#eyes are weird cause he’s a supernatural being
musicalyeetreblr · 2 years
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Another oc w their valentines gift sketch
Ft me sucking at drawing memes
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kwanisms · 11 months
Accidents Happen — h.hyunjin, l.felix
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» stray kids masterlist «
➮ witch!Felix × f!Reader × incubus!Hyunjin wc: 10.5k summary: While studying for a witches exam, Felix leaves his materials out where his girlfriend, Y/N, happens upon them. When she reads an incantation, an incubus is accidentally summoned. Deciding to make a spectacle of it, the demon forces Felix to watch as he seduces his girlfriend. genres/themes/au: angst, smut; supernatural, witchcraft, and demonic themes, establish relationship (Felix), s2l (Hyunjin); non idol au, witch au, demon au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, Felix practices witchcraft, alcohol consumption (Y/N has a glass of wine), Hyunjin is a menace and restrains Felix with his powers, sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut! special taglist: @yoonguurt , @anyamaris , @wooyoungqueen , @kpop-stories-21 , @xsweetelegantdiasterx , @kookthief , @stardragongalaxy , @millennial-fangirl , @blankdyean , @imwithurmother , @bangchans-angel , @oreoqueen , @yjeonginlvr , @zdgx1 , @shuxsoo , @s00buwu , @queenmea604  , @pochaccomin , @katsukis1wife , @linos-catnip Join the taglist! »» Closes 10/30 @ 23:00 CST! Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. AGELESS BLOGS WILL NOT BE ADDED.
a/n: this one is kinda dark, not gonna lie so read with caution. This isn't a joke lol this is also kind of self indulgent cause I can. I used Google Translate again for the spell, so it might not be super accurate but I'm not really going for accuracy here lol it's smut. Thank you so much for reading, if you like this pls reblog or comment! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only.
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smut warnings: teratophilia (aka monsterfucking), unprotected sex (demons don’t care lol but you should), somnophilia, auralism, mind break, cuckold, use of pet names (Felix calls her angel, baby, but Hyunjin calls her slut, whore, etc), Hyunjin is a menace and Felix is a sobbing mess. Let me know if I missed anything!
dialogue prompt: ❛ I’m going to have you screaming by the end of the night ❜ & ❛ do you really think you’re in a position to be giving orders? ❜
Witches. Beings that have existed all throughout history and have instilled fear in communities for centuries. Practitioners of dark magic. Beings that worship the devil and sell their souls in exchange for mystical powers. This was how witches were always perceived.
Only it was entirely wrong.
Felix had heard a plethora of names thrown at him all his life. “Witch! Devil-worshiper! Heretic!” The words had been shouted at him from various sources but he knew deep down they were only scared because they didn’t understand.
He was misunderstood, his practices were misunderstood, and magick was misunderstood.
Felix didn’t stand around a cauldron, stirring in weird ingredients like eyes of newts or tiger claws or whatever other things fiction thought sounded bizarre and outlandish. Felix didn’t even own a cauldron. He wasn’t that kind of witch. He focused more on summoning and conjuring. That was his school.
But even the conjuration school of magick had special items he needed in order to do his spells. For that he had to visit Arcana Infinitum. The shop was located in the back corner of the town square, nestled between the ice cream shop and a beautiful and old antique store named Pandora’s Box.
Ignoring the weird looks he got from mothers as they pulled their children along and hurried across the street to avoid him, Felix continued on, the heels of his boots echoing on the stone sidewalk as he walked down past Marino’s and turned the corner.
Arcana Infinitum was a sight for sore eyes after all the glares and stares as Felix had walked from his home he shared with his girlfriend to the town square. He tried to not let it get to him but to see so much hate and disdain in one place made him wonder if moving here to this small town was worth it at all.
Not that he’d ever bring this up with you, his girlfriend.
He crossed the cobbled street and reached the door to the shop and opened it, stepping inside and finding solace in the warm interior. It wasn’t entirely freezing outside but the light mist really made the chilly air bite at his skin, his cheeks and the tip of his nose a bright pink.
“Welcome to-- oh it’s you, Felix!” a voice said and the blond looked up to see one of his favorite shopkeepers smiling at him from the back of the shop. “Hey, Joong,” Felix said as he moved further into the shop, meeting Hongjoong halfway. “What brings you in today?” Hongjoong asked, reaching up to brush some of his bright blue hair out of his eyes.
He wore a simple white button down shirt with bell sleeves cinched at the wrist and black slacks. Over this he wore a simple off white apron. “I’m studying for my exam,” Felix explained, reaching into the small crossbody he carried and pulling out a folded piece of paper. “It’s for my conjuration exam,” he continued, unfolding the sheet and handing it to Hongjoong. “I need these items.”
Felix watched Hongjoong read over the list, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as the older man muttered to himself. “I should have all of this,” Hongjoong finally said. “Look around while I gather your materials.” Felix thanked him as Hongjoong moved to grab a small wire basket and started walking around the shop while he walked over to look at a display of postcards.
Most of them were for the town and all of them were hand drawn. “Who drew these?” Felix called as he looked over the cards. “Oh, that would be Yunho and San,” Hongjoong replied as he moved behind the wooden counter and started searching through the shelves on the back wall.
Felix continued to look around. He had reached a bookcase with old tomes and spellbooks. He ran his fingers over the spines of the books, reading the titles until one caught his eye. A dark purple hardback with gold lettering in Hangul. He grabbed the tome and pulled it from its place. It was heavy as Felix looked over the cover.
“When did this come in?” Felix asked, holding it up to show Hongjoong the cover. “Oh a few days ago!” Hongjoong said as he set the wire basket on the counter and started to add everything up. Felix walked over with the purple book in his hands. “Is it for sale?” he asked softly as he reached the counter.
Hongjoong looked up and smiled before returning to his task. “Does a bear shit in the woods?” he retorted, adding everything up on the calculator before putting in Felix’s discount. “Add this on to my order,” Felix said, setting the book on the counter as Hongjoong started to bag everything.
He picked up the book and put it in the bag and told Felix his total as the latter pulled out his wallet. “Even with the book?” Felix asked. Hongjoong shook his head. “Book is on the house. Think of it as a little slice of home.”
Felix pulled out a few notes and handed them to Hongjoong who promptly entered the amount into the register and put the money away, grabbing Felix’s change. “Tell Y/N I said hey,” Hongjoong said as Felix put his money away and picked up his bag. “I will,” he said with a smile.
Exiting the shop, Felix shifted the bag in his arms as his phone started to ring. He pulled it from his pocket and smiled as he answered it. “Hey babe,” he said softly. “Hey,” came your voice. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t his favorite sound in the world. 
“Are you home?” you asked.
“No,” Felix said as he started to walk across the street. “I ran by the shop to get some things for my exam,” he explained. “Hongjoong said to say hi by the way,” he added. You chuckled on the other side. “Of course he did. I’ll say hi next time I see him. Are you heading home now then?” you asked.
Felix could hear voices on your end of the line. “Yeah, hey, what’s that whispering?” he asked as he continued down the sidewalk, offering quiet pardons as he squeezed between other townspeople.
“Oh those are my coworkers and trust me,” you said. “They’re not whispering.” Felix heard a few soft apologies and snorted. “How’s work?” he asked and you sighed. “It’s alright. I wish I was home instead.” Felix laughed as he glanced up and down the street before hurrying across. “Don’t we all.”
You clicked your tongue in feigned annoyance. “You’re one to talk,” you replied. “I have a job!” Felix replied, sounding mildly scandalized. “I just don’t work in an office with a view of the city,” he added. You chuckled and no doubt shook your head. “When are you coming home?” Felix asked as he walked down the street towards your shared home.
“Soon,” you replied. “Cleo has told us she has an end of the day meeting we’re supposed to attend so we’re all in here waiting for that to start. It might run over if she’s any later. So I was wondering if you’d be able to swing by the grocery store and grab the things on the list?”
Felix stopped in his tracks at the bottom of the steps leading up into the house. “I just got home,” he murmured. “I can drop this off and go back,” he added as he started up the steps, sandwiching his phone between his ear and his shoulder and digging for his keys.
“No, it’s okay,” you replied. “I know you’ve got a lot of studying to do. I’ll just stop by on my way home. Dinner will just be a little late tonight,” you replied as Felix unlocked the doors and let himself in. He shut the door before Fanta, his orange familiar cat, couldn’t escape.
“Are you sure?” Felix asked as he walked past the living room and into the kitchen. “Mhm,” you answered. “Cleo’s just entered the room so hopefully this meeting can start and I’ll be out of here sooner than expected. Gotta go,” you whispered. “Okay, I love you,” Felix said quickly. “I love you, too!”
Felix smiled as he hung up the phone and turned to open a cabinet, grabbing one of the glasses and moving to the fridge to get some ice and water. Fanta jumped up onto the counter, letting out a croaky meow as Felix turned to look over his shoulder. “What have I said about jumping onto the counter, Fanta?” The animal let out a small meow before moving and hopping down.
Felix rolled his eyes, sipping on his water and scrolling through his feed. “The world is a crazy place,” Felix started as Fanta walked over to the back door and meowed, pawing at the wood. “You live in a nice warm house. You’re safe here. Why would you want to go outside where you could be killed?” Felix asked, walking over and picking up the cat.
Fanta meowed as Felix cuddled him close. “Oh, you’re so dramatic,” Felix muttered as Fanta struggled to get free before Felix let him hop down. “Fine. I try to show you love and you don’t appreciate it. I’m going to study.”
Felix set his empty glass in the sink and grabbed his purchase from Arcana Infinitum before heading upstairs. He set the bag on his desk and then headed into your shared bedroom and sat on the foot of the bed, reaching down to untie his boots. Had he been home, his mother would have hit him over the head for wearing his shoes all over the house but you didn’t seem to mind.
Once his boots were removed, he started changing into more comfortable clothes, tossing his black jeans and shirt into the hamper and pulling on some gray sweats and an oversized white tee.
Once he was comfortable, Felix returned to his study where he started to unpack the items he’d bought, setting them aside as he did so. He pulled out the purple Korean book of spells and opened it, eyes scanning the pages written entirely in Hangul.
Maybe he’d do a little light reading before studying. He’d gotten the book for free after all. Felix set the book on the chaotic and messy surface of his desk, turning the page, and started reading.
When you arrived home after stopping by the grocery store, it was much later than you liked. The meeting thankfully hadn’t gone on for very long and the bus to your small town on the outskirts of the city didn’t eat too much time either. It was when you arrived at the grocery store to pick up a few things that things went wrong.
As usual, one of the elderly ladies in the town had to stop you and lecture you about the uses of witchcraft and making deals with the devil. You had to explain for what felt like the millionth time that you weren’t the one practicing magick nor were you in the habit of speaking about your boyfriend like that. You reminded them that magick wasn’t harmful. It wasn’t like what the movies portray it as.
One lady in particular had held you up as you tried to check out until you told her to bugger off out of frustration, grabbing your bags and quickly leaving the store with your purchases. The walk back to the house wasn’t long either but it was still late as you let yourself in with your key, careful to make sure Fanta didn’t try another daring escape out the door.
You carried the bags over to the kitchen and started putting the cold items away. You’d picked up another tub of ice cream knowing you’d need some after the week you’d had. Once you had put most of the groceries away, you were working in the pantry when you heard a creak of wood above you.
“Felix?” you called, stopping your movements. When he didn’t respond, you decided to go upstairs and check on him. Climbing the steps one at a time you made your way up and at the landing, turned around the bannister and approached the door to his study.
You knocked softly but when there was no answer, you turned the knob and pushed the door open, peering in to find your boyfriend fast asleep, his head resting on his arms.
You smiled as you pushed the door open fully and stepped into the room. Reaching down, you brushed some of his blond hair back and then your eyes landed on a small strip of paper lying on the book he had open on the desk.
You picked it up and scanned the words curiously. It was in Korean, that much you could tell. Felix had taught you the Korean alphabet and how to pronounce the letters and he had taught you a couple words so you could at least read some things. You recognized one word on the paper but regardless you read the sentence aloud.
“Gajang gip-eun jiog-eseo neoleul bulleonae gyeolsogsikyeo jugessda.”
You shrugged your shoulders and set the paper back down before turning to head back to the door until something caught your eye.The flame of a candle, dancing inside the glass. Stopping in your tracks, you turned back to face his desk and shook your head as you moved to the lit candle on the desk, leaning in to blow out the flame. 
“I don’t know how many times I’ve told you not to light candles if you’re going to fall asleep,” you murmured, gently stroking your boyfriend’s hair before exiting the room, closing the door with a click and returning to the kitchen downstairs to start dinner.
It had been a while since you’d made a nice home cooked meal, the two of you had been ordering out lately and you decided to do something nice not only for your hard working boyfriend but for yourself.
You seasoned and prepared the chicken, letting it marinate for thirty minutes as you prepared the vegetables and started your sauce in a pan. Once the skillet was oiled and heated, you added the chicken and let it sizzle for a bit before stirring it and added the veggies.
As you worked, you murmured the phrase you’d read earlier, turning it into a little song as music played in your head. You turned the chicken over again and finally poured the sauce in while some noodles boiled. “Okay, I need actual music now,” you said to yourself pulling your phone from your purse and turning some Mikazuki BIGWAVE on.
Felix awoke with a start, eyes snapping open as he looked around. He sat up, a loose page from his notes sticking to his cheek. He grabbed it and set it back on the desk before looking around. 
The door to the study was cracked open and he could smell something wafting through the air towards him. He looked down at his desk, the purple book lying innocently and looking back at him. Something was different. He noticed a small piece of parchment with Korean written on it.
He picked it up and read the sentence quietly. He didn’t like the words on it and shook his head, tucking the piece of paper away in the back pages of the book before marking his place and shutting the book. He could resume reading it later. He picked up the tome and set it on one of the shelves before getting up and stretching.
He pulled open the door, the smell of dinner getting stronger as he made his way out of the study and down the stairs. “Y/N?” Felix called. “In here!” He followed the sound of your voice and cooking into the kitchen where you looked up and smiled at him. He walked over, planting a kiss on your cheek, his hand coming to rest on the small of your back.
“It smells really good, babe,” he murmured, resting his chin on your shoulder. “It should be ready soon,” you said softly, giggling as he moved to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Mmm, you smell good, too,” he added, pressing a couple soft kisses to the base of your neck. “I’m not for dinner,” you replied. “Hmm, maybe for dessert?” he whispered, sending a chill up your spine.
“Dinner first,” you retorted. “No,” he whined, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Yes,” you said with a laugh. “Dinner first,” you set the spatula down and turned in his hold to face him, bringing your hands up to cup his face. “Then you can help me clean up and get your dessert after,” you added, pressing a kiss to his lips. Felix chased your lips as you pulled back.
“Fine,” he pouted as you turned back to finish dinner, adding the cooked pasta and giving everything a good mix as Felix moved to grab bowls from the cabinet. “There’s garlic bread, too,” you announced as he set the bowls on the counter and then grabbed two plates.
“What is it?” he asked as he moved to stand beside you. “Just a chicken recipe I found on Pinterest,” you replied struggling. “It’s got zucchini, red peppers, a white sauce and then chicken,” you explained as you turned the range off and started to scoop some pasta and chicken up to place in the bowls Felix held.
“Next bowl,” you said as you waited for Felix but he leaned in. “Pay the tax first,” he said, holding back a laugh. You rolled your eyes, kissing him before he moved the other bowl over.
Once the food had been served and you both had glasses of wine, you sat down and started eating. “This is so fucking good,” Felix said, covering his mouth with his hand. “You like it?” you asked, smiling at him. “Yes! I love it,” he replied, taking another bite.
“Good,” you chirped, taking a bite as well. “Neomu masisseo!” you heard your boyfriend say and you smiled.
Felix was placing another forkful of pasta into his mouth when he heard you mutter something under your breath. 
"Neoleul bulleonae gyeolsogsikyeo jugessda." 
He froze in place and slowly turned to face you. You had picked up some noodles and placed them in your mouth, glancing up and smiling at him. He couldn't be sure if he heard you properly.
"What did you say?" he asked softly, making you glance up at him. "Hmm?" you asked quietly. "What did you just say?" Felix asked again. "Neoleul bulleonae gyeolsogsikyeo jugessda," you repeated.
Felix's eyes widened, leaning forward as you continued to recite the evocation he'd seen earlier. "Gajang gip-eun jiog-eseo--"
Felix clamped his hand over your mouth. He shook his head. "Don't," he continued. "Don't finish that."
Your eyes widened comically and you nodded as Felix finally let go and sat back in his chair. “Where did you even learn that?” he asked, watching as a look of confusion crossed your face. “From a paper in your study,” you replied. Felix mentally cursed himself for leaving things out.
He would just have to perform a spell of protection before bed.
“It’s just gibberish, right?” you asked, innocently. Felix forced a smile and nodded. “Yeah,” he said softly. 
“Just gibberish.”
After dinner, Felix helped you clean up, washing the dishes and handing them for you to rinse and set aside to dry. His mind was reeling with thoughts of what you might have summoned. He knew that piece of paper was a summoning spell. ‘From the depths of hell,’ he thought to himself. ‘It couldn’t have taken,’ he continued. ‘She only recited the evocation. She didn’t do the entire ritual.’
Once the kitchen was cleaned, you set your gloves on the edge of the sink to let them dry and turned to Felix, smiling at him. “Well,” you started, drawing his attention as he pulled his own gloves off. “You helped me clean up,” you continued. Felix nodded, looking around. “I always do,” he replied.
You raised an eyebrow at his reply. “Don’t you want your dessert now?” you asked, reaching forward to grab one of his hands. Felix’s eyes widened. Of course, how could he have forgotten?
“How about a movie first?” Felix offered. He wasn’t quite in the mood now but with some coaxing, he knew his mood could change quickly. You rolled your eyes and leaned forward, connecting your lips with his. “Fine,” you murmured against his smile. “A movie first, then dessert.”
You pulled him from the kitchen, leading the way into the living room and over to the couch. Felix sat down, grabbing the remote and turned the tv on as you settled in next to him. He flipped through the options, settling on one and starting the film quickly.
It only took a few minutes of your fingers playing with his hair for him to pull you onto his lap, hands on your hips as you grinded on him, moaning into each other’s mouths. “Fuck,” Felix groaned, hand resting on the back of your neck. “You’re so fucking hot,” he moaned as your hips moved, grinding against his erection.
“I need you, Lix,” you whined, hands resting on his shoulders. “You need me, yeah?” he asked, looking up at you through heavy lids. You nodded quickly, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. “Fuck, I better give you what you need then, hadn’t I?”
You scrambled off his lap, taking his hand and pulling your boyfriend up the stairs, heading for the bedroom where you shut the door after him. Felix was on you as soon as the door shut, hands grabbing your hips and guiding you to the bed before he pushed you back onto the mattress, discarding his shirt and climbing on top of you.
“You’ve been locked away in your study so many nights,” you whispered as Felix kissed a path down the side of your neck. “Have I been neglecting you, baby?” he mumbled against your skin.
You nodded, breathing heavily as you felt his hands move to undo your pants. “I’m sorry, angel,” he continued as he started to pull your pants and underwear down, discarding them on the floor before pushing your thighs apart, settling between them on his stomach.
Your walls clenched around nothing as he eyed your glistening sex hungrily, licking his lips before meeting your gaze, his eyes boring into yours.
“Let me make it up to you.”
Felix awoke with a start, sitting up and gasping as he looked around the dark room. Light pattering against the window told Felix that it was raining. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he pulled himself from the tangle of sheets, glancing back at you sleeping peacefully beside him.
Glancing at the clock, the red numbers read three thirty-three. ‘The Witching Hour,’ Felix thought as he slowly got up from the bed, careful to not disturb you. He walked towards the bedroom door, turning the knob slowly and pulling the door open.
The hall outside was dark, the pattering of rain was louder as Felix cautiously stepped out into the corridor, the wood creaking under his bare feet. He stopped just outside the opened bedroom door and looked around, the small plug-in lights creating a line of lights along the corridor floor.
As he started forward towards the stairs, Felix turned his head towards the study. The door was shut firmly as he had left it earlier. He headed down the stairs, looking over the railing into the living room. Upon reaching the landing, he turned and walked into the living room, glancing around.
His eyes strained, trying to see in the low light. He saw nothing out of the ordinary and let out a sigh, now truly wondering what woke him up. He started for the kitchen with the idea of getting a glass of water when he heard a soft creaking to his left. He turned his head quickly, finding the small door under the stairs ajar.
Felix moved to one of the end tables between the sofa and the loveseat, turning on the lamp and adding some illumination to the room. He continued forward slowly, keeping his eye on the door until he reached it. Taking the knob quietly, he pulled the door open and reached inside, pulling the string for the overhead light.
Inside the tiny storage space, nothing was out of the ordinary. Everything seemed to be in place. Perhaps you had gone into this space earlier and didn’t get the door shut completely. Felix tugged the string, throwing the space into darkness before backing up and closing the door, making sure the latch clicked. 
He turned and headed into the kitchen, moving to grab a clean glass and get some ice water. As he was sipping on the water, he heard what sounded like knocking and looked up before moving around the counter and into the living room again. He strained his ears, listening for any sound over the soft pattering of rain on the roof.
He walked over to the door and peered out one of the windows on the side of the frame. He saw nothing and turned on the porch light, still seeing nothing. Shrugging, Felix turned the light off and headed into the kitchen to set his empty glass in the sink before making his way to the stairs.
Just as he was about to take the first step, a series of slow, heavy, and evenly paced knocks rang out from behind him. He froze and turned around to look at the door, his pulse starting to beat more heavily. He moved slowly, walking back to the window and peering out. Through the glass he could see a dark shadow standing on the porch.
He pulled back and stared at the door. ‘Who could it be this late?’ he wondered. Deciding to take another peek, his eyes widened when he saw the figure was gone. ‘I really shouldn’t open the door,’ he told himself. ‘But as long as I keep the outside door shut and locked it should be fine, right?’
He took a deep breath, taking the door knob in one hand as he turned the deadbolt, unlocking it with a click before he turned the knob and pulled open the heavy wooden door. The outside door was locked still as it was when he locked up the house for the night.
Outside the porch was empty, just like it had been the last time he peered outside through the window.  Felix leaned against the door, looking to the sides of the porch the best he could before he let out the breath he was holding. ‘There’s no one here,’ he told himself. “You’re seeing things,” he whispered, taking a step back and closing the door and engaging the lock.
He shook his head, chuckling to himself before starting up the stairs. As he reached the top landing, his smile fell as his eyes landed on the door to his study. The door that he knew had been closed when he went downstairs not twenty minutes ago was now ajar.
Felix glanced towards the bedroom and then back to his study as his feet slowly and quietly carried him forward. He reached the study and carefully pushed the door open, looking inside. The lamp on his desk was on but other than that, nothing seemed to be out of place.
Felix let out an exasperated sigh and stepped into the room and turned off the lamp, throwing the room into darkness. He glanced out the window, doing a double take when he noticed a dark figure standing in the backyard. He rushed to the window but the figure was gone. ‘What is going on with you?’
Felix shook his head and pulled the sheer curtains shut. As he turned back for the door, his breath caught in his throat. He could see a dark figure standing in the corner. His heart rate increased, a cold chill breaking throughout his body and a shiver running up his spine at the sight.
A dark heavy feeling settled in his stomach as his mouth started to run dry. ‘Just ignore it,’ he told himself. ‘It will go away if you ignore it.’ He focused his eyes on the door and started towards it, pretending as if he hadn’t seen the figure. Just as he reached the door, his body betrayed him and his head turned slightly to look at the dark figure which was now next to the door and next to him.
Felix’s lips parted but before he could call out for you, he felt a hand around his neck as the figure grabbed him, lifting him clean off his feet and slamming him against the wall quickly. Felix clawed at the hand around his throat as the figure leaned in, sniffing him before he heard a deep, almost demonic voice say “it’s not you.”
It let go of his neck and Felix fell to his feet, coughing as he reached up to massage his neck. The dark shadow pinned him against the wall, growling dangerously. “Wh-what do you want?” Felix managed to croak out, his voice hoarse and weak. “What do I want?” the figure asked. “I was summoned here.”
Felix’s eyes widened. The incantation, the one he told you was just gibberish. It had brought this? Was it a demon? Before Felix could voice any of his questions, the figure spoke. “I know what you are, witch,” it said. “But I also know you didn’t summon me, so tell me,” the figure continued.
Before it could ask its own question, a voice called out and Felix’s heart dropped into his stomach. “No,” he whispered as the figure turned its head, letting out a chuckle. “You’re not alone,” the demon said. “It must have been her.”
Before Felix could protest, the demon dropped him, throwing him to the floor. Felix looked up but the dark figure was gone. “No,” he said, scrambling up to his feet and rushing out of the study, his feet thudding against the wooden floor as he made for the bedroom.
Upon entering, he looked around wildly as you sat up and turned on the lamp on your bedside table. “What’s wrong?” you asked as Felix looked around and finally moved over to the bed, making sure to check under it before looking in the closet. “Felix?” you asked softly as he moved to look out the window into the backyard but saw nothing.
“Felix, what’s wrong?” you asked again as he moved to the bed and sat back down. “Nothing,” he answered. “I thought I saw something,” he added before waving his hand and pulling the covers back and draping them over his legs. “Let’s just go back to sleep, love,” he murmured.
You nodded, turning off the lamp and settled back under the covers, Felix wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer. “Goodnight,” you whispered as he placed a couple kisses on your shoulder. “Goodnight, angel,” Felix replied, his voice soft in your ear.
He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep but Felix awoke with a start, blinking rapidly as he looked around. He was no longer in bed. He was instead sitting in the chair in the corner of the bedroom. 
“What the-” he tried to push himself up but found he couldn’t move. ‘Sleep paralysis?’ he wondered before looking down and saw he was bound, quite literally, to the chair. White strips of cotton tying his wrists and ankles to the arms and legs of the chair.
“What the fuck?” he whispered, looking down and trying in vain to free himself.
“Don’t even bother,” a voice said and Felix looked up. The dark figure was standing in the corner, glowing red eyes looking at him and sending a chill up his spine. “You won’t be getting out until I’m done.” Felix stared back at the creature. “Done? Done with what?” Felix asked.
The figure began to move towards the bed. “Don’t,” Felix warned as the shadow stopped near the bed. Felix watched as the figure reached forward and turned on the bedside lamp near you. 
Expecting to see a grotesque demonic presence, Felix was shocked when a young man, seemingly no older than he, came into view. He had shoulder length blond hair that fell in soft waves, half of it pulled up into a ponytail with strands framing his face. He was tall and slim, wearing a fitted black suit.
“Don’t what?” the man asked, his voice smooth and clear. “Don’t touch her?” he continued. Felix struggled against the bonds holding him in place. “She summoned me, did she not?” he asked as one hand moved to take hold of the covers. “I said don’t!” Felix snapped.
The man looked up, his red irises burning into Felix. He moved around to the foot of the bed, bringing him closer to Felix’s position, and took a seat. “Do you really think you’re in a position to be giving orders?” the man asked, tilting his head to the side. Felix said nothing, only staring back at the demon.
“Don’t touch her,” Felix said again. The figure sighed and quick as a flash, the chair Felix was sitting in was pushed back, the demon had him in another chokehold. “I’ll do whatever I want,” he growled, his voice demonic and low again. “She summoned me. Not you.”
Felix stared up into the red irises. “So if I want to fuck her and make you watch, I will.”
Felix struggled to speak, spitting out the words. “Didn’t know--” The demon let go of his throat, watching as Felix coughed. “She didn’t know what she was doing. I’m the witch here. Not her. She doesn’t know what any of this is.” The demon let the chair fall back onto all four legs as he stepped back, tucking his hands into his pockets. “What’s your name, witch?” he asked.
Felix looked up at him, the position he was in made him feel inferior. Like he was beneath this creature. “Felix,” he finally spat out, the contempt and fury he held for the creature finally surfacing. “Felix,” the creature parroted. “Nice to meet you Felix, I’m Hyunjin.”
Felix narrowed his eyes. “I don’t care what your name is,” he started. “My girlfriend isn’t a witch. She doesn’t understand what she was doing so you need to leave her alone,” he hissed. The demon, Hyunjin, smiled again. “Do you know what she said in that spell?” he asked, cocking his head.
Felix nodded, not needing to think about it.
“In English, if you would please, Felix,” Hyunjin interrupted, the smirk on his face never faltering.
Felix glared at the demon, mustering as much hatred as he could.
“I summon you from the depths of hell and likewise bind you to me,” Felix answered finally.
“Exactly,” Hyunjin replied. “But she didn’t know!” Felix countered as the demon moved from the foot of the bed. “She was just reading it! She thought it was gibberish!”
Hyunjin turned to look at Felix, now standing beside your sleeping form. “Gibberish? How could she possibly think it was gibberish?” he asked. “Because she doesn’t understand Korean. She can speak the words and read them but she doesn’t know what they mean unless I tell her,” Felix explained as Hyunjin walked back over. 
“Are you being facetious?” the demon asked. Felix shook his head vigorously.
“I’m not.”
Hyunjin let out a sigh and stood up straight. “Regardless,” he started. “I was summoned. I have to complete the ritual.” Felix struggled against his restraints as the demon moved to your side of the bed. “Stop it please! Stop!” Felix pleaded. Hyunjin held up his hand.
“Shhh,” he whispered. “You’ll wake her.” ‘That’s it! Wake her up!’ 
Felix opened his mouth to call out to you. To wake you up but Hyunjin was on him in seconds, taking Felix’s chin in his hand. “Do it and I’ll gut you then I’ll snap her neck” he warned his voice deep and demonic. Felix’s eyes widened and he nodded silently.
Hyunjin let go of Felix and returned to the bed, sitting beside your sleeping form once again. “Y/N,” he said softly. Felix watched in horror as the demon gently brushed his fingers along your arm. “Y/N, sweetheart,” he continued and it dawned on Felix that Hyunjin was speaking in his voice. Felix’s own voice was coming out of the demon.
You murmured in your sleep, rolling onto your back, one hand resting on your stomach and the other falling onto Felix’s empty space. “Y/N,” Hyunjin repeated in Felix’s stolen voice. “Baby.” Felix felt his blood boil as Hyunjin’s hand cupped your cheek. “Get your hands off of her!” Felix snapped.
Hyunjin looked up, red irises glowing as he glared at Felix. “I warned you once,” he said darkly. “Don’t make me do it again.” Felix felt a cold shiver run up his spine. Something in the demon’s voice made him freeze up. “I won’t hesitate to snap her neck,” he threatened.
“So stop talking.”
Felix nodded, looking from the demon’s eyes to your sleeping form.
You tried to open your eyes but your lids were too heavy. You weren’t sure what woke you until you felt a hand on your cheek. “Y/N?” you heard Felix’s voice. “Y/N, sweetheart,” he said again. You murmured, uncertain of the words leaving your lips. You heard a chuckle. “Shh,” you heard Felix say again.
“Felix,” you finally whined as you felt the sheets being pulled back. “I’m right here,” you heard him whisper, feeling his hand moving up your thigh to your hip, pushing your sleep shirt up past your hip. “Mmh, Felix,” you mumbled as his hand moved back down, dipping between your thighs.
“Oh shit,” you gasped, back arching as your fingers dug into the sheets. “Shh,” your boyfriend whispered again. “Let me take care of you.”
You felt his fingers push your panties aside, teasing your entrance, parting your lips and finding your clit. You let out a moan as he drew slow circles on your clit. “That’s it,” you heard him coo. “Part your legs for me.” You did as he asked, spreading your thighs. “Good girl,” you heard him purr. “So good for me. So obedient.”
Your lips parted in a moan as you felt his fingers sink into your heat. “Oh fuck,” he groaned, slowly pumping his fingers in an out of your cunt. “I can’t wait to be inside you,” you heard him whisper in your ear, his breath hot and heavy against your skin. “You want that?” he asked, chuckling softly as your walls clenched around his fingers. “Yes,” you breathed, tongue darting out to lick your lips.
You felt his lips connect with yours, moaning into his mouth as you felt his fingers curl upwards. “F-Felix,” you moaned, one of your hands moving to grab his wrist as he sped up his movements, thumb rubbing against your clit in time with the thrust and curl of his fingers inside you. “I’m gonna--” you gasped, thighs twitching as your orgasm approached.
“I know,” he replied. “So do it,” you heard your boyfriend groan. “Cum for me, baby girl. Come on my fingers.” 
Your back arched, a high pitched moan leaving your lips as you came around your boyfriend’s fingers. You felt his fingers slow to a halt before he carefully removed them, leaving your walls clenching around nothing. “Good girl,” you heard his voice.
You felt the bed shift as he moved. “Lix?” you called out, eyes fluttering to open. You felt his breath hot against your core. “I’m right here, baby,” he replied, hands resting on your hips. “Keep those pretty thighs open for me.”
You relaxed, head falling back against the pillows as your eyes struggled to stay open. You let out a whimper as you felt his tongue against your clit, slow deliberate licks until his lips connected with your clit, softly suckling, teasing occasionally with his tongue. 
Your body shuddered, sensitive after your first intense orgasm. The slight burn only added to the pleasure as your boyfriend continued to toy with your clit, bringing you to the brink only to pull back at the last second, leaving you teetering on the edge.
“Felix, please,” you whined. “Please let me cum.” 
You felt him chuckle against you. “Only because you asked so nicely, baby,” he murmured. Your hand moved, fingers threading through his hair as his tongue moved against your clit, each flick bringing you closer and closer until you finally came with a mewl, thighs threatening to close on your boyfriend’s head, but he managed to keep them open, allowing you to ride out your high until your body shuddered from sensitivity.
“Lixie, please,” you whined. You felt him press light kisses along the inside of your thighs, giggling when he playfully nipped at your skin. “That tickles,” you breathed. You felt the bed shift, Felix kissing up your hip, playfully sinking his teeth into your skin before continuing kissing up your body and the side of your neck. “God you’re so pretty,” you heard him whisper in your ear.
“Felix,” you giggled as his hands skimmed over your body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You felt him smile against the skin of your cheek, breath fanning over your ear. “Crazy thing actually,” he said softly. 
“I’m not Felix.”
Your eyes snapped open. The first thing to greet you was the red lighting of the room. It was your room but it also wasn’t. You gasped as the man on top of you lifted his head and you finally got a look at his face. He was handsome, extremely so with plush peach lips and shoulder length blond hair. His red irises burned into your eyes and you found it hard to look away.
“Hello there,” he said, his voice no longer masked by your boyfriend’s voice. “What the f--” you started but he pressed a finger to your lips, effectively silencing you. “Shh,” he said softly. He pulled his hand back, replacing it with his lips. You pulled back. “What’s going on?” you asked.
“Who are you?”
He smiled, tilting his head as he studied your face, before cupping your cheek. “I’m Hyunjin,” he answered, thumb stroking your cheek. “Where am I?” you asked, trying to sit up but his weight prevented you from moving. “You’re in your bed,” he replied. 
He turned his head to the side and you followed his line of sight where you saw a floor to ceiling mirror taking up most of the wall beside your closet. That definitely wasn’t in your room.
Your eyes widened as you looked at the mirror. The mirror clearly wasn’t reflecting what was happening around you. Instead, it was almost like a window to your room where you saw yourself sleeping peacefully in your bed, Felix beside you.
You turned your head back to look up at Hyunjin. “Is this a dream?” you asked and Hyunjin nodded slowly. “It is,” he confirmed before leaning down, pressing another kiss to your lips. “Doesn’t that make me a bad person? Dreaming about another man?” you asked, feeling your breath catch in your throat.
Hyunjin’s free hand had slipped between your bodies and was slowly dragging up and down your slit. “No,” he answered, shaking his head. “I’m merely a figment of your imagination, Y/N,” he explained. “When you wake up, you won’t even remember this.”
Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt Hyunjin’s fingers push into your cunt again, lips parting as you moaned. “Oh f-fuuuck,” you moaned, back arching. Hyunjin chuckled, dipping his head down to kiss down the side of your neck. “That’s it, pretty girl,” Hyunjin whispered in your ear.
“Don’t worry about anything else. Just listen to the sound of my voice.”
Felix glared at the demon hovering over you, his head was ducked, lips near your ear as he whispered. You were stirring in your sleep, whimpers and moans leaving your lips despite his hand not even leaving your cheek. “What are you doing to her?” Felix asked softly, knowing full well the demon could hear him.
Hyunjin pulled back and turned his head to look at him, his red irises glowing still.
“I can’t just physically take her,” Hyunjin explained. “I have to infiltrate her dreams first,” he added.
“Come on, Lix,” Hyunjin said with a smirk and Felix narrowed his eyes. “You’re a witch but you know all of this. This is amateur stuff.” Felix gritted his teeth as Hyunjin turned his attention back to you as you whispered a word. Felix felt his stomach drop.
You had whispered a name. Hyunjin’s name.
Felix felt a pang. A stab of betrayal but he couldn’t focus on that. He knew you were in some kind of trance. It wasn’t your fault.
“Perfect,” the demon said softly and moved his hand to grab the covers, pulling them back. “Don’t touch her, please,” Felix pleaded. Hyunjin ignored him, pulling the covers down to the foot of the bed. “Don’t touch her!” Felix hissed as Hyunjin slowly ran his hand up your leg.
“What are you gonna do?” Hyunjin asked, turning to look at Felix, a smirk on his lips. 
Felix struggled against his bonds as Hyunjin moved slowly, unbuttoning his top and shrugging it off. His skin seemed to have an aura to it and he glowed. Hyunjin’s hand moved to remove your shorts, pulling your underwear with them. “Please,” Felix begged, feeling his eyes burn as tears started to form.
Hyunjin scoffed as he discarded your clothes, pushing the hem of your shirt up to expose your chest adorned in soft pink lace that left little to the imagination. “She wear this specifically for you?” Hyunjin asked, turning to lock eyes with Felix who tried to free his hands.
His eyes widened as the sound of fabric tearing met his ears. Hyunjin had ripped the bralette down the center, exposing your breast. “Stop, please!” Felix sobbed, pulling violently at his bonds, his eyes squeezing shut as he struggled. He heard Hyunjin click his tongue. 
“Now, now,” the demon said mockingly. “You’re going to miss it if you aren’t watching.”
Felix opened his eyes to glare at the demon, his lashes wet with tears that had finally spilled, staining his red cheeks.
Hyunjin’s smirk widened. “Great. Now that I have your attention,” he said as he undid his belt and pulled it free, letting it fall to the floor with a clatter, hands moving to undo the button and zipper of his pants.
“Enjoy the show.”
“This feels so wrong,” you whispered as Hyunjin kissed down the valley of your chest. “Oh,” he said softly against your skin. “But it’s not real,” he reminded you. You let out a sigh, moaning as he sank his teeth into your skin. “Then why does it feel so real?” you gasped as he kissed his way back to your lips.
“Are you telling me you’ve never had dreams that felt real before?” he mused, not giving you a chance to answer as he took your lips in a messy, wet kiss, tongue moving against yours languidly. “No, I have,” you replied when he pulled away. “But they’ve never felt like this.”
Hyunjin chuckled, pushing his long tresses from his face as he knelt between your thighs. You hadn’t had the chance to notice until now that he was entirely nude. Your eyes traveled down his chest, taking note of his slim but toned body already glistening with a layer of sweat.
Before your eyes could continue past his navel, he clicked his tongue, almost in disapproval and you glanced back up to meet his gaze. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you that it’s rude to stare?” he asked teasingly. 
You felt your cheeks burn under his heated gaze as he chuckled, his hand moving to push your knees further apart, spreading you more for him. You glanced quickly down, your own body obscuring your view of his cock as he guided the tip to your entrance.
“And you promise this isn’t real?” you asked softly, causing him to look up from where your bodies were about to connect. He gave you a breathtaking smile and nodded. “I promise,” he replied softly.
“None of this is real,” he added before slowly pushing into you. You let out a gasp as his length glided easily into you, stretching you open yet you felt no pain. No sting that usually accompanied the stretch.
It was entirely unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time. It was different from how Felix felt. Hyunjin was bigger, not just in stature. “Relax,” Hyunjin whispered, moving one of his hands to your thigh, rubbing soothingly. “That’s it” he continued as he glided further.
“Relax and let me in.”
“So f-full,” you murmured as you felt Hyunjin bottom out. He chuckled, his hand moving from your hip up to gently grope your chest. Your walls fluttered around his cock, gripping him tightly. “Such a responsive slut,” he chuckled and you moaned loudly. 
Hyunjin gave you a couple slow thrusts, allowing you to feel every curve and ridge of his cock before he set a steady pace, pumping in and out of you at a torturously slow speed.
“Faster,” you gasped as you felt his thumb brush over your nipple. “Faster?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Please,” you pleaded. “Want more. Need more.”
Hyunjin chuckled, his hand moving back down to your waist. “If that’s what you want,” he replied, picking up the pace, his hips hitting yours with each thrust.
Your back arched off the mattress, moaning wantonly. It wasn’t like you shared any walls with any neighbors and regardless, this was a dream anyway.
Felix watched Hyunjin parted your thighs. From his position, he couldn’t see much but the demon had you completely naked and spread out before him.
“Please,” Felix sobbed softly as he turned his gaze away. He could hear your soft moans and the thought of watching another man have you the way he had you, the thought of another man making love to you, had his stomach churning.
“You’re going to want to watch this,” Hyunjin called but Felix shook his head, refusing to look.
“Watch this or I’ll snap her neck,” the demon snapped, his deep gravelly voice enough to force Felix to look back. He could tell Hyunjin had bottomed out, cock shoved inside you. “Just stop please!” Felix cried.
“Why won’t you just leave us alone?”
The demon chuckled but punctuated it with a groan as he pulled back, hips snapping forward and driving his cock back into your walls. You let out a moan, eyes still shut as Hyunjin set a steady pace.
“She gave me permission, you know,” he heard the demon say and Felix glared at Hyunjin. 
“She’s asleep. How can she consent to this?” he growled, anger flooding his senses. Hyunjin chuckled, his hands moving to your hips and holding you in place as he continued you fucked you against the mattress.
“You like that, Y/N?” he asked, addressing you directly.
You moaned in response. “Words, sweetheart,” Hyunjin said, his voice steady and calm despite the way his hips moved. “Y-yes,” you choked out. Felix’s heart skipped a beat. ‘It’s not real. He has her under some sort of spell. She doesn’t know what’s going on!’ he told himself.
“She’s really enjoying herself,” Hyunjin said, addressing Felix now.
“Such a good little slut,” Hyunjin scoffed, giving you a harsh thrust, making you cry out. “Don’t hurt her!” Felix sobbed. “Please. Just… don’t hurt her,” he repeated. The demon chuckled lowly but said nothing else, slowing his thrusts to a roll. Your moans came from the back of your throat, deep and almost guttural.
“Hyun-Hyunjin!” you gasped. Hearing you say another man’s name had Felix crying harder. He felt entirely powerless. He could do nothing but sit there and wait for the demon to finish having its way with you and leave. He could do nothing but watch.
He hated the demon. He hated Hyunjin. And most of all, he hated himself for bringing that book into the house. Had he known, he never would have brought it in. He would have left it in Hongjoong’s shop for eternity. When everything was said in done, he would have to return the book to the shop in the morning.
“Oh fuck,” he heard Hyunjin growl. “She’s so fucking tight,” he continued. “Are you even fucking her properly?” Hyunjin scoffed, his voice strained. Felix felt anger and jealousy bubble up in his chest.
How dare he imply Felix didn’t satisfy you. The two of you had always been honest and communicated about your sexual needs with one another and never once had you expressed anything other than satisfaction. You often praised his performance. 
You let out a small moan, almost a whimper of pleasure and it made Felix’s heart sink in his chest. He hung his head, silent tears falling from his eyes onto the material of his gray sweats. ‘Please let this end.’
“Fuck you feel so good,” Hyunjin murmured, slowing his hips and pulling from you. Letting out a whine, you reached for him, protesting as you felt him leaving your walls empty and aching for his cock to return. “Come here,” he said softly, grabbing your arm and gently but firmly pulling you up and flipping you over onto your stomach, facing the mirror.
He was behind you, pushing your knees apart with his own and guiding the head of his cock back to your waiting hole. You moaned as he slipped back in easily, his hips meeting your ass as he buried himself balls deep inside you. “Hyunjin,” you gasped.
He leaned over your back, keeping himself propped up as he wrapped his arm around your chest and resumed thrusting into you, the new angle allowing his cock to hit deeper and making you cry out. “Oh sweetheart,” he panted in your ear. “I’m gonna have you screaming by the end of the night,” he murmured before throwing all caution out the window. 
Your fingers dug into the sheets under you as he pounded into you, the sound of skin on skin filling the room but not covering the sounds of your whimpers and moans.
Your mind went blank, almost numb as all thoughts left your mind and the only thing you could focus on was the mounting pleasure in the pit of your stomach and the flexing of Hyunjin’s muscles around you as he tightened his hold on you, hips slamming against your ass. Your moans and cries growing in pitch. 
“That’s it,” Hyunjin grunted in your ear, his voice dropping an octave. “Scream for me. Say my name.”
“H-Hyunjin,” you sobbed, your body writhing under him from the intensity of the pleasure coursing through your veins. “Louder,” he ordered. “Scream it.” You cried out his name as he rammed all of his length into you at once, driving the head of his cock as far as he could and you swore you felt it in your stomach. ‘Is it bigger than it was a minute ago?’ You were sure he wasn’t that big before.
“What’s the matter, baby? Cat got your tongue?”
You moaned, head lolling as he thrust into you harder. “Am I fucking you that good? Has your mind gone completely blank?” You moaned in response, eyes fluttering shut as your walls spasmed around his cock, gripping him tightly.
“Fuck, keep squeezing my cock like that and I’ll cum,” Hyunjin growled in your ear. “You want that, don’t you? Want me to fill this pretty cunt with my cum.” Your walls clenched around his cock again and his hand moved up, taking your jaw in his hand. 
“Open your eyes, slut,” he growled. Your eyes fluttered open. The reflection in the mirror had changed. You were looking at yourself. Facing yourself with Hyunjin behind you, his red irises glowing in the dark and burning into yours.
His appearance in the mirror had changed slightly. Half of his blond hair was pulled up into a ponytail and two black horns were protruding from his forehead, curving back over his head and the tips curling inward on themselves. Your eyes widened. What the fuck were you seeing? Was this still a dream or was this real? The line between dream and reality had blurred and you couldn’t tell anymore.
“What are--” Hyunjin tightened his grip, holding your jaw in place. His sharp, pointed nails digging slightly into your skin. “Stop talking,” he growled. “Just lay there and take it like the whore you are.” Your walls clenched around his cock at the degrading name he hurled at you.
“Look at you,” he chuckled lowly. “So desperate to get fucked you’d let any man have you, isn’t that right?” he asked. ‘No,’ you thought. ‘That isn’t true.’ The truth was that you only wanted Felix. You only wanted your boyfriend. Even with this stranger fucking you in your dreams, you wanted Felix.
“No,” you answered, trying to shake your head but the demon’s grip was too strong. “I wasn’t asking you, slut,” he scoffed. You met his burning gaze in the mirror. ‘Not asking me?’ you wondered. ‘Who could he possibly be talking to?’ It was then you noticed something else just on the edge of the reflection.
A body sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. Your eyes widened. ‘Felix?’ It was indeed your boyfriend. His head hung in shame, wrists bound to the arms of the chair and his ankles likewise bound to the legs of the chair. “F-Fe-lix?” you stammered. At the sound of your voice, your boyfriend raised his head, eyes meeting yours in the mirror.
“No,” Hyunjin growled. With one final thrust, your eyes rolled back as your orgasm hit you. You felt Hyunjin tense on top of you, his own orgasm washing over him as he released inside you. You could feel the warm gush of cum enter your cunt and the stalling of Hyunjin’s hips as he buried his cock inside you before everything went black.
Felix woke with a start, sitting up and crying out.
It was morning. He looked around quickly, eyes scanning the room but he saw no sign of the demon Hyunjin nor did he see any sign of you. He glanced down and noticed he was naked. He looked around for his clothes. 
‘What the fuck happened last night?’ he wondered as he turned, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and leaning forward, resting his elbows on his thighs as he covered his face with his hands. He pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes, not enough to hurt but enough that the blackness of his vision was littered with stars.
He finally pulled his hands from his face and sat up straight, inhaling deeply before letting it out. His clothes were on the floor beside the bed and he snatched them quickly, pulling on his sweats and then the shirt. He made his way over to the door, turning the knob and opening the door.
He was greeted by the sound of sizzling and the smell of bacon. He allowed his feet to carry him into the hall and to the top of the stairs where he heard soft voices and your light laughter. He hurried down the steps and turned around the railing to enter the living room.
In the kitchen, you stood at the range, cooking breakfast. You looked up, smiling as you met his gaze.
“Well good morning, sunshine,” you said as he stood in the doorway. “We have a visitor,” you continued, nodding towards a figure sitting at the table, hidden from Felix’s view with a newspaper. Felix murmured an apology as he walked into the kitchen, scratching the back of his head as he moved around the counter and over to where you stood, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Morning,” he murmured and moved to pour himself a cup of coffee, preparing it the way he liked before he sat at the table across from the figure. You moved to set a plate of food in front of Felix, a spatula in one hand and donning your pink apron. 
“You didn’t tell me your cousin was coming to visit,” you said, lighting patting his shoulder as Felix picked up his fork. His eyes widened as you turned away and headed back into the kitchen. Felix turned his gaze from your figure to the newspaper before him. ‘I don’t have a cousin.’
You prepared another plate and walked over to set it in front of the guest. “Oh,” he said with a chuckle. “Thank you,” he added in an all too familiar voice.
A voice Felix thought had been part of the horrible nightmare he’d experienced.
He watched in horror as the newspaper lowered and the familiar face of Hyunjin appeared with a smile. “It’s just like Felix to forget to mention me,” he said as you moved back to load the last plate and take a seat between Felix and the demon now sitting at his dinner table, enjoying a breakfast cooked by you, his loving girlfriend.
How did you not recognize Hyunjin after last night? Did you forget everything? If the oblivious smile on your lips was anything to go by, Felix could assume you’d forgotten the events of last night.
“We had a rough night last night,” you said, turning your gaze on your boyfriend and smiling at him sweetly. “I hope he wasn’t too rough on you,” Hyunjin joked and Felix watched the way you inhaled a sip of your water and started coughing. 
Before he could react, Felix watched with a mix of anger and jealousy as Hyunjin leaned forward and patted your back firmly, a look of concern crossing his features. “Are you alright, Y/N?” he asked. “I’m sorry,” he continued. “That was inappropriate of me.” You shook your head, taking another sip of water. “No, it’s okay,” you said, waving your hand.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Felix’s knuckles turned white, his grip on his fork handle tight as he tried to decide whether he should eat or stab Hyunjin in the neck. “I’m also sorry for dropping in like this,” Hyunjin explained. “Unannounced. It’s just that I’m passing through and haven't seen my dear cousin in so long.” Felix narrowed his eyes at the demon, wanting to smack that smug grin off his face.
You smiled kindly at Hyunjin. “Well you’re more than welcome to stay with us for a few days,” you offered and Felix felt his heart sink, his stomach dropping simultaneously as he looked from you to Hyunjin who was already looking at Felix. “That’s so kind of you,” Hyunjin replied, staring directly at Felix, his red irises burning into the latter’s eyes, holding his gaze.
“I think I’m really going to enjoy your hospitality.”
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ⓘ Graphics made by me. Content and support banners made using a template by cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All writing and graphics are ©️ kwanisms.
726 notes · View notes
year2000electronics · 13 days
Your fiddleford monster au design makes me have so many questions in a good way. Gnawing on the bars on my enclosure kind of way. Does the curse seemingly not affect him in his one year stay helping Ford, and so he does that all himself? Does The Curse, as vague as it is, count that; and drive people to modify themselves and draw away from humanity? Like its not just this magical effect that happens but an active thing in the back of your mind to turn away from what you were born as and embrace something else? Ogh. I'm suddenly a lot more invested in this au
VERY INTERESTING QUESTIONS TO BE CERTAIN so fiddleford is a bit of a unique case where his "monster" theming is tied directly to his decline yes!
full answer under the cut it got long
in my mind, monster falls' curse is tied directly to gravity falls' natural law of weirdness magnetism/"the barrier" keeping bill in. once youve stayed there long enough for the curse to even BEGIN, it becomes harder to leave the town. you just feel drawn to it, and a dull ache in your soul if you leave. so obviously, when ford gets turned into a mothman, he does fully accept that because hes always felt more cryptid than man. but when the time comes for him to ask fiddleford for help, he lays out that "hey, youd be doing me a BIG favour if you came to help with the portal, but this town curses you if you stay for too long so itll only be a few weeks, i promise"
fidds agrees, because hey, whats a few weeks with an old friend? besides, he'll have his wife and son as an anchor to go back to. but the more he thinks about it, the more he likes staying with ford, the more he's reminded of those old times, and the more the curse starts influencing those kinds of thoughts to get louder and louder (but its not ALL the curse you know. still some autonomy in the situation) and so he keeps postponing his return date, almost "tempting fate" about the curse, because he doesn't really feel any different! his friend sprouted wings and antennae! he'd know by now, so he won't check! and ford shrugs and is like "well, alright, it's your choice, we can surely get a little closer to the point of no return"
and yknow, fiddleford denying that the curse could possibly be affecting him is almost like him in canon struggling to reconcile with his two "lives"- his home life and his life with ford. he wants to have his cake and eat it too, because he's just too timid to ever say no.
anyways, one day he wakes up and realizing he's heard the sound of technology near him for a while, and looks around, and realizes it's following him from room to room-
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the beeping IS him. it's definitely been a year, he's already been cursed. it's just that he's a robot that looks near-human, just near-human enough that he could turn a blind eye to it and pretend like it never happened and that everything was fine. which i think kinda suits how ford loves the supernatural to a very personal degree, meanwhile fidds got roped into the town by pure happenstance
but. yknow, being a robot that looks human means youre still a robot. and it's a lot harder to erase things from a robot's "brain" without causing some major problems. haven't you ever been programming something or filling out an html code, and then you accidentally delete one thing you thought was inconsequential and all of a sudden youre staring at just a wall of code that's busted because whatever you removed, you DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT HAVE removed?
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parts of fiddleford just go kaput and start breaking because he's purposely taking out large chunks of code from his own brain that end up being collateral from the memory gun. because, yknow, the memory gun is imprecise! it was designed for human brains! cos thats what fidds was for years! so it's like if you tried to repair a computer by ripping out the motherboard with pliers
thats my take on it anyways. Ya
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77 notes · View notes
surelysilly · 16 days
i love your King Of Hell Danny (superphantom) au and i would greatly (very much) appreciate it if you could talk more about it (King Of Hell Danny) i love his (danny) smug cat energy (smug) in all of your drawing for it (hell is under New Management)
i hope you're ready for this some rambling but ask and you shall receive!!! yes i waited to post this for superphantom week i gotta shill for my own event, y'know :9
So. You want to know more about King of Hell Danny, is it?
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5
Well. Well. He's certainly Danny. Or more specifically I've decided as of recent, Dark Danny. I'm waffling on whether he's Dan Dark Danny or just... Phantom sans Plasimus. The latter feels less likely as i try to flesh him out, but you never know with these guys... he does prefer to look like his 14 yr old self though.
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But whatever version he is of himself... it's post-TUE, and he hates himself more than anyone is allowed to know.
Not sure exactly how he ended up in the SPNverse (portal probably!), but he'd definitely prefer going back to his own world/dimension in a heavily buried sense of self-flagellation and unreliable narrator-ness.
Everyone is waiting for him there, not here, wherever he is exactly. This implies anyone is left alive, but he never said that. People (Crowley, etc.) just assume so.
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and he's the worst lil jerk you could ever meet, at a first, second, and third, glance, anyway.
Smug cat, indeed. He does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, and taking over Hell felt right. (isn't that where he'd go? he thinks, after learning Hell is actually real.)
he's overpowered for sure, but it also comes from a misconception for what he is. Not a demon, not human, a secret Third Thing: weird ghost.
i like to think most regular ghost counter measures work on him, but no one thinks to try them because that ain't no ghost??? He plays the part really well though, pretending to be a demon (and gets mislabelled a crossroads demon for his red eyes) -- it doesn't bother him to kill people, but he doesn't go out of his way to do it anymore.
KOH!Danny having it out for the Winchesters is a very thoughtless and fun thing, and it would piss him off when they try to summon Crowley, but in all actuality, he'd probably end up begrudgingly working with them or something.
And ultimately betray them.
I also think his goal would be to fuse with Lucifer when he's freed from the Cage. That should give him enough power to bust a hole back to his OG dimension, right?
maybe. Who knows.
You can certainly find him at DIY skateparks across the globe. He's an asshole to anyone and everyone, but god have mercy on anyone looking to cause trouble while he's trying to have a good time (he feels guilty about it, though, having fun -- it's a circle of shame/guilt/fuck it we ball mentality, here for a good time not a long time).
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he can 'see' Castiel's wings and if in his presense, will pluck at them because he's annoying like that.
Crowley became his lap dog though, regardless of intial beheadings because... Hell generates a lot of paperwork the way Crowley was running it, and KOH!Danny don't got the time for all of that.
eventually I'm sure someone will figure him out, ghost weaknesses and all, but it's not 1:1 SPNverse ghost: no bones to burn, no records of him being alive ever, etc., but he's definitely solid enough.
i could see a later quest like what the Winchesters did to find Crowley's remains, but they'd spiral down a hole of "where hell did this creature even come from???" and the Men of Letters/Angels/anyone wouldn't know jack about what he even is exactly.
i'm so rusty on SPN though... but those are my cobbled together ideas. I'd place him mid-ish seasons Supernatural (because ive only really seen s4 thru s8...) but i think the 'hijinks' of later seasons could be fun with the seriousness of early, early seasons sprinked in!
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wayoftheghost · 2 months
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[#FFF262 Run Far and Fast ]
fremen!benegesserit! reader x paul atreides
honestly, never thought i'd see the day where i'd write x reader again, but here we are <3 this wonderful prompt got the juices flowing and isn't that what these exercises are for! i'm a bit late for this week but thank you for reading!
Word count: 833
Tags: @flashfictionfridayofficial @dunefandomhub
“You need to be quicker. Don’t drag your feet.” 
Paul nods. “Right, okay.”
Your gaze flits in his direction. You stand above him on the curve of the desert dunes with Paul further down in the basin below, inspecting his technique as he prepares for Shai-Hulud. 
Paul moves like the shadow that walks beneath your feet as the sun cuts your shape across the dunes. Lean, dark, and mirroring your every movement. Like you, it was clear that the boy has had a lifetime of rigorous training. The speed at which he picks up your instruction is uncanny, almost supernatural.
Even Paul’s looks make you uneasy. His sharp and striking features, his hazel-green eyes, everything of him that you knew to be the product of careful genetic selection. 
Heat ripples all around you, billowing your cream-colored aba robes and veil like sand in the wind. The beating sun is unforgiving this time of day, and so are you. 
“Be quicker, princling,” you speak through your face-covering. “You want to be worm-food? Because that’s what you’ll be if you’re not moving fast enough.”
The nickname bristles his annoyance, the slightest pull in his shoulder blades that is quick to your trained Bene Gesserit eye, but one that Paul easily masks as his shoulders relax and the emotion passes through him. With the weight of his silence, of his full attention, you consider, just for a moment, telling him what you truly think of this prophecy.
Other offworlders had come to Arrakis before, claiming divinity and prophetic visions. But they were soon martyred by the desert or killed by their own ignorance.
Why should this boy be any different?
That is why you have been pushing Paul so hard in his initiation training, an order that had come directly from Arrakis’s new Reverend Mother; the weirding woman and Paul’s birth mother. In that cave-chamber, you had watched Lady Jessica drink The Water of Life and ascend into the motherhood that had once belonged to your dying grandmother for generations. 
You had given no water to your grandmother, the Fremen ritual of suppressing tears as ancient as the desert itself, yet it hadn’t stopped the cold and quiet anger from simmering in your belly. At Stilgar’s easy trust to welcome in the offworlder woman and her witching son that your Fremen peers already called Mahdi. To allow Lady Jessica the rite of passage.
Lady Jessica’s power frightened you. A pale phantom of a woman with piercing blue eyes, she had recognized your importance as the last Reverend Mother’s gifted granddaughter and calculated how you could benefit their cause. More specifically, how to benefit Paul. 
And as a fellow sister of the Bene Gesserit and perhaps most unsettling of all, you had perceived Lady Jessica’s use of the Voice on you, like worm-poison in your mind. As she had brushed past you in the hallways of the sietch, the dusty air tasting like the breath you held in your chest, you felt the cold blue of her eyes. A single command hummed through your bones.
“Teach him.”
Gifted as you were, you had tried to reject her influence, to fight her Voice’s power, but you were not strong enough against the woman from Caladan. And like an out-of-body experience, not in control of your own being, you had watched yourself glide towards Paul’s chambers with the words of forced friendship already forming on your tongue. 
The path had been set. 
You would show Paul the ways of the desert, yes. But you would not do so with kindness. 
Now, outfitted with his fremkit and stillsuit, you guide Paul down the path that has been prophesied by the Bene Gesserit order and your Fremen people alike. Your two circles of life intersecting in an eclipse, swallowing each other like a snake with its own tail. 
Maybe this is why Lady Jessica had chosen you. 
“Move faster, or this lesson is over,” you growl to Paul. “I don’t know what gravity is like on Caladan, but you run like you have maker hooks stuck up your ass.”
His form was in fact impeccable, but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of proceeding with no corrections. 
Paul’s laughter echoes through the desert basin. You hadn’t expected him to find humor in your insult. He turns up to face you, his black curls flowing in a messy halo. Paul swings the maker hook in his right hand in a perfect circle.
“I’m ready. I’m not afraid.” Paul tells you. 
You regard him with a defiant tilt of your chin, then reach into the silks of your robes. You pull out the thumper that the Fedaykin girl, Chani, had lent to you for this exercise. In one fluid motion, you have clicked the thumper open and impaled it into the sand. The steady rhythm of the mechanism beats through your chest, echoing across the endless dunes. The very heartbeat of the desert. 
The sand at your feet quivers. 
“Then run like it.”
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Soft touches- Colby Brock
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summary: you and colby had just started dating and he realizes how much he loves receiving affection from you.
a/n: guys i am literally begging you please give me suggestions or requests literally anything. Twd, snc, criminal minds, supernatural, i recently got really into Johnnie guilbert so I'll write about him too, literally please i am begging you guys i have 79 drafts and no idea what to post 💀
You were in your room editing a video while on live. You were answering questions and laughing as you were telling stories to your fans. There was a small knock on your door.
"Come in." You say. You turn your head to see your boyfriend walking in. "Hi baby." You say, a smile immediately crossing your face at just the sight of him. "Hey, whatcha doin?" He presses a quick kiss to your head before looking at your screen. "Editing a video on live." You say.
You glance at the chat and its full of compliments and comments on the two of you. "Thank you for th compliments guys!" You say with a smile.
"Babe look at my new hoodie!" He steps back and shows it off. "I like that one it looks good on you." You say. "Everything look good on me." He says in the same voice he would use fir Colleen, causing a laugh out of you.
"You're right everything does look good on you." You say. "How much longer are you gonna be on live?" Colby asks. "Uhm maybe about twenty minutes? Why?" You ask. "Jake wants to have a movie night and is insisting on everyone being there." Colby says with a playful eye roll.
"Okay, I'll be done in a bit and I'll come down." You say. "Okay." He goes to walk away but you call him back. "C'mere." You pull him down by the chain he was wearing and you give him a kiss. "Be down soon." You say before focusing your attention back to the screen.
He walks off and you glance at the comments.
"did you see how he looked at her?"
"Literally the cutest couple out there."
"I would have died if someone kissed me like that."
"Colby move its my turn."
You smile reading them answering more questions that pop up abd such. Finally you ended your live about twenty minutes later and there was another knock. "Yeah?" You say as you get up from your chair. And walk to grab your phone from the charger by your bed.
"Brotha come in it is time for movies!" You hear Jake say. "I'm on my way, I just ended live." You say. You turn back around and Jake is standing right in front of you. "Bruva. We must go now." You laugh at the British accent he's talking with as he grabs your arm and pulls you all the way downstairs.
You sit next to Colby, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and snuggling up to him while Jake picks out the first movie. Colby pauses for a second before wrapping his arm around you. "You ok?" You ask while looking up at him. "Yeah, sorry." He smiles.
"Aww look at the cute couplee. You disgust me." Corey says. You laugh at the face he makes. "Would you like to join us brother?" Colby says. "Really?"He says in a funny voice. You and Colby both open up the arm you have free. Corey comes over and plops on the two of you.
"Oh my god Corey." You say laughing, trying to keep him from falling off the couch. "This is really great thank you guys." Corey says. "Of course Corey." You say with a small laugh. He actually ends up staying like yhat for a little bit before getting up abd complaining about his back.
After many many movies, Just about everyone was asleep except the two of you. "Y'know I love you right?" Colby asks. "Of course." You say looking to him. "I know sometimes I act weird about physical touch. I dont mean too.' He says. "I know, just let me know if you ever get uncomfortable." You say. "I dont think I can with you." He says.
You smile as you cuddle up next to him, feeling his arms tighten around you. The two of you fall asleep on the couch, along with everyone else.
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thatsatricky1 · 6 months
𝐀𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 || ‘𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞’ Chapter III
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𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Abandoned. After going through hell and back together, she was left there to fend for herself. Y/n felt as though they’d left her in the dust at the facility. A facility that had taken young gifted children raising them in secret. The eight of them had been taken as children and grown up together at the facility and just when it they had the chance of escaping they made one crucial mistake, leaving her behind in the dust. One big mistake they hadn’t forgiven themselves for, and she would make sure they’d never forget it.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Nct Dream ot7 x Reader.
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Angst, Fluff, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller, Trauma, Weird Humor.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Angst, Abandonment, Tension, Trauma, Verbal fighting
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5,2k+
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: This does not depict an accurate picture of Nct Dream and this is strictly fantasy/fiction for entertainment purposes.
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It was like looking at a ghost from their past. Yet it wasn’t a ghost. Y/n was inside their apartment standing in front of them in the flesh. Her facial features the same besides a slight mature look to it.
Her once long natural coloured hair was now cut and dyded a mossy green. The opposite of what the facility allowed.
She also was no longer stuck wearing the facility uniform they’d all been forced to wear day in and day out. One that had no wrinkles or crinkles, always perfectly fitted to the person wearing it. The outfit she wore was foreign look to them on her since it was the first time they were seeing her in anything besides the uniform.
She wore a green tank top lined in white, an x white strap linking the bottom of it, paired with washed out grey blue ripped baggy jeans with white sneakers. Her midriff exposed something that wouldn't have been tolerated in the facility, but she was no longer there.
“Y/n. You…” Donghyuck being the first to speak yet he was at a loss for words. He’d been thinking of this moment since the day he’d left. The day he’d be able to speak to her again, yet all the words he’d thought over, couldn't, no wouldn’t escape his mouth.
“Nice to know you still remember my name.” Y/n hummed out disinterested, walking further into the living room but keeping her distance from the others who watched her closely, so close, thinking if they looked away she’d disappear.
“Oh by the way, you should really make sure to close your apartment door properly next time. You never know who could walk in.” She taunted lightly watching their reactions.
“You escaped.” Donghyuck finally forced words out of his mouth, a sharp inhale through the nose once her gaze landed slowly onto him. He’d hoped to see those warm inviting eyes once more but was met with a calculated stare instead. As if he was being perceived like a stranger, a danger.
“You mean the facility? Oh yeah, after the whole 31st of October thing I was on heavy lock down, around a year. First in isolation then in ward C. Even with the whole lock down thing I managed to get out after a year.” Y/n revealed her time back in the facility nonchalantly with a shrug, keeping her emotions in check.
“You were put in ward C?” Renjun asked, his face scrunching in worry at even the thought of her being located on that wing of the facility.
Wing C in the facility was the area with the strictest rules, punishments being thrown around for the slightest mistake and did not allow even an inch of freedom.
“That was the least of my worries.” Y/n managed to get out before looking off to the side to keep the memories at bay and away from her mind, trying to keep her body relaxed, composing herself.
“I escaped a year ago, been on the go since.” The boys shifted at her words knowing what that had felt like. It had taken them months of constantly moving to keep the facility off their back before they settled in Seoul.
“How did you-. How did you manage to escape?” Mark asked from where he sat, afraid to move and cause Y/n to retreat. As if dealing with a wounded animal.
“That’s a long winded answer that is none of your concern Mark. What’s with the matching outfits? Is it your guys thing? I mean back in the day we were practically forced to match.” Y/n sharply responded but diverted the conversation in favour of pointing out their accidental matching outfits.
Jisung shifted once again in his seat, swallowing even if his throat felt dry at the thought of the uniforms they’d worn back then. His mind reeling at remembering the feeling of the uniforms material that had hugged his body back then.
“Unintentional, we were in a rush after finding out our place had been broken into.” Mark replied truthfully, not entertaining her obvious jab at them. Knowing fully well the jab could have been a lot more pointed and harsh.
“Ah, I see. Sorry about the whole power box and lock thing. Well I guess the lobby too.” Her apology obviously held no true endearment.
“You did that?” Jaemin asked out, he knew it had been her but it also meant her abilities, the ones that were barely there when they’d left had most likely developed in their time away from her.
“Oh that’s nothing Jaemin, that’s just a sliver of what I’m capable of. Like I said beforehand I was in lock down, meaning I was being put to use every single moment that was deemed necessary.” Y/n answered yet her tone held no true emotion as if not needing them.
It was clear to everyone in the room the girl they’d left in the facility had changed. Developed. Most likely for the need to survive.
“You found us.” Chenle was the one to talk this time. Her gaze moved slowly away from Jaemin to land on him now, a tilt to her lips at his words.
“Of course, I’m surprised you’d choose to hide in plain sight. Somehow genius of you all but also quite stupid. Then again the facility doesn't know how you tick, how you all think.” She replied with her manicured fingers moving to tap at her temple in a motion to show how she’d found them. She’d remembered what they wanted, lusted to have once free.
“All that matters is that you got out, it’s all we wanted.” Donghyuck tried explaining how they all felt only to be met with a laugh from Y/n, who moved a hand to cover her mouth, the other holding her stomach as if she’d just heard the funniest joke come from his lips.
“I’m sorry I don’t think I heard you correctly. It’s all you wanted? If that were the case I would have been out of the facility more than a year.” Y/n glowered at Donghyuck who’s eyes widened at her behaviour.
“What? You expected me to go running into your arms Donghyuck, cry against your shoulder confessing how hard it was without you all? How much I missed you all?” Y/n berated them as she slowly moved forward until she was inches from him staring up at his face, close enough to count his familiar birthmarks. Making sure not to lose her temper like she had back at the lobby.
“I’m not here to rejoice with you about my freedom, I’m not here to rekindle our lost friendship, and I am certainly not here to join you in whatever fruitless effort you’re all making to live normal lives. There is nothing normal about us.” With each sentence she moved her hand closer until she dug her pointer finger against his chest, pressing into it.
Though her words were harsh, the feeling of her touch grounded him, having missed it. Swallowing down her words like it was sand, scratching its way down his throat.
“It was a hard decision to leave you there Y/n, but we couldn’t stay there.” Mark’s voice brought the two out of their stare down as her sharp gaze left Donghyuck in favor of burning through Mark’s.
“You think I wanted to stay there either? You know the fun part, I learned when you all left. The ironic part was that you’d left a minute before I got down to the entrance.” Y/n managed to hold back on snapping at Mark, in favor of revealing just how short their exit had been from her arrival.
Renjun held back a noise, guilt swirling through him at the realisation just how close they’d been to leaving with her. He’d been so focused on his pocket watch that day he hadn’t even thought for a moment to wait just one minute more. His flight had kicked in too fast.
The boys let the information sink in. The sick truth of just how close they’d been to seeing her that day, to leave with her. Mark letting his head drop slightly, hands squeezing shut at the fact he’d decided for the group to leave.
“It’s the past now Y/n, you have a whole new future ahead of you now. Here in Seoul… with us, like before but free.” Donghyuck snatched her attention again, his hand moving to wrap around her wrist gently where her perfectly manicured nail was still pressed against his chest. Warmth seeping through him at finally getting to touch her.
Though it didn’t last long as she tugged her hand away, his grasp slipped because of his gentle hold. Donghyuck holding back a wince at how she’d moved away as if his touch burned.
“Did you not understand my prior words? I’m not interested in rekindling whatever sort of friendship we once had, nor will I be here to play pretend on having some sort of normal life.” Y/n emphasizing her words to get it through Donghyuck’s head, who in turn shook his not wanting that.
“You can’t just drop our friendship Y/n not after all the years we spent together. You have a chance of a normal life now, please just try to understand that.” Donhyuck’s voice on the verge of sounding like a plea.
“Our friendship.” Y/n started to speak as she stepped back into his personal space “Was destroyed the day you left and didn’t look back, didn’t even try to come back for me.”
“I came here not to lead a life beside you all, I came back to get a look at the people I once trusted my life with, the ones who let my life crumble with one action.” Her words burned more than then if she’d used her ability to burn him where he stood, he would have preferred to get a third degree burn than hear her words.
“Please Y/n you have no idea about the regret and guilt we all feel. We know what we did was wrong. We always said it was us eight against the world until the very end, we meant that. Please stay.” Donghyuck begged, his lips quivering, eyes filled with unshed tears.
“If you truly felt guilty you would have come back for me. You didn’t. None of you did. And I naively waited day in and day out for that day to come. But if you really feel guilty I hope it festers in your souls ‘till you take your last breaths.”
“Y/n! Enough.” Mark protested at her choice of cruel words. This was not their Y/n.
Y/n stepped back from Donghyuck not bothering to pay Mark attention, there was a time she would have, she would have listened to him even if it meant diving off a cliff, but those times were long gone.
Donghyuck in a second of panic takes a step forward afraid she’d disappear once again. Y/n’s hand moved to push lightly against his chest, his hand trapping her wrist tighter than last time at her touch, yet she didn’t rip her hand away this time.
“I don’t ever want to see your faces again, my curiosity has been satisfied.” Y/n decided, Jeno standing up from the ground now in silent protest.
“You can’t leave.” Jaemin spoke from beside Jeno, still sat on the ground, eyes determined, entwined with his words.
“Quite hypocritical of you to say, is it not Jaemin? If I remember correctly you had no problem doing such a thing.” She bit back, yet her tone was neutral as if she’d come to terms with it a long time ago.
“Did you go to the beach?” The sudden question came out of nowhere causing Y/n’s composure to falter as she looked over at Jisung who stood up from the couch.
“Yes.” Her voice came out cautiously.
It was her second day of freedom from escaping the facility when she’d arrived at a random beach, something she’d longed for since the day she’d seen a video of one from the facility's old television. She remembered how the cold water felt brushing along her ankles, the smell of salt that later stung against her nose and the way the sand felt between her toes.
“Was it all you’d imagined it to be?” Jisung asked another question slowly walking over.
Y/n’s hard touch against Donghyuck’s chest softened as she thought about the beach, a look of longing crossing her face at the memory. Wishing she could experience the first time she’d gone to the beach again.
“And more.” She responded, her voice dropping to a whisper, a look of melancholy in her eyes.
“What was the best part?” Jisung continued his questioning as he gained pace nearly in front of her.
“Everything.” She breathed out, continuing “The wind pushing through my hair, the smell of salt, the sand that had been under my feet, the way the water flowed around me and the realisation I was no longer stuck.”
“How many times did you go?” Jisung pushed for further information gently, hand slowly rising to lightly brush against her elbow.
“Once.” Wrong question, unlucky for Jisung as it caused her to focus again as she stiffly continued “When you’re on the run you can’t afford to take the time for your wants just your needs.”
“You don’t have to run anymore, stay here, stay with us, with me.” He responded gently, his hand moved to hover over her waist but dared not to touch and intrude her personal space.
“You have no idea. The facility was up in chaos at losing all seven of you, yet with time you’ve become just a side mission to regain. But me? They’ll never stop looking. Escaping was freedom, but I’m never truly going to be free from them.” Her response hurt, it proved that she was still being searched for feverishly.
“We can still try.” Jisung rebutted, determined. Y/n letting a soft amused smile appear that didn’t quite reach her eyes as her free hand lifted to hover over his cheek. Jisung pushed his face against her palm, eyes fluttering shut finally feeling her familiar touch.
“I will try, but not with you all.” She answered bluntly, smiling, falling just like how her hand fell from Jisung’s face, his head tilting at the sudden disappearance of her soft hand.
“I want you all to feel it, what it feels like to have hope coursing through your veins only for it to be ripped out of your grasp and burned.” Her intentions were nothing but brutal yet justified.
Y/n moved her hand away from Donghyuck’s chest, his hand tugging at her wrist but she managed to break his grasp once again. Taking a step back.
“Don’t, Y/n. Don’t leave us.” Chenle who’d kept quiet this whole time spoke up, tears falling freely for anyone to see.
“It’s a little too late for me to leave you all, when your the ones who left me.”
With that she turned away from the seven men, intent on leaving with that but stilled open hearing the next words to come from behind her.
“I won’t let you leave like this.” His words sent an amused smile onto her lips, casting a glance over her shoulder.
“And how would you stop me? Your ability is useless in terms of trying to stop me from leaving, what are you going to do? Heal me?” Her words mocking Renjun who’d been the one to speak.
“Go back to watching your movie Renjun, go back to forgetting my existence that you all so easily were able to do the past two years.” Satisfied with her words she finally moved away from the living room. Renjun wondered how she had known the movie had been his choice, then again she seemed to always know those sorts of things even now.
The seven watched her fingers disappear down the hall, each wanting to follow after her yet it was as if they were glued to their spots, not able to chase after the one person they’d been so desperate to have back in their lives.
It was silent, Donghyuck and Jisung standing side by side while the others were still across the room. Everyone had to process what had just happened.
Jeno stood there, body stiff, muscles tensed as he watched her figure disappear, not being able to get a word out just like the crosswalk, it was happening all over again. Just as the last part of her turned the hallway corner his body snapped into motions running. His shoulder bumped into Jisung on his way, Donghyuck having to catch their younger off-balanced friend.
“Y/n!” Jeno yelled out in distress at losing her again, not knowing if he’d ever have the chance to see her again, to know she was okay, alive.
Rounding the corner still in a sprint only for the front door to click shut right in front of his face. Body slamming into the door messily having not slowed down.
Letting his head lean against the door for a split second, but this time he didn’t give in. He didn’t give up. Grabbing the door handle swinging it open almost violently, his eyes immediately found her figure walking down the apartment hallway.
Y/n leisurely clicked the button for the elevator, humming in satisfaction at the doors opening straight away for her, stepping in and clicking the ground floor without a second thought.
Her body leaned against the mirrored wall of the elevator as she watched the metal doors slowly close, just a gap left when two hands grabbed at the gap pushing against its weight. Body tensing as she figured out whose hands it was.
The elevator doors sensor automatically opens the metal doors revealing the person attempting to get in. Jeno.
“You can say you don’t want us, you can give up on us. But we aren’t giving up on you. I will forever regret leaving you that day, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try to make it up to you.” Jeno’s voice is full of determination, set in his ways.
“Either get into the elevator or leave, I have somewhere to be.” Y/n ignored his words, face hiding any emotion from his prying eyes.
Jeno’s jaw clenching at her unforgiving nature she’d developed. He knew he deserved it but he’d be stupid to let her walk away. To loss her a second and final time. Taking a second to breath he let his hands drop from the elevator doors to step inside.
Y/n tilting her head at his actions, watching him. Calculating his motives. He couldn’t help but let his mind wonder back to the days she looked at him with pure trust. Desperate for the day she’d look at him like that again, to see her eyes shine and twinkle.
“Where do you need to go? I’ll drive you there.” Jeno asked moving to stand next to her side by side.
Y/n holding back a laugh at this, moving her head slightly to be able to glance at Jeno who was already staring at her. She raised an eyebrow to show her amusement.
“You got your driver's license, how’s you manage that?” Y/n asked rhetorically not actually wanting to know.
“We went through a lot to get where we are, one of those things was driver's licenses. Though it took a while.” Jeno answered anyway before adding in “Where do you want me to drive you?”
“I don’t want you to drive me anywhere. You already know that.”
“And you know that I want to drive you to wherever you need to go, it’s safer than walking by yourself.” Jeno replied stubbornly.
“Don’t overstep Jeno, I will only warn you once.” Her response hurt but Jeno tried his best to ignore the pain in favour of watching her.
Their conversation had lasted the amount of time needed to get down to the ground floor, the elevator doors opening up at its slow leisure pace but Y/n had enough of a view to see what awaited them outside the elevator, a small tick of a smile on the corner of her lips.
Moving forward without a second though, Jeno having to process her actions seeing as the door hadn’t even fully opened. Y/n once the gap was open enough when through it and manicured gracefully through the small crowd that had formed to get into the elevator.
Jeno’s hand had flown upwards to grab at her, his fingertip brushing gently past her back, too far when she’d squeezed through the doors. Letting out a groan once the elevator doors opened fully, noticing the small crowd wondering what so many people were doing leaving work early on a Friday.
His body pushing forward moving through the crowd as his eyes scanned the apartment complex lobby managing to find Y/n by her green hair. Her head turned to send a smirk his way as she slipped out of the building.
Jeno pushed open the door five seconds later, the door not having closed properly as he’d caught up, hands flying to hold the back of his head as he realised she was nowhere in sight. Looking in all directions, sighing knowing fully well she was most likely watching him hidden away.
“I’ll find you, I’m going to prove to you that we need you, that you need us. Like it was supposed to be two years ago.” Jeno whispered to himself not wanting to draw attention to himself, anyone could be listening in.
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Y/n knew it wasn’t a good idea to be in public, her emotions could snap at any moment. Abilities and high emotions never mixed well. It was the quickest way of losing control of her abilities yet her body moved as if on autopilot until she stood in front of a familiar store.
The Atiny Cafe.
Taking a deep breath in through her nose before releasing out her mouth slowly she regained her composure before grabbing the door handle and pushing her way inside, the bell ringing above her head just like the day before. Her gaze going upwards watching the vintage bell sway, distracted.
Yunho who’d been taking his apron off as his shift for the day ended looked up, a large puppy-like smile on his face noticing who’d shown up. Scrambling to tie his apron back around his waist.
“What are you doing? Weren’t you just telling me how glad you are that your shift is over?” San asked from where he leaned against the barista counter, the cherry red head wondering what had gotten into his friends head.
“What no I didn’t, go back in the break room and tie your apron properly, I’ll take one more customer.” Yuhno dismissed his friend and collegues words with a wave of his hand. Moving to check his hair in the window’s reflection before standing in front of the order counter.
San raised an eyebrow at his actions before looking over at the new customer who’d walked in before letting out a noise of realisation. He’d found out about the girl that had captured their second giant of their group's interest from Wooyoung.
“Oh the green haired chick is here that’s why.” He voiced out his thoughts causing him to earn a warning glare from his giant friends, causing San to hold his arms up in mock surrender before moving to go to the staff room.
“Hey Yuhno.” Her sudden sentence caused Yunho to nearly jump out of his skin, whipping his head around to face her having been distracted by San.
“You’re back! Uh, welcome back. What can I get you?” Yuhno’s smile turned soft, a warm and cozy atmosphere enveloping the two young adults.
“The same as yesterday but instead of the muffin, surprise me with something else.” Y/n replied relieved to finally get to think of something else today that didn’t include a certain seven guys.
“Sure, You can pay the same as yesterday.” Yunho replied as he started pressing her order into the system, taking her cash but before he could ask if she wanted the change back this time her manicured nail was already tapping on the tip jar.
“Right, I’ll bring it over when it’s ready.” Yunho explained like last time, having to hold back a fond look at her actions.
“Mm, does it include a chat again or is that an extra charge?” Y/n playfully asked, nails tapping against the counter absentmindedly.
“That’s free of charge, I’m feeling generous today.” Yuhno jokingly responded, finding it easy to be comfortable in her presence.
Y/n not replying this time instead she nodded, smile glued to her lips having not needed to force it this time as she turned to go to the booth she’d deemed to be her spot when visiting for the time being.
It hadn’t taken long for Yunho to go over to her table, placing her order down in front of her and slipping into the opposite side of the booth. Watching her take a sip of her drink first, finding it to be just as satisfying as the last time he’d watch her try his drinks.
“Can I know your name this time?” Yunho asked not even realising how bold his question had been until it had already slipped past his lips, ears reddening slightly.
Y/n sending him an amused smile past the rim of her cup. Setting it down she pondered over it allowing time to pass just to make him scrum a tiny bit.
“What’s your favourite type of bird?” Her out of place question caused Yunho to blink back at her.
“Your favourite bird. What is it?” She questioned again, her eyes shining, having fun.
“Doves, doves are my favourite type of bird.”
“What a surprising answer. You know doves stand for peace, love, new beginnings, fidelity, luck, prosperity and… freedom. It also is the bird that represents Aphrodite in Greek mythology or well in Roman mythology it’s Venus. There’s a lot more to them but I won’t ramble.” Y/n explained the meaning humans had put behind doves.
Yuhno listened, almost enamored by her words, her knowledge of the bird. Glad he’d chosen that one.
“How about this? You can call me dove, for now.” Y/n offered as she grabbed a cookie off her plate breaking it in half.
“Okay.” Yuhno nodded not minding the fact she had yet to give her name, the nickname was just as welcoming compared to not having anything to address her. But also because he couldn’t help but think the nickname suited her.
“Great, so Yuhno tell me how your shift went, maybe also why you are still working?” She asked while holding her hand out to give him one half of the cookie in her hand.
“Of course you noticed that.”
“I notice quite a lot of things, it’s just in my nature.”
Yunho moved to accept her offer, taking the piece of cookie while going into a terribly explained excuse of why he’d decided to work longer not wanting her to know it was because of her to begin with.
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Y/n took her time walking back to her currently temporary residence. She’d decided to go to a hotel for once as she wasn’t going to be around for long. Hotels were more expensive and more likely to be looked into in their search for her. Usually she’d rent out a room somewhere for a while instead, but this time since it was a shorter time period than usual she’d decided against renting out a room.
Taking light steps towards the hotel she wasn’t as paranoid as she’d been attentive on her way there, not seeing anything suspicious in that time frame. Y/n made her way past the automatic doors into the lobby ignoring the plain and dull music they played over and over again.
Deciding to head straight to her room, taking the stairs instead of the elevator not wanting to be reminded of her latest conversation with a certain pink haired man. Getting to the fifth floor in no time and grabbing her key card from her jean pocket.
Getting inside, only letting her body relax properly when the door clicked shut, leaning against the door. She stared off into space in a daze replying the events that happened today.
It hadn’t gone like she wanted it to, she wasn’t exactly sure what she had wanted and would continue not to know. There had been so many things she’d wanted to say to each of them and all of them together but she couldn’t stand to be in the same room as them longer.
Y/n had to make peace with what she’d gotten in that little meeting they had instead, not wanting to do it ever again. Sliding down the door to give her legs a rest she wrapped her hands around herself as if to protect herself from the world, a habit she’d developed to make herself think she was safe.
With a groan, her head flew back gently knocking against the wooden door now very aware of the fact in her haste to leave the boys she’d forgotten her hoodie. Y/n had taken it off when she’d waited for them at their apartment having felt stuffy with it on. That hoodie was a good one too, oversized for fashion but mainly she’d bought it for comfort.
“I’ll get a new one some other time.” She muttered to herself, there was no point in crying about the hoodie she wouldn’t get back any time soon or ever.
Her eyes traveled over her hotel room, even though she had room service and cleaners the do not disturb sign was always placed on her door handle outside preferring to grab the food from outside the door and clean up after herself, untrusting of people being where she’d sleep. Making her bed was something burned into her mind since she was a child, it would feel wrong letting someone else do it anyway.
Her eyes stopped at the desk where a plastic bag sat, her lips twitched knowing what was inside it. She’d bought it after all. It was hair dye. A habit she’d developed as a way to continue moving by unnoticed, unfamiliar to those around her.
She’d already had the plastic bag sitting on the desk for two days now, having wanted to change her hair colour two weeks ago, not having gotten around to it. But this would be a welcoming distraction.
Later when the sky was dimming she stood in front of the desk hands untying the knot of the bag to pull out the dye. Scowling down at the colour choice now. A lot of bleach as she prior wanted to go for white, now her thoughts flew to a particular person who currently had said hair colour.
Shutting her eyes knowing fully well it would be a waste of time popping down to the convenient store at this time of night. She’d just go through with dying her hair white and lather on a different colour on top later on when there was time.
Not noticing the frost travel over her window as she walked past towards the bathroom to get started on doing her hair, knowing now was the time to do so as she would not be graced with sleep. All the while thinking of the seven people she didn’t want in her mind.
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Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @rotinyzen @wonyoungmywife @snflwrhaerecs4u @thegreenlynx @serinebsblog @delululi @bubusebu @hanniehq @bunnychui @molensworld @morkiee
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magewritesstories · 6 months
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[ ʏᴜᴊɪ ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ] ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ
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summary: you and yuji, a couple? no, no way, you're just really close friends tw: none, you and yuji pull an adrien agreste note: in honour of someone asking me and a close friend if we were dating lol. word count: 501 words (small blurb not really a one-shot) jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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IT'S NOT HARD FOR SOMEONE TO GET THE WRONG IDEA. I mean, anyone with an outside perspective seeing Yuji give you a piggyback ride to the school sports field would assume you were dating.
It's especially not hard for Setsuko, since she's been there to see the way you cling to Yuji every time something scary happens.
It's not hard for Takeshi to misunderstand either, not after the multiple times he's watched Yuji take the long way home just so that you wouldn't have to walk home alone.
Now, in hindsight, sure these are things that friends do for friends too but eventually the little acts start to pile up.
You're the one who indulges your pink-haired best friend and lets him rant on and on about the newest Jennifer Lawrence movie he's watched.
Yuji's the one that's already slinging your bag over his shoulder before you even start to—dramatically—complain about the fact that all your books are going to give you back hernia.
So, when that day Yuji shows up to P.E. wildly waving his hand in greeting with you on his back, equally enthusiastic, it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.
The rest of the day is spent observing you and Yuji. Both of you are completely oblivious to the fact that any of this is happening, simply brushing it off as your friends being their usual weird selves.
Eventually though, during the occult club meeting both teens sit the two of you down with angry stares (they really don't look that intimidating.)
"Okay, out with it," Setsuko orders, arms crossed, "Are you two dating or something?"
You and Yuji give her a confused look before turning towards each other and bursting out laughing simultaneously.
"Huh? Us?" You manage to reply between laughs, "That's very funny Sasaki-senpai."
Yuji nods, wiping away a tear dramatically. "Is this some kind of early April fool's joke?" He asks with a grin, "'Cause if it is I think you guys should stick to the supernatural genre."
Takeshi stares the two of you down in disbelief, "You're really not dating?"
"Nope, we're not," The pink-haired boy next to you replied, "Wait, what even made you think that?"
Now it's Takeshi and Setsuko's turn to share a disbelieving look. "The two of you act like newly-weds," Your upperclassman replies, "Without all the kissing."
"Really? I thought all friends acted that way?"
"Well, I suppose some do, but it's still weird."
You and Yuji shrug. "Well, we're not dating," You finally reply, "I think it's kinda funny that you thought we were though."
After that, the normal occult club meeting continues and neither of you mentions the strange question again.
And if either of you notices the way you suddenly can't hold eye contact with Yuji as long as you used to or the way the tips of Yuji's ears match his hair whenever you link your arm through his on the way back home, neither of you mentions it.
Yeah, definitely just close friends.
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mari-lair · 11 months
Kou never mistakes Hanako for a human, and I find that interesting.
He heard about Amane from Nene, who had front roll seats to his past and gained an intimate wake up call that "Hanako is not a 'magic being' from a fantasy book, he was a student, who is now dead"
His death is not a conflict for Kou though, is just who he is. He is well aware the ghost is dead, so what Nene shares isn't a revelation, is just small pieces of the puzzle that is Hanako: the understanding he used to study here.
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Kou has no real link to Amane, he never met the guy. Even when explicitly talking about Amane, Kou has no mental image of this 13-year-old who killed his own brother, he can only picture Hanako, the ghost.
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Kou doesn't interact with 'Amane' in Picture Perfect either, the very few interactions they have are super short, and always started by Hanako in his Amane disguise.
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The one time Kou approaches him is because 'Amane' was carrying an unconscious Nene, so he gets curious, and shows that he doesn't trust him.
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But when he learns it's Hanako, he is delighted. It doesn't matter that Mitsuba is acting weird, and that he still didn't get any answers, cause is Hanako! Hanako his buddy!
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He never had a wish for Hanako to be alive, to be his classmate, so he doesn't feel any desperate attachment to the idea of 'Yugi Amane' like he did with the idea of 'Mitsuba Sousuke' only ever seeing him as a wrong version of Hanako from the start. Is not real, so of course he doesn't trust him.
His view of Hanako cannot be separated from him being a ghost.
Hanako is the one who properly introduced Kou to the world of supernaturals and served as an informant on the Far Shore when Teru kept him in the dark. He teaches Kou about rumors, boundaries, supernatural festivals, and introduces him to the complex feelings some of the dead may have about lingering on the Near Shore.
There are two main mentalities Kou has when it comes to Hanako, the first is 'I don't know enough about Hanako to tell if he is a threat, he is so weird, I want to learn about him' The second is 'he helps me and Nene. He looks after us, he is our friend.' and usually he focuses on the second.
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But the "i need to gauge if he is a threat" mentality is just as important as his attachment to Hanako.
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It's what makes him keep an eye on him and occasionally act like a judge, trying to figure out what is going on with him, which is a hard task.
Hanako does a lot of good and bad things to Kou.
He sealed his exorcist staff, which debilitates him through basically the whole manga, but he helps and saves him and Nene when called, he lies and is selfish, but he seems to only lie for silly things or what Hanako seems to believe is the greater good (the tears eye drops, Nene's lifespan). He seems guilty and burdened by his murder but he did murder someone. He is important to Nene, he is important to Kou, and so on.
Is too much to keep track of. Too hard to give a judgment.
So he focus on his feelings way more than logic, and he is very inclined to have a positive view of Hanako. He wants Hanako to be good. To be a friend.
He does notice his slimy behavior and he does change his perception of Hanako, slowly understanding him better and growing more wary of what he says, more careful when trying to read him.
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But his doubts aren't nearly as heavy as his hopes for Hanako: He believes he wants the best for them.
If we go back to the scene where Nene is talking about Amane, there is something she says that sticks with Kou, something that immediately catches his attention "Maybe I shouldn't be his friend"
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Unlike his death, this is a conflict Kou relates to.
He is making donuts for Hanako as they speak, absorbing everything he learns about the guy and using the information to help Hanako because he wants to cheer up Hanako.
Hanako being important to Nene is important to Kou. They are a group to him, and he isn't alone in his uncertainty.
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Kou keep this mentality of just doing what he wants for a while, childish as it is, but slowly, he is forced to give Hanako more thought, to take him seriously.
His view on Hanako has been tipping to the negative recently. He always knew about Hanako being strange and full of secrets but he can't dismiss it anymore, since the ghost started lying about big things, like trapping Nene in a fake world and exchanging Aoi's lifespan for hers without Nene's consent. Is not like his usual avoidance and silly lies, he is getting harmful.
Hanako gave Kou plenty of glimpses into his more 'inhuman' mentality. He has shown Kou a lot of hints that pratically scream "Stop trusting me kid."
It piles up.
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It becomes harder to know what is a lie. What isn't. What is okay and what shouldn't be forgiven.
Kou keeps trying to understand him and give him the benefit of the doubt , he truly doesn't want to believe Hanako is just an 'evil spirit' after everything they've been through. He is a supernatural but he is his teacher and friend too, that got to mean something.
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But he doesn't have a clear answer. He can think as hard as he want, he still has no idea what is going on inside Hanako's head, he just wants to believe is something for Nene's sake. Because even if he isn't sure what Hanako thinks of him, he wants to believe he wants Nene to be happy, that his care for her is strong and genuine.
Besides the conflict between "he is an apparition, he is a friend" There is also the way Kou is dependent on Hanako.
Hanako is extremely helpful, he gives him all the answers related to supernaturals. Even when Kou didn't trust Hanako, the ghost already took the role of 'the guide' in the group, offering Kou something he always wanted: Information on supernaturals. A ticket to be part of a world Kou had always wanted to be part of, but his brother had sheltered him from.
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Kou always goes to Hanako when he is in trouble. Regardless of how shady he acts, Hanako always helps.
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So when he tells Kou he is incompetent, it gives him a wake up call.
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Kou always had an inferiority complex, but this puts into perspective how he relies a lot on Hanako. He doesn't solve anything by himself, he either follows Hanako's lead, or faces a dead end.
Kou has a lot to think about after that. He doesn't want to keep relying on Hanako, he wants to take action himself, to be something that doesn't follow Hanako or Teru's lead.
He focuses mostly on Mitsuba, convinced the supernatural needs him, but also goes back to the promise he made with Teru.
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This 'what do you want to do?' moment gives insight into a lot of relationships, but I'll only focus on what it says about Kou's view of Hanako here.
Kou is usually very sweet with Nene, but he is direct to the point of being cold here, he calls Hanako "The evil spirit of a murderer" as he had when he first met him all the way back in chap 3, It feels like an ultimatum. A judgment.
Hanako is dangerous, he needs to exorcise him. Part of him wants to exorcise Hanako. But he doesn't want to exorcise his teacher, his friend.
This brings me to his wish on the Red House.
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Before talking about his wish I want to point out what his wish isn’t: Kou doesn’t want Hanako’s help, advise or support. He doesn’t want Hanako to give up on trying to help nene either, so he is still depends on Hanako's actions to save Nene to some extent, he doesn't believe he can do it himself, nor does he want the pressure of being believed.
He wants Hanako to be a problem that’s easy to deal with, an evil spirit that’s undeniably evil.
Things would be much easier if Kou could exorcise him: It would prove it to himself, teru, and Hanako that he can be an exorcist, it would eliminate any possible anxiety about what Hanako will do next, and it would give Hanako what he wants, Kou wouldn't disappoint him again.
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When he pictures Hanako, he is happy and sweet looking, almost innocent. He may have decided he need to exorcise Hanako at some point, that is the right thing, but he doesn't really... want him gone.
He consistently has exorcism in mind when it comes to Hanako post-severance, but he also consistently pictures him happy and friendly. .
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"I want to be a bigger help" implies he wants to work with Hanako, so the two help Nene instead of him being the sole person in charge of her lifespan, which is a big big difference from his self-destructive desperation to be the one to help Mitsuba.
"I need to get to the point where I can exorcise him." As it is, Kou does not believe he can exorcise him. He realizes he should, but also that he can't.
What he says when he fights Teru fits into that.
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He doesn't agree with Hanako, and he denies the idea that he is doing this for Hanako, choosing to focus on his bond with Nene instead of his exorcism dilemma.
He and Nene have a simple camaraderie he can rely on, a mutual lack of understanding of what to do, but even this more 'safe' decision to be on her side instead of trying to keep discovering his own path got Kou the same reprimand Hanako had given him "You have big ideas but you can't back it up."
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Both of the people he looks up to give him guidance told him he is useless. He can not fully relate to exorcists, or supernaturals, the path he is carving for himself, his beliefs, are unclear, easily shaken, and likely useless.
He still wants to be an exorcist, deep down, delighted when Teru gave him a chance. But he can't be an exorcist. Not when he thinks so much about the supernatural, unable to reject them but unable to truly understand or relate to them either.
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It makes me sad that Aidairo pushed Kou and Hanako's situation aside, cause they still have a lot to explore, yet all we got recently is these crumbs:
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Kou is keeping his eyes on Hanako, his attitude half "I am your friend, I care about you", half "I don't trust you anymore, don't scheme again, bastard" but they don't have meaningful talks with each other anymore.
Hanako will save Kou if he sees him in danger, I'm sure. And Kou will do the same. But their trust is... shaky... and they will never talk about it. Kou won't share that he wants but can't exorcise Hanako and Hanako won't share how much he values Kou. They won't seek each other for help either. Both will slowly yet consistently focus on someone else instead, like a weirdly passive attempt at detachment.
So I have no hope for more meaningful interaction between them. Not anytime soon at least... Is truly a shame.
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frenchkisstheabyss · 6 months
♥︎ 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘 ♥︎
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♥︎ Pairing: best friend!jongho x ghost!chubby!fem!reader, ghost!mingi x ghost!chubby!fem!reader
♥︎ Genre: fluff/angst (sorta)/supernatural au/suggestive
♥︎ Summary: Choi Jongho's apartment has a ghost problem and you're it. For so long you've been his little secret but, after spilling his secret on a drunk night out, he makes things more complicated for himself than he ever could've imagined.
♥︎ Word Count: 2.3k
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♥︎ Warnings: You're a ghost, babes. You and Mingi are ghosts. So your life/feelings as a ghost are expressed but nothing super heavy/dark. Light expression of sexual thoughts. Cursing. Mention of other members. Intro to a love triangle. This one's Jongho focused w/ intro to Mingi at the end, & that's all, darling.
♥︎ A/N: Why am I writing multi-part (posting pt 2 this weekend) supernatural fic where you find yourself in a Jongho/Mingi love triangle? Because it's halfway to Halloween. Jk. I did it cause I wanted to and I'd do it again. Mwahahaha.
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“A ghost? Like dressed in a white dress floating around your apartment going ‘Booooo’ ghost?” San teases, raising a skeptical eyebrow in Jongho’s direction.
Jongho groans, taking a seat at the polished wooden table at the center of the break room. He should’ve known that running his mouth to Wooyoung after one too many drinks would lead to all of the guys finding out about it. Anything you ever tell Wooyoung goes in one ear and right out of his mouth.
Taking a sip of his coffee, Jongho almost wishes he were a ghost himself. “She doesn’t go ‘Booooo’ and she doesn’t wear a white dress.” 
Seated across from him, feet kicked up on the table, Woo sports a mischievous grin. “So, what does she wear?”
Hongjoong sneaks up behind Woo, wringing his hands on the back of his chair. “Leave him alone” he hisses, popping Woo in the head with a half empty water bottle. Woo flinches, crying out in pain. “You might be the boss but that doesn’t mean you can hit me!” Hongjoong just rolls his eyes, nudging him out of the chair and taking it for himself. “That’s exactly what that means.” 
A thousand thoughts swirl around Jongho’s mind. There’s no way he’s answering that question. But the silence is getting to him. The curious stares of his three best friends dare him to blurt out details they’ll no doubt use to torture him with. “Yoga pants and a t-shirt” Jongho mumbles under his breath, instantly regretting his decision to speak.
Hongjoong squints, leaning in closer, “Did you say…yoga pants and a t-shirt?” San freezes in place, a fork full of salad hovering near lips that curl into a smile as Hongjoong repeats the words. 
His three friends burst into laughter. Especially Woo who can't keep from howling at this new bit of information. Hongjoong tries and fails to supress some of his amusement but the other two couldn’t care less. They’re almost doubled over in disbelief. “Boys, I think he’s finally lost it” Woo says, patting Jongho on the shoulder.
Jongho grabs him by the wrist, squeezing it just enough to make his annoyance be known. “I’m stronger than Hongjoong. If I hit you I’ll break something.” Knowing better than to test him too much, Woo pulls his hand back. “Hey, leave him alone!” San demands, coming to Woo's defense, “It’s not his fault your apartment’s haunted by a phantom yoga instructor.”
Drinking down the rest of his coffee at record speed, Jongho rises from his chair. “Fuck you guys.” He turns to Hongjoong, his stone face plunging the room into silence once more, “I’m taking an early day today.” 
Hongjoong must admit he thought it was a prank when Woo first told him what Jongho had confessed at the bar the night before. The girl who lived in the apartment before him died in it. He only found out after he’d already moved in and weird things began happening. Nothing scary. Just small things like the TV being on when he knew he turned it off. Cups being rearranged in the cabinets. His downstairs neighbor asking him to keep the music down in the afternoon when he knew for a fact he hadn’t been home all day. It was weeks before he actually saw her and he was sure he’d, as Woo so eloquently put it, “lost it”.
The ghost...the girl...she was nothing like the ones he’d seen in horror movies or heard about in scary stories growing up. In most ways she was like any other girl. She wasn’t transparent, she definitely didn’t go “Boo”, and she had no intentions of freaking him out. At least not any more than she already had.
She just couldn’t pass on and she didn’t know why. So they struck up a deal. If she helped around the house and kept the music down he wouldn’t try to get rid of her. A part of him enjoyed the company of his new ghostly friend. She was gentler than a lot of the guys he hung with. Easier to open up around too. A perk he’d only come to appreciate in this moment was that she couldn’t run her mouth either. 
Feeling a tinge of guilt wash over him, Hongjoong shoots the other two an icy glare that tells them to give Jongho a break…or else. “Look, we’re sorry. Really” Hongjoong apologizes, “You’re just not the type of person to believe in these things. I mean, come on. A ghost?”
“Ooh, ghosts? I see Halloween came early” Yunho sings, strolling into the break room. Sensing the tension, Yunho goes straight to the refridgerator to grab his lunch. He tosses it into the microwave, the beeping of the few buttons he hits the only sound filling the room. He turns to the others, arms folded across his chest. “Is anyone gonna tell me what’s going on or…”
All eyes are on Jongho who refuses to meet anyone’s gaze. “I’m not saying it again” he says defiantly, heading for the door. “Jongho’s house is haunted” San spills out, his mouth now full of food. “By a yoga instructor” Woo tags onto the end. Jongho glances over his shoulder, his hand wrapped around the doorknob. “She isn’t a yoga instructor!” Anger boils up inside of him again as he prepares for yet another person to laugh at him. It never happens, instead Yunho seems almost happy.
“Wait, you guys are serious aren’t you?” Yunho asks, secretly praying that this isn’t some sort of joke. Jongho sighs, relieved that at least someone isn’t set on being an asshole today. “They aren’t lying. My apartment’s haunted…or whatever.” Yunho’s eyes light up in a way that makes Jongho instantly uncomfortable. He’s never looked at him this way before and he never wants him to again.
Before Jongho can resist, Yunho’s long arms are wrapped around him as he squeals with joy. “This is amazing. Can I come over later?”
“What? No!”
“Come on, don’t be grumpy my little teddy bear” Yunho pouts, “I swear on my life you won’t regret it.”
Jongho drops his head and closes his eyes. Maybe if he wishes really hard Yunho will go away. “I won’t regret it because you aren’t coming over” he says through gritted teeth.
Never one to be defeated, Yunho decides to pull out the big guns. “Let me come over or I’ll hug you every time I see you for the next month!” Threatening any of the other guys was easy. Jongho could do it in his sleep. But Yunho? That’s a different beast entirely. It doesn’t matter what Jongho says or does. If Yunho wants a hug he’s coming in for one. He’s relentless and Jongho knows it. There is no other option. 
“Shit…fine” Jongho relents, “You can come over but don’t make it a thing.” “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Yunho cheers, “You won’t regret this. I swear to you.” Jongho moves to break free of Yunho’s loving embrace when the break room door opens once more.
Yeosang stands in the doorway taking in the current scene being played out before him. He clears his throat, forcing a smile. “Uh, hmm. Right. Should I come back later? You seem…” His gaze trails up and down Jongho’s body, “Busy.”
“Aah! I hate it here!” Jongho whines, storming out of the break room. Hongjoong jumps to his feet, peeking his head out after him. “We love you too!” 
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“Mmm, this smells wonderful” you hum, eyes closed as you inhale the aroma rising from the pots on the stove. It takes some time to pinpoint each scent. Roasted chilies, garlic, wine, braised pork. Sometimes if you picture it in your mind, remembering the times you’ve had it before, you can almost taste it again. How long has it been since you really tasted something? You push the thought to the back of your mind. It’s best not to think that way.
“No drooling in the food please” Jongho teases, sliding in beside you to switch a burner off. You poke him in the side, making him jump a bit. “I’ll have you know I can’t drool!”
“I’ve seen you sleeping. You can drool. It’s like ectoplasm or something.”
"Ectoplasam? You're banned from watching Ghostbusters ever again" you say, easing yourself up onto the counter.
Laying back on the smooth marble, you stare up at the new overhead light Jongho had installed after he moved in. It’s black at the center with long, illuminated arms outstretched like sunbeams. How long has it been since you saw the sun? Not through a window or on the TV but outside. Outside? What a silly thought. There is no outside. At least not for you. Not anymore. 
Shifting your focus to something less depressing, you decide to do one of your favorite things. Watch Jongho cook. Watching him do anything is entertainment enough for you if you’re being honest. Especially tonight when his clothes perfectly accentuate the shape of his body. You dare not lay eyes on him in the shower but you imagine it’d be quite the sight to see.
“Picturing me naked again…” Jongho accuses, turning around to playfully pinch your belly. Rather, pinch where it would be. His hand goes straight through you, it can’t be helped, but it tickles for both of you. “Get your head out of the gutter and your hand out of my small intestine Choi Jongho” you giggle, propping yourself up on your elbows. “Sorry” he apologizes, turning back to the stove, “Pretty sure it was your appendix though.” 
Classic Jongho. Always intent on getting the last word. You’ve never met someone who spoke so little but had so much to say all at the same time. In the years since this apartment became your permanent residence a few other people have come and gone. The girl with the dog that never stopped barking and the guy whose girlfriend smelled like raw onions.
Unfortunately, death hadn’t dulled your sense of hearing or smell so when it all became too unbearable you chased them off. Sent a few dishes flying off the shelves, made the microwave explode, put all of the furniture on the ceiling. They never made it a month before running away.
This one, though, you never imagined chasing off. He has the cutest pet turtle that doesn’t bark at all. No stinky girlfriend to speak of and his cologne certainly adds a sweet smell to the apartment. And he can see you. More than that, he wants to. 
As Jongho grabs some plates from the cabinet you notice that he’s only grabbed two. Typically he’d throw one in for you too even though you technically can’t eat it. Why would he want his best friend to see that he sets a place for his pet ghost? The instant the answer to that question dawns on you, a knock at the door sends you into a frenzy. This is it. It’s happening.
You zoom into the hallway where a full body mirror hangs on the outside of a closet door. Twirling around you smooth over your clothing, inspect the subtle gloss on your lips. “How do I look?” you ask, reentering the living room with your fingers toiling away at your hair. Jongho watches you for a moment. You’re so clueless sometimes that it’s adorable.
“You look how you always look.”
“Which is…”
“Pretty. Perfect. Beautiful. Life changing” he rambles, showering you with the compliments you were fishing for. Not that he doesn’t mean them.
You hop on the couch, sitting on your knees like an overexcited puppy. “Thank you! You can open it now!” Knowing he has to move quickly before he changes his mind, Jongho braces himself for the worst and opens the door. 
“Okay, where is she?” Yunho asks, pushing his way through the partially open door. Scurrying over from the couch, you follow behind the tall man. Jongho rarely has anyone over and when he does naturally it’s to see him. It’s difficult to contain your excitement about having a visitor of your own.
“It’s nice to see you too” Jongho says, dripping sarcasm. “Ghostly beauty, reveal yourself!” Yunho calls out to the empty space around him. “He’s funny” you laugh, inspecting his rather impressive dinner attire, “I like him.” Jongho rakes his fingers through his hair, sure he’s lost a few strands from stress. “Yeah, that makes one of us.” 
“You’re making this weird” a deep voice sounds from behind you. The voice is different from others you’ve heard in recent memory. Up until now every voice has seemed to come from a distance. The ones you’ve grown familiar with, like Jongho’s or the ones on your favorite shows, feel closer than others. None of them come close to this one. The clarity is entracing and, without a thought, you’re hunting for the source of the sound.
Trailing in behind Yunho you see another tall man, every visible inch of his skin covered in artfully executed tattoos. In a knit sweater and a pair of jeans, his clothing is far less formal than Yunho’s. He wears black circle rimmed glasses that compliment the sharpness of his nose. As you approach, you see your reflection in them and are almost embarrassed by how hypnotized you appear. Thank god he can’t see you. 
“Who is this?” you ask Jongho, without glancing back. A puzzled Jongho locks the door, unsure what to make of your stranger than usual behavior. “That’s Yunho, I told you…”
“No,” you interrupt, “This one. Who’s this one?”
Your question does something to the nameless man standing before you. It’s as if the world has come crashing down around him. He’s flooded with every emotion he’s ever known of, some he didn’t know he could feel. “Mingi” he speaks to you and only you. Mingi closes the space between you, stars shining in his eyes. He can see you.
Yunho gasps, hands thrown over his mouth, "Holy shit, she can see him too..."
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canonsinthehead · 2 months
Yuji/Sukuna/Choso Familiy & Sibling Dynamics Headcanons.
(this is old but imma post it anyway)
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First, let’s address their birth order. So Choso is born first (obviously) followed by Sukuna and then Yuji. Ironically, they do possess many of the stereotypical personality traits we associate with your birth order:
First Born Choso (Second Parent/Older Sibling Curse): a severe case of “neglected older sibling syndrome”, overachiever/perfectionist/hyper independent, parental figure, difficulty expressing emotions properly, responsible. 25-26 yo.
(Cursed) Black Sheep Middle Child Sukuna: “unloved” child, when I mean black sheep I mean in a VERY bad way, isolated by age since Yuji is too young and Choso too old, independent, Rebellious as fuck, lone wolf, overall red flag, 19-21 yo.
Favorite Maknae/Golden Child Yuji: Obvious favorite child (by parents and siblings), charming, outgoing, creative, social butterfly, often needs reassurance, 15-16yo.
They used to be 5 siblings but the other 2 passed away (Kechizu and Eso), leaving only these 3. Their parents' history is a bit unknown and complicated since they are a reunified family.
Yuji and Sukuna’s dad raised them during their diaper years but that’s all before he passed away. As for their mom, she vanished without a trace, so they don’t remember much of her. Since she was their father’s second wife it didn’t affect as much either. This other mother who birthed Chosos and their two other brothers is also mysterious since they as well don’t know a lot about her either.
They all most of their care under Yuji/Sukuna’s grandad care but the old man couldn’t wait for them to reach the age right age to get out of his house especially Sukuna with all the trouble he caused. Meanwhile Choso was abroad working as a model, but then grandad passed away, he came back to take full responsibility of his only brothers left meanwhile Sukuna who just got released from prison/juvi went his own way.
First Born Second Parent Choso
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As I mentioned before Choso has always been the most responsible type, but it is not completely true. When he left the household first, he went on a self-discovery quest. He tried different avenues for his life and made a decent of money as a legit model. Away from his family's eyes and under different stress, he got involved in various types of hard drugs that scarred his eyes permanently.
Grandad’s death motivated him to get clean and get his act together to take of Yuji. The passing of his brothers pained him the most and their grandfather’s death made him feel like he was abandoning Yuji by being away and leaving him alone for his selfish ambitions. He now works 2 jobs, one in data entry and another in graphic design.
He will not mention while being overseas, how he got mixed up with a weird crowd and witnessed darks things. Aside from a satanic cult and people with supernatural abilities, a man named Kenjaku seriously claimed to be Yuji’s mom. What?
Choso spoils Yuji to the fullest. He appreciates how Yuji genuinely looks up to him and respects his quirky/edgy personality and looks. Sukuna will never admit it, but he is envious of their close relationship/bond to the point of being a full-blown hater. Since their toddler days, he did all he could to destroy it while hating being associated with his two brothers.
Cursed Black Sheep Middle Child Sukuna
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Well well… it seems like he always was like this vindictive evil ass kid. Since his younger years, he contrasted Yuji’s bubbly and sweet personality with his cruel and harsh tendencies.
Going from hurting kids in pre-school and middle school to beating up twice his height and weight in high school and beyond, he seemed like a typical hyperactive mean little kid, but it evolved into something sinister.
His room is a constant mess. Smells of weed, piles of clothes, and IS THAT A REAL SWORD AND A KNIFE COLLECTION ON THE WALL?!? He hides handguns and military grade snipers under his bed.
As I said, he got tattoos OVERNIGHT, many suspected he joined a gang around the age of 15 yo, the same period when he was hopping from one problematic situation to another. Getting kicked out of high school many times to end up in an alternative school (which he ran away from btw). In reality, he was a gang leader and already made a name for himself with few bodies under his belt.
At 17 yo, he was sent to juvie/prison, during that time nobody knew where he was and what he was doing. Cutting ties with him was not difficult, it almost felt like a relief since he has been exponentially wilding out since Choso left.
“I’m not gonna babysit you, bye.” He told Yuji, Before he vanished without a trace, leaving his younger brother alone behind. It's not like Yuji couldn’t survive without him (not going to happen with Choso constantly sending money from abroad). Their landlord exploited the teenager’s situation and kicked Yuji out of their apartment. Luckily Nanami was there to help….
Sukuna is the type to:
Blast his music with 1000% volume in his trap car windows wide open.
He tried to do a drive-by on Yuji and Megumi
Sneak out of his bedroom by the window
Matter of fact, many people will try to beat up Yuji thinking it’s him. Luckily Megumi is with him and the boy can defend himself
After moving into Nanami’s house, Yuji can live a normal life for a while. but 2-3 years later Sukuna shows up unannounced as if he hasn’t been missing for all this time saying “Yeah, I was in jail.”. nobody can verify this information.
He is by definition the male counterpart of baddies/city girls/bad girls of the world. And attracts them. He would sleep with them. According to rumors and a lot of “He Said, She said” saying he ate some of past his girlfriend’s kids. But always keep in mind he cares NOTHING about ANY women.
You can catch him at your local Travis Scott concert casually engaging in devil worship. Meanwhile Yuji in content forcing Nobara and Megumi to go see Megan Thee Stallion. Luckily Gojo and Todo are fans as well.
Sukuna is somewhere in the rough parts of town in a busted basement apartment with some white haired girl.
How is this man still breathing or standing when you can only see him eat Mcdonalds and Taco Bell.
Nanami raised his voice against him after he tried to sneak up on his wife during the night (You look delicious, come here!). This added to the months of Nanami being on high alert 24/7. He had to add locks to all bedrooms’ doors fearing he would attempt to kill everyone during the “ungodly hours of the night”
Sukuna listens to drill/Trap Rap. The hardcore type (anything adjacent to Baby Khia)
(NSFW) This guy has an unhealthy obsession with Megumi Fushiguro (it’s about to get devious…) he goes on and stalks the boy and pulls on him like;
 “Why don’t you join my gang my sweet little Fushiguro?” “We would make a perfect duo together, forget about my goofy ass brother” “I jerk off thinking about you” “Let me lick your feet”
Yuji got beat up bad the first and only time he asked why does Sukuna wears long pointy acrylic nails.
Sukuna is a proud cop hater; he’ll eat them for lunch.
He also commits armed robbery/home invasion without a mask and STILL not getting caught.
Favorite Maknae Golden Child Yuji
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he is the type seriously ate glue as a kid
Was and still is a hardcore otaku especially when it comes to music and dances. His anime impressions are legendary.
Yuji has a weird habit of being extra touchy with the adults he is attached to, especially with hugs and burying his head in their chest. (mainly with Nanami & Choso). Nanami WARNED him not to do it with his wife or he will have to kill him. Himself.
His room is full of posters.
Will eat ANYTHING.
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666writingcafe · 5 months
Level Four
Content Warning: unhinged Simeon, degradation/name-calling
Your next challenge is outside. Be sure to stretch beforehand.
After changing into something I can exercise in, I leave my room and head outside. Whoever I'm up against next must be hiding; I can't see them anywhere. I almost think about heading back inside and texting Asmo, but then it dawns on me.
Maybe they're waiting for me to stretch first before making their appearance known. If that's the case, then Asmo's note makes perfect sense.
I spend a few minutes loosening my muscles up. Sure enough, as soon as I'm finished, someone sneaks up behind me and whispers menacingly,
"Start running." My body moves on its own, recognizing the danger it's in. It's not until I've entered the woods behind the manor that my mind catches up and spurs me on. Hearing loud, maniacal laughter echoing through the trees makes me turn my run into a full-on sprint.
Perhaps I would have been better off with a serial killer. At least that guy would have been human, and I'd have a shot of outlasting him in a chase. Now, I'm merely pushing back the inevitable of getting caught, and then who knows what will happen?
Suddenly, something launches at me and tackles me to the ground, knocking the air out of my lungs.
"You're a sick little sheep, you know that?" My eyes widen as I take in Simeon's appearance on top of me. Never in a million years would I have thought that he would participate in something like this, and yet...
"Oh, don't play dumb." His eyes appear to glow angrily in the reduced light of the woods. "You know exactly what you did."
"Can't...breathe..." I wheeze. Quickly, Simeon gets off me, but as soon as I get up and catch my breath, he grabs me from behind and backs up against a tree.
"Honestly, I'm surprised you made it this far into your test. I thought you would have gave into your lust like the little whore that you are." Simeon tightens his grip, causing me to yelp.
I'm sure someone in my position would protest to being called a whore, but I can't argue with the truth. When it comes to supernatural beings, I am a complete and total slut.
And nearly every part of me is screaming at Simeon to treat me like one, right here in these very woods. I know he wants to; his daydreams about me prove as much.
The only sane part of me forces me to stomp on his foot and take off running again. After a moment's hesitation, Simeon follows me close behind.
I nearly pass the note pinned to the tree completely, but it sticks out just enough from the rest of my surroundings that I manage to snatch it in my hands before Simeon catches me again. It takes us a few moments for us to calm down, neither one of us saying anything to the other.
Simeon's the first to break the silence.
"Well, that was fun." I would laugh at his statement, but I'm still a bit winded from all the running I did. I settle on telling him,
"You're weird."
"Never said I was normal."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351
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eli-am-confused · 2 months
please tell me more about your au with Wiley, Sheila, Duke & Holloway :0
The general idea is that they grow up together and solve Hatchetfield “mysteries” which mostly involves throwing hands with cultists and saving people from becoming another missing persons case. I can see them solving smaller problems to, but I just can’t get the image of them punching cultists in the face out of my head. I imagine they’re also discovering stuff about Hatchetfield along the way.
This au is based on Scooby Doo and Solve It Squad with hints of Gravity Falls because of some obvious reasons. Basically, childhood friends from mid-elementary to the end of high school who get up to some serious hijinks. They split up after high school due to a multitude of factors but specifically after the Accident™️ which causes Holloway to make her deal. They do end up back in Hatchetfield and as a group in adulthood but that takes time and a LOT of stuff happens before then. I’m mostly focused on them as kids and teens tho because that’s when most of the au stuff actually happens.
That gets me to some miscellaneous thoughts, that you probably weren’t asking for but I don’t exactly have a lot of people to talk to about this, over the au in no particular order and with no particular significance. (Keep in mind that not everything is quite set in stone and I love hearing other ideas.)
- Duke is the youngest, then Holloway, then Wilbur, and lastly Sheila is the oldest. Sheila likes to shove it in everyone’s faces that she’s the oldest but Wilbur’s the only one who ever falls for the bait. The other two just roll their eyes and go back to whatever they were doing prior to it getting brought up.
- The whole group has a tendency to banter and pick fights with each other. Sheila is especially bad about it and Wilbur is really bad about always falling into her traps. The only person in the group who is constantly good at shooting down someone who’s trying to pick a fight is Duke, he’s also very efficient at ending fights. That, of course, doesn’t mean he isn’t prone to getting into some mischief of his own from time to time.
- Believe it or not Wilbur has the capability of being the most serious of the group. He can get really into a case and is very protective over his friends and “civilians” that accidentally get caught up in the supernatural. He has the uncanny ability to flip from childish to serious, as he grows older he uses this to his advantage.
- Ok so I’m sure you’re all aware of my Jon Matteson (+Curt Mega) character family tree head-cannon/au. Well, that is also a part of this au because I’m in love with them being the biggest, most confusing family in Hatchetfield.
That being said, Duke is the oldest brother of like 5 and takes his job as oldest very seriously. Despite being the youngest of the friend group he is a professional mother hen and is always carrying medical supplies, water, and snacks in his backpack (plus some important case files and books on the weird and unusual). He also has a very “no man left behind” mentality but I think the whole group echoes that sentiment.
- Wilbur may be an only child but he’s grown up pretty close to his cousin Ted. They have an almost sibling relationship, but are much meaner to each other so a lot of people assume they don’t get along. But a lot of people also have the tendency to assume they’re twins so what do they know anyway?
- Sheila is an only child rich kid. Her parents are also a part of a cult but she doesn’t realize it or get involved with the cult until her senior year of high school. She is a confusing case when it comes to sociability because on one hand she can be absolutely terrible about interacting with others but on the other she knows how to manipulate others into doing the things she needs them to do.
- Holloway is an orphan who didn’t know her parents. Despite growing up around a lot of other kids she’s always felt like an outsider. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t look out for the other kids tho, she’s just more of a cool cousin than an older sister type. Holloway is the worst at social interactions, but she is very protective of those around her and will do basically anything to make sure they’re ok.
- Something I totally didn’t almost forgot to add is that their favorite hangout spot is Wilbur’s house; it has been for about as long as they’ve been friends. It was really just the obvious choice for them. Holloway can’t host for pretty obvious reasons. Duke would like to host but his house is always full of people of all ages and he doesn’t want his friends to feel uncomfortable while he takes care of a younger brother that wouldn’t sit still for anyone but him. Sheila may be rich but she’s all too aware that her parents are weird and they wouldn’t like having her friends over anyway. Wilbur’s house is just, unfortunately, the best place to be.
- an idea I’ve been throwing around in my head is that Holloway could be in contact with Webby. The main groups that this au is based on (Scooby Doo/Solve It Squad) both have an animal companion (talking dog really but in Mystery Incorporated the group before the Scooby gang had a bird so I think any animal would work) and I think Webby could fit that spot in her spider form. I don’t want her to be all that involved though, just giving little hints and suggestions to the group (specially Holloway) when they need it.
- @/thearcanecat mentioned in her reblog of the first post about this au that she imagines Sheriff Keane would be worried about the kids at first before realizing that they’re doing a better job then his own police force and then he would sneak important files in Dukes bag to get them on a case/help them figure some stuff out and I really like that idea! Originally I had imagined Sheriff Keane really not being involved in what the group was doing but I think this makes sense for him. Like obviously he would never do anything to endanger the children but I imagine he’s very proud of the work they’re doing. They are, after all, doing a lot more for Hatchetfield then his men ever have.
- No one can stay mad at Duke. It’s just a way of life. Duke of course doesn’t abuse this power but it does come with some perks. He can easily make witnesses feel comfortable after tragedy, he can talk the groups way out of trouble with the cops, and on the more rare and bizarre occasion he can make a cult member rethink all the bad things they’ve done in the name of whatever dark god they follow. He’s particularly good with younger kids and has a big soft spot for them. Dukes main motivation in life is to help others and make the world a safer place for everyone.
- another thing I’m kinda thinking about is possible shipping? Like obviously this wouldn’t come up until they’re teens but it is an idea I’m juggling with. Specifically wine and dine is something I think can only really come together as adults but I think it could be a very interesting concept post Accident™️ (I am still planning on actually writing it out but if you wanna know the gist of what happens there it’s in the reblogs of the first post for this au). I’m also particularly attached to teen Wilbur dealing with the most obvious and embarrassing crush on Duke. This is all just a thought tho and I do not plan on them getting crushes on each other until they’re older.
Sorry this took so long to answer it’s just been a busy week. If anyone has questions about this au I am very happy to talk about it.
(Also I’m really bad at naming things so if anyone has any idea of a name for this au I am taking suggestions because all I have is the Hatchet Catchers and I’m really not sure about that one)
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jewbeloved · 6 months
heyyyy! I saw the thing with Craig with a s/o who has the same powers as Isabella and it was so cute! so I'm asking if you can a one of the main 4 seperatley (I CANT FOCKING SPELL IT) with a s/o (f!reader if you don't mind) who has the same powers, and like what happens in the movie, reader has the mindset that she needs to be perfect, but they help her realize she doesn't need to and kinda goes wild with her powers (again, like what happens in the movie)
thank you so so much if you do this! but either way have an amazing week!
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Sure thing! ^^
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Team Stan with a s/o who can bloom flowers like Isabella✿𖣘ᰔᩚ
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh 🍼
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Tbh he never knew about your powers until you pranked him and his friends while they were playing superheroes.
Cartman cursed you out while Stan was just staring at you in awe. You were planning on showing Stan your powers but you decided to do it in a mischievous way.
He doesn't have much to say except the fact that he really loves your ability. (100% wanted you to be on the freedom pals team after he invited you to come play superheroes.)
"Can you make poison flowers bloom?".
"No Stan I don't wanna kill anyone.... except for the fatass".
Definitely will vomit anytime you make him a gift made from the flowers you bloom.
💚 Kyle Broflovski ✡️
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Just casually waking up in the morning only for him to look out his window and see you doing the family guy death pose on a.....lily flower...?
Rubs his eyes multiple times to make sure he isn't seeing things.
Surprised pikachu face when you created a flower from underneath him and lifted him up into the air.
Doesn't stay surprised for long because he has pretty much seen so many crazy stuff nowadays. He can't muster up the energy to say shocked for too long.
Also thinks your ability is pretty unique and cool! Can you make Cartman's room look like a prison jungle-?
No seriously, what else can you do besides make them bloom outta nowhere? Tell him (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠).💚💚💚💚💚
❤️ Eric Cartman 💅
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Believe it or not he actually had a dream about you having some crazy ass weird ability causing mayhem with it.
You blooming daisy flower prison bars over his door to prank him confirms his dream has came to reality.
Cartman has a bunch of stuff going through his mind so he probably believes in supernatural and doesn't really care that you have the ability to bloom flowers out of nowhere.
Obviously will exploit your powers to rip people off of their money or use it to plot revenge plans on his enemies.
You spoil and put up with his psychopathic devious self. So you indulge Cartman in helping him with his plans to see how far he gets before he screws himself over XD
You and Cartman mess with Kyle for the rest of the week. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 💀
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He saw your ability right after you accidentally impaled and killed him by blooming roses that had sharp thorns on them.
Cue you apologizing to him many times the next day he regenerates and tells you it's okay. He thinks your powers are neat! ✨
You showcase all of the flowers you can bloom to him. He might even ask if you could make a vase full of flowers that he can give to his sister. ♥️
Either it's your clumsy summoning or Kenny's bad luck.
But the amount of times this dude has died from being impaled or shot up into the skies and hitting the ground hard from you blooming flowers without noticing Kenny is right there. 💀
Kenny doesn't really mind, at least you always remember his deaths unlike everyone who just forgets he even died in the first place.🧡🧡🧡🧡
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Did I just use "bloom" so many times while writing this? I swear, I'm so insecure about how I write my stories sometimes 😭😭😭😭
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scorpiussage · 8 months
The Lost Footage of You | Part 1 (Tom Buckley/OC)
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Pairing: Tom Buckley (Red Lights)/OC
Summary: Tom gets called to a review a very odd case involving a young woman and some unexplainable found footage. 
Warnings: Violence, very dark themes
Tom hates dealing with cops and he’s certain they hate him just as much. They watch him with open disdain as he gets buzzed through the locked security check points that keep the patients at Creekwood Sanitarium in and the regulars of society out. 
A nurse with the look of someone exhausted down to their soul meets him once he’s completely through security. She holds out a laminated visitors pass and he barely gets the chance to grab it and fix it to his clothes before she’s marching away from him down the main entrance corridor. 
“You’ll get thirty minutes to talk to her, so make it count,” the woman utters boredly, her gait surprisingly fast given her overall disposition and it causes Tom to have to power walk in order to keep up with her.  
“Er— right,” Tom replies weakly, trying to get his thoughts in order, “Has she said anything since being admitted?”
The nurse shoots him a sharp eyed, pursed lip look, “No.” 
Tom mentally adds “Nurses” to his ever growing list of things and people he hates. 
This entire case is sort of an unconventional one for Tom. Usually he’s exposing supposed psychics and tarot readers as fraudulent— never has he been asked by law enforcement to work on a case. 
Two weeks ago, six people were found brutally murdered at what appeared to be some sort of séance. A seventh person was found unconscious at the scene, a one Y/F/N Y/L/N, and with her a camcorder and a purse full of tapes. Now, Tom hasn’t seen the tapes yet, (he’s still waiting for clearance from the county judge to be allowed to watch them) but he’s been told roughly what they consist of. Whatever is on those tapes has law enforcement quaking in their boots. 
Tom has been called in to not only determine the validity of the tapes, but to also see if the young woman involved has some sort of supernatural ability. The police certainly think that the tapes are supernatural in nature. 
For a psychiatric facility, the living quarters of the patients and the inmates are actually pretty nice compared to the standard. Y/N has her own room and it has a few furnishings like a desk and a cushioned chair near the barred window. She’s sitting in said chair, starring out into the gray gloom of the facility grounds and the forest beyond them. 
This is the first look that Tom is getting of her and while they told him she was young, he’s still surprised. She can’t be older than 25 and she’s shockingly beautiful too. He sort of freezes in place when their eyes meet for the first time. He feels all too like the skinny weird kid he used to be and being faced with the local hottie. 
“Remember Mr. Buckley, 30 minutes,” the nurse says, shocking Tom out of his trance as she leaves the two of them alone, locking the door behind herself. 
Tom clears his throat awkwardly and takes a seat on the edge of Y/N’s desk, realizing too late that it probably makes him look like a middle school teacher trying to seem down to earth. 
“Hello,” he says with a weak smile, “I’m Dr. Tom Buckley.” 
“You don’t look like a doctor,” Y/N replies with a voice so soft that Tom has to lean forward to hear her better. 
“Er— I’m not a medical doctor, actually I’m a physicist.” 
Trying to grasp onto what to say next, Tom pulls the desk chair out and brings it over to where she’s sitting, placing himself in front of her, “I’m sort of a specialist in my particular field.” 
The woman stares at him blankly and it prompts him to start info dumping, “I deal with uncovering frauds who claim to be psychic or to have supernatural abilities. Not to say that that’s what you are, but that’s why I’m here.” 
The woman nods, “The police think I killed all those people.” 
Tom winces, “Um, yeah, they do.” 
Sinking into her chair she regards him with those piercing eyes of hers, almost making him feel like he’s being dissected. 
“Sometimes things happen around me that don’t make sense,” she says after a while, cutting off Tom who was about to start asking questions if only to fill the silence, “I carry around a videocamera to document everything.” 
“Have you? Documented these weird happenings?”
Y/N fidgets, her eyes darting to look back out the window, “A friend of a friend of a friend heard about me and requested me to do this séance? Like with a ouija board and stuff? I didn’t really want to do it but he said he’d pay me for my time.”
She takes a deep breath here, seemingly struggling to say out loud what occurred, “I told them it was a bad idea. The weird things that happen around me? The energies don’t like being taunted and I told those people that but they didn’t listen to me.” 
Tom quickly pulls out a notebook and pen, ready to take notes, “Can you tell me a bit more about these ‘energies’? What do they do?” 
“I— I wouldn’t call them ghosts, that seems too simple to what they are. They just— they’re always there, following me around? They get mad if I ignore them too long or if I try to provoke them.” 
“What do they do if you ignore them?” He asks. 
Y/N bites her lip nervously, eyeing him like she’s trying to decide if he’s trustworthy or not. She must come to the conclusion that he is, because she turns around in her chair and lifts up the back of her shirt. 
Tom’s notebook and pen go clattering to the floor, his shock audible in the horrified gasp he lets out. Big ugly bruises and weeping claw marks mar her back, in locations and styles that she would not be able to do to herself. 
Tom thinks that this case is going to end up being more than he bargained for. 
Tom isn’t sure what to expect when he finally gets approval to view the video tapes. He’s left alone in an unused interrogation room with a small box TV and a larger-than-he-expected stack of tapes. None of them are labeled and the cop that escorted him to the room fucked off without saying anything. 
With a deep sigh, Tom grabs the first tape on the top and pushes it into the VCR. It starts off how all home made videos are want to do, with jumbled, unfocused images before they finally settle.
It’s Y/N filming herself through the reflection of a bathroom mirror. She’s breathing heavily and the camera is shaking with her unsteady hands. Gulping audibly, she starts talking, “It’s— uh— Tuesday, August the 5th. The noises are back.” 
She jumps when a loud thump echoes in the background. She swings the camera to face a closed door— either the door to the bathroom or a closet, Tom can’t tell. Everything is still and quiet before another bang visibly rattles the door in its frame. Like someone slammed their fist into it. 
Y/N drops the camera in fright, the visual becoming that of her feet and the bottom of the door. 
Tom is both captivated and horrified, this whole thing is playing out like a real life horror movie.
“Don’t do it, don’t open the door,” he mutters to himself, both literally and figuratively on the edge of his seat. He holds his breath when she cracks the door.
She stands there for a moment before reaching down and picking up the camera. The door is now open to show a tightly packed linen closet. There’s absolutely no where a person could hide in that. 
Tom turns off the TV. 
The next time Tom goes to visit her, it’s during the patients’ outside recreational time. She’s sat off by herself under the shade of a large tree and she’s ripping up fistfuls of grass boredly. Tom rubs his sweaty palms on his pants before taking a seat near her. 
“Hey,” he greets awkwardly, “How are you?”
She shrugs and he tries to figure out what to say next. 
“How long have weird things been happening to you?” He eventually lands on, his curiosity getting the better of him. 
“Since I was a kid, I guess? My mom kept making us move because she was convinced the houses we lived in were haunted.” 
The ‘but it’s actually me’ goes unsaid. Tom feels a lot of sympathy for her, he can’t imagine being terrorized by unseen forces for years. He doesn’t really know how to express that sentiment to her though without flat out saying her life is a fucking horror movie. 
Deciding to change trajectory of the conversation, he asks, “Can you tell me more about that night?”
“It was supposed to be a seance,” she tells him and then after a long pause adds, “I think.” 
He frowns, “You think?”
She brushes the loose grass off of her palms, “The set up was really weird. Everyone was in a circle and they made me sit in the middle.”
“You were in the middle?”
She nods, “I brought my camera, but they told me I wasn’t allowed to film. I lied about turning it off and left it recording inside my bag. I just felt weird about the whole thing.” 
Tom bites at his thumb as he thinks. He hasn’t made it to the video of that night yet and this conversation is creating more questions than answers. 
“What happened next?” He finally asks. 
“That’s the thing. I can’t remember.” 
Tom doesn’t know how many more of the tapes he can watch. Each one is more horrifying than the last and if it were him, he would’ve taken a swan dive off a building out of sheer terror. 
For not the first time, he wishes Margaret was still alive to give him some guidance on what to do. Part of him feels relief that there’s another with strange abilities, but not at the suffering of this poor woman. 
He’s only halfway through the stack and he feels like this entire experience has aged him 10 years. With an exhausted sigh, he pops the next one into the VCR and hits play. 
The video starts off with a visual of the end of her bed before she turns the camera around to show her face. The lighting is poor, coming only from the faint glow of her bedside lamp. 
“It’s 2:38 am,” her voice is in a hushed whisper like she’s afraid of being overheard, “There’s something under my bed.” 
She peeks the camera over the edge of her bed to show her wooden floors. Nothing happens for a long moment before the camera jolts as the bed is shaken in its frame. She lets out a scream and buries herself under the covers like a child would, bringing the camera with her. The video goes on with a close up of her panicked face until eventually she falls asleep. 
Tom feels like he’s the only one who’s capable of protecting her. 
to be continued...
Part 2
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xuchiya · 4 months
"My super-natural love" || yunho x female reader : san x female reader
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genre: supernatural words: 2312 note: i'm planning it to be my mini-series hehe but i'm still thinking about it. THIS IS ORGINALLY FROM MY DREAM :>
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 Choi San and the rest of his 99’s friends were here in the school, which shocked me since this is the first time I saw all of them complete and interested in this event ever since the school interacted with the venue-coordinator of the event. Even if Choi San is more than just a crush, my heart could not comprehend the thought of him approaching a girl, yet I woke myself up that if he knows or not, that I like him then there’s nothing i can do.
It is what it is then. So I accepted that he’ll approach pretty and more elegant girls and not me.
I sigh, thumping the pencil on my paper as I reviewed for my final exams until I felt Yeosang’s presence and so is Yunho. I looked up and smiled at them. I may not be friends with San but I’m good friends with these two.
“You know, you should approach him. He likes it when girls do the first move, it’s a point for him.” Yunho said and I scoffed, “Just tell me straight in the face he doesn’t like me or I’m not his type.”
Yeosang shakes his head, “Oh no no, you are indeed his type so shut up and listen as we say. He likes you.” I shake my head, looking towards the door to see Madam Shaine signalling to climb up first since the first batch are now taking the exams. 
I took my bag, “Well I'd rather keep this than tell it to him.” 
They both shrug towards each other as they watch me walk away at the same time, San came over to our spot, his eyes were lingering before he engaged himself in a conversation with the others.
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“You can’t swim?” I nodded, twirling the pen in my hand. As weird as it sounds and different ability as all the others I met, mine has to do with levitation. Mind control too. I barely used my mind control as it felt too dark and too deep of a magic.
“When I was kid, I almost drowned and at the same time, I discovered I could levitate. So it’s like a trauma and the best day combines.” Yunho chuckles, sprinkle me from his water bottle which I kick him in the leg playfully. They started opening up their past and how they discovered their powers. We would laugh and pull a shocked face whenever they told us about a traumatizing or scary experience.
Unbeknownst to my knowledge, San and Mingi exchange places. Yunho saw the whole thing happening, kept his patience trying his best to keep the conversation between us alive until San cut in.
“Are you coming to the event?” A deep voice spoke beside me, I looked to my side to see San leaning close to my side. I cleared my throat, nodding, “Yeah some of my friends are coming and this could be our last event for super-natural.”
He sat even closer, his cologne nudging my nostrils and his heat was not helping the thumping of my heart. I look over to see Yeosang smirking at me. I shake my head as San and I converse in a simple conversation.
 “San, is Joana coming? She must be excited for the up-coming event… She looks forward to your confession.” Mingi teased which led to everyone teasing him excluding you and Yunho– who was observing me on the side. My throat tightens into thought of him being actually in a relationship or whatever their status is. I moved more to my left, where Yunho is. 
Yunho sensed my presence and made more space to lean on him, I thanked him quietly as I (did my best) listening to their conversation. I am being careful and placing a distance between me and San, knowing he had someone already in his arms and I do not want to be the cause of their fight or worse— their break-up. I rather be hurt than seeing people hurt.
I really should stop being delusional with all the bare minimum.
I was pulled to sit in their area when we were about to take our finals before going to the event. I shook my head and sat a few chairs away from them.
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  When I get to the super-natural event for gifted children, lines of different brands of cars align outside and thousands of murmurs of voices overlap one another and the deep bass of the music inside the venue can be heard.
I was lost since I wasn’t able to listen to the professor's instruction a while ago inside the school perimeters and now I have to suffer the consequences until I see one of my old friends— Jongho. His eyes lit up and grabbed and interloop our arms together, “Where have you been?!” 
“I was lost but what happened?” He gave me a letter, a dried flower taped to the back with my name neatly cursive in a gold lettering, an envelope sealed in a crest for Jeong’s. My eyebrow furrowed,“Yunho? Wait we were supposed to give letters?” 
“Apparently yes but in this tradition. If you really want to pursue someone, you really go to make an effort on the letter given to that person.” He looks at the envelope and then smiles, “Looks like Yunho-hyung likes you.”
My heart thump to my chest and at the same time, my hopes fell to my feet that the mere chances of San is already down to zero. Maybe it is time to let go and move on to this crush I had in San; maybe have a way with Yunho, besides the whole time I was going nuts in every interaction with San— he was a witness. Yunho has been patient with all of my tantrums and sadness over his friend whilst keeping his feelings to the side. 
   “I’ll give him a chance.” The envelope has a location where you could meet the person who gave you the letter. If you do not show up on the said location it means you have rejected it. But Jongho is persistent since his sister will be receiving her first confession— mind you she is 3 years older to Jongho and a year ahead of all of us.
  The place seems like an old ancient temple of the Myth Gods. Uneven and short stairs then unexpected cobblestone pillars reaching the ceiling as a support and then a few people scattered talking much quieter than the ones we passed by a while ago. When we reached the said location, Jongho walked towards the mini bridge and to both sides of the bridge there are stairs. I looked over it and saw a few people down in the pool. The Aphrodite pool. It is said to be deep and no person can come up unless love has been confessed and to the other side of the mini bridge made my heart soar when I made eye contact with Yunho, who was leaning against his harley davidson vrsc in his all black outfit. His slint eyes were staring already in mine, compared to his puppy eyes back at school.
“Oh~” Jongho snapped his fingers, I furrowed my eyebrows only to notice that he placed me in a spaghetti strap ruffle faint pink dress and a white princess shoes, I smiled at him.
“Goodluck noona!”
It was a completely different Yunho that I am seeing right now. My throat tightens when Jongho hands me the envelope and leads me downstairs, towards Yunho. He smiles gently, reaching for my hand. With a small hesitation, I placed my hand on top of his, with his inhuman strength, he placed me on top of his motorbike.
He leans against me while nudging me to open the letter, “Go on tulip.” My cheeks flaring from the unexpected nickname but oblige to his request. 
    "Amor difficilis esse potest, sicut facile esse potest, tamen hic sum a principio te amans, et amare te difficile erit nisi oculis meis occurras."
  I look at him with confusion, “Since when Yunho? I– It must be hard for you to know that I gush over you friend—” He shakes his head, taking my hand to his large ones, his full finger ring cold against my sweaty palms, “Summer break. I just realize it over that time, can’t get you out of my head, how adorable you look whenever you want to spend time in Discord and then you’ll rant about the most random thing in these world, or how you would “flex” about your collection and the way you would cry whenever you remember you remember that you gave away this stuff bunny to your cousin because they also fell in love with it how you fell in love with it too.”
My heart was beyond the moon. His observation on the little things triggers my heart, his sweetness and consideration. My head is fighting me for being blind when Yunho could be the person I am with from the beginning instead of being a hopeless romantic or hoping to be with San.
“YOU!” A voice roared out of nowhere, interrupting my conversation with Yunho. We both look for the voice, we were both greeted with a panicking Jongho which is unusual, I took Jongho’s shaking hands in mine, squeezing it, “Hey hey~ What’s happening?”
“I– I told her that you like Yunho now but she—” A scream left my lips when a force gripped my entire body and pulled me up in the air and faced the raging woman. Her hair was literally floating like snakes and her eyes were in the shade of red like the aura she was giving.
“You dare set foot on this territory after claiming my Sannie?! You thick faced bitch!” SHe roared in my face, I wiggle out not liking each second it tightness, “I never claimed him nor ever been with him. He is just a friend—”
“I do not care! Lies! Lies! For your punishment, face your worst fears~!” My eyes widened in fear when she took me to the pool. Few people were there but they all pushed themselves out when they saw us approaching, “Noona ! This is unacceptable! Punishment for a mere misunderstanding is not gonna solve anything!”
“Shut up!” Joana swing Jongho away when he tried to approach her. My eyes widened when his body crashed onto one of the pillars, “Jongho!”
“Joana stop! She did not do anything!” Yunho yells, Jongho pleading with his sister to let me go even with his weak state. Mingi and Yeosang helping the youngest but Joana’s anger was blinding her. With a few spells chanted by her, the pool suddenly changed into a different color and I could feel the energy within the water change, I squirm out of the force but it only tightens.
“Use it” I shake my head, looking at Yeosang. He had the look of ‘Do it’ but I was stubborn. I have promised myself I would never use my second ability to someone, whether in this situation or different– never, “She’s going to drown you in the pool of agony vengeance!” 
I saw Yeosang walk towards San, gripping his collar, “Control your girlfriend! She’s gonna kill someone innocent!” San remove Yeosang’s grip, eyes glued to you and Joana the whole time. He walks towards them, “Joana, let her go please. She’s my friend's girlfriend, nothing more.”
Joana’s head snapped to him, “Friend?! I can smell her scent on you! Are those friends?!” He shakes his head, “We have to use the utility bus from our school and it is clamped up, no space or seats available okay?”
“Excuses!” I cried out this time, tears streaming down my cheeks. My lungs were crushing inside me making it hard to breathe each passing minute. My head was losing oxygen, eyes blurry from the lack of air. Joana glances at the state you were in and smirks, leaning you close to her, “San is only mine.”
She said those words before I felt my whole body free from her tight grip and my body fell into the water. It made a huge splash causing everyone to panic. Yunho removed his coat and leather sash, his shoes and socks before jumping in the water.
Diving in and swimming as fast as he could but to his dismay, the water became too dense for to swim. His heart was beating loudly in his chest as your lifeless body slowly sunk down deeper and deeper in the depths of Aprhodite’s agony, his heart was full and ready to pursue you and he could see the changes in your body language when you were considering moving on and giving him a chance but it all took away from him from a small understanding.
A figure swam past him in great speed, he halted when he saw the black haired male grabbing you in his arms before swimming back to the surface, Yunho knowing who he was and swam up after.
San places you down on the ground, pale and barely breathing. San was breathing heavily, hands shaking before yelling out, “Call an ambulance! She’s barely breathing.”
Yunho pushes himself out of the water taking San’s place, he leans down to grab your hand which was cold, “Hey tulip~ hold on okay? Help is coming!” He knew he had to do CPR while waiting but with his inhuman strength he might hurt you so he called on Seonghwa to do it.
Yunho watches to the side as his hyung saves you before it is too late. He glances at San who was watching Seonghwa too, his eyes swirling in different emotions, yet Yunho kept his cool and picking a fight with his friend won’t solve anything. Certainly, it won't remove the anger he has towards his friend for hurting you; Yunho is great friends with San for a very long time and he rather would want to maintain an understanding relationship with San than destroying it.
So, both boys were left with small hope in their hands.
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