#except Dell
ieo-pio · 1 year
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Tf2 barn drama edition
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hacksplatter · 1 year
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do u all see. my vision. the world i live in is bright and joyous come share in it with me :3
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maeo-png · 9 months
me when i’m in a ‘haunting the narrative’ contest and my opponent is radigan conagher
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bedlamsbard · 2 years
while being fully aware that THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS is the worst time to be looking at new computers, I feel as though I am looking for a mythical computer that does not exist even though all I am looking for is my current computer, but not eight years old. (Yes, Problem Child is eight years old, I got it in 2014.)
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vulpixelates · 2 years
I *hatehatehate* how common anti-abortion plot lines are in older medical shows flfkdjdjd HELLOOO YOU'RE DOCTORS
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theintelligentfool · 1 year
WOAHHHHH how long have you had the new profile picture!!!!! It’s so awesome!!!!
about a month now!!!! it was a commission from my extremely good friend @robot-transsexual and this is the full image!!!
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I’m sad. ☹️☹️
naaauuurrr why sad (even though it's 14 hrs later because i was sleeping after 21 hrs of traveling)
so if you're still sad or have a vague inclination to talk about it, i'm still alive and you can always tell me anything <3
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
I personally think the TOH ending is great.
Belos got exactly what he deserved, no sympathy at all, and just like Raine said: it was satisfying.
Things weren't perfect right after Belos died. They've spent years rebuilding and fixing the world and figuring out how to make it work again. They've had time to heal.
I'm specially happy with how the kids ended up. Luz got to travel between worlds whenever she wanted, not having to give up neither being a witch or her life with her mom, and she even goes to college at the Boiling Isles at the end. Amity's body type seems closer to Odalia's when she's older, and she looks like she's been adventuring a lot; she looks happier than ever. Gus (who looks amazing, by the way) gets to teach people about his interests. Willow is still playing Flyer Derby and living her best life. And Hunter is now working with Dell as a palisman carver; he even made himself a cute new palisman (named Waffles, according to Dana Terrace on Twitter), while still honoring Flapjack.
Those endings fit them all and I love how happy they all looked. I loved Titan Luz, I loved Camila meeting Eda and King, I loved Darius reuniting with Hunter, that Aladarius moment later, and most of all I loved how everyone (including Tibbles and Boscha lmao) was in that last frame except Odalia. Just perfect.
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vintagerpg · 7 months
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The five-volume Chronicles of Prydain, by Lloyd Alexander, began in 1964 with The Book of Three, and saw new entries — The Black Cauldron, The Castle of Llyr, Taran Wanderer — appear annually until finishing with The High King in 1968. They’re set in a fantasy version of Wales, and draw from Welsh mythology, but the story is very much the tale of an assistant pig-keeper named Taran who, as he grows from boy to man, seeks adventure, finds responsibility and learns the terrible cost of glory. It’s one of the first works of fantasy I read as a kid and honestly, I don’t think any others, except Earthsea, have measured up in terms of emotional weight (and their refusal to indulge in power fantasy or other cliché). I re-read them recently and that remains true. You ought to read them if you haven’t. They’ll change you, I bet.
Anyway. My editions as a kid were the ‘80s Dell Yearlings with the gorgeous cover art by Jean-Leon Huens. I have a deep love for the first cover and its depiction of the Horned King (and am eternally jealous that Tony DiTerlizzi owns the original). The others are pretty great, too. I love that the giant cat is basically a house cat and I love those alien-looking Cauldronborn on the final book’s cover. The Black Cauldron cover is rather new for me; my original had the movie poster for the god awful Disney movie (beautiful, yes, but still awful and utterly lacking the emotional heart of the books). I’m pleased Huens shows Eilonwy, but now I am a little bummed he never painted the bard, Fflewddur Fflam.
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teabunnee · 5 months
Emesis Blue actor au
Transcripts from the interviews after the immense success of indie film EMESIS BLUE
Clip 1 
Fritz: It was interesting to do horror, not too dissimilar to my former roles, except without the comedy. One of the most difficult was simply staring at the camera, I had to create an immense amount of emotions with no words, or facial movements while Tavish was around, making silly faces. I had to pretend I was an owl. 
Clip 2: 
Jeremy: you should’ve seen my Ma when I told her about the part she got. She was so psyched! Though the head bust they made of her was freaky as hell. She keeps hiding it in the weirdest places-
Ma(offscreen): You laughed! 
Jeremy: After I almost peed my pants! You left it on a plate! 
Ma: That wasn’t me! That was Tavish! 
Jeremy(muttering): Of course it was. 
Clip 3: 
Ma: My son actually played two roles! He’s the man with the long arms and hands. Not sure what that was about, to be honest.
Jeremy: Oh man, the prop hands! You know, they look creepy in the movie, but walk around with massive sausage fingers in the daylight? I looked like a monkey! Got a few laughs out of everyone at least. 
(Jeremy looks at the camera and holds out his massive sausage hands, grinning) 
Clip 4: 
Ma: Mr Murnau was a dear to work with on the set, such a gentleman, even with all of those burn prosthetics they put on him! All of that heavy makeup and thick scars…He looked like a different person! 
Murnau: I’m used to playing the suave gentleman, but the detective in the film is a savage character. Savage, and complex. I drew a lot from old noir films. He was an interesting role. A man who engineers his own destruction. 
Clip 5: 
Dell: You can say this was a family production, especially for me. But that just meant we all hung out together more. I’m glad my brothers had the chance to shine, not to mention I liked the tux they got me.  
Fritz: the cognagher twins were quite the marvel to watch on set, one minute they were the men who offered to fix my car, the second they were this…terrifying murderous duo! 
Murnau: They were very well spoken individuals, and they play off each other very well. They always seemed to know exactly what the other was planning. 
Clip 6:
Dell: Yeah, they loved the Shining, why you ask? 
Clip 7:
Tavish: My best mate? Doe! We had a lot of fun on set together. We still go bar hopping! 
Doe: Tavish was our prankster on set! Always hiding things or spooking us during cuts. Course, I was there to help him out! 
(Clip of the famous frozen Demo scene, only once soldier leans again demo’s chest, Demo suddenly comes to life and screams, startling soldier.) 
edit: Drawings start here!
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idoodlestuffsometimes · 8 months
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Story Post 14 (Part 3)
[Image ID under the cut]
[IMAGE ID: Two pages of a black and white comic. PAGE ONE PANEL ONE: On Dell as Gwen, from off panel, offers him the crow phone. "Well, your father wanted to call for good reason," she says. "Here, I'll put him on the phone!" PANEL TWO: "You should really talk to--" Eda stares down at the crow phone, horrified. PANEL THREE: "CLICK" The phone hangs up. A large panel of Gwen and Dell at their dining room table, stopped in the middle of Gwen giving and Dell taking the phone. "...him," Gwen finishes. PANEL FOUR: The same angle as before, but the the panel is mostly blank, empty except for Gwen and Dell. The two of them hold hands, their heads bowed in sadness.
PAGE TWO PANEL ONE: Whip! Eda hurls Lilith over her shoulder. PANEL TWO: Crack! Lilith slams against the ground. PANEL THREE: An overhead view of Eda standing over a defeated Lilith, crumpled on the ground. Instead of looking at Lilith, she glares up at the crow phone flying overhead in the foreground. "I told you to stop coming," she growls. PANEL FOUR: In the foreground, Eda's fist clenches around her lowered staff. Beyond it, Lilith stares up at her, hair in disarray, furious. PANEL FIVE: A distant view of the cliff-side path leading away from the Owl House. Eda stands near the house, glaring down at the ground while Lilith flies away on her palisman, glowering over her shoulder. Her scouts, groaning and decidedly worse for wear, trudge after her. PANEL SIX: Close on Eda's face, turned away, scowling. The panel is very wide, but the rest of it is empty. /End ID]
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chaoticedward · 3 months
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Spy: Chauffeur.
Dell: Ooh Fancypants Rich McGee over here. FUCK YOU.
this was supposed to be a full comic but i never got around to finishing it because i can’t do line art to save my LIFE.
also this is just a personal headcanon but engie is dyslexic. he reads a lot because he really enjoys it but he can’t spell very well and has very poor handwriting. he tries not to let the team know except for spy, who he quietly goes to for help… even spy has the tendency to act like engie should already know how to spell some things. despite this, he’s much, much better at math than spy, especially algebra, but complicated equations don’t come up nearly as often as needing to write a report.
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minawritesfanfic · 11 days
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You are who you eat
Dexter Morgan x Reader
Word count: 2k
Summary: After finding out about Dexter’s after hour hobby you start to investigate him while teasing him from afar that you know what he is.
Part 2
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Finding a reason to go up to homicide was easy I had an email come in from the sergeant but I also couldn’t be bothered to deliver the brand new computers to homicide yesterday like I was supposed to. I carried the box out of the tiny office, normally I would’ve struggled to carry something this heavy but hauling around dead bodies was unsurprising a great work out. I used my elbow to press the button for the elevator and waited for it to come down, I heard someone come up behind me and turned to see my mystery man. Boy does he have great timing, I glanced down at his ID and under his photo was his name, Dexter Morgan. Got you, I gave him a polite smile turning around as I heard the familiar ding of the elevator and stepped inside. He stepped inside as well tucking his hands into his pockets, it felt odd being so close to someone and knowing except who they are without them knowing a thing.
His expression was calm but I could tell from the slight fidgeting he wasn’t as calm as he let on. Like freak out by last nights encounter, I mean I would be too. If someone caught me just as I was killing someone and there was a high chance they saw my face, I would be shitting my pants and looking over my shoulder for days. Though I have no plans of exposing his secret because that would mean bringing into the question why I was at the car dealership, why I hadn’t reported it then, or of I didn’t mention that part what was I doing at Ann Cohen’s house that late at night anyways. No excuse I could come up would lose their suspicion so it just seemed far better to not involve myself in it at all, if anything it would be easier to just deal with this Dexter person on my own.
The elevator dinged again as we arrived on the next floor, and we both stepped out with our left foot as if we were synchronized together. Our eyes met again and we awkwardly walked out one after another, I let him step ahead of me and watched as he disappeared into the tiny room in the back of the department whilst I began distributing the laptops to each officer and collecting their old ones. I hadn’t been asked to do that but I figured if I didn’t do it now I would likely be sent to do it anyway, and I didn’t have a reason to come up here twice in a day so it’s not like I needed it as an excuse. Doing it now simply saved me from unnecessary work later on, as I got to the last laptop I found myself at Sergeant Doakes desk. My final task in the homicide department for today, hopefully at least.
“Good morning Sergeant, I got your email what can I do for you?” I said as I handed him the new laptop.
“Morning, I heard you were the person to ask about getting into some encrypted files?”
“I am indeed, you can just give me the device and I’ll get tight to it. Is there a deadline or can I do this at my own pace?”
“No deadline as I’m not sure if they will be anything helpful on there, but please make it a priority.” He pulled a silver Dell mini 9, I set it on top of the others in the box making a mental note to look at it later.
“Alright I’ll get it back to you as soon as I can then, if that’s all I should probably go deal with these.” I said raising the box slightly bringing attention to it.
“Thank you, please get back to me as soon as you can.”
With all my task completed I adjust grip on the box and took one last look around the department before turning to leave, my eyes drifted Dexter’s little hiding spot. I was surprised to see him already looking at me, his eye remained trained on me even as I turned away and walked out the department. A odd chill went down my spine as I recalled the look in his eyes it was empty and unreadable, I had definitely crossed a line today. There was no need to make him suspicious of me just yet, I still had plenty left to learn about him. I stepped inside the elevator and rode it back down to my floor and walked back to my office, and quickly started on my next task.
I decided to ignored the laptop for now and followed through with other requests in the building first, I felt it was better to run around now instead of constantly going back and forth. That way I could work on the things I needed to in the office uninterrupted, so I set off to step up a new computer for the deputy chief, helped track down a suspect using their phone for narcotics, and updating the missing persons website to showcase the recent disappearances. I spent the first half of my day running around and was happy to sit and work in my office until 4pm came around, I sat back in my chair and just took a few moments to breathe. I hadn’t made any significant progress with the laptop and honestly it was starting to frustrate me, I didn’t expect this to be easy but whoever encrypted these files sure as hell knew what they were doing. So instead of frustrating myself further I I decided to find out just who Dexter Morgan was, looking him up in the system I saw he had no priors in the system and seemed to be a relatively stand up citizen, too good of one to be honest. I knew it was a facade, considering I heard him say so, you can’t be a serial killer and not have a facade. I found that you had a sister Debra Morgan, I recognized her name from the news about the ice truck killer, but most importantly I found your house.
At first I considered talking to his sister and befriending her but I needed to stay out of sight for now, it I raise your attention any more than I already have it would be long before I might end up on your table as well. Of course that doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to bother him from a distance, I needed some sort of distraction while I went through his place so I had a friend of mine give him a little surprise. I stepped through the open door of your apartment, I glanced around looking at the layout and simple decor.
“Dexter, you left the door open again honey. I thought we talked about that.” I said as I stepping further inside and found a repair man tiding his tools on the floor. “Oh hello, have you seen Dexter?”
“No, manager let me in. Someone reported a leak.” He said not even bothering to look up at me.
“Oh yeah, I told him to get things checked out I’m glad he followed through. Was everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s in order. You can rest assured there’s no leaks in your boyfriend’s apartment.” He finished packing and began to leave.
“That’s great to hear, you have a wonderful day sir.” He gave me an awkward smile and shook his head as he left.
I shit the door behind him and looked around, so this was Dexter’s apartment. I immediately put on gloves, after my research I realized he was In forensics so leaving behind my finger prints wasn’t ideal. I started by checking the books making sure there was nothing inside or under them, then I checked his desk. I rummaged through the drawers and found nothing but the usual clutter, I decided to check his computer since I was more likely to find something there. I debugged my way through the login screen and got into his computer, on the surface there was again nothing but I kept digging until found it. His search history which stupidly he never clears, I found that he had used a lot of police resources from the comfort of his home. Don’t you know that’s illegal Dexter? Thankfully some of the searches showed the names he looked up, I borrowed one of his pens and a sticky note then began writing down as many of the names I could and the days he searched them. If my theory was right these were likely murderers as well who will all turn up missing shortly after dexter searched them. Once I was done there I ventured into the rest of the house and found it all to be normal, minus the obnoxious chest in his closet which I thought was odd but I didn’t have my lock pick to get into it. There wasn’t much left for me to do so I figured I should probably leave incase Dexter also decides to visit home on his lunch break.
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Dexter had been on edge all morning, looking over his shoulder just waiting for the coworkers to swoop in and arrest him. As illogical as the thought was, there was no evidence for whoever saw him to back up their claims. Even if they searched his apartment they would find nothing, but an accusation like that doesn’t go away even if it’s proven false. People would still be suspicious and Dexter certainly didn’t need any more prying eyes when he already had Doakes tailing him everywhere he went. He barely managed to get him off his back last night by popping one of his tires, though hope Doakes truly bought his ‘addiction’ and would leave him alone thinking he was in recovery. Still even though no one came knocking at his door during the night to arrest him, which truthfully only made him more anxious but he tried to rationalize it and soothe his anxiety. Maybe they didn’t see his face, they definitely didn’t know his name, maybe they hadn’t seen much of anything, maybe this maybe that. Nothing was certain and Dexter did not like that, he had been careful to live by Harry’s code and the number one rule was to not get caught yet here he was. With a heavy heart Dexter stepped into his tiny slice of the homicide department and was greeted by Masuka.
“Oh hey Dex, there’s something on your desk waiting for you. It looks like someone has a secret admirer.” He said with his signature laugh.
Dexter quirked a brow and saw it, a brightly colored cupcake with a pin stuck in it that said ‘eat me’. He furrowed his brows and ripped the cupcake in half with his thumbs and found a note inside, ‘Roger was a scumbag, wasn’t he? Your secret admirer’. Dexter felt his blood run cold as he fell back into his seat, whoever it was that saw him knew it was him. He didn’t like this not one bit, he needed to find out who sent this.
“Hey Masuka, any idea who sent me this?”
“I can’t tell you that, the point of a secret admirer is that its a secret.” Dexter frowned but didn’t push it, there were other ways to find out.
Dexter was wrong, terribly wrong, whoever this ‘secret admirer’ was had connections with people all throughout the building. He had been asking all around the station all day but everyone he asked was adamant on not exposing their identity, it was like some sick game and he was losing it. His nerves were eased because at least it seems like they aren’t going to expose him for his dark secret for now, but Dexter didn’t like the uncertainty of not knowing if they ever would. This isn’t what he should be worried about right now, he needed to get ahead of this bay harbor butcher thing before they tied it back to him. It was only a matter of time until Lundy would catch on, but he also needed to work things out with Rita and convince her he was committed to his ‘recovery’. There was a lot more on his plate than he was comfortable with, Dexter felt as if he was starting to drown, if things continued the way they were he was certain he would go insane.
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amywritesthings · 10 days
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: march/farmer (fields of mistria) Word Count: 2.5k Summary: It's your first Halloween in Mistria, and you're excited for the costume party at the inn. One small problem: you accidentally match your costume with the worst possible person.
Tag: halloween, mild language, enemies to something, everyone ships you with march except march, friday night at the inn, unresolved romantic tension Credits: dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Maybe the Kiki costume is too on the nose.
While you’re technically the new farmer of the town, tending your crops has recently begun to feel like a secondary job to the impromptu delivery service you’ve tripped into.
Not that you mind — if Hayden leaves a communal bulletin stating he needs an egg, then you’re more than happy to pop by and deliver.
(Though… doesn’t he technically own a ranch? Why would he need more eggs?)
Not your problem, just your solution.
Tonight marks your first-ever costume party at the inn.
While it’s been a town tradition for years, perhaps even decades, you find Hemlock stating that this year simply feels different.
Lighter, maybe. More exciting.
(Because the town needs a little excitement that isn’t privy towards an earthquake.)
You stand in front of your elongated mirror tucked against your bookshelves, tugging at the purple-blue skirt skimming your thighs.
It isn’t difficult to guess what you’re dressed as: between the massive bright bow wrapped around your head like a headband, the flats, the smock dress, and the stuffed black cat tucked under your arm, you should hope your friends know what you’re dressed as.
Kiki, the delivery service girl from the Studio Ghibli movie of similar title.
With one last huff of anxiety, you turn for the front door and trudge through your dilapidated (see: work in progress) farm to make your way towards the heart of town.
Josephine has already decked out the front with strings of paper bats and pumpkins lining the doors to the inn. The gentle glow of recently-carved pumpkins framing said doors with the bails of hay you donated to tonight’s event brings a nostalgic warmth to your heart. 
You can’t remember the last time you went to a Halloween event, much less a costume party.
As your hand reaches for the door, you’re met with a sudden burst of wind.
The door flies open towards you, revealing a button-nosed Dell peering up from her perch. Whiskers streak her rosy cheeks, the black cat ears a stark contrast to her cropped blonde hair.
“You’re here!” she chirps excitedly, beaming up at you.
“Hey, Dell,” you greet politely, opening the door for her. 
It appears the rascals of Mistria are following in tow — as they tend to do all over town in a troop — all equal parts dressed up as various animals.
Maple has a small painted bunny nose with tall ears in her hair.
In true Luc fashion, a spider body with fuzzy arms attached to his appendages. He doesn’t look the least bit comfortable, but he’s clearly excited to be an arachnid nonetheless.
“Are you Kiki this year?” Dell inquires.
Luc fixes his glasses with his many arms before perking up at your added props. “Whoa, and you have Jiji with you!”
Dell gets this look on her face, as if knowing something you don't know, but you think nothing of it at the time.
“Celine is back by the kitchen with Adaline and Orlic,” Maple suggests as if assuming you’re looking for the eldest sister.
Celine had been one of your first friends in town, so it’s no surprise to you that one would anticipate you would gravitate right towards them.
However, hearing Orlic’s name in the mix makes your stomach flip-flop, because—
. — —
    Well, let’s get it out of the way early.
For the record, you love to spend your time at the blacksmith shop.
For the past month you’ve been hard at work in the mines, exploring the ins and outs of such a mysterious place, so naturally you’ve come to the shop to forge your tools and weapons.
And you’ve gotten good at offering a helping hand when it comes to blacksmithing.
Like, really good.
So good that Orlic has even set up a little spot for you to consolidate and work.
—only issue is that it’s right next to March’s bench.
The bane of your existence, if you ever had one.
The naysayer that wants you gone from this damn town.
The only person in town who seems to have a big problem with you being here.
You wish you understood why — it isn’t like you did anything wrong to him.
You show up to the shop with an ever-revolving door of gifts from the mines.
Slowly but surely, you’ve learned what each brother likes. Olric is easy to please: he’s happy to take any stone you find, hoping one day to find a gem in the rough.
March, however…
He couldn’t care less that you show up after a long day’s work, dirtied and exhausted, holding out a piece of copper ore like a proverbial olive branch.
(Tch, he clicks with his tongue like clockwork, I could do better.)
Still, you persist.
Because deep down, you don’t think March actually hates you.
Orlic has said it time and time again — his brother can be tough to get used to, but that’s because he doesn’t have many friends. A loner at heart; March would rather sit in solace and march (no pun intended) to the beat of his own drum.
He likes you in his own way!
If it wasn’t for one of the first nights at the inn, then you wouldn’t believe it.
You distinctly remember walking in with Adeline after accomplishing a renovation of a bridge (to nowhere, you’d like to preface, but a job’s a job) when a voice jumped out from the fray of baseline chatter.
“Yo, farmer!”
Slurred, maybe, but after so much time at the blacksmith shop, you know it well.
However there’s little bite to March as he stands from his bar stool, face flushed with a flourishing pink as he sips from his mug.
He makes it a point to poke his head over his brother’s to see your face, and he…
Not in mockery.
Not in hatred.
A real, bonafide, drunk-as-a-skunk smile.
“Come here,” he hiccups, sloshing some beer as he tries to beckon you closer. “C’mere—”
You don’t think March remembers, but he talked to you.
For three hours straight, actually, about nothing in particular.
Your farm.
Your week.
Your future plans.
Chin dropped to his propped-up fist, his eyes are hazy, but he listens. Intently. Like he’s genuinely interested in what you have to say.
At first it was jarring, especially since Orlic hopped up to give you his seat and never returned, but after twenty or so minutes it was… nice.
The next morning you were strangers.
Six straight days of snappy remarks, but without as much bite.
By the time Friday rolled around again, you found him in the same position — drinking, happily enjoying a communal game, while waving to you periodically to get your attention while you’re busy spending time discussing the week with Celine and Reina.
You want to ask Orlic.
Hell, you want to ask anyone to make sure you’re not imagining the once-a-week friendliness.
But you don’t.
You just endure six whole days until the next Friday rolls around.
. — —
    As the kids shuffle out of the inn to get some air, you walk into the festively-decorated venue looking for a drink.
Reina had said something about themed finger-foods and drinks, both mocktail and cocktail, that she was beyond proud of.
There’s a circle near the tail end of the bar where Celine, Reina, Orlic, and Ryis all chat. Ryis has gone traditional cowboy, while Reina and Celine match in regency ball gowns, presumably a period-piece costume. Orlic is standing in an inflatable dinosaur costume, so you can only make out the visor of his eyes in the blow-up ensemble.
And when their eyes land on you, they stop talking completely.
At first it feels normal, albeit intimidating, but you wave and walk over anyway.
(Why has Ryis’ jaw dropped to the floor? And why is he excusing himself with a little laugh?)
“Hey, guys!” you greet as cheerily as you can, and Celine gives a look to Reina.
The same kind of look Dell had on her face, like there’s something unspoken being passed around by your appearance.
“Oh — hello,” Celine replies in her musical voice, curtseying in character. “Lovely costume!”
“Yeah, it looks amazing on you,” Reina adds, but she keeps looking around.
You feel like there’s something you’re missing.
Staring down the cat and broomstick in your arms, you open your mouth to compliment them in return, but—
“So that’s why March didn’t want to match with me!”
Orlic pipes up, his dinosaur suit squishing and swishing around as he holds his arms out.
“I would have never guessed you’d plan a costume together,” pipes up Celine, shoulders deflating as if glad someone brought up the elephant in the room.
Except you can’t see said elephant — it’s still invisible.
“I… sorry,” you start, fixing your bow. “I don’t really know what you’re talking about.”
“You don’t have to be coy, Kiki,” Reina teases with a wave of her hand. “I think it’s cute!”
“But what’s cute?” you urge. “I feel like there’s something—”
“Hey, nerds, I got us the stupid punch. You could’ve told me the ladle was for baby hands. Took me like five minutes to make four drinks.”
At the sound of a gruff, annoyed voice, you turn—
Oh, no.
March stares back at you through black-rimmed glasses with equal horror, sloshing one of the drinks he’s delicately balancing in his hands in a diamond.
His hair’s a little flatter than usual, but the fluff fights the frizz of the heated inn. On his body is a striped red and white t-shirt, along with some light blue denim jeans rolled up at the ankles.
The costume is just as distinct as yours.
“The hell are you wearing?” he blurts directly at you, and you hear a high-pitched giggle of excitement behind you come from Celine.
“I… a costume,” you lamely reply.
March scowls. “Yeah, genius, I know that it's a costume 'cus you never wear bows.”
“Yes, I do?”
“Not as big as that one!” he snaps. “They’re always smaller or, like… two, on either side of your— Whatever! But why that costume?”
“Thanks for the drinks, little bro!” Orlic happily states, waddling around you in order to gingerly pick up his punch. “We’re gonna go see how the mummy-wrapping game is going.”
March's eyes shoot wide in confusion.
“Yeah,” Reina adds, taking two drinks for her and Celine, before giving one back. “Actually, I’m totally hydrated. Our lovely Kiki might need a drink. You two have fun.”
March’s head whips side to side so fast that you expect the glasses to fly off of the bridge of his nose.
You stand with your plushie cat and broom, blindsided by the matching outfits.
Oh, god — it clicks.
They think the two of you secretly conspired together to do a couples costume.
That’s not good.
“Why’d everyone leave?” March grumbles. “It took a lot of damn effort not to spill those drinks.”
When you say nothing, he reluctantly returns his attention to you and holds out a drink.
“For the record, I planned to be Tombo before you even got to town, Farmer Girl.”
“I put together whatever I had in my suitcase,” you confess, taking the drink from his hand.
“Sure you didn’t sneak a peek of my costume hangin’ up when you were at the shop?” he accuses, squinting while he sips on his alcoholic punch.
“No, March,” you groan, dropping your head back. “Trust me, I don’t want to be matching with you, either.”
In true March fashion, he contradicts himself without missing a beat.
“Why the hell not?”
“Yeah, what’s so bad about matching me?”
“Because people will think—”
“So?” you repeat, slightly higher pitched. “Uh, hello, it’s your worst nightmare?”
“Nah, dressing up as a t-rex is my worst nightmare,” he corrects, like everyone knows this vital piece of information about him. “Orlic was pretty hell bent on getting us to match this year, but I wasn’t sweating my ass off in a damn blow-up suit.”
“And accidentally matching with me is significantly less than that?”
March pauses, marinating on the words, before growing silent to sip more of his drink.
Exasperated, you throw your hands up and switch plushie Jiji from one arm to the other.
“Well, I’ll go home and change. Maybe I have a black shirt and jeans.”
Surely you have to have something basic in your arsenal, even if you were really excited for this costume. But the implication is rearing its ugly head into a territory you’re not sure you went to venture into.
Friendship with the one guy who hates your guts, or worse.
Yet his voice rumbles against the lip of his cup. “What’s a black shirt and pants combo gonna be for a costume?”
“I don’t know, a cat?”
“But Dell’s already a cat.”
“Then a raven! I don’t know.”
March snorts, shaking his head. He uses his free hand to push his fake glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“That’s dumb. Just keep being Kiki.”
The huff out your mouth is laced with disbelief. “And what, have you be my Tombo?”
You don’t mean the words to come out as harshly as they do, but the options to rectify this awkward situation are limited.
It’s either he changes, you change, or—
Well, or you match with your sworn enemy of the town.
Both of you stand shoulder to shoulder, watching the rest of the party rage on.
For what feels like hours, neither of you speak.
A few people greet the two of you, but beyond your initial friend group, no one else seems surprised to see the two of you in a common duo costume.
“I like your bow, by the way.”
The words are so quiet that you almost think you caught wind of a ghost.
Turning your head, the sight before you is one you’ve grown accustomed to: March’s cheeks are flushed, sprinkled with an embarrassed pink.
He side-eyes you, studying the bow before flickering his attention to your face.
You sip your drink, trying your best to look neutral.
“I… think you look nice with glasses.”
That pink turns into crimson, and he buries his head into his chest like he wants to curl into himself to hide the fact that your compliment affects him so deeply.
With a curt nod, you bring the cup back to your lips, only to realize it’s only left with ice. 
Huh. You didn’t think you drank it all down.
In your peripheral you see it, but it doesn’t register until something warm lands on your hand — 
March’s fingers overlap yours, gently nudging the cup out of your grip and into his.
“You're empty,” he mumbles. “I’ll get you some more.”
Before you can protest, he turns on a heel and rushes back to the punch cauldron. The blush goes so far as to creep up the nape of his neck and into his dyed-red hair.
You watch him disappear, your stomach flip-flopping with anxiety and…
Weird. That’s new.
(But that’s how it goes on Friday night at the inn.)
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author's note:
I wrote this in about an hour because I have been dying to try my hand at an FoM fic, and since I'm in a very Halloween-y mood, I figured I could write a little cute heart event for March!
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! What other costumes do you think March would be cute in? Let me know in the comments! (And thank you for any reblogs, likes, etc.)
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scrunckled-idiot · 24 days
Your tf2 AU in a nutshell:
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lol yea
except in reality jane's wigglin' around and trying to gnaw dells remaining fingers off :(
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mr-archaeoptryx · 5 months
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I finished their designs :3
Anyways not too sure what I want to call this AU but I've kinda settled on "The Blocks".
More about it undercut if you care idk:
I don’t want to say much about them because I want to write fanfic about this and I don’t want to spoil it so sorry if this sounds barebones or is confusing :(
Some quick before things: This AU is in a world where all of humanity has been forced into a highly structured society. Basically everyone was kidnapped and forced into cryosleep except for people part of this secret organization who’ve begun to create this super structured world
Cities are just numbered and under each city are the “Blocks”, 4 per city, 1 a daycare, the other three for people 18+. Blocks all have 100 members (people who have been awoken from cryosleep) and have a strict ruleset, if a member breaks a rule, they’re killed. The last remaining member is allowed to leave and live in the “new world”. Daycares don’t do that (kill members (kids)) they just teach them to follow the new rules. They also get their education there so once they’ve graduated they’re allowed to leave.
(⚾Scout) Jeremy, Block Master Assistant (Block 3)
He’s the main character or something. His one goal is to be a Block Master because his dad works as the admin for the blocks and would always come home talking about it and he just thought it was the coolest thing.
(🇺🇸Soldier) Block Master Doe (Block 2)
Think the most like patriotic, pro-american (but not for america), drill sergeant- so he’s basically the same person. For every AU I make where Soldier is included he’s always the same person because I just love him so much.
(🔥Pyro) Moe/Puff, Block Daycare Attendant (Block 1)
They’re mute :3 They help Heavy in the daycare and their pyromaniac thing isn’t there, they’re just insane. They see the whole world as Pyroland but not everything has to be on fire for it, they’re just like that. Also Moe is their name but Puff is what they let all the kids call them because they're always wearing a puffy jacket
(💣Demo) Tavish, Block Master Assistant (Block 2)
He’s very laid back, he might genuinely let people get away with offenses as long as Doe didn’t see it, he’s mostly there to keep Doe in check and also because I’m a boots and bombs shipper and they’re gay :3
(🧸Heavy) Mikhail, Block Daycare Teacher (Block 1)
Leader of Block 1/the daycare. Block 1 leaders are really nice because they’re whole job is to just teach/watch over kids so he’s just genuinely wholesome :) He tries to get the other Block Masters (Ludwig & Doe) to be better but he’s given up on Doe and Ludwig might be too far gone
(🔧Engie) Dell, Block Maintenance Overseer
There are teams of people who maintain the blocks (he’s one of them), He works with the Admin and Block Masters to keep Blocks up to date. Currently he’s a bit busy because Block 4 had some accident that no one is allowed to know about and it’s not working but everything is totally fine guys 👍
(🫀Medic) Block Master Ludwig (Block 3)
The Knife from Camp Belica in Wolfenstein: The New Order, him fr fr.
(🐊Sniper) Mundy, City 16 - Block 3 Member (32)
Member of Block 3, member number 32. He really couldn’t care less.
(🚬Spy) Jacques, City 16 Blocks Admin
I could’ve just used TF2’s administrator but I have another idea for her and then I also wouldn’t’ve known what to do with Mr. Spy. He’s like the mayor of City 16 but he mostly looks over the Blocks, not the whole thing.
If anyone wants to send asks about this I'd be happy to answer. Also I guess asks for characters are fine, I think if I get any for those I might draw the character to go with it to kinda show their designs a little more. Idk I am just really excited about this AU and want to share it <3
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