#excited you're liking it so much :DDD
keeps-ache · 9 months
got described as looking like a 'canadian lumberjack physicist' by my brother so. does anybody need an artist
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"Smokin'" is the sequel to "He's a ten"
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noroi1000 · 1 year
I win No Nut November. What now? Destroy Dick December!
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paring: Gojo x fem.reader
Summary: Your husband has one last day left to win his NNN challenge.  But what he doesn't know is that after NNN, he gets the DDD challenge.  However, once he found out about it, you especially know it's going to be Destroy Your Pussy December. Because he has already started acting wild.
Warnings: NSFW( DDD and NNN, smut, raw sex, creampie, rough sex)
Words: 3,4k
©Photo from Gojo x female. fancomic, on Pixiv.net©
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"Are you still trying?" You asked as you saw your husband look away as you got dressed after the night.
Especially when you were wearing underwear.
"You know I'd love to watch, or forbid you to get dressed... But this year I'll make it!"
"I hate November for this." You giggled as you put on your pants.
"I have two days left... I have to make it this year."
"You last failed two days ago."
"I'll make it this year! I just can't get excited..."
"We'll see if you make it."
You left the room giving him one last kiss on the cheek.
You didn't like NNN.
He has never succeeded.
He knew what NNN meant. But he doesn't know that after NNN he has to accept the DDD challenge.
Even though he might like it at first, you know he won't last. Especially at the end of the month.
You are afraid that he will ask you for help.
Or rather... He won't ask, he'll take you to help him.
Have you read about what to do when you win No Nut November... DDD scares you...
Because your poor pussy will probably suffer the most.
You wanted to give your husband the satisfaction that finally, after several years of trying, he succeeded.
But you were also afraid of what might happen to you later... All day in bed...
Last year he failed because he saw you naked in the shower and couldn't get out.
He spent the evening releasing everything he hadn't released in a month.
And then he tormented your body all night.
But later he was sad that he failed to overcome the challenge.
So this year he definitely wanted to succeed.
And when you heard his motivation, you knew he was going to try.
You didn't like the fact that he turned his back on you so he wouldn't start undressing you, but you understand that he would like to have the satisfaction that he managed to overcome such a difficult challenge.
However, this challenge is so difficult that he often gets nervous.
He was always relaxed and satisfied. But a whole month without sex? He was nervous and often annoyed. Impatient, and he really couldn't find his place. He couldn't sit still in one place.
Because many things annoyed him.
And all that his balls were full of unused sperm he couldn't pour inside or on you.
Something he loved to do...
He couldn't even masturbate. Because even one small orgasm would have ruined his job since the beginning of the month.
So he was oversensitive and sexually frustrated.
His body craved sex. He wanted to strip you down and fuck you raw anywhere.
But he couldn't because he was the strongest. If he could do anything, he could do that too.
He is the strongest. And the strongest can survive No Nut November!
Even if the longer he was at this challenge, the more he disliked it.
But, to show his power, he had to...
His self-control had to show that he could.
That's why your house was banned from doing anything sexy for the whole month of November. Especially for you.
You were not allowed to undress. Wearing his clothes, wearing clothes that reveal too much. Any of your clothes might have turned him on somehow! And if you went without clothes, it would be even more difficult for him!
You bathed separately, changed behind different doors. Him too. You couldn't watch any movies with sex scenes. So you've been watching children's movies...
Even hugging and kissing was a problem sometimes...
Because someone so kinky, with such a huge sex drive, couldn't help but think about how soft your breasts are... How smaller you are than Him...
That you're touching him and your hands could be somewhere else...
That's why he took missions during November. Because fighting a curse he won't get excited... Because curses are disgusting...
But there were times when he had dirty thoughts about you. wet dreams...
It was so good... For his body. To soothe what was going on between his legs..
It was unpleasant, but he wanted to show that he could do it.
Someone who would like to fuck you several times a day...
He wanted to endure these last days without complaining...
But he felt sore and irritable.
He was nervous and screaming.
Once you told him that you were fed up with him behaving like this and you deliberately started to undress in front of him and take off his pants.
He pulled you away and went quickly, pouring ice water all over him.
That was two days ago...
It will be over soon...
Just a little more...
Since you don't like not having sex for a month either...
You're also annoyed that your husband who was always the first to get at you now suddenly didn't want to because he wanted to survive a stupid challenge!
Lucky you had toys to help you function.
What happens to Gojo Satoru who is sexless is scary...
You never knew him when he turned his head as you changed.
You've never seen him without making some sex jokes or talking about how he'd fuck you.
It wasn't your real husband.
That's why you hated November!
You don't know what you'll prefer, November or December when he finally manages to win. Because you can't handle that much sex a day!
How can you endure so much?
He may, but you can't!
You're not sure if No Nut November is very healthy because keeping it all inside is not that healthy. But that's probably worse than the daily sex he'll have to have all December.
You made him coffee while you were in the kitchen.
You saw him come out of your room in just his panties, adjusting the soft bulge behind the material with his hand.
He must be uncomfortable...
He is a walking bomb...
You don't know when he'll suddenly show up.
You gave him a cup of coffee, standing on tiptoe to kiss his jaw. And you went to finish your breakfast.
His eyes were tired. He looked like a zombie. So sleepy and tired.
He sat down in a chair next to the kitchen island and started drinking from a cup so he could function normally from the morning.
You have to give him sugar for breakfast so he has the energy to go to work and back.
You hope he doesn't die of exhaustion and lack of sleep. You don't want to find him dead on the ground with his finger pointing at the "I want sex" carved into the sand.
He didn't sleep long at night, afraid he'd have wet dreams and wake up cumming in his pants.
And even an unconscious orgasm means losing.
So you hoped he wouldn't collapse from exhaustion and lack of sex.
Because you had good news for Him.
But you weren't sure if he'd like it or not.
While you were making him waffles with chocolate, whipped cream, jam and fruit, you looked at him.
Seeing his tired eyes as he drank his coffee like a zombie.
The caffeine should kick in soon.
"Satoru. I have something to tell you." you said with a small smile.
You're in much better shape than he is.
Because you haven't had a challenge for thirty days.
"What is it, baby...?" He asked, closing his eyes with a sigh. "If you're going to chastise me for this challenge again, don't do it... It's also giving me a hard time... I've had enough of this..."
"You can do it." You said with a smile.
"Do you really think so? You always said I should give it a rest." He suddenly woke up and looked at you with his normal eyes.
You gave him energy.
"Do you really think I can last two days?"
"You won't last two days."
"Ouch... It hurt baby..." He faked heartache. "So you don't believe in me after all..."
"That's not the point. It's just November 30 today." You pointed to a calendar on the wall.
He stared at it in disbelief.
"Wait... Today is the 30th not the 29th?" He asked, staring at the calendar for much longer.
"Today is the 30th of November. This is the end. Unless you have something planned to do today."
He stopped you, extending his hand towards you.
"Don't talk about details! I will not lose! Today is the last day!"
"You can do it. At least I think so. Because what comes after No Nut November you might like. Even though it's a little scary to me..."
"Is there anything after that?"
"Second challenge. I was curious about the rules and found this. But you should see for yourself what happens when you win this."
You handed him your phone with a website that said "NNN and then DDD! Only for the persistent! If you pass the NNN challenge, DDD is waiting for you! Destroy Dick December!”
"Destroy Dick December?" he asked, looking at the article.
"Read it. Either you'll want to finish NNN and move on to DDD or you'll give up and we'll have normal sex as always." You stood by the counter, studying his face as he scrolled through your phone.
He started reading about what it was about.
"Sex for 31 days in December?!" he asked almost screaming.
"Yes. Sex for 31 days in December. But during that day you have that number of intercourses depending on the number of the day. December 1 - sex once. December 10 - ten times. December 31 - thirty-one times." You said with a serious face.
You looked at him.
Sparks in his eyes.
Playful sparkles.
Pervert sparks...
Someone who will only think about sex...
You're regret that you told him...
"Can I fuck you thirty-one times in one day?!" He asked with a smile.
Eyebrows raised.
"Don't get so excited because you'll still lose. Basically that would be better because I don't want to spend the whole of December in bed having sex." You crossed your arms over your chest.
"Did someone just say something about the bed? I'm the one who's supposed to come 31 times on December 31st. And you give me your pussy so I have somewhere to cum and something to help me. Baby~." He stuck out his tongue with a toothy grin.
"You have to cum so many times... and I'm going to cum twice with you!” You screamed blushing.
"I know you like it when I make you squirt."
You widened your eyes with a red face.
How can he say it so calmly?
He avoided the topic of sex for a whole month only to say something like that on his last day?
His brain has become corrupted by the excess semen his body has produced!
"I'm not having a pant party, baby. I'll wait until midnight." He gave you a very dark, sex-only smile. "I can last several more hours. So that I can fuck my sweet wife a total of 496 times throughout December."
You could see your spirit fly out of your head as you die inside.
Have sex with him nearly 500 times?
He must have a calculator in his brain!
Ah... Oh yeah... When it comes to sex, he can count anything...
Same with sweets...
Sweetness Calculator and Sex Calculator...
Maybe instead of your ghost, the ghost of your poor pussy that will be abused by it so many times would be flying here...
You can now place the tombstone.
R.I.P - your poor pussy
Cause of death: Taking a big dick 496 times in one month.
"Aww~ are you ashamed?"
You looked at his smile.
Now he won't let go.
You unconsciously clenched your thighs at the sight of his smile.
Is it fear or excitement...?
"Don't be shy yet. Wait till midnight where I'll make use of that tight pussy that hasn't had my cock in it for a month. You don't know how happy I am to be able to go there again ~."
"You know honey... After midnight it will be December 1st. And I can start my second challenge right away!"
His face scared you a bit...
A creepy smile that only showed that he was going to destroy you all December.
You turned your back to him to hide your red face and wide eyes.
Your hands are shaking.
Is it excitement or fear?
You started to finish making breakfast, and as you handed it to him on the counter in front of him, you quickly ran to the bathroom to get rid of the sexual pressure he was causing.
"Honey, how about a kiss for me?!" He shouted after you.
As you closed the door, you heard his dark chuckle.
You signed your death certificate...
"baby~. Do you know what time it is?~"
You hid under the covers in your bed.
You were filled with this dangerous excitement... He was so dark...
Satoru without sex for a month is someone to be feared...
You can't believe how calm he was at work.
You heard the sex-hungry monster walking the halls to the rooms looking for you.
His footsteps echoed in your ears as the bedroom door was half open. And you were in your pajamas under the covers.
You did it for fun. But also because you had a little fear.
You keep imagining him walking around the house in the dark, his eyes lit up as he's just looking for your pussy to fuck you.
This is how you'll spend your time...
Imagining your husband walking around the house like in a horror movie...
Why is his giggle so dark even though you know he wants to have fun?!
But his trademark laugh was so dark today!
At least that's what you thought...
A shiver ran down your spine as you heard him closer.
You were a little afraid of the moment when he would come here.
But you wanted to call him here as well.
You could even imagine a scene from a horror movie where he levitates outside the door, grinning darkly in your direction as he flies over to the side.
That would be older and funny.
But let's be honest... The NNN Challenge changed his behavior.
So all you can do to get that same husband back is let him fuck you mercilessly...
His footsteps and calls ceased. And you wonder what now. It was still fun...
Having fun with him...
And that made your pussy die...
He said an hour ago that he wants to penetrate your little tight pussy so much and stretch you so much that you can hold all of him.
So he can squeeze every inch into you. That there was no room for more. So that your pussy is filled to the brim.
It got you so excited...
Lying here in bed you started to get wet as you imagined what he would do to your body.
You gently pulled the covers off your face and saw that he wasn't next to you.
You also don't feel the weight next to you or above you.
You pulled the quilt back.
You were afraid of one thing...
There was nothing near or at the entrance.
The lights in the hallway were off.
And that made you feel so excited...
So much time without sex with him worked on you too.
You pushed the covers away from your face, and you shivered as you saw the blue glowing eyes above yours.
He levitated over your body with the same smile.
"Hello baby~!" He groaned smiling.
He tore the covers off your body, placing his feet between your knees to spread your legs apart.
"Time for my Destroy Dick December!"
He grabbed your pajamas, tearing the material.
"How about we start an IFMWP?"
You thought about what he said for a moment.
This is supposed to be his next wild idea?!
"I Fuck My Wife's Pussy!"
Your body was bent in half as he kissed your calf.
Your bodies were drenched in your sweat.
His hips were hitting yours so hard as he refused to slow down.
You've been spending the new month like this.
When your husband shoved his dick into your pussy after a month off.
He was firm in his rhythm and also made a little louder sounds.
You know it was because of his break in sex.
You dug your nails into his arms as you felt him press his body against yours, digging hard into your insides. Before he started moving again, watching your body rebound as he slammed into you.
Just the sight of your pussy expanding around him could make him come.
You weren't sure if it was Destroy dick December or Destroy pussy December. Because honestly, he's going to abuse your pussy.
The way your body is always forced to take it is scary. Because he's big and your walls greet him with crampedness.
He likes to see he can put it inside you and watch his heavy shaft go deeper and deeper into you. Until at the end, your tight pussy swallows him whole, letting him feel your stretched walls that surround him.
He was more sensitive after this month.
Therefore, there was only one possibility that would happen.
He'll come faster than ever.
But what happens after that will be something else.
Then comes the next day of December... And you'll be lying impaled on his cock as he smiles. His cock will make you moan in a mess with every move.
All because he wanted to take one challenge followed by another.
His fingers found your clit so suddenly that your back arched.
His hips pressed against yours as he kept the tip pressed against the center of the deepest part of you.
And he started fingering your clit.
Your whole pussy will cry after this month with him...
"Such a tight pussy... Fuck... I want to cum..." he moaned, closing one eye.
He grabbed your pink lump between two fingers and started moving his hips again. The other hand reached for your nipple, pinching the sensitive skin.
His moaning lips pressed against yours. And your moans poured into each other's mouths.
Yours were louder. Because its tip smacks your walls as if it's only aiming at those points. And you feel how sloppy his thrusts are.
He has not lost experience in tormenting your body. However, after such a break, it is more difficult for him to maintain his composure. Because his hips push themselves into you so his cock can be wrapped in your warmth.
He kissed your lips, catching your lip with his teeth as he growled as your pussy tightened on him, drenching his skin with your orgasm.
Sparks ran through his belly, making him shiver.
And without a moment's pause he exploded, letting his balls empty inside you.
Been waiting for this for so long...
He rocked his hips slightly back and forth until he suddenly slipped out.
And hitting your clitoris, he released smaller waves of cum on your skin, dousing you with thick liquid. The aftershocks continued in his body, and he kept pouring out onto your stomach.
As he reached for his shaft, he stroked himself to finish. But then it gushed onto your breasts.
You looked at the amount that was poured on you.
You had a similar amount.
"I've been waiting for this for so long... You don't know how hard I tried to stop myself from filling you with my cum earlier." He laughed breathlessly, and lay down on top of you.
His belly pressed against yours.
You felt his warm fluids move between your bodies.
You winced at the realization that you were both covered with his sperm now.
"If you're worried about not having sex like this, you don't have to. We still have plenty of time to do all of this." He whispered in your ear.
He started DDD...
Tomorrow twice...
On his birthday seven times...
On the last day of December, thirty-one times...
You'll fuck until your orgasms are dry.
And you'll both cry out of vulnerability. Mostly you when he wants to beat his challenge.
And you have to help him with that. Because he accepted that you would help him with his challenge not to fuck his hand.
"Ahh... I'm so looking forward to the next day when I can fuck that pussy twice. I love having sex with my lovely wife. Especially when I can destroy that tight pussy during Destroy Dick December."
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Taglist: @weebotaku21 ; @yihona-san06 @mikkies ; @raysheil ; @dreeamiea ; @safaia-47; @porridgesblog; @kawaiivillainess98; @chilichopsticks; @allofffmypeaches; @emmaiooo; @shoutobrainrot; @skyl3rxo; @weebnk-popper
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
Reaction to mc saying she's pregnant? Like they had NO idea. It's their child, maybe she hide it with magic or something and they generally couldn't tell, if that is okay! It's okay if not,
I just think it's a cute conecpt, like just pretend barbs doesn't look into the future,
Again it's okay is not! No pressure,
Wolf !
Hi, wolf! Of course it's okay! I hope you like it
they find out mc is pregnant after hiding it
-> brothers and side characters x mc (no luke)
mc's gender is not mentioned, but is pregnant, not proof read (somebody lmk if the tag is wrong)
content warnings: pregnancy, mild angst
he's a little offended (??) hurt (??) that you hid it from him, were you afraid of his reaction or was he scary?
regardless, lucifer loves both you and the child to death from the moment he finds out they exist
he's going to take great care of you (though he might come off as a little overprotective)
if you are standing up for a minute too long he will let you sit down
oh no, you were play fighting just yesterday, did he accidentally hurt you or the baby?
when those worries ebb away, mammon is so happy he's telling everyone at rad about it
yes he's sad you hid it for a long time but the happiness is way stronger than the hurt
'mc I'm gonna go to the mall to get baby's first gold bar' 'mammon the baby isn't even born yet-'
of course you hid it for a long time, imagine you're the child and you find out your dad is a gross otaku
you're gonna have to calm him down
it takes levi a while to warm up to the idea, but when he does he's really excited for his baby
he's going to want to read tsl to your stomach as a bedtime story (if the baby is a boy he wants to name him henry too)
satan is kind of in denial, if you were pregnant he would have known right? why didn't you say something?
he's never thought about being a father, he needs a moment to let it sink and do research on babies
but he warms up to the idea eventually, and he'll be the softest you've ever seen
satan got little children's books and those cute music boxes for when the baby comes
out of everyone, asmo would me the most upset you tried to hide it
but he loves you and the baby so he forgives you soon
asmo might not know how to be a father at first, but he's willing to learn and raise the baby with you
plus he's going to want one of those maternity photoshoots, but if you don't it's okay
yes he's not happy you kept it from him but baby :))
beel would do anything to make you and them happy
he's really worried you're going to get hurt though, if you're cooking together beel does not let you pick up a spatula or get close to the stove
also beel loves to hug your stomach, it's basically what he does every night now
he's not happy about it at first because he honestly did not want a child
but seeing you pregnant, realising you'd make a great parent, it changed his mind
belphie gets the best pillows and blankets so you can be comfortable while sleeping
if the baby is keeping you awake belphie will try to calm them down
he understands why you hid it from him, imagine getting pregnant with the demon prince's child- oh no are you scared?
it doesn't matter whether you are actually scared or not, diavolo will take his time to show you all is well, he's really happy to welcome his child
he took a picture of you and your cute baby bump, made it his ddd wallpaper and stares at it when he doesn't want to work
it took him by surprise, but barbatos can adapt quickly
he's really happy to be having a baby with you, he's ready to give you anything you need to make the pregnancy easier
do you want tea, a massage or something else? barbatos has got you
he can't wait to meet his baby, he doesn't want to use his powers and spoil it for himself
...so that's why you could eat solomon's soup last week without getting sick
he forgives you for hiding it, surely you had a good reason
simeon loves the baby so much he sings lullabies he used to sing to luke for them already, this man's face physically softens every time he sees the baby bump
but really, maybe you should stay away from food that randomly appears in the fridge that simeon didn't make
he's a little upset but that's okay, in all his years he's never felt this happy
he can't wait to hold his little baby for the first time
being a human too, solomon knows plenty of stuff about human pregnancy so that's great
'simeon why are you stopping me I'm just going to offer mc a sandwich I made'
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
22 asks!! :DD 💖💀🎉💖
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There's so much sadness! So much angst! AND JEVIL COMFORTING FRISK BY MAKING HER LAUGH?? PERFECT!!!
Now I may be not able to apply this idea word for word.. but I LOVE so much about it! Would you mind if I yoinked some of this? Its great!! :DD
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:DD Happy new year!🎉🥳🎉 And thank YOU for sending me a kind message! I endlessly appreciate it 💖💖
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:00 Really? Thank you!! :DD I was actually pretty unsure of that detail for Jevil.. Making him round and squishy kind'a made him look too young to me.. but I'm so glad you like it! Maybe his squishiness isn't so bad! :D
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:DDD Happy new year!! 💖🎉🥳🎉💖
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XD Its been a while since I watched the movie. But I think my reaction was something along the lines of:
"..oh?.... OH..?.... OH YOOOOO---" *excited for angst noises XDD*
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Thank you!! :DD As for his knuckle scars, there isn't really one specific way he got them. It just shows that he's rough and tough. He's been through a lot and has been on many dangerous missions.
You know, scraping his hands on rocks, dealing with sharp teethed and dangerous creatures every day.. Your hands would naturally get beat up a lot of you lived like Kwazii.
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Aww! How fun! I'm sure Foxy wouldn't mind the company! :}
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Foxy: "Oh? Are you a new animatronic?"
Calico Jack: "BIG TALKIN ROBOT-"
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Now usually I would say Calico Jack. And its probably still true.. but considering how I'm trying to structure my Octonauts AU.. Inkling might actually be the one who's studied up more on folk tales and mythologies.. 👀
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@rockbott0m47 (huh.. in all my days I don't think I've ever received a question like this XDD)
I try to be as factual as possible.. but in all honesty, my factual stops where the lazy begins-
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XDD You're welcome?? Ah- Sorry for your loss?? XD I'm not sure how you feel about this realization but none the less thank you! I'm so glad you've liked my artwork! :DD
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:DD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so glad you like my deign!! :}}💖
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(Post in question)
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Yes exactly! Shellington's "VEGGIE DAD" shirt, Kwazii's bent whiskers and scars.. AND YES YES! THE CAPTAIN IN FULL UNIFORM!! I was thinking that he is an early riser and was up before everyone else was. He's not intending to eat later- he's just already had breakfast! :0
AND YES!! The meals were all correct but one <XD google says that sea otters eat crab. So I googled "crab meat meal" and drew one of the things that came up. It might be a salad thing..? Or a crab pasta thingy.?? Not sure <XDD But MAN the potatoes would have been a good idea too-
One detail that I was fond of was the steam coming from everyone's cups. Though Peso and Barnacles have no steam, because they're drinking cold drinks! You get it?? Becuase they are cold creatures?? Don't like warm things??? I'm so smart 🤣
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YOOOO THIS IS A REALLY SOLID IDEA!! She could have the guilt of having killed everyone, while also trying to give everyone their happy ending.. Cool! Would you mind if I used this idea? Or at least part of it? Its really neat! :00
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like that design detail of his XDD
Also thank you again! Happy new year!! 🎉🥳🎉
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XD My first thought was Glamrock Freddy; "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HIDE YOU NOW GREGORY??"
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I do! I'll have to draw them sometime-
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Thank you! I'm so glad! :DDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the designs I've given them! :}}}
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etrevil · 3 months
hey!! I absolutely love the vibes of your blog! I’m getting into bungo stray dogs (or trying to :’) ) and since you seemingly write fics for it, do you have more recs?? I don’t really know what the main pairings are but I like to use fics as a way to see if I’ll like the fandom and pairs!! Thank you!!
you're making me crack my knuckles because DAMN AM I NOW EXCITED :DDD
terms used: bsd (bungou stray dogs), hp (harry potter), mha (my hero academia), soukoku (chuuya/dazai), shin soukoku (atsushi/akutagawa), chuuda (where chuuya tops), fyozai (dazai/fyodor), fyolai (fyodor/nikolai)
First and foremost is the widely beloved I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio by ElectricSplatter, which is just a rollercoaster of emotions that grip you by the throat. Do note that the chapters are hella long, but enjoyable. The relationships are fleshed out beautifully.
Magic and Mystery by Allegory_for_Hatred is also a good start because it's a bsd and hp crossover that's just, amazing. Had me up at 3am until I physically could not read. There's an ongoing sequel too!
wtf, since when are you married? by xxalwayssofia is a short, quick laugh that, for me, had one of the best characterization for soukoku. Sofia's stories in general (check her account!) have got the character's personality traits down with little creative liberties.
Ne Chuuya, won't you marry me? is another one by xxalwayssofia, and I die of laughter because of this on a daily basis.
Now, I may be mean for suggesting this, but this fic is a diamond found within a gold mine that will eventually end you up in jail because some rich dude probably owned it first. In summary, it hurts. Like a gunshot wound (wink wink to the readers). And that is Ruiner by gev_ao3 (rated the E-est of E's)! The long-awaited consequence chapter is already out for this one, so when you binge read it the ending will hopefully be satisfying. Just be aware this is incredibly graphic, psychological, and angst-filled to the brim.
I read If the Far Side Saw You by birbleh a considerable time ago, but it both pinches and caresses my heart all the same. I haven't anything else to say other than give it a chance.
Ice Queen by TheHighQueen is a great ongoing Dazai genderbend fic, that follows canon with interesting diverging road stops.
This Color Ain't It by justcallmedude has Kenji, our lovable super strength-powered farmer, as a main character! Crossover between bsd and mha with a dash of angst thrown here and there.
For a shin soukoku pairing fic, I'd suggest Fair Ankles by spirallings (rated E) and love knows no boundaries by dangodangomilk; fun, interesting stories that aren't that long, the latter's a oneshot and the former's ugh, just around 100k words :>
One of the first bsd fics I've read, which is with a fyozai pairing, is Letters from the Underground by ktaem! The writing style has its own refined edge, with the exploration of a what-if scenario that had me by hook, line, and sinker. This fic is still in my tab group because I always keep rereading it!
Now if we're entering the explicit territory, I will forever recommend my favorite series (pairing is chuuda btw) Ineffable Partners by Ch_ee_rios. The eighth installment is currently updating, and I promise, you will cry- or at least feel a significant gut punch.
Head Full of Lies by AbsoluteNegation, as my friend one said, is where the good shit's at. The premise had me instantly curious and soukoku's dynamic is wonderful, messy, and DAMN I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH.
Mors Vincit Omnia by themadtree, an soukoku and fyolai fic that will have you bending over and dying of laughter and pain. The author's other works (akai!) are also very good.
The series all that is left by alaruya is a personal favorite of mine. The writing style is unique, with choppy sentences and tear-jerker lines. Was the first story that ever had me thinking, "god I need to bookmark this," and I did.
Bottom of The Deep Blue Sea by arkastadt is a filthy, guilty pleasure. (can you tell I'm an avid bottomzai reader?)
And that's it... I think? I'm also willing to suggest Leafing Through The Pages, I Found You by YunaYamiMouto, but letting you know it's an ongoing reaction fic of the bsd cast to Dazai's life (with the author's own creative choices and headcanons), so there will be a lot, and I mean a HECK TON of spoilers. Which, to be fair, the other fics do have in sprinkles, but this tackles novel events that maybe you'd wish to read at your own pace :D
also shameless plug I have my own fic, the heat of your orange, and I know there's only one chapter but I'm trying my best to update soon
Happy reading!
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da-shrimping-station · 2 months
Intrusive Thoughts
tw: blood, mentions and thoughts of violence and gore
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Hyperfixating on wings isn't a bad thing, Aren thought.
Humans don't have them and one can only imagine how it feels like to have a pair. They know Lucifer knows that they have a certain interest in them. It's rude to stare, yes. But Aren thinks it's even more rude to just touch without permission. And it's not like they'd get permission to anyway.
So they stuck to staring and observing, eyes filled with curiosity. Just like right now. They sat on the sofa, fiddling with the keychain on their DDD. 
Lucifer and Simeon were talking, discussing something that flew over Aren's head because Lucifer was in his demon form, wings out and moving minutely in tandem with his other habits. It ruffled when he sighed, twitched when he seemed annoyed, and it drew close to his body when he was in deep thought. The pitch black feathers had a glossy sheen to it, probably some sort of waterproofing like the birds in the human realm but Aren could never be sure. It reflected the light from the fire quite nicely.
There's been a nagging thought that had bothered them from the very start. Other ideas started piling up on it too. Today must've been the day Aren couldn't keep it to themself anymore.
"Hey, Lucifer?" They call out softly. The eldest brother paused his conversation. He and Simeon turned to them in question. "How sturdy are your wings?"
"What?" Both men looked at them in confusion but Aren wasn't deterred.
"How sturdy are your wings? They're like a bird's right? Bone structure and feathers and all. Bird wings break and tear so easily. I'm just wondering if they're just as fragile."
Aren's imagination had run amok by then. How would it look like to see those wings break? To see those feathers being ripped off one by one? Would those bones be as fragile, snapping in half with just the right force and so easily torn off from his back? How much blood would there be? How would those feathers look, stained red with blood? 
How would Lucifer sound like were it to happen to him?
But he had torn his own wings off right? But then again, tearing your own wings off and having someone else do it is another thing entirely...
And then there's Simeon. They hadn't seen his wings yet. They doubt they will in their entire life but they could imagine how it looks. Pure white and silky, not a blemish in sight. Two pairs of glowing wings fitting for a virtuous angel like him. For him, however, Aren would like to take his wings off with as little damage possible. As exciting as it is to picture red stains on pristine wings, they think it's best to keep them clean. 
"Aren?" There was apprehension in Lucifer's voice, face set in a frown as he felt malice and violence rolling off of Aren in waves. "What prompted the question?"
"Are you alright?" Simeon must be feeling the same, walking closer to them with concern written all over his face.
"Ah, don't worry! I'm just curious, is all," they reassured with a chuckle, smiling brightly.
Lucifer's wings twitched, the sound of feathers rustling filled the brief silence. "Well, if you're really curious, angel and demon wings are very sturdy. Enough to be used offensively should the situation calls for it."
Aren hummed as they stood up. "A shame, then. Thanks for answering though! Well, I'll be off now. I gotta meet up with Solomon and Satan. Be back after dinner!"
Lucifer and Simeon watched with wariness as the human left the room with a spring in their step.
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bladesmercy · 30 days
Yeah HI I had no idea you were the author of falling stars?? And I was already following you for your entirely correct opinions on sephiroth XD?
You might remember me as that one commenter who leaves Very Long Comments and gets very excited about lucrecia lol.
But mainly hi asdfghjkl falling stars sends me absolutely feral, it's such a fantastically written fic and every time I get the email it makes my day. Also congrats on quarter of a million words 👍 respect, bonkers insane.
I love the way you write everyone, your unreliable narrator and plot twists are FANTASTIC the fight scenes are top tier and I may have said before your pacing is razor sharp honed and all together it is a gloriously excellent story that scratches so many itches lol ❤️
omg i recognized your username immediately, hi!!!!!!! i look forward to your comments every week (and am always delighted when i get to deliver lucrecia updates ;)) so thank you for always taking the time to share your thoughts with me!!! i'm utterly delighted to know how much you're enjoying tfofs, omg. TTwTT and that you enjoy my sephiroth opinions because Boy do i have a lot of those. XD
and tysm, i have!!! no!!! idea!!! how tfofs got this long!!!! i swear it was literally meant to be like 90k words max!!!!! but yes, it absolutely makes my day to hear that you're enjoying the story so much, thank you so much for letting me know!! :DDD i started writing it purely to sate my own brain-itch and deranged need to word-vomit at length about sefikura and their dynamic, and it's wonderful to know it can scratch the same itch for others.
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definitelynotshouting · 2 months
"Chap 10 is chugging along thanks to yalls encouragement :] " Does that mean I should show you the WIP Mumbo fanart? XD
Seriously though, I'm glad our enthusiasm is helping inspire you. =D
WIP MUMBO ART???? 👀👀👀👀👀👀 AYO?????
no legit everyone's kind compliments and the fuckin ART are just such huge motivators for me and my writing, i know i say this all the time but im truly just constantly shocked and excited that people like my fic enough to do these things for it!! Like we're not even out of arc 1 yet 😭😭😭😭💥💥💥💥💥
I never feel like i say it enough to really hammer home the depths of how much i mean it but i am so grateful for the incredible response to hunger au and so so thrilled with every tidbit of art or recursive writing or asks or comments i receive for it. Genuinely the hugest game changer for me in terms of fandom writing and something that has boosted the fic out of what likely wouldve been nothing more than a few chaps that didnt actually go anywhere
Its thanks to yalls enthusiasm that hunger au has such an involved storyline now 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and i love it so much!!!! truly this fic is one of my favorite things ive ever written already and we're still a few chapters away from truly diving into the meat of it. Anyway-- ejdjsjdjejdsj im so excited for mumbo art HEHE i would absolutely love to see it if you're inclined to show me :DDD i always love seeing what art you've cooked up about it!!!!
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nervocat · 3 months
congrats!!!!!! i’m vv excited that you like it so far!!!!!! :DDD ….makes me want to bring back my kdj pfp lololol
oh the brainrot set in LOOONGG ago sp.. or at least less then a week ago when I started to read it on Webtoon.... I take every chance I can to read it esp during school 💔💔 I'm nearly on ep 60 in I think 5 or 4 days?? That sounds abt right..
(I'm abt to get very ramble-y here so. a cut off is in place. I wholeheartedly blame you for this ramble sp. take responsibility.)
LIKE KDJ IS SO SMART HELLO?? In my friends words as well — he is a pretty boy. UGHHHHH
but also to elaborate on how the reasonable things in the plot make sense — WHY EVERYTHING HAPPENS ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE. LIKE HOW KDJ SURVIVES STUFF AND SHIT AND HOW THERE ARE SOME PARTS WHERE IT'S TRICKY BUT IT WORDS OUT AND I. I've gotta cut myself off HELP
And there are some. Silly scenes. But yk. That just happens ig.. they're funny anyways so 😭😭
I hope you're happy that you got me to ramble sp. You silly.
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elvenbeard · 9 months
3 hours into update 2.0.0....
I love it xD But also, I'm a little bit overwhelmed, but UUUURGGGHHH there are some real gems in there already 😩
So, I didn't start a new playthrough for time reasons and went right in with my post-ending save. There was some initial fuckery with my wardrobe outfits that seems fixed now though after unequipping everything and remaking the outfits xD Custom tattoo and scar mods work just fine though and I might test these next few days what other mods do :D I'm really happy about the tattoos though at least :3
Some Bugs
Also, someone desperately needs to send the NCPD some funds cause....
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That vehicle doesn't look like it should be allowed in traffic (this happened twice, and I was cackling xDD honestly just a really funny little bug that's probably gonna get fixed somewhere down the line xD)
But yes... Man the new skills and perks and cyberware and EVERYTHING is so fucking cool, but also so fucking overwhelming when you're already level 42+ and have everything at your disposal all at once xD But I was so excited to see all the different new Kiroshi options and how cyberware is tied to skills like... damn. And the strongest quickhacks really need a fuckton of RAM... as they should. And I still need a fuckton of practise in terms of using them, but I'm really excited to get the hang of it all somewhere down the line :D
They didn't forget about the LIs!!!
But then this:
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When I read this in the patch notes, I was so fucking excited xD Hell yeah, a good reason to go to the apartment apart from sorting through my inventory xD Some more Johnny interactions!
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I was always a bit sad that Johnny had no comments whatsoever on V's relationship with Kerry, when he did with some of the other LIs, so this already made my evening xDD and one of the big perks of jumping in with my post-ending save to already get to see and hear this now :DDD Not gonna spoil what he says but... yes XDD It fits, I figured. And I hope the other LIs get something similar because it's glorious xD
Vehicles and Radio
In regards to vehicle handling... I can definitely feel a difference with my go-to bike! Like, it still has its weaknesses, but also feels a lot more stable in other regards, less flimsy and "heavier" like they described it in the patch notes. I love it a lot. I didn't try vehicle combat yet, although I did get randomly attacked in the badlands by some NPCs once, which was very fun XD I almost had a heart-attack, but it did feel like something that could happen. Sadly didn't manage to get my revenge in time, but next time!!
I like the new radio stations, but didn't hear every song yet... but also, and I think some others already said that, they don't really add much new in terms of sound and genres. Nothing that isn't already there in some shape or form. But still nice to have something new to add to the rotation.
And as I was driving around, I randomly stumbled right into Dogtown :DDD well, not quite but, damn, that was an impressive moment:
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The faction of the guards was labelled as "Test" though xDD Close but, not quite... Figure that's also a little bug though.
Overall... I fucking love how they integrated it into Pacifica o.o It's insanely impressive, huge and rundown and maaaaaan.... I cannot wait to explore behind the walls!!
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Also, random little thing... I feel like the clouds looked nicer? But that could be me not paying much attention/ rain being rare-ish in Night City.
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Not Dogtown but North Oak, obviously. But... idk o.o The light shining through like that looked so fucking cool and realistic, but I really dont know if maybe this wasn't already part of the Pathtracing update and I just never noticed it like this before XD
And lastly... I discovered whose nooks they added to the Columbarium. Right in the feels.
Cannot wait to discover more little details as I go but URGH yeah. The tiny little Kerry convo already made it worth it for me XDD And Viktor <3 And the Autofixer shop is so cool! And aaahhh I cannot wait to see what's gonna come with PL :333
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uselessmicrowave · 10 months
HII i was the anon asking for a matchup hehe (both bots and cons, literally anyone) im just so interested and excited abt the matchup since its my first time doing one :DDD
Im quite short, around (5'6), i have a darker shade of green eyes (w long lashes) and long black hair with pink highlights that end around my mid back, (it's quite curly too); im very pale, and i mean "the first time they see me they tell me im a vampire" kind of pale, i have plump lips that are pink, kinda like a blushy pink! I have an ear piercing, and some snakebites, tho it's not pierced, its those ones where you can hook them on, ive also got a thing for silver rings (one is vine like and the other is a silver snake that goes up halfway on my pointer finger [i love snakes]; on my right hand tho is a single gold ring)
On how i dress, i usually do not give any fucks- literally, i just throw anything on (my usual fit is a black shirt, and some soft pants)
I'm an INTP (for some reference since i really suck at describing things) Me as i describe myself, am a very quiet person, quiet as in "my friends forgot i was in the backseat" kind of quiet, im usually a homebody, literally, another reason why i get called a vampire is that i hate sunlight, alot, i dont like going out as much as my friends do, since i hate loud and public places tho i would really be down to hangout with them whenever. I always keep to myself and refrain from ever speaking out, always observing, and just listening; but when i get closer to someone and get to know them more i usually get loud and very talkative. Even tho im always patient doesn't mean i wouldn't punch someone if they mess w me or my friends, as i could really have a high temper; on a side note, im very patient! Really im not even kidding i literally put up with someone's shit for 3 years and still going.
Hobbies or things i generally like/ like to do is art!! Mostly digital art, you'll always see me with my tablet everywhere i go, and i rarely share them as i have absolutely zero confidence, i also love to read! (Fav being tolkien books, both LoTR and TH) i also write my own stories and could be so into world building, its taking me 3 years to actually build my world properly. I love music like its not even funny; aside from seeing me w my tablet, i guarantee you'll always see me wearing earphones and jamming, im a sucker for roadtrips while i gaze outside just daydreaming and forgetting about reality (im a hardcore daydreamer). I really dont have a certain music taste since i just play whatever sounds good!!
Hello anon! I���ll match you up with TFA Prowl!
Prowl is fascinated by your piercings. How do you get one? Does it cause daily issues? How do you take care of them? What are the other kinds (He'll keep these questions to himself though, but he will encourage you if you start rambling about it or want to talk about it)?
He's also very quiet compared to the other bots, and he'd prefer to have a 'home date' or just hang out with you somewhere outside in a quiet and shady area.
Prowl is glad you get talkative when you two are alone, because he really won't speak up about anything unless it's dire or bothering him an insane amount.
He is very interested in your digital art process, he'd love to watch you draw if you'd let him.
You'll have to introduce you to your favorite authors and books if you want him to understand a specific reference/joke.
He's amazed that you had taken three years to... make a world? He doesn't completely understand but, tell him about it, please, he'd love to hear about it.
If he sees you wearing headphones/earbuds, he'll ask what song or what artist you're listening to, especially if you look like you're enjoying it.
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I watched the The Rookie Season 6 premiere!!
I started it last night and finished it this morning and just OAUGH it was so good :D
I expected them to not figure it out for a while but I low-key love the way they did it. Because it shows that they (the characters) aren't dumb and gives some action but still keeps a huge mystery to it. Theory wise, I keep thinking of the Dream (nightmare) Team (Elijah and Oscar) but it's been like a half season so I don't think it's time to bring them back yet. Idk tho, we'll see what happens!
Also Lucy is going through it xD like genuinely she is and :(( but everyone (even Wesley xD) knowing about the clown thing was just HILARIOUS lol
Also after Tim said "maybe she just had a fight with her girlfriend" I was like "oh cool we're casually using a gay example- he's talking about him" soo as I said at the time, diversity win! The random person you're projecting your problems onto is a lesbian through you <3.
Anyway xD lowkey, I get both their sides, but I'm lowkey on Tim's lol. I do get being stressed out and just wanting support though, totally, I just think Lucy's going to realize she needs to talk it out with him
Also I'm glad for their development! I'm also kind of glad Tim's not the "instigator" (there's not really one but yk) of the fight since he's been the "mean one" a lot lol. Anyway I hope my babeys work it out (soon - I figure they will eventually) :((
Also this makes it seem like I love chenford and barely about wopez and I do love them but HUGAOAPGHY BABEYS I GOT THEM BACK <3333
Not much but I did :'D
Talking about wopez by the way lol
Thank goodness lol
Also :(( that he wants to help catch the guys that almost killed him but can't - probably for the best though :/. Just don't let it get pent up in any way xd. Also please don't date your therapist or have any kinda funky relationship with her lol.
Also aaahhhhHHH Bailey and Nolan (John just wasn't right) are getting married :D. I'm glad everything ended up working out (for now lol, that promo is scaring me xD I figure it'll be fine but just once I want an uninterrupted wedding, in anything, but especially The Rookie lol) <333. They're adorable 🥰. Also am I crazy or was that Mr. Kevin Kozner as the neighbor guy? At first I thought it was then wasn't then wasn't sure so I figure not but I don't know xD
Also poor Harper :(( I know she'll get through it but it just sucks. And it sucks that she can't talk to James about it (like not legally but emotionally lol), though I do like that they have differing opinions on stuff. It's nice to have couples that don't have all the same views, you know?
Anyway!! I didn't mention them but Celina and Gray are slaying as always <3. And for Celina (and everyone)'s sake I hope we catch this guys soon (but not too soon ;) - I love me some drama)
Also reminder that I love Wesley with my whole soul, thank you <3.
So excited for this season!! Especially the 100th episode, it's so great that they get one :D. I think both of those are gonna be really good and I'm just so looking forward to it :D!! This was an amazing episode, lots of good stuff all around, and I'm so excited for the next one :D. The promo looks wild (also AAAHHHHHH THE WEDDING!!! :DD) but so good and I'm looking forward to it :D 🥰.
This is gonna be a great season :))!!
See y'all later!! ❤️🥰
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
ikea with the brothers
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: none
he will only go to ikea when he actually needs something, and he will get only said thing
because, you know, ikea is pretty far away from your average mall
if you are the type to get a little too excited in ikea, he will hold you back from impulsively buying a cool looking lamp
he will straight up not set foot in the store if his brothers are with him though, which is understandable honestly
'mc! look! this chair goes all the way back!'
cue mammon falling from that chair and two ikea employees coming to check on the situation
if you're looking at something and mammon notices, he'll grab the item and 'complain' about 'having to buy it now' because otherwise 'you'll cry'
in reality, he just wants to see you happy
also I feel like mammon is that one guy who grabs a handful of those tiny pencils and shoves them in his pockets
it was a huge challenge to drag him out of the house in the first place
but everybody including you thought this man needs a proper bed
not a whole bathtub
levi doesn't like the fact you have to walk though the whole store until you get to the part you need to be at
he just wants to get what he needs and leave, this is why he loves akuzon
he probably knows what he wants before he comes into the store
hopefully your ddd has enough battery because satan takes hours to pick a bookshelf
when he sees the cat products you regret not bringing your camping equipment with you
lucifer isn't happy when he finds out how much satan spent on cat items
he doesn't care much about the furniture, but he will spend hours looking at the home decorations like mirrors and plants
speaking of plants, he gets two of the same kind and gives one to you so you can have matching plants in your rooms
asmo brings satan along to carry all his bags
if you are the type to get mesmerised by the cool lamps, asmo can't save you, satan is the voice of reason
he came here for one thing only: the meatballs
the chef may or may not start crying because how are they supposed to cook this many meatballs in such a short period of time
he will share them with you though
when you actually look in the store, beel will get something for you and each of his brothers
he wasn't really looking forward to travelling a pretty long distance for a furniture store when akuzon exists
probably falls asleep in one of the beds on display
an employee is going to have to wake him up, which belphie won't be pleased about
this may or may not get you kicked out of the store, depending on the employee's mood
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I LOOVE your IGBP AU tbh! :) your story was super cool, I'm so excited for the next chapter, and i love also the way your write it! I'm so into it, i was shocked when SMG4 came back in the loop!!!
Some questions :
--> will SMG4 get out of this loop?
-->How will you portray SMG34, I'm curious abt this haha, since it can be interesting to see how it is put
-->Will each "loop" be the same or be different?
-->To the Previous question, does SMG4 will somehow loose memory, or a character? Temporary or permanently?
-->How many chapters do you think this story will have? (you can skip this question I'm just curious lmao)
-->Does any characters will know abt the loop?
-->Tv hardware? Will be shown, interact with the others? Hmmm
I'm SOOO sorry for all these questions, I'm sooo curious abt your AU, LIKE İ LOVE IT, I LOVE YOUR STORY❤️
Omg omg you're my first ask hgsngsnhn I cannot keep this cool and mysterious persona (that I already heavily failed) anymore RAGHHH iM SO GLAD YOU THINK SO HERES A LIST OF RESPONSES
- Yes he will, this will be angst with a happy ending! I will add more tags and tw and cw the more I add on (I'm not evil I swear)
- How I portray them is based on their current canon personality from what I have observed so far from MAR10 Day till latest episode. BUT with a dash of psychological elements that they (unwillingly) have to face during the whole shenanigans.
(help me these two are stuck in my brain matter it's almost parasitism- but it's actually comensalism)
- the loop will be the same, but it's up to the characters to change or alter how they go through it. E.g: Same place where it all starts, but different endings when they change their actions such as SMG4 didn't make any of those Toad Legs models, the whole meme reaction thing. This is because he is aware of the mistakes he had done and trying to fix it while he still can.
- It's more of a brain-fog kind of thing. (Temporary) Memory loss is quite common with people with depression/developing depression. There will be serious topics in this fic that might be triggering so I would have to warn y'all beforehand because working on this actually made my friends worry about my mental state AHAHAHA
- I'm glad you asked! IM WORKING ON THE INBETWEEN(s) RIGHT NOW AND ALREADY HAD THE MIDDLE AND ENDING DONE. I already posted the introduction. So far 6 chapters and there may or may not be more. I've been working on this since November and it's driving me as crazy as the guy.
Oh, did I ever mention that? Hehe, forget it.
- Unfortunately, no. Mario would probably have a glimpse of what's going on but not entirely. It is about his recolours after all-- I mean guardians.
- n̵̨̛͉͚͎̯̘̮̭͓͇̪͎̘̥̖̱͖͆̽̓̇͜o̴̧̧̡̫͙̥͔̞̼̝̪̝̜͇̜͓͈͍̎̌̇̔̊͂̃̆͑̑̀͑̐́͝ͅ ̴͚̜̹̪̊̉̌̑̎͋̌̕c̷̞̘̬̟̓͂̀̚o̴̡̰̜̜̮̮̘̺̲̰̅̌͂͐́̋̋̕͝m̴̨̡̧͓̱̼̫̝̞̝͎̮̘̜̬̣͙̼͉̣͛̉̈́m̵̡̛̰͎͙̟͙̮̲̪̗͓̰̹̰̪̦͍͕͑̈́̃͂̀̈́̇̾̚ȩ̶̢̡͎̟̻̙̭̰̞̰͎̤̬͔̣͖̗̜̽͋́̆͒͂̑͗̌͛͆͂̽͘͝ͅn̷̩͇̙̳̫̬͓̓̃̾̆͂͋̃͌͆̚̚͜͝t̴͍͙͍̪̩̥̫̥͍̳͒̏̽̑̽̑̀̋̔̈̎̈́̎͊̾̆̑͆̂͂
That wraps it up! AND NO PROBLEM I HAD SO MUCH FUN ANSWERING THEM! and it helps me reflect on what other kinds of stories I should do with these two goobers ( or three! I really love Mario 💓) I hope I can get the next chapter up as soon as possible, if my work doesn't give me overtime again- ugh. I'm glad you love my work! It means that the ungodly time I spent drawing (still unpublished) and writing (also unpublished) wasn't a dud!
Thank you so much for expressing your interest and curiosity, anon! You made my morning a bit less bitter and a bit more better. (Incorrect grammar but this is nsrs). I hope I could deliver up to your expectations!
I hope.
(Might do a fan-fanfiction take on the BR AU a certain artist made though, I do like the concept. But I need permission probably lol so I'll work on that.)
Thank you so much! You really made me feel worth something :DDD
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recalled11 · 6 months
I have just discovered this comic and I LOVE it I am OBSESSED with it. I read through the whole thing last night and my brain started buzzing with so many ideas and things that I noticed; this was the story I was thinking about as I was trying to go to sleep. I love your art, everyone is so soft and round and adorable and the colors are bright and cheerful. And I am so excited to see what happens and where this story goes!
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MeeeeeEEEEEP thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story so far! I've been putting a lot of work into it and I'm so happy you like it! :DDD
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