#f: the maze runner
havinganfois · 1 month
Imagine being lost in a maze, imagine not being able to find your way out. Your f/o finds you, protects you. They have a map, and even though the landscape is ever-changing, they know how to get you free.
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nomoreusername · 6 months
Things We Won't Admit
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Pairing:Brenda x female reader
Summary:When a new group keeps teasing Brenda and you about being together, you both deny the feelings she knows may be there.
I was more than grateful to be on my way to the Safe Haven. After waking up bond in ropes while coming off of mystery drugs I just wanted to somewhere safe. Preferably, somewhere I don't risk getting sold.
"Did you have a grand old time?"Y/N asked sarcastically, beaming at me with her bright smile as she did. 
"It was great. There's no better way to spend your day then unconscious,"I played along.
"I am so jealous. That just sounds like a dream,"She responded, giving a dramatic sigh. 
"Ah yes. It's such a shame you missed out,"I continued, nudging her. She rolled her eyes before resting her elbow on my shoulder. 
"How do you even have time for that out here?"One of them, I believe his name is Frypan, asked.
"Time for what?"I asked, leaning closer against her.
"That,"He repeated.
"What even is-"
"He's wondering how you had time to fall in love when you're probably always close to dying,"Newt interrupted her. We just looked at each other confused.
"We're not together,"I explained. 
"Really? Her head is literally on your shoulder,"He pointed out as if we didn't know.
"Yeah. We're close. We're practically family,"Y/N shrugged.
"Like wife and wife?"Frypan continued. I just ignored it as she traced little shapes into my hand. It's something that calms her down and just a small gesture of affection that makes me smile each time she does it. 
"I don't think they're official . . . yet,"Newt trailed off. I rolled my eyes at the ridiculousness of that. There was nothing romantic in-between us. 
At least, not that anyone is willing to admit.
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gayjesus2023 · 5 months
the maze runner p.1
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(Disclaimer: if I mess up some things about the female body I am very sorry!!!(fw: none (that I know of), potentially a little course language))
wc: 0.5k (beginner story)
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back story: when the only girl in the pit died when she tried escaping the maze. The people of the laboratory freaked and had to get a girl back into the maze . Until one of the scientist had a plan…
“Where the fuck am i. It’s like a cage, why am I in a cage” you thought to yourself. You screamed for help but all it did was echo through the channel that brought you up. Until the box came to a stop, the doors opened and it took a moment for the light to make friends with your eyes. You could see people, multiple people all of them had big shoulders. So you knew they where all men you were carried out by two of them and hauled into a hut. Some of the boys waited around you then ,one boy told you “It’s ok darling” then you saw darkness.
You woke up after what felt like 3 minutes but when you woke up and saw the same person who said “it’s alright darling” to you. He was blond and you thought that he was a little British. as soon as you saw him, he ran out of the room and got 2 other guys both of them where American but they all stared at you. You focused on your surroundings the blonde one was the British one and the two Americans looked really sporty. Like Runners.
When you fully woke up. No one was around. when you stood up It felt weird, but all you could focus on was your skin. So you walked into the woods behind the little Hut and soon found a little waterway running through the woods, you stripped down and it felt like you just bathed in holy water. Fuck it felt good. It felt like you haven’t eaten in days. you got out and dried your clean body. “ I knew you would be here somewhere” you look over and it’s one of the American boys. he was leaning on a tree. cutting his nails with his teeth “I’m Thomas, call me Tom.” he was handsome with brown hair and a dirty black shirt with beige short cargo pants.
“actually I was just about to come and have a bath, but I guess not” he says coming closer the the water. You and him were on opposite sides of the river. “just wait there” a few minutes past and he brings back a dirty white shirt and some long gray jeans. “look away” you say “Oh! She talks now” you laugh. It was silent for a moment “uhm T-Tom.. do you have any pads or maybe tampons” you hear Tomas breathe for a second. Do you want to overlap your underwear?”
after you finish getting changed you walk out and Thomas is leaning on a tree looking into the thick mist that covers the trees in the distance. As soon as he sees you he looks at you, his eyes move up and down your body. “Hey… I’m sorry I forgot to mention my name… it’s Y/N baby the way” he smiles “hey Y/N … I’m sorry that we don’t have those lady… stuff. But I’m sure we can make something..” before he finishes his scentence there’s a boy running towards Tom. “who’s that…” Tom turns around. “Oh that’s Minho… right you don’t know anyone here”
Minho stops and talks to Tom. “he wants to see her. All the guys think it’s him who deserve.. well except for me chuck and newt and a few others.” he looks at you and smiles. “Your going to want to meet someone” he says smiling greedily.
-book note: eeeek first post. I’ve been looking forward to posting this but if you want me to continue just tell me and I might continue this… (next part at 150 likes)
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gucciwins · 1 year
the maze runner is one of the best movie series
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toby-du-coeur · 1 year
i like the feeling of writing fanfic
it feels reverent, like an act of worship. taking these characters that everyone adores & participating in their lives, entwining my life with theirs. and putting them in scenarios that set off different facets of them
i love these people and am writing for an audience who loves them. that's all. very pure
and of course self-indulgent like.. how about we not kill our darlings. in tutti i sensi
i want all my stories to be written in that spirit ✨ {rather than one of obsession with technical excellence}
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rollerskate2theface · 2 years
Watching anything with Thomas Brodie-Sangster in it will always be a trip because the first thing I ever saw/heard him as was Ferb Fletcher, now I’m plagued with the knowledge that all these characters sound just like Ferb fucking Fletcher
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evermount · 11 months
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Evermount is a dystopian IF that takes inspiration from movies like "Don't Worry, Darling" and "Maze Runner." (18+)
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Every day's the same: you wake up, you brush your teeth, you step into the shower, you get out, you make breakfast, you clean, as a homemaker does, and then, at exactly 12.10—not a second earlier or later—there's a knock. You then step out of the house and into the streets: the Mingle.
It's compulsory.
It only happens in pairs—everyone has a designated friend. And you're no stranger; you have one too—you are one too.
You walk, you talk, and you spend the majority of the day together—two hours minimum outside, gazing at the endless rows of pale houses in the neighbourhood; for the rest of the time, before it's time to prep dinner, you're free to do as you please with your friend.
That's Evermount.
Blue-suited guards stand in every corner, but they're no threat—you're under threat. And this is how you keep safe. It's necessary; the council said so themselves. Under no circumstances shall Evermount be left, ever. So, no one has, and no one intends to.
Why would you? It's peaceful—you're at peace. You have your spouse, and you have your house; everyone's happy. This is all you've ever known.
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The Spouse [f/m] | Enemies to lovers
Every day at 7:00, you wake up, arrange breakfast on the table, wrap up the leftover dinner, and position yourself on the front porch, holding their lunch bag against your chest. The kiss is so swift that you hardly process it, and then they're gone. You wave, with a smile on your face, as you watch their car merge into a stream of Chevrolet Bel Airs—supplied by the council—all heading to work. In the evening, you share dinner, in silence. They don't talk much—only when there's company. Sometimes, it feels like you don't even know them.
The Officer [f/m] | Friends to lovers
Their eyes scanned yours, filled with concern. A deep crease cut straight through the centre of their brow, marring their otherwise smooth face. Their lips moved hastily, and they clutched your hand, but you felt yourself slipping away, slowly. "I promise, we'll find you." Those words are so strange, you recall them, every day. But that's all. You don't remember the date, the time, or why. A figment of your imagination, maybe? You see them in your dreams. Yet you don't know who they are—if they even exist.
The Voice [f/m] | ???
You're. Not. Crazy. But someone who isn't you speaks inside your head. To you. They'd lock you up for that. Take you somewhere far away. But you feel the exact same—you're no danger. So, you don't tell. You just keep acting as you are.
The Friend [f/m] | Forbidden romance  (relationship history can be an affair)
Your partner in crime, as some might say. They're your friend—you've been assigned since the beginning. But they were already living here, long before you and your spouse moved into the neighbourhood, before you two were assigned together. They talk a lot, more than your spouse. They like you, and you like them. That's what friends are supposed to do; that's what the Mingle is for—it's bad to feel alone, and the council doesn't want that.
The Council Member [f/m] | Forbidden romance
"Don't trust them," the voice warns. Your eyes narrow at them; the area under their eyes is hollow, worn, riddled with fine lines. They expel an exhausted breath and reposition the tie that's wrapped around their neck, way too tight. They look the part. They look like everyone else in Evermount, yet they're not: they're in the council, they're above you.
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reblogs are appreciated!
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
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↳ Minho has always been cocky and self-assured. That is until a girl arrives in the Glade. A girl he's had some interesting dreams about.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Just some headcanons about our favourite Runner.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Minho finally agrees to teach you how to fight after weeks of pestering him. Though, things take an unexpected turn.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ After you narrowly escape the vicious actions of another Glader who couldn't take no for an answer, you find refuge in Minho's hut - and his arms.
Contains references to sexual assault but there's nothing explicit.
↳ After the Greenie Day celebrations leave you a little bit intoxicated, Minho takes care of you and keeps you safe.
↳ You're training to be a Runner and, as the Keeper, Minho is made to look after you. Though, things take a dramatic turn as Minho is forced to save your life.
□ PART 1 | ■ PART 2
↳ Somehow, you end up giving your best friend a massage. Things go about as well as expected.
Basically porn with plot. 18+
↳ You miss out on the Bonfire to stay to help Minho with the Maps. Unfortunately, he's a little distracted.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Joining the group from the scorch, the Gladers take a blow after losing Newt to the Crank Palace. So, you help cheer Minho up.
Book-based fic. Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ You try to spend as much time with your boyfriend as you can. So, when he finishes his long day of running the Maze, you decide to join him in the shower.
More porn with very little plot. 18+
↳ Despite your feelings for one another, you and Minho have decided it's best to stay friends. But, after you nearly lose him to the clutches of the Maze, and he says some choice words to Gally - you decide enough is enough.
Book based fic. Some suggestive themes.
↳ Minho has always had you by his side. He doesn't know how he'd cope without you. Well, now he might have to learn how.
Bro, you die. Rip.
○ PART 1 | □ PART 2
↳ You are an undercover agent for The Right Arm working behind enemy lines in WCKD's headquarters. Your simple intel gig ends up being the least of your problems as you're suddenly put on the front lines of a rescue mission. It doesn't help that the boy you're pretending to keep prisoner is pretty cute.
↳ You're obsessed with your boyfriend. It's just so hard to keep your hands off of him - even when he's working.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Despite never seeing Minho before, you swear you recognise him. That's why you're always staring. Well, and the man is fine. Now in your place of refuge, the Safe Haven provides you with a home, and a new sense of freedom. A bit of flirting can't hurt, right?
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ You were immediately attracted to Minho when you met him in the Scorch. Now, after six months and many losses, you're reunited.
↳ Your dream of becoming a Runner is crushed time and time again. But that doesn't stop you from running out into the Maze to help Minho and Alby. Though, that doesn't mean you're the only one willing to risk your life to protect those you care about.
↳ A friendly game of capture the flag turns heated thanks to yours and Minho's competitive spirit.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Soft, sweet and caring; you're the mother of the Glade.
↳ Your's and Minho's first time.
Some fluffy smut. 18+.
↳ Minho has a crush on you. You're oblivious. He's losing his mind.
↳ You're from Group B. Meeting someone in the middle of a prison break is one hell of an introduction.
↳ High school AU. Minho is popular and sporty. You're quiet and smart. It's a stereotypical high-school romance, except Minho is the one tripping over himself for you. And, well, you don't believe him.
Contains suggestive content and spice. Minho won't accept your rejection.
↳ Everyone in the Glade is sick of watching you and Minho dance around your feelings for each other. So, they decide to do something about it. Well, they attempt to, at least.
↳ Song fic based off of "Die for You" by The Weekend.
○ PART 1 | ○ PART 2 | ○ PART 3
↳ You were put in a Maze all on your own, with nothing but your dog. The isolation is one thing, but what'll happen when you finally escape?
↳ Minho is used to being the tough guy; but he doesn't know how to react when he meets someone tougher than him.
↳ You're from one of the many alternative Mazes - and yours happened to be full of water. Though, you only realise how weird your Maze was when you reach the Safe Haven, and meet a certain Runner, who feels weirdly familiar.
↳ You're a new Runner, and a disobedient one. So, when you get stung, Minho is left to play saviour. And doctor. Though, as he looks after you, he starts to think you might not be so bad.
↳ Getting bitten by a crank is never fun. But, you're from a Maze, so, you'll be fine... right?
↳ In an attempt to comfort Chuck, you confess an embarrassing secret about something you did back when you were crushing on Minho and before you started dating. Unfortunately, your boyfriend isn't as heavy of a sleeper as you originally thought.
Contains mild suggestive content and spice.
↳ Now in the Safe Haven, the sexual tension between you and Minho has turned into a twisted game of restraint. Though, it's hard not to break when you finally catch a glimpse of Minho's lightning scars.
Contains suggestive themes and spice.
↳ You can't stop staring at Minho's arms.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ The first time you ever met Minho in the WICKED facility, and the corrupt childhood you briefly spent together before things take a wrong turn.
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topguncortez · 8 months
not that anyone asked but here’s why i don’t thing TG3 should be made:
one, trilogies are known to not do well. Look at The Godfather to the Godfather III. The Godfather made about $245 million world wide when it was in theater. The third movie?? 137 million. now yall might be like “it still made over a million” but compared to the first one? it flopped.
the first hunger games movie made about 408 million versus mocking jay that made 282 million.
and divergent didn’t even get to make their last movie cause it did so bad. same with the maze runner.
and one of the reasons why TGM did so well was because it brought generations of people to the theater. this movie was 30 some odd years in the making. TG 86 was ahead of its time when it was released. TGM went above it but still kept those classic moments from the og, like the intro, some of maverick’s lines, the clips of goose and carole, the beach scene. TGM was a movie for parents to take their kids to and remember when they were young sitting in the theater watching tom cruise fly in an F/14 for the first time.
It was also the first big blockbuster since the pandemic. glen said that TC fought for the theatrical release of this movie. paramount was all too okay with putting it on the streaming app and calling it a day. TC saved the box office with this one.
and my last point, TGM really wrapped up all the loose strings from TG 86 and tied it with a bow. you got to see what Maverick had been doing with his career. you got to say goodbye to Iceman. you got to see what happened to Goose’s son. you got to see the reconciliation between Rooster and Mav. you got to see Maverick finally forgive himself for what happened to Goose.
i know there’s scenes we still wanna see; phoenix & bob after the bird strike, what rooster meant with the “early grave” line, what happens to the daggers after (which we all know they went back to their home units), does mav finally retire.
but making a third movie so soon after the second does not sound like a good idea. and i fear it won’t have the same affect and feeling as TGM did. it sounds like the beginning of a mission impossible type ordeal.
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sagethegaywitch · 5 months
Dimensions: Heartslabyul
Male reader
TW: choking, yandere behavior, memory erasing
Genre: yandere
Here's the link for my other Dimensions: Twisted Wonderland Overblots.
The story will take place in Wonderland, the one from the original “Alice In Wonderland” that the Heartslabyul dorm is based on.  As the overblot eats away at the characters, they start to resemble and act more like the Disney characters they are based on.  The reader will be called Y/N and Alice.
f/c = favorite color
You groan as you feel the sun on your eyelids, forcing you awake.  You blink open your eyes and rub the sleep out of them as you sit up from your lying position.  You look around you and find yourself in the middle of a large garden.  Around you are rows of white rose bushes that are then surrounded by hedges that lead into a maze.  You can’t seem to remember how you got here, and you feel like this place looks a little too familiar.  The more you think about it, the more your head hurts, so you decide to brush it off and worry about it later.  You push yourself up from the ground and brush off your outfit, which you only now realize is a Victorian white dress shirt paired with a light blue vest and black pants.  You feel a bit uncomfortable in the outfit, like you know you were wearing something else earlier.  Not wanting to deal with a headache, you ignore the nagging feeling and try to find a way out of this maze.
As you take in more of your surroundings, you can see a tea table set up in the farthest corner of the rose garden, and you decide to approach it since someone must be coming around soon to eat what appears to be fresh food and hot tea sitting on the table.  The table appears very long, but there are only two red cushioned chairs on each side and one at the head of the table.  Its surface is covered in a red tablecloth and a black and white checkered table runner is draped down the middle of the table.  In front of each seat is a black table setter and a set of white porcelain plates plus a small porcelain tea cup with red rose designs.  Along the middle of the table are towers of small pastries and finger sandwiches, and multiple pots of tea with cream and sugar containers nearby.  You can feel your stomach growl, but you’re too polite to eat someone else’s food without their permission.  You decide to rest in one of the chairs until someone comes along, and you don’t have to wait long because you soon hear frantic voices yelling at each other.
In a panic, you hide yourself under the table, lifting up the tablecloth a bit to see two boys, both dressed in white dress shirts with vests that match the markings on their cheeks.  The orange haired boy who had a red heart on his left eye wore a red vest decorated with hearts of a darker red shade, while the dark blue haired boy who had a black spade on his right eye wore a black vest with gray spades.  They appeared to be bickering as they splattered red paint from the buckets they held on the white roses that decorated gardens with large brushes, yelling at each other that it was all the other’s fault.
“It’s all your fault we’re on rose painting duty, Deuce!” the orange haired boy scowls.
The boy named Deuce just grunts, “Let’s just get this over with already, Ace.”
The duo continued down the rows of roses making crude comments at each other. When they eventually finished painting the white roses a bright red color, they panted and rested on the floor for a bit. Their conversation appeared to have calmed down a bit as they enjoyed some casual talk, but they’re startled into a standing position when another orange haired male who has a red diamond on his right eye appears from one of the maze’s many entrances/exits.
“Have you guys seen Alice around here?  He was supposed to be reading in the library, but now I can’t find him,” the diamond male asks.
Ace and Deuce look at each other before looking at the newcomer and shake their heads.
“Alright, thanks.  Riddle will be coming around soon so you better clean this mess up,” he says before disappearing in the maze again.
The duo quickly pick up their paint buckets and rush out of the maze, arguing the whole way out.  You sigh in relief, glad not to have been caught, but you nearly jump out of your skin when you feel a hand land on your shoulder.  You turn around to see a green haired male with a black clover on his left eye and glasses look at you with a surprised look on his face.
“Alice?  What are you doing here?  You’re supposed to be in the library,” he asks you as he quickly places down the tart he was holding to spin you around and rest both of his hands on your shoulders.
“Ummm,” you mumble, trying to think of an excuse.
“Were you just excited for your first official unbirthday party?” the other asks, a relaxed smile forming on his lips.
Not trusting your mouth, you just nod and hope he doesn’t question you further.  He offers a small laugh at your shy behavior and offers you the seat at the head of the table.  He promises to be back with the rest of the party members in a bit, and gives you a head pat before he departs.
If you were confused earlier, you’re definitely bewildered now.  These people seem to know you, but you have no memory of them.  You felt a sense of familiarity when you first saw them, and their names did ring a vague bell, but you just don’t know where you know them from.  You’re drawn from your thoughts when you hear fanfare in the distance and the sound of stomping feet getting closer to where you are.  You look at the entrance of the maze closest to the table and you see all four of the males you saw earlier walking toward the table with a shorter red haired male inside the little square they formed.  The newcomer has a black heart surrounding his right eye and he holds a black heart staff with red and black designs (Riddle will be wearing his overblot outfit, I’m just too lazy to describe it).  The red haired male walks over to where you’re sitting and gives you a very menacing glare which has you jumping out of his seat and trying to scramble away, only for you to be jerked back and fall into his lap.
“Where do you think you’re going, Alice?” he asks, resting his chin on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist.
You’re so confused as you freeze on instinct, somehow knowing that you do not want to disagree with this person.  The other people gather around the table, the green haired male on your right along with Deuce and the orange haired boy on your left along with Ace.
“Darling, you’re missing your bow,” the one holding you says as he rearranges you on his lap so your back is now resting against the armrest with your legs draped over his lap.  “You know how strict I am about the dress code.”
“I’m sorry?” you apologize, being more concerned with how you ended up in this situation than about a missing bow.
“Trey?” he asks, and the green haired male stands up and approaches you two before handing the red haired boy a black ribbon.
Without any words, the boy ties the ribbon into your hair, gently combing through your locks before sighing in contentment.  You watch him as he looks around the table, the other boys waiting for some kind of que as he scans the garden.
“Red roses, no chestnut tarts, and no coffee, this will do nicely.  I commence this unbirthday to begin!” the red haired boy declares.
The others cheer as they’re allowed to feast on the small treats and drink the hot tea while enjoying each other's company.  You feel left out as they talk about nonsense like a disappearing cat or hedgehog croquet, but you’re startled to attention when the boy whose lap you still sit on offers you a bite of the tart he was eating.
“Here, it’s your favorite.  I made sure that Trey baked it for today,” he smiles at you as he lifts his fork to your mouth.
You try to reach for the fork to feed yourself, but he “tsks” and pulls is away before guiding it to your mouth again.  This time, you hesitantly eat the sweet tart off the fork and chew it slowly to savor the texture and sweetness.
“Got it!” the orange haired male exclaims as he holds up his phone.  “Look at this Riddle!”
“Cater, what have we said about phones at the table?” Riddle, who you realize is the one babying you at the moment, sighs before looking at Cater’s phone.
On the screen of the phone is a picture of Riddle feeding you the bite of tart.  You can see the fear in your eyes reflecting in the image, but you can also see Riddle’s adoring eyes as he focuses on your reaction.  You watch as Cater shows the rest of the table the image, and you can feel your cheeks heat up as they call you “cute” and “adorable”.  The rest of the tea party was filled with these boys offering you small bites of the desserts and sandwiches coupled with quick sips of the sweet tea.  After the food was eaten, the boys chattered for a bit as they cleaned up the table, and when they all stood up to leave, you thought it would be an excellent time to try and escape.  When Riddle was busy helping Trey collect the plates, you slowly crept away from the table, only to let out a startled yelp when you feel arms around your waist and your feet leave the ground.
“Where do you think you’re going, Alice?” Ace laughs as he returns you to the ground, his hands lingering on your waist.
You stutter as you try to come up with an excuse, but Deuce slides up beside Ace and saves you from answering.
“Remember?  You promised to play croquet with us in the afternoon!” Deuce smiles before dragging you and Ace away from the tea party and through the hedge maze.
You can vaguely hear Riddle yell at you guys to stay clean and return on time for dinner, but you're quickly led through the confusing twists and turns of the maze.  You try to memorize how many times you turn left and right, but you quickly lose count after the first couple.  You’re a bit dizzy by the time you arrive at your destination, and you gaze upon the grassy clearing that has two wooden racks in the corner.  The duo pulls you over to the racks and they casually hand you a f/c flamingo and hedge as they each pick one that matches their own hair color.  You gently release your hold on the flamingo’s legs and set it upright as it just looks at you questioningly, and you bring the hedgehog closer to your face, holding it by its scruff.  The creature quickly curls into itself, peering at you with curious eyes, and you look over at Ace and Deuce snickering at your behavior.
“I thought we were playing croquet?” you ask as you hold the hedgehog in your hands.
“We are.  Did you forget how to play?” Ace teases before approaching you and grabbing the flamingo by the ankles and handing him back to you.
You hesitantly take the rigidly straight animal as Deuce places his hedgehog on the ground and demonstrates how to use the flamingo as a croquet mallet and hits the hedgehog through the metal loops on the ground.
“We can just practice hitting the hedgehogs through the hoops if you want,” Deuce comments as Ace prepares to hit his hedgehog.
You nod, not familiar with the rules of the game, but when it’s your turn, you quickly apologize to the animals before placing the hedgehog on the ground.  You hit the hedgehog lightly with the flamingo and Ace chuckles as the hedgehog rolls slowly a few inches before stopping.
“Your hand placement is all wrong,” Deuce tells you before coming up behind you to adjust your hands.
He brings you closer to where you hedgehog rolled to and helps you properly hit it through the nearest loop.  He offers encouragement as you all continue to practice hitting the hedgehogs, and even Ace has to give you some credit that you’ve improved a bit.  After at least an hour of this odd game, in the distance, you can hear a bell ringing, and Ace and Deuce panic a bit saying you’re going to be late as they quickly return the croquet items to their respective racks.  They grab your hand again as they drag you through one of the maze entrances, and after a bit of running, you arrive at the front of a huge castle, decorated with hearts and bricks colored black, white, and red.  It's a bit of an eyesore, but everything here is so brightly and oddly colored so you're not even surprised anymore.
The duo lead you inside, fixing your hair and outfit before guiding you to a large dining room.  The is a curvy shape, looking more like an art installation than a table, and it is piled high with a feast.  From different meats to a variety of vegetables, the food looks like it could feed more than the six people who now sit at the table.  Similar to the tea party, Riddle makes you sit on his lap again as the meal commences, and he does personally feed you a little bit of everything of the surprisingly delicious and flavorful food.  Once again, the boys talk about bizarre things like a jabberwocky and singing flowers, but they also ask how your day has been going.  You think now would be a great time to tell them about your memory issues.  You hope they are as trustworthy as they act.
“Who won the croquet game?” Cater asks as he takes a quick picture of his plate before shoving some mashed potatoes in his mouth.
“Alice’s a little rusty so we just shot them through the hoops,” Ace responds, taking a sip of the sparkling cider in his cup.
“No, I actually forgot,” you interrupt, now a bit shy.  “I’ve forgotten a lot of things actually.”
This causes the table to pause, everyone stops eating and stares at you.
“What do you mean by that?” Trey asks, intertwining his fingers and resting his chin on his hands.
“When I woke up from my nap, I didn’t remember how I got there.  I didn’t recognize any of you guys, but I didn't want to be rude toward your hospitality,” you explain truthfully.
Riddle hums, and you can feel it vibrate in his chest, and he moves a couple strands of your hair out of your face.
“Well, we do have a pesky little creature running around.  Maybe he gave you a memory erasing potion to make you forget about us,” Riddle tells you, adjusting the black bow he tied into your hair earlier.  “We’re your friends, and we only want what’s best for you.”
The way he says those words has your skin crawling, but who else can you trust in this world.  They’ve been so nice to you, feeding you and playing with you, how could you ever reject them?  You nod and thank them for all they’ve done, and you say you hope to regain your memories soon so you can remember all the great times you have spent together.  The rest of dinner continues smoothly, and you're full and a bit sleepy by the time dessert comes out.  You manage to take a few bites of a creamy pudding, but you let out a yawn that has the rest of the table cooing.
“My, my, isn’t someone sleepy,” Riddle mocks before helping you out of his lap.
You can only give him a sleepy nod as he begins to guide you out of the dining room.  The rest of the boys wish you a good night as you leave, and you can only sleepily follow Riddle down a winding hallway.  The interior of the castle is mostly black and white checkered with red rose and heart details, and it has oddly shaped doors with bright colors that don’t match the overall color scheme.  You’re led to a short door, and Riddle has to help you duck under the frame, but the room inside is much more spacious.  The only thing you care about at the moment is getting under the covers of the bed, and once Riddle tucks you in, you pass out, barely feeling the gentle kiss he leaves on your forehead.
You slept soundly for a couple of hours, but a loud noise at your window causes you to bolt upright in your bed.  In a panicked frenzy, you look around the room for what could have possibly made that noise.  As your eyes land on the window, you can see two gray paws urgently pounding on the glass.  You hesitantly get out of bed, carefully watching the window as you can now see the paws are attached to a gray cat with blue flames in its ears.  This land is filled with many unfamiliar creatures, so you stop in front of the window but don’t make a move to open it.
“Human!  Let me in!” the cat whines, pausing his banging as he sees you come nearer.
“W-Who are you?” you ask, trying to find a name for the familiar looking animal.
“It’s me, Grim!  We need to get you out of here, they’re crazy!” Grim exclaims, continuing to pound on the glass.
The name Grim rings a bell and you can vaguely remember the cat from your past, but you can’t pinpoint from where.  He seems really invested in getting in and he seems to know you, so he might have the answers that you're looking for.  You unlatch the hook on the window and Grim rushes in before slamming and locking the window.  You watch as he closes the curtains before jumping onto your shoulder, the presence there feeling comfortable and familiar.
“We need to leave,” Grim tells you, his tail twitching as his eyes scan the room.  "They've been chasing me around all day!"
“Why?  Who?  What’s wrong?” you ask, confused by the creature’s frantic behavior.
“Don’t you understand!  They’re trying to keep you here!  We need to defeat the overblots and find Crowley!” he responds urgently.
“Overblots?  Crowley?” you question, turning to look at the cat.
Grim pauses and looks in your eyes, wondering why you’re acting this way, “You know...big scary inky monsters and our birdbrained Headmage?”
You shake your head slowly as Grim’s jaw drops, “Do you even know who I am?”
“You’re Grim,” you respond.
“But you didn’t know until I told you!”  Grim cries as he jumps off your shoulder and starts pacing the floor.  “Do you even know your name!”
“I’m Alice,” you tell him, crouching down to his level.
Grim deadpans and stares right at you in disbelief, “Your name is Y/N, you’re a human who goes to Night Raven College.”
Suddenly, the fog in your mind clears when your name leaves Grim’s mouth, and all your memories flood back into your head.  You remember Night Raven College and all of your friends from the different dorms.  And, most importantly, you remember the school-wide overblot and the Heartslabyul mirror shattering, drawing you inside the dorm’s realm.
“Oh my gosh!  I remember now!” you declare as you grab your head.  “We need to get out of here.”
“I’m glad you finally agree,” Grim smiles as he hops back onto your shoulder and you begin to walk to the door of your room.
You’re about to throw the door open when it's suddenly opened from the other end.
"Alice, are you alright?  We heard you talking to someone," Trey asks as he and Cater, dressed in their pajamas, step into your room.
Grin makes a desperate attempt to hide himself, but Cater quickly points out his disappearing pitchfork tail as he dives under your bed.  Cater quickly grabs the tail and holds up the helpless cat as Trey moves you behind him protectively.
"We've been looking for you all day, you little rascal," Cater mocks as he moves to leave the room, taking a helpless Grim with him.
Of course Grim tried to fit back, and he almost managed to free himself by breathing blue fire, but a heart shaped collar snaps around his neck before he was able to burn anyone.
"I believe that is enough ruckus for one evening," Riddle's voice carries throughout the room as he stands menacingly in the doorway.
Grim looks at you with pleading eyes, and you quickly intervene, pushing past Trey and grabbing Grim from Carter's arms.
"Alice, what do you think you're doing?" Riddle questions, stalking closer to you as you slowly walk backwards.
You hesitate, but you can't stop yourself as you say, "My name is Y/N, I'm not Alice."
Everyone in the room pauses, and it's so silent you could hear a pin drop.  Trey and Cater glance at Riddle who has a frown on his face, but his frown slowly grows into a tight smile as he lets out a small chuckle, somehow scaring you more than his upset face from earlier.
"Luckily for us, your memory got erased by the Dark Mirror when you fell here. But since you've rediscovered yourself, I guess we'll just have to do it again," Riddle says, starting to pace towards you.  "You can either return as our Alice willingly or forcefully."
You're pushed against the wall as Riddle reaches into his pocket and retrieves a glass bottle with a label that says "Drink Me.". The liquid sparkles in the dim lighting, but it's bright coloring makes it look unnatural and threatening.  You quickly scan your surroundings as the three begin to close in on you, pressing you further to the wall.
"Come on, Alice, don't fight this," Trey reassures, speaking in a gentle voice as if talking to a wounded animal.
"Yeah, you're meant to be our Alice," Cater adds with a sick smile.
"Yes, only ours," Riddle says, standing over you, much too close for your comfort.
Rashly, you make a quick dash under Riddle's arm, elbowing Cater away as you make a mad run for the door.  You race down the hallway, trying to recall the way back to the entrance.  However, each time you think you recognize where you are, the hallway distorts and becomes something unfamiliar again.  You rush blindly down the twisting halls as the trio's voice and footsteps get louder behind you.
"Hey!  Watch out!" Grim suddenly exclaims as you bump into a firm chest.
"Alice, what's going on?" Deuce asks as he helps you steady yourself.  "What are you running from?"
"Probably this little critter.  Aren't you the one that Riddle wanted us to hunt down?" Ace comments as he holds Grim by his scruff.
"Let him go!" you exclaim as you try to reach for Grim, but Deuce holds you back.
"So you remember, don't you?" Deuce asks, his eyes darkening as you shrink under his harsh stare and Ace frowns at the news.
"I'm sorry, Alice, but we have to report this to Riddle," Ace tells you as he and Deuce start to guide you back toward the direction you were running from.
You can see Riddle, Trey, and Cater round the corner at the end of the hallway, and they quickly start to run towards you when they spot you with Deuce and Ace.  Not wanting to lose your memories again, you manage to stomp on Deuce's foot, causing him to yelp in surprise and pain, and you snatched Grim from a shocked Ace before attempting to escape again.  You're stopped by cold metal clamping around your neck, blocking your airway.  You fall to your knees as you choke and gag, the collar pressing tighter against your throat. You start to see stars as Riddle crouches down and tips your head up so you can see his satisfied smirk as your vision fades to black.
You feel the soft blanket wrapped around you before you even realize you're awake.  Your throat feels dried and your head is pounding.  You open your eyes to find an empty and dimly lit room with some very interesting decorations.  The black and white color scheme hurts your eyes, so you have to look away from the wallpaper.  Only when you turn your head is when you notice a glass of water on your nightstand.  You gladly gulp down the refreshing liquid and rub your throat to soothe the ache you still feel, and you're surprised as your fingers trace over bandages that loosely wrap around your entire neck.  You can't remember what happened, so you slowly unwrap the clean bandages and feel a nasty scar that digs into the flesh of your neck.  It circles around your whole throat, but the wound seems mostly healed.  Suddenly a knock at the door almost causes you to jump out of bed as a group of five entered the room.
"Alice, darling, you're awake," a red haired male exclaims as he rushes to your side and sits beside you.
"Riddle?" you ask, your foggy memory causing you to doubt yourself.
He gives you a soft smile and nods as you turn to the others.  They all smile when they see your eyes light up in recognition at their faces, and they know that the potion only erased what needed to go.
"What happened?" you question as the others sit around on your bed.
"Some monster snuck in and attacked you in the middle of the night," Cater explains, complete with dramatic hand motions.
"But don't worry your pretty little head about it, we already took care of that creature," Trey adds as Cater nods along.
"Luckily for you, I was here to protect you," Ace says proudly, puffing out his chest.
Deuce quickly elbows his friend, "We.  Luckily, we were there to protect you.  It was a group effort."
"Anyways, we're so glad your safe and feeling better," Riddle interrupts before a fight can ensue.  "Plus we even brought a gift for you."
You watch as Riddle pulls out a small red box from his pocket and passes it to you.  You pull off the ribbon and open the box to see a black choker with a golden emblem that matches the one on their armbands. You lift it up to your neck and Riddle helps you fasten it in the back. You let your fingers trace over the smooth and cool gold before looking back at the group.
"Well?  How do I look?" you joke as you showcase your neck and the choker that perfectly covers the scar.
You get a chorus of agreement that it suits you and you look lovely, but after their praises stop, they all lean together to wrap you in a group hug.
"Welcome home, Alice."
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dontlookintoit00 · 8 months
Gally, running away from a kiss. I might DIE!" Minho howled with laughter, his fist pounding the table.
Newt looked at him distastefully. "What happened after?"
"Nothing! He's just been working on the new space for Frypan. He didn't even eat lunch with the rest of us." Truth be told, lunch had been slightly peaceful with the other builders without Gally around. A healthy amount of teasing took place, courtesy of Peter telling what little he had seen to what felt like every boy in the glade. But none of it was with ill intent, and I shot smartmouth things back at them just as easily.
"Maybe you should talk to him.." Newt suggested wisely, as though I hadn't thought of that.
"What would I even say to him though? Like 'hey Gally, things have been weird since you finger-fucked me in the tool shed-" Minho spit water all over the table when I said that, but I pressed on "and now you've kissed me in the middle of our screaming match. Are you feeling okay?' Cause that will go over well. I don't know what he wants from me."
Newt seemed at a loss for words, his eyes darting slightly back and forth as though trying to process. Minho on the other hand, was recovering from his outburst. He wiped a hand over his mouth, "don't say none of that. Just go in there and suck his dick. That's all you have to do for any guy here to straighten out."
"Shut up Minho. Seriously." I rolled my eyes, unsuccessfully holding back a smile. He would say something like that. That only seemed to encourage him.
"Hey I'm serious. What is he going to say? No F/N, don't put my dick in your mouth, I don't like that. Come ON."
"Somehow, I don't think that's going to solve all our problems."
From Chapter 5 of These Hands Were Made For Building on A03
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blackbirdi · 7 months
Brief Description: Sometimes it feels like the Glade could be the most boring place in the world and at times like that you have to make your own fun, your own reckless fun. One person in particular however is not pleased with your recklessness.
Point of View: 2nd Person
Word Count: 962
Character: Newt x Reader
Book: The Maze Runner (Pre-Thomas)
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Sitting in the Med-Jack hut, you swing your legs as you sit on the bed, waiting for Jeff to tell you you're free to go.
You didn't mean to land yourself in the Med-Jack hut, you were just trying to have some fun with your friends as you all had the afternoon off. It was hot out today so you all went to the edge of the Deadheads to hide in the shade the trees give. It wasn't long before you suggested that you climb the trees and try and find some of the Beetle Blades. Surprisingly you did find one, however it wasn't in the way you wanted to. It kind of just popped out of nowhere right in front of your face, scaring the living klunk out of you.
Out of shock (and fright) you had let go of the branch you were holding onto and dropped eight feet, landing flat on your back, leaving you breathless.
Your friends immediately ran over to see if you were okay, after you caught your breath you replied that you were fine, but your friends were doubtful and made you walk over to the Med-Jack hut to make sure you really were okay.
That was over an hour ago. Jeff had assured you that there was nothing broken, just bruising, and that you'd be sore for another couple of days but you were still in the Med-Jack hut.
It was tradition for you and Newt to eat lunch together ever since he retired from being a Runner. So when Newt went his whole lunch break without so much as seeing you, Newt was on edge about what could've happened to you. He knew that you and a couple of your other friends had the day off so he immediately went looking for them, because they would know, right?
"Henry!" Newt calls for one of the members of your group, jogging up to them, his limp noticeable.
Henry straightens up as soon as he sees the second-in-command, his muscles tensed as he notices the concerned yet demanding look in Newt's eyes. The others around Henry share looks, wondering what's got the usually calm and collected Newt looking so panicky.
"Hey, Newt, what's up?" Henry asks, her body language showing that he was nervous.
"Where's Y/n?" Newt questions instantly, his mind focused on nothing but you and where you could possibly be.
Henry visibly relazes, knowing why Newt was so worked up. "Med-Jack hut —"
He's going to explain more, but before he can continue Newt takes off in the direction of the Med-Jack hut, even more worried than he was before.
Bursting into the room you’re currently in with Jeff, Newt puts his hands on his knees and tries to catch his breath, wincing as he steps on his bad leg.
“Newt!” both you and Jeff cry as he enters the room, standing up and walking over to him quickly.
"Are you okay?" Jeff asks, his worry evident as his eyebrows furrow and focus on Newt's bad leg.
You rest your hand on Newt's back as he's bent over, trying to get some air into his lungs. Your hand rubs comforting circles on his back, trying to get him to breath and calm down.
"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine," Newt answers Jeff, breathing heavy. He promptly stands up straight, turning to you and holding your face in your hands. "Are you okay?" he asks softly.
Under Newt's gaze and his hands holding your face oh so gently, a faint pink raises in your cheeks.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply. "Why?
"Henry said you were in the Med-Jack hut," Newt informs you, tilting your head every which way to try and find any injuries. "I thought you were hurt."
"Y/n fell out of a tree trying to find some Beetle Blades," Jeffs tells him with a smirk, noticing the blush on your face and Newt's concern.
"You what?" Newt cries, her eyes shifting between worry and anger. "What in the bloody hell gave you the idea to do that? We don't know those things well enough, Y/n. They could have weapons on them, or some sort of Griever- like injection. And what were you planning on doing if you even found one? Keeping it as a pet? Besides, you could've broke something playing in the tree. Or cut yourself on one of the branches? That was so stupid of you."
As Newt continues ranting about the dangers you put yourself in, you and Jeff share a look, rolling your eyes the longer Newt talks.
"Newt, dude, I get it," you say, pushing his hands off your face. "Besides, I'm fine, aren't I? Just a bit of bruising and I'll be a bit sore, but that's it. I'm okay, Newt."
Newt scowls at you, hating the way his heart flutters at your defiance.
"Just-just don't do that again," Newt grumbles.
Jeff laughs from the corner, grinning at the two of you knowingly.
You ignore Jeff's giggles, meeting Newt's eyes with your own challenging gaze, "Newt, I'm not a child, I can take care of myself."
Newt sighs, "I know. But I just don't want you getting hurt."
You scoffs, smiling softly at Newt's worry. "I'll be fine, Newtie. Don't you worry about me."
With that, you send Newt and Jeff a grin before walking out of the Med-Jack hut.
Jeff snorts as you leave the room, throwing his arm around Newt's shoulder as he teases him, "I can't believe that Y/n doesn't see how much you like-"
"Shut up," Newt snaps, blushing as Jeff calls him out on his feelings towards you.
"You could not be more obvious, man," Jeff laughs.
Newt just grumbles under his breath in response, blushing more as Jeff teases him.
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harper-hook · 2 years
Newt | NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s rather playful and loving while cleaning both himself and you. He would be cleaning his cum off of you and planting kisses in the wake. He will pull you to cuddle face to face and whisper sweet nothings.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He appreciates his partner’s neck and collarbone. He loves leaving kisses and hickeys up and down both sides.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He would avoid cumming directly on his partner at first. He found it unnecessarily dirty but he would eventually realize how pleased he felt to see his partner marked by him.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He is the king of fingering, can not convince me otherwise. He gets pleasure from it too, loving to see his partner fall apart on his fingers.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Like most of the Maze Runner guys, he’s not very experienced but has a good general idea by listening to his partners and thinking about what makes him feel good and then applying it to you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary or cowgirl style. Again, he likes seeing his partners overcome with pleasure.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I feel like he could go either way. He would adapt himself to whatever he thinks you need like if you’ve had a rough day, he will try to make you laugh while trying to make you good. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Compared to the other boys in the Glade, he is one of the cleaner ones. He would keep his pubic hair trimmed and neat before any encounters.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is a lowkey a cliché. He is leaving trails of kisses and whispering words of encouragement and affirmation before biting into sensitive flesh and letting out moans and words of dirty praise.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He is prone to post nut shame. He feels creepy thinking about his partner but he can’t help it. He would moan their name as he finishes into his fist.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise! He loves being told how good he’s doing and how good he is making you feel.
Dirty Talk! He is the master of walking up to his partner all sweet and then whispering the filthiest things in their ear in public.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His go-to place is his bedroom, mostly because it’s always available during the day and it’s comfortable. The next place is in the gardens at night. The homestead gets crowded at night with other Keepers and he doesn’t appreciate the teasing from the other boys when things get too loud.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He lowkey likes being taken care of. Like he is the Glade Mother but if his partner is just watching out for him and making sure he eats and rests, he wants to make it up to them iykyk.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything publicly humiliating or something that either of you have made it clear you don’t like.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves giving and watching his partner fall apart under his hands. He also likes being taken care of by his partner so 69 is a definite favorite of his. Or mutual fingering and handjobs.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He starts slow and sensual but will get quicker and rougher the needier he gets. You can tell when he’s close because he loses rhythm and just bucks uncontrollably.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s second in command and works in the garden, not to mention his partner’s job. There’s not a lot of time to spare so yeah, quickies while the other gladers are at lunch are a regular thing.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He would be down to experiment and take risks as long as he and his partner talk everything out and establish strong trust, he’s easier to convince that most of the other guys. I feel like Newt is a lowkey secret freak and would come to you with his own risks and ideas.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He would go for a couple rounds that usually last for 30 minutes of so but the foreplay would last for over an hour until his partner is begging to be fucked.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He could go either way. If his partner has toys and wants to use them, he’s all for it but if they don’t, he doesn’t mind. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Huge tease like in public too because he knows it doesn’t fit his reputation. He would hug his partner from behind and grind against them or would fuck his partner until they can’t walk and then tease them about it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s making sounds but they’re just quiet and breathy, very intimate sounding. Again he’s giving praise and gentle orders/words.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If you wear his clothes in public, he will malfunction, no question. He’s not getting anything done, or if it does get done
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s got a perfect dick. Not too thick, not too long. The tip is very pink.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He almost prefers the chase and teasing leading up to sex. This chase can last for several days before ending in sex.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes a while for him to fall asleep because he likes to talk to his partner, just soft meaningless conversations that neither of you will remember in the morning.
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userwines · 1 month
The Good Place-esque censoring of curse words in The Maze Runner pisses me off so bad. Can they stop saying shuck. Just say the f word man. WKCD sent you up a box into a torture experiment and youre still saying clunk instead of shit? Come on man.
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narrans · 6 months
My Borrowed Son | 12 | Snow Day
Chapter Twelve | Snow Day
The alarm didn’t need to wake him up. He was already awake. Parker was up and dressed reading his papers for class later that day. They were reading some fun books from Mr. Tamplin including “The Magic Treehouse,” “Charlotte’s Web,” and “Fantastic Mr. Fox.” All of them seemed a bit easy if Parker was being honest with himself, but Mr. Tamplin was already ahead of the curve.
He had recommended a few books specifically for Parker that were technically “above his reading level,” but assured Parker that they were well within his level of comprehension. Books like “Eragon,” “The Maze Runner,” and “A Wrinkle in Time,” now filled Parker’s entire room.
His mom had picked out the books on a tablet she gifted to him with his first perfect report card and now Parker couldn’t get enough. For hours, he stared at the screen and flipped through page after page as he devoured the books.
It wasn’t just Mr. Tamplin who was investing in more advanced options for Parker. His science teacher, Ms. Raegan Ocha, had recommended some fascinating biology books as well as some documentaries for Parker to watch. His math class felt fundamental, so Mrs. Cora Doorman-Knowell, supplied additional assignments that now placed Parker at a 7th grade level.
The only one who didn’t seem willing to provide additional studying material was Ms. Kain, who seemed adamant that history was best taught in person and that he could learn with the rest of his classmates. Thankfully, Parker’s mom found a tutor who was willing to help give him some additional assignments.
It made things easier that he could study on his own and had his mother’s help when he needed it. He also had additional tutoring sessions because, as his mom said, she didn’t want him to feel limited and wanted to give him the tools he needed to succeed.
What made everything so great was that his mom never forced him to do the extra assignments. Everything he did was because he wanted to do it – and he loved it. Parker loved learning, and it was only helping him understand the world more. He didn’t find anything else about his condition, sadly, but that was okay. Perhaps, one day, he would learn enough to be a leading scientist to cure and discover more about his own condition.
So, as Parker finished his reading and logged onto his account, a message flashed on the screen that made his heart sink.
“School Closed: Snow Day”
Snow? Wait! It snowed!
Parker quickly leapt up from his desk and ran across the table toward his ladder that led up to the window. He hurried up one hand hold after the next until he stood on the ledge. His heart fluttered nervously as he pushed the curtain off to the side ever so slightly and slipped between the fabric and glass.
The moment he did, he saw it – a winter wonderland.
The snow was already a few inches deep and covered the windowsill as well as part of the yard outside. Big, fluffy snowflakes drifted from the light gray sky that Parker could have sworn was a big as him. He pressed his palms against the frosty glass and watched as his breath fog up the scene in front of him.
Parker loved the snow. As disappointed as he was that school was closed for the day, he was equally as excited to go outside and play in the snow.
He remembered the first time he saw snow. It was late in the day, and he had just finished dinner with his mom when she hurried to the kitchen all excited. She scooped him up and spoke quickly before pulling the curtains and holding him up to the window. His sporadic memory filled in the gaps of him getting dressed in a few extra blankets as his mom brought him outside.
Parker remembered the frigid air hitting him and the pinch of snow his mom gave him as she placed it in her palm with him. He was six or so years old if he remembered correctly.
Parker remembered grabbing one of the snowflakes in his fingers and staring at it in awe. Seeing something so small and so beautiful was mesmerizing. It made him feel, in a weird way, complete. Like things this small were supposed to exist – like he was supposed to be there.
It was a weird, momentary sensation and something Parker would remember for the rest of his life.
Hearing his name made him jump out of his skin. With his heart pounding, Parker realized he had been drawn into memories long since passed.
“Yes, momma?” he called back as he stepped out from behind the curtain. He saw his mom come into the bedroom with a cup of hot chocolate and a much smaller cup for him. He hurried down the ladder and waved to his mom to let her know where he was. She was bundled up in her stay-at-home robe, meaning that she was working from home today.
“There you are sweetie. I was trying not to wake you, but it looks like you were already up for school,” said his mom. She handed him the small mug once he was settled at his desk. “Sorry. The school called this morning saying school was cancelled. I turned off the alarms, but it seems like you were already up.”
“Yeah, I had to know what happened in the next chapter of Eragon,” said Parker as he sniffled the hot chocolate in his mug. He played with the top of the marshmallow as it blipped beneath the chocolate, leaving little lines on its white surface.
“Oh? Is it a good book?” asked his mom. Parker knew she had already read through the book once before, but she refused to talk about it in fear of spoiling anything for her son. It was frustrating for Parker. It was knowledge she had but wasn’t sharing.
“It’s so good! I just got to the part where Saphira took Eragon away. He rode her, momma! He’s a dragon rider! But what’s going to happen to his uncle? He’s going to be okay, right?” asked Parker. His mom hid behind her mug and smiled.
“I don’t know. You’ll have to read about it and tell me,” she said. Parker’s bottom lip stuck out as his brow furrowed.
“I don’t like that you do that. If you know, you should just tell me. I don’t like you knowing and me not knowing,” mumbled Parker. In frustration, he took a big bite out of his marshmallow and stared at his mug.
Because he was looking down and away, Parker missed the sudden pained look in his mom’s eyes.
Amanda heard that statement and could only think about the biggest secret she had ever kept in her life. Guilt weighed on her mind and on her soul. She wanted to tell Parker everything, and yet she wanted to keep these secrets for the rest of her life.
She wanted to tell him about the fake “condition” she gave him to keep him safe.
She wanted to tell him how he came into her life.
She wanted to tell him about the research she had done about the small people fictions she had found all those years ago when she first found him.
And yet she didn’t at the same time.
In a flash, all of these thoughts, worries, and desires were gone, and she was once again Amanda Silverstein sitting there with her son, Parker, drinking hot chocolate on his very first snow day.
“Momma?” Parker’s voice pulled her from her thoughts. She cleared her throat and looked down at her son.
“Yes, sweetie?” she asked.
“Um… would it be okay if I go outside and play in the snow? And then call Billy and Bailey?” asked Parker. Parker’s mom smiled as she considered her son’s request.
“Of course,” she smiled. “Which do you want to do first?”
“Play! It’s still snowing outside,” cheered Parker as he hurried into his room and pulled out as many layers as he could. He intended to make some fun things to show his friends, and the sooner the better.
Amanda helped get Parker dressed and quickly dressed herself before checking outside and scooping up the miniscule child. The way Parker was dressed reminded her of the kid from “A Christmas Story” when he couldn’t put down his arms. Despite his appearance, however, Parker was still agile and flexible.
The layers he picked kept him maneuverable and warm at the same time. He had never liked feeling too restrained or unable to move freely. It was weird. He was never claustrophobic and, if he was being honest, he enjoyed small and tight spaces. It was the thought of being restrained and unable to move or get away that made him uncomfortable.
Just another odd sensation that crept up in him from time to time.
The sudden rush of cold air from the outside world drew his attention to the present and, within minutes, Parker was outside in the snow making snow angels with his momma.
There were several clear spaces by the house, but slightly in the neighbor’s yard, that were free of footsteps and debris that Parker started his work.
He started by making a daisy chain of snow angels, which his mom took pictures of. Next, he started making the biggest snowboy family he could muster. His mom helped from time to time, but she mostly helped by snapping twigs and finding eyes and noses for Parker’s creations. This, too, was picture worthy.
It wasn’t until Parker walked up to the tree and started climbing the bark and jumping into the snow that he noticed something odd.
Parker’s mom had stepped away for a moment because a client called her and needed some information. So, in the meantime, Parker decided to try and climb around the tree by grasping onto the bark and shimmying from one side to the next.
When Parker made it to the opposite side of the tree, he noticed something that made his hair stand on end. It was so odd that he actually dropped to the ground and rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands.
At least, he thought they looked like footprints.
They were right by the base of the tree and, upon further investigation, led into the roots.
Parker was absolutely taken aback. Shaking all over, he stepped forward and pressed his shoes into the snow and saw that the prints were a little bigger than his, but about the same proportionally.
But… how?
Did this belong to an animal? Or did this belong to someone like him? Was there someone else like him out here in the cold?
His mind began to race and made him feel nauseous. He needed to know more. Carefully, he stepped forward under the tree roots and glanced around. Like a detective, he began combing over the snow covered leaves and along the dirt. Something about the place felt secure to him, and that odd sensation of being watched crept over him again.
Parker whipped around and nearly leapt out of his skin to see his mom leaning over by the roots peering in at him. There was something completely unnerving about seeing a giant, looming eye over him.
Again, why?
This was his mom.
“Parker? What are you doing in there?” asked his mom. He began to sputter over his words as he clambered out of the roots.
“Momma! Momma! I… I think there’s someone else out here!” Parker proclaimed. His mom’s features stiffened as she glanced from Parker to the tree roots.
“Someone else? That’s not possible,” she said. Not possible? How could she say something like that?
“It’s true! Look! There are footprints. They look like mine!” urged Parker as he ran over and pointed to the spots he saw before. At second look, they were filled partially with snow, meaning they had probably been there for a while.
His mom’s eyes narrowed as she knelt further and evaluated the area. Her heart was racing a million miles a minute. Was there someone else small like Parker out here in the snow? Did they leave because they came outside to play? Or were they gone? What would happen if whoever left these footprints found Parker? Would they have the answers he was looking for? Or would something else have happened?
To Amanda, the moment lasted a lifetime. She tried to compose herself as she gazed down into her son’s eagerly awaiting eyes.
What could she tell him?
Was now the time to talk about the truth?
She tried to look calm and confident, but the intuitive child may have seen her flash of fear moments earlier.
To Parker, on the other hand, she seemed a bit quiet and tense and not nearly half as excited as he felt. This was possibly his chance to meet someone his size! Ask them questions about their condition and if they knew anything else that he didn’t know.
“Parker.” Just the way she said his name made Parker feel defeated. “I think these might’ve just belonged to a small critter like a mouse or rat. Maybe even a squirrel? I just don’t know who would be out in cold like this.”
“But… momma…”
Parker looked back at the footprints and, much like the episode of that science show his mom liked, “Bones,” there was that weird reasonable doubt in his mind. Maybe it did belong to something else. Also, his condition was an extremely rare one. What were the chances of someone like him being out in a place like this in a snowstorm?
It was probably just feeling.
Parker sighed and nodded.
“Good. Now, I think we’ve had enough fun in the snow. Let’s get inside and get warm; and maybe, just maybe, you and I can read some of that ‘Eragon’ book together. Would you like that?” asked Amanda.
“Yes, momma,” said Parker, feeling a bit defeated. He climbed back onto his mom’s hand and stared at the scene in front of him. The little snowboys. The little snow angels.
Everything was so little.
Parker sighed and pulled his legs into his chest as his mom carried the both of them back into the house. The entire trip back, he couldn’t help but think that his mom might have been keeping something from him. There was something in her eyes that just made her waver.
What was it?
And why?
Parker shrugged it off.
Perhaps, one day, he would ask her about it. Until then, he let himself feel excited that he and his momma were going to spend some time reading on this beautiful, snowy day.
Too bad he didn’t look up into the branches high above….
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xdbug-bob · 9 months
Incorrect Quotes Part 2- Maze Runner (Newtmas)
Thomas: You know me, Newt, I don’t take any shit. You know what I say to my haters? Newt: What? Thomas: I say: “Please don’t hate me, I’m really nice.” ____________________________________________________ Newt: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out! Thomas: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way? Newt: I don't know, surprise me!
Thomas: One time I went to hand Newt a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.” ___________________________________________________ Thomas: I just got the best idea I've ever had in my entire life! Later Newt, to Thomas: That was the worst idea you’ve ever had in your entire life. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: I made tea. Newt: I don't want tea. Thomas: I didn't make you tea. This is my tea. Newt: Then why did you tell me? Thomas: It's a conversation starter. Newt: It's a horrible conversation starter. Thomas: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: Are you ready to commit? Newt: Like, a crime or a relationship? ____________________________________________________ Newt: Thomas, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor. Thomas: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound? ____________________________________________________ Thomas: very seriously You need to stop doing weird things to cope with the stress. Going outside might help. Newt: I went to the park today. Thomas: There you go! I hope you got something from that. Newt: opening their coat This duck. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: Do you need help getting up? Newt: Nah, I'm cool down here on the floor. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: Is five a lot of followers? Newt: Depends on the context. Newt: On Instagram? No, not a lot of followers. Newt: In a dark alley? Yes, a lot of followers. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: Hey Newt, check out this funny .GIF I found! Newt: It’s pronounced “jif”. Thomas: Huh? Newt: “Dot jif”, like the peanut butter. The creator said so. Thomas: That’s dumb, it’s Graphics Interchange Format. Thomas: The P in .JPEG stands for “photographic”, but I bet you don’t say “J-pheg”. Newt: “P” on its own isn’t pronounced like “F”, that’s totally different! Thomas: It’s exactly the same! Thomas: Name one word that starts with “G” pronounced like “J”. Newt: Gentrification. Thomas: Shoot, should have thought of that. I was just in San Francisco. Newt: For your logic to be consistent, you’d have to say “skuh-bah” (scuba) or “lah-seer” (laser)! Thomas: Yeah? Well, you’d have to say “J-pej”! Thomas: …Wait, “laser” is an acronym? Newt: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Thomas: Huh. Didn’t know that. Thomas: You’re still wrong, though. Newt: You just hate me because I’m right. Thomas: I just hate you in general. Newt: You mean in “geh-neral”? Thomas: Ugh, I’m “joing” to kill you!
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