#explain to me what this means 😭
I got a new msm goal, quote:
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saeraas · 2 years
they kept reigen out of the pathetic man tournament because they knew he was overqualified for that one
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
I have a question for people who fervently argue that Arya has no potential for politics but think that Sansa will be one of the main political characters, and I'm asking this seriously.
If Arya learning multiple languages, how to tell + detect lies, how to rule her face so she doesn't reveal her emotions, being able to blend into different situations, thinking quick on her feet, knowing the importance of gathering information, being someone who makes friends wherever she goes, convincing a FM to help free Northern prisoners and participating in a coup, etc. don't make Arya capable of participating in politics...what exactly is it that you think Sansa will be doing as a political figure?
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suicide-1999 · 6 days
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no offense (full offense) but if ur bio looks like this im blocking you wtf does half this shit mean
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Edwin: *bitchily but academically expresses that astrology is bullshit*
Monty: Capricorn?
Me: Fuck don't @ me like this damn
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claudianolastname · 18 days
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Do you know what it means to be loved by death? • Claudia
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
no girl tell us what you think about jegulily!! im so here for it (tone is weird but I mean that genuinely, I don't ship them so I'm not here to be weird)
dw bae ur tone is fine ! (i’ve been waiting for an ask like this 💀) i think jegulily is... yeah its…. like usually as long as its legal idgaf as long as shippers portray their characters right but regulus fans are literally incapable 😭🙏 WHY WOULD U PAIR A MUGGLEBORN AND A BLOOD SUPREMACIST IM SO DONE WITH DIS FANDOMMMM!! that actually goes for a lot of lily ships like bartylily as well (no clue where that came from either but it’s equally as stupid lmfao).
and jegulily just feels like shoving in lily because people feel bad for ditching her, or shoving in regulus because some people like jily and jegulus and want them (for some reason) to coincide even though it makes zeroooo sense for it to. like, idk if i said this with jegulus before (i yap sm on this account i forget what i say), but like it, jegulily can be done well if a realistic dynamic is taken into account, but the marauders fandom is allergic to nuance and so just chalks up everything regulus does and believes to his neglectful homelife. hes not all-bad, sure, i do feel bad for him, but im nowhere close to shipping him with a woman whos part of the people hes trying to eradicate, or with her man who purposefully went against all pureblood tradition (which is such a large part of james’ character— he is a pureblood that chooses to be seperate from that culture hellooooo plz wake uppppp).
marauders fandom has a chronic “i can fix him” mentality when it comes to wizard neo nazis, i have never understood it. but thats a topic for another day.
jegulily should be filled with envy, toxicity and prejudice stop nerfing it to be some fluffy feel-good polyamorous stable marriage where they raise harry together. yall are looking over the potential. this ship has blood and guts in it plz act like it or else idk what to say 😭 if it doesnt end with at least one of them getting murdered i dont want it.
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irhabiya · 3 months
i genuinely hate when professors interrupt my presentations so much. i was already speeding through it it's all pharma and there's so much important shit to cover and she's like "skip skip khalas yallah faster" and THEN SHE COMPLAINED THAT I SEEMED OUT OF BREATH WHILE PRESENTING LADY WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME -_-!!!!
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megabuild · 2 months
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im gonna be 100% honest with you man i'm not gonna post this in full because you are just going to open yourself up to getting clowned on again but i do need you to know this is my absolute favourite opening to any ask i've gotten ever.
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
i cant explain it but daigo being subtitled to just be like 'you're making me look like i have no balls' feels so illegal and wrong. hilarious but something's off
#snap chats#WAIT I HAVE TO INTERRUPT THIS POST WITH THE FUNNIEST SHIT#SO I WAS GETTING FOOD FROM MY SCHOOL'S DINING HALL AND YOU CAN WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU WANT ON A SHEET YEAH#AND I SAID I WANTED A SAMMY AND FRIES OK BUT WHEN I GET MY PLATE ITS JUST FRIES#AND YK W/E OK I'LL JUST EAT THAT BUT THEN. WHILE IM LIKE. GETTING PIZZA TO SUB IT YEAH#I HEAR THE COOKS BE LIKE 'yoo why do we just have a sandwich here' AND THE BIN IT#AND I WAS LIKE 'was that a chicken sandwich cause uhhh <:)' AND THE WOMAN WAS JUST ':OOO IM SO SORRY'#LIKE DAWG /IM/ SRRY I FEEL BADLKAJLJ but yeah. they were nice enough to make me another one 😭#ok. back on topic with this fuckin post SORRY. i just have all these potatoes and a pizza to eat with this sadnwich now#i didnt eat breakfast or lunch so its ok. moving on#watch me explain it lol. i think its just cause its hard fr me to imagine daigo even saying balls like that. in jp or english#like he just doesnt have the Oomph to do it like the kansai bitches#see this how i know jo from kansai.... that easy as balls to imagine...#LIKEIM TELLING YOU THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO CAN SAY BALLS AND MEAN IT ARE KANSAI/EAST COAST BITCHES#in regards to eng its the accent... you just put a heavy mphasis on the b yk... any east coast bitches know what im talkin bout#or am i insane.it could be both idk#its cause in context he looks so meek like no !!!!! you dont be shy about balls talk !!!!!!!#I JUST IMAGINE HIM SAYING IT SO POLITE LIKE NO !!!! YOU HAVE TO SAY IT WITH FEELING. WITH YOUR BALLS#anyway daigo bb ily and i care for you but youre not hard enough to say balls#which is the most insaane thing i could say considering Daigo And His History but yk... im right...
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boag · 4 months
Not this dude arguing with me on that post I made referencing the “male loneliness epidemic” and reading everything I said in the worst faith possible and refusing to interpret words in any way that makes sense and then calling me a bitter feminist and making this stupid ass post abt me 💀 literally none of this follows an intelligible train of thought and most of these points have absolutely nothing to do with anything that was being discussed I feel like I’m having a fucking stroke trying to understand it😭
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moe-broey · 29 days
Like also about that Ryoma "Hinoka and the others (Takumi/Sakura)" moment like. Like esp given the circumstances you might not think to list everyone by name but like . There's. A word you can use. "Everyone". Why are you singling Hinoka out??? Or am I just reading into that as well (esp out of context like, the reason I didn't rb those isn't a huge one it's just been so long since I've done a full Fates run that I didn't have the context on hand/in my memory, so. Felt maybe it could have been an unfair reading?? Idk idk the most impactful thing Ryoma has done to me is going "I'm gonna kill you. Badly. Right Now." [Ryoma will wait 25 turns])
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mysicklove · 11 days
ibruh. 😭 youre calling me out i have a slvtty waist and thunder thighs but wear baggy clothes 😭✋
go off icon 💅💅💅💅
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sevenines · 23 days
Would you mind sharing some of your analyses/thoughts on Lapis Lazuli SU?
oh where do i START…
to keep this constrained i’ll try to keep this to what i think her role in the larger narrative is.
the whole series is based off of the feeling of being a child and experiencing the world unravel around you. listen to almost any rebecca sugar interview and she will bring up the theory of the sublime: the idea that there is a whole world out there, yet you are constrained by your own lived experiences (in su’s case, steven’s pov!)
when we first meet lapis, steven knows close to nothing about gems. she’s the first one outside of the crystal gems he meets, and not only is it on accident, but the gems continuously try to maintain their secrets throughout it all!
at this point in the series she represents everything steven doesn’t know about gemkind. she is first in a long line of gems to be shown suffering from some nebulous past, starts off spouting about concepts steven doesn’t yet understand, and wants to escape to an unfamiliar but important somewhere. she is everything steven has been frustratingly kept away from, and her release is when he chooses to blatantly disobey the gems and step out into the scary unknown that he isn’t really equipped for.
then we get Malachite. lapis is there, then gone. we see her for another episode and she immediately disappears. even up to her unfusing she’s a mystery that we truly only get to look into at ‘alone at sea’.
i once saw someone funnily ask why the hell a thousands-of-years-old alien was “trauma dumping” on some kid, and they have a point. for the first time in the series, bubbly, optimistic steven is horrified at a friend's actions. steven's "what!?" to lapis admitting she enjoyed trapping jasper is his first time encountering the terrifying idea that the ones he loves do awful things—which he would previously accept for the greater good, but even that reveal is too much for steven. imo, this episode is the precursor to the eventual "reveal" that rose shattered pink diamond, and won't be the last time lapis is narratively used in such a way.
as for her time on the barn, she very much reminds me of someone you really want to help but who’s struggles you ultimately can’t understand. barn mates is a painfully optimistic episode. to me it shows how even innocent actions can go wrong when it comes to a person with trauma. for example, peridot giving lapis her tape recorder is meaningful and sweet, but she ultimately gives lapis a device that can do nothing but repeats what it hears (a mirror). we never saw much of lapis’ time as malachite, and this new lapis is almost unfamiliar. seeing fan characterizations of lapis pre-barn mates is amusing; she’s a whole different person! but she has changed so much behind the scenes, a trend that will continue for the rest of the series. it makes you yearn for more of her. it’s sublime.
what happens in the barn is also narratively shrouded. we see glimpses of peridot and lapis’ relationship—how they get along but also subtle hints as to how they’re a little unhealthy. from what i can tell, fans went CRAZY over these two. putting them in a barn yet showing very little only encourages people to fill in the gaps and to wish for more. which is the purpose of a sublime work! the idea that more is happening that you can’t see, inviting you to meet the work halfway and fill in the blanks yourself. great for a show with a big fandom.
side tangent here, i find it really really funny that lapis and peridot are metaphorically married. they get a child in gem harvest and even get divorced: peridot gets the kid and lapis takes the house LMAO like they really went there huh
anyways, skipping over several episodes for the sake of length (like it isn’t long enough already), we get to raising the barn. it’s similar to alone at sea in which we finally get the full view of one of lapis’ unhealthy relationships. i really like this episode because it calls for the viewer to recontextualize their past episodes. lapis flies away, even more of a mystery now, until can’t go back.
it’s important that this episode comes right before a single pale rose. it’s poetic than in chasing down his most mysterious ally steven finally is in the right position to unlock the biggest secrets of the series.
this idea of everyone having their own unseen lives gets expanded to a majority of the cast in suf, but i think lapis was most emblematic of it in the og series.
outside of the chronology of the series, one example rebecca sugar has given for what a "sublime work" is is the idea of a model gazing off in the distance. their mind is occupied with something that the viewer doesnt know, further enticing them. most of the time, in signings and sketches post online, rebecca's drawings of the gems are of them smiling at the viewer, with a look of series-sufficient determination, or in a specific scenario. only a few are an exception to this, one of the main ones being lapis! even in her recent signing livestream, admist the cheery cast, lapis was drawn looking far off with a distant sadness.
on the sillier side, she embodies the moody and distant teenager trope so well. the crew in general describe her as having "emo goth rage", she is representative of rebecca's troubled teenage years, and is practically a "this is my epic angel demon oc". she literally was about to have angel wings. imagine that!
tl;dr lapis embodies the mystery of the show as a sublime work.
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fitzrove · 2 months
Just in case it's not Really Obvious from context clues
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("What's the deal with the 'Pied Piper' in DSWL?'
'The 'sound of the pied piper' refers to the nationalist and antisemitic slogans of the warmongers and racists that began to rise in Vienna in the last decades of the 19th century.')
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dollsuguru · 2 months
Friend the yuuji/sukuna twin allegations aren’t true anymore it’s over…. it’s so over
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