#eyayah oya
aahsokaatano · 2 years
WIP Ask Game
@wanderingjedihistorian tagged me in the wip game where you post the titles of your current works in progress – if someone sends you an ask about one of the titles, you can either post a snippet or share the concept of that wip!
I have sooooo many WIPs so here's a sampling of some of the ones I've been working on most recently
Title (Fandom)
1) Talk Honestly, No One Else Hears You (Hench)
2) Lazily Loving You (DC)
3) Less Dys, More Eu, Ch. 5 (DC)
4) Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before (DC)
5) Cody/Neyo/Bacara Saucy (Star Wars)
6) Ya Gotta Be Kitten Me, Ch. 2 (DC)
7) To Tame, Subdue (DC)
8) Talons & Teeth (DC)
Zero-pressure tagging @onekisstotakewithme @phoenixyfriend @eyayah-oya @metukah 💛
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runekirikjartan · 24 days
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or a many as you feel like).
Tagged by: @whiskygoldwings Thank you Whisky!
I've been working on 3 different WIPs interchangeably and can't actually figure out which was the last one so have all 3 under the cut.
Mandokarla Aran AU:
All it does is make it harder for Mereel to take his eyes off of Commander Fox to focus on his primary objective. He’s supposed to be staying on as an impartial liaison, yet that’s twice now where he’s been distracted by the Marshal Commander going about regular tasks. 
The Time Travel Fix-It:
"Kriffing mir'sheb." and Fox thinks... he knows that voice. He knows that damn voice. He practically falls out of the bed when it registers, reaching for something, anything to be used as a damn weapon, going alert faster than Hound does when he sees a pack of massif puppies. There are trainers surrounding him, armour that he remembers seeing stalking through the halls of Kamino, but cleaner, well cared for. He bares his teeth when he spots the more familiar sounding voice. The Nulls have to be somewhere, he gets along with Mereel, Jaing and Corr just fine but if Ordo spots him he's getting his ass handed to him. Standing at the entrance to the medbay, blocking Fox's exit as he finally finds something to use as a weapon, a scalpel from a knocked over tray, stands Kal Skirata, younger than Fox remembers. His head of hair is more blond than grey, he has less wrinkles on his face.
Fox & His Shinies - Part 19:
That wouldn’t do. “Where do you think you’re going?” Alpha called out, watching as Tenacity stiffened. “I haven’t dismissed you.”  He heard the quiet ‘fuck’ that Tenacity let out under his breath, just barely, before he turned around and clasped his hands behind his back, lifting his chin in a perfect parade rest. 
And I'm gonna tag: @yellowisharo @marloviandevil @bluecookies02 (bc ik bbgirl has been drawing recently), @voices-of-my-brothers @kworking (bc i know their stuff is awesome always) and @eyayah-oya
Can't wait to see everything y'all are currently doing but no expectations!
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valkeakuulas · 11 months
Wooley’s worshippers sounds most intriguing! Tell us a bit about it? 👀
I nearly threw this away because I think Tumblr has changed its position from the 'answer' button...
Anyway! Wooley's worshippers was inspired by a conversation at Clone Haven (over a year ago lol) that involved at least @eyayah-oya who has written some lovely, lovely Wooley-centered fics.
The basic idea is that Wooley's wearing this very pretty white lace bodycage while three other members of the 212th (Cody, Longshot and Crys) act as his service tops for the night.
Unfortunately, have not really written anything other than a few notes/copied some ideas that was hashed during that convo. I think I need to return to this fic at some point.
You can find a picture of the lacy bodycage that's saved to use as an inspiration under the Keep Reading
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Rex, giving the disaster children a dressing down: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Fives, Echo and Hardcase: But that’s just a trash can
Rex: Yes
What do you think @eyayah-oya @kai-in-the-sky @marloviandevil
Inspired by this post:
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imrowanartist · 2 years
A while ago @eyayah-oya wrote this lovely piece for me about Nash and Purrgil being absolute idiots in love and aahhhhhh now that it's on AO3 I can finally share it!
They're so dumb I love them T^T
Nash belongs to @itsstrangelypermanent
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cacodaemonia · 1 year
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Thanks for the tag, @odekiisu! <3
Still from the cyborg!AU:
Then, lifting his head a little, he raises his voice and adds, "Some brothers are just nosy little shits."
I just tagged some people in this yesterday, but (no pressure): @nonbinariwankenobi @marbled-polecat @oriki-miitad @eyayah-oya @trudemaethien
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leeleebee · 2 years
You’ve been tagged! Tell us your answers and send this on to five mutuals. May the Fourth be with you!
1. Who are your top five favorite Star Wars characters?
2. Which planet would you choose to live on?
3. What would your occupation be in the galaxy far far away?
4. Who is your Star Wars soulmate?
5. Who would be your sidekick (creature or droid)?
This ask is probably 6 months or more old but… fun!
1. In no particular order - Obiwan, Ahsoka, Echo&Fives (they are a unit), Leia, Hera
2. One of the grassy ones. Like Lothal or the Highlands looking one in Andor 😅
3. Space nonprofit or space barista probably. Maybe both if the pay is similar to here and now 😭
4. Obiwan but in just a buddy way.
5. A tooka for sure!
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eyayah-oya · 2 years
I'd be interested in a fic commission, if you still have slots open! Besides info like characters and length, how much of a prompt do you want for them?
I do still have slots open! As for the prompt, I would like a basic idea of what you want the fic to be about so I know what to write. For example: "Character A and Character B meet up during their leave and have a fun night at 79's catching up."
If it involves OCs I will definitely be in your dms a lot more, asking questions about the characters and how they act and interact with others.
I do have a google form to fill out for anyone interested in commissions so you can look that over to see if it's something you'd be interested in. Thank you so much for the interest!!!
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For the hurt/comfort, could you do number 14 with any of the 212th?
From this post here, I present to you the 212th being a lovable dumpster fire.
(I have a few more to do... I was planning on doing these at work but this rotation is a hot mess, so they're taking a smidge longer than I was hoping.)
Prompt: Let me take care of things for once, alright?
Crys knew full well Trapper saw his hand twitching against his leg, even in the dim light of the command tent.
He also knew full well that Cody couldn’t, not with his back turned and bucket still on.
The 212th had been hit, and hurt, badly over the day, the Seppies somehow getting the range for their munitions stocks and motor pools.
The explosions had been rather spectacular, so he’d been told.
He’d been in one of the underground bunkers, cycling slicing programs as they attempted to hack the Separatist’s comms.  Luckily, there had been few casualties overall… sentient ones, anyway.
Shifts was still rather bitter over the death of his AT-RT.
Their Jedi, on the other hand, was, to quote Helix, “A karking di’kut disaster magnet with the pea-brain of a Gungan.”
That Kenobi didn’t dispute the claim was proof of it.
Granted, the man was drugged up to his proverbial eyebrows, but he didn’t dispute it.
Also he was missing most of his left eyebrow, as it had been scorched off by the firestorm started by their fuel dump igniting, so perhaps the point was a bit mute.
Cody, on the other hand…
Cody’s normally pristine armor (and yes, every trooper wondered exactly how he managed to keep it so clean despite the environment) was streaked with soot to the point he looked like one of Commander Gree’s urban recon troopers.  The synth fabric that compromised his gloves was actually burnt through, making it look like he was wearing fingerless models.  
His fingernails were cracked and ragged, down to the quick.
And he hadn’t taken his bucket off yet, despite Kenobi being safely squirreled away by Helix and his medics, despite the chaos of the barrage settling after the fires were put out.  
Unless Crys was missing his guess, which wasn’t very likely, Cody had somehow managed to avoid Helix and his hovering tendencies thanks to Kenobi being down for the count.
Given Trapper’s subtle signing back, he agreed.  
[Play decoy?  Distract primary medic.] 
Trapper’s opinion of this strategy was a look of horror.  [Sacrificial nerf?]  His signs were frantic, eyes wide.  
[Worries unfounded.  Armor not edible.]
It was clear Trapper found this reassurance somewhat lacking, but he excused himself and shuffled out… with only a mild stink-eye.
Crys waved him off and tabbed over his datapad, cycling a few security systems to make sure they’d have privacy for a while.  He’d known Cody since they’d been stuck in some of the same tech classes back on Kamino, and had been personally picked to lead the, as the commander so glibly put it, ‘the tech nerds’ of the 212th.
He’d been thrilled at the time, still was really.  It gave him a lot of opportunities to help both the GAR as a whole and his brothers.  
Cody had often used him as an unofficial sounding board, and they’d been known to theorycraft late into the night cycle.  
Now… he was being given a new opportunity.
One to make sure his di’kut ori’vod wasn’t going to fall over on them.  If Cody and Kenobi were both out of commission, they’d likely be seconded, at least temporarily, to Skywalker.
Kark everything about that.
“Commander?” he broke the silence he wasn’t entirely sure Cody was aware of.
Definitely wasn’t, by the way he swung around, nearly turning into the table he’d been leaning on.
“Lieutenant.”  It was hard to tell through the vocoder, but he was pretty sure Cody was slurring.  
He had a split second to make a decision, to, as Commander Monnk so often said, ‘sink or swim’.  
Kriff him sideways.
“Can you come with me for a moment, sir?  I need you to check something for me.”
Well, he committed.  Now Cody just needed to take the bait.  
For a moment, it seemed he wouldn’t.  His shoulders noticeably sagged, his ragged fingertips digging into the tabletop.  But, this was Cody.  There was only the moment of vulnerability, then his shoulders squared slowly.  “For a moment,” he allowed, and yes, he was definitely slurring.  “After, I need to check the reports from the western encampment.”  His words were over-enunciated, like he was trying too hard to seem like he was fine.
Crys added that to a quick popup message on his datapad and sent it off to Trapper.  Check all you want, Cody, there’d be nothing there to check.  
He shoved his datapad into his pack and stood, then banked on his luck and waved Cody along behind him.
He’d been right.
Cody was so out of it he didn’t realize that Crys had led him back to his own tent.  
He was also so out of it that, after a moment of standing, hunched, under the center of the low roof, he hadn’t protested when Crys started carefully pulling his armor off.  His belt and ammo pouches came off first - this was Cody, after all.  Better eliminate any friendly fire-type injuries before they could even become a possibility.  The man himself was a weapon, he didn’t need help.
That Cody didn’t fight him taking his bucket off was more proof that he was very much not all right.  Narrating softly throughout, reciting pertinent bits of information from reports received since the bombardment, he kept up a low and chattering one-sided conversation as he stripped him down to his blacks and got him onto his bunk.
Probable concussion.  Probable cracked ribs.  Definite broken fingers.  Burns, first through third degree, though he’d somehow managed to avoid cooking himself completely, like a bad can of rations in his armor.  
By all rights, he should call Helix.  
He could, but…
Cody, still out of it, was slightly more aware than he had been.  
“Need to check the casualty reports,” he managed to slur out, even as Crys began plotting what he’d need.
“Of course you do, sir,” he soothed as he tapped out the beginnings of a list on his datapad, then pushed him back down to the mattress.
“And talk to the quartermasters.”
“Yes, yes.”
He managed to not quirk an eyebrow and made a mental note to not ever bring that up.  What his COs did in their free time was their business, despite just how intriguing he found it.
“He’s fine, Commander.  Helix has him.  Now… let me take care of things for once, alright?”  He pulled out the first aid kit he knew Cody kept under his bunk, that he always kept under his bunk, and opened a package of gauze.  “Let me see your hand, ‘lek?”
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aahsokaatano · 2 years
Kih'vod, Kot, Keldabe
for @eyayah-oya, who requested the meme line be properly fic'ed lol
"So... that was a mistake," Tup sighed.
"You think they'll notice?" Comet asked anxiously.
"Yes," Wooley grimaced. "Yes, they will."
The three all winced as they looked once more over the mess that they had (unintentionally!) created.
Tup would stress that point very hard to anyone who would listen - it was all completely unintentional. Wooley had posed a hypothetical, and Tup had said it was probably a safe experiment they could run, and Comet was... well he was Wolfpack, and his mere presence constituted a challange in the face of a Torrent engineer.
At least Hardcase would be on Tup's side for that reason, if nothing else.
Wooley clapped a hand each onto Tup's and Comet's shoulders. "I don't think we'll be able to kih'vod, kot, keldabe our way out of this one, vode."
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anstarwar · 2 years
SW Recommendations: The Fic + Authors
And here is the post for the Fic/Author portion of the recs! Thanks again for sending these in! I got a whole heaping wonderful ton of fic recs so if you don't see ones you sent in posted below, fear not I am hoarding them and will post them with July's list!
Recommendations under the cut
(E) Fives/Rex: Another Insane Devotion by Ashembie, Sophronist (Ao3)
(M) The Bad Batch: Hunter/F!OC and Crosshair/F!OC: Shadows of the Force by HockeyJedi13 (Ao3)
(Teen and up) OC/Vulture Droid: Non-Standard Issue by Bright_Elen (Ao3)
(E) Kallus/Zeb: Little Deaths by Sempaiko (Ao3)
(E) Din Djarin/Cobb Vanth: Praise by ChomomileTea (Ao3)
(E) Corr/Mereel: I’m Gonna Love You with My Hands Tied by KassKnot (Ao3)
(Teen and up) Rex/Jedi OC: Fazed by Purplefangirl42 (Tumblr)
(Teen and up) Crosshair/Jedi OC: Bad Timing by Purplefangirl42 (tumblr)
(No rating) Hunter/Fem!OC: Sun and Rain by Photogirl894 (tumblr)
(Mature) Obi-Wan/Cody + multi-character: And I’ll Follow the Light in You by AlamoGirl80 (Ao3)
(General Audiences) Echo, Fives, Ahsoka: Reverberate by LilDropOfMagic (Ao3)
(Mature) Poly!Bad Batch: My Heart is Not a Machine by ForceInSensitive (Ao3)
(E) Multi-character: Running with Lightning Feet by BlackKat (Ao3)
(rating varies from General Audiences to E) Multi-character, but primarily Waxer/Boil: Anything in the RCAU by Cac0daemonia (Ao3)
(rating varies) Multi-character: The Road to Concordia AU by RowanArtist, Suliana, AnStarWar
(M) Multi-character + OCs: Medical Logs by Suliana (Ao3)
(General Audiences to Teen and Up) Multi-character: Soft Wars by Project0506 (Ao3)
(Mature) Multi-character: In the Shadow of His Brothers by LazLazOnWords (Ao3)
(General Audiences to Teen and up) Multi-character: Arcadia series by YoungestThunderbird (Ao3)
Airlock Failure
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valkeakuulas · 11 months
Most/Least Tag Game
Rules: give us the links to your wonderful works with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks/Most words/Fewest words
(To find this information, go to your AO3 dashboard, then select 'statistics,' and you can filter your works according to various metrics)
Thank you for the tag @alamogirl80 ! Checking all the statistics was rather interesting but wasn’t that surprised at learning which fandom landed in the most often in the the Most Categories 😂
Most Hits: The Most Unexpected Courting is on the lead currently 
Most Kudos: The Most Unexpected Courting absolutely dominates this, having almost 400 more kudos compared to the fic on the second place
Most Comments: 30 Days of Jazz and Prowl  
Most Bookmarks: The Most Unexpected Courting wins yet again! 🤣
Most Words: suffer in pleasure, forever and ever is the first non-TF fic with 46,983 words!
Fewest Words: You Are Mine To Protect (633 words)
Tagging... @nightfall-1409 @marloviandevil @eyayah-oya 
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When you see this share three random lines from three wips
"Wooley." Cody smiled as his riduur entered the room, his face drawn with exhaustion, but eyes lighting up with love.
Obi was notorious for losing pieces of his clothing at day care and the two of them had decided they would do whatever it took for him to not lose another pair of mittens deep in the heart of winter.
Dex wasn’t stupid. Obi Wan comes in with a Kaminoan dart, asking about the cloners and then weeks later comes back with a group of near identical men who shared a surprising resemblance with one of the Galaxy’s most well-known bounty hunters.
Want to tag some friends for a little game @marloviandevil @kai-in-the-sky @eyayah-oya
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imrowanartist · 2 years
Wip Game
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Thank you for the tag @indira-korr !
Let's see, I started a new wip the other day, about how Hoagie and Silence first meet their adopted kid, Kai:
Si tried to reach out with his senses like Chi had been teaching him, but so far he couldn't feel much. Just a general sense of unease, which didn't tell him anything at all. They had all been on edge ever since the Empire had intruded on their land. Their home.
Tagging @anstarwar @r2wedoomed @eyayah-oya @ilikemymendarkandfictional and @aerykai
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cyberfeather · 2 years
Wip Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)
Big thanks to @cats-inthe-cradle and @ladysongmaster for tagging me 💗 So here are my wips:
Fake Sith Obi-Wan
The Corries adopt Ahsoka
Thorn comforts Fox
Fox shoots Rex
Cendre meets Dogma
No pressure tag: @commanderfoxdeservesbetter @airlockfailure @victoryandlife @one-real-imonkey @here-comes-the-moose @eyayah-oya
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three-fold-symmetry · 3 years
Hi, just wanted to say that you’re amazing and I adore your art!! You are so nice to everyone and you’re a breath of positivity in this fandom. I love seeing your posts so much!!! I am so glad I started following you Esk!
Thank you so much and also likewise!! 🧡🧡🧡 You're always nice and supportive and everything you do for the community is super appreciated! Always happy to see you around!
Please have this! I decided to redraw that one panel with Wooley from the comics where he does look very cool, but also not at all like a clone.
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