#f: sweet talk
miramelo · 2 months
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Sweet grape be upon u🫵
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The now and then:
Daniel undersuit allows Lex and his people to see his vitals 24/7 which is why he uses it most of the time, be it under his clothes or just the suit while hanging around in his own bedroom(is comfortable!!). It also has the bonus of making feel safe
His PR team is going for a bright, approachable and young vibe so they let him have long hair(because "is relatable and against the usual gender norms, which will win over the younger population"). Is also why his costume is look-at-me-green(which is a good color to hide his blood)
His handlers in the auction wanted him to look older, sharp and neat(ugh, which is why he becomes hostile/dry towards people like the Bats or teen heroes who think nothing can be too bad
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jomiddlemarch · 6 months
let me lay down beside you
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“Mmm, darlin’, you feel so good…”
You’d thought the one silver lining of living through a zombie apocalypse might be that you’d never have to have another awkward, it’s-totally-me-it’s-not-you conversation with a man about why there was basically no chance he could make you come, including the I-really-don’t-want-you-to-get-carpal-tunnel-or-strain-your-TMJ-trying for those guys savvy enough not to have tried the You-just-haven’t-had-my-magic-dick argument. 
All the crunchy, New Age guys who were going to whip up an Ayurvedic smoothie with exact the right combo of herbs and ripe mango and enough turmeric to dye the sea gold had gone out in the first wave. Nearly all the herbs and certainly the mango and turmeric weren’t available in the continental US.
You were supposed to get something from the universe in exchange for surviving into this new world, a compensation that would make you not regret the choice to dump out all the Ambien your roommate had just gotten filled before she never came home instead of downing it in a nice cup of cocoa and then giving yourself a soft, slow dreaming death. 
No such luck.
“Joel, hang on,” you said, gritting the words out as he did something rather lovely to the side of your neck, one big hand cradling the back of your head. You drew in a breath, prepared to have to repeat yourself, because even if you weren’t getting there, he certainly seemed well on his way.
He stopped and pulled back. His hair, greying and not just at the temples, was mussed and there was a little bit of hazy desire left in his dark eyes, but he’d made it by paying very close attention and that included you.
“Too fast? I can slow down, slow as you like, darlin’,” he said.
“That’s not it,” you said, hating this part. Hating all of it, what was happening and what would happen, leading up to when he walked out the door. Joel was a nice man. He probably would take any cheap shots or do much beyond shrugging those broad shoulders of his. “It’s not too fast—”
“Too slow? Or is that somethin’ you don’t like?”
His lips on your throat, the roughness of his beard against the delicate skin over your carotid, yeah, you liked it. If only liking that and his hands on you was enough…
You were quiet, thinking about how you were going to tell him. Maybe there was a way where you really could stay friends. Where there’d still be nights he took out his guitar and sang Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline and you sang along, the firelight around you both, gold and shadow.
“Someone hurt you?” he asked, being careful. You both knew what he meant and understood how he was letting you be the one to decide how to say it. You both remembered what it was like early on and no one in Jackson was ever required to tell what had happened before they got there. You chose what you brought with you into the community, what parts of your past you’d leave behind.
“No, nothing like that,” you said. You could see the relief in his eyes, the way his mouth turned gentle.
“You wanna boss me around? I don’t have a problem taking instruction,” he said.
“Wouldn’t make any difference,” you remarked before you could think twice about it. He narrowed his eyes and you almost reached out to touch his jaw or his wrist, your right hand fluttering before you made a fist.
“You can’t make me come,” you blurted out. “I don’t want you to waste your time—”
“Seems to me I decide what my time’s worth,” he said.
“I meant, you don’t have to do a whole song and dance,” you said.
“Wasn’t plannin’ on it,” he said. “Not a huge fan of musicals.”
“You know what I mean,” you said.
“Frankly, darlin’, I don’t think I do. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on? I’m not going anywhere unless you kick me out,” he said.
“You’ll go,” you said. Lying was essential to living After, but not lying to yourself. That was a death sentence.
“When you tell me to. Not before,” he said, settling back against the couch. 
“I can’t—I don’t come, fucking,” you said.
“That part I got,” he said. In some miracle, he didn’t start the usual litany, asking questions about position or skill, beginning every iteration What about…“How d’you do, y’know, flying solo?”
“Once in a blue moon,” you said. Though probably less often than that. You shrugged. “It’s whatever.”
“Before, probably could’ve tried a vibrator. One of those rabbits maybe. Still find them scavenging, but the batteries are all dead and kind of hard to ask Maria for some juice to get off,” Joel said, so practically and so without the least iota of irritation you were startled into a laugh. He took your hand in his, held it lightly.
“I don’t want to go but I don’t want you to feel bad,” he said. “Want you to feel good, that’s the whole goal.”
“You say that, but everyone wants to come. They want to get the other person off. I don’t want to fake it, to make you happy,” you said.
“I’ve had over forty years to fuck, darlin’,” he said. “I want to be close to you, that’s all. However you want it, long as it’s real. You want me to try shit that didn’t work before, I’ll try it. You have some idea you want to give a whirl, fine by me. I’ll go down on you or use my hands or pretend I’m fucking Captain Kangaroo and you’re Lady Aberlin if that’s something you’re interested in. And if you want to lie in bed or on the couch in sweats and that’s all, that all I want,” he said.
“Lady Aberlin was on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” you said. This was not a conversation you could have imagined happening in any universe, with or without zombies, but Joel didn’t seem to mind. 
“Okay,” he said.
“You’ll get frustrated,” you said. You thought it would come out like a warning, but it sounded like you were floating an idea, waiting for him to tell you that you were wrong.
“There some rule I can’t jack off on my own? Or in your general vicinity?” he asked.
“No, it’s not like that,” you said. You couldn’t recall a man ever asking that or proposing anything similar. It was erotic, that was undeniable, that desire coupled with a total lack of demand—he hadn’t said anything about coming on your breasts or your belly and he would have, if that’s what he imagined. Parallel play, the old child development phrase from that college psych class you’d taken sophomore year, a thousand years ago when no one, even you, had ever thought to call you frigid bitch, the guys at college too self-absorbed to notice whether or not you climaxed.
“Doesn’t gross you out?”
“No. It’s hot. It’s not that I’m not interested in sex, making you come. Just hard for me to get all the way,” you said.
“That’s not all the way, you coming, screamin’ my name, headboard thumpin’ on the wall, wakin’ up the neighbors,” he said, bringing your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles open-mouthed. “All the way’s feelin’ safe, feelin’ like you can ask for whatever you want, say no to whatever you want. Being there in the morning, your head on my chest, hand on my heart.”
“You’re not going to try and convince me you’ve got some special move that’s going to blow my mind?” you said.
“If I had one, probably throw my back out tryin’ it now,” he chuckled. “I like the way you taste. I like the way you sing under your breath when I play ‘Annie’s Song.’ I like the way you argue and how your ass feels against my cock when you’re the little spoon and and how it looks when you drag me out dance over at Tina’s. If we figure something out one of these days, yeah, that’ll be fine. And if this is what we have, it’s plenty for me. I wanna give you anything you want, that’s all.”
“Anything I want?” you said. 
“Everything, darlin’,” he answered. “What d’you want right now?”
“I liked what you were doing before,” you said.
“What we were doing,” he corrected, but without any scolding. It was an invitation, one you had no intention of refusing.
“Let’s do that,” you said. “But with less clothes.”
“Yeah?” he said.
“Yeah,” you answered. “Maybe I do want to boss you around. Take your shirt off.”
“Yes’m,” he said and the shiver that went through you was that hint of ma’am and the revelation of his bare chest and the gleam in his dark eyes. 
Maybe it was a blue moon. 
And if it wasn’t, he’d still be here, holding you in his arms.
@goodwithcheese I took you up on your suggestion to write something for one of your anons who was hoping for a fic with an anorgasmic f!reader and a soft Pedro character...
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clownsuu · 1 year
Yeyeyeye, there is one of howdy and wally! And I think Barnaby too by someone else-
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
Good morning everypony! I hope you're all doing well and you got enough rest 🥺 I didn't lol but here I am heading to work like always
I'm thinking about my fairly oddparents s/i ideas and stuff I was spitballing with my bff last night! Not sure how far I'll actually go with it but I would like to make a more solid design, and as y'all know I've been really enjoying the rewatch! I was thinking of her being a fairy who's still relatively new and starts shadowing Cosmo and Wanda as part of a sort of experimental training program! And over time she gets used to their wacky shenanigans with Timmy and becomes like a part of their fambily...🥺👉👈
But then as I was watching the show last night I remembered Chester and the fact that he doesn't have any fairies (Norm for a brief while doesn't count) despite ACTUALLY living in a trailer park and I decided that eventually endgame would be my s/i becoming HIS fairy! And lemme tell ya...he stresses her THE FUCK OUT 😂😂😂 I feel like (aside from writing reasons) that never happened because he's generally a pretty happy kid, his dad seems really loving but COME ON MAN. Kid probably plays with tetanus-ridden rusty pipes and boards with nails through them, he can wish for a toy or two and maybe some food! I've decided henceforth to adopt him 💖💖
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frankenbridez · 3 months
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the pain squad
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i don't think rick came out to morty in the traditional sense nor do i think morty connected the dots on his own. what happened was he overheard rick casually dropping the f slur while joking with summer and he went off on him. like
dude what the hell what's the matter with you? y-you you you can't just say shit like that man what is this, the 90s?
and rick just does his silly little quirked unibrow face and listens to him rant till summer interrupts him
you know he is a fag, right?
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peacesmith · 2 months
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i’ve been neglecting you gintoki… man i love him so much
tag list! —
@iceicewifey @wisp-herr-rbs @bambikisses66 @over--heaven @charlies-crushes @sharkruss | tag list here!
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 months
Hi wow okay I just needed to pause my reading and come over here and tell you that your recent additions to the multiverse thread????? Insane. Love it. It’s amazing. I really had to pause at some points and just sit there like wow. Wow this is art. I am reading and enjoying art right now. Thank you for sharing your writing with us!!
This Ask is regarding this 🔞 butchlander multiverse threadfic on Twitter (the first of many perhaps?)
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Thank you so much for reading, luv! I’m thrilled to hear you’re enjoying it. 💞✨
I am extremely fond of the Quick Transmigration genre as a whole in general, and it’s funny to me how complimentary it is to the superhero multiverse trope. It pops up and I’m flooded by so many brainworms at all the inconvenient times, haha, like while I’m at work or grocery shopping. So when I get hit by these The Name of the Game stray thoughts, especially about certain details and 🔞 butchlander scenarios of the arcs I have written down in my plot outline, I feel a lil dismayed because I am only one writer and we are only ch1 into the—so far—planned 135 chapters. 😂😭 So rather than waiting till it’s appropriate to write these lil extras and possibly forgetting or losing the creative drive I have now, while the fire still burns bright, I might as well take advantage of it while it’s going strong and feed y’all tiny diegetic bites here and there.
I like to think of these as fun sort-of-“canon”/ sort-of-“non-canon” What-If outtake scenarios that take place after or during the main story (135ch), kinda like the main story’s unofficial extras or unofficial side stories y’all can read as threadfics so it’s probably not an extra just dumped in randomly or willy-nilly in the main story itself on AO3 whilst this writer tries to shoot for the moon and catch up to our ambitious goalpost of 135chs.
So whilst this one is a weeeeee on the not-so-much-plot-but-smuttier side, because it’s Homelander’s birthday soon, I thought it’d be amusing to write a 🔞 spicy threadfic where TNotG’s Homelander ends up topped by almost all the Butchers I’ve ever written in my AUs thus far. Because why not? YOLO, and it’s convenient that this writer happens to have several long threadfics, Truce, and one AO3 fic that precisely allows for them to all crossover like some kinda butchlander superhero electric boogaloo multiverse on steroids.
So far I’ve only provided snapshot glimpses into the QT arcs that TNotG Billy had to endure, threaded into the threadfic itself, but I want you to know the entire time when I’m slipping in subtle story arc references to scenarios like this:
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My mind is like:
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Because these so far only exist in my plot outline, none of these are considered TNotG main story official unless I publish it on the AO3 platform. I’d just rather write these now than let them gather dust and potentially never see the light of day, haha. It’s only a snapshot but :) what fun surprises I have awaiting y’all. So far in these two threadfic updates we got sneak peeks into the The Boys TV S1-S5 canon-compliant final arc pre-return home, the Showbiz/ Entertainment 3rd arc, and the Medieval Fantasy 1st arc. There’s one more arc I have yet to input, which is the 2nd arc and it just so happens to be my second favorite genre after the QT genre: the Unlimited/ Infinite Flow genre survival game horror. I also may or may not reference the other two arcs remaining (with one of them being A/B/O), but these diegetic bites are supposed to compliment the spotlight that’s gonna be on each Butcher (Butchers 1-5 & TNotG Butcher). 😌 Because what’s better than 1 Butcher? A spicy 6 Butchers “bullying” (affectionate) Homelander sandwich.
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thetrophyhusband · 3 months
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Nobody look at me I’m rewatching Toy Story and making a new self insert who’s a plushie refurbisher/upcycler
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sugar-and-pearls · 1 month
(I'm not going to lie, this will be MUCH longer than my previous ones)
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INFPs will typically have a weird “mind-reading” connection with other INFPs. That said, these types are so individualistic that if they have opposing values their connection can be like a bomb about to explode. When INFPs have friendships with other like-minded INFPs they tend to feel heard, seen, and inspired. Together they can explore each other’s imaginative inner worlds, fight for similar causes, and listen to each other without fear of external pressures and rules.
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Warmth and passion are often at the heart of this friendship or relationship. ESFJ/INFP partnerships can be tumultuous or deeply rewarding depending on how willing both types are to understand and respect each other. ESFJs often appreciate the quiet tenderness of INFPs. INFPs can help them to tap into a deeper, truer sense of who they are and what they value. In contrast, ESFJs can provide INFPs with a friendly, down-to-earth haven with which to be themselves and share their ideas.
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These two types tend to click because they have a shared passion for authenticity and adventure. ESFPs can help break INFPs out of their shell and introduce them to a variety of exciting experiences. Their enthusiasm and fun-loving nature is often endearing to INFPs. In turn, INFPs can help ESFPs to tap into their emotions more fully and experience life with more depth and imagination. These types tend to bounce ideas and possibilities off each other well, with the ESFP wanting to immediately take action on ideas and the INFP going along for the ride and frequently enjoying the thrill!
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ESTJs and INFPs tend to have fiery interactions – sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. They are opposites in many ways while still sharing the same cognitive functions. ESTJs are often drawn to the quiet sensitivity and creativity of INFPs while INFPs are drawn to the pragmatic, logical nature of ESTJs. If both types can be patient with each other’s differences there is a lot of opportunity in this friendship or partnership for personal growth and broader perspectives.
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ISFPs and INFPs tend to have a really strong and powerful connection almost immediately. They both are dominant introverted feeling types, so they naturally give each other space to be themselves. They are both idealistic and visionary, with ISFPs having a more down-to-earth, pragmatic bent while INFPs are more focused on imagination and conceptualization. Together they can broaden each other’s worlds and help each other to have more open-minded, balanced perspectives.
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INFJs and INFPs share a mutual love of meaningful, deep conversation. These types tend to thrive as friends when they give each other space to be their authentic selves. While they share none of the same cognitive functions, because they share three preferences (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling) they tend to respect each other’s individual needs, empathize readily, and connect over ideas and possibilities.
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While these types might seem like opposites at first glance, they actually have quite a bit in common. They both look inward to their values and outwards to efficacy when they make decisions. They are both introverts and intuitives. They enjoy exploring ideas, theories, and possibilities together. They also respect each other’s personal values and autonomy.
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ESTJs and INFPs tend to have fiery interactions – sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. They are opposites in many ways while still sharing the same cognitive functions. ESTJs are often drawn to the quiet sensitivity and creativity of INFPs while INFPs are drawn to the pragmatic, logical nature of ESTJs. If both types can be patient with each other’s differences there is a lot of opportunity in this friendship or partnership for personal growth and broader perspectives.
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INTPs and INFPs have a shared love of freedom, exploration, and autonomy. INTPs prefer thinking over feeling so they may come across as overly blunt to INFPs, and INFPs may come across as overly-sensitive to INTPs. However, once they get to understand each other there’s usually a very strong bond and mutual appreciation. Both respect each other’s space to feel and think what they want and both have a creative energy that is inspiring to the other.
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ISFJs and INFPs create a bubble of warmth and empathy for each other. These types usually click very quickly. They share a mutual sense of empathy, warmth, and gentleness. At the same time, ISFJs bring a more grounded presence to the relationship while INFPs help to clarify values, bring ISFJs into their pure identity, and give a spark of imagination. These types share two cognitive functions: Extraverted Intuition and Introverted Sensation. Because of this, while they have some differences, there is still a mutual sense of comfort here.
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ENTJs and INFPs are very different at first glance, but these two types can really help each other grow. INFPs are often inspired by the big-picture, strategic, action-oriented nature of the ENTJ. ENTJs in turn find the warmth, authenticity, and imagination of the INFP intriguing. They can both help each other in contrasting ways. ENTJs can help INFPs bring their ideas to life and tap into their thinking side. They can also help them refine their ideas and create strategies for their realization. INFPs, in turn, can help ENTJs delve into their deeper feelings and values. They can also help them to see innovative alternatives and possibilities so they don’t get stuck in tunnel vision.
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ENTPs and INFPs share a mutual love of exploration, imagination, and creativity. While these types can have some friction due to their differing judging processes (ENTPs are auxiliary thinkers and INFPs are dominant feelers), these same differences can help them grow as individuals. This friendship or relationship pairing may be a little fiery and argumentative at times, but if both types can work at understanding each other’s type preferences it can also be one of growth and refinement.
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lesbianoms · 9 months
re: women competing to eat you up,
at the climax of the contest you get cornered by the two top competitors, both dead-set on putting you in their tummy. one lunges forward, grabs your hands, and shoves them in her mouth, but as she picks you up the other manages to grab your ankles and stuffs them down her throat. you’re laughing because the thought “Lady and the Tramp” just flitted across your mind as you’re devoured from both ends, both preds gulping determinedly as they try to tug you out of the other’s gullet and into their own belly~
Ooh I love it!!
Also just the fact that I’m laughing and genuinely having a great time while these women try to eat me.
Enthusiastic prey x hungry & focused/uncaring pred is something I don’t see too often. Idk, I just love the idea that they’re being so fiercely competitive and voracious while I’m allowed to be a little silly as their meal~
Would probably still laugh even as I’m swallowed down… echoing through the belly of the winning woman. The other might even get jealous that such an active prey is giving somebody else’s gut attention… mmm yeah, love that.
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astriiformes · 1 year
Surprising no one, I am so pleased that the TOH finale kept Willow and Hunter's relationship in ambiguous "important to each other" territory in a way still feels more-than-plausibly qpr-shaped to me. I had thought things were heading that direction, but enough other things have surprised me in the past that I wasn't totally sure.
Obviously I favor that interpretation for my own reasons, but it's also just so nice for a show to feel comfortable enough in its character relationships to dodge the "pair the spares" mentality that has put me off more than a few pieces of media I genuinely liked in the past after their finales. I love seeing their particular closeness -- which the show clearly wants to tell a story about! -- communicated through ways of showing affection that feel extremely familiar to me as someone in a queerplatonic relationship, too (the intense squeezing side-hugs, for one, are very common in our household, as my ribs can attest...).
Also, Scribe pointed out that in the very last shot Willow has her arms around both Hunter and Gus which is so perfect. She's got her boys! I love that!
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frankenbridez · 4 months
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been playing some of l.4d2 again so u already know what i had to do
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comet-ribbon · 23 hours
I've just finished watching s2 of Monsters at work and...
Where is My Val x Tylor content? Like there's just leaves and dust in here. Literally nothing 🥲
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aroaessidhe · 10 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
The Absinthe Underground
YA La Belle Époque inspired gaslamp fantasy adventure
follows two girls steal posters to pay their rent, when they’re caught stealing one by the subject of the art: a woman who owns an exclusive underground club, who hires them to do a quest into Fae to steal some jewels that would free her
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sugarships · 8 months
hey self shippers!! wanna join a server for gushing, chatting, sharing art, resources, ideas, music, writing, and more, as well as for making new self shipper friends?
good news!! ive got the place for you !!
but first, here are the rules you must know before joining!
❤️ always remember peace, love, unity, and respect!!
🧡 no racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc (obviously)!!
💛 you must be 18+ years old (and do not ship with minors [familial/platonic f/os are fine])!!
💚 must be (mostly) okay with sharing! okay enough to potentially share with someone in the server!!
♡ once you join make sure to read the rest of the rules before proceeding ♡
if you have any questions, dont be afraid to send a dm or ask !
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