#fem!charlie weasley
fensherohair · 8 months
Until The End (Charlie Weasley x Fem Reader) Oneshot
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Words: 2.5K Warning: Mentions of Characters' death, injury, and loss. Also On: Quotev, AO3 and Wattpad Note: Originally written around 2011/12 - Edited 2022
The Battle of Hogwarts was raging on around (Y/N). The once great castle she had called home during her teenage years resembled the ruins the outside muggle world saw it to be on a daily basis. The collapsed areas brought a tear to her eye as she remembered her mischievous antics from when she was a student attending the school, how she used her ability as a Metamorphmagi to impersonate professors and ghosts alike, often ending in detention. Even how, in her final year, she had stood by your best friends and helped them rebel against Umbridge, letting her patrons loose in several areas, scaring most who come into contact with it.
(Y/N) was a brave Gryffindor student and a member of the D.A. (Y/N) Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and his school sweetheart, although she had been raised by Remus after her mother had been killed in the First Wizarding War and her father had been sent to Azkaban for a crime he was innocent of. During the battle, she was stationed in one of the many corridors near the moving staircase; (Y/N) could see Fred and Percy nearby, much as she could hear Fred joking about something. George was also close by at the end of the corridor, although he occasionally disappeared when he had the upper hand on whichever Death Eater he fought against. (Y/N) knew others were around somewhere as well, yet unfortunately, she didn’t have time to scan the area as she had her hands full with another Death Eater. (Y/N) knew he was one of the many to escape Azkaban during the two mass breakouts, much like she knew he was a loyal follower of Voldemort. Rodolphus Lestrange.
“I haven’t heard you joke since …..” was the last thing (Y/N) heard before she was forcefully thrown off her feet towards Rodolphus, who seemed just as shocked about the sudden explosion and rubble as she was. Nonetheless, he instantly got to his feet and ran from the scene. Leaving (Y/N) lying on the floor, she expected he would come back eventually, or at least another Death Eater would see her and take their chance to eliminate another who opposed their master. Through her lack of hearing, (Y/N) could about hear someone shouting for another to wake up, yet she couldn't distinguish who it was she could hear, much like (Y/N) couldn’t see much through her blurry vision. The moment she attempted to sit up, (Y/N) felt excruciating, almost torturous pain in her right shoulder. Making attempts to blink away the blurriness so she could get a better look at what was causing such pain, but it did little to help. Soon enough, her hair had changed from its natural (H/C) to the light lavender color to symbolize being hurt or in pain.
“(Y/N),” came the familiar voice of Percy, as hands wrapped themselves around (Y/N)'s midsection as he attempted to pull her to safety. “I’m gonna get the shards from your shoulder, but it's gonna hurt,” calmly spoke the third Weasley brother, (Y/N), who had almost forgotten what he sounded like when he was caring; his cold and Ministry-loving way had almost completely overshadowed it. Just as he said, (Y/N) felt the pain ripple and rip through her shoulder, arm, and neck. She felt as if her veins were on fire as dizziness returned once more. However, her vision began to return a little bit. (Y/N) couldn’t find the will to form words, instead opting to nod in thanks. She didn’t dare look at the wound she had sustained, suspecting her arm would be mangled if the pain was anything to go by. “Look after Fred for me; I’m going after Rookwood, the one who blew out the wall,” added Percy before running off down the hall. (Y/N) watched him go, unable to ask him where the others both cared for were. The only comfort was knowing she wasn't alone; she had Fred, unaware he had been killed in the explosion.
(Y/N) must have been huddled behind the armor for what seemed like hours. The shouts of spells being cast echoed around the corridor, despite that (Y/N) was able to summon the strength needed to move and help those fighting to defend the castle. She wasn’t able to summon the words to cast the spell; all she could do was sit there with Fred, in pain and hope no Death Eater found them to finish off the job they had been so close to succeeding in. (Y/N) soon lent against Fred, almost finding his green jacket interesting as they waited, the fear taking root and grew with every fast-paced and often thunderous footsteps come down the stone corridor.
“I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I, therefore, command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter. I now speak directly to you. On this night you have allowed your friends to die for you, there is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me.” The words echoed around the ruined castle and the grounds, yet this time, there would be no girls screaming out in terror. Instead, there was only silence for what felt like hours. (Y/N) didn’t hear a soul speak a word or even footsteps to indicate someone else was around. Soon enough, the peacefulness was interrupted by familiar voices. One brought happiness to (Y/N) even.
“Percy said they were hidden behind a suit of armor,” uttered Charlie, his voice filled with concern about what he might find. From Percy’s warning, he knew Fred was already gone, and his love was seriously, perhaps even fatally injured; he hoped he was in time to save her even when he knew the pain it would cause if he weren’t. “(Y/N),” spoke the red-haired dragon tamer she'd called your own for so many years. He had spotted her boots and quickly began to struggle to move the armor. Thankfully, Oliver Wood lent a helping hand. The pair of them and Neville stood there for a few seconds before Charlie regained his senses and leaned down to (Y/N), examining the injury to her shoulder and observing the blood pooling around her, his heart already broken to see his younger brother deathly still, cold and with the last smile from his unfinished joke still etched upon his lips. He couldn’t lose you, too; his already broken heart would be shattered beyond repair if (Y/N) left him, much like George would truly be lost if she were to die.
“It's cold,” (Y/N) uttered, looking up to the second son of Molly and Arthur, no longer having feeling in her likely mangled right arm or anywhere around her shoulder; all of it had gone numb at some time ago, although she couldn’t say when. Charlie soon leaned (Y/N) against the wall, blocking her view of Neville and Oliver as they took Fred’s body away, ever more so upon realizing she was none the wise of his fate. Instead, the dragon tamer took his jacket off, gently placing it around her, watching as she snuggled into the warmth it offered. Appearing completely oblivious as to where she was or the concern etched on his features. “Ow!” (Y/N) yelled when Charlie attempted to pull her to her feet; having assessed her injuries, he knew it was far worse than Percy had originally thought.
“Come on (Y/N). Let's get you to the great hall. See if one of the healers can spare a few minutes,” softly spoke Charlie as if he hoped the words to escape his lips would soothe both his growing concerns and looming fears. His memory soon took him for a trip through past events, how the pair had eloped shortly after going into hiding, the dance they shared at Bill and Fleur’s wedding where he had asked you to marry him, even the Quidditch World Cup a few years prior where he had first professed his love for (Y/N) and the Yule Ball that Christmas serving as a lot of firsts, including first dance and kiss. The whimpers of pain to escape (Y/N) brought him more concern, much like he was beginning to hate the rule that no apparition could happen on school grounds. “The others would be happy to see you. George needs you,” whispered the taller redhead as he attempted to get (Y/N) to the Great Hall with as little pain as possible, eventually opting to carry her there to prevent further pain.
Upon walking through the golden doors, Charlie placed (Y/N) back on her own two feet, quickly noticing her lack of balance and how pale she'd gone in the minutes it had taken to get to the hall. Just by looking, anyone could tell (Y/N) had been through hell and back. Her ever-changing hair stuck to your face, as had the dust and dirt from the explosion, and a few scratches scattered her beautiful features, most notably beneath her left eye. Her focus, however, was on those who had been killed during the battle so far, seeing Collin Creevy and Lavender Brown amongst the dead, yet nothing hurt more than seeing Tonks and Remus next to each other, holding hands as they lay motionless on stretchers. Soon enough, her attention was drawn to the rest of the Weasley Clan, Bill, and Fleur looking down in sorrow; Arthur stood nearby with Percy, who at least looked relieved to see you and Charlie. Ginny stood behind Molly, who was leaning on the floor, stroking the hair of one of her twin sons, your heart sinking upon seeing George in tears at the feet of his twin. However, his attention was soon diverted to (Y/N) when Percy pointed in the general direction. Ron was nowhere to be seen, which only caused worry about his whereabouts and well-being.
“I was with him,” whispered (Y/N); Charlie could only look down, knowing she had been unaware she'd essentially been protecting Fred’s body the entire time they were hidden behind the suit of armor. “When did this happen?” she asked as her heart began to break as she tried so hard rack her memory for the answer. George slowly made his way over while Charlie went to get a healer, hoping for the best as he did so. “I was with Fred; when did this happen?” (Y/N) questioned, her hair going light blue to suggest she was upset, hints of the lavender still in there from the pain constantly tormenting her. George could see the obvious confusion, thankful Percy had told him, yet it still broke his heart further to see some he loved in such a way,.
“The wall explosion,” whispered George in response, not daring to speak any louder, knowing if he did, the pain would only grow and strengthen. “He was killed instantly by the rumble,” added the younger of the Weasley twins, watching as it dawned on (Y/N) she had been stowed away with the body of one of her closest friends, his protector against any further harm. “Percy didn’t want to tell you after he saw the injury you had sustained,” finished George as he caught (Y/N) when her knees gave out, the tears staining her dusty cheeks. George was well aware there was little anyone could do to help outside of being there. Just seconds later, Charlie reappeared, sadness in his eyes as he looked upon the one he called wife, knowing there was so much left to do together. There was so much he still wanted to do with her. He still had all the I love you's left to spend on her and his dragons. George quickly realized what the sadness meant and could only look to (Y/N) with a new sense of brokenness, especially when Charlie shook his head to confirm his suspicions. 
“All we can do is make her comfortable,” whispered the elder Weasley as he once again picked (Y/N) up, holding her bridal style. Despite everything, hearing her sweet echoing giggle somehow gave him and George the false hope they needed to believe she would be okay, that she would survive. The same innocent laugh they knew would haunt them for the rest of their lives. The dragon tamer soon sat on the benches to the side of the hall near his family; (Y/N) was resting in his lap with her head against his muscular chest, his arms wrapped around her with one of her hands securely in his, George hugged Ron when he entered the hall. Not daring to speak about what the pain he knew was to come. Bill soon left Fleur’s side to join the pair of you. You were his family, too, the reason his younger brother broke his own vow of never marrying, the reason he spoke of something else other than his dragons.
“When this is over, can we all be a happy family again?” (Y/N) asked with a dazed look in her glazed eyes, not even noticing Hermione appear with concern. All either brother could do was shake their heads to give her the silent answer to her equally wordless question. “The laughter, mischief, love. The never-ending pranks. No war or threat to everything we know and love,” whispered (Y/N). Charlie could only press a soft kiss to the top of her head, his only wish that she would stay with him, yet he knew it wasn’t to be. So, he pulled out his wand, knowing what he was going to do was likely to be his last show of love and affection for his beloved wife.
“Expecto Patronum,” chanted Charlie as he swished his wand, showing his Patronus had changed to match her own. There were tears in his eyes as he saw her smile upon seeing the silvery dragon fly above before disappearing. “It will always be for you (Y/N) until the end,” added the heartbroken Weasley, confessing he wouldn’t love another as he had allowed himself to love her. There wouldn’t be anyone who could ever replace her as his love or soul mate. “Goodbye (Y/N), I know your love will guide us,” cried Charlie as he watched her tangled hair turn from the blue, it had been back to its natural black color for the last time; her body had already limp in his arms. All he could do was refuse to let her go, just holding her in a tight grip, knowing there was nothing he could do to bring his (Y/N) back. “I’ll see you again,” whimpered Charlie as Bill placed a comforting arm around his shoulder, tears of his own staining his cheeks. The toll of the war had come at a heavy price for the Weasley clan; all they could do was hope (Y/N) and Fred’s deaths weren’t in vain, just as he hoped none of those who defended the castle died for nothing.
With Voldermort’s death came the end of the war. The Weasleys huddle together, yet Charlie soon looked around him when he could have sworn he heard your soft voice. “I love you, Charlie, forever.”
Fen's Masterlist
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The Trickster and her secrets (fem!Slytherin reader x Charlie Weasley)
Masterlist (To view my Masterlist, visit my Tumblr page)
Words: 12.5k
Summary: Things are not what they seem around you. You know how to get what you want from others. A few people seem to look through you, but it only bothers you when one of them looks through you. That one person is Charlie Weasley... Pairing: fem!Slytherin reader x Charlie Weasley
Extra information: The reader is an Animagus, who can turn into a fox. _______________________________________________________ Some would call you smart; another person would just call you a psychopath. Honestly, you didn’t seem to care. You wanted to become someone. You didn’t want to be living in your brother’s shadow forever. Still, some may argue the way you were going was much better than the path your brother chose. You were basically the master of manipulating others. You would do anything to achieve success. No one would get in the way of that. What did you have to lose anyways? People already had low expectations of you because of your Jacob. Not to mention, your parents had been pretty much cold towards you ever since you were born. It was your grandfather who helped you out with becoming an Animagus, giving you a way to escape. You learned most of your tricks from him.
Now, your grandfather was gone and you had no family who you felt connected to. Summers usually involved running away from home. You would turn into a fox, occasionally stealing away food from unsuspecting Muggles or other ways to survive. Whenever you came home, your parents didn’t even miss you. It didn’t matter how much money the family had. Home was bearable when Jacob was still returning home from Hogwarts every holiday and summer. No one was there for you. No one knew how things were at your home. The things you told others were basically lies. Perhaps they knew something was up, but they never asked anything about it. What did it matter anyways? You were Y/N Y/L/N. It wasn’t like they actually wanted to be friends with you, right?
Perhaps you had friends, but you were scared to tear down that wall between you and them. This was the safest. Luckily you weren’t born with the Legilimency trait, that would only make things worse. You couldn’t imagine anyone thinking something positive about you. The only one you didn’t make friends with during your search was Charlie Weasley. Perhaps Bill was careful as well around you. The two of them didn’t seem to fall for your way of talking. 
It kind of irritated you when Charlie didn’t seem to like you. At first it was a little annoying, now it just made you give less of the fake smiles. It made you a lot more honest around him. At least, the irritation was apparent. You weren’t sure whether he liked it when you were more honest or made him act more irritated as well. You were aware Rowan knew you didn’t like Charlie, but you were certain some more people would know about it as well. Bill probably knew about it too from Charlie. It was certain the two of you were not getting along great. Still, he occasionally helped you. Probably Bill’s work.
As time went on, you honestly weren’t sure whether you actually hated Charlie or if something else was going on. The boy managed to make you feel so much more than most people did. You nearly lost your temper because of him. How could someone like him make you do that? She didn’t understand why he could see right through her. It made her feel vulnerable and weak. She was taught that smiles made people happy, even when you weren’t happy yourself. It would help people with loosening up and you could achieve more. Of course, those were the words of your grandfather, who was known for his charisma and charm. He wasn’t an honest man either. You didn’t know what his reasons were, but you felt like you and your grandfather had different motives to be the way you were. He gave you ways to escape and make things a little more pleasant. The only person that seemed to be proud of you and smiled at you during your childhood. Your parents would only smile and laugh if they could laugh at someone else’s misery, even yours. 
“Miss Y/L/N, while your grades are very good, I know you aren’t putting too much effort into things.” Professor Snape, giving you a stern look. “I believe we have talked about this last year as well.”
“I am trying my best, Professor. Besides, you just said my grades are very good, so there isn’t really a problem, right?” You said, tilting your head a bit with a small smile.
Professor Snape rubbed the bridge of his nose, as if he was about to get a headache from talking to you. “We all know you can do better than this. You are lucky you are cunning enough to fool most people, but not me.”
You sighed softly. Great, another one who saw through her. “Then what do you want me to do, Professor? I believe I have proven myself I am not as ‘incapable’ as my brother was during your classes.” You said honestly with another fake smile on your face. “I have worked really hard during your classes. I may not be on Penny’s level when it comes to brewing potions, but I am not bad either.”
“Yes… You have proven that. Still, try to put a bit more effort into other subjects as well. It wouldn’t hurt your grades for your O.W.L.s, miss Y/L/N.”
“Does that mean I am free to go again?”
“Alright. Thank you, Professor. Have a pleasant day.” You said with a sweet fake smile before leaving. 
Ugh, of course Professor Snape didn’t fall for your tricks. You wouldn’t be surprised either if Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore didn’t fall for your tricks either. Most others seem to fall for your tricks and charms. It worked for Professor Flitwick, Sprout, Quirrell, Trelawney, Kettleburn and Sinistra for sure.
You needed to unwind. You felt like that would be the only way to feel better like yourself. It was hard to keep smiling when you were irritated by something. Perhaps you could get in the forest. Maybe you could just have some fun walking around as a fox. It made things less complicated, that’s for sure.
Instead of going to do something productive like Professor Snape probably wanted, you went to the Forest. Of course, you made certain you weren’t seen by Hagrid. It wouldn’t be the first time you went into the forest without permission and you felt like Hagrid would be too honest to not tell anyone about it. It would be best to not be seen by anyone at all. Being around your friends would even be hard now. You needed some alone time. You were mostly surrounded by other people and it sometimes made you feel exhausted. Even more secluded places were sometimes occupied and the Forest wasn’t really a spot most people wanted to go to.
Except for one person… 
“Look what we have here, another trespasser.” You said, seeing the redhead you did not want to see. “How come you always end up in places where I wanted to go, Charles?”
Charlie rolled his eyes at you. “First, I don’t know why you and I often end up in the same place and second, don’t call me, Charles.”
“You want me to call you Charlie like everyone else? You and I both know I don’t see you like everyone else. Besides, Charles sounds very proper.” You said with a small smirk. “I suppose I should go further in the Forest. That way there would be enough distance between us.” You said, dropping the smirk.
“It seems like you show your true colours around me, Y/N. At least you stopped lying right in my face.” Charlie said, looking a bit annoyed.
“I am glad we understand each other so well. Why would I even smile around you anyways? The only thing that could make you excited is a dragon.” You said with a huff. “Besides, it is not like I am hurting anyone you care about.”
Charlie narrowed his eyes. “That doesn’t make you a better person.”
“Who said I was a better person? I am certainly not here to compete against you or anything.” You said before walking off in a certain direction.
“You really shouldn’t go that way.”You turned around to face Charlie. “Why not?”
“There are many Acromantulas in that area.” He said honestly.“I didn’t know you cared about my safety.” You said slightly amused. “Don’t worry, Weasley. I can handle it. It’s not like I have never been here.” You gave him a wink before walking into that direction anyways. 
“Hey! You really shouldn’t go in there, not during this time!” Charlie said, following you.
You gritted your teeth a little. Why would he even bother? It didn’t make any sense to you. You continued walking, ignoring him. Eventually he just stepped in front of you, blocking your way.
“Merlin, can you be even more annoying than you are now? I can handle this just fine!” You said, feeling a little surprised you were about to lose your temper.
“I am just trying to prevent you from getting in unnecessary danger!” Charlie seemed to lose his cool as well. “Do you want your friends to worry about you? Because you clearly don’t care about heading into danger.”
“Oh, just leave me alone, will you! Don’t you dare to lecture me about this. You probably have headed into the Forbidden Forest more times than you have entered the fucking library!” You yelled. Wow, that sounded strange. You hadn’t yelled in years. The mask you made has fallen apart. He was the first one to witness raw emotions.
“Just go in another direction than that one and I will just let you go.” Charlie seemed to be determined to keep you away from that direction.
“What is that?” You said, pointing at something to distract Charlie. Once Charlie looked away, you began to shift into a fox and began running past Charlie.
“Y/N!” You heard him say in the distance, but you didn’t care. You needed to go away. 
After a little while, you shifted back into your regular form. You walked over to one of the trees and leaned your back against it. Eventually you slid down the tree, beginning to hug your knees. Not only had you lost your temper around him, you also showed him you were an Animagus. Could this day turn out to be even worse than it already was?
You noticed tears were rolling down your cheeks. You put your hands to your cheeks, seeing you were actually crying. You rubbed them away and tried to make it stop, but you just couldn’t. All those emotions you had tried to repress for so long, they all had come out at once. Always trying to be cool and charming, it was all fake. You weren’t perfect, you didn’t feel confident… It was all a big lie. Just to feel like you were more than Jacob’s sibling, more than just nothing in the eyes of your parents. 
“Jacob mastered his Legilimency.” Your mother said one day during dinner.
“Yes, Jacob seems to be very talented. His professors seem to say good things about him. He always was talented.” Your father replied.
“You are getting a bit behind, dear. Jacob managed to do more than you can do when he was your age.” Your mother said to you.
“Grandfather said I am doing pretty good.” You replied softly.
“Your grandfather is just sparing your feelings; you are probably doing just average.” Your mother laughed softly.
“Or he is just losing his touch…” Your father grumbled. 
You hated them so much. Oh, Jacob was so talented and they made it clear you were not. You were just there. It still pisses you off. When Jacob disappeared, they made it clear the name Jacob was forbidden. It always surprised you how easily they gave up on Jacob. Even with him gone, they didn’t care about you. 
You shook your head a bit, trying to get a grip on yourself. How could you lose your cool like this? This never happened at school before. Perhaps you just couldn’t handle two people looking right through you. Although, you could deal with Snape. Charlie was a different case for sure. You weren’t sure how he managed to make you feel all kinds of things. You weren’t even sure why you began dropping your mask around him. The person you just couldn’t get along with after trying your best to make them like you just didn’t buy your act.
Sure, you didn’t get along with everyone, like Merula. But you didn’t even bother with her after she began spreading more lies about your brother and your sanity. You knew you probably had said many hurtful things back to her. Of course, it seemed to lack malice, you knew they weren’t nice. You could say them with a smile, as if you were joking. That didn’t make it better.
Perhaps everyone knew you weren’t always one of the nicest people. You could charm people with nice words, but you were also using your words well enough to passively insult others. Only your friends were spared from any bad words. While you kept some distance from them and you felt like they may leave you at any time. You lied to them occasionally, especially when you were talking about family. You tried to distract them with other things and just charm your way through things. Your life was just a big lie created by yourself, to stop feeling hurt.
“Who cares what they are thinking of me? It doesn’t matter… I just need to prove myself and show them I am better than Jacob. I… I want grandpa to be proud of me…” You said softly to yourself, trying to make you stop crying.
You froze when you noticed a shadow was coming closer to you. No, not one shadow, multiple ones. Perhaps you should have listened to Charlie. You slowly got back on your feet, noticing about four Acromantulas making their way over to you. This wasn’t looking too good for you. You would have to run quickly! Once again you began to shift into a fox.
You felt like you would be harder to hit if you were smaller and most likely quicker. You tried to find your way back. However, the Acromantulas didn’t give up so easily on their prey. You could feel the adrenaline. It helped you with running away as fast and as long as you could, but they weren’t slow creatures either.
You nearly avoided them attacking you, but you tripped. You began rolling down a hill, eventually hitting a tree with your back. You felt you were shifting back into your regular self and slowly tried to get back up. You hissed, feeling pretty hurt. You felt like you weren’t safe yet. You tried to move as quickly as possible, but you were much slower.
Suddenly you felt like you were pulled aside by something…. 
You wanted to scream, but you felt a hand cover your mouth when you did. Your heart was racing and kind of wanted to just kick your way out of there. 
That was until she heard a familiar voice whisper something. “Stay low for a moment… They may not be able to see us here.”
You tried to turn around a little, seeing Charlie once more. Did he go looking for you? Why would he even do such a thing for you? You did what he told you to do, not making any sound. You still felt your heart racing, still feeling scared. You could probably handle one Acromantula, maybe two. Four was definitely too many to face at once. You would probably end up dead.
Charlie had removed his hand from your mouth and was definitely staying alert for the time being. He was listening for any sounds, holding his wand in one hand in case they sneaked up on you.
After a while, Charlie slightly began to move, checking the area once more before moving away from the spot you had been hiding. “Come on… Let’s get away from this area. It is invested with Acromantulas this time of the year.”
You were hesitant to move after what happened. You may have witnessed the horrors of the Cursed Vaults, but this was a horrifying moment too.
Charlie suddenly just grabbed your arm pulling you along with him after seeing you weren’t about to move.
You were about to say something about it, but nothing seemed to come out of your mouth at this moment. Honestly, you felt pretty pathetic. 
Once you were back in the clearing you had first seen each other, Charlie let go of your arm and just looked at you. “Do you understand why I said you shouldn’t go to that side of the forest now?”
“....” You looked away a little.
“If you had listened to me, you would have known it was their mating season. Acromantulas tend to get pretty aggressive if other people or creatures are around.” Charlie muttered, shaking his head. “Honestly, are you trying to get yourself killed out there? Four Acromantulas could have easily killed you!”
You felt yourself getting smaller when he talked about it some more. He was basically scolding  you for what happened.
“It’s a good thing you turned yourself into  a fox, because it probably made it harder for them to target y-....” He stopped talking and looked slightly confused. “Are you… are you crying?”
You blinked, once again feeling your cheeks were covered in tears. You quickly turned away from him in embarrassment.
“Did you get hurt?” He asked, slowly stepping towards you.
“I… I am fine… I just need a minute.” You said softly, trying to get once more a grip on yourself, trying to take deep breaths. “You… you can laugh if you want… I probably look pathetic now.”
“Laugh? Why would I laugh at you for this? What kind of person do you think I am?” Charlie sounded a little shocked.
“Someone who hates my guts?” You mumbled softly, rubbing your eyes some more. “Merula would probably have laughed or anyone else…”
“Y/N… I…” He shook his head a bit, not sure what to say right now. “I do not hate you. I just don’t like the fact you are constantly lying or being dishonest around other people. You put this major wall around yourself, like no one even knows who you are. Not to mention, the many fake smiles you put up. It’s a bit scary.” 
“I just don’t know who you are and whether you can be trusted because of that. You know how people work and how they could help you, but do you even care about others? It is really hard to tell…” Charlie admitted.
“... That makes sense.” You said softly. “I… I don’t know who I am either sometimes.”
“Does someone force you to just hide everything from everyone?” He asked.
“No… maybe… It’s complicated.” You mumbled softly, before slowly looking back at Charlie again. “I can’t talk about this… Not now. I don’t know if I ever can. So please… Stop asking.” You were basically pleading.
“...Fine. Let’s get you out of here though. I don’t think you should probably stay here much longer.” He said softly. 
___________________________  Charlie noticed some changes in you after that day in the Forbidden Forest. You seemed to put down that mask around your friends more often. It was like he was getting glimpses of the real Y/N. Although, he could also see you struggling occasionally.
Every time the two of you ended up at the same place, it just felt different. You seemed to get less and less irritated by him and he felt less irritated by your behaviour. You were probably still the most honest around him. While you would still make remarks, it felt more like banter than anything else.
“Dragons again? I would have thought you would be thinking about the last Quidditch match before Christmas. It wouldn’t be fun if you would just let my house win the Quidditch cup.” You told him at the Great Hall. “Or at least think about how you will survive Christmas this year.
Charlie rolled his eyes at you. “Don’t worry about the Quidditch cup, I won’t make it easy for the Slytherin team at all. Also, I doubt you will try to kill me during Christmas. I still don’t know why Bill thought it was a good idea to invite you over from Christmas this year.”
“Ah, luckily, I don’t give a damn about the Quidditch cup. I would rather root for Andre. Maybe even for you if I feel like it.” You said with a shrug. “Oh, I believe Bill overheard me when I said I haven’t celebrated Christmas in ages. I kind of celebrate it here at Hogwarts, but it is not really the same.” 
“I feel honoured you would maybe root for me as a Slytherin.” Charlie said amused, shaking his head a bit. “Ah, so he felt bad for you? Well, maybe if you are nice, you will get a nice little gift from me too.”
“Well, I’d rather root for friends than just some people I don’t know.” You said honestly. “I can’t promise you that. It is hard to not tease you from time to time. You can always give me some coal like Muggles do with bad children.”
“I suppose I should consider giving you that for Christmas.” He chuckled, before he suddenly looked a little off guard. “Wait... You see me as a friend?” 
You gulped softly. “Well… I  thought… If you don’t want to be…”
“No…!” Charlie looked mostly confused at the moment.
“Oh… I see.” You said softly, feeling a bit disappointed.
“No, no! I don’t mean I don’t want to be friends with you. It just surprised me.” He quickly said. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to make you think I did not want to befriend you.”
“It’s okay, I mean, I haven’t been the nicest to you. I would have understood if you didn’t want to be friends. I just thought… We seemed to be getting along better, so I thought this could be the time to start a real friendship. Thanks to you, I feel much closer to our other friends. I want us to move on from that moment I just… Was plain mean to you.” You rubbed your arm a little.
“Well… I forgive you for your past behaviour. The time we have spent together is definitely more pleasant. Although, your way of teasing…”
“Oh shit… I am sorry, did I say something too mean?”
“Nah, I was just messing with you.” He winked.You let out a fake gasp. 
“How dare you!”
“Let’s say it is payback time.” He said amused.
“Well… That’s only fair.” You said with a nod, giving him a smile.
Charlie was certain that was the nicest smile you had ever given or at least… The nicest smile you had given him. ___________________________  Christmas at the Burrow was definitely great. Charlie could tell you were pretty nervous at first, putting on that mask first, but she slowly let her guard down. His mum made sure you felt welcomed. You seemed to get along with everyone quite nicely. You didn’t try to be this perfect and cool person you pretended to be at first. You didn’t need to charm your way through things all the time. You felt much more relaxed and at ease.
You went to bed early Christmas evening. You said you didn’t want to wake up Ginny, so went to bed around the same time as she did. Honestly, you just thought it was the right thing to do. Also, you felt pretty tired from all the socializing and new people. It took quite some energy to let your guard down. It worked, but you knew it was still hard to do.
“Such a nice girl. It was definitely the right decision to invite her over.” Molly said. “You said she didn’t really celebrate Christmas with her family for a while, right Bill?”
“Yeah, she said they stopped celebrating it after Jacob’s disappearance.” Bill said with a nod.
“Really? After Jacob’s disappearance?” Charlie asked, tilting his head a bit.
“That’s what she said. Apparently, the family didn’t feel like celebrating anything at that point anymore.” Bill said with a shrug.
“I have always wondered how things were at the Y/L/N family. From what I have heard, they were pretty prestigious. They were often praising their son. I barely heard anything about Y/N before she went to attend Hogwarts with you.” Molly said honestly.
Charlie frowned a little. “So Jacob was always praised and Y/N wasn’t?”
“I wouldn’t know that. I just thought it was strange they barely mentioned her name.” Molly said, not wanting to make any conclusions. 
Bill shook his head a bit. “Well, I am just glad she will have a nice holiday this year. Probably better than to be alone. I believe no one was staying at Hogwarts this year. At least none of our friends were.”
“Merula would probably have stayed, but she and Y/N are definitely not meant to stay Christmas alone at Hogwarts.” Charlie shook his head a bit with a grin.
“Well, you and Y/N weren’t really getting along either until early this year.” Bill said honestly with a grin. “She definitely changed a bit too after you two began getting along. In a positive way.”
“Really? You two didn’t get along at first?” Molly asked, looking surprised.
“We constantly got on each other’s nerves at first. We had talked a bit and that seemed to help.” Charlie said, leaving the part of the Forbidden Forest out of it. He wasn’t going to talk to his mum about it.
“Well, I am glad you two talked to each other. You seem to get along pretty well from what I have seen.” Molly said with a smile. “You wouldn’t happen to fan-”
“Mum!” Charlie looked embarrassed. At least you weren’t there to hear it.
“What? It could happen, even to you.” She said honestly.
“That doesn’t mean I just…” Charlie shook his head a bit. “Let’s not talk about this now. What if she came back downstairs and heard this?”
“Well… Alright. What about you Bill, have you met anyone yet?” ___________________________  “What are you doing outside? Aren’t you feeling cold?” 
You turned around, seeing Charlie standing there. "I just wanted some fresh air."
"Without your coat?" He held up your coat, shaking his head with a small grin. "Honestly, are you trying to freeze to death?"
You snatched your coat from him and put it on with a small grin. “Give me a break. I didn’t even notice the cold before you said something.” You put on your coat and just looked at him.
“Be glad I said something or you would have turned into an ice sculpture .”
“Sounds fun. You could probably enter some ice sculpture contest if I did turn into one.” 
Charlie shook his head once more. “Well, since you are outside, perhaps you would like to just walk around for a bit.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad.” You said honestly. “Gives me some more room to tease you.”
“Oh? You don’t feel like you can do that indoors?” He said with a grin.
“Well, not as much as I like to. Besides, some people may misinterpret our bantering for something else.” You shrugged.
“Still making sure you don’t look bad in front of others, do you?”
“Of course, it’s not like I can completely change that. I mean, I haven’t really been really ‘dishonest’, have I?”
“No, you have been pretty genuine these days.” Charlie said honestly.
“Good, I mean, that’s what you wanted, right? Making sure you would actually know the real me?” You said with a grin.
“I hope you haven’t only done this for me….”
You snorted. “You would wish I did.” You shook your head a bit. "You did help me with getting in the right direction." 
Charlie kept walking around with you. You both didn’t say much after what you said. It didn’t really feel awkward though. It somehow didn’t really matter. You felt pretty at peace and Charlie didn’t seem to mind it either.“
You must have had a really nice childhood at home.” You suddenly said, breaking the silence.
“Well, it can be hectic sometimes, but I love my family. Even when some of them can get on my nerves from time to time.” He said with a chuckle.
“Must be nice.” You said honestly. “Very different from my childhood.”
Charlie looked at you, seeing this look on your face he just couldn’t describe. It did give him some negative vibes though. It was almost like an empty expression, like you didn’t show anything, but your eyes basically said enough. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I kind of want to, but at the same time I feel like I can’t.” You said, shaking your head a bit before giving him a sad smile. “Maybe another time I will be able to.”
“Alright, I won’t force you to talk about it. It is up to you when and who you want to talk to about this.” He said honestly.
“.... Sounds good.” You nodded a bit before you took a deep sigh. “I know I came up with this topic myself, but can you change the subject? Anything will be great.”
“Yes, anything.”
“How about… Dragons?”
You snorted a bit. “Fine, talk about those dragons. Thanks to you, I probably know more about dragons than I probably should know at this point.”
“But they are pretty fascinating, aren’t they?”
“Very fascinating, Charlie.” ___________________________  The holidays were over. That meant you had to go back to Hogwarts. You definitely had a great time at the Weasley’s and thanked them multiple times for letting you stay over for the holidays. It was nice to be around a family like them. You were really surprised when you even received a jumper from Mrs. Weasley. You knew that was going to be a part of your lounging outfit during winter.
Back at Hogwarts, things slowly got back to normal. Well, as normal as life could be for you. Things were still a mess, but you were dealing with it. You occasionally put on this mask, especially around people you just didn’t trust. It was just hard to get rid of an old habit. Still, you also didn’t feel like fighting everyone who got in your way. Merula often got on your nerves, although not as much as she used to. Only Charlie had managed to break that mask. If he didn’t, you probably wouldn’t be friends with him now. You probably wouldn’t have gotten any closer to your friends either. It was sometimes scary, but your friends hadn’t disappointed you or betrayed your trust. 
Sometimes you were wondering how you and Charlie became such good friends. You just felt closer to him than anyone else. He made you feel things you didn’t think you would be capable of. You kept teasing him and he just began teasing you back. However, you found yourself around Charlie a lot these days. You couldn’t really figure out what it was about Charlie that made you keep going to him. You almost wondered whether you were put under some spell that made you keep thinking about him. 
“Sounds like you have fallen for him.”
If you had been drinking water, you would have spit it out. You looked at Rowan with almost a disgusted look. Fallen? For Charlie? That just sounded weird. “You must have understood me wrong, Rowan. Fallen for Charlie… Ha! What a joke!”
Rowan gave you an apologetic smile. “Well, what you describe to me just sounds like it… Not to mention, I am pretty sure I heard Penny and Andre talking about it.”
You huffed. “Honestly, it is almost like they want to make up silly rumours about me. Come on, there are already enough rumours about me, I don’t need more.”
“I am pretty sure that is not what they want…” Rowan said honestly. “Although, you do spend so much more time with Charlie these days… People just start to wonder.”
“Charlie and I are just friends. Things just seem less complicated around him.”
“So, you feel at ease around Charlie?”
“Yes, I feel at ease around him.” You rolled your eyes. “I am not in love with him!”
"Whatever you say, Y/N." Rowan said, shaking their head a bit.
You sighed softly, feeling like you were about to facepalm yourself. Rowan was wrong. You just felt at ease around Charlie, you felt free around him. You could just be yourself around him. While you could be much more open around your friends, it didn’t feel as comfortable as it did around Charlie. 
"I am just happy Charlie has had a good influence on you." Rowan suddenly said.
"What do you mean?" You tilted your head a bit.
“Well, you are much more open these days. I am happy you are trusting us." They said with a smile. "You used to be much harder to read and I wasn't always sure what to do. I felt like you were kind of trapped, but I didn't know how I could help you. Whatever Charlie did, it helped you out." 
You grinned a bit. “Well… I am glad about that too.” You admitted. “I thought it would be more... scary, you know? Being more open. It still is scary, but not as much as I expected.”
“I think you are doing really well. Our friends seem to be happy about it.” They said with a smile.
“I still think it would be hard to do around strangers or people I do not know well.”
“That’s okay, you just need to warm up to these people, at least the one you feel like you can trust.”
“I suppose so... “
“Just set up smaller goals. That way you feel like you have achieved more things than you thought. It helps you keep track of your progress.” 
“That may work.”
___________________________  “Jae probably thinks I am a robot.” You groaned softly when you sat down next to Charlie in the Great Hall again.
“Why do you think so?” Charlie asked, raising an eyebrow.
“That fake smile kept creeping up my face the entire time. I wasn’t sure whether Jae was creeped out or entertained by it.”
“Jae probably thought it was funny. I mean, you are trying your best. You don’t know Jae that well yet, right?”
“I know Jae mostly from detentions… I may have asked for some supplies too for ‘you know what I mean’.” You mumbled, not wanting to mention the Vaults.
“Look at it this way. You are trying much earlier than you tried with us all, that’s something.” 
“Is that supposed to make me feel better about my behaviour? Because it sounds like I have been a horrible friend to everyone.”
“That’s not what I mean and you know it, Y/N.” Charlie said with a small frown.
“Yes, yes, I know…. I am just frustrated.” You sighed. “Maybe I should let Jae follow me into the Forbidden Forest with some Acromantulas…”
“Y/N, I swear….” Charlie pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment. “If it was up to me, you would never get near the Acromantulas again. At least, not alone.” 
“Are you afraid I would freeze up again? I can handle one Acromantula, I have learnt the perfect spell for it.” You said with a grin. “I have to admit, I was really off guard at that moment.”
“As someone who goes to the Forbidden Forest occasionally, I think you should only go there if you need to be there. There is no need to get yourself in danger for no reason.”
“So it’s okay if you are putting yourself in danger, but not if it is me?” You raised an eyebrow.
"Well… I have more experience than you have when it comes to the Forbidden Forest."
You rolled your eyes, thinking the redhead’s ears were turning a little red. "Hypocrite." You mumbled amused.
"I don't like seeing you walk into danger for no reason." Charlie said, rubbing his arm a bit.
“Considering I have been looking for the Cursed Vaults, I think I have been walking into danger quite often.”
“Still, that’s no reason to put yourself in unnecessary danger.” Charlie just shook his head.
“Wow, you begin to sound so much like Bill now.”
Charlie’s eyes widened. “What? I do not!”
“Yes, you do. Very concerned about all of us and he tries to be strict with us when we do or are about to do something wrong.” You said with a small smirk on your face. “It could be worse, of course. You don’t keep telling me about the rules like Percy would do.” 
“I don’t see what you are talking about.” Charlie began to look annoyed. “Bill and I are not the same.”
“I am just saying, you are acting like him when we are talking about-”
“Bloody hell, Y/N…! I am just trying to look after you!” Charlie stood up, looking like he was about to get mad. “You know what? Do whatever you want. Clearly you don’t care what happens to you.” He grumbled before walking away.
You blinked in surprise by his reaction. You thought you were just joking around? Did you really offend him? You wanted to say you were sorry, but instead you stood up as well. “Maybe I will...!” 
He didn’t even turn around when you said that. You sat back down again, fuming you had made Charlie go away like this. Of course, it wasn’t the first time you two argued, but still… 
You felt angry with yourself. The longer you kept thinking about it, the angrier you became. So, you just grabbed your stuff and stormed out of the Great Hall to go back to the Slytherin Common room.
___________________________ “Wow, what is your problem, Y/L/N? Did you finally snap and go mad like your brother?” Merula said with a smirk when you had entered the dormitory. Of course she had to be here when she wanted to dump some stuff on your bed.
“Yes, should I infect you with my madness now?” You gave her a sarcastic look before roughly pulling out some books out of your bag. Rowan would probably have scolded you if she saw how you were throwing your books on the bed like that.
“Damn… Whoever made you act like this should probably be armed.” Merula muttered, definitely trying to anger you more.
“Maybe you should shut your damn mouth or it is you who should be armed.” You snapped at her, not wanting to deal with her.Merula rolled her eyes and ignored you after that.
You grabbed a notebook and put it in the bag. After that you quickly left the dormitory. You passed Liz and Barnaby, but you needed to calm down and couldn’t talk to them.  
You weren’t sure how many people you had seen, but you didn’t care. You needed to be away from people. Once again, Charlie had made you feel so many things at once. Honestly, everyone could say shit about you and you wouldn’t care. If Charlie said something, you reacted so strongly.
You kept walking until you reached the edge of the forest. You weren’t thinking clearly anymore and transformed into a fox, pulling the bag along with you. At least no one would bother you in the Forbidden Forest. The trees seemed to be passing by and you had not paid any attention to where you were going. The only thing on your mind was to keep moving. You didn’t care about anything else but going anyway.
This was what you were good at. Running away, like always. The way how you would simply spend the summers away from home. It was just like that. You were nothing special to your family. You would always remain in Jacob’s shadow to your parents. They would only be disappointed. They didn’t give you any attention nor did they care whether they saw you or not during the summers. 
“It doesn’t matter, child. They wouldn’t care if you performed advanced magic or anything. My son only wanted Jacob to have an heir.” Your grandfather told you. “Until they have found the perfect match for you to connect our family to a better one, you will basically be invisible.” 
“Is it because I am a girl?”
“I believe so… You won’t be able to carry our name when you marry. Therefore, they want to make connections with other rich and influential families. You are basically a tool to get them more connections.”
“So, I have no say in what happens to me?”
“I am afraid not. Unless you leave you won’t have a choice. Still, you wouldn’t leave this old man without someone to teach, would you?”
“... Where could I go anyways?”
“I have been in your situation. I was the youngest of the family. They told me I was an accident, so most care went into my older brothers. Still, that didn’t stop me from trying to become the best and eventually… I did become the best of all my brothers. I may not have acted like it, but I was quite bitter to my parents for how they raised me.”
“So, it would be possible to be better than Jacob?”
“In theory, yes. While Jacob has definitely talent, being able to become a Legilimens at an early age, I think you would be capable of great things as well.”
“Like what?”
“Tell me, Y/N. How familiar are you with the term Animagus?” 
Oh, you remembered studying for hours with your grandfather, trying to know everything about Animagi. You never talked about it with your parents though. You also studied other things with your grandfather you were allowed to talk about, but your parents didn’t think it was good enough. Jacob seemed to like it though, but was often silenced by your father who rather heard Jacob talking about his studies.
You loved Jacob, but you hated living in his shadow. He was your older brother and he was supposed to be there for you. Then he was gone… Only your grandfather was there for you, only to die soon after. You were on your own, trying to remember everything your grandfather had taught you. 
“It is better to keep things to yourself sometimes. Don’t share negative thoughts and be positive. Keep smiling and use the nicest words you can think of. That’s the key to gaining people’s trust.” Your grandfather told you when he was teaching you his way. “I didn’t become successful by speaking up my mind every time. Just think of it as twisting the words the right way. It will make you sound much more intelligent.”
“So I can’t be honest?”
“People don’t like listening to the negative aspects of life. In order to gain power, you need to be liked by everyone.”
“But my parents-”
“They are not the ones worth your time. Figure out what people you need in order to reach your goals. Do your parents help you with that?”
At the time, your grandfather’s lessons seemed to be helpful. You managed to set your plan in motion when you were old enough to go to Hogwarts. Now, you didn't know if this plan was actually helpful or just made you unable to form actual relations with your peers. You couldn’t be open with them in the beginning. Charlie was the first one not to buy the things you said to please him. He was the one who broke the mask and slowly got your true self out of you. 
You shifted back to your human form and stared at the ground. You kept walking slowly, not looking up.
The one who helped you out so much the past year. The one who reassured you when you were having doubts and the one who would hold up a mirror to your behaviour… He kept helping you, while you just did things that potentially hurt his feelings. You felt like an asshole. You probably were an asshole. You walked over to a tree and leaned your back against it. You slowly slid down and hugged your knees once you were on the ground.
You wanted to blame your upbringing for this all, but would that be fair? You felt like you could have done something yourself to change more…
Charlie sighed when he was making his way to the Great Hall. He hadn't seen you after you two were basically yelling at each other. He knew he probably reacted a bit too harsh himself. Still, he hated being compared to Bill. Just like you hated being compared to Jacob. Perhaps he was just triggered when you said he acted like Bill. He just wanted to make sure you weren't doing anything dangerous.
You had made a good point about him going into the Forbidden Forest often. Still, he couldn’t help it but to be worried about you. He was quite fond of you and didn't want you to get hurt. He definitely had to talk to you. It wasn’t the first time you two argued, although it felt like a long time ago… Perhaps most arguments didn’t end up in basically yelling at each other either. He would have to admit, it felt different this time. 
Charlie stopped walking when he heard two familiar voices. He could swear he heard them say your name. 
"What do you mean Y/N didn't come back to the dormitory last night?" Penny asked Rowan, who looked concerned.
"She never entered the Slytherin dormitory. I don’t even know if she entered the common room. She wasn't there for dinner either." Rowan looked nervous.
"Have you talked to Barnaby and Liz? Maybe they have seen her…?"
"Liz did say Y/N was looking quite pissed yesterday… Merula also made some comments about it. No one has seen Y/N since yesterday."  
"Hold up, Y/N hasn't been seen since yesterday?" Charlie made his way over to Rowan and Penny. He definitely heard enough.
"Charlie, have you seen her?" Rowan asked, looking a bit more hopeful, thinking he knew more.
"No, not today at least." He answered, rubbing the back of his neck. "We may have had a little argument yesterday…"
Penny frowned. "A little argument…?"
"Okay, I think we're both pretty pissed afterwards…" He admitted.
"So, that would explain what Liz had seen and Merula's reaction… Still, that isn’t going to help us find Y/N. Where would she be?" Rowan continued to look worried. "She wouldn't have run away, would she?"
Charlie thought about the argument. He became a little pale when he thought about a place where you could be. "She wouldn't… would she?" 
"What? Charlie, what wouldn’t she do?" Rowan asked.
Without a word Charlie began running away from Rowan and Penny.
"Charlie!" Penny yelled after him, watching him disappear through the crowd. "Great… He may know where she is, but what if he needs help?"
"Let’s go to Bill…" Rowan suggested.The two went off to find Bill.
Charlie had been running in the Forbidden Forest immediately once he made his way outdoors. He just knew you would probably go there. It was the place you two were discussing before he stormed off. 
“You know what? Do whatever you want. Clearly you don’t care what happens to you.”
“Maybe I will..!” 
Perhaps saying that to you was just one of the stupidest things he could have done. You were stubborn, especially when he was around. You weren’t afraid to go against him. You probably took his words to heart.
Charlie stopped running for a moment, trying to figure out where you could have gone to. He had to figure it out before whatever out there was going to hurt you or worse, kill you. There were many possibilities to die in the Forbidden Forest. Not all Magical Creatures would immediately kill someone, but if you did something unexpected… Well, he didn’t want to think about it. The last time you ran away from him, you ended up facing four Acromantulas.  
“That could have ended up worse than it already did, Y/N.” 
Charlie blinked when he heard your name once more. It sounded pretty familiar. 
“... Lucky me.”
“Honestly, what were you doing sleeping out here? You are quite aware of the dangers in the forest.”
“Avoiding the dangers of being completely shattered mentally in the castle.” 
Charlie made his way closer to the voices. He didn’t get too close, seeing you and Torvus. He grimaced when he looked at you. You didn’t look too good. You seemed to have some wounds and looked considerably pale. Your arms and hands seemed to be covered in scratches and you seemed to have a wound on your head. 
“Maybe people are right about me. I am mad ‘like Jacob’. I can’t even behave like a normal being. Wherever I go, I cause problems.” You sounded annoyed with yourself. “I have tried so hard to get liked by saying the right things, I barely know who I am. It was like it became my personality. The things my grandfather taught me were wrong, so wrong. I am getting more and more aware how fucked up I have become because of following his ways. It’s honestly pathetic. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had not helped me out back there.”
“The stars definitely tell me it is not your time yet. Besides, you have helped me a couple of times. It was no trouble helping you out.” Torvus said. “The ways you were taught were twisted, but it seemed to have helped you a little. It’s up to you whether you want to continue his ways or find your own ways.”
“Well… The latter sounds preferable…”
“Then you will have to figure out a way to do so.” Torvus said honestly. “Now, you should probably head back to the castle and get help to help you with your injuries. Your blood will definitely attract the attention of some more creatures.”
“Both options sound terrible. Getting the attention of other creatures and going back to the castle where people will most definitely scold me for being a complete idiot.” 
“Scolding you will be something to worry about later.” Charlie said when he finally made his way over to you and Torvus.
“Charlie?” You looked surprised to see him.
“Hello Charlie.” Torvus greeted. “You definitely have the perfect timing to get her back to the castle.”
“I am glad I have the perfect timing for that.” Charlie said to Torvus before turning to you. “Y/N, you need to come with me.”
He looked baffled when you asked him that. “Why? Because you are hurt and you need someone to look at these injuries.”
“...Why are you trying to help me?” You seemed to be avoiding his eyes when you spoke, like you didn’t dare to look up. You also didn’t seem to move an inch.
Charlie swallowed, before he just gently took your hand. “Because I want to.”
“... Okay.”  
Charlie gave Torvus a nod before leading you away. He would get you out of here as soon as possible. You needed some help. The walk… It just felt like forever, especially because there was a silence between the two of you. Charlie wasn’t sure what he could say to you. To be honest, he felt like yelling in concern for you when he saw you, but that wouldn’t solve anything. He felt bad to see you like this even if it was you who made the decision to go here. He couldn’t really blame you either. You weren’t thinking clearly. Still, he felt responsible for you ending up here. 
“... I am sorry.”
He looked at you when he heard you speak.
“I shouldn’t have teased you like that…” You mumbled softly. “Scratch that, I shouldn’t have said those things to you. You were just concerned about me and I made some stupid comments about you being a hypocrite and being like Bill.”
“... Well, I guess it was a bit hypocritical of me. I know going into the Forbidden Forest is dangerous and I could end up hurt as well.”
“That doesn’t matter, I was just stupid.” You mumbled. “I have been a hypocrite too. I don’t want to be compared to Jacob and I compared you to Bill when I know you don’t want that either.”
“I think we both were stupid then. We both reacted too quickly. I am sorry too.”
Once again there was a silence between them. Charlie knew they were getting closer to the castle. He glanced at you for a moment. You looked exhausted. You definitely needed to get back to the castle as soon as possible. “We are almost there.”
You nodded a little in response. 
“... You don’t hate me, do you?”
Charlie blinked when you asked him that. “Of course not.”
“It would be okay if you did…" You mumbled softly.
"Well, I don’t hate you. You…. You are important to me." Charlie said, feelings his cheeks were slightly getting warmer.
"Important enough to run into the Forbidden Forest to look for me." You said with a slight grin. You were amazed you could even grin, especially with a headache that was getting even worse. Your body was growing heavy and you couldn't wait to just drop down on a bed. 
"Yes, you are that important, Y/N." Charlie rolled his eyes in amusement. He turned to look at you. Your eyes didn't seem to focus on anything and he could tell you were struggling to keep up the pace. He frowned for a moment and stopped walking.
You blinked, wondering why they stopped. Before you could ask, he seemed to stand in front of you with his back towards you. He bent his knees a little.
"Come on, get on my back."
"You look like you are about to collapse. Let me carry you." 
You could feel yourself getting flustered, but you were too tired to argue. You placed your arms over his shoulders and he reached his arms underneath your legs. He slowly raised you up by straightening his legs and made sure he was steady enough to start walking. Once that was done, Charlie walked back to the castle, giving you a piggyback ride.
You noticed Rowan running towards you and Charlie. Penny and Bill had followed Rowan.
Charlie made sure you could carefully get off his back. You got off him and Rowan was immediately fussing over you. 
"Look at you…! You need to go to the Hospital Wing...!" They said, trying to support you on your way to the Hospital wing. 
Penny also seemed to get closer to you, standing on your other side. You glanced at Charlie, but he only gave you a nod, basically telling you to go with them. 
You sighed softly and nodded. “Alright, alright… Let’s get this over with.” You said, not looking forward to seeing Madam Pomfrey. You had a feeling she would not be too happy to see you injured again. 
Once you, Penny and Rowan were out of sight, Bill looked at Charlie. “What happened?”
“Torvus saved her from something in the Forest. I have no idea what happened there though.” Charlie said.
“I meant like what happened between you two.” Bill said, crossing his arms. “I have heard from Rowan and Penny you two had a fight.”
“It was more like an argument…”
“An argument that made her go to the Forbidden Forest for an entire night without telling anyone...?”
Charlie looked frustrated. “Look, Y/N and I both said things that were… well, not the best things to say to each other. I have never meant for her to run away to the Forbidden Forest…!”
“What things did you say to each other?”
“I don’t need to tell you everything, Bill.” Charlie said, looking away a bit. “The most important thing is that Y/N have talked about it and things are alright.”
“I am just looking after you, Charlie.” Bill said honestly. “I was worried when Penny and Rowan said you seemed to know where Y/N was, but didn’t tell anyone where you were going. If Y/N was in trouble and you couldn’t help her alone, who was going to help you both?”
“Okay, okay...! That may not have been smart, but I know my way around the place a lot better than most of you.” Charlie said honestly. “I wasn’t thinking much either. I just wanted to make sure she was okay.” 
“She drives me insane sometimes, you know?” Charlie looked at Bill. “It’s like she has more influence on my emotions than most people I know and I keep thinking about her.”
“I think you have feelings for her.” 
“You think… What?”
Bill chuckled softly. “She manages to make you feel all kinds of things, she is on your mind a lot and you run after her without a thought.” He pointed out a few things. “You like her more than just a friend.”Charlie’s face seemed to become a bit red. 
“That’s… Well…” He seemed to stumble on his words, not sure what to say next. 
“It’s up to you what you do with that knowledge, Charlie. I am not going to tell you to talk to her. You would have to do so on your own and when you feel like it’s the right time.”
“... Maybe.”
“I wonder what Mum would say if she knew this.” Bill said with a grin.
After Madam Pomfrey allowed you to go the next day, you made your way to the Great Hall. You were glad you were allowed to leave. Although, you had to spend another 15 minutes listening to Madam Pomfrey scolding you again before she actually let you go. You had a feeling she may write to your parents if something like that happened again, but you had a feeling they wouldn’t care too much about it. You were already a disappointment to them. 
You just wanted to find Charlie. You hadn’t had the chance to speak to him after Rowan and Penny ushered you to the Hospital Wing yesterday. You had hoped you could speak to him that day, but you had fallen asleep rather quickly once Madam Pomfrey gave you some Potions. You assumed one of the Potions was a Potion for Dreamless Sleep. Perhaps that was for the best, knowing you would probably have dreamt horrible things about what happened in the Forbidden Forest. It was probably a wonder you had slept for a few hours in the Forest at all.
Once you entered the Great Hall, you noticed some people looking at you. You could feel a fake smile about to creep on your face, but you tried to prevent it. Was it worth giving everyone a fake smile just to make people look at you in a certain way?
You began looking around the Gryffindor table, trying to spot Charlie. You noticed Bill, Percy and Ben, but no Charlie. You sighed softly, hoping to spot him there.  
“Y/N, over here!”
You turned around and noticed Penny waving at you from the Hufflepuff table. You gave her a small smile and made your way over to her. You couldn’t help it but to be a little disappointed you hadn’t seen Charlie just yet.
“Good morning, Penny.”
“Good morning. You look a lot better than you did yesterday.” Penny said with a smile.
“Good to know, I also feel a lot better than I did yesterday.” You said with a small laugh.
“That’s great. I am glad you are feeling better. Rowan, Bill and I were very worried about you when we were talking about how Charlie ran away to find you. Of course, our other friends were worried too.”  She said honestly. “Still, I couldn’t help but notice you were looking at the Gryffindor table just now. Were you looking for Charlie?”
Penny definitely knew what was on your mind. You nodded a little in response. “I was, but I didn’t see him.”
“I think you just missed him. He seemed to be quite in a hurry this morning.” She said honestly. “I assumed he was making his way over to the Hospital wing to see you.”
You felt like face palming yourself, but only let out a soft sigh. Of course, you have missed him on your way here. “I guess I will have to find him somewhere in the halls then. Thanks Penny.” You said when you quickly walked away.
“Shouldn’t you at least eat something?” She asked, calling after you.
“Breakfast can wait!” 
You quickly made your way back towards the Hospital Wing. Or at least, you weren’t planning to show your face to Madam Pomfrey. You didn’t want to risk her thinking you had already managed to get yourself in trouble again even though you haven't done anything just yet.
Things were quite busy in the halls and you had to get past the many students who were there. You hoped you would actually find Charlie. Once you were near the Hospital Wing, you spotted him walking out with a sigh. You tried to quickly make your way over to him, trying to wave at him. “Charlie, wait!”
You noticed Charlie turning towards you and had managed to make your way over to him. “Thank Merlin, I was worried I might have been too slow to find you here.” You said with a soft sigh.
“Y/N, I was looking for you.” Charlie said honestly.
“And I was looking for you. Here I thought you would be in the Great Hall like most people we know, but of course I missed you on the way there.”
Charlie rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. “I was, I think Bill would scold me if I skipped breakfast, so I quickly ate something before checking on you.”
“Penny said you seemed to be in a hurry.” You said honestly. “I quickly turned around to see if I could find you. Otherwise I would have probably made my way back to the Great Hall. Then I would have to eat breakfast without hearing you talk about dragons. That is not acceptable at all.” You seemed to be rambling a bit. You weren’t sure why; it was like you had to keep talking to him. 
Charlie shook his head a bit. “Well then, I suppose I should escort you back to the Great Hall.” He said with a grin. “As your friend I would have to make sure you reach the Great Hall and eat a proper breakfast after spending the night in the Hospital Wing. We don’t want to anger Madam Pomfrey after all.”
“Alright, alright. Lead the way.” You said with a grin. You were starting to feel more at ease again. It was like everything seemed to be alright between you two. There were some things you would still like to talk about, but things seemed to be okay between you two.
You seemed to be thinking a little too much, because she snapped out of it when someone bumped into you. You yelped softly when you felt like you were about to fall, but you were caught in Charlie’s arms.
“Are you okay?” He asked, tilting his head a bit.
Your face became slightly red and you nodded. “Uhm, yes. I am fine.” You said, getting out of his arms. “Thanks for the help.” You said with a smile.
You glanced away for a second before you looked at him again. He seemed to be glancing away as well, but you began noticing his ears were slightly red. 
“No wonder you are the Gryffindor Seeker. You have quick reflexes.” You said with a grin. Internally you began cursing yourself. Was that meant as a compliment or some kind of flirting? Why were you saying those kinds of things anyways? You knew you had opened up around Charlie, but it felt strange, like you had no filter around him anymore.
“Uhm, Thanks I guess?” You noticed him looking a little confused at you. He was still smiling though.
You could only feel your face heating up some. “Uhm, don’t mind me. I am probably acting a little weird because of the potions from last night.” You said, quickly coming up with some kind of lie to justify your behaviour.
“Uh-hu.” Charlie hummed, he didn’t seem to buy it. Of course he didn’t buy that. “We can talk about last night later if you want, Y/N. Just relax.” 
“Talk about last night?”
“That is what is on your mind, right?”
“Totally!” You could feel one of those happy fake smiles creeping on your face again.
“.... Now I feel like it is something else.”
The fake smile seems to be dropping from your face quickly. “Uhm… Let’s talk about it later. Please. I…”
“Of course, come on. Let’s get you some breakfast and we'll talk about it later, alright?” 
You took a deep breath and nodded. This wasn’t something to talk about in the halls. You wanted a bit more privacy
The talk you were supposed to have with Charlie seemed to have moved to another day. Once you have eaten breakfast, you were basically bombarded by questions from your other friends. You could only look at Charlie from a distance. Honestly, you wanted to talk about it. 
Now you couldn’t sleep. The rest of your dorm mates seemed to be sleeping. You were just feeling restless. You knew it could possibly get you into trouble, but you quietly sneaked out of bed. You put on your school robes and made it to the common room area. Perhaps you could arrange a meeting with Charlie. You began making your way towards the entrance and when the door was about to open, you transformed yourself into a fox.
You began navigating your way through the castle, trying to avoid most Professors. Once you had made your way to the seventh floor. If only you knew the password to the Gryffindor common room… Obviously, you hadn’t thought this through… 
Suddenly, you noticed the portrait opening. Perhaps this would be a chance to get through. You were ready to sneak past the person. However, you were surprised to see Charlie standing there with a look on his face like he was saying ‘I don’t know what I am doing.’
You noticed his eyes were suddenly on you. You two were staring at each other and then he quietly made his way over to you. “What are you doing here?” He whispered before he basically picked up. Then he walked back to the portrait and snuck you inside the Gryffindor common room. It was risky and clearly, Charlie was tired too. He basically entered the Gryffindor boy’s bathroom and closed the door behind him. He put you down on the floor and held his ear against the door, listening if someone was nearby.
You transformed yourself back and gave Charlie a nervous smile. “Before you ask… I couldn’t sleep and…”
“You decided to go to the seventh floor and go to the Gryffindor common room?” Charlie finished for you.
“Well… Something like that.”
“And how were you supposed to get in? You don’t have the password.” He whispered, frowning a bit.
“It wasn’t my best idea…” You admitted. “...Although, what were you doing? Why were you about to leave the common room at this time?”
Charlie rubbed the back of his neck. “Good question. I couldn’t sleep either. I thought about getting some fresh air.” 
“Funny how we both couldn’t sleep.” You mumbled, fidgeting with your fingers a bit.
“Yeah, very funny indeed.” Charlie mumbled, shaking his head a bit.
“Charlie… About what happened…” You began, rubbing the back of your neck.
“You wanted to talk about something else than what happened in the Forbidden Forest.” He said, remembering how that fake smile had crept on your face.“Well, yes. Partly yes. I wanted to speak about what happened in the forest and something else.” You admitted. “Please bear with me. I am not sure how this will go, because I haven’t talked about this a lot. The only one I confided in was my grandfather in the past and that hasn’t been working out either…”
Charlie blinked a little. “You want to talk about your upbringing...?”  
“Yes.” You said with a nod. “It will not be a pretty story to tell and will spare you some of the details, but I want you to know about it. It shouldn’t be an excuse for everything I have done, but it would be… well, some explanation to why I did certain things the way I did. Like… lying and manipulating.” 
“From a young age I knew my parents would never think as highly of me as they did of Jacob. Jacob was obviously their favourite. Jacob’s accomplishments would always be celebrated, mine would always be compared to his and seen as less.” You began. “At first, I wanted to do things better, trying to prove them wrong. However, it didn’t seem to matter. I was there… Just a tool to make more connections.” 
Charlie seemed to be frowning more and more when he listened to you. “So, they wanted to marry you off when you were old enough.”
“Yes, it was basically that.” You nodded. “Apparently I didn’t have the same talents as Jacob.” To be honest, talking about this kind of made you feel bitter towards Jacob, but mostly to your parents. “Still, there is a lot more to this all.”
“A lot more?”
“Yes, a lot more.” You sighed, wondering how you could tell this right. “I only had one person I could rely on. That was my grandfather. He became my teacher and mentor. He was the only one I could talk to without feeling like a complete waste of space.” You seemed to trail off a little, not sure how to continue. 
“But there is something more about him as well, isn’t there?” Charlie asked, having a feeling there was something about him.”
“Well, yes.” You admitted. “Still, I don’t want to think he is only at fault here… I think he didn’t know any better either.”
“Not only at fault here? What did he do, Y/N?” Charlie seemed to step a little closer to you.
“He was the one who taught me how to act around others. How I should not always speak up if it wouldn’t help me reach my goals. How I should try to be liked to gain more influence. How I should mostly smile and help those to reach my own goals, to become successful like him.” 
“He was the one who taught you all those things? Those things that made you lie or be dishonest around everyone, including the people who cared about you?” Charlie asked.
“Yes, but I don’t think he meant it as a bad thing…”
Charlie was baffled you seemed to defend someone who taught you those kinds of things. “He tried to turn you into a manipulative person, Y/N. That is not a good thing.”
“I know, I know...! But I didn’t have anyone else to be honest with.” You said, sounding a little frustrated. “Look, I am not saying he was a good man, I know he wasn’t. But he taught me ways to escape from feeling worthless and to actually escape from home. Besides, he was a lot like me during his childhood.” 
“Y/N…” Charlie could tell this was hard to talk about and that he couldn’t change your view of your grandfather immediately, but he couldn’t help it but to say something about it.
“Look, he was also the one who taught me to become an Animagus and I am grateful for that. These things he taught me made me feel better back then. I know it was wrong, but it was better than feeling like ‘that other child’ or just ‘Jacob’s little sister’.” You said honestly. “I have felt really lost when my grandfather passed away and when Jacob disappeared. Everything at home was just… unbearable. I have run away a lot as an Animagus to escape from home ever since.”
“You ran away a lot… Where did you go?” Charlie asked.
“Somewhere. I spent most of my summers as a fox, stealing food from unsuspecting Muggles to be honest.”
Charlie always had a feeling things were bad at your home, but he definitely wasn’t expecting this. “Damn, Y/N… Even your last few summers...?”
“Well, yes…”
“Why didn’t you…” Charlie stopped himself. Who would you ask to stay the summer with if you couldn’t even give them a reason.
“... Yeah, I could have asked for help, but I just couldn’t. I was just… scared, you know?” You admitted, looking at the floor.  
Things seemed to be a little quiet between you both. Honestly, what else could be said about this? You knew your upbringing was pretty bad and how it sounded even worse to anyone else. Charlie also wasn’t sure what to say next. He hesitated for a moment, but stepped even closer to pull you into a tight hug.
“Thanks for telling me about this. I can only imagine how hard that was to talk about.” He said honestly, thinking it was the only thing he could do now.You hugged him back and took a deep breath. It felt good to tell someone about this. 
“... Well, thanks for listening to me.”
“It’s the least I can do, Y/N.” He said honestly, looking at you. 
You looked up at him and gave him a small smile. You slowly let go of him and stepped a bit back. “I just had to tell you after what happened in the Forbidden Forest. I have been really mean to you and I was reflecting on why I was doing this. I felt awful for what I said and I didn’t want to blame everything on my upbringing. I want to change and I am trying to. I guess, I still have a lot to learn.” 
“You can’t change your behaviour in a day, Y/N. I know you are trying to change. Besides, I told you I forgave you.” Charlie said honestly.
“I know, I know, but you are important to me, Charlie. Merlin knows what happens if I lose you.” You said honestly. 
“You won’t lose me that easily.” He said with a small grin. “You are important to me as well, Y/N.
”You gave him a bright smile, feeling he was really honest with you. No matter what happened, you felt like you had each other to confide in. You wouldn’t want to lose that for anything in the world.
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if you have seen some of my lastest posts. you would notice that they are George weasley.
if you want to request something please feel free! because i need ideas.
but they don't just have to be for George!
other people i'm willing to write for are
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Oliver Wood
young or old marauders (Remus, Sirius and James)
Mattheo Riddle
Charlie Weasley
If you want to request anybody other than that I'll most definitely do my best to do it
either way, I'll try my best to do it as soon as possible.
I do x fem!reader but if you request male! or Gn! reader I will definitely do it.
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heythrrdelilah · 2 years
I have some free time now that I can’t finish my college with my class next week and have to wait until January. So send in those requests.
-Timothée chalamet (any of his characters too)
-regulus black
-kylo ren
-Adam driver (any of his characters too)
-Fred weasley
-Steve Rogers
-Chris evans
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electric guitar w fred weasley
𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙘 𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙡
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- fred weasley
a/n: my favourite redhead, and i love the idea of this and tysm for requesting, p.s requests are open love, tiya :)
requested- yes
warnings- none i think-
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you're on the bed in the Gryffindor boy's dormitory with fred. you're legs were sagged over fred's shoulders as you admired his pretty hands tuning his guitar. your pretty wannabe punk boy.
you wish he'd tune you like that. his soft hands fiddled with the strings running them up and down. you sat their flustered, how can someone manage to look so good?
he was making you feel electric godamnit.
shirtless with his overgrown hair put back with a hairband you found and his veins clearly shown was the view you had. abs flexing as they roamed the red electric guitar.
you feel a jolt as he pulls you down by your thigh falling not-so-angelically on to his lap as his guitar was now placed to his side.
fuck he looked prettier above me
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wreckofawriter · 1 year
Only If You Catch Me
pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader
summary: fred had always been frustrated by your endeavors with other men, especially other men that always looked quite a bit like him. after a disastrous mistake during quidditch practice you find yourself wondering how you had never seen fred Weasley in the light you saw him in now
word count: 4.4k
warnings: jealousy, language (maybe?), only proof read once so sorry for any mistakes!
a/n: this is my first big piece in ages, I hope you guys enjoy and im so sorry for my prolonged absence i fell off on writing for a while and im just now getting back to it
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Some things were just facts, plain and simple; the sky is blue, two and two is four and you had a type.
“Another ginger I see.” Alicia murmured as you sat down across from her, pints of butter beer clinking together. Your eyes were locked with a pretty freckled boy by the bar. 
You huffed even though she was quite right, this must have been the third redhead that you set sights on this year. “Well William got boring and,” You paused wrinkling your nose, “-pushy” 
The Three Broomsticks was packed, the sounds of chatter and warmth guarding you from the icy cold of the blizzard that had swept through Hogsmeade. You and Alicia had joined the dozens of students seeking cover in the popular pub and quickly snagged a small table near a large fireplace where you now looked out on the sea of flushed faces and smiles. 
“With your type it's a wonder your last name isn’t Weasley.” Your friend chuckled and you laughed. 
“If I could have gotten my hands on Charlie, it would be.” You replied, your silly crush on the older Weasley brother lasting from your first year to what you were sure would be your last. 
Alicia giggled, taking a large swig from her pint, licking the foam off her top lip. “Why not one of the twins then?”
“What twins?” A voice asked from behind you.
“She couldn’t be talking about us now could she, Georgie?” Fred jested.
“No no,” The other replied, “I mean what could Spinnet possibly want from us?”
Alicia rolled her eyes with great effort, “Trust me when I say I want nothing to do with you. As for my friend here, I don't know if I can say the same.” she said with a smug grin and you sent her a furious look.
Fred smirked, leaning over the back of your chair, his large palms ghosting your shoulders, “Is that true? Do you need something from us?” He leaned in even further, his nose brushing your hair, “from me?”
You began to look a bit red as he pulled away, “Please Weasley,” you managed to scoff “since when do I need things from you? In fact, I believe you still have my Charms notes.”
Fred had come to stand in front of you now, George joining his side, “It's just that your notes are so much better for writing Flitwick’s essay. ” He argued. 
“You don’t even take notes.” You said, exasperated. 
“Exactly” The twins replied in unison. 
Alicia snickered beside you.
Chairs appeared and Fred and George sat. The table seemed half the size it was before as Fred's elbow knocked against yours.
“Made yourselves at home have you?” You spoke, wincing.
Fred just grinned and leaned purposefully closer, thighs now brushing.
You slid towards Alicia who was turning a laugh into a cough and set your eyes back on the boy with freckles. 
“You headed to the Slytherin match next weekend?” Alicia asked absently.
“Of course.” George replied, “I’ve bet Lee a galleon that Malfoy catches a bludger with his nose.” he chuckled,  “He reckons it’ll be his gut.” 
You all smiled at the idea, no one hated Malfoy more than those on the Gryffindor quidditch team. 
“We also have business to do.” Fred said, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously.
“You don't have any more of those nosebleed nougats do you?” You asked, eyes still across the room, “I’ve got to get out of Binns’ class tomorrow.” 
Alicia's eyebrows shot up, you hardly missed History of Magic, or as you liked to call it, nap hour. “Why's that?”. 
“No reason.” You mumbled, intently staring into your butterbeer. 
Fred’s eyes darted between the two of you. 
“Of course we’ve got some.” grinned George, oblivious, “2 sickles a pei-.”
“Or for free if you tell us what you're up to.” Fred interrupted, catching a strange look from his brother. 
“I'm not up to anything!” You gasped with a bit too much enthusiasm. 
Alicias eyes had narrowed to slits and Fred had never looked more unconvinced. 
Your face began to grow hot and you found yourself wishing you had more grace in the act of lying.
“Oh come off it,” George said, “If she wants to snog Murphy instead of hearing about the seventh generation of goblin rebellions, who are we to judge?” 
You were glowing pink now, sending a vicious look at George who had taken to sipping his drink innocently. 
Fred looked appalled, his face contorted like he had just caught a whiff of something horrible, “Murphy!” 
“Keep your voice down.” You hissed angrily, glazing across the room again to be sure he hadn’t heard, “I'm trying to keep it quiet.” 
Fred was fuming, “Who wouldn’t, swapping spit with a git like that.” 
You scoffed, pulling out a small coin purse, “Can I just have some nougat?”
“Nope.” Fred responded, voice suddenly ferocious, “We’re out.”
You were beginning to grow frustrated, “George just said you had some.”
Fred glared at you, “We’re out.” he repeated his nose high in the air.
You turned to George looking for help but he threw you an I’m-not-getting-into-this look and you were forced to round back on Fred. 
You glared at each other for a moment before Fred caved, "Fine we’ve got some,” He huffed, “Three Galleons.” 
Your mouth dropped, “George said 2 sickles!”
He crossed his arms, “They’re in high demand.”
You stood, chair flying back into the wall with a loud crack, “You’re a complete prick.” you said sharply snatching your bag and sweeping past Fred and over to meet Finn Murphy  who was now standing to leave the pub. 
“Well I think you handled that well.” Alicia said, grinning at Fred who looked as though he had been slapped. 
George, who looked all too happy with himself for instigating such an interesting conversation, helped himself to the remains of your butterbeer as you and Murphy bowed out into the flurry of white followed closely by Fred’s glare.
“Looks as though she's gonna snog every redhead at school before you.” Alicia snicked. 
“Yeah,” George snorted, “You might want to keep an eye on Ginny.”
Alicia giggled even harder, pressing a hand to her lips in an attempt to keep her drink in her mouth. 
Fred could hardly hear them, too busy envisioning your latest with large boils all over his face or perhaps vomiting indefinitely. 
Alicia managed to contain herself and shot Fred a sympathetic glance, “I've been trying you know, I keep bringing you up but she seems far more interested in Charlie.” 
“Charlie!” He guffawed, “But he's been gone for ages!”
“Well he seemed to have made quite the impression.” Alicia chuckled. 
“He was captain when she was appointed to the team.” George pointed out. 
“Yeah when she was TWELVE” Fred gasped. 
Alicia couldn’t help it, she had started laughing again, “Relax,” She spoke between breaths, “It’s just a silly school girl crush.” 
Fred looked unconvinced and began to tap his heel incessantly against the floor.
“Take it as a complement!” She continued, “Charlie looks quite a bit like you, I mean you are related after all.” 
Fred was not taking it as pleasantly as she suggested and began to rap his foot on the ground even faster, “We’ve got to do something.” 
“We?” George snorted, “This is all you mate. I’m not the one in love with her.” 
Freds ears grew pink, “I’m not in love with her!” he sputtered. 
“Whatever you say.” Alicia spoke rolling her eyes.
The truth was that if Fred wasn't in love with you, he was so close he may as well have been. At the very least he had been pining after you for years and he had never been particularly quiet about it. In fact he was the opposite of quiet about it. His flirtatious remarks and dazzling complements were quite consistent. Unfortunately so was his coursing jealousy as you paraded around with boy after boy who was not him.  Every year he swore would be the year. The year where you finally realized it was him you needed and all would be right in Fred's world. But time and time again he failed as you walked out the door with a different redhead. He was growing nervous, his seventh year was upon him and this may be his last chance before you were all carted off in different directions never to see each other again. The frustration of it all was turning him bitter.
That night Fred lay awake on his four-poster, staring at the ceiling venomously. What was it? He wondered, What was it that he didn't have that every other ginger you knew seemed to possess? Why was it never him pulling you into broom closets and meeting you after classes? What was he doing wrong? His thoughts spun until he drifted into an uneasy slumber. 
By the time he arrived at the quidditch pitch for practice the next morning, the rest of the team was already changing into their robes as Angilina scribbled vigorously on the chalkboard in front of them, already changed and ready. 
“Fred!” She shouted watching him try to sneak his way into the bustle of the team unnoticed, “What took so long? I was beginning to think I would have to send George back up to wake you.” 
He shrugged, “Sorry Cap, I didn’t get much sleep last night if you know what I mean.” he winked at her and she looked sorely unamused. 
You on the other hand perked up at the insinuation, finally looking at the twin who, in protest of his behavior the day before, you had been ignoring. 
“She gets what I mean,” He smirked nodding towards you, “Up late with Murphy boy last night?” He asked viciously. 
You flushed as the changing room filled with chuckles. 
“Murphy?” Angelina asked, turning to you, “Isn’t he a bit,” She paused, “dim?” 
You scowled at Fred silently before snatching your broom from the rack and marching so quickly out onto the pitch that you hadn’t even noticed you had hit Harry in the temple with its handle. 
As Potter groaned in pain and fixed his askew glasses Fred looked over to Alicia who was shaking her head slightly. As the rest of the team slowly followed you out onto the field she and George made their way towards him. 
“You’re an idiot.” Alicia groaned, “No wonder she won’t go out with you.”  
George chuckled.
Fred glared at the pair, “It’s not my fault she insists on only snogging boys who are 'a bit dim.'" he spoke, mocking Angelina.
“I know that this may be hard to wrap your head around,” Alicia spoke sharply, “But maybe she went out with Murphy because he was, ya know, nice to her.” She then shouldered past the twins leaving Fred gapping at his brother desperately. 
The day was crisp, the heavy licks of winter drawn in by a bitter wind. But the sky was clear and the sun was out, much to everyone’s appreciation. 
Fred mounted his broom still angry, feeling foolish for upsetting you yet again as you stood with your back to him defiantly. 
The whistle blew and the balls were released as the team kicked off, snow flying in all directions as you did so. 
Fred's head was not in practice as it should have been but instead on you, watching you speed towards the goal posts with the quaffle already under your arm. You scored easily on Ron with a feign left.
Fred was so absorbed in you that he had completely forgotten about the bludgers, one of which was hurtling at him with frightening speed. With little time to react he swung his bat wildly and pitched the bludger in the opposite direction, which with a sickening feeling he realized was right at you. 
He tried to shout but you must not have heard him over the howling of wind in your ears. Because when the bludger struck you heavily between the shoulder blades you were completely unprepared. Your vision danced as the air was knocked from your lungs. You were flung from your broom with a shriek and began to plummet.
Fred streamed after you, urging his broom towards the ground with a frightening speed. His Cleansweep shuttered under the immense pressure he suddenly held it in and never before had Fred wished so badly for Potters Firebolt. 
He managed to get beneath you mere feet from the ground. The force at which you hit him knocked you both into the snow with a heavy thud, and there was a sickening sound as his broom snapped in two. 
Neither of you moved for a moment, the snow settling around you and beginning to melt through your robes. 
“Are you alright?” Fred asked and was struck with panic when you did not respond. He sat up quickly pulling you with him, your legs tangled together in the snow. He called your name desperately, hands holding your face as you lay limp in his arms. 
Angelina landed beside the pair followed closely by George and Alicia both of whom were wearing nervous expressions. 
“Y/n!” Fred shouted again, tears stinging his eyes, fear gripping his throat like a vice. He was moments away from shaking you when your eyes slowly peeled open. 
“Fred?” You mumbled, confused. 
The boy let out a barking laugh of relief and then dove into a hug, almost knocking you back to the ground. 
Bewildered, you returned his embrace and realized quite suddenly how much larger than you Fred really was. You practically disappeared into his chest, his broad shoulders shielding you from the wind that whipped across the pitch. You felt frighteningly warm listening to his heart beat quickly beneath his robes. Your cheeks were hot as he pulled away from you and began to search for any look of pain or damage on your face. 
“Are you alright love?” He asked again and was washed with relief when you nodded. 
As you fully realized what was going on around you, you gasped, pulling the handle of Fred's broom out of the snow.
“Your broom!” You looked horrified, “Fred, your broom broke!” 
Fred on the other hand brushed it off helping you to your feet and beginning to pat the snow off your robes, “It’s alright, I’m sure it's fixable.” he shrugged, “Listen, I am so s-”
But before Fred could finish his apology George burst between the two of you, “I am so sorry!” He spoke hurriedly, “The bludger caught me off guard. I swear I wasn’t aiming for you.” 
You chuckled, giving George a pat on the shoulder, “I sure hope not, but 's not me you should be apologizing to anyway.” You said, “It's Fred’s broom that broke.”  
George did not issue his brother any regrets and instead sent him a wink, whipping his wand out of robes and shouting “Repairo!”
The broom snapped back together and Angelina, who was desperate to get back in the air, looked to you, “You alright then?” 
You nodded with a grin and turned back to Fred who was testing the strength of his brother's repair. 
“Thank you so much Fred,” You gushed, looking up at him through your lashes. 
The boy's heart skipped a beat, stomach lurching, “It was no problem really.” He breathed and miraculously found you in his arms for the second time as you lunged towards him.
“Thank you.” You murmured into his robes before disconnecting and swiftly boarding your broom again. 
Fred watched you leave struck for a moment. Alicia shot him a thumbs up and a grin before he was able to clumsily climb onto his own broom and follow you back up into the air. 
By dinner the story of your fall had been told and retold so many times that you were now said to have plummeted upwards of a hundred meters before Fred had heroically scooped you onto his own broom, saving what was sure to be your life. 
In the great hall you kept getting asked if you were okay as down the table Fred got clapped on the shoulder and congratulated for his great save. He seemed to be enjoying the new story a fair bit more than you were. 
Finn had come over to ask about you halfway through dinner but you found suddenly that he was no less than boring and he returned to the Hufflepuff table after a few short minutes with a look of disappointment on his face. 
Fred watched this with such delight he was sure he was glowing. George -who he had been applauding as the best wingman one could ask for all day- poked him hard in the side and pointed down the table to where you sat. Fred turned to catch your eyes already on him. He winked exuberantly and you turned away with a scoff, but your cheeks had taken a rather deep shade of red. 
He grinned so wide at George he thought his lips might split, “I mean this is some real progress!” He cheered, “Did you see that? She was staring at me!” 
Down the hall you turned to Alicia, cheeks still pink, “Have you ever noticed how tall Fred is?” You asked so suddenly she choked on her pumpkin juice. 
You stared at her curiously as she wiped her mouth with her sleeve smiling, “Oh yeah very tall.”
You hummed looking back down the table at the elder twin who was now laughing wildly at something Lee had said, “I guess I never really thought about it before.” 
Angilina shot Alicia a glance as you were distracted and the two of them broke out into giggles. 
“What?” You demanded though you were still smiling. 
“Oh nothing.” Angilina grinned and you huffed turning back to your dinner. 
You found yourself wishing Fred had chosen to sit a bit closer to you as you watched a group of girls across from him break out into giggles at something he said, “There's no way he's that funny.” You muttered knowing he in fact was. 
  Yet you couldn’t find yourself being all that jealous as he kept glancing up at you, as if checking to make sure you were still watching him and much to his delight you always were. His shoulders, you noticed from where you sat picking at plum pudding, were quite wide, his arms toned. It was no wonder that he had engulfed you completely out on the pitch. 
How had I never noticed this before? You found yourself wondering. How had he managed to escape your list of potential suitors when he was so obviously perfect for you?
The thought struck you rather abruptly and while you would have liked to have sat with it for a minute, Alicia was standing and you knew it was time to head back to the common room. 
As students began to flood from the hall you fiddled with the sleeves of your robes, thoughts full of brown eyes and freckles . 
As if summoned, Fred appeared at your side grinning widely, “Hello.”
“Hey Fred,” replied Alicia. 
“Have you guys heard the news?” He asked, throwing an arm around your shoulder. You tried hard not to blush and instead shook your head, staring at the floor. “Apparently, you owe me your life.” He was beaming down at you now and you found it hard to look away. 
“Oh yeah?” You smirked, “And I heard it was actually you who hit me with that bludger.” 
His smile disappeared only momentarily and you were happy to see it recover so quickly. 
“Ah well, I figured Angelina wouldn’t keep her mouth shut.” He shrugged, “Though I swear if I had a choice I would have knocked her off her broom instead.” 
And for the first time that evening jealousy took you strongly, “Oh yeah? I suppose she would have been a bit more fun to catch then?” 
Fred looked startled by your bristly reaction, “Nah,” He responded, “That would have been Georgie’s job.” 
You were satisfied with this answer and felt yourself leaning against him as you began up towards the tower.
George was delighted to see you still tucked beneath his brother's arm when you reached the common room. He called you over to where he sat and you placed yourself in a large squishy armchair as Fred perched himself beside you on an ottoman. 
You spent your evening rather uneventfully, finishing an essay for Snape as the Gryffindors slowly filtered off to bed in pairs. When George rose to take himself to the dormitory you expected Fred to follow but instead he stayed rooted by your feet where he now sat cross legged on the carpet looking over what looked like an extensive order form. 
Hours later you yawned, stretching when you finally finished your work. It was now well past midnight and only a few fifth years remained, cramming for a quiz in transfiguration the next day. You turned to look at Fred who had long since sprawled himself across the couch before the fire and found him snoring softly. 
A jolt of infatuation made your stomach flip. His messy hair glowed shockingly bright in the fire light, his pink lips slightly agape. You gathered your things slowly, sure not to wake him before you stood beside him.
You knew you should wake him, you were the reason he had not retreated to bed after all. But he looked so peaceful like this, so soft. Instead you found yourself slowly counting the freckles that sprawled across his cheeks, leaning close to brush a strand of his bright red hair out of his face. He woke immediately at your touch, large brown eyes locking with your own.
You felt your cheeks go hot, “You should go up to bed.” You mumbled beginning to pull away. 
He snatched your wrist with such haste it took you by surprise, “Do that again.” he spoke.
You furrowed your brow, “What?” 
“With my hair,” It was his turn to blush now, “Touch my hair again.” 
It felt as though the air was sucked from your lungs yet you found yourself obeying, fingers coming to comb through the soft waves that spread across his forehead. 
He hummed, leaning into your touch slowly, gaze still locked with yours. The two of you stayed there for a moment, you kneeling beside him fingers in his hair, his hand still loosely wrapped around your wrist. 
“I’m sorry.” He murmured and you looked at him confused. 
“For what?” 
“Hitting you with a bludger.” he responded remorsefully. 
You laughed softly, your head thrown back, “It's okay Fred.” you grinned. You were close now, so close Fred could feel the tickle of your breath on his cheek, “I forgive you. You made up for it after all.” 
He smirked in spite of himself, “I suppose I did, saving your life and all.” 
You were giggling again and Fred was sure he was in some beautiful dream where all he could ever hear or see was your joy. 
“I wouldn’t push your luck if I were you.” You grinned, “I may just chuck the quaffle at your head when you're not looking.” 
“Only if you catch me when I fall.” Fred whispered, leaning closer still. 
You let him, your lips connecting slowly. You were pleased to find he was a fantastic kisser, his lips soft and plush, eager to please. His free hand cupped your cheek as he pulled you closer still until you were practically on top of him.
One of the alarm clocks the fifth years had been attempting to turn to roosters burst to life and you pulled away abruptly remembering bitterly that you and him were not the only ones in the room. Fred chased after your lips with his own desperate for even a moment more with your mouth.
“You should get to bed.” You repeated standing now, knees a bit shaky. 
Fred was disappointed by your departure but grinned wildly nonetheless as you gathered your books into your arms and turned back to him. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow Fred.” You yawned and began up the stairs to your dormitory determined not to let him see the childish glee that had spread across your face. 
“Wait!” He called after you, lurching from the couch and stopping at the bottom of the steps. 
You turned back to him taking in the wonderful sight of him staring lovingly up at you. He looked delightfully disheveled, his hair a mess and his lips swollen from your touch. You took two steps down now only one above where he stood on the hardwood floor.
You looked down at him expectantly as his eyes bore into your own. 
He lifted himself onto his toes and grabbed your shoulders forcinging you forward where you connected for a second time. 
This time his breath was hot and heavy on your lips, his earnest intensifying to a level that you could only describe as hunger. Your feet dangled momentarily in the air as he lifted you fervently into his embrace. You were suddenly engulfed in Fred again, he was all you could smell sweet and cinnamon, all you could hear were his pants in your ear, all you could feel was him, his arms around your middle, his thigh pressed between your legs and his lips and tongue working so well together that it was you who chased after him this time, whining in protest when he pulled back.
You stared at him, out of breath and stunned to silence. 
Fred looked as though he had just won something very expensive the way he was grinning with triumph, his eyes dark with lust. 
 “Sweet dreams love.” He murmured leaning down to give you one final kiss, his lips moving sickeningly slow against your own, wet and warm. He hovered inches form your lips for a moment, as if debating diving back in, before he backed away tucking his hands casually into his robes.
“You should go to bed, love.” He smirked, “We’ve got an early practice tomorrow and I do believe you made me a promise about knocking me off my broom.” 
You bit your lip to keep from breaking into girlish giggles. Your heart was still pounding as though you had just run a long race. 
“Only if you swear to catch me though.” He added with a wink.
“I’ll always catch you Freddie.” you assured him before turning and hurrying back up the stairs, grinning so wide your cheeks had begun to ache.
taglist: @accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-dood13 @theseuscmander @sleepingalaska @chloe-geoghegan1 @coldlilheart @the-natureofme @trickylittlewitch @layaa-layaaa @sarcasticallywitty @rosieweasley @dracosgoodgirl @inglourious-imagines @princess-jules47 @daedreamss @d22malfoys @evyiione
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mastermindmiko · 1 year
Pairing: Fred Weasley + fem!reader
summary: A small blurb of a night at the burrow in bed with Fred
Word count: 762
Warnings: none, but lmk
Requests are open
I wrote this in a grand total of fifteen minutes at 1am, so if there's any mistakes please don't mind them, and let me know
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"I'm sorry about my family" Fred whispers so low that I almost don't hear him. I move my head to the side to face him with a frown. I ask, "what?"
"They can be a little much sometimes I know." Fred continues and I find myself even more confused. I place one of my hand's to his face and I ask, "what makes you say that?"
He doesn't say anything, but I don't press, hoping that he will say something anyway. I rub my thumb in soft circles over his cheek, and I shuffle a bit under the covers. He holds my wrist, taking my hand off his face to press a kiss to my palm. Even after dating for a while now, I still get butterflies.
"I've been told that my family comes on a bit strong. Mom with her affection, dad with all his muggle gadgets, Charlie with the dragons-" Fred starts but I cut him off, unable to hear him say anything else, "Fred, no don't say that. I love your family."
"Really?" Fred asks, hesitantly. I nod my head eagerly, and ask, "what made you think that Fred?"
"I wanted you to like me- I didn't want my family to freak you out." Fred replies with a small blush on his cheeks. I smile at him and say, "if you haven't noticed Fred I do like you, that's why I'm your girlfriend."
"Hopefully it stays that way." Fred mumbles as he pulls me closer to him. I nuzzle my face into his chest as he wraps his arms around me. He rests his chin on my head and I don't think I've ever felt more relaxed. He asks, "well aside from my family, how was your day?"
"It was good, I read a new book, it was great." I say as I recall the events of what I'm sure is now one of my favourite books. Fred says, "you can tell me all about it tomorrow."
"But nothing else really, what about you?" I ask him lifting my head up so I can look at his gorgeous brown eyes. He smiles and says, "George and I found a good location for the shop, it's in diagon alley and above it, there is a good apartment-it's all within the budget of course."
"Fred, that's great. I'm so excited for you." I beam at the wonderful news, and I can see that mischievous and excited look in his eyes, the same one he always had when he was about to prank someone, except that this time it was bigger.
"The apartment is great too, two bathrooms, two bedrooms- that is if you don't mind us sharing the apartment with George" Fred rambles, and I blink for a second before realising. I tease, " Fredrick gedion weasley! Is this your way of asking me to move in with you?"
He rubs the back of his neck, sheepishly. He says, " I kind of hoped that you wouldn't notice and just say yes. Things have been going well, I just thought that it was time- unless of course you don't want to-"
"Of course I want to, you idiot." I cut him off and nuzzle my head back into his chest. He wraps his arms more tightly around me and he presses a kiss to the top of my head and whispers, "good."
"Its got a big kitchen too since I know you like to bake." Fred says like he's still trying to convince me to move in with him, I would move in with him into a swamp if he asked me to. I reply, "Just some anxiety cookies no big deal."
"It doesn't matter what's their cause what matters is that they're damn good and by the way I love you" He says quickly that I almost don't catch it. My goes go wide and I look up at him and tease, "Crossing off a lot of big milestones today, Fred. What's next you're gonna pop out an engagement ring then tell me you're pregnant"
"Haha very funny" He replies, sarcastically, avoiding my gaze. I continue with a wide grin, I still can't believe he said it, "No seriously should I buy baby clothes, get you my ring size-"
"Go to sleep, love." He whispers before turning to the side to close the bedside lamp. I'm still smiling when I say, "Okay."
I wait a few seconds before pressing a knee to his cheek and wrapping my arms around his torso. I say, cheerfully, "I love you too by the way, goodnight."
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lunamadhatter99 · 1 year
Charlie Weasley x fem!reader
I was inspired.
If you want to be tagged in future Charlie work... let me know
@once-upon-an-imagine here's your tag.
Summary: time to meet the family.
Warnings: none. Too much cuteness.
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"I don't think I can do this," I mutter as I lay down on the bed, with Charlie standing next to me.
"Yes, you can," he reassures me, with a gentle tapping on my leg, "They're gonna love you!"
"No, they won't," I complain.
"Well... your family loved me, and I, too, was scared! Yet it went well!" He tries to make me reason.
I look up at him, sitting up straight, staring into his eyes.
"You got it easier. You had to charm two people, my mom and my grandfather, " I say, holding up two fingers, "I have to charm 8 people!"
Charlie simply smiles at me, so sweetly I could just melt on the spot of I wasn't so terrified. He moves his hand to cup my cheek, softly stroking it with his thumb.
"Love, my absolute, gorgeous, funny, cute, love of my life, perfect reason of my existence" he starts making hard for me to hold a giggle at his antics "You can charm a whole Great Hall at Hogwarts without even trying. No effort, everyone at your feet."
I roll my eyes but can't help but chuckle again.
"No, don't you roll those pretty eyes at me, young lady! It's true, " he laughs, too."You have nothing to worry about. I promise you!"
"Nooooooooo!" He pouts."Nope. Shush. They already love you and.."
"You told them about me!?" I widen my eyes, and I lay back down trying to hide under the covers.
"Love?" I hear him laughing softly."Love, c'mon out."
I sit up again.
"Of course I told them about you. You are the love of my life, I had to talk about you." He laughs again, holding my hands in his."They can't wait to meet you, and they already love you, "
I sigh deeply. I look up at him, trying to find any sign of mockery, but, unfortunately for me, I don't find any.
"Fine," I whine. "Fine, we'll go see your family,"
"Yes!" He cheers, standing up, taking me with him and hugging me. "They're gonna love you, sweetheart."
"Yeah... yeah, alright." I wave him off and just get to work and prepare my bags.
"You're okay, love, you're fine." Charlie caresses my back as we walk closer to his childhood's home.
"Yeah... I know... I am..." I stutter out, breathing heavily.
"You're shaking," he informs me. "Okay, hey. Look at me. "
He stops me and turns me to look at him.
"Breath." He breathes in and waits for me to do the same.
I take a deep breath and mimic him.
"In and out. Good girl, " he smiles.
"Let's get it over with, " I almost beg.
He grabs my hand, and together, we walk to the front door.
Charlie knocks once, and the door is already opening, revealing a short red-haired woman with the biggest smile on her face I've ever seen. She must be Charlie's mother.
"Charlie!" She exclaims quickly, hugging Charlie.
"Hi, mom," he says, hugging her back, "I can't breathe, mom." He chuckles breathlessly.
She lets him go and turns to me.
"Aw, and you must be Y/n. It's so nice to finally meet you, my dear" she coos.
"So nice meeting you, Mrs Weasley." I hold my hand out to shake her hand, but she quickly moves it and cages me in a big hug.
"Just call me Molly, dear," she says, letting me go, "C'mon, let's go inside."
"See? Nothing to worry about, " Charlie whispers to me as we get into the house.
"Just one out of eight." I take a breath as I'm led into what I think is the living room.
"Charlie!" A red-haired girl runs up to Charlie, giving him a quick hug, "finally!"
She doesn't look much older than thirteen, I think.
"C'mon, we're not that late!" Charlie defends himself."By the way, Ginny, this is Y/n, my girlfriend, "
"Hi," I timidly wave at her.
She looks at me for a second, then smiles brightly and turns to her brother.
"She's too pretty for you, Char," she teases, and I can't help but laugh a little at that.
"It's so nice to be home," Charlie sighs sarcastically. "Don't laugh!" He turns to me to shove me a little.
"I'm sorry, love," I say, holding his hand.
" 'love' ? You two are so cute, " Ginny exclaims.
"Look who finally decided to join us," a voice calls.
"You took your time," another voice speaks.
I look up and see two identical red heads coming up to us.
"Love? These two are Fred and George." He introduces us. "Don't trust them," he adds in a whisper.
"Hey!" They say together.
"That's rude!"
"Very rude, brother," one of them comes in front of me, taking my hand. "Don't listen to him. We are not that bad," he kisses my hand.
"Right. We are true gentlemen. " The other one moves his twin out of the way to kiss my hand, too.
"Yeah... ask Ron what they did to his teddy bear when he was younger, " Charlie accuses.
"What..?" I say with a small giggle.
"Are you sure you want him?"
"You can still back down, you know."
"Alright, leave her alone!" Charlie laughs and leads me further into the room with the rest of his family.
"Hello, everyone." He waves at everyone."This is Y/n, my girlfriend, "
"Hello, it's a pleasure being here." I wave too and look at all the faces.
"Oh, my dear girl, we finally meet you. Charlie told us so much about you. " A tall man stands up from the couch to get closer. "I'm Arthur. Charlie's father"
"Oh, pleasure to meet you, Mr Weas-"
"Arthur, please. You're family now, no need for formalities, " he says, sending me a smile that I return, then he's off to the kitchen, probably to help his wife.
"Alright, that one there is Bill," Charlie points at a long-haired man sitting on the couch.
"Hi," I say.
"Hi, lovely," he smiles.
"Don't flirt with my girlfriend, thanks," Charlie complains.
"I just said 'hi,' " Bill defends himself, raising his hands up in the air.
"I'm Ron," a much younger boy stands up and walks to us, I was just in time to notice he was pushed by a brunette sitting beside him.
"Nice to meet you," I shake his hand.
"I'm Hermione Granger, Ronald's friend." The girls stand up as well.
"I'm Y/n L/n," I say, shaking her hand as well. "Wait... Granger?" I ask, and she nods."Are your parents dentists? Or maybe a relative is?"
"Yeah. My parents" she smiles gently.
"My parents used to take me to them, I think, when I was younger!" I explain.
"Yes, I remember them being so nice. I was never scared," I laugh. " they're still working, I hope,"
"Oh yes, they are," she answers.
"It's so nice to hear this."
"Oh, Harry. Hi, " Charlie greets, so I look past Hermione to see a boy with glasses walking in.
"Hey, Charlie. How are you?" He asks.
"I'm great, hey, this is my girlfriend Y/n."
"Hey," I say, going to shake his hand, and while doing this, I notice a scar on his face.
"I'm Harry," he simply says.
"Nice to meet you." I smile gently at him.
"Dinner is ready!" Molly screams from the kitchen.
"Finally!" Ron exclaims.
"How are you always hungry?" Hermione asks as she follows everyone into the kitchen.
Harry sends me an amused smile and walks away.
"Wait..." I say, holding Charlie's hand. "I met your parents, 2, I met your little sister, 3, the twins 5, Ron, 6, Bill, 7... Hermione and Harry are not your siblings... isn't anyone missing?" I ask, confused.
"Yeah... I don't think Percy's gonna join us. Too busy at the ministry, " he says, almost defeated, so I decide not to press the subject.
"Oh... okay... it's alright. " I smile at him." C'mon, can't wait to finally taste your mom's food. "
We arrive in the kitchen, and there are two open seats left... on opposite sides.
"C'mon, dear, come sit here." Molly jokes, pointing at the seat next to Ginny but still close to her.
"You'll be fine," Charlie whispers to me before going to sit next to his father.
I take a seat, Ginny is on my left, Molly on hers, on my right sit Hermione and in front of me there's Bill.
"Free yourself for a bit." Bill jokes, catching Charlie's attention.
"How about you sit here, brother?" Charlie offers, pointing at where Harry is sitting, in front of him.
"Charlie, behave" Arthur scolds his son, who simply sit, but I can sense he's keeping an eye on his brother, all while everyone is laughing and just goes back and their own business.
"Now, dear, tell me all about it." Molly starts as she puts a generous slice of shepherd's pie on my plate. "How did you two meet?"
"Oh," I nervously laugh. "Well.."
"Mom, don't make her nervous," Ginny says to her mother.
"No, no, it's fine, really," I reassure them. "I... well, I had just finished my seventh year at Hogwarts and"
"You too were at Hogwarts. How nice!" She comments, that huge gentle smile always on her face.
"Yes, but I've always been very quiet, so I don't think he has ever actually noticed me before we met there, actually," I say.
"Weasleys are louder by nature," Ginny assures me, smiling too.
"He sure is. Anyway, I had finished my last year and I wanted to take a year for myself, after my father's death it's been kind of hard, helping at home when I wasn't at Hogwarts and... yeah, I wanted to paint magical creatures, so I travelled all the way to Romania."
"You paint?" Bill asks, and I nod."Oh wow, you will have to show us some of your work, "
"Yeah, maybe next time I'll bring some." I smile at him.
"Go on," Ginny urges. She looks at me with dreamy eyes.
"I arrive in this camp, and I was almost expecting and hoping they could show me more accurate pictures of dragons to take inspiration from. At first, I found this, I have to say, very rude man, asking me constantly why I was there and why I was bothering them. He also almost threw away the drawing I was showing him to explain why I was there.
"What?! Please tell me Charlie arrived to tell him something, " Ginny exclaims.
"Uhm... no." I laugh softly."No, I spent, I think, a good hour and a half dealing with this man, "
"Oh poor thing," Molly sighs. "And then?"
"I managed to get onto the camp and look at some pictures and drawings, and I started to paint something. So I'm sitting there, painting quietly when suddenly something fell right beside me. Or someone fell right beside me. " I laugh at the memory.
"Really?" Bill asks very amused by his brother's first impression.
"Yes. Not only did he scare me, but he fell on my oil paint, getting it all over him. Especially on his face."
"Oh, that would've been such a great view," Bill laughs.
"It was," I confirm.
"And then?" Ginny asks.
"Then he started to apologise, profusely, saying he would've bought back all the water paint. But I assured him he didn't need to, since my grandfather owed a shop with all the materials I needed."
"Oh my dear boy," Molly tries to hold back the laughter but fails.
"We started to talk, and once I told him I wanted to paint a dragon... well.. that same night, he sneaked me back into the camp and let me meet one of the dragons there. I painted, and he sat there watching me the whole time."
"Awe." Ginny sighed, still that dreamy look on her.
"I hope he's been a gentleman since then," Molly says.
"He is, I promise. He's really great, I can promise you, you did a great job. " I smile at her, and she just waves me off, but I know my words meant a lot.
We spent the rest of the dinner talking about everything else. I got to talk with Hermione about her parents and about being a muggle-born and the fact that Ron, Harry and her are aboutto start their fourth year, I also got to talk with Ginny about Quidditch and with Bill about his job as curse-breaker at the Bank.
I was having a really good time with everybody that I didn't notice it was getting late.
As everybody is going to bed, Charlie walks up to me, takes my hand, and leads me outside.
"So?" He asks.
"What?" I ask back.
"It went well," he grins.
"Shut up!" I laugh, covering my eyes, feeling embarrassed.
"They love you! I knew it. " I feel him hugging me tightly.
"Yeah, fine, you win. I was scared for nothing, " I say, pushing him away, but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him.
"Exactly." He keeps grinning.
"They wanted to know about how we've met," I tell him.
"Oh, merlin... now Bill's gonna make fun of me for the rest for my life, " he laughs defeated.
"Sorry, but your sister was so into the story and had that dreamy look on her face..." I explain.
"It's alright, love," he kisses my nose. " I'm happy you felt at home with them. I'm not sure about Bill, but I can't kick him out. "
"Don't be mean," I laugh. "You know I have my eyes on you, only you,"
"I know." He smiles proudly.
"He does have great hair," I murmur.
"What?" He widens his eyes, and I laugh, bringing him in for a kiss.
"Your hair is not so bad either, don't worry,"
He laughs with me, holding me close to him, stroking my sides lovingly.
"You know," he says after a moment. "You were wrong earlier,"
"I did notice you when we were at Hogwarts," he says, and I let out a gentle laugh, earning a confused look.
"How could you?" I say .I was three years younger than you, and I was... like... very quiet, Charlie. I'm not mad, if that's what you're thinking. " I smile at him to reassure him.
"You liked to paint in the astronomy tower" he starts "you came to the Quidditch matches, yes, but you sat as far as possible so you weren't getting in people's way and they not in yours. You always ate sitting as close as possible to the doors in the Great Hall. And..."he kisses my nose again,"and you drew a new creature for Hagrid every week. "
I look at him confused. How does he know all of this?
"How?" I finally ask.
"Told you. I did notice you, " he smiles.
"But why did you say anything?" I chuckle.
"I don't know, honestly. I guess with me moving to Romania, I didn't want you to feel like I was abandoning you or feel like you had to follow me... I didn't want to break our hearts. " he lets out a nervous chuckle. "It sounds stupid now... seeing how we turned out"
"A little." I chuckle too, "better late than never, people say. Right?"
"Right," he agrees, I kiss him softly. "I love you,"
"I love you too, Charlie." I move my hand to caress his cheek, and he leans into my touch.
"Aaww!" We hear from above us.
We look up in time to see Ginny watching us from an open window and then being dragged inside by Hermione.
"Sorry," she says apologetically before disappearing into the house.
Charlie and I look at each other, laughing.
"Alright, c'mon. Let's go get some sleep, my love. " Charlie leads me back inside.
"Let's," I agree as I follow him.
It did go well after all.
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george-weasleys-girl · 8 months
So I was wondering if you could do one where y/n is George's girlfriend and she shows up at The Burrow in the mornig and nobody knew she would come cause she wanted to be a surprise and only Mrs. Weasley is awake when she arrives and then the other Weasleys greet her at breakfast
As soon as I saw your request, the idea for it popped into my head fully formed. I wrote it in about 20 minutes. I hope you enjoy it!
Early Morning Surprise
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George x fem!reader
Y/N tiptoed into the Burrow. She was supposed to be out of town for another week visiting family, but she'd managed to get away early.
"Y/N dear! Such a wonderful surprise!" Molly bustled suddenly around the corner, causing Y/N to jump. "I didn't scare you, did I?" She asked, pulling Y/N into an all-encompassing embrace.
"Only a little," she smiled, returning Mrs. Weasley's hug.
"Oh, I'm sorry, my dear!" Molly said, letting go of Y/N to put the kettle on. "Well, it's nothing a cup of tea won't cure."
"Thanks, Molly," Y/N grinned and took a seat at the table.
George stumbled into the kitchen about an hour later, rubbing the sleep from eyes, when he caught sight of his girlfriend. "Y/N!" He sprinted toward her, his arms wide, when something nearly knocked him over.
"Y/N! You're back early!" Ginny raced past him to engulf her in a bear hug. "We weren't expecting you until next week!"
"I snuck away," Y/N grinned, giving Ginny a wink.
George tried for a second time to embrace Y/N, who he hadn't seen for almost a month, but was foiled by Arthur, who unceremoniously stepped in front of his son. "Welcome back!" He gave her a hearty hug. "We've missed you, haven't we George?"
"Yes, very much so," George said, stepping around his father, only to be pushed to the side by Percy. "Sorry, George," he apologized, pulling Y/N into a brief hug. "Running late this morning. Good to see you, Y/N. Catch up tonight?"
"Of course, Perce," Y/N smiled, stepping around him to George.
Only to be absconded for a third time.
"Y/N! How are you?" Bill exclaimed, coming at her from the side and capturing her a warm embrace. "Fleur will be here for dinner. She'll be so excited to see you!"
"And I her," Y/N replied, giggling at her inability to reach her boyfriend, who was standing with his arms folded as he watched Fred bounce down the stairs, jumping in front of him to give Y/N a welcoming hug.
"Look who's back early!" He turned back to George. "Did you see Y/N's back early?"
"No, I had no idea," George deadpanned. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to give my girlfriend a hug," he said, stepping forward, then stopped abruptly.
"Everything ok?" Y/N paused, her eyebrows scrunching together.
George looked around the room. "Just waiting for Charlie to miraculously appear from Romania."
Y/N laughed. "Oh, come here, you!" She said, pulling him close. "I've missed you so much!"
"I missed you too," George mummered in her ear before leaning back a little to give her kiss that turned her legs to jello.
"Ew! Get a room!" Fred teased, making gagging noises.
"Oh, leave them alone," Molly chastised, bopping Fred in the back of the head.
Then, turning to George and Y/N, she smiled. "Why don't you two have some breakfast and then maybe take a stroll down to the lake? Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day for it. I'll pack you a picnic."
George turned to Y/N. "What do you say? A day at the lake? Just the two of us?"
"I couldn't think of a better way to spend my first day back," she smiled, pulling him in for another kiss.
If your name is crossed out, I'm unable to tag you.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh
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Hello friend!
Just wanted to say I love your fics! FINALLY someone who sees my soul 😅
I’ve never done a request before (and feel free to say no if you’re uncomfortable with anything!) but could you do something where she’s a pureblood and all her family support Voldemort but she doesn’t so she’s being targeted and has to stay at Grimmauld Place for protection. She’s Tonks’ age and knows all the Weasleys through her friendship with Bill and Charlie. She’s very outgoing and not used to being hemmed in - loves to laugh, dance and drink). Sirius finds her a breath of fresh air. She finds him very handsome (hot daddy vibes) and flirts with him mercilessly (whispering suggestive comments, flashing him, leaving underwear about - that kind of vibe) and at first he doesn’t know how to take it (all that time in Azkaban 😔 plus she’s younger) but eventually his daddy kink comes to the surface and he… well, that bit is your forte 😉
Thank youuuu 🩶
brother…. after reading this ask, i can only assume our souls are intertwined.
age gap + flirty!kinda slutty!reader + surprised but amused by her actions!sirius + sirius discovering he has a daddy kink ?!
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you have tickled me pink, my friend. the pleasure is all mine. thank u for giving me a peak into ur mind
i didn’t include a lot of the plot you requested bc this already felt very long :/ so sorry for that, but i didn’t write anything to go against your lore, so it can be implied
NSFW under the cut. Very little plot, mostly just flirting and porn
CW: ^^^^ fem afab reader, shameless flirting, age gap, daddy kink, dry humping, oral (m!receiving), raw piv, no protection (wrap it up, everyone!), light spanking, and i added in a slight breeding kink at the very end there lol
Making his way down the hall, Sirius hears the bathroom door click open, and out steps you wearing nothing but a thin bathrobe. With your skin still damp, the robe clings to your body. Without even thinking, his eyes flicker down, immediately taking note of your hardened nipples poking through the fabric.
He hopes you don’t notice his quick glance, but as he meets your eyes again, your raised eyebrows and knowing smirk tell him otherwise. “Good morning, Sirius.”
From that point on, Sirius makes a conscious effort to keep his eyes on your face, something that proves to be a difficult feat. He raises his eyebrows in return, trying to act more casual than he feels. “Good morning. Any particular reason you’re using the bathroom on this floor, and not your own?”
You shrug, pulling your robe tighter and accentuating your waistline. “Hope you don’t mind. Kreacher was wandering around in there mumbling something about blood traitors; I didn’t want to disturb him.”
Sirius knows you’re lying. The bathroom nearest to your guestroom has already been cleaned out, meaning there’s nothing for Kreacher to be searching for in there. But, nevertheless, Sirius plays along with your little fib. Even if he’s sure nothing will come of it, who’s he to complain about a half-naked witch shamelessly flirting with him?
“Yes, we wouldn’t want to bother the little nuisance.” He nods understandingly, but is unable to keep the light tone of sarcasm out of his voice. “But, of course, I don’t mind.”
As you hold your robe closed, the bottom of the fabric rides up, showcasing more and more of your legs as the seconds tick by. The soft skin of your thighs have a slight glow to them, as they’re still damp from the shower.
Finally realizing where his eyes are, he immediately snaps them back up to meet yours.
You take notice, but say nothing of his lingering glances. You flash him a smile and start to take your leave, “Then I won’t be in your way any longer; Mrs. Weasley asked me to help with breakfast.”
You turn and walk away, and just as Sirius is ready to make his way into the bathroom, he hears the clattering of your wand hitting the floor. You mutter a quiet “Oops!” then bend over to retrieve your wand from the floor, giving Sirius an eyeful in the process.
You bend from the waist, your bathrobe riding up in the process, and showing Sirius just about everything he needed to see. He could almost swear he sees some glistening between your thighs, a moisture that’s got nothing to do with your recent shower.
Sirius bites the inside of his cheek and retreats to the bathroom. The last thing he needs is for you to see the outline of his hardening cock through his trousers.
Or would that be such a bad thing?
It’s clearly something you think of as well, or else you wouldn’t go through such lengths to try and seduce him.
When you first arrived at Grimmauld Place, your attempts at flirting were nothing but sweet and innocent, but as time passes they’ve become everything but.
Sirius is flattered, of course. He’s hesitant to admit that he’s more than just flattered.
Hell, he’s currently standing in the middle of his bathroom with a hard-on. He thinks again of the moisture he saw painting your inner thighs. Sirius adjusts himself in his pants.
No, it’s inappropriate.
It’s very inappropriate.
You were school friends with Tonks and Charlie Weasley, making you—what? Twenty three? Maybe twenty four? You were spending summer holidays with the Weasley’s only a few years ago, for Merlin’s sake!
You’re too young.
It’s hard not to think of you when the bathroom is still humid with the scent of your soap. Sirius sighs and opens the shower door. Muscle memory guiding his movements, he doesn’t notice anything awry until he feels it.
A pair of lacy black panties hanging from the shower valve.
Pressing his forehead against the cold glass of the shower door, Sirius grins and almost laughs.
She’s forward if nothing else.
He takes a cold shower and tries to focus his mind on other things. Before leaving the bathroom, he slips the knickers in his pocket, telling himself he's only taking them to return to her later.
During the late evening, Sirius finds himself searching for you. He blames it on the three glasses of wine he had at dinner, but he’s feeling sociable and wants to banter with someone.
He finds you lying across one of the couches in the drawing room, a book in your hands, and pajama shorts riding high up your thighs.
Sensing a new presence in the room, you look up, and an easy smile graces your lips as soon as you take sight of Sirius.
Sirius knows a mid-thirties prison escapee probably isn’t a young woman’s first choice for company, but he can’t help but feel flattered anytime you look at him like that. He pulls a bottle of wine from behind his back and asks, “Care for a drink?”
Without hesitation, you close the book and throw it to the side. You pull your legs closer and make room for Sirius to sit with you. As Sirius makes himself comfortable next to you, you tease lightly, “Already having another bottle, hmm?”
Sirius pours a generous amount of wine into both glasses, and remarks sarcastically, “I didn’t realize you were already counting my drinks for me.”
You take the glass from his hand, letting your fingers linger over his for a moment. Your hands are soft, a stark contrast to Sirius’s, whose hands have been irredeemably roughened and calloused after his years in Azkaban. You shrug, “Completely unintentional, it’s just hard not to take notice when I’m already staring.”
Sirius rolls his eyes, taking a sip from his glass in an effort to stop the smile from forming on his face. “Do you ever stop?”
“Oh, please. Don’t pretend you don’t enjoy it.” You tease, a small grin playing on your lips as you look up at him. “There’s a whole house full of people here for you to talk to, but you chose to come to me.”
“It’s inappropriate.” He states, undecided on whether he’s trying to convince you or himself of that. The wine is beginning to make it difficult to care for moralities, instead, his brain focuses on the fact that your legs are touching, and your hand is dangerously close to his thigh. Sirius wonders how he hadn't yet noticed that you aren't wearing a bra. “And I’m sure you could do much better anyway.”
Taking a long drink, you look up at Sirius with raised eyebrows and question, “Who’s better than an intelligent, witty, handsome, brave, and powerful wizard?”
He rolls his eyes, deadpanning, “I’ve spend the last fourteen years either in prison or on the run from the government.”
“Everyone has flaws.” You quip, looking up at him from over your wine glass.
Sirius continues arguing in a monotonous tone. “I’m over a decade older than you.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” You state patiently, never breaking eye contact whilst moving forward to your glass aside.
“You like them older, then?” He asks with mild sarcasm, not realizing how far he’s leaned into you during your shared banter. Before he knows it, your noses are almost touching. He can feel your breath on his chin.
“Is that an issue?” You ask in return, your voice soft, eyes not straying from his.
Sirius bridges the gap between you with a kiss. Neither of you waste time to open your mouths and taste each other’s tongues. Not breaking the kiss, Sirius places his hand on your knee and gently pulls you toward him. You take the hint, swinging your leg over to straddle his lap. His hands slide up from your thighs to your hips, pulling you closer to sit directly on top of his crotch.
Sirius adjusts to pull his wand out of his pocket; he wordlessly shuts the door to the drawing room and locks it. Initially, he was quite nervous about being intimate with anyone ever again, but those thoughts quickly dissipate as he feels your hips grinding against his.
Originally, Sirius pictured his first time having sex after Azkaban being much more slow and sensual, but the pace you're moving at now feels much more natural to him.
He lifts your shirt, and you assist in getting it over your head and tossed to the floor. Sirius takes one breast in the palm of his hand and the other in his mouth, sucking and flicking the bud of your nipple with his tongue.
With his cock fully hardened within the confines of his trousers, you take to arching your back and grinding your slit against the length of it. Sirius relishes in the feeling of it, and all of the quiet sounds it’s drawing from your mouth.
The texture of your pants whilst grinding your clit against his shaft creates a wonderful friction that leaves your head rolling back and your hips working faster. Sirius breathes out a short laugh, leaving his teeth to lightly graze across your nipple. He teases, “Going to cum before we even get your pants off, sweetheart?”
You nod, eyes closed, and moan, “Yes, daddy.”
Sirius’s brain short circuits for a moment. It feels like all of the blood rushed from his head and straight to his cock. He nips your breast, leaving a small red mark and causing a gasp to escape your mouth. He growls, “That’s right, love. You’ve been wanting this for a long time, haven’t you?”
You nod fervently, feeling the tight coil in your loins ready to snap at any moment. “Yes, daddy, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
“Your cunt was soaking when you flashed me,” He states, holding your hips and watching your tits bounce as you get yourself off in his lap. “D’you always think of me when you’re in the shower, or touching yourself at night?”
“Yes!” You cry, your pussy finally spasming and soaking through your shorts. Sirius presses his mouth to yours while he waits for the moment to pass.
“You’ve been teasing me for months now, all the while you’ve been cumming to the thought of me every night.” He states quietly, his lips still against yours, “I think it’s time you repay the favor. Why don’t you get on your knees and suck daddy’s cock, hmm?”
Doing as he says without hesitation, you kneel in front of him on the couch and undo his trousers. There’s a very obvious wet spot from your own doing. The imprint of his hardened length trying to bust through his zipper is enough to make your mouth water.
Once his cock is free, you waste no time in taking the head in your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip. Sirius lets out a long sigh and uses his hands to hold your hair back, getting a perfect view of his cock in your mouth.
After many years of abstinence, several months of teasing, and a few minutes of feeling you humping his lap, Sirius knows he isn’t going to last very long, so he just lets you do as you please while you work his cock.
His eyes don’t stray away as you bob your head, slowly moving your way down to take more and more of his shaft until finally, he can feel his head reaching the back of your throat.
“Fuck, (y/n).” He groans, watching saliva spill out of your mouth and all over his shaft. Using your spit as lube, you use one hand to jerk off what little of his length you can’t fit down your throat, and the other hand to hold and massage his balls.
“Fuck!” He groans again, his head rolling backward to rest on the back of the couch. He can feel himself getting close to cumming. Sirius reluctantly uses his hands tangled in your hair to pull your mouth away from his cock. He stands up and points to the couch. “Bend over.”
Whilst you get ready, Sirius quickly rids himself of any clothing. You crawl onto the couch on your hands and knees, back arched and ass up. He positions himself behind you, one foot on the floor and one knee resting on the cushion. He holds his cock in one hand, and uses the other to palm the cheek of your ass. Sirius gives it a light slap before aligning himself up to your cunt. “I’m going to cum in your pussy until I figure you can’t hold anymore, understand?”
He doesn’t wait for an answer as he goes ahead and pushes his cock inside. A loud moan elicits from your mouth, followed by several expletives. “Please, Sirius?”
Sirius lands a hard spank on your bottom, and asks haughtily, “What was that?”
You correct yourself after a small yelp, “Please, daddy?”
Rubbing the sensitive spot he slapped, Sirius smirks and sinks his entire length inside you, letting out a quiet moan as he does so. “Of course, sweetheart.”
Rutting his cock in and out of your warm, tight hole, Sirius can feel he’s already about to cum. Seeing the way his shaft glistens with slick every time he pulls out, and hearing your moans combined with the quiet squelching emitting from your cunt, Sirius doesn't stand a chance to last any longer. He buries his cock as deeply as he can within your twat and releases his seed with a loud groan.
Sirius gives himself a few seconds to recover before he starts moving again. He’ll be sure to keep his promise of completely filling you up. His cock twitches at the thought of seeing you in a few months with a newly rounding stomach.
It’s practically what you’ve been begging for, after all.
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No Matter What - F.Weasley
Summary: Y/N is finally meeting Fred’s parents and his eldest brothers for the holidays. She’s nervous but Fred assures her that he would love her no matter what.
Word Count: 1507
Pairings: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Use of Y/N, nervousness, Fem!Reader, non specific house, betting
Harry Potter Masterlist
my masterlist
25 days of fics masterlist
Author's Note: This is my first day of trying once again to post 25 fics leading up to Christmas! I have a few days done in advance already. I will be posting at least 2 fics per character on my masterlists. I hope you enjoy!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
Y/N and Fred had been together for nearly a year. They had started dating right after New Years. For this Christmas, instead of spending the holiday at Hogwarts, Fred had invited her to the Burrow for Christmas, which she agreed to happily. However this would be the first time she had met his parents, Bill and Charlie, the two eldest Wealsley boys coming home for the holidays. She already knew George, Ginny, Ron and Percy through school but meeting the parents of the Weasley clan was something that made her nervous.
It was officially the first day of break, she was packed and ready to go, waiting by the Fat Lady’s painting for Fred and the rest of the Weasley’s, the first one to exit the portrait was George and right behind him was Fred. “You ready to go love?” Fred asked her with a bright smile on his face.
“I’m ready, let’s go boys,” She replied, matching her boyfriend’s smile. Fred was blissfully unaware of how nervous she was, he was just excited to go home to see the rest of his family, sure he had a majority of them at Hogwarts but he missed his parents dearly. He linked arms with his girlfriend who had linked arms with his twin as the three of them pranced their way to the exit of Hogwarts. 
Once they were on the train, then Fred finally took notice of how nervous his girlfriend actually was. “Why are you so nervous? I told you everyone is going to love you!”
“I know but I can’t help it. What if your mum doesn’t like me? Or your dad?” She asked, concern lacing her voice. Fred grabbed her hand and squeezed it, looking right in her eye.
“They will love you, I promise. Have I ever lied to you? Like ever?” Fred asked, she shook her head no, “So why would I lie about this? Mum and dad will love you. No question about it. George, a little backup here?” George perked up and looked right at his brother’s girlfriend, a mischievous smirk on his face.
“Oh no, I entirely disagree. I think mum will claim her as her own child, another daughter. You know how much she loves having a single girl in the house, now imagine her with another girl in the house that loves her son just as much as she does,” George said, Y/N giggling slightly, the twins doing fantastic at their job to make her feel better.
“Thank you Freddie and Georgie. I appreciate it a lot.”
She was calm for the rest of the ride, the nervous feeling only returning once they flooed into the Burrow. She was right after George to get to the Burrow, Fred and the other’s right behind her. 
“My children are home! Hello my darlings! I’ve missed you!” Molly exclaimed from the kitchen, her voice getting louder until she had reached the fireplace. “You must be Y/N! Oh you are gorgeous, it’s so nice to finally meet you!” Molly pulled the girl in for a hug which surprised her, she was stunned for a moment until she finally remembered to hug the woman back.
“It’s nice to finally meet you too Mrs. Weasley. Freddie wouldn’t shut up about coming home to your cooking. He always says the house elves have nothing on you,” Y/N replied.
“Oh dear, call me Molly. Mrs. Weasley makes me feel old.”
“Can I steal my girlfriend back to introduce her to dad? You’re going to suffocate her woman,” Fred joked to his mother. Molly let go of the girl before quickly apologizing.
“I’m sorry dear, Fred just hasn’t stopped talking about you, I’ve been so excited to finally meet you!”
“I’ve been so excited to meet you too!”
“Okay, love, let’s go meet my father before my mum steals you for the rest of the holiday,” Fred grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and led her to the back yard where Arthur was tinkering with some muggle objects. “Dad, this is my girlfriend Y/N, love, this is my father.”
“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Weasley, Freddie has told me loads about you,” She said with a smile.
“He’s said loads about you too! He told me you’re a half-blood, can you tell me what it’s like to have a muggle parent?” Arthur replied.
“No, it’s fine Fred, I enjoy talking about my life as a half-blood, I got the best of both worlds really. I got to experience things as a witch but also as a muggle,” She explained to the man. Arthur continued to ask the girl questions, Fred eventually leaving the two of them to talk about the muggle world so he can go catch up with his mother.
“Where’s Y/N, dear?” Molly asked her son.
“Lost her to dad. They’re talking about muggles.” Fred replied.
“I had a feeling that would happen. You’ve got a good one Fred. That’s a keeper she is.”
Fred and Molly took the time to catch up, Fred telling her about school and Molly telling him about new things that she had done while her children had been away. They took their sweet time catching up until dinner was ready, Molly tasking Fred to call in Arthur and Y/N, so he went outside where he saw the two who had just met hugging, his father treating his girlfriend as one of his own. It made Fred’s heart warm to see it.
“Mum said dinner is ready,” Fred was apprehensive to interrupt but was glad he did deep down because he could finally steal his girlfriend back. Arthur was the first to let go of the girl and happily went into the house, Y/N meeting Fred halfway so they could walk into the house together. “I see that you and dad get on well.”
“Yeah, he’s a delight Freddie! He reminds me of you a little bit. You both get very passionate when you talk about things you love or have an interest in. Your eyes light up and you can talk for days about whatever it is. You two have that in common,” She smiled as they walked towards the house.
“See, I told you, there was no reason to be nervous. I do owe George a galleon now though.”
“What? Why? What did you two bet on this time?”
“I said mum would be the one to steal you but Georgie said dad would. George was right.” The two of them laughed about the bet as they entered the house and sat at the dinner table. 
Dinner went well, the Weasley’s that didn’t know Y/N got to know her and what she had liked. She had learned some new embarrassing stories about the twins as the conversation went on. And then, Molly pulled out the photo albums much to all of the Weasley children’s dismay. Y/N, Herminone and Harry, however, thoroughly enjoyed seeing pictures of their significant others as children, it gave them perfect ammunition to use against them if needed. 
Molly stayed up with the girl for a while finally getting the time to talk to her one on one to get to know her and her intentions with dating one of her sons. Y/N assured Molly that Fred was the love of her life; that there was nothing to be worried about when they were at Hogwarts because she would be there for Fred, no matter what. Molly felt lighter hearing this but she felt even better as she went on about her other children that were attending Hogwarts as well.
“Mrs. Weasley, I promise you that I will look after and care for Ginny, George and Fred when they’re away from you. They’re my family too and I care about them a lot. They mean the world to me,” Y/N assured the woman next to her. The woman pulled the girl into a tight hug as a thank you before sending her off to bed once she realized the time. She went up to the twins’ room and climbed right into Fred’s bed where he was already half asleep.
“Have a good talk with mum?” Fred asked her sleepily.
“A really good talk. I’ll tell you about it in the morning,” She replied as she was getting under the covers with him. As soon as she was under the covers, he pulled her into his side and dropped a lazy kiss to the top of her head. 
“Night, I love you.”
“I love you too Freddie. Good night.”
She had never felt so welcomed by another family before, she already felt like she was a part of the Weasley family. She knew that the family would always hold a special place in her heart no matter what happened. Fred was happy that she was quick to become part of the family, that she was quick to care for his family. He knew that he would never let her go, no matter what.
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unofficial-writing · 5 months
She calls me Freddie (Pt. 3)
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, banter, my portrayal of Charlie Weasley, underage drinking, Ron and Harry aren’t fighting for as long (sorry not sorry)
Summary: The competitors are selected and the first task approaches quickly. After Harry succeeds the twins put together a party for Gryffindor
Word count: 5.2k
(Part 3 - Find all other parts here!)
A good few weeks passed before your hair fully returned to normal and even though you considered it, you didn’t make Fred dye his again. But you did need to go through a couple more boxes on yourself. After the third cycle, the dye finally faded away to its normal color rather than red, which you welcomed back gratefully.
Even after all the time that had passed, the competitors still weren’t chosen. You all tried to go about your day as normal, but anticipation and excitement quickly began to spread through the school. Everyone, student and staff, was eager to start the tournament. Although everyone had entered within the first few days of the year, the selection wouldn’t be made until tonight, weeks later.
After dinner everyone gathered in the great hall, chatting on about their guesses on who would be the three students. Some of the tables had been set aside and replaced with the wood bleachers, situated so that the goblet was in the center of the room and everyone would have a good view of it. You sat on these bleachers just one seat in front of Fred, leaning back to let his knees support you.
Dumbledore stepped up to the cup and instructed everyone to sit, waiting until they did so to begin speaking. “Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the champion selection!” He announced to the now quiet room. Every single one of you were paying attention. The professor waved a hand across the room, dimming the torches until the blue flame was the main source of light.
He stepped toward the cup, staring at it as if willing it to do something. On cue, the blue fire suddenly turned red and spit out a small piece of paper, which Dumbledore caught. “The Durmstrang champion is,” he started, reading off the name. “Viktor Krum!” Cheers came from their table and everyone clapped him on the back. Viktor stood and walked down to the headmaster, shaking his hand.
With no warning, the goblet presented another name, this time written on an elegant piece of parchment lined with gold. “The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacor!” Fleur stood with a smile, walking towards Dumbledore with applause following her. She shook his hand as well and then off to the next competitor.
“The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!” The room erupted into cheers as his name was called, being a popular choice amongst the Hogwarts entries. Cedric wore a proud smile, accepting every congratulations he was given on the way up to the rest of the champions. He shook Dumbledore’s hand before joining them.
“I still think I should’ve been able to enter.” Fred complained as the applause died out. You put a hand on his knee sympathetically.
“If only you were a year older.” You told him, still using his legs as the back of a chair. He absentmindedly began to twirl a piece of your hair.
“Excellent! We now have our three champions!” Dumbledore announced. “But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions. This vessel of victory. The Tri-wizard cup!” Everyone’s attention was directed to the end of the hall where the cover was lifted off the trophy. It was a blue and silver cup, decorated elegantly and giving off a bright glow. The entire room applauded once more.
The celebration was suddenly put on hold, heads turning back to the stone goblet. The flame danced again in preparation of a fourth name. It turned red and another piece of paper was shot into the air, falling slowly into the headmaster’s hands.
“Harry Potter,” he read quietly. The entire room turned towards Harry, who sat on your right side. You glanced at him and he met your eyes nervously before looking back in Dumbledore’s direction. “Harry Potter?” He called, scanning the room for the boy.
Harry tried sinking further into his seat and you could feel the dread coming off of him. “Harry Potter!” Dumbledore yelled, finally spotting him.
“For goodness sake, Harry.” Hermione said, reaching down and grabbing his shoulder, pushing him in the right direction. The entire room was silent enough that you could hear the crackling of the fire. Harry reluctantly made his way to the professor, each slow step bringing more tension to the room.
The boy was handed his name and then headed toward the rest of the champions, his eyes moving between all the whispering students around him. The whispers soon turned into protests. “He’s a cheat!” “He’s not even seventeen yet!” Harry slouched, making him look smaller than normal. He passed the teachers, receiving looks from every one of them except for McGonagall who put a hand on his shoulder.
With all four students selected, the flame in the goblet died out until it was extinguished, leaving the room quiet and dark again. Dumbledore seemed to come back to his senses. “You’re all dismissed!” He yelled, hurrying everyone out of the hall so he could attend to the new situation. You gave Harry a sympathetic look, which he didn’t see because he was staring down at the floor, confused. You stood, taking Fred’s hand when he offered and letting him hold yours while you stepped off the bleachers.
“How do you supposed he did it?” Ron asked out in the hallway, now that the crowd dispersed.
“It doesn’t look like he did anything.” You replied. “He looked more confused than we were.”
“You don’t think he figured out a way to enter illegally?” Fred added, walking beside you.
“I don’t think there is a way to enter illegally. And definitely not a way that a fourth-year could figure out. Even Harry.” You responded and Hermione agreed with you. But there wasn’t any way to know for sure what happened until you were told straight from Harry.
Time passed in anticipation as everyone waited for the first task to be announced. You were told a couple of days after the champions were chosen that Harry didn’t put his name in the goblet and he would be competing just like the other three. Most people didn’t believe him and were even mad at him for being a competitor, but you stood by your belief. There’s no way he entered on his own.
As far as the first task goes, there would be no telling when or what it would be. It could be days from now or weeks. The one thing this tournament was good at is secrecy.
You sat on the couch in the currently quiet common room, reading one of the books you picked up from the library. During this time of day, most students were out and about, except for you and now Fred. He was silent entering the room until he jumped down onto the couch next to you, making you jump. “God, Fred.” You shook your head, ignoring him and drawing your gaze back down to your book.
He took it from you, setting it down on the table in a way to make sure you wouldn’t lose your page. You crossed your arms, glancing back up at him. “I have a secret.” He crossed his legs, facing you with a dorky smile.
“Oh yeah?” You replied, shifting so that you sat against the arm of the couch.
“But you can’t tell anyone because I’m not really supposed to know.”
“I can’t make any promises.”
“Well, then I can’t tell you, love.” He shrugged, acting like he was getting ready to stand and leave. But even if you were going to tell someone— which you weren’t— he would probably share it with you anyway.
“Fine,” You set a hand on his leg to keep him there. “I won’t tell anyone.”
He looked around him as if there were anyone else in the common room and leaned in close to you, brushing your hair out of the way so he could whisper in your ear. You contained a shiver as his fingers brushed against your neck. “I know what the first task is. “He said, boasting.
You sat back to look him in the eyes, raising an eyebrow. “How?” You asked him skeptically. “No offense, but you’re the last person they would tell.”
“Ok well, I don’t know exactly what it is but I do know what’s in it.” He admitted, his gaze briefly drifting to whatever was near the floor.
“And what is that?”
“Dragons,” he announced, waiting for your reaction. You sat up a little.
“Dragons.” He repeated. “And for your information, I said I wasn’t supposed to know. They only told me because my brother—”
“Charlie?” You interrupted, causing Fred to abandon the rest of his sentence.
He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Yes, Charlie’s coming.” He said, already knowing your reaction. You grinned at the news.
“I haven’t seen him since Christmas! When’s he getting here?” You asked, speaking quickly. You had first met Charlie back in your first year and he immediately became an older brother to you. Even after he graduated, you still saw him during the holidays.
“We’re supposed to help him unload the dragons tonight.” Fred explained. “And he specifically instructed us to bring you.” Fred tilted his head toward you, amused at your excitement.
“Of course he did,” You told him, resting an arm on the back of the couch. “Otherwise he’d have to wait to see his favorite sibling again until Christmas.”
Fred shook his head. It was a running joke between you all and after the first few times it was told, it stopped bothering him. “Well, lucky for you. You get to see your favorite Weasley every day.”
You tilted your head, making a face that suggested Fred wasn’t your favorite. Even though evidence would prove otherwise. He scoffed and grabbed you from your spot on the couch, pulling you toward him to tickle you. “I know I didn’t just see you make that face.”
You laughed against your will, squirming to get out of his arms. “Fred, you’re torturing me!” You got out between giggles. You escaped his tickling but he still locked his arms around you, trapping you there.
“Freddie, Let me go!” You begged, using your hands to try and pry his arms off, clearly unsuccessful.
“Not until you take it back,”
“I didn’t even say anything!”
“You know what you did, y/n l/n.” He pouted exaggeratedly, loosening his grip a little when you stopped wiggling.
“Fine. You’re my favorite,” You admitted with a sigh.
“Your favorite what?”
“Your favorite what?” He teased you, squeezing you tightly. You turned around in his arms so that you were facing him.
“Okay, you’re my favorite person in the entire world.” you told him, making a stupid face at him. He paused for a split second. That wasn’t the answer he expected. But just as every other time, he snapped out of it quickly.
“Well, I’m flattered.” He replied, letting his hand slide to your shoulders and then down your arms to hold your hands. “And you’ll be happy to hear that you’re my favorite person too.” Fred booped your nose, putting a little smile on your face.
“That’s wonderful news.” You stated simply, taking in the details of the boy you were looking at. God, he really was attractive. And it was a mystery why it took you so long to realize it.
After dark, you all had to take a walk through the woods to get to the spot where the dragons were brought in. You, Fred, George, and Ron all came to see Charlie, each of you with a little light at the tip of your wands that acted as a flashlight.
“Where’s Ginny?” You asked, using your wand to see where you were walking.
“Dunno,” George replied with a shrug. “She said she’d see Charlie tomorrow.”
Despite the light he held, Ron tripped over a root and stumbled a few feet before catching himself and standing again. “I mean this with no offense,” He started, brushing himself off. “But why are you here? I mean he’s our brother—” He was cut off by Fred jabbing him with his elbow, sending him a brotherly glare.
“Because clearly he likes me better.” You returned, not bothered by his question. The sound of dragons growling in the distance was now becoming more audible.
“What, that’s ridiculous—” Ron was cut off again by George.
“No, she’s right. He said specifically in his owl that he likes her better than all three of us combined. And he wants her help with the dragons.” He explained to his younger brother.
“And anyway, she was invited. So why don’t you close that big mouth of yours, Ronnie.” Fred said, shoving his brother’s shoulder.
You came up on the spot, first seeing the four huge cages, all covered so that you couldn’t see what was in them. However, you did see a tall red-haired man climbing down from one of them. He beamed when he saw your group.
“Charlie doesn’t prefer her over his own brothers.” Ron mumbled. Fred glanced down at his brother and then gestured to you, who was already greeting Charlie.
“There she is!” He said, pulling you into a huge bear hug. It felt like he waited until you couldn’t breathe to let go of you. Charlie had a grin on his face, which was painted in a thin layer of ash. It spread even into his long red hair he had tied up, revealing the assortment of rings he wore in his ears. “How’s my favorite sibling?”
This was clearly meant to piss of Ron, which worked flawlessly. “She’s not even your sister,” He complained, crossing his arms. You shot him a look.
Charlie glanced at Ron and then Fred, eyeing him with a smirk. “Well, not yet.” He responded, sending a wink in your direction. You felt heat move to your cheeks, even more so at the look on Fred’s face.
“Nice to see you too, Charlie.” Fred responded sarcastically, doing his best to quickly shake off his previous expression.
Once Charlie properly greeted his brothers, he handed out hard leathery coats, gloves, and boots. “What are these for?” Ron asked, putting on the garments. You slipped yours on, letting it fall around you. It was long enough to reach your boots, making it so your whole body was covered.
“That’s to keep you from burning to death when we get a look at these guys,” Charlie responded, patting the cage. “They’re definitely not happy after such a long trip in such a small cage.” Ron visibly gulped and made sure to button up the coat completely.
“That’s small?” George asked, watching his older brother make his way to the first cage. He nodded casually.
“For them, it is.” Charlie added. He was around dragons long enough that he could forget none of this was normal for everyone else. Most people have never even seen one in person.
On each corner of the cage, the cover was held in place by thick chains, which carried a lock just as impressive in size. “Put your hoods on,” Charlie instructed, kneeling down to the first lock. “And make sure you don’t get your face melted. That coat is completely fireproof but anything uncovered is gonna get burned.” He pointed out a little flap on the inside of your coat that you could lift over your face if needed.
Charlie flicked his wand, unlocking the first corner. The chain fell and allowed its portion of the cover to flap a little. The dragon inside rumbled at the movement. “Get ready!” He called, walking over to the next lock where you stood.
He unlocked it and as soon as the chain fell, the cover lifted and fell toward the other side of the cage, revealing the dragon inside. There was absolutely no warning but Charlie somehow grabbed you quickly enough, covering your face and turning you so your back was toward the dragon. Within part of a second, fire surrounded you two, simply bouncing off of your jackets. You felt nothing more than a a sudden wave of heat.
Once it ended, Charlie brushed any remaining flames off of you and turned toward the creature. He spoke firmly to it in a dialect you didn’t recognize, which settled the dragon.
You glanced over at Fred, who stared back at you with wide eyes and his mouth slightly agape. “Bloody hell.” He said quietly, putting a hand to his chest so he could start breathing again.
Charlie spoke like this for a minute until the dragon sat contently in its cage. That’s when you finally got a good look at it. It was absolutely huge, with sharp horns running across its back and down its tail, covering the majority of its body. Charlie wasn’t joking when he said the cage was too small. “A horntail?” You asked, beyond impressed. You received a proud grin from him, as if he was showing you his child.
“Isn’t he beautiful?” He replied, pulling off the rest of the cover. Fred walked to your side reluctantly, not quite trusting that it was done breathing fire.
“I’ve never seen one in person,” you said in absolute awe. It’s huge head turned toward you, eyes focusing on your face for a few moments before losing interest. The dragon turned around in its cage, getting a good look at its new surroundings.
Charlie had you all split up and take a section of the remaining cages at a time. “These ones won’t be so aggressive.” He assured. “The horntail was the hardest of all of them.” You and Charlie walked ahead to get to the next cage, which was parked farther away to avoid conflict between the dragons.
“So, when are you going to start dating my little brother?” Charlie asked suddenly, gesturing to Fred who walked a little ways behind. You snapped your head up to him.
“What are you talking about, Charlie? We’re not dating.” You replied to him, taken aback by his forward question.
“Oh please, y/n.” He said, wiping a bit of ash off his face, which smudged black against his pale skin. “We’ve all been taking bets since your first year.”
You stuttered, clearly not knowing how to respond. He laughed at this, stopping at the corner of the cage.
“If you say you don’t like him even a little then you’re lying.” He said, kneeling down and unlocking the first lock. “And I need you to hurry up and get with him or I’ll lose money to Bill.” Charlie has always been one to say exactly what he was thinking but this was the first time it caught you so off guard. Ron was on the other side and undid the second lock, unveiling a smaller green dragon. This one was quite vocal but didn’t attempt to roast you.
“I’m so glad you know how I feel about him, Charlie.” You replied, crossing your arms. He shrugged and smiled, turning to remove the cover completely.
You noticed George struggling with a cage by himself so you walked over to help him, trying to avoid any further interrogation from his older brother.
“Oi, Fred. Help me with this one!” Charlie called, heading to the last cage. Fred passed you on the way over, nudging you playfully with his elbow. You made a face at him, brining out his wonderful laugh.
You made it to George, shaking your head and sighing as you kneeled down beside him. “God, does everyone think I’m in love with Fred?” You asked sarcastically. George paused for a moment and glanced at you, then returned to his work.
“Yes,” he responded simply. “But to be fair, most of us have a filter. Unlike Charlie” He nodded to the next lock and you moved there.
“I don’t know why everyone assumes that.” You muttered, lifting your wand to the lock in front of you.
“Well, are you?” George questioned, his eyes still focused on his corner of the cage.
“No!” You snapped defensively. But then your eyes drifted to Fred and you weren’t so sure. The sight of him made you feel like melting right there. He looked like he was actually starting to enjoy this, smiling as a smaller red dragon pressed its nose against the cage to greet him. He looked different to you lately. Just looking at him started to make your stomach flip.
George caught your stare. “You sure?”
You sighed, letting your face soften as you watched him. “No,” You said quietly. George looked up at you, surprised that you admitted it.
Do you even know how you feel about him? So much has change since the summer, but maybe that’s exactly why. Maybe you were proving everyone right after all. You paused for a minute before continuing on, looking down at George. “You can’t tell Fred.”
He glanced at his twin and then at you, probably considering wether or not to agree. After a brief moment, he gave you a soft smile. “I won’t, I promise.”
“Thank you, George.” You said, relieved. Charlie came over to your cage and helped you lift the cover completely to reveal a Swedish short snout, which was already fairly calm.
It was late when you finally finished since Charlie wanted every dragon to be settled perfectly into their temporary enclosures. “When is the task?” You asked him.
“Two days from now.” He answered casually, giving each dragon a once over.
“And how long are you staying?”
“I’ll be leaving with them once they’re done.” He told you and shoved your shoulder playfully. “But I’ll still see you for Christmas. You’re coming to the burrow, right?”
“I don’t think I have a choice, Charlie.” You said with a chuckle. Fred appeared by your side, resting an arm around your shoulder. “Fred is going to drag me there wether I like it or not.”
“Absolutely correct.” He responded, booping your nose and giving you a stupid perfect smile. Your eyes were stuck on his for a moment, mimicking his soft expression until you thought about your conversation with George. Your gaze drifted to him briefly, only to see his smirk.
Once Charlie was satisfied and absolutely sure all four dragons were taken care of, he let you go. The walk back was long and dark and the woods seemed to be endless. Fred offered an arm to you until you exited the forest, which you took and didn’t let go of even when you reached the castle.
A certain tension hung in the air between you two, there because both of you wanted to say something you couldn’t. Fred broke this with whatever thought was on his mind. “Glad we got to see Charlie.” He said sarcastically, coaxing a quiet laugh out of you.
“I imagine he had the same conversation with you, then?” You inquired, glancing down at the stone floor beneath your feet. The castle was dimly lit but still much brighter than the pitch black of the forest.
“That depends on if we’re thinking of the same conversation.” He responded, avoiding saying the words directly.
“I think we are.”
“I think we are too.”
Out of all your years of knowing Fred, this was the first time your talking flowed almost awkwardly. Normally it came so naturally to you two.
There was a long pause before you spoke again. “He’s just being Charlie though. Just ridiculous.” When you said it, you weren’t sure you meant it as much as before. Honestly, Charlie was likely not being ridiculous at all.
“Yeah, ridiculous.” Fred replied. Was there disappointment in his voice? God, the awkwardness made you want to squirm. That awkwardness was exactly why you didn’t want Fred to know what you said to George. It would ruin the dynamic between you, which was years in the making.
The next two days went by quickly and after that night you both seemed to forget about what happened with Charlie. Or at least pretended it didn’t happen. Regardless, both of you were back to normal. That morning the task was finally announced, giving only a couple of hours notice to the spectators.
The stadium, which would hold the event, was already occupied by nearly every student and teacher. You had managed to find and keep three sits for you and the twins, who had decided to hold betting. Once they had gone through every row twice, they finally arrived at your seats. “Look at this! I’m not even mad they canceled Quidditch this year!” Fred yelled over the crowd. You gave him a look, feeling the opposite about the situation.
“Well, I am.” You replied, still irritated that your sport had been put on hold for the year. Fred stopped beside you, letting George move to your other side.
“You’re always mad, Y/n.” George added, leaning over the wood barrier in front of you. Down below on the stadium floor were sharp jagged rocks, crowding the arena. On one end was a large golden egg, sitting just in front of a huge opening where each dragon would enter.
The objective of the task was to capture the egg, which was protected by the dragon. You imagined the type of dragon would be paired to each champion at random. But some would have a harder time than others, given that the horntail for example is much more aggressive than the welsh green and will guard his egg much more fiercely.
Suddenly the canon went off, sending the crowd roaring with more applause. The first competitor was Cedric, who took on the Swedish short snout. He collected his egg and made it out unscathed. Cedric was followed by Viktor Krum with the Chinese fireball and Fleur with the Welsh green.
“Harry has the horntail.” You said, barely audible over the yelling. “That seems hardly fair considering he’s only fourteen!”
“I don’t think they chose it for Harry on purpose.” Fred replied, clearly not as concerned as you were. You sighed and leaned down on the barrier.
Harry was introduced and then entered the stadium and reluctantly, taking in the sight. Everyone cheered when he entered, except for Hermione below you who looked far more worried.
The crowd went still in anticipation. The stadium below you suddenly looked abandoned, showing absolutely no sign of the dragon. You watched Harry make up his mind and make a start toward the egg, only to be stopped immediately by a huge tail swinging and hitting the rock just above his head. The crowd gasped as Harry rolled to the side, barely avoiding it.
The dragon, which you had seen calm only a few nights ago, now climbed the rocks with a huge growl and turned back to Harry. You gripped the wood tightly, Fred taking your hand off it to keep you from getting splintered.
The creature spotted the boy and sent fire in his direction, once again barely missing Harry. He made a run for the egg, followed closely by his opponent. The dragon gave Harry several more blows, swinging its tail and sending him flying. The crowd gasped and you grabbed Fred’s sleeve, clasping a hand over your mouth. It was a miracle he wasn’t just impaled.
Harry ducked behind a rock, just in time to avoid being burned. “Your wand, Harry!” Hermione yelled. “Your wand!” As if he heard her, he lifted his want, shouting a spell you couldn’t hear over the noise.
A few seconds later, a broom came speeding overhead, heading in Harry’s direction. He managed to jump onto it before more of the dragon’s fire reached him. Everyone applauded, Hermione probably the loudest.
Harry flew toward the egg, reaching down and just missing it. “Ooh” came from the crowd as he rose again to turn around, followed by the dragon. Everyone paused, hearing the crunch of metal breaking and seeing the chain falling to the ground, removing the only thing keeping the creature in the stadium.
The pattern in the audience continued with gasps this time as the dragon was freed from the area, forcing Harry to fly out and away from it. They left destruction in their path, nearly taking out the professors.
“Yes!” George cheered.
“Well done, dragon!” Fred followed. Harry and the dragon quickly ducked out of sight, leaving everyone else to wait for their return. It was several minutes before this happened.
Harry appeared over the rocks, his broom sturggling to take him back to the stadium. He ducked down and this time succeeded in taking ahold of the egg, which immediately sent the crowd into shouts and cheers.
Everyone met Harry on the walk back, taking turns clapping him on the back. Hermione, who had zero faith in his survival, jumped into his arms. “Well done, Harry!” You congratulated. The boy was still out of breath and covered in dirt and a little blood.
Ron grabbed his shoulders, taking the egg out of his hands and examining it. “Well, how are we going to celebrate?”
“We’ll take care of that, mate.” Fred chimed in, slapping his brother on the back. You could already see a plan forming in the twins’ head. And take care of it, they did.
It was late at night when you finally made it back to the common room, which you entered with Hermione. You were quickly hit with loud music, traveling effortlessly through your ears. The sound made your heart seem to hop right out of your chest, and the sight of the Gryffindors crowded in the common room increased that feeling. It was a miracle McGonagall hadn’t found out about this yet.
“Oh god, what did they do?” Hermione muttered as you stepped into the room. You two were exact opposites in your reaction.
Right through the door, you were grabbed by Fred, who placed a hand carefully on both of your arms. “I was wondering when you would get here, darling.” He told you. Hermione gave you a smirk as he dragged you away, leading you through the sea of Gryffindors.
“Are you drunk, Freddie?” You asked him, knowing full well he acted similar drunk as he did normally, but he wasn’t drunk very often.
“Not yet, love.” He told you with a smile and a wink. You shook your head at him, able to tell by his voice he was sober. “Dance with me, will you?” You obliged, letting him move you with the music. The beat pounded in your ears, syncing with your heart and thumping in your chest.
How they managed to bring in firewhisky was beyond you, but it only took a few drinks to bring you much closer to Fred. You were far from drunk but definitely tipsy. And you could say the same for him. The room around you faded as you pulled him closer to you, his face only inches away. His green eyes were fixed on yours making your heart double its pace. “You’re beautiful,” He said suddenly. His expression was soft and his eyes admiring you.
“What?” You whispered, your hands lifting to his neck. Fred had complimented you before but it sounded like he meant it differently this time. He leaned closer to you, his lips brushing yours delicately. It sent a shock through your body and in that moment all you wanted was to close the space. You could have kissed him, but there were too many drinks involved.
“Fred,” you mumbled, ghosting his lips with his name.
“We’re drunk.” You told him. Neither of you were really drunk but you were still worried he— you too for that matter— was acting off of the firewhisky. He responded by pulling his face back from yours, respecting your decision without a second question.
“If we’re going to kiss, we’re going to do it sober.” You decided, making him chuckle. The sound made you long for him even more and you were sure if he asked to kiss you, you would let him. But of course, being Fred Weasley, he wasn’t going to ask you again after you told him no.
“I’m going to hold you to that.” He said, gently pressing a long kiss to your forehead. You were grateful he was still holding you because you could’ve melted right there if he wasn’t.
George made his way over, grabbing onto his brother. “Come on, Freddie!” He said and you could immediately tell he was much farther gone. “Sing a song for your girlfriend!” You didn’t even notice what he said since he started to drag Fred away. It was colder now without his warm body beside you.
Fred didn’t need any drinks to oblige in his brother’s request. The music changed and suddenly Fred was on the common room table, singing— more like shouting— the words to you, using his wand as a microphone.
You giggled at the sight, utterly taken by the boy, who blew you an exaggerated kiss. George, Charlie, and everyone else were right this whole time, you were absolutely in love with Fred Weasley.
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desideriumwriter · 1 year
Anyone Else But You | Chapter 1 | F.W
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Chapter Summary - The introduction to all the reasons why reader despises the Weasley twins, especially Fred Weasley.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, slowburn
Content Warnings - animal abuse? (fred & george feed a firework to a salamander.) 
Word Count - 1.5k
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Next Chap | Navigation | 
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There’s no one who irritates you more than the Weasley Twins. 
They’re loud, immature, unreliable, clumsy, arrogant, touchy, careless, childish, stubborn, just genuinely stupid. It’s as if everything you hated had been mixed together and formed into two tall, redheaded, teenage boys. 
Ever since you started your first year with them, it’s felt as if they’re the most agitating people in the world. Now you're all in your fifth year, and they’ve only gotten worse since then. 
It’s bad enough that you got put in the same house as them, you also somehow got multiple classes with them every year, and that your parents were friends with their parents. But, what added fuel to the fire was that they knew you didn’t like them, that you found them annoying and unfunny, and that only made them pester you more.
Yet it was surprising you were able to make friends with their younger brother, Ron. He didn’t care about your hatred for the twins, he agreed sometimes on how they would take their “pranks” too far, especially with him. He spilled to you about the plenty of times they used his phobias against him, when Fred turned his teddy bear into a spider when he was younger, they practically fueled his fear of spiders, or when both of the twins tried to get him to make an unbreakable vow when he was only five.
Ron also told you about how they tormented his other siblings as well.
George once admitted (proudly) that he and Fred attempted to shove Percy into a tomb while on a trip to Egypt, however, their mum caught them in the act, and they put beetles in his soup. They let off a dungbomb under their elderly aunt's chair on Christmas day. Even though you heard about their elderly aunt being unpleasant and unsympathetic, it’s risky to scare a 107-year-old with something explosive.
They would mess with their older brother Charlie, who studies and takes care of dragons now, by hiding his books about dragons or pretending that they accidentally destroyed them.
The twins seemed the most lax with Ginny, you didn’t hear about too many mean pranks being pulled on her. They would scare her by jumping up behind her with creepy masks on or steal all her food off her plate when she wasn’t looking. She was probably the favorite sibling to them.
There were so many more events that gave you more reasons to hate them.
In their first year, they set off a dungbomb in one of the corridors, the smell wouldn’t go away for days, it lingered through the air and anyone even remotely close would unwillingly get the strong, foul, disgusting smell of it in their nostrils, also if you walked through the gas, the smell would stick to you. 
They fed a firework to a salamander, they wanted to ‘see what would happen’. You accidentally and unwillingly witnessed it, making the mistake of choosing to study at the lake that day.
They’ve hidden and messed up Percy’s Head Boy badge, they nearly made their poor brother cry because of it.
At the end of Second year, they set off the last of their Filibuster Fireworks on the train ride home.
They constantly stole items from other classmates, including you. There have been multiple times your textbooks and/or notes have gone missing for several days. When your stuff would magically appear on your bed in the dorms, there’d be a note attached to it saying “Thanks for letting us borrow this!” or something along the lines of that. Also, little doodles and drawings on the sides of your notes and sometimes your textbook.
Sometimes they wouldn’t even put your textbooks or your notes on your bed, they’d hide them. Putting them in your nightstand drawers, under your bed, behind the curtains, inside your closet, on top of the closet, and even inside of your pillowcase. You remember the first time they hid it there.
You had stayed up far too late studying in the common room, there was a test in Snape’s class in the morning that you definitely weren't ready for. You decided maybe you should go to bed after your head nearly hit the table you were sitting at for a third time due to you falling asleep.
You closed your notebook and gathered your supplies, heading up to the girl's dormitory. Too tired to put your things away properly, you put them on the floor next to your bed. You turned off your lamp and flopped down onto your pillow. Instead of feeling a cool, soft, and comfortable cushion touch your head, you hit your head on a large, solid, and heavy textbook.
You hissed out loud in pain, causing a few girls to groan and stir in their sleep. You sat up and held the side of your head which was now stinging, you wouldn’t be surprised if you got a lump the next day due to how hard your head smacked into it.
You turned back on the light next to your bed, you looked at your pillow, noticing the large rectangular shape inside it, you could see the cover of your textbook with a small piece of paper stuck on it through the sheer fabric. Angrily, you took your textbook out of the pillowcase, taking the folded piece of the paper that was on the front and opening it.
Thanks for letting us borrow this! Sweet dreams!
                                      Much love, F and G!
You would’ve screamed and stormed your way over to the boy's dorm to beat both of the twins with the book if it wasn’t past midnight and if you weren’t in a room of sleeping girls. All you could do was put the textbook with the rest of your things and go to sleep angry, or at least try to sleep, now that you were wide awake and your head was throbbing.
Anyways, they also cheated all the time, they’d constantly bug you for answers in the middle of tests when they didn’t even need them. You hate to say this, but they were insanely good at potions. It makes sense how they created all those sweets. They would be able to fly through the tests in less than ten minutes at least, but they didn’t, they were lazy, so they’d mooch off you. When they’d get caught, they’d both blame you, which nearly got you in trouble with Snape several times.
Speaking of professors. They would mess with them. They threw snowballs at the back of Professor Quirrell's head. But, after learning the truth about what was going on with Quirrell under the head scarf. Maybe that could be the only thing they’ve ever done that was somewhat valid. It was still bad for Quirrell, he was already taking enough sneering from students the entire time he was working at the school, he was just being used as a vessel.
But that's not the point we’re talking about here. 
There are way too many reasons for why you hate those redheaded twins. You didn’t understand how people put up with them, how they found them entertaining and funny. They were embarrassing. You hated how they excused themselves from responsibility. How they claimed everything they did was a “joke” or “prank” to get out of trouble.
It was like your brain was programmed to put you in a bad mood anytime you thought of them or were around them. Your eyes would roll annoyedly at the sight of them. You would get snippy and aggressive if they even tried talking to you. You did everything in your power to keep yourself away from them for the sake of your mood.
Their entire existence made your blood boil. Fred especially. He’s the worst out of the two of them. But there’s a difference between him and George. Fred is the instigator, George smooths things out, but that doesn’t mean he’s not trouble though. George is less annoying, only a bit less annoying. He’s nearly as annoying as Fred, but it seems as if Fred is more determined to get on your nerves.
And he is. You can tell.
He becomes louder when near you, constantly taps on your shoulder, asking for something when he already knows you won’t give him whatever it is or pretends like he didn’t, he also throws things at you and pretends that he doesn’t, lies or says things wrong on purpose just for you to scoff and correct him, calls you nicknames that you hate, teases you for whatever he can find, it’s as if he nitpicks anything you do so he can use it against you to annoy you, he does every little thing that peeves you only because he wants to get some type of reaction out of you, and the only reason on why he does it? He thinks it’s funny. 
Fred isn’t completely fond of you either.
He knows what bothers you, what gets on your nerves, what makes your blood boil, then he uses it against you, to piss you off. You’re not sure how exactly he knows so much, but just somehow he does. Either it could be because he knows legilimency (which is very unlikely) or it’s that he’s just been listening in on your conversations with friends.
Whatever, what you are sure of is that you can’t stand the Weasley twins. You hate the Weasley twins. You hate Fred and George Weasley. You hate Fred Weasley. You hate him with every bone and muscle in your body.
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Tell what you thought about this chapter! <3 Feedback is greatly appreciated!
taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @five-seconds-flat @nal-leo-17
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem! reader Summary: George reads the letters he wrote about you to himself throughout Hogwarts Warnings: mention of have a b0ner, boobs, tears, hinting to masturbation, the use of Y/n is used a few times, I'm sorry
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George bent down on the floor of his bedroom, he looked beneath to bed and pulled out a box that had been left untouched since he and Fred opened up the shop before the war
he sat down and leaned against the side of his bed, opening the box and pulling out the book
he sighed before opening it, turning to the front page, the first day he met you
1 september 1989
Dear diary
it's the first of september, meaning it's the day Me and Fred go to Hogwarts.
Me and Fred couldn't find an empty compartment to sit at, and there was no way we were going to sit with Percy, or Charlie- as his was already full
but we Found one with a boy in our year, Lee. he's cool, he let us sit with us and gave us some candy- which made mine and Fred's nose bleed. I didn't think anybody other than me and Fred would care about jokes and pranks, but i guess I was wrong, cause Lee does too!
the train started moving and we waved to our parents. i think it was about five minutes later when i saw a girl walk past, still holding her bags and stuff, she looked lost
I opened the door and let her inside
she smiled and sat with us, she wasn't that interested in pranks, but she laughed at the stories we told her.
Her name is Y/n, and I have a feeling she's going to stick around for a while.
George smiled and turned to the next page, a year and a bit later.
December 12, 1990
Christmas is coming up soon and our friends are doing a muggle thing Lee told us about- secret santa
not all our friends wanted to do it, but the main ones like Y/n, Angelina, Alicia, then it's me, Fred and Lee, so there's six of us, even
I got Y/n, I still don't know what to get her, there was no money limit or anything like that, but I just don't want to get something too cheap- but that's probably all I can afford
she's a good friend and after the first day of first year, she's stayed by our sides, no one else let her in to sit with on the train but we did, so she stayed
I'm glad she did, she's funny. and as much as she says she hates doing it- she helps me and Fred with pranks a lot, mostly because she's smarter than us
I wonder if she got me for secret santa, the odds of that would be really low, but it's not impossible, i would accept anything she would give me with a smile
George had gotten you some candy from Honeydukes- and you, infact did not get him, instead you had Fred, to which you gave him a bunch of products from Zonko's
George flipped to the next page as he heard noise coming from outside, dinner was probably coming soon and George would have to hurry before he was caught reading these
November 28, 1991
My third year at Hogwarts started a few months ago, the Famous Harry Potter started his first year
my younger brother Ron is his Friend, along with a strange girl, Hermione?
her and Y/n gets along pretty well, i think they go to the library together
speaking of Y/n, we've gotten closer, she would have to be my best friend- other than Fred. Lee is up there but he's been spending quite a bit of time with Alicia, I think there's something going on there, but i don't really know
Y/n decided to try out for the Quidditch team, due to mine and Fred's encouragement, she's really good, she should've been on the team last year, she's a chaser, and she's brilliant!
she's got the latest broom and it goes wicked fast, sometimes in training, we'll just race each other, she always wins though, mostly because I let her but who cares, it's worth it when i see the big smile on her face when she rubs it in
Fred started to tease me about it, saying i'm being soft.
I'm just being nice
October 13, 1992
fourth year started last month, school is getting a bit harder.
Fred Invited Y/n over in the holidays, she stayed at our house for about a week, I was a bit nervous that she would be overwhelmed by our family but she fit in great, Mum loved her and said she should come over for breaks from now on.
so she'll be coming over for christmas this december.
she stayed in Ginny's room, although she snuck into our room to mess around with jokes before she'd actually go to bed, I think mum knew that we did that because she glared at us when we would come down for breakfast the next mornings, she wouldn't say anything, just put her hands on her hips when we yawned
she's really cool, she's really pretty too, i don't think i've ever noticed it before, but she is, and Fred doesn't mind telling her that.
I think he fancies her because they always giggle to themselves
I don't know why but I would always get this pit in my stomach every time I saw them alone together.
He talks about her to me before going to sleep in our dorms, it's starting to piss me off, it was getting annoying because I just want to go to sleep and he'd start talking about something funny she said to him that day and he'd just laugh
i cover my eyes with my pillow every time to try and block him out, though it never really works
George laughed at that entry, looking back on it now, he should've known what the feeling meant
September 5, 1993
we got back from Holidays a few days ago, Y/n couldn't come over because she went over to Italy with her family
she had gotten boobs and the tight low cut shirt she wore to the train station really left little to the imagination, I know I sound weird and like a pervert, I shouldn't think this way about my best friend
but I can barely make eye contact with her anymore without my eyes lowering to her chest.
she's stunning and everything about her makes my heart flutter now.
she also had a slight tan and her hair was longer, she's always playing with it and I can't help the way my mind begins to wonder when i stare at her
she's making my body feel different, the way she bites her lip when concentrating, the way her eyes flutter when she looks up at me to talk
she's using lip gloss too, one that makes her lips look really kissable
I hate to admit it but i sat next to her in class yesterday and my dick decided it was a good time to get a boner, as painful as it was, all i could do was push it down.
she had noticed my uncomfortable state and in her sweet, innocent voice she asked if i was alright
"you ok there, Georgie?" she giggled
I could only nod my head.
and as horrible as it was, later that night, when laying in my bed, I couldn't help but ease the pain to the thought of her.
September 20, 1993
I fancy her, I've completely and utterly fallen in love with her,
it sounds like its just because her body has changed but it's so much more than that
she is kind and funny and sarcastic. and beautiful, like HOT.
too bad she has a boyfriend now, he doesn't deserve her and he wouldn't treat her half as good as I would if I were hers
Fred found out, turns out he never fancied her, but he just cares for her, as friends.
Fred thinks I should tell her, but I can't and I never will
Update- she broke up with him!
George laughed at the update at the end, which was 2 months later and flipped to the next page
December 6, 1994
McGonagall told us about the Yule ball today, a dance
my eyes were fixated on Y/n as she sat down laughing with Angelina across the room as I stood with Fred
Fred told me he liked Angelina a few weeks ago and I'm sure he'll ask her to the ball
Ron got called on to demonstrate the dance and she whistled at him, making him glare at her, to which she laughed
when the class was dismissed, Y/n came up to us and started joking around
I couldn't help but notice the way she has the top buttons of her shirt undone, and her tie a bit loose
it was getting rather chilly and she wasn't even wearing a jumper
I asked her if she was cold and she shook her head with a smile
"I like the cold, George, you should know that" she giggled, nudging me
she was rather short compared to me, the top of her just barely met my shoulder so she always looks up when talking to me
I've also noticed she likes to roll her skirt up, so merlin forbid she bends down to pick something up.
she's also gotten a bit more touchy, not just with me but with the rest of our friend group
her hugs would only happen coming back from breaks and holidays but now she'll hug you almost everyday in the mornings
her hugs have always been nice, but the way I can practically feel her boobs pressing up against me makes it all the better.
December 18, 1994
most people I know already have dates to the ball, Fred had asked Angelina to the ball within the first few days of hearing about it
Y/n has been asked a few times but she's politely declined every one
Fred keeps pressuring me to ask her already and I strictly telling him no, she'd reject me like every other guy whos asked her, and then it would make it weird.
We're also doing another secret santa this year, I got Alicia
Alicia is...nice? she just has a really big flirting problem, and that's not with everyone, just me
she asked me to the Ball a few days ago, and as much as I didn't want to go alone, I still said no
She's not really my type, and as much as i try to make her stop flirting with me, she just keeps doing it, I speak for all of our friend group when I say it's annoying, and I know that because they've all said it
it's nothing against her, but it's just weird
and Y/n doesn't mind talking about it, making jokes and stuff
the only person i have ever felt something for has been Y/n, and I don't want it to be anybody else
George remembers that week like it was all yesterday.
George was sat on the Gryffindor couch, your head in his lap as you told him about your day
"but anyway, why haven't you asked anybody to the ball!?" you sat up, sitting on your knees next to him
"I- I don't know, why haven't you said yes to anybody?" George questioned
"I don't like any of them, barely friends with most of them" you shrugged
"w- well do you? like anybody?" George stuttered
George noticed the small blush rising to your cheeks
"uh- not really" you smiled sheepishly "you?"
George's heartbeat quickened as he grew nervous
does he tell her?
"not really" he responded, copying your words
"you should go with Alicia" you nudged him shoulder, making him roll his eyes
"merlin" he cursed under his breath as you giggled
"only kidding of course..unless you actually want to?" you frowned
"if i wanted to go with her I would've said yes"
you smiled
"it's getting pretty late, i'm going to head to bed" you yawned
George nodded his head
"alright, goodnight"
"night, Georgie" you kissed his cheek before getting up and going to the dormitories
George stared off at the fire as the kiss lingered on his cheek, making his skin feel funny, a good funny
a few days later, Fred pushed George into asking you
"just go talk to her, this is probably your only chance!" Fred whispered before shoving George into you
you stumbled forward and almost bumped into Angie, who had to pause her sentence
you looked back and saw George
"sorry" he apologised
you grinned and gave him a hug "it's fine!"
Angelina saw Fred look at her from behind and walked over to him, leaving you with George
you stared up at George to see what he wanted but he only looked back at you nervously
"is there something you wanted, George?" you chuckled
"I want a date to the ball" he sighs, finally saying it, knowing that Fred would kick his ass if he didn't
"I'm sure Alicia will take you" you smirked
George licked his lips and thought of what to say
"no- no ok um...do you want to go with me? no! I would love if you would accompany me- wait ok. I really want you to go with me to the ball...I- I uh-"
December 20, 1994
I asked her to the ball, after what feels like forever being in love with her, I asked her
Fred pushed me into doing it
so I did, I sounded like a complete fool and I wish I could've said it better, word it so I didn't sound so stupid
maybe if I did that, she would've said yes
better yet- I had also admitted that I loved her, that I have for a long time. I had gotten so nervous that I outed myself
she just stood there in surprise before I ran off in complete and utter embarrassment
December 25, 1994
I went with her, it turns out that she was going to say yes but I ran away before she could've said anything
she told me she loved me too, and she made me the happiest man in all of Hogwarts
it was the Ball a few hours ago, you should've seen her, she was stunning- a type of stunning that when you see her, you can't say anything out of shock on how beautiful she is (which I did)
I can't describe the feeling I get when I'm with her- or see her, but it's overwhelming
i feel faint now every time I see her
she told me she would go with me the day after I had asked her in that stupid way. that was when she told me she loved me
she actually loves me.
I don't know how I can manage to make her love me but I'm grateful- and cautious
what if I mess up?
but that doesn't matter, we're not together
Update: jan 5- I asked her out, she said Yes!
February 19, 1996
Valentines day was 5 days ago, Y/n was obviously my Valentine and we had a great day, I took her to that tea shop in Hogsmeade she's been talking about for a while, if was very...pink and not the type of romantic that I like.
but she enjoyed it so I loved it.
we've been dating for a little over a year and it's great, I am absolutely in love with her and I think she is too
she's mad at me right now though
Today, at Quidditch, I beat up Draco Malfoy for bad mouthing, making Umbridge ban Me, Harry and Fred from the team, which is total bullshit!
anyway, I didn't get badly injured, Malfoy can't punch for the life of him
I only got a cut on my lip but Y/n yelled at me when walking back to the castle
I told her I don't really care I got kicked off but she still told me off, she's cute when she's mad
and I can't be mad at her for worrying about me, especially when she said I looked hot when beating Malfoy up
she let that slip from her mouth and hit my arm when I laughed at her
Merlin I love her, and I never want that to change, so just so you know. you are an idiot if you EVER LEAVE HER.
Fred and I are finalising our plan on leaving Hogwarts to start the shop up
Y/n knows about it, I've reassured her that we'll see each other, but I'm still worried she'll break up with me so I can focus on the shop
but right now I have to make it up to her for getting in a fight so.
April 21, 1996
she told me she wants to break up, she said it wasn't because of us, but because she wants to focus on our futures
I refused, it's the day before me and Fred leave.
I don't want to leave her, it feels like I only just got her and screw anyone who will try to take her away.
I told her I didn't want that and then it turned into a fight
she said she only wants what's best for us, but she is the best for me, and I will try to be the best for her
she left my dorm and I don't know where she went, but I want to see her, to tell her it will work.
I knew this was going to happen, but i didn't want it to.
Update- I found her and I begged her to stay with me, I told her that she should come live with me and Fred when she graduates and she didn't know what to say, she said she'll think about it
June 26, 1996
she moved in with us, she decided to stay with me and live with me, all her things are here now and she's in the bathroom right now, going through it and putting things in there, I couldn't be more happy.
I have the girl of my dreams to wake up beside me and go to sleep in my arms, forever
"George! dinner!" He heard Fred yell out before the door opened
"George..." he heard Fred sigh sadly
George felt the tears start to prickle in his eyes as he thought of you and how much he loved you
"I told her not to go...why didn't she listen?" George asked as his tears met the page from a few years prior, before the war
the same war that took you away from him
Fred walked into the room and sat next to his twin
"come on, I told you not to find this" Fred said, taking the book away.
it's been a while! i'm sorryyyyy
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shinyasahalo · 1 month
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livinginshambles · 1 year
Preview: I want to be loved first | James Potter
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Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Established relationship and angst to fluff: James still loves Lily, it's clear to you. You try to ignore the way your heart aches when you always seem to be second on his mind, knowing you will never compare to her and unsure how much more you can take.
Notes: Sorry, this is not a second part of the last fic. It's just a random one shot that popped up in my brain because I was inspired. I'm still writing it, but I wanted to let you guys know.
People have often told you that you needed to toughen up and grow a spine. That your lack of backbone had everyone trample on you like you were a crosswalk, and you could definitely say that they were right.
Perhaps that’s why you were crying in the middle of the night because of James Potter. He was laying behind you, pressed against your back with an arm draped over you. His face was hidden in the back of your neck, breathing steadily against it as he slept peacefully, unaware of the heartache he was causing you when he whispered Lily’s name. Again.
When he’d done it the first time, your blood had run cold, goosebumps showing up and littering your bare arms. Tears had prickled in your eyes at his barely audible, mumbled confession. “Love you so much, Lily.”
You had turned around to face him and your rustling had woken him up. Eyes still closed, he'd groggily shifted and pulled you against his chest. “Everything alright, love?”
“Yeah, just a nightmare,” you had responded in a small voice. Your answer had him finally open his eyes, somewhat concerned. He had lifted his arm to yawn against it and then settled it back on top of you in such a way that his hand had easy access to your nape, drawing circles in attempt to calm you.
“I’ve got you, love. Nothing can hurt you, as long as I’m here,” he had assured you. Ironic.
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