#fem hades
ally-holmes · 7 months
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pdfxcrt · 1 year
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Hook with the daughter of Ariel or something like that. With them being in a secret little relationship but he’s always trying to come up to her and flirt with her. Maybe Uliana finds out and freaks out the rest is up to you
Secret | James Hook
Pairing: James Hook x fem!reader (Ariel's!sister!reader)
Summary: Once Uliana figures out your secret, everything comes crushing down.
Warning/s: angst, but with a happy ending, fluff, keeping secrets, fight, short fic, possible grammar and/or spelling mistakes
Author's note: It's here, hope you enjoy!! Also, I made the reader Ariel's sister because in my head, it fits the timeline.
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Honestly, nobody had any idea how it happened. You were Ariel's sister. He was a pirate. How in the world did you manage to end up together?!
Well... truth to be told... it happened so suddenly, just like when the storm in the middle of the sea happens. Nobody really expects it, but it arrives it crashes you with its whole might. Leaving you breathless.
It was a normal, sunny day when you met him. You were walking down the corridor, just trying to get to Merlin's class. Clutching your book in your hands, you found yourself outside as you came face to face with Hook. In the middle of the courtyard. All alone. His back was turned to you, and with that finding, you felt the sigh of relief leave your body pass your lips. It doesn't matter, you thought to yourself. So you decided to keep walking. You did not want to be late to class.
But it seems like the luck wasn't on your side that day. He turned around and walked up to you as he yelled out.
"Ahoy there, mermaid!" He smirked as your eyes met. "Skipping class again, I see. What's your excuse this time? Lost your voice singing to the fishes?"
James Hook, now leaning against a stone pillar, hook on his right hand and a mischievous glint in his eyes as his eyes scanned you.
"Hook, I unline you, am actually trying to now get there in time." You rolled your eyes at his teasing but decided that maybe it was time for you to finally tease him back a bit. "But don't worry, I've got a treasure map to Merlin's class. Care to actually join me?"
You saw a little tint of blush forming on his face, but you must have imagined it. And just as you thought that this would be the end of your conversation, he did something that left you stunned.
"Merlin's class? That's the real curse of Neverland. But I'd follow you anywhere, little mermaid." He gave you a wink, smirking.
You found yourself blushing, but no... it... it can't be. Luckily, you quickly regained your composure and continued your, playful, rivalry banter.
"You know, pirate, I've heard rumors about your hook. Is it true you lost it in a duel with a giant squid?" You leaned over closer to him.
"Aye, but it wasn't just any squid—it was the one that stole my heart." He smirked as he leaned down, closer to your face. "But now, here I am, a one-handed pirate with a penchant for trouble and a weakness for mermaid smiles."
You found yourself laughing at his flirting. You couldn't help it, it was just so... so endearing.
"Well, Captain, I've got a secret too." You said, with a little smirk planted on your face. "I've hidden my voice in a shell. Only the right kiss can unlock it. Interested?"
And so you did that for a while until you two were actually late for Merlin's class. You walked in, and Hook did not. But there was no way that you would admit to anyone, even your friends, why you walked into the class flushed, cheeks pink, with a stupid smile on your face.
You do, of course, realize that this was a bit abnormal. He was a pirate and part of Uliana's crew. You were a mermaid princess, daughter of the Triton himself. It was not normal, but as the days passed and what was a true rivalry, banter turned into just pure flirting, you found yourself not really caring.
As weeks passed and the flirting continued, somehow, you found yourself having a pirate boyfriend. After all of that, Hook and you started dating. Somehow.
And it was better than you ever expected it to be. You sometimes felt like, outside of Uliana's crew, you were the only one that he was nice to. It was... perplexing. But you loved it.
However, you both agreed that you should keep your relationship a secret for a while for both of your sakes. You weren't dumb. You both knew how your friends would react if you told them that you were dating. So that's how it all started. Secret stolen glances when nobody was looking, passing notes in class, stolen kisses when you were all alone, and, of course, flirty teasing banter.
That's how you found yourself, pressed against a tree in the school's courtyard, Hook with his hand by your head, his hook under your chin, trapping you.
"You're a siren in a landlocked school." He spoke, looking into your eyes. "Your voice could raise sunken ships, and your smile—well, that's my undoing."
"Tell me, Hook, do you ever dream of flying?" You asked as you started to trace your finger along his hook. "Not in a ship, but with wings made of stardust?"
He looked at you, captivated.
"Every night, my dear. And in my dreams, you're the compass guiding me through constellations." He leaned down towards you, your lips almost meating until something happened. Something that would change this forever.
"Hook!!" The terrifyingly hight and mighty voice rang out along the school courtyard.
You both turned around and froze as you came face to face with Uliana, Hades, Maleficent and a few more people that joined the courtyard when they heard yelling.
"But reality has a way of clipping my wings." Hook sighed as he moved away from you slowly, your heart speading up and breaking at the same time.
"Are you out of your mind?!" Uliana screamed. "What are you doing with a mermaid?!"
That's when you noticed something. Yes, Hook moved away from you, but his hand with his hook that was under your chin was now placed on your waist, still holding you close to him.
"Calm down, Uliana." Hook spoke up, looking at him.
"Calm down?!" Uliana yelled, absolutely fuming. "Are you seriously telling me to calm down right now?!"
"Yes." Hook said, "Yes, I am."
"Don't play games with me, Hook." She threatened before throwing a glance your way, smirking as she plotted against you. "If you don't stop doing whatever you're doing with this one, you will no longer be a part of my crew."
A moment of science was heard around the courtyard, and you know that it was over. He couldn't give up on his crew, and you most certainly did not want him to, so that means that your relationship has reached its inevitable end. Your heart was breaking as you looked on the ground, slowly moving away from Hook.
"You won't do that." He spoke up, his voice strong, ringing out. "We won't end our relationship." He turned to you and brought you closer to him once again, smiling at you before turning to Uliana with a determined look.
"You know that you need me whether you liked it or not. So, no, you won't throw me away from the rest of the crew. And even if you do, it doesn't matter. I still have her, and that is something that nothing will be able to change." He spoke as her face was formed into pure shock.
"So good day." He sarcastically bowed before he ruined around with you and walked away.
"Don't worry, she'll come around." You looked at him. "Maybe..."
"I honestly don't really care." He shrugged, his eyes ringing with truth. "I have you now, little mermaid, that's all I need and so much more, really."
@xoxo-h3arts @i-am-fork @a-homosexual-homosapien @snixx2088 @heartsfromcoco @ariaroseloklover @isafran1125 @gayfrog29 @mystic-mae
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ could you write headcanons of percy x daughter of hades (or persephone) reader? ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of hades
pairing percy jackson x hades!reader
warnings makeout scene but it’s very short and not explicit dw
on the radio . . . gold rush (taylor swift)
For many years, it’s always been Percy and you, you and Percy
Ever since he found you and your half-siblings, Bianca and Nico, at your old middle school, you’d been inseparable
You were distraught when you discovered the truth about your dad’s side of the family and how you missed out on the majority of your life because of it, but Percy made it all better, comforting and guiding you through the world behind the mist
It was only natural for you to end up falling for him, especially as the two of you grew up and he grew into his features, becoming increasingly handsome
However, you’re a daughter of Hades, and brought misfortune everywhere you went, so you vowed to simply watch from afar as Percy dated some other girl. Sure, you’d be miserable, but at least he’d be happy.
Besides, it's not like he’d have any trouble finding a nice girlfriend. You weren’t an idiot, you saw the way the majority of girls at camp swooned over him, dying to be in your position as you walked to the beach together
That decision is what put you in your current position. In order to distract yourself from Percy, you’d constantly pretend to have crushes on random people and accept any date proposal from any guy, a part of you hoping he’ll fill the Percy-shaped hole in your heart
Percy didn’t see you the way you saw yourself. To him, you were perfect. You’re the daughter of death, sure, but the way you breathed life into him every time you smiled said otherwise 
From the moment he met you at 13, Percy had fallen hard. The thing is, he didn’t think he had a chance. To you, he was just the best friend you’d rant to about the guys you actually wanted to date, not the one you’d go out with
And whenever they broke your heart, Percy was the guy you’d run to. He’d cradle you and smother you with as much affection he could get away with every time, fighting the urge to beat that guy up for hurting you, knowing he could do so much better if you just gave him a chance
“I just really thought he’d be the one, Perce,” you mumbled into his chest, your eyes fixed on the movie in front of you. Some guy - Apollo? Nemesis? Percy didn’t really care - asked you out on a date in the mortal world, then proceeded to stand you up, not even bothering to fake an excuse
The mere thought of you standing out there in the awful rain, all alone, made Percy seethe with rage. Noticing the glass of water in front of him begin to shake, Percy calmed himself down, choosing to instead rub your back and whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you cried
If he was that guy, he wouldn’t have stood you up. In fact, he would’ve picked you up from your cabin himself in order to ensure your safety on the journey
Little did Percy know, you weren’t crying because of being stood up. Sure, it was a little embarrassing, but you didn’t care about that son of Nike at all. He just saw you as a competition to win. Once he’d gotten you to agree to go out with him and humiliated you in front of random mortals, he considered his job done
You were upset because you were sick of your heart. Every date, whether good or bad, never resulted in your feelings for Percy going away. On the contrary, they got stronger every time, as you’d analyse your date’s every move and think, ‘Percy wouldn’t do something like that’ at every minor inconvenience
As Artemis drove her moon chariot in the sky, the two of you sent opposite prayers to whoever happened to be listening, the desperation in your thoughts being the only thing they had in common
Still, you continued to date random people. Percy continued to feel his heart shatter every time you barged into his cabin to tell him all about this new guy you met, already able to guess the outcome 
Just as you were about to lose hope, Aphrodite sent you an angel. Marcus was a son of Hecate, beautiful in the way petrichor feels like a warm hug, and he liked you
You could tell almost immediately, from the way his eyes seemed incapable of meeting yours to the rhythmic tapping of his feet as he spoke to you. And he was cute too. Was he Percy-level cute? No, no one could be that cute, but he was definitely up there
So, you bided your time. Maybe he would be the one you were waiting for. When he asked you out on a date, you couldn’t be happier, agreeing before he could even finish his sentence and running to tell Percy
Percy could tell Marcus was different. You spoke of him like he held the sky above the Earth, your eyes sparkling
He had to do something about this. He couldn’t stand around waiting for you anymore, and he couldn’t believe it took him this long to realise it
While you prepared for your date with Marcus, Percy decided to seek advice from the only woman in his life he believed he could trust to handle his situation
Sally Jackson made her way over to her son, handing him a plate of cookies and ruffling his hair before sitting in front of him, “so, what did you wanna talk about?” She asked, concerned. She’d never seen Percy like this before
“Well… you know Y/N, right?” He began, biting into a cookie. She nodded, already having an idea as to where this conversation was heading
Sighing, Percy continued, “I really like her, mom. I’ve liked her for years now, but she seems to have eyes for anyone but me. Before, it didn’t bother me that much, but now she’s going on a date with this Hecate kid and I can tell he’s different from all the other ones and I just don’t know what to do. I thought about sabotaging it somehow, she doesn’t deserve to have her date ruined.”
The answer to his problem was so obvious Sally had to stop herself from pulling her hair out, “why don’t you just tell her that? Speak from the heart, Percy. Y/N’s a nice girl, even if she doesn’t like you back, she won’t hate you for it.”
His mother was so smart. Percy had to tell you, even if the only thing he’d get out of his confession is a weight lifted off his shoulders. Suddenly, he was filled with adrenaline as he remembered that your date was today.
Grabbing the remaining cookies and stuffing them into his bag, Percy yelled a jumbled-up excuse to his mother then ran out of the door and all the way to the nearest taxi
Once he got there, he made his way to your cabin, nearly breaking down the door as he entered
“Y/N please don’t go on that date!” He nearly screamed. You were dressed in pyjamas with a face mask on and watching a movie, which confused Percy. You should be getting ready by now
“I’m not going, Marcus caught a cold from one of his siblings, so we rescheduled to next week,” you answered, then, when what he requested of you finally clicked in your head, “why do you care?” 
“Because you should be going on a date with me,” Percy said, finally calming down, “I love you more than anyone in this whole camp, Y/N. I’ve loved you since we were 13, but I was too nervous to do anything about it. I’m sorry if this ruins your date with Marcus, I know you were really looking forward to it and–” Percy stopped talking when he noticed the expression on your face
You were beaming. The way light from the window shone on your face would have anyone mistaking you for a child of Apollo, “I love you too, Percy. I’ll cancel on Marcus. Do you wanna watch this with me?” 
Honestly, you and Percy dating didn’t change much in your relationship. You became a little more touchy and were no longer afraid to declare your adorations to the other, but other than that, Percy was still the same guy you’d been crushing on all these years
It took people at camp a while to realise you’re a couple because of this. The Aphrodite cabin knew, but no one else believed them until they caught you guys making out behind cabin 3
You gasped for air as Percy finally let go of your lips. What started as a mere kiss turned into another, then three, then a whole make-out session behind his cabin, "Perce, we're in public, there are kids in camp," you said, the smile on your face growing
"Don't care," Percy replied, locking lips with you yet again, "love you so much," he said in between breaths. You didn't pull away, content with staying on cloud nine with him, for eternity
Well, it would've been an eternity if it weren't for the sound of gasps and cheers pulling you down to Earth. You pushed Percy away from you, too shy to look anyone in the eye after what just happened. Meanwhile, Percy just smirked as he heard exclaims of, "I told you they were a thing!"
Soon enough, news spread and made its way to a certain half-brother of yours, who wasn’t afraid to give Percy a lengthy description detailing what’d happen to him if he even thought of hurting you
Nico knowing meant Hades found out too. You have a good relationship with your dad, visiting him and your stepmother, Persephone, every once in a while
So, Nico also came bearing a message from Hades, who swore on the Styx to do everything in his power to put Percy in the Fields of Punishment if he ever caused you any pain 
Percy wasn’t intimidated by any of these threats, since he knew he’d hurt himself before laying a finger on you
Sally is SO delighted that the two of you are a couple. Honestly, she was the first to see it when Percy first brought you over, she just didn’t say anything because she wanted you guys to figure it out on your own 
She adores you so much though. Percy thinks she loves you more than she loves him sometimes. She’s always giving him little trinkets and baked goods to give to you!!
You sparred together all the time before you started dating, since as children of the big three, you’re only allowed to fight each other. However, since you started dating, you noticed Percy start to loosen up a little
He thinks you don’t know but you do. He doesn’t want to hurt you!!!
Every day, Percy makes it his mission to prove that just because you’re a daughter of Hades, doesn’t mean you’re unlovable. So far, he hasn’t failed
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priyajoyyy · 7 months
Tangled masterlist
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Clarisse la rue x Pesephone!repunzel!fem!reader
You had spent your entire life hidden away in a tower to protect you from the outside world wanting you for your powers, its only when a certain daughter of ares finds you scared and confused, that she finally gets to see the outside world like you always longed to.
[part 1]
Clarisse finds you hidden in a tower in the woods and realises you might be the daughter of a god
[part 2]
Clarisse helps you get over your fear of leaving (rather forcefully) causing you to leave your tower for the first time in your life
[part 3] coming soon
You finally get to explore the world you’ve always wanted to your entire life, with Clarisse and her quest mates leading you back to camp
[part 4] coming soon
Arriving at camp, you get to meet Chiron and all the other campers, learning more about your heritage and why your parents chose to hide you away
[part 5] coming soon
Your parents realise you’re missing and aren’t very happy you’ve been taken from safety and taken to somewhere anyone could find you
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keerysfreckles · 8 months
Hey! Dan I request a Luke castellan x reader where reader is the daughter of hades and Luke has a crush on her? Though, reader has major trust issues, and often feels like she doesn’t belong on camp because people are either scared of her, or don’t like her (and soemthing shows that to her) because of how her father is viewed (negatively), so she’s pretty much alone. Especially since she has no siblings at camp, so it’s just lonely and cold in her cabin.
burn — luke castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x hades fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, angst at the end
a/n: rereading tlt and im giggling so hard BABY PERCABETH UGH
masterlist !
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
y/n l/n always felt like she didn't belong at camp half-blood. ever since she stepped foot into the idiotic summer camp, all eyes were on her. the campers, and even herself, could feel a negative aura around her. no one knew why.
until she got claimed by her father, hades.
y/n felt like a bigger outcast than before when a large black glowing scepter appeared above her head after fighting off a hellhound that got into the camp. as soon as she looked up and saw the message from her father, campers around her instantly backed up. the older ones had looks of disgust on their faces, while the younger ones seemed more scared of the girl.
the only camper who didn't view y/n differently was luke castellan. he believed the half-bloods were nothing like their godly parent, so why would his mind change for y/n?
cabin thirteen was off to the side of the rest. it made y/n feel like even more of an outcast, again. the walls, columns and roof were all black wood. they were fading and each corner had cobwebs. maybe y/n would finally feel at home once she stepped inside.
she was wrong.
the inside looked even sadder than the outside. there were six bunk beds, three on each side. y/n didn't know why. she knew she wouldn't be getting any siblings any time soon. the lighting in the cabin was grey, the dusted windows were barely letting in sunlight.
that night at dinner, y/n felt even worse. she sat at table thirteen, getting even more stares than normal. the only person who looked at her like a real human, was luke. his eyes were soft, while the other camper's eyes were still filled with fear.
luke stands from his table. all eyes drift towards him as he walks towards y/n's empty table. even her eyes follow him with worry.
"you know if you sit here it's practically suicide," y/n watches as luke sits across from her.
luke shrugs, "i know you're not as bad as everyone thinks you are."
luke saw the faintest smile appear over y/n's features.
"you know everyone's going to start some dumb rumor about you now, right? all because you're sitting by me," y/n messes with her half eaten mac and cheese on her plate.
"so i'll let them talk. they don't know the truth about you. they can start whatever rumors they want, but i'll know the real you," luke smiles.
"you're brave castellan, for thinking there might be a friendship here," y/n chuckles, gesturing between the two.
a small horn echoes through the outdoor mess hall. all the campers walk by the fire with their plates with their offering to the gods. no one dared to stand next to y/n at the fire, besides luke. the two kept brushing shoulders and if you squinted you'd see a blush forming on both camper's cheeks.
for once, y/n felt normal. she only felt normal when she was around luke. he stayed by her during archery lessons, and talked to her while they waites for their turn on the climbing wall.
the feeling didn't last long. y/n was walking back from the girl's shower room. it was late and she figured no one would be out of their cabins. she had her pajamas on, and her clothes from today and towel were in her hands. she was so close to getting back to her cabin, when her things fell out of her hands, right into the mud.
just as y/n thought her night couldn't get any worse, she heard clarisse and her goons laughing behind her. she turned and her suspicions were correct. clarisse was holding a bow and arrow. that had to be what knocked y/n's belongings onto the floor.
"clarisse can you please just leave me alone? i've had a long week," y/n pleads.
before clarisse can get a word out, luke's voice makes the camper's head turn.
"she asked you to leave, so leave before this gets ugly."
"oh no," clarisse taunts, "the daughter of hades can't even fight her own battles. pathetic."
"leave," luke's voice is stern as he's now standing in front of y/n.
clarisse finally does as she's told, with the ares' sisters following behind her.
luke guides y/n back to her cabin in silence. his hand never leaves her lower back, and y/n could've sworn she felt jolts of electricity flood her veins at his touch.
"are you okay?" luke asks y/n. she sits on her bed, rubbing her face.
"i don't know," y/n's honest.
"is there anything i can do to help?"
"i don't know luke!" y/n exclaims, "i don't know how you could possibly help me!" y/n stands and walks closer to luke, her voice raising with every word. "i've felt like a loner ever since i got here, and having hades and my freaking father doesn't help. i'm stuck in this stupid cabin, all alone with no one to talk to. no other campers besides you talk to me. chiron and mr. d both look at me like i had something to do with being hades' daughter."
y/n takes in a deep breath, "i'm just so sick of this."
she hides her face in her hands as she begins to cry. with no words luke steps forward and brings the poor girl into his arms. he rubs his hands up and down her back while resting his chin on the top of her head. she can't remember the last time she was held.
"i know it sucks for now, but i promise y/n, things will get better," luke's voice is calm compared to the girl's outburst she had moments ago.
"i promise," he whispers once more.
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estell-allary · 7 months
Inferno of love
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Pairing:Clarisse La Rue x fem!hades!reader
Warnings:swearing,kissing,established relationship,name calling,kinda a make out sesh?!NO SMUT!
A/N-this is after capture the flag wear clarisses spear breaks from Percy and Clarisse is raging and upset so she sends all her siblings out of her cabin And you come in and comfort her and it turns into a little more if you get what I mean😉No but they literally just make out and Clarisse calls you angel as a nickname bc I think it’s cute(this is also inspired by the song lay all your love on me by abba)
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The blue team won.Again,you were glaring at a annabeth for snatching the flag from right out from under your noses but nothing could be done now,what’s done is done,your glaring was rudely interrupted by matty,clarisses half-brother,oh yea where was Clarisse?you were about to ask the boy who was huffing and coughing his lungs out from running to you before he started talking,
“H-uhh-hey!um Clarisse is throwing a tantrum ‘huff’ in ou-our cabin we need you to calm her down..”he said still huffing and taking breaks from talking every few seconds.
“Damn is she taking this years loss that bad..kinda thought she would be used to it by now,I mean it is the third year in a row”you said in a puzzled voice before matty spoke again, “what?no-well kinda-but no she’s fuming about her spear.”he said looking at you like it was obvious
“What about her spear?”you spoke up again in a more serious voice furrowing your brows.
Matty looked at you for a few seconds even tho it felt like centuries “wait you don’t know”he said his eyes widening,even tho it wasn’t a question, he stayed still like he was waiting for a answer, “Matty.”you said louder drawing a few looks from people around you “What.Happened.To.Clarisses.Spear.”you repeated.
“T-the new kid”he said and grabbed your arm and started leading you back to cabin 5..“oh gods”
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“Oh gods”you repeated at the sound of Clarisse yelling at her siblings to get the fuck out..you weren’t even there yet!at the sound of her voice you subconsciously picked up your speed,you now dragging matty,forcing him to speed up to.
By the time you arrived at the ares kids cabin the last of them walking or more like sprinting out to avoid clarisses wrath most of them looking annoyed and muttering stuff about her not owning the cabin but to scared to say anything to her face,you knew that she’s been trying to get the blond twelve year old to admit his faults in lying about the Minotaur but Jesus getting this mad..I mean you get where shes coming from,the kids kids like a stick but then again..fear can make you strong.Like really strong.
Before you walked into the cabin you told matty to go with his siblings so he doesn’t get yelled at by Clarisse and he obeyed in pure fear from the last time Clarisse yelled at him for spilling juice on you(she also soaked his socks in juice to get back at him dispite your pleas)
You walked into the cabin with one goal in mind help Clarisse even if that means help her in different ways then intended..
You saw her siting on her bed on the second floor directly next to the window.
“Clarisse..you alright my love..”you said startling the girl making her head shot up and grab her now Broken spear.Once she realised it was you she relaxed a bit placing her wreaked spear down.
She huffed out a sigh before responding,not answering your question “hey angel..”she said motioning you towards her and you obliged walking towards her till you were standing between her legs,her spreading them wider so you could be closer to her.
She layed her head down on your chest wrapping her hands around your waist and pulling you against her further.
You kissed her forehead stroking her tight curls that were now tangled up in a hairband that she put it in for capture the flag.Your hands started to untangled her curls 1 by 1 lightly tugging her hair,while Clarisses hands went to your shoulders as she began lighting kissing your neck, her hands playing with the straps of your amour to loosen them.
You slowly removed the hair band out of her hair as to not hurt her as she took off your chest amour,she placed it next to her and moved her hands from your shoulders to your waist,pulling you to her as she leaned back on the bed,making you straddle her thighs and lean down towards her face.
‘Don’t go wasting your emotion,lay all your love on me’
Your hands went from her hair to her shoulders tugging at the straps of her armour but she spoke “uh uh,not today the snotty brats will be coming back soon angel”she said moving your hands back up to her hands“please..”you whined at her trying to convince her that you two could be quick and won’t be caught but she cut you off by kissing you on your lips sloppily.
You moaned as she slipped her tongue into your mouth and gave her roots little tugs making her groan out your name and pulling you Flush against her.
‘Don’t go sharing your devotion,lay all your love on me’
You broke apart for air and before you we’re about to kiss her again someone came running up the stairs and pushing the door open before you and Clarisse could push away from each other,being caught in a very awkward position,you straddling Clarisse with your hands in her hair and her hands placed on the plush of your hips.
And worse it was one of her younger half-siblings,the poor boy looked traumatised,running out the room when Clarisse threw a pillow at him yelling at him to get out and fuck off.
Safe to say you and Clarisse got into a lot of trouble,and got stuck on cleaning the stables for four months.
But it was worth it to be with your girl.
‘Cause everything is new and everything is you’
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A/N:I actually had a lot of fun making this because I could imagine Clarisse yelling at her siblings like she owns the cabin and there just renting it😭anyways but my request are open btw so just request what you want and I’ll try to do it💚
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hurts2think · 1 month
Hi! This might be a bit complicated but can I request a Young!Bridget x Goddess!Reader (sister of Hades, she’s either his age or a year older than him, just not younger)
Initially, she doesn’t study at Merlin Academy cause she finds it stupid to study amongst mortals. But due to her brother Hades causing trouble along with his group of friends, she was forced to go to the said school and keep an eye on him.
She arrived the same moment Bridget was being mocked by Uliana and decided to step in. Ever since then, reader always kept them away from the princess and Bridget made it her habit to constantly be around the goddess and spoil her with treats. Overtime, they eventually developed feelings for each other but is too afraid to admit it. (The ending is up to you)
Pure fluff pls, Thank you!
🎀Young!Bridget Hearts x Reader🎀
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Young!Bridget Hearts x HadesSister!Reader
Plot: Being only a year older than your trouble maker of a brother, you were often held responsible for his actions. So once he starts getting in trouble at school, you have no choice but to attend too and find yourself defending an oddly pink colored girl.
Word count: 2.7k
Extra: I'm sorry this took so long, but in my defense it's almost 3k words. I hope you guys like this even though it's long...🫶🎀
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Attending highschool really was not something on your bucket list of anything you actually had to do. Who ever heard of gods going to school? Even as a teenager it was absolutely not necessary.
That was, until, your brother got a girlfriend and they started following each other around like sad puppies. So he decided to go to Merlin Academy, the same school she attended. You didn't attend the school, naturally. Why should you? Studying amongst all of the tedious mortals sounded exhausting and not something you'd enjoy. But if your brother liked it, who were you to judge? You’re just happy if he’s happy.
And of course, like anything he did, you as the older sister were held responsible. Hades was apparently causing too much trouble up there so you were forced to go make sure he stayed out of trouble. You really couldn't understand why it was your responsibility. You were only a year older than him afterall, and he should be the one suffering for his actions, not you. There wasn't a single good thing that could come of this.
Everything up in the world felt so overly bright and annoying. You couldn't even look at someone without the color palette of their clothes straining your eyes.
But you just kept telling yourself you only had to get through the year and hope Hades fixes his attitude. You didn't even understand why he was getting into so much trouble for messing with other students. What's the point in picking on others? Your brother confused you in a lot of ways like that.
You typically kept to yourself, only getting involved when absolutely necessary. However, the other day, you found yourself in a situation where you had no choice but to step in. A girl, who seemed almost overly sweet, was happily handing out her homemade sweets to all of the other students. She had a type of genuine kindness about her that made her a target of bullying. Your brother's gang noticed this and started picking on her, mocking her innocent gesture and trying to steal the cupcakes, though you weren’t entirely sure why? Nor do you really care.
You stepped in, confronting the VKs and somehow managing to defuse the situation, standing up for the girl in a rather threatening manner. You were pretty sure that if it weren’t for the fact that Hades was your brother, Uliana would have definitely shifted you to be a new target to mess with. But you had seemed to call some kind of uneasy truce, though it was likely they’d still pick on the pink girl not far into the future.
And you really were just glad that was the end of that and hopefully you could just go back to minding your business and only pulling Hades aside to tell him to get his act together rather than actually getting involved. But just your luck, you were never let off so easily.
You find a spot in the courtyard, away from the hustle of the over energetic students. The sun shined down into the grass and onto your face, making you squint. You settle onto a bench, the sounds of distant students chatting faded in your mind. A gentle breeze occasionally threatens to turn the pages of the book you had opened in front of you.
You felt almost at peace for a second before your calm moment was abruptly interrupted.
“Hey! You’re Hades’ sister, right?” The obnoxiously pink girl you defended the other day asks with the brightest smile you’ve ever seen.
You looked up at her, hesitating as if you were unsure how to respond. You settle for a nod.
Somehow she took this as an invitation to sit next to you on the bench, “Well, I’m Bridget.” She introduced, somehow keeping that bright smile on her perfect face, “I just wanted to thank you for the other day.”
Letting out a small sigh you shook your head, “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” You shrugged it off, rather shrug it off than worry about it and have some kind of stupid situation where she thinks she’s indebted to you or something.
“No, really! I mean… Not a lot of people just stand up to Uliana and her crew like that, especially for me.” She giggled, but the giggle came off as a little awkward.
A puzzled expression took over your face and you tilted your head, “You mean your friends don’t stand up for you or anything?” You raised a brow, almost suspicious of her claim.
Bridget fiddled with a small box that was in her hands before answering, “Well, my best friend Ella does. But they pick on her just as much as I do. And… other than her I don’t really have any other friends.” She explained with almost too much of a light hearted expression for someone who just said they’re bullied and have hardly any friends.
Subconsciously you let out a small scoff, looking her up and down, “I find that hard to believe. You’re practically bursting with that ‘friendship is magic’ type energy.” You say jokingly but Bridget’s expression showed she couldn’t really tell if you were being serious or not.
“Anyway, I just wanted to give this to you. I made them this morning.” She smiled, opening the small box she was holding to present to you small homemade pastries she made. The were some kind of cookies in the shape of hearts.
You were a little taken a back by the gesture, “Oh, uh, no. It’s okay. I’m not really a sweets type of girl… I mean, I never even had anything sweet like that before. I probably wouldn’t like it.” You explain but it mostly sounded like you were a little flustered by such a kind and personal gesture.
Bridget’s smile grew but her face also showed that she was surprised to hear this, "What? Really? You've never tried anything sweet before?"
"Nope. Really you don't want to eat anything in the underworld..." You trail off.
She tilts her head slightly, "Well then how do you know you won't like it if you've never tried it?"
Really you couldn't argue with that. You wanted to but maybe if you had one of her little treats she'd leave you alone, "I guess you're right..." You take one of the small pastries from the box, staring at it for a short moment before taking a bite.
The outer layer of the cookie crumbles, a little dry at first, and then suddenly, your teeth sink into the jam. The flavor spreads across your tongue in a wave, something between fruity and rich, a sensation that catches you completely off guard. At first you weren't sure how to feel about it, but once it really sank in it was like the most delightful feeling in the world. You facial expression definitely shifts to a little more surprised at how good it was.
"Do you like it?" Bridget asks in anticipation with a smile.
You nodded quickly before taking another bite, a bigger one this time. "You made these? Can I have another?" You suddenly ask, your attitude suddenly brightening slightly for the first time the whole time you've been here.
Bridget giggles, “Of course! I did make them for you after all,” she says, handing you the whole box, her smile brighter than ever before. She was very happy you liked them so much.
You took the box from her before clearing your throat and regaining your composure, "Thank you, Bridget..."
The next couple weeks were not really what you were expecting. After you stood up for Bridget and your little interaction with her, she started coming around and talking to you more and more often until it got to the point where she approached you everytime she saw you.
What was even less expected was that she kept bringing you treats and things she made, insisting it was 'because you need to try out these things you've missed out on!' which honestly... You weren't really complaining. The sweets were good and Bridget was nice enough... You never really planned on making friends, your only real friend was your brother anyway. But she seemed like she really wanted to be your friend.
"So, you and that Bridget girl girlfriends now or something?" Hades asked, unprompted as he sat back into his chair.
The two of you unfortunately had to share a dorm since you were related and not many of the other students were willing to share a dorm with literal gods of the underworld.
"What?" You ask, looking up from the book in your hands, a little shocked by the question, "No. Of course not... I don't date anyone." You huff, looking back down at your book.
You don't know why but the question made your heart suddenly feel like it was speeding up and your face warm.
"That's probably because no one likes you." He rolled his eyes, "I know that look. You totally have the hots for her." He smirked teasingly, standing up and pulling his chair to sit on front of you
You shot him a glare before closing your book, “I do not.” You refuted.
But he just ignored you, “Look, If you want her to like you, I can tell you exactly how to get that boat sailing,” he offered
“What do you know about girls? You and Mali fight like everyday,” You raise a brow, not convinced by your brother’s offer.
He shook his head and sat up, “It’s simple. Castlecoming is soon, right? Ask her to go with you. But you gotta make it all romantic like get her flowers. Girls like that. Makes them feel special.” He said confidently.
“You say that as if I’m not a girl. I know what girls like.” You insist. But really you were totally clueless when it came to romance in general. Not that you actually liked Bridget or anything… right? “Besides! I don’t actually like her.”
Hades looks unconvinced, “Okay. But I’m gonna say I told ya so once you two start going out.”
You only sigh and roll your eyes, looking back down at your book. But you couldn’t stop thinking of the subject now. Bridget was pretty cute. Well, she was really cute. The way her big curls bounced with every step she took and the way she twirled around when she was happy was adorable. And it was like everytime she brought you a treat it was harder and harder to stay away. It was like she had you trapped in some kind of spell every since you had that stupid pastry she gave you.
Your face only burned hotter as you thought about it, burying your face deeper in your book so Hades wouldn’t notice.
The next day you couldn’t stop thinking about it. Asking Bridget to the dance. You didn’t even intend on going at first, but ever since Hades put that stupid thought in your head you just couldn’t drive it out.
“Do you have any plans for Castlecoming?”
That was the last question you wanted to hear. Especially from Bridget, “Uh. No. I don’t think so.” You mutter.
Bridget gives a small frown yet somehow still seemed full of bubbly energy, “Yeah, me either.”
You paused for a moment. Now felt like the best time to ask her. Maybe you should. You didn’t have plans… she didn’t have plans… maybe she’d want to? No. Probably not. She was sweet and hung around you but would she ever want to go out on a date? You two were total opposites. She was literally bright and full of color while you were a goddess of the underworld. Someone like her deserves someone who’s as happy and bright as herself.
“Castlecoming is stupid anyway. It's just a school dance. It won't really matter in the long run..." Was all you managed to say.
Your words seemed to make her expression deflate slightly, "Maybe... But it would still be fun, wouldn't it?"
For the rest of the day you found it hard to even look Bridget in the eyes. You felt like hitting your head into a wall. Why were you suddenly so flustered about this? All because of what Hades said.
What if he was right? Maybe you did like her... She just felt so perfect and amazing. You never felt so safe and comfor with someone, you never felt yourself holding back a smile so many times in one day.
After some long consideration and staring off in your class, you ask Bridget to meet you after school by the gardening club. You felt it was secluded enough and far from anywhere someone might see you two. Just in case this went horribly wrong.
You stood by the entrance that was covered in bushes of flowers and fruit. An arch stood tall that you stood under, pacing back and forth, waiting for her to arrive. While you were very anxiously awaiting, last minute you decided to pick a rose from one of the bushes for her, absent mindedly picking off the thorns on the stims. And then you heard foot steps approaching.
"Hey! Sorry I took so long. Ella and I had to finish a project," Bridget giggled, walking into the garden as you quickly hid the rose behind your back.
You clear your throat, "It's fine..."
Bridget smiled and stopped in front of you, "What was it that you wanted to talk about."
You felt it was even harder to look her in the eyes. You looked down at your feet and stumbled through your thoughts to find the right words before you just started spitting stuff out, "I was just thinking, uhm, ya know. You don't have any plans for Castlecoming. And I don't have any plans for Castlecoming." Your words tripped a little as you felt your heart beat faster, like it was about to leap from your throat, "Do you want to go to Castlecoming with me?" You suddenly blurted out, holding the rose out to her.
Before she could even say anything or before you could even look at her face you immediately realized your nerves may have accidentally triggered your powers and set the rose on fire... "Oh! Shit—!" You frantically waved the rose until it went out, your expression ten times more embarrassed than before.
You suddenly felt Bridget's hand over yours, making you suddenly look into her eyes for the first time, "Wait, are you serious? Do you actually want to go with me?" She asked, a smile slowly appearing on her face.
You look back at your hands that she was now holding. Her hands were so soft, gentle, and warm compared to yours. You hesitantly flip one of her hands over and placed the now crisped rose into her palm, "I've never been so serious in my life." You say, a sense of calmness finally settling into your tone.
Her grin grew brighter and she squealed in excitment, jumping and suddenly pulling you into a tight embrace, "I would love to go with you!"
You were shocked by the sudden embrace but a small smile crept onto your face, slowly wrapping your arms back around her. "You're the most amazing girl I've ever met. I know you don't like to show it but you're so caring and kind. I love everything about you..." She admits with a grin.
She pulled away slightly to plant a kiss on your cheek, making you return to that flustered state.
"You're adorable," she giggles, holding the rose in one hand and taking your hand in the other, "We need to try on dresses right now!"
"Oh, uhm, okay." You say, still processing this turn of events. You really expected some kind of rejection. But now you were being pulled away by the pink girl to start preparing for your first date.
You couldn't calm your heart beat or the way you felt like your cheeks were on fire from how flustered you were. You couldn't believe she actually liked you back... And she thought you were caring and kind... Not even something you could see in yourself, but she saw it. This made you smile.
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eraenaa · 9 months
From The Underworld and Beneath (Greek Mythology AU)
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Aemond Targaryen x Reader Tag List
Synopsis: You, the Goddess of Spring, were captured by the King of the Underworld, who was intent on keeping you there.
Warnings: Mature 18+, Fingering, Grinding, Stockholm Syndrome, Abduction
Word Count: 3080
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Perfect and pretty, perched upon a stone, picking at petals. Pure, sweet relief. That is what you are. Not a thought bothers you, sweetling. Pampered and protected by your mother. A heavy price would be paid if anyone dared bother the perfect peace you always had. 
A breathy sigh escaped your lips. You were in paradise, but why did a frown adorn your pretty face? Goddess of the spring, you are. Sullen, you are, as well. You continued to pick at the petals. The same thing every day. The same faces before you. The same task was presented. You were growing of your little routine. You wanted something different. Something that would disrupt the perfect peace bestowed upon you.
“Are you well? What bothers you?” They ask as they play in the field. You sighed once more, deflated shoulders shrug. Your complaints not wanting to leave your plump lips. Should you not be grateful for your station? Everything was provided before you. The ground you walked upon, worshiped. You were adored by many. Then why should you feel such melancholy? 
You faked a smile, not wanting to seem ungrateful. They bought it easily, returning to play once more as you sat somberly upon the stone. You stared upon the bud; you picked off the petals, naked and bare. Now vulnerable with the touch of the world. You brought the bare flower to your lips, the bud brushing upon your flesh before you discard it. You stood and searched for another flower. Another to feel, another to asses, another to bless with your touch. 
You hear the chatter and laughs of your other friends as you stray further away. Searching for something to bring you excitement. Searching for something to bring you pleasure. You bent down when something pretty caught your eye. Greedily picking on it, ripping it away from the home it had known. 
Then, all of a sudden, the ground you stood upon shook. You looked around in panic, searching for something, anything— but what would that help? You had no clue what to do. So you stood. You stood there until a chariot came into view, dark as night, and did not sit well upon the field of light you prance upon. Your brows furrowed again, but that did not matter. Because one moment, you were picking pretty flowers, flowers as pretty as you, then the next, a stronghold placed itself upon your waist, and you were whisked off. The last thing you saw was your friends running and calling after you, but it did not matter. You were already taken. Taken by a man who would never relinquish his hold. 
“What happened? Who dare take my daughter? Answer me!” Your mother demanded, a group of nymphs before her. Her face filled with fretting rage. “It was your brother… Aemond, we are certain of it,” They said, and your mother’s heart pitted. You were taken, and she had no idea how to rescue her precious daughter. “How can we save her? We’ll do anything!” Your friends pleaded, but Rhaenyra only shook her head, clueless as well on how to proceed. The only thing she could think of was to come to your father for assistance, for guidance, for vengeance.
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You stare wide-eyed as you sit on a lap. A lap of a man you did not know. His hold on your waist had never left, strong, cold hands steady on it’s hold. You had not uttered a word, enveloped in shock, and you would say fear as well, but it did not feel as if it were the right word. It was more of confusion, confusion as to why you were taken, and confusion as to why you did not feel fear trickle inside you.
 “Who are you?” You dare ask at the man whose lap you were perched upon. You still had not lifted your gaze; you had not met your abductor’s eyes. You simply stared at his dark leather robes, stiff and smooth against your white dress. You hear a scoff leave his lips and feel his hold tighten; his other hand moves to twirl your hair. 
Aemond hummed as your gaze was still cast down. His fingers ran through your silky hair; he took a deep breath and eased on his throne as he smelt you and the flowers in your hair. He had been watching you for a while… had been wanting you for a while as well. And finally, he had enough of watching from afar. He was done hiding in the gardens to catch a single glimpse of you. He was done fantasizing about holding you— touching you. He had to take you. “I see my sister has neglected to warn you about me,” he watched you as your back stiffened by the mention of your mother. Aemond felt his breath stutter as you finally placed your gaze upon him. “You are her brother— Aemond?” You asked and watched as the ball on his throat bobbed and how his lone eye closed. Aemond felt a wave of pleasure rush through him by the mere act of you uttering his name. 
“Why have you brought me here?” You asked as you finally realized where you were. Somewhere, the sun did not shine; somewhere, the flowers did not grow; somewhere, you did not belong. “Please, you must return me to my mother! She—“ Words died on your tongue as Aemond opened his eye, his grip on you growing tighter and tighter, pulling you closer to him. “She had neglected her precious daughter… I have seen you… so sullen, so melancholic.  Things you must never be, little flower.” You held your breath as his face drew closer to yours. “It is not her fault!” You defended. “I…I had just…I— please, you must return me to her!” You begged. Looking before the man, skin pale, eye dark. A black, sharp crown upon his hair of platinum. You held your breath as his cold hand went to caress your cheek, him humming in satisfaction. “Never,” He swore. 
Pleasure was something Aemond never felt. He was deprived of it— starved of it. But not now. Not when he placed his lips upon yours. Sweet and plump, another something he had never felt— never tasted. Aemond felt himself turn rigged as a whimper left your lips, certain you would pull away and be another to deny him pleasure. But you stayed still; you kept your lips upon his. You let your blessed touch cup his cheek. His mind was made and fortified; he will never let you go. No, he could never let you go.
“Daemon, he has taken my child! Our child!” Rhaenyra screamed through the whole of the heavens. “I demand you to demand him to bring her back to me!” She cried for her child. “That is something I cannot do.” Rhaenyra felt the eyes of the others watching them. “And why not?” She questioned with desperation. She watched the man before her, thinking him the most powerful and rightful of all. But now, as he sat on his throne, gaze shielded from her pleading eyes. She saw him as nothing but a fraud. “Fine. If you do not bring me my child— I shall do it myself.” Rhaenyra swore and raged out, going through the ends of the world in search of her beloved child. In search of you, who had your lips dancing against your captor’s. 
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As Aemond moved you to straddle him— for both of you to feel each other… you froze at his touch. Questions swirling in your mind, great questions that muddled the great pleasure you felt while in the king of the underworld’s arms. You hear a deep whine leave Aemond’s throat as you part from him. His head moved, lips still puckered, and wanting to feel it against yours, but you were persistent in asking your questions. “Why—why have you brought me here?” You breathlessly asked, hands on his shoulders, trying to push him and keep the distance between your lips. You watched his eye, dark and filled with wanting. Your eyes copied his as every moment passed. Wanting fueling both of your beings. 
“It is simple… I want you.” Aemond uttered and moved to kiss your sweet lips once more, but you shook your head. You feel your heart spike as he tightens his hold on your waist. His lips pursed, and you felt yourself waver by the look he gave. “You, my little flower, will be my queen.” You feel yourself pale at his words. “But— my mother— I must see her.” You insisted. But instead of answering your plea, Aemond placed his lips upon yours again. The taste of wine on his tongue intoxicates your senses. You flutter as you feel his strong hand slowly move and cup your cloth breast. You gasped in shock, and he retrieved his hand. Trepidation swirling, but you took hold of his hand and urged him to keep it there. The initial shock turned to excitement and, dare you say, pleasure as his cold hands met with your pebbled and warm flesh. 
“Aemond,” You mewled as he kneaded your tits. You panting, as you had never felt such a sensation before. Had never encountered such a touch before. Beneath you, you feel his length, prominent and grazing over your cunt. Your wanting body had muddled your mind, and you boldly moved your hips, brushing and pressing against the god of the underworld’s length. A sound rumbled on from his throat— a deep growl that made more color rise to your cheeks. That made you want him, a stranger, even more.
You feel his hold on your waist again. Him guiding you to grind upon his cock. The friction against your cunt was another thing you had never felt. Things you had never thought of before, sensations you had never experienced, anticipation and excitement you had been longing and searching for presented themselves in the form of the man whose lips were peppering kisses on your neck. Whose bulge perfectly met with your needing cunt. Whose hands had found home in your waist.
“Ae—Aemond?” You called, and he hummed as he continued his torment on your neck. His lips left his mark. “I… want you— I want you to take me.” You breathily whispered and felt him tense beneath you. You captured his gaze, indigo eyes darker than they had ever been before. “You do?” He gritted. You bit your lip and nodded. You took his hand and guided it downwards, wanting his cold, strong hand to be met with your warm, dripping cunt. You watch his eye grow wide by your actions. 
Aemond had never thought that it was possible for him to want you more than he already did, but by your actions… your boldness and eagerness to let him touch you in such a way, all he wanted to do was bend you over his throne and fuck you until the whole of the world and heavens hears the pleasure he gives. Aemond moved to kiss your swollen lips once more, his fingers starting to draw circles on your needing cunt, but you backed away from his lips. 
“I want you to take me… make me your queen, but only after I’ve seen my mother. I must say my goodbyes.” You said and pouted as the pleasurable movements of his fingers ceased. He raised his brow at your ultimatum. “Please…” You begged and pressed yourself further to him, letting your ample breasts rest against him. “You will return?” He asked. Aemond tried not to let doubt seep into his mind and tried not to grow distracted by your body. He had you— you were finally with him. How could he ever let you go? 
You eagerly nodded, “I swear… I will return, and after we— we can continue.” You slyly said, not missing the way his lips twitched upward. You watch him for a moment of still silence. And after, a sigh left his lips. His fingers remove themselves from your wet cunt, and you feel yourself grow alight as you watch him lick the digits that succumbed to your essence. 
Aemond smirked as he watched you grow red in shock. A sound of pleasure leaving his throat by the taste of you. Every part of you was sweet and tart— tastes he thought he had no care for now made him grow addicted. “Very well then,” he conceded. “You can return for your mother to say your goodbyes,” He permitted and watched as a sweet, blooming smile came to your lips. A smile that made the breath catch in his throat and made his immortal heart stutter. “Thank you!” You beamed and placed a kiss on his lips. Aemond hummed, “But first… you must eat. You would need sustenance as you ascend to the world above once more,” He whispered against your lips. He watched your innocent eyes grow confused, but still, you nodded. 
You watched as Aemond took hold of fruit, you still seated on his lap and watching as he unpeeled the foreign fruit for you. You watched him cut open the red sphere in his hands—the skin of the fruit thick and white on the inside. You watch him delicately take the seeds and place them in his palm for you to take. You look at him uncertainly, but he simply nods and urges you to eat. You hesitantly took a seed into your mouth. Aemond watching as you eat the fruit. You delight at the taste of it, sweet and tart— just like how you tasted to Aemond. He smiled as you took two seeds to your mouth next, a grin spreading across his lips as you took two more again.
Though you have sworn you would return, Aemond could not gamble on the possibility of empty promises. So he took matters into his own hands. The fruit that he fed you was an informal contract that will bind you to him forever. Just a few more seeds, and you will have no choice but to stay in his arms for all of eternity. As you took the sixth seed into your mouth, a deafening and shrill call of your name sounded through the whole of the underworld. 
Aemond placed his protective hold on you as he was certain whose voice it was calling after you. Your mother’s eyes were frantic as she saw you perched upon the lap of his brother, his arms around you; the seed of a pomegranate slipped past your lips. “No!” He screamed and traded closer, but a three-headed hound appeared from behind Aemond’s throne and growled at your mother. Aemond saw the fear in your eyes as the beast continued to growl at your mother, but he ran his fingers through your hair and hushed your fretting self as well as his hound. 
“Welcome, sister,” Aemond said and moved you to un-straddle his lap but still made you sit upon it, only moving your frame to face your mother, who seethed in anger from where she stood. “I am glad you have finally visited me in my kingdom after so many years,” You tilted your head in question as you saw the clear anger in your mother. “I demand you to release my daughter!” Rhaenyra screamed, and you turned to Aemond, a sly smirk on his lips. “That… I cannot do. She has agreed to be my wife,” Aemond smiled and placed a kiss upon your temple. You watched in further question as to why your mother kept her angered demeanor. “Say your goodbyes now, my flower,” Aemond whispered in your ear, and you nodded. Standing to meet your mother who stood at the end of the steps of Aemond’s throne. 
“We must leave!” Rhaenyra said as you neared, you turned back to Aemond. Him laxly sitting on his throne watching you. A pout started to form on your plump lips as your mother began to pull you. “But I wish to stay,” You stated, and your mother looked at you perplexed. “I want him.” You added, and Aemond smirked as he heard your words—a new surge of wanting coursing through him by your statement. 
“No! You do not belong here, my child; come now, let us leave!” Your mother urged, and you shook your head, staying your ground as she tried to pull you away once more. “I want to stay.” You insisted and saw the betrayal in the eyes of your mother. A wave of guilt crashed through you, but the desire for Aemond and to be his queen was much greater that you disregarded your mother’s plea. Stepping away from her, you returned to your seat on Aemond’s lap. The smirk never left his lips, but his hold on you returned as both of you watched your mother dejectedly walk away. 
The guilt forming in your heart could not announce itself properly as Aemond returned his hand to your cunt. The folds were still slick and wet from his earlier touches. The hurt you caused your mother could not be processed as pleasure was now seeping its way through you. 
“More… please,” You asked Aemond as his fingers were slow and teasing against your cunt. “Aemond, please,” you were quick to plead again. The king of the underworld smirked and obliged your wanting. One of his hands drew circles upon the bud of your cunt whilst the other moved to cup your tit once more. Feeling and squeezing the soft flesh. Aemond felt you move your hips once more, spreading your legs wider for him. He hummed in satisfaction to feel you flutter against him. 
You called his name again, a sensation new and somewhat unsettling. You gasped as you felt your insides wanting for release. It was almost a ticklish feeling, but it was wholly more. You harshly bit your lip, uncertain of what is to happen. “Come for me, little flower,” Aemond commanded by the shell of your ear and bit the lobe of it. You were not certain how to do it— uncertain on how to come, but you supposed you have done it as wetness from your cunt grew, and a hum of satisfaction from Aemond sounded through your pleasured daze. You could only watch as he brought his wet fingers with your essence to his lips once more. “So, fucking sweet.” 
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
Zagreus (Hades) x Albino! Mortal!Reader
Imagine that the reader is a mortal who lives (unknowingly) near the gates of the Underworld (perhaps near one of the temples in honor of Hades next to the Cocytus River), and not only that, but she was born with ALBINISM.
I mean, skin very sensitive to sunlight, eyes just as sensitive, hair without color, etc.
Thanks to this, she gained a certain reputation in her hometown, both good and bad, but the general consensus was that her "exotic" appearance would make a good trophy wife.
So the reader resorted to an old Greek custom, covering herself as much as possible with veils and cloth, not only to protect herself from the sun, but to give the illusion that she was married to someone important, someone her suitors were afraid of.
and it works, sort of, but unwanted attention one way or another appears, so she decides to take a break from the people at the temple in honor of Hades, knowing that no one would dare go there.
What she didn't expect was to have company at some point.
Let's say this is for when Persephone returns to the Underworld and Zagreus goes to the surface at first just to tend to his mother garden, but eventually wants to wander, which leads to him stumbling upon the temple to Hades.
which leads to him running into reader.
Even if he dies before talking to her, curiosity is quite powerful, Zagreus knows that his father has very little culture (and understands VERY well why) so seeing a mortal for the first time and on top of that one who adored his father ? unusual.
The next time he surfaces he goes directly to the temple, and there is the reader, taking care of the almost abandoned place a little.
Definitely both at first are a bit wary of each other, mainly reader to Zag because of her bad experiences with men, but once she sees that he is a friendly guy (I say "see" as a way of saying because with all the veils that she wears she doesn't see shit) starts having a conversation with him.
Zagreus thinks that Reader surely uses the veils as a way to cover herself from the cold at first, but since Demeter has softened towards mortals and better times are coming and Reader continues wearing veils, Zag is confused. Isn't she roasting in there?
At the same time, as reader also covers her eyes to protect them, She probably does not know or realize at the beginning that Zagreus is a god, simply because she does not see the need to remove the veil to find out what this friendly person looks like. although she definitely thinks it's strange that be disappears after a couple of hours out of nowhere. rude.
It takes several trips to the surface for both to open up, which causes both to begin to generate a certain playful dynamic taking advantage of the circumstances. It's something...tender.
Zagreus learns more about mortal customs and their history thanks to the reader, how they see the gods, how they differ, in general, it is something quite important for Zagreus, being more empathetic than his relatives, he wants to be aware of how the gods live, as well mortals. After all, without them the gods have no work, right?
Reader definitely didn't buy Zagreus about being the son of Hades at first, and it will take a little time for her to believe it, but I think the most important step for both of them would be to know why Reader is always covered and her condition.
Let's say that one day while being outside (reader in the shade and Zagreus in the sun) Zagreus accidentally pulled a bit of the reader's lower veil while playing and that generated a HORRIBLE burn on her arm, poor boy felt so guilty :(
Although it also helped him to start connecting the dots for him because she was always so covered, and he just started asking about her condition in order to help her.
The reader would tell him some basics of her condition and how it affected her life in many ways. Coming to the topic of suitors. and I imagined something like this:
"So you wear your veils to protect yourself from the sun?"
"not only that...women in my city usually cover themselves when they get married"
"(between berserk and heartbroken mode) are you...married?"
"Oh no! Gods no! It's just a move I made to protect myself from both the sun and the men who won't leave me alone!"
"Are they that bad? Do you think that will stop them for long?"
"The worst... and the more covered the woman is, the more powerful the husband is. What do you think these men think when they see a woman covered from head to toe?"
"that you must be married to the king of Olympus himself"
when the reader finally decides to show Zagreus her face and as you can see, boy is so ANXIOUS, because well, he was already quite in love with this girl just with her personality and her attitude, so being able to put a face to the name was simply exciting . And when she takes it off? he dies (figuratively).
And for her part, the reader is quite surprised to see that INDEED her recent friend not only has a strange divine aura but also fucking BURNING FEET and begins to believe his anecdotes much more 😅
Zagreus getting her Ambrosia 🥺 I have the hc that in normal living humans the ambrosia of Hades has a certain healing effect (as ambrosia had a rejuvenating effect in mythology) and perhaps thanks to this reader can walk in the sun without getting hurt.
Zagreus definitely dislikes reader's suitors as much (or even more) than she does. If she wants him to scare them, he'll be happy to do it :)
(It goes without saying, if the reader ends up in the Underworld suddenly, er, because of the suitors, Zagreus is DEFINITELY going to retaliate by giving them a direct step to Tartarus).
If reader could somehow go to the house of Hades (maybe for Charon) she would be SO HAPPY that finally there is no sun damaging her skin or stupid men harassing her, being able to move freely is so.. MAGICAL! Her joy is contagious to Zagreus, who had already gotten used to seeing her always confined by her clothes and veils, but this is not bad at all.
Overall, I think it's a cute concept😚
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Soon i may or may not post something about Achilles! So, stay tuned.
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ally-holmes · 11 months
Day 20 of the 30-day short story challenge
Today's prompt was crown and for that, I rescued my fic "A Deal with Hades" and added a little extra. Fandom: The Almighty Johnsons. Pairing: Anders Johnson x Fem!Hades. Words: 912. CW: natural death/afterlife
Here it goes:
Deep inside Anders would've liked there was rain. Something to accompany his own gloomy mood.
The graveyard was quiet and sunny. Anders hated it.
He tore his eyes from the closed coffin and glanced at the crowd. That was quite a gathering. In the end, his younger brother lived a long, fulfilling life next to Gaia and was always accompanied by his best friend Zeb. Anders was certain there had always been some sarcastic joke around Axl's titanic height compared with his three brothers, but at that moment he was unable to catch it.
Axl's large frame was resting inside the coffin. His children and grandchildren were there to say his last goodbyes. Gaia cried silently in Zeb's embrace. Friends and colleagues also came to pay their respects. As well as Mike's and Ty's children and grandchildren. Odin gracious, Ty and Dawn brought into this world no less than six children!!
Ander's eyes abandoned the wrinkled faces of those adults who were once small helpless babies crying in his arms and diverted his attention to the gravestones next to Axl's. Olaf, Mike, and Ty were already three feet under. Hanna and Dawn as well. Time had passed way too violently for his taste.
A warm soft hand slipped under his and the intrusion was welcomed. He had always felt calm and loved with Aïdi's attentions.
Due to his new status as the god of Persuasion, guaranteed by Hades after their deal, Anders was immortal, and as such he'd been fake-aging next to his wife not wanting to awaken suspicions over their nature. Anders had awaited for the precise moment to leave the mortal realm and move to the Netherworld with Aïdi… with Hades.
Now was the time.
No matter how much he loved his brothers' children and grandchildren, they were not his brothers. Only in his hands was the possibility of spending time with them now that they had passed away, and he was not going to accomplish it on Earth.
"I'm ready." Hades kissed him on the shoulder to his statement.
The first thing Anders did after seeing Hades' palace for the first time was to steady himself seeing as his knees became weak. The palace was stunning and luxurious, filled with the blue aura provided by the fire of life. Aïdi was in full Hades mode, and that turned him on to no end. As a god, she was taller than as a human, her skin was bluish and her hair floated over her head in blue flames. Those intense white eyes were Anders' perdition.
Evidently, they Christianized the palace in a sexy way; although Anders found it difficult to voice that term out loud. He would never forget that he was married to a fucking god whose job was to care for the dead and the Netherworld.
Time there passed differently than on Earth and before he knew it, Hades informed him that Gaia and Zeb had also passed away. Suddenly it was time to do the coronation ceremony. He'd married Hades in the mortal realm on mortal terms, but also signed one of Hades' famous contracts that trespassed spheres. The only detail to tie it down was his position in the netherworld.
The likeness in terms of title between both planes was uncanny. Hades was king, lord, and maximized authority in the Netherworld. Nowadays not even Zeus can depose Hades from her realm. One might think that terms such as king, lord, or god are male ones for someone using feminine pronouns, but let us remember that Hades existed before humanity, before language itself. Hence the improbability of finding a proper term to name someone like her. Thus, as Hades was king, Anders was bound to be the king's consort.
Such a ceremony had never been performed in the netherworld, but it was huge for being labeled as an intimate one. None of Hades' family crawled down from Mount Olympus to take a peak of the human she had transformed into a god. Anubis did come, however, and it was the first time Anders' had felt true honest fear. That jackal head!!! Those fangs!!!
On the other hand, Anders' granddad and brothers were there hand in hand with their wives (plus Zeb). It had been the first time they had traveled from the Kiwi death realm to this one and they did it with the same appearance as when they were still gods. Axl, who had suffered from chronic pain in his last years, was the one enjoying the arrangement the most.
The ceremony went smoothly and by the end of it, he was dressed in a tailored black suit with a navy blue tie, a blue-flame lapel pin, and a silver crown. It wasn't as gorgeous as Hades' but it was still encouraging.
Hades had always been fond of guests and so she prolonged the Johnsons' stay in her palace for Anders' peace of mind.
Ty mocked him about his crown. Dawn wanted to try it out whilst Anubis' cats surrounded her mewing for pets. Mike looked at him proud-like, which was unnerving. Olaf never gave up his mystic quotes and high poetry as he intended to give Anders some advice. Axl just hugged him multiple times as if wanting to remind Anders that he was loved and missed.
The crown was supposed to be heavy with the weight of responsibility, yet it felt light as if he could finally breathe and be himself for all eternity. 
The end.
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shurisasthmaticgf · 8 months
daughter of hades blk! reader ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
summary: you arrive to camp half-blood and are the only topic of conversation. rumors already circulate catching the attention of one particular cabin which means you now have a problem with one specific girl. everyone is dying to know who your father is but you're trying to protect your identity unsure of what will come when he claims you as his own. what nobody expected was it all to happen on your very first night.
character list: hades daughter! reader, clarisse, grover, percy, annabeth, male oc (briefly)
warnings: swearing, fighting, mentioned parent loss, clarisse is a bitch
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You dragged your feet along the dirt pathway that led back towards the open grass training grounds of the camp. The other campers were enjoying their night after a long game of capture the flag you missed by a day. You were slightly appreciative that you got to camp when you did because fighting off a fury and minotaur in one day was enough. The entire idea of this place was just peculiar to you but you’d seen much stranger on the New York subways back home. One minute you were walking home from school half an hour after it began because some girl in your class lied and said you punched her. The next minute some winged lady with a bad pixie cut was trying to kill you. Not even three hours later, a minotaur nearly succeeded in the fury’s failed task. 
Upon your arrival people were interested to know who the new girl was that escaped the minotaur's clutches. Rumors began to circulate that you were a daughter of Poseidon because of the minotaur fight. According to one of the girls in your cabin, a demigod named Percy killed a minotaur on his first night at camp and got claimed as Poseidon's first son shortly after. Since you’d also “defeated” a minotaur in everyone else’s eyes that meant to them that maybe you too were a child of Poseidon. Everyone seemed to like that narrative except one cluster of Ares children that had been eyeing you all day in way that felt a lot less than admiration. It didn’t help that the rumors followed your every step and grabbed more attention the longer you stayed in the open. 
You had only made it a few steps outside of Hermes cabin and the amount of stares you were getting made your skin crawl. Just as you were about to give up on trying to make it to dinner, a familiar face appeared in front of you. The satyr greeted you, “Hey you’re outside again. I was coming to invite you to dinner. Oh and I made you something in arts & crafts.” He pulled a small crown of yellow and white dandelions from behind his back and placed it on your head gently. You couldn’t help but smile at the gesture, “Thank you, Grover. It’s beautiful.” The satyr stuck out his wrist proudly and said, “It matches mine too. Usually Annabeth and Percy are here to match with us too but they’re not coming back until late tonight so you’ll have to wait to meet them.” You weren’t sure if you were looking forward to meeting this Percy guy based on the fact that an entire cabin hated his guts and now you for even being associated with him. 
As you followed Grover down the cabin step you eyed the other teenagers around you before meeting his gaze nervously and he glanced down at your right hand. Grover stared for a minute then said, “I don’t think the axe is helping.” He chuckled and reached for the axe but you pulled away before he could touch you or the weapon. There was an awkward silence before he told you warmly, “You have nothing to worry about y/n. you are safe now okay? It’s just dinner time and it’s taco tuesday. So I’ll take this and you get some food, and we can sit outside on the beach away from everyone else. Deal?” You nodded and swatted his hand away when he reached for your axe again, this time he asked, “Then how about you put it back?” You followed his instructions and closed the cabin door behind you before he led you off to the dining hall. 
You picked at the last taco on your plate as Grover sat beside you and asked, “So do you think you know…” There was no point in letting him finish so you spoke up, “No. Daddy never told me or gave me hints about who he really was..."
Now that was a complete lie.
Truthfully, you did have an idea of who your father could be but there was no tangible evidence. The only lead you really had was poorly remembered dreams from your childhood. The dreams depicted you sitting on a throne of bones guarded by three vicious dogs with countless dead soldiers at your feet. Glittering obsidian and midnight blue marbling lined the throne room and the smell of bakhoor, incense, and spices clung to the back of your throat from your father's timeless cologne. As a child you recall him calling you "my little goddess" and teaching you that darkness and the dead were nothing to fear. As you grew older you realized that you truly were the only thing that mattered to him which is why you stayed out of sight for so long. He gave you the hints long ago but you never wanted to believe they were true. Especially after you arrived at camp to see that there wasn't even a cabin for your suspected father.
Grover continued staring at you prompting you to continue speaking, "Some could say Ares because I was always hot-tempered and starting trouble as a kid but…could have just been the absent father- dead mother thing? The Ares kids here aren’t my type of people.”
Grover nodded along and asked curiously, “Where’s the axe from?” You shrugged and answered, “I found it in my house as a kid. My grandpa was a huge nerd about that kind of stuff and used to collect and sell things like swords and knives and my grandma said it was probably just another collectible he didn’t sell before he died. As a kid I always thought daddy left it behind for me, kinda like a gift.”
The sound of a twig snapping drew both of your attention to a boy who was cautiously making his way to you both. Grover beamed and waved him over, “Ezra, hey!” The satyr turned to you and continued, “Y/n this is Ezra, son of Demeter.” You gave a genuine smile and the boy who looked around your age relaxed more and responded, “Nice to meet you.” The young demigod was fairly tall around 5’11 and his thick black locs with their puffy roots added an extra inch or two. Assorted colors of beads adorned each loc on his head right at the ends or the middle. He smelled of earl grey and cucumber in a subtle way that complemented the shades of green in his outfit and headscarf. Ezra stuck his thumb back towards the rest of camp, “Percy and Annabeth are back, and they’re looking for you.” Grover lit up and said, “Thanks man, I’ll be right over.” The demigod waved to you before disappearing down the path back towards camp. The satyr beside you excitedly stood up, “Percy and Annabeth are the ones I told you about. I know they’ll wanna meet you let’s go- wait. On second thought I’ll bring them to you, just stay here and I’ll be right back.” Before you could even say that you didn’t want to meet anymore new faces, Grover was already running back towards camp leaving you alone looking over the beach once again. 
The peace and quiet lasted no more than three seconds because through the lapping of gentle waves a chorus of amused whispers and snickers behind you. The same group of Ares kids that had been eying you like a meal since the moment you arrived crowded around you. The ringleader of the pack you’d recognized as Clarisse, pushed you with the blunt end of her spear. The thick, chocolate brown ringlets that framed her face swung back and forth with her laughter as she looked at you laying on the ground with food spilled on your t-shirt. She laughed along with her cabin siblings and murmured, “Pathetic.” The end of her spear pressed further against your sternum making it slightly harder to breathe in. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips when you remained silent, “What? Cat got your tongue? ‘Cause you sure had a lot to say a minute ago.”
Clarisse kicked the retracted bo staff that you owned, in its current form it was no longer than a roll of quarters. Your fingers reached for it, opening and closing them desperately but stopped immediately when her foot pressed them into the dirt. one of her brothers mocked you in a whiny tone, “You think Daddy weft you a widdle gift?” He high fived Clarisse and laughed before she crouched down and grabbed you by the collar so your faces were merely inches apart. Clarisse hissed with words laced of venom and hatred, “Nobodies like you don’t get gifts from the gods. We all know you’re not one of the big three so why lie to everyone about it?  You think you’re all special because you lied about fighting a minotaur and killing a fury? Lying about being Poseidon's kid?” You rapidly shook your head, “I never lied because I never said any of that.” She let out a laugh and continued, “Gods this is too good, too easy…let’s get one thing straight right now though. You’ll always just be a lonely little nobody. And I know for a fact your Daddy will never claim you as his own because you’re weak. That’s why you hide behind that little satyr all day, your little protector. But where is he now? Huh? Nobody’s here to protect you now.” She plucked the flower crown from your head and threw it aside allowing one of her siblings to stomp it into the dirt. 
Anger coursed through your veins and your eyes filled with a fiery rage you hadn’t felt since your family fell apart when you were eight. You gritted your teeth together and tightened your jaw then without thinking, you leaned forward and spat directly into her face. The crowd of siblings had grown to a larger group of nosey teenagers that oo’ed as as Clarisse let go of your t-shirt and let your head fall back onto the ground with a thud. The young demigod flipped her prized spear in her hand and pointed it directly beneath your chin by your throat. The very tip of it electrified and glowed a fiery red only a millimeter from touching your skin which made you swallow thickly. For only a second pure fear flashed across your face which was enough for Clarisse to know she was winning already. A sinister smile crept onto her face and you pressed your head back further into the earth, begging to the skies above for someone, anyone to help.
Your eyes fluttered closed and you heard a deep voice in the distance, “Hit the ground.” The voice was familiar of someone you knew but couldn’t quite remember. Nevertheless, you followed the command and balled your free hand into a fist before bringing down against the hard dirt and gravel covered earth. The force of your fist fractured the ground beneath Clarisse and her siblings' feet causing them to stumble back. The retracted bo staff rolled back into your grasp which you held in one hand. with the other, you reached for her spear and snatched it from her grip whilst spinning it back so the pointed end now faced her and her siblings who were lying on the ground. You took a step back and twirled the spear in your hands for show then threw it to the side which she immediately scrambled to pick up.
Of the six Ares blood teenagers, three of them were on the ground unconscious while the other two staggered to their feet ready to fight back. You quickly extended your bo staff and whipped it across your body knocking one of the boys back before swinging it quickly in an X formation knocking out the girl beside him. Bringing the staff once more across your torso then over your shoulder and around your head, you knocked the boy out as well leaving Clarisse the only one standing. 
Clarisse stood more angry than before now knowing that you were stronger than you looked, proving that she now had competition. Her cheeks felt hot as other campers watched the two of you standing before one another clearly questioning if she was going to be the one that walked away tonight. One of the smaller kids you recognized from Hermes cabin threw you the shield he owned. You nodded to him as a thank you and took a step back. Clarisse watched as you brushed one of your thick twists out of your face and raised an eyebrow which pissed her off more. Why weren’t you struggling? Why weren’t you afraid?  The idea of you winning pissed her off the more she stood there which was enough for her to lunge forward with her spear. You held up the shield and caught the body of the spear in your hand and turned around to try and slip it from her grasp. The girl pushed you trying to shake it from your grip and when you held on tighter she huffed and threw you forward not realizing her most prized possession would be thrown with you. Crackling and hissing sounds filled your ears the moment your back hit the ground and knocked the wind from your chest. Clarisse looked at the half of her spear left in her hand while the pointed end was still lodged into the shield in your palm. Blood curdling screams echoed throughout the entire camp and everything seemed to still around you as the teenage girl stared in horror. You walked over to her and pushed her back with your shield before she could run up on you. She hit the ground once more and you snatched the other part of her spear from between the arm hold. All of your thoughts were clouded with anger as her words rushed back through your memory once more. 
You climbed on top of her with each of your legs on a side of her waist so you were hovering above her torso with a smile far from friendly. You held one of her arms down with your knee while the other was trapped beneath her torso but she didn’t even try to fight you back anymore. She watched with her eyes now full of fear as you held the sharp end of her broken spear beside her face, dragging the tip of the blade on her skin but not hard enough to cause harm. You placed the tip underneath her chin so she was forced to meet your gaze, but a sudden cloud of darkness fell over you both. The curtain of shadows engulfed the two of you which took your focus from Clarisse long enough for her to free her arm and push you off of her. The shadows rose as you made your way onto your feet and stepped away from the crowd that had formed. The feeling of your heart pounding in your chest seemed to be the only thing you could focus on as the dark clouds fell from your head to surrounding your feet. When you could finally see ahead of you all that was there was the ocean, same as before. 
“Y/N!” Grover’s voice broke through the crowd as he manuvered through campers and stared at you with darkness and shadows pooling at your feet. A girl with deep umber skin and black waist length box braids stood beside him and a pale, freckle- faced boy with a mess of blonde curls that brought out his ocean blue eyes. The three of them along with every other camper and Chiron who followed the crowd stared up above your head. You looked up to see a long royal blue and obsidian bident, a black snake coiling up the body with two navy prongs pointed towards the sky at the top. A glow of midnight blue surrounded the bident and illuminated around you. It lowered into your hand and the weight brought a smile to your face as you felt a wave of pride in knowing what this meant. 
Chiron’s voice bellowed, “You have been claimed by Hades. King of the Dead. God of the Underworld. Y/N L/N.”
You turned to face Grover and his two friends with a sweet smile on your face as if you didn't just kick a whole cabin of demigods asses. "Hey I'm Y/N, daughter of Hades. Nice to meet you both." The blonde boy you knew to be Percy just stood with his mouth agape until the girl elbowed him. He scratched the back of his head and said, "Hi, I'm Percy." You smiled and shook his hand while the girl gave you a head nod, "Annabeth." Grover looked past you and motioned to the Ares kids on the ground, "You did all that?" Looking over your shoulder you saw some of them were now coming back to and you turned back unfazed, "More or less." Annabeth slung her arm over your shoulder and led you along with her two other friends away from everyone else, "Yeah I like you. We're gonna get along well I think."
authors note: i saw a lot of people posting their own fics about pjo so i thought i'd give it a try. i'm new to this franchise and i've only watched the show and movies. but i'm starting to read the books now so this is what i've come up with using the stuff i've seen, read, googled, etc. please be kind if there's something 'inaccurate' bc im still new to this!
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Can you do like a teen hades x reader? Like, can you do something like he has a crush on reader for a while but he doesn't know how to express it?
Sorry if it's bad! This is my first request I've ever done 😅
Unspoken Love | Hades
Pairing: (teen!)Hades x fem!reader
Summary: Hades has been in love with you for a while now, but doesn't truly know how to express it.
Warning/s: fluff, very short fic, reader is considered to be blonde and shorter than Hades, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: Here you go, you did amazing with the request, don't worry. Enjoy!
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It was so infuriating.
Hades was amongst Uliana's crew when she was treating Bridget. Once again. He was just standing aside, listening to Uliana's threatening as his eyes finally landed on you.
You were a new friend of Bridget's.
Somehow, someway, he found himself staring at you. Your blonde hair was gently flowing as the wind carried it around you. Your eyes, oh, your eyes. They were sparkling with determination as you stared at Uliana's as you stood by Bridget's side. Your soft lips that had somehow frowned along with your eyebrows as you listened to Uliana's speech.
He felt like you were some sort of angel. He had never seen you at the Merlin's Academy before today so that means that you were probably new here. And yet you already befriend Bridget, he thought, finding himself slightly disappointed.
He couldn't deny that he found himself drawn to you in many ways, but your friendship with Bridget was bad news to him. That meant that you were probably a lot like her or even exactly like her.
That meant that you would probably hate his guts, considering the fact that he's a part of Uliana's crew. But also, he had no idea why you had such a strong effect on him. He just saw you! He doesn't even know who you are!
But, Gods... he found himself loving the idea of finding out.
As days rolled by and as he saw more of your interactions with people and also with him, he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with you.
Your courage, strength, and determination when you stood up to Uliana's bullying.
Your beauty that shined everywhere you went.
Your height that seemed to cause you difficulties every time you tried to reach the books on the highest shelves in the library of the Merlin's Academy.
Your willingness to give help to someone, but also take help from someone when you needed it.
Your ability to not judge anyone before you meet them and giving them opportunity to help you out. Even if it's a villain.
That's how the two of you officially met.
You were in the library of the Merlin's Academy, trying to reach one of the books on the highest shelf, but with no success. Your height was getting in the way. Only your fingers were able to brush against the shelf, but a shelf that was lower than the highest one. You were growing frustrated until you heard the voice behind you.
"Need some help, shortie?" Hades' smug smile was glaring at you as he leaned against the opposite bookshelfs.
"What are you doing here?" You asked him, your voice teasing. "I thought that you would rather die then spend time in here."
"Touché," He pointed as he found himself amused, "However, Morgie forced me to go get some books for him."
"Oh, well," you smiled slightly, "Would you look at that."
A few moments later, when he saw that you were still struggling, he was brave enough to offer you help, and you were brave enough to take it.
Later in the future, there was no way he would admit out loud why he offered to help you. Maybe it was the trouble you were in, maybe it was your helplessness in that simple situation, but when someone from the crew asked him why did he help you, he won't admit that he fell in love with you.
He didn't even admit it to you, even though he really wants to.
@xoxo-h3arts @i-am-fork @a-homosexual-homosapien @snixx2088 @heartsfromcoco @hiireadstuff @cyb3r-st4r @angeliangelo @judgment-days-kid @mitsiell @ratchetprime211 @milo-webp @teti-menchon0604 @pvmkyn-sp1c3 @mystic-mae @leftmooncollector
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Take me with you (Oneshot)
[ Hades • Aemond x Persephone • female ]
[warnings: sex content, smut, sexual tension, fluff]
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[description: The god of the underworld watches his chosen one from afar, unable to get close to her. One night, he spots her alone, bathing in the lake, and decides to join her.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
She knew he was watching her. She could feel it in the sudden chill breeze. Hear in the rustle of terrified leaves and flowers. See in the flickering shadow in the distance. He couldn't stop himself.
He couldn't approach her. His steps would destroy all her efforts. Any flowers under his feet, born from the touch of her hand, would wither.
He watched her from a distance, from the darkness of the forest, never going out to meet her. When he appeared, he saw from a distance how she turned her gaze quickly to him, her beautiful eyebrows furrowed with concern.
Her nymphs laughed around her, dressing her in her robes every day, combing her shiny, long hair, did not even turn around, not noticing the threat. They were weaving a wreath of field flowers, which they then crowned her head with.
At night, he watched from a distance as they bathed in the lake. As night fell, his movements were no longer bound by anything, but not wanting to scare them, he did not approach them. He watched their dancing silhouettes, shimmering against the surface of the water from afar.
One night he saw her alone. He stared at her, amazed, for she never went anywhere without her trusted confidantes. He pressed his lips painfully tight, as he saw her slender hands undoing her white, embroidered, delicate robes. Their fabric fell lightly on the grass, as her feet seared her toward the edge of the lake.
In the light of the moon and stars, her body shone with divine radiance even more than usual. She sank down to her shoulders, washing her delicate hands, her long fingers running softly over her body.
He stood up, his slow steps rustling softly in the thicket of grass. He was heading towards the wrist, his hand, with a light movement, unraveled the binding of his black, matte robe. He saw her look at him, her full, swollen lips parted slightly. In her eyes, shining like precious crystals, he saw fear and something else, that made his exposed body shiver.
She turned her back on him when he was completely naked, covered herself with her arms, as she heard the splash of water. He heard her inhale deeply, as his hands wrapped around her from behind gently, solemnly, devotedly. She shivered, as his cold chest pressed against her back, his hard manhood pressing against her hot skin, pulsing steadily.
She closed her eyes and flinched, as his fingers gently pushed back strands of her hair, exposing her neck to him. His cold, corpselike mouth bent over, placing subtle, soft, wet kisses on her. She sighed softly, her head leaning back against his shoulder.
He exhaled loudly as her warm, soft hand brushed over his scarred cheek, a reminder of his skirmish with his brother in the heavens, before pushing him into the Abyss. His large, rough hand cupped her soft, full breast carefully, caressing her nipple with his thumb, teasing her steadily. He smirked to himself as he heard her soft moan.
"I will give you pleasure, if you only desire." He whispered in her ear, and she shivered all over, her mouth parting wider in a ragged breath.
She looked at him, her eyes hazy, dreamy, uncertain. Her fingers continued to trace his face, his skin millimeters apart. She brushed her nose against his cheek. He parted his lips slightly, leaning over her. He traced them over her face, leaving wet marks, her lips parted lustfully, hot and full of anticipation.
His lips finally brushed hers, and they both sighed. They kissed slowly, with a wet, loud sound each time they broke apart. His hand teased her nipple steadily, hard and jutting with desire. His free hand moved lower, between her thighs. She shuddered, taking his hand in hers, stopping him gently. He broke the kiss by leaning over to her ear.
"Do not be afraid. I will not cause you pain." He whispered, brushing his lips against her cheek. Her chest heaved uneasily, her hand slowly loosening its grip.
His hand slid lower, his fingers meeting her warm, wet, throbbing womanhood. He began to massage her gently, in circular, slow motions, his lips finding hers again as she moaned so sweetly. Her hips began to move to the rhythm of his hand, their quiet panting and the sound of the water around them.
He felt her slender, pale body arch in pleasure as he slid his finger inside her. She was incredibly tight, wet and hot, her walls clenching against him hungrily. She kissed him chaotically, moaning softly, her lips moist from their kisses, her whole body trembling under his touch, feeling the impending fulfillment.
He pulled away from her abruptly, sliding his finger out of her, meeting her surprised, elderly gaze. He turned her to face him and grabbed her hips, lifting her up with a splash of water. He moved towards the shore, kissing her reassuringly, feeling her whole body tremble. She touched his face, looking at him with her warm, misty eyes from desire.
He laid her down on the grass beneath him, leaning over her, drops of water from his hair falling on her body like tiny diamonds. She stared at him, her hands spread at the sides of her head, her mouth deliciously parted in ragged breaths. He gently took her thighs in his hands and spread them out in front of him as if tearing a ripe fruit in two.
She looked at him pleadingly as he began to wipe his thick, engorged manhood in her juices. She sobbed as the tip of it pressed against her entrance, his fingers gently parting her skin sideways.
"Shh. We'll take it slow." He whispered, teasing her with gentle movements of his hips, Her walls clenched against him, he was barely able to put it inside her.
"It's too big." She wept, throwing her head to the side, her body arching as he pushed it deeper, closing his eyes with a loud gasp, feeling her fleshy, moist core.
"Just a little more, sweetest flower." He whispered tenderly, as he slid out again and thrust deep into her, all the way to the end, both of them leaning back with a groan. He looked at her with his lips parted in uneven breath, her whole body trembling under him, her walls clenching against him in panic.
"Look at you. How wonderfully you take me." He purred, looking at her, not moving for a moment, letting her calm down.
Until he saw her for the first time, he had never desired anyone. He could barely contain himself now, hearing her soft sigh.
He began to move slowly inside her with a quiet clicks of her moisture, a wave of heat went through them both, and they began to pant. His hands gripped hers, intertwining their fingers, his hips rocked inside her in a slow, steady rhythm, rubbing her where his finger had touched her before.
He sped up as she moaned sweetly beneath him, he was delighted to feel her hips begin to meet his movements, their naked bodies glistening in the moonlight slamming into each other with a loud, wet slaps. Both of them gasped loudly, as they stared at each other with their mouths parted wide, their bodies heaving under each other, her hot, moist, tight insides giving him a pleasure he had never experienced before.
"Do you want me to stop? Do you want me to take it out of you?" He asked in a trembling voice, looking at her wonderful, soft body glistening with sweat, his cock thrusting into her loudly, spreading her wide again and again. Her lips parted, her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment, she tightened her fingers on their intertwined hands.
"No, I beg you, harder." She whimpered. He took his hands away, grabbed her hips and began to root into her with all his strenght, panting loudly in response to her moans, he covered her mouth, muffling those wonderful sounds.
"We wouldn't want anyone to hear us, would we? We wouldn't want to interrupt this pleasure." He hissed, his thighs hitting against her buttocks with loud slaps, thrusting his aching erection into her, throbbing with arousal. His lover moaned loudly beneath him, his hand muffling everything that came out of her mouth.
He came hard inside her, throwing his head back, panting heavily, feeling the waves of her orgasm coursing through her body. Her insides clenched against him with tremendous force, squeezing his seed from his manhood into her hot core.
He removed his hand from her face, looking at her, both of them gasping loudly, as he rocked his hips inside her for a moment longer, unable to deny himself this pleasure. She looked at him dreamily, her lips parted in indescribable, sweet delight.
"Take me with you."
I got the idea for this story when my husband and I were in one of the museums and we saw a lot of beautiful paintings with nymphs and goddesses. The two photos at the top of the post are from that museum. We are both artists and we were impressed with how delicately they were painted! As always, leave a comment if you liked it! 💖
@zenka69 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff
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priyajoyyy · 6 months
Tangled [part 2]
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Clarisse la rue x Persephone!repunzel!fem!reader
After discovering you in the tower, Clarisse offers you a chance to finally get a glimpse of freedom, joining them on their quest back to camp half blood.
Toxic parents, yandere!parents, oblivious!, Clarisse being stubborn, overprotectiveness, cannon typical violence, bullying, reader has poor survival instincts, more to come maybe
You were scared to meet the other two people Clarisse had informed you were halfbloods. She told you that you were probably one too, or at least she thought you were.
She said it would explain your hair, and why your parents had left you in a tower your entire life. And how you could make plant life grow at will, or the fact your mother was called Persephone (a pretty big giveaway if you asked Clarisse)
You just thought that was all normal. Apparently not.
She told you this stuff as her brother made his way up the wall, the other girl, Anna, climbing up behind him.
When they eventually climbed over, sweaty and out of breath you watched them cautiously with wide eyes from your spot across the room.
Clarisse sighed and walked over to you, “it’s fine they’re my friends, they’re not gonna do anything”
You looked to her then, she thought you looked like a baby dear, terrified with wide doe eyes staring into her own with a little terrified pout on your lips. She couldn’t help but find it cute.
“What. The. Fuck” Elliot said in between deep breaths as he stumbled into the room, “who is she and why are we breaking into her house?”
“Shut up” Clarisse stated, rolling her eyes at the boy, “this is y/n, I’m pretty sure she’s a half blood and she’s letting us stay in her tower for the night”
“I am?”
“She is?”
“I-I don’t remember agreeing to that..” you stated looking at her confused.
“She’s a half blood?” Elliot asked, being ignored by his sister.
“You wanna go outside right?” Clarisse said, hoping her assumptions were correct.
You waited for a moment, not wanting to answer. Whenever you brought up leaving to your mother she got mad and told you how dangerous the outside world was, but you couldn’t help but not believe her with how beautiful the part of the world you can see is.
“yes but…” You eventually nodded at her hesitantly, muttering out, “but it’s dangerous out there, I can’t leave”
“It’s not dangerous” Clarisse stated, her brother wacking her arm causing her to correct herself, “well not if you’re with us, we’ll protect you”
You looked at them suspiciously, going to speak before being interrupted by Elliot.
“This seems like kidnapping” he said bluntly, causing Clarisse to roll her eyes as you looked between the two in worry and watched the other girl walk towards the window in annoyance of another argument between the siblings.
“Kidnapping from who?” Clarisse responded.
“Um maybe the parents she just said don’t want her going outside?” He rebutted.
“Oh the parents that have locked her away in a tower her entire life? Sure because that’s normal…”
“Yeah those parents Clarisse!” He continued, “the ones that are probably literal gods and will kill us if we take her!”
She glared at the boy for a moment, before both of them turned back to face you, the shock of it making you stumble backwards a little with wide eyes.
“Do you want to leave?” Clarisse asked for a second time, looking at you with expectantly.
“Well I-i guess” you responded, cowering back slightly as the siblings both glared into your sole, clarisses stare turning into a triumphant smirk when you finished speaking.
“There” Clarisse said smugly, “not kidnapping if it’s willing”
“Come on” Clarisse said firmly the next day, climbing over the side of the window ledge and beginning to scale down the side of the building, her brother following after her leaving you and the other girl stood watching them.
“H-how am I meant to do that?” You stuttered out to the girl, fear of the distance between you and the grass below.
“It’s not that bad, honest” she told you with a reassuring smile, watching you gulp.
“If you really can’t do it like we are” she added, jumping up onto the ledge, continuing with a shrug, “then use your plant power thing to help you down”
“Hurry up Anna” Elliot shouted up to the girl, causing her to begin to find her footing on the side of the tower.
You watched the three make their way down for a minute, contemplating whether you should actually leave or not.
Your parents had always warned you of the outside world, your mother said people were dangerous, you’d grown up on tales your step father told you of monsters that wanted to kill you.
Clarisse looked up at you in confusion, watching you have an inner panic and contemplate actually leaving, your head peeking out the window to look at the height.
She knew you needed a minute, you’d literally never stepped outside your home before, it obviously wouldn’t be easy.
But her impatience got the better of her when she shouted up again, “you’ll be fine!”
You looked down at her in shock, shaken out of your mini panic attack by her shout, “honestly! We’re gonna protect you, nothings gonna hurt you”
Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself to finally leave. You’d wanted to do this your entire life, you couldn’t let your nerves get the better of you.
Turning around you quickly grabbed a small bag you had packed the night before, all of your most important possessions safely packed inside.
Taking a step forward, you climbed up onto the ledge, reaching your arm out to a hook above you, vines beginning to wrap around the walls and down to your arm.
The three halfbloods watched as you chucked your small bag over your arm, before you clutched the plants and stepped off of the ledge.
The vines extending down towards the ground and taking you with it slowly as you held onto it tightly with shaking arms.
Stepping down onto the grass gently, you smiled and looked down. You couldn’t believe you were actually doing it, finally seeing the grass up close and feeling it under your feet.
You looked around, walking towards the small pond near you, lifting your dress and dipping your toes in that as the other three watched you in confusion.
You turned around quickly, spinning your face then with a large smile on your lips.
“Where are we going now?” You asked excitedly.
Readers is literally like Bambi istg 😭
This is not proof read sorry
@slaggylemon @yourmom-25s-blog @l0veshellarcelia @asvterias @ashisabitgay @sh1nnryuu @venusphoriia @isnt-itstrange @exactlycoralfox
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s-awturn · 1 month
Underworld Sun || LH44
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summary: It only took an unpretentious visit to a local florist for all of Lewis's convictions to come crashing down, and finally the lord of the Underworld found what was missing in his lonely existence.
cw: dark content, slightly stalkerish behavior, nostalgia, pure smut, Lewis!dom x reader!sub, revelation, mention of magic, violence, outbursts of rage, (fake) naivety, devotion, deep love, soulmates, family interference, mention of kidnapping.
a/n: I knew the vote would come down to Max and Lewis — and I was hoping it would be one of them, don't judge me — and I was anxious to write, I counted the minutes until the end of the vote and I thought of the title beforehand, So here we are. This story is intended to be divided into many parts, I don't know how many parts, but we'll see how it works.. Anyway, enjoy!
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Monaco, days before...
It had been a few years — or many, it's natural to lose track of time when you're immortal — since he had walked the streets of Monaco, and no one even imagined that the principality housed the new home of the gods of the Greek pantheon. The gods loved how everything in Monaco was beautiful, luxurious and exuberant, life in Monaco matched the desires and longings of the immortals; he took a deep breath as he entered the massive casino where satyrs dressed in elegant tuxedos awaited him.
"Sir, welcome, we have been waiting for you" the satyr said as he guided him to the central dome, where the other gods were waiting for him, It had barely started and he was already tired, it was always stressful coming to Monaco, having to deal with his brothers and nephews, who were always very irritating.
"Thank you Clocis, I hope I wasn't too late, the traffic was chaotic" he justified himself, even though there was no need, he hated delays, so he hated it when he kept people waiting. However, when it came to his family, any delay could be a blessing.
"People go crazy when Monaco hosts the Formula One circuit, sir," Clocis said, opening the door for the god of the underworld. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"It's not your fault that you have to apologize , Clocis, you can go, I'll go on my own from here, I know Argos needs your help at the casino" he politely dismissed the satyr, who waved and left him alone in the immense corridor. Hades — or Lewis, as he had come to be called since he had taken on that human body centuries before — walked slowly to the main hall, where his family would be gathered.
He pushed the door open, not bothering to wait for the servants to open it, and discreetly took his seat on Zeus's left side. For a long time he felt left out in the division of the spoils of the Titanomachy, but after ages of administering his domains, Hades couldn't feel more grateful for having been "gifted" with the land of the dead. But nothing was better than being alone in the underworld, without his relatives to trouble his patience. Being part of that family, solitude was a balm.
He waited until the uproar died down and the gods calmed down.
"Now that Hades has arrived, we can begin the meeting," Themis said, the goddess remained with her blindfold over her eyes and Hades stopped wondering how she knew things. She wasn't the goddess of justice for nothing.
"You've finally arrived! We thought you wouldn't come" Zeus said, or Michael, as he preferred.
"And I really wasn't coming, but I knew you would send Hermes to disturb me for decades, as you did during the Iliad. I preferred to avoid the fatigue," he replied simply and heard his brother's thunderous laughter. "What is this meeting about?"
The dome was filled with silence. Zeus stood up, making things more theatrical and Hades wondered if it was Dionysus who created the theater.
"A few weeks ago, traces of Persephone's sacred energy were signaled on our radars," he said, causing a commotion among those present. A strange tingling sensation tugged at Lewis's chest, making him shift in his seat. "But it was too fast and we couldn't track it."
"And what are we here for? Do you want us to start searching the gardens and flower fields for her?" Ares grumbled, earning a hard look from Zeus.
"Considering you have an affair with Aphrodite, wallowing in bushes and fields of flowers," Apollo commented from across the semicircle, Charles — or Apollo — he gave a mocking smile before dodging the sword that Max threw at him.
"Enough, shut up you two" a lightning bolt cracked and made them both go silent. "Stay alert, Persephone could be anywhere and we need to bring her home."
Hades drummed his fingers, feeling the itch in his chest grow.
"That was it? You could have sent an email," he commented, seeing Zeus' eye twitch and Poseidon laugh out loud, Ayrton almost fell from his throne, laughing as the brothers fought over their gazes.
"You should spend more time with your family, brother," he said, sitting down again. "We miss you here."
Well, everyone has my business card with my address, I will love to receive visitors, I have added a new head to my collection, you will love it"
"Brother, don't be so bitter, you are missed in our celebrations, you know that"
Lewis grunted in agreement, adjusting the cufflinks on his suit, revealing some of the numerous tattoos he had.
"I believe I am too dark for the exuberant brightness of Monaco," he said, standing up, greeting everyone and disappearing, leaving a dark trail that smelled of burnt wood.
Soon he was inside his car, it was one of the few human activities he enjoyed, driving for hours on end calmed his mind and silenced his demons. It was dramatically ironic that the god of the dead was tormented by demons, and Lewis had plenty of them. He drove through the streets of the principality until he reached the edge of the country, he crossed the border into France and the climate changed radically. The south of France had a rural, provincial feel that didn't quite match the golden exuberance of Monaco, and it was also less oppressive.
He didn't like golden things.
Lewis drove into a small town and just as the bucolic French aesthetic demanded, he parked his car at the only gas station in town and looked around, a small bakery, a bookstore, the church in the center of the village and a flower shop. He didn't know why, but his instincts pointed him towards the tiny flower shop, maybe it was the smell of honeysuckle, or maybe it was because the shop looked like it was straight out of a 1920s movie, and Before he knew it, Lewis had made the bell above the flower shop door ring. Bouquets of roses, lilies, sunflowers, lilies and tulips were scattered in the cramped space, the floral scents mingling, attacking the rhinitis he didn't even know he had.
"Just a minute, please!” Someone said from the back of the establishment and severe chills shook Lewis’s body. He walked around, looking at the flower arrangements, the gift baskets, it was all so delicate that it made him think it was a dollhouse, yet there was something there, something darker and deeper. "Sorry for the delay, the supplier delivered today and my employee is away... It's all in my hands..."
Her voice died the instant she looked at the visitor, suddenly the static between them made their hair stand on end and something sparked in both of their minds.
"Hello, I'm Lewis," he smiled, extending his hand to her.
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