#explored some shadow druids part though
vole-mon-amour · 11 months
Some people be like: I haven't played Baldur's Game 3, but it's clearly not genius enough to be the game of the year.
Darling... go play the game for 300 hours, replay it, like, 4 times without getting tired of it, and then we can talk. I doubt that many games have this amount/quality of replayability.
Game of the year for real.
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miriamforster · 8 months
I had a realization yesterday.
I got the Investigate Kagha quest in the Emerald grove after missing it the first time and I convinced her to leave the Shadow Druids. But Kagha said something interesting after we won. About how she thought power was the solution to their problems.
And isn’t that just the game in a nutshell.
BG3 is all about power.
Why we want it, what we do with it, how much we’ll pay to have it. Can you seek power for good reasons? Is it ever worth the cost?
Every major character in the game is defined by their relationship with power, including the player.
Astarion, Gale, and the Emperor are the obvious ones. The first two have to be talked out of seeking massive power for their own reasons, meanwhile the Emperor is pushing illithid power as the solution to all the player’s problems.
Power is part of the other arcs too though. Shadowheart wants to be a Dark Justiciar, Lae’zel wants to ride a dragon and ascend. Wyll made a pact he hates so he could save people.
Karlach is the only origin who doesn’t really want power, but that’s because the thing that gives her power is literally killing her. It makes it impossible for her to live the life she craves. Power makes her untouchable for most of the game.
Power isolates
For me, every origin character ending (and the player’s) comes down to a choice between power and connection. Do we choose the power on offer and pay the price? Or do we stay connected to our humanity and to each other?*
God, what a great fucking game.
*Disclaimer: this is not a moral judgment about choices in the game. There are valid reasons why some characters might choose power, but even if there weren’t, the whole point of fiction is to explore these kinds of questions in a way we can’t in real life. The choices in the game are there to be played, feel free to use them as you like.
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ryttu3k · 1 year
BG3 update, exploring Reithwin, a new team member, to about midway through Moonrise Towers!
Little snippety bits, team banter, etc that I've smushed into one image because I have a limit here:
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*eyeing that 'unknown elf' listing* Also I love how Astarion is genuinely bullshitting in the blood-taste bit because we know he hasn't been drinking thinking-peoples blood aside from enemies and, once, Tae.
Anyway. To Reithwin! Delightfully spooky, honestly, the atmosphere here is fun. Managed to talk three enemies to death - the tollkeeper (who reminds me of corrupted No Face in Spirited Away?), the absolute creep in the House of Healing, and, after the world's grosses drinking game, the bartender. More on the latter two later!
At the cemetery, we meet Arabella! Who has... picked up some new skills.
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Of course she can stay at camp while we look for her parents!
Into the bar for the world's worst drinking game. Plus side, got a boatload of approval from Astarion, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel from it! And some... really nasty mental images!
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"Really? Right in front of my drink?"
Stopping to camp for the night. Getting some much more genuine Astarion when asking if Cazador has other spawn. Larian let me hug him as a friend.
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Karlach brings up the whole... Gale thing. Which I still feel bad about tbh.
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On a more depressing note, telling Arabella about her parents hurts ;_; Apparently not everyone gets the scene that follows, so I'll include a Youtube link to it here! Man, given Withers'... everything, I have to wonder just what that destiny will involve!
Honestly, though, I goddamn adore him as a character. Even if he does warn Tae not to get distracted by Karlach XD;;
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Not the only intriguing camp companion we have, apparently!
Speaking of companions, visiting the House of Healing and retrieving Art's lute allows us to progress with starting to end the shadow curse, and properly recruiting Halsin!
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I really like when you can let companions speak for themselves, you get so much more lore, like letting Lae'zel speak at the creche.
Once Thaniel is restored, Halsin officially becomes a member of the Brainworm Squad, albeit minus a brainworm! The companions have assorted things to say about him (including Wyll calling him a 'thick hunk of an elf'), and Tae gets to know him better. He likes honey and knows it's funny! He likes whittling! He likes whittling ducks!
"I like ducks :)"
(Tae has officially decided he's their new grandpa now. The other companions have... less familial views, apparently!)
Back to the mission! Heading to the Thorm mausoleum, and oh dear, look what the cat dragged in...
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After getting some good advice to skip the mausoleum until prompted to go there later, we turn back, and this time, make for Moonrise Towers itself! (Minus Halsin, with the narrator very helpfully reminding me that, hey, may not want to bring someone without a brainworm there.) Discover some... concerning cargo:
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Yeah, we, uh, took the canister and now it's just. Sitting in the traveller's chest. What do we do with it?
Into Moonrise Towers, witnessing a group of goblins attempt to kill Ketheric and. Completely fail. That's concerning!! Tae is instructed to deal with the remaining goblins and opts to let them go, because who knows? Maybe they'll return the favour one day. Karlach hears from an old 'friend', Florenta the Garrotter, a cambion from her Avernus days, and gets given some soul coins (albeit with a story attached to each).
Lots and lots of concerning bits of evidence, all pocketed. Stuff on recruiting drow, shadow druids, goblins, et cetera, invasion plans for Baldur's Gate, and - what have we here? Collaboration between Ketheric Thorm and Gortash!
We meet Araj. We meet Tae's extreme urge to punch her in the face. We meet Astarion's genuine surprise and gratitude at someone giving him a choice on what he does with his body for possibly the first time in two hundred years I'm gonna fuckin' cry. Larian let me hug him as a friend, part two.
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We meet Steelclaw. Steelclaw I would die for you. ...Can we recruit her for the final battle?
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That done, time for a prison break!
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I don't like him much. Barcus sweetie you can do so much better. The tieflings are much happier to see us! (Lia: "Oh, you clever bastard. I could kiss you!" Cal: "Not in front of me, please. I've suffered enough.")
After the successful prison break, it's time for a rest. Is it weird to find, like, a 'realistic' place for them to rest? I used that office/tower in the middle of the prison, in the upstairs bit, where anyone awake could watch out for anyone approaching. Anyway, Gale has set up a hologram kind of... thing to invite Tae somewhere, finding him in a Weave illusion and in a... very melancholy mood.
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Was definitely concerned this would lead more romantic. Thankfully, the game allows it to be played completely platonically, which is good as! Gale is a friend! A friend who's hurting and terrified and needs support and anyway Gale haters can fight me.
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Genuinely beautiful scene, and I absolutely got misty-eyed.
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Fight me, Gale haters.
Back to Moonrise. We do some more exploring, finding the third part of the tale of Orpheus. Lae'zel is... not impressed in the slightest. We also meet Ketheric's dog :( And private chambers. And stuff relating to his dead wife, and their daughter, who I have definite suspicions about. (It's Isobel, right? Isobel is Ketheric's daughter, right? Don't tell me either way, but that definitely seems to be the vibe I'm getting.)
We meet with Disciple Z'rell, and get a new mission - go to the Thorm mausoleum, and retrieve the artefact for Thorm. Now we can go! Also, at the least, she seems to trust us?
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Back to the Last Light for some happy reunions! Alfira is ecstatic to have Lakrissa back (who proceeds to flirt with Tae, Lakrissa please their girlfriend is standing right there), Barcus is so excited to see Wulbren again... who doesn't appear to feel the same way.
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Do you think Barcus would mind overmuch if Tae stuffed Wulbren in their pack and threw him back in a cell? Just saying.
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Then back to camp for a rest, and a conversation with Astarion that punches me in the emotions!!
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Full scene (including the initial confrontation with Araj) available here. The options I picked were, "Why has she upset you so much?", "Have you even enjoyed having sex, in these last decades?", and "You aren't a slave any more, Astarion, you're free."
Anyway that scene emotionally kicked my ass and I still couldn't even hug him. Larian let me hug him as a friend, part three!
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verai-marcel · 7 months
Another Chance (Astarion x Tav/OC, BG3 Fanfic, 18+, Part 1 of 2)
Summary: Phaedra Tiernan, a drow druid, savior of Baldur’s Gate, had not returned to the city in fifty years. When she returns, she meets up with old companions and renews a friendship… And perhaps, something more? 
Author’s Notes: Is this some Tav/OC x Astarion bullshit that I’m about to write? Sure is. This is 100% based on my first playthrough of BG3, so my drow druid had romanced Gale, but her outfit matched Astarion and he was always in the party because I had multi-classed him a rogue/monk/fighter, and he was damn near unstoppable.
Tags: Gale x OC, Astarion x OC, angst, tragedy in the beginning, time skip, post-game content, friends to lovers, porn with feelings, prone bone, other positions probably
Word Count: 4099
AO3 link is here, sweetness.
Chapter 1 - An End and A Return
Fifty years. 
Fifty years since the defeat of the Absolute.
Fifty years since Gale had asked her to marry him.
And fifty years since Phaedra had been back to Baldur’s Gate.
Sure, she had sent letters to friends, met up with some of the others in Daggerford, a small town just south of Waterdeep, or invited old friends to visit the tower in Waterdeep proper. But she had never ventured back to the city she helped save.
It wasn’t as if Gale had kept her away; no, far from it. Gale had always asked, “Phaedra, my love, would you like to visit once more?”
She had always put it off. “Perhaps some other time,” she always said. There were always new lands to explore, after all.
But she could no longer say that to him.
Phaedra stared at the simple, yet beautifully decorated tombstone, Tara by her side.
“It was his time, dear,” the tressym said. “But I do miss him.”
Being a drow, Phaedra knew she would outlive Gale by centuries. But having to face that fact now tore at her heart. The only thing keeping her from spending another month crying in the tower was that Gale had given her one final mission. 
Gale, the sentimental fool, had written a bunch of letters to their mutual friends, for her to deliver in case of his death. Perhaps he had guessed that she would need something to distract her. 
No, he knew she would need the distraction. A final, farewell gift to show that he understood her. That he cared about her. That he loved her.
Phaedra swallowed the lump in her throat. “I miss him too, Tara.” She hefted the stack of letters in her satchel. “But I know for a fact that he doesn’t want me to stay still for too long. He knows… knew me, all too well.”
Tara wanted to stay behind and watch over the tower until she returned, or if she didn’t, wait for one of Gale’s apprentices to take over the tower, if she judged them worthy. That left Phaedra free to travel to Baldur’s Gate and hand deliver the letters to each of her fellows. 
Her first stop was in the former Shadow-cursed lands. Halsin had greeted her warmly, hugging her tightly and seemingly unwilling to let her go. She spent a night there, entertaining his plethora of adopted children and touring the town, which has grown quite large in the fifty years she had been gone. The original children she had remembered were all grown up now, and these new children were either recently adopted, or children of the original war orphans who enjoyed spending time with ‘Daddy Halsin.’ 
Though reluctant to let her leave so soon, Halsin bid Phaedra farewell after wrangling a promise to visit sooner than fifty years. She traveled along the River Chionthar to find Shadowheart and her father, still taking care of their menagerie of animals and their farm, living a quiet, simple life. Phaedra gave her respects to her mother, who had passed long ago, leaving a small bouquet of wildflowers on her gravestone. 
“I need to find Lae’zel somehow as well,” Phaedra said, staring at the letter that Gale had written for her.
Shadowheart held out her hand. “I’ll give it to her.”
She blinked. “R-really? You know where she is?”
The cleric shrugged. “She visits me from time to time, when she is able to take time away from her duties in the Astral Sea.”
Phaedra smiled. Wow. I’m glad they still see each other, to be honest. She hardly ever came to see me. “So how is she?”
Shadowheart shrugged. “She looks nearly the same as she did when she left. Apparently one doesn’t age in the Astral Sea.”
“Ah. Well, give her my best. And tell her to visit me, dammit.”
Shadowheart smiled. “Of course.”
Phaedra handed over the letter, had a pleasant dinner, and spent the night in the barn with Scratch's great-grand pup and the owlbear for old time’s sake. The next morning, she bid farewell and traveled onward towards the Gate.
Along the way, she stopped by the old ruins where they had first run into Withers. Though the tomb was empty, she left Gale’s letter for him on the sarcophagus and camped outside for a night. The next morning, she went to check again and saw that the letter had disappeared.
It didn’t take long for her to find Jaheira, though when she asked about Minsc, the High Harper only shrugged and would speak no further. But the shielded pain in her eyes said enough. Phaedra handed both letters to her and wished her well before visiting her next two companions.
Tucked away in the lower city, a small house with flowers and a signpost above the door, decorated with flames and two crossed swords, brought a smile to Phaedra’s face. She knocked on the door and waited.
A crashing sound, followed by the pounding of feet, made her cringe, but she managed to put on a smile right before the door swung open.
“Aunty Phaedra!”
A young tiefling woman immediately grabbed her and pulled her into a huge bear hug, lifting her off the ground and swinging her back and forth.
“I’m glad to see you too, Rieta,” Phaedra said, squeezing the woman in return. About two years after being forced to return to Avernus, Karlach and Wyll had found a way to fix her engine and they returned to Baldur’s Gate, as the Twin Blades of Avernus. They had made a good life, and though they didn’t officially retire, they had left most of the adventuring and fighting to their daughter while they helped train Flaming Fist soldiers.
“Soldier, it’s good to see you,” Karlach said as she came outside. She looked just as brilliant as she had the last time she had seen her ten years ago in Waterdeep. “Took you long enough to come back.”
As Rieta dragged her into the house, Phaedra smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry that… certain circumstances brought me back.”
Sitting at a dining table with Wyll, Karlach, and Rieta, Phaedra handed them the letters. “Gale… wanted me to hand deliver letters to everyone…”
She swallowed. She felt better with each letter she gave, as if the physical weight being lifted was lifting the weight off her heart as well. But it still hurt.
Fortunately, Phaedra was quickly surrounded by hugs, and they had a good evening of conversing about the past and catching up about the present.
“So who else do you need to visit?” Wyll asked, sitting with Karlach and Phaedra by their fireplace. Rieta had gone to bed, to be ready to wake up early for a mission in the morning.
Phaedra pulled a letter out of her satchel. “Well… just one more now.” 
“You can probably find him at the Elfsong,” Wyll said. “He’s… changed.”
She tipped her head. “In… a good way?”
Karlach and Wyll shared a smile. “I’d say so,” Karlach said. Then she frowned. “Didn’t he send you letters too?”
“He did on occasion, but they were… not very descriptive. Mostly a ‘I’m doing great, murdering the bad guys.’”
They laughed. “Sounds like him. When you find him, maybe ask him more about it. He’s more of a talker than a writer,” Wyll said.
Phaedra nodded. Interesting.
The next morning, Phaedra went with Wyll and Karlach to help train the new recruits at the Flaming Fist. There were certainly some wide-eyed recruits who asked a million questions once they realized who she was, and she weaved them a tale worthy of a bard’s approval. After doing some actual training, she spent the rest of the day walking around the city, looking at all of the ways the city had grown, and reminiscing at the things that hadn’t changed. 
And once the sun began to set, she made her way to the Elfsong.
Nursing a drink at the bar, she immediately sensed a certain someone making their way toward her.
“Darling, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”
Turning around, she expected Astarion to be his usual fabulous self.
Instead, she was surprised to see him wearing a dark blue shirt and leather breeches, simple adventuring gear. And yet somehow, it still looked good on him. Ridiculously good, in fact. “You’re not looking too bad yourself.”
He flipped his hair a bit with his hand and turned around to show Phaedra his outfit. “I look good in anything, my dear. But you already know that.”
She laughed. Gods, I didn’t realize how much I missed his sass. “Right, right.” 
“But I’m sure you’re not here just to look at my clothes.” He looked around. “Where’s your other half? I’m sure I would have heard him lecturing me by now.”
Her lips trembled.
It only took a moment for him to realize it, and he frowned.
Ever since Phaedra had helped him kill Cazador, she had noticed that Astarion looked at her with a kinder gaze. He spoke with her more often, shared his thoughts with her more openly. They had become friends after everything, and she truly cared about his happiness. 
After he had run off to hide from the blistering rays of the sun on the docks that fateful day, she had tried to look for him, but he was very skillful in hiding. She knew that, of course. It wasn’t until Withers’ banquet six months later that she saw him again, hugged him, and told him she had missed him. She had been pleasantly surprised to hear that he had become an adventurer and hero in his own right, dispatching criminals in the night.
“See you later, darling,” was the last thing he had said to her.
And now, he stood before her, close enough to see the kindness in his eyes once more.
It was enough to bring out her emotions once more. Shakily, she took a breath. “I… I have a letter for you, from Gale.”
Astarion stepped closer, not quite crowding her, but close enough so they could speak quietly. He took the letter gently from her grasp. “I am curious. Do you mind?”
Phaedra waved her hand. “Go ahead. I’ll just finish my drink.” Turning away to sip her mead, she subtly watched him as he read the letter. His eyes widened slightly before his expression went back to being neutral. When he finished, he tucked the letter away in his pocket. 
“Thank you for delivering this, my friend.” Taking her hand, he squeezed it gently. “Did he have you deliver letters to everyone?”
She nodded.
He sighed. “That man.” Putting one hand on the small of her back, he led his drow friend away from the bar and into the moonlit night. “This can’t be easy for you.”
Phaedra shook her head. “I knew I’d outlive him. But… I wanted to hold onto him for as long as possible.” She stared up at the sky. “He talked to me before”—she swallowed—“before he passed, about how much I meant to him, and how much he wants me to be free after he’s gone. To go on living and loving with vigor, because that was why he fell in love with me.”
She realized that Astarion was walking quietly with her, taking her along well lit streets, letting her speak. “I think he knew that I would need this, to go on a journey, to see our old friends, to reconnect with the world.” Phaedra turned to him, a wry smile on her face. “I spent a whole month holed up in his tower, not doing a damn thing. That doesn’t sound like me at all, does it?”
Astarion laughed. “No, it doesn’t. I would have thought you were a changeling, if I had seen you like that.” His eyes traced the shape of her face. “You’ve grown your hair out since I last saw you. You always kept it to such a short length before.”
She shrugged. “I, erm, didn’t really… pay attention to much of anything, after Gale passed.”
He watched her for a moment, clearly thinking. “Would you, perhaps, like to help me with something tonight? If you’re up for it.”
“What am I helping with?”
“Oh, just a small problem.”
“I know how ‘small’ problems suddenly become larger with you, Astarion.”
He chuckled. “Alright, well, there’s this group of ruffians…”
It was invigorating, being in the fray once more, fighting the good fight, helping folks in need. Phaedra finally felt like she had come back home, after six months of staying in Baldur’s Gate. She was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to distract herself with helping others, and in a way, giving her purpose. 
She missed Gale, of course. She missed being in their tower, sitting on their favorite settee on the balcony, watching the sunset and sharing a book. She missed helping Gale with magical experiments, practicing her druidic arts in the yard with him taking notes, taking short trips to the surrounding areas to explore new sights, collect new herbs, and maybe help a few people along the way. It had been a lovely, idyllic dream.
Now, being back in Baldur’s Gate, she had a new dream. A dream with friends who were close by, that she could see every day if she so wished. She split her time helping Karlach and Wyll train the Flaming Fist, assisting Rolan at Sorcerous Sundries, accompanying Rieta on some of her missions, and even taking breaks to visit Shadowheart and Halsin. 
But she spent most of her time with Astarion. Every night was a new adventure, whether it was breaking up a bar fight, getting chased by the guards of an illegal underground gambling ring, or reverse pickpocketing a small child who was begging for money in the alleys.
“So has this been your life for the past fifty years?”
“Has that much time passed?”
“I suppose it’s not long for us elves,” Phaedra said, huffing slightly in the cold night air. They were sprinting away from the Undercity, trying not to let the Zhentarim thugs on their heels catch up to them. However, the jangle of gold in Astarion’s pouch was giving them away.
“Well, it’s a drop in the bucket for me, since I’ll live forever.”
“Lucky you.”
Phaedra glanced over, surprised at Astarion’s bittersweet tone.
But soon she had no time to ponder it, as they found themselves at a dead end.
“I thought you knew the Undercity!” she hissed.
Astarion shrugged as he pulled out his dagger. “Look darling, I don’t know every tunnel in this place. Especially since people keep digging new ones.”
Phaedra rolled her eyes as she got ready to wild shape. “Pick one.”
“Hm, I haven’t seen your owlbear form in some time.”
“Good choice.” Turning to see the thugs brandishing their swords, Phaedra grinned as she stomped on the ground, feeling the wild change take over her body. “Let’s go.”
Adrenaline running through her veins, Phaedra ran alongside her partner in not-quite-crime, laughing into the night air. She followed him back to his home, a simple townhouse in the lower city with a ground level and a large, windowless basement. 
Just as she was about to part ways, Astarion cleared his throat. “Do you want to come in?”
Phaedra was a bit surprised. After six months, this was the first time he had invited her. “Sure. “I’m curious what kind of place you’ve been living in all this time.”
The ground level merely consisted of a vestibule with a small sitting area, a door to a small guest bedroom that was minimally furnished, and another door leading to a stairwell. The basement was very lavishly decorated, and she could see three doors that connected to other rooms. It also had an emergency exit into the dark alley behind the building, just in case.
“Gods, did you see the look on their faces when you transformed?” he asked as he led her into the living room in the basement. “I got a free hit on them, they were so dumbfounded.”
Phaedra cackled. “Good. Hope they dream of me beating their faces in while they’re passed out.” She dropped her gear on the table in the basement living area. “I’m surprised you didn’t kill them.”
Astarion shrugged. “I fed on one of those other thugs earlier, no need to murder all of them so quickly.” He sat on a luxurious armchair, taking out a rag to clean his daggers. “Have to keep some of my blood supply intact for the future, after all.”
“Wow, you really have changed.”
He laughed softly. “I’ve learned to enjoy life with a little bit of planning. Something I learned from the rest of you.”
Phaedra smiled as she looked around Astarion’s living room. There were classic paintings, some she recognized as loot they had taken from various heists around the city back in the day.
“Didn’t you steal that from Lady Jannath’s estate when she was preoccupied with that artist?”
“And you provided an excellent distraction. I never thanked you for that.”
Phaedra shook her head. “I probably would have told you to put it back.”
“And that’s why I never mentioned it.” He finished cleaning his daggers and put them aside as he got up. “And now it’s here”—he gestured towards the painting—“splendidly adorning my wall.”
She sighed. “Well, I suppose no one has missed it since then…” Getting up to join him, she admired the colors, the paint strokes, the whole composition. “I have to admit, it is beautiful.”
Phaedra looked over at Astarion to see him watching her, a curious look in his eyes. Wait. That look. “Astarion?”
He stepped closer to her. “Yes, darling?”
“What are you doing?”
“You have some debris in your hair,” he said, reaching up to pick out bits of dirt from her snowy white hair. His fingers trailed down to the tips of her hair before he softly caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles, his gaze softer than she had ever seen.
“Um, thank you.” Phaedra stepped back, suddenly shy. He’s been doing this more often as of late. It’s not unwelcome, but it’s certainly an odd development. “This is the first time I’ve been to your place,” she mumbled, changing the subject awkwardly.
Astarion stepped back, and he was suddenly his usual self again. “Well, let me give you the grand tour.”
It was only three rooms, but he chattered away as he showed them to her. The luxurious powder room had two sinks and a tub large enough for two, with a door that connected to a grand bedroom with minimalist, stylish decor. There was a king sized bed covered in black silk sheets, and night stands on either side with two drawers each, clearly stuffed with knick knacks and jewelry.
The last room was a classically styled office, with an ebony stained mahogany desk, and bookcases along all of the walls, floor to ceiling. They were all filled, and there were even a few stacks on the floor where extra books couldn’t fit.
“That’s… a lot of books.”
Astarion shrugged. “There might be a few duplicates in there, I’m never quite sure.”
“Did you pilfer these too?”
Phaedra grinned. “Do you want me to help you pick out the copies? We could donate them to the library.”
“You’re always so… nice.”
“Those thugs we clobbered underground may not agree with you.”
He laughed. “No, I suppose they wouldn’t.”
They were back in the living room, Phaedra staring at her pile of loot and her quarterstaff leaning against a chair. “So, I guess I should head back to the Elfsong.”
“You’ve been staying there for the last six months. Why didn’t you take Karlach and Wyll’s offer to stay at their place?”
Phaedra shrugged. “You know me. I don’t want to inconvenience anyone, nor outstay my welcome.”
“You could stay here.”
“Did you not hear me?”
“I did, and I’m telling you that it’s more of an inconvenience to me, having to go over to the Elfsong to find you.”
She snorted. “Alright, that’s fair. But you have to help me move my stuff.”
Phaedra piled her stuff into the guest bedroom upstairs. It was a modest little room with a small night stand, a twin sized bed, a chest of drawers, and an empty bookcase. 
“It’s like you didn’t even attempt to make this look lived in.”
“Why? No one comes here. And I’ve laid traps on all the entrances and windows. A thief would have to be extremely talented to get past all of that.”
She could only nod as she put her things away. She paused when she pulled out a small, dark blue brocade pouch. 
Peering over her shoulder, Astarion hummed. “Is that the necklace I gave you back then?” 
Phaedra nodded as she opened the pouch and pulled out the delicate silver chain, studded with small sapphires. It was an elegant and minimalist style, designed to be more like a choker. “It was so pretty, I couldn't bring myself to sell it with the rest of the loot.”
Her memories came bubbling up from deep in her mind.
“Where did you find this, Astarion?” 
“Does it matter?”
“If I wear it and someone recognizes it, then yes, it matters.”
Astarion shrugged. “No one will recognize it. Just take it. When else will I ever be this generous?” 
“True. Oh, did you need my blood tonight?”
His gaze was heated as he smiled, his lips curving perfectly. “Darling, I'm always up for a little treat.”
“Yes, yes, now put your seduction face away, you know it doesn't work on me. And Gale will get mad.”
Astarion laughed. “We wouldn't want that now, would we?” His expression softened as he stepped closer, placing his hands delicately on her shoulders. “I know I don't always say it, but it's a gift every time you let me taste you.” Dipping his head down to her exposed neck, he whispered reverently, “Thank you,” before taking a bite. 
Astarion could tell Phaedra was spacing out, so he gently took the necklace from her hand. “Hold your hair up, darling.”
Phaedra came out of her memories and did as he asked. 
His fingers glided along her skin as he carefully clasped the necklace around her neck. Staring down at her neck, Astarion felt the urge to hold her close and bite down, but he restrained himself. It had been so long since he had tasted her, felt her slight tremor as he drank. He knew she had fed him as a friend, but he still craved the closeness those few precious moments offered him.
Reaching up to run her fingers along the necklace, she turned around and tipped her head curiously at him. “Well? Does it look good on me?” 
“Of course it does. I picked it out, remember?”
Remembering the myriad times he had pilfered a piece of jewelry or some other knick-knack that ended up being worth a sizable amount, even as they were trying to survive the onslaught of the Absolute and everything in between, Phaedra laughed and batted at his arm. “You always did have good taste, even if it got in the way of our work at times.”
She noticed that Astarion had stepped back. Looking toward the only window, she realized a faint sliver of dawn light was seeping through the blackout curtain.
“Oh. Right. Better get you back downstairs.”
He nodded. “Get some rest, darling. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Good, uh, well, have a good rest, Astarion.”
Smiling at her, he winked before heading back to the basement.
Phaedra remained unmoving until she heard the basement door close. Then, without really thinking, she plopped down on the bed and fell into reverie, letting the memories wash over her.
Astarion climbed slowly into his grandiose bed. Normally he’d revel in the feel of the silk sheets against his bare skin, but today, he longed for something else.
He longed for her. It pained him to have her so close, and yet she felt just as far as she had when she was in Waterdeep. He wanted her in bed with him, to feel her skin next to his. To touch her. Not even in a lustful way, just… skin to skin, laying beside her.
Sighing heavily, he fell into a trance, but his mind tortured him by remembering all of his interactions with Phaedra. 
He'd be lying if he said this wasn't a common occurrence. 
Let me know what you think in the comments!
Chapter 2 Here.
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usagi-zakura · 9 months
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Drawing a bunch of my DnD oneshot characters.
They all exist in the same universe, and sometimes pop up in the main campaign (the one with Remus the foxfolk wizbard, and now Moriko the ranger) but whenever someone can't make it to a session we like to do a oneshot in the same world. Its a lot of fun and is great for worldbuilding... and its also fun when we run into these characters later.
There are more... The kobolds Hugs and Kisses also exist in this world, but I've already drawn those a lot.
The characters are:
Nyx Duskrynn: Drow Druid (Circle of the Stars) She's one of three drow siblings with a dark past (though her's is the less dark.. my friend made a set of twins and gave them a really tragic backstory of being kidnapped and used for experimentation... and since I made a drow for the same oneshot we decided to make her the younger sister who got away.) She has since been reunited with her siblings and went on to explore a spooky house that turns out to have held a coven of hags... her oneshot ended up inconclusive but the DM later revealed that Nyx, her siblings and their guardian got captured by the hags... So that may be something our main party will have to deal with at some point (probably in another oneshot because their adventure is technically over). We've been told one of the twins has been freed, but we don't know exactly what that entails yet, nor what happened to Nyx and her sister.
Shadow in the Wind: Tabaxi Monk (Way of Shadow because of course he is) A small time criminal and best friend/boyfriend to Remus' older brother Romulus (its complicated). I've played him in two oneshots so far, one he was exploring another spooky house (there's a lot of those...) and another he was searching for a creature that could grant wishes living in a cave.
Alexis: Centaur ranger (Beastmaster conclave Tasha edition) Nicknamed the "All Terrain centaur" because thanks to class abilities and a magical item (winged boots re-flavored as magic horseshoes) she has every type of movement available in DnD, except burrowing. (I did consider giving her an item that would give her that too just for the hell of it) She's also really fast... being a centuar. So she can fly/run/swim/climb at 45 feet per turn. (Well maybe not climb since Centaurs have their own handicap when it comes to climbing...she could technically just walk right up the mountain wall though thanks to her magic horseshoes). Despite being a ranger she's part of a druid organization that's a pretty big deal in our world. She also gets visions of the future sometimes. She has no special feats for it or anything...she just does.
Her animal companion is named Hermes. He's a bird. He's not designed to be any specific type of bird or anything he's just bird. (He uses the "Beast of the Sky" statblock from the updated BM Ranger in Tasha's Cauldron of everything).
Sapphire Twinkletoes: Fairy Barbarian (Path of Wild Magic) Yeah that's right. Barbarian. (For some reason all my Barbarians are small races...I didn't even try for that it just happened.) I had an idea to make an anxious fairy but wasn't sure what class to make her...the DM suggested Barbarian with the rage reflavored as Panic. I went for wild magic because she's a magical creature but not a magic class...so her magic just goes haywire when she's afraid. She's a lot of fun. Yes her last name was inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender.
Jasmine Greenjoy: Gnome Wizard Played in Pathfinder 2e instead of DnD. Second cousin once removed on her mother's side to the main party's rogue Jade, as the second time I made my character related to one a character made by that player specifically (Jade's player is the same person who made the traumatized drow twins who became Nyx's older siblings). Mainly because they're the same race and I thought it'd be neat to tie them to the main party, even though in the campaign they haven't interacted. They have met...in fact the DM implied that Jasmine's mother was a midwife for Jade's mother when Jade was born, as a reason to explain why Jasmine is a magical misfit. Jade's mother did some suspect magical things on her unborn daughter... I don't know what they did, but as a result Jade was born with bright pink hair and Jasmine... well her hair changes color every day. She likes to have it match her familiar, a fluffy pipefox named Mr. Noodles.
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findmeinshattrath · 11 months
The War Within and the Worldsoul Saga Reveal
Some thoughts on the new expansion(s)
Not my favorite cinematic, but I liked it for the most part. Appreciated the more calm and intimate approach. Dialogue could have been better at some points though.
Anduin is a little generic looking for my tastes. He doesn't look bad, I just feel like you could toss him into most fantasy settings and he would fit. It's a very default protagonist look. Honestly, also reminds me a bit of the Warrior of Light they use in FF14 cinematics.
Alleria's going to look damn good though
Would not have guessed we'd be going all Journey to the Center of the Earth, but I AM FEELING IT!
The Shadow Priest's ex-knife returns and I am for it! Can't help but love the "edge of a knife" line in the trailer
All the new zones look damn interesting
Eager for the Nerubians, love those guys and I am expecting some friendlies. Somewhat mixed feelings on the look of the "evolved" Nerubians, but I like them overall
Isle of Dorn is intriguing. I love the Earthen and was expecting Titan-forged based on lore tidbits we've seen, so nothing shocking. Really enjoy the look of their buildings, it's a great take on the Dwarven aesthetic. Little bummed we don't seem to be getting anything that looks like the Northrend & Deepholm Earthen stuff.
New gryphons look dope
Earthen as an allied race is unexpected but very welcome! Would not have guessed they'd be neutral, but I am very grateful for that. May not be the most unique addition Alliance-wise, but seeing them in the Horde really gets me. Will probably elaborate on why in a later post.
Like the gemstones and SHOCKED Blizz actually gave the female Earthen beard options (love to see it)
Disappointed but not surprised that they don't get druids. Come on! Vrykul have them! Plus, could have had an Eonar connection
Ringing Deeps will probably be cool, but it kind of excites me the least for now. Do love the whole "underground cavern, pierced with sunlight from above, covered in plant life" thing though
Hallowfall caught me the most off guard
Underground neutral human civilization, descended from the Arathi, big light crystal, underground sea of monsters, air ships, Holy Fire, intense (and potentially dangerous, at least for us) faith in the Light. Goddamn. Might really have something here.
I am always in favor of potentially exploring different human cultures outside of the Alliance. That said, kind of a bummer that it's just another flavor of fantasy Europe like we always get.
Dragonriding coming to other mounts was expected, but nice to get confirmation
Hero Talents are very intriguing. Looking forward to seeing if they pull them off. If nothing else, the archetypes that come out of it will probably be fun to mess around with. A lot of the classes don't really have super unique "Hero archetypes" firmly established, so it'll be fun to see what they come up with.
Announcing 3 expansions at once is pretty ambitious, gotta say
Going back to Quel'Thalas to defend the Sunwell is gonna be cool. Lots they could do story and world-building wise.
Gryphon mount now, maybe dragonhawk next?
Curious and nervous about how Zul'Aman might fit into things (I'm really worried that they'll end up allied with the Void or just flat out destroyed)
Since we're probably going to kick Titan ass, I hope at least Eonar ends up on our side.
I wonder how Sargeras will fit into it
When I first saw the thing about warbands, I thought we were getting some sort of interactive companions/party members, like an evolution from followers and champions. Account wide stuff is nice though.
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Flower Girl
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Name: Pero Ophiin (She/Her)
Race: Wood Half-Elf
Class: Druid (Circle of the Land)
Background: Outlander
So to officially start our Out-of-ACT-1 phase, we'll go into Pero first. Technically, I did Admaer first, but that was mostly me just exploring mindlessly and seeing what it looked like. Once again, Pero decided to go above to reach Moonrise Towers. Because I unequipped Lae'zel from my party, I didn't get the prompt where she discovers the trail the Githyanki left behind to the monastery. Now, whether or not Lae'zel will stay in the party, who knows. But for now, she's still here.
After fighting some undead, we found a note referencing Wyll's father and his kidnapping to Moonrise Tower. On our way there, we met fucking Eliminster Aumar, a world famous Wizard who is apparently 3 centuries old!
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Now, I'm no Forgotten Realm lore whore, but I have seen his name before when I was still playing D&D with friends. So seeing him in the game still got me giddy. The way he talks too is exceptionally great. I love that Larian really committed to him have an even older way of speaking compared to other characters in game. It made it so fun to watch him as he expressed his large appetite. Despite this, Eliminster is not here to serve as a cute cameo for the lore-knowers. Eliminster came to this neck of the woods to tell Gale that Mystra has a mission for him. In exchange for silencing the netherese void within him, she asks that he blows himself up when he reached the heart of the Absolutes' cult. Pero, and pretty much the majority of the camp, are appalled by this sudden suggestion by the literal goddess of magic.
Pero I would say recognizes the gods and their role in the world, only really paying much reverence to Silvanus and Chauntea, goddess of agriculture and plant cultivation. And knowing Mystra's involvement in Gale's situation, although she didn't at all ask him to do the actions he did in the past, is shocks Pero to her core that Mystra's only solution to not only Gale's condition but to the whole Absolute issue is to have him blow up. It left a sour taste in her mouth and it breaks her heart that Gale has solemnly accepted his fate.
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Upon entering the Cursed Lands (that's what we'll call this area going forward. No I will not take a second of my time to find the proper name), we were greeted with a Goblin who asked if we were True Souls. Having learned her lesson the first time she was asked this, Pero goes along with the act of being a True Soul. Picking up a torch in one hand and following the little bugger, she was able to meet a small group of Absolute cultist who were looking for Minthara who would come with a particular lyre that would summon the guide. Fortunately, I was able to catch the Lyre because I didn't let her fall in the chasm lol.
Before we continue with this, I wanted to mention the companions for a moment. While lurking around in this shadowed land, Wyll and Karlach get another visit from Mizora. She returned back demanding that Wyll goes and rescue a captive fiend for her, something that wasn't part of the deal. However, Pero was able to sus out that Mizora is currently in a tight spot as she can't afford for Wyll to fail this mission. Because of this, Pero made a proposition in exchange of going forward with this plan. IF they were to get this Devil release, she too would release her hold of Wyll. Though Mizora agreed, with the fact that she's asking Wyll to perform something that was SUPPOSED to not be part of his contract, there might still be hope for an alternative way to get him out of the deal while also maybe not releasing the captive fiend. Especially if this ends up being another Karlach moment.
Shadowheart also expresses wonderment as she's not greatly affected by the shadow curse that plagues the Cursed Lands. This makes her believe that she's been blessed by Shar and that there must be more to the Dark Justiciars trip to Moonrise Towers.
Finally, Pero asked Halsin further about the shadow curse.
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Halsin explains that the lands of the Cursed Lands was under the protection of a fey creature by the name of Thaniel and that Halsin hasn't felt their presence since the curse began. He begged that if Pero learned anything about the boy in the forest or even anything about the Shadowfell that she come find him immediately. Pero also asked Halsin if he was comfortable in her camp, and while he did have his opinions, he felt homey with the party. Even "HINTING" that there's a chance for him to relax and wind down once he has dealt with this shadow curse guilt, he's start to feel like himself again.
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Pero also got another visit from her Dream Guardian, a visit that has gotten her worried. This time around, they're dressed down, looking a lot more like their appearance in the EA release, but they're starting to show weakness in their current state and starting to express some mild doubt. This causes Pero to even doubt her decision to not consume any parasite they found along the way, mostly giving them to Astarion since he's currently the only eager one in the party. We'll get back to this later.
Back to the Curse Lands, after playing the lyre, we meet the spiderman!
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The party was able to travel a short distance with the guide, especially since he currently holds a magical source of light that keeps the darkness at a greater bay. However, the are ambushed by the Harpers who came to take that magical light from them. Pero opted to betray the Absolute cultist and help the Harper, gaining her respect and learning of the inn that they currently reside in.
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While getting to the Last Light Inn, we encountered a horrible sight. Like, deadass it nearly made me cry. We found the corpses of the Tieflings we saved back at Emerald Grove. It wasn't every single Tiefling, but it was enough of them where, if you paid attention to who was who at the grove, you'd recognize at least one of them. Reaching the Last Light Inn, we finally meet Jaheira, a legendary Druid/Fighter character whom, if you played the previous Baldur's Gate games, she once looked like this :D
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Now she's, reasonably, a much older Half-Elf now. As shown a long time ago in one of the Panels from Hell showings, Jaheira entangles Pero and was close to starting a fight since, regardless if Pero herself ate a tadpole, the parasite still recognize one of its own. Thanks to Pero's honesty and her knowing that Jaheira would be a great ally to have by her side, she truthfully came forward about her condition along with the artifact that's been protecting her and her friends. This along with one of the Tiefling kids, Mol, coming to her aid and the other Harpers expressing how she assisted them, Pero was able to gain the Harpers trust.
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Jaheira explains her and the Harpers reason for coming out to the Cursed Lands, even explaining that they currently have a powerful spellcaster that has protected the area. She too is familiar with the figure, Ketheric, though this time around, it sounds like he's an undead as no matter what damage they dealt him, he would just get back up. Because we're not fully influenced by the parasite and have the artifact that protects them from the Absolute, Jaheira asks that Pero and the gang sneak into the Absolute's ranks, posing at a True Soul and deal a killing blow from the inside.
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Before ending this, let's do some mild side stuff! So that strange cow you meet back at the Emerald Grove is here as well. Initially, I discovered that this cow was actually a slime-like creature who posed as a animal, wanting to live a life as a farm beast. While I was able to kill it...Dammon got killed after the fact because the MOTHERFUCKER DECIDED TO RUN INTO THE SHADOW CURSED LANDS AND CAME BACK AS AN UNDEAD THE STUPID FU-
Speaking of Dammon! Because we found him again, I immediately had him provide an upgrade to Karlach's infernal machine. Not only that, but he also provided a flaw Infernal Armor (heavy armor so I can't wear it) and said that they could provide more like it in the future. Pero was also able to speak with a few Tieflings who survived the attack and learned that not every Tiefling refugee was slaughtered, as some of them were kidnapped and sent to Moonrise Towers. Although Pero promises to go find these missing individuals, Pero is filled with mild guilt, Especially when Rolan starts placing blame of Pero for the reason why his friends/family got killed or kidnapped.
Pero also met Raphael again! Before going forward, Astarion asked Pero that if they happen to run into Raphael that he be there to speak with him. Pero was at first worried that Astarion has made his decision to take up Raphael on his deal, but this is actually the part that Pero learns about his scar since she didn't start a romance with him. Little side rant, but goddamn Larian really utilizing the fact that Astarion is one of the favored companion in BG3, because they didn't need to strip him down like that lmao. Now in all honesty, this half nudity isn't necessarily for fan service reasons since it relates to the scars on his back, and HOW ELSE are they gonna show it without taking his shirt off...BUT GODDAM-
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Pero also finally got her dance with Wyll as she initially watched him perform alone before joining him. Pero rolled a Nat 1 on her performance, which sounds very on par for Pero lmao. This is also the part where Pero could establish a relationship with Wyll, but I decided for Pero to face away from him. Gotta keep the harem strong bby!
Before we end this chapter in Pero's story. We gotta get on Astarions ass again. Pero and Astarion have a brief conversation together about the parasite. Astarion believes that Pero has potential and that embracing the powers of the tadpole could further this. Astarion continues to bring back in the possibility that they could control the tadpole, which is something Pero discouraged...But then this man had to say this!
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Now, from what Pero has seen and experienced: The dream Guardians' powers are seemingly wanning, probably due to the fact that she herself hasn't consumed a single parasite. The Tieflings were killed and some of them were kidnapped, and while that was out of her control, the guilt is getting to her. Then there's Pero's desire to just save her friends, not so much from the parasite itself, but from their own personal fuck ups. Wyll and his pact with Mizora, Gale and this netherese shard within him, Astarion and his relationship with Cazador, Karlach and this infernal machine that might even burn her to a crisp. All of this that has happened practically all at once for Pero is starting to weigh on her and her desire to simply help people is making things worse.
Then Astarion decided to, intentionally or not, play with this fact and use it against her by suggesting that these Mindflayer powers could potentially help her not only destroy the evil it's causing, but also help her friends and those around her. Now, she has no one else to look to for why this is a possible bad idea than Wyll. Wyll got himself into a pact all because HE wanted to help people so badly and didn't know where to start and how to be powerful enough to do it. And he never regretted ever getting into the pact. And while Pero should be able to ascertain that based on the experiences of her peers, she is a emotional person and has a bleeding heart.
The next time we find a parasite...She might be tempted to eat one.
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bruinescence · 11 months
do whatever you need to do ,  hurry .
He could see why one might take the lapse in action as hesitance on his part, especially after the golden flash of light that so often foretold of a coming transformation settled heavy in the wood elf's guarded gaze. Only this time, instead of the transitional phase of gnarled limbs and the cracking and resetting of bone structure- only subtle as it was brief, Halsin remained rooted to the spot he'd taken up in one of the four doorways leading from the temple corridor to one of what he could only assume was of many inner sanctums. Four entry points on roughly the same plane with no discernable exit point from behind seemed a rather odd choice as far as architecture went, though it was not his place to ponder on the meanings behind ancient, Sharran dwellings. Granted, he wouldn't have the means to ponder on the idea much longer even if it would have settled in like the dust about the place after they'd made a hasty retreat into the odd nook once the then floor (now ceiling) had crumbled beneath their feet.
Well...'their' as in both he and the unfortunate tail-end of their line of explorers, and 'unfortunate' if only because the front of the brigade had possession of the moon-lantern whose light did not seem to want to follow the two that the earth had swallowed. The shadows would not complain about that. "Quickly-our backs to the enclosure!" He had not delayed a moment in stirring upon impact even while still finding his footing in the rubble of the lower floor, knowing too well how quickly the shadows of the curse could take hold like roots pushed up from the ground and eager to snag any attempt at retreat. From what he recalled upon their plunge into the shadow-cursed lands thus far, it was Shadowheart who seemed thoroughly unbothered by the dark hunger within the curse most, and yet for all of her grace, it would not serve to shelter the storm of the shadows that wished for his blood to finally join those he had failed to bring home some odd century ago. "-I must shut them out before they take hold-" The others would find them, to that he had little doubt...but there simply was no time to wait on a rescue mission lest he be torn to shreds from darkness that would seep into veins and then painfully razor outwards.
Once within the enclave of many doors, he briefly focused on her command that stood out amongst the emptiness he'd welcomed to invite full concentration to the matter at hand. There was a temporary way to protect himself from the curse outside of the light...the same manner in which his misguided successor had sought to shield the grove in her delusions, though on a less permanent scale thanks to him being the only druid in the room. Doing so alone and with no guarantee of rescue would be a death sentence. A steady exhale and a twitch of shoulders was about the only response he could muster to the cleric as his eyes continued to glow golden in the dark like the many flashing gazes of nocturnal beasts. The ground rumbled questionably, but he remained rooted to the spot as the magic within his chest swelled with each concentrated effort. Think of nothing...be nothing - nothing but a way of closing this space off from the world. Hide it from everything and hide within it. The druid's thoughts pulsed as mindless as a heartbeat that from one final, throbbing pulse- emerged a great row of thorns and vines erupting from the cracks in the floor about his feet and spreading into a wall that spanned all four doors.
"Spinae rituale-"
Though, unlike a regular wall of thorns, this particular wall kept spreading wider and thickening to fill each door frame twice over and more with vines as thick as the Archdruid's arms. Together, they wound round each other in intricate knots that sought to choke out every bit of air and space and hints of light between them. There was no stepping back from the spreading Oaken Father's embrace either seeing as its source of evocation had already sealed his feet to the floor with the first layer of vines. Though, when the stake like thorns began to erupt about to help solidify the room's defenses, Halsin did not move even when sharp edges speared at him and ripped parts of his druid gear with wooden daggers. The portions of flesh revealed along with the journey from his neck to his jawline were of a stiff, oakish gray bark that only further helped stabilize him in the midst of the thorn rite.
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By the time the burning, black flames of the curse had begun nibbling away at the outside of the barricade of thorns, Halsin was already fully integrated into the living wall, though the glow in his gaze dulled ever so slightly as he stared ahead at some fixated point beyond the gleam of her armor. Until the others came with the lantern, he could hold steady against the curse eating through to him as an apple core did against an inchworm. Perhaps the rite would outlast a short rest or even two.
The vines continued to squeeze tight and wrench against themselves to the creaking and grinding whisper of a thought grown over and sealed in a thicket's shadows: 'who am I in your temple?'
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Rewriting Haggar/Honerva’s redemption arc
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One of the many things that bothered me about VLD S8 is Honerva’s redemption arc. While I was never fully against the idea of Honerva getting a redemption arc, I just didn’t want VLD to do it because I knew that they would fuck it up if they tried. And low and behold, I was right!
But yeah, I wasn’t against the idea of her being redeemed. And I don’t mean “redeemed” as in “all is forgiven and she’s just a good guy now,” but more like a Darth Vader, “the things she did were inexcusable and she would never be able to right all her wrongs but she goes out on one good act to show that there was still good in her deep down and she at least had the potential to change.”
I know a lot of people don’t like the whole, “redemption=death” thing, which I understand, but I personally never had a problem with it.
Ok, so why didn’t Honerva’s redemption work? Well there are a few reasons but the one that baffles me the most is that, instead of trying to make her more sympathetic, season 8 seemed to go out of its way to show her being more evil and vile than ever.
And because I have nothing better to do, I’m gonna go through Honerva’s story in VLD and explain what I would change to make her redemption more believable.
(Keep in mind I am not a writer, this is just me ranting about my favorite character and how I personally would’ve written her.)
1. Realizing she’s Altean
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I always thought it’s was weird that when Allura said “you’re...Altean!?” In the S2 finale, Haggar didn’t seem to react at all, she just kept attacking. It’s as if she didn’t care or already knew, which doesn’t make sense considering in the S3 finale and S8E2 it’s established that Haggar has no memory of who she was before she died. And in S4E3 she seems shocked by her Altean face (which also doesn’t make sense because her blue skin isn’t camouflage that’s just how she looks after the rift) so it seems like she didn’t know.
Wouldn’t it have made more sence if after Allura said “you’re...Altean!?” Honerva looked confused/shocked? If she became defensive and said Allura was lying/trying to insult her? There’s def anti-Altean propaganda in the empire so it would be considered an insult.
After that she starts questioning Zarkon. And when she looks into his mind, it’s out of genuine curiosity and desire to know the truth, not because, “the empire needs him” or whatever that meant.
And isn’t it a bit odd that she doesn’t seem betrayed at all when she finds out Zarkon has been keeping all this from her? She’s just like, “oh, you’re my husband? Cool.” Wtf???
2. Her past relationship with Zarkon
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Okay, I love Zonerva, but if we’re being honest, Zarkon was not the best husband. He enabled the shit out of Honerva, even when it was obvious that the rift was doing serious damage to her physical and mental health. To me, it seems like Zarkon was so blinded by the power the rift gave him that he didn’t realize/ignored the negative effect it was having on Honerva. In the same way he downplayed the negative impact the rift had on the planet.
I think that should’ve been explored more. Maybe Honerva notices that she’s been acting differently and is worried somethings wrong (think S5 Kuron). And Honerva tries to tell Zarkon that she feels strange and Zarkon just brushes it off.
And later, when Alfor visits Diaibazaal years later. Things are pretty much the same except when we sees Honerva, she is very obviously pregnant and Alfor’s there when Honerva falls and goes into labor (instead of a random quintessence seizure). Alfor and many Galran doctors try their best to save her and the baby but she dies in childbirth.
Zarkon goes ballistic. He’s yelling, throwing doctors across the room, and Alfor turns to the doctor holding Lotor and tells them to get the baby to safely, fearing Zarkon will take his grief out on the baby.
Zarkon turns on Alfor, blaming him for Honerva’s death and accusing him of letting her die so that he could get his way and close the rift. He lunges Alfor and roars at him to leave.
He spends the rest of the night grieving at Honerva’s bedside, when Kova jumps on the bed and starts gnawing on her finger trying to wake her up. This is what gives him the idea to bring her back with quintessence.
3. Her current relationship with Zarkon
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I think it’s pretty safe to say that they’re relationship didn’t get better after the war began. Zarkon hid her identity and her child from her for 10,000 years and essentially used her as a tool of war. It’s pretty fucked up.
I know it’s pretty well established that Zarkon treats Haggar with more respect than his other underlings, but I feel like it would be interesting to see that change overtime. We see that after Voltron comes back, Zarkon becomes very obsessed with Voltron/Black, and he and Haggar start disagreeing more and more.
Remember the moment where one of Haggar’s druids told Zarkon Haggar said he needed to rest and Zarkon hit them with his bayard and told them, “remember who your master is”? What if, instead of a random druid, it was Haggar who he hit?
I feel like that would be a good way to show Haggar and the audience just how much Zarkon’s obsession with Voltron is affecting him, and make the audience feel a tiny bit bad for her.
Then later in season 4, when Zarkon wakes up from his coma and finds out Haggar brought Lotor back to take his place he gets pissed. He puts a price on Lotor’s head and has Haggar arrested for treason. She steals a ship, escapes, and later on meets up with Lotor’s generals.
Her and Zarkon are officially broken up and her quest to reclaim her identity and get her son back begins.
4. Oriande
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I never liked the concept of chosen/sacred Alteans. The idea that some Alteans are just born more powerful than others just feels iffy. My idea of Oriande is that it’s an Altean holly land, any Altean can enter it just depends on whether or not you can pass the White Lion’s trial. Passing the trial proves that your intentions are pure and and the White Lion will bless you with power.
I didn’t like how Honerva seemed to force her way into Oriande, I think it would be more effective if she had gone through normally because, at this point, her intentions were pure. She was going there to purge herself of the dark magic corrupting her and reclaim her memories so she could go get her son back.
I also like the idea that Oriande is a sorta link to the Altean after life, and you can speak with people you’ve lost. Allura gets to speak with Alfor, and Honerva speaks with her mother.
You could also have her be confronted by the spirits of the Alteans she helped destroy. Have the weight of her past actions bear down on her. An important part of any redemption arc is acknowledging the terrible shit you’ve done in the past, and that was severely lacking in Honerva’s arc.
Another interesting thing you could do is have Honerva talk to her younger self. The one that died 10,000 years ago. This kinda thing actually happened in 80s Voltron, young Haggar appearing in Haggar’s head trying to convince her to be good again.
5. Her relationship with Lotor
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Now this is where the redemption arc really falls apart. I forget who, but one of the writers said after S5 that Haggar/Honerva was motivated purely by love for her son, but man did they do a bad job of showing that.
And it would’ve been so easy to fix that problem, just have her not be horrible to him. Have them have actual civil conversations, have her protect and defend him. Don’t have her reject him as a fucking baby!
Imagine if, after Zarkon destroys Lotor’s planet, instead of immediately deciding to
exile him, Zarkon says that this is the final straw and he’s going to have Lotor executed. But Haggar speaks up to defend Him. There’s actually a scene in DOTU where Zarkon tries to kill Lotor and Haggar gets on her knees and begs for him to be spared. (Though the scene was mostly played for laughs.)
she asks for mercy and justifies it by saying it would be unwise to kill his only heir. It’s a weak argument, Lotor’s a half breed and couldn’t realistically take the throne, but Zarkon does concede, he still loves her after all, and has Lotor exiled.
And Haggar isn’t spying on him because she doesn’t trust him, but because she’s concerned for him. When Lotor confronts Haggar about sending her cronies after him, she says she knows he’s hiding something. Lotor asks if she’s threatening him, thinking she’s going to rat him out, but she says no, she’s not threatening him, she’s just trying to warn him against doing anything stupid because, with Zarkon seemingly on his death bed, the empire needs Lotor’s leadership.
At this point in the story, Haggar is questioning her loyalty to Zarkon, so I feel like it would make sense for her to be silently supporting Lotor from the shadows.
Then at the Kral Zera in season 5, It was weird to me how she was helping Lotor through Kuron while also telling him he couldn’t be emperor and trying to put Sendak on the throne. I feel like it would’ve made more sense for Sendak to just show up on his own without Haggar.
Haggar wouldn’t even be at the Kral Zera, she would just watch through Kuron.
And then we get to S6 when she actually reveals to Lotor that she’s his mom. This scene was just so poorly done. She never actually apologizes to him, she’s just like “yeah I forgot you were my kid and I never loved you, but were cool now right?” I remember when I saw S8E2 and it shows her after Lotor rejects her and she looks like she’s about to cry, I was just thinking, “this would be very emotional and sad IF she had actually apologized and made it clear that she genuinely loved him.” But she didn’t and I don’t know why!
And then we get to season 8, and of course everything in S8 is bad but Honerva’s story is particularly bad. She’s supposed to be motivated by love for Lotor yet she doesn’t act like she actually cares about him at all.
She manipulates his corpse and when she sees his gross melted body, she doesn’t even react that much. When a mother sees her child’s mutilated corpse, how do you think she reacts? Screaming? Crying?? Hurling??? But no. She’s just like, “...”
And then when she goes to the alternate reality and meets baby Lotor and he rejects her, her reaction isn’t disappointment or sadness, it’s anger and entitlement. She immediately decides, “ok, fuck this kid. Let’s destroy this reality.”
It just doesn’t make sense! This is the season you’re trying to REDEEM her! Why are you going out of your way to make her so vile?
6. Her S7-S8 plan
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(Keep in mind I haven’t watched S7/S8 since they came out and barely even watched S8 to begin with, so I don’t remember some things and I can’t be bothered to rewatch them.)
Okay, starting with S7, she’s not in this season at all but in “The Ruins” the druid dude says that her final order was to hunt and destroy the Blade of Marmora. I guess it makes a certain amount of sense because she saw that it was Keith who brought Lotor’s actions to light, but that whole plot was really pointless in my opinion. (Was anybody really hoping for a rematch between Keith and that one random druid?)
If you want us to forgive Honerva for her crimes, you really shouldn’t keep adding more unnecessary crimes. It’s established that there were a lot of Galra war lords vying for power and pirates looking for money, just have it be that Kolivan got kidnapped by one of them.
Then you have her season 8 plan and I’m gonna be real with y’all, I have no idea how to fix this mess.
I feel like the basics of her plan could work. She tries to get Lotor and Sincline out of the rift but when she gets him he’s a melted corpse so the plan then becomes to use sincline to go to another reality to find a living Lotor, but opening all these rifts causes problems and the paladins have to stop her.
But all the shit with manipulating the colony Alteans, killing the White Lion, desecrating Oriande, and destroying Olkarion and entire realities, it was all so unnecessary.
Personally I would cut the colony Alteans from the story all together, there are other ways for Lotor to betray the team. It was a lazy way of making Lotor 100% evil and having Honerva manipulate them is unnecessarily cruel, especially in the season you’re trying to redeem her.
Here’s a very basic outline of how I would do this plot.
If we’re going by season 8’s logic that she needs a sacrifice to bring back Sincline, I would’ve had the Galra she killed at the Kral Zera be the sacrifice, not the White Lion. She stands on the pyramid and talks about how the empire stole her life from her and she wants revenge as she absorbs their quintessence into herself and then uses that to bring back Sincline.
Then when she finds Lotor dead she takes Sincline and uses it to go to another reality where she can be with her family.
The danger comes when she opens rifts to the other realities and rift creatures start coming out and causing damage. The paladins fight them and follow her into the rift to stop whatever evil plan she may have. Because the paladins don’t know that Haggar is now Honerva and all this is just to get Lotor back. They think this is all some plan for multiverse domination or some shit.
Meanwhile Honerva has just been rejected by little Lotor and seeing Voltron show up pushes her over the edge and they fight.
But when they find out the real reason she’s doing all this they start trying to appeal to her and convince her to give up and close the rift peacefully. And similarly to how the paladins had to sacrifice the castle to close the rifts created by the fight with Lotor, Honerva has to sacrifice herself to close the rifts.
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In the end, I feel like a Honerva redemption arc could’ve worked if the writers were actually competent and actually made an effort to have her be sympathetic, but In canon, her reasoning, “If I can’t indulge in the simple joys of life, why should anybody else?” just doesn’t cut it.
It’s disappointing. VLD had so much potential. I’m thinking of just rewriting the entire series from the beginning. Hopefully putting all my thoughts out into the universe will help me move on.
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quirkquess · 4 years
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BNHA Fantasy AU Class 1-A Collection + Extra │ Part 1•2
Finally finished that class 1a piece lmao took years. Since I had the linework done before changing some of the designs, maybe I’ll do a redraw one day
Some headcanons:
Aoyama hails from a line of good-aligned nobility known for their powerful magic. However, due to health complications, his magic is a double-edged sword. He seeks to prove himself and make a couple friends along the way
Mina is axolotl dragon living near the Southern Salamander Lake surrounded by rocky mountains. Adventurous and energetic, she isn’t afraid to take risks. She left her home in search for adventure and eventually met the Bakusquad though Kirishima
Asui is an amphibian humanoid. She worked hard at her family’s establishment, meeting various people from different backgrounds and status. She is well connected and an extremely good negotiator
Iida is a paladin from a proud noble family spanning generations. They are known for their generosity, chivalry, and bravery. Following in his family’s footsteps, the second heir seeks to gain experience in leadership and combat
Uraraka was sent to distinguished magic school at a young age after finding her affinity with gravitation magic. Despite being born into a poor family, through her hard work, she graduated with a wealth of arcane knowledge
Ojiro is born as one of many sons of an assassination guild. However, after seeing his martial prowess, his family sent him to a temple to train as a monk. He is quick, steady, and deadly but has no real desire to kill. His sensibility has saved him and his comrades numerous times
Kaminari was from a very minor aristocratic house before he left in pursuit of glory. He wasn’t going to be an heir anyway with his brains and the call for adventure was louder than paperwork. His sociability saved him as many times as it landed him in hot water. Despite his lack of academics, a lifetime of doing odd jobs here and there granted him many close friends
Kirishima is a courageous earth dragon who ate crimson beets to look like his hero, an earth dragon with gleaming crimson scales. But before he was a cowardly little thing. He met Mina after he saw how “manly” she was exploring territory outside her own despite being so young. After being defeated in battle, he vowed to be Bakugo’s first friend!
Koda is a gentle druid humanoid. He is always surrounded by little critters and seemingly can get along with any creature. He has a bit of fae blood in him which allows him to control animals but rarely uses the power outside of hostile situations
Sato trained as a monk before leaving in pursuit of the culinary world. He seeks to create delicious food made from ingredients outside of civilization. Danger flavour, baby! Thankfully, his training helped him throughout his culinary journey
Shoji is from the deep sea. His appearance frightened those not used to deep sea dwellers as they are often thought of to be sadistic and evil-aligned. Instead of falling for such taunts, he seeks to help those in need
Jirou is a bard travelling with Momo. They met during a royal gala where she was invited to play not only because of her parents’ reputation but also her own hard work. She decided to travel with Momo to seek her own path outside of playing for nobility
Sero was the son of a travelling inventor and engineer. After helping a debt-bound Kaminari, they travelled together in hopes of landing some gold for his next invention. He’s nearly lost his arms twice after an invention gone wrong. Specializes in woodworking.
Tokoyami is an infamous kenku with a symbiotic relationship to his familiar, Dark Shadow. His abilities as a warlock rogue has given him no shortage of shady clients. He serves under the name of a dark mistress in hopes that he will be granted her favour in death
Todoroki has no shortage of names: the cursed prince, the runaway prince, the abandoned prince. It is rumoured that his mother cursed him as a payment for his father’s sins. He seeks a cure quickly before his wrath replaces his sanity but how can one be rid of a demon when they were made from demonic flesh and blood?
Hagakure is the exemplary assassin, an invisible stalker with high dexterity, if not for her affability. After hearing about Ojiro’s departure, she quickly followed him as an excuse to leave her family name and meet new people. Although many give her strange looks, they quickly fall for her charms
Bakugo is the proud barbarian of a powerful tribe of warriors. The only thing that barred him from leading the tribe was his own mother forbidding him until he learned some damn leadership qualities. Misunderstanding what she said, he left to defeat the strongest warriors known by name to carve out his own legacy
Midoriya is an ordinary boy from a small quant little town just off north to the Bakugo’s territory. He dreamed of becoming a hero like the All Might of legend despite his lack of magic or physical skills. But after a chance meeting, perhaps fate has more in store for him
Mineta has been sealed in an arcane chest. Although no one knows exactly why. Seen enabling Kaminari’s bad decisions before Sero came around
Momo is a magic knight. Born into one of the most distinguished noble families, her affinity with spatial magic makes her a powerful fighter. Get that inventory space limit outta here, she IS the Bag of Holding!
Shinso is a deep sea siren feared by many due to his hypnotic voice. “Birthed by a sea hag,” they whispered. Running away, he stumbled upon a weakening forest called “Cloud Nine” and met the forest’s guardian, an elf named Aizawa
Eri was a prize to many – a docile unicorn foal blessed/cursed with powers from the goddess of mortal time. She was later saved by a group of heroes who took her to a forest full of mist and magic where she would feel safe and loved
Aizawa is the last guardian of Cloud Nine, the forest with fading mist he took care of since the death of the last guardian, Shirakumo. A forest elf who did not take kindly to “visitors” was suddenly saddled with the company of many beings who sought safety and guidance
Yamada, or “Present Mic” as he’s more popularly known, is a banshee who said “fuck this wailing shit” and went to go party with bards and minstrels. He tries to stay within the moment as it could be taken away from you at an instant. Self-proclaimed BBF of Aizawa Shota
Nemuri is the siren empress, the great matriarch of her clan. Her bewitching beauty and voice led to many deaths of horrible mortals and an escape for those who need it. Her clan is a safe haven for the lost, afraid, and lonely
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dulcepcriculum · 2 years
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*    †    [  tuppence middleton ,  she/her  +  cis woman  ]  :  is  that  LENNOX FAIRFAX  wandering  around  ?  under  these  neon  lights  i  swore  they  looked  like  a  DRUID,  but  in  actuality  they  are  a  FIXER / PRIVATE  INVESTIGATOR.  the  THIRTY FOUR YEAR OLD  is  known  to  be  CHAOTIC  and MISGUIDED,  albeit  HEAD STRONG  and  AMBITIOUS.  after  spending  TEN YEARS  in  sin  city,  their  favourite  song  to  hum  is  CLOSER  by  CLANN,  though  people  often  associate  them  with  a harsh street lamp discolouring leaves in the night / blood, ash, and honey smeared over pale lips / flowers blooming from a decayed rib cage, dark ichor still seeping from the bone / blackened fingers digging into white wax.
i. basics.
name: lennox elizabeth fairfax.  nickname(s): len, lenny.  age/dob: 34 / july 1 1988. birthplace: chelsea, london, england. species: druid. hair color: platinum blonde with a streak of blue. eye color: hazel. height: 5′ 7″. build: slim. gender, pronouns & sexuality: cis woman, she/her, bisexual biromantic. relationship status: single. occupation: fixer / private investigator. spoken language: english, greek, latin (written-based), basic arabic, basic icelandic. summation title: the hellion. traits: (+) ambitious, head-strong, resourceful.  (-) chaotic, misguided, mistrusting. character comparisons: jules vaughn (euphoria), floki (vikings), willy wonka (willy wonka & the chocolate factory), fox mulder (the x-files), audrey home (twin peaks), klaus hargreeves ( the umbrella academy), clementine kruczynski (eternal sunshine of the spotless mind), river tam (firefly + serenity), mia wallace (pulp fiction), mystique (x-men), sabrina spellman (chilling adventures of sabrina), powder (arcane).
ii. about.
(tw for death)
neither well off or poor, the fairfax family lead an average life in the eyes of friends and neighbours. lennox and her older brother were average students as good as the next kid, as deviant as the one after, but were connected to the hip when off on their own. maybe it was the large gap in age between the two that brought them closer together--- finn being an only child for so long that when she came along it meant he had someone to show all of his interests to, all of his hobbies and friends. wherever he went, his kid sister was beside him exploring the streets of london.
behind closed doors, however, he was teaching her everything he learned in the ways of magic from their parents and then more, methods and information he picked up on his own. he was the watchful eye to make sure she didn’t do something rash on a playground as well as ensure that despite the druid lineage she remained connected to the outside world and a part of it. while both of their parents were present in the home, did what they could to be involved in their children’s lives, finn was more of a parent to her than either of the taller shadows looming in the background of every memory.
it started with a birthday gift, a film camera that their parents said was too mature for a newly turned seven year old to have without breaking it. the camera was a staple around her neck on every adventure she had with him, any family outing or holiday. she ran out of film constantly, procured more through questionable means (stole) when it wasn’t immediately replenished. it fell once, for the record, by no other cause than pure accident she couldn’t be blamed for. finn went out the next day and replaced the lens without a complaint toward expenses.
the hobby, passion, turned into the beginning of a career. lennox applied to university programmes for photography and photojournalism will a portfolio over a decade in the making, some featuring being who inspired her. by then she had the full support of her family knowing well she couldn’t be separated from her ambition, never could be convinced out of an idea. too many scars and bruises were acquired to get the right shot that to tell her it wasn’t a profitable career meant more bruises would be made, that if it was better to stay close to home she’d sneak away in the night. so with a blessing and an expectation to come back over break, she went to scotland for school.
she was beginning her postgraduate classes when her parents called--- and that should have been enough of a sign to know something was wrong. a part of her wondered if she missed signs in the ether, if her talent with the elements waned from being distracted by the human world. nothing, nothing gave warning that finn was murdered before she heard the words from her mother. 
lennox immediately came home. all they knew was he was coming home from work in the city, that he’d been attacked. her parents insisted to let the police handle it but len turned toward spell casting for answers. she was warned in her frantic search that turning to dark magic, that delving into the world of the dead would get her kicked from their home. within a week, the fairfax family lost both of their children.
it didn’t matter the means, lennox eventually found the answers she wanted. they were underwhelming and left more questions to her already shattered and scattered heart. and with no home left to return to, she decided england itself couldn’t be a home either and travelled to the united states instead. death seemed to follow her, already waiting for her in the city crawling with creatures that looked the other way for their own survival or encouraged it with so many loved ones begging for the same answers she was in her time of need. lennox decided to change her profession to getting such answers for anyone who asked.
years of living in las vegas, of being on her own, has made her more understanding to the circumstances of some of the violence within the city, some. it can be necessary at times, unreasonable and for pleasure at worst. because of various sources, lennox has opened her practice for various necessities as well, knowing well that the druids within the city might not understand that discouraged practices are sometimes needed for the best of intentions. she is no longer one to judge, only one to help by whatever means is required.
will be edited as information is discovered through muse or plotting.
iii. possible connections.
clientele: true to the druids of las vegas, lennox offers whatever one might be looking for, but without limitation or warning. the possibilities are limited to one’s imagination ( and physical exertion, of course ) and lennox has no qualms with indulging.
targets: and it’s very possible you didn’t hire her but she’s lingering around more than you’ve seen her before. perhaps a long lost sire wants to keep distance and requested information or someone knows what you’ve been up to and she has a camera ready to confirm it. are you hiding anything important?
associates: even practicing druids need suppliers for their craft and lennox is constantly in need of ingredients more questionable in nature. arrangements can be made, favors to be owned or simply money to be paid. are you willing to supply?
friends: the chaotic mess that she is, lennox is still very sociable and amicable, easy to care for other people who quickly resonate with her. however it is a connection that begins as a thread and must be reinforced over time; she is hesitant to trust even those whom she believes she can. once that reinforcement is settled, there’s nothing breaking that tie.
the hive minds: lennox uses whatever means necessary to achieve what she wants, but her work and methods can and have stepped into the worlds of the various hierarchies. her skill and expertise could be valuable to any of them ( especially to her own kin ) that a whisper in her ear to join might eventually encourage her. might. alternatively, her methods are not kosher or encouraged among many which might bring tensions or enemies to her doorstep. where do you stand? 
more to be written...
iv. fun facts.
(tw for illness and injury)
pressing all buttons and pushing boundaries has its drawbacks and some are beginning to physically take a toll on her. it wouldn’t be the first nosebleed lennox had from exertion, or perhaps coughing up questionable colours after indulging in a darker magic. however, the tips of her fingers blackening with necrotic damage is new. only a few digits and barely noticeable for now. for now.
there are artistic photographs hanging around her small office. all of them were a part of her original portfolio when applying to studios.
has a pet skeleton tarantula named tau.
of her various cameras and surveillance equipment, her favorite and most used is her fujifilm x100 camera. if anything should happen to it, dark magic will be dealt.
more to come...
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 4 (SPRING 4/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient: For once, not Kiara! This time I was called upon by one of the Bacchae adventurers, Maddi Windwake the druid.
Ailment: Phodothropy [curse*] [hair*] (T6) Got bitten by a cursed hamster while she was trying to befriend it. She spent the last full moon as a giant hamster, gnawing on the wheels of her party’s loot cart.
Recommend: Skeleton Dust to banish the hair, Glittersnow or Fairy Dust to break the curse
Field Notes:
I readily found the Skeleton Dust I needed in Hero’s Hollow, after all the exploring I’ve been doing. Said hello to Bap for a little while, as well. They seemed tired today. On my way out of the dungeon I stopped in an ancient library and took some time to read a few dusty but useful old books, which were able to instruct me as to how I might collect some Ghost Goo. They were accurate, to my excitement!
I next traveled up the mountain to gather Glittersnow, and was startled by the approach of a hot air balloon. It landed directly in front of me, and inside was a strikingly dashing individual who introduced themself as Nikola Skywode. Without any further detail they immediately invited me into their balloon and offered to take me wherever I wished. On the one hand, this could have easily been a kidnapping….but on the other hand, I’ve never flown in a balloon before, and they were very dashing (if eccentric).
I accepted. We had a thrilling time, the details of which will remain private.
I meant to direct us straight back to the Apothecary cottage, but I admit I got a little too distracted by the beautiful view(s), and we ended up landing in the Glimmerwood instead. I was too embarrassed to correct this, and said my goodbyes - I figured it was close enough to walk home anyway. I also realized that Fairy Dust might be a little more appropriate for Maddi’s particular ailment anyway, so I set to finding some before I left. Just as I finished, however, I got hit with sudden vertigo, my vision went blurry, and a strange voice I couldn’t understand whispered like echoes in my mind. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the middle of a fairy ring in a completely different part of the forest. It was disorienting, but I was unharmed, and apparently the fairies weren’t too offended because they allowed me to keep my dust. I had to book it back to the cottage to keep good time, though.
“Fuzz-Away Dust”
Crush the skeleton dust into a fine powder
Mix thoroughly with raw Fairy Dust
Apply the mixed dust gently with a powder puff to the face, and inhale
Paid: 20 silver Maddi left looking as sparkly as crushed mica, but free of fur and free of the urge to chew on furniture.
Additional Notes:
This week I went to the Loch to visit Calliope Trippin & had lunch with her family. Afterward I did a little foraging - Shadow easily snatched the wig off a wigfish showing off in the shadows, while I explored a sunken wreck a little deeper in the water. I found a skeleton clinging to a treasure chest, but this one was definitely dead. After prying its prize away and dragging it to shore, I found a number of absolutely beautiful paintings inside. I gave them to Calliope for safekeeping until I decide where I want to put them.
I also found the sock that possibly belongs to the giant who lost the shoe, mostly buried in the sand along a very long stretch of beach. There were Dentist Crabs all over the site, and it was easy to gather a good amount. I then found some odd footprints, which I tried to follow, but before I found where they led I was harried by a flock of gull-drakes and had to retreat. They made me lose all of my Dentist Crabs, which was frustrating, and I backtracked to the site of The Sock to gather some more. This time I noticed part of a seemingly endless rope also half buried, which I first took as one of those huge sailing ropes, but I now suspect it might have been a shoelace.
OOC: Rep – 9 [Novice] Silver – 92 Tools – basics Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Upgrades – garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x3) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x1)
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beercan1145 · 4 years
Ok so, I’m rewatching Merlin and this show is...IDEK. For context, I watched the show during its ORIGINAL RUN which ended when I was thirteen. I missed a LOT of messages. So seeing it eight years later is already a trip and seeing it RIGHT NOW? Like, it’s...I just. There’s SO much going on. The way magic is outlawed and those who practice it are members of an oppressed class that is hunted and killed for something they were born with and can’t change. I mean, it’s just rife with symbolism and allegory that would require an extensive semiotic analysis to unpack (maybe several) and I think I lack both the will and intellect. But also it’s weird because the members of the oppressed class are constantly villainized for fighting back, and by like the third season it feels ridiculous that Merlin keeps trying to stop everyone from killing the tyrannical ruler and I can’t help but wonder why, when it’s like: at this point, Arthur was ready to take the throne and every day that Uther sits on it is another day that magicians are in danger. I liked “The Sorcerer’s Shadow” where his complicity in the continued oppression of his people was explored because he was confronted by this magician who calls him out, but it doesn’t really go anywhere. And, sure they give him this emotional conflict like once every few episodes, but it just rings hollow at a certain point. Like, let Uther die. Yes, Arthur will be sad for a while but is avoiding that worth people’s LIVES?
Also can we talk about how in The Coming of Arthur Part 1, Arthur holds a sword up to a Druid boys throat unprovoked and refuses to let him go until he has the cup of life and no one says he went too far? Merlin should’ve called that out more. Even though he tried to tell Arthur to chill in the moment, he says nothing when Arthur won’t listen. And everyone is just still going on about how great of a man he is and how he’ll make a great king. I think the fuck not. Also Morgana was shown to really care about the plight of magicians early on, and have a strong sense of justice, but they didn’t really give her that nuanced of a portrayal by the end. (I feel like I would need another post to talk about how they skipped steps in her descent to villainy in terms of characterization) The FIRST thing she should have done when she became Queen at the end of season 3 was unban magic. Like imagine if they had actually allowed her to be good for Camelot in some ways, complicating the ideas of this power struggle instead of her representing doom and gloom and showing that a magician couldn’t handle sitting on the throne, because they’d be driven mad with power and the hopes for revenge and domination or whatever. But I guess that wouldn’t have necessarily been satisfying because Arthur/Uther would have probably vetoed the shit out of that once they were back in power, and the idea that she could be good for magic didn’t fit the narrative of the show, even though that didn’t make sense. WAIT, AS I’M TYPING THIS I’M EXPERIENCING AN EPIPHANY. They (inadvertently, im guessing, but who knows?) were sending the message that having a supposed “ally” of an oppressed class in power would be more advantageous than actually having a member of that group in power. Like why the fuck was it prophesied that fucking ARTHUR (I’ll take daddy’s blunt instrument for $400) would be better for magic than Uther’s other heir who actually HAD magic? The fuck, why can’t the minorities represent their own interests?
Which brings me to the point that Morgana’s demonization could also relate to her being a woman, another difference between her and Arthur. From what I remember we have never seen a queen in her own right ruling on the show... honestly I’m not even sure we’ve actually seen a queen by marriage. (I mean, I know we get there EVENTUALLY, with ONE character, but what the heck) When I think about it, powerful women are often demonized on the show, which I know men are also their “enemies” sometimes, but when so much of the main cast is made of powerful men, many of whom we’re supposed to root for, even in indirect ways when they’re shown to be wrong (like Uther, we’re supposed to hope Merlin can save him every time because that’s our hero’s goal at the time) it’s like... there’s an imbalance. Come to think of it, I can’t think of a female magician who wasn’t villified/killed on the show... It was unclear to me whether Freya had any magic or was just cursed, but even if she was an example, she got killed... by ARTHUR, SHIT, I forgot that he struck the mortal blow. And Merlin harbored no resentment over that (I’M GONNA HAVE TO MAKE ANOTHER POST ABOUT THE SERVANTS’ LOYALTY AND HOW THEYRE SHOWN TO LOVE THEIR OPPRESSIVE RULERS) I have so much more to say but I don’t want this post to go on forever, so yeah that’s just some thoughts on Merlin (I’m on 3x13 as of this post)
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 3 years
The Children group as their dnd class and race
From this
that helped inspire all of this
(used hero forge )
-some edits to original design-
Team name: Second Gen
How they got the name: It started with Janine and Silver who's adventure revolved around parents and kept running into folks with more parent issues so it kinda worked
other teams:
Elite (Kanjo)
Rainbow (Villain squad)
Dropouts (main group)
Janine-Yaun-Ti, Monk: Shadow
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Look at her, she’s a young independent snake ready to take on the world ya’ll and I love her. She’s a monk like her dad, but has gone full force on trying to be sneaky. At her side she has a vile of poison as her father always taught her to carry. Her staff isn’t as weathered as her father’s but the craftsmanship is still there. Also it may not be the toughest of looks but she’s proud of her pink detail especially cause she thinks it compliments her scales. She’s excited to find her dad again, and show off how strong she is cause....well she can’t think about the possibility if he really has died somewhere. 
Silver-Mountain Lion shifter, Rouge: Theif
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He’s been out of the mafia game even longer than his father, but still has some tricks from it. After all he’s been doing fairly decent for himself trying to fix his father’s mistakes. Granted his first go at fixing them has quickly gotten him involved with some yaun-ti girl named Janine. Anyways he’s got the mountain lion genetics from his father, and no visible signs from his mother leaving even him clueless as to what his mother was. He has a backpack since somehow he’s the most responsible one in the party, and dual knifes since he doesn’t like to fight as brutishly as his father. Janine’s smoke helps him get his sneak attacks in as well. Also as explained on his dad’s all Ex Rocket members have armor shoulder pads to show they’re part of the group. He hates wearing them, but sometimes when they need information....well pretending to be part of the club is helpful so he puts them on as needed. 
Marnie-Feral Tie-fling, Sorcerer-Shadow
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Does she dye her horns, yes yes she does. Also those horns fit her hair color super well. Essentially what separates feral tie-fling from regular is well hooves for feet, and wings along with usually more dramatic horns. When it comes to her beat up looks it’s due to all of her time exploring trying to find her missing brother who randomly left his bard college, that and well hey she makes the ripped up look work. She fight with a brutal spear, but also her shadow magic is pretty good getting along great with the shadow monk Janine and the rouge Silver since they all deal with concealment. Despite her amulet being dipped in the evil color scheme it was the last thing her father gave her before disappearing. She isn’t involved in the BBEG but her father is. 
N-Earth Genasi, Druid: Circle of the Shepard
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First of all I know he just looks pale but he’s supposed to be granite skin it just didn’t paint well unfortunately. His hair is emerald though which is why it is mow-hawk style thus jutting from his body. Instead of his little saturn necklace he has a ring of the appropriately colored stones, and still has the little gold cube at his side to play with. He has a bow and arrows when he fights preferring to stay away from hand to hand combat and use spirits that the Shepard subclass allows that way he can give support to the team. He does has a stone staff that he copied from his father’s look to help focus the magic energy. Also plants surround him along with little animals since he can always talk to animals. 
Gladion-Aassmir, Barbarian: Berserker
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Now one maybe wondering why angel boy looks.....like this. Well he was adopted by bug bear man and really enjoyed the bone armor look the goblins had along with the idea of using rage to punch harder with magic. So he’s heavily stylized after him. As for his wings they are still on the small size cause child,a nd behind his feet is the mantle of a paladin his mother wanted for him, notice the green hue on the wing area with the evil colors. However he rejected this and I can’t wait for his mom to see him later. Also like his sister, his halo is still gold since he hasn’t fully grown into one like his mother’s which is made of light.
Lillie-Aasmir, Cleric: Unity
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She’s very wholesome and I love her. She has a mix of what her mother put her in such as the leather skirt but in her transformation of becoming her own person has cut some of it to allow for more mobility. On her wings it is more easily seen that she has blue tipped wings like her brother. Their mother’s ice powers seeming their way genetically into her children having frost colored wings on the tips. She is a heavy user of a shield having decided to be the one trying o keep her family safe whether they need protection, or healing. 
 Bede- Unicorn Centaur, Ranger: Horizon Walker
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Not in the original story but I decided to add him in as an NPC that this party would adopt. Basically he’d be talking about how his abilities allow him to teleport about, since I think that ties in the psychic lean well, and how there was a loxodon who he saw as a father figure for awhile until realizing that he was truthfully more interested in the concept of a unicorn centaur and the seemingly limitless magic flowing from him. Despite how much this hurt at the time a kindly satyr woman named Opal has helped him harness his skills. However that conversation had him wondering about if there was such a thing as unicorn centaurs, and realizing certain races seemed to simply pop up in the world and he wants to know where his race and other’s truly came from. This is later revealed that many races that randomly appeared are due to this god’s meddling in merging planes of existences. 
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animatical-fandoms · 5 years
Disney Characters in D&D
Part 1: Princesses
Snow White: An enchanting wizard, Snow is a peacemaker to dwarves and a kind mistress to small animals that help her do what she sees she should. Lawful Good and incredibly naive, she’s lucky her looks are part of her bewitching demeanor. 
Cinderella: She is a warlock, with an Archfey as her patron and the Pact of the Chain allowing her to summon small animal-shaped sprites to her aid. Lawful Good and always equipped with Mending and other practical spells (because let’s face it; fireball is not going to fix your leather armor). 
Aurora: A sorcerer of the Divine Soul, Aurora’s light and power is so overwhelming that a dark fey cursed her to sleep. (tbh because Aurora is asleep most of the time, it’s hard to place her, but since she follows the three fairies to her duty in the end, I’d call her Lawful Good - she’s been blessed by the fey since she was a baby, but cursed by Maleficent, so Divine Soul made sense to me)
Ariel: She is a sea-elf bard in the College of Lore. Her main instrument, her voice, has been taken away from her, so she uses an enchanted shell that creates glowing script and a pan flute gifted by a mysterious sailor to cast her magic. She’s too defiant to be anything but Chaotic Good, and either her intelligence or wisdom are a bit low - after all, trusting a known evil entity for that deal didn’t work out too well for her. 
Belle: She is a human artificer artillerist, studying machinery like her inventor father to create enchanted items that will help her on the adventures she’s only read about so far. Belle is Neutral Good, keeping her word, but breaking expectations set on her by her village.  She’s far more interested in tales of an enchanted dark castle in the north. 
Jasmine: As a ranger of the Beast Master variety, you can bet that Jasmine is not going to leave her pet tiger behind. She’s interested by a kind rogue that helped her in the streets, and she can’t help but feel like her home was stifling, so with his help, she explores the whole world around her. What else can this rebel be but Chaotic Good?
Pocahontas: Pocahontas is a Circle of Dreams druid, constantly aware of nature around her and the symbols that come to her in dreams from her connection with the Feywild. Torn between tradition and her own convictions, she is Neutral Good, wondering about people and races outside of her druid band. 
Mulan: She is a fighter, a champion to her emperor, a duelist and protector that is fiercely loyal to her family and her comrades. Mushu is her secret, pseudo-dragon companion. Despite breaking major laws to protect those she loves, her sense of honor brings her to more Lawful Good tendencies, especially now that she’s proven herself as a fighter. 
Tiana: An Oath of Devotion paladin, Tiana believes in protecting what she loves through hard work. Her dream is to have a world that is safe enough to simply open up a restaurant - but, like her father before her, she wants to defend her loved ones from the shadows, first. A Neutral Good fighter, she’s willing to push boundaries to achieve what’s almost hers. 
Rapunzel: She is a half-elf cleric of the life domain, able to heal all around her with the power of a deity she doesn’t quite know well yet. She’s curious and artistic, wondering about wandering the world after spending most of her life in a tower. Her impulsive decision to leave puts her into Chaotic Good (much like one Magnus Burnsides, she would love to Do Good Recklessly).
Anna: Anna would be a fighter of the banneret variety, inspiring her allies to keep going even in the roughest times. She might be a bit goofy, but this Neutral Good party member is brave enough to make up for her awkward social moments. Her place as the spare, second royal child makes life difficult, but she does make up for it by also being her sister’s personal guard. 
Elsa: A sorcerer capable of creating blinding snowstorms, Elsa is terrified of the power she wields. Though her relationship with her magic reflects what one might expect with a warlock, it really is her own inner power that she’s wrestling with, not an outside force, and that makes it all the worse. Anna is a good, bright shoulder to lean on when she goes to darker places.
She is a human(? Maybe not. Maybe that hag did something to her whole family - one that leaves her more bear than human on some full moon nights) ranger who has definitely run off from her royal duties to hunt fiends like Mor’du and fey like the trickster wisps and violent hags. 
Following the Path of the Ancestral Guardian, Moana is, in my mind, a barbarian warrior - counting on her voyaging ancestors as protectors in even the most dangerous waters. Moana wants to do her duty, but she’ll break from her father’s laws to protect her people, so she’s Neutral Good. With her demigod companion, her strength might seem small, but she will endure the ocean and even the realm of monsters itself if she has to. 
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leahdarkspear · 4 years
The Party Totem
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It’s been a little while since I published a story, but with the election having me on edge and whatnot, I needed a distraction, so here we go. This is an excerpt from a longer story I’ve been working on for a long while, a collection of the random adventures Leah and Ja’mez have been on together. I needed something lighthearted, and this particular excerpt is a slice of life from shortly after they’d moved to Dazar’alor. I hope you guys enjoy!
Ja’mez exited the ethereal’s shop dressed smartly in a Zandalari-made green dinosaur hide harness and leggings trimmed with Zandalari gold. On his face was fresh white and blue war paint, and his vibrant teal hair stood proud and tall in a mohawk. 
Leah let go a sharp whistle. “Lookin’ sexy dere, babe.” 
The huntress was pleased to see he’d opted not to wear a hood this time; she could once again freely admire his warm smile, celestial blue eyes, and gorgeous hair.
Ja’mez flashed a charming grin. “Thanks. Been a while since I rocked a mohawk.”
Leah couldn’t help but get her hands in his viridian locks. “It looks good, love.”
The two took a short stroll. Dog the lizard shuffled merrily along behind them sniffing the air and exploring, occasionally being shooed away by shop-keepers.  Leah and Ja’mez made their way to the edge of the terrace and sat down together, both of them dangling their legs over the ledge as they looked out over Little Tortolla. Eager for attention, Dog shoved his head up under Ja’mez’s arm and nuzzled him. The druid smiled and obliged the large reptilian beast with chin scratches. Satisfied, the saurolisk panted happily and then waddled away to get into mischief. Leah shook her head and chuckled at her dumb but loveable hunting companion. Leah nudged her mate. “Ya missed a pretty good fight last night, love.”
The druid perked up at the mention of action. He looked sidelong at Leah and a smirk crept over his face. “Did I now? What happen?”
“Gaz wanted us ta explore Xibala, dem big devilsaur bones. We ran inta some Dark Iron.”
The druid nodded. “Of course, dey be up ta sometin’ ovah dere,”
“Well, dey be messin’ wit’ stuff dey shouldn’t be. Some of dem got cursed an’ turned inta undead. I be fightin’ two skeletons at once!” Leah gestured enthusiastically.
Ja’mez shook his head. “Dumb dwarves. Always dey gotta be meddlin’ in tings dey don’t understand.”
Leah nodded. “Ya know what Xibala be, right? I looked it up. She be de first devilsaur. Rezan's mama. De locals say dat place be bad juju anyway. Told us we shouldn't have been up dere ourselves. I heard some folks say her spirit still be in de hills ovah dere.” The huntress went quiet for a moment as she looked Ja’mez over. “You know not all dwarves be bad, yeah? Some of dem I worked wit' on de Broken Shore be fun.”
“Oh, I know dwarves ain’t totally terrible. Dat Hemet Nesingwary doh, he be askin’ for a fight,” Ja’mez muttered irritably.
Leah tilted her head with curiosity. “Why? ‘Cause he be so triggah-happy?”
“He a trophy hunter.”.
Leah smirked. “You sound like one of dem DEHTA druids.”
Ja’mez scowled.
“I be kiddin’, love.”
“Hmph,” Ja’mez chuckled unconvincingly. Leah nudged him playfully, and the corners of his lips upturned slightly. She smiled and leaned against him. After another moment of quiet contemplation, the huntress got to her feet and reached for her mate’s hand. “C’mon, let’s walk some more.”
It was yet another gorgeous night in Dazar’alor. The air hung heavy, seemingly pulling the million stars that dotted the sky closer to the earth. Moths flitted about near the lamplights to cause flittering shadows in the various shops. As late as it was, plenty of people still milled about. Leah couldn’t recall a city that seemed as alive as this one. Moonlight glinted softly off the gold accents of the buildings and muted the city’s normally vibrant hues as Ja’mez and Leah wound their way through Little Tortolla and down to the waterfront.
Leah pulled an item from her bag that she’d purchased earlier that day from Natal’hakata the Zandalari Emissary. “What’s dat?” her mate asked.
“De mon said it be a party totem. It sounded fun for when we have League parties. Not sure what it does just yet.”
Leah set the totem on the ground. Immediately it lit up and began sounding a catchy drum beat.
“Oooh,” said Ja’mez. 
The druid began to move in time with the music. Leah let out a whoop and clapped excitedly for  her mate as she too began to step to the beat. Together they swayed, each of their movements gracefully complementing the other’s as gradually the dance grew more complex.
Slowly a crowd began to gather. Some joined in the dance, but most glued their eyes to the impromptu show. Sweat clung to the couple in the humid night air. Their exhilaration was palpable. With every twist and turn, they simultaneously showed off for and challenged each other. Leah’s competitive streak rose. Each fiery glance of her amber eyes and each playful smirk she flashed Ja’mez’s way seemed to say, Is dat all you got? And every time, he returned a cocksure grin that replied, Not even close.
Leah’s movements were smooth and seductive as she shook and rolled her hips along with the beat. Though she was a skilled dancer, Ja’mez proved he would not be outdone. He nimbly vaulted into the air and turned an impressive flip before landing as lightly as a cat on his feet.
Then in one fluid motion, Ja’mez slid to Leah and tightly grasped her against himself as he  dipped her low. Leah gazed into the druid’s icy blue eyes that now shone all the more vibrant from the exertion of the dance. The music stopped and the crowd cheered. And once again, Ja’mez had stolen her heart and made a clean getaway.
There was a short burst of applause from the spectators before the crowd began to disperse. Leah picked up the totem and placed it back in her pack. 
Once they were on their own again, Ja’mez pulled Leah close. He leaned down to let his lips lightly graze her neck before he moved to whisper in her ear. “Girl, you look pretty. Pretty tasty.”
Leah leaned back against his chest, looked up at him and giggled. “Babe, did you just use de oldest troll pick-up line in history on me?”
Her mate smirked. “De oldest? Ya sure ‘bout dat?”
“Mmhmm,” Leah nodded. “Trust me, I know a thing or two ‘bout ancient artifacts.”
“Well, it still be true.” Ja’mez gave Leah a sly wink.
“Oh yeah? Well, you’re de kind I like ta sink my teeth into,” she purred in his ear, “but don’t worry, I won’t bite ya where it shows.”
The druid bit his lip. “Mmph. I hope ya well rested, ‘cause ya gonna need ya strength.”
A hearty cackle burst from the huntress. “Boy, dontcha know? When enraged and in heat, a female troll can mate up ta eighty times in one night.”
“Dat true?” Ja’mez asked playfully. “Well den, ya want some of my jungle love?”
Leah softly kissed his lips. “Always,” she whispered.
Ja’mez chuckled quietly. With a contented smile, he wrapped Leah up in his arms. He then turned his sight to the bustling port, but Leah couldn’t take her eyes off him. To get his attention again, Leah reached out and grabbed a hold of his tusk. “C’mere,” she cooed as she pulled his face to hers. 
The druid leaned in, and his lips met Leah’s in a long, intimate kiss.
When they parted, Leah hummed contentedly. She moved closer to gently peck the exposed portions of his neck and collarbone. 
“I love it when ya kiss me like dat.”
“I think it might be time ta call it a night,” Ja’mez observed coyly.
“Yeah?” Leah chirped. Her mate barely had a chance to respond before she was tugging him by the wrist towards home.
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