#extra: Samael
cautiously0ptimistic · 7 months
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The Journey Forward
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cypriathus · 3 months
Here is my version of Asmodeus!
WARNING: There are mentions of coitus, genitalia, and gambling.
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Utsimoderva is a good-mannered archdemon of lust who can show genuine concern and understanding towards those that are experiencing misfortune. However, he isn’t afraid to be cruel and merciless in order to do anything that will help him to achieve his lustful conquests. Despite how ruthless he can be, he’s quite the canny satirist and critic of mortal and immortal societies. He’s a creative strategist with a lot of passion and wisdom for military, scientific, mathematical, and artistic exploits. He possesses a strong aesthetic sense and enjoyment in the finer things in life, thriving in social situations. As a result of his seductive and tempting nature, he can lure individuals into self-indulgent behaviours. He can convincingly gain favour by playing to the emotions of crowds, masses, and even single individuals without dishonesty. He calmly holds firm to his chosen moral position, strictly following through with determination. Due to being a hedonist, he lovingly enjoys luxury, sensuality, and pleasurable, yet bloody confrontations. Utsimoderva’s impulsive, attention-seeking nature and sensitivity to criticism can cause frustrations in his life.
He’s 9’ 3” (281.94 cm) with an oval-shaped mesomorphic body type that has muscular limbs, four arms, a well-endowed penis, and an engorged vulva. His skin appears to be a whitish-red from the ashes and blood of corpses that are smeared all over his body, and his neck is a purplish-blue due to holding poison in his throat. He has muscular rooster legs, sharp claws, six turkey buzzard wings, four intertwining serpent tails, and a prominent feminine chest. He also has three heads; that of a man with Indian hog deer antlers and elvish ears (front), a palomino Mustang horse (right), and a Bluefaced Leicester ewe (left). His human head possesses two rows of shark teeth sticking out of his mouth and pupiless heterochromia eyes, the right is greyish-blue and the left is yellow-brown. Utsimoderva wears long, flowing, slightly tattered robes of brilliant turquoise that have golden hemming and purple stars. He possesses a four-arched imperial crown with a golden pig that has open feathered wings on the top, a red velvet cap, and a brown ermine band. His crown has an openwork gold frame, a Black Prince’s Ruby, a Cullinan diamond, a St. Edward’s Sapphire, 17 amethysts, 11 emeralds, and 269 pearls. He occasionally wields a light lance of blue and pink flames, and a rose gold banner depicting a decapitated sapphire-eyed ram’s head with an encircling peridot ouroboros.
He’s capable of breathing hellish fire and spitting out poison that induces vengeful nightmares, and the aura surrounding him can cause fear and repudiation to sinful people. He possesses the strength of his biological father and aunt, and the stamina, dexterity, and durability of his mother. As a result of his supernatural agility, he can dodge projectiles that move several times faster than light due to his heightened balance, motor coordination, reflexes, and speed. Utsimoderva can clearly mimic the voices of humans and Æylphitus, but he can’t imitate the Äylcephomus and Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri. He’s able to feel textures and tactile sensations outside the range of normal perception, helping him to locate potential danger or lustful sinners. Depending on the situation, he can hijack the body of humans, Ufrajozlens, and Azhelowins by accessing their souls and overtaking their mind for three weeks.
He knows the private lives of people and hidden secrets and treasures of the earth, and he can easily bestow invisibility to mortals. He possesses absolute knowledge of and mastery over sexuality, geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, and the mechanical arts. He can manipulate astronomical bodies, lust, desires, vengeance, biological essence, and sexual force, and induce fanaticism and emotional attachments. By using hypnosis, Utsimoderva can easily seduce people of weak will through his eyes and sensual touches. He’s capable of utilising telepathy, mind-reading, and zoolingualism, and seeing nearly all the variables of any situation in order to predict desirable outcomes. He can change his form into sexually attractive humans, bulls, goats, a basilisk, an aphrodisiac mist, and white smoke.
Unnamed destroying angel grandmother
Unnamed seraph grandfather
Aysuvozel (aunt)
Samuvozeli (father)
Lerszukotha (mother)
Ezasvoghin (aunt)
Kairszoben (half-brother)
16 half-sisters
24 half-brothers
Usraphoniel (lover)
Breeding Freak
Gambler's Choice
His Writhing Lust
Lord of Perversion
Provider of Endless Pleasure
Chaser of the Beckoning Flesh
He’s omnisexual
He likes to pretend that his birthday is on February 14th (Aquarius), which is known as Valentine’s Day.
As an Æylphitus, his name means “wrath demon”.
He has a habit of collecting rare and exotic fragrances, often wearing a different scent for every occasion to make a lasting impression.
Utsimoderva frequently attends art exhibitions, concerts, and theatre performances to appreciate the finer things in life and find inspiration for his own creative endeavours.
He prioritises his physical and mental well-being through regular exercise, grooming, and pampering himself with lavish spa treatments.
He has a somewhat noticeable limp
He’s the prince of Concupiscence
He’s a banker at the baccarat table in the Nifjazroghetus palace
He commands seventy-two legions of demons
He finds enjoyment in punishing sinners for their carnal desires
He owns many gambling houses in the Concupiscence and Avarice levels of Nifjazroghetus
His bedroom has a large heart-shaped waterbed with koi of all colouration varieties, a fur-trimmed blanket of burgundy and dark purple, and feathered pillows of saffron-yellow. He possesses rose gold walls and purplish-black statues depicting musquelibets, dragons, pigs, nymphes, satyrs, and centaurs. He often has libertine demons in his room that wear the heads of roosters, serpents, sheeps, and bulls as masks. In his bedroom is a frigidarium that can fit seven people and it’s full of hot emerald water with pink and red rose petals sprinkled on top.
His favourite dish is a fish’s heart with rabbit liver, scalloped potatoes, cubes of blue cheese, and garlic naan bread.
Belaszothi and Ipalosuzeh are his two closest friends
He rides an African lion with a draconic neck, the tail of a blue whale, and black swan wings.
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carmeloffie · 1 year
so what if i freak out and my head explodes. at least i’ll look cute ❣️
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malkaviian · 1 year
im home earlier than i thought
#i can actually work on things yay. at least one of them#for the mav and samael story i will rewrite the first chapter#bc i think starting with mav having One of Those breakdowns bc of what happened with zachary its not the best way#i think its better to start the story showing his Unconventional Desires and Fantasies about being murdered as violently as possible#and then explain whats the reason behind them later; when the readers have an idea of who he is. and maybe wonder why hes like that#or if hes weird just because something is wrong with his brain (i mean something is def wrong with him either way.#but did something happened for him to end this way or it just happened without something being a direct cause?)#at least i didnt even got to the midpoint; i only had ~800 words. which is kind of a win for me tbh i havent write shit in months#let alone this thing is out of my comfort zone for a lot of reasons; starting with the fact its not a fanfic and everything belongs to me#and i havent touched a subject this sensitive like a p4r4philia before. of course i did my research but tbf there isnt a lot on this one#so im trying not to sound completely uninformed; just that i couldnt really find a whole lot of research on this#bc it doesnt exist on the first place. the closest is lopatka's clase; which i've read what i could find about already; its not a whole lot#anyway i am afraid of getting hate comments. something something i am romanticizing a serious subject#something something i am portraying this as a love story (im not; if the characters think so its another thing) so i must be fucked up irl#something something 'this is fucked up and doesnt cater to my direct tastes; therefore is bad and you are bad too'#of course i will put warnings but you know how people are. and if they report the story wattpad could actually take it down#a bummer but. whatever. i always have ao3 but i will have to do an extra step and translate it to english#alongside having 0 audience there. well shit just happens ig lol#this turned into a rant sorry#lilith whispers
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samaeldire · 1 year
I grossly underestimated how much hot glue you need to make a big pair of ears oh no
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ghoultrifle · 9 months
Hi Zach! I hope you're well. I really like your account. :)
Could you do a headcanon on the ghouls who discover that there are fanfictions about them and what are their reactions please?
Hi Samael! Here are my thoughts on the ghouls (strictly the characters, not the unmasked people) discovering fanfic about them!
Aether doesn't know how to use a phone so he finds out when the others are discussing it on the bus. He listens to them and has a laugh but doesn't want to know more, he finds it odd to read about himself
Cirrus secretly writes fanfic as if she were a fan and puts in just enough detail that the pack find it uncanny to read. She gets caught one day when she accidentally leaves her phone unlocked in the common room
Phantom can't read, he just looks at fanart and sometimes jacks off to it
Mountain knows about it and actively goes on ao3, sorting by explicit fics with him in. He likes to find inspiration for what to do with the ghouls next
Aurora is still learning to read but she loves when Rain reads her G rated fics as bedtime stories
Rain and Dew love reading Raindrop fics. If it's angst, they'll reenact it in front of the pack and see how long it takes until they clock their shenanigans. If it's smut, well they reenact that too and they ALWAYS leave kudos and comments on fics under the account name TheRealRainDrop
Swiss is a filthy motherfucker and just straight up gets off on it. Doesn't matter who's in it or what the tags are, he's reading it and he's jerking off to it, i don't make the rules
Cumulus pretends she isn't into it but absolutely reads all the tooth-rotting fluff as a form of escapism. It also gives her ideas on what she can do to be extra kind to the pack. Since reading she's bought a large mattress for the common room that they use for cuddle piles, and has stocked the cupboards with everyone's favourite snacks
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Darksiderstober Day 6: Throne
What's this, no penart for the 6th day!? Well look at this detail and try to tell me I can finish it in a day.😂🤣. Was torn between Samael and the undead king for Throne, but Samael being extra has an extra flashy throne so I chose the lesser of two evils. Hope ya like and stay tuned
Darksiderstober prompts and Art are mine
Sponsored by @imagine-darksiders and @another-darksiders-blog
Prompts are here
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dandelion-blues · 4 months
The Miracle is You
When Lucifer gets his wings back, he doesn't just lose time. He is displaced in another universe. A universe where he might just be accepted and find a family he never knew he needed.
Lucifer x Good Omens crossover fanfic
Chapter 1
“No, no, no!” Lucifer screams frantically. He pulled roughly at the damned extra limbs. He grasped desperately for them, pleading for them to not be real and go away.
The beautiful white feathers stayed, though, achingly adding a now unfamiliar weight upon Lucifer’s back. The beautiful pure white wings ethereally spread out. They were the most beautiful of all angel's wings but sharpened with a deadly grace of all archangels. The wings of the favored son of God, Samael.
Why are his wings back? Why now, after everything? What does Dad want with him now?!
Lucifer wants these wings off now, he needs them off. It’s wrong, wrong, wrong!
Now if Lucifer were in a stable frame of mind he might have noticed that he wasn’t in LA anymore, or even still in his dimension, but well I’m sure he’ll find out soon enough. Especially when our lovely angel and demon couple happen upon him.
“Oh Crowley, it's such a lovely day today, isn’t it?” The angel Aziraphale asks his friend and lover, the pink of dawn marking the horizon with only the quiet sounds of critters heard.
“It always is with you Angel.” Crowley smiles at the Aziraphale. The angel noticeably blushes and starts to stutter something back but is interrupted by frantic yelling heard not too far away.
“What the-” Crowley starts exasperated, but quickly his yellow eyes go large in shock behind his shades.
Just behind the bridge, kneeling in the park’s grass is a person, no an angel marked by their impressive white wings yelling and panicking as they try and desperately grip at their feathers.
Crowley and Aziraphale share one look and quickly go running over to the angel. Only as they get closer, so does their growing horror. The angel is trying to rip out their feathers.
Crowley reaches the angel first and grasps their hands tightly, but not harmfully, to stop them. This unfortunately only causes the unknown angel to flinch hard.
Crowley frowns in concern, but then the angel tries to get out of Crowley’s grasp.
“Stop!” Crowley orders the angel, looking into their eyes. Only the angel’s brown eyes are glazed over, and their handsome face is tight in fear, like they cannot comprehend what is in front of them.
“No no no.” the angel continues to say fearfully and shakes. Their dark eyes staring at Crowley, but not seeing him. “Please, no more!”
“Aziraphale!” Crowley snaps when his angel reaches them, “They aren’t in their right frame of mind, and I can barely hold on to them and keep them from harming themselves. They're too strong. Please Miracle something!”
Aziraphale’s blue eyes go large, and he steals his nerves and nods, producing a Miracle.
Just like that the unknown angel’s eyes roll back, and they fall into Crowley’s arms unconscious.
Unfortunately the unknown’s angel’s impressive wings are out and on display, and people are surely going to come out soon. It’s practically a miracle that no one else has come by yet.
In any case Crowley looks towards Aziraphale, as he is picking up the unknown angel, conveying without words what to do. Aziraphale looks fondly at Crowley and produces the Miracle that gets them and the unknown angel in the bookstore.
“Oh dear, I hope they’re alright.” Aziraphale frets, smoothing his tan blazer, and looking worriedly at the unknown angel. Their dark hair, black as night, high cheekbones, olive skin and young face not looking a day over 25, by human standards anyways. The age doesn't mean much for angels, but well, the point still stands.
“Careful now, or I might think you were checking them out.” Crowley smirks as Aziraphale blushes.
Aziraphale lightly smacks Crowley’s arm, “Hush you.”
Azirahale sighs, “I suppose we should bring them somewhere to rest until they recover.
“Yeah,” Crowley frowns, “I’ve never seen anything like it, they were trying to rip out their feathers, pleading for something or someone to stop.”
Aziraphale looks troubled, and the couple stays in contemplative silence until they reach the guest room and Crowley places the unknown angel gently on the bed, adjusting them on their stomach, so their wings aren’t flattened or harmed.
Except when Crowley carefully adjusts one of the wings, he hisses sharply and takes sight of blood pouring down his hand.
“What happened?” Aziraphale asks worriedly, as Crowley curls his hand towards his body, did the angel’s wing just cut him?!
Aziraphale gently grabs Crowley’s hand, and sure enough there’s a clean slice down his palm, dripping with blood.
Aziraphale gasps, and goes to Miracle something, but Crowley stops him, “Stop, you’ve already used enough Miracles today, besides it’s already closing up.” Just like that the wound closes up like it was never there. The only evidence is the remaining blood.
“Oh alright,” Aziraphale huffs and carefully examines Crowley’s hand, “But what in the Almighty’s name could have done that?”
Crowley glances out at the unknown angel’s wings, a pit forms in his stomach, and he approaches the wings carefully, and sure enough on the end of one of the primary feathers is Crowley’s blood.
Please, don’t be what Crowley is thinking. Please, please, please.
“What-” Aziraphale begins, but lets Crowley continue bewildered.
Crowley goes over the primary feather again, the tip of his index finger just touching it, and he digs his finger in a bit more, and sure enough blood is drawn.
Aziraphale gasps, and quickly takes Crowley’s hand back in his, “What were you thinking?!” Aziraphale starts to rant, fretting at Crowley, except he stops when he sees the look on his demon’s face.
“Their an…” Crowley starts, his voice quivering, “Archangel.”
“No.” Aziraphale gasps.
Crowley nods grimly, “Their primary feathers are deadly sharp, and no other angel would ever possess such wings.”
“What does this mean?” Aziraphale holds Crowley’s hands in confort.
“I don’t know,” Crowley states and squeezes his angel’s hands back, “but I’ll know we’ll get through it together.”
“Together.” Aziraphale agrees and embraces his demon. They glance once more at the unknown angel, a sign of change. What that change is though, it’s too soon to tell.
Luckily, the angel and demon have one another. They chose one another. They navigated the black and white standards of their celestial worlds’, and eventually came to see and accept the world and themselves in all their beautiful shades. Now it’s time for a certain Devil to learn the same, but well that’s for another time.
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What Darksiders would give you for your Birthday?
(bc, today is mine 🎂)
War: He would give you weapon to protect youreself, while awkwardly whishing you happy birthday. Today he is more focused to making you safe than anything, so be ready to extra hard training. But at the end of a day he will give you hug and tell you that you did great today and how happy he is to be your friend.
Death: He did not understand the concept of celebrating birthday( you are just one year closer to your death whats wrong with you?!- his words not mine), but he will give you book he think you may like and will be nicer to you.
Strife: Oh boy. He will give you hug, something he found( probably this horse toy), throw you a party and best wishes. You are his friend and he may sure to show it to you.
Fury: She will wish you happy birthday in „ leave me alone already, i Don’t care” tone, but later you find weapon with note” Don’t think lot of it” and will be watching you while you are showing it to everyone. Don’t be mad at her, you are her first friend and she have No idea how to act.
Azrael: He will wish you happy birthday while giving you warmest hug and book you wished to read. At the end of the day while you are watching sunset he tell you how great is to know you and how he is happy to being your friend.
Vulgrim: This demon merchant will not try to convince you to sell your soul to him in this special day, but give you 50% discount to his goods. Busines is busines, sorry.
Samael: He would give you the finest neklace he posses and wishing you happy birthday. He never say it out loud, but he grow fond to you.
Draven: He is not sure what to do. He is not sure what modern humans are doing to celebrate friend’s birthday, so he will wish you happy birthday, give you your around castle( while making sure nothing disturb your time) and later made a little show off while training.
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For those who may want to know, I have officially compiled a team list:
Sylph, my partner and service pokemon: male sylveon
Kaguya, runs point and provides air support: female ryujeon
Norville, resident goober and secretly terrifying: male leafeon
Kagehime, chronically ill team mom and current tank: female umbreon
Grendel, backup goofball that’s secretly terrifying: male wyveon
Lucy, recon and scout: female sableye
Beel, team chef with seemingly bottomless stomach: male Junpilan Mudsdale
Backup or nonbattle Pokemon:
Joan: shiny baby eevee girl with “Shimmer” condition, resident menace after her meds
Petey: abnormally small Junpilan Flareon with a cute tabby pattern, total lap ‘mon
Samael and Asriel: part of the same bachelor wing as Grendel, lead lab assistants
Shiro: kaguya’s husband, a male “common” ryujeon, lab night guard
Various unnamed eevee, poochyena, dratini, and axew babies and unhatched dark and dragon type eggs: up for adoption, 1/4 are afflicted with “Shimmer” while another 1/3 has a likelihood of developing one of the unnamed chronic genetic conditions. 1/4 have the genetic markers for possibly developing an “unpredictable” “untrusting” or “obsessive” nature after level 5 or 3 years. 1/6 have been evaluated as having Poketism, so if adopted, be prepared to take extra precautions and care. do not adopt with expectations to “fix” them, I WILL know and WILL take them back and will blacklist you. Ableism towards Pokemon AND humans are NOT tolerated.
If you wish to adopt one of these little ones, I am more than happy to arrange a couple playdates and sleepovers for you to decide
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cautiously0ptimistic · 5 months
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just Sam things lol
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cypriathus · 3 months
Here are my versions of Azazel and Samael!
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: There are mentions of genitalia, castration, and SA.
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Aysuvozel is a strangely approachable and overconfident fallen seraph who playfully thrives on schadenfreude and has an irrational fear of enclosed places and being trapped. As a result of her persistent loneliness, she finds genuine comfort in her extrovertedness and talking to herself. She possesses great pride in her celestial intelligence, enticing people by telling them forbidden pieces of information. She has a ravenous appetite and an inclination towards fun-loving mischief and strategic warfare. She’s eager to use violence on those she views as pathetic, annoying, and/or hideous, showing no compassion and mercy. Aysuvozel has a natural appreciation for beauty and elegance, a wild imagination, and an odd sense of humour. 
She’s a rectangular mesomorph with an impressive height of 7’ 8” (233.68 cm), a chiselled musculature, well-endowed breasts, a micropenis, square chest, and sloping shoulders. Her ashy skin has silvery brown stretch marks on her upper arms, chest, and legs, and her wings are covered in a thin layer of red sand. She possesses shaggy and coarse honey blonde hair of mid-back length with slight curls and noticeable layers. She also possesses slightly curly pecto-infraclavicular and acuminate abdominal hair in the same honey blonde hue. She has six black-feathered wings of orange and gold flames; with two to cover her face, two to hide her feet, and two that are used to fly. After years of being imprisoned in darkness, Aysuvozel once royal fuchsia eyes became a glazed white, which are covered by an old gold cloth blindfold. Once she was cast out of heaven, she grew a flaxen horse tail, draconic feet, and the horns of a Taurotragus derbianus. She wears an amaranth purple brocade chalvar of stylised saffron and red orange cloud patterning and a long-sleeved diaphanous robe with a jazzberry jam-to-flush mahogany gradient. She dons a tiger skin sash, golden anklets, horseshoe barbell piercings of magenta chrome for both nipples, and a garland of brownish skulls.
As a seraph, Aysuvozel can force people to see the goodness of their soul, induce absolute horror and miracles, and surround herself with an aura that’ll burn anything. She has psychokinesis, telepathy, sancti-pyrokinesis, cosmic awareness, an indomitable will, and supreme observation. She can endure all temperatures and perform strenuous activities for centuries, and her natural senses are heightened significantly except for her eyesight. She’s capable of performing any offensive action with the output of an atomic bomb, causing severe damage to towns and small mountains. Her supernatural strength also allows her to move and lift cruise ships, airplanes, battleships, and massive bridges. Through the use of the golden ichor of angels, ruined battlefields, spilt gore, and cosmetic products, she can easily teleport across the multiverse. She possesses manipulative control over weapons, shields, armour, bloodshed, injustice, physical beauty, bodily desires, uncleanness, lightning, thunderstorms, gusts of winds, temperature fluctuations, and memories. She’s able to absorb the sins of sentient creatures, transform into a goat and a fire dragon, resurrect the undead, and enter the dreams of sleepers. Aysuvozel can breathe hellfire from her mouth, her voice can shatter glass and melt people’s eyes, and putrefy creatures capable of movement.
Unnamed destroying angel mother
Unnamed seraph father
Samuvozeli (twin brother)
Utsimoderva (nephew)
Kairszoben (nephew)
16 nieces
24 nephews
Angel of the Scapegoat, Uncleanness, Metallurgy, and Physical Beauty
Crafter of Bloodthirsty Instruments
His Sinister Arrogance
Goat of Sand
Treacherous Blacksmith
She’s aromantic and transgender
As an Æylphitus, her name means “strength of god or she-goat of going away”.
Despite having destroying angel blood, she doesn’t possess any abilities that are unique to them.
Her belly is literally a biological furnace of fire and hot wind
She’s in possession of a trishula intertwined with a flaming carriage wheel
She was cast out of heaven because she taught humanity the art of crafting weapons for warfare and cosmetics to enhance their beauty.
Due to being trapped in a pit of red sand, her hands and feet are tied to a solid surface with unbreakable chains. In that pit, she’s placed upon jagged rocks and left alone in the dark, which led to her being eternally blind. Her place of imprisonment is commonly referred to as Dudael.
When in enclosed spaces, she exhibits restless behaviour, such as swaying her head from side to side.
Aysuvozel often flashes a sly, knowing smile when witnessing the misfortune of others, revelling in their misery.
Despite her fall from grace, she still finds solace in gazing up at the stars, reminiscing about her celestial past and plotting her next move after she breaks free from her prison.
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Samuvozeli is a fallen destroyer-seraph who has a lustfully hostile disposition towards females, easily becoming emotionally and physically detached to them. He’s deeply fascinated and strangely amused by the progression, wickedness, and creativity of humanity. He has a harsh, surly, and morbid air to his presence, making him less approachable and trustworthy. A sinister smile or a sly and foreboding smirk is often plastered on his face, but there are rare instances where he’s mirthless. He finds a twisted enjoyment in humiliation and inflicting harm on people who deserve it, while prioritising pleasure over other life values. He isn’t afraid to damage the reputation of others through false statements and accusations. He has a tendency towards risk-taking, impulsive and sexually instinctive behaviour, and little consideration for future consequences. He possesses a fascinating magnetic pull in regards to how attractive and tempting his charisma, confidence, and intelligence are. Samuvozeli has stunning observation skills, and he’s capable of treating people with tenderness, kindness, respect, and affection.
He’s an inverted triangular ectomorph with a decent height of 6’ 9” (205.74 cm), broad shoulders, an average musculature, prominent thighs, and a well-endowed, yet castrated penis. His snow-white skin has a pearlescent sheen and greyish-brown freckles on his face, chest, hands, and feet. Like all Lorvaztekiphus, there is a split from the back of where his tongue begins to the middle of his collarbone. He has a massive purplish-pink birthmark of blotchy shape on the right lower abdominopelvic quadrant. He has twelve massive iridescent ruby wings with ruffled, burnt feathers, the head of a male human (left) and African lion (right), and his eyes are a stunning Tiffany blue with flecks of copper. In regards to Samuvozeli’s stunning eyes, the usually round pupils can change into a horizontal shape that reflects his current mood. His long and parted coppery brown hair of mid-back length has disconnected, yet smooth waves. He possesses circumareolo-infraclavicular and sagittal abdominal hair in the same natural hue. After his fall, his regular tongue is replaced by a dark blue serpent of green and orange veins, which breathes poisonous miasma and spits acid. He wears a polyester sirwal of teal blue from the hips and a tied coriander sash with tassels and six wasabi stripes near the ends. He also dons a necklace of decapitated heads, a girdle of human arms, and metallic orange-green anklets and armlets.
Due to being half-seraph, Samuvozeli can induce absolute horror in all intelligent creatures, and use prayers and hymns to heal injuries. He has an indomitable will, cosmic awareness, psychokinesis, telepathy, and a voice that induces positive or negative emotions, depending on his mood. As a result of his destroying angel blood, he can kill any being that exists and collapse a target into dust by destabilising them on a microscopic level. He’s also able to induce judgement that focuses on the sin(s) committed and banish low-ranking angels and demons, minor titans, humans, Ufrajozlens, and Azhelowins from Eylvhraszokjumni and Nifjazroghetus. He possesses heightened senses, an endurance to sexually transmitted diseases and all levels of discomfort, nearly identical strength to his twin sister, and supernatural stamina. He has manipulative control over destruction, the essence of death, sacred light, poison, venom, seduction, corruption, amorality, and concealment. He holds a vast amount of knowledge that pertains to the multiverse and history of all species. He can transform into serpents, camels, lions, and humans, and use beds, toxic spills, stillborn children, brothels, and deserts to teleport across the different universes. He’s capable of performing amazing feats of accuracy, coordination, finesse, and precision, and constructing an army from negative emotions. Samuvozeli can easily erase the memories and/or knowledge of living beings from history, a specific part of a timeline or existence itself. By doing so, he’s effectively leaving no trace of them, but does allow them to physically exist afterwards without recognition.
Unnamed destroying angel mother
Unnamed seraph father
Aysuvozel (twin sister)
Utsimoderva (son)
Kairszoben (son)
16 daughters
24 sons
Angel of Licking Poison, Iniquity, and Seduction
He Who Was Chosen By Evil
Blindness of the Good Mistress
King of the Wicked
Lord of the Wall
Castrated One
Trickster Prince
He’s heteroromantic demisexual
He’s an avatar of Jaldebonszuth
As an Æylphitus, his name means “venom of god”.
He’s the king of Concupiscence
He’s the main executioner of Eylvhraszokjumni and Nifjazroghetus
He’s in possession of a large scythe, having its blade covered in blue holy flames and a dozen amber-coloured eyes.
He wrestled with Jacoszubi until dawn
He was cast out of heaven because he raped Evaloghinus, the second wife of Admenozithus, and impregnated many human women.
After having many children, the divine council forcibly castrated him in order to prevent him from producing more offspring.
Despite being a fallen angel and crudely castrated, he’s still very loyal to Eylvhraszokjumni and Äylcephinozur.
He enjoys riding his serpent-headed, bat-winged Bactrian camel during cold and windy nights.
Samuvozeli makes silent bets with himself on the outcomes of human interactions, predicting their choices and actions with uncanny accuracy.
He follows people, observing their habits and vulnerabilities, sometimes leaving subtle hints or menacing messages to unsettle them.
He likes to gather mementos from his exploits, keeping them as twisted trophies to remind him of his power and control.
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carmeloffie · 1 year
GIRL i am paying $8.99 a month for this platform and you can’t even let me watch sylvia??? canceling my subscription actually right now 😔
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((Information about Samael!))
Name: Samael
Nicknames/Aliases: Planter of the Tree of Knowledge, Guardian Angel, Sam, Sammy J Gardener
Age/Date of Birth/Place of Birth: Older than time/Before time began/Heaven
Species: Angel
Gender/Pronouns: Technically agender, fine with corporation being seen as “male”, he/him
Sexuality: Technically asexual, sex-positive (in a demisexual sort of way) (Momo only!)
Appearance: Samael looks much like Crowley does; tall, lean, with red hair. He’s had just as many weird (meaning period-accurate) hairstyles as Crowley, but he prefers it long. In modern times, he often wears it up in a bun. Has normal, brown eyes, but enjoys novelty sunglasses that would make Crowley cringe. Loves wearing graphic tees with puns on them (example: a cartoon haloed avocado with the caption “Holy guacamole!”). Usually in street fashion in angelic colours of whites, creams, and tans. Just as concerned with coming off as “cool” as Crowley, but has a wildly different aesthetic.
Personality/History: A fast-living angel. A ray of sunshine, usually cheerful. Loves to people-watch. Great with kids. Easily distracted. Occasionally plagued with frustration (“why can’t people just be nice to each other?!”) Collects plants to the point where his flat is overrun with flowers, herbs and houseplants in pots, and he barely has room to sit down. (Refuses to sit in a chair properly anyway.) Has a bleeding heart for plants that need extra care, and is well known at all the local plant nurseries. All his ceilings are covered with stick-on stars, model solar systems, sky charts, and the like; some of which are hand-made. Drives a white Rolls Royce that refuses to play anything but ABBA, of its own free will. His timeline diverged from Crowley’s (EEAAO-style) because he did not suggest making a suggestion box, and thus did not end up at the Bad Kids table with Lucifer and the guys, and thus did not Fall.
His first assignment on Earth was helping put together the Garden of Eden (not as fun as making nebulae). There was supposed to be a DO NOT TOUCH sign on the tree, but he forgot about it. Got written up for that one. Hung around to watch the humans, was very dismayed to hear about the humans getting kicked out and felt a bit guilty for that. The Serpent, Asmodeus (wait, was he that one angel? THAT GUY FELL???), assured Samael that it wasn’t his fault and he was sure Samael was only doing his best. To hear such compassionate words from a demon (and he’s a demon- how- why- what-?) was fascinating to Samael, and he kind of, sort of, maybe, developed a bit of a crush- okay, he fell in love instantly whatever it’s not a big deal-
Got bored early on Earth, did some weird edgy LARPing to entertain himself, now has an Unfortunate Reputation in religious texts. Asmodeus teases him about it so much, which he finds so embarrassing (“Why does everyone think I’m literally Satan, I’m not, I’m not evil, I don’t go around seducing humans, stop laughing at me it’s not funny-”)
Kept showing up around Asmodeus like a very determined, lost puppy, until Asmodeus admitted that, alright, they were friends, maybe, don’t go spreading it around.
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frociaggine · 1 year
do you have any anastasia thoughts/theories?
Some! First of all, I firmly believe that she was hot just based on vibes. This is very important to me.
Various thoughts / headcanons, in no particular order:
She was the first of the Second Gen disciples, and arrived at Canaan House before Cyrus and Valancy.
I’m absolutely never ever letting go of the fact that she created Teacher by Frankestening together a bunch of souls. (Terrifying! And hot). Also, her  research notes are the reason why the Reverend Parents were able to make sure Harrow was born a necromancer.
I think she was born on the Eight! Because her work focused on souls, but also because the fact that the Eight fucking hates that the Ninth exists takes on a delicious ironic tinge in this case.
I think Samael wasn’t the father of her child, but I don’t feel super strongly about it. Also, I’m neutral on the theory that she was pregnant when she tried to ascend, but again I wouldn’t mind it at all if it turned out to be true!
The child who suceeded her as a Tombkeeper was born after she left Canaan House but ngl I like that theory going around that Samael may have been her son. I don’t think it’s super likely but it’d be cool if it was.
Theory corner! This is more wild speculation that vibes.
I wrote a long-ish post on what I think happened during Anastasia’s failed Lyctoral ascension here (tl;dr: she tapped into Alecto’s power and backfired /IMO) and I stand by most of it except I think there’s a nonzero chance Anastasia may have made her attempt even before G1deon and Pyrrha did.
Another theory I’m fond of: I think she walled herself into the Tomb so that the thanergy from her death would add an extra boost to the wards. John tells Harrow that it’s not true that the wards have to be maintained since he set them himself, but I think he might be unaware that Anastasia messed with them after he’d already left the system, years after they were set up.
(To be clear, I think Anastasia walked into the tomb, walled it in and killed herself for the thanergy boost when she was Crux-aged or close to it, not that she pulled a Cristabel immolated herself on Alecto’s coffin)
My wild guess is that she added a failsafe that would trap in anyone who entered the inner chamber if they weren’t of the Tombkeeper line. It wouldn’t trap anyone who can travel through the River, ofc, but I think that if Wake had been able to open the Tomb she would never have gotten back out.
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It’s funny in a sad way, but going by Gabriel’s extras, Michael has basically never fully expressed himself to his siblings. Michael mentioned before that Samael became colder slow enough that no one noticed, but to about everyone else Michael has just always been Like That. It’s tragic 😭
It really, really is. Michael’s always been a certain way, always shown himself a certain way, because he thought that was what was expected of him. So now that we’re here…no one really knows Michael.
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