#except when i gave birth he told me he was marrying someone else and i had to surrender my baby to her
hairtusk · 2 years
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
AITA for letting my boss believe his wife/my bestie was dead for sixteen years?
Okay, so I KNOW how this sounds but:
So my (32F; now 48F) boss (34M at the time; now 50M) was having his best buddy (33M; now 49M) over for like nine months and everything was chill until my boss accused his wife/my bestie (31F; now 47F) of cheating on him with said best buddy, even though he had absolutely no evidence whatsoever and also my bestie would never. My bestie was also several months pregnant at the time.
My boss tried to get one of his advisors (37M; now 53M) to kill his best friend but the advisor told the best friend about it instead and they went back to best buddy’s hometown together, and then my boss used that to accuse his wife of also trying to plot with them to kill him and helping them to escape, even though there was no evidence for that either.
My boss then threw her in prison, where she gave birth early from the trauma. I had been away but I came back to discover this whole shitstorm and I was like “oh HELL no, someone needs to call him out on this bullshit.” So I took the newborn baby and marched into my boss’ office and was like “look, this baby is obviously yours and also stop being a dick to your wife,” but he threatened to burn me at the stake and shit and we got into a big fight and I ended up storming off without the baby (which was probably a big mistake on my part, oops). My boss told my husband (36M at the time; now dead for reasons to be explained later), who was still there, to go leave the baby to die in best buddy’s hometown or else he’d kill him, me, and the baby, so my hubby didn’t really have much of a choice (although I kinda wish he would’ve fought a little harder).
So anyway, my boss put his wife/my bestie on a mockery of a trial for adultery and conspiracy of assassination and stuff with no evidence whatsoever, and my bestie fought her hardest and gave some really kickass speeches even though she wasn’t fully recovered from giving birth in JAIL. And my boss got like an oracle from the gods or something that said everyone was innocent except my boss and that if the baby wasn’t found then they (my boss and his wife) wouldn’t have an heir. So then my boss’ older kid (7M) died and my bestie fainted from shock and then also died, and I told my boss and smacked him around a bit and he finally seemed to realize that he fucked up big time and vowed to spend the rest of his life repenting for everything he’d done.
Except uh, it turned out that my bestie was only actually Mostly Dead or like it was one of those things where someone briefly dies but comes back [author’s note unrelated to the story: that happened to a former classmate of mine when I was 5, so I think I have something to stand on here].
So I took my bestie to a secluded house and I’ve visited her every day for the past sixteen years and taken care of her and helped her heal and get to a place where she can forgive her husband. And my husband never came back from abandoning the baby, so I (correctly, as it turns out) assumed that he had died in the process, which left me with more resentment towards my boss. At the same time, I also helped my boss work through all his shit and actually become a good human being again, but I never actually told him that his wife was in fact alive because I didn’t want anything to happen to her.
But basically for reasons that are unimportant, their daughter (16F) suddenly came home and they reunited and it was really fucking beautiful actually and my boss showed his level of change. So with their daughter found, I felt like it was time for everyone to reunite, and I pulled off this absolutely amazing reveal and it was even more beautiful and they were all so happy and it looks like everything’s gonna work out for them. (Also my boss wants me to marry his former advisor and he’s a good guy so I think we’ll be happy too.)
But now, a little part of me has to wonder: am I the asshole for having them be apart for sixteen years and not telling my boss that his wife was alive and inflicting potentially unnecessary pain on him?
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26 Years - Chapter 1: Prologue (part 1; because Tumblr won't let me post the story as a whole)
Summary: A CMBB AU fic. Jack and Clara haven't told their coworkers a lot of things about their home life and how they have actually known each other for 26 years. First chapter is a bit of a time-line. Please R&R!
A/n: So this chapter is a to the main story. I should let you guys know about a few things before reading; this is fic is based on a whole heap of my head canons, the IRT was never disband, Mac Taylor from CSI: NY is mentioned partly because he's related to Jack (one of my head canons), Karen is not Jack's wife but his sister, Millie and Josie are twins, the characters may seem OOC at times, I added an OC with the surname Garcia but she's in no way related to Penelope Garcia from the mother ship, the program mentioned is something I made up because I didn't really know how to explain how two twelve-year-olds (the OC and someone who will be mentioned later) become official FBI agents and are part of the IRT, the Covid-19 Pandemic never happened/s (oh how I whish I lived in this Alternate Universe), I also de-aged Jack and Clara to fit the time line I made, I got the format and inspiration of this chapter/title from another fic on FanFiction.net called "29 Year", and lastly please don't kill me if it's not a good story this is my first fanfic.
A/n3: Any and all mistakes are mine.
A/n4: check out part 2 here (this a/n is specifically for Tumblr only)
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gif credit goes to @shannyfishwriter bucause it's from their blog where I saved this gif
Jack Garrett is a secretive man. That's how he'd always been. Sure, he sometimes mentions things from his home life, but that's not often and that's how it's been for the last 26 years. The people whom he works with don't know what kind of life he led outside of work or what kind of guy he was. However, there is one exception, and she knows him better than anyone else on the team. Her name is Clara Seger-Garrett. Their colleagues know her as Clara Seger and as far as they know she had just returned from a 2-year bureau sabbatical after the death of her brother. Section Chief Cruz, Emma, and Lisa know about Jack and Clara's situation and private life. Section Chief Cruz knew when he became Jack's partner in 1998. Emma knew all along, even before she joined the team because she is their daughter. And Lisa knew since she stays at their place because her aunt and sisters live in New York and since it is a long drive, she doesn't want to ride the subway because she was still traumatized from a previous time she rode a transit.
Jack was Born Jackson Taylor in 1963. He had an identical twin brother named McCanna "Mac" Llewellyn and a younger sister named Claire who was 3 years younger than him and Mac. Sadly, when he and his brother were 4 months old, a couple by the name of Jeanna and Jason Garrett decided to kidnap little Jack and raise him as their own. Thankfully, in mid-1996 he was reunited with his biological family with the help of his then-fiancée Clara who he met in 1977 at their local high school. Later that year Jack and Clara who were both 26 got married. 1997 Clara gave birth to their first child; a little boy. They decided to name him Ryan Daniel Garrett. In early 1998 Jack and Clara moved to DC and Jack joined the IRT and that's when he met his partner Mateo "Matt" Cruz. The two got along well and that's when he met Clara and the kids. He knew about Jack's life and childhood but kept it a secret as per Jack and Clara's request.
In mid-1998 Clara gave birth to Jack Cade Garrett jr. His middle name was Clara's father's first name. A year later, Jack was made the Unit Chief of the IRT. Clara later joined the IRT herself in early 2002 with Jack's sister Karen to babysit Ryan and Jack jr. when they had a case. In mid-2002 Clara gave birth to twin girls. The eldest girl was named Millicent "Millie" Hope Garrett and the younger girl was named Josephine "Josie" Pearl Garrett. When she had to on maternity leave the then Section Chief Strauss, Jack, and she used the cover that she needed to head back to New York to take care of her mother who just had a stroke to explain her almost three-month absents. Three years later, Clara got promoted to Supervisory Special Agent.
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Bored after staying on Asgard your entire life, you decide to sneak on earth. But what happens when Steve falls irrevocably in love with you, the Queen of Asgard, wife of Loki.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: yandere, obsession, death, violence, cursing, manipulation. If you find any of this triggering, please DNI. Also inform me if I left something out.  
ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇᴛᴀ ʀᴇᴀᴅ, ᴀʟʟ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs ᴀʀᴇ ᴍɪɴᴇ
As you know my previous account got deleted and therefore I have to post this again... Hope you guys like it!
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You sat reading a book in the ethereal gardens of the Palace, with your back pressed against a tree. Loki had brought that book from Midgard. You loved reading, and Loki always got you books from all over the nine realms. That’s how you had bonded in the very beginning.
As you read the book, you had a feeling you already knew what was going to happen, as if you had already read it. So, you closed it and stared at the grand garden before you. Filled with plethora of flowers, the sweet smell diffusing in the air, the palette of colors pleasing the eye.
“Do you need something?” Your maid asked. You shook your head, “I don’t, and even if I needed something I would take it myself.” You gave her a smile at that.
You were the daughter of a common farmer; you were independent since your birth. You had a habit of doing everything by yourself and even despite it being years since marrying Loki, you still couldn’t quite get adjusted to maids. They weren’t servants for you, they were your friends. Your humility and intelligent was something Loki had fallen head over heels for.
The entire Asgard was happy and wonderfully surprised when Loki had announced that he would be marrying you. A common girl with barely any powers was marrying the God of Mischief and the king of Asgard; that had generated quite the rumors, some even thought it was one of his pranks. Even you were worried, but Loki had chased all your worries away.
Despite Thor being the elder brother, Loki had been crowned as the king. Though Thor was powerful and had immense strength, he neither wished to be the king, nor did he have the time to be one. He was rather busy with Midgard and thus Loki had taken the mantle.
When it came to you, even despite being the God of Lies, Loki never lied. He was the best husband you could ask for. Taking your opinions in consideration, asking for your help, cherishing you, loving you more than anybody else. He didn’t rule Asgard alone, no, he ruled Asgard alongside you.
You had changed him; from the selfish Loki whose heart was filled with vengeance, you had made him into a noble and beloved king. But still he never stopped pulling pranks on you, and you took it just as lightly. He was still very mischievous at his heart and you had accepted him with all he brought along.
There was just one thing he didn’t allow: you visiting Earth. And that was only because he was worried for you. The people of Midgard had not taken his attack lightly, and they were still very much furious. Though they were now on good terms, he didn’t want anything to happen to you. You were his everything.
And visiting Earth at least once was one of the only things you wanted. Literally everyone had been to Midgard except you. Even Loki and definitely Thor frequented Midgard, but not you. Once a month you both used to come to that topic and he would brush you off, promising you to take somewhere else. And that maybe fueled your need to go to Midgard even more.
“What are you thinking about, my love?” When you heard his sweet yet authoritative voice, you smiled softly. Lost in thoughts you hadn’t even noticed he was sitting beside you. You inhaled deeply, “I was thinking about the forbidden fruit. I was thinking what would go wrong if I went to Midgard. Just once Loki, just once. That’s the only thing I ask of. I’ve heard the Earth is circular, unlike Asgard!” You asked giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
“Now my beloved, how many times, huh? How many times do I have to list the reasons why you shouldn’t visit Midgard. I won't be able to live if something happens to you. I will go insane, there won’t be a point in living.” He gently took your chin between his fingers and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.  
“I know Loki, I love you too. But aren’t your relations with Earth better now? And Thor goes there all the time and so do you! And I have powers Loki!” You had the powers of making anyone reveal the truth. You were a rarity; a commoner with powers. Your ability to extract truth was really an ace at your side while ruling Asgard.
“We don’t know if someone is holding any grudge. I can’t risk it. Ask me anything, I will search the entire universe for it and bring it upon your feet. Just not Earth. Now I don’t want to ruin such a perfect day by arguing with you.” Before you could speak further, he shut you with a kiss.
As you both laid in each other embrace, you got lost in the abyss of his eyes. “Oh Loki, do you know how much I love you?” With eyes full of mischief, “Well you do know a certain way to show your love, my beloved wife.” He quipped.
Today Thor was leaving for Midgard. And at the same time, you had made your plans to sneak. You had started wondering if Loki had a mistress there, well what else could be his reason for not permitting you to visit Earth.
One part of the plan was already in action. You had shared your concerns with Heimdall. He had been awfully quiet but when you had pleaded and asked of it as a favor for his Queen, he had agreed. On the condition that you would return within 3 days, or else he would pull you back to Asgard. You had happily agreed.
The plan was simple, while he would transport Thor, you would go too, you just had to stand close enough to Thor. All excited, you got ready in the best of your clothes. You knew they didn’t dress like this on Midgard, but you had an impression to make as the Queen of Asgard.
The dark green silk robe complimented your emerald wedding ring; you wore button earrings and connected them to your hair clip with chains. You let your hair down but not without braiding few locks of hair; your right index and ring fingers were adorned with your best rings. You wanted to wear your crown, but decided it would be too much for Midgardians; after all you were going there for vacation, you had no plans of ruling earth.
Not many were there to say goodbye to Thor, the Prince travelled very frequently. You were glad that today neither Loki nor the warriors were there. “Goodbye Thor, have a safe journey!” You said as you stood a little too close to him. It was your signal for Heimdall to transport you to Midgard. “Thank you, sister...” before Thor could complete his sentence, you were both sucked into the wormhole.
It was a.... cool experience to say at least. To be honest, you had no idea. You had kept your eyes closed through half of the journey, and you had probably screamed your throat dry. You did travel through the Bifrost at times but Loki always held you tight. Today though you were spinning all by yourself in the rainbow tunnel. Thank the Norns, it was over faster that you expected.
As Thor landed gracefully in the Avengers compound, you landed straight on your ass and skidded halfway across, bruising you elbow and knuckles.
Thor’s voice boomed aloud, as you tried to get up rubbing your aching ass, “Oh dear Sister! Are you alright?” He said as he helped you get up, “Well, Heimdall didn’t tell me how to land.” You tried to lighten the mood.
“There must have been some mistake. Don’t worry I’ll call Heimdall to send you back.” He said softly while rubbing your elbow as he began praying to Heimdall.
“Uhh, well Thor, that’s not needed. And this... this wasn’t an accident at all. I kind of made a deal with Heimdall and he sent me here...” Thor’s eyes widened with shock and what you thought was anger. You had never ever seen Thor get angry at you, ever. And you were truly scared now.
Thor and you were best of friends. It was as if you two were siblings, not Thor and Loki. As you looked at him now, you knew you had truly screwed up. You knew your decision would anger Loki, but his anger you could handle. You weren’t quite sure about it with respect to Thor.
“You did what? You aren’t supposed to be here! You are going back to Asgard before anyone sees you.” He held you by your elbow and it hurt like hell. “But Thor,...” you tried pleading. Maybe you had not guessed the extent of your family’s anger correctly and you knew you were going to pay for it badly.
“I wasn’t asking you.” He said in an impersonal tone. “You need to understand this is for your own good.” You were tired of listening to the same thing over and over again for so many years. And you finally snapped.
“Tell me the truth Thor! I know that’s not the only reason, why don’t you people want me to come here? Does... does Loki have a mistress here? Huh? I’m so sick of listening to you people give me all kinds of stupid reasons to keep me away from here! You know, if maybe you had not reinforced the fact that I’m not allowed to visit Midgard again and again, then maybe I wouldn’t be so obsessed with coming here.” You couldn’t hold your tears back.
“It’s not what you are thinking, trust me sister, Loki only loves you. But we need to go now and don’t use your powers on me.” You snatched your hand away from him. He was correct in guessing your intentions, you were going to use your powers on him to make him say the truth. But his anger held you back. After all, he was your family, and this visit to earth was just three days long.
“There’s one catch; you can’t take me back. I told you, I’ve made a deal with Heimdall. It includes that He won’t open the Bifrost for me to leave Earth until the evening of the third day!”
The Avengers were all gathered in the briefing room. Thor was coming back and they needed to discuss an important upcoming mission. As Steve stood telling everyone about the mission, they could hear the tell-tale noise of the rainbow tunnel as they called it.
Tony yawned loudly and stood up from his chair, he was least bit interested in the meeting and just wanted to get out. “Thor is here. We should go meet him.” He said stretching. Steve rolled his eyes, while Nat and Clint got up.
“We can continue, Thor knows where to come.” Steve interjected. “I guess Tony is right on this one.” Wanda said shrugging. Before they could continue, they heard the noise of Thor and a lady arguing. Her voice was vaguely familiar.
“Let’s go!” Tony said excitedly as he hoped to get a little more spice on this dull day. Reluctantly even Steve joined the entire group as they walked outside. Thor was facing them and from his gestures even they knew he was truly angry. The lady had her back to them, her golden magic swirling around her hand, showing her anger and annoyance at Thor. She was dressed in the finest fabric.  
Thor stood still and suddenly stopped fighting as he saw literally all of the Avengers looking at the two of them with keen interest. You saw his stunned and somewhat worried expression, so before he could stop you whipped your head around.
The moment you turned, Steve’s heart stopped in his chest. He couldn’t believe his eyes. This was not true; this couldn’t be true. You were just like in his dreams, if not more beautiful. Your eyes pulled him in like sirens calls. Your voice a sweet balm on his heartache. You looked like a goddess, and he was sure you were one. But, how could you possibly be here? So very real, standing in front of him in all your grace, just as if to taunt him.
You tilted your head in confusion, all of them, literally all of them were staring at you as if they had seen a dead person walk out of the grave. “Uh, well, you must be the Avengers I’ve heard so much about! It was rude of us to fight out here, and I apologize for the commotion. Let me introduce myself, I’m Y/N, The Queen of Asgard and the wife of the beloved King Loki.”
As you said the words, all of the Avengers’ eyes widened with confusion, as fear and anger gripped their hearts.
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Oh, what am I supposed to do without you
Loki x daughter!reader
Summary: Loki thought he was in a good place. He was married, happy and having a child. He should’ve known the universe wasn’t that kind.
A/N: God I’m so sorry about this one lol. Not much of the reader but I will be  making a second part. I hope yall like this one though. Inspiration came from “Mr, Loverman” and this fic.
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The silence was rattling. It creeped into the room, slowly,menacingly. Threatening to make him go mad. It wrapped around his body like a familiar friend. Making it hard for him to breath as it suffocated him. He knew they were staring at him. Trying to figure out what he would do next, whether he would break or not. Truthfully he didn’t know what he would do. For now he just starred as well. Not at them, of course not. He stared at the one thing that mattered. His reason for waking up and living. The one person in this entire universe who gave his world color. He reached out to touch her. Touch the hands that were always so warm against his cold skin. Hands that held his firm and sure as she pulled him along behind her, a smile on her beautiful face. Hands that were now cold and limp, the radicant glow she had been known for gone dark. The colors she brought to his world dimmed to dull, gre, muted hues. Then a sound broke through the silence. two sounds actually. One a wail of new life, a baby taking her first breaths, and another. A wail of a man who has lost everything. A wail of agony and pain.
As the healers bustled around him, Loki had only one thought in his head. 
“What am I supposed to do without you”
Three months later and Loki still felt the emptiness left by his love. He heard her at night, humming sweet melodies as she stroked his hair. He hears her heartbeat as he eventually falls asleep, worn out by his constant tears. His room is in shambles, his clothes strewn about the floor, furniture smashed, everything is destroyed. Except for the things that belong to her. Her silk dresses that draped on her body perfectly were still hanging, untouched. The books she spent hours reading and re-reading remained on the shelf, collecting dust as they were no longer used. He doesn’t let anyone in their chambers. The space where they both shared. Space where they fought, made up, made love. To let someone else in would be tainting it. Soiling the memories they made together. That was one thing he could never do.
Another was look at the little monster who is responsible for this tragedy.
It was a girl. The daughter of one Loki Odinson and his beloved. 
Ironic. This child was supposed to bring happiness with its birth. Not even cleaned and it already managed to take away Loki’s light. He can barely stand looking at it. He tried, of course  he tried. But within minutes he had to call the nurse to take it away. Why? 
Because she has her mothers eyes.
“Get out”
“Loki, it's been nine months since your child was--”
Frigga was taken aback. She knew her son was heartbroken, devastated at the loss of his wife. But to disown his daughter, that was something she didn’t see coming. 
“Loki, you are being unreasonable.”
“Unreasonable? My wife has died because if that creature--”
“It is a child. A babe who has no idea who her father nor her mother is.”
“And as far as I’m concerned she never will!” Loki shouts, finally looking up at his mother. 
Frigga heart breaks for her son. She sees the utter agony he is in, the inner torment going on in his soul. Even if she didn’t see it in his face, the state of his room and self gives it away. He looks like he hasn’t bathed in the nine months that has passed. His clothes were rumpled and wrinkled, hair unkempt and wild. His face was pale and hollow, as if he was only eating enough to survive. He had dark bags under his eyes that showed that he hasn’t been sleeping well.  He truly was a man who was broken, almost beyond repair. 
“My son” Frigga said carefully,” I can never understand the pain you are going through, I pray to Valhalla I will not have to anytime soon. But please if not for yourself or that child, for the memory of her, attempt to see your daughter before making a rash decision.” And with that, she walked out of his chamber, leaving Loki to the silence again as he stared at the spot his mother stood. considering her words, he got up. picked up his room, went to bathe and walked out of the room for the first time in nine months. 
His face held no emotion as he walked down the hallways. He saw the servants stop and stare at him, shock filled their face as they saw the prince. He glared at them, sending them scurrying at the dark glance. He reached the nursery, the maid who oversaw the nursery tried to stop him. 
“My lord, you--” 
“Where is the child.” He said, calm and cool. The maid looked at him in fear, not knowing how to respond. At her silence, Loki scoffed and pushed her away, marching into the nursery. Upon entering he froze, memories of him and his beloved discussing the design they wanted for their child
**“Darling, why does the color shade matter? It’s not like the child has expectations.”
Laughter fills the air, “Loki, we must put every effort into showing our child they are loved. That includes finding the perfect shade of green to go with the room”
Loki looks at his wife, gently smiling.”If you say so my dear”**
The room was perfect. The walls were a beautiful shade of green that allowed the light into the room. There were vines and flowers crawling up the walls and draped over curtains. A white and gold crib stood in the middle of the chamber. A veil draped over it, preventing Loki from seeing the child inside. He was thankful as he worked up the courage to walk up to it. He looked out the window, seeing the stars that covered the sky, the lights of Asgard covering the earth. 
She would have loved it.
He took a deep breath and walked toward the crib. He pulled back the veil only to see that there was no child in there. 
“The babe is with your mother my lord.”
He turned to the maid. Embarrassed that she might have witnessed him reminiscing.
“And where is my mother” He asked
“In-in the dining hal--” 
He walked away before she was able to finish her sentence. He took long strides to the hall, wondering his his mother had tricked him into eating with the family.On the way, he passed a window overlooking the garden. He thinks of the times where he used to sit in it and listen to her read.
***  “...exquisite, in question more. These happy masks that kiss fair ladies’ brows”
“My love, why do you insist on reading these midgardian stories?”
Her laughter  reaches his ears, “Because beloved, it's a different perspective to something familiar”
“Oh? and what is that ?” 
“Love”  ***
Hearing his name, Loki is brought back to present times once more. He looks to see Thor, watching him with careful eyes. 
“Brother, it is wonderful to see you.”
“I wish I can say the same.”
Thor laughs, a soft chuckle compared to the booming laughter Loki knows he is capable of. 
“Ah Loki, your dry wit has been missed”
Loki rolls his eyes and starts walking and Thor follows. The two walking in silence. 
“What is it like?” Loki says softly. Thor looks at him in confusion.
“The child.”
“Oh brother, Y/n is--”
That was the name she wanted. If they were to have a girl. She was determined, seeing the name in the book she loved to read. He remembers when they were telling his family she was with child.
*** Everyone was seated, servants bustling around the long table. Laughter filled the hall as the sun was setting. 
“Loki, you said you had news to tell us” Frigga said, taking a sip of her wine. 
Loki smiled, looking at his wife. Her face absolutely radiant as she flashes a smile of pure joy.
“ Well,” Loki waits till Thor has taken a large swig of ale, “ My beloved and are are expecting a child.” 
Gasps fill the room as well as Thor's hacking, ale being spewed on the table. 
“Oh Loki that is wonderful!!”  Frigga exclaims standing from her seat to embrace him. “Oh my dear, this is the most wonderous news,” 
“BROTHER I can’t believe it!” Thor exclaims, lifting Loki in a crushing hug. And for once, he didn’t mind it.  He turns to her and hugs her more gently. “ You are just full of surprises aren’t you, starlight”
Laughter, “Thor, I thought I told you to stop calling me that”
Silence fills the hall as Odin clears his throat, “ Loki, you have made me proud.”
Loki smiles as his love beams at him. 
“Thank you father.”**
They reached the dining hall. A cold feeling formed in the pits of his stomach. He can see his mother, talking with a maid as she bounces the child. He can’t see it, as Frigga's back is turned to him. Odin’s presence is notably absent, a small relief on Loki's part. 
Thor notices his brother’s nerves, he pats him on the back and says, “You can do this Loki.” Then walks off to join his mother. He kisses his mothers cheek and smiles at the child. He picks her up, bouncing her a few times  prompting a small laugh. Loki gimances at the sound. 
Thor walks up to him with the baby. 
“Loki, this is Y/n Odinson”
He looks at the child. He takes in its features, Beautiful curly hair, already thick and voluminous even at this age. Brown skin, unblemished and clean. Cheeks, chubby with baby fat. And...its eyes. Those damn eyes, he could barely stand it, (e/c) eyes, the same as his lost love. In fact, almost all it’s features that once belonged to his darling. A pain filled his body. He really couldn’t stand looking at this child. 
Not when his beloved wasn’t there to gaze upon their child as well. 
No, this was not his child. Not anymore. 
“Get rid of it.” 
Shock filled the faces of both Thor and Frigga. 
“Loki you cannot be serious.”
And with that he leaves the dining hall. Leaving behind  his mother, brother and the last piece of his wife he had. He hears it’s cries fill the silence.
He had only one thought in his head as he entered his chambers.
“What am I supposed to do without you”
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The Last One
The Court - Throne of Glass x FRIENDS - Fic Series
S10, E17/18 : Rowan, after realizing he's still in love with Aelin, chases her down, refusing to let her go. Meanwhile, Elide and Lorcan welcome their baby...or babies, into the world.
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Episode chosen for Rowaelin Month 2021. Day 12: Delayed Love Confession
Fic Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Rowaelin Month Masterlist
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Birth
7860 words
Rowan woke up to the bed shifting. He cracked an eye open, still cloudy with sleep, and watched Aelin sit on the opposite edge while she pulled her shirt over her head, concealing the bare expanse of her back.
“Hey.” He croaked, voice still rough.
She turned and gave him a soft smile, whispering, “Go back to sleep, I have to go home.”
Rowan wanted nothing more than for Aelin to never leave his bed, but he knew she had things to do so instead he said, “Oh, okay.” He reached a hand across the sheets and grabbed hers, “Last night was amazing.”
She finished putting on one of her shoes and looked back at him with that same soft smile, “It really was.”
Rowan tried to read the emotions that flashed across her face but then she was standing and bending over to draw him into one last kiss. Her palm rested on his cheek while his gently cupped the back of her head before they pulled away. Rowan kept his eyes on Aelin as she left his room and he didn’t fall back onto his pillow until he heard the sound of his apartment door clicking shut behind her.
Elide was scared. Scratch that—terrified. Elide was terrified, but she kept her calm as best as she could while she held Asterin’s hand.
Elide had thanked all the gods she could name for Asterin coming into her and Lorcan’s lives. After getting married and enjoying the first few months of bliss, she and Lorcan decided to try having a baby, but after months of negative pregnancy tests and too many doctors visits, they were told it likely would never happen for them. Devastated, they thought through their options and settled on adoption. But even then, they knew it would take some time.
Elide remembered some afternoons spending hours sitting by the phone desperately hoping it would ring and be someone from the adoption agency to tell them they’d been picked. When they’d finally gotten the call and met Asterin, a young woman who was looking for the perfect parents for her baby, they knew it was meant to be.
Now, standing in the delivery room, Elide held Asterin’s hand as the woman powered through another contraction.
“Breathe, breathe, breathe,” Elide coached encouragingly, “good.”
“Are you fully taking over, or do I get to say breathe?” Lorcan asked as he walked to Elide’s side beside the bed.
She scoffed and tilted her head to meet his eyes. “No. Last time, you said it like a sociopath, and it creeped her out.” She turned back towards Asterin who looked tired, “Can I get you anything? Ice chips?”
“No,” Asterin shook her head, “I’m okay.”
Elide nodded and smiled, “Alright, I’ll be right back.”
As she started to walk out of the room, Lorcan’s hand shot out and gripped her elbow, stopping her.
“Where are you going?” He asked. She could almost detect a hint of nerves as he spoke.
Elide raised a brow, “To the bathroom.”
Lorcan lowered his voice so that only Elide could hear. “You can't leave me alone with her.”
“What?” She asked incredulously.
Lorcan ran a hand through his long hair, and now she could definitely see nervousness etched across his face. “This is exactly the kind of social situation that I am not comfortable with” he grumbled.
Elide snorted, “What kind of social situation are you comfortable with?”
He leveled a stare at her. “It's just that we've never spent any time, you know, alone together.”
Elide rolled her eyes at her husband, “You’ll be fine,” she took a step and turned back, giving him a small smirk, “No, you won't, but I'll be back in two minutes.”
Lorcan sighed but grumbled okay.
He walked back over to the woman lying in the hospital bed, trying his best to seem calm, but by the grimace she shot him, he wasn't doing a very good job.
“So, uh,” He grasped for something to say, “any plans for the summer?”
“I don't know, maybe travel? I wanna do some flying again.”
Lorcan hummed, still not sure what to say. If Elide had still been in the room, she’d have laughed at how ridiculous he looked. Standing well above six feet, with his hands fidgeting and swaying on his toes from being so uncomfortable in the moment.
“So, you ever wonder which is worse, you know; going through labor or getting kicked in the nuts?” Lorcan asked the first thing that came to mind and immediately regretted it. He should've just kept his mouth shut.
“What?” Asterin asked, her eyebrows scrunching in disbelief.
“I mean, uh,” He rubbed the back of his neck, “One of life's great, unanswerable questions. I mean, who knows? Maybe there's something even more painful than those things?” Lorcan cringed and suggested, “like this.”
Lysandra walked into Fenrys’ apartment to see him holding two small fuzzy animals.
“Good morning,” She said hesitantly.
“Hey!” Fenrys grinned, lifting up the creatures.
“What's that?” Aedion asked, following Lysandra into the room.
Fenrys grinned, “It's my house-warming present for Elide and Lorcan.”
Lysandra and Aedion shared a look.
“It's a baby chick and duck,” Lysandra said, unnecessarily. “You know they’re living in the suburbs right?”
“Uh-huh,” Fenrys nodded, “And I named them Chick Jr. and Duck Jr.”
Aedion snorted, “I didn’t see that coming.”
“Yeah, I figure they'll love it at the new house, you know?” Fenrys set the animals down, “It has that big backyard. And then, when they get old, they can go to that special farm that Lorcan took the other chick and duck to.”
Lysandra raised a brow at Fenrys and hummed, unable to say what she actually wanted to say.
Aedion barely held in a grin as he nodded sagely to Lysandra and mocked, “Yeah. It's a shame people can't visit there.”
Fenrys was cut off as Rowan showed up and joined them in the apartment,
“Guess what?” Lysandra whirled on Rowan, smiling, “we’re almost all aunties and uncles!”
“What?” Rowan asked, confused.
“Yeah,” Fenrys said, “Asterin went into labor last night. Elide and Lorcan are at the hospital right now!”
“Oh, my gods.” Rowan grinned at the thought of a massive Lorcan holding a tiny baby. He shook his head, glancing around, “Is Aelin here?”
Fenrys glanced towards Aelin’s room, “Uh, I think she's still asleep. Hey, how did it go with you guys last night? She seemed pretty pissed at you.”
Rowan couldn’t—wouldn’t—suppress his smile as he thought about the night before. Being with Aelin again was better than he remembered, and he cursed himself for all the time they’d missed out on.
“Yeah, we, uh, we worked things out.”
Lysandra’s eyes widened as she watched him, “What's that smile? Did something happen with you two?”
Rowan chuckled, “Hey, I'm not one to kiss and tell,” then he muttered, “but I'm also not one to have sex and shut up.”
Apparentally, his last words weren't as quiet as he thought.
Aedion groaned, wincing “Dude, that's my cousin.”
Rowan ignored Aedion as Fernys laughed, “Oh my gods, You and Aelin?”
“I know, it's great.” Rowan didn't think his grin could get any wider.
Lysandra hugged him, squealing, “So what does that mean? Are you guys getting back together?”
“I…” He trailed off, frowning. They hadn’t actually talked about it before Aelin had left earlier that morning. “I don't know. We didn't really get to talk about it.”
“But do you wanna get back together?” She pushed.
Rowan didn’t hesitate as he said with certainty, “Yeah, I do. it just felt so right. When I was holding her, I mean, I never wanted to let her go. I want to be together.”
Lysandra, Aedion, and Ferys all had matching smiles as they listened to Rowan.
Then Fenrys spoke up and Rowan felt himself deflate.
“So is she still going to Paris?” He asked, still holding the small animals.
Rowan had been so caught up in the happiness of last night and that morning that he’d completely forgot the reason why he and Aelin had been so emotionally worked up their argument caused the tension to finally snap, leading them to spend the night together.
Aelin had been offered an amazing job. A perfect job. Perfect, except for the fact that it was in Paris and not New York
She'd had said goodbye to each of their friends. Except him. She’d cried and laughed and reminisced with all of them. Except for Rowan.
He’d been so upset, so angry. How could Aelin not have anything to say to him, after all these years, after all they’d been through?
When he’d confronted her, she’d told him, devastated, “If you think I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong. It's because you mean more to me.”
He’d stopped her, not needing to hear anymore as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in for a searing kiss. She’d been shocked, unprepared for Rowan’s actions. She’d stepped away, searching his face, before pulling him towards her and kissing him again.
Gods, how could he have forgotten that she was leaving?
“Wow, I hadn't thought of that. I hope not.” Rowan didn't know how he would deal with Aelin leaving now. He’d just realized that he still loved her, and now he might lose her. But how could he expect her, or ask her, to stay? What kind of person would that make him? A desperate one? A man in love? Or an overreaching, entitled one who thought he could step in the way of one of the best opportunities she'd ever been given?
He would have to talk to her before he spiraled any further.
“Oh, this is so great!” Lysandra exclaimed, unaware of Rowan’s churning thoughts, “You guys might get back together, Elide and Lorcan are getting their baby, and there are chicks and ducks in the world again!
They all looked towards the sound of a door opening to see Aelin emerge from her room.
“Good morning,” She smiled at them and ignored the pointed looks and wiggling eyebrows of her friends.
“Hey,” Rowan smiled at her.
She walked up to him and greeted him quietly, “Hey.”
“How’d you sleep?”
She smiled, “Good, you?”
He matched her grin, “Good.”
Fenrys snorted, “I bet you did!”
Aelin flipped him off, shooing him, Lysandra, and Aedion away. Once they’d left, Rowan cupped her face and swooped down to kiss her. It felt like coming home.
When they broke apart, they both wore soft smiles.
“Last night was wonderful,” Aelin told him, rubbing a hand down his arm.
“Yeah, it was.”
She kept her eyes on his as she told him, “I woke up today with the biggest smile on my face.”
He tried to keep the satisfaction off his face but failed and she huffed a laugh, rolling her eyes before softening her features again.
“I know, me too,” Rowan told her, moving one thumb to brush along her cheek. “It was...you know, it was like one of those things you think is never gonna happen, and then it does, and it's everything you want it to be.”
She nodded, “I know,” Aelin leaned up to press another soft kiss to his lips before pulling him into a hug to say into his ear, “it was just the perfect way to say goodbye.”
In that moment, at her words, Rowan felt like his heart shattered into a million little pieces.
The hospital room buzzed with excitement.
“It's just a little bit more, honey.” Elide held Asterin’s hand as the young woman pushed again.
She sobbed, more in frustration than anything else “Help me! This hurts!”
Lorcan stood a step back and asked, “Is it really that bad?”
Both women glared at him with a ferocity that made him want to be swallowed up by a hole in the ground.
“Yeah,” Asterin answered through gritted teeth, “I think it's time to kick you in the nuts and see which is worse!”
Elide sighed as she was reminded of the words Lorcan reluctantly relayed to her earlier. She looked back at him, “No tact.”
The doctor cleared his throat, drawing all their attention towards him, “The baby's head is crowning.”
“Oh my God!” Elide cried, walking around to see, “That is the most beautiful top of a head I have ever seen! Lorcan, you have to see this!”
Lorcan had never looked more uncomfortable. “I'm okay.”
Elide whirled on him, “Lorcan, you don't wanna miss this. This is the birth of your child!”
His child. The words rang through him and sparked some sense of resolve. He shook himself of his discomfort, outwardly at least, and stepped up behind Elide to see what she was seeing.
“Wow.” He murmured reverently, “Disgusting.”
Elide scoffed but Loracn gripped her shoulders and kissed her forehead.
“Here we go,” The doctor said, glancing back up at Asterin “Start pushing.”
A shill cry broke through the air and Elide and Lorcan watched as the doctor held up a beautiful little baby. When Elide ripped her eyes away from the infant as the nurses cleaned it, she looked up to find Lorcan already staring at her with tears in his eyes. They didn’t have to say anything, they both felt the same overwhelming sense of love.
“It’s a boy.” The doctor said, leaning back and adjusting his gloves.
“A...a boy!” Elide beamed at Lorcan as he stood open-mouthed before showing her the widest smile she’d ever seen on the man.
“A boy.” He breathed.
“Oh, you did it!” Elide went back to Asterin’s head and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She leaned closer to the girl and whispered, “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Asterin smiled at them both, “I'm really happy for you guys.”
“How do you feel?” Lorcan asked.
She sighed, “So tired.”
The doctor sat back into position, saying, “Well, you don't have that much time to relax. The other one will be along in a minute.”
The hand Lorcan had been rubbing down Elide’s back froze, as did both of their breathing as they slowly turned to face the doctor with eyebrows up to their hairlines.
“I’m sorry,” Elide said slowly, aware that Lorcan hadn’t resumed breathing yet, “who should be along in a what now?”
The doctor gave them a weird look, “The next baby should be along in a minute.”
“One.” Lorcan finally regained his ability to speak. “One baby. We signed up for one baby.”
“You know it's twins, right?” The doctor asked slowly
Elide laughed hysterically, “Oh, yeah! These are the faces of two people in the know!”
“I…” The doctor trailed off, “I can't believe you didn't know it's twins! This has never happened before.”
“Oh wow,” Loracn snorted incredulously, “That makes me feel so much better.” He ran an agitated hand through his hair.
“Wait,” Elide faced the doctor, “did you know it was twins?”
He nodded slowly, “Yeah, it's here in the paperwork we got from the clinic.”
Elide then spun around to Asterin, “Anybody tell you?”
Asterin furrowed her brows, “I don't think so. Not explicitly.” she insisted. “they did mention something about two heartbeats. But I thought that was just mine and the baby's. They kept saying both heartbeats are really strong, and I thought well, that's good 'cause I'm having a baby.”
Elide let out a shaky breath trying to wrap her mind around what was happening. “This is unbelievable.”
Lorcan gripped Elide’s arm and tugged into the corner of the room. “Can I see you for a second?”
Elide had never in her life seen Lorcan look more unsure of what to do. His hands were shaky as he gripped hers. “What do we do?”
She took a deep breath and looked directly into his eyes. “What do you mean what do we do?”
“Twins.” He stated urgently, “Twins!”
Seeing Lorcan so frazzled oddly calmed Elide down. “Lorcan, you’re panicking.”
“I sure as fuck am, join me!”
She cracked a half-smile, “Lorcan, take a breath, it’s going to be okay.”
“Elide, we are not ready to have two babies!” his eyes were still wide in shock and fear.
“That doesn’t matter!” she hissed, grabbing his arms and making him focus on her. “We have waited so long for this. I don't care if it's two babies. I don't care if it's three babies! We are taking them home because they are our children!”
Lorcan’s face softened and she watched as a steady resolve found its way across his face and through his body. They took a breath together and he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead gently. When he pulled away, he had a small smile reserved only for her. “Okay.”
“Okay,” she repeated, her arms still wrapped around him.
“Okay!” he laughed, and this time it wasn’t fear clouding the sound, but joy.
“It looks like we're about ready over here.” the doctor called, and Elide and Lorcan walked back towards Asterin.
When another cry sounded, the doctor lifted the second baby, declaring, “It’s a girl.”
“A girl?” Lorcan asked quietly, a smile growing.
“Indeed.” The doctor replied, passing her to be cleaned up.
Spinning towards Elide, Lorcan said excitedly, “Well now we have two different ones!” then he whirled back to the doctor and put on his stoniest glare, “And that's enough!”
Lysandra, Aedion, Fenrys, and Rowan sat in the coffee house, Cadre Coffee, as Rowan told them what Aelin had said earlier.
“And then she hugged me and said it was the perfect way to say goodbye.” Even repeating it now, felt like chewing on broken glass.
“What did you say?” Fenrys pried.
Rowan sputtered, “Nothing. What do you say to that?” What could he say to that?
“Rowan,” Lysandra pleaded, “you've got to tell her how you feel.”
“I can’t do that to her.” He sighed, defeated. “I can’t lay that on her right before she’s supposed to leave.”
“Rowan,” Aedion leaned forward, making sure he held the silver-haired man’s attention, “Aelin doesn't know that you wanna get back together. If she did, she might feel differently. She might not even go.”
“You really think so?” he asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.
Just then, Aelin breezed into the coffee shop.
“Hi, guys!” She waved before walking up the counter.
Rowan watched her a moment. “Alright, you know what? You're right. I should at least tell her how I feel.” He could do that. He had to do that.
"Rowan, wait!" Fenrys called from behind him.
Rowan spun around, "What?"
Fenrys grinned, "Can you get me a muffin?"
Rowan gave him a one-finger response and took a step towards Aelin.
“Aelin?” Nox, the barista who’d worked at the coffee house for as long as any of them could remember, got her attention.
“I know you’re leaving tonight, but I just have to tell you. I love you.”
Rowan stood frozen in place, mouth open, as he watched the scene unfold.
“I... I don't know if that changes your plans at all, but I thought you should know.” Nox nodded earnestly.
“Nox, Oh,” She placed a hand on his shoulder, “I love you too. Probably not in the same way, but I do. And, and when I'm in a café, having coffee, I'll think of you.” She kissed his cheek before waving towards the group and leaving the coffee house.
Rowan sat down, meeting the shocked gazes of his friends. “Oh, my gods!”
Lysandra snorted, “Unbelievable!”
"Hey," Fenrys leaned forward, "you know what might help?"
Rowan glared at him and scoffed, "I'm not getting you a muffin!"
“We're going to take Asterin to recovery now.” The nurse told Elide and Lorcan as they each held one of their babies.
“Oh wait,” Elide caught Asterin’s hand, “There's something that we want to tell you. We decided to name the girl-baby Asterin.”
She smiled, “Oh, that’s just like my name!”
Elide held in a laugh. It was clear Asterin was either still on some medications or just very, very tired.
“Okay,” the blonde woman said, “I'm gonna go and get some rest. I'm really glad I picked you guys. You're gonna make great parents. Even Lorcan.”
Despite his eye roll, Elide saw the pride and gratitude in Lorcan’s eyes.
“Bye, Asterin.” Elide called as she was pushed out of the delivery room.
Moving closer to Lorcan, Elide cooed, “Oh look at all their teeny fingers and toes.”
“I know,” he smiled widely, making him look younger, “You ready to trade?”
“Okay!” They tried maneuvering a few different ways but eventually gave up. Switching babies when you only have two hands is not an easy feat. “Alright, let’s see…”
“Maybe later?” he suggested.
At Elide and Lorcan’s apartment, Lysandra found Fenrys hunched over the coffee table.
“Hey, what are you working on?” She asked, walking into the living room.
He grinned, “It’s a ‘Welcome Home’ sign for the baby.” He held up the large sign which read Welcome Home Baby in red paint beside a funky-shaped red blob.
“Uh,” Lysandra squinted, “Is that supposed to be the baby?”
Fenrys rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “No, I sat in the paint.”
She snorted just as Rowan walked in.
“Hey,” He nodded at them.
“Hey, so did you talk to Aelin?” Lysandra asked.
Rowan ran his hand through his hair and sighed, “No, and I'm not going to.”
“What?” Lysandra asked incredulously at the same time Fenrys jumped up and asked, “Why not?”
Rowan dropped into a seat at the kitchen table. “Because she's just going to shoot me down. You guys saw what happened with Nox.”
Lysandra scoffed and lightly hit him upside the head. “How can you compare yourself to Nox? I mean, sure, he's sexy in a more obvious way.” She smirked as Rowan glared. “You have a relationship with her, you slept together last night. For gods’ sake, you’re Rowan and Aelin! You’re Rowaelin!”
Rowan huffed, standing up, and told her harshly, “Yeah, and she still wants to go! It's pretty clear where her head is at.” He sighed, shoulders slumping. “Look, even if I were going to tell her, I don't have to do it now. Okay? I'll be seeing her again. We've got time.”
“Gods, Rowan!” Lysandra tried to make him see reason. “No, you don't! She's going to Paris! She is going to meet somebody. Do you know how many hot guys there are in Paris?”
The door opened before Rowan could get another word in and Aedion strode in carrying a rolled-up paper.
“Hey,” He said as he walked over to Lysandra to kiss her before setting the paper on the table.
“Hey, babe,” Lysandra smiled. “Whatcha got?”
“Oh,” Aedion brightened and unrolled the piece of paper. “I made a little something. If I had more time to work on it, it'd be better, but.” He shrugged, revealing a precisely drawn sign reading Welcome to the World, Baby Lochan.
“Damn, Ashryver,” Rowan nodded appreciatively “that’s really good.”
Fenrys scoffed, still standing next to his sign, and rolled his eyes, grumbling, “You know, the baby can't read, Aedion.”
Lysandra laughed as Aelin opened the door and strode in.
“Hi. You guys, my car just got here,” she said dejectedly. “I can't believe they're not home yet! I have to catch my stupid plane. I wanna see the baby!”
Fenrys spoke up, “Elide called a few minutes ago from the car. She said they should be here any minute. And apparently, there's some big surprise?”
As if on cue, Elide carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside carrying a small baby.
Aelin couldn’t hold in her gasp and none of them tried to hide the misting in their eyes.
“Oh, my gods!” Aelin beamed as she walked to Elide, resting a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, El!” Lysandra gushed, rushing forward.
“So tiny,” Rowan murmured, coming up next to Elide as Fernys and Aedion joined the small group, too.
They turned as they heard another set of footsteps enter, turning to see Lorcan walk in carrying his own small bundle.
“What the—”
“Oh, my gods!”
“Holy sh—”
Five different exclamations happened simultaneously as all their eyes darted between the two babies.
Rowan shook himself and clasped Lorcan on the shoulder, “Okay, awkward question. The hospital knows you took two, right?”
Lorcan glared at Rowan but neither man could keep the grins off their faces as they looked down at the infants.
“Yes, Whitethorn, it’s twins.”
“They’re precious,” Lysandra cooed, making funny faces at the one in Elide’s arms. Aelin, having said hello to that baby, stepped next to Rowan to gaze down at the one Lorcan held.
“This is a boy,” Elide told them, gesturing to the one she held. “And that’s a girl,” she nodded to Lorcan’s.
“Her name is Asterin,” Lorcan told them, not looking away from his daughter’s face.
“Oh, hey, that pregnant lady’s name was Asterin.” Fenrys nodded.
Aedion snorted, “It’s a shame you two didn’t spend more time together.”
Aelin aww’d and patted Lorcan’s arm, the two of them sharing a rare, warm smile.
“The boy we named Cal, after my dad.”
“Oh, you guys,” Aelin whined, “I can't believe this. But I have to leave now, or I'm gonna miss my plane."
“I’m just so glad you got to meet them,” Elide said, watery, pulling Aelin into a hug.
“Me, too,” Aelin told her. “I'm just sorry I'm not gonna be around to watch you two attempt to handle this! Alright, I can't say goodbye to you guys again. I love you all so much.”
I love yous were exchanged and Aelin walked to the door.
“Rowan?” She caught his eye, “come here.”
He nodded and followed her into the hall, shutting the apartment door behind him.
“Rowan, I,” She paused, grabbing his hands and looking into his face with such genuine sadness it made his heart crack and made him want to pull her into his arms and not let go. She took a breath and continued, “I just want you to know, last night...I'll never forget it.”
He cleared his throat, willing the lump in it to disappear. “Neither will I.”
He cupped her cheek and she leaned into the touch. Aelin pulled him in for a hug, holding on tight. When she pulled away, Rowan used every ounce of strength to unwrap his arms from her body, to step away as she walked down the hall and away from him.
When Rowan walked back into the apartment, Lysandra sat next to him and asked, “So, you just let her go?”
Rowan couldn’t reply, he just replayed the last two days over in his head.
“Maybe that's for the best.” Fenrys chimed in, taking up the empty chair. “You know? You just... Look, you gotta... You gotta think about last night the way she does, okay? Maybe sleeping together was the perfect way to say goodbye?"
Lysandra groaned, “But now she'll never know how he feels!”
Aedion walked over and said not unkindly, “Maybe that's okay. You know? Maybe, maybe it’s better this way? I mean, now you can move on. I mean, you've been trying to for so long, maybe now that you're on different continents…”
They kept talking but all Rowan could hear was a buzzing in his head.
“I don’t want to move on.”
He said it quietly but they all stopped talking and looked at him.
“What?” Aedion asked, unsure he heard Rowan correctly.
“I don’t.” Rowan shook his head and stood up. “I want to be with her.”
“Really?” Fenrys asked, excitedly
“Of course really!” Lysandra answered for him.
Rowan kept nodding. “Yeah, I’m gonna go after her. I have to.”
“Yeah, you are!” Lorcan cheered from the living room. Rowan didn’t even have time to find his friend’s enthusiasm funny.
“Finally!” Elide added her own cheer, smiling between Rowan and the babies.
“Come on,” Lysandra urged, standing up and following Rowan to the door. “My car’s downstairs, I’ll drive you to the airport.”
“Okay!” Rowan faced his friends again, “wish me luck!”
A chorus of Good Lucks followed him out the door.
“Hey,” Fenrys called excitedly to Lorcan and Eide once Rowan and Lysandra had left, “can I give you guys your house-warming present now?”
The couple shared an amused look before Elide told him, “Now, that you can do.”
“Great! Hang on a minute.” Fenrys left their apartment to walk across the hall to his.
“Okay, my little feather babies where are you?” he muttered as he caught sight of the empty box he’d put them in earlier. “Oh shit.”
He hastily looked in the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. “Chick Jr? Duck Jr?” he called, running a hand through his hair anxiously. “Don’t hide from mama!”
“Lysandra, slow down!” Rowan urged as they almost took out a bicyclist.
She rolled her eyes, “Do you wanna get to Aelin in time?
“Of course I do, but I want to be alive to do it.”
Lysandra huffed at his dramatics but eased up on the gas. Slightly.
Finally arriving at the airport, Rowan and Lysandra rushed past the hoards of people, trying to maneuver their way towards Aelin.
“Rowan!” Lysandra called as he made to run down the hallway. “Where are you going?”
“To talk to Aelin.” Obviously.
“What?” She grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the ticket counter. “What, are you just gonna walk up to her at the gate? Have you never chased anyone through the airport before?”
“Not since the last time I chased the love of my life—no I haven’t Lys!”
She rolled her eyes as she kept dragging him away from the terminals. “You have to get a ticket to get past security, Idiot.”
Oh, right.
“Shit, we’re never gonna make it.” he hissed as they got caught behind the human embodiments of snails on their way to the counter.
“Miss, your boarding pass, please.” The gate attendant asked Aelin as she approached.
“Right, of course.” She dug through her purse then frowned, not seeing it. Flashing an apologetic smile to the people behind her, she took her purse off her shoulder and rummaged through it frantically. “Shit, shit, shit.”
The attendant cleared his throat. “Your boarding pass.”
Internally cringing, she put on her most charming smile. “You know, I had it,” she forced a chuckle, “Oh, you wouldn’t believe this—”
He looked unimpressed. “Miss, if you don't have your boarding pass—”
“I have it, I have it! Okay, I don’t have it, but I remember that I was in seat 32C,” she leaned in closer and winked, “because that’s my bra size.”
He sighed again. “Miss, you must have your boarding pass.”
Aelin huffed and stepped out of the line. “Okay, fine! But you know what? If I was in 36D, we would not be having this problem.”
Muttering to herself, Aelin scoured all her bags, finally brandishing the ticket and rushing back to the counter. “Here it is!”
Finally getting up to the ticket counter, Rowan slammed down his wallet, demanding, “I need a ticket.”
Lysandra pouted. “Just one? I drive you all the way down here, and I don't get to see how it works out?”
“Fine, fine,” he corrected irritatedly, “two tickets, I need two tickets.”
Lysandra sighed dramatically and leaned into Rowan, giving him her most overexaggerated doe-eyes. “We're on our honeymoon” she stage-whispered to the woman behind the computer.
The ticket agent merely raised a manicured brow and asked, “Destination?”
Rowan already had his credit card ready, “whatever’s cheapest.”
Lysandra sighed again, “I’m so lucky.”
Rowan leveled a glare at her and she tried not to laugh.
Once inside the terminal, Rowan sprinted toward the first departure timetable he could find. “Okay, flight 421 to Paris. I don't see it, do you see it?”
Lysandra stood next to him, eyes scanning the board. “No, did we miss it?”
“No, no, no. That's impossible,” Rowan told her. “It doesn't leave for another 20 minutes.”
“Maybe we have the flight number wrong? Hang on, let me call Elide.”
She stepped aside, impatiently waiting for Elide to pick up her phone.
“Hello?” the new mom answered.
“Hey! It’s me. Here’s Rowan.” Then she thrust the phone into Rowan’s hand.
“Elide, do you—”
“Oh, my gods, Rowan, wait until you hear the cute little noises the twins are making. Listen.”
“What? No, Elide.” Rowan cursed as he heard unintelligible baby sounds. “Elide, Elide, Elide, Elide—”
“Oh sorry,” she said, “They were doing it before.”
“Elide! Listen, please. I need Aelin’s flight information.”
“Oh, sure, hang on.” he could hear ruffling paper as he paced back and forth. “Here it is, it's flight 421. Leaves at 8:40.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, its not on the board.
“Flight 421,” Elide repeated, “leaves at 8:40, Newark airport.”
Rowan froze, his heart sinking. “What?”
“Newark airport.” Elide gasped. “Where are you?”
But she already knew the answer.
“JFK.” he breathed, utterly defeated.
If Rowan wasn’t so upset, he would be fearing for his life as Lysandra sped through the streets at breakneck speed.
“Lysandra, forget it, okay? Newark is like an hour away. There's no way we're gonna make it in time.”
“She’s got her phone,” Lysandra braved a glance at him, narrowly avoiding another car, "you could call her.”
Rowan scoffed, “I am not doing this over the phone.”
“You don’t have any other choice!” She insisted before reaching for her own phone and calling Aelin.
It rang once. Twice.
“Hello? Lys?” Aelin’s voice rings out from the speaker and it was like a tether Rowan desperately wanted to hold onto.
“Aelin?” Lysandra answered, relieved. “oh, good. Hey, by the way, did you just get on the plane?”
“Yeah, I did.”
Leaning over, Lysandra hissed, “For what it's worth, we would have caught her if we were at the right airport.”
“Fan-fucking-tastic.” Rowan sniped.
“Uh, Ae, hang on,” she tried pushing the phone into Rowan’s hand but he adamantly refused to do this without being able to look Aelin in the eye.
“Lys? Is everything okay?” Aelin asked, worriedly.
Glaring at Rowan, Lysandra struggled to find a reason for calling. “Uhm, actually no. No, you've...you have to get off the plane.”
“What? Why?” Aelin sounded bewildered.
“I just,” Lysandra sighed, shooting another glare at Rowan, “I have this feeling that something's wrong with it. Something is wrong with the, uh,” she paused again before snapping her fingers and declaring, “with the left phalange.”
“Lys, babe, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the plane. Look, I have to go. I love you, and I will call you the minute I get to Paris.”
On the plane, Aelin hung up the phone only to feel the man beside her tap insistently on her shoulder.
“What was that?” he asked, looking anxious.
“Oh,” Aelin waved a hand dismissively, “that was just my friend. She told me I should get off the plane because she had a feeling that there was something wrong with the left phalange.” She chuckled, sure it was just Lysandra’s way of finding an excuse to talk to her again before the flight took off.
But the man started to fidget. “Okay, that doesn't sound good.”
“I wouldn't worry about it.” Aelin again waved him off, “She's always coming up with stuff like this, and you know what? She's almost never right.”
“But she is sometimes?”
“Well…” Aelin trailed off, thinking about all the things Lysandra has had an intuition about.
Her hesitation was apparently enough to send her seatmate into a tail-spin because he instantly got up and tried to grab his suitcase, only for the flight attendant to stop him.
“Excuse me, sir, where are you going?” The woman asked, curtly.
“I have to get off this plane, okay?” he insisted, then gestured towards a wide-eyed Aelin. “Her friend has a feeling something's wrong with the left phalange.”
He said it loud enough that other passengers began to panic, while Aelin sheepishly shrugged at the annoyed flight attendant.
“There is nothing wrong with the plane, sir.”
He finally got his bag down and cried, “The left phalange!”
The attendant looked incredulously between the man and Aelin, “There is no phalange.”
“Oh my God. This plane doesn't even have a phalange!”
Aelin watched, wincing, as more passengers overheard and insisted they, too, get off the plane. Person after person marched out the aisle and soon Aelin loosed a long breath, “This is ridiculous,” she watched another two people leave. “Yeah, okay.”
Grabbing her own bag, she followed the crowd off the plane.
Rowan doubted he’d ever felt as frantic or desperate as he did right now.
He and Lysandra finally made it to Newark, bought another ticket, and raced to Aelin’s gate.
“Where is she?” He muttered, almost pulling out his hair with how forcefully he raked his hands through it.
“I don't see her,” Lysandra answered.
“Aelin!” Rowan shouted, not caring about the stares he garnered. “Aelin Galthynius!”
“Oh!” Lysandra gasped, pointing towards a crowd, “There she is!”
“Aelin!” He yelled again, pushing past people as he tried to run onto the boarding gate.
“Woah,” the gate attendant stopped Rowan, “excuse me, sir, do you have a boarding pass?”
“I just need to talk to someone,” he pleaded.
“I’m sorry, you cannot go any further without a boarding pass.”
“Gods, please, I just need—”
“AELIN!” Lysandra shrieked, getting everyone’s attention including a specific blonde who rushed back out the gate and stood gaping at Lysandra and Rowan.
“Oh my gods,” she looked back and forth between the two before her gaze locked and held with Rowan’s as she breathed, “What—what are you guys doing here?”
“All you,” Lysandra nudged Rowan then made herself scarce
“What? What is it?” Aelin demanded, pulling Rowan aside, “Rowan, you're scaring me. What's going on?”
“Aelin,” Rowan didn’t know where to start. “Okay, the thing is,” he trailed off again. How could he tell that he loved her? How could he wrap up ten years—more than that—of falling in love with her, even at times when he didn’t know it. How could he explain that to her?
He took a deep breath. “Don’t go.”
“What?” Aelin asked, shocked.
“Aelin, please, don’t leave. I am so gods damn in love with you. Please, don’t go.”
Aelin stood open-mouthed, her eyes shimmering with an emotion he didn’t dare name. “Oh, my gods.”
He groaned, “I know, I know. I’m an idiot and a bastard, and any other name you want to call me. I shouldn't have waited until now to say it, Hellas, I shouldn’t have waited until now to realize it, but,” he shook his head, locking his gaze with hers. “That was stupid, okay? I'm sorry, I’m so sorry, but I'm telling you now. I love you. I’m in love with you. Please, do not get on this plane.”
“Miss?” a throat cleared behind them, making Aelin blink and drag her watery eyes away from his. “Are you boarding the plane?”
“Aelin,” Rowan took her hand, urging her to stay, “Aelin, please. I know you love me, too. I know you do. Don’t go. Stay.”
“I,” Aelin looked between Rowan and the gate attendant with shock and regret etched across her face. “I have to get the plane,” she whispered.
“No, you don’t.” Rowan held tightly to her hand.
“Yes, I do.” despite her protests, she didn’t pull her hand away.
“No,” Rowan stepped closer, cupping her cheek and reveling in the fact that she leaned into his touch. “You don’t.”
“Rowan,” her words barely louder than a breath, “They're waiting for me, I can't do this right now, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
He couldn’t understand what was happening. Rowan couldn’t accept that she was walking away.
“Aelin.” he pleaded, one final time.
She took a shuddering breath. “I’m so sorry.”
Rowan stood unmoving, felt his breathing freeze and his heart cease beating if just for a moment as he watched Aelin walk away from him and board the plane.
He wasn’t aware of people moving around him or of Lysandra coming to stand next to him before pulling him into a hug murmuring I’m sorry. He wasn’t aware of his surroundings as he walked towards Lysandra’s car or his walk back to his apartment. All he knew was that he’d just watched the love of his life walk away and there would soon be an ocean between them.
Lorcan sealed the last box of his and Elide’s things.
“Wow,” Elide sighed, looking around the bare apartment. “Everything’s packed.”
“It’s weird,” Lorcan replied, looking around the space he and their friends had occupied for so many years.
“I know.” She stood on her toes and he leaned down to meet her for a kiss.
“So, uh,” Fenrys spoke up from the kitchen, “does this mean there's nothing to eat?”
Elide snorted while Lorcam tried his best to reign in his smirk. Turning, Elide told him, “I put three lasagnas in your freezer.”
He beamed, “I love you!”
She chuckled as the door opened and Lysandra walked in.
“How’d it go?” Elide asked
“So did you guys make it in time?” Aedion spoke at the same time from his place against the fridge.
“Yeah,” Lysandra sighed, “Yeah, he talked to her, but she got on the plane anyway.”
“Where’s Rowan?” Lorcan asked her, knowing Rowan would be hiding away, brooding.
“He went home,” Lysandra frowned and leaned into Aedion’s embrace. “He didn't want to see anybody.”
Sitting on his couch, Rowan noticed his answering machine beeping. More out of muscle memory than an actual urge to listen, he pressed the button.
“Rowan, It’s me.”
Rowan jolted, a mess of emotion flying through him as he listened to Aelin's voice filter through his machine.
“I just got back on the plane. I feel awful. Gods, Rowan, that was so not how I wanted things to end with us.”
End. Rowan braced himself, he had to get through this message.
“It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you, and all of a sudden you're there and saying these things...and now I’m sitting here thinking of everything I should’ve said that I didn’t.”
Rowan heard her take a shuddering breath.
“I didn't even get to tell you that I love you too.”
His breath caught, and hope filled him for the first time since he’d been standing in front of her.
“Because of course, I do. I love you. I love you. Gods, Rowan, I love you.”
He held his breath, he almost couldn’t wrap his brain around what he was hearing, what he’d longed to hear.
“What am I doing? I love you! I need to get off this plane—”
“Oh my gods,” Rowan listened, wide-eyed as he heard Aelin argue with a flight attendant.
“Excuse me? I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, but I need to get off this plane, okay? I need to tell Rowan I love him.”
“Miss, can't let you off the plane.”
“Let her off the plane!” Rowan screamed at his machine.
“Oh, please, you don’t understand. Isn’t there any way you can just let me off—”
The message ended and Rowan was left sitting on the edge of his sofa staring disbelievingly at his answering machine.
“No!” He jumped up, carding a hand through his hair, “No! Aelin! Oh, my gods, did she get off the plane?”
“I got off the plane.”
Rowan whirled around so fast he thought his neck might snap. Aelin stood in his doorway, suitcase in hand, staring at him with a watery smile and eyes that blazed with surety.
“You got off the plane.” Rowan breathed and strode towards her, holding her face in his hands as she grabbed his arms, each clinging to the other, not able to let the other go.
Rowan wasn’t sure who moved first, but the next moment he was kissing Aelin, It was as if all the years of pining, love, heartbreak, and friendship, barreled through them and into a kiss full of promise. All the mistakes of the past, all the time wasted, was over. Now, they could finally be Rowan and Aelin. Finally.
When they pulled apart, still unable to let the other go, Aelin leaned her forehead against his and told him, “I do. I do love you.”
Rowan brushed a tear from her cheek and smiled down with all the warmth he could gather. “I love you too, Fireheart. And I’m never letting you go, again.”
“Good," She nodded, gripping him tighter, “because this is where I want to be, okay? With you. Always with you. No more messing around.”
“That’s right,” he agreed, “we’re done being stupid.”
Aelin kissed him again. “You and me, alright?” She looked him in the eye and saw everything she felt mirrored there. “To whatever end.”
“This is it. To whatever end” He echoed, pulling her in for another kiss.
The seven of them stood in the now-empty living room of Elide and Lorcan’s apartment. The new parents each held a baby, Fenrys sat with Lysandra and Aedion near the large window, and Aelin leaned into Rowan who had his arms wrapped around her as they stood to the side.
“Wow,” Aelin murmured, looking around the bare space.
“I know,” Rowan said into her hair, “It seems smaller somehow.”
Fenrys glanced at the walls a minute before asking, “Has it always been purple?” His answer consisted of several snorts.
Lorcan and Elide strapped Asterin and Cal into their stroller. Elide sniffed, facing everyone else, “Oh, uh, I promised the landlord we’d leave our keys.”
She said it to Lorcan, but each of them walked toward the counter to place their own keys. Elide laughed, looking at seven pairs of keys to a two-person apartment.
“I guess this is it,” Lysandra commented mournfully.
“Yeah,” Aedion wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “I guess so.”
At Elide’s sniffle, Lorcan pulled her into his arms. Through the fabric of his shirt, they could hear her say, “This is harder than I thought it would be.”
Gathering herself, Elide unwrapped her arms from Lorcan’s middle before turning to hug Aelin who’d come to stand next to her.
“Do you guys have to go to the new house right away?” Aelin asked, “Or do you have some time?”
“We have some time.”
“Okay,” Rowan grabbed Aelin’s hand, “should we get some coffee?”
“Sure,” Fenrys smirked. “Where?”
They all laughed as they walked out of the apartment that had become so important to each one of them. Aedion helped Lorcan carry the double stroller down the stairs, followed closely by Elide. Lysandra and Fenrys were bickering, but smiling as they walked. And Rowan and Aelin had their arms wrapped around each other, not daring or wanting to let the other one go. They shared a smile, and with one last glance at the closed apartment door, they left.
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @bisexual-genderfluid-loki @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @miserablesmusings @morganofthewildfire @nehemikkele @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @surielandiareendgame @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @moodymelanist @angelic-voice-1997 @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon @sunflowermoonshinewrites @maastrash
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midnightsconspiracy · 3 years
Faith Restored
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Faith Restored - @midnightsconspiracy
Summary: When an argument with your husband causes you to walk out, a vendetta against him leads to you being kidnapped. But will Hank find you in time to be reunited with him and your child?
Warnings: Swearing, Violence
Word Count: 2670
Requested: Yes! I got these two requests so decided to combine them into one fic as they were pretty similar, so I hope the people that requested don't mind. :)
"hi!! I’m so happy I found someone that loves hank too. I’ll literally take any fic with him: age gap romance, marriage, having a baby, his enemies taking you and him tearing the city apart to get you back, some combination of all that, I’ll take it all. thank you for your writing!!"
"Hii! I love your fics 💖 could you please write something with hank, like he arguments with his girlfriend about their work, then she’s kidnapped and he gets all worried and asks for forgiveness, if you don’t feel comfortable with that it’s aaaaall goood :) xoxo"
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this fic and I have a few more requests to write so stayed tunes for them. But thank you for your support and keep sending requests in. Also if you've got some free time drop me a message, I'd love to hear from some of you guys!!!
Love. It was a feeling you had refused to believe in. Everyone around you telling you that the one was out there, and it was only a matter of time, but you were convinced that wasn’t true. At one point previously you had believed in it but that only led to a broken heart and weeks of uncontrollable crying, the man you thought was the one, cheating on you only days before your wedding. So how could it be true if the universe had let you suffer that badly? But as cliché as it sounds, that point of view changed completely as soon as you started your new job as a detective in the intelligence unit. From day one you had fallen head over heels for your boss, that hope of love finally returning. It had taken a long time for you to trust him and enter a fully committed relationship as that fear of heartbreak and the large age gap between you loomed over you both initially. Hank had been the best though, taking his time going step by step to make sure you were comfortable with everything, as well as keeping away the judgement from others the best that he could. He understood that feeling himself, still suffering the loss of Camille’s death, scared that you would leave him, but instead of being non-committal, it drove him to love you more, living each day like it was his last.
Now five years later, your relationship was pure bliss. Long gone were the days of doubts and distrust, instead replaced with only contentment and loyalty. Onlookers still judged the unconventional age difference but you had learned to live with it, coming to the conclusion that you loved Hank regardless and that was all that mattered. Only eight months into the relationship he decided that you really were the one for him, and a world in which he didn’t spend the rest of his life with you was one he couldn’t imagine, and so proposed inside his office, the place that started it all. You married shortly after at the courthouse, with only a small guest list, just wanting to be surrounded by your closest friends and family. The unit all in attendance, some crying, others wishing it were them getting married but collectively all ecstatic at the fact their favourite office romance was finally tying the knot. The next couple of months felt like absolute paradise, like you were in some sort of dream never to wake up again. Never a day went by where you didn’t feel the utmost joy and love in your heart, each day was a new adventure with the man that you could finally call your husband. You were on cloud nine thinking your life couldn’t get any better, until one day two pink lines stared back at you.
When you married Hank you didn’t expect to have any children, with him already having Justin and a grandson. This left you a little disheartened, but you would have married him under any conditions, even if that meant your dream of having kids would never come true. Whilst talking about your future together in the first few months of dating, the topic of kids had come up once or twice, with him stating he would love to have kids with you, but believing he couldn’t have any due to his age. But once you had told him you were pregnant, he was absolutely elated, even crying whilst confessing how much he loved and appreciated you. After a relatively difficult pregnancy with Hank being the most supportive, protective partner there could be, you gave birth to a gorgeous baby boy weighing in at 8 pounds, having his eye colour and your nose, a perfect combination of the both of you. For the first few years of your babies life, you spent your time staying at home looking after him, watching him grow up to look more and more like your husband each day. But finally, after his third birthday, you decided the unit was your calling and you wanted to rejoin your old team.
Things started off relatively normal, reuniting with the unit properly, finally becoming a team again. Adrenaline filled your veins once more, loving the thrill of arresting criminals and going on busts. The words ‘let's roll out’ sent sparks of serotonin throughout your body, loving being back after years of ‘calmness’ from child care. This new feeling caused you to get a little over-excited sometimes but nothing, in your opinion, that could be considered careless. However, if you asked Hank he would completely disagree. The man just wanted you to be safe at all times, not just for him but for your son as well. Things started heating up after a couple of weeks of you working there, him not wanting to address it initially as he knew you were so happy doing what you loved, but he was scared for your safety. He didn’t want a repeat of his last marriage, he adored you so much he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you were to get an injury or die. That was until one night, a bad day at the office caused him to snap, needing you to know how he felt about what you were doing.
Leaning against the counter in the kitchen at your shared home, you heard the door slam, knowing it was Hank, who had stayed behind in his office after a particularly nasty case.
“Hi Babe, did you get everything done that you wanted to?” You chirped, just happy that your husband was finally home.
“Y/N we need to talk,” you turned around to face him, your smile falling at his serious tone.
“I understand you love being back in the unit but Y/N, we have a son now”
“What are you trying to say?” You replied, your tone turning sour, part of you knew what he was trying to say, but never in your mind did you think he would confront you about it. Why couldn’t he just be happy for you?
“I just think you’re being too reckless in the field,” he remained calm, just trying to get you to understand where he was coming from.
“Reckless? Are you fucking kidding me! I’ve spent three years looking after our kid and you can’t even allow me to have this?” You were furious by this point, you loved your job and had been away from it for a long time. Ok, maybe you were a little under cautious sometimes but not what he was suggesting!
“I'm just looking out for you, I can’t have you dying on me Y/N! You’re my wife for god’s sake I want you to be alive and safe!” He raised his voice, angry you couldn’t see what he was seeing.
“You know what fuck you, Hank!” You pushed past him, grabbing your keys and wallet on the way out, getting into your car to go anywhere but that house.
Driving around the city you were thinking of places to go, your parents, a hotel, another member of the units house? Finally deciding on Jay’s apartment you pulled into his buildings car park, checking your phone before going inside. Staring back at you were five missed calls and thirteen unread messages, all from the same person, the reason why you were outside someone else’s apartment and not your own home. Getting out of your car you walked towards the entrance of the apartment building, mulling over whether you should message Hank back. Deciding against it, you lowered your phone, not even wanting to think about it for the time being. Suddenly someone grabbed you by the waist, yanking you towards them, placing a foreign material over your mouth. You screamed, praying someone would hear your cries as you kicked your legs out and at the perpetrator as they dragged you backwards. More hands reached out to pull you into a car, sobbing you regretted what happened earlier, wishing you would have just stayed home. Finally, as your vision blurred, you hoped the unit would find you before it was too late.
Waking up in a cold room, you tried to pull your arm towards your chest, meeting resistance in the form of metal chains attached above your head. You groggily looked around, using your detective skills to assess the situation you were in, noting nothing in the cold, concrete room except yourself and a metal frame chair placed in front of you. Confused at the situation, you thought about what you had done, was it a person you had arrested? Or someone who had a vendetta against you? That you didn’t know, you couldn’t comprehend anything at the moment, your head pounding not allowing you to think clearly. You remembered being in the apartment complex’s car park after an argument but other than that everything was hazy. Thinking as hard as you could, your thoughts were interrupted as one of the offenders entered the room. He sat at the chair, sharpening his knife, a sadistic smirk played on his face.
“You know why you’re here?” Raking your brain you couldn’t think of anyone you had pissed off enough for them to go to these extremes.
“No,” you replied not wanting to antagonise him in any way.
“Your killer of a husband murdered my boy in broad daylight and no one, NO ONE, ever did anything about it!”
“That wasn’t me, please just let me go, you can talk it out with my husband in the proper ways!” You pleaded, knowing that him showing you his face didn’t bode well for your chances of survival.
“YOU SIGNED UP FOR THIS THE DAY YOU MARRIED THAT MURDERER!” He shouted out, punching you in the stomach, taking his anger out on you anyways possible.
“He’ll find us, and when he does he’ll kill you too,” you spat knowing that you couldn’t make anything worse. In response he threw a series of punches at your face, grabbing his knife holding it to your throat. Smirking he replied,
“You think he really cares about you?”
“WELL, WHERE IS SHE?” Hank was absolutely seething. Shouting at anyone who came to talk to him, both members of his unit and uniformed officers alike. He couldn’t lose her, besides his son, she was his whole life, not even wanting to picture a world where she wasn’t with him. He had to prepare for the worst, he knew that, but he couldn’t do it without a tear coming to his eye. Why her? Why couldn’t they just have taken him instead? He was who they wanted, not her, so why couldn't they just have fucking take him?! The team all sat watching, waiting, knowing it was only a matter of time before he would come out and demand answers, ones they didn’t have at the moment. They owed their boss, cashing in multiple favours with him throughout their time in intelligence, and they knew this was the only thing Voight would ever ask for in return. And Y/N, you had worked with them for years, not just being colleagues but developing a strong friendship that would last years to come, that’s if they could find you in time. Exiting his office, the unit turned to their boss as he spoke.
“I want everyone giving their all to this case, this is my wife we’re talking about, not just some faceless victim, Y/N, your friend, your colleague, and we are going to find her. No matter what it takes, am I clear?” Each detective replied with a ‘yes sarge' and getting to work, investigating every lead that they could. A couple of hours later the team had found the suspects, located pod footage from the time you were kidnapped and worked out a motive, everything seemed like was going well, except for the fact they still didn’t have a location. Another hour passed and still no location, Hank getting more and more agitated by the second, with his anger about to boil over, all with the push of a button, or a certain detective. Being the bearer of bad news, the team pushed Ruzek to play the devils advocate to tell the Sergeant they had come up empty.
“Hey Sarge, we’ve got nothing else, every lead we’ve got is coming up dry”
“NOTHING! YOU’VE GOT NOTHING? SHE COULD BE DEAD FOR ALL WE KNOW AND YOU’RE TELLING ME YOU’VE GOT NOTHING?” Hank boomed scared that his precious wife, who had done nothing to deserve this, could be being tortured or even worse dead.
“Hank, Hank” Olinsky stepped in, pushing his distraught friend back in his office, knowing Adam had done nothing wrong, instead just an outlet for his long term friends anger.
“It's ok, she’s gonna be fine” Alvin reassured him, knowing him exploding with emotions would do nothing to help his missing wife. Finally, an hour later, the team got a breakthrough courtesy of a CI of Dawson's, gearing up and rolling out as quickly as possible much to Hank’s delight.
Raising your head, you spat at the man in front of you, teasing him even more, threatening him to do his worst. He had beat you, cut you, degraded you, trying to get your spirit to break. Although you knew Hank would come to find you, you were starting to crack, the pain overwhelming to the point where you couldn’t cope anymore, a pain you wouldn’t wish on anyone. You were losing faith rapidly, expecting your unit to have already come by now, but where were they? Maybe they didn’t actually care about you? Lowering your head after a series of more beatings, you’d had enough.
“Please stop, please, I’ll do whatever you want, just please stop!” You cried finally giving into the man.
“I want you to pay for what your husband has done to my family, pay with your life,” he pulled a gun from the waistband of his trousers, pointing straight at the middle of your forehead. You had lived your life as much as you could, finding the love of your life, having a son and restoring your faith in the universe, well up until now. Closing your eyes you prepared yourself for the bullet, but when the loud shot came, it wasn’t from a gun but instead the door flying off its hinges.
“DROP THE WEAPON!” Someone shouted, someone that sounded weirdly familiar to your husband.
“DROP IT,” they repeated before you heard a clatter on the ground and a flurry of movement. Suddenly someone grabbed your face, nervously speaking your name. Opening your eyes, you looked up, staring straight into the eyes of your husband, smiling briefly before a cloud of darkness washed over you.
Waking up, the first thing you noticed with the constant beeping of a machine, then the warm feeling of a hand in yours. You slowly opened your eyes, blinking sluggishly adjusting to the harsh light, before focusing on the figure beside you.
“Hank?” You croaked, sounding like death itself but glad you were alive and facing your husband once more.
“Baby! Thank god you’re alive, you got me so worried there,” you smiled, thanking whatever god was out there for a second chance so you could spend the rest of your life with your husband and child.
“I-i missed you, Hank”
“I know Baby, I know I missed you too.”
“I’m sorry for walking out on you, why couldn’t I have just stayed there and listened to you? Talked it out properly”
“No don’t apologise, this was all my fault, you loved what you were doing and I was trying to take that away from you because of my own selfish wants.” You loved the man beside you unconditionally and although you were mad in the moment, this whole situation made you realise that nothing he could do could make you love him any less.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
what if Jiang Cheng is the one in the arranged marriage with Jin Zixuan (maybe an au where birth order matters more than gender?)
“Well, no one cares what you think!” Jin Zixun shouted, and Jin Zixuan flinched, already knowing that this was going to end in disaster. His older cousin – his father’s favorite of the lot – was mean at the best of times, and when he was angry, he was especially cruel. A kid like Jiang Cheng, barely nine, wouldn’t be able to deal with him. “You’ll never made anything of yourself, anyway; the best thing you’ll ever be is A-Xuan’s wife!”
That was worse, somehow, than Jin Zixuan had thought it would be. Maybe because his name was invoked – maybe because Jiang Cheng looked as though he’d been slapped in the face, his eyes filling with unshed tears, and when his fist found its way to Jin Zixun’s face a moment later, Jin Zixuan thought that it was completely deserved.
Afterwards, when they’d all split off their own ways, he went to find Jiang Cheng.
He didn’t need to, he knew, but – he’d liked Jiang Cheng, at least a little.
He was the same age as Jin Zixuan, a little boy like him, even if he was the second child and not the heir the way Jin Zixuan was. He’d been laughing about something when Jin Zixuan first saw him, something whispered to him by his older sister, a plain girl recognizable only by her Jiang sect colors, but he’d straightened up the second he’d seen them walking into the room, putting on a serious expression, and Jin Zixuan had suddenly felt an overwhelming rush of oh you have to deal with this too that he’d never felt before in his life.
All of his so-called friends thought it was great to be the son of the sect leader, but they didn’t have to go to the terrible parties and stand there being shown off to people all night; they actually complained that they didn’t get to go.
He didn’t think Jiang Cheng would complain like that.
Maybe they could be friends, he thought, hopefully. Real friends, not pretend; friends that stayed together because they liked each other and not because their parents needed a political connection –
And then, less than a shichen after they’d been ushered off to go play together by adults who had better things to be doing, Jin Zixun’d managed to ruin everything. Again.
It didn’t take long to find Jiang Cheng.
They’re in Jinlin Tower, which meant that there weren’t many places Jiang Cheng could go that Jin Zixuan couldn’t find him – not like the Lotus Pier, which was an impassable maze even in the guest quarters that they’d taken special care to try to make nice and orderly for the one time they’d tried unsuccessfully to visit – and it turned out he hadn’t gone all that far, just ducked into a nearby guest room that was tidied up even though no one used it.
Jiang Cheng was curled up next to a window, his whole body looking especially small. He wasn’t even looking out of it, but he still gave off the impression of being on the verge of jumping out, or even just that he’d be blown away by the wind.
He wasn’t actually all that small – maybe a bit short for a nine-year-old, maybe a bit more slender, but his father and mother were both tall and that meant he probably would be, too, given time.
“You shouldn’t listen to Zixun,” Jin Zixuan said, and Jiang Cheng looked at him, red-eyed. “He’s dumb. All he ever does is say mean things, and they’re never true.”
“S’true, though, isn’t it?” Jiang Cheng said. “I’m the one that has to marry in, ‘cause I’m second, not first. I’ve got to leave Lotus Pier, go to Jinlin Tower…”
Marry you. Be the official wife. Smile and bear it and host your parties while you’re off fucking someone else – multiple someones – to get kids for the inheritance. Never have children of my own, but instead be stuck raising your bastards for you…
Jiang Cheng didn’t say any of that, of course, but Jin Zixuan knew.
After all, he’d overheard his mother and her friend – former friend – fighting over it. Madame Yu wanted to break the engagement when it turned out that the girl had come first and the boy second, since her husband was refusing to flip the order and marry Jiang Yanli out instead, and his mother had refused, the lure of the Yunmeng Jiang’s power more potent than their old friendship. 
Caustic words had been said. Words he probably should have been too young to understand, words that maybe Jiang Cheng didn’t get yet, but…well.
His mother had always been very clear about all the things she hated about her life.
And now she was going to force the same life onto someone else.
“I don’t think my parents would agree to let me be the one to marry in,” he said, almost wishing he could. Sure, then he’d have to be the one living his mother’s horrible life, but at least there was something familiar about that type of suffering – he’d spent his whole life hearing about it, after all, hearing about it over and over and over again until it almost felt like he’d lived it himself. 
He thought he could bear up with living that terrible life.
He wasn’t so sure he could bear up with being the one to cause it.
Jiang Cheng snorted. “Why would you want to?” He squinted up at him. “Aren’t you going to tell me that Jinlin Tower is great and I shouldn’t worry because being your wife will be great, too, or something like that?”
“I have no idea if being my wife is great,” Jin Zixuan said blankly, out of lack of anything better to say. He probably should have said something like that. “I’ve never had one before.”
They looked at each other for a moment, and then for some reason they both started sniggering uncontrollably.
“Of course you don’t have a wife, you’re nine,” Jiang Cheng said, giggling. “Even I know that nine year olds don’t have wives! And anyway, if you did, it’d be me, wouldn’t it? It’s not like they’re just, I dunno, handing out practice wives.”
“I wish they’d hand out practice wives,” Jin Zixuan confessed, covering his eyes. “That way I could be sure I wouldn’t…you know…”
“Screw up?”
Was Jiang Cheng going to judge him? Should Jin Zixuan have kept that to himself, pretended that everything was under control…?
But Jiang Cheng was nodding. “I wish they made practice everything,” he said emphatically, and Jin Zixuan drooped in relief, coming to sit on the floor next to Jiang Cheng. He wasn’t actually allowed to sit on floors, not even clean ones, but he was also supposed to be hosting Jiang Cheng, so if anyone asked that was going to be his excuse. “It’s so hard to get things right on the first try.”
“No one gets things right on the first try,” Jin Zixuan said.
“Wei Wuxian does,” Jiang Cheng said.
“Who’s he?”
“He’s my shixiong,” Jiang Cheng said. “It’s – kind of complicated. His parents were friends with my dad, before they died.”
- well at least I managed to keep my husband from bringing home a bastard!
Right. That kind of complicated.
His mother always told him he had to be the most careful around bastards – that they would be smart and pretend to be nice, try to get him to like them, while in reality they’d be scheming against him in the dark, maybe even try to kill him, so they could get what he had and they didn’t. Jin Zixuan figured the same had to be true for Jiang Cheng, and he felt sorry for him.
“Well, you seem good enough to me,” he said firmly. “When you’re my wife, I’ll treat you right.”
He would, too. He wouldn’t go around with other women, wouldn’t come home smelling of them, wouldn’t rub what he was doing in Jiang Cheng’s face and laugh until Jiang Cheng lost his cool and started throwing things – of course, there was always the question of the inheritance, but maybe when he had to find himself a woman, he could try to find Jiang Cheng a woman of his own, too, someone he liked, and those children could be surnamed Jiang. 
Maybe they could find one they both liked and share.  
“I don’t know what’s so bad about being ‘just’ someone’s wife, anyway,” Jin Zixuan added. “I mean, my mom’s the scariest person I know, except maybe for your mom, and they’re both wives.”
Jiang Cheng grinned. “Yeah, that’s right. Next time that big old bully says anything, I’ll tell him to repeat that where my mom can hear it, see what he does then…uh, no offense about the bully thing. I know he’s your cousin.”
“I don’t like him either,” Jin Zixuan admitted.
“Then you’ve got good taste,” Jiang Cheng said, and Jin Zixuan preened. His first ever compliment from his wife!
“I know we’re only hanging out together because our parents said we had to,” Jin Zixuan said, suddenly feeling brave. “But maybe we could…maybe…”
“Be friends?”
He nodded.
Jiang Cheng thought about it, crinkling his nose as he did. Jin Zixuan waited patiently.
“Okay,” Jiang Cheng finally decided. “But only if you help me prank Jin Zixun to get back at him.”
“Deal!” Jin Zixuan exclaimed, then hesitated. “I’ve never pranked anyone before, though…”
“I’ll teach you!” Jiang Cheng scrambled to his feet, then stopped as if struck by a sudden thought. “Do you like dogs?”
“Dogs?” Jin Zixuan repeated blankly. “They’re well enough, I guess…you have three, right?”
He’d seen glimpses of them when he’d visited the Lotus Pier last year, when they were supposed to have first met except Jiang Cheng got sick with a stomach illness right before their visit, throwing up and everything, and Jin Zixuan’s mom had refused to let him anywhere near him.
Jiang Cheng scowled, and suddenly his eyes were welling up with tears again, causing Jin Zixuan to panic again even though he was pretty sure it wasn’t his fault this time. 
“I used to,” Jiang Cheng muttered. “But Wei Wuxian’s scared of dogs, so my father had them sent away. I was just thinking…never mind. It was stupid.”
Jin Zixuan bit his lip. It wasn’t a good sign that Jiang Cheng’s father was already favoring his bastard over his son, not at all, not when fathers had all the power in the cultivation world. Not when even his mother, proud and fierce and famous for cowing his father with thrown pottery and fits of temper, was in the end helpless to stop him – she couldn’t make him stop humiliating her, couldn’t make him stop going out and having all those bastards. She stopped him from bringing them home, but she couldn’t stop him where it mattered, because all he had to do was threaten to make one of them the heir instead of Jin Zixuan.
He wouldn’t, because he needed her maternal family’s support, but he could.
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair to his mother, it wasn’t fair to Jin Zixuan, and it wasn’t fair to Jiang Cheng, either. And it especially wasn’t fair that he was already being replaced – and just when Jin Zixuan was starting to feel better about the marriage, too!
The whole arranged marriage deal didn’t seem so bad if it was going to be with Jiang Cheng, who seemed pretty nice. Jin Zixuan didn’t want to have to start all over again with another boy, especially not a bastard.
“If you know where they are, you could send your dogs here to live with me,” Jin Zixuan suggested, feeling suddenly spontaneous in a way he almost never did, and Jiang Cheng turned to him with wide eyes. “That way you’d have a reason to come visit a lot, and your father could see that we were getting along.”
It would remind Sect Leader Jiang that their marriage could be broken by either side at any time, if they were unhappy – show him that they were committed, that they wouldn’t accept inferior goods in Lanling. Maybe it could help convince him to keep Jiang Cheng and his mother instead of swapping them out.
“I was just thinking I could introduce you, but that’s even better!” Jiang Cheng exclaimed, looking excited. “You’re serious?”
“Sure,” Jin Zixuan said. He had an entire palace of his own back in Jinlin Tower, full of rooms he never used meant to host as guests all the friends he didn’t have. They could put the dogs in some of those, hire someone to take care of them – feed them, walk them, brush them, whatever needed to be done for dogs. If there was one thing Jinlin Tower didn’t lack, it was servants to do things. “But you have to come visit them. Without bringing Wei Wuxian.”
That way, even if this Wei Wuxian person used his bastard tricks to pull the wool over Jiang Cheng’s eyes to make him think that they were friends even as he stole away Jiang Cheng’s birthright in secret - Jin Zixuan’s mother had warned him - there’d still be a way to show how important it was to keep Jiang Cheng as the legitimate son. They might have just met, but it was pretty clear to Jin Zixuan already that Jiang Cheng was way too friendly and nice to know how to properly guard himself – someone would have to do the work for him.
And who else, if not his husband?
“Don’t worry about Wei Wuxian,” Jiang Cheng said. “He won’t go anywhere if he thinks there’ll be dogs. You’ll really do it?”
“I’ll talk to my parents,” Jin Zixuan promised – he was only nine, there were limits to what he could actually do – but Jiang Cheng seemed to think that was enough. He smiled at him, and Jin Zixuan smiled back.
Maybe this could work out.
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verai-marcel · 3 years
Forever and Always (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x F!Reader)
Summary: You reminisce about your life and have a sweet moment with your family.
Author’s Notes: I was listening to a podcast about wedding dress design and got inspired.
Tags: pure fluff, Arthur x F!Reader
Word Count: 1644
AO3 Link is right here, darlin’.
Twenty-five years.
A quarter of a century.
Funny how time flies, and all of a sudden you're nearly fifty years old. Looking back, you can see the crazy turn of events in your life like some kind of movie, detached and yet feeling every single emotion as if you were there in that moment.
Fresh out of college, you remembered the night you found your partner sleeping with your roommate. The white hot rage and cold grip of disbelief sent you fleeing into the rain, into the streets, into a bar in the middle of the night. As you meandered between sadness and anger, a bartender had given you a cold glass of orange juice, soda water, and a bit of ice, with a shot of grenadine.
"Here ya go, sweetheart. On the house."
You had looked up and drowned in eyes the color of volcanic springs, finding the same warmth and comfort in his kind gaze. Taking a cautious sip of the drink, you found it to be the perfect drink, not too sweet, and took your time savoring it.
"What brings you here tonight?" he had asked.
After a moment of silence, he held up his hand. "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to."
He leaned in close. "But I'm happy to listen, whenever yer ready."
His sweet smile undid you, and you poured out your heart. He seemed to nod along with your story, as a stranger would, but there was a steadily growing fire in his eyes. After a while, after a few interruptions from other customers ordering drinks, you had finished venting, nursing the last of your drink and debating what your next move should be.
"Alright folks, last call!" the bartender shouted. A few people came up and got one last drink before he started to clean up.
"Well, thank you for listening to me," you said, dropping a tip on the bar. "I really appreciate it."
"I didn't catch yer name."
You told him.
He smiled. "I'm Arthur. Could… could ya wait a bit? I'll walk you home."
You slumped. "I don't want to go home."
Arthur raised an eyebrow at you. "Where were you goin' to go, then?"
You shrugged. "Walk around until sunrise, I guess. Not feeling sleepy."
He tilted his head as he observed you. After a few moments, he shook his head. "If you don't mind, you can come sleep on my couch. You need some rest, darlin'."
"Um…" As sweet as he was, you had just met him.
Arthur pulled out a pen and scribbled something on the back of a bar coaster before giving it to you. "Here's my address. You send it to someone you trust, so they know where you are."
Touched by his offer and his understanding of your hesitation, you agreed. You texted his address to your best friend who lived a city away and told her that you were staying with a new friend and that you'd call her in the morning and tell her everything.
Then you waited until Arthur was done with his shift and followed him home.
That was years ago. He had helped you deal with the whole situation with your ex-significant other and ex-roommate. He stood outside as backup while you confronted the two of them and told them that you were leaving. Then you found yourself temporarily moving in with Arthur, bunking on his sleeper sofa for a couple of weeks while you searched for another place to live.
And then you slept in his bed. And your temporary move became permanent.
Life continued. You slept together, in the adult sense of the term. You got pregnant. You dated. You gave birth. He proposed. You got married. He finished college. You became the breadwinner while he worked part time and took care of your daughter.
Nothing went in the 'normal' order of things, but what was normal, anyway?
Looking at the photos of your wonderful daughter when she was a small child, you smiled as you heard the doorbell ring.
"Hey Mom!"
"Hi Avery!" You greeted her with a warm hug. She was twenty-three now, working hard during her first year out of college. You got to see her a couple times a month, and each visit made you smile, no matter how grumpy she might be.
Today the two of you were just hanging out, having tea and going through some of the old boxes in the attic, when she pulled out an old scrapbook.
"Wow, didn't know you did scrapbooking."
"I didn't, I only made one for my wedding."
Together the two of you looked through your silly notes and hand picked photos, telling her the story behind each one, and who each person was.
"Do you still have your wedding dress?" she asked after seeing the photos of you and Arthur, dressed up in a tuxedo that barely fit his broad shoulders.
"I do, somewhere."
After some time searching, you found it, brushed it off, and held it up to your body. "I don't think it'll fit, I've gotten a bit wider since I wore it."
"C'mon Mom, just try it!"
Smiling, the two of you went to your bedroom and you managed to shove yourself mostly into the dress. Except for the shoulders.
"I've gotten more buff," you joked as you pulled the dress off yourself. "You try it."
Avery took the dress, stared at it for a moment, and with your help, pulled it on. It looked like it fit, until she moved her arms.
The sound of a seam ripping made you both pause.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry–"
You patted her shoulder. "It's fine, sweetie. It's just a dress, it can be fixed. And you look beautiful in it."
Your daughter grinned, and you could see Arthur's eyes and smile on her face.
After she spun around a few times, she took it off and handed it back to you. Out of curiosity, you checked which seams had torn.
"It might fit you now," Avery joked.
"Sure, why not?"
You pulled it back on, and sure enough, the seams that had torn were the very ones stopping you from fitting your thicker arms through. You turned around and looked in the mirror. Twirling around a bit, you suddenly felt young again, remembering the first time you had tried this dress. Your two closest friends had been by your side, encouraging you to buy the dress because you were so pleased with it.
And you remembered the last time you had worn this dress, walking down the aisle with Arthur, hand in hand, the two of you grinning at each other as if there was nothing else in the world, just the two of you, happily in love.
"Let's take some photos outside!" Avery suggested, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.
Smiling at your daughter, you walked through your house and out to the small backyard that Arthur lovingly cared for, with a small waterfall and herb garden.
He was there, kneeling in the dirt, planting some new basil plants. He turned around at the sound of the back door opening.
"What're you two doin'–"
Arthur's words stopped abruptly as his jaw dropped. He hadn't seen you in that dress since the wedding, and for him, time stopped and all he saw was his beautiful lady, dressed in white, smiling like a goddess.
He quickly washed his hands with the garden hose, wiped them on his jeans, and came towards you.
"Beautiful, just like an angel," he said in awe.
You went to him, holding your hands out to him. He took them and brought them close to his heart before lifting your hands to his lips and kissing your fingers oh so so tenderly.
"Amazin', I feel the same as I did on our weddin' day, seein' you like this."
"I'm a little wider now…"
"That don't matter none," he said, leaning closer to you. His forehead touched yours and he looked into your eyes. "Yer always lovely."
Avery's exclamation brought the two of you back to reality. She had her phone out and had been taking photos of the two of you, a giant grin on her face.
"I'll send these to you later, after I touch them up a bit," she said. "I, uh, got an errand to run. Bye Dad, bye Mom, I'll catch you later!"
She left, giving you a conspiratorial wink. You looked back at Arthur to find that his eyes hadn't left you for a single moment.
He was in his late fifties now, streaks of grey in his hair, giving him a sophisticated appearance. He smiled much more these days, finding happiness in tending his small garden and being outside in the sunlight. He was still strong, still broad shouldered, but he had filled out a little from your delicious home cooked meals.
And he still looked at you like you were his entire world.
"Should we go inside?" you asked with a mischievous smirk.
"I got mud on me," he said, although he didn't resist when you pulled him into the house.
"I'll get you all clean," you said. "Then we can get dirty."
"Darlin'," he said as if he was chastising you, yet he was chuckling softly as he let you lead the way.
That night, looking at the photos Avery had emailed, you realized how the two of you appeared, so deep in love. You both looked younger in her photos, and you wondered if it was because of the photo editing.
Showing Arthur, he just smiled and kissed your cheek, his whiskers scraping your skin lightly as he nuzzled you.
"See? Told you my feelin's fer you would never change." He pulled you into his arms and held you close.
"You'll always be my shinin' star."
End Notes: I started with a small idea and it kinda got longer. Oops.
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
‘Anti Bully Buddy’
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You weren't someone who would take shit from others and a were naturally protective of the ones you loved, but the world just didn't work out in your favour and you always became the bad guy.
Enter Tall, Handsome new guy with too much free time and a goody two shoes complex who's forced to stick by you.
Huh, maybe the world was working in your favour this time...
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Pairings: Kun x fem!reader
Theme: Highschool, Bullying, Comical, humour, fluff.
Characters: Kun, Winwin, Ningning, Ten, oc «mentioned» Jisung.
Word Count: 3.7k
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It wasn't an uncommon phenomenon for you to find your wrists bruised and, yourself slightly wounded sitting outside the principal's office. There were three other kids sitting opposite you and they were all three years below.
The principal walked out, looked at you and sighed “Bullying these kids again y/n?”
Your head hung low as anger started to boil inside you and you clenched your fists that were on your lap.
“Sorry ma'am” you forced out through gritted teeth.
Here's the thing those three kids belonged to very influential parents in the school so no matter what you said you were always the bad guy. The bully. But you didn't mind it. That reputation helped keep a lot of unwanted people in your life away.
The three boys sat in front of you with smirks and bruises on their faces. You didn't mind the title of bully, but you didn't like when the three devil incarnates always got away with what they did because it was YOU who was deemed bully.
“And that to kids who are your juniors?” The principal scoffed “This is happening way to often, and I don't like it” she said sternly, but you couldn't bother it was the same every time. She'll scold you a bit more and then give you some sort of creative punishment she worked up, and then you go home.
“Well we'll sign you up for the anti bully program I guess” the principal looked at you and sighed while you looked at her, confused.
One of the demons sitting opposite you spoke up asking her your doubt “Anti bullying? Isn't it supposed to help the victim not the bully?”
The principal smiled slightly at the boy “It's a newer approach where we assign someone to keep an eye on the bully, so they don't cause trouble. We could protect one victim, but the bully will just bully someone else” the principle smiled, and you frowned. That means your privacy will be taken away. Not that you do anything secretive, but you just aren't that fond of people.
You groaned and the principal glared at you “We already have volunteers” the principal said sternly her glare still on you “I'll check through whose schedule matches yours the most and tomorrow you're getting your anti bully buddy” the principal said sternly “Or how I like to call it A.B.B” the principal said the last part turning to the three boys giving them a quick smile.
“I'll see you in my office first thing tomorrow y/n” the principal said to you while flashing you a rather strict looking smile. You gave a slight nod and left.
It might be surprising to many how you could take on three boys at once. It had to do with your dad. He was a great fighter and told you that if there ever was a day he couldn't protect you, you should know how to fight. And so you learned, you went for karate classes and learned hand-to-hand combat. But it wasn't something you took very seriously, but then your mom died giving birth and everything went downhill. Your dad wasn't the same anymore, but he had to push through to raise your baby brother, but he was mostly drunk and spiraling while your aunt swooped in and handled the baby, and you were left alone. You needed an escape from that, so you spent more time at your dojo practicing and practicing and using it as a way to let your anger out. Because you knew you would crumble too if your brain didn't focus on something. But slowly everything got better, and you were starting to function normally as a family again. Your dad could smile again. But things changed again and your dad met someone. She made him happy, so you approved of her, so they got married. But they forgot you and your baby brother. Don't get them wrong they were good to both of you providing you with everything you needed and were never harsh or mean but to them, it was as if you weren't part of the family. It was easy for them to forget you. The person who you loved the most forgot you and moved on. And so you did to. You moved on and learned to live with it. And did the best for your brother too. He was the last memory of your happy family with mom and dad. And well know your only family that actually felt like family.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't realise when you reached class and when it ended. But all you knew was that it was lunchtime now.
“So another fight I see” Ten, one of your closest friends said with a smirk. “They deserved it” you grunted as you sat down next to him.
“I don't doubt that” Ten hummed out and just then two trays were slammed down onto the table in between you and ten. “So another fight and what is your punishment this time?” Ningning who slammed your and Ten's tray of food asked as she grabbed her own tray from Winwin who was behind her and sat down next to you. Winwin took the last seat available on the small circular table, between Ten and Ningning.
“How is jisung?” Winwin asked concerned.
“I got there in time, but he was hurt so he's resting in the infirmary right now” you said grimly.
You the looked at Ningning “Ohhh my punishment might just be the worst one yet because there is going to be someone who will FOLLOW me wherever I go in school to make sure I'm not causing trouble.” she gave a small chuckle at your irritation.
“Not that bad your lonely ass will make one more new friend” Ten said cheekily with an awfully cheeky grin on his stupid face. You punched him lightly and he dramatically fell back and threw his hand over his head and gasped “You wound me y/n” you just rolled your eyes and smiled and then naturally your group fell into conversation.
After you returned home from school and once diner was done (it was just you and jisung for diner) you lay on bed smiling. The day wasn't that bad except for the incident in the morning. You then frowned remembering what was to happen tomorrow.
Tomorrow came in a blink of an eye, and you were now seated in the principal's office next to this...guy. He had blond hair that extended below his eyes, but his eyes weren't covered because his hair was neatly parted showing his dark chocolate brown eyes. He had given you a smile when you entered, and you also saw that he had dimples. The cutest dimples that you had ever seen. But in all fairness you hadn't seen that many dimples because you didn't know that many people- you've mainly just seen pictures of people with dimples. But still his were cuter than the pictures.
“So this is your A.B.B” the principal said pointing at the boy beside you and he gave a small smile, you noticed him slightly cringe at the name.
Your principal started to speak cheerily “His name is Kun! But then her cheer fades and she said darkly "If you attack him too you're getting expelled”
You turned towards Kun and forced a smile. Kun smiled at you, again. He genuinely smiled and his teeth might have actually sparkled by how bright the smile was.
“Now off to class you two have the same schedule except for one class at the end of the week” the principal said and got to the work that was on her desk as you and Kun left.
Your smile dropped, and you turned to Kun “Look” you started, and he looked at you expectantly “You don't have to take this seriously cus I'm not really a bully per se so just mind your own business, and I'll mind mine”
Kun frowned “That's not going to help you get away with it and plus it's my job to stick by you whether you like it or not. I cannot have you bully people. It's sad that you find the need to pick on people and I hope to help you stop”.
You narrowed your eyes “I don't pick on people. You don't even know me”.
Kun sighed “I was already filled in on how you bully the kids from a younger class by the principle. I know your probably going through those teenage angst phases and that's okay I'll help you through it” Kun said not noticing the change in mood and how you were about to snap. “And maybe that is because you don't get along with your brother but beating him and his friends up and sending him to the infirmary isn't goo-” “What would you know” you interrupted him in a low hiss.
“YOU” you yelled stabbing his chest with your finger “DON'T KNOW 𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮” you yelled emphasizing the anything as you continued stabbing him in his chest with your finger and then stormed off to your first class.
Kun stood there dumbfounded for a second but then immediately snapped out of his dazed state and realized that you had already left and began to run after you to your shared first class.
The entire day consisted of kun following you around and trying to start conversation with you and you trying to ditch him and ignoring him.
Lunch came and he followed you then too. You turned to him annoyed, but he smiled “Aren't you going to have lunch?” You asked clearly mad “Of course I'm going to have lunch” he said with his seemingly constant smile but didn't move.
“So why are you still here?”
“Like it or not” he said in a sing-song tone “I'm going to be having lunch with you”
“Ugh” you rolled your eyes and stomped towards the cafeteria. You soon saw Ten and Ningning already at the table conversing with each other.
You approached the table with Kun on your tail and Ningning and Ten looked at you confused but only for a few short seconds, soon Ten's eyes lit up knowingly “Oh A.B.B!” Ten exclaimed pointing at Kun who just awkwardly smiled.
“You can call me Kun" Kun smiled.
“But I like A.B.B.” Ten frowned.
“And I prefer Kun” Kun said a bit sternly.
“Kun works too I guess” Ten sighed.
You rolled your eyes at the exchange and sat down. A tray of food was already placed on the table for you and winwin, but you couldn't see your Jisungs tray.
“Oh ji took his tray and is sitting with his friends in the garden” Ningning said noticing you look for him.
“Kun if I knew you'd be joining us we would have got a tray for you too” Ningning smiled at him apologetically.
“Oh it's alright I'll get my own tray and sorry for just imposing in on you guys but I have to follow y/n around.” he apologized and left to get his tray.
Ningning smiled “He's sweet”
“Not when he's following you around 24/7” you groaned and Ten snickered. Just then Winwin arrived and sat down.
“What misery of y/n's are we laughing at today” Winwin asked, and you glared at him. Ningning just smiled but Ten spoke “oh her A.B.B is here and is going to be following her around throughout the day” Ten snickered.
“Ohh that's nice less trouble for our tiny bully” Winwin said patting your head, and you sneered at him.
“I'm not that short, and I can take you so don't test me”
Winwins eyes widened at the very real threat for a second before he flashed one of his adorable smiles, and you could no longer be mad at him. That's the thing. Everyone loved Winwin. And that's why the brat got away with everything he did.
“Sicheng?” someone called from behind you and everyone turned to see Kun standing there with his tray shocked.
“Kun ge?” Winwin asked his eyes scrunching in confusion before the widened, and he was smiling again.
“Kun ge! What are you doing here” Winwin said immediately getting up and hugging Kun.
“I just transferred to this school three days ago” Kun said one hand wrapped around Winwin and the other holding his tray.
“That's why I haven't seen you before” Ningning muttered under her breath but you and Ten heard it too.
“Oh, and I'm y/n's anti bully buddy to so” Kin said laughing nervously.
“Wait really” Winwin jumped up in happiness and turned towards you “Kun ge was from my old school, and he helped me a lot there” Winwin said beaming at your group. Winwinw was the latest addition to your friend group around two years ago.
Ten had made friends with him first and you and Ningning easily grew fond of him too.
“Yes sicheng and I were really close-”
“Sicheng? Who's that?” Ten asked and you, Winwin and Ningning gave him a deadpanned look.
“Umm Ten.. Winwin's real name?” Ningning said and Ten's jaw dropped and Winwin scoffed in disbelief and threw Ningning's banana at him earning a smal protest from her and a whine from Ten who was hit in the face.
“As Kun ge was saying we were close, but I lost contact when I changed my phone number.” Winwin changed the subject still glaring at Ten while taking a seat, Kun sat next to him. And soon enough your group fell into easy conversation with Kun.
You even decided to finally talk to him and Kun stopped to smile at you in shock, but continued the conversation immediately.
For the first time that day Kun was not unbearable. He was actually really cool guy and talking to him was so easy. You two then talked about everything and anything and suddenly you didn't hate him any more, couldn't hate him any more. You had a class after lunch and then a free period where you continued to talk. You even decided to take him to your favourite spot in the school: the garden.
“Y/n” he suddenly called out and you just hummed in response while continuing walking towards the garden.
“I-” he stared “I had my assumptions about you but their not true and your actually really nice and have friends who are a good influence for you too” Kun said but stopped. You stopped walking and looked at Kun, he wanted to ask you something but was waiting for your permission “go on” you said as you resumed walking.
“How come you're categorized as a bully by the principal and are always in trouble” he finally asked after a long pause.
“Because she doesn't know the truth” you sighed and muttered softly.
“What?” Kun asked not having heard you properly you were going to tell him when you heard a small bang coming from one of the inner school corridors.
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You and Kun looked at each other wide-eyed and both ran towards the sound. What you saw made your blood boil.
In front of you were the three boys that you beat up barely two days ago and on the floor agains the lockers was Jisung clutching his stomach. “Yah!” You screamed and that seemed to get their attention.
Kun who was looking at the scene unfolding wide-eyed had now come to his sense but Instead of his usually gental and calm eyes his eyes were in fierce glaring slits.
“Didn't I just teach you three a lesson yesterday” you snarled.
“Yes, and now we're teaching him a lesson. He was being pathetic and showing off in class” one of the three morons you were going to beat up spoke.
You began to charge in their direction only to be held back by a firm grip on your hand.
Kun shook his head, but you didn't care they deserved it, and you shoves his hands off you but he had other plans holding onto you tighter than before.
“Wait” he said struggling to hold you back but failing as you escaped out of his grip again, not that that was really hard to do with your training and skill, but you still waited, impatience clear on your face.
“Let me handle it” Kun said and you thought for a second about it. If anything went wrong you could still take all three of them, so you stood aside your guard up. In all honesty you wouldn't mind a different way to deal with those devils.
“So it's because he” Kun pointed at your brothers figure on the floor “is showing off? How?”
“He's getting all the answers right but refusing to help us.” One of them complained.
“Stuck up. That's what he is” the other added.
“And your solution was...?” Kun asked raising an eyebrow.
“Knock some sense into him” the third one smirked.
“So physically knock some sense into him? As in attack him... physically?” Kun asked the boys, and you were starting to get frustrated you were about to take a step ahead, but Kun held his hand out in front of you stopping you.
“Yes. You got a problem with that ha? What are you gonna do about it beat us up to?” They laughed.
“Oh yes I got a problem, but I won't beat you up. Instead,” Kun pulled his phone that out of his pocket and that's when you realised that he had been recording everything. You didn't know when he started recording or when he carefully placed the phone in his pocket with the back camera facing the boys. All you knew is that this time you got them. You couldn't before because of your school's crapy camera placement a.k.a. it being placed in only a few corridors that were close to important rooms where things could be stolen from and even those cameras were ancient.
“Instead I'll show this to the principle. And life will get easier” Kun said with a smirk on his face. It was kinda attractive but now was not the time to think about it.
Before you could register what was happening one of the boys lurched forward and tried to grab the phone but Kun simply stepped aside, and he went tripping ahead. The other two soon followed, but you had enough time to react and block them.
“So that's what..." Kun muttered still holding his phone in his hand watching you block but not attack the three. Suddenly it made sense to him, after all those conversations he realised you were very close to your brother, and he knew these three boys were also slightly influential in school. Good thing he was more influential than them Kun smirked to himself and made a run for it. He ran towards the principal's office and showed her everything.
What happened next, happened really quickly, the boys and their parents being called, acknowledgement of their bullying and your innocence, because you still used voilence, you were give a lighter and fairer punishment. All three of the boys, to their dismay had an A.B.B now, and you couldn't be happier. Oh and they also got suspended.
“Thank you” you said to Kun, and he smiled.
“Was glad I could help” his gaze then shifted to the floor “I guess I don't need to follow you any more” he said with a soft but dry chuckle.
“Yea…” you trailed off “but you could still join us?” You asked hopefully and Kun's eyes seemed to light up. “I'd like that” he smiled.
“Oh and you have to let me thank you properly” you beamed at Kun.
“You really don't need to”
“But I want to! So tell me how?”
Kun hummed in thought “Give me sometime to think about it, and I'll tell you later” he smiled and patted your head as both of you continued to make your way to class.
Time passed and things got better. You and Kun got closer than ever. You always hung out with him, either in a group or one on one. Furthermore, you found it easy and relaxing to be in his presence.
Maybe along the way you started liking his presence way more than you used to and felt for him in a more than Platonic way. But you kept it in- you aren't going to mistake his kindness for anything else.
One day when the both of you were walking to your house after you friend group parted ways after spending the entire morning and lunch together, with ice cream cones in each of your hands you remembered and asked “I never did get to repay you for how you helped tell me how can I return your favour”
“You know you don't really have to?” Kun smiled at you and immediately you felt your face go warm.
“But you know I want to”
Kun stopped in his tracks and pretend to think, you rolled your eyes at his acting but smiled nonetheless.
He then smiled and bent down leaning in, he was so close that you could see every detail on his face, even the little scar on the right side of his face “How about you take me out?” your breath hitched.
If your face felt warm earlier it was hot now. “O-out? Where do you want to go?” You bit your lip nervously as you kept reciting to your self in your head 'it isn't what you think it is. It isn't what you think it is.'
“I don't know depends on you really” Kun shrugged and then smiled again (it was as if he was trying to kill you with the number of time he gave that smile that caused you to stop breathing) “Which are your favourite dating hotspots?” and whatever defence you built up against him came crumbling down, and your jaw dropped, and you just stood there staring at him.
For a long while- like really long while because now his features fell “I mean y-you don't have to go on a date with me if you don't want to you know...” He trailed off taking a step away.
“YES! YES I'D LOVE TO GO OUT WITH YOU” you yelled and then your eyes widened, and you settled down into a more relaxed position and cleared your throat “yea sure I don't mind” you said making your voice lower and puting on a facade that Kun saw right through (obviously) because he was smiling, and you couldn't help it you smiled too.
“So Saturday's at four?” Kun asked smile still visible, but he was really nervous and you didn't need to know that.
“Yes” you said giving him a big smile.
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A/n: To the people that made it to the end....I'm sorry you read that. This is my least favorite fic among all my stuff and I honestly just posted it because I wrote this for a friend who I care for too much to have her idea hidden in my drafts forever. Well more of a demon child but yea she specifically asked for this and my conscience can't keep this hidden.
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reginarubie · 3 years
Daenerys and narcissism, she also displays it
Daenerys, when the story starts, is a character with which it’s easy to empathize, having been raised on the run by a clearly narcissistic young man (which sets the example for her, because children learn through example and Daenerys has had two examples in her life: Viserys self-entitlement and his weakness and the Dothraki way, she coupled the two things, strength with self-entitlement and she became what Viserys was but more powerful) who abuses her.
But slowly we see her starting to become as narcissistic as Viserys if not more.
Here you find a list of the characteristics of people with narcissistic disorder:
- Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
“If I were not the blood of the dragon, she thought wistfully, this could be my home. She was khaleesi, she had a strong man and a swift horse, handmaids to serve her, warriors to keep her safe, an honored place in the dosh khaleen awaiting her when she grew old … and in her womb grew a son who would one day bestride the world. That should be enough for any woman … but not for the dragon.” (A Game of Thrones, Daenerys VI)
In this excerpt we see her choosing this entity with which she identifies herself (the dragon) over that of a woman. She chooses to see herself as special instead of common. Even though in her world she has been raised to believe herself special (and didn’t feel like a princess until she rode Silver) in this moment she is at a crossroads: being a normal woman with an happy life with her husband and son or choose to be a dragon. She chooses power, to be the dragon.
Now I do believe that as a victim of Viserys and Drogo both as often happens to kid victim of abuse (especially by family) she dissociated and in the rupture she identified with the dragon she sees in her dreams.
But in this moment she believes to be happy with her new life with her first abuser gone and could easily choose happiness in being just a khaleesi and live her life with her family or pursue her brother and hers ambition for the Iron throne.
- Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
“And I am Daenerys Stormborn, Daenerys of House Targaryen, of the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel and old Valyria before them. I am the dragon's daughter, and I swear to you, these men will die screaming.” (A Game of Thrones, Daenerys IX)
“Dany turned on him angrily. "The dragon feeds on horse and sheep alike."” (A Game of Thrones, Daenerys VII)
“They never saw me for a queen, she thought bitterly. I was only an afternoon's amusement, a horse girl with a curious pet.” (A Clash of Kings, Daenerys III)
Which I am sorry, but that is reality doing a check in. No one in Qart cares whose blood she has (from what kings she descend) they care for what she has done, her achievements and for now she is just “the horse girl with a curious pet” we see her own self entitlement, remember this comes immediately after she is thinks that she is not being given not even a cup of water from the Pureborn since she knows she offer poisoned wine to people they deem dangerous.
- Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
“When her son sat the Iron Throne, she would see that he had bloodriders of his own to protect him against treachery in his Kingsguard.” (a Game of Thrones, Daenerys IV)
I choose this snippet for a precise reason, until now Daenerys has done nothing, but be a Targaryen that could warrant her a claim to the Iron throne but her brother is still alive, by her own conception Viserys is the one with the claim to the Iron throne (which it doesn’t apply since House Targaryen was dethroned and he had to take the Seven Kingdoms by right of conquest, but I digress) not her. So why does she assumes that her son will sit on the Iron throne? Her brother’s ambition has already become hers, she does not care her brother might marry and have heirs and kids of his own. Her son will sit on the Iron throne.
And she tries to get the Dothraki to recognize her son’s and hers claim to the Iron throne trying to convince Drogo to take the Seven Kingdoms for her and not for her brother. Despite either of them having done nothing to actually take the Seven Kingdoms.
“Across the road, a girl no older than Dany was sobbing in a high thin voice as a rider shoved her over a pile of corpses, facedown, and thrust himself inside her. Other riders dismounted to take their turns. That was the sort of deliverance the Dothraki brought the Lamb Men.
I am the blood of the dragon, Daenerys Targaryen reminded herself as she turned her face away. She pressed her lips together and hardened her heart and rode on toward the gate. [...] Slaves, Dany thought. Khal Drogo would drive them downriver to one of the towns on Slaver's Bay. She wanted to cry, but she told herself that she must be strong. This is war, this is what it looks like, this is the price of the Iron Throne.” (A Game of Thrones, Daenerys VII)
Here we see that despite having done nothing except working behind her brother’s back to get her son on the Iron throne, she is ready to sacrifice the life and freedom of whoever because that is the price of the Iron throne. If that’s not entitlement without achievements to warrant it, I don’t know what might be.
- Exaggerate achievements and talents
In many instances she keeps reminding everyone who crosses her, or tells her no that what she dreams come true, and therefor she is special.
Her whole behavior in adding title after title, her being convinced that if she dreams of it, it will come true... it’s a good attitude, a powerful attitude, until you use it to justify every wrongdoing you do or to obtain what you want in the way that you want without caring for the prospect of the others.
- Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
“He should never have done that. He is thrice my age, and of too low a birth for me, and I never gave him leave. No true knight would ever kiss a queen without her leave. [...] Sometimes she would close her eyes and dream of him, but it was never Jorah Mormont she dreamed of; her lover was always younger and more comely, though his face remained a shifting shadow.” (A Storm of Swords, Daenerys II)
And while, yikes Jorah really is thrice her age and there is nothing wrong with wanting her lover to be handsome, that of too low birth for me never sat right with me, because Daario was even lesser of birth than her but since he was handsome to her and she liked him better than Jorah she took him as her lover.
She likes pretty things and worries about power (see also when she is disappointed in Qart they do not consider her a Queen) and more, she cares to take back the Seven Kingdoms and have power to make her realm filled with fat man and maidens, but she never really puts effort to think how to achieve that. She thinks only how to achieve the power and she realizes that herself “"Aegon the Conqueror brought fire and blood to Westeros, but afterward he gave them peace, prosperity, and justice. But all I have brought to Slaver's Bay is death and ruin. I have been more khal than queen, smashing and plundering, then moving on."”
- Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
All the times she spews about being the blood of the dragon (they are too many) and uses her being of the Blood of Old Valyria as if she is a goddess among men and should be treated accordingly.
As I have said in the beginning many of this aspects of her personality are due to what she has been taught (that she is special, a notion reinforced because she walked into the fire and survived, but she brings it to the next level and if it was anyone else in real life we’d say they have taken a power trip) and the examples she has been given. I have little doubt that if she had seen people behaving better and in a non pathological way she could stand a chance of not turning in Viserys. As things stand I think she dissociated to survive her trauma (a trauma that still haunts her - she still dreams of Viserys haughtily provoke her) and she identified with the dragon to the point that bit by bit every ounce of humanity is discarded. She still does good, she helps the ill in Meereen and I do believe she is convinced she is helping in the Bay even if she is doing the opposite.
Now, I am no psychologist, I just read and research a lot. If someone else, who is more knowledgeable than I in the matter, wants to give his input I’d be grateful to learn more.
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
Useless to Me VII (Ivar x Reader c Hvitserk)
Summary: After the birth of your twins, Freydis wants to get back at you for what you’ve told Ivar and makes him believe that your children at his. Ivar decides to see if your words about his new wife are true
Warnings: angst, strong language, mentions of breastfeeding, mentions of birth, ivar being an ass, small fluff, mentions of infidelity, mentions of divorce
Word Count: 2,939
Useless to Me Masterlist II Vikings Masterlist
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Not only do you feel blessed by the Gods, but you feel as if this is their way to apologize for what you had to go through - with Ivar and with childbirth - to get here. And they did that by giving not only a son, but a daughter as well. They both have the famous piercing blue eyes that runs in the family. 
Hvitserk left after things settled down and the twins were asleep to announce the birth of his son and daughter to the anxious crowd of feasting men and women in the Great Hall. And you could hear the elated cheers from the room. 
You haven’t stopped smiling since. 
The healer that helped birth your two babies stayed behind, showing you how to feed both at the same time. And seeing the child - or children - you birthed suckling on your breast makes the satisfaction of being a mother grow so big, it feels like you might burst. 
Now, the healer holds your daughter as you hold your son, rocking him to sleep and staring at his peaceful face. “It seems you were destined to be a mother,” the healer chuckles, making your smile grow brighter as you look up at her. 
When your eyes meet hers, you remember what she had said before your daughter was born. What she called you. “You called me ‘My Queen’ before my daughter was born. Why?” you ask, your voice gentle, not meaning to frighten her or make her feel bad. 
She bites her lip and looks down at the baby in her arms. “I was hoping you had forgotten. It was a force of habit and I am completely sorry about it,” she explains, looking up at you with slight fear in her eyes. 
You chuckle, shake your head and hold up a hand. She sighs to see your relaxed face. She’s not going to be punished for her mistake. “It’s quite alright. Some others seem to still be treating me like the queen I no longer am,” you mutter, remembering the two farmers that helped carry you to the room. 
You can only imagine how many other people would treat you the same. 
“Because you cared so much for us when you were queen. And many believe that what he did was wrong,” she whispers, shifting slightly closer to her so your conversation can stay between you and her. “Freydis...she isn’t like you. She has big shoes to fill and she’s not even trying to win the hearts of her people. I have heard that people still see you as our queen.”
“But I am not. And I am fine with that,” you respond, looking down in admiration at your sleeping daughter in the healer’s arms. “If I had known that leaving Ivar would give me this, I would have done it the first time I suspected he couldn’t fill me with child,” you whisper, moving your gaze to your son. 
The healer takes in a deep breath, making you realize what you had said, that you had told someone else that Ivar is infertile, and your head snaps up to her. “You musn’t-”
“I won’t tell anyone, princess,” she quickly says. Giving you a reassuring smile, you sigh in relief and nod a short ‘thanks’ to her. “You should get some rest. Sleep when they sleep, otherwise, you won’t get much rest,” she suggests, moving to stand at your side as you sink to lie down. 
Placing your son beside you, you take your daughter from her and rest her beside her brother. Then, you rest your head on the pillow and wrap an arm around the twins to form a small nest for them as the healer walks out the room. 
You watch the two babies for a moment, smiling at their peaceful faces as you point out what features they received from you, and which from Hvitserk. 
Then, you drift off into a happy sleep.
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Hvitserk came practically bouncing into the Great Hall again with a proud smile on his face, announcing the birth of his son and making the hall abrupt into loud cheers. And when he added that he also has a daughter, causing another cheer, it made Ivar even more bitter. 
Not only have the Gods given you a child with his brother, but they have given you two. Are the Gods mocking him? 
Staring at the ground with an irritated look on his face, Freydis moves up behind him on the bed and runs her hands over his shoulders. “You’re thinking about her. And her children,” she whispers, knowing it’s true because the same thing is on her mind. 
More about how you insulted her and how she wants revenge for that. 
Ivar sighs out and rolls his shoulders to get her to pull her hands away from him. “I feel mocked. She conceived the first time she fucked him and now she has a son. And a daughter,” he grumbles, his eyes staying on his hands as he shakes his head. “My brother’s children.”
Freydis bites her lip and glances down at her stomach. Then, a thought comes to her. What better way to get revenge on you by taking what you love away from you? Your husband? Your children? Why not both? 
How will she do that? Well, she can manipulate Ivar in any way she wants. She got him to believe that the child she carries is his, she can make him believe that Hvitserk’s children are actually his as well. 
“What if they are yours?” She starts by putting the idea in his mind. 
But he doesn’t take it because he shakes his head and chuckles. “They can’t be because she bled before she left,” he snaps, turning his head over his shoulder to look at her. 
“So?” she questions, picking at the idea until he takes it. “That doesn’t confirm anything,” she lies, moving closer to him as he turns around completely in interest. “The first two months I carried your child, I bled a little bit too. It’s perfectly normal for that to happen.” Another lie, and she knows it. But he’s a man, what does he know about a woman’s body except where he needs to fuck?
His eyes shift to the side, and slowly, Freydis sees him thinking more and more about it, looking for things that make him believe her words. “They were born early,” she adds to his thoughts. He doesn’t need to know how early your children were born. All he needs to know is that they are early. Making him think it’s possible to be his. “You should demand your children, Ivar.”
His head snaps up to her as she moves into a more comfortable position that shows off her swollen stomach a bit. “Really?” he softly asks, unsure of her words. 
“Yes. You are king, you can have whatever you want. And you are their father. No one can prove they are not yours. All you have is her word and maybe her husband’s word; they are not yours, but they are just words.”
“And if I say they are mine, it is my word against hers,” he points out, holding up a finger and a sly smirk as he moves to her side. 
He rests his hand on his belly as she chuckles. “You mean, it’s their king’s word against theirs,” she corrects, placing her hand on the curve of her stomach and smiling wicked at him. “Their king’s word and their queen’s word.”
Ivar chuckles as a smile grows on his face. He believes her. He believes you gave birth to his children. Not Hvitserk’s.
Freydis knows that the only one who can confirm that the twins are not Ivar’s is the healer that birthed them. The same healer that helped you when you did bleed when you were still married to Ivar. But, she has a plan for that too. 
No one can question a healer than is not there.
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Feeling one of the baby’s stir, your eyes snap open and you’re suddenly awake. Seeing your daughter shifting and whining with a closed hand near her face, you push yourself up and take her into your arms. The healer told you it could be a sign that the baby is hungry. And when she starts to cry, you know that it’s true. 
Her crying wakes her brother, making him cry, and waking Hvitserk - who you only see now - sleeping beside him. You give a small smile to him as she pushes himself up. “I’m sorry they woke you,” you whisper, positioning your daughter the way you had her when you fed her last night. 
Hvitserk chuckles at the sight of you trying to get your daughter to latch onto your nipple and shakes his head. “Why apologize when I get to see this sight?” he questions, picking his son up from the bed as he shifts closer to you. 
You laugh, remembering how intrigued he was last night when you first had your children feeding from each breast. Taking your son from him so you can feed him too, you struggle a bit more with having to keep your daughter steady at the same time. “Need some help, my love?”
“Because I want you touching my boobs right now,” you tease, looking up at him when your son finally starts to suckle. Hvitserk knows that they’ve been sensitive lately, and before you gave birth, he insisted to help you clean up when they started leaking. 
He moves up to your side and wraps his arm around your shoulders. “What have you decided to name them?” he questions, smiling down at his son and daughter, suckling and kneading your breasts with small hands. 
Resting your head against his shoulder, you smile to yourself and run your tongue over your lips. “Halvar and Kar?,” you whisper, speaking of your son and daughter respectively. 
Hvitserk smiles and hums in agreement. “Halvar and Kari.” His hand caresses your arm as he rests his head against yours. “Our children. I shall return before the day is over,” he says, speaking to them as he strokes their cheeks with his other hand before turning his head to kiss the side of your face. 
“You’re leaving?” you ask, hesitant about being left here where Ivar and Freydis are. “Where are you going?”
“To make sure our home is ready to receive two babies,” he chuckles, cupping your cheek as you look up at him with an unsure look on your face. “You will be fine here and I promise I will not take too long,” he reassures, pressing his lips to yours for a deep kiss, similar to the one he gave you after the twins were placed in your arms for the first time. 
Outside the room, however, Ivar waits for a moment where you are alone. He waits for Hvitserk to leave, knowing that you won’t stand a chance stopping him from taking at least one of his children away from you if you refuse to give them to him so they can be raised as his heirs. 
He’ll go for your son. His son. A male heir. 
Finally seeing Hvitserk walking out the room and heading the other way, Ivar smiles to see that he has left the door open. Perfect. 
He steps forward, recalling his wife’s words that reassure him these are his children. Freydis said she had other things to do, that it would be for the best if he were to demand his children on his own. Seeing as how you are his ex-wife. 
Seeing someone entering the room, you turn your head and smile, thinking that it’s Hvitserk again or the healer coming to make sure you’re alright. But seeing Ivar makes your smile quickly fade and your body to tense, bringing your children closer to your chest. 
“What are you doing here, Ivar?” you question, turning slightly as if to hide the twins from his sight, not comfortable with the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at them. 
“You know why I am here, (Y/n),” he deeply says, walking closer towards you. And you just realized now how you don’t like the way he slams his crutch onto the floor with each step he takes. “I am not an idiot like Hvitserk obviously is. I know the truth.”
You swallow nervously and shake your head. “What truth?”
“Those are my children!” His shout startles the babies, making them burst on in tears and a gasp to catch in your throat. “That is my daughter and this is my son. Why else would they have been born early?” he harshly questions, takes another step forward and reaches out to take one baby - he’s not sure if it’s the girl or the boy - from your arms as you try to calm the other.
Your head snaps at him at the feeling of him pulling your child out of your arms and you quickly place your daughter back on the bed. “Ivar, please. Give him back!” you beg, your sharp voice unsettles your babies, making them cry even more. 
So, he did take your son. His son. Good.
“Why should I?” he questions, looking at the crying baby in his arms and taking a small step back as you try to stand. “He is my son. He has my eyes to prove it.”
His eyes. Both your children have the same color eyes as he does. But he doesn’t see how your son has Hvitserk’s nose, mouth, ears. How your son looks like Hvitserk, not him. “Ivar, please. I’m begging you. Give me my son.”
“He is my son. I am King. I demand my children stay with me.”
“I will not let you take them,” you shout at him, taking a small step towards him as a tear breaks free from your eyes. “Give him to me. Now,” you scream, reaching for your son in his arms as he tries to pull away from you. “I told you that they are not yours. That I bled before divorcing you.”
“That doesn’t prove anything. Freydis said-”
“Freydis said?” you cut him off, standing still in front of him as he stops moving your son away from your reach. “You’re doing this because of something Freydis said? Freydis is a liar,” you snap, your eyes flickering down to your still crying son and you have to stop yourself from snatching him out of Ivar’s hold. “She’s lying to you about the father of her child and she’s lying to you about the father of my children. Her child was fathered by some man she’s fucking in the market-”
“Watch your tongue!”
“And my children were fathered by my husband, your brother after you failed to give me a child for years,” you don’t relent, knowing that what you’re saying could possibly put your son’s life at risk, but you have to get him to see the truth. The real truth. “Freydis is manipulating you and you don’t even realize it. When have I ever lied to you?” you question, taking a small step forward and raising your hands to stop Ivar from doing anything stupid to your son. “Just because you treated me like shit and continue to do so, I’m not going to start lying to you now. My son and daughter are Hvitserk’s. And I bled an empty womb before I asked you for a divorce. And you can ask the healer that birthed my children. Now, please, give me my son,” you beg, your voice now soft and gentle to calm him as the two crying babies down. 
Ivar stares at you, watches as your eyes flicker between him and his son. Your son. Realizing that all he’s going on at the moment is Freydis’s word, he slowly hands the boy back to you, making you take him with a sigh of relief and hold him close to your chest. 
And he watches. He watches you being a mother, comforting the crying baby born from your womb that he couldn’t fill for years. 
“You will stay in this Hall until it is otherwise proven that they are not my children,” he says, deciding to no longer go on anyone’s word. Expect the healer’s when he finds her. “Do you understand me?”
You nod, scared to think what he might do if you even think to defy him. Keeping your head down as you kiss the top of your son’s head, you breathe a shaky sigh as Ivar turns to walk away, crutch slamming into the ground as he walks. 
Outside your room, he walks until he finds a guard. From now on, he’s going to act on his own, like he had always done. The first time he went with someone’s words, was when you told him to find a cunt to bury his sorrows in. And look where that’s led him now. 
No, he has to find out if the child growing in his wife’s womb is his, or if it is a bastard. When he finds out the truth, then he will know whether or not he should listen to her words any farther. 
“Where is my wife?” he questions harshly, making the guard flinch and swallow harshly. 
“She’s getting ready to go to the market.” 
You said that the child’s father is someone she’s fucking in the market. What are the chances that Freydis is going to the market for her own interest and going to see the true father of her child? 
Well, he’s going to see for himself.
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nanoland · 3 years
new chapter (lucifer fic)
(earlier parts are here; whole thing is here) 
Ponder on the Narrow House, part 3 
Mazikeen + Eve + Michael, gen fic (for now), warning for gun violence 
Along the California coastline, the cruise ship Illustrious Voyager bore four thousand three hundred and ten passengers, one thousand two hundred and ninety-six crewmembers, and two guide dogs.
Five thousand six hundred and eight souls, in total.
At around 4pm, without anyone noticing, that number became five thousand six hundred and nine.
Hands clasped behind her back, Eve strolled down the promenade, admiring the vessel’s size and beauty. This fresh new millennium’s wealth astonished her. Sickened, sometimes. Entranced, sometimes. But always astonished.
Back in the garden, they’d slept on and under rocks. When it rained, they got wet. When large animals came by, they hid. No weapons. No shelter. No blankets. The only resource they’d had in abundance was food. Good grief – so much food. God had been so proud of all the different fruits and nuts and mushrooms he’d made available to them, and Adam had been so grateful. Eve supposed she had been, too.
It hadn’t stopped her from one day approaching her husband and the plump rabbits resting in his lap – two of several dozen pets – and asking if he didn’t think the cold nights would be much more endurable if they each had a warm pair of fur slippers.
Then she’d met Lucifer. Fallen in love. Bitten the apple. Learned how powerful he and his Father truly were. That was when the real questions, the sticky, prickly questions, had come bubbling up.
If Lucifer has such a vast family, with so many siblings, why can’t I have even one? she’d asked the sky. Why is Adam all I get?
And later: If You can simply bring people into existence, why must I scream and bleed and shit myself in order to have children? Am I doing it wrong? Is there another way? If there isn’t, why not?
And later: Why is nothing fair?
And, most recently, after meeting Mazikeen: Why isn’t everything at least equally unfair? Why do humans get a world of options while Maze and her family are expected to serve angels from birth to death? Why isn’t Maze allowed into Heaven, even after an eternity of loyalty and hard work?
“Sorry,” she said, flashing white teeth at a passing crewmember. “I’m trying to find a friend of mine. Can you tell me how to get to Room 835?”
Half an hour later, there was a splash and the ship’s population dropped to five thousand six hundred and seven.
Before binding his arms and legs, Eve had secured Andrew Bismarck’s lifejacket and gagged him. Furious and helpless, he bobbed alongside her as the ship moved on and Mazikeen rowed up in her inflatable raft, wearing a sunset-orange swimsuit.
“Should I be worried about those, babe?” she asked as she gripped Bismarck’s lifejacket and hauled him out of the water.
Eve smiled at the dolphin pod swimming in playful loops around her, and patted the nearest one’s nose. “No. They’re my friends.”
The inflatable wasn’t big enough for three people, so Eve held on to a friend’s dorsal fin and let him drag her back to The Choronzon.
Michael stood on the deck, looking bored. As they climbed aboard, their prisoner slung over Mazikeen’s shoulder, he drawled, “Seriously? This sad specimen’s worth two million dollars?”
“Actually, his net worth is eight hundred million,” said Mazikeen, dumping him down. “Two million is just what his ex-wife is willing and able to pay.”
Wringing out her hair, Eve added, “She took half his money in the divorce but she gave almost all of it to a chimpanzee shelter. I really like her!”
His lip curled. “How delightfully sordid. Isn’t this all a little beneath you, Ms Mazikeen? I mean, you’re a big deal in Hell. High Commander of Lucifer’s legions, head advisor to the king himself. Aren’t you worried taking jobs like this diminishes you?”
Busy handcuffing Bismarck to the railing, Mazikeen said, “Eve, honey? Do me a favour?”
“Boop!” Eve chirped, having already snuck up behind Michael, and pushed him overboard.
“I know it’s your whole gimmick,” Mazikeen called down as he splashed and spluttered, his face red with princely indignation. “And I know you don’t have a lot else going for you. But the next time you try that on me, I will stop being nice. Kapish?”
“Kapish,” he muttered.
The Choronzon had barely travelled a mile before Eve spotted Bismarck’s henchmen coming after them.
“Someone gimme details!” shouted Mazikeen, busy putting a bulletproof vest on over her bikini and opening up the box she’d told Dan contained a fishing rod, not a halberd.
Eve peered through her binoculars. “Two speedboats. Twelve guys on jet skis. Guns everywhere.”
“Heh. Awesome. Mickey – move that tight ass to the front and make like a nice juicy target.”
“Wait, what about-…” Michael began, trailing off as Mazikeen dove gracefully into the sea.
Bouncing from foot to foot, Eve shot him a grin. “Don’t look so glum, sourpuss. This is the fun part.”
She’d never spoken to Michael in Heaven, despite the millennia they’d both resided only two miles apart, her in a lakeside cottage on the outskirts of the Silver City, him in the crystal palace in its centre.
Granted, she’d not exactly had a warm and fuzzy relationship with any of Lucifer’s siblings. They all knew what had happened in the garden. Some had been nice – Amenadiel had visited often, even though he’d never had much to say and they’d spent their time together skipping stones across the lake’s surface. But the others had kept her at a distance. She was a bad influence.
Michael, however, was the only angel she’d not ever said one word to.
She’d seen him, now and then, in the early days, when she was the only human in Heaven and, as such, grudgingly invited to divine family get-togethers. On those occasions, she’d spent too much time feeling awkward and out-of-place to pay attention to the sullen figure lurking in whatever shadows were available. The one time she’d glanced his way, it had been to marvel at the stories of people getting the twins mixed up; beyond the raw basics of bone structure, Michael couldn’t have looked less like her old lover.
Bullets sprayed across the hull. Humming, Eve stepped daintily into Michael’s shadow, seconds before they started bouncing off his shoulders and chest.
“It is beneath her,” he muttered.
She made an ambiguous noise. “How d’you figure?”
There came a shout and a splash from the nearest jet ski. The bullets stopped.
“C’mon. She’s Mazikeen. Everyone in the Silver City knows about Mazikeen. Ordinarily, we couldn’t give two dry shits about Lucifer’s minions, but her? She’s a minor celebrity. The power behind Hell’s throne. Christ, it’s no secret my beloved twin couldn’t govern his way out of a paper bag.”
“Yeah,” she said, smiling fondly. “He’s kind of bad at everything. Except music. He’s a great musician.”
More shouting. More shooting. More bullets bouncing off Michael’s torso. Mazikeen rode by, one hand gripping her newly-acquired jet ski’s throttle lever, the other clutching her bloodstained halberd. Watching her circle the enemy, Eve was reminded of a sheep dog.
Michael went on: “And then there’s the fact that for a while, everyone thought Lucifer was going to marry her. It was all anyone could talk about. Jophiel was taking bets on when the proposal would happen. She’d have been High Commander and the Queen of Hell. Instead? All of a sudden, Lucifer takes an indefinite vacay to the mortal realm, drags her with him, and next thing anyone knows, she’s working behind a bar.”
The remaining jet skis and their terrified, wounded riders had been neatly rounded up, which meant it was time for Eve to open her purse.
“Um – how long have those been in there?” asked Michael, watching her take out three grenades.
“You want one?” she offered. “Don’t forget to take the pin out before you throw it. I did that my first time.”  
One thing to be said for millions of dull, dull years spent sitting next to God’s Greatest Warrior, skipping stones across a lake; your aim got good.
The first blast was a warning, not close enough to actually kill any of Bismarck’s men, though the resultant waves did knock several into the water. They tried to retreat, turning their vehicles around, only to remember Mazikeen, corralling them single-handed and now armed with machine guns she’d confiscated from those already bested.
When they saw the second and third grenade incoming, they gave up and abandoned the jet skis, jumping into the sea and swimming for their lives.
“Fuck!” Michael yelped, blocking his ears at the concomitant explosions.
Gazing past the debris and smoke, Eve saw Mazikeen head for the nearest of the two speedboats. Its occupants, preoccupied with aiming a rocket launcher at The Choronzon, saw her coming far too late.
“I get your point,” said Eve, as her girlfriend and her halberd made short work of the crew. “But that’s a really… how can I put this? It’s a really angelic way of looking at things. Maze doesn’t consider anything ‘beneath her’.”
“Wow. Sick burn. You’re basically admitting she has no pride.”
“Oh, she’s got pride. Tons of pride. Her pride’s just dependant on how well she does a job, not on the type of job she has. She wasn’t happy working at Lux, but that wasn’t because she thought bartending was ‘beneath her’; it was because she prefers doing things she’s good at. Customer service isn’t really one of her strengths.”
The second speedboat was abandoned by its crew mere seconds before Mazikeen rammed the first speedboat into it, cackling victoriously.
“Actually,” Eve said, moving from Michael’s shadow to where Mazikeen had earlier set a crate of peach soda – her favourite – out on the deck, “now that you mention it, I guess I’m the one with no pride. Haven’t really ever had anything to be proud of. Your Dad never gave me the chance. I was never meant to do things. I was just meant to be.”
Michael snorted. “Lucky you. Trust me; he may have softened in his later years, but back in the day he never, ever stopped riding our asses. You think Lucy really rebelled because he had better plans for how the universe should be run? Because he was an innovator? Nope. Lazy dick just hated being told to do his chores.”
By the time Mazikeen swam back to them, saltwater had washed off the blood and her ponytail had come loose.
“Oh, hey,” said Eve, gripping her hand and pulling her up. “A mermaid.”
After pressing a rough kiss to her cheek and taking a swig of peach soda, Mazikeen asked, “You okay? He did his job?”
Eve patted the angel’s shoulder – the one that wouldn’t hurt. “He was terrific! Awesome addition to the team.”
“I didn’t do anything,” Michael mumbled.
Ignoring him, Mazikeen snatched up a towel to dry her hair. “Glad to hear it. Alright! Let’s get Bismarck back to shore, get paid, and find a place to have dinner so we can toast Team Hellrazor’s first successful mission.”
“R-A-Z-O-R,” Eve informed Michael. “To make it cooler.”
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baoshan-sanren · 4 years
Chapter 23
of the wwx emperor au I’m thinking of calling Lan QiRen’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 Part 1 | Chapter 8 Part 2 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 Part 1 | Chapter 15 Part 2 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 Part 1 | Chapter 22 Part 2
The Peach Blossom Pavilion is heavily guarded. 
However, the guards are clearly focused on the outside threats trying to find their way in, not the Emperor attempting to sneak out. Wei WuXian’s hand is warm in WangJi’s, squeezing lightly to signal when they must be still, pulling him along when it is time to move. In the darkness, every stretch of cobblestones looks identical to the next. They cross two courtyards, both pitch black, nothing to distinguish them from one another except the faint scent of chrysanthemums. It is not long before no guards can been seen or heard, but Wei WuXian’s hand is still wrapped around his own, his thumb a hot brand on WangJi’s knuckles.
WangJi remembers that same hand coated in blood. Pressing against the arrow wound. Gracefully extended, so someone else’s fingers may rest lightly on its wrist.  
Somewhere in the Immortal Mountain City, there is boy lying wounded, because he had been willing to give his life up for the Emperor. And for a few moments, WangJi had forgotten that he even exists.
“Nie HuaiSang,” he says softly.
“Recovering. He lost a great deal of blood, but there will be no lasting damage. The assassin has not been caught yet,” Wei WuXian’s voice hardens, “but he will be.”
WangJi is relieved to hear it, but this is not the only reason he had said the Royal Companion’s name. Sneaking past the guards, depending on the pressure of Wei WuXian’s fingers to lead him, he could pretend that such contact was necessary. Now, he feels an imposter, holding on to something that does not belong to him.
Gently, WangJi attempts to disentangle their fingers. Wei WuXian’s grip tightens.
“A-Sang is my brother,” Wei WuXian says, “The rumors you hear, they have their advantage. But there has never been any truth to them.”
“Gossip is forbidden,” WangJi says, his face heating.
He can feel his heart beating in his chest, and his steps suddenly feel lighter, as if some pressing weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
Wei WuXian laughs softly,
“If I were to forbid gossip, the next person to try and assassinate me probably would be A-Sang.”
WangJi is not sure how to respond to such a statement, and Wei WuXian does not give him a chance to try.
He tugs WangJi to a small door, its shape almost indistinguishable from the wall in which it is set. The door appears to be very old, but its hinges do not creak, soundlessly allowing them over a small stone threshold and into a courtyard. Although the plaque above the door had faded with age, it is still legible.
The outside of the Six Fans Pavilion looks forlorn.
The window holes are covered, the courtyard swept clean but depressingly bare. A long time ago, someone had tended its gardens with care. WangJi thinks that the wide planters out front must have once overflown with flowers in full bloom. Now, star jasmine has grown wild and sprawling, smothering every other sign of life.
He expects that the inside of the pavilion has not fared much better. Everything about the peeling paint and fading colors tells a tale of a place that is dusty and forgotten. Instead, the entry is bleak, but clean. The floors seem recently swept. There are no curtains or rugs, no decorations on the walls, no cushions on the seats. Each room looks stripped to its bones, the elaborately carved shelves gaping empty, tables bare, beds nothing but stark skeleton frames.
Wei WuXian leads him through, looking neither left nor right, until they reach a room that shows some signs of use. A few books are piled in the small cubbies behind an old desk. The desk surface is polished but rough, as if it had served more than one owner. The seats have cushions, although they seem old and threadbare. An old bronze brazier sits in center of the small space. Wei WuXian lights a fire with quickness that would suggest he has done this often.
“The Iron Palm Palace can be suffocating sometimes,” he says, and does not elaborate.
He does not need to; WangJi thinks he understands. It is a refuge, this place. WangJi has his own, at Cloud Recesses. He can appreciate the need for a space where one can just breathe in solitude and silence.
“How much do you know about Lan ZhongYi?” Wei WuXian asks, settling on the floor next to the brazier.
WangJi has always had a reflexive reaction to that name. Anger, distaste, guilt, shame.
He lowers himself not too far away, wishing he was properly dressed. Somehow, speaking of Lan ZhongYi would be easier, if he could hide behind the traditional trappings of Sect and clan.
“Lan ZhongYi was a Lan Sect member. Son of my father’s uncle. He was banished from the Sect for improper conduct. Less than a year after his banishment, he assassinated the Empress and the Emperor Consort.”
The words come out stiff and unnatural, a recitation of something memorized long ago.
“I know this is all that the Lan Sect teaches about him,” Wei WuXian says, “but have you never searched for more? Have you never wondered what this improper conduct was? Why he did what he did?”
“No,” WangJi says.
He cannot see what difference it would make.
“Did you know he had married at seventeen?” Wei WuXian says.
The question lands heavily between them.
WangJi did not know. He does not want to know. Why does it matter?
But Wei WuXian goes on unprompted,
“He married a rogue cultivator from the ShangWu Temple. Her name was Xu XiaoYun. This was some years before my mother took the throne, and the Empire had already begun descending into chaos. Most of the great temples were destroyed in the years that followed, never to be rebuilt. The ShangWu Temple was one of them. Xu XiaoYun’s brothers, sisters, teachers, not one of them survived. For years, I have searched for some information about her, hoping for anything, even a word of mouth. But I think her entire life burned in that temple, and there was only Lan ZhongYi left.”
The firelight is playing across Wei WuXian’s face, shifting his expressions from moment to moment. WangJi cannot guess what he is thinking. He cannot guess why this is the story that Wei WuXian thinks WangJi should need to know.
“She was pregnant when YanLing DaoRen killed her,” Wei WuXian says calmly, “on a day he had not even set out to kill anyone at all. It appears to have been a spur of the moment slaughter. There are no records showing what might have set him off in the middle of a peaceful trip through one of the MoLing’s marketplaces. But Xu XiaoYun had been nighthunting in the area.”
Silence falls between them, thick and unyielding. WangJi feels as if he had been given something he did not want, and cannot give back.
He thinks he knows why Wei WuXian has told him this story. Perhaps to the young Emperor who had lost his parents, it is important that Lan ZhongYi be a human being, with purpose, and feelings, and grievances. But WangJi has never wanted to feel pity for this man, whose actions had doomed all the generations of Lan to come.
Lan ZhongYi’s motivations do not excuse his crime.  
“The Empress did not kill her,” he says finally.
“And you did not kill the Empress,” Wei WuXian counters, his voice gentle.
He is right, but he is also wrong. WangJi is too agitated to address how both can be true at the same time.
“The Wen are not hostages here,” Wei WuXian says, slicing the agitation neatly in half.
Before WangJi can adjust to the fact that the previous subject is being abandoned, Wei WuXian is already explaining in a rush, as if afraid that WangJi will refuse to listen.
“After the rebellion, the Sects demanded that Wen RuoHan pay for the lives that were lost. They wanted this payment in blood. Wen RuoHan was to deliver one of his sons for execution, or the Sects were going to burn the Nightless City down, and slaughter every Wen in the Empire. Looking back, compared to the damage YanLing DaoRen had done, and the lives he had destroyed, the Wen rebellion was fairly insignificant. I have often wondered where this viciousness had come from. The Sects will say that their grief over my mother’s death gave it birth, but they seemed to hold little interest in offering support to her son. Perhaps this viciousness was left over from YanLing DaoRen’s reign, just waiting for a more vulnerable target.”
Wei WuXian waves his hand, his eyes locked on the flickering flames,
“It does not matter. Wen RuoHan did not deliver his son. Instead, he delivered fifty-six members of a small subdivision of the Qishan Wen Sect. An entire clan, led by his own thirteen-year old niece, to be slaughtered in exchange.”
WangJi’s stomach turns, propelling bile to his throat.
“My uncle,” Wei WuXian grins humorlessly, “had made a reputation for himself as a holder of no strong opinions, a man who may sway slightly whichever way the wind blew. This reputation helped delay the decision. In the meantime, I placed the Wen in the dungeons, to await their fate.”
“You-- you were going to--“
No other words will come. WangJi cannot ask the question.
He thinks a wrong answer might shatter something he had not yet given name to, something he still does not fully understand, but desperately wants to keep.  
“No,” Wei WuXian says, “I was young, and angry, and more than a little stupid, but I was not going to execute fifty-six people because the Sects demanded it. But I did put them out of my mind. I was twelve years old, sitting on a precarious throne, all of my power just a pretty illusion. There was a list of issues that had to be addressed, and somehow, the Wen would always move to the bottom of that list. This was another one of my uncle’s tactics, although I did not know it for such back then. Delay, delay, delay, and hope they forget. I almost did forget. Many times.”
Wei WuXian flashes him a bitter smile, and WangJi feels his chest tighten. Not so long ago, WangJi had thought his own burden too heavy to carry. He cannot imagine how Wei WeXian must have felt. He cannot imagine how heavy the weight of the Empire must feel to a twelve year old boy.
“They were willing to let me forget,” Wei WuXian says, the bitterness from his smile coloring his voice, “My uncle, the Council, my advisors, not one of them ever bothered to mention that an entire clan cannot forever live in the dungeons, that some decision must be made. If it were not for shijie, they might have lived and died below the palace floors, forgotten by all. She took me to the dungeons. She went among them as if they were family, passing out medicine and food, speaking to Wen Qing as if they had been sisters their entire lives. And then she put A-Yuan in my arms.”
Wei WuXian’s voice falters for the first time.
He shifts slightly, and clears his throat.
“His mother had been among the fifty-six. She had died in childbirth. In the dungeon. While the Emperor sat on his gilded throne, nodding at everything the Council said. I had been the Divine Ruler for a single season, and I had already created an orphan.”
WangJi’s chest squeezes tighter. He wants to reach out, but he had never learned how to offer comfort. Everything he can think to say is woefully inadequate. Every gesture he wishes to offer seems clumsy and awkward.
“And so they became hostages,” Wei WuXian says, fingers now nervously tapping against his knees, “the Sects were told that the fifty-six Wen who can be slaughtered at the slightest provocation were infinitely more valuable than one dead descendent of Wen RuoHan. They were not happy. For some months after, I was certain that another rebellion would take place, and that this one would end the Dynasty for good. Once it became clear that the Sects would do nothing worse than send assassins through my windows and stuff scorpions into my bed, I started to work on their resentment. I did not want the Wen to always carry the stain of that rebellion. I had already grown attached to Wen Qing and her brother, to Granny, to Uncle Four and A-Yuan. I wanted to protect them.”
He moves to face WangJi, his hands now curled tightly in his lap, something in his eyes hinting at desperation.
“I thought I knew resentment. Mine had always been a fleeting thing, so I believed everyone else to be the same. No one had bothered to tell me that removing one target would only exaggerate the other. I spent years trying to shift their perception of the Wen, but never understood the simple fact that your uncle had grasped in a single season of drought. The river must flow somewhere. And all the resentment, no longer flowing to the Wen, had simply shifted to the Lan Sect instead.”    
If not for Wei WuXian’s pained expressions, WangJi would have immediately declared his words to be utter nonsense. WangJi’s burden does not exist because Wei WuXian had placed it on his shoulders. The Lan Sect would have never relinquished its responsibility for the wrongs one of their own had committed, regardless of whether the Emperor had shown them favor or neglect. Even if everyone else in the world were to forget the sin he carries, WangJi would have never been allowed to do the same.
A part of him does wonder if the Emperor’s favor had gone to the Lan Sect instead of the Wen, how many of their circumstances might have been changed for the better? Would it have created a world in which his uncle is still allowed to teach?  A world in which the Lan Sect disciples are allowed into the Immortal Mountain City, to mix among the others? A world in which his brother smiled more often?
But even if this was the case, if he were to take Wei WuXian’s words as absolute truth, and the river of resentment truly must flow somewhere, then better circumstances for the Lan Sect would have meant worse circumstances for the Wen. WangJi would never demand his burden be made less; not even if the cost was a single life of an absolute stranger, not to mention an entire clan of people who had done nothing wrong.
“By the time I realized why the rancor toward the Lan Sect kept growing, even as the resentment against the Wen dwindled, it was too late to turn the tide,” Wei WuXian says miserably, “Trying to stem the flow only seemed to make things worse. Your uncle-- each time I tried to extend a hand, he would slap it out of the way. He does not want my help or favor. He does not trust me to do right by the Lan Sect. And considering that someone has already tried to kill you, and frame the Lan Sect for another assassination, I would not be surprised if he blames me for all of it.”
WangJi struggles for a few moments, trying to find the right words. It does not help that Wei WuXian is much closer now, his face flushed from the brazier, their knees nearly brushing.
“The Lan Sect would not wish to relinquish its burden of responsibility at the cost of others,” WangJi finally says, “and uncle would not blame you for the assassination attempts. He would consider it just another burden that the Lan Sect must carry, one that must be borne with courage and dignity. Uncle is-- proud, and stubborn. He perceives your favor as charity, and each time you imply that he may need this charity, he will only resent you more. There is no need to keep trying.”
“You are saying that there is nothing I can do,” Wei WuXian says, frustration coloring each word.
“You can do whatever you wish,” WangJi says, “You are the Emperor.”
“But he is going to hate me no matter what I do.”
“You are the Emperor,” WangJi says again, “I am sure my uncle is not the only one who hates you.”
Wei WuXian gapes at him, then seems to choke on nothing but air. He bends over, coughing heavily, and struggles for so long that WangJi wonders if he should perhaps try and find him something to drink. Only when he looks back up does WangJi realize that the cough was actually stifled laughter.
“You are something else, Lan Zhan,” he says, “I really like spending time with you.”
WangJi’s heart trips twice, painfully, as if Wei WuXian had reached through his chest and pushed it off course.  
He does not make a conscious decision to stand up, but suddenly, he is on his feet, trembling with a thousand emotions he does not want to acknowledge. Wei WuXian scrambles up as well, his expression startled.
“I must go back,” WangJi says, cursing his voice for wavering.
“Oh,” Wei WuXian says, “Of course. Let me put out the fire, and I will take you back.”
“No need,” WangJi says quickly.
He needs to be alone. He needs to think. Wei WuXian had given him a great deal of information that requires careful examination. 
I really like spending time with you, his mind offers unhelpfully. WangJi feels as if he had pressed his entire face directly to the brazier.
Wei WuXian’s expression seems hesitant now. WangJi desperately wants to see him smile one more time before he leaves.
“Use the door tomorrow,” he says.
“I-- what?”
“Tomorrow,” WangJi says firmly, his heart now beating in his throat, “Do not lounge on the rooftop, or hide in the dark. Come to the door.”
The slow smile that spreads across Wei WuXian’s face is devastating.
WangJi says nothing else. 
He runs.  
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typical-simplelove · 4 years
Always You (J. Markstrom)
a/n: This was the product of me going to a wedding and being in my wedding feels. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: mentions of death (I’m sorry, please just skip over if this triggers you), grief
Word Count: 1892
Summary: Jacob is confessing how much he loves his girlfriend, YN YLN, to her father. YN father is dying. (The beginning is the POV of the father, just as an fyi.)
“It was fate, meeting her. There was nothing in the world that could have compared to the light in her eyes. I have been told that at the beginning of our friendship, I looked at her like she hung the stars. That’s what I thought of her. She did hang the stars. Not just that. She created the stars and hung them. Nothing in the world compares to her. There is nothing else I want in the world except for her. She is the only one I want. 
The first time I heard her laugh, I vowed to always make her laugh, I vowed to always make her laugh. From the silliest giggles to the hearty laughs from the stomach, there is no other sound more beautiful. When she giggles at the stupidest jokes or things that aren’t the most funny, I can’t help but smile. She is never one to shy away from a little giggle here or there. When she produces a laugh from deep within her, I go weak in the knees. If you thought her giggles were beautiful and adorable, her deep belly laughs top that. There is nothing more beautiful than her laugh. She is always self-conscious of her laugh. I don’t care. I do not understand where she gets the self-conscious thoughts about her laugh. She has the most beautiful laugh ever. I can’t imagine not hearing her laugh in my life. 
The first time I saw her cry, it broke me. I didn’t know that watching someone fall apart would make me fall apart. The funny thing is, she was watching a sad movie. Not anything extremely important. However, to her it is. I vowed after that day that I will hold her while she cries and comfort her when she is upset. There is nowhere else I’d rather be. If I have to concede an argument, even though I was right, I would do that. I would do anything to make her happy, keep a smile on her face, and provide for her. Because seeing her cry is the worst thing ever. I promise to wipe away her tears. I promise to do everything in my power to make sure she never cries. 
The smallest things in the world make her the happiest. What are they, do you ask? Where do I begin? The twinkle of the Christmas lights on our tree, the smell of vanilla in the air, the quiet sounds of fire, the heavy pattering of the rain on the roof. The most simple things make her the happiest. The ducks at the pond at the park we like to frequent always bring her joy. Watching her be extremely happy makes me extremely happy. 
The capacity of what she can do is extraordinary. From remembering the most minute things to always remembering the important dates, she knows it all. There is not a thing about me she doesn’t know. Except for the capacity of my love for her. I tell her I love her every morning and every night. I tell her before she leaves for work. I tell her at the most random times because I do love her. Everything I do is for her. If only she could peer into my brain and see the amount of times I think, “man, I love her so much.” I think that whenever I am around her. I am the luckiest man alive for knowing her. You understand what I mean, sir, as she is your daughter. Just to have the luck to even have said hello to her that one time is astounding. Never mind that I get to wake up next to her every morning. I always wonder when my luck is going to run out and she leaves me. I would truly be lost without her. 
From our first date, I knew that she would be the woman that I marry. She stood her ground. She didn’t feel the need to change herself. She knew what she wanted; she made it clear that if I didn’t want something similar, then our relationship would be doomed from the beginning. I knew right then that I needed to build the confidence to tell her that I wanted the same thing as her. As long as it was her and I got to be in her life. The large family, the house with a white picket fence. Whatever she wants I am willing to give to her. There is nothing in the world I want more than to be in her life. I want everything with her. I think, I hope, I have given her everything she wants, well most of it.
On our first date, she told me that at that point her life, she was looking for someone to settle down with. I hope that I have built a life with her these last four years that tell her I will be around for the long haul. I hope that I have proved to you as well, sir. I will never let her go. I will watch whatever cheesy movie she wants, I will watch whatever cheesy movie she wants, I will listen to her telling me about the most interesting and the most mundane things. I will never be the one to ignore her. As long as I am in her life, I will never let her go. 
Sir, you are probably wondering why I am telling you all this about your daughter. You probably already know everything I have said. Lucky you, to be able to know her from birth. What I would give to have met her earlier in my life so that I could be with her longer is an endless list. Unfortunately, I can’t have those years, but I can hopefully have forever. 
I am here today asking you for your blessing for your daughter’s hand in marriage. Mr. YLN, you daughter has often spoken of how much you mean to her. Whenever we have talked in the past about our future and marriage, she has never outright said that I need to get your blessing. However, I do know that this is what she wants. 
Please sir, I know that your daughter can do so much better than me. However, if I get forever with her, I will show her, you, and the world just how much I love her. There is not a day that goes by where I don’t think about what could happen if I never see her again. My life would be ruined. If she weren’t in my life, I’d be a mess. Anyone can tell you that.
I know that you probably would rather not have to think of this on your deathbed, but know, I will hold your daughter close and never let her go. There will never be a day where she doubts my love for her. It was always her. The light in my life, the glow in my smile, the shine in my eyes, the love in my voice. The source of it all was your daughter. It was always her. 
So, sir, I am asking, will you give me your blessing to marry your daughter?”
You watched on, listening to Jacob pour out his heart to your father who was fighting for his life and fighting to stay awake to listen to Jacob’s monologue. It made you cry. If people walked by and asked why you, you would have said because your father was dying. But it’s more. It’s the fact that the man that you love is confessing his love to your father. You and your father had this conversation a few weeks ago before his hospitalization, he told you that if Jacob wanted to marry you, Jacob would have your father’s blessing. If not here in person to give it to Jacob, your father would be in heaven smiling knowing his daughter was happy and in love. 
As you continued to look on at Jacob, you saw your father say something to Jacob. The weakness in your father’s voice was evident as you couldn’t hear from the doorway. You watched as the biggest smile broke out on Jacob’s and you dad’s face. You watched your father weakly shake Jacob’s hand. 
“Sir, thank you. I will love your daughter as much as you love her. I will be there to hold her, care for her, and love her. I hope to make her the happiest woman alive.”
You watched your father nod in response and fall in a slumber; you watched Jacob take a few steps back to allow him some restful sleep. You walked in and wrapped your arms around Jacob’s waist. He jumped, not knowing that you were watching him.
“You heard everything, didn’t you?” Jacob questions. You don’t say anything. When Jacob turns around and notices the tears in your eyes, he takes them as a yes. He leans down, gently wipes the tears off of your face, kisses your forehead gently, and wraps his arms around you in a warm embrace. 
You whisper into his chest an “I love you.” He begins to stroke your back and he replies with an even softer, “I love you. Forever and ever.”
. . . 
When your father died two weeks later, Jacob was there to hold you while you cried. There was nowhere else he’d rather be. He promised your father that he would hold you while you cried and make you feel better. He did just that.
Jacob didn’t know how long it would take for you to finally be yourself, even a fraction of  yourself. It didn’t matter. He would be by your side forever. He promised your father that exactly and he would do that exactly. 
. . .
Two years after your father died, you and Jacob were getting married. There was nothing in the world that made Jacob happier than knowing he could make you the happiest woman in the world. The only thing he would have was that your father could be there. 
During the reception, Jacob made a speech that brought everyone to tears. 
“Mr. YLN, I know that you aren’t here today. I want you to know I love your daughter. I love her more than anything in the world. I hope to make her the happiest woman in the world. I hope to make you proud and live to be the son in law you would have wanted.”
With Jacob’s speech, you were brought to tears. During the past two years of your grief, the only constant was the love of Jacob. There was never a day that went by where you doubted Jacob’s love. 
As Jacob walked over to you, he had an unreadable look in his eyes. 
“Are you ok, yn?”
“Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?”
“You’re crying.”
“You made a beautiful speech, Jacob, you gave me another reason to show just how much I love you.”
“I’m sorry. I promised your father that day to never make you cry.”
“Jacob, I’m not crying because of a bad thing. I’m crying because of the love you had in your voice. And because I miss my father. Jacob, it’s ok.”
He embraced you with the softest most loving hug.
“I love you, YN. Forever and ever.” 
“I love you, too, Jacob. Forever and ever and ever.”
Thanks for reading!!
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winterrose527 · 3 years
person a is afraid of flying, person b offers to hold their hand. for robbcella?
Oh my gosh sorry for the delay on writing this. It was so fun and obviously turned out far longer than expected as always.
Okay. It’ll be fine. It’ll totally, one hundred percent, be fine. There is nothing to be concerned about. You’re just going to put your things above the seat, in the overhead – ooh nope you’re not. Too heavy, too high –
“Do you need help with that?” a voice cut into her sad little slow motion panic attack.
“Oh, no, that’s alright,” she said, the way she always did when men offered the taxis they’d just hailed for themselves to her, “I’ve-I’ve got it.”
She went to lift her carry-on, but someone must have filled it with rocks because when she tried to lift it over her head it ended up hitting her in the face.
“You uh… sure about that?” the man asked. “Please.”
“Okay, thank you,” she agreed.
The suitcase was out of her hands in a moment and settled safely in the overhead bin.
When it was no longer in front of his face she saw that it was… quite a face. Piercing blue eyes framed by thick, long lashes. A strong nose, square jaw, perfect pouty lips.
She realized after a moment that she’d been staring at him, and her embarrassment was only slightly mitigated by the fact that he’d been staring at her too.
“Can you guys move?” an exasperated traveler asked behind them.
“Sorry!” she exclaimed.
The man gestured to the row of seats, “I’m the window, unless you’d prefer it.”
She shook her head, “No, no, aisle is better for me.”
He looked at her as though he’d heard the nerves in her voice but he nodded and went and sat in the window seat, putting his backpack underneath the seat in front of him but pulling out one of those books by an author that was always sold in airports and train stations. She settled in next to him, taking her bottle of water, headphones and cell phone, and her own weathered paperback out of her bag before pushing it under the seat in front of her.
She buckled immediately, taking a sip of water and then checked her phone. She had a text from Shireen.
Everything will be fine, I’ll see you soon!
She smiled and typed back: I think that’s supposed to be my line, you’re really failing at this whole bridezilla thing. See you soon, xo.
Myrcella put her phone on airplane mode and tried to open her book to distract herself. Instead she read the same sentence of the same paragraph six times without retaining any of it so she closed the book, drumming her fingers on it lightly.
She saw the man glancing at her and realized she was probably being annoying.
“Sorry,” she said, sitting on her hands so that she’d stop.
“That’s okay,” he shook his head, “I like that song.”
She smirked and nodded, taking another sip of water and then looking around. It looked like everyone had settled in and unfortunately it didn’t seem like there was anything wrong with the engine so they’d likely be taking off soon.
This was proven true when the captain started making his announcements and she heard the propellers start going.
She thought about the exercises her mother’s life guru Luwin had tried to teach her. Imagining herself as the pilot.
But I don’t know how to fly a plane!
She stopped that and just focused on her breathing and trying to think logically. Realistically, they were going to be fine. She understood that.
But while she could mind over matter practically anything else, this was the one exception.
“Afraid of flying?” someone broke into her thoughts.
It wasn’t the guy who’d sat next to her, but a kindly looking older woman across the aisle.
“A little,” she agreed.
“Do you want a diazepam?” the woman asked, holding up a little bottle and shaking it slightly.
She heard the guy sitting next to her cough, though it sounded more like he was disguising a laugh.
“No, thank you though, ma’am,” she said and then turned away.
“You know um, realistically the chances of our plane going down are-,” he started.
“Well my grandmother died in a plane crash, so,” she interrupted him.
She leaned her head against the headrest and closed her eyes, as she felt them starting to move down the runway. She gripped the armrests.
“Oh shit I’m so sorry,” he said, “Really?”
“No,” she grimaced, her breath coming less easily now, “That’s just what I always say to people when they pull out statistics. Apparently it’s my way of offsetting my own discomfort.”
“Or maybe it’s just your way of telling people to mind their own business,” he suggested.
She opened her eyes and found that he was looking at her in concern.
“I won’t pass out or throw up or anything,” she promised him.
He nodded, “That’s good, why don’t you drink some water?”
“You don’t have to help,” she told him, “You can just um… read that book and ignore the hyperventilating woman beside you. I’ll be okay when we’re in the air.”
He looked at her again and then turned to the book and then back to her, “The only problem with that is that I really don’t want to read this book.”
She couldn’t help but laugh, “Then why did you buy it?”
“I always buy one when I’m getting on a flight for more than an hour so I can pretend to read it and ignore the person sitting next to me,” he noted.
She nodded and then pointed out, “You shouldn’t have told me, now you can’t use that trick on me.”
He scratched his cheek, smirking down at the book, “Yeah well maybe I don’t want to.” She realized absently that he was hitting on her but that was sort of overshadowed by the fact that the plane was speeding up, “Look um, we’re about to take off here. Do you want to close your eyes or um… I could talk you through it or… I don’t know, I could at least hold your hand? Mine’s clean, I promise and um… well I had to help my sister in the delivery room so it’s really used to being squeezed.”
She looked at him, and her voice was small when she asked, “You did?”
He nodded, resting his hand on the arm rest, his palm facing upwards and open, and he glanced at it and then back at her, “Come on, I’ll tell you all about it.”
The plane was really speeding now so she slipped her hand into his. Which was large and warm without being clammy. She should have wiped her own on her pants, she realized but he didn’t seem to mind as he interlaced their fingers. She felt the wheels start to lift and her knuckles went white she was squeezing his hand so hard.
“Okay so my sister, Sansa is married to one of my best friends, Jon. They wanted children right away,” he shook his head, “Which we were all pretty surprised about. Anyway, Sansa is about eight months pregnant and they find out that Jon’s mentor – honestly more of a father figure than anything else – who lives up on Bear Island – is sick. Like really sick. He’s telling Jon not to go, that he’ll be fine, and Jon doesn’t want to leave Sansa, but Sansa being Sansa convinces him that he has to because you know, it’s his Dad basically, right?”
“Right,” she nodded, because it seemed like he wanted to make sure she was still with him.
“So anyway,” he went on, “I’m at the office in a meeting late one night and I get a call from Sansa, telling me that she thinks her water broke. I’ve got like, twenty junior employees looking at me as I have a full blown meltdown -,” she hadn’t realized that she’d giggled until he stopped and grinned at her, “It wasn’t pretty. But I’m running out of there like a bat out of hell and calling Jon on my way to go get her. At this point, Mormont’s really bad, but he and Jon have said the things they needed to say and made their peace with it, but of course there is a huge storm.”
“Every good story needs a huge storm,” she noted.
He grinned at her, “I agree. And this one was a doozy. So it became pretty clear that Jon was not going to make it home, and of course he is freaking out because it’s only been a little over eight months and you know um, you don’t know him but this is not the sort of guy that like… handles not being able to be there for Sansa well? Like if he could have given birth he a hundred percent would have and I know that’s easy to say since like… he can’t but he seriously would have. The man loses his mind when she’s got a slight fever. So you can imagine that he was just… anyway. I go get Sansa and take her to the hospital. And it’s early so you know there’s um, a lot of attention on her and everything. But she’s just… calm. I’ve never seen anything like it. She’s just calm. She’s listening to the doctors and she’s telling Jon that everything’s going to be fine and then for a minute it’s just us in the delivery room,” he shook his head and it almost seemed like his eyes were smarting and she squeezed his hand. He looked down at it for a second and then squeezed it back and went on, “And she looked at me and she said, Robby, it’s time to call in my big favor. And I realized then how scared she really was and after that it sort of um… became easy? I guess, to be calm. Because she needed me to be so… anyway, she squeezed the shit out of my hand for five hours and then my nephew was born.”
“Happy and heathy?” she wondered.
He smiled, “Happy and healthy and howling… do you want to hear the weird bit?”
“Has anyone ever said no to that question?” she wondered.
His eyes smiled though he didn’t and he said, “We called Jon to give him the good news, and after the appropriate celebrating, he gave us the bad news. Mormont had died minutes – we later found out a minute – before the baby was born,” she felt a shiver run down her spine and he squeezed her hand, “I know. So, when it came time to name him, Joer was the only option, really.”
“Wow,” she agreed, “That is quite a story.”
He smiled at her and rubbed her knuckles with his thumb, “How are you doing?”
She looked around and realized that they were in the air securely. The fasten seatbelt sign was even turned off.
“Oh I’m sorry!” she went to pull her hand back.
“Don’t be, you’re far gentler than Sansa,” he told her and she bit her lip to hide her smile, “And I’ll let go if you promise to grab it if you need to.”
Now that they weren’t barreling down the runway, she was able to notice just how blue his eyes were.
“Promise,” she said.
He didn’t let her hand go right away, and she didn’t let go of his so quickly either. Their fingers relaxed against one another’s, and she dragged her hand ever so slightly against his. He shivered and she looked at him.
“You alright?” she wondered.
“Fine,” he nodded, looking down at their hands briefly, “And I’m Robb, by the way.”
“Myrcella,” she introduced herself, “Thank you, I know I said you didn’t need to help, but you really did.”
“My pleasure,” he told her.
“Are you sure you don’t want to pretend to read that book?” she asked, “I won’t be offended.”
He looked at her and then at the book and then placed it in the pocket in front of him.
“So what brings you to Dragonstone, Myrcella?” he asked.
“Wedding, my cousin’s,” she told him. “How about you?”
“Engagement party,” he answered, a slight shake of his head. “Sansa and Jon and baby Joer will be there, too.”
“That’s exciting,” she smiled, “I can’t wait to be an Aunt. Not sure how good of a mother I’d be, but I feel like I could really excel at the whole Auntie thing.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked her, “Are you going to be the fun aunt –“
“Obviously,” she interrupted.
He chuckled, and nodded, “Obviously.”
And so it went. They talked about the different things they wanted to do with their respective (mostly hypothetical) nieces and nephews. How long they’d each lived in the Riverlands (since university, for him, two years, for her). She told him about the beach he had to get to while on Dragonstone, where he could eat the best lobster roll of his whole life.
When it came time for their descent, neither of them said a thing about it, but his hand took hold of hers and they kept talking.
“Look, um, Myrcella,” he started, “Don’t feel any pressure or anything, I mean, this could just be the most enjoyable flight of my life and leave it at that but I’d regret not asking so… is there any chance I could take you out when we both get back?”
She’d been hoping he’d ask, but she shook her head, “No… but I’d love to take you out as a thank you for getting me through it.”
He narrowed his eyes at her and laughed, “That was meaner than the dead grandmother thing.”
She grinned, “I’m sorry,” and then pulled out her phone and handed it to him.
He put in his number and now that she could take her phone off of airplane mode she texted him so that he had hers. It was unlike her, usually she’d play harder to get.
Then again, usually she was less interested in being caught.
She was still thinking about him as she straightened the hem of Shireen’s gown.
When she stood up, all thoughts escaped her apart from one.
“You are the most beautiful bride this world has ever seen,” she told her.
“By a very wide margin,” Gendry agreed at her side. “And the most mischievous. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
Shireen giggled, “We wanted it to be a surprise.”
“You told her,” Gendry reminded her.
“Well duh, she’s my maid of honor,” Shireen said, looking at her with tears in her eyes and holding out her hand, “And the closest thing to a sister I’ll ever have.”
“Don’t,” Myrcella pleaded, squeezing her hand, “Your make up is perfect.”
Shireen laughed, though in truth she cared little for her make up. She really was the worst bridezilla ever. Low maintenance was the only way to describe her.
She hadn’t wanted the hoopla that went with planning a big wedding, so instead had invited everyone for an engagement party which in a few minutes they’d all learn was actually the wedding.
Shireen looked up at Gendry, “You’ll give me away, right?”
Gendry glanced at her before nodding at Shireen, “Of course I will.”
Neither of them said what they wanted to. That her Dad should have been there. Even if it was a surprise wedding, even if he didn’t know, he should have been at her engagement party.
“Perfect,” Shireen said, looking in the mirror and fixing her veil, “Alright, I’m ready. Myrcella you can head out as soon as you start hearing the music, and then we’ll follow. Ooh and remind me afterwards that I wanted to introduce you to Theon’s best man.”
Myrcella laughed and kissed her cousin on the cheek, “Why don’t you focus on getting yourself married and then you can work on me getting married.”
Besides, what are the chances that his best man will be a better one than Robb?
Shireen agreed and Myrcella grabbed the bouquet of wildflowers that she never would think to use for her own wedding but which were beautiful and perfect for the laidback, seaside wedding this was.
The music started, a single violinist playing an instrumental version of the old school hip hop song that Shireen had declared was her and Theon’s song, as it was playing on the radio in the car right after their first big fight.
Someone else had told the guests a few minutes earlier that they were actually here for a wedding, so they were standing on either side of an aisle, though it was clear there was no rhyme or reason to it, no bride’s side or groom’s side, exactly as it should be.
She walked down the short aisle and smiled at Theon as she settled across from him. Out of curiosity she glanced behind him at his best man, who was grinning at her from ear to ear.
Because of course it was him.
She’d almost asked, the name of the person whose engagement party it was, but there’d been so many other things to talk about and it had slipped her mind.
Only Shireen walking down the aisle could have torn her gaze from Robb’s blue eyes and she fought tears as she saw the way Theon’s heart seemed to stop when he saw her.
Their vows were simple, and sweet, and funny, and fifteen minutes later, Shireen Greyjoy walked back down the aisle on the arm of her husband.
Robb should have offered her his arm, but instead he held out his hand which she took readily, their fingers interlacing as though well practiced in it.
“I thought you were here for an engagement party,” she teased.
He chuckled, “If I wasn’t so happy to see you, I’d be pissed that clearly you made the cut for knowing it was actually a wedding and I didn’t.”
She smiled, “If it helps, Shireen is dying to set us up.”
“Yeah, Theon assured me that there was no way the chick I met on the plane was hotter than you,” he grinned. Then his eyes wandered over her, “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thank you,” she looked up into his blue eyes, made brighter by his navy blue suit, “So do you.”
And it was clear then, as clearer than anything ever had been though it made little sense at all, that one day this would be a part of the family lore, just like him holding his sister’s hand in the delivery room. Over the years they’d perfect it, this story, that they’d have to tell over and over again that night, interlacing parts of it as seamlessly as their fingers.
When he pulled her out onto the dance floor and into his arms, it seemed like he knew it too.
“So I know I said I wanted to take you out when we were back home,” he noted, “But I’ve heard there’s a pretty good lobster roll around here… It’s not the most glamorous first date or anything but…”
She laughed, “Well then this can be our first date. A lobster roll feels like a perfect second one. When do you fly back?”
“Sunday night, the seven o’clock flight,” he told her.
She smiled, “Me too. So that can be our third date.”
“Our third date on an airplane, hmm,” he mused in a voice that sent a shiver down her spine.
She wondered if he was thinking what she was. All those expectations that came with a third date.
Though in truth given that they were at a wedding where the alcohol was flowing freely and he was looking at her like that while he was looking like that, she doubted she’d be following the three date rule.
Even still, the mile-high club lingered in the air between them.
“Well,” she looked up at him, “You’ll have to find some way to distract me. I’m terribly afraid of flying, you know.”
He grinned, and pulled her closer to him, his lips against her ear, “Oh it’d be my pleasure to help.”
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