#feeling slightly hysterical sorry! had a nice long chat with a friend who made me laugh
mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 22
A/n: I am finally posting the new chapter, hopefully you didn’t forget what’s going on in the story… even if you do this chapter is lowkey unnecessary anyways, i don’t know why i have written it but still i wanted to post because happy chapters will be missed soon💁🏼‍♀️
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    Carina and Leo were getting ready to go out with some friends, they would go to a rock concert then a club later on to have some more fun. Scarlett was reading a book in the living room when someone knocked on the door. House elf answered it and let the person in. Allowin, Carina’s boyfriend, showed up at the living room’s door shyly.
“Hello Miss Rose.”
“Oh hi Allowin. Come, sit with me. They are still getting ready.” Scarlett put her book down with a kind smile.
“Sorry, i interrupted your reading...” Allowin and Carina were dating for 2 years by now but Allowin was still feeling intimidated by Scarlett even she was always nice to him.
“It is totally fine. How are you? I haven’t seen you for a long time.”
“I am good, thank you. I hope you are doing good too.”
“Yes, i feel really good lately.”
“And congratulations! I wish you a very successful presidency.”
“Thank you Allowin, you are so kind.” She smiled at him softly.
At the time the twins showed up at the doorway.“Hi Al honey! Did we keep you waiting for a long time?” Carina motioned him to come to her.
“Nope, i just came. Ready?” He kissed Carina’s cheek.
“Yes, let’s go love birds!” Leo rolled his eyes at them.
“Have fun dears!” Scarlett waved and blew kisses at them.
“Bye bye! We will be late, don’t worry!” They all shouted before leaving all together.
    Scarlett smiled at their excitement; she was like them too when she was younger. She remembered all the muggle concerts she has been with her friends, it was such fun times. After thinking about the memories, she decided to visit Remus. She hasn’t seen him for a while and it would be nice to have a chat with him.
  She wasn’t sure if he was at home but when she saw the lights, her worries disappeared. Scarlett knocked on the door with a smile on her face, seconds later Remus opened the door. His unexpected guest brought a smile up to his face too.
“Minister! Come in!”
“Hello moony!” She kissed his cheek and walked into his living room. “I came without asking but did you have any plans?”
“Me and my loneliness would hangout.” Remus chuckled. “Sit down please.”
“What a coincidence! I had the same plan but cancelled it.” Scarlett laughed and sat down the mustard coloured armchair while Remus sat the sofa right next to it.
“Are the kids with Sirius?”
“No, but they went out with some friends. So i got jealous and wanted to see my friend too!” She joked and patted his hand.
“I am glad you came, I couldn’t talk to you even in the cocktail...”
“Thanks to your mates...”
“Anyways, i will bring drinks then tell me how everything is going. Beer or wine?” Remus stood up to go to the kitchen.
“You know my answer Rem.”
“Red wine it is! Coming back in a minute!” His voice echoed from the kitchen.
Scarlett took a look at the Daily Mail which was on the coffee table. There was nothing interesting but fabricated news. She put it back when Remus came back with a glass of red wine for her and a can of beer for himself. They talked about this and that, shared laughter and played chess. They enjoyed playing chess together since their Hogwarts years. Both were good at it but tonight Remus was the lucky one and he won. Remus smirked while enjoying his win. He knew Scarlett gets salty after she loses a game, so he decided to have fun with her.
“The loser renews the drinks! Here you go!” He handed her the empty beer can and her glass.
“I will do but if you call me loser one more time, your shirt will drink the beer not you.” She headed to the kitchen while Remus was laughing at her.
“Ah a threat! I am so scared! Someone help me!”
Scarlett came back with their 4th drinks and slumped herself down next to him on the sofa.
“Thank you los-“  Remus reached for the beer but Scarlett held it away from him when he was about to call her loser again.
“Remember what i just said Remmy. Be a good boy because i don’t want to ruin your shirt, it is pretty.”
“Sorry your majesty! Could you please give me my beer?”
“That’s more like it. Here is your drink, peasant.” She laughed evilly when Remus sulked after she called him peasant.
    The alcohol in their blood was showing its effects on them since they started to act silly. When time passed by and 2 more drinks later, they put a disco music vinyl and had a dance party until fell on the sofa tiredly. Scarlett was still laughing hysterically at Remus’s funny dance moves.
“I wish you were with me every day...” Remus mumbled while looking at the over-happy woman next to him. His mood has changed from happy to somewhat melancholic.
“What?” Scarlett asked while trying to stop her laugh.
“I said i wish you were with me every day. I love spending time with you, always did.”
“Ah you wouldn’t want me every day.” Scarlett chuckled but Remus shook his head in disagreement.
“I want to tell you something...” Remus took a deep breath, normally he would never tell Scarlett what he was going to say right now and he was good at keeping it a secret for many years, but the drunk Remus was not like himself at all and he wasn’t thinking clearly. “I have a crush on you since the 5th year...”
Scarlett just stared at him while still laughing slightly.
“Say something Scar...”
“I... i don’t understand Remus. Are you joking, right?”
Remus sighed deeply, he knew very well Scarlett never had any romantic feelings towards him also he always felt guilty about his feelings because she was his best friend’s lover later his wife. So Remus chose to hide it all of these years because their friendship was more important than everything.
“Haha yeah, i got you right!?” He joked not very convincingly but she was drunk enough not to notice how fake he was acting.
“I was scared for a moment!” Scarlett chuckled softly and slapped his arm jokingly. “Don’t tell such things, i have a boyfriend.”
“What...? Who?”
Now it was Remus’s turn to be shocked. She hasn’t told anything about it while they were talking earlier when they weren’t very drunk. Maybe she wasn’t planning to tell this at all.
“Severus.” She smiled happily when she said his name in a soft tone.
Remus couldn’t help but felt sad. Just like Sirius, he never understood why she was so found of Snivellus. Maybe that was the true love, didn’t need any meaningful reason. “I hope he makes you happy... You deserve it.”
“Thanks Rem.” Scarlett patted his cheek then stretched her body. Her eyes were closing because of tiredness. “I need to go...” she tried to stand up but her dizzy head wasn’t a help and fell back on the sofa.
“Apparently you are staying here tonight.” Remus chuckled and pulled her legs up to the sofa to make her lay down properly.
“I guess so...” she muttered curling up and falling asleep after immediately.
“Good night sleepy head.” Remus wasn’t any different and he laid down the other side of the sofa and his eyes closed when he put his head on the pillow.
    The sun shined through the crack of the curtains directly to Scarlett’s face in the morning. She tried to cover her eyes with her hand but it didn’t help at all. She was trying to wake herself up and stretched her aching limbs which ended up kicking Remus’s back. It made him wake up startled.
“Oww Scar!”
“Rem..? Sorry, i didn’t see you...” Scarlett mumbled sleepily while trying to sit up.
Remus laid down for a while until Scarlett nudged his leg. “Wha...?” Remus muttered and curled up even more.
“I will go home. Probably the kids wondered me...”
“Stay for breakfast.”
“Nah, i don’t feel like eating... See you, thanks for the night.” She petted his hair before apparating.
    When she apparated in her living room Carina and Leo were eating their bowls of cereals there.
“Mum!? Weren’t you at home?” Carina almost choked on her food in surprise.
“No, i went out after you. I was planning to turn back but...yeah.” She sat beside her still sleepily.
“Were you with Professor Snape...?” Leo asked curiously because she was looking wasted.
Scarlett shook her head. “I went to Remus. Apparently, we drank too much and i fell asleep there.”
“Dad would be jealous that he missed the fun.”
“He is jealous of everything...” Scarlett rolled her eyes and stood up to go to bathroom. “I need a long bath. Don’t worry if i don’t come out for a while.”
“Okay but still make noises time to time.”
“Okay mummy.” Scarlett mocked Carina while pinching her cheek and went upstairs to give herself a relaxing bath.
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Trans!Harry AU (Screw You Rowling)
Gryffindor Common Room is loud and colorful in a way that the poor orphan hasn’t ever known a room could be. It’s filled with people of various ages, roughhousing, laughing, joking, studying, or even just being about.
Green eyes look over everything in wonder, taking the detail of the carvings of roaring lions on the window frames as the Perfect that led them here is speaking.
He is Ron’s brother, the orphan thinks, Percy, but the words aren’t registering until the end where the green eyes child’s attention snaps back to him as he finishes “-are the rules. We expect them to be followed. That’s all for tonight, everyone can go up to their dorms now. You’ll know which one is your’s by the year on the doors. Roommates are based on school years so get used to each other for the next seven years there will be no trading. Boys will go to the left and girls upstairs on the right. We meet up here tomorrow at seven am sharp to show you where classes will be so go to bed early.”
Everyone is moving then, chatting with each other as they split into the proper direction. Ron waves from where he’s following the boys and the yearning to be one of them is so overwhelming it almost causes the orphan to burst into tears right there.
But there isn’t a chance, that’s not the life given to the Girl-Who-Lived. The dorm that Ron is going to is not the one the Potter can go to. 
The girls are halfway up the stairs already, and they won’t wait forever. Waving back to the redhead, hoping the fragile friendship created on the train a few hours earlier will survive the separation, the young one rushes to catch up.
Green eyes stare up at the girls while pulling down on the skirt that never felt right ever, calling all the courage inside of one-self, the child lifts one foot and steps on the stairs.
It’s on the third one that they start screaming.
Everyone whips around to stare at the way the walls are yelling, the stairway changing into a giant slide sending everyone tumbling back down landing on the overly underprepared half-blood and nothing is making sense. What’s happening? Why are the walls screaming? Who’s foot was digging into-
“Are you serious? The first night back?” Percy appears hands on his hips to glare at them. His eyes narrow, sweeping over the crowd who are either covering their ears or laughing hysterical. “Alright which one of you pranksters was it? You know darn well boys can’t go up there!”
The screaming of the walls stop thankfully and everyone climbs to their feet. A girl with big bushy hair points at the child who was still on the ground.  “They started when this one went up.”
Why would she say that? Now everyone turns to look and whispers on how the Girl-Who-Lived set off the stairway. Face burning as a few point and make some faces stays on the ground unable to get back up.
Percy frowns and something cold and terrifying settles in the child’s chest as he kneels to get their faces at the same level. “You a boy?”
No one’s ever asked that before.  “I...I...”
“What am I saying? Course you a boy, otherwise the stairway wouldn’t have activated.” The perfect shakes his head as if to question his own sanity.
 He offers his hand to which the stunned student takes on reflex and is hurled back up. “Alright. Next time just say so, instead of waiting until the last minute. Go on to the boy’s dorm, your things will be moved in a few hours. Your uniform on the other hand...anyone got a spare male uniform for him to borrow tomorrow?”
He turns to the crowd and a few hands shoot up.  Percy points to a second year that seems about the same hight. “He’ll have to borrow it all of tomorrow and maybe the next day. I’ll tell Professor McGonagall and hopefully, we can get his own set by then.”
No one is acting like it’s odd, the second year all but gushing that his clothes will be worn by someone so important. He’s smug grin causing his friends to bristle slightly. 
Like a show had ended the crowd breaks away going back to what they were doing. A female perfect appears and ushers the girls upstairs, taking time to answer questions the bushy hair one asks. A male perfect is doing the same to the boys, though oddly they seem to be speaking to the muggle-borns ones the most. 
Green and black gazes lock as the second year who offed his assistance looks towards the child’s way.  He then winks at the gapping first year and runs off to get the uniform.
“By the way what’s your name?” Percy asks suddenly causing the child to jump and look away from the second year who was disappearing into the door that lead to the boy's dorms. 
The...boy says it but Percy shakes his head.  “No. Not the one you were born with but the one you go by. Or do you like it? If so we can call you by it. The choice is yours but personally, I hate the one Mum gave me, changed it to Percy when I finished my treatment.”
“I don’t...I’m not...I don’t like it but...” The boy hands open and closes uselessly not sure how to explain. He has never thought about changing his name, it was just something he had. 
 What did the perfect mean by treatment? Was he sick?
Percy nods like that broken attempt at speaking made sense. “We’ll all call you Potter until you figure it out then. That fair?”
Potter stares then nods timidly. Percy gives him a crooked smile that rings true to the red hair twins he met earlier before raising his voice to shout  “He’s going by Potter until he finds a good name. Don’t use the first name ever again, you lot got that?”
There are some sounds of agreement and that’s that. Potter is ushered into the first-year dorm by Percy who insists it’s important to get the proper rest to do his best for his education. Ron welcomes him with a wide excited smile, patting him on the back like they are old chumps. “Why didn’t you say you were a boy? I would have saved you the bed next to mine if I knew! Now I got to sleep near Seamus and Seamus smells.”
“Hey!” The boy in question shouts offended. “I do not!”
Potter laughs so hard the tears rolling down his face, could be from the banter or the burst of overwhelming happiness he never thought he would feel. He sits on the best furthers away from the door, watching his last name, by itself, for now, appear on the wood and he feels at home.
For the first time in his life he feels at home.
There is knocking on the door then, and Dean opens it to find the second year with the uniform. He is also carrying a book that has the title “Names ideas for babies”, which he offers in an almost awe-struck nervousness to Potter.  “My parents send it to me for a friend last year. She picked one out from here but you don’t have to. I just thought.. it might be nice to have some options?... Ugh sorry, I’m muggle-born...am I being rude? I know wizards don’t care but it’s different in the muggle world...I-”
Potter throws his arms around him causing the boy to go bright red and his roommates to start chuckling. “This is wonderful! Thank you!”
“Oh, you’re welcome! I’m gay-happy!- to help. Ugh bye!” The boy runs out as if demons were chasing him causing the first-year Gryffindors to roar with laughter. 
Potter blinks “Did I do something wrong?”
“No mate.” Ron chuckles “You going to read that now? I want to play a round of chess but I know how important names can be even if they take forever. Percy took three whole years before he settled on one. I swear he should have kept Lucus.”
Potter grins. “I don’t know how to play chess”
“I’ll teach ya.”
He sets the book aside for the night but the next morning while eating in the grand hall he flips through all the options. Ron had offered him a quill and some parchment to write the ones he likes the most, building a list and feeling perfectly settled in his borrowed uniform. 
His hair looks shaggy now, after Dean went at it with a pair of scissors after promising he knew what he was doing- he did not- but Potter rather likes it, even it does seem like a right mess to others. 
Professor McGonagall had fixed up the ends for him with her wand, keeping the general style as his request- causing Dean to beam- and this morning he looked into the mirror and saw an eleven-year-old boy staring back at him.
Everyone was kind enough not to point out how much he cried afterward. He spends a while trying out some of the names on his list, though none of them feel quite right and according to Percy he can wait until the right one arrives.
Potter learned that the treatment Percy was referring to that first night was the potions one took to be the gender they were on the inside. Since charms and spells could tell what someone was-male, female, none-binarry-  the magical world had long ago come to accept people as they chose to be, and had developed safe ways to help young people get the body that showed them as they truly were.
Potter would be starting his own treatment a little later but that was mostly due to never being on potions before and Madam Pomfrey wanted him to wait till December instead of starting him right that day. 
She said she wanted to make sure his body could handle the change since it was used to muggle medication instead. She would be giving him potions that every child needed before Hogwarts- he thinks it’s similar to the concept of vacines- to help his body adjust. 
Potter traces a new name onto the list turning to Ron who is stuffing his face. “What do you think of Harry?”
“I like it.”
“Me too. I like it too”
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kait4073 · 3 years
As the sun sets around us
Chapter 2
**** **** **** **** ****
Tom's POV:
After dropping off Emmi's folder, I started making my way out of the building. I didn't live far off from here and since I had no more meetings till tomorrow, so I started to make my way towards home. The busy streets of Kingston moved around me, but my mind was somewhere else. 'I'm Emmi' the way the dark shadows under her eyes contrasted against her pale skin.  She looked...tired, Like she hasn't slept in ages. Yet at the same time it was like she was a beaming ray of sunshine.
I finally reach my flat and reach in my pocket for my keys. Opening the door I hear little paws rushing towards me.  Then a little blue staffy meets me face to face, and my smile begins to grow. 
" Hey Tess, what are you doing here eh?"
I close the door behind me, bending down to meet her. Petting and kissing her head before moving to the living room. Harry, Haz, Sam, and Tuwaine sitting on the Sofa watching new episodes of Love Island.
" Really Mates! Without me!" Their heads snap towards me In fear and embarresment as if I had caught them wanking or something. Harry was the first to speakthe others not far behind. " SORRY mate we can go back for ya!"
" YEAH!!!" They chimed in.
" thanks mates! So what did I miss!"
I laughed as I made my way to the couch.
Haz looked at me seriously and stated " where do we begin"
Also, what's Tessa down here?" I asked quickly
" ahh right. We're dog sitting for a day or two while mom and day take Paddy to a modeling gig" Harry responds
As the episode is being restarted  I make sure I turned on my notifications, so that if Emmi called I wouldn't miss it. It would be nice to get to know someone new.
Putting my phone down I tuned toward the screen and prepared for what was to come.
" yes, yes. Sorry!" I replied
" Better be, we went back for ya!" Tuwaine responded jokingly.
"Alright, alright. I am paying attention. Now you can press play."
As Sam pressed play I suddenly felt the world outside of the flat sliding away. All that matred was this, me and my mates having a good time.
**** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
" Bloody hell Haz, you were right about not knowing where to begin." I cried. After the episode we all sat there hurt from who was just sent home.
" I know, he didn't even get a chance. Poor bloke." Harry chimed in solomy,
as you all talked about how badly he was done wrong. Thats when it happend, my phone went off..I know it could have been anyone but I really wanted it to be her. You jumped from you spot on the couch to the wall where it was now charging.
And that's when I read it.
Emmi: Hey Tom, it's Emmi.
Tom: Hey! I was wondering if you were going to message me.  Are we still on for tea?
Emmi: definitely! I need to thank you for today, if you didn't bring that folder I would have lost my roster.
Tom: No need to thank me, lol. Meet you at the school?
Emmi: Out front?
Tom: yup!
Emmi: see ya there
Tom: see ya x
" YES!" I cheered, unable to suppress my excitement,Forgetting I was in a room of people. Their heads turn to me in confusion waiting for an explanation.
" Yes what mate?" Haz ask. My cheeks brighten as I realize they have no idea about anything that happened today.
How am I going to explain this to them with out them forever making fun of me?
" well, you see...I met this girl today."
I stated shyly. I can see smirks making their way onto each of their faces.
" a girl eh. Tommy boy has got himself a girlfriend!" Harry laughs, patting on the back.
" finally mate. It's been ages since you've had a good one." Added Sam with a giggle.
" congrats Tommy boy, you always were a romantic, Love at first sight kinda guy" Haz joked.
" Alright you guys, just because Tommy here got himself a girlfriend, who her just met. Doesn't mean we can go around making fun of him to his face" Tuwaine starts "sternly"
" thank you twaine,but I will have you know that-" I speak before being cut off.
" WE JUST GOTTA DO WHEN HES NOT HERE!" Tuwaine laughs hysterically, the boys followed quickly after.  I knew the boys were joking, that's just how we were with each other. Although I want to actually tell them what's going on, if they can manage to let me speak.  I can feel the anger in me quickly growing.
"WILL YOU LADS SHUT IT! WERE NOT DATING!" I bellowed, red in the face. The room went quiet and the boys all started to stare at me.
" we might be going for tea as a thank you, since I brought her a folder she dropped in the street. I just want to meet someone knew, someone that won't look at me and  think they know because of my name or they watch my movies, and somehow I felt that with her, even if it was only for a few minutes." I ramble.
The boys eyes widening, as they had no idea what to say.
" Tom, we had no idea you felt that way...we're sorry mate!" Haz apologized.
" its alright. Just let me finish what I was saying before you go nuts will ya's?" I laughed. As I made my way off the couch and towards the door, popping my sneakers on. I quickly turned to Tessa who had followed me.
" Hey girl, I'll be back soon. Don't worry "
As I scratched behind her ear and gave her a kiss goodbye.
"I'll see you guys later!" I called out to the lads in the living room, closing the door behind me.
**** **** **** **** **** *** *** *** *** *** ****
The walk back to the school would have been short and sweet, but the argument with the boys made me 20 mins, late.. The brisk London air hitting my face, and making the heat a little more bearable. As I came upon the school tonmy relief I saw still Emmi sitting on the stairs reading a book. Her bag looked less heavy than before and she had no folders with her. I quicked my pace again , and soon I was at the bottom of the stairs.
" Hello again." I said, catching her attention. A smile grew on her face as she saw it was me. " Hey yourself" she laughed. She stated making her way down the stairs while putting her book in her bag, then zipping it.
" Ready?" I asked holding out my hand towards the street.
" Yes sir" she mocked. She followed me to the small Cafe near my flat. It was cozy and quiet inside. You get hit with the warmth from the steam, and the smell from the drinks as soon as you walk in. A smile grew on Emmi's face. 'I knew she would love it here. ' I though to myself
" Oh Tom, this place is wonderful. This is an amazing place to sit and get away from the world and it's chaos, with a book and some tea." Emmi dreamily stated.
I laughed before guiding her to the empty table so she can put her bag down.
" let's order, it's on me since you saved me today!" Emmi laughed.
"What do you want? Before I go go there." Emmi asked
I thought for a second before making my decision.
" Earl Grey, lots of milk, 2 sugar. Please and thank you. " I made sure to thank her since she didn't have to do this and even threw in a smile. I sat at the table while she went to get the drinks. A few moments later she returned with both of our drinks in hand.
" Here you go, Earl Grey with lots of milk and 2 sugar.  You didn't specify size so I got you a medium. I hope that's okay?!" She says shyly. Handing me my drink.
" More than okay, thank you again." I smiled at her.
Taking a sip of her drink, she blushes momentarily.
" So what did you get?" I asked intrigued, leaning closer. She laughed at my actions before sitting back in her chair.
" Vanilla Chai latte, been dying to try on and I thought why not today." She shrugged and I nodded at her answer.
" Okayyy so, how long have you been in Kingston. Your obviously not from here." I asked. I saw all color.drain from her face. But she quickly covored it up. ' Am I missing something?  Did I say something wrong? ' I though beginig to worry I had ruined any chances of being her friend.
" I came here 2 years ago to finish school. I mean if you couldn't tell from this morning I work in a school. I am starting my first year as a full time teacher."  Emmi explains confidentiality.
" Anyways, enough about me. What do you do? Other than acting I mean?" Emmi said changing the subject. ' holy shit, I rarely ever get asked this. '  I thought slightly amazed. A smile grew on my face as I started.
" well I lived with my Mates, and we all have this obsession with Love Island. I know it's dumb but for some reason we just can't get enough. I have a dog named Tessa and she's my baby. I work with my brothers on our Brothers trust stuff. I mean I do a lot now that I think about it. Sorry I am rambling I don't get asked this a lot." I rambled on till I came to my senses. Emmi laughed and shook her head.
" no need to feel embarrassed I find it endearing. And besides I want to know more, Mr. Holland." She smiled
" I like to be able to go out with my Mates and have a drink, with out being followed by paparazzi. Clubs are always fun, and inlove to travel. What about you?" I asked
" well In my free time I love to read and bake. I love to be able to try new things, and go new places. Although with new teacher salary that may take a while." She joked
" Anyways, I am not the most social person, I prefer to keep to myself. Which may explain why in 2 years I still don't have any friends here. " she talked, she began to mumble the last part but I was close enough to still hear her.
" well now that's not exactly all true. You and I ate friends now." I comforted her, holding her hand across the table. She smiled at me. We finished drinking our tea and talked for hours. 
**** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
" which way do you walk home?" I asked  as the night had come to an end.
Emmi turned to me before responding.
" I go left, you?" She asked.
" I got north but I go left till the school. So I can walk you to the school." I offered.
Yeah that's great thanks. As we walked in the dark, we stuck closer together, chatting and laughing some more. Little did I know that the entire time we were being watched and our little hang out was about to bite us in the ass.
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fullmoonpieces · 4 years
christmas spirit
Haechan x GenderNeutral!Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Haechan cost you your best friend with his playboy ways and you’ve been bickering ever since, but a wise man once said: Christmas is the spirit of forgiveness
Warnings/Tags: Enemies to lovers-ish, fluff, suggestive themes, bickering, swearing
Prompt 11 from this list
You had met up with your friends at the local library to see each other once more before the Christmas break. Jisung and Chenle were discussing which games they were going to play, while Krystal pretended to listen, with a fond smile. Jaemin was excitedly bouncing in his chair, insisting, “This year I’ll learn to ice skate!”
“Right, and Haechan will find the love of his life and settle down,” Jeno commented, to which Haechan laughed and Jaemin pouted.
Haechan was seated across from you, slouched in his chair, arms nonchalantly swung over the armrests. He’d always been the flirty type, but about a year ago, he’d started sleeping around, the ‘no feelings involved’ kind of thing, which was fine, he could do whatever he wanted, but he crossed a line when he played your best friend.
She had stormed at you, furious and with tears running down her cheeks, yelling about how Haechan broke her heart and how she couldn’t bear to look at you.
She stopped talking to you after that. Every time you approached her, you were met with cold eyes and the same words: “We’re not friends. Leave me alone”.
You’d been positively furious with Haechan, and what had previously been a friendship between you two, had turned into bickering and curses. Your friend group had quickly grown accustomed to your bickering and even had a bet going on about who’d retort to murder first.
“Okay, but what are you actually doing this break Haechan?” Jaemin asked. “Who am I doing,” he corrected, “and it depends, I’ve got a couple in mind,” he smirked.
“Tasteless, Haechan,” you tell him, and he raises a challenging brow at you.
“You’re no fun, Y/n, such a bore,”
“Well at least I still have my dignity,” you retort to which he snorts and opens his mouth to respond, but he doesn’t get far, as he’s interrupted by your phone ringing.
You look at the screen and see that it’s your mom calling. “Hey, everything okay?” you speak.
“Hi, Sweetheart. Look, I’m sorry to be a bother, but we could really use your help at the shelter, it’s incredibly busy here today,” she tells you and you can instantly picture your mother rushing around the shelter, even with her fragile back.
“You’re never a bother, I’ll be there soon. Should I pick anything up on the way?”
“No, I think we’re good, love you!”
“Love you too, I’ll get going now!”
You quickly picked up your things, stuffing them in your bag. “Oooh,” Jeno hooted, “Is our Y/n finally seeing someone?”
“Sounds like it,” Krystal quips, and at this point, you’re packed and ready to go. You merely smile at their antics, and wave goodbye, “Gotta go, Merry Christmas you guys!” you yell as you’re running out the library, earning you a pointed look from the librarian.
As you left the library, Haechan couldn’t help but be disappointed. Right from the moment you’d picked up your phone, he’d had a sour taste in his mouth. Who was the person taking you from him? A frown adorned his face as you spoke into the phone, “Love you too”. And when Jeno and Krystal started teasing you, he didn’t participate, instead, he pondered, are they really seeing someone?
He decided right then and there, that this Christmas, he’d tell you how he felt, at the very least apologize for the past… before it was too late.
“I’ve handed out some extra blankets, do you need anything else at the moment?” You asked. You mom turned to you, still stirring the soup, she pointed to a door, “Get the boxes out there, will you? The ones with bread and cups,”
“Got it”.
You’d quickly located the box with bread but had been in a 10-minute search for the cups. Sighing, you decided to deliver the bread to the kitchen, before you search any longer. You carefully made your way to the kitchen, the box in your arms, obscuring your vision, and causing you to almost trip a couple of times. With a huff you put down the box, “Sorry it took so long mom, I couldn’t find the cups,” you said with a pout.
As you turn to face your mom, you’re shocked to find an equally shocked looking Haechan. Without thinking, you raise a pointed finger at him, “Who let him in?” At that, he huffs out a breath, and regains his usual nonchalant posture, “Very classy, Y/n”.
“You two know each other?” Your mom inquires from her spot at the stove. “Acquaintances,” you tell her, as Haechan lowers your arm that’s still pointing at him.
“We’re friends,” he corrects you, “I’ll go get the heaters,” and with that, he leaves the room.
You look to see your mom smiling at you. She raises a brow, “He’s cute,”
“Right, I’ll go look for that box!” You excuse yourself and rush to the storage room.
The meal had been served, and you’d seated yourself next to a nice elderly man who seemed to be alone. Throughout your chat, you’d been sneaking glances at Haechan. What was he doing at the homeless shelter? He couldn’t possibly have expected to meet you, he’d been just as surprised as you to see each other here. I guess he really is just here to help, you thought.
It was just so out of the ordinary to see him like that. His smirk had long ago been replaced with a genuine smile as he spoke to an elderly woman. He was wearing a ridiculously tacky Christmas sweater that you were sure he would never let your friends see him in.
The man beside you gently nudges your shoulder, “Preoccupied are we?” he smiles, and you look down embarrassed, “I’m sorry, just a lot on my mind,” you explained. He nodded thoughtfully, “You should talk to him, the guy you’ve been staring at,”
“I-I wasn’t staring!” You exclaim, flustered, “Besides, we have a history… he hasn’t exactly been a great guy,”
“I see… Still, my advice is the same. Christmas is the spirit of forgiveness, and who knows, maybe he had his reasons,” he finished with a smile.
You looked at Haechan again, a confused pout on your face, and saw him laughing with a little boy. He has a nice smile, you guess.
You pick up the trash bags silently and Haechan does the same. You silently curse out your mom for assigning you AND Haechan to carry the trash bags outside. He holds the door for you, and you step outside in the cold, instantly freezing as you weren’t wearing a jacket. No one breaks the silence until you’ve reached the waste container. He throws the bags in the container with a huff, and you finally get a closeup of his ridiculous sweater. You fail to hold in a chuckle, and without thinking, you mumbled: “You look strangely cute in that sweater”.
You instantly shut your eyes, and pray that he didn’t hear, but then he speaks up, “You’ve finally succumbed to my charms, huh?” And you look up to see an annoying smirk on his face, but what catches you off guard is the glint in his eyes and his tomato red cheeks. Must be the cold, you think.
“In your dreams,” you manage to speak, as you throw your bags in the container as well. He lets out a low chuckle, “You know it,” he says with a cheeky smile, and you’re reminded that he’s the biggest flirt in the entire town. Despite that, you can’t seem to look away, as snowflakes gently fall onto his head, one landing on his nose, making him look, dare you say, adorable.
“Right…” you sigh and turn to go inside again, but he grabs your arm, gently, much to your surprise.
“Listen, I never really apologized for you know, costing you your best friend and all, and I-”
“No need. It’s not like it’s bothered you the past year anyway, so-”
“No, I wanna explain. Please?” He looks at you pleadingly, and you find yourself turning to face him again. He sighs and you notice that he’s trembling slightly, and you start to doubt that it’s the cold. You consider placing a steadying hand on his shoulder, but let your hands fall to your sides instead.
“I made it very clear that it was a ‘no feelings involved’ thing, I made sure of that, but then she told me that she liked me, and I-I told her I didn’t feel the same, but I really wasn’t trying to hurt anyone, I promise. But when I told her that I didn’t like her, she got really mad and got all hysteric cause she-...”
He visibly gulped, and his cheeks reddened impossibly more and though you were curious to hear the rest, you waited patiently for him to continue. “She somehow knew that I-I kind of definitely had a crush on you, and before I knew it, she was cursing you out and blaming me being an idiot on you, so I just kind of… told her to piss off, and I know that wasn’t the best way to handle things, and I’m sorry that I hurt you, but I am not sorry that she left, cause quite frankly she was a bit of a bitch, and you deserved better,” he finished, out of breath.
You blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice, before Haechan nervously spoke again, “Y-Y/n?” You finally looked at him and realized just how vulnerable he looked, and all you could think about was how much you wanted to hug him.
That wasn’t what you did at all, however, instead you spoke: “The old man was right,”
“Excuse you?” He questioned, a nervous smile adorning his face, and you allowed yourself to finally admit that he was definitely adorable.
“Sorry I never even gave you a chance to explain,” you uttered, still baffled by his explanation. He nervously rubbed his neck, “It’s okay, I probably shouldn’t have slept with your best friend in the first place”. You looked at him incredulously, “Probably?” you asked with a laugh, and he joined in too.
“Come on, we should head inside, it’s freezing cold out here,” you spoke, and he smirked, “You’re right, we can’t have your mom thinking we’re up to no good,” he teased, and for the first time ever you were relieved to see he was back to his usual, smirking, nonchalant self.
You’d only just entered the warm building again, when your mom stopped you, “Freeze!” she yelled. “What. Why? Are you okay mom?” you asked from the doorframe, where you’d frozen in your spot.
She let out a girlish giggle and you shot her a confused look. “I think I’ll let Haechan explain, Sweetheart,” she mused as she speed-walked to the kitchen.
You turned to the boy, “What did she mean?” you asked with a confused pout, and he only let out a nervous laugh. When you tilted your head in question, he let out an awkward chuckle and pointed above your heads, to a subtly placed mistletoe.
Your cheeks were on fire at once, and you thought you might just pass out when you made eye contact with Haechan, whose nonchalant demeanour had quickly vanished again. Your eyes flickered to his lips for a second, and it didn’t go unnoticed by him. Your mind was running wild, searching for words to say, but stopped dead in its tracks, when his warm lips pressed against yours.
He pulled back as soon as his lips had touched yours, seemingly shocked by his own actions, as he started apologizing profusely.
You broke out of your trance and grabbed his cheeks, his face squished in your hands, and pressed a confident kiss to his lips. He felt so warm against you, his hands hesitantly went to gently hold your hips, and you found yourself thinking that this was home… he was home. Despite what you expected from him, the kiss was innocent, wholesome, and everything you could’ve asked for from a first kiss.
When you pulled away, both your faces were burning red, and as your eyes met, you couldn’t help the smile on your face, soon turning into a giggle, and Haechan quickly followed.
“Be mine?” He asked, beaming, and you thought you’d never seen anything more breathtaking. “Already am,” you told him, and placed a small peck onto his lips.
“Merry Christmas Haechan,”
“Merry Christmas, Love”.
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thepoeticfirefly · 4 years
Always You (Chanyeol x Reader// Baekhyun x Reader) One
Summary: She never intended to fall in love with her best friend knowing that doing so will hurt what they already have. But what she never wanted was to hurt them both in expense of her feelings (to edit if i think of a better summary than this crap)
Genre: Angst/Fluff; high school to college au; chanyeol & baekhyun x fem!reader
Disclaimer: this story is mine and any stories with a similar plot is a coincidence. this is story is purely my imagination; moodboard is mine, i really worked hard doing it and I know it's not that good but it was my first time doing one but it was fun😆
Warnings: none, just angst
Word Count: 1.8k+
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
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It was late at night and the only sound was the screeching of vehicle from the movie playing in the TV. Y/N watched eagerly, completely engrossed in the movie. She sat on the couch in between Chanyeol and Baekhyun who she hadn’t turned to nor paid any attention for the last hour. That was until she felt Chanyeol lay his head on her lap.
“Umh, Chanyeol? What are you doing?” Y/N asked, surprised at his actions.
“Umh, sleeping? What do you think it is?” Chanyeol replied, opening his eyes, making eye contact with Y/N. They stared at each other for a while, Y/N feeling a weird feeling that she couldn’t understand. Y/N blinked down at Chanyeol when he suddenly flashed her a grin.
Y/N got taken aback and threw her pillow down at his face. Baekhyun let out a laugh and Y/N turned to him, giving a confused look.
“What the-!” Chanyeol exclaimed, throwing the pillow away from his face. He gave Y/N a playful glare before shutting his eyes close. Y/N stared at him, her stomach doing somersaults. The longer she stared at him, the faster the butterflies in her stomach erupted. She felt herself unable to look away from him, her eyes scanning every nook of his face.
Y/N gulped, unconsciously bringing her hand to his hair, playing with it as he slowly snoozed off to sleep. Despite sleeping, his lips still remained its grin and Y/N felt her heart squeeze at the sight of him. She had completely forgotten about the movie and all she could focus on was Chanyeol’s sleeping face.
‘Was he always this attractive?’ Y/N thought to herself as she continued on playing with his hair. Her cheeks start to redden and a smile slowly etched on her face. Something about Chanyeol made her feel weird in a good way. It was a feeling she had felt about from other boys, just never with Chanyeol. And now that he suddenly had this effect on her made her flustered, still denying whatever it was she was feeling.
Y/N turned to look at Baekhyun to notice that he too, was not watching the movie anymore but the scene of his best friends being a little too intimate in front of him. Baekhyun searched her eyes, his face inscrutable. Y/N grinned at him, her cheeks pink and Baekhyun felt his stomach drop. He couldn’t believe it, but he was sure of it. Y/N liked Chanyeol, but he was not so sure about the latter. Baekhyun can’t help but feel terrible. Something about it just didn’t sit right with him, he just don’t know what is so wrong with it.
“Y/N…” Baekhyun trailed off. Y/N looked away from him and led her eyes back to Chanyeol. A strand of hair fell on her face, slightly blocking her view. She gulped again, stopping herself from playing with Chanyeol’s hair any longer.
“Baekhyun-ah, help me get him to his room” Baekhyun stood up with no protest and took Chanyeol away from Y/N, slinging Chanyeol’s arm on his neck. Y/N did the same with the other and together, they led the heavy tall boy back to his room.
Once he was tucked in on his bed, Y/N sat beside Chanyeol’s sleeping figure while Baekhyun remained standing, watching Y/N. Y/N stared at Chanyeol, the butterflies in her stomach still going on strong. After a few seconds, Y/N stood up and left the room without a word. Baekhyun glanced back at Chanyeol before following Y/N. That night was never spoken of ever again.
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Y/N was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name called out by her groupmate. Saying a quick sorry, Y/N focused back on helping her groupmates solve one of the given problems given by their calculus teacher.
When finished, her thoughts went back to Chanyeol’s 17th birthday which was the night Y/N realized her feelings for him. That night was already months ago and they had already became 12th graders. Y/N suddenly realized that she had been liking the boy for quite a while now, her eyes unconsiously drifting to Chanyeol who’s talking to his groupmate, laughing about whatever they were talking about.
Y/N watched as Chanyeol laughed hysterically, smiling to herself knowing that the boy have the tendency to laugh at everything with his over the top actions. Her trance was once again broken when she felt someone lighlty smack her on the head.
Y/N looked up to see Baekhyun shaking his head disapprovingly at her “What?” Y/N asked, frowning at Baekhyun.
“He might as well melt by the way you’re looking at him” Y/N blushed at Baekhyun’s word, swatting his hand away from her. Baekhyun knew about her feelings towards their best friend, having asked her right away that night Y/N realized she like Chanyeol. Baekhyun wasted no time and Y/N was slightly glad that at least someone knew about her feelings. Because if no one knew at all, she felt like she would’ve exploded.
Baekhyun grabbed the seat next to her and sat down, placing his arm on her shoulder and whispered “Why won’t you just tell him?”
Y/N scoffed at his words and replied “It’s not that easy and besides, he doesn’t like me that way”
“How are you so sure he doesn’t?” Baekhyun prodded. Y/N gave Baekhyun a look “Because he’s my best friend. I don’t want to do anything that would ruin that”
It was sad but it was the truth. Y/N and Baekhyun looked at each other, Y/N giving him a look that pleaded with him to understand while Baekhyun scanned her eyes. He knew and very much understood. It’s just that it was painful for him to see her look at Chanyeol with so much adoration yet wallow herself in pain of Chanyeol never knowing how she truly felt in fear of breaking their already strong friendship.
Baekhyun longed for the old days where there was no drama, only the three of them being the good best friends they are. But it wasn’t like that anymore because of feelings that somehow grew in their group that threatened their friendship.
It wasn’t like everything is different. The three of them are still best friends and are still the way they are before. If anyone saw them, they would not notice anything out of the ordinary because everything was still the same. But at the same time, their relationship was already strained, though only two of them noticed that strain as Chanyeol was completely left out on the dark.
Their calculus class ended and it was already lunch time. Baekhyun dragged Y/N and Chanyeol to the canteen and then to their usual spot under the tree. Chanyeol chatted away a story that happened to him that morning as Y/N ate her food and Baekhyun respond whenever a funny moment was told.
“Hey hey, you two free this Saturday?” Chanyeol asked, his voice excited and his eyes wide in anticipation.
“Yeah, why?” Y/N asked, gathering their trash and putting it inside a plastic so that it wasn’t messy.
“You guys remember Mi Soo?” Y/N stopped in her actions, her eyes wide as she turned to look at Chanyeol. Mi Soo was Chanyeol’s crush since 9th grade. Baekhyun and Y/N had supported him back then and even rooted for him when he decided to confess. But unfortunately, he was rejected as Mi Soo had a boyfriend back then. Chanyeol promised that he would forget her and she was never mentioned again since then.
Baekhyun mirrored Y/N’s face. He looked at Y/N and gulped, worried as to what Chanyeol had to say.
“H-Han Mi Soo?” Y/N stuttered and Baekhyun cursed profanities in his head, giving Chanyeol a slight glare.
“What about her?” Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol gave his attention to Baekhyun, his eyes glistening in glee.
“You see, remember when I got detention last week? Mi Soo was there too! At first, I didn’t pay any attention to her but we got to sit next to each other and began chatting about this and that and we became friends” Chanyeol explained, almost laughing at how happy he was.
“And?” Y/N asked, Chanyeol turning to her to finish his story
“We began to chat everyday. I didn’t tell you guys at first because I knew you would be against it and I did only want to be friends with her. But, my feelings was slowly starting to go back and well, I asked her out! And this time, she said yes!” Chanyeol looked as if he wanted to jump around, his wide grin reaching up to his eyes.
Y/N stared blankly at Chanyeol, unable to react. Chanyeol noticed this and got confused, waving his hand in front of her face “Y/N? You alright?”
“You-!” Baekhyun started but caught his tongue. This got Chanyeol’s attention and was opening his mouth to speak but Baekyun continued “-should have told us!”
“I know, I’m sorry” Chanyeol apologized, regretting that he should’ve told them sooner. Baekhyun looked worriedly at Y/N who had her head down, refusing to look up and meet Chanyeol’s eyes.
“But anyway, Mi Soo and I are going to the amusement park on Saturday and I want you guys to properly meet her!” Chanyeol beamed. Baekhyun opened his mouth to refuse for the two of them but Y/N beat him to it and said
“Sure, we’d love to meet her” Y/N held a fake smile that made Baekhyun shiver. Her expression all over blared alarms in Baekhyun’s head, as if a warning that Y/N was planning something, something not very nice.
After dismissal, Baekhyun dragged Y/N to the library and went to the most secluded section. Stopping, Baekhyun looked around if anyone was around to hear them. After he was satisfied that no one would hear them, he held Y/N in the shoulders and looked at her intensely “Why’d you say yes?”
Y/N looked at him, as if innocent, and replied “Because he’s our friend. And he want us to meet his almost or maybe already girlfriend” Her voice turning bitter as she said the last few words.
“Are you insane? Or are you maybe a masochist? Y/N, what the hell?” Y/N chuckled at him, removing his hands on her shoulder. She put a hand on his shoulder and said
“Don’t worry, Baekhyun-ah. I won’t do anything rash” His eyes told her he didn’t trust her yet and so she continued
“Baekhyun, I said yes because if we didn’t go, it would be only them and that would be a date! And if we’re there, they wouldn’t do much and if they would, we would be there to stop them” Y/N said almost enthusiastically.
“That’s wrong Y/N” Baekhyun told her, his voice pleading. Y/N gave him a small smile “I won’t do anything wrong, Baekhyun. You’re there too. I trust that you won’t let me do anything stupid”
“I won’t always be there Y/N” Silence followed after Baekhyun said this. After a few minutes of just standing there, Y/N nodded, pulling him with her as she started to walk away “Come on, I’m sure Chanyeol’s panicking right now, looking for us” She said with a slight chuckle.
They went back to the classroom where Chanyeol sat alone with their bags. Y/N grabbed hers and Baekhyun’s to give him his. And together, they went out and went home. Walking together as they always had.
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writethehousedown · 4 years
Umbrella (Jan/Jackie/Nicky) -- astrodrag
A/N: Me submitting another fic at the last minute? More likely than you think! Anyway, this fic was born from Frey and Barbie peer-pressuring me convincing me to write it after Jan and Nicky talked on a live about wanting to do karaoke together after this quarantine is over. Also, a huge thank you to Dane for helping me brainstorm ideas when I got stuck, and to Lily and Taty for cheering me on while writing. This one truly took a village to make it happen!
Jackie could feel the nerves bubbling up inside of her. Never in her life had she expected herself to end up rushing, much less pledging to a sorority.
It had felt a bit off at first, the sisterhood idea almost sounding like a cult to Jackie. But she had heard several times from her older sister how much joining a sorority had improved her experience in college, so she figured she’d give it a try. If she didn’t like it, nothing said she had to stay in the sorority forever. It’s not like she was selling her soul or anything in order to join.
And besides, since she had pledged to the same sorority her sister had been in during college, it gave them something else to talk about, despite being polar opposites.
After going through her first chapter meeting as a new pledge, Jackie felt like she was starting to warm up to things. The president of the sorority, an amusing girl with a very motherly aura named Asia, had mentioned their annual group karaoke night, one of their events that had become tradition in order to welcome in the new pledges.
Her nerves turned to excitement at the news. If there was one thing Jackie could get behind, it was karaoke. Her mind began whirling with possibilities, thoughts of doing a duet with her Big, or of meeting a group of sisters she could do a number with. Needless to say, Jackie was eager to make the most of karaoke night.
Sitting at one of the tables in the bar, Jackie felt out of place. She could see girls chatting away happily in small, tight-knit groups, the other new pledges having already found their new best friends thanks to their Bigs.
Jackie wished her Big, Shuga, had come, wished the older girl hadn’t been sick and stuck in bed for the past several days. Without Shuga to show her the ropes, she felt like she didn’t stand a chance within the sorority. She was mere moments away from leaving, her frustration at being alone bubbling up the longer she sat by herself.
But then she saw a single girl from her sorority practically bouncing up to the DJ in the corner, leaning in to tell him something before climbing up onto the stage. Jackie vaguely recognized her from the chapter meeting, remembering seeing her rush in just before the meeting began, still in her vibrant purple cheerleading uniform that matched her brightly-colored hair. The girl had sat a couple rows in front of Jackie, but they didn’t speak to each other during or after the meeting.
Now, Jackie kind of wishes she had, if for no other reason than to talk her out of singing the first song in front of the group, and solo at that. She was worried for the girl, who seemed to be so cheerful and bright. Jackie didn’t want this to go badly, didn’t want to see her spirits get crushed.
Assuming the worst was about to happen, Jackie quickly made a beeline to the bar, telling herself she needed a drink or two to get through whatever karaoke night would entail. She found herself leaning against the bar while she waited for the bartender to pass her her drinks, fingertips idly tapping against the wooden surface. Her eyes were glued to the purple-haired girl on stage, who was practically buzzing with energy.
She could see the girl’s song choice load onto the monitor just left of the stage, and raised her eyebrow in curiosity. The title lit up the screen in bright white letters, contrasting against the pink background, the words waving just enough to draw your eye to them.
Don’t Start Now - Dua Lipa.
Jackie found herself incredibly intrigued, curious to see how it would go. Though she wasn’t super familiar with the song, she knew Dua Lipa had a range that was difficult to emulate at times. Once the bartender passed her the two drinks she had ordered, she carefully navigated her way back to her table, her eyes still trained on the stage.
She heard the opening notes of the song start to ring out through the room as she sat down once more, an amused smile spreading across her face as the girl on stage struck a pose. One hand on her hip, the other sticking straight up, the girl shot a bright grin out towards the audience, waiting until the opening lyrics appeared on the monitor to step forward and grab the microphone in one swift movement.
From the moment the girl started singing, Jackie was floored. The power her voice held in combination with the overwhelming confidence she exuded on stage was almost intoxicating to watch, and clearly Jackie wasn’t the only one who felt that way. The murmurs around the room from people talking amongst themselves disappeared, eyes trained on the purple-haired girl as she bounced around on stage, doing a rather impressive job with the song.
Sure, a couple notes here and there were pitchy, but they were hardly noticeable due to the sheer charisma the girl seemed to ooze. By the end of the song, Jackie was eager to find out exactly who the hell this girl was, making a mental note to approach the girl next time she saw her on campus.
A few drinks and several less-than-stellar karaoke performances later, Jackie found herself weaving through the crowded bar to get to the bathroom. She needed a moment away from the chaos going on in the bar, but didn’t dare try to step outside, not wanting to get drowned in the torrential downpour occuring outside. More than anything else, she regretted not bringing an umbrella with her, but figured she would deal with the aftermath of that later, once she was finally ready to go home for the night.
Pushing through the door into the bathroom, Jackie was surprised to nearly run into the purple-haired girl in the doorway. The girl stumbled backward, and Jackie instinctively stepped forward and grabbed her shoulders to help steady her, the girl looking so intoxicated Jackie was worried she might fall over. The girl, however, seemed to completely misread the situation, instead letting out a surprised chirp before throwing her arms around Jackie in a hug. Jackie froze in place, but the girl didn’t seem to notice, giving her a tight squeeze before pulling back and flashing Jackie a bright grin a moment later.
“Hi! You’re really pretty and you give good hugs!” The girl giggled, her hands immediately reaching to grab Jackie’s. She seemed to have forgotten she was exiting the bathroom, pulling Jackie along behind her as she made a beeline for the far wall. Her shoulder hit the wall with a dull thud as she leaned against it, another bout of giggles slipping from her lips.
Maybe it was the alcohol finally hitting her, or maybe it was the infectiously cheery energy radiating from the other girl, but Jackie couldn’t stop herself from letting out a giggle of her own. This caused the girl to clap her hands together excitedly, then throw her arms around Jackie once more, her face nuzzling into Jackie’s shoulder.
“And your hair smells really good! You’re pretty, give good hugs, and your hair smells good! Fuck, how are you so fucking perfect? Please tell me you’re gay and single so I can marry you!” The girl rambled, the words making Jackie’s cheeks heat up as she let out another laugh.
“You’re sweet,” Jackie started, the girl looking up at her with a delighted beam. “But I can’t marry you because I don’t even know your name.”
“Shit!” The girl exclaimed, letting go of Jackie to cover her mouth with her hands in shock. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I’m Jan! Fuck, please don’t hate me, you’re just really pretty and I-”
Jackie could see the girl’s expression changing, her eyes widening in fear, hands shaking slightly as she took a step back. Oh no, was she tearing up too? Damn it, Jackie had really done it now.
“Hey, shh, it’s alright,” she reassured Jan, pulling her into their third hug in a matter of minutes. “I don’t hate you, promise. And you’re really pretty too! I love the purple hair.”
“You do?” Jan sniffled, her eyes lighting up as Jackie nodded her head. “Can we at least be friends then? You’re really nice.”
“Of course we can.” Jackie nodded her head again, relief spreading through her body as the girl wiped at her eyes, erasing any signs that she had almost broken down crying in a bathroom.
“Good! Since we’re friends, let me braid your hair! It looks really soft and I think you’d look even prettier with your hair braided!”
Jackie quickly lost track of time hanging out in the bathroom with Jan, the pair of them chatting away in between fits of hysterical laughter as Jan did her best to braid Jackie’s hair, despite how much she was struggling to do so in her drunken state. However, she figures they must have been in there a while, since eventually a girl with wavy red hair poked her head into the bathroom, calling out Jan’s name.
Jan muttered a curse under her breath, haphazardly raking her fingers through Jackie’s hair to undo the half-finished braid. She hopped down from her spot sitting on the counter and immediately grabbed Jackie’s hand, pulling her toward the exit. They stopped in front of the redhead, just long enough for Jan to grab her hand as well and squeal out an excited introduction.
“Jackie, this is Nicky! Nicky, Jackie!” Jan rambled excitedly, swinging the hands of both of the other girls. “Jackie, you should do a number with us! Can you sing? Let’s sing something together!”
Jackie barely had time to nod her head in agreement before Jan was pulling her and Nicky out of the bathroom, right up to the DJ to pick their song. Jackie couldn’t help but laugh, Jan’s never-ending enthusiasm and child-like glee much more charming than she ever anticipated.
Huddled around a book of song options, Jackie felt Jan and Nicky’s shoulders pressing against her own from either side of her, the two girls flipping through pages and pointing out ideas to each other. Part of Jackie wondered how exactly she ended up in this situation, but she tried to push those thoughts aside. These girls were talking to her, actively trying to befriend her. The least she could do was sing a karaoke number with them.
Eyes darting down to the book, she paused the moment she saw the song at the top of the page.
“Hold on!” She exclaimed, her hand stopping Nicky’s just before she had the chance to flip the page again. “That one!”
The other two girls looked where she was pointing and nodded their heads, Jan bouncing up and down as Nicky clapped her hands excitedly. Before she could say another word, Nicky was writing their names down on the performance list, and then they were heading back to a table to await their turn.
“Cheerleading and you’re a triathlete? How the hell do you have time for all of that?” Jackie asked, shaking her head in disbelief as Jan leaned her head down against the table while she laughed.
“Exactly! Now you see why we all call her Jan Sport!” Nicky exclaimed as she gave Jan’s shoulder a playful push.
“Jan Sport? She should be Jan Sports plural, girl does so many things!” Jackie riffed back, earning her a screech of approval from Nicky.
“Oh my god, yes! We’re starting a petition to change her nickname, you have to sign it right now!”
“Nicky, that’s not how nicknames work!” Jan cried out in between fits of laughter.
By the time it was finally their turn to sing their number, Jackie was beyond excited. She felt like she was mirroring Jan’s energy at that point, her whole body buzzing as she made her way up to the stage with her new friends. She felt Nicky and Jan slip their hands into hers, the girls flanking her on either side, and she intertwined their fingers gratefully.
Assuming their pre-planned positions on stage, Jackie let go of her friends’ hands, only for Jan to quickly tap her shoulder and mouth at her to pose. Holding back a laughter, Jackie mimicked the purple-haired girl’s pose from her first number that night, which did not go unnoticed by Jan. She rolled her eyes with a fond smile on her face, instead squatting down slightly and cupping her own face with her hands.
Nicky, on the other hand, had gone for jazz hands, which almost sent Jackie reeling into uncontrollable laughter. She and Jan were going to have to teach Nicky some better poses, but that could be done later.
The opening piano keys began to play, and Jackie counted the measures in her head until she was meant to start singing.
She heard Nicky beside her let out a soft gasp once she had started singing, making her stomach flip excitedly. A few lines later and she was joined by both Jan and Nicky, the three girls quickly falling into a rhythm as they belted out the words to Mamma Mia together.
If this was the kind of sisterhood her sister had harped on about for years, then Jackie was grateful she finally decided to pledge.
The thrill Jackie felt walking off stage with her friends was unlike anything else she had ever felt. She felt high, dizzy in the best way possible, like she was soaring far above everyone else. And sure, maybe part of that was because she was almost as drunk as Jan by that time, but that was beside the point.
She felt Nicky drape an arm over her shoulders as Jan wrapped both arms around her waist, leaning into her side. Jackie let out a squeal, grabbing one of Nicky’s hands to squeeze excitedly.
“We killed it!” Jackie called out happily, resting her head momentarily on top of Nicky’s shoulder, Jan pressing an excited kiss to Jackie’s cheek.
“Hell yeah we did!” Jan echoed as Nicky nodded her head in agreement.
The three of them stumbled toward the door together, having agreed on leaving after they finished their number together. But the moment they got to the entryway, Jackie let out a dramatic sigh at seeing that it was still raining.
“What’s wrong?” Nicky’s voice became concerned, her eyebrows knitting together as she stopped in front of Jackie.
“I didn’t bring an umbrella, I’m gonna drown out there,” Jackie whined. She let her head fall back dramatically, mentally cursing herself for the second time that night over not bringing an umbrella.
“You can share with me and Nicky!” Jan offered, quickly digging through her purse to pull her compacted umbrella out. “We were gonna crash at my place anyway, it’s just a couple blocks away if you wanna crash there too.”
Jackie felt herself break out in a grin, her heart fluttering in her chest with affection for her new friends. She agreed immediately, and the three of them set off for Jan’s apartment.
And maybe the umbrella was too small for three people, leaving them all half soaked by the time they made it through Jan’s front door. But that didn’t matter, because within minutes they had each changed into baggy t-shirts and were cuddled up together in Jan’s bed, already drifting off to sleep.
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sage-sunset · 4 years
funny things
sugawara koushi x reader, slight oc x reader
tw: death, denial, angsty times
Room eight thirty-seven.
You visited every single day. It was part of your routine, to bring a bouquet of flowers and push back tears. The hospital had a vibe that made you sad, a vibe like sickness and death. Death was something that you didn’t want to think about, especially now.
Eight thirty-seven. You held the bouquet in your hands, your headphones playing softly in your ears. Today you’d come after practice, since it had ended earlier than usual. Hinata had wanted to practice for longer, but Daichi had cut it short because the third years’ workloads were getting heavier.
Exams were coming. You had to study.
The elevator stopped, and you stepped out, shivering slightly at the chill in the building.
Room eight thirty-seven. You stepped inside.
“Hey, baby. How are you doing?”
He was awake, at least. Despite having seen him less than 24 hours ago, you felt like it had been a lifetime since you’d been with him.
“I’m fine. How was school?” “Good. It was good.” “And practice went okay? Everyone’s doing well?” “Yeah, it’s great. We’re improving a lot.” You sat at the foot of the bed, and your boyfriend took your hand in his. He smiled gently at you, and you resisted the urge to cry.
“Can I tell you something, Y/N?” “Depends. Will I cry?” “Maybe, but it’s important.” You said nothing, and he put a hand to your cheek.
“I want you to find someone.” “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean. Find someone else to fall in love with, meet someone nice who’ll take care of you when I’m-” “No, don’t say that.” “I told you, I’m not scared to die. But I am scared of the idea of you being alone, unable to move on.” “I don’t think I can. You know I love you.” “I love you too. That’s why I need you to be happy.” The next day during practice, you sat on the bench, deep in thought. Managing the team was fun, and it helped to distract from reality, but his words still carried in your head. You didn’t want to dwell on him forever, but it wouldn’t feel right to fall in love again while you still longed for him.
“Hey Y/N!” You turned to see the three third years, and mustered up a fake smile.
“Do you want someone to walk you home? It’s darker than yesterday.” Daichi said, and you shook your head.
“It’s fine, Daichi-san. Thank you.” You went by the store to pick up a bouquet. You walked ten minutes from the store to the hospital. You checked in with Naoka and went up to the eighth floor.
“Hey, baby. How are you doing?” The next day, the third years offered again. You said no, that you were fine. He said the same thing, that you deserved to fall in love again.
The day after was before the weekend. Practice ran an extra half hour, and you once again received the offer to be escorted home. Before you could refuse however, Sugawara stepped forward, saying that they would be more than happy to. You felt guilty saying no, and suddenly a thought ran through your head.
Tomorrow was your day off. You’d be able to spend the whole day with him. Maybe, just for tonight, you could walk straight home. You were tired. You could text him later tonight, he would understand.
You told them yes.
Walking in the summer heat, you took in a deep breath. It was a beautiful night. Daichi and Suga walked beside you, and Asahi hung back a bit. You talked about nothing really, just about your house and your family and how you were liking managing the team. It was nice.
The next day, you tell him you’re sorry. That you didn’t mean to forget, but practice was late and you were tired. He laughs it off, and you make up for it by giving him a kiss. He smiles, but you can see the bags under his eyes. 
He’s getting sicker, the doctor says. He’ll be ok, you tell yourself. He’s a fighter, he’ll get through it.
Denial is a funny thing.
“I want you to be happy. Please, promise me that you won’t hold onto me once I’m gone.” “Don’t worry about it. You’ll be fine, please just let me hold you.” At practice, you let the third years walk you home more often. It’s easier than going to the hospital and hearing them tell you that your boyfriend is going to be dead in a few months.
One day Daichi is busy and Asahi is out sick. So it’s just you and Sugawara, and he takes you to dinner since it’s not too late and you’re both starving. You eat and talk and laugh, and a daily bouquet turns into a weekly one.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to forget. Sweetheart, I-” “It’s alright. I’m glad you have such good friends. It makes me feel better about when I-” “Quiet. Let me be with you.” One day you start crying at practice. It’s out of nowhere, just because you’re feeling especially guilty about missing your daily visits. Immediately all of the players come over, Nishinoya and Tanaka trying are nearly hysterical trying to figure out what’s wrong, and Ennoshita is simultaneously trying to calm them down and help you. The first years all stand there awkwardly, and Asahi and Daichi try to ask you if you’re okay. You say you are, that you’re just stressed and that everything’s ok.
Everything isn’t.
Later, Sugawara walks you home. He lets you cry into him again, and the next day there’s a note and a flower on your desk. You recognize his handwriting, and you try to tell yourself that it’s just a gift to a friend. You tell yourself that you don’t think he’s handsome and kind and that you’re not falling for him.
You are.
Room eight thirty-seven. You break down, trying to push away the guilt over being in love with another boy. He swears that it’s okay, it doesn’t bother him, he’s happy you have such wonderful friends. 
He lies to you. He has to, because if you hear so much as a cough from him you start to bawl. He says that he’s got time. That the doctor said he might pull through. He doesn’t want you to worry.
You do anyway.
One day, you take Suga to meet him. Telling the boy that you like and who also likes you that you have a boyfriend dying in the hospital is awkward, but their meeting isn’t. All he says is that he’s glad you have someone like Suga to depend on.
Now he knows. They both know that they’re not the only one you love. And they both seem to accept it.
The rest of the team notices it. How he leans into you sometimes, how you hold quiet conversations, how you walk home together almost every night. They don’t know everything though, they don’t know that you go to pick out flowers together, that you cry into his shoulder in the storage closet.
It’s nice to have someone who knows.
He says that too. When you go to visit, he says that he hopes you both end up together. 
“You would make such a good couple.” “Don’t say foolish things, love.” It’s not foolish.
Sugawara kisses you one day. You go to eat dinner, and he puts a hand on yours as you sit outside on a bench, talking and laughing. He presses a kiss to your lips, and you feel guilty because you kiss him back.
By the end of the week he’s your boyfriend. 
When you visit him and tell him about you dating, he smiles. He looks happy.
“Why are you smiling? I thought you’d be mad, or sad, or-” “I’m smiling because I’m happy. It’s good to see you like this. You’re in love again.” “I will always be in love with you.” You get the call next week. It’s practice, and everyone’s taking a quick break. You sit with Kiyoko and Yachi, chatting, when your phone rings. You pick up. They ask if it’s Y/N L/N, you say it is.
You start to cry.
In an instant, Suga’s beside you, holding you. It feels like the world is ending around you. He sends Daichi a nod, and he says to pack up, that practice is over.
Loss is a funny thing.
You still visit. You both visit, and you bring flowers. The grave is beautiful, surrounded by snow. It’s winter break, and you and Suga decide to go see him again. You cry a little, but he holds your hand and you both say a prayer. You hope that in the afterlife, he is happy.
It’s the least you could wish for. He was never concerned with himself, no matter how badly it hurt to see you with someone new. He cared about your happiness, not his.
Suga prays for his happiness as well. He prays that his bravery and love for you will never be forgotten, because he can’t begin to imagine how hard it was to see you with someone else. Suga hopes that he himself can gain that strength.
Suga loves you. You love him. And your boyfriend loved you. Love is all that mattered, really.
Love is a funny thing.
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chonisbestmistake · 5 years
Missed opportunities and second chances [2]
[part 1]
Lisa x Female!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst
Word count: 2,626
Summary: You broke up with Lisa almost three years ago. Then you met Jennie at the store and this is not something she expected. At all.
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NOTE: It`s kind of a mid-part because I decided to split the 2d part in two and feed you all. All of your answers are gonna be answered in the 3d part. Soon.
It was a Saturday morning when you finally had the courage to text Jennie. You’ve been thinking about pros and cons of reaching out to her for a whole week, finally deciding it wouldn`t be so bad to have her back in your life again. The only thing still concerning you was that Jennie was Lisa`s friend, which means she`ll know about their little get-together in no time. Or she already knew. About you and Vanessa. Jennie wouldn`t hide it from her friends even if you asked her to, it was obvious. And that was indeed a problem. You weren`t ready to discuss anything with them, especially with Lisa. Thought you doubted she`d want to even look at you after all these years. Anyway, it was a matter of time before they knew everything, so you let your fears go and texted Jennie like a brave woman would do.
You: Hey, it`s Y/N.
Jennie: Finally! I thought you forgot about me.
You: Just been busy with work and stuff, you know. Do you still want to meet up?
Jennie: Hell yeah I do! Are you free today?
You: Yeah, I just need to pick Nessie up from her dance classes and I’ll be free. 
Jennie: Great! I wanna see this cutie again, can you take her too? Let`s meet at this cafe, I’ll send you the address.
You: Sure. See you! Nessie says hi by the way.
Jennie: Tell her hi too! Can`t wait to see you guys again.
“Are we here yet?” Vanessa was bouncing in her car seat, always ecstatic about going out and seeing new places. You were amazed at how energetic she was even after two hours of dancing and jumping around. Every time you picked her up she was blabbing non-stop with that high-pitched excited voice about new kids she met and new moves they learned and you honestly couldn`t feel happier.
“Almost.” You answered, pulling your car to the parking lot and smiling at your child. 
“What about now? Here?” Nessie tried to look out of the window, sighing happily when you stopped the vehicle. 
“Let me unbuckle you first, kiddo.” You got out of the car and put Vanessa down, stretching her outfit. Her pigtails were a little messed up from jumping, so you fixed them quickly, getting a small ‘thank you’ in return. “Let`s go now.” 
Taking Nessie`s hand, you made your way to the small cafe on the side of the street. A sweet scent of coffee enveloped you both when you came in and Vanessa instantly sighed at the sight of cookies and other desserts on the shelves. You chuckled slightly and pulled her further in, promising to buy some sweets and searching for the familiar eyes.
Jennie was sitting in the farthest corner, hidden by the curtains, with a cup of fresh latte and a phone in the other hand. She was chatting excitedly with a blonde girl by her side and when your eyes met - you immediately recognized her. Her eyes widened and you smiled shyly. Nessie let go of your hand and ran to meet Jennie while you were still staring at Rosé.
“Hey, sweetie pie! How have you been?” Jennie pulled Vanessa up on the couch and hugged her tightly. Nessie was ecstatic that her new friend greeted her so warmly and giggled loudly.
“Hi, aunty Jennie! I’ve been great, thank you!” She sent her a toothy smile, turning back to look at Rosé. You realized you zoned out and made your way to the coach, sending Rosé a smile. She stood up instantly and wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug.
“Chae.” You sighed, burring your nose in her neck and returning the embrace. 
“Y/N, I missed you so much!” She let go of you and you two sat down. Rosé turned to Vanessa with a beaming smile, who was examining her curiously.
“Hi! I’m Chaeyoung. But you can call me Rosie if you want.” She said sweetly and your daughter grinned, nodding.
“I`m Vanessa, nice to meet you! Are you mommy`s friend too?” She asked Chaeyoung and looked at you for approval.
“Yes, baby, we`ve known each other before you were even born, can you imagine?” You said in a playful tone and Vanessa gasped in surprise.
“Woah, that`s a whole lot!” Her eyes widened comically and she grinned at Rosé, holding her little fist up above the table. Chaeyoung paused for a moment and then chuckled in realization, fist-bumping her gently.
“You`re so cute, oh my God.” She whined, poking her cheeks and Vanessa giggled happily.
After a while, your nervousness faded completely and it started to feel like an old`s friend get-together. A waiter brought a set of cookies and some drinks to the table, Vanessa was enjoying her meal and the conversation was floating peacefully between the three of you. The girls talked about their love life, the comebacks, family matters and you were happy to hear they were finally getting their freedom after almost six years of being in a cage, as you used to call their company. Rosé was texting someone when Nessie called her attention suddenly.
“You look like a princess!” Nessie sighed in awe and you and Jennie shared a good laugh while Rosie`s face was turning crimson.
“Why do you think that?” She asked shyly and you answered before anyone could process the question.
“It`s the blonde hair. She has a thing for Rapunzel and we`ve seen it for a hundred times already.” You sighed dramatically, patting your child`s had.
“Yes, she`s my favorite!” Nessie giggled and bit another cookie like there was no tomorrow. 
“Aww, that`s nice to hear. I like her a lot too!  But don`t tell that to Lisa or Chu, she`s their favorite and they`re going to tickle me to death if they know.” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes playfully and your heart skipped a beat even though you were in the conversation with Jennie.
“Chu..?” Nessie tilted her head and Rosé hurried to explain.
“Jisoo and Lisa, our friends. Lisa actually has a strange hair color that I can’t really explain because it changes so quickly, but Jisoo`s a redhead. You`re going to love them though, they`re so funny!” Chaeyoung chuckled and Vanessa tried to smile with her mouth full, failing miserably.
“Chae, what are you talking about?” Jennie asked, concern written all over her face because she knew you wouldn`t be happy at the idea.
“Oh, Jichu texted me they were nearby and I told them where we are, so they decided to come and meet Vanessa as well. They`re so excited! Chu`s been dying to see you, Y/N.” She answered easily and you sighed, trying to organize your thoughts. Jisoo was one thing. But you were definitely not prepared to meet Lisa right now nor introduce her to Vanessa. “Y/N, I hope you don`t mind? I`m sorry I didn`t ask beforehand, but it`s been so long…”
“I`m not sure if it`s a good idea, Chae…” You desperately tried to think about any excuse to escape the situation and avoid meeting the girls but the doorbell already rang in the distance and you immediately heard their voices before you even saw them turning around the corner. Your hand unintentionally flew to Vanessa in a protective gesture which didn`t go unnoticed by Jennie. She frowned, probably trying to rationalize your actions but you didn`t give it a second thought because all of your attention was on the two women who were making their way to your table. They were wearing masks but their eyes were wide open, filled curiosity and excitement. Jisoo took off her mask, showing her pretty smile and Lisa followed her quickly, smiling shyly when they came closer.
“Y/N! My God, it`s been years.” You stood up, returning the hug, and realized you`ve been holding your breath this whole time. Vanessa was unusually quiet, sitting with Jennie, probably startled by the tension in the air. You looked at Lisa, who seemed lost and out of place, so you just smiled kindly and embraced her quickly, braking the ice like it was nothing.
“Hi, Lisa.” You whispered in her ear gently. Her sent was so familiar yet it felt like a distant memory. You zoned out for a moment but caught yourself quickly and let her go, owning a small shy ’Hi’ in return. It was obvious she didn’t know how to act around you yet and you felt just the same, desperately trying to look confident. Meeting an ex was never an easy task. 
The free of you sat down and Vanessa crawled to your lap, wrapping her hands around your neck and looking at two girls with suspicion and curiosity. She seemed to notice your discomfort and came to the rescue. It made your heart flutter and you smiled at how protective and sensitive she was already at such a young age. You loved your little girl so damn much.
“Aww, cutie.” Jisoo cooed at the view and you remembered that all eyes were on you now.
“It`s okay, baby. Don`t worry, I’m okay.” You whispered in her ear and she relaxed against your front. In the corner of your eye, you saw Lisa tilt her head curiously, like a puppy, and smile at your daughter.
“Hi, I`m Lisa!” She said in a cute voice and held her fist up. You saw Nessie`s eyes widen comically in excitement and everyone chuckled when she hurried to bump her fist in return, almost falling off your lap. Her little palm looked even smaller in comparison to Lisa`s and it made your heart ache.
“I`m Vanessa.” She grinned happily and you couldn`t help but smile brightly, admiring your child. Your nerves started to ease again, though it was still hard for you to look Lisa in the eyes, so you focused on your baby girl completely.
“I`m Jisoo, nice to meet you, Vanessa.” The older girl smiled and fist-bumped her too, noting the similarity between you and your daughter out loud. It made you blush and you felt pride warming your chest. Giving birth was really the best decision you`ve ever made.
“Chichu.” Nessie chuckled loudly and Jisoo glared at two other girls that were laughing hysterically. Lisa followed them shortly, adding a little 'You`re dead, guys.’ in between.
“It wasn`t me!” Jennie giggled while Chaeyoung hid her face in her hands, snickering and moving away from Jisoo`s grasp before she could catch her by the elbow.
“You`ll gonna pay for that, Chipmunk.” Jisoo shot her a death glare and everyone laughed again. You felt yourself relax in their company and you were thankful they made everything easier. They were just like that. And all of your concerns about meeting Lisa again faded into the background.
“So, Y/N, tell me everything! What have you been up to? How did you get this little nugget over here?”
“I`m not a nugget!!!”
You talked for about an hour and it felt like you never parted. Vanessa made everything seem so simple, carefree and bright, and by the end of the conversation, everyone was completely in love with her. You answered all of their questions, avoiding the topic of Nessie`s other parent like a plague. Jennie was paying close attention to you again, but you brushed it off, thinking she`s just missed you that much. Lisa was being unproblematic and you were thankful she didn`t mention anything about your horrible break up. To be honest, all of your previous fears were useless. It`s like she was the same Lisa you knew years ago - bright and funny, but now she was more mature and it seemed like she thought twice before saying anything. You were really enjoying their company and Vanessa seemed to like them just as much.
“Mommy!” She gasped suddenly in horror and you felt your heart speed up. “I forgot Nicky at the studio!”
“Oh my God, Nessie, you gave me a heart attack.” You sighed, closing your eyes and leaning back on the couch, and the girls chuckled. “We`ll get him back later, i promise. But please, don`t scare me like that ever again.” Vanessa nodded and returned to her noodles you ordered a while ago like she didn`t just nearly killed all of your nerve cells.
“A studio?” Rosie perked up and you snickered. Of course, she wouldn`t just skip something related to music in any sense.
“I dance!” Nessie answered happily and a noodle fell out of her mouth, making Jennie burst out laughing. You picked the food up and wiped her face gently.
“You like to dance?” Lisa asked excitedly and Jisoo rolled her eyes, grinning.
“Yes! It`s the best thing in the whole wooorld!” She nodded eagerly and Lisa high-fived her, asking Vanessa to show her some moves later.
“I wonder who she got it from…” Jennie muttered under her nose, but you heard it clearly. You frowned, catching her eyes with your own, but she didn`t look away, and you couldn`t help but tilt your head in question. She didn`t say anything, eyes falling to her phone quickly, so you changed the subject.
“Alright guys, we still have to go back to that studio and it`s someone`s nap time soon, so we better head out.” You said and Vanessa shook her head quickly with eyes full of concern.
“It`s not mine, mommy!” She looked tired already and was about to start getting fussy, but you still brushed her hair gently, took the money out of your purse and stood up.
“Yeah, it`s mine.” You smiled at her pouty lips and Chaeyoung cooed. “I so need a nap.” You said, showing how exhausted you were by rubbing your eyes softly.
“Okay then, mommy. I’ll stay with you when you get your beauty sleep, aright?” She nodded confidently and jumped off the couch in a second.
“Thank you, baby, you`re the best!” The girls stood up too to say goodbye and you smiled at them, still not believing everything went so good. 
“How are you so good with her?” Jisoo chuckled, hugging you and you grinned, returning the embrace. “I thought she was about to have a tantrum like any other kid would. You`re a magician!”
“Practice, duh. And, I’m the best.” 
“You sure are.” Jennie snickered, kissing your cheek.
“Don`t forget to say goodbye, Nessie.” You told your kid, who was hugging Rose tightly. 
“Bye-bye, aunty Jennie, bye-bye, aunty Rosie, bye-bye, aunty Jichu, bye-bye, aunty Lisa!” She lost her breath byt the time she said goodbye to everyone and the girls burst out laughing, melting completely. You hugged Jisoo and Lisa and took Nessie`s hand in yours.
“It was so good to see you guys!” You said on your way out while Vanessa was waving excitedly.
Lisa`s smile was still imprinted on your mind when you were putting Nessie to sleep that night and it felt so odd to think again about a woman you haven`t seen for so long yet who was related to you so much. She was still that Lisa you knew back then, but it seemed like she was completely a different person now and you couldn`t help but worry if this get-together with your ex would be a good thing for you or not. It got worse when Jennie texted you again that same night, wanting to meet up and promising that it would be just you and her this time. You were starting to get worried that she might be suspicious or if she knew something she didn`t need to, but you tried to reassure yourself that there was no way she would know. Right? You didn`t get much sleep that night, holding Nessie closer to your chest than usual, flashbacks of your past coming back to you till the sun rose in the morning and Vanessa opened her sparkly eyes again.
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mrs-captain-evans · 5 years
For the Love of Dogs - Chris Evans x You
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Summary:  You’re spending time at your local dog park with your rescue dog when you run into a certain Captain
Pairing:  Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count:  1946
Warnings:  None, fluffy, slight language
A/N:  Beta by @whiskey-cokenfanfic, thank you! 😘
@mycapt-ohcapt sent me a prompt of my doggy meeting Dodger a little while ago when I was hitting the wall with ideas. Inspiration hit me, so I changed it up slightly, and wrote this for you to celebrate your day today. Happy birthday darling! ❤️😘
It was yours and Frankie’s first trip to your local dog park. It had always been a dream of yours to have a dog of you own, so when you visited a pet event show and clapped your eyes on the beautiful brindle Greyhound, your dream came true. You had spent a lot of time over the last few months researching the breed and speaking with experts, so you knew a Greyhound would fit perfectly into your busy life. As soon as you looked into Frankie’s chocolate brown eyes, you instantly fell in love and quickly signed the adoption papers before he was snapped up by someone else. That was 4 days ago.
Walking through the gate on a beautiful Spring morning, you made sure it was securely closed before removing Frankie’s leash. You had the park to yourselves, so you enjoyed a leisurely game of fetch with the tennis ball you brought with you. After a while, Frankie decided he was more interested in sniffing out all the plants and bushes which lined the paths around the large park. Taking this opportunity, you sat down on a bench nearby, pulled out your phone, and caught up with the world.
Preoccupied by the group chat with your girls, you didn’t hear the gate open as another eager hound entered the park with his owner. Just as you started to type out a response to one of your friends dating disasters, a brown and white dog jumped up into your lap, placing his paws on your thighs as he excitedly pushed his wet nose into your face, licking you with a wagging tail.
The loud voice, of what you assumed was your new furry friends owner, echoed through the park. Looking up, you could see a dark haired, bearded, tall man, stride quickly towards you scolding at his dog, “Dodger! C’mon boy, get down!”
Giggling at the affection, you awkwardly secured your cell in your pocket and moved a hand towards his nose so he could give you a good sniff.
“Hello mister, well aren’t you an adorable boy.”
Now that both your hands were free, you ran your fingers through the soft, long fur of Dodgers neck, tickling him behind his ears.
“Awww yes you are! Who's a good boy, huh? Who’s a good boy?!” Your usually soft, quiet voice increased in pitch as you cooed over the pooch, showering him with love.
The man soon approached you and interrupted your petting with a deep chuckle. His arms were crossed, a broad smile on his face, “Shall I leave you guys to it, or..?” The amused, teasing tone in his voice didn’t go amiss.
Feeling embarrassed, you tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and apologised to the man with a small smile.
Dodger was still in your lap, so his owner grabbed his collar and pulled him off you. That’s when you realised your light wash denim jeans now sported mud shaped paw prints, and your pale pink cami was covered in dark patches, thanks to the slobber caused by the ginger hound.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry!” The attractive man turned towards his dog, giving him the side eye, ”he’s normally got much better manners than this!”
Shrugging your shoulders, you waved off his apology. “It’s fine, honestly.”
Not quite forgiving Dodger just yet, he glanced back at your ruined clothes, and proceeded to tell the poor mutt off.
While the handsome man was giving his dog a lecture on how to be polite, you looked him over. His dark hair was soft and fluffy, easily styled with a natural look. His eyes were covered by a dark pair of sunglasses, and a neatly trimmed beard covered the bottom half of his face, while his pink, plump lips looked juicy enough to bite. He was wearing a dark pair of jeans, coupled with an unzipped navy blue bomber jacket, meaning you had a perfect view of the white cotton tee he was wearing underneath, which did little to cover his impressive chest. You could see a dark shadow over his clavicle area, and wondered if he was hiding some ink. Before you could ogle some more, Frankie wandered over to see what all the commotion was.
“And who is this curious fella?”
Looking down at your brindle beauty, you replied, “This is Frankie. He’s only been with me for a few days, but he just fitted right in, haven’t ya bud?”
“Well it’s lovely to meet you both, I’m Chris, and as you probably figured with my not so manly screaming, this dumbo is Dodger,” he showed Frankie his right fist in greeting, while petting his head with his left hand.
Chuckling at his humour, you also introduced yourself, as your two fur babies sniffed at each others butts, getting themselves acquainted with one another. Suddenly, Dodger gave a quick bark before he threw his front legs down flat against the ground with his butt up high in the air. His tail was wagging rapidly in excitement and he pounced towards Frankie wanting to play. You and Chris laughed as you watched them run off across the park.
Taking a seat on the bench, Chris turned towards you, “So you recently adopted Frankie?”
“Yes, he’s my gentle giant. I’ve always wanted my own Greyhound, especially an ex racer. They’re such laid back dogs, and a professional couch potatoes!” Sharing a laugh, you continued. “Growing up, we always had a dog in the family home but when I flew the nest, and rented my own apartment, pets weren’t allowed in the building. For the last few years I’ve been saving up for a deposit and eventually, with a little help from my grandpa, I managed to afford my own house.”
You glanced Chris’s way, “It’s been a long wait, but I could finally have the Greyhound I’d always wished for. He fits into my lifestyle perfectly.”
Chris sent you a genuine smile, “Well I’m glad he found you. Too many dogs are left waiting for homes, and I’m happy he found a perfect one with you.”
Heat filled your cheeks with a rosy pink blush, instantly feeling shy, “Thank you.” Turning in your seat towards him slightly, you asked, “What about Dodger? Was he a rescue?”
“Yeah, he’s been with me a few years now. I met him while I was working in an animal shelter. As soon as I saw him, I knew he didn’t belong there . I mean look at him, he’s just so full of life.” He gazed out across the dog park, a tender look on his face.
A comfortable silence filled the air, you followed his eyes and beamed as your fur babies made friends, sniffing at all the blossoming flowers. All of a sudden, Frankie leaped forward into a full gallop, sprinting off around the park. Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Dodger quickly gave chase trying to outrun him, but failed. Frankie’s long legs, flexible spine and muscular build was no match for the energetic pup, but it was certainly amusing watching the two of them.
Chris thought so too. His hysterical laughter filled your ears as he got very animated, leaning back and slapping a hand across his chest. Tears brimmed his eyes, so he pulled off his sunglasses to wipe his eyes. Your breath hitched in your throat when you realised who he was.
It was only yesterday you watched Marvel's latest blockbuster, Endgame, and now you were sat on a bench, in a random dog park in Massachusetts, with one of the biggest and most talked about stars of the moment. Your girls would not believe this.
Trying to keep your composure, you asked if he was okay while you tried to not freak out.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just so good to see Dodge happy and making friends.” Chris watched on with a fond smile, like a proud father, a tinge of regret in his voice.
Finding the courage to speak up, you sassed, “Does he not have many friends then?”
“Oh haha, very funny. He has plenty of friends thank you very much!”, he playfully pointed a finger towards you, while shaking his head.
Wrinkling your nose, you sarcastically said, “Sure..”
Chris jokingly rolled his eyes as he ran his left hand through his hair. “We’ve been across the Country for most of the year so he hasn’t really had chance to get to know the locals, ya know?” He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees as he continued, “Sometimes my work is pretty full on and I don’t spend long enough in one place for him to enjoy the doggy life with a playmate. It’s gotta be hard on him, makes me feel guilty, y’know?”
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to explain yourself to me...Captain.”
Chris quickly looked up at you with wide eyes, a shocked expression etched across his face. You snickered at him, overjoyed at your quip.
“So, I guess the cats outta the bag then?” he silently chuckled.
Nodding your head, you confirmed his suspicions with a wink, “Uh huh. Nice disguise though.”
He snorted a small thanks before the dogs made their way back over towards you both on the bench. They were both exhausted from their run with their tongues hanging out of the side of their mouths, panting excessively.
“Well it looks like he’s found a fellow sidekick now.” You noted while giggling at the sight of the two of them.
Chris joined in with your laughter, before he made a suggestion, “I’ve got the rest of the summer off, so we’ll be spending a lot more time in this park. Maybe you and Frankie would like to join us sometime? Y’know, so they can bond.”
Stunned at his proposition you were speechless, staring at him with your mouth open, unsure if you heard him correctly.
“So, what do you say?”
Still in a daze, you tried to utter out a confident response, “Oh, um, ye-yeah.”
Chris looked delighted, happy you agreed to his proposal. He turned towards you with a sheepish smile, “Look, I am really sorry about ruining your clothes. Please let me cover the dry cleaning costs, it’s the least I can do.”
Waving a dismissive hand his way, you replied, “Please, it’s not a problem. These things happen. It’s nothing a quick wash at home won’t fix.”
Not accepting your forgiveness that easily, Chris pressed on, “At least let me buy you a coffee?”
You looked down at your watch noticing the time, “Oh thank you for the offer, but I’m not sure. It’s getting late and I haven’t had lunch yet.”
Seeing the hesitation in your eyes, he persevered, “Go on, you know you want to, I’ll even buy you a cookie.” He nudged your side with his elbow playfully, “Plus these dogs need a drink, just look at them!”
Not playing fair, he jested, “Surely you don’t want to upset Frankie by leaving when he and Dodge have just become best friends!”
“Best friends? Really?!” You stifled a laugh and looked between the two dogs. They sure did look happy. “Wow, you’re persistent aren’t you?!” His smug smile answered your question.
Just as you were mulling over his coffee invitation, that bastard had to pull out the big guns didn’t he? He raised his right eyebrow, giving you the puppy dog eyes.
Feeling defeated, you sighed waving a hand towards him, “God, how can I say no to that face!”
Chris’s boisterous howl echoed through the park, as he stood up, holding a hand out towards you, “C’mon, let's go grab that coffee.”
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calliopewritings · 4 years
christmas spirit
Haechan x GenderNeutral!Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Haechan cost you your best friend with his playboy ways and you’ve been bickering ever since, but a wise man once said: Christmas is the spirit of forgiveness
Warnings/Tags: Enemies to lovers-ish, fluff, suggestive themes, bickering, swearing
Prompt 11 from this list
You had met up with your friends at the local library to see each other once more before the Christmas break. Jisung and Chenle were discussing which games they were going to play, while Krystal pretended to listen, with a fond smile. Jaemin was excitedly bouncing in his chair, insisting, “This year I’ll learn to ice skate!”
“Right, and Haechan will find the love of his life and settle down,” Jeno commented, to which Haechan laughed and Jaemin pouted. 
Haechan was seated across from you, slouched in his chair, arms nonchalantly swung over the armrests. He’d always been the flirty type, but about a year ago, he’d started sleeping around, the ‘no feelings involved’ kind of thing, which was fine, he could do whatever he wanted, but he crossed a line when he played your best friend. 
She had stormed at you, furious and with tears running down her cheeks, yelling about how Haechan broke her heart and how she couldn’t bear to look at you. 
She stopped talking to you after that. Every time you approached her, you were met with cold eyes and the same words: “We’re not friends. Leave me alone”. 
You’d been positively furious with Haechan, and what had previously been a friendship between you two, had turned into bickering and curses. Your friend group had quickly grown accustomed to your bickering and even had a bet going on about who’d retort to murder first. 
“Okay, but what are you actually doing this break Haechan?” Jaemin asked. “Who am I doing,” he corrected, “and it depends, I’ve got a couple in mind,” he smirked. 
“Tasteless, Haechan,” you tell him, and he raises a challenging brow at you.
“You’re no fun, Y/n, such a bore,” 
“Well at least I still have my dignity,” you retort to which he snorts and opens his mouth to respond, but he doesn’t get far, as he’s interrupted by your phone ringing. 
You look at the screen and see that it’s your mom calling. “Hey, everything okay?” you speak.
“Hi, Sweetheart. Look, I’m sorry to be a bother, but we could really use your help at the shelter, it’s incredibly busy here today,” she tells you and you can instantly picture your mother rushing around the shelter, even with her fragile back. 
“You’re never a bother, I’ll be there soon. Should I pick anything up on the way?” 
“No, I think we’re good, love you!” 
“Love you too, I’ll get going now!”
You quickly picked up your things, stuffing them in your bag. “Oooh,” Jeno hooted, “Is our Y/n finally seeing someone?” 
“Sounds like it,” Krystal quips, and at this point, you’re packed and ready to go. You merely smile at their antics, and wave goodbye, “Gotta go, Merry Christmas you guys!” you yell as you’re running out the library, earning you a pointed look from the librarian. 
As you left the library, Haechan couldn’t help but be disappointed. Right from the moment you’d picked up your phone, he’d had a sour taste in his mouth. Who was the person taking you from him? A frown adorned his face as you spoke into the phone, “Love you too”. And when Jeno and Krystal started teasing you, he didn’t participate, instead, he pondered, are they really seeing someone?
He decided right then and there, that this Christmas, he’d tell you how he felt, at the very least apologize for the past… before it was too late. 
“I’ve handed out some extra blankets, do you need anything else at the moment?” You asked. You mom turned to you, still stirring the soup, she pointed to a door, “Get the boxes out there, will you? The ones with bread and cups,” 
“Got it”.
You’d quickly located the box with bread but had been in a 10-minute search for the cups. Sighing, you decided to deliver the bread to the kitchen, before you search any longer. You carefully made your way to the kitchen, the box in your arms, obscuring your vision, and causing you to almost trip a couple of times. With a huff you put down the box, “Sorry it took so long mom, I couldn’t find the cups,” you said with a pout. 
As you turn to face your mom, you’re shocked to find an equally shocked looking Haechan. Without thinking, you raise a pointed finger at him, “Who let him in?” At that, he huffs out a breath, and regains his usual nonchalant posture, “Very classy, Y/n”.
“You two know each other?” Your mom inquires from her spot at the stove. “Acquaintances,” you tell her, as Haechan lowers your arm that’s still pointing at him.
“We’re friends,” he corrects you, “I’ll go get the heaters,” and with that, he leaves the room. 
You look to see your mom smiling at you. She raises a brow, “He’s cute,”
“Right, I’ll go look for that box!” You excuse yourself and rush to the storage room. 
The meal had been served, and you’d seated yourself next to a nice elderly man who seemed to be alone. Throughout your chat, you’d been sneaking glances at Haechan. What was he doing at the homeless shelter? He couldn’t possibly have expected to meet you, he’d been just as surprised as you to see each other here. I guess he really is just here to help, you thought.
It was just so out of the ordinary to see him like that. His smirk had long ago been replaced with a genuine smile as he spoke to an elderly woman. He was wearing a ridiculously tacky Christmas sweater that you were sure he would never let your friends see him in.
The man beside you gently nudges your shoulder, “Preoccupied are we?” he smiles, and you look down embarrassed, “I’m sorry, just a lot on my mind,” you explained. He nodded thoughtfully, “You should talk to him, the guy you’ve been staring at,” 
“I-I wasn’t staring!” You exclaim, flustered, “Besides, we have a history… he hasn’t exactly been a great guy,”
“I see… Still, my advice is the same. Christmas is the spirit of forgiveness, and who knows, maybe he had his reasons,” he finished with a smile. 
You looked at Haechan again, a confused pout on your face, and saw him laughing with a little boy. He has a nice smile, you guess. 
You pick up the trash bags silently and Haechan does the same. You silently curse out your mom for assigning you AND Haechan to carry the trash bags outside. He holds the door for you, and you step outside in the cold, instantly freezing as you weren’t wearing a jacket. No one breaks the silence until you’ve reached the waste container. He throws the bags in the container with a huff, and you finally get a closeup of his ridiculous sweater. You fail to hold in a chuckle, and without thinking, you mumbled: “You look strangely cute in that sweater”. 
You instantly shut your eyes, and pray that he didn’t hear, but then he speaks up, “You’ve finally succumbed to my charms, huh?” And you look up to see an annoying smirk on his face, but what catches you off guard is the glint in his eyes and his tomato red cheeks. Must be the cold, you think. 
“In your dreams,” you manage to speak, as you throw your bags in the container as well. He lets out a low chuckle, “You know it,” he says with a cheeky smile, and you’re reminded that he’s the biggest flirt in the entire town. Despite that, you can’t seem to look away, as snowflakes gently fall onto his head, one landing on his nose, making him look, dare you say, adorable. 
“Right…” you sigh and turn to go inside again, but he grabs your arm, gently, much to your surprise.
“Listen, I never really apologized for you know, costing you your best friend and all, and I-”
“No need. It’s not like it’s bothered you the past year anyway, so-”
“No, I wanna explain. Please?” He looks at you pleadingly, and you find yourself turning to face him again. He sighs and you notice that he’s trembling slightly, and you start to doubt that it’s the cold. You consider placing a steadying hand on his shoulder, but let your hands fall to your sides instead.
 “I made it very clear that it was a ‘no feelings involved’ thing, I made sure of that, but then she told me that she liked me, and I-I told her I didn’t feel the same, but I really wasn’t trying to hurt anyone, I promise. But when I told her that I didn’t like her, she got really mad and got all hysteric cause she-...” 
He visibly gulped, and his cheeks reddened impossibly more and though you were curious to hear the rest, you waited patiently for him to continue. “She somehow knew that I-I kind of definitely had a crush on you, and before I knew it, she was cursing you out and blaming me being an idiot on you, so I just kind of… told her to piss off, and I know that wasn’t the best way to handle things, and I’m sorry that I hurt you, but I am not sorry that she left, cause quite frankly she was a bit of a bitch, and you deserved better,” he finished, out of breath.
 You blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice, before Haechan nervously spoke again, “Y-Y/n?” You finally looked at him and realized just how vulnerable he looked, and all you could think about was how much you wanted to hug him. 
That wasn’t what you did at all, however, instead you spoke: “The old man was right,”
“Excuse you?” He questioned, a nervous smile adorning his face, and you allowed yourself to finally admit that he was definitely adorable.
“Sorry I never even gave you a chance to explain,” you uttered, still baffled by his explanation. He nervously rubbed his neck, “It’s okay, I probably shouldn’t have slept with your best friend in the first place”. You looked at him incredulously, “Probably?” you asked with a laugh, and he joined in too. 
“Come on, we should head inside, it’s freezing cold out here,” you spoke, and he smirked, “You’re right, we can’t have your mom thinking we’re up to no good,” he teased, and for the first time ever you were relieved to see he was back to his usual, smirking, nonchalant self. 
You’d only just entered the warm building again, when your mom stopped you, “Freeze!” she yelled. “What. Why? Are you okay mom?” you asked from the doorframe, where you’d frozen in your spot. 
She let out a girlish giggle and you shot her a confused look. “I think I’ll let Haechan explain, Sweetheart,” she mused as she speed-walked to the kitchen. 
You turned to the boy, “What did she mean?” you asked with a confused pout, and he only let out a nervous laugh. When you tilted your head in question, he let out an awkward chuckle and pointed above your heads, to a subtly placed mistletoe. 
Your cheeks were on fire at once, and you thought you might just pass out when you made eye contact with Haechan, whose nonchalant demeanour had quickly vanished again. Your eyes flickered to his lips for a second, and it didn’t go unnoticed by him. Your mind was running wild, searching for words to say, but stopped dead in its tracks, when his warm lips pressed against yours. 
He pulled back as soon as his lips had touched yours, seemingly shocked by his own actions, as he started apologizing profusely. 
You broke out of your trance and grabbed his cheeks, his face squished in your hands, and pressed a confident kiss to his lips. He felt so warm against you, his hands hesitantly went to gently hold your hips, and you found yourself thinking that this was home… he was home. Despite what you expected from him, the kiss was innocent, wholesome, and everything you could’ve asked for from a first kiss. 
When you pulled away, both your faces were burning red, and as your eyes met, you couldn’t help the smile on your face, soon turning into a giggle, and Haechan quickly followed. 
“Be mine?” He asked, beaming, and you thought you’d never seen anything more breathtaking. “Already am,” you told him, and placed a small peck onto his lips. 
“Merry Christmas Haechan,” 
“Merry Christmas, Love”.
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btsinlondon · 5 years
Yoongi x Reader x Jimin
Word Count - 3.9K
Warnings - 18+ threesome, double penetration, mention of alcohol, unprotected sex 
Theme - A Level Results Day. You bump into Yoongi & Jimin in a pub and later find yourself in a nightclub living out one of your fantasies with the two of them...
“Yes Yoongi…fuck. Jimin - oh god” You fling your head back, arching into their touch, your eyes unable to properly focus on the dark and dingey room around you.
You clutch onto the desk behind you with both hands to try and steady yourself, your foot slipping as it hits a box full of bottles of beer making a loud clinking sound which is drowned out by the thump thump thump of the music beating up through the floor beneath you.
Yoongi kissing your neck, his hot breath on your skin. Jimin’s cool hand, palm facing towards your body, slowly pushing down the front of your high-waisted jeans. His dainty fingers brushing your most intimate skin sends pulsing hot waves of pleasure through your bucking hips.
“Let’s see if we can make her cum” said Yoongi.
“Challenge accepted” said Jimin.
15 hours earlier -
It was results day, the August sun was blazing and the balmy air was filled with a buzzing sense of excitement. You and your friends were all arriving through the Sixth Form gates, ready to finally receive your A Level results. The nervous energy in the assembly hall was infectious. One by one everyone begins ripping open their envelopes to see their grades printed in big, bold letters in the middle of the page.
Trembling slightly, you slowly peel the lip of your letter and pull the white paper from the envelope. Your eyes quickly glance across the A4 sheet and stop dead in the middle.
English Lit - A
Media Studies - A
History - B
Heart thumping, your eyes glisten with tears and your mouth breaks into a huge smile. Turning to your friend you almost shout, “I’m going to Manchester University!!!!”
Jumping on the spot, hands shaking you fold the paper and quickly pull out your phone to call your Mum and tell her your news.
A huge group of you make your way into town to celebrate. Hoards of people you recognise keep stopping to ask you and your friends what grades you got and before too long, you end up in Nando’s where every table is taken up by someone from your Sixth Form or the college in town. You order your food and sit on a table by the window, chatting furiously with your friends about what it might be like once you get to Uni.
A loud group of lads suddenly burst into hysterics and you look over your shoulder to glance at the table next to you. You recognise a few of the guys around the square table who happen to go the music college - Yoongi, RM and Jimin.
You’d met them before on various nights out and had actually hung out with two of them at a house party the day after your final exam. You didn’t really know anyone else at the party apart from the guy who lived there. RM must have had a shit load of cleaning up the day after, as it felt like the whole town had turned up to his house party.
You remembered arriving at the party feeling anxious - it was Jimin and Yoongi who had answered the door, showed you round and offered you a beer. Blushing slightly when Jimin had flung his arm round you, he guided you over to the big bucket full of beer and ice which was sat next to the BBQ. Clutching your beer a little nervously, you sat round a fire pit in the garden, chatting to RM and Jimin whilst Yoongi pretty much ignored you. Yoongi had sat looking lost in his own thoughts, staring into the flames. He made you curious, you wanted to know what was going on in his mind. You kept looking over at him, his soft features glowing in the firelight, his mouth slightly open, swigging his beer and wiping the liquid from his lips…you wondered what those lips would be like to taste…
In Nando’s, Yoongi had noticed you staring and his eyes narrowed, a small smirk breaking at the corner of his mouth as he nudged Jimin and nodded in your direction.
“Hey Y/N! What results did you get?” Jimin asked across the table.
You smiled and told him that you were really happy as you’d managed to get the results you needed to go to Manchester Uni.
“No way. I didn’t know you applied? I got a place there too” said Yoongi.
You felt a little flutter in your chest as his words. Excited by the prospect of seeing Yoongi in freshers week, you replied “That’s amazing, congratulations. How are you guys going to celebrate tonight?”
“We are deffo going out to The Crown for a few drinks and then probably go check out The Venue if the queue isn’t too long”
Everyone always ended up in The Crown if they were going out for drinks and The Venue was the best club in town.
“Nice, I will probably see you later then” you said, turning back to your table and not even trying to hide the excited glint in your eyes.
Pre drinks were at your friends house. She had really hippy parents who let her drink white wine with dinner from the age of 12 and always bought her beer to take to house parties. The four of you were drinking cheap white wine with lemonade as you got ready for the night out. You all decided to dress like you were going to a festival - it was mid August after all and a big pot of silver body glitter was shared out between the five of you.
After a couple more drinks, it was beginning to get dark outside, so you put on your heels grabbed your phone and shoved it into your ripped jeans pocket. You were wearing a white blousy off-the-shoulder crop top which was buttoned in the middle and you had covered your chest with the silver body glitter. Your jeans were tight and made you feel super sexy, your hips swinging confidently as you walked down the driveway to hop in the Uber into town.
You and your friends walk into The Crown, it was hot and muggy inside. The smell of beer and sweat hanging thick in the air of the busy pub.
“Hey guys, can we find somewhere to sit outside? It’s way too hot in here” you said as you lead the way out to the beer garden after you had all grabbed a drink at the bar.
You quickly found a picnic bench in the corner of the walled courtyard with enough space for the four of you and you sipped your drinks as you reminisced about the end of term parties. A couple of your friends went back to the bar to grab another round and you leaned across the table to hear where your friend was going for her family summer holiday.
Suddenly you felt the bench dip beneath you as an attractive guy, dressed in tight black jeans and a loose black shirt with half the buttons done up sat next to you and put his arm over your shoulder.
“Oh hey Jimin” you said, noticing Yoongi squeeze next to you on the other side, “Hi Yoongi”
The others returned with drinks and the two of them squeezed on the bench opposite. The six of you leaned in across the table to hear each other over the music which had suddenly got louder.
Laughing and joking about how much you all hated exams in the hot sports hall where your legs stuck to the plastic seats, you could feel Yoongi’s thigh touching yours and the heat of his touch was burning through your jeans making your breath catch slightly every time he shifted in his seat. He stole a glance at you, eyes locking with yours and you squeezed your thighs together, the heat rising and pulsing in waves in the crease between your jeans.
Feeling slightly flushed and distracted, you raised your head as Jimin said “Do you think you’ll be more experimental when you go to uni y/n?” Your mind had been elsewhere as you weren’t sure what he was talking about.
“Sorry, what? Experimental with drugs?”
“No no, experimental with sex” said Jimin.
“Oh, um, yeah? I guess? I mean I’ve always wanted to try a threesome” the words came out of your mouth before you had time to stop them, four drinks in and your filter was gone.
“Oh nice!” Jimin chuckled and Yoongi’s leg twitched next to yours.
“What about you?” You asked Jimin and he glanced passed you at Yoongi who refused to look up from his pint.
“Well I’ve always felt like polyamorous relationships would suit me, so that’s something I’d like to explore and I guess that would probably lead to a threesome at some point! Ha! You probably already know I like men and women so there’s a lot of possibilities there!” He smiled softly, sweeping his hands through his hair before taking another sip of his gin and tonic.
It was still so warm outside and the walkway down the high street to The Venue was super busy. Walking slightly ahead of the others, you were side by side with Yoongi who had his hands in his pockets.
“Did you really mean it when you said you want to try a threesome?” He said boldly.
Swallowing hard and turning to look at him, you felt that hot pulse in between your legs again and answered “Yes, but it would probably never happen to me…wishful thinking huh? Plus, it would be difficult to find two guys who would be willing…”
Yoongi looked at you, his eye darkening. He took his hand out of his pockets and bit the top of his right thumb “I don’t think it would be that hard to find a couple of guys who would want to try it with you” he mumbled through his clenched teeth and removed his hand from his mouth, breathing a little heavier before biting down on his bottom lip. This sent your insides dancing, waves of pleasure running through your chest and down beneath your jeans as you imagined what it would be like to kiss those lips.
Yoongi suddenly stopped and grabbed your waist - you had arrived outside the queue for the club, you hadn’t even noticed where you were walking, eyes fixed on Yoongi’s soft lips. The throbbing pressing on your ear drums was broken by Jimin’s excited cry “The line isn’t even that long! Thank fuck, I need another drink!”
12:05am (to enhance your experience reading, play Blood Sweat and Tears in your headphones now)
You all headed to the first floor of the club, the music pulsing and flowing, making your hips move gently from side to side. Jimin and Yoongi were in front of you, moving in closer as the club began to get busy and people pushed passed you. Yoongi’s arm brushed against yours and you felt like a sharp shock of electric had sparked between you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you forward to say something in your ear - “let’s go find somewhere with fewer people” leading you up to the second floor of the night club.
Passing hot, sweaty bodies on the staircase, you swivel you shoulders to avoid the rush of people heading back down to the main dance floor, Yoongi’s grip tight on your hand. You reach the third floor and he leads you inside. 
There are few people up here and the air conditioning is on full blast. The smell of stale alcohol and smoke machines fills the cold air and you can see a few couples sitting in booths around the edge of the dance floor quietly chatting over the background music.
Yoongi guides you towards a padded booth in the far corner of the room and the two of you slide across the worn leather seat. He locks eyes with you and says in a low, rough voice “y/n, this is probably the alcohol talking but you are so fucking hot and I really want to kiss you right now”
“Then what are you waiting for” you say, sounding more confident than you feel.
He breathes in heavily, chest heaving and before you can catch your own breath his lips are on yours. You head spinning, sending dizzy sparks of pleasure down your body, you deepen the kiss and feel Yoongi’s lips part as you hungrily push your body up against his. Yoongi begins to tease you, letting his tongue flit across your bottom lip before pulling back with a loud intake of breath. His torturous teasing sends your longing over the edge and all you want to do is feel Yoongi’s hands all over you. 
“There must be somewhere more private we can go?” You breathlessly say, glancing around the room as a large group enter through the double doors. But before you get the chance to move, one of the guys spots the two of you and walks straight over to your quiet corner of the room.
“Fancy seeing you guys here!” Says Jimin, giving you both a knowing look.
“Fuck off Jimin, we’ve finally got some space and of course as soon as we sit down, you turn up” Yoongi says rolling his eyes.
“Don’t be such a meanie” he says snuggling in a little closer to you and resting his hand on your knee, “I was looking for y/n to buy her a drink” he winks at you. Suddenly the quiet background music cranks up to full volume, the bass rumbling up through your legs and making your chest hum. It makes you jump and Jimin and Yoongi both laugh.
(to enhance your experience reading, play IDOL)
“I LOVE THIS SONG” shouts Jimin over the music. “C’mon guys, lets dance” he grabs both of you by the hand and drags you up out of the cozy booth to the middle of the empty dance floor.
You’re hesitant at first and a little self conscious, but Yoongi pulls up close behind you, his crotch brushing against the back pockets of your jeans and swaying to the beat of the music, you soon begin to let go as you lean into his touch. Jimin throws his head back and arms in the air as he fully embraces the music. You giggle at his lack of inhibitions and he smiles wickedly back at you, a sudden change in his eyes. He looks at you with a glint of need and lust as he watches Yoongi grinding against you. Jimin takes one step forward and next thing he is pressing his hips against yours. The three of you grind together to the fast paced music “oh oh ooo woah, oh oh ooo woah woahh” and you’re in heaven. 
It’s Jimin who moves in first, brushing his lips against your exposed neck, he wipes his index finger across your chest, the glitter sticking to his skin and he wipes it on Yoongi’s cheek. Yoongi laughs and pulls your hips into his crotch, continuing to grind behind you. 
You are surrounded by the heat of both their bodies against yours, the smell of musky aftershave, cigarettes and your own perfume. The three of you move in sync, grinding and swaying to the music and you are transported our of the club - it’s just you and them.
Your eyes are closed and suddenly Jimin and Yoongi grab your hands and are leading you through a door next to the bar with the words NO ENTRY on. Nobody notices as the three of you slip away and you hear Yoongi turn the lock on the door. 
He faces you and without saying a word, Yoongi crosses the room and just like that his lips are on yours and your heart is pounding in your chest and Jimin is pulling in closer and your head is delirious and the room is burning and you can’t see and you are completely theirs... 
“Yes Yoongi…fuck. Jimin - oh god” You fling your head back, arching into their touch, your eyes unable to properly focus on the dark and dingey room around you.
“Let’s see if we can make her cum” said Yoongi.
“Challenge accepted” said Jimin.
“Oh....god...” you pant as both Yoongi and Jimin start to work at bringing you to the edge of ecstasy. Jimin’s petite hands working to unbutton your jeans, he slips them down your hips and plunges his hand down, palm pressing firmly against you as he pushes your underwear to one side and slides a finger inside. Your moans of pleasure are silenced by Yoongi, clasping his hand across your mouth he growls into your ear “Hush princess...the music is loud but we don’t want anyone to find us in here, don’t want to be interrupted...”
He places his other hand on the back of your head and tugs at your hair, forcing your head back as he begins sucking on your neck. His tongue darting over your skin, you can hardly breathe and your hips buck into Jimin’s touch. 
“I think she likes it hyung...I think she likes it when two of us are touching her...one of us is not enough is it y/n?” Jimin says, sliding another finger inside you. 
“I - uhh - please” you stammer through Yoongi’s grip on your mouth, beginning to lose control. 
“She’s begging for us. Let’s give her more” Yoongi uses his free hand to unbuckle his belt and slip his jeans to the floor, you reach around to feel his solid cock through his boxers. He groans and pushes against your hand “You’re teasing me, do you know what this does to me?” Yoongi says “it makes me want to fuck you” You nod your head and moan into his hand, your muffled voice “f-fuck...fuck me..oh god, I want you both to fuck me” 
Your pleading seems to spark something inside both Yoongi and Jimin and moving together as though it was choreographed, they pull off your jeans, turn you around, bend you over the stacked boxes on the floor and kneel down - Yoongi behind you and Jimin in front, his waist at the same level as your head. 
“You can have your way with her first Yoongi” says Jimin who was watching the two of you with a hunger in his eyes. 
“B-both...” you say quietly 
“What’s that princess?” Yoongi replies
“I - want. I need both of you” your fantasies of having a threesome were becoming real and you knew exactly what you wanted. 
“You want both of us? To fuck you? At the same time?” Jimin raises an eyebrow but Yoongi is already moving to line his hips with your from behind. 
“I want to feel both of you, uhhh fuck - inside me” as you spit out the last two words, Yoongi pounds into your core from behind and starts to thrust, moving to the heavy bass of the music. Jimin watches you both, his mouth slightly open and he bites his bottom lip. 
Jimin wants you, he’s willing to share you with Yoongi, but he’s hesitant...he thinks - fuck her, at the same time?
But Yoongi’s mind is set, he’s going help you live out the fantasy you long for. Knowing this position won’t work with the three of you, Yoongi pulls out, grabs your hips and guides you over to the sofa in the corner of the room. But before he gets a chance to manoeuvre, you decide to take control and put both hands on his chest, pushing him so that he falls onto his back on the sofa.
“baby girl...ugh” you straddle him on the sofa and draw your nails along his chest “you know what you want...” he looks up at you “are you going to fuck me?” his eyes darken “are you going to let Jimin fuck you whilst you ride me like a dirty slut?”
His words send your core reeling, waves of hot pleasure rolling through your chest and down into the pit of your stomach “are you ready for both of us to fill you up? Your tight pussy is going to feel so fucking good”
. “Jimin...uhhh- Yoongi....both of you, please god yes” You slowly sink down onto Yoongi’s rock hard cock, stretching you as you wiggle your hips in circular motions.
You feel Jimin kneel up onto the sofa behind you. You look over your shoulder and you can see Jimin, naked and stroking himself - his tongue flitting across his lip, the need and want in his eyes convincing you this is actually going to happen - you are going to be fucked by Yoongi and Jimin...at the same time...
“Baby, you’re fucking tight. Let us make you cum - get you soaking wet, ready for both of us - both of us to fuck you together” Yoongi bucks his hips so his pubic bone grinds against your clit and the combined sensation of sliding in and out of you brings you so close to the edge.
Jimin leans in and you feel his hard dick pressing against your back. He reaches around and gently brushes his fingers against your bud. “I’m c-close, oh fuck, yes yes right there, oh god” Jimin pushes you to climax, your muscles clenching against Yoongi, your hips juttering and your head leaning back into the crook of Jimin’s neck.
“That’s right princess...you feel so fucking good, you’re so wet for us” says Yoongi as he pulls you towards him. You are now lying on his chest, your ass in the air, Yoongi’s cock still inside you.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this y/n?” Jimin says in a gentle voice. He pushes his tip, wet with pre-cum, against the fleshy pink skin next to the entrance of your core...you take a deep breath as Yoongi pulls nearly all the way out...
“Ready?” Yoongi asks Jimin.
“Please....” you beg, the suspense too much for you to handle. Both boys push into you at the same time, your wetness is so slippery, making it easy for them to stretch you and fill you like you’ve never felt before.
“Fuuuuuuck” you scream, the intense feeling of both of them inside you, pressing up against your g-spot, your body completely loses control as you spasm around them, you orgasm so fierce it burns through your entire body.
“Ohh god” says Yoongi
“So fucking tight” says Jimin
Both of them keeping a slow and steady pace as they grind and thrust into you, they groan together and relish in the intense feeling of skin on skin.
“It’s too much...oh Jesus...I can’t handle, so tight” Yoongi mumbles
“I’m going to cum” Jimin blurts out and he suddenly pulls out and spurts hot seed all over your back
“Uhnfff” Yoongi quickens the pace and pounds into you, hips thrusting up from beneath you and then he loses control and he hits his climax, you feel him pulsating inside you and you kiss his neck and chest feverishly.
The three of you collapse on the sofa, a tangled mess of hot sweaty bodies. The club music pumping through the door locked door, you close your eyes.
“I can’t wait until we get to university, it’s going to be a lot of fun” Yoongi smiles at you and you kiss him gently before collapsing back into his warm chest.
Living out a fantasy of mine - threesome & double penetration
Feedback is greatly appreciated, this is my second ever fic and I really enjoyed writing this one.
S xo
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alicepink-me · 4 years
The New Guardian
Story Summary: Marinette Dupain-Cheng is an adult in the real world, guarding the Miracle Box in Master Fu's place. She's in love with Chat Noir, but refuses to tell him her feelings. New holders appear to fight the duo and shake up their lives. Marinette makes a tough decision about her future as Ladybug.
Chapter 24: A New Chapter
Ten Days Later:
"Popcorn's ready!" Adrien announced, running over with the bowl. He hopped over the couch, landing next to Marinette. He covered his legs with the blanket they shared and passed her the snack while resting his arm around her. "Is the movie starting?"
"Yep." Marinette grabbed a handful, keeping her eyes on the TV. "Netflix is loading a little slow, but you're just in time."
"Perfect." Adrien kissed her temple, making her smile.
A knock was heard at the door and the couple looked to each other.
"I thought I was the only one who knew the location of your apartment." Adrien thought aloud.
"You are." Marinette confirmed.
"Then who's at the door?" Adrien's eyes squinted.
"No clue." Marinette shrugged.
"Shouldn't you get it?"
"Maybe." She leaned back.
"Do you want me to get it?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Or. . . maybe I should just change apartment complexes." Marinette suggested, stretching over the couch. "I feel like it would be so much easier to move at this point."
"It could be someone you know." Adrien countered, standing up as he dropped the blanket.
"Or the temple sent me a serial killer." She stretched. "So you shouldn't answer it and instead, stay on the couch with me." Marinette reached out to him.
Adrien smiled and kissed her knuckles before moving backwards to the door. He turned around and opened it, blinked at the sight before him. "Min Jee." Adrien said, seeing her leaning against the doorway.
"Adrien Agreste." She sounded out each syllable with a suspicious tone. Min Jee wore sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt, which isn't usually her style. She was barefoot like usual though.
"What's wrong?" Adrien asked, trying keep the conversation smooth. "Did you need something?"
"I don't need anything, but why would you assume something's wrong?" Min Jee countered. "Am I so weak that I'd need intermediate fighters to save me? Wow, you must think really lowly of me."
"Sorry, that's not what I meant." Adrien apologized. "We've just had a lot trouble in the past month."
"What, from me?" Min Jee's tone grew a little angry.
"No, no, of course not." Adrien held his hands up. "You've helped us out a lot actually."
"Listen." Min Jee reached up and grabbed Adrien's shirt, pulling him down to her level. "I may be 4'11'', but I could easily kick you into the ground and step on you. I am not here for you, so you need to get out." She growled.
Marinette stood up from the couch, but before she stepped forward, she heard a light thump behind her. Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned around to see April flat on the floor and her window now open. "What the . . . "
Ginger suddenly popped her head in, eyes widening at the sight of the couple. "Min, you were supposed to get rid of him." A cold breeze came through, blowing the curtains.
"Okay, what is going on?" Marinette spun on her heels back to the door in confusion.
Min Jee pushed Adrien back as she stepped inside, crossing her arms. "We . . . have a surprise . . . for you."
Ginger loudly threw two large duffle bags in the room, silently closing the window behind her before tripping and falling on top of April.
"Am I being kidnapped?" Marinette asked, slightly freaking out at the bizarre situation.
"No . . . " Ginger answered, rummaging through the bags. "We would . . . never do that." Her response seemed unsure.
"Then what is all of this?" Marinette continued, motioning at the entire scene.
"And why do I have to leave?" Adrien added.
"Surprise sleepover." April muttered, still laying on the floor.
"And no boys allowed!" Min Jee yelled pointing her finger up at Adrien.
"A sleepover?" Marinette looked between them.
"Duh." Ginger smiled. "We need to catch up on our lives, have a little fun, and I've never been to Paris before, so what better than a girls night?"
"Maybe a phone call first." Marinette suggested.
"None of us have your number." April said, rolling her eyes.
"You know where I live, but can't find my number?" Marinette crossed her arms.
"Yup." Min Jee confirmed.
Marinette sighed before smiling. "Okay. It is nice to see you guys." She raised her hands in defeat. "A sleepover it is."
"Well I wasn't leaving." Min Jee walked in, Adrien shutting the door behind her. She jumped on the couch and grabbed the bowl of popcorn.
"Oh and Ginger. I never asked you what your real name was." Marinette spun on her heels to face her.
"It's Ramona." She answered with a smile.
"Good to know." Marinette replied. "And April . . . why are you on the floor?"
"I fell." April stated. "And I like the floor. It's cold."
"Okay then." Marinette nodded.
"So is your man here gonna leave already or is he too clingy?" Min asked, relaxing into the cushions.
"Don't worry, we got you, Marinette." Ramona whipped out a hatchet from one of the bags.
"What, no! Oh my gosh!" Marinette gasped. "Why do you have that with you?!"
"In case he resists." Ramona excused, not understanding the issue.
"Um, I don't think that's needed." Adrien laughed. "I'll just go."
"Wait." Marinette jogged over to him. She looked into his sparkly green eyes smittenly before turning to the others. "Does he have to go?"
"No boys allowed." Min Jee repeated. Marinette exhaled.
"It's okay." Adrien replied, trailing his hands down her arms. "I will call you tomorrow."
"You better." Marinette smiled up at him. Adrien kissed her cheek before leaving. Marinette spun around to the trio. "So . . . what's are your guys' plans?"
"Oh." April dug in her pocket as she pushed herself up. Ramona dumped a duffle bag out on the floor, several bottles of nail polish rolling away. "I have a list."
. . .
Three Hours Later:
An empty wine bottle rolled out of Min Jee's hand and onto the floor. It clanked against the tv stand across from the couch.
"Use a glass you animal." Ramona glared from one of the chairs.
"You're a child!" Min yelled. "Don't lecture me! Are you even allowed to drink?"
"I'm eighteen." Ramona scoffed, drinking the last sip in her glass before her eyes widened. "Wait, am I?! What country are we in?!"
"What if we're in the United States?" Min began to panic. "Oh never mind, I'm twenty-two." She leaned back, relaxing again.
"I'm not!" Ramona fell out of the chair and crawled over to Marinette in front of the TV. "Marinette, what country are we in?" She shook her. "I think I broke a few laws."
"Paris." Marinette answered as she continued weaving her friendship bracelets. She was nineteen bracelets in.
"Are you sure? Where's April, I'll ask her?" Ramona questioned.
"In my bed." Marinette answered, crossing a few strands of string. "She passed out awhile ago."
"What a quitter." Ramona shook her head.
"Wait . . . is this Paris?" Marinette looked around, second guessing herself. "Min, did you teleport my apartment?!" She accused in a panic.
"No." Min Jee rubbed her forehead.
"Call your boyfriend." Ramona whined. "Ask him where we are."
"Oh yeah." Marinette gasped. "I have a boyfriend . . . " She laid on her stomach and reached under the couch, snatching her phone. She quickly dialed Adrien's number and propped herself up on her fist.
"This is so illegal." Ramona mumbled, pouring another glass.
"Hello . . . " Adrien groaned, obviously tired.
"Adrien, are you still in Paris?" Marinette asked.
"Yes?" He answered. "Why? What's wrong?" He began to worry.
"Am I still in Paris?" Marinette continued. Ramona scooted closer, trying to listen in.
"I hope." Adrien yawned, slowly processing the situation. "Are you drunk?" He asked.
"No." Marinette began laughing hysterically. "I-I think you're drunk. I mean, you sound a-awful."
"I'm just tired and it is 1 a.m." He chuckled. "I was sleeping."
"Then why did you call me?" Marinette gigged, grinning as she twirled a lock of her hair.
"You called me, bugaboo." Adrien laughed.
She gasped. "How did you know my identity?" Marinette looked around the room as she started whispering. "Did April tell you? She's been motionless for too long. I . . . I don't think she's real. She might have put a robot double in my bed and snuck out of here."
"I really love you, Marinette." Adrien declared, shaking his head. "And yes, you are in Paris . . . I hope."
"Love you too, Chat Noir." Marinette bit her lip. "Ramona, we're in Paris after all!" She turned to her friend.
"Good night, Marinette." Adrien chuckled. You could hear the concern in his voice, but he knew that she was safe with the three heroes.
"Goodbye." Marinette giggled, sliding her phone back under the couch.
"Oh, somebody's in love." Ramona joked, rolling over.
"Why don't you two just get married already?" Min Jee asked, falling halfway off the couch. "You're practically engaged."
"Yes! Can I be a bridesmaid?" Ramona sat up. "I've never been one before. I promise I'll be a good one."
"Absolutely. You all will be in my wedding. But I haven't planned a anything yet." Marinette wondered. "Maybe I should start . . . "
"Yes!" Ramona insisted. "Weddings are amazing and beautiful and then there's the crazy honeymoon. It's all so adorable." She squealed.
"Yeah and you two are pretty cute." Min Jee added.
"I do really love him, like love him love him. Like we're gonna have five kids love him. He's just s-so great that I can't stand it. His face, his personality, his cat tail . . . " Marinette gushed, smiling at the ceiling. "If Adrien were here right now, I'd totally propose." She picked up an unfinished bracelet. "I'd make him an expensive ring out of this string and he'd love it and we'd be married."
"Is my friendship bracelet finished yet?" Min whined, falling over, the cushions bouncing in the air.
"Yeah, I made you like five." Marinette laughed, picking a couple off of the floor. She looked to April who was still passed out. "April needs hers, but she's s-such a quitter."
"Well she's coming to the wedding either way." Ramona declared as she sprung up and ran over. She grabbed April's ankles and dragged her out of bed, hitting her head on the floor, and moved her to the living room. "It's time to start the ceremony!" Ramona yelled, running over to the window.
"I'm finally getting married!" Marinette cheered, jumping up from the floor.
Ramona grinned, ripping the curtains down.
. . .
2 PM The Next Day:
A loud knock was heard at the door, startling Marinette awake. She rubbed her eyes as she rolled over with a groan. Blinking her vision clear, she noticed her apartment was completely trashed. She looked down to see her lavender curtains wrapped around her like a burrito and her shirt was gone. Her hair was loose and tangled.
Marinette sat up, holding the fabric to her chest. Ramona, Min Jee, and April were gone. Her room was empty, but trashed. Marinette groaned again, grasped her forehead in pain.
Another knock was heard. Marinette reached under the couch and slid her phone out. She adjusted her bra since she fell asleep in it and stumbled up, tightening the curtain around her. Marinette swayed over to the door and unlocked it, cracking it open a few inches. Adrien stood there with a bag.
"There she is." Adrien smiled. "A beautiful ray of sunshine." Marinette exhaled in annoyance. Her head was pounding. "Can I come in?" He asked.
Marinette nodded with her eyes, slightly stepping back before tripping over the end of the sheets. She hit the floor, but quickly recovered, pulling the curtain back up. Adrien stepped inside and grabbed her outstretched hand, closing the door behind him.
"Wow . . . " He gaped, looking around the room. "What did you guys do?" Adrien balanced her.
"My wedding." She groaned. "And if I remember correctly, either me or April has the pictures. I know we . . . woke her up and she did take pictures, but . . . I think it was with my phone." Marinette rubbed her head.
"A wedding?" Adrien scrunched his eyebrows.
"Yeah, you like me dress." Marinette gave an exhausted smile as she posed in her curtain.
"You're beautiful." Adrien placed his hand on her lower back. "But you're also hungover." He laughed, directing her towards the couch and sitting her down. "I brought you a sandwich and some water." He said, passing her the paper bag.
Marinette dug inside, pulling out the sandwich and a bottle of water. She opened the water, gulping half of it down before unwrapping the croissant sandwich and taking a bite.
"Where did those three go?" Adrien asked, mesmerized as he watched her scarf down the food.
Marinette pulled out her phone. "I think . . . we fell asleep around eight in the morning." She took another bite as she scrolled. "I don't know when they left, but I think one of them kicked me on the way out."
"I think I know which one." Adrien laughed.
"Oh, April texted me." Marinette said. "She . . . will be back later. They apparently had a meeting set up at the temple that they had to be at, so . . . they needed to go." Marinette's eyes widened. "And she sent me pictures of last night and this morning." Marinette scrolled, her embarrassment sinking in.
"Can I see them?" Adrien leaned closer, raising an eyebrow.
Marinette's face turned red and she threw her phone behind her. "N-No. Maybe later. We were drunk and completely insane. I don't remember half of it to explain them anyway."
"Come on." He persisted. "Nothing could be more humiliating than that phone call early this morning."
Marinette groaned, slumping her head in her hands. "That . . . could've been better." She sighed. "To be fair, that was the first time I've ever been drunk. I haven't had very much alcohol in my life to start with, but there have been a few times that I went out with Alya and Nino, and since I clearly couldn't handle my liquor, I became the designated driver." Marinette drank some water.
"I would not have guessed that you couldn't handle your alcohol." Adrien acted surprised, scooting closer.
"We did paint each others nails last night though." Marinette wiggled her fingers at him. "Then we did facemasks and a bunch of other stuff I hardly remember." She continued. "But I guess I should clean up this place if they're coming back and I'm a wreck."
"I should probably be going then." Adrien sighed. He started to get up, but Marinette tugged him down by his sleeve.
"Why?" Marinette scrunched her eyebrows.
"We've seen each other basically every day for the past two or three weeks." Adrien answered. "I don't want to be too clingy. I'm probably annoying you a little bit by now." He sighed, holding her hand. "Your friends are coming over and you should spend time with them."
Marinette reached up and delicately placed her palm on his cheek. She clutched the curtain against her as she scooted closer and pressed her lips to his passionately. Adrien trailed his hands up her back. Marinette smiled as she leaned forward, pushing Adrien back with her falling on top.
Marinette released his lips. "Please don't leave me." She ran her fingers down his cheek and across his forehead. Marinette stared down at him, completely in love with the man before her. "I don't want you to ever think that I don't want you around." Her smile widened. "You could never be a burden on me." Marinette planted another long kiss on him.
Adrien smiled back, completely overjoyed. He loved her so much. "I won't go anywhere." He promised, brushing a lock of her loose hair behind her ear. "I'm right here."
"You should stay for awhile." Marinette sighed as she layed on his stomach, pressing her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Her breathing calmed as she relaxed. "There's no rush. It's an all new chapter of our lives now." She smiled as she began to doze off. Adrien kissed the top of her head.
. . . 
And that's a wrap on another MLB fanfiction. This one was so different from my others. Besides the age differences, I added so much of my own creative pizazz. I loved making my own characters and parts to the miraculous universe. After this, I may finally start writing an actual non-fanfiction book, but we'll see. I'm not settled on what I want my first one to be about. But anyway, if you have any comments or questions about this one, I'd love to hear them. They'll help my future writings and I read every single one.
-Alice Pink
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dinosaursmate · 5 years
The giving-addicted @cher1808 donated £10 to Liam’s Charity Drive for The Way Youth Zone and requested a drabble!
She sent me this post with no further instruction so here it is. Since Cher donated three times the donation amount I asked for, I didn’t mind getting a bit carried away so this is 1700 words LOL
Drabbles for Donations - Information
Blood, sweat and tears had led Harry up to this point and he was so pleased - and relieved - that his third album was finally coming out. It had been a long time coming, and Harry felt the need to celebrate. There was, of course, the album launch party, but he absolutely needed to throw a party all of his own.
He handed his assistant the details and guest list for her to organise it. Harry, of course, didn’t have time to plan a party himself. He did, however, want to invite a few people personally.
His plane had just landed in London and, after all his texts had pulled through, he opened Whatsapp and opened his chat with Louis. Louis was a gorgeous and very sweet man Harry had met backstage at Manchester Arena on his last tour, and although they hadn’t seen each other very much, they were in constant contact via Whatsapp. They had just hit it off, somehow, and they could exchange messages for hours and hours.
But Harry was going to hold his album party in Manchester, and he couldn’t wait to invite Louis. He quickly tapped out a text, distracted as he weaved through people.
‘Hey Lou, I wanted to invite you to an album party! It’ll be next week, I’ll let you know the finer details but I really hope you can make it :)’
Louis stared at his phone. His palms were clammy. His friendship with Harry was, he supposed, a little unusual. Harry was a megastar - Louis met megastars all the time, of course, working backstage at Manchester Arena - but they had become fast friends and although they had only actually met three times, Louis considered them as quite close. 
But… close enough for Harry to invite him to this kind of party? Just out of the blue like that? 
Louis took a deep breath. Okay, sure. He could do this. He liked Harry a lot, and would love to see him. It wasn’t that weird. Right? Right?
He sighed and started to type a reply.
‘Not a message I ever expected from you hahaha but yeah I’m up for it x’
Louis dropped his phone to the sofa. Well, he supposed that he should go shopping. He couldn’t show up empty handed, after all.
“You look nice,” Harry’s assistant told him.
“Why thank you, Catherine.”
Cat frowned. She hated it when he called her that. Regardless, she fixed his collar before smiling.
“You’re good.”
Harry left his room and headed towards the stairs. He stood at the top, watching the smattering of guests, chatting away in the foyer. His official album launch had about five times as many guests, most of whom he wasn’t even on first name terms with. His guests cheered and clapped and raised glasses of champagne as he descended the stairs. This small gathering meant so much more to him. These were the people who helped him get to where he was, and without them, this album never would have come to fruition.
Harry got to the bottom of the stairs and was enveloped with love and congratulations. He mingled about for a bit and, as he was chatting to one of his album’s producers, the doorbell rang. Being right by the front door, he answered it himself.
Louis’ hands were shaking, only slightly. It was just that he had never been to this type of party before, and he was nervous. He didn’t know what to expect, or what was expected of him. 
He wasn’t sure if this kind of party was operated under the same social rules as others, but Louis turned up a little late all the same. When he rang the doorbell, he was let in by the man himself.
“Hi, Louis!” Harry gasped happily and pulled him in for a hug. “I am so glad you made it.”
“Well, I’ll try anything once. Especially as it’s a good excuse to see you.” Louis cleared his throat and looked around self consciously. There were women here. He didn’t expect to see women, but he supposed it did make sense. “You look nice.”
“So do you,” Harry replied, looking Louis up and down.
“I’m glad to see I’m not overdressed. I didn’t know whether or not you dressed nice to these sorts of things?”
Harry shrugged noncommittally. “I don’t care what you wear. I’m just glad you’re here.”
“That’s so nice,” Louis said, smiling.  “Um, so… I wasn’t sure what to bring, but I settled on a couple of things I’ve enjoyed in the past.”
Louis handed Harry the small gift bag. Harry smiled, tilting his head as he looked inside the bag.
“Oh my God!” Harry screeched.
Everybody turned to look, and Louis felt his face turn beetroot red. Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him through the kitchen and into the utility room.
“I-” Harry shook his head, eyes crazed and lips not sure if they should be smiling or not. “Is this some kind of joke I don’t get?”
“Am I not supposed to bring my own things? I’ve never been to one of these things.” Louis wrung his hands together, anxiety making him feel a bit wobbly. “Sorry.”
“You-” Harry let out a laugh. “I understand you’ve not been to an album party before, but I don’t understand how you made the leap to bringing lube and… what even is this?”
Harry pulled out the box of textured penis sleeves as Louis’ brain began to short circuit. A… what party?
“Harry,” Louis said, positively shaking, now. “You invited me to a sex party.”
“What?” Harry squeaked. “I invited you to an album party.”
“No!” Louis replied desperately, pulling his phone out of pocket. “That is not what you said!”
Harry made indistinct noises of confusion. Louis was feeling much the same as he opened Whatsapp, feeling only about one percent better when he realised he hadn’t misread Harry’s message.
It was altogether very amusing and slightly arousing, Louis turning up to the album party with fucking sex toys.
Harry took Louis’ phone, trying not to smirk. He could tell Louis was very embarrassed. His face fell when he peered at the message on the screen.
‘Hey Lou, I wanted to invite you to anal bum party! It’ll be next week, I’ll let you know the finer details but I really hope you can make it :)’
“No!” Harry screeched. “That’s not the text I sent!”
“Clearly it is!”
No, no, no. Harry frowned and thought back to when he sent the message. He was speed-walking through the airport. He was in a hurry to get home. He wasn’t paying attention, and he certainly didn’t proofread the message before he sent it.
“Oh. My. God,” Harry whispered before bursting into hysterical laughter. “Oh my God!”
“Don’t!” Louis wailed. “I’m so fucking embarrassed.”
“Did it never occur to you that I wanted to invite you to anal bum party doesn’t make any grammatical sense?!”
“No!” Louis finally let out a laugh. “God. I just saw the word anal and blacked out.”
Harry cackled again and threw an arm around Louis’ shoulders.
“Look, let’s just… leave this bag in here.” Harry placed it on top of the tumble dryer. “So, you came here to get dicked, huh.”
“Not- not necessarily.”
“You came for an anal party.”
Louis whined. He was never going to live this down. Even if Harry stopped teasing him, he would never let himself forget it, and how utterly stupid he was.
“You’re a good sport,” Harry continued. “You moved out of your comfort zone, picked up supplies and dutifully turned up to an anal bum party, ready to take whatever comes at you.”
“I wasn’t going to take whatever came at me. I’m not, like, into super casual sex like that. But.. I don’t know. I thought it might be an interesting life experience to have.”
“Right.” Harry chuckled quietly, leading Louis back towards the party. “Well, I’m very glad you’re at my album party, and I’m very sorry but if you want to have sex with any of my guests, you’re gonna have to try a bit harder than you thought.”
Louis glared at Harry. “I’m perfectly fine with not doing that.”
Harry shrugged. He was attracted to Louis, of course he was, and the wild thought of I should have a sex party popped into his head. It left as just as quickly.
“Don’t let me forget that bag,” Louis said as they emerged back into the party. “That stuff was expensive. There are some really good condoms in there.”
“Oh yeah?” Harry said, smirking.
“Yup. And the lube is good, too. Warming. And I got organic, of course, because I know you like organic stuff.”
Harry stopped walking. Louis bought lube that he knew Harry would like? 
“Louis,” he said slowly, his tone slightly teasing. “When you came for this anal bum party, were you hoping to have anal bum fun with the host? How ambitious.”
Louis blushed furiously and Harry almost felt bad for teasing him. Almost.
“Look,” Louis said, embarrassed. “As I said, I’ve never been to a sex party. I just kind of thought if I was going to do anything, it should be with the one person at the party I knew.”
“I see.”
“Anyway!” Louis said, his voice increasing in pitch. “Don’t pretend you’ve not flirted with me on Whatsapp.”
Harry just looked at Louis, a small smile on his face.
“Tell me about that little box.”
“Something about a penis sleeve.”
Louis went red again. “Uh… yeah. They’re, like, little textured sleeves to put on your shaft. They’re a novelty, if anything, to be honest, but I thought they might be fun.”
“I see.” Harry slipped his arm from around Louis’ shoulders and reached down to squeeze his hand. “Get yourself a drink, mingle if you want, but come find me a bit later.”
Louis nodded and Harry walked away.
Harry felt as though the ice had been broken, in a massive, massive way. If Louis wanted organic sex with the host of this party, well.
He might just get it.
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bubbleblower · 5 years
Minor Details Ch 5/?
AN: Not much to say this time except thank you all for continuing to be lovely. Chat Noirs puns physically pained me to write, so I hope you enjoy them.
Ao3 Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Next
"Chat Noir!" Marinette jumped and stumbled into one of her plants, startled. "What are you doing out here? Was there an akuma?" She knew the answer was no, but she couldn't figure out why else he'd be here of all places. They were supposed to be patrolling soon.
"Oh no, nothing like that." He replied, slinking down onto her balcony. "Ladybug and I have patrol here soon and I just thought I'd swing by for a moment and say hello to my favorite civilian, if she's not too busy that is?" He tipped his head to the side, looking hopeful. Marinette smiled.
"Awe. Well hi then." Marinette paused, hesitating for a moment before asking. "I saw some of the havoc on the Ladyblog last night, are you doing okay?" Chat sighed, leaning against the railing of the balcony.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I mean, it sucks that people feel that way about me. But it just means I need to try a little harder. And it was really nice having LB jump to my defense like that. I'm worried about her though, getting so upset like that.. I don't know if you know it, but she's the only one who can purify the butterflies. Her getting Akumatized is just about the scariest thing I can imagine." Chat Noir looked briefly terrified, which made Marinette's insides twist uncomfortably in shame.
" I'm sure she realized her mistake. Though I can't blame her, those people were really out of line. I can't imagine Ladybug without you by her side. It just wouldn't be right." Chat's smile returned, a little shy, but then he cleared his throat and changed the subject.
"Actually, I couldn't help but notice when you walked out here you seemed a little stressed out yourself. Are you doing alright?" Marinette groaned a little, leaning on the railing as well.
"Yeah, sort of. I just have this guy coming over tomorrow to hang out and I'm nervous about it. I always seem to make a fool out of myself in front of him. So I came out here hoping to calm my nerves."
"Nervous huh?" Chat grinned mischeviously. "Does someone have a crush?" Marinette glared at him for a moment before smirking.
"Well I had to find someone new to lavish my affections on, since Chat Noir broke my heart!" Her voice was a mix of exaggerated woe and sarcasm, as she hammed up the moment by swooning and placing the back of her hand to her forhead in an affectation of a distressed damsel. Chat laughed out loud at the performance, responding with equal hilarity.
"Oh no! Say it isn't true. My princess hath moved on?" He clutched his chest dramatically, his face a caricature of distress.
"I'm afraid so." She said solemnly. "For how could I possibly compete with the lovely Ladybug for your heart?" Chat found himself almost literally biting his tongue at this to keep from giving himself away. Compete with Ladybug indeed. Instead he smiled softly, sincere for a moment.
"Oh I don't know, I'd say you stack up pretty well." Marinette blushed at this, startled at the change in tone. "Honestly, My Lady has turned me down so many times. Maybe I should consider moving on myself." He reached out, and toyed with the end of Marinette's pigtail, looking thoughtful. A clever grin stole over his face a moment later though. "After all you are quite the cat-ch"
For her part Marinette didn't look like she could possibly get any redder, and if her eyes got any bigger they were bound to fall out of her head, but she groaned a little at the pun out of pure reflex. Chat grinned wide, cackling internally at her reaction.
"Well Princess, unfortunately it's time for me to take my leave." He grabbed her hand, bowing low over it and kissing the back of it. "Goodnight Marinette"
A moment later he had disappeared, vaulting over the Paris skyline.
Marinette muffled a scream into her fists, collapsing hard onto the ground.
"Tikki!" She wailed, causing the kwami to appear from behind a fern. She floated over to where Marinette had buried her face in her hands, and patted the poor girl consolingly on the head.
"Tikki, he can't give up on me only to then pursue also ME"
"Well you did confess to him Marinette, after Ladybug has said no for so long it's not a surprise he'd consider looking elsewhere."
"He's NOT looking elsewhere."
"But he doesn't know that. I don't know Marinette, but you're going to be late for patrol at this rate." Marinette groaned again, letting her head thunk back against a wall.
"You don't think Bunnix would give me a 24 hour do-over do you?" The kwami shook her head sympathetically. Marinette sighed.
"Ugh. Spots on then."
"You're late." Chat Noir greeted her, as Ladybug touched down next to him on their perch atop the Eiffel tower. He was leaning casually propped up on his baton, looking for all the world as though he'd been waiting for hours, thoigh Marinette knew it had been at most 10 minutes.
"I got held up, sorry." She said, avoiding eye contact, unsure if she could keep a straight face if she didn't. "Are you ready to head out?" She saw Chat nod out of the corner of her eye, and tossed her yoyo out and lept.
It was calming, patrolling the city. Marinette felt the stress and worry of the day melt away as she lost herself in the rhythmic toss, pull, swing of her transportation. Ever so often she'd glimpse Chat as he leapt into view, but for the most part it was quiet. Almost as though she had the entire city to herself.
After about an hour they completed their route and landed once again on the tower. Ladybug was feeling far more collected, and didn't hesitate to smile at Chat when he landed.
"You've been awful quiet tonight minou." She commented, sitting down on a beam and letting her legs dangle. "Something wrong?" Chat joined her frowning slightly.
"Yes, something is definitely wrong. I can think of like 3 puns you could have put in that question. We really need to work on your sense of humor my lady." Ladybug rolled her eyes and elbowed Adrien in the side.
"My sense of humor is perfectly fine, which is why there was a lack of puns."
"Don't you mean 'purr-fectly'?" He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. Ladybug grimaced playfully and then laughed.
"Seriously though, Chat. Something on your mind?" Adrien forced his smile to droop a little, and he scratched behind his ear awkwardly.
"Sort of? I don't know, it might be a little weird to talk to you about it though."
"You can tell me anything kitty, you know that."
"Well.." he started, hesitating deliberately to make himself seem reluctant. "It's about a girl." Ladybug's eyes widened in shock, and Adrien winced. Even though he knew that Marinette was Ladybug, just implying that he might have moved on made him feel awful. She cleared her throat.
"A girl?" She inquired, looking incredibly wary.
"Yeah, a girl. She's a civilian, I've saved her a couple of times, Marinette Dupain-Cheng? We've kind of become friends, and I think I might have feelings for her." He bowed his head, glancing at Ladybug. "I mean, you've turned me down in no uncertain terms, and I respect that. So I've been trying to get over you so it wouldn't affect our partnership. But it's still weird for me to acknowledge my feelings for her when ive been in love with you for so long." Ladybug, to her credit, was trying so SO hard to keep her expression neutral. Her face was bright red, and Adrien was pretty sure her eyelid was twitching. He bit his lower lip to stifle the laugh that wanted to escape.
"A civilian, Chat?" She asked, her voice wavering only slightly. "Are you sure that's safe? Aren't you worried Hawkmoth will target her to get at you?" Adrien shrugged.
"I wasn't planning on asking her out in costume. I kind of thought I might approach her as my civilian self." It was getting so difficult to not laugh when he looked at Ladybug. He was pretty sure she was about to have an aneurysm with how hard she was trying to seem nonchalant.
"Your civilian self? So you're going to do what? Orchestrate some sort of random meeting with her and try to sweep her off her feet? Some boy she's never met before?" After a deep breath to calm his urge to laugh hysterically, Adrien let himself grin.
"That's actually not a bad idea LB. Like a meet-cute out of a movie. It's the purr-fect way to break the ice. Chat-ting her up afterward should be a cinch." Ladybug's eye twitch was fully visible by now and had navigated to her eyebrows as well. Adrien took one last long look to memorize her expression and then stretched and yawned exaggeratedly. "Well it's purr-etty late my lady. Thank you for the claw-some advice. But I'm feline pretty tired and should probably bw kitten home soon." He smirked at he, standing up and offering her a hand up. She grumbled under her breath as she accepted.
"Goodnight Chat."
"Goodnight LB"
Marinette touched down heavily onto her balcony, her feet dragging as she marched across the terrace. She dropped down into her bedroom, and faceplanted onto her bed. Mumbling 'spots off' into her pillow.
Tikki appeared in a flash of pink light.
The kwami floated above Marinette's head looking kind of stunned at how fast this had all spun out of control. She knew who Chat Noir was, and he was obviously messing with her holder, but she couldn't say anything to Marinette thanks to her and Plagg's vow of silence.
"Well... that happened." She said quietly, looking up at the skylight.
Marinette screamed into her pillow.
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forever-rogue · 5 years
Flower Girl
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A/N: Soo, this is a request from a while back, and I can’t remember who requested, but it’s (finally) here! I hope you all enjoy! Taglists are open! xx
Pairing: Brian May (can be read as Gwil!Bri) x Hard of Hearing Reader
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: None; too much fluff (?)
Y/N smiled as she hummed quietly to herself, rearranging the flowers on the side of the small stall she had lovingly set up. Spring was in full bloom and so were all the beautiful flowers that the small shop had acquired. The rains had been good and plentiful and the plant life had flourished, making the small floral shop busier than ever. The smell of the soft blossoms made her feel warm and content.
She had tried to convince her boss for several years that she a street side stall would be a great idea and increase their business, taking advantage of the plentiful London foot traffic. Finally, she had given in and let Y/N take control of a small stand, and leaving her free to tend to business, she knew she could trust her. And Y/N had been right - people stopped by constantly and she could easily convince almost anyone to buy some of the beautiful blooms.
Y/N fluffed a small bouquet of her favorites, daises and tulips, when she left a gust of wind behind her, but didn’t have enough time to react before getting slammed into and almost stumbling to the ground. Luckily for her, before she could hit the harsh concrete and scrape up her knees and palms, a pair of strong arms gripped her waist, and prevented her fall. She was glad - the thin sundress she was wearing wouldn’t have prevented any harm. The whole thing surprised her so much. so she didn’t have time to register anything, but just started blankly at the man who had caught her, struggling to find words.
The man had a worried expression on his face, not quite sure if she was okay, but she could tell he was handsome - he had the sweetest smile, the softest eyes, and the curliest mop of hair she had ever seen. She blinked at him a few times, trying to gather her composure as he slowly let go of her waist, making sure she was steady.
“Are you alright? That could have been a bad fall,” he asked her. He hadn’t seen who it was that had run by her, stumbling into her without a care, and continuing on his way. He had thought about chasing the man down and yelling at him, but he remained back to make sure the pretty girl he had saved was okay. He was just glad he got to her in time, otherwise she could have been very hurt. She slowly nodded and gave him a small smile after a few moments, “I’m Brian. Brian May.”
“Y/N,” she responded slowly and quietly, hoping the blush creeping into her cheeks wasn’t too obvious to him. He was extremely handsome, and he was watching her very intently. She felt nervous under his watchful gaze, “Y/N L/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” he said as he offered her his large hand. She bit her lip and nodded in concurrence, taking his hand gently and shaking it, “do you work here?”
“Yes,” she answered, gesturing to all the beautiful flowers. Feeling bold, she grabbed a few daises and held them out to him. Making sure she was looking directly at him, she took her time to make sure her next words wouldn’t all come out in a jumbled mess, “these are my favourites and they’re for you. For your troubles. You came just in time.”
She could tell he was noticed that something was different about her, but he didn’t seem rude or annoyed. He tilted his head to the side slightly, taking the flowers greatly, “thank you, that’s really sweet of you. But trust me, it was no trouble at all.”
“It helped me out a lot, so thank you,” she kept her eyes trained on his lips, waiting to see if he was going to say anything else. He seemed suddenly shy, and she would be lying if she said it wasn’t a nice change. Most men were so cocky and over the top, but not him. He seemed genuinely kind, “it was nice to meet you, Brian. You’re my hero today.”
“Thank you, Y/N. Maybe I’ll see you around?” for a moment she wasn’t sure if he actually said anything out loud, his voice was so faint. If he hadn’t moved his lips, she was sure she wouldn’t have known what he was saying. He looked down, and started staring very intently at his feet.
“I hope so,” she gave him a beaming smile, before quickly turning to tend to the customers she saw looking at the flowers. She gave Brian a small wave goodbye before letting him leave. He lifted his hand as he returned the gesture, slowly making his way down the street. He clutched the flowers close to his chest - beautiful flowers from a beautiful girl.
“Oy, Bri, you’re only about half an hour late,” Roger scoffed as the tall, lanky guitarist finally walked into the studio, his cheeks flushed, and a tight grip still on the flowers. Freddie nudged John’s arm, as Brian set the flowers down, smiles playing on their faces. Something was up, that much was obvious. Roger seemed oblivious as ever, more annoyed by having to delay rehearsal for him, “thought we were gonna have to kick you out of the band. A guitarist is easy to replace.”
“Shut up, Rog. Don’t be such a wanker,” Brian rolled his eyes at the blonde drummer before flipping him the bird. He went to unpack his guitar, as Freddie walked over, crossing his arms over his chest as he grinned cheekily at his tall best friend. He didn’t say anything, but watched Brian’s every move like a hawk, waiting for him to spill the details, “can I help you, Fred? If you stare anymore I’ll be filled with holes like Swiss cheese.”
“What’s her name then?” Freddie asked and Brian almost stumbled forward, fumbling with his guitar from the surprise of his question. Trying to remain calm, he coughed and ignored the question as Freddie’s space changed into a knowing a smile, “come on, Bri. You can tell us, besides it’s not often a lady catches the eye of the handsome and intelligent Mr. Brian May. She must be quite something.”
“It’s nothing, I assure you,” he lied as, throwing the guitar strap over his shoulder, avoiding Freddie’s eyes so he couldn’t see how deep the blush in his cheeks had gotten. He was destined to be a lot of things, but a liar was not one of them. Besides that, Freddie could read him like a book.
“The flowers and your tomato red face would suggest otherwise,” Freddie teased him, nudging his side gently with his elbow.
“Bri! Who’re the flowers from?” Roger called over from where he had been chatting with John. John gave him a sorry little smile, and a shrug of his shoulder. Brian inwardly groaned knowing that he’d never get away with it now. Roger would never drop it until they all got the full story.
“You lads always make a big deal out of nothing,” Brian insisted but the others were relentless, “maybe I just saw some flowers and decided I wanted them?”
“What’s her name then?” Freddie chorused from next to Roger, a small smile playing on his otherwise innocent features.
“Really though-”
“What’s her name?” John finally chimed in and Brian gave him a look of betrayal. Usually he was calm and quiet, often siding with Brian in any argument that they got into. He knew it was bad if John was joining in the little Spanish Inquisition that was being imposed on him.
“Fine, but I hope you all know you’re the worst, and I equally hate each and every one of you right now,” he pinched the bridge of his nose with his long, slender fingers, “her name’s Y/N. She works at a little flower shop. Someone wasn’t paying attention and almost knocked her over. I caught her, and that’s it.”
“She must have been pretty taken with you too. You tall, graceful gazelle must have made quite an impression. I’m going to presume those are her favourites then,“ Freddie grinned at him, patting his shoulder gently, glancing at the flowers. Brian thought he might die of embarrassment. How did they know?, “do you plan on seeing this little flower girl again?”
“I don’t know, Fred. I just met her and spoke to her for a few minutes,” he sighed and scratched the back of his neck, “it’s not like it’s amounted to anything. She was nice though.”
“Oh, I don’t know, Bri. Flowers are pretty serious business,” Freddie nudged him gently, and Brian bit his lip in contemplation. Sure, their interaction was brief, but he couldn’t deny the immediate attraction he had felt to Y/N. Deep down he hoped she felt the same way too, “I’d wager that she probably feels the same way. I say you go for it!”
“Of course you do,” Brian said, but he was right. He was never going to get anymore with anyone if he wasn’t willing to take some chances. He was the one with the least dating success out of all of them, and he couldn’t deny that sometimes it would be nice to say he had a date, or someone to spend time with time besides his friends, “I-I don’t know. What if I make a fool out of myself?”
“You won’t,” the three of them chorused at their friend. Brian was a lot of things, but he certainly wasn’t a fool. They were all rooting for their best friend. Brian looked at his feet, a small on his face as he kicked at something nonexistent on the ground, feeling bashful.
“Fine,” he gave into them, “but on one condition.”
“Which would be?” Roger asked, a smug smile on his face, twirling a drumstick between his lithe fingers.
“You don’t get to butt in, spy, or interact with her until I say so,” he laid out his terms, and the three of them sighed. How were they supposed to have their fun if they had to stay away, “I don’t want her to be scared off before I even get to know her. And the three of you are quite a spectacle.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal Mr. May,” Freddie agreed extending his hand to him. Brian shook his hand, a satisfied grin on his face, “now you hysterical queens, let’s get on with this rehearsal. We’re already behind, and we must be perfection!”
Over the next several weeks Brian made it a point to try and get to see and speak to Y/N, but he never quite built up the nerve to actually speak to her. Every time he did, ready to approach her, his stomach would twist in a knot and he’d stop himself.
Instead, he often ended up on the opposite side of the street from the little floral shop she worked at, looking at her through the wide windows, or watching her interact with customers at the small outdoor stall.
Lucky for him there was a cafe across the street, and he used it to his advantage, quickly becoming a regular, spending long afternoons there. It had a perfect little outdoor seating area so he could easily watch Y/N. He’d often bring a book or journal with him - it gave him an easy excuse to linger for a little while. At one point he had stated jotting down random lyrics, figuring he could string them into a song at some point. That way he was killing two birds with one stone. The boys kept bugging him, pestering him for more details about his mystery girl, but he kept coming up empty handed. He’d work up the courage to actually talk to her at some point...or so he hoped.
Brian was so engrossed in his book, having actually decided to read for once instead of staring dreamily at Y/N. He looked up though, ready to be annoyed by a disturbance, when he heard someone clearing their throat next to him. He looked up, getting ready to tell the person off, but instead he thought his heart might stop when he realized it was Y/N. She was watching him curiously, a bemused smirk on her face, the dying light of the sun behind her and illuminated her so she resembled an angel.
“Y/N, oh hi there. I-I ugg..don’t expect to you see you again. What a strange coincidence...” he realized he was stammering, and quickly closed his book. He hoped the last remains of the light would make it hard for her to see the blush in his cheeks. Y/N gave him a knowing smile as she helped herself to the chair opposite him.
“You remembered my name. Well, it’s nice to see you again, Brian,” she said, giving him a small as she reached for the book he had been reading. She ran her fingers over the cover and smiled to herself when she saw that it was about astronomy. She looked back up at him, “I was wondering if you were ever going to come and talk to me or just keep staring at me. You could have just come over, you know.”
“What do you mean? I wasn’t...I didn’t. That would be a bit creepy, no?” he could barely get out the lie. He had been caught red handed. He knew that she could easily could see right through him, “I just like studying at this cafe. It’s a great spot...and a bit of fresh air is nice.”
“What’s it called then?”
“This cafe,” she repeated, enjoying watching him squirm under his gaze, “what is it called?”
“Umm,” he said, desperately raking his brain for the name. Why hadn’t he bothered to learn the name? He had been there often enough in the last couple of weeks to know. He was basically a regular at this point. He closed his eyes and decided to just give in, letting out a low sigh, “I...don’t know. You caught me red handed!”
“I’d seen you enough lately. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together. Besides, it’s pretty easy to see someone blatantly staring at you through the large windows,” she giggled at him. She saw the corners of his mouth twitch upwards, and reached out to gently touch his hand, “a few people even asking me about why my boyfriend was just watching instead of coming over. Might want to try a more subtle approach next time. Besides, I’m deaf not blind, Brian.”
“OH...oh,” was all he got out in response as she started to giggle at him. His cheeks turned a darker shade of red at his embarrassment, but the smile never left her face. She wasn’t offended, she knew people were bound to be curious, even if it wasn’t obvious at first that something was different about her, “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t know.”
“Don’t be sorry. Besides, I’m sure you must have noticed that something was different about me,” she tightened her grip on his hand. One thing she didn’t like was when people decided they wanted to be sorry for her. She didn’t want people’s pity, she just wanted to be treated like everyone else, “please, there’s no reason to pity me, I’m doing just fine aren’t I? Judging by your reaction, I’m guessing it would have taken you a while to figure it out. I’m just like everyone else.”
“I, ugh, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m not, I didn’t..,oh my stars,” everything was coming out all jumbled and he realized he wasn’t making any sense. Y/N just watched him, as he covered his face with hands. He wished he could just melt into seat and disappear, “you must think I’m a complete fool. I swear I’m usually a little more...not like this.”
“On the contrary,” she reassured him, and he finally gave in and let out a sigh of relief quietly. At least she didn’t hate him completely, “I think you’re very sweet, Brian. But next time, you don’t just need to stare from a distance. Come and talk to me, as you can see, it’s not exactly the busiest place in the world. I’d very much enjoy your company.”
“You mean you’re not totally weirded out by me? The creepy man watching you from across the street?” he asked her, as he gnawed on his lip, and she threw her head back with laughter. He was so daft - she was clearly into him, something that would be obvious to anyone else but Brian. Sometimes people wondered how he had so much intelligence stored in that mind, but so little common sense.
“Good lord, Brian, I’m not. I’m starting to wonder if you’re blind though,” she smiled at him, letting her gaze linger on his. He had beautiful, kind eyes, once she could get used to looking at, “do you need me to be obvious? Put in plain and simple terms?”
“Please?” he asked nervously. He felt like a confused child as he looked desperately at her.
“I’d like to see you again, Brian,” she said clearly, and he just nodded in response, unsure of what he did right to get someone as lovely as her to be interested in him, “and I don’t mean you just staring at me while I’m working. I mean I’d actually like to spend time with you.”
“Oh,” he said quietly as he tried to process what she had just said. For how smart and analytical he was sometimes, he often missed the obvious things that were right in front of him. A smile started spreading on his face as he realized what she had said, “oh!”
“What are you doing tomorrow evening?” she asked him and his eyes grew wide. He was used to having to be the one who asked someone out, and this was a welcome change, especially from someone that had captivated him as much as she had. She didn’t even have to do much, but he was already so intrigued. Y/N reached over and gently tapped the side of his curly head, “Brian? Earth to Brian?”
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, “yes, I’m free tomorrow. Can I take you to dinner? There’s a really nice restaurant not too far from here that I really like. I think you’d like it too.”
“I work until five tomorrow,” she said and glanced in the direction of the small shop, “but after that should work. Do you want to meet me here and we can go?”
“I’d really like that,” he agreed. He glanced down at his watch and saw it was getting on in the afternoon. He had rehearsal to be at in a few times. The boys would never let him live it down if he was late again, “I’m so sorry, but I’ve got to go. It’s not you, I swear. But my friends will kill me if I’m late to rehearsal again. I might have been late a few times due to some...distractions lately. They’ll never shut up about it if I’m late again!”
“Sounds like an important rehearsal?” she asked, cocking her head to the side, watching him curiously. She was sure he was thinking at being late because of her - it flattered her. He really was an enigma of a man - reading books on astronomy and he had some sort of rehearsal?
“I’m in a band called Queen,” he explained as he stood up, and grabbed his sweater, “I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow, promise.”
“Okay, Brian,” she gave him a smile as he leaned down and kissed her cheek, “I’ll see you tomorrow then. I’m looking forward to it.”
“Goodbye for now, Y/N,” he beamed at her as his long legs quickly carried him away. She sighed contently as she watched him disappear down the street, his curly head bobbing the whole way.
She realized he had forgotten his book, and decided that she would give it back to him tomorrow. She opened it, flipping through the pages and saw that he had scrawled all sorts of notes in the margins. She determined that she’d give it back to him tomorrow, and she might even read a few pages tonight.
Y/N kept nervously glancing at the watch on her wrist, waiting for it to finally be five. She felt like she had been walking on air all day, dancing her way around the shop, humming softly to herself and all the flowers she adored.
Making sure all the flowers were properly put away, and ready for tomorrow, she counted down the minutes until it was time for Brian to arrive. Although she had been the one to actually propose going on a date, she still felt a wave of nerves hit her. What if he found her terribly drool? Or he decided he didn’t want to be around someone with a disability? Or decided his life was too exciting for someone like her? But he didn’t strike her as the type - he exuded an aura of kind and calm energy.
Feeling the door open as a gust of air rushed in, she turned around and saw Brian’s tall, willowy figure come in, a big grin on his face. Any hesitation she had felt suddenly melted away, as he came up to her and pulled out his arm from behind his back, offering her a small bouquet of flowers - roses, all red and long stemmed. She looked between him and the flowers, as her heart felt like it was about to burst with excitement.
“I know it seems a little silly to bring flowers to someone who works with flowers, but I couldn’t resist. I saw them and I thought of you. I hope you like them,” he seemed almost nervous as she eagerly took them from him, breathing in their  fresh, sweet scent. He smiled at the sight, as she quickly grabbed a vase, making quick work of filing it up and arranging the roses.
“They’re absolutely lovely, Brian. Thank you so much,” she strode over to him and leaned up to press a light kiss on his cheek. He blushed wildly, not expecting the gesture, but she paid him no mind. Going over to the counter and reaching into the drawer, she pulled out his abandoned book from yesterday, “here, this is yours. You left it at the cafe yesterday.”
“Oh, thank goodness. I’d totally forgotten about it,” he gratefully took the  small book and placed it in his jacket pocket, “it would have been a great tragedy if I’d lost it. All my notes are in there.”
“I noticed,” she smiled at him, “I started reading it, but it all seemed to go over my head. I don’t know how you. or anyone else for that matter, understand all that. Is that what you studied at uni?”
“For a while,” he admitted, “I had plans of going for a PhD, but ended up having to drop out...the band’s getting pretty big and I didn’t have time for both. But I want to go back one day.”
“Ahh yes, this mysterious band, Queen, you mentioned. I do expect to hear all about it,” she insisted and he gave her a small nod, getting shy all of a sudden. He was never to brag about his accomplishments, and this was no different.
“Don’t worry, we can talk about all that jazz, but you’re going to have to tell me about you too. That’s my one condition,” he insisted and she rolled her eyes dramatically at him, but she gave him a smile nonetheless. He offered her his arm and she linked her arm his as he lead the way, “I promise you won’t regret agreeing to go out with me.”
“You know it sounds to me like you guys are going to be huge. You all sound amazing. I’m curious about this Roger though. He sounds a little odd,” Y/N smiled at Brian, taking a sip of her wine. Brian laughed as he took a drink from his glass with a fervent nod.  It was obvious how passionate he was about his music, his eyes lit up and the smile never felt his face. She loved when people talked about things they loved - they got so passionate, “I’d love to hear you guys play sometime.”
Brian paused, his fork halfway through to his mouth as he realized what she had said. She noticed his hesitation, and laughed, trying to keep the mood light. She didn’t want him or anyone else to feel nervous around her and worry about offending her. She knew it was something to get used to for most people, but she never wanted anyone to feel uncomfortable around her.
“It’s okay, Bri,” she nudged his foot ever so lightly with her own, bringing his attention back to her, “you can ask me anything about...you know, the elephant in the room. The fact that I’m almost completely deaf. Just so you know, I can appreciate music, and lovely musicians behind it. If you can’t hear the music, you can feel. All the vibrations and the movement. I know it doesn’t stack up to the real thing, but it’s still beautiful in its own way.”
“I’m sorry, I just...I haven’t met someone like you before. I mean, Mary, Freddie’s girlfriend, her father is deaf, but I haven’t been around him much,” he admitted as he played with a piece of food on his plate. She almost laughed at him, as he tried to avoid saying the word. He felt like he was just digging his own grave the more he kept talking.
“It’s not like it’s a weird disease, Bri, it’s okay. Trust me, you’ll find it’s very hard to offend me,” she explained and he let out a long breath, seeming comforted by her words, “I haven’t always been deaf, you know. Only for about the last ten years. I was very sick with meningitis and it cost me almost all of my hearing by the time they figured out what it was. But that’s why, or the most part, I still sound fairly normal. I always had hearing and knew how form sounds and words, so I never lost that ability. That’s why some people that have never had hearing sound different. And of course, everyone is different. But, as these things often go, I learned adapt fairly quickly. Once one sense goes, the others pick up pretty quickly. It seems made up, but it’s true.”
“Do you...read lips then? Or do you prefer sign language?” he asked, making sure he was making eye contact with her. He hadn’t thought about it before, hopefully he was making things as easily as possible for her to understand him.
“I’ve been never been great with sign language, but I can muster my way around it,” she confessed, thinking back to all those lessons she had to try and learn. She got the basics, but for some reason, she could never master it no matter how hard she tried. Luckily though, reading lips, combined with the low level of sound she could hear made it an easy transition to her new existence, “I mostly read lips. It helps when the person I’m talking to doesn’t talk too fast, and makes eye contact too. So that means you’ll have to actually be looking at me, unfortunately for you.”
“I don’t think that’s unfortunate at all. There’s plenty of worse things to do than getting to look at a pretty girl,” he teased her and she just stuck out her tongue at him, “whatever makes it easier for you, just let me know and I will do it.”
“Well, you can just promise me one thing,” she asked and he raised his eyebrows at her, “don’t treat me all weird and different. I’m normal, just like everyone else. I don’t let this hold me back, and don’t need any special care, okay? But if for some reason you say something, and I don’t respond, just make sure I actually heard you. I can’t tell you the number of people that have just thought I was ignoring and then got mad!”
“Okay,” he promised as he stuck his hand out to her, making a fist and extending his pinky. She let out a sound somewhere between a snort and a laugh as she entwined her pinky with his, “it’s now a promise that can never be broken.”
“You’re such a silly man, Brian May,” she insisted, but she was being to like this silly man. She hoped, deep down in her heart of hearts, that this silly man would be around for a lot longer, “but pinky promises are forever.”
Y/N sighed contently to herself as she stretched her arms, the pale glow of the moonlight filtering in through the gap in the curtains. She felt so warm and content, she wished she never had to leave the bed ever again. Brian took advantage of the moment and kissed her cheek, pulling her closer to his long body.
“Bri,” she giggled at him, maneuvering her body, which was becoming a chore as she neared the end of her pregnancy and seemed to be all belly, turning so she was looking up at him. She reached up and played with a lock of his curly hair, “you’re such a sneaky cheat. No more kisses for you.”
“Ahh, well, pretty sure I’m allowed to kiss my wife whenever I feel like it. And you know that you like my kisses,” he countered as he looked at her, a smile on his features. He gently put his hand on her belly as she blew a raspberry at him, a smile on her face, “I wonder what she’s going to look like. I hope like you.”
“You’re so sure it’s going to be a girl?” she asked, putting her hand on his. The baby had been moving around like crazy throughout the day, and she was glad that she or he had finally decided to calm down, so she could get some rest, “what is it’s a boy?”
“Then I hope he gets your good looks anyway. The sweetest smile, the prettiest eyes, and most enchanting laugh,” he said as she rested her head on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart, “but I know it’s a girl.”
“I hope whether it’s a boy or girl they get your beautiful hair,” she said softly, pressing a kiss to the exposed park of his chest, “all your talents, and your intelligence, and your kindness. You’re going to be an amazing daddy, Bri.”
“You’re going to be an amazing mumma,” he said, stoking her cheek gently. He knew it was the arrival of their first child was still a few months away, but he was beyond excited to start the next charter of their lives, “I just know it. Are you nervous about it?”
“Not anymore,” she admitted, playing with his hand and entwining her fingers with his long ones, staring deep into his eyes in the little bit of light that entered the room, “I was at first, but you’ve made me feel so much better about everything. I know that we can go this together, and it’ll be hard but worth it. I’m so excited to meet our little bean.”
“Me too,” he whispered as he pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, “it’ll all be soon.”
“And to think, we wouldn’t even be here if you hadn’t saved them from falling two years ago,” she smiled fondly at the memory of their first encounter. It was wild to think she felt just as smitten by him now as she had all that time ago, “you’re my hero, Brian May, then and now.”
“And you’re my favorite flower girl,” he kissed the top of her head, as he spied the vase of red roses sitting on their dresser. He made sure she always had a fresh bouquet of them, ever since their first date when he had brought her some, “then and now. I love you, my darling.”
“I love you too, Bri,” she closed her eyes and tried to drift off, but the baby started moving around again, kicking against her bladder. She sighed, thinking she would get a reprieve, but the baby had other ideas. Brian felt the light flutters from his where he had his hand resting, “this bean has been out of control today. Will you sing to the baby? It loves when you do that.”
Brian kissed her gently before starting to sing quietly, stroking her belly. After a few minutes, the kicking slowly ceased and Y/N felt her own eyelids getting heavy. His voice was barely audible to hear, but she enjoyed the effect of his soothing voice. Brian turned his attention to her, murmuring that it was okay to for to rest too. She nodded and murmured something he didn’t quite catch before she slowly fell asleep. He soon followed suit, drifting off to the sound of her light snores, one arm still around her and the other resting on her belly.
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299 notes · View notes
mademoiselless · 5 years
Summer Time
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Pairing: Jaehyun x Female Reader
Word count: 4k
Genre: Romance ; Smuff
Warnings: mature content ; age gap
Story: In which Jaehyun drafts a series of notes to her just to secretly meet her in the study. One contains an obscene expression of his impure thoughts for her which includes the word “cunt” and "come". He writes it only as a joke as he laughs to himself. He writes another one, more formal and serious letter and smoothly slip it under the girl’s door that one night. Only after he went back to his room, does he realized that he has given her the explicit one.
“In my dreams, I touched you, your soaking and sweet cunt. In my dreams, I kissed you, take you up against the wall, all drenched for me. I want to see you come before my eyes, come while I’m very deep inside y-….”
Jaehyun swivels his chair, chuckling quietly to himself. “So whipped, Jay.” He sighed audibly, deep dimples appearing from his cheeks. Indeed, people’s thoughts in the middle of the night are kind of weird. He’s a man after all, young, handsome and hormonal. It was his special girl anyways, his Jane, he argues to himself. It seem like it was his hundredth attempt of writing a note for her and damn it was supposed to be just a simple letter but his mind can’t focus and find his right words. A simple letter of apology just for her, but his thoughts were flying out of space, or perhaps flew all the way to his dick by the time his hand randomly started to scribble some words again on the white sheet. It was all mixed up frustration and disappointment, reason why he just couldn’t make up on it. Plus it was Jane, his lovely Y/N.
His desk was full of crumpled drafts, papers scattered everywhere, his room can honestly pass as a damp site the time he finally jot his last word on the sheet. He withdraws his pen quickly as he rereads his somewhat masterpiece.
Dearest Y/N,
I was quite disappointing last afternoon, aren’t I? I’m offering you my sincerest apology, I shouldn’t have invited them during my stay here. I promise, I would do better next time, just don’t be mad at me. Okay?
PS: Meet me on our family library tomorrow evening, if you won’t mind.  I would like to tell you something rather, personally.
He jolts up his chair, barefooted as he exits his room. It was way pass everyone’s bedtime when he silently tiptoed through the hall, all the way to her door. His steps were quiet against the wooden floor, but he almost tripped on huge vase. “Damn it.” He screeched discreetly. The hall was dimmed and quite scary, the kind of what you read in some strange books. When he finally arrived in front of her door, he swiftly slip the small flap containing his letter in the slit of the wooden egress and spun around in instinct just in case someone might saw him lurking around in the darkness, worst is right in front of the girl’s bedroom like a creep. When Jaehyun finally returned to his room, he immediately slumps in the mattress, catching his breath like he ran a mile. And then, he smiles to himself, both hands clutching on his chest, he felt his heart pounding against it. “What a thrill.” He sighed as he stares at the sky blue old ceiling. Indeed it was a thrill, but not the one when he single-handedly made bunch of women cry, or the one when he got to date blonde ladies during his long stay in some country in the west. This was a different kind of thrill, the kind that make his insides flip and giddy at the same time scared. The feeling was actually not familiar to Jaehyun, it was all new, different.
For a good minute, he stares up thinking of what might possibly happen tomorrow, he’s nervous and excited. He could finally make up to her after a very long time. The anticipation is growing inside him that he can’t contain himself, not thinking of any consequences that might occur after.
Oh boy, however, happiness is really short lived.
Unexpectedly, his mind took a quick rerun, his eyes shoot wide open, his body stiffens in bed, as he hears the clock ticking from his bed side. “It can’t be.” He felt his temple pulsate as his heartbeat speeds it rate. When he finally decided to man up and turn to his desk full of crap, he was so sure that all the luck was really on his side that night. Jaehyun quickly stood up from his bed not bothering about the loud screeched coming from the spring of the mattress. “God fucking damn it.” He cursed, cold sweats starting to creep up his forehead damping his fringes, both hands clenched into fists. At that very moment Jaehyun swears he saw a flash back of his childhood right before his eyes, all the anticipation disappeared in just a snap. There atop the shabby table was a paper, neatly folded and untouched.
A thrilling experience indeed.
Jaehyun woke up the next morning to the chirping of the birds outside his wide window. For a moment, he thought everything was just a dream and that last night was just a piece of his imagination playing inside his head, but not when he stirs up from his bed and saw the large pile of garbage lying around his room. Last night was the real horror of his life, he wanted to scream and run but it was 2 freaking am and there’s no way he’ll get out of the big problem that he made himself. He had two plans running in his mind last night, first is to knock on her door, disturb her sleep and ask her some stupid questions only to pick up secretly the damn envelope in her door step and run as fast as he could. “Stupid”, he snorts. Plan B, steal the master key and secretly slip into her room like a thief, God forbid she might wake up and scream in the middle of the night. “Stupid”. And the last straw, go with the flow, whether she may or may not read the letter, just apologize to her and explain that the letter was not meant for her. But damn what might she think about him whenever she read that racy note? It will surely ruin everything.
He was checking his self out in the mirror and noticed that he was still wearing his trousers and dress shirt from yesterday. The bags under his eyes were terrible as he inspects closely and then the pounding headache started. After taking a quick bath, he took all the trash up his desk and threw every single one in the bin and then he finally settles again in his bed, contemplating whether to face the consequences or lock himself forever in the room until he starves to death. He was so sure Y/N already read the letter and is now hating him from head to toe. He was about to sleep again when he hears her soft giggling, for a second, Jaehyun thought he was already dreaming but then he heard her laugh again, this time louder. He shoots up in bed, trying to find where her voice was coming from, until he heard her mumbling. When he makes his beeline to the window and slightly part the thick curtain, there he saw her smiling brightly while watering the bed of flowers in the back yard. His gaze softens to the sight, all worries mildly disappears for a brief moment until he spotted a tall lad, also smiling goofily and by the looks of it they’re having a friendly chat. He thought Y/N will be out early to the hospice and will be back late but then he remembers, it’s Sunday. He glances at the clock and saw it was pass 10 in the morning. And then Jaehyun strikes back his attention to Y/N who was now laughing heartily from whatever joke the familiar neighbour cracked. His heart clenched a bit from the sight and somewhere along Jaehyun’s mind, something snapped.
Through the whole day, Jaehyun stayed in his room. He skipped breakfast and lunch, he didn’t even bother Mr. Kim, their house butler, knocking in his bedroom door to serve him something to eat. Maybe he should just pretend he’s out with friends and will be back tomorrow, but that alibi is foolish, Jaehyun knows he can’t avoid everything forever and that what’s done is done. So, he finally changed and get himself ready for dinner with his father, and of course with Y/N.
When he settled himself in the dinner table, Y/N wasn’t there but he couldn’t help but to fidget every once in a while. Jaehyun was so tensed that he didn’t catch his father asking him his whereabouts for the whole day.
“I’m sorry father, what was it?” He questions, his hand unconsciously gripped on the napkin and dabbed it to the sides of his lips albeit the dinner hasn’t been served yet. Shoot.
“I said, where have you been son?” His father asked with a calm tone that you’ll never know whether he noticed his son’s weird behaviour or not.
“I was at the study, father.” Jaehyun composed. “It’s been a long time since I last visited my old books. I guess it’s time to refresh since I’m back.” He added to make it a credible excuse.
“I see.” The old man nodded. “Why don’t you bring your old friends here for a visit. I also wanted to see my boy Johnny. I haven’t seen him in a long time.” He mused.
“Actually, he-.” He was about to answer when the dinner arrived causing him to pause but his breath hitched when Y/N appeared from the kitchen, she must’ve cooked one of the dishes tonight. To Jaehyun’s dismay, she sat across him and greeted them to have a nice and good meal. It surprised him that she was calm, well, not that he expects her to become hysterical but somehow she’s normal, so casual that she just talked about her day and that she enjoys working in the hospice. His father was so attentive listening to her but Jaehyun however couldn’t almost swallow his food. And he finally got choked on it when Y/N asked him out of nowhere. Damn he was so obvious.
“Here!” She hurries up to his side as she offers him a glass of water. “Jae, are you okay?” It’s been a while since they had that close distance, it was the closest proximity they had since he left, he was so young that time and for a second he misses her, he misses her warmth. And the sound of his name coming from her lips, her voice, very captivating, everything reminds him of summer.
“Are you okay?” Y/N then again asked, worry was written all over her face.
“Yes, I-I’m okay.” He finally answered after gulping the glass of water in one go.
“Son, you seems distracted.” His father spoke, earning a glare from Jaehyun. “No, father I’m just really hungry and I enjoyed the meal to much.” He awkwardly chuckled as he steal glances to Y/N who’s apparently already staring at him. Jaehyun fidgets again from his seat and cleared his throat to avoid the tension that he’s probably bringing up just to himself. It’s been already half an hour when they finished their hearty dinner, Y/N was the first one to excuse herself, telling that she’ll be up in the very morning for work. She kisses the old man in the cheek before saying good night to the both gentlemen. Jaehyun just stares at her retreating back as she made her way up the stair case. Maybe be he’s just being crazy or imagining things, or perhaps she didn’t read the letter. That evening, he prays for the latter.
It’s quarter to eleven, but Jaehyun couldn’t make himself to sleep. He lays in the bed arms spread all over the soft duvet, up until now he was still thinking about her. How could he not? How could he become so careless and damn foolish? It was his last chance and he freaking missed it and worst, he ruined it himself. When he rolled to his side, he saw his desk and spotted the note he was suppose to give her. He rereads it before crumpling it and shoving to the bin. “Am I too late my Jane?”
It’s getting late but Jaehyun finds himself in the kitchen to get some glass of water. It was humid even in the night, he can’t sleep because of it, his room was like suffocating him, but summer is still Jaehyun’s favorite season no matter what. He was already at the end of the staircase when he noticed a light coming from the study in the basement, he double takes, and instantly turned to it’s direction. Maybe his father forgot to turn down the lights, Jaehyun thinks on his way. He was so drawn to the light that he made his way down just to see or check on it, he curiously entered the library, opening the stained glass door, his eyes instantly searching for the light switch when he entered the room. But the moment his gaze met her figure standing in front of the tall shelves, he swears he felt his soul left his body, it was like seeing a ghost. He stood there, stiff, both feet glued to the ground for a couple of seconds. At that time he thinks he was already dreaming yet again, and this was his chance to make up to her even if just in the dream. But his instincts were telling him otherwise, he silently turned, twisting the knob and about to leave the room when she spoke.
The scariest part was the tone of her voice, Jaehyun mentally notes, to the mention of his name, he was so sure it wasn’t a coincidence, it was as if she was waiting for him, not questioning why he’s there. The anxiety and worry, they all came back at once in his head that’s when he knew there’s no turning back.
“I- ah… y/n…” And then he finally had the courage to face her, but still avoiding the eye contact. “It’s late, what are you doing down here?” He decided to play it casually, assuming it was just pure coincidence.
“I couldn’t sleep.” She answered as she proceeds to read again the book she was holding. “Novels.” She mused, tapping the book on her palm. Jaehyun finally focused his gaze on her and noticed what she was wearing, it was a white silk night dress with thin robe, barely showing any skin but the fabric hugs her curves perfectly. Her long raven hair was down, shaping her bare face gorgeously.
“Oh.” Was all he could utter, his mouth was gaping the whole moment, when he realized she wasn’t responding and all her attention was still on her book, he proceeds to talk further to lessen the tension. “I was at the kitchen for a glass when I noticed the open library lights.” He continues, Y/N only nods in response.
“I should go.” At last, Jaehyun finally chickens out.
“I was waiting, Jae.” She speaks, her voice sounded different, almost breaking.
Jaehyun halts from his tracks, fist tightly gripped on the knob. He felt the cold sweats again slowly dripping down his side burns, the realization hit him like a ton of brick. She have read the note.
He honestly doesn’t know what to do at that very brief period, suddenly he feels small and embarrassed to himself. He really just wanted to sincerely apologize and tell her what he really feels about her but sometimes thing just won’t turn according to your will.
“Look Y/N, I’m so sorry.” He turns to her swiftly, all guilt and sadness written all over his perfect face. “I didn’t mean it.” He adds as he took a couple of steps closer.
“You didn’t mean it?” She questions him, her book already forgotten atop the shelf. Jaehyun was really out of words, he doesn’t know whether she was sarcastic or just plainly disgusted of him. “How could you Jaehyun?” Her words sounds accusing and it stings him.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, it wasn’t meant for you to read.” Jaehyun defends as a matter of fact. “I really just wanted to apologize to you about what happened last time.” He continues, he finally gets to the point but the fact that he sent her such vulgar letter was still hanging in the air and he knows he can’t just erase it in her mind, and forever it will be there.
“Johnny and my other friends were also sorry about what happened, I know it was so disrespectful on your part. But it will never happened again, Y/N. Sorry.” He really like to reach for her, comfort her in his arms like what she did to him before when they were young. But it’s like there’s a big barrier between them now, everything’s changed. “And of course they know you, because I always mention you to them.” He wasn’t supposed to let that part out of his story but it was the truth, she was his special girl.
Y/N remains stoic, but disappointment was apparent on her face.
“And the letter…” Jaehyun gulps before continuing. “I-I … it was a mistake… it’s wasn’t for you.” He uttered silently, thinking it was the best excuse of the year.
“It wasn’t for me?” Y/N finally speaks, eyes meeting his intently.
“Yes I-…. why are you crying?” Jaehyun panics stepping a little closer to her fragile figure. Y/N didn’t noticed she was already shedding tears until she dabbed the back of her hand to her cheeks. She didn’t like the idea of someone seeing her cry, no one can see her at her vulnerable state.
“Jaehyun, I-, I thought… you feel the same?” She asks, now boldly, her voice shaking that anytime she might really cry like a child.
He was taken a back for second, his brows knitted together as he took another step towards her. “What are you talking about?” He pressed, he wants know more about her statement.
“All these years Jae, I was hiding it. It was really hard for me, I-I really tried my best to move on, forget everything about you. I suppressed everything for years Jae.” She sobbed tears streaming down her face as she continues. “When I read your letter, I thought it was my chance, our chance. But I guess I was wrong.” Y/N tightly grips on her silk robe as she confess everything to him. Somehow, she thought, after this, all the burden inside her chest will disappear, not totally but at least she learned how to set herself free.
“And the fact that you can never ever be mine no matter what hurts the most.” She voices out.
Everything was clouded inside Jaehyun’s mind, he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t know what to do, every words she uttered was all jumbled in his head. Shock was damn evident in his face that he can’t even move a single muscle. In a snap, everything turned upside down. His mind really can’t absorb the words coming from her lips, her voice was like muffled sound against his ears.
“I love you.” She says and that was it, the last strand of his self-control.
Jaehyun lunges forward caging her petite body against his, his lips found hers in a heated kiss. Her breath hitches from his sudden advances but she let herself drown against his embrace. She slides her arms around his neck pulling him closer, chest to chest, his hands where dancing along her back to her waist and slowly glides up to the sides of her breast. She mewls a bit against his lips as Jaehyun tugged on her bottom lip to slip his tongue inside her mouth. Jaehyun gasped when Y/N sucked on his tongue, a little taken a back of her bold tiny act. But he was kind of amazed when she guides his hand down to the back of her thigh signalling him to hoist her up the shelves. He chuckles against the kiss as she buckled her legs on her waist. “Oh God.” He hisses, lips trailing to her neck, jaw, down to her chest.
Y/N  proceeds to unbutton his dress shirt earning a glance from Jaehyun who was busy sucking the alabaster skin of her neck. He watches her intently slowly unbuttoning his dress as he smiles. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long.” He whispers in her ears before licking its shell. He then tugged her robe off and slowly pull down the thin strap of her silk gown exposing half of her breast. She sighed loudly when he trails his warm supple lips yet again on her throat down to her cleavage slowly baring the bud with his tongue before suckling it, one of his hand kneading the other. Y/N moans, as she covers her mouth to suppress her noise. “J-jae...” Her breathless tone pleading. “Yes my love?” He says before halting his ministrations with a pop. His eyes were fluttering, so lust filled, that she was really lost from it. “Feel me, please.” Jaehyun doesn’t need to be told twice, as he abruptly hike her dress up and danced his fingers to her inner thigh. He kisses her then again, torridly, as he hooks her leg around his waist, carefully, he lets his fingers part the satin cloth to the side before sliding his long finger inside her heat. She moans against his lips as she felt him curl his finger and rub the sensitive spot inside her. It was all mixed up pain, pleasure and excitement pooling in the pit of her stomach and she needs to let it out any time soon. Meanwhile Jaehyun, was already having a hard time ignoring the strain in his trousers. She noticed it immediately when her right thigh accidentally brushed against it. He choked on a moan when he felt her palm his hard on, feeling his hard arousal in her hand feels satisfying, never in her whole life she thought he will be this hard for her. “Fuck.” He curses under his breath. “Jae, give it to me please.” He proceeds to unbuckle his belt, the clinking sound of it echoes in the room before zipping down his trouser down to his ankles. Their breath hitched as they felt each other’s heat the moment he finally slip inside her warmth, he moans against her ear, mouth agape from the sensation as he stills for awhile, feeling her warmth in-cage his hard member. “Y/N?” He breathes heavily in her ears. “Jaehyun?” She pants against the crook or his neck feeling his cock inside her pulsate. “I love you.” Jaehyun confessed before slowly withdrawing and ramming back inside her earning a yelp from her. She felt the pain mixed with unfamiliar sensation that she craves for more. Y/N tilts her head capturing his lips for a greedy kiss savoring his taste that she yearned for years, she felt the pressure between her hips building up, getting stronger at each deep thrust. “D-Deeper…” Y/N demands. He complies, lifting her one leg slightly have a better angle. “Are you near love?” Jaehyun asked in between each thrust, he felt himself getting almost there when he felt her insides slowly tightening and it was driving him to the edge. “Jae…” She pants breathlessly. “P-Please come inside.” That was the little push he needs as he releases his warm seeds inside her. He groaned as he felt her insides tensing milking him thoroughly. “Look at me when you come.” He urges her. Just then, her eyeballs rolled back, lips parted from her release and the sight was blinding for Jaehyun, it was driving him insane.
“All this time, this was all I’ve missed.” She heaves, carding his silky hair to admire his perfect face. Jaehyun’s smiles tiredly, feeling his chest leaps from the beautiful sight right before his eyes, both of them groaned when he slips himself out of her.
They sat themselves on the floor, backs leaning against the old shelves of the library. It was silent, only their breaths and heartbeats could be heard. Jaehyun felt her head rest on his shoulder, he leans his cheek on it and he finally grinned shyly to himself. “You are smiling.” Y/N mutters. “How did you know?” He asked curiously. “I felt your dimples deepen through my head.” She says like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He still can’t believe of what had happened, everything passed by in bliss. Who would have thought he fucked up plan would turn out this great?
“Noona.” He starts, his hand slowly intertwining their fingers,
“Please don’t call me that.” She pleads instantly, glaring at him.
“Okay, Y/N.” He counters, smiling lopsidedly.
“What if we ran away?”
i posted this fic somewhere but I decided to might as well bring it here on tumblr. This was not proofread lol sorry. This fic was actually inspired by the movie “Atonement” that film was a hell of ride.
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