#human carmilla
notherpuppet · 21 days
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Let’s Dance
Part 7/12
Part 6 | Part 8
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tanema123 · 29 days
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Managed to finish one drawing for now. Here we got dark fairy Zestial and Human Carmilla au.... I also wrote a short story.
Lost and found
Why has this happened to her?
Carmilla has been running frantically through the tangled tree branches. The trees surrounding her were as ominous and untamed as the place itself. The dark forest.
She should have known this might happen when she moved here. Her daughters have ventured somewhere, inside the forest.
The house she stayed at was just at the edge, too tempting and alluring for her young ones, who are as curious as any children were. Clara and Odette.
She shouted out their names in now strained voice. She has been calling out to them for hours, hoping to receive some sign, some sound, some hope.
Just as she was about to lose her hope completely, she noticed a light in the distance and some soft whispers. Thinking, it was her daughter, she ran to it.
She came upon a strange sight. There. In the middle of a dark forest... Was a green clearing of soft grass. The air was cleaner as well, making it easier for her tired lungs to breathe. Though the atmosphere itself was intriguing, it wasn't as much as what stood in the middle of it all.
An old tree, almost as big as a castle was rising up to the sky, getting lost in the clouds. How come no one ever noticed this? This should be visible from even beyond the forest? What kind of magic spell was this? Even more, are her children here?
She ignores her confusion and worry to continue the search. She gotta find her kids. She pushed her feet forward onto the grass, towards the tree while calling out their names.
As she inspected the giant tree, she noticed a huge hole, surrounded by dark green vines. Just as she took a step forward to inspect the hole, a purple light came from it.
A purple mass collected in the middle of it and started to spread across the opening, till a portal was formed. Carmilla could only stare in wonder at what was occurring, confused beyond belief, that is, until something came through.
A dark figure emerged. He was taller than her, with a coat dropped over his shoulders that covered his skinny, skeleton-like body. His head resembled a skull with a massive jaw tattered with teeth. But, the most ominous thing wasn't any of that... It was his eyes, 2 pairs of luminescent green, glowing in the night.
Carmilla's eyes widened at the sight. She knew who he was. She was warned about him when they moved here, but thought it was just a fairy tale spread by the local village.
There is a dark creature that resides in a forest. The dark fae. He wasn't always like that. That is until a hunter came and took his wings. Hunter has not been seen since and the creature has decided that all of humanity is doomed. Anyone who ever entered after the incident into his domain, disappeared without a trace.
Have her daughters come here? Were they taken? She has to get them back! Glaring at the creature she took a fighting stance, memories from her knight days sinking in.
The creature turned it's head to the side in a confusing manner. It's eyes seemed to soften as he scanned Carmilla standing nearby. He opened his mouth and surprisingly, english words started to pour out.
"Holla th're, fair maiden. What hast hath brought thee h're to mine own domain"
Carmilla's eyes widened in a bit of surprise. His voice was deep, husky, but he didn't sound dangerous. What is going on here? Shouldn't he have already attacked?
She lowered her stance, but stayed on alert. She wouldn't answer this question. This creature's intent is still unknown. Instead she glared, assessing him down once more.
The creature looks at her even more curiously now. He really is confusing.
"Wherefore aren't thee afeard?", he asked while tilting his head even more. She raised her eyebrow at him. What kind of Dark Fae was this? Carmilla barely responded due to weirdness of this situation, "Huh?".
"Nay math'r. Art thee looking f'r the girls?", he said while lowering his head towards her slightly. Why is he sounding more and more like a small puppy?
Carmilla decided he is not a threat for now. He does seem frightening on the outside, but... His stance, his manners, his speech... This creature is not what he seems.
She answers truthfully, as she needs to know about the girls. "Yes... Have you seen them?"
He smiled, she thinks, as his jaw does rise on the sides, as he re-enters the portal. Just a few seconds later, he emerges, holding two sleeping girls in his arms. Carmilla sighed in relief knowing her daughters were safe.
The creature took a couple of steps before lowering them to the ground. Their sleeping forms snuggled together immediately upon contact to the ground.
He retreated back to the portal quickly. Seems like the fae knew Carmilla isn't comfortable being too close to him. He does seem to have some experience with humans.
Carmilla quickly rushed to her daughters, easily picking Clar and Odette in her arms. Little 8 year old twins were just coddling up to their mother, their slumber unbroken. Camilla smiled at the sight of her daughters, kissing each stop of their blond heads.
She went to thank the Fae, but... He was already gone. With him the purple portal disappeared as well, leaving only the empty hole in its wake.
Carmilla couldn't do anything else but go home, so she did. She stumbled through the dark forest, slowly with her daughters in her arms.
Somehow, the trip home was extremely short, just a couple of mere minutes. As she entered her home, and put her daughters in their own beds she wondered if it was his doing...
The mysterious dark Fae that everyone warned her about... Yet has helped her so graciously and easily. She signed as she sat on her bed, pondering over the previous events.
How come he helped her?
Was it just a coincidence? Or was it an attempt of some kind? A deceit to get her to trust him? But... If that was the case, he would have already made a move.
Fae are powerful creatures. Stories describing them always mention how tricky and cunning they are. Powers they hold are unknown, but anyone that gets on their bad end never lives to see another day.
She finally laid down fully, exhaustion hitting her hard. The last thing she thought of, before her eyes fully closed, were of the Fae that helped her... Would she ever see him again?
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Hellooooo! Alastor returns home! Enjoy! Based on @notherpuppet 's human au!
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grandkhan221b · 2 months
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A follow up to this post - the rest of the sinners as humans ! + Another shot at Niffty because people on reddit pointed out that apparently Viv pictured her as Japanese-American, idk if that makes it canon but I quite liked it
IIRC no era of origin was confirmed for the other three, but for Zestial and Rosie we can roughly infer based on their clothing and way of speaking. It's much harder for Carmilla, so I just went with it and made her a Mexican in the 1910's. Maybe she became an arms dealer during the Revolution or something
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bananadramaaa · 3 months
I know Vox is supposed to be more 1950s coded but I'd love to see him in your 20s style. I think it would suit him. Your art is GORGEOUS and I'm obsessed
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I wouldn't say there was a significant style difference in men's clothes in the 1950s compared to the 1920s (at least in suits), so I think it's easy to imagine Vox in the 1920s fashion choices XD.
Yep, I've made the TV man blond mostly because my eyes were tired from all the dark blues and reds. I like it better that way. Also tried to give him more square/sharp features since he's TV-headed in the show.
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carmillaxfemalereader · 4 months
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“You Are My New Pillow”
Genre~ Fluff
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“Mi Amor, what are you doing?” Carmilla asked curiously and tired while working on some late letters, looking down at you who was resting in her lap.
“Sleeping” You say playfully with your eyes closed and a small smile on your face, earning a soft chuckle from the weapon dealer.
“If you were sleeping then you wouldn’t be talking to me , princesa” she looked back at her papers with a soft smile.
“…I’m going to sleep then, I’ll prove that I was asleep this whole time.” You say jokingly, getting more comfortable with your head still on Carmillas lap.
“On me?” She raised a brow and looked down at your resting form, a slight smile on her face at your actions.
“Yes. You are my new pillow.” You say and nuzzle your head into her lap more. Carmilla raised her brow and had a playful small smirk on her face.
“Am I now?” She said in a curious, playful tone. Her large white hands playing with some of your strands of hair, twirling them around her finger.
You let out a small giggle, and pretend you’re asleep, enjoying the feeling of Carmillas fingers running through your hair. Then, all of a sudden Carmilla pushed you off of her playfully. “Aww-wait noo…” you say and try to lay back on her.
She lets out a soft chuckle, keeping you away from her with one of her hands. “What do you want princesa?” She said playfully.
“Let me lay on you” you say with a playful pout, pushing and trying to crawl back over to her lap.
“And if I say no?” She kept holding you back, an amused look on her face.
“Pleaaaaaaaeeeee” you beg her with a fake pouty face and sweet eyes, earning a chuckle from her.
“Okay Princesa, you know I can’t deny you when you look this adorable.” She said and pulled you closer to her. You happily lay down on her lap, letting out a small victory smile. Carmillas fingers run through your hair lovingly, she leaned down and kissed you gently on the side of your head. “I love you Mi Amor”
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hazbinhotelxreader · 4 months
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Carmilla Carmine x female reader ABC smut headcannons
A/n: I did this on another account for Lapis Lazuli, let’s hope this one goes well too lol!
Requested by: no one.
Warnings: smut, gay sex. A lot more but you’ll see in the headcannons(I ain’t gonna list every headcannon)
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A- After Care (what their like after sex)
-Sweetest and most caring woman ever after sex. She’ll make sure your hydrated, comfortable, cleaned up and even fed if your hungry after. She’ll even help you take a bath or shower if needed
B- Body Part (what’s their favorite body part of their partner and themselves?)
-For her? She likes her thighs. In sex or out of sex. It doesn’t really matter. She enjoys having you touch and sit on them, grind on them or simply rest on them.
-For you, she enjoys your hands. Also in and out of sex. She loves how both of your hands can intertwine together in public, or how you can caress her and touch her. Also she enjoys your fingers in her so that’s a plus for her
C-Cum (anything to do with it)
-50/50 for her. She enjoys it but she isn’t crazy about it. She’ll eat you out but sometimes doesn’t swallow all the cum. Sometimes she’ll just wipe it onto the bedsheets to get it off of herself. It’s kinda messy for her and sticky if there’s too much, which is uncomfortable.
D-Dominant or Submissive? (Their position in sex)
-She leans on more of the Dominant side. She’s not a controlling top, but she does like taking the reins. Either that or a power bottom, but she’ll let you have full control too.
E-Experience (how experienced are they?)
-She’s pretty experienced. She’s not like angel dust or some succubus who’s really good at it, but she can satisfy you better than a lot of people can.
F/Favorite Pose/position (y’all know what this is)
-Missionary. No doubt. She enjoys seeing you. Whether you’re on top of her or if she’s on top of you. She likes seeing your reactions up close and it’s much easier for her to kiss and pleasure you.
G-Goofy (how serious are they in bed?)
-To her intimacy is not about jokes and goofing off. Yea she’ll tease you here and there and chuckle sometimes at your reactions, but she isn’t going to be that goofy.
H-Hair (how well groomed are they?)
-She’s pretty well groomed. Being a weapon armor Overlord she likes to stay professional, so keeping herself well groomed (even in the areas that aren’t showing) is how she rolls.
I-Intimacy (are they romantic?)
-100%. She’s one of the most romantic girls ever. I feel like if she’s feeling really romantic, she’d get the room cozy and soft and dimly lit with candles and rose petals. Also the bath tub too. Bath tub hot and warm, filled with rose petals and candles around it, and wine for you two to drink to get the mood up.
J-Jack off (masturbation headcannon)
-She isn’t one to jack off. If she were to it would be like at most 5 times a year. She won’t jack off unless she’s really in need of release and you’re not there.
K-Kinks (one or two of their kinks)
-Praising and BDSM. Light BDSM though, like soft handcuffs or belts. Nothing too extreme where your all tied up. She wants you to be comfortable. She loves receiving bondage too, also lightly, she doesn’t want to be all tied up and fully restrained where she can’t even move. She enjoys giving and receiving praise, she won’t be too graphic about it but she’ll go far with that one
L-Location (where would they want to do it?)
-The place she mainly wants to have sex with you at is in your guys room alone. She enjoys having the moment romantic and relaxing. Though she’s up for sex in the bath if you’re up for it.
M-Motivation (what turns them on?)
-You just being sexy or seductive. If you’re in an aroused position, then that will make her aroused. If you’re speaking seductively with a smirk on your face, then she’ll be turned on. Also touching. Like rubbing your hands against her thighs or waist. She also enjoys heated kisses on her mouth or neck, it’ll turn her on.
N-No (where do they draw the line?)
-Any actual pain. She’s okay with light biting and anything pleasurable. But nothing to far. She doesn’t want to hurt you and doesn’t feel comfortable inflicting any pain on you, or herself.
O-Oral (What their like giving/receiving)
-She’s good at it, a woman knows what another woman wants. Her tongue’s incredibly skilled, she could make you cum with just licking your thighs.
-She loves receiving oral. She’ll be holding back all her groans and moans as she’s practically sweating from the stimulation.
P-Pace (Are they Rough and fast? Or slow and sensual?)
-Most of the time slow and sensual. Though if you want rough then she’ll give you rough. She likes slow and sensual for herself though, she rarely asks you for it to be rough.
Q-Quickies (Their opinions, experiences, etc.)
-She’d rather not, but she finds herself using them sometimes. She does it with you sometimes at work if either one of you needs some sort of release. But she’d rather have you in bed with her and take her sweet time.
R-Risk (are they willing to experiment? Risks?)
-Risks are rarely or not ever taken. She cherishes her time with you and wouldn’t risk getting hurt, or getting caught. She’s willing to experiment different positions, styles, or habits though
S-Stamina (How long can they go for?)
-Normally, she can for about 2 or 3 rounds. But she can go for 4 or 5 sometimes if you both are really in the mood and need it.
T-Toys (do they use toys?)
-Sometimes but not often. She’d rather use herself (fingers, mouth, tongue, etc.) rather than be objects, but she’s up for it once in a while
U-Unfair (do they like to tease?)
-yes, she does. Though it’s not harsh or cruel, a few small jokes or words or actions but not to much.
V-Volume (How loud are they?)
-From quiet to medium. She’s not too nosy, she’s loud enough for you to hear though. She will get louder sometimes if you go rougher on her though.
W-Wild card(just a random headcannon for the character)
-She doesn’t show a lot of PDA, but sometimes during meeting with other overlords, when she’s sitting down with you, she’ll trial her fingers up and down your thighs.
X-Xray (what are they like underneath those clothes)
-She’s smooth, and if you already couldn’t tell, she’s pretty thin too. Uhh breast size, not so big either but it’s not like it matters.
Y-Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
-Not very high. She has a pretty low sex drive. She’s usually not in the mood or too busy. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t have desires, it’s just not often.
Z-Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep?)
-She waits for you to fall asleep, wanting you to feel comfortable and safe in her arms. Though if you go hard on her then she’ll probably pass out before you, especially if you had sex on a busy stressful day.
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
Enchanting as always: Carmilla~!
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Human disguised Carmilla Carmine with her hair up and down in the style of my #HHStargazersAU! She doesn't play a major role or anything, nor will I focus much on the other Overlords. I'll mostly keep it between Chaggie & Radioapple, but @softholly made me curious about what Camilla would look like if I were to draw her in my story. I got the curly haired idea from one of her daughters. As for WHY she would be disguised as a human if we were to see her in my AU... Surely you didn't think Vaggie & Alastor are the ONLY angelic/demonic entities roaming the Earth now, did you? =) Question is, why are any of these powerful beings on the mortal realm to begin with? Guess we'll later find out~! XD -Bubbly💙
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xenahikart · 2 months
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Another one!
With some new faces!
Putting Alastor in a cardigan felt so good, and thats probably Voxs turtleneck lol
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the first vampire story was about a lesbian vampire being completely in love with a lonely girl
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uiuishii · 7 months
Lae'zel and Shadowheart.
Just sayin'
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Let’s Dance
Part 1/12
Part 2
Takes place in the radioapple human nanny AU 📻 🍎
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tanema123 · 24 days
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Dragon Zestial, human Carmilla au.
Slightly based on the post I have seen.
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Alastor and Zestial talk after Alastor has a bad time.
Based on @notherpuppet 's human au!
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seramilla · 1 month
So I had a thought for a normal human au. So Sera is the legal guardian of her sister Emily and is doing her best to balance being a single parent (not technically a parent but may as well be), her busy work life and trying to find a partner though she barely has anytime for dating and is coming to terms with the fact that'll probably be single forever. Anyway Emily is good friends with Clara Carmine a girl she goes to school with. Sera goes to pick up Emily after a play date and meets Carmilla carmine and is blown away with how beautiful she is and falls for her hard. Unfortunately Sera is sure that Carmilla is straight she is either divorced or widowed to man and plus a lot of the time when Sera has to see her after she meet her she looks a bit extra dressed up especially if she is dropping off Clara and her older sister Odette with Sera so she assumes she also is dating someone. (Lucky bastard.) Meanwhile Carmilla who has much better Gaydar than Sera is annoyed that Sera isn't picking up on her hints or the fact that Carmilla is clearly into her and wants Sera to make the first move she's even been flirting with Sera but it seems like that is going over Sera's head. There are times she wonders if she should just answer the door in her underwear to try and get the woman to finally make a move. If there weren't children around she might.
The four universal constants:
Odette and Clara are always sisters in every universe
Carmilla is always their mother even when she’s not
Carmilla and Sera are always star-crossed lovers
Sera is always a completely useless lesbian without an ounce of self awareness and Carmilla has to make her see reason
(In this universe specifically, Carmilla keeps inviting Sera over to these big extravagant parties with other moms but oops, they keep canceling on her and Sera is the only one to show up. Welp, she already opened some expensive vintage wine from her late husband's stores. It would be a shame if they let it go to waste. Oh, look, they're drunk. It would be incredibly unsafe for Sera to drive home in this condition. It's late. No, an Uber would cost a fortune, her mansion is so far outside of town! Yes, of course, Sera and Emily can stay the night. Carmilla will get the spare bedroom set up right now. It's no trouble at all!)
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starrysharks · 5 months
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is this spoilers? only if you're dr novocaine
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