#fbawtft background
endlessly-cursed · 2 years
FBAWTFT- Aurora di Napoli
"𝙄 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙖𝙜𝙣𝙚, 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚."
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Name: Aurora Ellen di Napoli 
Nicknames: Rory 
Birthdate: 8th of March, 1905 
Zodiac Sign: Pisces 
Personality Type (MBTI): INFP 
Blood Status: Half-blood 
Nationality: British with Italian ancestry 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Black 
Eyes: Blue 
Height: 1.68m 
Weight: 62kg 
Body Type: Tall and lean 
Skin Tone: Fair 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): Freckles, several tattoos and acne in her back 
Aurora grew up in the Di Napoli manor with her three youngest siblings. While her lifestyle wasn’t ostentatious, it was a rather privileged life. She developed a tomboy personality, quickly adopting the 20s lifestyle and becoming the rebel oldest daughter. 
Mother: Abigail Jane di Napoli, neé Bennett ( @mjs-oc-corner ) 
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A vivacious and strong woman, Rory loves her mother, and though she gives her strokes by smoking too many cigarettes and heavy drinking, they both have a close bond, she being her first child and helping out with her siblings, especially when her youngest sister came. 
Father: Ernest Regulus Maurice di Napoli 
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A complicated man, Aurora made of her father a better man the moment she was born, for he had grown up in a deeply tramuatized and problematic family, and defying Rory’s grandfather and seeking his path and seeing his fortune decrease, Ernest was changed forever and poured his whole heart in his children, and despite having arguments with Rory, he loved her perhaps the most, being his firstborn child, and was certainly amused of how easily she outdrank him... 
Emmett di Napoli 
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Temperamental, whip-smart and a but cocky, Emmett and Rory got along well and was her confidante, both relying on one another. 
Theodore di Napoli ( @mjs-oc-corner​ ) 
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Christabel di Napoli ( @mjs-oc-corner​ ) 
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INFO TBD, though she’s protective of her 
Dominique? di Napoli 
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House: Hufflepuff 
Best Class: DADA, Transfigurations and History of Magic 
Worst Class: Potions & Herbology 
Boggart: Her father becomes like her grandfather 
Riddikulus: He instead recites a very dirty limerick 
Patronus: TBD
Patronus Memory: Singing in the car with her parents and siblings 
Mirror of Erised: Living free and roaming around the world 
Amortentia (what she smells like): Cigarettes, expensive champagne, eau de cologne lavender, coconut, spicy food and plane gas 
Amortentia (what she smells): TBD 
11-18: Hogwarts student 
19-35: Wanderer 
36-58: Model & actress for the wizarding cinema 
59-64: Philantropist 
65+: Retiree 
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Wanderlust, her family and friends, having her independance 
Strengths: Charismatic, charming, funny, enthralling and uses her beauty to her own advantage 
Weaknesses: Reckless, vain, full of herself and a complete diva 
Stressed: Around men lol 
Calm/Comforted: Around women 
Colors: Blue, red, green and white 
Weather: Sunny with a calm wind 
Hobbies: Playing roles, being around cameras and talking to people 
Fashion: Rory dresses like all the stars in the Old Hollywood 
Significant Other/Love Interest: TBD, though due to her job she’ll have many husbands and a secret lesbian romance hehe. HMU if you want your OC to be her husband or wife!! 
Friends: TBD 
Rivals: TBD 
Aurora is based on Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor 
She has made several movies of Muggle and Magical events: she has played as Anne Boleyn in a magical interpretation of Henry VIII in 1936, as a magical Jane Eyre in 1938, in an original project based on the Malfoy family in the regency era and Cleopatra in 1942, among others 
She married at least from three to eight times, to hide her liking for women and her many scandals from nude scenes to almost being caught by the paparazzi 
She’s also based on Evelyn Hugo from The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo sjehdeud 
She changed her name from Aurora to Jade St. Claire, though her family still called her Rory 
She met Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe 
She was obssesed with skincare, and included several creams and vaseline 
She has a lesbian romance for years that is on and off 
She also sang birthday songs for Ministers of Magic and was the mistress of several 
She changed her hair to blonde and redheaded for many of her films 
Her favourite muggle actress was Romy Schneider 
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gcldensnitch · 1 year
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Auguste La Fontaine. – fbawtft character profile
Full Name: Auguste de La Fontaine
Birthdate: April 14, 1893
Blood status: Half-Blood
Nationality: French
Patronus: Thestral
Born into a wizarding family, Auguste grew up surrounded by magic. He used to be a bright and curious kid who always had a question. His cheeky and playful nature was adored by everyone, however it did not last long. When he was nine years old, he witnessed his mother committing suicide. The woman kissed her son one last time and expressed how much burden she had to face and he could never understand her feelings. Auguste tought it had to do something with social pressure or ranks. But in reality, his mother was just simply mentally ill and she never got the help she needed. With the memories he had of his mother, he was determined to find answers. Is it possible to bring his mother back? Is there any magical cure for mental illnesses? The only 10 years old boy burried himself in books and started to read. During his school years in Beauxbatons he had only a few friends, mostly the outcasts. He did not mind it though! After his graduation from the wizarding school, he continued studying to become a healer. In his free time he travelled and collected books about ancient magic and dark arts. Little did he know that he was seeking for something that did not exist...
Wizarding school: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
Wand: Blackthorn wood, Salamander Scale core, 11" and Surprisingly swishy
Patronus: Thestral
Best subject: Alchemy
Worst subjects: Flying, Dancing
Boggart: His mother dying
Riddikulus: He wasn't able to cast the spell
Amortentia: Old books, freshly washed linen, melted caramel, his mother's perfume
Positive traits: Determined, passionate, enthusiastic, curious, witty in a humorous way
Negative traits: Impulsive, sarcastic, sometimes a show-off, emotionally closed off
Love interest:
• Leonidas Malinda (@potionboy3): After hearing about Leon's bookshop, Auguste decided to take a portkey and travel all the way from France, only to pay a visit at the store. He was desperately seeking rare books about ancient magic. At first he did not tell Leon what this whole thing was about, but eventually he opened up about his childhood as he became a regular customer. Their friendship (and later romance) was the missing piece in Auguste's life that made him admit that mental health and depression can't be cured through magic.
• None yet.
– He's a descendant of the famous French fabulist, poet and wizard Jean de La Fontaine.
– His sexuality is homosexual.
– Faceclaim is Hale Appleman (The magicians)
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mjs-oc-corner · 1 year
fbawtft/riddle era original character sheet
(fankid — erbigail)
another fankid created in collaboration with @endlessly-cursed?? it’s more likely than you think. of course, another huge thank you to noe for helping me figure out nearly everything with dominique (even after she gave us the silent treatment for getting emmett’s profile done before hers lol)
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Name: Dominique Elena di Napoli
Nicknames: Nikki, Minnie
Birthdate: June 1st, 1917
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
MBTI Type: ENFJ — the Protagonist
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Nationality: British with Italian ancestry
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Physical Appearance
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: blue
Height: 5’5” / 1.67m
Weight: 120 lbs. / 54.43kg
Body Type: slim, lithe
Skin Tone: fair, slightly tanned during the summer months
Distinguishing marks (birthmarks, scars, etc.):
small, feint birthmark on her left shoulder
one small, feint scar on the side of her wrist from a brushing against a metal gate as a child
pierced ears
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Dominique would spend her early years at the di Napoli manor with her siblings, though they would end up leaving Italy and moving to England when she was only four.
Abigail Jane di Napoli née Bennett — a woman who grew up in a loving family and wanted the same for her children, ensuring that they grew up in a loving, supportive environment knowing that they could rely on their family. though her and Ernest had agreed to have no more children, and she was surprised upon learning that she was pregnant with Dominique, she was still happy to have another child, as she did miss having a baby around (even if she couldn’t admit that to Ernest at first).
Ernest Regulus Maurice di Napoli — a man from a rather broken home who would become a better man due to Abbi and their children, and would spend his life treasuring his family more than anything. along with Abbi, he would ensure that their children grew up in a loving home. while he was just as surprised as Abbi was to find out about the pregnancy, he was elated to have another baby.
Dominique has two older sisters, Rory and Chrissy. she sees both of her sisters as confidants, and often asks them for advice when she needs it. Rory would be rather fond of Dominque, having helped their mother take care of the new baby. at first, Chrissy would be upset that she was no longer the baby, but she was okay with it once their father assured her that they would both be his babies no matter what. each of the sisters would be close to each other, with both Rory and Chrissy being protective over Dominique and helping guide her through life.
Dominque also has two older brothers, Emmett and Theo. at first, Theo wasn’t too sure about a baby being around (as he was only eight years old when she was born), but eventually he would come to love having another younger sister. Emmett, however, would immediately take to Dominique from the moment she was born, and end up being the most protective over her, despite being ten years older.
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House: Gryffindor
Best classes: charms, transfiguration, muggle studies, history of magic
Worst Class: flying
Boggart: her older siblings, all as dark wizards trying to harm her
Riddikulus: each sibling turns into a small rag doll, each one with dopey smiles and ridiculous outfits
Patronus: white swan
Patronus Memory: the first christmas that she can recall; she’d just finished helping her family decorate the tree and a fresh snow had fallen, prompting her and her siblings to run outside to have a snowball fight
Mirror of Erised: as a child, she sees herself as an accomplished member of the Wizengamot. as an adult, she sees herself as the head of her department, with a family of her own
Amortentia (what she smells like): dark chocolate, tonka bean, caramel, a hint of vanilla. sometimes chanel n°5, a perfume gifted to her by Rory
Amortentia (what she smells): sandalwood, tobacco, leather, cinnamon, TBD
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Ages 11–18: Hogwarts student
Ages 18–22: Secretary/Desk clerk for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Ages 23–25: Secretary for the Wizengamot Administrative Services
Ages 26–29: Wizengamot Scribe
Ages 30–39: Interrogator for the Wizengamot Panel
Ages 40–65: Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Ages 65–??: Retiree
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Personality & Attitude
Priorities: the mental and physical well-being of herself as well as her family and friends, her career
Strengths: fairness — bravery — loyalty — ambitious — creative — kind — empathetic — resilient
Weaknesses: headstrong — stubborn
Stressed: during the first few years of her career, when she began to grow frustrated with how she’d been treated by the higher-ups
Calm/Comforted: when she’s with her family or when she’s at her own home, catching up on her reading
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Color: red, gold, yellow, blue
Food: homemade ravioli
Drink: tea, with a sprinkle of sugar and a lemon wedge
Weather: cloudy, cooler temperatures or snowy
Hobbies: reading, music, studying, cooking and baking, journaling, painting
Fashion: Dominque’s style mainly consists of neutral and dark tones for her day-to-day wear, but she does have a few bolder colors in the red and orange color family that she occasionally wears. her primary focus is for functionality, as she is constantly busy and always moving.
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Significant Other/ Love Interest: TBD
Dominque is currently open for a relationship with others’ ocs, feel free to message me or reply to this to let me know if you’d like for your oc to be shipped with her!
Dominique is currently open for friendships with others’ ocs, feel free to message me or reply to this to let me know if you’d like for your oc to be friends with her!
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Dominique learned to play the violin and piano when she was eight, and she’s very skilled in both
she wouldn’t admit it to any of her other siblings, but Emmett is her favorite (and everyone knows it)
as a member of the Wizengamot, Dominique is very unbiased during trials; and this causes supporters of dark witches and wizards in the panel to dislike her
her favorite sweet is chocolate
Dominique’s favorite season is winter
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/ / Jacob Kowalski / /
/ / Background / Lockscreen / /
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marshmalloboy · 3 years
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10kiaoi · 6 years
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The Dragon King and his entourage, arrival at Nurmengard Castle.
For @grimalkinmessor​‘s Dragon King AU.
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potter-wip · 6 years
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Newt Scamander aka. that one doodle request I fulfilled *after* my exams, and it shows.
I actually liked this sketch so much that I decided to color it!!
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edelwoodsouls · 6 years
Crimes of Grindelwald would’ve been much better as a book
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So there’s a rumour circulating that Warner Bros is going to make a Dumbledore solo show and like… okay. I don’t know if this is legit. I’m seeing people say it is, I’m seeing people say it’s not. I just need to say this because I’m so tired.
I have such a complex relationship with this franchise because on the one hand, the first film was so important to me - it got me through a time that had the stress of me starting university, my grandmother’s cancer battle, my grandmother’s eventual death from cancer, mental illness etc etc., plus I love the characters from the first film/the cast. On the other hand, however, I don’t think the second and third films have been of the same standard, I don’t agree with certain choices made (Bunty being introduced and being the worst cringiest character, where the fUCK is Tina, the films being about Dumbledore and Grindelwald instead of, oh I don’t know, the FUCKING FANTASTIC BEASTS etc), and on top of that it’s all gone downhill in the production/behind the scenes department with the controversy of hiring Johnny Depp, the firing of Johnny Depp, JKR being gross, the actor who plays Abernathy now in jail for sexual assault, and then whatever the actual fuck is going on with Ezra Miller… the longer it goes on, the more it feels like this franchise is cursed.
Here’s the thing: the reason a lot of people - especially myself - loved the original Fantastic Beasts was because of the new characters we knew very little about going in. The new film series was sold to us as being about the “main four”, meaning Newt, Tina, Queenie and Jacob; we were also interested in characters like Seraphina, Credence, Graves etc. Hell, I was interested to know what happened to Modesty! The reason we love the first film is because of those new characters, a lot of us who were adults saw ourselves in the main four adults, especially Newt and Tina.
You see, the problem with the second and third films is that those characters - the ones that in interviews and promotion for FBAWTFT were made such a big deal of - have been demoted to background in favour of Dumbledore and Grindelwald.
Hear me out: in between the first and second films, we knew we were getting more Grindelwald as well as seeing Dumbledore - we knew that, we were expecting it and were even excited for it to a certain degree. But the films are called “Fantastic Beasts” because that’s the title of Newt’s book - he’s the protagonist, it’s HIS story. Instead, Newt is now a side character, and the other three main characters from the first film are even less important - we don’t know any more about them than we did in the first film quite frankly. Worst of all, Tina, Newt’s canon future spouse and the female lead, had a total of two minutes at the most in the most recent film. The films are no longer about magical beasts or Newt - they’re just retcons of Dumbledore and Grindelwald’s story that was already told in Harry Potter.
Here’s my gripe: if WB and Rowling wanted to make a spin off series about Dumbledore and Grindelwald, they should have just done that from the very start. Why bother making a film selling Newt/Tina/Jacob/Queenie as the leads if you’re going to push them aside for Dumbledore and Grindelwald? Why bother making the four leads so likeable if you’re not going to write them properly, if they’re just there to prop up Dumbledore and Grindelwald?
If I had known in 2016 that Newt and the gang were going to be demoted and pushed aside for the retconning of Dumbledore and Grindelwald’s story, I frankly wouldn’t have bothered personally. I know people like those characters, good for them, but for those of us who fell in love with those four main characters, it’s unfair and upsetting.
Because of this, WB/JKR now have the problem of fans of the main four wanting their favourite characters to be focused on vs the Grindeldore stans wanting their faves to be the focus. If we do get more films (and frankly, I will be very surprised if we do because this franchise is NOT doing well), fans of Newt/Tina/Jacob/Queenie will be very disappointed if we just get yet another Dumbledore flick, and Grindeldore fans will be disappointed if all of a sudden Dumbledore and Grindelwald take a backseat while Newt and the gang get the spotlight. Either way, some fans are probably going to be pissed and complain.
With all due respect to Jude Law (who I have no problem with, by the way) I don’t want a Dumbledore solo show set between SoD and Harry Potter. I cannot think of anything I’d like less quite frankly. We know his story. I want to focus on the other characters again.
Even from a money/ratings point of view, making a Dumbledore solo show seems silly. The graph below compares the box office of all three Beasts films, and you can see quite clearly that the domestic box office has been getting worse and worse with each film since the first one. For the difference between CoG and SoD, sure, you could claim COVID played a part, but that doesn’t explain the extreme drop between the first two films.
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It should speak volumes that the first film - the only one of the three not to feature Dumbledore, the one that focuses the most on Newt and the others - is the one that has done the best. If there’s going to be a spin off show about any characters in this franchise, it should either be about Newt and the other new characters who haven’t had any story development (Tina, Lally, Theseus, to a lesser degree Jacob/Queenie since they’ve actually had a relationship onscreen) or even a spin off of a character from Harry Potter that hasn’t had the chance for a story.
I’m just so tired. I fell in love with the first movie for a number of reasons, but arguably the most important is the fact that it gave me an autistic role model to look up to - when I was in the process of seeking a diagnosis, seeing that the hero of such a well known franchise that I loved was autistic, that he was played in a positive and non-judgemental way, made me feel so much more comfortable with being diagnosed. There’s rarely any canon autistic representation on screen, let alone representation that’s NOT negative or stereotypical, and seeing the one character who’s canonically autistic and not a total joke being pushed to the background is just… exhausting. It’s painful.
It’s also upsetting because the character from the first film I related to the most, the one I looked up to and has been played by an actress I look up to, is now a glorified extra. When I watched the first film, I related to Tina Goldstein so much, more than any other character in the whole Wizarding World, and the fact that she’s now just a cameo role is heartbreaking; during that time where I was struggling with uni, my nan’s illness/death, bullying etc, I took comfort in cosplaying as Tina, in seeing my personality and traits represented in her, and also felt inspired to continue on and better myself. While I also love the other characters (especially Newt), Tina was the one that immediately spoke to me and made me go “that’s ME!”.
This isn’t even about me wanting to see my ship (Newtina) get buckets of content anymore, I just want them to have SOMETHING to do either together or as individuals. And to be honest, I’m not certain that we’ll get that because it wouldn’t shock me if there were no more Beasts films at this point. I’m not sure if this rumoured show (if it IS true, anyway) is supposedly going to replace the fourth and fifth films after the disappointing box office of the second and third films, or if it’s intended to be in addition to the remaining films, but either way… I’m just tired and fed up. I’m not even active in this fandom anymore, and it still hurts and makes me wish I hadn’t bothered with that first film because it makes me feel like I’ve wasted my time quite frankly; I can only imagine how much worse I would feel if I was still as obsessive about this franchise as I was in 2017/2018.
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unicornmagic · 7 years
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Friendship is magic, Credence
(Thanks as always to General Zoi’s Pony Creator)
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magicallymalted · 2 years
FBAWTFT Character Sheet - May Lécuyer
"A little dancing never killed anyone."
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࿐ General ࿐
Full Name: Mathilde Lécuyer
Name Meanings: Mathilde "Battle-mighty" | Lécuyer "Shield-bearer"
Nicknames: May
Birthdate: March 22, 1895
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Personality Type (MBTI): ESFP (The Entertainer)
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Nationality: French
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Residence: Paris, France
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࿐ Physical Appearance ࿐
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 63kg (137lbs)
Body Type: Mesomorph
Skin Tone: Pale
Faceclaim(s): Gaite Jansen
࿐ Background ࿐
Hometown: Reims, France
Mathilde's relationship with her parents practically ended the day that she ran off to Beauxbatons, both of them refusing to recognize that their only daughter becoming a witch didn't necessarily mean that they "lost" her, but that their obstinate refusal to acknowledge her as one would push her away. During the summertime, she went to live with her half-brother in Paris, for whom she developed a closer relationship with after learning that he was in fact shunned from their family for not only being illegitimate, but for being a wizard as well — a halfblood.
࿐ Family ࿐
Mother: Léonie Lécuyer née Vernier
[info tbd]
Father: Alain Lécuyer
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[info tbd]
Half-Brother: Odilon Carteneau
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Odilon was was hit wizard in the Bureau de la Justice Magique for the French Ministry of Magic. He sought Mathilde out after learning that she was a witch and recognizing that if she chose to go to Beauxbatons, that would be the end of her ties to the family. He was killed aiding muggles in an attack during WWI.
࿐ Hogwarts/Magic ࿐
Wood: Camellia
Core: Unicorn Hair
Length: 10 1/2"
Flexibility: Bendy
Schooling: Beauxbatons
House: Papillonlisse
Best Class: Charms
Worst Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Boggart: Various tragically grim deaths (ex. all of her bones breaking)
Riddikulus: Herself springing back to life and moving around like a slinky
Patronus: Peregrine
Patronus Memory: Dancing with her classmates on a beach in Marseille
Amortentia (what she smells like): Lemonade, Chanel No. 5, riesling wine, thyme
Amortentia (what she smells): cigarette smoke, shoe polish, [something related to s/o]
Quidditch: No
Prefect: No
Clubs: Drama Club
࿐ Career ࿐
11-17: Student at Beauxbatons 20-37: Burlesque Dancer 39-Death: Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts/Romantic wizard fiction author
Personality & Attitude: May hates when people speak for her but contrarily won't hesitate to speak for others. She often doesn't recognize how crass she can be but she does enjoy using trust and admiration to her advantage. With an intense stare and a smile categorized by something only the slightest bit sinister, May is quite the social butterfly. Honesty is her best policy when it comes to her relationships with her friends, which most would refer to as "tough love" even if she can come across as narcissistic and sharp in her candor. As a professor, she isn't the most professional but knows when to put her foot down where it counts. Her general spontaneous nature seems to confuse those when they find out she teaches as complicated a subject as transfiguration, but it is her more blasé outward expression that can relieve some pressure in the classroom.
Strengths: Lively, communicative, empathetic, relentless
Weaknesses: Secretive, loud, facetious
Stressed: When around her parents, when overly questioned
Favorites: Cheesecake, dancing, theatrics, jazz, feathers, writing, riesling
Colors: Gold, champagne pink
Weather: humid, sunny
Hobbies: Dancing, writing, attending the opera and theatre
࿐ Relationships ࿐
Very few at the moment... sad :’) Though anyone can definitely feel free to reach out to discuss something!
S/O: TBD - open for discussion
࿐ Misc & Trivia ࿐
Her nom de plume is Bérénice Brodeur
Yes, her writing can get quite steamy...hence the pen name and a lack of awareness from her younger students
The "Anaïs Nin of the Wizarding World"
After the Moulin Rouge burned down, she went to America to continue with Burlesque in a new setting, living it up in Chicago
After visiting New York once and trying the cheesecake, she doesn't talk about any other dessert
She sometimes sings/hums to herself while students are working in class — and she won't be quiet unless they say something
She chose to apply to be a professor at Hogwarts over Beauxbatons because she figured that things would be a little less restrictive
She is a registered animagus, taking the same form as her patronus
She has a curiosity for learning about other magical creatures
She really doesn't like being called Mathilde
She has a soft spot for the younger students
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
FBAWTFT- Arabella Seymour
"ᴰᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗᵉˢᵗ ᵐʸ ᶜᵒᵘʳᵃᵍᵉ; ᴵ ᵃᵐ ᵐᵃᵗᶜʰ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃⁿʸ ʷⁱᶻᵃʳᵈ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵏⁱⁿᵈ."
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Name: Arabella Sabrina Seymour 
Nicknames: Belle, Ari 
Birthdate: 25th of July, 1904 
Zodiac Sign: Cancer 
Personality Type (MBTI): tbd 
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Nationality: Franco-British 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Blonde 
Eyes: Dark brown 
Height: 1.62m 
Weight: 66kg 
Body Type: Lithe, average 
Skin Tone: Caucasian 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): A small birthmark on her hipbone with the shape of a star 
Arabella Sabrina Seymour was born of Jesse Seymour and Nadia Erbland on the 25th of July, 1904. She was the eldest of five children and grew up spoiled, loved and with many life comforts throughout her childhood years. She went to Hogwarts and excelled at everything like her mother and graduated with honours. She didn’t partake on the events of Fantastic Beasts, however, she donated to the cause. 
The Seymour-Erbland manor was a beautiful house, fit for the big family they were and was close to her godmother’s estate Winbourne, where she grew up visiting and hosting the Yaxleys and learned everything her mother taught her. It wasn’t as luxurious, but it was good enough for everybody. 
Mother: Nadia Estelle Erbland  (@gcldensnitch ) 
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Arabella adored her mother, and was her favourite daughter: she was her role model and wanted nothing more than to have the same life she did. Despite more sisters coming, hers and Nadia’s bond was special and remained so for the rest of her life. 
Father: Jesse Isaiah Seymour  
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Arabella adored her father and despite her having her mother’s temper and attitude, they got on well and he was her favourite man in the world. Arabella always took his advice and was his favourite to bring to work. 
Siblings: Florence Seymour 
Arabella loved her sister dearly, though she envied her beauty for a while. The two of them got on well and was not surprised when she wanted to follow onto their father’s footsteps. 
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Edward Seymour 
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Edward was Arabella’s favourite brother: she related to him and loved him dearly, and the two of them were both Ravenclaws and always were there for the other. 
Julian Seymour 
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Though Arabella was fond of her brother Julian, she always saw him as a child, which led the siblings to clash, but she was protective of him and always provided him advice and to him, she was a second mother. 
Drusilla Seymour 
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The baby of the family, she was widely loved by everybody and Arabella saw her as her baby, and was overprotective of her little sister and often got into fights for her, for she was often picked on like their father had and none of them dared to go after the most beloved Seymour sister. 
House: Ravenclaw 
Best Class: Astronomy and COMC 
Worst Class: History of Magic 
Boggart: Her parents dying 
Riddikulus: Her parents defeat death with a horn 
Patronus: Chestnut mare 
Patronus Memory: Her mother covering her in kisses 
Mirror of Erised: Herself as her own woman and with her family 
Amortentia (what she smells like): honey, milk, white roses, rosemary and expensive soap 
Amortentia (what she smells): gillywater, earl grey tea, tbd 
11-18: Hogwarts student 
20-36: Astronomer
37-55: Mazoologist
55-64: Cabaret owner
65+: Retiree
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Her family, herself, her grades and keeping up the family legacy 
Strengths: Smart, witty, kind, loving and loyal 
Weaknesses: Picky, hard to impress, overly expressive and wary of everybody
Stressed: When she’s without her family, OWLs and NEWTs season and during the crisis 
Calm/Comforted: With her sisters, eating her comfort food and when dancing 
Colors: Baby blue, pastel yellow, white and grey 
Weather: Sunny 
Hobbies: Reading, going outside, dancing, helping her parents and drawing 
Fashion: Arabella dresses like her mother, and most of her outfits are inspired in her 
Significant Other/Love Interest: tbd 
Friends: Alexandra Yaxley, Newt Scamander, tbd 
Rivals: Grindewald, dark wizards, death eater, etc 
She has an amazing singing voice 
She’s very perceptive 
She used to have a crush on Vincent Yaxley but faded in 3rd year 
She has a maternal side 
She has her mother’s temper 
She can play the cello very well 
Her mother signed her and her sisters to ballet 
She has a similar bath routine that her mother taught her 
Her frustrated dream is being a singer 
She’s an unhinged bisexual like her mother 
She hates n*zis and wanted to go to the front, but her parents forbade it 
She’s her godmother Primrose’s favourite 
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mjs-oc-corner · 1 year
fbawtft original character sheet
(fankid — erbigail)
another lovely fankid, of course brought to life with the help of @endlessly-cursed!💜 hope y’all love this himbo as much as i do lol
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Name: Emmett Bartholomew di Napoli
Nicknames: Emmy (only by his sisters), Met, Matt
Birthdate: August 11th, 1907
Zodiac Sign: Leo
MBTI Type: ENFP — the Campaigner
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Nationality: British with Italian ancestry
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Physical Appearance
Hair: light brown
Eyes: blue
Height: 6’3 and 3/4” / 1.92m
Weight: 195 lbs. / 88.5kg
Body Type: lean, athletic
Skin Tone: light, tans easily
Distinguishing marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.):
small birthmark on the center of his back
feint scar on the bottom of his left foot from stepping on broken glass as a child
multiple small, feint scars from quidditch accidents
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Emmett grew up in the di Napoli manor, surrounded by his siblings. while they still lived a rather privileged life, Emmett remained humble and showed kindness to people from all walks of life.
Abigail Jane di Napoli née Bennett; a strong woman who showed her children the utmost love and respect, and prioritized making sure that they grew up in a loving, supportive home. Emmett holds a special place in her heart, being her firstborn son.
Ernest Regulus Maurice di Napoli; a complex man who grew up in a cold home, raised by a loving mother and a father who he would come to resent. Emmett would be rather close to his father, wanting to be just like him— a man who loved and treasured his family more than anything else.
Emmett has three sisters. one older sister, Rory, and two younger sisters; Chrissy and Dominique. while Emmett is the closest to Rory and sees her as a confidant, he is more protective over Chrissy and Dominique (more so Dominique, because she’s the baby).
Emmett has one younger brother, Theo. the two boys would be rather close as children, but as they grew older, they would have more frequent friendly competitions, always trying to one-up each other in the most creative ways.
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House: Gryffindor
Best Classes: transfiguration, flying, charms
Worst Class: history of magic, arithmancy, divination
Quidditch: Beater for the Gryffindor team; later Captain (6th year)
Boggart: his father, in the form of his grandfather as a dark wizard, trying to curse him
Riddikulus: instead, his wand is a sparkler, and he is frantically trying to extinguish it
Patronus: white stallion
Patronus Memory: playing tag with his siblings on the beaches of Sicily, all of them enjoying the game and being carefree
Mirror of Erised: at first, it’s himself, successful at quidditch, and it later changes to himself with his own family
Amortentia (what he smells like): bergamot, sandalwood, vetiver, a hint of broom polish; sometimes Mouchoir de Monsieur by Guerlain; a cologne that was a gift from Rory
Amortentia (what he smells): tonka bean, vanilla, coconut, TBD
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Ages 11–18: Hogwarts Student
Ages 18–42: Professional Quidditch Player (Beater for the Appleby Arrows)
Ages 43–65: Professional Quidditch Coach/Philanthropist
Ages 65–??: Retiree
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Personality & Attitude
Priorities: his friends and family, making sure he keeps his spot on the quidditch team, his sense of independence and freedom
Strengths: optimism — loyalty — kindness — generosity — humility — gentle
Weaknesses: temperamental at times — sometimes impatient — slightly impulsive
Stressed: before quidditch matches, during exams, or during classes that he doesn’t do well in
Calm/Comforted: during quidditch matches or when he can be around his family and friends
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Color: red, blue, black
Food: homemade lasagne
Drink: lemonade, tea; coffee as he gets older
Weather: cloudy, moderate temperatures
Hobbies: quidditch, reading, teasing his siblings, cooking, diy projects
Fashion: when he’s not in his quidditch gear, Emmett’s daily attire is a bit more on the fashionable side, yet he still values comfort— often opting for a nice pair of slacks and button-up shirt, with the occasional jacket or vest.
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Significant Other/ Love Interest: TBD
Emmett is currently open for a relationship with others’ ocs, feel free to message me or reply to this to let me know if you’d like for your oc to be shipped with him!
Emmett is currently open for friendships with others’ ocs, feel free to message me or reply to this to let me know if you’d like for your oc to be friends with him!
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Emmett was a part of the Arrows’ 1932 victory, and he was one of the youngest players on the team at the time
his favorite seasons are spring and autumn
he tried to learn how to paint, but gave up when lost patience with it
he can play the piano a little bit; he only knows a few songs
Emmett’s favorite sweets are peppermint toads and sugar quills
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quickest sketch of my life but I adore it nonetheless because Jacob Kowalski is my number one fav character from Fantastic Beasts and this scene always makes me cry
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/ / Queenie Goldstein / /
/ / Background / Lockscreen / /
Anonymous said to aesthetic-background:                                                              Hi! I was hoping to request a Queenie Goldstein background, from Fantastic Beasts? Xx            
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mamin-the-troll · 7 years
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I wanted to draw a comic but got 0% motivation so I doodled Little red blue riding hood Newt instead. Please look after him. Don’t let him get eaten by the big bad wolf ;)) 
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