#fanfic alexa
leni-illust · 1 year
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It was supposed to be a doodle-
anyway, read "Alexa, play Heather by Conan" on ao3 by @eleanmerr !
It's amazing and gut wrenching <3
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mieczyslawn · 4 months
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ★ . . . barbie core
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talaok · 1 year
Hey. I have an idea for pedro and reader
The reader's ex calls her in the middle of the night begging her back to him and the reader gets out the bedroom trying not to wake pedro up and avoid any fight but he wakes up and gets jealous and angry
Jealous Pedro is my own personal curse lol, I genuinely don’t get why you like him. But for you? Anything babes. Also, happy ending won in the poll, but thanks to an anon I've decided to write both endings bc I'm an asshole
warnings: jealousy, angst
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Oh fuck please not again.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand, and you didn’t even need to look at the caller to know who it was.
Only one person would call you at 4:45 am. the same one that had been flooding you with texts and calls for a week now.
You had been ignoring him, telling yourself that “It’s just a phase” and “it’ll pass”, but god, had you been wrong.
You and Jason had broken up two years ago now, and casually, just when you had finally made your relationship with Pedro public, he felt the need to connect with you again.
That's not how Jason had always been, he was once caring and fun and everything you needed... until he wasn't.
He hadn't taken your breaking up with him well, and you tried to be understanding of it, god knows you had been in the same position too once or twice, your heart broken, your mind confused- but then when after two months he'd still call you crying, you decided to give him a little tough love by texting him something that could be summarized in "I know you're hurt but this is getting kind of ridiculous at this point" and by blocking him.
Somewhere after that, for some godforsaken reason, you had decided to unblock him, and to really show off your decision-making skills, you even answered the phone when he had called you last week, finding him in tears, begging for a second chance.
If you were anyone to judge, this call wasn't gonna be much different, but this story had to end at one point, and as you got up from the bed, sneaking out of the room as Pedro breathed soft snores into the air, you decided the time had come.
"Jason?" you whispered, tiptoeing to the living room.
"baby? Oh my god it's really you, I've been trying to call you"
"yeah I saw" you stated, not short of sarcasm
"Oh t-that's ok, you were busy I jus-"
"no Jason I wasn't busy, this is inappropriate"
"Wha-what are you talking about baby, I love you" 
there went the tears again
"Jason I'm sorry alright, but I don't, I have a boyfriend, I'm happy"
"no you don't understand babe I can't live without you, I love you more than life y/n, more than anything... I- I need you"
"Jason we broke up a long time ago. It's over. It has been for a while now"
"you don't mean that baby, we love each other, remember how good we were together? I know you do"
"stop calling me baby and stop calling me in general Jason. I don't love you and I don't want to get back together" Your voice raised to a whispery-yell as you got more frustrated.
"Why are you whispering- Is he there? Let me talk to him"
"why would I do that? What would you even want to tell him?"
"I'm sure I can make him understand, man to man y'konw-"
"oh shut up" you rolled your eyes "Jason stop calling me"
"but bab-"
"No. No buts, it's over. we're never getting back together. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to sleep, and I suggest you do the same"
"y/n please- I love you, I need you I-"
"goodnight Jason. Don't call me again" You didn't give him time to finish as you hung up, throwing your phone on the couch and closing your eyes as you took a very well-deserved deep breath.
Fuck this shit man.
"Who was it?"
You jumped on your feet, a shiver of fear running down your spine as you turned towards the ominous voice.
"Pedro-" you sighed, taking in his sleep-filled expression.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he apologized, with a soft chuckle "Who were you talking to?"
"uh- don't worry, it was no one"
"I don't think it was no one if you got up at 4 in the morning to answer, did something happen?"
"no-no nothing like that, it's stupid, don't worry"
He frowned as he studied your expression, clearly confused at your secrecy.
"Who was it?"
Your eyes focused behind him at the glimpse of your room the opened door granted.
Everything was fine just 10 minutes ago...
"It was Jason"
Pedro paused a moment, taken aback by your answer
"Jason as in your ex-boyfriend Jason?" he asked "And why exactly was Jason calling you in the middle of the night?"
"it's not what you think" 
This was why you didn't want him to know.
He had a history with unfaithfulness, the woman before you had cheated on him multiple times and left him hurt and bruised, and it was hard for him to fully trust you - or anyone for that matter- after that.
you didn't want him to close off again, you trusted each other, and you feared this would have given him a reason to get back to old habits.
"It's not? 'cause it sure looks like it"
"no, let me explain-" you got closer to him.
"I'm so fucking stupid" he huffed, not listening to you 
"no you're not, just-listen to me" you said, putting a hand on his chest in an attempt to calm him down
He watched you, hurt and anger in his eyes, but he took a breath, nodding as he grumbled a "fine"
"He's been calling me for a while-"
"is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"Baby, let me talk" you reminded him, and he gave you another non-enthusiastic nod "He's been calling me since I made our relationship public, saying that he wants to get back with me and that he loves me..." you paused, glancing at the way he tightened his fists by his side "and I've been ignoring him because-" your lips turned into a soft smile as you reached for his hand "...well because I've got you, and I don't want anybody else in the world except you"
You intertwined your fingers with his and brought his hand up to your mouth to leave a quick kiss on it.
"and the only reason why I answered tonight is because I was sick of it, and I wanted to tell him once and for all that we're done because I love you, and only you Pedro" You stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek "I promise"
You saw the way your words affected him.
And as much as he tried to fight it, you were always the only one able to calm him down, even when his worst fear came to life. Because he loved you, but most importantly... he trusted you.
"are you telling the truth?" he finally asked, as if in his mind he wasn't praying for you to be doing just that.
He didn't want to lose you, he couldn't.
"I am baby. I swear" 
His eyes left yours for a second as he took a deep breath
"why didn't you tell me? I would have done something, I would have gone have a talk with that asshole"
You let out a small laugh
"yeah, a talk" you teased, raising your eyebrows "And besides it didn't matter, it was just a stupid thing not worth your time"
he took your other hand in his, shaking his head
"if he, or anybody else, does this again you tell me, ok?" 
As much as you wanted to joke about how many crazy exes he believed you had, you decided this wasn't the time.
"ok" you smiled "I promise"
"good" he nodded, bending down to ghost your lips "Now let's go to bed so I can remind you of a few things I'm sure I'm better at than Jason"
__ __ __
or... (angst with no happy ending)
__ __ __
"It's not what you think"
"It's not? 'cause it sure looks like it"
"It was just a phone call Pedro, just let me explain"
"A phone call with your ex-boyfriend"
"yes, exactly my ex-boyfriend"
"This is unbelievable," he huffed, passing a hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture "I fucking trusted you. You made me trust you, and then... then you go screw that fucking asshole behind my back"
"I'm not screwing anybody"
"sure you aren't" he turned to walk away, but you grabbed his arm.
"Listen to me"
"To what? more lies?" he snapped 
"No Pedro I can explain if you just let me talk"
"I don't need an explanation, I know exactly what's going on, just- leave me, I'll go"
"Just like that?" you questioned "You don't even wanna hear me out for a second? You so easily lose all the trust you had in me?"
"Can you blame me?" 
"This is ridiculous, I've answered the phone to tell him to stop calling, that's the only reason why! I'm not cheating on you" you spoke, your tone getting louder "And the fact that you came to that conclusion so quickly is fucking insulting"
"right" he snickered "so you answered the phone at four in the morning to tell him to stop calling, very believable y/n" he shook his head "and to think you're a fucking actress"
"fuck you Pedro" you spat out "You know what? I deserve someone who trusts me, who lets me fucking speak and explain myself, not someone who at the first mistake throws me out like trash"
"And I deserve someone who's not a cheater. Guess we both deserve better"
"I guess we do"
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loveesiren · 10 days
Doing It All For Us (Pt. 1)
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Summary: Y/n moves to the Outer Banks from California, reuniting with her best friend. She's quickly introduced to Rafe Cameron, the psychotic Kook King of Figure out.
Warnings: Drug use, drinking, swearing, virginity, slut shaming, fighting, toxic
Word Count: 4.4k
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As soon as Rafe Cameron laid eyes on you, it was over for every other fucking girl on the island. The way your hips swayed in your little black dress. The why the glitter coating your eyelids shimmered when the light hit them just so. The jewelry that clung to your skin. You were breathtaking.
Rafe couldn't pick his jaw up off the floor as you walked past him, not even glancing in his direction. The two girls sitting beside him stared at you with hatre filled eyes.
"What's her name?" Rafe asked, his eyes focused on your figure as you walked up to a group of people at the party.
Topper and Kelce burst out laughing. Rafe turned to face them. "What?"
"Dude, she will squash you like bug," Kelce laughed.
"Her name." Rafe demanded.
Kelce sighed. "Y/N Y/L/N." He responded. "Just moved here from California. The new Kook Queen if you ask me."
"Her dad works for Elon Musk or some shit, dude. She's filthy fucking rich." Topper added.
"Who cares?" One of the girls, Jessica, asks as she clings to Rafe's arm.
"She ain't shit," Maria said.
Rafe pays them no mind as he brings his eyes back to you. Dark hair, perfectly straightened, falling to the small of your back.
"Let's go say hi to the new girl," Maria suggests as Jessica gets up to join her.
You and Courtney are throwing your heads back with laughter when two girls approach you.
"Courtney, gonna introduce us to your friend?" Maria asked.
Courtney sighed. "What do you cunts want?"
"Wow, so rude! We just wanted to give the newest member of the island a warm welcome." She said as she turned to you. You scoffed at her sarcasm.
"I'm Maria, and this is Jess," Maria said as she extended a hand to you.
You curled your left hand back, pulling your drink to your shoulder as your other hand reached out to grip hers firmly.
"Y/N." You gave a bitchy smile.
"So, are you here to be the next biggest slut on the island? Not sure you could compete with Courtney here." Jessica asked.
You glanced at Courtney, her eyes full of hurt but she quickly looked to the floor.
You turned back to her. "Ha, funny!" You said before throwing your drink in her face and grabbing her hair, quickly slamming her face down into the beer pong table beside you.
"Holy shit!" The guys around the table said as they stepped back. Rafe stood up quickly and watched you as you continuously slammed this girls face into the table.
You pulled her head back so that you could look at the work you'd done on her face. "Keep Courtney's name out of your mouth. Keep my name out of your mouth. That way, I won't have to finish your bitch ass off, cunt!" You yelled to her before dropping her to the floor. Maria was quickly by her side.
"Anyone else have a fucking problem?!" You yelled, scanning the room as everyone stared at you. You were met with silence and shaking heads. "Cool! I'm Y/N, I just moved here." You announced, a satisfied smile on your face. "Nice to meet you all!" You chuckled before turning around and walking out of the party.
"Goddamn dude!" Topper and Kelce conversed as they clung to eachothers shoulders. Rafe watched you leave, paying attention to the confidence in your stride. I small smile broke across his face.
Rafe Cameron was in love.
You sat at the table sipping your mimosa. Courtney mirroring your behavior across from you. "Ugh," You groaned. "I'm never doing that much coke again!"
"Never again," Courtney repeated as she rested her head against the base of her palm.
You had woken up in time to get brunch at the club. Well actually, you barely ever went to sleep. You knew you wouldn't be able to eat much but you definitely needed your morning mimosa to nurse this hangover.
Your navy blue bikini hugged your body tight, dangerously close to exposing you. Gold chains clung to your waist and arms. Eyeliner big and bold, lined with your signature rhinestones. You could feel eyes judging you and the thought made you giggle.
"So how do you like the island so far?" Courtney asked, taking a small bite of her toast.
"It's different," You admitted. "But it's cute. The parties are fun." You winked at her.
"Yeah, everyone is talking about that." Courtney giggled. "You haven't even been here two weeks and you already beat the shit out of one of the islands most adored Kooks."
You chuckled. Courtney had explained the Kooks and Pogues to you. It made you laugh. You thought the concept was silly. But when you drove to the Cut to pick up coke from Barry, you realized why there were two entirely different worlds inhabiting the island.
Courtney was full Kook. Tall, thin, blonde. She had been your childhood best friend back in LA. When she moved to the Outer Banks for her dads new job at 16, you stayed in close contact. When your dad told you you'd be moving out there with him because he got promoted, you were ecstatic. Saying goodbye to California was hard but you were so excited to start a new adventure with your best friend.
Your dad bought a nice little mansion in Figure Eight. A few houses down from Courtney's. It was just the two of you, and your dad traveled a lot. Courtney often came over to keep you company in the large house.
You had the master bedroom. The ceiling was tall, plenty of windows for the southern sun to shine through. A fire place under your tv. A HUGE walk in closet with a huge bathroom to match. Your dad opted for the bedroom on the other side of the house. The one that connected to his office. Needless to say, he was always in there or traveling. The rest of the house was practically yours.
"You should throw a party," Courtney suggested. "Your dad will be gone all weekend right?"
Your eyes lit up at the idea. You gave her a half smile. "Invite all the Kooks you know!" You teased.
She grabbed her phone, ready to send out a mass invite to the rest of the island. You eyed some of the golfer's on the course. You slid your over-sized shades down your nose as you took in the site of one tall, shaggy-haired boy swinging his club around and laughing.
"Message sent!" Courtney squealed.
You watched as the boy took his phone out of his pocket and checked his messages.
"Who's that?" You asked Courtney.
She giggled and rolled her eyes. "That would be Rafe Cameron. Kook King."
Party @ Y/N's. Saturday @ 8. Bring booze.
Rafe read the message and smiled before his eyes flickered up to where you and Courtney sat on the deck of the club.
Rafe's eyes met yours and you grinned at him. He looked back down at his phone and typed out a message.
"Speak of the devil," Courtney said as she witnessed the exchange. "Rafe will be there." She said as she danced her phone in front of your face.
You gave Rafe one more lustful look before you pushed your sunglasses up your nose and turned your attention to the waiter. "2 tequila shots, please!" You asked.
Rafe bit his lip and scanned your body one more time before heading back to his game.
"You almost ready Court?!" You called before throwing back another shot of tequila. You looked in the mirror, making sure all the rhinestones glued to your eyelids were stuck in place over the shimmery blue eyeshadow you had chosen.
Girls here were so basic. You were thankful Courtney still knew how to make a lasting impression.
"Yep!" She said as she came out of the bathroom. Her tight purple dress hugging her skinny form. "What do you think?"
"Cute as fuck!" You said as you motioned for her to twirl around. "Let's show these Kooks how to fucking party!" You said as you grabbed her hand and dragged her downstairs.
Before too much longer the house was bumping with bass from the surround sound that echoed in every room. You laughed as you walked through the crowd of people drinking and dancing. You made your way outside just in time to see someone jump off your roof into your pool.
You were super drunk, seeing double. "Fuck, I need a line." You said to yourself as you ran your fingers through your hair. You made your way back inside towards the nearest bathroom.
You pounded on the door but it remained locked. "Ugh!" You screamed as you made your way towards the laundry room in the back of your house.
You stumbled past the door and closed it behind you, trying to gain control of your senses.
"You good?" You heard a voice say to you.
You jumped, not expecting anyone to be in here. You looked up and locked eyes with Rafe Cameron.
"What are you doing in here?" You asked him
"Drugs." He shrugged before leaning over the dryer and inhaling a large line of cocaine.
"Gimme some," You demanded as you stumbled towards him.
"As you wish, Princess." He smiled, offering you the rolled up bill.
You snorted two lines in a row and smiled as you lifted your head back up, feeling a thousand times better.
"Thanks," You said to him. "I was starting to feel sick."
"No problem," He said, smiling down at you.
Fuck, he was tall. And cuter up close.
"I'm Y/N." You said, offering him your hand.
He brought your hand up to his mouth. "Rafe," He said before placing a soft kiss on your knuckles. The gesture sent chills through your body.
"What brings you to the Outer Banks?" He asks as he turned to cut up more lines.
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You boosted yourself up onto the washer. "Dad got a promotion. Does financing for Tesla or something. I don't really know. He's not around much."
"Really?" He asks, genuinely curious.
"Yeah. Pretty much deposits money into my bank account every month and fucks off." You say as your look down, kicking your feet nervously.
"What about your mom?" He asks, handing you the bill.
You jump down and snort another line. "She died when I was really young." You said as you wiped your nose.
"Yea, mine too." He said before bending over to take his line. "Right after my youngest sister was born."
"How many sisters do you have?"
"Two," He responds, pinching his nose. "They're annoying as fuck." He chuckled.
"Hmm," You smiled. "I wish I had siblings." You said.
He eyed you up and down. Making you almost nervous. "What?" You asked.
"Nothing," He chuckled. "You're just uhh...you look really beautiful." He confessed shyly.
You smiled at him. "You're not so bad yourself."
You spent the rest of the night in the laundry room with Rafe. Talking and laughing, completely ignoring the party going on outside. You knew your phone was buzzing but you ignored it as you and Rafe had intimate, coked out discussions. He told you all about his family and you told him about yours. He told you about his passions and his dreams and you were interested in every single detail he had to share.
"Y/N!" You heard Courtney banging on the other side of the door.
"Shit!" You said as you got up from your spot on the floor, letting Courtney in. The light that shined through the door hurt your eyes.
"What the fu-" Courtney began as she noticed you and Rafe sitting across from eachother on the floor. "Is this where you were all night?"
"What are you talking about, Court?" You said as you raised a hand to your eyes to shield you from the light.
"Y/N! It's 9am! Everyone is fucking gone. Besides Topper and Kelce and a few others who passed out in the living room."
"What the fuck?" You asked confused as you made your way to your feet. Your eyes finally adjusting to the light. "Are you serious?"
"How much coke did you guys do?" Courtney laughed as you and Rafe pushed passed her and made your way out to the kitchen.
"Fucking shit." You said as you took in the sight around you. Cups and bottles littered every inch of your house.
"I can call my cleaning lady," Rafe said as he pulled out his phone.
"Uh, yes fucking please," You said. "I'm not cleaning up a party I barely attended."
"You're the one who threw it!" Courtney said, smirking as she crossed her arms.
You turned to flip her off as you made your way to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of Fiji water. You chugged half the bottle before grabbing two more and handing them to Rafe and Courtney.
"Thanks," Rafe said softly. You offered him a small smile and leaned back against the kitchen counter, staring into your living room.
"So who the fuck are these guys?" You ask, taking another sip of water.
"Those would be my best friends," Rafe chuckled.
You gave a sarcastic frown. "Classy," You nodded.
The way Rafe's eyes met yours as he chuckled made you nervous, but excited.
"Morning shots, bitches!" Courtney screamed as she dug out her hidden bottle of tequila and chugged a good shot and a half before handing the bottle to you.
The guys on your couch started to stir. "You guys are already drinking again?" Topper asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"What? Can't keep up with Cali girls?" You teased as you threw back a couple shots from the bottle and passed it to Rafe.
"Bet." He said before taking a swig.
The five of you ended up drunk on the beach. You, Rafe, Courtney, Topper, and Kelce to be exact. Rafe's cleaning staff had come by and you all decided to leave them to it and go enjoy another round of partying.
You and Courtney laughed as you passed the bottle of tequila back and forth.
"Yo, quit hogging. I need some hair of the dog." Kelce said as he reached for the bottle.
"Pussy," You chuckled as you handed it to him. "Come on, Court. Let's swim!"
You and Courtney raced down the sand to the waves and dived in. Little did you know Rafe was watching you intently. He eyed you as you came up from under the water and slicked your hair back. The way you jumped onto your taller best friend and swung around with her. The way you threw your head back and laughed. He saw it all in slow motion as he breathed in the sight of you. You were nothing short of a Goddess and it took everything in him to stay put and watch you from afar.
"She's so hot," Topper drooled as he pressed the bottle of tequila to Rafe's arm, snapping him out of his trance.
"They're both so fucking hot," Kelce added as he watched you and Courtney play closely in the water.
"Haven't you already fucked Court?" Topper asked.
Rafe took the bottle from him and took a short sip before resting his elbows back on his knees, swirling the tequila around in the bottle in front of him.
"Yeah, but like..." Kelce began. "I need to fuck them together." He laughed.
"Shut up, Kelce." Rafe scolded him.
"Whoa man," Kelce said, bringing his arms up in defense. "Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same."
Rafe ignored him, taking another swig. He honestly wouldn't. He didn't look twice at Courtney. All he could see was you. The only thought he had about Courtney was wishing he was in her place right now as he watched you jump into her arms and pull her under water with you.
"Yeah, he's whipped." Kelce concluded. Him and Topper both laughing.
"What?" Rafe asks.
"Bro, we've been trying to get your attention for like five minutes. Pick your jaw up off the floor and wipe the drool from you mouth." Kelce laughed.
"I think he likes you," Courtney teased.
"Rafe, dumbass! He's been staring at you for like 30 minutes. It's actually creepy."
You smile, chancing a look at Rafe. He was looking at you and you offered a smile in return. You brought your hand up and waved a couple fingers at him. You could see a hint of red spread across his cheeks and that satisfied you.
"He's cute." You tell Courtney simply as you wade in the water. You enjoyed the warmth the Atlantic had to offer over the ice cold feeling of the Pacific.
"He's cute?" Courtney asked. "Bitch, you were locked in a room with him for like 10 hours. Don't act like something isn't going on."
"We were high," You chuckled. But you remembered every single detail of your conversations with Rafe.
Before Courtney could say anything back, her face fell as she looked toward the beach behind you.
"What?" You ask before turning to meet her gaze.
"Trouble has arrived," Courtney sighed as you spotted Jessica and Maria chatting up the boys.
"Fuck those cunts," You said as you looked back out towards the ocean.
"Man, ya'll better get to steppin'," Kelce told the blonde bimbos that just approached him as he nodded toward the water.
Jess and Maria turned to lock eyes with you and Court in the water. Jessica scoffed. "Sluts will be sluts," She said loud enough for you to hear.
"Yeah, how's that nose feeling, bitch?!" Courtney yelled back at her.
"Oh, like it's my fault your little friend caught me off guard!" She yelled back.
"Oh, you wanna go for round two?" You asked as you emerged from the water.
Rafe's eyes scanned your body as water dripped off of your skin and hair.
"Go ahead, bitch!" You said as you came within a couple feet of her. "Throw the first punch!"
Rafe quickly got up and wrapped his arm around your waist. "They aren't worth it, sweetheart." He whispered against your temple as he pulled you back.
"Wow Rafe, didn't peg her as your type." Jess scoffed.
"You know what, go the fuck away!" Rafe yelled at them as he kept a firm grip on your waist, using his other hand to wave the girls off.
"Bye-bye," Courtney waved at them, giving them her devilish smirk. She knew good and well the girls lusted after Rafe and Kelce. She could see the jealousy rise in their faces when Rafe wrapped his arm around Y/N.
"Have fun with the sluts!" The girls yelled as they walked away. Rafe tightened his grip on you as you tried to go after them.
"Yeah, suck my dick, cunt!" You yelled after them.
"Hey, hey, hey," Rafe said as he grabbed at your hips and turned you to face him. "They're just a couple of dumb bitches, don't let them get to you."
"They fucked with Court," You said dryly.
"Hey, let's go to the club, I'll buy you a drink, yeah?" He asked. His fingers brushed your chin lightly as he gently pulled your gaze towards him.
You relaxed a little. "Yeah, okay." You said, offering a small smile.
You spent the next few weeks with your new crew. Topper still had school, and of course, he was dating Rafe's little sister, Sarah. But he made it a point to come around as often as he could. Sarah wasn't overly thrilled about that considering the way the rest of the island saw you and Courtney. Short skirts, bold make up, colored hair. It was like no one on this island had ever seen a person outside the island before.
But you and Court walked with confidence, swaying your hips as every pair of eyes stayed glued to you. Not to mention the boys trailing closely behind you. You felt like you owned this island.
Apart from Court, Rafe had become your best fucking friend. The two of you were practically glued at the hip. And it didn't go unnoticed that you both had a temper. You both hyped eachother up easily. He'd never met a girl that could party like you. One that could keep up with him. And when you lost your temper, Rafe was able to pick you up and carry you away with one arm before you caused any real damage. And when you could see Rafe ready to knock someone out, your voice calmed him. He melted every time you spoke, as if God herself had come down to whisper in his ear.
But Rafe would never tell you that. He watched as you danced with guys at parties, always keeping an eye on you to make sure they didn't push it too far. It destroyed him to see you cling to another guy, that guy making you smile. But at the end of the night, you were always going home in his truck, laughing and smiling the whole way. He wouldn't dare ruin that.
The group spent a lot of time at your house since your dad was almost never home. Rafe spent the most time there. He had confided in you about how his dad only cares about Sarah and always gives him a hard time.
"Fuck him," You spat. "Wanna kill him?" You ask, raising your eyebrows with a devilish smirk before leaning over your coffee table to rail another line of blow.
Rafe chuckled, knowing you were joking. But he loved the psychotic look that passed over your face.
"But seriously, Rafe," You said as you looked back up to him, pinching your nose and sniffing. "You're a good person. Like, the best person I've ever met. And if your dad can't see that then it's his loss."
"Yeah," He said as he took the rolled up bill from you. "You're right," He leaned over and took his line. "I just, uh, I just wish he'd be like proud of me, ya know?"
"Yeah, I know Rafey." You said, smiling at him softly.
He smiled back at you, taking in all of your features. Your deep, Y/E/C eyes shining up at him under yesterdays glitter. The way your messy hair still made you look like a model. The glow of your highlighter against your tan skin.
"Rafe? Rafe!" You snapped, trying to get his attention.
He snapped out of his trance. "What?" He said, almost surprised.
"Dude, we need to sell the rest of this shit." You told him as you motioned to the eight ball on the table. "Barry is gonna fuck you up. He's expecting his money tomorrow."
"Yeah, yeah, I got it covered." He said. "There's a bonfire on the beach tonight. Like, everyone will be there. We can definitely sell all this."
"Alright, cool. I'll go get ready." You said as you made your way to your bedroom. "Hey, Court is on her way over! Let her in, will you?" You shout back to him as you make your way down the hall.
"Anything for you, sweetheart!" He shouts back.
You blush slightly at his words.
You touched up your make up, throwing some of your signature rhinestones on. Then you pulled on a pretty skimpy red bikini and a pair of dark blue jean shorts over it. You draped yourself in your usual gold jewelry and put in a cute dangly Chanel belly ring.
"Hey bitch," Courtney said as she walked through your door and laid on your bed. "You look hot,"
"Thanks bitch," You said as you sprayed way too much of your KKW perfume on your skin.
"I'm surprised Rafe isn't in here gawking over you as you get ready." She chuckled as she laid on her stomach and rested her chin in her hands.
"We're just friends, Court," You smiled at her. "He's like, my best friend."
"Oh, cuz fuck me right?" Courtney responded.
"You know, other than you, dumb bitch." You chuckled.
Rafe stood outside the door quietly. He had intended to come see if you were ready but he couldn't help but eavesdrop on the girls conversation.
"So you're telling me you're not gonna let Rafe motherfucking Cameron take your virginity?"
Rafe's eyes widened at the statement and suddenly he felt guilty for listening in.
"Court!" You hissed.
"Don't worry! Your secret is safe with me. The whole island still thinks you're a little slut like me." She chuckled. "But bitch, this isn't the 80s, you need to catch a dick!"
"Unlike you, I get pleasure elsewhere." You stated.
Courtney sighed. "An unhealthy addiction to cocaine is hardly what I'd call pleasure. Besides, you've never even done it. How do you know sex wouldn't be better?"
At this point Rafe knew he needed to walk away. He made his way back to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge, trying to calm his nerves.
You and Courtney finally came out of your room. Rafe eyes immediately fall to your breasts, barely contained by the small bikini top. He quickly looks back up to meet your eyes and smiles. "I like your make up," He says softly, hoping you didn't catch him slip up.
"Thank you," You smiled up at him.
"What am I, a fucking side salad?" Courtney huffed.
"Chicken caesar," Rafe shot back. "The best salad in all the land. You look gorgeous as well." He told her.
She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Thanks Rafe. I'm always happy to be this steaks side salad," She giggled, gesturing to you.
You all burst out laughing.
"Ya'll are wack," You said as you giggled your way to the kitchen. "Pregame?" You asked, pulling out a bottle of tequila and 3 shot glasses.
"Just one," Rafe says. "Gotta drive the Kook Queens around."
You smile at him before pouring the shots. You slide one to Courtney and Rafe and hold yours up. "To the queens," You smile seductively.
"To the motherfucking queens!" Courtney said before throwing hers back, you and Rafe doing the same. "Hit me again!"
You and Courtney take a few more shots before you're feeling buzzed enough to be social. "Let's make some money!" You say as your jump onto Rafe and cling to his neck. He spins you around once before putting you down.
"Let's do it," He says with a smirk as he ushered you and Courtney out the door.
He opens the passenger door for you to climb into his truck before opening the back door for Courtney. Once you are both comfortably inside he shuts the door and makes his way to the driver's side.
"Bluetooth!" You scream at Rafe, ready to play your music.
"Okay, okay," He says. He taps a few buttons on the screen until it says your phone is connected. "Here ya go, sweetheart."
"You know what?" You say, cocaine and alcohol sending a nice chill through your body. "I feel fucking good!"
"Amen to that!" Court says from the back seat, taking a swig from the bottle of tequila.
"I wanna show you guys a song," You say, scrolling through your phone. "Bump this shit and tell me it doesn't make you feel fucking Euphoric!"
All the windows were down and you and Court leaned back out the window, letting your hair fly in the wind. You held her hand as you both laughed with happiness.
Rafe's eyes scanned your body. Your arched back as you leaned out the window. Your skin was perfectly tan and your body jewelry clung to you just right.
He had to pry his eyes away to keep them on the road. But you were right. He felt fucking euphoric.
"All for us," He whispered to himself.
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Omg guys, don't you love giving your own traumas to your fav ship when writing fanfics💋💋
Anyways, here is an edit of what I imagine Charles if he had religious trauma and trying to be as good a Jesus just for be loved by Sharon (me and my mom fr). Inspired by that statues of crying Virgin Mary.
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geotjwrs · 3 days
Can you Alexa demie x male reader smut and the reader is a young and upcoming actor who's nervous because he got to do a sex scene with her
rodeo (18+)
Pairings ; Alexa Demie x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; pure smut
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It was a warm summer evening in Los Angeles when young actor Y/N found himself standing outside the gates of Alexa Demie's sprawling Hollywood Hills mansion. He was nervously awaiting his scene partner for the night, the talented and beautiful Alexa herself. They were set to film a sex scene for their new show, Euphoria, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety.
As he waited, he couldn't help but recall their first encounter. It had been a few weeks prior, during a table read for the show. Alexa had walked in, her long black hair cascading down her back, her brown eyes sparkling with intelligence and wit. Y/N had been immediately drawn to her, and as they rehearsed their lines together, he found himself falling for her more and more.
Now, as he waited for her to answer the door, Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter in his stomach. When she finally opened the door, he was struck by her beauty once again. She was wearing a tight-fitting red dress that accentuated her curves, and her lips were painted a deep shade of crimson.
"Hi there," she said, her voice low and sultry. "I'm so glad you could make it."
Y/N followed her inside, his heart racing. They made their way to the living room, where a fire was crackling in the fireplace. Alexa poured them each a glass of wine, and they sat down on the couch, talking and laughing as they sipped their drinks.
As the night wore on, the conversation turned to more intimate topics. Alexa confessed that she had a bit of a daddy kink, and Y/N couldn't help but feel his cock twitch in his pants. He had always been attracted to older women, and the thought of being Alexa's daddy for the night was almost too much to bear.
"I want you to take control," Alexa said, her eyes shining with desire. "I want you to be my daddy and show me what it's like to be with a real man."
Y/N didn't need any further encouragement. He leaned in, capturing Alexa's lips with his own. They kissed deeply, their tongues exploring each other's mouths. Y/N's hands roamed over Alexa's body, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples through the fabric of her dress.
Alexa moaned, her hands reaching down to grip Y/N's cock through his pants. He was already hard, his length straining against the fabric. She stroked him gently, her fingers expertly working him to the brink of orgasm.
Y/N broke the kiss, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "I want to taste you," he growled, his eyes dark with desire.
He pushed Alexa back onto the couch, lifting her dress up to reveal her bare pussy. It was already wet, glistening in the firelight. Y/N couldn't resist any longer. He leaned down, his tongue snaking out to taste her.
Alexa cried out, her back arching off the couch. Y/N lapped at her pussy, his tongue exploring every inch of her. He sucked on her clit, teasing it with his teeth. Alexa's moans grew louder, her hands gripping the cushions of the couch.
"Oh, fuck, yes," she cried out. "Don't stop, daddy."
Y/N continued to feast on Alexa's pussy, his fingers joining in to probe her tight hole. She was so wet, so ready for him. He could feel her muscles clenching around his fingers, her orgasm building.
"Come for me, baby," he growled, his voice low and rough.
Alexa did as she was told, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave. She screamed, her body shaking with pleasure. Y/N didn't let up, his tongue continuing to work her clit as she came down from her high.
When she was finally spent, Y/N stood up, his cock throbbing with need. He stripped off his clothes, his eyes locked on Alexa's. She was watching him, her own eyes glazed with lust.
"I want you inside me," she whispered, her voice husky with desire.
Y/N didn't need any further encouragement. He climbed onto the couch, positioning himself between Alexa's legs. He teased her pussy with his cock, rubbing it up and down her slit.
"Please," Alexa moaned, her hips bucking up to meet him.
Y/N couldn't resist any longer. He pushed inside her, his cock filling her completely. She was so tight, so hot. He started to move, his hips thrusting in and out of her.
Alexa wrapped her legs around him, her heels digging into his ass. She met his thrusts with her own, their bodies moving in perfect harmony.
Y/N leaned down, his lips finding Alexa's once again. They kissed deeply as they fucked, their tongues dancing together. Y/N's hands roamed over her body, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples.
"Harder," Alexa moaned, breaking the kiss. "Fuck me harder, daddy."
Y/N did as he was told, his thrusts becoming more urgent, more demanding. Alexa cried out with each one, her orgasm building once again.
"Yes, yes, yes!" she screamed, her body shaking with pleasure.
Y/N couldn't hold back any longer. He felt his own orgasm building, his balls tightening. He thrust into Alexa one final time, his cock exploding inside her.
They collapsed onto the couch, their bodies slick with sweat. Y/N wrapped his arms around Alexa, pulling her close. They sat there for a long moment, their hearts beating in time with each other.
"That was amazing," Alexa whispered, her voice soft and dreamy.
Y/N couldn't agree more.
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mangyraccooon · 9 months
If I had a nickel for every time I had a half day off work in celebration of the holidays only for Ao3 to be shutdown/under maintenance
I’d have two nickels
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aswho1estuff · 7 months
With Legs Like That
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The football team is nothing but thieves. First they take the gym then your hair color. What else could they possibly want next my heart too ?
Hongjoong x Black Fem Reader
Tropes: college soccer player! Hongjoong x college football player! Black Reader / college au / battle of the sports
Author's note: this is technically my 1st actual one shot lmao and hats off to the writers on here this shit hard. It also helped that it was time for this story to move out my drafts.
Word count:
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1. They steal the gym
"The football team is gonna be doing workouts with us today, because we can't keep leaving for them" I whisper the last part as their team enters. "Full workout today I guess" Yunho replies "I don't mind, they've got nice legs" Wooyoung adds.
"really?"- "Don't they look like ours, how much better could they be" I grumble in-between their conversation. "Ah don't worry Captain yours are still my favorite" Wooyoung yells as I try shushing him.
"Wooyoung"- "Sorry y'all using this one?" A voice speaks over me "Go Ahead" Wooyoung replies gleeful to give away my machine. Turning to meet the player "Actually I... " woah she's tall and pretty, don't pan down don't pan down I repeat don't look at her legs..... Fuck I'm looking at her legs.
"Huh?" My head snaps back up towards her "I'm actually.. actually going to get snacks" yeah that's it "-do you want any?" "Oh sure thanks" she replys smiling. I'm happy she didn't ask for my heart cause I would have pulled it out my chest if she wanted.
"I'm Megan" she says waving I offer a wave back "I'm hongjo-" "oh he knows who you are, he's always talking about the football team" Wooyoung cuts in stopping my still waving hand I thank him with my eyes. "All good things I hope" she laughs "Course, let's get those snacks now" Wooyoung says pulling me.
"You never said she was on the team" I whisper yelling at Wooyoung "you never asked, captain".
2. She steals my hair
"did you guys plan that?" Yeosang nods towards the opening cafeteria doors. Megan stands out with dark blue hair "Oh man y'all look like those matchy couples" Wooyoung points between the two of us garnering incoming attention "... Did you copy her?!" San asks. I duck down covering my face "you know i didn't, they're different blues anyway".
"meg" Wooyoung ushers her over to our table "-you should come to our game this Friday". "Let's do it you want me to invite monica too?" "Monica?" I ask lifting my head "yes please.. and don't you like his new hair?" Wooyoung announces pointing.
"We twinning foreal only captains have blue hair" high fiving her I agree "You want to join us?" I point to the empty space across from me.
3. She steals my time
"are you looking for meg" woo laughs at me "no just seeing when you're Monica's gonna show" I conclude beating him at his own game. "Oh oh there" woo waves pointing "where where?!" I ask finding Megan's blue hair in the crowd waving I wave back... You know it's kinda our thing now I wave she waves we wave.
4. I steal her heart ?
"go Hongjoong!" Monica pushes me "aren't you forgetting someone?" "And Yunho!" I add on screaming. "You bitch" she laughs "I can only scream for 2 you gotta yell your man you know that" ".... Wooyoung" she bubbles out "you can do better" I scold her "WOOYOUNG!" she screams practically eating my left ear drum "Damn Bitch you Mariah with it" I high five her laughing now.
"Congratulations!" Me and Monica exclaim joining them on the field. "Y'all going to the party, it's at the beach?" Woo exclaims.
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"You sure you don't want a seashell?" Megan asked laying on her stomach.
"I enjoyed getting them for you, and I want you to enjoy having them...it wont hurt if they remind you of me either" I reply laying beside her.
"they do....but I wanna give you something too"
"whats that?"
"something you could have if you asked"
"please, can I kiss you?"
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saynomorefic · 17 days
"But the loneliness never left me I always took it with me, but I can put it down in the pleasure of your company"
"No Choir" by Florence + The Machine 💜🫂
"Do you still feel that way?" Simon asked, blowing smoke through parted lips, a sticky habit he'd picked up in California.
"What? Lonely?" Wille asked, gesturing for the joint. Simon nodded, and Wille shrugged. "It's more of a condition than a feeling," Wille exhaled, smoke curling in the air.
"I know something about conditions," Simon replied, his fingers tracing Wille's kneecap. "And distractions."
"You're not a distraction, you know that, right?" Simon's smile twitched with the weight of a frown.
"Then what am I?"
"You're - I love you," Wille breathed.
"That's not an answer, Wille." They sat together in silence.
I'm sorry that I made this so angsty, this is actually such a sweet lyric and song
Ty @youngroyals-events <3
Send me a song lyric and I'll write a drabble!!
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diaphene · 4 months
apprentice darth maul x escort!reader
its 12 am, im supposed to be asleep & i want you to suffer with me
intriguing idea of palpatine hiring an escort for maul bc his urges are starting to become … too much
either it would be a home visit or maul would be instructed to go to the brothel and then return immediately afterwards
he would admit, he was a little excited
connecting with someone new? physically? a strange warmth he gets to feel.. touch.. experience
the concept is extremely foreign to him, to the point where he started to become hesitant
but you are so patient & kind to help ease his nerves … there’s no way he wouldn’t have an intense attachment to you
he thought about you constantly
it was distracting him in his training
he couldn’t get enough, and he refused to see anyone else .. sometimes sneaking out to visit you twice in one day ..
he swore to himself he would make you his
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b1zmuth · 3 months
You, ''Me'', and the fucking cat! | Satan X Reader
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SC \\ replacement (To like the slightest degree), jealousy, angry MC, crackhead energy, whatever was that fever dream called the obey me anime, fluff, CAT!!!
Plot: You turn into a cat, and basically get replaced in some odd fashion. 
Today was an ordinary day.
It was the same as all the other ‘’ordinary to the point it's insufferable’’ days, filled with silence and the occasional joke thrown your way, darting glances towards you and those god-awful poorly hidden whispers- basically, everyone was tiptoeing around your general presence, attempting to not set off the ticking time bomb that was a mere step in the wrong direction from going off.
Now, to give credit where it's due, you DID bring this on yourself, considering your recently declared mass ignorance streak of everyone in the House of Lamentation.. And when you said everyone, you really meant EVERYONE- even Cebererus wasn't spared from your wrath and backhanded responses.
Even then, it still didn't justify anything that the brothers had done to you yesterday- leaving you a sopping wet mess due to their shitty April Fools “joke” that left you sulking in ''your bed'' for hours on end… or well leading up until now, where you sat on top of the table in Solomon’s dorm- where the owner of said room laughed at the current absurdity of the situation, despite the glares your eyes shot at him.
You licked your paw in an unamused fashion, trying to ignore Solomon’s cackle session at your unfortunate situation.. he somehow still didn't get with the program- shutting his mouth already.
‘’Hehe, he- haha! This is just too- haaaa!- funny! Tell me the story again, please?’’ Solomon laughed like it was going to be his last, which further fueled your immense hatred for the slick bastard- your mind racing to figure out what would be the best torture method for his ass- ‘’So, before you start telling me how you got yourself into this… situMEOWation! how's life living on the short side? Y’know, as a CAT! Ha!’’
You were going to kill him one way or another that's for SURE.
‘’Meow meow meowww! Meow meow!’’ (I’ll gouge your fucking eyeballs out if you laugh one more time you shitty excuse of a cook!) you hissed at the god-awful cook who laughed even harder this time, having to compose himself before he fell off the couch- ‘’Oh, this is the funniest thing I've ever seen- it's even better when I know what you're saying! Haha!’’ ‘’meow meow!’’ (incompetent fuck!)
Solomon finally stops laughing and turns to you with an amused look on his face, his smirk being the telltale sign of his desire for the full story…
So, this whole problem started when you were in your room secretly planning a nice, luxurious retreat to Istanbul with Satan as a surprise date in your planner- Noticing Mammon who came in your room and started talking to you- ‘’Oi human! Needa’ wear something light to dinner, Lucifer says you will get your hands messy! And doncha’ keep me waiting!’’- you finished up your plans got redressed fairly quickly and started rushing down for dinner only to be met with a dark, like SERIOUSLY dark dining room and radio silence to top it off. ‘’The hell?’’ you said, turning your head in every direction in a confused manner, your eyes darting around- eventually getting used to the pitch-black darkness that consumed the room, which still didn't help much but you just shrugged it off, and shook your phone to turn on its flashlight to be met with a damn near petrifying sight- four gigantic ass spiders-looking THINGS on the roof of the dining room which also, damn near shaved off 15 years off of your lifespan, and it only got worse from there as the 4 ‘’shadows’ started jumping down from the roof… With guns???
Damn! All of that boy kissing really did come to bite you in the ass because there was no way in hell the big G was going to let you slide with YOUR record. Fuck!
‘’Well damn, this might be how I go out, to some fuckass spiders- yeah right, hell to the naw!’’ you thought before making a mad dash up the stairs, hearing the repeated thumps of feet trailing behind you, the sound of your own blood rushing past your ears, the delicious feeling of adrenaline coursing throughout your body made this whole chase a little bit fun..?
Well, it was fun up until you nearly got cornered by three more of the ‘’shadows’’, mindlessly ran into about two walls, and got some varying degrees of carpet burn from sliding across the rugged floor so many times- your screams echoing throughout the halls, NOW the situation had totally went from 0-100 real fast.
But never mind that! Where in the world were the brothers? You had JUST seen and talked to Mammon no less than five minutes ago, right? There is no way that all seven could have disappeared with a trace within a matter of mere minutes?
Well, you kept on running until you finally found a lit room… And then your legs gave out from underneath you- and you somehow slid across a. Soapy floor? What the hell?
‘’SQUUUUIIRRTING CONTESSSSSST!!!!’’ you heard multiple voices around you scream before you were blasted by multiple streams of.. ‘’Water’’, you think, and having buckets of that same ‘’water’’ being dumped all over your already sopping wet body- and then to make matters worse, the millisecond you got up you were pelted with numerous water balloons that sent you right back down for the count- with the same voices bursting out with cackles and giggles at your expense.
I mean, to give credit, your assailants finally got the memo that maybe you were dead due to drowning in some mysterious liquid, and a yellow blur pulled you up before you were pelted with MORE FUCKING WATER BALLOONS- oh yeah, you had to be fucking livid now, looking aligned to someones abandoned wet dog after all.
Oh, and livid you were! Enough to start flipping tables and chairs, turning the now revealed seven brothers into a humanized game of bowl, hanging three of them from a chandelier and giving two a swirly-whirly, leaving poor Lucifer and Satan staring at you in genuine fear and holding up their hands defensively whilst slowly walking backward- ‘’YOU!’’ You yelled, pointing a furious finger that switched between pointing at both demons before you spoke up again, your feet picking up pace and the distraught faces of both demons turning more scared with each step- ‘’I ALMOST DROWNED! MY PHONE? SHAMISLED! MY NOSTRILS? SHOT. MY HAIR THAT I SPENT AN HOUR DRYING AND FLUFFING OUT? DONE-ZOS! WHAT IN THE HELL COMPELS YOU TO DROWN SOMEONE IN WATER AFTER HELPING THEM UP?!’’ you screamed at the two before stopping dead in your tracks, just mere feet in front of them before you started having a stare-down contest with your two unwilling contestants before they nervously tried to plead the fifth with you, only to be met with a loud ‘’STAY!’’ and the loud thumps of their bodies hitting the floor.
‘’Uuuuuuuuurgh..’’ ‘’Nghuuuugh…!’’
‘’Meow meow meow meow, meow! Meooooooooow, meowww.’’ (And that's how I ended up ignoring all of those damn brothers, who almost drowns someone in.. whatever that ‘’water’’ was and then laughing when I got pelted with even MORE wate-’’ ‘’HAAAAAAAAHAAhhhheeeehe!! AHAaaa!’’ ‘’Heheeeee…. Oh uh.. continue, please..’’
So, after you eventually stormed up to your room after spamming ‘’Stay’’ on Lucifer and Satan, you tried to get somewhat dry and marched right on over to Levi’s Room, snatching up Crowe and marching right back on over to your own room before starting your devious plan; turn all of the brothers into cats of course! At least then they would be bearable to be around after the shadoozy they just put you through 15 minutes ago! What a fantastic plan! What could possibly go wrong?
‘’Crowe! I want you to turn something into a cat.’’ You said, hoping that Levi had autopay still enabled on Crowe.
‘’Hello, LEVIACHAN, what would you like to be turned into a cat?’’ Crowe responded, your giddy smile growing with the thought of the brothers getting their justified punishment, right up until you heard Satan calling your name out- ‘’Shit! Did Crowe hear that?’’
‘’Understood, autopay is enabled, beginning transaction soon.’’ You let out a loud groan, mentally cursing Satan for opening his mouth the second you decide to use something as sensitive as Crowe. Fuck!
‘’MC! Were sorry! Can we talk..please?’’ Satan yelled from somewhere downstairs, his voice getting louder- signaling his ascent up towards your room- ‘’Payment confirmed, LEVIACHAN, thank you for using Crowe’s Digital Transformation System. . . . . . A bright white flash quickly illuminates the room, both blinding you and ripping a poorly-hidden scream from your throat, before dissipating and alerting your unwanted guest. . . . As much as you loved Satan, you were SO going to kick his ass the second you got your body back, no! You were GOING to kick his ass as soon as he walked in! Wait, you could do it in the hallway too! Even better.
If only you could reach the door that was taunting you about your new, fuzzy, form.
Well, shit. Now not only were you stuck in this cat form, but your entire revenge plan also went straight out the window- I mean there wasn't jack your minuscule ass was going to be doing to a 6’1 demon who LOVED cats. You might as well just go ahead and call it quits, because this would be your unfortunate new life.
And just as you were sulking, deciding on what cat food you would have to set as your worst-case scenario- O-Great-Lord-O-Cats waltzes into your room, looking somewhat distressed as he frantically looked around for your (human) body, only for his greenish-yellow eyes falling on your adorable cat form- ‘’Oh! Where did you come from, little one? And how did you get inside?’’ Satan asked you, his large hands picking you up and holding you, one hand lifting up to pet your soft fur and eventually scratching behind your ear- but not before swiping a
‘’Never mind that, you must be hungry.. And angry at that..’’ He looked at you with a saddened face, seemingly to completely have forgotten about the very much HUMAN scream that came from your room, and that flashbang of a transformation that he had to have seen- my god, you really didn't think that Satan wanted you gone that much for him to overlook that gigantic red flag.
You wondered if someone were to wave a 50ft red flag in front of his face would he still just ignore it to care for a cat.. Probably so knowing him.
And to your shock, all the rest of the brothers were sitting at the dinner table eating, before they watched Satan walk into the room with yet another cat, before turning back to finish whatever they were doing at the table- I mean it was already confusing that Satan didn't say anything about the recent events, but for all seven brothers to not even spare a cough or a sniffle when your scream rang out and Satan came down with a CAT and not YOU.
‘’What for dinner.’’ Satan asked nonchalantly, setting you down on the dinner table, to which you stared at him with a confused look- ‘’Devildom Stir-fry with Toxic Chameleon’’ someone from behind you said, your furry face now scrunched up in contemplation- ‘’there is no way in hell they served a dish that only demons could eat, did I give them all brain damage? no.. no. did they forget me?’’ You thought to yourself, being so lost in thought that you didn't hear Satan excusing himself from the table to ‘’go get something’’, or really to notice the disappointed sighs of the brothers around you.
You felt a pair of warm, slender hands pick you up and carry you to a nearby seat, setting you down on their lap and petting your fur softly, and as you looked up- you saw Asmo pouting above you.
‘’You know, I feel sooooo bad for making our sweet MC angry… dinners so boring without them.’’ Asmo sighed, picking aimlessly at his plate after he passed you to Belphie- ‘’Agreed, I didn't think they would take it so seriously’’ Belphie hummed before turning you into his personal pillow, smooshing his face inside of your soft fur.
‘’I believe Lucifer told you to at least warn MC that they would be getting wet, right Mammon?’’ Levi retorted at the now worried Mammon who just responded with ‘’Y’know, who tells a person to change clothes because they are going to be getting wet in the dining room, huh?!’’ he pointed his fork towards Levi who scoffed,’’ YOU, Mammon! Are you seriously that dim-witted to not warn someone about a water fight?’’ he glared right back at the elder sibling- searching his pockets for his DDD.
‘’Either way, MC doesn't want to speak with us, they even hid in their room when I came to find them.’’ Satan responded, his tone slowly going more upbeat as he saw you desperately trying to claw your way from underneath Belphie- who awoke with some ‘’gentle’’ persuasion from Satan.
Belphie’s chair quickly tumbles to the ground, with him flying to the floor with it -’’ Y’know, you DIDN’T have to shove me out of the chair! Evil bastard!’’- ‘’tough luck, I need to put this collar on Satan’s Angry Kitty, and you're in the way!’’ Satan shrugged at Belphie, picking you up and returning you back to his seat at the dinner table.
Hold on a minute, he said a-what-now?
‘’Woah woah woah! Slow down! Did you just say you need to put a collar on that CAT who’s name is Satan’s Angry Kitty? Belphie pulled himself up off the floor, looking at Satan with a questionable look on his face ‘’Thats such a cringy name lool’’ Levi giggled to himself as he watched you desperately try to run away from Satan’s hands- ‘’Even the cat thinks the name is weird LMAO’’
Who in their right fucking mind names a cat that? I have to stop picking the freaklicious men to crush on- because this is just plain ridiculous!
‘’What a kinky name for a cat, Satan!’’ Asmo said in a sing-song tone, his smirk never faltering.
‘’Of course, I named the cat that- they remind me of MC, and it would be weird to name a cat that randomly appeared in MC’s room after them, no?’’ Satan laughed, covering your claws with his thumbs- ‘’Oi! What makes you think that the cat belongs to YOU? If anything I say I should get to name the cat! I was MC’s first man after all!’’ Mammon leaped from his seat pointing the finger at Satan and quickly pointing his finger at everyone else at the table.
‘’You would KILL that poor furry feline with your incompetence! I think that I, Asmo, should take care of them! At least they wouldn't end up being sold off to those witches you are so fond of!’’ Asmo put a hand on his chest, smugly making a comment towards Mammon, only to be cut off by Belphie- ‘’Nuh-uh! No way in HELL should an animal be left in your care! You're too self-absorbed to even give a second thought about it! Leave it in the care of ME and BEEL.’’
‘’And you're so sure that you could take care of it huh?! Beel would eat the poor thing as a midnight snack and your napping gramps ass wouldn't even know until a week later!’’
‘’Loool you guys are so pathetic, clearly the otaku could take care of a simple cat- unlike the rest of you normies!’’
‘’Oh COME ON! Your an OTAKU for fucks sake! You’d be too busy busting it to your figurines and those games your always playing to even notice if the cat got eaten by Henry!’’
‘’Who are you calling pathetic?! I was the first one to discover the cat, so I get naming privileges! All the rest of you clingy fucks can suck it!’’
‘’You all are being childish, none of you are even competent enough to care for this feline- so just go ahead and give it to me!’’
. . . . . . . .
It took a lot more arguing, flipped tables and chairs, plates, forks, food, and YOURSELF, being flung around the room before you were finally able to get Satan to calm down and pay attention to you- ‘’HURRRRRAAAAAUG- oh! Satan’s Angry Kitty! You seem like you want my attention.. You want my attention don’t ya? Awwwwwh! You really are just too cute!’’ He cooed at you whilst holding you in his arms before retreating to his room and setting you down on his bed.
I mean, seeing him in his demon form was really interesting since he seemed to get even dreamier when he was being nice in said form- and it was even better that he was lying down on his back and holding you up in the air, still cooing at you about how cute you were- ‘’you know, MC was planning on taking me on a secret date to this place in the human world called ‘’Istanbul’’..’’ ‘’Meow meow meow!’’ ( Damn it! You just had to look through my notebook!’’)
‘’I mean, I was planning on asking them out on a library date, I was really worried if they weren't going to feel the same about me, but thanks to you sitting right next to that notebook I got to know that they do like me back! What a helpful kitty you are!’’ He booped your small button nose, to which you tried to reciprocate the action by booping him back, but failed.
Now, it was only a matter of time before Satan swiped that planner of yours- it DID have the title as ‘’Satan X Me (heart heart heart)’’ but even then you did it as a funny haha joke, and now its come back to bite you in the ass. Dammit.
Unfortunately, he sat you back down on the bed and got up to go retrieve a book from one of his shelves, coming back and fully laying down on his bed with you resting on his chest.
You curled up into a ball on top of him, placing yourself where you could read the book with him, peacefully enjoying the steady beat of his heart, and his soothing breathing- ‘’How much longer do you want to stay as my little angry kitty, hm, MC?’’
Wait what?
He laughed, ‘’Don't act coy with me MC, I've already known that you were transformed into a cat. So, let me ask you again; how much longer do you want to stay as Satan’s Angry Kitty?’’ he narrowed his eyes as he spoke, watching your bewildered expression. (really he was watching your ears)
And did Jesus come to save you he did, having all six of his brothers burst into the room- teasing you about being Satan’s Little Kitten- and a mix of ‘’APRIL FOOLS’’ having you make a hasty retreat for the door, a mad dash to the dorms where Solomon was- because staying in that house another SECOND would have had you dead on the spot.
‘’Meow meow meow meow, meow meow.’’ (so yeah, here we are. I would have done anything to be in my human form when he told me that! Do you know how hot it was to be called his kitty whilst he was in his demon form AND laying on his chest?! Do you, Solomon?!) You meowed at the sorcerer, who laughed again- ‘’and now your just being thirsty for him, classic you.’’ Solomon responded flashing his bright smile at you.
‘’Meow meow meow..’’ (coming from the fruitastic maestro sitting in front of me I take that as a compliment.)
‘’Would you like for me to turn you back now? You know, so you can continue salivating at the mouth over Satan?
‘’Meow!’’ (yes!)
Solomon giggled at your enthusiastic response before he turned you back into the human- ''It's a wonder that he hasn't shown up here to come and get you-'' and he was swiftly cut off with a suspicious knock at the door to which you answered it… and it was Satan, holding a beautiful bouquet of your favorite colored flower, a giddy smile on his face, and a small ginger cat perched on top of his shoulder- ‘’Heard you had an interest for me, Kitt-’’
‘’let me stop you right there buddy, we need to sit down and have a talk about this nickname situation!’’ You giggled at the somewhat taller male who laughed right with you as he lowered his shoulder so you could grab the cat that was on it.
‘’Where do you keep on finding all these cats?’’ ‘’I don't know, I'm just a cat attractor, you know this already, hun.’’
A/N: This was just wow. somehow this beat my diavolo x reader fic with a 1500 word difference.. atp every fic I write gets LONGER.. smh
Ngl this one drained me, so OMNB(+SWD) headcannons r next, so if you enjoyed this fic please like and drop a suggestion for the headcannons! oh yeah, and thank you to everyone who enjoyed my DXR fic! i really, really, appreciate it!! :)
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Bizmuth 24' | Biz's Workshop
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babybixon012 · 5 months
•Intimate enemies•
Summary: Maddy and Rafe always hated each other, and everything Rafe did Maddy hated and everything Maddy did Rafe hated. But deep down they love each other.
Warning: drugs, unprotected sex, verbal violence, "physical" violence, a funny but toxic relationship.
Maddy Pérez (Euphoria) Rafe Cameron (Outer banks)
Part 1
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When Maddy was 12 she went to the Outer Banks with her family. Maddy family was not poor they had plenty of money But they went to the island to get more money. At first Maddy hated this year that she will be separated from her friends, much less from New York.
Her parents were negotiating with the Cameron family, whom she did not know.
Maddy thought the banks were beautiful when I got there, but she was very proud. So she told her parents that I hate the beach, that I hate people and that she hated
But when Maddy family got closer to the Cameron family she met Sarah. And from then on, they became best friends. Everything was perfect everything was calm. Without Sara you would be nothing On that shitty island.
But you had a problem, a terrible problem that something in our But you had a problem, a terrible problem. Rafe Cameron....
Wafer was everything you hated. He was spoiled, it's unbearable if he thought he was the king of f***he was spoiled, it was unbearable if he thought he was the king (and he was) the first time you saw this one you thought That I was going to make friends with him like Sarah. But you hated the boy.
"Hi...I'm Maddy, I'm Sarah's friend" she said smiling.
" I don't care" he said, shrugging his shoulders and sucking on the ice cream.
"That's called bad manners, you know?" You said, getting irritated, even if you were a child, you already had a lot of stress.
"You're unbearable, you know? Get out of my way, Latina" You gape and take it as if it were an offense (and it was) and he walks away and leaves you freaking out with rage.
Since that day you hated Rafe. And everything he represented.
When you turned 13 years old, you went to celebrate at the Camero mansion, because the families are already very close.
You were very happy because all your friends that you liked were there. And the party was incredible. But that smile soon changed to a brave face. It was Rafe Cameron who was there. It's okay that the house was his. But why? He hated you and you hated him, so why was he there?
"Latina! Finally growing up" he says with a mischievous smile on his face.
"Screw you, you living dummy" Maddy says and rolls her
"you cursed!! You're screwed now, because I'm going to tell your mother" He laughs and runs to tell his mother. You despair. Already knowing that your mother would ground maddy.
He made her life a real chaos, but she also fought back a lot. There was the time she put three eggs in a bucket and whoever entered (in this case Rafe) the eggs would fall on their head.
And so it was done, the eggs fell on Rafe's head, legend has it that he is cracking the eggs to this
But anyway. You two were like cats and dogs, you fought over everything, you argued over everything, you were horrible to each other.
•Current days•
There were maddy and Sarah in the pool. You two were sunbathing.
"Hey, you know that boy I told you about?" Sarah says biting her nails. Kind of silly.
"yes....that John B, the king of the Pogues." You talk while lying down facing the sun. She didn't have any prejudice against people who were poor, but sometimes you made fun of them, because the Pogues weren't poor either Easy to get along with.
"Yes, he is! He asked me on a date" she says smiling at the sky. And at that moment she realized that her friend was in love.
"go friend, go on that date. You deserve better" maddy were referring to Topper, you were the friend, but you knew that he and Sarah didn't work out together.
"We ran out of soda. Shit, that was the last package in the freezer, I'm going to have to go buy it" Sarah says with a snort.
"Come on, and please don't take long, I want to tell you about my new Fiante" Maddy gives a mischievous smile and so does Sarah.
Sarah, I left, and you were looking at your cell phone, since you had nothing to do. Until....
"new Stayer? Who's the brave one?" He speaks in a "surprised" tone and is clearly insulting you. you huff and take a deep breath.
"You know Rafe, I went to therapy and I want to stay calm, that is, I won't pay attention to your insults" you say smiling with pure mockery and go back to your cell phone.
Clearly Rafe wasn't expecting this, but he was going to make you mad. And he was going to make it.
"Clearly I wasn't expecting all this calm." He knows you hate being called Latina by Rafe Cameron. She twist in anger and go straight for his neck.
Rafe couldn't stop laughing when you tried to choke him. You were shorter than him so it made it a little difficult.
"You're an idiot! You idiot! You weakling" she said, shouting while jumping on his neck.
Until the two of you lose your balance and fall together. For the first time Maddy could see Rafe's eyes this close, and they were beautiful. While Rafe smelled Maddy, he wanted that smell Forever.
" You're an idiot, Rafe Cameron," Maddy says, trying to get angry, but their eyes were mesmerized by Rafe's.
And the two of you were still lying on the floor, until you took the initiative to get up, but at the last second, in the second half. Rafe kisses she, kisses you with desire, kisses you with desire.
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At first you didn't give in, but then you gave in to him. Rafe holds Maddy's waist. As she lets out a moa.
Until she snaps and stops kissing him desperately. "Rafe! What the fuck are we doing?" Maddy say pushing him and looking around to see if anyone saw him.
"Just enjoy your adolescence?" Rafe says, pretending to be innocent and you roll your eyes.
"For starters, you're not a teenager, you're already 18!" Rafe pretends to be shocked. "And the last thing I want is to enjoy my adolescence with she, your daddy's boy" she says, taking her things, to enter the Cameron mansion.
Rafe saw you going out in that bikini that was making him hard and crazy. And that kiss only made Rafe's day better. Rafe didn't hate she, for him to hate is a very strong word, he just didn't like maddy. He also loved making her mad, as a child.
Maddy enters the Cameron house agitatedly, and she ends up bumping into Sarah, with sodas in hand.
"what the fuck maddy, what planet are you on?" Sarah speaks and you give a slight smile... a little suspicious.
"I'm sorry Sarah, I hadn't seen you" she says, still nervous and Sarah finds her friend's behavior strange.
"Is everything okay with you?" Sarah says and Maddy rolls her
"So Sarah stop being annoying, I'm great! I'm going home, okay?" She speaks clearly trying to get away from Rafe, who was looking in their direction.
"But weren't you going to tell me about your new boyfriend? What about soft drinks?" Sarah He says looking at Maddy confused. And the more Maddy and Sarah prolonged their conversation, Rafe became closer.
I'm feeling crampy, at the party tonight I'll tell you everything! Bye friend, I love you " Maddy says practically running, and bumps into Rafe's chest, which was muscular and strong. Rafe gives a smile. And Maddy whispers Some pest. Maddy finally leaves the Cameron mansion and Sarah is still shocked by her friend's behavior.
"why the fuck did she act like that?" Sarah speaks loudly. And the rafe leans against On the counter
"I don't know, you always bring your crazy friends to our house" Rafe says, turning his back. And Sarah swears something.
Rafe didn't like Maddy, "fact" but she wouldn't leave his head. Why?
And he was looking forward to seeing you, because Sarah was having a party that night and Maddy would definitely go. So Rafe would be there.
The party had barely started and Sarah and Rafe's house was full. She had Pogues and she had Kooks too. And Maddy was there, perfect as always. She was dancing with a random man, and oddly enough, Rafe only had eyes for you that night.
And Sofia, who was Rafe's "girlfriend", noticed that her boyfriend only looked at Maddy's ass. She just freaked out.
Sarah had gone to the bathroom area, until she heard Sofia and other Kooks girls, talking bad about Maddy. Sarah just ran to tell Maddy
"Maddy!!!" Sarah screamed trying to get closer to you and passes through the crowd. "Maddy, you don't know what Sofia and the other girls are saying against you" Sarah said trying to catch her breath.
"What the fuck are they talking about me Sarah?" Maddy says, and I frown.
"I think it's better for you to see it with your own eyes" Sarah says, half laughing, as she knows the future of this fight.
"with pleasure" Maddy says, leaving the guy she was with, and going after Sofia. And suddenly, she has a group of people following Maddy, sure to watch the fight.
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Arriving there, Maddy found several girls around Sofia, laughing and gossiping about something. Maddy gives a smile and approaches Sofia. And Sofia noticed that she had several people around In other words, Maddy would beat her up
"So Sofia, what are you talking about me, you stupid little bitch" Maddy says and Sofia swallows hard. She knew she couldn't handle a fight with Maddy, because Maddy was a quarrelsome person And smash any dirty girl that gets in his way.
"Look Maddy, I don't want to argue with you, I'm not going to make a big show" Sofia says leaving, probably very scared, Sucker.
"Poor Maddy, I think she's scared of you" Sarah says teasingly and people scream. Maddy just laugh
"Afraid of a slut that catches everyone?" Everyone goes crazy when Sofia says that. Sarah knew that Maddy would reach her "crazy" state when she heard that.
"What did you call me?" Maddy says in a whisper. Maddy approaches Sofia and gets closer to her face "what did you call me, you fucking whore" Maddy shouted at her. The girl She was practically crying, Maddy was making her scared.
Until Rafe appears, and is amazed and trying to understand what is happening.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Rafe says, getting close to Maddy and Sofia. Maddy didn't even look at him, she just looked at Sofia.
"The maddy who murders me " Sofia says trying to get some kind of remorse from Rafe, but she doesn't get anything.
"I think you better calm down Maddy " Rafe says trying to calm the situation. And he also puts his hands on Maddy's shoulders, to give her support.
He didn't know why he was doing it, just that he felt like he had to do it.
"Shut up Rafe! It's my business with her" Maddy shouts, already pointing her hand in Sofia's face.
"Leave me alone Maddy" Sofia says trying to run, but gets caught by Maddy pulling her hair.
"Next time you don't answer me and turn your back on me, you'll regret it!" Maddy says, pulling her hair even more. And everyone screamed And Rafe was excited by that.
"that's enough maddy, leave the girl" Rafe says and Maddy obeys, and Sofia leaves completely humiliated. And everyone started shouting Maddy.
And that filled her ego. Until Rafe grabs Maddy's arm and takes her to the corner.
"I think we need to repeat that kiss" Rafe says, caressing Maddy's back, as she was very close to him.
"Don't you hate me Rafe Cameron?" Maddy says using that seductive tone of hers. And Rafe gets tougher about it
"and maybe I hate you, but I didn't say I hated you when it came to sex" Rafe says, getting closer to her mouth. And Maddy gets very close to his mouth too.
"so you're inviting me to have sex with you?" Maddy says with her lips very close to Rafe's.
"yes, that outfit of yours is driving me crazy, and you're driving me crazy" when Rafe says that, he immediately tries to kiss Maddy, but Maddy refuses
"I would never have sex with Rafe Cameron, I won't fall for that weakling curse" says Maddy, looking at Rafe with a look of contempt.
Rafe is filled with rage, almost grabbing her by force. But he exhales and looks furious.
"Sofia was right about you Madalena Pérez, you're a shit whore" Rafe says with a bitter tone, and oddly enough, Maddy was upset?
"Your opinion is the same as wind for me" Maddy speaks last and then leaves.
Maddy was so angry with Rafe that she ended up falling for her ex-boyfriend. JJ Maybank
"pay attention, babe" says JJ, recovering from the fall. Maddy and JJ dated for 1 year and 4 memes, but you broke up because of JJ's friends, who didn't approve of you guys. And JJ only listened to his friends and left Maddy aside, because of them.
"Screw you JJ" Maddy says, and JJ realizes that she wasn't cool.
"Did something happen, babe?" Jj says, approaching her. And Maddy looks down, it looks like she doesn't mean to say anything. "Do you want to talk somewhere else?" Maddy nods.
Part 2?
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dragonfly0808 · 9 months
Happy New Year!!! New Chapter!
So, I’m still on hiatus, but I wanted to give yall a little gift to kick off the new year so…
Chapter 14: Just Kids Caught in the Crossfire
Is out now!!!
This chapter is the one to kick off our first arc: Generation Why (Talk About How Fast We Grew) which will focus on… Stella, Timmy and Aisha!!!
And we will also have a surprise appearance of a certain character from s3…
Happy 2024!!!
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reaper2187 · 1 month
Alexa bliss x wrestler female reader
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The backstage area of the WWE arena was buzzing with activity as wrestlers and crew members moved about, preparing for the night's matches. The air was thick with anticipation, the crowd's excitement seeping through the walls and into the veins of every performer. Among the chaos, Y/N — known to the WWE Universe as the Reaper — leaned against a wall, quietly observing the flurry of activity around her. She was dressed in her usual ring gear: a black sports bra that showed off her muscular frame, cargo pants, and combat boots adorned with chains. A skull bandana wrapped around her arm, and her face bore the familiar skull markings that had become synonymous with her name.
Despite the frenzy around her, Y/N remained calm, her sharp eyes scanning the room. Her reputation as a fearsome and unyielding competitor preceded her, and most people kept a respectful distance. It wasn’t fear, exactly — though she knew she was intimidating — but rather an understanding that Y/N wasn’t the type to engage in casual conversation. She was all business, especially on a night like this.
Tonight, Y/N had her sights set on a match that had been brewing for weeks. She had been thrust into a rivalry with Alexa Bliss, one of WWE’s most enigmatic and unpredictable superstars. It had all started innocently enough, with Alexa making sly comments during one of Y/N’s promos, but it quickly escalated into something more sinister. Alexa’s mind games had always been her forte, but Y/N wasn’t easily shaken. Still, there was something about Alexa — the way she moved, the way she spoke — that got under Y/N’s skin in a way no one else ever had.
A part of Y/N respected Alexa for that. After all, it wasn’t often that someone could rattle the Reaper.
As Y/N continued to watch the backstage area, she felt a presence beside her. She didn’t need to look to know who it was; the air seemed to shift whenever Alexa was around. The smaller woman had a way of making herself known without saying a word.
“Ready for tonight?” Alexa’s voice was light, almost teasing, as she leaned against the wall beside Y/N, her blue eyes gleaming with mischief.
Y/N turned her head slightly, meeting Alexa’s gaze with her own. “Always.”
Alexa smiled, a hint of something wicked playing at the corners of her lips. “Good. I like when you’re ready. It makes it more fun.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Is that what this is to you? Fun?”
Alexa tilted her head, considering the question. “Maybe. But I think you’re having fun too, even if you won’t admit it.”
Y/N didn’t respond immediately, her eyes narrowing as she studied Alexa. The truth was, there was something thrilling about this rivalry. Alexa was unpredictable, constantly keeping Y/N on her toes, and in a way, Y/N found herself looking forward to their encounters. But there was something deeper beneath the surface, something that Y/N couldn’t quite put her finger on. Alexa wasn’t just trying to get under her skin — she was trying to get into her head.
And Y/N wasn’t sure how she felt about that.
“Be careful, Bliss,” Y/N finally said, her voice low and warning. “Playing with fire usually ends with someone getting burned.”
Alexa’s smile widened, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “I like the heat.”
With that, she pushed off the wall and sauntered away, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts.
The match that night was nothing short of chaotic. The crowd was on their feet as Y/N and Alexa clashed in the ring, their styles contrasting in a way that made the match a spectacle to behold. Y/N’s brute strength and relentless aggression were met with Alexa’s cunning and agility. Every time Y/N thought she had the upper hand, Alexa would slip out of her grasp like smoke, delivering a swift kick or an unexpected counter that kept Y/N off balance.
But Y/N wasn’t one to be outdone. She powered through Alexa’s mind games, using her sheer force to wear down her opponent. The crowd roared as Y/N delivered a thunderous clothesline that sent Alexa crashing to the mat. For a moment, it seemed like Y/N had the match in hand.
But Alexa, ever resourceful, wasn’t finished yet. She played possum, waiting for Y/N to get too close before springing up and delivering a wicked DDT that stunned Y/N and brought the crowd to their feet.
The match raged on, both women pushing themselves to the limit. Alexa’s resilience surprised Y/N — she had underestimated just how tough the smaller woman could be. But Y/N was determined to end this once and for all. She hoisted Alexa onto her shoulders, preparing to deliver a move that would seal her victory.
But as she did, something unexpected happened.
Alexa, rather than struggling to escape, leaned in close, her breath hot against Y/N’s ear. “You’re stronger than I thought,” she whispered, her voice soft and almost… affectionate?
The words caught Y/N off guard, her grip faltering just enough for Alexa to slip free. Before Y/N could react, Alexa delivered a quick roll-up pin, using her momentum to catch Y/N off balance. The referee’s hand hit the mat three times before Y/N could break free.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the match, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Alexa’s music hit the speakers as she rolled out of the ring, a triumphant grin on her face. Y/N was left on her knees in the ring, a mix of frustration and confusion swirling in her mind.
Alexa had beaten her, but it wasn’t the loss that bothered Y/N. It was the way she had lost — the way Alexa had gotten inside her head at the last moment, just enough to throw her off her game.
As Y/N watched Alexa celebrate her victory on the ramp, a strange feeling settled in her chest. It wasn’t anger or resentment. It was something else, something she wasn’t sure she wanted to acknowledge.
But one thing was certain: this wasn’t over.
Backstage, Y/N paced the locker room, her thoughts a whirlwind of frustration and confusion. She was angry with herself for letting Alexa get the better of her, but more than that, she was unsettled by the emotions the match had stirred up. She wasn’t used to feeling this way — off-balance, uncertain. It wasn’t like her.
The door to the locker room creaked open, and Y/N stopped pacing, her eyes narrowing as Alexa Bliss stepped inside. The smaller woman closed the door behind her, leaning against it with a satisfied smile.
“You’re upset,” Alexa observed, her tone light but with an edge of something more.
“What do you want, Bliss?” Y/N’s voice was clipped, her patience running thin.
Alexa took a step forward, her eyes never leaving Y/N’s. “I wanted to see how you were doing. You seemed… bothered.”
Y/N clenched her fists, trying to keep her emotions in check. “What’s your game, Alexa? You’re always playing games. What’s this one?”
Alexa stopped in front of Y/N, close enough that Y/N could feel the warmth radiating from her. “Maybe I like playing games with you. Maybe I like seeing what makes you tick.”
Y/N’s eyes narrowed. “Is that all this is? Another mind game?”
Alexa’s smile softened, and for the first time, Y/N saw something in her eyes that wasn’t mischief or cunning. It was something more genuine, something almost… vulnerable.
“I don’t know,” Alexa admitted, her voice quieter now. “You’re different, Y/N. You’re not like the others. You don’t scare easily, and you don’t fall for my tricks. It’s… intriguing.”
Y/N blinked, taken aback by the honesty in Alexa’s words. This wasn’t the Alexa Bliss she was used to. This was someone else, someone who was showing a side of herself that few people ever saw.
“What are you saying?” Y/N asked, her voice softer now, the anger from earlier dissipating.
“I’m saying that maybe I don’t want to just play games with you,” Alexa replied, her eyes searching Y/N’s face. “Maybe I want to know you. The real you.”
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest. This was uncharted territory for her. She was used to dealing with opponents, with threats, with battles. But this… this was something entirely different.
“Why?” Y/N asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Alexa hesitated, as if unsure of her own answer. “Because I see something in you. Something that I don’t see in anyone else. And maybe… maybe you see something in me too.”
Y/N was silent, her mind racing as she tried to process what was happening. She had never expected this, never imagined that she and Alexa would be standing here, having this conversation. But as she looked into Alexa’s eyes, she realized that maybe she had seen something in her all along. Something that had drawn her in, even when she didn’t want to admit it.
Slowly, almost tentatively, Y/N reached out and took Alexa’s hand. The smaller woman looked up at her, surprise and something else — hope, maybe — flickering in her eyes.
“I don’t know what this is,” Y/N said, her voice steady but gentle. “But I’m willing to find out.”
Alexa’s smile returned, softer this time, without the usual edge of mischief. She squeezed Y/N’s hand, a silent agreement passing between them.
“Me too,” Alexa whispered.
For a moment, they just stood there, hands intertwined, the weight of their unspoken agreement settling over them
. There was no need for words, no need for explanations. Whatever this was, it was real, and it was theirs to explore.
The days that followed were a whirlwind of emotions for Y/N. She and Alexa didn’t talk about what had happened in the locker room, but there was an unspoken understanding between them. They were no longer just rivals in the ring; there was something deeper connecting them now.
Y/N found herself thinking about Alexa more often than she cared to admit. She thought about the way Alexa had looked at her, the vulnerability in her eyes that she usually kept hidden behind a mask of bravado. It made Y/N want to protect her, to keep that side of Alexa safe from the world.
But Y/N also knew that Alexa was more than capable of taking care of herself. She was tough, resilient, and sharp as a tack. It was one of the things Y/N admired most about her. Alexa didn’t need anyone to protect her — but Y/N couldn’t help wanting to.
Their interactions changed subtly. Alexa would seek her out backstage, sometimes just to talk, other times to share a quiet moment before their matches. Y/N found herself opening up in ways she hadn’t before, sharing pieces of herself that she had kept guarded for so long.
In the ring, their chemistry was undeniable. Their matches became even more intense, each move charged with a new kind of energy. The WWE Universe couldn’t get enough of it — the rivalry that had turned into something more, something no one had expected.
One night, after another grueling match, Y/N and Alexa found themselves alone in the locker room once again. They were both exhausted, sweat dripping from their bodies, but there was a sense of satisfaction in the air. They had pushed each other to the limit, and the crowd had loved every second of it.
Y/N sat on the bench, catching her breath as she peeled off her gloves. Alexa sat beside her, a small smile on her lips as she looked over at Y/N.
“You’re getting better,” Alexa teased, nudging Y/N with her elbow. “I might have to start trying harder.”
Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. “I could say the same about you. You keep me on my toes.”
Alexa’s smile softened, her gaze lingering on Y/N’s face. “I like that about you. You don’t let me get away with anything.”
Y/N looked over at her, their eyes meeting. There was something in the air between them, something that had been building for weeks. Neither of them moved, neither of them spoke, but the tension between them was palpable.
Finally, Alexa reached out, her hand resting on Y/N’s cheek. Y/N’s breath hitched, her heart pounding as she felt the warmth of Alexa’s touch.
“Y/N…” Alexa whispered, her voice barely audible.
Before Y/N could respond, Alexa closed the distance between them, pressing her lips to Y/N’s in a soft, tentative kiss. For a moment, Y/N froze, her mind reeling. But then, instinct took over, and she kissed Alexa back, her hand sliding to the back of Alexa’s neck, pulling her closer.
The kiss was slow, gentle, and filled with all the emotions they had been holding back. When they finally pulled away, they were both breathless, their foreheads resting against each other.
“I didn’t expect this,” Y/N admitted, her voice rough with emotion.
“Neither did I,” Alexa replied, her fingers brushing against Y/N’s cheek. “But I’m glad it happened.”
Y/N smiled, a warmth spreading through her chest that she hadn’t felt in a long time. “Me too.”
They sat there for a moment longer, just holding each other, the weight of what had just happened settling over them. There was no need for words, no need to define what this was. It was enough that they were together, that they had found something real in the chaos of their lives.
And for the first time in a long time, Y/N felt at peace.
The weeks that followed were a blur of matches, travel, and stolen moments between Y/N and Alexa. They kept their relationship private, not wanting to invite scrutiny or gossip from the rest of the roster. But when they were alone, away from the cameras and the fans, they were free to be themselves.
Y/N found herself falling for Alexa in a way she hadn’t expected. It wasn’t just physical — though the attraction between them was undeniable. It was deeper than that, a connection that went beyond the ring. Alexa understood Y/N in a way that no one else did, and Y/N found herself opening up to her in ways she never had before.
They spent their free time together, talking about everything and nothing, sharing stories from their pasts, and dreaming about the future. Y/N had never imagined that she would find someone like Alexa, someone who could see past the tough exterior and understand the person beneath.
One night, after a particularly brutal match, they found themselves in Y/N’s hotel room, sitting on the bed, exhausted but content. Alexa was curled up beside Y/N, her head resting on Y/N’s shoulder, their fingers intertwined.
“I never thought I’d find this,” Y/N admitted, her voice quiet in the darkness. “Not in this business.”
Alexa looked up at her, her eyes soft and full of emotion. “Neither did I. But I’m glad we did.”
Y/N smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of Alexa’s head. “Me too.”
They sat there in comfortable silence, the weight of the world slipping away as they held each other close. For the first time in a long time, Y/N felt like she had found a place where she belonged — not just in the ring, but in Alexa’s arms.
And no matter what challenges the future might bring, Y/N knew they would face them together. Because they weren’t just rivals anymore — they were partners, in every sense of the word.
The Reaper had found her match, and she wasn’t letting go.
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gaysullengirl · 3 months
𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞, 𝐭𝐞𝐧. i know what its like
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❝ i'm tired of feeling like im fucking crazy. ❞
- lana del rey, ride
    "Reid." Hotch narrowed his eyes at him, "I apologize." Hotch continued.
"I don't." Spencer mumbled, just loud enough for Isabelle to hear, she bit her lip to stop a laugh from slipping out.
"We've heard those phrases before When we interview school shooters." Isabelle explained to the oblivious counselor.
Emily rushed into the room, "Jordan was the motive for Kyle Borden, it was revenge."
"I need to speak to the boys who made this video immediately."
"I'll check their class schedules." The counselor scrambled to his computer to find out, his face dropped immediately, "What is it?"
"None of them show up at school."
The local police station smelled of finger printing ink and old coffee, Isabelle enjoyed the smell, it reminded her of when she was a detective for the nypd.
The team heard the familiar sound of Garcia urgently typing on her computer through the phone call, "He deleted everything but the one mpeg." She sighed.
"I'm walking Morgan through retrieving what he put in the trash, but-"
"We've got three missing kids, Garcia, we need access to Owen's E-Mail." Hotch clenched his jaw.
"The kid is tech savvy, sir, but fret not, I am tech savvier!" She exclaimed, "Is that a word? That sounds like a word, if it is a word, I am it!"
"Two alienated kids, no maternal presence, dysfunctional relationships with dominating fathers who with held love, they were made for each other." Rossi said.
Emily shook her head, "Mm, as lovers, yes, but partners in crime, no."
"There's nothing in Jordan's profile that indicates she's capable of violence, and certainly not murder."
"A new mpeg just posted to the school social networking site." Garcia breathed heavily, "He- you need to see this."
A video popped up on the screen, it was of three boys, all on their knees while their hands were on their head infront on a lake.
"It was a joke, man!" One of the boys said, "We didn't mean anything by it!" Another boy shouted, "It was 3 years ago, no one even remembers it." The last boy argued.
"I do." A voice behind the camera said.
"No, owen!" "Don't! Don't!" "Please! No-" The three boys pleaded, they were cut off by gunshots ringing out.
"Garcia, is there any way to trace the mpeg to the computer that sent it?"
"Once you've heard the profile, you'll understand." Jj told the officers that were gathered around.
Hotch, Rossi, and Spencer went to the scene where the boys were killed and figured out Owen was collecting injustices- the perfect revenge.
"We are wasting time, Owen is here, and we should be knocking on doors." An officer argued. 
"It's not a good idea." "And why is that?" "Because Owen's watching, he's monitoring the news, right now, he thinks you think he's gone, he feels safe."
"If we start knocking on doors, he's gonna know that he's not, he's gonna feel trapped."
"Why the hell should we care about this little bastard's feelings?" Another officer chimed in.
Isabelle gritted her teeth, "We're here to help you bring in Owen Savage with minimum loss of life, the profile tells us how to do that, if all you're gonna do is bitch and complain then you can leave." She scoffed.
Spencer smiled at her, "Owen Savage fits the profile of a type of school shooter known as an injustice collector, he's trying to avenge perceived wrongs."
"If he's a school shooter, why hasn't he hit the school yet?"
"Jordan. Most of these guys are so angry and hopeless, they just want to kill as many people as possible then commit suicide." Emily explained.
"But Jordan gives him a reason to live."
Isabelle glanced at Spencer 'He gives me a reason to live.' She thought.
Isabelle hated that in so twisted way she related to Owen- she almost felt bad for him in a way.
Growing up in a small town and constantly being the outsider- no matter how hard he tried to fit in and find the acceptance of his peers he never did.
"Otherwise he's a textbook case, his life was one torment after another, his teachers gave up on him, his classmates bullied him, and his father blamed him while giving him access to guns." Spencer said.
"Given these conditions, you're actually quite fortunate." He added.
"It sounds like you're saying these victims deserved this."
"We're not, nobody deserves this." Derek said.
"But you could have prevented it." Spencer lowered his eyes at the officer.
"Reid, can I talk to you?" Hotch said, it was framed as a question but was more of a statement.
The two walked into an empty conference room only a few moments later they exited, Spencer stormed to the exit of the precinct.
Isabelle walked over to Hotch, "He's going to the Savages' residence." Hotch whispered, his eyes still focused on Spencer.
"Can I go with him?" She asked, Hotch's eyes darted to her face, profiling her.
"It's just- his room was really interesting and insightful, his mirror was painted over indicating severe self hatred-" "You can go." Hotch cut her off.
Isabelle quickly ran to the parking lot, getting into the suv parked outside.
"What are you doing?" Spencer asked, "I'm going with you. Hotch said I could."
Spencer just nodded and started driving.
A few minutes into the drive he turned to Isabelle, "I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind." He admitted.
Isabelle immediately faced him, "I'm not." She lied, she wasn't just trying to convince him but herself as well.
Isabelle hated feeling crazy, when her feeling controlled her rather than her controlling them.
"I've seen the way you've been reacting this whole case." He looked to her.
"Isa, honey, I know you."
authors note!
sorry for the short chapter, next one will be longer trust🤞also i'm finally done with my school year so more consistent updates are afoot!
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myfavoritesstuff · 4 months
WWE Women
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Rhea Ripley
Nothing yet
Liv Morgan
Nothing yet
Alexa Bliss
Nothing yet
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
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