#fae tales AUs
fictionadventurer · 8 months
Of course Catherine Morland falls in love with the charming, kind Henry Tilney who's unlike any man she's ever met and who's the kind of person who she didn't think existed outside of books. But the great thing is that Henry's equally enchanted by the completely ordinary Catherine, because she's something that's totally unfamiliar to his world. They're equally mythical to each other, and in finding each other they upend their ideas of what they thought the world was, and they build a new world together, and that is peak romance.
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spotsandsocks · 5 months
Seven (and a few)Sentence Sunday 🏰🌳🌳🛖🌳🌕🌳🌳
Tagged by @daffi-990 @wikiangela @tizniz @diazsdimples @bidisasterbuckdiaz
Not sharing anything new today because I want an excuse to show this off commissioned by the amazingly talented @bucksketch thank you so much it’s beautiful ❤️
Lost Without You 28k 5/5 completed A fairy tale about a cursed prince and the man who tries to save him ❤️💔❤️
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This bit comes right after the picture.
Buck runs a finger over the the two bands he can see on his arm, he really thinks these marks on his skin are the answer, that he now has a way to break the curse.
A contented sigh slips from his lips as he lies in the bed he just spent the night in with Eddie. A future with Eddie and Chris actually seems possible. All he needs to do is explain things to Maddie and his parents and they'll be happy for him, he’s sure of it.
With uncharacteristically optimistic thoughts about his future running through his head he drags himself up and is almost dressed when he hears the raised voices. 
That doesn’t seem right and frowning slightly he quickly buttons up his shirt, pulls on his boots and goes to investigate. 
The sight that greets him as he opens the door freezes his heart.
It takes him a moment to fully process what he sees, but it’s real, there are actually Palace Guards in the street and they have a man surrounded. The man is on his knees, head bowed and hands behind his head. 
To his horror the man is Eddie. 
Tagging people who might like to see the art and for SSS @underwaterninja13 @hoodie-buck @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @elvensorceress @shipperqueen6 @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @rogerzsteven @caroandcats @exhuastedpigeon @princessfbi @watchyourbuck @wikiangela @thewolvesof1998 @thekristen999 @buffaluff @saybiwithme @bi-buckrights @spaceprincessem @jesuisici33 @father-salmon @fiona-fififi @toughpaperround @eddiebabygirldiaz @loveyouanyway @wildlife4life @weewootruck @bekkachaos @stagefoureddiediaz @bigfootsmom @bewilderedbuckley @rainbow-nerdss @pirrusstuff @giddyupbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @fortheloveofbuddie @loserdiaz @loveyouanyway @actualalligator @evanbi-ckley
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morverenmaybewrites · 6 months
A Crown of Bone Preview
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Pairing: Changeling! Reader x Fae Lord! Zhongli
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Imagine being a changeling child and living your life in quiet yearning. 
It is a life of hollow hunger and a longing for something you cannot quite name. 
You had been found in the dead of winter, or so your mother tells you, a half-fey child abandoned in a snowbank. She has told you this story many times before. Sometimes in fond reminiscence, more often in hushed whispers, her eyes fearful and haunted as she recalled your unnatural stillness, the way the snowflakes that landed on your skin did not melt, 
You don’t answer whenever she tells these stories; she is already frightened enough. You do not tell her that while you had been found during winter, your first memories were of spring. 
Except it is not the spring of Snezhnaya, where you had been raised. It is not the cold sun, finally rising after months of not showing its face. Nor is it the first tentative buds of snowdrops, pushing their way up from the melting snow.
The spring you remember is brilliant, bursting with vivid color. You remember walking underneath trees whose leaves were the color of fire, you remember the taste of wine against your tongue. 
And sometimes, in those odd moments between dreaming and waking, you would remember seeing the gold of someone’s eyes and the curve of black, gleaming bone. 
You do not mention this to your mother, who is already half-afraid of you. Nor to your father, who gazes at you with a resigned sort of acceptance. 
Instead, you keep it to yourself, tucked away against the curve of your ribs, right next to your slow-beating heart. A secret that is half-yearning and half-memory: someone had left you there in that snowbank, and there are days that you think that they did not do so willingly. 
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redtippedfox · 8 months
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Updated designs pt 2
(I’m bring Mari’s pigtails back because I can :)
Also Changed the cane into a sword :)
All characters in this AU are aged up and adults
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tesnuzzik · 1 year
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✨Faerie Dance 🍂
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not-poignant · 6 months
April 2024 - Update Schedule
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April chapter update schedule:
(Tier+ = This tier or any higher, as every higher tier accesses all rewards in lower cost tiers)
Tuesday 2nd - Constellations 05/08(AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Gary&Efnisien Tier+)
Thursday 4th - Underline the Black 85
Sunday 7th - A Stain that Won't Dissolve 35
Tuesday 9th - Birthday Spotlight: Caleb Crawford
Sunday 14th - Underline the Gold 07/08 (AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Augus&Gwyn Tier+)
Wednesday 17th - Birthday Spotlight: Ohlo Ohlo Temsen
Thursday 18th - Underline the Black 86
Thursday 18th - Birthday Spotlight: Crielle ferch Fnwy
Sunday 21st - A Stain that Won't Dissolve 36
Sunday 21st - Birthday Spotlight - Janusz Bodanowicz
Tuesday 23rd - The Nascent Diplomat 43/44 (AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Augus&Gwyn Tier+)
Thursday 25th - Underline the Black 87
Sunday 28th - Underline the Gold 08/09 (AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Augus&Gwyn Tier+)
We're switching to Underline the Gold for the next two months and I'm super excited about it! It's time to see how Flitmouse and Anton are holding up, and how the early stages of their relationship is continuing.
The Sunday-to-Sunday break continues. During this time I catch up on writing, editing, comments, and anything else that needs doing.
Stories with updates as yet undetermined: Palmarosa (Apologies to my Palmarosa peeps! I have wanted to work on this story so badly, but the new Stardew Valley update has eaten my entire life lol)
Most chapters go up between 6-7pm GMT+8 (or the time that you’re already used to me putting chapters up, lol). For those who are anxious to know when chapters are updating, hopefully this helps! If there’s ever an emergency, or a scheduling issue (like a surprise family dinner) I generally put up stories a day early and not late.
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tanema123 · 4 months
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Managed to finish one drawing for now. Here we got dark fairy Zestial and Human Carmilla au.... I also wrote a short story.
Lost and found
Why has this happened to her?
Carmilla has been running frantically through the tangled tree branches. The trees surrounding her were as ominous and untamed as the place itself. The dark forest.
She should have known this might happen when she moved here. Her daughters have ventured somewhere, inside the forest.
The house she stayed at was just at the edge, too tempting and alluring for her young ones, who are as curious as any children were. Clara and Odette.
She shouted out their names in now strained voice. She has been calling out to them for hours, hoping to receive some sign, some sound, some hope.
Just as she was about to lose her hope completely, she noticed a light in the distance and some soft whispers. Thinking, it was her daughter, she ran to it.
She came upon a strange sight. There. In the middle of a dark forest... Was a green clearing of soft grass. The air was cleaner as well, making it easier for her tired lungs to breathe. Though the atmosphere itself was intriguing, it wasn't as much as what stood in the middle of it all.
An old tree, almost as big as a castle was rising up to the sky, getting lost in the clouds. How come no one ever noticed this? This should be visible from even beyond the forest? What kind of magic spell was this? Even more, are her children here?
She ignores her confusion and worry to continue the search. She gotta find her kids. She pushed her feet forward onto the grass, towards the tree while calling out their names.
As she inspected the giant tree, she noticed a huge hole, surrounded by dark green vines. Just as she took a step forward to inspect the hole, a purple light came from it.
A purple mass collected in the middle of it and started to spread across the opening, till a portal was formed. Carmilla could only stare in wonder at what was occurring, confused beyond belief, that is, until something came through.
A dark figure emerged. He was taller than her, with a coat dropped over his shoulders that covered his skinny, skeleton-like body. His head resembled a skull with a massive jaw tattered with teeth. But, the most ominous thing wasn't any of that... It was his eyes, 2 pairs of luminescent green, glowing in the night.
Carmilla's eyes widened at the sight. She knew who he was. She was warned about him when they moved here, but thought it was just a fairy tale spread by the local village.
There is a dark creature that resides in a forest. The dark fae. He wasn't always like that. That is until a hunter came and took his wings. Hunter has not been seen since and the creature has decided that all of humanity is doomed. Anyone who ever entered after the incident into his domain, disappeared without a trace.
Have her daughters come here? Were they taken? She has to get them back! Glaring at the creature she took a fighting stance, memories from her knight days sinking in.
The creature turned it's head to the side in a confusing manner. It's eyes seemed to soften as he scanned Carmilla standing nearby. He opened his mouth and surprisingly, english words started to pour out.
"Holla th're, fair maiden. What hast hath brought thee h're to mine own domain"
Carmilla's eyes widened in a bit of surprise. His voice was deep, husky, but he didn't sound dangerous. What is going on here? Shouldn't he have already attacked?
She lowered her stance, but stayed on alert. She wouldn't answer this question. This creature's intent is still unknown. Instead she glared, assessing him down once more.
The creature looks at her even more curiously now. He really is confusing.
"Wherefore aren't thee afeard?", he asked while tilting his head even more. She raised her eyebrow at him. What kind of Dark Fae was this? Carmilla barely responded due to weirdness of this situation, "Huh?".
"Nay math'r. Art thee looking f'r the girls?", he said while lowering his head towards her slightly. Why is he sounding more and more like a small puppy?
Carmilla decided he is not a threat for now. He does seem frightening on the outside, but... His stance, his manners, his speech... This creature is not what he seems.
She answers truthfully, as she needs to know about the girls. "Yes... Have you seen them?"
He smiled, she thinks, as his jaw does rise on the sides, as he re-enters the portal. Just a few seconds later, he emerges, holding two sleeping girls in his arms. Carmilla sighed in relief knowing her daughters were safe.
The creature took a couple of steps before lowering them to the ground. Their sleeping forms snuggled together immediately upon contact to the ground.
He retreated back to the portal quickly. Seems like the fae knew Carmilla isn't comfortable being too close to him. He does seem to have some experience with humans.
Carmilla quickly rushed to her daughters, easily picking Clar and Odette in her arms. Little 8 year old twins were just coddling up to their mother, their slumber unbroken. Camilla smiled at the sight of her daughters, kissing each stop of their blond heads.
She went to thank the Fae, but... He was already gone. With him the purple portal disappeared as well, leaving only the empty hole in its wake.
Carmilla couldn't do anything else but go home, so she did. She stumbled through the dark forest, slowly with her daughters in her arms.
Somehow, the trip home was extremely short, just a couple of mere minutes. As she entered her home, and put her daughters in their own beds she wondered if it was his doing...
The mysterious dark Fae that everyone warned her about... Yet has helped her so graciously and easily. She signed as she sat on her bed, pondering over the previous events.
How come he helped her?
Was it just a coincidence? Or was it an attempt of some kind? A deceit to get her to trust him? But... If that was the case, he would have already made a move.
Fae are powerful creatures. Stories describing them always mention how tricky and cunning they are. Powers they hold are unknown, but anyone that gets on their bad end never lives to see another day.
She finally laid down fully, exhaustion hitting her hard. The last thing she thought of, before her eyes fully closed, were of the Fae that helped her... Would she ever see him again?
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abominable-space-they · 4 months
Keep My Bedrock Heart Next To Yours
Ch 4: Three For Death
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An unexpected fire, a rescue mission, some sentimental little memories, a meddling crow father, & an over sized hot pink Villainous Mainecoon Cat
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shylittlefrogg · 3 months
Something small I made from some Fae design ideas for some precure.
the first one is Nagisa's, followed by Love, Honoka, Mana, Yukari, Miyuki and Hana and then it is repeated but in Fae version.
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charzea · 1 year
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oops, more art.
This is fanart of ,,Underline the black’‘ by @not-poignant 
I was kind of planning to keep Dr gary faceless in my art, but i couldn’t help it. It was kind of fun to mess around with the design. I might keep him faceless if i do any other art after this. Efnisien will likely be the one to fall victim to my color studies more often because his curly hair is way too fun to play with :)
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minecraftbookshelf · 2 years
Arranged Marriage AU: Katherine
The thing about the fae is, they play by different rules.
Even in a realm of many species, from elves to fish-folk to humans, fae are still a step to the left. (Several of the other emperors and their people are a half-step, but at the most they are fae-adjascent, their rules are a bit more flexible)
There are no rules that bind a fae so surely as those they have set for themselves.
And Katherine is Neutral.
She smiles with sharp teeth and collects the heads of (save for a few loopholes) willing victims and Will Not enact violence against the other lands. She walks the delicate balance of Friend to All and Friend to None.
The Flower Faerie Queen of the Good Folk.
She is the only one of the other rulers to have met Scott, as House Blossom was the only nation that had relations with Rivendell during its isolationist period and she and Scott were close in age. They knew each other when they were small and were each others only friend.
When Xornoth came home and...took over the Rivendell Throne it wasn't that long before Katherine herself became queen. She helped them make some of their first overtures outside their borders.
Xornoth is kind of afraid of her.
Katherine is one of three emperors who has natural wings instead of using elytra.
She and Scott had their plushy business when they were kids. The "plushies" were...kind of macabre
AU Masterpost
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"Sun...you're afraid of me, aren't you? I-If you are just say so. I-I won't take it personally, really."
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Flower Fae AU, in which you and Sun are both bad at lying.
Context: After being hit by a rogue shrinking spell and getting lost in the woods, Sun and Moon take you in. But the spell doesn't last forever, and things get awkward when you return to human size. Cuz spending time around a 6 inch tall human does NOT make the full size ones any less intimidating.
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spiritsurfers · 5 months
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Pierre Culliford, the creator of the Smurfs has strong lyran 🦁 energy, blue ray --> 💙
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Thumbalina AU coming in HOT-!
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Blaming @praxieserver for this, and no you will not be given context. Because context will confuse yall more 😭
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Base/Ref image of course
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tales-of-corokina · 2 months
Chapter 3 of Fae of the Waves out 🤯
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theboinkus · 1 year
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I Drew Fanart Of @fae-sodapop ‘s Version Of Frisk In Their Undertale Au!! I don’t Know a much Abt Aus And Stuff So If There’s Any Etiquitte I Should Follow Please Let Me Know!
(Side Note: In Their Au They Use ASL/ Any Sign Language And I Don’t Know Any ASL But I Do Know Some BSL So Ta Daaa! I Drew Them Saying Their Name :] )
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