#explosion imagery
froggiesgutz · 9 months
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pickles angel imagery anyone
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carmalyne · 5 months
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NATHAN ART I NEVER FINISHED FTW!!! nathan if you’re reading this i love you and i need you please save me
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fortjester · 1 year
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The Sixth, Love, & Burning
(Leviticus 10:1 from The Bible (NKJV) // Nona the Ninth pg. 139 // I, Carrion (Icarian) by Hozier // Harrow the Ninth pg. 289 // Nervous Young Inhumans by Car Seat Headrest // Gideon the Ninth pg. 404 // L.G. FUAD by Motion City Soundtrack // Gideon the Ninth pg. 406 // Summertime by My Chemical Romance // Gideon the Ninth pg. 263 // Strange Fire by the Indigo Girls // Gideon the Ninth pg. 264 // Body to Flame by Lucy Dacus // Nona the Ninth pg. 423 // Corinthians 1:13 from The Bible (NKJV) // Nona the Ninth pg. 420 // Sunlight by Hozier // Gideon the Ninth pg. 404 // Would That I by Hozier // Harrow the Ninth pg. 252 // Lucy Dacus about Body To Flame // Nona the Ninth pg. 122 // Burn Bright by My Chemical Romance // Harrow the Ninth pg. 252 & 253 // Burned Out by Dodie // Nona the Ninth pg. 123)
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stimboard-radio · 3 months
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Wiggly (Wiggog Y'Wrath) stimboard
✭ with related stims
✫ RQ'd by 🪀 anon !
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jimmyspades · 7 months
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starrygazingpie · 1 month
tales of arise was a bad game. and like not in a way where i'm like "it could've been so good" or have characters i want to save from it.
but i still think about it from time to time. it haunts me.
specifically that one scene where the pitchfork crowd is shaking their arms in robotic unison (but like. not in an intentional directorial choice way)
before just...... turning into capri sun
and it's meant to be scary. and it's genuinely one of the funniest goddamn things i have seen in my life instead
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rubyiiiusions · 2 years
i wonder how the sun feels when it falls // sonknux
word count 2489 - ao3 link
For his entire life, Knuckles had been alone. It was his fate-he was the last echidna, after all, and he enjoyed his solitary lifestyle, but…
It hurt, sometimes. And, in his typical fashion, Sonic was always there to help alleviate that age-old pain, words light and airy, smile carefree as the wind, breathless and sweaty as they fought in the light of the moon, and afterward picking blueberries and tossing them at each other, building a campfire and making s’mores, laughing at the stickiness of a melted marshmallow stuck in blue quills.
enjoy,,, theyre freaks <3
Knuckles could barely remember a time when he didn’t love Sonic. 
He’d loved him for as long as he knew what the word meant, and in every sense of it–they were rivals, friends, and somehow so, so much more. From the very beginning, the blue hedgehog had been different; the first of his enemies that actually put up a fight, that threatened his way of living first by shattering his world and then by rebuilding it, sweeping him into a whirlwind of taunts and laughter and too-warm smiles. Sonic got on his nerves in the best way possible, giving him an outlet for everything he struggled to express in words, a punching bag that fought back. He was infuriatingly stubborn–he never gave up, never left, not even after Knuckles got tricked and fought against him for the umpteenth time. It was a dance they’d perfected, stubbornly insisting on getting in each other’s way just to hear the other’s infuriated scoff, to feel the rush of battle as they sparred with words and fists, genuine smiles. 
For his entire life, Knuckles had been alone. It was his fate-he was the last echidna, after all, and he enjoyed his solitary lifestyle, but…
It hurt, sometimes. And, in his typical fashion, Sonic was always there to help alleviate that age-old pain, words light and airy, smile carefree as the wind, breathless and sweaty as they fought in the light of the moon, and afterward picking blueberries and tossing them at each other, building a campfire and making s’mores, laughing at the stickiness of a melted marshmallow stuck in blue quills. Sonic fell asleep curled next to Knuckles, and carefully a bulky hand snaked around his shoulders, pulling him closer, leaning into each other. He wasn’t built to handle delicate things, and while Sonic was usually anything but, now…
He trusted Knuckles. He was vulnerable around him, even after everything they’d been through. Knuckles swallowed, realizing that without noticing, he’d let his defenses down, too. 
He was terrible at reading body language. It was a language he didn’t speak, could barely understand, let alone translate. But even he noticed the way Sonic stumbled around Ares island, limping and smiling, a hand flickering with cyber-corruption. The moon was high above, mirroring the crescent on Knuckles’ chest. He wondered how many sleepless nights he’d had. Less than Sonic, for sure. 
A flicker. He yelped, spinning around, and there she was–that mysterious girl that had trapped him, reduced him to this. He let out a low growl, but she was floating out of reach, and Sonic still insisted that he shouldn’t fight her. Reluctantly, he lowered his fists, eyeing her warily.
“You care for him,” she noted, gazing at the blue hedgehog in the distance, sparring with one of the many robots littering the desert island. “Why?”
“What do you mean?” Knuckles scoffed. “He’s my friend. Of course I care about him.” 
“You argue,” she pointed out, still staring at Sonic’s figure, illuminated in the moonlight. “You don’t see eye to eye, you fight constantly. You claim that you’re friends, yet there’s this odd tension between you. It’s perplexing.”
“Yeah, we’re rivals. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, too.” Knuckles followed her gaze. A laugh found his ears, carried by the wind. “He annoys me, but I admire him. He’s strong, fast… he’s saved me more times than I can count.” He let out a small laugh. “And he depends on me, too. He’d never admit it, but he’d be lost without me.”
The girl hummed. “He’s a confusing specimen, isn’t he? Almost a shame that he has to die.”
Knuckles snorted. “You can try to kill him. I have too. He’s not going to lose. No matter what. I know him.”
He turned back and she was gone. Letting out a sigh, he vanished and flickered back into existence next to Sonic. Somehow, looking at his drooping eyelids, his words and faith in his rival seemed unfounded. 
“It’s dark,” he commented, not knowing quite what to say. “You seem tired.” 
Sonic brushed him off, waving a hand. “Psh. I’m fine, Knux. If anything, you seem like you’re struggling to keep up. Did I wear you out?” he teased, instinctively elbowing him. His arm fizzled through flesh, flickering in and out of existence, a constant reminder of the predicament they were in, the state Knuckles trusted Sonic with his life to help him escape. 
“Hardly,” he snorted. “But I’m not sure I trust you to take down that titan while you look like you’re about to collapse.” 
“Please.” Sonic yawned. “I could take that hunk of junk down in my sleep. ”
“It almost blew you up yesterday.”
“That’s beside the point.”
“I–” Knuckles bit back his concern, turning away. “Fine. Just… be careful, ok?”
“Please.” Sonic laughed, far too strained. “Careful? Where’s the fun in that?”
He was limp, frozen in place, flickering and corrupted. Knuckles mirrored him, trembling at the sight. Amy let out a cry, running to Sonic, and he tried to force himself to do the same but he couldn’t move , paralyzed by shock, dread, the world spinning so much he barely noticed the ground that felt solid at his feet. 
“What happened to him?” He asked, head spinning, and this all felt like a scene from one of those horror movies Rouge loved to watch with him, something that couldn’t be real, there was no way, but there Sonic was, paralyzed, grinning, ever upbeat, the spitting image of the optimistic hero, the light of hope, snuffed out. 
“He took on so much cyber energy,” Tails’ voice was soft, miserable, almost shrouded in disbelief. “It… it corrupted him.”
“Meaning?” His ears were ringing. 
“He’s stuck between realities. He’s in limbo. He… he lost.” 
No. There was a lump in his throat, forcing its way out in the form of a tiny, choked cry, finally finding the strength to stumble forward. It was all blurry except for him, a frozen statue, eyes open, flesh blackened and flickering that vile red, corrupted through and through, and, of course, the small, pained grin on his face. His hand found a once-blue shoulder and didn’t pass through it. He forced back a sob. He can’t be dead. He can’t–
He didn’t lose. There’s no way.
Eggman was cackling(he was here, of course he was here), but it was faint background noise, deafened by the ringing in his ears, and Sonic wasn’t breathing, Chaos, he wasn’t breathing – 
“Wake up,” he breathed, barely audible, shaking Sonic’s shoulders, and he was stone-cold. “Please. You have to wake up. You can’t--” 
A rumble, booming ominously in the distance, shaking the very ground below his feet. Knuckles pulled away, jolted back to reality, looking around frantically. Whoever did this to him is going to pay, he thought, grim. His light of hope had been snuffed out, but what could he do except fight on? It was all he knew how to do anyway. Hope was a weak drug compared to vengeance. 
“Since time immemorial I have languished here. Now, the locks are broken. I shall tear down the walls between dimensions and consume all.”
Knuckles growled, clenching his fists and stepping forward, mouth parting to shout his defiance to the stars, standing between it and the fallen celestial next to him. Eggman was panicking, shouting something about mobilizing the Egg Fleet, but it was helpless. If Sonic had lost, what chance did any of them have of winning? A broken record of his own hopeless concerns, data backing up the inevitable conclusion, the girl he’d seen earlier gripped Eggman’s shoulder, shaking it frantically, eyes flicking from Knuckles to Sonic to the sky and back again. “It won’t be enough! It triumphed over the Ancients’ technology! My simulations show a success rate of zero percent!” 
Of course, Knuckles thought, grim, blood running cold, turning back to look at Sonic again. His eyes were no longer green, consumed by that sickening, flickering, lifeless red. He stepped back, still in disbelief, looking down at his now-solid hands. He sacrificed himself for us. You selfless idiot. 
“No!” Tails’ voice cut through the daze, drawing his eyes to him. His face, screwed in determination despite the tears brimming in his eyes, somehow mirrored his brother’s in a way that tore and shredded at Knuckles’ heart, tugging at his heartstrings. Things will never be the same again, will they? “Sonic worked too hard for us to give up now. Those visions we saw… we can drive back the corruption and bring him back!”
Knuckles inhaled, gaze traveling from his hands, no longer flickering, to the corrupted hero. Of course. When he freed me, the energy keeping me prisoner went into him. A small, sad smile found its way to his muzzle. We’ll see who’s self-sacrificing now, you bastard. You’ve saved me time and time again, it’s time to return the favor. 
His hand found Tails’, Amy grasping his other fist as if her life depended on it. Her voice was shaky, full of emotion that Knuckles wished he knew how to express. “Sonic, you still have love to share with this world, too!”
“Sonic, I want you to see the hero I become!” Tails cried, squeezing Knuckles’ hand tightly. The world was beginning to hum, echoing in his ears. He stepped closer to his friend--no, so much more, that warmth in his chest, that faded from enemies to rivals to friends to whatever they had been, could be if this only worked. He supposed that he could call that love. Whatever it takes. 
“Sonic.” His voice was far shakier than he would have liked. “We’re even after this, ha!” 
And everything flickered to black. 
 “You look tired,” Sonic commented, pushing through the brush as he followed Knuckles through his island. Knuckles snorted, laden with something… more. “You’re one to talk.” 
“Nah.” Sonic shrugged, and though Knuckles was unsure if his grin was real or not, it still made his heart shiver and pound in his chest. “I’m more awake than ever after punching through that planet. Eclipse cannon who, am I right? At least I finished the job.” 
Both paused, a bitter taste spreading across Knuckles’ tongue. It wasn’t just Sonic that had sacrificed in the face of the End. The girl–no, her name was Sage –had given everything she never had and something more. 
“Hey,” Sonic murmured, breaking the silence, leaning down to scoop a sad-looking chao off of the ground. “You alright?”
“I’ve been away for a while. I guess they’ve grown dependent on me to shake the trees for them.” Knuckles absentmindedly punched the trunk of a tree beside him, catching the fruit that fell and handing it to the chao. “Here you go, little guy.” 
The chao chirped happily, curling closer to Sonic as it munched on the triangle fruit, seemingly content to remain in the hero’s arms. This time, his smile was genuine–Knuckles was sure of it, and it made his head spin, the tiny laugh that Sonic let out. His head was spinning in a good way this time, like he was sliding down a hill, leaping into a pile of leaves, freefalling as far as he could before gliding just inches above the seaspray. 
“Mhm?” The hedgehog turned, eyes glimmering with joy as he scratched the chao on the belly. 
“I–” he paused, trying to find the right words, and giving up when he realized he never would, there would never be a way to encapsulate the way Sonic made him feel, but he’d try anyway. Funny how losing him, even if just for a moment, made everything feel so much more temporary and simultaneously shoved it into place. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad that you’re alive.” 
Sonic laughed, joyful and free and real . “Wow, thanks for the sentiment,” he joked, playfully elbowing Knuckles, careful not to disturb the chao that had clambered onto his shoulder. 
“No.” Knuckles looked away. Why were his cheeks burning? “Sonic, when you got corrupted, I–I guess it made me realize how much I need you, how much I care about you as… well, as more than just a rival or a friend. More than I thought. You’re just so… so free, and yet you care so much, even though you don’t have to. You sacrifice so much not just for your friends, but for your enemies, for people you’ll never meet. So… thank you, I guess.” He bit his lip. “...Don’t make me say it again, you know how I am with feelings–”
Sonic swallowed his yelp of surprise, hands suddenly clinging to his dreads, pulling him close, somehow sweet and frantic all at once, and oh.
That’s what that was. 
He began to pull away but Knuckles pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, hands coming to cup his grip on his dreads, and suddenly he was being shoved backwards, pressed against the trunk of the tree he’d just punched to give the chao fruit. Sonic hummed against his lips, parting for just a second before diving in again, clinging to Knuckles as if his life depended on it, not the other way around. “I love you too,” he murmured against his lips, and Knuckles shuddered, refusing to let the kiss end. It didn’t feel real but it somehow felt so, so right , as if he’d been waiting for this his entire life without realizing it, and maybe he had been, maybe that was what he’d been missing all this time. It was like he was walking on a cloud, Sonic pulling him up among the stars, outshining all of them with the way he unraveled Knuckles, piece by piece, delicately yet completely pulling him apart and cradling him close. He was trembling like a leaf, Knuckles realized, and suddenly they were falling.
They separated with a gasp, Sonic tumbling to the ground and swearing as he lost his balance, Knuckles following with a yelp. In an instant, they were a tangled pile of limbs and fur on the forest floor, stunned into silence before Sonic laughed, raspy and real . 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” he admitted. Knuckles scoffed. “What, you waited ?” he teased. “Do I know you?”
The chao let out a whine and Sonic winced, turning to look at it, sitting grumpily on the floor with crossed arms and an upturned nose. “Sorry, little guy. Didn’t mean to drop you.” It peeped, frustrated, and Knuckles sighed in contentment, holding out a bulky hand for it to climb into and pulling it close. “Really Sonic, have more respect for the wildlife,” he scolded. 
Sonic sniffed, turning up his nose. “I had more important business to take care of.” Knuckles growled playfully, capturing him again. 
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nutzo0001 · 1 year
you can help spreading the gallery...
#dorfic#An off-shoot of Cyberpunk#cousin to Stecoffice. DORFic is an acronym of Daylight Orange[Red] Futurism plus the suffix in graphic. Could also be called Sunshine Polyp#Predecessors include Retro-Futurism's Atompunk of the 60's#Ascetic Futurism#and the rise of mobile technology plus certain street-art designs in the late 90's#up until the height of DORFic in the mid-2010's. The style is predominantly used in video games and corporate design.#Industrial and highly minimalist#this aesthetic features stark white cityscapes and imagery accented with bright oranges (or otherwise reds). It borders on monochromatic#with techwear and office-wear being sharp#clean#and casual streetwear simplistic. Black and blues are both sometimes present but kept to a minimum for the most striking effect. There exis#While parallel and symmetric geometry plays a large role#bits of explosive visuals and low polygonal composition is often central#especially in the communication of motion. It is best exemplified in video 3D designs.#Often fitting as a sub-aesthetic to cyberpunk#DORFic is significantly more sanitized and less dependent on neon gear and holographics (minus in military and industrial use). It is brigh#almost cheerful at times - even as it concerns underdog renegade forces versus corrupt corporate powers. It often involves scenes of urgenc#with emphasis on fleeing and rebellion. The business aspect is aspirational but morally grey#with great#often hubristic or destructive innovations.
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lydiahosek · 2 years
[A few days late and much shorter than last year’s, but here’s my story for the @inklings-challenge! Thank you for hosting again!
And here’s the music which served as its inspiration: x]
The bridge between the two main modules was Val’s favorite part of the ship. It afforded a view of the landless landscape unencumbered by monitors or control panels or other emblems of their duties. It had been well drilled into her head at Basic that space travel was not all fun and games, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t any fun and games.
Well…maybe “fun” wasn’t the right word for the bridge. The feeling it brought her was quieter. Deeper. She felt lifted up and laid bare, as if confronted by the Real after filling the rest of the day with busywork. She had only before gotten that feeling at a handful of church services or from a very few pieces of music. Which was why at this moment she had brought her comm pad and earphones with her, to test the effect of the sight and the sound together.
Which was why she didn’t hear Connors approaching, indeed didn’t notice him at all until he was only a few feet to her left. She started and removed the earphones. “Connors,” she nodded.
“Munroe,” he nodded back, smiling. “Sorry, didn’t mean to sneak up.” He held out to her an open foil bag. She turned her head to read the label. Block letters spelled “SEA SALT PITA C-” His hand covered the rest. Not standard issue, at any rate.
She took one SEA SALT PITA C, thanked him, and popped it into her mouth with a loud crunch. He gestured at the phones and the pad. “Transmission from home?”
“Uh, no, it’s, uh…’Clair de lune’.” She at first intended to dismiss the private concert as a personal frivolity, and maybe she would have if anyone else had found her here, but one did not need to act especially professional in front of a fellow first-timer dipping into his care packages. “I always think of it when I pass through here. Even though there’s not usually a moon.”
“Just about everything else, though,” He joined her in gazing out at the sea of stars and distant planets, asteroids and nebulae. “It…helps.”
Val quirked a brow. “Helps what?”
Connors hesitated, and Val was about to retract the question when he began: “I mean, I know we’re here to work and they do what they can to meet us halfway, provide some amenities and train us off of others, but they could at least not paint everything white.” Val thought of her own quarters. They had been permitted to bring a limited number of personal effects, and hers had included posters and photos, but they did little to overpower the stark, plain brightness of the walls, doors, floor, and bedding. He sighed. “I’ve been keeping track. It’s October on Earth, now. The trees’ll be changing color, and against the sky, it’s…kind of like that.” He pointed to a nebula on the far left, bright blue surrounded by a thick ring of green and gold.
Val looked at him. He had been away from home longer than she had – Earth was much farther from the training center than Juturna. All Juturnans could claim Earth ancestry, some as recent as two generations back, but her great-great-grandparents had been the last in her family to live there, breathe its air, see its trees against its sky. They recreated it as best they could for themselves and their descendants, but recently every other conversation with Connors revealed to Val something else that had gotten lost in translation.
She turned back to the view. “It sounds beautiful.” She cast about in her mind for something else to add. “I always love visiting the greenhouses back home. You can spend hours in the complex, it’s so huge, moving from biome to biome…Once when I was a kid I got lost in the deciduous room, but then I just kept walking in one direction, and I finally hit the wall and followed it back to the exit.”
He chuckled, then grew quiet, lowering his eyes. “You know what I always think of here?...How we can’t get lost. Even if all our navtech blew up.” An announcement went out over the intercom, but neither of them heard it. “Thousands of years ago sailors used the stars for guidance. And now we’re doing the same thing. We’re sailing through their map. I can’t get over that. It’s like…For all the manmade stuff everywhere else aboard, looking out at that I…” His voice became softer, stumbling. “I…feel the most human. The most…”
“Connection,” she supplied. They both turned from the window to see each other steeped in its blue glow. He offered her the bag again and she took another piece before they both turned back. Chewing slowly this time, she deactivated the earphones and hit play on the Debussy once more. They stood listening and watching as the piano and the stars shimmered across time and space.
Until, that is, Stephenson appeared in the doorway, telling Val that Boyers wanted the entire bio team to meet in the lab and hadn’t she heard the overhead?
As Stephenson disappeared back down the corridor, Val moved to follow her but stopped and looked back over her shoulder. “Connors.”
He looked at her for a second or two and smiled. “Arlo.”
She returned the smile and headed towards the lab.
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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(... We're lucky all of that missed us... hmm... hopefully we still have some luck left...)
< Previous
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[ID: digital drawing, dsmp fanart The whole picture is in black, white and red. In the picture is pogtopian wilbur, he is standing with his arms slightly rised and is faceing us. he is wearing coat, shirt, cape, pants, boots and beanie. he has two black broken hearts on the coat and red stain on his shirt in the middle. he has sort of desperate expression on his face. He has arrow going throught his neck with two arrows above his head, one going up and one down with red and white eye between them. There is canine head shape from the side on the right part of his face. He is holding tnt in his right hand that's bleeding down. The fuse from the tnt goes up where it explodes with multiple sparks in the face of Tubbo who has shocked expression on his face. His left hand has blood on it. On the left is also fundy seen from the side who is holding fire in his hand which is behind wilbur's hand. above fundy is burning l'manberg flag. On the left is also Techno with pig skull on his face, crown and ponytail. His eye is glowing white. On the right is tommy with sad expression on his face and his eck bandaged. His eyes are crossed red but still somewhat visible. Wilbur is standing in pool of blood that has red hands coming out of it with one of them grabbing his ankle There are eyes around him, white on the left and red on the right. the background is black. end ID]
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aubstacle-of-course · 2 years
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I need to make this one into a shirt again
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jayslashthem · 7 months
Dude i just got a random terf pokemon account in my tumblr reccomended and one of their posts was like "even pokemon can't change their genders XD". Ok #1 Pokemon are like basically dog level smart those guys can't write. Not the own you think it is champ. #2 get your facts right asshole, in gens 3-5, female azurill have a one in three chance of evolving into male marill. Also there's literally a trans girl npc in x and y
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bi-writes · 6 days
Okay but MOB sitting on Simon's lap, cuddling as they watch some movie Simon picked out because it was his turn. At one point she gets up and he thinks she's just going to use the restroom, hands on her hips to help stabilize her. Only instead of leaving, she turns around and sits on her knees between his legs. She bats her eyes at him but otherwise just soaking in how pretty he is. He probably makes a joke, says he loves her and when he still doesn't move figures she just wants a moment and continues to watch the screen.
When she finally works herself up to it, she starts sliding her hands up and down his thighs and just the sensation and imagery alone has him hard and he can't bring himself to ask her to stop when it feels so nice. Eventually her hands wander up further and she begins to play with the button of his jeans. Still not stopping her, even as she unbuttons and zips them down to pull out his erection. When he finally looks down, she stops and stares innocently up at him.
As soon as his attention's somewhat back up on the screen, she repositions herself and licks a stripe up his dick to bring his head into her mouth to swirl around. He doesn't even last that long and she doesn't let him pull her off when he comes.
Or something like that...
mail-order bride (18+)
simon likes action movies. they're his favorite, by far. he likes to watch the over-the-top car races in the middle of metropolitan cities, he likes big, stupid explosions and when the protagonist has their enemy at the end of their gun and says something cheesy like "you're not going anywhere now."
he told you once that he likes the simplicity. the happy endings. the key recovered, a family saved, the epic conclusion of an explosive journey that always ends in the bad guy in handcuffs and the good guy on a beach sipping a mai tai, getting the girl, saving the world.
you think maybe he likes it because it dampens reality. you have seen the aftermath of an op gone wrong; in this way, simon can fantasize just a little. he can pretend that there is nothing wrong with the world for 90 minutes or so.
what's so wrong with that?
he's so pretty.
he ran errands for you today. came back from the store with a paper bag in his hands, setting it down on the counter and unpacking it. you were sat at the kitchen counter, the orange cat wrapped up completely in a burrito of a towel so you could cut her dagger-like claws without risk of retaliation. simon was watching carefully out of the corner of his eye, but as he unpacked the bag, you had all but melted in your chair.
a refill of your favorite makeup remover (you were going to run out tonight, guaranteed). vitamins (ya look right sick, baby, drink y'r juice). your favorite brand of pads (just tell me which ones, i'll get it right, promise). sour sweets (cherry-flavored, of course, sour because he likes the face you make when you pop them into your mouth). when the last box hit the counter, you had dropped the cat, much to her relief.
condoms. fucking condoms.
no, he's not pretty. simon is so fucking hot.
he doesn't budge when you get up to put the empty popcorn bowl into the sink. when you come back in the room, simon is still staring at the television, eyes trained on the spy on screen hopping between rooftops as they dodge bullets. you bite your lip watching him, unable to stop thinking about simon, simon, simon.
he's wearing nice jeans. straight jeans, but even the extra give doesn't matter when your husband is made of pure muscle and fat. you can see his stomach through his shirt since it's tucked in, white fabric showing off that nice pudge that you love laying your head on, your palm, knowing how solid and strong he most certainly is. nghghhhh, and his arms--big, bulging, tattooed, a perfect canvas for colorful markers or glitter or maybe your tongue.
it's subconscious, really. the carpet is soft under your knees as you kneel at his feet, lowering yourself so you can blink up at him big and wide as he keeps his eyes on the movie. he does notice you, however; his big hand slides down his thigh, and your eyes flutter a little when he passes it over your head then down your face, a pretty little pet between his legs.
"not supposed to be on y'r knees f'me, baby," simon mutters, but you can't answer because his thumb slips into your mouth. you wrap your lips around it absentmindedly, running your tongue over the thick pad of it. "tha's my job."
you sit up on your knees, leaning over him, and he gives you his attention finally, a twitch of a smile as he bends his neck a little and kisses you warmly. you steady yourself by putting your hands on his thighs, gripping the meat of them firm as you slip your tongue into his mouth and draw a low grunt from deep within his chest.
"always working for me, simon," you whisper between kisses. "always..."
fuck, the blood rushes to his cock almost immediately. he has such a soft spot for you. taking care of you, doing things for you, buying you what you need--it makes him so fucking hard thinking about fulfilling every need of yours. you deserve nothing but nice dreams, good meals, happy cats, a well-loved pussy, all the love his broken heart can give. he chubs up in his pants every time you ask him for something.
can you carry this for me, simon?
oh, i need some help with this, baby, just here...
can you get me more of this? i'm about to run out.
the zipper is stuck, simon...can you get me out of this?
ugh, you're his walking wet dream. and you're kneeling in between his legs, his sweet girl pouting up at him, and--oh, fuck--
your hands are soft under his shirt. you've untucked it just enough, your warm fingers sliding along the band of his jeans. he hisses a little, his body stiffening, and you smooth a thumb over his belt before kissing him again.
"you're so pretty, simon," you whisper, and he licks over your bottom lip in response, drawing a soft whine out of you. his thighs widen just a little when he hears the clink of his belt, feeling the waistband loosen as you draw it out from the loops and toss it onto the carpet behind you. "such a handsome man you are..."
"come off it," simon growls a little, and you giggle, freeing the button and slipping your hand down. his mouth falls open in a silent moan as you cup him with a hot hand, fingers sliding under his length to fondle his balls.
"mmm..." you follow his sputtering mouth, breathing him in. "actually, simon...i really, really wanna get on it..."
"wot a brat," simon murmurs, clicking his tongue. "can't be fuckin' patient--ahh!"
you pull him out of his jeans with a firm tug before sticking your tongue out and kneeling back down to lick a curious stripe up the underside of him. simon is pulsing, radiating heat and already leaking beads of stringy pre-cum, and as you suck the tip of him into your mouth, you realize just how thick your husband really is.
you've never seen him quite this naked, quite this up close. when he fucked your thighs, he had felt big, but his cock is truly making a space for itself in your mouth--
"ah!" you gasp as he fists your hair and pulls you off, leaning down to kiss you hard.
"i want it--" you whimper, using your hands, letting the spit from your mouth drip down his cock as your fingers spread it wide, pumping him softly. "simon, please! please! you always say...always say i can have whatever i want, please..."
when he lets your hair go, you dive. you suck him into your mouth, practically purring as you press him back into the couch and suck. he tastes like a man should, like a husband should, musk and a little sweat and just enough soap to have you a little light-headed. with the first bob of your head, simon shudders, a big hand cupping the back of your neck as he drops his chin to his chest to watch you. he uses his other hand to push your hair back, his mouth falling open a little as he watches your eyes roll back in your head as you try to fit more of him into your mouth.
your mouth squelches with every bob. spit gathers around the edges of your mouth, little globs dripping out as you slurp and flick your tongue over every vein and soft patch of skin. you're making a mess of him, all soft mouth and wiggly tongue and gentle moans that make him seize up.
it's not even a minute of your soft sucking, and simon is caught off guard by his own release. he wants to apologize, but you look so fucking pretty, coughing a little around his wet cock.
you don't stop then either.
some of it drips down around your hands, his own cum webbing between your fingers and getting onto the front of your shirt and staining his jeans, but you keep your mouth on him. you nuzzle the head of his cock against the inside of your cheek, pull off just enough to suck so softly on the tip of him.
"baby, fuck--" simon chokes, watching you through lidded, hazy eyes. "please, fuck--"
"i want it," you whisper, smoothing a wet hand down his length. he's getting hard all over again, and he nearly cums a second time when you let your eyes find his and pepper kisses from the tip of him all the way to the base. "don't i get w-whatever i want, simon? c-can't i...can't i have more?"
simon chuckles a little. he uses his thumb to swipe a glob of cum off your chin, bringing it up to his own mouth to suck off with a snort.
"you want more, baby?" simon asks, and you sit back up on your knees, pressing your forehead to his as he eyes your lips. they're a tad swollen, kiss-bitten and wet. "wot more do ya want, hmm? wot is it my wife wants so much, huh?"
you smile, wide, those big eyes sparkling. you give him another slow stroke with your hand, and he hisses, gritting his teeth as he watches your smile get just that much bigger.
"i want you to stop playing games with me, simon," you say softly. "you'll never win. so just give me what i deserve."
"wot you deserve?"
"don't i deserve you, simon?" you ask, and when he fails to answer, you swipe your thumb over his cock, drawing a cracked groan out of him. "you won't make me beg, will you, simon?"
"no," simon pants, leaning further into you, pressing his face to yours. "never. my wife doesn't beg for anythin'."
"you promise, simon?"
"my wife gets woteva she fuckin' asks for. olways."
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cake-writes · 3 months
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Pairing: Kakashi x Female!Reader
Warnings: smut, sex pollen, consensual somnophilia, substances, oral sex + rimming (female receiving), vaginal fingering, anal fingering + anal sex (female receiving), rough sex, playful sex, unprotected sex, edging, spanking, creampie, soft!dom!kakashi, this fic had no right being so fucking filthy, 'honey' used one (1) time as a pet name, safe word mention, so! much! banter!!!
Word Count: 5.4k
Summary: When you and Kakashi both forget to bring along something important on a mission, the two of you have to fight the effects of an aphrodisiac without.
You and Kakashi sit side-by-side on the sofa, staring down at the single white pill atop the coffee table of your inn room. His thigh presses against yours, allowing you to feel the heat radiating off of him—which is certainly, well, something, because your own body also feels way too hot. Stupidly hot.
“How could you forget to pack more detox pills?” Kakashi asks, looking over at you in mild disbelief. His cheeks appear rosy where they peek out above his mask, but you know it’s not so much from embarrassment as it is from the poison you’d both been hit by some hours ago.  
You shoot him a half-hearted glare. “How could you forget to pack condoms?”
Your first aid kit really should have had more pills in it than just the one, but you can’t remember the last time you did an inventory. And Kakashi, by regulation, should have had condoms in his bag in the event of a situation like this. Maybe he’d forgotten to double check his reserves, same as you. Whoops. 
The two of you would have been dosed just before dinner. That’s the only time an enemy trap had sprung, but there hadn’t been much of an effect until the middle of the night, long after the shops had closed and you’d settled in for sleep. At the time, you'd both assumed that it was just a bit of dust from the trap's explosion. Whoops, again.
With a weary sigh, your mission partner leans back against the couch, loosely crossing his arms over his chest in a deceivingly relaxed manner. “You take it,” Kakashi says, his uncovered eye drifting down your body before it flicks back up to yours. “You seem to have been hit harder than I was. I should be able to manage on my own.”
You swallow thickly at the mental imagery his words bring on. He’ll have to rub one out. More than one, most likely. “We should cut it in half. You’re still—”
“No. You’re smaller than I am, and you’re dealing with a stronger dose.”
He’s right. You can feel the sweat beading on your forehead, feel the warmth of a flush slowly creeping up your neck and onto your face, feel your skin burning for attention. Kakashi really is quite attractive—you’ve always thought so—and with the aphrodisiac coursing through your veins, your attraction to him has been cranked up to eleven. 
Fuck, your pussy aches, and only he can fill it the way that you need.
“Now take the pill before it gets any worse,” he tells you flatly. “That’s an order.”
“Ugh, fine.” Annoyed that Kakashi would seriously pull rank on you in this situation, you grab the pill and pop it into your mouth, before you chase it with a glass of water. Then you frown at him. “If you can’t manage, let me know. I’ll help.”
He raises an eyebrow.
“I mean it, Kakashi. Without a condom, we may not be able to, you know,” you jokingly make a rude gesture indicating sex, “but I know how shitty it can be to try and get through this on your own. If you need my help, let me know. Okay?”
If he’d brought condoms, he’d probably already be inside you right now. God, you feel so fucking empty.
“Okay,” Kakashi agrees, unfazed by the suggestion. The two of you are shinobi first, and people second. Your bodies are tools to be used in service of your village. You know that he knows that, same as you do. It’s definitely not the first time either of you have encountered an aphrodisiac; you’re both too experienced in the field to have that sort of plausible deniability.
The biggest issue, however, is that if it gets worse during the night, then his life could actually be at risk. Aphrodisiacs are still poison, albeit more pleasant than the usual suspects.
Kakashi gets a pensive look about him, then. “The pill will probably knock you out, you know. What then?”
You grimace. Right. So much time has passed since you last needed to take one that you’d forgotten. Forcing rest helps the body to heal more quickly, or some such. It’s terribly inconvenient.
“Well…” There really isn���t another option. If his hand isn’t enough, your unconscious body will have to be, because you sure as hell aren’t waking up to a dead teammate tomorrow. “You can use me,” you say finally, cursing your horny brain for actually enjoying the idea of it, of him using you for his pleasure while you’re asleep. “Take what you need, even if I’m knocked out. You have my permission. Just don’t hurt me, and don’t knock me up.”
A lick of heat comes into that dark grey eye of his, before he clears his throat and nods. “All right.” When he pulls himself to his feet, it’s impossible to miss the tent in his tac pants, though you make sure to keep your eyes above his waist out of respect for him. “Get some rest. I’ll try not to disturb you unless I have to.”
“Have fun,” you say sweetly, waggling your fingers in a wave as he heads back to his room.
Blearily, you wake to the sensation of fingers slicking through your folds.
The plush of your futon cushions your body, just as you remember upon going to sleep, though your yukata has since been pulled open at the front. The slight chill in the air brings goosebumps to the surface of your naked skin, bared to the night, and pebbles your nipples.
The poison seems to have worn off—of you, at least. You aren’t so stupidly hot anymore, but your tits and stomach do feel a bit sticky, a smattering of wetness cooling on your skin.
It’s cum, you vaguely realise. A lot of it.
Heat pools in your abdomen at the realisation that Kakashi used you—your nudity—for masturbation fodder. And now, he has your thighs splayed wide, allowing you to feel the heat of his breath against your soaked core while he spreads you open with his thumbs.
You should tell him that it’s okay. You should tell him that you don’t mind, that he can do whatever he needs to with you, but there’s something unbelievably sexy about him using you for his own enjoyment without you ever knowing. Then again, you’re still pretty out of it from the meds.
When his hot tongue slides up through your slit, a pleasured sound bubbles up from your throat before you can help it. He’s good with his mouth.
Kakashi chuckles against you, swirling his tongue over your clit until your hips jerk. “Finally awake?”
“M’sleepy,” you slur drowsily, rubbing at your eyes.
He hums in response, sluicing his fingers through your slick heat. You expect him to slide them into your aching core, but instead he moves a little lower, circling the rim of your ass with a fingertip. A glob of saliva joins it, before he coos, “I’m sorry for waking you. Is this okay?”
It’s been some time since you had anal, and the thought of it with him only makes you want it more. Maybe there is still some poison coursing through your veins. You’re too out of it for the pill to have fully done its job.
“Yeah,” you sigh, relaxing into his touch.
He flattens his tongue over your clit as he slowly eases his finger inside your tight hole. It’s a bit of a stretch, but you take it easily, moaning at the sensation.
“I know this isn’t ideal,” Kakashi murmurs against your heated flesh, sounding apologetic. “I would have loved to fuck you here,” he delves his tongue into your cunt for a moment, pulling a quiet gasp from you, before he drags it up to your clit again, “if I hadn’t already gotten off a few times. You’re so wet.”
It’s too risky for him to fuck your pussy with whatever semen might be lingering behind. He’s respecting your boundaries, but you’re sure he doesn’t want to take the chance, either.
“S’fine,” you answer sleepily. “Feels good.”
“If it hurts, tell me and I’ll stop, okay?”
“Mm. Okay.”
Time passes like a fever dream. You still feel foggy from the pill, and the pleasurable sensations that Kakashi bestows upon you only muddle your brain even further.
Soon your thighs are squeezing around his head, your fingers buried in soft, silvery hair as he edges you with his mouth for what must be the third time—or more, but you’re too out of it to really keep track. With each near-orgasm, he eases another finger inside, slowly but surely stretching out your tiny hole to take him.
When your body starts to quiver from pent-up release, he carefully withdraws his fingers from your ass and folds your thighs to your chest. Then, his tongue presses into your tight rim, tasting you directly.
The choked moan that rips out of you is nothing short of ungraceful. “K-Kashi,” you slur, cracking your eyes open to blearily meet his. “You don’t have to—mm!”
Kakashi gives you another long, savoury lick, holding eye contact the entire time to make his point, before he sits back up onto his knees and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “You’re offering me your body,” he rasps, smoothing his hand along your calf where it rests on his shoulder. “The least I can do is make sure you enjoy it.”
Then he spits into his palm, messy and wet, and slicks up his cock with saliva. The action is so vulgar that your pussy clenches around nothing.
“Are you ready? I’m happy to prepare you more if you need it.”
“I’ll let you know if I’m not,” you answer breathily. It’s hard to see him in the darkness of your inn room, even if your body falls within the cascade of moonlight coming in through the window. You can still make out the shine of his eyes and the sharp, hard lines of his muscular form, but his face remains in shadow.
Damn it. You really want to see what he looks like under his mask.
“I’ll go slow,” he promises, and he does. Even though you can feel the heat coming off of his skin, and even though you can almost guarantee he’s just as horny as you’d been earlier, he takes it slow.
Kakashi has always had more self-restraint than you, even now.
His cock really is big, too—not bigger than you expected, but it’s definitely a stretch. He presses in carefully, not even an inch at a time, taking in every single one of your reactions to ensure that he doesn’t hurt you.
Your face screws up when the head pops in, locked inside by the tight squeeze of your body. “Fuck,” you choke out. “It’s big.”
He licks his thumb, before he brings it to your clit, rubbing soft circles over it to help ease you into the stretch. “Better?”
You make a soft, pleased noise in the back of your throat. It is better. It helps quite a bit, actually, by offering a distraction for when he slides in a bit further and you encounter a small amount of pain. Nothing severe; it just comes with the territory.
Even still, your hand flies down to jam against his thigh, keep him from going any deeper.
“It’s okay,” he says gently. “I’ll wait.”
And he does.
By the time he’s all the way inside, you’re practically panting like a dog because he feels so fucking good. Your empty cunt still aches to be filled, but the slow, beautiful glide as he pulls nearly all the way out of your other hole is a welcome alternative.
Kakashi adjusts your leg on his shoulder for a better grip. “Ready?”
You nod your head, peering up at him in the darkness.
Then he pushes back inside, all at once, and you both groan.
“I’m not gonna last long,” you gasp, and he lets out a laugh that sounds almost as winded as you feel.
“Neither am I.”
Kakashi treats you like glass in the way that he handles you, ensuring that it’s good for you, but there’s an undercurrent of need in his every movement, his every touch. You can feel it when his fingers dig firmly into the meat of your thigh; feel it in that slight loss of control every so often, when he thrusts hard, once, then reins it back in.
He’s prioritising your comfort, but he needs more.
“More,” you beg, because you need it, too.
He lowers your leg down and leans forward onto his hands, caging your body in between. The moonlight finally, finally reveals his face, and fuck, he just might be the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen. Strong, angular features paired with soft lips and a beauty mark on his chin—he’s gorgeous.
“More?” Kakashi asks amusedly. “Are you sure you can handle it?”
He snaps his hips forward once, testing your resolve.
“Yes, I can fucking handle—”
But you don’t finish, because when Kakashi shifts back slightly to allow another glob of saliva to fall from his mouth and onto the place where the two of you are connected, something in your brain breaks at the sight. It’s filthy, messy, wet—absolutely nothing like what you’ve come to expect from your mission partner, reserved as he is.
Or not. He’s just as much of a freak as you are. He just hides it better. Kakashi ate your ass without a shred of hesitation, and the memory is such a turn-on that you wiggle your hips impatiently.
Another soft laugh leaves him at that. “Needy,” he teases so affectionately that your cheeks burn, but you barely notice because he’s already fucking into you again, slow but so unyieldingly firm in his thrusts that you can almost feel the impact in your throat.
Cursing something unintelligible, you grab at the futon above your head to brace yourself. It feels so mind-numbingly good that you swear you might be going insane—or maybe that’s because the haze from the meds still hasn’t fully cleared.
The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room as Kakashi well and truly gives you more, just like you asked for. Every time he hits as deep as he can go, you feel another shred of his self-control slip until he shoves your thighs up next to your ears and leans forward to trap your knees in the crooks of his elbows.
Then he fucks you faster.
You can see the aphrodisiac plain as day on his face, in the beautiful flush that colours his cheeks and chest and the sweat that dots his brow. Some of his hair sticks to his forehead, and when his near-manic eyes lock onto yours, you’re held captive under his hungry gaze.
“Is this what you wanted?” he asks raggedly. The muscles in his arms tense and strain as he holds himself above you, pounding into you, and then his lips curl up to reveal the slight point of a canine. “Maa, I just might break you at this rate, you know?”
It’s almost impossible to think, let alone string a sentence together, but you do it somehow. Each word punches out of your lungs with another forceful thrust. “Break me, then,” you demand, sounding breathless.
A dark note of desire comes into his features, sharingan swirling just a tiny bit faster when you reach your hand between your legs to play with your clit. As if the sensation wasn’t enough already, the sight of him looking so debauched could easily do you in.
And it would, too, if Kakashi didn’t bat your hand away. He drops down onto an elbow to change the angle, and although his cum smears wet between your bodies, neither of you notice because he plunges two fingers knuckle-deep into your cunt.
“You want me to break you, honey?” he asks, voice low, and a choked sort of wheeze rips out of you as he roughly crooks his fingers up into your g-spot. “All right. I’ll break you. Would you like that?”
Scratch that, he might be even more of a freak than you are, and you fucking love it. “Yes!”
Kakashi doesn’t pump his fingers in and out; instead, he uses them to bully your g-spot exclusively, dragging his thumb over your clit with every brutal snap of his hips. Your eyes roll back at the combined sensation, the overwhelm of it all, and you can’t even manage to get another word out—just an embarrassing mix of gasps and whines.
“Oh, look at you,” he sighs appreciatively. “Are you close?”
Your cunt flutters around his fingers as if to answer the question, and he lets out a knowing hum. Then, right before you crest, Kakashi pulls out of your ass and drops down to devour your pussy with an urgency that makes your toes curl.
“Shit,” you squeal, your body writhing under his sudden onslaught.
He rapidly pumps his fingers in and out, hooking them into your g-spot again and again, the wet, sloppy sound of you echoing throughout the room as he finger-fucks you into oblivion, all the while sucking on your clit until you can’t handle it anymore.
“M’gonna—fuck,” you swear, pulling at his hair. Your eyebrows scrunch together as you look down at him, admiring the sight of him, the way he’s focused so intently on your pleasure even as you grind your pussy into his mouth. “Yes, yes—”
The intensity in his eyes when they snap up to meet yours is what finally sends you over.
You shatter apart with distinctly wet gush that soaks your futon straight through to the tatami, but before you’re even finished convulsing, he’s already on top of you again, sliding right back into your poor, abused asshole until he bottoms out.
You choke. The size of him is even more noticeable after your orgasm, especially with the aftershocks still rippling through your body, but it feels good. Mostly.
He pauses, a flicker of softness in his expression. “Too much?”
“Never,” you say, offering what you intend to be a cocky smirk, even though you can barely keep your eyes open.  
His brows raise in surprise, just for a split-second, before he laughs softly and starts to ease in and out of you in slow, patient strokes, giving you a chance to adjust in spite of your bravado. “It’s a shame we didn’t do this sooner,” he comments, tone teasing. “We could have had a lot more fun on all those courier missions last year.”
You snort. “Don’t forget those awful recon missions in the snow.”
“Would have been a great way to keep warm,” he jokes, before his gaze trails over your face for a prolonged moment. “Better?”
You offer him a grateful smile, before you lick your lips, relishing in how his focus drops to your mouth for the briefest of moments. “Yeah. Now fuck me like you mean it, Hatake.”
“Oh?” Kakashi tilts his head in his familiar way—just like when he’s about to knock you on your ass in a sparring match. “You don’t think I meant it before?”
“No,” you answer snootily, because you’re a glutton for punishment.
“I see, I see,” he hums. “My mistake.”
In one fell swoop, you’re flat on your stomach, your face buried in the plush futon; and then he’s spreading your cheeks, spitting crudely onto your hole, and hiking your ass up higher with his grip on your hips.
“Oh, fuck,” you gasp, your cheek mashing into the sheets as he shoves his cock deep inside your stretched-out channel, deeper than he’d been previously.
All sense of softness is gone, now, replaced by a brutality that makes your eyes cross. Kakashi fucks into you hard, relentless in his pursuit to break you just like you wanted, and you love every second of it.
“What do you think, hm? Do I mean it now?” Kakashi asks lightly, after which one hand claps down on your ass when you struggle to piece together an answer. “I asked you a question.”
“Yes,” you croak out, drooling onto the sheets.
“Hm?” Another spank, harder this time, and you hiss in pain. “I don’t think I heard you.”
“Yes!” Your voice cracks on the word, and when he slows down to check on you, you rush to add, desperation in your tone, “Green, fuck, don’t—”
His hand embeds itself in your hair, before he yanks you up, making your back arch almost to the point of discomfort. His other arm snakes around your front and between your breasts, his fingers wrapping loosely around your throat as he pulls your body flush against his chest.
“You even have safe words,” Kakashi murmurs into your ear, grinding his hips into yours. “Why the hell didn’t we do this sooner?”
God, he’s so fucking deep.
“Probably—hah—because we work together,” you say breathlessly, leaning your head back onto his shoulder, “and because Lady Fifth would kill us for fraternizing.”
His laughter puffs hot against the shell of your ear. “What a way to die.”
He releases your hair, and slides his hand between your legs in order to messily work your clit. Your thighs tremble and shake from the added stimulation, your moans only increasing in volume the longer it goes on.
Five seconds, maybe? Ten? You can’t be sure.
“God, I feel like I’m drunk,” you groan, your words still slurring just a little. Time doesn’t feel like a real construct right now; all you know is that Kakashi is the only thing grounding you, keeping you from drifting away with the midnight breeze.
“I’m sorry. I waited as long as I could for the pill to wear off.” Then he presses an apologetic kiss to your temple, and a warm, happy shiver ricochets through you thanks to the affection behind it. “Do you want to stop? I should be able to manage from here.”
“No,” you breathe. “S’fun, just a little out of it.”
“Still want me to break you?”
You shake your head. “I’m getting sore.”
“All right.” He releases you, then, and carefully withdraws. “Lay on your back again. I’ll try to be quick.”
You do as he instructs, shifting onto your back with your legs spread. As you watch Kakashi smear a bit more spit onto his cock, you make a mental note to pack condoms and lube in your bag for future missions—you know, just in case.
He settles back between your thighs, his expression now reminiscent of what you’re used to: calm, serious, measured as he searches your face for any sign of discomfort. “Are you sure? We don’t have to keep going if you’re sore.”
“Mm, yeah. I think I can come again.”
“Yeah? Then I’ll make it happen.”
Kakashi holds himself at your entrance, still watching your face as he starts to ease back inside, and he does it so gently, so tenderly, that you might actually be tempted to fall for him. You’ve never seen this side of him until tonight, even though you’ve been working together off and on for years.
“You’re sweet,” you say without thinking.
His eyebrows shoot straight up onto his forehead, before he coughs to cover a laugh. “My cock is in your ass, and you think I’m sweet?”
Well, when he puts it like that, he has a point. “No, never mind, I take that back,” you respond haughtily, but there’s no heat behind it. “You’re a dick. My bad.”
This time, he does laugh. Kakashi smooths his palm along your thigh as he hooks it over his hip. “Yes, yes. Now, how do you want it? Like this? Or…” He drops back down onto his forearms, pressing your bodies together, and studies your reaction. “Like this? What’s more comfortable?”
You wrap your arms around his neck and lean up to brush his nose with yours, teasing and affectionate. “Like this.”
His eyes shine warmly. “Can I kiss you?”
The question throws you, because he hasn’t kissed you yet. How the hell hasn’t he kissed you yet? “Yeah. Yes. Please.”
He smiles just a little before his lips slot over yours, and your body thrums electric as he begins to rock into you with sensual, fluid movements that alleviate that incessant ache in your abdomen.
“Touch yourself,” Kakashi breathes into your mouth, following the words with his tongue like he intends to explore every inch, maybe steal your breath while he’s at it. You’d let him, too. He’s that good of a kisser.
When you shove your hand between your bodies and find your clit, you throw your head back to bite out a swear. “S-Shit, that’s good—”
He kisses a blazing trail up the line of your neck, his teeth scraping pleasantly against your skin every so often. “You like it when I’m sweet to you?” he hums.
Of course he’d still be making fun of you for that. You can hear it in his tone, but you don’t pay it any mind because he feels so fucking good that you want to scream. It’s all you can do to make a soft little sound in the affirmative, your nails digging into his back.
“Good,” he murmurs, “because I like being sweet to you.”
You whine as he lovingly sucks a bruise on your neck, laving his tongue over the mark to soothe it after.
Then he pulls back just slightly to meet your heavy-lidded gaze. “Where do you want it? I’m not going to last much longer.” 
Your breath comes out in short, sharp pants as he brings you higher—and himself, too, judging by his bitten-back moan of approval when you lock your ankles behind his back. “Inside,” you breathe. “Need it inside.”  
“Fuck, I know you do. Are you—?”
You nod your head frantically as you hold the eye contact, though it becomes increasingly harder to do so the closer you get to the edge. Your eyelids flutter when he hits a particularly good spot inside of you, which he makes a point to target from then on.
“Oh, fuck. Oh my god,” you babble mindlessly, clutching at his shoulders with one hand, rubbing at your clit with the other. “Yes, right there, just like that!”
Kakashi holds you gently under your chin, his fingertips lightly pressing into your cheeks to ensure that you can’t look away, and there’s a fondness to his expression as he watches you fall apart. “Yeah? Like that?”
“Yes,” you sob. “Yes, yes, yes—”
When Kakashi kisses you again, there’s no decorum to it, no finesse, and his teeth click against yours from the sheer need behind it. His tongue pushes deeply into your mouth, stifling your moans as you finally come undone, your muscles bearing down around him so tightly that he has no choice but to shove in as far as he can go and coat your insides with his cum.
He lets out a sound of male satisfaction against your lips, and the sudden burst of heat deep inside your body brings on a sense of warm, fuzzy contentment—the satisfaction of a job well done.
As the aftershocks fade, your heart pounds a frenzied tattoo within the confines of your chest as you work to regain your breath. Kakashi slumps against you, boneless and fatigued and heavy as hell, and you grunt when he all but crushes you under his weight.
“I don’t think I can move,” he says tiredly, muffled with his face buried in your neck. “I think I pulled something.”
“Oh, poor baby.”
At that, he only lays more heavily on you, purposely, which knocks more of the breath out of your lungs; but he does lift up after a moment, and the way he rolls off of you and onto the futon, splaying out spread eagle, would be funny if you weren’t aware of how exhausting the comedown can be from an aphrodisiac.
He’s probably thoroughly tapped out. It’s impossible to say how many times he got off, not to mention all the physical exertion he’d gone through to get there.
“Did you die?” you ask.
“Probably. Your ass did feel like heaven.”
When you groan at his terrible joke and give his side a playful shove, Kakashi chuckles, and god, he sounds beyond tapped out. You’re actually a little concerned, so you lean up onto an elbow to give him a once-over, make sure he’s all right.
That pretty red flush is thankfully beginning to recede from his skin, though you find a number of scratch marks from your fingernails around his shoulders and upper arms. A surge of feminine pride flows through you upon seeing them, and you absently trace one with your fingertip before you finally glance up at his face, only to find him watching you in amusement.
“Pervert,” he says.
You choke on a laugh. “Excuse me?”
Kakashi tucks one of his arms behind his head as a makeshift pillow, looking entirely too self-satisfied for your liking. “You’re just as bad as I am. I could have sworn you’d be more vanilla.”
You turn your nose up at him. “Well, I already knew you were a pervert. You read porn in public.”  
“Erotic literature,” he corrects pointedly.
“Sorry, you read erotic literature in public. Because that’s so much better.”
The two of you look at each other for a moment, trying not to smile at the banter, before you roll your eyes in mock annoyance and lay back down, resting your head on his chest. Kakashi wraps his free arm comfortably around you, trailing delicate patterns along your shoulder with his fingertips.
“Are you feeling better?” you ask quietly.
“A bit. Thank you. I hope you aren’t too sore.”
“Oh, I’m definitely gonna feel it tomorrow. I haven’t done anal in months.” Then you lift your head to give him a cheeky grin, resting your chin on his chest. “Worth it, though. I mean, I finally got to see your face after all these years, so I’m not complaining.”
His lips twitch, like he’s trying not to laugh. “You could have just asked.”
You scoff. “Pass.”
Then you go to lay your head back down, but he stops you.
“Wait. Look at me.” When you do as he says, Kakashi brushes his thumb along the corner of your mouth. “You’ve got something right here.”
“What?” Frowning, you lift your chin a little so he can have a better look. “Well, get it, then.”
Before you can react, he leans in to give you a quick, unexpected kiss.
You blink at him, your heartbeat stuttering inside of your chest.
“Got it,” he hums, licking his lips.
Your cheeks flush all over again. “You—That’s—”
“What, am I only allowed to kiss you if I’m inside you?”
“No! Just…” Your face feels on fire, and you look away, embarrassed. There’s a difference between sex and intimacy, and you’ve just discovered the fine line between them. “Just warn me next time.”
“All right.” You can hear the amusement in his voice, but he doesn’t poke fun at you any longer. Instead, Kakashi leans up to grab the blankets with his free hand, after which he pulls them over you both and wraps that same arm around you, holding you closer than before. “Get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow.”  
Nestled comfortably in his arms, you finally allow your eyelids to flutter shut. “Night, Kakashi.”
His lips brush tenderly over your forehead, before he whispers, “Goodnight.”
A/N: yes they need a shower. no we do not acknowledge this. lmao
thank you for reading! if you could please please please keysmash in the comments or reblog to show your appreciation, it would give me sooo much dopamine :)) thank you!!!
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Flower field, that's where I'm at Open land, that's where I'm at No name, that's what I have No shame, I'm on my grave When your feet don't touch the ground When your own heart underestimates you When your dreams devour you When you feel you’re not yourself All those times
On the title:  
 Namjoon's song 들꽃놀이 is actually a wordplay itself, in Eng it's simply called 'wild flowers' but the Korean title is actually his own wordplay from the word 불꽃놀이 which means fireworks/fire play. 불꽃 means flame/spark (fire flower to be very literal) and he took the 놀이 part which means playing/game and merge it with 들꽃 (flowers that bloom in a field), so 들꽃놀이 literally means 'Wildflowers Works' in the similar sense of word as 'Fireworks' but instead a display of fire it's wild flowers.
So instead of living like fire flowers that is brilliant but would quickly disappear, namjoon would like to live more like wildflowers that are calm and tranquil. 
The MV: 
In the MV, traditional Korean fireworks are used! Korean traditional fireworks (nakhwa nori) are made from stringing tiny bags with a combo of charcoal made from salt and burnt mulberry onto ropes that get hung over water and lit
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