#feel free to tell me if I'm wrong about something about human history
jewishvitya · 11 months
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@turgidturnip I hope you don't mind me replying to this on a different post.
This is about "from the river to the sea" and the claim that it's an antisemitic rallying cry, calling to ethnically cleanse Palestine from Jews.
There's a misconception that this slogan comes from the Hamas charter, but it predates Hamas by, I think, a couple of decades. It's been used this way by more militant groups, and by Iraqi leadership at some point, but before that it's been used to call for a democratic secular nation state.
The reason you see these claims of antisemitism from Jewish people online is that this is the context where most of them will have seen it. Both because it is part of the history, and because that's how antisemites use it against Jews.
Both "Free Palestine" and "from the river to the sea" are thrown at random Jewish people, who are completely unrelated to Israel, to tell them essentially "You're not wanted anywhere and we want you gone."
This abuses the cause of the Palestinian people to weaponize against Jews. It's wrong and violent, but doesn't make the desire to be free in their homeland into something genocidal. And I'm not willing to just give antisemites this, but even if I was, I'm not Palestinian and giving up on a slogan because antisemites are abusing it is not my call to make. It's pretty obvious Palestinians don't want to put it away. Any slogans Palestinians might create can be used this way against Jews, because antisemites will always look for ways to be hateful towards us. But it doesn't make the antisemitism inherent in the desire for freedom.
Recognize where it's used in an antisemitic way from context: if someone uses those slogans to throw at a random Jewish person, or if it's used to disrupt a conversation about antisemitism, that's a misuse of it that does a disservice to Palestinians in favor of harming Jews. That's when it has genocidal intent applied to it.
Otherwise, don't let antisemites steal a slogan of a group of people who have been facing ethnic cleansing for over seventy years. Their real ethnic cleansing takes priority over the hypothetical one we're supposedly threatened with.
I'm not trying to tell other people what their liberation should look like. But when I talk to Palestinians, so far what I heard was a desire for one state that isn't an ethnostate. A civic state that tries to be safe for all the people within its borders. As far as I could see, Palestinians have been saying for a while that what they mean by this, is a state that will be free and equal to everyone.
The assumption that Palestinians will pull some sort of reverse ethnic cleansing against us is racist. And this assumption is the reason Israelis feel comfortable calling the carpet bombing of a civilian population "self defense." Killing them based on this is not self defense, it's a racially motivated crime against humanity.
Gaza is experiencing a genocide. This is because Israel wants the land - without the people. The manufactured Jewish majority can't be sustained if they're made equal citizens. Palestinians are risking the ethnostate by being alive.
So far Israel is the one practicing the genocidal interpretation of "from the river to the sea."
Palestinians deserve to be free on every single part of this land.
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anonymousewrites · 6 months
Burden of Truth (Book 1) Prologue
Father Figure! Marc Spector x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Steven Grant x Teen! Reader
Mother Figure! Layla El-Faouly x Teen! Reader
Prologue: On the Precipice
Summary: In 2018, (Y/N) discovers grief as people turn to dust and the world turns to chaos.
Mouse Note: Welcome to Burden of Truth! Kind of a rough beginning, but, hey, how else do you become an Avatar to a god? Anyways, housekeeping: This is a platonic fic, so anyone who suggests anything inappropriate between an adult and minor will be blocked and deleted. That's pretty much it, but I wanted to make it clear. As for the actual fic, there aren't any warnings other than the violence that Marvel shows. I'm really excited to share this series! Please feel free to comment since I'm always up to answering questions and replying to comments. Plus it makes me keep writing. Without further ado, though, please enjoy!
            (Y/N) gasped for breath, but their lungs refused to bring in the air they needed. Every limb ached, and their heart beat against their chest. It stuttered, refusing to work correctly. The edges of (Y/N)’s visions blurred to black.
            Everything had gone wrong. They had thought this summer would be a beautiful one, traveling with their parents. Egypt was lovely, and (Y/N) liked to listen to their parents—anthropology and history professors—tell them about the rich history and culture of the country.
            Plus, they were far away from New York where strange aliens had recently attacked and fought Iron Man and a strange wizard. They were safe with their family and free to enjoy themself.
            And then people turned to dust.
            Screams echoed as loved ones disappeared before people’s very eyes. Cars crashed without drivers. Buses overturned and threw out people and sand. Cries went out as crashes sent metal through limbs—through torsos.
            Through (Y/N)’s torso.
            (Y/N) couldn’t even move to cover their chest as it bled. They didn’t try to. They knew they were dying. They didn’t want to (gods, please, no, I don’t want this I don’t want this) but they were.
            And they couldn’t even reach out to hold their mom and dad’s hands. (Y/N) felt like a child again, but unlike nightmares, they couldn’t run to their parents’ arms to feel safe. Even if they could, the chill of death had already taken their parents’ warmth and comfort.
            (Y/N) wished they’d all turned to dust. This was violent, painful, agonizing. Their parents had laid beside them in distress, calling out for help and rescue, dying. No one had come.
            And now (Y/N) was alone—the world hadn’t even been kind enough to let them die before their parents.
            This was just so wrong. Unfair. Unjust.
            “It is unjust.” A calm voice spoke.
            (Y/N) didn’t move. They couldn’t, and they were already dying. Their situation couldn’t get worse.
            “I can feel your pain.”
            This time, a woman, taller than humanely possible, appeared in their line of sight. She knelt among the dust and bodies of the bus and gazed at (Y/N).
            She was Egyptian, dressed in a red gown, and wore an intricate necklace of gold and turquoise. Multicolored Sleeves swept out with her arms like wings. Silky black hair fell around her shoulders, and her eyes were lined in kohl. An ostrich feather stood in a circlet and swayed in the wind.
            (Y/N)’s eyes landed on the feather, and something in their chest pulled towards it.
            The woman tilted her head and watched them in assessment. “You sense the truth.”
            “Who…” (Y/N)’s hoarse voice died.
            “I am the goddess Ma’at.” The wind whipped around her as she spoke. “I am in search of a guardian. To uphold justice in the face of wrongdoing. To protect harmony from discord. To defend truth from falsehood.”
            (Y/N) coughed, and Ma’at tilted her head.
            “I can see the truth in your heart. You want justice for everyone who suffers like you,” said Ma’at. She leaned in. “Pledge yourself to me, pledge yourself to the truth, and I will give you the life to do so.”
            (Y/N) looked into Ma’at’s eyes and summoned all their strength left.
            (Y/N) crouched on the roof and dropped onto the balcony below them. The house around them was quiet. The security guards were clueless to their approach, which was just fine. They didn’t want any attention.
            (Y/N) opened the sliding door of the balcony and slipped into the display room. They glanced around themself in distaste. None of the artifacts in glass cases belonged to the owner of this house. He’d “acquired” them in the aftermath of the Blip left countries in disarray, just so like many others.
            After the return of the Blipped, the problem of stolen artifacts had only gotten worse since the chaos had begun again, letting more people profit off the displaced people and their possessions.
            (Y/N) had spent years repatriating the stolen relics from the aftermath of the Blip. This man, Mr. Medrano, was among the worst offenders. He lied about his findings as an “archaeologist” and stole what he needed for glory. And along the way, he removed any competition. A thief, a liar, and a killer. Medrano was a man who brought injustice of all kinds to the world.
            And that was precisely what (Y/N) stood against—what Ma’at stood against.
            (Y/N) stopped in front of a case of Egyptian artifacts. Their eyes scanned the contents for the relic they were supposed to bring back to Egypt (send back, really, by way of another person. (Y/N) was still just a teenager, so they couldn’t send it back themself without raising suspicions. Luckily, putting something in a hidden box and not showing their face did the trick).
            (Y/N) frowned. The hieroglyphic tablet of Tethering wasn’t on the wall. It seemed they were later than expected, and Medrano had begun to work on translation.
            Which means it’ll be in his office.
            (Y/N) went to the door of the display room and peeked outside. No light, no movement. They moved into the hall and crept down towards the room at the other side of the house. Making sure their gloves were on—no sense leaving fingerprints—(Y/N) reached out and felt the door handle.
            The door was unlocked.
            Gently, (Y/N) opened it.
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and they took a step back. A man in a white, bandage-like suit stood above Medrano. He pulled two crescent-shaped blades from his chest, and Medrano’s body slumped to the ground. The man paused and looked towards the door, the moon sighting the crescent-illusion in his hood and the symbol on the forehead and chest.
            “There wasn’t supposed to be anyone here,” said the man, but (Y/N) felt in their heart that he wasn’t speaking to them.
            “Does it matter? Your job is to punish the wrongdoers in this mansion.”
            (Y/N) blinked as they heard a voice echo from behind them. It was a god’s voice. Not Ma’at, no, but most definitely a deity.
            “I won’t hurt a kid, Khonshu,” snapped the avatar, and his hood folded back.
            (Y/N) turned around and found themself staring up (really up) at a half-man, half-bird skeleton in white wrappings. This was Khonshu.
            “I’m not a wrongdoer,” said (Y/N) to Khonshu, holding up their hands. “I’m, uh, an Avatar.”
            At that, Khonshu and man stopped.
            “You can see him?” said the man, frowning warily.
            “I’m the Avatar of Ma’at,” said (Y/N). They shifted. They weren’t used to saying that. “She’s the goddess of truth.” They could see the “truth” of the world more than others, and that included the gods that walked among them.
            “That ostrich is interfering with my work,” said Khonshu, irritated.
            “You are the one who is not supposed to interfere with human business,” said Ma’at’s calm voice, and (Y/N) glanced at the office’s large window to find her sitting on the sill.
            Khonshu’s avatar looked at the window but saw nothing. “Is another god here?”
            (Y/N) nodded sharply. This was a little too much. They were used to working by themself.
            “You are doing the exact same thing,” said Khonshu.
            “I am returning artifacts to our people,” said Ma’at. “I am not interfering in human life more than that.” She glanced at Medrano’s body. “Unlike some.”
            Khonshu tsked. “I am delivering justice.”
            “A type, yes,” said Ma’at.
            “Ma’at,” said (Y/N) quietly. “I’m going to take the tablet..”
            “Go ahead, (Y/N),” said Ma’at. “Khonshu will not harm you. You have done no wrong.”
            “They interfered with my work,” said Khonshu.
            “Irritating is not wrongdoing,” said Ma’at.
            (Y/N) decided to leave before the gods continued to argue. It made them uncomfortable. Then again, a lot of interaction did. (Y/N) hadn’t really gotten to slow down and make friends after 2018, so they’d grown used to their own company (or Ma’at’s). Everything else was business, and anything more was out of their realm of understanding.
            (Y/N) opened their bag and slipped the wrapped tablet carefully from the table inside. They looked decidedly away from Medrano’s body, glanced at Khonshu’s avatar, and left the room.
            If that’s what Avatars and gods outside of themself and Ma’at were like, (Y/N) didn’t want to meet them.
            The now-seventeen-year-old raised their eyes from the book they were reading. “Yes, Ma’at?”
            “I have an important job for you.”
            (Y/N) frowned. Ma’at never described anything as “important.” Necessary? Yes. Important? No. Everything was equally pertinent to upholding justice and order to Ma’at.
            “I need you to retrieve a scarab.”
            “Who stole it?” asked (Y/N).
            “You are.”
            (Y/N) looked at Ma’at in surprise. “What?” Ma’at disliked any injustice or unlawful actions.
            “You are stealing the scarab of Ammit,” said Ma’at.
            Ammit ruled the scales in the Judgement of the Dead. Ma’at was the Feather of Truth against which human hearts were weighed. One had abandoned true justice; one continued to defend it.
            And (Y/N) was stuck in the middle with the burden to protect the truth of it all.
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queerprayers · 5 days
I’m unemployed dropped out of school before I reached high school and am unbaptised. Does God care about someone like that
Welcome, beloved, to the blog of a high school dropout who walks dogs (but has never actually been employed anywhere), and was baptized as a baby and so did not have any choice in the matter! God cares about both of us, and has given us ways to serve Them in our own lives, as we are now.
Your employment status can obviously matter quite a bit in terms of survival, because of the world we live in, but itself has no bearing on your relationship with God. Whatever the reason you don't have a job, you have a life worthy of care, from those around you and from God. Being employed has never been a Christian focus--devoting your life to God has. Capitalism has changed so much, but please know that the ways the system (and those misled by it) shames you do not reflect the will of God. No human system can decide your worth.
Your level of education, similarly, doesn't say anything about you that God cares about. I dropped out of school for health reasons--whatever yours are, even if you don't feel they're good, whatever! High school was invented like 200 years ago, and has nothing to do with God's care for you. Education is holy--reading, talking to different kinds of people, learning about history and the natural world, thinking about God. This knowledge is in schools but it's also everywhere else. I'm not telling everyone reading this to drop out of high school, but I am saying that there are so many beautiful paths without it. I would also point out that in many places, there is support for people who left schooling early--my city, for instance, has free GED (high school equivalency diploma) programs. If that's something you want to change (of your own volition, not because God will care about you any differently), it's very possible that you can.
Baptism is the most easily changed thing on this list, if you seek it. Most churches require some discussion beforehand, maybe a class to learn about the denomination, but there aren't huge barriers (and there is no test of worthiness). If it's not in your future, for whatever reason, I can still tell you God cares about you, fully, as you are. Baptism is lots of things for lots of people--a symbol, a physical manifestation of grace, a welcoming into a Christian community, a sealing of a covenant--but it has never been the first moment of care from God. That has already passed--it was the first moment you existed. To say you need to be baptized for God to care about you is to say that God doesn't care about anyone from any other religion, or about those who die before baptism--what a sad life that would be. What a limiting belief.
I don't know you, but I have faith you treat others well. I have faith you wouldn't tell me God didn't care about me because of my job or schooling. So don't do that to yourself. I hate to break it to you, but you have no say in the matter. It doesn't matter how worthy you are, or how much you're succeeding by our current society's standards. God is love, a love which keeps no record of wrongs, a love which does not weigh with the measures of this world, a love which cannot be contained in the rituals of an institutional church, a love which does not require knowledge or action or belief to surround us. We are saved by this love, not by a diploma or paycheck or a pastor's words.
Go in peace, beloved. Glorify God with your life, not with someone else's. And anyone who tells you that there are limits on God's care is not talking about the God of the Bible--who works through the underdog, who turns any idea of worthiness on its head, who picks the younger son and the tax collector, the unwed mother and the poor father. God comes to where we are, and takes us by the hand.
<3 Johanna
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Honestly, instead of (only) blaming the author… I'd rather like to ask: What the fuck was the publisher thinking? And where the fucking was the sensitivity reader? I constantly see talks about sensitivity readers for books with controversial and historical and cultural content, especially it features front and center. So where was one?
Let's pivot for just a moment here.
The publisher is Random house, which does have a catalogue of queer and poc writing. With how much shit these two groups experience in publishing, you'd expect there to maybe be extra support or something, at least when it comes to putting the metaphorical foot in your mouth after stepping on a figurative controversy landmine.
Why the fuck did they let any of that slide, and only NOW doing damage control? Did they think that Oh the author's Chinese, why bother? There are several parts that hit you during reading, and this should have been caught, and either been removed or edited to not turn into a complete pitfall. Don't make me mention the advertising.
I've literally never met a person who knew everything of their own ancestral history, or was completely accurate in what they knew. Even people who've lived through history don't know everything. Why do people believe that immigrants do? Speaking from personal experience as well.
I personally don't even think it's bad she wanted to write about that, and did it for her family.
But wasn't there a moment they went: Ok... wait. We respect you wanna write this, but... this could really end badly because of the actual historical weight. How about we have a few history and sensitivity readers check it over? Maybe the act of human experimentation of your own people shouldn't be put in a scenario where the FMC immediately after thinks about wanting to kiss the lips of the green eyed guy ordering said experimentation. Maybe it isn't going to work that well if you already told people that this is based on the real historical slaughter of humans in the 1930-40's?
Where was the editor in this? The sensitivity reader? Was there no one who said, ok wait stop. Is this written in a way that doesn't completely crash the car?
I just wanna take the publisher and shake them. I want to shake them and tell them that nobody's infallible, and that yes, even writing about your own history, culture and ancestry can end up with a lot of bullshit when you don't know better. What's the point of a publisher if they help you when it's too late to fix it? Ancestral history also doesn't mean you have free reign, and everyone else, your people included, shouldn't get an opinion. This isn't someone writing a name wrong by a letter, or accidentally writing the wrong dish as the national dish of a country. Where the fuck was the publisher in all this? Especially for a debut author!!!
God, fuck publishers for real.
I'm not really up on what's going on behind the scenes at big publishers these days, but I have the impression that one of their tactics in recent decades is just to find a lot of very youthful debut authors who will feel aspirational for the target audience (while also inciting a lot of jealousy, naturally), do very minimal editing of their manuscripts, and let anybody who doesn't hit it out of the park on the first try disappear into obscurity.
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bestworstcase · 4 months
Wait, I'm confused. You've said before that Oz's task is inherently violent, and this was something Salem tried to communicate to Oz. After all, the closest Oz has gotten to completing it was via the great war, the bloodiest war in history.
Why would Oz's curse punish him for doing something required of him? Salem says to unite they world they must "Spread our word, and destroy those who will deny it." This is Lights own belief system, demonstrated repeatedly. And the reflection of Oz's host says "What are we doing?" And afterwards he says, "This isn't what He asked of me."
Oz at the very least seems to think that Light DOESN'T want violent subjugation so that they follow the Gods, but it's pretty clear Light does want that. And if his curse follows the punishment system as you said, he would've been punished far earlier.
And yes, it punishes him for questioning Light. But again "This isn't what he asked of me." Implies he doesn't think Light wants violence or that his task requires it (something he later learns does).
Either his curse doesn't have that punishment system, or it follows what Oz firmly and genuinely believes Light wants.
Sorry if anything sounds rude but I don't think it really lines up? It doesn't really make sense to me. Plus Oz coming back to his task again and again can easily be explained as, well, his task is really the only reason he's still around, his mere existence is a reminder. Sure he came back for Salem, but the only reason Light cursed him was so he could fulfill Lights task.
I do agree with everything else though, like his curse basically being anti-Ascension.
his task is innately and inescapably genocidal, yes. because you cannot unite the whole world under one creed, one religion, without genocide—and that is what the god of light commanded ozma to do; ancient humans weren’t destroyed because they fought among themselves, they were slaughtered to punish a rebellion. the redemptive project is to reunite the world in obedience to the brothers… which necessitates that anyone who refuses to bow down be killed or violently forced to convert.
the problem with what ozma and salem are doing, in the lost fable, as far as it concerns the divine mandate, is that they’re expressly pursuing in this genocidal project for the wrong religion, because ozma told salem that he wanted to “unite everybody” without telling her why, and her answer was “let’s make a paradise better than what the old gods achieved” which is the literal opposite of what the god of light told ozma to do.
what salem says—“we have to spread our word and destroy those who would deny it”—is correct in the essentials of what is necessary to achieve ozma’s stated ambition to bring humanity together under one banner. but ozma’s task is not to unite the whole world under a single creed, it’s to unite the whole world under ONE SPECIFIC creed that is diametrically opposed to everything the ozlem kingdom, founded upon salem’s revolutionary dream of a paradise free from the brothers, stood for. 
the curse is not a baby monitor light is using to eavesdrop on ozma’s thoughts. the enforcement mechanism is more or less magically-reinforced anxiety: ozma has a copy of himself in his head reflecting his own worries and self-doubt and feelings of obligation back at him constantly so he can never, ever do anything without his reflection nervously reminding him about the day of judgment he’s supposed to be preparing for. he is his own echo chamber.
gestures at ozpin’s treatment of oscar in v4. the hectoring, the guilt-tripping, the cajoling—that’s what ozma is doing to himself inside his head all the time. any time he does something he believes he isn’t supposed to, his other-self is there to tear him down. 
ozma—because he is a good person who does not want to commit genocide—really really really doesn’t want to believe that his god asked him to commit genocide. i think the closest he ever got to facing that reality was during his marriage to salem (because she was clear-eyed about what they were doing)… but he flinched away from it in the end. “are we sure this is right?” diluted into “this isn’t what he asked of me”—ozma wasn’t ready to face the moral question of “is what my god asked me to do wrong?” so he backpedaled hard and spent thousands of years telling himself “all the evil things we did were because salem led me astray with her Lies and Blasphemy”
the curse in and of itself doesn’t have an enforcement mechanism to prevent ozma’s sense of morality from influencing how he interprets his task. (light clearly sees himself as a benevolent adjudicator because he doesn’t consider humanity to be worth anything; thus it is not, in his mind, immoral for him to annihilate them, and i don’t think it would even occur to him that ozma’s own moral scruples might be an insurmountable obstacle.) but by nature of what it DOES to ozma and his hosts, it prevents him from changing—or at least makes it very, very, very difficult by taking all of his anxiety and religious fear and self-doubt and all of that and doubling it.
what it does react punitively to is ozma fighting the curse—as in, actively resisting the merge, actively trying to break himself free from the magic forcing him to subsume his host. if ozma fumbles around not making any progress for centuries because he’s trying to figure out the best way to fulfill his task, so what? the god of light doesn’t even need to be patient, he can just hang out for a couple hours in a realm where for every second a thousand years pass on remnant, and ozma’s recursive-reflection anxiety and religious faith will compel him to keep trying for however long it takes. but if ozma starts pulling against the curse, trying to break free… well THAT’S just not allowed.
the god of light promised to learn from his mistakes, after salem’s failed rebellion, and he did… he learned that leaving a human alone with their thoughts after putting them into a miserable inescapable situation will lead to them having rebellious thoughts, so he ensured that ozma would never be alone and let ozma’s psychology do the rest, plus an emergency failsafe that would come to life only if ozma ever tried to wriggle out of what he agreed to do. (not that ozma truly consented to this, but the god of light obviously doesn’t care about that. lmao)
like. the part where the curse is designed in such a way that ozma is forcibly changed (by merger with another person who doesn’t know, let alone love, salem) into a different person with a backup copy to force him to live under constant self-surveillance so he never dares change his mind or walk away from the burden forced onto his shoulders is what makes it anti-ascension—because every time he reincarnates his true self and purpose is driven down and he coerces himself into picking up the burden he Never Wanted again. you can’t have a corrupted ascension without that coercive cycle.
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December 19th, 73 days since October 7th
TLDR- I am sick of seeing Hamas propaganda here. People here are posting literal blood libels and mistranslated quotes.
After taking a break from social media for the rest of Chanuka, your favorite Zionist is back. Don't worry though, once again, people who never had any interest in this tiny piece of land, continue to tell me, a Jewish Israeli, that I have got my history and facts wrong, while they know better than I do. To that, I have 2 answers: 1. I am just a student who wants to live in peace. I am not a "zionist demon" or a "genocidal killer".
When I call myself a Zionist, all it means is that I'm a Jewish woman who would like to live peacefully in her homeland. I don't inherently support war or death from any side because I am a Zionist. 2. I actually live here, born and raised, and so were my grandparents. How delusional and condescending can you be to suggest that you, a Western person who only found out about this conflict a while ago on Tiktok, know better than an Israeli??? More on double standards Sometimes I wonder why most of you didn’t have such a strong reaction to any other war & civil war going on right now: in Ukraine/ Yemen/Congo and Syria**, etc. Considering the amount of antisemitic hate anons I've received I have a feeling why...
**Which directly affected the lives of most Palestinians.
As I've said in previous posts- It’s easy to throw around big words you don’t understand. There is no apartheid as all Israeli citizens have the same rights. - Gaza is not occupied by Israel- it’s been returned multiple times in history ( just to name a few: 1956,1987,2006...).
*Even when it was under Israel’s control, all it meant was that there were approximately 10 Jewish settlements in Gaza*. The Israeli military presence was to protect those people& prevent terror attacks.
Blood Libels
In addition to the lies and the poor mistranslations from Hebrew, I have also received \ seen an alarming amount of Nazi Propaganda. -you say that you’re anti-Zionist and not anti-Semitic, yet you use antisemitic rhetoric…
Comparisons between Israelis and Nazis -Comparing Israelis to Nazis is wrong on so many levels.
In case you aren't aware, the holocaust was a premeditated and carefully planned genocide, that lasted 6 years. 6 MILLION Jews were killed and all of their possessions were stolen. It followed hundreds of years of persecution, violence, and discriminatory laws. They were also starved and enslaved in different sorts of manual labor, in addition to being experimented on. They were held in Ghettos and concentration camps. In the aftermath of the war, Jews were completely driven out of their land and face prosecution across the world to this day. The existence of Israel allows Jews to live free of that. The Israel-Hamas war following October 7th is a war against a terrorist organization that invaded Israel and massacred its civilians. Unfortunately, due to Hamas' tactics, there are a lot of Palestinian civilian casualties. While they are wrong- the treatment of Palestinians and the bombing of Gaza are nothing like what the Nazis did.
Debunking some misconceptions I've seen on Viral posts here: -No, we Jews do not control the media and global banks. At least invent something new, this is giving Medivel blood libels used by the church lol. -We do not go around killing innocent Palestinian babies for fun. We have laws and a moral compass (Shocking I know). We do not go and kidnap people or rape women for fun either. Do you know who does that? Hamas, the terrorist organization. -We're not all white, this conflict does not revolve around race: There are many Jewish Israelis from the same countries that Palestinians originated from (i.e: Egyptian & Jordanian Jews ). -Israelis perceive Palestinians as lesser human'- This claim is usually supported by mistranslation of Hewbew and out-of-context Interviews. The phrase חיות אדם (Chayot Adam, savages, acting like animals) was obviously often used to describe Hamas terrorists who took part in the October 7th masssacre. We do not call or treat Palestinians as "animals" or savages. All of the referenced instances were about those Hamas terrorists.
-There isn't a 'Gaza Ministry of Health', it's all Hamas. The number of Palestinian casualties and other claims they make are not to be trusted. Most of the casualties are terrorists.
So what is my point?
It is important to note that am not ignoring any of the Palestinian deaths. I’m not saying they should die either. Please stop assuming I do!!
All I’m saying is that Israeli victims matter as well. For some reason, some people cannot comprehend that Israeli civilians do not deserve to die just because of where they live.
You wouldn’t call for the death of all Americans/ Europeans/ South Africans etc… while they committed actual genocide & apartheid.
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bchanslvr · 2 years
hey! can i please request some fluff with harry potter? it can be anything you want! 💘
strawberry shortcake [hp x fem!reader]
word count — 2k (2, 954)
warnings — kissing, anxiety? overal no warnings
summary — you get a bad score and your loving boyfriend comes to the rescue to comfort you.
a/n — thank you for the request!! i couldn't think of an idea so i just came up with one from my own life. basically i had this test that i failed so my math grade from a b to a d.. and so i thought why not just use that and your request to create a fluffy harry x reader where he comforts the reader after a bad grade. i hope you enjoy. also i think i'd like to start writing on here again. and i swear i'll actually do ideas that you guys send me so please send any interesting ideas for me to do. also i tried to check for all grammar errors but im only human after all <3
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you felt like your eyes were going to bulge out of your head when you saw your history of magic score. god save me, you thought.
you were stupid. you had a week to study, yet like you always do, you procrastinated and studied for 15 minutes before going to sleep.
and of course the material didn't stick in your head, so you got a poor score on the test. gosh not even poor, it was a tragedy. 13/45? come on. your grade was going to be a disaster. especially so close to break and finals. what were you going to do about it?
your mind was racing a million miles per hour thinking of anything that can help, but you kept running into obstacles.
how about i go during my free time for tutoring? you thought. yes that'll be great! oh wait. i need to go on my plant in herbology. scratch that. how about i beg for a retake? oh who am i kidding? he hates me he'll never let me re-take. maybe i can tell him a sob story, and then he'll have to be sympathetic and help in some way. i know he doesn't do extra credit but-
"hey y/n" harry said walking over to you with his messanger bag in hand.
you stood there frozen for a minute before looking up to say "oh.. hi harry..".
and well, harry could be oblivious sometimes. well, most of the time, but he saw the apathetic look on your face, and he just knew something was wrong. he was smart enough to know he couldn't ask you head on so he said,
"listen, y/n, i see something bothering you, so do you think you would want to go to hosmead after school with me to help you feel better? after all that's what i'm hear for" harry said.
"um... well... i... oh, forget it; yes, I'll come. meet me near the willow tree at 5 and we'll head there. maybe it will clear my mind. thank you again, harry," you said with a wide grin because at least you had someone who cared about you.
"no problem sugar, try to keep your head up till the rest of the day. ill see you later!!" harry said before winking at you and leaving the classroom.
you simply smiled back at him and began packing up your stuff to head out to your next class which was at the oppostie of the end of the school so you had to hurry before you were late.
the rest of the day passed by in such a blur. you didn't pay attention in any of your classes and just sat there in your seat like a statue. you almost ended up falling asleep in charms, but your partner bumped your elbow in time before professor flitchwick came by your seat and harassed you.
you couldn't wait to go to hogsmead with harry. you were having a terrible week, so you really needed this.
so you got to your dorm, did the usual stuff. put away your things, took a long shower, spent more than 10 minutes figuring out what you were going to wear, and just barely ran to the tree on time.
lucky for you, harry was just arriving as well, so you weren't late.
"hi sweetheart! im glad you made it" harry said after giving you a peck kiss on your cheek.
you felt your cheeks heat up, and pshh, whatttt that's just because of how cold it is outside since it's the beginning of november. totally not because of harry's gesture.
you still couldn't believe you scored with the pride of the school. everything that happened between meeting him and dating him was golden. you once believed that love would be black and white, but it's golden.
anyways you need to stop going back to the past and try to stay in the present more.
".. so i was just thinking we'd hit up the leaky cauldron and get a drink and then we can go anywhere you like. like if you have any errands to run. we could do that."
you smiled at him and said, "yes, butterbeer sounds great. "
he smiled back at you and intertwined his fingers with yours.
you tightened your grip on his hand, and smiled to yourself. walking hand in hand to hogsmead.
you guys window shopped until you got to the leaky cauldron. harry being close with the bartender, got to get booth seats and two butterbeers for free cause it was "long over due".
you sat opposite of each other. playing tootsie and giggling at each other's stories about random things like first years.
you stayed there until your drinks were long over, and you guys just talked about whats going on in your lives.
and all too soon it started getting darker, so you had to start leaving. harry gave the bartender a big tip after he once again intertwined his fingers with yours.
you arms swang together as you shuffled closer to stay warm.
kicking the snow on the ground and living carefree.
walking and talking all the way till he reached your dorm door.
 "so.. this is it for today. tomorrow we can go somewhere else, okay? so i guess it's good night love, sleep well-" he started before being interrupted.
"but i want you to stay!" you said, pouting.
"what?" he said, confused.
"yes, harry you heard me, i want you to stay." you said adamentally.
"but what about the enchantments?" he asked.
"oh don't worry hermione got those removed for all of us a long long time ago when she started dating ron"
"your kidding. you absolutey joking with me right?" he said looking ludocrus.
"no honey, im being 100% serious right now" you said smirking at his dumb expression. 
"and nobody told me???? i wanted to sleep next to you the entire time, but i though the enchantments were going to block me. why didn't you say anything?" he said, now being the one who was pouting.
"i don't know why my love. and i'm so sorry; can we cuddle now?" you asked. eye lashes fluttering at him so pretty he just had to give in.
"oh alright, i forgive you" he said smiling.
"yay!" you said as you dragged him by the hand and onto your bed. he would've still be mad at you but how can he be when he sees those eyes of yours that just stare at him full of love, every single minute of your day?
"...and then eat and-hello? harry? HARRY! are you even listening?" you asked, snapping your fingers in front of his face to catch his attention
"oh! woops i'm sorry dove, i got lost in your eyes"
"oh please" you asked, blushing.
"no love, i'm being totally serious right now. they're my favorite part about you. they tell me everything i need to know before it even comes out of your mouth," he said, bringing his hand to caress your right cheek in a loving manner.
"well- i-" you sputter, trying to think of something to say.
"shut up"  he says, in a demanding manner.
he pushed you onto the bed, so that your back was against it and he was on top of you. he was smirking and checking you out as you layed there.
and, to be honest, it made you.. feel things. warm cheeks and a fluttery feeling inside
you loved harry, he was a wonderful man. but God, he was so slow.
he never got any "action" in the love department before you. which you enjoyed because you liked the thought that you would be his first everything.
so far, nothing more than a heavy make-out session with some clothes off has happened. and you would never ever push him or force him to satisfy you until he comes to you.
and you'd wait as long as he made you but he was so dense sometimes.
like now. he doesn't even know the things he does to your insides as he looks at you like that.
"well are you gonna do something or just stare at me like that?" you ask.
he smiled and pressed his lips against yours. his soft velvety lips that have been bitten and chewed on were perfect against yours.
you ran your fingers through the side of his hair and pulled him close till he was one against your boobs.
his hand traveled to your neck, holding you until you had to break apart to breathe.
you giggled at his dazed expression and then pushed him over and straddled him so now you were on top.
now it was his turn to chuckle as he looked up at you with those gorgeous green eyes.
sparkling admised the red curtains and your bed sheets.
you couldn't help it as you smashed his lips into yours once again. it was safe to say you were completely mad for him as he grabbed your waist closer to him.
his hands roamed all over your body. squeezing and pinching and holding any part of your body he could reach. his hands werecoming over to squeeze your ass when-
"Y/N!!! Y?N?? WHERE ARE YOU I NEED TO TELL YOU THAT ME AND RON ARE- ohhhh..." hermione said as she barged into your shared dorm.
you broke apart so fast you must of his hit his head with your chin. ron stood behind hermione shell-shocked and she stood there with the doorknob in her hand speechless.
"im so sorry y/n oh my gosh. i can stay in ron's dorm tonight. don't worry about it. i-uhm have fun you two?.. hahaha bye."
and they slammed the door after that and you could hear them running away frantically. trying to erase the memory of each of their best friends getting it on.
you just sat there on his lap not knowing what just happened and he broke out in a loud laugh. that kind of contagious laugh that cheers everyone up.
you joined him in it and rolled him over so you were both lying on your sides facing each other.
"the l0ook on ron's face i- cant-t"
soon enough the laughing simmidered down and you both just stared at each other.
he was thinking of how lucky he was to have you when you interrupted his train of thought to say: "i actually have the matching pajama set that you got us for christmas last year remember? we couldn't wear it because we were so busy. why don't we wear it now?" you inquired.
"oh yeah! i remember! that's a great idea y/n!" he said, grabbing your cheeks in both hands, squishing them together "my baby's a genius isn't she" he baby talked to you and made you smile and laugh till your jaws hurt.
he then went to get the clothes for you. before yelling about how the girls dormitory had more room than the boys to which you giggled at from where you were on the bed. he then finally brought them back to your bed.
it wasn't anything much it had a snowman and snowflake print on the pants in a velvety soft material, and a ringer tee that said "oh deer"
you went into the bathroom to change happily. thinking about how you still went somewhere else to change even though it has been almost a year of dating him. you were still scared of him seeing you all barren like that and he didn't mind.
but if he was to say, he wouldn't mind you looking like that.
he cleared his throat and looked around to distract his thoughts of you before you showed up dressed looking the most perfect holiday angel.
he couldn't help but blush slightly as you sauntered over with a goofy smile on your face. he didn't like that it rendered his muscles into jello and his stomach to jump around like it did.
"come on now don't make me wait!" you said, giggling and jumping onto your side of the bed.
he smiled at you before joining next to you on the bed. he made himself more comfortable before he thought of something.
"do you want to go down for dinner love?" he asked
"hmphhh, i frogot about that. ughhhhhh do we have toooooo?? m' to comfortable." you said, pulling your blanket higher over you and melting into harry's side and the pillow.
he chuckled again, "that's just what i was about to say. don't worry i have it all sorted out"
he clapped twice before winky the elf walked out of thin air and bowed down to harry.
"hi there winky, how have you been?" harry asked genuinely.
"i've been good sir. how has master harry potter been?"
"i've been good. listen now, i have a request. can you bring us our dinner to our bed? i don't know if it's allowed but me and my girlfriend here don't want to walk down to dinner. can you do that?"
"sure winky can bring food for master harry potter and his girlfriend! winky would be delighted to be of service!"
"thank you winky i know i can count on you. could you also bring us two glasses of water and any dessert you have?"
"yes sir i'll be back here as soon as i can!"
and just like that she disappeared again leaving you guys in silence.
"well well well... look at you, with your own personal elf huh? what will hermione think?"
"shut up, winky actually likes to work and i'm just helping her to be in service" he said, and with that he pinched you.
"oww!! harry!! i know i was just teasing you. and you know actually in my house when you clap two times you either turn on or off a light not make an elf appear"
"oh yeah well-"
winky appeared out of thin air again with a tray in her hands
"here you are sir and sir's girlfriend. for your dessert like you asked i brought you somthing we had left over, strawberry shortcakes!! is this okay for master harry potter?" she asked.
harry grabbed it from her hand and placed in the middle of the bed.
"it's perfect winky thank you. you are dismissed now. "thank you sir. if there is anything else you would like me to do winky will be glad to service you again!"
she disappeared out of the thin air she came from.
"alright then dig in my love" he said.
"thank you harry, you're a dear" you say.
he blushed at the nickname but ate nonetheless. until you got to the dessert, you guys sat in a comfortable silence. but just when you were about to dig in on the cake both of your utensils clinked as they were reaching for the cake at the same time.
you looked at each other and laughed. "how about we do this? i know this might be a little cringe but i can feed you and you can feed me"
"ah yes be romantic in our bed with pajamas on, sure let's" harry said chuckling.
you shook your head with a smile and grabbed a piece on your fork, his mouth wide open and waiting. you gently pushed it into his mouth and brought it back out.
then it was his turn to dip his fork into the cheesecake and feed it to you like that. that kept altering until the cake was done. when it was done and about to be cleaned up you observed a small piece of frosting hanging on his chin.
you smiled to your self before putting your thumb into your mouth to collect wetness before wiping away the smudge.
he seemed surprised at first and then finally came to his senses.
he grabbed your wrist when it was just about to leave and pulled you closer. you look at him startled before he smashed his lips onto you once again. he pressed himself against you and warmed you up from the inside.
he tasted like strawberries and smelled like the leftover smell of a fireplace that's been extingushed.
you closed your eyes and gave in to his ministrations. allowing him to place you on your back on your bed again and kiss you like no tomorrow. you were panting as you broke apart.
that went on for a few more minutes till the high went off and he seemed embarrassed of what he did.
"harry. darling. don't worry. i liked it. if you hadn't started it, i would've" you said, caressing his arm.
he seemed to be reassured in your words and smiled at you. he put the tray away for the elfs to get in the morning along with your clothes to be washed.
you both set yourself comfortable and snuggled into the warm covers.
you wanted to face him but your back demanded to be faced the other way. you swore you had a back problem, and you were not even twenty!! so you faced your back to his face. thought he didn't mind. he actually preferred it this way because he could put his leg on top of you pull you closer to his chest.
you could feel his breath down your neck and his hand inching over your stomach lacing with yours. his face hidden among your soft hair.
you layed there content and belly full with the love of your life and delicious food. your bad score from the morning is a faint memory in the back of your mind. you can worry about that when exams come but for now life was good.
harry taglist - i have no one to tag right now except the people i already know like works, because i made a new taglist which is in my navigation so if you'd like to be tagged in future works check it out! anyways @elleblxck @ronsbadidea @ladyvesuvia @heythereangels @hmupotter @toms-diary
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bookofmirth · 8 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could clarify something for me about acotar mating bonds. Azriel mentions in the bonus chapter that the cauldron could be wrong, and he could actually be Elain’s mate. I’m confused why he’s connecting mating bonds to the cauldron, when the cauldron has never been implied to have created mating bonds before? Rhys had dreams of Feyre when she was a human even if the mating bond only clicked into place for him after she became fae. I interpreted this is meaning that Feyre and Rhys were always mates, the bond just didn’t click into place until she was Made, but the bond itself has nothing to do with the actual cauldron. With Elain and Lucien, I also thought it was obvious that the bond clicks into place right after she is Made not because of the cauldron creating the bond, but because it’s the first time they’re meeting face to face or because she’s now fae. Is there something I’m missing about the link between the cauldron and mating bonds? It has been a few years since i last read the original trilogy
Hello friend! I was actually just writing something about this in the last ask I was answering and held off, but here goes!
Azriel saying "what if the Cauldron is wrong" is him speaking out of desperation. Whether you think he's desperate for Elain or for a mate in general is neither here not there - he's clearly emotional and lonely.
Here is what Rhys says in acowar, when he and Feyre are having a discussion about where bonds come from:
“What decides it? Who decides it?” Rhys straightened his lapels before plucking an invisible piece of lint from them. “Fate, the Mother, the Cauldron’s swirling eddies …”
Rhys, the most powerful High Lord in history and often our source of knowledge about the world, doesn't know where mating bonds come from. And this was an actual conversation about where the mating bond comes from, not an offhand comment from someone who is sad and upset.
So why would we take Azriel's words, when in context they are not even having a discussion of how the world works, over the words of Rhys, when he is trying to discuss what he understands about his world and the mating bond with his mate, discussing Elain's mating bond?
Honestly, we've been having this argument for ages. You're right, mates are mates from birth, not after they are Made.
Rhys dreams about Feyre before she even crossed the wall.
Cassian was drawn to Nesta even when she was a human.
Lucien tried to help Elain before she was Made by the Cauldron. He literally broke a spell trying to go to her.
And one reason people think Ruhn and Lidia are mates is because they were able to find one another psychically before they even met in person.
There are probably other examples of this, that's just off the top of my head. Anyone can feel free to add on!
One more point that I mentioned in the last ask, and it wasn't mine but I can't remember who said this initially - the Cauldron made the acotar world, yeah? If the Cauldron makes mating bonds, then there likely wouldn't be mating bonds in Erilea or Midgard because the Cauldron is in the acotar world. It's something bigger, more far-reaching, that creates mating bonds.
But let's be real - sjm is what makes mating bonds. She decides "hey this couple is going to be endgame" and then it just works, magically, which is probably why Rhys didn't have a real reason to explain them. And we have to have the contrast of mating bonds that are incompatible to highlight the fact that, despite fate, people do have a choice in her stories.
The fact that people can say "no", is what makes the "yes" meaningful.
I don't expect this argument to go anywhere any time soon, unfortunately. But I can tell you that hofas only reinforces the fact that sjm loves mating bonds, that once she mates a couple they are endgame, and people are just going to be in denial for however long they feel like. I'm not going to tag that as a spoiler because hofas was basically just sjm doing the same things she's always done, no surprises in terms of the big things she likes to write in romantic relationships.
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candys738 · 11 months
Naruto has ADHD, okey, no One can tell me i'm wrong, he Is hiperactive, he can't focus, and even if he does he's brain start thinking of something else
Naruto isn't normal with hugs or being touched, so when anyone touches he flinch
Naruto Is actually pretty smart, in his interested! He don't care about history, but he sure cares about traps, like he did all those pranks on people, and they we're really good!
He loves plants!
He loves Animals too! Every animali loves him back! Except Cats
When he Is tired/mad, he's eyes glow Red and he wouldn't talk or anything, Just stare at the Person Who tried to talk to him, and probably would sleep on someones shoulder ( probably One of the Boys, except Sasuke as Sasuke hates him) and It would make everyone confuse, as Naruto never touche someone on his free will
naruto Is short, like, REALLY short, probably from his bad habit on eating
He don't suffer Hunger After 4 days, It has to be 5 or 6
He sleep when he Is sick, like, he could sleep for 48 h
He wake up at 4 am, goes to someone of his Friends, and ask the random shit ever, like: "why we humans treat other Animals like Animals and not like humans if we are Animals too?" Or "how much would an elephant voice raise of he try to Scream?" ( and most of the times he would go ask these things to Shikamaru)
When he cries, and laugh, that Person would Better be running
he Is actually AN exceltten cooker! Just don't have Money ti buy the ingrediente tho
He would Say Sorry, Always, even if Is not his fault
Knows sign language
Knows greek ( as the nine tailed Fox probably only knew It before )
Knew Kurama, though It was Just a voice in his head though
Speak to himself when no One else Is around, like expalining why he Is doing something when no One can hear him, make him feel safe
( Sorry englisch isn't my First language!)
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adventure-showdown · 1 year
What has been nominated so far
Note, just because something has been nominated, and so is listed here, does not mean it will be included, I will include the absolute most I can but if I can't find it on TARDIS wiki its not getting in because i can't verify its a piece of who media
Also note, there might be some mistakes on here, I'm copying the nominations across directly, there might be some stories that are listed twice without me realising, because of alternate titles, or I just didn't spot it, or stuff that was spelt wrong when it was nominated, feel free to tell me
I've done my best to spot when nominations of a series were intended to enter the individual parts rather than the series as a unit, if I've got this wrong let me know and I will fix it. (if a story is on one line its currently being considered as a unit)
Final note, a couple of things got nominated under multiple mediums, usually full length TV story and minisode, so if you can't find your nomination, maybe check one of the other mediums
You can make further nominations here, there are basically no limits so long as its set in the Whoniverse (or its about Doctor Who, eg An Adventure in Space and Time or The 5 (ish) Doctors Reboot)
the list is under the cut (I will endeavour to keep it up to date)
Main Range
The Marian Conspiracy
The Apocalyse Element
The Shadow of the Scourge
The Holy Terror
Storm Warning
Minuet in Hell
The Chimes of Midnight
Seasons of Fear
The Time of the Daleks
Spare Parts
Creatures of Beauty
Doctor Who and the Pirates
Master (Main Range 49)
The Natural History of Fear
Arrangements for War
The Harvest
Faith Stealer
Terror Firma
Other Lives
The Kingmaker
The Girl Who Never Was
The Condemned
The Doomwood Curse
The Magic Mousetrap
The Company of Friends: Benny's Story
The Company of Friends: Fitz's Stroy
The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story
The Company of Friends: Mary's Story
A Death in the Family
The Silver Turk
1963: The Assassination Games
The Widow's Assassin
Dalek Soul
The Grey Man of the Mountain
The Eighth Doctor Adventures
The Blood of the Daleks
Horror of Glam Rock
Immortal Beloved
No More Lies
Human Resources
To the Death
Doom Coalition
The Eleven
The Red Lady
The Galileo Trap
The Gift
The Sonomancer
Absent Friends
The Eighth Piece
The Doomsday Chronometer
The Crucible of Souls
Ship in a Bottle
Songs of Love
The Side of the Angels
Stop the Clock
Escape from Kaldor
Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg
Companion Piece
Day of the Master
Stranded as a Whole (I think, I couldn't find a story called Stranded)
UNIT Dating
What Lies Inside
Paradox of the Daleks
Here Lies Drax
The Love Vampires
Albie's Angels
Special Releases
Living Legend
Out of Time
Out of Time (individual story)
The Companion Chronicles
Peri and the Piscon Paradox
The Cold Equations
The Last Post
The Scorchies
The Tenth Doctor Adventures
Death and the Queen
The Sword of the Chevalier
No Place
The Creeping Death
The Tenth Doctor and River Song
Expiry Dating
Once and Future
The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50
The Diary of River Song
The Bekdel Test
The Lost Stories
The Queen of Time
Paradise 5
The Elite
Short Trips
I am the Master
Forever Fallen
A Full Life
Bernice Summerfield
Oh No It Isn't
The Faction Paradox Protocols
The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play
The Last Beacon
Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
Square One
First Days of Phaidon
Gallifrey IV
A Spoonful of Mayhem
The Lumiat
Too Many Masters
The Paternoster Gang: Heritage
The Cars That Ate London!
A Photograph to Remember
Destiny of the Doctor
Smoke and Mirrors
Novel Adaptations
Fifth Doctor Box Set
Iterations of I
Iterations of I
The Fifth Citadel
The Forgotten Village
The Concrete Cage
The New Counter Measures
Troubled Waters
The Hollow King
The Eighth of March
Inside Every Warrior
TV Comic
Time in Reverse
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor
Space in Dimension Relative and Time
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor
Old Friends
Doctor Who Magazine
The Star Beast
The World Shapers
Ground Zero
The Flood
The Fallen
The Land of Happy Endings
Direct to Home Media Films
PROBE: The Zero Imperative
PROBE: The Devil of Winterborne
PROBE: Unnatural Selection
PROBE: Ghosts of Winterborne
PROBE: When to Die
The Stranger
The Stranger: Summoned by Shadows
The Stranger: More than a Messiah
The Stranger: In Memory Alone
The Stranger: The Terror Game
The Stranger: Breach of the Peace
The Stranger: Eye of the Beholder
Shada (1992) - version with linking narration
Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor
K9 (spinoff series)
Regeneration/Liberation/The Korven
The Bounty Hunter
Sirens of Ceres
Fear Itself
The Fall of the House of Gryffen
Jays of Orthrus
Curse of Anubis
Alien Avatar
The Last Oak Tree
Black Hunger
The Cambridge Spy
Lost Library of Ukko
Mutant Copper
The Custodians
Taphony and the Time Loop
Robot Gladiators
Mind Snap/Angel of the North/The Last Precinct/Hounds of the Korven/The Eclipse of the Korven
A Fix with Sontarans
Born Again
Clara and the TARDIS
Dimensions in Time
Emperor of the Daleks (More than 30 Years in the TARDIS)
famine appeal 1986
Merry Christmas Doctor Who
Pond Life
Rain Gods
The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later
The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel
The Doctor's Meditation
The Great Detective
The Last Day
The Naked Truth
The Shrink
Time Crash
Wall's Sky Ray lollies advertisment
Seret Message from the Time Lords (Weetabix advert)
Novels & Short Stories
Short Stories and Short Story Collections
12 Doctors, 12 Stories
Grey Matter
Lepidoptery for Beginners
Something Borrowed
Nothing at the End of the Lane
The Room With All the Doors
Harvest of Time
The Stranger
Engines of War
The Eighth Doctor Adventures
Vampire Science
Alien Bodies
Seeing I
The Scarlet Empress
Unnatural History
The Blue Angel
The Burning
The Turing Test
The Year of Intelligent Tigers
The City of the Dead
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
The Book of the Still
The Crooked World
Camera Obscura
The Gallifrey Chronicles
The Past Doctor Adventures
Divided Loyalties
Fear of the Dark
Fear Itself
Doctor Who and Shada (fan novelisation)
Virgin New Adventures
The Left-Handed Hummingbird
Human Nature
Faction Paradox
The Book of War
This Town Will Never Let Us Go
Of the City of the Saved
The New Series Adventures
The Blood Cell
Step Into the 80s!/On Through the 80's! (adverts)
Ronald Rat continuity announcement
Zygon: When Being you Just isn't Enough (Porno)
The Man From MI5
The Infinite Quest
Dooms Day hour 1
Doctor in Distress
Doctorin' the TARDIS by the Timelords
I'm gonna Spend my Christmas with a Dalek
TV (this category is less about if it was televised and more about the length to distinguish it from minisodes)
Search Out Space
Real Time
Shada (2 nominations)
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darkfeanix · 23 days
Feanix Reads Dragon Age Comics
#3: Until We Speak
You can find my thoughts on the previous comic arc, Those Who Speak, here, and my thoughts on the first arc, The Silent Grove, here.
I'll be posting my thoughts on each series as a whole, rather then individual issues. Below the cut are all the thoughts I had while reading Until We Sleep.
Until We Sleep (I)
Varric's narration is fascinating, and plays into one of my favourite qualities of his, which is that he is an unreliable narrator. He embellishes, he adjusts, he straight up lies. And having the narrator tell one version of a story while living an entirely different version is one of my favourite tropes, so this is a good start.
"Varric, my boy -- you need to involve yourself in fewer wars."
Even to himself he lies. This story takes place in 9:38 Dragon. The Veilguard is set in 9:52. Fourteen more years, this man keeps on lying to himself and keeps getting involved. Your fav could never.
"Once, she had been called Isabela. Now she seemed to prefer 'Captain.'"
Oh, I don't like that at all. That's even worse than if there hadn't been any follow up at all to the "not called Isabela" line. Me @ the writers: What was the point of her defying the Qunari in the last issue if you were going to have her abandoning her name for a title? That feels like entirely the wrong lesson.
I feel like there may have been some division re: Calenhad being a reaver, but I like it. It takes off some of the shine of him. Ironically, I think it makes him more human. It also is another example of Flemeth (that witch he went to was totally, right?) giving history a shove in the direction she needs, and I'm always here for Flemeth the grand manipulator of fate.
Titus is quite terrifying with dragonfire at his disposal.
So we come to Maevaris imprisoned. Want to know something? I had no idea this was meant to be some shock reveal that she didn't have female-presenting nipples, as Tumblr Staff would call them. I didn't realise she was meant to be trans, I just thought she was a flat-chested woman being sexualised by the artist. To me the actual shock (even though it shouldn't have been) was that they had shown a woman's naked chest in a mainstream comic.
Which now that I think about it, has its own connotations in terms of how they present her in this scene. I hope I'm just reading too much into that, but even if I'm not, I'm a cisgender man so I don't think it's my place to speculate and talk about the implications there.
The Magrallen is creepy is heck.
"There was only one thing I could do. … On the whole, I've made better decisions."
Haha. That was a funny way to end the issue.
Until We Sleep (II)
I had quite forgotten that Bianca appears in Varric's dream sequence, and what she looked like when she wasn’t made in the Frostbite Engine. I think I actually like the comic version more in this case; for single-quest NPCs like Bianca, the generic modelling process just wasn't that memorable in Inquisition.
I don't actually remember the story with Bianca, but there I do love a good "make a different choice for a happy ending" dream sequence, and even if it's resolved quickly, it still hits right.
And we're also continuing Varric's unreliable narration, which I appreciate.
I also find it really interesting how this parallels the Broken Circle quest from Origins, and how it differs. Like that (well, like that in some cases), we have spirits giving someone their fantasy. But unlike with the sloth demon's servants, this spirit that is pretending to be Bianca isn't holding Varric prisoner; it's just giving him his deepest desire. And he is free to leave, even if it's hard for him to turn his back on the fantasy. The same with Mae's fantasy; the spirit isn't deliberately trying to fool her. She acknowledges her awareness of the situation, and it doesn't attack her. These are benign spirits, and I'm really curious what they represent. Even in the way they present themselves, there's a difference; "Bianca" is proactive, engaging with Varric and trying to get him to enjoy the fantasy. By comparison, "Thorold" comes across as much more passive, barely even moving except when Mae interacts with him directly. Maybe a lesser spirit being directly affected by Mae's connection to the Fade, as a mage?
Anyway, I just think they're neat.
Also, isn't this so sweet?
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I said it in the post for Those Who Speak, but I love that they decided to make Varric's Tevinter contact a human who was married to a dwarf. Gosh, I would really love to romance Mae with a dwarf one day. You hear me, Bioware? Mae as a companion in Dragon Age 5. Make it happen, please and thank you.
And on the opposite end of the spectrum, I feel like showing a shot of a beaten-up trans woman was completely unnecessary. Like, it's an interesting show of how the Fade works, that flash of her memory affecting her perception of herself, but context matters. And after how they chose to "reveal" her transness in the previous issue, this was just really distasteful.
Isabela's nightmare is… interesting. I'm wondering if they forgot that as a woman, Isabela would never be made a warrior under the Qun, or if it was intentional and that it's literally Isabela's worst nightmare to kill for the Qun.
It's also interesting that she specifically attracted spirits that created her nightmare instead of her fantasy. Like, ultimately everything about this is a choice made by the writer, but again, the Fade and spirits interest me. Is it the part of them that shines brightest that draws the spirits to them? What does that say about each character? Was it Varric's regret? Was it Mae's fond memories of a deceased love? Was it Isabela's self-loathing?
It would be really sad if, after everything she's been through and all of her growth, Isabela is still defined by what she hates and fears the most.
Gosh, please stop hurting Mae.
Varric lying in the narration and saying Isabela was never tempted by the Fade. It's such a small thing, but it's his thing. He cares so deeply about his friends, and he's a good liar. He tells stories the way he thinks they should be told.
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Ahem, anyway.
Ending with a dream of King Maric in his prime, and Prince Alistair the devoted son, sure is a way to wrap up this issue.
Until We Sleep (III)
I'd forgotten that Maric was fooled (or let himself be fooled) into thinking that Alistair was a spirit, and not his real son.
It's funny that Titus is so convinced of his own power, but even he doesn't have the kind of power he thinks he does in the Fade. Also, I really appreciate that the demons don't all look the same. Oh the joys of not being limited by game assets.
"You are not the dreamer here. I am."
Ultimately, Alistair's fate is that he isn't enough. Maric says everyone he loved is gone from the waking world, and Alistair says that he's there, Maric turns away from him. I don't think he really means it when he tells Alistair that he'll try to return with them. He knows he's not making it out.
(Fitting, that the issue that Varric is narrating basically ends on a lie.)
Okay, so Isabela seemingly gives up being captain and leaves her ship at the end of this. I guess they forgot that when they were writing Inquisition and had Varric say she'd joined up with the Raiders and was calling herself an admiral? It really feels contradictory to the Isabela at the end of this series.
I guess we could put it down to it being another lie.
Final Thoughts
So overall, I think that the series improved as it went along. Or maybe I just found Isabela's and Varric's perspectives more engaging than Alistair's. Hard to say.
At any rate, I'm glad to be done with these ones so I can move on to comics I haven't read yet. Based on what I've seen online, they can be kind of hit-or-miss, but I'm still looking forward to checking them out.
If you've made it this far, thank you for accompanying me on my journey through The Silent Those Who We Sleep. Check back soon when I read…
*Looks at the next comic title*
Magekiller. Hmmm, actually, I think I remember reading this one too.
Anyway, bye for now.
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drawthething · 1 year
Welcome to DTT's gallery of useless text posts because I'm in the post-exam mood and bored!Today we shall discuss about:
"Obvious ways to NOT get scammed when opening commissions"
Now if you're a smart and capable human who's already so good at being an adult then you might not need these advices. But if you're kinda gullible and young and eat instant noodles for dinner sometimes like me, this post might be for you!
1. "You're up for commissions? DM me!"
See, these jerks probably follow the #commission tag on insta to find their easy target. You have the comm sheet right there clear as daylight and they STILL ask this thing in your post's comments. And they don't even want to DM you, YOU DM THEM! Absolutely horrible commission etiquette! I think it's best to ignore these comments even if you're not sure about their intentions.
2. Random acc with 2 posts and 200+ followers casually walks up to your DMs and says: "Will you draw my pet for 200$??"
Suuuper basic tactics for scammers to initiate their hustle. They're just soooo basic and soooo boring they can't come up with anything else for you to draw they HAVE to be like "I don't give a damn about what you usually do or what weird fandom hyperfixation pills you're on but here's an easy-to come-up-with art idea!". And a fricking fortune for pets portraits?? Come on.
Yes, check the account too if you smell something fishy. Even if it's profile is an innocent old looking lady who seems really rude at texting for some reasons, it's worth being cautious about.
3. "Aww man something's wrong with your PayPal link, can you send me your email name instead?"
Now of course I'm not saying everyone who wants a pet drawing is a scammer. If you're still unsure or see nothing suspicious about the client, feel free to continue the conversation!
But oh noooo, every damn time they seem to have some fricking issue with your PayPal link! They DEMAND to know your email! Or offer to send the payment in some really vague foreign way. Alrighty, no big deal yet, it's not like they want to know your Roblox password or GG search history right? Let's see what might happen next!
4. Nope, no payment sent, but oooo, new email! So fun, let's check!
BAM! An "official" mail from PayPal. Some weird issue occurred and *inserts bullcrap explanation* now you have to like, send them back 500$ out of nowhere! Wait, what?!
Calm down, don't do anything yet (even if the "client" is so rudely pressuring you cuz you 'own' them cash now) Go through everything as thorough like it's your life crisis and notice that this email has an embarrassing typo! Perhaps... this is not a PayPal mail? Well no crap! You know exactly who sent it you silly goose! Plus these losers do be using ugly ass fonts amirite? Smh.
5. They're so obviously not interested in your art
Some of these bastards are just so vague about what they want for their art, you know? Instead of going on and on about the details, like do they want it coloured or not, what the artstyle is, yada yada bla bla bla, all they're excited about is getting to the payment part! The fun part of the hustle, yayyyy!! Oh and they're oddly rude and distant in the way they talk sometimes. Unacceptable even for scammers! If you want my money at least be nice!
6. So what do you do with these guys?
Block, delete, report and run!! And if you're still mad at them for lying to you, don't forget to tell those mfs to get a life instead of trying to scam someone who already knows how to make terrible financial decisions!! (it's me, I'm someone)
Pls remember though, don't jump to conclusions early yet. Now you don't want to accidentally block an innocent respectful person, do you? Trust your instincts!
Aaaaand that's all I have! Thank you for reading this nonsense, you truly are a delight! Please be safe, be cautious and be a decent human being who don't try to scam people!
Love ♥️
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inqorporeal · 6 months
Hi! Sending this as an Ask instead of reblogging the post that prompted it because I’m worried that a) I may come off as antisemitic or just trying to Start Shit, or b) even if I don’t my question might prompt it from someone else. I want to start by making it clear: I am not Jewish, and also I am trying to be respectful while learning, so if I mess up I would greatly appreciate it if you have the capacity to tell me what I need to change.
You posted about Zionism and its definition in Christian vs Jewish contexts. I knew about the end-of-days antisemitism but the Jewish take was new to me. I was hoping you might be able to clarify it a bit? You mentioned that it’s about the “simple right to exist, with their own culture intact”.
I am 100% in favor of this!
But, you also said something about the concept of a nation, as distinct from a state. Their “own claim to the land of their faith’s origin” bit doesn’t make sense to me AS PART OF the right for ongoing existence and culture. Would you be able to elaborate at all?
I might be totally misinterpreting the post. I read the idea of them having a “claim” to the land as inherently meaning that other people don’t and shouldn’t be there, but I think that might be my background (Aussie, so colonial history, and people continue to get real butthurt at the suggestion that Indigenous Australians have any kind of claim to the land we’re on, because I think it’s understood as an “us or them” thing)
Again, I’m not trying to start anything or take your words out of context or anything. Please feel free to ignore this ask and/or block, or to respond either publicly or privately, whatever you feel is most appropriate and will protect your wellbeing! Thanks for your time, sorry this Ask is a bit long!
(Link to the original post in question)
Thanks for asking! I actually had a paragraph on this in my initial post before deciding to keep that one simple and on-topic. I'm not Jewish myself, so my own understanding is very broad and general. I welcome anyone who wishes to fill in the gaps or correct anything I get wrong.
Simply put, Jews have as much claim to land in the historic Levant as Native American and First Nations tribes have to land in the Americas, as Māori have in Aotearoa. It's the land of their cultural origin just as much as it is the Palestinians'.
The concept of Land Back is a difficult one to address in even the most optimal of situations. Human history is a long list of migrations, conflicts, invasions, and resettlements; one people's foundation is often built literally upon the bones of another. State boundaries have shifted over and over again throughout history, often without the consent of the people who actually live there.
Who has the right to the land? Who has the right to govern it? There are no easy answers to these questions without sliding into hypocrisy.
This is why there are many proponents of a single-state solution: in theory, if both Jews and Palestinians have their origins in the same place, they should seek a way to coexist in parity. In practice, this is rather more contentious. As with the differences between Zionism and Evangelical Zionism, the matter of a cultural connection to the land is easily misunderstood because Christian culture and Jewish culture view land rights in entirely different ways.
The difference between, for example, me going to Germany now with 200-year old property records to claim the right to build a house there, and diaspora Jews returning to the land of Israel, is that I have no cultural connection to my ancestors' land, while a key aspect of Jewish culture is an eventual return to Jerusalem. The cultural root of European-colonized nations is one of total assimilation to a culture determined by historical Christian ideals, where land is viewed solely as a financial transaction and source of wealth, and my family's only connection to Germany lingers in a paternal surname that's been mangled beyond recognition. The theoretical property records I mentioned do not exist and if they ever did, I have no legally recognized right to claim them (and if I asked people living there now to leave, I'd get laughed at). The idea of a cultural connection to the land my ancestors once lived on is an alien one, which is why it's difficult for many people from European-heritage cultures to understand its importance.
Jewish culture has a very different relationship with its history than Christian culture does. Judaism views Israel in three parts: the state (government), the nation (people and culture), and the home (the land of cultural origin). Just as indigenous groups have cultural connections to parts of the land, just as Muslims revere Mecca and have a culture of pilgrimage, so Israel is to Jewish culture. If we're going to recognize the importance of one culture's local connections, we need to recognize them all.
The transactional nature of property in Christian culture -- which forms the foundation of capitalism, which is now dominating the global economy -- is why we often view Land Back as an Us Or Them issue. It doesn't have to be that way, but it's very difficult to conceptualize a third way that treats all parties with respect.
Like I said before, there are no easy answers. Human geography is a messy field full of metaphorical land mines; just when you think you've come up with a good general solution, you get hit by variables you didn't account for. We can't even say that it's a matter that should be addressed solely by the parties who have direct concerns and everyone else needs to butt out, because some parties that hold power have no interest in compromise (I'm thinking specifically of the US government's handling of indigenous concerns, but that's far from the only imbalanced conflict ongoing), and because our global economy is so deeply intertwined that a conflict in one part of the world affects other parts.
(This is why the United Nations was founded -- to try to resolve such conflicts before they erupt. A noble ideal, although the UN often fails to live up to it because of international power politics.)
I'm trying to remain as neutral as possible in these posts, but I do think that the US's proprietary attitude towards Israel -- which is in very large part due to the Evangelical concept of Zionism (which, as I explained in the previous post, is creepy and antisemitic) -- is not helping the situation at all.
I am not qualified to opine a solution -- and as an individual with zero personal stakes in the matter, my opinion counts for nothing except with regards to the US's involvement. But I hope this helps you understand what I meant!
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emphasisonthehomo · 2 years
Hey, I know you asked for asks about trans Danny (and I love your universe so much, don't get me wrong), but I was wondering have you ever considered trans Steve? He'd have had the rare opportunity to 'start over' when he's send away from HI, maybe he took the chance to transition? On the other hand, trans folks were banned from the military back then and we all know how the Navy made Steve the man he is. What path d'you think he could have taken if he was trans? Or would/could he have cheated his way into the Navy anyway? I'm curious but I know this is not your playground so feel free to ignore. Thx.
Oh darling, anything to do with transing a character’s gender is my playground, thank you so much for this question.
TW: for general discussion of dysphoria, this gets pretty heavy emotionally. And also personal, lmao.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about trans!Steve, and what I think a transgender narrative for him would look like. And this is any flavor of trans tbh, be that telling the story of Stephanie McGarrett, Steven McGarrett, Stef McGarrett, etc.  
For all intents and purposes, Steve was raised by the navy. It’s a very intrinsic part of his character. For me it’s up there w/ Danny being from New Jersey. You can’t not make Danny a Jersey boy, just like you can’t not make Steve a SEAL. I’ve spoken a little bit about this being why I find it difficult to put Steve into different careers here, and I think it applies to this as well.
And you’re right re: being trans in the US military. There’s a long and complicated history of it either being banned or restricted, and it technically only became ‘legal’ in 2021. Even if I wrote a trans!Steve as a modern au like trans!Danno is, he would be unable to be out of the closet and be in the Navy. I don't think he'd be able to cheat his way in either, that's a pretty big To Do.
I do think he’d still have joined the navy, even if he was trans. I think he’d just have been in the closet about it. And it’s for this reason that imho trans!Steve would be one of those people who doesn’t come out and transition until they’re in their 40s or something. It would be the story of DEADNAME McGarrett going to Annapolis, becoming a SEAL, being the Navy’s Finest, Creating Five-0 and then much later, deciding to come out. Like post season 10 timeline coming out, I think.
Because Steve keeps a lot of his feelings crammed up inside his head and heart, and he stews over stuff, and he’s not emotionally open. He just isn’t. The Military Fucked Steve Up. John McGarrett, whether he meant to or not, Fucked Steve Up. All of the other shit's that's happened, has Fucked Steve Up. Steve opens up more over the progression of the show, especially w/ Danny, but he’s still an emotionally constipated nutcase in many ways.
Is this a story I’d ever write? No. There are a few reasons for that, and the main ones stem from my own Gender Experience™ and shit. It’s the same reason why Trans!Danno takes place when Danny’s in his 30s and has pretty much already transitioned socially/medically/etc. The story of Danny’s coming out and transition is glossed over, because if I delve into the depression and dysphoria aspect too deeply, I’m gonna start drinking too much again. Being closeted sucks, dysphoria sucks, the internalized self-loathing and shame sucks, and it is euheuheuheuheuheuh DEEPLY triggering for me.
Trans!Danno takes place after most, if not all of that, for Danny. Danny’s got the surgeries he wanted, he’s on T, he looks in the mirror and likes what he sees, he’s doing GREAT. Does he still have issues and insecurities? Well yes, because he’s human. But I am uninterested in writing about the emotionally darker and more upsetting aspects of trying to come out and transition, because I do this for fun and I don’t wanna bum myself out.
The story of Steve/Stephanie/Stef McGarrett, coming out and transitioning at the age of like 45/50 would be deeply sad in many ways. It’d be steeped in internalized transphobia, self-loathing, dysphoria, etc. Especially when you take into consideration Steve’s character and how he Deals with things emotionally. It’d also be a story of joy, of self-actualization, and all those other good things.
Are those stories meaningful and important? Absolutely. Would I personally write it? No. Because the journey to get to that joy would trigger the shit out of me. Is that everyone’s gender experience? Also no, but it’s mine and that’s the lens I’m approaching stuff from.
Excellent question! Thank you so much.
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direwombat · 2 years
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Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton for this fine wip wednesday!
Tagging forward @adelaidedrubman, @poetikat, @confidentandgood, @strafethesesinners, @strangefable, @funkypoacher, @aceghosts, @detectivelokis, @sstewyhosseini, @roofgeese, @thomrainer , @purplehairsecretlair , and I know I'm missing people here bc I'm in a rush here but if I normally tag you and/or you have something you want to share, consider yourself tagged!
[Sybille] laughs bitterly. “Morality isn’t a luxury a soldier can afford, Pastor,” she says, picking at the peeling bits of leather on the old Bible. It’s different from the one she grew up with -- books she knew from the Old Testament moved and dubbed Apocryphal, fictitious and untrue -- but the weight and feel of it in her hands is achingly familiar. Its pages, packed with columns of tiny text, are thin and brittle, threatening to tear as she runs her thumb over the fore-edges, just as she remembers. The equally familiar stale smell of old ink and mothballs wafts up as the pages flap. 
She recalls a documentary she saw on the History Channel years ago. One detailing how one man’s grievances against the Catholic Church, her Church, led to a war that changed the face of politics and religion throughout the Western World. It was violent and bloody, and yet countless dead and hundreds of years later, the King James Bible feels just the same to her as the Roman Catholic one. 
Times haven’t changed, and part of her wonders whether the Book of Joseph would feel any different if she closed her eyes. 
“It’s just...,” she continues after a moment, “When you start thinkin’ about what’s right and wrong, you start askin’ questions. For most people, that ain’t a bad thing.  But for a soldier? It’s a distraction. We’re not meant to think. Other people do that for us. Our job is to fall in line and follow orders. You question your CO, you get written up for insubordination. The military ain’t the place for free thinkers. Because when a soldier starts thinkin’ about morality, then they ain’t a soldier, no more.”
“What are they, then?” Jerome asks. 
“Human,” she scoffs, but judging by the crease between the Pastor’s eyebrows, her attempt at a bemused smile doesn’t quite find its mark. Letting it drop, she sighs and shakes her head before looking at him once more. “Let me ask you this: why the shotgun? Why the little pistol hidden inside your Bible? What compels a man of God to carry such weaponry?”
He hesitates for a moment, tapping his thumb on his own Bible, the same one hiding away the handgun he hadn’t told her was in there. He holds it far too close and far too gingerly for it to be a simple book. “The same thing that compels a farmer carrying his rifle when he goes to check on his animals. I want to protect my flock. Protect the people of Hope County.”
“Human,” Sybille hums, more to herself than him. “And tell me, when we came to liberate Falls End and you were shootin’ at the wolves in this metaphor, did you ask questions? Or did you just point your gun and fire?"
The Pastor breathes out a sigh, a faint smile tugging up at the corner of his lips. “Ah,” he says. “I think I see where you’re going with this.”
“Now, here’s where the metaphor falls apart. Even wolves don’t act without reason. They’re motivated by something: hunger, a need to protect their territory, they feel threatened. Maybe their behavior doesn’t make sense to us, maybe to us it’s evil, but to them, it’s survival. Humans are just the same. The only difference between man and beast is that we’ve deluded ourselves into thinking we’re superior. But you take away God and religion and politics, and we’re just like any other animal. Soldiers…we understand that.”
“That’s an awfully reactionary way to live,” Jerome says quietly.
“In a fight, reactionary is what helps keep you alive. When it’s life or death, you can’t afford to ask who’s right and who’s wrong,” Sybille says. “You start wonderin’ what makes your actions more justified than those of the person shootin’ at ya; you start askin’ if their actions are as justified as your own. That kind of thinkin’-- that kind of hesitation? Well, it’s liable to get heads blown off.”
“You sound like you speak from experience,” Jerome says, in that priestly, gentle but probing way, trying to coax out the story she refuses to tell him.  
She looks at him harshly. “Experience is all I have.”
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ancientagentalien · 7 months
I just wanted to get on here and talk about something real quick. It's kind of a vent post, but it has some good topics to cover. I'm sure this can be pointed towards some of you or people you know.
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These were responses to a story I posted on my snapchat. Basically, my story was about the genocide going on right now. This just shows me that there are humans who aren't... human. Yknow what I mean?
If you can watch a genocide and respond like this, you are not a person. Not to me, at least. I know that probably won't hold any place in anybody heart, but I feel like it must be said. After a certain line, people are no longer people.
And seriously? "Womp womp"? I beg your finest pardon? This is about MILLIONS of innocent people dying because Isreal can't be happy with what they have. Innocent mothers, fathers, children, friends, citizens. A majority of them are dead now. And for what? Because another country couldn't continue following international laws?
Are you a sociopath, psychopath, or sadist? Those are your only options, and none of them are compliments despite what other people may tell you.
It has gotten to the point where a man from the airforce, Aaron Bushnell, set himself on fire because that was the only way his voice would be heard. And even now, they are trying to silence it. He is a hero, and you don't get to speak if you think otherwise. If he was alive and did this in any other part of history, he would be deemed a hero.
They say he was mentally ilI. I have watched the video, uncensored and past the point where he fell over. This was a fully sound man with conviction. His face, voice, and choice of words made it abundantly clear that he was fully aware of everything he was doing and the lasting effects it would have. If he were mentally ill, Palestine would be the last thing on his mind. He would have just set himself on fire without a care for anything else in the world (also, he would not be in uniform because the airforce would not have employed him). He continued to scream the words "free Palestine" as he burned alive. After it was too much and he couldn't talk, he forced himself to scream it one last time. He then shook and fell over. He died not long after, as I'm sure most of you know. This completely sane member of the American airforce's last words were "free Palestine" and we still cannot find the motivation to do anything that truly helps. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Nothing on this earth will convince me that there is anything good happening or that Isreal is the victim that they're trying to look like. Palestine can hardly create bombs powerful enough to fully take out a full building, and Isreal is a military superpower. To put that in perspective, I give you an analogy: imagine the world's most experienced and skilled basketball player matched against someone with both of their arms amputated. Does that seem fair at all? No? Then why do you think this genocide does?
How many people have to die for no reason before something actually gets done about it? Tiktok sounds and filters aren't going to help. They haven't this whole time. Money won't help. You know what will? Action. Sending people to fight and rescue. We did it when Hitler did his genocide. How is this, at its core, any different. People who don't deserve it are dying because someone else has an ideal that they think is more important than human lives.
Nobody who supports Isreal's actions is a good person. I'm ashamed to be the same species as them.
Genocide for the stupid reason of "you have to do what I want cuz I said so."
Think about that.
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