#facepalm dot gif
arceespinkgun · 3 months
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From Earthspark season 2, episode 6, “Spitfire”
Happy Father's Day!
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winterinthetardis · 2 years
Hi! Where is your queue tag from?
Hi! My queue tag "I'm still just a queue. No touch." is a play off of a line from Doctor Who, s2e13 Doomsday, where the Doctor projects himself to Bad Wolf Bay to say goodbye to Rose:
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This gif is from this amazing gifset, btw. It has the entire scene!!
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melloeyed · 1 year
Double Trouble
Johnathan Ohnn (The Spot) X GN! Reader
A/N: The reader has the same superpowers as The Polka-Dot Man from The Suicide Squad only with a few added cosmic quirks. Enjoy!
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On the busy streets of Brooklyn, The Spot and Y/N walk past the oblivious citizens, donning their ‘inconspicuous’ disguises. Spot only had on a loose grey gym jacket, green sunglasses, and a brown wrinkled fedora, while Y/N wore a orange bucket hat, purple glasses, and an oversized red Hawaiian shirt.
Their disguises barely even covered the multiple spots on their pale skin. How the hell did they even go unnoticed?
The disguised duo walked towards the convenience store window, cupping their hands on the window in sync as they lean their heads in to get a better view.
“Ok, remember the plan?” Spot whispered.
“This is so stupid…” Y/N muttered.
“It’ll work, trust me!”
“Yeah, right. My idea was better!”
“Oh, just shut up and follow my lead!”
Y/N rolls their multicolored dot eyes as they follow Spot in the convenience store, re-running his plan in their head.
‘Distract the cashier while I steal the money from the ATM machine. Got it?’
Y/N sighs, walking towards the food isles. They clutch onto their rainbow backpack straps in anticipation as they peek over one the food isles, glancing at Spot, waiting for the signal.
“Excuse me, do you have uh, an ATM machine?” The Spot asked the cashier. “Yeah, around here in the back.” The cashier replied, barely looking at Spot.
“Preferably not chained to the wall…?” Spot muttered.
“Uh, nothing!”
Y/N’s dot eyes lit up when the Spot looked at them, gesturing his head towards the cashier while walking towards the ATM. Y/N clenched their spotted fists as they take a deep breath, squeezing their eyes shut.
‘You got this, Y/N. You got this!’ They whispered to themself.
Y/N slowly jogs towards the cashier, rolling their shoulders in preparation. They clear their throat, trying to think of a distracting conversation to start.
“Uh, hi! I, uh…heard there was this…beverage…snack that uh…just came out. And I was wondering uh, where…do you sell it here…? If you do sell it here… can you, uh…tell me…where you…sell it? Which is…here…?” Y/N asked, sheepishly. The cashier just kept his eyes glued to the phone as a short pause passed.
Real clever, Y/N.
“What? I have no idea what you mean, man.” The cashier said, not even bothering to look at them. Embarrassment and frustration began to bubble in Y/N’s chest as they quickly tried to think of another distraction. Looking towards Spot’s direction, they tried their best not to facepalm when they see him struggling with the ATM.
Y/N though that this plan was the most ridiculous! It was boring, slow-paced, and embarrassing! They glance back towards the cashier, partially relieved that he didn’t bother to look up. Looking around quickly, Y/N tries to distract the cashier again. They burst out into fake laughter.
“Hahahaha! Hahaha! Y-You’re so funny! You don’t…know what I mean! Hahaha! You’re a…funny guy!” They said, with the most ‘convincing’ laughs.
Y/N was not good at this.
They quickly stopped their laughing and tried to think of another diversion, clearing their throat again.
“Uh… w-what I mean is-“
“Hey, who left this ATM on the sidewalk?” Someone said outside.
Oh, shit.
Y/N heart began to quicken when the cashier finally looked up. They both turn towards the loud banging noise from the back of the store along with the frustrated grunts that came with it. The Spot was trying to forcefully push the whole ATM through the smaller portal by bouncing on top of it. Repeat, tried. Y/N couldn’t take it anymore.
“Are you fucking serious?!” They shouted.
“Yo, what you doing back here, man?” The cashier said, picking up a bat and surprisingly ignoring Y/N. (Which offended them.)
“Nothing, nothing. Everything’s cool, man. All good.” Spot said, jumping on top of the ATM to push it even further into the portal, “Just forgot my PIN number-“
“Get yourself out of here!”
The cashier tries to hit Spot with the bat, but thankfully he dodges it in time. On instinct, Y/N runs towards the cashier, balling their fists preparing to attack. The multicolored polka dots on their skin quickly began to glow along with their dot eyes.
Before quickly flickering off like a lightbulb.
Y/N looks at their hands, baffled by the failed attempt to use their powers.
“What?! No! Not now!” They shouted.
“Uh, Y/N a little help here!” Spot shouted, cowering away from the cashier’s swings. Y/N runs after the two trying to land a blow on the back of cashier’s head, only to end up slipping on a soda can and falling hard on their butt. On the ground, Y/N rolls their eyes when they hear Spot’s pathetic comments towards the aggressive man while he dropped different products from the isles.
“Sir, please just let us rob you!”
“There’s no reason to bring wood into this!”
“We’ve never robbed anybody in our life, please don’t make this a bad experience for us!”
“Bad experience? I’m trying to run a business here!” The angry cashier replied.
“With your goddamn head in the clouds?!” Y/N snarked at him, getting back on their feet.
Only to end up slipping and falling on their face.
“Why is the floor so slippery?!”
This was the duo’s very first robbery attempt. Obviously, Spot and Y/N didn’t have the best resources at hand when it came to being bad guys, but they were never the type of criminals to give up easily. Especially, Spot.
Y/N had a strong feeling that her partner in crime was a whole lot nervous than they were for their first robbery. Y/N was already fed up at the soft attempts of beginning their villainy, but can you blame them? They just wanted to get dangerous, kick some ass, and burn down buildings! But, the Spot was always there to dial them down.
Ever since the explosion incident that happened a year ago, the duo agreed to stick together and began to get ahold of their newfound cursed powers. They had pretty awesome powers too! I mean what could be better than having ability to make portals that can go to anywhere and anyplace you desire or summon glowing multicolored polka dots with omnipotent destructive powers?
There were a few gimmicks of their powers here and there, but to be honest, they could barely control it!
And now here the two were.
One running away from an angry cashier with a bat, while the other continues to slip and fall on the cluttered slippery floor with each step they take.
After the longest 23 seconds of their lives, Spot finally managed to trap the cashier in a nearby portal and Y/N finally gets up without slipping. Y/N helps Spot get his foot unstuck from one of the shelves. After the two quickly run towards the ATM, they place soda cans on the ground to push the large machine more easily.
“I told you this was a bad plan!” Y/N spat.
“Oh, yeah, that figures considering how much of a big help you were back there!” Spot spat back.
“Hey, the floor was already slippery before and if you weren’t such a klutz back there, I would’ve already handled him!” Y/N said.
“Well, what was I supposed to do?! Just sit there and let him hit me?!” Spot fired back.
“Hmm, I dunno maybe teleport him outta here! I’m sure it doesn’t take a genius!”
“Hey, I can’t think straight when I’m under pressure! You’ve known that since the day we met! Stop treating me like I’m a wuss!”
“That’s because you are one, when it comes to situations like this! Plus, my plan would’ve been a whole lot better!”
“Your plan was nuts!”
“I just said that we should walk into the store, knock out the cashier, time him up, lock him in the janitors closet, get the money, and get rid of the evidence by burning down the building!”
“With the cashier inside?!”
“You are a very violent person and a bad sidekick.”
“What? I like violence! Plus, my powers are more cooler than yours so who the hell are you callin’ a sidekick?”
“Whatever, let’s just hurry up and get this ATM machine out of here before the police-“
“Why do people say ATM machine?” A voice said.
Spot and Y/N jolt up, looking around in surprise. “Huh? Who said that?” Spot asked.
The duo looked behind them and see Spider-man himself, hanging upside-down from the ceiling, casually eating a beef empanada. “The ‘M’ stands for ‘machines’!“ He finished.
“Spider-Man!” Spot and Y/N said in sync.
The duo felt the floor disappearing beneath their feet as they fell through an accidental portal, only to end up reappearing in the next isle, falling harshly from the ceiling to the floor. Spot and Y/N’s disguises only end up coming off during the fall, revealing their bare, pale, and spotted bodies.
The Spot only had black spots of different sizes covering his pale lanky body, his face being completely blank with only the largest black spot plastered across his face resembling a scribbled eye.
Y/N had multicolored polka dots covering their body, the bright colors contrasting from their light grayish skin. Their face is completely blank as well, with only two mismatched color dot eyes to show their expressions.
They groan in pain as Spot helps them up from the floor, nearly slipping again, but regains balance. They dust themself off as they look forward, seeing Spot jumping around in preparation as Spider-Man walks in front of them.
“Ah! Spider-Man, wow,” The Spot began, before he hit his foot against a box, yelping in pain, “This is real!”
Y/N tilts their head in exasperation at their partner’s action. “Johnathan, what are you-“
“Alright, Y/N, prepare your introduction.” He whispered back.
“My what?” Y/N whisper-shouted.
Spider-Man glances back and forth between the spotted duo, baffled, yet immersed by their bizarre and wacky appearance. “So are you like a cow or a dalmation?” He asked gesturing at Spot. He then glanced at Y/N and gestured at them, “And are you like supposed to be a clown or a painting?”
“I am…The Spot.”
Y/N looks at Spot with a, ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ face. “I’m sure that sounded a lot cooler in your mind.” They address. Spot just ignored them and stretched his arms out to them in a presenting manner.
“And this is my trusty sidekick…The Dot.”
“I never agreed to…never mind.” Y/N said.
Spot leans against the isles, propping his elbow on it, while placing his hand on his hip. Bread begins to spill out of the holes in his torso.
Y/N looks at him and quickly folds their arms leaning against the other side of the isle, nearly slipping in the process, trying to look cool and intimidating.
“We meet again, Spider-Man.” Spot began, ‘menacingly’.
“And we have a lot to catch up on.” Y/N finished, ‘menacingly’.
Spider-Man just laughs, pointing his empanada at the duo in an amused manner.
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rosysunsetz · 2 years
Could you do a jack hughes image where your like in a established relationship and your Quinn’s best friend but like the relationship is secret and then Quinn finds out and it’s just like Funny?
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Having a secret relationship with your best friend's younger brother was scary. Point blank. Having to sneak around, sharing kisses in the night or having to refrain from touching.
It was difficult. But it was the adrenaline that came from it that made it worth it. Thinking about being caught. Having to be quiet when going to his room. It was exhilarating. Until, the thrill came to an end.
I was over the Hughe's house for a couple days over the summer. Jack was about to come home from a long roadie and I had to act nonchalant about it, as if I wasn't about to jump up and down because he was finally here. It had been months since I've last seen him. He's been traveling since March and it's June now.
The weather has gotten nicer and I've been spending some time with my other friends and working while the Hughes were traveling for their games. So I wasn't completely lonely during that time.
Quinn had time off for about a month and Jack would be off for around 2 months. So that meant more time with him. And I was ecstatic.
It was around 6pm when Jack finally arrived home. He arrived through the front door with his bags in hand and grey sweatpants on. Quinn jumped up to greet his little brother with the guy equivalent of a hug and the moment quickly ended once Jack came into the living room and saw me. I hid a really big smile and waved as I sat with my legs crossed. My shorts were riding up my legs and I didn't realize it till his eyes went down to them. We kept eye contact for a bit and he smiled wide, showing his teeth. Quinn unfortunately noticed the encounter and stood with his mouth agape.
My eyes widened as I looked behind Jack to Quinn and Jack turned around slowly. I couldn't see Jack's face but I could see Quinn's. It seemed he was finally connecting the dots.
"Wait." He said, pointing between the two of us. We both looked like kids caught with their hand in the cookie jar after their mother told them specifically not to eat anymore. Wide eyed and fearing the worst, I sunk into the couch, hoping it would save me from this horribly awkward moment.
"So you two.. have been... DATING?!"
Jack nodded slowly and turned his head to look at you with a panicked expression. I, too, panicked and shrugged with my hands fittering.
"I thought I told you my best friend was off limits, Jack. You broke the guy code." He didn't sound all that upset as he did when he yelled just moments before and I took that as my queue to stand up and slowly walk over beside Jack. He and I shared looks as I slowly wrapped my arm around his.
Quinn's eyes practically bulged and he sighed loudly.
"Seriously?! I told you not to date her, and what do you do? You date her! How long have you guys been seeing each other."
We both hesitated, sending looks to each other and glancing his way as if to say, "No, you do it" "You do it!"
I finally sighed and whispered. "A year and 3 months."
"You've been dating since I introduced you two? Oh my god!" He facepalmed and ran his hands down his face. I tried to refrain from making eye contact with Jack but I turned my head to see his face and he was looking at me already, his lips quirking up at the end.
I scratched my neck awkwardly. "Look, Quinn, we didn't tell you because we thought you'd react badly. We didn't want things to be awkward or weird."
"Either way, I was gonna find out! And it was going to be weird! Y- you're my best friend and he's my younger brother!"
Quinn suddenly started pacing back and forth and I started backing up with Jack.
"Have you guys— done it?" He asked slowly. The silence was painful as I looked everywhere but him. I assumed Jack was doing the same as he cleared his throat.
Quinn gaped like a fish, his mouth opening and closing but no words coming out.
"Y'know what, whatever. It's fine. I don't want to see you pregnant," He pointed at me. "Or you, breaking her heart and getting her pregnant because if you do I'm going to take your hockey stick and beat you with it!" He practically yelled in Jack's face with his finger pointed and I laughed quietly. I quickly put a hand over my mouth once Quinn looked at me and swallowed.
He then turned and walked out of the room, leaving the two of us flabbergasted.
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dimpledcherry · 2 years
I cant get him out my head!
( I saw @sarafinatheasassin send this ask to @xxxgalaxyfriendxxx and felt a strong itch to write this :) i hope i’ve done the idea justice )
Summary: “sonic develops a crush on shaodw in sonic 3 and maddie is the one who had to sit him down and give him ‘the talk’ becuase tom is too busy freaking out becuase he wasn’t expecting this at all and poor sonic is just super confused about what’s going on”. Pairings:  Sonadow Trigger Warnings: None :) Content Warnings: Short tempered moments 
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The wachowski’s morning route was set in stone at this point: Maddie does yoga accompanied by Knuckles, Tails is tinkering with some new invention at the dining table, Sonic is helping Tom cook up breakfast - everyones favourite, Pancakes! The radio is pattering nonsense in the back, only really to be heard when Tom hums a song, the true sounds of the room are bowls and spoons tapping, renches cracking and Maddies laughs as Knuckles struggles to remain a fairly simple pose. Sonic and Tom laugh too through the window, obviously causing the Echidna to growl at his counter parts.
“You wanna go tell them it’s pancake time?” Tom bumps Sonic, whilst putting the pan on the stove.
“If he pounces at me, its your fault!” The boy left the room to get his brother and mum. He’s joined moments later with both. The boys understand its time to sit at the table and it’s now Maddies turn to be kitchen helper. A brief welcome-back kiss and a choir of ‘ewww’s are the sounds of the room. Maddie turns the radio up slightly as she dots about getting the toppings.
“It’s 8am and it’s time for the morning news. We have a few stories for you this morning, folks. There was a serious accident the west side of state last night and roads heading in and out are still either closed or at a stand still, household bills are hitting an all time high and the govner is due in court this afternoon to being talks to help this crisis and GUN have sent out a public statement sharing they’re reopening the research project, Project Shadow, after 50 years of inactivity.” The reporter signs off and the sounds of the room reenter pop space.
Maddie and Tom share a look, “Project Shadow? Are they mental?” Tom gasps.
“I don’t see why now. Wasn’t it too dangerous?”
“Well it has been 50 years-“
“Whats Project Shadow?” Tails interups.
“Some research project to create a remedy for illness. There was a scientist who spent years on it, he tried to create this ultimate life form but everyone presumed it was a waste because it got shut down after a while and nothing was to show for it.’ Maddie informed the boys, serving their plates simultaneously.
“Ultimate life form.” Sonic laughs, “That's so pretentious!” 
“My father used to tell me about it. He had some odd interest in it. Perhaps because it was so far advanced for that time, i won’t know. But its actually quite sad. The scientist had a sick grandaughter, can’t remember what was wrong with her but it wasn’t easy on them.” Tom finished, filling the seats at the table.
“Did she die and that caused him to retire his project?” Sonic asked.
“I remember losing my father, it made me want to protect the master emerald even more. Why would he dishonour his purpose?” Knuckles retorted.
“Humans suffer when losing people, Big Guy. Some of us will get stronger but others lose themselves a little.” Maddie told him directly, returning her attention to the rest, she continued “Nobody knows if her dying caused the case to go under, nobody knows when she died. It kinda just…. stopped.”
“Nice to see you showed up, Hedgehog!” Robotnik yelled from his robot.
“I always show up, Robotnik!”
“See you’ve brung your friends with you, too! How sweet!” The 3 exchanged looks “I’m getting that emerald back even if it means i have to kill you”
“Over my dead body!” Knuckles retorted, the doctor laughed.
“Knuckles! You can’t send offers like that!” Tails facepalms.
“Is that how its gonna be?” robotnik laughs, sending the first hit.
The team battle for a short while, Tails using his dining table inventions to aid him, Sonic spin dashing and Knuckles crushing. The team hold themselves well against the doctors tech. “I’m going too easy on them!” He yells to Stone,
“Does this mean-“ Stone begins
“-Show them who we’ve got? Release him.” Robotnik finishes.
On ground, the ragtag team find themselves stood in a back to back huddle awaiting the next move. The move is unprepearable, a blacked out frame similar to Sonic’s is thrown in front of them. The distance between the 2 groups is filled with a low growl from Knuckles, a gasp from Tails and a squint from Sonic. He knew how shadows worked… his shouldnt be that high up-
Sonic could see the eyes, hands, mussle, feet of the new foe but couldn’t register how something that looked exactly his shape existed. His eyes took it all in, similar build, similar stance but all too unfamilar. The black fur, the white tuft, the panting stance, the red framed boots, the rings. He knew this creature was, too, a hedgehog but it felt so too different to be one. The figure dissapeared, the trio found themselves spining around looking for it.
Knuckles was first. He got swept off his feet almost within an instant, the black blur had thrown the lad to the floor, disapearing once more. “What- Who was that!” Knuckles grumbled to his crew. Sonic stood in sheer shock, Tails ran straight to help his fallen mate.
Sonic felt his brows knot instantly, he looked around for the culprit. “Ahh!” Tails squilled as the blur reappeared, taking the fox in his hands. Sonic knew he should be angry, he should be defending his brothers, but for as much as his brain was screaming at him, he couldn’t move. All he could do was watch, mouth a gape, browed scrunched, breath held. All he could look at was the stranger.
The foe turned his direction to the blue hedgehog. Sonic felt an unfamilair ping, he wasn’t scared but he wasn’t his overly confident sassy self. In the corner of his eye he could see Knuckles regaining himself paying his attention to the fox, but the majority of his vission was given to his darker counterpart. At a speed hes only used to experiencing, never witnessing, he’s clutched by 2 white hands, running him away from his friends. His eyes clocks to his face, taking in the piecing red eyes, similarly point nose and red liner around his eyes.
“I thought you were mean to be the strongest creature in the galaxy?” He spoke in a low gravelled angry voice. Sonic didn’t answered, “Where’s the emerald!” The being threw Sonic to the floor, “Answer me!” “Do you know who i am?”
“Sonic! What are you doing!” Tails yelled from the sidelines. Sonic didn’t know how to answer, he didnt know what to do, he didnt know how to move. This creature was straddled above him, throwing his fists at him and he was taking it. He’s never done this in his life.
“Why won’t you answer me!” The being grabbed the sides of Sonic’s face, “I’m the ultimate life form! Ignore me and you’ll regret it, hedgehog-”
‘ultimate life form’. the words tattooed themselves to Sonics brain, conversations from the other day flew into his head. His brain hyper focused on them 3 words to the point he could see nothing but the boy atop of him. Was this ‘project shadow’? Was this the remedy? Why would a he be after an emerald? Why? How does he know about them-
He was balled off the hero in a grey haze. Turns out Tails had a net shooter on him too!
As the figure was flung to the floor, Sonic was bolted up right. “This isn’t over yet, Faker.” The stranger disapeared yet again.
Knuckles was by Sonic, lending him an arm to lean on, Tails walked over to the two, “Hey, Sonic, are you alright?”
Sonic was staring at the bundle of netting on the dirt, cold confusion, “I-I um..” Knuckles and Tailed shared a glance.
The crew were playing baseball, Knuckles on back stop, Tails swinging, Maddie and Tom in the field and Sonic batting.
“You got this, Sonic!” Maddie cheered
Sonic set himself us, staring at the ball, settling himself into the sand. He sighed  into his concentration, but the moment the built up air left his lungs, his brain left the situation. Red cold eyes were his focus, the close us face of a stranger, pretty red eyes framed with red liner, a small point nose and a seemingly constant frown.
“Strike 1!” Tom yelled.
“Huh-?” Sonic zoned himself back in, shaking his head. Everyone staring his way.
“You okay bud?” Tom tilted his head,
“Yeah! Just testing you guys!” He lied, faking his laugh and confidence 
“Tails, Darling, twist the spaghetti around you fork, like this,” Maddie giggled at the poor fox.
“Oh! Thank you!” 
“How dare you dishonour me, spaghetti! Am I not worthy!” 
It was the wachowski’s spag bowl night. They often had dinner together, chatting about their days and telling old stories. It’d been a few days since Sonic met Shadow, and it was consuming his life. Today he found himself shifting off mentally to think about the hedgehog. Right now, he could feel his family talking but he couldn’t comment on what the topic was. He was sitting with his head propped up on one hand and his other twirling the pasta around his fork. His mind was racing about this hedgehog, and his pretty sharp feature, low rippled voice, his roughness and his-
“Bud?” He was pulled back with a nudge to his foot. He looked up, Tom had whispered to him, “You okay?”
Sonic propped a smile on his face and gave a nod, enthusiastically eating a forkful. He quickly fell back into his daydream. Wondering what it’d be like to have that hedgehog here with him. 
Today, Sonic woke up to having the hedgehog on his mind. He’d dream about him. A simple, fluffy nonsense dream. The two in a tuff, Shadow (he was assuming this was his name due to the project title) pinning his arms above his head, heavy breathing. The two somehow ending their wrestle in a kiss. 
He woke up somber that day, not particularly wanted to leave his bed. Tom breakfast making buddy unheard of that morning was a first. 
“Where's Sonic, boys?”
“Asleep, Lord of Doughnuts.” Knuckled reported, sitting on the counter.
“What-? He’s usually well awake by now?” Maddie huffed, leaning into Tom who was cooking eggs. 
“He hasn’t been himself lately.”
“Maybe he’s getting ill. Do you guys get sick?” She looked over to the red echidna, who was a mouthful of grapes. He nodded,
“Rarely. But it happens!” He mumbled through the grapes.
The humans share a glance, Maddie ruffled Knuckles spins and kissed Toms cheek, heading for the stairs to their attic. She knocked on the entrance, no answer. “Sonic? Can I come in?”
“I’m coming in.” She opened the hatch, seeing her boy still tucked up in bed. “You feeling okay, Mister?”
She sat on his bed, he reluctantly moved his feet, sighing. She put the back of her hand to his forehead, he had no temperature. “You sure? You’re never in bed this late?”
“Yes. I've already told you.”
She raised her brows at him, “hm”, She looked around the room, “Well im here if you need me. Also you need to clean up a little in here. You three are too messy.” He hummed a reply, it made her smile sadly, “Get up, Sonic. Your breakfast is gonna go bad.” She stood up to leave the room, “And a bad diet will make running very heard for you!”
He huffed, turning in his bed again.
The 3 boys were chilling in their room, Sonic laying upside down on his bed, Knuckles and a pot of grapes slumped in the bean bag, Tails laying belly down on the floor tails swirling absentmindedly. 
“Sonic, can we talk about the other week?” Tails offered
“What’s up buddy?” Sonic smiled, like his usual self
“You dishonored us in the face of an enemy!” Knuckles pipped up, raising his grape holding fists. Sonic looked away at this, he was still annoyed at himself.
“i wouldn’t put it like that, Knuckles. But are you okay Sonic?”
“Yeah, i guess, i never expected there to be another- another me! yaknow?” The blue hog was now fiddling with his fingers.
“Did it shock you? You never freeze up?”
“He- I don’t know.” Sonic rolled himself onto his belly, “I can’t get him out of my head-” The other boys narrowed their eyes to him, “Like, he called himself the ultimate life from. Like what mum and dad were speaking about! But i dont know why i cant stop thinking about him!”
“How does thinking of him make you feel?”
“Um- Weird. Like, i can’t do anything. He won’t leave my head. I get tingly hands sometimes.”
“Mum said once she used to get tingly hands when dad used to declare his love to her-” Knuckled added
“Knuckles, I don’t think Sonic feels that way”
“should we take the boys to get icecream?” Tom suggested rolling onto Maddie, who was relaxing on the sofa.
She laughed, “Is this you being a kind dad, or you using your own ice cream wanting through them?”
“Maaaaybe, but you know you want some too.. i know oozie does.”
They shared a quick kiss, “You go round them up, i go start the car?”
Tom bolted up, walked down the hall to the loft hatch, he got a few steps up the ladder about to knock-
“But i dont know why i cant stop thinking about him!”
“How does thinking of him make you feel?”
“Um- Weird. Like, i can’t do anything. He won’t leave my head. I get tingly hands sometimes.”
“Mum said once she used to get tingly hands when dad used-”
Tom speed down the ladder as quietly as he could, running to the garage where Maddie was, he grabbed her hands as she was about to enter the kitchen and sat her back in the car, shh’ing her the whole way.
“Are you-”
“I went to knock for the boys and i heard them talking. Sonic said something about not being able to not think about someone! he said he gives him tingly fingers! Knuckles said something about how you’d tingly fingers with me but i left before he finished!”
“Oh my god!”
“What do we do! I knew this would happen but no so soon!”
“This explains why's he not been himself lately!”
“Wait- Who do you think it could be?”
“Who has he meet lately-?” Just as these words left Maddies mouth, the two shared a knowing look. The boys had shared their encounter with them, they were both aware of Sonic stumbling but had palmed it off to nervousness.
“Oh no. This is even worse! He can’t- He’s gonna just be pining. There’s no way” Tom felt himself deflate at the idea of his sons first love being so unavailable. “Theres no chance they’ll ever see each other again or even, anything! He couldnt’ve fallen for Knuckles”
“How is that any easier-”
“At least he sees Knuckles and it could be spoken through- but now he’s going to go through all the pining and teenage emotions. Maddie i can’t do this- he’s still a kid!”
“Okay, Okay. Tom, i’ll speak to him. He’ll get through it! We don’t even know for sure yet”
“Mum?” Maddie heard a small voice, behind her.
She turned to see Sonic, in a dishevelled state, quills unbrushed. “You okay, darling?” She was making hers and Toms bed, she had set the pillow down feeling the room go heavy, he pattered on his feet for a moment, scratching his arms. 
“Can I-umm” She could his eyes going glassy, “Eh-” He took a breath, “Can I tell you something?” She nodded, sitting on the bed, welcoming him. Once sat, he continued, “Erm-” He sighed, looking at his hands.
“Hug?” She asked, arms out. The hedgehog fell into her arms, melting instantly. She felt his tight shoulders. “Take your time, bud. It’s only me and you.” Sonic seemed to fall apart at that. She felt his small sob, and his hand hold her tighter. They stayed like that for a moment or two, letting Sonic direct the next move.
He pulled away, sipping his nose, sniffing. “Ew, im sorry- I- I don't know what come over me.”
“it’s okay, darling. We all cry sometimes.” She smiled
“Mum?” She nodded “I um- You know what black hedgehog we met a few weeks ago?” Maddie nodded again, “And you know how we all are almost aware he’s Shadow, like The-Project-Shadow Shadow?” Another nod was given. “Well- err-”
“Take your time,”
Sonic huffed,” I think I like him. But I dont know why. Or how I could. I’ve only met him once. But he won’t get out my head. Mum! Everything I do, I think about him- like he’s even in my dream now. I get jelly hands sometimes thinking about him and Knuckled told me you got that with dad. But you and dad had met loads of time- And I can’t like someone who's trans hurt me- How can I-” The hedgehog work vomited
“Breath, kiddo.” She put her hand on his now pink cheek. “Liking people can hit was anytime, any place, any intensity.” Sonic nodded, “You're okay to feel this was- it’s cute. Thank you for being so honest” He smiled at being called cute. “What do you like about him?”
“I keep thinking about his voice!” Sonic throw himself face down in the bed, “It’s so cringe- but it keeps replaying in my head. And his face- his eyes, Mum.” Maddie chuckled to herself, remembering being in this situation but with Tom. “I still feel his hands on mine and it-”
“It makes them feel all fuzzy and not real?”
“Yes!” Maddie laughed, “What do I do?”
“Live in it, Sonic. You can’t do anything right now, but you’ll get a moment. Like how you and Knuckles had your moment to settle your peace, you’ll get your moment with this Shadow.”
“But what if I mess it up! Mum, he wants to kill me! He’s after the think we’re protecting! Knuckles will kill me before he does!”
“I can’t answer that. Only you know that one. But you know better than anyone, everyone has a cover they show everyone else. Maybe he’s not a rude killing machine and it’ll just a play-”
“Hmm But I can’t function around him!”
She laughed, “You’ll figure it out, bud. Thank you for telling me. Remember to breath through it all, refocus yourself.”
Sonic jumped at her for a hug, “Thank you mum! I knew you’d understand better than Knuckles and Tails”
“What’d they say?”
“Tails told me to not star at him if we battle again, he said its very creepy. Knuckles told me, if I ‘dishonour the master emerald, I will dishonour the family name’” He put on a fake Knuckled accent. Maddie laughed.
“If you do meet again, chat to him. He may need that” 
“I’ll try” 
“Now, you can help me make this bed”
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maki-matsurra · 3 years
If you’re certain! Could I maybe request Wakko and Dot’s reaction to the first ask I sent if that’s alright? And how Yakko feels about them knowing and stuff? There’s like no animaniacs writers on here that I know of and you do a wonderful job anyways!! Thank you!! ❤️
Yeah! Of course!
My new nickname for you Anon is gonna be 🥺Anon cause I like you and how polite you are 🥺❤️😭
So, how would Dot and Wakko react? And how Yakko feels about it? Hmm, I think I can do this!
I’m gonna go ahead and assume you want these as head canons as well ^^
Want to send in a request? Start here!
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Wakko and Dot’s Reaction to (Y/N) being Yakko’s Scripted Lover
Woo Boy, if you looked up nosy in the dictionary, these twos faces would pop up.
They were already curious as to why they couldn’t go with Yakko to the office, no matter how much they begged, they couldn’t come. Yakko had to pull the one card he rarely uses.
“Wakko, Dot. Sit and Stay.”
The tone he used was his “father tone”, meaning that there was no arguing with him on this. They whined and did so, waiting for him to come back home.
And once he did, they were even more curious. He came home annoyed, making them ask what was going on, and he just put on a smile and shrugged it off.
“Ahhh…. Don’t worry about it sibs! Just something that came up with season two last minute.”
Okay, now they were officially curious.
Until they met you next day for shooting. Wakko was a little sheepish, but Dot already adored you!
“Another girl on the set? Finally! My prayers have been answered!”
Cue Wakko and Yakko facepalming in the background.
They didn’t really suspect anything was going on between you two until Yakko stopped mid-scene to just stare at you, his face flushed.
They have never seen Yakko act like that to a girl. Never.
Wakko was more of the one to do that, so the younger Warners were going to pull off a Sherlock Holmes and do some investigating.
After shooting, once Yakko asked you to go to a dairy-free ice cream parlor, they begged to come too, and again, Yakko had to pull out his father tone, making the two pout and scowl.
That was until as Yakko turned and walked away, you kneeled down and whispered to them with a smile and a wink.
“What flavors would you guys want? I can bring them to you.”
You got Wakko’s vote immediately.
But they still were gonna do some investigating.
The two started to see Yakko bring you Starbucks, and give you kisses, and hold your waist. They turned to each other and whispered.
“You don’t think…?”
“Of course not! Yakko was never the one to get into a serious relationship… right?”
What shut them up immediately was when he kissed you. Wakko covered his eyes while Dot covered her mouth as they saw from a distance.
They were shocked. Yakko never seriously kissed a girl before. And it was you!
They looked at each other and ran to the water tower.
Oh boy, when Yakko came home and saw that the pair was waiting for him, he became nervous.
“Uhh… Hey sibs! What’s going on! Heh heh!”
“We know about your little *ahem* relationship with (Y/N).”
If his face could get any paler, it would, and he started to sweat.
“O-Oh… and Uhm… how do you feel about it?” He asked nervously, worried his sibs would not like you.
That was his biggest fears. You not liking his sibs or they not liking you.
Wakko and Dot nodded to each other, then grew a great big smile.
“When can she come over?!”
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captain-flint · 4 years
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guy smoking and facepalming dot jpg
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dilfwaynes · 3 years
Hi!! if you want, could you write some extra fluffy “Dick Grayson in a relationship” headcanons? thank you!!
sorry for the long ass wait babes, i am gonna start actually writing all requests. wips are on hold atm lol, not proof read !!
parings ; richard grayson x fem!reader
warnings ; none
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he’s the cook out of the both of u
i literally just imagine him knowing how to cook, probably from years of watching alfred and maybe going to cooking classes on the side
doesn’t honestly know what to do with free time so he applied to a few classes tbh
if you stitch his  initials into the curl of your sweater, he’ll melt honestly
same if you carved yours into a few of his
u both have this corny thing of a little heart shaped pin that he wears onto his sweaters also
jason makes fun of you both for it
“fucking nerds”
one night you talk to dick about him and the rest of the batfamily needing one night of a break and to do something fun
thats when you and him come up with a mystery crime game
like u know those ones where u rent a room and everyone gets their own character to roleplay and everyone has to find out whos the killer
yeah thats what u two come up with LMAO
u and richard are not the best at fun ideas
you explain the plans while the rest of them are looking at u like ur crazy
dick is just smiling widely
somehow u get them too all argee
and everyone takes their active role
bruce is a famous detective, tim, cass and jason are siblings whos father just got murdered, duke is the dead dad, barbara is their mother, damian is the butler, alfred is the one in charge of the will, and steph is a family friend while you and dick are guests are the ‘party’
“why am i the butler? is this jasons doing?!”
“no demon child, ever thought maybe its just your role in the family?”
dick facepalms
“both of u stop, the order is random now lets begin”
the whole thing is just a mess and everyone fighting
also declaring that the other is the killer
everything is so messy and stupid that bruce cant even link who murdered duke
“this is unorganized and ridiculous! how can i connect the dots when none of them match!”
in the end everyone finds out steph was the killer, who was the child of an affair and apparently duke was her real father and she wanted revenge
“no way did Blondie outsmart us”
you and dick hype steph up while the rest wants to kill u three
“good family bonding everyone :)” dick 2021
he also loves traditional winter things to do
ice skating and being amazing at it, surprise surprise
shows off sm and laughs when u fall on your ass
also does the whole “oh look ifs mistletoe :9” while literally holding it over your head
you prefer to stay at the wayne manor for christmas time tbh
and fall as well
especially how lively it starts getting around that time
for christmas crime fighting slows a bit and everyone’s running around for christmas gifts
and alfred is always baking something and the manor gets that christmas smell of pine and the coldness outside
building snowmen is without a doubt
same with snowball fights
there’s definitely a point in there where you learn how to start stitches for when dick comes home all banged up
always patching him up and applying medical because you know he’ll never do it
same with reminding him of it
a lil routine of you putting healing creams on the needed places before you two go to sleep
him getting use to sleeping with you everynight that its hard for him to fall asleep without you
you guys are losers and mock bruce whenever he’s talking serious
jason joins in too
bruce always ends up turning around and glaring at u both
for some reason he always has cold ass feet? and he loves to touch you with them and laugh when you scream at it
also has freezing hands and forgets to wear gloves most of the time in fall and winter
so it leaves with you of the duty and taking his hands and rubbing and blowing on them
as well as placing them in your pockets
he loves kissing u the most when you’re both just walking out in the freezing snow
you look so pretty with tinted pink cheeks and your nose heating up
plus your little sniffles
he’ll never tell you but 50% of the time he leaves his gloves at home on purpose
he enjoys watching you get annoyed at him and grabbing his hands in your tiny ones to warm his up
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Grades (Tony x daughter!reader)
Sorry if this is crappy, it’s 1am and I haven’t slept for three days straight so I’m really tired and my brain is functioning correctly 🙃 but enjoy @mettatonlover858
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Warnings: bit of angst? Fluff. Kinda dry friendship with peter? Idk why I wrote it like this but I did.
Your grades were slipping. It want your fault though. You were very smart. You were Tony Stark’s daughter so that wasn’t a doubt you were a genius. But it’s just that one kid in class that has to break someone down to feel better about themselves. At first you always brushed it off or ignored it, but as time went on, you found yourself being affected by it. Peter would defend you most of the time when he was there to hear it, but he wasn’t always around when it happened. And although you had inherited a lot from your father; his stubbornness, looks, and smarts, you didn’t inherit his self confidence or ability to spit out sarcastic remarks. You were a sensitive person. So it was hard for you to stand up for yourself.
“What am I gonna do?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes with your palms. “My dad’s gonna get after me for letting my grades get this low.” Peter looked at you with sympathy.
“I wish u could tell you what to do. But I really don’t know. I’m really sorry y/n/n.” You sighed, nodding.
“It’s fine. I know I’m keeping you from your patrol. Go ahead. Be careful.” You watched as peter pulled over his back back and went for the door.
“Well, let me know it goes.” Peter said.
“Ok.” You watched peter leave and got your stuff and left his house to go home. Maybe you don’t have to tell him about it yet? Maybe you can wait a couple of weeks and get your grades back up again before he finds out? You sighed, agreeing with yourself that that was what you were going to do.
As you got home, your plan was ruined as you were met with your fathers eyes, laced with anger and disappointment. Your stomach dropped and you stood there.
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“Umm.” You gulped, waiting for anything to happen.
“Your teacher called.” That was all you had to hear before you turned your gaze to the floor, ashamed. He took a few steps towards you. “Your grades are so. Low. It’s. Insane.” He ground out. You sighed.
“I can explain that-“ you tried to say before he cut you off.
“No y/n zip it. This is unacceptable! You were put in this school to succeed and get good grades. What’s the point in going to a good school if you’re gonna get grades like you’re getting?!”
“I know, but-“
“And it’s not just that, you’ve been so out of it lately, first the sudden quietness out of you, next the locking yourself in your room constantly, shutting yourself off, and now these grades! What has gotten into you? I don’t understand-“
“That’s right you don’t understand!” Your snapped, tears stinging your eyes. “You don’t understand what it’s like to be picked on every single day and not being able to do anything for yourself because you’re too shy and sensitive to fight back because you’re you! You’ve never had a problem saying what you think or putting someone in their place. But I do! So I do understand why you don’t get why this is happening. And I don’t expect you to understand. I’m trying my best!” You sniffled, making a beeline to your room, shutting the door, leaving your dad standing there surprised.
Tony left you to your room to calm while he did the same. He spent time trying to connect the dots, everything that had been happening. He mentally facepalmed at the fact that he never thought to ask you if there was anything going on. He sighed deeply and made his way to your room. He knocked softly before trying to turn the doorknob, only to find it locked.
“Y/n? Can you let me in?” He asked softly, his heart cracking at the sound of your sniffling.
“You don’t need to give me another speech. I get it. I’ll get my grades up, I’ll figure something out.” You whined.
“I’m not here to do that y/n/n. Just let me in. Please?” You sighed before getting out of bed and unlocking the door. As soon as he stepped in, he pulled you into a hug.
“I’m so sorry y/n. I should’ve asked you long ago if something was wrong. I didn’t know you were being bullied.” You calmed down a bit now that he apologized, and you were able to catch your breath. “Why didn’t you tell me someone was bullying you hon’? You know you can tell me anything.”
“I know. I guess I just didn’t want to bother you with it. I though I should just deal with it on my own.” Tony pulled you away, holding onto your shoulders.
“Listen. I’m your father. I’m here to help with your problems. As long as I’m here, you should never have to deal with anything like this alone.” You smiled lightly and once again leaned in to give him a hug.
“Thank you daddy.” You sighed. Tony’s heart warmed at the name you used to call him when you were younger, making him think back to all the memories he had of you two.
Tony sighed and rubbed your back. “Don’t you wish we could go back to simpler times? It just seems as if the older we get, the bigger our problems become.” You nodded, a small smile gracing your lips.
“Yeah,” You chuckled. “Back to the times where the biggest problem I had was dropping my ice cream cone.” Tony laughed as he looked down at you, remembering the time you dropped your ice cream and refused to replace it.
You gasped, staring at the fallen scoop on the floor. Your favorite flavor at the time: strawberry.
“Uh oh. What happened?” Tony asked, trying not to laugh at your dramatically distraught face.
“My ice cream!” You whispered before breaking into tears.
“Awwww.” Tony cooed as he picked you up and held you close as you cried. “It’s okay, we can get you another one.” He said, rubbing your back as you shook your head furiously.
“No, it’s over! It’s over!” You cried, covering your eyes with both your little hands.
“It’s not over baby, you can get another strawberry ice cream!” He chuckled, laughing at your dramatic response to the minuscule problem that could be simply fixed.
“There’s no use!” You shook your head, refusing to take the second cone your dad was offering you. Your dad sighed and gave up, eating the ice cream himself. You looked at him, furrowing your eyebrows before snatching the cone out of his hands, quickly eating it. “Mine!”
“You were so cute. Still are.” Your dad laughed. You shook your head, blushing.
“No m’not.” You mumbled, your heart suddenly feeling heavy as you recalled ask the mean things your classmate told you.
“You’re so ugly it hurts!”
“Nobody careers about you. Even your own mother left you on your father’s doorstep, not giving a crap about you.”
“You’re useless.”
“Yeah you are. Doesn’t matter what those kids say to you.” Tony looked at your downhearted form.
“You don’t even know the things they say to me.” You whisper. Tony frowned and held your hands in his.
“What do they say sweetheart?” You didn’t want to say, knowing it would upset him, but knowing him, he wasn’t leaving until he knew everything.
“Just stuff like I’m useless and nobody loves me. Sometimes that I’m ugly or fat. And if they hear me laugh at something they’ll say my laugh is annoying or something. It’s not a big deal.” You shrugged. Tony’s eyes darkened at the comments you echoed.
“No big deal? The fact that it’s affecting you means it’s a really big deal. I’m so sorry they’re saying those things. They’re just jealous assholes who want to bring people down.” He pulled you into another hug, your back to his chest and resting his head on your shoulder. “You’re a beautiful girl y/n. Your body is perfectly fine and your not fat at all. And your laugh is not annoying sweetheart, I promise. I actually wish I could hear it more often. Ever since this bullying started, your laughter just became non existent over time.”
You nodded slightly, wanting to believe what his words but you weren’t quite there yet. These guys had really brought your self esteem low and you hated them for it.
“You wanna pull off a miracle and smile for me?” Tony teased, looking at you from your shoulder. You rolled your eyes, biting back a smile, avoiding his gaze. “Huh? Just a little smile?” When he was met with more silence, he twitched his finger into your side, smirking at your flinch. “I remember a little technique I used to use on you to get you gigglin’” He teased before full on scratching at your sides, trapping you in his grip.
You squeaked and arched your back, determined to get out of his iron grip (no pun indended) and biting your lip. “Dahad. Don’t.”
“Then just smile. It’s really not that hard.” He looked at you, not seeing what he wanted to see. “Not crackin huh? Well I remember the one thing that always made you crack.” He smirked before blowing a raspberry on your neck.
You squealed and smiled widely instantly, cursing at your dad’s evil method.
“There’s that award winning smile! Now let’s see if we can go a bit further and hear that precious laugh of yours.” He teased, picking you up and dropping you on your bed, straddling your thighs. He immediately went to work on your belly, your worst spot.
You screamed and let out loud belly laughter, kicking your legs out as much as you could with him sitting on them. “DAHAHAD NOHOHO! STOHOHOP!” You slapped at his hands,Tony only ignoring your protests and grabbing your arms in one hand to stop you.
“Listen to that beautiful laughter. Haven’t heard that in a while! I’ve missed it.” He sighed contently, speaking calmly unlike the hysterical giggles and screams coming from you.
“OHOHOKAY! I LAUGHED!” You shook your head and yelped when he targeted under your arms, scratching at the hollows.
“Well, yes, you laughed but you haven’t laughed in months. So you’re long overdue, missy.” He tease, shaking his fingers into your ribs, making you arch your back violently and and scream.
“NOHOHOHOHO DAHAHADDY PLEHEHEHEASE STOHOP!” The feeling was unbearable especially since you couldn’t use your arms to block his evil hands.
“Hang in there I’m almost done. This is the last thing I need to do, but this might tickle a lot. Just warning you.” He smirked before shaking his face into your belly, making sure his beard is doing its job.
You let you and inhuman scream as you shook your head side to side. You couldn’t stop laughing as he rubbed his face into your belly, mumbling and “I love you so much.” Making your laughter go up an octave, before blowing a big raspberry right above your belly button.
This made your laughter go silent after a desperate squeal, your body laying there exhausted, just being able to lay there and take it. Tony let you go with a chuckle and got of you, sitting next to you on the bed.
You panted loudly, holding onto your stomach trying to rub away the residual feeling tingling on your body. “That.. was cruel.” You panted.
“Oh, You’ll live.” Your dad brushed it off as he pulled you on his lap. “You’ll always be my baby, you know that right?” You nodded. “And you can come to me about anything. And I’ll do my best to help you with it. Tomorrow we’ll go speak to your teacher and see if she can give you anorher chance to improve your grades and see if she can do something about these kids making fun of you, Alright?”
You smiled, nodding. “Ok.”
For once in a really long time, things looked like they could finally get better.
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axymmetryx · 4 years
Source Of Music
Belphegor | Obey Me
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Day One: Dreams
"Finally," soft mutter of sighs escaped the dark haired boy as silence enveloped him in a hug, as tight as his twin brother can probably give, and that was telling a lot.
He sat down on a bench not too far from the small café he and his older brothers found on their way home, he could hear Mammon's loud un-ending complains from where he sat but he already mastered toning down his voice from years of living with them. He shoved his hands inside the small holes his school uniform can give him, trying to shield his hands from the offering chill of the weather.
Head tilting up in hopes of letting his body find comfortness in his steady position. Passionate sparkling dots formed across the heavy dark colored sky. It had been a while since his eyes blinked lazily at the cloudless nature above.
It was beautiful.
"If only..." was an opening start to his fresh thoughts being laid out in his brain before heaving out a long lasting sigh.
"What are you sighing there for?" a faint - almost angelic - voice spoke after a medium silence. His head sharply whipping towards the cause of the noise, eyes had never been awake for almost a century.
He blinked countless times, bewildered at the sight of the person he longed for the most, their name escaping his plump pale lips before sealing his mouth shut and turning away. It's not possible, they appear only in his-
Hearing a faint laughter brought him back to reality, his train of thoughts pausing as he digested the sweet voice that filled the air. It was as if hearing music in the form of laughter, yet, how real could it be?
Working up some courage to look back at the figure now standing right beside him, he surpress the need to let out a shriek in surprise, instead, he covered it up by jumping a seat away on the bench as a form of inviting them for a seat.
He watched as they let another set of laughter tear over the silence that once hugged him. But he really didn't mind, considering he was facing the most wonderful person in front of him.
"You made quite a lot of expression in a span of a second. It was quite cute." he lifted both his eyebrows up, feeling bashful all of a sudden at their comment, he felt a rush of blood flowing rappidly through his veins, his eyes averting itself away from them again. Was he really.. cute? No, stop thinking!
He mentally stepped on the brakes on his head, if that even existed that way. He wouldn't lose his cool now. "What's up?" and then the urge to facepalm had never felt appropriate at the moment, seriously? That's all he had to say?
Yet hearing that source of music again had put him at ease and soon his shoulder vibrated at a matched paced with them. It felt great, doing absolutely nothing, but just co-existing with the person you want the most. A crack of frown formed immediately at his face at the thought. His mind wondered back to the time he had a talk with Beel that one time.
"The homework is due tomorrow, Belphie! Have you finished the essay on what thing you wanted to protect in this lifetime?" Beel barged into their shared room, holding a string connected to... ten boxes of pizza? He didn't really count so he wasn't sure. He glanced back at his brother, already nearing knock-out dead to sleep. But not before blurting out an answer he didn't even thought about, "It's a person. Not a thing."
"... Belphegor?" He found himself staring at a pair of doe eyes, his name sounded so beautiful being mentioned through their lips. And his chest tightened at the sight. He felt the need to breathe heavily, his body betraying his request to relax, hands all clammy and head feeling fuzzy all of a sudden. This was it, he knew it from the start, it was too good to be real. It always was.
And as if on cue, he heard a loud defeaning honk, too loud to ignore, too familiar to disregard. He watched as the same doe innocent eyes that looked at him, turned into an emotional mess. He saw the same panic, concerned and determinated look cross their face. holding onto his arms as if their life depended on it.
And it did.
But he didn't do anything.
He watched as the most important person in his life turned to look at where the noise was coming from, he watched as the same car with flickering lights run in different unpatterned directions, he watched as the eyes of his person turned into a resolved and he watched as they smiled at him, like it was okay.
Like it was okay that he couldn't protect them.
And he watched as the hands that once held onto him for dear life, let go and stepped away from him, only to leave him to stare at a pool of blood on the floor.
He heard a lot of people gathering around as the horrific scene unfold before their eyes. A broken car, a lifeless body.
And all he did was stare at it.
"Belphie!" He jolted up at the loud voice of his brothers calling out for him. They all wore playful smiles on their faces as he opened his eyes. Beel holded out a hand for him to take and he accepted.
"You really do sleep everywhere you go, huh?" He glanced at the small box Satan handed out to him as he stood up, "We bought you a little something from the café," He saw a piece of sliced cake in it and carefully took it from him, muttering a soft thanks, ignoring the previous question, which he was sure was rhetorical. He does sleep everywhere anyway.
"Hurry up, over there!" He heard another voice in a distance, and his face automatically turned into a scowl when Lucifer gave them a knowing look. He rolled his eyes but complied at the order, not before pausing and glancing back at the bench he previously sat on. No signs of any tragic scenarios took place, no signs of body either.
Another tragic dream it was again.
He took another sigh and looked up ahead, his brothers already a bit farther away from him, he decided to jog a little to catch up to them but immediately felt a heavy force crashing into him. He let out an inaudibly gasp at the impact. Instinctly holding on to the person who bumped into him to keep them from falling.
His own body freezed up immediately as a pair of familiar doe eyes looked up at him.
"I'm so sorry! I was in a rush. are you okay?" the same familiar sound - his source of music - had asked in a hurried tone. He stood there dumbfounded, at the person in front of him. No. They weren't suppose to be real. They were suppose to remain as his dream-
He stopped his thoughts from going any further. He couldn't let himself to do that to them, never again. So instead of overthinking, he put on a determined smile, before offering his reply,
"I'm fine. And you will be, too."
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trashyazeohane · 6 years
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Okay, I need to write more. Arghh… I know a big moment is coming, but I don’t know how to get to it.
Part 1 can be found here!
Adult!Maxvid!AU - Part 10 (David is dumb af + Max finally confesses!):
Max felt kinda weird knowing that Gwen knew about his… well his heavy crush on David.
But it didn’t look like the woman told David, so Max hoped that it would stay this way.
(Though he knew that Gwen could be evil when she wanted to, so yeah, Max decided to be on a lookout. Just to be sure!
Yet telling Gwen the truth put some kind of… formal and real meaning to his feelings. Like there was no turning back now (not that he wanted to). It made him notice that the situation was real, that it was happening and that he really, really liked David.
(That his feeling grew to this point he couldn’t ignore them. No, he wanted to fulfill them, to make himself complete.)
He still talked a lot with David. Max went over to him a few times a week – to chat a little bit, to help with making dinner or just to kill his time.
Max slowly started to love the old radio standing in the kitchen, always playing a tune – old, new, it didn’t matter, it only seemed that David needed to be enveloped in music to function properly. Max started to adore the peacefulness seeping from every plant inside the living room. Max started to like the soft ticks and tocks of the clock, marking the passing time he spent with David.
Max loved David’s house. Maybe not the whole material thing, but the atmosphere in it.
“What are smiling about?” David asked, flopping down on his seat, but not before passing Max a cup of coffee.
Was Max smiling? Shit.
“Nothing.” Max mumbled, trying to brush away the grin from his mouth, but probably failing miserably.
David only hummed, but didn’t push that topic. Yet he looked weirdly content with himself.
And like that passed a week and another two. Winter turned to spring, slowly even hinting towards summer.
Max found out that he liked being nice to David. Max liked seeing David smile, he liked seeing David’s eyes shimmering with mirth, he liked seeing David lightening up whenever Max did something. Of course Max couldn’t stop himself from jabbing something into David’s consciousness sometimes. But he just liked seeing the man riling up about it. It was kinda adorable.
But he still didn’t move forward, what was once pointed out by Gwen in a message she sent him.
Are you actually planning to do anything?
Max wanted to do something, to step forward, but he didn’t know… what or how?
He felt like it has to be something big, or like it has to happen during a special day, maybe with special atmosphere. So Max waited – waited for a perfect day, waited for an ideal atmosphere, waiter for a hinted moment when he could actually do something.
But life didn’t work this way. There weren’t any perfect moments. Life was moving forward, hinting to, urging him to step closer. Because time was passing and Max already waited enough.
Wasn’t it finally time to move? To do something? What Max had to lose? David’s friendship – which was a lot. And he didn’t want to lose that. But he could gain even more.
“David is pretty erm… blind when it comes to noticing things, so I don’t know Max. I feel like you should be pretty straightforward with him.” Nikki said, twirling a pen in her fingers as she tried to finish the exercises she should have done a long time ago.
Max let out an uncoherent sound and slumped further on the floor. The worst was the fact that she was right. And damn, Max knew it.
The girl glanced at him.
“Well you had sex, how hard can it be to actually say that you like him?”
Really fucking hard.
“I mean, if you are going to wait, then he will probably eventually find someone else.”
Which was also true. David had partners before, he could have them in the future. Just because he was single now, it didn’t mean things couldn’t change.
(Not that Max knew about any of David’s love interests nowadays… and Max hoped that he would know that.)
No, Max had to act.
Which brought him to the problem of the perfect moment.
But damn he tried.
“David?” Max started, already feeling his throat closing.
“Yes, Max?” The man turned to him and stopped swirling the wooden spoon inside the pot.
Max felt like his heart could jump out of his chest. Like he could faint any second now. Like there was a storm inside his guts.
And David stared at him so expectantly, so curiously, that it made the situation even worse.
Those were only three short words. Eight letters. Nothing more, nothing less, so why couldn’t he let them out?
“The soup is boiling.” Shit!
“Oh!” David twitched and returned his gaze to the soup.
Max failed spectacularly.
For a moment he thought about writing it via message, but there was something wrong in it. Plus David probably wouldn’t get him, so Max had to be really honest and straightforward with his feelings.
Even thought it was hard.
Another day, another try.
“David?” Max started again, throwing the backpack over his shoulders.
“Hm?” The man tilted his head.
Max brushed his fingers together, turned to him, lifted his head to stare right into David’s eyes and then… couldn’t say anything more. His throat closed and there was a sudden, vast emptiness roaming inside his mind.
“Everything’s alright?’ David asked, stepping closer.
Max quickly shook his head. Damn, that was embarrassing.
“Y-yeah…” Did he actually stutter? Oh my God. “Take care of yourself.”
“Sure will!” Oh, there was this blinding smile, taking his breath away.
And because Max couldn’t say anything more, he stepped out and started to walk back to his dorm.
Only when he was a good few streets away he covered his face with his hands and whined loudly, startling an old lady who was passing him.
So Max tried a few more times to confess. Approximately sixteen times. If Nikki counted right.
(She had to write somewhere down how many times Max had failed.)
Then there was this one day when Max went to a supermarket with David – because hell yeah, he wasn’t going to drag all those bags back as he could use David’s car. Lucky!
And it was a more or less normal day, filled with Max pushing the shopping cart after David as the man was ticking off things on his list. That dork. Max simply grabbed whatever he wanted when he was passing different aisles.
It was a pleasant afternoon. Max decided not to think about tons and tons of homework, reports and exercises he still had to finish back at his dorm. Well the leisurely atmosphere of course had to end when the cashier who was attending to them started clearly flirting with David.
What the fuck?
And David, that stupid little fuck, was obvious to everything and answered all her question with the brightest of smiles.
Max felt like burning – but probably the woman behind the cash register. He felt that he was slowly starting to fume with anger and pain as they quickly conversed back and forth.
The woman (how old could she even be? Older than Max, maybe not by much, but definitely younger than David) grinned at him. Then she took David’s receipt and wrote something very quick at the back, before giving it to him.
What, what, what, what!? What the fuck!?
David thanked her in that always cheerful tone and put the receipt in one of his many bags.
After that the cashier scanned Max’s items, without that happy tone to her voice. Max didn’t mind, actually he felt like he could strangle her.
He dropped the money purposely on the counter so she had to reach for it and collect it herself. Man, he knew he shouldn’t act like that, but he couldn’t stop himself. He was really angry.
He quickly pocketed the change and didn’t even answer her as he moved away from the cash register, holding bags in both of his hands.
They packed their things into David’s car and hopped in. Max closed the door with too much force, but quickly mumbled a ‘sorry’.
For the whole ride home Max didn’t utter a word, and only listened to David humming in tune to some song playing on a radio. When they reached the dorm, he grabbed his things, thanked David and moved to his room.
He spent the rest of the day furiously trying to do his homework and a lot of other things he had to do, while thinking whether David already found the receipt with the phone number or not. He somehow managed to do the things he was supposed to do and then moved to lay down on his bed and sulk while staring at the ceiling.
Fuck, maybe they had already planned a date? Maybe they were talking right now!? Maybe she was already on her way –
No, no, no. This couldn’t be true.
Yet Max couldn’t stop his mind from feeling the jealously sparkling to life in his temples whenever he thought about her. She probably was a nice person – she hadn’t even been mean to Max when he clearly had been hostile towards her – but he simply couldn’t stop himself from hating her.
The night wasn’t quite good. During the next day he more or less managed to forget about the shop incident, but it came back when David wrote to him to ask if he wanted to come over for dinner.
Hell yeah.
Max grabbed his laptop, because he had to finish a paper for classes, and walked to David’s house.
They were in the middle of making the dinner, when Max found out that he couldn’t actually stop himself from asking some questions.
“So did you call back that cashier?”
David stopped mixing spices with the cream and glanced at Max.
“What cashier?” He asked.
Max looked at him.
David looked completely lost, eyes open wide with eyebrows raised high on his forehead.
“You know…” Max started and then cut another thin slice of paprika. “The one that gave you probably her number on the receipt?”
David still stared at him.
Max only now slowly connected the dots.
“You have to be shitting me. You didn’t notice she was flirting with you?”
“She was doing what?”
Max facepalmed himself. Seriously.
“David, seriously, you really didn’t notice? She even wrote her number on the back of the receipt!”
“How do you even know that?” David asked.
“Because I saw her doing so, before she gave it to you.” Max groaned and then moved his hand down, glancing at the man. “Dude… seriously?”
“I threw it away! I didn’t know something was written there.” David mumbled, glancing away, suddenly looking really ashamed of himself. He started to stir the cream once again. “But it doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t call her anyway.”
This… this took Max by a surprise.
(And also lifted a heavy burden from his chest, phew.)
“You wouldn’t?” Max asked.
“No.” David said and then looked up at him. “I mean why should I?”
“Uhhh you are not interested in her?”
“Not really.” David said. “Should I be?” He asked, tilting his head.
“Why are you asking me?” Max continued, grabbing the knife and returning to cutting the vegetable.
“Because you sound like you want me to call her.”
“I don’t.”
FUCK! Max didn’t bite his tongue in time and let the words slip past his lips.
He more or less heard David stopping mixing the ingredients, than actually saw him doing so.
“O-oh…” David mumbled and Max tried really hard not to crush the paprika he was holding.  There was a sudden pause before David added, hinting on a joking tone that sounded terribly strained. “Are you perhaps jealous?”
“David, I’m holding a knife.” Max said, as robotically as he could, stealing only one glance at David’s hesitant face. “Are you really sure you want to ask this question?”
“Uh sorry.” David quickly said.
Max couldn’t stop the small snort from escaping his mouth.
They finished preparing the dinner and then ate it in the living room. After it Max sat on the couch and put the laptop on his lap to do a report. David washed the dishes.
“Do you mind if I sit next to you? The light is better here.”
“David it’s your own goddamn house. You can sit wherever you want.”
“I know.” And with that David sat down on the couch and brought his legs closer and started to read a book.
Max worked on his report mostly in silence, accompanied by the rain pattering softly outside and the sounds of turning pages. There were a few thunders after the warm wind had mixed with the cold front.
It took him at least two hours to more or less finish the task.
“You want something to drink?”
“Beer would be nice.” Max mumbled.
“Something without alcohol in it?”
“Will you be able to sleep through the night after it?” David asked, closing the book and putting it away on the coffee table.
David hummed under his nose and stood up.
Max managed to let out a deep exhale as he stopped feeling and smelling David so close to him. Maybe he would do the report faster if David had sat on a different seat, but actually Max had been extra happy he had sat next to him.
He was correcting a few mistakes in his report when David sat down next to him again – way, way too close – and passed him a cup.
“What are you working on?” He asked, leaning in front of Max to peek at the screen.
“Report from Metrology labs.” Max mumbled, grabbing the cup and sniffing it. So hot cocoa it was. Not surprising.
Actually Max didn’t mind it.
The rain poured softly outside, with the sparks of lightning sometimes shimmering in the background. Shit, he didn’t have his umbrella and he didn’t want to wet his laptop.
“It sounds… nice.” David mumbled, looking at the long, long calculations on the screen.
“Yeah, it’s boring as fuck.”
“I’m an adult, David. I can swear whenever I want.”
David opened his mouth to retort something, but then closed it and took a mug closer to his lips, taking a small hesitant sip after that.
“Yeah, you are.” He finally mumbled, moving the cup away.
Max saved the file and then closed the laptop to put it away on the coffee table. He put his one leg on the couch and turned to David.
“Is it so hard to believe?”
“I mean, I know that. I think it’s just hard for me to… you know…”
“Change your perspective?” Max proposed, lifting his eyebrow and taking a sip. Sweet. Too sweet for his liking.
“Kinda?” David nodded and then crossed his legs.  “I’ve known you since you were ten and look at you right now!” He said and then waved his hand, pointing at Max.
“I see a fuck-up.” Max said, glancing at himself just to prove his point.
“And I see a very talented and handsome young student.” David said, darting his head upwards and closing his eyes.
Max snorted.
“Yeah, right.”
“It’s true.”
Max opened his one eye and glanced at David.
“You think I’m handsome?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.
He asked this question just to mess with David, just to rile him up, but he didn’t expect the man to blush furiously and hide his mouth behind his mug.
“I mean…” David started and then looked to the side, which made Max chuckle. “… you are really good looking.”
“Are you saying that to lift up my spirits or do you really think that?” Max asked, smirking at him.
David looked up at him and then exhaled slowly through his nose, moving the mug away.
“It depends whether you are willing to believe me and know the truth or you only want to mess with me.”
“Touché.” Max mumbled. “But the first option.”
Because he really was curious if David really meant that.
“You are good looking, Max.” David said, looking away for a brief moment, the pure redness overpowering his cheeks.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“That was a compliment.”
Max hummed and took a sip of the hot cocoa.
There was a brief moment of silence where they drank and listened to the rain softly playing a song outside the windows. A quite loud thunder made the light bulbs inside David’s house flicker, but it looked like the man didn’t even notice it.
Max swirled the insides softly, feeling a sudden urge, a sudden need to let everything out. The thoughts were twirling inside his mind, urging him, pleading him, threating him to just spill the truth.
Maybe it wasn’t the best moment, but there were no specific perfect moments in life. People made perfect moments.
Do it, do it, do it. He couldn’t wait more. He didn’t want to wait more. He wanted to be able to reach forward and grab David’s hand, to be able to interlace his fingers with his, to be able to move and hug him.
Max waited long enough. He lived through enough. And he was sick of it. He wanted to do something.
He wanted–
He was already opening his mouth, feeling the words slipping through his lips when David’s spoke.
“I assume you have quite a few admirers.”
At that Max had to snort loudly, almost spilling the hot beverage everywhere.
“David, this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard coming from your mouth.”
David looked up at him and put the cup away.
“I’m sure it’s true.” The man mumbled.
“Pff then they chose terribly.”
“I don’t think they chose terribly.” David said, tilting his head. “You are a good person, Max.”
Here! David could simply throw a bomb at him like it was nothing! And those kind of things which happened from time to time made Max hope for more, made him think that he could have a chance.
“Even if they chose more or less okay… with which I’m not agreeing… They still have no chance.”
“Why?” David moved closer on the couch, touching Max’s leg with his knee.
Okay. Max was going to jump into the pit. One, two three –
“Because there is someone I already like.”
A heartbeat of silence.
David’s hand twitched and then suddenly he was invading Max’s personal space, getting way to close to his face with a smile stretching over his lips.
(Yet maybe it was only Max’s imagination, but it didn’t fully feel… happy.)
“Oh, oh that is amazing! Who is this person? Do I know them? When did you first feel something towards them? Oh, do they know!?” David shot question after question, moving, inching closer with every bullet thrown at Max.
Max swallowed hard, smelling David’s shampoo as he moved so close to him. Hesitantly he put the cup away.
Should he answer David? Wait, no, he wanted to tell him. He needed to tell him.
“It is a very kind person and… uhm… you know them.” Max said. Was it right to say? Well David did know himself. “Eh... I noticed it quite some time ago and no, they don’t know.” Shit, his hands were shaking so hard he had to grip the material of his jeans.
A lonely lightning sparkled in the sky and the soft drizzle turned into a heavy rain, pittering and pattering loudly on the window.
“Is it Nikki?” David asked.
“What!? No!” It wasn’t like Nikki wasn’t cute or kind. Max liked her, just not in that way.
“No?” Okaaaay…
“Fuck no!”
“Ered? The other Neil? Nurf?”
“Now you are just spluttering random names of people we both know.” Max said and turned to David.
“That’s because I was sure the first answer would be correct.” David pouted.
“You were way off.” Max stated, smirking at the man.
“I couldn’t be that off. We don’t have that many same friends.”
“But you were.”
“Just tell me!”
“Why?” Max inquired.
The light bulbs above them flickered once again when a thunder resonated in the air.
“Because I’m asking pretty nicely?” David smiled and moved even closer.
“And that is enough of a reason?”
“I definitely hope so.”
Max huffed and looked down.
How should he say it? How should he tell the truth? How should he pour out his so long hidden heart? Every sentence and word didn’t seem correct in this situation. Should he simply say it straightforward or maybe play a game?
“I mean, if you really don’t want to tell me, then I’m okay with that…” David suddenly mumbled, looking down at the small space of couch between them.
Max sighed, feeling his heart jumping high in his throat.
“Do you really want to know?”
“I mean, kinda. But if you don’t want to tell me, then you don’t have to.”
Okay, okay, okay. Max can do it. He slowly reached forward, inch after an inch, and then hooked his fingers under David’s palm.
David’s hand was warm.
The man glanced down, sorta surprised, and then quickly looked back at Max.
“I mean, I kinda want to, but… it’s hard for me to say it…”
“But I want to tell you that… it’s just… it has been so long… and I…. argh… I mean… fuck it…”
Okay, no, Max had enough. Max wanted it.
So he did the only thing his brain was urging him and proposing to do. He slowly leaned closer, put his other hand on David’s cheek, endearingly caressing the skin there, and softly pecked David’s lips.
It wasn’t much. It wasn’t a full kiss, filled with mouths and tongues mingling together. It was only a soft touch of lips, brought together for a short moment. It was a mere touch, but it still made Max shiver with excitement running suddenly through his veins.
It lasted for three seconds at best before Max slowly moved away to stare in David’s wide eyes.
Max could only stare back, hearing the buzzing sound inside his skull. It was pounding and knocking and drumming and thrumming so loud that Max felt like he was close to dying.
His heart hammered so loudly and fast inside his ribcage that he was sure the whole world could hear him.
David definitely could.
The man stared back and then slowly swallowed. He wiggled his fingers on the palm held by Max.
“Uhm…” David opened his mouth and slowly licked his lips. Then he blinked, like he only now understood what he had done. “I don’t think I… get you…”
Seriously... Seriously!?
But David really looked lost, like he suddenly floated in between realities and he wasn’t sure which was his and where he should move.
There was no turning back now. Max didn’t want to turn back. It was now or never, and Max didn’t want to pick the second option.
So with heavy heart he put his other hand on David’s palm and gripped it tightly. The man glanced down at their hands with his mouth partially parted and then quickly looked up at Max.
Max swallowed hard.
“David I…” Come on, say it, spit it, shout it. “… I like you.” Man, why was his mouth so dry? “I really like you.”
David looked up at him and with some confusion mumbled:
“I like you too.”
But there was something in David’s gaze that didn’t reach his words. Or no, that was not it. The ‘like’ David meant was not the ‘like’ Max felt.
No, Max can do it. He wanted to do it. So he took a deep breath and:
“I like you more than that, David.”
He felt David’s hand tremble as he gaped at him.
David looked at him, slowly, but deeply inhaling and exhaling.
“I don’t know… how to answer that.”
“Do you like me?”
“I mean, I do, but…” Another hard swallow. “I mean I’m not sure… I don’t know… I’m kinda…”
Okay, was it bad, was it good? Max wasn’t sure.
“You don’t have to… answer me now. Just… think about this.” Me, Max’s mind corrected. “Please…”
“I… I will…” David mumbled.
Max hesitantly smiled and then let go of David’s hand to stand up.
“I– I will be going.”
David moved the hand closer to his chest and looked up at him.
“Oh… okay.”
Max quickly packed his laptop and with a great relief found out that it more or less stopped raining heavily, though the storm was still ruling over the night sky.
He quickly moved to the exit with David slowly following his every step.
“Take care and message me when you’ll get back.”
It was a routine, yet now it sounded totally different.
“Will do.” Max said and then put on his shoes.
He was already reaching to open the door, when the last sparkles of bravery came to life inside his chest. Hanging tightly onto their light, Max turned around and looked at David.
“I spoke the honest truth.” He said.
David blinked and then slowly, very hesitantly nodded.
“I will really… think about it.” David said.
“Thank you.” Max said, feeling as his legs were getting weaker and weaker with every passing second. “G’night.”
“Same to you, Max.”
Max went out, but only managed to move a few meters before the door to David’s house flung open.
“Max, catch!”
Gladly he reached in time to grab a small umbrella.
“You can give it back the next time we’ll meet.”
Maybe it wasn’t much, but it still made Max’s chest swell with something dizzyingly warm.
“I will sell it on the internet!”
And with that Max quickly walked away.
Of course he wasn’t able to sleep after that, so in the end he woke up Nikki and told her everything.
(Back to David ->)
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay this was definitely… definitely strange. David didn’t expect that. No, he definitely didn’t.
He turned on the bed to his other side and tried to fall asleep. But no matter how many times he closed his eyes, the situation from today was still replaying itself in front of his eyes.
Together with the soft touch of foreign lips touching his.
David threw the quilt over his head and curled on the bed.
What to do? What to do? He didn’t expect that kind of an answer? He had been sure he would guess the correct answer on the first try! But he hadn’t done that. And he wasn’t sure what to think about all of this.
Ughh… He rolled over once again on the bed.
On one hand he was kinda terrified and stressed. Terrified of what should he do, what kind of decision would be the best in this situation, what kind of future stood in front of them.
But there was some other part, some slice of his mind and heart that was kinda… happy? It was vibrating with this something warm inside his chest. It was making his heart hammer louder than usual in his ribcage.
The comforting touch of Max’s hand on his own stormed through his head and David snuggled closer into his pillow.
What was wrong with him? Why was he feeling like that? He shouldn’t feel anything toward Max. He was still a…
Max was an adult. Just like him.
Max wasn’t a kid anymore. He was an adult.
But it was so hard for David to switch, to see Max as something more than a kid at the camp. Even though he knew it wasn’t true anymore. Max was an adult – he was conscious of his decisions and choices.
Though they both had made very bad choices in the past.
When did it all start? After the night? Before it? How come David never noticed it? Was he so blind, just as Gwen always told him? Did she know?
David grabbed his phone, but then only held it in his palms. No, it was too late to call her. He can do it… tomorrow.
David fell asleep feeling a delicate touch on his lips.
During the next day he couldn’t fully focus on his tasks for the first two or so hours. The memories were still vivid inside his brain, but when the kids looked at him hopefully, he brushed the memories aside and focused on his work.
Only when he was back home, he felt everything crashing down on him with a few messaged from Max to which he didn’t respond. He wrote quick several responses and then flopped down on the couch.
Should he call Gwen? She always was better in this type of things and especially giving David good advices.
But won’t Max be mad that he told her? No, well, he wasn’t sure, but he knew that he wasn’t able to solve it by himself.
So he wrote a quick message to Gwen, asking if she could come over for a bit. And Gwen of course answered after fifteen minutes.
be there in twenty min...
So David waited. And waited. And waited. Reliving those memories once again inside his brain.
Gwen was late as always, but when she stepped inside she immediately moved to the electric kettle.
“Chamomile tea, now!”
David nervously stood there, in the living room, while observing as the woman moved around the kitchen, making a drink for herself. When he found out he had nothing to do, he sat down at the table and waited.
Gwen put one cup filled with tea in front of David and another one she held in her hand as she leaned with her back on the counter.
“So, what is troubling your mind?”
Oh, it was happening. It really was. But he had called Gwen here so she could help him, so David had to say the truth.
He inhaled deeply and gathered the last particles of bravery.
“I think… Max confessed to me.” He whispered.
“Well, good for the kid. It took him some time.” Gwen said and then took a sip.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, you knew?” David shrieked, staring at the girl. “For how long!?”
“Not for long, but I suspected something before it.” Gwen stated. “I mean when you think about it, Max is pretty obvious.”
David still couldn’t believe it.
“No butts. Tell me exactly what happened.”
So David did. Gwen listened intently to his every word, drinking slowly tea from her cup and nodding occasionally. When David finished, she sighed and sat down.
“I’m not sure why you need me here.” She finally stated. “I mean, he asked you out. You need to decide if you want to do it.”
“I know, but I don’t know what to do.” David admitted.
“I mean, this is a pretty simple question. Either you want it or not.”
David groaned and laid his face down on the table.
“It’s not so easy.”
For him there were a lot of obstacles on the way. A lot of differences that had to be conquered. A lot of problems that had to be solved. A lot of hidden uncertainty that needed to be disintegrated.
Age gap was one thing, but very important for David. He was too old for Max – he still had a bright future in front of him. And David didn’t want to tie him down to someone like him.
Max was young, he still could fine someone better.
“I mean… I think you are thinking too hard about this. Either he makes you happy or not. It’s as simple as that.”
Did Max make him happy? He actually… did. When Max was around David didn’t feel lonely, he didn’t feel like a mistake, he didn’t feel like he should behave different or try to be someone else. Max made him feel comfortable.
He really made him happy.
“There are no relationships without problems. There are no ideal pairs. There will always be obstacles on the way.” Gwen said, turning to him. “I can’t decide for you. You need to make this choice. I’m just advising you to do what your heart tells you to do.”
What was his heart telling him to do?
David’s heart was really, really frightened. But there was a very warmth part, a part that was growing and beating like crazy.
On one hand he wanted to. But on the other, there were so many things that could go wrong and he didn’t want to mess that up.
“David, sometimes you just have to try and throw every caution to the wind.” Gwen said, but then she chuckled under her nose. “I never thought I would be giving you advices whether you should date Max or not.”
David looked at her and let out a soft snort too.
“Yeah, I didn’t expect it either.”
“Just… don’t make him wait for too long.”
David nodded. Yes, he couldn’t do that. There was nothing worse than having to wait.
But he still needed some time to think.
David spent the evening and the whole another day thinking. He was still messaging with Max, but now as he did so, he tried to understand the emotions swirling through his body. And he came to a few conclusions.
One of which was the fact that spending time with Max was making him really happy. Like incredibly happy. And he didn’t feel this kind of warmness since… well since his last boyfriend. And he really loved it – loved having someone with whom he could talk openly.
Max made him feel good. He made him feel safe.
So holding onto that feelings, David grabbed the phone and wrote a quick message.
Max, we need to talk.
And this is the end for now. Stay tuned for the next partttttt =D!
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