#feels pretty much the same as being 26 tbh
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Well lads. I’m 27 now
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AITA for asking my partner not to talk about how happy he is that Ghandi was assassinated?
I hope this doesn't get too long! 🍀
I (26, F) am Irish Australian, my partner (33, M) is Sikh. He's shared many beautiful things about his culture with me, and has a thoughtful way of describing the relationship between Sikh history and current culture.
However I get a bit uncomfortable when he talks about how Gandhi was assassinated by a Sikh person. I know enough about Gandhi to be aware that while he might've had some good impact, he had plenty of underreported bad too. But I don't pretend to understand the extent of it all.
I also understand what a complex thing that sort of cultural history is, my family joke about being proud of the assassination of Mountbatten by the IRA. But we keep that talk behind closed doors, it requires more understanding of the Troubles than the average person has. Also, joking about death is a bit nasty unless you know everyone is comfortable
My issue with my partner is that when he talks about Gandhi's death he's not speaking with a historical context. He gets very serious and sits up all tall and says proudly that Sikhs are a warrior race and they fucking delivered. He has done this in company and in private and it's always very intense and a mood killer, he is not joking at all. I think that level of confident pride in the death of another is kinda messed up
So, I asked him to not talk about it in such a full on way. He refused to apologise because he is proud of it and he said that he's glad they did it (I appreciate his honestly there). I asked if he would be pleased to see a similar event play out today, a Sikh assassinating a major political influencer. He said he would be happy and asked the same of me regarding Mountbatten (this had come up in the conversation, obviously I'm paraphrasing, the whole thing was pretty upsetting tbh) and I said no cos it's not an active war. Also, that I don't actually stand behind that I'm just comfortable with the complexity of it to joke with my family and still know people understand where I stand. Like, the IRA killed his kids too. The whole time was fucked.
He said he's not joking. He, gently, said I was being a bit of a hypocrite. He didn't promise to not talk about Gandhi, but hasn't brought it up since. I feel like he's pretty unhappy about it
I dunno, I asked him without really thinking about it all and I think he makes a good point about the Mountbatten parallel. I'm not sure if the difference in my feelings is my own ethics or just me being a bit racist. And it's not his job to make me not be racist if I've got some stuff to work through. But still, I think if it was any culture I'd be uncomfortable with that much aggressive pride in murder. Like, I've grown up in a country without a death penalty, death is not something people can dole out imo, and his approval of it is so absolute and genuine, there's no pulling the punch. Unlike my way of talking about Mountbatten.
So, AITA for asking my partner to stop talking about his pride in a Sikh person assassinating Gandhi?
What are these acronyms?
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catboybiologist · 3 months
Y'all ready for a certified neurodivergent moment?
I had to sit through a thing I absolutely did not need any info from, and typed up a massive outline of the soulsborne pokemon game I just talked about. Massively cringe, yes, but hey it's not just living in my head anymore.
I've had this idea brewing in my head for a while now, pretty much ever since PLA came out (and I found it kinda disappointing tbh). Even though Hoenn has lots of love, it still feels like the most "grand" region in terms of the scale and themes of its lore, so I liked the idea of using it for a legends game that focused on the initial clash of Kyogre and Groudon. I had so many ideas brew in my head, and I guess now I sloppily typed them out.
Obviously this isn't actual game design. This is just me being cringey and detailing my dream pokemon game. At 26 years old. Anyways.
Pokemon Legends: Jirachi
In the times when Hoenn was young, the earth and seas shook. Titans roam the land- powerful individual pokemon that shape their environment to their liking. Humans and pokemon work together to keep them under control, but the earth and sea themselves shake, and Titans only grow more numerous. One day, a human wishes on a shooting star to become a hero and save their land, and something from up there answered.
In this game, Jirachi would be a kind of invisible "questmaster", giving an in-game reason for path markers, quest markers, and points of interest marked in stardust and sparkles. Once the main plot is completed, Jirachi would be able to join your party.
Core combat
The gameplay would be souls-like or Monster Hunter like, but with direct parallels to mainline pokemon mechanics. The six stats would be the same, and the four moves your pokemon can learn would be equivalent to the attack interface of a soulslike game- four trigger buttons. You would take direct control of one "primary" pokemon at a time, and use it as a souls-like character.
HP, Def, and SpDef would be largely the same, with the added benefit that less damage taken means more resistance to trips and staggers.
Atk and SpAtk are also pretty clear cut, scales your damage output per move.
Speed would be analogous to stamina or endurance. Dodging would work as in soulsborne games, and consume stamina. Most pokemon walking, running, attack speed, and dodging speed would be largely equivalent, but high speed pokemon would be able to sustain rapidfire attacking, frequent dodging, and continuous sprinting for longer.
Accuracy would be reworked into lock-on or charge up time- eg, a low accuracy move requires you to stay in one place for a longer amount of time before releasing, to charge up or lock on (imagine how swag ass this would look with focus blast).
PP would correspond to cooldown time. Each move would be infinite use, but have a cool-down after its used. So a move with high accuracy, but low PP, could be used instantly, but not spammed. High PP, weaker moves would then see an increased niche as a "default" light attack that can be spammed.
Attacks could also be ranged, up close, AoE, and have other features that would need to be tweaked and balanced in implementation. They wouldn't one to one map onto their in game counterparts, but this would at least provide a vague guide for how these moves work that builds on players assumed existing knowledge of pokemon games.
Special attributes, like never-miss moves and priority moves, would have features that play into this- eg, priority moves could be spammed with no cooldown, and never-miss moves would be immune to inhibiting effects.
Stat changes could be temporary effects applied to yourself when using the move, like a buffing spell in soulsborne games.
Nonvolatile status effects (paralysis, burn, sleep, etc) would work similar to monster hunter- invisibly accumulating triggers that occur as a side effect to to moves, or in the case of moves that directly trigger status like Spore or Thunder Wave, they would not do direct damage, but instead add massive amounts to the accumulated status trigger.
Field effects (weather, terrain, and special effects like wind, gravity, etc) could be set by regular pokemon moves in small areas, but would also be frequently encountered in the overworld.
Examples: the vibes of potential starter pokemon.
This is all just for the purpose of giving examples of how I envision some of this stuff working. Assume each pokemon would have regional variants that scaled their stats appropriately. This is just to show how different playstyles from the mainline games would translate to this format.
Lucario: example mixed offensive pokemon
Moves like aura sphere could be used with no lock on time, and little to no cooldown, forming the basis of a normal, light, ranged attack.
Moves like Close Combat would have no lock on, but give a temporary debuff and have a long cooldown time before they could be initiated again, making for a quick to use but infrequent heavy attack.
Swords dance and/or nasty plot could be used to provide a temporary buff for a period of time.
Focus blast would take a long time to charge and lock on, making you a sitting duck.
Reuniclus: example tanky pokemon
Light Screen and Barrier could lay down static areas on the ground. When an ally pokemon is located within them, they provide their corresponding defensive buffs. Cooldown for reusing them starts when these floor areas disappear.
Recover could be used to heal, but would have a long cooldown.
Liepard: example technical pokemon
Yawn would inflict direct sleep "buildup", but over time as opposed to instantly.
Fake out would instantly proc a stagger from the enemy, but could only be used in a certain time range upon being sent out.
Moves like taunt and torment function as usual.
The trainer and overworld traversal
Even though the player has direct control over pokemon, the MC is still a trainer, and pokemon are still capture in balls.
The trainer would be on the sidelines, with idle animations ordering the pokemon to do stuff.
Only one "controllable" pokemon could be outside of a pokeball at a time, or all of them could be stowed in pokeballs to directly control the trainer. The trainer can interact with NPCs, gather items, etc.
The trainer would also order "helper" pokemon. One or two "helpers" could be added independent of the party that would follow the trainer around constantly. Each pokemon has a list of field "helper" abilities they're capable of doing, independent of what moves they know. By targeting something that a helper pokemon can interact with in the world, the trainer would order that pokemon to zip out and interact with it. Think Republic commando. This takes the role of HMs and other field moves. For areas that require things like Surf of dive, the helper pokemon would exert a field of influence that essentially allowed the primary pokemon to act normally- eg, a surf helper would cause an area of surging upwards surface chop that lets the primary pokemon walk on water, or a dive helper would create small air bubbles centered around wherever the primary pokemon breathes from.
The trainer can also provide small support in the form of items, but this would be limited to encourage sensible use of stat boosting moves.
Pokemon would still be captured in pokeballs, but after they are fainted by the primary pokemon. Fainted pokemon could either be captured in a pokeball, or "relieved" of unique held items and resources before releasing them.
Pokemon would not gain experience by defeating opponents. Instead, each one would have material requirements to both level up and "customize" them. Like upgrading a weapon in Monster Hunter, every pokemon would have unique material requirements to level up, change nature, upgrade IVs, allocate EVs, or learn and relearn certain moves. This incentivizes a postgame loop, but could be curved to make the main game give you adequate materials to avoid excessive grinding.
The gameplay and story structure
The gameplay loop is basically monster hunter.
There would be a large number of normal-sized pokemon out in the world, that could be easily defeated and either captured and looted. But, frequently, a "Titan" would appear- a large, boss variant of a particular pokemon. Some pokemon can only be captured from their defeated titan forms, even if they appear in their regular forms.
These titan forms would appear semi-randomly, and requests to "quiet" them by defeating them would take the form of quests posted in the hub regions. These quests would then essentially be a monster hunter hunt- going out and fighting a particular titan.
Titan forms could be unique, or vaguely modeled after existing megas.
The world is divided into 8 main regions, and at least one "bonus" region. There would be 4 ocean regions, and 4 land regions. Each region would be seperate, but open to explore within that region (damn you can really see how much I've played MH:W)
Each region would have a drop table of pokemon that could potentially appear as titans.
Each region would also have one, single titan pokemon that gives the region its character. These 9 titans would be new, unique regional variants.
Each region, and by extension, each boss titan, would be directly associated with a different regional effect. So essentially, the boss titan and the field effect of a region would be reflective of its character.
The plot, like monster hunter, would be a gameplay loop of increasingly powerful titans within a region, building to the boss titans of each region. Once the 8 primary titans are defeated, it triggers the endgame main plotline.
The world
As mentioned previously, the bulk of the gameplay loop and storyline would be defeating increasingly more powerful "titan" pokemon, until you encounter a particular individual pokemon that is actively shaping that region and has ultimately caused the other titans along the way to be empowered.
Each region would have a dominant type, several field effects that come and go within certain parts of the area, and a unique boss titan. Each boss titan is about equivalent difficulty, and the player is encouraged to spread their efforts around to proceed through the "tiers" of titans evenly across the world before making it to the boss.
Hubs: Slateport, Lilycove.
Self explanatory, these would be the hub towns. Like in PLA, no other cities would be founded yet. Mt. Pyre would be integrated as part of Lilycove, and important characters and exposition could happen there. It would be an active cathedral. Kyogre and Groudon wouldn't be "known", but vague, amorphous titans of earth, sea, and sky would be referenced.
Land Regions
Meteor Cliffs and the Tranquil Plain
A gentle, grassy plain south of Mt. Chimney gives way to its southern slope. The slope, pockmarked with craters, has not been extensively explored, but is thought to hold deep caverns.
Regional effect: Pyschic Terrain
Regional Titan boss: Metagross (Steel/Pyschic)
Main game route equivalents: Meteor Falls, Rustboro City, Petalburg Woods, Petalburg City, Oldale Town, Littleroot town, 101, 102, 103, 104, 116, 115
Towering Forest
A deep, lush forest, sometimes so dense that you can't see the sky, fed by the crystal clear river cutting through it. The tangle of the canopy shudders under the weight of unseen pokemon above.
Regional effect: Grassy Terrain
Regional Titan boss: Tropius (Grass/Steel)
Main game route equivalents: Fortree city, Safari Zone, 119, 120, 121, 123
Jagged Stones
Deep, rugged canyons hide a basin-like desert, where a raging sandstorm elicits mirage-like visions.
Regional effect: sandstorm
Regional Titan boss: Tyranitar (Rock/Dragon)
Main game route equivalents: Verdanturf town, 117, 111, 112, all desert subregions
Volcanic Slopes
The peaks, caverns, and North slope of Mt. Chimney know no peace from the continuous onslaught of lava.
Regional effect: harsh sunlight
Regional Titan boss: Camerupt (Fire/Ground)
Main game route equivalents: Mt. Chimney, Jagged Pass, Fiery Path, Lavaridge, Fallarbor, 113, 114
Oceanic regions
Thunder Bay
An unrelenting, static haze hovers over the inlets of of Thunder Bay, impeding exploration of its deep subterranean caverns.
Regional effect: electric terrain
Regional Titan boss: Manectric (Electric/Dark)
Main game route equivalents: Mauville, New Mauville (replaced by a cave entrance), Cycling Road, 118, 110, 134, 133
Shifting Floes
A chill falls over the NorthEast seas of Hoenn, a climatic anomaly. Scattered islands and shifting ice platforms are continually coated with a snowstorm.
Regional effect: snowstorm
Regional Titan boss: Froslass (ice/ghost)
Main game region equivalents: Mossdeep, Shoal cave, 124, 125, parts of 126 and 127
Misted islands
A mysterious area of the ocean in which islands seem to shift locations as they phase in and out of sight.
Primary Area effect: Misty Terrain
Regional Titan Boss: Altaria (Dragon/fairy)
Main game route equivalents: Dewford Town, Granite Cave, Southern Island, Mirage Island (location changed), 105, 106, 107, 108, 109
Deep Blue
The open expanse of the ocean, and the islands within it, hold secrets beyond comprehension in their depths and constant storms. It is said that there is as much below as there is above.
Primary Area effect: rain/underwater (same effects as rain)
Regional Titan Boss: Wailord (water)
Main game route equivalents: Sootopolis city, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar, Ever Grande City, Pacifidlog, Seafloor cavern, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, parts of 126 and 127
Special Area: the Delta Stream
Ripping across Hoenn's skies is an air current known as the Delta Stream, which powerful pokemon use as a causeway between regions and across the world.
Only accessible in the postgame, and with a "helper" pokemon that can fly. This entire region is above the clouds, and the only points that poke up are the peak of Mt. Chimney, Sky Pillar, and an updraft over Mt. Pyre.
Primary area effect: tailwind
Regional Titan Boss: Salamence (Flying/Dragon)
The Endgame Plot: after the titans are quieted
Once every boss has been defeated, the endgame storyline starts. Despite every titan being quieted, the land still quakes, and the seas still swell. The elders of Mt. Pyre urge you to investigate these at their source: the inner lava chamber of Mt. Chimney (subregion of Volcanic Slopes), and the depths of the seafloor (subregion of Deep Blue).
As you can probably guess, this is the introduction to Kyogre and Groudon.
The first fight with each of them uses your own pokemon, and gives you a "false" win- after you "faint" them in a suspiciously easy battle, they each revive into their primal forms, and head to the mountain island that would become Sootopolis. Hear, they battle on a kaiju-like scale. The MC watches the destruction from Mt. Pyre.
For the second time in the game's story, the MC makes a wish: this is beyond me. I wish a savior would come. Jirachi directly unveils itself for the first time to answer the call, touches the MC, and speeds off into the distance. A cutscene follows Jirachi to Sky Pillar (only a raw, uncarved spike of rock at this point), where Rayquaza is seen coiled around the top. Jirachi leads Rayquaza into the upper atmosphere, where it undergoes a primal/mega evolution. It pivots, shooting down towards earth, building speed.
The player takes control of M-Rayquaza as it slams down to earth, staggering Kyogre and Groudon away from each other, and engages in a special fight where they have to defeat both of them.
After this, Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza may each be found at Seafloor cavern, Mt. Chimney, and sky pillar respectively, and may be defeated and captured. But its highly implied that they only go along with this willingly, and will freely resume their duties as the lords of the land once the MC passes on.
After the plot is completed, steps and murals start being carved into Sky Pillar, allowing access to the Delta Stream.
The post game would allow for infinitely generating Titans, rematches with previously captured Boss Titans as "enrichment" for them, and general gameplay loop grinding for items to train pokemon.
Yay, okay, no ones gonna read this far but uh. Yeah. That's the general idea I had. Hope it made at least some sense LOL
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accio-victuuri · 11 months
CPN : the birth of “weiba” ( weifen wangba ) 😂
even while writing this, i’m still not entirely sure how people are seeing the data about these newcomers. i’m thinking it functions like any other online groups like a super topic. you can see which specific accounts have recently joined.
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if you’re looking at the bjyx st, it’s pretty lively and people are celebrating because of the rapid increase in members ever since last night. around 2PM i think it’s 6k++ and then right now i checked again, it’s 9k+. that’s a lot, considering these two have not interacted publicly for so long. maybe we will finally cross the 4 million mark before the year ends. 🫶🏼
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so what’s all this talk about “weiba”?
it’s a combination of weifen ( what we call solo fans ) and wangba ( us turtles ) . the conversation is around these wfs joining the ST overnight. so much so that you see people posting a meme ( taken from ome and only )!about a moto & shrimps housewarming 😂😂😂
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This is actually not new, the whole concept of a wf being cpf friendly. There are spaces like douyin where these 3 groups co-exist and will sometimes tease each other. It’s not always toxic, but oftentimes it is. There were a few times before too when a particularly strong cpn comes out and turtles screenshot the reactions of wfs who are confused and feel like bjyx may be true.
Now what’s the “cpn” that probably sent them over the edge?
I’ve talked a bit about it here and it’s related to XZ’s work schedule change.
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For the longest time, he was going to work in Condor Heroes early in the day. Then in 7/26, it was bit late but this could only be slightly affected by WYB’s condition. Remember that YBO announced that WYB is sick in the evening of 25th and they were in Hunan ( based on the IP ). We are not sure if Yibo is also there or just the staff but the thought is he did intend to come. In the 26th, WYB probably came back to Beijing a bit later or if he was already in BJ, ZZ can’t change his schedule. Then on the 27th, ZZ’s schedule is way later than his usual. Same with the 28th. These days we CPN that ZZ spent time with sick WYB before going to work. Then on 7/29, ZZ goes back the his old schedule and WYB is the same.
An additional speculation here is the photo going around of ZZ giving out drinks to Condor Heroes cast and crew. This is not something new. We know ZZ loves to treat the crew. However, this time, we interpret this as him giving his “apologies” cause he had to come in to work later than usual for the past days. ☕️
That’s it everyone! tbh, I don’t care if wfs cross over to being turtles or what. I still believe in staying in our own lanes and treating each other with respect. Just enjoy our own corner/s fandoms. ✌🏼
PS: Another probable reason for some newcomers are those who watched One and Only, then looked into WYB. 🫶🏼
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thedragonchilde · 2 months
Ship meme spam, sexy edition
1. What was their first kiss like?
Lots of pent-up passion here, folks; rough and needy and maybe a little bloody
2. Where were they the first time having sex?
To be determined, though it takes a little bit to even get to this point. (Who has fewer neighbors?)
3. Who's louder?
4. Who wakes up first?
Domon is up with the sun
5. Favorite form of foreplay?
Flirty sparring
6. Who performs/receives oral more often?
...that’s a good question. It probably evens out down the line, but at first Domon probably gets blown more often
7. What kink they most often use?
Sensation play casts a pretty wide net
8. Who more often tries new things?
Chibodee’s more often the one with the ideas (though sometimes these things just happen)
9. If they had to include a third person who would it be?
Yeah okay, you think they'd slow down enough for a third?
10. Favorite toy?
You know, the nice thing about dating a trans guy, if you’re in the mood to get dicked down, you can pick the dick
11. How careful are they about using protection?
I'd say a hysterectomy is pretty thorough protection for some things, and monogamy covers the rest
12. General feelings on sex in the relationship
Very intense and a little spiritual actually (‘communicating with your fists’ extends to other physicality, not to mention the Shuffle Alliance empathy)
13. Sexuality?
Chibodee’s bi as fuck. Domon is uhhh new to this, give him time
14. Position Preferences?
Definitely not a static thing, tbh, though I guess face to face makes things more intense
15. Kinks?
Aside from the aforementioned? Edging and overstimulation are pretty up there, and it's pretty common for them to not even get fully undressed
16. Dirty little secrets?
Maybe how they handled long-distance, ahem
17. Best time ever?
Maybe the time they first discovered overstimulation (and, uh, in related news, that on good days Chibodee is capable of multiple orgasms)
18. Worst time ever?
You ever get a concussion from sex?
19. One thing they’ve never told?
Chibodee has never given anyone a straight answer about any previous experience and probably never will
20. Most exotic place they’ve done it at?
I'm sure there's better/worse, but what I can tell you is that Chibodee's dressing room has absolutely seen a few quickies
21. Number of sexual partners?
That entirely depends on how far Domon got with Rain. And as aforementioned, nobody knows whether Chibodee is a slut or a virgin or what, and he's not telling.
22. What they do after sex?
Honestly, that’s a workout, they’re fuckin starving
23. Stamina?
You’d better believe it (something something twelve rounds joke)
24. What gets them in the mood?
You know, it doesn't take much
25. What is their mood-killer?
Oh my god do you know how hard it is to get uninterrupted alone time sometimes, seriously, some days it's like people/calls/the universe time things exactly to derail the mood
26. Most sensitive spot?
Ass and spine for Domon, jaw and hips for Chibodee, and honestly lips are a very good bet for both of them. (For a different kind of sensitive, so to speak, go for hands.)
27. One thing your partner should never do?
Okay look, being competitive is one thing, but cross the line into humiliation and there will be issues
28. Threesome or an orgy?
Say what now? Look, I don't know what you've heard about Chibodee's relationship with the gals, but that is a great big not-on-your-life
29. How adventurous are they?
Define adventurous? ;)
30. If there was a safe-word, what would it be?
‘Matte’ (‘wait’, used as surrender in many martial arts) or ‘time out’; when words fail, they tap out
31. Going down or standing up?
Oh, they’ll go any which way, probably in the same session
32. Old-school or into experiments?
Experimenting sounds more hands-on
33. Masturbate or seek for a helping hand?
Why would it have to be one or the other
34. One night stands; yay or nay?
That’s a weird question to ask about an established relationship
35. Foreplay or straight to business?
Depends on whether it’s a ‘test of endurance’ type of day ;) Although I can tell you that they waste absolutely no time after a boxing match - no sex for a fucking week before a match, honestly, what the hell kind of rule
36. One thing they’re dying to try?
Domon has, ah, given a fair amount of thought to doing it outside
37. In the morning or when night falls?
Hey, you never know when the mood will strike!
38. Roleplay? If so, what exactly?
You know, I don't think that's Domon's style. No way would he be able to stay in character
39. Props they’d like to use?
Domon’s headband?
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lyranova · 1 year
2, 6, 12, 13, 22, 26, 33 and 47 for YamiChar, please?
Hiya anon! Of course and I’m sorry this took a while, but I hope you enjoy 🥰!
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
Charlotte wakes up early. Yami sleeps in late. That’s just how the two have always been I think 😆, but I do get the sense that sometimes they kind of flip and Yami will wake up early while Charlotte sleeps in late or sometimes they’ll both fall into the same schedule 😁. But usually the two stick to their routine!
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
I feel like the two just bluntly apologize to each other. I don’t really see either one beating around the bush or dragging it out, once they realize they were in the wrong or that they misunderstood they usually just come out and apologize. Although sometimes they’ll butter each other up and give gifts or hugs as “peace offerings” but that’s about it 😆!
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
I feel like they’re both fairly independent, even after they get married. But I feel like the longer they’re together, or the longer apart they are, they begin to have a difficult time. They begin to miss each other and begin to wonder what they’re doing while the other is away.
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
I think they do a combination of all three tbh 😆! I feel like if they’re only going to be gone a day or two they’ll just wait out the time, if they’re gone for a couple of weeks they’ll use Magical Communication devices, but they’re gone for much longer they’ll use letters in combination with the Communication devices!
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
I think they are! Yami is a lot more comfortable with being silly/playful and joking around then Charlotte is tho 😆! He did it before they started dating, and will do it for many years after! While Charlotte begins getting more comfortable with it after the two have been together for a while, which makes Yami very happy!
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
Charlotte’s sacrifice was her Captain’s robe. Of course she didn’t give it up just solely for Yami, she gave it up a because the two had their children. Although it wasn’t for many years, she began slowly giving up certain duties to her VC after their first child was born until eventually she felt comfortable enough letting it go completely.
Yami’s sacrifice was his cigarettes. He began giving them up gradually after he and Charlotte got together, and he finally went cold turkey after his first child was born. He said he wanted to live long enough to see his kids get married and start their own lives, and he wanted to be able to grow old alongside Charlotte.
So they both gave up things that were important to each other!
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
Charlotte is the worst flirt out of the two, although Yami isn’t much better imo 😅! I feel like Yami is the unintentional flirt, he says something that, in his mind, is normal, friendly, and honest. But his words can actually be taken as flirting too 😆. When he’s actually flirting tho he’s quite awkward and kind of stumbles over his words because he’s unsure. While Charlotte’s flirting she’s also very awkward and unsure, but when she’s drunk I feel like she’s a better flirt because she isn’t being cautious of what she’s saying and is actually speaking her mind and is telling Yami how she feels.
So when both flirt intentionally, they’re very awkard and unsure, but when it’s unintentional? They’re both actually pretty good at it!
47. Do they sleep beside each other? Why or why not?
I do think they sleep beside each other, I feel like it was a bit awkward at first but the two got used to it very quickly! I feel like the reason the two sleep beside each other is for safety and security.
They feel safe and secure when they’re beside each other, they feel the stress of the day melt away as they lay beside one another and hold each other in their arms. So it’s become a comfort to YamiChar imo!
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saccharineshadow · 1 year
- Things in Ride The Cyclone I think about on the daily (SPOILERS!!!)
1. Jane’s head not being visible during the starting number “Karnak’s Dream of Life”
2. In “Fall Fair Suite” when everyone is looking down at Uranium City (from a place Im guessing is limbo) all of them smile or show some kind of joy or nostalgic feeling of sorts, all of them except for Mischa, since he didn’t grow up in Uranium City nor sees it the same way the rest of the choir see it
3. Jane’s Singing during “Fall Fair Suite”
4. Ocean confessing her discomfort before riding the cyclone, feeling rather unsafe (basically the fact she predicted her own doom)
5. The Choir’s catchphrases sort of predicting per say the member’s character development (Ex. Mischa’s catchphrase revealing his soft nature and vulnerability, Ocean’s catchphrase starting as a joke and ending up as her real perspective on things) or reveal something from their past life (Ex. Jane’s catchphrase being an animal fact either predicting she would become Penny or that she used to be Penny *reference to Legoland*)
6. Noel’s Catchphrase (it lives rent free in my head)
7. Jane trying unsuccessfully to get a hug from Ocean
8. Noel’s shadow being more feminine than himself in “Noel’s Lament” representing the version of himself he wished to be
9. The positioning of each member of the choir in each song representing their relationship to the one singing at the moment (Ex. Ocean being shafted and staying in the same pose in the back for the whole of “Noel’s Lament” as well as the major roles both Mischa and Ricky got in that same song)
10. Noel (Or Monique) playing with Ocean’s hair
11. Jane walking normally in "Noel's Lament" (it cracks me up srry)
12. Constance laughing at Mischa’s sarcastic responses to Ocean
13. The fact that Mischa mixed up the plots of Saw 5 and Saw 6 (the plot he describes is the one from Saw 6, not Saw 5 if im not mistaken)
14. Ocean’s song after “Noel’s Lament” (im just putting this one here cause it reminded me of my parents *especially my mom* asking me about the “morals” or if such was educational for pretty much everything *Videogames, Shows, etc*)
15. The fact that no one really knew Ricky for who he really was so they just went with the “Disabled=Literal Child that doesn’t know anything about the world” Therefore shocking the choir (Especially Ocean) when he says something “””perverted”””
16. On the same note, Ricky’s little speech about Porno and how taboo it became to talk about something completely natural and how demonized it is in our Society as a whole (very deep, magical indeed)
17. In some productions (or maybe just one idk), Mischa’s line about not being homophobic mentions the fact he’s watched all seasons of Rupaul’s Drag Race
18. Constance playing the Role of Mischa’s mother (which made me create the headcanon that Constance in some way reminds Mischa of his Mother)
19. I haven’t mentioned it yet but I like that every member has a little moment to talk before their song (except for Jane if I remember correctly)
20. Mischa having two songs (he deserves it tbh)
21. Jane discovering the existence of sunglasses
22. “I lay my masculinity on the altar of your maidenhood”
23. The beatdrop at the end of “Talia” representing Mischa’s rage at the fact he could never meet Talia and will never be able to talk to her again
24. On the same Note, (if Talia is even real in the first place) it’s possible Talia will never really know Mischa died
25. Ocean distorting what Noel was trying to say originally when Mischa was given the opportunity to see what could’ve happened if he met Talia
26. Karnak speeding up Ocean’s rambling
27. On the same note (i’ve used that phrase three times holy crap) Karnak messing with Ocean the whole show
28. The whole of Space Age Bachelor Man
29. "Oh my goodness what have I gotten myself into?"
30. "There's only one rule in the Space Age Bachelor Man Bible, Don't be a dick"
31. "We listen to you now Space Jesus"
32. The whole of "The Ballad of Jane Doe"
33. The shadow behind Jane having the form of wings
34. The New birthday song
35. The duo interactions after/During Jane's made up birthday
36. Constance's speech before "Sugar Cloud" (Jawbreaker) *that shit made me cry I relate to Constance so bad omg*
37. Ocean's Final Vote
38. The expressions of each member at the end showing fear and being unsure to cross to the other side, then showing acceptance and somewhat joy at the fact they will finally rest in peace
39. The Musical ends the same way it starts (Jane singing her part from "Karnak's Dream of Life" The rest of the choir going back to their positions when they rode the cyclone inicially)
40. That existencial dread that you get once you finish the show. Damn
Wow this was long and totally did not take like 3 days to put together but I had to get it out of the way
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Uh hello!!! I found your blog and I absolutely adore it!! If it's not too much trouble, may I please have a match up from either Baldurs Gate 3 and/or Hazbin hotel? (If I missed that match ups are closed, just tell me to bug off lol)
Gender: Femme AFAB nonbinary
Age: 25 (26 at the end of this month!)
Pronouns: she/her and they/them
Sexuality: Bisexual, panromantic
Appearance: 5’4” femme-presenting with chest-length light brown hair. I’ve got hazel eyes with hella eyebags, but I wear glasses with frames thick enough to hide them. I’m white but you can tell I go outside a lot lol. I’m pretty small, most people could pick me up like a sack of potatoes tbh
MBTI: INFP as far as I understand??
Personality: Oh man this part is kinda hard… I’m pretty energetic and quiet all at the same time. I consider myself fairly optimistic and friendly. I’m defs naïve as hell though, and it doesn’t help that I’m autistic so a lot of things go over my head. I’m a really bad people pleaser and have a hard time sharing my true thoughts and feelings. I’m ride or die for my loved ones though, almost to a fault I think. I’m a pretty hard worker once I get past the executive dysfunction lmao.
Likes: Space/astronomy, horror/urban legends, snakes, avians (particularly corvids and vultures!), exploring, flowers (I’m a sucker for colorful ones), seeing other people do things I don’t know how to do.
Dislikes: sudden loud noises, feeling/being trapped, being yelled at (I WILL cry lol), passive aggressiveness, being patronized or talked down to.
Extra fun fact: I’m a teacher and I’ve been told I’m good with kids? I don’t have a lot of patience for very young kids though, unfortunately.
For Baldurs:
Race: I’m pretty boring irl, so I think I’d just be a happy ol’ human!
Class: Rogues are fun, but I might also be a Cleric.
D&D alignment: Neutral good (I’m a very by the book person, but don’t mind bending the rules if I think they’re stupid ones)
I hope I got everything?? Thank you so so much!!!!
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
Bauldrs Gate 3
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Gale Dekarios
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
He loved how bubbly and kind you were to everyone when you met that fateful day after the crash.
He appreciated your intelligence and willingness to learn more about things very dear to the Wizard's heart.
When he opened up to you about Mystra, and you showed him genuine compassion about his circumstances, he was overwhelmed with a sincere sense of loyalty.
Soon, though, as you traversed through the goblin camp and shadow fell, that loyalty turned to love.
When he was tasked with dying, he was so afraid you would be willing to sacrifice him for the greater good; however, when you stopped him, he was so happy.
He shares the astral plane with you whenever you ask from that day forth.
He eventually teaches you how to project as well.
When the dangers of the illithids are gone, he happily takes you back to Waterdeep.
He was worried about how Tara would handle you, but you two became fast friends, sharing stories and knowledge.
It was a random day walking through Waterdeep when he realized he had never actually asked you to be his partner; it was just assumed.
When he finally does ask you, he makes a big grand show of it in the privacy of the tower
Once officially together, he will not stop telling everyone how much he loves you and is lucky to have you.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You had just entered the Underdark with your group. The terrain was challenging to maneuver, and there was a threat almost everywhere with the mushrooms. However, once you found a safe place to camp, you all agreed it would be much needed. It was your night for watch duty, so as everyone went to bed, you began looking around the camp's perimeter. It was dark, cold, and damp here but not unbearable, to say the least. The fire nearby kept you warm enough, and you loved an opportunity to learn more.
As you looked at all the flora around you, you came into contact with a fascinating flower. A light blue glow surrounded the petals, and it smelled sweet. Smiling, you picked the three closest flowers and brought them to the camp to be examined. You had never seen anything like them, and they were beautiful. As the night progressed and you noted these attractive flowers, a groggy Gale woke for his turn on guard duty.
You heard him from his tent as he cursed because he couldn't conjure his cup of tea. You laughed at his antic and continued your writings. However, his cursing and voice grew more irritated by the minute. Standing, you walked over to him to ask what was wrong with the flowers in hand. As soon as you crossed the threshold of his tent, you could see the man's disarray. When his eyes met yours, the flowers in your hand seemed to fall into place. Gently, he took the flowers and began explaining how these flowers would, in fact, prohibit any magical use for anyone in its radius.
You laughed sheepishly and took the flower back from him. You left quickly and disposed of the new flower, sad to see something so pretty be detrimental to your friends. As you came back, Gale was observing your drawings. When you sat next to him, he smiled and began to tell you everything he knew about the flower, hoping to make up for it having to be sent away. With a smile on your face and a spring in your step, you wrote all you could leaning against Gales's shoulder the whole time.
Hazbin Hotel
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~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
At first, she is overwhelmed by your energy. Where you are bubbly and kind, she is loud and in charge.
She grew used to it over time and found your caring nature very refreshing.
She is fiercely loyal to all your ideas and passions, even going as far as to research them with you so she can make sure you have everything you need
She loves listening to you read or gush about topics that interest you the most.
Hell doesn't have stars, but she does her best to replicate the stars you tell her about from your mortal life.
She loves to be cuddly with you in the privacy of your rooms.
Out in the open, though, she is a big guard dog, making sure no one makes you uncomfortable.
She teaches you primary self-defense, so if she isn't around, you can protect yourself until she arrives.
When you learn of her past and accept her for who she is, she is overwhelmed with intense emotions.
It takes her a couple days to figure out how to properly thank you for being the best to her.
Your happiness is more significant than all to her, so expect her to never be too far away if you need something.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
After a particularly long day helping around the hotel, you were exhausted, to say the least. From Angel's antics to Alastor's creepiness, you didn't have much more steam in you. Even though you were the resident chipper person, only being surpassed by Charlie, you felt your patience grow thin, especially today. Changing into a comfortable set of PJs, you made your way to the lounge.
Curling up on the sofa, you flipped the TV on in hopes of finding something interesting. After minutes of flipping, you finally find a horror channel. It is interesting for hell that they only have one horror channel, but you would take it. After getting repositioned, you began watching the show and enjoying all the details. As engrossed as you were, you didn't notice your partner, Vaggie, joining you on the couch. Her thigh brushed your leg as she sat down, causing you to yelp.
Vaggie laughed gently at your reaction, holding her hands up in defense. As soon as you realized who it was, you calmed down and smiled at her. Now, this was a far better way to end the day. Your beautiful partner and a good horror flick. Repositioning on the sofa where your head lay in Vaggie's lap, you retrain your eyes on the TV. As you both grew more engrossed in the horrors on the screen, you didn't happen to notice the smiling demon standing in the dark corner, ready to pounce for his own amusement.
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its-ezraaa · 2 years
So about Nick's characterization...
I've seen some people talking about how much the characters (in this case especially Nicholas) have changed during volume 1 to 5. I'm probably late to this discussion but I wanted to show a new point of view. There will be major spoilers for Captive Prince and Dark Rise here because I'm comparing all Pacat books. And I will exclude the novels because I don't see them as officially canon.
I once mentioned the similarities between all Pacat love interests (Seiji, Laurent, James) and there are many. But something people forget often: There are a lot of similarities between Pacat's "chosen one" kind of characters too. Nicholas, Damen and Will. And this is the point where I don't believe that C. S. Pacat will dumb-down Nicholas, making him nothing more than a puppy dog or a joke.
(And tbh, even Damen got the puppy-treatment before being able to show his true self. I'm literally quoting the book right now:)
'He looks combative, but he's really very docile and adoring,' said Laurent, 'like a puppy.'
First of all, similarities between the three:
Hiding their true (powerful) self. Nick is actually Robert Coste's son, might even have inherited his fencing skill/speed if that's possible. Damen is the Prince of Akielos. Will is THE Dark King Sarcean.
Started from the bottom and fought their way up. Nicholas is a student with poor living conditions, had to work multiple jobs to make a living for him and his mom. Damen was a slave. Will basically had the same poor living conditions like Nick but no mom or dad (sry Will)
Like their counterparts, they have unbreakable determination. But while Seiji and Co. Have planned their whole life to reach their goal, Nicholas and Co. Are more like an unstoppable train wreck going 300 km/h. (Have you seen Damen charging into battle ready to behead the Regent? Or Will single handedly killing the apocalyptic horsemen dudes (sry forgot the name)? Nicholas gonna steamroll through the fencing community at some point lmao.)
There are more but these are the main points I need to talk about Nicholas's characterization.
Knowing all the similarities and what they achieved (or what they will achieve)? Nicholas is a total badass. Nicholas is young, Fence is a slow burn comic. All together, it's more light-hearted and goofier than Pacat's usual novels. (Which doesn't mean that Pacat doesn't like jokes and goofy-ness at all. I mean, remember Damen starting a tavern brawl while Laurent threw peas at everyone? Yeah. These are the Kings of Akielos and Vere.) I like to think that Nick will slowly become more like Damen, the older and more experienced he gets. Determined and strong but still kind-hearted and a little like the bumbling farm boy next door. Whoever read Capri knows what I'm talking about. Damen is a BEAST. He's strong, he's fast, he's skilled and experienced. I mean, I don't even remember him LOSING one battle during the entire trilogy. But he's also 26 or something. Nicholas will get there. So will Will. Just imagine how powerful he could become once he masters his Dark King powers. Or that one time where coach Williams said that once Nicholas' technique is at the same level as his speed and reflexes, he will be unstoppable? Yeah that was badass.
Another interesting thing about Pacat's books: it always ends with both main characters being equal in some way. Laurent and Damen sharing a throne as the Kings of the same kingdom. Dark Rise isn't finished yet but I get the feeling that it will go from The Dark King and His Boy Toy to equals with the same power. So considering this, just imagine where Fence could go some day.
And everyone started as rivals with one of them hiding who they really are. I understand that some might be sad because we will lose the rivals trope but it's.. Enemies to friends to lovers (and the rivalry has been pretty one sided lmao). The friend and lovers part have to start somewhere. I personally enjoy the development between Nick and Seiji. They still have banter, they still fight over small things, but they also learn to live with one another and appreciate who they are.
There is a beautiful scene from King's Rising that describes Pacat's rivals to lovers trope:
‘When you make love to me like that, I can’t think.’
‘Don’t think,’ said Damen.
Damen saw the flickering change, the tension, as the words provoked an internal battle.
Damen said, ‘Don’t think.’
‘Don’t,’ said Laurent, ‘toy with me. I—have not the means to—defend against this.’
‘I don’t toy with you.’
‘Don’t think,’ said Damen.
‘Kiss me,’ said Laurent. And then flushed, a rich colour.
I think that's where we are heading. Slowly but surely, Nicholas is going to tear down Seiji's walls. Once he doesn't have anything to hide behind anymore, no sharp words, no witty insults, no disgusted sneers, once that's all down.. Then we truly reached the 'lover' part of rivals to lovers. (Is it obvious that I was in the Capri fandom before reading fence...?)
Last but not least, volume 5 was fun. Like super fun. I enjoyed it a lot. Yes, it was very light-hearted without much drama. But GOSH IT REALLY DOES CARVE A PATH FOR VOLUME 6- Every badassery and conflict we didn't get in Rise will definitely come in volume 6. V5 introduced us to so many new characters, so of course there isn't much room for anything else. But the ranked fencing, Eugene being absolutely miserable at the beginning, Nicholas sucking but now practicing new fencing techniques, the rival teams getting used to Seiji's flèche, Aiden hiding his potential skill? That's some A++ foreshadowing. Kings Row might not turn out to be the top school at the end of the camp but God darn they will make a name of themself. I'm just waiting for (fckn) Kyle getting his buttocks whooped by Nicholas once they meet each other on the same piste again. I mean, this is C. S. Pacat. Heroic fights and epic comebacks are his thing. Things will get worse before they get better. Remember when Damen had to fight against another super buff slave while being drugged and in obvious disadvantage? Yeah he friggin crushed it.
At the end of they day, I don't see such an issue with the way Nicholas is portrayed. But I am definitely biased and basing everything on past Pacat books so what do I know? But maybe that's exactly the right thing to do? I have never seen Pacat writing a pure puppy dog character. Especially not his main character. Nicholas was never, is not and will never be something like this in my eyes. The comic is funny and has a lot of jokes but that's a comic typical thing to do, especially considering that Pacat got influenced by Japanese sports anime/manga. But in the end its still a Pacat book and Nicholas will stay a true badass. (Is it obvious who my favorite author is lol?)
Thanks for coming to my TED talk and sorry for so much text. I just really wanted to shed a new light on this whole Nicholas thing.
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Time for me to ramble about The Wingfeather Saga to try and distract myself from my depression and the fact that I’m sick and miserable!
~*Spoilers*~ for all the books
Okie so in the 3rd Wingfeather show episode Tink calls Peet old and I just. I just wanna address that for a second because it’s been poking around in my mind ever since. xD
So here’s what I think the ages of the adults in the Wingfeather Saga are as based on the kid’s ages, how long it’s been since Anniera fell and logic:
Let’s start with Esben and Nia. Since their kiddos were very little when Anniera fell (Janner was only three) it follows that they were also quite young, I’m gonna say mid-20′s, around 24-25. Nine years later that’d make them 33-34 years old, which seems logical.
I headcanon that Artham and Esben have the same age gap as Janner and Kal, so assuming Artham is only a year older than his brother that’d put him at about 25-26 (my age ;-;) when Anniera fell and 34-35 during the events of the series. That’s. That’s not old. Even if you headcanon him as several years older than Esben (say 3 or so) he’d still be in his 30′s.
(I’m not knocking Tink btw, he’s 11 and everyone’s old when you’re a little kid, especially weird guys with whitish gray hair that you don’t know are related to you.)
I don’t have any concrete idea of how old Podo is and it bothers me, Leeli in book 4 keeps saying he’s like, really old, but she’s also 9 so that’s probably not reliable. Assuming Nia’s in her 30′s during the books Podo is probably(?) in his mid-late 60′s. (Especially since we know he did a LOT when he was young, he ran with the Stranders, he was a pirate, and when he came to the Hollows he said he never sailed again until he traveled to Anniera for Nia’s wedding). I feel like Wendolyn was younger than him by maybe 5-6 years since she isn’t married when they meet, despite being an attractive and well-to-do young woman.
Mentioning grandparents, has anyone else ever wondered where the HECK Artham and Esben’s parents are? Like, they’re barely even mentioned in the books, I think we actually learn their names from a genealogy Janner gets from Oskar/the Great Library. And this is especially weird when you consider that Podo and Wendolyn are actively helping Nia and the kids escape when Anniera falls. That, and Esben is king already when Anniera falls and unless their parents had kids when they were older (which is possible) they won’t be that old and Idk why his dad wouldn’t still be ruling. Like, why pass the throne off to your 20-something son if you don’t have to? Why not train him more?
So here’s what I think happened to Jru and Nala Wingfeather: I think Bonifer killed them. Not Bonifer himself, of course, but I think he arranged their deaths in some way. It would be pretty easy, tbh, to have an “accident” where they died. All you’d need to do would be hire some pirates to attack a ship they’re sailing on, or sabotage the ship so that it sank once it set sail.
Bonifer would have several good motives for this, I think. First and foremost, it’s going to be much easier for him to trick Esben, a brand-new, very young, king into believing his lies than an older, more experienced, king and queen. Not that I think Esben (or Artham) was an idiot, but Bonifer has had a really long time to learn how to lie and be a terrible person, and the younger you are the more likely you are to fall for stuff like that (generally speaking, there are always exceptions. like, I don’t think Maraly would have been easily tricked by Bonifer’s shenanigans because she grew up with the Stranders who are a bunch of lying tricksters. Meanwhile, Janner was tricked because he grew up among trustworthy and loving adults. Same thing with Esben and Artham).
Second, it’s possible that Jru and/or Nala had learned something that made them suspicious of Bonifer or were close to finding something about Gnag/the Fangs that would have ruined their plans, so Bonifer had them killed. Again, it’s really easy to set up an “accident”, especially when sailing is involved.
And finally, Bonifer just. really hates the Wingfeathers. Because he’s got issues. So of course he’d try to cause them all the suffering he could.
So, yeah, that’s why I think Esben and Artham’s parents aren’t around/aren’t mentioned in the books. Also my headcanons about ages.
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torialefay · 4 months
hi 🥰🥰 I really hope you’re still doing skz astrological compatibility reading bc I’ve asked multiple blogs and never got an answer and I’m really looking forward to it haha (I’m assuming bc they got too many asks which is totally okay!!)
I want the reading for minho, but I was also wondering if you can tell me which members would be a great ‘match’ for me from an astrological perspective (you don’t need to write anything about then!! just their names lol)
my placements are:
Sun in 28°31' Pisces
Moon in 26°6' Taurus
Mercury in I1° 41' Pisces
Venus in 13°58'Aries
Mars in 12°27' Taurus
Jupiter in 6°7' Cancer
Saturn in 9°26' Gemini
Uranus in 26° 4l' Aquarius
Neptune in 10°10' Aquarius
Pluto in 17°37' Sagittarius
North Node in 22°15' Gemini (6)
Chiron in 8°32' Capricorn
ASC Ascendant in 11° 43' Gemini
MC in 14°16' Aquarius
thank you!! 💗
here u goooo <3
ascendant in gemini:
with this ascendant, i see minho's first impression of you as being someone that's hard to get. and he lovessss the chase. like he honestly needs it. he will also probably find you intelligent and good with people. BUT he may also see you as someone more open than he is, which he thinks is cute. i think overall, he'd have a good first impression of you, as long as he feels like he could eventually pin you down.
sun in pisces:
this is perfffff. i'm also a sun in pisces and i love this pairing. pisces is the mutable water sign, meaning you're easily adaptable, but especially in conjunction with other water signs. you're just more likely to understand others' personalities. with minho, he lovessss this. he probably feels like you both express yourself in similar ways, but that he could actually "mold" you into a good fit. that sounds possessive of him bc it is lol. he'd love the way that you fit yourself into his life, as it makes it ideal for him to thrive. i do think you'd balance him pretty well tho tbh since he can be quite intense at times and you'd be able to take that edge off. i just feel super confident that this is a good pairing.
(wanted to note that this doesn't mean you'll "lose yourself" to him- bc let's be honest, pisces values individualism... but what this does mean is that you'll start to mimic or express parts of yourself that fit perfectly to minho, which he loves)
moon in taurus:
i think this match could work. your moon in taurus means that your emotions tend to be more rooted in steadfastness and seeing beauty in most things in life. you probably really value loyalty and making others feel cared for. it probably also takes a lot for you to change your mind on issues of emotion- so for example, it may take you a long time to work through negative emotions.
this isn't quite like his moon in sag, which tends to be more changing and fervent when it comes to emotional expression. he probably feels very intense emotions, and may not like to feel that you are imposing on him.
i don't see this being too big of a problem though, and is something you could both work through, as indicated by your mercury signs.
mercury in pisces:
this is a great match for his mercury in scorp. i think the ways in which you both think abstractly is the same. you're both able to figure people out quite well and notice patterns in the other person. i think you both would know how to communicate with each other effectively as well.
the one thing i will say though is that scorp is known to kind of twist your words or your narrative, which can be especially hard for pisces to deal with. if minho is in a good version of his scorp, then this shouldn't be a problem too much. one other thing is that you would both probably expect the other person to just pick up on your feelings/emotions with your water signs, so if they don't, you'll need to work on communication in that aspect.
venus in aries:
okay so i have a hot take on this one. lee know's venus is in scorp & normally people are like "oh no a fore and water sign", but i actually disagree completely. i LOVE the scorpio/aries match up here. both are some of the most intense lovers out there. i think there's a super strong romantic passion here that neither can ignore and they LOVE how much adoration their s/o puts into the relationship. i think sex between these two is super intense and has a good mix of emotions and just pure rough lust. like sexually, i think this is one of the most balancing, ideal matches (i understand how this is a hot take tho tbh)
HOWEVER, aries venuses do NOT like to be controlled. you would probably want to more so "integrate" lee know into your life instead of him becoming your whole life. you want to still remain true to yourself and not base your entire sense of meaning and purpose on him alone... but he can try to rope you in to the opposite. i do think that his mars in taurus placement would help him SOMEWHAT with this, but i do def think he'd try to be a bit controlling of you, esp with this placement and his sun and mercury in scorp as well.
mars in taurus:
this is actually a good pairing with his virgo mars. both tend to be realistic and devoted to helping the other when it comes to practicality in decision making and in fights. i do think you come from a more loving perspective, whereas he can try to resolve problems out of anxiety. but nonetheless, if fighting about trivial things, you wouldn't have a hard time making up.
who's the best match?
i do think minho is a good one. other than him, i think you'd have a really good relationship with han or seungmin. just the overall compatibility <333
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pyxy-styx · 7 months
1-40 u asked for it
Motherfucker, not again /hj
(I knew it was coming, I think it's funny)
1. Being homeschooled, having a very anxious father, having internet access at a very young age
2. It's a mess but sure
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3. Legally Blonde, Birds of Prey, Nightmare Before Christmas
4. "That’s so basic" in a weird accent (a reference to the show Inventing Anna on Netflix)
5. Boredom and the need for some form of social media that wasn't tiktok or Instagram
6. Best? Interacting with people who share similar interests. Worst? I don't really know tbh, there's a lot of small things that bother me, but nothing enough to deem them as the worst. I mostly just roll my eyes at most things and move on
7. We're skipping that one, that's deeper than I wanna get
8. Multiple, all vastly different, excluding the cast of characters which is usually about the same
9. I once managed to convince my sister I was a vampire, a werewolf, and a spy all in the same year. During the werewolf bit, I managed to make her believe that if she didn't do what I wanted, I would feed her to my pack. (This was revenge for her reading my diary)
10. Yes, I cry over basically everything and get annoyed very quickly over certain things
11. How dare you ask me about romance, I can barely define friendship /hj (I'm gonna be so real, the line between friendship and romance is very blurred to me)
12. Setting boundaries is the most important thing you can do, even if it makes people hate you. Do it anyway
13. Hiding in my room because the living room carpet is being cleaned and the smell made me nauseous
14. Going rock climbing
15. The house I grew up in
16. Fix my immune system so I can exist without almost dying every time the season changes
17. My wife/p, books, music
18. I believe in ghosts and aliens, real until proven otherwise
19. My friends are awake and I have people to bother
20. My siblings are asleep, and I get a lot more work done
21. Spiritual in what sense? Believing in God(s)? Kinda. I feel like all religions have it kind of right, with there being some sort of higher being and all, but I don't think it's just the one God. I'm more likely to believe that it's all of them instead of just the one, but ┐(゚~゚)┌
22. They're so smart and so kind and I wish that they'd give themself the same grace they give others
23. But what if I can't actually think of anyone that I hate?? What do I do then??
24. I finished five months worth of algebra schoolwork in a week once, that was pretty cool
25. Summer, I can do what I want without having to worry about dumb shit and I get to see my friends more often
26. Purple, it's just very pretty
27. Yes, 23 to be exact. I have a list
28. Books and random trinkets
29. Play music, hide in a corner
30. Unfortunately, my friends are wonderful people and make existing so much better without even trying (I should go and count how many times I bring my friends up lol)
31. Organized mess. I know where it is and that's all that matters
32. Like 6???? I'm not counting, that's work
33. I make bracelets and write occasionally
34. People trying to talk to you while you're wearing headphones and very obviously distracted by something
35. Unfortunately
36. The wall exists, but there's a secret passage that can be used if I decide I'm not gonna feel bad for explaining the whole thing
37. No secrets for you (`Д´ ) (I have no secrets that don't seem too extreme or that I want my cousin to see)
38. Thank God You Introduced Me to Your Sister by Sarah Barrios
39. Billzo. He's pretty cool and I hope he's doing well
40. I chew on my nails a lot, I'm getting better about it though. We traded that for clenching my jaw instead
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findtomorrow · 1 year
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♕ ( muse p / 29 / cis woman / she, her, hers ) — did you see ZARA HART wandering around the island today? they kind of look like GRETA ONIEOGOU from certain angles? i heard around town that the ER NURSE is PLUCKY, and OPTIMISTIC, but also STUBBORN, and IMPULSIVE. people say that they remind them of PURPLE BAND-AIDS, THE SMELL OF MAPLE SYRUP, and UNTIED SHOELACES, and SPECIAL by SZA is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town. ( admin jay / 26 / cst / she, her, hers )
zara hart was born and raised in kings haven, massachusetts. she spent her whole life in one little town with the same greasy diners on the same three streets, and she hated it. it was probably why she got into trouble so often: idle hands, as the saying goes.
also, you know, the unmedicated adhd didn’t help lmao. 
it didn’t help that her parents spent most of their lives in the family restaurant. at first, zara did her homework in the back booths, but after one too many vaulted straws and games of 'the restaurant floor is lava', she was banished to ride her bike outside–as long as she looked both ways, twice.
her parents did their best not to let zara in on their economic problems, but it was pretty obvious as she got older. in high school, she waited tables at the restaurant, and quickly realized after watching that her parents struggle that her dreams of running away to italy, meet some dashing stranger, and then drive away from the world together into to the fading sunset in his vintage roadster weren't going to happen.
instead of living out a lifetime fairytale, she went to school online and got her nursing degree, and now she's a nurse in the er at the same hospital she was born in. 
pretty much her entire identity is taking care of other people, and her signature move is getting over-involved in people's, especially her parents. she knows that her dad has struggled with his vices in the past, so she's personally going to ensure he doesn't fall into his old habits.
overall, zara is sunshine personified ( including the searing heat from her fits of passionate rage when feels something is unjust ). she's the kind of person that believes in the best of everything (think jess from new girl, phoebe from friends, and leslie knope from parks and rec). however, she does have a quick temper, and is constantly working on being as zen as she wants people to think she is.
a goofball who enjoys pranks and shenanigans at all hours of the day. she’s lowkey an adrenal junkie; that’s why she specialized in er nursing instead. she loves the blood and gore lmao. 
she’s an avid runner. i know, gross, but she gets up at five in the morning everyday just so she can run a couple miles before work, or she'll get home and run after a graveyard shift. there's something sick in her head.
she’s a not-so-secret Hopeless romantic. her dream is to run into her soulmate on the beach at sunset, and they'll both be listening to taylor swift and somehow get their air pods mixed up.
but in reality she doesn't have time for romance after one too many failed relationships, and tbh no one can ever live up to her dream diary, so all her dates stay in her mind.
she will do anything for a friend, but she will let no man cross her–women and non-binary babes get a few more free passes.
best friend: ( m, f, nb ), squad ( m, f, nb), childhood friends: ( m, f, nb ), roommates: ( m, f, nb ), exes: ( m, f, nb )
all the connections tbh. slide into my dms, or like this and i’ll hit you up !
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welcometoteyvat · 9 months
love your thoughts on character’s ages. looking forward to fontaine & sumeru :) i think you described it really well. ages for my are like… they exist but they don’t at the same time.
edit: OH MY GOD TUMBLRS EDITOR FORMATTING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! if you see random parts of words bolded PLEASE ignore i dont know why it keeps happening
if you're the same anon as the og ask i am so so so sorry about the delay T_T T_T i was drafting my answer and then boom life happened ..... anyways. thank you for enjoying my thoughts wah <3333333 "they exist but they don't" SAME SAME frfr. like the most on-point (internet) discussion I've read on ages is that the stage of life you're in is often the only factor that matters, and that can vary a lot based on like your past experiences and stuff. and from my own perspective this holds true—similarly, in genshin where all the playable characters have jobs it's hard to kind of quantify them into really distinct age ranges tbh. sometimes it's just vibes (unfortunately vibes often includes height bc it's a game w not very diverse model types). anyways! character hcs:
sumeru (sans scaramouche): collei, cyno, tighnari, faruzan, layla, nilou
i think collei has an actual canon age right? unless I'm tripping and fanon has solidified so much in everyone's minds. I still haven't read the manhua <3 but iirc people think she's 12-13 there right. maybe she's like 17 rn, i can see anywhere from 14-16 though. idk anything abt her timeline so these are quite literally guesstimates from vibes and they're likely to be wrong. Layla is such a college girlie, she's like 19-20 and sleep deprived (same fr); begging for her to catch a break on behalf of uni students everywhere. I don't have a set age for Faruzan, I can see her anywhere from 30-40, 26 years old minimum (the redesigns people give her where she looks visibly older are so cool <3). Given she was a pretty well known researcher back in her day and since academia is a long and arduous career choice, I think it makes sense; also if she's like way older than Kaveh appearance wise (≥ 10 years) , even if she hadn't gotten trapped for a century, that would be sick af (their dynamic is impeccable and I think a larger age difference makes it better, sweeter, and funnier). Nilou also feels 19-20 years old to me; no real explanation, she just has a young adult vibe, like someone just out of her teenage years but quite capable at managing her life, although still testing out responsibility for major decisions and stuff like that (age solidarity w yun jin)
iirc cyno was already mahamatra or something WHILE tighnari was still in school; thus this makes cynonari EXTREMELY funny if you're a moral purist who ships it and thinks they fell in love in their akademiya days LOL. jkjk it's also a reasonable interpretation that Cyno became mahamatra at an insanely young age, since uhhh fucked up temple of silence background smth smth and honestly it feels in character for him to go buck wild at a young age like that (person most suited for young collei fr). HOWEVER. personally I think being mahamatra at like 19 is insane—thus I think tighnari's probably 23, cyno might be 27? I don't know if that makes it """""""better""""""" from an age gap standpoint but I also don't really care. Cyno being older but more joking around friends, while Tighnari is the younger kohai but serious and no-nonsense is pretty funny to me and when they're both serious you know you're fucked
fontaine: lyney, lynette, freminet (are those the only medium youth models so far lol. damn)
anyways lyney and lynette are confirmed to be at least 10 from Lyney's story quest. such helpful information I know lol. I'd think they're probably around 19-20? 18 minimum—I personally wouldn't watch 18 year olds do gravity defying magic tricks at the nation's biggest opera house—being like 1 year older doesn't make it any better ofc lol, but I think they're above the teenage threshold bc of that. Kinda fucked up to think about the timeline and house of hearth stuff though with this in mind
Freminet I'd say is around 16; 14 minimum. No thoughts for this just vibes. mmmmm idk when he was adopted into the house, if he's around 4-5 years younger than L+L, and let's say they entered the House when they were maybe 6-9 (my headcanons, is it now possible to piece together an accurate timeline of this from in-game lore??), and that was maybe 3-4 years after freminet entered, he probably was like 5-7 when he entered... wah frem............. poor child I'm giving him a hug (knowing that he's also a killing machine)
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lunar-years · 9 months
I need to know why 1989 is your least fav?? Are you still excited 1989 (Taylor’s Version)?
Oh i am PUMPED for 1989 tv 🎉🎉
when i say 1989 is my least favorite Taylor album it's like picking a least favorite from my top ten albums of all time, lol. I don't think she has a bad album!!
Music wise I've always felt (and still feel tbh) that it's lyrically her weakest album. But honestly a lot of why it's my least favorite is just because that era was my least favorite time to be a fan. Fans were extremely competitive for Taylor's attention and as a result very nasty to one another (and also just generally not being themselves. everything they posted was what they thought Taylor would want to see and not what they actually wanted to say. Which could be so draining). Taylor Tumblr felt WAY more cliquey and the same people were noticed alllll the time, so if you weren't one of them it was extremely easy to feel on the outside. Also, Taylor's public persona was extremely Branded and Curated and Polished (sooooo different from now in ways that are hard to explain if you weren't there) and it honestly all felt a lot less genuine to me.
I think we now have a much better understanding of who she was back then than we ever did at the time. Like, we can pretty safely say she was trying very very hard to present in a certain way and maintain a certain image because she felt she had to. I obviously sympathize with that very much. But like, at the time (and also remember I was a teenager) it rubbed me the wrong way sometimes. I think that's part of the reason i love the way she's reclaimed the album for tv with softer beachy vibes. <3
Also I appreciate this album SO much more now that I've lived through that same stage in my own life. For me it's an album that resonates enormously more as a 26 yr old than it ever did when I was 17. I love it now more than ever.
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
hi hello !! i'm stevie, i'm 21+, my pronouns are she/they, & i'm really excited to be here with you all now that my work schedule is less hectic ! i've had my eye on infinite for a while & finally decided to join in on the fun - with my beloved baby boy, nikolai ! he's the main vocalist for phoenix, a sweetie with a heart of gold, but he also has #issues &lt;/3 pls feel free to dm me for plotting or drop a like and i'll come to you !!
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look who’s joining the infinite tour! only nikolai xiang, who is the main vocalist of phoenix. i’ve heard whispers that the 26 year old is pretty cordial but lowkey neurotic. also, doesn’t he remind you of wen junhui?
tw for: substance abuse, death, abuse, homophobia, & mental illness.
background !
nikolai was born in hong kong on july 5th. he was raised there with his two brothers, one younger & one older, who both shared the same passion for music he did. the xiang's weren't a wealthy family, their father absent & an addict, leaving their mother to do p much everything by herself.
his relationship with his family was great, relying on them a lot growing up. their mother, a music teacher at their school & supporting as ever (bless her soul), uplifted & encouraged them to chase their dreams.
he looked up to his older brother a lot, basically idolizing him - desperately trying to follow his footsteps & be as effortlessly cool (as any younger sibling does tbh), even learning dance from him.
out of the 3, nikolai was always deemed most sensitive, taking literally everything to heart. he was a very sweet & outgoing kid, undoubtedly the softest.
things however took a turn when he was 12. both his older brother and mother were involved in an accident, which tragically took their lives. everything changed then, his brother & himself ending up in their father's care.
it forced him to grow up far more abruptly than any child should; he still had his younger brother to take care of. everything nikolai did from that point on was for him. he protected him from their father, never letting him lay a hand on him, basically raising him himself - they were attached at the hip.
when he turned 14, he started a job and began to save up. at this point in time he was already exhibiting symptoms of mental illness & it would go untreated until his early 20's.
some time later, nikolai began to come terms with his sexuality. he stayed closeted for a while, knowing that the people around him (brother excluded) didn't exactly "approve" of homosexuality. just a few months after his 16th birthday, his father caught him holding hands with another boy - the final straw for all of them.
he ended up getting very hurt physically & thrown out, left to the streets without a care. with nowhere to go, he was alone & afraid, but shortly after his brother joined him with the saved up money (and a handful of their dad's), & they headed for seoul to live with a recently reconnected aunt.
career !
nikolai was street cast only a few months after his move, shortly after his younger brother passed his auditions. initially he declined it because he believed his interest in music was gone, but the scouting agent didn't give up on him - showing up to pester him again a few days later. hesitantly, he finally agreed to do an audition & the rest was history.
he didn't understand why they had so much faith in some depressed kid, & would come to realize much later that it probably saved his life. days as a trainee were extremely challenging, especially with not being properly diagnosed or treated for his mental health concerns, but it gave him something to put his energy into, his passion for it quickly reigniting.
after a few years of being a trainee, nikolai was 20 when phoenix debuted !! all the hard work had finally paid off & the group headed for stardom.
he is very much the mood maker of the group ! he also enjoys doing vlives, ig lives, the works - whether he's with the members or just by himself. a lot of the time, he solo streams in the middle of the night, talking to flames centring him & filling a sort of perpetual lonely void. in these middle of the night lives, flames get to see the quieter side of him.
personality !
there are 2 very different sides to nikolai & he's open about both of them. on one hand, he's an extremely warm, friendly & just universally loved guy, known to goof off a bit and let loose while still being respectful. flames consider him very charming, though he doesn't exactly see it himself.
below the surface though is a tired and broken man. his struggles with mental health is a topic that (after years in the industry) he talks about openly & honestly. his group members & those who knew him in his trainee days are most familiar with this side of him, but he's publically an advocate for mental health, and has been vulnerable with his own.
there are times where it noticeably seeps through in things like variety show appearances & group vlives, but he generally does his best to provide the fans with good energy :( over the years he's taken a few month long hiatuses to focus on getting better.
he's still an extremely sensitive person, kind-hearted, & wears his heart on his sleeve. he would give someone the shirt off of his back, no questions asked. taking care of people is just part of who he is. he's the one who wakes up before dawn to cook breakfast for the rest of the members, the first to offer water or a jacket, constantly making sure the people around him are okay.
VERY DRAMATIC. very extra. he's known to sulk easily, & fans eat that shit up even though it's seldom intentional.
he alsoooo is a bit of a party animal. it's fine when done in moderation, here & there, but he's prone to binge drinking & indulging in that sort of behaviour, especially during difficult times. he can be messy, & it's gotten him in trouble with their manager more than a few times, though he's careful not to let it be seen by the public.
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