#favorite skin EVER
killuabutgayer · 11 months
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bloofer lady🩸🗡️🇬🇧
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evercelle · 3 months
You're very obviously into Genshin (and your art for it is absolutely gorgeous), but have you ever tried Mihoyo's Star Rail? One of the more recent main story characters is very Kokichicore, and feels like one you'd really like.
okay. so. here's the story. it is, that i played hsr on release at the pace of a lunatic, and i got to tb 65 in like a week and a half, BUT i swore a blood oath to be f2p in THIS hyv game so i tried REALLY REALLY hard to get blade on his first banner without opening wallet. naturally, i failed! so i quit bc i didnt have the energy to grind two hyv games at once
and now a year later my friends are trying to lure me back in with aventurine. unfortunately, it's working because i have a critical weakness for smiling knifecats with a death gambit. so. ive been scrabbling in the dirt for free jades with my wretchedly out dated builds. i just met firefly and the Thing That Calls Itself Sampo (i think). why are aventurine's eyes so beguiling? these soda dogs are kinda beating my ass. i have 50 pulls saved and a dream. i'll keep u posted on how it goes 😔
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auriidae · 11 months
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gently slides you two silly scar headcanons..
1) he has vex wings, same as cub, but thinks they're scary-looking so he keeps them folded up. they're pretty thin and only semi-corporeal so he can pull this off with minimal discomfort most of the time
2) he is a very subtle shapeshifter but just. has never noticed ghfsjf. (so things like hair color, body type, face shape, and the appearance of nonhuman traits like his ears + tail change gradually over time. scar is and has always been completely unaware of this) (this is partially an explanation for why i draw him looking completely differently depending on the series but also to account for his many characters + skins. plus it's hilarious)
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kojitheopossum · 11 months
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older mumbo and grian sketch from when they hugged in s8:3
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hugging skin - to - skin isn’t enough i need to crawl inside him and feel our hearts beating next to each other
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astronaut-package · 1 year
@magicbats halo skin converted for infant default!
i was only able to do this because of @mossylane's incredibly helpful tutorial here! super duper big thanks to her, i haven't seen anybody else post anything about infant default skins yet and i definitely wouldn't have been able to figure this out without her post!!
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+ the baby fat rolls because how could i ever get rid of those, i just overlaid the original skin over the body at around 30% opacity to try to soften them just slightly to keep it looking coherent with the rest of the skin! i kind of wish i kept them a little more pronounced but i already saved all of the layers into one image and i don't want to keep messing around with this, im tired LOL
original halo skin here!
download here! (mediafire)
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foursaints · 2 months
Saints, I saw your Necrophilia post and I have a fic recommendation for you if you are interested. It is not Rosekiller unfortunately, BUT, it’s arguably a much more fucked up pairing (it’s so good, I know it’s weird but just give it a chance!). It’s called read my eulogy by sassysquatch and it’s 100/10. It has this creepy little Harry who was forever changed by the killing curse and he is soooo your Evan coded. It has tons of Addams family vibes and makes Harry a necromancer. It is really such a well written fic if you’re looking for something unique and a little twisted. If it’s not your vibe that’s all good too! I just saw that post and thought of it immediately
oh wow!! i gave this a cursory once-over as soon as you sent this ask, and was instantly absorbed... thank you so so much for the rec! this is exactly my vibe and i will be reading for the 1-2 business days
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I'm already know for being very opinionated and having some Hot Takes, but I still usually keep it in line and fairly reasonable. Typical "Unpopular (but still somewhat safe to voice) Opinion" territory, where I might get some blocks and some scowls, but like, nothing major.
However I'm... gonna be posting an uncharacteristically rancid take this time.
I cannot fucking STAND vibes based design. Its become a trend lately to explain game systems by vibes, and it feels EXACTLY like the tropification of romance novels. A thing so many other people have complained about far more than I have, where so many works of fiction are now just being advertise as "Its a queer little slow burn, found family story that features enemies to lovers" OKAY, BUT WHATS THE FUCKING BOOK ABOUT?
And I feel like over the past 15-20 years, the TTRPG industry has been having the exact same issue. I can go through dozens of listings on itch.io for indie games and not see a single fucking game mechanic mentioned, and its frustrating. "This game is about gathering your friends to turn your local farm into a sustainable commune!" WHAT KIND OF FUCKING DICE DOES THE GAME USE? DOES THE GAME EVEN HAVE A GM?
And like, this isn't just about the feel good warm and fuzzy games. OSR is JUST as fucking guilty in this. "This game is a black metal death crawl through your worst nightmares." IS IT A RETROCLONE? IS IT A RULES LITE D6 SYSTEM? HOW THE FUCK DO I RESOLVE AN ACTION? DO ENEMIES USE STATBLOCKS?
If a video game showed absolutely no gameplay in any of its advertisements, only showing concept trailers and cutscenes and talking about its plot, you would probably shy away and think the game isn't worth playing if it can't even stand on the merits of its own gameplay. So why the fuck are we accepting that as the norm in TTRPGs?
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suchscary · 3 months
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human kotek (and malinka -_-)
+ old human design from 2020
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lavaalishaa · 22 days
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doing the potion shop event is making me think of making little potions with Foul Legacy and teaching him how to do alchemy and collect ingredients so you can run your own little shop,,,
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guerrilla-operator · 10 months
Drab Majesty // The Skin and The Glove
The spatial divide of the skin and the glove Is the same as the ride from below to above
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cookinguptales · 3 months
So when I was a child, I got Ranger Rick every month. It's a magazine for children designed to teach them about animals and nature. I was a tiny little nerd living in a heavily wooded area back then, so I loved it!
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I had this exact issue lmao.
The mascot of this magazine was the eponymous Ranger Rick, a cute raccoon forest ranger who taught kids about nature.
This is what he looked like when I was a kid getting the magazine in the mid-90s.
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Look how friendly and soft and dashing he looked!!! Ultimate nature educator for kids!
He got a redesign when I was around ten, which was a little odd, but I was getting a little too old for RR at that point, so I guess I didn't mind that much. That was about when we left Ohio, so I wasn't getting as much time in nature anyway.
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Sorry that he's grainy, there are not that many images of early 2000s Rick on the internet. I think they were trying to make him feel more relatable, like he was a child instead of a ranger teaching them. Or at least a more casual teacher...? Not sure how well that worked.
I remember thinking the redesign was kind of pointless as a child, but this was around when my mom lost her job and we didn't have the money for things like magazine subscriptions anymore. I stopped getting the magazine and the design became kind of a moot point, but I still had beloved memories of Ranger Rick.
So imagine my surprise when I see a recent image of Rick and... oh.
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Oh no... Look how they've massacred my boy... Look at those soulless eyes... That skinny little body that does not look huggable at all... Like I guess I'm glad that he's gone back to being more obviously a ranger, but like... the Flash of it all...
But. But I guess I should be grateful for what we have. He might be kind of soulless now, but look what they tried to launch a few years ago:
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Jesus fucking christ.
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
what if Dean killed Charlie himself for helping Sam with the book of the damned instead of immediately telling Dean what was happening. what if he still told Sam it was his fault for putting Charlie in harm’s way (in this scenario, anywhere near Dean with the mark on him, despite her and Sam trying to remove said mark?) what if Dean had actually killed someone important to him who trusted him and loved him?
#he should literally also have just killed Cas as well and god should have brought Cas back. again.#that’s his favorite doll right there he can’t stay dead <3 Dean Winchester would be too sad about it#anyway. Sam mopping up the blood in the library scene but it’s not the Stynes#it’s Charlie’s blood and Charlie’s body and he’s cleaning up the mess and Dean tells him at her funeral that it should be Sam burning#and Sam gets to blame himself for it <3#come on fellas if we have to fridge Charlie let’s at least give it some stakes#Dean already broke her shadow self’s arm and nearly killed her despite knowing he’d be killing the good Charlie too. what if he lost#control again. she went behind his back. Dean doesn’t react well to betrayal. and she’s Charlie! she’s supposed to be Good and Perfect!#she’s supposed to be like a little sister to him! and if dean were in his right mind he might deal with this okay#(like say. how he forgives Benny in that deleted scene for breaking and drinking from someone. when he sees Benny as a man and not the ideal#of a person who won’t ever mess up or betray him.)#but Dean is not in his right mind. and Charlie is the key to cracking the book. and he can’t let the book be cracked.#and she only came to him because she felt guilty. maybe something Rowena said dug too deep under her skin. and he’s dean! he’s still dean!#and she forgave him. (she couldn’t stay in that bunker another minute around him.) but she forgave him! he has to understand how important#it is to save him! just like he saved Sam! and Dean stands up. and you know. if this was really the show I’d still say we don’t get to see#what happens. we just get Sam mopping up the blood afterwards. that’s all.#I’m just saying. if she had to die. make it count.#spn#charlie bradbury#dean winchester
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made a mind mc skin :3
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gutsfics · 3 months
i was reading @cadybear420's review of Ride or Die and when she mentioned that Kaneko's death was the only part that really got her emotionally i suddenly remembered that i'd wanted to make an oc from his backstory that was his Romance Partner bc tbh i found him way more compelling than literally any li and i
what if in my hc world i made Kaneko's ex/Colt's mother be another Casil
tyin it all back to the Casil family, baybee!!!!!
i'm thinking of her being the Aunt Bella that Avery inherits the house on Vermilion Lane from. like she retired from a life of crime to live a "normal" life in The World's Worst HOA Suburb. bc that would be funny as hell imo
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