#femslash drabble
triggerlil · 1 year
Day 14: gimme shelter
Narcissa Black Malfoy/Lily Evans Potter tags: cigarettes, secret relationship, Marauders era @hpshipuary: any ship @hpsaffics: Hogwarts era Also on AO3
It wasn’t that the professors didn’t care they were smoking, they’d just given up on trying to fight it. It was because of this that Lily ignored Sev’s warnings and went out behind the broom shed after classes anyway—a smuggled walkman under her robes—inhaling smoke under the gloomy grey sky and exhaling fear. A ritual for fidgeting hands and restless thoughts. 
Behind the broom shed she could pretend the war wasn’t looming, that one of her best friends wasn’t madly in love with her, and that everything wasn’t going to shit when she’d only just turned 18. 
When Lily looked down from the rain-promising clouds, a familiar pointed face was staring back at her. And this was why, despite hating the smell that clung to her clothes no matter how many cleaning charms she used, she kept coming back. 
Narcissa Black leaned back against the shed next to Lily, taking her cig with long, pale fingers.
“Smoking is prohibited on school grounds, you know,” Narcissa smirked, putting it between her lips and closing her eyes. The way Narcissa looked with a cigarette between her lips was life changing. Lily stared unashamedly at dented cheeks, pink lips, and thick blond eyelashes. 
Narcissa opened her eyes to catch Lily in the act. She exhaled into the damp air, slow and drawn out, and then took another drag. This time, she grabbed Lily’s tie, and pulled them together. Lily's lips parted instinctively, catching the smoke Narcissa breathed into her mouth. Lily ran her hands through silky blond hair, curling it around her fingers, forcing her closer. Narcissa licked into Lily's mouth hungrily, pushing her against the shed, knee finding the gap between Lily’s legs. 
The cigarette burned down between Narcissa’s fingers.
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freddieslater · 4 months
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Femslash February: Batherine | Bonnie Bennett x Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by @hydesjackiespuddinpop
Magic isn't just a candle flickering to life, or some fancy firework-like sparks. It isn't just an object moving on its own from one side of the room to the other, or a book suddenly flipping to the exact right page.
Magic is also a splitting migraine that starts at the base of the skull and then spreads like wildfire, seeping into every crevice and wrinkle of the brain. It's lethargy that deadens limbs and makes even the eyelids too heavy to lift, crushed under the weight of the world only a few hours ago.
It's hot. Literally - it burns as it travels through the veins, right down to the tips of the finger, emanating across every nerve and muscle until the entire body is consumed with the heat of something indescribable and unknowable. It's metallic, like the blood that drips down into the mouth.
But none of that is enough to stop the enchantment of something so bitter; so unpredictably and deliciously dangerous. Those drawn in by the flicker of light in the darkness accept the risk of getting lost in it, consumed momentarily by an irrepressible desire.
Bonnie knows she is on the verge of being lost as she stares back into the dark eyes peering up at her from behind her own arm, fangs lost in her soft flesh. The white-hot flames beneath her skin push and pulse until she is sure she is actually going to catch fire. Magic is oxygen, it is the thing that fills her lungs and is stolen from them almost immediately, and it is the indescribable sensation that ripples through her when Katherine's resolve breaks, becoming too lost in the moment to keep it up any longer. Her eyelids flicker and she laces their fingers together with a soft moan.
Maybe lost is what they both are. Lost to a world that lost interest in them. Maybe magic is finding each other when the world has long-since stopped looking.
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cilil · 3 months
Femslash February
⬡ Prompt: Your life is mine & proposal (sweet bingo) | f!Melkor x f!Mairon ⬡ Synopsis: The dark lady has her sights on a certain Maia. Maira, however, has her own demands ⬡ Warnings: / ⬡ Drabble ⬡ AO3
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"I want you."
"Do you?" 
Melkórë grasped her chin with unabashed greed, forcing Maira to look up at her. 
"I do. All of you. Your fána, your ëala, your life." 
Ink-black lips captured blood-red, yet the Maia broke the kiss. 
"Valië or not, I shall call you neither queen nor beloved unless you too are worthy of me." 
Melkórë laughed, pulling her close. "Feisty one, but I expected no less. Very well then, little flame, name your price!" 
"Marry me," Maira said, "for I desire no less than to be a queen's consort. No longer will I be a servant!" 
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Thanks for reading! ♡
Fun fact: Melkórë is actually just an older/alternate version of Melkor, but the -ë names are fairly gender ambiguous.
taglist: @angbangbaby @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @bluezenzennie @edensrose @eunoiaastralwings @i-did-not-mean-to @melkors-big-tits @melkors-defense-attorney @singleteapot @stormchaser819 @wandererindreams
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Doctor Who: Femslash Drabble Exchange
Posted by: kingstoken Link: Interest Check |  Tumblr Description: I am interested in modding a femslash focused drabble exchange for the Doctor Who fandom, similar in concept to the Star Trek Femslash Drabble Exchange, and I was wondering if there would be enough interest in the fandom. Could you please fill out this interest check? Schedule: Possibly June comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/yMiSQfV
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udaberriwrites · 3 months
Femslash February - Day 21
Fantasy - Karlach / Lae'zel / Shadowheart
The air is thrumming with tension. Shadowheart straddles Lae’zel, pressing a knife to her throat. The githyanki glares back; they share the certainty that only one will live to see the morning.
Then, their tadpoles stir. A wave of helpless arousal washes over the clearing, leaving both of them breathless.
"Sorry!” Karlach exclaims, little flames sprouting from her shoulders. Her gaze skitters away from their dumbstruck expressions. "I… gosh, I. Fuck. Sorry.”
Shadowheart jerks the knife away and retreats to her tent. Lae’zel rests her weight on her elbows and watches her go.
That night, all three of them wonder.
Full prompt list here
AO3 collection here
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anonarat · 4 months
There were some people who saw Maple as a cheater, others who saw her as a power players, still others who saw her as something of a mascot of NewWorld Online. To some, she was even considered a goddess of the fantasy world.
But to Sally, to Risa, she was a dear and invaluable friend. Still, unfortunately, just a friend.
Sally was not an expert flirt, even if Maple truly enjoyed her company, she still found it difficult to take that final step. However brave, however confident she was in her abilities as a gamer, her heart was still vulnerable.
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leet911 · 4 months
Femslash February Unofficial Day 10 (WN)
Prompt: Swimsuit
“How do I look?”  Ava asks, and she spins, showing off from all sides.  The swimsuit is hardly anything, three triangles of white fabric held together with what looks like string.  Ava is flowing hair and sparkling eyes, sly smile and far too much bared skin, smooth and curved in all the right places.
Beatrice swallows.  Because the swimsuit is white, the colour of angels, and purity, when Beatrice feels anything but.
Ava stalks closer, slips into the hot tub, and sidles up next to Beatrice until they’re touching.  “So?” Ava asks again.
And Beatrice shivers in the steaming water.
(Feel free to follow along on AO3 even though I'll probably post to Tumblr first each day.)
Prompt list is here.
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divinemissem13 · 3 months
What You're Willing To Overlook 4
@flufftober Day 4: "Let me take care of you." Fandom: The Closer/ Major Crimes (Brenda/Sharon) 200 words, G Read all chapters here
It’s almost always Brenda who needs someone to look after her. She’s the one who forgets to eat, or works too late, or feels like shit after engineering another morally ambiguous end to a case.
And she’s grateful to have Sharon for that — so, incredibly grateful — but sometimes she wonders if she’s really pulling her weight in this relationship.
So Brenda wouldn’t say she’s glad to find Sharon sitting at her desk at the end of the day with her head in her hands… but she does appreciate any opportunity to return the favor.
“Long day?” she asks, stepping behind the desk and pressing a light kiss into Sharon’s hair.
“Mmm, headache,” Sharon acknowledges, continuing to rub her temples.
Brenda’s hands move automatically — one going to the base of Sharon’s skull where she knows she holds the most tension, and the other stretching across her forehead to replace Sharon’s own hands at her temples. “Lean back,” she coaxes gently, “I’ve got you.”
Sharon complies willingly and moans in relief as the tension begins to release under Brenda’s skilled fingers. As the pain subsides, Sharon’s only coherent thought is that she is so, incredibly grateful to have Brenda looking after her.
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triggerlil · 1 year
Day 3: muzzle
Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson, T, 181
tags: angst, Pansy's POV, insecurity, (Luna does love her)
@hpshipuary: Luna/Pansy
@febuwhump: muzzle
@hpsaffics B1: 1st or 2nd POV
Also on AO3
The moment you said “I love you,” you put a muzzle on me. I stand by your side and look pretty, make you see stars when we fuck, play nice to your friends, and in return you let me pretend this means anything. I don't believe you'd ever intentionally hurt me (you'd never hurt anyone), but I know this isn't what you really want—or at least—I'm not someone you really need. Yet I can't say it, because you think you love me, and I can't bring myself to push you away. 
When you wake before me in the morning to bring me tea in bed, and we read the paper together, I remember why I let it happen. Why I'm content to live a lie forever. It doesn't matter, because at least there's still a we, at least the lie is ours. I feel the muzzle at night, cinched tight around my jaw, and it aches. It destroys me, Luna, that I can't leave you alone, but I think I'd rather live in desolate silence than ever watch you go.
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cilil · 3 months
Femslash February
⬡ Prompt: Hands for holding & first snow (rare pair bingo) | Aredhel x Elenwë ⬡ Synopsis: Seeing the snow fall, Aredhel thinks of Elenwë. ⬡ Warnings: References to Elenwë's death ⬡ Drabble
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Aredhel stood on her balcony, watching the snow fall. It seemed so calm, peaceful and quiet now, so unlike the deadly cold and treacherous paths of the Grinding Ice. 
Her thoughts belonged to Elenwë, and to her alone. If only she could've been there. If only she could've saved her. 
She imagined – and it was almost as if she could see it – Elenwë's hand, cold and trembling, reaching, for Turgon, for Idril, for her... 
Desperate, Aredhel reached out as well, grasping snowflakes and air as the phantom vanished like Elenwë had, taken by the ice, and she was alone again. 
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Thanks for reading! ♡
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udaberriwrites · 3 months
Femslash February - Day 23
Copycat - Karlach / Shadowheart
Had her chainmail shrunk in the night? Was that something that could happen? Honestly, who even knew, with magic involved.
Besides, that didn’t solve Karlach’s problem right now, which was that her armor wouldn’t fit and she wasn’t about to do the walk of shame back to her tent. She glared at it.
Two arms wrapped around her waist as Shadowheart rested her chin on Karlach’s shoulder. Her mussed hair tickled her cheek. “That’s my armor. Yours is over there.”
Karlach turned her head, to find an identical set on the floor.
Ah, yes.
“We need to find some dye.”
Full prompt list here
AO3 collection here
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anonarat · 3 months
Aerith kneels to kiss Tifa’s bloody knuckles as the fighter takes a breather. The thugs that tried to mug them piled up in the alley entrance.
“Thanks for protecting me,” says Aerith, her smile, radiant. It was like Tifa didn’t stop to think as soon as she had been threatened, and that meant so much to Aerith. “I appreciate it.”
“You’re safe then, that’s good. I don’t think I could live with myself if they hurt you,” replies Tifa, letting out a breath. Despite knowing that Aerith would have been more than strong enough to handle herself it was reassuring.
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
Drabble 45/366 - Mass Effect
“Good morning,” Liara says as Shepard kisses along her shoulder.
Shepard could wake up to this for the rest of her life. She lets that thought unravel before it sours her mood with reminders of how short that might be. She noses up to Liara’s jaw.
“Sleep well?” Liara reaches down to stroke Shepard’s hand on her hip.
“Yes,” she answers, “and I think I’ll take this chance to try your hot tub.”
Shepard watches her go, smiling sleepily.
She almost goes back to sleep.
Memories of Zaeed flash in her head.
“Liara!” Shepard yells, falling out of her bed.
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Doctor Who: Femslash Drabble Exchange
Posted by: kingstoken Link: Tumblr | AO3 Description: It is, as the name suggests, a drabble exchange for Doctor Who Femslash and its related fandoms. Have you ever wanted to write a fic about Martha and Donna having fun in the TARDIS without the Doctor? Or Amy meeting Clara Oswald? Then this is the exchange for you! A drabble is exactly 100 words, but this exchange also allows double drabbles (200 words) and triple drabbles (300 words). Visit the tag set to see which relationships have been nominated. Please visit AO3 to see our rules and FAQs. Schedule: Sign-ups Open: Open now! Sign-ups Close: Saturday May 18, 2024 Works due: Friday June 14, 2024 Works revealed: Friday, June 21, 2024 comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/xVhdcAU
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Linny with number 25 please? If possible, if not I'll still gonna read everything you post anyway! Have a nice day
prompt list!!
#25: “you’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance.”
Luna knows she's playing with fire, but that's what makes it fun.
"She acts so tough, but Ginny is really just a sweetheart," she tells Neville. "She's secretly a huge softie."
Neville chuckles, sneaking a glance up at Ginny, whose cheeks are beginning to flush. "Is that so?" he asks.
Luna nods. "Oh, yes. She'd never hurt a fly."
“You’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance," Ginny says, placing her book down and shooting a very unconvincing glare in her girlfriend's direction.
Butterflies emerge from their cocoons inside of Luna's belly at the threat, and she raises her brows as if to challenge her. "See what I mean? She can't even threaten me well."
Neville's brown eyes flick between the two girls, then he decides that he's been distracted from his homework for long enough. Once his gaze is averted, Ginny pounces on Luna from behind, arms wrapping around her waist and digging into her sides, making the Ravenclaw girl squeal.
"Is it really a threat if you were practically begging for it?" Ginny asks, her tone hushed and lips brushing the shell of Luna's ear, so that Neville doesn't hear above the sound of high-pitched, airy giggling.
Of course, Ginny is a sweetheart to her, but Luna knows this ruthless side well. The thing is, she would never be so mean if she thought Luna didn't like it. It worked well: Ginny got to uphold her ferocious persona by making her girlfriend a breathless, giggling mess, and Luna got to enjoy being reduced to one.
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