#f2p trap account
lethalgaming1939 · 5 months
F2P TRAP “Dont forget lvl 5 tiles”
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hananoami · 4 months
My f2p xavier focused alt account, that I said I was going to take a hiatus from until the next player recall event, pulled one of Zayne's new myth memories with the free 10x tickets you get from the event shop... oh nyo, don't tell me this is how they're gonna trap me into playing multiple accounts consecutively again... I only planned to keep on doing my dailies until of the end of the 10 day login for free Hunter!Xavier 4-star memory, but now I'm back on the diamond grind to get the other half... if he doesn't come home and i lose the 50/50 iiwii
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pangurbanthewhite · 2 years
So my weakness for digital card games is well documented, at this point, and one of the ones I have an on-again, off-again relationship with is Legends of Runeterra. Just the PvE mode, mind, I would never dare touch PvP. But PvP is the side of the playerbase that gets catered to the most, so I regularly lurk on reddit and social media to observe them from a safe distance. 
Recently, LoR released something called a “daily gauntlet”, which is like a miniature daily tournament and doing well enough in it makes you more likely to earn a spot in the monthly open tournament. But the daily gauntlet is only open for a few hours a day, with no regard for timezones, and no matchmaking whatsoever to keep a newcomer from getting matched against a former world champion.
By all accounts, a full run of this thing can take three hours. Three hours! A day!
And obviously no one is forcing these people to play for three hours a day, but when F2P mobile games are set up the way that they are...I can see how they’d feel that pressure.
And yet, I have also seen a significant batch of people for this game complaining for months about how there’s “nothing to do” after hitting Master, how they’s no “new content” for the game, how it’s been “abandoned”, so for the devs to go “here you go, here’s a way to play for three hours a day and if you do you get the chance to play even more”...it does feel a bit like a monkey’s paw situation.
IDK. I feel like a lot of complaints I see about live service games come from people who try to make that their One Game, that they try to get Everything from. No game should be your One Game, your be-all end-all. Different games should scratch different itches. It’s not inherently the fault of the developers if you find your interest waning.
(But also - three hours! A day! What the fuck! The way this is meant to try and keep people trapped in an addictive ecosystem should not be undersold or excused.
I feel like if the devs had actually followed up on their promise to refocus support on PvE instead of abandoning that two weeks later, everyone would be happier.)
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crystalelemental · 2 years
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Master Mode is unlocked, time to talk about approximate strength tiers.  I am prepared.
Vs. Drasna NY!Lisia go boom.  I love this alt.  It's so stupid.  She absolutely fries this stage once she can start attacking.  The final Giga Impact hit for 23k.  That's unreasonable. I did this one with my wife's account too, and admittedly, I didn't have too difficult a time with it when using Palentine's Serena and Dawn either. I think Drasna's not too bad, so long as you actualy have Fairy types.
Vs. Wikstrom Okay fine, I'll bring Aura Cynthia, don't have to ask me twice.  SC Diantha will be glad to deal 27k on Secret Sword per action, thank you.  "Why is Tauros here?"  I brought it for her sync nuke and for speed control but I suddenly find this really overkill. My wife had basically the same team, nothing fun to talk about.
Vs. Malva I had to try out SS Lysandre.  If you saw the post from earlier today, you already know, but I botched it and used his Fire damage grid, meaning he was operating at minimum firepower.  He still won pretty easy.  And of course, I tried out Dual Frog with him to see how high we could bring up damage numbers.  He surpassed the previous damage cap.  Radical. My wife has Dojo Gloria and C!Serena. So uh. She had an even easier time, if I'm beign real.
Vs. Siebold Unlike Lucian, who is wise to my bullshit specifically, Siebold attempts to be wise to my wife's bullshit and blocks Train Bros.  Unfortunately for him, Lusamine.  Get blasted.  He does have Lessen Trap 9 though, which I find to be bullshit.  I know your F2P solution is meant to be EX Viola but come on, no one is going to do that if he's super resistant to trap.  She needs so much setup support. Also from my wife's account, I can confirm, this does not in any way slow down SC Emmet.
Vs. Diantha I mean.  It's Mega Mawile.  The whole "But status" doesn't really matter when she's dealing near 50 on second sync anyway. HOWEVER! My wife's account only has P!Marnie at 2/5. Her only 3/5 EX Steel-type...is Raihan. Who struggled like crazy. Do you know what I had to do to make this work? I'm not proud of it. SST Red. Don't you fucking judge me. I tried with Lucian but lack of damage output really hindered him. God, I am just livid to know SST Red at 1/5 is actually a fantastic support and secondary DPS bot. I hate this guy so much.
Final Thoughts Master Mode didn't really get a chance to shine.  I kinda curbstomped them all pretty ruthlessly.  Which is fine.  I don't want to do F2P.  These stages have skills that are a clear block.  If it's not an outright "This is impossible," it's at least close enough that I don't want to deal. Though my wife's account definitely revealed that Diantha is not messing around. That is a rough fight if you don't have some good Steel-type options.
If I decide to do more with this CS, it'll probably be regional clears.  That, at least, sounds relatively fun.  But I am not doing all F2P.  No way. 
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idiacide · 3 years
Hello! Could I request Idia, Leona, Ace, and Deuce with an easily attached or obsessed reader? If someone gives me more attention than I'm used to, I'll easily get attached to them. Though I'm ashamed to admit it, sometimes I do get a bit stalker-ish. If you are uncomfortable with this ask, just ignore it. Either way, thank you!
For the sake of this I’m going to write it as just, mildly obsessive as opposed to full tilt yandere. Like, maybe a little bad with boundaries, but not full tilt “keeping tabs on everyone you’ve ever spoken too in your life”. (If anyone would like more yandere. Just ask I guess)
Idia Shroud: In all honesty this might’ve actually been useful in the early days of nursing your crush. Idia’s not the easiest guy in the world to spend time with “naturally”, you’d almost have to stalk him if you wanted any one on one time with him. Breaking into his room seems like a little much, but slipping into the board game club is about as intimate a setting as one could hope for (once you get around the Azul shaped roadblock).
Its a little bit downhill from there, though. Idia’s paranoid. It honestly doesn’t take that many slips for him to realize you’ve been deepstalking his social media accounts. He immediately assumes hostile intent and starts avoiding you even more than he already was. It continues to eat at him though, as he finds he can’t even escape online without fearing that you’re watching. In the end, he conspires with Ortho to trap you in an empty classroom with a few menacing machines, his nervous hands fumbling with a tablet as he fires question after question at you.
What are you planning, to ruin him in front of the entire school? Expose the fact that he’s been playing both sides of a stantwt war through multiple sock puppet accounts? Report him to his gacha games for utilizing a fuckton of bots????? Its just for the ones he doesn’t take seriously, he swears!!! He’s a salt of the earth F2P on the ones he loves!!!
.....What do you MEAN you have a crush on him?!!
He kind of doesn’t know what to do with that information. Almost a letdown after weeks of agonizing. It catches him so off guard that he might even agree to a date before he knows what he’s doing.
The start leaves a lot to be desired. You get the sense that he’s still very jumpy around you, fully expecting the other shoe to drop at any moment. But...ultimately there’s something kind of convenient about having a partner that’s a little obsessive about him. He has to explain himself less, and you already have an exhaustive handle on his interests which makes conversation a little bit easier over all. Plus, if you’re already stalking him, that should mean a free pass for him too, right? Help take the edge off that insecure streak by following you around with cameras at every free moment.
Its not exactly...the HEALTHIEST dynamic in the world, but its one that’s surprisingly functional for the two of you. Both of you have a tendency to get overly focused on your area of interests, and both of you get insecure about your partner’s affections. Maybe some better coping mechanisms would benefit the two of you in the long run, but as it stands at the very least you understand each other and your weird idiosyncrasies.
Yeah...ok, maybe he could get used to this. Get used to you.
Leona Kingscholar: Well, at least Rook will have some company in the bushes.
Kidding, you’re not quite that far gone. But with that damn hunter hounding his every step Leona’s already on pretty high alert for people paying a little too much attention to him for his liking. It doesn’t take him long to notice you following him around, peeking around corners at him or sidling up to watch when he’s at Spelldrive practice.
He’s not shy about rebutting it either, immediately telling you off when he gets sick of being watched. Unlike Rook, though, you don’t just smile and slip away. You look legitimately hurt, and its starting to aggravate him more. Contrary to popular belief he’s not COMPLETELY heartless. Looking at him like a wounded animal makes his insides itch, like somehow he’s the jerk for telling you off.
Its not hard for him to pick up on the pretty likely culprit as to why you’re so clingy with him. Not exactly his first experience with this. A goodlooking prince, even a second born one, is gonna pick up his fair share of admirers. He’d normally just leave you hanging until you took the hint or got offended enough to drop it on your own, but....its different when he actually knows you. For once the onus is on him to have the emotional maturity to talk to you, walk you through the fact that he doesn’t appreciate being followed like this. He needs his space....but if you’re willing to meet him halfway then he’ll spot you a couple dinners, alright? Fair trade.
Getting into an actual relationship with him under these conditions is tricky, but not impossible. The more relationally involved you get the less the obsessiveness is gonna bother him. Leona expects a fair bit of free range to do what he pleases but as long as you don’t interfere with his sleep schedule, there’s something pretty gratifying about how into him you are. He’s absolutely merciless about holding it over your head too, how much of your world revolves around him and his habits.
Again, not necessarily the healthiest dynamic for either party involved. Ruggie may need to give you a few lessons in standing up to him. But after a lifetime of being overlooked...its kind of nice to have someone who’s beyond smitten.
Ace Trappola: There is a strong possibility Ace will never notice. Because entirely on accident, he’s exactly the type to encourage this behavior even if you AREN’T naturally the obsessive type. Follow him around to spend as much time as possible? He practically breaks down your door to hang out every free night he has anyways. Stalk his social media accounts? He was already badgering you to look at his posts anyways. Retain a lot of personal information about him? He’s a chronic oversharer and will barely notice that you remember a lot more of what he tells you than is usual.
Ace’s main character syndrome is kind of a godsend as far as you’re concerned. Of course so much of your time is spent focusing on him, what the hell else would you have to do with your time?? Study? Psh. At the same time, the fact that you remember so much of what he tells him and are so eager to spend time with him feeds his ego like nothing else. The two of you get romantically involved fairly quickly.
That’s not to suggest its all perfect. The only thing Ace loves as much as attention is acting like he’s too cool for attention. Being too fawning in front of his friends is likely to get you made fun of, and you may catch him making snide remarks about how you’d be hopeless without him. Don’t be shy about telling him off. For as much as his mouth gets ahead of him Ace doesn’t actually want to hurt your feelings, and deep down he knows he’s just as dependent on you as you are on him.
All told, probably one of the most painless targets you could pick for one of these crushes. Ace adores people who adore him back, and he’s ready and willing to meet you pound for pound on expressing that affection.
Deuce Spade: Much like Ace, Deuce is honestly more gratified by the attention than anything. Even if you are shy about things like compliments and praise, the simple gift of your time is already enough to completely overwhelm him. While he’s always been able to get friends, Deuce isn’t really used to being anybody’s first choice. At least not for reasons that are positive.
Showing up to his track meets in particular is a one way ticket direct to his heart. Deuce takes his sport very seriously, and showing up to offer your implicit support fills him up with pride and affection like nothing else. As for all the rest, he’s just oblivious enough to take it all as a lucky coincidence. Oh you like bikes too? Man, what are the odds! Come ride with him some time. Even if you don’t actually know that much he’ll just assume you must be new to the interest and happily explain everything about it.
Ultimately Deuce is too honest a guy to really expect much artifice out of other people. And considering that you’re not faking the affection, he’s perfectly ready to get just as attached to you as you are of him. Some things will occasionally give him pause. As he realizes how nervous you get when he’s gone he starts to get a little worried about you. But its never from a place of judgement. Deuce just wants you to recognize that you’re just as good on your own as you are with him. He doesn’t just care about you because you love him. He loves you, and he wants you to believe that too.
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tirsden · 2 years
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Dis broke mah brain. Probably should have slept before putting it together. Oops! :D
Here we have my two Genshin accounts side by side, and it’s entirely fitting that Xiao and Zhongli have ended up being my mains. Do I want my kickass physical DPS carry C3 Geo Daddy over on my main account, instead of the C0 shieldbot variant that actually gets to run around with Xiao? Ehhh... honestly? No. But I didn’t start an f2p challenge account for no reason. Okay, the main reason was that I ran out of crap to do on my main account, and instead of having one account that mostly just logs in every day to do dailies and burn resin... I now have two accounts doing that. Oops! :D
Main account is getting vaguely close to AR 58, has 17 level 90 characters, more characters in general, and better weapons. F2p is getting vaguely close to AR 57, has 11 level 90 characters, more focused work done on important / favorite characters, and generally better artifacts. The abyss run stats in the second pic are from just after the last reset a couple of weeks ago (specifically ran it on July 1, 2022). Both accounts clear the abyss now without any real issue other than f2p running the clock pretty late in the very last chamber.
It’s kinda crazy how well the f2p babies are catching the main account, but then I knew what I was doing from day one with them, versus the main account where I made alllll the mistakes. One thing I’ve never, ever done on either account, though, is using primogems to refresh resin. That’s a trap, plain and simple. Primos are for wishes, resin is an exercise in patience.
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cupidlakes · 3 years
do you have any thoughts on george getting the genshin impact sponsor and advertising it even though it’s a gacha game? you don’t have to reply btw
oh! this is an interesting ask i haven’t even finished watching the stream and i don’t know much about genshin impact because i’ve only played a little (f2p) ages ago and i don’t know to what extent the game relies on you rolling to have an enjoyable/not severely limited experience BUT i can give my opinions on gacha and predatory gacha games as someone who was an ex-whale/previously (and now admittedly) addicted and what i think about “promoting” them
first thing to note is that there is a way to enjoy these types of games without falling into the trap of forking out all your money to enjoy them however it’s undeniable that they prey on those vulnerable and inclined towards addiction and use addiction tactics to make their money
genshin impact does seem like a really lovely well-polished game! and it’s no wonder that it has seen the success it has but i worry for those financial unstable, and yes, young people who get hooked onto these games and fall into the trap of essentially gambling for virtual happiness/fulfilment when it’s something you largely and will likely regret later on
again, not everyone! but anyone who has spent too much on something they’re not into anymore or actively playing will know this feeling especially when having whaled such huge amounts of money on something that’s not... tangible it is just completely virtual at the end of the day and completely unsatisfying to think about when you lose interest, like that’s money i could’ve put toward my future and i did set aside money for my savings but so much more of it could’ve gone towards that instead of the anime girl on my phone that i don’t need + spent upwards of $1000 to get, even if it was something i could afford because my job was well paying at the time and i lived w/ my parents so i had a lot of expendable income and this was the rhetoric i stuck with, it wasn’t responsible at all and i was a really young adult who didn’t understand that, i do now
and as for what i think about george “promoting” it? either way i’m going to sound biased but my honest opinion is that yes while he should be more careful about what he promotes to his very young and very impressionable audience (like my gripes w/ him going on omegle sometimes), he seemingly didn’t even know the mechanics of the game and i doubt he thought twice about the systems in place, genshin impact seems especially predatory for the measures they take to drag people into their system but this is to me is what a raid sponsor or a dragon city sponsor on youtube is, the difference is people think others won’t play those games because they’re not as polished but clearly there’s an audience for them if there are companies cashing out millions to youtubers to promote them
so i can’t be a hypocrite and stomp my foot and claim i’m mad at george (or karl + tina even though i think they actually play it) for taking a sponsor and not knowing about what the game was/is like when so many others have done the same, it’s also purposeful that the sponsors get streamers to play the game on stream because it’s like an involved sneak peak to people interested without giving them the full experience, what i mean is even if he spent a little on stream trying to get a character it doesn’t take into account the larger picture/how things can spiral from there like needing to roll EVERY time for your favourite character (and despite being partnered i don’t think george will be playing much more) so yeah. those are just my thoughts
in general the problem with these games and gacha in general is that it’s been normalised to a saddening degree with no support or limits on these games in places like america/europe (japan for example has strict regulations on mobile gambling) and almost every game now has it in some sense (battle passes, loot crates, micro-transactions etc.) i think what’s important is just being aware of advertising of these games, deciding if it’s ultimately worth it if you know you’re someone who gets hooked onto things really easily and getting help/support when you see yourself falling into that trap and also being transparent w/ people
but again i don’t think i can solely lay blame on george for any of this
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tigstripe · 3 years
Gacha Impression #1: Fate/Grand Order
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Total Score: 3.3/5
Full review under the break
Presentation (3/5): FGO presents itself as a waifu/husbando simulator (and yes, there are valid husbandos!) with pretty typical anime flair. The artwork is top-notch (most of the time...I’m looking at you, Nightingale) and the animations are clean and flashy when they need to be. The music is appropriate, but forgettable at times, ultimately dragging this score down. The in-battle sprites are so obviously Flash puppets it hurts, but their actions are still quite dynamic. The best part about the game’s presentation is that they hired so many unique artists to help vary up the art styles between characters and craft essences. It suffers a little from long load times, alleviated mostly by the Download All Data option.
Story (5/5): It’s a game made by a company that made itself known for publishing popular visual novels and establishing one of the most fleshed out worlds in digital media. This game’s story is good. It’s very good. There are dozens of hours of texted cutscenes, with added mini-stories for characters and special events if you care to read them. You will fall in love with the supporting cast. Some of the in-world magic systems will go over your head. It’s okay. Just take it in - this is a vividly written story in an immensely developed fictional universe.
Combat (2/5): What I used to think was a solid combat system has proven to be quite stale and not terribly deep. You have characters with three skills each and a super move, and you have some gimmicks to throw in the mix when you need to. There are quite a few strategies to use when you approach the combat system, but they’re very straightforward and don’t vary much from team comp to team comp. The most customizability you have are some bonuses gained from Craft Essences (the game’s form of equipment), which are arguably more important than which characters you choose to use. New characters rarely offer anything unique to combat, and when they do, they’re pretty damn broken as a result.
Noncombat Mechanics (3/5): Character development is a commitment, especially for higher rarity characters, but it’s quite straightforward and easy to grasp. Fight mobs, get drops, boost Servants. That’s it, and it’s real boring. Real world money will not help you enhance your Servants outside of rolling for additional copies to enhance their Noble Phantasm strength. Craft Essences and Servants level up in very similar ways, allowing a very low learning curve to effectively enhance your cast. The game’s energy system can be quite restrictive during special events, but at this point in the game’s life, completing the primary story is smooth enough with new accounts constantly leveling up and getting refreshed energy reserves. The devs really like to dish out energy replenishing items, too, so you can often go entire months without running out of opportunity to play the game. Weekly missions help you to nab extra rolls in the gacha, and the game will reward you for devoting time to extra content. The monthly store is mostly a trap, but can be a boon for casual players.
Events (3/5): Their special events vary greatly, too greatly to give them a stellar score, because some events are simply “run this specific combat a billion times” while others are legitimate, fun Story events with very strong writing. Overall, the game focuses too much on farming for enhancement materials to be considered “fun,” but some events can really come out of left field, especially with their story. Time gates often prevent people from just abusing the more story-driven events, but some events (like the Christmas Roulette) are so openly abusable the game made a meme out of them.
Gacha Mechanics (2/5): This is one of the only gacha games I’ve seen that has no pity mechanic, but the game and devs throw free rolls at you via story completion, events, and social media drives all the time. That being said, you roll for both Servants and Equipment (called “Craft Essences”), and the 4 and 5 star Servant drop rates are abysmal. The “Story” gacha is a trap except for brand new players. The daily free friend point rolls are very nice and are often undervalued.
Free to Play Friendliness (4/5): Between getting handed lots of extra rolls as noted above and the inability of real world money buying you enhancement items, the game is surprisingly Free to Play Friendly considering it’s still one of the (of not the) most lucrative gachas in existence. Even lower-rarity characters can carry your team with proper planning and support (we’re talking about you, Andersen!). Plus, most of the story-driven special events come with 4-star “Wellfare Servants,” which allow you free, high-quality characters you can easily max out simply by participating in the events fully. Some of the best 4-star characters in the game are free Event Servants! While quite a few characters are event-specific, many of them will come back eventually through event reruns or specialized gachas around the holidays, allowing F2P players more chances at pulling their faves. If a character shows up in the main story, they wind up in the Story gacha. Still, it’s best to wait for events to fish for your faves.
Total Score: 3.3/5
It’s charming, easy to get into, and its story is very good. It has some boring bits and the combat system isn’t terribly riveting, but being able to use your favorite Fate characters is always fun, and the cast is constantly growing with new, colorful members. While the gacha is punishing, some of the best characters in the game are given to you for free during events.
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Best FoodFan Units to Invest In if F2P
i get this question a lot, like a lot a lot and it tends to spark debates that sometimes make feelings get hurt, so i’m just going to make a list and post it on tumblr for those of you who are wondering which units are worth investing in (who should not get chucked into the fusion blender).
i know it hurts to hear, because it hurts me too having pulled for some of them, but what i mean by this is: they are not worth investing in long-term because they will require money and can only carry you so long in the game before your SR units and R units are better because of the ascention/level cap. you might be able to push a strength UR to 15k with a fully optimized fallen (linked or uke mochi E/tsuchi +10 with all gold stats), but that’s it.
stun: stops enemy movement
silence: stops energy skills.
charm: turns enemies against each other
buffs: bonuses added to friendly units
debuffs: negates bonuses added to enemy units
Tom Yum: self-healing R defense unit, farmable shards, easy to ascend to 5* quickly, early game savior who wont fall off.
Milk: R unit easy to ascend to 5* quickly early game, link skill to btea, AOE heals.
Miso Soup: R unit easy to ascend to 5* quickly early game, support/magic hybrid who drains hp, links with sanma so valuable for guild/world bosses.
Black Tea: easiest SR to 5* in game, good stats and skill link, one of the better magic SR units.
Sanma: doesn’t need to ascend to do his job busting tanks/chests, flat damage, decent unit just kind of a specialist, world boss potential.
Sweet Tofu: worth if you fuse a lot as his shards are reliably common in fusion, good healer, can replace 5* milk at 3*.
Moon Cake: farmable as heck, great skills, basically in every catacombs/world boss guide because of her AOE kill and debuffs, just a really dang good strength unit.
Vodka: best magic SR in game, farmable shards, stun/silence valuable in any situation, links with B-52.
Yuxiang: okay unit but unremarkable other than being farmable and linked to peking, but those two alone make her worth it if you run him.
B-52: every F2Ps best UR friend, powerful and only farmable UR unit to date, guild/world boss champ.
Foie Gras: was given to us free if you did her quests, charm, easy to fuse for shards and easier UR to pull so most people who have summoned a lot already have her at 1*. 
Peking Duck: the attack spam god, silence, easy to fuse for shards and easier UR to pull so most people who have summoned a lot already have him, worth fusing for if you continue to not summon him.
EDIT: bamboo rice has been added ot this list due to now being as common as foie gras and peking duck in shard fusion.
anyone not these units, ymmv but these units are likely better, especially if you have no ascensions on the unit in question. and this post isn’t taking into account team comp, these are just common units worth investing in if you don’t plan on paying money to play food fantasy.
happy playing and i am always here to help by DM or on discord!
♡ mod wine
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Coin Master: How to Get Rich for Free
In the event that you have BlueStacks as of now introduced, click 'Open' in the program popup.
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Coin Master is tied in with structure wonderful little towns with whacky topics from an earlier time, future, and present, yet so as to move starting with one village then onto the next, you need huge amounts of gold. Obviously, the game offers a lot of alternatives regarding purchasing gold and twists with genuine money, regularly on special. However in case you're a F2P player, you'll likely need to maintain a strategic distance from these arrangements.
This does not mean, in any case, that each time you open the town shop, a tear of disappointment should tumble down your cheek since you can't bear the cost of new redesigns. There are approaches to get the coins you requirement for nothing and we've gathered them all beneath.
Get Coins on Spins
The least demanding and most direct approach to procure cash in Coin Master is to make the appearance's form of openings. Two images concede gold – the coin and the coin pocket, and you don't really need to arrive on three at any given moment so as to get a reward. Obviously, mixes of three are most gainful, yet you'll see that you get some gold on essentially every turn.
After you go through your underlying twists, you'll be given an extra 5 once consistently. On the off chance how to get gold cards on coin master that you've quite recently begun your first town, you may be enticed to utilize these new twists when they become accessible. We prescribe against this, however, in light of the fact that you can get more worth in the event that you set up a greater amount of them together.
As you probably are aware, you once in a while can assault another town and take cash. This is something that different players will attempt to do to you, too, which is the reason you need to abstain from beginning a town in the event that you can't complete it in a similar sitting. At the point when there are no structures in your town, different players have no objective to utilize their assault on. On the off chance that, then again, you generally utilize your twists 5 at any given moment, you'll have minimal gold to work with and you'll be driven away from the town incomplete for hazardous timeframes.
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Get ready for Perfect Raids
Of the considerable number of approaches to make cash in Coin Master, attacking is by a long shot the most productive. On the off chance that, for instance, on your first town, you make around 50,000 from a triple pocket mix on the openings, you can make up to 1,000,000 by ravaging another base. One valuable apparatus here is your pet, which, when appropriately encouraged, enables you to uncover four spots, instead of three.
On each attack, you'll be appeared conceivable burrowing areas. One conceals the greater part of the coins, two have lesser measures of coins in them, and a fourth is likely coin master gold cards hack unfilled. In case you're fortunate, you can loot all the accessible coins for an enormous town support, however in case you're not, you'll get minimal out of your attack.
With a pet, then again, you'll be permitted to uncover every one of the four areas and accomplish an ideal strike. Simply ensure that the pet is well-nourished before you begin utilizing your twists with the goal that you are prepared for any assaults that may come your direction.
Procure Free Spins
There's nothing very as sweet as landing three vitality bottles on a turn in light of the fact that these are the most evident approach to acquire new twists – 10 at any given moment! Lamentably, this image once in a while appears on the openings, so you'll no doubt need to discover different approaches to get all the more free twists.
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Play Coin Master on BlueStacks 4
One thing that Coin Master is extremely resolved about is that you ought to associate the game to your Facebook account. The motivators to do as such are appealing and they incorporate 50 free twists, 1,000,000 coins, and the likelihood to add companions to your rundown.
When they acknowledge your solicitation, you can send twists and gold to them without devouring your own. Normally, they will probably give back where its due. What's more, you'll get 25 turns for each companion that you've welcome to the game and that has joined subsequently. By and large, this is a genuinely steady approach to get all the more free twists every day.
Last, however not least, remember to dependably check the base right corner of the spaces screen when you utilize your twists. On the off chance that you see a vitality bottle there, you can tap on it to watch a short business for one turn. You can gain around four free twists at any given moment and the offer is accessible a few times for the duration of the day.
Take an interest in Events and Complete Card Collections
In spite of the fact that not really as steady as the traps we've recorded so far, occasions are additionally a fun method to procure free twists and gold in Coin Master. These are not accessible consistently, however they do spring up frequently and they are normally simple to finish.
For instance, this Spin Burst Surprise occasion worked all alone. For a couple of hours, players got 10 turns each hour rather than 5, so the main thing they needed to do to exploit the offer was to sign in more regularly and prepare for more twists. Different occasions will make them pop inflatables while you turn the openings, discovering some item on the screen, or interfacing with companions with a specific goal in mind.
You can likewise win a decent number of twists by finishing your card accumulations, the first turned out to be accessible on your third town. You can discover cards while assaulting different players and you can exchange them with your companions case you ever get copies. When a set is finished, you can go anyplace from 50 to several twists.
That is it – every one of the approaches to get wealthy in Coin Master united in one spot! On the off chance that you ever have an excessive number of twists to squander at once (which might just be the situation on the off chance that you pursue this guide), remember that you can play Coin Master on BlueStacks and set up marvelous key directions to thoroughly take care of you.
Before you know it, you'll be flying through the towns and having can heaps of fun as you find new and insane areas.
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waynekelton · 5 years
The Weekender: Pierce the Vale Edition
It's good to be back, hope you all managed to survive with out me. This week I've been making a concerted effort to be pro-active with smaller, news-y bits to break-up the Reviews/Reposts/Weekender cycle that nominated much of May, hope you've enjoyed the wider variety of topics. Next week we've got a gameplay guide, at least one review and then some other goodies in the pipe for later in the month.
It's E3 next week but I'm not expecting much mobile-specific news unless it's platform related (like Google Stadia from this morning).
Meanwhile, in mobile gaming...
Out Now
Mystic Vale (iOS & Android) – Full review coming soon!
2019’s conquest of digital board games continue, with Nomad Games bringing another popular table-top experience to mobile. Deck-building is starting to become a crowded genre with Mystic Vale’s Druidic offering, although new twists in the form of card crafting and a ‘decay’ system that can end your turn early promise to keep things fresh. Michael’s already on the case with this review, so look to the East next week for our own verdict. The mobile version comes with the Vale of Magic expansion included at no extra cost, although it’s listed as a separate IAP.
Also on our Radar:
Infectonator 3: Apocalypse (iOS) – The third instalment in a franchise where you play as the zombies trying to destroy the world, this one looks like it could be interesting but early reports suggest it’s quite buggy, so we’re going to wait and see.
Lovecraft’s Untold Stories (iOS) – Lovecraft x Roguelike makes for an interesting, if slightly overdone combination, but the price-tag means this will have to work pretty hard to impress. Take one of five heroes across randomly generated worlds, fighting unspeakable horrors.
SSC 2019 (iOS) – Uprising Games returns with the 2019 version of their free-to-play retro-themed soccer game. Mentioned only because sports releases are so rare, but beware the F2P trappings. New additions include improved AI, Online 2 player matches and a data editor.
Evolution: The Video Game (iOS & Android) (Review)
While the digital adaptation still doesn’t have async play, the recent update this week now means you do pass and play for up to four players. You rotate the device between players when picking traits but feeding happens simultaneously from multiple edges of the screen. There’s also been some extra optimization work and larger text for tutorials and cards.
Star Traders: Frontiers (iOS & Android) (Review)
Those mad bastards known as the Trese Brothers have updated Star Traders: Frontiers twice this week. The first on added a new Bounty Hunter vignette as well a host of other fixes and clarifications, while the second update added new Steel Song faction modules, a new starting ship that’s great for spying, and some balance tweaks around strike craft.
Auto Chess (iOS & Android)
The beta for the official mobile version of DOTA Auto Chess is well underway, with the app now in the iOS app store under the name Auto Chess: Origins. There’s been an update this week although I’m not 100% sure on the details, but recent big changes include the official introduction of a Season system, a Battle Pass, various Account improvements and optimisations and bug fixes.
Only a couple of sales of note this week – Ironhide’s sci-fi RTS Iron Marines is down to $2.99 on iOS & Android, while award-winning puzzle game Monument Valley 2 is also $2.99 on iOS.
You may also have spotted that Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lion is discounted on all mobile platforms, although the price is not as good as it was during the Black Friday sale last year. Also, playing that game on mobile kinda sucks. Don’t @ Me.
Seen anything else you liked? Played any of the above? Let us know in the comments!
The Weekender: Pierce the Vale Edition published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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apkrich-blog · 5 years
Castle Clash Mod Apk Download + Unlimited Money + Gems + Everything
New Post has been published on https://www.apkrich.com/castle-clash-mod-apk-download-unlimited-money-gems-everything/
Castle Clash Mod Apk Download + Unlimited Money + Gems + Everything
Castle Clash: Heroes of the Empire US Apk mod is a popular Strategy game where assemble your forces for a bigger, better Clash. This latest version has Unlimited Resource & Skins, gems, money, Latest Update and everything you want. Download this game and fight your way to become the world’s greatest castle warlord.
Castle Clash Latest Version Features
1. Squad Showdown
You can assemble your favorite warriors for “Squad Showdown” and become best buds with adorable Pets!
2. Latest Weapons
It’s time to obtain and augment weapons for your warriors so they will be stronger in war!
3. Build Fortress
Now you can build an impenetrable fortress in an epic medieval high-fantasy realm and Produce resources to upgrade your village’s castle and buildings! Here are some user reviews:
Not Today Satan: it’s great that you can get so far just within a few hours. you don’t have to buy anything and you can still level up a lot. my sister and I enjoy playing this. Of course, she is quite ahead of me, even though she has played for less time than I have…
A Google user: Excellent GamePlay IGG Could you please make it free to chat in Global that is such a rip off having to pay 50 Gems each sentence. and a sentence is only 10 words. We need to be able to report offensive players in Global. Also can you please make it so you can have more than 10 words, be able to send messages to people offline, and there is meant to be over 100 million players worldwide if this is so then why am I always running into the same players over and over??.. Please fix.. thank you.
Nowan Nobody: I love the game itself. May I recommend the message board for your next update? Please remove the characters limitation when sending a message to other players. I would love it more if you do that. Oh, and can you please make an update in sending a message even though the user is offline? Thank you.
Joper Perucho: this game is cool, this is my 2nd acc. and I still enjoy this game! thanks, igg for a good game experience..keep up the good work!
Matthew Williams: The game is good and I love playing it. But I don’t like how people on Android servers can’t play with people on IOS servers or on windows servers if you can maybe consider adding that feature in then I would be a happy boy and extremely love this game…😀
Surya: it’s a free game? Yes. But, you’ll need to play for a few years to become strong, because there are around 15 items needed to raise a hero to the top. Each item has a different purpose. If you buy a package, you will REGRET because next month the price will down around half. At Jan 2019, I bought one of top hero LAZULI for $100 USD. But, in Feb 2019 his price goes down to just $50 USD. And at Apr, his price is just $20 USD. Don’t be a P2P at this game.
Deesrex Gamer: Ok. So in the beginning when I started to play, so 5-6 years ago, this game was my favorite and I would’ve rated 4.5 stars that time. Now everything changed. The name should be Clash of Payers. I’m so far in the game that I’m battling against payers and everything takes too long. Upgrading hero’s and my base just takes too long. It gets harder to get special hero’s and there are no events for F2P players. Please do something about this. I really enjoyed this game. Thank you.
redblades gaming: this game is so amazing there is so much to do you also get rewarded after maintenances download it now. or you won’t experience fun ever there is no game even close to castle clash not to mention there are different versions of the game so you can have more than 1 version of the game or if you just don’t know how to speak English. I have been playing this game for so long I never got bored. thank you IGG👈 for this awesome game. best of luck.✋
T. Hatelight: This game is amazing, almost like COC but a little different from improving the quality of games and events, but there are a few that are less or less, because we can destroy strong enemy castles even though we have low-level tire troop while having high-level tire heroes,it’s fun and easy for gathering but there no challenge for that, if possible I suggest increasing damage from the trap & tower defense, it will be more interesting.
Samuel Zulu: I have been playing this game for 6 years now, would give it 5 stars. but every meaningful event in the Game begins with “buy a total of”. you expect us to spend actual money on the game every day? it’s annoying. I buy stuff, but I’d like something meaningful and free too…surprise me for crying out loud.
A Google user: Hello guys, I think you should get this game because of 1. It’s a really good graphic design and development. 2. You should buy this offer that they give you for money (optional) because it’s worth it for so cheap and you get so much stuff. I hope you, Dowland, this game and 1 warning after you start playing this game then you will start to play this game 24/7, 😅 😅 this game is literally loved ya all 💖💖
Rowan Sayers-Fay: Overall sweet game I just wish there were more of those sweet packs where it is 1 gem for nice stuff it helps out F2P players like me or if they just added in sweet bonuses for players who don’t spend money. it could be something like a battle pass where there are 2 sets of rewards silver and gold is better but you get silver for free if you buy the gold you get the rewards from both but you have to do something to get those rewards and what you have to do should be based on might.
ya boi memest: amazing. great graphics. the controls are so easy to use. it’s rather difficult to get gems but as every game, you can get gems daily. highly recommend this game. great work IGG amitchaklader01799770988 [email protected]
Download APK
Additional Information
App Download Version 1.5.5 Last Updated April 18, 2019 Apk Size 19 MB Offered By IGG.COM Category Strategy Content Rating Rated for 3+ Support Android Version Android 4.1 and up Installs 50,000,000+ Play Store Available
Castle Clash App Permissions
This app has access to:
add or remove accounts
access USB storage filesystem
read the contents of your USB storage
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
record audio
Wi-Fi connection information
view Wi-Fi connections
read Home settings and shortcuts
receive data from Internet
view network connections
create accounts and set passwords
change system display settings
connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi
full network access
control vibration
prevent device from sleeping
install shortcuts
Google Play license check
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terrencehorder-blog · 6 years
How To Course Animals In Runescape
Sure, are generally three basic people who'll give away things free gratis to low-levels. As something of fact, I possess a friend that when gave away a whole set of rune to random passer bys and I've even given away party hats to total strangers (I'm an old player). Quite thing understand is that RuneScape gamers usually only give away stuff to people that aren't begging in order for it in the number one place! It's funny but true. in case another RuneScape player surprises you by using a freebie, have fun here for the gift but move as well as definitely don't attempt to make a RuneScape living that form. Sell very own product. An individual have is actually takes set up downloadable models like ebooks, audio products, and special newsletters, you will go ahead and build your own online website. This is much harder than it sounds. Maintaining an company is time-consuming and at times, downright frustrating. It would help purchase read and learn very much as carbohydrates about this endeavor prior to getting started. Additionally not the wrong idea if you attend relevant trainings or coaching programs that are sure to have you all of the information it is advisable to get going on the right foot. Now, sort the in order to PK, you could have a try your own situation. If you want to know more guide, you can look some facts this topic on Internet and you already know that more and detail regarding the PK. Believe can win each fight and how to make cheap rs gold (for beginners) runescape accounts very wealthy then when you buy osrs items sell runescape accounts on a website, you will get a good profit. The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese inside of trap. Celebrate. Iron opens at level 15. Avoid training in Varrock as those mines are generally crowded. Factors three mines near Ardougne; legend's guild, monastery, and Port Khazard that contain iron. Low-level players is actually attacked by bears next to the legend's guild. Rimmington mine and the mine west of Falador both contain iron, although a low level of agility is you'll faster banking from west Falador my own runescape tips . For example, Tommy flows to mom and says, "Dad's making me clean my room before we go to the centre." Or he says to mom, "Why do I've to clean my living area? Dad doesn't make me do which it." When your child makes complaints like this, both mom and dad have pertaining to being supportive of one another. You end up being be able to say, "These are the rules Dad there is nothing both have, and you need to do it or you are going to be held responsible for the implications." Then turn around and walk away. That's it. Give simple statements of show support to. The more unified are generally as parents, the very likely your child is to make his responsibilities, because he doesn't have another exit. The only option is to do something responsibly and do what's asked of him. It in order to be noted that statistics say that almost 85% of traders lost as a result their subjective decisions. Back links the traders work on subjective instincts due which they to be able to lose their hard earned money. Hence, to be among the few percent gainers end up being important things the decisions objectively. Automated investments and quit order limits are few tools that will be devised to avoid such emploi. Remember that all RuneScape trades are not equal. You will feel guilty about not giving people anything in return, could be perfectly expected. But if what another RuneScape player asks for is ridiculous, just only you will know no. Period. RuneScape Level 30-60 F2P Woodcutting Training: Oak Trees: Should you choose stick with oak for your cash, you will make more RuneScape gold but the experience arrives slower. Once level 30 firemaking is attained, Oak should not necessarily burnt, as willow is a faster and cheaper substitute. To get from level 30-60 using oak, 6,944 logs need with regard to chopped. The logs will net you between 173k and 243k RuneScape gold. I have nothing to say about scamming except not wearing running shoes totally runescape mobile brings. If you're willing to stoop to your lowest involving dishonesty to get your dollars by scamming or hacking (especially when there's a far easier and more honest way), then nothing seems anyone is capable of to in order to. It's ordinary. All you have to do is go to your Edgeville dungeon by the Yew trees and shrubs. Then once you're in, just adhere to the path if you don't get to somewhat of an Hill The big boys. Before you go killing the monsters, go for the north a person will locate a Brass Search on a room with Zombies. If you're too lazy to do that, absolutely buy a Brass Key from the Grand Exchange, or from another performer. Like other programs and the operating runescape mobile system, RuneScape too saves relevant information in the registry. These entries include user settings, game statistics and so forth. They also contain mention of the the paths of various DLL (Dynamic Link Library) Files and ActiveX simply by the program to extract its choices.
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Prime 7 Finest Cricket Video games For Android With Great Gameplay! Free To Obtain
Though hundreds of phenomenal issues happen yearly in the gaming industry, you'll solely find one of the best of the most effective at SXSW Gaming. Now though, you may decide up a big selection of high quality cellular gaming experiences on your Android cellphone, tablet and even TV. It stays to be seen whether or not or not the game will deliver on its promise of totally destructible environments, but if it does, it could set a new standard for open world video games. You may equip your card system within the menu in between battles, and also you gain new ones by a gacha system—once again, a well-worn mobile gaming trope. Ultimately, the monetary success of any free to play game is intrinsically linked with how engaged it retains its players. Anyway, with out further ado, listed here are a number of the most anticipated games of 2017. Many gamers will swear that builders who come up with such video games do not need the very best curiosity of the players at coronary heart. This popular taking pictures game is amongst best third individual shooting video games aiming to give you an fulfilling time whereas taking part in the sport in real looking combats against the terrorists in Center-East. Perhaps one of the best half about Renegade is that it's a pay-as soon as recreation so there are not any ads and no in-app purchases to screw issues up. In reality, all three games in the series up to now have been pay-once, though Riptide GP2 does have optionally available in-app purchases if you wish to max out your stuff sooner (which you are able to do yourself with a bit of grinding). Hexa Puzzle, Roll the Ball is a straightforward addictive unblock puzzle sport for Android. The makers of Alto's Journey could have a busy 2017 with one other current announcement. On top of that, the art in this game is to die for, some of the greatest I've seen from a free to play sport! However that is in any other case a thoroughly trendy cell effort, with you swiping somewhat tomb raider around vertically scrolling tombs, trying not to blunder into the various lethal traps and adversaries alongside the way in which. In terms of new free-to-play (F2P) retention and monetization mechanics, we will proceed to see the rise of the ‘Booster Pack' mechanic, more akin to collectible card video games (CCG) adopted by a bigger quantity of F2P video games, off the again of the success of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, Jurassic World: The Game and Battlestar Galactica: Squadrens. Rockstar has at all times had an excellent fame for creating enjoyable, open world video games and that holds true on mobile as properly. For short description about this recreation, I think it's safe to say that Wordfreud FREE is the most effective alternative for Scrabble on Android. Sign up for an account now and prepare to obtain free spins or free cash each week to have enjoyable at video games like Starburst, Aloah! This is one other title I have been following for just a few years, and it looks like 2017 will finally see it launched upon the world. Here is our decide of the easiest Android games that you can obtain proper now from the Google Play retailer. Lastly, since you're gaming on the go, many cellular consoles have impressive battery life. It's also mobile-friendly, provided that games are usually over inside a minute or so (until you are a platform-sport genius, by which case two minutes). For our full checklist of picks for HTC's headset, check out our comprehensive greatest HTC Vive games round-up. And if you want to bypass any Editors safety for any Android Apps or Games then the Creehack App can also be the best choice for you. The Lite model of Plague Inc is free to play and as compelling as it is harrowing. The game has over a hundred,000 downloads and is appropriate with android gadgets operating versions 4.1 and above.
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therealtr4g1c · 7 years
Clash of Clans - Builder Base Tournament Review & 4 Account Push a video on how to make clash eSPORTS and more!  Clash of Clans - Builder Base Tournament! (Update stream). This is my Tournament Review & 4 Account Push free 2 play (#F2P) on all my current 4 accounts! The info to all the Youtubers is below so show them love and support! It's time to see which one of these YouTubers masters the Builder Base and wins 100,000 Gems to give to their subscribers!! Get ready for some maxed out Builder Hall level 5 gameplay and tune in to see if your favorite YouTuber wins! Competing YouTubers come from all around the world and represent different languages and areas of the Clash of Clans community: Chief Pat (USA) http://www.youtube.com/playclashofclans BrunoPH (Brazil) https://www.youtube.com/boplayhard iTzu (Germany) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyOX... LordVal (France) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCppP... Alvaro845 (Spain) https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlvar... Keisuke (Japan) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOzO... BM (Korea) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC50H... Kenneth (China) http://v.qq.com/vplus/4cdaef00a41bf6c... Builder Base tournament is commentated by Galadon and Powerbang: Galadon: https://www.youtube.com/user/ClashofC... Powerbang: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqSe... ************************ Attack. Defend. Strategize. Download for free for mobile devices. http://supr.cl/ThisArmy From rage-­filled Barbarians with glorious mustaches to pyromaniac wizards, raise your own army and lead your clan to victory! Build your village to fend off raiders, battle against millions of players worldwide, and forge a powerful clan with others to destroy enemy clans. PLEASE NOTE! Clash of Clans is free to download and play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play or download Clash of Clans. A network connection is also required. FEATURES - Build your village into an unbeatable fortress - Raise your own army of Barbarians, Archers, Hog Riders, Wizards, Dragons and other mighty fighters - Battle with players worldwide and take their Trophies - Join together with other players to form the ultimate Clan - Fight against rival Clans in epic Clan Wars - Build 18 unique units with multiple levels of upgrades - Discover your favorite attacking army from countless combinations of troops, spells, Heroes and Clan reinforcements - Defend your village with a multitude of Cannons, Towers, Mortars, Bombs, Traps and Walls - Fight against the Goblin King in a campaign through the realm Custom Art & Commisions: https://www.twitch.tv/collections/Jsz... Programs Used: Procreate App for Ipad http://procreate.art/ MediBangPaint App for Ipad https://medibangpaint.com/en/ipad/ Equipment Used for Art: Apple Pencil, Ipad Pro 12.9 inch Please Comment your opinion, share, subscribe....and please support us and other fellow Dragon Ball content providers that actually do our comment and base our videos on findings that we know through the actual show! ***Prices: Panels: $50 for any panel 2100x2800 Twitter Headers: $25 1500x500 Twitter Icon: $20 400x400 Device Size: start $100 2732x2048 this is Better then 1440p close to 3k resolution! ***Want to support hit us up here https://streamjar.tv/tip/TR4G1C all proceeds go to the Streaming Platform Fund! thanx and Godbless!*** https://www.twitch.tv/therealtr4g1c Discord: https://discord.gg/DPkwzUY Lootcrate: Lootcrate.com/TR4G1C Promo Code: tr4g1c Twitter: https://twitter.com/therealTR4G1C Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TR4G1C Instagram: therealTR4G1C PS4: therealTR4G1C ***All Art Work And all thumbnails done on this channel are done by TR4G1C and are Exclusive Copyright Artwork Of TR4G1C LLC. If Found Using Our Artwork with out written Consent or Purchase Legal Matters will Be Taken!
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lethalgaming1939 · 5 months
F2P Trap “how to build a trap account”
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