#fdtd headcanon
zaritarazi · 2 years
i feel like john constantine is lactose intolerant. he seems like he would be.
john constantine         seth gecko
absolutely 100% lactose intolerant and refusing to believe it's a thing or that it affects them at all. men who will throw up in a sidewalk trashcan to prove a point
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ladicsa · 7 months
strengths and abilities
supernatural strength and accelerated healing - due to her age and that she was the first human turned to culebra, kisa is stronger than other culebras. as long as she keeps a steady diet of blood, she will maintain her strength and heal quickly. pouring blood directly onto a wound will heal it even more rapidly.
shapeshifting and wings - her culebra form is pretty monstrous. yellow eyes with slit, snake pupils. scales across her face and body. claws. fangs that unfold from her jaw and a forked tongue. she also has the unique ability to fly with wings that unfold from her back.
illusion casting and telepathy - if welcomed in or if a person's mind is weakened, she can communicate with them telepathically and even show visions/illusions. a closer distance and more frequently communicating with strengthen the bond. culebras can also disguise themselves as their victims, it's unclear in the show whether this is shapeshifting or a form of illusion but i've decided for canon on this blog that it is an illusion everybody except for the culebra casting will see.
invulnerability and immortality - kisa is a thousand years old and the first human to be turned into a culebra when the lords crossed over to this dimension from xibalba. unlike other culebras (who are turned when bitten and pumped with venom) she was created through a sacrificial ritual. she was thrown into a pit of snakes bit her and slithered down her throat, cursing her into what she is. for this reason, she is more invulnerable than regular culebras. there is no known method for killing her.
venom - culebra venom has the ability to turn humans and paralyse other culebras. it is a choice when biting whether venom is administered
sunlight - kisa will burn in the sunlight, however she will regenerate once out of the sun.
dismemberment - the only known way to put her down is to dismember her and scatter the pieces. however, if put back together and given blood she will regenerate.
snake/culebra venom - this will paralyse her for a time
cold temperatures - she is cold blooded and therefore her system will begin to shut down in cold temperatures. once she warms up she will be fine, but if kept in cold enough temps she will enter a type of hibernation state.
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It grinds my gears when people mention the larger Tarantinoverse and then assume Kill Bill is part of it. No, in the larger Tarantinoverse, Mia Wallace played the Bride in a movie spun off from the failed Fox Force Five pilot.¹
Rather, Kill Bill takes place in the same continuity as the Grindhouse movies (Planet Terror,² Death Proof), From Dusk Till Dawn, and Machete, as evidenced by the appearance of Earl McGraw³ and/or his son Edgar in all of these. These all presumably also exist as movies that Jules Winnfield or an aging Rick Dalton might go see.
The wasted potential here? Given that the character of Machete exists in this continuity, there's every possibility that B. B. Kiddo and/or Nikki Bell hung out with the fucking Spy Kids at some point.
(Footnotes below cut)
1. Which makes for a bit of irony if you accept my trans Mia headcanon, given that the Bride's pregnancy is so significant to the plot.
2. I'm chalking this one up to an alternate timeline in the movie-within-a-movie-verse, or else to a nightmare Cherry Darling had after eating some of J. T. Hague's barbecue. It's kind of a bummer (not to mention a monkey wrench in my fic ideas) if this continuity ends in a zombie apocalypse, as dope as the image of Machete and the Bride fighting zombies might be.
3. Incidentally, my headcanon is that he survived Richie Gecko's headshot in FDTD and dragged himself out the back door just as the convenience store was going up in flames. (The news report pronouncing him dead could be a case similar to the initial reporting around James Brady and Gabby Giffords.) Not only would it explain Earl McGraw's appearance in later movies, it'd also provide some narrative resonance with the Bride.
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sandalaris · 3 years
Headcanon Asks: Scott Fuller! and if you want a bonus character, Seth Gecko!
Scott Fuller:
Sexuality Headcanon: I don’t really have a set in stone sexuality headcanon for Scott. Canon-wise he’s only shown interest in girls, but I am completely here for him being bi. Given his age and history, there’s enough there to explore the possibilities in a canon setting.
Gender Headcanon: Pretty sure he’s a cismale in canon, but now that the idea is in my head I really want to explore lesbian!Scott. The tomboy daughter of pastor Fuller who tried to join the boy’s lacrosse team (she was rejected because its a small Texas town with antiquated ideas) and cut all her hair off when her mother died. She’s more into her music than canon!Scott was in the beginning, after being denied a spot of the team of the sport she wanted to play. Kate/Kade was the first to suspect their little sister was into girls when the noticed the crush Scott was nursing on Jessica and tries to show in their own quiet, non-verbal way how much they still love her.
A ship I have with said character: @alwaysupatnight got me into the idea of him and Kalinda, which has pretty much my top Scott ship as I have mixed feelings about Scott/Jessica.
A BROTP I have with said character:  While Kate and Scott will always be ride or die sibs, I very much see them as having a sibling relationship over “bros” so they don’t quite count here. I’ve developed a weird love for a future Peacekeeper partners Freddie and Scott, and possibly one day Billie and Scott. So potentially Freddie and Scott for brotp potential.
A NOTP I have with said character: I don’t think I have one. Like I said, I have complicated feelings on the idea of Jessica/Scott, but they don’t quite give me that knee-jerk Nope feeling I typically associate with a notp.
A random headcanon: I’ve got lesbian!Scott on the brain now.... Jenny always loved Scott’s hair, loved brushing it out and braiding it and letting it hanging all shiny and pretty down her back. Grief and anger drove Scott to cutting it although she always kind of wanted it short and loved it once she cut it. As for canon!Scott, he likes to cook. He used to do so with Jenny when he was little, just something he did to spend time with her, but he grew to really enjoy being in the kitchen and tossing ingredients together to make a meal.
General Opinion over said character: Scott Fuller needs more love!
Seth Gecko:
Sexuality Headcanon: He’s pretty boring in that there’s no question in my mind that he’s straight. If you wanna get into the idea of sexual expression and relationships, I do headcanon him pretty hard that he jumps feet first into relationships. He started calling Sonja “my girl” the same night he started sleeping with her and there was history with him and Vanessa that all support this.
Gender Headcanon: Seth is cisgendered, and he understands the nuances of gender even less than Uncle Eddie. But he’s always defended Richie being different and I feel like if he’d be more open minded to the idea of differences in genders because of that.
A ship I have with said character: Kate and him are OTP. <3
A BROTP I have with said character: Gecko Brothers till the end of the line!
A NOTP I have with said character: Anyone who isn’t Kate, lol. But in all seriousness, I do not get the idea of Kisa/Seth. I know the actors dated in real life, but they aren’t their characters and I not only don’t see it, they are just a big fat No for me. (The characters, not the actors. The actors can date all they want and I will support them and be happy for them.)
A random headcanon: A high metabolism only goes so far, and while Seth perfected his work out routine in prison, he likes having a six pack enough that he kept it up once out.
General Opinion over said character: He’s a snarky morally gray character, of course I love him.
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hearthouses · 5 years
I’ve just seen your massive (and impressive) ship list and I can’t believe I’ve found someone else who ships Richie/Kisa/Kate. Talk about rare ships (there are like, 3 of us). I often wonder what it would have been like if Kate had left with Kisa and Richie instead of Seth. We were robbed of this trio. xx
Oh gosh, wow there is someone else who is interested in this OT3! 
I feel weird saying I ship ship it because generally I think it’s platonic on both Richie and Kisa’s ends, but I think it’s fascinating from Kate’s POV as she probably has complicated crushes on both of them for very different reasons. I am always fascinated with the AU scenario of Kate being picked up by Richie and Kisa on their way out, and then Kate having to reconcile her feelings and impressions of them with the fact of what they are. I like Kate being forced to examine her issues with culebras head-on and her own prejudices. I think her headspace is just interesting because she’s so easy to assume things about others and I’d love her outsider POV on both of them as she wrestles her revulsion with her desire for them. 
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snarkyrp · 5 years
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» Headcanon. « 
Fecha de nacimiento: 28 de julio de 1992 
Su segundo nombre es Harry, en honor a su padre. 
Siempre que puede habla de su padre, y de lo orgulloso que estaría de él y de su hermana, incluso de su madre. 
Su mejor amiga es su hermana, y su madre Sue. 
También adora a Charlie, y a su ahora hermanastra Bella, aunque a ella ya la adoraba desde bastante antes. 
Sus mejores amigos (a los que considera más cercanos y fiables) son Jake y Ares, aunque considera muy buenos amigos al resto de miembros de la manada. 
Seth odiaba correr contra Leah, ya que desde siempre ha sido más rápida que él y eso le enfurruñaba. 
Seth es bisexual, ¿Alguna vez ha dado la sensación de que le importaría el sexo de la persona de la que se imprimase? No. 
Aquí lo tienes mejor explicado: a Seth le interesan las personalidades, pero no los géneros. Le gusta todo el mundo. 
El más tierno, inmaduro e inocente de la manada. Al menos hasta ahora. 
Creía que no se imprimaría nunca de nadie, hasta que la vida le ha demostrado lo equivocado que estaba. 
Ama cuidar de las personas importantes para él. Siempre va a cuidarlas y mirar por su felicidad, sobre todo la de su hermana y la persona a la que ama. Va anteponerles siempre, por encima de su propia felicidad.
Siempre leal y fiel a sus principios. No intentes hacerle cambiar de opinión, porque no te servirá de nada. 
El claro ejemplo está en lo que ocurrió hace unos años con los Cullen:
Jacob: Si Sam persigue a Bella, ¿estás realmente preparado para pelear contra tus propios hermanos? ¿Tú hermana? 
Seth: Si es lo correcto, sí.
¿Ha madurado en los ocho años que han pasado desde lo acontecido entre los Cullen y los Vulturi? No. 
Es un poco menos ingenuo, eso sí, pero todavía es un niño a pesar de su edad. 
Tiene un pijama de Stitch, muchas veces lo lleva por la reserva sin pudor alguno. 
Sabe bastante de repostería, pero es capaz de cocinar muy pocas cosas sin que se le quemen. 
A veces, le da por dejar notas con frases motivadoras para Leah en la nevera, para intentar así que empiece bien el día.
Se pasa gran parte del día pensando en cachorros y huesitos (la chocolatina, no las chucherías). 
Pero no más que en la persona de la que está imprimado: Jane. 
“Oye, Leah, tengo algo que enseñarte, ¡Ven a mi cuarto, corre!” Y cuando su hermana llega allí, le muestra la pantalla de su ordenador. “Es un pato con sombrero de policía, ¿No es genial?” 
Comparte en las redes sociales los “GoFundMe” de mascotas que necesitan cirugía. 
Le emociona mucho conocer a gente nueva, y le encanta hacer amigos aunque él considere que no se le da tan bien como a otros miembros de su manada. 
La gente al principio desconfía de él, ya que cree que es demasiado bueno para ser así de verdad y no estar fingiendo. Pero después de unas horas con él, se dan cuenta de que en realidad es así de dulce siempre.
No siempre entiende su ansiedad/depresión/cambios de humor porque por lo general, es un niño feliz la mayor parte del tiempo, pero se esfuerza por aprender en cómo adaptarse a ellos de la mejor manera posible. 
También le cuesta saber cómo reaccionar cuando sus amigos están mal, por lo que él les suele abrazar al momento. Quiere de esa forma que sepan que, a pesar de que no entiende por lo que está pasando, los quiere y cree que pueden tener éxito si ponen su empeño en ello. 
Rey de comer las sobras para llevar. 
Es uno de esos “No bebo té o café, sólo chocolate caliente. Y si es con una nube y nata mejor que mejor.” 
Escucha a Taylor Swift y Miley Cyrus. 
A diferencia de mucha gente que conoce y sabe que les gustan esas cantantes, no se avergüenza de ello. 
A veces simplemente se vuelve loco con “Shake it off” y se pone a bailarlo por toda la Push mientras canta a grito pelado. 
Su serie favorita es “The Vampire Diaries” y no ve por qué debería ocultarlo al resto de la manada.
Recibe bullying por parte del resto de la manada por adorar TVD. 
Muchas veces ha discutido con Paul sobre quién debería terminar con Elena. Seth es el fan número uno de Stefan. Paul prefiere a Damon. 
Comienza a discutir sobre su fanatismo por el programa con el resto de la manada y saca a Paul como fanático del show para que reciba. 
Le gusta correr por el bosque y perderse por él durante horas. 
También adora ir al claro por las noches y mirar las estrellas, ya que era algo que hacía muchas veces con su padre. 
Pescar, cazar y acampar entra dentro de esa pequeña lista de cosas que aprendió de su padre. Puede que parezca un peligro con un arma en la mano, pero él controla y sabe disparar y controlarlas muy bien. 
Le gusta bailar, cantar y hacer el payaso. Y si está contento, por lo general, baila al azar sin razón aparente. 
No le gusta el verano en absoluto, ya que de por sí su cuerpo tiene una temperatura alta y disfruta mucho más del invierno. 
Su actividad favorita es el salto en acantilado y buceo, en cualquier momento (en invierno o en verano, no le importa).
Los domingos por la noche le gusta ver películas de terror, pero se asusta fácilmente, por lo que prefiere verlas con alguien. Por lo general su hermana o algún amigo. 
Una de sus aficiones es tocar la guitarra, pero también puede tocar el piano. 
Lleva dos tatuajes, uno el de la manada en el hombro izquierdo y en el derecho, una llama que le cubre todo el brazo y el lateral del cuello. 
El tatuaje del fuego simboliza tres cosas para él: destrucción, transformación y cambio. 
Destrucción: para los vampiros, es la única forma de eliminarlos definitivamente tras descuartizarlos. 
Transformación: esa educación que ha recibido en los momentos en que se reunía todo el pack alrededor de una fogata. Donde escuchaba las historias de sus mayores y que le ha ayudado a crecer. Todo ello tras su primera transformación en lobo. 
Cambio: El fuego es una fuerza imparable de la naturaleza si llega a tomar el control de la situación, algo a lo que quiere asimilarse Seth. Quiere tener la misma capacidad de evolucionar y crecer que el fuego. 
Aprendió de Jake a arreglar motocicletas y disfruta trabajando con ellas en su tiempo libre, posee una que él mismo construyó y reparó. También sabe reparar coches, por lo que su trabajo ideal se ha acabado convirtiendo en mecánico. 
Adora las bodas. Siempre llora en ellas y sueña con poder casarse algún día. 
También se come todo el glaseado del pastel y luego echa la bronca al primer niño que pilla por medio. 
Tiene una gran relación de amistad con lo Cullen. 
Aunque esté conociendo a Erianthe y la adore con toda su alma, para él siempre va a ser Jane, la verdadera razón de su existencia y la mujer por la cual haría cualquier cosa, incluso dar su vida. 
Sus masajes sólo son eso, masajes. No pienses en una segunda opción con él porque nunca va a ir en ese sentido (por el momento), es demasiado inocente. 
Por lo general, no suele ponerse celoso nunca, es demasiado bueno incluso para eso. 
No es sexo con Seth, él hace el amor. 
Él usa los pechos y el trasero como almohada. 
Adora leer, y adora todavía más los cómics. 
Le fascinan los superhéroes, los cómics y Marvel. 
Su superhéroe favorito es Capitán América, y superheroína la Bruja Escarlata. 
También ama a la Viuda Negra. 
Y a Rocket Raccoon de Guardianes de la Galaxia. Le hace gracia que un mapache pueda hablar.
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dykerory · 4 years
the real niche crossover is fdtd the series and breaking bad but i think i may be the only person at the intersection of those interests
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laufire · 2 years
bela talbot?
The show already hinted at her loving Dracula, specifically Bela Lugosi's version. So I've always thought she'd be fascinated by the gothic genre, such as Rebecca (book) or Wuthering Heights or Rosemary's Baby. A mix of fascination and revulsion. A similar thing would happen with Hitchcock films. I think she would like The Lady Vanishes and have a complicated relationship with Notorious.
I can see her enjoying all manners of vampire fiction too, from the likes of Dracula or Carmilla to The Vampire Diaries (with which she'd also have a difficult relationship with lol) to Terry Pratchett's Carpe Jugulum to Beign Human (UK) to Buffy to FDTD... If there are vampires she checks it out.
(sidenote, but I headcanon that she might've contemplated turning monster -vampire, preferably- to escape Hell, but ultimately decided against it because a.) Purgatory is not that much better; and b.) if you're a monster you can ONLY go to Purgatory, while remaining human she still had a chance to change her deal)
send me a character, and I’ll tell you what books, films, etc. I think they’d be into.
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fortysevenswrites · 2 years
Yet another writing ask:
39, 13 & 4.
4. Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
I do! Her name is Talya Nightingale and she's the protagonist of an original series I started writing in 2014 (and will publish...eventually) that I call my Disaster Bisexuals Superhero Story (because she's a disaster bi, and she's not the only one!). She's an alien who accidentally becomes a superhero protecting a weird small town in the middle of nowhere that is missing their own superhero team at like, a really bad time to be missing your own superhero team.
It's just her and her dog who is not actually a dog against the world and she is t i r e d. She also has to contend with: hiding her identity from the only other person who lives on her street, her boyfriend who is BAD IN BED, figuring out where the Shadow League disappeared to, shitty weather, and that guy she hooked up with months ago in New Orleans who...hates her now?
I also have Greer, who is my OC in the FDTD 'verse, that I have not yet actually introduced properly. She's an OC culebra that fits in my headcanon that Josie's bar from the Daredevil/NMCU 'verse is a haven for culebras in NYC, and Greer moved to Texas to work at Jed's after she was turned and decided NYC winters are too cold for her now that she's part snake. She's been referenced in a few of my FDTD fics so far, and I think (if I can get my shit together and get it finished), her first proper introduction in one of my fics will be the one I'm working on for Valentine's Day.
13. Rate your worldbuilding skills from 1 to 10.
I think I'm somewhere around an 8. The world I built for the Nightingale 'verse is pretty vast and I'd like to think it's pretty good.
39. Wildest AU scenario you have written?
That 10000000% goes to my favorite fic of all time, we don’t make the future, we just know it, which is an FDTD fic that is also like...kind of a fusion with the SNL skit Meet Your Second Wife, in which Seth Gecko meets his second wife (one Kate Fuller), before FDTD canon even starts while on a game show, in a dream (that may or may not be concussion-induced). It's the greatest thing I've ever written and I did it in like, an hour, and I love it so much.
yet another writing ask
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zaritarazi · 9 months
remember when amaru was in kate’s body and we would joke that any time richie or seth was like “please let me speak to my beautiful wife” kate would be like “tell them i’m not here!!!” and amaru would be like “she’s uh... she’s in the shower” well that’s the exact opposite of khufu and carter. kendra shows up and katar is like i will see you again when we are not going through whatever this is. i, in fact, will be in the shower. but good luck to you
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ladicsa · 7 months
i have not seen a single fdtd episode but can i just say ...  you've made me adore kisa! so much! love all the headcanons and the lore and the portrayal. her story sounds so tragic and we stan ancient powerful women bathing in blood ( who may or may not be afraid of the toaster ) in this house. plus, your writing flows so nicely! i'm v excited for our threads even if i take 999 years to reply
ahhh! this is such a nice message to receive! i'm honestly so grateful for you and all of my mutuals from other fandoms who have totally embraced kisa and i! the fdtd fandom was tiny to begin with and now it's pretty much nonexistent, so everybody who has given me the opportunity to keep writing her is so adored 💕
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tuntematonkorppi · 2 years
Seth Gecko, Richard Gecko, Kate Fuller, Cassian Andor, and Jyn Erso for the character asks!
Seth Gecko
First impression
that man needs a nap
Impression now
that man needs a nap (while cuddling kate)
Favorite moment
oh my god that's so hard to choose.
probably when he shoots in the air in shady glen and he's just fucking done with everything
Idea for a story
so i have way too many WIP for FDTD but one of the more recent ones is based on the movie Love Jacked where Kate is a normal girl who needs a guy to pretend to be her fiancé for her family and she meets Seth who is a pool hustler and just fucked up a con and his ex-partner in crime wants to shoot him very very very dead so he offers himself as the fake fiancé that way he can hide and be safe.
Unpopular opinion
i don't think i have one
Favorite relationship
him and Kate, obviously. they just work so well together.
Favorite headcanon
i think i packed all of my headcanons for him in the everywhere at the end of time series? but probably that after matanzas they go back to jackknife jed's because he would never let a cash cow like that slip away
everyone else is under the cut
Richard Gecko
First impression
what a creepy asshole (derogatory)
Impression now
what a creepy asshole (affectionate)
Favorite moment
everything happening in matanzas
Idea for a story
not really? i find him really hard to write tbh.
Unpopular opinion
i'm not interested in reading fics where he's back with kisa. idk if it's unpopular or not.
Favorite relationship
i think his friendship with kate has a real potential. also every interaction he had with burt ever.
Favorite headcanon
i don't have a specific one?
Kate Fuller
First impression
what is this church girl
Impression now
Favorite moment
ugh so many good moments. all of matanzas i think
Idea for a story
same as for seth
Unpopular opinion
i don’t think i have one
Favorite relationship
with seth
Favorite headcanon
after everything that happened she doesn’t really believe in the christian god anymore, just in the good in people.
Cassian Andor
First impression
that man is rugged and tired as hell. i like him.
Impression now
Favorite moment
oh my god HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE. SERIOUSLY. when he shoots krennic and then keeps jyn close.
Idea for a story
i have a couple of rebelcaptain wips and one of them has "whump fest" as a working title and it's just him and jyn getting injured during missions (because they obviously survived scarif, duh) and him wanting to tell her about his feelings and not doing it because they both emotionally stunted.
Unpopular opinion
same as you, who cares if he gets a love interest in the tv show, he died being half in love with jyn
Favorite relationship
with jyn, obviously
Favorite headcanon
Jyn Erso
First impression
gonna go with adult version of her: someone didn't wash off their eyeliner last night
Impression now
i love you so much
Favorite moment
when she fights the stormtroopers in jedha. that's my badass girl.
Idea for a story
not going with the one i mentioned for cassian, i'm working on a modern AU where she and cassian are neighbors and friends with benefits and they're emotionally stunted and everyone around them is like "how long until they realize they're in love with each other and not just fwb"
Unpopular opinion
i love that she's not perfect, that she can appear selfish (except that she risked her life to save a child in jedha but whatever) and her saying "it's not a problem if you don't look up" wasn't actually her being a privileged bitch but her trying to anger saw and also her list of crimes include a shitton of stuff against the empire and she was in the worst empire prison of them all so please tell me again how she's a privileged bitch who isn't fighting the empire and her saying she didn't have the luxury of political opinions isn't "i'm fine with the status quo" but more "surviving has been taking all of my energy and i haven't been able to do anything else, especially not in a prison that is a death sentence"
Favorite relationship
Favorite headcanon
same as cassian. ALIVE AND HAPPY AND WITH HIM.
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sandalaris · 3 years
Character Headcanons: M for Seth Gecko, E for Kate Fuller, and N for Scott Fuller!
I swear this ask is cursed! I’ve had more restarts, site crashes, and random refreshes when I’ve attempted to answer this ask than any other. OK, here it goes, one more time!
Seth Gecko: What gets them flustered?
I don’t think Seth gets truly flustered easily. One of his talents is being able to come back with a rejoiner to just about anything thrown at him, good or bad. But when he’s arguing, truly arguing with raised voices and the like, and he suddenly realizes he’s wrong, he’ll sort of stumble. Becoming flustered and unsure as the point he was so vehemently pressing gets a new angle. The person he’s arguing against needs to be someone he cares about though, otherwise he just gets pissy at having lost.
Kate Fuller: Guilty pleasures.
Before... everything, Kate had some fairly typical guilty pleasures. There was that time in junior high when soap operas were her go-to shows, the stash of dime store murder mysteries she binge read that first year of high school, her love of long hot showers/baths that used up all the hot water and left her family complaining, etc. And during those three months with Seth she found a certain thrill in being part of a well pulled score - but that also lacked a certain embarrassment that you’d usually associate with guilty pleasures so it only half-counts. But after Amaru... Kate’s a bit too emotionally numb at first, her guilt too tied up in blood and murder and lost souls to be spared for wasting on so-called embarrassing things that happen to make her happy.
Scott Fuller: Ingrained habits/forces of habit.
I feel like he spins things in his hands a lot. We see him doing so with his swords, and I could easily see the habit transferring over to other similar items. He also scans his surroundings automatically, making note of the people and items around him. He’s always been observant, heightened first by bullies, then more and more as each new event deepened and honed the habit. From the Geckos grabbing him and his family to needing to watch the tunnels while Seth patched up his sister (even his time with his band had him scanning crowds for potential prey), its become second nature to be aware his surroundings.
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hearthouses · 6 years
What about Kisa/Manola/Carlos? 🤔 Wouldn't there be some seriously protective, hero worship going on there for Kisa?
Oh god, I am really fascinated with the idea of that ship?
In my head, I’ve always imagined it in an AU where Manola lived (of course), but Kisa tried to make her go into hiding with her and live on the run to keep Manola safe because Manola was badly injured or Kisa had to turn her to save her from what Amaru did to her and they have to deal with the fall out of that decision. Manola would eventually get fed up with hiding because she would want to fight and in turn, would inspire Kisa into action, so off they go to put Carlos back together. 
Some random bullet point thoughts: 
Manola knows OF Carlos, but I feel like Kisa kept a lot of their relationship private because he was her longest companion and that relationship is complicated to explain, but meeting Carlos is a whole other experience. Carlos is fascinated by her but also resentful of Kisa’s clear love and affection for her as well as her trust in Manola, and angry that again he still isn’t enough.
Carlos would create a competition for Kisa’s attention in his own head and tell Manola cryptic things like, I loved her too and look where it got me, but Manola never takes the bait, instead counters with her own questions about things Kisa won’t answer her and Carlos is only too happy to oblige because finally he has someone to talk to that could come close to understanding him. 
Kisa would be SO PROTECTIVE of Manola and not want her around Carlos, but Manola can handle herself, thank you very much. Kisa worries constantly and tries to warn Carlos away from her, which would lead a confrontation between the two of them. Manola would interrupt it and Carlos would get jealous over how Kisa bestows so much kindness and love on Manola—he remembers being in her shoes, and not, because their time together was so fraught. 
Manola would have an interesting effect on Carlos because she would point everything he is doing wrong with Kisa and get him out of his own head, and show him how he is his own worst enemy. She is straightforward and honest, and the both of them sorely need that kind of personality. At first, Carlos is taken aback and suspicious, but I think he has learned from his time in pieces and in Xibalaba and he has the desire to do better, but none of the tools. Enter Manola. 
Post-Amaru, Manola befriends Carlos, while Kisa is still wary, as all three of them work to rebuild the culebra community—stronger, better than before. I’d love to have a show about that: the three of them working together, Manola and Carlos and their growing friendship, Carlos making amends to Kisa and them growing past their history. But alas :( 
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chronic-ghost · 3 years
Hello! I saw your "fill my inbox" post, and thought I should take advantage and say: I recently read your Scott Fuller POV fic, and I loved it so much! You really captured his voice so perfectly, and the journey he went on through the show. It's so cool find a truly nuanced take on him, that credits him with all his emotions and messy motivations. 💖 So I was wondering, what kind of storylines would you like to see explored for Scott if we were to get a proper Season 4, and do you have any Scott headcanons you'd like to share?
Ahhhh! Thank you so much! I always felt they never gave Scott much of a storyline outside of one that revolved around the rest of the gang. At the end of the day, he was just some kid waaay in over his head without the moral compass like Kate’s to guide him. Also I always thought it was an interesting choice that the adopted brother was non-white. How difficult it must have been for an adopted child and a POC to grow up in a small Texas town. As someone who grew up in Texas as well, my heart just goes out to the kid <3 
As for Season 4, tbh I have all of Season 4 plotted out (shout out to mah girl @notahotlibrarian) and Scott actually takes a really interest turn. He teams up with Kisa in order to help earn the title of Anciana, one of the rulers over each of the Spanish-speaking lands. Think a Lord, but for an entire country. Kisa wants Mexico and Texas and she has to prove her worth in a series of tasks, and Scott serves as her second. Season 4 Scott is about choice, not out of necessity or fear. He’s a boy trying to become a man and defining that for himself — not the Texas definition, not the culebra definition. Himself. Also I think there could be some serious friendship points earned between him and Kisa because they were both abused in different ways by the people that were supposed to love them.
Head cannons include: 
His first serious musical influence was Elvis. Before selling their house in Bethel, Kate was sure to save each and every video tape of five year old Scott with his hair slicked back, saying, “thank you very much” to anyone who walked by.
Turning into a culebra makes him realize he’s not 100% straight. But again he doesn’t know what that means, or what it means for him, so he works to figure it out for himself. 
Using some of the money they got from selling the house in Bethel, he secretly paid for the funerals of the classmates he killed and sends their family flowers every year. 
He finds that he actually likes school now that there’s no pressure to graduate or get a job. He gets a degree from the University of Texas in Music Theory. Over the next few years, he gets degrees in a variety of other subjects from different schools around the country because he can. Richie asks, since he’s the new Professor, if he wants a cock gun too. 
Seth and Kate’s kid isn’t scared of his snake face. In fact she finds it hilarious.
Thank you so much for asking and getting me to scratch my brain about Scott Fuller again. I can’t say I have anything in the works right now for FDTD (Marvel is currently consuming every waking thought), but that’s not to say it can’t happen! If you ever have prompt, always send it and I’ll be sure to file it away, if I don’t work on it immediately!
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ambrosiaswhispers · 7 years
Gecko Movie Choices
For an upcoming fic I'm working on... What movie series do you think would be go-to watching for the Gecko Brothers? For Kate? Richie, I think, would be a Matrix trilogy fan, though he'd drive the other two crazy with all his theories... Lol Seth, we know Indiana Jones from Season 1, but maybe MadMax? Kate I see her more into comedies like Pitch Perfect or something like that. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️😎
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