#evidence 1: colour scheme
aro fukazawa is canon in my heart
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Okay hear me out!
(I haven't done this in a while or posted at all in a while but I missed it here and work is sucking my soul out so I'm gonna try to be here more regularly🤞🏻)
The animals in the aquariam event can all be somewhat connected to the characters they were partnered with right?
1.) Lucifer - Orca
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Majestic af - Sadistic bastards
2.) Mammon - Shark
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Dangerous but also not as much of an asshole as they're made out to be
3.) Levi - Jellyfish
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Jellyfish - remind me of LED lights
LED lights - remind me of gamer rooms
Gamer rooms- remind me of Levi
4.) Satan - Catshark
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I mean....it's in the name.....
5.) Asmo - Dolphin
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Cute but not as sweet as they're made out to be
6.) Beel - Octopus
7.) Belphie - Squid
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• Looks kinda mean but actually pretty friendly & adorable to the people they become close with
• I don't know.... as a kid though I always thought of squids as the evil twin of the octopus? even though their generally bigger/rounder eyes make them look cuter
8.) Diavolo - Whale
9.) Barbatos- Oarfish
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• Gentle Giants (any actual harm caused is less because of genuine malicious intent and more because they're just that powerful)
• Weird & Mysterious. Gives the vibe of being ancient. Possibly witnessed the birth of the universe. Probably recites prophecies in tongues.
9.) Simeon - Manta Ray
10.) Luke - Penguin
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• Do other fish look at manta rays and think they're angels?
• Cute & Cuddly (boys. cute & cuddly.)
11.) Solomon - Polar Bear
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The only mammal on the list that can actually live on land = the only human. White colour scheme. Looks friendly & approachable, can brutally murder you.
And here's the "Hear Me Out!" part:
12.) MC - Spotted Seal
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• Mammal that can live on land but is most suited for swimming in the water = can live in the human world but functions at their highest potential in the Devildom
• MC canonically has big, puppy dog eyes
• MC canonically is objectively cute
• Kinda dopey on land = passes as an overall average human being in the human world.
• Hunts great in the sea = actually fucking built to survive in the Devildom and thrive there
• Additionally = the myth of selkies - creatures that can shapeshift between a seal & a human. There's been lot of canon evidence that MC is not fully human
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toaarcan · 2 months
What is the Default Toa Form?
So, theory time.
It's a common fandom headcanon that the natural state of all Toa is the Toa Metru build. The reasons for this are varied (but if I'm honest seem mostly rooted in the fandom's love affair with the build that came to an end during the TTV Hagah Contest rather than any actual lore), but I personally disagree with this.
So I'm going to run through the various Toa builds in roughly chronological order (with one exception) and determine whether I think they're likely to be the true default form of a Toa.
1) Helryx
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Well, right away, here's one that probably isn't.
Helryx is the oldest build lore-wise, newest IRL. She's also kind of a "Meta Build", aiming to look like a forerunner to the Toa Mata build we'll discuss shortly, not by directly evoking the way the Mata were styled (I would argue that a lot of the Mata's identifying hallmarks aren't present in her), but by being primarily composed of parts from 2001 and earlier.
However... this isn't what Helryx always looked like. Nor is the art that actually represents the canonised design.
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The intent of the contest was to create Helryx as she appears in the present, after thousands of years of wear, tear and repair. In the text, she's referred to as disturbingly frail and alien-looking compared to what Takanuva expects a Toa to look like.
Even if she once looked like a default Toa, she doesn't now.
Orde, the only other known prototype Toa, never received a canon design (for what it's worth, I won't be putting a lot of weight on the DuckBricks Fanon Contest designs, since they're, well, fanon. So Bukkey's Orde won't be factored in here, besides me noting that he has a more Mata-esque body than Helryx does).
However, another popular headcanon is that Krakua represents another example of this generation of Toa, as Helryx would've been the basis for Krakua's transformation.
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Perhaps this is what Helryx would've lookedd like when she was healthy and built?
Well, as much as I like that headcanon, and will continue to use it in fanon, probably not. Based on the evidence we have of Toa transformations, both in-story through Takanuva and the Toa Metru, the transformation is pretty much 1-to-1 with current forms. The Metru all get Lhikan's build exactly, except for specifically their height. Likewise, Takanuva's build is identical to Gali Nuva's, despite him not being a Toa Nuva. He didn't resemble base Gali, he resembled her current form.
If Krakua was transformed in Helryx's image, he'd likely be just as small, spindly, and hunched-over as she is.
For now, Krakua remains a weird outlier.
2) Mata
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While not as common a choice as the Toa Metru build, the Mata build has also been suggested a few times as "Base Toa," largely because it's the original. It's relatively simple, and depicting any given Toa as a Mata build is easy enough and looks good.
(I honestly prefer it over the Metru build. It's easier to put proper hips, knees and elbows on a Mata than it is to un-fuck a Metru's shoulders and neck)
However, the Toa Mata are actually pretty much unique entities within the Matoran Universe, unlike any Toa before or after them. They are the only Toa who aren't transformed from Matoran or built by the Great Beings, instead being created by Artakha.
As a result of that unique method of creation, it's entirely reasonable to suggest that the Toa Mata look different to every other Toa in the world besides Takanuva, who was transformed in their image. They're the only canonical Toa whose bodies directly resemble the Great Spirit Robot itself, use these specific colour schemes, and have its specific design language in their construction.
3) Hagah/Mangai/Metru
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By far the most popular contender for this title, but one I don't personally agree with.
We don't know whether the Toa Hagah were built or transformed, but we know they were assembled from across the Matoran universe and given new armour upon recruitment into Teridax's team, and we have no idea what they looked like before they were given this armour, beyond Bomonga presumably already having his huge limbs. Additionally, the Metru were all transformed based on Lhikan, so it's him I'll be focusing on mostly.
Lhikan was transformed and was trained at a Toa Fortress around 6000 years ago. We don't know what the other Mangai looked like (though they're popularly headcanoned as being Metru too, no canon look for them was ever settled).
However, my stance is that this design is not the default (Lhikan would've been transformed in someone's image), but rather a cultural one, a sort of 'uniform' armour style adopted by Toa during the height of their power, when the Toa Fortresses were active and Toa were commonly trained by other Toa. The image of a Toa would've become a consistent thing, and caused almost all transformed Toa to adopt it for a time, making it almost a new default, but not the original, until the Toa genocide and the subspecies becoming largely extinct caused things to diverge again.
This is, to be specific, not a counter-theory I'm proposing to the "Default Metru" theory in and of itself, but rather a part of a wider theory, explaining the commonality of the Metru build when I think that the last spot on our list is the real default.
And that leaves us with only one option.
4) Inika/Mahri/Cordak/Nuva 2.0/Glatorian
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So yes, I think this is the default Toa build.
That might strike you as weird, considering that the Inika are only transformed at the beginning of the Ignition Arc, right before the end of the story in terms of the MU's timescale, and the Nuva adopt this design even later.
But let's consider a few points, shall we?
First off, the Toa Inika are the first and only Toa team we see who are transformed into their Toa forms, and do not have their appearance influenced by previous Toa. And while there's some weirdness with their heads and powers, their bodies seem pretty normal, and remain as such after their Inika weirdness is removed by the Ignika.
Secondly, we know the Great Beings made the Matoran based on the Agori, and the Toa based on the Glatorian. The first Matoran, the default form of a Matoran as it were, are the Av-Matoran, who use the same build as the Agori exactly. Should it not stand to reason that a default Toa uses the same build as the Glatorian?
Additionally, like the Glatorian, the Inika build and its derivatives have by far the most variation from individual to individual. True, we've never seen a Toa as weird as Strakk, but that doesn't mean that none existed.
Thirdly, there's one more character we haven't discussed thus far.
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And this, then, is my smoking gun.
Lesovikk was a member of the first Toa Team, and one would assume based on that information that he's a purpose-built Toa. Well, he isn't. He's transformed. Given how rushed the Great Beings were at the end of the GSR project, I wager they found it easier to make a small number of Toa and then have them immediately transfer power to Matoran than it was to make thousands of Toa from the off.
Lesovikk may well be the first Toa transformed, and if he was, then his transformation would either be free of influence from anyone, or in the direct image of whomever transformed him, who could only be a default, purpose-built Toa.
"But wait!" I hear some of you typing already. "Lesovikk is a mutant, we have no idea what his true form looks like!"
Or do we?
Let's look at another character who was affected by Pit Mutagen in 2007, shall we?
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This is Defilak, a Matoran of Mahri Nui. Like all the residents of Mahri Nui, he once lived on the Southern Continent, and later Voya Nui, after an ill-fated trip to Karzahni.
He used to be a weird little gremlin Matoran like his brethren from 2006, and transformed into the form above after being immersed in Pit Mutagen.
But here's the twist: Rather than simply mutating them directly from their twisted post-rebuild forms, the Mutagen actually reverted the Matoran of Mahri Nui to their original forms first, and only then started to mutate them.
This is Defilak's default form. This is what he always looked like, just with added weapons.
With that in mind, I think it's safe to say that Lesovikk is likely in the same boat: Reverted to his original form before the mutations started.
With the exception of the tube-like gill, I think it's more than probable that Lesovikk is mostly-normal still, and as such, is a very early Toa with a Mahri build.
With that in mind, I conclude that the default design for a Toa is a 2006-2009 build, with Helryx being the product of damage and repair, the Metru/Mangai/Hagah being a cultural design, the Mata being Artakha designs, and Krakua being a weird outlier.
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lorei-writes · 7 months
Character Thoughts: Character Design #1 - Chevalier, Gilbert, Leon
My personal outlook on the character design choices in Pri is that the primary objective of the artist behind them was to reflect personality of the suitor rather than to fit within any specific time period. As such, it becomes a question... What can be read from their looks?
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Images were sourced from @acrispyapple 's blog.
Chevalier's colour scheme is all black and white, with subtle golden touches. It is fairly simplistic and may draw forward the image of a white tiger -- a ferocious although rare beast. It creates a frightening backdrop for any blood that may be spilled... and accurately enough, may serve as a reflection of a binary logic mindset.
Asymmetric cape allows for greater freedom of movement. The arm he draws his sword with is not going to be restrained under the weight of fabric. His boots look suitable for horse riding and the cut of his jacket, I believe, is meant to resemble military uniforms of centuries prior. Chevalier is covered from his fingertips to his very neck -- there isn't a vulnerability exposed in him. He is vigilant, he is ready to act, he is guarded. His skin will not be first to be cut, poison will not enter his system without struggle, his hand will not slip on the hilt of his sword even as it grows slick from crimson. Chevalier is a knight.
But through and through, he is also royalty. The haft at his hip could be called subtly ornate, albeit the material it's been made of makes it more so "humbly" opulent. The gold he dons speaks of riches, as does the fur at his collar. He's a commander. He is a noble. His position clearly separates him from others.
Chevalier is eye-catching. And were he involved in battle? You'd fear what you'd see. As you should.
Black, white and gold also follow Gilbert around. However, if in Chevalier's case it could have been argued that the split between darkness and light was even, then Gilbert is the dark itself. The rest are merely accents. They do not reveal much of his mystery, do not offer anything past sparse commentary on it... And I believe they aren't supposed to. Gilbert is the unknown. He is threatening and he is very clear about it.
The orders at his chest, the cut of the lapels, his boots -- it is hard not to see signs of Gilbert being involved with military. However, his clothes have clearly not been designed for ease of movement. They seem heavy, like he could get twisted in them at any moment and collapse, not to mention the heat. Long and heavily adorned with patterned accents, gold, they speak of might... But of that becoming of a commander, not a person who fights themselves. The cravat at his neck is yet another sign of how far removed he is from direct action. It is both a liability in combat and a sign of status.
Gloves, cane and eyepatch. Why should a person of his age need them? Surely, this question comes with simple answers... But are they quite correct? There's a dissonance there. You can see his secrets, but it does not mean they will be revealed to you. He, after all, too is guarded.
Another character dressed in black! But... Leon's is different, isn't it? It speaks of mystery, of secrets, surely, but when combined with noble gold and warm red... It is almost as if he wanted to say "I wish I could tell you, but I cannot". Even if not everything can be made clear, it is evident his actions are underlined with royal scarlet of high ideals.
Leon is a hero. You can see it in his wear -- it is much too informal to place him among the military, but it undeniably shows power and readiness to take up direct action. The guard at his shoulder may be complex, but the same cannot be said about the design of the hilt at his hip. It is simple, so much so that it begs to ask who else could wield it. If that is his weapon of choice, how far above a common knight does Leon see himself? Or... does he consider himself to be above them at all?
Based on the quality of his clothing and detail put into it alone, it is evident that Leon is not a person you may pass on the streets. However, his hands are out there, completely unprotected. And the way he wears his cape? His belts? The sash? It is utterly proper. Even if the lapels of his jacket do not follow any standards for uniforms, it is still buttoned up as it should be. Relaxed (or as relaxed as it may be for royalty), it gives him a laid-back, reliable appearance. The lion insignia clearly signifies who he is.
What are you hiding, Leon? We are at arm's length. You shine too bright... Yet you also mean us no harm.
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thelov3lybookworm · 8 months
Remember Me? (Part 14)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Summary: Under the Mountain, Y/n met the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. She was scared of him, but soon she found out that he wasn't who he pretended to be. Despite her efforts at not falling in love with him, she fails. It's not that bad as he loves her back.
But now he's gone, and she's left alone with nothing.
Except for a very adorable reminder of him.
Tw: secret pregnancy, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.....
thats all i got to say
(also, consider this a peace offering after the cliffhanger of the previous part 😏)
"What do you mean you can't find Nyx?" Eris questioned, stepping forward to address Feyre properly while Y/n simply stared at her.
"He- he was with me in my room. But then I got up to wash my hands because there was paint on them, and when I returned, he was nowhere to be seen."
"Did you ask his maid?"
"Yes. She has not seen him since after she left him with me." Feyre glanced at Y/n with tears in her eyes, her lower lip wobbling.
Y/n reached out, tugging Feyre into a hug. The moment Feyre's head made contact with Y/n's shoulder, her tears began flowing.
Y/n felt numb, her worries raging in the back of her mind. There was only questions swirling through her head, and the answer to all those question echoing in her head.
What if it is Rhys? What if her somehow broke through the wards? Is he here to take Nyx away for some sick scheme of his?
And as she pondered about the situation, she became all the more confident in her answer.
I will go with him. Offer myself up so he would let Nyx go.
After all, it was her own fault that Feyre and Nyx's life had been ruined. If she had not went to Velaris, everyone would have been living happily.
She could not take Fin with her, but she was sure Eris would take care of him.
"Everything will be fine, Feyre. I will send out as many guards as it takes to search for him. I'm sure he will be found. Maybe he has only gone wandering into a nearby forest."
Feyre sniffled against Y/n, and that brought her back to the present.
Before Y/n could reassure Feyre too, two thuds sounded. And, turning her head to look, she found herself staring at two Illyrians and a female, all staring wide eyed at the scene before them.
Y/n's brows furrowed before she realised that these people were a part of the Night Court.
She swallowed, rubbing Feyre's back.
"Feyre?" The blonde female spoke up, causing Feyre to startle and glance up. Whatever colour was left on her face drained, and she glanced around, probably thinking of a way to escape.
When she found nothing, she turned back to the three people, offering something that looked more like a grimace than a smile.
"Hello." Feyre fiddled with her fingers, doing everything to not meet their eyes.
"Why?" It was the one with red gems adorning his form that spoke up, emotion evident in his voice.
Feyre sighed, opening her mouth to speak, but before she could, the other Illyrian, who had blue gems on his form, advanced menacingly.
He made his way straight towards Eris, and, panicked, Y/n wrapped her hand around Eris's bicep and pulled him closer. She did not know what she was hoping it would do to help, but at least it calmed her down.
And it also made the illyrian slow down a little, even though his eyes looked murderous.
"Why did you bring her here? So you could-"
"Azriel." Feyre called, stopping the male from advancing further. He turned to glance at her.
"I... I came of my own free will."
"But why?" Cried the blonde female.
Feyre rubbed her temples. "I will tell you, but not now. After the meeting. I will tell you all of what happened."
The other Illyrian, the one with the red gems, took a few steps forward to engulf Feyre in a hug. "It's okay. You can tell us whenever you feel comfortable."
"Thank you, Cassian."
The illyrian whose name was Azriel nodded, and the blonde woman looked away, but not before Y/n spied tears in her eyes.
She felt bad for them, as Feyre had been their family and they had been left in the dark for so long.
Feyre pulled back from the hug as if she remembered something. "Please don't tell Rhys where I am."
Everyone nodded, before Cassian grinned.
"So. Where is my nephew?"
A new rush of tears flooded Feyre's eyes.
"He is missing. I was trying to search for him just before you showed up."
The smile dropped from Cassian's face, and he turned to look at Azriel.
And then, a sound that had everyone going rigid and sighing in relief at the same time came from outside the huge doors, and both Fere and Y/n rushed forward.
And there, sat on a golden beast's head, was a giggling Nyx.
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
Eris Taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @tele86
Remember me Taglist: @holb32 @awoa1 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @luvmoo @we-were-beautiful @eerievixen @zoe2 @fussel9913 @j-pendragonx @thesnugglingduck @jesssicapaniagua @devilsnightz @esposadomd @littleffawn @mandowhatnow @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @princesslolaasworld @asemkta @cat-or-kitten @txzii @bunnyredgirl @theofficialmadman @leeknows-wife @aria-chikage @amygdtjhddzvb @azriels-mate123 @inky-clover @kemillyfreitas @12358 @justdreamstars @cuethedepession @princessvesta @fides25 @nocasdatsgay @acourtofbatboydreams @stained-glass-eyes0708 @glaciuswduo @wallacewillow0773638 @cassie6392 @quackitysdrugdealer @txzii @anuttellaa @coisas-da-dani @hnyclover @sassyslytherinshai @historygeekqueen @why4anne @mybestfriendmademe @going-through-shit @thisblogisaboutabook @thehighlordishere
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Ok so I've been very quiet cause of all the prep for binderary - please behold the binderary stack of doom!
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I set a goal of 12 books - unclear whether I will meet that target but the prep work has been done. As of now, I am a little behind.
Book 1 of Binderary! An anthology series by magneticwave. Anyone who knows me will know I absolutely love magneticwaves' AU fics, they have such a great writing style and they manage to capture a lot of different genres/characters perfectly.
Fics can be found on ao3 here.
Body text: Liberation Serif, 11 point
Heading: Bodoni MT
Subheading: Didn't LT Std
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So to be honest I started typesetting this in July last year when I first started typesetting but hadn't gotten the hang of setting my styles for headers/body text and OH BOY was it monstrous to edit. My sweet baby bookbinder bad habits! I had to completely redo the typeset from scratch, it was too horrendous to do it manually.
Endbands are done in silk, I'm still on 2 colours as I am a coward - who knows when I will proceed to 3. I did however make a boo boo as I changed my colour scheme after I did my endbands and then went whoops. Oh well.
I did some bravery with this and used text weight endpapers for the first time. Was very lucky and had benefit of experience that it did not crease.
Obligatory shelf fic because the shelf is up to 10 but I have 11 incomplete textblocks sitting on my desk and alas, where will I put the books now.
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Jesus I need to stop binding red and gold books I evidently have a problem.
Cover icons credited to noun project: David S, Aamond Garg, ochre7, Mark Hammar
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yamchaisawesome · 2 years
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So I saw some TERFs getting mad at someone headcanoning Penny from the new Pokémon games as trans saying they’re intolerant because they, and I paraphrase “headcanon every vaguely gnc person as trans.”
Anyway I, a cis man, am out here like: Did we play the same fucking game? So I’m going to compile every bit of evidence that I can find in support of this gal being trans.
Let’s start with what I like to call Trans Evidence Lightning Round. These are things I can’t write ridiculous amounts about but still feel important to include. These include but are not limited to: 1.Her wearing a large hoodie (possibly a dysphoria hoodie)
2. Her terrifying proficiency with coding and hacking. (Note, this is in no way dismissing cis women in coding or stem as a whole. The trans girl coder stereotype is just really common and Pokémon loves its shorthand)
3. She has a FUCKING SYLVEON (literally has the trans flag colours as the colour scheme) as her ace when you battle her.
4. She says “Shine bright like the starry sky and become who you really want to be!” When terrastalising said Sylveon, which can be taken in a number of ways.
5. The fact that none of the team star bosses knew her name before she left, only referring to her as “The Big Boss”
I’ll probably add more later. Now, onto the juicy stuff. Some of this doesn’t fit together but they all seem to imply the same thing and they’re all there.
It is revealed later on that, like the rest of the team star members, Penny was bullied relentlessly. It got so bad that she eventually just shut herself inside and never left the house. This isolation was so intense that up until the end of the Starfall Street story, none of her closest friends (the team star bosses) ever saw her real face. This isn’t the strongest bit of evidence but we’re never given a particular reason like we did with Eri or Atticus, so it’s in no way out of the question that the bullying could’ve been transphobic in nature.
Ortega’s Tutor (the director of the academy before Clavell took over) refers to the “Big Boss” (AKA Penny) as a he before sending her back to Galar as “punishment” for 1.5 years. Now this could just be a mistake on the devs’ part, but that seems like it gives us a rough timeline of eggcrackery, intentional misgendering (which seems out of character for the guy), or it could simply be that he had never met Penny due to the aforementioned social isolation and based it off of the student database which in my experience rarely updates this kind of stuff.
Nemona doesn’t recognise her. I repeat, NEMONA doesn’t recognise her. The most extroverted of extroverts, the super popular girl who’s on the student council and could probably look at the student database if she wanted to, the girl who has been at the school for AT LEAST two years for the simple reason that the events of the main story is not her first treasure hunt does not know this girl despite her being there before. There are many ways someone could write this off, including the aforementioned social isolation and her not knowing too much about team star in general but that is still really weird considering that this is NEMONA that we’re talking about. This could easily be supporting evidence for her transition over the 1.5 years in Galar.
And let’s say you’re still not convinced and you think she’s cis. That’s fucking fine. Nobody is going to judge you for that. But don’t be a piece of garbage and get mad at someone for headcanoning her as trans. To me and many others, she’s a genuinely cool trans character that doesn’t shove that fact in your face. Seriously, anyone who does this (btw if any of you TERFs stayed up to here, thank you but why?). Y’all get mad that “The media shoves trans shit in my face” then when there’s a character who either isn’t trans but resonates with trans audiences or is more subtle about their identity you get angry when anyone calls them trans. It’s very contradictory and I dare say hypocritical.
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lrgcarter · 5 months
So, lots to say about the Cass review, all of which is being said by people more qualified than me.
However, there was one thing I wanted to raise. It's the least of the review's problems in the grand scheme of things, but it has sparked a new Bigot Behaviour you might want to content screen for.
The Cass review says that while some gender is learnt socially, some of it is genetic. Apparently this includes the sort of toys kids play with.
I have seen this lead to multiple bigots linking to a news piece about some chimps who were given toys to play with. Apparently the male chimps enjoyed playing with trucks and the female chimps enjoyed playing with soft toys/dolls.
My disability means I haven't yet had a chance to follow the news piece links to the actual source. But even the news piece quotes the toy givers as saying something akin to 'This doesn't show male chimps are instinctively drawn to trucks. Maybe they preferred the colours or moving parts. Maybe the female chimps just really liked the colour or textures of the soft toys' [paraphrased].
The bigots, however, have pointed past this and said "See! Boys like masculine trucks and girls like feminine dolls!! Cause of their male slash female genes!!!It's just science!!!!"
Now, I know you can all see this is absolute crap. Evolutionary psychology always is.
But I want to highlight three points that I need to get out of my brain before it explodes.
1) I'm a big believer in the principle that palaeoarchaeologists don't have "The Earliest" anything. Earliest fossil showing X feature? Earliest tool of a particular type? No, whichever one we have found, there will be some earlier one that didn't survive or we haven't found yet. Time-Resolution is just hazy like that.
At the same time.
I'm going out on a limb to contradict this principle by saying …
The most recent common ancestor of humans and chimps did not have trucks. I really don't believe we'll be finding evidence that trucks had been invented at that point of time.
Therefore, chimps and humans can't share a "Boys play with trucks" gene from this common ancestor. Even if it existed (which it doesn't) it would at best be a case of convergent evolution.
2) Even if there is gendered play in chimp kids (which is perfectly possible but I suspect is more complicated than "boys like trucks")
Even if there is gendered play in chimp kids, that doesn't mean it's proof of genetic as opposed to socially taught behaviour, because,
get this …
Chimps also learn through social taught behaviour! Loads of animals do!! Different ape species are known to have different social rules!!! So it still doesn't prove there's a "Boys like trucks" gene.
and 3)
And I can't stress this enough …
Humans are not chimps!!!!!
Like, fuck me, a really key point of evolution is that biological features change over time. That's a really basic part of it. So, even if our common ancestor with chimps did have this "boys like trucks" gene, there is no reason to assume we've still got it.
Like, seriously, we're in Jordan Peterson Lobsters Are The Platonic Society territory here.
With these three points, I've given this Bigot Behaviour waaaay more credit than it deserves. As I say, I just needed this out of my brain.
I realise I've only scratched the surface here. And I admit I might be misrepresenting the original research, having only read a piece of press coverage. I'm hoping to do a bit more research into this once I'm in a healthier state.
I also realise that my own phrasing above is sloppy and facetious. I'm venting, not polishing a scholarly essay. Once I've read up on the actual research, I will have more cogent things to say.
At the same time, I realise I'm already falling into the trap of spending too much time arguing something that the bigots said in seconds and that they don't actually care about.
But some people might genuinely be swayed by the idea of monkey science and what it says about us as humans.
Please don't fall for it. It's just not how anything works.
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web-novel-polls · 11 months
Aroace-spec Character Tournament
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[Please vote for who you believe has the most canon evidence to be aroace-spec, not the most popular. "Anti-Propaganda" that attacks other characters is NOT allowed. Please only give reasons to vote FOR a character.]
Propaganda underneath the cut
Liu Qingge from Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Submission 1: Gay Grayace
He spends most of his life with one interest and that's fighting and then when he falls for a man he's confused by it and proceeds to flirt in the most awkward way possible. Also he has the grey-white-sometimes purple colour scheme
Submission 2: Aroace
The idea of him being asexual is presented right there on the page and you can't take that away from me. Yes I think he is in love with sqq yes I also think he is aroace. He can be both!
Submission 3: Asexual/Ace-spec
I think he’s sex repulsed given his icy or horrified reactions when sexual topics are discussed. He was also once forcibly aroused when hit by an aphrodisiac, and he responded in a way that implied he had never experienced that before. Additionally, his instinct was not to do anything sexual, but to commit acts of violence.
Mod Propaganda
Canonically not interested in romance by word of God
MXTX: “[Liu Qingge] isn't interested in Shen Qingqiu. He isn't interested in anyone. He's only interested in fighting. He wants to be the strongest and the best.” (Source)
Canonically had no clue he was sexually aroused in the Succubi Extra / interpreted it as “wanting to fight” (which isn’t the same as not experiencing sexual attraction, but that’s also not a trademark of allosexuality)
Speaking of, he never specifically seems interested in Shen Qingqiu romantically or sexually - he’s usually shipped with him bc of his devotion, not a clear desire for romance. Though that’s pretty much just up for personal interpretation
Cale Henituse from Lout of the Count’s Family
Submission: Aroace
Not a speck of romantic interest in this man. The only thing he wants to do in bed is sleep
Mod Propaganda
Listen, if your motivation for over 900 chapters is loosely tied to building your ideal life (“the slacker life”), and you don’t even mention wanting to settle down with a romantic partner or have sex or whatever, sorry, but you’re aroace. You cannot escape it. /joking
Additional Note: Although the official title of this novel is "Lout of the Count's Family," it's also known as "Trash of the Count's Family," which will not be used for the tournament. It is an action story with no known romance plot involving the main character.
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darlingdivasworld · 3 months
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You guys are well aware of how obsessed I am with this ship. Them not being canon sometimes haunts me at night. I don't think I'll ever be ready to let them go. They were the only thing I took away from Season 8b besides from Clude and Kenzie.
After rewatching their scenes for the umpteenth time and feelings of revulsion towards the off screen and only like 3 on screen "romantic" scenes between Pascale and Heath, I felt the need to disect their feelings towards each other.
"Ew. Respectfully." - Daisy, Season 8 Episode 15
From those 2 words alone, I'm already intruiged in their dynamic, although very hostile from Daisy, but this only elevates them. Heath does everything in his power to come across as likeable to Daisy, which is ultimately (and temporarily) useless as Daisy believes Heath is still the mole. Heath's humble nature heavily contrasts with Daisy's pride and stubborness. Anyway, they work through their troubles and are made the Nationals duet partners which guarantees more screentime (as much as you can get when you're still sharing screentime with ex A-Troupe members). They both noticeably wear green in their outfits, highlighting their predetermined connection.
"I've done a lot of duets and I really like this one." - Heath, Season 8 Episode 18
Kingston comes in to help with duet, and both Daisy and Heath feel the pressure of being critiqued. The duet partners, after some time, decide to confide in each other about their feelings of doubt. If it wasn't obvious in Episode 15, it's crystal clear that these two are going to fall for each other. Even the TNS writers were onto this, evidently shown through their "moment" before Kingston interrupted them. He even states in his talking head, "I feel like maybe I'm interrupting something. I don't know what, but... something."
"As much as you think you're the one who's hurting right now, you hurt me a lot worse." - Heath, Season 8 Episode 21
I personally believe that this episode showcases Daisy's crush on Heath. I would also like to bring in the trope - A fell first, but B fell harder. Daisy IS B. Do you not see her using the excuse of more rehearsal time just to spend more time with Heath and her several questions about whoever Heath is meeting up with? Anyway, Daisy catches Heath meeting up with Lucien and Grace, and *angsty miscommunication* ensues. Now, I'm a hater for the miscommunication trope, BUT it is used so effectively here that I can't complain. Daisy does damage control on her feelings by reverting back to her former self and antagonising Heath. This obviously breaks Heath's heart because Daisy no longer trusts, temporarily breaking their connection.
"When we dance together, I know you won't let me down, and I need you to know that I won't let you down either." - Daisy, Season 8 Episode 25
It's the day of the Nationals duet, and Daisy and Heath are on bad terms. To rekindle their relationship, Daisy "kidnaps" Heath and forces him to clean mirrors with her while they talk about their feelings. Ignoring the logistics of time, their shenanigans are endearing and entertaining. Ships have different factors that help elevate them, and Haisy's banter, which is filled with humour, makes them all the more loveable. Daisy gives Heath a heartfelt apology, allowing them to make up and perform well in the duet round. ALSO, when it's announced that TNS have won Nationals, Daisy and Heath hug each other instinctively. Just thought that should be mentioned.
"Now it's just because I think you're really great Daisy and I want you to know that." - Heath Season 9 Episode 1
They're back and better than ever! Their chemistry and banter are off the charts alongside their newly established colour scheme of green and purple. Daisy wants to give Heath a present, but Heath inexplicably refuses it, causing Daisy to walk off. Ethan suggests to Heath that he should just get her a present so the two of them can exchange. Unfortunately, tickets to Daisy's favourite band are too expensive, so they can't go together, but Heath still buys Daisy a ticket regardless just because he knows it'll make her happy. THEY'RE SO IN LOVE I CAN'T CONTAIN MYSELF.
"I'll never have another duet partner like you." - Heath, Season 9 Episode 4
Ariana and Grace steal Daisy's bowstaff, preventing her from making A-Troupe, but as karma (and the power Daisy holds), Grace is unable to make it onto A-Troupe Daisy and Heath walk into a darkly lit Studio A as Heath rambles on about taking Grace down. However, Daisy has accepted her fate and reminds him that she wasn't prepared. Heath disagrees, claiming, "Daisy, I don't know if I can move on from this." This equating to everything they have together, duh! They have an emotional goodbye duet and hug for an eternity before finally letting go. The second that Daisy walks out the door, the remaining lights turn off, symbolising how lost Heath feels now: "I don't know what I'm going to do without Daisy." I bawled my eyes out when I first watched this, and a little bit of my heart aches every time I rewatch it.
In conclusion, Haisy remains an un-canon ship, which is baffling to some extent but also a relief as the writers couldn't break them up in a ridiculous fashion and have them never talk to each other again following the break up. Regardless, they were the highlight of Season 8 and showcased the writers' ability of character dynamics and drama relating to those characters which strengthens the relationship instead of being its detriment. (Thank you Kenzie for pairing them together, your service as dance captain is truly appreciated.)
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fraeuleintaka · 3 months
AAIC: Quality of Life Improvements
This is the 7th post in the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Countdown: 74 days left until release!
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Today's topic: the Quality of Life Improvements! These include chapter selection, story mode and a history function.
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The history function has been there since the original release of Dual Destinies on 3DS and I wouldn't want to miss it. It's always useful to check a previous line when you accidentally tapped forward already or when you're not sure anymore about the exact words. Or when you didn't expect an exchange to end up being so funny so you forgot to screenshot the beginning which is probably the main reason I'm going to use it 😄
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The story mode isn't really something for me, I love figuring everything out in AA. But it's definitely nice to have especially when you're stuck at a particular point and don't want to go through randomly presenting every piece of evidence you have (which is gonna take forever towards the end of I2-5 as it's the case with the most pieces of evidence in your possession at the same time in the entire series).
I noticed something else though while going through the images on the website and that is the new design of Miles' organizer (as seen here on the right)! Miles' evidence and profile files were also called his organizer in the original version of the games (as "court record" like it is in the main games wouldn't make any sense to have during investigations) but apart from the different colour scheme they were otherwise identical to the court record of the main games. For this remaster it looks like they redesigned the organizer completely so that it looks like an actual physical organizer with rings in the middle, paper pages, leather binding and everything! So pretty! It even has metal finishes for the edges and a leather pocket on the back page to slip something into. You can look through what Miles collected on the left page while the details are displayed on the right one with spaces marked for text and pictures, the evidence and profiles are separated by bookmarks on top of the pages and on the right there's a little sticky note that reads "Present" which I love to an unreasonable degree 😄 I keep finding things I absolutely adore about this collection!
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The chapter selection I'm also not sure if I'm gonna use. I'm one who replays AA games in their entirety every time, especially the ones I love as much as the Investigations titles, and I don't want to skip any part of them. I'm sure it's gonna be useful for others though and who knows, maybe I'll feel like replaying some specific scenes at some point - like a certain someone's Logic Chess and following courtroom battle, for example 😉 If not, I will definitely go through all the chapter selection screens anyway just to see what all the different chapters are called. There are some parts I'm really curious about! According to this screenshot they also seem to have redesigned the episode title screens a little. In both Investigations games the covers for the episodes were specific characters important in the episode (like Miles for I1-1, for example) and different for each one. This they kept, of course, but they also added more background to them with another, differently coloured, image of the same character in action during the episode framed in one of the important locations of the episode. The colour chosen also seem to be specifically for each episode or character from what we can see, with this burgundy shade for Miles' episode and silver-blue-ish for Franziska's. Really looking forward to seeing what the other episode covers look like!
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just a disclaimer: i’m queer and nonbinary (afab) as can be, so all of this is from a personally queer perspective? i also know that i don’t tend to really jive with ND stevenson’s work (she-ra didn’t quite work for me) either and if you loved the movie, great. i just gotta drop thoughts somewhere because well
they’re less than positive
like “nimona” wants to be a Queer movie so badly, but the entire humourous basis of the character herself is that she is 1) young looking (despite being immortal) and 2) appears to be AFAB and isn’t it funnily jarring when little girls want to be violent instead of cute and sweet? 
She doesn’t want to be a monster, but clearly genuinely enjoys destroying things (again: basis of the bulk of her character humour, and one of most defining character traits) with no regards to anyone who gets hurt or could get hurt in the process. 
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also this is Entirely Personal preference but while the animation was stunning, the contrast in the medieval aesthetic and modern day technology just continually brought me out of the movie. which is too bad, because treasure planet and it’s 70/30 rule and aesthetic blend of old timey and big technology is one of my favourite things ever, but i think Nimona being 50/50 just... didn’t work for me. was also slightly disappointed that i figured out who the actual bad guy was before the queen’s death (and yet another movie with a black queen who Dies Instantly / a movie with literally queer men of colour being technical side characters to a white, allegorically queer main ‘female’ character). 
Ballister is a great protagonist, but due to his opposition of everything Nimona is personality and scheme wise, it feels like they’re almost running around in two separate stories. As well as like - he wanted to enjoy the Elite, Privileged, fighting force? An elite, privileged, entirely based on birthright system ruled by a Black queen before it was called into question, when it’s also a pretty clear allegory for the Police? The fact that this isn’t resolved - what’s going to happen to the Institute, is it going to be reformed or even better yet, disbanded (‘defunded’), is entirely left hanging as a plot thread, which doesn’t happen matters.
Halfway through the movie (specifically Nimona’s “or that sometimes I want to let them [kill me]”) is when I finally started to feel emotionally invested, but like two scenes later when Ambrosius’ stabbing was over dramatic rather than just letting the tone hold, I looked into the camera just... so incredibly unimpressed. The monopoly and shark dancing didn’t help.  
“She’s my friend.” “Aren’t I more than that?” so there were no aspec people in making this film. Got it. And Ballister’s heel face turn into calling Nimona a monster is also very quick, especially when his whole arc this movie is being unfairly demonized himself by the very same thing/people that are demonizing Nimona as well. The sheer harshness and length of the scene is also much longer and given time than him saving her, leaving that feeling kinda lopsided as well.
And Nimona’s issues I think are very evident in the fact the movie lets us see all the damage she’s causing at the end when she loses control, which is sad and tragic for her... but does not excuse or remove the real harm she’s bringing hundreds of other people. This is mitigated when she sacrifices herself to save the city, but given that her problem wasn’t necessarily selfishness so much as recklessness, and given that Ballister had literally just talked her down from suicide, it’s... Muddled to say the least.
And all of this ties back into the murky gender allegory of the movie. At its best, it’s very effective and very emotionally resonant (Nimona’s actual flashbacks and a couple of her conversations with Ballister. I can definitely see why people like it - hell, even I like it. “This monster is a threat to our entire way of life!” “What if we’re wrong?” kinda perfectly encapsulates were it falls flat to me, because queerness Is a threat to our current systems - capitalism, racism, cisheteropatriarchy founded on white gender essentialism. Queerness, particularly of gender, disrupts and should disrupt all those things; it’s a political identity just as much as personal one, both by choice and by societal circumstance.
TLDR; found the second half of the movie, overall, much stronger than the first, but with some bigger structural pitfalls. Animation was gorgeous, sense of humour didn’t overall work for me but that’s a personal thing, queer allegory was good but I would’ve liked some of the implications to be taken farther. I appreciate the movie for what it says about freedom of expression vs demonization by the upper class(es), and I think it’ll really resonant and be important to queer youth in their teens (a stage I am long past) figuring themselves and their place in an increasingly anti-trans political climate out, so I’m very glad it exists. It just wasn’t particularly groundbreaking, and wasn’t particularly up my alley. Which is kind of what I expected, but I am disappointed that I didn’t enjoy it more as a nonbinary person who loves story deconstructions, fantasy, and animation
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Creelarke, Camp, and Wet Hot American Summer
So, Wet Hot American Summer is on the S4 board:
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It’s got Ben and McKinley, two camp counsellors who are very gay for eachother and are revealed to have been a couple the entire time:
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And maybe it’s just me, but don’t these two look a little familiar?
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And take a look at Mckinley’s watch- doesn’t it also look familiar?
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And the fact that both Ben and McKinley are camp counsellors/teaching kids whereas Scott and Henry are both teacher figures/teachers.
And speaking of summer camp, remember Petey McHew?
Petey McHew, who went to summer camp? And was told the legend of Victor Creel? And who is connected to all of the Creel imagery?
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And Peter Ballard being the casting name of Henry? Therefore connection Henry and Petey, especially with all of Petey's narrative ties to the Creels, which then connects Henry to summer camp?
But who else is referenced as having gone to camp?
Scott Clarke. Although not summer camp, in the comics (the Tomb of Ybwen specifically), Scott is said to have gone to boy scout camp with Bob (this comic snippet is Scott talking):
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And who ELSE went to camp?
Dustin! Camp Know-Where. Which, when we look at the scenes regarding Dustin and camp, there’s not only references that tie to Henry, but also that tie to Scott.
We have the “dreaming,” line, which ties all of the dream imagery with Henry and “dream a little dream of me”:
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We have the Forever Clock, which, Henry and all of his clock imagery speaks for itself:
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And we also have cerebro being referred to as a ham radio- and who’s always been associated with ham radios from the very begging? Scott.
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I know some people may think that the Ben/McKinney parallel is meant to be Byler (and I think it can be both byler and creelarke as the two parallel eachother), however, when we sit down and look at the evidence, there’s a few key things that point to Creelarke over Byler for me:
1.) The casting
Physically, Ben and McKinley resemble Henry and Scott far more than they resemble Mike and Will. This one basically speaks for itself, but Ben has blonde hair and blue eyes like Henry, and McKinley has dark/black hair and brown eyes like Scott.
2.) The costuming
While Mike and Scott both have watches similar to McKinely’s watch, Scott is the one with the strong costuming parallel to McKinley (Scott’s S3 shorts outfit), something that Mike doesn’t have, as although Mike wears shorts in S3, they aren’t nearly as similar to McKinley’s outfit as Scott’s outfit/shorts are.
With Scott, we get these very strong direct parallels between Scott’s costuming and McKinley’s costuming- in the season that has constant summer camp references no less.
Scott has the same cut/style of shorts as McKinley, with the coloured border, and while his shirt is a polo shirt rather than a T shirt, it’s still a white shirt much like McKinley’s.
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Scott’s even posed like McKinley in that costuming test BTS pictures, which makes me wonder if they had reference pictures of McKinley pinned up to reference for Scott & Randy saw them. We know that the ST costuming dept pins costuming reference up on the wall, thanks to BTS shots like these:
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We even get parallels right down to the same sort of white and blue striped socks, the only difference being that Scott’s socks have two stripes instead of three:
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With Mike though, this is the closest we get to any of McKinley’s outfits- and even then, it’s only one outfit and a tentative parallel at best. Scott’s colour schemes are far more similar to McKinley’s and his shorts are the same type/cut as McKinley’s, unlike Mike’s, and Mike’s shorts lack the coloured border that all of Scott and McKinley’s shorts have. Mike, like Scott, also wears a polo shirt instead of a t-shirt, but none of Mike’s shirts come as close to McKinley’s shirt colours as Scott’s shirt does.
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3.) The camp
Mike and Will don’t have that same sort of camp/summer camp imagery tied to them. At all. But Scott has it tied to him directly in the comics, and Henry has it via the Peter Ballard vs Petey McHew connection/the general connection of Petey McHew to the Creels.
So, long story short, I think that Scott and Henry are intentionally paralleled to McKinley and Ben from Wet Hot American Summer, and that the Creelarke vs Ben/McKinley parallel is more supported/has more evidence than the Byler vs Ben/McKinley parallel.
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voidify333 · 2 years
Ok so I know that the actual reason every AA character has one (1) outfit per era is budget constraints
But here’s a fun in-universe explanation: there’s a culture among lawyers in AAverse that you have One Signature Outfit that you wear to work every day
AND… this culture is Manfred von Karma’s fault
Let me explain
MvK is maybe the only character aside from the judge that we see wearing identical clothes in different eras. He wears the same suit in 2001 (AAI2-3), 2012 (AAI1-4) and 2016 (1-4). My headcanon is that he has multiple identical expensive bespoke suits, which he has worn every workday for his entire career, fully as a power move/“this outfit is Perfect so why would I need a different one” thing
(I say he definitely has multiple and it isn’t just a coincidence because after DL6 he would have had to destroy the jacket with the bullet hole to leave no evidence, and yet he wears the same identical outfit in AAI2 when we see him pre-DL6)
From the POV of all other lawyers: this guy always wears the same outfit, AND he always wins. Easy grounds for a superstition to develop.
So by the games’ era, it’s just the norm for lawyers to choose a Signature Outfit, and wear it to work every day For Good Luck
(This norm is a thing for defense attorneys too not just prosecutors. This helped Furio pull off his ridiculous scheme in 3-3)
And here’s a funny scene we can extrapolate from this headcanon: at some point, maybe post-trilogy, Miles *eureka*s that the signature outfit thing is MvKs fault, decides to make a symbolic gesture to change this culture, and he shows up to the prosecutor’s office wearing that light blue coat from the 2-3 end cutscene. Everyone loses their shit— EDGEWORTH wearing a DIFFERENT COLOUR????
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snow-lavender · 2 years
Hello to the like 30 Fable fans who are on Tumblr. Given the wider happenings in mcytblr at large, I would appreciate your consideration of the following argument:
Reasons C!Centross is a Tumblr Sexyman
Devotion to an evil goddess/Antagonist status: I feel like this speaks for itself.
Theatrics: Man loves being overly dramatic and man loves using big words. He is trying so hard to be a Magnificent Bastard.
Tragic Backstory: Orphan? Check. Trauma? Check. Loner? Check. Mass Murderer? Check. Cult Bullshit? Check.
Patheticness: Did he win multiple 1000-against-1 battles? Yes. Has he failed to confess to Wolf no less than 4 times? Also yes.
Colour Scheme: Black and purple is like, textbook shorthand for MCYT edgy tragic sexyman.
Other, simpler reasons include: canon bisexuality, atrocious mental health, redemption arc, calling people "my friend" in casual settings, masquerade fit, need I go on?
And finally, this isn't really a specific criteria, but look me in the eyes and tell me "I am forever haunted by the souls of the masses I have mercilessly slaughtered. These souls will not stop making fun of me for failing to talk to my gay crush" doesn't fit the sexyman vibes to a tee. You can't.
Given the overwhelming evidence, I hope you will join me in nominating c!Centross for the MCYTblr Sexyman Poll. Thank you for your time.
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lxrd-ren · 1 year
Uff BBH your recent skin lore is driving me insane
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So this is his most recent skin. His greyscale colour scheme is due to his children, or his sunshines, being taken from him. However, there have been some new smaller additions that we are nearly completely in the dark about and could have crazy implications
Dark Patches:
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First off, the day after q!Forever and q!Pac were given the antidote (Day 176), dark patches suddenly appeared all over him. Since these patches just appeared out of nowhere, I doubt it's part of the whole losing-colour-day-by-day as that happened over several days.
Theory 1:
Now, my main theory for what it could be is it is the Federation worker's blood (more specifically, the one q!Bad has locked up in his basement). Now, we can't confirm this mainly because we don't know what their blood looks like, or if they bleed at all. However, my main reasoning for this is the timing.
The last thing q!Bad did before the black patches appeared was threaten the worker with a weapon in his hand.
"Ok. Let's try this again. Where is my son?" - Day 175
^ This along with other quotes kind of implies that q!Bad has been torturing the worker for information
The next day, he didn't even acknowledge the patches and went about his business as usual, almost as if he already knew about it but didn't see a reason to bring it up.
Something to note also is that yesterday when q!Foolish asked if the blue spots on q!Bad were blood, he answered:
"I don't know. Maybe. Probably." -
^ Implies that q!Bad isn't that suprised at the possibility that there was blood on him. Again, q!Bad already seemed to know
Since then, we haven't seen the worker at all, therefore we don't know its condition, so I think that theory still stands. However, we know that q!Bad has been back to his basement many times over the past couple days. If at any point we see any new patches or the current patches grow larger, especially if he had ended stream heading towards / in his basement the previous day, we can assume that it is indeed the workers blood
Theory 2:
The other theory is that it's not the worker's blood but rather q!Bad's blood instead. The same thing applies here where since we don't know q!Bad's species or seen him bleed (outside of the default minecraft red when someone is shot), we still don't know what colour the blood would be if he does infact bleed.
What I think makes this theory less believable is again the timing of it. It wouldn't make sense if q!Bad enters his basement, threatens a trapped worker with a weapon, and HE is the one who comes out bleeding.
I think the only way it could make sense is if you assume that after q!Bad tortured the worker or whatever, he then went to the soul vulture cage and let himself get hurt enough to leave him bleeding. But again thats based off an assumption.
Plus, in the past q!Bad has left himself in the same soul vulture cage (whilst allowing himself to be hurt by them) and came out without the dark patches. Why would the dark patches only appear now?
Not to mention q!Bad always has tons of healing potions, food aswell as an auto-feed upgrade on him, including whenever he goes into the cage. I doubt he would let himself get low enough so that he starts to bleed. Besides, the point of him allowing himself to be hurt by the soul vultures is so they feed off of him, so surely it would be counter productive for him to allow himself to get that low on health.
And that's ignoring the implications that q!Bad is extremely powerful. I mean the guy might have sunk Atlantis, would he really be that hurt by a couple of these things?
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Theory 3:
I will admit this theory is a little less complicated but even so. The black patches may just be his skin slowly showing through rips and tears in his clothing. Since his hood covers most of his face and his clothing covers everything else, we don't know for sure what his skin colour is. And so, there is the possibility that his skin colour is indeed black.
The main evidence that supports that theory is ofcourse the soul vulture cage. Although this is again going off based on the assumption q!Bad went to the cage after torturing the worker
Whilst I still don't think q!Bad would allow himself to get low enough for him to bleed, I do think it's possible that the soul vultures could rip through clothing
Blue Spots:
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Next, the most recent addition that appeared only yesterday, the blue spots. Since we have little to no information about this, I'll just state lil facts here and there and possibilities but not full-fledged out theories yet
The spots are faint but noticeable, and again, are everywhere on his body
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First things first; is this related to the black patches? The answer is: Maybe?
If we take a look at the spots and note the placement of them, we know that, conveniently, all the spots are in a black patch. It could be that the blue spots are a side-effect of the black patches / whatever caused the black patches in the first place
I saw someone post about this but the blue could be blood. And again, this is possible both for the worker (whom is implied to have been tortured recently) and q!Bad (letting himself be hurt by the vultures). I doubt the blood is the vultures blood as there has never been an indication that they have been hurt at all
Another thing I saw someone point out is the colour is kind of similar to the vultures aswell as the item they drop. Since we know q!Bad has been experimenting with them, that could of led to some unforseen effects on him. Such as, the blue leaking onto him
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Now, I dont think it's an infection. My reasoning is that the colours would surely be the same on q!Bad, but it's not, it's much more darker and dull.
However, I also don't think it's the side effects of making the potion using the heart. Why? Well, when making potions, you use your hands, no? If the potion is simply rubbing off onto him whilst he's making the potion, then why would it get everywhere, including his hood?
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That's it really, whatever the real reasoning behind all this is, I'm excited to find out. Also, you guys can leave your opinions on the theories aswell as add your own theories in the tags if you like 👍
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