#extremely voluptuous
clarabowlover · 1 year
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Anna Nicole Smith - By Daniela Federici (1993)
Had to use a rubber on her nipples to pass the Tumblr Censors
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vantaeries · 2 months
Your lips come and take me to the place to go - NCT 127
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Pile : 1 ~ 2 ~ 3
How to pick : Close your eyes, take a deep breath and clear your mind. Trust your intuition and choose a pile that you are most drawn to.
Disclaimer : This is a general reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Remember, the energies can change from time to time. So pick wisely.
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Your future spouse is a reserved and low-confidence person who might struggle or fear to confess their feelings. When they see you talking and joking with another person, they feel extremely jealous. They fear they may have missed their chance with you and are tormented by the thought that you might like someone else. Unable to contain their emotions any longer, they make a bold and uncharacteristic decision. As they approach, their legs feel like jelly and their heart pounds like crazy. Acting on impulse, they pull you into a passionate kiss. The passion from truth. In that moment, time seems to stand still. The world fades away, leaving only the sensation of your lips against theirs. The kiss is filled with all the longing and fear they have kept hidden for so long. The kiss is so raw, intense and might turn into a lustful kiss. They definitely dominate the kisses so you can feel how rough and desperate they are. It's as if they are trying to say, “I was scared. Scared that you might like someone else.” How do you react to their kiss? You feel shocked but you respond to their kiss. Do you know how they feel? Oh, they feel a surge of joy and relief. They get carried away by their animalistic desire lol. I think there will be a celebration after that. I'm feel they might kiss you in front of that person or audience lol. People who had been observing the scene erupt into cheers and applause, celebrating the spontaneous and heartfelt moment. So, they actually feel relieved and can rest well after confirming their feelings.
Keyword : Jealous, Insecure, Fire sign, Capricorn sun, Libra, Scorpio, Aries Venus, Children, Party or Gathering, Music, 444
After a heart-wrenching breakup, they were in the midst of healing their broken heart when they met you. Something stirred within them at that first encounter, an awakening sparked by your presence. It wasn't just attraction; it was a deep, magnetic pull that they couldn’t ignore. The first kiss came about unexpectedly, rooted in a misunderstanding that led to a heated argument. Their eyes couldn’t help but fixate on your lips, watching them move with each word. The sight was tantalizing and seductive, causing them to lose focus in the middle of the argument. Without warning, the argument escalated into something entirely different. They closed the distance between you, and before you could react, they pulled you into a kiss, as if their actions were saying, "Shut your mouth, or I'm gonna kiss you." You were taken aback by the suddenness of it, but your body began to respond to their kiss instinctively. It was your first kiss, and though it was slow, it was deeply satisfying. Your hands found their way to their neck or waist, and they hugged you tightly, savoring the connection. They loved touching your body and were thrilled by the way you responded to their kiss. When the kiss finally broke, both of you were left nearly breathless, cheeks flushed red from the intensity of the moment. So cute sksksks
Keyword : Conflict, 'You are that', Summer, Manifest, Scorpio Mars, Saturnian ( Capricorn & Aquarius), Comfort, Surprise, 555
This experience is different from the previous two because there is no rush or urgency. It's as if your future spouse is saying, "When you're ready, we will do this together." They are willing to give you the time you need, despite the strong attraction and sexual tension between you. Once you're ready, they will kiss you with voluptuous excitement. It's a fun kiss, filled with giggles and smooching. For some of you, the kiss might lead to lovemaking because "just kissing" wouldn't be enough. It's all about passion. The kiss is so addictive and raw, taking both of your breaths away. It's hot and good, awakening the lustful desire between you two. As if they are saying, "Yes, finally, I've been waiting long enough to do this. Everything will be made right." They don't want to confuse or pressure you, so they will take it one step at a time. They want you to feel comfortable and peaceful as you explore this connection together.
Keyword : couple in ecstasy, animal within us, passion, 222, Virgo, Sagittarius, Jupiter, Venus, Moon
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
🧡🤍🩷 Lesbian Visibility Week Special 🧡🤍🩷
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Yandere Short Stories:
A Dragon’s Treasure
Yandere Lesbian Dragon x Shy Princess Reader
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The Emerald Calamity. The Green Inferno. The Jade Death. All of these titles belonged to a feared, emerald dragon by the name of Cahira. She was one of the few dragons that lived in the land and yet she didn’t often pillage villages to earn those titles. No. She only decimated kingdoms for their jewels… for her princess.
Cahira’s true interest lied in the happiness of princess (your name), a woman so beautiful that anyone could fall in love with a single glance? Cahira was instantly enthralled with the idea of the princess. How could a dragon resist the tales of such beauty? Cahira simply had to have her… dragons loved treasure after all.
Yet there was a rumor that really caught Cahira’s attention. Supposedly, the princess was in a scandalous relationship with her own maid… yet it ended up with the maid betraying the princess for money. This rumor made Cahira’s heart flutter since she was a sapphic too.
Cahira’s curiosity eventually got the best of her and she flew to (your name)’s kingdom to be sure. And when her golden eyes landed on the meek princess, Cahira was instantly captivated. Cahira had to have the princess! There was no ifs, ands, or buts about Cahira’s decision either. It was her way or death.
It was a year year ago today when Cahira had decided to steal the princess away. Before (your name) could be married off to some foreign royalty. Men couldn’t possibly take care of such a dazzling jewel. They would ruin (your name) because they wouldn’t be able to protect her properly! The princess didn’t deserve to be some concubine when she was queen material! (Your name) was a permanent prize to be attained, so Cahira was far better for her… at least that’s what the dragon told herself.
Cahira had went to the extremes to try to earn her beloved’s favor. Expensive jewels, extravagant meals, and the finest silks were always within her grasp. The finest for the finest, Cahira always insisted. Yet Cahira noticed how the princess would cower in her room. A fact that deeply upset the dragon.
So Cahira went to a witch for a magic necklace that would allow her to transform into a more humanoid form in exchange for a ton of gold. Maybe her beloved would like her more if she was able to touch her better?
And Cahira adored the blush on her princess’s face when she transformed for the first time. It seemed a voluptuous body made (your name) avert her gaze and turn into a tomato… a cute tomato of course! And Cahira couldn’t get enough of teasing her precious princess!
(Your name) was now an irreplaceable treasure that would be forever cherished by her enamored captor! A princess locked up in an inescapable tower in a giant forest far from civilization. A beautifully decorated cage with her gentle dragon! A cushy life perfect for a pampered princess.
A hero would be vacuous to even create a rescue attempt… no matter how much the princess desired freedom, she would never get away. For Cahira had her best interest in mind… and a dragon never loses sight of their treasure.
(Your name) whimpered when Cahira dragged a wet rag down her back while she sat in the large claw tub. Cahira’s voluptuous human form leaned against the edge of the tub, the dragon hummed a low melody to try to ease her beloved’s shyness.
Sharp talons delicately traced shapes on (your name)’s back as Cahira rinsed the suds off the princess’s delicate skin with the green rag. Cahira leaned forward to press a few kisses against the blushing flesh.
“You’re so lovely…” Cahira whispered in (your name)‘s ear, her hot breath made the smaller woman recoil in embarrassment. “You don’t need to hide yourself from me…”
(Your name) still held her arms over her chest, a shiver ran down her spine when Cahira’s golden eyes flicked over her bare body. Despite the two years they’ve been ‘together,’ the princess still wasn’t used to such brazen behavior. (Your name) was simply lucky the bubbles covered up a bit more of her dignity from this lustful beast.
“I’m still a lady…” (your name) squealed when Cahira playfully nipped her neck, a small red marking now on her nape. “Hey!”
“You’re such a prude.” Cahira stood up from the ledge of the tub. The gorgeous woman stretched her olive arms over her horned head and yawned to reveal her sharp fangs. “I’ll let you wash yourself up then. I simply just enjoy indulging my precious princess.”
Cahira then left the bathroom, her hips swayed behind her in a confident manner. Her emerald tail flicked the door shut behind her, finally leaving (your name) to her own devices.
The princess softly sighed and turned her gaze to the full body mirror across from the tub. There was no doubt Cahira pampered her. She was healthy and dressed in the finest silks (ones that were confiscated from traveling merchants).
Cahira often sung (your name)‘s praises during every interaction. The dragon often made every moment feel far too intimate to simply be a relationship between a captor and their victim… a fact which muddled the princess’s thoughts.
Cahira placed hot kisses on (your name)’s body whenever she could and she would loudly proclaim how she adored (your name) with every fiber in her being. She even stated that she’d burn down (your name)’s kingdom to keep the princess at her side forever. A statement the princess truly believed.
(Your name) just didn’t understand what Cahira saw in her… was she really as beautiful as she said?
(Your name) traced a thumb over her lips in thought. A blush enveloped her cheeks when she noticed all the love marks on her skin from Cahira. How naughty…
Cahira hummed while she waited for (your name) to come to bed. Her tail flicked back and forth like a cat, her golden gaze studied the bathroom door in thought. She wondered if her beloved would put on the emerald night slip she had gifted her? Cahira was really excited by the goods she acquired from the latest merchant. It is a shame she didn’t keep him alive, he seemed to have fantastic taste in clothing… oh well! Men are useless anyways.
Cahira perked up when (your name) shyly peaked her head from the doorway. Did her princess wish to remain hidden? How cute!
“C-Cahira, this dress is too… revealing.” (Your name) blushed when Cahira sprung to her feet. The dragon now face to face with the bashful princess.
“Let me see.” Cahira licked her lips when (your name)’s eyes became a bit teary. So cute! Cahira could just eat her…
Cahira pulled (your name)’s hand to try to encourage her to leave the bathroom’s threshold and what a sight to behold… her beloved looked so darling in emerald hues! The same shades of her scales… it was divine.
“You look so beautiful in emerald green.” Cahira pulled (your name) into a tight embrace, which made the princess squeal. “I need to view everything now.”
(Your name) was quickly guided to the bed and thrown onto the plush covers. The princess made an attempt to try to cover her cleavage with her arms, but Cahira easily smacked them away.
“I’m just looking. Don’t be so shy, it tempts me more.��� Cahira chuckled at how terrified (your name)’s expression was. “You look so frightened… like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Cahira grasped (your name)’s hands in hers so she could press chaste kisses to her wrists. “I’ve taken on this form for you and I’ve done so much… I just want to admire you.”
(Your name) sniffled when Cahira bent down to press her lips against her teary cheeks. “I want to kiss you… to love you… yet you’re still so frightened of me.”
Cahira sighed before she pulled away to sit on the end of the bed. “I know it will take time, but you’re much safer here. You don’t have to marry some old, demented man or some promiscuous prince. You’d be my one and only.”
Cahira ran a hand through her curly, emerald hair with a sigh. Though her face wasn’t visible, there was no doubt that she had a hurt expression on her beautiful face. “I really like you… no. I love you.”
(Your name) sat up and frowned. Cahira wasn’t necessarily wrong about her statement. Despite being a princess, she had no interest in princes or kings of foreign lands. To be frank, she had planned to runaway with her maid before she found out her maid had deceived her…
Being vulnerable now made (your name) afraid… yet Cahira had never given her a reason to doubt her devotion. Even in grotesque displays, Cahira eliminated every knight and hero that tried to save her just to show (your name), that Cahira would never let anyone take her away… it made (your name)’s heart flutter and made her head spin in confusion.
The princess had never felt wanted like this before. She’s never been pampered and kissed on… Cahira’s affection was all consuming like the poisonous breath she breathed.
Cahira made loving (your name) seem as easy as it was to breathe. Perhaps she should cut Cahira some slack?
Cahira was shocked when she felt soft arms wrap around her body. Cahira’s golden eyes widened in shock when (your name) buried her face into the crock of Cahira’s neck. Her breath hitched at the heart warming sight.
“(Your name)? What are you-“ Cahira blushed when (your name) shyly pressed a kiss on her left cheek. The princess shyly glanced away.
“I… I like you too-“ (your name) was tackled into a hug as Cahira pressed her lips over and over the entirety of (your name)’s face.
“Love you. Love you. Love you.” Cahira replied between each affectionate peck. “We could get married? I could kidnap some human officiant. Or maybe an elven one if you don’t want human! Then I’ll eat him-“
(Your name) pushed her palms up and squished Cahira’s cheeks together in a way that made Cahira kind of look like a fish. A pout now on (your name)’s face.
“You really need to stop eating people.”
“I do it to protect my precious treasure.” Cahira gave her a grin. “I’d eliminate the entire human race for you if you asked that of me. Whatever you desire, I will obtain it for you, my precious princess.”
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cvnt4him · 16 days
izuku and (large tit⁉️) virgin reader 🙀
maybe he a virgin too, i’ve always guessed he was a dirty dog since junior high, he’s got to have watched porn or smth for a whirl at some point, you see the way he is around girlies
anyways, i love your writing style and energy, will be making many more requests if you would like them !
writing this bc I too suffer with big tiddie-itis. I completely agree with everything you have said and would love for you to come again, ty for the appreciation and i hope you [all] enjoy<3
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Izuku midoriya has always been kind of.... a perv. It wasn't exactly obvious that he was a pervert however, he made damn sure no one knew this little secret about him. However he couldn't keep it from his best friend, his best friend katsuki had always known izuku was a little freak.
Whenever he got yelled at by people he thought was attractive he'd unintentionally pop a boner, whenever someone complimented him, whenever he was too close to a pretty person, it doesn't matter. He was just a natural perv.
Now izuku wouldn't call himself a pervert, just an easily excited person. When izuku got into high school he never intended on befriending the local pervs. Denki kaminari and mineta minoru, they're literally known for being perverted in some way, in denkis case.
When he met you though, for the love of all things good and holy. He couldn't help the way his eyes mercilessly trailed up and down your body. He couldn't hold a conversation with you without his eyes accidentally trailing down to your voluptuous bossom. To him it seemed as if your breasts wanted to be looked at, that they'd wanted to escape your U.A uniform.
The way they bounced when you walked or when you laughed, and oh, when you'd just stand there they seemed as if they were practically bursting from the seams, the buttons were literally trying their hardest just to do their jobs.
Izuku loved being around you. Your company was extremely pleasant to him, you were nice and strong, a caring and giving person. You were just nice all around, he felt so dirty and guilty for looking at your body in such ways..
Imagining all the positions he would put you in just to watch your beautiful big and round boobies just bounce for him. He would stroke his fat leaky cock to the time his shoulder accidentally poked the side of your boob. You acted like it didn't happen but he was a flustered mess, his body, his skin came so close to your, albeit clothed, titties.
Izuku would shove his tie in his mouth while he helplessly squeezed his cock head and fiddled with his balls, pathetic little whimpers leaving his mouth. He was practically drooling from a simple poke to your boob. My goodness, he craves to put his face in them, suffocate beneath them.
You had a crush on izuku for a while now, of course it went unbeknownst to him because he's an oblivious idiot who only really pays attention to himself despite being a very observant and selfless person. When you invited him on a 1 on 1 study sesh in your dorm he was terrified. He didn't know how he could face you after he just milked his cock for all it was worth........
He went anyways.
Izuku could not keep his eyes off of you the entire time, hardly even focusing on the work or what you were saying. You were wearing this absolutely adorable frilly pajama set, he'd heard you when you said it matches the one mina has. He wouldn't mind seeing you both in them together side by side... Wait no! He has to stay focused on the work! That's what you invited him over for!
Not to fantasize about you and your best friend in little to no clothing.......fuck. izuku groaned lowly to himself as he stared at your chest, gulping at how huge they truly were. He wondered how warm they were.. how soft, did you want him to touch them? Did you like them to be touched? Have you ever had anyone touch them before? Have you ever had anyone's cock in betwe——
“ uhm.. izuku? are you uh, alright? you're like kind of red..”
“ huh!? o- oh! yes! haha! I'm fine! ahem..”
Izuku was flustered red and so embarrassed. You'd just caught him looking at your tits... Kind of. It was so embarrassing, devastatingly so he just wanted to be swallowed whole by mother earth herself and be reincarnated as fly. He deserved it.
“ i- I'm sorry... I should g-”
“ I.. didn't mind you looking.... y’know.”
Oh. Izuku turned to face you with a completely red face and those stupid huge puppy dog eyes of his, his breathing was stuttery and he was absolutely petrified. Had he heard right? Did you... Like him staring at your tits?!
Izuku gulped down hard, his eyes accidentally switching fastly between your tits and your face. You giggled which caught hsi attention back to your face completely.
“ I- I, uhm.......what?”
His voice was wavering. Shaky in some sort, he didn't know what to do with this information. You just smiled at him stupidly and that made his cock fill with even more blood. Goodness do you even know what you do to him?!
He's jacked off countless of nights thinking about you and those glorious godforsaken big titties of yours. Squeezing his cock until it cried milking white tears, he'd overstimulate himself thinking about you. You. Now because of you, he had no intentions on holding back.
Izukus lip was shaking, with no second thought he grabbed your hand and walked you to your bed with no words being spoken. He laid you down and gently crawled onto you, his thighs on either side of your body as he leaned down. His lips were right up close to your ear, shaking as much as his breath was. Quivering even.
Izuku noticed the little things. Like for example, how your thighs kept squeezing together each time he spoke to you, he didn't think much of it before. Until just now, you're squeezing your thighs together whilst he's on top of you. He scoffed lightly into your ear and kissed along the shell of it making you jolt lightly.
“ y- you have no idea... How many nights I've touched myself to you... The post nut clarity I had, worried you'd think I'm a disgusting pig when really.... You like it.. you've always liked it. You love when I look at your titties, huh?”
You truly were speechless. Where had that shy little guy gone? Why was he speaking like this? As if you're in the wrong.. he's the one that had been staring at your body in such a disgusting way.
“ I.. uhm...”
The way you couldn't answer him, that did something. It did something bad to him. He bit his lip to muffle the moan that threatened to come from his throat, he ground his growing hard on into your thigh and sucked in sharply at the friction, the stimulation of his clothed cock against your bare thigh.. thin fabric covering his cock from touching your sweet soft angelic skin.
Izuku moved back from your neck and got a good look at you, the way your boobs were splayed out and how huge they looked. They way they spilled it at the top, he couldn't contain the moan this time, his mouth fell open and his eyes slightly rolled at the sight. He groaned and just desperately began humping your thigh, he started speeding up out of no where.
His moans started getting even more whiney and his movements sloppy. He just shoved his face in your boobs while he came, the smell of your lotion and body wash flooding his senses it began to all be too much, he didn't stop rutting into your thigh as he finished, oh no. He kept going, overriding his high and overstimulating himself.
The whine that left him was so adorable and so pornographic, it seemed straight out of a porno. His breaths were quivering and he was mumbling random things whilst whimpering. He was trying his hardest to regain his composure but it was just so hard.. he just came in his pants whilst grinding on you. He's sure it was the most he's ever made...and izuku cums alot.
He lets out a rather long breath before lifting his head to look at you with glossed over eyes. You had a small smile on your lips as you rake your fingers through his hair. A shiver goes down izukus spine as he sighs eyes fluttering shut. This is exactly what he needed to get rid of the upcoming post nut clarity. The fact you held him with no judgement made him feel so...good?
There was no word to describe the way he felt in this given moment. But it was so perfect that he could only whimper in your arms.
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AN: guess who lied ab taking a break from writing? That's right!!!! So erm, this is ass and unfinished. It's a draft that I'm just getting out now instead of actually finishing so, yeah sorry for the disappoint
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youremyheaven · 10 months
Random Astrology Observations- Relationship Edition
1. Men with Mars in water signs are usually the most fcked up in bed. They have bizarre kinks and often take things too far. They're probably aroused by bizarre things. They like to go to extremes and are probably very controlling & dominating in bed.
2. People with prominent 4h placements carry heavy family karma. This is a very challenging placement to have. You're either going to grow up feeling obsessively loved or neglected af.
3. Scorpios have a reputation for being possessive but you know who's actually possessive? Fire signs. They're like bulls in a china shop with love, unable to express themselves properly they just feel pissed off when they see others get too close or do stuff with their person. Anger is how they react to jealousy & possessiveness.
4. The ultimate baby making aspect is Moon conjunct Mars but bbg have you heard of Venus Conjunct Pluto? this is a rarer aspect but the sex is bomb dot com with this one.
5. Libra women are the kind of women that other women find attractive and Cancer women are the kind of women men find attractive.
Edit: i thought ill explain why this is the case
Cancer women are more representative of sexual polarity which leads to "femininity" and since sexual polarity is what creates attraction, men/masculine ppl are drawn to its opposite; women who are conventionally feminine.
Libra is the 7th sign in the zodiac, 7 is the number of union, of merging of opposites, therefore they possess both feminine and masculine energies, thus making them androgynous almost (purely in an energetic way, they can look/behave however they like). Women are drawn to other women who are more integrated and androgynous ish. For ex: Bella Hadid is a Libra Sun, she's considered gorgeous & stunning by loads of women but she's not someone men are drawn to simply bc she's intimidating and a little androgynous.
6. Sagittarius is the most introverted of all the fire signs. They are selectively social. They also think they're better than others (a lot of the time, they are tho 🫣)
7. Venus in 10h is The High Priestess placement to me. You'll never get over a girl with Venus in 10h
8. Jupiter in 1h/2h/4h often tends to make the native voluptuous. Even men with this placement are big & beefy 👅
9. Opposites attract is true af in astrology
Mars dominant men obsessively fall for Venusian women because they are the opposites.
10. 5h synastry creates a very sexual and pleasurable relationship.
11. The people you have crazy sexual tension with are those you have 7h/8h/12h synastry with
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heartlilith · 3 months
Astrology Observations
Mercury/Gemini/Virgo/Chart Ruler in the 6th house natives have a telepathic connection to their pets
Water mercuries/water signs in the 3rd house have the perfect ASMR voices, so soothing
Saturn shows where you'll experience your karma, both good and bad. It also shows where others will experience their karma if they wrong you, for example. 1st house = your perception of the world, your looks. 2nd house = your finances, self worth. 5th house = your ability to have fun/date, your creativity, your kids. 7th house = your business partners, your lovers. 10th house = your career, public image.
The house your Pluto is in shows the themes that will be forever changing throughout your life.
Aries Mercury/Mars in the 3rd house always cuts people off when their talking (lol same) they're so impatient in communicating and hate when people beat around the bush
Your ASC sign + ASC persona chart ASC can tell you a lot more about how people see you. For me, I have natal Capricorn rising and my ASC PC has Aries rising = hardworking, moves fast, impatient, wants to finish projects in one sitting, bitchy, can be very harsh
^Example = Natal Libra Rising with ASC PC Scorpio rising, could make the Libra rising more secretive, creative, more attractive and alluring, can make a native more manipulative, "pretty privilege"
^Example = Natal Taurus Rising, ASC PC Sagittarius Rising - Can have a voluptuous body, more carefree, loves to travel and try new things, probably cooks great food from different cultures, extremely chill and laid back
5th house ruler in the 8th house loves to do taboo things on their free time (astrology, learning psychology, reading self help books, watching true crime docs)
5th house ruler in the 2nd house loves to go shopping and experiment with their style on their free time, loves design and probably rearranges their space a lot lol
5th house ruler in the 3rd house loves to read and write on their free time and talk to their friends on the phone. Loves to go for drives and try new spots that have opened up in their town
Fire signs in the 12th house dream a lot. They're more inclined to have "action" dreams.
4th house sign can give insight on the best way to emotionally nurture yourself, since it rules the mother. Fire signs = exercise, moving around, exploring, trying a physical hobby (rollerskating, a sport, yoga). Water signs = taking a shower, swimming, going to the beach, allowing your emotions to flow, art. Earth signs = spending time in nature obviously, walking around the yard barefoot, gardening, getting in touch with nature somehow. Air signs = talking to friends about stress, journaling, collaging, reading books, therapy
Check out my July Reading Specials
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cornsoupflavour · 4 months
New Year's Eve (AriaSaki NSFW Smut)
TWITCH AriaSaki x Fan!Male Reader
Tags: 1.9k words, wholesome, quickie, new year's kiss(?), creampie, hidden sex
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At a New Year's Eve party held by an old friend, the loud music and laughter filled the room as guests socialized and mingled. You, Y/N, spotted a familiar face from the cosplay and gaming scene, Aria Saki. Her long, dark hair flowed gracefully, and her voluptuous figure was accentuated by her tight, red dress. You couldn't help but admire her from a distance.
Gathering the courage, you approached her and tapped her gently on the shoulder. She turned around, her doe-like eyes widening slightly, not recognizing you immediately. "Hello, I'm Y/N, a fan of yours," You nervously introduced yourself.
Aria's cheeks flushed a rosy shade as she smiled, "Oh, hi, Y/N. It's nice to meet you in person. I've seen your comments on my streams and social media." Her shyness was adorable, and it made you feel more comfortable around her.
You both chatted about your favorite games, cosplays, and food. Her passion for cooking was evident as she reminisced about the dishes she'd created for her friends. Your conversation flowed smoothly, the awkwardness fading away as you both discovered your shared interests.
The room was dimly lit by the glowing lights of the Christmas tree and decorations. The atmosphere was electric, yet cozy. You laughed and talked about your resolutions for the upcoming year. You could see the sincerity in her eyes as she spoke about her aspirations, and a connection began to form between the two of you.
Your hands brushed against each other as you each reached for a drink, and for a moment, you felt a spark. Aria's gaze met yours, and we both knew that this seemingly ordinary night had just become extremely special. The anticipation for the new year was palpable, but the anticipation between you felt even more electrifying.
As the night progressed, more people arrived, and the once intimate atmosphere transformed into a chaotic hubbub. You felt overwhelmed, the loud music pulsing through your body, and the crowds closing in. You noticed Aria's eyes darting nervously around the room, a clear sign of her discomfort.
You gently took her hand, leading her away from the madness. You passed by the living room, the kitchen, and finally reached a secluded bedroom. It was dimly lit, with soft pillows scattered across the floor. This seemed like the perfect refuge.
Once inside, Aria let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Thank you, Y/N. It's amazing how the chaos outside seems miles away in here," she whispered, glancing around the room.
You both sat down on the floor, getting comfortable. "So, what do you usually do when the crowds get to you?" you asked, curious about her coping mechanisms.
Aria thought for a moment before answering, "Usually, I retreat to a quiet place like this one, close my eyes, and focus on my breath. It calms me down and allows me to recharge before rejoining the fray." You were impressed by her self-awareness and her strategies for managing her anxiety.
You continued to chat about yourselves, your passions, and your insecurities. It was a rare moment of vulnerability, and you both found yourselves connecting on a deeper level. The trust and comfort between you grew, and you could feel the tension of the night dissipating.
The room was peaceful, the soft hum of the heating system providing a soothing background sound. Outside, the party raged on, but neither of you seemed to mind. In this haven, the two of you were content, sharing a quiet moment amidst the chaos.
As the night wore on, you found yourselves discussing the creative processes behind cosplay, streaming, and cooking. You were both intrigued by the others' methods, sharing your thoughts and secrets with one another. Your bodies were close, your legs touching as you sat side by side on the floor.
Aria leaned in, her face inches from yours, a look of intense interest in her eyes. "So, Y/N, when you're designing a cosplay, how do you visualize the final product? What's your go-to method?" She bit her lower lip, her breathing shallow.
You answered, "Well, I usually start by sketching, trying to get the proportions and details just right. Then, I'll gather fabrics, patterns, and trims that match my vision. It's a long and meticulous process, but the result is always worth it."
You could see a glint of admiration in her eyes as she nodded. "I'm the same with cooking. I'll picture the dish in my head, the textures, the flavors, and then I'll gather the ingredients and start the physical process. It's just... satisfying when it all comes together."
The air between the two of you was electric, charged with the tension of your growing attraction. You could feel your heart racing, and you knew Aria was experiencing something similar. Without warning, your lips met her neck, giving her a soft, lingering kiss. She gasped, her eyes fluttering closed.
Aria returned the gesture, leaning into you, her lips trailing down your jawline. "Aahh, Y/N, mmmhh..." Her words trailed off, a contented moan escaping her lips.
You could no longer fight the desire that was building between the two of you. You gently moved Aria to the bed, your hands exploring her body as she did the same to you.
As you rolled her dress down, Aria's breath hitched. "Mmmm, Y/N... you feel... your hands… So gentle…"
You partly removed her dress, revealing her lace lingerie. You leaned in, taking a nipple into your mouth, flicking your tongue against it. Her hands became tangled in your hair, pulling you closer, as she moaned in delight.
Aria slipped her hand between your legs, her fingers deftly working your erection through your pants. "Gnnnngh... Y/N... oh, fuck... don't stop..."
In that moment, you both knew that this encounter would be one to remember. Your hands, mouths, and bodies moved in sync, exploring each other, creating a harmony that was both submissive and dominant.
Aria's hands fumbled with the buttons of your pants, freeing your hard cock. She pushed her dress up slightly, revealing her lace-clad ass as she straddled you on the bed. She could feel your erection pressing against her, the heat from your body driving her wild.
Her eyes met yours, her face flushed, and her breathing heavy. "Fuck, Y/N, I want you so badly," she whispered, her hand guiding your shaft to her entrance.
You groaned, "Aria, you have no idea how badly I want you, too."
Slowly, Aria lowered herself onto your cock, moaning loudly as the head of your shaft penetrated her. Her eyes fluttered closed, the feeling overwhelming her.
The two of you ground against each other, your hands roaming over each other's bodies. She leaned in, her lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss. Her moans grew louder, muffled by your mouth.
As Aria began to ride you, her hips moving in a seductive rhythm, you gripped her ass, guiding her, and adjusting her pace. "Oh, Aria... you feel so fucking amazing," you encouraged her.
Aria's moans grew louder as she began to ride you, her hips undulating in a hypnotic pattern. The feeling of her slick, hot walls gripping your shaft sent shivers down your spine. Your hands roamed her body, caressing her soft skin, pulling her closer, and guiding her movements. The rhythmic slapping of wet flesh against wet flesh filled the room, echoing the intensity of your passion.
You could feel the veins on your shaft straining, your need for release growing with every thrust. Your lips clashed against hers, tongues dueling for dominance, as your hands gripped her ass, pulling her down harder onto your shaft.
Aria's moans became even louder, the sound muffled by the deep, passionate kiss between the two of you. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead as she rode you, her body a testament to the pleasure she was experiencing.
The sensations were driving you both closer to the edge. "Aria, fuck, you're so tight... so wet..." you groaned, your words laced with desire.
Aria leaned back, her eyes locked on yours. "Y/N, I can feel all of you inside me. I need more... I need you to take control," she pleaded.
You complied, firmly gripping her hips, you began to thrust up into her, driving yourself deeper with each powerful stroke. Aria's moans grew higher in pitch, her body quivering in response to your dominance. The two of you moved as one, a symphony of pleasure, building to a crescendo you both could feel in your cores.
She leaned back, her eyes locked on yours. "Mmmm, Y/N, don't stop. Please, I need you deeper inside me."
Aria's moans grew more desperate as you took control, your thrusts more forceful, her body responding to your demands. Her nails raked down your chest, leaving tender trails in their wake. Sweat glistened on both of your bodies, a testament to the heat that now filled the room.
The volume of your combined pleasure grew louder, the bed creaking under the pressure of your movements. Aria's body began to tense, her eyes fluttering closed as her climax neared. "Y/N... I'm... so close..." she gasped, her nails digging deeper into your skin.
The sound of the party outside grew fainter as the world around you narrowed to the intense connection between the two of you. You knew you couldn't hold back any longer. "Aria, cum for me. Let's reach this together," you urged her, your voice thick with lust.
You could feel the clock ticking closer to midnight, the anticipation and excitement building. Your thrusts and her movements became more aggressive, the sound of skin slapping filling the room.
Aria's breath grew ragged as her climax neared. "Gnnnngh, Y/N, I'm... I'm almost there... please don't stop...","Don't worry, Aria, I won't. You're bringing me right there with you," you promised, your own release imminent.
The sounds of revelers counting down to the new year could faintly be heard. The moment the clock struck twelve, Aria's body tensed, her moans becoming loud and unrestrained. Her orgasm rippled through her, her nails digging into your chest.
The sensation of her orgasm was enough to push you over the edge. You thrust into her one last time, your release filling her. Aria's orgasm ripped through her once more, her body convulsing as she cried out your name. The sensation was enough to push you over as well, your release filling her in a rush of pure bliss. As the wave of ecstasy subsided, you both collapsed onto the bed, Aria laying on your chest, her breath hitching as she recovered from her climax.
As you lay there, entwined, the sounds of the party outside grew louder. You both shared a tender kiss, your bodies still shuddering from the intense pleasure. The new year had brought with it a new, intimate chapter for the two of you.
You whispered to Aria, "Happy New Year, Aria. May this year bring us even closer," as you both cuddled, the world outside the room faded, leaving only the two of you, basking in the afterglow of your passionate encounter.
Aria smiled softly, her eyes meeting yours as she whispered back, "Happy New Year, Y/N. I have a feeling this year will be one to remember." She nuzzled her head against your chest, the warmth and closeness of your embrace offering a comforting end to the eventful evening.
[Let me know if you want a part two or if you want me to make this a long running story. And let me know who else you'd want to see a fic about.]
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Word List: The Secret History
Words used in "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt
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for your next poem/story
Apparition - an unusual or unexpected sight; a ghostly figure
Ascetic - practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline
Beguiling - agreeably or charmingly attractive or pleasing
Boudoir - a woman's dressing room, bedroom, or private sitting room
Consolatory - giving hope and strength in times of grief, distress, or suffering
Conspicuous - obvious to the eye or mind
Cufflinks - a usually ornamental device consisting of two parts joined by a shank, chain, or bar for passing through buttonholes to fasten shirt cuffs
Discursive - moving from topic to topic without order; rambling
Erratic - having no fixed course
Hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears; that is what those tears were for
Hyacinth - a plant of the ancients held to be a lily, iris, larkspur, or gladiolus; a bulbous perennial herb (Hyacinthus orientalis) widely grown for its dense spikes of fragrant flowers
Incivility - the quality or state of being uncivil; a rude or discourteous act
Incredulous - unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true : not credulous; skeptical
Intimately - in a manner intended to prevent knowledge or awareness by others
Jauntily - sprightly in manner or appearance; lively
Machiavellian - suggesting the principles of conduct laid down by Machiavelli; specifically: marked by cunning, duplicity, or bad faith
Miasma - a vaporous exhalation formerly believed to cause disease; an influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt
Morrow - the next day
Peculiarity - the quality or state of being peculiar; a distinguishing characteristic; oddity, quirk
Picturesque - charming or quaint in appearance
Providence - divine guidance or care
Quiver - to shake or move with a slight trembling motion
Rosewood - any of various tropical trees (especially genus Dalbergia) yielding valuable cabinet woods of a usually dark red or purplish color streaked and variegated with black
Schizophrenic - characterized by disturbances in thought (such as delusions), perception (such as hallucinations), and behavior (such as disorganized speech or catatonic behavior), by a loss of emotional responsiveness and extreme apathy, and by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life
Séance - session, sitting; a spiritualist meeting to receive spirit communications
Traitorous - guilty or capable of treason
Undulating - forming or moving in waves; fluctuating
Unstring - to loosen or remove the strings of; to make weak, disordered, or unstable
Voluptuous - suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form
Winter - the colder half of the year
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, do tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read your work!
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jedi-luca · 1 year
Something’s in the Air - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x Beefy!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk (graphic image inside)
Summary: Natasha returns from a mission after being exposed to a chemical that makes her extremely, extraordinarily feral for you. 
Reader has a penis; no pronouns used.
Part 1 can be found on @dirtyvulture page
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3 Hours Later
“We should probably get out of here.” You chuckled looking at the destroyed hospital bed before looking back at your girlfriend. She was looking at you in a way that simultaneously scares and turns you on. “Nat?” You croak feeling her clench you.
“Oh we’re not going anywhere.” Natasha used the sheer power of her thighs to straddle you. “I need you Y/N. So badly it’s like I'm in pain without you inside of me.”
“Babe, we've been going at it for like 3 hours now. I want breakfast and sleep.” 
“I need you so badly it hurts.” She mewled, rocking her push against your flexing abs.
“Maybe Dr. Cho has an antidote to this exposure.” You say, hating the thought of her in pain. “Give me a chance to get hard again. Get on my face.” you say already pulling her by the hips.
Natasha eagerly turned around lowering her hips. She needed to squirt and when she relented control she would be shaking, eyes rolling to the back of her head, Russian words fleeting her lips because she can’t even distinguish English from Russian. She shook with anticipation, feeling your lips kissing her thighs.
You swiped your tongue causing the ex-assassin to let out a long moan as she felt your lips wrap around her bud. You enter her with two fingers making her gasp. Her hips were rocking roughly against your mouth and fingers. You kept one hand against her abdomen.
Your voluptuous girlfriend looked down at your semi. Her mouth salivated. She was embarrassed to say she definitely drooled a bit on you before lifting your member, and fully stuffing you down her throat.
You groaned, sending vibrations against her clit causing Natasha to moan. Sending the same vibrations with you down her throat. She could feel your abs flexing and your toes stretching. It always made her unbelievably wet when she made you moan or twitch. She gasped feeling your fingers tapping inside of her. Winding up her coil in a way only you know how.
Meanwhile outside the door of an Un-soundproofed room
“Bruce you know how I feel about bringing your work in here.” Steve furrows his brows walking into the kitchen seeing Bruce and Cho typing on their laptops. Test tubes along the table.
“Yeah Natasha and Y/N are occupying that area at the moment.” He chuckled, taking his glasses off looking at a giggling Cho.
“Well then just move them!” Steve huffed before turning on his heel.
“Cap, I don't recommend going that way.” Cho and Bruce said in unison.
“Why?” He huffed.
“Natasha was exposed to a hydra chemical.” Doctor Cho said with a sigh. “We’re trying to find an antidote now.”
“Oh well I’ll go check on her.”
“Cap, Y/N is with her.” Bruce said, looking at him in a way Steve couldn’t comprehend.
“Oh good, I needed to talk to Y/N anyway.” He smiled Before Cho or  Bruce could say another word Steve was going up the stairs and down the hall.
“This should be good.” Tony cackled watching him go up as he brought his team an iced coffee and a boom box that dummy was carrying.
Steve stopped in his tracks the moment he heard the moaning and ran back down. “They’re doing it.” He said cringing as running past them. 
“Oh I can’t make this shit up.” Tony laughed before blaring some AC DC.
Back in the medbay
“Y/N.” She breathes out, popping you out of her mouth suddenly. Natasha’s mouth went agape feeling a great pressure in her core before feeling herself release into your mouth like a waterfall. “Oh my God yessss.”
Natasha moved away from your mouth and gripped you with her hand.
“Fuck baby.” You both moaned as she slid her velvet walls down your shaft.
“You feel sooooo good.” Natasha gasped, placing one hand on your chest and the other on your thigh. Using momentum to rock her hips. “So good, so good!” She chanted rocking and rocking until she quivered above you. Squelching sounds of your combined fluids filled the room, and the pristine crisp smell of clean chemicals was long gone. The only smell was the scent of sex.
You caught her before she fell against your chest. You could see tears in her eyes as her pussy convulsed around you. “I love you so much.” She cried against your forehead.
“I love you too baby. So much.” You say softly in her ear before taking her wrists behind her back with one hand. The other hand wraps around her throat as you thrust up.
“Yeah! Ooooh!” She lets out a throaty groan trying to meet your thrusts. Wiggling and circling her hips. She was so wild, more so than when you were both stuck on an island for 3 weeks.
You moan pulling out quickly causing Natasha to clench around nothing. “No back inside.” She muttered trying to grip you, but you sat up with her in your lap. You slip back inside of her. 
“Yes!” She cries out gasping for air kissing you with both hands roughly before breaking gasping for breath. She chanted yes as you suckled on her neck her breathing picking up and her hips rocking faster and faster. 
Natasha hooks her arm around you moaning as she arches back, throwing back her hair. “Fuck.” She groans using her other arm to help with momentum. You trail your lips from the nape of her neck down to her rosy nipples. Squeezing and sucking leaving marks in your wake.
You can feel the pressure inside of her. She's so close. Her clit is hitting your flexed abs with every rock she makes. Your hands felt like they were everywhere and your lips and tongue took a hold of her. The red head wrapped both arms around you squeezing you as she came apart. You could feel the rush of liquid and drops of her tears against your skin. “Ooh fuck ohhh Y/N it feels so good!” She cried against your neck. “It feels - so fucking good.” She moaned humping you over and over again as her orgasim continued.
You grunted pulling out before you exploded.
“Fuck Nat!” You say throwing her around until she was on all fours dripping like a fire hydrant. She loved when you were at this stage almost like a caveman. She loved how tiny she is compared to you. She looked back looking at the way your muscles gleamed with sweat. The veins running down your abs to your thick cock made her impossibly even hornier. 
“You’re so insatiable.” You pant, sweat running down your body.
She whined.
“Get back inside.” She whimpered against the pillow with her ass up in the air. 
“Don’t be a brat baby.” You say gruffly slapping her ass before palming her ass cheeks.  
She whined. “Please keep going, don't stop.”
You slap her ass a few times before sheathing yourself deep inside of her.
“Yes, yes, oh Y/N, don’t stop! Don’t ever fucking stop.” She moaned, meeting your harsh thrusts. She could feel the tension in her shoulders begin to melt away when you held her back letting your hands massage her.
You felt Natasha reach below her body to massage her clit meeting your thrusts as you railed into her.
“You like that baby?” 
She groans in response, drooling on her pillow as her pussy convulses around you. You slap her ass at her lack of response. “Yes! Oh so much! So much. I’m so close.”
You began drilling your hips faster and faster against her favorite spot.
“Just like that! Just like that! Don’t stop! Don’t stop im so close! Im so close.”
You could feel your own release nearing. You grunted drilling faster and harder than before making your girlfriend speak in Russian begging for you to keep going.
“Oh fuck Nat this is it baby I can’t hold it anymore.”
“Let go baby, fill me up.” She spoke in her mother tongue. “I'm so ready.” you felt her convulse knowing she was near and so were you.
You groaned shooting ropes and ropes of your seed deep within her womb. “Fuck!” You both moaned loudly when the door opened. You were too busy twitching inside Natasha to see Maria walk inside with two syringes in her hands.
“Go to sleep.” Was the last thing you heard the woman say before you and Natasha pass out.
40 hours later
You and Natasha stirred awake at the same time.
“Good morning, gorgeous.” You grinned sleepily as you brought her over closer to you.
“Hmm, good morning my love.” She giggled feeling you pepper her face with kisses.
“It’s actually 9:30PM on a Tuesday evening.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. chimed in.
You and Nat look at one another with wide eyes as the sex marathon comes to mind.
“Would you like to hear a voice memo from Maria Hill?” F.R.I.D.A.Y. Asks.
“Yes.” You sighed.
“Natasha you were exposed to sex pollen which is why you two were having a sex marathon in the medbay which is destroyed by the way. I took you both off missions for the rest of the week. Rest up bitches.”
“The team is going to hold this over our heads for years.” Natasha groaned.
“…Eh…Worth it.” You shrugged, laughing when she smacked your chest before giggling herself. 
“You’re terrible.” 
“But you love me.” You shrug, smirking.
“I do.” She sighs snuggling into you. Her ass wiggling against your crotch.
“Watch it babe don’t start a fire you can’t put out.”
“My ass isn’t sore. Wanna make it sore?” She smirked looking back at you.
This woman was going to be the death of you.
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clarabowlover · 23 days
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Happy 58th Birthday To Stunning Mexican Actress
Salma Hayek (Born 2nd September 1966)
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teyamloving12 · 2 years
Jake x neytiri fucking reader to thank her for watching the kids near the shore
An Unexpected Thank You
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Warning: threesome, slight breeding kink, oral ( m receiving and f receiving), f x f x m, virginity loss
Pairing: Neytiri x reader(21) x Jake
Synopsis: Neytiri and Jake give a "gift" for being their children second sa'nok when they are not around.
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You were beautiful. At least Jake and Neytiri thought so. You were a kind young woman who was always helpful and kind to them since they sought refuge at the Metkayina. Jake had a mate, he felt guilty for feeling this way about another woman. Your marūi was right beside theirs. He would visit you to often say hello or thank you for helping his family.
"Did you intend on having children, sweet thing?", he asked. You were still young and treated his children like your own. He was glad that his kids loved you for he was planning to make you his. Only his. You felt heat rise to your face. " Yes I do but the thing I just haven't found the one yet.", you said calmly. Now that you faced him, you noticed how handsome he was. His face striked you
" Don't worry, he will come by soon, sweetheart. Eywa knows what she is doing.", he responded. The truth is since the little boys were scared to claim you, he will. You had a unique yet voluptuous body. You had nice hips, soft thighs and a pretty voice. You were not the boys from the village type but you certainly were his
Neytiri also had her eye on you. You two became extremely close. You could share a secret with him and she could too. But there was one secret that she never shared was that someone noticed how close you and Jake and she was jealous. She wanted you to herself. And only hers.
You sat on the shore as you watched Lo'ak successfully rode an ilu for the first time. He ran out of the water and over to you. He grabbed your hands excitedly. " Did you see that, Y/n? I did It! I finally rode it without falling off!", you were proud of him.
You taught him day and night how to properly ride a ilu and he was successful. He hugged you and you place your chin on his forehead. "Im proud of you, Lo'ak. You did well!", you smiled widely at the young boy. "You believed in me, I couldnt fail you!", Loak responded. He rushed back, joining his brother, Neteyam who offered show him something. You smiled. They made you want children of your own.
Jake and Neytiri looked at you lovingly, they appreciated the fact you were the second mother when they weren't around. You were so fascinated by the sea, you didn't hear Neytiri walking behind you. You felt someone touch you and was frightened. You reacted quickly.
"Mawey Y/n, it's just me!", your heartbeat slowed down in seconds. "Neytiri! It's You! You frightened me!", you said quickly which resulting in a smile from her. You looked in awe. Yes, you've seen her smile beside but her smile was different for it was the smile she used when she is with Jake. It was mesmerising.
" We need to talk...in private.", she whispered. You were afraid. Was she leaving ? She couldn't leave now, you just made a friend. She pulled you into the marūi and sat you down. Your heart was beating fast, your head began to feel light. Neytiri saw that you were unease and took her sat behind you.
She lifted your chin to look at her. " I just wanted to say thank you for taking good care of our children when we are not nearby. We really appreciate everything you do. So... I wanted to give you a little gift of thanks."
You hugged her tightly with your hand around her small waist and the tension between the two females began to rise. She cupped your ass causing you to moan and she took the opportunity to kiss you. She licked the bottom of your lips asking for access which you granted. Your knees began to buckle. You slowly fall to the ground. Neytiri keeled down to kiss you once again. You fell to your back and she reached for your sensitive breasts.
You pushed her away feeling guilty. How would Jake feel if he saw you two like this? But you had to be selfish for once. Is it the right thing to do? Yes. I would be fine.
She crawled onto her lap and started grinding yourself on her. You kissed her sloppily and she untied your top and you did the same. You both moaned at the sensation of your nipples rubbing against hers. You were having the time of your life until Jake returned from a hunt with Tonowari.
Your heart jumps out of your chest but Neytiri didn't stop sucking on your neck, making a moan slip out off your mouth. You hid your face in Neytiri's neck. Jake's laughter echoes throughout the marūi. "Neytiri, were you so much you could wait to give her our 'gift'?", he asked. "She's hypnotic, Ma Jake. She's just so adorable so I couldnt help myself!", she said. You looked confused. They planned this all along?
Confusion plastered across your face. "Don't worry, baby girl! Just accept our little gift for being a good girl for us. You nodded in response. Jake kissed you angrily. During the kiss you felt Neytiri pull off your loincloth while you were still in her lap. Her fingers slipped inside of you. You jolted in pleasure as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
"You're so tight, are you a virgin?", Neytiri asked softly. " Yes... I am a virgin.", you said trying to hold back the moans from your mouth. Neytiri kissed your clit and attacking your sloppy cunt. Jake held the sides of your head, lining up his huge cock with your mouth. "It's okay, princess. Just take your little time, I don't mind!", Jake stated. His dick was barely half way down your throat yet you were still gagging. He was literally growing in your mouth. Neytiri bit gently on your clit which causes you to take him even further in. Jake moaned.
" Ahh fuck baby! You're taking my cock so well. You sure you're a virgin? You give real good head!", his praises made you wetter and Neytiri could feel it. He pushed two of her fingers and curled them inside of you. Jake began to twitch for your moans send vibration down to his cock. You felt a knot in your stomach untie and came all over Neytiri's face. She still continued to eat you out, you couldn't take it anymore. It felt so different from your fingers.
Jake continued to thrust harder in your mouth, he poured his jizz down your now sore throat and slowly pulled out. You panted hardly believe I just did that!", you said in shock. " It is not over yet, sweet thing.", he said as he lined up his huge cock with your soaked pussy. Neytiri kissed you to distract you from the pain for the breaking of your hymen. You gasped into the kiss feeling the immense pain.
Jake kissed on your forehead and brings his hand down to your clit. His thumb is moving side to side at a swift pace making you whimper under him. The pressure from him rubbing on your clit is too much. That feeling on your tummy is getting tighter, threatening to snap at any minute.
"Don't cum yet baby!" “Fuck i’m gonna put a pretty baby in you, m'kay?.” Jake grunted with his eyes focused on the way your cunt sucks him in. His words send you over the edge. Your juices sprayed all over his rock hard abs and onto your stomach. “That’s what i’m talkin' about- fuck! You're taking me s'good princess!”
Neytiri sucked on your breast earning a loud moan from you. You couldn't take it anymore. " Ma Jake please-- ahh-- make me cum--destroy my insides!", Jake continued to move swiftly inside your hypersensitive cunt. Neytiri reached for your clit again and squeezed it hard. The knot in your stomach broke making you squirt all over Jake's cock.
You smiled at the two in front of you and placed a kiss on each of their noses. "I enjoyed my gift, thank you Ma Jake and Ma Neytiri.", you said before you fell asleep in Jake's strong arms as Neytiri played with your hair.
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frxxxncx · 1 year
need to know - k. soonyoung
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»boyfriend!¡kwon soonyoung x fem!¡reader.
»Summary: you just wanted to dance all night long, but the night had other plans for you.
»Tags: smut (MDNI), pet names, establish relationship, chocking, exhibitionistm, dirty talk (I suck at this, I’m not joking), degradation…?, sex in public, bulge kink kind of, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, it’s a little nasty at the end ngl, kinda mean dom!soonyoung, sub!reader.
»Words: 1.7k
note: This concept of Kwon Soonyoung makes me scream in my pillow every night. Need to know was my most played song in 2021.
note 2: Any typo or incoherence that you might find was completely intentional, it’s for the sake of learning about my mistakes.
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Your pink mini-skirt danced gracefully with you, stroking your plump thighs softly, fabric barely covering your ass, chest moving slowly, contrasting with the voluptuous motions of your hips.
You felt aroused, only looking for your boyfriend's gaze from the bar counter, you were the one who proposed to go out to dance, but Soonyoung, even though he liked to dance was not in the mood to do it that day, but you were willing to make his cock raise proud, as if you had telekinesis.
You felt someone behind you, but you were certain that it wasn’t your boyfriend, you were going to get away from him but an evil thought crossed your filthy mind, you decided to use the disrespectful guy whom was gripping grossly tight your waist with his flagrant sticky and sweaty hands, you wanted to provoke your boyfriend, but his reaction was taking long that you expected and you were starting to get utterly disgusted by the stranger.
Still it was thrilling, you knew what was coming after this stunt you just made. The movements of your hips were exaggerated, while your hands were placed over the other guy. Gross.
It was extremely uncomfortable to feel the unfamiliar hands travel your body with that intimacy, but at the same time you shiver at the feel of Soonyoung's strong gaze over you. So he finally saw you.
The foreign hands disappeared, being replace for your boyfriend’s hot and heavy touch, you could hear clearly how Soonyoung shouted with rage “Fuck off”. A chill ran down your back, you knew perfectly what was coming and you were so fucking prepared for the consequences of your actions.
His hands were squeezing your waist so tightly, and you were sure the silhouette of his fingers was going to be engraved in your skin in a purplish color by tomorrow. His warm breath felt delicious over the back of your neck, body’s so close you could feel all of him pressed against you. Soonyoung tongue caressed your ear feeling the cold metal of your piercings.
“Did you like provoking me while grinding against that bastard like a fucking slut in heat?” He whispered, one of his hands getting to the hem of your pinky skirt, thighs clenching together at the familiar feeling striking your cunt, his digits travelled over your soft skin, and under your skirt, fingers stroking the fabric of your lingerie.
The darkness of the place played in your favour, no one seemed like they were able to see a thing, or maybe they were just enjoying the show, perhaps they were doing the same with their partners.
The rough palms of Soonyoung caressed your cunt over the silky fabric of your underwear, making you stutter in his arms, his left hand rested on your neck choking you slightly, enough to make you moan at the pressure, you could feel your slick starting soak the thin fabric of you lingerie, you were dripping like a faucet and you needed a plumber to help you fix the problem, most definitely.
His cold fingers sneaked inside your underwear, digits now dripping wet in your arousal, you shivered thrilled with his fingers now rubbing circles in your swollen and needy clit, your hips wouldn’t stop moving anxious due to the strokes that started to become faster and faster, putting more pressure in the delicate bud of nerves, his middle fingers travelled to your core, making his ways inside of you, your hands gripped his wrist tightly, retaining a guttural moan that was building up in your throat.
His ring finger joined inside, now both digits were playing in your warm embrace, rubbing into all the good spots inside of you, while his palm was fondling your clit, his fingers scissoring you, stretching your velvety walls. Your moans slipped from your mouth uncontrollably, and you were so glad that the music was so loud, otherwise everyone would notice how your boyfriend was finger fucking the life out of you.
“You pussy so cute and so wet for me, I can feel your cunt so deliciously tight around my fingers” he whispered in your ear, curling his fingers and tightening the grip in your neck “Come on, baby, beg me for it and I will give it to you” the kiss below your ear makes you gasp, breathing was starting to become difficult “Beg for me, just like the cockslut you are” a high pitch moan escape from you when his fingers stretched more inside of you, the burning feeling only making you wish for more.
“Please, please, I need you” you whine desperately, head pressed against his chest, arching your back and moving your hips, feeling the hard on in the base of your back.
“It turns you on, huh?” His hoarse voice behind you contrasted with he sensual music that was playing now, hand that was fingering you, now unzipping his pants hurriedly“I’m going to fuck you infront of all these people and you are soaking wet for it”
He lifted your skirt and moved your underwear to the side, you felt the fabric tear in your skin, and sighed at it, his cock was caressing your sticky folds, spreading all your juices on his shaft, sliding easily on your lips.
“God, you’re so ready for me” he purred, and without thinking twice he thrusted inside of you groaning satisfied after bottoming you out, a loud and guttural moan break from you, due to the force and the toughness of the thrust it kind of burned, but it burned so good that the coil that been building in your belly increased enormously.
“Ooh, baby, you’re so perfect, so good for me” Soonyoung’s dancer hips pistoned with an animalistic pace, biting your lips was starting to become a poor attempt to muffle some of your whimpers, even the wet and lewd sound was beginning to echo over the music in your ears.
Your velvety walls were clenching around Soonyoung’s dick, making him groan satisfied, the sound of his voice caressing your ears like honey, almost triggering your desired orgasm.
The pleasure filled your insides and your clit wouldn’t stop pulsating under Soonyoung insisting rubs, left hand gripping firmly your neck taking your breath away, the coil in you belly was so close to bursting, your hips trembling and colliding with his that wouldn’t stop pistoning into you, every thrust tougher than the other.
At some point, both of his hands rested on your belly, pressing not tight but just enough to make you see stars over your head like a pretty halo, his dick jammed inside of you and the pressure of his hands made you feel like your guts were being rearranged, everything was hot and narrow, your lips were bright red and glossy, you thought that tomorrow they would hurt so bad.
Soonyoung kept hammering into you, one hand pressing your stomach and the other taking your breath away once again, while his hips drilled into you fast and messy, your so desired orgasms stroke through you, body jerking forward as you howled in pleasure, while he kept grunting on the damp skin of your nape, and finally he let go of you neck. He plumped himself dry into you, painting your insides white.
And perhaps it was because you were on a public place or maybe it was the fact that your boyfriend just was exceptionally good at fucking you, but if he wasn’t holding you tight, you would be in the floor due to the overstimulation.
“Fuck, I think we need to go home” he said getting out of you slowly, hearing you whine in the process, now he was fixing his pants and holding tight onto you.
The words could get out of your mouth properly, you only remained clinging onto Soonyoung’s arm while his still warm cum travelled in the soft skin between your thighs, your cunt was sore, even then you could feel his dick inside of you, making you shudder, your legs were all wobbly and the sticky load was peeking from the edge of your skirt. Soonyoung felt bad about it and wiped it as much as he could with his hand, and then he fixed your underwear so his cum wouldn’t go anywhere.
You tried to walk while grabbing your boyfriend’s shirt tightly, but your legs just gave up and a mini scream came out when you felt like falling on your face.
“Sonnie, I can’t, my legs” you said, stuttering looking at your boyfriend with shining eyes because of the tears, still moaning quietly trying to stand still.
He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows and a smirk, satisfied of having fucked you so well you couldn’t even walk, but still he felt a little -just a little- bad for you, maybe he was to rough, you liked it though.
Chuckling Soonyoung gave you one last look full of joy and breathed out surrendering.
“Come on, pretty, I’ll carry you” he said before lifting you into bridal style, making you feel as light as a feather. “When we get home, I’ll make us a warm bath and I’ll clean you up very well, it’s okay, honey?” He asked in a childish tone, making you laugh and nod at the same time.
Once you were outside the club, Soonyoung made sure to put you in the passenger seat carefully but still a gasp came out of you, he zipped your belt and closed your door, and then he went to his seat.
During the drive home, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit tense because of the sticky mess in between your legs, but still the light burn in your core felt quite pleasant making your cunt pulsate.
When you finally where in front of your house, you sighted “Next time instead of fucking in the middle of the dance floor, better drag me to the car and fuck my brains out here” the embarrassment was starting to kick in, the liquid confidence losing its effects.
Soonyoung looked at you with a crooked smile "why next time when I can do it right now?"
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freeusemuses · 3 months
Caine smirked as he stepped into his private dorm, the figure that greeted him an extremely inviting one. Even in the low light, he could clearly see the familiar figure and floofy hair of the resident blonde cow of Beacon, poking about his room with her back to him. With the rest of his team out and the weekend just beginning, he had no reservations as he silently slipped inside, slid up behind her, and reached up to squeeze her voluptuous chest as he growled into her ear. “Now what are you doing here~?”
It was only then, though, that he noticed the floofy hair he’d seen was silver, not gold.
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Shrike was very much like her older sister. Mainly in that, her chest was very sensative, and she loved having the girls being groped. However, that fondling ended far too early, and was far to gentle for her liking.
"Heeeey...~ Why did you stop...?~" Shrike whined as she looked up at the bull Faunus. "And why were you so gentle...?~"
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valkyyriia · 1 month
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Words: 3500+ CW: Female-bodied Reader, Bondage, Daddy Kink, Spitroasting, Cuckolding (for a bit; consensual), Blowjobs, Cunnilingus, Cum Swallowing, Established Relationship (Comte x Reader) with Third Party Sexual Partner (Leonardo) | NSFW Pairing: Comte de Saint-Germain x Reader x Leonardo Da Vinci
Note: I saw that screenshot and I kinda took it and ran with it. I have no idea where the screenshot even came from other than I saw it and had an idea, haha.
Screenshot in question included at the bottom.
A huge thank you to @natimiles and @candied-boys for some ideas and the support while I was writing this. You guys are amazing!
Also posted on AO3 here.
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"C'mon, cara mia," Leonardo purred, gently grasping your chin and forcing your gaze to his. "Looks like Daddy says I have to tie you up. But in a fun way this time."
Leonardo took ahold of le Comte's discarded clip-on tie and wrapped the silk around your wrists and through the bedframe, finishing the knot with a bow.
Leonardo threw you a crooked grin, his fingers running sensually over the golden fabric binding your wrists above your head. He checked the tightness, making sure it was secure enough to hold but not enough to hurt.
“Does that feel okay?” He asked, eyes the color of burnished amber searching your face for any signs of discomfort.
You pulled on the binding, testing its fastness and making sure it wouldn’t cut or otherwise injure you. The last thing you needed was to end up with an open wound while in a room with two extremely horny pureblooded vampires. To your delight, while the smooth fabric of le Comte’s tie held your wrists securely, it was a comfortable kind of restraint. Something you could get used to.
You nodded, and Leonardo smirked, looking over his shoulder at the other vampire in the room.
Le Comte de Saint-Germain, in his shirt and trousers, overcoat discarded and clip-on tie binding your wrists together, sat behind both of you in his armchair. His golden gaze alighted on you, sat so demurely on his bed. The look in his eyes was a mix of unbridled lust and pure adoration as his eyes raked over your figure.
He crossed his legs and leaned back, ready to watch the show.
“Remember, if you feel uncomfortable at any point, just tell me and I will stop, no questions asked,” Leonardo implored, forcing you to look at him. “What’s our safe word?”
”Le chat noir,” you breathed.
“That’s a good girl,” Leonardo replied, tousling your hair affectionately. He then gave you a devilish smirk, leaning in to capture your lips with his. “Time to let Daddy watch you for once,” Leonardo growled, pulling away from you.
Leonardo’s large hands expertly unbuttoned your blouse, parting the fabric to reveal the voluptuous swells hidden beneath. A thumb, calloused from centuries of painting and drawing, teased the tip of your nipple, causing your back to arch as you hissed.
“Bellissima,” he murmured. “Molto bellissima.” Leonardo looked over his shoulder again at le Comte, who was watching you both with rapt attention. “I was surprised when you suggested I join you both this evening, ‘Comte’, but I can’t say I had never thought about it.” His other hand caressed your bare side.
You couldn’t lie either; you had certainly had the thought before as well, but never once considered it would ever come to pass. Leonardo’s very being oozed sex appeal, from the hands that had created some of history’s greatest masterpieces to the beautiful, mysterious amber of his eyes, to the toned muscles of his form. You would have to have been blind to not find him attractive, and even then you weren’t sure; the low baritone of his voice was alluring on its own.
Frankly, it wasn’t fair.
Leonardo’s gloved hands explored your body as if it were a work of art, mapping every feature to memory. The attention normally would have embarrassed you, but between your hands being suspended above your head and the exquisite pleasure he was giving you just by caressing your skin, it wasn’t like you could hide your face. All you could do was gasp in response.
“I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet, cara mia, and you’re already whining for more,” Leonardo teased, grasping your breast and giving it a squeeze. You arched at the contact and the feeling of his glove against your sensitive skin, pulling at your restraints. The golden silk of Comte’s clip-on tie held fast. You whimpered, rubbing your thighs together.
The thought of your partner watching his best friend touch you in the most intimate ways made every touch, every glance, all the more gratifying. You made eye contact with him over Leonardo’s shoulder, noting the darkened haze of desire in them. He looked at you and licked his lips. You saw the barest hint of a fang peeking out from his mouth. The added eroticism from seeing your partner’s raw desire like this caused warmth to pool in your belly.
Le Comte was so graciously allowing you to sleep with his very hot best friend. The least you could do is make it more fun for him, too.
You looked up at Leonardo imploringly. Fortunately, the other vampire was good at non-verbal communication, and responded with a cheeky grin and a wink before leaning forward, his lips settling on your neck. His tongue lathed over the smooth skin there as he mouthed along your pulse point. You gasped at the sharp pain before whining as Leonardo’s tongue soothed the red mark he left behind. His fingers gently brushed against the inflamed skin.
“Bellissima,” Leonardo repeated, voice reverent.
You could hear le Comte shifting in his chair, the leather creaking as he moved. Your gaze drifted back to your partner. He was wholly focused on Leonardo’s lips and hands at the moment, watching how they caressed and kneaded your flesh in ways that only he had done before. You could see how his pants were growing tighter and watched as he swallowed hard, his fingers digging into the plush fabric of his armchair as though he were having to hold himself back.
Considering this entire situation was his idea in the first place, you’d have expected him to be less possessive. You were pleasantly surprised to find out that you were wrong on that front.
“You make the most exquisite noises, cara mia,” Leonardo whispered against your heated flesh. “I want to hear you screaming so loudly you can’t speak tomorrow.”
Leonardo’s lips drifted further down your chest, taking a peaked nipple between the blunted edges of his teeth. You arched further, pushing your breast further into his mouth as you struggled against the fabric of your restraints. Leonardo’s free hand massaged the neglected flesh of your other breast before switching sides, his talented fingers teasing your saliva-dampened nipple.
“Leonardo,” you breathed. “You’re such a tease.”
He released your nipple with a lewd pop, looking at you with a Cheshire grin. “Have I ever given you any indication otherwise, cara mia?” His fingers dipped below the waistband of your skirt, slowly easing the fabric off of your hips and maintaining eye contact while doing so.
The sinful look in his eye caused you to clench around nothing, your thighs shifting in discomfort.
He sat back, fully admiring the view. You made to close your legs but Leonardo clicked his tongue, his hands quickly moving to hold them apart, his thumbs caressing your inner knees. “Maybe we should have gotten ties for her legs as well, ‘Comte’.”
“I’ll have a word with my tailor in the morning,” le Comte replied instantly, his voice deep with desire.
You bit your lip in response. With Leonardo holding your knees apart, there was no rubbing your thighs together to relieve any pressure, nor could you hide your arousal.
Leonardo’s hands moved up your thighs, his thumbs running over the soft flesh there. “You truly are beautiful, cara mia,” Leonardo murmured. He released your legs, sitting back for a moment and shucking off his shirt, followed by his fingerless gloves. He left his pants on for now, turning his head to look at le Comte. You adjusted yourself so you could see your partner as well.
Le Comte’s breathing was ragged, his nostrils flared; his eyes had darkened to the point they almost appeared black in the already dim lighting of the room. The vampire’s fingers were harshly gripping his armchair as he watched the both of you. From your position you could see the glint of Comte’s fangs peeking out over his bottom lip.
You shuddered. Le Comte’s gentleman façade was all but gone, replaced with the visage of a hungry, possessive vampire.
“Are you sure this is still what you want? It’s not too late to stop,” Leonardo asked his friend. His tone was amused, but you also knew he would stop if asked to. By either of you. You inadvertently let out a small sound of protest, causing Leonardo to chuckle under his breath.
He released the arms of his chair, leaning back in the plush seat as he breathed deeply, trying to re-center himself. “Continue,” Comte finally said, voice clipped.
Leonardo grinned coyly, his attention back on you. “We’re almost there, cara mia,” Leonardo purred, his now completely bare fingers settling on your calves. “You’ll get what you want soon.” He hooked a hand around the back of a calf, tossing it over his shoulder as he gazed at you hungrily. The deep amber of his eyes was almost like molten gold, smoldering with a barely restrained desire of his own.
You gulped. When agreeing to this situation your mind had glossed over the fact that both of your partners were in fact pureblooded vampires, instead focusing on the fact that two extremely attractive men with several centuries’ worth of sexual experience desired you enough to share you. Damned hormones.
Leonardo pressed a kiss to the inside of your knee, slowly kissing further and further towards your weeping folds. He dragged his fangs across the meat of your inner thigh, sending a shiver up your spine, a breathy whine escaping your throat.
Leonardo pressed a couple more open mouthed kisses to your inner thighs, eagerly tasting of the moisture dampening them, before swiping his tongue straight through your glistening center.
You gasped and moaned loudly, throwing your head back. You pulled at your restraints, wanting nothing more than to card your fingers through Leonardo's thick hair. Unable to do so, you instead locked eyes with le Comte, your eyes glazing over in pleasure as his best friend tasted every last inch of you.
Through your own haze of lust, you could barely make out the shape of your partner watching you, completely enraptured. His hand had drifted to the crotch of his pants and he had begun to lazily palm himself through the fabric. Every time a sound fell from your lips, Comte would squeeze his shaft through his pants.
Leonardo eagerly lapped at your folds, his tongue sweeping away your wetness. You whimpered as he slid a bare finger inside your aching entrance. “More,” you begged, your thighs spreading apart as though to invite him in further. Leonardo obliged with a sensual chuckle, slipping another finger inside of you all the way to the knuckle. The throaty vibrations spreading across your sensitive flesh was almost more than you could take, but you continued to endure.
Looking back at your partner once again, you saw one of Comte’s fangs digging into his lower lip. His eyes snapped up to yours when he noticed you looking at him. The look on his face was familiar; he was barely holding onto a semblance of restraint at the moment. You weren’t sure he’d be able to take much more before -
Your thoughts were cut off as Leonardo chose that moment to seal his lips around your clit, sucking hard on the sensitive nub. You let out a strangled cry at the sensation, your eyes falling closed in bliss as you clenched hard around Leonardo’s long fingers and you came on Leonardo’s skilled tongue. Your fingertips dug harshly into the smooth silk of Comte’s tie as you writhed around on your partner’s bed, simultaneously chasing the pleasure and trying to avoid overstimulation.
Leonardo finally pulled away from your pussy, releasing your clit with a wet pop. Your chest was heaving as you opened your eyes and turned your attention back to Leonardo. He grinned up at you from between your thighs, your slick coating his lips and chin. The sight was so sinfully erotic that you thought you might be able to come a second time just from the view.
There was just something about coming on your partner’s best friend’s face while the man in question willingly watched it happen; perhaps it was how utterly taboo the situation was, or maybe it was just the thrill of trying something new, but you were more turned on than you remember ever being before.
You looked up to see Comte’s reaction to everything that had just happened and were somewhat surprised to see that he had tugged his pants open and had his thick length in his hand, his thumb almost absentmindedly running over the swollen head. The tip of it was glistening with his own fluid, the sight making your mouth water. You wanted to taste him, feel his heavy cock slide along your tongue as he -
Leonardo pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh, drawing your attention away from Comte and back to the vampire between your legs. “Are you ready for me, cara mia?” He asked, voice deepened with lust. You shivered and nodded your assent, unable to speak.
He pulled away from you and reached down to his pants, pulling apart the fastenings. Leonardo hissed as his erection was freed from its confines and he stroked it twice in anticipation, kicking his trousers off the rest of the way. You just barely caught a glance of the proud length jutting out from his hips, but your inner walls contracted in anticipation. He was longer than Comte, and at least as thick. Before you could really think about it, he settled himself between your legs, his flushed head pressing against your slick folds.
“Remember, just say the word and I’ll stop,” Leonardo reminded you as he dragged his cock through the wetness pooling between your legs, the tip catching on your entrance as he did so.
“I know,” you breathed. With a grunt, Leonardo’s length pushed inside of you, stretching your walls even more than his fingers had. You and Leonardo both moaned at the feeling, your head thrashing to the side as he filled you completely. He rocked his hips a couple of times experimentally before grabbing ahold of the backs of your thighs and pushing on them, folding you in half. You made unfocused eye contact with Comte, watching as the other vampire pumped his fist in time with Leonardo’s thrusts. The fingers of Comte’s other hand were digging into the arm of his chair again, his own eyes glazed over as he watched Leonardo impale you over and over again.
You whimpered and tugged on your bindings, attention returning to Leonardo, wanting to grasp onto the vampire’s back as he fucked you into Comte’s bed.
“Papi,” you gasped after a particularly hard thrust. Leonardo stilled inside of you, looking at you in surprise.
“Papi?” He questioned. Your response was an adorable flush to the cheeks and you looked away from both him and le Comte. Leonardo clicked his tongue, gently grasping your chin and forcing you to look at him once more. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it, cara mia,” he said with a smirk, resuming his ministrations with an even more punishing pace. The room was filled with the lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh.
Leonardo released your chin and moved his hand back between your legs, his fingers circling your clit in time with his thrusts. You came hard and fast, moaning so loudly you wouldn’t be surprised if half of the household could hear you. You found you didn’t really care at the moment, though. Not that you were capable of much coherent thought at the moment, what with the intense pounding you were receiving. Leonardo’s relentless pace didn’t so much as falter; if anything he somehow moved faster.
Suddenly, Leonardo stopped, pulling himself from within you with a sinful squelch. “Took you long enough,” he laughed, a roughness to his voice that you hadn’t heard before. Before you could really question what was going on, you found yourself turned onto your stomach, ass in the air. A pair of hands roughly caressed your rear, teasing your hole, before your pussy was filled again, a familiar preternatural growl echoing around the room.
You moaned as the hands around your hips moved up to your waist, harsh thrusts forcing your face to press into the mattress of Comte’s bed, mouth open and drool dripping from the corner of your lips. Comte was fucking you so hard you could almost see stars, your vision being overtaken by bursts of white.
In your sex-fueled haze, you were surprised to see Leonardo move in front of you, swiftly untying your hands and tossing Comte’s tie towards the back of the room. You were about to question why you were untied, but quickly understood what was going on as you propped yourself up on your elbows.
“Think you can take us both, cara mia?” Leonardo asked, his cock edging close to your mouth. You nodded as best you could, your entire body shaking with the force of Comte’s rough thrusts into your wet heat. You adjusted yourself slightly to give him a better angle and Leonardo pressed the tip of his length to your lips. He groaned as his cock slid along your tongue. You could feel every ridge and vein on his shaft and taste the remnants of your mixed fluids as he pistoned himself into your throat.
Comte’s thrusts forced you to take Leonardo’s throbbing cock deeper into your throat, and Leonardo’s own thrusts pushed you back onto Comte’s shaft. All you were really capable of doing at this moment was taking what you were given from both of them as you were pushed and pulled in two directions. You were moaning on Leonardo’s dick as Comte’s hand found itself between your thighs, stimulating the sensitive nub there.
As Leonardo’s cock slid deeper into your throat, you started to apply pressure to the sensitive frenulum with your tongue. “Cazzo,” he swore, his hips stuttering as he pulled his length from your mouth. You kept your lips open, watching intently as Leonardo stroked himself a couple more times before finding his release. He groaned low and deep, his ejaculate coating your tongue in thick ropes. You swallowed every drop he gave you, the eroticism of it resulting in you clenching tightly around Comte’s thick cock, your third orgasm of the night tearing through your body in waves of pleasure.
Le Comte hissed through his teeth, pounding into you a couple more times before flooding your insides with his seed. Comte grunted, sinking into your warmth as far as he could before pulling out. You collapsed onto the bed, entirely spent. Your eyes drifted shut, nearly falling asleep where you lay.
Comte gently ran his hands over your rear, in clear contrast to the punishing pace his hips had made. Leonardo affectionately brushed hair out of your sweaty face, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, before looking over at the other vampire. With a subtle nod of Comte’s head, Leonardo stepped away from the bed and moved to grab a soft towel from the corner of the room.
“Are you feeling okay? Does anything hurt?” Comte asked, looking you over for injury. You were barely awake enough to reply at this point, completely exhausted.
You managed to mumble out a quiet “’m fine” before adjusting yourself to a slightly more comfortable position. Leonardo had returned with the towel at this point, handing it to Comte. Comte gently cleaned you up with it before carefully lifting you up. You let out a noise of protest and he laughed lightly, kissing your nose.
“I did tell you, ma cherie,” Comte murmured. “I may appear to be a gentleman on the surface, and I do try to remain kind and considerate to you, but in truth I am neither gentle nor man.”
When Leonardo had returned, he had tugged his pants back on and reclined in Comte’s bed. Comte laid you down on the bed in a much more comfortable position, with your body half laying on Leonardo. You contentedly snuggled into his warmth, Leonardo chuckling tiredly at the feeling.
“My bed isn’t large enough for three, unfortunately, so it’ll be a bit cramped. I apologize.” Comte was addressing his friend. You were just barely holding onto a wisp of consciousness at this point, feeling the bed dip behind you as Comte took his own place. He wrapped an arm around your waist, settling behind you. The combined body heat from both Leonardo and Comte quickly soothed you into sleep.
The last thing you heard before completely falling asleep was a murmur from Comte to Leonardo. “We can talk specifics later, old friend, but I wouldn’t be opposed to doing something like this again.”
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Taglist: @natimiles @queengiuliettafirstlady @candiedcoffeedrops @goddesswitchmother @candied-boys
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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Help! I Got Isekaied as a Lamia!!
Demo Coming Soon
Waking in a strange forest on a world obviously not yours you quickly discover that you have been isekaied not once, but twice, and to top it off you find that, despite growing up thinking you are human, you are in fact a lamia and have been since the day you were born, in this world.
Now as you begin to explore the world of your birth you will find allies, discover hidden villains, and take on quests beyond anything you could have ever imagined as you slowly uncover the reason you had been sent to Earth by your birth parents and why they died to ensure your survival.
Play as a Cis or Trans woman, with full customization over your physical appearance, and your wardrobe.
Explore a strange world filled with isekai tropes.
As you journey you earn skill points and use them to learn a wide variety of skills ranging from the mundane to the fantastical.
Along the way you will meet a variety of others including your adventuring party, a beloved Queen and her court, the boisterous members of the local adventurers guild, and a demon searching for redemption.
Romance a number of women including two of your fellow adventurers, the kingdom's Queen, or a demon with a heart of gold. Includes one polyamorous triad*.
Form meaningful and lasting friendships with every RO instead of romancing them as well as many non-ROs.
Romance Options
Tatiana Luminus Asteria | Human/Angel Hybrid | Queen Age: 48 Height: 6’4” Build: Slender Eye Color: Glowing Gold Hair Color: Blonde Skin Tone: Pink Notable Features: Large wings growing from her hips Character Traits: Protective, Loving, Fierce Tropes: Age gap, Courtly love, Puppet Queen
Maple | Elf | Druid* Age: 79 Height: 6’1” Build: Slender Eye Color: Emerald Green Hair Color: Brunette Skin Tone: Tan Notable Features: Long narrow ears, ivy tattoos across body Character Traits: Shy, Intellectual, Green thumb Tropes: Airhead, Adorkable, Polytriad (Laura) Laura Argenta | Beastkin | Barbarian* Age: 23 Height: 5’6” Build: Muscular Eye Color: Yellow Hair Color: Raven black Skin Tone: Umber Notable Features: Fangs, Claws, Tail, Canine Ears Character Traits: Stoic, Quiet, Vicious Tropes: Feral lover, Monster girl, Polytriad (Maple)
Azarith | Demon | Abyssal Mage Age: ???? Height: 5’3” Build: Voluptuous Eye Color: Glowing Purple Hair Color: Snow White Skin Tone: Orchid Purple Notable Features: Extremely long, slender, spiny tail Character Traits: Flirty, Dense, Mean Tropes: Demonic lover, Sadistic, Redemption
Other Characters
Mark Argenta | Human | Knight Age: 24 Height: 6’4” Build: Muscular Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde Skin Tone: Tan Notable Features: Scar over right eye Character Traits: Protective, Caring
Daniel Argenta | Human | Rogue Age: 17 Height: 5’3” Build: Slender Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Brown Skin Tone: Mocha Notable Features: Twitchy Character Traits: Mischievous, Carefree, Always fiddling
Elmina Kayran | Elf | Elven Crown Princess (MCs Aunt) Age: 126 Height: 6’6” Build: Slender Eye Color: Pale Green Hair Color: Black Skin Tone: Pale Notable Features: Long narrow ears, Darker hair color Character Traits: Haughty, Secretly a softy
Tarros Kayran | Elf | Elven King (MCs Grandfather) Age: 787 Height: 7’1” Build: Slender Eye Color: Glowing Green Hair Color: Blonde Skin Tone: Pink Notable Features: Long narrow ears, Scarred face Character Traits: Demanding, Hateful
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mothiepixie · 3 months
Hello! I have a question. Does Motti sometimes don't like her body or has troubles with her self-esteem?
Motti does have some self esteem issues but not in the way you think or regarding her weight. Motti was raised to love her body at any stage of her life by her mom. She comes from a family of bigger and voluptuous people so it's just the norm for her.
However, Motti does become aware of her body when people have objectified her. Being perceived in such a manner is uncomfortable for anyone and sometimes she just wishes she can exist without someone pointing out her body.
While she has (and still occasionally) faced discrimination for being a thicker person. she doesn't end up hating herself for it. Instead, Motti thinks people having an issue with her own body is super weird and that's a reflection on them rather than herself.
If anything she can be more self conscious about her neurological disorders (adhd) and trauma (ptsd). She's afflicted and sometimes embarrassed by it because she can be incredibly forgetful, overwhelmed, and/or take longer to process things. Other times she can't regulate her emotions, or suffers from Alexithymia (challenges to recognize, expressing one's emotion).
Motti has faced upsetting people dear to her because she has not responded or acted according to social norms.
She has gotten in trouble at her jobs because she has shut down from too many tasks placed on her or yelled at because she hyper-fixates one task overall. However, because of her ability to hyperfixate, she can be often abused by management and given extra work to the point of exhaustion.
Motti can suffer from rejection sensitive dysphoria. (Particularly when someone she cares for acts differently, and she immediately presumes it because of her and shuts down/act indifferent i.e when Dust yelled and Motti assumed he found her too much.)
People often equate her excitable and playful manner as stupidity. It's extremely frustrating for her but has a hard time finding balance of being herself and appearing unphased.
Motti has a lot of confidence in a lot of different areas, but it did take her time and self love to be as confident as she is.
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