arm away.
“Okay, okay,” he takes a deep breath, shifting his eyes between you and Jisung, “I met my soulmate while at the main office.”
You immediately look over to Jisung, watching as his smile slips off his face, watching again as he forcibly puts it back on.
“That’s great, Hyung. I’m so happy for you.”
“Yeah, Jaemin,” you force your gaze away from Jisung to look at Jaemin, smiling softly at him, “that’s great. What are they like?”
You’re thankful Jaemin can’t see the sad look in Jisung’s eyes or hear the forced happiness. You know Jisung must be hurt, and as his friend, you can’t help but feel bad for him—even if he is your soulmate.
“She’s absolutely wonderful,” he gushes, hugging Jisung’s arm tighter. “She’s here with her friends, and she was going to the main office when I was on my way back. Up until now, I didn’t know what my mark was. But when I made eye contact with her, everything except her lost its color. She was literally the light of my life for five seconds.”
You smile, the soulmate enthusiast in you pushing away the pain you feel for Jisung. “That sounds beautiful Jaemin, congratulations.”
“Thank you y/n! Also, and if it’s okay with you two, I was going to take her to dinner tonight to get to know her better. Is that okay?”
“Of course, have fun on your date Jaemin.”
Jisung nods his head, effectively pulling his arm away from Jaemin. “Yeah, go have fun Hyung.”
Jaemin smiles widely, pulling Jisung into a hug. “Thank you both so much. I know I set out to find us a dinner place and am now leaving you, and this is our first day here, but I’ll send you a list of some nice places that are within walking distance. And if you don’t want to go out, we have food in the cooler.”
Jisung nods his head, smiling sadly. “Yeah yeah, we got it Hyung. Go have fun.”
He nods his head, smiling brightly as he stands up from the table. “Okay, thank you both so much. I’ll see you when I get back.
You wave as he jogs out of your campsite and somewhere to the left.
After Jaemin leaves, silence falls over you two. When you turn to look at Jisung, he’s staring in the direction Jaemin had run off in. Your heart breaks at the sight of his watery eyes, knowing it must feel more or less what you felt when you found out about Jisung being your soulmate.
You clear your throat, picking your cards up and combining them with the deck. “I’m not feeling very well. Are you okay if we stop playing?”
He wordlessly nods his head, not taking his eyes away from the spot. “My head is killing me; I think I’m going to go to the tent and sleep.” He turns his attention to you, weakly smiling. “Are you okay with that?”
You nod your head, smiling back at him. “Yeah, of course.”
He nods his head, a faraway look in his eyes, as he stands up from the table and makes his way to the tent.
Of course, this had to happen on what was meant to be a fun trip with his friends. He knew Jaemin would never love him back—that was something he had been slowly telling himself. This was too much too fast, though. He isn’t ready to lose Jaemin yet.
He pulls his knees close to his body, hugging his sleeping bag closer to him. He wants to cry, but he knows he can’t. It had taken him months to come to terms with himself and his bisexuality, but he doesn’t know if he’s ready to tell anyone else. He had gotten so used to telling Jaemin everything it felt weird that there was something more he was hiding from him.
He’s thankful you’re not questioning his sudden change in attitude. That is if you even noticed.
He squeezes his eyes shut, taking deep breaths to try and keep the tears from falling. He feels so alone, and he knows that if he just manned up and asked for help, he wouldn’t feel like this.
Taking a deep breath, he sits up enough to pull his phone out of his backpack. Laying back down, he turns on his phone and scrolls until he finds the one person he knows can make him feel better.
“Jisung-ah! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
He smiles at his mom’s bright voice, and when he closes his eyes, he can imagine her face. “Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong. It’s a nice day, and I just wanted to call my mother.”
“Don’t insult my motherly skills,” she says sternly, and Jisung snorts at her response. “Now, tell me what’s wrong before I force it out of you.”
“Now, how would you do that?”
“Park Jisung, don’t change the subject.”
He sighs, the fake smile he put up to try and convey a happy attitude falling. “There’s nothing wrong, so to say, I just set myself up to get my feelings hurt and have to deal with the consequences.”
“There’s no way it’s that black and white. How did you set yourself up?”
“I—” he cuts himself off, debating what he can and can't tell her. He couldn’t tell her he fell for his best friend. She would know right away that he was talking about Jaemin. “I started to like someone who wasn’t my soulmate. Then today, she found her soulmate.”
“Oh, Jisung,” she whispers, and he can feel the sympathy in her voice.
Would she still care if she really knew who it was? The thought alone was enough to make tears fall from his eyes.
“It’ll be okay. At least the bandaid was ripped right off, right?”
“Yeah,” he sniffles. “I just wish I had more time to prepare for the bandaid to be ripped off.”
“I know my love. But you still have your soulmate out there. Maybe you’ll love her even more than this girl.”
He suppresses a scoff. He feels horrible lying to his mom like this; she’s been his best friend since he was young. Like with Jaemin, he tells her everything.
“Yeah, I’m sure I will.”
He can’t tell his mom everything, not this time at least.
“Can I sit?”
Jisung blinks once before turning his head to look up at you. You smile down at him, your hands held behind your back. He silently nods once before he turns his attention back to the water in front of him.
He knows he is being dramatic, but he can’t help it. The man he loves is out on a date.
“I got you this,” you say, bringing your hand out from behind your back as you sit down to hand him an ice cream bar.
He smiles weakly, taking the ice cream from your outstretched hand. “Thank you for this and for bringing the food into the tent for me. I’m sorry both of your friends aren’t being very fun after we practically dragged you on this trip.”
You shrug your shoulders, eyes trained on unwrapping the ice cream. “It’s okay. You’re not feeling very well, and on top of that, your best friend just found his soulmate. It can’t be easy.”
Jisung freezes slightly at the comment before forcing himself to unwrap the bar to make himself feel less suspicious. “Why would Hyung finding his soulmate make me feel bad?”
You smile softly, not looking away from the bar. “My best friend found his soulmate, and that was really hard on me. I mean, I knew I wasn’t the most important person in his life, but at least I was someone. And I still am someone, but I don’t matter as much as I used to. Me and him still talk almost every day, but when he first found her, after every conversation, there was this nagging thought of 'and now he goes back to his soulmate.'” You chuckle softly, shaking your head. “And maybe I’m being selfish. But at the same time, I’m used to being his go-to. And now that he has someone who can be there for him when I can’t—in more ways than one—I just felt this great sense of loss.”
Jisung nods his head, taking a bite of the bar to try and keep the tears from falling.
“Don’t get me wrong,” you continue. “I’m happy for him, and I can’t wait to meet her. I just hope that when I see her, this feeling I have of being replaced is gone.”
“Replaced. That’s a good word for it.”
You nod your head, turning your attention away from the bar and out to the water. “You know, my friend once told me something when I was talking to him about my worries. And to summarize, he told me how no one could fill my place. That Xiulan holds a place in his heart as his soulmate, a place I never had, nor could I ever fill. I don’t know if this will help you, but after about a week of sulking, that advice helped me. So it might not be okay right now, but maybe with this ice cream and some time, you’ll realize you haven’t lost him.”
Jisung silently nods his head, letting silence fall between you two. He appreciates you offering your advice, and he can’t explain how relieved he feels knowing you think he’s only sad because he lost a best friend. He’s also thankful he doesn’t have to go through this alone. He’s glad Jaemin made him befriend you.
“Thank you, y/n.”
You glance over at him, smiling softly before looking back out at the water. “Eat your ice cream before it melts.”
This has got to be the weirdest situation you’ve been in in a long time.
Jaemin, and his soulmate Ki, decided to have a “bonding breakfast” with her and her group of friends. So now, you and Jisung are sitting at a picnic table with her three friends while Ki and Jaemin make pancakes.
You and Jisung exchange a look as the three girls on the opposite side of the table continue to talk to each other. They had started off including you in the conversation, but they had somehow trailed off to some inside story that you and Jisung had no choice but to listen.
“So uh,” you start once you notice their conversation come to an end. “Do you guys live far from here?”
“Oh no,” Gaeun, a girl with short hair and a dazzling smile, answers. “We live like thirty minutes away. How far out are you guys?”
“We’re like three hours or so away,” you answer, nodding your head. After a few seconds of awkward smiling and eye contact, you turn around to look at Ki and Jaemin, silently wishing they would hurry up.
“So y/n, Jisung, what are your soulmate marks?” Kyungsoon, a beautiful girl who, despite the meaning of her name, was anything but mild.
“Mine is the tally mark one,” Jisung answers, and it surprises you how nonchalantly he answers.
If your past said anything, it was that, normally, this question wouldn’t bother you. In any other situation, one where your soulmate isn’t literally sitting right next to you, you would have been the first person to ask this very question.
But because your soulmate is sitting next to you, and he doesn’t know you’re soulmates, you find yourself freezing at the question.
“I-uh I don’t know mine yet,” you answer, rubbing your wrist under the table. After all, for the majority of your life, it wasn’t a lie.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Kyungsoon says, and you smile softly at the sincerity in her voice. “Maybe your mark is something like Ki’s, and you’ll know it when you see them.”
“Yeah, maybe. How about you guys?”
“Oh, I actually met my soulmate when I was in my last year of high school,” Kyungsoon gushes. She reminds you a lot of yourself, and given your current soulmate situation, it’s nice to see someone as romantic as yourself. “He’s the nicest man I’ve ever met. And he knows how to cook! Which, for me, is a lifesaver. I can’t cook to save my life.”
“That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you Kyungsoon.”
She smiles brightly. “Thanks y/n! I bet you guys will find your soulmates soon.”
Jisung laughs, drawing your attention away from the girl opposite you.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes with a bitter smile. “I just don’t know if I’m ready to meet my soulmate, and I don’t know if I ever will be. I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to interrupt. Soulmate conversations are just hard for me to have.”
“What? What do you mean?” you ask. You’re not sure if you want to hear what he has to say; the message was pretty clear the first time around. There is still a small sliver of hope that says maybe you’ve misunderstood.
“I just don’t know if I ever want to meet my soulmate,” he repeats, shrugging before he turns to look at Kyungsoon  “That’s not to say I’m not happy for you, because I am. I’m just one of those people who doesn’t think a soulmate is for them.”
The other girls nod their heads, saying something about how they can understand that. You can hear them talking, but the only thing that processes in your head is that if Jisung found out who you are, he wouldn’t want anything to do with you.
“My parents were like that too,” Lian, a quiet girl who is by far the calmest member of their group, adds. “They met when my dad was in China studying abroad and had me a year after they graduated; despite not being married or soulmates. When I was six or so, my dad found his soulmate when he was back here on a visit. I’m not saying this to force you to find your soulmate, but just keep in mind that if you chose to live like that, nothing is certain.”
Jisung smiles softly, nodding his head in acknowledgment. “Having a soulmate who values you isn't certain either.”
After his statement, a silence settles over the table. It takes everything in you not to continue to stare at him. You can feel the awkward atmosphere, and normally you would do something to try and fix it. Right now though, you can’t bring yourself to even care. All your thoughts are centered on the fact that Jisung doesn’t seem to want anything to do with you.
“Pancakes are ready!”
Jaemin isn’t quite sure what happened.
The breakfast had been nice. It was fun getting to know Ki and her friends better while also hanging out with his own. After they had walked back to their camp, you, Jisung, and he packed up the camp.
It is now twenty minutes into the drive, and he could tell something had happened. On the drive here, you and Jisung had fought over the passenger seat. The car ride had been filled with conversation, and he thought the drive had passed relatively quickly.
Now though, Jisung had silently taken the back seat, and after the first five minutes, the conversation between you and him had mostly stopped. He tried to pick it up again, but he knows when people aren’t in the mood to talk.
“Hyung, can we stop at the next rest stop? I have to use the bathroom,” Jisung quietly asks from the backseat.
“Yeah, of course,” he answers, smiling into the rearview mirror.
Jisung isn’t looking at him and is instead gazing blankly out the window. It hurt Jaemin, the way Jisung had asked the question. He has never heard Jisung use that tone of voice with him. He sounded so hollow.
When they got to the rest stop, Jisung practically jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped.
“Should we go buy some snacks?” He suggests, looking over to you.
You nod your head, unbuckling your seat belt. “Yeah, let’s go.”
Jaemin hates this situation. Yes, there is something wrong with Jisung. But now, as you’re walking into the store, he sees something is wrong with you too. He feels helpless because he has no idea what even happened, and no one is telling him anything.
“Do you, uh, do you know what’s wrong with Jisung?” he asks nervously, sending a quick text to Jisung telling him where you are.
You wait a few seconds to answer, which he takes as you definitely know what’s wrong with his best friend. Again, it hurts him that his best friend, and now you, are hiding something from him.
“Yeah, I do,” you start slowly, and he can tell you’re hesitant to tell him. “I don’t know if I should be telling you this, so don’t tell him I told you. But I think he just feels threatened by Ki. I think he’s worried you’ll replace him.”
Jaemin nods his head, taking in a deep breath. Why does there have to be a downside to one of the happiest moments of his life? He’s been looking forward to this day since he heard the song Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood five years ago at his music club in high school.
Like most people in the club, he was shocked when the title had been translated into Korean. He felt almost embarrassed for the girl that brought it up, worried that she would be judged by the other members—despite them being the nicest people he’s ever met.
But when she explained that the song was about the lead singer struggling to deal with his dad’s death and about how he loved the girl for her problems, he was able to see why she loved the song. The idea that a person could love someone else for their problems was magical to him.
That was when he decided he was looking forward to meeting his soulmate. He knows that just because people are soulmates that doesn’t mean they don’t have their problems. That being said, soulmates are made for each other, and he wants someone who is made for him, who will love him for his problems.
“I appreciate you telling me, even if Jisung didn’t want me to know. I’ll talk to him about it when we get back.”
You nod your head, picking up a bag of chips. “I’ll just have these. Are you getting anything?”
He shakes his head, picking up a bag of chips he’s seen Jisung eat many times. “I’ll just get something for Jisung. He texted saying he didn’t want anything and is going to wait in the car. But I know him better. Hey y/n?”
You hum in response. Despite the minimal response, he’s glad you didn’t seem to mind his quick change in topic.
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean? There’s nothing wrong.”
“I don’t know. You just seem … different. Did Ki and her friends make it awkward or uncomfortable for you?”
“Oh no,” you shake your head, sending him a small smile before mindlessly looking at the different snacks. But the look on your face seemed tired—and not from a lack of sleep. “I just hate long car rides. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Ki and her friends, but it’s a bit tiring for me to socialize with people I don’t know that well first thing in the morning.”
“Oh, okay. Well, thank you for doing that for me. It means a lot.”
You smile softly, nodding your heads towards the cashier. “You don’t need to thank me. I enjoyed talking with them.”
Jaemin smiles, following you to the cash register. “Well, the snacks are on me, as a thank you.”
You smile softly in thanks before turning and watching as the cashier scans the items.
He doesn’t know you as well as he knows Jisung, but he thinks you’re lying. He knows when to push, and right now, before a two-hour drive, is not the time to push.
“Ready to go home?” he asks, handing you your bag of chips.
You smile tiredly, nodding your head in response. He smiles back, trying to ignore the sadness in your eyes.
“Hey, how was your trip,” Chenle asks after you exchange hellos.
“It was fun!” You lean back against the kitchen counter, crossing your legs. “It was nice having some time with them outside of school.”
“Oh, I bet. Anything fun happen? Any bear attacks?”
You snort, rolling your eyes. “You know it! There were five bear attacks.”
“Wow, that little? Normally it’s in the twenties. How lucky you three were.”
“I know right! And on top of not being attacked by a bear, Jaemin met his soulmate.”
The line goes silent, and you almost feel bad for changing the mood so fast. But Chenle’s your best friend, he’s always there for you, and you’re always there for him.
“Is Jisung okay,” he asks softly.
You shrug your shoulders. “He’s as okay as you can imagine.”
“And how about you? Are you okay?”
You sigh, rubbing your free hand over your face. “You know, in full honesty, I was happy. I mean, this was my chance to show him how worthy I am of being his soulmate. This was my chance, Chenle.”
“Then what?”
“Then he said he doesn’t want to meet his soulmate.”
He sighs, and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“I know I have this conversation with you all the time,” you take a deep breath and push back the tears in your eyes, “but why does this have to happen to me? I like to think that I’m a nice person, so why doesn’t my soulmate want me? I just-this isn’t fair.”
“Y/n no,” he coos softly. “It’ll be okay.”
“How Chenle, how? Because the person I have been waiting my whole life for just said he didn’t want me.”
“Y/n you were worried about the same thing when you found out about Jaemin. That turned out okay and so will this.”
In any other situation, you would appreciate his optimism.
“Come on, Chenle. I appreciate you listening to me, don’t get me wrong, but do you really think this will be okay? I mean, he said he didn’t want to meet his soulmate at all. Last time, you told me it would be okay because I had a place in his heart that couldn’t be filled. Now, though, I’m trying to win a place in his heart. He doesn’t even want me, Chenle.”
You take a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut. You hate everything about this situation. You have never liked drama, and ever since you met Jisung, your life has gotten more dramatic.
But he’s your soulmate; you love him.
“Okay y/n, listen. I know that right now, it seems impossible. But you believe in soulmates, right?”
You blink your eyes in shock. “Chenle I- yeah, of course, I do.”
“Then there’s your answer. He is your soulmate, y/n. He was made from the same star as you, and you have been with him for every single one of your past lives and will continue to be with him for your next lives. So maybe in this life, you guys just have a long story.”
You sigh, wiping your eyes. “Why me, though? I like to think I’ve been a good person, so why does my happy ending have to take so long?”
He laughs, and you can imagine he’s leaning back against the wall next to his bed. “Life has not been easy to us, has it?”
You chuckle, thinking about all the times you would stay at Chenle’s when your parents were too busy to look after you, or vice versa. High school had been the worst for both of you. It was when your parents decided you were old enough to look after yourselves and they could start taking more time-consuming projects.
You chuckle. “No, no, it wasn’t.”
“Do you remember that time when both our parents were gone, and you called me to come over because you were just having a horrible day? To be more specific, it was the first time I used the key to your house that you gave me. I opened the door, and the first thing I said was ‘sit down, I’m going to make you the best dinner you’ve ever had.’”
You chuckle. “Yeah, I remember. I’d had the worst day ever, and you put marina sauce on bread with cheese on top and called it pizza after cooking it in the oven.”
“And it was the best dinner of your life.”
“Whatever floats your boat.”
“You’re just in denial. Anyways, my point is, you’re going to be okay. You didn’t have parents around every day like most kids, but you came out just fine. And if your soulmate isn’t someone who sticks around every day, you’ll be okay too. There are other options.”
You scoff. You know what the other options are. They’re dating apps and bars made specifically for people whose soulmates had died or rejected them. Just like when you first read about your mark, you pitted the people who went there. And now, that person might be you.
“I know those options don’t seem very desirable, but if that’s what has to happen, then that’s what happens.”
“You’re right. I’m overthinking things.” You know you’re not unreasonably overthinking things; Chenle just has a way of seeing things simply. This is your soulmate, after all, the person you’ve been dying to meet since you could form a coherent thought.
“No, not really. I just have an outside perspective, so it’s easier for me to be objective,” he replies cheekily.
You smile, rolling your eyes at his attitude. “I raised you better than this.”
“Obviously not. How does it feel to fail?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
To say Jisung is nervous would be an understatement.
This morning, you had sent him and Jaemin a text telling them they had to meet you at this café they had never heard of and that it was important. He had been the last to arrive, but judging from the fact Jaemin was still looking at the menu, he isn’t too late. He decided to sit next to you, and he tried to ignore the little glance Jaemin sent him over the menu.
It has been a month since Jaemin found his soulmate, and Jisung is still having a hard time adjusting. He knows Jaemin isn’t dumb, and he knows Jaemin noticed something was off about him. He just can’t force himself to be around him and act like everything is normal. It hurt too much.
“Listen, I know it’s fast,” you explain. “But my friend is coming back from China, and he didn’t tell me until this morning. He’s a very spontaneous person, and he said he wanted to meet you guys, and I was so excited at the fact that he’s back in the country that I just said yes.”
Jaemin chuckles, shaking his head slightly as he slides the menu across to him. “How come we’ve never heard of him? I didn’t even know you had a friend in China”
“Neither did I,” he adds, picking up the menu to see what drinks they have. Since he hadn’t known he was going to be meeting you today, he had already eaten.
“Okay, yes, but I have mentioned him to you, Jisung. He was the friend I was talking to when you scared me at the store.”
Jisung nods his head, not looking away from the menu. He remembers that friend, the friend who sounded like your soulmate but wasn’t. The fact that he’s about to meet someone so close to you without knowing anything about him worries him. What if he says something stupid to make your friend hate him, causing you to hate him?
“Fine, let me revise. Why haven’t I heard of him?” Jaemin asks, and Jisung can tell he’s smiling.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you look down towards your wrist before looking back up. “He just never came up, I guess.”
“Fine, then what is his—”
You and Jisung turn towards the voice before his attention is quickly drawn to you shooting out of your seat to hug a boy with light brown hair. “Chenle! Welcome back.”
Setting down the menu, Jisung slides out of his seat as quietly as he can and into the vacant seat next to Jaemin. Jaemin smiles softly at him, and Jisung quickly flashes him a smile before bringing his attention back to you and Chenle.
“It’s good to be back,” Chenle answers, and Jisung smiles softly at the way he hugs you tightly.
“I see you dyed your hair brown again,” you smile, backing out of the hug and ruffling his hair.
He smiles back at you, rolling his eyes. “I was telling Xiulan how much you liked my brown hair, and I realized how much I liked my brown hair, so I brought it back.”
You laugh, and Jisung notices how much happier you seem. “Well, you look nice. Now, before we make my friends uncomfortable,” you turn to face Jisung and Jaemin, your wide smile still present, “Chenle, this is Jaemin and Jisung. Jaemin and Jisung, this is my best friend, Chenle.”
“It’s nice to meet you two. Y/n has told me a lot about you both,” he says as you both sit down. Chenle smiles at them both, but Jisung notices the way his eyes linger on him longer than Jaemin.
Jisung smiles shyly back, breaking eye contact out of nervousness. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too. But I can’t say y/n has told me a lot about you. This is actually the first time I’m hearing about you,” Jaemin greets, and he doesn’t miss the teasing smile Jaemin sends you.
“What? Are you ashamed of me or something?” Chenle asks, poking you on the arm.
“Oh, you know it,” you respond, wacking his hand, “I knew they wouldn’t want to hang out with me if they knew I hung out with someone like you.”
Jisung and Jaemin chuckle softly at the bickering. It might be too early to tell, but Jisung is willing to bet with Chenle here, he’s going to see a new side of you.
“Thank you, sir,” Jisung thanks, handing the cab driver the amount owed.
Jisung isn’t sure he can do this. Sure, it had been fun hanging out with Chenle, and, at the time, he thought it would be fun to hang out with him again.
Now that he was standing in front of a house he has never been to, with the intention to go in and watch a movie with you and someone he met this morning, he’s having second thoughts.
Despite it being hard to be around Jaemin, he wishes more than anything that he was standing next to him now. Had he known Jaemin wasn’t able to make it, he probably wouldn’t have accepted. Maybe it was his own fault for being slightly distant from Jaemin recently, but he used to know when Jaemin was busy and when he wasn’t.
Sighing, he pulls out his phone and presses on your contact. “I’m here y/n,” he says as soon as you pick up.
You chuckle. “Hello to you too. Chenle's on the third floor, apartment 311.”
“Okay, see you soon.”
Sighing again, he hangs up the phone, shoving it back into his pocket before he pulls the door open. Tapping his finger against each other as he walks to the elevator, he pushes against the feeling that something bad is going to happen. He should have brought something, a gift of some kind. Isn’t it rude to show up at someone’s house without a gift of some kind?
Shaking his head, he pushes the up button on the elevator, stepping in a second later.
“It’ll be okay, Jisung,” he mumbles to himself, watching the red number at the top change. “Y/n’s there, and they won’t put you in an uncomfortable position. You’ll be fine.”
He finds himself repeating the last three words as the elevator dings open, and he begins walking in what he assumes to be the right direction. Judging by how the numbers on the door kept increasing, he’d say he made the right decision.
Soon, he finds himself in front of the door with 311 posted on the front. Taking a deep breath, he brings his fist up and knocks on the door three times.
“Welcome to the-“ Chenle announces as he opens the door.
“Lee household,” y/n finishes. Judging from the confused glance Chenle sends you, that wasn’t part of the plan.
“Thank you for inviting me here,” he responds, slowly walking into the room and placing his shoes with the others. “Are you sure I’m not overstepping? I’m sure you want to spend some time with your family.”
“Oh, don’t worry, you’re not,” Chenle answers, closing the door behind him and walking to the left.”My parents don’t get back for another two days. Your company is welcome.”
“What about me,” y/n responds. “I’m literally sleeping in the room across from yours. Am I not enough company for you?”
Chenle pokes his head from around the corner, looking you up and down, before shaking his head and letting out a simple, “Nah.”
You gasp dramatically, and Jisung watches in amusement as Chenle disappears behind the corner again.
"Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" you huff, leaning against the wall as you wait for Jisung to remove his shoes. "You're friends with someone for as long as you can remember, and this is how he treats you. Make a mental note, Jisung men aren't worth it."
Jisung chuckles. "Yeah, I'll be sure to remember that. I'm sure it'll help me tons in my life, you know, being a guy and all."
"Glad you agree! Now come this way, and follow me to the semi comfy couch."
"What did you say about my couch?" Chenle asks, watching as you both walk into the room.
"That's it's semi comfy," you answer, taking a seat next to him. "Ready to start?" you ask, patting the spot next to you and looking up at him.
“I’m just going to go to the bathroom first,” Jisung says awkwardly.
“Okay, it’s just down that hall and to the right. You’ll find it,” y/n answers, pointing to a hall on the other side of the room.
He walks towards the hallway, checking over his shoulder once to make sure he is going in the right direction. When you nod in reassurance, he turns the corner and is met with a short hallway with two doors. Pushing an already open door he assumes to be the bathroom further open, he’s met with a white bathroom.
“My mom would be so jealous of this room,” he mumbles to himself, closing the door behind him.
Coming out of the bathroom, he finds himself face to face with a photo of what he assumes to be Chenle’s family. Above the picture, the words “种 family” are printed in black letters.
Jisung tilts his head to the side in confusion. He can’t say for sure, but from what he remembers from the Hanja lessons at school, 种 doesn’t translate to Lee.
He doesn’t know what it translates to, so he takes a photo of it to check later. He feels like he’s overstepping, especially since Chenle invited him into his home despite only meeting him this morning. It just doesn't sit right with him; why would you lie to him?
“Y/n,” He hears Chenle whisper as he walks closer. The rest of the conversation is continued in fast English, making it hard to follow. Not that he’s trying to eavesdrop.
His presence in the room causes the conversation to end, and he freezes a second as they both look over at him. He smiles shyly, quickly walking towards the couch and taking the seat next to you.
“Ready to start?”
“Yeah, what are we watching?”
“Hope you like horror, Jisung, because that’s our favorite genre to watch together,” Chenle answers, scrolling through the movies on Netflix.
“Of course, if it really makes you uncomfortable, we can watch something else,” you add, smiling softly at him over your shoulder.
Jisung looks at the movie on the screen, a movie called Hush. “Um no, horror is good. I haven’t watched too many horror movies, so it’ll be nice to find out if I like them or not.”
“Good!” Chenle cheers, pressing play. “Then off we go!”  
“We’re soulmates.”
You blink back at him, the smile dropping off your face. “How’d you know?”
“You knew, didn’t you.”
Normally, Jisung isn’t this forward. He liked to word things carefully and do anything in his power to avoid confrontation. Normally, instead of meeting you outside your dorm building, he would’ve met you at a café or a park. Right now, however, he is too annoyed to take the time to be polite. You had lied to him.
You nod your head. “How did you find out?”
“There was a photo of Chenle and his family that said ‘Zhong family.’” He rolls up his sleeve to show you his tally mark. “Knowing that, the ZCL wasn’t too hard to understand. You really went on a date with your best friend?”
Your eyebrows raise in shock, and Jisung only barely notices the sharp tone in his voice. “Are you judging me?”
“No, no, I just better understand how you were able to give me such good advice about Jaemin.”
You laugh. “Listen, I don’t know why you’re being like this but you have no right. I have never had any interest in dating Chenle. I was able to give you that advice because while I may not love Chenle how you love Jaemin—which is fine, by the way—I do love him.”
Jisung is taken back with embarrassment. He feels naked now that you know about this part of him, and for a moment, he’s worried you’ll ridicule him. How did you even know? He hasn’t told anyone and he thinks he’s been relatively discrete about it. Then it clicks. You’re his soulmate. Again, he finds himself hating soulmates. If it weren’t for this, no one would know.
“You-you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You sigh. “Jisung, I’m—”
“Y/n,” he interrupts, his embarrassment fueling his anger. “I can’t see you anymore.”
“Wait,” you laugh humorlessly. “Let me get this straight, you’re deciding you can’t be around me anymore because I’m the person you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with?”
“You don’t understand,” Jisung sighs. Despite the embarrassment, he knows he isn’t in the right to be annoyed or angry; but you don’t understand what he’s trying to do and it's furthering his annoyance. He’s trying to help you.
“You’re right, I don’t. Because there isn’t anything to understand. But please, tell me what you think I need to understand.”
“I don’t need to explain this to you, so if you can’t understand I’m sorry. But I never liked the idea of soulmates, okay? My parents are soulmates and they didn’t fit well together, they still don’t. There is nothing certain about them, so why do I have to spend my life looking for this one person when I don’t even know who they are? I want to get to know the person before I decide if I want to spend my life with them. Not because I’m supposed to be with them.”
You scoff. “You’re being selfish and contradicting your own logic. You got to know me before you found out we are soulmates.”
“Selfish?” he laughs. “How am I being selfish?”
“Because you’re deciding you’re more important than I am. You’re deciding that your feelings of ‘oh, my parents failed as soulmates so me and y/n will fail too’ is more important than anything I have to say. Instead of considering my side, which is, ‘I understand that Jisung is afraid, but I’m willing to work with him to realize it doesn’t have to go the way he thinks it will.’”
He scoffs. “I hardly think that’s being selfish.”
“Oh, you don’t? I’ve waited my whole life to meet my soulmate, and when I did, I found out he wants nothing to do with me. So you know what I do? I put my feelings aside, and I decide I’m going to prove to you that I’m worthy of being your soulmate. That if you still don’t want me after I’ve given my all, then I’ll respect your wishes and you’ll never have to think of me as your soulmate again. But you, you weren’t thinking about me when you decided this, and you’re still not thinking about me. If not selfish, then what?”
He shakes his head. “I’m not going to let you talk to me like this. We can talk more when you’re calmed down.”
You nod your head. “Okay, you do that. My words may be harsh, and maybe I could have worded this better, but none of it is false. So you go, think about what I said, and let me ‘calm down.’ Then later, you’re going to decide how you want this relationship to continue for the time being. Because I love you, Jisung, and I’m not going to give up on you yet. But if you come to me tomorrow and decide you don’t want me right now, then I’m done chasing after you for the time being. I need a break from being second best.”  
You and Jisung look at each other in silence before he takes a deep breath and turns away from you, quickly walking away from your dorm building.
When he gets back to his room, he quickly throws himself face-first onto his bed. He still can’t believe the conversation he just had with you. How could you not understand? He was trying to help you; he was trying to save you from a forced relationship.
Sighing, he flips around onto his back and pulls his phone out of his back pocket. Opening his contacts, he scrolls until he finds the one he’s looking for. Jaemin’s contact.
He knows he has been distant towards Jaemin, and he feels bad that he’s only starting to get close to him again because he needs his advice. Better now than never, right?
“Jisung!” Jaemin exclaims as soon as he picks up. “What’s up?”
“I was hoping I could talk to you about something.”
“Yeah, of course. What is it?”
Jisung sighs, the conversation still fresh in his mind. “Y/n and I are soulmates. They knew we’re soulmates and they didn’t even tell me.”
The line goes silent, and Jisung can imagine his friend is having a hard time deciding what he should say. “How do you feel about that?”
Jisung shrugs his shoulders, putting the phone on speaker before laying it on top of his chest. “Just as you imagine I would. I never wanted to meet my soulmate, and now I find out my soulmate is one of my best friends. How is that fair?”
“Well,” Jaemin starts slowly, and Jisung can tell he’s still having a hard time picking his words. “I can say that if I were in your shoes, I’d be happy. Not that I’m not happy with Ki, she seems very nice, I just mean it would’ve been even better had I been friends with her before.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jisung sighs. “You know me, and you know about my parents. So you know why I don’t want my soulmate. I’ve said this many times before, but there isn’t anything certain about soulmates so why should I have to spend my life with them?”
“Did you tell them that?”
“Yeah, I did. I told y/n I couldn’t see them anymore, and they then proceeded to call me selfish.” He complains.
“How so?”
“They said that by deciding that I didn’t want to meet my soulmate, I was only considering my feelings and not theirs. Which is something I decided when I was like 10, so I hardly think that qualifies as selfish. Plenty of people decide they want to meet their soulmates at 10 and they aren’t called selfish.”
Jisung can’t hide how annoyed he is. He knows he should try and explain things a bit more, or mention how you had been calm at first until he started arguing. But he didn’t want Jaemin to side with you. Even if he is wrong, which he can’t understand how he could be, he doesn’t want Jaemin to say it. He just wants someone on his side right now.
“Well that in itself isn’t selfish. Is that what they said was selfish?” “Well, no. They said I was selfish for not considering their point of view; by not giving us a try. But there is no us,” he laughs, “We’re not even dating! Why should I have to give us a try when, a, I never wanted to meet my soulmate, and b, I don’t have romantic feelings towards them right now. How is it selfish to not want to go on a date?”
“Of course it isn’t. I think they just mean it’s selfish not to look at their point of view. If y/n didn’t tell you right away, that must mean they were considering it might be fast for you and chose to wait. I think they’re just hoping you’ll do the same.”
“But why do I have to give up this thing that I’ve held so close to me since I was little. I watched my dad treat my mom like she wasn’t the person ‘made from the same star’ as he was. He acted like we were just there. Which, yeah, I guess I should be glad he never physically hurt us. Jaemin, he doesn’t care about us. And I’m worried that if I find my soulmate—who is y/n, a friend—then we’re just going to end the same way. I mean, I may not like it, but half of me is from my dad. What if the same thing that is in him, the thing that makes him not care, has passed down to me and by the time y/n realizes it, it’s too late for them to leave. So I don’t think it’s fair that y/n thinks I’m being selfish when I’ve said everything I’ve said for them. It isn’t fair.”
Jisung takes a deep breath. He hadn’t expected to talk to Jaemin about this, but he’s glad he is. While he may not be able to talk to Jaemin about everything—mostly him being bisexual—he is glad he can talk to him about soulmates. Frankly, nothing scares him more than meeting his soulmate. It made him think about his dad; made him wonder how much like him he really was.
“So this is a fear thing, you know that right?”
“Well, no, not exactly,” Jisung pauses, thinking over what he just said before sighing. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
“Okay, then I think you should tell y/n that. I imagine they would be willing to work with you on that.”
“I don’t know if I want to do that.”
Jisung can imagine he’s tilting his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I don’t want to work through it. This particular thing has never been a problem for me until now. And it’s only a problem because it’s my soulmate. So if I just keep my distance from them—like I said I would—then I don’t have to fix myself.”
This, Jisung knows, is extremely selfish. But he doesn’t care. Why should he have to change who he is because he’s scared of one person? Why can’t he just save himself time and avoid the root of this fear?
“Jisung,” Jaemin sighs. “Do I have to tell you what’s wrong with that?”
“No, you don’t. I just don’t understand why I have to be the adult and change my whole way of thinking for this one person.”
“Y/n isn’t just a person, they’re your friend. Relationships are the same thing as friendships; you have to work together in order for them to work. Now, I don’t know everything about the situation, but from what you’ve told me and from what I’ve seen, they’ve been trying to work with you. Don’t you think it’s fair that you work with them as well?”
Jisung sighs again, bringing his hands up to rub his face. His annoyance is gone and it’s been replaced with tiredness. Jaemin has a point. “I-I know what you mean. I’m just so tired.”
“Tired? Tired of what?”
“I feel like I always have to change myself. I know it isn’t a bad thing to work on yourself, I just don’t know if I have the energy to change myself even more. This year has been so hard on me; so much has changed in my life. I’m just so tired of having to change myself.”
Jaemin hums and Jisung can imagine he’s nodding his head. “Yeah, change is hard. But if you do the work now, imagine how much better you’ll be in the future. I know this is something you’ve held onto since you were young, but at the same time, y/n has had it in their mind that they’d meet their soulmate and live happily ever after. They changed their thinking and were able to accept that it wouldn’t go the way they thought it would.”
Jisung knows he’s being selfish—now that it’s being thrown back in his face. “Alright, thank you for talking with me Jaemin. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem,” Jaemin pauses, and Jisung can tell he has more to say. “And Jisung?”
He hums in response.
“It was really nice talking to you again.”
Jisung closes his eyes. “Yeah, it was nice talking. I’m sorry I’ve been so distant from you lately. Like I said, a lot has changed and it’s just been hard adjusting.”
“Well if you ever want someone to talk to about that change, I’m here for you.”
“I will, thank you Hyung.”
“Long time no see.”
Jisung chuckles awkwardly, looking down at his cup. “Yeah, I’m sorry it took so long for me to get back to you.”
“No, it’s okay,” you smile softly. Honestly, the three days it took for Jisung to finally message you had been filled with worry. You thought he was never going to get back to you.
“So uh, I thought about our conversation,” he starts, slowly looking up from his cup. “And I just wanted to talk some more before we … decide anything.”
You nod your head, leaning forward in your chair. “Yeah, totally. Go ahead.”
“First, I want to apologize for how I talked to you once I found out. I was hurt because you lied to me, and I was,” he pauses, shaking his head and sighing, “embarrassed you knew about me and Jaemin. So I’m sorry that I used that tone with you, and I want to know what I can do to make it up to you.”
You open your mouth to respond but nothing comes out. No one, when apologizing, had ever asked you what they could do to make it up to you. That, paired with the sincere look in his eyes, gave you butterflies, and you found yourself struggling to answer. “Um, you don’t need to do anything. The fact that you’re even asking me what you can do to make it better is enough for me. It means the world to me.”
“Okay, I’m glad,” he smiles. “But if you think of anything let me know. Now I hope you’ll be patient with me during this part. The apology part is the only thing I really prepared for, so I hope you don’t mind me rambling like an idiot.”
“No, of course not. Take your time.”
He takes a deep breath, flashing you a quick smile. “So the first thing I want to talk about is what you want from this relationship. Because you know that I’m … a little hesitant to meet my soulmate and start a romantic relationship. So where are you hoping this will go?”
“If I’m being completely honest, years down the road, I want us to be together and have a family of sorts. Whether that family is kids or dogs, cats, or hamsters, I don’t care. But I can imagine that’s scary for you, so we can take it slow if you want. We continue to stay friends until you’re ready for more.” you take a deep breath, bringing your hands up to wrap around your cup, eyes looking down into the liquid. “Or, if you can’t see yourself even being around me, I can try and get used to the idea that you truly don’t want me. But I meant what I said, I don’t want to give up on you yet. I’ll give you some space and time, and then I’ll try again.”
Jisung nods his head, an emotion you think could only be ununderstanding clouding his eyes. “And this might be weird, but you said you loved me? Do you really?”
You nod your head. “Yeah, I’ve loved you since I was little. As soon as I was able to comprehend soulmates, I knew I loved you. And when I met you, before I found out we were soulmates, I thought you were cute. The way you were so nervous about having dropped that coffee on me was precious and reminded me of myself, and it just made my day better overall. When I found out we were soulmates, it was the first day we went out—all three of us to your friend's dad’s restaurant—was so sad because you loved someone else. I still loved you though it didn’t change how I felt about you. Then once I got to actually know you, my feelings were confirmed? I don’t know, that sounds weird. I just had this faith that you would be a good person, and once I met you, I was sure I was right.”
He blinks at you. “But-but I don’t understand. And maybe it’s because I never intended to meet my soulmate, but how could you love this person you’ve never met?”
You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t think everyone thinks the way I do. I think if you asked Jaemin or Chenle if they loved their soulmate before they met them, they’d say no. It’s just a me thing. I have faith that the universe put us together for a reason, and because we’re connected, I’m going to love you. Had you turned out to be a jerk, I probably wouldn’t love you now. But you’re a nice kid, Jisung, so I still have that love for you. I hope I don’t sound too weird.”
“No, no, you don’t,” he quickly denies. “It’s just I grew up watching two people—two soulmates—not love each other. I mean, my dad didn’t even seem to care most of the time. So I grew up thinking that soulmates didn’t work out like people said they did.”
“I’m sorry, that must’ve been hard.”
“It was what it was. I mean, that isn’t something I normally tell people, but I want you to understand I’m not doing it to hurt you. So can we stay friends? I’m not saying we’ll never be together. Right now, it’s just hard for me to say that I’m ready to be my soulmate’s other half.”
For a second, neither of you says anything. You can tell he’s nervous, and you mentally applaud him for keeping his composure. “Of course, I don’t mind staying friends, Jisung. Whatever you need to do.”
He lets out a relieved sigh before he pushes himself up from his chair and walks over to awkwardly hug you. “Thank you for understanding.”
You hug him back, gently squeezing him. He’s the love of your life; what’s the rush?
“Y/n will you please come to the lounge of my dorm?”
“Yeah, sure. Is everything okay? You sound off.”
“I’ll explain when you get here. I just need to talk to you about something.”
“Okay, I’m on my way. I’ll be there in like 5 minutes.”
Once the line goes dead, Jisung leans back in the chair, running a hand over his face.
Jisung isn’t sure why he called you. In the past three months since he told Jaemin about you being his soulmate, they had slowly become normal. Jisung will still get pangs of sadness now and again when thinking about Ki and Jaemin, but it’s better than before. Since he and Jaemin are okay again, why didn’t he call him? He’s who he would normally call.
“Jisung, hey. What’s wrong?” You greet as you set your bag down and sit in the chair across from him.
“My dad died.”
He watches as you freeze before you blink slowly. “I’m so sorry.”
He shrugs his shoulders, averting his eyes to look out the window. “I didn’t even know him that well, you know? And then my mom calls me crying and tells me that he died because of a drunk driver.” He takes a deep breath. “I guess I just thought one of these days, when I’m older, I’ll finally get to know why he never bothered to stay around when I was growing up. That I’ll be able to tell him how well I’m doing despite how little he was around, and he’ll tell me that he’s sorry.” Jisung chuckles, shaking his head. He can feel tears start to well behind his eyes. “If you had known him, you would know that’s so unrealistic. Just a fantasy.”
Your face softens, and you nod your head. “That’s not a dumb thing to wish for. I don’t blame you for wanting your dad to show that he loves you.”
He nods, biting his lip. “All my life, I’ve never thought of myself as lacking. My mom was all I needed, and I didn’t need a man to teach me how to be one. But now that he’s dead, it just hurts. And I don’t know why it hurts, and I think that’s why I feel as upset as I do.”
Jisung looks at you with what he can only imagine are pleading eyes. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for, he just hopes you have it.
“I’ll be honest, Jisung, I don’t know what to say. Both my parents were as loving as they could have been, despite being gone a lot. If I had to guess, though, it hurts because even if you weren’t close with your dad, he’s still half of you. He was also in your life every day.”
Jisung nods his head once before tipping his head back. Just yesterday, if you asked him about his dad, he wouldn’t have hesitated to say said he didn’t want to talk about it. He wouldn’t even feel bad saying he was a jerk.
Now that he’s dead, he doesn’t know what he can say. Of course, he isn’t going to lie and say he was a great dad, but something feels unresolved.
“I think I feel guilty,” he admits, bringing his eyes back to focus on you.
“About what?”
“I feel guilty that he died, maybe thinking I hated him.” He shuts his eyes as a few tears escape his eyes, and he quickly wipes them. “I don’t hate him.”
A silence sets over you two, and Jisung suddenly realizes how unfair it is of him to suddenly dump this on you.
“I’m sorry-“
“I didn’t know your dad,” you say, cutting him off, “so I can’t say for sure what he thought. Even if I had met him, I wouldn’t be able to say. But unless he was completely delusional, then he was able to see what a good kid you are. If he saw that, then he’d know you didn’t hate him. You should talk to your mom about it. She knows your dad better than anyone—I mean, assuming you’re not close to his parents.”
“Yeah, okay. Would you-would you come with me? When I go back home later today?”
You nod your head. “My last class ends at 2:30 pm. Can you wait until then?”
Jisung nods his head. He’s stopped crying, but he can imagine his eyes look glossed over. “Yeah. I’m not going today so I can meet you outside your class. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, let me just send you the classroom number so you remember where it is,” you respond, pulling out your phone. His eyes are drawn to your wrist and to the black line drawn across it.
He’s noticed that recently you have stopped hiding it. Before, you used to wear long sleeves or cover it with make-up. It was weird seeing the initials of his ex-girlfriend written in black across your skin. Next to the black line is the scar with Jaemin’s initials.
“I’m sorry.”
You tilt your head to the side, setting your phone on the table in front of you. “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m happy to come back with you and be there for you. You’re someone I really care about.”
“No, not that. I don’t know why I wasn’t more specific about that. I just mean, I’m sorry about the scar on your arm. From me.”
You raise your hand, twisting it around to look at the scar on the inside of your wrist. “You can’t help who you fall in love with,” you whisper, dropping your wrist. Taking a deep breath, you smile at him, hoping to show that it doesn’t bother you as much anymore. “It’s okay. The actual scar didn’t hurt for long.”
“Yeah, but I wish I weren’t this way. I mean, if I were normal, I wouldn’t draw attention to myself, and you wouldn’t have that scar on your wrist.”
“What do you mean ‘draw attention to yourself?'”
Jisung sighs, looking away from you. “I loved Jaemin, and I liked Gaewon. That’s different than normal. And since I’m that way, I’ll have to tell people, and then they’ll have it in the back of their mind whenever they talk to me that I like both men and women. That I’m bisexual.” He whispers the last part, not even wanting to say the word bisexual.
He’s never said the words “I’m bisexual” out loud before, and he never knew words could be so hard to say. He remembered when he finally decided on a label; he was so happy he almost cried. Here was this label that perfectly described what he felt, and here was this community of people who were telling the same story he was living.
After a few days, however, he found the joy slowly start to seep away. He identifies with the label, yes, but he hates it. Since he found out, he would go through different periods where he was okay with who he was and periods where he hated his label. His whole life, he has never wanted to stand out. Now though, he’ll stand out to anyone who knows. Which, right now, is one too many.
“If it’s any consolation, I’ve known about this side of you for as long as I’ve known we’re soulmates, and I’ve never thought of you any different because of it. You’re the same Park Jisung that spilled coffee on me. If I ever thought about you loving Jaemin, it was never thoughts of disgust or judgment. Maybe jealousy, but never judgment.”
He looks at you, watching your face for any hints of dishonesty. He sighs, averting his eyes. “Thank you y/n. I didn’t mean to talk about this today; I guess I got carried away on the emotion train. But I’ll see you at 2:30?”
You nod your head, smiling softly at him. “Yeah, sounds good. Call me or Jaemin if you need anything else.”
You glance over to the boy sitting next to you, nervously bouncing his leg. He seemed different than when you met him that morning; more nervous.
“Is everything okay?”
He glances over at you before returning his gaze to look out the subway window across from your seats. “I just haven’t been back in a long time. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother very much. It was just too weird with him there. But it will still be just as weird. On top of that, I’m coming back home with my soulmate who I haven’t told her is my soulmate, and I feel bad lying to her. I just feel like if I tell her, there will be some kind of pressure on us to act like traditional soulmates. Which I know is something you want, so then I circle back to feeling this pressure that isn’t even there. Now I’m stress rambling.”
You chuckle softly, shaking your head. “You’re okay, Jisung. Let’s take that apart point by point. No matter what you do, going back right now is going to be weird. But if you go now, it won’t be as stressful in the future; and that is something to look forward to. Now about us being soulmates. You don’t need to tell her if you don’t want to, but if you feel bad lying, just tell her the truth. And the truth is that we’re waiting for our relationship to develop more before we do anything else. You don’t need to feel bad about jumping straight into a relationship with me because you think that’s what I want to do. What I want to do is whatever you want to do.”
He sighs, ruffling his hair in what you assume to be stress. “But I’m worried you’re just saying that because you know that’s what I want to hear. You can be honest with me. I can take it.”
“I am being honest!” you laugh. “Trust me, Jisung, if I were the type of person to try and force you into a relationship, you’d know.”
He smiles. “Yeah, okay, I’m sorry. I’m letting the stress get to me.”
“Yes, yes you are.” You pat his knee.
“This is it,” Jisung whispers as you come to a stop outside an apartment door.
You turn your head to look at him, rubbing his arm in comfort. He sighs, shakily pressing in the code. He rests his hand on the handle, taking a deep breath before pushing the door open. “Mom, I’m back. I brought a friend with me too.”
“Jisung!” his mom laughs. She walks around the corner, wiping her eyes. “You should have told me you were bringing someone! I would’ve cleaned myself up a bit. Hi, I’m Jisung’s mom.”
You smile, bowing in greeting. “Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Park. You look just fine. My name is y/n.”
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you. But you don’t have to lie.” She smiles briefly before turning to Jisung. Her eyes start to water as soon as they meet his, and you move out of the way so she can hug him. “It’s been so long.”
“I know, mom,” he says, hugging her back. “I’m sorry it took me so long to come back.”
She pulls back, giving him an adoring smile. “Are you guys hungry? It’s around lunchtime, isn't it? Want me to make you something?”
“No, mom,” he shakes his head. “Let’s go out to eat. I imagine you need to get out of the house.”
“No, no, I’m okay,” her voice breaks, and a few more tears escape from her eyes. “Really. I’m okay.”
Your heart breaks, and you smile softly. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Park, that’s on my part. I told Jisung I wanted to take you out to eat since it’s my first time meeting you.”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that.” She dabs at her eyes.
“But I want to! Your son and his friend are the only close friends I have, and I want to show you my gratitude for bringing him into this world. He really is an important person to me, and it’s important to tell people that you’re grateful for them.”
She blinks at you a few times, more tears streaming from her eyes. “That’s—thank you for saying that. As a mother, that is the best thing I could ever hear.”
You smile softly. “So you’ll let me take you and your son out to eat?”
She smiles, sniffling. “Yes, of course, I will. Let me go freshen up, and then we can go! Jisung, show our guest to the living room.”
He nods his head. “Yeah, right this way.”
You send his mom a smile before following him to the living room. He sits down on the blue couch across from the tv, patting the spot next to him.
“Thank you for covering for me. I didn’t know how I was going to come back from that,” he says softly, staring blankly ahead.
“No problem. And I meant what I said. I’ve been trying to let people know when I’m grateful for them, and I’d say I’m grateful you’re alive. It’s the least I can do, especially after her loss.”  
“That’s all?”
You tilt your head to the side, laughing at the silly question. "What do you mean ‘that’s all?' What other reason could there be?”
He smiles, shaking his head. “Nothing, never mind.”
“Okay, weirdo.”
“You know, when I was in high school, my mom and I used to watch TV here every night while we ate dinner.”
You smile softly, looking around the room. “Really? That sounds nice.”
He nods his head. “It was. She said she wished we could do family dinners, but they made her feel awkward because it was never something her family did.”
“I get that. As someone who had family dinners whenever both my parents were home, there could be some awkward dinners. Especially after a fight.”
“Yeah, I can imagine,” he sighs. “We’ve always been so close, y/n, so why am I having such a hard time coming up with things to say to her?”
“Because this is an extremely hard thing to deal with,” you answer. “I don’t know what I’m going to say to one of my parents when the other one dies other than that I’m here for them. But I won’t be in the situation you’re in now. You have to figure out how to ask your mom about your dad. My parents may not have been around a lot either, but I know they loved me and I know the type of people they are.”
He leans his body against the couch, sliding down so his head is resetting against the top of the cushion. “When should I ask? Is right now too soon?”
“I don’t know, Jisung. Maybe you should spend some time with her and see where she’s at? But I don’t think waiting is going to help anything either. If you can spend the night, I would do that. Then you don’t have to feel like there’s any type of rush.”
"Would you,” he hesitates, turning his head to look at you. His eyes look so tired. “Would you be able to stay with me?”
You open your mouth, ready to tell him you have work early in the morning and would only make it if you left before they work up. But the longer you look at his eyes, the more you can tell he needs you. You smile softly, nodding your head. “You’re lucky tomorrow is Saturday. Let me just call into work and tell them a family member passed away.”
His eyes widen, and he pushes himself back into a sitting position. “No, you don’t have to do that for me.”
“Nonsense. You’re my family, so therefore he was my family. I’d do the same for Chenle or Jaemin, assuming they didn’t ask someone else. Well, I’d do it for Chenle whether he asks or not, I’m afraid I love him too much.”
He smiles, not breaking eye contact. You try to give him what you hope is a comforting smile, finding it hard not to let it turn into a shy smile. There wasn’t anything different about the way he was smiling at you—it always made your heart skip a beat.
Ever since Jisung told you he would be willing to take it slow with you, you have found that his smiles are more heart-fluttering, and his normal characteristics are more charming. For the first time in your life, you understand what it means to have a crush on someone.
"Okay, I'm ready to go!" Mrs. Park announces, walking into the room, digging around in her purse for something. "Where were you thinking of going?"
"Wherever your favorite restaurant is," you answer, pushing yourself off the couch.
She laughs. "Okay, how about we go to your favorite restaurant, Jisung? The Italian one?"
"Yeah!" Jisung answers, and you jump slightly at how unexpectedly close he was. "I haven't been there in forever."
"Italian it is then! Let's go."
Jisung doesn’t know what to feel.
He didn’t think he’d be able to sleep tonight. After he got the call from his mother about his dad’s death, he knew he was going to be up all night thinking about their time together and how unnecessarily mean he had been at times. Because of you, however, he had the strength to ask his mom questions he otherwise would have never asked. Because of you, he was able to hear that his father loved him the best way he knew how. That his mother had known him for a very long time, had seen his relationships with other people, and knew that his dad loved him more than anyone in the world. She showed him a box of memories his father had been saving for when he turned 21. Inside were photos of him from when he was younger.
She told him she thought he was a very sad man. She thinks he wanted to love her, but he couldn’t. She doesn’t know why, and when he asked what made her think such a thing, she just shrugged.
“I know how it looked, Jisung-ah,” she had said. “He did stay out late, he sometimes stayed out for days on end, and he felt distant from us. I know sometimes it felt like he was just this person instead of a father. Believe me, sometimes it didn’t even feel like I was married. I can’t explain it exactly, but I just got the feeling he wanted to love us but couldn’t. Maybe it was the box he made me promise to never tell you about or the new toys that would sometimes appear out of nowhere when you were a kid or the gifts that would be mailed to my office on our wedding anniversary or my birthday that makes me think this. I think he knew what was right, but he just didn’t feel those things, and I think that made it hard for him to be around us.”
While that didn’t make the past better, and he still holds a little resentment towards his dad for treating his mother so poorly, he thinks he might be able to better come to terms with his death. Even though he doesn’t know if he can say his dad was a good dad, he might be able to say he did his best.
In the end, his mom thinks his dad loved him. When he had tearfully asked her if she thought his dad thought he hated him, she told him that she doubted the thought had ever crossed his mind.
So when he set off to bed tonight, even though he wasn’t excited to share a bed with his mother—he had found out at a pretty young age that he hated sharing a bed with people—he thought he would be able to sleep tonight. That because the thoughts of his father weren’t taking up as much space in his mind as they used to, he would be okay. The thoughts of you, however, are loud enough to keep him up.
He has told himself that there can never be anything between you two because you’re soulmates. He had planned to let this continue until the end of college, where you would both go your separate ways, and he would try and let you down in a way that didn’t make you completely hate him. But lately, you’ve been turning his plan upside down.
He isn’t sure when exactly the plan started to go astray, but he does know that today was the wake-up call he needed to see things weren’t going how he planned. Maybe it was because of how emotional today was that he is suddenly feeling a strong pull towards you. He just knows that the way you helped him with his mom, the way you dropped everything to stay the night with him, and the way you constantly made him feel loved makes him want to spend every second of the day with you.  
“Shit,” he whispers, quickly covering his mouth and turning his head to see if he woke his mother up.
Falling for someone has never scared him before. Granted, he doesn’t have that much experience, the two times he had done it hadn’t scared him. Sure, falling for Jaemin had been worrying at times, but it never scared him. This—you—terrified him.
He wasn’t supposed to catch feelings for you. Hell, he wasn’t even supposed to meet you. Jisung sighs, flipping onto his other side and hugging the blanket closer to himself. He focuses on the warmth of his mother next to him and on trying to hear her breathing. He’ll deal with this tomorrow.
“Good morning dear, y/n made breakfast.”
Jisung freezes in place, looking between you and his mom sat at the small dining table.
“There’s some food in the pan on the stove. Grab a bowl and come join us,” his mom suggests, pulling out the chair between you two and smiling up at him.
He slowly nods his head, looking between you both once again before turning around towards the pan. “What is it?”
“It’s eggs and tomato. It’s one of Chenle’s favorite dishes, and I learned how to make it the other day,” you answer. “I was told I wasn’t allowed to leave until I got the recipe down. So since I had to deal with Chenle lovingly criticizing my every move, I thought, why not try it out on you two.”  
“Chenle, that’s an interesting name. Are they your soulmate?”
“No, he’s just their friend,” Jisung answers, staring down as he sets his plate on the table and takes the seat next to his mom.
He looks up as he scoots his chair closer to the table, quickly averting his eyes as he makes eye contact with you. He doesn’t miss the strange look you give him.
“Oh, okay. Sorry I assumed. I just thought that because you knew his favorite food, you must be soulmates. But thinking about it now, he could’ve also been your sibling,” his mom laughs.
“It’s okay, Mrs. Park. He and I are very compatible—sometimes it surprises me that we aren’t soulmates.”
She laughs, reaching over to pat your hand. “Well, I’m glad to hear that you have such a good friend. Jisung here has never bothered to bring the infamous Jaemin over. I have no way of knowing if my Jisung is in good hands.”
Jisung looks at his mother, holding her stare as she smiles at him. He knows she’s trying to embarrass him; she never talks like this. He squints slightly at her—he isn’t going to let her win.
You laugh, and he breaks eye contact with his mom to look over at you.
“Having met Jaemin, I can assure you he and Jisung are just as compatible as me and Chenle. He’s a great match for Jisung.”
“Well, if you’re any indication in his choice of friends, then I’m sure he’s great. It’s been a joy getting to know you, and I really appreciate you being here for my son. Speaking of,” she turns her attention away from you and looks at him, her eyes changing from teasing to sad. “I think I’m going to spend a few weeks with my mom. It’s—” she pauses, looking around the room. “It’s too hard being here.”
Jisung tilts his head to the side, setting his spoon down. “Of course, mom. Do you need me and y/n to help you pack some stuff?”
She shakes her head. “No, it’s okay. I only ask that you stay here with me until I’m done packing. I’m used to the house being quiet, but this is too much.”
You nod your head. “Yeah, of course. When you sleep in someone’s room, you get a sense of who they really are. And I have some questions for your son.”
Jisung scrunches his nose, and before he can respond in some sarcastic way, his mother interrupts him.
“I think that’s a great idea. You guys hang out, Jisung, show your friend the photo album, and then we can all leave together!”
He nods his head, smiling softly at his mom. “Okay, yeah, that’s a good idea.”
She smiles at you two before she pushes back the chair and walks to her room. Jisung lets a silence settle between you two for a second before he takes a deep breath and picks up his bowl. “Ready to go?”
You nod your head, pushing back your chair and following him to his room.
“Was the bed comfortable?”
“Yeah, thanks again for letting me take your bed.”
He nods his head, turning the knob and pushing open the door. “No problem. You’re already doing me a huge favor by staying here with me. The least I can do is let you sleep in an actual bed. Now have a seat on the bed. There was something I wanted to show you, so this is a good chance to show you.”
You nod your head, taking a seat on his bed and crossing your legs. He sets his bowl on the ground before walking over to his dresser and pulling out a photo book from the bottom drawer. He takes a seat next to you on the bed, setting the book between you two before bending forward to pick his bowl back up.
“This is my own photo album. I don’t think my mom even knows about this one.”
You tilt your head to the side. “Why doesn’t she know about it?”
He shrugs, taking a bite of his food. “I started it as a way for me to have my own album. When I was younger, I loved looking through my mom’s photo albums, and I wanted to start one for my future kids. One day, I was going through photos with her, and she threw away some photos she didn’t like. But those photos were important to me, so when she left the room, I took them from the trash and kept them here.”
“That’s sweet, Jisung.”
He shrugs. “You can look through it.”
Jisung hasn’t looked through this album in forever. Granted, when he was younger, he only ever looked through it when adding a new photo—which wasn’t often. This time, however, until this morning, he forgot he even had this album. He watches as you flip through the album, smiling at the photos of his first cat and some photos when he went to camp.
He lets his eyes drift from the album up to you. You’re smiling down at the album, commenting on how cute he was as a kid. Sitting here with you feels like something from a movie. He is sitting with you, on his bed, him finishing his breakfast and you wearing one of his shirts and pajama pants—they were technically his dad’s, but they had been put in his room a long time ago, and he never bothered to give them back—and he’s showing you something he’s never shown anyone. It feels surreal.
He puts the spoon in his mouth without any food and lets it hang there, hand still holding onto the handle. His thoughts from last night suddenly come rushing back, and he feels slightly anxious. He's falling for you, and he is slowly accepting that. But now that he's starting to accept that, he feels anxious not telling you. At the same time, the idea of telling you makes him anxious. He inwardly sighs, why is life so hard?
“Hey, Jisung,” you say, lightly touching his arm. “Is the spoon better than the food?”
He shakes his head and takes the spoon out of his mouth. “Hum? What do you mean?”
You laugh softly. “I asked you a question, and you didn’t answer. So I looked up, and you were just sitting there with a spoon in your mouth. I tried to make a joke, but I’m not very funny.”
“Oh, no, sorry. The food was great, all of Chenle’s loving nagging paid off. It’s just a thing I do when I finish my food, and I guess I got lost in thought. What was your question?”
“I was just asking who this was,” you answer, pointing to a photo.
“Oh, that’s Eunseong, one of my mom’s old friends.” He smiles down at the photo. It was a photo of him, his mom, and Eunseong looking for a Christmas tree. “He lived with us for a while.”
“Can I ask why?”
“When I was in fifth grade, my dad got transferred down to Busan for a year. Not that my dad helped all that much, but mom thought she needed more help so she invited Eunseong to live with us for a year. I think she just wanted to have someone you know? This was one of the photos she threw out.”
“What? Even though it is none of my business, why did she do that? You all look so happy.”
“Well, he felt like I did about my dad and wanted my mom to leave him. His soulmate had died, and I think he had feelings for her. Anyways, I remember there being this argument where he said that if she didn’t leave my dad, then he was done with us. They thought I was asleep, it was like five am so I was supposed to be. I remember her crying and nothing else. But the next few days he was still there and I thought it would be okay. Then, like a week before my dad came home, they got into another fight. I’m not sure what this one was about, but it was really bad. He yelled at her, and then he just left. He just left her, crouched on the floor and bawling her eyes out. I didn’t know what to say, so I just sat there with her. I decided then that I wouldn’t miss him. He came back the next day while I was at school, grabbed his stuff, and left.”
A silence settles over you two once again, eyes never leaving the photo.
“I’m sorry,” you finally say. “That sounds hard. But why would you want to keep this photo?”
“He was still part of my life. He was only with us for one year, but he actually ate with us on the couch. And while I’ve never thought I needed a constant father figure in my life, he was the closest thing I had to one. I remember that year when we were making gifts for our parents on parents day, I told the teacher I had two dads—one stepdad and one dad,” He shakes his head, trying to get his thoughts back on track, “Anyway, the point of the story was to say that while I may not have liked him at the end, he was still an important part of my life. And I think it’s important to remember him.”
“I agree with you. I think it’s important to remember even the hurtful memories. They help us grow.”
He nods his head in agreement. “I even have some of my parents' wedding photos; despite my mother hating how she looks in them. Of course, she still has some in her albums, but none of them are out to see. I think she looks beautiful in them.”
He turns the page and finds the photo of his mom and dad at their wedding. The photo he has is one of his favorites; one where his mom and dad are standing next to their parents. He always loved this photo because his mother looked so radiant. Aside from that, the idea that there was once a time his mom and dad were happy is something he’s always dreamed about. He knew, however, that the smiles in the photos weren’t one hundred percent genuine on his mother’s part. She always mentioned how stressed she was when planning it and that she was glad she never had to do it again.
“She is beautiful,” you agree.
“My dad looks so young,” he comments quietly.
“He’s very handsome. I guess you take after him.”
“No, I don’t look like either of my parents. My mom says I have his eyes, but I’ve never been able to see it.”
“Okay, be that as it may, I was just trying to compliment you on your looks and you should take the compliment.”
You laugh softly, and normally, Jisung would’ve laughed with you. This time, he just looks at you. The more he thinks about it, the more you and Jaemin have similar characteristics. You both care for him, you both have that teasing attitude (although Jaemin is more… aggressive with his actions), and you both mean the world to him. He thought that once he found out you were his soulmate, he would realize how incompatible you two are; how unfit you two are to be a couple.
Being here with you, watching as you cared for him and his mother in little ways, has made him realize how close to perfect you two could be.
“Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry if I did.”
“No, it’s not that. I just think—”
“Hey, sorry to interrupt,” his mom says, poking her head into the room. “but I think I should let you two know I’ll be ready to leave soon so if you want to leave with me you might want to change now. Of course, you guys can stay after I leave, I just thought I’d let you two know.”
“Are you okay with leaving with her or do you want some more time to get ready?” He asks turning his attention back to you.
“We can leave with you, Mrs. Park. Let me just go get changed, I’ll do the dishes, and then I’ll be ready to go.”
“Oh you don’t have to do the dishes,” Jisung says.
“Nonsense. I’m the one who made the mess in a house that isn’t mine, I should be the one to clean it up,” you answer pushing yourself off the bed.
“Really, I don’t mind. You cooked us food. Plus you’re my guest, what kind of a host would I be if I let you do more than you already have?”
“Park Jisung,” you say, not turning to look at him as you bend to pick up your folded pile of clothes. “If you don’t let me do these dishes, I will get your roommate to lock you out of your dorm for a week, leaving you cold and sad.”
“You do that and I’ll get Jaemin Hyung to—”
“Oh, you’ll get him to do what?”  
“Well, if you’d let me finish, I’d be able to tell you now wouldn’t I?”
“Like you have it in your heart to hurt me.”
He rolls his eyes, a small smile breaking out. “Okay one, I never said I’d hurt you. And two, right now it isn’t hard to imagine causing you a small inconvenience.”
“Did you hear that Mrs. Park? Your son is threatening me,” you walk towards his mom, stopping once you’re next to her.
His mom laughs, shaking her head slightly. “My my Jisung, how college has changed you. That is no way to treat a friend.”
“That’s low l/n, telling on me to my mom.”
You wink at him over your shoulder. “I’m here to win, Park.”
Before he can get another word in, you’re already walking towards the bathroom.
“I’m glad you have a friend like that,” his mom says softly.
“Yeah, me too.” He turns his attention away from the last place you where to his mother. “Hey mom?”
“Yeah hun?”
“I- uh,” he starts hesitantly, rubbing his hands together nervously. “Can you come here a sec? And could you close the door? I want to talk to you privately.”
“Yeah, of course,” she answers, quickly closing the door and taking your spot on the bed. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing’s wrong. I just—I just want to thank you. You’ve always been there for me, and I want you to know that I appreciate it.”
“You don’t need to thank me, I’m just doing my job as a mother. Is that all you needed to talk to me about?” She asks, worry lacing her tone.
“No, not exactly. I, um, I met my soulmate.”
He looks up from his hands in time to see his mother’s eyes widen and she excitedly pulls him into a hug. “Oh my gosh Jisung! That’s great, I’m so excited for you.”
He hugs her “Yeah, it’s been something.”
His mom pulls away, a bright smile spread across her face. “I always thought you didn’t know what your mark was; what’s your mark? Tell me about her.”
“It’s the tally mark one. See?” He turns his wrist out so she can see the black tally mark spread across his skin. She grabs his wrist, lightly tracing over the black line.  “But before I tell you about my soulmate, I have a few things I want to talk about.”
“Sure, go for it.”
“If I— if my—” he takes a deep breath, “Sorry, I’m kind of nervous.”
“No it’s okay baby, take your time. But I am kind of worried, is there anything wrong?”
“No no, nothing is wrong. Well, hopefully not anyways. If my soulmate were a... if they were a boy how would you feel?”
His mom freezes, and he quickly averts his eyes to his hands. I can’t believe I said that, I should have waited to tell her. God, what am I thinking?
“Is your soulmate a boy?” She asks hesitantly.
“I—just if they were, what would you feel? If I dated someone or liked someone who was a man, what would you say?”
“I don’t know Jisung, I’ve never thought about it,” she takes a deep breath, and he can tell she isn’t any less relaxed. “If I’m being honest, because you know how I feel about beating around the bush, it would make me slightly uncomfortable. But it’s not because I have anything against your soulmate being a man, I would prefer them to be a woman, it’s just because it’s different. Different is hard. But who you date or who your soulmate is won’t change the fact that you’re my son and I love you with my whole heart. I would die for you, Jisung, and while I might find it uncomfortable at first I could get over it.”
Jisung looks up at his mom, feeling his eyes well with tears. “Do you mean that? You really wouldn’t care?”
She nods her head self-assured. “Like I said, I would prefer it if it were a woman, but we can’t help who our soulmates are. If they just so happen to be a man, I’ll get over my hesitance towards it. But I don’t want you to worry about what I think, Jisung. You just need to live your life however that is.”
He feels a few tears escape his eyes. “I—thank you. Thank you.”
Jisung never knew how much of a weight this question had been bearing on him. While the answer isn’t exactly an ideal answer, it is still better than what he feared she would say. The fact that his mother is willing to change for him is good enough.
“Now,” his mom smiles, patting his knee. “Why don’t you go get changed and then we can leave together? It was an emotional day yesterday, and I think we both need to leave this house.”
Jisung nods his head, smiling weakly at his mother as she walks out the room. Jisung spent a lot of time in the house alone, so he is used to the house being quiet. His mom is right, though, now that his father is dead, the house is too quiet. He hasn’t been left alone since he got here, but now that he’s sitting alone in his room he understands what his mother was talking about. Even though his dad wasn’t around much, it still felt weird being in the house knowing his dad wasn’t going to be coming through the door ever again, no matter how late.
Taking a deep breath, he pushes himself off the bed and walks towards the closet. Pulling open the middle drawer, he looks down at the cloths inside. He hasn’t worn these clothes since he left for college. They are mostly the clothes his father had given him before he left.
It was when he had been away on a business trip for a week in Buyeo and he came home with three pairs of jeans and two shirts. It is the proudest he can remember his dad being of him. Even if he had tried to pass it off as his mom had told him that Jisung was running out of good clothes to wear and if he passed any clothing stores to get something. The fact that he even got him a congratulatory gift for getting into college had made Jisung falter.
“The one nice thing I know he actually did for me, and I never even showed him I appreciated it,” he whispers, smiling sadly as he pulls one of the shirts and one of the pants out of the drawer.
“I really want to thank you,” he hears his mom say as he leaves his room. “It means a lot to me that you’re here for my son.”
“Jisung is someone really important to me, Mrs. Park. You did a good job with him.”
“I don’t know what Jisung has told you about my husband, but he helped a little too. I think him being as… absent as he was really helped shape him into the person he is today.”
He leans against his door, listening to his mom talk. They have never really talked about his dad much, other than the few times he asked his mom why she stayed. It was new hearing her talk about him like this.
“Well, you and Mr. Park did an amazing job raising your son. Like I said, he’s an amazing person and someone who means a lot to me and Jaemin.”
“Yeah, yeah we did a good job didn’t we?”
“Will you come get some coffee or something with me?” Jisung asks, nervously messing with his hands behind his back.
“Sure! So long as it isn’t the place I work. I’m supposed to be grieving with family,” you answer, smiling brightly at him.
“Before we met you, there was a favorite place me and Jaemin Hyung loved to go. Let’s go there!”
You nod once, linking your arm with his and following him as he leads you down the street.
Jisung feels his heart skip a beat and he smiles to himself. After his talk with his mom, he feels like he can do anything. He had plans to talk to you today no matter what, but knowing his mom was accepting of who he was helped him feel more confident. As Jaemin would remind him constantly, confidence is key.
It didn’t take long for you to get to the shop from the bus station. When he enters the shop, he looks around in wonder. It had been a year since he had been here and it still looks the same. Along with his mom accepting him, it helped to be in a place he was comfortable with.
“What do you want to drink? I’m paying,” he offers as you’re both staring at the menu.
“You don’t have to do that Jisung,” you answer slowly, still reading the menu. “I can pay for myself.”
“Nonsense, you paid for our dinner last night, this is on me.”
“If you’re sure,” you answer hesitantly. “I’ll order, and then I’ll go get us a table.”
“It’s nice out, why don’t we sit outside?”.
You raise your hand to flash him an okay sign before walking up to the register and ordering. He watches as you smile at the cashier, nodding your head once before you turn towards the left and out the side door towards the outside seating.
“God, today feels so long,” you sigh, leaning over the back of the chair and stretching your arms out.
Jisung chuckles. “Yeah, and it’s only one in the afternoon.”  
“When I get back to my dorm, I’m just going to lounge.”
“That sounds like a good plan. Hey y/n,”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Yeah?”
“I’m feeling really good right now. Well, let me rephrase that. It’s been an emotional few days. And in those few days, you have been there for me. These past few days, my dad has died, I talked to my mom to try and figure out the mess that is my relationship with my father, and then I talked to my mother about her feelings on me dating a man. So overall, I’ve been all over the place the past two days.” He laughs and you laugh nervously with him. “My point is, you’ve been there for me. You’ve been there for me despite how complicated I made our relationship, however many weeks ago.”
You awkwardly laugh, and Jisung worries he’s made you uncomfortable. “You don’t need to thank me, Jisung. That’s what friends are for.”
“Um yeah, but we’re not friends. We’re soulmates.”
Your face drops. “I tried to take things slow. I’m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I’ve been trying to keep things normal. I’m so sorry.”
“Are you done?” Jisung asks, trying to smile comfortingly despite how much he was freaking out on the inside.
“Yeah, yeah I’m done. Just know that I’m so sorry if I forced this whole soulmate thing on you.”
“Okay, first of all, you should be able to see that I’m trying to tell you how grateful I am for you. Did you miss the part at the beginning where I told you how you’ve been there for me?”
“I thought that was a way of you saying ‘you overstepped your boundaries as my soulmate being just a friend’ and that you needed space from me,” you answer quietly.
“You shouldn’t think so much,” he chuckles. “I said what I said to show you that I’m thankful for what you’ve done for me and my family.”
“Oh, well like I said, it’s what friends are for.”
“And like I said, we’re not friends; we’re soulmates.”
“See, that right there,” you point a finger at him, shaking it slightly, “This is what confused me. What is that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, we’re soulmates. That’s what the tally marks on our wrist mean.”
You blink at him. “I’m aware of that, Jisung.”
“And you’ll have to forgive me, because I know I’ve been going about this all wrong but I’m really nervous right now.” He clears his throat, smiling nervously. “What I was trying to say is that you’ve been there for me the past two days. Had this happened five months ago, Jaemin Hyung would have been the one in your place. I’ll be honest, at first, I wasn’t sure why I even called you. I mean yeah, things with Hyung haven’t been the easiest since he found his soulmate, but he’s still someone I find comfort in; he’s my best friend. But since I spent this time with you, you have shown me how much you love me. Let me just say, it’s nice knowing someone loves me. That’s all I’ve ever wanted; someone besides my mom to love me unconditionally.”
“How do you know I love you unconditionally?” You joke, but he can see it in your eyes that you’re nervous.
“Well I guess you never said those words specifically. But you said you’ve loved me since you were a kid, and that just makes me feel warm inside. I think I should chase that feeling.”
“Jisung I’m still not understanding.”
“I’m saying, I think I want to try being soulmates.”
Your eyes widen, and he can tell you’re fighting back a smile. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to be caught up in everything that’s happened and just tell me what you think I want to hear. I don’t want you to regret this.”
“I won’t regret this, y/n. The only reason I didn’t ask you sooner is because you’re my soulmate. I held you to this standard that we would be an unfit match together, and thankfully you failed to meet that standard. I think we would be a good fit.”
Jisung watches a wide smile spread across your face. “Jisung I promise you you’re not going to regret this. We’ll go as slow as you want to and you let me know anytime I make you uncomfortable. This—thank you Jisung, thank you so much.”
He mirrors your smile. He knew you were going to agree to this, but there was still that underlying fear that you’d reject him. “I know, trust me I know. I want to thank you once again for being patient with me. I know I’ve probably been taking this slower that you would’ve liked, but you have been so understanding of me. Even when I was being selfish.”
“Well, all you needed was for me to point out your self centeredness and you snapped right out of it,” you respond, leaning back in your chair.
He smiles, nodding in agreement. “Yeah yeah, you were right. But look where we are now! We’re able to sit here and have a nice cup of drink.”
You laugh loudly, a sweet smile still spread across your face. “Yes, we are having a nice cup of drink. Nicely put Park.”
“Thank you thank you, Korean is my first language” he tips his head slightly as a bow.  “You know,” he starts slowly, averting his eyes to look down at his cup he has yet to take a drink from. “If you are having a good time, this could be our first date?”  
When you don’t answer right away, he looks up at you. “Or, don’t be afraid to say no. I didn’t even ask you. Not that it has to be me who asks for the first date, I just thought that since we’re waiting on me to be ready, I should be the one to ask.”
Laughing, you cover your mouth with your hand. “I am so happy right now even your rambling is cute.”
“You should move your hand away from your mouth when you speak, it isn’t very polite.”
“Awww, look at you,” you coo, leaning forward onto the table. “You’re embarrassed. You're clenching and unclenching your fist and you won’t look me in the eye. You’re so cute.”
“I can take back my offer, you know. I’m not afraid to take back my offer, and leave you here,” he threatens. He knows you don’t take him seriously, based on the euphoric smile plastered on your face. That, and the fact his words hold no truth to them. You have him pegged.
“Oh come on,” you whine. “The date has already started, you can’t back out now Park.”
“Oh, so you are agreeing to this being a date?” He cringes slightly at how excited his voice sounds.
“Of course I am! Jisung, I’ve been waiting for this moment since I was little. So sitting here, with my wonderful soulmate who bought me a nice cup of drink, why wouldn’t I say yes?”
He nods his head once, smiling widely. “I um, wow I’ll be honest I thought you were going to say no. I had plans to take you to dinner or something.”
“You can still take me to dinner, can’t say I’d complain.”
“Yeah, but I have to keep the bar low. If I start at the top,” he brings his right hand up a few inches above the table, “then I can only go down. But if I start here,” he brings his left hand up and dramatically sets it on the table, almost spilling his drink, “then I can only go up.”
“Ah, good plan, good plan. Do tell, what comes next from here?”
“I’m thinking a few convenience store runs, maybe a trip to the zoo or something. We got to slowly build our way up, you know?”
You nod your head thoughtfully. “Yeah okay, that sounds smart. I mean, it’s not like we’re soulmates or anything so why try and impress me right?”
He snaps his fingers, pointing at you. “See, look at you go, you smart little thing.”
You roll your eyes, picking up your drink and blowing softly on it. He shakes his head, smiling softly.
“Hey y/n?”
“Hm?” you hum, finally taking a sip of your drink.
“I think we’re going to be really happy.”
You bite your lip, smiling as you set your cup down. “Yeah, yeah I think so too.”
Okay! Sorry for how weird this was posted, I’m the slowest reader alive so it took me forever to do the final read through. Thank you yo @jiwvnie for reading more than I told her she had to, I truly appreciate her. I have always wanted to write a soulmate au so I would love to know what you thought of this. 
Have a great day/night!!
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lovely-scents · 3 years
Monsta X as Sweet and Cold Boyfriend : 93'liners
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"Minhyuk, can you come over to my place now?"
"My fuse box is broken. And I already called the technician to come and have a look."
"So? Why are we having this conversation then?"
"Just come here..! I don't wanna be alone with the technician man here when he come." she says over the phone call. "Keep me a company? Please..? It's just for a while. I promise." she pleads.
This is tiring. And he sighs. "Alright.. I'll come." he finally agrees.
When he arrives at her place, she's already outside waiting for him. "Where's the technician?" he asks.
"He hasn't arrives yet. He said he will come in 15 minutes. But it's almost half an hour already, and he still didn't come." she frowns in worry.
"Maybe he got stuck in a traffic. Give him some times."
"Are you really sure he's coming? We've been waiting for the whole day." he complains out of frustration after been waiting for more than two hours​. He's getting bored in here.
She's tired of waiting too. She's getting anxious when the technician hasn't arrived, or at least gives her a phone call or text after hours of waiting. So, she decides to give him a call to ask.
"An accident..?! A-Are you alright?? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah.. just a minor injury. I'm at the hospital at the moment. And my van is damaged quite bad." the technician man tells. "I'm so sorry, miss. I don't think I can make it today. Maybe you should call another technician to have a look over your situation."
"O-Okay then. I hope you will get better soon. Thank you." She ends the call afterward.
"So, he's not coming?" he assumes. And she nods weakly in despair.
He's letting out a heavy sigh. "I can't believe that I'm wasting my time here, doing nothing and waiting for nothing.." he complaints. "I wanna go home."
He straightly gets up from his seat, but she quickly stops him from leaving. "W-Wait..! What about me?"
"What about you?" he frowns. And she hits him slightly out of frustrations.
"You can't just leave me here all alone. I have no electricity, and it's gonna be dark soon. You know how much I hate the dark.."
"That's because you're a chicken." he provokes. And he gets another hits from her again. She pouts in sulks.
"You're mean."
"And you're a baby.. Now hurry up and go get your stuffs." urges him. "You can have a night at my place today."
"Only for today..?? Can I stay longer? It's been a long time since I have a cuddle with you." she pleads again.
"You can get a cuddle today and get back here again tomorrow." he insists. "How long do you plan to leave your​ house like this? Don't you wanna get it fixed sooner?"
She starts to pouts again when he nags at her. "Okay .. I'll settle it down as soon as I can. But promise that I can get a cuddle today?!" she beams excitedly.
He just gives her a glare, yet he still agrees. "Fine! We can have a cuddle later. Just go and get your things now! Hurry up or I'm gonna leave you if you're late."
"Oh, w-wait.. Just give me a minute. I'll be quick!"
He just stares at her who is humming happily while packing her things into her bag. And he secretly smiles.
"I missed having a night with you too."
Read further here
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He's busy preparing the meals for dinner in the kitchen. She starts feeling drowsy as she's waiting for him. It's another tiring day for her. She never realized​ when she started​ falling asleep​.
The dinner is almost ready. So, he decides to go and have a check on her as she has been so quiet every now. "Did she fall asleep on the couch again?" he assumes.
And yes, she's already asleep while waiting for him. He lets out a soft sigh, quietly watches her sleep very soundly.
"You're such a stubborn kid." he mumbles while leaning down to gently kiss her, careful enough not to wake her up from her deep sleep. "I told you not to fall asleep here."
She opens up her eyes and slowly gets up when he wakes her up for dinner. She rubs her sleepy eyes and starts to look at him with a long stare.
"Weird. This is not the first time I'm having this kind of dream. It couldn't be the same dream again.. It's impossible, isn't it? But, why does it feel so real?" her heart whispers. She still can feel the touch on her lips. That soft and sweet touch.
"Hey, dumb head..!" She gets startles when he's suddenly calling out for her from the table. "Stop spacing out over there and come here!"
She quickly heads up to the table for dinner. The meals are already being served nicely in front of her. But her mind is still somewhere else. Her eyes couldn't stop but to look at him. That dream earlier is really bothering her mind a lot.
"Stop staring at me."
"Huh? Oh, s-sorry.." She quickly runs her sights to somewhere else. And he just gives her a look. 
"Kihyun, can I ask you something​?"
"Just now, when I'm asleep.. did you.." 
"Did I what ..?"
His response makes her bewilder and starts to rethinks about it again. "Is it a mistake? He doesn't seem to get the idea. And of course, he would never do that kind of thing for sure. Maybe.. I'm just dreaming of it .."
She takes another look at him. He's already glaring at her with a frown. "How many times did I tell you to not sleep on the couch?" He starts to nag at her. "Stop talking weird and eat your food."
She gets flustered and just listens to him before he continues​ to nag at her again. He lets out a heavy sigh and watches her quietly.
"Did she already know that I always kiss her secretly while she's sleeping?"
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She needs​ to attend a reunion party with her fellow classmates from college. And she doesn't feel like going, but the other classmates keep on forcing her to come. She's contemplating over the invitation. Because she knows that none of them is actually like her for real. 
But, refusing the invitation would bring more hate towards her. So she decides to go to the party. Half-heartedly​.
The party is good. Everything is great here. Except for the people. She doesn't like them, especially the way they treat her. Everybody keeps on asking her about her personal life. And of course, would compare her ordinary life with their luxury, successful lifestyle later on. It makes her feel stuffy, and annoyed. She really doesn't like to be here. How she wishes she could just leave this place right away.
"Hey, somebody told me that you already have a boyfriend." one of her classmates suddenly speaks up. "Where is he? Why didn't you bring him along? We wanna see him too."
"Ohh.. umm.. He's not coming. He doesn't like to attend parties." she says. But the girls just laugh at her answer.
"Are you sure you're not just making up things as an excuse?? I mean, you know, do you really have a boyfriend for real..?" 
"Of course she did."
The sudden voice makes them turn, and silence them all at once. She also gets surprised to see his sudden appearance here.
"Hyungwon..? What are you doing here? How did you know that I'm here?"
He just gives her a look. "You already told me yesterday when I asked you. Seems like you forgot." answers him with his cold voice.
"B-But.. I thought you don't wanna come since you don't like parties." 
"I don't. That's why we're leaving now."
He takes the glass drinks from her hand and putting​ it away. He casually grabs her hand neat and tight, ready to leave the place.
"Excuse me, but we're leaving early today. And please leave my girlfriend alone. I'm warning you." sterns him. He's giving them a glare before he's heading out together with her, leaving all those girls speechless and dumbfounded.
"Hyungwon, wait.."
He stops and turns. "What?!" he snaps. But she's already tearing up, ready to cry anytime now. He gives her a look then. "Oh no, here we go again.." he sighs. He just casually brings her into his arms, so she can starts crying as much as she wants.
"You're such a crybaby." he complains, yet still holding her neatly in his arms. "Just forget about them already. Let's go and get some ice creams."
Read Sweet and Cold Boyfriend: Maknae Line
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desiredmalfoy · 4 years
True Love Is Eternal (D.M x Reader + F.W. x Reader)
Pairing: Draco x Reader, Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Note this is going to be changing from 1st person to 2nd and 3rd person.
Enjoy the final installment of the Dear Malfoy Series! Fred’s POV! Thank you for everyone who has shown love to my writing! You don’t know how much I appreciate it (it means a lot to me). 
Dear Malfoy [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]  (Masterlist)
The invitation to your wedding invitation came suddenly in the mail. It came addressed to the Weasley family, which I guess includes me. No, it did include me. You put that in the invitation. I didn’t even realize that I was holding in my breath as I opened up the intricate wedding invitation. The Malfoys are not sparing any expense on this. He would give you nothing but the best in life. He had been fine for the past couple of years, he had managed to get you out of his head for the longest time. He had even been in a serious relationship but that did work out. But it seems like the news of your wedding brought all these feelings back. Maybe all these old feelings resurfacing because of the news of your marriage but not because he actually still loved her. Or maybe in the back of his mind, he’d always wish you would have a moment of revelation where you realized who truly loved him.
                                 We are honored to invite you to
                                       the unity of marriage of
                                         Draco Lucius Malfoy 
                                        (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N)
Your name is written in beautiful intricate gold cursive. Taunting me with every letter written. He ran his fingers over where your name was printed, reminiscing of the moments he had with you.
It was the middle of summer and the both of you were laying on the grass outside the burrow. You were looking up at the night sky admiring the millions of stars. Moments like these were the ones he hoped were forever.
“What do you want to do when we leave this place”,  Fred had asked her out of nowhere. 
“Get my own place. I love my parents but I want to have my own space.” 
“Oh! And get a kitten!” (Y/N) excitedly added. “I really want to get a kitten.”
“I’ll get you as many as you would like”, he said as he hugged her tightly.
“Is this your way of asking me to move in with you”, she teased him and his cheeks had become red from blushing. 
“Not yet but one day in the future hopefully.” He answered as he envisioned them with a few cats and maybe a baby or two. “And you know I’ll have my shop by then too.”
He wished he could go to the past. 
Fred dwelled on the thought of going to your wedding. The invitation had been extended to the entire family, including him. After everything that had occurred, (y/n) had always been on good terms with the rest of the Weasley family. She had even eventually forgiven George for not telling her. George had explained to him that she forgave him to let go of the past and move on. 
Fred had thought he would keep on seeing you every summer as the previous ones before. You had always come to stay at least for a couple of days to see Ron and Ginny before you dated him. But the summer after his 7th year and (y/n)’s 5th it all changed. He anticipated your arrival but didn’t want to ask any of his siblings if they knew you’d be coming over. He stupidly thought that he would be able to at least fix your friendship that summer. It wasn’t until he had overheard a conversation between Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Harry that he knew you weren’t going to show up.
“I received an owl from her today.”, Ginny said excitedly as she sat down, a white envelope in her hand. 
“How is she? I miss her greatly this summer.” Hermione asked as she reached for that same envelope from Ginny. 
“She said she’s definitely enjoying Paris with Draco.”
“He took her to Paris”, Ron asked, shocked at the revelation. “The bloke has only been dating her for like eight months and he’s already taking her on expensive trips?’
“It’s Malfoy. Did you expect anything less”, Harry answered with a slight eye roll. “He’d buy her a castle if she would just let him.”
“I knew Malfoy always goes all out but I didn’t think he would take her on vacation so soon!”
“What do you expect?” Ginny laughed at Ron’s still confused expression. “He’s madly in love with her. He’s even nice to Harry of all people just for her.”
“That was the most surprising thing of all”, Hermione agreed with her with a giggle. “Who knew all it took to stop Malfoy from being such a prat was for (y/n) to date him.”
“I mean he even called Harry by his first name the last time we saw him instead of Potter”, Ron added to the conversation. 
“I still miss her this summer”, Ginny complained with a groan. “It’s not the same without her.”
That was the beginning of you spending every summer with Draco instead of at the Burrow with the Weasley’s like every other summer. 
He was walking along Hogsmeade after a long day of work. He was headed towards the Three Broomsticks to meet up with George who had taken a few days off from the shop that day. He hadn’t been feeling well the past few days and Fred had told him to stay home. He was finally feeling better and to celebrate, George had asked him to meet there for a couple of drinks. It was a pretty calm evening with a few people walking about the area. Fred mostly went unnoticed by others just trying to get home for the night. 
That’s when he saw you coming out of the dress store with your mother and Narcissa Malfoy by your side. (Y/N) had a huge grin on her face as she carried a large white box with a beautiful ribbon to tie it all up. It was your wedding dress. He just knew it was that. A large smile decorated your face as you seemed ecstatic about the contents of the box. He turned quickly into a different alleyway to avoid running into you. 
He was going to be needing something stronger than butterbeer tonight. 
Fred and George were currently on their way to their parent’s home to visit them for the evening. Life had been hectic and he hadn’t had a chance to see them in a couple of days. Plus it was one night where he would not have to cook for himself and George. Nothing beats a home-cooked meal from your mum on days like these. 
They didn’t even bother knocking as they entered the home. 
“Mum your favorites have arrived”, Fred announced loudly teasingly as he saw Ron sitting on the couch. 
“I didn’t know Charlie and Bill were dropping by”, Ron said without lifting his gaze from the book on his lap.
“That hurts Ronnie”, George played around as he wiped a fake tear from his cheek.
“Anyway, where is mum?”
“They’re upstairs trying on the bridesmaid dressed for the future Mrs. Malfoy’s wedding”, Ron said with a snicker. “Mione and Ginny I mean.”
“I still can’t believe that it’s coming up so soon”, Fred responded as he sat next down to his brother. 
“I am just excited about the food”, George said with a laugh. “I know it will be good.”
“Nice to know you care about me”, a teasing voice said from the stairs. Fred knew that voice and giggle anywhere. They all turned to where the voice was coming from.
“You know what I mean”, George said with a smile. He got up and greeted (y/n) with a hug. “It’s nice to see you again.”
He caught a glimpse of your engagement ring shining in light. Only the best for you.
“I’ve been busy”, she answered simply. “Weddings are a big thing to plan. Especially one that is only a about a two weeks away”
“How the joke shop?” (Y/N) questioned George. “Ginny has told me it’s been going amazingly for you two.”
“Right it has been”, George agreed. “Those Hogwarts kids are great customers. Right, Freddie?”
“Way to make us seem old Georgie”, Fred laughed as he looked directly at her. “It’s nice to see you (y/n).”
“Nice to see you too Fred”, she said, giving him a friendly smile. Not the same one she would give him years ago. 
“Are you staying for dinner darling”, mum said as she came down the stairs with Ginny and Hermione trailing just behind. 
“I’m sorry Mrs. Weasley”, (y/n) apologized. “I would love to but I had promised my parents I’d be eating with them tonight. Plus I still have to get home and see if Draco is back from work.”
You’d made a home with him already. One that he had promised you all those years ago.
“Don’t worry darling.” Mum said with a gentle smile. “You’re invited to dinner whenever you would like.”
“Thank you so much.” (Y/N) said as she hugged mum goodbye. She waved to everyone else and she was gone out the door. 
The day of the wedding finally came and he had decided to go. He wanted an opportunity to see you dressed in white. Fred walked over with his family to the Malfoy Manor. They’re escorted to the garden in the back to wait for the beginning of the ceremony. It was decorated with your favorite flowers, white roses. Flowers that symbolized innocence, youthfulness, eternal loyalty. 
The eternal loyalty you were about to pledge to Malfoy for the rest of your lives. 
Fred anxiously waited for the ceremony to start. He looked around the space and saw many of his former classmates interacting with each other. It wasn’t long before the ceremony started. 
Draco enters….
Your wedding party enters….
Everyone stands for your entrance….
The wedding march starts….
You walk down the aisle hand in hand with your father. You looked stunning in your wedding dress. Darling how I wish I was the one watching you walk towards me. You don’t spare a glance to where I’m standing. I’m probably the farthest thing from your mind. And I’m glad you don’t because I don’t think my heart would take it. He watches on a Malfoy cries at the sight of you walking towards him. Fred knew if he was in his place he’d probably do the same.
Because even though all I want to do is run up to that alter and tell you exactly how I feel, I simply won’t. I've seen how happy you are with him, and I can't ever do that to you. Even though I sit here to watch you wed another man and break my heart in the process. 
Why am I even here? Why did I even come? 
He watches as you pledge your love for Draco. Vowing to stay with him every moment of your lives together. He watched as you said “I do” through your tears. 
You make such a lovely bride. Maybe in another lifetime or reality, you’re mine. But in this one darling, we just weren’t meant to be. 
Maybe in another lifetime, I’ll be able to hold you close and never let go. In this one, I foolishly took you for granted and let you slip from my arms into the firm grasp of another man. 
I knew I shouldn’t have come, but I couldn’t resist seeing you in white. 
Because sometimes two souls are only meant to just be in each other’s life for a while; awaiting the lifetime where they’ll meet again but this time forever. 
Alternative Ending:
Fred stood alone in his shop tonight. Wanting to throw himself into work to ignore the pain in his chest. He took another swing of the bottle of fire whisky in an attempt to drown out all the intrusive thoughts running through his mind. He spent the evening thinking about how he wished it was him marrying you, waiting at the end of the aisle. You’d be getting married next week and he couldn’t do anything about it. He knew he messed up all those years ago, and he’d do anything to turn back time. 
He heard the door chime as someone opened the door. He must have forgotten to lock up in his current state. 
“We’re closed”, he yelled out towards the door. He didn’t bother to lift his head to talk to them. Not wanting to be seen in this state. 
This caused an instant reaction from him. He’d know that voice anywhere.
“(Y/N/N)”, he whispered. He was afraid you’d disappear at any moment. A hallucination.
“I missed you. I need you.”
“I missed you too.”
I know it’s not the best alternative ending but I kind of left it open for the reader to decide. It is a little something for those who would choose Fred instead. Do they realize they actually loved Fred after all this time? Is Fred just losing it and imagining this? It’s up to you to decide!
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Taglist: @keepsmilingandstayhappy @sarcasticallywitty15 @adrianpuceyishot @dracoismybabey @little-me204 @loveforreading @stephaniewinchester-weasley @cronen 
Reminder: None of my work can be reposted anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you give credit, please do not repost!
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yaimlight · 3 years
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Rating: mature
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!reader / Todoroki Shoto x fem!reader (set per relationship)
A/N: part of the Twos Company, Threes A Crowd series but can be read on own. Series masterlist can be found here. This is by far probably one of my favourites. I loved every minute of this and it was so much fun to work on. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
Katsuki’s footsteps echoed around the quite halls as he slowly made his way to class. He was early. A hell of a lot earlier than he would normally be but the idiots he called friends had been extra annoying this morning and he had needed to get away from them before he blew something up. So here he was trudging his way through the empty hallways to go crash at his desk. He would have a good solid fifteen to twenty minutes before anyone else turned up so he would be able to get some studying in before anyone disturbed him.
Coming to a stop in front of the class room Katsuki grabbed the handle and yanked the door open, the thing rattling as it slid open. Inside two sets of eyes looked back at him blankly and Katsuki blanched. Aizawa was slumped back in his chair, half in his sleeping bag and his tired eyes focused on Katsuki with a sharp intensity. On his desk sat Y/N, her hands curled around the edge and legs swinging as she leant forward. Her skirt had ridden up slightly and Katsuki could see the top of her thigh, the unblemished skin standing out against the dark wood.
Katsuki snapped his eyes up from where he had been staring at her legs and back up to her face. She was smirking at him knowingly and he could feel the slight blush forming on his cheeks. Scoffing Katsuki stepped into the room, slamming the door closed behind him and made his way over to his desk, refusing to acknowledge the other two people.
He could feel their eyes on him as he dumped his bag onto his desk and dropped into his seat. He could hear her whisper something to the teacher, the low murmur of her voice grating on his nerves. This was weird. Y/N had never shown anything but contempt toward the older man and he the same to her so for them to be talking like that was odd, suspicion even and it made Katsuki feel uncomfortable, like he had walked in on something private that he wasn’t supposed to know about.
Angrily he yanked out his English text book with every intention of studying for the exam tomorrow but he couldn’t tune her out, his ears twitching as his listened to her push off their teachers desk, her booted footsteps heavy as she slowly walked up to her desk. “Morning blasty” she said cheerfully and Katsuki caught a glimpse of her hips swaying as she walked past him. Growling he refused to answer, his grip tightening on his book.
Three week, that’s all it been since the start of the school yeah and she had turned up and she had been grating on his nerves ever since. She had barley interacted with the class, choosing to ignore them and make herself scarce during free time. Some of the stupid extras had tried to befriend her to start with but she had shut them down without a second thought and they had quickly given up.
That would have been fine by him, if he could get half his stupid classmates to leave him alone he would but for some reason that Katsuki couldn’t figure out she had taken an interest in him and they often found themselves alone at the oddest times. He would say it had something to do with her quirk but no one knew what it was. None of them had seen her use it as she never turned up for practical lessons and Aizawa had refused to tell them, telling them to work it out themselves.
At the front of the class Aizawa slid down onto the floor and zipped up the rest of his sleeping bag, falling asleep quickly and leaving the two of them to their own devices. This was fine, he didn’t have to interact with her, could just ignore her like he did every other day. Turning his attention back to his book Katsuki started to read through the last chapter, his mind filling with his schoolwork and drowning everything else out. It worked for a while, the silence welcomed but she shattered it quickly.
Katsuki gritted his teeth as she began to hum, tapping along on her desk to whatever that god awful tune was. He tried to ignore it, grinding his teeth and hunching his shoulders, his grip tightening on his book to the point that he was close to ripping it in two. “Will you shut up” he growled, slamming his book down and spinning in his chair to glare at her. She was leaning on her hand, elbow resting on her desk and staring out of the window. Slowly she turned to face him, smiling widely at him as she folded her arms on top of the desk. He could see her booted feet sticking out form the side, the metal gleaming in the light.
“Aww is little old me distracting the big bad blondie” she tipped her head to the side and pouted, her voice teasing and childlike. He hated it. “Your annoying the hell out of me you little shit so shut the fuck up before I make you” he hissed, snarling at her. He probably shouldn’t be swearing so much, Aizawa likely to reprimand him for it latter but he didn’t care at this moment, too annoyed with the infuriating girl.
Her eyes seemed to flash with excitement, a wide and dangerous smirk splitting across her face. “I’ll hold you to that” she said evenly, her voices holding a dark promise to it. Katsuki swallowed, stuck in Y/Ns intense gaze. He felt like he had just been threatened somehow, like he should be worried for his life and it left him with a feeling of dread deep in his stomach. “Bakubro!”
Katsuki blinked. Y/N was looking out the window again, head resting on her hand and elbows on the table, a bored expression on her face. “There you are man. Can’t believe you ran off like that” Kirishima said happily coming over to Katsuki’s desk and slinging his arm around the blondes shoulder. Normally he would shrug the other boy of and yell at him but Katsuki was stuck, still staring at Y/N in disbelief. Had that just happened or had he imagined the whole thing?
Kirishima moved, leaning forward and blocking Katsuki’s view. “Hey, you okay bro?” He sounded concerned, frowning down at the blonde and his hold tightening on his shoulder. Katsuki jerked back, yanking his shoulder out of the other teens hold and smacked his arm away. “Of course I am shitty hair, why the hell wouldn’t I be?” Katsuki yelled angrily, glaring at the redhead. Bloody idiot, why wouldn’t Katsuki be okay? He was the god dam best in this shitty school and he did not get scared of anything, especially not of mouthy little shits who thought they were so god dammed special because her daddy was some rich fuck.
Kirishima stepped back, laughing as he rubbed at the back of his neck. “That’s cool dude, just wanted to check as you ran off so early”. Katsuki growled, turning back around in his chair and shoved his book back into his bag. The rest of the class had started to file in now, all of them loud and energetic. It didn’t take long for Kaminari, Sero and Ashido to come bouncing over to join Kirishima, the four of them crowding around Katsuki’s desk and chatting loudly about something he really couldn’t care less about. What did they even have to talk about? They literally spent nearly every waking moment together so how did they still have shit to talk about.
Shifting in his seat Katsuki chanced a glance back at Y/N. She was still staring out the window, no one having approached her but why would they? She was even less approachable than him. Sensing his eyes on her, her own flicked up instantly finding his. The sun was streaming in through the window, bathing her in a bright light that gave her an almost other worldly glow. Katsuki was suddenly struck by how beautiful she looked in that moment. She looked sad, lonely even as the rest of the class bustled around and she just keep staring out the window as if she was longing for something beyond the world around them. Katsuki couldn’t help but wonder what it was that had made her so distant and what he could do to make her smile a real genuine smile, just once. He bet she would look even more stunning than she did now.
As if she knew what he was think she broke out into a wide smirk, her eyes seeming to sparkle with knowing. Scowling at her he turned back round, sinking into his seat. Beautiful? Ha, as if. She was nothing to him, just an insignificant background character on his journey to greatness. He didn’t need anything from her, didn’t want anything either and that included a stupid smile. He was Bakugou Katsuki, future number one hero and no one was getting in his way.
“Everyone settle down” Aizawa’s sleep rough voice called from the front of the room and everyone scrambled to their seats. Sighing Katsuki slumped forward, resting his chin on his hand. Aizawa droned on about some hero fight from a few years ago that he wanted them to analyse, asking the class to try and figure out what the villains quirk was. It reminded him of what the class had been trying and failing to do with Y/N throughout the weeks, each one of them chiming in with ideas from teleportation to some form of camouflage but with nothing to go on no one could say for sure. Not that Katsuki cared, because he didn’t. He couldn’t care less about her or whatever useless quirk she had.
That didn’t stop him from stealing glimpses of her whenever he could throughout the morning, only half paying attention to his classes. Every time he looked she was always bent over her text book or papers, doing the work asked of her for once. He didn’t think he had actually ever seen her doing the work before let alone paying attention to the class. It was odd and confusing and Katsuki didn’t like it. He had been so sure about the kind of person she was, especially after that first night but this was out of character and it made him feel like the rug had been yanked out from under him.
When lunch rolled around Ashido attached herself to his arm, dragging him along behind her to the cafeteria and even though he complained the whole time he went willingly. As he was dragged from the room he took one more look at the girl. She had lent forward over her desk, head resting on her folded arms and turned towards the window. He wasn’t the only one watching her though, the half ‘n’ half bastard staring at her with a little frown as Deku jabbered away next to him. Katsuki didn’t like it and he didn’t know why.
Lunch past quickly, Katsuki ignoring his friends in favour of trying to work out what his problem was and stealing glances at the shitty candy cane. He hadn’t seen Todoroki interact with the other girl, not once but then again no one had seen him the five or six times he had spoken to her either so that didn’t mean jack. The thought of them two stumbling across one another in empty hallways and abandoned classrooms, of her pressing against the bastard as she teased and taunted him just like she did with Katsuki had him grinding his teeth and glaring, a heaviness settling in his stomach that he couldn’t begin understand.
“Man I am so pumped for this” Kirishima called happily, punching the air with his fist and smiling like an idiot. “Me to bro. I can not wait to try my new attack out on you” Kaminari jumped up onto the bench in a mock defensive pose, kicking his leg out as if he was about to attack. Groaning Katsuki yanked his own locker open, shoving his school bag and blazer inside. The changing room was buzzing with excitement as they stripped out of their school clothes and tugged on their hero costumes. It was the first time since they had started the new year that Aizawa was letting them actually practice against one another, the last few weeks full of running drills that had been as boring as hell and they were all ready for an actual chance to let lose.
“Get down from there this instant” Glasses voice echoed around the room, dunce face whining as he jumped down and went back to changing into his clothes. Katsuki was smirking, the excitement for what was to coming already getting his blood pumping. Over break he had meet up with shitty hair and the rest of his friends a few times to spar, even Deku once or twice but none of them had really been able to let go of their quirks completely and he was looking forward to really letting go.
“Hay Bakugou! You ready to get your arse kicked?” Katsuki gritted his teeth, snarling as he turned to face Kaminari. “The hell I am loser. I’m going to kick all your arses” he yelled, fists clenched at his side. Like he would lose to anyone. Laughing Kirishima slapped him on the back and Katsuki rolled his shoulder aggressively, grumbling for the other teen to get the hell off of him.
“I wonder if any of the girls have leaned any new moves were their clothes fly off”. Sero smacked the shitty little pervert round the back of the head, knocking the bubble head idiot into his locker. “Stop being such a pervert” Sero glared down at Mineta as he rubbed at his forehead. Deserved the little shit right. If he carried on the way he was Katsuki gave him a month tops once they graduated before he got arrested for sexual harassment.
Wordlessly Katsuki began to tug off his clothes, listening to the idiots behind him ramble on about new moves they had been trying to develop and the ones they knew the girls had been working on. How stupid could these people get? Telling the others their new tactics when they should be keeping it to themselves and using it to surprise their opponents and beat them into dust.
Katsuki tuned them out as the conversation turned into discussing how much hotter the girls had gotten over the break. Instead Katsuki focused on getting changed as quickly as he could so he could get out there already. He had been keyed up all day and he was looking for a reason to get rid of some of his built up frustrations. He could already feel the sweat starting to coat his palms, his skin itching with the need to just let his quirk burst free from his palms. He longed for the familiar crack and boom of the explosions that would spark to life in his hands.
He was halfway through tugging on his trousers when he stilled, his attention snapping back to the rest of the room when he heard her name. “Sure she’s pretty but her attitude kind of tanks that”. Katsuki gritted his teeth, trying not to draw attention to himself as Sato spoke. He hatted he was so interested in what they were say, hanging on with baited breath in case they said something he didn’t already know.
“Maybe that’s her thing, being all distant and mysterious to get us all talking about her. You know being a bit of a bitch to hide a soft gooey centre” Sero said thoughtfully. Katsuki turned as he yanked on his tank top on, glaring at his idiot of a friend. As far as he knew he was the only one in the class who had held any sort of conversation with Y/N since her first day when she had told Deku in no uncertain terms where they could all shove their offer of friendship and he could say that underneath the cold and distance bitchiness was as teasing, infuriating, annoying bitch who seemed to know how to get under Katsuki’s skin and inside his head.
“That’s not an actual thing. Is it?” Kaminari asked, tipping his head to the side and brows drawn in confusion. “I mean it’s what Bakugou dose”. Katsuki did actually growl at that turning his attention to Kirishima. “The hell you saying about me shitty hair” he yelled taking a step forward and pointing an accusing finger at the other teen who just laughed it off.
“I guess we will never know unless one of us actually manages to talk to her”. Sato shrugged as he spoke, turning back to his own locker to get ready for class. Letting out a huff Katsuki turned back to his own locker, pulling out his boots. He thought that would be the end of the conversation, hoped it would anyway. He didn’t want to hear about her anymore, the mere though of the girl irritating him but it seemed the grape haired pervert had other ideas.
“Todoroki’s spoke to her”. The room fell quite, all eyes turning to look at the for mentioned teen. He had frozen, hands halfway through pulling up his zipper. His back was to most of the class but from where Katsuki stood he could see the shock and worry flash across his face.
“What! When?” Kaminari exclaimed loudly, his jacket falling to the floor as he looked franticly between the candy cane and grape boy. Katsuki would like to know that to, would beat it out of the other boy if he didn’t tell him. Mineta smirked, loving the fact that he knew something no one else did. “It’s true. I saw them the other night in the hallway and they looked pretty cosy if you know what I mean”.
Katsuki was going to kill that half ‘n’ half bastard. What the hell right did he have to be sneaking around at night get cosy with his…with his…Shit why the hell was this bothering Katsuki so much? He had no right to Y/N, didn’t want jack shit to do with her in the first place. Let the bastard have her, they would be perfect together with his stoic attitude and her cold indifference. Fists clenching and snarling Katsuki dropped down onto the bench and yanked his boots on. He didn’t care, not one bit so why the hell was he getting so angry?
“Dude you’ve been holding out on us. Come on spill”. Katsuki didn’t look up as Kaminari spoke, glaring at his boots as he laced them up. He didn’t want to be here to hear this shit. “I would hardly call it a conversation, we barley exchanged words” Todoroki said in his normal bland, monotone voice and Katsuki did look up at this, narrowing his eyes at the other boy. Katsuki was calling bullshit and he didn’t understand why half ‘n’ half would lie about it.
“Do you normally let people push their chest against yours and whisper in your ear to exchange a few words” Mineta’s voice droned on and every one stopped once again. Todoroki was blushing, mix matched eyes wide and looking like a deer caught in headlights. Katsuki’s hands began to smoke, black wisps off it escaping between his fingers.
He knew what that felt like, knew the feeling of her hands curling over his shoulders as she stepped into his space, her breasts pushing against his chest as she whispered a teasing comment in his ear, her warm breath sending shivers down his spine. Katsuki clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms as he forced his quirk back down. Anger, envy and resentment crashed into Katsuki, churning round in his stomach and making him feel sick.
“Dude are you banging the new chick?” Kaminari shouted in disbelief and Katsuki saw red. “I don’t think that’s really any of our business” Deku stuttered out, coming to defend the half ‘n’ half bastard who looked like he was about to pass out, all the colour draining from his stupidly angular face.
Growling Katsuki stood back up, shoving his gauntlets on as he did. He slammed his locker shut, the whole thing rattling with the force. “Who gives a shit if he’s getting his dick wet. Just hurry the fuck up and get your arses out there so I can beat them”. Katsuki snarled as he stormed over to the exit that lead onto the training field. His shoulder slamming into the shitty candy cane on the way past, the other teen letting out a grunt of pain.
Katsuki could hear the others still talking behind him, their annoying voices trailing after him. “No fair man, pretty boys like you need to leave us some girls”. “How rude”. “Someone’s extra grumpy today”. “Are you okay Todoroki-kun”. Clenching his jaw Katsuki tried to shove everything down. He didn’t need these shitty feelings. He didn’t have time for them, not if he was going to become the number one hero. What he was going to do was spend the next couple of hours beating his classmates into the dust and Y/N would be nowhere in sight to get under his skin and leave him itchy and wound tight.
He squinted as he stepped out into the sun, turning his head to try and actually see something. The girls were already out, huddled together and whispering amounts themselves. Frowning Katsuki dragged his eyes over them, clocking the nervous looks on some of their faces. That was odd, he hadn’t seen them all that worried in a while and he couldn’t think what would have them so on edge. It didn’t take long to find out though. As he got closer the sun was blocked by the high walls of the stadium they were in. Aizawa stood just a little way off of the group of girls, a clipboard in hand and looking as bored as always as he spoke to Y/N who stood next to him.
Katsuki came to slow stop next the huddle of girls, confused as to what was going on because she wasn’t supposed to be here. Y/N had on the navy and white U.A training outfit, her chunky black boots replaced by black trainers. Her face was turned up towards Aizawa, a serious look about her as she nodded along to whatever their teacher was saying. Why was she hear? She hadn’t come to a single one of these classes since she got here, not once so why the hell was she here now when all Katsuki wanted was her to be as far away from him as possible.
He could hear the rest of the guys approaching, their loud chattering dying down as they came to a stop behind him, finally noticing the girl who had been absent for the past three weeks. “You’re finally all here” Aizawa drawled, his tired eyes dragging across the huddle of students in front of him. “This week we will be looking at how to fight opponent who are completely unknown to you. It has been brought to my attention that after three weeks none of you have managed to work out what Y/Ns quirk is so she has kindly agreed to help with this week’s task”. Katsuki knew he should be thinking about strategies and technics but his mind was stuck. He was finally going to find out what her quirk was.
“You will each face Y/N one at a time with the goal of getting your opponent over the out of bounds lines. If you can work out what her quirk is you will receive top marks for today’s class, if you don’t you will have to run laps after class in full gear” Aizawa had to yell the last bit, the classes chatter getting louder with every second but Katsuki’s eyes were stuck on Y/N as she wordlessly walked out into the middle of the field. Once their she began to stretch, twisting and turning her body a she got ready for the fight coming her way.
It seemed a little unfair, all twenty of them against just her. Sure it was one at a time but it would be gruelling and there was no way she would be able to make it through all of them. That was unless she had some sort of endurance quirk that meant she could out last them all. There had to be something about her and her quirk for Aizawa to think she could stand up to them all but what? What was it that made the older man so sure she could handle that sort of exertion?
“Your names have all been picked out at random to determine in what order you will go. Mineta you will be first, the rest of you take a seat and wait your turn”. The grape haired pervert let out a surprised yelp, practically trembling in his little yellow boots. Grunting Katsuki turned, heading towards the benches that had been lined up a safe distance from the battle arena. The battle area that had been marked out wasn’t that big, probably a little smaller than the one they used for the sports festivals and they were seated close enough to that you could still hear what was being said out on the pitch.
Grunting Katsuki dropped down into the middle of one of the benches, legs splayed wide, his elbows resting on his thighs and heavy gauntlets hanging between them. He didn’t pay much attention to the others but he knew that Sero and Ashido sat on one side of him whilst Kirishima and Kaminari sat on the other side, the four of them talking excitedly over him as they tried to work out what Y/Ns quirk could possibly be. Katsuki just sat there though, watching Mineta as he hesitantly stepped into the starting circle in the middle of the pitch, eyes nervously darting around. “When you’re ready” Aizawa called and the whole class shut up, their attention snapping to the two people in the middle of the field. Katsuki held his breath, waiting to see what she did.
“Hey Mineta-kun” Y/N said all bright and cheerful, smiling down at the grape fucker like they spoke all the time. The pervert stuttered and stumbled over his words and for once looking everywhere but at the girl in front of him. She laughed nervously, rubbing at the back of her neck as a soft pink blush spread across her cheeks. “This is really embarrassing but it’s a lot hotter out here than I thought would you mind if I got rid of this before we started?” She tugged at her jacket as she spoke, looking down at Mineta with a bashful smile. She looked sweet and innocent and Katsuki knew that was utter trash. She was up to something.
Mineta’s attention snapped back to Y/N, a dopy smile on his face as he shook his head. “No that’s fine” he said excitedly, his eyes zeroing in on her chest. She mumbled a quick thanks before her hands went to the zipper. Time seemed to slow as she dragged down the zipper, still smiling sweetly as inch after inch of delicate skin was exposed. Katsuki was transfixed, watching the roll of her shoulders as she tugged the jacket down her arms and exposing the black sports bra she had on underneath. Mineta was practically drawling, eyes fixed on her breasts and Katsuki couldn’t blame him, his own eyes dragging along the outline through the workout top.
Laughing she leant forward, curling one hand over the small teens shoulder, her chest at eye level. Katsuki would swear that he pervert passed out the way his eyes rolled back but he stayed stood, supporting Y/N as she started to tug down her trousers. Someone made a chocked of squeak and Katsuki would put money on it being glasses, his delicate sensibilities being damaged by the amount of skin that was being exposed as the trousers slid over her pert arse and down unblemished thighs. She tugged them over her shoes and throw them behind her to join her abandoned top.
“Holy shit” whispered Kaminari the same time Ashido let out a low whistle. Y/N was stood in nothing but a black sports bra and matching shorts that cling to every curve and ended midway down her thigh. There was so much skin on display, more than was normally on offer when she was in her uniform and Katsuki hungrily drank it all on. Mineta seemed to have forgotten what was supposed to be happening, his hands making little grabby motions towards her and mumbling so much it would but Deku to shame but Y/N hadn’t forgotten.
She tipped her head to the side slightly, her smile twisting and eyes narrowing. Her grip tightened in the collar of his costume then in one quick move she spun round, bringing her leg up and kicking him hard in the stomach. Mineta screamed as he flew through the air, arms flailing as he crashed to the ground face first and outside of the boundary lines. Katsuki started down at the pervert dumbly for a second before dragging his eyes back to the middle of the pitch. She was stood back up, head tipped back and facing the sky but her eyes were fixed on them, a dangerous smirk on her lips. “Oh shit” Kaminari whispered, sounding equal parts amazed and scared.
Katsuki narrowed his eyes at her, snarling slightly. She hadn’t used a quirk, not that he could see anyway, just pure strength. Unless that was her quirk but Katsuki refuses to believe it was that easy. No this was supposed to be hard, a challenge or otherwise Aizawa wouldn’t have set it. She wouldn’t make it that easy to spot what she was doing, trying to mask her quirk by relying on other skills but that wouldn’t be possible for long, not against people like him on half ‘n’ half, and hell half the class had quirks that could beat her down from a distance. Katsuki was excited, skin humming for his chance to get in there with her, to finally be able to wipe that smug smile of her face.
“Hagakure you’re next” Aizawa called and the girl let out a surprised squeak. Katsuki leaned forward, watching the gloves and shoes make their way onto the field. Y/N would have to use her quirk for this fight surly. The invisible girl may not be the best fighter in the class but she had the element of surprise on her side. If it was Katsuki he would let of explosion after explosion, driving the girl back until she had no choice but to step out of the ring.
“Hagakure-kun” Y/N said politely, tipping her head towards the other girl who rushed out a quick hello, a glove moving quickly through the air as she waved. Y/N smiled softly, her eyes slowly dragging from the gloves down to the shoes. “You ready?” Y/N asked seriously, rolling her shoulders and taking a defensive stance. “Sure am” Hagakure said cheerfully as she stripped off her gloves and shoes, throwing them off to the side. It was a good idea, making it almost impossible for Y/N to see where she would be attacking from.
Katsuki tried to follow Hagakure’s movements but from his spot he couldn’t see her footprints. Y/N sighed, relaxing her stance and closed her eyes. “What’s she doing?” Raccoon eyes whispered, leaning into Katsuki. “The hell if I know” he grumbled, scowling at the girl stood motionless in the middle of the field. “Maybe it’s to do with her quirk?” Discount Pikachu might have a point. Maybe it was some sort of enhance hearing, maybe sonar or something like that. It would explain why she was just stood there, leaving herself wide open for an attack.
Suddenly her eyes snapped open, her hand flying out and fingers seeming to curl around nothing. “Ahhh” Hagakure cried out as Y/N jerked her arm forward, stepping to the side and bringing her leg up to deliver a hard kick to what Katsuki assumed was the invisible girls back. A plume of dust rose up from where she staggered forward and for a moment the bottom of Hagakure’s legs were visible as the dust settled. Y/N smirked, kicking at the ground and sending up another dust cloud towards the girl.
What followed was five minutes of what looked like a one person fight as Y/N danced around the arena, ducking and weaving and avoiding every single one of Hagakure’s attacks. Katsuki was transfixed, watching Y/N dance around the other girl’s attacks. Her technique was flawless, a clear level of skill in hand to hand combat that outclassed half the class. She was precise with her movements, anticipating the other girl’s moves and getting hit in after hit, sending the other girl crashing to the dirt time and time again until she was covers in a thin layer of dust and her out line was visible.
Y/N dropped down, kicking her leg out and sweeping Hagakure’s legs out from under her and sent her tumbling face first onto the floor and even Katsuki winced at the sound of her knees smacking onto the floor. Y/N strode forward purposely and grabbed a fistful of the other girl’s hair. Hagakure cried out, her dirt covered hands going up to curl around Y/Ns wrist. She scrambled across the ground, trying not to fall as Y/N dragged her across the pitch and shoved her across the boundary lines.
Everyone was staring at the heap that was Hagakure, her knees bloody and breathing heavily. Wordlessly Y/N turned back and walked back to the middle of the pitch, grabbing the other girl’s gloves and shoes. By the time she got back Hagakure hadn’t moved and no one had gone to help her, everyone still just staring at her. That had been brutal, unnecessarily so but Katsuki assumed that had been the point. Mineta had been a tease and Hagakure had been a warning to all those who were yet to come. Katsuki clenched his fists, already thinking up strategy’s and counter attacks, ways to beat the girl down but he still had no clue what her quirk was and that would be a disadvantage. He would just have to not give her an opening, blast her out of the arena before she got a chance to attack.
Sighing Y/N sank to her knees, gently lifting Hagakure’s leg into her lap. She brushed some of the dust off the other girl’s foot before slipping her trainer back on. Y/N was being so gentle with Hagakure, a complete contrast to the brutal beating she just given the other girl. Katsuki scrunched up his face. What was she doing wasting time like this? The stupid girl could get her own damned self dressed. Katsuki was itching for a chance to fight Y/N and this was just waiting his time.
“You did really well out their Hagakure -kun. Your technique is impressive though I would suggest working on your defence but I would be glad to help you with that if you liked” Y/N said softly, smiling gently up at the other girl as she pulled on her other shoe and laced it up. Katsuki started at her in disbelief. What the hell was going on here? Y/N had spent three weeks avoiding everyone and refusing Katsuki every time he tried get her to spar with him yet here she was, suddenly talking to these extras like she cared about them and offering out her time. What the hell made Hagakure so special that Y/N was willing to train with her and not him?
“I, yeah. That would be great” Y/N smiles warmly at Hagakure’s whispered reply and pushed herself back up onto her feet. Y/N held out her hand for the other girl to take and helped pull her to her feet. “Enhanced hearing” Hagakure rushes out, Y/Ns eyes widen slightly in surprise. Katsuki held his breath, the rest of the class seeming to do the same. Huffing out a small laugh, Y/N turned to look up at Aizawa who had come over to stand next to them. Everyone turned their attention to the teacher, sitting up straighter and waiting to see what he would say. “Good effort though we will need to work on your tactics. Go get your knees sorted and then I want you back here for your laps”. Everyone groaned and Katsuki slumped back in his seat. There went that idea.
“Better luck next time” Y/N called over her shoulder as she went back to the middle of the pitch, smiling widely and waving at them. Katsuki was once again struck by how beautiful she was, the sunlight streaming down on her, knees covered in dirt and cheeks slightly flushed. He wondered if she would still look as beautiful after he had beaten her. “Aoyama, go”. Katsuki groaned annoyed that he was still being made to wait for his chance to knock the smug little shit off her pedestal.
What followed was over an hour of Y/N completely destroying the class. She was polite to all of them, making sure that they were ready and on occasion exchanging a few words about their level of skill but each fight always ended the same. Katsuki tried to keep track of everything so was doing but Y/N adapted and changed her fighting style depending on who she was facing. Aoyama had been easy for her to defeat, taking no more than five minutes but others like glasses and ponytail were harder, taking longer for her to force over the pitch boundary lines but in the end she did, offering each person some form of constructive criticism whilst gushing about their skills.
Each one tried to guess what quirk she had been using, throwing out suggestions like super strength, foresight, teleportation and even mind control but Aizawa shot them all down, Y/N laughing off anyone’s attempts to find out how she had beat them. Katsuki had listened to every suggestion, scoffing at some of the more idiotic ideas but seriously considering others but every time they turned out to be wrong he grew more and more frustrated to the point he was almost convinced that she didn’t even have a quirk and this was just sort of sick joke Aizawa was pulling on them.
Groaning Katsuki narrowed his eyes, watching as she effortlessly dodged Kaminari’s new attack, already starting to move out the way before he had even finished swinging his arm down. “She’s been watching us” Katsuki growled as realisation finally dawned on him. “What do you mean watching us?” Ashido said, sounding a little worried. Katsuki didn’t take his eyes off the pairs as Y/N counters Kaminari’s attack and forced him back towards the boundary lines. “Dunce face has only practiced that attack once since we have been back and that was last week during our endurance training but she knew exactly what was coming and how to avoid it. She wouldn’t know how to do that unless she had been watching us practice”. Katsuki growled the last words, angry that he hadn’t realised it sooner.
Of course she would be observing them, she seemed like the creepy type to lurk in the shadows and watch their practices like a god damned stalker. That meant she had yet another advantage over them, knew more about how they fought whilst they only knew what they had seen today. He had half formed assumptions about her style that she kept knocking down and preventing him from coming up with a solid plan and it was beginning to piss him off.
Y/N slammed her elbow into Kaminari’s chest casing him to stumble back, falling over his feet and crashing to the ground, outside of the boundary lines. “Ow” he whined, rubbing at his chest. Y/N helped pull him up, complimenting his moves and gushing about his quirk, the idiot smiling bashfully. Grunting Katsuki turned away, losing interest in their conversation. Kaminari marked number seventeen leaving just Katsuki, Deku and the half ‘n’ half bastard left and Katsuki was beginning to suspect there hadn’t been anything random about the order they had gone in because what were the chances that the top three in the class would be left till last.
At the moment his best strategy was to just go at her, delivering hit after hit in quick succession and not giving her a chance to counter or dodge, making sure to keep her as far away from him as possible. “Man that sucked” Kaminari whined as he dropped back down into his space, leaning into Kirishima who wrapped an arm around him. “At least you’re lasted longer than Sero did” Ashido leant round Katsuki to pat the other boy on the leg whilst soy sauce let out an indigent ‘hey’. Ashido whipped back round, folding her arms across her chest and levelling the other boy with a hard look. “Well it’s true”. Sero huffed mouth opening to protest but Katsuki cut him off, turning to glare at him. “What idiot gets stuck in their own tape” he barked. Sero frowned, slumping back into his seat. “I told you I don’t know how it happened” he grumbled, clearly sulking. “That just makes it worse dumb arse” Katsuki yelled, only just resisting the urge to smack the other teen round the head. They were in their final year, so close to stepping out into the world as fully fledged heroes and the idiot was still making mistakes that a preschool would do, he was lucky Y/N had just rolled him out of the pitch and not kicked him all the way there like Katsuki would have.
“Alright” Aizawa calls and Katsuki turns to look at the teacher, holding his breath in anticipation. “Todoroki you’re up”. Katsuki groaned, slumping back and tipping his head back to look up at the sky. God damned half ‘n’ half. Why did he get to go first? He probably knew what her quirk was anyway, considering how they had been all over each other, probably had even been sparing together in secret. Katsuki knew that he was probably blowing this all out of proportion, he only had what the perverted little grape had said and Katsuki had been in similar situations with Y/N himself over the last few weeks but he was angry that she had been sneaking around with the shitty candy cane at the same time.
Groaning Katsuki squeezed his eyes shut. No he wasn’t angry she was sneaking around with the other teen, he was angry that she thought she could go around playing games with him, trying to rile him up and get under his skin. Well he wasn’t going to let her. He would go out there a beat her into dust. As much as Katsuki hated to admit it half ‘n’ half was a good fighter, a good opponent and one of the closest to Katsuki’s level. Katsuki would be able to learn a lot from their fight and use it to his advantage. He hoped she kicked his area though, it would be good to see the pompous prat get knocked down a peg or two.
“Well hello handsome”. Katsuki’s head jerked back down as Y/N practically purred her greeting. Distantly he heard Mineta yell ‘I told you so’ but Katsuki was too focused on the other two. Todoroki was scowling at her as he took up his fighting stance, not answering Y/N. She smirked widely, eyes gleaming with what Katsuki thought was excitement and took up her own starting position. “Show me what you’ve got hot stuff”. She winked at half ‘n’ half and the teen actually sneered at her.
He lunged forward, throwing an arm up and sending a sheet of ice barrelling towards Y/N but for once he wasn’t quick enough, the girl dodging just in the nick of time. “You’re going to have to do better than that” she teased, grinning like a mad man. Half ‘n’ half growled at her before launching another attack.
Their fight was fast paced and full on, Todoroki sending up walls of ice and flames. Katsuki was having a hard time following the action, all the ice and Y/Ns quick movements proving difficult to focus on. It was annoying, preventing him from getting a good idea of what her quirk was though Katsuki was sure that she was getting faster, dodging the other teen’s attacks with relative ease. Something that was clearly annoying the candy cane.
She managed to dodge yet another attack, missing both a sheet of ice and wall of flames and finally getting in close to the boy but just as she was about to reach out for him Todoroki threw out his arm. She knocked it out of her way and a sheet of ice shoot up in front of the watching class, blocking them from view. “Fuck” Katsuki cursed, glaring at the thick ice. He couldn’t see anything, not even an outline.
“Hey! Ear Cord” he yelled, leaning around his friends to get the girls attention. She rolled her eyes at him, huffing out an annoyed sight. “It’s Earphone Jack” she grumbled but Katsuki ignored her. He knew what her hero name was, he didn’t need the reminder. “Make yourself useful and tell me what they’re saying” he demanded. She narrowed her eyes at him, looking like she was going to tell him no but the whole class was looking expectantly at her, round face nodding enthusiastically. With a groan she sent here ear cords into the ground and everyone fell silent.
For what seemed like the longest minutes there was nothing. No sound from the other side of the ice, no sound from the waiting class, just Jiro frowning. “Well” Katsuki growled, getting impatient with the lack of information. “Will you shut up” she hissed and Katsuki growled. How dare she talk to him like that. Getting up from his spot Katsuki took a step towards her. “You wonna go you lit...” Katsuki stopped midway through his threat as Jiro’s eyes widened, her mouth hanging open in shock as she blushed a deep read. Quickly she retracted her cords and sunk back in an attempt to hide herself behind ponytail.
“What?” he barked taking another step forward. She had heard something and Katsuki wanted to know what. She made some sort of wired choked of whine, shaking her head quickly. “It was nothing” she rushed out refusing to meet Katsuki’s eyes. Growling he took another step forward until he was in front of her. “Tell me” he growled, looming over the girl, fists clenched and smoking. “Bakugou-kun I really don’t think...” ponytail started to say, wrapping her arms around the other girl and pulling her into her chest but Katsuki cut her off, not even bothering to look at her. “Shut up. Tell me what you heard” his voice was low and menacing as he spoke and he was on the edge of threatening her to talk. He had to know what was going on, had to know what the bastard was doing so he could make sure he didn’t make the same mistakes. It definitely wasn’t because he didn’t like not being able to see what they were doing, not because he was angry that Y/N had called him handsome.
Jiro sighed, he blush still going strong but she seemed ready to talk. “She asked him if his quirk...” she was cut off by a loud bang as something, or more likely someone collided with the wall of ice, cracks creaking as they spread across the sheet. The whole class jumped, a few of the girls and dunce face gasping but not Katsuki. He turned towards the sheet of ice squinting, the dark out line of something just visible as they moved on the other side.
The thud came again, the ice cracking even more. What the hell were they doing? Katsuki could see them moving but couldn’t tell who was who, just vague shapes merging into one another as they moved around one another. Growling he clenched his fists, tempted to blow up the stupid wall just so he could see. He didn’t like not knowing what Y/N was doing with the other teen, not after finding out that they had been sneaking around together behind his back.
Katsuki jerked back at the thought, his eyes widening in surprise. What the fuck was wrong with him? He was acting like some jealous boyfriend and that was not what they were, not even close to it. She was a brat, a pain in his arse who constantly went out of her way to irritate him. He didn’t like her enough to call her an acquaintance let alone his girlfriend. He needed to get it together, start acting like himself and stop worrying about Y/N and the candy cane. It had nothing to do with him and he didn’t care what they were doing, he would beat her all on his own, they’d see.
There was a loud crash, the ice finally breaking as someone was thrown against it yet again. They came tumbling through, rolling across the dirt and coming to a stop just an arm’s length away from the boundary lines. Katsuki looked down at Y/N as she pushed herself up onto her knees. He had hit her, the shitty candy cane the first out of the glass to get her on the ground and that close to the boundary lines. Not possible, no way. She was supposed to beat this joker into the ground and move on. Katsuki was the only one in this class with the skill and power to defeat her, she was only supposed to bend to his will not the half ‘n’ half bastards.
Y/N rubbed a hand over her bloody lip, red smearing across the back of her hand. She let out a small huff of laughter, turning to face Todoroki with a wide smile. He was stood not far off, jumpsuit ripped in a few places and breathing heavily and sweating, clearly the excessive use of both his quirks starting to take its toll, but Y/N hardly had a flush to her skin, wasn’t even breathing that differently than normal. If it wasn’t for the small cut you probably wouldn’t even know she had been fighting for the last twenty minutes.
Pushing herself back onto her feet she glanced back toward the other students, her eyes almost instantly finding Katsuki’s. He felt her eyes dragging over him like a caress, his skin tingling beneath his clothes. She looked at him through hooded eyes and smirked, her tongue poking out to run across her split lip. He swallowed, eyes transfixed on the action hardly even noticing the wink she aimed at him before spinning on her heels and running full force towards Todoroki.
Wordlessly Katsuki shuffled back, dropping down into his seat. “You okay?” Katsuki grunted in reply to Kirishima, his eyes still focused on the couple out on the field. Even though he was watching he didn’t really see the rest of their fight, his mind stuck on the movement of her tongue and the hungry look in her eyes. He felt hot, hotter than normal and he could feel the faint hum of arousal running through his veins. He wanted to see that look again, preferably from above whilst she lead under him. He bet she would look good, even better if she ditched her clothes.
“Holly shit” Kaminari whispered, hand smacking against Katsuki’s chest. “Did you see that?” he said excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat. Blinking a few times to clear his mind, Katsuki slowly looked down at the hand that was gently smacking him in the chest. “Get the hell off me dunce face” Katsuki growled and instantly the other boy was snatching his hand back, laughing nervously. “Sorry man just I can’t believe it ended so suddenly. I really thought Todoroki was going to win”. Katsuki’s head snapped back, eyes wide and searching as Pikachu’s words sunk in.
Half ‘n’ half stood just outside the out of bounds lines, fists clenched and frowning at Y/N who was laughing nervously and very clearly still inside the pitch. When had that happened? How had that happened? How had Katsuki completely missed the entire last part of their match? Y/N lifted her arms above her head, lacing her fingers together and stretched. She moaned loudly, eyes fluttering shut and lips parting slightly. Katsuki’s eyes fell to her naked stomach, watching as her back arched and muscles rippled with the strain. He wondered if that was what she would look like under him, moaning and gasping, arching up for more.
Groaning he slumped forward, hiding his face in his hands. That was why he hadn’t seen how she had gotten the bastard across the boundary line, too absorbed in fantasies that he had no business getting lost in. What was wrong with him? Ever since that first night he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it, about her and it was driving him crazy.
Sure over the years he had thought girls were attractive, hell he though half the girls in the class were pretty hot and he was a healthy teenage boy so he was no stranger to the pleasure his own hand could bring but never had he been so fixated on one girl that he was almost constantly thinking about her to the point he was barley focussing in classes. He had a reputation to uphold, and image to protect and he couldn’t afford to be getting distracted by a pretty smile, firm arse and legs that he wanted wrapped around him as he held her up against a wall whilst he grinded against her.
Growling he gripped at his hair, tugging at the strands. He need to stop this. He was too close to finally becoming a pro to throw all his hard work away for some piece of arse, even if the body attached to said arse happened to be smart, funny and skilled. He just needed to get her out of his system and their fight would hopefully go a long way to fixing that. When he undoubtedly beat her she would scurry off to lick her wounds and he would be left alone.
“Bakugou, let’s go” Aizawa called and Katsuki’s head shot up, looking at his teacher with confusion. Looking rather unimpressed the older man jerked his head towards the filled and Katsuki turned to see what he was talking about. Y/N was stood back in the middle of the pitch, looking at him expectantly. Katsuki frowned, when had the shitty candy cane left the field? Y/N huffed, rolling her eyes as she made a come here motion with both her hands. “Well? You coming or what blondie?” she called and Katsuki jerked back to reality.
Growling Katsuki jerked up and stormed across the field, hands clenched and snarling. Vaguely he was aware of Sero saying ‘this is going to be good’ behind him and the others agreeing with him but he was too focused to let their praise really sink in and boost his already sky high confidence.
He came to a stop in front of her, snarling as he got into position. “Finally decided to join me then. Thought you were going to chicken out” she teased. Katsuki growled, fists clenching as he took a threatening step forward. “Ha! Like hell I would. Your perky arse is mine” he yelled, confident in his ability to finally be the one to push her across the boundary lines.
Y/Ns eyes widened slightly, a look of surprise on her face. It was then when Katsuki realised what he had said, his own eyes widening and a slight blush spreading across his cheeks. She smiled widely, eyes gleaming with amusement. Shit he hadn’t meant to say that, couldn’t understand why he had said it. Now she would know he had been staring at her arse, every time she bent over, when she walked in front of him, hell even when she was just stood still.
“If you want it that bad all you have to do was ask” she winked at him, dragging her tongue over her lips then sucking the edge in between her teeth and biting down on it. Shit he didn’t know where to look, what to say. His mind was stuck somewhere between watching her mouth and imagining her pulling the same face as he gripped her arse tightly and she bounced on top of him. Shit, this wasn’t the time for that. He couldn’t get hard now, not in front of her, not with the whole class there anyway.
As if sensing his embarrassment her smirk fell into a gentle smile. “Oh” she exclaimed, bouncing excitedly on her toes. “Thanks for dinner last night” she said happily, head adorably tilting to the side. Katsuki clenched his jaw, eyes narrowing and growled. “Stop eating my god damned food” he yelled angrily. Ever since that first night she had been sneaking his food out of the fridge. He had only caught her that first time but he knew it was her, Y/N never hiding the fact and making sure he knew how much she enjoyed it.
“But it tastes soooo good and you keep leaving it right there. How’s a girl to resist such temptation?��� she looked so sweet, so innocent with bright eyes and an even brighter smile but the way she spoke, her tone low and teasing with just the hint of something darker, more carnal lurking underneath. Katsuki wanted to hear more of it, wanted her to whisper in his ear as she pushed up against him. “God damned suffer for all I care, just keep your thieving hands off my food”. She laughed, waving his angry words off like it was nothing and Katsuki snarled, bearing his teeth at her. “Enough bullshit! Fucking fight me already” he yelled, taking a step forward and palms sparking in his anger.
Huffing her smile fell, levelling him with a bored and unimpressed look. “Fine, have it your way blondie. Just try not to disappoint me”. As soon as she finished talking she lunged for him. Katsuki barley had time to dodge to the side, only just avoiding the punch aimed right at his face. She didn’t give him time to regain his footing, spinning round and coming for him once again.
She was quick, quicker than he had thought and stupidly light on her feet. She kept getting in close, nocking his arms away every time he tried to lift them to get a shot in, sending his explosions in the opposite directions. They dodged and weaved around one another, each one avoiding the others attacks. He wasn’t getting a hit in, couldn’t even get his hands anywhere near her to blast her back, if he didn’t do something soon he would never get an opening.
“Is that all you’ve got? How pathetic”. She sounded angry as she brought a knee up aiming for his stomach, at the same time she threw a punch, aiming for his head. He couldn’t deflect both, had to make a choice and fast. Throwing an arm up he blocked the punch, trying to bring his other arm round to block her leg but her cold fingers wrapping around his arm and holding it still. He grunted as her knee connected with his stomach, feeling like a rock was being shoved into him.
Growling he opened his palm, twisting it towards her and let off a large explosion. She let go of him, jumping back in an attempt to avoid his attack but he had been too close to miss. He smiled in triumph, knowing he had finally got a hit in along her side but the smile fell quickly as he caught sight of her. There was no mark, not even the bright pink flush of her skin getting hot. “What the hell” he whispered, the disbelief clear in his voice. How? How had she avoided his attack like that? Sure it hadn’t been that strong of an attack as he had only wanted to get her out of his space so he could do some real damage but still, there should still have been some sort of evidence of it left behind.
“Now that’s more like it” she yelled, her eyes bright with excitement. Katsuki took a step back, eyes wide as he took in the girl before him. She looked unhinged, smile wide and her hair a mess, just like a mad women and Katsuki felt like he was about to get ripped apart. “Give me everything you’ve got” she laughed as she darted forward, heading straight for him.
Growling Katsuki lifted he hands setting of explosion after explosion in an attempt to keep her back and for the most part it worked, keeping her away from him but he still wasn’t landing any hits, Y/N dodging every single one like they were nothing. She kept barrelling forward not caring about the possible damage that could befall her. As he let of a particularly large explosion his theory was conformed.
In two quick moves she was leaping through his attack, using the ground that was ripped free by the explosion as stepping stones and lunged at him. Katsuki quickly moved to the side, watching as she hit the ground rolling and sprung to her feet. The ends of her hair were singed, smudges of dirt and ash marring her flawless skin but other than that there was no mark of what she had just gone through, quite literally. That had to be it, that had to be her quirk. She could heal, that’s why she didn’t care about getting hurt and that made her dangerous.
She turned, making another dash for him and this time Katsuki didn’t hesitate. She had to have a limit to the healing and he would just have to keep pushing until she couldn’t keep it up any more. “Aghhhh” he cried running straight at her, using his quirk to propel him into the air at the last moment. He sawed above her, using an explosion to change the direction he was facing whilst bringing his other hand round and letting off another explosion at the back of her head. Y/N barley twisted away in time, avoiding the attack but Katsuki could see the way his quirk light up her eyes, the bright glow making them shine and it was stunning.
She swung round, grabbing his arm with cold hands and yanked him forward, using his own momentum to swing herself round and deliver a hard kick to the bottom oh his back. He cried out at the sudden sting of pain that shot up his back, stumbling forward. He quickly righted himself, bring his leg up as he spun round but she was ready for him, arms coming up to block his attack but he used her distraction to his advantage, bringing both hands up and aiming for her face. She leant back, tumbling back and Katsuki thought he had her but her arms went behind her and she swung her legs up, kicking his arms away and only just missing his face as she flipped backwards.
She flipped back a few times, putting some distance between them. When she came to stop she was crouched down low, one leg bent and the other outstretched to the side, a hand flat on the floor to keep her balanced. She was still smirking at him, her eyes dark almost black and despite everything Katsuki could feel his own smirk tugging at his lips. His heart was racing, a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin and filling his gloves. He was having fun sparing for the first time in a long time and even though he wanted to win he didn’t want it over with just yet.
Laughing he started to run towards her, hands behind him and as he jumped he pushed himself forward with a few quick explosions. She pushed herself forward, her own laughter loud and echoing as she raced towards him. They met in a clash of fists and the loud booming bang of his quirk going off. They exchanged blows each of them getting in hits as they moved around the pitch. Dust and debris filled the air around them as he let of one explosion after another. Y/N used it to her advantage, using the chunks of ground to give height to her attacks.
Katsuki didn’t know how long they had been at it but he was starting to hurt, every time her punches and kicks made contact feeling like he was being hit by a brick wall and every time he managed to get a physical attack in it felt like he was hitting stone. It reminded him of fighting shitty hair, the way his body would harden and make it feel like his bones were going to crack every time he got a hit in.
Y/N leapt at him, spring boarding off a chunk of pitch that he had just sent flying her way. He lifted his right arm, palm opened wide and with a clear shot at her exposed stomach. It happened quickly, quicker than he could react to, his eyes widening as she sailed through the air. Her hands went to his gauntlet, forcing his hand down towards the ground as he let off his explosion. The attack gave her the momentum she needed and she flipped over his head and twisting in mid-air. Her knees connected with his back and forced him forward. Katsuki went down hard, crashing to the ground with a loud oomph.
She stayed on top of him, her legs on either side off him and sitting on his lower back. She had gotten one of his arms twisted behind his back, hand bent to force his palm against his side. The other hand she had pinned by his head, palm practically pushed against it. He was trapped, no way to use his quirk to get out of her hold without hurting himself.
Growling he turned his head to the side, glaring out across the pitch. It was destroyed, chunks missing in places and the rubble scattered across the entire arena. His class mates stared back at him, some smug and some in shock. Dunce face was leant forward, clinging onto Kirishima with a scared look on his face. His eyes dragged down the line, refusing to make eye contact until he got to Deku and the half ‘n’ half bastard. Deku looked worried, eyes wide and pleading as he clung onto the other teen, leaning forward so much that it looked like he would tumble to the ground. Half ‘n’ half was frowning, staring intently at Katsuki with a little furrow between his brows.
Katsuki squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw. He didn’t need their pity, didn’t need to see those stupid looks on their faces. Y/N shifted, leaning forward until her lips were next to his ear. Suddenly Katsuki was hyper aware of everywhere she was touching him, her bare arm resting against his outstretched one and her chest pressed tightly against his back and his arm digging into her stomach.
His eyes snapped open, gasping as she dragged her cold tongue along his cheek. “Ummm always so sweet” she moaned into his ear and Katsuki shivered. He should feel disgusted but some when in the last three weeks he had gotten used to it, come to expect it from her and every time they met he would be waiting for it with a mix of excitement and dread. “Get the fuck off me brat” he growled, trying to buck her off him but all it did was get her to press down harder against him. “Shame about the sour attitude” she grumbled.
“Get off” he snarled, trying to yank his arm down and out of her cold grip. She grabbed his chin with her free hand and forced his head to the side so he could look at her. “Make me” she snapped, her grip tightening to the point of being painful. He snarled, red eyes narrowed and full of anger. “You were doing so well but this is just pathetic. I thought you were supposed to be one of the top three, one of the best but it seems I was wrong”. She sounded upset, pouting at him like she had just been denied her favourite toy.
Growling Katsuki snapped at her, jerking his head back slightly to free himself of her cold hands. Seriously, why the hell was she so cold? He was getting goosebumps, his body cooling to the point he wasn’t able to produce sweat and that was not acceptable. “Like hell. I’m the god damned best here and I’m going to be number one”. He watched as a smile spread across her pink lips, the cut that candy cane had given her now completely gone. “Then prove it. Show me how much you want it hero”. Katsuki bristled at the way she said hero, that one word coming across mocking and full of distain.
What was her issue? She was in a school for heroes, a school where she would learn to become one yet Katsuki got the feeling that she didn’t really care all that much for what they were doing here. So why was she even here? Before he could ask she leant forward even more until their faces were just inches from one another. “Come on sparks, give it to me. Don’t hold back, I can take everything you can give me”. Her voice was low, only loud enough for him to hear and dripping with innuendo that had Katsuki’s mind racing with all the other situations she could be whispering those words to him.
What was wrong with him today? Never had he been this distracted before, never been this interested in someone before and at this rate he was going to combust from the need to get his hands on her. “Shut up” he growled, annoyed at his own inability to get her out of his head. He had to focus, had to get her off him so he could blast her across the pitch and be done with this shitty fight.
“I thought you were going to make me”. She laughed at the blush that he could feel spreading across his cheeks as she reminded him of the threat he had made earlier that morning. “How about a little motivation to get your head back in the game hum?” As she spoke she shifted, pressing her crotch against his arse. Katsuki sucked in a breath, once again being made aware of how close they were. He chanced another glance at his friends, their worry gone and replaced with amusement and confusion. They had been here to long, Katsuki not doing anything to get the girl off of him.
“If you win I’ll suck your dick” she whispered. Katsuki’s eyes shot open, eyebrows disappearing into his hairline as he choked on air. He could feel his dick twitch with interest, his breathing picking up and eyes stuck on her mouth as her tongue poked out to run across her lips. “What do you say hero? You beat my arse and I’ll let you own my mouth”. He actually whimpered at her words, already imaging what it would feel like. She hummed, leaning in and Katsuki was sure she was going to kiss him and he held his breath in anticipation of what was to come, forgetting where they were. Instead she turned at the last moment, ducking her head down and licked along his neck, humming as she did so. “I wonder if you’ll taste just as sweet there as you do here” she mumbled against the sensitive spot under his jaw.
Katsuki didn’t thinking, twisting the arm he had behind his back so he could press his palm against her naked thigh. His side stung as he let off a rather large explosion that was risky to use so close to his own body but it accomplished what he had been after.
With a surprised cry the girl jumped back, leaping away from Katsuki with quick agile movements. Katsuki quickly scrambled to his feet and turned on the other girl, charging towards her with an angry cry. He was angry with her for trying to distract him with something he knew he wanted and angry for himself for falling for her dirty tricks because no one would offer that kind of thing out like it was nothing and especially to someone who they didn’t even know.
Kicks and punches were thrown, explosions raining down on them as Katsuki pursued the girl with a single minded determination. His anger spurred him on, driving him to be a little more reckless than he probably should have been but he had stopped caring. He had a single minded determination to beat her and he wouldn’t give up until he was the one standing victorious.
She leapt back as Katsuki let off another attack, the blow grazing her stomach and making the skin flush red for just a few seconds. Laughing she pushed a few stray strands of hair back from where they had stuck to her forehead as she sweated. That struck Katsuki as strange, considering how cold she had been when pressed against him but now she was flushed red, sweat dripping down her brow.
“That one almost hurt but still not quite good enough blondie” she said smiling. Sighing she rolled her shoulders and head, stretching her arms out in front of her. “You know when all this is over I will be stood right here and you will be on your knees”. She said it so matter-of-factly that Katsuki almost believed her but he wouldn’t let that happen. “Like hell you would ever get me on my knees” Katsuki yelled, only realising his mistake when she winked at him. “Oh I don’t know, I can think of a few reasons why you would be”.
To hide his embarrassment Katsuki lunged for her, palms sparking as he grabbed for her. Y/N spun out of his way, effortlessly knocking his hand away as she swung her elbow up and smacked it into his jaw. Katsuki grunted as his head snapped to the side, a pain like an electric shock but ten times worse shot through his jaw and rattled through his teeth.
He twisted his arm, grabbing at her and spun on his feet, throwing her away from him. She went with it, rolling gracefully across the ground and spring to her feet. She didn’t even hesitate, running straight for Katsuki and he did the only thing he could think off. He lifted his arm, palm flat and facing towards her, sparking with his quirk. He waited until she was close to easily change direction, leaping through the air towards him and only then did he pulled the pin out of his gauntlet.
The explosion that ripped from him was large and devastating, ripping the ground to shreds but something wasn’t right. He lost sight of Y/N amongst the smoke and dust but he could have sworn he saw a shadow past by him in a blurry flash and then there was a loud bang from behind him, just seconds after his own shot went off. A burning pain shot through him as he was blasted forward, flying through the air at an alarmingly quick rate.
Using his quirk Katsuki slowed himself down, dropping back down to the ground and landing shakily on his feet. Growling he spun round, glaring back in the direction he had come from. That had been his quirk, his explosion that had sent him hurtling across the pitch but that couldn’t be possible, he had been aiming forward there shouldn’t have been any way for it to have come from behind. He couldn’t wrap his mind round what had happened, how he had ended up so far away from where he had started.
As the smoke and dust cleared he caught sight of Y/N stood motionless in the middle of the field, not a scratch on her. Growling he went to step forward, ready to end this once and for all. He didn’t know what had happened or how she had managed to avoid an attack like that but he wouldn’t let it happen again. “Bakugou that’s enough, take your seat”. Katsuki stopped, confused as to why he was being made to stop when they were both still standing.
Y/Ns shoulders relaxed, a wide and smug smile on her lips as she pointed towards her feet. Frowning Katsuki looked down, sucking in a breath as he saw where he was stood. The boundary line was just in front of him, a smudged mess but still clear as day. Katsuki dropped to his knees, defeated and full of disbelief. How? How had this happened? He hadn’t lost a fight in almost a year, he was the best after all and the best didn’t lose but somehow she had bested him. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
“To bad, so sad, better luck next time” Y/N sing songed, shrugging her shoulders as if it was no big deal. Katsuki couldn’t do anything but look at the girl in a daze, struggling to understand how he had lost. “Come on man” Kirishima mumbled, slipping his arm around Katsuki and hauling him to his feet. He grunted as his friend dragged him back to his seat and he dropped down into it with a huff. “That sucks dude but that was one hell of a fight” Sero said, leaning round Ashido to pat him on the back. “Seems that perky arse was harder to get than you thought” Ashido giggled but Katsuki didn’t hear her, his mind still stuck as he went over their fight again and again, trying to work out where he had gone wrong.
“Well if it isn’t the leader of the welcome committee, ready to get your arse handed to you?” At Y/Ns teasing voice Katsuki looked up, finding Deku stood in the middle of the filed looking at her with a frown. He stood tall, head held high with a look of determination about him. “I know what your quirk is” he yelled and everyone seemed to suck in a breath, waiting for the green haired boy to answer.
Y/N laughed gently, running a hand through her hair and Katsuki lent forward as he waited to hear what the nerd had to say. The kid was smart and way to observant for his own good and Katsuki wouldn’t put it past him to have figured it out just like he had. Y/N shrugged, smiling at the green haired boy in amusement. “I knew you would, that’s why I saved you till last”.
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aitarose · 4 years
AKAIBARA (T.KUROO) pairing: kuroo tetsurou x fem!reader
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synopsis: he was everything, her entire world. y/n didn’t know love without kuroo, but she also didn’t know if he knew any love for her—any love at all.
word count: 5.6k
genre: hanahaki au, unrequited love, mutual pining, fluff, angst
warnings: blood, mentions of death, terminal illness?
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notes: this is for my muse, lina-chan, since she’s my love—and i catered y/n to her exact personality traits..so you’re welcome loser-chan!
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Nine petals and counting.
Y/N rested her hands on the sides of the vinyl bathroom sink, head tilted downwards, towards the view of red. Solids and liquids approached the drain, a mix of flowers and blood escaping from her body.
Ten, eleven, twelve. It was unstoppable, the amount of love she was losing, the amount of strength she had to go on. Her legs felt weak, frail in comparison to her usual tenacity and vigor on the side of the court.
She hadn’t been able to manage the volleyball team in weeks, nearing months. Her physical health had wavered, forcing her to resign from her post. Forcing her responsibilities on their coach, her boys having to fend for themselves for the first time since she was fifteen.
Loneliness was all Y/N knew, though she was still an avid student and classmate. It was all she’d felt in the past days, isolated from her friends, her classmates, even him.
Even Kuroo.
It wasn’t that she wanted to be apart from him, from his humor, his laugh, the overwhelming feeling of warmth that he brought to her life. He was her sun amongst Toyko’s sea of stars—but he couldn’t see her like this.
He couldn’t see the blood stains, the coughing fits, the garden of flowers that grew from her throat. She was a mess and he was him, the very person that caused her this horrid disease. The very person that she loved more than anyone in the entire world.
Hanahaki wasn’t uncommon in their town, nearly a quarter of Nekoma High suffered from it in some type of way. It was truly an enigma, a confusion turned infection that made no sense to the human mind.
Y/N had tried to re-work her diagnosis for years, since the first few weeks she’d had it—and despite her knowledge of anatomy and biology, there was no solution to her dilemma, there was no true scientific cure.
And over time, she and Kuroo had come to realize that. While they worked and worked for a way to rid her of the thorns, there was nothing they could do as he didn’t know who her love was.
He didn’t know that no matter how many nights he stayed up beside her, chin rested over her shoulder, arms wrapped around her torso—no matter how much he tried to relieve her of her pain, he only made it worse.
He wanted to help, she knew that he wanted to help in any way that he could—but it was no use. All he’d ever be able to do is watch in sympathy as she’d run out of their classroom and back into the hole that was the public girl’s restroom.
Kuroo was the best person Y/N knew, which was all the more reason that he had to stay out, that he needed to give her space during this time. The disaster that was hanahaki couldn’t infiltrate his life, Y/N wouldn’t let it, he didn’t deserve the pressure—the pressure of loving her.
Thirteen, fourteen, to nothing.
Relief began to overcome her lungs, oxygen filling her veins, the thorn-covered vines retreated back to the place in which they came. It was as if the sun had finally showered through the clouds, giving Y/N the light that she so desperately needed.
Her flowers were strange in comparison to the stories she and Kuroo had read online. Rather than continuous, straight lines of blood and blossoms—her roses were sporadic and unpredictable.
There’d be times where she’d be stuck in the restroom for the entirety of the day, throwing up due to her rib cage cramping and rolling over itself—or she’d be perfectly fine, with all the energy in the world.
Those days were her favorite. The day’s where she and Kuroo would scream at the top of their lungs. Where he’d spin her around and wrap her up in the tightest hug he could muster. Where he’d smile at her as if she wasn’t only his best friend—as if he loved her.
But he didn’t. He didn’t love her, not in the way she wanted at least.
A light sigh escaped Y/N’s lips, her quivering body stilling as she finally took a look towards her reflection. She’d been staring at the pile of scarlet for nearly a half-an-hour, trying her best not to lose count of her trauma.
Fifteen petals was all it took to uproot her day, dwindle her time with Kuroo down to nothing. It was embarrassing, truly.—that her soul was controlled by a mere rose.
Color slowly returned to her cheeks, flushed shades of pink mocking her with their rosy hue, red lighting up the tip of her nose. Her eyes were weary, blurry from the amount of tears she’d shed, the same tears that had meshed with the running tap water. 
Taking a deep breath, Y/N let go of the sink. She let go of the safety of her reflection, the safety of knowing that she was the only person who’d ever see herself this way, completely derailed by love.
Stepping into the real world, the world of judgement from classmates and concerned advisors, she hastily left the bathroom—only for a large, calloused hand to wrap itself around her forearm.
As she rolled her eyes, turning to face her captor, Y/N raised her palm and flicked her best friend right between his eyebrows. “You waited?” She suppressed a grin, stifling a laugh at the sight of his mocking pout. 
“Seems like fan behavior to me, Kuroo.”
He frowned at her words, picking her up with ease as he made his way down the now empty hallways. Y/N squealed, despite being used to his relentless strength, there would never be a time in which she’d expect him to throw her over his shoulder. 
Holding her legs whilst supporting her waist, he nodded with a troublesome smile at any of their classmates who’d so happened to remain after the school bell had rung—to which they’d respond with a simple shake of the head, amused at the sight of Nekoma High’s infamous best friends.
“Fan behavior, huh?” Kuroo spun dramatically as they reached the parking lot, nearly throwing Y/N into the passenger seat of his car, her designated spot. The place where no person, not even Kenma, was allowed to sit.
He instinctively buckled her seatbelt, knowing that she must’ve felt weak and nauseous due to the stress her body had been under only ten minutes prior, before settling himself behind the wheel.
A bright beam overcame his features, practically spreading across his entire face as her eyes met his. “Where to next?” Y/N asked, fingers fiddling with the different radio channels, deciding on a soft indie-station.
“Home.” He replied, taking a hold of the hand she’d placed over the volume nozzle, allowing them to turn up the song together. Though it was brief, him releasing her touch after seconds, it was moments like this where she considered the theory that perhaps she did hold a place in his heart. 
She shook her head, forcing the absurd thought away and rolling her eyes once again at the utter ridiculousness that was Kuroo Tetsurou. She leaned back into the soft leather of her seat, deadpanning at his words. “Your home. You act as if I live there.”
“You practically do,” he quipped back with ease, hair pressed against the chair’s headrest, smothering the thick black peaks, “What’s mine is yours, Y/N. There’s nothing I’d ever keep from you.”
“You deserve the world, and I’m going to give you every little bit of this world that I can.”
Her lips pursed into a tight smile, internally punching herself at the sweetness in his voice, the purity that he managed to sop into every word. Looking away from his gorgeous face, gaze retreating to the bustling city around them, Y/N contemplated his promise. 
It was impossible, the idea that he’d proposed. The thing that he vowed to her in the mornings, afternoons, and nights. The concept that she always loved to hear roll off of his tongue, but also wanted to throw out her open window. 
After all, how would Kuroo ever be able to give her the world—when her world was entirely him?
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While his house was practically her second home, Y/N always seemed to notice the residence beside it before anything else.
As they pulled up in the driveway, Kuroo carefully parking his car between the stone gate and his grandfather’s buggy, both of their ears perked to the familiar sound of none other than Kozume Kenma. 
“You’re spending the night again?” He questioned peering over the fence, recognizing the extra duffel packed along with Y/N’s school bag. “You were just over last week. You’d think you guys would be sick of each other by now.”
Kuroo shook his head, making his way around the hood and opening the passenger door. “No way, pudding head.” He shouted, resting his elbow on the roof whilst slinging the small pack over his shoulder. “Only thing I’d ever get sick of is your cute little attitude.”
Y/N giggled, squinting her eyes to see the nonchalant expression that was undoubtedly gracing Kenma’s features. She wasn’t exactly close with him, having little to nothing in common other than their giant of a friend, but still held great respect for his dedication. 
Dedication as in the value to which he held his friendship with Kuroo.
Though she’d known their captain longer, there were times in which she wasn’t able to be by his side during matches or breakdowns. This usually having to do with her hanahaki forcing her to be immobile.
But it always turned out alright, since Kenma was there. He was always there to help, even when she’d forget to send him a warning text message or quick heads up. He was reliable as he was pessimistic, a truly unconventional friend that Y/N would be grateful for until the very end.
As Kuroo took her bags inside the house, insisting that he had to help even though she claimed that her muscles were feeling perfectly fine, Y/N waved to the younger boy, casually approaching his small figure.
Her steps were small, fallen leaves crunching beneath the soles of her sneakers. Autumn was beautiful this year, the oranges and yellows mixing together like the perfect sunset.
It was complementary, the colors—they reflected the sky in a dream-like synchronization. The last time fall had landed upon Japan, she and Kuroo had spent the entire day nestled together, jumping in the multiple piles of leaves and sipping spiced drinks by the fireplace.
While the memories were happy and nostalgic, they were a distraction. Nothing but recollections of false hope and ideologies that she’d ingrained into her brain as convincing factors that he did indeed love her—that he had just an inch of his heart that was completely reserved for her.
Kenma immediately opened his mouth, interrupting Y/N before she could ask him all about how his school day had gone. Her jaw dropped, the statement being said was unexpected, out of box in the current moment of relaxation.
“You still have hanahaki.” He looked straight into her eyes as if he were challenging her. If Y/N could see into his brain, there was no doubt that the gears would be turning rapidly in synchrony. “You’ve had it for years, Y/N. A normal person would’ve given up by now.”
She frowned, her lips curving into a downward arc, slightly appalled by the bluntness of his words, before furrowing her brows while she came up with an understandable response.
Her relationship with Kenma was civil, never straying from one of acquaintances, but there were sparse moments like this in which he’d blatantly say something personal—something that made her think that he knew more than he was letting on.
“I don’t think my case falls under the normal category.” Y/N whispered, choosing to reply with honesty over falsehood, while both of their gazes fled to Kuroo, who’d cheered as he successfully managed to unlock the front door with his hands full of bags. 
“You don’t have to worry about him,” she continued with a love-struck radiance. As if on natural instinct, her legs began to move towards the person that was her heart, abandoning Kenma to his side of the fence. 
With one final glance, she saw him nod at her last words. The words that she repeated to herself every time her flowers became too much, every time she needed to remember why she was here in the first place.
“As long as I’m still breathing, he’s got me.” She called out, chest warming at the sight of her little friend’s approval. The approval that meant more to her than any test grade or big win. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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“Heads up!” 
Before she could blink an eye, Y/N’s vision was covered by the thin grey fabric of Kuroo’s massive t-shirt. It draped over her head like a sheet in the night, the smell being clean and comforting, completely and utterly him.
Reaching up to take hold of the borrowed garment, she shoved his chest, feeling the vibrations of laughter rolling off of him in contagious waves. Despite how much he annoyed her, he could be quite amusing at times.
Their dynamic had always been an interesting one. Her being more logical and serious, whilst he was carefree and witty. They weren’t an obvious pair of best friends, but they did have the important things in common.
That being the value of hard work and dedication, whether that came to school assignments or volleyball—they both knew the true meaning of ambition and success, and would do anything to help the other achieve their dreams.
Opening the door to the guest bathroom, Y/N slipped Kuroo’s shirt over the tank top she’d been wearing, stripping herself of her undergarments beneath the endless fabric. She tossed her clothes into her duffel, zipping it tightly and placing it on the floor.
The Kuroo household was a place she was comfortable in, having been friends with the boy for nearly all of her life. It wasn’t uncommon for her to stop by and stay for dinner or overnight, considering his family adored her and considered her one of their own.
In their first year of high school, she’d spent a total of one-hundred and twenty nights wrapped up in his arms before his grandparents had decided to permanently mark the guest bedroom as her’s. 
Though she’d grown accustomed to the warmth of her best friend’s comforter, Y/N did have to admit that it was nice to have her own space. Her own space that also gave her the luxury of having the person she loved only one wall away.
As she dug through the right-hand drawer for the toothbrush and toothpaste that she always stored in the case that she’d be staying overnight, a rhythm of knocks ricocheted off of the hard wood.
“You ready?” She called out, walking past the sliding shower doors and turning the small door-knob. “I was just about to brush my teeth,” her words continued, stopping as she came face-to-face with her favorite giant. 
His smile was cheeky, mischief seemingly on his mind as he held up his own set of tools. “You waited for me, Y/N?” A sly smirk crept on his face, her words from earlier coming back to bite her in the butt. “Seems a little like fan behavior to me.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N stepped aside, making room for his ginormous body in the quaint bathroom. The countertop wasn’t exactly large, having just enough space for the two of them to stand beside one another with their arms touching as they looked into their reflections.
Her eyes seemed distant, even to herself. The usual livelihood that inhabited her irises was absent, replaced with fragments of the person she once was, the person that had been overshadowed by dirt and disease.
Resentment was the only emotion she displayed, hatred for the pathetic reasoning behind her pain, the putrid dreams she wished would come true—but as Y/N looked away from the stress and worry, she saw him. She saw Kuroo.
Unlike her, his gaze wasn’t resting on himself. His eyes weren’t immediately attracted to his own appearance, choosing to lay on Y/N instead. His neck was angled down, a soft expression gracing his face while he simply admired her.
While he admired her like a boy in love.
They held eye contact for a brief moment, neither one wanting to end the intimate interaction, before he broke away. He snapped out of his trance, hands subconsciously reaching for the tube of toothpaste that had been forgotten by both minds. 
As they began to brush their teeth, Kuroo played troublemaker. Whether that meant making faces or mimicking Y/N’s actions, he found endless ways to humor her, wanting to see the smile on her face as she flipped him off.
The laughter wheezing from her lips was infectious, her body doubling over, forcing heavy chuckles from her love as well. It was a sight to see, two high schoolers in a minimal-sized bathroom, overcome with a fit of giggles—but that was simply them. It was simply Y/N and Kuroo.
With a mouth full of foam, she leaned past him and over the sink, expecting to see a mix of bubbles and white—only to be gifted with the mood-killing sight of blood and blossoms. 
She choked, gasping for air as the small roses fell from her throat. “Please,” she cried, gripping the ledge of the counter with a killer grasp, gesturing for Kuroo to leave the room. “I can’t breathe.”
But he didn’t listen, he didn’t leave. He didn’t cover his eyes and walk away like he normally did, respecting her wishes that he would never see her like this—like a complete and utter mess.
As her airway began to clear, her smiles turned to frowns, embarrassed of what he’d seen, the proof of her never-ending infatuation. However, Kuroo didn’t seem phased. He glanced at the flowers as if they were nothing, as if they weren’t a foul sight in itself.
He turned the faucet on, washing them away from her view, forcing the spray roses to dissolve and wither above the drain—and for some odd reason, Y/N’s heart hurt at his actions. 
It was the first time in months that he’d been present during one of her uproars. The first time in months that he had to see what she went through on a nearly daily basis, and he didn’t even blink an eye.
He looked at the physical representation of her love like it didn’t matter, like it was a pest that he had to kill. Like an unintentional rejection that his instincts dictated, a rejection that she feared for every moment of every day.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N muttered, refusing to meet the concern in his gaze. She squeezed her eyes shut, blocking out the inevitable judgement that she expected to come from his way—only to feel his rough hand take a hold of her chin, tilting it upwards towards his face.
Nothing was said, no remarks came from his end. Instead, he wordlessly stole the hand towel that’d been hanging on the shower door and dabbed away the blood that had soaked into the skin beneath her lips. 
He was unreadable.
No matter how hard she tried to analyze his thoughts, his actions, his posture; a blank canvas was all she’d painted. She wanted to keep apologizing for the things that were out of her control, but as she opened her mouth to speak, he interrupted with a question that she’d never expected to hear.
“If it weren’t for your hanahaki,” he began, brows furrowed in concentration, not allowing Y/N to pin-point what he was so focused on, if it was the disease or herself. “Do you think you’d know that you love them?”
“You know, your person?”
Her response was momentary, the gears in her brain working on overtime as she tried to find the meaning behind his words. Why the sudden curiosity? Did he have hanahaki? Was there someone he loved? 
Clearing her throat, making sure that there was no evidence of her accident, Y/N began to speak slowly. “Being in love is more than just a disease, Kuroo. It can’t be dimmed down to a single flower or infection.”
“I love him enough to put myself through pressure every day. I love him so much that it physically hurts me to think about him. He brings a light to this darkness that no other person can outshine—”
“—and I’d never give up on him.” Glass covered her eyes, tears struggling to roll down her cheeks as her peripheral vision grew blurry. In the midst of her tangent, Kuroo had pressed Y/N against his chest, rubbing her back in soft circles.
“He’s the other half of me, my true equal.” Bitterness was being laced in her tone, the irony of it all settling in. It was unfair. Her describing her everlasting love for the boy she’d do anything for. He was right beside her, and yet he seemed miles away.
“I’d know love for him even if I was healthy. Even if we were strangers, worlds apart.” Choking back the last of her cries, Y/N bit her lip, pushing away the warmth of his chest. “Trust me, Kuroo. You’d know if you were in love.”
For once in his life, he had no words. No comments or remarks that he was dying to say. His only response was a nod of the head, a curt acknowledgement of her feelings, before he turned and said a brief goodnight.
Before he turned and left Y/N with nothing but confusion, thoughts that would keep her restless and awake throughout the night. Itching concerns to creep up her veins and into her dreams.
If only he loved her, then all of this could’ve been avoided. If only he had asked her who her hanahaki was for, then maybe she would’ve confessed. Perhaps she’d be free and untethered from her illness. 
But he didn’t ask, and she didn’t confess. All she was left with was broken fragments of care, leftovers of love that she received through twisted questions and wonder. 
All she was left with was half of a heart, that would never find its whole.
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It was nearly two in the morning and Y/N was restless, chasing sleep like it was an everlasting punishment. Slumber being within her grasp, but stolen, kidnapped by the stress and worries that were Kuroo Tetsurou. 
Her mind was moving at a million miles per hour, overthinking and overworking the question that he’d asked her in the midst of their nightly routine. The curiosity that had somehow overcome his usual vigor and happiness. 
Panic settled in her throat, the feeling of thorns and stems inching their way up her neck and touching her tongue. She needed water, anything that could suppress the punishment for feeling love. 
Swinging her legs over the side of the queen-sized mattress, Y/N shivered as her feet touched the cold floor. Her steps were light, trying her best to be completely silent, not wanting to disturb the actual members of the household.
The trip to the kitchen was short. An easy route for her after having taken many midnights trips before, since her hanahaki always seemed to act up whenever she stayed overnight. 
Finding a small glass and filling it to the brim with tap water, Y/N gulped it down, savoring every last bit as if there was no other substance on Earth. The liquid ran down her throat, pushing past the vines and forcing them into their home that was her heart. 
“You’re up late.” 
Y/N jumped, nearly smashing the cup on the counter as the familiar voice of Kuroo’s obaachan crept up from behind her. She sighed, taking a deep breath before facing the old woman.
Her relationship with his family had grown extremely close in the years that they’d known each other. She was practically considered a member of the family, them always wanting her around no matter what the circumstances were.
But she and obaachan were different compared to how she bonded with the Kuroo men. Unlike the others, his grandmother was observant, knowing of the love that Y/N had for her favorite boy. Knowing of the cause of her hanahaki.
“Obaachan.” She greeted her weakly, holding up the glass as an excuse for the timing of their interaction. “I’m sorry if I woke you, I didn’t mean to cause any havoc.”
The old woman simply smiled, approaching Y/N with a loving hand and placing it on her shoulder in comfort. “It’s alright dear,” she squeezed her palm, feeling the younger girl’s struggling heartbeat. “It’s not your fault.”
Y/N grimaced, shaking her head in defeat. “But it is,” she admitted. She’d always take blame for her hanahaki. It was a virus in not only her life, but everyone around her. “It’s my fault that I’m unwell.”
“No, dear.” Obaachan cupped her hands around her cheeks, challenging her eyes, not taking her answer or excuses. A sad smile graced her lips, sorrow in her irises. “You’re not unwell..you’re in love.”
Tears grew from the corners of Y/N’s sockets, waterworks beginning to roll down her cheeks at the familiar feeling of the comforting touch of a Kuroo. She broke down, her walls shattering in front of the only person who understood. The only person who would truly listen. 
“Why won’t he love me?” She cried out, pain overtaking her whole body. The pent up emotions were collapsing like tidal waves, storming throughout her heart. “Why won’t I ever deserve him?”
Concern furrowed in the older woman’s brows at the sight of Y/N breaking down. Her grandson’s best friend was one of the strongest people she knew, and knowing that her struggles were this great was indescribably disheartening. 
“My Tetsurou has been a caretaker all of his life,” she started, gently speaking in languid sentences, doing her best to keep Y/N’s attention on her and not her pain. “Whether it was for me, my husband, or Kenma—he takes on more responsibility than he can handle.”
“His heart is so big, so full of love for everyone other than himself.” She continued, her words beginning to settle in Y/N’s mind. “And in the midst of that, I don’t think he realizes that he’s capable of experiencing love as well.”
“He doesn’t realize that everything he could ever want is standing right in front of him.”
Obaachan was whispering now, her voice being soft but commanding. It was frightening, the passion that she held for her grandson. The passion that she held for her dreams of his happiness. Her dreams of him finding his true love.
“While love is a chemical feeling, it has no chemical solution.” Y/N swallowed hard, taking in every single thing she was saying. Letting her statements ingrain themselves into her memory. “This disease doesn’t define your future, my dear.”
“Whomever you choose to love will be lucky, Y/N—but I have to say, I truly hope that my Tetsurou has luck on his side.”
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It’d been almost a month since the fateful overnight encounter, Obbachan’s words playing on repeat, over and over again until they grew tiresome. The idea that Kuroo could perhaps love her was haunting, terrorizing her very soul. 
Despite the shift in their energy, the elephant in the room being his unexpected question and her never ending response, their friendship continued on like normal.
They’d go to school, spend time together afterwards, perhaps even have a sleepover, and repeat. It was all the same, not a thing out of place except for a major detail that couldn’t be explained. 
The presence of Y/N’s hanahaki was little to none.
Her flowers decreased, the numbers becoming smaller and smaller every single time she took the time to count. The disease that had become a constant in her life had suddenly disappeared, confusing her to a maximum.
She didn’t feel like she’d fallen out of love for Kuroo, there was still a large part of her heart that was reserved for him and only him—yet her roses were invisible, the trips to the bathroom were down to none. 
And while those statistics had fallen, the number of quick glances, stolen touches, and late night conversations had increased. She and Kuroo did everything together before, but now it was as if they were inseparable at all times.
It was as if his heart had finally opened up, accepted her presence and locked it into place, never wanting to let it go. Y/N couldn’t determine what had gotten into him, what made the sudden change in behavior.
But her flowers were gone and her love still remained. All that needed to be said was a confession, a confession of the love that she hoped was mutual. The one-sided love that she’d secretly harbored for years on years.
Mindlessly walking down the school hallway, passing by classmates and advisors, Y/N contemplated the future of her and Kuroo’s relationship. The future of her heart and if it would ever find its other half. The other half that so happened to take a hold of her hand at that very moment.
Kuroo seemed on edge, his heartbeat was quick, throbbing against Y/N’s palm as he dragged her towards the closest empty classroom. Without warning he closed the door, drowning out the scattered noises of everyone on the other side of the wall.
“Hey.” He said, breathing heavily. His shoulders were rising and falling, his breaths deep as if he’d just ran a marathon on his path to retrieve her. “I really needed to talk to you.”
Y/N almost toppled over, the strength of his grasp tripping and unbalancing her body. As her vision began to stabilize, wobbly from the sprint, she took notice of the classroom he’d brought her to.
Flowers lined the walls and ceilings, potted plants hanging from the wooden beams and arches. Soil was sprinkled over the floorboards, various footprints etched into the dirt. 
He’d taken her to the floriculture classroom—the classroom for the study of flowers.
Silence overcame them for a moment, neither one speaking a single word as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes. Her confession was at the tip of her tongue, ready to be said, ready to be spoken into existence—but Kuroo spoke first.
“I’ve never had it.” He simply said, his mouth pursed and head towering over her. Before she could respond, asking him what in the world he was talking about, he continued. “Hanahaki. I’ve never had it.”
Biting his lips, Kuroo took her hands in his once more. Rubbing her palms with his calloused fingertips, easing away her confusion and speaking his feelings with his entire heart weighed into them.
“All this time, for all these years, I thought that I’d never known love.” His brows furrowed in concentration, and for the first time, Y/N could tell what he was so focused on. It was her. 
“I asked you how you knew that you were in love, flowers or not, and the way you described that feeling..it was familiar. It was something that I’d felt before, something that I felt all of the time.”
“Something that I felt all of the time for you.”
Y/N was at a loss for words, the confession that she’d always wanted to say being said to her. The very moment that she’d dreamed of was actually coming true, it was actually happening right in front of her eyes. It wasn’t her imagination—it was real. Kuroo loved her.
The smile spread across her face was more than enough to ease his nerves, her teeth were so bright they could’ve been compared to the sun. He couldn’t help but think of how beautiful she looked, how she was his sun.
“I’m so sorry my love hasn’t been constant, Y/N. It shouldn’t have taken me this long to realize the patterns, how your hanahaki came and went. It was my fault you’ve gone through so much pain.”
“But even here,” he whispered, pulling her close. His arms wrapped themselves around her body, his nose being mere inches away from hers. “With all of the flowers anyone could ever ask for, the only one that matters is you.”
She could feel his breath now, the soft breeze against her cheeks. Her body wanted to surge forward, connect their lips in a final confirmation of their feelings. She wanted the kiss with Kuroo that she’d been waiting for for her entire life. 
“I love you.” He admitted, not waiting for her response before pressing his mouth to hers.
His smile could be felt between their lips, moving continuously as if they didn’t need any air to breathe. After all, they really only needed each other—Kuroo was the missing piece to Y/N’s puzzle, her heart was finally whole.
As they broke apart, love radiating off of them in contagious waves, overwhelming the room, igniting the aura—a cheeky grin grew on her new lover’s face. 
He plucked a flower from the pot behind her head, presenting it with a laugh at the sight of her rolling her eyes in mock annoyance. Although she found him to be ridiculous, she accepted it gratefully—loving the new chapter that they were about to embark on.
“I heard you like roses?”
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© aitarose.tumblr 2021. do not copy or claim my writing, works, themes, copy and paste my words, or headers as your own
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