#extravaganza multiverse au
multikore · 11 months
[malicious laughing as I return to my posts]
well they’ve been done for a while but I’m finally remembering to post I uh- *cough cough* we don’t talk about that *cough*
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(Note: uhhh they were supposed to be walking on those catwalks above stages but I left a layer out in the back that was supposed to be the supports for the lights behind them but then I forgot to turn the layer back on and I’m not bothered to go back and fix that TODAY at least- I might someday ;v;)
(….frick I forgot Error’s glitches too AAAAAAAA)
Sooooo here’s Error and Nightmare! haha- ignore the mistakes please I beg
Little tid bits under the cut!
I like to think that Nightmare’s ‘canon’ clothes are his just incredible lazy casual ones- because tbh no offense to the design it’s nice but- c’mon KING of negativity? Wearing s l i p p e r s ? TO A FIGHT???
Nightmare gotta be as regal as he acts, he deserves fancy clothes! Clothes of which I am still having to design soon -w-
Now- IF they were to hold like sort of shows, I wanna give them all identification cards on lanyards, hence the said lanyards in the photo :D
Oh and I’m gonna throw this out there as a CONCEPT, AN IDEA, A W.I.P.- butttt instead of the Star Sanses and Bad Sanses being like enemies and fighting, I feel like they’d be (hopefully) friendly competition in this one! :D
So like who gets the most viewers or fans for their festivals or shows and who gets more like- idk gifts? Roses thrown to the parade or show?
Basically who’s more popular I guess
Also I’m having Plum as one of the most famous among them and NO ONE CAN STOP ME >:D
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peggynet · 4 months
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to celebrate our best girl's birthday, PEGGYNET is happy to announce its first PEGGY CARTER APPRECIATION WEEK! from April 3-9th, we will be hosting an event for all types of creators (ficwriters, fanartists, gifmakers, etc.) and their creations centered around Peggy Carter from Marvel!
to participate, all you need to do is to reblog this post and share your work with the tag #peggyweek2024! the event will have both visual and writing prompts, but feel free to mix and match as your heart desires! here are the prompts:
✦ day one (april 3th) favorite appearance/scene or 20th century ✦ day two (april 4th) favorite quote or modern day ✦ day three (april 5th) favorite friendship or multiverse ✦ day four (april 6th) favorite romance or headcanons ✦ day five (april 7th) lyrics/quotes or WIPs ✦ day six (april 8th) tropes or AU ✦ day seven (april 9th) birthday extravaganza | free choice
if you have any questions about this event or anything else, don't be afraid to contact us! and a reminder: we're still looking for members and affiliates, so if you're interested in that, APPLY now!
don't forget to do as Peggy says! 💋
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
Are there any "classic" aus (fell, swap, outertale, horror, etc.) that you enjoy? Or ones that you feel have an interesting concept but a pretty bad execution?
Personally, I'm of the belief that a lot of them did have some amazing concepts in the beginning but were ultimately flanderized by the fandom due to just how allergic they were to any characters that weren't Sans or Papyrus, no matter how much it just didn't make sense for them to be involved. Like, I just don't understand ink!sans for example. Maybe i'm just missing smth
I feel as though you've probably answered questions about this before and if you have I am so sorry. The search function on mobile is awful </3
i think pretty much every main au landed in the "mid to ok concept, bad execution", if only because to become main aus in the first place they had to be visually distinct yet vague enough in characterization/execution for people to play around in like a sandbox. which is not exactly ground for a good story—or exploration of the original one, for what matters. if an au is really good, you're not going to hear of it getting lumped in with the multiverse extravaganza stuff. it's going to be a standalone comic. or fic. or whatever. it NEEDS its own story to exist for the characters to work, and that can't happen on a large scale like the au fandom where the entire point is to mix and match everything into the same blender and start the interactions from there.
so uh. no. not really. but i recognize that i'm also just too uninterested in that side of the fandom to look deeper and try to prove myself wrong.
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americas-ass-writing · 2 months
Hello hello and welcome to everyone who joined me because my lovely writer mutuals recommended me 💙🥰
Here's some things you can expect in the next few months:
- King Steve in a modern day arranged marriage au 😍
- some drabbles/ blurbs for the Cum Together extravaganza event 🥰
- Steve wooing a teacher (not related to Muffin)
- maaaaaybe a big multiverse au where our dear reader ends up in another universe and befriends Bucky Barnes
Thank you all for following, reading, commenting, reblogging and just being here 🥰💙
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auxiliarydetective · 10 months
Technically Evie's Ask Extravaganza, The Finale - Allow me to introduce to you...
Evie's Multiverse - The Official™ Prompt List
Send me an ask with the characters and prompts you want
Combining prompts is allowed, including across categories
You don't have to ask for a character and their S/O but lots of these prompts are best suited to write OTPs - use your best judgement to assess whether your prompt is such a prompt
Include any special preferences or details you'd like to see - this also means that you should include the level of smuttiness you want to see if the prompt you sent me could be interpreted in a spicy way
Be nice
What I will write:
Stories for my OCs and their ships, any day, anytime if I have any time and energy to spare
Ships between canon characters - if I know the characters and their dynamics, I can definitely try. If I actively ship them, I definitely will try
AUs, just specify it in your ask
Spicy stuff, including some kinks BUT refer to the rest of the rules
Heavy topics
What I will NOT write:
Explicit smut. I just don’t feel comfortable doing it. Fade-to-black? Yes. But no smut. Trust me, there are other writers who do a better job and you yourself have an imagination ;) Not as much of a rule anymore by now but it might take a while for me to do it. Also, it won't be the sort of smut you're used to but rather the way I write smut, which includes allusions, metaphors and euphemisms and excludes your typical smut words as much as possible - if you don't like that style quirk of mine, don't request smut.
Incest and pedophilia
Most pregnancy stuff
As a general rule of thumb, if you don’t know whether I would be willing to write something, just ask. I've intentionally left some of these rules more or less vague to give the space for interaction. If I find something in your ask that I don't want to write that way, I'll let you know and maybe modify the prompt a little if possible so I can still write something for you without having to fully turn you down. Either way, communication is key!
You can avoid the spicy prompts on this list by just not scrolling down all the way. They're the last block of text. :)
☆ F01: Accidentally falling asleep together
☆ F02: Adjusting the other's necklace/tie
☆ F03: Caught in the rain
☆ F04: Compliments
☆ F05: Cooking as a love language
☆ F06: Cuddles
☆ F07: Described through the eyes of their lover
☆ F08: Falling asleep in the other's lap
☆ F09: Head pats/playing with the other's hair
☆ F10: Humming/singing
☆ F11: Needy for attention
☆ F12: Pet names
☆ F13: Puppy dog eyes
☆ F14: Reading together
☆ F15: Sharing food
☆ F16: Sitting on the other's lap
☆ F17: Slow dancing
☆ F18: Sticking warm/cold hands beneath the other's shirt
☆ F19: "Wait, you think I'm cute/pretty/...?"
☆ F20: "You look beautiful."
☆ F21: "You smell nice."
☆ F22: "You’re an idiot." "But I'm your idiot."
Kiss Prompts
♡ K01: A kiss as an apology
♡ K02: A kiss on the hand
♡ K03: An unexpected kiss
♡ K04: Cheek kiss
♡ K05: Desperate kiss
♡ K06: Forehead kiss
♡ K07: Kiss goodbye
♡ K08: Kissing the tears away
♡ K09: Passionate kisses that leave them breathless
♡ K10: Neck kisses
♡ K11: Sleepy morning kisses
♡ K12: Staring at the other's lips, trying not to kiss them
♡ K13: Wandering kisses
♡ K14: "Kiss me."
♡ K15: "Your lips are so soft...
Whump/Hurt & Comfort
♧ W01: Caring for the other while sick
♧ W02: Finding the other crying
♧ W03: Insecurities
♧ W04: Kidnapped
♧ W05: Nightmare
♧ W06: Patching up a wound
♧ W07: Poison
♧ W08: "Can you talk?"
♧ W09: "Don’t move."
♧ W10: "How many fingers?"
♧ W11: "I can't feel my legs."
♧ W12: "I can't get up."
♧ W13: "I'm fine."
♧ W14: "Is that blood?"
♧ W15: "Please, don’t leave."
♧ W16: "Wake up, damn it, wake up!"
♧ W17: "You’re safe with me."
♧ W18: "You’re doing great."
◇ T01: Domestic
◇ T02: Drunken confession
◇ T03: Forced Proximity
◇ T04: "Oh. Oh."
◇ T05: Secret relationship
◇ T06: Sharing body heat
◇ T07: Song fic - Pick a song from their OC or ship playlist and I'll use it as a prompt
◇ T08: Soulmates AU
◇ T09: There was only one bed
◇ T10: "Who did this to you?"
◇ T11: Wild card - you decide what I write!
♤ S01: Body worship
♤ S02: Pinned
♤ S03: Roaming hands
♤ S04: Touch-starved
♤ S05: "Do you really want to do this?"
♤ S06: "Don’t tease me like that."
♤ S07: "I won’t bite - unless you want me to."
♤ S08: "I'll be very gentle."
♤ S09: "Make me."
♤ S10: "Say that again."
♤ S11: "Tell me how much you want me."
♤ S12: "Touch me."
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thepancakelady · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better:
tagged by @smyx​ and @playlistashton
favorite colour: yellow! did the yellow hearts on discord give it away?
currently reading:  i’m currently reading The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by  Natasha Pulley and Manner of Death by Sammon. i’m also reading both How to Steal a Thief and How to Hack a Hacker by  A.J. Sherwood, though i guess they’ve been on hold for a while. the latter is technically a sequel, but the plots of the books are pretty separate from one another and just happen to focus on the same group of friends (with a different POV character in each book). i got kinda bored reading How to Steal a Thief because it focused on a character i don’t really care for, but How to Hack a Hacker was the reason i picked up these books to begin with so i guess i’m reading them both at once?
last songs:  Mary Kate Wiles - Horcruxes ;  Sarah Barrios & Eric Nam - Have We Met Before ;  sød ven - hollow ;  sød ven - halogen ; DPR IAN -  Ballroom Extravaganza ; Hotshot - I Hate You ; Jeff Satur - Why Don’t You Stay
last series: the last thing i watched was Extraordinary Attorney Woo. the last series i finished was Blueming
last movie: i honestly don’t like watching movies much. i think the last one i saw was Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness in the cinema for a friend’s birthday. i probably wouldn’t have seen it if it wasn’t for that
currently working on:
- off on a hero’s journey or the seanwhite medieval au as i call it
- seanwhite egg baby au (as in a home economics project and anything weird like laying an egg clamp jojo doujin style)
- part 2 of the gramblack hanahaki au
- fics i will write in the near future, but have written very little for or nothing at all: sequel to my namogene fic from not me week ; namogeneblack fic because black deserves two girlfriends ; short toddblack side story from the egg baby au ; gramblack side story from the medieval au ; seanwhite & gramblack lovely writer au ; not me angel beats au or the purgatory au as i call it ; not me manner of death au ; the fic i fondly call khaithird on a farm ; more stuff in the seanwhite xianxia au ; more stuff in the khaithird urban fantasy au ; two sequels to the seanwhite zorro au ; triage puppy honey au
this tag has been going around my friend circle for a bit so i image everyone has been tagged at least once already lol. but if anyone sees this and wants to do it you have my blessing to go ahead
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
@pixiegrl​ tagged me in this wip ask game: 
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thank you so much!! how fun! :)) i have. a lot of wips so i’m not going to list outline doc names and i’ll only name one of the drafts if there are multiple so! sorting them by sub-folder and putting them under the cut bc like i said it’s a long list lol
“last of the real ones” folder:
just got my ass kicked in the glow of an exit sign
last of the real ones lashton
last of the real ones malum museum
last of the real ones malum windowsill
“the extravaganza project” folder:
airplane muke
gone off the razor’s edge
magic the gathering fic
no tempest in the tea
origins the captain
origins the co-pilot
origins the inventor
origins the mechanic
origins the ship herself
pt. interlude
serial killer vigilante same difference
tis the damn season drabble
“tis the damn season” folder:
tis the damn season fic luke pow breakup
tis the damn season fic
tis the damn season lonely heart
tis the damn season prequel dial tones
tis the damn season prequel valentine fail
the rest of my fic folder:
arrival au
cause he’s a cancer
cursing my government
elevator meet-cute
faking the moonlanding crackfic
glasses d2
horror trilogy 
it never felt like love
it’s a long way to heaven
kees question mark
matching rings or is it
screaming underwater fic
some princes don’t become kings
sry ily songfic
try my best to prove that nothing’s out to get you
we’ll be good in another life multiverse theory
you’re yellow i’m natural blue
okay well that’s all the active ones (yes there are more yes i have a problem thank you we can move on) i will not tag as many people as there are wips bc tbh i don’t know if i know that many people so! i’ll just tag the people i don’t ~think~ have done this (and if you don’t want to do this don’t worry about it it’s just if you’d like to!) @clumsyclifford​ @allsassnoclass​ @squishmichael​ @daydadahlias​ @escapesos​ @matchaparker​ & @ anyone else who wants to do it!
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rorynne · 5 years
Rory’s Birthday Writing Extravaganza
My birthday is coming up in a few days so I figured I would do a Writing event for funsies. The rules are as follows:
- You don’t have to follow me but it would be nice
- If you want to join send me an ASK. 
- You can write for any MCU character. 
- Reader inserts only. 
- I will not accept incest, minor/adult, or noncon. 
- Please use the Read more function if you’re submitting over 500 words.
- If you are writing a series tag me in the master list
- Please tag things properly.
- Two people per prompt, first come first serve.
- I take one-shots, series, and social media AUs
- Deadline is January 27th, just to give yall a good long chunk of time.
And without further ado, here’s the prompts:
Soulmate AU  mrsdeanwinchester19
Mafia AU
Road Trip AU Gyspydraig
Detective AU MycroftlovesCake
Body Swap AU Mattaretto
Hogwarts AU
Circus AU
Birthday AU
“You braided his hair?” Henderwhore4life - Bucky
“I’ve learned quite a lot, over the years, by avoiding what I was supposed to be learning.”
“Traveling isn’t expensive when you’re okay with breaking the law.”
“This will be the only time I’m telling you and if you don’t listen, those four broken ribs will become five. Stop fucking walking and get in the damn car.” Valkyriesride - Clint
“I made a bet. I lost. It’s simple as that.” Welovetonystark
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?” Stuckyandsciencebros - Clint
“I fucking love you” “Hang up, and tell me this when you’re sober” Born-n-the-wrong-multiverse - Clint
“Is it the bed part or rest part of bed rest that you’re not getting?” Chlorinebarnes - Bucky
“So what if I’m jealous?” Nana-evans
“To be honest, I just wanted a chance to look at the stars with you.” Shakespeareanqueer
Temporary Bliss - The Cab
Black Cat - Mayday Parade
It Will Come Back - Hozier
Death of a Bachelor - Panic at the Disco
The Archer - Taylor Swift
Believer - Lea Michele: Csigeoblue - Wanda
Choose your own song
Tagging people that might be interested
@chloerinebarnes @mattaretto @geosaurusrrex @sunkissedbarnes @mypassionsarenysins
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multikore · 11 months
Eeeeeeeek!! Art for EXTRAVAGANZA AU!!! :3
I hope The bad's and the Stars hopefully get along or theres like some competitive rivalry >:3
Also, as you noticed I'm alive again so here >:D
-Ya local? Bee anon 🐝🌟
Also yeahhhh, I worked on that for way too long than need be but I got it finally -w-
I am kinda looking forward to making the relations towards all the other Sanses and stuff but I NEED TO DESIGN THEM FIRSTTTTTTT- AAAH3JCISNCIDCJCEJCMSL
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multikore · 1 year
Did I talk about Extravaganza AU here- probably not but ANYWAYS
E x t r a v a g a n z a M u l t i v e r s e :D
It’s kinda like a fashion show I suppose? I’m just gonna dump ideas here for a bit because got no where else to put ‘em and I wanna share it so blep :P
It’s like those large festivals with flashy costumes, feathers, glitter, boa scarfs and sequins etc. etc.
I made Sugar Plum (UnderLust Sans) already and a vague idea for Error and Nightmare- I kinda just doodled Plum when I was in another country and made Error and Nightmare when drawing on the school chrome books so y e s , this was made from random doodles out of boredom and ideas >:D
Sooooo if you see some posts like that soon then that’s the extravaganza multiversal au I wanna make :D
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multikore · 11 months
Hii! I made fanart of your EXTRAVAGANZA Au!!
Does this mean I've revealed my account?
Kind of :,) ✨
(I kinda posted it to my account :,> but privated it soon after, because I got scared of if I wanted to reveal my account or not :,D)
Also random question because I don't want to end this at that
What's your favourite food! /GenQ
For me, Mine would be Chocolate(I know that isn't a food but-)
But for a actual food, if I had to eat it everyday would personally be Spaghetti or Lasagna 🎉
-Bee anon 🐝✨
It’s fine, no worries! And sorry I keep responding late to your asks my notifications are crap and my memory is even worse :,D
Also same- Chocolate and spaghetti they’re just- just too good. Butttt I also like Lumpia Springrolls a whole bunch!
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peggynet · 4 months
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we're here to remind you all of our best girl's birthday celebration, also known as the PEGGY CARTER APPRECIATION WEEK!
from April 3-9th, we will be hosting an event for all types of creators (ficwriters, fanartists, gifmakers, etc.) and their creations centered around Peggy Carter from Marvel! there's only one month left, so don't you dare to be late! 😉
to participate, all you need to do is reblog this post and share your work with the tag #peggyweek2024! the event will have both visual and writing prompts, but feel free to mix and match as your heart desires! here are the prompts:
✦ day one (april 3th) favorite appearance/scene or 20th century ✦ day two (april 4th) favorite quote or modern day ✦ day three (april 5th) favorite friendship or multiverse ✦ day four (april 6th) favorite romance or headcanons ✦ day five (april 7th) lyrics/quotes or WIPs ✦ day six (april 8th) tropes or AU ✦ day seven (april 9th) birthday extravaganza | free choice
if you have any questions about this event or anything else, don't be afraid to contact us! and a reminder: we're still looking for members and affiliates, so if you're interested in that, APPLY now!
don't forget to do as Peggy says!
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multikore · 1 year
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I have to go rumbling through my sketchbook for Plum AuGgGhhhHhHh-
But there smol update on the Extravaganza AU for ze multiverse ;w;
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