#fake progressiveness
bardicious · 10 months
I'm getting actually quite sick of all the rampant antisemitism as of late. Y'all literally deserve the worst. Go fuck yourselves.
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tungledotedu · 2 months
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uh why the fuck would you say this
this post has 3000 notes and they get worse.
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el-shab-hussein has already explained why he no longer shares how he vets individual fundraisers. scammers will use the information to be less obvious, making it more difficult to spot them.
and senatortedcruz's post has no actual proof of a widespread scam. that is a serious accusation to make, yet people are reblogging it and accepting it as true with no evidence. i won't deny that there are individual grifters on tumblr, but there are accounts like @/neechees, kyra45 and anonthescambuster that will help you avoid them. hussein even has a #scam alert tag for this purpose.
it's racist to spread misinformation about a supposed large-scale deception posing as fundraisers, not to mention dangerous because this makes it less likely for gazans to get what they need to survive and escape relentless airstrikes. we've already seen the consequences of this bias. some of these people are all too happy to be cops and harass or report gazans thinking they're bots or 'spamming' inboxes.
almost nobody on that post is encouraging others to donate to organisations or other vetted lists like those by operation olive branch, which has a faq sheet that explains how they verify fundraisers. i suspect this is an attempt to discourage people from helping palestinians altogether.
gazans are making fundraisers because they have no other choice. many of them cannot work and earn money as their workplaces have been destroyed. some have been disabled by injuries thanks to the iof's targeting of civilians. the fault is on israel for besieging them and on the egyptian government for exploiting their need to evacuate.
they're doing this for the same reason they have been posting photographs and videos of genocide so that people will pay attention to their suffering, so the world will not forget. is it such a leap in logic to understand they will also use social media to start fundraisers? do you just expect them to sit there and die in silence? so you can ignore them and your countries can keep arming israel as it commits atrocities?
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Heya so this is Damian's pov in the chapter 16 of my fic Hostage situations and other romantic activities based on @iguessthisisanewobsession's prompt! I had it written out and though it doesn't fit in with the main storyline, I figured I'd post it here and link it in case anyone was curious. Feel free to ignore this if you haven't read the fic <3
Hope you guys enjoy:) (Spoilers ahead)
Damian’s head hurt. Zsasz had managed to get in a good hit before Damian had managed to knock him out, or at least what he thought had been a knock-out. He’d been sloppy and now the teen’s head was throbbing. At least, he had seen no injuries on Danny though the other boy had been very pale and looked unwell. 
That was another thing. Danny.
Gotham wasn’t a safe place for civilians, and metas had it even worse. That was true everywhere but in Gotham even more so; discrimination, increased risk of violence, even human experimentation. 
It wasn’t surprising that Danny would want to keep his abilities a secret. But something about the blast, how despite clearly having been instinct, the shot had been so very precise that Damian who had been pinned under Zsasz hadn’t felt more than a cold blast of wind made it seem as if there was more to it than that.
And right now, as he was perched up in the tree waiting for law enforcement, there was nothing to do but to speculate.
No, that was untrue, he thought as he took his phone out of his pocket. He could do more than that. 
He could research. And so he did. 
And found nothing.
Oh sure, there was a blurry picture here, an oblique mention there but no proof of existence beyond a social security number, a high school diploma, and one measly article.
No birth certificate, no social media, no medical file, not even a driver’s license.
It wasn’t that Danny Fenton was a ghost. It was more like he was a half-finished person.
Damian breathed out slowly. 
It wasn’t Danny’s powers that made him suspicious. It was everything else.
An hour later, Damian slid down into the now dark forest and started walking.
Damian looked up to see Danny coming down carefully. Damian steeled his expression into a neutral one, unwilling to let his thoughts play on his face.
“Daniel,” Damian started formally. “You went back to the school.”
That was a point in the boy’s favour; at least, he had not ran.
“Yeah,” Danny answered, too casually. “thanks again for saving my butt back there.”
Damian nodded, but abstained from saying anything further in favour of studying Danny’s expression. He didn’t seem any different but Damian knew appearances could be deceiving.
“So-“ Danny started but Damian wasn’t interested in small talk.
“I could not find a picture of you before your fourteenth birthday,” Damian stated clearly.
“Uh,” Danny stumbled. “Ok?”
“Nor could I find a birth certificate in your name.” Damian continued expecting a twitch, a frown, something.
“Yeah,” Danny answered calmly, waving. “Mom and Dad are terrible at paperwork.”
Alright. If that was how Danny would play it. Flimsy excuses could only go so far. 
“No social media, no bank account. Not even a tax return in twenty years.”
“IRS have given up long before I was born,” Danny answered airily. “And Amity’s not the safest place for technology.”
Damian studied the boy in front of him. He looked relaxed and mostly at ease. A bit confused, a bit tired if anything. And Damian wanted to believe it. 
Yet, both his instinct and his experience were telling him not to, and so Damian forged on.
“Why did you come to Gotham?” Damian asked.
“What?” Danny answered, once again frowning in confusion. “Uh, I’m here for school? I think I told you that.”
This was getting insulting.
“Do not lie to me,” Damian said, feeling something brewing.
“I’m not,” Daniel persisted in a stupid simplistic excuse. “I’m really here for school.”
Damian clenched his jaw, keeping his eyes peeled on the deceptive face in front of him. Damian had come for the truth and he was going to get it. 
“You truly had me fooled,” Damian stated as he slowly started to circle the other teen. “I did not suspect you for a moment.”
“What are you even talking about?” Danny said, but Damian wasn’t listening to more lies.
“Why did you approach me?” Damian asked asking from Danny’s side. Because that was the most logical explanation, no matter what Damian wanted to believe. It wouldn’t be the first time mother or another one of his enemies had sent someone to kill him. He had to consider the possibility. Danny turned to keep himself facing Damian.
“I didn’t,” Danny stressed, his voice almost snarling. Good. More likely to let something slip.
“Maybe so, but you did not turn down the opportunity to do so either.” Damian allowed, because it truly would’ve been a convoluted plan to manipulate Damian into choosing Danny.
“What,” Danny’s voice biting. “Like you left me any choice?”
Damian stopped short at that. He knew he could be forceful and overbearing but he would never force anyone to do anything like that. He was nothing like her.
“Damian,” Danny’s voice rose again, kinder, softer. “Im not sure what this is, and we can talk about it, I-”.
No. This wouldn’t work. Damian wouldn’t let himself be pacified like a child. “You have deceived me,” Damian reminded himself and Danny
“I haven’t,” Danny protested but Damian wasn't listening. 
“You are not who you say you are.” That was the truth. And no matter what he said, Daniel knew it too.
“Yes, I am,” Danny refuted strongly and Damian had had enough. There was one thing Daniel could no longer lie about.
 “Are you?” Damian asked clearly. “Tell me Danny, are you human?”
Danny flinched and Damian’s heart sank even as it confirmed what Damian already knew.
“That’s what I thought,” said Damian, more calmly than he felt.
“What does that mean?” Danny asked, still trying to pretend but Damian wouldn’t let him.
“It means, I am ashamed I let you get so close.”
It means I know, Damian thought. It mean there’s no use pretending. It means, please do not try. 
There was a moment of silence where Damian held his breath. For Danny to finally give it up and admit it.
Daniel took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. And Damian held himself straighter. Daniel opened his mouth but closed it again.
And then finally-
“Please leave,” Danny’s voice came and what was left of Damian’s hope froze over.
So this was it then. 
“Fine,” Damain said dispassionately. “I’ll send you the severance pay before the end of the week.”
“I don’t want it,” Daniel bit out and Damian could feel something ugly within him rear its head, and Damian let it take the place of the coldness.
“Waynes believe in tying up loose ends,” Damian said silkily. “It does not do to for past indiscretions crop up at importunate times.”
“Ok no. I’m done with this.” Danny stalked off, and it welled up again, poisonous and mean.
“I would be happy to give a recommendation to any new employer of yours,” Damian shouted. 
He knew he was supposed to be better than this, but he couldn’t help it.
“Screw you!” Danny yelled back and Damian snarled, stopping himself from punching at a tree or something equally stupid and emotional.
Whatever. He turned away and started walking.
It wasn’t like it had been a real relationship. It wasn’t like it had meant anything. Damian started running.
It had done what it was supposed to do, and really, Damian had gotten out of it exactly what he wanted. 
The thought did nothing to appease the empty feeling in his chest as he made his way back home.
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tamas-love · 29 days
( 엔하이픈 ) WIP : QUEUE
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PURPOSE.⠀⟡​⠀a queue of a few upcoming reactions and one-shots.
( 엔하이픈 ) — enhypen ୨୧ type = sfw writes only! ୨୧ the works will come out randomly, no scheduled time of publishment, just when i finish it or when i feel like it.
a/n : i decided to create a queue !! so, a majority of my drafts are sfw reactions and one-shots. all normal things, a few (two or three) nsfw reactions but i'm thinking of not posting those! also, i LOVE writing scary stuff so i might be making more scary one-shots! if there's a line through it, it's already written and on the masterlist! i got the pictures (chaewon and the other ones) from a moodboard by menhpy on her post here!
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enhypen giving you a dare (romance)
enhypen x cuddles (fluff)
enhypen during an argument (comfort + angst?)
enhypen when you're hungry (fluff)
trying to get them off the live to cuddle (fluff)
enhypen can't sleep after an argument (fluff + angst + comfort ?)
enhypen as your brother (fluff)
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—ㅤ❪ 𖧧 ❫ㅤONE-SHOTS
sunoo: are you? (scary/eery)
jay: the morgue. (scary/eery)
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© tamas-love on tumblr, © tamas-love on wattpad ㅤㅤ𓈒ㅤㅤ𓈒 taglist open.⠀⦂ ⠀@nheyri , @uoalirie
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brown-little-robin · 8 days
okay, I'm crowdsourcing advice for a minute, so bear with me and please lend some words if you have any:
I want to get out of the house more. Like, on a regular basis. Weekly, maybe. Preferably, I would like to be interacting with people—the same people—every time, for... like... accountability, but also because I am hoping to put myself out there as the 21st century's most neurotic platonic Casanova. Uh. Making a friend or more out of this would be desirable. But I think if I go out with the intention of making a friend, I will be disappointed.
So. I want to go do something, for that something's own sake. I don't want to go be fake once a week hoping to get a friend out of it.
However, the beautiful state of Iowa is a bit cultureless, and I am too introverted and easily overwhelmed for this world (e.g. going to bars is probably not gonna be my thing). So.... I guess.... any suggestions? opinions? thoughts on making friends in general, or finding good activities as an introverted adult, in general?
oh yeah, also: I am poor. that's a factor. so. signing up a class or similar is not a great option right now.
what the heck, I'll add a silly poll for fun:
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marclef · 5 months
How are your frogs?
here, let me go check on the big one real quick....
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he's doing well! looks like he's happy to see you! 😊
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thegreatyin · 22 days
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hey chat what does my taste in max level arknights characters say about me
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dextixer · 2 months
"RWBY and its fandom is progressive!"
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It genuinely never gets old. Like, legit, the most ardent fans of RWBY can pretend that they are progressive, that they support LGBT+ causes and all that.
But we all can see and fucking know that the INSTANT any minority disagrees with them the RWBY fanatics will turn into mini-Hitlers INSTANTLY.
Adel-Aka was attacked due to being Middle Eastern, LGBT+ people are constantly getting attacked by our identities being dismissed, Critics that identify as women CONSTANTLY get attacked a lot harsher by the FNDM that guys ever are, and boy, dont even get me started on anything related to Ironwood, the ableist takes surrounding him are just, WOW.
You just know that these are the kind of people that just SALIVATE at the idea of a trans person doing something wrong just so they could misgender them.
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vesper-the-great · 8 months
I think the evacuation route is neat, actually
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… this is how it went, right?
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xeeble · 5 months
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floragato (floragato)
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possamble · 3 months
just collapsed to the floor while reading the newest little creature chapter. bodily i folded like a cheap suit. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS. DURING PRIDE MONTH??
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I just want to let you know that your despair was so potent this ask sent twice and it was delightful. Happy pride!!
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cronicsonic247 · 2 years
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Alright, I’m ready to move on now. I had fun with this, especially when playing with overlay layers- which is why there are three slightly diff versions. I think next time I’ll do a value study first and also use thinner line work. My next piece will probably be on Sonic Prime. The SonAmy brainrot is getting stronger and stronger each day
I need to finish Sonic Frontiers the game now!!!
Also I just wanted to pretend to make a sonic cover. I do not own sonic or any of the characters.../// ///(blush)
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n0tamused · 9 days
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A w.i.p. sneak peak
She's either judging you or zoning out.
Sorry for the low quality background, I play on potato graphics so that's what we get. I may try to find a better quality of the same but let's not keep our hopes up...
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misskiwigurke · 7 months
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The suit for the Fantasy Bakugou cosplay arrived. 👀
Man cosplayers do some shit for characters.
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theatrekidenergy · 23 days
I’m chronically ill. I’m a figure skater. I use a cane when I’m not skating cause I have really severe chronic pain that gets especially flared up by any warmth. And this morning I had the bright idea of “guys, fall is coming, I’m gonna go on a run this morning. Just a quick 10 minute run.” I then went on said run (against all better judgement telling me “this is going to be bad for you later, you’re allowed to let your body rest, you’re already athletic, you don’t need to prove that to anyone, you need to stop ignoring your health.”).
For context I live in Texas. And I only get pain relief in very cold environments (such as the rink). It was 78° at 6am. And humid. I’m flared up to no tomorrow. I only ran for 10 minutes and when I got out of the shower I fell over immediately and sublexed my hip. I just don’t know what to say really. Why does taking care of myself hurt so bad?
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