#fellow members anyone gonna order the thing?
lilac-hecox · 10 months
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seokjinsonlyone · 2 months
How do you think each of the members are like as a best friend? I'm curious as to your take. You always somehow get them spot on.
a/n: first of all,,, thank you!!! second idk if this is what you was looking for but it turned out to be a luh calm mini headcanon,,, lemme know what u think 🫢
wants to hang out 24/7; always tries to make you be friends with his other friends so he can have one huge super group of friends to hang out with all the time
lowkey your biggest opp; like you’ll be having a heart to heart ranting about your life and what’s going on and “why is it always me? 😩” and then he’ll read you for filth detailing exactly why whatever’s happening is happening and what you need to do to fix it; and you sitting there like 🤥 because you was just tryna complain
perpetually busy but will literally drop whatever he’s doing the second you say you need him
people wonder if y’all are even friends because all you do is bicker because neither of you can fight the urge to play devil’s advocate on every single subject
the type to be the brother you never wanted; always tryna scare your boo things away; loves either going to your family home or having you at his; randomly puts you in headlocks to assert dominance; posts awful 0.5 pics of you on his close friends story
he may play with you but he don’t play about you; he can be mean to you because he loves you but it’s a no for everyone else; 100% not afraid to check someone who say something slick about you
likes to buy you random gifts in lieu of actually expressing affection
takes pride in being your bestie; if anyone else claims to be your best friend he’s gonna look at them funny and give them some push back; goes to you later on to confirm that He is in fact your best friend as if you’re not allowed to have more than one
regardless of whether it’s his cup of tea or not when you want to do something with him he always goes along with it
sends or tags you in every single video he finds even slightly amusing and expects you to react to them all; (bonus) you’d definitely make one of those muni long made for me videos
the one you call when you’re bored at work and y’all stay on the phone yapping for the rest of your shift
your shopping buddy!; sometimes you’ll both order a stuff online or maybe you’ll go thrifting or to target or something and then go back to his place and do a lil fashion show with all the stuff you bought
would have the type of relationship with you that makes prospective partners suspicious because y’all are too close; it’s not your fault that people don’t understand y’all soul ties!!
the devil on your shoulder at all times; he’s the one you go to when you want validation to do something you know you shouldn’t do
whatever someone tells jimin they sign up to telling you too; you’re a package deal <3; there’s an actual tea party that takes place once a month that’s dedicated to spilling tea
the type to stick beside you no matter what; doesn’t matter how wrong you are no one gon ever catch him on anyone else’s side
has an uncanny ability to talk you into his harebrained schemes so you’re always getting into escapades and shenanigans
follows you on spotify to monitor and critique what you’re listening to; you’ll get random screenshots of what you’re listening to and what he thinks you should be listening to; never admits when you put him on to an artist or song
a fellow dnd warrior; may not have your back immediately but he will always have it eventually
you speak in terms of tiktok audios and obscure references of things that happen in your day to day life that were unreal
y’all will agree to go on a diet together and then proceed to watch mukbang/cooking videos for 3 hours and end up breaking the diet within a day of starting it
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mikanotes · 3 months
goodbyes are sour
connor x gn!reader — 2.1k words
genre: angst sorta! mutual pining in denial
warnings: mentions of guns and killing, kabedon for the sake of science, connor unreliable narrator LOL u have feelings android man… maybe ooc idk. (wrote this w the idea of connor being deviant since the beginning bcs Yeah!)
synopsis: You meet Connor again. Turns out things are much more complicated when you aren’t working together.
author’s note: hi dbh fic?! i Love connor nd i’ve been writing this for a while (crazy since it’s rly short) but i don’t like it much… anyways whoevers alive in the dbh fandom have this!
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There’s just something about the way Connor speaks. The cadence, the pitch, the enunciation of each word. It’s painfully evident that he isn’t human. Everything about him is so machine-like that even his perfect, human-like exterior could not fool anyone. However it is something you got used to. Hearing the android speak your name and call you ‘Detective’ back a while ago felt somewhat unsettling. Now it’s so easy to recognize that it almost makes you feel at ease.
“Do you seriously think I’m an android? I don’t wanna deal with those fucking machines, either. I’d be glad if you put a bullet through them rather than me.”
Turns out hearing him fake being a human is ten times more terrifying than his android speech patterns could ever hope to be.
This was not part of the plan.
You were sent with a unit to patrol around the streets for any android who still hadn’t been brought back or destroyed. You weren’t a fan of this whole assignment, but felt better than the rookies who were sent out to shoot humanoid robots as their first field mission probably did.
It would be fine, is what you told yourself, because you didn’t feel anything towards Cyberlife’s creations enough to be completely uncomfortable with the idea of their blue blood on your hands, though it wasn’t ideal. You could manage. Until the first person you came across happened to be the one android you genuinely cared about.
“I don’t think he’s one of them…” one of your fellow officers murmurs next to you. You suddenly become very aware of the gun he, too, is holding and pointing towards the target. Fuck. As if the situation wasn’t bad enough.
At least this idiot’s performance seems to be fooling them.
You wait one second, then sigh on the second, and finally lower your gun on the third. “You shouldn’t be here.” you say casually, prompting your colleagues to relax and the atmosphere to lighten a little. Your heart is in your throat, however. “We’ve got orders to round up every android we see around here. You should go home. This isn’t exactly safe.”
“I know, I know.” he sighs, rolling his eyes a little, “I was gonna leave anyways, thanks.”
Your coworkers mumble to themselves about how disagreeable this guy’s attitude is and it’s enough for them to miss the wink the latter sends your way as he leaves. You almost regret not shooting a bullet through his head.
Still, you sigh in relief, setting your gun back at your side and running a hand over your face. You don’t think you can continue patrolling in peace. There’s one too many questions in your mind and the key to answering them is escaping from your grasp.
You take the phone in your pocket and pretend to get a call, moving it to your ear and looking at the members of your team. “I’ll join up with you later.” you say, gesturing towards your phone. They nod and walk away, and you do the same, feeling more relieved than ever that these people see you as a leader of sorts. They won’t question you on anything. You hurry towards the direction your so-called partner left to the moment they’re out of sight.
A rooftop door, stairs, and more stairs. You’re jogging down like you’re chasing a criminal on the run. You’re down to the fifth floor out of eight when someone grabs your arm and pulls you out a door.
“Wha—” you try to yell, but a cold hand settle over your mouth. Your body relaxes but your expression tenses. Connor. “Let me go,” you mumble incoherently, surprisingly succeeding in getting him to let you step away.
You sigh and shake your head, turning around abruptly. His ‘human costume’ (which really just was a grey suit jacket thrown over what should’ve been his Cyberlife uniform, glasses, and a cap to hide his LED) is already gone, replaced by his usual attire, just missing his jacket.
“What the hell was that about?” you ask, annoyed, pointing towards the staircase (back there, on the roof) and the android simply shrugs. “Connor.”
“I was undercover, Detective. I thought someone as smart as you would recognize that much.” he says, his tone back to normal. You’d feel relieved if he wasn’t being so irritating. “Was I wrong?”
Your face drops. “No. I figured as much. But what for?” you sigh, crossing your arms.
“Same mission as always.”
“Who are you chasing? Did you find the place?”
“I have no reason to tell you.”
It only clicks then that while you know about Connor continuing his mission after being laid off the case, you’re not part of it anymore. He had to be sent back to Cyberlife, and you should’ve been forgetting about him entirely. You’re still DPD, and you have orders to shoot Androids on sight— Which you clearly aren’t following. He’s right. He has no reason to tell you.
You grab his arm when he threatens to walk away. You’re not sure what you want to say, but you’re not done talking. He lets you. “Connor.”
“Detective.” he says. You straighten your back and sigh, not breaking eye contact. He tilts his head to the side and his LED flashes yellow for an instant. “You’re angry.”
Of course you’re angry. He’s infuriating. There’s something about how logical and dead-set on following every single rule he is that makes Connor the most annoying individual you’ve ever talked to. Everything he does has to be for his mission. Every single thing.
“Do threats work with you?” you ask blankly, “If you don’t tell me where it is, I’ll get Cyberlife to bring you back, and all that?”
When he takes a step closer to you again, forcing your back to press against the wall, and his LED does not even threaten to change hues, you’re taken aback. Just a bit. It’s the same kind of frustrated attitude you would’ve expected from a human after saying what you just did. But not Connor.
He doesn’t seem frustrated, though. And you know he can look annoyed. He just doesn’t. So he must not be. And you want to find what it is he’s doing exactly, stepping closer to you without even saying a word, but your brain feels like it’s short-circuiting at the distance between you two. You know he does everything for his work. Does he think you have new information on deviants? Does he really believe you would call Cyberlife on him? Is he using his stupid interrogation module on you? Whatever it is makes you even more annoyed.
The silence feels heavy. It makes things worse. It gives your brain time to process how this is making you feel and it’s no good at all. “What?” you break the silence, tone somewhat irritated.
“I’m trying to understand the reason why you’re so angry at me.” he explains simply, like it makes sense. His eyes narrow a bit and the LED at the side of his head flickers yellow for a moment. “And no, Detective. Threats don’t work on me. Not when I can tell you’re lying so easily.” he adds, quieter.
“Shut up.” you scoff.
“I dont think I will.”
“— However,” he interrupts, “I can step away from you at any moment if you tell me to.”
What— No?! You register the word after saying it and sigh, face contorting into a somewhat pained expression. You panicked and said it, your mind processing his offer as him leaving you again— With no information and nothing to ease your stupid worries. Now it just sounds odd.
Is that embarrassment?
“You didn’t finish what you were trying to do, did you? You haven’t told me why I’m angry yet. Since you apparently care so much.” you say, tone sounding much softer than before. Your apparent discomposure took away all the bitterness from your voice. Interesting.
Truth be told, Connor knows why you’re angry. He’s not letting you in on the details of what he’s doing despite the time you spent working as partners a very short while ago. He’s spent enough time with people, and you especially, to know that after forming some kind of bond with a work partner, it would be frustrating not to receive information about their mission the way you used to from them—
Especially considering he was still chasing after something you both knew about. Jericho. But he cannot tell you about that. Not… Right now.
What he really was trying to do was evaluate how much of a threat you really could be to his investigation. He didn’t sense any hostility before and he doesn’t now, and you could’ve shot him but you didn’t. But it’s not enough. He needs more time— More evidence that it’s fine. That’s why he pulled you here in the first place. That’s why he pressured you to talk.
He needs to make sure killing you isn’t necessary.
“Because I posed a threat to the stability of your current mission earlier. You wouldn’t have been able to shoot me had I been discovered, and your reaction to your colleagues shooting me would’ve jeopardized your job itself.” he answers.
This reasoning would make sense.
“That’s not it.” you sigh.
Your heartbeat is slowing down. No good. Connor leans his arm on the wall next to you and moves closer. Your heartbeat picks up in speed. It’s almost alarming. He can tell all the details about your physical condition and deduce what you’re thinking or feeling based off of them, sure. But he’s no human. The way he views and comprehends emotions is registered in his system in a much more clear and logic-based way than it is in humans’ brains.
So maybe he won’t ever know why your heart beats so heavily against your ribcage. So he just has to pressure the right places and demand answers. He unfortunately can’t allow you to relax. He won’t get anything out of you if you’re calm. You’re much too turbulent for that.
Or maybe he’ll just have to ask. In a normal way.
“Detective, what’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” you scoff, eyes widening. Wrong question.
You seem like you want to be angry but something is holding you back from displaying just how much he gets on your nerves. You sigh deeply and look at him, “What’s wrong with you? You’re acting so weird. More than usual. Why’d you pull me here if you didn’t want to tell me anything? And I’m worried. What if you really did get shot? Wasn’t Cyberlife supposed to deactivate you? They wouldn’t have brought in another Connor this time. You’re off the case, you— You would’ve died!”
There’s circles under your eyes. There always are, but they’re more defined now than they were the last time he saw you. Now that you’re actually being honest, your whole voice and mannerisms betray any of your usual annoyed and dismissive facade. He didn’t think you cared this much, though he understands that some humans are quick to empathize. To a fault.
Now it’s clear he doesn’t need to eliminate you at all. Part of him seems to have grown fond of your company. He couldn’t risk that getting in the way of his better judgment.
“I only pulled you here so you wouldn’t pointlessly chase down the streets searching for me, since I made sure no one would follow.” he says, stepping back and giving you more space, “You’re a police officer. It doesn’t matter what you say you’ll keep to yourself or not. I can’t compromise. This is too important.”
You’re hurt, it’s visible. He’s saying he can’t risk trusting you. He figures that must not feel nice.
The sound of the radio attached to your side breaks this prolonged silence with the promise of separation. You take it, eyes not leaving Connor’s, and listen to your colleague speak. You tell them you’ll be right there. You’re not one to be late. He knows you’ll really leave this time— Too far away for him to hope to talk to you again, if anything goes awry.
You turn the radio off and put it back where it was. “Hope you succeed, then.” you say, bitter, and push yourself up to start walking away.
“Take care of yourself, Detective.” Connor says. Asks. The words come out before he can really think. Something about your voice and this whole atmosphere made him… Feel uneasy. Like he needed to say something. If this is how your partnership ends, he doesn’t believe it should be on such a sour note. He cares doesn’t dislike you at all, so why should it?
You stagger a little, seemingly stopping in your tracks, but moving again no more than a second later. “You too, Connor.”
Somehow, goodbyes had never seemed so sad.
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miwaqrsp · 1 year
Okay soo these are going to be some headcanons of our favorite Ghost <3 also I changed the colour of the text to a dark purple cause the normal colour would turn it black for some reason 🤷🏻‍♀️
♡- It would take this man years to open up but when he does, he’s like a clingy teddy bear.
♡- PDA is not really his thing in public but like I said in the previous sentence, he’s your personal teddy bear.
♡- he likes it when he’s a lil spoon, not all the time but especially when he has nightmares then him laying his head on your chest and hearing your heart beat as you gently pet his head is a must!!
♡- If you also worked in the military and lets say at the same base or in his team. He would get super protective of you. Basically if anyone looked at you the wrong way he would glare at them or if sumn were to happen to you he would send them to an infirmary.
♡- So Ik that in the original comic abt Ghost shows him with dark brown hair and now the new version of the MW2 shows him with blond hair. I feel like he’s insecure still about his past and dyes his hair blond in order to look like his mum (he still misses her a lot sometimes) because when he has his brown hair I feel like it would remind him a lil too much about his father and how shitty he use to be to both his mum and him.
♡- As much as he would deny this and say its bullshit. He wants a family of his own, a big one. He wants to be the father that he never had to his children because his was absolute shite. If you yourself have a large family and he caught you once holding your baby niece/nephew he would picture in his head of how would your kid look like. Would it have his hair or yours? Will they have your or his personality? Eyes? Smile? Anything. He would just picture himself holding a small being that both of you created and cherish it like a little drop of sacred water in his palms.
♡- When you catch his ass staring at you while holding said family members child he would just say “Your shirts a little dirty” or something like that. While trying to hide his embarrassment.
♡- Speaking of embarrassment. His cheeks don’t blush, like at all. Unless its freezing cold and he’s out with a thin balaclava on. But when he gets embarrassed the tips of his ears will get extremely red. Johnny would tease him about it.
♡- Privacy. On. Point. 100%. All the time.
♡- Will only disclose information about where you two live only to Price. Even your family has the wrong address of where you two live. Since he doesn’t want anything happening to his new family that would send him through a spiral like the last time it happened.
♡- Depending on how long you two know each other. Lets say that you two know each other for a long time now. He will keep his mask off at home. At all time. But outside in public he would still wear a balaclava or a surgical mask with a hood on.
♡- He likes it when you hold his hand when you’re outside. He just loves having your little hand in his and just holding it.
♡- He’s not big when it comes to emotions but he will be there for you when you need him. If you want to just cry and for him to be there. He will. He would sit by your side focusing his gaze on somewhere else while the sounds you make are breaking his heart. Slowly chipping away at him. Until you two cuddle.
♡- If you want to talk about why you’re crying, he would sit there just listening to you while rubbing your back slowly and gently.
♡- After crying session cuddles are mandatory. Either if you or him cried to the point of finally letting go of everything, cuddles are a must.
♡- Loves it when you’re laying your head on his chest while the rains pouring on the outside. Something about it calms him so much its unbelievable.
A/N: I’m gonna make another part of these hcs but nsfw edition but if you would want me to add another one please say so or if you have any hc suggestions don’t be shy drop ‘em in the comments. Love ya 💗
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cinnbar-bun · 6 months
Competition (Jabra x Reader x Lucci)
Summary: Jabra and Lucci are always going at it. After Fukurou's embarrassing gossip, the two decide to have you settle the competition...
In their own, unique, wild way, of course.
Rating: NSFW this is smutty smut smut
Notes: Aggressive sex, Zoan form sex, competition, threesome, spitroasting, rimming, and anal. Reader is AMAB but GN. Lucci and Jabra are aggressive, petty assholes but it's consensual. Some degrading language. Surprisingly soft-ish aftercare and cuddles.
Word Count: ~2.3k
Requested. Thank you for requesting, dear! Please enjoy <3
You can read on my AO3 here!
You strolled into Enies Lobby with everyone’s lunch order. You whistled as you greeted some of the other soldiers and office workers within headquarters until you finally reached the small office where your fellow CP9 officers were sitting. 
“Hey guys, brought lunch,” you say, happily placing their usual orders onto the table. Kaku is the first to thank you and get his food. The other members follow, save for two. 
You look around in confusion as you begin to dig into your food. 
“Where’s Lucci? And Jabra?” You ask, wondering why they aren’t here despite them usually being the biggest sticklers for lunch. 
“Oh, you know, probably hashing it out or something. No need to worry,” Kaku shrugs. 
“Although, today they did seem even more annoying than usual,” Kalifa sighed and shook her head. 
You partially agree with Kaku and Kalifa and are about to continue eating when the door slams open and a stern looking Lucci strolls in with an angry Jabra following behind. 
“You’re just jealous! That’s what it is, you stupid cat!” Jabra yells, a wide smirk on his face as if he had just bested Lucci. 
“What are you yapping about, you dog?” Lucci retorts while he swipes his food and sits on a chair. “You sound utterly ridiculous.” 
Jabra howls with laughter. “Of course! That’s what this whoooole thing is about! You’re just jealous!” 
The rest of you look in confusion between the Lucci and Jabra, unsure of what to even think or say. 
“Um, hey, what’s going on-” 
“Can it, giraffe!” Jabra cuts Kaku off. “I’m dealing with him! He just can’t help it that I’m sexier and better than him!” 
“Didn’t your girlfriend leave you for Lucci?” Fukurou mentions, making Jabra stomp his feet and glare at the round man. 
“Shut up, will ya? She didn’t mean anything! And I dumped her! Not the other way around! She was just so heartbroken she felt she had to go to Lucci!” Jabra screamed, his face red with anger. Lucci barely reacted, continuing to eat, which made Jabra point enthusiastically at Lucci. “See? He’s speechless! Cuz he knows I’m the one that’s a better man!” 
“Does that sort of thing really matter…?” Kaku asked, scratching his cheek as he pondered the conversation. “What do you think, (Y/n)?” 
All eyes turn on you and you shrink into your seat as Jabra and Lucci’s eyes bore into you heavily. You awkwardly laugh and try to figure out the best way to diffuse the situation without exposing yourself too much.
“W-well, I think both have their merits and-” 
“But I’m better than that stupid cat!” “It’s obvious I’m far superior to that whining dog.” 
The two men again furrow their brows at each other before returning to you, wanting you to pick a side. 
“I think you two are both great, and anyone would be lucky to-” 
“(Y/n), duh, they both like you!” Fukurou interrupts, and for a second, the tension in the room is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Jabra is the first to react, walking over to Fukurou and attempting to choke the life out of him. 
“Why I oughta-!” 
“Get out. Everyone. Get out,” Lucci states, his voice not raising an octave, but still showing his immense rage. The rest of CP9 and you pack up your lunches and hurriedly begin to exit before Lucci calls your name. “You. Stay.” 
You feel like a trained housepet now and sit back down, unsure of what’s gonna happen next. But you know for certain that whatever will happen will most likely be another fight. 
“Great job, Mr. Subtle! You totally proved their points!” Jabra hissed. 
“I don’t give a shit about what they think. If they say anything, then they’ll die, simple as that,” Lucci harshly chides. 
You jump in your seat at this conversation- were these two confirming that they did, in fact, like you? The thought is too much to bear as you watch Jabra and Lucci continue to hash it out. 
“Face it, you just know (Y/n) likes me more!” Jabra cackles, and Lucci removes his hat. “We even slept together!” 
For the second time in under five minutes, your heart nearly stops as Lucci’s eyes snap to you, practically seeing red. 
“N-no, we have not and-” you try to save yourself from Jabra’s lies. 
“Come on, (Y/n), why don’t you go admit it? Tell him I’m better, that you like me more!” Jabra exclaims, while Lucci stands up to go toe to toe with Jabra. 
In some sick, twisted way, you’re enjoying how the two are arguing over your attention. You gawk as they hurl more insults to each other, before they both have the same idea to shift into their Zoan forms. Jabra’s wolf form and Lucci’s leopard form tower over you as they smash their heads together and growl. 
“You better-” Jabra begins before he sniffs the air. He starts to practically drool as he licks his lips. “What’s that smell?” 
Lucci follows right after and sniffs for a brief moment. He freezes and his eyes narrow as he looks at you. “It’s them.” 
You glance around in confusion, unsure what they’re talking about. Jabra’s eyes widen in delight as he nods, finally agreeing with his rival on something. 
“You’re right! It is!” “What do you mean?” You ask nervously, sniffing yourself to make sure you don’t smell bad. You don’t smell anything strange or different, so you look back at them in confusion before Lucci steps closer to you, the beastmen leering at you like predators to a meal. 
It’s a miracle you’re still alive at this rate. Lucci’s thick member is shoved unceremoniously down your throat as his claws yank at your hair. In between bouts of abusing your throat, he runs his nails through your head, as if petting you and rewarding you for sucking him off so well. His hands alternate between that gentle stroking and petting, to the rough tugging when he feels you’re too slow. 
“Good slut,” he hums proudly at how you’re doing. You can hardly breathe as he bucks his hips faster, but the taste of his slick and the pleasure of being dominated by your two colleagues makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. Jabra growls jealously and has his claws dig into your round ass. 
“Focus on me, damn it! Else I’ll just skip the foreplay and eat you alive!” He threatens. You pathetically moan in response, while Lucci smirks. 
“Sorry, dog, they’re too busy choking on me,” Lucci’s lips curl up deviously. “It must be so sad to be smaller than me.” 
“Smaller?! I’ll have you know that I’m definitely bigger!” Jabra snarls as he crouches down behind you. “You’re just upset you can’t fuck them first!” 
“Screw you,” Lucci growls. 
“Up yours, cat,” Jabra huffs before he licks his lips then dives into your ass. His tongue swirls around your anus, causing you to jolt at the contact. Jabra chuckles, and Lucci smirks at the bewildered expression on your face. Despite Jabra causing you to feel that, Lucci can’t help but enjoy your flustered face. His mind drifts to the fact they both like you in this position- but like hell he would ever admit that out loud. He pushes it aside and continues to have you suck him off. 
Jabra licks your behind with enthusiasm, his claws digging in between your thighs to spread them apart farther for him. You whine and moan around Lucci’s cock, making the assassin grip your hair tightly and throw his head back. He’d never dare let out a sound to show you that he was actually enjoying this, but in your dazed state, you could hardly notice that. 
It isn’t until a while later that Jabra finally stops teasing you and inserts his tongue into your anus. Your legs and arms wobble at the contact, causing Lucci to yank you by your hair so you could get some support. 
“Enjoying it, dear?” Jabra cooed sadistically. You mumble out a ‘mhm’, but Lucci refuses to let Jabra be praised in his vicinity and thrusts farther into your mouth this time to silence you. Jabra glares. “You asshole.” 
“Shut up. I don’t wanna hear your voice when they’re busy with me. I want to actually finish.” 
Jabra removes his mouth from your behind and decides to line his member up to your entrance. 
“Oh yeah? They’ll be too busy enjoying this to care about you!” Jabra states as he enters you. The stretch from his large girth is astounding, making you struggle to breathe as Jabra fills you inside. “Oooh, tight~! Practically sucking me in!”
Jabra leers at Lucci. “Bet you wish you were here, huh?” 
“Shut up,” Lucci snarls. 
Jabra, despite his large form and sadistic tendencies, pumps himself slightly inside you- as if wanting to spare you from a world of pain. “Easy there, dearie, if you tremble so much and keep being so tight, I might just snap you in half!” 
He chuckles as one large hand reaches around you and grips your member, running his thumb up and down your shaft. 
“Don’t worry, you’re a precious meal I’m going to savor~,” he snickers, before he begins to move his hips. 
The wind is knocked out of your lungs as you feel the two beastmen thrust into you wildly. Lucci’s claws are grasping at your hair to guide your mouth, while Jabra pounds into you and strokes your dick with every thrust. 
The pleasure is too much- too much it almost hurts. Lucci looks down at you with a wild look in his eyes as he shakes his head. 
“Don’t get sloppy now. You do that, I’ll punish you more,” he threatens. His voice breaks into a soft groan as you attempt to place your hands on his hips to leverage yourself better to take him and Jabra. 
Jabra howls with laughter as he picks up the pace, eager to finish soon. 
“You’re getting worked up! I can smell your scent getting stronger,” Jabra teased. 
“Oh? You enjoyed being used like a toy for us?” Lucci interjects. “What a good worker. You know your place beneath us.” 
“Damn right it is!” Jabra agrees. Both of them enjoy how your face heats up and how you tremble from the pleasure. The two shoot a competitive glance at each other before harrumphing and staying silent. They refuse to admit they feel the same in this situation, even so close. 
“Now go on, (Y/n), be a good little whore and finish soon,” Lucci commands. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Jabra adds. “I’ll make sure to clean you up nice and well when you cum.” 
Their dirty ramblings and threats make your heart race as you do your best to bob on Lucci’s cock while moving your hips back to meet Jabra. 
“Ah, shit-,” Jabra cries. “You’re like a bitch in heat!” 
“My bitch in heat,” Lucci corrects. Jabra growls and moves his hips faster. 
“Not for long,” Jabra smirks as he grabs your hips to anchor you down. “You’re gonna take it all.” 
The two men get sloppier with their movements, a sign that they’re approaching their climax. Jabra sends a hand flying to your ass, leaving both men cackling at the noise you made and the way you jumped. Lucci’s hand is shaking as he grips your head. 
“Swallow all of it, or else,” Lucci says as a final warning before his hips stutter. Jabra grips you tighter while making sure to jack you off faster. 
“Go on, we know you want to~,” Jabra coos to you. The pressure in your stomach finally boils over as you finish with a loud, garbled moan. You release into Jabra’s hands as he excitedly licks his fingers coated with your essence clean. “Shit, taste better than anything I know.” 
Lucci stops his frantic pace and decides to slam into your mouth. As if the two are reading each other’s minds, Jabra begins to do the same.
One. Two. Three. 
They both throw their heads back and let out animalistic cries. You choke on Lucci’s heavy amounts of cum while feeling Jabra’s release drip down your legs. Even in your fucked out state, you can’t disobey. You try to swallow every drop, nearly gagging at the salty taste. 
Lucci finally releases your head and you drop to the floor pathetically, filled from both ends. 
Jabra pulls himself out and chuckles. 
“Don’t think we’re done yet, sweetheart. You still gotta choose who’s better,” he sneers, as him and Lucci switch places. 
You aren’t sure how long it’s been since the two continued their competition. Even as Jabra throws you over his shoulders, him and Lucci are still arguing as if they didn’t just have marathon sex with you. 
“I think this just goes to show I’m better at sex than you,” Jabra points. 
“Right, you dumb dog. You could hardly last,” Lucci smirks. 
“You two… please… stop…” you mumble, tired beyond belief. The two shut up, not before glancing at each other, as they gruffly walk to your room. Jabra lays you on the bed and they’re about to continue their fight elsewhere when you grip their arms. “Can you both stay? You’re so warm and fuzzy.” 
It’s obvious you’re delirious, so the two men sigh and crawl into the bed with you, not before returning to their Zoan forms. Jabra wraps an arm around your waist while Lucci simply lays beside you and strokes your hair once in a while. 
“Hmph. You lasted a lot longer than I thought,” Jabra comments. 
“Agreed. I’m surprised at your resilience,” Lucci awkwardly adds. It’s probably the best compliment he’ll ever give you, but in this moment, it’s all you need. You snuggle into your sheets besides them and feel yourself slowly drift to sleep between them. 
“They like me more,” Jabra says to get the final word in. 
“Shut up.” 
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
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Who you are really? TogaChako's brand of Love
So, finally we have a confirmation of Ochako's feelings about Toga. Yes, she's saving her and yes it's gonna be good.
Honestly, TogaChako's development is the one I'm looking forward to the most, and I like it even more than Deku and Shigaraki cause unlike Deku who got his magical visions about a child crying inside etc, Ochako sees Toga for who she is. A person, who deserves to smile and it didn't happen instantly...
Ochako started out as a young student with a shallow motive, to a person who wants to save people to a hero who wants to save her fellow heroes to an ultimate hero who will save anyone in need.
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Yes, Ochako loves seeing people happy and yes, Toga comes is that list. This is so dear to me because this is what MHA does the best, i.e. handle the emotional beats of the story.
Here, Toga goes through an existential crisis where she doubts if her love for her found family is genuine or not.
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Ofc she loves Dabi and Shigaraki to bits. Lov us her family but she doesn't want to become them, completly.
Theoretically, she should be able to copy quirks as well like with the real Twice but she can't maybe because deep down she doesn't want that either.
She's not interested in this world domination thing, she just wants a world that is easier to live in but if she wants to live, she has to follow orders, she has to pick sides.
Toga lived a hard life because of her quirk and all she wanted was to be accepted for who she really is. She has very less self worth, so her quirk allows her to become the person she wants to; very literally.
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So, I think what she feels deep down is dire admiration, born out of her own self hatred.
Bloodlust = self hatred
When she was little, she was always asked to be normal.
She was different but she was asked to be like everyone else, which made her hate herself unknowingly and served as a drive to become other people.
We know her first incident happened during middle school and everyone else reported how she was a very cheerful and social girl.
But very likely, her parents weren't that supportive calling her demon and taking her to quirk councelling sessions which made matters worse.
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If she was satisfied with herself, maybe she wouldn't feel so blood thirsty. But this has never happened before cause the formula keeps repeating except for the Lov where she found true love and acceptance.
She had a connection with all members of Lov but with Twice it was different. She was devastated by his death and that actually made her question the ideology of the heroes.
Ochako is pretty similar. She wants to be like Deku because he's cool and all but she doesn't love him, at least not in that way.
What she has always felt was a deep admiration for her closest friend which is why people like Mina, mistook it for love.
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Of course, you would love to keep stuff from your idol close to your heart and of course, you would want to become like them.
But admiration isn't the only thing that Ochako feels.
In the start, Ochako also had very less self worth. Coming from a lower class family, shallow reasons for becoming hero but as the series progressed , we see her develop not just as a person but as hero who is willing to save anyone in need.
She always thought that Deku was amazing but after the Deku Retrieval arc we see her acknowledge him as a normal person with a special power.
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Deku is still her close friend but she's also her own person now.
And this is where the connection between Ochako and Toga comes from.
Ochako found a healthy environment to learn and grow while Toga was always rejected and neglected until she joined the league.
But the connection lies in their admiration as well
They both the admire the same person, Deku.
Not love but admire.
Because reasons. But Toga also loves Ochako, Stain, Izuku and even Twice?
It's very simple actually. You can admire a lot of people at the same time and want to become like them.
Toga just wants an easier world for herself to live in and just like Shigaraki and Dabi she wasn't a born villain.
But aspiring heroes like Ochako are brainwashed into thinking that villains are bad and heroes good. They don't have any problems and they just like to wreck havoc.
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So, when Ochako's saw her tears, she realised that even the labelled villains that are seen as nothing but menace can have their own problems.
What makes her interesting is that she realises that things done by Toga are wrong and that they are way past the point of forgiveness.
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But what made her do those terrible things?
What are the driving factors?
What drove her to insanity?
She's already thinking about all of this and we know that if there is something that she could do to put an end to this sad Girl's Parade, she'll definitely do that.
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Ochako has already gotten past this and accepted herself for who she is and she needs Toga to do the same.
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
Here's a bit more about the Persona 5 Mech au, where everyone is and what they're up to
More Mech au
(title to make it easier for me to search)
Alright let's go
Here's some world stuff again to start
Schooling goes like, elementary for young kids, until they're about 15. After that it's either Pilot school or high school, though since pilot school only takes new applicants every 3 years, some starting pilots are as young as 12
Body augmentations are common. For non pilots, "replacements" are things you can buy to improve your life, originally created as an option for disabled people. For pilots, there is never a choice. When they sign up for pilot school, they sign a waiver that allows the government automatic consent to replace any part of them to keep them alive
Pilots dont pay for their food, lodgings, or Replacements. Medical too. They pay with their service, since the mortality rate is over 80%. They get a small weekly allowance for amusement spending, and any other money comes from their families
When they retire, there are two payment options. If they work outside the government structure or swear off working with them, they receive just enough to live in their chosen area. Otherwise, they're employed by the government for as long as they are able, and have access to standard amenities with decent pay
Character info under the cut! It's a lot so I don't wanna clog the tags with a mile long post lmao
Otherwise, tell me if you're interested in this one. Like my hero au it's gonna stick around a while, I like this one a lot! So feel free to send me asks!!
Joker (I use the name Akira for him but I usually just say Joker)
So, he's not human. A test tube baby too! He's a mix of human DNA and DNA taken from the monsters they've managed to kill. The "spirit" of the monster he shares DNA with was placed into the mech he tends to pilot most, Arsene
When Wakaba and her team created Joker, they used the most human parts for him. The excess was used to create unit M0N-A, aka Morgana. He acts as a companion for the pilots, and is the mascot for Pilot team 3
Joker was raised by a mix of head researcher Wakaba, and security officers Sojiro and Zenkichi (in the words of Cap, Old Man Yaoi). He was raised as Futaba's older half-brother, and is unaware that he is not human
An orphan, he joined the Pilot academy to make something of his life, to prove that he was worth keeping. One day he hopes to face his father and show him what he missed out on
He didn't have good sync scores with any pilots in his grad year, his closest to passing mark being a 61.23 with Makoto's former partner Eiko. However, he and Joker broke the national sync record by hitting a 95.89 on their first attempt, making them partners
He did nearly die around that time. In order to save him they used Joker's blood for a transfusion, and now Akechi's body is, doing strange things
He shares a quad dorm with fellow class 192 graduates Makoto and Haru, and class 193 graduate Hifumi. He gets along very well with Security officer Zenkichi, and is fond of having debates with head office staff Sae Niijima
He joined the Pilot academy after his orphanage was visited by a few members of Team 2 (the Persona 4 crew). He really looks up to pilot Naoto Shirogane
Her parents were against her becoming a pilot. They wanted her to inherit their business, which makes the sync suits the pilots wear. However, she felt a rush when she tried one on for the first time, and she doesn't let anyone stop her from reaching her dreams
She and Ryuji were sync partners in the academy, best friends from kindergarten too. Shiho joined their group in elementary school, and all three joined the academy together. Shiho's sync scores with both of them were just below theirs, and their teachers joked that they'd be the perfect team for a three pilot mech
Ann and Shiho fell hard for each other, and started dating at the academy. They planned to try to pilot at the same base after, maybe even actually become a true trio with Ryuji- so they could be together forever
But of course, the final exam is known for cutting pilot numbers down fast. By killing most and injuring the rest, leaving only the bravest to continue forward. Ann and Ryuji passed, though their training mech went up in flames. Ann had to have her left arm replaced, only up to the elbow.
However, Shiho was less lucky. Barely passing, she lost both legs below the knees. She decided to retire immediately, but vowed to stay by Ann's side even if she continued as a pilot.
And continue she did. Chosen for the elite Team 3, Ann got to stay in Central Base City, and married Shiho as soon as they were able to. She shares a room quad with Ryuji, Yusuke, and Joker
Her ultimate dream? To retire and live peacefully with Shiho, working on making better and better sync suits
Being a mech pilot was always his dream. His dad had been a deadbeat, and tried to hurt him and his mom. A pilot trainee had noticed and swept in and saved them, and ever since it was the only thing Ryuji wanted to do
He grew up besties with Ann, and eventually Shiho. He never minded third wheeling them, they never made him feel left out. His marks were always just barely good enough to pass, but his physical test results were always top of the class
During his final exam, his and Ann's mech caught fire. He lost his right leg, up to his hip. The replacement works well enough, but he always walks with a slight limp. Neither Researcher Wakaba nor Medic Tae Takemi know why, nothing shows up on his tests
He is the pilot that gets along the least with M0N-A, and goes off base once a month to stay with his mom for a week
He was the first student pilot to use a solo mech on the exam and pass. He also came out of the exam whole, since his Replacement eye came from a sneezing incident while he was sketching his precious mech
Yusuke's mom used to work at the Northern Reach base, which is where the infamous Pilot Team 1 was stationed. His art teacher was a corrupt man and tricked his ill mother out of money with the false promise of a new-gen Replacement for her liver
Orphaned once she died, Yusuke nearly killed Madarame in his rage, but two Team one members, Makoto Yuki and Kotone Shiomi, stopped him in time and took him in for a spell
He believes he owes the pilot program for his survival, and joined the academy the first chance he got. He was temporarily sync partners with Hifumi, but they could only reach a 65.20 sync rate. As such both were pushed into the test group for solo mech's due to their otherwise high test scores
Yusuke rarely pilots a dual mech because of this, but he has the most success with Joker (who is genetically designed to achieve high scores) and Haru. The highest sync score he's ever achieved was a 73.95, with Joker
He also is the one who sews on the patches to everyone's bomber jackets. Oh, cause they each have a Team 3 bomber jacket in their mech's colours. Yusuke made team 3 patches, as well as any other patches his teammates wished for and sewed them by hand
A second generation pilot! Her father and mother had met through the pilot program, him as a pilot and her as a researcher, and they had Sae as, an accident. They were both young, maybe too young. It did keep him out of combat for a few years though
When their first daughter was about, 12-15, you know, pilot age, they found out they were having a second child. Sae didn't want to be a pilot, but she wasn't pushed that hard because well, her father was going to have a second chance for a legacy now
However, the mother didn't make it. Makoto was born during the first monster attack on Central Base City, and the complications with the birth meant only daughter survived. It was devasting for her father, but he sat in the loud, flashing hospital hallway with his baby daughter, his oldest tucked into his side and shivering, and promised to dedicate his life for their futures
With her father focusing on piloting, Makoto was mostly raised by her older sister and said sister's girlfriend, Tae Takemi. Still, she looked up to her father almost too much, and knew she was going to be a pilot no matter what
Even when he died. Even when Sae tried to rip up her pilot school application. Even when she legally died for a few minutes during her final exam.
Before the exam though, she was top of her class in all categories, competing for top spot with Goro. She was dating her sync partner Eiko, was good friends with another pilot named Haru, life was good
But you know. Her partner died during the exam, and Makoto nearly did too. Their mech shorted, sending electricity right through them, and lots of it. Makoto's heart was, well, fried. But Tae and the medical team got her in and successfully implemented the 22nd functioning organ replacement
She didn't retire though, and was paired with Haru and placed in Team 3. She always feels, less than human, and fears she'll lose her humanity without her heart
Daughter of the lead researcher, Futaba was around mech's her whole life. Her mom is still alive! And she's doing great. She didn't want Futaba to be a pilot, but she also knew she couldn't tell Futaba no and expect her to listen
In her exam her copilot died, and her spine had to be replaced. They were, crushed. Literally. Futaba won't let that stop her though, and wants to keep pace with her big brother Joker
She is unaware that she shares more blood with her brother's partner than her brother
Both she and Makoto's Replacements require monthly check ups, whereas everyone else only has to go in every 3 months
Futaba has. Something, with Sumire. They were made sync partners when they were assigned Team 3, but there's. More. Neither will admit there are feelings involved though, so it's. A work in progress
Daughter of the owner of one of the big companies that fund the pilot program, Haru entered as a secret. Her father only found out when she was accepted, and by then it was too late to turn back
She was fond of her first sync partner, but from day one she was in love with Makoto. She was fine with the way things were, and kept trudging on. She was going to be a pilot, she was going to help
In fact, she was pretty damn good. Haru was one of few that survived the final exam without needing a replacement, yet her partner still retired. She was paired with Makoto when they were placed in Team 3, and it was like a dream come true. Only, her partner is as dense as a concrete wall
Oh well. She's already waited ten years, what's a few more?
One half of the former Yoshizawa strike team. She and her twin sister Kasumi had record high sync scores, and were on track to be the best pilots of their generation.
You can probably guess what happened.
The final exam. Their mech was sliced in half, the core exploding from the stress. The left side was completely destroyed, Kasumi along with it. Sumire survived, barely
Her left arm, leg, part of her shoulder, some ribs and a chunk of hip were all replaced. She also feels like half her soul was ripped out. She did t retire though, vowing to be the best, for her sisters sake
Paired with Futaba on Team 3, there's. Something there. Along the lines of, friends with benefits? Maybe. Kind of. They're being, selective with the whole thing
And finally Hifumi! She payed for a brain augmentation, a processing chip, to be placed in her brain. So she can think and plan a lot faster, but she's still getting used to the whole thing
I don't have much for her compared to the others, she's otherwise full human and tends to be sent out the least of the Team 3 pilots
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someone-took-lost · 6 months
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here they be! the redesigns of my cast from my in the works comic, gatekey. for those who don’t know, gatekey is a story about witches who destroy monstrous creatures called sprites. and along the way, they pave the path for a new tomorrow for the upcoming generations. and while doing so, they uncover many secrets about their society in which they seek to change or learn more about.
and now, meeting our cast members… from the left to right~
grimoire of rosebone valley (she/her)
the curious human from a small city in the valley, grim is a wizard who seeks to bring the world of magic to her fellow humans who seem to despise it. she’s an ambitious little spark, who has a fiery streak that might burn you on the way out. and albeit, a little arrogant and short sighted--grim does seek to better the world around her. she‘s just eager, and has difficulty seeing the other side of the issues. so at times, she can get caught up in her own head. but she swears that one day, she’s gonna show ‘em all what’s what! and that magic is the way of the future!
the lockheart witch (she/they)
with a stink-eye that even the thickest of heads would notice, lock is the dark loner of the group. she’s quick to distrust, and very protective of what she deems hers. and her alone--which tends to be a lot of things. lock is a determined witchling who just loves fiercely, and has a strong entitlement to the idea of equality. but unfortunately, due to events out of her control, lock has had a hard time being able to measure up to and with her fellow witches. and this has stirred a bit of an inferiority complex that she struggles to keep under control most times. she is a studious little witch, and a brilliant one at that, but her goals can have a tendency to get in the way of what means the most to her.
the gatekey witch (she/her)
our lead, our shining star, our brightest flame. key is the pillar of hope and optimism of those around her. she’s an excitable witchling, who dreams of becoming the strongest of them all. and to one day stand among her peers at white tower, the capital of witch society. and she’s ready to do whatever it takes to get there! but despite her bright eyes and even brighter spirit, key does have a habit of not thinking things through. and though she does believe in everyone to do the right thing, her naïveté tends to cause her to realize things a bit too late. she’s a bit of a troublemaker, but hecate above, she is going to make her way to her dreams! with her friends at her side, and a fist full of ass kicking--key will sure as the havens above that she will take on anything that challenges her!
the harvest moon witch (he/they/she)
self proclaimed “cool guy” harvey is the laid back, easy going witch of coven 3 who seems to find more reasons to not care than to ever come up with a reason to care. in fact, he’s spent more time napping in the shade than ever in the library. harvey is the challenge to his friend, key’s ideals, and seeks to mess in every possible way with those he cares about because,,, well. it’s just fun, ya know? harvey’s spent a lot of his life not caring, and it seems he’s going to spend even more of his time that way. as he readjusts his shades, and leans against the wall. but perhaps, that competitive spirit, and affinity for cunning will bring him a reason to try someday? who knows. but for now, i think it’s rest time-
the huntsman witch (they/them)
shadow of the executioner, fang of white tower, child of the whiteout. the huntsman witch,,,really likes reading and petting dogs. oh yes, this intimidating little guy i promise is in no way any sort of threat to--honestly, anyone really. unless ordered to, hunter is a gentle spirit, who adores dogs and reading. but tends to have trouble telling anyone about it. they’re extremely shy, and prefer to not say anything, as they feel there isn’t a lot for them they feel needs to be said from them. and even then when they do feel as though they’d like to say something,,,there never seems to be anyone willing to listen. but that’s okay! they’re okay with just listening in the end, ya know? sweet little guy with a hardened, trained, and sharpened exterior.
and that’s all of my little guys for my original comic!! let me know if any of you have questions, and i shall answer to the best of my ability. <3
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
Hey can you part 2 of wandering where brave gang have found the cure and y/n have silent leaves the horde again but one member have follow y/n and start the alerts the others before the mob have a chance to attack brave gang y/n cookie stops and give the cure to y/n and they come back to normal
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Wandering #2
I was gonna take Thanksgiving week off, but figured I’ll do one writing to commemorate an anon’s birthday today. Hope ya like it!
Finally, after countless encounters with the horde and many tests, Aloe Cookie can safely explain to the Brave gang that she and Wasabi have worked together to create a cure to the jellification process! They now feel that in order to test how effective it can be, they’re gonna need the cookie at the center of it all, you.
Aloe did not try to beat around the bush, the mob of infected will not take lightly to see the group again after their previous escapades with them. Gingerbrave refused to back down, he knows that if they at least tried, they could get their friend to come out away from the group again to administer the cure. They have to make sure that not even a single infected member doesn’t stray from the group to follow, they’ll need to sort of keep the mob passive and low active for them to drop their guard.
Wasabi gets a wicked grin on her face and suggest they could try a sort of sleep powder in the air to keep the horde slow enough to try and lure out Y/N Cookie into the open long enough to inject the cure!
You were in the middle of the group being coddled by walkers from all side, after the last situation, they’re particularly watchful of any disturbances around the group, being incredibly vicious to anything that came close. The last escapade from the Brave have really agitated them for a while. You were feasting on a jelly as you had Blackberry Walker and Moonlight Walker to your sides, either eating along with you or staring and cooing at you.
There were a multitude of bodyguard walkers wandering around to ensure that the annoying Brave gang didn’t try to pull a sneaky on them. Walkers can remember a face that’s brought them lots of trouble, which leads to them attacking right away anyone they can recognize.
You were finish eating when you notice that the walkers around started grumbling more slowly as some even got down on their knees or even fall to the ground, snoozing. You noticed a sort of powder falling in the air which may be the cause of this sudden sleeping situation. You then heard someone call out for you, you gently place down Blackberry who leaned on you as she slept. You turned to see Brave waving for you in the forest, to which you followed after him.
You probably should’ve checked if everyone was affected, as Moonlight Walker spotted you wandering off elsewhere as she got spooked and worried. She started to hurriedly wake up her fellow walkers, but the powder must’ve been a heavy amount, so she had no choice but to follow after Y/N Cookie to keep them safe herself.
Brave and the others gave their happy greetings to you as they gave you the news that they made a cure and hope to use it on you in hopes to bring you back to normal. Your infected mind didn’t comprehend the word “cure”, but if their faces and toned were anything, maybe it was good thing that you should try.
Wasabi watched from afar in anxiousness, she hoped the cure worked and brought you back to normal and didn’t do anything terrible like making you explode or something. She was so close to bringing you back to who you were before, as the all-loving cookie that brought many cookies in the land smiles, including her and Mustard. You just needed to drink the cure-
The bushes nearby rustled as Moonlight Walker bursted through, angrily yelling and wailing as she got in front of you and made the cookies back off. However, you were quick to hug her off her moon and bring her close, to which makes her relax near immediately, she was still growling at the surviving cookies. You groaned and mumbled to her on how this cure you had could fix things and go back to normal!
She was confused, what did you mean by back to normal? Wasn’t this a normal you liked? What was the normal before this that was better then right now? Does this mean they’ll no longer be together in mind and soul? You had to comfort Moonlight Walker and convince that it was for the best that this cure fixes everyone, no matter what, they’ll never forget Moonlight!
Moonlight sniffled as she eventually nodded her head and held your hand as you brought the vial to your mouth as you took a drink.
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fenriraa · 7 months
Astorvember [Cult]
Day 13
Well, I kinda forgot to plan this one out, so I'm just gonna drop some stuff from my AU story/whatever I have about the cult.
I'll say though, I don't think anyone is the leader, just a bunch of seers who want to see the world end and have weekly cult meetings.
I made a character chart:
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Yes, they're in order from the cutscene, I had rewatched that fucking scene so many times to connect who's voice was whoever was standing where. And to see where Astor was at. I have heard more things than I needed to. Here's a list if anyone's interested:
"reveal unto us the future" -Erebus
"ooh how divine" -Devola
"yes, lord ganon!" -Lucien
"cast all to darkness" -Haz(a)el
"destruction to Hyrule!" -Caius (also died first)
tried to destroy the Harbinger, Valor
I realize Astor and Valor's names sound kind of similar, but the name Valor seemed kinda fitting for him, so I went with it. Lucien's name meaning gets brought up at some point (it means light, which is very ironic). Hazael sometimes gets called Hazel.
I think the cult itself isn't really new. They knew what they were doing, but I believe they started to rely on the Harbinger a little too much when it comes to seeing the future, because none of them saw that shit happening, and I believe Ganon would hide things from them. But, that aside, they're very into the idea of the world being in ruins. Destruction everywhere. Previous cultists, that are no longer there, left some information, notes, tools, etc, and was passed on to new members.
Some non-seer villagers sometimes go to them for some divination readings (?) without realizing that they worship Ganon. There might be some traditional events in Deya for seers (that have nothing to do with Ganon) that some of them attend.
For this AU I'm working on, they all still live after being maliced. Either they simply survive or Ganon brings them back. I'm still deciding if I should also go with this different-ish storyline where something from the far, far future comes back in this timeline and specifically haunts Astor and tries to attack the Harbinger. But regardless of which one I go with, I'm wanting to make it where they all bring Hyrule to ruins and Astor gets what he wants in the end, taking over Hyrule. Or... I could just make everyone suffer and make Astor have to fight the malice forms of his fellow now-dead cultists Ganon devoured towards the end just after he starts to care about them ^_^
Astor doesn't really care for the others at first, but later on he starts to tolerate them more and more. Still kinda of an ass though.
I would like to dump some of whatever this is here (not in order):
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I was very excited when I remembered about the motorcycle chase idea lmao.
I don't know exactly how I ended up doing all this for some nameless characters with copy-paste and bald models that get killed off in a minute or less, but oh well.
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mecharlie-fox · 2 years
Memoirs of a Summoner: Part 1
Rules are simple my fellow Summoners, the prompt works for anyone and everyone. Feel free to use them but with credits. This works for canon (Kiran, nonbinary/male/female), original characters, and self-inserts/readers. 
Ship intention: Alfonse X Reader / Summoner X Reader? Note: Okay uhh here’s a quick thing, the Summoner can be Kiran, your OC, whatever you’d like because there will be two important ppl in this short fic - YOU, the reader and the Summoner. So yeah, take your pick. And happy reading!
This is a really old fic that I made last year (May) 2021, I never went through with it but it was an interesting thought if we’re gonna you know... take in account of the official art for the Summoner. You see I like me my mystery men but the summoner can be any gender depending on your preference
You’re not the Summoner. You’re only but a faceless member of the Order of Heroes. You grew up reading and listening to stories about the Legendary Great Hero who would one day wield Breidablik to bring peace to the continent, and end this senseless war. You wanted to do your part, much like anyone else.
Commander Anna knows you - of course she does, as commander, she should know the names and faces of every single member who volunteered for this cause. And that alone she’s grateful to you.
But the Askran siblings - you know they were nice, and you know that they have the same goal as you. But you weren’t important and you weren’t a Hero - when you die, no one will remember your name. You’re just one of those nameless soldiers who died for the sake of their kingdom. A sacrifice. Cannon fodder.
You knew this and yet you fought anyway. It was all for your family. It was all for the friends you left in the village. Because someone needs to help.
Training was all left to you and ranking members who weren’t anything special in the order. Your captains did their best to make sure that your training was on par with the Heroes, making sure that none of you were in the way, making sure you all knew what to do. You were a few, couldn’t even call yourselves a platoon. A lot of people tend to forget that the Order had human beings like you, and when they say “Order of Heroes” it was.... well... always the Heroes and their reckless royal siblings.
The heir to the throne and his spare were both putting themselves at risks. Some of the few members understood it to be setting as an example, in hopes that more members would join and that they wouldn’t rely too much on Heroes. But in truth, it had an opposite effect. It was reckless, it was stupid, if both of them died, who would lead Askr to a future? If the King dies and both of them are gone, where is the future?
It wasn’t... royal like. You weren’t even part of the nobility, never even stepped foot into the royal castle. You were a mere commoner trying to make a living while protecting the kingdom in your own way. Even when there’s no recognition to it. The thought of fighting so your family wouldn’t was enough for you.
The Order didn’t make any money. It was mostly being funded by the government, and if the monthly budget didn’t make it - they had to think of ways. You reported the discovery of Aether Keep to the commander, and she commended you and your unit for a job well done. Your fellow members commended you guys for it, because it meant that no more part time jobs to feed those Heroes with your own labor. They weren’t all bad, the Heroes. Even though you were invisible to them, they showed kindness when they saw you.
But one thing did bother you. The royal siblings - Aether Keep was something of the past, to battle in the skies. It provided so much for the Order such as inns, crops, a music hall, everything they needed to relax for once instead of training on an endless basis. Yes, the commander, your comrades and some of the Heroes commended you for a job well done - but not them.
They were above you. You know that. They wouldn’t be talking to a lowly commoner like you, but it just bothered you. Because you and your unit found the Keep and yet... it was the Summoner who was congratulated. The Summoner who was praised.
You didn’t have any ill-will towards the Summoner. They were kind, concerned, innocent, good - they knew nothing about warfare and yet they did their part to help end this war. Just like you did when you first came. You were there to protect not for recognition.
Heroes who died could be revived, thanks to the Summoner’s powers. But your comrades... your comrades who fell did not share the same mercy from the gods. When they die, they die. Cannot be revived. It wasn’t the Summoner’s fault. You keep on telling yourself.
You saw it with your eyes. The Muspell flames.
Your task was simple, you and your unit were to go to a certain place in Askr to see what was going about. A woman who seemed to be like a Hero to you, was fighting by herself while the village was being destroyed, burn down into ashes until there was nothing left. You knew this village, you knew these fields - you used to come with your siblings to play around while your parents were having their own leisure of an alone time. 
Now it’s gone. Nothing but the red sky and ash smoke. You fought. You all fought. But it was no use. None of you had magic, that wasn’t the law of your world. Mages were rare and not all mages wanted to sacrifice their lives for nothing. You watched your captain burning, reaching his hand to you as you felt the painful fuel of the flames of Muspell.
Run. He said with his dying breath. Run. Warn them.
 Miraculously, as if it were the Dragon of Askr’s will - you made it back to the Order of Heroes. Your skin covered in burns and all you could mutter to your Commander was one phrase: The flames... the flames....
 None of them thanked you. Few of the Heroes (mostly the Heroes who healed you) thanked you for your service, and gave their condolences for the loss of your friends. You were in your room, ordered to stay in and rest, Sakura and Wrys would come to you four times a day to tend to your burns - and try to cheer you up. They would bring friends, although you were thankful for their kindness - your heart still felt the loss of your unit... your squad, your family.
The commander came and offered her condolences and had assured you that their families have been well compensated, all Anna hoped for was for you to forgive yourself. 
Even when you’re stuck in your room trying to regain your health, you weren’t important. You knew you weren’t important. Everyone was more focused on this new Hero named Fjorm from the Kingdom of Nifl. And as always, the Summoner was praised for finding her.
The Summoner this.
The Summoner that.
The Summoner wasn’t the one fighting the battles, it was all you and your comrades. The faceless, nameless comrades who died... who were just forgotten because they weren’t Heroes.
You couldn’t help but hate the Summoner. Hate the Prince. Hate the whole Order.
None of you were important. The volunteers from Askr were not important. Even when everyone dines together in the mess hall, you all knew your place. You had your own place at the edge of the hall as the Heroes dine and laugh with the higher members such as the commander, the Summoner, and the royal siblings. There was such a wall between the normal folk and the Heroes - there finally came a time where some volunteers... left during the war with Muspell and Embla.
Because you all didn’t feel welcome in the ranks at all.
"You’re leaving too?!” You could hear Commander Anna’s reaction from across the corridors of the ancient castle. 
“I am so sorry Commander.” Your fellow comrade bowed in apology, behind the pillar you couldn’t help but listen and started thinking for yourself as well. “But even when all our goals are the same, to stop this war and protect the ones we love... I don’t feel welcome at all Ma’am. It’s not your fault or the Heroes. It’s just... I can’t keep it up anymore. I’m tired of trying to keep up with big names and we’re just... us volunteers are just nothing.”
“Are... are you all feeling this way?” The Commander’s tone was sincere. Broken. As if she was starting to question her own leadership.
“We all have... especially since (y/n) came back to us.” Your comrade admitted in complete shame. “She and her unit... her captain brought out the best in us, trained us, took care of us. But seeing their sacrifices meant nothing to the Order - what’s the point of service if we’re just going to be forgotten in the end?”
“I didn’t...” The commander was in utter shock. She couldn’t comprehend on how this was going around the volunteer members. “I wasn’t...”
“We don’t blame you ma’am. And we are grateful for the opportunity to serve Askr. We have... outlived our purpose now, ma’am. With all of these Heroes, you don’t need us anymore.” He bowed, you couldn’t help but feel his full sense of hesitation and even regret. “I’m really sorry ma’am. I wish you the best on the war effort.”
You couldn’t help but wonder if it was right. Did you truly outlive your purpose?
The following morning wasn’t better when you saw your roommate packing up their things. And you said. “You’re leaving too, huh?”
“Yeah,” your roommate casually answered as they continued to pack their belongings. “I gave my resignation to the Commander earlier. I don’t want to leave but… we’re not needed here anymore and the Order made that clear.”
“You’re a captain, what will happen to your unit?”
“My unit is leaving with me.” You looked at your roommate as they just finished packing. Giving you a smile of reassurance was all they could do for you. “It sounds like we’re ganging up on the Commander, doesn’t it?”
You were still in a state of shock. And yet, you didn’t question their decision, it was understandable. “I won’t lie… but it does… but… but why—I don’t understand.”
“Surtr is trying to attack every village he could find that doesn’t have a strong protection from the Order and the Knights. Commander Anna is doing everything in her power, we know that. King Gustav too and I know we have much more Heroes than before, and they’re a more capable bunch that us… they’ll do well.”
“What will you all do?”
Your roommate sighed. “We’re all going home to our respective villages. Muspell is playing with the Knights but they’re only defending the capital, the Order is more focused on gathering intel for the king but… even we were replaced by Heroes in that field. Protecting villages with no fighting force seems to be the most logical option. That’s what the others are doing. How ‘bout you?” Your roommate gave a wary smile. “Are you still going to stay?”
“Maybe.” You shrugged, avoiding eye contact. You didn’t know what to do. A part of you still wanted to be involved with the Order because of your beliefs but, the other part didn’t want you to say because none of you were being valued. “I’ll try to stay for a while, I won’t lie… leaving has also crossed my mind from time to time.”
Closing their suitcase, your roommate nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you in the village if you made up your mind then.”
After giving you a pat on the shoulder, you just watched your roommate leave. Things weren’t progressing as smoothly as everyone hopped for. Some of the Heroes did notice the decline of volunteer folks and you couldn’t help but wonder if this became a problem for the commander. You wondered if the Summoner or the Prince and Princess noticed it themselves. The more people left; the more Heroes were being summoned into the Order.
The mess hall was livelier than before now. With more Heroes meant more friends but, you looked around to only find almost no familiar faces that were in your circle. You realized; you were the only non-hero in the mess hall now. Everyone else left. The music, the laughter, the jokes, they were all noises for you now.
You were just one nameless soldier in a room filled with important figures.
“You haven’t touched your food (y/n), something on your mind?” You looked up to find one of the castle’s servants looking at you with concern. You didn’t realize that everyone in the mess hall was already gone, including the Commander and the Summoner.
“There is, actually.” You couldn’t help but sigh. “I’m also thinking of leaving.”
“You too?”
You smiled at that ironic question. “Yeah… me too. I guess leaving on my own free will is better than being sacked eventually. No one even noticed the decrease of numbers; the Summoner just keeps on replacing us anyway. The more Heroes they summon, who knows when the Commander will tell me to just sleep in a tent outside so they could have a room and a bed.” You joked.
The servant Dahlia sat across you, giving out a small pout. “Now, now… you know Anna wouldn’t do something like that.”
“It… just crossed my mind.” You answered honestly. “With the volunteers leaving, there would be more room in the barracks for the Heroes right? It hasn’t been even the following day and I already have a new neighbor. Maybe my comrades are right… we already outlived our purpose. Everything was simpler when Zacharias was still here.”
Dahlia just nodded. “Things were simpler when the captain was here but, he’s not anymore. Do you think Captain Zacharias would be happy seeing you all like this?”
No one knew what happened to Zacharias. Though he was close to Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena since they were young, he used to be your unit captain. He took care all of you, trained you, scolded you, gave you wisdom – the Summoner was no replacement for him. Everyone knew that. Zacharias would want you to follow your heart. Not think of yourself a burden.
You shook your head. “Good.” Dahlia smiled. “No one can force you to stay or go, (y/n), that’s your decision to make. And if you’re leaving too well… all I can do is wish you luck on future endeavors.”
Perhaps with a bit of luck you would know what to do. But fortune frowns before you, you didn’t know what to do. For years, all you could think about was joining the Order of Heroes to do your part. To help fight and protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. The years were kind and fruitful, filled with laughter and friendship – but now they’re nothing but a shard of a memory as you walked down the cold, empty corridors of the castle.
In your room, you proceeded to write a letter. Describing your thoughts and explaining why your decision to leave the order was made. Neatly folding it, you left for the Commander’s chamber. Knowing Anna, she would still be awake by this time – after all, she was once a volunteer like you before the old man retired and chose her to be his successor.
In your mind, you rehearsed and rehearsed what you were going to say to her. How you made up your mind and will follow the decision of your former comrades. Many good soldiers came and went, and they were gone not because they were killed in the battlefield, but rather they left on their own free will.
You were about to knock, but for a single moment, you hesitated the moment you heard crying from inside.
Anna’s crying. You noted to yourself. Found yourself froze in front of the door, with your hand about to knock the door. You couldn’t do it. You wanted to. You wanted to leave. You were unhappy with what the Order has become and how you were all treated. You wondered if you were an ungrateful soul, wanting recognition for things you have done – things that any Hero would do, but because you had no name, you were nothing, you weren’t recognized.
You knew Anna was grateful, wasn’t that enough for you? Was it too much to ask for the whole Order to know the deeds you have done? The sacrifices that you had to endure? Hearing the commander cry made your heart feel even more pain than the burns on your skin.
“May I help you?” You jumped in fright, turning around to see the Summoner. “You heard the crying too, huh?”
“Yes… Summoner.” You looked down. Not wanting to look into their eyes. Even if you did, you couldn’t see them. The Summoner always wore their hood and no one has ever seen their face. Some did speculate that only members of the royal family and the commander are able to do so, but there was never any proof.
But Kiran already had an idea why you were in front of Anna’s room. “What’s that on your hand?” They asked quietly. It wasn’t stern or serious, but rather calm and worried.
“My… resignation, Summoner.”
Kiran nodded. “You’re leaving too. I see… may I ask why?”
Why?! You wanted to snap. How… how could they? After everything you and your comrades did for this Order, wasn’t it obvious why you chose to follow? But it was late and you didn’t want to cause anymore trouble for Anna. You’d be gone in the morning anyway. So, you answered. “I don’t belong here anymore, Summoner.”
The Summoner was quiet, but continued to listen to what you had to say. “I’m aware of the damages that this war has caused the kingdom. I’m also aware of the selfishness that has come to mind, thinking about myself rather than the benefit of those who need our protection. I won’t speak for my comrades who left before me – but I’m not being valued here. When a soldier leaves, a Hero takes our place right? We’re not important to this Order. Not anymore.”
“I see.” The summoner was calmer than you expected them to be. You were waiting to be scolded with the importance of duty. The Summoner was a tactician, one of the keys to the Order’s victory in so many battles. They were the Legendary Great Hero, who would ever doubt them? Who would put them in the wrong? “Here,” the summoner spoke as they offer their hand. “I’ll give it to her for you. I wish you the best.”
It was all you could hear from anyone at this point. Not all of your burns have been healed up and yet, it feels like your heart too, was also burning from the pain. You bowed in the Summoner’s presence as if they were of high importance. In this castle, you couldn’t help but wonder what the Summoner was really like behind that hood of theirs.
The Summoner never really spends time with normal troops, they were always with the Heroes. People expected Prince Alfonse to take on that role more, since he’s the crown prince but to no avail as well. He too, was also hands on with the Heroes.
You couldn’t even sleep that evening. All you could wonder was the whole impossible idea: would people still be leaving if Captain Zacharias was still in your ranks?
You found yourself packing the following morning, ignoring the rushing footsteps from outside of your room. You jumped in shock the moment the door burst opened to find Anna holding your resignation in her hand, and the Summoner calmly standing behind her. The commander was taking deep breathes, you wondered how long she actually ran. From her face alone, you knew she had a sleepless night too – the bags in her eyes were deep, stains of tears could be seen on her cheek.
But none of that mattered to her anymore, all that mattered was her proposition to you. “(y/n)!” She shouted with determination as your eyes both met. Her gaze was even burning hotter than Muspell flames. “I have a proposition for you!”
In a sense, knowing the commander for so long, a part of you already knew that she didn’t accept your resignation and is about to offer you something you can’t refuse. “Be my steward!” Anna stopped, knowing that she said the wrong words to you.
You blinked. “Forgive me commander,” you answered as you closed your luggage. “But I do not see how that will make me stay.” You were confused. What soldier would want a stewardship? You thought that they were taking you as a servant. The order doesn’t pay well, you were stuck doing side jobs just to send back money to your family back in the village.
“Ack!” Anna couldn’t help but scratch her whole head with both of her hands, letter still in hand. “I’m! I’m sorry! Those words were completely wrong! COMPLETELY WRONG! What I’m trying to say is – PLEASE STAY!” The commander clapper her hands together, bowing in front of you. This sight alone was enough to make you feel worse as it is.
You knew Anna before she became commander. All of the people who left knew her personally before she took on the burden of the Order. Even with the fancy titles and all – she was still Anna, but compared to you, Anna was more important. She had more significance. “I – I know I’m not doing my best to make you all feel welcome. Especially when Kiran had been summoning Heroes left and right increasing our numbers! But I want to make things better for everyone! So please (y/n)! Give me another chance!”
If it was their previous commander, this attitude wouldn’t stand. They respected Anna but respect wasn’t the problem, it was pure negligence.
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ambustested · 5 months
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I just like the phrasing "underground gladitorial games" bookmarking for later use.
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Prisons at 300% capacity ohoho how very American of you. Joking aside I'm guessing this is because they just orchestrated a mass arrest but there are other instances of prisons in IDW that make it believable to me that mass incarceration is a thing.
As an aside its just interesting to think about in terms of "what do you do with outliers, combiners, mecha with destructive functions who cant be placated". Like in a society with such inequality that occasionally makes a robot that would be really powerful and thus pose a threat, having a robust and overly punitive system is a good way to maintain order and to get rid of problematic mecha.
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Starscream hijinks. I love "I was eager to see how the other half lived" in particular.
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Whats that quote where its like "The output of a system is the purpose of the system".
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Mass prison break, yippee!
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Oh this is where people get Starscream being a megatron gladiator fanboy from. How funny.
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He said the line!
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Here's where I go, that is not later Megatron, I mean it is in the sense that Megatron and his regime, and just the war overall, does create a whole lot of desolation in the name of peace. But I remember other parts of IDW definitely pitching a softer, more well meaning Megatron. This Megatron is just very much, I am going change everything and kill all who oppose me which is a bit terrifying in that anyone could be fellow victims of the system who are concerned or desire input about the direction the movement is heading.
I think its an interesting place to start for Optimus because he is inheriting power and several powerful members from an abusive power structure to fight against mecha that were its victims that also are adopting a very destructive and dangerously violent motivation going forward.
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Interesting to note Prowl radios back to Iacon. I personally like to write about it as the capitol and central hub of Cybertron but its hard for me to remember if it's official distinguished as such!
Had to check the wiki to comprehend the whole Ratbat thing
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Not gonna lie, Soundwave forcibly sealing Ratbat inside a different frame is very spooky, and not something I see explored a lot, but I would like to!
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Sentinel is just kind of a warmongering badass
Another thing I caught only from looking at the wiki is the armor seen above here is what Megatron is sitting on as a thrown at the end here:
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Which is sick imagery, your throne being the former armor of a (possibly deceased) prime.
Overall a fun read, really enjoyed!
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lunarcovehq · 8 months
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Oh, my God, we're back again, Brothers, sisters, everybody sing, gonna bring the flavor, show you how, gotta question for you, better answer now...
The crisp October chill in the air and the distinct fog rolling in can only mean one thing when it comes to Lunar Cove— its time for the annual Howl-o-ween festivities to begin! Kicking off on Friday the 13th, join your fellow Lunar Covians all over town for a number of different festive activities. With the return of the Costume Contest, trick-or-treaters running about and a Murder Mystery Dinner on Halloween Night, the annual Howl-o-ween Festival is sure to lift your spirits!
This is a character-driven event that will span from 10/13-10/31 IC, kicking off 10/14 OOC.
The tag for the event is lunarcoveevent8. Everything from pictures, outfits, Halloween costumes & threads etc. should be under this tag. Starters should have both the starter and event tag.
This event is mandatory and is occurring all across town so feel free to post starters or have private threads reacting to any of the below.
Please keep your eyes out for multiple plot drops that will be happening throughout the week which your character can continually react to.
For anyone looking to bring in new characters, we will continue to have regular acceptances throughout the event.
Last, but not least, we hope you have some skele-fun!
Pumpkin Patch- It's time to pick your pumpkin! Come down to Harvey's Pumpkin Patch located in Echo Acres. Sure it might just be in Harvey's backyard, but he spent all year growing these pumpkins so pick the pumpkin that is perfect for you.
Pumpkin Show- Come to Sunny Harbor see the biggest Pumpkins in all of Rhode Island. The Pumpkin Show offers a variety of different sized pumpkins and pumpkin themed food.
Pumpkin Carving- Time to show those pumpkins who's boss! With the help of Farmshop and their very sharp knives, you too can create a pumpkin friend with a few precise cuts. Or a lot of jagged ones. Choose from stencils or make your own design, but get ready to show off those skills!
Fear Street Block Party- Ready to dance until you drop? Lunar Cove will be blocking off Main Street to host a block party for only the bravest of souls! Everyone is encouraged to help decorate the houses on this street and band together to take home the prize for the most eerie abode. Note: Feel free to post photos of your characters decorated homes to win the title of Most Eerie Abode.
Horror Movie Marathon- If you're thinking of going to the Key Theatre to watch the eight hour long Horror Movie Marathon, make sure to invest in their endless popcorn buckets! Your popcorn will end up flying out of your hand at one point or another as you watch the (frankly sometimes offensive) human depiction of ghouls, vamps and werewolves!
The Great Jack-O-Lantern- In order to start the Howl-O-Ween festivities, we'll kick things off by having an honored Lunar Covian light the giant carved pumpkin. This lucky civilian will be nominated by The Council Leaders.
Cauldron Luck- It's time to show off those cooking skills, Coven members! The Coven will be hosting its first ever potluck. Bring your most tasty dish down to Starlight Bar where you and the town locals can enjoy dinner and bonding with your community.
Apple Picking- If you're looking to bake the perfect apple pie this fall, make sure you get your share of fresh apples straight from the Echo Acre Orchard. For only a small fee, you can pick as much as your basket can fill and drink warm hot cider with friends. Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any apples falling on heads, but if you do discover a phenomenon as important as gravity, isn't it all worth it in the end?
Bobbing for Apples- What better way to show off your supernatural chompers than to properly bob for apples and court your latest paramour? This is how you answer the age old question "What that mouth do?" Bob for apples.
Caramel Apple Booth- That's right, they're back. The best Caramel Apples this side of the coast are only available for the week leading up to Halloween. Supplies are limited, so be sure to snag a spot in line before they're gone for another year.
Puppy Run - Come on down to the first ever puppy run that is hosted by Paws and Claws in Echo Acres. The puppy run is full of adoptable puppies who are all looking for their forever home.
Hedge Maze- It's back for another year of fun! Will you be able to find your way out of the maze in record time or will you have to invent your own way out? Don't worry about the werewolf sized imprint in it, it's still growing back from a rather eager maze-goer's attempt to escape last year.
Ghoulish Bar Crawl- From witches brew to apple cider spritz, join the Seen It Route's Ghoulish Bar Crawl this year for a different kind of trick or treating! The tour will take you all over town from Shipfaced to Bad Moon Brewery to even the likes of the Country Club. If they serve boo-ze, this tour will be there and offering you one free drink at every location. Costumes are welcome, though your tour guide may roast you depending on who you choose to dress up as.
Saints & Sinners Party - Are you Saint or a Sinner? Sinners is hosting its annual themed party. It only happens once a year and despite the costume you come in, everyone leaves as Sinners.
Corn Pit- After a number of you fell in love with the Corn Pit last year, it's now back! Come lay in some corn and let all of your worries fade away, one kernel at a time.
Hay Rides- It's time to bundle up, grab a partner and watch the scenic views of Echo Acres. Tractors will take you along the landscape until dusk.
Fortune Telling- Swing by Good Omens where the fae have offered their fortune telling services to tell you what might happen in the near future. Whether through tarot or palm reading, your future will unfold in their hands. But be careful, if their reading is grim, it's likely to come true, and much sooner than you think...
Zombie Run- Put on your best Zombie outfit and come to the annual zombie run! The route starts at the Town Green and creeps through Downtown before meeting a terrifying end in Sunny Harbor.
Haunted House- Ever wanted to see the inside of the Lunar Cove Country Club but lacked the membership or "blood donation," to enter? Well now's your chance! The Vampire Clan will be hosting a Haunted House. Of course with vampires, nothing comes for free, so be prepared to pay the price... with fear!
Trick or Treating- Children will be roaming around this Halloween making sure to trick any homeowners (or, let's face it, renters) that don't have any treats! Be sure to answer your doors and drown them in sugar or leave out a full bowl before attending any parties lest you fall victim to an eerie egging. The shops in town are also in the holiday spirit and will be handing out candy to dressed up children (and adults if you ask nicely enough).
Halloween Costume Orders- Swing by Blush Boutique to pick up a Halloween costume before they sell out! From Princesses to Humans to your favorite characters, the Blush Boutique has a wide range of costumes that are flying off the shelves, so if you don't want to be stuck with a dusty and deformed skeleton mask that may or may not be possessed, stop by sooner rather than later. Note: the owner of the possessed costume has been claimed by Rohan Persaud. But, if you guys like options like this, we'll definitely do more of them in the future.
Costume Contest- Time to whip out your favorite costume and get ready to strut down the Costume Contest Catwalk! There will be several winners including Overall Best, Most Creative, Most Frightful, and, of course, Hottest in Hell.
Murder Mystery Party*- Stay tuned for plot drop. Please refrain from writing any Murder Mystery Party themed threads until then. More information on this to come.
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obmessed · 1 year
What do you think if Piri decided to ware his military uniform or general suit in one of world meeting what would the other think since he ware Most of the time a sailor suit.( Give me there reaction especially the country that with him when there was war)
Well that's gonna trigger the world, because they associated a military suited Piri with his 2p counterpart. Since Piri is a pacifistic guy , he refuses to have war as the answer but deep down he knows it can't be helped at times. He knows he has to go through all that suffering at one point, so he just switches with his 2p counterpart and have him fight in wars.
So the first time he walked in the meeting room, he got jumped on because everyone thought 2Piri replaced him again (it happened during Martial Law). It took some explaining that this is his new years resolution, where he promised himself that he's gonna try to take things more seriously and his first step is wearing his military uniform.
As for the nations he had past wars with, it depends on what kind of uniform he's wearing. Obviously he's wearing the modern version of his uniform so it barely gives anyone any bad memories. Plus he knows he can't wear his old uniforms, because 1. Their soo old fashioned and 2. he doesn't want resurface any bad memories.
I mean Alfred already can't watch Goyo without bleeding out, him wearing Heneral Luna's uniform would be like trying to squeeze the blood out of his lungs at that point.
And Kiku already refuses to take hikes with him in his mountains due to the trauma of being ambushed and raided by the ROTC guerillas. If he dressed like them again Japan would have a heart attack.
America is used to seeing him in that uniform because they have joint military exercises with one another, along with Japan sometimes.
But even with the modern uniform it does still trigger some nations, like China. He gets Korean war flashbacks, since during that time Piri most notably fought him the most. That time he soloed him when he tried to push the Western allies back for North Korea and manage to beat him despite his strength in numbers. Or that other time he ambushed him to take a strategic area away from him in order for the democratic allies to have it for themselves.
And speaking of cold wars, Vietnam! His fellow ASEAN member, first time he walked in with that uniform she was surprised by what he's wearing. During her war, she did saw him in that uniform, but the memory of him being a doctor for the South Vietnamese overpowers the memory of him being her dangerous enemy. Besides, she was more scared about the Koreans rather than the Filipinos.
But most of the time, the countries avoid him due to him now strikingly resembling his 2p counterpart. Needless to say he stopped wearing the uniform in the next meeting because people weren't willing to talk to him and actively avoiding him.
Germany: What happened to your military uniform?
Philippines: Everyone kept treating me like an outlaw, honestly screw you guys! I try to be a serious and formal country and this is what I get? Forget it then
Was this what it's like to be Russia? If so, then consider Piri having a new found respect for the nation. He doesn't approve of what he's doing now, but him being able to live through this treatment is respectable.
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violetren · 1 year
I'm slowly making Oracle Barbra Gordon as a DnD character.
It's more thematic than mechanical in nature so what it basically amounts to is me shoving in as many hidden references and traits I can pump in before anyone gets suspicious.
So far I have used translations or gender variants of DC character names Barbra is Varya, Jim is Yakov, Dick is Rickard, Lucius is Lucilla etc. Not perfect but just enough to have a connection. My character is a redheaded woman in a wheel chair, a wizard who uses a nightstick/eskrima for a focus (and to whack anyone who tries to push her wheelchair without being asked). She's gonna have all the fun "know shit" spells and "communicate stuff" spells and also if I can swing the martial adept feat without fucking up my ASI gain so she can have a couple of maneuvers to help analyse the battlefield and "order" her party members about a bit then I 100% will.
Divination wizard would be the obvious sorta choice but as I said this more story/themes/personality than mechanics and so I decided to take her backstory of having been a librarian by day secret crime fighter by night and think about the whole she has battle experience, or at least a lot of theoretical knowledge of battle tactics and approaches before she was given reason to give more than a cursory glance at arcane ways of doing things and made her the battle mage subclass instead.
I don't think the DM will notice but a couple of my fellow players might. Two of them have read (at the very least) Wayne Family Adventures and another one just gets random DC and Batfam vids in his YouTube autoplay because I was left to my own devices while at his house with control of the tv remote and the other has played the full Arkham series of games and has gone down side research rabbit holes because ADHD. So in theory most of the table has enough knowledge that they could realise, but whether they will or not is a whole different thing.
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dcves · 2 years
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;; — 𝔻𝕆𝕍𝔼.
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐨𝐜 / 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬 / 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 / 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
basic info: eres, 31, he/him, born in verum, nova terrae, his ability is accelerated healing, his special skill is diversion
spent his early childhood as a street rat in verum, grew up all by himself though he eventually made friends with two fellow thieves who grew to be his best best friends that he :\ actually still hasn’t replaced and/or placed anyone in equal regard to. ever
when he was 7, he was scouted by an order who called themselves “the unbound”, an unofficial sect of the faceless led by a member of them who defected and founded their own order because they just got tired of how the faceless did things
that’s only what they told their followers though - the Truth is Unknown
when the scout was certain of eres’ potential, they finally approached him and offered him and his friends the tempting invitation of a proper meal and even actual beds if they wanted to spend the night
they did because grown ups don’t have common sense let alone kids my dude
when the two friends were asleep, the scout approached eres and fed him a lot of bullshit about how he’s special and he’s been chosen by the beast and is meant for greatness that their order wants to help him achieve
none if it was true, it was just a big fat lie to manipulate eres into joining their order because they needed a gullible Symbol to be the face of their cause and make it easier for them to achieve their goals
eres was doubtful and lowkey scared and intimidated by this Impossible revelation overload that’s been dumped on him but he decided to pretend that he believed the bullshit and stay with the order because it was obviously better than going back out to the streets
the order did everything in their power to make sure eres believed the things they told him, revering him, treating him like royalty, and providing for him to the greatest extent that their resources could allow (think ymir’s backstory in aot but not THE ymir)
it was that + their extended manipulation and gaslighty ways + his inherent want of literally everything the world has to offer + the eventual manifestation of his powers as a nihilum which led eres to genuinely believing the order’s words in the end
things went fine and the group Thrived with eres as their symbol especially because he really put his heart into things once he began to believe them and he thrived too for Reasons that i. am too lazy to go over here but they’re highlighted in detail in the motivation section of my app sorry :\
naturally, things eventually went to shit when the faceless, whom the unbound had been hiding from that whole time thanks to their leader’s magic and the Power of Being Careful, found out about the order, attacked them and literally just wiped them out jkdfgkdfgdfg
the scout, who originally found eres and recruited him, confessed the truth to him in the middle of the faceless’ attack and helped him get away after that and eres was just. completely in denial about his whole life being a lie especially because he was in his twenties at this point so he had been with the order for a LIFETIME
he’s back on the streets, he’s disillusioned and miserable and has no clue who he is or what the fuck he’s supposed to do with his life anymore and it’s during this time (3 years) that he was taken into the same philosophy club as magpie by the master AND IT’S ALSO at this time that he receives his card
he goes through the whole process and when it comes to asking the beast for a desire, he asks the beast to show him if his “divinity” and everything the order had led him to believe about himself was a lie AND to bring the receipts on top of it because of course he’s gonna ask for the receipts
nothing happens after that UNTIL he begins to hear whispers in his head that claim to be the voice of the beast and eres chooses to interpret that as the beast confirming that he IS blessed by it after all and that even if the order was lying, their words were true regardless
is it really true? is he just lying to himself? WHO KNOWS but we’re all about to find out as we venture on this journey friends
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