#fallout community edition
joehills · 2 months
Sunk Cost Fallodyssey
I spent $2.72 buying Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game and was dismayed to discover that Codeweavers Crossover would only install, but not run the executable.
Unwilling to give up, I spent a few hours attempting different Crossover bottle tweaks before stumbling onto the existence of the Fallout: Community Edition project, a modern reimplementation of the game's engine with compatibility for modern computers.
At last, the game launched successfully, and I learned from the opening cinematic that war is transformative but static, and was allowed to access the character creation screen:
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Since I don't know anything about Fallout, I decided to create a character based on Kaladin Stormblessed from the Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive novels. In Sanderson's story, Kaladin is an unlucky son of a small-town physician somehow trapped in a cycle of being beaten within an inch of death while everyone else around him is killed, losing whatever job he had at the time, and ending up with a new job that is somehow more dangerous.
I started by lowering my character's luck stat to the game's floor of 1 (Very Bad), then re-investing the spare points into maxing out his endurance at 10 (Heroic) and bumping up his agility, charisma, and intelligence a bit each. I took a point out of perception because Sanderson's Kaladin usually needs obvious things explained to him.
For his three Tag Skills, I selected Melee Weapons, First Aid, and Doctor since Sanderson's Kaladin had training both as a spearman and as a physician.
For the first of his two optional traits, I selected Good Natured, which dropped his combat skills but boosted his First Aid, Doctor, Speech, and Barter abilities. My other choice here was Jinxed, which causes both the character and everyone around them to roll critical failures more often.
I started the game and died a dozen times to random encounters in the wastes. I was still having fun, but admit that I was growing a bit discouraged when I finally found my first actual spear on a random corpse giant molerats were dining on family-style.
Since grabbing the spear and fleeing those molerats, things have been looking up! I hit level two and have reached Vault 15 with far fewer deaths. The vault itself seems to be in poor repair, but without a rope to drop down the elevator shaft, I may need to continue my adventure elsewhere...
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med-ex · 9 months
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wastelandwhisperer · 2 years
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Into each life, some rain must fall But too much is falling in mine
Pt 1
OC // Dogmeat // MacCready // Nick Valentine // Deacon // Hancock // Piper // Preston // Paladin Danse 
That Fallout challenge I rb made me wanna create Sims of the Fallout 4 companions (that I could). I couldn’t make some of them, but I really love how everyone else turned out! 
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worldxwonders · 1 year
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doesn't want to show emotions yet DOES THESE GLANCES
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spacingoutforever · 12 days
credits go to Sophie on tiktok 🤍
[ghoulcy edit]
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esportopedia · 1 year
Games coming to PS Plus in January announced
Games coming to PS Plus in January announced
Billbil-kun has revisited the Dealabs forum to talk about what Sony plans to bring to PlayStation Plus subscribers next month. Billbil-kun has been reporting on PS Plus almost every month since September 2021, and every time he is right. If his “prediction” comes true this time, then so will his followers. PlayStation Plus basics (also Extra and Premium) will be able to enrich the digital library…
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holymaccaronii · 4 months
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Hello Yes Man / fallout community it’s my pleasure to announce that HE IS (almost) DONE!!!! The design came out all fine, plus I found a way to make his face switchable! I’ll be working on the manual and instructions now, I’ll try my best to give out tips and instructions on how to glue everything together.
On another note, the faces were based off the Yes Man Statue from Bethesda Gear Store. I might as well add a few more of my own designs + the faces from the other securitron characters.
EDIT: THE PAPERCRAFT GUIDE IS OUT!!! I’d also appreciate a few answers on the poll from my newest post , thank you!!
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hussyknee · 11 months
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(alt included in all images)
Another thread by Senator Ben Ray Luján here.
A book on the subject (haven't read it myself):
One of the sources in another one of Alisa's furiously impassioned twitter threads have been debunked, so I didn't include that. But she claims that her own family was caught in the fallout zone when her mother was a baby, which eventually led to her and large numbers of her community developing cancer. It's human for that kind of grief to be caught up in inaccuracies. People are already being ghastly and racist to Hispanos and Indigenous people criticizing the hype for the movie. They're not attacking Oppenheimer for being Jewish, they're criticising the erasure of the human cost of these bombs and the continued valorisation of the U.S military's actions in World War II as some kind of moral saviourism.
While Oppenheimer himself believed that the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were morally justified (they had planned to drop them on Germany except they surrendered before they could), he also felt had blood on his hands and regretted his role as the "Father of the Atomic Bomb". He spent the rest of his career vehemently opposing further development of thermonuclear weapons and the hydrogen bomb accurately predicting the concept of mutually assured destruction. This eventually made him a victim of Senator McCarthy's Red Scare and his clearance was revoked. I haven't seen the movie (Christopher Nolan is the kind of casual white racist I avoid on principle) but people who have seen it say that it doesn't glorify nuclear weapons and depicts the man himself with the complex moral nuance that seems to be accurately reflective of his real life.
The backlash to Indigenous and Hispanos people's criticisms and to people pointing out that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were genocides is also frustrating because...both world wars were a clash of genocidal empires. The reason they were world wars is because the countries colonized by Japan, China, the European powers and the US were all dragged into it, whether they wanted to or not. Jews were one of the many colonized peoples that suffered in that time, who were left to die by everyone until they could be used to frame the Allied powers as moral saviours, establishing a revisionist nostalgia for heroism that powers the US military industrial complex to this day.
As early as May 1942, and again in June, the BBC reported the mass murder of Polish Jews by the Nazis. Although both US President, Franklin Roosevelt, and British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, warned the Germans that they would be held to account after the war, privately they agreed to prioritise and to turn their attention and efforts to winning the war. Therefore, all pleas to the Allies to destroy the death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau were ignored. The Allies argued that not only would such an operation shift the focus away from winning the war, but it could provoke even worse treatment of the Jews. In June 1944 the Americans had aerial photographs of the Auschwitz complex. The Allies bombed a nearby factory in August, but the gas chambers, crematoria and train tracks used to transport Jewish civilians to their deaths were not targeted.
Uncritical consumption of World War II media is the reinforcement of imperialist propaganda, more so when one group of colonized people is used to silence other colonized peoples. Pitting white Jewry against BIPOC is to do the work of white supremacy for imperialist colonizers, and victimizes Jews of colour twice over.
Edit: friends, there's been some doubt cast on the veracity of Alisa's claims. The human cost to the Hispanos population caught downwind of the nuclear tests is very real, as was land seizure without adequate compensation. However, there's no record I can yet find about Los Alamos killing livestock and Hispanos being forced to work for Los Alamos without PPE. There is a separate issue about human testing in the development of said PPE that's not covered here. I'm turning off reblogs until I can find out more. Meanwhile, here's another more legitimate article you can boost instead:
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midnightsnyx · 1 year
what if i told you (i love you) part 1 - joel miller
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pairing: joel miller x fem!reader
summary: five years ago, pregnant and alone, you left boston after a fallout with joel but when he shows up in jackson, you have to deal with the aftermath. word count: 1.4k warnings: angst (loads), mentions of pregnancy, non-specified age gap, (please let me know if i missed something!) a/n: this is my first time writing joel so pls go gentle on me lol I am planning on making this a series if u guys like it! let me know :) i know joel is usually pegged as a girl dad which i love but i thought it would be fun to write a mini joel! this isn't edited so i apologize for all mistakes. also i am taking requests now so ask away! masterlist ask box what i write taglist signup
You hadn’t anticipated seeing him. When you left the Boston QZ five years ago after finding out you were pregnant, you never wanted to see Joel Miller’s face again. Not after you broke the news and he told you to get out - that he wanted you gone. Tess had told you to give him a few days to cool down and let the news sink in, so you did. You waited a couple days, which turned into a week and another and once a month passed, you realized you couldn’t wait around for Joel to get his head out of his ass so you packed up and left Boston. You had heard rumors of settlements out West and took the chance of going to one. It was a risky move, especially being pregnant, but raising a child in the QZ was impossible. Bringing a life into this world alone was cruel but if you could make it to one of the settlements, you thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. And you did. After months of traveling and close calls, you made it to Jackson. You couldn’t believe how close to normal it was there. It felt like before the outbreak which felt impossible but somehow they did it. You made friends and had support when you finally delivered. 
Little Jack came into the world with the helping hands of Maria and your friend Avery. You named him after Jackson, the little community that welcomed you with open arms. He was absolutely perfect and as he grew, he looked more and more like Joel. It hurt you that Joel wasn’t here to see his son grow but he had made his decision the day he told you to leave. 
The life you built in Jackson was good enough. You taught at the small school in the morning and spent the rest of your day with Jack and your friends. Every so often you went on patrol but with Jack, you had to find someone to watch him. Avery offered to keep him for the afternoon while you went out with Maria and some others for a quick patrol. Someone thought they heard gunshots going off and your group was sent to check it out. You thought you would come across some raiders or maybe a couple stragglers but what you weren’t expecting was to find Joel Miller and some random kid. It didn’t surprise you that he was looking for Tommy and you watched for Maria’s reaction when he told her his name. 
In Jackson, Joel’s name wasn’t a popular one to those who heard it. Tommy had recounted the days that he, Joel, Tess and others had spent that still gave him nightmares and you didn’t have many good things that you shared about him. You kept the good things to yourself and only let yourself think about them on nights you were particularly lonely or sad. She hid her reaction better than you would have but you were a little surprised when she invited them back to town. As soon as you got back, you went straight to the stables to drop off your house before going to pick up Jack from Avery’s. You wanted to just go home but he fought you tooth and nail to go to the dining hall to see Hazel, an older woman in Jackson who was the first person to take you in when you first arrived. She treated you like a daughter and in turn, treated Jack as a grandson. 
When you got there, Hazel was delighted to see him and you couldn’t help but smile when Jack squealed and ran straight for her. Watching them, you felt a set of eyes on you and when you looked, they met Joel’s. As usual, his expression was impossible to read. He was sitting with the girl, Ellie you’d briefly heard, along with Tommy and Maria. 
“Some new folks, huh?” Hazel asked, breaking you out of your daze. She knew the story about Joel so you were hesitant to tell her who they were but she would find out eventually.
“Yeah, Tommy’s older brother and the girl is Ellie,” you told her, “apparently they traveled all the way from Boston.” 
You watched as the realiztion slowly dawned on her face, hiding an amused smile when she said, “where’s my shotgun?” 
“It’s fine,” you tried to reassure her, “I don’t think they’re staying.” 
She huffed, “I should’ve poisened that food.”
You shook you head, taking Jack when he reached out to you. He was getting sleepy, resting his head on your shoulder and babbling nonsense. You could still feel Joel’s gaze, so you told Hazel you would see her tomorrow and started walking out when you heard your name called.
You weren’t sure what his plan was, he knew your past with Joel so you took your time walking over to where the four individuals were seated. Maria was giving Tommy a dark look and you knew she didn’t agree with his interfering. 
“Hey,” you said lightly, trying to ignore Joel’s eyes that were now focused on Jack. Ellie was looking between you and Joel and you could almost see the wheels turning in her brain. 
“I was wondering if you had time to take Ellie to the house next to yours and let her have a shower? Maybe find some new clothes?” Tommy asked and held his hand up when Joel started to argue. 
“Sure,” you said, motioning for her to follow you. She gave Joel one look before following you out the door. It was cold and you hugged Jack, who was now asleep, tighter to you. She was silent until you were a couple minutes away from the house, whistling. 
“So, I take it you and Joel know each other?” She questioned, walking faster to keep up with you. You wanted to drop this kid off before she accidentally got answers out of you. She continued pestering you after you just shrugged and you wondered how Joel, of all people, managed to make it from Boston with the girl. She seemed sweet enough but lord, she was chatty. 
“What’s his name?” She asked, pointing to the sleeping boy in your arms as if there was another child around.
“Jack,” you told her and she smiled.
“Like, Jackson?” 
“Nice catch,” you praised and she grinned. 
You showed her to the shower, before searching for some clean clothes. It took a few trades but you managed to get her some fresh clothes and a new jacket. When you returned to the house, you ran into the one person you were hoping to avoid. He froze when you walked in the front door, clothing in hand and Jack still on your hip. Your back was aching from carrying him but he was unusually clingy. His eyes locked on Joel, head tilting slightly before reaching out for the older man, surprising the two of you. Joel stood frozen even as Jack reached for him, whining slightly. 
It was Ellie who broke the awkward silence, walking down the stairs in the fluffy robe you left for her. “You gonna take the kid, or what? He’s not contagious.” 
You were hesitant to let Jack go but after he let out an angry wail, you put him down and watched as he walked over to Joel and reached for him, making a grabby motion with his tiny fists, the universal pick me up signal from a child. The man awkwardly picked him up and you immediately saw the similarities between the two. You always thought he looked like Joel but looking at the two of them together, a paternity test wouldn’t be needed.
“Woah,” Ellie said, taking Jack’s hand when he reached towards her, “he looks just like you.” 
You ignored the insinuating tone in her words, opting to watch the interaction between the two boys. Joel’s sole attention was now on the toddler in his arms. His whole body softened when Jack rested his head on his chest and you suddenly felt a rush of emotions. Shoving the clothes in Ellie’s arms, you took Jack from Joel and fled out the door, ignoing both voices calling out to you. You didn’t stop running until you were in your own house and rushed to put Jack to bed before going to your own room. Not bothering to change, you crawled under the covers and tried to hold back the sobs threatening to escape you. 
You had spent the last five years trying to get over the heartbreak Joel Miller caused you and suddenly the man himself showed up and brought back evey single feeling you had for him.
And you hated him for it.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
If you go by a certain version of events, BG3 is basically "Jergal doing community service to pay for the MULTIPLE fallouts of his stupid decisions" and it's funny.
Like the pileup of 1000+ years of consequences for his time as a force of evil have gotten too much and Ao's finally snapped and sent him to personally help fix this mess.
The Crown that's empowering the Netherbrain? Well Jergal, do you remember that time you took over a settlement of humans as their patron deity and guided them to become a powerful empire of wizards in order to empower yourself? Netheril? You remember Netheril. How about Karsus? You know, that guy who according to one verion of the story was one of your chosen? The one who as a result of your machinations grew too powerful, went off the deep end with paranoia and hubris and killed Mystra-version0.1, caused a planet wide magic backlash and forced the entire Weave to go into reboot?!
Oh and the Dead Three. Can't forget the time you handed divine power to a trio of evil megalomaniacs because you were bored of the job. Also that whole thing where there's a version of the story where the murder-y one was another of your vengeful ex-chosen who you imbued with the spark of divine power in the first place. Can't forget that one! As a result we've had the Time of Troubles and the Bhaalspawn Crisis and the Mere of Dead men turning into an undead-infested hellhole and the Spirit Eater curse and the rise of fucking Cyric and all the subsequent shenanigans he got up to like 4th edition and the goddamn Spellplague…!
And now the once terrifying, alien power, formerly hailed as the "Silent slayer, bringer of strife and embodiment of death"… is forced to babysit a group of highly dysfunctional mortals - who should all be in therapy rather than saving the world. They pickpocket him. They inflict talkative children on him. They call him Withers.
He is so tired.
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med-ex · 8 months
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ꜰᴀʟʟᴏᴜᴛ: ᴄᴀɴᴀᴅᴀ [p.2]
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highfantasy-soul · 2 months
Katara: NATLA Edition - Waterbending
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In the Netflix show, Katara's main teacher was the world - she observed, she learned the spiritual side of bending from Aang (and a little from Jet), and she learned from opponents she fought (including Pakku)
This is SHOWING Uncle Iroh's lesson to Zuko in Bitter Work (book 2) about learning as much as you can from everywhere even if they aren't directly doing your own style of bending. By learning about everyone's cultures/styles/philosophies of the world, then you have a more rounded view of the world and can incorporate new things into your own bending.
I think an important distinction people are missing when they compare LA and animated Katara is that in the animated series, we see Katara WATERBEND more, but in the live action, we see her PRACTICING waterbending more.
In the animated series, she's already doing very useful things with her waterbending (lifting a fish, throwing water and freezing it, breaking apart an iceberg with her anger, pulling down a bank of snow,  lifting a whole wave of water, pushing and pulling a wave, pulling water from Aang's lungs, pushing the water while she's in it to get to shore faster, lifting water from a river to freeze as a block on a guy's head, lifting and maneuvering water in the air) before she ever even gets a hint of training. She just 'naturally' knows how to do all that through her own trial and error - no advice from Aang about the spirituality of bending, no training from the scroll, and no using moves she's seen other benders do just making it water.
The only times we see animated Katara training is in The Waterbending Scroll episode - which is the entire point of the episode - and in the trio of episodes up in the NWT - again, the whole point of her arc in those episodes. Everything else, she's done on her own and there's no moments of her training during the other episodes, she just waterbends.
In the live action, we see Katara constantly practicing, even when she's just in the background of a scene or traveling from place to place - she's ALWAYS practicing her stances or playing with water to get better.
In the live action, Katara is struggling with ALL of waterbending, not just the technical aspect of it - because bending is a highly spiritual practice where you have to be in the right mindset to do successfully. We see every single step of Katara's waterbending practice journey - from not even being able to lift a globe of water to holding her own against a master.
We get to see the process of bending from start to finish which really fleshes out the magic of the world in an organic way while providing one of our leads with more depth that ties them to the themes of the world and of their own culture and how the oppression of the Fire Nation affects her mental state.
In the animated show, we hear Katara talk about how losing her mother hurt her, yet we really only see the fallout of that trauma, not her inner turmoil over it. We see her taking on a 'motherly' role in the community and with Sokka, we see her anger at the firebenders, we see how she's had to grow up too fast and just wants to be a kid, but the actual death of her mother and its affect on her isn't shown.
I like how the live action specifically shows how Katara's mother's death affects HER - she doesn’t just share the story to connect with others, it's not just the 'reason' she acts the way she does, it's not just something that impacts her relationships with others: if no one else in the world existed for Katara to interact with, Katara would still have a journey to go on surrounding Kya's death.
In the LA, the fact that her mother was killed by a firebender looking for HER - and she tries to save her mother using her waterbending and it doesn't work because she isn't strong enough yet, directly affects Katara herself independent of anyone else. That trauma keeps her from being able to waterbend easily like she does in the animated show and it's one of her main arcs: the arc to learn waterbending isn't just a technical journey for her like it is in the animated show, it's emotional too.
Generational trauma due to horrific violence is shown both in external issues to grapple with as well as internal ones our characters have to face alone.
I really like how the live action broke down Katara's waterbending and we got to see the 'less flashy' aspects of it. She's not constantly doing huge and impactful moves, she's steadily growing in power and confidence one small step at a time. She doesn't do it alone - she has so many teachers who help her along the way with both the physical and mental aspect of bending and to me, her progression in power is much more clear in the live action than it is in the animated show.
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worldxwonders · 1 year
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Hey slick, nice smile! :’)
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allcirclesvanish · 5 months
honestly i think it's pretty fucking shameless of the first poorly written toonimal callout to release a second version with edits that are supposedly safer for the victims involved with even more screenshots (why? to entice readers?). as if we should simply trust these grossly irresponsible and negligent people now that they've covered up some people's usernames. there is already an archived version. and reposts, and screenshots, and people who have most assuredly noted every relevant detail in that document including actual predators who now have a roster of potential victims and a list of communities that will harbor them.
it is extremely fucking clear that so many people only care because they see an opportunity to circulate something disgusting and salacious. people in the notes of posts before the rewrite were acknowledging out loud that they knew it was wrong to publish the usernames of minors who are actively being groomed, but asking for the archive link anyway 'to stay informed' or whatever. the first callout document, reposts of its archived version, and its rewrite have aggregated thousands of notes now. it's made its rounds among all the people who write and reblog callouts regularly, because the spectacle of online drama outweighs anyone's right to privacy.
& the fact that there's fallout for even reblogging a popular post from them absolutely *delights* some of you, who now have an opportunity to endlessly interrogate random trans women on everything from their stance on hentai to their personal sexual trauma. and what more could you ghouls want? if tumblr ever goes down, you'll all be quite at home on kiwi farms.
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calder · 1 month
on nukapedia you need a pre existing edit or discussion post to vote in forums. in the long term im considering a couple options for the betterment of the community. it has become apparent to me that it will become necessary to fight for change
in the interest of marginalized fallout fans id appreciate it if any among you would consider making a fandom account and fulfilling this requirement by posting/editing at least once, in anticipation of an eventual important vote. as you are all individual fallout fans invested in the quality of the wiki, this is acceptable by our policies
the outlook is already good but the old guard are going to rally around their hill so i want to be smart about it
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serknighted · 8 months
**November 16th Edit: Prompts are being sent out on Friday! Thank you for your patience.**
Attention All Vault 111 Residents!
As the Holidays approach, it is with our utmost excitement to announce that we will be having a special occasion planned just for this year; a secret gift-giving ceremony for all of this vault's lovely dwellers!
To celebrate the beautiful Fallout 4 community for the Holidays, I've devised a visual art form of a Secret Santa! Here's what you need to enter (send this via DM to the accounts listed below);
At least a half-body reference of your Sole Survivor
A brief description of their personality
List out one gift they'd like, and one gift they'd dislike, as well as their reactions upon being given either of these gifts! (Remember to keep it age appropriate, and be mindful of the subject material. No NSFW material.)
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If there's anything else important to your character that you feel needs to be disclosed (such as drawing certain features), add those as well. [optional]
When the final applicant day approaches (Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 12:00AM EST), you'll be given a random person's Sole Survivor to draw, as well as the prompt to draw them with either a gift they love, or a gift they hate. Try to stick to the writing given to you! Once you are given your prompt, you have 40 days, or until Tuesday, December 26th, 2023 at 12:00AM EST to finish your final drawing. Please do not post your secret Santa before Christmas Day, nor show it to the recipient. It's supposed to be a surprise!
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While you do not have to post your art if either you or the owner of the character do not wish to, I would appreciate seeing every submission made! To apply for this Secret Santa, please message me (Serknighted on Tumblr, Yupknight on Instagram, or Serknight on Discord) with the following requirements listed above. If, for whatever reason, you cannot contact me, please comment, and I will find a way to get into contact with you. <3
If, for whatever reason, you cannot participate in the Secret Santa after entering, PLEASE try and contact me before November 15th. However, if there are complications after that, I'm happy to message privately about it. 
Happy Holidays, and congratulations on another successful year in the Vault! 
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