#facebook chat bubbles
potatotalksculture · 1 year
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I’ve liked the BuzzFeed Quizes for a while now. Mostly because they are helping me pass the time during slow days at work. They don’t engage me for too long, they are easy, so don’t require much of my attention - I can stay alert in my work place and not die of boredom when there’s nothing going on.
I am aware that those quizes are powered by BuzzFeed’s algorithm of what people would like to see or what a certain company would like to know about the users. Examples would be: if you watch a lot cat videos on Instagram, Facebook will suggest you quizes for finding out “which cat would best fit your personality” and some bubble tea company would maybe like to know what new flavor should they launch in their upcoming summer campaign or how many people would be ready to pay for reusable metal straws instead of the plastic or paper ones.
Sometimes I wonder though, if some of those quizes are generated by an AI, after seeing some very absurd combinations of questions and the promised result. “Pick some doughnuts and we’ll correctly guess your height”. It’s so… irrelevant. To me, as a user. The creator of the quiz probably want to know what doughnuts I like most. But baiting with a correct guess of my height? It’s not absurd enough to be funny, like those quizes that tell you what type of bread you’d be if you were bread or, as the one at the top of this post, what kind of house plant you are. The height is also, in my opinion, a feature of a body that’s not striking much discussion. It’s not the weight, for which you can be shamed or praised. It doesn’t influence the self esteem of a person as much as their age or some acne. The height of a body is vanilla. It’s not interesting. It doesn’t polarize. And it’s just plain stupid. I chose not to do this quiz.
But I’ve chosen to find out what house plant is be. It’s aloe vera: misunderstood, taken advantage of, good with words, ready to help. The part they definitely got right is: thriving in the sunlight.
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On a related note: I’d like to try making ChatGPT create some horoscopes.
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sexhaver · 1 month
Facebook Messenger loves to remove features at random with no announcement or rationale and while this has claimed a lot of victims over the years (R.I.P. to the secret :putnam:, :gta_sanandreas:, and (^^^) emotes), by far the worst losses were the basketball and soccer minigames you could play by sending their respective emojis and then tapping them in chat. they were pretty fun and tracked high scores across the chat, but that's not what i miss them for. they had two other properties:
whenever you exited the minigame, it would publish your highest score in that session to the chat in the same tiny font used to announce theme/emoji/nickname changes rather than a full speech bubble
you didn't need to send the emoji every time you wanted to play the game, you could scroll back up to the last time someone sent it and play from there
these combined to form a technique i referred to as the "dunk react", wherein i would reply to awkward messages by scrolling back up to the latest basketball emoji, playing the game just long enough to score 1 point, and then closing it. this would "respond" to the message with "Harrison scored 1 point playing basketball" in a super tiny font. the best use i ever got out of this technique was when i dumped my ex for cheating on me twice and she was sending me walls of text rationalizing her behavior and half-apologizing and mentioning suicide and i just responded to every single one of them by silently shooting a hoop
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igotanidea · 3 months
Mysterious box: Jason Todd x reader
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Warning: a little innuendo, but generally it's supposed to be funny, cause it's hot outside and I'm suffocating.
She was sitting in her work, praying for the hours to pass quicker.
Honestly the day was closer to hell than anything else.
Chair was uncomfortable pressing into her back.
Hair was sticky due to the excessive heat and lack of air conditioning.
Y/N could almost feel the beads of sweat running down her back, sinking into the crack.
And yet, the boss didn't seem to care, sitting in his state-of-art office equipped with all the technology to keep him untouched by the weather and separated from the hoi polloi that his employees were.
As if she (and the whole office to put it bluntly) didn't know that what the boss was doing behind those tightly closed doors had little if anything to do with working.
Rather making personal calls and chatting on facebook while his peons worked their asses off.
Y/n's annoyance started increasing in direct proportion to the heat outside (and inside). Finally, losing the last remnants of self-control and dignity and missing the fact that she needed this job, the girl raised from her chair, ready to march into her supervisor bubble and shove some things up his face even if that meant getting sacked or-
"Miss Y/N Y/L/N?"
She spun around at the sound of her name, reacting instinctively.
"Yeah, that's me."
"I got a package for you." the man that suddenly became much more real to Y/N's haze brain and slowly turned into a deliveryman put an acknowledgement of receipt under her nose. "Can you sign this?"
"But - I didn't order anything-'' she frowned, over analyzing whether this was some sort of scam.
"It's already paid for."
"By who?" the frown grew more stern at those words.
"I don't know, maybe you have a secret admirer?"
"I'm taken-"
"Look. Miss. honestly. I don;t care." the guy finally started to get irritated. "This has your name on it. And the price is settled. So could you please try to not make my job harder and sign it? Please?"
"Oh." She blushed a little, realising that she was behaving like a proverbial Karen. "Yeah, sure, of course, I'm sorry." With quick motion her signature ended on the paper.
"Thank you." He seemed to be relieved at her change of attitude and quickly rushed out the door, muttering something about whiny girls.
And now she was stuck in the middle of the office open space, with the biggest package ever, wrapped in red paper with an elegant leather ribbon adorning it.
Having all her colleagues' eyes on it.
Right. Cause nothing livens up a shitty day like putting the attention onto someone else.
"What is it?"
"Who is it from?"
"Can we see what's inside?"
"Come on Y/N, unwrap it here!"
The voices started attacking her from every direction, but she knew better than to react or - god forbid - subdue.
Using the moment of commotion as her coworkers began to close in on her like zombies starved for entertainment, she quickly grabbed the box. Diving between the stretched arms and the thicket of legs, Y/N miraculously managed to reach the bathroom, locking the door behind her, finally getting a moment of peace to inspect the gift.
Jason sent her the set of 10 Dior body care products...
Which must have cost a fortune. And as she started to unwrap all those little vials and boxes, her eyes bore into a note.
Last night, when we were "busy" I noticed your skin being a little dry. Hopefully, this little set of things will remedy that problem. Use it tonight. I'll be sure to drop by your place around midnight.
She felt her hands shake a little at the innuendo, but that was not everything.
And don't you worry about the price, sunshine. No money in the world can compare with the way you feel wrapped around me and the way you're skin brush against mine. Want you all soft and wet tonight... I got so many ideas of how to make sure those products won't go to waste...
She was so right to get inside that bathroom.
Because the stain on her panties had absolutely nothing to do with the weather and temperature. 
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ladylooch · 1 year
Green Devil with Nico Hischier
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A/N: I’m feeling a lil angsty Nico RN. Like I love fluff, but I wanted a little bit of sass from him. 
This is part of What My World Spins Around AU. Catch the rest on my masterlist here.
Word Count: 1.4k
Warning: Swearing, jealousy, lil angsty, hinting at smut cause it’s me.
Tonight, I’m living.
Someone bought my coffee in line at the drive thru this morning. Nico is home, and my best friend from high school, Connor, is in town for work. I’ve been dying for Nico and Connor to meet since we started dating, but the timing never seemed to work until Connor texted me last week that he had some time on his next trip. Once I saw Nico was in town, I jumped at the offer.
“I’m really excited for you to meet Connor!” I bubble to Nico as we walk down the sidewalk towards a trendy, Tapas bar.
“Me too.” Nico responds as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I shiver, clutching his side to try and suck some of the warmth from his body. “Remember I need to leave by 9 though. If you want to stay later, that’s cool with me.” He grasps the handle of the door, opening it for me to walk in. He gives my ass a discreet slap as I go in front of him. I toss a suggestive look over my shoulder that he receives while biting his lip.
If I wasn’t so caught up in myself, I would have taken note of the immediate change in Nico when Connor and I rush to embrace each other. Connor wraps me in a tight hug that causes me to miss the irked expression on Nico’s face about how close his hands are to my ass.
“You look incredible.” Connor smiles widely, taking me in from head to toe. I pose for a second as a joke while he keeps his hands on my hips.
“Find a NHL captain and you too can be this happy.” I turn to Nico who has pasted a polite smile on his face that doesn’t quiet meet his eyes.  “Babe, this is Connor. Connor, Nico.”
“Hey man, nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Nico extends a hand. They shake firmly. Connor breaks first. 
“You too, man.” Connor juts his chin out in acknowledgment at Nico, then crosses his arms over his chest. “They’re just getting our table cleaned.”
“Oh, okay.” I nod. “So tell me all about Miami. I am dying to hear about your new condo.”
“Unreal views. You should come down next month. We can have a fun weekend together. Get wasted on expensive tequila like Cabo.”
“Oh my god, no.” I hide my face. 
“She legally cannot step foot in that resort again.” Connor says to Nico, snickering.
“Long story.” I shake my head, red tinging my cheeks. I’ve never told Nico about it because it’s still so cringy and embarrassing. Connor motions like he’s spewing vomiting. I slap his bicep to give him a warning. “Stop. Seriously.” 
Luckily, the host is ready to show us to our table. We spend the rest of the night chatting. Connor and I reminisce about our old high school friends we have lost touch with. We stalk their Facebook pages and Instagrams, laughing at how the more things change the more they stay the same in our hometown. Nico is quiet, but that’s normal with people he doesn’t know well. He seems to be content with fading into the background. At least I thought so.
“I think I’m going to head out.” Nico begins to put his jacket on as Connor and I look over the dessert drink menu. I turn to him, surprised. I check my Apple Watch, seeing it’s barely 8pm.
“Oh okay. Are you okay?” I ask, lowering my voice while I examining him for signs of distress. He seems fine. Maybe he’s just tired?
“Yep. Have a good night, baby.” He barely presses his lips to mine before he pulls away, leaving me with unsatisfied, puckered lips. He tells Connor it was great meeting him as he tosses a few hundred dollar bills on the table for the bill. When his body moves from beneath my fingers, I feel an uneasy chill from his absence. Something doesn’t feel right about this. Connor doesn’t notice and dives back into his persistence of me coming to visit him in Miami next month.
“Um…” I cut him off. “Sorry. I’ll be right back.” I say abruptly, grabbing my coat and purse before rushing to the front of the restaurant. The cold air blasts me, stealing my breath as I look to the left where Nico is about to turn into the parking lot.
“Nico.” I call after him, hustling to catch up with his long strides. “What is up with you?” I ask him breathlessly, reaching for his hand and pulling him to a stop. “And what was that kiss?” I wrinkle my nose in displeasure.
“I’m just tired. It’s been a long week.” His shoulders are rolled inwards as he talks to me, grimacing against the cold wind whipping down at us. I sigh, not liking the way he looks above my head.
“Neeks, you seem upset with me.”
“I’m not.” He shrugs, licking his lips and continuing to avoid eye contact. I cross my arms at his chilly attitude. A realization comes over me at the slight scowl on his face.
“Are you… jealous?” I ask with a small smile.
“No, just… have fun with your friend.” He scoffs, shoving his hands in his pockets. He looks away from me and down the street. I can see his jaw tense as he grits his teeth.
“Wow….” I trail off with a breezy laugh. I step closer, biting my bottom lip. “You look pretty green for red being your team’s color.” I set my hands on his hips, wrapping my arms around his back. I secure myself to him tightly, resting my chin on his chest so I’m looking up at his face. “Babe, look at me.” I soften my voice so he knows I’m done teasing. He licks his lips exasperatedly, then turns his sour, scrunched face to me. I raise my eyebrows, signaling I’m waiting.
“Fuck yeah I’m jealous.” He finally scoffs out. At least he wraps his hands around me, pushing me tighter to him.
“Why?” I can’t even begin to fathom why he feels that way. He’s the sweetest, handsomest, dreamiest man I have ever laid eyes on.  
“I feel like he knows you better than me. And I hate that.” I snort, leaning forward to press my forehead to his chest. Nico silently watches me when I pull back.
“Every one of those jokes and stories are from before you.” I pause, waiting for him to soften. When he doesn’t, I continue. “He knows nothing about me anymore. You’re my life now. Not high school football games and Applebee’s late night happy hour.”
“But Miami?” He rolls his eyes.
“I won’t go. It’s obviously bothering you, so it’s not worth it. You’re my priority.”
We stare at each other until Nico finally sighs, looking away at the busy street behind me. I get closer, onto my tip toes, then tenderly pressing my lips on his throat. People pass around us, the world continuing on as we hold each other. I work my mouth up to the nook of his shoulder and neck. I open my mouth a little more, sucking his skin into my mouth. His shoulders relax, head meeting mine as his hands grip my back tighter. I pull away just before I mark him, pressing my nose to the wet spot. I run my hand across his shoulder to the back of his neck and cradle his head. A heavy exhale from him ends our hug.
“Will you come back with me?” 
“No, but you should stay. For real. Spend time with him… then come home to me.” His eyes darken with hunger as he brushes my hair behind my ear, holding my cheek. I watch as he closes his eyes, then leans down to capture our lips together. This is the kiss I needed from him earlier. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, running his tongue along the plumped skin. I’m intoxicated when we pull apart. I stare at the lapels of his jacket.
“Maybe… I wanna come home now.” He smirks at me as I pull my phone out and text Connor a quick lie. “I’m suddenly soooo sick.” Nico leans his head back to laugh towards the sky.
“Let’s go needy girl.”
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 4 months
When did you start the original owl vid blog and what was it like? Was it more focused on reviewing owl videos? I’m just curious as to how you ended up involved in a bunch of discourse* about not-owls.
*lets just call it that for simplicity’s sake ahah
I made the original in either January or February 2020 after being frustrated to a breaking point seeing another video of an owl in an obviously bad situation being shared uncritically because the OP had mislead their followers about what was going on. “Oh this owl LOVES his kitten and duck friends!” “Oh look at this owl having SO much fun in the bubble bath!” It was endless. At the time there was genuinely no one questioning anything going on in any of them. My only outlet was to vent it to some of my friends in group chats and such. We would pass around different videos that ended up on our dashes and discuss the issues amongst ourselves just to be in a space where people actually said something because outside of those chats we were going mad seeing it time and time again.
I made the blog while scrolling tumblr aimlessly during a particularly long winded seminar I was sitting in on, I had reblogged a photo of a wild owl and tumblr began recommending various owl abuse videos mislabeled as cute. I had enough. I made a blog name and used large bold letters and emphasizing colors so my posts would be seen by people scrolling the reblogs. I scoured the entire owl tag and rated every single video I came across, typing paragraph upon paragraph detailing everything wrong with those photos and videos and it didn’t take more than a day or two before I had amassed a few thousand followers, people were interested. People were listening, there were a few “okay Karen” types here and there, but the large majority were willing to listen in a way I had never seen before. I had made posts like this on Facebook (not under an alias) and my posts were always immediately met with “who cares if the owl dies it’s just a fun video it’s not that deep let people enjoy things” and threats of lawsuits for “defamation” from the online personalities and “sanctuaries” i critiqued. To say tumblr was a breath of fresh air was an understatement, I have been on this website since ~2013-2015 (not on a themed blog, just various personal blogs I deleted and remade a few times, and a discourse blog or two mixed alongside a few admin slots making pride icons with cartoon characters for people), and I can honestly say this initial experience was the last thing I expected from this hellsite.
For the first few months, I wanted to hang onto that. I didn’t want to bring politics into it, this was just about owls and wildlife, I didn’t want to detract from the goal of educating people on how to spot animal abuse. And for a time that worked well. I was happy. The followers were happy. Until I started paying attention to the people following me and interacting with my posts. Usernames like “radical-clit” or “jake1488” would start to pop up more often. More icons would have kekistan pride flags, or just iron crosses outright. Some icons proudly just said “TERF is a slur” while others were naked white women in wheat fields. I had what I asked for, a truly “apolitical” space where everyone, even Nazis and TERFs felt very welcome.
And I took exception to that.
I made the first real post using my voice and my stances. I said trans women are women. I said Black Lives Matter. I said ACAB and I said wear a mask when COVID started to hit. I started blocking the ones that didn’t scatter from my blog like roaches, I went through my follower list manually and blocked every TERF, Nazi, and any other type of sleazeball I could find. I manually vetted a few thousand people.
This resonated with people. I expected backlash, and there was a fair shake of it, but I received more asks than I had before. Hundreds of strangers thanking me for making my stance clear and letting them know they were welcome. And that stuck with me.
I had made this blog to educate, and that is what I was going to do. So when I started getting asks from those opposed to my open sharing of political subjects, I responded to their hate mail as though it was a debate. I wasn’t trying to change their minds, I’m not that naive, it was to further educate anyone else reading about it, to tell the full story and to arm them with tools to fight back against bad faith talking points the right weaponizes. From that point on, I would get off topic asks questioning my political stances, and I continued to answer them. I wanted it to be clear where I stood because I did not want marginalized people to ever question if I was secretly a bigot.
I never stopped actually reviewing owl videos, however I did stop using the flashy long format responses to avoid annoying people. I had a following by then, I didn’t need to shout to be heard over scores of people fawning over animal abuse. I still rate videos today, but if it’s one that I’ve rated at all within the past year or especially one I’ve rated multiple times, I tend to ignore the message. I don’t go looking for them anymore for the same reason I’d imagine you probably don’t go out of your way to find videos of dogs and cats being abused. It’s upsetting, it’s emotionally tolling. There’s also only so many ways I can say “owls cannot safely cohabit with other species or more than one other owl”, “owls cannot swim well and don’t like being fully submerged in water for a viral tiktok”, or “owl cafes and pet keeping of owls are inherently abusive”.
If I’ve already rated three videos of people letting their toddlers or other pets manhandle large owls, do I really need to be sent six more? My point is Education, not sending as many upsetting videos of animal abuse as I can find to place on your dash and say things you already know if you’ve seen my other posts.
Anyway, for a shorter answer to your question: I get non-owl discourse consistently because I don’t shy away from addressing it. I don’t want my stances to be vague, I don’t want good people wondering if I support trump or genocide. I am a firm believer that silence is violence. I’m not going to do what white culture favors and simply look away and avoid the topic of injustices simply to make white users more comfortable.
This blog was never meant to be comfortable.
This is the “animal abuse is bad stop that” blog.
It would be weird of me to oppose animal abuse and them remain silent on abuses and injustices faced by human beings.
I don’t wake up in the morning saying “okay today will be 80% international politics, 12% discourse about the causes and ethics of pedophilia as a mental disorder, and 8% birds with 1% of that being owls. If someone asks me if I support trans rights I will answer them. If someone attacks me for that then I will respond to their attack.
If some days I don’t feel like looking for upsetting animal abuse and formulating an entire essay on why abusing said animal for entertainment is wrong, I do something else.
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vertigoed · 2 years
Faded 1.0 | Rich boy! Gojo Satoru
Content : AU richboy! Gojo satoru x fem!reader, angst, unrequited love, drug usage
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I can't believe this is happening What did I do? What did she do to me? This isn't true to me 
Prequel can be found here
Next part
TW: mentions of drugs
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜
The day that you left
Satoru was lying on his couch with his long legs sprawled out while he stared up at the ceiling with his headphones on. He had been lost in thought for what felt like hours, replaying the fight he had with you the other month.
You had been giving each other the silent treatment until Satoru was the first to cave and sent you a text to which you never replied, let alone read it. He waited for a couple more weeks until he tried giving you a call but it went straight to voice mail. It took him a couple more tries until he realised you had blocked his number.
Without you, the days go by slower and the nights feel longer. He wondered what you were doing and how long you were going to be ignoring him for.
As he lay there, lost in his own thoughts, his phone rang, pulling him back to reality. It was Suguru and for some reason, he felt a sense of trepidation as he bought the phone to his ear.
"What's up?" he asks, sitting up from his position.
"Dude you're not going to believe what Nanami told me," Suguru said, his voice grave. "Y/N is leaving today for good."
Satoru's heart dropped, his mouth was slightly agape at the news. His mind was blank and he didn't know what to say. He was almost certain he had just misheard.
"What did you say?" he said slowly, "I swear I heard you say Y/N is leaving."
"I did! She's at the airport now, going to Europe or something. I'm sorry man," Suguru answered and the line started to get staticky, "I think you got time-"
Satoru hung up on his friend mid sentence with his heart thumping against his chest. He quickly jumps off his couch and grabs his keys off the coffee table before rushing out.
He jumped into his car and started speeding towards the airport, his hands shaking as he gripped the steering wheel. Once he hit the motorway, the traffic started to get congested and every second felt like an eternity. He started to recklessly overtake cars that were driving too slowly, making sure to flip them off if they honked back at him.
He checked his phone for the time while hoping for a message from you, but there was nothing.
As he looks up to focus back on the road, everything turned silent.
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜
Summer of 2011, aged 20
It's been two years since you left, yet there hadn't been a single day where you didn't cross Satoru's mind.
He was once again stalking your Facebook profile which has developed into a part of his daily routine. He mindlessly scrolls through your old posts and lingers on one post in particular, a photo of the two of you at graduation with arms wrapped around each other and carefree smiles on your faces. A lump formed in his throat as he remembered how happy you guys were to be leaving high school behind, the bubbling naive excitement for future plans together for college, and how stupid he was back then.
At first he attempted the impossible and did everything he could to stop thinking of you.
He stopped listening to his favourite album and stopped eating at his favourite ramen place you guys went to every Friday night. He even stopped smoking Marlboro golds, which he had been a religious smoker of since 16, just because it reminded him of you and how you always carried a pack in your purse no matter where you went.
Until you left, he never realised how much of his identity had been entwined with yours and he hated himself for it.
Satoru habitually opens up the chat, still holding onto that tiny sliver of hope that you had opened the hundreds of messages that's been accumulated over the years.
"Yo, Gojo, can I come in?"
His thoughts got interrupted by his door abruptly opening, revealing a very gleeful looking Suguru. Gojo couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh, knowing that devilish smile meant his best friend had something to propose. He was beginning to contemplate taking away Suguru's keys to his house.
"Why you huffing at me already? Did I walk into you watching porn or something?" his friend laughs, strolling over to the bar cart to pour himself two glasses of whiskey before handing one to Satoru which he reluctantly accepted.
Satoru then fishes out a black card from his pocket and tosses it at the blonde man without a word.
Satoru picked up the business card that read: Moon velvet, Grand opening, and raised a brow at his friend, "What's this?"
"Got invited to a club opening, you need to come," his friend responds, swirling the scotch glass around, "I don't care what you have on, cancel everything."
Satoru rolls his eyes and turned to his monitor screen, "I can't bro, got assignments to do."
"Come on," Suguru pleaded, slamming his glass down, "Live a little, why are you acting like an old geezer lately? Seriously man, when was the last time you went out and got laid?"
A year, Satoru thought to himself.
"Shit gets old, I'm over it," he shrugged, taking a sip of the alcohol, relishing the fiery kick of the liquid burning down his throat. He was praying Suguru's thick head would just take the hint and fuck off.
Satoru knew there was a deeper reason why he didn't want to party anymore. It wasn't like he didn't enjoy letting loose, he just couldn't trust himself when he wasn't sober.
It didn't matter if he took a downer like Xanax, or a stimulant like cocaine or ecstasy. Every drug had led him to a downward spiral of mental anguish and humiliating moments like crying to a girl he sleeping with about how much he misses you; only for her to leak the story to journalists and several headlines coming out the next day that were along the lines of: "Gojo Satoru, Japan's favourite nepo baby revealed to be crying over his high school girlfriend while having sex!"
So after too many failed attempts to numb himself, he learnt the hard way he could never shake the memories of you.
"Bullshit," Suguru narrowed his eyes at his friend and leaned in to get a better look at him, "It's because of Y/N right?"
Satoru shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to keep his expression neutral but he knew Geto could always see through his lies. He blinks at his friend, "You think I'm that hopeless? Of course, it's not because of her."
But Suguru wasn't buying it. "Yes, I think you're hopeless."
Satoru felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. but he couldn't bring himself to admit the truth. He couldn't let Suguru see how much he still missed you, how much he longed to see you again.
"I'm over her," Satoru insisted, "It's been four years. I've moved on."
"Well if you moved on, prove it to me tonight," Suguru crosses his arms across his chest and tilts his head up at his friend, "Tonight you, me and our girl molly, we're going to party till the sun rise like the old times. I pick you up at 9 tonight and..."
"Fuck that feels so good," Satoru closes his eyes as you massaged his scalp with your fingers, vigorously sucking on a lollipop as his jaw gurned from the molly.
You were sitting on his sofa with his head in your lap, Aviici playing in the background and both completely fucked off a cocktail of substances.
You both had returned from the worst frat party, mutually agreeing to leave early to kick back in your living room as anything was better than being surrounded by sweaty, broke frat boy with terrible music.
"What a waste of time," you break the silence.
"Yeah," Satoru agreed, eyes still closed. He was in complete bliss being in your warmth as your nimble fingers continued massaging his temple, trailing down to the nape of his neck and his shoulders.
Satoru opens his eyes when he noticed you had stopped massaging him. Much to his surprise, you were staring down at him with a weird look in your eyes that made him feel slightly uneasy.
"What?" he cocks his head and pulls himself up from you so that he was sitting up, "You feeling okay? You need water?"
You shake your head with a small smile then suddenly reached out to pluck the lollipop from his mouth before popping it in yours. For a moment, Satoru was frozen, taken back and unsure how to react.
"My jaw's hurting," you explained with a mischievous glint. As you pulled the lollipop back out of your mouth, Satoru couldn't help but notice the way your lips were slightly puckered and the way your tongue darted out to wet them. It was a small, unconscious gesture, but it set his pulse racing.
"Aye your maid forgot to stock up on toilet paper, pass me some tissues?"
Satoru directs his attention to Suguru who was sheepishly sticking his head out of the bathroom door and quickly got up to look around. He had never been so relieved and happy to be asked to hand over toilet paper.
"It's not on the bookshelf you idiot, it should be downstairs laundry," you tell your best friend who was searching in the strangest places.
Satoru hastily leaves the room, his heart still racing from that small interaction. He places his hand over his chest to calm it down the moment he's out of your sight.
"What the fuck is wrong with her?" he mutters to himself and shudders at the fluttering sensation in his stomach.
Satoru was quickly bought back to reality by the sharp thud at the top of his head. Suguru was shaking his head with a rolled up magazine in his hand.
"You're doing that thing again where you creepily zone out," Suguru sighs and gives a small tut, looking at Satoru with a pitiful expression, "I know you don't have shit to do tonight so I'll pick you up later okay?"
Knowing what Satoru was going to say, the dark-haired man quickly gets up, blocking his ears and started to sing while his friend protested in the background.
Satoru watches the door close and sinks back into the leather seat, feeling defeated and already worn out. He runs his fingers through his hair, shutting his eyes to stop his brain from torturing him and replaying the endless memories of the past. He hated that the thought of you still make his heart ache.
He wished for a day when you no longer existed in his mind. To be able to forget every joke you shared and the little things you did that made him smile, like your dramatic reaction to his teasing and how you always tilted your head and scrunched your nose when confused. He hoped that one day the sun and the stars will stop reminding him of you and that he'll be able to look at them without the feeling of emptiness.
Satoru knew he had every right to hate you and he genuinely did at times. You never answered his calls or bothered to read his messages, not even after Suguru admittedly told him she was aware that he got into a car crash after trying to meet her at the airport and spent three months in hospital.
You were that cruel and heartless. He knew you were borderline narcissistic and didn't hesitate to cut people off, but he always thought he was different. Yet despite feeling all this, he still spent most of the time blaming himself, wondering where he went wrong and what he didn't do enough or say.
And then, something flicked inside of him, his constant yearning for you turned into bitter resentment, a level of anger he never felt before. Maybe it was the mental exhaustion of always missing you with no hope that led him to this breaking point.
"Fuck it, she's dead to me," he softly declares to himself and pulls out his phone to call the number he hadn't called in years.
heartbroken gojo is so fun to write hehe. also i wish i could write smut but i genuinely am terrible at it lol
ps any feedback appreciated ! :)
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ralfmaximus · 2 months
Some people have responded to my twitter post with "I can't leave twitter because that's the only place I can find <thing>!"
Well friends, let me suggest mastodon:
totally free
no ads
no algorithm
no corporate owners
no/low censorship
plenty of NSFW if that's your thing
plenty of art & photography if that's your thing
superb blocking & filtering
robust tagging & search
People suggest Bluesky a lot, and that's fair. I have an account there too. But Bluesky suffers from the same issues any huge centralized social media system does. It's just another technical implementation of tumblr, facebook, twitter (etc) and thus, subject to the whims of its corporate owners.
Mastodon, otoh, is a member of the fediverse: a massive network of independently operated servers all speaking the same protocol behind the scenes. Every server is owned by a human, or a collection of humans. Every server CAN have its own rules for decorum, but most subscribe to a very loose "innocent until proven asshole" moderation policy. It has been my experience that mastodon instances do not tolerate nazis, terfs, or spambots. Those accounts get blocked pretty quickly, and sometimes an entire server instance gets blocked if it seems infested.
As an experiment, pop over to mastodon.social (no account required!) and try the search function for your favorite tags. You'll see a list of things people are talking about that match your request.
But that's just one server (mastodon.social) out of thousands! If you want to search the entire fediverse, all the mastodon servers, you'll need to create an account. That's totally free too; all you need is an email address for verification. You can be as anonymous as you like.
There are, inevitably, cons:
500 character limit on posts
primitive text editing (compared to, say, tumblr)
primitive threading (think twitter)
private messaging sucks
no chat
The biggest pro, however, is that Mastodon (unlike tumblr) will probably be around in a few years.
Tumblr is currently alive in 2024 due to contracts with OpenAI & Midjourney to harvest data for those AI systems. When those agreements are up (and/or the AI bubble pops) anything could happen. Matt could sell the place, break it up for parts, or just turn off the servers on any given Friday. But that shouldn't happen until at least 2025.
It'd be nice to have a plan when that happens, right?
Perhaps mastodon isn't THE answer, but it's certainly an option.
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eponymous-rose · 1 year
I was thinking about something that happened about ten years ago - I've talked about it here, but not for a while.
(tw: plane crash, death)
In college, I was close friends with a fellow student named Mike - we had all our classes together, we worked on every project together, we hung out at cafes and made big plans and drew comics in the margins of our notes to make each other laugh. He wanted nothing more than to be a pilot. The last time I saw him he and I and our group of friends were walking down some unused railroad tracks, knowing it was the end and we were all going our separate ways, excited and melancholy in equal measure.
I went off to grad school in 2010; he became a pilot. He flew supply runs in Antarctica, an absolute dream. He shared pictures of every flight he was on: spectacular vistas, impossibly remote places.
I moved to the U.S. in the fall of 2012 for my PhD. There I met some lovely people right off the bat; a somewhat intense woman who confessed to Facebook stalking me once she heard we were going to be in the same office, who introduced me to her awkward-but-sweet boyfriend, also in our graduate program, and promptly invited me to her birthday party to be held two weeks after meeting me. A quiet woman from Brazil who I uncharacteristically approached after class when I noticed she was looking a little down; we chatted and she confessed to feeling lost after moving so far from home, especially now that her husband had moved back. A cheerful woman with a bubbly personality who struck up a conversation with me as we walked between classes.
We realized our Brazilian classmate had never done a US-style pumpkin carving, so when Halloween rolled around I awkwardly invited everyone I'd met thus far to my apartment for just such an activity (where I met the bubbly woman's high school sweetheart, an entertainingly stoic contrast until we got to know each other better). I liked this group of friends, but I didn't know them particularly well, so when my birthday rolled around in January of 2013, I was a little hesitant when they announced they'd throw me a party, but I was cautiously looking forward to it.
Then I got word that a plane Mike was on had crashed in Antarctica.
At first, the news came through piecemeal - he might not have been on the plane, he was on the plane but they were pretty sure it had just made an emergency landing and due to weather they couldn't confirm, but then it was several days in a row of rescue missions being called off again and again due to dangerous weather. In the end, around midnight on my birthday while I was nervously messaging one of our mutual friends and refreshing the news pages, it was confirmed that the plane had been spotted and the crash was not survivable; not even his body could be recovered. I had to convey the news to my friend via text.
It was really devastating as my first (sadly not last) real experience with a death like that, inconceivable and impossible to prepare for and with so little closure. And then I got a message from my group of new friends - they knew what had happened and were okay with calling off the planned party that day, but if I was up for it, they wanted to see me and get me something good to eat and distract me for a few hours.
In spite of the voice inside that told me to wallow, I went. And - I tear up just thinking about it - laid out on the table at my friend's apartment was my name spelled out in cupcakes, with a little Canadian flag in a vase, and it was so cheesy and sweet and heartfelt that I couldn't help but be charmed, distracted from misery. We had a great evening! We ate great food and chatted long into the night.
And for that, and for so many other things, all of their names are engraved on the walls of my heart. I don't mean to make it sound transactional - they did this for me, I would do anything for them, that kind of thing. It's unconditional, it's a realization that near-strangers did something fundamentally kind and I have in turn been given the incredible gift, again and again, to do kind things for them in turn.
I've since been unfathomably lucky to have found another group of friends, the (in)famous Movie Night Crew, who similarly rescued me three years ago when Mom died and Hector died, and that's a story I can't tell yet because it still hurts. But I'm incredibly lucky. I just am.
That group of friends who sat around the table of cupcakes with me after Mike died are still very dear to me, and I'm leaving on Friday to attend one of their weddings (with the exception of the Brazilian woman who is on the other side of the planet being incredible, all the others will be there, including the bubbly woman and her stoic high school sweetheart, now married and part of my weekly D&D game!). As a shy and awkward kid, all I ever wanted was to be a good friend. To have been given these riches of opportunities to learn to be just that... I can't fathom how I got so lucky.
Sappy? Sure. But I hope everyone reading this gets a chance to find that kind of love. It radiates.
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novashelby · 3 months
100 Things Evie would have loved if she was thriving in her prime today~
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A proper ADHD diagnosis.
Fidgets-especially the rainbow colored POP ITS.
Bubble wrap.
Cat cafes
90's pop
7/11 slushies
7/11 Taquitos
Timothee Chalamet
XL Woopie Cushions
Try not to laugh challenges
Converse sneakers and normal trousers...for girls.
Shake and bake chicken
Food delivery apps
Frozen fish sticks
Disney World (Tommy: I'm not standing in those lines to go down a hill and say 'weee').
Fuzzy socks
slip n' slides (Grace: please don't hurt yourself....)
Beer pong....(Tommy: I didn't send you to UNI for this...)
Winning at beer pong (Tommy: At least you won...)
Karaoke nights at the bar (Ada: Oh no....)
male strip clubs (Polly: You need a chaperone...)
The electric slide....
The YMCA (Finn: Does she ever realize she's the only one dancing!? Evie: BUT LOOK AT ME GO!)
Dance, Dance revolution (Evie: TAKE THAT MOTHA FUCKA'! Finn: It's a...machine)
Dance offs
Bottomless wings
Eating challenges
Pride Month
Pogo sticks
90 Day Fiance (Finn: Stop making me watch these things, please.)
My 600ib Life
Getting her nose pierced (Tommy: fuckin' ell).
Her and Martha piercing each other's belly buttons (Tommy: Imma fuckin' kill you...)
Going in an airplane
Haunted houses (Finn: Stop making me do these things....)
Family Therapy (All of them: Probably advisable)
Being able to sleep until noon (Tommy: Are you going to sleep all day? //7:00am)
Conga lines
Birth control
Pizza for breakfast (Polly: why are you eating it cold!?)
All you can eat Chinese buffets (Tommy: where are you putting it all? Evie: Right here...*pats tummy*)
gay smut
Socially acceptable fart jokes (Tommy: Wasn't very funny the first time. John: I thought it was...)
Hawaiin dinner rolls
Frozen pizza
Among Us
Family movie nights
Trivia night at the bar
Putting a Furby in Finn's room (Finn: eeeww)
Putting her family members on Tinder (Arthur: Why did I bump into five women who knew me!?)
Stupid TikTok challenges
Magic Mike
Eating a whole can of whipped cream
Dong Chim up all her family's butt cracks (John: 🫨🫨🫨🫨)
Cat memes (Tommy: Evie, what does it mean when it says on Facebook...you been tagged? Oh, hey, look at that...ha-ha).
Trampoline parks
Air hockey...
Kick Finn's ass at air hockey (Finn: 🖕🖕🖕)
Sliding across the wooden floors in fuzzy socks
Trick or Treating
Obnoxious unicorn fleece onsies
Being in control of her own reproductive health
Oogly eye stickers (Tommy: My poor portrait... Grace: Don't you think it's a little...obnoxious to have a self portrait in the family room? Shouldn't you have a family portrait?)
Butterfly clips (Tommy: *steps on one* 🤬🤬🤬🤬)
Loud music while she drives (Tommy: *Uses Evie's Car* EVIE! My fuckin' ear drums!)
Raw Pillsbury cookie dough (Ada: You're suppose to bake it...)
Netflix...Disney Plus
Peter Kavinsky
Packaged ramen
Crowd surfing at concerts
Mash pits
Jumping on hotel beds
Rock walls
Dying her hair stupid colors (Tommy: At least you look like a clown now)
Fart spray (Tommy: Why does my office smell?)
Fake IDs
Spotify wrapped
Gray sweats on men
Wearing shorts (Tommy: Evie, go put something else on, eh?)
Social acceptance of being a little chonky
Nerf guys (Finn: OW! WTF)
Limbo (how low can you go!?)
Going to a 24/7 store in her PJs (Polly: How classy...)
Fist bumps
Burping the ABCs (Polly: Very classy....
Sending stupid Snaps to the family group chat...(Tommy: Evie, where did it go?! The picture....)
Answering 'who dis?' every time Finn texts her (Finn: I'm done...)
24/7 drive throughs
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ask-whiteblade · 2 years
"Love ?"
The absurdity of the word echoed in her mind for many seconds after she said it, but she didn't let any confusion show on her face even though she was preoccupied and wondered what could possibly link her to Love in any way.
But she was like any mortal being, the word meant so much more than she realized.
She agreed to sit at the card table and grabbed the cards that presented themselves to her in such a mysterious way. As mysterious and unsettling as the rest of this endless room. Full of negative emotion but void of any moral sense.
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Poker was an unfamiliar game to her, the cards she observed at her hoof gave her a poor advantage. But strangely, it wasn't her cards that were most important here, nor the chips that were being offered, but simply the march of her thoughts.
The bets were placed, the chips gathered in the center of the table, and the other players who had invited themselves into the game at one time or another were drinking and laughing while chatting. The atmosphere was good and warm. An atmosphere that she had not known for so long.
The host quietly shuffled the cards.
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There was no logical sense in the different steps, the rules were not respected, the order did not follow… nothing made any fucking sense.
Yet everything seemed so normal, so simple and so pleasant. The gloomy atmosphere was soon forgotten and White Blade's game partners, 4 in number, were chatting away.
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"Will you let me drink alone?" Asked the stallion next to her, handing her a glass of champagne in that clear glass, revealing that strange purplish liquid with bubbles.
"If you invite me." Answered she to his translucent interlocutor. But whom she knew so well.
They smiled at each other and toasted to this evening.
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Each player at the table simply tossed the chips, swapped cards, talked quietly, exchanged glances, laughed at the misfortune of others, saw their bets lost, saw their bets doubled. One Eye, sitting across from White Blade, smoked his cigar as if nothing had happened.
He spat out a big puff of smoke that covered the whole table for a moment, before the smoke faded away between White and him.
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"You know it's a waste of time?" Her father's friend will tell her, as if she is stubbornly trying to keep this long-gone moment alive.
"I know…" She took a long look at her cards before glancing at her other playing companions, the three of them dead and frozen next to her, lying on the table as if they had been like this.
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Intro - HERE - Next
mod - Part 2 of this little Dice event. Very inspired by the colors and the general theme. :)
Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook - @basykail 
Autres blogs - @fate-inspiration @ask-whiteblade 
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felixknow · 3 months
What do you use for your fake texts? I like the look of it so much!
Thanks! It's an app called Fake Chat. It has a facebook messenger looking icon with a >:) kind of face in the bubble. I have an android so idk if it's available for iphones
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gogciety · 3 months
my guess is family group chat (thats where mine is)
probably! it’s just cute facebook & messenger are his first two bookmarks out of literally anything else lol. we know he uses whatsapp too i need him to open a channel there so bad it’s basically bubble he can keep us and only us updated at all times
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valtharr · 6 months
I posted this to the alternate history subreddit and got zero responses, maybe Tumblr is more interested in discussing this idea?
You ever create an alternate timeline just to indulge in your own nostalgia?
...just me? Okay...
Anyway, for a while now, I've been thinking about an alternate present where present-day sensibilities and everyday life are closer to what they were like pre-2010. Since the biggest influence on modern day life during that time arguably came from the rise of the Internet, social media, and related things, pretty much all of my thoughts center around that.
The point of divergence here is that the Millennium Bug (aka "Y2K") was just as devastating as people feared it would be. Databanks were wiped, machinery failed, there was loads of general unrest as people were falsely classified as deceased, didn't get their paychecks, and other major and minor consequences of their data being either wrong, or gone completely. In some cases, it took years to clean up the mess completely.
This, coupled with the bursting of the dotcom bubble not much later, led to a general wariness and distrust towards anything having to do with the Internet. Businesses might have still been okay with using their homepage as interactive billboards, but it turned out to be almost impossible to find investors or loans if your business directly relied on the Internet. And even those who did get their idea off the ground, failed to find a large enough audience. As such, social media like Facebook and Twitter are barely, if at all, a thing in this world. This is also partly due to smartphones, and therefore smartphone apps, never breaking into the mainstream. Apple could not establish its new iPhone as the lifestyle gimmick of choice, instead going all-in on their iPods, music players that you insert USB drives, and, in modern variants, SD cards into to listen to your favorite tunes. The newest model has three card slots, letting you choose between three different albums on the go!
Streaming, of course, also isn't a thing. No Netflix or iTunes to inspire copycats. Blockbuster partners with Microsoft for their new HD-DVD technology, establishing it as the primary medium to watch videos at home. Sony, meanwhile, focuses its efforts into combining a handheld gaming console and a portable video player. The PSP becomes a huge hit.
But, speaking of video games, online games are an almost negligible market. There's less of a focus on high-end Internet speeds, so playing with friends is an activity mostly relegated to your own home. Microtransactions and subscription services are not a thing.
Some popular websites do establish themselves, but they're far from being as influential and popular as in our world. Youtube stays afloat, but is mostly seen as a place to find new creators, and then follow them onto their own web presence. Very few people manage to make a living off of it, and corporations, TV stations, etc won't be found dead making their own YouTube channels.
Without social media, interactions online are still relegated to message boards and chat rooms, with the accompanying implicit netiquette. Which of course means, everything's still pretty anonymous. Without Facebook introducing the idea of using your real name and photo as part of your online presence (nobody joins a Pokémon fan forum expecting their old classmates to find them there, after all), pseudonyms and avatars rule the day. This, of course, makes it almost impossible for artists to really find an audience, much less make a living off their art. Even if they did find lots of people who enjoy their work, the lack of services like PayPal, Patreon, or Kickstarter, makes it nigh impossible to actually make a profit as an independent online artist. Some find a way, but the concepts of "influencers" and "content creators" never develop.
Amazon fails to establish itself as a major online marketplace. It makes enough for Jeff Bezos to start a chain of brick and mortar bookstores, with the online storefront being more of an afterthought. Most, if not all online shopping is really just individuals selling their old stuff, usually locally.
That's all I really have so far. I'd love to hear some more ideas, maybe things that aren't as tech-centric? Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
This is what seems like a monthly PSA now that Henry Cavill does not have a facebook account that he would message anyone from. Nor does he have a ‘private Instagram account’. He has an official fb page that you can 'like' but it is literally all the same content as what's on his instagram. He does not run any fan pages, he doesn't have a 'special private account' that he would message anyone from. I'm seeing a ridiculous amount of pages pretending to be him, and its truly horrifying how many people believe its him. Grown adults that would be deemed completely sensible people, literally believing that Henry is replying to their comments about how hot he is. I've even seen pages set up where the profile picture is set to be a blue 'tick' authentication mark, making it seem like its an authenticated page at first glance. It's not. The scam starts where the person running the fake page will reply to a comment along the lines of 'send me a message and tell me your favourite film of mine' or 'tell me how long you've been a fan'. Anything to get conversations into private. The scammers will put as much effort in as possible, messaging the person, getting them comfortable and giving private information, even talking about jobs and kids. Then the scammer will get onto a charity drive they are helping promote, and asking if you'll make a donation, and in order to do so you need to send them an Apple itunes voucher. Please don't do this. It's literally a scam. These people are scamming people out of their hard earned money. It's not the celebrity. Consider this the metaphoric pin bursting your bubble. As  flattering as it would be to think a gorgeous celeb is taking the time to chat to you, it's not them.
This also goes for Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Jensen Ackles... any big celeb.
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blossomwritesthings · 2 years
what is “bubble?” i’ve seen you and some other STAY accounts post stuff from it but i can’t quite figure out what it is. from what i can tell it’s a subscription of some kind, but like is it worth it?
ok, so basically...
bubble is kind of like facebook for stays. it's a place where fans can ask questions and potentially get replies from skz. stays can also post pictures and create group chats. plus, there are 8 individual chat rooms for each skz member, and each member has their own profile where they post different things and stuff.
it's an exclusive, subscription-based app, and the only way you can access its features is by buying a skz fan club ticket. they usually go on sale for a few months at the end of each year, so the subscription/buying window is open for quite a while for new members to join. they recently just had their annual fan club sign up period, which was between oct-nov of 2022. i'm not certain on this next detail, so don't quote me on it, but I'm pretty sure that you can only access their private bubble community with a fan club ticket, so without one, you can't be a part of the activities. and since the tickets only go on sale once (???) a year, the only time you can gain access is at the end of each year.
everyone has a different opinion about bubble, and there are similar apps to it for other groups from diff companies, so i won't speak for every stay when i say that i personally think it's a waste of money. sure, you get some cute goodies from the fan club ticket purchase, and you gain access to their bubble community, but you can literally find the stuff they post on bubble anywhere online. jyp market's it as something exclusive and private between you and skz, when in reality, your sharing the texts/photos between the rest of the fandom. i don't see any need in spending the money to gain access to their bubble, when i follow certain ig/tumblr accs that specifically translate their posts, upload their bubble photos, and even record the videos they share on the platform. however, i DO understand the appeal of it. I mean, there's a chance that one of your questions/letters could be answered by skz, but that's getting pretty lucky imo. and for some fans, it feels like a intimate place for just them and their fav star.
however, if you think it's worth it, then i'd def say spend the money. if it's smth that will bring you joy and happiness, then go for it!! 🥰 hope this helps haha and that it wasn't too confusing... 🤡
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sirfowlman · 1 year
Tried to go back to Twitter X to see if it somehow improved...
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NOPE. In some ways it's gotten worse!
You know the stereotypes of Facebook being filled with grandparents that don't know how to use it? I feel like the same is happening to Twitter, but with a younger demo.
Any popular thread I saw got derailed by self centred blue ticks with either nothing interesting to say or have everything unrelated to say. Some treat threads like they were unrelated general chat rooms.
There's also the general bitching of shit that doesn't matter, which was always a problem. I don't need petty negativity in my life, it's already crap as is.
There's also matter of the awful animal abuse, spam & propaganda that bubbles up more often.
All I wanted was to like & share some cool images & videos with some mates on twitter...
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