#feel free to tag as anything if you reblog
babycalsgyalisback · 3 days
T!ps on not getting your account T-worded:
Don't use sensible words, not just in hashtags but also in posts, I'll even consider censoring words in pictures too (and not just the obvious words, things like "w€1ght, €4ting, I'm hungr¥...")
Don't use abbreviations for mass indicators (instead of 3kg, say 3 and put the equivalent in lbs in parenthesis or viceversa, people will get it)
Don't post or reblog th1ns p0, especially if they're explicitly spo and not just a random girl in a bikini, let alone 🦴spo or ☠️spo. I know this one might sound extreme, but trust me, it's better to just like them.
Don't post very detailed descriptions of certain things, and if you do, remit to tip #1.
BLOCK any weird account that follows or interacts with you that it's not €d related.
Use the separator if you want to post a vent, th1ns p0, or something that could be triggering for someone that isn't part of the community and found the post by accident.
If you want to take a step further, go to €d r€cov€ry tags or those directed to attack this community (I don't actually know if they exist as such) and block every account you can, so there are fewer chances of them finding your posts (people in r€cov€ry are usually the ones who rep0rt the most)
That's all I could think of. Take care and feel free to add more!
Remember that even if you follow all of these instructions there's still no guarantee you'll never be banned, or otherwise, you can not follow any of them and still be fine (I never censored anything in my first account and it never got t☠️)
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caer-gai · 20 hours
~Arthuriana August ~
(i'm posting this a biit early because I don't trust myself to remember it before August first and I want to give folks some time <3 Y'all feel free to get started early if you need to - I know August is busy, especially for those of us still in school - but I won't start reblogging until August)
An arthuriana art writing song making gif-ing or whatever else challenge for the month of August!! I know the format isn't anything new but I tried to get original with the prompts lol
Blood or No(1-5)-
Sibling and family week! The perfect time for Orkneys any sibling or family dynamic be it birth, adopted, or found!
Sick Leave(6-10) -
My personal favorite prompt! Be it whump, hurt/comfort, hurt no comfort, or angst, sick in bed or covered in blood it's time to hurt your faves!
Now that we've whumped everyone it's time for some fluff! Bonding, cuddles, hurt with heavy comfort, just all the warm feelings.
Getting Heated!! (16-20)-
An argument, a romance, *cough*smut*cough*, a busy day in the kitchens.... or all four! Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here! :flustered:
Lady of the Hour(21-25)-
Enough of the knights, time for some ladies!! Everyone from Guinevere and Morgan to Adrivette and the Lady of Lys.
Visiting Knights (26-31)-
Or ladies, I'm not picky! This includes characters who have origins outside of Britain ex. Palomedies, Feirefiz, the French knights/du lacs, Morien, ect.
Each prompt has five days except the last one has six. (This took me far too long to figure out lol) Be sure to tag with #arthuriana august, and if you want me to reblog it @caer-gai so I see it <3
Gore/violence and NSFW is allowed but I will use discretion when reblogging explicit works. Please no AI generated content =)
Most importantly have fun! If you end up posting nothing but had a good time that is a total win
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ferdibertweek · 1 day
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Hello everyone. We’re happy to officially announce the dates and prompts for Tumblr Ferdibert Week 2024.
The event will take place from October 1st to October 7th.
The prompts will be as follows:
October 1st: Pre-War/Post War October 2nd: Period AUs/Fairytale AUs October 3rd: Athletics Competition/Arts Competition October 4th: Flower Language/Hanahaki October 5th: Genderswap AU/Role Reversal AU October 6th : Beach Day/Snow Day October 7th: Free Day
Rules are as follows:
All forms of art are welcome! Be it fanfic, fanart, cosplay, gif/photo sets, playlists, etc! All are welcome!
To submit, simple tag your post as #ferdibertweek or @ us on the blog to ensure that we see all your posts.
You can submit prompts early or late. If they’re late, we will simply tag it with the day it was for and reblog it as normal. If your submission is early, we will tag it and then add it to the queue so that it is reblogged on the aligning day.
NSFW will be allowed, but please remember to tag it as such with the proper community labels.
Remember to tag all warnings, triggers, squicks, anything you feel might need to be mentioned. If you need something tagged, please let us know! We want this to be a safe and inclusive event for everyone involved.
Secondary pairings are permitted so long as Ferdibert remains the main focus of your entry.
And most important of all: Have fun with it!
We look forward to seeing all the creative pieces you come up with.
See you soon, everyone.
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axolotluv · 2 days
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Welcome welcome! My name is Axolotluv, you can call me any variant of that name (Ax is the most common). They/He/It pronouns, Agender, Aroace spectrum, Autistic. TRIPLE A BABYYY!!
This is my personal main blog that is a bit chaotic at times. I am a multifandom artist and will post inconsistently based on my mental state and current hyperfixation. I post fanart, comics, music, and my silly thoughts! Fandoms I'm in so far include: Minecraft, Undertale/Deltarune (UTDR), Portal 2, Lego Monkie Kid (LMK), KinitoPET, Object shows (OSC), Among Us, Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF), Daycare Attendant (DCA), Cult of the Lamb (COTL), Regretevator
I draw in a western cartoonish style but that does NOT mean my art is for kids! I will draw violence, death, and suggestive themes! Everything will be tagged accordingly, but please do not follow or interact if you are under the age 16. Anyone interacting with this blog under the age 16 will be blocked. Additional information below!
GENERAL TAGS: ax speaks - for any post i put text in (outside of reblogs) art - for my art music - for any music I post my music - for any of my original music ask - for any answered ask vent - for anything I consider ranty/venty
Feel free to block any of these tags, I don't mind!
TRIGGER TAGS: tw blood tw knife tw gun tw death tw spiders tw bugs tw eyestrain tw flashing lights tw motion sickness tw suggestive tw nsfw tw needles ask to tag
Send me an ask if you want me to tag posts with a specific tag for the purposes of blocking certain content, I will happily oblige (but please be polite about it). For the sake of other's comfort, any asks regarding requesting me to tag something specific will not be answered publicly.
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in the past week or so ive seen a lot of people posting about how there's this oversexualization of trans girls on the site, and I gotta agree, there are way too many people (including other trans women!) who act like we're all dtf 24/7 or always super kinky and horny. I've been tired of that stereotype for ages and i am saying this as a rather sexual trans girl myself...
...but I think people are overcorrecting a bit now, and are starting to veer into "trans women shouldnt be talked about sexually / need to be shielded from it" territory. and, to me, that's really dangerous, because outside of some queer spaces - and even within them- the sexuality of trans girls is heavily scrutinized, as is attraction to us. as much as I dislike certain aspects of the memes and jokes that kickstarted the stereotypes, I'm kinda grateful for them as well. girldick jokes helped with my bottom dysphoria, voice kink shit helped me like my voice, and the whole "tgirl tummy tuesday" thing gave me a lot of confidence in my body where I hated it before. I think this open appreciation of trans sexiness has done a lot for both me and others on tumblr.
again, obviously its got its problems - people end up assuming every trans girl is horny, or only spread positivity if its related to sex with us, and of course the people who do have dysphoria from the things that are being sexualized are left out (like those the "girls without dicks are like angels without wings" memes, ugh, feels icky every time). and on the note of comparing tgirls to angels, we also started getting treated like we're ethereal fertility goddesses and that t4t sex was some inherently sacred ritual. spoiler alert, trans girls are normal-ass people and t4t sex can be holy for the participants but its generally a pretty normal thing to do as well
coming back to the "don't sexualize trans girls" posts now, I think they were initially going in the right direction, but at this point I'm starting to raise an eyebrow at more than a few of them. I'm not gonna whip out the "youre a sex hating puritan if you post about it" accusation because that is obviously wrong but again, I think people are definitely overcorrecting and starting to turn this into a (false) dichotomy when it's not. its a complex topic and each individual trans woman will feel differently about it.
(I feel like the internet just erases any nuance in favor of a two-sided, highly polarized flamewar with unrealistic views on both sides. actually i wouldn't even say this is a super-nuanced discussion because its really not that hard to say "fetishization is bad, but so is suppression of sexuality". will this post just end up being a void scream and people will continue drawing lines between one side and the other? probably. but I am a stubborn bitch and I have hope that we can be reasonable.)
anyways I'll close this off by saying that I wrote this between around 1:30 and 2 AM on terrible sleep the night before, that I hope what I said is coherent enough, and that I will keep being a trans girl who is openly sexual, gets horny over other trans women, and is proud to be transsexy as fuck. I will keep being critical of jokes and trends and memes that stereotype us, even from our own community. I will keep being angry at how poorly us trans folks are treated with regards to our sex lives, bodies, and relationships between the two. I will keep loving and lusting over trans women without fetishizing them. And I will keep doing all of these til the day I die.
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aurorangen · 10 months
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Sim Dump #1 | Male Sims
As promised here is my first sim dump for reaching 1k and ofc it's some handsome men to liven up your game! You can do whatever you want, be it for the girls or the guys, so show these sims some looove. Thank you so much for all the support and for enjoying my content. There's much more to come and I hope you like this gift!
Don’t claim as your own and/or reupload
Don't change their features drastically
Only everyday outfit (all cc is included)
All credits go to the CC creators
Feel free to tag me so I can see
PLS don’t do anything weird to them
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ef-1 · 22 days
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Hiiii besties I um. Rly want money. Would anyone want a tweened icon like these for like $20? I'm usually pretty fast with them so it shouldn't take longer than like a few days max
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hephaestuscrew · 8 months
Thoughts on the patterns of who speaks the episode title phrases in Wolf 359
This analysis is based on the data I gathered in this spreadsheet and summarised with graphs in this post. Basically I've been looking at which character first says the episode title phrase (i.e. the exact words which form the name of that particular episode) in every episode of Wolf 359. Go and look at the spreadsheet if you want more context.
I think we can view the episode title phrases as often expressing the key problem or question of that episode. (I might talk about this in relation to individual examples another time.) Through this lens, the consideration of who speaks the title phrase is about which character gets to frame the key issue of the episode for the listener. This doesn't necessarily mean we are meant to share that character's view of the issue, but it's why I think there is some potentially significant analysis to be done on this topic. (See below the cut...)
The proportion of title phrases said by Eiffel reduces with each season. 69.2% of the Season 1 title phrases are (first) spoken by Eiffel, compared to 46.6% in Season 2, 22.2% in Season 3, and 20% in Season 4.
This is perhaps unsurprising. Eiffel is very much the main perspective character and the primary narrative voice at the start of the series. And, as someone with unusual speech patterns, he is excellent at coining a good memorable title phrase. However, while I'd argue that he never stops being the main protagonist, over the course of the series, the narrative focus broadens away from a singular emphasis on Eiffel's perspective. This perspective shift is reflected in episode titles being spoken by a greater range of characters.
I think the decreasing proportion of Eiffel title phrases also reflects the podcast's shift towards a generally more dramatic rather than comedic tone. While Eiffel is capable of being serious at times, I'd argue that his mode of speech is particularly well suited to generating amusing unusual turns of phrase that work well within a more comedic context (e.g. Succulent Rat-Killing Tar, What's Up Doc?, Bach to the Future). As the stakes become higher and the tone becomes less humorous, characters other than Eiffel, who are more often inclined to take things very seriously, are more likely to speak the title phrases.
There's also just the fact that as we get more characters involved in the action on the Hephaestus, the opportunity to speak the title phrase is spread between more characters.
Although Eiffel is by far and away the most common speaker of title phrases in Season 1, in the first three episodes of the whole show, we get all the characters of that season represented in the title phrases. Minkowski speaks the title phrase in the second episode and Hera does in the third episode - but probably quoting a phrase from Hilbert. This gives us a good early indication that, while Eiffel may be the focal point particularly in this season, this is going to be an ensemble show and all of these characters are going to be significant.
Hilbert's only title phrase is in Ep12 Deep Breaths, in the first stage of his mutiny, arguably the only point in the show where he appears to clearly have the upper hand while acting alone.
After the SI-5 are introduced at the beginning of Season 3, we get five Kepler or Jacobi title phrases in a row, which solidifies the SI-5's presence in the show. It also highlights the fact that the SI-5 have taken over the Hephaestus and are now (at least ostensibly) the ones determining the aims of the Hephaestus mission.
In addition, these patterns might be seen to reflect the shift in the show towards a more conflict-focused tone (related but not identical to the movement away from comedy). While Wolf 359 has always been a show full of conflict, the balance of this conflict shifts with the arrival of the SI-5. For the first team, our protagonists are facing a unified team of antagonists. The potential for violence feels higher, as do the stakes. This might explain why, while we only had one antagonist-spoken title phrase across Seasons 1 and 2 (Hilbert in Ep12 - Lovelace doesn't get a title phrase while she's serving as an antagonist), 44.4% of our Season 3 title phrases are first spoken by antagonists.
The only title phrase spoken by Maxwell is spoken by her in a recording that we hear after her death. This isn't even the only posthumous title phrase spoken from the past in Season 4 - we've got one from Commander Zhang of the Tiamat as well. It's an interesting kind of legacy, an interesting way to emphasize the questions characters leave behind after death, recalling similar themes to those explored in Ep46 Boléro.
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pm-00 · 3 months
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Les juro que ya me callo con este post pero OJO, en los últimos meses hemos visto como le faltan el respeto a les creadores latinoamericanes: a su trabajo y proyectos hasta que les conviene. Los organizadores de estos eventos no son pendejos, ellos saben quien trae los números y quien jala a la gente, no por nada Osvaldo tiene la pelea estelar, no por nada lo ponen de mayor tamaño en la promoción. Él mismo lo ha dicho una y otra vez: mucho ojo en Latinoamérica, Latinoamérica hace mucho ruido. Si van a seguir usando a les creadores latinoamericanes para causar expectativa y emoción para sus eventos, ya viene siendo hora que les den el respeto que se merecen Y EL RECONOCIMIENTO que se han ganado.
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siphoklansan · 1 year
“How curious…there’s a sketchbook on the ground. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look, would it?”
As you flip through the pages you notice these things:
The artist goes by the name Siphok. A peculiar name, isn’t it? Don’t you just wonder what that means?
The artist only draws Twisted Wonderland, including her OCs that are in the fandom.
The artist draws comics, plain art, or does animatics.
The artist does not draw NSFW or gore, whatsoever.
Art requests are something the artist wishes to do, and she loves drawing for her followers and mutuals.
The artist reblogs a lot of Twisted Wonderland fics, do keep in mind to block tags mentioned below if you do not wish to see it. She”s quite lazy, so she tends to not switch to her spam account.
The artist is quite friendly, feel free to leave a note or two in the back of her sketch book. (askbox)
“There are sticky notes between the pages. How strange…”
❦siphok-reblogs❦ (for reblogs of art/fan-fiction)
✰siphok-moots✰ (her mutuals, they have a special place in her heart)
༄siphok-chatters༄ (she answers whatever question thrown her way)
☂︎︎siphok-museum☂︎︎ (for her art, specifically)
☞︎siphok-spams☜︎ (she spams quite a lot, but they don’t involve in anything else.)
➪siphok-ANNOUNCING➪ (for announcements)
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“Having fun, are we?….You buffoon! She’s walking over here— you’ll get caught!”
As you hide in the bushes, you notice something about the artist.
She’s South East Asian, specifically from Thailand. English is not her first language, and the artist appreciates it greatly if you don’t judge her for her bad grammar.
The artist goes by she/her pronouns
The artist loves literature and reading, however, she does have a bad habit of buying news books despite not finishing previous ones. Crime and Punishment is one of her favorites, along with No Longer Human. (she did not finish Crime and Punishment, what a clown)
The artist loves history. You can leave notes about fun facts on history, and she’ll love it more if you share your homeland’s history, mythology, and culture. The artist’s is always open minded, and is excited to hear what you’ll leave in her sketchbook.
The artist is quite forgetful, hence why she forgot her sketchbook on the ground in the first place.
Her favorite characters are Leona Kingscholar, Riddle Rosehearts, and Jamil Viper. But she does love other characters dearly.
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“The artist is…writing a letter? Squint your eyes; maybe you’ll see who she’s writing to.”
@ceruleancattail , the talented mage next door, ready to acquire all your magical needs
@shinmon-c , the prison guard of Milgrim prison, do be careful now
@twistedchatterbox , the water nymph of Octavinelle. you may want to watch your back; or she’d pull you into the depths of the ocean. but, it seems like you don’t mind, do you?
@oepionie , the love witch. are you interested in capturing one’s heart?
@fukashiin , what a lively soul. you can feel the warm rays of sunshine beaming onto your soul just by the look of that name
@azurevi , quite the talented author they are. they have left a deep impression that the artist will never forget
@taruruchi the artist’s new acquaintance, she is excited to interact more with them
@ryuuryuuhoney , the artist doesn’t know when their wedding will be held with Trey— excuse me, Tr*ey
@the-dumber-scaramouche , a new acquaintance whom the artist simps on Leona with
@hisui-dreamer , a talented author the artist have just be acquainted with. their works are quite lovely
@the-v-lociraptor , ah finally….someone who shares the same interests with the artist
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“You idiot! You’re breathing too— loud…..”
You are caught red-handed by the artist. Perhaps some day you’ll get to see her OCs. What were their names again? Ah, yes…
Charin, the half-merman and Yaksha, and Anan..the fallen aristocrat
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caramel-mocha-latte · 11 months
Hi hello!!! Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I've just been dealing with some pretty bad depression
And uhhh! I am currently unable to afford meds rn so I'm just gonna...
points at my $5 headshot commissions again
and even link my cashapp. Only $3 extra for a tiny on your shoulder now for my commissions! No charge for having a big hand patting your head or something cause it's actually easier to add than a tiny for me lol
So uh.. if any of you want anything/just want to help me out, yeah I'd appreciate it a bunch!
Gonna try to get back into posting more art :> and do a few artfight things before the month ends
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wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
The anniversary of Love Run is approaching, and I have an idea for how to celebrate!
You know those lyric videos where the whole song is written in AO3 fic titles (like this, this, and this)? We’re pretty close to being able to do this for several songs from the album. It would be really cool if we could manage to make that happen around the anniversary!
These are the lines from King, Elsa’s Song, and Not Yet / Love Run that have not been used as titles yet. They need stories! Feel free to use as a promptlist, or just claim a line and start writing. No pressure, obviously -- I just thought this could be a fun way to celebrate! 
Reblogs/signal boosting would be much appreciated <3
When you are gone away
As our boat is untethered from the dock
There’ve been times I know
I’ll stand up up up at the bow
And the waves of our bodies and the smell of our follies
You fumble through the dark
To the light that you keep burning there (all hell)
I know your fingernails are the colour of rust (come back)
And your veins are empty of dust (but our voices)
The wind and its shackles, the old fishers tackles
Elsa’s Song
I can hear the cannons calling  
Around this muddied lot              
I cannot hear them scream          
Cos although you say good day to me    
That I barely know the meaning          
And all the cannons shot                  
And in years to come you’ll wander
And then you’ll cry to our painted sky
And you’ll strew some sage and lilies
And roses where I rot
Not Yet/Love Run
By hook or by crooked look give me land
The oh’s of your screams still echo in yer dreams
I’ll point you steer
It seems oh it seems / To me / That you / You can’t sleep
Grab the stroud
It’s time to fight don’t be yellow bellied
Hold the bar at Hurley's hurly burly's
Out of pillows and get drunk again
It seems oh it seems / To me / That you / You can’t dance / For shit
If my old mum could see me now
Oh how she’d howl she’d howl
Don’t turn 'round
O let the earth a-tumble, love
And humble you withal, keep running
Let foul men band and heed your hum
For that ancient hymn you heard me strumming?
Is nought but fumble-falls and guns / And tumbleweeds.
It's nought that rum won't solve
Though some would harm you, none - not one - no none / Will raise to you a hand nor thumb.
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lucyvaleheart · 7 months
....so hey what exactly is a queerplatonic relationship, anyway
(this is a genuine request for information) (if I get anyone hating on the concept you will be summarily blocked flambeed and executed)
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frostbitedoesart · 3 months
Not the like to reblog ratio being so frustrating that I'm considering doing free YCHs in exchange for reblogs.....
(If you share this post please include the tags in some way. They're important. May or may not delete this later.)
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A love letter to Eddie Munson.
(A stream of consciousness; I started typing and this happened.💖)
If someone asked me to describe a place of comfort, a place where one can instantly feel at home, a place one goes when one knows not where else to go because there is no other place they would rather be, I would tell them that home doesn't have to be a place. Sometimes... sometimes, it's a person.
In answer to their question, I'd describe Eddie. Every time, without fail. He's my first thought when I consider the above paragraph and there's a cosmic ache in my chest. I'll try to soothe it with these words.
Already, I'm smiling and my heart is squeezing in my chest - it almost hurts.
Those big chocolate eyes and the way they go soft when he smiles at one of his friends. The way those eyes narrow when he's getting annoyed with someone, the way they look under the Hellfire Club's lighting. The way they go wide when he's surprised or squint when someone misses a hit in D&D. The way they fill with tears makes them look like he has stars swimming in his eyes, and maybe he does, because we're all made of stardust but Eddie's made of the brightest stars of them all.
I'd describe his dark hair and the way his curls look like lightning when he moves quickly, the way his hair brushes against the strong slopes of his shoulders when he turns his head, the way you can pick him out in a crowd instantly just by his hair and the way the ends reach the Dio logo on the back of his denim jacket. He has a strong build, but he's even stronger than that on the inside.
The way he dresses is... not only is it deliberate and carefully chosen, but it's also insanely attractive. Every item of clothing he wears, every piece of jewellery, every tattoo, everything means something to him. There is no such thing as insignificant choices when it comes to Eddie; if you think there is, then you're not looking hard enough or close enough because Eddie wears himself on his sleeve. Only those bold enough and brave enough to pay attention can learn to read him, but once you do? You realise how often and how loudly he speaks his truth. It's not just his speeches, his flair for the dramatic, his frankly feral mannerisms (said with love), it's the way he smiles at Dustin, the way he spends hours pondering character sheets and the months he spends writing D&D campaigns. It's the way he's always touching his friends, not just because he's touch starved, but also because touch is a love language for him and he knows how to touch someone's soul without using his hands.
Eddie is so loud in who he is, he's proud and he doesn't give a fuck but you know what, sometimes he does and the voices get too loud and he just has to lock his bedroom door and scream until his lungs give out and then he cries and yells and screams some more and fuck his lungs and throat are burning but he doesn't care, he's losing his shit and he needs it, he needs to lose control but he doesn't want to be alone but he does want to be alone and - he passes out, maybe crying himself to sleep, maybe laughing maniacally.
Who knows?
Who cares?
And then he goes to school the next day and absolutely no one knows just how much pain he was in last night. Not unless he wants them to.
You can tell his mood just from what band shirt he chose to wear that day, or what chain he chose to hang from his jeans. The way he plays with his rings tells you if he's anxious or angry. The way he nibbles on a pretzel tells you if he's annoyed or content. Eddie never does anything by half measures. He's passionate and devoted and ridiculously creative and dedicated and he's so full of love and rage but also love and he knows what it's like to be rejected, to be lost, to be alone, so he always makes sure that when he sees someone lingering at the edge of the canteen or along the outskirts of the courtyard, that he offers them a smile and a friendly wave. He makes sure his friends know that they always have a place with him; to vent, to cry, to scream, to have fun, to forget the world for just a little while, and he won't leave an upset friend until they're laughing. He'll settle for a smile if it's really bad but he just never wants anyone to feel as badly as he's known himself to. He's kind, always so kind, even when being mean would be the easiest thing in the world, but if you're mean to him then he's gonna give as good as he gets. He has a tongue like a blade and his words will go straight to your heart and pierce inside you like ice.
But if you're as kind to him as he is to you, then Eddie would do anything, be anything, for you. He's loyal, fiercely protective, he doesn't take shit from people and he respects those who don't take his shit, either, whether he's doing it just for a laugh or if he's just being Like That. He's kind and he's sensitive and he can read you with just a look. One full up and down of your body and Eddie knows what you need, and he'll give those things to you as best as he can because again, he had to learn to enjoy solitude and he had to learn to not give a fuck and he'll be damned if he sits back and watches someone else go through what he has. His heart is an open highway and more people leave his roads before they travel them, giving him a wide berth just because of his reputation, his appearance, but those who dare to tread on his ground find themselves at home and never ever want to leave; Eddie's arms are wide open for all those people.
But piss him off or truly fuck up - and it takes a lot to get there, but it is possible to reach a point with Eddie where he just doesn't care about you anymore - and he'll ice you out so fast that it'll make your head spin and you'll wonder if you were ever even loved by him. You were, so much and for so many things, but Eddie is a firm believer in setting up and establishing boundaries and protecting his heart. It's a trashed and scattered thing, dear, and you should have taken better care with your handling of it. He'll do anything for anyone right up until they give him a reason not to, and once he uncovers that reason - and believe me, he'll look so hard for it in a way so subtle you won't notice at first, if at all - you're done.
The way he shouts and swears and insults and curses while he's having to do something he doesn't want to, but he does it anyway because it's what's right, because he knows it's right and for fuck's sake, he doesn't want to do it, he doesn't. So he's gonna complain the whole time and make it known that he's not happy but he'll do it anyway and it's as hilarious as it is inspiring.
Eddie is safety and a place of non-judgement, a place of easy acceptance, a place of quietly learning another soul and exposing your own at the same time, a person who is loud and chaotic and feral and unhinged, deeply intelligent, caring, passionate, compassionate, sensitive, kind, tender and gentle with the right people and callous and ruthless with the wrong people. He knows who he is and he knows who his friends are and he'd die for them, for any of them. But more than that, braver than that, he'd live for them, too.
Eddie Munson loves with his whole self and it's beautiful; he burns so brightly for his family because a flame shared is a flame doubled and the harder you let him love you, the harder he lets you love him, the more love there is until the both of you feel like you could choke. No one who truly matters leaves Eddie's presence feeling anything other than love and acceptance and light and good, and that's why if you asked me to describe to you my ultimate place of comfort, I'd give you a picture of Eddie Munson.
He's the sanest of them all, and I love him deeply.
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