#feeling like a paleontologist over here...
wagahai-da · 1 year
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Jurassic Park analysis post 1/??
was watching jurassic park the other day and was just really struck by how much this shot communicates, like.
okay, we have hammond in all pristine white, fancy clothes. opposite him, divided by the worktable that he funds, are sattler and grant, in practical work clothes covered in dust from the literal work on the ground that they were doing. and he is about to use his class position to coerce them into doing what he wants them to do.
his posture is upright and straight and places him in a somewhat superior position to them.
and the light coming in through the window directly onto hammond, illuminating him, giving him a look as if he's descended from on high (and in a way, he has dropped from the heavens to the ground, just. in a helicopter). and knowing from the film just how much spielberg saw himself in this magician who presents illusions for the entertainment of the masses, it is fascinating to me how reminiscent that window light is of a film projector, casting the image of the kindly old wizard hammond is projecting himself as. and so hammond is shown as above them — in space, in class relation, and in his method of arrival. and throughout the film we see hammond associated with this sort of deific imagery, both in how is is positioned compared to those around him, and how he describes himself.
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Here, immediately after the brachiosaur reveal (which is a purposeful move to hook them on the park) he engages with the awe the paleontologists feel and positions himself as someone who has performed a miracle and about to cause a revelation. and here too, he puts himself into the superior position. and the first thing he does after this is take them to see a film about the "miracle" of cloning.
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he projects himself as a benevolent master to all the little creatures. though we know from how he talks about these creatures that he doesn't care about them at all beyond what revenue they can get for him. they aren't even animals, they're products. living biological attractions.
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backlit by another projector, he discusses the science and tech behind the park in terms of light, once more evoking the idea of revelation
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in the scene where he argues with nedry, he purposely walks around to this ramp and puts himself into a superior position over nedry in order to talk down to him.
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and during his flea circus conversation with ellie, he directly invokes deific language about himself. he is the creator, and this was all a mistake, and he can start it all over, bring a flood and just move on with the next iteration.
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m3lonpire · 2 months
A/N: Here, have a Jurassic Park oneshot that's been in my drafts for forever that I only just now finished! :D
Terror. That's all you felt.
A man named John Hammond had invited you to his park on Isla Nublar, Jurassic Park. It was a park featuring real dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurs, brontosaurs, compys, triceratops, everything.
Well, Hammond didn't just invite you. He also invited Dr. Ellie Sattler, a paleobotanist, Dr. Alan Grant, a paleontologist, and Dr. Ian Malcolm, a chaotician. So, what were you? Well, you were the secretary of Dr. Malcolm. He was certainly eccentric, and Hammond wasn't lying when he said Malcolm had a "deplorable excess of personality". He brought you coffee sometimes if he got to the office first. And if you were being completely honest, you kind of had a crush on him, and you were sure he was flirting with you. Plus, you two didn't just have professional relations; you had been friends for a long time.
But, as all these thoughts filled your head, your peace of mind was quickly snatched as you snapped back to reality, feeling that terror again. You were standing with Sattler, Hammond, Muldoon, and a few other people in the control room. Hammond and Muldoon were going back and forth about the storm heading over, and how the fences had been… turned off.
The dinosaurs could be anywhere.
"Have the cars returned to the garage?", Hammond asked. Muldoon's body tensed up slightly. "No. One of the cars is missing.". "MISSING?!", Hammond boomed, getting up from the desk. "The T-rex is out in the park, and you expect no damage to be done?", Sattler asked, sitting up in her chair. "I'm gonna go get everyone.", Muldoon said, putting on a raincoat. "I'll come with you!", Dr. Sattler said. Dashing to the two of them and putting on a raincoat of your own, you responded "Malcolm could be out there! I'm coming with you.".
"Make sure you can keep up.", said Muldoon, adjusting his coat.
As all of them slowly fled the room, Hammond hit the desk with his fist. "DAMN!".
It was a quiet and awkward drive to the T-rex section. You and Ellie Sattler sat bunched together in the car, with you as close to them as possible, sitting in the backseat. You looked around, the rain still falling on your body. "How much longer till' we're there?", you asked. Sattler shook her head, saying "Uh, I think three, four minutes?". Minutes passed and it took a while for your surroundings to sink in.
The road was a rutted, muddy mess. The bathroom clad in palm trees was collapsed into a pile of rubble, one of the Explorers was gone, and the other stood untouched, both doors hanging open. Heading towards the road, Ellie said "Oh, God… where's the other car?". "Alan!", she called out. Suddenly, you heard the thunderous roar of the T-rex. "I think it's ahead of us.", she said. "It could be anywhere," Muldoon said, tensing up slightly. "With the fences out, it can go in and out of any paddock it likes.".
Heading towards the collapsed bathroom, you heard a groan from under the rubble. "U-uh, guys!", you called out as they came closer. Sattler pushed the rubble off the person; it was Ian Malcolm! He lay on his back, semiconscious among the twisted wood and cement. "It's Malcolm!", Muldoon said. He shone his light along Malcolm's body, showing his blood-soaked, ripped shirt. As he moved the light down his body, he saw his right leg which was in worse shape by lightyears.
His ankle was bent outward at an awkward angle from his leg and said area of his trousers was flattened and soaked with blood. His belt, twisted around his thigh, was equally soaked.
"He put a tourniquet on… Ian?", Ellie asked. "Ian!", you cried, panic sinking in. Malcolm whimpered as you touched him, seemingly quite drained. "Remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend.", he coughed. Suddenly, you all heard the T-rex roar again, making Ian stare ahead with wide eyes. "Should we risk moving him?", Sattler asked. As it roared again, the explosive sound coming back to you all, Malcolm sat up, saying "Please, risk it.".
You all propped up Malcolm, and he groaned as he shifted his weight onto his left leg. Muldoon laid Malcolm down as carefully as possible in the back of the jeep, and you sat next to him. "Where are the kids?", Ian asked groggily. "We're gonna go try to find them. You two stay here.", Muldoon said as he and Sattler sped off.
Panic surged through your veins as you shifted your gaze towards Malcolm. His name escaped your lips, but the reason behind it eluded you. Were you pleading for his help, somehow? Or were you desperately seeking conversation? The fear of the unknown gripped you tightly, leaving you in a state of utter confusion. You didn't know if you were asking him something if you were trying to get him to talk to you, or what.
"What?", Ian coughed. You held your breath, panting before you continued to speak. "I don't know. Are you… okay?". Malcolm looked down at his leg and looked back up at you. "I've been better.". Eventually, he leaned his head back, sighing and closing his eyes. You turned around, looking at your surroundings. There was a footprint in the mud. Big, and three-toed, with some rain flowing into it. Your breath hitched, and you unknowingly scooched closer to Ian.
Malcolm opened his eyes, scooting away, closer to the wall. "Come here.", he said. You hummed curiously, as you noticed he made space for you to sit next to him. Smiling softly with a sigh, you moved into the spot as he put his arm around your shoulders. Ian groaned slightly, shifting so you both were comfortable. "Penny for your thoughts?", he asked. You shook your head, mumbling "I'm scared for you.".
Ian smiled softly, starting to speak, but stopped as he heard something, turning his gaze to something far away. "What? What- what is it?", you asked, your body tensing up slightly. Malcolm looked down at the print in the mud as the water within it shook. A sound filled your ears.
Boom, it went. Boom.
"You hear that?", Ian asked. "It's a, uhm… it's an impact tremor, is what it is. I'm fairly alarmed here…". He then turned forward, motioning to the others to get back into the car. "Hey, come on, we gotta go now! Now, now, right now! Get in, start the engine!", he said urgently. Muldoon and Sattler emerged from the trees just in time to get into the car before a T-rex appeared from behind them, with the familiar, thunderous sound of the roar.
"Get in! Start the engine!", Malcolm said. You all sped off, adrenaline pumping as the T-rex chased you all. Muldoon didn't go into fifth gear for some reason you all didn't understand. "Must go faster!", Ian said bluntly, turning back to Muldoon. The T-rex roared again and you and Malcolm backed up in the car. Ellie was screaming, and Malcolm said "Here it comes, fifth gear! Fifth gear!".
Muldoon appeared calm, simply looking in the mirror as the T-rex roared again, getting close enough to almost put the car in its' mouth. Ian, just as scared as anyone else would be, backed up as far as he could, accidently hitting the gear stick. "Get off the stick- bloody move!", Muldoon said, trying to push Malcolm off. "LOOK OUT!", Sattler screamed as Muldoon saw a large tree ahead. "Down!". The T-rex easily ran through the tree, catching up and headbutting the car and letting out that deafening roar again.
Ian stared ahead with wide eyes, while you and Ellie screamed. Still staring ahead, he barred his arms over you and Ellie. You didn't think much of it at the time. You were more focused on staying alive. Muldoon then finally shifted into fifth gear, speeding off while the T-rex just sat there, having lost the energy to keep up. "Think they'll have that on the tour?", Malcolm said between pants. You smiled softly at Ian, and he did the same.
Time passes. Minutes, hours, you didn't know. Eventually, you get to the control room. You hear Ellie sigh in relief before you see Muldoon pick up Malcolm like he was a bag of potatos. A funny sight if you weren't fighting for your life to get inside safely. And you still didn't know where Grant and the kids were. Getting inside, Ian groaned as Muldoon set him down on a table. Muldoon and Ellie ran over to the controls as you sat down next to Ian. "Are you okay?", you asked Malcolm. Ian bit his lip, looking off to the side. "I, uh… I guess. I'm not dead.". He chuckled dryly, trying to lighten the situation. "Yet.".
"Dammit, don't say that!", you blurted out before you even realized exactly what you said. All your brain heard was "yet", it didn't realize that it was a joke for that split second you said it. Ian tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrow. "Whu… you… you know I'm kidding, right?". You moved some of your hair out of your face, blushing slightly and stuttering as you tried to explain yourself. "I-I, uh… I k-know, I-I just-".
"You're really, really concerned for me… aren't you?".
"W-what?", you muttered. God, you thought. You probably looked like a blubbering fool, dried tears on your face, voice cracking from screaming. "I-I mean, yes, of course I am! You're my b-boss, and my best friend! You have been for a long time, and-". "Yes, but isn't there something more there?", Ian said, reading you like a book. Your eyes widened as you twirled your hair nervously. "Uh… m-maybe. But, we should really focus on getting out of here alive!". Ian nodded, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Got it.".
Time passed quickly, and you barely stayed awake. It seemed Ian noticed you seemed tired, so he let you lean your head up against the table he sat on, keeping you safe as you slept. The last thing you heard was Arnold fiddling with the park's controls, but the last thing you felt was Malcolm petting your head idly.
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saturnniidae · 2 months
More rotbtd modern au info
(Some of this was in the other post but it's more organized here. Hopefully)
After The Incident, Hiccup, Stoick and Astrid move from Berk (tiny, mostly unheard of, self-governing island somewhere in the Norwegian sea) to Burgess Pennsylvania. Supposedly for Stoick's work, but they all know it's to get away from Berk after what happened, a fresh start. Stoick's rarely home (and a bit emotional negligent) but Hiccup's self sufficient and has been since he was old enough to use a stove, plus Astrid's there (to attempt) to keep him out of trouble.
Hiccup and Astrid are trans. This is part of why Astrid is staying with them 'temporarily' (she needed to get away from her parents so she could breathe)
Astrid comes from a famliy of athletes with rather high expectations.
Hiccup and Astrid grew closer essentially bonding over being 'town outcasts' after she came out (the other teens didn't really care and were respectful, most of the adults had s noticeable change in behavior; lots of dramatic sighing and disappointment over 'what a promising young man' Astrid was). Astrid occasionally talking about gender (especially since she's very blunt and rarely afraid to say what's on her mind) is what triggered Hiccups realization
How it went: Hiccup, who's been crushing on Astrid for a while *finds out Astrids a girl*: oh shit! Am I lesbian?? *Hiccup a while later, looking like a drowned rat with a fuckass uneven haircut*: No. No I am not.. (Astrid's so awesome for being his bi AND trans awakening)
Stoick was unsure at first (Hiccups done a lot of weird random things, he couldn't tell if this was serious or not) but after a talk from Gobber he was supportive and mostly just happy Hiccup was making friends (Hiccup was on neutral ground with most of the kids but was still mostly excluded though he talked to Fishlegs occasionally + Ruff & Tuff would follow him around for front row seats to any disaster he caused and since Snotlouts his cousin, spending time together is inevitable) and Astrid began spending more and more time over at their house.
Toothless is a scrappy tripod cat of unknown origin that Hiccup accidentally hits with his bike a bit after moving to Burgess (this happened because he was fed up with having even worse balance than before due to the. Yknow. Lack of slightly less than half his left leg. And Astrid – off handedly during a 'don't do dumb, dangerous things' rant – advised against doing stuff like biking which gave him the amazing idea: 'bike ridings a good way to work on balance'). After watching it speed limping away to some alleyway, Hiccup resolves to gain the cats trust so he can help it and make up for what he did.
The rest is under the cut because this is a monster of a post
Hiccup slowly realizes this cat is way more intelligent than it should be, in an almost unnatural way. He doesn't care, he's just pleased its begun allowing him to pet it and even started to follow him around (even if it's mostly for treats. Progress is progress)
As much as Hiccup loves Astrid he thinks she worries about him too much; she always has, but it's worse now more than ever and he finds it almost overbearing
After The Incident Stoick's a mix of avoident when it comes to the word disabled or amputee, as if in some kind of odd denial, while also being simultaneously overprotective and distant somehow. Hiccup is not pleased with this
Valka is absent but she and Stoick aren't divorced. She works as a paleontologist and when she's not traveling shes in the lab. Their relationships quite strained. She calls monthly to check in but it's usually Hiccup who answers (he eagerly talks with her about her work, but still feels a bit like he's talking more to an acquaintance than to his mother)
A large factor in how Stoick treats Hiccup after his amputation is due to the fact he was there (or at least for the aftermath) when the initial injury happened and saw how much general destruction there was, and was absolutely horrified. Hiccup's banned from inventing for the foreseeable future. ("YOU THREW OUT MY SOLDERING IRON?!" "No. It... got lost in the move." <- being bad at lying runs in the famliy)
Hiccup gets to the point where the cat willingly follows him inside through an open bedroom window and even sleeps on his bed. During this Hiccup realizes the cats missing some teeth, hence the name. He also slowly makes the realization he can communicate with Toothless on an unnatural level. This also doesn't bother him (though he logs his discoveries in a journal), he's elated to have made a new friend (especially since things with Astrid are currently rather tense)
Now onto the Rotbtd parts
the Dunbrochs already live in Burgess. Merida is Hiccups cousin he's met only a few times before when he was little, they barely remember each other. So much so that Merida doesn't even realize Hiccup's trans since his names the same she's just like 'yeah, that's my cousin, the tiny one with the goofy name'
Merida and Astrid meet and hit it off but their dynamics kinda funny. Astrid has somewhat of a crush on Merida and thinks she's amazing (archery and fencing + various other sports + she's never afraid to say what's on her mind + she's funny and cute and has pretty hair etc) and is trying to be nonchalant about it, Merida also thinks Astrids super cool if a bit withdrawn and feels she'd be a lot happier if she loosened up (she would be) and also if she stopped worrying about Hiccup so much.
Rapunzel is a weird sheltered (fucked up) homeschool kid Merida met on accident a few weeks prior to the Haddocks (+ Astrid) moving in, and is determined to give core childhood experiences to
Jack is kind of a loser. All his friends are the kids at the daycare he works at, and his best friend is his 11 year old sister (he doesnt get along well with most teens bc they think hes too enthusiastic or childish <- just neurodivergent), though he kind of knows Merida from speaking to her when she's sent to pick her brothers up.
He doesn't actually become friends with her until he sees Merida trying to get Rapunzel to use some lended rollerskates at the park. He was curious as to what they were doing and offered some tips (he skateboards but his sister's more interested in rollerskates so he knows some stuff) then they got distracted and started talking about random things until the subject of Merida's self imposed 'mission' came up and Jack offered to help.
Jack meets Hiccup by accidentally hitting him while skateboarding (Hiccup's first thought is 'well I suppose this is what I get after hitting a cat with my bike") and freaks out because he thinks he broke Hiccups leg or something since the prosthesis got forced into an unnatural angle on their landing. Hiccup thinks his panic is funny at first until he realizes how genuinely freaked out Jack is and tells him he's actually fine. Introductions are made and Jack offers to show Hiccup around since he's new, he only accepts because Merida keeps saying he needs more friends.
Hiccup and Jack start spending more time together after learning they have similar interests (Jack doesn't believe Hiccup's claim he's the best snowboarder on Berk until Astrid backs him up, Jack's kind of scared of Astrid but thinks she's cool), tastes in bands and comics along with their general (sometimes considered odd by others) curiosity with the world. Also Jack is enamored with Hiccup's inventions (Stoick thought he could stop him but underestimated Hiccup's resourcefulness. Recycled tech stores, thrift shops, and hardware stores are what his allowance goes towards.)
Later Merida decides to introduce Rapunzel to Hiccup, they're both kind of awkward until she brings up Rapunzel's art and how she likes birdwatching (from her window and yard since she's technically not supposed to leave, but they don't need to know that) and Hiccup's immediately interested
Hiccup likes charcoal and mostly sketches animals and plants to log them, but Rapunzel gets him into painting and portraits. And she, like Jack, is also incredibly interested in his inventions and other crafts (he sews and also took up woodworking a few months ago before they left Berk)
Merida decides to make a group chat for all her new friends that seem to be social recluses (not out of choice), but is startled when Hiccup mentions he and Astrid share a phone. It's technically his but he barely uses it + the last one got crushed in his bike on accident (and the one before that got dropped in the ocean. on accident) so he's not really meant to use it unless he needs to. Astrid uses it fairly often to text Ruffnut and Heather. Hiccups not very interested in it because he's fine with his laptop and mp3 player (Valka gave it to him last she saw him on his 14th birthday, hes 16 now).
The woods of Burgess are said to be haunted (something Jack swears is true. He says something breathed on the back of his neck while he was climbing a tree once) which endlessly fascinates Hiccup (he's always had a fascination with magic and the supernatural) so he often wanders around but since he's not allowed out at night he doesn't find anything. Yet
He also discovers some supposedly haunted closed down buildings on the edge of town he wants to explore. The others for the most part have no idea why he's so interested but Jack's immediate reaction is to say yes since he's curious as well then the others follow
Hiccup also has a tendency to forget he can't just wander wherever he wants like back on Berk. (On Berk he and the other teens could go pretty much anywhere no one cared about 'tresspassing')
Hiccup can't really see the 'ghosts' but Toothless can so Hiccup's aware of their presence through him
Jack isn't a huge fan of Toothless and neither is Merida. They think he's too smart and that it's uncanny. Neither of them will say this to Hiccup's face. Though they've mentioned it to Rapunzel, who insists sometimes animals are 'just Like That' (ofc she'd say that. her chameleon is like a human soul stuck in a lizard body)
One of the first scenes I thought of that sparked this AU was the big four, sitting in a 7-Eleven parking lot, horrified, watching Jack mix a five hour energy into a can of monster because 'it'd be so funny'
And that's it for now! (I have some extra stuff on Berk but that's kinda like background details)
Tysm if you read all this!! If you have any questions or even suggestions/ideas PLEASE send me an ask
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darkimpala1897 · 2 years
Things Eddie has said to Wayne because he has no filter.
Eddie answering the phone it was one of Wayne's friend not knowing he had one.
Eddie: "Oh, hello sorry the dinosaurs are busy right now.
Wayne walking into the room looking at his nephew.
Wayne: "What are you doing?"
Eddie turning towards Wayne with a smile.
Eddie: "Oh wait one of the dinosaurs is here. It's for you Wayne."
Eddie hands over the phone laughing under his breath.
Wayne: "Very cute, very funny."
Wayne takes the phone shaking his head.
Eddie: "It's pretty funny, did you get it it's cause your old."
Wayne covering the mouth piece nodded.
Wayne: "Oh I got it just fine."
Eddie trying to start a conversation at the dinner table.
Eddie: "I walked into Chrissy's room once and I tripped on a bra."
Wayne putting his head down knowing what was coming, Steve had no idea.
Eddie: "It was a booby trap."
Steve trying not to laugh because that was horrible even for Eddie.
Eddie following after his uncle who was trying to escape him.
Eddie: "What is a bunch of kittens called?"
Wayne afraid of what's gonna come out of his nephews mouth still answers
Wayne: "You mean a litter?"
Eddie: "What's a litter?"
Wayne shaking his head wondering where Eddie's brain disappeared to.
Wayne: "A bunch of kittens Edward."
Wayne just trying to enjoy some peace and quiet. Eddie coming out of nowhere.
Eddie: "What did the triangle do to the circle?"
Wayne looking towards his nephew, he grumbles something under his breath.
Wayne: "Oh god here we go again."
Eddie laying on the living room floor staring at the ceiling well Wayne made breakfast.
Eddie: "I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went."
Wayne looks over the counter at his nephew wondering where he was going with this.
Eddie: "Then it dawned on me."
Wayne shaking his head, he feels like he's living with his sister all over again.
Eddie walking through the door Steve right behind him.
Eddie: "I forgot to throw a boomerang once."
Steve looking towards him confused.
Eddie: "But it came back to me."
Wayne could be heard groaning from wherever he was.
Eddie couldn't sleep so he goes and bugs his uncle.
Eddie: "What did the mermaid wear to her math class?"
Wayne who was trying to sleep looks towards Eddie.
Wayne: "I don't know what?"
Eddie: "An algae bra."
Wayne groans grabbing his pillow tempted to smother his nephew.
Eddie on a field trip, Wayne unfortunately had to chaperone.
Eddie looking a dinosaur, he points it out to Wayne.
Eddie: "Look, this one looks like a chicken."
Wayne looking at he nods agreeing.
Wayne: "Well fun fact of the day, paleontologists believed that birds came from dinosaurs."
Eddie looks towards his uncle.
Eddie: "Well look at you being Mr. Professor."
On that same field trip.
Eddie looking at the planets.
Eddie: "Hey Wayne, name all the planets?"
Wayne thinking about it for a second.
Wayne: "My very educated mother just served us nice pizzas."
Eddie blinking at him confused.
Eddie: "Are you having a stroke?"
Eddie laying upside down on the couch watching TV.
Eddie: "A backwards poet writes in verse."
Wayne wondering what he's on about now.
Wayne: "Do you even get what that means?"
Eddie shaking his head.
Eddie: "No of course not Wayne."
Eddie standing with Wayne as the upside down potals activate.
Eddie: "People are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow."
Wayne looking at his nephew with the seriously look.
Eddie: "Too soon uh?"
Eddie putting a ridiculous hat on Wayne.
Wayne glaring at him.
Wayne: "Eddie seriously?"
Eddie nods smiling.
Eddie: "It's my birthday, so it's my amazing rules and I say you have to wear the sombrero."
On that field trip I was mentioning early.
Eddie staring at a dinosaur skull.
Eddie: "That's a thick skull."
Wayne looking at it.
Wayne: "Kinda looks like Gareth."
Eddie looking towards his uncle.
Eddie: "I'm totally telling him you said that."
Wayne shaking his head.
Wayne: "Please don't. But like come on you have to agree, just catch it in the right light and boom it's Gareth."
Eddie sitting on the kitchen counter watching as his uncle packed up the Christmas decorations.
Eddie: "It's not like the guy didn't know how to juggle."
Wayne putting down the Christmas lights, wondering to himself if he could string Eddie up.
Eddie: "He just didn't have the balls to do it."
You're welcome for the qoutes we should have had between Wayne and his idiot nephew.
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kiefbowl · 5 months
I live in Seattle and wanna move back to Chicago one day. Your blog is cool, mine ain't and that's why I'm anon. Serious question here: my family is pressuring me to have kids (I'm a lady) and I don't want to do that. I'm 31 and hetero-married. I wonder about if it'd even matter if I regretted my decision to not have kids. Is this potential regret going to shatter me emotionally? I don't think so. Has anyone ever pressured you to have children? I wonder if I'd be ready to have kids if I was not expected to. Does that make sense? Anyway love your blog because you're real and super relatable.
Yeah, I feel a little pressure. I think when compared to other women, it's really not so bad. I think my mom feels like she can't talk to me at all about children (which isn't true...she's just unwilling to have the conversation on my terms), so she has made some off handed comments to people who aren't me within my earshot, things like "well I'll never have a grandchild at this rate" and other nonsense. The thing is I actually haven't decided yet, and I am leaning towards yes as long as certain things happen in the next couple years financially. I also feel the "biological clock" as it where in the fact that it would be nice to have a baby by a certain age if I'm going to have any, and that age gets closer. However, I'm not overly concerned about that either. It weighs on me but ultimately I want to make this choice intelligently, because I'm not interested in bringing a child into the world without it being the best situation possible for that child, so if I haven't reach certain goals by 35, I'm not going to say fuck it let's get pregnant just so I'm having a baby by 35.
I'm quite satisfied with what my life is and could become without kids, so I don't think I'll regret it if it never happens. I think I could feel sad though, only because if it doesn't happen, it feels like a choice I didn't get to make freely, and I can see myself lamenting never meeting the child I could have love. That being said, my life won't be over! I'll have freedom, youth, money. I'll lament it in the same way I didn't try to become a paleontologist or travel vlogger now knowing with hindsight I could have with the right guidance and knowledge. You can't be everything, and if I don't become a mom, I'll be the other things I'll be.
All that's to say, if you don't feel like me right now, you're probably right that you won't regret it. And if you start feeling like me in a couple years, that's fine because you still have time. And if you do end up feeling shattered with regret...you know, you just can't avoid grief and pain, so why try to hedge your bets on this one when it involves brining another person in the world? Maybe you will feel sad later, but I think you'll have the wherewithal to shoulder it, because you've probably already lived through many sad things and disappointments and jealousy and anger, why would this be something so uniquely different?
In the end, you can't live your life for others. You have to make your life your own, and every choice you make will have detractors. Ultimately, you have to say "well fuck off lol" even if it's your own family.
Good luck sis!
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smittenroses · 2 years
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⌞ask box open⌝ | ⌞commissions open⌝ | ⌞ko-fi?⌝ | ⌞Patreon coming soon⌝
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— Fossils
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Fandom — Identity V Pairing — Professor | Luchino Diruse/Paleontologist reader Summary — The Professor joins the Paleontologist on one of many trips to the Lakeside Request — Hello there (>▽<)ノ Wanted to request since the ask box is open! Can I request Luchino (It could be Evil Reptilian or Professor since i'm not sure which one to pick--) with survivor reader who's a Paleontologist? Like they mostly study on dinosaur fossils and such, I feel like they'd give Luchino a mini fossil of a dinosaur that's close related to one of Luchino's favorite reptile, I hope this is ok! (*꒪ヮ꒪*) Content Warnings — none Word Count — 531 words Author's note — I want to bite his ear
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“It seems our little dinosaur hunter is down in a hole again.”
Glancing up at the shadow that was cast over your form in the hole you had made, the Professor’s brown eyes twinkled in amusement, his white sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he leaned over the hole, seeming to admire the work that you had put in to dig up what may have been a car’s worth of soil in the middle of lakeside, your gear covered in dirt and mud and other matter as you sat, crouched over a mound of hard dirt.
“There’s not really much else to do, Diruse.” Your fingers worked at the patch of dirt, tools coming to and forth from your hands as you worked the dirt pile piece by piece, your heart fluttering as you thought about what this could be; could it be a new discovery, a new creature that hadn’t been discovered by anyone else and would be your greatest achievement? You could picture it now, your name up in lights in the museums, in science magazines, maybe you’d finally get your own book deal.
You’d finally get the funding you deserved.
“There’s plenty to do here, dinosaur hunter.” Sliding down the side of the hole, dirt was kicked up from his landing as it blew into your eyes, sitting straight up as you coughed and spluttered, wiping the dirt from your face with your arm as you heard the professor close the gap, Luchino’s feet stopping shy from your excavation site. “So, what is this?”
“Currently it’s a pile of dirt,” you managed between coughs, “nothing more than that yet.”
“Interesting.” You heard the scrape of his nails against dirt as he picked up one of your tools, watching as he played with the sharp end of your scraper once the dirt had finally settled, his oddly patched skin seeming to catch the light with each muscle twitch, each movement he made. He certainly was a weird man, but a man who took in the same interest as you picked up your tools, brushing, chipping, and scraping away at the mound.
You knew that you would have to fill back in the dirt before the next match could start, after all, your site served as a safety hazard, but yet as your tools met something hard and not nearly as breakable as dirt, your eyes lit up as you quickened your pace, the hard callused fossil coming up to the surface, the indents of a life form easily visible from your view.
“A common lizard.” And there went your excitement. Glancing up at the professor as he removed the fossil from the ground, twisting his fingers in the dirt to free it, you watched as he examined it, the spines, the grooves, the indents before he looked back at you, standing to his full height before beginning to climb out. “I’m keeping this.”
Wait, what? “W-wait, that’s my find!” scrambling to your feet to chase after him.
You failed to notice the limbed serpent that had been watching you from its perch, slithering into your hole once you were gone; oh well, she could wait another day.
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downbad4yoongi · 27 days
Love Blooms | Chapter Four
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🌸Fic Pairing: Jin x Hoseok
🌸Rating: G
🌸Genre: divorced, single father au | Angst & Fluff
🌸WC: 3,473
Jin's fingers hovered over the keyboard, a tremor passing through them as he composed the message to Soo-Min. He hesitated, the weight of the impending conversation pressing down on him. But this meeting was unavoidable, a necessary step for himself, Hoseok, and especially Eun-Ji. Choosing a neutral ground, Jin suggested Kimchi & Cream, a cozy café with soft lighting and gentle music. Perhaps the ambiance would soften the tension he anticipated.
"Done," he breathed, a shaky sigh escaping his lips. "Everything will be okay."
Relief washed over him as Soo-Min confirmed the meeting. The first hurdle was cleared, but the real test lay ahead. Turning his attention to logistics, Jin texted Jimin. Without hesitation, Jimin agreed to watch Eun-Ji, his lighthearted reply a welcome distraction from the looming conversation.
He dialed Hoseok's number next, excitement bubbling beneath the surface. "Hey, Hoseok. It's Jin. Lunch with Soo-Min is confirmed for next weekend. How does 1 pm at Kimchi & Cream sound?"
A beat of silence followed, and then a low whistle traveled through the phone. "So soon, huh? Are you sure you're ready for that conversation?"
Jin's hand tightened around the phone. "As ready as I'll ever be. I just want things to be…easier for everyone, especially Eun-Ji. Maybe if Soo-Min sees why I care about you…" His voice trailed off, unsure how to complete the thought.
"Jin," Hoseok's voice softened on the other end. "I'm happy to do whatever it takes. For you and Eun-Ji. Just know, no matter what, I'm in your corner."
Jin felt a warmth bloom in his chest. "Thanks, Hoseok. That means a lot. Now, how about I pick you up at 12:30 on Saturday? We can grab coffee and steel ourselves for the 'meet the ex' experience before heading to the cafe."
A gentle laugh filled his ear. "Sounds like a plan. Just promise me one thing."
"Anything," Jin replied readily.
"If things get too hairy, we'll pretend to have a spontaneous make-out session just to mess with her head."
Jin burst out laughing, the tension momentarily dissolving. "Sounds like a terrible idea, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, right?"
"Exactly," Hoseok chuckled. "See you then, Jin."
The week crawled by for Jin. Every notification on his phone made him jump, half-expecting it to be Soo-Min canceling or changing the plans. He tried to focus on work, on Eun-Ji's endless questions about dinosaurs, on anything to distract himself from the looming lunch. Finally, Saturday arrived, a bright, crisp day that felt anything but calming to Jin.
He woke earlier than usual, a nervous knot twisting in his stomach. After choking down a small portion of gyeran bap with some lukewarm coffee, he headed next door to Jimin's place to drop off Eun-Ji. Jin knocked on Jimin's door, taking a deep breath as he waited for his friend to answer. While he trusted Jimin to watch Eun-Ji, he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt at leaving her behind for such an important lunch. He could only hope that Eun-Ji would be too caught up in playing with her favorite samchon to even give him a second thought.
The door swung open, revealing a smiling Jimin dressed in his usual colorful attire. "Hey, hyung! Come on in."
Jin followed him inside, the smell of fresh pancakes wafting through the air. "Thanks for watching Eun-Ji today, Jimin. I really appreciate it."
Jimin waved off his thanks with a dismissive hand gesture. "Don't mention it. I love spending time with my favorite paleontologist." He winked at Jin before turning to Eun-Ji, who was already happily playing with her toys on the living room floor.
"You have fun here, okay? Be good for Jimin samchon," Jin gently reminded her, earning Eun-Ji a cheerful nod.
"Of course, she will," Jimin chirped. "Now go get ready and knock 'em dead at lunch."
Jin chuckled weakly as he headed towards the door. "I'll do my best."
He made his way back to his apartment and took a moment to collect himself before getting ready for his lunch with Soo-Min and Hoseok. As he stood in front of his closet, trying to decide what to wear, his phone buzzed with a text from Hoseok.
Hoseok: On my way over now! See you soon :)
Jin quickly chose an outfit and sent a reply before heading out to meet Hoseok downstairs. Once they were settled in the car and on their way to Kimchi & Cream, Jin couldn't help but feel nervous. He glanced over at Hoseok, who seemed to be in a good mood.
“It’s going to be okay, Jin,” Hoseok reassured him with a gentle smile. “We’ll figure this out together.”
His words were a balm to Jin’s anxieties. He squeezed Hoseok’s hand, grateful for his unwavering support.
They arrived at Kimchi & Cream and were shown to a quiet table in the corner. Jin took the side of the table that put his back to the wall, and Hoseok slid into the chair next to him. Jin picked up the menu in front of him, fidgeting with it, his appetite mysteriously vanishing.
As they waited for Soo-Min to arrive, Jin's nervous chatter filled the air. He shared intimate details about his and Soo-min's relationship, previously untouched subjects that revealed a complex dynamic. Hoseok listened attentively, offering nods and supportive words. Jin described the current tension between him and Soo-min.
“I understand where she’s coming from,” Hoseok said thoughtfully, his hand sliding over Jin’s. “As a parent, it’s natural to want the best for your child. But I also believe that love and acceptance are essential for a happy life. And I know that you can provide both for Eun-Ji.”
Jin felt a surge of gratitude for Hoseok’s understanding; he flipped their hands resting on the table, letting their fingers slip in between each other. He knew that having Hoseok by his side would make all the difference, not just for him but for Eun-Ji as well.
The door chimed again, and Jin's heart skipped a beat as Soo-Min entered the coffee shop. Her elegant figure was framed by the sunlight streaming through the glass windows, her dark hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of silk. Her eyes scanned the room, and when they found Jin and Hoseok, she took a deep breath before walking towards them. Her face hardened, noticing their entwined hands as she approached their table.
"Hello," Soo-Min said, her voice curt as she greeted Jin, her gaze flicking to Hoseok with an air of skepticism. She pulled out a chair, seating herself opposite them, her arms crossed defensively. The atmosphere grew tense, the silence broken only when the waiter approached for their order.
"Hi, Soo-Min, thank you for coming," Jin took a deep breath and met Soo-Min’s gaze. “I know you have concerns about Hoseok. But I want you to know that he’s a good man. He loves Eun-Ji, and he wants nothing but the best for her.”
Soo-Min scoffed. “Love? You’ve known him for what, a few months? Love doesn’t just appear out of thin air.”
Jin opened his mouth to respond, but Hoseok gently placed a hand on his arm. “If you’ll allow me, Soo-Min,” he said, his voice soft but firm. “I’d like to share my perspective.”
Soo-Min hesitated for a moment before nodding curtly.
Hoseok turned to her, his eyes filled with sincerity. “I understand your concerns and respect your role as Eun-Ji’s mother. However, I want to assure you that my intentions are true.” Hoseok paused, sighing softly, “I know it’s not easy to see someone new in Eun-Ji’s life, especially considering the situation. ”
Soo-min crossed her arms. “It's not just about someone new, Hoseok. It’s about the environment she’s growing up in. I don’t want her to get confused.”
"First, I just want to say that Eun-Ji has been happier since Hoseok came into our lives," Jin cut in earnestly, glancing at Hoseok for support, his hand sliding to the other’s thigh. "He's been there for her in ways I couldn't have imagined, and he's been incredible to me too."
Hoseok nodded, his eyes pleading with Soo-Min to understand. "I care about Jin and Eun-Ji deeply, Soo-Min. I would never do anything to hurt them. And I think we've all grown through our experiences together."
"Speaking of experiences..." Jin reached for his wallet, pulling out a photograph of the three of them—Jin, Hoseok, and Eun-Ji—at the park, surrounded by flowers and sunshine. "This was taken during one of our outings. Eun-Ji adores spending time with Hoseok, as you can see."
Soo-Min took the photo, her eyes scanning the image as if searching for a hidden truth. There was a brief flicker of emotion in her gaze, but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
"Look, Soo-Min," Jin pressed on, his voice gentle and sincere. "I understand your concerns, but I want us to find a way to coexist harmoniously, for Eun-Ji's sake. Hoseok has been nothing but a wonderful addition to our lives, and I hope you can see that, too."
For a moment, silence enveloped them, the only sounds being the soft hum of conversations around them and the clink of silverware against plates.
Soo-Min's fingers traced the edge of the photograph, her expression unreadable.
She looked from the photo to Jin and Hoseok, her face a mix of concern and disapproval.
"I understand that Eun-Ji enjoys spending time with Hoseok, but you have to consider how confusing this will be for her," Soo-Min said, her voice firm. "She's still young, and I don't want her to get hurt or feel uncertain about her family situation."
Jin felt a pang in his chest at her words, knowing she had a point. He glanced over at Hoseok, who gave him an encouraging nod. "You're right, Soo-Min. Eun-Ji's well-being should be our top priority. That's why we wanted to talk to you about this—to make sure everyone is on the same page and we can approach this change as a team."
"Change?" Soo-Min crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. "What kind of change are you talking about?"
Hoseok hesitated for a moment, sharing a glance with Jin before he spoke up. "We... We've fallen in love, Soo-Min," he confessed, his voice soft but unwavering, Jin imperceptibly tensing beside him. "We’re moving toward becoming permanent fixtures in each other’s lives, and we would like Eun-Ji to be a part of that, too."
Soo-Min's eyes widened, and she shook her head in disbelief. "You can't be serious," she said, the skepticism dripping from her voice. "You expect me to believe that this...this relationship is good for Eun-Ji? You barely know each other!"
"Actually, we've gotten to know each other quite well over the past few months," Jin interjected, trying not to let Soo-Min's harsh words affect him. "We've spent a lot of time together, first as friends and later as partners. And Hoseok has become such an amazing part of our lives."
"Jin," Soo-Min sighed, her tone softening slightly. "I want you to be happy, I really do. But this is a lot to take in. And my main concern is our daughter's well-being. How can we be sure that this relationship won't create more confusion for her, especially if it doesn’t last?"
"Because we're committed to communicating with Eun-Ji and with you every step of the way," Hoseok chimed in, his hand finding Jin's hand under the table where it rests on his thigh and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We know this is new territory for all of us, but we truly believe that if we're open and honest about our intentions and feelings, we can make this work for everyone involved. And as for lasting, I for one, don’t plan on giving this love up anytime soon."
Soo-Min studied their faces for a long moment, searching for sincerity in their eyes. The silence hung heavy between them, and Jin couldn't help but hold his breath, hoping for a breakthrough.
"Alright," Soo-Min finally said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "I'll give this a chance. But please, promise me that you'll always prioritize Eun-Ji's happiness and well-being above everything else."
"Of course," Jin replied without hesitation, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. "That's all we want, too."
"Thank you, Soo-Min," Hoseok added, his voice filled with gratitude. "I promise we'll do everything in our power to make this transition as smooth as possible for Eun-Ji—and for all of us."
The sun peeked through a gap in the clouds, casting a warm glow on the table as Jin watched Soo-Min carefully. Her eyes were fixed on Hoseok, who had just returned from the counter with three steaming cups of coffee. The atmosphere was tense but tinged with hope, like the first buds of spring emerging from the frost-covered ground.
"Thank you," Soo-Min said, accepting her cup from Hoseok with a slight nod. It wasn't much, but Jin could see the beginnings of a thaw in her cold demeanor.
As they sipped their coffee, Jin glanced fondly at Hoseok's, feeling the heat of his hand resting on his thigh under the table. A warmth bloomed in his chest, and he felt gratitude for Hoseok's unwavering support. He glanced over at Soo-Min, catching her observing the interaction with a thoughtful expression.
"Jin," Soo-Min began hesitantly, "I've been thinking about what you said earlier, about how happy Hoseok makes you." She paused, looking down at her hands before continuing, "It's been a long time since I've seen you this... alive."
Jin's heart raced at her words, his mind replaying countless moments of laughter and tenderness shared with Hoseok. "He's brought so much joy into my life," Jin admitted, his voice thick with emotion. "And Eun-Ji adores him."
Soo-Min studied the two men across from her, her eyes softening as she took in the genuine love radiating between them. She seemed to be searching for something, some reassurance that her daughter would indeed be cared for.
As if sensing her thoughts, Hoseok turned to Jin, his voice filled with genuine curiosity to ease the worry emanating from her, “Did Eun-Ji finish her science project? I know she was really excited about it."
"Almost," Jin replied, a proud smile lighting up his face. "She's been working so hard on it, staying up late to ensure everything is perfect."
Soo-Min couldn't help but notice how Hoseok's eyes also shone with pride. It was clear that he cared deeply for Eun-Ji and her happiness.
She took a deep breath, her gaze meeting Jin's. "Jin," Soo-Min said, finally breaking her silence. "I can see how much you both care about each other—and about Eun-Ji." 
Jin's heart swelled with a multitude of feelings. "We really do. Honestly, I haven’t been this happy in a long time," he said softly, tilting his head to look fondly at his partner.
"Let's take this one step at a time," Soo-Min suggested, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "For Eun-Ji's sake and for all of us."
As they continued to talk and share their hopes and concerns for the future, the sun beamed down upon them, illuminating the fragile, blossoming bond between three adults determined to nurture the happiness of the little girl who brought them together.
It wasn’t long after they parted ways, saying their goodbyes in front of the restaurant.
The sun dipped low in the sky, casting warm hues of orange and pink as Jin and Hoseok headed to the car. As they approached the vehicle, Jin pulled Hoseok slowly to a stop next to it. Jin leaned back against the car, guiding the younger man in front of him, situating him between his legs as their fingers tangled together.
Jin rolled his lip between his teeth, eyeing his partner. “So… we’re in love, huh?”
A vibrant blush crawled up Hoseok’s face, ducking his head. “I… um, I may have gotten ahead of myself.” Hoseok peeks up at Jin through his lashes. “But I wasn’t lying.” Hoseok took a deep breath, straightening up, “Jin, I love you.”
Jin’s eyes locked onto Hoseok’s, drinking in the words spilling from the man’s lips. The air around them seemed to hum with the weight of their emotions, drawing them closer together like a magnet. Jin felt his heart flutter and his stomach twists in knots, connecting him to Hoseok in a way he had never felt before. A tension crackled in the air, igniting a spark between them as they stood frozen in time.
Jin tugged Hoseok even closer, his hand cupping the slightly shorter man’s cheek. “I thought I wouldn’t ever feel like this again. Hell, even stronger than I have ever felt.” Jin’s plump lips spread in an ear-splitting grin, “Hoseok, I love you, too.”
The tension snapped as the two men collided, their lips gluing together. Hoseok's arms slid around Jin’s shoulders as Jin’s fingers dug into the slimmer’s waist. Their lips slipped and slid against each other. It felt like electricity crackled over their skin as they got lost in each other.
Having lost track of time, they don’t part until the sky is awash in blues and purples, and their lips are swollen and chapped. Their foreheads pressed together, heavy exhales brushing against their faces.
The next day, Jin stood in front of the window, feeling the familiar flutter of nerves in his stomach. He took a deep breath, his gaze flicking to Eun-Ji's bedroom door, where he could hear her laughter mingling with Hoseok's before turning back to the window.
"Jin," Hoseok approached silently, grazing his hand across Jin’s lower back as he stood beside him in front of the window. "You're going to do great. Just be honest with her."
"Thanks, Hobi," Jin whispered, trying to steady his racing heart. He knew how much Eun-Ji already adored Hoseok, but there was still a lingering fear that she might struggle to accept the changes in their family dynamic.
Taking another steadying breath, Jin rapped lightly on Eun-Ji's ajar door before pushing it open all the way. She looked up from the floor, where she and Hoseok had been assembling an intricate puzzle, her face lighting up at the sight of her father.
"Appa!" Eun-Ji exclaimed, clambering to her feet. "Come help us! Hoseok-ssi said we're almost done!"
Jin sat down on her bed, patting the space next to him as a silent request for her to join him. His voice wavered slightly as he began, "Actually, princess, I wanted to talk to you about something important."
"Is everything okay?" Eun-Ji asked, her brow furrowing in concern as she noted Jin's nervous demeanor.
"Of course, sweetheart," Jin assured her, guiding her to sit on the edge of her bed. He hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "You know how Hoseok has been spending a lot of time with us lately?"
"Uh-huh," Eun-Ji nodded, her eyes wide with curiosity. "He's fun and helps me with my homework sometimes."
"Right," Jin continued, his heart pounding in his chest. "Well, Eun-Ji, Hoseok, and I… we've grown very close. Not just as friends but as something more. I want him to be a part of our family."
"Like... as a brother?" Eun-Ji asked, tilting her head to one side.
Jin couldn't help but chuckle at her innocent interpretation. "No, sweetheart. More like how your mom and I were before we got divorced.” Jin worried at his lip before taking a deep breath and spitting it out. “Hoseok is my romantic partner now."
Eun-Ji blinked, sitting there silently for a moment before her eyes widened in understanding. Jin held his breath, waiting for her reaction. Then, to his immense relief, a bright smile broke across her face.
"Really? That's so cool! I love having Hoseok-ssi around!" she bubbled excitedly, bouncing up and down on the bed. "Does this mean he can come to my school events and stuff now?"
"Of course," Jin said, laughing with relief at her enthusiastic response. "And you can call him Hoseok-oppa if you want."
"Oppa," Eun-Ji tested the new name, beaming at Hoseok, who peeked through the door. "I like it!"
With that simple declaration, the last of Jin's worries dissolved, replaced by a warm glow of happiness and gratitude. Eun-Ji hopped off the bed, ran over to Hoseok, and pulled him over to Jin. She tugged on Jin’s hand until he stood up and pulled them both into a tight embrace, her little arms wrapping around their waists.
"Welcome to the family, Hoseok-oppa," Eun-Ji whispered, her words echoing the joy that filled Jin's heart.
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thebest-medicine · 1 year
Day 7: Flustered
Tickletober 2023 - RELIC - Smash & Grab - lee!Simon
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
[read on AO3]
A/N: I am going to inflict my recently read cute sweet weird little dinosaur shapeshifting punk x paleontologist romance novels upon you. (Youuuuu should read Smash & Grab by Maz Maddox. It’s narrated excellently by Kirt Graves and reads like a fanfiction in a novel. Also there’s some dinosaur animorphers lmao. The book is 1st person POV that switches between the main characters so I decided to try my hand at it.) Me over here changing up how one of the scenes played out - adding some tickles, classic. Enjoy.
Words: 1.1k
What the hell? Within a few days my world had shifted and flipped upside down, and now, if the being-on-the-run damsel-in-distress role wasn’t enough, my forced traveling companion slash savior slash crush had just climbed into bed with me. Arms wrapped around my middle and I jumped, hissing out, “Dalton.”
“I’m cold, won’t you cuddle with me?” Dalton mused, pulling his body closer to mine under the covers. Damn this one bed safehouse.
“No- what? I- I’m going to sleep!” I argued - it sounded better in my head. “Get off!” 
“Come onnnnn.” Dalton sing-songed. His hands pulled me closer to him and wrapped around my middle. He squeezed a little where his hands rested along my sides.
I knew I was in trouble when my mind caught up a few seconds later and realized the loud, squeaking sound that suddenly lit up the room had come from me. 
“Oh… Simon.” His voice sounded honey-sweet. Why did it also sound so scary? 
Fingers curled against my left side, scribbling curiously. Shit. What the fuck was this guy doing?! I snarled - well, I tried to, but it came out a little breathless. “W-What the fuck do you think you’re doing!?”
There was a snort in reply. “What do you think I’m doing?” 
And then the hands wrapped around me from behind wiggled against the same spot again, this time on both sides. Shit. It really fucking tickled. Already. Shit. I swallowed a nervous lump in my throat along with the laughter starting to bubble up in my gut. I knew he could feel me tense and squirm with how fucking close he was lying to me. 
“D-Dalton..” I tried to wiggle forward, out of his embrace that I wasn’t entirely sure yet if I wanted out of, and nearly got to the edge of the mattress. 
“Heh. Ticklish? That’s pretty damn cute, Sugarbear.” Dalton’s smirk came through clearly in his tone. He chased after me with a few wriggles of his own and then nuzzled into my neck. Tingles shot down my spine as I gasped in a breath - I could feel the burn of a laugh trying to escape. 
“No-” It came out as a wheeze, and I couldn’t hold back the laughter any longer as Dalton kept squeezing at my damn sides. “Ahaha n-nohohoho don’t! Wait- heheh wait!” I tried to shake my head just as little bubbles of laughter started to climb their way out. 
“Don’t wait?” He teased. “Okay.” And then his hands started squeezing at my hips and I buckled forward, almost lurching off the bed.
“Nohoho- hehehee Dahahhalton! C-Cut it out!” I reached wildly toward his hands on instinct, trying to grab his wrists and pry them away. All I really managed was to hold on to them as he began tickling up and down the length of my sides. God, it- it didn’t do anything to deter him. He was… much stronger than me - which I did not have the mental energy to think about right now. In fact, I was quickly losing the mental energy to think about anything.
Be still my beating fucking heart. This sexy, handsome, adorable, nerdy paleontologist- he was going to be the death of me. I nuzzled in against the side of his neck to get a little closer to those adorable little giggles - and to try and catch a glimpse of that smile of his. 
“You have the cutest fucking laugh.” I teased as Simon grabbed onto my wrists. I pushed my nose gently into the skin behind his ear. I kissed there too, and felt his back shiver. “Fucking adorable.”
“Dalton! C-Cut it out!” Simon cried out, joy evident on his face and in his voice. His legs started to kick, sometimes knocking against my own legs. I wrangled my leg around to secure over his thighs, keeping still enough to wiggle but not kick. 
“Cut what out? The tickling?” I wiggled my fingers up toward his lower ribs, earning a cackle. “Or the teasing?” I grinned. I placed all ten finger tips against his sides through the shirt he wore - his little sliver of protection. Then I spider-walked them in front to his stomach. 
Simon shrieked and started squirming harder. His hands gave up on grabbing mine and instead moved to try and block as much of his belly as possible. It was cute. Everything he did was cute. 
Simon’s cheeks nearly matched my hair as he giggled and squirmed. I whispered more teases and musings and compliments, and Simon’s pretty pink started turning red. 
“Hey.” I patted his shoulder as he sighed and caught his breath.  “Now I know a great way to pass the time while we’re waiting things out in this safehouse.”
Simon let out a tired little giggle at that. 
“You… Pink menace.” He accused with no venom, smiling as he closed his eyes.
“You’re pretty damn pink yourself right now.” I smirked. Simon grumbled in response before I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in close to be my little spoon. My cute, ticklish, dorky little spoon. Simon came willingly, tuckered out from laughing so hard. 
Maybe another night, he might even seek out a little revenge? I remembered the feeling from several romantic encounters- the electricity of it, the bubbly lightness afterward. It was an interesting sensation to say the least, mammals were interesting - especially these strange hairless apes. 
I stopped thinking about it too hard and refocused on Simon’s slowing breath in front of me. I nuzzled into his neck again, feeling him tense up a bit. 
“Heh- no- no more tickling- I’m exhausted.” Another tired laugh. 
“Yes, yes, but we can cuddle?” I asked, wondering genuinely, but also enjoying teasing him a little.
Simon let out a quiet little sound of distress. He sounded a bit tormented when he said, “Yeah, well, I guess we- we already are so..”
I hummed and answered, “Goodnight, Sugarbear,” as I felt him slowly relax into my arms. Butterflies danced in my stomach as though I had just been the one to be made kicking and giggling.
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wooftphr · 4 months
going to start posting shit my marine biology teacher says bc shes probably one of the most interesting people ive ever met. i dont even know how to describe it. here are some actual things about her and that ive heard her say:
-her accent is very noticeable, but equally as hard to place. at first, i thought it was bc i had just never heard or clocked it, but it did feel familiar. i just couldn’t figure out where it was from. when someone finally asked her where her accent was from, she told us “i don’t know, i just pick things up from places ive visited and lived.” which is a very long list, and you can hear the influence that every place on it has on her speech.
-“over spring break, im going to climb mount kilamanjaro!”
-the first or second week of school, she told the class that “if you need to reach me this weekend, i wont be able to answer any emails. it’s not that i don’t want to, but ill be deep beneath the earth exploring cave systems so i wont have service.”
—bonus: she shared photos of a strange Bug of some sort, greater than the size of a hand, that she had to crawl around in a very tight cave system when it wouldnt move. she also got covered in ants on this same trip, saying that “only her fingernails were visible”
-“i’ll be out of class next week, i’m going to be in a remote cabin. im planning on getting snowed in and ill be completely cut off from the world”
-“im so close to the treasure i can feel it i bet on a book at an auction and i can smell the answer, i know it has a secret that will help me get closer”
-“i used to have a t-rex jawbone but i had to leave it behind, i couldnt transport it”
-“i want to visit my friend who lives in alaska, but its so remote that i have to take a helicopter and its such a hassle not having any access to the rest or the world”
-“later on in the year, i may have to zoom to teach you all since i applied to be a part of a landmark research voyage and i am one of the final selections.”
-“i watched someone get stung by a stonefish. thankfully he survived but it was nasty stuff”
-“i was stung by several fireworms during a study. it was 2am and there was no one around, so i had to figure out a way to treat myself. for 3 years after, the hospital called ME for fireworm stings”
-she mentioned having more than 1 car, and when a student asked how she could afford multiple cars she told us “im a treasure hunter!” and DID NOT ELABORATE FURTHER!!!!!!!!!
-shes a big one piece fan because shes a treasure hunter, which is crazy because she is also the sort of woman who seems like she has not even a drop of free time she is so busy Doing Cool Shit
-“if you saw my closet, you would think i was a paleontologist”
-she is part of the explorers club, which i didn’t know was a Real Thing. like you see something like that in media and its like “oh thats an antiquity and used to emphasize the eccentricity” but no they have meetings and everything.
-“hong kong’s customs/mail system HATES me. i was the reason for a new law or two haha” its necessary to note that i dont remember this exactly, but i do remember her telling us that there is a government office in asia that has a bias specifically against her. its also necessary to note that she once again, did not elaborate.
-“and NO ONE else wanted to go into the steel cage being circled by a great white!”
-“i had to stop visiting a dolphin i was helping study because it got so excited to see me it caused problems. it kept throwing itself against the glass when it saw me because it was copying all the kids who would tap on the glass i think? it was so sad”
more to come. im obsessed with this woman ngl.
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lollipencil · 2 months
SuperMoon: Part 6
Here's the next part! Finally.
Enjoy and be gentle ---
Layla watched the news with a growing realisation.
Nothing had happened when she'd first woken up. Her dad and Marc lay close by, both fast asleep. A contemplative air had filled the kitchen as Layla brewed her coffee. But the questions she'd thought of then, were viciously silenced by what she was seeing on the screen.
Right there, on the news, was a vast creature. Laying asleep partly buried in the sand. Some form of military stationed all round.
Layla's eyes refused to leave the screen, even as she leaned over to nudge her dad. Even his harshly whispered swears couldn't stop her looking. Because her eyes were firmly on the very familar green feathers lining the creature's neck. "That's closer than last night," her dad whispered. This had her turn away finally: "What? "That's closer to civilisation than where he left us," his eyes were wide, "Oh, oh no."
Layla waited as her dad breathed in deep. "He knows where he is. Khonshu is coming."
She could feel it when she woke.
Why? It had been so long, why had he woken up? She knew her mate felt it too, was likely already heading in that direction. For a challenge or otherwise. At least, her followers were close by.
The queen of the monsters spread her wings. She would get her answers.
Within hours, a mobile research site had been built around the nest of the tentatively named Khonshu. By the time Ilene's helicopter had landed, everything was pretty much ready. "Anything noteworthy?" she asked upon stepping out onto the sand. "We've identified what he was digging up," a soldier quickly fell into step with her and handed off a tablet.
The image rendered her speachless for a second. "Well, the paleontologists are going to be very happy," Ilene finally commented, "Where's the head?" "We believe he has it," the soldier waved to a cluster of tendrils wrapped around something. Ilene hummed and entered a tent: "Any further details from the temple?" "Residue of an unknown substance was found in the lower portion," a scientist piped up, "alongside feathers similar to the titan's but smaller, and this."
Being carefully handed by the scientist, was a torn bullet-proof vest. Ilene stared at it. "How are we on locating Dr El-Faouly?" "No trace of him near the titan's nest, but we've sent a team to his home address, and another is attempting to contact his daughter."
Ilene nodded, "I want a full list with images of everyone missing from the dig site." The soldier nodded and walked out of the tent. "Who do you belong to?" she thought as she looked at the vest, "and what happened?"
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darkfictionjude · 4 months
Etymology nonnie here!
I'm not gonna comment on the poll that is going on (anyone who has read anything I've written knows who I voted for and support). I don't want to make campaign, and unlike the future IF poll, there are no major consequences. So no corruption this time from my part. I've been tempted to comment on the poll, since it's interesting to witness how the results fluctuate as people vote. Yet, alas, I don't want to spam more than I already do speaking about something that has varied so much as the day went.
That said, I've been interested by two things discussed today: The RO's as parents, and Lorcan's long relationship with Orla. In this ask I'll focus on the former, and I'll write another ask for the latter. I don't think I can tie them together well enough to justify including it here. So, take this as an omen for what it is to come.
1) The RO's as parents:
So far, none of them really fit the idea of a character who is ready to have children. All three, plus MC, need extensive therapy before they are in a good place to consider parenthood (which is something you already pointed out). Having that established, they are not the same. In the sense that I could see Nia and Imre being able to adapt to being parents with more ease than Lorcan. Perhaps not in every aspect of parenting, but in plenty.
Nia is logical enough that she probably would find a way to make it work alongside her career. Her family, if I remember correctly, has enough resources than a child shouldn't be that much of a hydrance economically. And, since in all these scenarios we are assuming the RO's is with the MC, then we can expect MC to stay at home while Nia studies/works (depending on which point of the time line we are talking about). That said, I imagine Nia would expect MC to work too (especially if MC is female, for some reason I imagine Nia would prefer another fellow woman to be a part of the workforce, and feel somewhat vindicated if a male MC took a more traditional femenine role by staying home, although I may be entirely wrong on this; yet, I still would expect her to want MC to work, regardless of gender). I imagine MC would probably have a part time job, or one that had flexible hours.
As a mother, I think you established already she would be strict. I believe she would be rather cold, but still affectionate. Like, she will be there for her kids when they need her. But otherwise wouldn't be over them all the time to give them affection. I also believe she would be the kind of mother her children would be scared of. Especially because she wouldn't yell, she wouldn't even raise her voice a bit. She would just give one cold disappointed look, and the kid would live with regret for whatever they've done to deserve such look.
Imre probably could throw money at some of the issues. But I also expect him to try to one up, if subconsciously, his own father by how he raises any child. Money also has the advantage that he can stay at home more than he would be able otherwise. Although I do think he would try to work as a paleontologist, and maybe bring his kid alongside him once the kid is old enough (not much of an option for Nia, if she is to become a doctor). Here again it would make sense for MC to stay at home more than Imre. Yet, unlike with Nia, I don't think Imre would expect MC to work (there's not really a need, after all) unless MC wanted to pursue a particular career.
As a parent, I imagine Imre is affectionate yet a bit distant. In the way some fathers can be. I'm not sure if I can explain it. Interestingly, I think he would be the kid of parent the chidren would love more when they are younger, and grew a bit more desillusioned when they get to adulthood. Simply because Imre, so far, seems more ideal as a romantic partner than as a parent. The kind of person who doesn't really want to settle down (didn't he want to marry MC like in his 40's? I think that would be devastating to many MC's if they were dating Imre since their early 20s). I don't think he would be neglectful, at all. I just see him as the cool dad, who becomes less cool when you realize what his coolness demands from him and his time.
Lorcan is a different story. I think Lorcan would love any kid of his no matter what, but he is not in a situation to have them. He is too poor for it to be responsible. And given that MC wouldn't bring any money, both would need to work. So, forcefully, they are less involved with their children. And I don't know if they can afford a nanny or equivalent as Nia and Imre would, so the situation becomes significantly more complicated.
But there is also the aspect of Lorcan, at least as of now, seems less mature than the other two RO's. Which may be because of his hotheadedness, but also due to him expressing his hatred and emotions with significant lesser control than the other two. Some of his behavior can be a bit childish too. So, at least for me, he would have the hardest time adapting to be a parent. Both due to money and maturity.
Which I think can explain why you see him as someone whose children won't respect him. I see Lorcan as someone who would love them too much, and wouldn't know how to discipline children. Depending on MC for that (which, I don't know how that'll work). So money could be even more of an issue if his kids don't realize early how poor they are. But that's a bit sad to think about.
Overall, I think the other problem when trying to imagine the RO's as parents, is how you fit MC in that image. Simply because MC is too wide of a variable, based on how different you can play them. And the thing about parenthood, is that is something that ideally should be a partnership. And if you can't be sure what half of said partnership may be like... Well, I don't think is easy to imagine how it'll go. For a reader, like me, it's easier since we just put our own MC without considering the other possible ways MC could be and develop. But for you, it probably is hard to imagine MC as anything but a very flexible and varied entity.
I say this adding over the point of the RO's and MC being very young as of now. It's hard to imagine them as parents when they have do much to do before that. Even if in the 90's people married and had children earlier than today (on average, although don't quote me on that, as I have not done any proper research on the matter).
I feel you’re pretty spot on actually. Nia would want mc to work in some capacity, she would like for them to have equal time for work and child raising. Imre would be a bit more distant as the children grow up, I likened him to a father who has his kids when he’s old, he’s a good dad but he isn’t as close as he can be when they’re teenagers and adults. And yeah I did say Imre would prefer to be married in his 40s. And Lorcan, yeah he has too many issues with parenthood, his own self doubts and that he’s not sure if he even wants children.
In the 90s there was a rise in how old people had children, still a bit young but from what I remember it’s 22-24 ish
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the intervention
SHAWN: Yo! Dad? (closes the door and crosses the room) I've brought the keys back. Hello!
SHAWN walks into the kitchen to see HENRY and GUS. GUS is sitting at the table eating a cupcake.
SHAWN: Okay, this is creepy. Why is Gus here?
HENRY: Why do you think, Shawn?
SHAWN: He's a hostage.
A MAN in a suit walks over from the sink area.
MAN: Perhaps I can shed some light on that.
SHAWN: Two hostages.
HENRY: Doug Devette is an old colleague of mine from the force. The Chief asked me to have him drop by.
SHAWN: (tosses the keys on the table) Why?
HENRY: Doug is the department psychologist, Shawn.
SHAWN: What is this, some sort of intervention?
HENRY: Yeah, sort of.
DOUG: We don't like to use the term "intervention," Shawn.
SHAWN: (looks at GUS) Gus?
GUS: Don't look at me. I'm here for the cupcakes.
SHAWN: Dad, I am not on drugs.
DOUG: Oh, nobody thinks that, Shawn.
HENRY: Well, I'm not completely sure about that, Doug.
DOUG: We're all just a little concerned that you might be stretching yourself a bit too thin.
HENRY: It wasn't my idea, but he's right, Shawn. You're acting like a nut job.
SHAWN: Just because I take Gus' giant dinosaur head down to a dead body does not make me a nut job.
GUS: What? (gets up and looks out the window to see the head in the back of HENRY’S truck) You took my T-Rex? My mom gave it to you?
SHAWN: Gladly. She also gave me some pictures you can pay me to not show your next girlfriend.
GUS: What pictures?
SHAWN: The ones that document your Terence Trent D'Arby phase.
GUS: Whatever, Shawn. You took Danny Dino to the police station?
SHAWN: No. Gus, give me some credit. I took him to the morgue. Good news. Your specifications were spot on.
GUS glares at SHAWN before sitting back at the table to finish his cupcake.
DOUG: Your father tells me you have delusions of magical powers.
SHAWN: Delusions? Really? Doug, I'm employed as a psychic. I've solved 18 cases this year. I have business cards and a personalized coffee mug that backs up the whole thing. I feel things about people. (sees DOUG is wearing different colored socks) You, for instance, are color blind. That's nothing to be ashamed off. (sees bitten fingernails) You're also really stressed about something. (sees university pamphlets) College. It can be very expensive, Doug.
DOUG: (turns to HENRY) Oh, that was good, Henry.
HENRY: Doug, do not be a stooge.
DOUG: Not a stooge, but in this one case, he was right.
SHAWN sees a shadow at the window of the kitchen door and puts a hand to his head.
SHAWN: Knock at door.
There is a knock on the door and VICK and LASSITER let themselves in.
HENRY: (walks over) Karen, do you mind? We're in the middle of an intervention here.
VICK: We don't have time for that.
HENRY: But you're the one who asked for this!
VICK: And I thank you, Henry, but I'm afraid that this can't wait. We just got a break in the case. (turns to SHAWN) We just found out the name of the dead man. You want to tell him who he is, Detective?
VICK: His name was Christopher Franzen. He is a paleontologist.
They look to SHAWN and he turns to GUS and then everyone turns to GUS.
GUS: A dinosaur hunter.
SHAWN: (looks at VICK) As expected. Doug, pleasure was all mine. (shakes DOUG’S hand)
DOUG: Oh, no, Shawn, mine.
SHAWN: We should get together.
like why does henry actually think shawn has legit delusions? how do u know he is not faking it & KNOWS he's faking it? But tbh imo shawn is legit psychic. It's like gravity, airplanes, drugs, & placebos. Sure u can explain how they work to me but I don't care. To me they are magic. Just because there is a scientific explanation doesn't make it any less magical. Oh & also henry thinks shawn might be on drugs!?? I mean yeah that boy probably smokes weed. Maybe magic mushrooms Possibly other stuff but I doubt it, even speed. I think he has adhd so the whiz would be prescribed but idk if pineapple has interactions with that. I'm getting off topic
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blobbei-art · 1 year
AU Masterpost
Decided to make a masterpost for this so I can just direct to a post whenever I make art for an AU if people want context.
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Medieval fantasy like DnD/similar, not going for historical accuracy. Kasifer lives in a small town named Alpkirchen where he works, disguised as a human, as violin teacher/musical conductor. Hadiye is his best friend who was initially crushing on him.
His sister Theresia, the Goddess of Life, lives with him and they both enjoy their everyday life in the town. They're obviously a little out of place though.
Intro Pages for Kas, Theresia and Marzie!
Tags: #Kasifer #Theresia #OC
Mutant AU:
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Kasifer and Theresia were kidnapped as children and experimented on throughout their whole lives, turning them into mutants with superpowers. They continue to live in the faraway forest where experiments with humans still take place. Although helping out and now kidnapping people themselves, they are neutrally aligned to these actions.
Their life changes when Hadiye single-handedly plows through various boss like mutants, destroying the facility and taking the two with her, where they get therapy and deal with their trauma, slowly and cautiously exploring their newfound, normal life.
Tag: #Mutant AU
Harpy AU:
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Hadiye is interested in magic and explores an old cursed town that has bested many travellers. She finds out that the monsters there are actually the townspeople who were cursed with immortality centuries ago and became monsters over time. She befriends Kasifer, who is a giant harpy and longs for his old life as a human. She ends up making a potion that can temporarily turn him back into a human, and he slowly finds joy in life again even as a monster with Hadiye cheering him up.
Tag: #Harpy AU
Egg AU:
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Two ancient dinosaur eggs were found frozen in ice. To the surprise of the paleontologists, they actually hatch! And they turn out to be sentient. Kasifer and Theresia are two dinosaurs in a modern world, feeling a little out of place, but slowly getting the hang of it.
Tag: #Egg AU
Doppelgänger AU:
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Modern human Kasifer is visited by a magical stranger who looks identical to him: the Kasifer from the Godverse canon.
He is here to investigate an anomaly as part of his job as God of Death. God!Kasifer sometimes takes Human!Kasifer’s role to not stick out.
Tag: #Doppelgänger AU
Familiar AU:
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Kasifer and Theresia are crow-sized familiars to Hadiye. The other gods from the canon are also small familiars instead and they share gossip they pick up from town.
Tag: #Familiar AU
Rain World AU:
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Theresia manages to kill one of her creators and is almost to be reprogrammed. Kasifer tries to save her by killing both of their cities.
Kasifer deals with dissociation and the existential crisis that comes with being a colossal computer with a puppet whom he feels disconnected from yet deeply fond of it. After the last mass ascension Theresia rebels by turning herself into something her creators would've considered of low enlightenment: a wild beast that does violence for the sake of violence.
In the present they are visited by some ancients, because turns out they still exist.
Tag: #Rain world AU
Professor Layton AUs:
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God they are all over the place. In one Descole accidentally frees Theresia who then offers to help him out as a thanks. Kasifer is watching over Descole in the Ghost Descole AU.
Tags: #Professor Layton AU #Ghost!Descole AU
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beesgnise · 1 year
i’ve been put into an overwatch era so here’s my oc that i’m revamping! please feel free to ask any questions or critique anything :) backstory and story coming next!
zarifa hilolova
overwatch oc
overwatch name: sehr
backstory: a paleontologist that discovered a warehouse hidden beneath a mile of dirt. upon finding a way in through a long cave system, she found a left behind armory, covered floor to ceiling with scattered blueprints and weaponry. she picked up one of the blueprints- there was no port for gas or any oil. multiple solar panels were on all of the artillery- could they really be powered by the sun?
zarifa brainstorming:
how is she a support? how does her attack work?
-her weapon, a simple light blaster, is filled with mirrors and lenses, able to amplify any form of light, especially the sun, into a deadly beam. her healing does not work through her weapon, though she can still use it at the time of healing (with slowed attack speed).
her healing can either be a close range ability that can heal up to two nearby allies, and its intensity increases due to the number of Light Particles she currently holds. Light Particles are obtained through her standard attack. the maximum number is three, which will fully heal one ally and heal another for half of their hp, regardless of character. her ultimate is a burst heal, much like zenyatta’s, with beams similar to mercy’s ultimate, but for a shorter duration and with more limited movement. a beam of light flows from her to each of her teammates and progressively heals them, decreasing with distance. during this period of time, zarifa’s attack is slightly increased, and the generation speed of Light Particles increases, though they cannot be used until her ultimate is over.
how does this all work?
through her repeated experimentation with vishkar’s tech and assistance from a friend, zarifa implanted a number of altered solar chips in her skin. said chips would react with the weapons, and solar power gathered from one could charge the other further (see: Light Particles). the implants are in her left cheekbone, right wrist, and at the top of both of her shoulders. due to the process used for putting them in and the occasional overheating, all areas are scarred and marked by a small raised pink square. due to the chips absorbing and transmitting solar energy, those areas tend to be warmer, and overheating of any for any duration of time could be lethal. small chips, along with a larger, central command implant in her chest, allow for zarifa to conduct solar energy and power, and thus power her healing and blaster.
what about her demeanor?
zarifa prides herself strongly on her work, but also on the saying to ‘love life, because what else is there?’. though she may seem off putting at first, especially when absorbed into a project for days on end, zarifa enjoys simpler things such as tinkering with a broken remote, or befriending a cat on the base. though she holds herself strongly in battle and training, she does not like to think that she is intimidating.
how does she fare with others?
she believes that respect should be earned, and not freely given. though she respects all members of overwatch, should they do anything to break it, she isn’t above failing to repair a personal belonging or triggering the fire alarm in their quarters only. her trust is not easy to earn- given her line of work, that is to be expected, but after she was nearly manipulated into imprisonment, zarifa rarely works outside of her quarters. unless special equipment is required, she refuses to let anyone see her working out of fear that they’ll take it back from her again—
and after the threat that had been made- that they’d rip her command chip straight out of her chest. she has protected her work with her life, and refuses to let it be taken from her, whether it be by physical means or by making her reveal how she makes it work.
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
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Title: The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History: From the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us Author: Steve Brusatte Genre/s: nonfiction, paleontology Content/Trigger Warning/s: none Summary (from publisher's website): We humans are the inheritors of a dynasty that has reigned over the planet for nearly 66 million years, through fiery cataclysm and ice ages: the mammals. Our lineage includes saber-toothed tigers, woolly mammoths, armadillos the size of a car, cave bears three times the weight of a grizzly, clever scurriers that outlasted Tyrannosaurus rex, and even other types of humans, like Neanderthals. Indeed humankind and many of the beloved fellow mammals we share the planet with today—lions, whales, dogs—represent only the few survivors of a sprawling and astonishing family tree that has been pruned by time and mass extinctions. How did we get here?
In his acclaimed bestseller The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs—hailed as “the ultimate dinosaur biography” by Scientific American—American paleontologist Steve Brusatte enchanted readers with his definitive history of the dinosaurs. Now, picking up the narrative in the ashes of the extinction event that doomed T-rex and its kind, Brusatte explores the remarkable story of the family of animals that inherited the Earth—mammals— and brilliantly reveals that their story is every bit as fascinating and complex as that of the dinosaurs.
Beginning with the earliest days of our lineage some 325 million years ago, Brusatte charts how mammals survived the asteroid that claimed the dinosaurs and made the world their own, becoming the astonishingly diverse range of animals that dominate today’s Earth. Brusatte also brings alive the lost worlds mammals inhabited through time, from ice ages to volcanic catastrophes. Entwined in this story is the detective work he and other scientists have done to piece together our understanding using fossil clues and cutting-edge technology.
A sterling example of scientific storytelling by one of our finest young researchers, The Rise and Reign of the Mammals illustrates how this incredible history laid the foundation for today’s world, for us, and our future.
Buy Here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-rise-and-reign-of-the-mammals-a-new-history-from-the-shadow-of-the-dinosaurs-to-us-steve-brusatte/18064544 Spoiler-Free Review: This is a nice parallel to Brusatte's first book, Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs. I like how they followed almost similar narrative arcs, while also having similar tones of voice and writing style. I don’t think I’ve ever picked up nonfiction books by the same author that felt so naturally connected as these two do, and it was kind of pleasant to get to experience that here. The same enthusiasm that Brusatte brought to his first book, along with the same respect for his predecessors, colleagues, and students in the field. Those two aspects are the best part of this book - along, of course, with the scientific rigor that Brusatte brings to the table while simultaneously making everything remarkably readable for the layperson.
I will say though, that despite this feeling like a natural sequel to Rise and Fall, it doesn't have the same tone. Rise and Fall talks about dinosaurs and how they aren’t really dead: they’ve just evolved into birds, and so in a way, dinosaurs are still with us. This is a fantastic and wondrous line of thought, because isn’t it incredible to think that dinosaurs - which most people think of as long-dead animals (and most of them are) - to still be here with us, and moreover, to be creatures we encounter everyday, and even eat?
This book, however, doesn't have that same triumphal feel-- Actually, that's incorrect; it DOES have that feeling, especially during the first three-fourths of it, but as it progresses it becomes less triumphant and more solemn. Mammals were able to overcome the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs, and they were able to survive the many climate change disasters that came after - but can they survive the current human-made climate crisis? Can we, for that matter? The title Rise and Reign of the Mammals is definitely apt, because mammals did manage to rise and reign over the Earth - us humans in particular. But every rise comes with a fall: just look at the dinosaurs. This book does a good job of reminding the reader just what’s going to cause that fall, and how it might look like based on previously-explained extinction events. It's not all gloom-and-doom, of course: Brusatte is quick to remind the reader that, unlike previous climate change-caused extinction events, humans are actually in a position to do something about the current one, not least because we're the ones responsible for it. But even if we do manage that change, there is no denying that we've destroyed many species on the way to accomplishing it, and many more will probably die off along the way before this climate change crisis is finally manageable. As I said, a rather somber ending, but an important one. Rating: five platypus eggs
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frank what is the coolest dinosaur go
I'm actually going to say Tyrannosaurus rex, pictured below the fold:
That's from a book called The Dinosauria by Gregory Paul (my copy is the one pictured here, but a second edition came out in 2010). It's an unusually handsome dinosaur book (because, like, dinosaur books are always going to look good to some extent, y'know?) and is a pretty easy to read popular-format introduction to the topic. I've mentioned Paul before in other contexts (he's a paleontologist but he's also a biblical literalist who wrote a whole book against evolution called The Revolutionary Nature of Karl Marx, so he's not a guy you're gonna see mentioned very often), but he has some good reasons for believing certain dinosaurs (especially tyrannosaurs) are unusually cool.
I actually kind of disagree with him about this, on some level. See, he believes that small theropods (e.g. Velociraptor, Deinonychus, "Jaime" in Jurassic Park) really weren't capable of hunting large prey, because you'd need to be about 10 feet tall to knock down a big horned stegosaur (hence why large predators like T. rex and Giganotosaurus hunted that prey). I'm not too sure about this, because birds evolved from small theropods, and though I don't know for sure they all loved knocking down stegosaurs, they are certainly capable of doing it and there are obvious evolutionary reasons to evolve for it.
Actually, I guess this means that if Deinonychus et al. hunted big prey, maybe modern wildlife biologists would argue that the big prey was adapted to standing upright, because that would be the obvious expectation. But either way, I don't think he's proven his case, and it would be easy enough for a smaller predator to just swarm its prey if it got stuck and start gobbling its way to safety.
I think my bottom line is "small theropods were generally small and I'm not sure we really have a very good idea of what sort of creatures they were, so we can't rule out the possibility that they were scampering buggers who knew how to knock down big prey."
I say this because the reason I think tyrannosaurs, specifically, are cool is mostly because of the various skeletal adaptations that seem to have made them fast-running sprinters with good turning ability, rather than capable of long-distance pursuits (even if they could do that sometimes). And at least one tyrannosaur has been discovered with "bites" all over its body -- these were soft tissues that would stick out from the animal's body and would have been super-sensitive to touch and could have served as heat sensors. Imagine a T. rex that lives under a rock, and whenever another T. rex comes near it loses its shit and writhes around in terror, before backing off and running away.
When I picture that, I feel a little lump in my throat, like I've just seen someone do something deeply pathetic, and as much as I enjoy dinosaurs, I'd rather not have that feeling toward them. (A non-specific "feeling of awesomeness" is great, I will say, but my aesthetic sensibilities would prefer there be a distance between myself and the animals, and as much as I enjoy thinking of myself as part of the dinosaur tree, this is a sentiment that I do not want to propagate.)
The other cool dinosaur, I think, is Ankylosaurus, because they just look cool, like a walking mechanical nightmare, with all those spikes and armour plates:
The other cool dinosaur I know about is Pleurodiris, which you can see in The Dinosauria, but it's been a while and I don't remember its ins and outs (though I kind of want to come back to it in a minute). You see, in the 1980s, a bunch of students from "a local college" (I can't find an obvious indication of where, and Google doesn't seem to have anything on this event, so I don't know how to double-check this info) were excavating dinosaur bones in North Dakota or something, and they discovered a new type of dinosaur.
At the time, it was assumed that dinosaurs had evolved on the mainland of Pangea, not on islands, but a mammalian bone was found in the dinosaur bones, which seemed to indicate the presence of mammals on the island where the dinosaur bones were found. Given this, and the fact that the dinosaurs themselves seemed to be unlike any dinosaur that had ever been found before, Paul concludes that at least some of the dinosaurs in the mainland of Pangea must have evolved into, like, goats or something and then migrated to North America in a colonization wave.
He's not entirely right, because we do now know that dinosaurs lived on islands in the shallow seas near the mainland of Pangea, but at the time, this was a genuinely cool new hypothesis, and it seems at least plausible that "the American continent was colonized by some random dinosaur that evolved into sheep, before sheep-domesticating humans were around to help them out" (or something like that).
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