#everything louise wants she would get lol
br1ghtestlight · 3 months
lily in this part of the fic is sooo louise-coded it's both hilarious and making me kinda sad
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heavenlybutler · 2 years
paper rings
pairing: austin!elvis x reader
request: not sure if u still want requests but if so can it be austin!elvis and the reader (his gf ofc) is like super spoiled and usually gets her way but this one time he doesn’t let her and she gets all pissed (idk what it is the reader wants you can make up anything)
summary: reader has been watching her friends get engaged or married left and right. so she finally brings the topic up to elvis and the conversation turns into an argument.
warnings: angst (apparently i’m on an angst kick lol), and fluff at the end.
wc: 2.5k
note: this is obviously inspired by taylor swift’s song that i love oh so much. this isn’t exactly what the person requested but once i started writing i just ran with it lol. but i still hope you enjoy! <3
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“did you hear about louise and johnny?” you asked as you sat down on the couch, watching elvis who was fiddling with the piano.
elvis turned his body around on the bench to face you, “no, what ‘bout them?”
“johnny proposed last night…,” you said with a small smile on your face. it seemed like every one of your friends were at least engaged at this point. every time they announced it to you, you were obviously happy for them but all you thought was i hope it’s me next.
“that’s great,” elvis muttered and went silent for a few seconds.
you also fell silent because all you could think about was the day elvis would finally propose to you. you hoped it was soon, very soon.
“i mean it’s a little bit quick for them… don’t ya think?” elvis pointed out, breaking the silence.
you shook your head slowly, giving him an inquisitive look, “they’ve been together for almost two years, elvis. i think that’s plenty of time if you ask me…”
“four years,” you heard elvis mumble under his breath, assuming he was talking about the length of time the two of you had been together. elvis’ eyes fell to his lap for a few seconds before meeting yours, “tryin’ to tell me somethin’, honey?”
a smirk plastered on his face while a hopeful smile came to yours. “well…,” you started, having to stop and think about your next words, “i hope i wouldn’t have to tell you. i kind of hoped you’d already been thinking about it…”
little did elvis know that you had been agonizingly waiting for the day he would propose to you. there were moments when you thought it was finally going to happen but every time you got your hopes up, they would quickly fall, day after day.
“life has just been so busy, honey…,” elvis started, the smile that had currently occupied your lips disappeared at the doubtful sound in his voice. elvis’ eyes were now dropped to the floor while he fidgeted with his fingers in his lap.
you let a few moments of silence go by before saying, “so you haven’t thought about marriage? like at all?” elvis looked up when he heard the crack in your voice, which only occurred when you were upset.
you weren’t used to elvis ever shutting you down or saying no. everything you had ever wished or asked for, elvis delivered to you on a silver platter. most things you asked for were never actual physical items, just simple things like asking him to stay in bed a few minutes longer. elvis never told you no, ever. you were beyond grateful but you hadn’t realized how used to being spoiled you had grown.
“it ain’t that i haven’t thought about it, y/n… you know how busy i am. i just don’t think with everything that’s goin’ on…,” elvis trailed off as he thought about the embarrassing performance he had made on the steve allen show the other night, “that now is the right time for me to be thinkin’ about marriage…”
you quickly averted your eyes away from his as tears brimmed your eyesight. you didn’t know whether you should be angry or upset, but you were experiencing both.
“is it ever going to be the right time, elvis?” you blurted out, his eyes shooting wide open at your response. you lifted your head to look up at elvis, awaiting a response, but he was speechless.
your frustrated voice got a little louder but still not loud enough that his family that was currently in the kitchen could hear you, “it’s been four years, elvis. when we celebrated two years together, i thoug- i knew for sure that it wouldn’t be long until you were down on one knee. i just keep waiting for the day and it never comes…” you admitted with tears now running down your cheeks.
elvis bought his palms to his face before he mumbled under his breath, “it’s never enough…”
“what, elvis?” you asked softly this time.
you watched as he ran his fingers through his black hair, shaking his head.
“everything i do for you… is it ever going to be enough?” elvis almost shouted, standing up from the stool now. “you ain’t ever happy, y/n! i‘ve got you everything you’ve ever dreamed of! every single fucking thing! that car you wanted for years sitting in the driveway…,” elvis pointed out the window, “i bought it! this house we dreamed about for years, i bought it! i’ve bought you everything just because i wanted you to be happy! everything down to the damn shoes on your feet! now you wantin’ a damn ring… but what will it be after the ring? it ain’t ever enough for you! you always wantin’ more!” elvis screamed, hovering over where you sat on the couch.
you were immediately taken aback at his words. he had never said anything like that to you before. you couldn’t even process the words that left his mouth.
when you met elvis, you had just completed high school and you worked your ass off every day to help keep food on the table at home. and he knew that because he was in the same predicament. when his career picked up, he basically begged you to quit your job and just let him take care of you. you were very reluctant at first, telling him that you didn’t want to be his responsibility. but after weeks of him begging, you did.
elvis took very good care of you and your family. you couldn’t have ever wished for a better man. you had even mentioned going back to work to elvis but he immediately shut that down. he said there was absolutely no need for you to work.
elvis showered you with gifts constantly, like the car he had mentioned. when the two of you first met, you had mentioned your dream car to him in a casual conversation. he told you that he’d get it for you one day, which you never believed until he did. you didn’t drive the car for a week, begging elvis to take it back. you explained that you didn’t deserve it and he should’ve never spent so much money on you. but elvis told you that there was no one else in the world who was more worthy of it than you.
elvis had never thrown the things he had bought or done for you in your face until now.
you were violently sobbing, staring up at the man who had never hurt you a day in your life until this moment.
“i didn’t ask for any of this, elvis,” you managed to choke out. elvis’ didn’t even look like himself as he stood over you. he looked like a whole different person and sounded like someone you had never even met before.
elvis backed away from you, chuckling in disbelief.
“i was just as happy with you four years ago… when we didn’t have anything. none of this fancy shit matters to me and i’ve told you this... the only thing that matters is you, just you. i’d choose you over anything in this world,” you cried out through hiccuped breaths.
you thought elvis was calming down as he slowly paced back and forth in front of you. until he opened his mouth and his loud voice erupted through your ears again, “don’t you lie to me! you ain’t ever fuckin’ ha-!”
elvis was cut off as he heard his mother's voice interrupt him.
“elvis presley!” gladys shouted, having heard the commotion and walking into the living room to interfere.
both of your heads snapped over to her, gladys immediately noticed how upset you were as she looked between the both of you.
“what in god’s name?” gladys mumbled before elvis stormed out of the front door, slamming it when he did.
you began to cry more as you looked out the window to see him getting in one of his many cars and leaving.
“oh my goodness… what happened, sweetie?” gladys sat down on the couch next to you, wrapping her arms around you.
“i-i didn’t mean to m-make him upset,” you stuttered out but gladys could barely make out a word you were saying.
all she did was pull you closer into her chest as you soaked her shirt with your tears. “it’s alright, darlin’…,” gladys rubbed her hand up and down your back, “that ain’t him… hasn’t been himself since that show the other night. he’s just stressed and taking it all out on you… you don’t deserve this. i’m sure he didn’t mean it, baby… he’s just going through a lot.”
it had been hours since elvis stormed out and you were starting to worry about him as you crawled into your shared bed which felt empty without him. you weren’t worried that he wouldn’t come back, you were worried that he wouldn’t want you here when he did.
you had cried for hours, insisting you go look for him but gladys told you that you were way too upset to be driving.
you laid in the bed, trying your hardest to fall asleep so you could get him off of your mind for what felt like hours. you tossed and turned until you finally heard the bedroom door open.
you slowly turned over, squinting your tired eyes to see elvis’ frame entering the door and shutting it behind him. you didn’t know what you expected to happen next but you knew you had things you needed to explain to him first.
“y/n,” elvis spoke, much quieter than earlier. his tone was different as well, he actually sounded like himself.
“you awake?” elvis whispered as he walked closer to the bed, sitting on the edge and placing his hand on your lower calf that was under the covers.
you nodded your head, half hoping he wouldn’t see you because of how dark it was in the room, but he did.
elvis reached over to the bedside table, cutting a dim lamp on. his eyes finally being able to see your face which broke his heart.
your eyes were puffy, your face was bright red, and your lips were swollen from crying so much.
“i’m so sorry, darlin’… i-“
“before you start i want you to listen to me,” you mumbled as you sat up in the bed, “i’m thankful for everything you’ve done for me… i’m thankful for everything you’ve done for my family, everything. i love the things you get me, even though i reiterate to you every time that i don’t need anything else… because i don’t but you love to shower me with things and i’m fine with that as long as you continue to love doing so. but what you said about the ring… i couldn’t care less about the ring. i’d literally marry you with paper rings…,” you paused as a small smile appeared on both of your faces for the first time in hours, “but what i’m trying to say is, i want to marry the man you are now just as much as i wanted to marry the boy who had to scrape up money for two weeks just to take me on my first date,” you finally finished your rambling with a gentle smile as elvis placed his hand on yours.
elvis shook his head as thought back to what he had said to you earlier. he’d never been so disappointed in himself. the things he said about you wanting more and more were simply not true. he knew he should’ve been saying those words to the colonel…
“baby, i’m so sorry…,” elvis started, squeezing your hand, “i shouldn’t have said any of those things. i don’t know what was going through my mind. it’s just the whole thing with the press and the colonel…,” elvis trailed off looking over to the floor but you squeezed his hand to bring his attention back to you.
“i understand. i know it’s hard on you, honey,” you reassured him. it wasn’t hard to see how much of a toll the recent commotion had caused elvis.
“it all just got to me today and i snapped… i took everything out on you and i know shouldn’t have. god, i wish i wouldn’t have… if i could take everything back i promise i would but i can’t,” elvis spoke as tears appeared in his eyes. you could tell how much he regretted it from the disappointment written all over his face.
“um… i got you something, i know it’s not what you want right now but…,” elvis paused as he reached into his pocket.
“elvis, no… i don’t need anything else,” you shook your head as elvis pulled the gift out of his pocket. you couldn’t see what it was since it was wrapped in his large hand.
“it’s a promise ring,” elvis unveiled a small black velvet box, holding it out in front of you.
you slowly took it out of his palm, clutching it in your hand.
“i don’t need this,” you blurted out, attempting to hand the box back to him but he wouldn’t take it.
elvis chuckled at your actions, “at least open it, darlin’…”
you then noticed you had the same problem that elvis had with you, you couldn’t say no to him. so you reluctantly opened the box, your jaw dropping when you finally saw the ring. it was beautiful but very far from dainty.
“ya like it?” elvis asked with a smile as he took in your facial expressions.
“i-i love it, elvis… but i can’t take this…,” you whispered as you closed the box and sat it down on the sheets in front of you.
“yes, you can, doll,” elvis said as he picked the box back up and took the ring out, taking your hand in his.
“i know this isn’t what you want right now but it’s a promise- i’m making a promise with this,” elvis spoke as he held up the ring, “i promise when i feel that the time is right, which i believe is very soon… that i will marry you, y/n y/m/n y/l/n… i will get down on one knee and ask you the question. i promise i will, but i want it to be perfect. i don’t want any of the stress that’s currently on my shoulders to be on my mind when that does happen. all i want to be able to think about is you… okay?”
you teared up at his words, he made you absolutely speechless. all you could do was nod your head with a large smile on your face.
elvis lifted your hand so he could slide the beautiful ring on your finger, which surprisingly fit perfectly.
“i love you,” elvis whispered before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
“i love you more,” you smiled, placing another peck on his lips.
“not possible…”
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via-rant · 9 months
Just a post to give appreciation to all the underappreciated characters in my fav medias rn! (And more opinions on HOO)
Hazel Levesque:
- Y'all need to stop saying how she's "harmless" like yes she's sweet and loves everyone, I agree, (I mean she literally gave up Elysium so her mom wouldn't go to the fields of punishment) but that doesn't mean she wouldn't hurt a fucking fly! She is VERY powerful! Like killed a Giant by herself at THIRTEEN powerful!!
Frank Zhang:
- Same thing for him actually!! And he's actually not as sweet! He definitely is but that's because he tries to be!! He is actually so angry all the time!! I mean your dad having his personality crisis inside your head 24/7??? Hell yeah I'd be mad too!!
- Also the amount of times he expressed how uncomfortable that transition was!! It was more uncomfortable than before!! Like fat Frank for the win please!!
- But you guys have the same problem with him as Hazel!! He WOULD hurt a fly!! He took down an entire army by his damn self!!!
Jason Grace:
- OH GOD MY MAN!! He's so.... sad!! And just doesn't know what's happening 24/7, why was he ever appointed leader after his memory got wiped???
- A little side note: Can you guys just STOP COMPARING HIM TO PERCY!!! Can you stop comparing ANY of them to Percy??? Like it'd be about any other character besides Annabeth and y'all will be like "But what about Percy?" MAKE YOUR OWN CONTENT ABOUT HIM!! Like I love him very much, don't get me wrong, but dear fucking GOD stop making EVERYTHING about him!!!
Grover Underwood:
- *Crying, sobbing, throwing up* He needs so much more loooove!!! I'm SO surprised how little Percy mentioned him in HOO and then literally EVERYONE forgot about him and was like "LOL Jasons his bff now." NO!! Him and GOVER are best friends!! They literally have an empathy link!!!
The other parents besides Sally:
. I cannot exress how little I see of the other parents! Like I barely see pictures of Esperanza, and Emily, and Maria, and Marie and when I do it's like from AGES ago and they're so innacurate it's insane!! Not to mention Tristan and Fredrick!!
- PLEASE I need more content of them, please!!!
- I love her, I love her, I lover her, I lover her!! My Aroace QUEEN!!! The best leader of ALL time!! She actually helped me through SO MUCH!!! Her entire character just helped me figure it out!! She just like me fr!!
- She understood everything I was going through when I was figuring it out and I love her so much!! She deserves all the love!!! I want to give her such a big hug, she deserves it!!!
- Literally one of my biggest childhood crushes!! And we got so LITTLE of her!!
- Can we talk about how she lost her brother TWICE??? Like I can't IMAGINE that!!! I know they barely had ANY time but jeez louise they very much still loved each other and it was so heartbreaking hearing her story only for her to lose him again!! I don't know my little siblings very well but I'd actually die if one of them did!! I love them SO much!!
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mrschwartz · 1 year
at this point Alex not being married/having kids seems like an intentional Choice to not follow the prescribed path and it's so fascinating but we can't ever really know more about it bc its a crazy invasive thing for an interviewer to ask (not that he'd answer but still)
i never went looking for it again bc it just made me cringe so much but i'm 100% sure there was an interview from 2018 (like, if someone has this interview you're more than welcome to send it to me and i will share it bc more than anything i'm committed to the truth. i just haven't snooped hard for it bc like i said, the whole thing gave me secondhand embarrassment and i know that if i find it i will read it again bc i'm me lol and i don't wanna feel it again mvfmgkbmg) where the interviewer did ask if he wanted to start a family and he answered (would you look at that) that he "wasn't ready for the responsibility".
and like i feel like in 2018 that answer said everything. he's been hopping from committed relationships to committed relationships since stepping into the limelight and i find his candidness really surprising (always do lol) but truly any other answer would just stand out so much as a lie bc it's so obvious that at the time (we'll get to that) that was the case. he'd been dating taylor for over 3 years at that point, living together for almost as long, they had fucking matching tattoos, and he still didn't feel ready to fully commit. like, he never did. that's been his stance since always. that's one of the reasons he's a serial monogamist, if i may say so. he craves the stability but never wants to commit all the way.
and like, of course. they broke up. which has always happened and looks like it always will tbh. i don't wanna comment too much on louise bc that's always a headache but just overall you know. she hasn't moved in like the other gfs did within months, he doesn't let her post him, doesn't take her to events (barely attends them himself anymore tbf), doesn't take her on tour as much as the others, etc. all the while seeing the guys getting married (and divorced but then again, married again) and having children, etc. and where is he? tucked away reading books, watching films, listening to and writing music. like. oof okay i don't have a point. but you know. you know.
i don't have anything to base this on but like please keep up with this loosely explained train of thought. there he is, tucked away while his closest friends build families (which he is watching happening) and i think something clicked in him since 2018 that yeah, he doesn't want that. of course he hasn't said anything, but don't you just feel it? in your soul? that he doesn't want it? i feel like he's accepted that he doesn't want that kind of responsibility, not that he's not ready for it yet. he doesn't have social media bc, according to him, "there isn't enough time in a day" lol. like, imagine a toddler running around the house when he just wants to crack a rhyme or something. it's completely cliché, i know, but i feel like he's one of those absurdly dedicated people who just wants to live for his art, man. that's the love he chose, he just wants to spend time with that and anything else would be a nuisance. or, you know, some other less cynical more homoerotic expanation lol
he's been with louise longer than he was with alexa, his most iconic relationship. isn't that crazy? does he look like he's getting married any time soon? lol
and yeah let's leave it at that, i think
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genevievemd · 2 years
14 for the baby prompts please ❤️
Warm Hearts
Book: Open Heart (Beyond) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 529 Rating: G Category: fluff Trope(s): 
Summary: Ethan comes home after a long day do his wife and baby. 
Warnings: none
A/N: Both you and @potionsprefect and an anon requested this one lol Also, I managed to keep this short like promised. Love that for me. Also also, I didn’t proof read, yolo bitches
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Ethan steps off the elevator, rounding the corner and walking towards his front door. Eager to reunite with Genevieve and Lizzie. The day had been one disaster after another, and he knew the only thing that could lift his sour mood was his girls.
A drastic contrast to what he’d crave at the end of a long day just seven years ago. 
He gets to their door in record time, unlocking it quickly – the weight of the day disappearing the minute his eyes land on his wife and nine month old. His daughter is in her high chair, a collection of teething toys on the chair, with a frazzled looking Gen in the kitchen stool beside her. 
“Dada!” The tiniest of the two blondes claps excitedly, her blue eyes bright and sparkling. 
“Of course, the minute you get home, she acts like nothing is wrong.” Gen sighs, head falling onto the counter in defeat. 
“Rough day, too?” Ethan drops his briefcase at the door, walking over to kiss his wife’s head then Lizzie’s. 
“Yes. I’m glad I stayed home with her, she would have been a nightmare for the daycare staff.” Gen lifts her head, and he finally notices how drained and exhausted she looks. “She’s been fussy and clingy all day. I could barely finish the housework, and I didn’t even started on working on this disaster.” 
She gestures to herself, messy ben and stained pajamas. 
“I know for a fact that, that doesn’t need any work.” Ethan smirks, lifting his child out of the highchair. His heart growing and warming when she leans into him, her tiny arms wrapping around his neck. 
It’s crazy to think he was ever nervous about being a father, that he worried his children would hate him, resent him, never want his time or attention. Because he was everything to his little girl, her favorite person, and she was the same for him – just like her mother.
The fears that once resided in him were now gone, and he knew now that he’d never be like his own mother.  Unlike Louise, Ethan wanted to give Gen and Lizzie the world, anything they wanted or needed. They were the center of his universe, something he never was with his own mother. 
“You’re funny, but I do in fact need work. Like a shower, brush my hair, wash my face.” 
“How about I start dinner with my little helper and you go take a very long and hot shower?” 
“Babe, it’s fine. You just got home from work, you should relax before baby duty.” 
“I relaxed the minute I saw the two of you.” 
Gen’s face melts into an expression of disbelief, her smile small but full of love. “You’re really great you know that.” 
“I do.” 
She rolls her eyes, standing up from the stool, “You sure you’re good for a bit?” 
“Yes. Look at her, she’s happy now.” He looks down at Lizzie still nestled in his arms, no longer showing any signs of distress or discomfort. 
“I both love and hate that she’s like that with you.” 
“I know.” He chuckles, stepping back into Gen’s space. “Go shower, love.” 
“Yes, dear.”
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A/N: See, short and sweet. Just little Lizzie proving that her dad is her favorite, and that never changes. 
Prompt List
(tagging separately) 
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dreamboundedstar · 2 years
Zekina Wedding Headcanons Because Why Not!
I did a glimpse of a wedding headcanon for this ship in one of my other Zekina posts, but now I want to make it its own thing.
Before I start though. There's a line of dialogue from the episode "So You Stink You Can Dance" that I have been stuck on for a while. I didn't want to make another post for that episode because I already have two. So I'm pairing it with this because it sort of fits the theme. Jimmy Jr.: I know what this is! Tina: Two friends who care about you, and their cousin Leslie. Tina what do you mean "their"?! Leslie isn't your cousin and last I checked, Zeke didn't use they/them pronouns (Not that I'm against him using they/them if the character decides to because that's mean, but I'm just making a point here). Tina could have said "and Zeke's cousin Leslie", "and cousin Leslie", or even just "and Leslie". Either Tina had a Freudian slip moment or Dan Mintz really needed to redo that take so it would stop crazy people like me from overthinking lines like that. XD You don't just involve two people in a sentence and then imply both people have a familial relationship with a third person when it's not the case like that! XD As a self-proclaimed crazy person, I'm taking this as Tina is eventually going to marry Zeke after all so that line can be true and Leslie becomes Tina's cousin-in-law. XD Okay now onto the wedding headcanons 1. Tina and Zeke get married on the beach. (I already said this before but now I'm clarifying it again)
2. They get married on July 28th (it was the day the first zombie movie, "White Zombie" was released. Also, a summer beach wedding seems more fitting than a fall one. The first "Night of the Living Dead" was released on October 1st while the remake was released on the 19th of the same month)
3. Their cake toppers are a tiny, bride mustard bottle and a tiny, groom ketchup bottle (originally wanted to do sea urchin and sea cucumber but condiment bottles fit better in my opinion). The cake is white and blue with yellowish-orange (like American cheese) stars lining the bottom of the layers. I wanted to combine an ocean theme and a burger theme combo for the cake. 4. Bob's Burger of the day for the wedding will be called the "Something Blue" cheeseburger (it was originally the longer version, but he shortened it down when he realized less was more for this one). It's a burger topped with blue cheese, fried zucchini (though Gene insisted to go with the Italian translation, zucchina. Bob didn't really get it at first because he didn't know what ship names were. A whole new world of burger ideas was opened once he got the concept of ship names), and ketchup (because it kind of rhymes "getcha" XD)
5. Since the "something blue" is the burger, here's the rest. Old - Tina's glasses. She inconveniently loses the yellow ones that I gave her in my adult design of her and has no choice but to use her old, thick, black ones. New - The fresh, blue daisies she has in her hair. Borrowed - The barrette Zeke keeps on his ear. He lets her borrow it for bangs to keep them in place. That's right, the yellow thing on my design for adult Zeke wasn't another earring. Instead of barrettecklace, Zeke just clips the thing onto his ear like a clip-on earring. Does it hurt? Maybe. Regardless now you all know that it wasn't another earring but Tina's barrette. 6. Cheryl's kid is the flower girl and Sidecar is the ring bearer. (Though if Cheryl's kid turns out to be a boy then Sidecar is the flower boy and Cheryl's kid is the ring bearer because I thought it be cute and funny.) 7. Louise and Gene share the status as the maids of honor while Dillon and Susmita are bridesmaids. Louise wears a suit, Gene wears a suit-dress combo, and the rest wear dresses. 8. Jimmy Jr., in spite of everything is Zeke's best man while the other groomsmen are Rudy and Leslie. They all wear suits. (Zeke needs another friend just so I can make it even between the bridesmaids and groomsmen lol. open to suggestions for the fourth member. I could do Andy and Ollie and just add Jocelyn to Tina's side but I'm not feeling it for multiple reasons) 9. Zeke, of course, tells the Wagstaff Whaler story like he said he would. Meanwhile, Tina surprises Zeke and everyone (except Louise and Gene) when she provides a stitched-together version of all the moments she wrote about Zeke in her diary in chronological order. It was a very sweet way of showing Zeke the progression of her feelings from when she first meant him to now. Louise and Gene helped her with the idea before the wedding to be sure that it didn't get too spicy and for another Buttloose incident to occur. 10. Gene provides the music for the wedding but I'm having trouble deciding who will sing. For me, it's between Linda, Gayle, Courtney, or Daryl. 11. Zeke takes Tina's last name which represents to Tina that when Zeke first said "he was going to get her" it wasn't to "win her" as if she was an easy trophy but that he was determined enough to do whatever it takes to earn her love no matter how unlikely. 12. Susmita did the best she could juggling being a bridesmaid and wedding photographer. Tina and Zeke appreciate her pictures regardless since they know that she's not an official wedding photographer, she's just really good at taking pictures. Get what you pay for and all that jazz. 13. Zeke and Tina spend their honeymoon sailing and then being marooned on Quippiquisset Island because of boat troubles (and for real this time, for the sake of comedic/dramatic irony. I got the idea from vaguely remembering season 6, episode 1 of the Nanny.). Don't worry the rest of the Belcher family gets the 2 off the island eventually. XD
14. They had lobster at the wedding as well as burgers. Couldn't not let Tina have her fantasy lobster wedding feast. XD Bob wasn't particularly pleased by it but he let it go because it was what Tina wanted in the end. As long as Bob, Gene, or anyone else allergic doesn't eat any of the lobster it should be fine. What the heck, Zeke gets his braised lamb shank too. lol 15. Tina's wedding bouquet would comprise of white gardenias, red roses, and lavenders.
I think 15 is a good number to stop at. Hope you enjoy the headcanons and that it gives you inspiration for later.
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alexstorm · 9 months
If I were in a relationship I would ask my bf what's wrong why he's not happy especially if I realise it's going on for long. And usually then you talk about it to find a conclusion. Because honestly what's the point of a relationship if you don't enjoy each others company for some reason that's the definition of a relationship especially if you have no true commitment. But in their case Louise needs the money and he doesn't want to be single so that's their "marriage" & "kids" ig. But it is interesting how Matt can just cut a relationship even in a marriage and just get married again he seems more flexible in that. Alex seems to force himself having to have a relationship no matter what kind. But I think Alex gets "used" more than the others. Like how did James Ford find a pretty suiting person for Matt "Mandy and him have the love for hip hop and rap, she loves kids etc'. But for Alex they get a cosplayer liar stalker groupie who can't even speak English.
You're already starting off on the wrong foot. They don't have a relationship. They have a situationship. A lot of things would go differently if that were an actual relationship where everybody respects each other and is actually in love and wants to commit. So no, Louise won't ask what's up with him due to her fear of him realising it's her that makes him so miserable. She wants to continue to cash in as long as he's willing.
I don't think it's about "flexibility" to end a relationship and start anew. Matt just realises sooner when shit hits the fan and acts on it. The way he does it though is despicable. I feel like this following video should be mandatory watching for Alex because it's basically what he's doing. I agree with everything Daniel says in here including the automatic car comment. lol
Not sure about Alex getting used by his friends and them not finding the right partner for him. First of all, it's not their job to find him a partner that's suitable. It's Alex's job! Secondly, despite the long claimed friendships these people have I don't think they actually know what Alex wants or is looking for in a relationship. Hence them offering up these bimbos because they cover most of the shallow needs. If Alex knew what he wanted and were comfortable with himself he'd be dating a completely different type of woman. Or maybe he's just as shallow as his girlfriends in which case he's doing a great job of covering that for the last 17 years. lmao
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shit-talk-turner · 7 months
ok I get it but also I don’t think that’s possible LOL. be realistic guys. why would alexa (or anyone!) want their ex and his new girlfriend (who literally had a Pinterest board abt you and is obsessed with you) at your 40th birthday party. / She would see Louise as just another fan girl of hers from the 2010s that she inspired. You guys take everything seriously.
What do you mean? If anyone had an ex dating someone that stalked them like, they'd be weirded out.
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deepinifhell · 10 months
WIP Title Ask Game!
Tagged by @sealriously-sealrious Tagging: @megatraven @thewayhavenchronicle @wlw-lovestruck-fiction and anyone who wants to feel free to loop me in!!
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. [I am ignoring this rule because I don't want to tag the same people for a third or fourth time lol] Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Okay well...there are...a lot so I'm just going to stick with the Wayhaven ones lol. Rescue Mission - ChoiceScript, so technically for every RO & most detectives. The detective gets kidnapped for a month and drained for their blood. This follows the RO's finally getting the detective back and deals with various aftermath instances. related: Official Rescue Mission Versions - Nat x Louise , Morgan x Lauren, Morgan x Neveah, Ava x Ainsley, and Ava (LT) x Bernadette. As above but just for my detective OCs. Includes such gems like: Louise not wanting to prove Nat right and asking for her BFF (Morgan lmao) first before Nat.
You've Been Crying - Ava x Ainsley and Ava x Bernadette. Two separate Ficlets based on Ava answering the phone saying "You've been crying.", but two very different answers.
Pax Snippets (Technically Part 2) - Pax x Farah, not sure how to describe the format of this lol. Sequel to Pax Snippets from Book 2. Does things like explain Pax's pet name for Farah, Pax talks to Farah about aliens, etc. Also has little ficlets of Farah photo bombing Pax's "data points" (read: selfies), and Pax explaining the science of fruit.
Death? Absolutely Not - Inspired by the fact that if Farah died Pax would in fact become a necromancer, Farah almost dies but Pax is an ingenious disturbing little nerd and we don't have to deal with that.
Sick Fic - Neveah - Morgan x Neveah, as on the tin. Neveah gets sick, Morgan has no idea what she's doing. Aunt Morgan- Morgan x Neveah. This is where chapters 4-6 of Stained Glass live right now. The Cat - Morgan x Neveah, got put to the side for Stained Glass. Episodic series where Neveah has a really cranky feral cat that only kind of likes her.
Ava Angst - Ava x Placeholder detective I affectionately call "detective petty". In which Ava gets called out on her bullshit and is made aware of how much she hurts the detective.
Louise Mom Drama - Nat x Louise. In which Nat's tendency to constantly push for the detective to like Rebecca gets addressed.
Obedience - Nat x Louise. PWP. Louise needs a break from being in control of everything.
Lauren Jenkins Snippets - Morgan x Lauren. Snippets from the books except instead of the canon response the detective gives Lauren Jenkins gets to be even worse.
Book 2 Smut - Morgan x Lauren, technically a series of Explicit one-shots whose title doesn't match at all to the content. Well, the first one is smut from Book 2. Basically, Lauren and Morgan are terrible at emotional processing so a lot of their trust-building, emotional bonding, etc. happens during or around sex.
Depressed Bitch Shit - no canon detectives, various LIs. In which the ROs deal with the detective being depressed. Covers a variety of symptoms so yeah suicide/self-harm but also like "I haven't brushed my teeth in a week" and "nothing brings me joy."
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rescue-ram · 11 months
🌧️ ☔ for the wip asks
Thank you for the ask! Below cut is angst from the MASH fic and much rambling on a Succesion fic idea!
This was pathetic. Some fucking asshole had hugged him and bit him- not even kissed him, bit him!- two years ago, and here he was obsessing over it still.
He didn't want sex, he realized. He wanted love- to be loved, and to be in love. He wanted Hawkeye, who probably didn't even remember him, or Charlie, who was normal and would never ever feel what John felt, or Louise... Louise who John hadn't loved and didn't love and would probably never be capable of loving, and who certainly hated his fucking guts right this second. He'd done right, goddamn it, he'd done everything right, he'd gone after her like a man's man and shown her a good time, he'd married her when things gone wrong, he provided for her and was nice to her and Kathy, he could've been a total fucking prick about this and hadn't been, but still there was no love between them.
WIP Idea I Have But Probably Won't Write:
Actually had to think about this for a bit since I've been super productive on my writing for once rather than my typical mode of wallowing in ideas but not actually able to write any of them, lol. One I have half-started and might come back to is a Succession fic written from alternating Stewie and Rava's POVs paralleling their relationships with Kendall, both pre and post canon. There are still some scenes I can see really really clearly in my mind and think would be part of a good fic, but it kept getting really dark.
There are actually some similarities between this Succession fic and the MASH fic I'm currently working on, now that I'm thinking about it- the joke I was making to myself while trying to pick a scene to share on Tumblr that wasn't explicit was that if MASH is at times a sex comedy, I've unintentionally written a sex tragedy- fundamentally Trapper John is a much more stable character than Kendall, so the narrative will eventually hit rock bottom where the character would realize how fucked up things were getting and at least try and change, whereas with Kendall especially as a character, I'd start writing a scene with a vague trajectory of where it was heading, it would start to go in a slightly different direction as scenes are wont to do, but it could really quickly start to spiral into something INCREDIBLY dark, just go in insanely depressing fucked up directions, because there is no edge you can't push Kendall off of, and I would just have to pause and go "Ok do I want to post this in public or should I maybe fucking journal instead??"
Sketch of the outline I had: Inciting incident is Kendall asking Stewy to marry him immediately post-series, which Stewy is initially conflicted about for normal reasons (moral opposition to monogamy and the institution of marriage, worrying about his parents reactions) and then for alarming ones (realizing this is step one in a suicide plan). Rava is torn between being genuinely happy that Kendall is no longer enmeshed with his toxic family and is trying to make amends with her and the kids, spitefully happy he's experiencing consequences he can't buy his way out of, and incandescently furious that just when she finally got the strength to leave a toxic marriage that she had fought for for 15 years but finally realized was never going to work, half the triggers of conflict in their relationship are gone, Kendall finally starts to get his act together, and the fucking enabling asshole who is the other half of the triggers of conflict, who ran her marriage into the ground by constantly enticing her husband to do drugs and cheat on her, gets to swoop in and enjoy the benefits and keeps acting all buddy buddy with her. Stewy is genuinely trying to be nice because from his point of view they both just wanted what was best for Kendall, they just disagreed on whether or not cocaine had medicinal value to that end, and also he was in a relationship with Kendall first so really if anyone was cheating on anyone it wasn't him but also he doesn't believe in the concept of monogamy, it's all the consensual association of free people, insert libertarian poly bro talking points here, get over it already. Insert flashbacks to Stewy and Kendall as kids and Rava and Kendall in college/law school (irrelevant detail but I want to note in my headcanon she's 5 years older than him and that's part of why they started trying for kids early in their marriage) with the current day dealing with the fallout of the finale stuff, Stewy gaining awareness that he has been enmeshed with Kendall since elementary school and gaining coping skills that aren't distracting himself with work or drugs (also headcanon he is an absolute nightmare in every other relationship in his life except the one he has with Kendall where he gets to be the competent protector for once), Rava making peace with what's happened, forgiving Stewy and recognizing he most of the choices he made were first done as a deeply troubled kid with few good options then having to live with the consequences, and rebuilding trust and building a healthier more honest co-parenting relationship with Kendall, while Kendall gets like. A crumb of self-awareness and survives the crisis and slowly realizes he doesn't actually want to kill himself anymore. Happy ending.
There's one scene I've written so far that I might publish as a stand alone piece, but I know in my heart it's part of a bigger story but I don't think I can write it without hitting the third rail of my subconscious and accidentally working though ACoA shit on AO3 lol.
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br1ghtestlight · 4 months
So we had birthday episodes focusing on Bob, Linda, Tina and there was a mention of Gene where he was in the bathroom missing his party and they had to send a clown in. But what would a birthday episode focusing on Louise be like? Would she have a party? Invite as much kids as possible to get gifts? Or will she merely use her birthday as an excuse to exert power?
ignoring the fact that we're never gonna get a gene or louise birthday episode </3 The references we do have to her birthday are her saying she better get the archery set for her birthday in s13 and this picture from the collage linda made for them (as well as louise saying her birthday is her favorite holiday)
Tumblr media
I definitely think louise would make a big EVENT out of her birthday. she gets a special breakfast and cake and balloons & she would love having a big party where everyone brings her presents (and then immediately goes home lol maybe except for andy ollie and rudy) and she's allowed to eat as much cake as she wants. like linda on mother's day she has FULL CONTROL everyone else is simply a pawn in her game
if there ever WAS a birthday episode for louise I would actually like if it was focused on gene and tina trying to find the perfect birthday present for her bcuz of a misunderstanding or louise changing her mind at the last second. bob and linda distract her and maybe aunt gayle brings them to stores to look for presents.....? Yes this is just an excuse for a proper gene and tina subplot but i also think it'd be interesting to see them try to find louise The Perfect Gift
maybe at the end it's revealed she was just messing with them and she already got everything she wanted lol
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danijimenezv · 2 years
Sunday Six
A/N: I still haven't decided the title for this fic, but I hope it'll come to me in time lol. Enjoy!
“She’s here.”
Ethan froze in understanding. Naveen didn’t have to specify who ‘she’ was for him to know exactly the woman he was referring to. And by Ethan’s expression, it didn’t take Naveen long to understand that she hadn’t been invited to the event. Ethan might’ve already worked on his issues and made his peace with his mother, but that didn’t mean he wanted her around on his– and Jill’s– day.
As if sensing his discomfort, his wife’s eyes searched for him through the crowd, and when they finally found him, she excused herself from the person she was dancing with and made his way towards him. The way Jill strut determinately but elegantly across the crowd, with her white dress flowing freely behind her, was almost enough for Ethan to forget about the matter at hand.
“Hey.” Jillian immediately entwined her hand with his, tugging slightly and prompting him to look down at her, “Is everything okay?”
Ethan debated on what to tell her, before simply settling for the truth. He had learned that anything was better if they faced whatever life threw their way together, and he wasn’t going to hide from her or push her away anymore, or ever again, “Louise is here.” though, instead of the shock he expected written all over her face, there was just a caution and wariness, “You knew?”
“Security detail let me know about five minutes ago.” Jill raised a finger to his lips to stop the endless streams of questions he was sure to throw her way, “I did not invite her, nor would I ever force this upon you or Alan. Though, she’s still your mother. If you want my opinion, I’d say to hear what she has to say; she did come all the way here. But that’s entirely up to you, honey. If you want to know what she has to say and talk to her, she’s right outside the salon. If you don’t, I’ll have security escort her out.” she shrugged nonchalantly, “I’m on your corner, husband. I’ll support whatever you decide.” she reminded him, moving her hand from his lips to caress his cheek.
Tags: @jamespotterthefirst, @takeharryandgo, @choicesfanaf, @liaromancewriter, @trappedinfanfiction, @bex-la-get, @genevievemd, @lucy-268, @jerzwriter, @a-crepusculo, @writer-ish, @potionsprefect, @queencarb, @gryffindordaughterofathena, @ohchoices, @anntoldst0ries, @bluebellot, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @mysticaurathings, @itsjustamesshonestly, @shanzay44, @lsvdw-blog, @heauxplesslydevoted, @starryeyedrookie, @rosebudde, @crazy-loca-blog, @mercury84choices, @quixoticdreamer16, @peonierose, @maurine07, @choiceskatie, @rookiemartin
@choicesficwriterscreations @lucy268-mod
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jerzwriter · 1 year
I believe you already past the season when this episode is... that one storyline when a kid is being dropped off at the hospital because he's sick, they call his parents and they're super religious people who are going to "pray for him" instead of getting him treated. Eventually he comes back, he's blind and Alex Karev treats him. I believe his mother was taking him to the hospital because she didn't want to confront her religious husband. It was heartbreaking because in one scene the kid cries and says he's been praying and nothing changed and he's begging for help. :(
Oh and Eliza Minnick doesn't want Alex to treat him because he's going to get in trouble if he does it without the parent's consent.
ANYWAY... How would K/C, E & T react to that kind of situation?
Hey Nonn! I wanted to wait until I watched the episode, and I'm watching it right now. lol
OK... first... the episode has my blood pressure up. As a very, very proud agnostic, I really abhor religion. Seeing something like this, it doesn't help that at all. I want to strangle the father (I'm not done with the episode yet, but right now, I want to strangle him.)
Now, how would my characters handle this situation? It would be so, so hard for all of them. Here is how I think they'd react.
Tobias: His reaction would evolve over time. Before he and Casey were together, and even in the early stages of them being together, he'd be angry, he'd try to convince them, but when push came to shove, he'd follow the letter of the law. He'd also divorce himself from the situation as much as possible and put it out of his mind. If it crept up into his mind, he'd remind himself it was the child's parent's call.
After Casey, he starts to feel a little more. He'd still handle things the same way, but it would not be so easy for him to put it out of his mind. But after his daughters are born, this would be a huge moral dilemma for him. He believes in God, he believes in prayer, but he believes in science more. And, as a father, who would do anything - absolutely anything - to help his daughters, the idea of this would be unfathomable to him and would drive him mad. Still, in the end, he'd follow the parent's wishes because that's what needs to be done.
Ethan: His reactions would be similar to Tobias's, but Ethan doesn't believe in God. So, to him, the idea that people would be this stupid is infuriating. I'm sure he'd cross the line in what he said or did in trying to convince them, and I can see someone with a cooler temper (Harper? Naveen?) having to intercede. Ethan would go to Donahue's or home and drink far too much Scotch. He'd ruminate about how parents can be so heartless, and he'd be reminded of Louise.
I think his reaction would stay pretty constant throughout his life, but after he's with Kaycee, he would lean more on her to get through than he would the Scotch. She, of course, would be upset as well (more below), but as a fellow medical professional, she'd be able to help him through.
Casey/Kaycee: Since they're the same character at their core, they'd handle things the same way with small caveats. It would be incredibly upsetting to them. She'd do everything in her power to convince them, and when she couldn't, she'd look for every loophole possible. I could absolutely see her handling things the way Alex/Stephanie did ... if she saw a window of opportunity, she'd jump on it, even if it put her career at risk.
As a novice doctor, this would be very hard for her to accept, and it would be nearly impossible for her to do nothing about it. But as she gained more experience, she learned how to cope. It would still be very upsetting, but she'd do all she could, and then she'd have to accept it. But it would haunt her.
And holy shit, the next episode has me all kinds of shaken. OOFFH.
Thanks for the ask, Nonny!
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babsvibes · 2 years
The Million Dollar Question for It’s My Party (and I’ll fry if i want to): can you give some more details on what Logan and Louise’s previous fling that took place before the events of the story was like?
Oooo I can absolutely tell you about that! And y’all know you can ask this stuff anytime, right? I’ll tell you literally anything you want to know (if there’s an answer) even outside of ask games lol
It’s My Party (and I’ll fry if I want to)
Sometimes, when you meet someone with a hurt like yours, there’s an almost instantaneous connection, even without really delving into what that hurt is. People can call this a spark, and it makes sense because of how intense the bond can be… like something is hot and comforting but also scary. That’s Louise and Logan’s first fling. They never labeled it because, on top of everything else, how do you label a fire?
They both grew up being told that parts of them were not worthy of love. Their interests, the way they expressed themselves, it’s all “too much” or “too rough.” They developed strategies, coping mechanisms, for how to get around being made to feel unlovable. Logan embraced it, deciding to lean into the asshole persona wholeheartedly because then it was his choice to reject people. Louise receded, tried to hide the parts of herself that were shamed, and became an even worse communicator than she already was.
But suddenly, they’re reconnecting, and here’s Louise, not scared away by Logan being a massive jerk. Suddenly, there’s Logan, pushing Louise until she shows those ugly hidden parts.
To anyone else? It’s a mess. These two are yelling at each other about where to park and fuck they really shouldn’t be using language like that on something so trivial. So, they kept it a secret. Maybe not intentionally, maybe it just didn’t come up, but neither made an effort to share this part that meant so much to them. The recognition of their brokenness made them feel whole, and the idea someone would try to take it away scared them. Only Tina knew about their relationship and she’s not to blame for being worried and confirming Louise’s fears of not being understood. How could Louise explain it in a way that made sense when she didn’t get it either?
Louise and Logan look for fights, and they’d both admit it. The first time they ever kissed was during a fight, so they’d keep that habit (hate sex, make up sex, we’re having sex so we don’t define what this is sex). Even with the fighting, they’ve never known peace like this, sitting on the couch and talking about how terrible a movie is while continuing to watch it together. She stays at his place more nights than she doesn’t and when a spare toothbrush shows up in the bathroom neither mention it.
It works for them in a way that it shouldn’t, and they reaaaallyy need therapy but won’t get it.
One day Logan gets a job offer. More money, different state. Maybe that’s what he needs. Maybe that’s what they both need. Logan’s not sure if he wanted Louise to come with him (he did), but he wanted to talk about it with her at least. She’s his girlfriend, enemy, person? She’s his. For her part, Louise is scared. It’s change. It’s communication. It’s the other shoe dropping and now that someone knows her he wants to leave. They do what they always do and fight, but this time it's different. The words actually hurt, and when Louise said it’s over Logan’s too shocked to know what to do.
They leave. It’s not a break up because they were never together, so the wound heals wrong and just adds on to the hurt from before.
Them reconnecting in a bar at the beginning of It’s My Party? It’s not kismet. That was their bar, the one that’s far enough out that none of their friends would catch them. By now, it’s a new bar staff and new regulars that Louise doesn’t bother learning the names of because they’ll leave too. Neither Logan or Louise mention it because neither of them want to address what it means that they would both find themselves in their bar again. For Logan, it means Louise really did want to stay together, and he’s wasted a part of his life being sad about someone who was right there. For Louise, it means Logan wasn’t running from her, and she’s made another mistake by entangling herself with someone that doesn’t know her.
This made me sad lol, but I hope this helps understand what their previous fling was like. Feel free to ask follow ups if you’re interested!
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riverstardis · 1 year
child of mine:
it's grace's birthday!
hugo running away :(
sam got grace a new phone which connie isn't happy about
grace hasn't been taking her epilepsy medication and refuses to take it so connie says she has to come into work so she can keep an eye on her??? because we all know connie always does a great job of keeping an eye on grace in the ED...
david's back!
alicia's walking in behind connie, sam, and grace and cal and ethan walk up behind her and cal goes "i wonder how grace feels about her new step mum? do you think you're gonna all go on holiday together maybe? what's it called, blended family?" while ethan seems to be avoiding looking at her. cal mate leave her alone!!
of course connie immediately tells noel to watch grace. when she says she's going to watch her she never actually means she's going to do it herself does she. she also says she can have her new phone once she's done her physio exercises?? girl it's her birthday give her a break!
oop sam just shared my sentiment. "she needs rest days, she needs time for her muscles to recover" "right so suddenly now you're an expert in physio?" "she's doing too much" "how would you know, you're not with her everyday?" "neither are you." OUCH SSJDJDFF i do not like him but unfortunately he seems to be the voice of reason when it comes to grace
elle and dylan see sam with grace and elle's like "you'd think he'd have more things to worry about than just hounding us" RIGHT??
oop elle says "connie still thinks she's safe" and dylan goes "what on her salary? i'd say she's the biggest prey" that's a good point actually. and if connie lost her job she'd have a lot more time to spend with grace. but i doubt sam wants that cause then it would be even harder for him to get a look in
so if david wasn't really ready to come back to work after years off, how is he ready to be back after a few weeks?
charlotte's been discharged
oh molly drover! she's asking for zoe😬
louise booked a table for her and jez at some fancy restaurant but he can't afford it
connie gives grace a cupcake as a peace offering, apologises and lets her have her new phone... could've been fine if she hadn't hidden her meds in the icing to trick her into taking them
david saying he knows what it's like to want everything to just stop and how much harder it is to get up and try again :((
aand grace has discovered the pill :/
grace goes "you tried to drug me" and connie's trying to defend herself but then realises that she spoke and realises that sam isn't surprised and grace is like "i've always been able to talk. i just didn't want to talk to you because i hate you." and connie goes "well you know what sweetheart, the feeling is mutual." umm wtf :/// and then grace has a seizure
david tries to apologise to robyn but max gets protective of her. poor david :(
connie tells sam he should take grace for a while
connie telling hugo's dad "he's clearly very upset. he just needs a little bit of love, and a little bit of support." you might want to try taking your own advice connie. and by that i mean with grace not hugo! do NOT take on someone else's child because you're finding your own a bit too difficult!!
charlotte is managing to make a lot of noise without moving at all. not even her mouth lol quite a realistic looking doll i'll give em that
ah mo effanga?
lmaoo jez doesn't want to tell louise he can't afford the restaurant so he tells her he's getting an early night and she goes to alicia upset and alicia's like "come on, let's drink gin and talk about how rubbish men are" and then immediately turns to ethan who just happens to be passing and invites him to the pub with them man she is DOWN BAD😭😭😭😭 it's odd that louise seems to have no reaction to this whatsoever though?? surely she would be wondering what the hell alicia's doing inviting a man to their complaining about men session? maybe alicia just knew that ethan was gonna decline so she did it to get herself in the mood for the complaining about men shjsjddjk
connie agreeing to take hugo for a few days??? wow it's a good job you got grace out the way so you can spend all your time with someone else's child isn't it
aww robyn letting david hold charlotte🥺 and jacob not accepting his resignation :)
one episode to go...
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dreamboundedstar · 2 years
Zekina Headcanons Part 3 (or Maybe 4?)
1. I don't see this used enough in fanfiction but I think Linda, Louise, and Gene would absolutely be aware of Tina's complicated feelings about Zeke. Not because it would be obvious (even though it would be) but because they read her diary. Tina keeps a very detailed record in her diary so Linda and her siblings would absolutely be aware of all the big Zekina moments like "Midday Run" and "Oeder Games"
So my point I'm bringing up is Louise and Gene may not have been able to interpret Tina's dream in "Go Tina on the Mountain" but Linda as a grown woman would be able to (eventually because I mean she's not a genius, but we still love her). Of course, since Linda is a good mom she would never constantly push her to give Zeke a chance because in the end, it's Tina's choice what she wants to do and it should be respected. Though when Tina is older and is struggling to admit her feelings it would be the perfect opportunity for Linda to come to console her and give her two cents on the whole thing. She would tell Tina that maybe she should "Green Eggs and Ham" it. Linda reassures her no one is expecting her to marry Zeke, all they hope for is for her to try out new dishes and see what happens. If it doesn't work out they'll still love her and won't give her grief for it not working. Linda also is convinced that Tina wants to give Zeke a try more than she's willing to admit (thanks to her prior info on the old diary entries). Linda feels that Tina's just scared of letting go of her dreams and letting them evolve. Just because what she wanted didn't work out doesn't mean it was for nothing. All the time spent dreaming was important for her to develop into the person she is now. So Linda tells her to never stop dreaming her crazy fantasies but also don't let them blind her from what's in front of her. Let the fantasies grow and change as she lets herself change. It's not giving up, it's growing up. 2. I think one big struggle I could see happening for older Tina to admit that she actually like likes Zeke is because of how easily the universe seems to be driving them together. It would be so frustrating for her to have every one of her loved ones adoring Zeke and Zeke effortlessly meeting every one of Tina's "extremely high" standards. Like, what was the universe doing when she was with Jimmy Jr., come on?! Zeke is basically the gift Tina never asked for, trapped in an unappealing package, and yet still had everything she could ever need in it. She would claim to just see Zeke as a friend even when everything around her is unintentionally/intentionally pushing her toward him and it's very annoying. Part of her deep down would want to give in but if she does then it proves that everything she ever wanted was wrong and she wasted all this time pursuing it for nothing when there was a perfectly decent guy in front of her. She would refuse to admit that to herself because she wouldn't be able to handle the heavy truth. It couldn't be that hard for her to eventually find the perfect guy that has Zeke's character, Jimmy Jr.'s body, a sexy accent, and maybe even owns a horse farm in Paris, right? She wouldn't want to give up her fantasies so easily when she's been hoping for them for so long. Would choosing Zeke really be worth letting go of all the potential guys that could fulfill all that she ever dreamed of? Would Tina and Zeke be able to go back to being friends if it didn't work out? Once Tina would finally let Zeke try to "get her" it would only take one date for her questions to be answered.
3. Zeke would be very into the times Tina threatened to punch someone again and again and again and again... you get the picture. XD Zeke would try to get Tina to settle down, but he gives it a minute before he does. lol
4. Zeke can surprisingly be very smooth and charming when he wants to be. It's to the point Tina is flabbergasted seeing this is the same guy that thought a good way to flirt with a girl was to spit a loogie up in the air and catch it in his mouth. 5. Tina volunteers every now and then to babysit Cheryl's kid when Zeke can't babysit his half-sibling for whatever reason. 6. Zeke is a bad dancer because he's too stiff but that doesn't stop him from dancing and dragging Tina along with him. His confidence and having no shame make up for his lack of good dancing moves.
7. Tina later on in life would try to learn capoeira again, for the right reasons this time. She practices with Zeke as he practices Brazilian jiu-jitsu. They like to see how each pan out with their different styles of Brazilian martial arts. The results vary greatly but they are trying at least. (I had to take this coincidence as fast as I could because it was so funny that they both mentioned doing some type of Brazilian martial arts at one point. Maybe I just want Tina and Zeke to pin each other? lol XD)
That's all I got for now. I stayed true to my word and gave new headcanons after the "So You Stink You Can Dance" came out. Hopefully one of these inspires one of you Zekina shippers to utilize it. The first two headcanons are basically me trying to picture how I see an older Tina would react to Zeke being more forward about wanting to date her. I wanted to balance her confidence and insecurity. I'm an INFP like Tina is so I'm trying super hard not to project my own low confidence onto Tina. She needs to be insecure but not too insecure that she loses what makes her a badass. She doesn't want to come off as easy to capture because Zeke made such a big deal of confidence in getting her eventually in "Midday Run". He'll have her heart when he pries it out of her cold, undead, zombie hands! XD
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