#exclus leaning
boymazophile6 · 1 year
Exclusionism is NOT bigotry and hostility !
Labeling every one as "lesbian" is like labeling every fruit as "apple"
I have a question:
Is everyone who says "we should not label orange as apple", enemy of orange?
Do everyone who says "we should not use the word "cat" for "dog", discriminating against cats?
So why do some of us, think that people who say "men can not use lesbian label for themselves" , are enemy of men ?
Why do we think that assigning the word lesbian to women and female-aligned non-binaries, means enmity with those who are not women or fem-aligned? Please understand that the use of words and labels for certain things is to prevent words get meaningless, not to discriminate against those who are excluded from these words. I believe that the term lesbian should be used only for women or fem-aligned enbies, because otherwise words and topics become meaningless, and I also believe that insisting on including men in the identity of lesbians is a form of heterosexualization of queer women, although some ppl think it is the opposite. According to many, this issue will de-radicalize the lesbian community and not radicalize the lesbian identity.
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genderkoolaid · 3 months
transmed anon I think you need a nap or something cuz your sounding like I did at 13 and that's a little sad
ya that's the thing about transmeds. in my experience many of them, especially on tumblr, are young trans people dealing with dysphoria and unsupportive enviroments, but doing so by leaning in as far as possible to cissexist views on transness. & seeing any trans person who Doesn't do the same thing fills them with anger, as if its a personal attack on them.
yknow there was a time in my life where i was on the exclus train and thought multigender identities were unhealthy ways of avoiding your True Normal Identity. and then i grew up, realized i could call myself a gay man and a lesbian woman at the same time, and became 10000x happier and more comfortable in my identity. like i tried the whole "i can either be a man OR a woman OR neither" thing before and it forced me to stay in gender limbo for way longer than necessary. the best thing i ever did for my queer self was letting myself use "cringe" "mogai" gender terms to figure out why i kept switching back and forth between feeling like a boy and feeling like a queer girl.
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iveeaten3humanorganz · 4 months
Having exclus friends is actually rough especially when your inclus. Like. It’s like watching everyone but you get validated for who they are. But not you because you aren’t “right” or “normal enough.” I would make more inclus leaning friends but there’s no one my age and no one that isn’t super extreme with it to the point they support pro-c harmful paras etc.
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rwuffles · 2 months
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✦   byf & dni.
pt: before you follow and do not interact. end pt.
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✦   stances.
pt: stances. end pt.
  neutral leaning anti-endogenic systems  :  pro-para & anti-contact harmful paras  :  pro-mental health  :  anti-harrassment  :  anti-radqueer  :  pro-harmless transids  :  pro-transracial, transspecies, transage and transabled in their OG DEFINITIONS  :  rad-inclu / pro-good faith identities
✦   before you follow.
pt: before you follow. end pt.
  i struggle with empathy, sympathy & compassion towards those i'm unfamiliar with  :  i'm bad at social cues  :  i have trouble responding to asks so i may seem dry and / or blunt  :  i've got memory issues
  we're self-dxed with  :  either udd or osdd   autism   adhd   atypical depression   n / oc / avpd
  i interact with most people of differing stances because we're all rational flesh & blood beings who are capable of having personalities outside of discourse
✦   do not interact.
  radqueers & radqueer adjacents  :  pro-contact harmful paras  :  anti-paras  :  believe in "narc abuse" or that all narcissists or people with pds are bad people  :  anti-good faith identities / rad-exclus  :  transandrophobia deniers  :  tme / tma users  :  supporters of gloomylace, engagekiss and / or cluvunies  :  are here to bring discourse or argue with me
  remember  :  dnis go both ways.
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genderstarbucks · 2 years
Coming Out Post Ig?
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I don't really know where to start with this so I'm just gonna get into it
Cw for a bit of a long rant, no triggering topics but just read with some slight caution
I think I'm bigay? I've been questioning my sexuality for about 4 years and I could never find a label that stuck. I started with bisexual, then pansexual, then throughout the years my sexuality has changed but it's been mostly been between bi and gay. I've used homoflexible a few times, and it felt right, but something felt off. I felt it didn't completely cover what my attraction felt like. It's been hard for me to differentiate between romantic and sexual attraction, so I've just been using non-sam labels, and just saying I'm bisexual with a lean. Recently I've used abrosexual and that felt right too, but not completely. I've tried abrogay and abroachillean because I am mostly gay but it just didn't feel completely right, I didn't feel complete. I used to be an exclusionist (ew) and against mspec lesbians/gays/straights but luckily I've had friends and this wonderful community to educate me. I think the only reason I was an exclus was because I had internalized bigayphobia, as soon as someone taught me what it was, it really wasn't that hard to understand. Some people are on the sam and some people are fluid between 2 labels. I also think it was because I was with a toxic friend group (who I've since dropped ((thank god)) who was VERY against mspec lesbians/gays/straights. I mean, I also used to be anti-mogai because my ex gf was pounding it into my head how "bad" it was (she was literally cis too lmao) I'm glad I've met and am in such a wonderful community that is accepting of all good-faith identities. Anyway, earlier today I started researching bigay more and kept re-reading the description as to why someone might use the term bigay and then I realized. That's me. I am bigay. The term that actually resonates with me is the thing I've been avoiding the most. I was literally TERRIFIED about adding bigay to my prns page (ik I don't have to but I just want to) even though I know the only people who are gonna see it are my friends (who are accepting of it) and anybody who clicks on the link in my pinned post (which is most likely gonna be an inclus) I've been thinking about if I'm bigay (or just mspec gay) for a while now, but I refused to even accept myself of the possibility of being an mspec gay. I genuinely don't understand exclusionists, I used to be one and all I did was do a little research as to why someone might identify that way, and I changed my views. If you can accept things like nonbinary boy or agender girl, then you can accept mspec lesbians/gays/straights too. I'm glad I've cut off those exclus friends, now I can finally be myself. I think my sexual journey is over, I think this is the label I've been looking for, for so long. Ykw I'm proud to say I'm bigay, I'm proud to use contradictory labels. I'm a nonbinary boy AND a biromantic gay, and I'm god damn proud of it. If you're questioning whether you're mspec and a lesbian/gay/straight then it's okay. Those labels aren't "bad" or "invalid", if it describes you, then use it. You can use "contradictory" labels if you'd like, don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. All that matters is that you accept yourself, all that matters is using the labels you want that make you feel comfortable.
My identity has come a long way over the years, but I think I'm finally happy to say I'm comfortable where I am. I'm an agender boy, enboy and a demienboy, also bigay, and exclusionists can fuck off!
I didn't mean to make this that long but oh well 💀
TLDR; Sexuality confusing, omg I'm a bigay. Fuck exclusionists.
Edit: I think I'm just like every label besides wlw/lesbian, I'm gay, bi, pan, EVERYTHING
Edit 2: Okay nvm guys 💀 Charlie, one of my alters is a transbian and I'm transgay so collectively we're a lesboy, turigirl, gaybian and literally every other orientation
Edit 3: Okay I figured it out, I'm omnibi gay (as in general bi gay) and an omnibi gay man
Edit 4: I'm just every sexuality besides wlw/lesbian labels and I'm also multivelfluid
Edit 5: nvm I lied I'm just bigay
Edit 6: I'm such a fucking liar I'm actual bigay, abrogay and pomogay
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shivasdarknight · 1 year
I never uploaded these concept doodles I did of ocs of mine. I'm sure some of them are obvious as to what barcodes I scrubbed off for them, but regardless we got some non-fandom characters that I'm still really endeared to - you'll see them crop up in my animations a lot! And the animations are why these sketches exist so I had a decent enough reference for drawing? Decent. Not perfect since my first Celes one was way off model, but regardless
(under the cut because theres a Lot)
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Diana Wrenreth (she/her) - she's been one of my oldest ocs and one I've had for a long while now. She and her twin, Hestia, are mixed kids - with Diana taking after their Moirai father, and Hestia taking after their Dulla mother. So, half elves to a degree but also not. Their father came from one of the few draconic Moirai lines left so Diana's a bit of a raptor/wyvern, but has that Dulla knack for wrangling and befriending fiends and as such is a horse girl but...yeah the horse is a six legged carnivorous hellhorse. She's like...I think 5'6", mostly uses darkness and ice, is bisexual, and has two girlfriends - Andrea, and Anastasia
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Hestia Wrenreth (she/her) - Diana's twin sister (so also 5'6") who leans more Dulla than Moirai. She's a lesbian who's a bit haughty, but I don't really do much with her than have her stand in contrast to Diana. Mostly because Diana gets into trouble a lot while Hestia tries to keep her head down. Like the name implies, she's fire aspected and whatnot, and she has a girlfriend in this oc of mine named Rose (shut up), but otherwise just keeps her head down.
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Andrea Hunt (she/her) - so this is my huge werewolf butch. Her family is the head of her hometown and they want her to follow suit, but she really doesn't vibe with that. So she's constantly skipping town to hang out with her girlfriends. Really obnoxious jock type, 6'3" or so, and a lot of fun. Like I said, butch lesbian and her girlfriends are Diana and Anastasia
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Anastasia Spiros (she/her) - it's gonna be really obvious what she used to be in a second, but Anastasia is another mixed kid. She's a 6'1" Moirai and Einhenjar, but was raised by her Einhen father since her Moirai mother (one from an equine line) abandoned her. Her dad did what he could, but she was self raised and self taught for most of her life regardless. Still loves her dads (yes, dads! he now has a half-elf botanist husband), but she'd rather focus on herself since it's all she's done. Due to her mother being an equine Moirai, Ana inherited those traits but...She got stuck with warped, permanent horse hoof legs. Her wings are retractable, but the hooves are permanent (okay yeah she used to be an aasimar/tiefling). She's a femme lesbian and is with Andrea and Diana
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Rhombi Nerodi (he/him exclus) - another mixed kid, this time an Einhenjar and a Changling. Rhombi's got a very devil may care attitude and kinda lives each day like it's his last. Einhenjar don't really take too well other Einhenjar they can't control - be them banished, or mixed kids like Rhombi and Anastasia - so they often don't let them stay unaffiliated with the Barracks for very long and this ends up with them hunting Einhen rogues down. It's in part to keep their actual nature in check since they project a noble Men Only thing, but they're really these fucked up eldritch monstrosities - and Rhombi? With his mother being a Changling? Yeah, his form is very fluid and he likes to reflect that when possible. Beyond, he's also living proof that Einhenjar aren't all cis men only (with daughters tending to be near 100% like the moms, a direct opposite to Valkyrie): Rhombi's a trans man. So him being a Changling's kid wound up being the biggest boon to him. He's bisexual and polyamorous, and in an open relationship with his loving girlfriend, Celes.
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Celestrias Stratos (she/her) - Celes is fun, I love her. She's 5'8", a Moirai from a sea snake line, and a roboticist and makes her own prosthetics. Unlike the rest of the cast, she's not from the main area (Daedrus), and instead from a really different content called Essios. All Moirai that live there are of aquatic or avian lines, like Celes' sea snake line, and they coexist with peoples not seen in Daedrus like various centaurs or true elves (elfin rather than elven - the elfin are split into two groups and both are winged, while the elven were originally called Seelie and are split into two groups with four subgroups in each). This content also doesn't ban technology the way Daedrus does, which is why Celes is Like This. She got quickly adopted into the main group, and wound up dating Rhombi. She's a demi-bisexual in an open relationship with her boyfriend, and yes it is something they both use
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Pricus Marinus (he/they) - 6'1" quiet guy. He's a Dulla from where Diana and Hestia grew up and is very good friends with them and Rhombi, the latter of whom he does a lot of work with. Don't let the soft boi stuff fool you, this guy is built underneath the heavy clothes. He's a farmboy who's good with both animals and fiends and just way prefers to be by himself? Nerd, soft spoken, yet can and will kick your ass if it comes down to it. I haven't really figured out much for him besides being just the Quiet One of the group, but I do know that he's bisexual because that's mandatory
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Neilos Metaxas (he/him) - okay so this douche. 6'3", I'm not sure how I'm gonna do his color scheme but it needs to scream douchebag and sleezy but uh. Yeah he's another Moirai from Essios, but he's not apart of the group. He's specifically over here trying to track down Celes because he's got this warped idea of their relationship because he's a roboticist who sees himself as her one and only rival where as she doesn't even give him the time of day? The bracers are docking stations for drone stuff he uses. As far as Moirai go, he's not a recognizable animal from irl because he's technically descended from a snake line but it somewhere got mixed with some centaurs and so now he's just this. Big scaly "centaur" that has the general shape of one, but has a stupid long snake tail, a snake head and hood and it's just fucking weird looking. But also he's 9ft tall like that. Anyways, he thinks he's straight because of the Celes stuff but he's confusing envy for attraction and this bitch is gay. And an antag.
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Avalon Tellus (she/her exclus) - this is another old ass oc that's gone through a lot of revisions. Avalon is a Moirai and a bounty hunter that specializes in taking down dragons. As far as marks go, dragons are...well they're tricky because first you gotta find the human form they hide in and then contend with their big ass dragon form. Avalon is one of the few that intentionally tries to keep them alive, so she usually gets hired by people trying to track down family that are being difficult. And that's how she met her current boyfriend, Akuma - she kicked his ass because his cousin wanted some sense beat into him, then the cousin changed the terms of the contract from "bring him back" to "no, you gotta guard him now". Part of what makes Avalon a pretty adept one is the fact that she's from a draconic line of Moirai, so she often leads like she's not but it ends up in a fight between two very large dragons (though since she's a Moirai, she doesn't look like any of the dragons that can be found in Daedrus). Because of Akuma being their godfather, she helped raise Diana and Hestia (and their brother, Marcus) when their parents were killed. More so the twins, but regardless she's been more of a parental figure to them than their own parents got to be. She's a bisexual trans woman, and like I said her boyfriend is a really obnoxious dragon named Akuma and they're assholes and stuck with each other now .w.
i need to get more profiles done lmfao
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boymazophile6 · 1 year
Hi I'm new here with my new account... I'm NOT troll please be human!
I am:
Pro paraphilia
Pro transid
Exclusionist MOGAI
Nunchuck non-binary:
-Pro xenogender
-Pro ace
-Pro aro
-Pro polyamory
Trans-age (trans12-16)
DNI if: (seriously I can't tolerate your insult if you want to say thing such as: "wtf is this queer stance" or "you have toxic beliefs" or "you are troll .." or some shits same as these... I'll block those who think my bizarre queer stance makes your bullying legitimate)
*anti-paraphilias (of any kind)
*anti-transid (of any kind)
*tucutes (people who think a totally masculine man can identify as trans only because of his cuteness or his softness or his passivity or his slight lipstick on his overall hairy masculine body)
*Skinny shamers
Note: I'm NOT enemy of Mspec lesbians and gays, but I prefer to label them as multisexual (bi,poly,pan) instead of lesbian and gay!
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 1 year
content/to warn: acephobia, queer exclusionism, and usage of outdated terms along with bigotry (click below to read more)
Hello, everyone! I know that this is very sudden, but I PLEASE urge you to read this of a certain user here on tumblr. This has been bothering me and kinda triggering for a while, so this needs to be said. I also went and did my first try on using image descriptions in ALT for the images I am about to show you so I tried my best.
During Pride Month a while ago, I posted one of my headcanons that features one of the characters, Millie from Helluva Boss, to be a heteroromantic sex-positive asexual woman. Though, as the post was there, it has caught attention to a tumblr user, @/starry-cow, and they replied to this:
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Listen, I respect those who have different opinions on a character they like, but if you're going to be disrespectful, then just don't say it(?). So I went and replied to try and defend my headcanon; please note that when I was trying to define being sex-positive, I might've worded incorrectly a bit so I apologize.
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If you know me, you would probably know that I am demisexual, which is a label under the ace umbrella. I am also under the aro umbrella, making me aroace. Plus I'm a nonbinary trans boy who is polyamorous with my attraction towards women/fem-aligned|presenting individuals is queer. Though, not everyone thinks that as they replied once again:
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This is VERY outdated, and it invalidates me as an ace-spec person who is both sex-positive and sex-favorable. I have talked to another aro/ace person about this and it (<- one of zer pronouns) said that this was merely more then talking over to someone who is ace and saying that every asexual/ace-spec person is indifferent. Not to mention that they brought up exclus saying that "lesbians can't date men" when there are masc-aligned/presenting/multigendered individuals who use that label. I find it ironic that they brought up on how lesbians cannot be attracted to men when in, my headcanon post, it included of Blitzø being a pan gay (being both pansexual AND gay). So I also replied once more. Trying to educate them along with asking if they were asexual as well.
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I am a transgender boy whose considered to be multigender and also at the same time not--my attraction to women is both straight AND queer. Even though my attraction is equivalent to me being a transhet, I still identify with the lesbian label because I still have ties with it and don't want to let go of the label itself and consider myself multi-spec because of my attraction to nonbinary people and also my platonic relationship with binary/cisgender men. And it was also my confirmation that the person is not asexual (greatly assuming allosexual) because they avoided my question on if they're ace or not.
I refused to respond, and afterwards they post this on their account because I was checking if they mentioned they were ace.
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This is very bigoted in many ways. While they say that they support he/him lesbians, but yet they do not support masc/men-aligned + presenting lesbians. Because there ARE lesbians who look like men and/or are men. I am one of them; I am a futch, butch-leaning masc-alinged/presenting transfemasc enby boy. I blocked them. And after getting curious, I found that they replied to an anon ask:
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They have openly admitted on not caring if they are a queer exclusionist along with using outdated terms that were ALSO used by exclusionists/TERFs. The replies are not there anymore because after I blocked them, the replies disappeared so I am glad to screenshot them.
On other notes, I should've said in the beginning that the person goes by the name of Beth and uses they/them pronouns. I have looked at their bio and pinned post and there was nothing said about them being ace. I am sick and tired of people making me feel bad because I am ace-spec and sex-positive along with my gender and how it affects my attraction and labels being "problematic/can't exist" when they have been around since forever.
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foxfairy06 · 2 years
My discourse journey
Da beninging
I started out by being real big in LGBT antics, but i used to when i was getting into it be very inclus, as everyone when they start out. I did it with my friend at the time bumblewasp on Instagram.
Eventually they X-communicated me, and turned my entire local lgbt community against me for the one exclus opinion I had, which was that gay meant men only loving men.
I decided to label myself as exclu leaning neutralist, and basically agreed with everything but battle axe bisexuals. Basically I was defending pansexual with my life because I wanted anything to seem not exclus. Then I joined an exclus discord server, and actually talked to a bab, which shattered my world-view.
Radical Era
I got banned from the server for no reason, which set me off. I ended up saying some very mean things to people. I became a radical for about a year.
I disappeared for a few years until i moved out into the country, where i was forced into the only lgbt spaces i could find (which were few and far between)
Here I am
I came back, after being forced to be supportive of more inclus people, which sort of made me care a lot less. I realized I have to support the entire community. Which doesn't mean I have to support inclus by any means, just that I can't mistreat them. Which is why I care a lot less about discourse. But I decided to get back into it on Tumblr so we'll see how it goes.
Tldr, was inclu, then exclu, then radexclu, then chillexclu.
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shrimpmandan · 7 months
i’m another mutual who’s been here since exclus era and stuck around and is also more neutral now
also still BAB and vaguely transmed adjacent but largely don’t care. very much a ‘do whatever you want forever’ type nowadays. generally neutral on ace inclus stuff but leaning more to the inclus side now, and have hesitantly come around more to aspec stuff (realized that it was just something i personally didn’t understand)
idk if you were looking to like survey abt it lol but just thought i’d share
Same here! I'm like... mildly transmed? Transmed-aligned? But most hardcore transmedicalists just make me roll my eyes nowadays. Ironically I also used to be super anti-aspec despite realizing I myself am aspec so LMAO.
I wasn't looking for a survey per se, I was just curious and also it's just kind of a "rent lowering gunshots" thing.
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happ-iie · 1 year
hey, I'm Kieran and i was on here previously but i lost access to my accounts(like an idiot lmfao). but am back and in pain.
pronouns are it/its, ae/aer.
agender, genderfluid, aroflux, cupioromantic and questioning(leaning towards omni lesbian)
Métis (aboriginal and french) and 20.
i like cheese <3
INTERESTS(bolded is strong):
lalaloopsy, mega man, kirby, kingdom hearts, pikmin, the denpa men(a community veteran too!), pokemon, puyo puyo, lost media, sonic the hedgehog, old computers, the legendary starfy.
bigots, racists, anti-semites, anti-lgbtqia+, xenophobic, terfs/radfems, trutrans/transmeds/trumeds, tehms, intrasexist(i think thats the term), mspec exclus(ESPECIALLY anti-mspec lesbians and gays), etc.
people who LARP as psychologists, y'know "(insert name)iS fAakINg MENTAL ILLNESS!!111!!!" and system exclus. kindly, stop pretending to play psychologist.
nsfw/kink blogs, i may be an adult but i'd rather not have nsfw accounts engage with me. thank you for understanding
people who post/defend loli/shota/cub/filly
shipcourse centric blogs, kindly stay away from me about the topic as a whole or if your deeply in the trenches of it.
lastly. if you lack basic common sense, avoid me like the plague!
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spudling-gaming · 2 years
I'm ash/spudling
Trans girl
Switch but sub leaning
Assume all reblogs are from a girl sub perspective *but don't invalidate the op*
Dni: underage, exclu, etc etc, yk the usual criteria,
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papika · 2 years
> "radfem-leaning (trans inclusive!)" > "exclus (LGBT is the full acronym)" > "anti-polyamory" > "anti-kink"
lmfao. lol. get your head out of your fucking ass you intolerant piece of shit, you don't have to like people like me, but your attitude toward people with experiences and tendencies outside of your own is just as shitty as the conservatives who want to take away your rights to fuck women, and on top of that, you're a fucking hell of a lot more of a hypocrite for it.
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cat-sapphics · 3 years
i can understand being blocked by radinclus (which i'm GRATEFUL for bc those mfs are INSUFFERABLE) and i take pleasure in blocking back (especially if i get to block them first actually!! that's always fun). but. why am i blocked by exclus too ?? i have always been exclus-leaning and respectful of others (somewhat lol), i have always been consistent with my beliefs, i have never been transphobic/biphobic/lesbophobic/etc. and i never fall under their DNI (not that i would give a shit, but i'm showing it's probably not the reason) so i'm just left confused. they're the community i thought i'd fit in with but apparently i've just done so much wrong that nobody wants anything to do with me, not a valuable soul?? honestly what the fuck i'm so lost. i'm not mad, i'm just......... ?????????????????????????
anyways exclus/neutral blogs if any of u (who are NOT transmeds btw) find this pls interact, i'll interact back y'all are usually based and i have mad respect for ppl who actually think critcally 🙏
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ablednt · 3 years
Almost every time i see queer elders as a term used my eyes gloss over and I stop caring ngl
Like. Queer history important yes but also you underestimate my sheer loathing towards anyone who thinks being older makes them special or means they know more(tm)
Maybe it's because I've never had queer people much older than me in my life who weren't absolutely fucking rancid but I just really fucking hate this attitude that the queer community was somehow better or more "intelligent" back in the day or that the discourse we have now is the fault of "baby gays" when most of it is shit that already existed but online now.
Older queer people will really be like " 😩 baby gays are so stupid and ugly and chronically online unlike us Actual Queers who have experiences that matter." And then immediately say a slur lmao
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genderfluidlucifer · 3 years
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Gee I wonder if this person is an exclus or still agrees with exclus while claiming to not be one?
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