#failures of creation
astrooski · 1 year
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Failures of Creation Band References
recently made a new set of band ocs from playing guitar hero and rock band. made them some quick refs :3
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brw · 6 months
I'll stop talking about Krakoa soon but I just thought of this other thing about Moira, and it really is like.... they changed a human ally, who had morals, and wanted to help her friends, who wasn't perfect but was ultimately a good person who did her best to aid her friends, into a mutant who had to be threatened into fighting for mutantkind, and was self-hating, and in fact her own self-hate is why the Beautiful And Perfect Paradise Ethnostate was destoryed, because she allied herself with Evil Bad People Who Want To Kill Us, A Blessed Minority rather than accept her mutant heritage.
The statements this era has made are horrific. They would be horrific at the best of times, but they are especially horrific now, and the inability of writers to criticise the very clear Zionist allegory they have created is absolutely horrific.
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swordheld · 1 year
how do you think in poems? i really enjoy the tags under your posts i've always wanted to write down my own thoughts that way bc in my head they feel so thorough and magical but whenever i put it in words i feel it just gets so much flatter and i no longer see a point and give up
oh oh oh, but lovely, can't you see that you've already started? it's a perspective that you hone, over time, something that is specific to you and you alone – that's the piece of it that makes it so special! you've already begun, and it only goes forward, up, sideways from here, wherever you wish to go!
think of it like a skill, for a moment, or a kind of muscle, if you'd prefer. you have to work at it, with it, over time and differing experiences, in order to progress.
(a quick important note: not progression as in the kind of quality-check of a grading scale, but progression as in evolution. shifting change. think of the leaves and their colors across the months of autumn, or temperatures rising with the sun and cooling with the evening dark. change isn't intrinsically a qualifying thing, it can just be, sometimes. this is difficult to remember, especially in the midst of frustration, but it is worth it. you are always doing better than you think you are – harshest critic, and all that.)
which is not to say that it's a simple thing to do! compare this to the vibe of me picking up crochet recently, with my shaking hands and too-quickly dwindling adhd focus – my first attempts at making a lil headphone sprout have not been going as well as i once hoped. my stitches are either too big and sloppy bc i'm not holding the yarn tightly enough to get clean ones, or i feel frustrated due to it not looking like how i'd like it to look in my mind when i started it, or even as i begin my umpteenth attempt.
but!! i know that it won't ever look the way i want it do if i set it down and never keep trying. it'll take awhile, like everything does, even the seasons take their time, the moon and its phases; but what i do know, is that, eventually, it'll resemble something i want it to. vaguely, maybe, but it is something. it doesn't have to look exactly like the guide i'm following, or the examples i'm inspired by, because it's mine – something made by my own hands, my own time and experience with every mistake and thrilling joy along the way to learn by.
take it from me: i want to be good at things i want to be good at so badly. and that excitement makes me want to be at the skill level i need to be at in order to do so right then and there, no learning curves or building blocks allowed. which is never how it happens, unfortunately, but –
i think, gently, that we tend to overlook what a pleasure it is to learn. to see the slow progression of things, to begin and change and continue and get better. and even if it's different as we go along, in a way it's our own little kind of magic, maybe, to create and never be done if we don't want to be.
which is all to say: it's already yours. why does it have to be anything else, anything more? why can't it just be good as it is now, where it might never be again? what is there to lose by enjoying the moment of where you are?
like everything, it will grow and shift and evolve with time, maybe into something you'd hoped for, or maybe into something you don't even have the words to describe right now at all. but that's the fun of it: how even now, even then, there, across time and distance and skill, there is a common thread of things; it will always come from your heart, your experience, where you are right then and there and now.
and if you think of that like magic, well, it becomes a little like magic, doesn't it?
also, something to consider: sometimes things you feel or think can't be put into words at that moment, or even at all! something else you could try (that i certainly do) is making something else with whatever it makes you feel - whether that's another form of art, or any other kind of media. if it makes you want to go outside and take a walk or get cozy and read or play a video game? that counts too! that's still an experience, you're still feeling.
i think that counts a little more than anything else, you know?
and as a little ending fun side-note, can i share something cool? i've never thought of it that way before, as thinking in poems. in my mind it's always been a kind of perspective of personal wonder, but you're right – it's poetry, in it's own way. you gave me that – so thank you, from the heart of me. i hope your journey finds you with every bright joy.
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phonification · 1 month
every time i think a bit more about cobs and 3gs i can feel myself losing it a little bit more
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
you absolutely already know this, but i adore your work. i think it's hard to avoid the pressure of being surrounded by people we might consider "true artists," but the fact is that, frankly, everyone who makes art is an artist.
before this year, i hadn't drawn a complete piece in nearly three years. the line work i did produce felt abysmal and i was tempted to give up. then, i saw your comic and i thought, "wow, that's really cute, and it looks like a fun style to emulate."
i drew you, pondering me, eating grass. and it WAS fun. i forgot how fun it could be. i can draw lesbian horses, or pony!WWX throwing a chicken, or me eating grass. i can even make shitty memes! and all of it, no matter how good or how bad, is fun again.
you bring a lot of fun to people here. that's something equally as important as people who cultivate fancy line work or expert level digital painting. i'm sure that's something you know, but i hope it never hurts to hear it.
happy first season, friend! i can't wait to see the rest.
As a chronic perfectionist, it's been a long journey for me to accept that 'done is better than nothing' and that the worst critical voice is my own. Sure there's people who've gone to professional art schools, and those with a more than a decade of experience on me, but honestly? Would I tell a child their sonic drawing isn't art? Just because they have no 'experience' or 'technique'? Absolutely not. So I'm no longer saying my efforts should not count as art.
At the end of the day, art is what we choose to make it. We have the power to create whatever we want. And we are going to use it to have fun! We never lost the love and fun for creation we all had as children, we just told ourselves it wasn't enough. But it really is B*)
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
in the middle of the day i will stop and think. wow, alan becker really chose to make victim fucked up like that. damn.
FOR REAL. HONESTLY IT'S SO GREAT. impeccable choice honestly. could not have chosen better myself tbh
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
NGL I think if you're writing RGU analysis and you call Utena's gender nonconformity sexist you may not be writing good RGU analysis
#cipher talk#RGU#Girl has long pink hair and wears lipstick and she's too butch for you#The problem in RGU isn't masculinity its patriarchy. The problem with Utena trying to be a prince isn't because she's not acting like a gir#(The show is rather direct in this by having Touga degrade Utena to the point where she dresses 'like a girl' and is obviously depressed#While doing so and once she's reclaimed her self worth by kicking his ass dressing masculinely again#And by having Akio comment on how 'girlish' Utena looks after he rapes her)#Her masculinity does not imply other girls are lesser#The problem is that being a prince REQUIRES you to deny agency to others and requires the creation of a villain and a victim for you to#Perform the act of being a prince. In this case a witch and a princess. This is system is still bad when the genders change but in its form#Is a vehicle of patriarchy#The prince is not masculinity itself. It is toxic masculinity/patriarchal masculinity#How ugly RGU would be if Utena's failure to save both Anthy and herself was because of her masculinity!#And not because when confronted by her rapist she tried to claim the language of abuse and power to distance herself from being a victim!#Subsequently casting the girl she loves- another victim- into an objectified role as a tool for Utena to reclaim a sense of power#In the moment of confrontation with the man who abused them both they both slide into toxic but familiar behaviors#Which have little to do with Utena's masculinity or Anthy's femininity and everything to do with abuse
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transsexualprophet · 4 months
every day customers ask me to make them sandwiches god really didnt intend to be made ever
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piecesofchess · 5 months
I wonder why kane feels sentiment for phule
I don't know either, but something tells me that there was more to Phule's initial creation than we know. Gazpaccio calls him a "tormented soul", which means he was likely around to see Kane create Phule and probably got to see his downfall firsthand, and it might be something that Kane feels sentiment for, deep down.
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The church I visited today was lovely and Biblical and I have very few criticisms, apart from the fact that it reminded me intensely of the (very messy) church where I grew up.
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redysetdare · 9 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but... You don't need to finish that WIP. not everything you create has to be a Work In Progress. you can just sketch something or write out a draft and then never go any farther than that. you don't have to finish everything you create. not everything is meant to be finished.
also, starting a new WIP when you have another isn't bad. it doesn't stop you from going back to the old one. sometimes you get excited for an idea, sometimes you just need to get that idea down. Do it. start another WIP. nothing is stopping you from going back to the old one later.
the only one putting these barriers up is yourself. Stop holding yourself back. You'll find yourself a lot happier if you stop forcing yourself to follow these invisible rules on what you can and should be focusing on finishing.
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crossedwiress · 1 year
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one more late night basement song
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cvbullshit · 8 months
It's officially Dust's birthday for me so-
Happy birthday papi!
I sowwy I couldn't make you anything, I can try through the day but idk if it'll be good enough
So instead, for now at least, imagine a smol ferret Deonie cuddling the boi himself!
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frankensteincest · 8 months
While DeLillo argues that it may not be possible to find a totalizing structure to make sense of everything, he does think ‘it is possible to make up stories in order to soothe the dissatisfactions of the past, take the edge off the uncertainties’. He has famously said:
I think fiction rescues history from its confusions. It can do this in the somewhat superficial way of filling in blank spaces. But it can also operate in a deeper way: providing the balance and rhythm we don’t experience in our daily lives, in our real lives.
Paradoxically, then, the theory of fiction which Win Everett propounds in Libra and which has been so often quoted by DeLillo critics—that ‘there is a tendency of plots to move toward death’—is contradicted by DeLillo’s s own ideas about the purpose of plotting. [...] In White Noise, Jack gives a lecture in which he espouses the same notion about the deathward motion of plots, telling his students that ‘We edge nearer death every time we plot’. But then Jack immediately asks himself, ‘Is this true? Why did I say it? What does it mean?’ Critics perhaps ought to pay more attention to Murray Jay Siskind’s words on plot rather than Everett’s, since they appear more in line with DeLillo’s own comments about plotting and fiction:
‘To plot is to live,’ he said.
I looked at him. I studied his face, his hands.
‘We start our lives in chaos, in babble. As we surge up into the world, we try to devise a shape, a plan. There is dignity in this. Your whole life is a plot, a scheme, a diagram. It is a failed scheme but that’s not the point. To plot is to affirm life, to seek shape and control....
This is how we advance the art of human consciousness.’
ELIZABETH K. ROSEN, Apocalyptic Transformation: Apocalypse and the Postmodern Imagination
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aerodaltonimperial · 3 months
having a significantly dire self-confidence go lately, so i've been using all my spare moments with attempting to finish my daughter's cross-stitch project i started 2 years ago. i really hate feeling this way.
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novemberthewriter · 2 months
btw i think that's something important ive learned over the last year of refining my creative practice -- that it's ok to drop shit that's not working. don't buy into the sunken cost fallacy. you have more than One Good Idea™️ in you so there's no need to be precious with every . little . thing
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